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Name: 20031028_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 28, 2003
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You are listening to GCN.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends.
Thank you for being on board with us for this 28th of October 2003 broadcast, coast-to-coast, globally, as well via the Satellite Shorewave Internet and on a growing list of wonderful AM and FM affiliates across the United States.
Big show lined up for you.
Back by popular demand with his great analysis.
We're going to have Paul Watson from England riding shotgun with us at the halfway marker of the broadcast in about an hour and a half.
Talk about a whole different set of subjects including the new developments Concerning the government terrorist attacks of September 11th, more on the murder of Princess Diana, and the Cashless Society control grid, and of course, your calls.
Yesterday, the number of dead in Iraq was 15 to 20.
They weren't sure.
Now it's over 35.
The numbers just continue to grow.
With, it looks like, 100 people plus wounded.
Again, the numbers are still sketchy.
Violence in Iraq has reached a new level.
Foreign attacks kill 35, leave hundreds hurt.
Now again, some of the numbers are as high as 38-40 dead, but the officialdom number is 35, and they're saying, who's responsible?
Bush took to the airwaves to say the terrorists hate our freedom, and that they're cowards, and that this shows that we're winning the war on terror, that they're getting desperate.
And they claim that Saddam is behind this and controlling it.
Well, Saddam is a bad guy and, well, our government flew him out to safety and this is now admitted in mainstream British newspapers.
Just like they flew the Bin Ladens and a bunch of other people with terrorist connections out of the country back on September 11th and 12th.
And that, by the way, is now admitted mainstream news.
We've been telling you that for over two years.
25, 26 months?
So we'll get back into that.
Also, I don't watch the show, though I've seen it, I guess, once or twice.
24 picks up the thrills where they left off.
More government propaganda, USA Today out promoting it.
We'll get into that as well.
Crime rising from 1990's record low.
FBI report shows rapes.
Increased 4.7% in 2000, and of course those major crime increases that are changing the demographics of the whole nation are from New York, Chicago, D.C., and areas with almost total gun control, because I've actually gone and looked up the numbers, the uniform crime numbers, and a lot of areas of the country, crime is still going down, but those are areas with a concealed carry, where you see drops of 20 to 30%, respectively, thanks to the Second Amendment.
Also, there are now 30,000 homes that are threatened.
Thousands, at least 1,100 to 200.
They're not sure.
The numbers keep growing.
Again, some numbers say 1,134.
Some say 1,250 plus.
Fifteen people dead.
Hundreds others injured.
And, of course, this is serving as a big distraction, a big diversion.
some numbers say 1,134, some say 1,250 plus, 15 people dead, hundreds of others injured,
and of course this is serving as a big distraction, a big diversion.
I know that three and a half years ago Bill Clinton ordered the fires set in the West.
That was even admitted by John Stossel on ABC.
I almost fell out of my chair when a listener sent me the video of that.
So, I look at Motive.
They're now saying it may destroy a bunch of electricity transmission towers.
Then, of course, they can jack up the prices again, keep that scam going.
They've got the Enron insider dealer who was involved with several other dozen people like
Michael Milken and Ken Lay, their new governor, Schwarzenegger, at the heart of the scams.
So there's no telling what's developing here.
But you notice these fires always pop up near populated areas.
A lot of them have been started in the past by illegal aliens in camps out in the woods
and in the scrub rush.
But to have this many fires pop up at once really points towards somebody setting them
because they say that they weren't accompanied by any big lightning storms which could cause
fires in dozens of areas.
So it looks like this may be arson.
Could just be a psychopath out there.
Could be illegals.
Could be the government.
We don't know.
Bunch of other news coming up.
We'll launch into it after the break.
The websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I'm Alex Jones.
We'll also take your calls.
So stay with us.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
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Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The listeners just love it when I have Paul Joseph Watson on the show, the editor and manager of PrisonPlanet.com, my website, one of my websites, author of Order Out of Chaos, and he's going to be joining us in about an hour and 25 minutes at the halfway point of this show today.
To talk for an hour or so about his 20 smoking guns that basically got copied by the Philadelphia News a few months ago.
His 20 smoking guns on September 11th, some of the new developments, how it ties into the White House, blocking the release of basically any information on September 11th.
And I heard Senator Chuck Hagel, a real New World Order minion, On the radio yesterday about how Bush better give us his information.
This is pretty suspicious and we need answers so we can, quote, properly defend against terror.
And they have this former Republican governor up there, Keene, saying the same thing.
These are all globalist insiders.
In fact, we've done shows about this, about how the 9-1-1 whitewash commission, too, Well, really two and a half.
They broke it up once and put new members on it.
Others resigned a second time.
So they've totally reset it up twice and reshoveled it another time.
So it's the second and a half commission, I guess you could say.
And almost all the players involved in it are involved deeply in the 9-11 cover-up.
And they said from the beginning of both the commissions that, well, we're not saying there's any government guilt, we just want to decide how to get more funding and power and control for the government.
And a few months ago they put out a recommendation and said we need our own domestic CIA, we need an echelon system watching everything American citizens do, and we need more funding, we need a revamped tips program of a nation of tattletales, one in ten people to be a spy for the government, We're talking about East German, Stasi-level surveillance.
And so we'll be getting into that, coming up in about an hour and 20 minutes.
And we'll also go back over some of the big smoking guns of 9-11, because this is the big story.
People are giving up their liberty to government because they think, oh, these foreign terrorists attacked us, when in reality it's a conspiracy theory to say that 19 hijackers, many of whom are still alive, took over these four aircraft and NORAD stood down and all these public officials were told not to fly to D.C.
or New York that day.
The list goes on and on, so we'll be recapping that and adding some of the new info here in about an hour and 20 minutes.
In the meantime, there's a whole plethora of news and I want to take your calls on any news story, any piece of propaganda you want to discuss, anything you've witnessed in the sitcoms or dramas or on the news or the Terry Schiavo case with Michael Schiavo going on Larry King Live.
I've got the transcript of it.
I didn't watch it.
With just a disgusting display, attacking the family, putting out information that has giant holes in it, from the admitted facts that we know of the case.
We'll be going over that.
A doctor's now saying, who looked at the x-rays of Terry, that it's obvious that she was under blunt force trauma, and that it wasn't a heart attack.
A lot of new developments there as well.
The toll-free number to join us on any of these issues, the fires in California, the huge bombings in Iraq yesterday morning that killed 35 people and injured over 100.
Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense, narrowly escaping, literally running through shrapnel as the building was hit by over, now they're saying over 90 rockets.
The list goes on and on.
We'll be discussing it here today.
The total free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
And we will get you up and on the air.
9 9 2 3 1 1 800 2 5 9 92 31 and we will get you up and on the air. Launching
straight in to the news today of what's going on here in our world
Let's start with the multiple bombings that took place in Babylon in Iraq yesterday.
Violence in Iraq reaches a new level.
Foreign attacks kill 35, leave hundreds hurt.
At least 35 people, including a U.S.
soldier, now they're saying three soldiers, were killed and nearly 230 injured Monday in a wave of suicide bombings in Iraq's capital.
It was the most deadly, according to Salt, yet against the U.S.-led occupation in Iraq.
And early on they said it wasn't an occupation.
Now they admit, yes it's an occupation.
Our government went to the U.N.
and set up the occupation rules and is now bringing the U.N.
in, as we said they would do, as the U.N.
plays the part of the good cop.
Four suicide car bombings, all within 45 minutes, struck the Red Cross headquarters and three police stations in Baghdad.
The attacks which occurred on the first day of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan appeared to mark a dramatic escalation in insurgent tactics.
In past weeks, bombers have carried out suicide attacks, but mostly in single strikes.
By the way, they're saying that they didn't know that Paul Wolfowitz, Deputy Secretary of Defense, was in that building because his itinerary was a secret.
Don't believe that for a minute, and don't think that the bank robbers and murderers and the Shah's torture expert, Chalibi, and others that the globalists have hired aren't beyond, aren't capable of killing Americans and bombing the UN and bombing others to run us out of there.
Because Chalibai and a lot of the others on the Puppet Council don't want to be puppets.
Don't want the U.S.
in there controlling them.
They want to run that place themselves.
That's how criminals are.
You know, any mafia organization, you're going to have capos under the dons who want to be the big boss.
This is the history of the world.
You know, it's like Caesar U2 Brutus as he plunges the knife into him.
Clearly, a lot of these are inside jobs.
So some will say, well, it's the U.S.
government doing it.
And I think in some instances, the evidence shows in Bali, or in Jakarta, in Indonesia, or in Saudi Arabia, clearly it's MI6, CIA, Pegasus, Mossad, and others doing it.
Always at key times to get support behind the globalist agenda.
But with the last bombings we've seen in the last few months in Iraq, it really looks like inside jobs, but I can't see how the globalists stand to gain from this.
I believe it's their own insiders, the Iraqi ruling council, because these attacks have too much precision.
They're taking place with non-traceable, homemade, but very sophisticated weaponry.
And we know it's not Saddam, because he was flown out by the globalists and paid off, just like the Iraqi Republican Guard and two of the regular Iraqi army groups.
This is now admitted, folks.
So, things are getting very, very murky.
Could it be the Russians behind it?
Could it be the Chinese behind it?
You know, they want that oil.
And there is some internal fighting going on between the New World Order, the Russians, the Chinese are dumping the dollar, saying you can't buy oil unless you do it with Euros.
The Arabs are getting ready to do this.
Now, the bombings in Saudi Arabia, the Saudis, when they were going to release those 28 pages of documents, pointing the finger at them for 9-11, the Saudis said, fine, we'll just release the four names of the U.S.
banks, going back to BCCI, right through 2000, connected to the Bushes and others who are behind these terror attacks and who are behind funding 9-11.
Suddenly, Saudi Arabia wasn't being attacked by Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and the rest of the neocon crew on Fox News.
Suddenly, they backed off.
And the Saudis said, yeah, that's right.
MI6 is bombing us to destabilize us so radical Islamists can take over.
Then the New World Order, well, they use the word New World Order, will have the pretext to come in and invade Saudi Arabia and take that over.
So, it's getting really scary, folks.
What do you think's going on here?
It's pretty murky, hard to tell exactly what's going on, but this is definitely insider stuff.
To have Paul Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, who sleeps somewhere different every night, who just arrived a few hours earlier in a meeting with some top officials, And suddenly there's a giant rocket attack, and the first thing our news says, with no evidence of it, the first thing the Pentagon says is, well, that was just an action and a lucky strike.
They didn't really know what was going on.
They bombed the U.N.
when they had U.N.
envoys there.
And they said, oh, well, he wasn't supposed to be there.
His itinerary was secret.
That was lucky, too.
Yeah, just over and over again this is happening.
Is it internal fighting with the New World Order?
Is it the Anglo-American establishment bombing the UN to keep them out?
And then suddenly you get Wolfowitz, an attempted hit on Wolfowitz, one of the chief neocons?
What do you think about this?
Again, I'm trying to look at all the angles, it's developing in my mind, I'm connecting the dots, but at this point it's too murky to put my finger on it.
it 1-800-259-9231. In Washington, President Bush called those responsible for the attacks
"cold-blooded killers who hate freedom."
Well, Bush, you haven't put freedom in.
You put a puppet dictatorship in, and you're bulldozing people's orange groves, and olive and date groves, and really oppressing the people, and you're not making friends.
The President said he remains even more determined to work with the Iraqi people to restore peace to the country.
I heard some neocon on the radio yesterday going, why don't the Iraqis rise up against these terrorists?
Oh yeah, and get killed, get bombed, get shot themselves.
It's just mindless.
It remained unclear who was responsible for the attacks.
officers say attacks on coalition soldiers have increased in number and sophistication.
They blame an alliance of Saddam Hussein loyalists and foreign fighters who have infiltrated Iraq.
Let me just point out that more Americans have now died.
It's well over 600.
Yeah, it's well over 600, okay?
Since the start of the war and the end of the war, and then now over 380 people since then.
I guess that number's up.
Over 400 now.
The numbers just keep growing.
We're not sure.
300, 500, 600.
No one knows, but the number's quite high.
And only about 350 Americans died from 1964 to 19, the beginning of 1968, in Vietnam!
And it ended at, what, 57,500, 58,000.
That number's debatable, too.
And now they're draping the planes so you can't see the coffins when they offload them.
This stinks to high heaven.
We'll be right back with more.
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We're about to go to Mitch, Brian, Helen, Chris, and others that are patiently holding, coming up more on the fires.
We'll also get into the latest developments with the Terry Schiavo case.
Michael Schiavo went on Larry King Live last night and spewed a bunch of propaganda that we'll go over.
We'll also get into September 11th and some of the new police state developments here on the broadcast.
Let's go ahead and go to the calls right now.
Mitch in Indiana, you're our first caller.
Hey, hi Alex.
How are you today?
Fantastic, sir.
You said people are on the lookout for propaganda.
Has anybody brought up the fact that they had a small article in this month's Reader's Digest on conspiracy theories?
Yes, I got a call last week, it was written by Tucker Carlson, the twit from Crossfire, about how anybody that thinks there's a world government is an absolute insane loon as they announce world government in all the big newspapers.
Yeah, I've seen it in that article, like a little later down there, they're starting Well, of course.
I mean, how many years have I said that after they're done shutting up Homeland Security and the police state and going, oh, it's just for those Muslims, they just don't get their rights.
Now they admit the Patriot Act's being used for people who are selling marijuana, who have marijuana.
Family violence, white collar crime, everything is terror.
And there's lots of news articles and so-called intelligence reports being put out to the police that the right-wing land rights groups and second amendment groups have allied.
There was a big Harvard symposium a few months ago.
It was in the Harvard Gazette saying, yes, the land rights Second Amendment groups are secretly Al-Qaeda, and we've got to go ahead and get rid of all these people.
So, yes, that's the next move.
It'd be interesting if you could get him on your show.
You know, that's a good idea.
I need to get Tucker Carlson on.
I need to get the writer of the Vanity Fair article about Bush and the Bin Ladens.
There's a lot of people.
I want to get the Paragon Foundation back on.
There's a bunch of guests we're lining up right now.
Yeah, that'd be great to get him on and just blow him out of the water.
Well, I'll try to do that.
Yeah, that'd be good, Alex.
Thank you very much.
Hey, thank you for the call.
I appreciate it.
Brian in New York.
Welcome, sir.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon, Mr. Jones.
Thank you for taking my call, sir.
Number one, the Bank of America yesterday bought the Fleet Bank, very strong bank in the Northeast supposedly, but the banks are merging in order to survive.
Bank of America and Fleet to merge in a $47 million deal, move to create the second largest U.S.
bank, and spark other combinations and mergers, yes.
And they're going to fire a lot of people now.
If you have two banks, you can fire a lot of people.
That's how the stock goes up, by firing people.
Number two, you can verify this, Mr. Steven Quill, the Federal Reserve is ready to lend to banking institutions.
It's already been done.
Five trillion dollars to keep the banks from collapsing.
I know, and everybody from Russia to Europe is dumping their dollars, and Mr. Snow, the Treasury Secretary, a snow job, pun intended, says that this is good for us.
Yes, to not have any industry, and then on top of it, get rid of our fiat currency, the only thing we had left.
Number three, sir, in the state of Florida yesterday, 100 retired teachers lost their pensions.
Mr. Steven Quayle can verify this, sir.
Well, I've been seeing that all over the country.
They're taking pension funds now, and Bush has changed the policy.
Not the law, but the policy.
I was sort of reporting this a year and a half ago, to take your pension funds, changing the rules where you don't own them.
Isn't that nice?
As far as the fires in California, what they're doing is they're getting the people out of the country into the cities.
This is Soylent Green in the 9th Plank of the Communist Manifesto.
Well I know that 3-4 years ago, Clinton, remember this was admitted, even John Stossel on ABC did a 30 minute special.
Clinton ordered fires set in a dozen states.
Hundreds of fires, and the government admitted they did it in the driest, hottest, most windy time, and then wouldn't let the states or counties put the fires out.
So New Mexico declared its own emergency, the counties did, and went in there and put the fires out themselves.
That is on the record.
I've had the county commissioners, the state reps on, we covered it, and then months later John Stossel admitted it.
And again, in the past they set the fires, and I find it very interesting, every year we have these fires around the populated areas, multiple fires starting at once.
What do you think is going on, Brian?
Well, besides they want people in the cities, and I plug in the Communist Manifesto, sources of symbology, the fires are going from west to east, and if you notice, they moved the football game to Phoenix, Arizona, the Phoenix.
I mean, they're always telling their brother what they're doing to Lower Echelon.
Well, it sounds crazy, but they do it.
It's like the Chicago Mercantile on the one-year anniversary of 9-11 coming up 9-1-1.0-0-0, or the New York Lottery coming up 9-1-1 on 9-11.
I tell you what, Brian, stay there.
I want to get your take.
I want to get this from all the listeners on who's behind these bombings in Iraq, and who stands to gain from this.
And we'll come back, let Brian finish, and we'll go to Helen, Chris, and others.
Infowars.com's the website.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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33 minutes and 15 seconds after the hour.
We're about to go back to Brian and other great callers.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
Two things I gotta mention before this hour ends, because it's so bizarre.
I have the BBC News article here in front of me from October 23rd.
I was at a birthday party last night.
One of my friends walked up and gave it to me.
The Italian actor that plays the part of Jesus in Mel Gibson's The Passion, now renamed because Miramax says they own the name, has been struck by lightning twice in the last month.
The first time he just got burned, part of the bolt hit him.
The second time he got hit, everyone saw smoke come out of his ears.
Now folks, this is the BBC.
This is admitted.
Now, I don't know what to say about this, and I started talking, well maybe the government had a drone come by and hit him with a particle beam, and they're just saying that it's so crazy.
But I'm looking at the BBC News article, and I know Mel Gibson's a good guy, the patriot, and braveheart, and you know, these good messages in films.
Then I found something out that's been out for months, and I guess I just didn't pay attention to it, and I routinely talked to Hutton Gibson, Mel Gibson's dad, and I know the family, I know Mel's seen the videos.
Mike Sutton has told me that he's giving them to him.
I found out that, do you know who's producing Mel Gibson's, well Mel Gibson is producing the new film by the Bowling for Columbine producer, Michael Moore.
And put eight figures into it.
I just learned of this.
Supposedly it's a couple months old.
It shows how I've been, you know, hiding under a rock somewhere.
They're making a 9-11 film about prior knowledge about the Bush's and the Bin Laden's.
I was reading an Associated Press article about this at the party last night, the birthday party.
Now the guy walks over and goes, oh yeah, look at this on my computer.
And he showed me all these news articles.
And, uh...
Again, I had Cynthia McKinney run up to me, hug me, tell me she woke up to the New World Order.
I remember sort of making statements about the U.N.
running white slavery rings and the government having prior knowledge of 9-11.
She told me it was because of rotaterony.
And then I found out and confirmed with the managers of the Dixie Chicks.
They don't like the New World Order because they saw rotaterony, because a listener gave it to them.
I've had state reps on who we call up to have on as guests.
They go, oh yeah, I'm trying to get Arizona to pull out of the Republic.
Because of the New World Order, because I saw Police State 2000.
I'm not here bragging about this.
I mean, you know, Gary Busey calls up, Joe Rogan calls me up because he's seen the videos.
The former DA of L.A.
calls me up because he's seen the video.
And these are just prominent people because of you.
And again, I'm not saying I'm responsible for this.
I'm going to call them and find out.
But Icon Productions, Mel Gibson's company, is funding this new 9-11 film.
I mean, what do you make of that?
And obviously, I guess Michael Moore's the guy to do it because he's this Academy Award-winning documentary filmmaker, but I was reading the synopsis of the film.
It sounds pretty hardcore, folks.
But my point is, I'm glad they're doing it.
I'm glad there's bigger fish, bigger ships out there on the open seas of the fight for people's future.
I'm glad that That they're out there doing this, but my only point is I made Road to Tyranny 22 months ago.
Twenty-two months ago, 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, was out, folks.
And it stands the test of time.
It stands hindsight.
The information has been even more documented since then.
Then I made Masters of Terror a year ago, Part 2.
It's more up-to-date than most books and videos that are out there today, and more hardcore, and more focused, and more complete.
I wrote Descent into Tyranny.
I published Order Out of Chaos, which has three chapters on 9-11.
It's just been out for a few months.
My only point is, I made the films, I wrote the books, I published the books.
You guys got them, got them out to people.
It has had a huge effect.
A massive effect.
A gigantic effect.
Pastor Butch Paw, about a year and a half ago, mails, Hutton Gibson, my videos, without me even knowing about it.
Uh, Hutton Gibson then goes and buys a bunch of videos for me, and I didn't know who this Hutton Gibson character was buying all my videos.
You know, then I have a chance to meet Hutton Gibson.
He came out to our showing of Road to Tyranny in Houston.
They had to turn away over 200 people, brought his family, great folks, an amazing individual.
You've heard him on the show.
My only point is, is that You, the listeners and the other talk show hosts, the people taking action.
Take this Terry Schiavo case.
It wouldn't be on Larry King.
It wouldn't be on O'Reilly Factor.
It wouldn't be in all the papers.
We had them on months ago.
And I'm not bragging.
I'm telling you, we're having an effect.
We have power.
Okay, so I don't have to give you a pep rally.
Things really are going well in this fight.
We really are having big victories.
And before I go back to Brian and get his take on who's behind these bombings in Iraq that have killed 35 plus people, 35 to 40 no one's sure, over 100 injured.
Before I do that, I want to encourage you to get my new video, Matrix of Evil.
And it really is an impressive film.
You need to have it.
And your purchase does support the show as a side issue.
But no one's going to see it if you don't get it, if you don't make copies.
People always would say to me, why do you let people make copies of your videos?
You won't sell as many.
That's not the point!
I'm trying to save this country.
My family won't have a future, folks, if we don't get these out to folks.
You're not going to have a future if we don't educate people.
And these are the best tools we've found.
So let me plug Matrix of Evil and we'll go right back to the calls.
After that little pep rally.
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I haven't timed it out exactly how I should.
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And when you get three or more of the videos, they drop down from $25.95 to $20 a piece.
Order Out of Chaos is $19.95.
Get a second copy for $11.95 to give as a gift.
Everybody should give this, this Christmas, as a present, folks.
Because give people the gift of information instead of a fruitcake.
Alright, let's go back to the calls.
Thanks for holding for the last seven minutes, Brian.
You're on the air.
Your take on the bombings that took place yesterday morning in Iraq.
All the so-called terrorists had Syrian passports.
That means they're going into Syria.
They're going to Saudi Arabia.
Because Saudi Arabia, as of January 1st of next year, are not taking Federal Reserve notes anymore.
Now January 1st of 2005, they're not going to extend the oil leases anymore to America.
So America has to cede oil because the Saudis won't sell it to them.
And the Saudis have been saying this and saying that the British are carrying out bombings there to destabilize and bring in a radical Muslim regime that CIA controlled.
Your response to that?
Well, this is a Hegelian dialect.
They have to get ready for World War III.
This is Albert Pike.
The whole idea of religion is the cause of the killing of two billion people.
I mean, this is Albert Pike's last World War.
He's going to start a Middle East Zionism versus Islam.
I mean, it's like a freight train with a schedule.
You see, they're getting ready for this now.
What this is all about.
Side issue, what do you think of Mel Gibson and Icon Productions putting millions of dollars into a new 9-11 film?
Well, the man knows what's going on, and I think even Michael Moore, I think the left and the right in this country are finally realizing that they've been played for suckers.
And that this has nothing to do with leftists, it's got to do with freedom versus tyranny.
And they're all starting to wake up, because if we don't stick together, we're all going to hang flat.
I know for a fact Mel Gibson and his whole family know about the New World Order.
I know for a fact they're listeners of this show.
But that is very, very exciting.
And by the way, in the Associated Press article and the Variety article, an unnamed White House high-level officer said, quote, the White House has been friends with Mel, but not anymore.
If he makes this movie, he's not welcome here.
Well, I'll give you another example of what's going on in California.
You see, all these people got to leave Southern California with the flies.
Is that a perfect excuse for firemen, well, maybe Russian, Chinese, and Mexican troops to come and dress as firemen?
Well, that already happened.
Four years ago, again, mainstream news, it was on, I remember watching ABC, and they go, well, there's U.N.
troops helping, and Mexican firemen, and Canadian firemen, all out helping with the fires.
And then after 9-11, NATO AWACS, F-16s from Norway, more and more.
So, what's going on out there?
Get ready to take a mark out, like a Thanksgiving turkey.
You're going to take off all the meat that's going to pulverize the bones.
That's where we're at for now.
And California is the heart of our economy.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you, sir.
And now Arnold can ride to the rescue with Bush to save California from the fires and there won't be too much focus on his transition into the governorship.
Who knows what's going on, though?
Let's talk to Helen in Florida.
Helen, you're on the air.
Yes, Alex.
It's such a privilege to be in such companies yours and your listeners.
I prefer to call the globalist ilk.
We are the elite.
Then, something, two points I wanted to make.
A long time ago I called and tried to figure out a way how we could take their access to money that funds all their evil projects.
And this might be a simple way from the grassroots.
This actually happened.
Our youngest son, when he was 21, he owed some money in traffic fines.
He said they were unconstitutional.
This was in Pinellas County, by the way, where Terry Scheibel is.
And anyway, he sent them a promissory note.
Which they returned, which automatically discharged the debt.
And then, anyway, he went to court four times.
They threatened him with jail and everything.
He didn't back down.
He finally got discharged.
Well, that's what they pay us with, is a note to pay for every dollar that's created.
A debt is created in the Federal Treasury to the private banks.
Well, what I'm leading up to is if more and more people through your program could be educated as to their ability Well, definitely.
We should contest everything in court if we're innocent or the law is unconstitutional and demand jury trials, trial by jury, in every single case.
this is the perfect oxymoron in collecting all these fines and it might cause them to
break down.
Well definitely we should contest everything in court if we're innocent
or the law is unconstitutional and demand jury trials, trial by jury
in every single case.
Well he didn't at that time he didn't address it as a constitutional issue
he addressed it because they didn't know their own law.
That's how he defeated them, because he knew they were going to be, you know, whatever he... Hey, uh, Hellenson's, uh, are you in Pinellas County?
No, we used to live there.
We're now up in, uh... I know it's not Pinellas County.
Pinellas Park is in the county.
We're 60 miles north of Tampa right now.
Well, that's nearby.
What are folks saying about the Terri Schiavo case?
I know in the polls in your papers, 80 plus percent are against killing her.
Well, not... Oh, yes, at least.
We have a group that we meet every Monday night, you know, Patriot Group.
Jerry, who's the talk show host, but anyway, everybody that I've talked to, with whom I've talked, has said this evil that he is... Actually, I personally believe that he doesn't want her to be able to speak so she can tell on him.
But my question to you is, not just at the Patriot meetings, but on the street, or at work, or at church, what are folks saying about Terry?
They are in favor of saving her life.
One person with whom I spoke, Uh, said, well, if I were in her situation, I wouldn't want to live.
But everybody else with whom I spoke, uh, is in favor of keeping her alive.
Okay, thank you.
Thank you for the call.
I appreciate it.
Uh, Chris.
Chris, where are you calling us from today?
Yes, where are you calling us from?
Uh, I'm from Oklahoma.
Go ahead.
Uh, I just had a couple of things, um, before the election or the debacle and, uh, In California, somebody mentioned that they were from the Socialist Republic of California.
And I said, yeah, and you're about to have a Nazi governor.
And then somebody just blew up in my face and called me a racist liberal bigot because I called him that.
And I'm like, well, those are the three... Oh, I know.
I love how the neocons now, if you stand up against Nazis, will call you a Nazi or a liberal.
Again, we're not the ones for open borders, gun control, abortion, hardcore gay porno mags.
Uh, groping all these women, saying he wants to be worshipped at Nuremberg, that he admires Hitler and wants to be a dictator, and was seen at a bodybuilding contest in front of 200 bodybuilders and thousands of spectators screaming, I hate all n-words, blacks are subhuman, get out.
That's admitted.
So... And so you're the racist because you're against that.
I know, it doesn't make sense.
Another thing was just this week... Well, tell me what this idiot exactly said to you.
Well, that's what he called me.
He just got so mad and then he left.
He said, I can't stand this.
I gotta get out of here.
And he left.
Because he listens to Limbaugh who says Arnold's good.
Arnold's gobbling up, dumping bottles of Oxycontin in his mouth going, I love Arnold.
And then we've got the head of the Christian Coalition over there, Pat Robertson, endorsing Arnold.
I have their press release.
And so I got called all the things that Arnold actually is a racist little bigot.
Excuse me.
What did you say to this person?
I mean, after they said that.
Well, I just kind of sat back and let them rant for a little bit and then they left.
Actually, I did comment on that.
I said, you just called me all the things that Arnold actually is.
So wait a minute.
He was talking about the left coast and the Communist Republic.
Well, it was a different person.
It was a different person that said they were from the Socialist Republic of California, and then I came in and said that to somebody else.
And they like Arnold?
A lot of people that I talk to like Arnold.
And you're a liberal because you don't like him because Sean Hannity says he's conservative.
Yeah, it just doesn't make sense.
But another thing that I came across, yes, or actually Saturday, it was on Saturday Night Live.
It was actually hilarious.
And they had some guy who was playing John Ashcroft and they were interviewing him.
And one of the questions the interviewer asked was, you know, how do Americans feel free?
And he says, the American people will feel free when they're all afraid of being thrown in jail.
And then later he said, and then also when they have a bar code tattooed to their necks and a microchip implanted in their brain that is controlled by this remote control.
And I was just laughing my head off, but I knew it was That's kind of the mentality.
Well, no, that's the admitted federal plan.
I mean, it sounds crazy, but Sean Hannity's on his show and on TV going, everybody needs a chip.
Every child needs a chip.
Yeah, and I mean, it's kind of funny that, I mean, the way they came out and said that, but... Well, that's how they're desensitizing us.
Right, and I just...
It's admitted, but nobody's waking up.
I mean, well, there are people waking up.
A lot of folks are waking up, but the media gives us the feeling that we're all alone.
Anything else, Chris?
That's it.
Good to hear from you.
Great points.
Marie and others, you're up next.
When we get back, and a bunch of other news items.
And in about 40 minutes, we've got Paul Joseph Watson with the latest 9-11 developments and a lot more.
You'll want to stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, we're accelerating towards the second hour and a bunch of other key news items we've already mentioned but we will detail.
From Terry Schiavo to the fires, to more on the bombings in Iraq, to the numbers of dead soldiers being higher than what the mainstream media is saying.
It's all coming up as the country, the world, awakens to the tyranny But is it too late?
Because we are definitely in the 11th hour right now.
Let's go to Marie in Montana.
Marie, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, today.
This is my second time I've ever called.
And thank you for helping me wake up for a lot of things.
I have only two things to say.
I was watching Bill Riley and he was interviewing two wives whose husbands are in Iraq.
And they were very limited in what they could say, and he shut them off because they were going to say something else.
And then he said, twice I've heard him say this, because I don't watch him very often at all, and I just want to see what they're saying.
The guys for banning SUVs.
The guys are liberal.
Oh yeah, I don't watch him very often, but I like to hear the other side once in a while, you know.
But he refers, has referred to Iraq as The state of Iraq.
When did it become a state?
Well, you know, that's a term for a country, but they call it a region of the Middle East, and a state obviously would be a unit.
And certainly, yeah, he's not saying country for a reason.
I'm seeing them all over the news, when I do occasionally tune in for ten minutes, calling it the state of Iraq.
You don't think it's subtle brainwash?
Oh, I think it is.
No, I would tend to agree with you.
It tripped my head.
I couldn't say that.
They're masters of legalese and terms.
They do this all the time.
It's like calling Terri Schiavo a vegetable, but we forced them to now just say that she's brain damaged.
Notice the media is now calling her brain damaged.
They're masters of changing terms.
That's a bad situation.
I feel sorry for the woman.
The horror she is.
Who do you think is behind these bombings in Iraq?
I think it's us.
You think it's the globalists?
Well, they aren't killing enough soldiers.
They're only killing the Iraqis to put terror in them.
Well, I know the globalists hate our troops and are making them breathe depleted uranium at 1,900 times the safe level.
I know they give them vaccines that are poisonous on purpose, soft kill weapons so after they're done with their tour, they're debilitated.
They're killing the soldiers a different way.
But they're killing the Iraqis.
Well, you know, in a sick way, this will get more support in some quarters of the country.
But overall, I don't know.
I think it might be some of the so-called puppet governors they put in trying to run their bosses out.
Thanks for the call.
But again, we just don't know at this point.
Thank you, Marie.
Ed in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Have you had a chance to watch the movie called 28 Days Later?
No, I haven't seen that new Day of the Dead film where the government releases a bioweapon.
Oh, it's great.
The films that are usually made in America, everybody, you know, would arm themselves with guns, be able to defend themselves a little bit.
This film is made in England.
Sounds like your phone's having a problem, buddy.
This film's made in England, and the people, they have nothing to defend themselves with except clubs and knives.
Because there's no guns in England.
And you see that more and more films.
You know, all these horror movies, nobody's got a gun.
I mean, if some psychopath was trying to break in my house, I mean, I've got unlimited weaponry, basically, for one person.
And it's all locked and loaded.
Yeah, and it's a good movie.
I recommend it.
Get the DVD version.
In the back, you can see they actually have a bunch of interviews with different scientists discussing the threat of viral infections and stuff.
And by unlimited, I mean, I've got what I need, let's put it that way.
Got a couple rounds of ammo, one or two guns.
We'll be right back.
Anything else you want to add, Ed?
If you could get a micro-balance on Sunday, that'd be pretty interesting.
Well, all the top ones are dropping dead.
Kind of hard to do.
Oh, disappearing, huh?
Yeah, they're all drowning in two inches of water, or having their brains bashed in, or being sacrificed.
Yes, satanically sacrificed.
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, it's the start of the hour, second hour of transmission.
In 30 minutes, we got Paul Watson, who folks just love on the show.
From PresidentPlanet.com, my website, To go over the 20 smoking guns of 9-11 and the White House trying to block these papers being released and their own minions acting like there's some type of fight between them and the new Whitewash Commission.
Also more on the fires out in California, the bombings in Iraq, the Terry Schiavo case.
A esteemed doctor, scientist, says Schiavo likely victim of some kind of trauma from the evidence.
There needs to be a criminal investigation.
There's no statute of limitations on attempted murder, whoever might have done that.
We'll talk about Mr. Schiavo and Larry King live.
I have the transcript of it.
It is disgusting.
I couldn't make myself watch it.
Again, I don't watch much TV these days.
I mean, I haven't watched two hours probably in the last month.
I mean, I just don't.
I need to start watching and I'm missing a lot.
But you guys keep me up to speed on it.
And we're going to have open phones in this hour.
A toll-free number to join us on air.
1-800-259-9231 1-800-259-9231
And again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Jeffrey, in Louisiana, you're on the air, sir.
Hi, Alex.
I'm here to give you a brief report on the John Birch 45th Anniversary Conference.
Your friend, William Jasper, gave a speech in which he pointed out how the UN Earth Charter has been sabotaged to the point that supporters are now having to admit that they are more socialist and are exposing themselves as, quote, left-wingers, end of quote.
Other speeches in that meeting included... But, sir, that's part of the false polarization as Bush and the militarism is made to look right-wing.
One, it's a unit of the UN banker agenda.
They now polarize over to the left, making neo-communism the answer to the neo-fascism of America.
That's exactly right.
And, of course, William Norman Grigg and others are pointing out how the transfer of our industry to red China and the Immigration in this country are being used to destroy the middle class.
Total treason right out in the open.
And if you like NAFTA and GAP, they're about to give you a lot more of it.
Absolutely right.
Now, as far as the Iraq situation is concerned, what we're seeing is a communist-style attack, similar to the Algerian revolt in the 1950s, where the communists destroy what looks like their own targets in order to terrorize everybody, and then set us up for the That way there's a total breakdown and then more people will rebel because basic services have been broke down.
Let me bring in the motive for the bankers to be behind this though.
People keep saying, well, everybody said it was about oil, but they're not getting any oil out of the country.
I said up front it wasn't about oil.
It was about restricting that oil supply, creating artificial scarcity there in the biggest oil reserve in the world, locked up.
It's about weapon sales and using Iraq as a base of operations.
They need an excuse to keep a military dictatorship in there so they can invade all their neighbors.
And then I go back to the other question.
Could it be the Chalibis of the world, the puppets they've put in, wanting to go ahead and kick out their bosses so they can run Iraq themselves?
What do you see happening?
Well, in connection with that, you notice that Vladimir Spittoon arrested the president of Lucas Oil Company on a tax charge and shut him up in prison because this guy from Lucas Oil was financing more Liberal, I mean Libertarian type parties and rupture and Vladimir and his FSB bunch didn't want that.
Yeah, that happened two days ago.
That's right.
So you notice the Kremlin is reasserting its totalitarian control.
And they also went after Boris Barabosky who exposed that Putin carried out the bombings and that is a fact.
Uh-huh, and that's why he's in jail.
and at the same time you want i i'm i'm convinced that those fires in california
were deliberately set and so i stopped dozens of locations the question is who's
setting them i think that that whoever is setting is doing it too
personal disrupt our air service for second of all disrupt san diego which is
a military site three cause a different cause a young
diversion of arm.
Resources, while in Louisiana, we have two socialists running for governor out of the 18 socialists.
Yeah, it's a big diversion, a big distraction from all the different corruption information that's coming out.
Anything else, Jeffrey?
That's about it from right here.
Alright, thank you.
More calls, more news, straight ahead.
1-800-259-9231. Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back, folks.
We're live.
It's the 28th day of October 2003.
We're now 1 hour and 8 minutes and 20 seconds into this transmission against tyranny.
I'm gonna take some more calls and I'm gonna go straight into more of the news on Terri Schiavo, her husband, and Larry King live propagandizing.
A doctor says Schiavo likely victim of some kind of trauma from the x-rays he's seen, the spinal scan.
That's all coming up.
More on the fires, more on the bombings in Iraq.
Toll-free number to join us on air, 1-800-259-9231.
Robert in Tennessee, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Okay, Robert, are you there?
Go ahead.
You heard George Riley this morning.
I heard some of it.
What was going on?
Uh, she had Professor Boyce from University of Illinois is on there.
And he's got impeachment procedures against George Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld and Ashcroft.
Well I was for the impeachment of Bill Clinton for being a traitor and I'm certainly for
it for George W. Big Government Bush.
And he's got it in the international courts too.
Well see that's the problem.
You go to the international courts, that gives them legitimacy.
We see this in England, where they don't have any rights anymore, so they go to the EU.
The EU actually gives them good rulings, but on the wrong precedents to make the EU look like the arbiter of decency and honor.
And that's a very serious tactic they use, Robert.
Okay, thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
Manuel in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, sir.
I got here, uh, so much for free speech, so much for morality.
I'mma read you a caption here.
We had a Halloween parade.
Anti-abortion minister bows out of parade, bloke called offensive.
And the Reverend Grove says he plans to take York City to federal court.
I'mma jump straight into the good stuff.
Uh, Bruce Murch said he did not have a parade permit, but said that he was marching in front of the parade and that the streets are a constitutionally protected public forum.
But Whitman said that's not exactly so.
The fact that he's marching up and down a thoroughfare that's blocked off for a parade that requires permits falls under a different set of regulations.
Reverend Grove said the city restricted its free speech based on content, calling the move unconstitutional.
Also said that he was singled out, no other float was held to the same standard, even though they were replete with violence.
Included in Grove's float was a display called Baby Parts for Sale, a garbage can full of doll parts covered in red paint resembling blood.
You still there?
And I guarantee you, and I've seen stuff like that at Halloween downtown, here in Austin, I guarantee you if it was just a ghoulish display, there'd be no problem with it.
But because it was a Christian, we see selective enforcement.
Go ahead.
There's more, and it gets better.
Grovin and 15 supporters ranging from young children to a retired nurse.
Dressed in operating room scrubs, representing abortion doctors, Grov described the serial killers.
The van was covered with three large pictures of aborted fetuses, with captions, Hitler's Holocaust and America's Holocaust.
Let me break this down and then you can comment further, Manuel.
murder should not be a choice i'm going to show people the truth about what goes on in
abortion clinics if he doesn't worry about that
broke through the city left your federal court or deny him a civil rights by confiscating his abortion
literature photos
he said that he will most likely amend the suit include the city's latest alleged violation
refuting to allow him in the parade with the photos well let me break this down and you can comment further manuel
look there was a case a few months ago uh... out in uh... town in arizona pretty good size city i
think it was Yeah, it was Mesa.
And a man stood out front of the city council with a sign talking about how the Patriot Act was taking freedoms.
That's all it said.
Patriot Act equals tyranny.
And then it had the name of one of the council members who was voting to keep the Patriot Act.
And they came out and the police said, we're going to arrest you right now, buddy, if you don't get out of here.
And he was standing on the public sidewalk.
And he said, go ahead and arrest me.
And then the police balked.
And then later he threatened to sue.
The city council had to apologize.
But here's the point.
Here in Austin, if I get a sign, and I try to walk down, say, Congress downtown, maybe a block from the Capitol, and I've seen it, police will walk up and say, do you have a permit?
Now, yeah, it's called the First Amendment, folks.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.
Let me read it.
I'm just going from memory here.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or the press, or the people to peaceably assemble, or to petition the government for redress of grievances.
That's all of it!
And so, in Russia, in China, in Mexico, you can't go out and protest.
They'll come arrest you.
But in America, you can.
But they started this thing out, just like gun permits 100 years ago.
Oh, just come down and pay 30 cents, and so we know where your parade's gonna be so you don't block traffic.
Now, certainly, if you're going to block traffic, you're going to have a parade, which isn't a protest or a demonstration.
Certainly, they could argue, so you don't block the road, do that.
But, if they're having a parade, then you have to let anyone in once the general parade has the permit.
But, to be on the sidewalk or in front of a government building, and this is the precedent, they can demand no permit from you.
It is absolutely illegal and unlawful, and all the precedents say that, and they know that.
In state court, the state police two years ago lost, what, three hundred plus thousand dollars for three plaintiffs.
They had people out there protesting.
Well, they had a group of disabled activists protesting.
And they were arrested for being in front of the governor's mansion.
They weren't blocking the road, weren't blocking the driveway.
They were just right there on the side protesting.
The state police arrested them under orders of the governor.
Next, it was anti-death penalty people.
They arrested them.
Then it was some other group of pro-lifers.
And they all lost $100,000 lawsuits, so they know they can't do that in a free society.
And right here in Austin, I got friends who will go stand and follow the federal law, you know, 200 feet or whatever from the abortion clinic.
The police will still come and arrest them.
And, you know, this is our free country.
So what do you say to that?
Well, this group still, they went downtown and they stood on a major thoroughfare and they got their message out.
But the point is, they weren't allowed to march in front of the Halloween parade.
Which isn't this, come on man, what type of double think is this?
A Halloween parade and, oh not only that, I talked to people on the street.
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to make it.
Uh, I talked to people on the street, and I actually caught people telling me, oh how offensive, I saw the pictures on his truck, I couldn't believe it.
I couldn't, I could, they're so trapped in the Matrix that they, they live in a culture of death and then when they see this culture that they're living in, wallowing in, this filth, it's like they're shocked.
I mean, come on.
Well, no, that's the nature of doublethink that Winston talks about in 1984 because, I mean, look, we'll all be outraged over the Kali.
The last time, and I now have a news article on this, a couple, four years ago, the Kali, the mascot of A&M in College Station and Bryan, Died.
And they had 3,000 people show up at the funeral that was crying.
Oh, man.
I looked up the old articles that was crying, all this.
Well, the new articles are the same.
Freaking out.
People not going to school.
Convulsions of fear.
Because the dog dies.
But when a cop dies, that many people don't show up.
Or, when a citizen gets killed by a SWAT team, no one shows up.
So the point here is, it's a sick, twisted, paganistic, warped culture.
You know what they say when 10,000 people die?
It's a statistic, and when one dies, it's a tragedy.
Yeah, that's backwards of what the converse of what Stalin said.
He said, when one man dies, it's a tragedy.
When 10,000 dies, it's a statistic.
And we talk about Hitler killing tens of millions.
Stalin, Mao.
These numbers just don't compute, but they're real numbers, folks.
And the same people that ran these monsters run this system that they're creating today.
I guess abortion is good.
Well, I mean, Pat Robertson endorses Arnold.
Uh, you're an evil liberal if you're against Arnold because you're not a homosexual porno mag.
Here, here, the cops ran out.
They said you can march on the sidewalk, but you can't show the signs.
Well, so much for free speech here.
Oh, really?
Because they're offensive?
Oh, yeah, the signs are offensive on a Halloween parade, especially.
Yeah, all the blood and gore and the demons and the rest of it.
All it says is, thou hast slain the children, Hitler's holocaust, America's holocaust.
Well, it is a holocaust, hello.
Do me a favor, email that to tipsandinfowars.com.
I want to post that.
I don't have computer access, sir.
That's the problem.
Somebody will send it to me.
I'm sure they will.
Hey, what do you think about the bombings in Iraq?
Who's behind that?
You know, I'm not so sure.
I thought things were going to calm down, but it looks like they're not going to.
And I think maybe that's purposely done.
Maybe they want to keep the continuous cycle going.
Well, then they can't allow an election, can they?
Thanks for the call.
Thank you very much.
All right, let me jump into news for the next 15 minutes or so.
Then we got Paul Watson.
Joining us on the broadcast, we'll take some more calls on the next segment and more calls for our guest as well.
Everybody stay there.
Let me go ahead and get into this news.
Brain damaged woman, husband speaks out on TV, USA Today.
And it's interesting that now it's brain-damaged woman on CNN and in USA Today, whereas a week ago it was woman in coma, vegetable.
But see, millions have now been to PrisonPlanet.com, where we put all the video clips together, some of the stuff the lawyers didn't want you to see, by the way.
They're denying some orders there.
You want to go look at it at PrisonPlanet.com for yourself, and look at the woman supposedly in a coma.
Brain-damaged woman, husband speaks out on TV.
Tampa, a Florida man seeking to remove his brain-damaged wife from the feeding tube that's keeping her alive, said Monday that his in-laws have set out to block his actions because of money and influence of conservative political causes.
I wonder who they're talking about.
Who picked up the cause two months ago?
Before other people interviewed her on the network.
I'm not tooting my horn.
I'm showing the power of this broadcast and the power of you!
You, right there, that made the phone call, that called into the talk shows, that sent the faxes, that sent the emails.
I'm talking to you!
I want you for the fight against tyranny.
You got the power.
You, right there, look in the mirror.
In his first interview since the latest round of legal moves in the case, Michael Sicko, I mean Michael Schiavo said on CNN's Larry King Live that he is fighting to end his wife's life because her wishes have not been kept alive artificially.
Not on paper, it's pure garbage, and you go on to what he says, the family just wants the money.
And the family shows that no, it's Michael who's wanted the money and sent them offers to let us kill her, let us get rid of her, and we'll give you some of the money.
And this is five, six, seven, eight years ago.
Multiple letters, the family said no.
And the family sent all that to Larry King Live days before, and he refused to talk about it.
But what's wrong with this picture?
You read the article and it says, Florida man seeking to remove his brain-damaged wife.
Now it's just, we're gonna kill those that are brain-damaged.
Their eyes are open, looking back and forth, mumbling at people.
Now she's just paralyzed, folks.
She's not even brain-damaged.
I looked in that woman's eyes.
There's a fire of sentient life there.
Hello, Ted Anderson.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central Standard Time.
We're here live and of course...
Back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
We go out on the AM and FM dials.
Simulcast at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com as well as GCNLive.com.
Global shortwave during the day at 12.172 and 93.20 and at night 9 to midnight at 5.085 and 68.90.
About to go to John, Ray, Ann and others.
Then when Paul Watson comes on, before we get into 9-11, I'm going to throw these articles out at him.
The Terry Schiavo case.
Get his take on that.
Biometric borders coming.
Your national ID card.
Also from the National Geographic.
This is from their website, now part of NBC.
In our high-tech world, machines track personal records, see through walls, and screen facial features.
Will electronic surveillance mean better security or an end to privacy?
They go on to admit they're going to have blimps looking through our walls, and already do, and no freedom, and boy, we're going to go over that.
Also, police plan national database of children At risk of abuse, see?
Now they're going to put in factors, and you're all going to get CPS visits without even anybody calling in a report.
See, we're all on probation, basically.
And Mark was just popping in my ear with some info.
What was that, Mark?
Okay, let's talk to John in Michigan, then to Ann and others.
John, you're on the air.
Can you hear me, Alex?
Yes, sir.
I have the honor of hosting Sandra, John, and Harry up here during the summer, the last two summers.
I live a few miles from Michael Moore.
Last couple of years I've been giving him all information off of your site, Joyce Riley's site, here at Greg Palast's site.
He has gotten the bill 727.
Uh, the MKUltra information from, uh, I gave him death in the air, Dr. Horowitz.
Let me go back to the last hour.
Mel Gibson Icon Productions is paying millions of dollars for Michael Moore to produce a 9-11 film that points the finger at Bush.
The Bush White House is freaking out, according to the Associated Press.
And I know for a fact Mel Gibson and his family and Hutton Gibson have seen all my films, or many of my films, I should say.
Hutton's seen them all, Mel's seen some of them.
And I knew that Patriots were educating Michael Moore.
This is getting really interesting to show the power of the people.
Go ahead.
I gave him the book, Dr. Horowitz's book, to have him look at the MKUltra program with Columbine.
Told him that he was a little bit offline there.
Did you give him any 9-11 info?
Oh, your site, Joyce Riley's site, I did have the tape.
I don't know where it is.
A lot of people have passed it around.
This has been two years I've been doing this.
I've been personally handing it to him.
He's very receptive to it.
He grabbed Dr. Horowitz's book and also in that book There's a program up in Idaho, I believe, the Navy has a secret program.
Hey, do me a favor.
It's hard to get a hold of Moore.
I'm going to put Sean Holm, give him my internal number at the office.
I want to get him on the show.
Will you help me do that?
I'll do that.
John knows who I am.
No, you went fishing with John.
I remember he told me about it.
And John said he went right by Michael Moore's house.
Yeah, Michael Moore, you know, his head's getting screwed on a lot straighter.
He's waking up.
I mean, look, Mel Gibson is funding his 9-11 film, folks.
That's called Fahrenheit 9-11.
Yeah, Fahrenheit 9-11, yeah.
Kind of a takeoff on Fahrenheit 451 or whatever it is.
There's hope, Alex.
He's making a hardcore film with like, I think it's what, $3 million of Gibson's money.
Well, there's got to be substance there, I guess.
Well, I know for a fact that Gibson saw my road to tyranny a year and a half ago.
I think Michael's seen 9-11.
I've asked him about that.
I'll try to get him a copy.
Michael Moore told you he saw Road to Journey?
This is blowing me away, folks.
I mean, again, it's our power because of you making the copies.
I mean, I have Sylvia McKinney run up and hug me and say, you woke me up.
And I'm like, get the camera on, get the camera on.
But we got some of it.
But she says, you know, great film and all this stuff.
But that's in the new video.
But I'm not tooting my horn.
I'm saying we can affect change, folks.
You just have to be honest and give the documentation and they'll do the research.
I've given them rolls of that information off every site I have.
So, vaccination's the whole issue.
He's got the whole package.
Deprogramming the leftists and that enrages the neocons.
I can't tell you how many hippies I know here in Austin that now own assault rifles.
That's what he meant by that.
Well, I've also told him about the chemtrails up here.
He's very aware of all that stuff now, so he's getting open.
His eyes are opening up, and then views will change when that happens.
No, I know.
He came to Austin and gave a speech, and it was attacking the Democrats, talking about the New World Order, the Republicans.
It was hardcore.
You watch Bowling for Columbine, which he really made two years ago, you know, produced it, and he's definitely changed a lot since then.
Amen to that.
Alright, thanks.
Thanks for the call.
I can't completely trust him, but uh... All right, Ann and others, we'll get to you soon.
We got Paul Watson coming up.
I'm throwing about five stories.
Get his take on it.
We'll take a few calls and get into 9-11 before this hour ends.
And coming back, I'm going to quickly plug Matrix of Evil.
No one's going to see it if you don't get it.
No one's going to know the truth.
No one's going to see Ron Paul say that people that believe in global government run Washington.
Unless you order the video and make 50 copies and give them to people.
And if you do that, It will hurt the New World Order very, very badly.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
I know for a fact, Gary Busey, in two separate episodes of I'm with Busey, and he is a wild guy, but he is Christian, plugged 9-11 road deterrenting, Police State 2000, said quote, you gotta get it.
I know that the Gibson family watch the films.
I know for a fact that Dixie Chicks woke up because of listeners giving them the films.
I know for a fact that my videos have gone to almost every member of Congress, and I've talked to many of them who've seen them.
I'll call up to get somebody on from a state house in Louisiana or Arizona who's doing something good about the New World Order, and they go, oh, I'm doing this because I saw your videos.
Cynthia McKinney, to my face, told me she woke up to the New World Order because it rode to tyranny.
Again, this is what you've done.
We make the videos, we plant the seed, you water it, put sunshine on it.
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But if you haven't gotten the new book, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror and the New World Order, that I've published, written by Paul Watson, you're crazy!
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Very close to absolute bedlam.
And the type of propaganda they're putting out on their little TV shows like 24 and Threat Matrix.
Let's go ahead and go to Paul Watson. We'll go to Ann and others.
Paul, Joseph, Watson, thank you for your fine work. And thanks for coming on the show today.
Always a pleasure, Alex.
Paul, the power of taking action.
You got involved with your website, Propaganda Matrix, what, two, three years ago.
Millions of people read what you post.
You're just one guy who started a website a few years ago.
Examples of how we can fight this thing, and things we can do, and your analysis of what we're facing.
Well, yeah, as you said, I started the website two years ago.
I get a lot of emails, people asking how they start websites and things like this and what is the point in it?
Well, the fact is that when I started that website two years ago now, August 2001, I mean basically I was getting 30 hits a day for the first four months.
Now, I'm getting 20,000 hits a day and that's just in two years.
So the amount of interest that you can build up just from starting a single website Is amazing.
So, I mean, that is the main plank of what we can do to fight the New World Order.
To create our own platform, in a sense, because there are thousands of people out there that are willing to jump on board and listen to what we're saying.
Well, take InfoWars, depending on what month.
8 million hits, 2 million individual users, 2 million different people?
And then we've got Prison Planet that's about a year old.
It's now getting about half that many hits.
I mean, look, we're having a massive effect.
And again, simply creating an alternative, an analysis forum, that is an incredible engine to change minds.
And we're taking over the territory of the media.
They're panicking.
What do you see them doing?
Well, in some senses, the lower level rungs of the ladder on the media.
...are in fact taking all their information from the alternative website.
I mean, this article that I put out probably a year ago now, which we're going to talk about later, going into some of the evidence, 20 smoking guns of September 11th, that basically got cloned, I think it was by the Philadelphia Inquirer or something, which is the biggest newspaper in Philadelphia.
They basically took that article, took the bones of it, and added their analysis on top of it, so we see that Our voice is so strong and so consistent that some of the media in their attempt to
Maintain coverage because we know a lot of people are losing interest in mainstream media.
They are in fact turning to the alternative media and replicating the information that we're putting out.
They have lost, and I'm talking about cable too, it's not going to cable.
Total, they have lost about 45% of their news audience in the last three years and it's getting worse.
People are leaving, they're turning the TVs off, they're going into the analysis, they're going into the chat rooms, They're going into the video clips online.
We are smashing them!
Well, anyone can just go to Google and type in September 11th, and basically half of the entire first page that you'll get is about how 9-11 was carried out by the government.
So, to that level, I mean, everything you take a look at is infiltrated by the truth, basically.
And I mean, that's why You see the pattern of most mainstream news websites, well, some at the moment, but all have plans to do so, is that they're all going to a subscription basis where you have to pay to read their articles.
That way we can't do analysis, show flashbacks, show their lies.
Yeah, which is why it's necessary to archive everything, which is what we try and do.
Now, Paul, we've got some callers here, but I want to throw out some news items that you can just get your take.
The Terry Schiavo case, Michael Schiavo went on TV, spewed a bunch of propaganda that can easily be disproven.
We've got now a doctor, prominent doctor, coming forward.
Let me read this to you.
Doctor says Schiavo likely victim of some kind of trauma, CNS News, one of the most important Battles in the fight over the life and death of Terry Schindler Schiavo has been the professional opinions of dueling medical experts, but the Schindler family has found a new ally in the battle, one it did not seek out in the person of the famed New York forensic pathologist, Dr. Michael Badden.
We gotta get him on.
And it goes on to say it is extremely rare for a 20-year-old woman to have a cardiac arrest from a low potassium with no other diseases.
Batten said Friday on Fox News Channel on the record with Greta Van Susteren, extremely unusual unless she has certain kind of diseases which she doesn't have.
They go on to the bone scan report showing that she had multiple bones broken consistent with being beaten up and strangled brutally.
Paul, this isn't very good for the pro-death crowd, is it?
Just a few days ago now, I got all the videos together and posted them on Prison Planet, showing clearly that Terri Schiavo is responsive both emotionally to her mother and consciously to various stimulus that they set up with the experiments that they do.
And yet still, and first I noticed this just with the British media, but then obviously it's gone worldwide, We had reports out of the London Times and BBC stating that Terry Schiava had been unconscious for 13 years, which is obviously not just a journalistic error.
It's a blatant attempt to skew the whole debate because the video has been out there for a long time showing that obviously she's not comatose and she's not been unconscious for 13 years.
She's very much awake.
And of course now we have the Liberals and the ACLU, the useful idiots, have all come out and jumped in.
The pro-death crowd, as you said, they've all jumped in on the side of Michael Schiavo in the face of these top pathologists that have come out.
And we've got that CNS News article today.
Pointing out that it's virtually impossible for a 20-year-old to have a cardiac arrest where no other diseases are present, and as you said... Well it turns out day one the doctors were writing up reports that Michael got custody of her, tricked the family, and then blocked the release of that from ever coming out.
I mean, folks, this has the makings of, you know, a mystery special on PBS or something, a whodunit.
And you add all this together, then he claims, well, the family just wanted the money.
Then they have letters from Michael's lawyer years ago saying, hey, we'll pay you off to let us get rid of her.
So, and Larry King Live, though, wouldn't address that, would he?
No, I wouldn't.
Shiavo obviously has friends in high and useful places to carry this out and I mean the original medical fund that Shiavo was awarded because obviously she was misdiagnosed about a decade ago and they got this one million fund which was allocated to her in damages and Michael Shiavo's contention is that that was all spent on lawyers and everything and It's impossible for that amount of money to be spent on lawyers, basically.
And obviously, there is a financial motive for him to kill her.
I mean, we had the reports coming out that he was going around telling people, when is that, you know, expletive going to die?
Also, I mean, she was eating food 10 years ago, sitting up.
He would freak out and say, none of that, don't even brush your teeth.
Don't brush that bleeper's teeth.
Alright, shifting gears, then we'll get into 9-11 and take Ann and others' calls that are patiently holding.
The bombing in Iraq, 35 dead, several dead U.S.
soldiers, hundreds wounded.
Paul, the motive here, we don't know who did it, but your take on it, in the pit of your stomach, what do you think is going on with these four bombings in Baghdad yesterday?
Obviously it's a pretext to get the U.N.
to come in and have some sort of major involvement in the administration of the country, but the major question that I ask with all these bombings is Why do suicide bombers carry Syrian passports if it isn't a staged event to link those suicide bombers with Syria?
And we've had the previous bombers who mysteriously And conveniently carried Iranian passports as well.
Well it's like magic magic passports falling out of two of the airplanes as everything else is vaporized at 9-11 and cars found with dossiers saying I did it at the scenes and believing Korans and saying we're going to kill people tomorrow at topless bars.
And then we have the bombing I mean it's hard to keep up with the particular bombing that it was because it happened every day but it was two Sundays ago where There was a bombing in Baghdad and it was a suicide car bombing and the driver, eyewitnesses reported that the driver of the car was not of dark complexion, he was not an Iraqi, he was not a Middle Eastern.
And that was the Associated Press, an hour later it got edited out.
Yeah, it actually got removed from all the original articles as we highlighted on the website.
As regards to who is actually carrying out these bombings, well, the cases that we examined with the eyewitness reports that see the actual suicide bombers, they say that they're not Muslims, they're not of dark complexion, they are white people.
So, again, we ask who's carrying out these bombings in relation to the whole history of Manchurian candidate mind control.
We've also got Judge Shalebi, the Iranian torture expert, convicted of killing 300 million.
From the ally Jordan, we got this guy bragging two days before the U.N.
bombing that, oh yeah, the U.N.' 's gonna get it, ha ha ha, comments.
Yeah, and the missile attack, the U.N.
bombing, they had prior knowledge of that, the missile attack which occurred on Saturday.
Reports came out about that, that they had prior knowledge, I mean, there were headlines in the New York Times then, they had prior knowledge, and then mysteriously, two hours later, the headlines were changed to reflect the latest bombing, and so, We have all this prior knowledge of the targets being covered up as well.
What's the motive for more bombings?
The motive for more bombings is to create a Vietnam type situation.
We've had these top military analysts coming out and saying that it is now a guerrilla war and so obviously the motive is to paint America as the bad guy, get the troops to withdraw Get the U.N.
to go in and then we can have all the American troops go off to die in another war in Syria and Iran.
The U.N.
comes in as the savior, as the good cop.
I put that question out, you answered it perfectly.
And at the same time, some of these bombings are different little factions in the ruling council fighting with each other.
Some of it is indigenous groups, some of the shootings, some of the hand grenades.
But when you've got these big, you know, four bombings in 45 minutes of each other, also some say, well, the oil isn't flowing.
Where's the motive for that?
Again, it artificially makes the price higher by not having it flowing.
That's how they control things.
So we're seeing this monopoly developing.
Paul, when we get back we're going to talk to Ann in Texas and then we're going to get into your 20 smoking guns of 9-11.
But just give us a few of the top smoking guns of the hundreds that are out there that you think are most important.
Well, it's interesting to look at the latest smoking guns that have come out and in a sense we need to preface it by giving a warning because there's a lot of disinformation.
As is often the case, when people get burnt out about one particular topic, like 9-11, when it's talked about so incessantly, you get a lot of attention seekers who get fooled into peddling wilder and wilder theories about what happened.
And we have given some attention to these strange flashes of light and missiles attached to Flight 11, Flight 175, and I even go into that a little bit in order out of chaos.
People are beginning to take this to the extreme in saying that the planes, particularly Flight 175, the second plane to hit the World Trade Center, was in fact a hologram.
Um, and these people mainly base this on footage looking directly up at the South Tower, which shows a man at a table drinking coffee when the North Tower was already on fire from the first hit.
Shows a plane entering the building and people asking the question, why doesn't this man react?
And then, um, making the case that it was a hologram, when in fact we have the other footage which shows the plane exiting the building and catching fire.
Exactly, we've gotta stick to the stuff we can prove, and that is just massive.
We'll be right back.
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I've got to ask Mark during the break, is Ann still patiently holding from Texas? Okay,
let's go to Ann in Texas.
Ann, you're on the air with Alex Jones and our guest, Paul Watson.
Go ahead.
Well, there's a couple of things that I wanted to mention to you, Alex.
First off, quick question.
Do you remember the movie Men in Black, where they were looking at the hot sheets, the tabloids?
Well, it turns out that in one of the tabloids this past week, they were having a headline where Maria Shriver, whatever her name is, Arnie's wife, Uh, with pushing to have her, the Constitution changed so that her husband could become President.
Yeah, and then the women get involved.
Oh, you go, girl!
Um, but actually, that was just something that I was bringing up, but really part of the reason I'm calling is you're going on about the military-industrial complex.
Well, I'll tell you what, let me stop you, Ann, since you brought that last point up.
Let's address that, we'll hold you over if need be, then address your next question.
Let me tell you what they do at News of the World.
They'll have 50 stories about Raptors controlled by aliens in Iraq, and space aliens, and Batboy, and then right in the middle of it, here's the Chipsons.
There's a government plan to put microchips in you.
It's the official, real news story.
It's been in a hundred other major papers, but now it discredits that too.
They do that in these tabloids, and yes, I remember seeing this about Arnold being a Nazi, and in Robert Mapplethorpe's private collection in like 1990 in an Enquirer I bought.
So they do that.
They put real stories in with a bunch of garbage to then discredit the whole thing.
And yes, Maria Shriver has already been pushing to have the 22nd Amendment repealed.
Paul Watson comments to this tactic.
Hold on, because that's kind of a lead into what you just said about people putting out wild conspiracy theories about 9-11.
Instead of focusing on stuff we can prove, go ahead.
Yeah, we had the National Enquirer also talking about Gulf War Syndrome, mixing it in with all the alien UFO stories, and then talking about Men in Black 2 and how these movies pre-empt actual news coverage.
We had Arnold Schwarzenegger starring in films in the early 90s where he becomes President Arnold.
And obviously we have films like Total Recall and The Running Man.
So again, throwing it in our faces via these movies which mysteriously seem to pre-empt reality in many cases.
Well, it's like the Fox Show where the lone gunman with the secret government group hijacks the jet liner full of passengers to fly to the World Trade Center.
And he goes, why?
And he goes, for martial law!
Go ahead, Ann.
We wanted to comment on that.
That's okay.
Actually, part of what I'm calling today is about just another plank in the globalist takeover.
is the way medical things are being handled.
A lot of the public does not know that natural medicine practitioners, people who do things like massage, herbalism, they're actually not considered health care professionals by the government when you're talking about unemployment claims and other things like that.
And now they're trying to get you under the regulatory umbrella.
Well, in Texas, Texas massage therapists are required to be registered and you have to take continuing education every six hours of continuing education a year in order to be able to continue with the registration.
I don't mind saying, you know, have an educational requirement if you're going to be credentialed, but then they don't.
Insurance companies The, who are funded by the drug companies who are owned by Petrochemical.
And they're publicly trying to ban over-the-counter vitamins, massage, naturopathy, all of it.
Yeah, they're trying to get rid of it.
I'll tell you what Ann, let me hold you over to the next hour.
Paul, we've got 30 seconds left.
You've seen them ban vitamins in England, haven't you?
Well, yeah, the EU's tabled a bill whereby over-the-counter sales of vitamin C, selenium, estrogen, things like this are going to be completely illegal.
So again, alternative health industry's been censored for 20, 30 years.
Yeah, stay there, Ann, and we'll quit jumping over you.
You're just bringing up really good points that need to be addressed individually.
Stay there, we'll come back to you, Ann, for an hour, then we'll get into the 20 spoken guns of 9-11, and then take more calls.
Want to talk about 9-11?
Give us a call.
Third hour coming up.
Hope your station stays with us.
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends.
We're into the third hour.
The final stretch.
Hope you'll stay with us.
We've got Paul Joseph Watson, author of Order Out of Chaos.
Elite Sponsor Tour in the New World Order.
On with us to talk about, well, September 11th and some of the key issues that need to be discussed.
It's back in the news because the Bush White House won't release a bunch of subpoenaed, well, they're threatening to subpoena the information or refusing to release it to the congressionally impaneled Whitewash Committee.
So we'll get into Hagel and Keene and others that are involved in that and just a plethora of other surveillance and Big Brother news in this third hour.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're talking to Anne in Texas.
She brought up how they're trying to crack down on any type of natural medicine or even people that give massages or over in Europe and now in this country they're trying to ban, restrict vitamins.
We'll talk about something like ephedrine that's very dangerous but then try to pass a law to restrict over-the-counter vitamin C. Continuing with your comments, Anne, go ahead.
Well, one thing about it that really bothers me is that at the same time that they're going and they're doing all of these things to try to discredit
natural medicine techniques that have been working for thousands of years with
little to no Side effects there are plugging drugs all over the airwaves.
You cannot turn on broadcast or even cable You can't turn this... Hey, ma'am.
Ma'am, you can't turn this broadcast on without hearing it.
It is everywhere pushing all these prescription drugs.
Some are good, some are bad.
The point is the bad ones are worse than illegal drugs.
That's a great point, Paul.
Well, yeah, and obviously you've covered Alex out.
They're now sending out Prozac in the mail.
So all these bad drugs are being pushed on people while the alternative health industry's being suppressed.
Yeah, you just open your mailbox and there's a bunch of Prozac in the big Dallas Lake.
High levels of Prozac and high levels of it in the fish.
I mean, that takes massive ingestion for that to be secreted into the supply.
Comments to that, Ann?
It's very obvious.
And one thing that you've mentioned on previous shows is your allergies.
And I just can't I mean, there's not a day that goes by if I'm watching television that I don't see commercials for at least four separate allergy things, and one of them, they're saying that side effects may include colds.
Okay, so you're going to get rid of your allergies by suppressing your immune system and making yourself sick.
Where does that make sense?
Well, I only get allergies about a month out of the year, and they're horrible, but I know what people are suffering through, and absolutely, in fact, I always go to Whole Foods or Central Market and get their natural remedies, and those seem to work better than even prescription pills.
I've become a firm believer many years ago in as little medicine as possible.
But I keep saying, these things here, they are natural, they have worked for thousands of years, they were even found in the Bible.
The herb, even the massage, it's found in the Bible.
You will lay your hands on the sick and they will be healed.
How much more blatant can you be than that?
Alright, well thank you for the call.
I appreciate that.
That is an important issue.
They want us dependent.
They want us under their control, Paul.
They want control of the water with fluoride.
They want control of our medicines.
They want control of every industry to get us into these compact cities.
What's their plan once they've got us under their control, Paul?
Well, most people say that, I mean, with relation to the allergies thing, is that, I mean, we occasionally publish pictures from orbiting satellites where these chemtrails are just swathed across entire countries.
Allergies were almost non-existent 40 years ago.
But then people balance that by saying that, oh, the government's just trying to protect us by protecting the ozone layer.
When, in fact, the recent analysis of these chemtrails is that they, in fact, increase temperature on the ground.
And so, obviously, the government's agenda is not to protect us.
And as these chemtrails increase, so we see that the allergies increase.
And now they're saying, despite all the emissions reductions and all the rules, they're going to have to get worse.
It isn't stopping the global warming.
Record temperatures.
We've got to take all your rights away now.
Paul, stay there.
When we get back, we'll go right into the 20 smoking guns of 9-11.
Just run right through them in rapid succession.
And then we'll get into the White House trying to block the release of a bunch of evidence.
Why are they doing that?
And when's the next 9-11 going to take place?
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
It is the 28th day of October, 2003.
I'm Alex Jones and my compadre, Paul Watson, the webmaster of PrisonPlanet.com and author of Ordered Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order, is our guest.
Let's go through the 20 smoking guns of 9-11 that you've chosen.
And again, the Philadelphia News, and you can read it, it was clear, basically wrote a clone of this, which is good.
We see this all over the place.
that the mainstream media is a lot of times getting their research from us and
I know you're gonna repost this article at prisonplanet.com
So folks can go read it, but number one. Why is it important to keep the reality?
The the true story of 9/11 and the real questions and the real answers alive out there
Why is it important that we not get fatigued on this issue and start ignoring it and kind of accepting whatever the mainstream media says, Paul?
Well, as I mentioned earlier, a lot of people get burnt out on a particular story after, well, it's been two years now, and we see all these stories coming out about so-called, the planes being holograms and things like that, and yet we've been covering for two years and we got all the articles archived, the fact that Not only was prior knowledge confirmed, actual involvement was confirmed without getting into all these wild theories about holograms, and in fact, Insight Magazine, the Washington Times affiliate,
I did an article a few months ago now about how the FBI still refuses to go into any details or confirm that the 19 named hijackers were the ones that carried out the attack.
And so immediately after that started to become apparent that these 19 hijackers, I mean obviously 7 or more are still alive, after that became apparent we saw a shift in the emphasis and we had all these The so-called leaders of the attack brought out the masterminds of September 11th, so they could focus the public's attention on them.
People like Khalid Mohamed and Ramsby LB.
By the way, they claim they killed, you know, two years ago, they killed him six months ago, they killed him again.
They're killing Saddam over and over again, his sons over and over again.
They don't even come up with new names or new boogeymen.
Well, yeah, and the latest on this, of course, is the fact that Zacarias Moussoui's trial, the so-called 20th hijacker who was supposed to be on the Pennsylvania plane, his trial's completely collapsed because the government couldn't prove that he had any links to the attack.
Well, why?
And this is what the mainstream media isn't reporting, is that the reason for the trial's collapse is the fact that Moussaoui called two so-called al-Qaeda leaders, the ones that the media had shifted the emphasis onto, to testify on his behalf.
As I said, Ramzi bin al-Shib and Khalid Mohammed, who had supposedly been captured months before.
And it in fact turns out that And by the way, in a lot of these so-called top Al Qaeda arrests, they later, you see in the Reuters or foreign papers, and it's admitted but never discussed here, that, oh, it was a staged arrest by the CIA, this guy's an operative.
I mean, well, yeah, we can look at, I think it's Al Zahiri, who, so, you know, he featured in the latest Bin Laden video when he was arrested, supposedly, in February 2002, and yet he appears on this video, which the CIA then authenticate as being real.
And with Khalid Mohamed, it turned out, according to the Asia Times and other respected newspapers, that he'd been killed in a siege on his apartment a year before his so-called arrest.
And so, that is why the government had to cancel the Moussaoui trial, because these so-called leaders that Moussaoui had called to testify weren't in the custody of the U.S.
Alright, let's go over, and I'm not going to interrupt, just go through the 20 guns, The 20 Smoking Guns, the key evidence that you think is most important, and of course these are all covered in the videos and the books, but in more detail, but go over the 20 Smoking Guns, Paul.
Well, the major tenet of this is those two independent Newsweek reports, which were basically just two tiny paragraphs in broader articles.
One stated, quote, On September 10th, Newsweek has learned a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly cancelled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns.
And they again repeated this assertion by stating that Newsweek has learned that while U.S.
intelligence received no specific warning, of course that's not true, the state of alert had been high during the past two weeks, and particularly urgent warning may have been received the night before the attacks, causing some top Pentagon officials to cancel a trip.
And they ask the question why that same information was not available to the people who died on the planes.
So again, just two tiny paragraphs basically admitting that the Pentagon knew the night before and cancelled travel plans into New York.
Another one of the major situations which I focus on, which shows that, I mean, the intelligence agencies must have known because we had the case, and this was reported in MSNBC, Where, on September 6, five days before the attack, an English class was taking place in New York to a group of Pakistani immigrants.
And they were discussing world events in this class, and the teacher asked a freshman, what are you looking at?
And the youth was looking out of the third floor window of the class towards lower Manhattan, in which the World Trade Center was visible.
And he stated that those towers wouldn't be there in a few days.
And notice that, I mean, he's saying that they won't be there.
He's not saying that that is going to be attacked.
He's saying that the towers won't be there completely.
Obviously, they collapse.
And so, the FBI and the authorities didn't actually question this individual until after the attacks.
And we had, also in this same context, street traders in Egypt who were Going home to practice on-flight simulators about flying planes into buildings.
And this was common knowledge on the market streets of Egypt in August 2001.
And that was reported by Newsmax.
So the question there is if basically all these Middle Eastern communities and these
Muslim communities knew what was going to happen, then how could the most sophisticated
intelligence agencies in the world not know what was about to happen?
Paul, you need to go ahead and keep going, bro.
I mean, I'm going to physically keep myself away from the microphone so you can talk or I'll interrupt you.
Go ahead.
Also a case which was reported once, as in the case of the Pentagon officials.
We had a 29-year-old Iranian deportee who was imprisoned in Germany.
And he phoned, he tried to phone the authorities days before the attack saying that an imminent attack on the World Trade Center was going to happen.
And the Germans refused to pass on the information.
Obviously we have other information which has come out which said that the Germans directly warned Bush that the World Trade Center was going to be attacked days before.
So these individual cases of Middle Eastern people warning that there was going to be an attack.
Also, we mentioned earlier that the emphasis has shifted away from the hijackers.
the b_b_c_ report of that at least four of the hijackers were still alive
and particularly will lead al-shiraj who was supposedly part of the hijacked team
which crashed and american airlines flight eleven into the north
tower of the world trade center
he came out after the attack and in kathablam kathu uh...
protested it isn't innocent in morocco and we have uh...
shall we do the named coming out going to the saudi embassy saying you know what
what's going on how could have been part of the suicide hijacking team when i'm
still alive even at the so-called leader
mohammed actor
is then father mohammed al-amir actor
basically is out on a cd stories every few months saying that
it's going to keep phoning him up and telling him that he's okay
The first instance was September 12th.
Passer phoned his father and said that he was okay, and on subsequent occasions after that.
And of course, to go along with this, we have the ludicrous stories about how these so-called Islamic fundamentalists were out in Hollywood the night before the biggest terrorist operation in history, getting drunk, basically, which is obviously against all the tenets of the Islamic faith.
So, we have The hijackers in a strip club the night before the attack getting drunk according to the official timeline of events.
I would also throw in there on your first point we have Mayor Willie Brown being told now by Condoleezza Rice not to fly to New York that day.
We have the writer of the satanic verses
uh... being told uh... this is the times of uh... london being told for the month of september not to fly to new york
for his quote safety by the f_a_a_ the times of london called and said
did you really order someone rushing out the fly and i said yeah for his
safety and then you also bashcroft who quit flying commercial
about two months before nine eleven go ahead
yeah really brown actually security staff
found out white september tenth the evening that uh... flying into new york on the morning of september eleventh
wouldn't be a good idea and brown had already got to bed by this
point So when he awoke on September 11th, obviously an hour later he saw the scenes of the World Trade Center, and then only then he found out that his flight was cancelled because he was due to fly in.
And Brown will not comment on that to any degree afterwards.
We have Numerous examples of how Al-Qaeda or, you know, the Al-Qaeda which exists outside of the CIA was infiltrated by secret service agents of numerous governments before September 11th.
Well, we have the cars, the credit cards, the homes of the supposed hijackers paid for.
We have the hijackers trained at U.S.
military bases, not at flight schools.
Yeah, and this Moroccan Secret Service agent, Hassan Dabou, broke cover just before 9-11 to warn his bosses that Al-Qaeda was plotting, quote, something spectacular in New York, and he'd infiltrated Al-Qaeda and found out that this is what was going to happen.
He tried to warn Washington, but got no response whatsoever.
Also, the only member of the Taliban that was high-level that was captured and kept, all the others were released, was the religious leader who warned the U.S.
weeks before.
We'll be right back.
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Weekday mornings into weekday afternoons from 11 to 2 Central.
We're here live and then back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
We're talking to Paul Joseph Watson, my webmaster at PrisonPlanet.com, a great researcher, also an author.
And, uh, Eric in Connecticut and others, your calls are coming up in the next segment.
If you want to join us on air on this live Tuesday transmission, it's 1-800-259-9231.
Paul, accelerating through these 20 smoking guns, so we can get to calls and talk about some big brother, big, big brother initiatives that are now in the mainstream media.
One from, uh, One from the National Geographic report about how, oh, they're
going to look through all your walls with these tethered blimps and stuff, but it's for your safety.
But continuing with 9/11, then we'll get into some of the blocking of the subpoenas right now that's taking place.
Well, two of the smoking guns that I featured in my article relate to characters who you had actually on your show,
Obviously, we've got David Shippers.
And again, I have to emphasize that these things that we're talking about kind of got buried by these, um, talk about holograms and missiles and things.
And, well, it's very interesting to look at those.
The confirmed things are, in fact, buried and there's no further investigation into them.
But with David Shippers, who was obviously, um, involved in the Clinton impeachment case, Before September 11th, Shippers represented disgruntled FBI agents who were seething because they'd been pulled off terrorism-related investigations.
And they were threatened with arrest if they blew the whistle.
Yeah, Robert Wright came out in June of 2002 and said that he'd been threatened by arrest.
This obviously goes back to W1999, which you've covered in the past.
And then they throw out a shill, Kathleen Rowley, who's a side issue, and they talk about how good she is and her courage, and it's some little whitewashed nothingness, ignoring dozens of other military intelligence officers, FBI, and David Shippers was on the On the dais via phone hookup, they had Larry Klayman judicial watch, and this FBI agent Robert Reiter started crying, and Schipper said, all I can say is we'll be arrested if we tell you what we know, but the Bush's vacation with the Bin Ladens, that's all I can say.
Yeah, and the Rowley thing was just some generalized memo that got released in August 2001 saying that Al-Qaeda would hijack airliners.
I mean, we've got specifics in more depth than that, and yet she wins time whistleblower of the year.
There were hundreds of mainstream news articles for five years before the event.
Yeah, with relation to shippers, he had been told by these agents that there was going to be a massive attack on Lower Manhattan by the end of the year, 2001.
And he was frantically trying to arrange this meeting with John Ashcroft right up until about a month before the attack.
Ashcroft made it clear to his underlings that he was not interested in the information.
But right around that time he stopped flying commercial for terrorism reasons.
You also add to that the Deputy FBI Director John O'Neill blowing the whistle, told British and French papers that, quote, they're going to let the attacks take place so they can, quote, get the oil.
He ends up dead in the building.
Yeah, and as you mentioned, Ashcroft was not flying commercial as reported by CBS News since July 2001.
Another guest that you had on the show was Michael Springman, who worked in the Visa Bureau in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
and Springman related the fact that he was ordered to issue visas to known Al-Qaeda members
so they could participate, in his words, in "terrorist training" run by Osama bin Laden and the CIA.
They also followed, yes, this is the head embassy person, and then they also followed Al-Qaeda out to the Malaysia
summit, and then forced the heads of the embassies to let the
terrorists back in, and then the embassy people that got the orders, they got
record bonuses, record cash bonuses.
Yeah, the Washington Times reported that record bonuses were awarded,
and these were the same people that had let...
elite alameda are in now while alzheimer you would
supposedly on board flight seventy seven which hit the pentagon uh... the users because
they left for malaysia for this so-called al-qaeda summit went to uh... flight school that the with the more allowed
back into the country
then moved into the home of this uh...
muslim f_b_i_ informant and we've got a whole case and so that they i knew that uh... they were allowing the
al-qaeda members back into the country
and the individual specifically alameda are in now without me
already being linked with the october two thousand two thousand bombing of the u_s_
Coal by CIA analysts.
So, why on earth didn't the CIA and the FBI tap this agent that was living with these two Al-Qaeda members for information?
Well, it just so happened the FBI was paying for their cars and credit cards too, from coast to coast.
Yeah, and that was reported by ABC News Other informants aside from this informant who was the landlord of these hijackers have desperately tried to alert the FBI that these terrorists were taking flight lessons in the USA.
Okay, how many of the 20 guns is that?
That's about half of them so far.
Okay, we'll accelerate through the others and get the calls.
Stay with us, we'll be right back on the other side.
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Coming up here in just a few minutes, we're going to go back to Paul Watson.
And of course, we'll also get to Ken and Charles and many others that are patiently holding.
We want to talk to Paul Watson or myself, Alex Jones.
It's 1-800-259-9231.
We've got 10 more of the smoking guns.
We're just going to read them off real quick.
I should do another three-hour show on 9-11.
Probably done 10 of those shows, then had dozens of other shows that, you know, part of the broadcast has been about 9-11.
I interviewed Stanley Hilton first, Bob Dole's former Chief of Staff, the guy that said that Bush was behind 9-11, not prior knowledge of it.
By the way, I heard he was on C-SPAN for 30 minutes, laying out all this.
Last week, I didn't see it.
If you've got a tape, I'm begging you, send it to me.
We'll send you some free books out or something.
But before we go back to Paul Watson, I do want to encourage everybody out there to get my new video, The Matrix of Evil, about two hours, ten minutes long.
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Here's the toll-free number to get the books, the videos, the t-shirts, the bumper stickers, the deception dollars, any of it.
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Okay, we have the Berkey Light with the lights, and you can choose either white or blue lights with that.
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You've got the smaller sport bottles for what, $35?
You've got the potassium iodate in case there's a radiological event.
Number one cause of death is that getting into the thyroid.
What if folks have other gravity-fed systems They know they're not as good as Big Berkey or they've worn out their elements.
You've got the Black Berkey elements with the adapters for other systems or for older Berkey, British Berkey systems.
That's correct.
And the other special that we have is getting four of the Black Berkey purification elements to replace in your older systems.
And that's a retail value of $192, and with that, you get either a free KDF shower filter or a free sport Berkey.
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And it really is great that these filters do fit in the other units.
What if folks just want a bunch of sports bottles for the grandkids?
You want a bunch of sport bottles for the grandkids, you give me a call and I'll work up a good price.
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She does great deals.
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Thank you, Alex.
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Or go to InfoWars.com, left-hand side.
You can look at the big Berkey's, Berkey Lights, different specials, and then call the number.
Let's, uh, Paul Watson, we've got a bunch of callers here that want to talk to you.
And I want to get to them, but, and thanks for holding.
Accelerate through, for the listeners, the final 10 smoking guns.
And of course, there's hundreds of these, over 500 listed on Present Planet, over 200 listed on InfoWars, in the 9-11's archive research sections, and a lot of links to other great websites doing research.
But, the final 10 smoking guns, quickly, then we'll go to these calls.
Okay, well, let's go ahead and condense it down.
On the morning of September 11th, the CIA was running a drill which centred around the scenario of planes crashing into government buildings.
And of course, in yet another extraordinary coincidence, the CIA said that the operation had been planned for months, but was cancelled as soon as the real attack unfolded.
Which is obviously how they got NORAD to stand down, because When it was announced that the planes had been hijacked, word would have come down that it was just a CIA drill and not to respond.
A CIA drill of Lower Manhattan and D.C.
being hit?
Yeah, and it was obviously released in the Associated Press to counter the evidence of people like Stanley Hilton, who you mentioned earlier, who were coming out and saying that they'd deposed top NORAD officials that said that this was the case.
Then, obviously we talked about the hijackers earlier, the so-called ringleaders that they'd focused attention on.
Well, the financer of the ringleaders, Pakistani ISI Director General Mahmood Ahmad, instructed is that minions to hotwire hundred thousand
dollars to the named nine one one lead hijacker mohammed actor
and uh...
times of india and washington post report that general may move them out of it
hotline this money to lead hijackers meeting with portugal
and uh... school and bones member senator bob graham on the very morning of september eleventh and also
he was meeting before september eleventh people like kohling powell and this is
the supposed lead financier of the hijackers
Only his second trip in his life to the U.S., and that whole week running up to it, meeting with Powell, meeting with the Intelligence Committee people, at the very same time that morning, while they're having breakfast, This was in the New York Times, a staffer walks in and goes, we're under attack, and they go, we already know, and laugh.
And then we've got, as reported by Washington Times, Radio Friends International, United Press International, July 4th to July 14th, 2001, Osama Bin Laden was being treated for kidney infection at the American Hospital in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
On multiple occasions, according to the eyewitnesses at the hospital, he met with a CIA station chief called Larry Mitchell.
And out of the London Evening Standard who reported on this, they stated that Bin Laden gave the CIA agent precise information regarding an imminent attack on New York.
And of course, the major smoking gun is the fact that Andrews Air Force Base is only 10 miles from the Pentagon, and that they had squadron-ready F-17s ready to intercept any aircraft, and yet Um, even after the second plane had hit, they refused to send any of them out, and finally they did so from Otis Air Force Base, which was obviously located 70 or more miles away.
And we've had on the website since then a list of, um, US military air bases which had squadron-ready F-17 aircraft, F-117s, which were ready to scramble.
And it was over an hour before they knew that Flight 77 was headed for the Pentagon hijacked, over an hour before they scrambled any aircraft to intercept it, which was obviously standard operating procedure, going back to the case of Payne Stewart, the golfer, whose Learjet was confirmed hijacked within 10 minutes it was intercepted, and so It is a stand down across the board in direct contrast to standard operating procedure.
Remember that most people say, oh, well, that needs a presidential mandate.
But that's not the fact.
Fact is, they need a presidential mandate to shoot down the aircraft, not to intercept.
And yet it was over an hour before Flight 77 was And that's why Bush, the Times of London photos, before he went out and gave the little goat story at the elementary school, watching the smoking buildings, he knew in the hotel, in the limo, on his way there, in the green room, he had to stay incognito so that they couldn't come to him and say, you've got to do something.
And then he also had the staged event of their learning it with the media.
And then we've got Cheney and Rumsfeld in the bunker directing the response to the attack.
Now that's now come out in a testimony that, as the hijacking began, the White House was already on the phone with NORAD, FAA, and others, and then when now we hear, and this was ABC News, that Cheney, but they won't release what he was saying, was on the loudspeakers commanding and telling people in the entire shadow government what to do.
Yeah, and it came out in that Insight Magazine report as well, there were people running in and asking Cheney what to do, and he said, just don't do anything, just don't do anything.
And so, that was the official response, complete stand down.
And people were about to not follow orders, so Cheney, imagine, over loudspeakers and all these bunkers, telling people to stand down.
None obviously to cap it off we have the record number of poor options which is speculation that the stock of a company will fall placed on American in United Airlines in the days preceding September 11th and in light of this we had reports coming out before that airline stocks were set to fly according to Reuters so of course giving the precedent for people to back these airliners but then we've got the whitewash which
came out afterwards with the New York Post reporting that it all traced back to
these Middle Easterners when in fact the reports that came out said that it traced
right back to Alex Brown Deutsche Bank which is directly linked to the
CIA via Buzzy Krongard who was up until '97 the executive director
of the CIA standing to profit in the millions from these pot options.
Now the final smoking gun, because I want to go to some calls.
Well, we've gone through pretty much all of them there.
There is 20 smoking guns and obviously we said that this has been cloned in numerous mainstream newspapers.
20 from about 600 which we've got listed on prisonplanet.com in the prior knowledge archive.
We categorize them and go right through the whole board and I mean I stopped counting after about 500 because it's such a proven case that As we mentioned earlier, people are getting off into these wild theories about holograms, but we've got all the information confirmed mainstream on PrisonPlanet.com.
Oh, absolutely.
Let's take some calls.
Let's talk to Ken in Tennessee.
Ken, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, I'll just say the 21st gun will be common sense.
It seems to be.
Absolutely, yeah.
It's unbelievable, but I did want to talk about the Pentagon because I think Probably the highest surveyed place in the United States.
Yeah, most surveilled place in the United States and no video of what really happened.
Well, go ahead, make your comments.
Well, I just wanted to talk about that.
I get a little nervous when I call these shows, but yeah, the defense aircraft being told to stand down, the plane transponders, they didn't And the government declaring national security on all the FAA tapes.
The voice recorder's not working.
Firefighters being threatened.
Claiming that half the firefighter equipment malfunctioned in one tower.
Turns out it didn't.
They found bombs.
That's on the tape.
New York Daily News, Paul.
Well, yeah.
In order out of chaos, I've got the actual transcript which the New York Times released, which took from the firefighter tapes the fact that there were a few small fires that they needed to put out, and this was before the towers collapsed.
And what made Building 7 fall?
Which, by the way, was the CIA FEMA command bunker.
Giuliani was in it.
The caller mentioned the Pentagon.
Well, directly across the road from the Pentagon is a hotel which has video surveillance across the entire area.
On September 12th, those tapes were seized by the FBI and have never been released.
And obviously, it's one of the most highly photographed areas in America because it's a tourist hotspot as well, but none of those tapes ever released.
That's right.
It goes on and on.
Anything else, Ken?
Uh, yeah, it looked like it was a demolition of the WTC buildings.
It just came down like pancakes.
On top of the other, I didn't think it would fall like that.
Building 7 fell faster than a bowling ball only by having lower floors disintegrated with high-powered explosives, because that happened.
You had to disintegrate a building to make it drop faster than gravity.
Well, I guess the law of gravity, Paul, doesn't count anymore, right?
Well, neither does the testimony of Lou Caccioli, who said that there were bombs in the buildings.
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We've got time to take two more calls.
I guess Charles and Jim, and that's about it, because I wanted... Paul's got about, well, some new info on Princess Diana murder, too.
I just hope you get his book, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsor, Tearing the New World Order, at our toll-free number or website.
Because this work needs to get out there.
It needs to be seen.
That's my passion.
That's Paul's passion.
Let's talk to Jim in Pennsylvania.
No, no, no.
Charles in New York's first.
Charles, go ahead.
Good afternoon, guys.
You're doing a great job.
Keep up the good work.
This Thursday I'm going to a lecture at the University of Rochester with William Easterly.
He was the Senior Advisor at the World Bank from 1985 to 2001.
Now I'm really interested in the put options surrounding 9-11, and there's going to be a question and answer.
Let me just tell you, six times over the record put options, not on airlines, but against American and United at a time when their stock was up, Paul.
Yeah, and we've got Chicago Board Options Exchange, which purchased 4,744 put options on United Airlines, but only 396 call options, and a similar case with American Airlines.
Can I get transcripts of these put options?
Who bought them?
Where's the money?
I mean, how can I verify?
Well, what you can get is the Associated Press and Reuters and Times of London articles in our 9-11 sections, but I guess you could get those if you looked hard enough.
Well, because there was an article in Barron's a week after by a woman, and she said she was investigating it, and that's the last they ever heard of it.
Oh yeah, we heard.
We'd be able to find out who did it, and then suddenly that story disappeared just like the anthrax.
Thank you for the call.
Let's talk to Jim in Pennsylvania.
Last caller.
Go ahead, Jim.
Hello, Alex?
I talked to a truck driver that was in Elkins, West Virginia on 9-11.
He told me it was all over the talk radio and everything down there.
That airplane that crashed, it was shot down in Pennsylvania, circled Elkins, West Virginia two or three times that morning.
Yeah, they all saw it happen, the explosion, the four and a half mile debris field.
Only by blowing it up could that happen.
Eight mile debris field, Alec.
Locally reported eight miles.
Well, four and a half is what we've confirmed.
Okay, and also I confirmed later on, I found out there's some kind of a navigation beacon Well, we have to talk to people in Elkins and see what really happened down there.
I agree.
Anything else?
That's it.
Thank you for the call.
control of his airplane and was trying to find out where he was at.
Well, again, that's speculation. There's so much stuff we can prove, we don't speculate much.
Well, we have to talk to people in Elkins and see what really happened down there.
I agree. Anything else?
That's it.
Thank you for the call.
Paul Watson, Princess Diana, the murder.
Well, yeah, we had the interview last week where we went through all the evidence about how
it was obviously a murder. The 17 traffic cameras turning off, the police radios dying.
In light of the fact that Diana released this note saying that she would be killed, which was given to a butler, Paul
In a car accident, in a staged car accident.
The fallout from this in the British media was basically mostly a descent into tabloid trash, but what's more interesting is that There's been a stage of backlash promulgated by the media in which the focus has been on Diana's sons, Prince William and Prince Harry, and how they feel betrayed by Burrell's revelations, and so that whole emotional baggage has been released to discredit Burrell and paint him as the bad guy.
But it's interesting that the statement from the Princes wasn't released from Buckingham Palace, it was released from Clarence House, which is the residence of Prince Charles, so obviously it's naive to think that a 21-year-old and an 18-year-old would release their own statements without legal approval.
Also, your polls are running 75-85% of the British people thinking that the House of Windsor basically killed them.
Yeah, and then we've got this new story coming out about how Audio tape that Diana kept hidden in an antique box, which then mysteriously disappeared after her death, talks about how royals were seen raping one of the royal valets, George Smith, and this is all on audio tape and it involves top royals.
And so we've got this coming out at the moment.
And we've got mainstream British papers like the Scotsman reporting that this new revelation, which Burrell refers to, could destroy the monarchy.
And that's on Prison Planet and InfoWars right now.
Thank you, Paul Watson.
Great job.
Take care.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Central, back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
Central, right here on this network, same station.
God bless you all.
Have a great day.
The 28th.
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