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Name: 20031029_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 29, 2003
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
and now live from austin texas alex jones
welcome ladies and gentlemen welcome We're already into another live edition of the Alex Jones Show.
It is the 29th of October 2003 on this live Wednesday edition.
I have an Associated Press article here in front of me.
Diebold warns on electronic voting papers.
They're suing and threatening to sue dozens of websites that simply posted Internal documents that Diebold was dumb enough to have on their website, where they admit that their touch screens have back doors into them, wireless internet connections, where they admit that the votes can be manipulated.
And the other voting companies have been caught involved in other activities.
The head of Diebold is a former CIA officer at the highest levels.
He sent a letter to the Republicans saying, I'll deliver you the votes in 2000, I'll deliver you the votes in 2002, 2004.
There's since been secret meetings that Actually, a plain dealer reporter was able to get into with the big voting company heads and industry and lobbyists saying, we've got to use our friends in the defense industry that own the media to get out ahead of this story.
We can't let people know we're having this meeting.
It could be called racketeering.
Wow, my favorite word for what you guys do, the corporations controlling our government.
And so now they're suing college students and universities and going after anyone that reports on the story, basically.
So, isn't that special?
And that's just one company.
Diebold was also caught in...
The 2002 election in California manipulating votes remotely.
That's been in the California papers.
But again, you'll never hear it on the nightly news.
Bev Harris, who's really been at the forefront of the electronic voting scam the last few years.
She's a corporate corruption investigator, worked on a lot of big cases.
She got onto this about four or five years ago.
She's got a new book out, Black Box Voting, and they went to the UN and had her website taken down.
They had a takedown order on that.
That was a few weeks ago.
Bev Harris will be joining us in the next hour.
So, a very big story.
Tell your friends.
Tell your family.
Tune in the next hour.
You want to understand how we're losing our right to vote?
How the military-industrial complex is behind it?
We have the evidence, and believe me, they don't want you to know about it.
So I hope you also record this show.
In the meantime, I opened the Statesman up this morning.
They had a Orlando Sentinel article going, well yeah, she mumbles to her parents and smiles and follows a balloon with her eyes, but that's deceptive, Michael Schiavo's doctors say, and we agree.
She's brain dead.
She's in a coma.
I guess like the other people they've killed in Florida who are saying, please, honey, can I have some water?
And Wesley Smith has written a mainstream news article that's in a bunch of big papers today, exposing the lies of Larry King and Michael Schiavo and the rest of them this week.
And so now, folks, I mean, I guess you could be pole vaulting, running the 100-yard dash at record levels, doing complex calculus.
They're going to say, the video is deceiving.
She's really in a coma.
Because if you can kill this woman who smiles at her mother, her eyes are open, who has total brain activity, uh, if you can kill her when she hunches forward, you know, tries to get up, if you can kill her, you can kill anybody.
And they are killing people who are in a lot better shape than, uh, than Terry, uh, Schiavo.
So it's just a disgusting article out of the Orlando Sentinel.
I'm gonna read part of it when we get back and we'll get into, oh, folks, uh, the antidepressants making the kids commit suicide.
We knew that in 1982 when they approved it.
I'm Prozac.
Just all the news is totally insane.
Gigantic show lined up for you on this Wednesday edition.
The websites are PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
And the new trailer for Matrix of Evils on the website.
So go watch it.
We'll be right back.
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Big Brother.
new millennium at triple eight eight zero three four four three eight not yet
available in Iowa big brother mainstream media government cover-ups
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright my friends, 8 minutes and 30 seconds into the first hour.
Bev Harris, the premier exposer of the CIA and the military running the touch screens.
You're losing your right to vote.
Right now it's absolute fact.
I just thought we'd mention that to you.
I've been warning you about this for 8 years.
It's now here.
Total tyranny is coming down on us from every angle.
You may say, well that's a negative outlook.
Well, I guess go tell the people in Southern California as a wall of flames comes towards their home and they're evacuating.
Tell them to sit inside their house and just have a positive attitude.
It is positive to address the crises, to address the facts of what we're dealing with.
And that's coming up in the next hour with Beverly Harris.
And as she had the UN agency Uh, that regulates internet domain names, uh, had her website taken down by the CIA front company Diebold.
Uh, just because she got the documents from Diebold where they were bragging about taking your right to vote away, basically, and now there's backdoors into their systems.
And, uh, again, there's now been the Plain Dealer reporter who got in on one of the meetings because Bev told her about it, a secret meeting, a quote, classified teleconference, where they talked about racketeering, that is, industry heads and lobbyists and others, and how to quote, use their friends in the defense industry to quote, control the media.
Because that's who owns the big radio networks and TV networks, okay?
It's not liberals, it's not conservatives.
It's men with short haircuts, with submachine guns under their coats.
It's army psychiatrists with 170, 180 IQs.
It is giant computer algorithms and psychological database studies of how to smash your brain and how to turn you into a drooling sycophant, a slave.
Do you understand me?
Do you hear me out there, yuppies?
Do you understand how serious things have gotten?
Just because you feel like you're a member of the establishment, you feel like you're part of this system, you're not.
And you're losing everything you've got right now, and you didn't even know it.
Alright, I don't want to go into any rants today.
I'm going to try to control myself, but... Coming up, Diebold warns on electronic voting papers.
They say anybody that's got these papers of what they're doing to us, they're going to come after them.
Bush, clap for me or no speech.
You know about the fake boxes that say made in the USA when they're really made in China.
You know about making people at rallies take their ties off and the Secret Service arrest them.
Bush has told foreign countries, you have stage meetings with stage groups that clap for me and you sign a contract that you'll do it or I won't come speak to you.
That's coming up.
Sounds like freedom, doesn't it?
It's like Ashcroft in these stage meetings, and the media goes, oh, everyone at the town hall loved him.
Oh, we're such a free society, and up next, The Running Man.
Bush warns Iraqi neighbors, and yesterday I was listening to National Propaganda Radio, the liberal radio, and I thought I was listening to the Warhawk Channel.
Uh, they were sitting there, uh, just with all these Democrat, Republican senators going, we're gonna have tax area, we're going into Iran, but we're gonna be reasonable if Iran accepts super inspections, occupied, I'm gonna say this, UN troops on the ground, helicopters, jets in the skies, ground penetrating radar scans, uh, taking hundreds or thousands of people out of the country for interrogations, no warrants, no nothing, If they don't allow that now, they're gonna go ahead and attack them.
And then, basically, Israel says they're gonna nuke them.
So, you're like, well, get them Iranians!
Well, when your daughters and sons get drafted, and by the way, they got all the drafts lined up right now, for men and women, for professionals, for police, for firefighters, for engineers, for medical workers, just remember, just remember, we just suddenly gotta invade everybody after arming them, by the way.
So, that's coming up.
Also, officials suggest Iraq hid weapons in Syria.
After all the lies we've heard, now we're hearing that.
And then, see?
Syria, after they're taken over, why, they moved the weapons to Iran.
Well, we have to go in there.
And, oh, they moved the weapons to Libya.
We've got to go in there.
And then they moved the weapons into your Christian church.
So the SWAT teams have to come in.
As you know, the right-winger secretly worked for Al-Qaeda, the news has been saying.
This is the whole line.
By the way, Friday there were some problems with cell phones and satellites when they said the biggest flare since 1859 hit us from the sun.
Well, I was listening to AP Network News last night, a local station that carries my show, 1260 AM, and they were announcing that, oh yes, today, in fact, right in the middle of this show, or by the end of it, just like last week, A flare 100 times bigger going 1 million miles an hour is going to hit the earth.
100 times bigger than last week.
Now maybe nothing is going to happen.
Sometimes things do happen.
But it's just getting weirder and weirder and weirder and weirder.
I don't know if this is a cover story or something else.
These things, smaller ones, have been known to energize the electric lines and phone lines and cause massive power outages.
The sun's just been acting really weird the last three years.
Again, could they just be saying the sun's doing this and they're testing the HAARP system on us?
Which they admit, in the patents and the congressional testimony, that can do things like this.
I don't know, folks.
You just don't know anymore.
Now they're saying there's an FBI memo about Al Qaeda plans to set wildfires out west.
And yeah, I mean, that sounds like something terrorists would do.
All these dozens of fires popping up at once, and they weren't accompanied by lightning storms.
You know, that can do it naturally.
Yeah, it can be terrorists.
But I look at who has a track record of this.
Remember Bill Clinton's last year in office?
Dozens and dozens of fires in what, 11 states?
All over the place and then they admitted the Fed started the fires even though they were told not to by the Meteorological survey Clinton ordered it and they brought in UN firefighters and the rest of it and took a bunch of land and it's also a big political diversion, but Al Qaeda they think Al Qaeda is behind it now will Get into that story as well.
Oil barons, detention prompts, KGB fears.
They're now arresting more and more people in Iraq.
Nearly everything that people in the U.S.
eat will soon have to be registered with the government under Homeland Security.
I told you two years ago, I saw Governor Ridge at a, what you'd call a dress rehearsal, because they hadn't even passed Homeland Security yet.
It was a few months later.
That they did it, but this was in early 2000s.
I guess it wasn't quite two years ago, about a year and a half ago.
I have it on tape.
A two hour meeting with Ridge, and he said, you're going to have an ID card to have a job anywhere.
Everybody's going to drug test.
We're going to have troops in all the factories.
And then I had news articles out of North Carolina.
Where Fort Bragg had, quote, special forces in the, quote, ice cream factory and the tire factory in Fayetteville, quote, practicing to take over terrorists.
And they said, who do you look for?
They said, white males who don't talk a lot and lock their desk drawer.
That's what the paper said.
So it's just like Red Dawn where they go to the grocery store and there's the guy, you know, up above walking on the gangplank watching everyone.
I mean, literally, like the KGB, the FSB, the Stasi, Fidel Castro's thugs.
I mean, it's just 101 tyranny.
And on Army News Watch, theirs on Channel 17 in Austin, they said whether you got two employees or a hundred, all the Army will come every week and drug test all your employees.
We like to help.
This, you know, it's a voluntary program.
Or we've got articles out of the Arizona Republic from last year where, oh, the Army dropped by and vaccinated all the children who hadn't been vaccinated.
This shows the Army.
They're injecting a little black girl in the arm and a bunch of kids lined up behind her.
That's your, and by the way, that's in the Prison Planet audio section.
We have hundreds of interviews we did.
It's actually about when we started that service about a year ago.
There's a picture of a little black girl getting a shot.
You can listen to the interview with the school officials.
on that subject.
So they're just getting you all ready to forcibly inject you and show your card.
There'll be troops in the factories and they'll question us.
And you know, an act of terrorism now is any drugs or guns or family violence.
Everything's terror now.
I got articles here where a little boy was playing with a toy gun and the police ran up and said, what are you doing with a gun to his head?
Nine year old.
He said, It's just my toy gun, and mother came out and said, please don't arrest him.
They admit the child didn't resist, but they called it a juvenile delinquent for inciting panic.
And mother said, please don't arrest my son.
So they slammed her to the ground.
They're charging her with resisting arrest.
They just say, because she said, please don't arrest my son.
The cops were in the article.
Well, she talked to us, and we're charging her.
We see this all the time.
You just talk to them, you go to jail.
See, you're all going to get caught up in the system.
You're all going to be good little slaves like they were in Russia.
You're going to thank the government.
Oh, thank you for making me a slave to keep me safe.
Thank you for destroying America.
Oh my goodness, FDA antidepressants may be linked to kids' suicide.
Yeah, no kidding.
The interview that wasn't, Michael Schiavo got the usual Larry King softballs.
Here are the questions King should have asked.
Wesley Smith for the Daily Standard.
Leslie Smith we had on a few weeks ago who in his book list hundreds of names of people including Florida who are begging saying please may I have water and food they chain you down and kill you.
And the Orlando Sentinel, it was a story in the Statesman today in Austin, of the Orlando Sentinel, where they said, well, yeah, she blinks at her mother and smiles and follows a balloon and laughs and stuff, but that's deceiving.
Actually, that's what vegetables do.
See, redefining now.
That's what vegetables do.
It is a sick, evil article.
So that really burns me up.
That's coming up as well.
And of course, nine-year-old arrested for waving toy gun.
Wanted to tell you about that.
Another article.
That's out of the Morning Journal.
Here's another one out of the Buffalo News.
Village bans paintball and BB and pellet guns.
Can't have them.
See, they can't totally ban the guns in upstate New York.
So now they're just gonna say toy guns.
In fact, most of New York's ban toy guns.
People are being arrested.
There's articles with six-year-olds being criminally charged for having, you know, purple or green water guns.
I talk to parents all the time in Austin.
If your child says the word gun or even if you make the image of a gun picking your teeth, young girls are being grabbed and taken to the principal's office.
It's all just thought crime.
See, learning how to be a thought criminal.
Learning how to be a pathetic scum ball jellyfish.
Oh yeah, so the children are thumb scanning at their school lunches, being frisked, wearing ID cards, cameras in the bathrooms, in the showers, all over the streets.
They're giving them little title-tale cards.
What do mommy and daddy have in the cupboard?
What type of guns do your mommy and daddy own?
This is all admitted nationwide.
Just absolute, total evil.
Wake up to it!
We'll be back.
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Oh, by the way, coming up here later in the hour, I'm going to air the audio of the little minute and a half intro to
my new film, "The Matrix of Evil."
And it starts out, you know, with the scary music and Matrix-like lettering and images.
So obviously you'll just hear the audio.
But then the last half of the intro cuts in with Ron Paul talking about who runs the government and how they believe in world government.
And I talk about the New World Order.
Got some comments from Colonel Craig Roberts, Cynthia McKinney, and others.
We're going to play that.
And this film is just amazing, folks.
There's so much hardcore info in it.
Let me go back into the news, then we'll open the phones up in the next segment on this Wednesday, the 29th of October, 2003 edition.
It's 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
2003 edition. It's 1-800-259-9231. That's 1-800-259-9231.
You're welcome to comment on any of the news articles I just mentioned in the last
segment or any news items that I've missed, any piece of propaganda you'd like to expose.
You have any questions?
Again, you know the toll-free number is 800-259-9231.
For our audience that's online, I would advise you to go to InfoWars.com and to stream the trailer for the new film, Matrix of Evil, because it really is impressive.
In fact, go watch it and give me a call and tell me what you think of it.
They're at Infowars.com and I think Paul is also posted at Prison Planet.
I'm going to hold off on the electronic voting machine fraud news until Bev Harris is on with us in the next hour.
That's our top story.
Clap me or no EU speech!
This is out of the London Mirror.
George Bush pulled out of a speech in the European Parliament when MEPs, members of the European Parliament, wouldn't guarantee a standing ovation.
Senior White House officials said the President would only go to Strasbourg to talk about Iraq if he had a stage-managed welcome.
A source close to negotiations said that last night President Bush agreed to a speech but insisted he got a standing ovation like at the State of the Union address.
His people also insisted that there was no protest or heckling.
And of course, when Bush goes into Eastern Europe, or into Asia, or into Africa, this has been admitted, folks.
I have the international newscast video.
Delta Force, FBI Secret Service, with the security forces of the countries, swarm and arrest thousands, beating them up, you name it.
Homeless people, folks off the streets, and they put them in sports stadiums.
So, I mean, that's, you know, when the emperor comes to town, when the dark lord of the Sith arrives, you gotta bow down.
I believe it would be a crucial speech for Mr. Bush to make in light of the opposition here to the war, but unless he only gets an adulation and praise, then it will never happen.
Mr. Bush's every appearance in the U.S.
is stage-managed with audiences full of supporters, so it's more than that.
Again, they say take your ties off or you'll be arrested or kicked out.
They have fake Made in America boxes.
They bring in people from defense contractor companies.
And then the news says a town hall meeting loved Bush.
Folks, that's not freedom!
Remember when Bill Clinton would have protesters 500 yards from his hotel arrested who had You know, Free Republic websites.
Remember when all that happened in 97, 98?
We were all outraged.
Somebody wouldn't salute him so Clinton would have him thrown out.
He'd be there meeting with parents of troops and somebody wouldn't shake his hand so he'd have him thrown out and roughed up.
We were all so mad.
Bush's people do this every day!
And it's bad when Bill Clinton does it.
It's bad when George Bush does it.
Yes, we're not neocons on this show.
We actually are credible and have the same litmus test.
Unlike the neocons who love Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Hardcore gay porno mags, abortion, gun control, open borders, groping women, and involved in the energy scam, he's your anti-scam crusader.
Again, it's like hiring a weasel to guard the fox in the henhouse.
Bush warns Iraq neighbors, U.S.
President George W. Bush has warned Iran and Syria not to let terrorists cross into Iraq from their territory.
We are working closely with those countries to let them know we expect them to enforce borders, Mr. Bush told journalists at the White House.
That means if they plant some passports on somebody when they blow something up, they can attack Syria.
See, they're setting up all the precepts here.
And, again, I heard about 10 minutes of clips from the Senate hearings yesterday on NPR, National Propaganda, Fascist Radio, calling itself Left Wing.
Again, clones of Bush.
War, war, war, war.
National draft is good.
War, war, war.
Iran better let us occupy them with troops or we're going to attack them.
Isn't that reasonable?
We'll come back and get into Prozac.
Causing the suicides.
Just a ton of other global news.
Kids with toy guns being arrested.
And your call.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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three four four three eight and all of our shows issue that's toll-free
cripple eight eight oh three four four three eight waging war on corruption
alex jones on the g_c_n_n_ radio network all right my friends
ready into the bottom of the hour segment.
We got Bev Harris on electronic voting scams, and how they're trying to suppress this information from coming out into the consciousness of the public in the next hour.
We've got some of your calls coming up here in a few minutes.
The toll-free number to join us on air, 1-800-259-9231.
Got a bunch of global news of high importance.
More on the fires, more on the super megaflare, 100 times bigger than the record flare last Friday!
Wow, that's interesting.
It's going to be slamming into the earth anytime now.
It's traveling at over a million miles an hour from the surface of the sun.
But before we go to your calls and more of the news, again I should have burned this on CD and brought this up to the studio.
So this is a real media file off the internet so the audio quality isn't really up to snuff.
But you can go to InfoWars.com and watch the trailer For my new video, and that is the Matrix of Evil!
And I guess it's about a two-minute trailer, but here's about a minute of it where the audio clips come in, basically the teasers of what Colonel Craig Roberts and Ron Paul and myself and Congressman Ron Paul and Cynthia McKinney talk about in the film.
And it is a riveting video, but here is about half of the new trailer, which is the intro to The Matrix of Evil.
So go ahead and hit that mark.
The American people have failed in their oversight of the integrity of our political system.
The final target is the American people.
We need to break that connection between the police and the military.
They're charging for weapons of mass destruction because they have marijuana.
I support the Constitution.
We wouldn't be at odds with my own party.
There really is an Illuminati.
There really are 13 families.
They own the big banks, print the money.
They're in our universities and they're in our congresses.
And they believe in one world government.
And plunge the American people into the deepest economic abyss of a generation.
If we have or when we have another attack, it looks like they'll come with more legislation.
And again, that doesn't do it justice, but I appreciate Mark downloading that off the internet.
I'm gonna burn it on CD and play it here in higher quality for you out of my studio here in Austin, Tejas.
But before we go to Ron and others that are holding Let me just get into, well, let's go ahead and go to calls and then I'll get into... Officials suggest Iran hid weapons in Syria.
A new solar flare detected 100 times bigger than the record one last Friday.
Oil baron detention prompts KGB fears of new roundup plans.
Nearly everything that people in the U.S.
eat will soon have to be registered with the government under anti-terrorism laws.
We told you about this last year.
Here it is in the Associated Press.
FDA antidepressants may be linked to kids' suicide.
Yeah, and shooting yourself in the head may be linked to death.
Also, we'll get into the latest developments on Terry Schiavo and they are disgusting.
The toll-free number to join us on-air is 1-800-259-9231.
On any of these issues, or any topics you'd like to raise, we have zero censorship here, folks.
Ron in New York, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi Alex, I'd like to bring a story to your attention today, page two of the New York Daily News.
Small little caption.
A fellow in New Haven, Connecticut is pounced on by the Secret Service because he looks at George Bush's daughter, which is walking down the street.
And now they're calling him a stalker for looking at her, and it turns out he had a concealed carry permit.
Well, understand something, as far as the gun part of it, at the time that they pounced on this guy for merely looking at her, they weren't even aware of that.
They found out subsequent to seizing him, and it turns out he had a license for the gun that they found out subsequently after they pounced on him for merely looking at her.
Well, why wouldn't you look at a celebrity?
I mean, I was in a... Of course.
I was in the City Grill And after I got done giving autographs to the federal marshals, that's what they had on protective detail.
I'll probably get them in trouble, but they didn't care.
After I got done, I said, why are you here?
And he said, well, I can't say why.
We went and got seated.
But I had to literally give autographs getting into the steakhouse.
I get into the high-end steakhouse for my buddy's wife's 40th birthday.
He was taking us all out.
And there are the Bush daughters, completely drunk.
With two people I can only describe as devil worshippers with satanic tattoos all over them.
They were rude to the waitress.
They were stumbling around.
And this was when they were still underage.
This was three years ago.
Go ahead.
Well, naturally, it goes without saying that people have a tendency to look at anyone who's a celebrity or a public figure, needless to say a member of the first families in that category, just like a movie star or a sports figure.
It has now gotten to the point that we can't look upon the beneficence of these people.
We have to kowtow as they walk down the street.
Remember, staffers were told, do not look at Hillary in the face of the eyes.
This is a feudalistic idea.
This idea is contrary to everything this country in the 21st century is about.
As a matter of fact, that idea is contrary to everything that the western world in the 21st century is about.
Well, Ron, you called before your retired police officer in New York.
I know you well, and what about where they admit that this nine-year-old had a toy gun, the cops come up, put a gun to his head, they know it's a toy gun, they arrest him for, what do they say, a juvenile delinquency, creating panic, the mother pleads, please don't arrest him, they arrest her for resisting arrest.
I mean, this is incredible.
This has all gotten out of hand.
Let me tell you something, these things are being done outside the scope Of the law.
What their actions are and what they're doing don't even match up to what the law says word for word.
They're creating and fabricating things.
We're in a feudal, fascistic, autocratic state.
In other words, authority makes up anything as it goes along now, even if it doesn't comport or parallel the letter of the actual... Yeah, it's Lord of the Flies, it's King Ratt, it's Escape from New York, it's Road Warrior time.
No, you know what it is?
It's 19th century Russia, and we have the czar, Czar Bush.
This is where he would probably feel he, his family, and the minions that are around him would feel more comfortable.
In 19th century Russia being a czar instead of 21st century America being a president.
Hey, you don't like it that he's going to sign the assault weapons ban and the new bill that registers all gun owners?
I don't like that in the Patriot Act 1.
Well, you're a liberal then.
He built in an exemption.
for fighter drug company they can't be sued by families whose children took uh... inoculations that
were made by fighter and caused autism
what they've got to do it national security i'd call that rhetorical question to you
i'd call the rhetorical question to you why did that if somebody opens up
an account with the department store to buy underwear that have to be reported to the federal government
what i've got to do a national security is also on the ben laden potentially
earned when i was a little bit i would say she called in last week with this
uh... i've got more calls and emails almost all your big catalogs you name it
bank accounts uh... everything you've got to waive your rights to the patriot
act it's all color of law civil uh... to be able to buy underwear and you say that you
actually saw that now Yes, as a matter of fact, anybody who gets, you know, the statements, the contractual statements you sign when you apply for a credit card, it'll be stated right in there, whether it's for a department store credit card, or a Visa, or a MasterCard, or whatever.
I mean, it's to the point that if you even ask somebody, I've actually had an inquiry with somebody from a major life insurance company about how the Patriot Act may be affecting the life insurance situation with whole life policies.
They act like you're asking them, you know, to tell them a state secret.
The law is considered a state secret, even though it's on the books and it's a public record.
This is sick!
This country is getting sick!
This administration... I don't even want to call it an administration anymore.
That's for a republic.
We call it an administration.
This autocracy is out of its mind.
It's out of its mind.
And if we love America, and I'm tired, I want to say something else.
People who think, well, because it's a republican, we've got to go along for it.
Stop that nonsense.
Stop that nonsense, here and now.
That's got to end now.
Loyalty to party should never exceed common sense and human decency.
It's both the parties.
That's what's happening.
Yes, it's both.
That's the dialectic that's confusing us with two false choices when it's two arms on the same creature.
Instead of being loyal to a political party, be loyal to the higher concepts that everybody purports to believe in.
Morality, Christ, Christianity, civility.
Be loyal to those principles.
Well, Ron, to the police officers listening, Out there.
I mean, they know that in the public schools, if a child points, and people point by their three fingers, back, their thumb, you know, it looks like a gun.
Children are being arrested, CPS are going after parents.
Now, if a child points at somebody, they're calling that aggression.
They've banned dodgeball nationwide.
They're banning musical chairs.
Right here in Austin, at most middle schools, You're not allowed to run, this has been in the paper, you're not allowed to run during recess because that is called, quote, aggressive.
I mean, this is worse!
This is worse than 1984!
Much worse.
There's a story in today's New York Post, page 23, about a boy in a New Jersey school who drew a picture of an American soldier shooting what he says, well, obviously appears to be an American soldier, Shooting what he says is a Taliban soldier or a Taliban fighter.
And they all drew those pictures.
My mother's got boxes of them that she pulls out every five years and we laugh at.
You want to go into many art museums and see the bloody scenes, war scenes, and so forth.
I live in New York.
But then notice the TV!
The television, when it's not teaching you how to be a homosexual, is showing you the most violent garbage imaginable.
And so he draws a picture like this, right?
Which is, it's just a reflection of the world around him.
Artists have been drawing these pictures Probably since the medieval times.
You could go and see great artworks of conflict and combat and violence.
Yeah, hanging up in the house chambers of the Texas Legislature is a giant, beautiful painting of the Mexicans pouring over the wall and of Davy Crockett and Travis being killed.
And it's one of tens of thousands throughout this world and in this country.
And this kid is suspended, I believe, for three or four days for that.
And when they ask the school administration why they did it... That's nothing.
Usually they arrest them.
I'm surprised it didn't wind up that far.
But when they asked the school administration why they did this, they said, it kind of looked Columbine-like.
Could you imagine an ignorant, trite, bourgeois, retard statement like that?
An MTV pop culture statement like that coming from school administration because a boy draws a picture of the war, which by the way, he has two relatives fighting him.
Hey, look, right here in Austin, and we've seen hundreds, there's an article every day in the news about it, I don't even read them anymore.
Here in Austin, was a young student, I think it was what, sixth grade, his father's a captain in the Marines.
He drew a picture of his father with a machine gun, and they called police in.
This is sick.
This is totally sick.
He's coming charged with neurotic paranoia, like the third Reich under Hitler.
It's total mind... Look!
You can't say the word gun!
They're now... It's mind control.
Thanks for the call.
It is, folks.
And the border's wide open, and every terrorist group we investigate's funded by the CIA.
Steve in Ohio.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
This is Steve.
Let me get off the radio.
Guy wanted me on the regular phone.
You there?
Yeah, go ahead.
Okay, yeah, they're blanketing us like crazy with chemtrails in Ohio.
I just want to let you know, and the reception is terrible.
It's not even like the stations aren't even there.
Well, I've heard of you.
Sir, sir.
It's on the phone, yeah.
Sir, sir.
We're getting calls from AM and FM stations that either are going further or aren't going out.
That's because a flare 100 times the record flare of last Friday is now hitting us.
Well, hey, I'd be great for what you do.
I pray for you all the time.
And hang in there, buddy, and everybody else.
Yeah, they're just blanketing us all.
Well, Steve, what do you think about the news items we've thrown out here?
You got any comments?
Yeah, I just think it's a bunch of phony, well, You know, what I got to say is just about basically what you got to say.
We are in agreement.
And I know you'd rather have somebody call you that disagrees, but sorry.
I hear you, Steve.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
Toll-free number to join us, 1-800-259-9231.
We'll go to some more of the patient callers here in a second.
Yeah, I would like people to disagree with me because I like to understand the mindset.
But let me tell you something.
And I say this every few weeks because it's so important.
And it just gets better and better, the feedback I'm getting.
I mean, I did four radio interviews yesterday.
No, that's not true.
Five radio interviews yesterday and no one called in to disagree.
And four of the interviews were mainstream.
One of them was here on this network with Pastor Butch Paul.
But, and that's on a bunch of AM and FM stations.
I mean, I sit here, on this show, on dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens of AM and FM stations, shortwave, one of the biggest internet listening audiences out there.
Go look at ShotCast.
We're routinely rated number one, folks, against Dr. Laura.
And I sit here on the air, no one's screening calls, just what's your name, where you calling from, and no one calls in to disagree.
I do four mainstream interviews, no one calls in to disagree.
I'll go on some 50,000 water for two hours, they'll take 20-30 calls, maybe one personal call in, they're incoherent, and they say, I want to kill you, or I hope they put you in a camp, or you're a liberal, or you're a right winger, you know, they're a liberal, I'm a right winger, they're phony conservative, I'm a liberal.
And, you know, well, gun control is conservative, we gotta pass some gun laws, so what if Bush does that?
We gotta compromise.
I mean, look, I've done my own poll all over this country.
And all I see is people waking up.
That's all I see, folks.
But again, they'll tell you, well, we don't have any power, no one can affect change, we can't get anything done, nobody cares.
I'll be at the grocery store surrounded by 15, 20 people.
I stop and start talking, a crowd will gather.
And they're all, you're right, you're right, I saw this, I saw this, this happened to my neighbor, this happened to my child, this is... On and on and on.
My husband's in the army and he says the troops hate what's happening and they're enslaving the people.
But there's nothing we can do, nobody cares.
And I go, every person that's walked by has stopped, you're all telling me that you believe in what's happening, but you're all, again, regurgitating that nobody cares, we can't get anything done.
What if you guys all got together and went off and formed some group?
You could take this city over in two years by putting out your ideas, codifying your plan, your manifesto, your constitution, going out, getting ten other people, getting them to get ten other people.
But no, no, we've just got to talk about how we can't get anything done, how we can't effect change, how we don't have any power, how resistance is futile.
It's so frustrating.
But yeah, I sit here on the air, I'll do it right now.
I'm told we have some lines open, which doesn't happen a lot lately.
Tell me why I'm wrong.
I mean, I know you're listening.
I get your occasional emails.
Tell me why I'm wrong.
Tell me why world government's good.
Or tell me why George Bush is good.
Or, you know, how gun control's conservative.
Tell me.
Explain it to me.
I know you're out there.
I mean, there are certainly people out there who disagree with this show.
But they don't know how to dial a telephone.
They don't know how to... I mean, I'll be on shows where I'm being attacked by the host and people don't call in to disagree.
I mean, where are you?
Where are you?
We'll come back with more news and more calls.
I'm Alex Jones.
Go to InfoWars.com to watch the Matrix clip.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Well, we loaded the phones up there and no one disagrees.
So, again, just keep trying to get in if you exist out there.
By the way, I got this email last week.
I'm reporting you to the police all over Colorado.
People are spray-painting InfoWars.com on government signage and I know you're doing it.
Yeah, I'm in Colorado in the middle of the night spray-painting InfoWars.com up.
I've gotten threatening emails from all over the world, from Italy and the other place was New Zealand where, look at this photo of somebody climbed up on this big building and spray-painted InfoWars.com or PresentPlanet.com.
You better stop it!
I'm not doing that, and whoever is doing it, it's just terrible what you're doing, trying to warn folks about how they're taking our right to vote away and how they're building concentration camps.
Imagine if the Jews would have tried to spray-paint warnings.
That would have been horrible in Nazi Germany.
Well, actually, it wouldn't have been horrible, but again, we're not advocating anything illegal here on the show.
Certainly not on private property, I'll say that.
But it's a phenomenon, let's just put it that way.
For years people have been doing that.
What do you think about that?
I don't know.
I know a lot of folks put billboards up in their yards, I appreciate that.
We're about to go to Charles and Todd and Scott and David and others.
We've got Bev Harris coming up in about ten minutes.
About electronic voting fraud and the government and how they're trying to suppress the news articles.
But before we do that, Go to InfoWars.com, go to PrisonPlanet.com and watch the trailer for The Matrix of Evil, my new two-plus-hour video with Ron Paul and all these other great folks, Cynthia McKinney, myself, Colonel Craig Roberts doing a great job, Frank Morales,
Just, I mean, Ron Paul talks about how those running Washington believe in one world government.
I talk about it.
World Depression, Cashless Society, Control Grid, Indeposit Commentatus, Government Sponsored Terror.
It's all covered, up-to-date, latest info.
You need to go to InfoWars.com to get it.
Or call toll free to get the new film, or Police State 3, or the new book, Order Out of Chaos, 1-888-253-3139.
You get a great video that you're authorized to make copies of to get out to folks, and it supports this show.
Your support is needed.
1-888-253-3139 or just write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Okay, let's talk to Charles and Flora, then Todd, Scott and others.
Charles, go ahead.
How you doing?
Pretty good.
Well, same thing's happening over and over.
It looks like we just got to keep pushing, but I got some good news.
I went to a gunsmith, a guy that had a gunsmith checking guns and cleaning guns for nothing, trying to sell guns, and we met a trooper that was related to my wife.
He was a sheriff, and he retired from that, and he's become a state trooper.
And he knew about the executive orders, I think it's 1472, about disarming the police.
He knew about all this, and I went and had a cup of coffee with him, and I asked him, what's going on?
He's saying that the police, They've gotten so corrupt, he can't wait to retire.
That's how corrupt they got.
Hey, 12 years ago in college, my dad's friend, one of his patients, who was the head fed over the federal marshals in Texas, told me, what are you thinking about in college?
I was just like, oh, I'm looking at a bunch of stuff.
Might be a teacher, might go into law enforcement.
He goes, don't do that unless you're a criminal.
And this is a big ol' six foot four, gray haired guy telling me this, you know, Vietnam vet.
He's telling me this, and every day in the paper there's cops running the prostitutes, the drugs, everything, Charles.
Well, Mr. Jones, just please listen to what I have to say.
I don't call much anymore, but... No, no, I want to hear from you.
Stay there, okay?
Okay, bud?
Yes, sir.
Don't hang up.
Of course I want to hear what you have to say.
You're welcome to call.
My goodness.
We just love all you guys to death.
We'd like the folks even more to disagree with us, though.
Come back with Charles, Todd, Scott, David and others, and Bev Harris.
Stay with us.
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This is the GCN radio network.
Big Brother. Mainstream media. Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, folks.
We are scheduled to have Beverly Harris up.
If I can get in touch with my producer and get her phone number.
Coming up in the next segment.
About electronic voting fraud and all the new big developments in that.
And right now we are going back to Charles.
Charles, go ahead.
You said you were talking to a relation who's a state police officer and he was talking about the plan to disarm the police.
Go ahead.
Well, he's saying that good police are getting away from the police department.
But these guys come today, they're just gone whole.
He said, we in a lot of trouble here.
And he told me, he said, I heard about this tape.
Have you, the guy, been giving the tapes out?
And I said, maybe I am.
I gave about almost 4,000 tapes out.
He said, well, it's doing some good because, he said, about two weeks ago, they had a big conversation about these tapes.
These tapes from Alex Jones.
I said, yes.
I said, I got a tape and a call for you, too.
So I gave, he said, well, yeah, give me, give me.
I'll let you have my own.
They had a big conversation?
What was that?
About, you know, about how our government's turning against the people.
How we're losing our rights.
You said it was in the locker room.
But it was over your tape.
Let me just say this.
It's Christmas time coming.
I did this for the last three or four Christmases.
If everybody would just buy a tape and give to their family, and if the family they give it to would make another tape or pass the tape on, We could wake up the public very quickly, but I feel that the Patriots are just letting other people do it.
We have to give shortwave radios out.
We have to do everything we can do.
And these tapes explain it.
I can't explain it.
I don't have the education.
But at least I know from talking to that trooper, I am affecting people.
I'm nobody, and I'm affecting policemen.
I know this.
And I thank God for it.
I thank God that I have the ability to do this.
But if the Patriots have to get off their can and do this, forget about the football games.
It's time to save our country.
We don't have much time to go.
People think it's just going to roll on and on and on.
We are in trouble, Mr. Jones.
We are in serious trouble.
Well, I agree, but let me tell you, we have hurt them badly.
Their agenda has been exposed.
And if you wouldn't have done what you did, I mean this, I'm talking to you and all the others that took action.
And yes, we are, this network, and you, the listeners, take a large part of the credit.
The globalists would have already carried out more terror.
They were already planning to do it from all the indicators.
And we are fighting toe-to-toe against the greatest evil in history.
We're having victories and all the glory goes to Christ.
And we have just got to turn the heat up now, because we're in a fight for our lives, brother.
Oh, yes.
We follow the Jews.
Even this policeman said, keep up what you're doing.
It is making a difference.
I mean, the policeman told me that I'm an ex-convict, and he's saying, do what you keep doing what you're doing.
It is making a difference.
And this is a distant relation to your wife?
Yes, sir.
We didn't know it until we went to the gun show, or gunsmith, and we just happened to be talking.
He's related to my wife.
See, we're moving into a new parish.
I'm not in the same... I'm not in Satsuma no more.
I'm in Walker now.
And so I'm affecting these people in Walker.
I've got a whole new parish I'm working on.
And I'm planning on, by Christmas time, to give out another 150 tapes.
And if everybody else would just take the time to take it and run off a couple of copies, do you know how much effect we would have if people would just do it just on a weekend?
If they would oil the tape or give it out?
This tape wakes people up.
This is the only thing I know how to fight with.
I tried everything.
I went every place.
There was nothing there.
This, if we do this, with news articles, give out the broadcasts, I mean, we're saving lives.
Well, you know, it's not hype.
And the network, I don't get a dime for this, for like 19 bucks sells a whole month of whatever show you want.
I mean, that's ridiculous.
That's enough to educate somebody almost completely with a whole month of my broadcast.
Well, I donate to different ones, too.
Well, you're awesome, man.
And, you know, I tell you, you're right.
We do have power.
We are affecting change.
And which of my videos have you found is waking the most of the folks up?
Well, for the Christians, I like Bohemian Grove's Dark Seekers.
That's for the Christians.
And I still like 9-1-1 Grove's Eternity.
Well, thank you, Charles.
More calls of Bev Harris coming up.
I'm Alex Jones, and I'm telling you, we're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
We'll be right back.
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Ease the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right my friends, Already 8 minutes and 30 seconds into the second hour.
And we just have an absolutely amazing woman on the line with us.
I'm gonna try to keep her as long as we can.
I mean, I've been calling her for weeks and her voicemail's been full.
She has really pushed the electronic voting scam story into the forefront.
She's Bev Harris.
And the U.N.
controlled agency under the orders of Diebold had her website taken down because they put documents that Diebold had on their own website that were internal but that they put out publicly that are news items on her website and reported on them.
And now they've been suing and taking down a bunch of other websites, a bunch of universities and students are standing up to them.
Bev Harris, just in a nutshell, for those that just joined us and know nothing about this and the touchscreens, tell us about yourself, how you got involved in this, what the touchscreen scam is, how you've gotten in on the secret meetings, and now what Diebold's doing to you.
This is one of the biggest stories of the century, how in America, a Soviet-style election fraud system is being put in place.
Bev, thanks for coming on.
Well, it's great to be here again.
Well, yeah, we started looking into this about a year ago and I was just stunned.
I've been a writer for many years and I have never seen a story like this.
Every time you ask a question and turn over a rock, you find something crawling under there.
It is just amazing.
What happened is I started out looking at whether, you know, who owned the voting machine companies found conflict of interest right away with almost all of the companies, including people who'd been indicted for some of the, who were in some of the companies.
Then I looked at, you know, do the machines count accurately?
Very quickly uncovered over a hundred elections where the machines miscounted by huge amounts, often handing it to the wrong person.
And I finally stopped.
It wasn't that there was only a hundred.
I just, you know, I was dizzy after all of that.
You also found former deputy directors of the CIA in every corner.
They keep popping up, you know.
We say they pop up like a bad penny.
You have also people from the Defense Policy Board.
The defense industry, and I don't mean to sound like I'm some wacko crazy, but I was surprised to find documentation that the defense industry is heavily involved in the voting machine industry, in the manufacturing of both the voting machines and involved also in the new computerized registration of voters.
And frankly, I can't think of anything more inappropriate.
It's a classic conflict of interest because they have a clear vested interest in who wins.
And now they're telling us they're getting rid of Posse Comitatus, but troops on the streets.
Lockheed Martin runs the red light cameras.
They're now buying into the private prison industry.
I mean, I guess they're just going to make themselves our bosses.
Lockheed Martin is also involved in the voting industry.
They are involved in the smart card side of it, from what I understand.
They're trying to get it so that instead of you going and registering and then you going and checking in, you know, with a piece of paper at the polling place, that you have this voter ID smart card that you go around and do.
They can do all kinds of mischief with that.
Because, for example, you can't see what's programmed on that card.
You have no way of knowing, when you put that card into a voting machine, whether it has associated your personal information with your vote.
You can't tell.
You can't see.
And again, it makes you wonder why in the world would a private organization like Lockheed Martin or General Dynamics or Diversified Dynamics or Accenture Why would any of them be interested in making voting machines and registering voters?
And Bev, they've also been lobbying to not have a paper trail.
They have wireless internet connections inside of them.
They found them, die-bold, during a California election in 2002, accessing it illegally during the election.
Then a few months ago, you and the Plain Dealer reporter made your paper in Ohio, got in to the quote, you know, classified meeting with the industry execs.
They were going, we can't let folks know about this.
It could be called racketeering.
The oldest came out, you broke it.
In fact, on this show, right when it came out, that day you came on and talked about what was happening with these documents that you got off the Diebold website.
Break down what's happened since then.
Well, what we got, we have actually, there's actually been two different things.
People get confused.
There was a set of documents, a huge stash that I found in January of 2003 that had about 40,000 program files and vote files.
Then, in August, I was contacted by a person who had had some inside access, who leaked internal memos.
So you see, the first batch was programs and things like that.
The second batch was memos, where they were writing back and forth what they were doing with these things.
And now they've had Diebold engineers go public and say, we ship out machines that didn't even work.
Hundreds of memos like that.
They just say, well, you know, sorry, that part's broken, but we'll just put this patch on it, you know, and they don't get the thing certified.
Well, when we first published some of the memos that were very disturbing, they had quotes from their principal engineer that said things like, well, I haven't put a password on it because it's handy to do end runs around the voting system using that feature.
That is called a backdoor.
No, it's so handy!
that you would have that in a memo.
It's handy.
Handy to do end runs around the voting system.
What possible non-nefarious reason would there be to do end runs around a voting system?
And here's the headline, AP Today, on InfoWars.com.
Diebold warns on electronic vote papers, San Jose, California, despite lawsuit threats from one of the nation's largest electronic voting machine suppliers, some activists are refusing to remove websites with internal company documents that they claim raise serious security concerns.
Wait, the engineers admit that!
Well, this is the documents that they're posting.
The documents show what's really going on with these secret voting systems.
And they show it in black and white, and they're authored by people like the Principal Engineer, the Vice President of Research and Development.
They're the people who are actually programming the machines, and the people who are doing the tech support.
They're extremely disturbing.
Now, they took your website down when you were the first to publish this.
Right, and it was down for a whole month, which is also completely illegal.
It can only be taken down, it's a controversial law to begin with, but they can only take it down for 10 days.
We were down for 30 days.
We were not allowed to access our own files on our own FTP site.
We were not allowed to move the domain.
None of this is involved in the normal DMCA takedown, which is what they use.
And again, that's an international, UN-type system.
And it's really, like the Patriot Act, it's absolutely misused.
It's used, in some cases, to stifle free speech.
Because, you see, they don't have to prove a case to take you down.
All they have to do is send a letter, and it can say anything.
In fact, in my case, They claimed copyright to a link that led to another page, which in turn had a link which led to some memos.
It wasn't even that I had the memo on my page.
So now if you have a link to a link to a link to a link, then maybe somebody has a link.
And they're actually going after that now, by the way.
They've been going after three and four deep links.
They went after a search engine that searched the documents.
This is... Well, sounds like a free society.
Well, it needs to be... The thing is, I don't believe... Number one, I don't believe that they can assert copyright on something that shows that they are in running the system.
That shows power in very high, global level, wanting to block you.
Well, whatever, and the other thing that's interesting is we have two black box voting websites.
We have .org and .com.
We have separate ownership on them.
One is my publisher, one is me.
We have separate hosting.
Now, when they took out my site, they weren't able to get at him legally, and so he got hacked out.
He was taken out four times in four weeks.
from hacking and then when hacking didn't work anymore because he got a
bulletproof security system they started sending fake bogus spam things and then
reporting him to spam cops. Yeah, that's what they do.
It was just... he's finally back...
In fact, yesterday, for the first time in about two months, both he and I had the black box voting sites up at the same time.
Well, let me stop you because the key here is having this everywhere, defeating them on this fight, backing them down.
This shows they are running scared.
This is a desperate move, and you say you've been contacted by a bunch of national media.
They're not allowed to run with this.
This is a huge story.
There are several national media, very, very large, all the ones you've heard of, and I know for a fact that the investigative reporters want to run with the story.
They're feeling like everybody's passing them up.
They know.
It truly is, perhaps, the most important story since 1776.
And that's not an understatement.
And at the same time, the same military industrial complex owns the media, and in that plain dealer, With a Plain Dealer reporter there on the phone with you in
that classified little briefing with industry execs, they talk about racketeering and suppressing
the public.
I mean, that's gigantic.
They talk about using our friends in the defense industry.
Yeah, that was actually Erica D. Smith from the Akron Beacon Journal.
The Plain Dealer has done some amazing work too.
Those two papers have been... You know, we do have a free press.
It's just not where you quite look for it.
The Akron Beacon Journal, Erica D. Smith, and Julie Carr-Smith from The Plain Dealer have been just amazing with what they've uncovered.
And are those articles at blackboxvoting.com?
Yeah, there's a lot of those articles there, and that actually also has in the archives the actual documents and the actual Transcript of the meeting that we were talking about.
Now, what was in that meeting is this.
It was the voting machine insiders meeting with the guy who represents our election officials.
Now, why he was in it, I have no idea.
He's supposed to represent the people.
And they were discussing not how they can correct the flaws in the system, not how they can make it more secure and give us a paper ballot.
They were discussing how they can Purchase with a PR program, a perception that it has been fixed.
And they talked about, we better keep this secret, this could be considered rocketeering.
Well, they said they better keep it secret, they better be careful and get legal advice as far as their meeting.
Now, rocketeering, I don't know.
I mean, because an industry can get together and they can do lobbying.
What was unusual about this is that they wanted money.
They had this group come in and say, we need $200,000 by Friday.
Now, how strange is that?
And they said that they would take care of the problem.
But you did say in the last interview that they quote, so we got to be careful.
We can get in trouble legally for this.
Yes, they did.
And then they decided to go out and get some legal advice.
And what was interesting then is they... Stay there, Bev.
We got a break.
Stay with us.
Thank you so much for joining us.
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I want the listeners to understand that in these companies you've got senators owning
the companies that give them upset victories in their own elections.
That there's deputy former CIA directors and top CIA security officials and big defense agencies.
And then, they've got the League of Women Voters out saying, we don't want a paper trail, oh, this is for our democracy.
I mean, this is so sick, the average person just can't imagine it.
By the time it percolates down to our local paper, it's, they found a few problems with the touch screens, but they're fixing them, don't worry.
You know, they'll have the local media people on the boards of these study groups getting paid to study it, basically paying off the media.
I mean, this is so deep and dark and evil.
Bev Harris, we're going to go to calls in the next segment, but during the break we were talking, going back to that meeting that the reporter was able to get in with you.
They talked about, quote, we better be careful, this could be illegal.
You were saying it could be anti-trust, which is under the racketeering to be clear.
But you said you've got another smoking gun in all of this.
Oh, yes.
when we were going through the memo, we found what really happened in Florida in 2000.
And let me tell you, it is a blockbuster. In fact, I have it online. Now, if you go
to blackboxvoting.org, there's a summary of it on the front page, and there's a chapter
called Chapter 11 that has all of the memos and everything that go with it.
Here's what happened. You had the cousin of George Bush working for Fox News - many of
us knew that - he was the analyst who called the election for Bush. Now, he was privy to
the numbers from Voter News Service to tell how much of a spread he needed in order to
call that election. He was on the phone throughout the evening with George Bush and with Jeb
Bush. Now, in Volusia County...
The spread that was needed in order to call the election magically appeared.
It appeared this way.
What they said to the media was, well, there was a mistake.
Minus 16,000 votes for Gore appeared in Volusia County.
And they said it was because of a bad memory card.
That's like a bad disk.
Well, the internal memos, that is not what they say.
What caused that spread, and by the way, that is the spread that was specifically referenced by CBS in an internal document I have from CBS.
That 16,000 votes was what caused the networks to call the election for Bush.
That was caused by a replacement set of votes, which was uploaded into a Diebold machine, then called Global Election Systems.
What they did was they had memory card number zero.
That's like a disk.
It contained the votes.
They uploaded the votes.
They were correct.
An hour later, they replaced those votes with memory card number three, which uploaded the votes.
All of the races were correct, except the presidential race.
The presidential race took away 16,000 votes from Gore, added 4,000 votes to Bush.
There was another county, Brevard County in Florida, which also took away 4,000 votes from Gore.
They also had Diebold machines sent called Global.
The internal CBS report specifically says they would not have called the election without those erroneous votes in the system.
Then, Gore conceded to Bush based on those votes.
He wrote a concession speech.
He was headed to concede.
He was two blocks from Memorial Plaza in Memphis.
It was in Tennessee.
When he heard that the vote totals were incorrect, the person that was flagging the fact that they were incorrect was Ed Bradley from 60 Minutes.
He was one of the only people over at CBS that was looking at the numbers saying, we've got discrepancies here.
There is a problem.
He was telling everyone in sight.
No one was listening to him.
Finally, the word got to Gore, and two blocks away from making a public concession, he decided not to concede.
Now, understand that if he had made a public concession, there would have been no Florida recount.
None of this stuff would have been exposed at all.
And again, you have over a hundred cases with Republicans ripping people off, Democrats ripping people off.
It's whoever controls the systems.
It is just, this is unbelievable.
And folks, you better go get the information off of her website and clone it to your site.
You know, get it out to folks.
Before we get shut down again.
Before you get shut down again, and believe me folks, it has been serious for us as well, and we don't get into that here on air, but believe me, we are hurting them badly.
And Bev, you've got the facts.
Oh, yes, I have the documents.
Do you think somebody who cared posted those on their website on purpose?
We know somebody who cared leaked the latest documents, these engineers, and that's now been in the mainstream news.
Oh, the original documents?
No, they were actually, this was their system.
It was a bizarre system.
They had a system of just putting them on the internet site so they could swap them back and forth as they worked on them.
It also, though, you know, gives plausible deniability, doesn't it?
If somebody ever did find one of those files and say, woo, I found something in here that stinks, you could always say, you know what, we should have had better security.
It wasn't us that did it.
It's unbelievable, and now we see the arrogance of government.
We've always had election fraud.
I mean, LBJ got in with stuff in ballot boxes to Congress.
But I tell you what, Bev, stay there.
We're going to come back, get into more of this incredible information, and we'll take calls with these loaded phones.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Alright, Scott, David, Vince, Russ, Roger, Rick and many others, your calls are coming up.
I know some of you were holding even before Bev got on, so you can just comment on the electronic voting machines.
I'm sure you want to comment and you can bring up whatever other issue, because it all ties together with tyranny.
Before we go back to Bev Harris, just again, one of my heroes, we're so honored to have on the show, a corporate fraud investigator who got into the election fraud investigation and has just blown it wide open.
There's a lot of other great activists out there and researchers.
Before we do that, I want to encourage all of you to get my new video, The Matrix of Evil.
It has Congressman Ron Paul, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Colonel Craig Roberts, myself.
It has Frank Morales on the police state.
Here are some clips just from the intro, just part of the intro, to the new film.
And the film just came out a few days ago and I forgot to bring a CD of the intro down to this.
To my studio, some marketers downloaded it off the web, so the audio isn't as good as it is on the video, but here's just a minute from the new film, from the intro.
Here it is.
Here is a public plan, hive mind, connecting us all in by law, microchips in our brains by 2025.
We're looking at the literal realization of the military police state in America.
The American people have failed in their oversight of the integrity of our political system.
We need to break that connection between the police and the military.
The final target is the American people.
We need to break that connection between the police and the military.
They're charging for weapons of mass destruction because they have marijuana.
I support the Constitution.
We want to see it on with my own party.
There really is an Illuminati.
There really are 13 families.
They own the big banks, print the money.
They're in our universities and they're in our conferences.
And they believe in one world government.
And plunge the American people into the deepest economic abyss of a generation.
If we have or when we have another attack, it looks like they'll come with more legislation.
Again, Problem, reaction, solution, over and over again.
Government uses crises to scare the population into submission.
That is so important to understand.
All right, folks.
Now, it's a great new film.
$25.95 over 2 hours.
Get 3 or more of any of my 10 films.
I dropped down to 20.
The new book I published, Order Out of Chaos, is out.
It's excellent.
Get a second copy for $11.95.
It's a gift.
This Christmas, go to InfoWars.com.
You can watch the entire trailer.
And it's just powerful for the new film.
It's actually the intro to the film.
That was just part of it.
You can watch the whole thing at Infowars.com or order it online.
Please go to the websites, order the videos, get them, get them out to people, put them on AXS TV, show them to your university, show them to your church, educate the mass out there, or it's over!
The military-industrial complex is moving against us right now.
Here's the total free number to order the videos of the books.
You've got to get a copy of this new film.
Or just write to me, and I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
There is an awakening taking place.
We've got to push it over the edge.
Bev Harris, before we finish up with your latest revelations that are at Black BoxVoting.com and Org.
Plug your new book or how folks support your incredible research.
What we have done is decided to give the book away for free.
You can get the regular book at Amazon and so forth, but we also put an online version on for free because we thought it was so And frankly, a lot of the people who get disenfranchised are people who are unemployed.
By the way, Bev, that is a key litmus test.
I allow people to make copies of my videos for non-profit educational purposes, then it has a massive effect.
Thousands of videos turn into millions.
What an incredible thing you've done, posting this book for free that is years of your research and hundreds of thousands of dollars of expenses.
That is amazing, Bev.
Well, yeah, and I'll tell you quite honestly, I am flat broke at this time.
I can't believe myself.
I mean, one year ago, I was not in this situation.
But, you know, I just know it's going to come out okay, because this was a story that I knew had to be told.
And until we got it past the tipping point, it doesn't matter, you know.
Nothing else matters.
I have five children, you know.
I want them to be able to vote.
Nothing else matters.
You're right.
Nothing else matters.
So it had to be done.
And I have some kind of crazy confidence that everything's going to come out okay somehow.
Well, the world keeps turning and decency and honor and family continues and darkness is defeated because of the spirit that beats in your breast.
And God bless you, Bev Harris.
How do folks support you?
Well, go to blackboxvoting.com or .org.
They're two different sites.
.org, get involved.
And if you got the money, buy the book.
Yeah, and blackboxvoting.com has a contribution thing now with PayPal.
He's put in just ridiculous amounts of money fighting to keep these websites up.
Oh, I know.
There's ways to do that, but there's also what is most important to me at this point
is that you get over to the forums, which are the public meeting places online, at blackboxvoting.org
and get involved.
And point people to your website, point them to my site.
It's simple.
We have people power, and when you move, and when you stand up against the machine, and
when you block its levers and wheels, it can't move.
And they cannot defeat a swarm of different people coming from all different things.
All these little things are what's killing them.
You get a big organization with some charismatic leader and they can decapitate that, but they can't deal.
It's like, where are all these people coming from and why are they so angry?
Well, that's it.
No, no.
I mean, this is exact.
People say, be our leader, Alex, or this person's our leader.
All of us leaders, on different issues, being educated, being fiery, confrontational politics, not backing down.
It's our country, our republic.
We're not giving it up.
Now, Bev, Where is it going from here?
It's now in the AP, it's now on Reuters, a watered-down version.
Millions of people are finding out that the touchscreens are basically run by the CIA.
They're learning of all this stuff.
Where does it go from here?
Okay, the next two chapters to go online, which will be up within the next 48 hours, tell us where we go from here.
And you'll absolutely love them.
It's called Practical Activism, and it is stuff that fits every person's lifestyle and talents and desires.
We show you how to take what you already know and what you're already good at, and in whatever amount of time that you have, and make a real difference.
And it is absolutely amazing how much difference even one person can make.
And real quickly, I just want to mention, there's one person in Washington State who decided to get involved.
She has single-handedly blocked two pieces of legislation designed to get rid of the paper Exactly.
People sit there, sucking their thumbs, going, there's nothing we can do.
Folks, I have done a lot.
I've stopped legislation.
You've done a lot.
We stopped them killing Terry Schiavo.
The bottom line... It is amazing what one person can do, and each one of you out there is one person.
So what are, what is the defense agencies, what are they doing to counter you?
Well, you know what?
They'll do whatever they're going to do, but here's what we need to do.
We need to first get an immediate moratorium on using this machine, starting with the next primary elections.
We need to go to paper ballots immediately for the next primaries.
And then, here is my proposal, it's a radical one.
We put a public debate out as to what kind of voting system we want, and then we vote on it as a nation.
What a concept, huh?
We do not have a group of experts in a private room telling us how we're going to vote.
If we're going to change it, we vote on it.
And then saying it's a proprietary secret code so you can't look under the hood.
If we're going to do that, that's fine.
Let's vote on it.
Let's decide that as a country that that's how we want to go.
We will not have other people telling us that that's how we're going to go.
We will decide.
It is our vote.
So that is the direction that I'm going to be pointing the thousands of activists that have come to me.
I wonder if people realize how big this is.
We really are a shadowy group of elected officials, of CIA, private defense agencies, taking away our right to vote, taking away the receipts.
We've caught them manipulating votes from California to Florida.
Bragging about it in their own memos.
We have the smoking guns.
I mean, we've got to get this story out.
That's right.
And every single person out there can make a huge difference with their own talents.
Because we all have our different things that we do.
Some people are good with legal stuff.
Some people are good with number crunching.
We've got a number of different things.
How about calling your local radio talk shows and telling them to interview Beth Harris?
And when you see Chapter 13 come out in the next 48 hours, that's going to tell you, you will find that no matter who you are, it fits you.
You can do something, even if you don't have a lot of time.
Let's take some calls, Bev.
Let's talk to Scott in Colorado.
Scott, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Good, sir.
Yeah, I just wanted to let you know that I've changed my mind on a situation, a show you had a long time ago with that doctor of death from Australia.
Remember him?
Uh, yeah.
Well, I was the one that called in there and I disagreed with it.
I thought it should be a personal right to end your life.
Well, the problem is the state gets involved in that, Scott.
Yeah, well, that's what I said before I hung up with you.
I told you that I would change my mind if I thought it was going to turn into socialized medicine, but I see it's gone a lot further than that.
It's a very important subject, but do you have any comments about taking our right to vote away?
Yeah, being I'm from Volusia County, Florida, I'm serious about that.
Yeah, I know about the corruption down there.
Yeah, it's pretty serious.
Well, I'm glad that we changed your mind on that, and I'm glad that you were open to that.
That takes a big man to admit that, and I'm wrong all the time and admit it myself, and I appreciate the call, Scott.
Oh, go ahead.
Okay, go ahead.
Yeah, well, this Salvation Army thing over in Iraq, I mean, that kind of looks funny to me.
I've read a book a long time ago called the Bauer Wars or the Boer Wars when they went into Africa, Britain did, and I remember seeing a picture they had of a Salvation Army tent where they had two soldiers killed in it and come to find out later on that the media came out and said it was all a hoax.
Oh yeah, that's a classic British tactic to blow something up or kill somebody and blame it on their enemies.
Thank you, Scott.
David in California, you're on the air with Bev Harris.
Go ahead, David.
Yes, you there, Alex?
Yes, I am.
Okay, yeah.
You know, I've kind of been watching this thing, because I figured all along that Bush really hadn't won that election in Florida.
But, you know, I was kind of looking at it in a religious aspect, because over in Revelation, the sixth chapter where it talks about the seals, the first one, it talks about a rider on a white horse, and how he had a bow in his hand, and he was given a crown.
He didn't necessarily win that crown.
It was given to him.
And I looked at that and I said, you know, that's pretty much what happened with Bush.
He was given a crown.
And ever since then, he's gone forth conquering the conqueror, just like it says in that prophecy.
And as everybody knows, we had a real interesting election out here in California where we basically had Arnold Schwarzenegger shoved down our throat and we really weren't given a choice about anything.
And they call him a conservative.
You have right.
I mean, you know, you look at this man and it was real funny that They brought up, you know, Arnold Gropenegger's past with the women, but they never brought up out here about the racist statements that he had made while he was a bodybuilder.
In front of 200 bodybuilders, over 1,000 people at a bodybuilding dinner, he began to scream, I hate N-words, you're subhuman trash, no blacks allowed.
And nobody ever, it was never brought around.
Well, drugs ran it, ABC admits it, but the executives decided not to run it because he's a member of the Bohemian Grove Club.
Thanks for the call, David.
Bev, comments on California.
Diebold got caught manipulating votes out there, didn't they?
Well, there are some anomalies out there and there are also some very interesting decisions that were made by the political officials to not do some of the auditing techniques that are very, very important.
They're supposed to put a printout of the results at every polling place on the door
before they transmit them into headquarters.
That means it's harder to mess with the thing, right?
They decided not to do that, and I called the elections division and they pretended
they didn't have to.
Well, I pulled out the law, and indeed they do.
I don't - the California recall, I never understood - But there was a story -
It's just a method of, you know, undoing an election afterwards.
But there was a story in 2002 where Diebold, one of the documents, had access during an election in a county, one of their machines.
Oh yes, in San Luis Obispo County, California, they had a total, a file that had vote totals pop up on the internet five hours before the polls closed.
And I also, by the way, found some debugged memos which talked about how they would like to build, they're redoing their software so that they can accommodate recalls in all the other states.
And it made me wonder if this is some kind of a new strategy that we're just going to try.
That's what Cynthia McKinney said.
Yeah, out at an awards ceremony in San Francisco a few weeks ago.
Russ in Texas, you're on the air, thanks for holding, go ahead.
Hey Alex, terrific program today.
I was listening to your program yesterday and I heard a caller call in and say that apparently he had been spoon-feeding information to Michael Moore.
And so I went to Michael Moore's website and I was thrilled to see that blackboxvoting.org was a link of the week.
And I don't completely trust Michael Moore because although he speaks of Diebold in his book, which I went and read yesterday, he does hit hard on Bush regarding 9-11 and the connections to the Saudi Royal Family and Bin Laden.
He does hit hard on the unconstitutionality and the dangers of the Patriot Act.
There's been a new development.
Mel Gibson pulled out of funding him for the new 9-11 film, by the way.
Well, I understand that.
I don't trust Michael Moore.
He strongly backs Wesley Clark for President.
He's very anti-Second Amendment, pro-gun control, and he strongly supports the ACLU.
Okay, but tie that into the election fraud.
Bev, do you have any comments on this?
Well, you know, what's funny is we attract followers from every possible side of the rainbow.
We've got actually one of the most powerful activists right now.
He's just great.
He's flamboyant.
He's in California.
His name's Jim March.
He's a libertarian.
He's a gun lobbyist, actually.
And then we've got We've got, on the other side of it, we've got Greens, and we've got Libertarians, and we've got a Socialist Worker Party guy who's in there activi- I think everybody wants fair voting.
So, you know, whatever anybody- and I'm very appreciative, by the way, of Michael Moore for making us the link of the week.
I think that was wonderful.
It gave a lot of people to it.
That's my point exactly, is that even though we don't- may not trust him completely and agree with him on all aspects, Of what he believes, I still think that it's important to take the positive aspects of what he's saying and be able to help promote him and help him promote those.
Well, it makes it hard for people.
Most people aren't evil, they're just ignorant.
It's a process.
And that's what we're trying to do, is educate people, period, regardless of who they are.
Right, exactly.
And what I've been so gratified at, when people sign up at the forums, they come from every walk of life.
And, in fact, some people are Bush supporters, and they say, you know, even if I... and they'll say, well, you know, I support, you know, everything about it, but we gotta have our vote or the country will fall apart.
You know, so you just... some of them even think that he did something bad, but still support him.
It's mental illness.
Everybody does agree.
We need to have a trustworthy voting system that we can have confidence in.
Otherwise, it doesn't matter.
Well, they better hope this doesn't get out, because wouldn't you say it's reached the crest point, and then now it's going to come out?
I think so.
We can all do something.
Alex, I've already put out over a hundred of your 9-11 Road to Tyranny videos, and now, today, I'm going to order the Matrix of Evil, Masters of Terror, and Police State 3.
Thank you, Russ.
God bless you.
Thank you so much.
I'll tell you the best activists out there.
It's Christian Conservative Patriots.
You guys are wonderful.
We got everybody listening.
Roger, John and others, you're up next with Bev Harris.
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888-253-3139. That's 888-253-3139. Order today and spread the word.
Spread the word.
We'll have to have her back up again.
I've got a bunch of other news we'll cover in the next hour, but really there's nothing more important than this.
We talk about our Republic.
Let's talk to Roger in Pennsylvania, then John in Kansas and others.
Go ahead, Roger.
You're on the air with Bev Harris.
Good to talk to you, Roger.
Yes, thanks, folks.
Bev, you're terrific, and I wanted to ask, is there any possible legal legs to this intimidation threat That is, people have republished their webpages.
I'm thinking the only possible thing with any teeth in it would be, say, a copyright interest, but that would of course imply that there would be a property interest in themselves making the webpages available.
Well, this is a public interest, fair use.
Uh, issue of people trying to control the public trust in voting and then trying to block their activities from light of day.
So really, this is a criminal matter I believe now after what they've done.
My point was, I don't think there could be any copyright interest there and therefore is it possible maybe to seek an injunction against the intimidations themselves and God bless them.
That's an interesting concept.
I like that.
That's actually somewhat fresh.
We've kicked this one around a good bit.
What he's saying is, if the copyright claim doesn't hold up, then you go after them with an injunction, and actually we could probably go after them with something like tortious interference for shutting down this website.
It's difficult because this DMCA law lets them do it with, to some degree, impunity.
But it says 10 days, they did 30 days, you can get damages.
Well, I am in the process now of getting written statements from each of the parties involved.
And it's so interesting, they keep pointing fingers at each other.
Well, it wasn't my decision, it was this person's decision.
At some point, all the fingers are going to point to one person, and then we probably will take legal action.
Okay, so basically you're kind of in depositions right now.
Yeah, well, not that far along, but we're at the early stages of it, yeah.
You're getting the statements.
You're trying to find out the culpable party.
Let's talk to John in Kansas.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good to talk to you, John.
You're on the air.
Good afternoon, and may the blood of Jesus Christ and Nazareth cover you and Miss Harris.
I'm a little infirmed right now, and I don't have access to a computer.
But I think it would be beneficial if you could, uh, if Ms.
Harris can put out a telephone number.
And what about a number if folks want to buy the book?
Yeah, or send you a donation or whatever.
Okay, I can do that.
What you want to do is call 336-454-7766.
And that'll take you to Plan 9 Publishing, which is the wonderful publisher we have who made the incredibly generous offer to make the book available for free.
You see, it isn't just me that can decide that.
It absolutely blew my mind that he did that.
And he is actually the one we've talked about meeting in this meeting.
Actually, it wasn't me in the meeting.
He actually was the one who got into that secret meeting.
He's done a wonderful job.
With the reporter?
Okay, let's go through that number again, please.
It's 336-454-7766.
God bless you all, and I'll give them a call and request.
Where can I send a donation?
They will tell you that when you give them a call.
All right.
Thank you.
Thanks for the call, John.
We don't have any time for other callers.
I'm going to come back next hour and take calls and cover a whole plethora of other news.
Latest Terry Schiavo war news, legislative news.
It's all coming up.
Big Brother news.
Bev, final comments.
Well, I think we're really getting, as you said, we're getting close to the tipping point.
We have a lot of work to do to get the information out, but we're getting there.
The next thing is we've got to decide what it is we want, and I'm going to suggest that we focus on two things.
One, an interim emergency plan to get the next elections, which are coming up in about two months.
You should all be removed.
We've got to get a moratorium on these machines.
They're not trustworthy.
We've got to get into the next election with a trustworthy system, and then we need to decide what our long-term solution is going to be.
And I believe that needs to be put to a vote.
Thank you, Bev.
Third hour coming up.
Take care, Bev.
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the burkule.
The Burkule.
(dramatic music)
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
If I was George Bush, I'd say my pretties.
Thank you for joining us.
We're now 30 seconds into this third hour.
We're gonna have wide open phones and a ton of news I have not yet gotten to.
We had Bev Harris of Black Box voting on last hour.
I mean, look, whether it's killing people who aren't in comas, Or taking your right to vote away, or getting rid of posse comitatus, and getting rid of our borders, and getting rid of our jobs.
We cover the real issues that affect you and your family, okay?
Because they affect me.
I care.
My life's on the line here.
And whether you know it or not, your life's on the line.
Whether you serve this system or fight it, they plan to enslave you to a greater degree.
Because they're control freaks.
Because they're evil.
Because that's what they do.
That's what they are.
And they know we're awake to them.
They know more and more eyes are opening.
More and more minds are being unlocked.
They're panicking.
They're moving fast.
They're making a lot of mistakes.
All right, I want to take a lot of calls this hour.
As I said, any issue, any news item you want to discuss, 1-800-259-9231.
We finally have a few phone lines open.
I'm told not for long.
1-800-259-9231. We finally have a few phone lines open. I'm told not for long.
You disagree with something I've said or you have a point you want to add or any issue 1-800-259-9231.
Police state going on in your child's school.
Cameras going up in your neighborhood.
You know, this is a place for us to come together and to talk about it.
To think about it.
To raise our consciousness level.
You know, to expand our understanding.
Toll free number 1-800-259-9231.
Alright, there's so much here.
Just a few stories I'm going to recap, but that's later.
Later in the hour.
Look at this.
This is out of the Buffalo News.
Village Bans Paintball, BB and Pellet Guns.
There's another one.
Nine-year-old arrested for waving toy gun.
Wait till you hear about that.
Al-Qaeda planned U.S.
forest fires.
FBI memo describes plot to set blazes in the West.
Bill Clinton did it.
Why wouldn't Al-Qaeda?
Lady Diana's secret video diary reveals her grave concerns about assassination by motor vehicle and other secret audio tapes about the royal family raping men in her view.
This is mainstream news, folks.
These are some sick, sick, sick people.
Here's one out of the Jakarta Post.
New World Order remains a dream to European nations.
A bunch of stuff I'm going to go over.
Bush warns Iraq neighbors, says get ready to be attacked.
Officials suggest Iraq hit weapons in Syria.
How ridiculous, after all these lies.
Right now we're being hit by a super record solar flare, 100 times bigger than Friday's record flare, the biggest since 1859.
And, uh, I mean it's just, havoc with the satellites, havoc with AMFM shortwave, havoc with, the problem reports are coming in.
News stories are coming in.
It is causing problems.
According to this, the peak is in about an hour.
It's like Friday.
So, we'll see what happens with that.
Also, oil barons, detention prompts, KGB fears.
I will get to that.
Now, this is really scary.
This is really important.
I'll cover this first when we get back.
Nearly everything that people in the U.S.
eat will soon have to be registered with the government.
That means they'll be inspecting you on your back, the farmers' markets, everything.
In the name of fighting terror, FDA antidepressant may be linked to kids' suicide.
They knew that in 1982 when they approved Prozac.
They suppressed that.
I've got the actual government reports on that.
It's like Aspartame and the rest of it.
Also, Wesley Smith from the Wall Street Journal writing for the Daily Standard exposes Larry King's cover-up with Michael Cockroach Schiavo at a disgusting Orlando Sentinel article where they go, well, so she's mumbling and opening her eyes and following people's hands.
That's what vegetables do.
Okay, she's still a vegetable.
Let's kill her.
So, just redefining things.
The media got caught because you went out by the millions and saw the video.
It's at PrisonPlanet.com.
All videos condensed there for you to see them.
Of Terry Shivo.
And so now they go, well, really?
You're in a coma when you're awake and blinking and talking and mumbling.
I mean, it just gets worse and worse.
But we're going to cover it all because knowing the enemy and being alert to their sneak attack is half the battle.
Scream out of your bunkers and engage them.
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That's right folks, DVD.
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Big Brother.
sent you at Stoll Free at 888-803-4438. Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother. Mainstream media. Government cover-ups.
Mainstream Media. Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, let's rocket through these loaded phones.
Then I'll tell you about nearly everything that people in the U.S.
eat will soon have to be registered with the government under anti-terrorism laws.
Again, you'll all have ID cards to have any job.
You'll all be drug tested by the government.
They're just implementing it!
This is, uh, out of the Associated Press, by the way.
But I saw Ridge over a year ago lay out the whole plan for two hours with my mouth hanging open watching C-SPAN.
Uh, let's go ahead and, uh, talk to Terry in Texas.
Terry, you're on the air.
Welcome, Terry.
Have you seen the new National Geographic this month?
Yes, we're watching you.
You're watching me, huh?
Well, I don't doubt it with all the stuff that they've come out that you've been telling us about over the years.
It's funny that... Now, again, I'm just guessing you're talking about our headline yesterday with the two sinister eyes, and it says, yeah, the government's looking through all your walls, and they're going to have blimps watching you, and you're all going to get your microchips.
Is that what you're talking about?
Mm-hmm, that's it.
And for all the naysayers out there, just have them read the November National Geographic, and it'll, you know, reiterate everything you've been telling us.
Every bit of it.
And some, you know, other scarier stuff.
Adam, you point your finger at somebody, it'll be assault, you'll be arrested.
Well, they didn't go into the legal details, but they talked about how great it was.
No, I know, I've read the article, yeah.
And it's describing the world, what we're going to live in.
Oh, yeah.
You know, yesterday I said I'd get to that article, I never did.
I'm going to dig that out and read some of it, but for those that just joined us, tell us about the article.
Well, it says, you know, if you think you're not being watched, you're wrong.
And, you know, and it goes into great detail.
Actually, it says, Anything you, the world of high-tech surveillance, anything you do, you know, you're being watched.
And it says, in the first line it says we're, in fact you got the article I have in front of me, it says we're looking through your walls.
Why don't you read that to folks?
Let me see if I can find it.
It's the start of the article.
Yeah, it says where cameras can film you wherever you go, wherever your cell phone can signal exactly where you are, where one glance can reveal exactly who you are.
Sometime in an airport, in the lobby of your office, in your bank, Yeah, I found it.
get a glimpse of your eyes in a computer, reveal your identity.
And iris recognition and it just goes on and on.
Then it starts talking about the x-rays, you know, how they can see, you know,
body scan you through walls, through just about anything.
In fact, they even have them set up in dressing rooms, saying how neat it is that you can get different angles of
your wardrobe that you're trying on.
Yeah, I found it. Let me read it.
It says, "Watching You, the world of high-tech surveillance."
And it goes on, in our high-tech world, machines track personal records, see through walls, and screen facial features.
Will electronic surveillance mean better security or an end to privacy?
See, for those that are in the know, this is meant to scare us into submission.
For the general public, it's, well, most of the police helicopters, five years ago, DARPA put ground-penetrating radar in them, they look right through your walls, a crisp image of everything you're doing, but isn't that freedom?
And it says, uh, get a taste of what awaits you in print from the compelling excerpt.
Late one autumn day at the Aquatic Center in France, something went wrong, horribly wrong, within two well-kept pools and trenching facilities of center services and modern swimming hole where an entire sector of historic Brittany attracted 150,000 French villagers a year.
18-year-old named Jean-Francis Leroy was a regular coming often.
And it says that he drowned.
And it says that now, because of the smart computers and smart cameras... Poseidon.
Yeah, now it's going to keep us safe, although the human lifeguards watching the pool were oblivious.
Twelve large machine eyes deep underwater were watching the whole thing and taking notice.
And it goes on to say how it saves all of us.
It's just cameras watching us everywhere.
It's got a whole article on it, so people need to read that.
Especially if you show it to people that don't think you're crazy by talking about this stuff.
They're all black and white for them.
What do you think about the CIA running the touchscreen companies and taking our right to vote away?
I think it's evil.
They don't need to be messing around with that stuff.
We all know why they're doing it.
They're doing their own agenda.
getting their people in there you know just just ramrod and all this stuff we
have no say in what goes on nowadays and they're telling the cops to push us around and that
they're basically our enemies because we're bad
yeah and it's going to get worse What do you think about the Orlando Sentinel going, well actually, when you look at people and smile at them and mumble and your eyes track when you're told to, or you open your eyes and you're told to, actually that's brain dead.
That's the new definition of a vegetable.
And they said, so you did see the video of her, but really she's still in a coma.
Oh, I have the article right here.
That's the most outrageous stuff that's going on with that poor gal.
You know, I have a nurse, a neighbor of mine, And I told her that he was a licensed nurse and respiratory therapist and all that.
She said, well, I never heard that.
I said, well, you're not going to hear it.
You're not going to hear it on mainstream media.
Well, also, you're not going to hear about the names, unless you have the Wall Street Journal writer on, Wesley Smith, who's written a new article on Prison Planet.
You're not going to hear about listed people in Florida who are saying, honey, can I have some water?
And when the nurses gave her food, they strapped her down and had a cop stand over her for 12 days until she died.
They're killing people begging for food and water.
Yeah, but here in the other hand, you've got those four kids, adopted kids, you know, their total combined weight was 136 pounds.
You know, they were starving to death, and everybody jumps in and says, we've got to help these kids.
Notice though, those were foster parents.
Most of these cases of, oh, it's foster parents, like you hear about the person who has the video baby monitor, and they're seen beating their foster kids up.
The National News will talk about the mother beating her children, and every time I read the fine print, it's a foster parent.
And I'm not saying foster parents are bad, but you're five times more likely to be abusive.
Oh yeah.
You know, they already got a house full of kids, so why do they want to, you know, bring on four more?
You know?
I don't know if it's the money deal or what.
One summer I worked for a carpet cleaner.
This is why the government wants them to be spies.
Cable men, carpet cleaners, phone guys, public and private.
I was in hundreds and hundreds of houses, and you would go to these CPS nests.
I didn't know what they were at the time.
There'd be dirty rooms, mattresses.
I'd say, well, there's like 10 kids in there.
Well, we're foster parents.
Those kids were so abused.
You'd smell dope in the air with the pothead parents.
It's just a sick system.
Oh, it is.
I'll agree with you.
Makes me want to puke.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you.
I saw a lot, let me tell you.
Bunch of trash.
Let's go ahead and talk to, uh, let's talk to Terry in Texas.
Or who's up next?
Tony in Texas.
I got all these callers, I can't keep track of it.
Just get them to me in order, Mark.
I apologize.
Okay, Dylan in Texas is next.
Go ahead, Dylan.
Service today.
Uh, I just want to Address the listenership out there, anyone who may be coming around, who's read a bit, who's waking up, and who's in a spot where they feel like they're awake, but they don't feel the solidarity of the community, because they haven't gone out to seek it.
Most people I've talked to, and myself a while back, went through at least a few weeks where I was just kind of overwhelmed.
Once I'd researched enough of reporters like you, what people like you had said, and I found it to be true.
It's one thing to be woken up, but it's another to find solidarity in the community.
And if you go and participate at the City Council for Opposing the Patriot Act, if you go to a U.N.
flag burning, if you participate in anything in your community, where you're speaking up and speaking out, you will find the solidarity, and you will be spiritually charged.
I'm talking about this life today.
Yeah, it's wonderful.
You know, it's good to punch the bully back, isn't it?
Oh, it just fills you with delight, I swear.
That's all I have to say today, and I'm glad I downloaded that information off the... What's her website?
The Lightbox Voting?
Yeah, I'm glad I downloaded that before that information had to get taken off there, and I'll bid you farewell, Alex.
God bless you.
Oh, thank you.
Yeah, God wants us to be up front, fighting, standing up for righteousness.
The whole Bible commands you to do that.
And these sicko churches say, no, you're supposed to be quiet and sit there and suck your thumb.
You're not supposed to be a good preacher like Dr. Wolf up in New York or like Pastor Butch Paw in West Virginia.
You're not supposed to be involved.
You're supposed to love tyranny.
Okay, let's talk to JQ in Oregon.
JQ, you're on the air.
Well, howdy, Alex.
Just pointing out what I pointed out kind of before, and that's that insane policy of raiding Social Security and Medicare to pay for this attack on Iraq.
And they're going to kill the old people!
That's why they're doing this!
That's right.
I happen to be on Social Security.
Nobody seems to care.
Joyce Riley had on the Power Hour mind control techniques.
I think the old folks are being mind controlled.
One thing you have with the mass media, it has not been mentioned once that the money for going after Iraq and Iran and Uh, Syria is coming out of Social Security.
I have seen the financial reports on that, and by the way, if you would have been allowed to get three or four percent, a guaranteed investment on the money you paid in, you'd be getting triple the money you're getting now.
But people can't seem to figure that out, J.Q.
Well, they keep raiding the fund, and what happens is, a couple years ago we had this massive tax increase, so they raid the funds now, and we're going to have to We have another massive tax increase, but it won't be for all his warfare.
It'll be to protect Social Security and the old folks.
Now, Bush has already said that he supports a new Medicare system that's going to be less effective than the old one.
But that's a scam.
It's not privatization either.
Well, what he wants is basically to cut back Medicare and cut back Social Security.
And he'll support it.
But the mass media has not said a single word about this raping of Social Security.
I wanted to point that out.
Well, that's because he's the Trojan horse for them.
Well, I want to point out that the old folks have been paralyzed.
You know, I talked to them.
They've never heard of anything.
They know nothing.
Hey, they're changing the pension fund rules where you don't own your own pension!
Well, it's... it's... this is criminal.
You know, it's...
Anyhow, I guess I kind of said my piece, but I'm really frustrated.
Well, if you want to add more, you can, Jake.
Do you want to hold over?
Uh, yeah.
Okay, I'll let you finish up.
We'll go to others and get to more of this news.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns.
Okay, let's go to these calls quickly now, because I've got a bunch of news to cover.
We'll go to Daniel and Rick and Jim and others, but JQ, you're talking about how they're Getting rid of social security and they're going to bankrupt it even more, bring us more into socialism, socialize the health care, then euthanize people.
That's the admitted policy they're setting up and selling to the people as a right to die.
That means, that translates into the government killing you, but doesn't it fit nicely into place to having touch screen election systems where there's no paper ballot, fraud all over the place, and then they tell you that you vote to be a slave.
Oh, you voted in our democracy to give your liberties up.
Well, here's what my elected representative or the little office gal there said, is that we should not complain about Social Security being raped, because it's our duty to accept a little bit less to support our troops in the field.
It's our patriotic duty.
We're all going to have to bear the burden together.
To support our bankers.
Yeah, to support.
We're all going to have to bear the burden together, and if that means a little less Money for Social Security and Medicare.
Well, it's our patriotic duty.
By the way, the World Bank, with your money, is building the private pipeline of Rexxon and Mobil and BP right now.
I have that article.
Thank you, JQ.
Appreciate it.
Let's talk to... I guess... I just said who was up next from Texas.
Daniel, go ahead.
How's it going, Alex?
Fine, sir.
I saw you at the Alamo Draft House in Houston on 9-11, and ever since then, man, I've been cranking out two or three 9-11 Road Attorney tapes, you know, every day just trying to get the word out.
I have two questions for you.
I heard about how you did a thing with the City Council in Austin with the Patriot Act.
Yeah, well, the people of Austin did, but I was there promoting it, yes.
Did you say something that you had that you made some sort of draft, or how could we in Houston Do something like that.
It'll be a small, grassroots thing, but we need to start somewhere.
Yeah, about a year ago, at the beginning of this whole process, now multiple states, 400 plus cities when I've stopped counting, I wrote a real city or county law that affects the executive orders, Homeland Security, Patriot Act 1 and 2, and martial law provisions, and it's written properly as a law, and quite a few cities have passed it or passed parts of it, Seattle, San Francisco.
And a lot of other people have adopted my language about executive orders in North Common Homeland Security.
So that is on the Patriot Act section of InfoWars.com.
InfoWars, and it's on the Patriot Act?
Yes, sir.
I see.
And another thing, in your 9-11 Road to Tyranny video, remember how the cop stops that lady?
It's a checkpoint, Abby Newman.
Um, whatever happened to those cops?
I wanted to ask you when you were over at the Alma Draft House.
Nothing happened.
They tried to falsely charge her with assault.
She didn't even touch them.
They grabbed her.
And that got thrown out.
And nothing ever happened to them.
Nothing ever happened to those police officers.
And then they have the discussion about she may be an evil terrorist because she has a pocket constitution.
Their training has shown them this.
And I'm not kidding, folks.
It's on the video.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
Thanks for coming out to that Thank you for taking my call.
there that we sold out. 200 people got turned away and Mel Gibson's daddy and
family were there. That was a lot of fun.
Well, yeah, you come out again, man. I'm gonna do it. Take care, bud.
We work around the clock. Let's now talk to Rick in Texas.
Rick, you're on the air.
Thank you for taking my call. I just wanted to say the Fort Worth Star
Telegram reported that Rumseld's meeting with Chinese military officials
in order to improve relations between the Chinese and American military.
Seeing what happened to that American air crew four years ago when they were
forced down and seeing the Chinese space launch, what was it, last week with
American designed equipment, they're plainly our enemy.
How can our Secretary of Defense be discussing improved relations between the two when they're getting ready to Well, they're arming them and they've armed North Korea with the reactors, the reactor transfers continue, that are for weapons production.
They've armed Iran.
Basically, it's like the old western where the bad guy drops the gun at the little kid's feet and goes pick it up.
When the child reaches for it, they shoot him.
And so, I mean, whatever policy Bill Clinton had, George Bush has got it.
Whatever policy George Herbert Walker had, Bill Clinton had it.
The policies don't change, just the rhetoric changes.
This is a communist enemy.
You notice the news doesn't call them communist China anymore.
Never, never.
Not even Red China.
Well that's all I had, and thank you.
Hey, thank you, that's a good point.
They want you to be a slave, they want to track everything you do, and trace everything you do, and manipulate you, and police state measures all over the country.
But the borders are wide open and they're arming all these people with nuclear weapons.
We'll take one more call from Jim in Texas.
Now we got other callers, but I can't take anymore.
I gotta get to all this news.
The FDA antidepressant may be linked to kids' suicides and everything you eat tracked by the government.
It's all coming up.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, one final caller and then I'm going to launch straight into a bunch of other key news.
Well, let's talk to Jim in Texas.
Jim, go ahead.
Yes, hello.
I was laying half asleep last night and I heard someone telling about someone else that had a bomb that could get rid of fire real easy.
They say it's made out of nitrogen and they can go over and fly over a place and just drop the bomb.
Exploded and they would just put out the fire and they would stay out because they would just freeze everything.
Well the problem is there's so many fires and it's like a tinderbox out there in Southern California and I'm sure they just don't have hundreds of these, I've read about that, of these oxygen reducing bombs out there.
They said that they wouldn't even allow them to be in Iraq with this kind of bomb because it would It would be better than what was used in Halliburton.
Well, yeah, Halliburton won't allow water filters to be sent to the troops.
They have to truck in questionable water from Kuwait and Jordan and other areas to the troops.
I mean, it's just, it's all about maximum cost.
It's a big cash machine.
It's not oil.
It's not just oil.
It's weapons.
It's having a military base.
It's having a political distraction.
It's setting the precedent to invade sovereign nations.
But to kind of talk like this would save lives, you know, like out there people have already died already.
Yeah, quite a few people died, thousands of homes.
It's horrible what's happening right now in Southern California.
I appreciate the call, Jim.
Take care.
Alright, let me get straight into this news because there is just so much of it.
That we need to go over.
I said I'd cover this first.
Let me go over it.
This is from the Associated Press.
Nearly everything that people in the U.S.
eat will soon have to be registered with the government.
This is by Emily Gressma.
Virtually every food product in the United States will soon have to be registered along with its supplier as part of the fight against terrorism.
Figuring that the best way to protect the nation's food supply is to keep better tabs on it?
Oh, sure.
The government is requiring some 400,000 facilities in the United States to register themselves and their products with the Food and Drug Administration.
That's for taxation regulation.
In addition, anyone importing food from abroad will have to get Regulators advice, advance notice before its arrival, two hours for food shipments coming across the border by truck, four hours if aboard planes, trains, and eight hours by ship.
Has nothing to do, they don't search any of it, they already had rules in place.
I saw Ridge again on C-SPAN.
He said everything.
Food service, agriculture, commercial drivers, businesses, factories.
You're all going to have to have security clearances.
You're all going to be overseen and controlled.
In addition, anyone importing food from abroad.
Again, we'll have the regulators advance a warning.
We are providing critical new tools for the FDA to identify potentially dangerous foods.
And better keep our food supply safe and secure.
Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson said Thursday, this is the same agency saying irradiating the children's poultry, beef and pork is good for them, when it's horrible, destroys all the food value, allows them to feed rotten meat to your children.
This is the same government that approved Prozac and Ritalin and fluoride for the water, and the same group that approved Prozac when they knew it was causing massive suicide rates.
The Bush administration may propose making food companies notify regulators of shipments from outside the United States by noon on the day before its arrival.
Industry complained that requirement for shipments as simple as daily truckloads of fresh vegetables from Canada and Mexico would interrupt trade.
And it goes on and on.
It's a lot worse than what they're saying there.
This is out of the Orlando Sentinel by Maya Bell.
And, uh, it says, experts say camera lies in Florida woman's case, Terri Schiavo.
A potent picture is hard to ignore.
And in the case of Terri Schiavo, the power of her image, propped up in bed, eyes open, seemingly smiling at her mother, has been incalculable.
Well, yeah, you kept trying to say in this very paper that she was in a deep coma.
Her parents have fought in the courts for years to keep her alive and lost every turn, but Bob and Mary Schindler won last week in their court of public opinion, thanks in part to TV, Internet news clips that spurred tens of thousands of people to demand action from Governor Jeb Bush and the Florida Legislature.
I've seen the videos.
I see the joy in her face, said Sheryl Thomas, who wrote Bush after viewing the snippets on TV news from her home in Montana.
She's exuberant.
Her whole face lights up.
She's very much aware the governor had to do something.
But many experts, yeah, the hard ones of Shivo, of Michael, but many experts say the video made public after the court hearing last year distorts the reality of Shivo's condition.
They have multiple doctors, nurses, who treated her 5, 10, 15 years, 13 years ago, saying the woman could have been rehabilitated was eating food at that time.
This woman has never been in a coma!
And it goes on in the article to say, oh, she's really in a coma.
People in coma have their eyes open, and they look around, and they do things, and you know, and then there's these right-wing People who tell all these lies, and they don't want to give her her rights.
And it goes on to say, picture is hard to reconcile with diagnosis.
And, um, says according to Pamela Hennessy, a Schindler family volunteer, who first posted the video snippets on the family website, Terry's Fight.org, in December, the recordings energized many of those voices.
They say it's a turning point.
And they go on to talk to Kelly McBride, a member of the ethics faculty at the Poynter Institute of Journalism, said those videos can be taken out of context, she said, by using them as a B-roll, which is the film under the voiceover, or by simply presenting them without context, journalists are inaccurately using and explaining them, and that is swaying public opinion.
You've got the so-called media watchdog group saying that the media is showing this, saying that Terry's okay and it's wrong.
No, they've been saying she's in a coma the whole time covering this up.
So see, tens of millions of you went and watched the websites.
We've cloned it, other websites have cloned it for bandwidth purposes.
It showed on a couple TV networks.
Everybody got real mad.
She's obviously, I mean, it's a joke.
But it's not just the video, we have the medical reports that they've tried to suppress.
It just makes me so mad.
And then now a top forensics pathologist up in New York, very famous, murder investigator, Trauma investigator says it's clear from the spinal scans that she was traumatized brutally and it wasn't a heart attack.
But again, let's just ignore all that.
And the media spins it and says, well, there's been a lot of people saying she's okay and that's irresponsible.
Comas when you have your eyes open, mumbling and smiling at your mommy.
Okay, what about the other cases where people aren't even just paralyzed, neck down, talking, say, please give me water.
We've listed the names, the news articles here.
This is sick, folks.
They're trying to condition you to just accept killing people that aren't even vegetables.
We told you that's how this slippery slope works.
That's how this operates.
This is out of Channel 32.
And it's in Louisville.
FDA antidepressants may be linked to kids' suicide.
The Food and Drug Administration says some antidepressant drugs undergoing trials in children, including Paxil, may be associated with suicides.
That came out in the early 80s.
The agency said it's aware of reports in the media and in medical journals about suicide and suicide attempts in children using antidepressants.
Officials said three reports are very difficult to interpret.
While the agency said there is no clear connection, it can't rule out a link.
The FDA is alerting doctors about reports of suicidal thinking among juveniles who are participating in clinical studies.
By the way, since they brought this into the juveniles, that's when the juvenile suicide exploded.
The graphs are exactly the same.
It's amazing.
Put you into a dream-like state, a mesmerized type of state.
Why are they in Europe then stopping giving it to children?
Why is that happening?
Why is that developing?
Think about it.
Here is another report that I think you'll find extremely Extremely interesting, and this too is from the Austin American Statesman Metro section to Dave.
And this is happening all over the country.
They have this federally.
They mandate it to the states.
The states pass it.
I'm not sure of the total number, but it's over 20 states.
Last time I saw the numbers.
Welfare changes coming!
And see, they force you basically on a welfare.
Amended rules spark outcry among those who say agency violated Open Meetings Act.
A state agency has voted to cut off Medicaid benefits to welfare recipients, a bunch of others too, who don't follow rules that include immunizing their children and avoiding illegal drugs.
Did they mix immunizing children with not taking drugs?
And in England they've caught them without even a law.
They've been ordered to refuse families even emergency care if they refuse to vaccinate their children as autism explodes.
They're putting bioweapons in these, binding it to what the supposed vaccine is for.
The Texas Workforce Commission approved the change 3-0 Tuesday but didn't immediately make the rule public.
Commission spokesman Larry Jones said the agency was making significant changes that would delay the rule's release Until today, once the agency files the finished product, the rules will take effect within 20 days.
See, they don't want the general public to know about this.
And then again, they go to public school, they're trying to make it the law, when it's not the law.
The delayed release angered Scott McCrown, Executive Director of the Center for Public Policy Priorities, Nonprofit Research Group.
It's clear, violation in my mind of the Open Meetings Act, said McCrown, a former State District Judge.
And it goes, the rule applies to adults who receive Medicaid, federal health insurance for low-income Americans.
They've got to force everybody onto the vaccines.
And boy, they'll peddle this stuff.
If you won't give your child a tetanus shot, they'll try to refuse, you know, to sew them up if they get cut.
But it's the stuff they're adding to those tetanus shots.
We've got the studies.
We've got the reports.
Vaccines would be good if they weren't poisoning them.
Do you understand that?
Did you know that I, today, talked to a doctor, okay?
I talked to a doctor, a family practitioner, who told me, he said, Alex, they're still giving 30-year-old polio oral vaccine that is not supposed to be given in this country at major health clinics in Austin.
And I said, you mean they're giving the, uh, the, uh, the drop in the mouth that has the SV40 cancer virus in it?
The deadly?
It's admitted.
He said, yeah.
He said, that's only authorized for third world use because, quote, it gives people secondary immunity because it goes into the sewer system and into the water supply.
Oh, yeah!
I mean, come on!
Come on, folks!
They hold you hostage!
And see, if they didn't have vaccine immunity, and this vaccine fund that quietly pays people off, a poultry sum, you know, your 18-month-old toddler takes the vaccine, was running around happy, smiling, hours later is having convulsions and is in a vegetable, or gets autistic.
I mean, this is just hundreds of thousands!
It's a nightmare!
Like that movie, what is it, Brain Candy?
Where they, you know, it's a big pharmacological company and they have these big warehouses of people because a high percentage of the people that take the happy drug end up being vegetables.
It's kind of a satire, but I just can't handle it anymore, folks.
I can't handle it.
I mean, don't you think I'd like to take advantage of the vaccines?
Your children can take advantage of them.
You can't trust them!
They're bio-weapons!
They got stuff in the vaccine that attacks your baby's cerebral cortex, folks.
It's just come out.
And reduces their IQ.
And when you get an overburn, an overreaction, you get major brain damage.
So they're trying to reduce the IQ across the board.
They've been caught doing it!
Sterilizing women with tetanus shots, with an added hormone, bonded to the pathogen.
Oh, just trust us.
I'm a good doctor.
Take your shot.
I wouldn't do something bad like that.
Yeah, you didn't make the vaccine, Mac!
It's very, very, very, very scary what's happening.
Got a bunch of other news here we're going to try to accelerate through.
Officials suggest Iraq hid weapons in Syria, Washington, And it goes on, the director of the top American spy agency said Tuesday that he believed the material from Iraq's illicit weapons program was transported into Syria and perhaps other countries as part of an effort by Iraqis to disperse and destroy evidence immediately before the recent war.
The official, James Clapper Jr., retired Air Force Lieutenant General, said satellite images showing a heavy flow of traffic from Iraq into Syria just before the American invasion in March had led him to believe, unquestionably, that illicit weapons material had moved outside Iraq.
Oh yeah, people never flee a country that's about to be under heavy bombardment.
And no one's ever heard of refugees.
They go on the list, large convoys of trucks and cars, and, uh, leaving.
Now we know Saddam flew a bunch of his jets, Uh, there's French and Russian jets out to Iran in 91.
On the eve of the Gulf War in 1990, we know that happened.
But, uh, what about this?
I mean, it's just, they've been caught lying about depleted uranium, or, or, or stuff that they bought from, uh, supposedly bought from Niger.
They've been caught lying about mobile weapons trucks that were for pumping up surveillance blimps.
They've been caught lying about mass graves.
Caught lying about ten different weapons sites.
Caught lying about fake dossiers and... It goes on and on, but oh, they got new lies for old.
Oh, yeah.
You know, uh... Yeah.
We're sure they shipped them into Syria.
Now we gotta go into Syria, see?
Just unbelievable.
And Bush warns Iraq neighbors, don't aid them.
Don't help them.
In about 12 minutes, I say 3 p.m.
Eastern, We are scheduled to be hit by a solar flare 100 times larger than the record flare, the biggest since 1859, that hit us last Friday.
Scientists again warn that communications on Earth could be disrupted this week by another spectacular eruption of the surface of the Sun.
And that it might even hamper firefighting efforts in California.
This is from the Associated Press Science section.
It's headed straight for us like a freight train, said John Cole, a solar astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass.
This is the real thing.
Predictions are it could strike Earth's magnetic field by midday Wednesday.
The explosion of gas and charged particles into space from the corona The outermost layer of the sun's atmosphere isn't harmful to people, but it can knock out satellite communications, some of which emergency crews are relying on in battling California's wildfires.
Similar solar events in recent years have distressed the television transmission, GPS navigation, oil pipeline controls, and even the flow of electricity among power lines.
Space weather forecasters first warned of the possibility last week when a previous solar flare erupted, and they saw a new sunspot region developing in another region of the sun.
What is going on with the sun, folks?
And it can knock out microwave communication towers and a bunch of other stuff.
We'll find out in about 15 minutes, 10 minutes, won't we?
It's moving at over 1,000,000.2 million miles an hour.
1.2 million miles an hour.
When we get back, oil baron detention prompts KGB fears.
We'll also get into a nine-year-old arrested for police for playing with a toy gun.
His mother said, please don't arrest him, so they slammed her down and took her to jail.
And yeah, I'm going to play about a minute of the, not the whole thing, of the trailer for Matrix of Evil, which is the intro to the film.
When we get back, some of the interesting clips of Ron Paul saying, you know, people in Washington believe in world government, and I, Cynthia McKinney and others, so it's about a minute long.
We'll air that when we get back, too.
And I'm sorry we don't have any time to take any other calls.
And if you want to see all the news, the science, the technology, the medical, the environmental, the Second Amendment, the legislation, the global news, local news, regional news, key stuff, it's at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com and be sure and go to those websites and get our new books and new films because it supports us, number two.
Number one, it's waking folks up.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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Thank you.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central.
We're here live and of course back from 9 to midnight Central.
Be sure and join us.
Tell your friends and family and neighbors about the show whether you listen on shortwave, internet, satellite, or AM or FM.
Before I get into some final news Tedbits, there's quite a few here.
I'll have to shotgun it out.
Blitzkrieg it out.
Matrix of Evil, my new film with Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney.
Some of my best speeches and confrontations with the Deputy U.S.
Colonel Craig Roberts, Frank Morales.
The film covers it all.
Now, in a minute we're going to play this clip.
Listen to Ron Paul, after I talk about the Illuminati, talk about how those in Washington believe in world government.
I mean, the film's just full of this stuff, but here's just a minute from the intro.
Go ahead and hit that.
We're looking at the literal realization of the military police state in America.
We're looking at the literal realization of a military police state in America.
The American people have failed in their oversight of the integrity of our political system.
The entire economy will be prisons, police in black ski masks, a Nazi Germany-like nightmare.
The final target is the American people.
We need to break that connection between the police and the military.
They're charging for weapons of mass destruction because they have marijuana.
If we did not support the Constitution, we wouldn't be in awe of my own party.
There really is an Illuminati.
There really are 13 families.
They own the big banks and print the money.
They're in our universities and they're in our congresses.
And they believe in one world government.
And plunge the American people into the deepest economic abyss of a generation.
If we have or when we have another attack, it looks like they'll come with more legislation.
Again, problem, reaction, solution.
Over and over again.
Government uses crises to scare the population into submission.
That is so important to understand.
Alright folks, total free number to get Matrix of Evil or Police State, free of the new book, Order Out of Chaos, big discounts when you get multiple items, 1-888-253-3139.
Perfect Christmas gift, perfect birthday present.
Give it to your local talk show host, your pastor, 1-888-253-3139, or infowars.com or
prisonplanet.com to order.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Final news, oil baron's detention prompts KGB fears.
London Telegraph, the arrest of Russia's richest man has prompted warnings from politicians and commentators that President Vladimir Putin Old comrades in the KGB are staging a creeping takeover of the Kremlin.
Of course, the guy they arrested had been outspoken and had some libertarian ideas.
A lot of this has been happening.
A nine-year-old arrested for waving toy gun, and this is out of the Morning Journal, out of Lauren.
A nine-year-old boy was arrested at gunpoint and handcuffed Saturday because he was waving a toy gun over his head while seated on a bench outside a store, according to a Laurian Police report.
His mother, Ms.
Sanders of Sheffield Lakes and her son Thomas Clark Jr.
told Lorient Police when they approached him, the Broadway business, that the gun was a toy.
An officer aimed his weapon at the boy's head, ordered him to be handcuffed, and arrested him for juvenile delinquency by reason of inducing panic.
Sanders, 28, was also charged with obstruction of justice and resisting arrest when she pleaded with police, verbally folks, not to arrest her son and to give him a warning according to a police report.
Stop a cop with an arrest.
A nine-year-old while his mom's in a story playing with a toy gun.
It's just psychopaths.
Another article up in upstate New York.
Village bans paintball BB pellet guns.
It's too dangerous.
World Bank to back controversial Caspian pipeline.
London Guardian, a controversial scheme led by oil giant BP, built a huge, strategically important pipeline.
It's about to win critical backing, according to a leaked document.
Despite widespread criticism, the World Bank is due to approve, a meeting tomorrow, the 250 million or 149 million pound loan to Consortium to Build.
Pipeline from Baca to Azerbaijan to the Caspian Sea of the Turkish port.
Again, that's what that's all about, folks.
We're out of time.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
Be sure and join us.