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Name: 20031030_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 30, 2003
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You are listening to GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The huge disastrous fires have changed my mission, Schwarzenegger said.
I'm now looking for federal money for the victims of the fire.
Oh, and everyone's so thankful the governor is right on time.
There's a crisis so he can save everyone with the federal government and George W's help.
And listeners emailed different news articles from the day the fire started in north of Los Angeles, where the local news was saying, race for fires around San Diego, south of LA, and then there were local TV reports that the Army was out doing training drills and started the fires, but within hours all those stories disappeared, but we do have those.
And then I remembered back to last year, fires out west.
New Mexico, Arizona, California.
And we got articles then that there were quote, Army and Marine Corps training exercises in the mountains and that they'd set the fires.
And then almost four years ago with Bill Clinton and all those fires out west.
Remember the government admitted they quote, set the controlled burns during the driest and hottest part of the year with high winds blowing out of Mexico across the southwest.
So a picture is definitely emerging on that Congress-Russia-California spending bill.
Also, more money for Halliburton.
And Halliburton's decided, the Army's decided that, nah, no bids allowed right now.
Halliburton's gonna keep all the bids, all the oil contracts for themselves for at least another 60 days.
And then they might, if you can give them your bid in 24 hours when they post it, They might consider letting somebody other than Halliburton have a contract, but it'll just be some subdivision of the same military-industrial complex.
Folks, huge show lined up for you on this Thursday, the 30th day of October 2003.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Bin Laden's family wins bid to run Saudi airports.
That's out of the Mideast News line.
And hey, every big U.S.
base built in the Middle East, every U.S.
base, the Bin Ladens built at least part of it, generally most of it.
And of course, the government flew them out to safety on 9-11 and 9-12, 140 of them, 144 of them.
And on top of this, we have the Bushes in business with these people.
The government's going to have a microscope on your life.
The borders are going to stay open and, well, they're going to continue to arm all of our enemies.
So that's not too big of a security threat, they say.
Two GIs killed in Iraq amid rising attacks.
White House site prevents Iraq military material being archived.
That's because they've been caught editing their statements.
They'll go back into transcripts and change them.
Change statements to the White House.
This was reported months ago on this show.
Now it's in The Age out of Australia.
Also, we'll get into U.S.
Army double-size Iraq oil rebuilding contracts, and again, the Houston Chronicle.
That is to go exclusively to Halliburton.
launches anti-insurgency raids, grabbing people, putting bags over their heads, taking them to the camps for massive torture, which is now admitted.
Also, just a coincidence, four of Jessica Lynch's rescuers, especially those that had spoken out about what really happened, are all dropping dead.
They're grounding in puddles of water.
They're having automobile accidents.
They're being shot in the back of the head and it's being ruled suicide.
And it has come out that Jerry Bruckheimer produced the Rescue of Lynch.
That was a Hollywood production.
That's BBC reporting on that.
Also, more on sick soldiers waiting for treatment.
Not just in Saudi Arabia, but here in the U.S.
You can have a gunshot wound and they'll let you die of gangrene, folks.
They just don't have doctors for you.
All the money has to go to Halliburton.
But again, it's patriotic to not treat the troops.
I know I'm not patriotic.
I'm against depleting uranium and our troops dying and getting sick, but you know.
Again, that's just how it is.
Japan loses two satellites to solar flares.
The super mega flare that hit us yesterday.
More now hitting us.
Also, Bush approval ratings slip.
We'll get into that.
A bunch of incredible Big Brother news.
Also proposed Social Security deal with Mexico.
Anger some lawmakers.
Not New Mexico.
Mexico, folks.
More on the Terry Schiavo case.
Look, it's a big show.
I'm going straight into the news.
A news blitz.
When we get back, and it's all online at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with me.
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Call the Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
I'm a constitutionalist.
I believe in liberty and freedom, of family, controlling our borders, defending against enemies foreign and domestic, upholding the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
Thanks for joining us on this 30th day of October 2003.
All right, let me launch straight into some of the news I mentioned in the first segment.
And just the Big Brother news alone today, I could spend the whole show on it.
Everything we've warned you about, everything we've diagrammed and laid out, is now unfolding right in front of us.
World government, world ID cards, world biometrics, world passports, world taxes, worldwide micromanagement of you and your family and your life.
A system that dwarfs the surveillance and police state measures in the dystopic nightmare book written by George Orwell in 1984 and Aldous Huxley's Brave New World.
Bin Laden's family wins bid to run Saudi Arabian airports.
Saudi Arabia has awarded five companies a project to privatize airports while the kingdom maintains security over the facilities.
One of the companies awarded the contract to operate a Saudi airport belongs to the family of Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden.
Western intelligence agencies Take off from Saudi Airports.
Again, Western Intelligence Agency said Al Qaeda has been planning to strike Western aircraft that seek to land or take off from Saudi Airports.
The Civilian Aviation Authority will seek to achieve broad private sector participation in running local international airports by privatizing them, except for security operations, Saudi Civil Aviation Chief Abdullah Rahim said.
Saudi Defense Minister Prince Sultan bin Abdul Aziz has completed contracts with five Saudi companies to operate regional and local airports over the next three years.
The contracts were said to have been worth $170 million.
Now again, you have the Bushes in business with the Bin Ladens.
That is George W. since 1976.
That's Fort Worth Star-Telegram before 9-11, by the way, and the BBC.
You have Bush Senior, Emmett of the Bin Ladens, going back to the late 1960s when he was in the CIA and later the Director, right through when he was Vice President in the 1980s.
You have him flying them out to safety in 2001 on September 11th and 12th.
Just one of the flights that stopped 10 times on September 11th picked up 144 of these guys.
They're involved in the terror attacks as minions of the CIA, folks.
That's what they've always been.
The Bin Laden family goes back to a servant family for the British MI5, MI6.
And the precursors of that are Majesty's Secret Service back into the 1930s.
This is mainstream news.
So they are a super asset servant family.
And again, Bin Laden's real name, code name here in the U.S.
that he went by is Tim Osmond.
There's photos of him driving around in his Cadillac, short hair, a whole nine yards back in the 70s.
So that's going on right there.
You talk about having connections with the terrorists.
No one has more connections than George W. and his daddy and James Baker and the rest of this crowd.
It makes me sick.
Sit there and talk about how they're going to take all our rights away to keep us safe while giving Iran nuclear reactors, North Korea nuclear reactors, while arming China, while giving them the missile systems to hit the entire United States.
Now North Korea's got that to hit anywhere in the U.S., whether it's Austin, Texas, or Detroit, Michigan, or Pensacola, Florida, or Albuquerque, New Mexico, or L.A., or New York, or Chicago.
Makes me really angry.
The border stays wide open.
They're announcing that, yeah, it starts out with hundreds of millions, goes into the billions of dollars, Social Security to Mexicans living in Mexico.
As we merge into the Pan-American Union, meanwhile, they're taking people's pension funds, getting rid of Medicare, Medicaid, you name it.
Let's get into some of the war news first.
Two GIs killed in Iraq amid rising attacks.
That's another two Americans killed yesterday north of Baghdad and seven wounded in an ambush in a multinational force patrolling Iraq.
So that happened yesterday.
Seven wounded, two killed in different attacks.
And again, more troops have died since this undeclared war started than died in the first four years of the Vietnam War from 64 to 68.
So very, very serious.
Not to mention the 1,900 times the safe level of depleted uranium all over the major cities of Iraq, including Baghdad and the main presidential palace where the occupation force is based.
Interesting to note that the generals and staff are not staying there, by the way.
But the troops do stay there, and they could care less about you.
We've got it here where they're not treating the troops when they get wounded, or step on a landmine, or get different illnesses.
They're just not given treatment.
They're just warehoused.
Folks, you mean nothing to them.
Every dime goes to Halliburton.
Every dime goes into the military industrial complex.
Every nickel, you get nothing.
Your children are on food stamps, and they've got a nice, big, fat national draft lined up for all of us now.
White House site prevents Iraq material being archived.
I guess about three months ago, memoryhole.com, we have this on prisonplanet.com, saved.
Went and noticed that the White House was editing transcripts, the Associated Press was doing it, stuff on the White House website was being altered, even images, banners behind the President were being altered, photographs were being altered.
Everything's being altered!
I mean, you talk about the running man, this is it!
Wag the dog, this is it, folks!
And they would go in and change transcripts.
Well, now they just won't allow search engines that would save this material to access it.
They've tried to put functions on the White House website where you can't do screenshots and save what they do.
Again, in 1984, Winston works at the Ministry of Lies.
It's called the Ministry of Truth, the media.
And, you know, most of what he does is going back and editing old news stories and destroying the previously printed ones.
And he puts them into a hole in the wall that goes down to a furnace.
It's called a memory hole.
They just have more sophisticated versions of that.
It's like George Bush, in his attack Iraq speech, a week before they went in, when he gave them the ultimatum, actually three days before they went in, he said he wouldn't talk to a reporter who had been asking him serious questions in the past.
He said, no, this is scripted.
I'm not going to let you talk.
And then I saw it, we all saw it, and suddenly all the transcripts said, this is unscripted.
I mean, I witnessed this.
Do you realize how serious this is?
Remember the hundreds of fake letters with fake signatures from the troops?
How much they love the war, how the Iraqis love them?
That's the Pentagon's Strategic Information Office, which admits they lie to you, and that they're producing Jessica Lynch videos with Jerry Bruckheimer.
That's admitted!
Jerry Bruckheimer admitted to the BBC, he produced it!
And now for the whistleblowers, people that were speaking out, They've all died.
People who were there rescuing Jessica.
You had little boo-boos.
Little bullet holes in the backs of your heads.
You're drowning in puddles of water.
You're dying in car wrecks.
Just better keep your mouth shut.
She's our hero.
And the real Hispanic gentleman that was the hero and killed a bunch of Iraqis and was shot and bayoneted.
You never hear his name.
Because he's not a female.
That's right.
We've got to put out this image of women in the military.
Bush is continuing the globalist policy.
But now we're supposed to forget about that.
So just a plethora of lies here.
This White House website effectively prevents search engines indexing and archiving material on the site related to Iraq.
The directories on the site, which can be searched by the bots sent out by search engines, can be limited by means of a file called robots.txt, which Uh, resides in the root directory of a site, and it's only blocking Iraq info.
Mmm, sure it's accidental.
The White House robot text file lists a huge number of directories all related to Iraq.
And, uh, it goes on and on and on.
Of course, there's no attention given to the memory hole, uh, that has been doing the analysis of all this.
Just don't give the alternative media attention.
Talk about how the Democratic National Committee are the ones that discovered it.
Which is ridiculous.
Continuing, U.S.
Army double size of Iraq oil rebuilding contracts.
It's out of AFP.
The U.S.
Army Wednesday doubled the maximum size of massive contracts to rebuild Iraq's war-shattered oil industry to $2 billion.
And the contracts are being awarded directly to Halliburton.
The Army Corps of Engineers said, well, we were going to open these bids up to other companies, but no, Halliburton gets them.
That's AFP.
And if you don't believe the French, I have the Houston Chronicle here.
In front of me.
So you might want to go to InfoWars.com and check that out.
I don't know, you might want to.
BBC reports U.S.
launches anti-insurgency raids.
troops have carried out raids in Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit, arresting a number of people they suspect of planning to carry out attacks on coalition forces in Iraq.
We are targeting what we suspect was a terrorist cell network, Colonel Steve Russell told the Reuters News Agency.
The raid came as the U.S.
voiced suspicion that a former senior member of the Saddam Hussein government was coordinating attacks from the area.
You admit that the Ba'ath Party makes up the majority of your new government?
You paid off the rest of them who left the country, that's admitted.
Give me a break, folks.
You do have some insurgent groups, Shiites and Sunnis, fighting with each other over who's going to run Iraq.
What do you expect?
What did they do before the U.S.
government put Saddam in in 1976?
They were killing each other for hundreds of years.
Tribal warfare.
So now we're in the middle of it?
We're surprised they're killing each other and killing us?
It isn't Saddam Hussein!
What do you think would happen if the Russians came in here and took over D.C.?
You better believe there'd be strongmen, warlords over states, conscripts, armies.
Things would descend into total bedlam.
And then they should!
That would result in kicking the Russians out of here in a Red Dawn scenario.
That's the separation of powers.
But it's just horrible for our troops, and it's terrible.
I don't know.
It just gets worse and worse.
Just a coincidence, four of Jessica Lynch's rescuers have died mysteriously.
Star wrecks, drownings, bullets in the backs of the heads.
Just lots of... I'm going to get to that later.
Six soldiers wait for treatment, United Press International.
More than 400 sick and injured soldiers, including some who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom, are stuck in Fort Knox, waiting weeks and sometimes months for medical treatment.
A score of soldiers said in interviews, and it's thousands in Iraq by the way, You step on a nail, cut your hand off, have a car wreck, get shot, they put you in open cinder block buildings with flies all over you.
That's in the news.
We'll be right back.
Late summer 2003, mainstream press tells us we're having a stock market recovery.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
5-30th of October, 24 minutes into this transmission.
Coming up in the next segment, your calls at 1-800-259-9231.
at 1-800-259-9231.
They've got one of the Defense Department's little minions up saying, "Oh, in testimony,
they're sure that Saddam shipped his weapons seriously to go ahead and start that invasion."
How many lies have they been caught telling us in the past on this subject?
How many lies have I forgotten to mention here?
Wait a minute, you're not patriotic!
No, it's not patriotic to let our troops breathe depleted uranium, At thousands of times the safe level.
It's not patriotic to not give them treatment.
It's not patriotic to not get them good food and clothes and meals.
And these neocon liars on the radio putting up a smoke screen on these issues, that's not patriotic.
And continuing with this news, this is out of United Press International, more than 400 sick and injured soldiers, including some who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom, are stuck at Fort Knox waiting weeks or sometimes months for medical treatment.
The delays appear to have demolished morale, And it says, uh, many said that they had lost faith in the Army and would not serve again and could jeopardize some soldiers' health.
The soldier said, well, sorry, when you sign up for a two-year tour, read the fine print.
It's really a signing up for a 20-plus year tour.
And they're now finding out about that.
The Army Reserve and National Guard soldiers are in what the Army calls medical hold, like roughly 600 soldiers under similar circumstances waiting for doctors at Fort Stewart, Georgia.
There's a whole bunch of these bases.
Bases in New York, bases in Georgia, bases in Alabama, bases in Texas, San Antonio, bases in Iraq.
It's in the thousands and thousands.
We're not sure how many.
Representatives from the office of Senator Kit Bond, Republican, were at Fort Knox Wednesday looking into conditions of the post, following reports of Fort Stewart.
Senate investigators said the medical system of the post was overwhelmed, and they were looking into whether the situation was Army-wide.
Yeah, it's Army-wide, I wouldn't say 100%, but large portions of it.
Army officials at the Pentagon said they are investigating the possibility.
We're absolutely taking a look at this across the Army, and not just at Fort Stewart.
Army spokesman Joe Burless said Wednesday, I joined to serve my country, said Corporal Wayman Boyd, 34.
He served in Iraq with the National Guard's 1175 Transportation Company.
He has been in medical hold since the end of July.
Doesn't make any sense to go over there and risk your life and come back to do this.
Boyd said it isn't fair and it ain't right.
I used to be patriotic.
He has served the military for 15 years.
And it goes on to get into their different injuries and the things they're going through.
And I've gone over this, folks.
I mean, they got people who've been gunshot wounds.
And they just dress it, and you don't get it taken out?
They'll just sit there and let you rot to death.
Again, it's unbelievable, but the neocons say you're a communist if you want the troops to get any type of healthcare.
Okay, well, whatever then.
Japan loses second satellite in solar flare.
That's right.
To Tokyo, Japan's space officials already forced to temporarily shut down one satellite, said Thursday that they've been forced to shut down a second, affected by an electromagnetic storm caused by the largest solar flare observed in decades.
Last Friday was the biggest since 1859.
And there's a lot of other reports of problems, power grid problems and stuff caused by this.
Poll approval ratings slip, Democrats gain.
Oh no, we better vote for Bush or the Democrats will appoint socialist judges.
Seven of the nine of Supreme Court justices were appointed by Republicans.
George Bush, look at his record.
Open borders, gun control.
All this garbage, folks.
All the trash, all the Campaign finance reform, and the UNESCO, and expanding Department of Education, Health and Human Services, on and on and on.
You think Al Gore would be getting away with all this right now?
No way!
Because the neocons would have to stand against him, at least on the surface.
But George W.?
Sky's the limit.
And I hear these weak-minded people calling to these shows, I just love the conservatism of George W.
He wears a cowboy hat.
I love him.
I love surface issues, not the meat and potatoes.
Democratic presidential candidates are gaining ground on President Bush, according to a national poll released Wednesday.
But the president still leads all his potential Democrat opponents in head-to-head match-ups.
And it says the Quinnipiac University poll shows But, uh, again his approval rating just keeps going down and down and things are very dangerous.
I do have an article here where experts are saying look for a manufactured terrorist attack.
Mainstream news, uh, to get those approval ratings back up.
Not for Bush, but for the globalist agenda.
So we'll get into that when we get back.
And then proposed social security deal with the country of Mexico angers some lawmakers.
Women are denied surgery for cancer if they're over 70.
That's your socialized health care.
A bunch of New World Order news.
A bunch of Big Brother news.
Believe me, I haven't even gotten into the real stuff yet.
The really important stuff.
We'll come back and take your calls.
Get into more news.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We rode a blazing saddle...
Alright, welcome back live folks.
About to launch into your calls and a bunch of news.
I do this show live Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central during the day and from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
We go out on the AM and FM dials, simulcast on Global Shortwave at 12.172 and 93.20 during the day and at 5.085 and 68.90 at night.
And on the internet at PrisonPlanet.com, Infowars.net and Infowars.com as well as JonesReport.com or go to GCNlive.com, the network website.
Or we go to Sam and Brock and others that are patiently holding.
Here's the toll-free number on any of the issues of the, well, Halliburton saying that they get all the oil money.
Yeah, nobody gets beds for another 60 days.
They get to hog all that.
And the four people involved in the Jessica Lynch rescue dropping dead, dying in Arkansas type events, or if you'd like to get into Bush's approval rating dropping, which is very scary.
We know what happened when Bill Clinton's approval rating dropped.
We had his convenient Oklahoma City attack, which he a year later admitted, quote, saved his presidency.
We're going to get into a bunch of Big Brother news here in just a few minutes after some calls.
The toll-free number to join us on air on this Thursday edition is 1-800-259-9231.
is 1-800-259-9231.
I have the news articles here.
The first day it was reported that the Army, in the more southerly fires by San Diego, was out doing drills and quote, started the fires.
Now that story's dead and isn't in the national media.
What do you think about them apples?
Again, 1-800-259-9231.
1-800-259-9231. Before we go to Brock in Canada and others, I have a new film out and it's
The Matrix of Evil.
The Matrix of Evil exposed an Alex Jones production with myself, Congressman Ron Paul, Congressman Cynthia McKinney, Colonel Craig Roberts, Frank Morales who's a police state expert, And this is just a clip of a minute of the intro, and you'll hear Ron Paul talk about those in Washington believing in global government, myself talking about their plans, Cynthia McKinney's comments, Frank Morales' comments, Colonel Roberts' comments, just about a minute and ten seconds long.
Here it is, folks.
The American people have failed in their oversight of the integrity of our political system.
The entire economy will be prisons, police in black ski masks, a Nazi Germany-like nightmare.
The final target is the American people.
We need to break that connection between the police and the military.
They're charging for weapons of mass destruction because they have marijuana.
I support the Constitution. We want to get on with my own party.
There really is an Illuminati. There really are 13 families.
They own the big banks, print the money.
They're in our universities and they're in our congresses.
And they believe in one world government.
And plunge the American people into the deepest economic abyss of a generation.
If we have or when we have another attack, it looks like they'll come with more legislation.
Again, problem, reaction, solution, over and over again.
Government uses crises to scare the population into submission.
That is so important to understand.
That is very, very important to understand.
And I hope you'll go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and watch the trailer.
Again, a little bit longer than what you just heard.
To get an idea of what's in this video for yourself, please email your friends and family and neighbors in your email list and let them know that Matrix of Evil is now out.
Some of the best minds in the country coming from different sectors of the political spectrum combine this film to expose an intricate web of deceitful wickedness controlling America today.
Matrix of Evil contains footage from speeches and conversations with Alex Jones, Congressman Ron Paul, Colonel Craig Roberts, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, and Frank Morales, which cover and include how the private banks control the military-industrial complex, expert analysis of the USA Patriot Act, the latest police state developments, global financial policies pushing America and the world into depression, how the neoconservative movement controlling the Bush administration is nothing more than a Trojan horse for big government agenda of ivory tower social engineers, The latest revelations concerning cashless society, control grids, satellite tracking, cell phone tracking, DARPA surveillance, the Indeposit Commentatus, the federalization of local police and governments and much more.
I also confront the Assistant U.S.
Attorney who was at the City Council trying to stop us from getting rid of the Patriot Act.
He of course was defeated.
Government-sponsored terrorism, gun control, political assassination, September 11th cover-up.
Most importantly, Matrix of Evil is chock-full of solutions.
All the dynamic people interviewed for this film agreed that there is a massive awakening taking place in America for the criminal activities of the global elite.
The film is full of documents and archival news footage.
Runtime over two hours.
You need to get it.
I've made 10 films.
When you get three or more, they drop down from $25.95 a piece to $20 a piece.
The new book, Ordered Out of Chaos, is out.
Get a second copy for $11.95.
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That covers the history of government-sponsored terror as well by Paul Watson.
Go to InfoWars.com, go to PrisonPlanet.com to order, or call toll free to order 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100,
Austin, Texas, 78704.
Take action now.
Great Christmas gifts.
Make copies of the videos.
Put them on AXS TV.
Affect change.
You're going to get three videos.
Get Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, and Matrix of Evil.
Or Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, Matrix of Evil, and Police State 3 Total Enslavement, or America Destroyed by Design, or Police State 2000.
They're all excellent.
Okay, let's go to Barack in Canada.
Barack, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Hello, Brock.
I wanted to touch on several things, and it seems to me it's a massive horse race.
We've got America waking up, and even the enforcers of the New World Order not taking the vaccinations, which is good.
And then you've got the troops being treated like garbage.
I do not understand it.
Well, I do.
Let me stop you.
After every major war since Korea, the troops are totally expendable, a total resource, and all they do is put out propaganda about how much they love them, but then they don't take care of them, they give them deadly vaccines, they test biologicals on them.
I mean, how many admitted tests have they done, deadly biological chemical tests on the troops?
They think nothing of any of us!
Go ahead.
Well, I also wanted to mention that the fires in San Diego Do you think they were deliberately set several years ago?
The Feds admitted they set them.
Sir, I have the snippets, a great story on Prison Planet that has the snippets of local news, local TV, local radio, the local text on TV news channels.
It was admitted.
First, over 10 fires started north of Hollywood.
uh... then fires started around san diego and they announced that there was
army drills going on a quote those sets and you know fires that's a minister
well what do you think the purpose of the session those it's a great political aversion from the war
from the police state from all the difference that They always have a new diversion, whether it's a sniper attack or fires.
And we know Bill Clinton set fires.
That's admitted.
John Stossel, folks.
I mean, that's admitted by the White House.
And this thing, Arnold gets to go to Washington, be on TV, talk about how much he loves the people and all the money he's going to get them.
That gets people off the focus of his groping and his hardcore porno mags and the open borders and the gun control and the rest of it and oh, now we gotta have a tax increase in California because of the fires.
Well, and the other thing is Syria and Iran, to me, I would say that The U.S.
wants to get in there and control them.
Well, that is Europe controlling us.
Look, I listen to the radio, I listen to the Senate hearings.
They're beating the drum.
They're going into these countries.
They've told the military they're going in.
And they're just going to have to blow something else up and blame it on Syria or Iran to get that job done.
What is their purpose in going into Syria and Iran?
Just getting control of more of the oil?
It's oil, it's weapons sales, it's insider contracts.
Basically, the $87 billion is a funnel right into George Bush's bank account.
I mean, this is mainstream, admit it.
Just a giant pipeline right into the New World Order's coffers.
The media's coffers, because the defense industry owns the dominant media.
Just a giant cash machine.
And it sets the precedent to take over these countries.
Then Europe says we're a bunch of warmongers when Europe owns us.
And then they play the part of the good cop, and the other Arab nations dump the dollar we plunge.
What's the strategy for Europe, then?
They're going to control us, but then what's the plan?
Yeah, they're going to say, look, it's like this, and this is classic.
The Mafia Don is in London, okay?
And in Paris, okay?
That's where they're based.
Forbes admits that the European families own the majority of our Fortune 500 and the Federal Reserve stock.
They have us do the dirty work as a low-level capo, then they hang us out to dry as a patsy, and make themselves look good as the world rallies around the EU global system.
Then America's economy plunges, and then they say, oh, the EU model is the answer for us, and oh, we've just already set up the Pan-American Union.
Then they have all these articles about how our economy's getting better, when all the real wealth generation is being destroyed and more people are getting poor, but the Fortune 500's getting richer and the government's getting bigger.
What's the purpose, would you say, looking ahead a couple of years?
Make America poor and Europe rich?
Only, again, it's all owned by the same people, but yeah, it's an elaborate shell game.
And they have policy reports.
How did I know this five years ago?
How did I say this would happen five years ago?
Because I read the Globalist White Papers.
There was stuff two years ago where they said, the people know about the world government, To get them to accept world government, we've got to give them a left-wing or right-wing choice to then move the debate on to the next level.
They're masters at neutralizing debate, setting the parameters of discussion.
So it would appear that... It's just more dialectic, more, Europe's the left-wing, we're the evil right-wingers.
See, and then the U.N.
and the E.U.
and all that garbage and world tax is made to look as the polar opposite of America, the new Soviet Union, attacking everyone.
I mean, all over the world, we're the new Soviet Union.
We're the new Hitler.
They hear about all the lies, they see all the corruption, they hear about all the insider trading, all the bid rigging.
That is meant domestically not to be heard, but overseas it's top story.
Is it the grand design to empower the United Nations then?
No I didn't, but boy I'd like to.
your national news just came out basically last night I have the CBC
text of what was said and basically said the government carried out 9/11
did you see that?
No I didn't but boy I'd like to.
They said that eh? Yeah your big national TV came right out and said it see I told you
this would happen they don't have top british ministers and top german
ministers saying it on national TV for nothing
It's all going to come out, but they're going to say, America did it and a right-wing coup did it.
No, the bankers did it through their puppet Bush.
And the bankers did it to launch us into a world government with the United Nations in control?
America takes over countries for them, then they blame us and then say, oh, join the world government to protect you from these rogue nations like America.
Well, the United Nations is going to have to get empowered because they really, you know, they act like people who couldn't wipe their backsides without getting their fingers dirty.
They're the model of incompetence.
Well, that's the perception that they tried to put out there.
But look, the UN is only a gubernatorial governorship, a node of the IMF, World Bank, WTO, Ex-Im Bank, World Settlement Bank, NATO complex.
I mean, of these dozens of major groups, Well, how far do you think we are from a world dictator government?
hundred people are on all their managing boards that set policy that is
administrated through a dictatorial policy by annan and michelle and
wolfowitz and the rest of them and wolverine
well how far do you think we are from a world dictator government or right now
we're in it now it's what degree of it america is waking up
thanks to you and a lot of others who are doing some excellent work i i
I can't tip my hat enough.
Well, a lot of people are waking up, but again, there's the elaborate spin machine of judo taking our energies, twisting it, and firing it back at America.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you.
Appreciate it.
And Mark, who's up next now?
Charlie in Colorado, you're on the air.
Go ahead, sir.
Hello, Alex.
Hey, I had a couple questions I hope you can help me with.
I just don't understand.
Isn't there something inherently wrong with George Bush going around using taxpayer money to raise all these funds for his party?
And also, what does Israel have to do with all the things that you're discussing today?
And I'll just go ahead and let you go, okay?
Okay, thank you for the call.
Actually, the federal government funds a lot of leftist groups that fund Metro La Raza, Black Panther Party, even some of the white supremacist groups that create the dialectic of saying that it's Israel and Jews that run things.
And if people could just be more sophisticated, they'd understand that going back to the Dark Ages, there have been certain classes of goldsmiths, which just so happen to be predominantly Jewish, who have been a servant class, and this is mainstream textbooks, okay?
Servant classes of the crowns of Europe and the Vatican.
The Vatican's been shoved out of things now today from all my research.
Well, you do have an alliance between Nazi eugenics royalty and some people that could call themselves Jewish, who are more white than I am.
Most of them have got blonde hair, blue eyes, and they call themselves Jewish.
And then they have a parasitic relationship where they feed on the Jewish people, on the Israeli people, And now even some left-wing publications on the other side of the coin have been exposing, like counterpunch, that the Zionists actually helped get Hitler into power and supported him and a lot of his top people, Goebbels and others, were supposedly, again, Jewish.
And this is where it gets so crazy, but the reality, you know, it's like the Simon Wiesenthal Center endorsing Arnold Hitler Schwarzenegger, who says he wants to be a dictator, loves Hitler, you know, all this.
And then anybody talking about freedoms labeled anti-Semitic, And so yes, Israel doesn't control America.
America doesn't control America.
What Barry Hamish will tell you, a well-known Jewish writer, written for the Jerusalem Post, you name it, he'll tell you the Bilderberg Group controls Israel.
And the leadership of Israel is either left-wing or right-wing or globalist.
And so it's basically a big cash machine.
Egypt's controlled by the globalists.
And they just... Jordan's controlled by the globalists.
And they just continue this fight going almost forever.
Order out of chaos.
And, you know, the Bible tells us the Antichrist is going to stand up in Jerusalem and declare himself God.
A lot of these neocon Christians will say, Oh, Jesus came back.
He's in the temple.
Let's worship him.
You know, this is where it's all going.
So, you know, it isn't about black or white or Jewish or German.
It's about evil people in power, and they try to make it a racial or nationalistic debate.
When the New World Order controls almost every sovereign nation out there, they're no longer sovereign.
And your first question was about campaign finance.
They doubled the amount of corrupting money that can be given, the corporate money, and restricted what you can give.
And yeah, Bush is flying around with taxpayer money, raising money.
And they're going to use that money, they said in the Statesman, to get rid of Ron Paul.
They're going to use that money to get rid of Senator Bob Smith.
They're going to use that money to target Tom Tancredo.
They rewrote the districts in Texas using RNC money, federally.
Uh, to get rid of, uh, conservative Democrats.
So, Bush's main mission is putting the Democratic Party, real gun grabbers, real abortion pushers, in power, removing conservative Democrats and Republicans.
And that's the facts, folks.
It's a stated goal.
So, uh, truth is stranger than fiction.
We'll be right back.
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The New World Order.
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slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
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Waging war on corruption. Act now.
waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Basically, you know, evil doesn't stay at one spot.
It either gets better or it gets worse.
And we're racing downwards, being pulled headlong into the abyss right now.
We're trying to fire some retro rockets and get us out of this, out of this pit.
But yeah, just the level of corruption.
The more they get away with, the more they try.
I mean, criminals are always like that.
Serial killers, as an example of a psychopath, that's what the globalists are, always get sloppy after a time and get caught.
Let's go ahead and go to Sherry in Texas, then Chris, Martin, John, Ian and others.
Sherry, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
I hope I'm not off topic today.
We never have a topic unless we have a guest on.
Well, when I thought that, I thought, you know, it's all got to do with the same thing, and I haven't been able to call in all week because I've been having to catch it at breaks and at night when I can't call in.
My daughter shared with you some stuff from her school.
I remember that, yeah, talking to you.
Well, Monday, since Monday morning I've been sick to my stomach wishing I could call you up.
I went in late to school because we had awards day at school right here on Manchac Road.
And her dad and I are just waiting for the principal to come out and speak.
Who has been put in last year, got rid of the same principal they had for years, put this new guy in.
And he has a screen behind him and he starts talking about, they're not giving ribbons anymore because, you know, they get lost.
This is memorabilia.
A screen pops up, the kids start walking in one by one.
They don't give ribbons anymore.
The only ribbon they can wear all week, they're having to wear red ribbon for red ribbon week
on "Look at me, I'm drug free."
You know, five and six year olds are drug free.
Yeah, lots of socialist brainwashing.
And you were telling me how they have a, like a threat matrix, color code, if your child's good in front of all the children, and your name's by the color coding for how your child's behaved.
Right, and now it's not, green is like the best, which my daughter has never not been on green.
Well this year, it's not good enough to just be on green.
For good, you can go up to awesome or great, so if she doesn't go up to great or awesome, she's upset.
How come I'm only on good, when it's the best you can be?
Now also, you talked about how your daughter said you can't pick your teeth with one finger.
That's considered a gun threat.
And children draw pictures, they come in and grab them.
Not allowed to say gun.
Now check this out, and it sounds I know with all this, I can swallow the big stuff I grew up around.
You're talking about Manshack Elementary.
I see Army helicopters out there every couple months landing in the schoolyard.
What's that about?
Right here at Red and Manshack.
Yeah, I'm about a mile from there right now.
And this is hair curling because I can handle the whole... I grew up with quite an awareness of what's going on.
So what happened?
What's the new development?
Well, guess what?
Instead of ribbons they're giving them and they're not allowed to bring them home.
And he goes and explains them.
They're all wearing tags!
They're freaking dog tags!
She's on the honor roll.
So her honor roll looks like a dog tag with army colored stripes instead of circles.
Good character award.
They're all colored like cartoon looking.
Well, there are now 20 public school army training camps from Chicago to L.A.
where they're sending the children.
This is the model they want to shift to.
And under the new Secure Corps, all the children And to graduate, you'll have to have two years of service, and it says warrant service, fugitive apprehension, gun confiscation.
This has been in the mainstream news, Philadelphia news.
This is the new national model.
So they're getting them ready, not only for the RFID tag, which he made a boo-boo the second speech he gave about this new great award system.
He said, and you can try the next nine weeks to get one you didn't get this nine weeks.
You can get your new ID tag.
And it's also getting them ready for that dadgum mandatory draft.
Where are all these parents?
Friends of mine, which you know, down to parents.
I can handle people that don't have kids not being as aware, but everybody going, well, I don't have time to think about it, or I just have to live my life.
I just want to enjoy my life.
I can't go floating on the lake, man, you know, for hours at a clip.
You know, when I know there's somebody we can be telling to... Absolutely, Sherry.
Thanks for the call.
Second hour, more calls, more news, straight ahead.
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You are listening to GCN.
Big Brother. Mainstream media. Government cover-ups.
You want answers? Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
If you thought the millions of dollars that Halliburton is getting with no beds allowed for anyone else is bad...
The Army Corps of Engineers, controlled by the White House, says for another 60 days, nobody else is allowed to bid on the new oil contracts until Halliburton basically has all the new ones for the $87 billion extra they're getting.
That's the Houston Chronicle and AFP.
Bin Laden's family wins bid to run Saudi airports.
Same folks, they flew out of the country on 9-11.
Two more GIs killed yesterday, seven wounded in two separate ambush attacks.
Well, just a bunch of other news.
Some of the folks that were blowing the whistle about Jessica Lynch not being a hero, who were involved in the rescue, are dropping dead left and right.
Record solar flare knocks out multiple satellites yesterday, and now they're saying more are on their way.
Six soldiers wait for treatment, sometimes for months, with serious injuries.
That story's breaking, and it looks like it's Army-wide.
That's from United Press International.
Bush's approval rating is plunging now from 48 to 42 percent, depending on which major poll you look at.
That should make us all very concerned.
Proposed Social Security deal with Mexico, that's the country of Mexico, angers some lawmakers.
Well, yeah, it certainly should anger and concern everyone.
And I've got a ton of really important Big Brother news here as well that we're going to be getting into.
But right now, let's go ahead and talk to Chris.
Chris, where are you calling us from, sir?
Welcome to the Airwaves.
Actually, yesterday I got a magazine in the mail called Ministries Today.
I've been subscribing to that.
And they have an article in there called, The Dark Side of End Time Teaching.
And all it is, is basically bashing end time teachings.
And it starts out saying that Marilyn Manson, the guy's already sick in the head, said that the reason he's all screwed up was because of end time teachings and stuff like that.
So our Christian magazine is quoting Marilyn Manson?
And I guess they warn us about evil right-wingers, I'm sure?
Oh yeah, they say.
Here's a paragraph I'm going to read it to you real quick.
they're getting their federal funds, by the way they have funded faith-based,
just the big funding's been held up. See now the local Baptist Church has UN Day,
Anti-Gun Day, and they say watch out for these people that are against microchips.
Pat Robertson says you know the chips are pretty good, Arnold's pretty good.
Here's a paragraph, I'm going to read it to you real quick.
It says, "End time conspiracy theories influenced many ordinary
people and more noted ones such as David Koresh and his followers."
Oh, yes.
The Weaver family on Ruby Ridge, Timothy McVeigh, I didn't even know he was a Christian, and Christian conspiracy theorists such as Norman Olson, Dean Compton, two of America's most noted Bible-quoting militia leaders who express end-time angst and conspiracy fears.
Yeah, so, and this is a Christian magazine put out by what Christian group?
Uh, I don't, I think it may be interdenominational.
Sounds like Jay Sekulow to me.
Watch out for these people that, well you know Pat Robertson says forced abortion is what China has to do and you're a liberal if you're against abortion.
Yeah that kind of stuff's crazy and then why?
Well I mean look, the point is there are Trojan horses everywhere hitting us and hitting us hard.
One of the ads on an opposite side of the page, it gives you an ad for the faith of George W. Bush.
Oh, yes.
Oh, well look, Bohemian Grove and Skull and Bones, I guess for them, is Christian.
Yeah, that's what I was saying to some others whenever I was quoting this magazine in here.
Well, I hope you drop your subscription to that trash.
Oh, I probably will, yes.
Here's another one.
Sons, daughters, and wives desperately try to reach theorists who ...may have liquidated his 401k to buy gold guns, build a shelter, stockpile food that later goes to waste, or generates generators that sit idle.
So basically they're... See?
And these bad Mormons, they're canning food too.
We just gotta deal with them.
That's basically this whole article just about talking bad about how all these end times... And you notice I knew what would be in the article before you even mentioned it.
Because I know.
I mean, it's the same.
Might as well be the same story a thousand times a month.
I see it.
True Christians worship government.
True Christians are against firearms.
True Christians believe our Christ will soon be in Jerusalem.
We will worship him in the temple.
I've actually heard them.
Anything else you'd like to add?
Thank you.
Thank you.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the new world order really is, This is my new two and a half hour video.
Police Day 3 is for you!
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll free 1-888-253-3139.
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Big Brother.
new millennium at triple eight eight zero three four four three eight not yet
available in Iowa big brother mainstream media government cover-ups
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Yeah, the new neocon teaching in the so-called Christian Church is UN Day, anti-gun meetings, whether it's Catholic or Protestant, we're seeing it nationwide.
Worship the government.
Follow every order of the government.
Romans 13 out of context.
There's going to be a world government led by Jesus from Jerusalem.
Our leader will soon be among us.
The microchip isn't bad.
Biometrics is good.
Abortion is okay in China.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is of God.
I mean, this is the new system.
And so if you're against a world government or a microchip or RFID tracking system, you are of the devil.
You're actually evil.
I'm not kidding, because I listen to Christian radio and I hear it creeping in now.
That we'll soon have our leader, yes, soon there at the temple in Jerusalem.
Oh, worship him!
I mean, that's what the Bible says the Antichrist will do.
Now it's happening.
And people are going to be given the great delusion.
They're going to, oh, it's our Christ!
Our Christ!
He says work with all the religions.
He's for all peoples.
And even if you're an atheist, you should be scared about this.
I'm a Christian.
Because you can see government using this religion of the West, the true religion, the true faith, I should say, is going to be used for this beast system.
I know a lot of atheists, a lot of agnostics who can at least admit that, yeah, it does look like the government's trying to set up what the Bible talked about as a good system for evil to control us.
And then they'll try to say, oh, well, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Well, it is happening.
So, again, you're going to be a heretic if you don't worship the one world leader, the man of peace.
Why are you against the Christ ruling from Jerusalem?
You're up the devil!
You're against the Patriot Act!
You're against Arnold Schwarzenegger!
Michelle, that's... You're against our president given to us by God, the Christian George W. It's so sick!
It's so... If you had a nickel's worth of discernment, the discernment of an aphid, the discernment of a possum, You'll be able to see this, just the wickedness.
Tex Mars has got a new video where he shows a lot of the so-called Christian leaders doing the devil sign, uh, you know, praising the devil.
And I've seen this for years watching TBN.
A lot of you go, don't you talk about my TBN!
Okay, fine!
Just be idiots, okay?
Just endorse Arnold Schwarzenegger.
I mean, imagine, you know, if your favorite talk show host you found out was in hardcore gay porno mags and loved Hitler.
You'd probably say they were evil, but now, oh well, it's good.
That's a real sign of Christianity.
I don't want to get off into a side issue because we've got loaded phones here with Martin and John and Ian and, oh, I don't know who that is, Manuel in Pennsylvania, Ed in Pennsylvania, and many others.
But let me just news blitz for like five minutes and then I'll Get back into your calls here in just a momento.
This is out of the Pensacola News Journal.
Proposed Social Security deal with Mexico angers some lawmakers.
Hundreds of millions of dollars in Social Security payments may someday be headed south of the border.
They're already passing the law.
Social Security Administration spokesman said U.S.
and Mexican officials are continuing informal discussions about a political agreement that would allow millions of Mexicans working here to collect U.S.
Social Security benefits in Mexico.
Of course they have dual citizenship and it's meant to break up the Southwest.
Women are denied surgery for cancer if they're over 70.
Now this is what socialized health care is about.
First, it's well if you're a drinker, you're a smoker, you don't get health care.
Because we're socialized, we're paying for the mistake you made.
That's the sick mindset.
And it's nothing more than eugenics.
Now it's, well, you're too old, or you're too infirm, or you had a predisposition for genetic problems.
You can't get the insurance.
Women are denied surgery for cancer of their over 70.
London Telegraph.
Thousands of older women are being denied surgery for their breast cancer.
You've already got to wait a year for brain surgery.
Because of their age, a cancer surgeon will claim today.
Ian Fentman, professor of surgery and oncology at Guy's and St.
Thomas' Medical School, London, says that as a result, many die needlessly from cancers which are potentially curable.
Instead of surgery, men and women over 70 are only given a standard breast cancer drug.
Tamoxifen, well yeah, you can make more money off giving them that drug over two years as they die.
But in many cases without tests, which could show whether the drug was likely to work for them or not, or even the type of cancer.
Professor Fittman, an eminent cancer surgeon, is speaking at a debate today run by Cancer Research UK and help the age to raise awareness of age discrimination in the treatment of breast cancer.
He told the Telegraph yesterday, older women are dying needlessly because of this attitude.
These deaths are happening largely because there is better treatment available and they are not getting it.
And again, it's the new bioethics boards.
They say that you're too old, your life isn't worth continuing, kill you!
Coming up with a Terri Schiavo update.
The lawyers and the judges have said if she can't eat food with a spoon, if she can't quote eat a ham sandwich, her quality of life isn't worth saving her.
This is the new system.
He told the One Telegraph, older women are dying needlessly because of this attitude.
These deaths are happening largely because there is better treatment available.
They're not getting it.
The practice is very widespread across the nation.
It must run into thousands because doctors believe that these women are too old for operations.
Decisions not to operate are made purely on the grounds of age, with doctors saying the patients are too frail.
And already you can be 15 years old with a brain tumor, lung cancer, whatever, and you gotta wait six months to a year.
I've watched the debates in the House of Commons.
And Tony Blair goes, it's, one guy goes, it's a year and a half.
And Tony Blair goes, that's not true, I have the statistic.
Only 8.7 months!
They're not denying it.
Well, don't you want to live like that?
Don't you want socialized medicine?
We already got fascist medicine where they socialize it for you and then privatize the profits.
and uh... that's a that's coming up tied into the terry shivo case
but here in just a uh... few minutes by continuing with the calls authorities warned about eric
harris now coming out they got warnings about those guys
weeks before multiple warnings of what was going to happen columbine killers known two years prior to now coming out
so years months weeks days
bunch of gun control news.
Clark favors gun locks and registries and a bunch of other stuff.
They claim the economy's getting better.
Total propaganda.
We'll get into that.
Unmanned aerial drones.
Ray Spector, a big brother in the U.S.
Richmond Times Dispatch.
Talking eyes to target criminals.
Now the cameras on the street corners of your neighborhood are going to have telescreens on them that are going to shout orders at you.
That's the London Telegraph.
That is total 1984.
Applied Digital seeks OK to market Verichip widespread.
New $20 bills cause self-checkout glitches.
They're phasing out the checkout lanes, going to the casual society.
China focuses a Big Brother eye on the net.
They talk about how tyrannical they are, but our own government's doing that.
E-vote software leaked online.
Turns out another big electronic voting company has backed doors into all the voting systems.
Folks, that's just some of what's coming up.
Right now, let's go back to the calls.
Let's talk to Martin in Illinois.
Martin, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Alex, thanks for having me on your show.
Long time with our first-time caller.
I go back to the days when you took over for Larry Nichols.
That's how long.
Well, Alex, I like to monitor enemy broadcasts, and I was out surfing the web, and I came across a website, and you're going to love this.
Yeah, I've been to it.
You've been to it?
Did you read the one about another big bush light, the number of casualties in Iraq?
Well, I know that the casualties are much higher and they got this socialist group, this racist group, out doing that to get legitimacy talking about it.
Well, they state that the British newspaper, The Observer, reports that 6,000 troops have been medevaced in Iraq since March 20th.
Yeah, I have the articles, and there's at least 380-plus killed since then, and that's why they split up curtains so you can't see how many coffins are coming off the jets under a presidential order.
What else?
I've got another one for you.
They also state on there that Forty thousand troops in Iraq are non-citizens and undocumented soldiers.
Washington Times article two years ago where it said that they want
Mexican troops but illegals who quote are aggravated felons that's who,
and this is the Washington Times
just like Stalin wanted foreigners who were criminals they want foreigners who are criminals
and over forty thousand of those in the field are there and the highest
rate of the new people signing up are illegal aliens from Eastern Europe and
Latin America yep I got one more thing
uh... as far as the economy go to tell us how wonderful it is
I was watching an investment banker on an obscure UHF frequency here on the television.
He said today that home foreclosures are rapidly on the rise in Northern Illinois.
Sir, I have a friend who put an ad in the paper.
The last time we did it two years ago, we got about 10 respondents.
He got over 200.
And to go back to what you said about the foreign troops, that's the foreign troops right there, folks.
Tens of thousands of them in active duty.
Tens of thousands more in the military.
And they quote want aggravated felons.
Folks, I know that sounds insane.
I probably read that article ten times on air a couple years ago.
I mean, folks, how much more insane and out in the open can the tyranny get?
That's the question, Martin.
What do you say?
I got nothing else to say.
I gotta get off to work.
Thanks for taking my call.
Hey, I appreciate it.
Good to hear from you.
It's been less than five, six years.
It's now called in, good to hear from you.
John in Tennessee, go ahead.
Yes, I've got a couple observations about the arson fires in California.
TV's showing firemen setting backfires with almost no video of firemen or citizens putting out fires, cutting down trees, or bulldozing fire breaks.
They should call in the militia.
The governor should call out volunteers with bulldozers, you name it, and yeah, people will get hurt.
Have them sign a liability form if they want to fight these fires.
I guarantee you folks would do it and get out there.
Well, the smoke from the fires, even from satellite, it's just covering all of California almost.
Smoke is a byproduct of all burning hydrocarbons in condensed water, H2O.
This means the smoke clouds are a combination of ash and water.
Now that could be cloud-seeded for rain to put out the fires.
They've got the technology, why aren't they doing it?
I tell you what, John, stay there, I'll let you finish up.
And Manuel and Ed and many others.
It's all coming up.
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Ten-minute update.
Melinda Kennedy, one of the lawyers, has been working on the Terry Schiavo case with some of the latest developments.
And the incredible media spin saying that, OK, she's not in a coma, she's brain damaged, but still her quality of life's
not good, so let's go ahead and kill her.
That's coming up, and of course, all these calls will get to you here very soon.
Linda Kennedy won't be on with us long, but I appreciate her coming on the show.
And then a bunch of big brother police state New World Order news that I just mentioned.
Now the cameras are going to shout orders at you if you're walking suspiciously or if you don't look proper.
Mainstream news.
And the blimps are going to be looking through your walls.
The big issue that just came out.
National Geographic says it's for your safety.
We'll be going over all that.
But for the next four minutes, Jim Shepard joins us of New Millennium Concepts.
And we've just got a day or two left of the October specials.
And Jim, you did a food coloring test that all the other filters fail on.
It's your new Berkey black element defeated.
No food coloring coming out on the other side.
Another test.
And then I have an article here out of the Denver Post about the streams and rivers full of birth control, Prozac, you name it.
But tell us about this new test and the specials.
Well, I like this test because, Alex, this is a test that folks can do at home.
You know, Jim, your phone's having a problem.
Maybe it's our board.
I'm hearing the sound between you and I. Okay.
Can you hear me okay?
It was really distorting bad.
Yeah, I'm getting some sort of an echo on here.
Yeah, well, that's, yeah, you know.
Okay, anyway.
It's better now, go ahead.
Okay, I like this test, Alex, because this is a test that the folks can do at home.
You can test your own water filtration system to see if it's powerful enough, you know, for your desires.
And simply put some food coloring into, if you've got a gravity filter, put some food coloring, about a teaspoon, In the upper chamber, if you've got one of those ones that you hook up to your faucet, just kind of put it, disconnect it from the faucet, put it down the tube, or if you've got one of those kinds with a chamber under the sink, disconnect or turn off the water, open up the chamber, pour a teaspoon of red food coloring in there and see if it makes it through the filter.
If it does, you're probably not getting the filtration in the removal of the contaminants that you want.
The black Berkey filter elements will remove the food coloring entirely.
Well, I'll tell you what, Jim, I really appreciate you coming on with that.
We've got the phone system hooked up wrong.
I'm going to have to let you go.
That sounds great.
Okay, I really appreciate you coming on.
Thank you, sir.
You bet.
Yeah, we may have to go to rebroadcast.
Creek has trace of chemicals, and it says, but study finds water still meets standards.
This is out of the Denver Post today.
Every day, every couple days when I have these folks on, but every day, I'm seeing news articles like this.
You know, Dallas with the Prozac and other stuff, all over Colorado, Boulder.
Boulder Creek contains traces of chemicals, including birth control hormones, over-the-counter painkillers, allergy medications, and residue from household cleaning products, according to study results released Tuesday.
The study conducted by the U.S.
Geological Survey found the water meets quality standards, but also contains more than 40 organic compounds.
It goes on, the water from Boulder Creek flows through various rivers until it finally empties into the Gulf of Mexico, although on its way it is used by agriculture, industry, and as drinking water by a number of communities.
So, they found a bunch of this in the water, but the government says it's good for you, don't worry about it.
It is unclear how humans and wildlife were affected by the chemicals in the water.
Most of the compounds found by the study are not regulated, and therefore have not been tested to determine effects of long-term, low-level exposure.
But it's not low-level, because there's hundreds of different things.
Herbicides, pesticides, chloride, fluoride, chlorine, MBTE, Prozac, birth control, estrogen, all this over-the-counter junk.
If you're not filtering your water, I mean, this is a public service here.
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I mean, you're nuts if you don't get this.
Give New Millennium Concepts a call.
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The Big Berkey, Black Berkey system, built right here in America.
That's 8-8-8-8-0-3-4-4-3-8.
And they're there right now, folks.
They've got some really good specials on black Berkey replacement elements, on the Berkey light system, on the solar charger that charges the LED lights that go in it.
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And just stop drinking the poison that's in the water.
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It's not, you know, some super unproven thing.
It's just real, clean water.
Highest quality systems.
Alright, we'll come back and go to your calls and a bunch of news.
We've got Linda Kennedy with an update.
Maybe that phone system's working.
And a lot more.
So definitely stay with us.
But call folks and get the water filters.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Hello folks, Alex Jones here introducing you to the Black Berkey Replacement Elements.
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Black Berkey Replacement Elements are so powerful they remove pathogenic bacteria, cysts, parasites to non-detectable levels.
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Get the powerful Black Berkey Replacement Filters now by calling New Millennium at 888-803-4438 and tell them Alex Jones sent you.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Folks, we're 33 minutes and 20 seconds into This second hour.
And coming up, we're going to go to Ian and Manuel and Ed and Rhonda and many others that are patiently holding.
But for the next ten minutes or so, I want to introduce you to Linda Kennedy.
She's been on the show several times.
She's a great lawyer, did a lot of great research.
She was disbarred for exposing corruption in her state.
That's now going to the Supreme Court.
She's been involved for now, I guess, about a month in the Terry Schiavo case.
We've been involved for several months covering this.
As it came to a head last week, And now the media and the harbingers of death, the culture of death, are going, well, people are really in comas when they're blinking their eyes and smiling at their mother and opening their eyes when you're telling them to and when they have all this brainwave activity.
Yeah, well sure, she was eating a few years ago, but Michael Schiavo won't let them feed her in her mouth, and they got doctors and nurses saying she could have been rehabilitated, but that's, you know, you're a vegetable when that happens, and Michael Schiavo, Michael Cockroach Schiavo's Lawyers said in court papers that, well, if she can't eat with a spoon, she's not worth living.
And joining us to go over this and give us a rundown of the basic info and the latest developments is Linda Kennedy.
Linda, thanks for coming on.
Well, thanks for having me, Alex, and thank you to your listener.
You bet.
You know, Alex, the most recent thing that's happening that I'm at liberty to even discuss right now is the hearing that went off yesterday.
And, of course, they're making this an alleged constitutional issue.
I think your listeners are very well informed, as you've been educating them, that the Founding Fathers stated that the judiciary has the weakest branch of government, and warned us that if this ever changed, we would be under a state of tyranny.
With the late 1800 case of Marbury v. Madison, there was a huge judicial grab where the judiciary decided that they had the last say on what the Constitution said.
And it goes legislative, executive, judicial, in the degree of power.
That's how it's supposed to be.
But for well over 100 years, it's not been that way.
I don't have much hope, honestly, that we will win on this particular issue, because to do so, it would require tyrannical judges who did the power grab to give the authority back to the people, and I very highly doubt that's going to happen.
The actual language of the issue yesterday is that George Phelous, the UN-supporting New Age attorney for Michael Schiavo, has asked that the court permanently, I'm quoting, permanently bar any official from interfering with the court's decision to have the feeding tube removed.
And of course, as you know, the ACLU has also joined in that fight.
Unfortunately, what I think is going to happen is we're going to lose on this particular issue.
And my concern is that the judge, even though this will be appealed, will then go forth with the death sentence of Terry Schiavo, plus the order itself that Jeb Bush signed.
Allegedly expires on November 5th.
So, you know, either way, we're talking about a woman who's just being ripped to pieces, ripped to shreds by people who want to pass an agenda.
She's been tortured.
She's been tortured for 13 years.
Denied therapy.
The media tried to lie and say she was in a coma.
Now they're calling her severely brain damaged.
That's a fraud.
And talk about, in some of these filings, Michael Schiavo's lawyer, what he says she has to be able to do or she's a vegetable.
Okay, yeah, that is just so ludicrous.
Let me define what permanent vegetative state means in the Florida statutes, okay?
It says, in quotes, permanent and irreversible condition of unconsciousness.
Now that already takes Terri Schiavo right out of that picture, unless we redefine unconscious now.
In which there is the absence of voluntary action or cognitive behavior, and again, I'm now speaking for myself, that means that anything she did has to be an involuntary reflex, and that's how the defense is trying to coin everything she's done.
It's an involuntary reflex, or it's not happening enough to make it voluntary.
You know, I mean, it's just bizarre how they're rewriting common sense.
And then the end of the statute, or of any kind, that she cannot have any voluntary action of any kind.
And she's already had voluntary action.
The tapes support that.
On appeal, then, George Phelos, the attorney for Michael Scheibel, has set a very high standard for personhood.
Here's what he said, in quotes.
The litmus test is whether or not a person can bring a spoon to their mouth, he said.
And then he also argued that it would be poor public policy to let her live, and finally he inferred that to be counted among the living, one must at least be able to quote, ask for a ham sandwich.
Now let's go ahead then and get rid of Christopher Reeve.
Well, that's what they're basically saying.
You know, this particular judge has been reported to be legally blind.
So, you know, if we're talking about competence, which the actual statute says, if someone is not competent, then the judge has first priority over whether that person lives or dies.
So, you know, is there a judicial immunity on competence?
Because, you know, he fits the description.
If you can't see according to the statute, then you don't have competence.
Well, this is also, again, a precedent-setting case, and that's why Uh, the federal government, the ACLU and others want to set this precedent because they've already been killing a lot of people like this in the hospitals.
The quotes you gave about the spoon to the mouth, that's actually a Peter Singer quote, the culture of death, uh, guru, who calls babies subhuman, old people worthless, retarded children, uh, mackerel, you know, all these different names.
And they say that the bioethics boards of government of hospitals will decide if your life is worth living.
That's now the definition for killing you, and that's just what they're continuing here.
So now they're having to abandon saying she's a total vegetable and moving on to, well, if she can't do jumping jacks or po-vault over the Empire State's building, let's get rid of her.
Exactly, and you know, you could hear the agenda very early in this case when Jeb Bush said, you know, we should, you know, see if she can really eat by herself before we put her to death.
So he was giving with one hand but showing the agenda with the other.
And if you recall, Alex, initially they were saying she was in a coma.
And the video came out and all of a sudden, you know, they had a problem.
The truth was, you know, basically saying that she was not in a coma.
Let me just say this too.
Uh, we have multiple doctors, multiple nurses that treated her over the last 13 years that say, this woman could have been rehabilitated, she's eaten jello, she's eaten bread, she's drunk food, uh, but she's gotten worse and worse as she lays there for 13 years not having her teeth brushed, not being given antibiotics for, uh, for infections.
This is torture.
And again, the media is doing a good job of covering this all up, but again, a lot of people through this show, through David Joyce's show, are starting to learn the truth of what's happening.
It's horrible to sit here and watch this happen.
It is, Alex.
And if you wouldn't mind, let me take you through what they are trying to do here.
Do you have a minute?
Yeah, let's do that.
So we started out with, she's in a coma.
Well, the video came out and it showed she was in a coma.
So the Fox and the CNN went out there and said, coma case, coma case, coma case.
Well, they were showing you her eyes open, her smiling, responsive, and they were trying to brainwash the public into saying, okay, that's a coma.
Well, there was a public outcry and they said, that is not a coma.
So now they have another agenda.
So now they're trying to say, that a coma is not the same as a permanent vegetative state.
And what they're after is this permanent vegetative state now.
So we've cornered them into that.
And they're also using the same thing with unplugged.
You know, they started with saying she had to be unplugged.
Well, the truth showed that she wasn't plugged into anything.
So they went from remove or insert a feeding tube into unhooking a feeding tube,
insinuating that she's plugged in.
Yeah, semantical deception.
So what they're going to do with this case is if it goes up, they're going to decide on this right to life, right to die, which has already been decided.
It's not even an issue, even though it is an issue for us.
They're going to redefine right to die as the government killing you.
They're trying to define a permanent vegetative state without that ever being an issue in the case.
So that's what they're going to do.
They're going to go on a right-to-die platform and argue that, which has already been decided in their favor.
And then when that wins, they will use the permanent vegetative state definition that was never decided as what the definition is.
So that's exactly what they're doing right here.
And let's make it clear, there are people who are paralyzed, shoulders down, saying, honey, can I please have some water that they've killed in Florida.
We've had Wesley Smith on several times for the Wall Street Journal.
He wrote a new article for the Weekly Standard, I believe.
Two days ago, that's on Prison Planet.
This is out there.
This is the facts, folks.
And they're setting this precedent.
I cannot repeat that enough.
How important is precedent in the law?
Is that not what they, in the modern system, look at?
Well, they look at it when it favors them, and they change it just like they are now, when it doesn't favor them.
You know, the fact is, she's not in a permanent vegetative state, so they're just gonna change things around so that it looks like they're following a precedent, but they're really not.
But it is encouraging that it blew up in their face.
Over the weekend going well, eyes open, following a balloon, mumbling at mommy, smiling.
That's a vegetable.
People just do that by accident.
She's brain dead.
And then they ignore all the medical reports that this woman could have been rehabilitated.
That's right.
And the thing is, the bottom line, folks, it's the people out crying.
You have to educate the public.
And we've got plenty of tools out there, these shows.
Get into these shows and have them listen.
We've got the fact sheet out there.
You know, Dave Van Clyde has that awesome music and it names Judge Greer right in there.
We have to let them know that they are going to be shamed in the public.
We're not just going to let them take cheap shots at the American people.
I don't care who it is.
And get away with it.
Give folks your website.
Okay, it's WBF.
That stands for Walking by Faith.
And if you hit Terry's site, Facts, you'll get to a whole bunch of facts and issues that need to be addressed or that are being kept.
Linda Kennedy, we'll keep checking in with you every couple days, and God bless you for your tireless work.
And you too.
Take care, you're awesome.
And I would encourage everybody to also go to PrisonPlanet.com and click on Terry's flight.
We have all six of the video clips there in one spot.
They automatically load.
Just hit the play button.
And email out that URL to everybody so that they can see what's really happening and tell them to go to Linda Kennedy's site and look at the fact sheet.
It's excellent.
Okay, let's go to the calls.
Thank you for holding callers.
Ian in Canada, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, sir.
I called you a couple of days ago to give you a heads up on the CBC Fit the State documentary on 9-11, which was broadcast last night.
I wanted to report that it was a watershed event, but it was not.
It was just the typical Mind-numbing, psyops presentation.
Well, I'm reading the text of what was said.
I mean, they came out and said, did the government pilot the plane?
Did Bush have knowledge?
Why didn't Orad stand down?
I mean, it's better than nothing.
Yeah, but you saw it.
If you were watching it, you would have detected that the snide tone and the graphics that were presented said conspiracy theory, and they referred to people who peddle conspiracy theories.
They promoted the show with a studio interview soundbite from a studio interview with a former sheriff whom you must know, Michael Turner, Michael Rupert, who made the direct accusation that the government was criminally culpable.
They presented those soundbites at the beginning of the show.
They never went back to him and dealt with that.
They got mired in the Bush connections with Bin Laden and Saudi money.
They never talked about the events of the day, except for the planes or whatever crashed into the Pentagon.
They never got into the mining of the Twin Trade Towers, the manipulation of airline stocks.
You could give the whole list right now if you wanted to.
Well that's too bad.
I've got the CBC News 5th Estate synopsis here.
And it says on October 29th at 9pm the 5th Estate begins its 29th season of investigative journalism.
Join our host And it says, uh, for another season of challenging and thought-provoking documentaries, the Fifth Estate begins.
The season with a story as fresh and immediate as today's headlines.
On September 11, 2001, pilotless airplanes were guided into the World Trade Center by homing beacons.
It wasn't a plane that hit the Pentagon, but a missile.
Air Force planes weren't scrambled to intercept the hijacked planes that morning because the White House was behind the events of that tragic day.
Definitely outlandish.
There are lots, and there's question marks, lots of people who believe that at least some of the parts of these stories are true.
And then it goes on to describe what was in the piece, but I didn't see it, so you say it was a whitewash.
It was more than that.
It was a bait-and-switch.
Pull people in with a provocative... Well, I heard three separate neocons on the radio yesterday.
National neocons going, George Bush had nothing to do with this.
Anybody that says it is a traitor.
Flipped channels.
Same thing being said.
They get the talking points en masse to roll this out.
Because we're hurting them, and we're going to go on exposing them.
Well, it's just more of the same psychological warfare that's going on.
They baited the people in to watch it, then they numb them and they turn them off, getting mired in side issues like everybody knows.
But I don't think it's working, do you?
Well, it's really up to God in heaven.
We cannot waste emotional energy worrying about A presentation like that, that's over.
We've got to just move on.
Thanks for the call.
Appreciate it.
Let's talk to Manuel in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, sir.
How you doing, Alex?
As far as that 9-11 thing, you know, I wore a government-sponsored terrorist shirt to a shopping center here, crowded.
And I was surprised by the responses I got.
People shaking their heads, nodding.
Some people just shaking their heads in dismay, but you can see in their looks when they look at you, like, Yeah, you're right, they did it.
What did your t-shirt say?
Uh, it had the 9-11 tie, was in flames, and said, government-sponsored terror, and in the back it had a couple facts.
Oh, that's Paul Watson's shirt.
Uh, yes it is, as a matter of fact.
That's a good shirt.
Oh, but what I called in about was, you talk about the left wing being energized.
That's what this is about.
It's about a counter-revolution that Bush is building.
It's the dialectic.
Go ahead.
Check this out.
This left wing, I monitor Radio Havana Cuba, but you gotta be careful when you listen to these guys.
And they have Noam Chomsky on saying Bush is going to carry out terror.
Well, check this out.
These guys, they went from being almost in a cadaver-like state to now being a true South Park slugger.
You know why?
P-Neck is why.
Bush portraying to be a conservative is why.
Bush is foreign policy.
Bush coupling with Israel.
That is why.
They use all these things.
This props up these other regimes because they can point at us and say, there's the bad man.
Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, these guys are amino acids to these guys.
These guys, they're all pumped up on air.
They're reading from out of PNAC and acting like this is the new conservatism.
They're calling them the Bush imperialists.
They actually call them cowboys.
They actually do say that.
Meanwhile, Bush is taking, allowing flights back in, taking off the sanctions.
You got, listen to this, you got these guys calling for the U.S.
To proceed to the U.N.
and for the U.N.
to stop letting the U.S.
abuse its veto power.
And what did I say was going to be... Did I not say exactly that would happen?
See, look, you're absolutely right.
That's what I'm telling you.
I'm backing you up.
You're right on point.
When these guys talk amongst each other and their consensus is, we need to stop the U.S.
from using its veto power, let the U.N.
apply its international court powers, because they're protecting Israel.
Ramming all these powers.
They're killing off the Palestinians.
They also, they're using that also to call for an equitable system of social and economic justice in a new international economic order.
And while Bush... The foreign minister actually called for that.
And while Bush on the surface acts like he's against the UN, he signs on for UN taxes, he signs on to UNESCO, while he's actually building all that for the next president, and then you'll have Bill Clinton as the Secretary General, and we'll be double teamed.
This is carefully crafted, you see.
It's like in boxing.
Every true slugger And hurt you with either his left or right hand.
People who don't know would listen to these guys and say, well, wow, I was wrong.
A communist must be good.
Oh, yeah.
You know, these communists, hey, listen, my father, who never agrees with me, was listening to these guys, and he said, well, wait a minute.
That's what you say.
And I say, oh, here I go.
By letting my father hear this, now I got myself into a whole other heap of trouble.
He's always saying, wait a minute.
How are you saying what the communists are saying?
He's not sophisticated to understand that they're hijacking What this perpetrator, Bush, is using as a so-called conservative... And I said years ago that was the plan.
They got white... They got... Give your dad the white papers that are out there.
In fact, I'll try to remember some of them and mention them after the break.
More calls coming up.
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planet dot com or by calling 1-888-253-3139. That's 888-253-3139.
We've got a whole other hour coming up.
And I'm going to get the callers out of the way.
They've been holding the longest.
Then I'm going to get into all this big stack of Big Brother and police state and gun control news.
And then we'll go back into calls.
But, you know, we had Jim Shepard on and a button was down wrong or something so we had to let him go.
But I was looking at this Denver Post article.
I could spend an hour on this.
Creek has traces of chemicals.
And it goes on.
Boulder Creek contains traces of chemicals including birth control, hormones, Over-the-counter painkillers, allergy medications, and residue from household cleaning products.
And it goes on.
It's definitely not just Boulder Creek, said Sheila Murphy, a hydrologist with the USGS, U.S.
Geological Survey.
It's just like all the other areas where people live in their streams.
And they admit this goes right into your drinking water.
And folks, the junk $50 water filters you buy at the store, watercolor goes right through them.
Nothing goes through a Berkey Light, folks.
I don't know why you won't call and get them or give them as gifts.
I mean, this is so important.
Every day I see stuff like this.
And just briefly, my videos, the new ones out, The Matrix of Evil, you can watch the trailer at InfoWars.com.
You can order it at InfoWars.com or Prison Planet.
Get the videos.
Make copies of them.
Who else says, get my film, make copies of it, give it out to people?
I do.
A few others do, like Pastor Butch and other good folks.
Get my videos.
Make copies of them.
Get them out to your friends and family.
Do it now.
Don't wait.
Matrix of Evil, Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Police State 3, the new book, Order Out of Chaos, great Christmas gifts.
Get them, make copies, give them as Christmas gifts.
And your purchase supports this broadcast.
Total free number to order, 1-888-253-3139.
Matrix Evil is amazing, folks.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
All that evil men and tyrants need to flourish is that good men and women do nothing, so take action.
Let's talk to Ed in Pennsylvania, then Rhonda, Leslie, Keith, and others.
Go ahead, Ed, you're on the air.
Alex, it never ceases to amaze me on how your show is months ahead of everything.
RFD tracker chips, it's all coming out in U.S.
News, National Geographic.
Well, I'm not bragging.
We're years ahead of it because we read Army reports, we read white papers.
and one of them was US plan for world domination 32 page report out of the age, no, out of the Sydney
Morning Herald two years ago laid out the whole fake left right system
you know the other people out there that are not listening to your show
or don't have access to it, they're in a fog, they're in a phase, you know
they don't know what's going on in the world did you know that the new cell phones do not have an on/off
switch on them?
that's in the new film, we have the news articles, I give a speech about it, others do
the new cell phones are admittedly hooked directly into homeland security
even when they're off they are being used to listen to you and to track you
all the new cell phones for the last year and a half And many of the previously made ones.
And governors from Wisconsin to Texas are moving to have it in local FEMA command centers tracking all of us on a board as we drive around the city.
The only way to shut off my new phone is to pull the battery pack off.
That is it, sir.
If you do not want to be tracked, you have to undo the battery.
And, sir, now they're finding emergency battery transistors in the new phones that look like they're able to be booted up even with the battery off.
Jessica Lynch, I seen a couple, about a week ago, about three of the guys that rescued her were dead.
It's now four of them with a fifth missing.
Yeah, the one guy was at a family barbecue.
A guy jumped up from behind a fence and shot him, disappeared.
One died in Pakistan.
I think another one was in a car wreck.
And another, another committed suicide shooting himself in the back of the head six times.
And it said right on, uh, right after it said, this is all coincidence, don't, you know, don't make anything out of it.
Yeah, this is all coincidence.
Just go back to sleep.
Third hour coming up.
The illuminated Berkey base allows most gravity filters to be used in the center of a table by raising the spigot level.
Made of durable Lexan polymer, the same material used for bulletproof glass if glass...
This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 central and back from 9 to midnight.
We're here live into the third and final hour.
I'm Alex Jones again your host.
We're about to go to Rhonda and a bunch of other people that are patiently holding and then I'm gonna get into a ton of Big Brother news that'll blow your mind.
It's even more hardcore than a lot of stuff I broke on this show.
I'm reading government documents.
Then we're going to recap a lot of the top stories that are frankly unbelievable as well.
Right now, let's go to Rhonda in Missouri.
Rhonda, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
God bless everybody that's standing up for the truth and real freedom today.
I'm liable to be going to jail tomorrow because the judge don't want to honor the truth.
They want to accept my personal exemption.
For what?
Traffic following too close tickets.
And what is your personal exemption?
My UCC-1.
I filed my UCC-1 and I don't know if you know anything about that.
No, I do.
You're opting out of their corporate section, but they don't care.
What you're doing is legal and lawful.
I haven't seen your filings, but they don't care.
You're right, you know, and they got the guns, but they don't care about starving to death.
Don't let them get any money out of you.
Just let them put you in jail for a week.
Well, that's what's going to happen.
They're not getting no money out of me.
You know, I think it's important that, you know, yes, it'd be more convenient for me to pay a $50 fine, but I can afford it.
I sat down there and watched a lot of people that couldn't afford it, and they're just being sucked dry like vampires.
You know, just sucking the blood right out of them.
He has sent swarms of bureaucrats to, or agents, to eat all our substance.
Declaration of Independence.
And I think, you know, God has blessed me with the knowledge that you've given me, that people like Linda Kennedy, God bless her, and the Power Hour, Dave and Joyce, and just a lot of people that stand for the truth.
You know, that's important.
We have to do it one person at a time in every little corner that we can.
And, you know, this came knocking on my door.
Now it's time for me to stand up for what I believe in, which is the truth.
And all I'm asking them to do is obey their own laws.
Well, when the people move and keep on a coming, there's not a tyrant that can stand in the world throughout history.
I believe it.
And that's why, you know, they are on the run.
And I believe what you said, I think last week I heard you say that the truth is more powerful than any particle beam they could ever invent.
And that's true.
You know, they can't stand the light.
Because most people are good at heart.
And they have been deceived, and you know, not that they're stupid, people I think hate to admit Oh yeah, they're scared.
It's hard to admit up to what's happening.
It's easier to procrastinate and rationalize what's going on.
They're either scared or they feel like they're stupid.
No, it's not that they're stupid.
We're up against pros.
We're up against people that have studied mind control and have been heaping it on us for years and years.
And, you know, so it's not that we're stupid.
That's why we've got to get back to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, common sense, and keep coming with that, and ignore all the garbage, and the confusion, and the false left-right system they spew.
You know, I've, I've, but I just wanted to say God bless you, and I appreciate everything that's going on.
I'm keeping on my local station about the Terry Fendler Shivo case, and, and they're talking about it a lot, and, and, you know, People do have good hearts.
People are good at heart if they know the truth.
Yeah, the globalists are masters at manipulating good people into evil causes.
That's what empowers the globalists, is having a bunch of useful idiots behind their system.
Yeah, and we, you know, the law enforcement, you know, people in the medical community, just like the people of the nurses in that hospice, they need to stand up and say no.
Thank you, Rhonda.
Fellas, call me back in a week after you go to jail.
I want to hear about this.
Keith, Joe, Kevin, many others.
Your calls are up next when we get back and a bunch of Big Brother news as well.
So please stay with us.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You know, I was just talking to Vance, who runs the show, And he was saying, what's the demographics of your broadcast?
Because he's kind of new at the network.
And from stations, ratings we've gotten, like KJFK for four years here in Austin.
The most diverse audience you can imagine.
Old people, black people, white people, young people.
Huge audiences of 12 to 15 year olds, and 18 to 35, and 85 year old women.
Just a giant diverse audience.
That's the same audience we have here.
Liberals, conservatives, old people, northerners, southerners, westerners, everybody who's waking up and wants freedom and knows that there's something wrong with the world.
Let's go right back to the calls and I guess next up is Louise.
Louise, where are you calling us from?
Kansas City.
Kansas City.
Turn your radio off.
I did.
Okay, go ahead.
Oh, I think you're great and I love what you're doing, but please don't go the baby out with the bathwater when you talk about Pat Robinson and TBN.
That's all.
Thank you.
Ma'am, hold on a second.
Are you there?
I mean, I want to talk to you.
And I appreciate you calling in to disagree with me.
You held for 30 minutes, longer than that, to say five words, please don't throw the baby out with the bathwater with Pat Robertson, maybe that's eight, nine words, and then hang up.
Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
You know something, I gave money to the NRA I'm giving money to the Republican Party.
I've put yard signs up for Republican candidates going back 12 years ago.
And I had to face the facts that the NRA was actually a Trojan horse, anti-Second Amendment.
Now, as Mark Twain said, it's easier to be a patriot Because the NRA has shown themselves for what they are, because we were trailblazers.
I don't get the hate calls and the threats when I talk about the NRA, because it's so transparent now, their gun-grabbing activities, and so widespread.
I mean, I remember getting up on the air on September 11th and saying, don't give money to Red Cross, don't give money to United Way, they give money to gun control groups, tens of millions of dollars a year.
I said they've been caught stealing money in the Oklahoma City bombing.
They lost a lawsuit over it.
They would take the mail at the post office.
They got control of that to quote distribute it.
They'd take the checks out and the cash and still give people letters saying here's your thousand dollars.
And I got up here on air and I said don't do it.
And I got some flack off that.
And a month later I got apologies when it came out that exactly what I said they would do, they would do.
It's like, you know, saying Jeffrey Dahmer kills people and puts them in his refrigerator and eats them, and people go, how dare you say that about him?
And they go in his refrigerator, and there's a bunch of dead bodies.
And wow, you were right!
I mean, it's not hard to do what I do, okay?
I have a memory.
And you take Pat Robertson.
The guy says the microchip hit in the mark of the beast.
The guy says China, quote, is doing what it has to do with forced abortion.
In China.
Puts out his clarification and says the same thing.
And says, well, they're overpopulated.
They need more aggressive Planned Parenthood.
He endorses Arnold Schwarzenegger.
I've got his CBN press release from months ago.
Or his 700 Club press release.
There's a lot of good people on TBN.
A lot of good shows on TBN.
But, I mean, a lot of them are bad.
A lot of them are doing the Diablo sign over and over again.
If you do it once on accident, you know, or point your fingers out, I mean, I've done that, but if you do it over and over again, and say all this weird, satanic stuff, and we have experts look at it, it's scary!
And, you know, Christ told us to look for wolves in sheep's clothing, that most of these people are false prophets, to use discernment.
The local Baptist church had UN Day last week, folks, on Thursday or Friday, whatever the 24th was.
They've done that now for three years in a row.
You know, I said, send gas masks to the firefighters.
Here's a local church that's giving them gas masks.
I said, two days into it, I said, send gas masks.
Send breathing apparatus.
That stuff coming out of that building is asbestos.
Because we already had news articles saying the building was full of asbestos.
So, I mean, I don't know what I can do, folks.
I mean, don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Call me back.
Don't be afraid of me.
I'm sure you're a good woman.
I'm sure you're a good person.
But please don't just hit me with that and then hang up.
Because I care about you.
That's the type of call I want.
I want to break your conditioning.
I want to show you how you're wrong.
Or I want you to show me how I'm wrong.
But the stuff I speak on, I'm knowledgeable on.
I've done years, over a decade, of intensive research.
You know, last night I took time out to watch the Pink Panther.
Then I made some phone calls and stuff.
You know, I like mindless slapstick.
I had a little bit of escape.
I rented a DVD.
Watched it with the missus.
And then I went in for about two hours and read documents and surfed the internet.
You know, that's what I do every day.
And, you know, I know you've contributed money to them.
I know that you've committed yourself to it.
So it's hard to admit you were wrong.
It's hard to get past your cognitive dissonance.
I've had to do it.
Man, I'm the guy driving around with a truck with 100 yard signs in it, putting them up, for candidates I later learned were bad.
So, please explain to me what baby I'm throwing out with the bathwater.
Yeah, I'd say about half the people on TBN are good.
I'd say about half the stuff on the 700 Club's good or more.
But it's on key issues that they're there shillin' for the New World Order.
Okay, let's go to, uh, I guess Keith in Florida, or who's up next?
Did I go to Keith or Joe or Kevin or who?
Uh, let's go to Keith in Florida.
Go ahead, Keith.
Uh, good afternoon, Mr. Jones.
Yeah, this is, uh, something I observed this morning at my bank that I never saw in the past year and a half.
Uh, when I went in to cash a check, They had a sign up where you do customer service, write out your checks.
They had a sign there that says, pursuant to Homeland Security Act, Patriot Act, any new accounts require positive identification.
And that means three forms.
Yeah, well, I asked ladies, I said, what forms do you require?
And they were all kind of, I said, you know, just kind of looking at me really strange, because I said, what forms do you require now where identification is valid?
or driver's license and uh...
it's also security card security cards not
need identification and a bill indicate that they're really funny that is that really
strange you know well let me add to this
They also asked you to sign the Know Your Customer Act that they couldn't get passed in 98, 99, 2000, 2001.
They did pass that in the Patriot Act.
It's know your customer, waiving your rights, waiving your rights to trial by jury, to allow the IRS to take your bank accounts without even indicting you, allowing the state to take your bank accounts, the bank to take your bank accounts, any creditor to call up and demand your bank account.
A surfe futile Correct.
system you know debtors prison system is being set up has nothing to do with terror
the correct that is quite correct and then they asked you to sign a big
document Yeah, luck man.
Did you sign the document?
No, I didn't sign the document.
I want you to sit there for 20 minutes drinking coffee and they'll let you.
And I want you to watch illegal aliens walk up and BAM!
And in public housing, little people know, most of the big apartment complexes are now quote government housing.
A third of it is.
They tell their people, don't tell your members.
If you're illegal aliens, you get usually a third off or more.
And the big apartment complexes, I've talked to top folks in some of these companies, let's say mid-level who are in top meetings, who were told, illegal alias, let them have ten people do a two-bedroom, but if they're black, white, Hispanic citizens, crack down on them, fine them, fee them.
They're creating a double-tier system to destroy the middle class.
Go ahead.
Oh yeah, I definitely believe that.
Right here in Texas, you can stand there and watch them give illegals bank accounts with nothing, hour after hour.
Well, you know, unfortunately, I've had the bank account for a year and a half, and luckily, when I originally got it, I just gave them my driver's license, or I gave them my... Oh yeah, that's it, it's to sign up for new ones, it's phased in.
Yeah, now it's new ones, and I was like, uh-huh.
And, uh, I... And you were insane!
You were weird, because you, as a customer, ask questions how... Ooh, that's another Al-Qaeda sign!
Oh yeah, they really got... They just looked at me real funny, and I'm like, uh-huh, isn't he?
I know the young ladies, at least a couple of them there.
Like, okay, Nina and Jenny.
Uh-huh, that's real interesting.
They just kind of looked at me real funny.
And by the way, the FBI training manuals for police, corporate workers, says if someone talks about their rights, makes references to the Constitution, call the FBI immediately.
Oh, I wouldn't doubt it.
People haven't called me.
Yeah, but think how insane that is.
You talk about your rights.
Call the FBI.
The bad people talk about their rights.
Folks, that's like Red Dawn or America with a K. Very much so.
I tell people about the NRA now and about them being part of the UN.
You're fooling me, right?
No, go find out for yourself.
You can find out if they're part of the U.N.
or not.
Don't listen to me.
Yeah, stay on Checkout Info, though.
That's another Al-Qaeda activity.
And so, I was like, pshh.
Also, have you ever heard of the Prophecy Club out of Kansas?
Yeah, they're good folks.
Yeah, good folks.
I just want to put that on the air, because I read their magazine.
I read Biomonthly and stuff.
Some good information in there, too.
But let me let you go, Mr. Jones.
Hey, thank you, I appreciate it.
Yeah, there are Christian organizations that are putting out good info you can support.
You know, David J. Smith, and Pastor Butch Paw, and people like Dr. Wolf, and the Prophecy Club, and you know, there's good groups.
You don't have to support, you know, the neocon of forced abortion's good.
I mean, Arnold's good.
No, he's not, okay?
No, he's not.
And the Red Cross steals the money, and I told you that, and it came out.
I mean, you think I got up here day one and said the government did 9-11, don't give money to the Red Cross if I couldn't defend it?
You think I say DynCorp kidnapped 200,000 women and children without having a stack of mainstream news articles?
You think I say anything without having it in front of me?
I don't say anything without knowing what I'm talking about!
Occasionally get a date wrong, or a name wrong, or mispronounce a mountain wrong, or I've got dyslexia, read something backwards.
Yeah, that's the type of mistakes, and they happen every hour.
But on the meat and potatoes, central stuff, I know the globalist plan, I know what I'm talking about, I have the vision of what's developing here.
And all of you can have that big picture, because folks, God's given us the tools to know the world around us, and to have that type of discernment.
Ah, and if you don't get the vision, if you don't get the revelation, if you don't get the renaissance, it's gonna go from bad to worse.
We'll come back and talk to Kevin and Joe and others.
Toll free number to join us, 1-800-259-9231.
I'll take five more calls and get to the final news.
Stay with us.
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Okay, I'm going to take five more calls from Kevin, Joe, Mark, Eric, and John, and that's it, because I've got a bunch of Big Brother and Police State news to go over.
We haven't even covered yet, and I at least need 20 minutes to do that.
Let's put another 15 or so on calls.
Let's go to Kevin in Mass.
Kevin, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
May God continue to bless you and watch over you.
My call today is regarding the close call that Mr. Wolfowitz reportedly had in those rocket attacks in Iraq.
Yeah, the 100-plus rockets that hit his hotel.
Based on some of the stuff I've been reading, I had a theory, and I wanted to have your take on it, where Bush and his crew, including Wolfowitz, kind of represented American globalists, while the CIA's interests represented all international globalists.
Well, that's the shield they're putting out on the surface of the, quote, left-right choice of world government, instead of saying we don't want world government.
Why, what I was wondering was where Wolfowitz had this close call And he was accused of being one of the key figures of outing the CIA agent, the wife of his political enemy.
Oh yeah, Karl Rove.
You're right, this could be... Look, we don't know, but we know this.
These are getting more and more sophisticated.
Two more troops got killed yesterday, seven more wounded.
I'm told now there's been more killings.
This is very serious.
More people have died now than died in the first four years of the Vietnam War.
Did folks know that?
Uh, from 64 to 68, the undeclared police action.
Uh, so, this is all happening.
And, uh, it could be Chalibi.
He had prior knowledge of the U.N.
It could be any of these thugs they've hired to strong-arm the Iraqi people.
It could be the opposition groups.
No one's taking credit for it, which makes it very suspicious.
Well, I haven't ordered any movies for a little while, but I looked at the trailer for Matrix of Evil and I just ordered that yesterday.
I'm looking forward to it.
So, keep up the work.
Hey, thank you.
We need the support and it's a great film.
You can watch the trailer for Matrix of Evil at InfoWars.com.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jo in Maryland.
Jo, welcome.
Thank you for taking my call, Alex.
I want to tell you what happened to me over the weekend.
I went to my class reunion and I was talking to one of my classmates that had married another one of our classmates who had died and he told me a nightmare story.
With this Terry story and everything about, you know, depriving her of water and food.
This is what they did to this girl.
She had, I guess, severe breast cancer and they deprived her of water.
She couldn't swallow so they just She decided to take away, you know, she couldn't have any water.
Oh yeah, this is happening to thousands of people that we know of every year.
Hundreds of cases listed in the Wall Street Journal.
And I just read where the British government says, ah, women, we'll just let you die of breast cancer.
We're not even going to give you treatment or detect what type of cancer it is.
She died in three days.
A very violent death.
Begging and pleading, please, um, Byron, you know, give me water.
And that's how she died.
Why did he put up with this?
Well, they were divorced.
And I didn't ask him that because, um, actually, I was like... And see, they make it so fashionable.
Fill out your living will.
Say that you don't want to be resuscitated.
You think of, you know, your brain out on the cement.
You know, don't save me and my body's all torn up.
But now it's, see, it's anything and everything.
Oh, we're not going to give you treatment.
You know, you're 60 years old.
You don't need it.
The bioethics board says we're going to kill you.
He wasn't even 60.
I don't know how long she's been dead, but she was probably in her late, mid-fifties.
Bioethics boards say, the average bioethics board, stuff written by Peter Singer, says that if you're above 50, that there's no reason to give you treatment.
Oh, that's really sweet.
Isn't that nice?
That's real nice, especially since I'm above 50.
It makes you stop and think because I was so close to Terri and I made calls down to Judge Bush and so forth and so on, you know, trying to save her.
And then, you know, a week later, I come across a real life case and it just tore me up because, I mean, she was my friend in school.
And I had moved out of the area.
So, I mean, I had lost contact, of course, but it was... You're talking about Terri Schiavo or this other...?
This other lady that died.
That's what... It just broke my heart, because, I mean, I went to school with this girl... And the husband, the ex-husband, said she was begging for water.
And, you know, and... She was... He was there, I guess, when she died, and I guess it tore him up, too, but I don't understand... Well, you can't have 45 million abortions and not have it come back on the country.
And I can't understand... I'm like you.
That was my first question, but...
Like I said, I haven't seen this person in 40 years, so I didn't want to, you know, say, hey, why didn't you do something when he's the ex-husband?
And I don't know that technical... I don't know how long they were divorced or so forth and so on, but I didn't know the ins and outs.
But I couldn't figure out why he didn't help her more, and I don't know exactly which hospital she died in.
So, I don't know, you know... Alright, well, thank you for the call.
I appreciate it.
It's a horrible story, but we need to hear this.
We need to know about this evil.
Pick the rocks over.
Open up the closets.
Expose the darkness.
We'll come back and take three more calls from Mark, Eric, and John.
That's it.
Then I'm going to shift gears into Final News Blitzing.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
And yes, my new video, The Matrix of Evil, is out.
And you've got to get it, folks.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we got two seconds left.
Let's get to these calls quickly and into the news.
Again, Alex Jones here back live.
Defending liberty, resisting tyranny 110%.
Attempting to get you to boycott the cashless society control grid as it goes in around you.
Right now, let's go to Mark in Minnesota.
Mark, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how are you doing?
Pretty good.
A few days ago, you were asking for some examples of bipartisan sellouts, where the Republican Party, just like the Democrat Party, And, uh, no, I think really a very underreported story that, of course, quiet down to a murmur and eventually just disappeared.
And gee, I wonder why.
The Chinagate scandal.
How about that one, Alex?
I'd like to know why nobody's talking about it.
In fact, we have a sitting congressman from the state of California, David Dreyer, who actually is taking donations from Ms.
Katrina Leung, who turns out, big time Republican fundraiser.
In fact, you can go to OpenSecrets.org.
And he was giving money to the other Republican Party.
Well, that's why they're blocking the Pardon Gate investigation of Clinton by Dan Burton, because Clinton allowed the transfer, it was big Republican leaders making the money off the transfers, just like to North Korea, just like to Iran.
They want to micromanage our lives, take our liberties, enslave us in the name of security, while they do everything to destabilize the planet.
Right, so here you have this lady, you know, big time Republican Party activist, double agent, working for the Chinese Communist as a spy, having affairs with multiple FBI agents.
Rush Limbaugh, I'm going to talk about that.
And, you know, funneling money to the Republican Party.
So both parties are taking Chinese espionage money.
I'd like some answers on this one.
Why isn't Fox News still talking about it?
Hey, that's liberal.
Be quiet.
I like Arnold.
I'm sorry, you're right.
I'm thinking with an Al-Qaeda mindset right now.
Yeah, you don't want to arm Al-Qaeda and fund them, so you're Al-Qaeda.
You're beginning to understand.
Thank you for the call.
Take care.
Eric in Connecticut, up there in Skull and Bones, where they have a Christian meeting place called The Tomb.
If you don't worship Satan, you're not a good Christian like Bush.
Welcome, Eric.
Hey, Alex.
That's right.
Skull and Bones country up here, and it's something else.
You know, I'm looking at my local paper, The New London Day, and I'm looking at this headline from Tuesday, October 28, 2003.
Navy's top officer calls for a global naval force.
Clark outlined strategy for combating terrorism.
Now, this was a local article by a guy named Robert Hamilton, who covers military matters for this area, because there's a very strong Navy presence here.
I won't go into too many details at this point, but I've been intimately involved with the defense industry for many years.
Well, Clark's for national ID cards and gun control, but go ahead.
Yes, the Navy's top officer outlined on Monday a strategy for fighting terrorism that calls for an international naval collaboration to share intelligence and resources in an unprecedented show of force.
Under fighting terror, under trade, under security, they're merging all our governments and militaries.
Yeah, well it gets better.
Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Vern Clark, described the proposal as a maritime NORAD.
In his opening speech at the 16th International Sea Power Symposium at the Naval War College.
Now I thought we had a NORAD that was supposed to protect us from the September 11th attacks and all this.
Now they want to bring this out to the sea lanes.
What better way to control the sea lanes?
What better way to have an attack from the ocean?
We have our global navy!
Oh yeah, what better way to have an attack based from the ocean and this way they can dummy up and say, well we were having a drill In the C-Lanes, just like they were having a drill on September 11th in the airwaves.
Just like they were having drills with the Army, they admit set some of the fires, but that's okay, don't worry about that.
Oh yeah, well if you'd like I could send you a copy of this article.
Yes, please email it to tips at infowars.com or mail it to me snail mail.
Will do Alex, thanks a lot.
Hey, thanks a lot Eric.
And let's go ahead and make a final call.
John in Kansas, go ahead John.
Good afternoon, Rush!
Oh, I mean, uh, Mr. Jones!
Yes, well, I am... No, I'm Rush.
I'm for gun control, I'm for Arnold, I'm for open borders, and I'm for gobbling Oxycontin.
Hey, everybody's gotta have a laugh now and then.
And, uh, you are doing a superbly job.
You're informing the people 100%.
It is most appreciated and I am extending the word to everybody I know with posters and every dang thing I can think of.
And when I said about Rush, we're going to have to put you in rehab for watching the Pink Panther.
You're not working not hard enough.
not working to uh... not or not uh... i watched a movie
Three or four weeks ago I went and saw a movie, and then my wife wanted an escape, so I went and got The Pink Panther.
This mindless idiocy.
But after I did watch that, I actually didn't even watch the whole thing.
I had a radio interview in the middle of it.
She kept watching it.
Then I went back to work.
But yes, I did watch.
Well, that's another Al-Qaeda sign that I was watching The Pink Panther.
Well, I said, hey, you're doing a superb job.
Don't beat yourself up.
All right, buddy.
Thanks a lot for the call.
I appreciate it.
Yeah, I like, if I'm going to watch something, I'm going to watch something full of mindless slapstick.
I mean, any movie you see today, if it's a big Hollywood production, it's just rife with propaganda.
Unless, maybe if it's a Mel Gibson movie, it's not.
But, yeah, it's a pretty serious business.
Okay, let me just go straight into news now for the balance.
of what we've got left in this show and then in the final segment I'll try to recap some of the top stories that you may have missed that we got to in the first hour.
Before I do that though, let me take a minute or two out to remind you that I'm a documentary filmmaker.
I've made ten films.
I carry some other films and books by other insightful authors and researchers.
You can peruse the films and watch video clips of them and read about them and documents that support them at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com And there's the added caveat that getting my videos supports our operation and my staff and what we do here and enables us to make future films obviously in the future.
The new film is The Matrix of Evil.
We interview Ron Paul, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Frank Morales, Colonel Craig Roberts.
There's excerpts of three fiery speeches I've given just in the last few months.
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Alright, now this stack of news, I look at it, it is daunting.
A story I didn't cover properly.
Let me get into this a little bit more.
I already mentioned it, then I'll get into stuff I haven't gotten to yet.
Proposed social security deal with Mexico angers some lawmakers.
Hundreds of millions of dollars in social security payments may someday be headed south of the border.
Let's be honest, there are millions of Mexican immigrants contributing to the social security system and the U.S.
economy, said Catherine Colton, an attorney with the Mexican-American Legal Defense Education Fund.
It's only fair to let them get back a benefit they deserve that will keep them from dying in poverty.
How about your own dirty, corrupt government has a social security system?
Of course, that's bad because it's government control.
These people are here illegally.
They're felons.
A lot of them aren't paying taxes to begin with.
They're in the black market.
Which is fine with me!
Not that they're here, but a black market's a good thing in a corrupt system like this.
It's what's holding everything up.
You're not owed anything.
But this is about global government merging our government and administrations with Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Peru.
It goes on and on.
Authorities warned about Eric Harris and Kleibel.
They got warned weeks before, months before, and two years before.
We already told you this years ago.
Now it's out in the mainstream news.
The FBI basically founded the Trenchcoat Mafia there.
The Hill is reporting that gun rights group rallies against popular history education bill.
Group worries liberal teachers would Excise Second Amendment from the class.
Well, that's what George Bush's new teaching does.
Clark favors gun safety locks and gun control.
He said that in a speech in New Hampshire.
Also, economic growth strongest since 1984.
Yeah, talk about 1984.
Everything's better.
The chocolate rations have been increased.
You gotta read the book to know what I'm talking about.
Reuters, the U.S.
economy, rocketed ahead at its fastest pace in more than 19 years.
In the first quarter of 2003, as consumers, their wallets fattened by tax cuts, went on a buying spree of unexpected strength.
Government reports showed on Thursday.
But it goes on to admit that the other economic numbers are down.
Folks, the bankruptcies, the foreclosures, the jobless rate is record.
This is not a strengthening economy.
Believe me, I wish it was.
Here's another one.
Unmanned aerial drones, Ray Spector, a big brother, Richmond Times Dispatch, Washington, when it flies overhead at 65,000 feet or 12 miles high, an unmanned airplane called Global Hawk can spy a milk carton sitting on a picnic table, manufacturer Northrop Grumman Corporation says.
The U.S.
Air Force employed the flying drone, and a similar one called Predator, effectively over Iraq.
Next, the federal government is considering, they're already in the air, folks, the use of $35 million Global Hawk and other unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs, as part of high-tech Arsenal to protect the United States!
And, of course, for law enforcement.
Pop officials at the new Department of Homeland Security have discussed a demonstration UAV project.
They've already been given FAA approval, by the way.
The Coast Guard has awarded a contract to Bell Helicopter for three prototype Eagle Eye UAVs, an aircraft that takes off like a helicopter and flies like an airplane.
Very dangerous aircraft, by the way, in test.
That doesn't matter.
They'll be flying over your skies, and I'm sure when they need a diversion, one will accidentally fly into a building.
Industry representatives are enthusiastic about the drone's potential.
I believe we all see Predator and Global Hawk unmanned aerial vehicles watching over major events such as the Olympic Games and the Super Bowl in the not-too-distant future, Brad Brown, the then-president of the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, wrote earlier this year.
For some privacy advocates, the talk about civilian use of unmanned aircraft has raised the specter of Big Brother in the skies and a new private debate is brewing.
What's really dangerous about this, I would add, is that they can then put chemicals and biologicals on these and have a very small compartmentalized group of the government, the small note of sociopaths running things, launch attacks later to be blamed on others.
Which we know they've done thousands of biological tests in the atmosphere with manned vehicles delivering them.
So the compartmentalization this gives them is frightening.
That's another point I'd add to that.
Taking criminals, talking eyes to target criminals.
Again, talking eyes to target criminals.
London Guardian on the websites.
Just as Britain gets used to CCTV cameras, and they have over 3 million of them, a new Big Brother system is to become part of everyday life.
Hidden Watchers start to talk loudly to anyone seen acting suspiciously or misusing disabled bays at a trial parking site.
Tests in Nottingham have persuaded nine local schools to start the school year by installing the Talking Eye system, officially called Public Awareness Voice Activation.
Security cameras are likely Our security cameras are linked to loudspeakers and staff in a central control room who issue messages such as, the police are coming!
This is just like THX 1138 or 1984 where the telescreen shouts orders.
By the way, all the new TVs and radios by law are going to have this here where it turns on and orders alerts.
Your phone will have a different ring according to the statesman here in Austin.
If you don't answer it, you can be fined or arrested because it's a terror alert.
The system has led to an increase in the availability of disabled parking at the Village Hotel leaves to staff whose wheelchair symbols had failed to prevent the beige being taken.
Oh, so to keep those folks safe who they won't give treatment when they're sick, you know, they'll kill the disabled.
But, oh, for the disabled we have cameras that shout orders.
Sam Taylor, chief engineer in the hotels at The Voices, are providing suitably embarrassing for drivers who sneak into a forbidden parking spot to show up To be shown up by the loudspeakers.
I mean, folks, it just doesn't get any more insane.
Applied Digital seeks OK to market VeriChip on a wide scale, not just in Florida and New York.
New $20 bills cause self-checkout glitches, Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
The colorful new $20 bills aren't worth much at some self-checkout counters.
Kroger, Metro Atlanta's biggest grocer, says the Uscan devices won't accept the new bills until software updates are installed over the next few weeks.
The story here is that And a lot of the stores a year ago in Austin, they'd have 10 lanes and 3 self-checkouts.
Now it's 6, 9 lanes, 2 or 3 service checkouts.
And they admit, the industry does, they're going to phase out service, folks.
They'll have some thug security guard bugging their eyes out at you.
For security, you'll have to swipe your card.
These things are really obnoxious and annoying.
And that's the new America.
Walmart and Home Depot also discovered problems when customers initially used the bills, but say they were able to solve the issue quickly.
Previous new bills caused vending machine glitches, so the Federal Bureau of Engraving and Printing worked with the vending industry well in advance of the $20 bills, which went into circulation October 9th.
This time the trouble was mostly automated payment machines, a relatively recent innovation.
Kroger helped launch the new 20s, Uh, which was peach color along with more subtle changes at the Georgia stores.
Oh, see Kroger's helping them launch the money.
Oh, they're all just together helping you and you're penalized if you don't use their discount cards.
You know, you'll be on a $5 item, you'll be penalized a dollar.
That's the force you onto the cards and it's all uploaded to Homeland Security.
Whether it's Randall's or Kroger's or Safeway.
E-vote software leaked online.
Wired News, software used by electronic voting system manufacturer by Sequoia Voting Systems, has been left unprotected on a publicly available server, that's their excuse to hack in, raising concerns about the possibility of vote tampering in future elections.
The software made available at ftp.jaguar.net is stored on an FTP server owned by Jaguar Computer Systems, a firm that provides election support to California County.
And it says, uh, the software is used for placing ballots on voting kiosks and for storing and tabulating results of the Sequoia AVC Edge touchscreen system.
And see, all these companies accidentally put all the codes out and then, we don't know who hacked in and changed the election.
The security breach means that anyone with a minimal amount of technical knowledge could see how the code works, potentially exploit it, according to a computer programmer who discovered the unprotected server.
The files also contain visual, basic script and code for voting system databases that could allow someone to learn how to rig voting results.
The programmer spoke on the condition of anonymity.
Jaguar blocked public access to the FPT site Wednesday.
Representatives from Jaguar did not return calls for comment.
But touchscreen's so good!
And of course, every company's run by the CIA that we've looked at, but the CIA running these is good.
Isn't that freedom?
I mean...
Isn't that nice?
A recap of the top stories, some other news we haven't covered on the other side.
Stay with us.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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Waging war on corruption.
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Final segment, folks.
Merriam Times reporting.
What killed a U.S.
August 28, 2003, an unknown munition, thought to be no wider than a pencil, pierced the side of an M1A1 Abrams tank on patrol in Baghdad.
The round crippled the 69-ton vehicle, slightly injured its commander and gunner.
It was the second Abrams knocked out of commission by the enemy in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Now Army officials are trying to figure out what kind of mystery projectile could pierce the Abrams armor and disable it.
This isn't the Marion times, it's the Marine Corps times.
The other one, sex slaves in the U.S.
Wow, they're reporting that.
They don't have time to get into it.
It's such old news, but it's horrible.
Uh, C.I.E.
used dragonfly catfish as spy gadgets.
This is Associated Press.
Excuse me, Reuters.
I told you about 25 years ago, cockroaches.
Now they have armies of cockroaches that they drop out of helicopters and they bring in
chemical weapons, put them on you, or plant bugging devices.
This is old technology, big article about it.
I talked about it two days ago, here it is in the news.
Ridge, US and EU should pioneer biometrics, and they're merging all the biometric systems,
the databases within Interpol, the driver's license records.
They have the same social security style number, and they want to make you do this to fly or
United States and European Union should lead the world in setting international standards for biometrics such as the facial recognition technology.
homeland security thug, as Tom Ridge said yesterday.
And again, new airport technology screens foreign visitors with a face scan.
Camera stirs debate among neighbors.
This is out of the Easton Review.
They're now putting it in the neighborhood.
Exploitation of millimeter waves for seeing through walls.
Surveillance during military operations in urban terrain.
Major G. Burton, C.D.
and Major J.P.
Olike, C.D.
Big government document on the website about surveilling you and your family looking through your walls with all these drones.
Homeland security drills adopt military style simulations.
It's another big article.
And a recap of some of the top stories.
Bush's poll numbers drop even more.
Be afraid, be very afraid.
In some major polls as low as 42% now.
launches anti-insurgency raids.
Grabbing men and women off the streets, putting bags over their heads.
Torturing and living daylights out of them.
BBC in Iraq.
Halliburton isn't going to allow bids for another 60 days.
They get all the new $87 billion for themselves first.
A bid on that by themselves before anybody else is allowed to look at it.
Army doubles size Iraq oil rebuilding contracts to Halliburton.
That's Houston Chronicle, by the way.
White House site prevents Iraq materials being archived.
You're not allowed to check any of their old statements out because they keep changing them.
Two G.I.s killed in Iraq amid rising attacks yesterday.
Seven more injured.
Bin Laden family to take over most of the major airport operations and five airports with five other groups in Saudi Arabia, but that's not a threat.
They're friends of the Bushes.
And, uh, six soldiers wait for treatment, United Press International.
Now it's not just two bases and two, uh, more, four bases total.
Two in Iraq, two here.
Now they're saying it's dozens of bases where they're not even given basic treatment.
And, uh, just a coincidence, four of Jessica Lynch's, uh, uh, rescuers have died mysteriously.
People jump up behind fences, machine gun them.
People are found dead with gunshot wounds in the backs of their heads.
They have car wrecks by themselves and are dead.
A whole bunch of that happening as they prepare for the Jerry Bruckheimer produced Jessica Lynch propaganda.
Japan launched two satellites and solar flare, mega solar flare yesterday with a lot of other problems globally.
Power outages, you name it.
Noam Chomsky says Bush may invent another threat or may carry out a terrorist attack.
Here out of this article out of Al Jazeera as a pretext to get his approval ratings up.
Oh, and stacks of government-run white slavery rings, stacks of new gun control, stacks of election fraud news.
We're out of time.
You better visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
You've got access.
You better get folks tuned in and turned on to what's happening.
We're going to lose this republic and this world to the dehumanizing forces of the New World Order.
I'll be back tomorrow, 11 to 2, Central Standard Time during the day, and of course at night, 9 to midnight, Central Standard Time.
And the new film, The Matrix of Evil, is out.
And if you haven't gotten any of my videos, you need to, folks.
They're powerful tools to wake people up.
Now get out there and take on the New World Order.
God bless.