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Name: 20031027_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 27, 2003
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You are listening to GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, folks.
A whole new week spanning out before us.
It is the 27th day of October 2003.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We'll be live for the next three hours covering vital news, information, your calls, guests, you name it.
There is so much to cover.
Baghdad bomb kills at least 19.
There have been a whole string of bombings.
Four, five, six, no one's really sure.
Rocket attacks all over the country, mainly focusing in Baghdad.
A Red Cross outfit, office, and four police stations mercilessly hit Also 14 dead, 650 homes burned as wildfires ravage areas of San Bernardino, California.
We'll be covering those developments.
military officer dies in rocket barrage at Baghdad Hotel.
Michael Schiavo, Terry Schiavo's husband, is going to be on Larry King Live tonight.
I've been reading the news stories from Singin' In and MSNBC and other outfits and they're lying, still saying she's comatose.
Won't show the video of her with her eyes open mumbling and looking back and forth at her parents and smiling.
And now, after five years of hiding under a rock, this Michael character is going to be on Larry King Live this evening.
Now notice, none of this was getting attention until this network, months ago, gave the story legs.
And that shows you the power of the grassroots, the power of activists.
What you can do by getting involved, setting bushfires in the minds of men and women, as Thomas Jefferson said.
Again, figurative bushfires.
A tiny flame can engulf the nation.
A flame of awakening.
A flame of realization.
Also, from the London Times, the most highly respected paper in England, anti-terror smallpox jabs have dozens ill of just hundreds that took it in England under military orders.
Now the entire military is refusing.
Shopping carts with tracker systems, smart shopping carts to roam grocery stores of future, told you about this years ago, now they're launching at the total cashless control grid.
The Post Office wants IDs in the mail, RFID, and to make you scan your driver's license to mail anything.
This is exactly what the Soviet Union did, the old-fashioned way, tearing into your mail.
If we've ever gotten letters from Guatemala or Mexico or Russia, as we have, they've always been torn into.
Try to get mail into Canada.
They always tear into it.
So, anything you saw in Russia or Nazi Germany, we'll now have here.
But all high-tech, and the average person doesn't know what freedom is, and they'll tell you this is what freedom is all about.
But the border stays wide open.
But, you know, we've got to do it to keep safe from the terrorists.
Smart stamps next in war on terrorism.
That's the Washington Times.
Also an article here from Wired about the Post Office.
Federal bill would trump California's privacy law.
Wackenhut denies its employees are CIA agents plotting to overthrow Venezuela's Chavez.
That's not true.
Blair will ignore public opposition, genetically modified technology.
That's what they do on every subject.
RFID, cameras.
Cameras in the classrooms, genetically engineered food, electronic voting machines, open borders.
Doesn't matter if 80 plus percent of us are against all this stuff.
Doesn't matter if it's unconstitutional.
They'll just go ahead and do it anyways until we take control of the levers of power and get in front of the machine and say no.
Russian billionaire seized in Don Raid because he didn't go along with Putin.
Disclosure of September 11th secrets.
Bush has ordered to release all these secrets.
Big Brother at your tailpipe agency calls for smog sensors that scan you with an infrared beam shooting out of the cameras on the street corners.
The feds want all the cell towers from England to the U.S.
to be hubs of surveillance and quote homeland security command bases.
Department of Defense drafts RFID policy.
The stifling technology now being propped up by the Pentagon.
Small tracker chips going in in Walmart stores.
It's all coming up.
You'll want to stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster with a New World Order.
A New World Order.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the new world order really is, My new two and a half hour video, Police State 3, is for you!
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word!
Oh my God!
I can't believe I got these drugs prescribed for free and shipped overnight to my door without seeing a doctor!
Call 1-800-615-7094 now before it's too late!
This is Pat Cooper.
Tony Delvecchio is coming to this station very soon.
I'm swe... I... book any day now!
You're gonna love his show.
That's all about this with your host, Tony Delvecchio.
Saturday evenings from 9 to 10 p.m.
Central Time, right here on the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Hi, Ted Anderson here.
I'm happy to announce that the audience has increased over 200% this year and our advertisers have sent testimonials complimenting the responsiveness.
Sponsorship is critical at both local and national levels.
If you have a business product or message that could benefit from this broadcast locally, call the station you're listening to.
For national exposure, call 877-996-4327.
Become a part of the Genesis team by calling your local station or call the National Line at 877-996-4327.
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toll free 888-803-4438.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright my friends, all the ships at sea, the folks listening in Africa and Asia and
Latin America, and of course concentrating here with the AM and FM, dial the smattering
of fight affiliates we have across the United States.
The shortwave radiating the globe during the day from 11 to 2 Central at 12.172 and 9320, take your pick, and back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time at 5.085 and 6890.
The websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, but those sites are down right now.
They should be up within the hour.
They started a rebuild this morning, expanding the hard drives and and RAM because the hits to the website PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com continue to explode but don't worry we have alternate sites InfoWars.net has been updated for you today InfoWars.net you can also link through there on the banner on the main page the Matrix of Evil to get to our shopping cart which is of course up on separate secure
We have redundancy, as they say, and we're adding more redundancy to what we do.
So, InfoWars.net.
We're on the backup website right now with the daily update for you there.
And PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com have had giant updates done today, but I'm told they should be up within the hour if they're not already up.
They were down 30 minutes ago when I left the office to go to the studio.
Okay, um, man, there's a lot of news here.
Let's just go straight into it.
But before I do that, this weekend, I was thinking about this.
There are so many whistleblowers, so many people that work in and out of government, so many people that work in the infrastructures of education or technology or manufacturing or surveillance and law enforcement.
If you've seen Big Brother police state type activities in your area, If your school's brainwashing your children and turning them against the parents and having the children write dossiers on mommy and daddy, which most public schools now do by middle school.
If you got back from Iraq and have stories you want to tell.
If you've seen media spin or lies or witness propaganda on the news or in the sitcoms or in the dramas or in the newspaper.
Any issue, this is kind of like C-SPAN Washington Journal That any item, any news story you want to talk about, that brings real diversity of thought and ideas to the show.
I don't mean the politically correct term diversity that means destroy American culture and break down everyone's ideologies or family roots.
I mean by diversity, real diverse news stories, different angles, different perspectives.
That's what this show is about.
This weekend I was Talking to a lady and her daughter who I've talked to a few times over the years and who are friends with some of my friends and they were telling me about the elementary school and by fourth grade they've got you again writing reports on your parents going, we won't tell your parents what you write, just write whatever you want and they admit that right here in this middle school in Austin they quote have cameras and microphones in the bathrooms and
One young boy, whose father is a captain in the army, drew a picture of soldiers with guns, and the principal called him in, they called the police in, said, never draw that again or you'll be arrested.
The children are frisked and searched, and this has all been in the news, but to, it's going on nationwide, most parents just aren't aware of it, but to hear about it again from people on the ground in Austin, To see it happening is just horrible.
In my film, The Road to Tyranny, I have a local ad that they run on the county cable channel, channel 17, and it's the cops going, if you tell us about guns or drugs, you get $200.
What's going on outside the home?
What's going on outside school?
You can get a lot of money for reporting activities and they hand out the kids their own little card with their own little barcode and name and their phone number to call in and tattle on people with.
I mean, folks, that's the Soviet Union.
It doesn't make you safe.
It's the government that brings in the drugs.
It's the government that is involved in the majority of the corruption.
That's just historical fact.
So my point is, is that people tell me these outrageous stories on the street all the time, or corner me in a grocery store, or walk over to my table at a restaurant, or when I'm walking into a movie theater, or a church, or wherever, and they corner me and start telling me all these stories.
And I just say to them, hey, call into the radio show.
Tell the listeners about it.
They need to hear from you.
It doesn't mean anything if you're here telling me.
So, any issue you want to discuss, any topic, any news item, 1-800-259-9231.
And, again, the alternate backup website today is InfoWars.net.
nine two three one one eight hundred two five nine ninety two
forty one again the alternate uh... backup website today
is info wars dot net let me walk straight into the news
Bombs kill 19.
A suicide bomb at the Baghdad headquarters of the Red Cross killed 12 people as a wave of attacks hit the Iraqi capital.
A massive suicide car bomb exploded outside the headquarters of the International Committee of the Red Cross, ICRC, injuring 22 people and claiming 12 lives.
Three more bombs exploded in quick succession outside police stations.
Now four bombs.
Around the Capitol, leaving at least 7 more people dead and injuring many further.
As many as 50.
Three police officers and eight laborers were said to be among the dead while ten U.S.
soldiers were injured in the blast, which came on the first day of the Muslim holy festival of Ramadan, which Muslims don't normally bomb people on the holiday.
American military officials said two U.S.
soldiers were killed and two more injured in a separate mortar attack west of the capital.
An Iraqi deputy minister claimed the first explosion was the work of an outside dictator, Saddam Hussein.
50 years from now, if somebody stubs their toe, it'll be Saddam that did it.
No, Saddam was flown out by Russians to Belarus.
That's now been in mainstream news, just calmly reported in the Big British and German and Australian papers, never on the American news.
We reported this a full month and a half before it was in the mainstream media.
And by it, before it was in the mainstream media, it was in the Russian papers, it was in the Iranian papers, it was in the Syrian papers, it was in the Jordanian papers, and it fit with all the past activities in Afghanistan, it fit with Donald Rumsfeld getting up on TV the week before the war and saying don't worry, Two of the three Iraqi regular army groups have already capitulated to us.
We're talking to them via cell phone, via internet, via fax, via SAS and Delta Force.
He's at Special Services.
On the ground, most of the Republican Guard Generals are already under our control.
Don't worry, this war is going to be a piece of cake.
Which it was.
Until they got up to the so-called Red Zone.
There was resistance.
You see, Saddam had been offered a deal.
Remember, in the news about a month before the war started, they said, okay, we'll give you amnesty, we'll let you go to a European country, maybe Spain, maybe Jordan, maybe Iran, maybe Russia.
If you give up now, you and your family can leave.
And Saddam said, it was in the newspapers, he said, okay, I'm considering your deal.
And suddenly Bush said, in the Associated Press, it was everywhere, no, no deal.
By the way, if you try to leave the country, we'll shoot your plane down.
And so Saddam said, OK, we'll fight.
And remember, he had a relationship back in 1958, hired as a young army officer in the reserves.
He was taken for two years of training in Egypt by that dictatorship there.
He was trained by the CIA.
This is admitted Discovery Channel stuff.
He was trained.
He was an assassin, an anti-communist.
He killed a bunch of commies.
Killed a commie for mommy.
He shot and wounded the president.
Later, they did kill the president, finally.
In 1967, he became the head of the Ba'ath Party security apparatus for the CIA.
And in 1976, he became dictator of Iraq.
And then, six years later, invaded Iran under public orders of Washington.
Then in 1990, one week before, six days before invading Uh, Kuwait.
He was told by April Gillespie, U.S.
Ambassador, go ahead and invade.
We won't get involved.
We have a defense pact with you.
He followed basic orders, invaded there, and was then double-crossed and attacked and destroyed and siege upon the country for 12 years.
A million and a half dead Iraqis, 700,000 children invaded by Albright in 1997.
The number is now much greater.
So when the tanks and the troops all rolled up to about 30-40 miles from Baghdad, the resistance was heavy, casualties were mounting, two groups of Republican Guard were not giving up, and then it's admitted Delta Force went in, paid them in gold, diamonds, euros, dollars, they suddenly gave up, Saddam went to Tikrit, his family flew out on three separate jet transports into Belarus, It's the same thing with the Bin Laden family and a bunch of known terrorists being flown out.
144 of them on September 12th in Afghanistan.
It's now 8,000.
Road to Tyranny says 6,000.
That's what the Times of London and New Yorker and Fox News said right after it happened.
It's now 8,000.
Some of the numbers say 12,000, but they confirm the government admits 8,000 flown out to safety into Pakistan.
They're in the corner of the country, now admitted to be there, being protected.
And that's why suddenly all opposition ceased and what Russia couldn't do in nine years, eight years, we did in four weeks.
And then all that happened was the CIA Arabs and Muslims who were trained in the 80s, who were there.
Remember the Northern Alliance kept saying, we can't rocket, we can't bomb, we can't mortar, the Americans won't bomb.
The Arab controllers in the back of the lines.
Why are we only allowed to kill conscripts in the front lines?
Because he had to have the illusion of a war to make it look good, then they load all the terrorists, all the Al-Qaeda, all the CIA, on the C-130s, on the jet transports.
They fly them out to safety into Pakistan.
This is all admitted, this is all documented fact.
And Fox News said, well, it was just an accident.
The CIA just accidentally loaded all the Arab fighters, all the guys with CIA dossiers a mile long, the Tim Osmunds, that's bin Laden's name, in America, you know, the photos of him with the short haircut driving around in a Cadillac in California.
This is the reality.
All right, we'll be back with all the other news and we'll take your calls at 1-800-259-9231,
Late summer 2003, mainstream press tells us we're having a stock market recovery.
Late summer 2002, I heard the same thing.
Late summer 2001, you heard the same thing.
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That's recovery?
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Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Oh my God!
I can't believe I got these drugs prescribed for free and shipped overnight to my door without seeing a doctor.
Call 1-800-615-7094 now before it's too late.
This is Pat Cooper.
Tony Delvecchio is coming to this station very soon.
I'm swea... I book any day now.
You're gonna love his show.
That's all about this with your host, Tony Delvecchio.
Saturday evenings from 9 to 10 p.m.
Central Time, right here on the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Hi, Ted Anderson here.
I'm happy to announce that the audience has increased over 200% this year, and our advertisers have sent testimonials complimenting the responsiveness.
Sponsorship is critical at both local and national levels.
If you have a business product or message that could benefit from this broadcast locally, call the station you're listening to.
For national exposure, call 877-996-4327.
Become a part of the Genesis team by calling your local station or call the National Line at 877-996-4327.
Alright, again, coming up folks, more on the bombings.
We'll get into 14 dead, 650 homes burned as wildfires ravage areas of California.
And also, U.S.
military personnel are getting killed in these bombings.
Terry Shivo's estranged husband is going to be on Larry King Live propagandizing this evening.
Also, anti-terror smallpox injections have left dozens ill.
This is admitted now.
We're going to get into the biometrics and computerized shopping carts, tracking everything you buy and what you do, whether you like it or not.
Post office going to trackable, controllable mail and smart stamps.
Also, we will get into just a ton of other really important news today.
Right now, let's go to Russ in West Virginia.
Russ, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thank you.
My subject today is the older drivers in all these accidents.
Do you have a handle on any of that?
As far as around the country, how many people over 70 are being considered dangerous drivers?
Well, still, statistically, they're not as dangerous as a 16-year-old male.
That's what I wanted to bring up, and the USA Today had that, but they bad-mouthed all the senior drivers until they got to the very last, and then brought out the facts.
I'm going to put a little spin on this for you.
You just, last week, I believe you covered Princess Diane.
Uh, yes I did.
The murder, yes.
I'm very interested to know what make and model car these elderly people have been driving.
Well, I see a conspiracy here.
Maybe that's what I am.
I'm seeing a possibility here to get rid of all the older drivers is to have somebody come around with them with his remote control thing and take over the cars for him.
Well, here's the problem, Russ.
We know that the car Diana had had been mysteriously stolen and brought back cleaned and detailed.
That was another car!
Let me finish.
We know that the feds over there had then stolen the computer back out of the car.
We know she was alive for over an hour there at the scene.
We know that she had said that somebody was going to tamper with her car and kill her.
We have dozens of other examples of this.
She was pregnant, with this doty alfie odd uh... child so we know that they
killed her from the proponents of the evidence
there's not a jury in the world that wouldn't say it i can't though
is wildly speculate and say i think they're there are remote controlling all people's cars into uh...
busy farmers markets
uh... so they can uh... come in and ban old people from driving
i'm a suspicious person i thought that i think i look at it because it's right very
hard to get the older drivers off the road.
And by the way, where do most of these older drivers live?
I think they all live out in a suburban area where they need the transportation.
Well, they live in generally in more middle class areas and those that can afford a car and they live in areas like Florida, Texas, California, but of course there's old folks everywhere.
We're the oldest population in the world.
Well, thank you, Alex.
Hey, thank you, Russ, for your great points.
I just wanted to... You were throwing out a question there.
I wanted to try to answer it properly.
But, uh, look, I don't speculate.
And certainly there are... I mean, we've all been going down the highway and seen an old person driving and weaving and... I mean, I've seen old ladies driving cars where they can't even look up over the steering wheel.
You just see two hands up there driving.
And after you're done being scared to death, you almost laugh to death.
But, again, this is the socialist world model, where they look at whole groups of people.
Here, let's penalize whole groups of people because of their statistical behavior.
Let's not punish people individually for what they do.
Let's punish everyone.
Let's tax everyone to eat fast food or drink Coca-Cola.
The Commerce Department and the Department of Agriculture are discussing that, and that's why you'll have to, quote, swipe your National ID card to make sure that you pay the FAT tax.
Oh, by the way, we're going to have a new National Sales Tax.
It's a supposed replaceable system.
replacement for the income tax. Well, no, they're not going to do that.
They're going to keep the income tax, lower it for a time, and give you a national sales tax.
And a lot of neocons and phony conservatives are out there selling this to you.
To show you how weird my mind is and how it works, I was just thinking of
the type of world we're going to live in where you swipe your ID card to be taxed on what you eat,
to be taxed on your behavior, where your retina is scanned.
They admit, quote, the side of you're tired.
Why, tired driving kills more people than drunk driving.
We're going to save lives.
You've got a retina scan to see if there's a microscopic rapid eye movement that shows that you're tired.
Oh, well, don't worry.
If you've got a physiological problem that causes your eyes to move, A very low level.
Then you can get a doctor's note and then you'll still be able to drive and we can disable your retina scanner.
This is all being proposed by the Feds!
A total control freak nightmare!
Just for shotgunning out that info, we'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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1-800-615-7094 for free prescriptions.
Don't worry, this show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I guess in the last segment away I was kind of babbling because stuff's so complex I'm trying to tie it all together but I was talking about incrementalism and clashing whole groups uh... as basically uh... subhuman or restricting their
rights and they've done this for a long time with black people in hispanics
and and you know so-called minorities
uh... they test out the police state on them first because that's been with what
you could call a both disenfranchised group that
the middle class by and large which which will call white america
you know back in the thirties forties fifty sixty said well you know that's those minorities
They're bad, so they don't get all their rights.
Or, well, it doesn't matter if they're violating the Fourth Amendment rights of those black people, because, you know, they're all criminals anyways.
That's kind of the undertone of racism.
And then they beta test it there, as Tony Brown says, then move it into your community.
And then it's, oh, it's the old people.
You know, we've got to restrict their rights because they're dangerous and they're basically, we need to go ahead and declare them unfit across societal lines and then have a bunch of hoops they've got to jump through because it'll save lives and oh, we can't have people until they're 21 having a gun or being able to have a second amendment or Oh, now, if you have a misdemeanor, you can't own a gun.
Or, if you ever went to a psychologist for depression, you can't have a gun.
Or, oh, you've got bad credit, you can't own a gun.
Or, you haven't paid parking tickets, you can't have a car.
Or, see, it just expands out from there.
All these restrictions getting us into a kind of perpetual societal probation.
And then, oh, we've got to be fair to people.
You swipe your national ID card.
At the state level, as units of the federal government, that just so happen to have the same number of prefects in an international database, well you're allowed to have so many Cokes each week, and you're allowed to have so much ice cream and a couple hamburgers, but if you're buying too much of this stuff, we're going to tax you.
It's a fat tax, because all that hamburger and all that pork and all that Cheese you're eating is bad for you, and because we have socialized health care now, you're costing the rest of society money, so we're going to penalize you.
So to do that fairly, everybody's got to swipe their multi-pass identity card when you buy food.
And then again, oh, we've got the sales tax, so you've got to swipe that so we get our federal sales tax.
And again, I hear the phony neocon conservatives harping every day.
We've got to get rid of the income tax.
It's unfair and it's hard to comply with and it costs hundreds of billions of dollars for people to file.
The answer is a sales tax.
What they don't tell you is The stated plan is to still have Social Security and FICA and Medicare and Medicaid taxes.
That'll be your income tax.
But they're going to keep that at about 12%.
And they'll start another 12 to 15% sales tax.
Implement both.
Bring Big Brother in from the federal level to every cash register in the country.
Get new federal tax police into every business at two levels, not just with filing the taxes, and the employee taxes, and the employee insurance taxes, and the FICA, but also the new sales tax.
You're wondering how they're going to make you use a national ID card?
That's it folks.
You wonder how they're going to get a satellite tracker box in your car?
They set it to tax you to track you to Trace you.
A lot of you are going to accept it in the name of a status symbol.
Why I have OnStar.
I have, you know, these different systems.
It keeps me safe.
And their own stated plans are to track and trace and tax and know everything you do, you won't be able to buy food at the grocery stores without having your own little computer built in.
Safeway is already doing it in California and New York.
Without making you scan your food yourself, it will shout orders at you, it will make
you weigh your own food, your own vegetables and fruits and grains and cereals.
It's going to shout advertisements at you.
You're going to have to swipe your card to activate it.
It's going to have your customer profile.
And then again, when you go to the cash register, it's just going to scan again your food to make sure it was all done properly.
They're going to remove all the checkout attendants, so it'll also destroy service.
I got USA Today here in front of me, folks.
I've been telling you about this for years.
It's here.
It's happening.
It's happening now.
We're five years from total cashless society control grid.
So I'm just trying to hit some of the bullet points here of the type of world you're going to be living in unless you boycott and protest and speak out and say no.
And every product's going to have a tiny microchip, a third the size of a grain of sand, that's readable from hundreds of feet away, being embedded in all your clothes, all your shoes, Campbell's Soup cans, Procter & Gamble, Gillette, everything!
Face scanning cameras that know who you are from the moment you walk in.
Prada's clothing store has already done this.
And we have the internal documents from inside these companies where they met with Homeland Security and they said, well, 78% of people are vehemently against this.
Another 10% don't like it.
Another small percentage do like it, quote, for security and convenience.
But it doesn't matter what the people think.
We need to, quote, neutralize their opposition.
They may be against what's happening, but they're passive.
If we just implement, they will finally accept it.
This is Ridge with Walmart and MIT and Gillette and others in a big closed-door conference hall.
Thousands of people manufacturing tyranny, driving it down your throat, forcing you to accept it like they do everything else.
Folks, do you have any idea how evil this is?
How wicked this is?
I mean, maybe you don't care about being surveilled.
I ain't got nothing to hide.
It'll destroy the underground economy.
It'll destroy the infrastructure that's helped us survive under these laborist taxes and control.
It'll bring swarms of bureaucrats End of your life to abuse you and to arrest you and to indict you for not following their myriad rules properly.
It'll make us all criminals.
You know, it's like the medical records being sold to Walgreens and others and they send you free Prozac in the mail.
That's now happening all over the country.
All of this.
It's happening all over the place.
You know, last week they find massive Prozac levels in a Dallas lake.
The fish full of Prozac.
You know the level of Prozac use it takes to do that?
By the way, the people that get on Psychotropics need more and more and more and more of it.
Like Bush and, you know, all of his stupid little drug war expansions in the name of stopping drugs when they're selling us drugs on the open market that are much more dangerous than heroin and cocaine.
I'm just all over the map, folks.
What do you think about what I've said here today?
What do you think about the news, the bombings, the dying troops, the announcements that they're going into Syria and Iran, Israel threatening to nuke everyone?
Russia and China announcing they're going to dump the dollar.
The Arabs say they won't accept the dollar for petro, chemicals for oil, products for gasoline.
Again, Baghdad bomb kills 19.
Suicide bombing killed 12 at the Red Cross.
Those numbers may be higher.
kills 19, suicide bombing killed 12 at the Red Cross, those numbers may be higher, 22
injured, a total of 50 injured in another three bombings and 10 U.S.
soldiers of those that were injured, two U.S.
soldiers dead in rocket attacks at a Red Cross and four police stations.
It's horrible.
14 dead, 650 homes burned as wildfires ravage the Southland, San Bernardino, California.
Wildfires that have burned for days merge into walls of flames stretching across miles and parts of Southern California on Sunday, leaving 14 people dead, burning 650 homes and frustrating overmatched firefighters who work relentlessly against fierce winds.
Major fires have burned 264,000 acres by Sunday night.
The state's largest fire in eastern San Diego County caused at least 11 deaths, including two who died inside their cars.
They apparently tried to escape the flames, San Diego Sheriff Bill Holdner said.
Now remember three years ago, four years ago, right before Bush got into office, there were dozens of fires in the West.
And it was admitted, even John Stossel had to admit it, months after we reported it.
The feds started the fires in those states, knowing the hottest, driest season recorded in decades, with hot winds from Mexico, blowing from New Mexico to Oregon.
Then they called in UN troops, remember to quote, help the firefighters?
FEMA would declare emergencies, steal people's homes and property.
Then we had state reps and county commissioners on from New Mexico and Arizona that were, quote, throwing the feds out of their county, declaring their own emergencies because the feds wouldn't, quote, let them fight the fires or build fire breaks.
And I bet if you research this, because in almost every other case, I'll bet good money the feds started these fires.
Because again, it brings in the crisis.
It brings in a good political diversion.
It's very, very suspect when you look at the evidence.
What do you think about them apples, folks?
Continuing with the news, and I'll go to these loaded phone lines.
We're going to have open phones all day long, all night long.
Schiavo's husband to break his silence.
Michael Schiavo will break his silence today, speaking publicly for the first time in nearly five years about his decade-long dispute with his brain-damaged wife's family to disconnect her feeding tubes.
Now, we don't know if she's brain-damaged.
We know she's paralyzed from, let's say, Her shoulders down.
It's been pointed out that she can hunch forward.
And so now this creature who's got another wife and children is going to go on Larry King Live CNN's and kind of a shill for the death culture in the Hemlock Society.
But finally the Herald Tribune out of Florida in Sarasota is is finally having to report out of Pinellas Park says Herald Tribune in Sarasota but I know Herald Tribune isn't based in Sarasota but it says Associated Press so I guess it's all over Florida that's being put in the papers that they're now admitting that she's quote just brain damage now that's debatable
But when CNN and MSNBC and others get up there and call her a vegetable, a brain-dead woman, brain-dead people don't look left and right, don't smile at their mothers, don't giggle, don't mumble, don't moan, don't hunch forward.
But it shows just the outright lying of the media, the twisting of the media.
The husband of Terry Schiavo will appear on CNN's Larry King Live at 9 p.m.
Eastern Standard Time.
I know he has a lot on his mind and a lot in his heart that he wants to share to his attorney, George Phalos.
Michael Schiavo expected today to file a court challenge of the new law that has allowed Governor Jeb Bush to intervene in the contentious right to die case.
It's not a right to die, it's a right for the government to kill you.
The law overruled the judicial order to allow the feeding tube to be removed.
The tube was ordered re-inserted.
So we'll continue to follow that as it develops as well.
Anti-Tare Smallpox Jab Leaves Dozens Ill.
This is out of the London Times.
A scheme to vaccinate 700 key military and national health service staff against the smallpox bioterrorist attack has stalled after dozens of them suffered adverse effects and two were hospitalized.
About 400 to 500 staff have had the injections intended to create a group of personnel who could be sent into areas hit by the infections and lethal virus to administer the vaccine to the public.
That's what it's about, forced inoculation.
The Health Protection Agency said the Ministry of Defense, which each had planned to vaccinate 350 staff this weekend, said they had enough employees immunized to cope with any foreseeable attack.
Others disagree.
Bob Stewart, the Army officer who sprang to prominence in the Bosnian War, Who has had extensive training in bio-warfare, said this is totally inadequate.
How could any commander deal with a biological attack?
And all the resulting panic was just a few hundred people.
What if there were several attacks?
Details of the problems emerged at a scientific conference on smallpox in Geneva, Switzerland, where Nigel Lightfoot, head of the Health Protection Agency's Emergency Response Team, revealed that he had been One of those to suffer side effects including headaches and fever.
And of course there's also been deaths there and here.
And it goes on into that.
But look.
Out of millions they ordered vaccinated, only hundreds took it in this country.
99.9 plus percent said no.
Are all these medical workers and doctors and nurses crazy like us?
Are they all bad conspiracy theorists?
Why are all the police refusing?
Why are all the firefighters refusing?
Because the news is out, folks!
The government doesn't have a terrorist attack they engineer, then suddenly come out and say we're going to have a national force inoculation program.
We're starting with 10 million health workers, police, and firefighters.
You've got to do it or you'll, quote, lose your job.
People said, no, we're not going to do it.
The states wouldn't pass the Model States Emergency Powers Act, so the feds passed it in page 76 of Homeland Security in 2002.
Still the medical workers, firefighters, and police just refused.
This is a case point example of how we just say no to them.
And believe me, the CFR head fearmonger, Gary Hart, the Hart-Rubin Commission, got up on the O'Reilly factor and said Dallas, Denver, and Cleveland will be hit by smallpox.
You better take it.
And that was six months into people saying no.
Still the fearmongering didn't work.
And to point out in England, they've announced that if there's one smallpox release or any other biological release, they're going to forcibly evacuate London.
They have quote, built rest and relocation centers, rest and relocation centers to hold millions of people outside London and other major British cities.
Now that's Times of London, that's BBC.
And they've said that anyone trying to run quarantine will be shot.
The Army's being trained to murder thousands of Londoners and other English folks.
They're planning it in Ireland.
They're planning it in Scotland.
This is the perfect smokescreen for going into martial law martial law will never emerge from.
The next terror attack, I predict, on a mass scale, there may be other bombings, but the next terror attack on a mass scale will dwarf 9-11.
It will be biological in nature, weaponized Ebola, smallpox, you name it.
And then it's all over from there, folks.
We descend into a nightmare system.
So please, number one, these vaccines don't protect you.
Number two, we've already had the smallpox shot.
95% of the time it does protect you.
The old one in the 70s, the 60s, and continuing.
Number three, you can't trust these people with the vaccine they're going to give you, and they have the history of being behind the terror.
It was Horton down, the level four bioweapons lab that Dr. David Kelly ran, by the way, who's now been killed.
That released weaponized foot-in-mouth in 1999.
That's mainstream news, just calmly reported.
And they used that to kill 8 million sheep, 4 million cows that didn't even have it, to get people off their land.
And then, as I predicted, to not allow them to restock their animals.
The same government that's already launched a bio-attack, in plain view of everyone, is saying, brace for smallpox attack, take your injections.
But their own enforcers are refusing to do it.
Their own military's refusing.
Their officers that took it got sick.
People aren't stupid.
We've got to say no to this.
This is a major roadblock to their furthering their globalist agenda.
We'll be back with your calls and more news.
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We're about to go to David Illinois and others.
We're patiently holding on a ton of other news into the next hour.
But it goes on in this London Times article.
The British minister said Britain had recently required enough doses of the vaccine, in addition to its 30-year-old stockpile, for the whole country to be treated in case of an outbreak.
And again, they're preparing to lock down the cities, force everyone to evacuate into, quote, rest and relocation centers.
They're centers for you to rest.
Of course, you'll have to work, and they've got preparations for that, and nice prisons nearby, and factories built onto it, and of course, after we go into the crisis, things will be better after six months of bedlam, and we won't have any liberties after it happens, but, you know, things had to change after the attacks.
This is the system they're creating.
And they're going to get this tyranny out of biological attacks, out of the crisis it creates.
And you watch 24, you watch The Threat Matrix, CSI, all these shows.
Biologicals are going to hit us.
They've got to take our rights.
They're just training us what to do, how to handle things.
But the good news is, people aren't buying it.
Dave in Illinois.
Dave, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
Yeah, I was scanning an article in USA Today, and they mentioned Karen Ann Quinlan.
Now, I remember the Karen Ann Quinlan fiasco, because I was a teenager when this happened, and it got a lot of airplay and a lot of write-ups in the newspaper, but evidently, I guess the parents finally won the right to pull the... Why don't you refresh folks' memory?
What's she talking about?
I remember it right.
Karen Ann Quinlan, I guess, went out with some friends and they don't know if she was taking a combination of pills and chasing them with alcohol, but they're not sure.
Anyway, she was brought to a hospital unconscious and she's been unconscious ever since, as far as I know.
And then the doctors told her, told the parents that Karen Ann Quinlan would not Uh, regain consciousness.
If she did, she'd be in a vegetative state.
Uh, she wouldn't know.
She would not be able to make any cognizant recognition of anybody.
She would not respond to any stimulus.
Anyway, I guess the parents, uh, uh, went to court to, uh, take, uh, take her off the breathing apparatus.
And of course the hospital fought her tooth and nail.
And then it finally went, I guess, to the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court ruled in the Quinlan's favor to be able to do this.
And I guess when they finally got permission to disconnect her, they thought Karen Ann Quinlan would just ball up and die.
But if I remember right, she started breathing on her own.
And Karen Ann Quinlan, I guess, was breathing on her own for a while, and then they transferred her to a private nursing home.
And my question to you is, Alex, and I don't I remember the case vaguely, I don't know, but again, it's gone from killing people who are vegetables, who are in comas, to killing people who are smiling at their mother and father, looking back and forth, eyes obviously awake and sentient.
And look, we've listed cases here with Wall Street Journal reporter Wesley Smith of people audibly saying, please, honey, can I have some water?
And they still kill him.
So that's the new America.
Being a vegetable is talking and saying, please give me water.
See, they're changing the meanings of words.
Just like Adolf Hitler did, that's what's so scary about the eugenics movement, now known as the bioethics movement in this country.
Right to die means the right of the government to kill you.
Thanks for the call, sir.
Very important point you made.
We'll come back in the second hour and get into this stack of news I haven't covered yet that's all very important on Big Brother, Second Amendment, a bunch of other key items.
We'll talk to Julie in Rhode Island and others.
Again, we're doing some revamping on the servers from PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
They should be up now.
If they're not up, just go to InfoWars.net, our alternative mirror site that was updated today with the latest information.
That's InfoWars.net and my new video, Matrix of Evil, is out and is available.
We'll be back.
Berkey Water Filters are the ultimate filters used worldwide for normal or hostile filtration environments to provide the most delicious, sparkling, clean water possible.
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Big brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, folks.
We're already into the second hour of global transmission.
It's Monday.
I'm getting my sea legs, as they say.
And getting into the show here, we're about to go to Julie and others that are patiently holding.
If you want to join us on air on the horrible bombings that took place.
Four bombings, one rocket attack.
Uh, several U.S.
soldiers dead, at least 19 killed.
Uh, now they're saying, I got the latest reports, looks like 60 or 70 injured.
No one's really sure.
The number of dead could be as high as 22 now.
Again, I got a bunch of different reports saying different numbers.
We're not sure, but a lot of people dead.
Uh, the numbers range from 14 to 17 dead in wildfires all over Southern California.
Uh, just, uh, we'll get into that.
New shopping carts that have computers on them that you have to put your identity in, that shout advertisements at you, that track everything you're doing.
They're about to get rid of the checkout staff.
As I warned you six, seven years ago, they would.
This ties into the new money that has RFID tracker chips in it.
It's all coming up in this hour.
Right now, let's go to Julie in Rhode Island.
Julie, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey Alex, how are you doing?
How are you listening to us?
Um, W-A-R-L.
What a wonderful affiliate.
Yeah, I'm really glad that they're on the air because I think that their agenda is to empower people to change, just like your agenda is.
I just wanted to say, I went to Ron Paul's website and I found the petition to nominate him for president.
And we signed a petition, there's like over 4,000 signatures on there.
Are you planning to campaign for Mr. Paul?
If Ron Paul runs for president, I will campaign for him and try to raise funds.
Okay, well I will too, and I just hope that... I don't know...
Well, if he's going to do it, he better do it now, Julie.
Yeah, yeah.
I don't know if he's got the money, or I don't know what his status is on that.
About a month ago, I was the speaker before he spoke, and then I interviewed him after his speech outside Austin at McKinney-Ruff's.
And he would not answer the question.
I said, will you run for president?
And he just, he would say nothing.
And I've never seen him behave like that.
He just said, he wouldn't even say no comment.
He would just smile.
And John Stettmiller, who was also there speaking, had the same question for him.
He would not answer questions.
I watched a dozen other people ask him the question and he would just, he would just smile at them.
So I don't know what Ron Paul's going to do.
But he's already been targeted by the Republican Party.
The paper last week or two Sundays ago said that the Republican Party has rewritten his district, has targeted him to not be re-elected.
So his biggest enemy is the Republicans because he's pro-border, anti-abortion, pro-gun, just like Tom Tancredo, just like Senator Bob Smith.
They've now all been targeted and Bob Smith successfully targeted.
Did you see Jay Rockefeller on Meet the Press on Sunday with Tim Russert?
I read the text of these shows.
I did see a text of his quotes.
I did not watch him.
I do not watch television.
Yeah, well, I looked up Jay Rockefeller.
He's the senator from West Virginia and I tried to get a sense of what he's all about because he was saying, well, yeah, I think that the Bush administration fabricated Um, all of this.
It's all good cop, bad cop.
Yeah, that's what I figured, because he's for biometrics and all this kind of stuff.
Yeah, and then, you know, Wesley Clark's for National ID Card, and so is, uh, the last drug czar, General McCaffrey, and so is Bush.
I mean, on key issues of open borders, gun control, police state, more taxes, empowering the size of government.
All this draconian legislation, they're all together.
They're creating the illusion, Julie, that there's some type of difference.
Anything else?
All we have to fear is fear itself.
Don't be afraid to fight.
That's it.
I agree with you.
More news and more calls straight ahead.
Infowars.net's the website.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
That's toll free at 888-803-4438.
Not yet available in Iowa.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, we're back live.
It is Monday, the 27th of October, 2003.
8 minutes and 30 seconds into this second hour.
Let me launch back into the news for a few minutes and we'll go to Carson and others.
...that are patiently holding the toll-free number to join us on air on any news item, any issue, any comment, any question you want to discuss, 1-800-259-9231.
And why do you think Michael Schiavo, this creepy husband of Terry, the guy who won't let her teeth be brushed for 10 years and won't let her be given treatment for the kidney infection, I wonder why he's going on Larry King Live tonight, maybe to try to reaffirm that she's in a coma when her eyes are wide open.
But I'm looking at Associated Press and Herald Tribune and Miami Herald articles about this.
They're now not calling her a vegetable or saying she's in a coma.
They're now saying that she's just brain damaged.
Good job the listeners and that's where it all started was on this network folks months and months ago We gave this story legs, and I'm not bragging, but it does feel good to know that we do have power We can set bushfires in the minds of men and women everywhere We can't affect change.
We can't affect the mainstream media when they're telling bald-faced lies and Continuing with some news and we'll go straight to your calls.
This is out of USA Today from this weekend.
Smart shopping carts to roam grocery stores of the future.
Oh, funny.
I saw an article two years ago that in Northern California and areas of New York, they already have these smart shopping carts at Safeways and Kroger's and others.
And, of course, it shows a picture of the shopping cart computer put out by International Business Machines or IBM.
You ever wondered why the Jews and Christians and Patriots of Germany had a little barcode number, the same number of digits in a social security number?
Do you ever wonder why they had that tattoo on their arm or chest?
You ever wonder that?
Well, that was their ID number that they entered in.
They would put into the IBM machine how much they weighed.
How old they were, they would do the pincher test to see how much fat they had, and they'd calculate in their age, they would calculate in their weight, and they would calculate in some other things, and then the IBM machine would tell them whether to kill them, or how much food to feed them to keep them at a subsistence level to work them the longest before going ahead and putting a bullet through their brain.
No, that's admitted.
Our friends at IBM are some of the biggest contributors, by the way, to the Human Genome Project.
They've taken control of that for the government.
They own the subsidiaries for four implantable microchip companies I know of.
They own Applied Digital Solutions, who's kind of their little front group.
IBM and the Communist Chinese military, according to their 2000 financial filings, own Applied Digital.
I told you this three years ago.
It's now, two weeks ago, been in the news.
The Washington Times that some of the stockholders of Applied Digital are suing IBM, saying that they have unfairly taken control of the company.
They already had control.
It's a front.
Who else reads?
And I'm talking to the stockholders.
You should read your own prospectus, your own financial filings.
I do.
I'm the type of weirdo that spends four hours reading that, folks.
So that's going on.
Interesting that IBM is behind these smart shopping carts.
Smart shopping carts to roam grocery stores of the future.
You just want to get a piece of fish and the makings of a salad, but your shopping cart keeps talking to you.
See, just like Minority Report, folks, everything in there is what they're planning to do.
There's a nice white wine in aisle 6 that would go perfectly with your salmon.
It beeps.
Your favorite bread of salami is on sale.
And by the way, it's been six weeks since you bought toilet paper.
Oh yes, you're going to have to swipe your card to activate it, and it checks you out.
You see, they're not just going to remove the checkers, which already every grocery store chain out there is pulling out the checkout lanes, putting in self-service.
And you see it starts out, so they got 10 checkout lanes, they'll pull out three.
Put in self-serve.
Then a couple months later, they pull out 3 more.
Now more than half are self-serve.
Then suddenly at some stores in Austin, they'll have 8 self-checkouts.
And now 2 service ones.
We're just months away.
Just months away from some of the stores being all self-service.
And you go into Home Depot's.
Now it started out with 3 or 4 of the checkout lanes being self-serve.
Now it's 8 or 9 of the 15.
And I've read the admitted plans.
You're only months, only years away.
You're months away from some stores being all self-serve.
You're only years away from all the stores being self-serve.
No choice.
Now you've got to use your card.
Now you've got to swipe your card.
And in some stores, they're not even going to have checkout lanes.
You're going to have your own little debit card computer.
And see?
Your corporations are trying to make you take automatic money transfers to be paid.
A lot of federal employees, state employees have to do this.
You're starting to get the picture, folks.
So, again, there's a nice white wine in aisle 6 that would go perfectly with your salmon.
It beeps, your favorite brand of salami is on sale.
By the way, it's been six weeks since you bought toilet paper.
Nightmare or dream come true, the smart shopping cart is coming soon to a grocery store near you, along with an array of other gizmos designed to make your trip to the supermarket more efficient and profitable, and to keep you coming back.
Oh, sure!
Yeah, we've read the internal documents of the Biometric Consortium, the RFID Consortium with Homeland Security, where they say they're going to, quote, neutralize you and neutralize your opposition.
This is about taxation and total control.
Every book, every magazine, every newspaper you buy is going to have an RFID on it.
And there's going to be a nice little face scanning camera that tells them what you bought and what you did.
That's admitted too.
This is light years past 1984.
Light years past it, folks.
Researchers at IBM recently assembled several high-tech machines for a demonstration in the Industry Solutions Lab in Hawthorne.
Among them were the Smart Shopping Cart, a computerized produce scale called Veggie Vision, and a fascinating projection tentatively dubbed the Everything Display.
And see as you walk by, these little computer plasma screens are going to say, Hey Alex Jones!
You like organic milk?
We've got it on sale!
Hey Alex Jones!
You like ranch style beans?
Hey Alex Jones!
We've got the little beef cutlets you like!
Oh Alex Jones!
We've got guns and ammo for you!
Some are being tested in stores, while others are in various stages of development.
Other companies, including NCR, Fuji, Hewlett-Packard, are also working on similar projects, sometimes in partnerships.
We'll see more change in the next five years in the way people shop.
Then in the last 20, said Dan Hopping, a consulting manager at IBM who specializes in store operations and merchandising.
Let's talk to, uh... Oh, I don't know.
Who's up next here, did you say?
We've got Carson in Colorado.
Welcome, Carson.
Well, welcome, Alex.
I was never able to get transmitted that picture of the NATO activity, and we're still looking for the young man who had the camera.
He's kind of disappeared.
But I wish him the best, wish you the best.
Okay, for those that don't know, and I don't mean to interrupt you, for listeners, very important rule, and I'm not mad at you, you're a great guy, Carson.
When you call in about something, you got, because I know you and I know, but half our listeners didn't hear that show that day when NATO took over Colorado Springs, and that basically a martial law drill, all the electronic problems that took place, So, for those who don't know, recap what you're talking about.
Sure, I just wanted to reference the activity at the NATO meeting earlier this month.
I had spoken to Alex that I had taken a young reporter up to try to interview some of the military people who had actually blocked the streets in a civilian neighborhood.
Outside the base, and according to the Denver Post, made thousands evacuate their homes.
Go ahead.
That's correct.
There were no municipal police Officers are visible.
There were a couple of cars in the bushes.
My point was, Alex, number one, you know, we're listening to a tape delay NASCAR today.
I'm not griping or grousing, but could you, from time to time, I want to move to a different location.
I'm under an antenna array right now.
Could you, from time to time, I know you've got a very full plate, but could you give us your shortwave numbers, because it may help other people in this great calling area, the Colorado Information Network.
Number one, sir, we're not on in Colorado, you're hearing NASCAR?
Yes, yes sir.
How do you normally hear the show?
I only hear it on an AM carryover.
Now do you listen to the local affiliate?
Do you listen on Colorado Radio Network?
Or do you listen on the American Freedom Network?
Out of Longmont.
They're good, good people.
I don't want to... You can listen to us on 1360.
We have another affiliate.
We've got five affiliates in Colorado.
And 1460.
You have a pretty good signal in Denver on a number of locations, but I'm under an antenna array right now working.
I hope I'm giving the right frequency out for the Colorado Radio Network.
That's 1580 is the strongest signal in Colorado.
Yeah, but then there's the...
American Freedom Network, I believe that's 1360.
That's Johnstown, and that signal reaches down as far as almost the panhandle of Texas, per your information, down below Lyman.
Anyhow, sir, I wanted to, again, reemphasize the fact that we're really pulling for you, we know you're fighting for us.
I had an experience, I was... Let me stop you and I'll hold you over.
How often do you hear NASCAR over my show?
Well, they interrupted.
I usually turn in at 10 o'clock because you're live on that particular network.
And they said, well, about an hour later, they said, we're not going to hear Alex today because we're doing a taped NASCAR race.
Well, that's what's wonderful.
That's a lot more important than the end of civilization.
Thank you, sir.
My sentiment is exactly that.
I'm not going to slam him.
I want to talk to the station manager a little bit later today when things calm down.
However, may I make my point, sir?
Yeah, make it after the break.
I'm sorry.
This stuff is so important and the sports just drives me up the wall.
Stay there.
We'll come back to you, Carson.
And we will take more calls as well.
So stay with us, and the website's n4wars.net, folks.
Fully updated today.
Stay with us.
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Thank you for watching.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
You know, I haven't counted up how many AM&M affiliates we've got, but it's dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens.
And that's just my show.
I mean, Derry Brownfield's got over a hundred.
But we did just call the Colorado Radio Network four stations.
We get a huge response from And the NASCAR was rained out yesterday, so we're not on there today.
You know, sports is God, and when people start supporting reality-based radio, you won't hear stuff like that.
Drives me up a wall.
But I don't want to spend all day on it.
When stuff like that happens, we get a bunch of calls.
The board's been... Mark's been getting tons of calls on this, and that's just one sector of the U.S.
And yes, that's why Carson's right.
You can always listen at InfoWars.com, which is up, PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.net, GCNLive.com.
You can also listen on Global Shortwave at 12.172, 93.20 during the day, and at night 9 to midnight at 5.085 and 68.90.
And you never know when your station is going to get sold, when it's going to switch formats, that just happens.
I mean, as many stations that we've been on that have been sold or changed formats, you know, if they were all still there, we'd be on 300 stations right now!
And we'd save this country, by the way, and people like Terry Schiavo wouldn't be getting killed out there!
But, side issue, let's go back to the calls.
Carson in Colorado, go ahead.
Well, you're so right, Alex, and bless you and your ministry both.
You know, the neocon, one of the godfathers of the neocon movement, which you're so articulate in expressing, Was a man named Armand Hammer.
He had a favorite saying.
He was the best friend of the Soviet Union.
Ever had an oil man and a large landowner in the Rocky Mountain region.
And he had a saying, he said, no friends, no enemies, just customers.
And, by the way, he funded Albert Gore Sr., Al Gore Jr., and funded the founding of the neocons that now control the White House.
The National Post of Canada has reported, quote, the ghost of Trotsky walks the halls of the White House.
Ron Paul wrote about it, gave a speech.
You're so right, Alex.
Listen, the point that I'd like to make is that I ordinarily don't get around to television very often.
is fourth international the leftovers of that now runs the white house and you
tell the average conservative listener that they can't even computed carson
there's a right alex listen but the point that i'd like to make that
ordinarily don't get around the television very often uh... about two weeks ago i was up taking care of my stepfather's
property and uh...
a crawl came across one of the cable networks and i'm sorry that i'm not more
astute and then i i i i you know i'm a little at lost when it comes to
television but the crawl was this it.
It appeared one time, it was about 11.30 at night, and I never saw it again because I sat bolt upright.
The crawl was, 500 British troops and municipal police raid in London, nets, two guns, and 20 people.
Now, what were you watching when this happened?
This was a crawl.
It was either CNN, or I don't believe it was Fox because their cable system doesn't bring the Fox News Network.
So one of those scrolling bars at the bottom.
Yes sir.
I was trying to watch three or four different networks.
By the way, did you know that is classically subliminal?
Because you're watching the talking head, but your body, your mind, is reading what's on the screen.
And so you'll see the most radical, bizarre craziness Alex, a confirmation of that.
I got a call immediately from a colleague of ours who was at the University of Edinburgh, the School for International Terrorism, the studies of, and I expressed that to him that very morning.
It was about 2 a.m.
Rocky Mountain time.
And it was his daylight over there in Scotland.
He said there's been nothing in their news regarding that particular story.
Actually, Paul Watson, our writer, is aware of that.
They're having army raids, and they call some of them drills, but real people are being arrested.
They'll just show up.
It's martial law training, desensitization.
It was titled, the crawl was titled British Anti-Gun Raid, and then there were Three info bars preceding that, and it just caused me to be riveted because of the numbers of troops participating and the small number of handguns, or they didn't say it was handguns, or long guns.
Well, in England now, if you defend your wife from a rapist in your home and stab the rapist, you will be arrested.
The rapist will not be charged.
It's coming here if we let it.
To end on a positive note, and I'll let you get to your other fine callers and let you To further elucidate us, on a positive note, we need more restorationist websites.
We need to get some positive scenarios so that we can take back our nation.
And it can happen.
We can do this.
We can.
Thanks for the call, Carson.
We'll come back with Bill, Phil, and others.
99 plus percent of the people in government not taking a smallpox shot, that's restoration.
The 400 cities, multiple states, throwing out the Patriot Act.
That's a huge victory.
We're having these victories, but Peter Jennings isn't going to tell you about it.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines,
the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Doing the best job we can to alert you, to warn you, to expose the giant prison grid, the dehumanization system that's being built for you and your family and our country and our sovereignty and our heritage.
That's what we do here each and every day.
We expose, not the rhetoric, but the actions of the Republicans and the Democrats in concert as puppets for this world government, for this criminal elite, to bring us into this modern tyranny.
We can stop it, we can fight it, when we're able to reach out to the people and warn them.
And the globalists do everything they can to restrict your access to the truth because they're criminals and they don't want you to know the truth.
Before we go to Bill and Phil and others holding The toll free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
I'm also going to get into post office wants to ID the mail going into another biometric system.
Also we'll get into a federal law to block a California law that out in California tries to not allow private corporations with the government to swap your personal private data.
Wackenhut denies its employees are CIA agents plotting to overthrow Venezuela's President Chavez.
Blair will ignore public opposition to genetically modified technology.
Russian billionaire seized in Don Raid.
Disclosure of September 11th secrets.
Bush has been ordered to do so.
Big Brother at your tailpipe.
Agency calls for smog sensors that scan your cars remotely.
Defense Department drafts RFID policy trying to bolster the ailing technology that people are boycotting.
Administration faces a 9-11 subpoena from panel.
More on 9-11.
We'll also get into Senators.
Conditions unacceptable for sick reservists at Fort Stewart.
They're not even giving wounded troops medical treatment in Iraq.
That's what they think of them.
Also, now the liberals are screaming bloody murder.
The illegal aliens are being arrested at Walmart and other areas.
Also, it's not just the U.S.
taking down the Ten Commandments and crosses.
They're now making them take down crosses in Italy.
They've got a serious agenda, folks.
And a lot more coming up here on the show.
It is 35 minutes after the hour.
And before I go back to these calls and into the news, Might as well put out one plug here.
I haven't really plugged the videos yet.
For those that have gotten 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, The Masters of Terror, Police States, Retotal Enslavement, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, America Destroyed by Design, Police State 2000, Police State 2 The Takeover, you know these are powerful films.
For those that have read my book, Descent into Tyranny, you really should get Paul Watson's new book that I published, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror and the New World Order.
They're perfect Christmas presents, perfect birthday gifts, but perfect for your neighbor.
The new book, Order Out of Chaos, that covers U.S.
government-sponsored terror, Israeli-sponsored terror, British-sponsored terror.
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The Nazis did it.
The Communists did it.
We give historical examples of it going back hundreds of years.
It's an amazing new book, 1995, over 300 pages, full of photos, graphics, diagrams, great bibliography.
Yet a second copy for only $11.95.
Okay, to give us a gift, when you get one copy, get the second copy for $8 off, roughly.
Also, the new film is out, my 10th video, The Matrix of Evil.
It is about 2 hours and 10 minutes long.
It is $25.95.
When you order three or more of any of my ten videos, they drop down to $20 a piece.
That's an $18 discount on the three-tape special.
$24 discount on the four-tape special.
So again, I have written a book, published a book.
We carry some other great books by very intelligent researchers.
Fritz Springmeier, Tex Mars, you name it.
We carry some other videos done by other folks.
We carry Herrick Huffschmidt's great book about 9-11 with all the structural analysis and questions that must be answered and are answered.
But Matrix of Evil is Ron Paul talking about the New World Order, world government, the government engineering of depression, the neocons being Trotskyites, excerpts of three speeches I've given, three of my better speeches.
Frank Morales, Colonel Craig Roberts, Cynthia McKinney, news clips, documents.
It's a different type of film, though, because it's a bunch of speeches woven together for powerful effect.
And the few people that have seen it, it's now being mass produced, the few folks that have seen it have really been impressed with it.
So, Matrix of Evil, my newest film, Order now.
We're shipping them out this week.
Toll-free number to order.
Again, that number.
Operators are there to take your call, answer your questions, and take your order.
1-888-253-3139 or go to www.infowars.net or www.prisonplanet.com or www.infowars.com Click on the banner, click on the shopping cart to order the films to peruse and shop.
And secondarily, your purchase also supports this broadcast.
But, the new film is out, The Matrix of Evil, the new book is out, Order Out of Chaos, a late sponsor tear in the New World Order.
You need to get them, folks.
They're waking people up big time.
You can also write to me, Alex Jones, right here in Austin, Texas, at 3001, that's 3001, South Lamar, Lamar is spelled L-A-M-A-R, Sweet 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Don't wait, take action.
Okay, let's go to Bill in Ohio, then Phil and others.
Bill, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
How are you doing?
Well, I'm fired up.
I don't know.
How am I doing?
Oh, you're doing fine.
Listen, I heard you.
There's a couple of things.
One, I heard you mention Something about the USA Today earlier.
I think it was in regards to the RFID chip.
You said there was an article?
Well, yeah.
It's the headline, Smart Shopping Cards to Roam Grocery Stores of Future.
Is that today's date?
Today's issue?
No, it'd be the weekend issue.
USA Today doesn't publish on Saturday or Sunday.
This will be Friday.
Okay, okay.
I wanted to know, I wanted to get a copy of that.
Are you online?
No, I'm print not.
Well, go to the library, it'll cost you, I don't know, ten cents to print it.
They don't charge anything to print off.
Well, that's your library.
The one by my house is like five cents a sheet, but it's a two-story, two pieces of paper story.
But my point is, it's on Prison Planet and InfoWars right now.
Oh, okay.
There was something else, too, that I wanted to ask you about.
Now, you've brought up this topic of the RFID chips several times.
I think it's about time you try to get somebody with a bit of a technical background on the show.
About 25 people on.
What I was going to say, try to see if anyone can come up with some sort of a device or some way to let people know how to Disable these things.
If they start becoming real common in product... They already are real common.
Well, how would you go about disabling them?
That's what I'd like to know.
Industry is going to sell a system, and they weren't going to do this until we protested, where if you request it, they'll disable it.
But again, it's just, quote, disabled.
Which I don't buy, and it's so small, sir, that they found it in the foam of the heel of shoes.
They find it embedded in leather.
It's in all the new money.
That's what I was thinking.
I mean, half the time you wouldn't be able to, if you had to physically hit it or something, I don't know how you could damage it without destroying the product.
I would imagine a microwave won't be too good for him.
No, but it wouldn't be too... But if it was in the heel of a shoe, it wouldn't be too good for the finish on the leather either.
That's the whole thing.
You need something like a very short range, you know, just a couple of feet in any direction.
Well, that's a good point.
Something like an electromagnetic pulse.
Here's the bigger question, okay?
What type of government and industry do we have who they admit have met in collusion with Governor Ridge?
These documents are public.
It's where the government says, the people don't like it, they're on to us.
It says this, they know it's Big Brother, they know it's for taxation and control, but so what if 78% hate it?
We'll just make them accept it.
They actually say that, sir.
I understand that.
So look at the climate we're in where they're doing this.
Eventually they'll start the last reel of Frankenstein rolling if they push things Far enough and hard enough, but... Oh, you're talking about where the villagers all come running up the hill with pitchforks and torches?
But before that, or hopefully in hopes of forestalling it maybe, I think if people are able to start disabling these things and just ignoring them, I think that would be a big help.
I agree, Bill.
Anything else?
No, uh-uh.
Thank you.
Thank you for the call.
That is a very important point.
Speaking of the last scene in Frankenstein, Where, uh, I guess Bram Stoker wrote that, where everybody comes... No, Bram Stoker, a woman wrote it, didn't she?
I'm showing my literary ignorance, my brain isn't working.
But the point is, at the end of the Frankenstein movie or the book, hundreds of villagers are sick of it, and they come running up the drive to, uh, Castle Frankenstein with their torches and their pitchforks.
Kind of like the French Revolution or something.
And there was almost a scene of that.
It was bizarre about a month ago where here in Austin we got the Patriot Act thrown out.
And I'm in this audience room with a hundred speakers signed up to speak, a couple hundred other people all sitting in their jam-packed standing room only.
You know, all the chairs filled, a hundred chairs filled, hundreds of people in the back of the room.
And I kind of paraphrased Alexander Schultz and Nietzsche's quote of, oh, later how we burned in the concentration camps in the gulags, wishing that every night when the secret police went out to make arrest, sometimes a third of the entire population in a city like Stalingrad or Leningrad, oh, how we wish later that we would have just met them downstairs with daggers and picks and axes and pokers and hatchets and killed them.
Now, I just read an Alexander Schultz and Eats quote about standing up to tyranny, before it's too late.
And women, men, hippies, old people, young people, conservatives, black people, literally went, yeah!
It was like a growl and a clap, and like eyes bugging out at the city council.
Because later I watched the wide shot of video of myself giving that speech.
And, I mean, the crowd literally... I mean, the government, you're in a lot of trouble, and you know that, don't you?
And you know you've got a lot of really bad things planned for us, but you know that there are 350 million guns in this country, and with any steak knife, I can get all the guns I want, even if you ban them.
And so that's really holding you back, isn't it?
And you can't even get your own troops, your own people to take the smallpox shot.
You can't get your own police to carry out a lot of these warrantless searches anymore.
You're in a lot of trouble.
Your agenda is stalling out.
We're affecting change.
You couldn't even kill Terri Schiavo, could you?
Because we exposed the fact that she was not in a coma.
That she was fully awake and alive and had fire in her eyes and is conscious and sentient, as they say.
So, you're in a lot of trouble.
Our alternative media is growing by leaps and bounds.
That's why I think they're going to use the smallpox scenario.
That's what they prepared for.
They released that, clamped down on everything, bring in troops, bring in foreign troops, they've said they will, take over all the media, and try to stampede us into accepting all this.
And that's not going to work either.
And that's why you haven't done it yet, though you were planning to do that a couple months ago, from my analysis.
You have been held back.
You have been driven off.
You are on the run.
So you can beat your chest and growl all you want and roar at us, but we're waking up to what you're doing.
So go ahead and jump.
Go ahead and start it.
Go ahead and keep throwing the punches.
Because we're a lot bigger and a lot more powerful than you are.
People just haven't figured that out yet.
So go ahead, bully.
Go ahead and punch me in the nose and see what happens.
Because I've looked at the numbers, I've looked at the facts, and the yuppies, and the furniture, and the sports fans don't count.
There are tens of millions of us in every county and every city, and we're not going along, and we buy less and less of your propaganda every day.
So you're in deep trouble, and I'm putting you on notice.
You better back off your plans.
You better slow it down.
Ah, you know we're going to continue to undermine you, don't you?
So you're in a catch-22.
You planned to accelerate this already, didn't you?
But some of us are willing to fight.
Some of us are willing to put our lives on the line.
Some of us stand for something.
And every one of us is worth ten of your jellyfish, your cowards.
So you want to get it on?
Let's get it on!
You want some?
I'm sick and tired of it!
And I'm not afraid, folks!
We've got to have a spirit of overcoming, a spirit of victory!
Because these people are sick!
When you know they're putting cancer viruses in the vaccines, and have IMF and World Bank plans to sterilize half the women in the world, official stuff with Henry Kissinger's signature on it, and you know DynCorp and the UN have been caught kidnapping hundreds of thousands of children from one country alone, that's public, folks!
I got Cynthia McKinney in the new video talking about it!
No, I'm not going to stand here and go along with you.
You people are sick!
And all your useless, idiot followers.
All your, I should say, useful idiots.
You need to wake up and join us.
You need to be man enough, woman enough to break your conditioning and to join us, because you know deep in your gut list, and right now this is true, you know something's wrong with the world.
You know you've got a bad feeling in the pit of your stomach.
You know the hair's standing up on the back of your neck.
That's God telling you in your soul, this is the truth!
Let's talk to Phil in Alabama.
Go ahead, Phil.
Hey, Alex.
You tell him.
The website's up and running.
I just refreshed it.
You know, this culture of death that they're creating, you know, this Running Man, Nazi Germany, Twilight Zone syndrome, you know, people just have to stand up and say no, and that's not going to take it, and you're just going to have to get educated.
I just want to thank you for, I can't wait to get the Matrix of Evil.
Well, I appreciate that, and I'll tell you this, Phil, I hope everybody Goes down to their local stone cutter and dealer.
I don't care if it costs $1,000, $2,000.
You tell them, if you got the money, I want a Ten Commandments cut.
And I'm putting it right in my front yard.
I mean, if they could put Greek goddesses in front of the federal courthouse, you know.
Well, my point is, they want to pull them out of their courts.
That just shows how illegitimate these courts are.
They have no authority and no jurisdiction to do what they're doing.
The only reason they're doing it is they believe, they've got the people believe that they do.
So the answer is, when they tell you, when they try to shut shows like this off the radio, you just become a leader, get your own access show, put up your own website, buy your own two-hour Saturday night, Sunday night radio show locally, you go on the air, you be a leader, you wake up 10,000 people.
And I was thinking, you know, for a few dollars you can go on the internet and just broadcast a whole month of your shows.
Yeah, we need more people doing that, more people duplicating, and here's another thing.
Again, folks, there's a line from a movie that they play here on the network sometimes, you know, if they shut me up, who takes my place?
You see, 20 years ago, they'd kill you for talking like this, because there's only a few hundred people doing it.
A few hundred.
And over time they'd kill us and more people would step up.
Now there's at least 50 million of us.
At least 50 million of us.
They don't do that anymore.
Because, you know, they'll do a few to make examples to try to scare us.
It always blows up in their face.
Humanity has kicked in.
Again, if 10 thugs were beating an old lady to death out in the street, I would run out and go swinging and attack them savagely and I would be given almost unlimited power by God to defeat those bullies.
That's how a woman can pick a car up off her baby.
Listen, one of the first Texas Rangers said, a man in the wrong can't keep a coming up against a man who's in the right.
The exact quote is, somebody in the wrong can't stand against somebody who's in the right that keeps on a coming.
The point is, we got so much power, I feel like the Incredible Hulk!
I'm ready to rock!
We'll be back!
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Yes, spread the word.
Folks, I don't try to rant and rave like that, just sometimes it comes up out of me.
To try to boil it down into a nutshell, and I appreciate Phil's kind words from Alabama, God bless you, sir.
To boil it down into a nutshell, I know the globalists are evil.
I mean, they are the most sinister, disgusting, evil-loving sickos I've ever imagined.
I mean, the depths of their wickedness shock me, enrage me.
It just makes me so angry.
But I fought, and I fought smart.
And I've seen victories that we've had.
And I know the power is with the people.
And when we move, when the bottom of the pyramidal system moves, the top has absolutely no power.
That's why they try to propagandize so much.
That's why they push their lies so much.
So I'm begging you to be leaders and I'm begging folks out there who are servants of this evil system to be like Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus when he was hit by a thunderbolt, a download of information and when he arose he was Paul and he became a great leader for Christ and someone who stood up against evil and that's what it's all about folks and so my life is meaningless In comparison to the big picture of standing up against this evil.
But, you know, that's God's promise.
You reap what you sow.
That's history.
That's the law of God's nature.
As the Declaration of Independence says.
That the secret is, when you stand up and you're bold, it's like Larry Pratt talked about confrontational politics, when you're in their face, they back off.
We've been convinced that you can't fight City Hall.
You know, that taxes are like death, inevitable.
That we've got to submit to all this.
And that is not the case!
That is not the reality!
That's a fraud!
You've got power!
And I just beg you to be leaders, and I'm begging the police officers, I'm begging the NSA people and CIA folks and FBI.
You know, get out of your little identity of, you know, you're doing a good job and you're part of a good government and, you know, you've got to follow orders and, you know, oh, we're just a bunch of conspiracy theorists.
Everything we talk about is documented.
We've got an incredible track record of accuracy.
And just check out what we're saying, and just like former Treasury agent who checked out what a radio talk show in Southern California was saying about the IRS being a private collection agency.
Bill Bannister went for two years, researched it, found out it was all true, and has now joined us in the fight in exposing the IMF and World Bank Federal Reserve Taxation System.
That's destroying America.
There's a lot of people, a lot of the great leaders we're going to have in this fight are going to come from your ranks.
And you have a mark on you.
You don't have a choice.
You're going to be used by God.
You're going to stand up for humanity against evil.
And you know who you are out there.
I'm calling you out.
Stand beside me, not behind me.
Be my brother.
Be my sister in this holy crusade against tyranny.
Join me.
Join me.
Join us.
We'll come back in the third hour and take calls.
On any issue you want to discuss, I'm going to go a little bit quicker with the calls in this hour.
I'm going to try to settle down a bit.
I only had one small cup of coffee today.
Normally I'm calmer if I have a couple cups.
I don't know what's going on here.
We'll come back.
The post office wants to ID the mail.
Smart Stamps.
Next in War on Terror.
Ah, yes.
And again, in the Soviet Union, all your mail got read.
Well, now they're going to be tracking your mail here, and controlling what you do.
You see, every indicator of tyranny, every overt sign of despotism, every piece of machinery and mechanism of tyrants is now being rolled out against us!
We're not going to put up with it while our borders are wide open, and while every time we track down a terror event, it's got CIA, MI5, MI6, FSB, GRU, KGB, Mossad, Mujahideen, Al Qaeda fingerprints all run by the New World Order and that pack of sick trash that's going straight to Hades.
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Big Brother.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
In the great spirit of 1776, I come to you on the AM and FM dial, Global Shortwave and the Internet.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're gonna have wide open phones, take a lot of your calls this hour.
Any news item, any story, any piece of propaganda, you want to discuss, 1-800-259-9231.
1-800-259-9231, 1-800-259-9231.
Whether you're listening to us on Dr. Wolf's Great Stations in upstate New York, or on
the American Freedom Network in Colorado, or right here in Austin on 1260 AM, or any
of the other fine stations in Kansas City, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Pensacola, Florida,
God bless you all.
Thank you for joining us today.
Tonight, depending on what time zone you're vectoring in on.
We're about to go to Market, Minnesota and others that are patiently holding.
Bombs killed 19.
Four police stations.
A Red Cross center hit.
Two troops killed.
19 dead.
50 to 60, 70, they're not sure, wounded.
14 to 16 dead.
Again, we're in different numbers.
650 homes burned.
There's wildfires, ravage areas of Southern California around San Bernardino.
Michael Schiavo, this Creature is going to be on Larry King Live with a Terry Schiavo case of the woman who they now are having to admit isn't comatose, that they say now is just brain damage, if that's even true.
She's just paralyzed, folks, from the upper shoulders down.
He's going to be on Larry King Live tonight.
I got a bunch of other police state news and stuff I haven't gotten to yet right now.
Let's go to Mark in Minnesota.
Mark, you're on the air and a part of a global transmission head-on against tyranny.
Hey, Alex.
Here's a story, I don't know if you had a chance to read this one, but I thought this is an excellent example of just how everything that goes on in Washington is pure theater, and now they're all in a huge lip lock, both parties.
This is from the New York Daily News from October 21st.
Former President George Bush, the elder Bush, is honoring Massachusetts Senator Edward Kennedy The last week called his son a liar on Iraq, and the 41st president is feeling heat from some GOP loyalists.
Well, it's worse than that.
I've got a big headline from a paper a listener sent me, and it says, The New World Order.
Former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, Gorbachev, former head Soviet, and George Herbert Walker Bush meet to talk about how the New World Order's going.
It's a classic case of awkward timing.
The elder Bush will present the Kennedy clan's elder statesman With the George Bush Award for Excellence in Public Service on November 7th at Texas A&M University, home of the Bush Presidential Library.
And home of Homeland Security Operations.
So Teddy Kennedy is going to be getting the George Bush Award for Excellence in Public Service.
If that doesn't tell you how...
Uh, you know, both parties are Xerox copies of each other, then I don't know what will.
Hey, I know!
And, uh, I know what to do.
How about listeners call in with their examples of the neocons and the hijacked conservative movement, uh, selling us out.
You know, I give the example of supercomputers, open borders, gun control.
I give the example of blocking Dan Burton's committee, protecting Bill Clinton on Pardon Gate.
I give the example of campaign finance reform, signing on to UNESCO, expanding the Department of Education.
I give all these examples, but how about other examples?
What have we not thought of, folks?
You got any other examples, Mark?
Well, actually, see, Ted Kennedy, he's the conservative.
You're the liberal, Alex.
Well, I've been accused of that.
I'm a commie, because I'm totally for the Second Amendment.
Uh, I think you pretty... You know, the campaign finance reform bill?
Can't forget that one.
Talk about the anti-First Amendment.
What was it, like over $200 billion in subsidies for farming?
Which, by the way, goes to the big corporate farms and is designed to get the farmers off their land.
Anything else, Mark?
I just wanted to make you aware of that.
Well, thank you.
Thank you very much for that.
What's your example of this?
If you disagree with me, give me a call.
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Alright, I want to get five calls in in this segment.
Then I'm going to shift gears into the post office wants to ID the mail.
Oh, yeah.
I've been warning you about this for a couple years.
Smart stamps next in war on terrorism.
Oh, it's to keep you safe.
And we'll get into a bunch of other key news stories and recap some of the other top stories.
Right now, let's talk to Ian up in Canada.
Ian, you're on the air.
I wanted to give a heads up.
For a program which will be broadcast on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation on Wednesday television, Wednesday night at 9 Eastern Time, 8 Central Time.
It's going to be a documentary on 9-11 and will include what I suspect will be the European press perspective on the government's criminal culpability.
Well, now the top five best-selling books in Germany, the top three in France, are all saying the government did it.
There's former top ministers writing the books.
This is all over the world.
The majority of Europeans are now beginning to believe that the military-industrial complex carried it out.
They won't dare do a poll here, but I talk to folks on the streets.
Everybody I talk to, people that don't even know me, say, yeah, I had a bad feeling that day about this.
Then you look at all the evidence.
It's impossible that 19 hijackers did what they claim they did.
How'd they make NORAD stand down for an hour and a half?
How'd they train them at the so-called flight schools?
How'd they have the CIA do a drill that morning of flying planes into buildings in New York and D.C.
and order NORAD to stand down?
How'd they fly the Al-Qaeda and Taliban out to safety in Afghanistan?
How'd the CIA do put options against American and United?
On and on.
How'd the public officials get warnings not to fly that day?
Mainstream news.
Why was the building half-empty?
On and on and on and on and on.
Well, on 9 o'clock Eastern Time, two days from now, the fifth estate a regular documentary series, it is going to directly
tackle those questions and I don't know whether they're going to make the claim
that the government was
actively involved ridiculous but it will be interesting to watch that television
presentation you may be able to download it off satellite, certainly
some of your listeners along the northern border. Well I forget
I forget his name but he's the big TV critic for What is it, the CBC?
We had him on earlier this year.
He made a documentary.
It went public on TV and said, well, either they knew or they did it.
I mean, it's one of those two.
It certainly didn't happen by accident.
And boy, they sure stand to gain.
It's interesting that the European perspective is sort of creeping into the news services here in North America, finally.
But let me add a caveat to that.
I'm sure you've heard me, Ian, tell you why that's happening.
Tell me again.
Well, why do you think they're doing this?
Well, because you're getting the story out.
And they have to cover their behinds.
You know, that's true.
One tactic is to take a story that can bring down the New World Order, inculcate their own diatribe, kind of spin it and water it down.
But that's already happened in our press.
Let me tell you why, internationally, from Japan to Jakarta, To South Africa, to Mexico, why this is in the news, why the majority of people believe the government carried it out.
Not prior knowledge, believe they carried it out.
Let me tell you why.
Number one to answer this question, who owns America?
The dominant owners of, and Forbes has reported on this every year, is European banks, European families.
The Rothschilds, the Crumps, the Sachs-Coburg-Gothas, the Oppenheimers.
The classic names They own America, they own the majority, the fellow reserve stock, and so when they say America is this mad dog with the PNAC documents and invading and wanting world domination, they've always got to have a good cop bad cop.
America played the part in the last century as the good cop against Hitler.
And as the good cop against the Soviet Union, now they're reversing it where the EU with China and Russia is going to play the good cop.
They're going to stand by and go, look how naughty they are as America plays the part of the new Soviet Union, the new evil empire, attacking and invading.
And then the Europe, Russia, and China are now combining.
They're dumping the dollar.
They're going to the Euro.
That's now empowering the center of the New World Order to get everybody behind that and kind of a reverse nationalism of, oh, we're all together for the Pan-Europe-Asia Union.
And then out of those packs, the whole time they're really controlling America as we play the part of the bad cops.
So, Europe's coming out and saying right-wingers from Texas Evil right-wingers, and literally it says this, that chew tobacco, that wear cowboy hats, that killed Kennedy, they carried out 9-11 to get America behind this global war for domination.
They then used the Brzezinski quotes, the Peanut quotes to prove it.
Michael Meacher, the big minister in England, comes out.
This other top German minister comes out and lays out the evidence.
Everybody goes, oh yeah, it's true.
But oh, it's that evil cowboy Bush.
He did it when Bush is neither a Texan, neither a Christian, neither a cowboy, and openly works for Europe and is playing this part.
So this is all coming out.
I'm allowed to put this out because they don't think you're sophisticated enough to get it.
They'll then build a giant left-wing counter-revolution And then America's going to be the bad guy, Europe's going to be the good guy, and we're going to be a third world part of the Pan-American Union.
Go ahead.
The rhetorical question that could be asked that sums that all up is, what interest does the Russian-Chinese alliance have in being run by a New World Order run by the old Anglo-American elites command and control school?
Well, it's incredible.
I mean, even these governments aren't very sophisticated.
They set governments up all the time.
And so then as America plunges, our government's going to point and say, look, they've got a union, a European Union allied with Russia and China.
That's why they're doing so well.
We've got to have our own Pan-American Union.
And the Pan-American Union was already set up under NAFTA and GATT, just like the EU was a trade deal.
They're already merging the EU with the American Union, with the Union of American States, with the free trade groups of the Americas.
So we're already entering one world government.
The new global passports, all the countries are saying you gotta have biometrics.
It's a social security style number.
It's all going into the same database.
It's all the same system.
Again, it's the same system acting like it's different arms are different entities.
We've just got to look past the arms to the shoulders, the head, the torso, the legs, the feet of the system.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you.
I appreciate that.
Let's talk to Matt in Texas.
Matt, you're on the air.
Yeah, Alex.
Yes, sir.
I'm a little off subject, but I just wanted to point out something about some of the propaganda techniques out there.
That's not off subject, man.
It's whatever you want to do.
Well, for some reason, have you ever heard of Technology Review Magazine?
For some reason, they started sending this to me in the mail.
I never subscribed to it, but I'm just getting this magazine now.
And I'm looking through it and--
Well, that's because you're obviously an IT and a buyer of technology items.
Is that correct?
Yeah, that's correct.
Well, your list was sold.
They decided you're a value-added customer who has potential purchase power worth them putting out the basic advertisement.
Well, an advertisement it is.
One of the articles that caught my eye and prompted me to call you, actually, is entitled, Toward a Brain Internetly.
It's talking about how great it would be to have a microchip... Let me tell folks what it's going to say before you say it, just to prove the understanding.
If I'm wrong, I'm wrong.
This is a four-year-old plan, republished two years ago with more detail, called the DARPA Hive Mind, the plan by law to make you all take brain chips by 2025, hooked into this ethernet of Hive Mind.
Is that what it says?
It says 2020.
But other than that, everything else is correct.
Okay, well please now tell us, I just want folks to know, I've read, see I read the Army plans four years before it's in the news.
Go ahead.
Quote from the article, a thought-activated Google search isn't so far out, and medical and military research will drive rapid advances in neural interfaces.
It says that He was wondering who wrote La Bamba.
He wasn't near an internet connection.
Oh, if only he had some sort of microchip in his brain that he could directly interface with the internet.
He said, I'm starting to think by 2020 we might actually have wireless internet interfaces that ordinary people will be comfortable with having implanted into their head.
And it's such a simple surgery.
Oh yeah, just as ordinary people today are comfortable with going to the mall and having laser eye surgery.
See, I told you I knew the next sentence.
And this is my frustration, brother.
I can't articulate my understanding of this, okay?
I see the whole massive creature in front of me.
How do you describe the horror?
And I even see, that is a government written article.
Who is this sniveling writer?
His name is Rodney Brooks.
What's it say about Rodney Brooks?
Let's see, it says Rodney Brooks is the Director of MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
There you go, government operatives.
And they're the ones over the RFID, they're the ones over the electronic voting, everything.
Go ahead.
Well, I've got another, on the RFID, there's another one in here by Michael Schrade.
Of course it's all propaganda, how loving it is, but hold on, let me guess what the next line is.
I'd imagine a paragraph down it talks about how some people won't accept this, but just like people didn't accept pacemakers or wild natives didn't like their photos being taken, this is something we can get over.
That's pretty much dead on.
Okay, please continue reading it.
Well, it's talking about How Walmart is working to implement it, and some civil liberties groups are worried about the invasion of technology.
Going back to the brain control deal, I'll hold you over.
I keep interrupting.
Going back to the mind control deal.
To the mind control?
Yeah, the first article about the hive mind deal.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
Well, you know, it's talking about how the remote-controlled rats, and now they've figured out how to totally control the brains of animals with microchips using electrical impulses and How, you know, they could use that to hurt bomb-sniffing dogs that they could totally control.
Yeah, we're going to have cyborg attack dogs.
They already have a cockroach that's an assassin.
This is 25 years old.
It goes in, crawls in your ear with a poison, and just lovingly kills you.
How's that sound?
Well, considering that I sometimes see cockroaches in my apartment, it's a little scary.
I'm not kidding.
Type in Cyborg Cockroach and you'll see 25-year-old stuff.
Now they got them with mounted cameras, weapons, everything.
Cyborg Cockroach.
I will definitely look that up.
But my point is... I tell you what, stay there.
Stay there.
You're a great caller.
I've been running over you in these thought processes.
Just stay there.
I'll let you finish up, Matt.
Then Van, Pat, HW, and many others.
Oh, stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm watching the tyranny unfold.
I'm watching the doors shut.
I'm watching the bars appear.
I'm watching them build the concentration camps right in front of us.
We have a mainstream news article section on PrisonPlanet.com covering that.
I gotta settle down.
I'll never get to all these calls.
Ian is gone.
We're now talking to Matt, Pat, H.W., Don, Jake, and others.
Finishing up with what you were saying, I guess we're still talking to Van in Texas.
Van, you were talking about this technology magazine, basically propaganda.
What was that, Mark?
Yeah, actually it's still Matt.
Okay, it's still Matt, then we'll go to others.
Go ahead and finish up, Matt.
Well, my point is basically, you know, the propaganda is out there.
It's everywhere.
We are bombarded with it.
I have a hard time articulating it to people myself, but I did type in something about that cyborg cockroach you were telling me about, and I've already found an Associated Press article on it.
It actually has a picture of the cockroach with all sorts of little cybernetic implants attached to it.
Yeah, and the Army, this has even been linked, now has armies of these train-controlled joystick-controlled systems, and by satellite, they can have a plane with parachute drop cockroaches on a compound of enemies, then somebody with a group of controllers in a trailer or in a bunker in Colorado, where a lot of this is based, send in the cockroaches who then poison you.
That's amazing.
How's that sound?
Very frightening, but I'm working to wake people up.
I'm handing out your videos.
I'm doing what you say to do the best I can.
Well, this is what's scary.
That's all we can do right now.
This is what's scary, Matt.
They can't find enough controllers and a sociopath to use these type of weapons on us, so they're going to systems that are computer programs where it's given over to the machines.
And that's what ought to concern you, where just a few hundred globalists can control an army of robots, drones, cyborg dogs, robot tanks.
They've got these mini-tanks.
What do you think about that?
Well, that actually puts a new spin on it for me.
I never actually thought of it that way.
That's very frightening.
They've already produced, sir, thousands of these attack tanks that are smaller than a Chevy pickup truck, bristling with microwave guns, lethal, non-lethal chemical sprays, and they're planning to deploy them under homeland security to every city.
How does that sound?
Um, it just sounds like we need to keep telling people the truth, we need to stand by our convictions, and know that we're doing God's work.
You know, I get ridiculed a lot for a lot of the stuff that I say, but then when I actually come to them with an article talking about it, there's not really much that they can say to disagree with it other than just go into cognitive dissonance and try to justify it.
Absolutely, but just imagine a generation of children playing all these violent video games with 20 different controls, complex systems.
They're all going to be these military controllers looking at a satellite map as they drive these robot tanks down our streets, slaughtering us.
And folks, it will come to that unless we wake people up.
Go ahead.
Well, you're doing a great job, Alex.
You keep up the good work.
And I'm out there fighting with you.
And we just got to stick to our convictions and tell the truth.
Thank you so much for the call, Matt.
Let's talk to Pat in Texas.
Pat, you're on the air.
This is Pat, my Kansas friend.
I'm in Austin, Texas, and I just came from the Austin Memorial Cemetery, and I couldn't believe what I saw.
It was so disgusting.
There are, where my parents are buried, there are now a whole bunch of Oriental Uh, Asian, uh, tombstones in a row.
Huge ones.
Ma'am, unfortunately, your phone's distorting.
Maybe the listeners understand, but I'm not understanding what you're saying.
You talk clearly into your phone.
Okay, can you hear me now?
I've been to the Austin Memorial Park Cemetery this morning.
And something about Asians.
Well, they're veterans, too.
I mean... Well, they're veterans, but the veterans that I know They don't have swastikas on their gravestones.
Well, ma'am, here's the problem.
The swastika is a sun symbol that's approximately 6,000 to 8,000 years old.
And everybody freaks out when people wear swastika shirts in Japan or swastika shirts in Taiwan.
And again, that is a Zen Buddhist symbol.
It even predates that.
And it is a cultic, but it's not Nazi.
Well, it's very offensive anyway.
I'm glad you cleared it up, because I'm very offended by it.
It just destroyed the whole cemetery for me.
Wow, so how many swastikas you see?
There's only one, but it's in gold on a black tombstone that's huge.
Well, again, I mean, it's like the American flag.
If a mass murderer goes and kills You know, a million people wrapped in an American flag outfit.
People are going to start hating the American flag, but it's just a symbol.
But, no, I understand why you were concerned, not knowing why that was there.
Glad I can answer the question for you.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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That's 1-800-710-1090.
Remember about a month and a half ago?
1090. That's 1-800-710-1090.
Remember about a month and a half ago, the band from Paris, Texas,
by the way, they had a liberal band teacher, He said, "Uh..."
They had a march reenacting World War II, and they had about 10 different flags there of the countries involved.
American, Japanese, Polish, Russian, English, and Nazi!
And the people went into convulsions, violently throwing things.
The band director had to apologize.
Does Steven Spielberg have to apologize when he makes an Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom and there's swastikas everywhere?
And they've had cases where people are in Nazi uniforms at plays that so-called intelligent upper crust go to.
They'll boo and throw things.
And I'm not saying you're dumb, Pat.
You didn't know that the swastika is really an Asian symbol.
And it's not Christian.
It's a sun god symbol.
Actually, it was universal.
The Aztecs had it.
So did the Germans and the Gauls.
It's the symbol of the sun.
It's sun god worship is really what it comes out of.
So yeah, you see a big gold swastika.
What is that?
But they found some Pepsi products in What was it?
Thailand and a few other places a few months ago that had swastikas on them.
Now the swastikas were going the other direction, but the point is the Asians just love this.
It's part of their culture.
And there was big apologies and all this.
It's like Yahoo being pressured by the French government to not allow any World War II memorabilia to be sold.
They caught the media at gun shows with the police trying to investigate people that bought Nazi paraphernalia.
Well, I guess if Smithsonian then has Nazi paraphernalia, the Pacific War Memorial Museum in Fredericksburg has Nazi flags and Nazi Lugers.
It's just mindlessness.
It's absolute, total mindlessness.
Not Pat saying, why is there a swastika?
I understand her question.
What I'm talking about mindlessness is the crowd getting violent at a play.
Or the crowd getting violent at a school band.
When there's all these flags, ten different flags, they see a Nazi flag and freak out!
That shows just the... everything's about symbols, everything's about mindlessness, not about in-depth history understanding.
Seventy percent of Americans, adults, don't know where Iraq is.
Nine out of ten people don't know how many continents there are.
Most Americans don't know what the Fourth Amendment is.
Seventy to ninety percent of high school seniors in different polls don't know who the vice president is.
We've seen all these.
So you're trying to talk to people that just have no grasp of anything!
They just hear, give your rights up to the men in black ski masks, they'll keep you safe.
It's horrible.
But if I'd have been that band teacher, I wouldn't have apologized.
I would have got on the radio and said, hey, it's a play!
Hollywood shows swastikas all the time.
What's wrong with you people?
But no!
I'm so sorry.
I won't show it ever, ever again.
I've gotten lots of emails because we have a mass murderers agree gun control works banner.
And it shows Mao.
And it shows Stalin.
And it shows Hitler in a swastika.
And I've gotten emails.
You must be a Nazi!
What are you doing?
You know, a couple weeks ago we put up a post about an Associated Press article about Bush Sr.' 's daddy Prescott and the Nazis and we put a big swastika up on the article and said, Bush's Nazi links revealed.
I got emails.
Are you a Nazi?
There's a swastika.
I mean, are you people?
You know how to send an email.
You certainly know how to take another breath after the last one.
You know how to tie your shoelaces?
Wake up!
Come on!
What is your major malfunction?
Oh, but then Arnold can be in hardcore porno mags and groping all these women and for open borders, gun control, abortion on demand, say he loves Hitler, admires Hitler, wants to be a dictator, and he gets a Simon Wiesenthal endorsement.
Well, then Simon Wiesenthal attacks Steve Voss, who sings about America coming together against tyranny.
but again they don't care they don't care if the media doesn't care they'll
tell you terry shy those a vegetable and then show video over blanket arise in mumbling
and the definition must be well we kill people who are talking
that's not your vegetable now your eyes are wide open let's images
black is white white is black up is down down is up i'm sick of it
uh... let's go ahead and talk to h_w_ in colorado answer and stubbly here
Alex, I appreciate your show.
This morning, this was almost too much for a man to take.
But let me give you more of my history.
I survived the Second World War barely, coming from Dresden, with all the refugees coming in from the East, you know.
Them dislocated Germans originally, the Polish, all nationalities, Jewish and so on.
We had some in our house there, on the suburbs of Dresden.
And we did the best, though we were stolen some stuff by that Jewish guy, by a girl.
But anyway, we weren't mad.
We tried to make the best.
But I realized soon there was something way behind Hitler.
Now I learned he was an illegitimate child of the Rothschilds.
I learned that a hundred trillion dollars that the Rothschilds used to control the world.
Printed money.
Simply printed.
Rockefeller owns only ten trillion.
What is reality?
That was my question.
I know this.
When the chimney sweep came into my parents' house in Germany, he told me this I had to do and that.
I couldn't burn wood sticks.
I'd have to, in the end, buy Russian gas or hydrogen.
That's what they want to sell you here now.
They had just hydrogen.com in Denver, Colorado.
Now they want you under their control.
With that, the best dependency they could get out of you, selling you hydrogen.
Because anything refined they sell you.
So far it was just refined crude oil and gas that they stole or committed through armed robbery from Iraq.
Well, gosh, how much more evil can things get?
Well, this is just the beginning, my friend.
The storm is... it's like being in a beach house when a hurricane's about to hit and it's swirling towards you and things are somewhat calm.
You're still out in the sunshine playing on the beach as a giant black wall accelerates at 100 miles an hour.
Thanks for the call.
Good to hear from you, H.W.
Dan in Indiana, or Dawn.
Go ahead.
Yes, welcome.
Uh, Dawn.
Yes, Dawn.
I had a comment and a question.
My comment is, um, I am a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I pick up these magazines at the Christian bookstore and I find things that say, How Bush Found God.
And I just want people to know that George Bush is not a Christian.
Well, didn't he find him in the coffin at the Skull and Bones?
Or was it at Bohemian Grove?
And I want to urge people to pray and to test the Spirit.
Because Christianity is embracing him as a Christian.
And they say, surely he'll do our country no harm, because he's a Christian.
And people just... I just want to say, people need to wake up.
And, you know, see the fruits in it.
There's no fruits in him.
And I just wanted to make that comment.
Well, they'll say, oh, they just passed a partial birth abortion ban.
No, they didn't.
I read the bill.
It just says they can't kill the baby on the table.
You can kill it up to nine months.
Just do it in the birth canal.
Oh, my.
And, you know, it's sad that Christians are falling for this.
Or, you know, so-called Christians are falling for it.
You know, they're not looking and seeing, and so I just... Well, they'll say that, you know, Islam is the religion of the devil.
I mean, certainly it's not a Christian religion.
It is a cultic.
But, at the same time, our government is funding the radical Islam, selling them the Hadiths, funding the terrorist groups.
So, again, it's an excuse to attack the Muslims who have not been our enemy, but now will be.
And for my question, have you heard any behind-the-scenes news on homeschooling?
Is there any... Well, they're panicking.
There's now 3 million homeschoolers out from 2 million a year ago.
There's a giant exodus out of the schools.
Even the yuppies and the hippies are getting their children out.
The more cameras they put in the bathrooms, and so the government's trying to demonize homeschooling all over television, all over print media, and the dramas and sitcoms.
California, Illinois are trying to claim it's illegal, though it's not, using color of law, trying to force parents to sign contracts, waiving rights, and let CPS in, but that's not working, so the government's panicking.
I was kind of writing some notes down here.
Well, I just kind of wanted to find out what was going on and, you know, I homeschool, but I wasn't sure what was going on behind the scenes.
You know, I know the homeschoolers make everything kind of look fearful and good, at least on this end of the country.
Well, it is scary.
I mean, they do not want you teaching your children.
They want them indoctrinated on how to use methamphetamine, how to take Ritalin, how to take Prozac, how to have underage sex, how to get pregnant by a gang member.
Our children have never seen school.
They're young, and they haven't seen school, and they never will.
Well, it's important to let them know what the New World Order is, though, or the New World Order will hit them from the rebellion angle and try to catch them in their snares.
Thank you so much.
Hey, thank you, Dawn.
I really appreciate that call from Indiana.
Let's talk to Jake.
Jake, where are you calling us from?
Jake, you still there?
Jake must have walked away from his phone.
Okay, who's up next, Mark?
Michael in Kentucky.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Wow, that was quick.
I wasn't expecting to be on that soon.
Hey, I've been hearing some little sound bites from this Terry Schiavo or whatever her name is.
The situation there where they're claiming, you know, that they've got, like, people close to the family that say, well, it's just time to let her go.
It's so loving to kill somebody who's fully conscious.
Well, what I was getting at is they're trying to put out this idea that the medical records are being withheld or something.
That her brain is essentially full of spinal fluid and there's not much left of her There's big cavities or holes where her brain is supposed to be.
Total lies.
Yeah, see that's what I don't understand.
Nobody's calling them on it.
Well, we have been trying.
I mean in the major media nobody's been able to... No, they're saying she's in a coma.
Yeah, it's just stupid.
Well, like you say, we've got a critical mass out there of people that are ready to just I don't know if it's going to happen.
I saw a minister on Now, I think it was, with Bill Moyers on, what do you call it?
Yeah, PBS, calling for civil disobedience.
I don't know if you've covered that or not, but he's saying that all the Abrahamic descendants religions, such as Jews and Islam, and Christians need to
unite in civil disobedience against the policies of...
He's sort of on track as far as calling for these people that claim to run on a Christian
platform, so to speak, like Ashcroft and Bush...
Well, let me boil this down.
It's not good.
It's not good for the Muslims.
It's not good for the Jews.
It's not good for the Christians to let the New World Order play us off against each other.
And that's exactly what's happening.
Order out of chaos.
So he's calling for that.
But he's calling for civil disobedience, I guess, in the spirit of Martin Luther King, and you know, I don't know if that would involve, you know, laying down and stopping the subway trains or what, but he's, you know, that's kind of a hint that he was getting at, and it looked, I'm just, you know, that sort of stuff could help to escalate chaos.
No, definitely, people are very receptive to the truth right now, Michael, but escalating into confrontations At this point, it depends on what you're talking about, what particular issue.
If it's a land grabbing or a gun grabbing, you've got to stand up.
But to go out and be cannon fodder for the police to beat you over the head, you've first got to educate people about the provocateurs that they hire.
And with half of our so-called state militias somewhere around, halfway around the world, what are they going to do?
They're going to call in the Interpol World UN Security Force, and it'll be just like something out of Chris Christopherson's America.
That's it.
Two weeks ago they did a NATO takeover drill at the home of NORTHCOM in Colorado Springs.
And of course on 9-11 they were having that NORTHCOM thing where they were running a simulation of flying planes into buildings.
I wonder how many people sat around it going, oh it's just a simulation.
Well, that's how the CIA ordered him to stand out.
Oh, it's a pre-planned drill of the exact places in New York and DC being attacked at the exact time.
Just total coincidence.
Everybody stand down.
And then later they put it in the Associated Press and New York Daily News and say, oh, it's no big deal.
One thing, though, that I think they have used against the PSYOP that they've used on the major media is having them not talk about how These Muslims were able to sneak these whatever they were, craft knives or box cutters or whatever.
What did they disguise them as to get them through the x-ray device?
It's ridiculous.
Let me tell you, airline pilots are tough ombre's.
They're almost all former military people.
And if you think that airline pilots are going to let two or three or four thugs with box cutters subdue them, I've got a bridge I want to sell you.
Thanks for the call.
Got to let you go.
Before I'm going to come back and hit the final news, and there's a bunch of it here about the post office and the police state and a bunch of other tidbits.
Before I end this hour, this segment, folks you need to go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and read about my new film, The Matrix of Evil.
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or 1-888-253-3139 to order the videos.
Your purchase also makes this show possible.
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We'll be back with the final news, but let's stay with us.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police State 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
888-253-3139. That's 888-253-3139. Order today and spread the word.
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all right final segment I've kind of been going in a hundred directions today.
We do this show Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 and back from 9 to midnight.
Central Standard Time.
On the Global Shortwave during the day at 12.172 and 9320 and at night 5.085 and 6890 and on your local great AM or FM station.
Definitely want to support them.
And the internet at infowars.com or prisonplanet.com.
Sending a letter may soon require more than a 37-cent stamp.
It might also require a valid photo ID.
A small change in labeling requirements for bulk mailings announced October 21st requires bulk mailers identify themselves on the outside of the envelope with a valid address.
This marks the first step in the Postal Service's desire to create intelligent mail.
Yeah, and it goes into RFID on the actual stamps.
This is out of the Washington Times.
That was out of Wired Magazine.
Smart Stamps Next in War on Terrorism.
Sending an anonymous love letter or an angry note to your congressman, the U.S.
Postal Service will soon know who you are.
Beginning with bulk or commercial mail.
Always phasing in tyranny, the Postal Service will require enhanced sender identification for all discount rate mailings.
According to a notice published in the October 21st Federal Register, the purpose of identifying senders is to provide a more efficient tracking system, but more importantly, to facilitate investigations into origin of suspicious mail.
Big brother.
When they first announced this two years ago, they didn't say that.
They said to help the mail get to you better.
The Postal Service began to look at updating mailing procedures after the anthrax scares that were sent by the CIA, I would add.
When an unknown person or person sent several U.S.
Senators the most weaponized form of U.S.
anthrax ever seen, I would add, this is the first step to make the mail more secure to Joel Walker, customer service support analyst for mailing standards office.
Also, out of the Houston Chronicle today, a federal bill would trump California's privacy law.
Well, it shouldn't.
Congress is poised to pass a law that would strike down groundbreaking rules in California intended to give people the power to stop banks, insurers, and brokerage firms owned by the same company from swapping their financial secrets.
And it's precedent-setting across the board, I would add.
And when you get that Prozac sample in the mail like they just got doing.
The effort spurred by banking lobbies is part of a broader push by the financial services industry for legislation that would permanently abolish state and local laws that would give customers greater control over their private financial information.
Isn't that nice?
Make it easier for info to flow when the terrorists are gonna get us, huh?
Wackenhut denies its employees are CIA agents plotting to overthrow Venezuela's Chavez, Herald Tribune, Caracas, Venezuela, a Florida company accused of working with dissidents, The overthrow of the Venezuelan government rejected the Saturday videotape evidence allegedly linking them to subversive activities.
Folks, if there's subversives that aren't getting in trouble, it's the government and that's what Wackenhut is.
Okay, it's just so the CIA boys can be private owners of their own slave grid.
Venezuelan unit of Florida-based security company Death Hut, I mean Wackenhut, denied that the video, presented Wednesday by legislatures, allied with President Hugo Chavez, showed CIA agents advising Venezuelans in June on how to destabilize the country later this year.
Oh, isn't that interesting?
The video was in reality filmed in the installations of Wackenhut, Venezuela in September 2002 during an ordinary meeting of company officials related to security services offered to a client.
Oh, sure!
The company said in an ad placed in El Nacional newspaper.
Nobody believes you, Wackenhut!
By the way, Wackenhut's got an old history of being enforcers, just like Pinkerton.
Pinkerton, man!
We want your land.
I've owned this land for 25 years.
It's mine!
Then the Wackenhut people are... Pinkerton folks will just blow you away.
Same folks today.
Same evil.
They own your private prison.
They got caught two years ago in Austin making their own little videotapes of the women they were raping.
Nice folks.
And they administer a lot of the concentration camps.
Nice folks.
No, they're not nice, folks.
We're out of time for this transmission, but I shall return, Lord willing, tonight, 9 to midnight Central Time, tomorrow 11 to 2 Central Time.
Please email your friends, your family, all your friends and family.
Tell folks how to tune into the show, and get out there and educate yourself and fight the New World Order.
Have a wonderful Monday!
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