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Name: 20031031_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 31, 2003
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, folks.
It's Sam Hain.
Alright folks, it's Sam Hain, it's your favorite satanic holiday
and we'll be talking about that in about 40 minutes with the author of a book I read a couple years ago and I
heard him on David Joyce's show this morning so I'm having him up, Lou White, and it's
Fossilized Customs and everything in the book is in the Encyclopedia Britannica.
Again, this stuff's hidden in plain view.
It's like Coca-Cola being called Coke, and you tell somebody that it used to have cocaine in it, and that's why it's called that, or that Coke is the biggest uh... distributor of pharmacological uh... cocaine today used in certain types of eye surgeries will say you're crazy it isn't true just like halloween a lot of the other big holidays are really uh... druidic or babylonian uh... or egyptian occult days and whether you're in the aztec kingdom or in babylon or in egypt or
With the Gauls in France, or the Visigoths in Germany, or the Druids in England, ancient England, they all celebrate the Day of the Dead on November 1st, and of course have ceremonies the night before.
That's today.
Mexico has their Day of the Dead.
All of it's the same because it all goes according to the heavens, according to the stars, according to sun worship, or then what you know of as the worship of Lucifer or the Light Bearer.
It's just historical fact, so we'll explore that.
In the meantime, a ton of absolutely vital news and information.
Barbara Bush threatens presidential candidates.
Now, I was emailed this.
I went to the CNN transcript section of Larry King Live.
This happened last week.
And she said, Barbara Bush said, quote, you can criticize me, but don't criticize my children, and don't criticize my daughters-in-law, and don't criticize my husband, or you're dead, close quote.
Now, if you or I said that about presidential candidates or anyone, we would get a visit from the police or the Secret Service, but not when the mother of the president, the wife of the former CIA director, UN ambassador, Chinese ambassador, And, of course, former president, so pretty scary stuff.
We'll go over that.
Also, U.S.
develops lethal new viruses that kill everyone that come in contact with it.
100% kill rate.
We covered this two years ago when the scientists over in Australia developed it.
They published online in a major journal how to make a mutated virus that will kill all of the mammals of any species.
And now your government's doing that.
Also, it's out here that lethal virus from 1918 genetically reconstructed.
Army scientists create Spanish flu virus in a laboratory.
That thing killed at least 35 million people worldwide from Asia to the United States.
Killed thousands of our troops, and they dug up a body two years ago, again two years ago, up in the North Pole, near the North Pole, at a settlement, that still had it frozen in their lungs, the live virus.
We'll get into that, it's very, very serious.
Also, Russia may join NATO to fight common enemy, another article here.
Navy's top officer calls for a global naval force.
That in New World Order News.
Listener called in about that yesterday.
Here it is.
Out of the mainstream media.
We were emailed the story.
One of the justices, O'Connor, U.S.
must rely on foreign law.
Justice says the impressions we create in the world are important.
Says they're going to follow the United Nations orders from World Net Daily.
Just more of the same statements, but new developments.
It turns out firefighters could have put out the fires and were blocked from doing so.
And it looks like the Army and drills set the fires.
That's mainstream news.
Also, again, the history of Halloween from CNN.
Halloween, an ungodly import.
And a lot more coming up.
I haven't even scratched the surface.
Big show lined up for you in the next three hours.
And I'm, again, Alex Jones, your host.
Websites are PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
We'll be right back.
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Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright my friends, it is Sam Hain, Sam Hain, It is the High Holy Day from the Aztec Kingdom to Babylon, where children were sacrificed to the sun god, going into the winter.
And that goes back over six plus thousand years of human history, and here we are celebrating it in plain view, right in front of everyone.
And so, you know, you may go out and celebrate Halloween, but at least you need to know about the real culture, what we face, and how this has been inculcated into the body mind set.
And coming up in about 32 minutes.
We're going to be joined by Lew White.
A couple years ago I read his book.
It's about 100 pages long.
Short little booklet.
But it's full of powerful info that you can basically find in an encyclopedia.
This is all mainstream stuff.
This is just the history.
None of this is debatable.
And we'll talk about Fossilized Customs.
That's his book.
And it's very, very interesting.
You know, last Halloween I had on An Associated Press writer who wrote about, well, yeah, the Christian right-wingers are right.
Halloween really was where they sacrificed children in bonfires, bone fires, in England and Scotland and Ireland going back thousands of years ago, as well as in Europe.
But you find the same thing going on, again, in the Aztec kingdoms, the Mayan kingdoms, the Babylonian, and the Egyptians to some extent.
And this is just the history, folks, and again, those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it, and you look at the trappings and the rituals that are done on what you call Halloween, and it is very, very serious.
Okay, let me launch straight into the news.
We've got a bunch of biological weapons news for you, a bunch of police state developments, but first off, I got an email, and I had trouble believing it, so I went to Larry King Live at CNN, And I went to the transcript from October 22nd to last week, where Barbara Bush said, if you criticize my family, quote, you're dead.
Now, look, I take this very, very seriously.
About two years ago, three years ago, when George Bush was first president, even before 9-11, somebody sent me an email threatening the president's life.
And I figured it was a setup.
The email was sent to a bunch of people.
Well, I called the Secret Service.
This was in Tennessee.
It was written up in the newspapers.
And they went and arrested the guy, and it turned out he was mentally ill.
And that was in the paper, and the Secret Service thanked me.
So I'm on the record.
I wish no harm upon the puppet president, or Bill Clinton, or Al Gore, or George Bush, or Wesley Clark.
I wish that they would be tried for treason, of course.
I wish that they would be indicted for their crimes, for the insider trading, and the bid rigging, and the supercomputers to China, and the nuclear missile systems, and all of it.
I wish Bill Clinton would be indicted for Pardongate, and the horrible things he did pardoning convicted money launderers and drug dealers.
I know that non-violence is the way to go in educating people and beating back this new world order.
So I take it very, very serious when a very powerful woman, married to the former CIA director, former president, has a son who is the president of the most powerful puppet on earth, that is on the surface the most powerful human on earth, and he has the nuclear launch codes, everything, to say that if you criticize my family, you're dead.
Now, that's her quote, and we take it very serious.
Our headline, Barbara Bush threatens Democratic presidential candidates, which have Secret Service protection.
Barbara Bush, you can't criticize me.
She says, you can criticize me, but don't criticize my children, and don't criticize my daughters-in-law, and don't criticize my husband, or you're dead!
Now, this was shot on national TV, and you can go watch it.
They have video of it, too, there on the site, not just the transcript.
And, uh, there it is.
Links to this stuff on InfoWars.com being updated right now.
I believe it's already up.
And, uh, it's serious business.
They'll say, oh, she was just joking.
Well, if you or I did that, they'd be at our door, folks.
And they should be!
They should be!
I'm on the record.
You threaten the President to me, I'm gonna call the Secret Service on you.
Because I know there's a bunch of provocateurs out there, number one.
I'm not gonna be part of this stuff.
And I take this very, very, very serious.
I'm tempted to call the Secret Service myself.
And it's scary, too.
I mean, I don't want to have the eye of Soran, you know, looking at me.
Although I already know it's gazed down at me from its pyramid quite a few times.
Now, that's admitted.
Bush has known who I am for eight years.
The guy's admitted that in front of about a hundred news cameras when he had me arrested for asking about the CFR and Trilateral Commission and Federal Reserve.
That's, of course, in the new film Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
But he turned to Phil Gramsci and said, that's Alex Jones.
That's the guy who started, quote, whispering into his ear according to the Round Rock newspaper and the statesman who ran stories on it.
So, you know, I've had the burning eye look at me quite a few times.
Frankly, I think we're doing more good just exposing the system.
I don't like the eye looking at me, but I mean, they're certainly aware of what she did and nothing's going to happen to her, so don't waste your time calling the Secret Service.
National TV, you criticize my family, you're dead.
I mean, that's real nice, Barbara.
That's real friendly of you.
And this just shows their sick, sick mindset.
You say, oh, well, it's just a joke.
No, it's not a joke, okay?
Okay, it's not funny.
And no matter how much we probably dislike the Democratic presidential candidates, I dislike George W. Bush, too, we shouldn't shoot our mouths off like that.
And it's, again, it's not funny.
Not funny at all.
Let's get into the really important news here.
This is out of the New Scientist.
I heard Jeremy Floyd covering this article yesterday and I called in to show about it because he was reading the article and it's where the U.S.
government claims they developed this.
No, they didn't!
Two years ago, more than two years ago, remember all the mousepox stories out of Australia and all their papers where they put the recipe out, the specific genome of how to mutate a smallpox, mousepox, cowpox, whatever virus for any mammal, into something that kills 100% of those that are given it, even when they're given antiviral medications and other stuff.
develops lethal new viruses, new scientists, this is one of the headlines on InfoWars.com, A site that's funded by the U.S.
government has deliberately created an extremely deadly form of mousepox, a relative of the smallpox virus.
Through genetic engineering, the new virus kills all mice, even if they have been given antiviral drugs, as well as a vaccine that would normally protect them.
The work has not stopped there.
The cowpox virus, which infects a range of animals, including humans, has been genetically altered in a similar way.
The new virus, which is about to be tested on animals, should be lethal only to mice.
Mark Buller, the University of St.
Louis, told The New Scientist.
He says his work is necessary to explore what bioterrorists might do.
Yeah, go ahead and publish the way to do it, too.
That's real good.
Now they have plausible deniability when the globalists release it.
They get total tyranny in.
But the research brings closer the prospect of pox viruses that cause only mild infections in humans being turned into diseases lethal enough to people who have been vaccinated.
Again, turn into viruses lethal even to people who have been vaccinated.
They vaccinate the mice, give them this stuff, and it kills 100% of them.
Same thing with cows.
And vaccines are currently on main defense against smallpox and its relatives, such as the monkeypox, that reached the U.S.
this year.
Some researchers think the latest research is risky and unnecessary.
And now, under BioShield, they're building over $5.8 billion worth of three dozen Level 4 bioweapons labs in most major cities.
I have great concern about what's going on in this pox virus that can cross species, said Ian Ramshaw of the Australian National University in Cambridge, in Cambria, on being told of Butler's work.
Ramshaw was a member of the team that accidentally discovered how to make mouse pox more deadly, but the modified mouse pox his team created was not as deadly as Buller's.
Funny, two years ago it said it killed all the mice.
No rebound.
Since then, Ramshaw told the New Scientist his team has also created more deadly forms of mouse pox and has used the same method to engineer a more deadly rabbit pox virus.
But this research revealed that the modified pox virus are not contagious, he says.
This is good news in the sense that these viruses Could not cause ecological havoc by wiping out a mouse or rabbit populations around the world if they escape the lab.
Now remember, the Level 4 Bio Weapons Lab at Porton Down, where Dr. David Kelly was the head, now dead of course, along with dozens of other of these top guys, they quote, accidentally released weaponized foot and mouth three years ago, and we have mainstream news articles on that at InfoWars.
Just accidentally released it, they said.
And it goes on and on.
Another one here out of Gainesville Sun.
Vaccine-evading mousepox virus created.
Research team backed by a federal grant has created a genetically engineered mousepox virus designed to evade vaccines, outlining the deadly potential of biological and bioterrorism.
I mean, it just goes on and on and on.
And it gets even worse, folks.
Lethal viruses from 1918 genetically reconstructed.
Army scientists create Spanish flu virus in laboratory.
Medical benefit questionable.
Sunshine Project.
And about two and a half years ago they went up near the North Pole to a whaling village where there were dead British and Russian sailors.
They dug up a fat guy who still had not decomposed, they said he was a 280 pound man, and said that had kept him contained and got live virus out of his lungs.
And so now they've got it.
And of course it'll accidentally be given to the next dictator on the list.
And it says the Spanish flu influenza virus that killed 20 to 40 million people in 1918 is currently under reconstruction.
Several genes of the extraordinarily lethal 1980 flu virus have been isolated and introduced into contemporary flu strains.
These proved to be lethal for mice, while virus constructs with the genes from the current flu virus types
have hardly any effect. These experiments may easily be abused for military purposes,
but provide little benefit for a medical or public health point of view. The 1918 Spanish flu was highly infectious,
and in comparison to contemporary flu viruses, killed a very high percentage of those infected, about 30 percent.
Including many younger people, the Spanish flu alone caused the medium life expectancy in the U.S. in 1918 to drop by
10 years.
Hence, flu viruses are perceived today as a serious biological warfare threat.
Just two weeks ago, a $15 million research grant was awarded to the U.S. to develop protective measures,
especially against a bioterrorist attack with the flu virus.
But you look at the globalists, they have the history.
And the PNAC documents of 2000, written by Dick Cheney and Wolfowitz and others, a particular white paper, Rebuilding America's Defenses, says we need to legitimize the use of race-specific bioweapons to kill certain races.
That's mainstream news, by the way.
From the PNAC website, you might want to read it in horror.
They want to get rid of 80 to 95% of us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
You know, I can't stress the magnitude of the articles I just read from The New Scientist, The Sunshine Project, The Gainesville Sun.
They're all on Infowars.com.
The government's got all these giant labs, according to the Baltimore Sun, creating hundreds of gallons of liquid death, weaponized smallpox, weaponized Ebola, weaponized anthrax.
And then the weaponized anthrax, with the US patented process, shows up at the Capitol, so the Patriot Act could get passed in all the bedlam.
And the globalists say we're going to get hit by biologicals, we're all going to be in walled off cities, thumb scanning, face scanning to do anything to leave our homes.
This is how they're going to re-engineer our society.
Their own papers say they're going to use this to annihilate their enemies, to take over the planet, and to scare the yuppie-ized world into total submission.
The PNAC document, Rebuilding America's Defenses of 2000, in September of 2000, And this paper, on their own website, was written by Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Wolfowitz, says we must legitimize the use of race-specific bioweapons.
Do you understand that everything they talk about in those PNAC documents, they've carried out, folks?
From the time it was formed in 97 right through to 2001.
Do you understand how serious, how scary this is?
We've got to expose these people.
But the average person goes, that's ridiculous.
There's no such thing.
And then you show it to them.
Well, I guess we need to kill certain races.
I guess you're anti-semitic if you don't want to kill.
You don't like black people because you're against having weapons that'll kill all the black people.
I mean, you know, that's really the mindset.
You're against Arnold.
You're a racist.
We've heard it.
We've seen it in the news.
You criticize the government.
That's code.
That's code for racism.
You're against killing certain races.
You're a racist.
Let me get into the global government news.
Look at this.
This is out of the international news.
And, uh, it says Russia may join NATO to fight common enemy.
Outgoing NATO Secretary General George Robinson was quoted on Sunday as saying that former enemy Russians could one day join NATO to fight the new common enemy of international terrorism.
And it gets into how that's already happening.
Here's another one.
Out of the day, Navy's top officer calls for a global naval force.
This is the big mainstream Connecticut newspaper.
Clark outlined strategy for combating terrorism.
The Navy's top officer outlined on Monday a strategy for fighting terrorism that calls for international naval collaboration to share intelligence and resources in an unprecedented show of maritime force.
Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Vern Clark, described the proposal as a maritime NORAD In his opening speech at the 16th International Sea Power Symposium, the Naval War College, Clark spoke on the representatives from 75 countries, among them were 60 Navy and Coast Guard chiefs.
By combining their strategies, he told them, Paris would have no place to hide.
It gets into merging with the EU and its Navy.
Here's a WorldNet Daily article, probably saw it a month ago in USA Today, quote, Supreme Court follows the U.N.'
's beat.
Here's a new one.
O'Connor, U.S.
must rely on foreign law.
American courts need to pay more attention to international legal decisions, help create a more favorable impression abroad.
Oh, yes, where there's no juries, can't face your accuser, there's no free speech, no Second Amendment.
Yes, yes, that's exactly what America's all about.
Said U.S.
Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor at an awards dinner in Atlanta.
The impressions we create in the world are important, And they leave a mark, so we need to follow the precedent of foreign courts.
O'Connor said, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the 73-year-old justice said some of her high court colleagues have made similar appeals to foreign law, not only in speeches, but in interviews, but in some of their legal opinions.
Her most recent public remarks came at a dinner Tuesday sponsored by the Atlanta-based Southern Center for International Studies.
And it says, the American judicial system generally gives a favorable impression worldwide, but when it comes to the impression created by treatment of foreign international law in the United States court, the jury is still out.
So we've got to be good and give up our republic and follow... Folks, did you know if you speak out against the EU, you can be arrested?
Type that in, minister arrested for speaking out against the EU, it'll pop up.
Did you know if you say basically anything, there's no juries, no facing your accusers, the human can hold you for 30 years without a trial, Article 2930 of the U.N.
Declaration of Human Rights says you have no rights whenever the U.N.
feels like it.
But she says we need to follow that.
Oh, we're not in a new world order.
Certainly not.
There's no such thing as the global taxes they're publicly calling for.
The U.N.
and UNIDIR didn't say they want to take all our guns.
Well, yes they did.
But still, Russ Limbaugh, while he's gobbling, uh, hillbilly heroin, says that if you say there's a world government, you're a conspiracy kook.
It doesn't exist!
A New World Order doesn't exist when he's got a New World Order publisher run by the CFR.
And George Bush is good.
So, that's just some of what's coming up.
We've got the real history of Halloween and other big holidays coming up.
It's painful news, but you need to hear it.
And just, folks, the stack's about five inches thick today, and every story is as powerful as the one I just covered.
We're going to cover it all.
We're going to cover it all when we get back.
We're going to take calls, so stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I got a star on my car and one on my chest.
A gun on my hip and the right to arrest.
Alright my friends, we're back live.
It is Sam Hain, your favorite satanic holiday.
Coming up in about 10 minutes we're going to talk to Lew White.
A couple years ago I read his great book, Fossilized Customs, and everything he talks about is found in your Encyclopedia Britannica.
I want you to understand that.
Halloween is a human sacrifice holiday from Babylon to Germany to Wales to southern Mexico and all over the world it's the day of the dead.
They even have a holiday in Japan.
This is the day of the ghost and the demons.
I wonder why that is.
Well it's in your encyclopedia and we're about knowing the history of things.
Those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
That's coming up in about 10 minutes and will be with us for about an hour.
I already went into bioweapons the government's developing that will kill certain races of people, and how they're digging up the Spanish flu and re-engineering it, and when that killed over 30 million people.
The news says 20 to 40 million.
The numbers I have are about 30 or 35 million.
We'll get into more on that, more on Barbara Bush saying on Larry King Live, if you criticize my family, quote, You are dead!
And we take this very, very serious for the presidential candidates that she was threatening.
They can say it's a joke, but if you or I did it, we'd have the Secret Service knocking at our door.
Before we go to Jim Shepard, who's going to be with us for about five minutes, because yesterday we were having some phone problems, before we do that, I appreciate him coming back on, I do want to tell you that my new film, Matrix of Evil is out.
It's over two hours long.
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That's 888-253-3139.
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Or infowars.com or prisonplanet.com to order.
The new film, Matrix of Evil, is out.
If you haven't gotten Road to Terror or Police State 3 or Masters of Terror or Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, get those too, folks.
They're really waking people up and having a big effect and I want to thank those that have gotten them.
Your purchase makes this show possible.
Now, yesterday, we had Jim Shepard on for a few minutes and there was some technical stuff on the network's end, so we're going to have him back here for about five minutes.
And Jim, thanks for doing that.
Oh, it's always a pleasure, Alex.
Yeah, yesterday was kind of, I couldn't tell if I was being heard or I was hearing a lot of grinding in the background.
Well, you're awesome, and that's, you know, once in a blue moon.
But, Jim, thanks for coming back on.
The reason, you're in Colorado, and it's said that most of your creeks and streams and lakes But including the Boulder Creek, feeding the water supply, called Boulder Creek and Boulder, is full of everything you can imagine.
You know, it's full of Prozac, it's full of birth control, it's full of hormones, it's full of cleaning agents.
This is what we've been telling people.
This is nationwide.
Folks, you have absolutely got to get these high quality water filters, and if you've already got them, buy them for family as a gift.
Go ahead, Jim.
Well, you know, Alex, a lot of people have very different water filtration systems and they're really not sure how efficient they are.
And what we want to do is to introduce a test that everybody can do at home if you've got a water filtration system or if you have a gravity filter that you previously bought and you've been considering upgrading that to the... From somebody else where it's made in India.
Yeah, and you've considered upgrading that to the purifiers but you're just not quite sure.
We have a little test that you can run at home.
It's a very easy little test and it'll really tell you how efficient your water filtration system is.
And that is simply to, if you've got a gravity filter, add a teaspoon of red food coloring to the water.
It'll turn it very dark red.
And see how efficient it is at removing that red food coloring.
And that food coloring is probably not good for you, but it's not bad for you.
So it's a test that's safe you can do.
Jim, you've done these tests.
Most major brands, red comes right off the other end.
That's exactly right.
Most of them, just probably 95 to 99% of them, it's going to come through without even diminishing the color of it.
Some of them are going to take a little bit of it out.
The Black-Berkey purification elements will eliminate the food coloring entirely.
It'll come out crystal clear.
You've had big scientific tests done by major universities, but this is something everybody can do for themselves.
That's right, and so if you've got another gravity filtration system and you want to test those filter elements, go through this test and that'll tell you visually the efficiency of the filtration.
If you've got some of these other filters that you hook onto the sink, well, put a little bit of, put about a teaspoon of red food coloring down the little stem.
You know, just take it off, pour it down in there, hook it back up, and see what comes out.
And that'll tell you how efficient it is.
But the Black-Berkey filter elements, when the laboratories tested them, they told us, frankly, that we have set a whole new standard in water filtration.
Pathogenic bacteria just does not get through the filters.
We reduce chemicals to non-detectable levels.
I would urge everybody who is considering doing that to do that today because our special on the black Berkey filter elements is going to end today.
Today is the last day and that is if you buy four black Berkey purification elements at the retail price, you get a free $50 shower filter to get those chemicals out of your shower so you don't breathe them in or a sport Berkey.
And we have another special up that ends today and you can get that special on InfoWars.com and just click on the picture of the Berkey Light and that will bring you right to the specials.
Absolutely, and again, if you just want sport burkeys to give to the grandchildren or your neighbors, or for when you go to a restaurant and don't want to drink the garbage, you can put your ice water right in there.
Works great, comes out quick, and doesn't reduce things totally like the big, high-quality black burkeys, but gets a lot of it out.
This is a big way to take control of your life, folks, and it's a big way to support this show and our international shortwave outreach, and Jim is the sole supporter of that.
Does an unbelievable job.
And, uh, give Debbie Morrow a call right now.
Go out to the store, buy a dollar bottle of red food coloring, and go put it in your filter and see what happens.
And then do it with a black marker when you get it and you'll find out.
I bought these systems from Jim four years ago.
Actually, Alex, I live in Texas, but we do have a Colorado Distribution Center that I'm at frequently.
made in America, per your request, not in England.
Jim, you live in Colorado.
No, actually, Alex, I live in Texas, but we do have a Colorado distribution center
that I'm at frequently.
Well, I know whenever I talk to you, you're in Colorado, so...
But, Jim, you're in Colorado, though.
How many days a week?
Well, it really depends on where the emergencies are at.
So I'm back and forth, but currently I am talking to you from Colorado.
And you know, you mentioned about You know, in Colorado, we've had outbreaks of Giardia that have come through the municipal systems.
And, of course, they don't discover it until people start getting sick.
And then they think, oh my gosh, you know, what's wrong?
And they find out that it's coming through the municipal.
Four or five times a year in Austin, they tell everybody to boil the water.
I mean, because the sewage spills over.
Folks, just stop drinking the trash.
It was in your Denver Post how infested your legs are.
The same thing just came out in Dallas with the Prozac in the water at high levels.
Thank you for coming on the show, Jim.
Always a pleasure.
Keep up the good work, Alex.
You bet, my friend.
Do we have our next guest on?
We do have Lew White and Fossilized Customs.
I was at an expo about two years ago in Dallas and bought one of his books.
I think it was like $10.
They're offering them here today.
I'm not selling them, folks.
I'm just telling you, you should get them for, what, $7.95.
It's a great little booklet full of photos and diagrams.
I dug around this morning trying to find mine.
I decided to have him on.
I couldn't find it.
It was about 100 pages long from memory.
But, again, everything that's in it is in the history books.
It's in the encyclopedia.
It's just condensed down here.
This is all fact.
Now, your interpretation of it can be different.
And, frankly, folks, I celebrate Christmas even though I know it's not the date Christ was born.
We know that happened in the early summer.
But, you know, I think about Jesus Christ on Christmas.
And, yeah, I give people presents just because I love my family.
But the point is you need to be conscious of that.
And if you are a Christian or if you're Whatever you are, you should know what you're doing.
Santa Claus, according to the Wall Street Journal and according to a big book, a mainstream book published in AP articles we've read on air, Santa Claus was an evil elf who they had to ban Christmas for about 10 years in England because of the riots and killings.
Basically, he was like a Freddy Krueger creature that killed people, and that was just an offspring of a druid demon worship that went on at the bottom of the winter, the deepest part of the winter.
I mean, this is just history, okay?
And this is the reality, folks.
And so we're going to talk about the history of what modern Christmas is, and what Halloween is, and how the pagan systems have taken these days back over.
Because to begin with, the Christian Church came in and took over the holidays, replaced it with saints, trying to suppress it.
It came back, obviously, and now the roots of what are at the heart of it have now manifested themselves mainstream.
We didn't celebrate Halloween in this country until the 1950s, by the way.
And so joining us is Lou White, who wrote the book Fossilized Customs, and I should have got him on years ago, but now he's on with us today.
Thanks for coming on, Lou.
Hello, Alex.
I appreciate you joining us today.
Tell us about yourself, how you woke up to this, how you researched it, why you wrote the book, and then let's tackle Sam Hain, which is the Human Sacrifice Holiday of the Druids.
Well, I started out just like everybody else, and I asked questions when I was maybe starting at about nine years old.
I continue to ask questions from my educators and they didn't know much about anything really.
They may have known about the subject they taught but I had to find all the information out through personal research and of course that will turn you into a freak because if you want to be right don't expect anything but loneliness.
But anyway, I grew up and by the time I was 18, I started to get too busy to worry about things.
I'm 53 now, but when I was about 35, I had a little time to do more research.
Of course, all that time I was studying science and the various disciplines of what they understood to be evolution.
I didn't get what they were saying because it didn't go anywhere.
I thought there were some things to be discovered.
I looked to the scriptures for the very first time in my life.
I sat down and I started to read them.
And I understood what it was saying, you know.
Well, it talks about how don't worship the evergreen tree.
It talks about, you know, all of this is in there.
Yeah, it is.
And from the Aztecs to the Romans, they had their Day of the Dead on the 31st and November 1st.
Now, that is in the encyclopedia, by the way.
They sure did, and it's all over the world.
It's in all the cultures, and of course these things are laid there as snares for us.
They look beautiful.
There's a way that seems right, but in fact, behind it, if you just pick up and look behind the false stage, you'll find out the origin of these things, and they are abominations.
Now, I remember being on the radio eight years ago, and I'd never seen news articles about this.
Here's today.
CNN, Halloween, and ungodly import.
Here's Salt Lake City Tribune.
Church presents a hell of a Halloween.
Here's another one.
Halloween alternative.
Dilute the real thing.
Christians just saying no to Halloween.
Herald Tribune.
American Daily.
Don't let your kids celebrate a religion of evil.
We've got a whole stack of news here mainstream talking about what Halloween really is.
Yeah, and Deuteronomy isn't just talking to the Jews or even Israel.
It's talking to all mankind.
We're not to learn the patterns or way that they worship their deities, the pagan deities.
We're not to learn their ways, nor worship them in their way.
Now, I heard you this morning on David Joyce's show, you talked about, and this is what the Bible, I had lots of Bible study folks, what it says, Abraham left uh... the corrupt cities he was the first guy the whole world was in the occult to leave and to uh... not follow a man and and and uh... the witch doctors and to develop what then grew into the Ten Commandments idolatry yeah he was called out of Ur of the Chaldeans he was himself a Chaldean you know but Abraham is the first uh... he's called the father of our faith and his name means the father of nations not just Israel but
It's too small a thing for our Savior to just be Savior for Israel, but to the ends of the earth.
Let's go over Halloween first, or Samhain.
Let's go over the history of that.
Of course, this goes all the way back to Babylon, but picking it up recently, it comes from the Druids directly into this English format that we've inherited as citizens of America, being a
colony of Angleland or England, we inherited
from the customs of the background pagans that were the indigenous population of the Angles and Saxons.
And these Druids were priests, and they would exact, you know, sacrifice,
human sacrifice from their populations, children, you know. They worshipped the sun, principally,
and they believed in this time of the year that we call Halloween. It was actually, it means
all Halloweds even.
And that's a name given to it by the Christians.
Or Samhain or Samhain.
They called it Samhain.
But the November 1st was actually All Saints Day to the Catholics.
And they made it that date because of Samhain.
To crust it over.
To conceal it.
To enculturate it.
And assimilate that pagan behavior.
But they wanted to reinvent it.
So that they could keep their market share of the pagans.
And they embraced it and sanctified it by making it All Saints Day and the evening before All Saints Day or November 1st was what we call October 31st and that's called All Hallowed Even which means the evening of All Saints Day.
Now, we see this time and time again.
In fact, in Europe, when bombs would fall in France, or England, or Germany, on the big cathedrals, they would find archaeological records of altars and things under it, and they admit that all the big cathedrals, including some of the newer Protestant ones, would be built on Druid sites.
Yeah, the Druids and the previous Mithrists had indoor altars.
An altar indoor is unknown in the Scriptures.
The Scripture shows us that the altar for sacrifices was outside the house.
And it was actually an unclean place.
Either by a river or on a hilltop.
Yeah, they brought these altars.
But these pagan religions brought these altars indoors and they would shape these altars as human autopsy tables because they slaughtered people on them.
Just like Chocomol in Mexico.
At Chichen Itza.
And I've been there.
I tell you what, stay there.
And folks, I have all the National Geographic's going back like 20 years.
I have four or five issues where they dig up all the bodies in the peat bogs or find the bone yards where they would burn them year after year.
And then you look at satanic books today, which I've read, and you're describing how to sacrifice a child, and it's the same thing that they did then, what to do with the ashes and the oil of the child afterwards.
This is your Halloween.
We're going to talk about what's fact when we get back.
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In 1981, when the Israelis attacked the nuclear reactor in Iraq, it was called "Tamus."
(upbeat music)
And Tammuz, again, one of the root words for the deity of the evergreen tree.
Again, this stuff's everywhere.
We're just trying to get you to start thinking about history, what's behind the curtain.
As Lou White was just saying, author of an amazing book, Fossilized customs.
We'll tell you how to get that in the next hour.
I know we already have a bunch of callers.
We're going to go over some more history of this for another 15-20 minutes and we'll take calls at 1-800-259-9231.
I'm not saying you're an evil devil worshipper if you celebrate Christmas.
We're just saying that's not the real date of Christ's birth.
It's in the summer.
We're not saying you're a devil worshipper, you know, if you give the kids candy.
But the point is, you are carrying out a ritual of giving offerings of the priest by their law And the jack-o-lantern is, again, where they would burn the fatty candle made up of the children that were burned at the stake, basically.
And then you see again in the Inquisition that being carried on.
All of this has always been with us.
And it's worldwide.
It's according to the sun, the stars.
That's why, whether it's the Aztecs, or the Japanese, or the Mayans, or the Druids, it's the same garbage, the same behavior, almost completely identical.
Just some of the trappings are a little bit different, but the dates are all the same in the general activities.
And the police will tell you, they always find dead kids after Halloween, dead animals.
Kidnappings go way up.
I grew up in Dallas and there was a lot of occult stuff going on.
We all knew that large portions of the population there in Dallas were into Satanism and they did stuff on Halloween, on Samhain, on Samhain.
And again, Lou, you were talking on David Joyce's show about offerings to the sun god, how they would tie yellow ribbons around their house, around the oak tree, which was the Druid main god.
Please don't take my child, and now we put yellow ribbons around our trees for the troops.
Go over some more of that history.
Well, the oak tree roots all the way back to these gardens, or whatever, and these areas where the pagans would go in.
You'll read the book of Jeremiah, chapter 10, and it'll talk about this a little bit.
And the groves, they would go into the groves and hang gifts on a tree.
And that tree was actually thought to be Nimrod, a real man who was slain by, they say, Shem,
who was Noah's son.
And his body was dismembered and sent around Babylon, the nation of Babylonia.
And of course, that's where we get the word "occult,"
because, see, "occult" means to conceal or hide.
So the pagan religion that Nimrod had instigated went underground.
It became occulted.
So everything was a mystery.
And you wouldn't be able to find anybody openly worshipping the sun necessarily from time
And their symbol is the swastika.
That's one of them, yeah.
The Egyptian Ankh, the symbol of life, which was a reference to the sun.
Yeah, there were many of those, but the tree of the Druids that we inherited our Christmas tree from, because Boniface, during the 8th century, convinced them that they should change from the oak tree to the evergreen tree because it was always green.
And that was the Babylonian god, so we see the Germanic peoples being given the Babylonian system.
So, they just basically camouflaged it, revised it, and kept doing that, and kept this thing occulted, so that the occult actually was embraced into Christianity by means of this evergreen tree being the vision of this oak tree, which was ultimately going back to, you know, the Egyptians used the palm tree, of course, but... And what is tying the yellow ribbon around the tree?
Yeah, that was the prayer to the We lost his call.
Well, we'll have to get him back on, won't we?
We'll break and start the second hour.
And we'll get our guest back on, and we'll take your calls.
Lou White's our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
And the toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
And my new film is out, The Matrix of Evil.
It's very interesting.
You might want to go to Infowars.com, watch the trailer there.
But the second and third hours are coming up and he'll be with us through the entire next hour.
Then in the third hour, I'll get back into the modern news and what's going on with the police state and bioweapons and much more.
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right folks, we're already into hour two.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're talking to Lou White, who's written a great book I read about two years ago, Fossilized Customs.
We're talking about Halloween Samhain.
Samhain is the proper name.
And I've talked about this many times.
This is what the New World Order is.
It's mind control.
Even if you don't believe in God, you don't believe in Christ, Yahweh, you still need to understand, even if you're an atheist, that the globalists are into the occult.
They do worship these ancient gods, and this is how they operate.
It's the symbols of the major corporations.
It's all hidden, right out in the open, in plain view.
It's like Coca-Cola.
It's called Coke.
You tell somebody it's because it used to have cocaine in it, they'll laugh at you.
Fossilized customs.
There's millions of these.
They're all around us.
And to understand what's happening today, you've got to know the past.
We've talked about, and it's important to understand, that the witch doctors knew the cycles, when to plant, what to do.
They used that hidden knowledge, as the globalists do today, through ignorance of the population, to control them through superstition, to scare them into submission.
And as a measure of that control, they would make them give some of their children every year, whether it was Babylon or Tyre with Moloch, or the Babylonians or the Druids to them to be sacrificed and that's what Samhain or Halloween is and that's the historical fact and now the encyclopedia even admits it but his book Mr. White's book even goes into more detail on that so again for just a little bit more on Halloween what they would do on the eve of November 1st
They would offer gifts.
Each person would put a gift outside their home.
This is where the trick-or-treat thing comes from.
And, of course, it was an offering to the spirits of the dead who were thought to be walking the earth because time stood still.
And they would... The Druids would disguise themselves, and, of course, the people would too, but they mainly stayed indoors.
But the Druids would walk the earth, and the people would look out their windows and see these people, and they couldn't recognize who they were.
But the Druids were taking these gifts and offerings, food mostly, and if they didn't really like the offering, they would decide to take that family and have one of their children offered as a human sacrifice.
And the fat from the children, the child was turned into a candle and put into a gourd and that was put at the door of the home.
And that's exactly what we see is that fossilized custom today hidden in plain view.
It's right out in the open.
But you see the thing of it is As followers of the true Creator, instead of embracing these pagan cultures, we're told to not learn them.
In Deuteronomy 12, we're not to learn how they serve their mighty ones, and we're not to serve Him in their way.
So, the one we obey is the one we serve.
I'm not celebrating Halloween, and I'm trying to focus on Christ at Christmas.
It's very hard to do the peer pressure.
Yeah, when we obey a pagan custom, we're obeying that.
Maybe we can think of it as secular, but when we practice something that is an abomination from paganism, where formerly pagan deities were worshipped, we're embracing them and he knows it.
You know, you have to look at it from his heart, not your own, but you know, the one we obey is the one we serve.
So if we're not obeying him, But we're obeying something else, like peer pressure or cultural pressure, something our parents taught us.
We're not really obeying Him, we're obeying something, another process.
And it is ritual!
That's what ritual is, is something that's passed on.
And you know, there's a scripture that says that in the last days, the Gentiles will actually come before Him and say, our fathers have inherited nothing but lies and things of no profit.
And, you know, that's a good thing to know.
Stay there, Lew White.
We've got calls coming up, but I want to get more into Sam Haines, Salwin, Halloween, and then some of the other holidays.
Ishtar, the rabbit, fertility, eggs.
What does a bunny, rabbit, and eggs have to do with Christ's resurrection?
But you notice, see, they've superimposed that over it in plain view.
Go look up Ishtar.
It's a rabbit, folks.
It's eggs.
We'll be right back.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster as a New World Order.
A New World Order.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal
the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the
Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white
slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police State 3, is for you.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Look around you on Samhain, Samhain, Halloween, Death, Culture of Death, Blood, Darkness, Ghouls, Ghosts, Goblins, Black Hoods, When I snuck into Bohemian Grove in mid-summer 2000 and caught world leaders engaged in a satanic ritual.
It's been on national TV, by the way, folks.
Footage I shot.
They said, yeah, Mr. Jones snuck in and got footage.
And yeah, we do a ritual, but it's just for fun.
See, it's all just for fun.
It's a cult.
It's hidden in plain view.
That's the New World Order's, one of their favorite tactics.
And it's amazing, my friends.
We're talking to Lou White, who's written a very insightful book.
It's called Fossilized Customs.
Continuing, Lube, with the history of Halloween.
How did Halloween get back into our culture?
I mean, it wasn't back into American culture until, what, the 1950s?
Well, it came over to this country after, well, the original colonies here wouldn't even allow people to celebrate Christmas because they knew what it was.
Anyway, when the Irish came over, during the famine that was going on in Ireland back in the 1840s and 1850s, uh... they brought over here thousands and thousands of
catholic people to have this uh... druid
acculturation you know we call halloween and christmas with them and they
settled into their little communities in the very various uh...
urban areas and uh... everybody thought what they were doing and they
started imitating so it became
you know uh... embraced and loved and that we taught our children uh... to do
Now, before we get 20 calls loose saying you're bashing Catholics, I want to make it clear, folks, that what we're saying is that the Catholic Church was in Rome, and they talked about watch out for false prophets, the Bible says that, and so you had real Christianity there, you had the teachings of Abraham there, and the Prophets, people like Moses, that was all there.
But from day one, you've always had the occult trying to get its snout back into things.
And then when the Catholic Church went into the Gauls and the Germans and into the people in England, the Druids, they tried to cover that up by putting saints over it.
It didn't work.
It just crept back in and is now taken totally back over.
So, I had read that it really got popular in the 50's.
How did it grow into what we see today?
Well, it just got bigger and bigger.
I mean, from the 1850's it just mushroomed slowly up into the second... It takes about 100 years for a custom to really get into full swing, but Santa Claus happened a little quicker, but in the 1930's he transformed into this full grown man from a green little elf.
Let's go into that.
Now again, I've had major publishers on, major authors.
I've read AP articles.
and of course the coke bottle shape to his body, it all changed, you know, rapidly.
But it isn't really anything other than the enculturation and the wide embracing of these other people.
Let's go into that. Now, again, I've had major publishers on, major authors.
I've read AP articles. Again, this is in the encyclopedia.
You have these--well, it's called an English Christmas.
In the 1700s, 1800s, they had to ban it for a while because of riots, deaths, rapes, killings.
And their mascot was the evil elf, looked like a gremlin with sharp teeth, Freddy Krueger.
He was called Santa Claus.
and uh... he is satan and and and and and yeah coca-cola in the forties and fifties suddenly it's a guy in a red outfit i mean and then people think oh that's what santa claus is look like forever but can you go over that for us?
yes it started out like you just described it uh... from for centuries this thing was some kind of a druid elf from the forest that had other elves or fauns or friends or whatever and uh... you know they they they believe that a lot of woodland creatures including satyrs and things anyway this uh...
This creature of the Druids was embraced into the religion of Catholicism among the Irish, and they basically, and the Dutch, had this myth of some fellow named Nicholas, and when the English people heard the Dutch talking about this fellow called St.
Nicholas, they were saying it in an abrupt way, they said, St.
Nicholas, and they took it down as Santa Claus.
That's where the word comes from, according to the encyclopedia.
He was a Grendel-like creature, a larger elf, chief demon.
He would come out of the forest in the dark of winter to grab and eat people.
And then now this is our loving Santa Claus.
And boy, that's interesting.
And by the way, he would punish good people.
Now they do the inverse of it and say, oh no, he punishes bad people.
That's right, yes.
And he would reward People too, you know, depending on whether or not they would submit to his rulership.
But, you know, it's all just basically paganism.
But they brought it into this fireplace thing in a funny way.
Because, see, the hearth or the fireplace in the home was always lit by the local pagan temple's fires.
And that was, of course, associated with sun worship, because fire and the sun were thought to be the same thing.
Keep the home fires burning.
So the whole chimney thing was all brought in because that was the most sacred place in the Pagan's home.
He would appear in the fire?
Yeah, yeah.
Now going back to Sam Haines, this is Sam on Halloween, what would they do to these children?
I mean, again, this is, they found the bone yards, the bonfires, they found the bones, they found thousands of what they call bog people, adults, they would bash their brains out, slit their throats, and throw them into a peat bog, but with children, they like to burn them.
Can you go over that for us?
Yes, and this time of year, they had four principal times of the year, the Illuminati We'll actually continue to do these things out in the open.
That's basically what we're seeing is Moloch worship.
The global elite celebrate that July 15th.
Any significance to that?
Well, that would probably correspond to at or near the summer solstice when the sun was... that's where we get Father's Day, as a matter of fact.
In the middle of the summer, when the day is the longest that it'll be and the night's the shortest in the northern hemisphere, this was one of the times of the year when the When the pagans would have to, you know, demand sacrifice.
And by the way, the Hawaiians sacrifice people on these days.
This is global.
Yes, it is.
And it's just done a little bit differently in different places, but it's all over the earth.
And it's South America, you know, Tahiti, you know, everywhere.
But it all comes from Babylon.
Originally, because of Nimrod worship, which is actually Satan.
I mean, you know, Nimrod was a real man, but, you know, when he died, his son, Tammuz, was supposedly his reincarnation.
See, Tammuz, again, the name of the nuclear reactor in 81 the Israelis blew up.
But anyway, at this time of year, particularly today, it was All Saints Day tomorrow by the Catholics.
They were covering up the festival of Samhain by revising it, you know, and reinventing it, so they made it All Saints Day.
They're trying to co-opt it, basically.
Yeah, co-opt it, or camouflage it.
There's nothing to be feared by looking at the truth, though.
But you see, this stuff is all wrapped up with a lot of emotion.
You know, and so when you reveal the false stage... But it's in the encyclopedia!
Yeah, it is.
I mean, folks, this is 101.
If you read a lot like I do, you see it in your textbook in college, you see pieces of it in National Geographic, you see it in the dictionary.
And when we train our children to see the thing of it is, the faith of Abraham, And our Savior is, of course, family-oriented, and we teach our children.
Not somebody else teaches them, but we teach our children.
That's how the information is passed on.
But the occult is always used by the government.
That's right, and also established religions, too.
They, you know, they brush elbows a lot.
Now, I want to go back to something I heard you talk about on Dave and Joyce's show.
This is important.
Because the globalists are all about secret knowledge to control us.
That goes back to the witch doctors saying, do what I say or the moon's going to be eaten by the snake tomorrow.
They knew it was an eclipse.
The people would see this, be terrified, follow their orders.
They became the ruling class.
Caesar wrote about this in the Battle for Gaul, what he saw with the Druids and how they terrorized the people and controlled them.
This is ancient mind control, is it not?
It's not any different, really, right now.
And then it's all excused because it's only for the children.
Well, of course it is, because that's the way that enculturation occurs.
For example, when a religion or a state power, like Catholicism, would move into a new area, they would start working on the children first.
So that when the older people died off, whatever they thought was going on would be forgotten.
We saw this with the Hitler Youth, we see this with the Soviets, we see this with the CPS, the public schools today.
So it's always constantly under revisionism, you know.
But the religious reasons are all basically overlooked or they're thought to not be important, you know, but the origins of things I mean, it's very important because what it amounts to is who are we obeying when we practice these things?
Well, let me read from the Herald Tribune, one of the ten biggest papers in England mainstream.
The preceding night was believed to be the time when the spirits of the dead returned to walk the earth to celebrate the event.
Celtic priests known as Druids built sacred bonfires and the people wore costumes and animal heads and skins.
And then it goes into, for some conservative Christians, this apparent pagan link is reason to denounce a modern day celebration.
But again, it's admitted that they would burn babies in this fire.
And not only that, but they had a lot of other little weird things they did, like the bobbing for apples thing that happens this time of year.
That was actually, they had people that they didn't like, or prisoners, or foreigners, actually bob for the apples.
And they said, but the thing of it is, the water was boiling.
And they would probably die slowly, but the thing of it is, it would kill all the skin on their face trying to get one of these apples.
They said, if you can get this apple with your teeth, we'll let you go.
Well, they had to go into this boiling water to get it.
That's where the Potting for Apples came from.
It's all Druid, you know.
It is, folks, and it's in every culture, it's everywhere, and whether it's Protestant or Catholic, you see this stuff, I mean, you see this stuff worldwide.
It's everywhere, and we need to be able to address it.
We're going to come back and cover whatever Mr. White wants to discuss, then we'll go to Howard, Mark, Mike, Joe, and others.
Stay with us.
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Folks, so many things are hidden in plain view.
Symbol for CBS, Time Warner, Exxon, the Double Cross, all of it is openly, admittedly, occultic, satanic, ancient.
Mr. White, we're talking to Lou White, author of an amazing book, We're talking to him about what's just beneath the surface.
Real quick before we go to Howard and Mark and Mike and Joe and others, Easter.
Now, openly, it's the fertility god, and again, they've covered up the resurrection of Christ with that.
It's not just that these pagans are out there engaging in their pagan ceremonies publicly and no one even sees it when it's one inch from their face, but on top of it, they love to cover up and move the dates of Christian holidays, don't they?
Yes, if you look up the word Easter in a Webster's dictionary, It'll raise the hair on your skin, because it's actually Satan.
He's neither male nor female, but he'll accept worship under any pagan name.
It was Ishtar, originally, in Babylon.
It mutated to Isis and Astarte, which all means star.
It's stellar worship, is what it is.
It was embraced by the Celtic people and the Druids, and these people worshipped The same.
It's actually the deity of the witches, you know.
I mean, it's one of those things.
Yeah, it's getting into the worship of the female side.
When I was in the Grove and watching this hour-long satanic ceremony, this has been on Trio Network, BBC, everywhere, folks.
This is mainstream news.
They admit I snuck in and got this footage.
This is where George Bush goes.
At the Bohemian Grove, which means a gathering of witches, of warlocks, and I went to this and I snuck in and they announced the owl or the bull, Moloch, as a male and as a female.
They worshipped it in both ways, two separate ceremonies.
That is deep Babylon mystery religion, is it not?
It's occult, yes.
That's what it means, hidden.
Under the surface, there's a... I mean, the people that are not initiated can look at it and not know what they're seeing.
But the people that are initiated in it understand what's happening, really, and that's why it's called the occult.
They also said, we command through the power of the owl, that all the dead who have been a member of this grove over 120-something years, that you be here now.
They also conjured their spirits.
Is that a Christian, conservative thing to do?
That's against Isaiah chapter 8, and Deuteronomy.
You can't contact the dead.
I mean, even Saul, the first king of Israel, went to the witch of Endor.
Wicca is also a Druid thing, but witches have been around since Babylon.
I mean, the first witch was probably Nimrod's wife, Semiramis.
And Saul consulted this witch, and really didn't see Samuel.
I mean, that was some demon that he was talking with.
You know.
Anything else you want to add before we go to these calls?
Oh no, let's get the calls.
Alright, Howard.
Howard in Tennessee.
You're on the air with our guest.
Go ahead.
No, Alex.
It's Howard from Texas.
Okay, fine.
Go ahead.
Oh, um.
Hey, Lew, you are right about everything, pretty much what you're saying.
Except for one thing.
There were the ones who wrote the authorized version.
Those theologians.
They were in a very much a puritan.
They were against the occult. The purpose of Easter put into acts.
Had to refer to the Romans. That was one of their big national holidays.
All it is is a reference to their holiday. It doesn't mean it was Christian.
Well, he didn't say that.
He said it's Ishtar, Easter.
It's right there.
Yeah, I know, but I mean, I'm talking about when I heard him on Joyce and Dave's show.
Oh, I wasn't contesting the fact that they may have had that intention.
That was what they did.
That's all they did.
Yes, but I was saying that that was still a very blatant error because the underlying Greek word is paska.
It isn't.
I know.
I know what you're saying.
Look, folks, bottom line, I don't want to get into a big esoterical debate.
We're here talking about the history of these words.
They admit that Ishtar is Easter.
Oh, I know, Alex.
It's just I was saying it's the transcripts that they have.
That's what they use.
And they got the transcripts now and there's There's been a war going on about that deal.
I'm not here bashing Protestants or Catholics or anybody.
I'm trying to get folks to just think about history, think about words, think about these fossilized customs.
Well, basically what I was saying is, the enemy, one thing I agree with you, the enemy likes to revise history.
Either destroy the book, the history, or change it.
Okay, thank you.
Thank you for the call.
I really appreciate it.
Appreciate that, Howard.
Mark, Mike, Joe, and others, you're up next.
You want to join us on air?
We've got a guest with us for another 30 minutes.
And then I'm going to get into a bunch of the other global news.
From bioweapons, to the war in Iraq, to the economy, to the police state, we're going to cover it all.
It is your Satanic Holiday.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright my friends, Alex Jones back live.
It's Halloween.
We're just talking about the historical facts of Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and all those ghosts and goblins that run up and down your street while the numbers of kidnapped children and murders, of course, will explode throughout today and the weekend.
Just the facts, just the statistics, the numbers.
We're about to go to Mark, Mike, Joe, Mike, Linda, and others that are patiently holding.
And before we go back to our guests and tell you how to get this great book, Fossilized Customs, I do want to remind the listeners that I'm a documentary filmmaker.
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Don't wait, take action!
Now, going back to our guest, author of Fossilized Customs, Lou White.
It's an excellent little book.
I read it about two years ago.
Couldn't find it this morning when I was digging around for it.
How long is the book, and how much does it cost, and how do folks get it?
Well, there's 148 pages.
It's a soft cover, and it has numerous illustrations, a lot of documentation.
And you can order it by calling 1-877-817.
9829 and it's only $7.95 plus $2 shipping and handling.
And by the way, Dave and Joyce are the ones selling and putting out good info so you support The Power Hour.
When you do that, what's that phone number again?
It's 1-877-817-9829.
Or thepowerhour.com.
There's a link there.
And that's very important.
We'll get that out again before you leave.
Let's go quickly, quickly folks, to, I appreciate you holding, to Mark Ian Texas, go ahead.
Hi, I want to commend Mr. White, first of all, for his book.
I do have it, and I do recommend everybody get it.
I want to commend him for restoring the true Paleo-Hebrew names of the Father and the Son, which have been lost through the English translations.
I just had two real quick questions.
I wanted to ask Mr. White, was Jesus the name of the Hebrew Savior taught by the Jewish Apostles?
No, it wasn't known on the earth until approximately the 16th century, because the Jesuits started to promote it based upon the Greek.
And the letter J is less than 500 years old, and the S-U-S ending comes from the Greek honoring their deity, Zeus.
Is it also true that the pronunciation Jesus came from the Latin form, Jesus?
It is quite possible, however, that Latin had dropped some of the Greek letters.
Well, the name in the Bible or the Hebrew is Yahweh, correct?
That's Yod-Heh-Wah-Heh, yes.
Also, we know from Jeremiah 8.8 that the scriptures were prophesied to be mistranslated, and Daniel 7.25 says that they would change Yahweh's times and laws.
Does that, therefore, make pagan Christianity a teacher of witchcraft?
Yes, I'm afraid that we are learning witchcraft because we're the servant of the one that we obey, whether we're obeying the adversary or we're obeying our father.
And the customs that we embrace, such as Sunday, or Halloween, or Easter.
See, Sunday's not in the scriptures.
The first day of the week is mentioned a couple of times, but it has nothing to do with what they think.
And halos, steeples, bells, statues, wreaths, all that holy water, it's all nonsense.
Okay, thank you for the call, Mark.
Yeah, and for those that don't understand this, we'll go ahead and let Mark go.
For those that don't understand this, let me boil it down.
The obelisk in Egypt is the symbol of male power pointing towards the Son of God, or, yes folks, and this is the encyclopedia too, it is the male sexual appendage.
Now, we see those drugged to Europe put up in the squares in Paris and London and Frankfurt and Berlin.
And we see them in DC, we see them at San Jacinto Memorial in Texas, and we see them on top of the churches.
And folks, it is an admitted fact that is a cult symbol, is it not?
It certainly is.
The pagan religion was based upon sex.
It was taught in the calendar.
That's where we get the spring and the fall feasts in the pagan calendar.
It's all impregnation.
They were the big orgy cults of Greece.
And the temple prostitutes, you know, they were both male or female, you know.
The Vestal Virgins, the whole priesthood of the pagans basically taught the worship of the sun and they did it by means of the agricultural metaphor of sex.
All right, let's talk to Mike in Texas.
Joe hung up.
Mike in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, Luke, can you give me the specific Bible references of where I can find that it pertains to bringing a tree into your home and decorating it with gold and silver, what we call the Christmas tree.
That would be at Jeremiah chapter 10.
Of course, all the mythology concerning that stems from Nimrod and Tammuz, which is where we get the Well, we get lent from that.
I mean, the 40 days of fasting, that's the weeping for Tammuz.
That's the 40 days representing the 40 years of Tammuz's life.
But the Christmas tree is described at Jeremiah chapter 10.
Thank you.
Appreciate that call.
Let's go now to Mike in Tennessee.
Mike, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon, gentlemen.
Yes, welcome.
Yes, it's so good to talk to you guys again.
Brother Lou, this is Michael, your friend in Tennessee.
Haven't spoken with you for a couple of weeks now.
I'm sure glad to hear that you're on the air there today.
And to begin with, I would like to start with a very serious warning that's given to the children of the Messiah in the Scriptures in areas that we are dealing with here today and all of the pagan uh... christian holidays it's written in Malachi chapter two verse two that if you will not hear and if you will not lay it to heart to give esteem unto my name says Yahweh of hosts I will even send a curse upon you and I will curse your blessings yea I have cursed them already because you do not lay it to heart.
The globalists were masters of even changing the name Yes, and I was appalled just a few evenings ago.
I was riding through the little city that we live in here in East Tennessee, Maryville, Tennessee, and as I passed by the Christian churches along the way, I saw the Halloween decorations, the pumpkins, the witches, the ghosts, the warlocks, the shops of corn, and as you said, there are so many Uh, pagan and occultic rituals that have been adapted by the Christian Church.
It can't get much more occultic than what it already is to be completely occultic.
And, uh, in, in, uh, uh, in the Scriptures, there's another warning that is very serious.
It says that in, uh, Deuteronomy chapter 7, That when you participate in these things and acknowledge them and embrace them and cause your sons and daughters to go after other pagan gods, sun gods, and so forth, that the anger of Yahweh will be kindled against you.
Well, give not your children to the fires of Moloch.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, 2 Peter chapter 2 verses 18 through 22 are good to look at.
Look, the point here is, look at the fruits.
Somebody criticized me yesterday for talking about Pat Robertson.
He says forced abortion is what China has to do.
All of the time.
I'm going to let you go, Mike.
Thanks for the call.
That's the cue to let him go, guys.
Thank you, Mike.
We've got to get to other callers here.
But whenever I'm... I mean, read what Pat Robertson says.
Forced abortion is what China has to do.
He said that, folks, on the record two years ago.
When he says Arnold's a good candidate, when he's for abortion, open borders, gun control.
When all of this happens, I mean, that just shows you the fruits of this right out in the open.
Comments, Mr. White?
Well, like I say, the scriptures describe all this stuff, from the beginning to the end.
The proverb that Peter quoted, a dog returns to its vomit and a washed sow returns to her rolling in the mud.
He's describing the pagans that were washed and understood that they were living in delusion, and they came out of it, and then they escaped the defilements of the world, being these silly processes.
They come into it and they fall back into it again because they don't have a good root, you know.
Thanks for the call, Mike.
We're going to have time to make a few more calls.
The toll-free number is 1-800-259-9231.
Linda in Wisconsin, you're on the air with our guest.
Linda in Wisconsin, you're on the air with our guest.
Go ahead.
Thank you for taking my call.
I'll try to be as quick as possible.
I have a very good book here.
It's called Celestial Symbols by Alan H. Barber.
And the problem that I have, and it's not just with your guest, it's when I started
To all of those that talked about the pentagram and the all-seeing eye on the dollar bill, etc., when I started to do my research, I found out that these symbols all come from God to begin with.
Oh, really?
And the all-seeing eye, Jesus, or God says to the Israelites, you are the apple of my eye and there isn't anything that you do that God does not see.
Oh, come on, lady.
This is on all the enemy's banners.
Hold on.
It's on all the enemy's banners.
The swastika, the tree, the eye, the eagle.
All of it.
Alex, I just got through saying they all started out to be symbols of God.
And he's teaching us the Gospel, but then when wickedness enters in, Lucifer takes the very same thing that belongs to God.
Why do you think he took the pentagram?
Because in Revelation 22, 16, it says the prophecy was fulfilled when the star appeared in Bethlehem on the night of the birth of Jesus.
This is called the Star of the East and the Star of Bethlehem, and you can find it in old ancient churches.
Not that the people were worshipping the star.
It was the symbol of Jesus Christ.
Okay, let me see what our expert thinks.
Mr. White?
Well, the symbol that we see in Scripture, we see a lot of examples and metaphors, but the principal symbol of Israel is the menorah, and it's also the emblem, the menorah, or the lampstand, in Revelation 1.
That's the symbol of our Savior.
See, and he's walking in the midst of the seven lamps.
That's representing the assembly, you know, over time.
You know, if I could just have something to say here, because when I hang up you're going to get to talk some more.
So, like the color blue, the blue that the United Nations has stolen and used that, well, that's Jesus' color.
That was used in the tabernacle, and it was taken, I took a Hebrew class.
They had to take that blue from a special fish and use it.
I mean, it was God who told them to do that.
Here's one last thing.
In the Old Testament, when the Israelites were being bitten by the fiery serpents, God told uh... the moses
naked a a serpent out of breath and then put it on the pole and all
the israelites had to do with the look upon it
not worship it but look upon it and they would be healed ok thank you for
the call appreciate the call thank you comments what she was saying
yes uh... i think what we have here is uh... you know about the case of somebody trying to justify
a lot of the things that
or in the occult but she's absolutely right A lot of things did get stolen, like the serpent and the staff is stolen by this Greek deity, I wouldn't even attempt to pronounce his name, Hephaestus or something, but it went into the medical community, but they borrowed it, you know.
It wasn't something that the Israelites borrowed, but the pagans borrowed and assimilated all this stuff together.
Okay, absolutely.
Let's talk to, I believe it's Bruce is up next.
Bruce, you're calling us from Kentucky.
Yeah, give me the symbolism of the bunny rabbit and the eggs.
That basically came from the Babylonians and it went through the Egyptians.
Tell me the female side of Lucifer.
The deity the Romans worshipped under the name Venus was Aphrodite in Greek and it was Astarte or Well, Astarte, or Ishtar, to the people of Persia and Babylonia, and they claim that between the Tigris and the Euphrates, one of those, I think it was in the Euphrates River, that they claim the myth of an egg fell out of the sky, and this deity that they worship, this female, came out of the egg among the bulrushes, and that's where we get the wicker baskets and the eggs and things, you know.
And it's all Babylonian nonsense, but It's delusion, you know.
But it's all over the earth now.
Does that answer your question, sir?
Yes, fine.
Alright, thank you.
Charles, in Florida.
Charles, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
The phones kind of sound weird.
Can we do something with that?
Go ahead, Charles.
Yeah, I'd like to correct certain things you're saying.
I'm not totally disagreeing with what you're saying, but in the first place, Easter, if you look up in the etymology dictionary, comes from the goddess Aelstra.
Uh, uh, uh, uh, Anglo-Saxon gods, doesn't come from Ishtar.
Uh, Jesus, just because Jesus' name is spelled with a J doesn't, doesn't mean it wasn't an original G, uh, text here.
For instance, you read in, uh, Matthew 18 here, in Echena and Ora.
Uh, sir, sir, sir, let me, let me stop you for just a second.
Charles, Charles, let me stop you for just a second.
Uh, and then I'll let you talk.
I'll hold you over when we have to.
Whether it was the Aztecs, or whether it was people in India, or if it was people in Germania, or in Gaul, which is France.
I mean, I read what Julius Caesar said.
He describes these rituals.
Everybody was doing the same rituals, whether it was Hawaii, or what is modern day England.
They're all doing the same stuff on the same days according to the sun, according to the moon, according to the stars.
And yes, this occultism is rampant globally.
That's historical, that's mainstream.
Comments, Mr. White?
Well, Charles is going into the etymology of the word J-E-S-U-S.
And of course the Jesuits promote that name, but it comes from the Greek.
But we have to forget the Greek.
He doesn't have a Greek name.
You have to go back and look at Acts 7.
And you'll see the name J-E-S-U-S and Joshua, the underlying Greek letters are the same.
So go back to the Hebrew and you'll see Joshua's real name.
Yeah, all we're saying is what's wrong with going back to the original language?
Yeah, Joshua, his name wasn't Joshua, it was Yahshua.
Alright, we'll be, I'll tell you what, I'll let you finish up, Charles.
When we get back, stay with us, folks.
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Look, this is just an exercise on learning history, the meanings of words, looking at what our customs are.
And, I mean, one of the strongest things that's been said here today, and this is, the Coca-Cola brags about this, uh, by the way, at their big national museum, that, that they took the image of Santa Claus in the late forties, early fifties, made him black and white, the color of Coca-Cola, put him on all the Coke bottles, and then that was the image of Santa Claus.
Before that he was a, uh, evil elf.
And that, that's mainstream stuff.
Look at the power of the media.
So, the power today, um, The power of the media today, think about them being able to come out and have Madonna and Britney Spears kissing on stage and then suddenly I'm going to see a movie and I see teenage girls kissing each other outside with gang members surrounding them.
They can sell us whatever they want with this culture unless we're aware of the fact that what they're trying to sell us may not be good for us, may not be based in reality.
It's the power of this.
Yes, we do.
I'm here.
The whole New World Order system is about being hidden in plain view.
It's about their symbols being out there.
That's where they get their power, they believe, and they do get power from it.
We were asking Lou if he could stay longer with us, and I think Pence was asking me,
so I'm talking to him.
Let's go back to Lou White.
Lou, do we have you?
Yes, we do.
I'm here.
Can you stay with us into the next hour?
Yes, I certainly can.
Oh, well, that's fantastic.
Now, before we go back to these calls, let's just go back to Charles and see what else
Go ahead, Charles.
Yes, the name Jesus could have just as well, since Jesus lived in Hellenistic areas, Greek control, could be derived from the Greek word jason.
It means healer, which is identical to Yeshua, means Yah helps or saves.
It has the same meaning.
Hebrew and Greek belong to totally different languages.
Well, sir, I mean, the Bible says Yahweh.
I mean, why be defensive about, okay, it's Greek?
It could be Greek.
I'm just saying it could be.
Well, no, it says it's Greek.
Three could mean a lot of things.
Why would a fundamentalist like your guest want to say, oh, for the last 2,000 years Jesus didn't know how to pronounce his own name or the church father?
Just absolutely ridiculous.
And you're saying that typical fundamentalists, that there was such a character as Nimrod, point to me in any history book about Sumer that there was With any God or any cultural hero like Gilgamesh, Nimrod, that's just from Genesis.
The people of Israel were in captivity in Babylon.
They totally corrupted names.
They didn't know that Babylon meant gate of the God.
They said it meant confusion of tongues.
Of course, in Hebrew it meant that.
I don't know, they were saying that it causes confusion.
Samuel Noah Kramer says in the book of Genesis, the first verse is about Adam and Eve.
Adam in Sumerian means man, and Eve in Sumerian could be T, meaning rib or life.
Okay, thank you for the call, Charles.
We're going to come back and take more calls in the next hour.
Any other points you'd like to make for the audience that doesn't get to hear the third hour, sir?
Well, to address the last caller, the defense of what they call the English word, Yeshua, is actually a Jesuit thing that they derived, and it's less than 500 years old, but the original Savior's name, Yahshua, or Yahoshua, uh... was based upon you know the spelling of the prophet that we call uh... or the leader certainly certainly there are different translations and different meanings of words but the point here is we're talking about halloween big satanic holiday we're talking about ishtar easter that's admitted we're talking about you know santa claus has nothing to do with jesus christ that stuff we can all agree on third hour third hour coming up folks with our guest blue white and we'll talk to bill and uh...
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and other calls and other issues. We'll be back in the third hour. I hope you stay with us.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, we're now about 30 seconds into the third and final hour of this 31st of October 2003 transmission.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
This broadcast is about getting your mind outside the box, getting you to learn history, whether it's American history, world history, religious history, And we've got a guest on, and I've done a lot of research on this, and I've read his book.
When I read it a couple years ago, I found it to be very, very accurate.
It's, uh, your interpretations can all differ and be different.
I'm sure none of us totally agree with each other.
But to Lew White's name and the book is Fossilized Customs.
You know, where does Santa Claus come from?
Where does the bunny rabbit and the eggs come from in the wicker basket?
Where does the ghost and goblins and the jack-o'-lanterns come from?
Well, we know where it comes from, from archaeology, from histories written by the Romans, the Jews, the Babylonians, the Japanese, the Hawaiians.
On these certain holidays, you got human sacrifice.
And you've got a lot of government control and basically mind control going on by the witch doctor class that is the New World Order of the day.
So why do the global leaders carry out occult rituals?
Because this is what their caste, their clan of mind controllers have been into forever.
And we've got loaded phone lines here.
We're going to go back to them here in just a few minutes.
We've got about 20 minutes left with our guest.
Lou White, I heard you jumping in there.
Something you want to say?
Oh no, you're fine.
I was just agreeing with the Illuminati and the New World Order is all based upon this ancient Babylonian occult.
And it's about keeping us in the dark while they have the knowledge.
Exactly, using that hidden knowledge to control us.
Let's talk to Bill in New Jersey.
Bill, you're on the air.
Alex, can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
Yeah, first time caller, Alex.
Been listening to you for many years.
Well, thank you for calling.
You've got a great show, and I disagree with your guest.
I think the problem, Alex, is that Jesus is who he says he is, and he founded a church, and the church is who it says it is.
It's the Catholic Church.
The Jews didn't accept Jesus, and a friend here doesn't accept the truth of the Catholic Church.
The problem is, St.
Paul said these things would not come about until there was a great falling away.
And St.
Paul's great falling away is the Protestant Reformation, and we are getting... this is the end result of almost 490 years of Protestantism, is this mass confusion that we have.
Sir, I'll say this.
There's definitely a lot of corruption in the Protestant Church, and I'll criticize it.
I'm not a Catholic.
I have a lot of Catholic friends.
See, I'm out fighting evil everywhere around me, but I'll... you know, from Hutton-Gibson, to Mel Gibson, to friends I have here in town, and leading
the pro-life movement.
But certainly from the historical facts, the Catholic Church did try to take over some
of the pagan stuff to try to suppress it.
Alex, Jesus said, "If I be lifted up, I will draw all things to myself."
And the Church was making those pagan holidays, trying to take them away from the pagans,
not to continue them.
But my point is, is that by not eradicating those, now it's grown back up through it, and it's taken it over.
Alex, they may have eradicated them if it wasn't for the Protestant Reformation.
We've had 490 years, almost, of anti-Catholicism in the world.
But you have to admit, I mean, men are fallible and there have been corrupt people in the Catholic Church.
Jesus isn't infallible.
Jesus is infallible.
He gave us a teaching institution in the world for us to follow.
Can I say something, Bill?
Sure, go ahead.
Bill, let me ask you this, not to bash Catholics, but who was it that instigated the 600-year Inquisition?
Was that the Protestants?
You know, did the Protestants kill 83 million people?
You know, we're fighting for eternal souls here, you know.
This is just about whose government.
And if your soul is going to be lost, the church has a right to defend itself and to save souls.
The church is put here on this earth to save souls.
Sir, can I just say this?
Are you saying everybody who was in the Catholic Church, that powerful people didn't use it as a way to go after their political enemies?
Didn't Jesus say that there's sinners in his church?
Didn't he say that... Well, certainly so.
But look, I mean, this whole line about Pat Robertson being infallible or the Pope being infallible?
The Pope is infallible when he's teaching on doctrines of faith and morals.
Can you give me a scripture on that?
You have to give me scripture on that one.
I haven't ever read that.
I tell you what, when somebody disagrees, we're going to hold them over.
And if this goes long, Mr. White, can you stay with us?
Okay, stay there Bill.
I'm going to go to Everett and Elaine and Roger and Keith and everybody else.
But if you disagree with anything on this show, we're just here to get you thinking, folks.
If you disagree, man, you get extra time.
We'll be right back.
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Alright my friends, Alex Jones here, back live.
And the main focus here is, we know Halloween, Sam Haines, Salwyn, It is a druidic, well, pan-global human sacrifice date, and that's just the historical record.
We know that Santa Claus is not a Christian deity, saint, creature, whatever.
We know that Easter, the term Ishtar, the eggs, the bunny, the fertility, I mean that's just all fact, folks!
That's what I'm covering here.
I'm not into a big battle over, you know, how the You know, Catholic Church came in and took over all these pagan rituals and put, you know, the names of saints in over it.
And obviously now the cultism's grown back in.
I'm not here to bash the Protestants, the Catholics.
But, I mean, the entire Christian religion...
has been infiltrated by this, and that is not debatable.
You hear about the churches, and you see a bunch of them.
Catholic, Protestant, with the pumpkins out front, and the corn shocks, and all of this.
So it's across the board.
The Baptist Church here in Austin has UN Day, anti-gun drives, Catholic churches have it.
It's the New World Order, folks!
You know, it's the New World Order.
You've got pedophiles of the Protestant and the Catholic Church.
You've got evil people, you've got evil leaders in these things.
And we've got false prophets all over the place.
That's what we're talking about.
But, Mr. White, continuing to comment on what Bill was saying in New Jersey, then we'll go back to Bill.
Go ahead.
Okay, I was just addressing, I asked Bill if he thought that the Inquisition was Protestant or Catholic, and it was a persecution that lasted 600 years.
And the Catholics, I'm not bashing Catholics themselves, but the teachings Okay, let's get a comment from Bill.
pagan things like holy water or tree branches or candles or the calendar that they use that
we have inherited as the Roman calendar, which is directly from the pagan religion of Mithras.
You know, that's what we're all ensnared in, you know.
Okay, let's get a comment from Bill.
Go ahead, Bill.
Well, it's 365 days in a year.
What kind of calendar do you want?
But what I mean is that the Church has a right, because it's in Jesus' name it's doing this.
It's His instrument in the world, and the confusion is coming about.
I'm following his instrument.
You know, there's one Catholic Church after 2,000 years, and there's 35,000, at least, Protestant Churches.
Well, let me just say this... He would not scatter.
He would gather.
That's all I'm saying.
All this confusion is coming from not following the authorized teachers.
Jesus told the Apostles to go out and teach all nations.
He didn't say, open up a print shop and print Bibles and hand them out and let everybody read them.
That's where the confusion is coming from.
Well, in other words... More than one shepherd.
That's what Jesus left us.
And people aren't following that.
And what you're saying about this satanic influence in these holidays is true.
It's because of confusion, not following the true teachers.
Well, our Father's Kingdom isn't based in Rome, Italy.
That's where the Mithrists were based, and it was the same organization that took over.
Where anymore are they?
The Catholic Church is there.
Jesus said His church would be a light on a hill.
Now, where is your church from?
Everybody knows where the Catholic Church is.
Ask anybody, it's in Rome.
No, we ourselves are the church.
No, he founded a church.
He said, uh, hear the church.
He didn't say hear you.
Well, no, we speak through him.
The church is the pillar and ground of truth.
It's right in the Bible, the church.
Alright, thank you.
Thank you for the call.
I appreciate it, Bill.
Everett in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, Everett.
Yes, go ahead.
Great show.
First time caller.
I've heard this argument many times from Christians whenever I go to show them that the symbol on the back of the dollar bill The New World Order symbol and they say that's no that's the eye of God and I like to bring up to them that
That's the eye of God.
Why would they put this eye of God on top of a pagan symbol that was the enemy, and the Egyptians were the enemy?
Yeah, the enemy of the Jews, and we stick it up there, and it's the New World Order symbol, and it's the eye of Sauron from the medieval teacher J.R.R.
Tolkien, who studied occult religions, and his demon god is a pyramid with a burning eye on top of it.
And Adam Weishaupt adopted it too, yeah.
I mean, I'm just saying everywhere, you know, a pile of stones with a burning eye on top of it, that's big daddy devil.
Do the Christians think that this is justified?
That this brings confusion into the Christians and they think that's okay, that it's absolute garbage.
The eye, the rays coming out of the eye, that also comes from illumination, which is from a sonic religion?
Yeah, the secret light, the hidden light.
Thanks for the call.
Good to hear from you Pennsylvania.
Let's talk to Elaine in Missouri.
Elaine, you're on the air globally.
You're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
All of the great old civilizations were destroyed by the trade route robbers.
And that area that the trade route robbing took place mostly, although it took place over a lot of places, was the land of Israel.
And then what filled their place was these Semitic civilizations came up.
And all of the Bible stories are just mythological tales of people who lived hundreds of thousands of years ago.
And with the New Age religions, many people are seeing through this Jewish version of the Bible, of the old books that they stole from their neighbors there.
So you're recommending that we go to witches and find out what the truth is?
Well, let me tell you something, ma'am.
Let me add something, and then you can answer.
You know what?
I'm going to shut up.
You talk, then I'll finish.
Go ahead.
Well, I just feel sorry for you people who are still victims of such a consciousness-lowering book.
You've got the secret knowledge, don't you?
You ate the apple.
She ate the red pill.
The Bible is copied from the old Babylonian books.
The old Persian books, and it was misprinted by the, well, the Jews changed it around so that there was only one God, and that made them chosen, and then they became the chosen people.
Where's this knowledge coming from that you're stating?
I mean, I don't rely on documents like you people do, because documents are there to lie.
I mean, how did I... Let me talk now.
Let me talk.
We'll go back.
There's a conversation here.
So, you get your power from the male horned god and from the goddess?
Well, I guess you get it from a higher self.
How big are those horns on that god you worship?
Just tell me.
I get it from a higher self.
Did your pagans that your modern, really old religion comes from, did they not sacrifice children worldwide?
Well, they were very degenerate people.
I mean, they were, the Lord knows what they were.
Well, we know, we have the archaeology, we have the facts, but let me just stop you.
I look at the fruits, okay, and the Hebraic roots, what Moses did, what Abraham did, was different from the entire world.
All the trash, the sacrifice, the corruption, everything that the world was, this was new, and the fruits of it have been good families, good cultures, all the inventions, everything.
I look at the fruits of the tree, and the tree you're talking about brings death and mindlessness.
The tree that I eat off of brings me life and intelligence and family and honor and duty and a disgust of evil, comments Mr. White.
Well, misinterpretations of the commandments and the text of scripture have resulted in many, many people being killed.
Millions and millions.
I mean, the Catholics killed millions.
And thinking that they were doing it for our Father.
You know, he doesn't need to be defended.
You know, he can take care of things on his own.
And it says in the Scriptures in Revelation that he is, in fact, not going to need anybody's help.
He's going to do it personally.
You know, but we're to submit to his commandments.
He said, go and teach all nations what I have taught you.
And those were the Ten Commandments.
But see how this has gone off again into a big discussion of Christianity when I'm talking about these occult religions right out in the open, admitted over... Ma'am, if you're into the occult, you certainly know what Halloween really is, don't you?
I'm not that deep into the occult.
I just dabble... Dabble in white magic?
No, no, no.
Which Anton Lavee said is the most destructive form of black magic.
Oh, but the fruits of the lies of the Bible are war, and we've had nothing but war since the Bible was... Hold on just a minute.
There have been a bunch of other religions killing a bunch of people, and to sit there and say that Christianity did it, corrupt people did it, kings and governments did it.
Yeah, and ones that were led by religious fanatics.
Well, I don't know.
I mean, by fanatics, I mean people that misinterpret.
Well, look, George Bush calls himself a Christian, but he goes to Skull and Bones, the Bohemian
Grove, worships Allah.
The guy's not a Christian, just like he's not a Texan, but people go, "Oh, look what
the Christians are doing.
The New World Order's doing that on purpose."
They mix it together, yeah, to serve their own purposes.
I'll let you talk, Elaine.
Finish up.
Well, I don't know.
I guess I said, but I think you say a lot of good, Alex, when you expose the fact that
the government blew up these buildings and whatnot.
That's a lot of good that you do, but when you get onto this religious stuff, you just
Ma'am, I'm trying to get people to think for themselves and to know history.
That's very important.
History has really been buried because of this Bible.
Oh, that's the problem.
I don't agree with you.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Roger in Colorado.
Go ahead, sir.
Roger, you're on the air.
Okay, Roger's gone.
Keith in Rhode Island.
Go ahead, Keith.
It sounds like what you and your guests are saying is that if you strip away all the pagan influences in Christianity, you're not left with very much.
That's what they say on the radio a lot.
I had a Christian preacher on the radio once said that if you removed everything that we do, I mean everything that's pagan, and what we do, we would be left with nothing because we have abandoned the things that are in the Scriptures.
We've embraced so many other things.
What I'm trying to say here is that Christianity itself is based on earlier pagan mythology.
I'm trying to say here is that Christianity itself is based on earlier pagan mythology.
If you look at the Christ myth, it's based on earlier sun god myth.
No, no, no, no.
The modern fake Christianity is related to it because that's what it is.
You really look at Abraham and Moses and the rest of it, it's not.
And that's why I disagree with people like Jordan Maxwell.
Well, if you look at the Old Testament, I'm not a Bible expert, but the Old Testament is rife with genocide.
And incest, and rape, and murder, and killing of children.
I mean, is this the kind of religion you really would want to follow?
I mean, is Yahweh really a God worth venerating?
Keith, stay there.
We'll elaborate on this in a final segment with Mr. White in a couple more calls.
I'm Alex Jones, and we'll blitz into the modern news and developments in the final 30 minutes of this transmission.
The websites are PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
And before our guest leaves, we'll tell you how to get his book.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Just trying to get you to think.
We got loaded phones here, we gotta go through these quick.
Keith in Rhode Island Continuing with what you were saying, you say you don't really know the Bible, but it's rife with all this.
Yes, it's examples of bad things, and how to avoid that in a code of living called the Ten Commandments, which the world is attacking.
So there's an example right there, but exactly what are you getting at, Keith?
okay but my point but i think my point is basically that before christianity
there were seventeen earlier uh... pagan god who were supposedly
born a virgin uh... had apostles and they were crucified and resurrected
and promised to come back one day
but what i'm saying is basically the jesus story basically just a ripoff of earlier uh... pagan myth
comments mister white Well, that's an old story.
Those writings that he's referring to are things that are not really ancient, though.
They're recently, I mean, over the last several hundred years.
We've got the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation funding Sitchin, who then goes and misinterprets now-proven Sumerian tablets, and it turns out to be a fraud!
Well, they also wrote a lot of things after, hundreds of years after the Messiah came.
And these are the sources of these things.
But you see, back in Genesis, Chapter 3, The adversary was told that the seed of the woman was going to crush his head.
So he was looking for a male child born of a virgin.
And that's why we see pharaohs and people trying to kill the firstborn.
Thanks for the call.
He set up his artificial framework of paganism very early.
Who's up next from Ohio there?
No, I guess Roger in Colorado is back.
Roger, go ahead, sir.
You're on the air.
Yes, hi.
Yeah, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I'll just add to that, because they always bring that up, about the other myths, but the gospel was also symbolically known from the constellations.
The story was put there, so the pagan myths were always a copy of that, as I'm sure your guests would know about.
It's the other way around.
We're not counterfeiting.
They are.
You know, the story goes back beyond 2,000 years, but it was fulfilled.
2,000 years ago.
But the other thing I do want to mention, because I've been wanting to correct this a lot, and I think you're carrying it in your book, on the sacred names.
I think you're creating some confusion because you have a limited view on the grammar of the Hebrew, but the Greek text is fully inspired.
You're not saying that it's incorrect to say Well, look, if you look it up in Webster's or a good encyclopedic dictionary, the word J-E-S-U-S is actually rooted from the Hebrew word Yehoshua.
Well, no.
This is why I'm saying it.
You know, if you're implying that the Greek is not inspired because it uses the Yesus... Oh, I see what you mean.
Yeah, I think you're bringing confusion and doubt.
This is a long-held debate of whether the... Yeah, I don't want to talk about how many angels can dance on the head of a pen.
I was talking about Halloween and Easter and Santa Claus not being Christian.
I think anybody can figure that out.
Well, if you want to get at the root of the Hebraic name controversy, go to sacredscales.com.
Okay, thank you for the call, Roger.
Who's up next in Ohio?
Who should I go to next?
Cassie in Ohio, go ahead, you're on the air.
Yeah, I wanted to ask your guest if he's a born-again Christian so that I can get some sense of his position and where he stands as far as the Bible goes.
Oh, you mean, am I Spirit filled with the Spirit of Yahushua, the one they call Jesus?
I wanted to ask you, are you born again according to the Scriptures?
Okay, well, because your website at fossilizedcustoms.com looks like you're Maybe from the Hebrew Roots Movement, which... Well, that's where our Messiah comes from.
He is... The Hebrew Roots is a restoration movement.
Yeah, is that... Are you part of that?
Oh, yes.
I'm part of restoring the Hebrew Roots.
Well, could I explain that to your listeners?
Because I've done an extensive study on Hebrew Roots, and that... Jesus was a Jew, and according to... He still is.
Yes, he is, and he's coming again, and he is the Messiah.
The Hebrew Roots Movement, Alex, and you need to know this, They claim the promises made to and specifically for the Jews, they claim them for themselves.
So every time Jews are mentioned in the Old and New Testaments, they proclaim them.
Well look, you notice nobody's talking about Halloween or Santa Claus or Easter.
Alex, this is important because you're hosting.
I want to explain something to you, because it does matter.
You have to know the background of the person you're having.
I've read his book.
I find it to be very accurate and informative.
I know, Alex, but listen.
I'm warning you.
You don't understand what Hebrew Roots Movement is.
You've got to look it up.
They're stealing the promises that belong to the Jews.
The covenant made with the Jews.
No, not at all.
Now, wait a minute.
I've studied it, okay?
You know what, we're going to have to do... Kathy?
We're going to have to break, so you know... Okay, put her on hold.
She doesn't understand a break.
Kathy, we've got to break.
So I guess we'll just keep this going.
We'll come back in maybe five more minutes, talk to Kathy, Kevin, and Keon, and that's it.
Three more calls with our guests, and we'll let you finish up, Kathy.
We've got to break, though.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I've got a whole stack of really important news here, and I had our guest on today because from reading encyclopedia, from studying this from college, None of it's hidden, it's just never discussed in religious circles that Halloween and Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, it's all occultic and it's taken over Christianity.
That's the point I was making.
Then we get into big fights of this Hebraic movement or the Catholics or this or that.
I'm just trying to get folks to think about what's around us in the world, regardless of what type of Christians we are, or even if you're not a Christian.
I'm a Christian, I think you should be, but it's just about knowing history.
Now, Kathy, we had to go to break.
That's why we had to cut you off.
If you're still there, you're back on the air.
Yes, yes, hello.
And you guys go ahead and finish up your discussion.
You and Lou White, go ahead.
I just wanted to say that I've looked at that it does matter what kind of a Christian, because you understand we have false Christians out there, okay?
And we have people that are not adhering to New Testament Christianity that are calling themselves Christians.
And the Hebrew Roots Movement wants to put The world back under the old law, that is the ultimate goal, and the Noahide laws and Gentiles will be Noah.
Wait a minute, Christ said that he wasn't there to destroy the law, but to fulfill it and empower it.
You got it.
Now your guest is right about Halloween and its heathen roots.
He's right about the days of the week, the months of the year, and all the heathenism through the Roman Catholic Church.
He's correct, 100%.
You said some things, I went to his website, and I found that the ultimate reason is because of the Hebrew Roots Movement.
Now, stay with me because I'm not anti-Jew.
You keep saying that, let's let him address it.
He hasn't gotten a chance to talk.
Go ahead, sir.
Well, the Hebrew Roots are the source of our faith, and Abraham is the father of nations, and I embrace that.
I'm not replacing the tribe of Yehudah, which are called Jews, We're just another... We're among the lost tribes.
We were born as Gentiles.
We don't know who we are.
We're the prodigal son awakening in the pig pen.
But we're returning to the Torah, the commandments, the Ten Commandments, and we love them now.
And we don't know why.
But that's not what New Testament... We are not adhering to the Old Testament laws.
The Lord gave us a repeated... Oh yeah, the commandments are forever.
He repeated every commandment.
In the New Testament, except for, remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.
I've read my entire Bible multiple times.
The Sabbath is eternal.
It's never going to go away.
This is not Christianity.
Hey, Kathy, we'll have to have him on the debate that sometime.
I don't really do a religious show.
Yeah, replacement theology is another subject.
Okay, thank you for the call, Kathy.
We did give you a chance to speak.
Send me some info on it.
Kevin in Boston, Mass.
Go ahead, Kevin.
Thank you, Alex.
I've got just a couple of comments, and I think I'm tying in with more of the theme of what you were talking about.
I agree with that, you know, people need to understand the roots of these pagan holidays in order to not be deceived by the New World Order.
And it's part, I think, of their plan to do that, because if people don't understand that, for instance, Christmas was just a day adapted to celebrate Christ's birthday, then they can use that fact, that people's ignorance of that fact, To say that C. Mithra was celebrated on the same day, and therefore the belief in Christ is not true, and they can attack Christianity, which is one of the main barriers to them achieving their goals, Judaic Christian values.
And I think that, you know, Mr. White has made some comments, you know, the Church started the Inquisition, killed millions and stuff, and I don't deny the Church's role in that, I am Catholic, but I think we need to come together to I see that the real enemy, even within this topic, is again the globalists, even going back.
I got a bunch of news articles here where it says Catholic groups are out at the forefront of fighting the paganistic system in Halloween.
The inquisition, the Priory of Sion, which goes back with the Templars, split.
And they were infiltrated, the Priory of Sion infiltrated the Catholic Church.
They poisoned and killed one Pope.
they get them by by threat that kind of a threat they get control of climate
the fifth on behalf of the french info my point is bad
about the catholic church is is that it's it's easy to take over a triple
trade or to have bad cardinals or whatever in some gallops i know no no
there was a perfect there was a female pope one time whether it's the democrats
for the republicans in your talking politics whether you're talking protestant and re you know and more
catholic it's all of them traded
We should be aware of that.
And they will, by trying to give you ignorance of the roots of these things, they want to be able to deceive you and manipulate.
And it's like this with everything.
Thank you, Kevin.
Comments, Mr. White?
He's exactly right.
The infiltration has been going on since Babylon, and the occultic rituals have been concealed.
Ultimately, the control of the civilization of the world was Yes, Alex.
It's a very good show.
I haven't called in a while.
A few points that need to be made.
You know, the seven sacraments didn't originate with our Savior.
They originated in the pagan religion, and that was the means of control.
The priesthood was the dispensation of those seven sacraments.
And they were pagan.
All right, last call.
Ken in Tennessee, go ahead.
Yes, Alex, very good show.
I haven't called in a while.
A few points that need to be made.
First off, Genesis 5-1, the book was written into the generations of Adam.
It was written in the time of the prophet, and it was written in the time of the prophet.
Generations translates into race.
And Adam, if you look it up, he was ready, complected, and blushed red in the face.
Also, Jacob, Israel.
Israel is not a geographic location.
It's a race of people.
And until we understand this, 200 years ago, every man in this country knew that we were Israel.
And, uh, if, uh, all fair, I can give a number of a man who has a thousand dollar reward to anybody who can prove that, uh, Yeshua Messiah was a Jew.
And I can give you that number all fair if your guest would like to contact him.
Well, let's let Mr. White address that.
Uh, what was the question about him being a Messiah and being Jewish?
Uh, this man has a thousand dollar reward for anybody who can prove that, uh, the Messiah was a Jew.
Well, the Book of Matthew is one... I mean, if you can't... Well, Jew just means tribe of Judah, doesn't it?
Yeah, Yehudah, yeah.
It just means a tribe of people.
I don't get this whole, you know, the Black Panther movement or whatever.
You know, they say that they're the real Jews, or you got this group saying they're the real Jews.
You know, I mean, I thought Christ came for everybody.
There's many tribes.
No, he did not.
He came only for the Adamic race.
Read Genesis 5-1.
This is the big lie.
Well, our Father created all the races of men and if we put ourselves above another, we're judging Him, not them.
You know?
He came for the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
That's right.
That's right.
And that's qualified.
And people call me racist for saying that.
Well, I say, take it up with the author.
He wrote it and another thing.
All your scriptures that people are studying from are copyrighted.
Who has the authority to copyright the Father's Word?
Good point.
Okay, thank you, Ken.
Thank you for the call, and I want to thank our guest, Lou White, who has written this very, very interesting book.
It's a quick read, 140-something pages long, and it's only a $7.95 shipping and handling.
Give that number out to folks who want to get it.
Okay, to get it today shipped to you, you can call 1-877-996.
No, no, I gave you the wrong number.
Hold on.
That's the number to the network, yeah.
That's right.
I've got it upside down.
It's 877-817-9829.
Alright, and that's Dave and Joyce who are selling the book for ThePowerHour.com.
Mr. White, the book, Fossilized Customs, and I appreciate you being on the show for two hours.
It was a pleasure.
Thank you.
Take care.
You bet.
I meant to only do that interview for about an hour, but it turned into two hours.
It's about exactly two hours.
We got him on in the 41 minutes, 42 minutes into the first hour, and here we are in the third hour with about 16, 17 minutes left, and I got a bunch of news I want to try to run through.
I first want to recap some of the headlines and get into stuff I didn't cover.
But, uh, look, I had him on to talk about Halloween being a pagan holiday and Santa Claus being pagan and all that.
I know that's true.
That's where I start off here, folks.
And I think you just should be aware of that, whether you're Christian or not.
I mean, just why aren't they being honest about it?
Why is almost everything on TV about witches and witchcraft and Wicca and all of this?
So, start there, folks.
And that I know is true.
And I'm not going to get into a big giant debate arguing with all these different sects of Christianity fighting with each other.
It just drives me up a wall.
But I know I'll get boxes of letters on this subject.
I'll try to look at all of it.
My head is spinning.
My head is spinning.
I just know what the New World Order is.
I know what it's up to.
I know it's a cult.
I know they worship Lucifer and that's a fact.
And I know they hate Christians and have tried to infiltrate it and take it over.
That's where that stands.
Let me recap some of the incredible headlines, then we'll get into a stack of other news we have not covered yet in this show.
As a sub caveat of that, if you have not gotten my new video, The Matrix of Evil, folks, it is $25.95, over two hours.
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Barbara Bush threatens presidential candidates.
That's the headline.
And Barbara Bush, and this is a quote, you can criticize me, but don't criticize my children, and don't criticize my daughter-in-law, and don't criticize my husband, or you're dead.
We have the Larry King transcript, a link to the Larry King transcript from October 22nd.
A listener emailed me this last night.
We went and checked it out on Larry King's website at CNN, and it is true.
And if you or I said this, we'd have Secret Service at our door, because the presidential candidates, the Democrats, are under Secret Service protection.
I hope you'll email this story out to people.
It's very interesting.
On the global government subject, we're on that daily.
O'Connor, One of the justices on the Supreme Court, U.S.
must rely on foreign law, goes on to say we should follow the rulings of the United Nations.
More on that, also out of the day, big newspaper in Connecticut, Navy's top officer calls for a global naval force.
Clark outlined strategy for combating terrorism.
Also, Chief Navy Operations Admiral Vern Clark described a proposal for a maritime NORAD merging our militaries.
And here's another one out of the international news.
Russia may join NACO to fight common enemy.
Talking about that, it's already happened.
Merging us.
And now they're going to do it publicly.
Also, this from the SunSign Project.
Lethal viruses from 1918 genetically reconstructed.
Army scientists create Spanish flu virus.
It killed, they say, 20 to 40 million.
No one knows.
It's at least over 30 million.
They dug it up out of dead sailors in Alaska and also in near the North Pole.
Some of the fishing villages there dug up dead bodies and found it in their lungs.
They mass produced that.
Also, we have another story here out of the new scientist.
Big article here getting into the mouse pox or the super weaponized system and they can do this for any mammal.
It kills everyone that it comes in contact with even if you've had a vaccine or if you're on antiviral medications.
It kills all cows, all mice and they said they can make it for human beings and they published two years ago the findings of this on the internet of how to do it.
The Australian scientists, now the U.S.
government is involved in that.
I'm trying to find my article on that, my new scientist article.
I did find the Gainesville Sun article, Vaccine Evading Mousepox Virus Created.
It wasn't created, it was created two years ago, but now the U.S.
government's made their own version.
A research team backed by a federal grant has created a genetically engineered mousepox virus designed to evade vaccines, highlighting the deadly potential for biotechnology and bioterrorism.
The new Scientist article is even more revealing and that is posted on InfoWars.com.
So I hope you'll go check that out.
We got a bunch of mainstream news articles about the pagan background of Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, Sam Haines, And this is very, very serious because all over the place where he goes, despite the fact of his PR campaign, people are not going along with it.
From Florida to Texas to Connecticut to New York to California to Missouri.
Salt Lake City has a big article.
Bush is determined to undo more liberty under Patriot Act when pressed over whether Laker star Colby Bryant should continue playing basketball while the issue of his alleged sexual assault is under investigation.
By the courts, NBA Commissioner David Stern told the Los Angeles Times, absolutely, we don't have a Patriot Act in the NBA.
It appears that the repressive nature of the USA Patriot Act, which is two years old on Sunday, has penetrated the American consciousness to such an extent that it now stands as shorthand parlay for any type of unfairness despite Attorney General John Ashcroft's barnstorming tour of the country, selling the act to friendly audiences of law enforcement.
Nearly 200 communities, it's over 400, including three states, have now passed resolutions objecting to its excesses.
Rumsfeld wants a Ministry of Truth, and this article gets into his speeches where he says we need an agency in the government that controls the media, and puts out the truth.
Security services on high.
Terrorist alert for Bush's British tour.
You don't have to worry, Bush.
None of your terrorists are going to carry out any terror.
Anti-war hecklers ruffle Bush's hawk.
It says that Deputy Defense Secretary Wolfowitz became shaken and got into heated arguments as students at a university stood up and asked him questions about Iraq because he got more upset about that than the rocket attack on him of Monday.
Two killed in Baghdad.
Fire as bomb explosion hits U.S.
There's been three explosions now.
They're trying to say it's gas pipes going off.
Yeah, right.
Also, study links U.S.
reconstruction deals to Iraq, Afghanistan, and to Bush backers.
Study links AFP.
Just read the financial filings of Halliburton.
They're talking about bankrupting Halliburton now so the stockholders won't even get anything.
It'll be put into a dummy corporation.
I'll blitz through final news in the final segment on the other side of this quick break.
Please stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
My job is to get you thinking outside the box.
Learn history, learn about freedom, and stand up against tyranny.
We'll be right back on the other side of this Halloween transmission.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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Final segment of the show.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2.
Central and back from 9 to midnight.
No stranger to illegal contract work.
Just out of Florida today.
Last week's arrests may implicate executives.
And in just details, if you want to find out, it's on the websites.
If you want to find out.
I mean, basically the whole infrastructure is supported by illegal aliens and it does go up to the executives, despite the fact they try to insulate themselves with subcontractors, which is called racketeering.
There's a bunch of other instances of it all over the country.
Also, an article on Prison Planet, Freemasons prompt child ID chip.
And it says, uh, the Shirley PTA and the Massachusetts Freemasons will present the Child Identification Program Saturday, November 8th from 10 a.m.
to 10 p.m.
at the Laura A. White School.
The Masonic Chip Program is the most comprehensive service of its kind anywhere.
And, uh, it, uh, goes on to talk about how they want to get fingerprints, face scans, and, you know, they say microchips are good, too.
And then, friendly of them, just lots of little programs.
Imagine if they had made a science fiction movie 20 years ago in 2003 where they had the group's meeting to make us take chips.
I mean, it's sick, folks.
Growing use of private police network raises concerns USA Today, I could have spent an hour on this, it's out of Minnesota, and it says that for years the police have been getting all your records, divorce, police reports, On the victims, everything, putting it into a database about you, where you work, what you do.
It turns out it's the Matrix System, hooked into the federal government, and they're going to give it to private groups now.
And it's also, they're doing this with juveniles.
So juveniles, all your records, just big police records on everybody, spy files right out in the open, federally paid for.
Well, homophobia is a made-up term, folks.
homophobic teaching or on that daily and a custody case orders child religious upbringing must
not expose her to
to the idea of homosexuality is wrong the judge's order says quote no discussion
and no teaching of homophobia well homophobia is a made up term folks
you can teach your children whatever you want but again this judge is saying she cannot teach her minor child this
because it would teach hate See, mind control!
We have cases of people's children being taken, uh, Christians' children being taken because they taught that homosexuality was wrong, or anything.
I mean, folks, this is the Soviet Union!
Oh, but it's for the... to be nice to the gay people.
Yeah, right.
Look at TV.
Half the shows are promoting this lifestyle.
They're pushing it!
Ramming it down on us!
And running over us like a steamroller!
Let our children be innocent!
Leave them alone!
Stop it!
Stop trying to put your morality on us.
You're the ones pushing it.
England where they had one of these reality shows where these guys thought they were trying to
marry this, you know, good-looking woman. It turns out it was a transvestite.
Ha ha, it's real funny. Just stop trying to put your morality on us. You're the ones pushing it.
You're the aggressive people. Folks, I'm out of time.
There's a lot of news we didn't get to, but we did cover a ton of it.
I just can't get over Barbara Bush on Larry King saying, if you criticize my family, quote, you're dead!
She said that, it's on InfoWars.com, and the bigger story than that is the super mousepox that kills all mice, they got a cowpox that kills all cows, our government's developing it, hundreds of gallons of it, and saying, grace for the attack!
And think of the tyranny, the control they'll get out of a system like this.
And they say they're going to get their global government, their world microchip population, after these releases, people will do anything to quote, keep us safer to get the cures.
This is their red carpet, their yellow brick road to get total control.
We gotta say no.
We gotta educate people of who has a history of biological testing on the population of this planet.
Again, folks, I'll be back Monday, 11 to 2.
Central time during the day at 12.172 and 9320 on the shortwave or your AM or FM station or the internet at GCNlive.com or InfoWars.com.
I'll be back tonight from 9 to midnight, Global Shortwave at 5.085-6890.
Tell your friends to tune in.
We're going to re-air that interview with Mr. White.
And we'll be back tomorrow with a show I did with John Stapmiller from 1 to 4.
That's called Real Talk Radio.
I'm out of time for this transmission, but again, I'll see you back on Monday and back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Have a great weekend.
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