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Name: 20031024_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 24, 2003
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, my friend.
It's already Friday.
Another week has blasted past us.
The 24th day of October, 2003.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We have Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America joining us in the next hour.
We'll talk about the treachery of the National Gun Confiscation Association, known as the NRA, to the general public.
Then I have a local gun dealer who's a good friend of mine, an expert on the New World Order, Bob Dacey.
I deprogrammed Bob Dacey about six years ago.
By deprogrammed, I simply pointed out the New World Order on my local radio show and he didn't believe me and checked it out and found out that it was worse than even I was saying.
We'll talk about his experiences as a gun rights activist and what it's like to be a gun dealer and what the NRA and of course Smith & Wesson tried to do a few years ago trying to sneak through covert gun control.
We've also got some folks coming on from Jews for the Preservation of Firearms in the third hour to talk about the treachery of the Republicans and the so-called conservative gun groups.
Big show on this most key of constitutional rights enshrined in the Bill of Rights, simply pointing out one of our God-given rights to self-defense.
Key points of treachery with the National Rifle Association.
You'll be welcome to call in with all of your fine points.
Every time I discuss this, we have multiple life members and dozens of other members of the NRA calling in saying, yes, I've seen it myself, even back in the 60s, their treachery.
They've actually supported or been neutral on most of the big gun control acts.
And, I mean, don't think the New World Order isn't going to have Trojan horses on this central issue of disarming us.
Okay, that's coming up.
There's been new Terry Shivo-Schindler developments.
We'll get into that.
Boy, are they interesting.
Also, space weather.
How intense solar activity can upset Earth-based technology.
They're saying the biggest A mission seen since the 1850s is beginning to slam into the planet Earth right now.
Right now, the first waves are hitting us.
You'll be able to hear radio stations in New York City.
From Montana, you'll be able to hear New York radio stations in Texas.
You may not be able to hear local radio stations.
Cell phones, power grids may go out.
I hope that doesn't happen.
But they're saying it's a record solar flare.
We've been in record solar flares for three years now.
So we'll detail that when we get back.
Space storm coming to Earth.
Scientists are warning about a strong geomagnetic storm expected to hit the Earth today.
Forecasters say the storm has the potential to affect everything from cell phones and power grids to other satellite communications.
The disturbance is rated as a G3 storm.
The highest is a G5, which would probably kill a bunch of people.
NASA scientists are calling it the perfect space storm, hitting Earth directly head-on.
The largest cluster of sunspots caused an explosion on the sun, sending a massive amount of gas and charged particles into space towards Earth.
Scientists say they expect it to be the worst solar flare-up to be felt on Earth since a storm in 1859.
That storm caused telegraph wires to short out across North America and Europe.
So I'm not saying this is going to be disastrous.
They're saying it could be a big problem.
I'm sure they'll have me in the New York Times claiming the earth was going to be burned to a crisp today, but all I did was read the Associated Press.
If I say I'm against Hitler, I'll be in the National News saying that I'm anti-Semitic.
It's how it works here.
If I say I love Jesus, they'll have me in the paper that I'm a devout Satanist.
But this is the paper, I'm sure you've heard about it, and we'll go into it.
I hope nothing happens, but when you've got these thousand mile, five hundred mile long power lines and phone lines, they pick up these energies and intensify them.
So I just hope we stay on the air today.
Because I was already hearing problems on local radio stations off syndicated feeds this morning.
So, no telling what this is going to do to satellites, so stations should prepare themselves for backup plans for that.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, again it is the 24th of October 2003.
Space storm coming to Earth.
The biggest solar flare hitting the Earth head-on.
It already started this morning.
They say it's going to peak at about 2 o'clock central time today and run through about 4 o'clock.
The largest cluster of sunspots recorded caused an explosion on the sun, sending a massive amount of gas and charged particles into space directly at the Earth.
Scientists say they expect it to be the worst solar flare-up to be felt on Earth since the storm in 1859.
So this is the biggest ever recorded.
The storm caused telegraph wires to short out across North America and Europe.
So I'll just tell radio stations prepare for that.
I'm already getting reports of radio stations, people not being able to hear them, syndicated feeds on other networks having problems.
I mean the big networks.
We're getting reports that there's already cell phone problems, weird electrical outages, so we'll see what happens here.
I hope it doesn't develop in your area, but it was... I've got several reports I read this morning about what happened in 1859, and we're a lot more dependent on technology now than we were in 1859, and this caused the wires to heat up, basically, full of all these charged particles, because it's You know, per square foot, not a lot of energy hitting the earth.
But when you've got a thousand mile wire, it picks up just massive amounts of energy.
I'm not a physicist or an electrical engineer, but I'm reading what the electrical engineers and physicists are saying, and it could be a big problem.
It could be no big deal.
But there's already problems starting to develop.
And this is out of ABC News.
This is all on PrisonPlanet.com or Infowars.com.
How intense solar activity can upset Earth-based technologies.
Forecasters warn a space storm is heading towards Earth and could disrupt power grids, satellites, and some high-frequency communications.
Researchers with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have spotted two very active regions of the sun, one of which hurled a coronal mass ejection, or the CME, into space on Wednesday.
That CME is expected to reach Earth today, and it's already begun to hit us.
The CME is a massive solar event in which a huge bubble of plasma lifts off the Sun's surface at incredible speeds.
You know, the equivalent of hundreds of thousands or tens of thousands of nuclear bombs going off.
The result is a burst of charged particles and gas racing through space.
So, basically a giant particle beam with a wide spectrum is slamming into the Earth.
What we're being hit with now, they're saying, is just the build-up of the mass, the explosions that caused the coronal mass of the supercoil to launch at us.
So we're right now being hit by what's much higher than usual radiation from the sun, and then we're going to be hit by the mass ejection around 2 o'clock Central Standard Time today.
And again, I don't know what's going to happen.
In 1859, it caused a lot of problems.
Knocked out most of the telegraph wires.
So, I don't know what's going to happen.
Of course, back in 1859, they didn't have rubber or plastic coating the wires.
Some experts are saying that that may deflect some of the energies.
Having an open wire is even worse.
But again, who knows what's going to happen.
It goes on, the sun gives off a steady stream of charged particles known as the solar wind.
When those charged particles negatively charge electrons and positively charge protons, either in the atmosphere rather than continuing on their journey earthward, they are deflected along the lines of the force of Earth's magnetic field or shield.
As the particles move north and south, they spiral towards Earth, striking atoms and ions in the atmospheres.
These, in turn, emit electromagnetic radiation in the form of visible light, which we see as a sheet of shimmering light known as the aurora borealis.
The aurora are most common within the two Earths around the Earth.
The two rings around the Earth, one lying between 10 degrees and 20 degrees distance from the north magnetic pole, aurora borealis, and the other lying between 10 and 20 degrees distance from the south magnetic pole, Aurora Australis.
Generally speaking, the solar wind is relatively constant.
As a result, the Earth's magnetic field is fairly consistent as well.
When an event like a CME, or mass ejection, takes place, the atmosphere is flooded with unusually high concentration of charged particles.
That causes the strength of the magnetic field to fluctuate.
This is known as a geomagnetic storm.
According to the laws of electricity and magnetism, when the intensity of a magnetic field fluctuates, it can generate a current in conditions that are within the field.
Solar blackout!
The long cables that made up the length of telegraph systems, or that are part of existing telephone systems or power grids, are conductors that are highly susceptible to such fields.
During one intense geomagnetic storm in 1859, telegraph operators in New England disconnected the battery that powered telegraph transmission between Boston and Portland, Maine, and operated strictly using the electricity generated by the evening's aurora for nearly two hours.
Such currents can be problematic for sensitive electronic grids because they can cause the voltage to vary between grounding points on the system, leading to power surges that can wreak havoc.
Unloading transformers, overloading transformers, and overwhelming voltage regulators.
This is what happened to the Hydro-Quebec during a widespread blackout in 1989 that left 6 million Canadians in the dark.
That was in 89.
Researchers believe that portions of the North American power grid that happen to be situated in more northerly latitudes, which is closer to the ring where aurora are most likely to occur.
So look out in Australia and Canada.
And stop atop geological formations that consist largely of igneous rock, which has a high electrical receptability.
So look out in areas that have a lot of iron and copper.
They're especially vulnerable.
That would include most of eastern Canada, a good deal of New England, and a big swath of the Pacific Northwest.
Still, history shows that there is only a very slim chance that a solar storm could lead to a blackout anywhere.
More storms brewing.
Larry Combs, a forecaster with the NOAA Space Environment Center Space Weather Operations, of the two spots of solar activity, now on the Sun, developed surprisingly quickly over the past few days.
It goes on and on, but again, normally a solar storm, as they said, doesn't cause a problem.
But this one is particularly massive, being called a perfect storm, because the ejection is focused directly at the Earth.
And the Earth's quite small, folks.
It's pretty rare to be hit by one of these supercoils.
So, pretty scary stuff, but I think everything should probably be okay.
I mean, we've been hit by these in the past.
But, you know, I've looked at the mathematics of where the Earth's situated, the type of atmosphere we have, the size of the Earth.
If we were just a few hundred thousand miles closer to the Sun, a few hundred thousand miles further from the Sun, we would have a radically different climate that would not be as inducive to life.
Again, tell me there isn't a God.
Of course, you could argue that, well, mathematically there's all these hundreds of billions of stars and galaxies and planets and we just so happen to be in this particular spot that allows there to be life on this planet and so it's really no big deal at all.
Ah, the fool has said in his heart that there is no God.
Here comes the sun storm.
Again, here's a Fox News story.
In the kind of event that Facilitate space forecasters, but worrisome industries.
Again, that fascinates space forecasters, but worrisome industries.
A strong geomagnetic storm was expected to hit Earth on Friday, potentially disrupting everything from cell phones to power.
And there's already been some problems reported.
So, satellites blinking in and out.
Because satellites are out there in space, folks.
They're not shielded by the atmosphere, by the Van Allen Radiation Belt.
They're not shielded.
And so they routinely have problems when this goes on, so we'll see what happens with this situation.
Some of the other news that's coming up, new developments in the Terri Schiavo case with her bizarre husband, Michael Schiavo, running around throwing fits.
The ACLU comes out and says, hey, we need to go ahead and get rid of Terri.
They make me sick.
I guess that's what their job is.
Their job is to make sure that cities don't pass real resolutions, by the way, defeating the Patriot Act.
Just like the NRA is there to be loyal opposition to destroy the Second Amendment, the ACLU is there to take up, about 80% of the time, bad causes that are un-American, anti-life, anti-freedom, and then in a few cases they get it right in the case of the Patriot Act, but then intentionally throw the fight, like a boxer throws a boxing match.
So we'll get into that.
Also, I talk a lot about life extension technology, how the globalists are suppressing these developments for themselves.
And ANOVA reports human could live for hundreds of years.
Scientists say people could live active lives for hundreds of years if humans follow the same biological rules as laboratory worms.
They found that if you feed a mouse a subsistence, high nutrient level, right at starvation, it will live three times as long as a mouse that you feed a basic portion.
Not too much food, but just a little more than they need.
You only live about a third as long.
Well, they found that worms could live six times as long, the equivalent of a human living 500 plus years.
We'll get into that.
Very, very interesting development.
We've talked about these studies the last few years, but now it's conclusive.
That's why you see these people in Japan that eat four or five meals a day, high protein, high nutrient, very small portions, routinely living to be 115.
And they're not at starvation level.
They've found if you reduce that even more, you could easily live to be 200 years old.
Now that's the numbers, folks.
That's why they have reports hundreds of years ago of people living in the high mountains of Iran who would live to be 150.
And there's a lot of evidence showing that from studies they've done on the bones of these people that that indeed was happening.
And there are other historical reports.
In Roman times, Greek times, the Bible talks about people living hundreds of years.
Also, studies show the genetics are getting worse, not better.
Our genetic systems are breaking down.
The human genetic code that's being passed on is getting worse, not better.
Things are degrading, not getting better.
So, we'll cover that.
Also, the censored videos, they're on PrisonPlanet.com of Terry Schiavo.
They've now basically defied the judge and put these out, so if you want to see them, go to PrisonPlanet.com.
Terry's fight for live video clips, they tried to censor, are on PrisonPlanet.com.
And just a lot more, folks.
It's a big show, and we're going to take your calls.
We'll expose the NRA's tyranny, too.
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Alright my friends, it's Friday.
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Okay, there is so much news here, but this next piece of news is a big study they've done, and 81% of Americans believe in an afterlife of some sort, and think that they're going to heaven.
Well, I mean, I'm not even sure I'm going to heaven.
I mean, I believe in the promise, and I try to live my life properly, and I know that Jesus Christ is my personal Savior, but I'm not going to sit here and just Tell myself that, you know, I can live however I want and do whatever I want, and believe me, 81% of this country, this country's very evil, folks, and 81% are, quote, sure they're going to heaven.
Boy, I wish I was that confident.
Despite the consistent flux in many dimensions of Americans' lives, a new study from the Barna Research Group in Ventura, California shows that most people have retained surprisingly traditional views, that's good news, about life after death, although the
People have retained that.
Lifestyles, values, and self-perceptions of most adults have undergone significant change.
And millions of Americans have embraced many elements of the post-modern worldview.
The vast majority continues to believe that there is life after death, that everyone has a soul, and that heaven and hell exist.
However, more than 50 million adults are uncertain regarding their potential personal eternal fate.
Belief in life after death, like the existence of God, is widely embraced.
8% or 8 out of 10, excuse me, 8 out of 10 Americans or 81% believe in an afterlife of some sort.
Another 9% said that life after death may exist, but they are not certain.
Just 1 out of every 10 adults contend that there is no form of life after one dies on Earth.
Moreover, a majority of Americans, 79% agree with the statement, every person has a soul that will live forever.
Either in God's presence or absence.
And it goes on to say a majority of people believe they're going to heaven.
Yeah, with 45 million abortions and killing people who aren't even in comas.
And millions of people in the prisons and corruption everywhere.
And just, okay, fine.
I just, what do you think about that?
I already talked about humans can live for hundreds of years.
I'm going to detail more of that later.
But right now, ACLU joins husband in battle to stop feeding a brain-damaged woman.
Now the big papers and the national news aren't calling her, at least most of the time, a vegetable anymore.
Too many people have seen photos and video of her, conscious and mumbling, and her eyes open.
And so now they're calling her brain-damaged.
Let's kill people who are brain-damaged or paralyzed.
The American sickening Destroyer Liberties Union said Thursday that it will aid Michael Schiavo in his fight against Governor Jeb Bush and the Florida Legislature which earlier this week took the remarkable step of passing a law to prevent the Pinellas County man from disconnecting his brain injured wife from a feeding tube.
I know it's because of the thousands of emails and phone calls by the listeners of this show and other shows, to other talk shows, to C-SPAN, to the mainstream media, pointing out that she is not in a coma that is now forcing them to admit that.
And Governor Bush said he was going to go along with the courts until you put massive pressure on him.
So again, I commend you.
The intervention of the governor, however, altered the landscape, said Howard Simon, the organization's Florida director.
Several other significant advocacy groups on the sidelines, such as the AARP, say they too are now looking at the issue.
The entry of the ACLU and possible other influential players into the life-and-death drama played out in Tallahassee and Tampa underscores the growing dimensions of the coming court battle over whether the state's top leaders acted unconstitutionally in sidestepping the courts In the high-profile right-to-die case.
Let me tell you something.
The legislatures, the judicial, and the executive fighting with each other and disagreeing with each other is as American as George Washington apple pie in a Louisville slugger.
Gridlock is good.
Separation of powers is what it's all about.
Read the Federalist Papers.
Read the Anti-Federalist Papers.
Read the debates published in the newspapers at the time.
This is good, and of course the legislature really has more power in total than the executive and the judicial.
Because they are the diverse representatives in the republic form of government.
And the executive is there to administer limited actions, but the executive is more powerful than the judicial.
The judicial is last in line, and these globalists have put it first in line in power, when in truth, from the debates I've seen and the experts I've talked to, and my research, it goes legislative, executive, judicial.
We'll be right back.
We'll take your calls and we'll get to the Walmart bust of all these illegal aliens.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're now 33 minutes into this first hour.
We've got an expose of the NRA and what's happening to the Second Amendment.
The second and third hour I'll throw out some other news as well.
Coming up we'll talk to Ernest, Tony, Carl and many others that are patiently holding.
Also on PrisonPlanet.com we have some of those censored videos of Terry not being in a coma.
That are now reposted.
You'll definitely want to go check that out.
Terry Schiavo.
Also, hundreds of people, over 300, were arrested.
Illegal aliens working as subcontractors for Walmart.
And again, they're doing this because of the pressure.
Because America, 80 plus percent, is against what's happening.
Know that it's hurting our jobs.
Know it's hurting our economy.
Let me tell you something, there are at least 30 million illegals in this country.
So they go out and arrest 300 or arrest a couple hundred at Tyson Chicken and oh, they're really doing something about it.
But it is a victory because at least they're arresting somebody, at least they're trying to have to act like they're doing something.
It's like two days ago when they passed the partial birth abortion ban.
Well, I actually read the bill and read some news articles about it by real conservative organizations.
It just says you can't kill the baby on the table, you can still kill it in the birth canal or in the womb.
So it's not a real partial birth abortion ban.
We need a ban on late term abortions.
We need a ban on abortion, abortion period.
So a lot of phony victories, but at least they're trying to pacify us.
That shows they're under intense pressure.
So that's coming up too.
And just a ton of other vital news.
We got Larry Pratt and Bob Dacey and a bunch of other Second Amendment experts coming on the show.
Before I go directly to your calls for five minutes or so, I want to bring Debbie Morrow up from New Millennium Concepts because I've got articles here about the Texas water supply full of high levels of Prozac.
In fact, I don't think this is an accident.
I mean, sure, you've got millions of people in the country, what, 10 million on these type of drugs, but and they don't break down the body but and and so people
are gobbling these and some of them like limbox or the oxycontin that's just a
depressant, a heroin derivative
you know the guys taking a hundred a day how many people are out there like that
but but the point is there's chloride
chloride uh... chlorine
herbicides, pesticides a dead bacteria
Oh, it's killing the bacteria, alright.
You're just eating dead bacteria.
That's the equivalent of eating microscopic amounts of rotten meat every day.
It's not good for you.
It's toxic.
Start drinking filtered water and you'll feel so much better.
I feel good promoting this.
And if you've already got some of their great water filters, you need to get them for friends and family, your grandchildren, your parents, your neighbors, if you love them.
Yes, I'll put you on a guilt trip.
Stop drinking the poison!
I've got the Associated Press here today about the Texas water supply.
There's articles of the Canadian water supply.
It's even messing up the frogs and fish!
Just the Prozac drugs!
Folks, I mean, when you've got tens of millions of people, really hundreds of millions on drugs worldwide, what is it doing to the water supply?
We know, tainting it!
Debbie, thanks for coming on the show.
Alex, thanks for having me.
You know, I was reading those articles in the internet yesterday about the Texas water supply, and I was shocked because it's right in my back door.
Now, you're up in Dallas where they found the high levels of Prozac.
That's just one drug.
I mean, I was shocked.
I couldn't believe it.
And of course, I was really glad that I drink Berkey water.
I've increased my water intake quite a bit lately because I'm dieting, I'm watching my weight and doing something about it and so I'm drinking quite a bit more water and you know I drink my Berkey water so much and I feel so healthy, so much better the more water I drink.
It's amazing so I was reading those articles yesterday.
You know, on one hand, I was really shocked to hear that it was in my back door, and on the other hand, I was so glad that I'm drinking Berkey water and that my loved ones are, you know?
But we have some, you know, great sales available for the Berkeys.
You know, we love supporting your programming.
We have the October specials, and I'd love to hear from your Listeners and you know get these water filters out to them not just to them but out to their friends and relatives for Christmas presents.
Now the holidays are around the corner.
Well, I mean, Debbie, I mean, of course, you're the biggest sponsors of this show.
You guys finance our global outreach on the shortwave to all the continents and the ships at sea.
And I, again, get letters from Africa, East Timor, Japan, Germany.
I mean, that's secondary, though.
I feel good.
This show's about Real information.
Real products.
And I feel good telling folks, get these products.
Get these water filters.
I bought them from you guys long before you were a sponsor.
And here's the article right here, MSNBC.
Fish on Prozac.
How depressing.
Antidepressant ingredient detected in Texas lake water.
What could be more peaceful, more restful, more relaxing than dropping a line into a quiet Texas lake and trying to hook a fish that is on Prozac?
According to a study by the Baylor University toxicologist, It goes on.
Florextine, the active ingredient in the antidepressant Prozac, is making its way into the lake in the Dallas area and into the tissue of freshwater bluegill fish.
And it goes on and on.
This story is on our website right now.
I mean, folks, that's just MBTE.
All these toxic chemicals in my neighborhood.
Fertilize about once a year with natural fertilizers.
I watch my neighbors with the big trucks spraying the stuff.
It makes your eyes burn.
Just the pesticides, the herbicides, the garbage.
It's going right in the gutter, right into your water supply, right into the aquifers.
Stop drinking it!
Stop the insanity!
That's true.
It really is an insane situation.
If you read about your local water, where it's coming from, a lot of times we don't even realize where they're coming from and that there are these toxins.
And you know, the Black-Berkey filters take out the organic chemicals to below detectable levels, which means that they're completely gone.
These, you know, organic chemicals that are being, you know, in the water.
We actually, when the water was tested, you know as we have lab work done on the filters to be sure what they do and what they take out, they would filter the water and then they would feed proteins to the water to see what would grow and absolutely no organic chemicals would grow when they feed it.
So they would turn the water into a big petri dish, add a protein, fuel for bacteria and it was non-detectable so the tests were done over and over again because they couldn't believe it This hasn't been seen before, folks.
This is top-of-the-line stuff, very affordable, and then they have the little sport bottles that cut out not as much as the black Berkey system, but a lot of the stuff is cut out.
That way, when you're at a restaurant, you just pour your ice water right into it and start drinking from it.
You'll be so much healthier.
You'll live so much longer.
This has proven your body 70% water.
Debbie, you're there right now.
You've got multiple specials, different prices.
The sport bottles make great Christmas presents.
If folks want to call you, they dial 1-888-803-4438.
You've got another brand of gravity filter.
We've got another brand of gravity filter.
You've had it for years.
Number one, Berkey's the highest quality stuff out there.
They've got replacement elements.
They've got adapters for other systems.
If you want to see the filters, read about the October specials.
We have that posted on Infowars.com.
The left-hand side link through.
And then you can dial the number and talk to Debbie.
Just give her a call, and again, if you hear this in the middle of the night, just call, leave your name and number, call in the morning, Debbie will call you back or may answer the phone there.
The operators are in.
Debbie, thank you so much for coming on the show.
Thank you, Alex.
Have a great weekend.
You too, my dear.
A great lady, folks.
Give her a call.
I'm drinking filtered water right now.
Let me take a delicious drink.
Ah, they can't poison me, at least through the water.
I mean, it's such a no-brainer.
I know friends who've been listening to the show for five years, but long before I was selling water filters, and I'm always saying, filter water, I'd have all the fluoride experts and the pesticide experts on, and I've got friends who still don't filter their water.
I mean, you've been in slavery so long, you just can't pull out of it.
Come on, folks.
Okay, let's go to the calls.
Thank you for holding.
Ernest in Pennsylvania, you're on the air, welcome.
It's Emmett in Pennsylvania.
Emmett, go ahead, sir.
Emmett Smith.
You stole my thunder.
I was going to call about the Walmart hiring 300 people that are illegal, but now they're putting it off on their employment agency.
Well, they didn't know it, but the employment agency did.
Sure, and I'm a Chinese jet pilot.
I'm getting into heaven.
I got my ticket to go right in.
According to Dr. Fulcher, which is on DCN at night, uh, Eastern Time, it's 2100 to 2200, last night he said, uh, Jesus' grace covers everything this body does.
Smoking, drinking, and last night he said even homosexuality.
He said Sodom and Gomorrah had nothing to do with homosexuality.
I don't even know who this person is.
Dr. Fulcher.
Okay, well... He's on... Well, if you don't agree with him, the best thing you can do is not promote it.
But let me just say this to you.
Again, for those who just joined us, there's this big study that was done, and the majority of Americans believe in an afterlife, believe they're going to heaven, and I just pointed out that, yeah, this is this new ecumenicalism where everything is acceptable.
And I'm sorry, folks, I mean, if you're really saved, you're not going to, you know, the fruits are going to be, you're not going to be doing all this bad stuff.
And so, yes, we are saved by grace, but if you're saved by grace, you're going to have the works.
The works, Christ said, flow out of that.
And again, I'm not a Catholic.
I'm not saying you've got to go pay indulgences to the Catholic Church to get into heaven.
I'm not attacking Catholics either.
I'm just pointing out that I don't go with this whole view of, well, you can go out and do whatever you want because you accept Jesus, or the other extreme of you've got to pay $100,000 to the church or you're going to go to hell.
hundred thousand dollars to the church or you're gonna go to
you know go to a hell but they've gotten away from the good old going down the
altar weeping and crying and really repentant of your sins
Now it's just, oh, I accept Christ and bang.
Oh, okay.
His grace covers whatever you do.
All right.
Anything else on your mind?
Oh, another thing.
Wyeth Labs in New Jersey is laying off 4,400 people.
And I believe it's due to all the prescription drugs people are buying mail order from Canada.
Well, I mean, what do you expect when there are three times as much here just because the drug companies want to rip Americans off?
I mean, you know what, that'll force them to drive down prices.
I think it's wonderful.
It might have been Merck Labs.
And look, a lot of these old people have to have these medications.
There are a lot of good medications, and heart medicine, stuff you need, and arthritis medicine.
I mean, I got a dog who's on prescription arthritis medicine, and it's the same thing they give humans, and it's about, I don't know, ten times cheaper.
And that's a scam!
And that's wrong, and there's a lot of old folks literally eating dog food to get the prescription medicine.
Yes, and our good president didn't want to approve.
of a plan for Medicare patients to get their prescription drugs.
Well, I appreciate the call.
Thank you.
If we had a free market system, we wouldn't... Look, if we didn't have government involved, and we didn't have all this price fixing, you wouldn't need a prescription drug plan.
I think it's horrible.
Because the government's now going to be in control of your drugs, folks.
I'm just glad I'm on absolutely nothing.
I'm glad that I don't even take Tylenol when I'm sick.
I have been taking some allergy medicine because it got so bad I wouldn't be able to broadcast during my allergy attack last month.
I mean, my whole life I haven't taken drugs.
Well, that's not true.
I had two cups of coffee this morning and it's frankly a pretty bad drug.
Tony in Florida, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Pretty good.
Hey, I got a question for you.
I'm looking at getting a permit.
I live in Florida and there's a law that you can get a permit to carry a concealed weapon now.
Um, what do you think about that?
What do you think about getting, you know, your prints in the system and doing all that kind of stuff?
Um, do you think it's a problem or do you think it's just not right in doing the law-abiding citizen way to be able to carry a concealed firearm?
Well, it's a very important question.
It takes about 20 minutes to even address it properly, but let me just boil it down to this.
Short-term, it'll make crime go down in your state, which it's went down 25% since they instated it six years ago.
Every state that does it sees an 18 to 30% reduction.
That's the Fed's own numbers, which they don't like to publicize, but are there.
Short-term, it'll lower crime and then it will, it's a loophole to turn your right into a privilege where they'll graciously allow you to defend yourself and make us all safer.
Uh, but it does turn it right into a privilege, and 80-something years ago, and then 50 years ago, they expanded it, uh, more than 80 years ago, 90-something years ago, in New York, they said, oh, just pay a dollar, two dollars, uh, come in, make sure you don't have a criminal record, that created the database, and you can have your gun permit.
Then they started restricting it, making it more expensive, making it be accredited classes, and the government taught the classes, and now they just don't offer it in New York City, and you gotta pay about $20,000 to somebody's campaign war chest or the sheriff.
This has been in the news, New York Post, be able to have a gun, there's only a few thousand permits in the whole city of what, 8 million, 9 million people.
Do you think it's worth it going through the process?
Let me finish because you asked an important question.
Let me answer it.
I'm not trying to run over you.
I've got to answer the question for you because it's an important one.
I said it would take 20 minutes.
I'm trying to do it in 3 minutes.
Uh, so what it does, we'll get Larry Pratt's take on that in the next hour, I'm sure he'll agree, but look, a concealed carry turns a right into a privilege.
As a stopgap measure so you can protect yourself and your family and drive down crime, it's okay.
But even in the interim or the medium term, the long term, it's bad.
When Texas passed a concealed carry, they tightened up all the other laws, and these idiots said, I've got my right now.
We need Vermont style concealed carry where if you don't have a criminal record, you can carry a gun.
No need for a background check because if they bust you with a gun and you're a criminal, obviously you weren't allowed to have it.
So we need Vermont style carry, not Florida and Texas style carry.
Go ahead.
Do you think it's worth it for me to get it is my question.
Do you think I should go about getting it?
And be able to carry it legally before, because you know, Florida, they're pretty gun-happy down here.
I mean, the cops will pretty much shoot to kill.
It's a process of getting you into the system and registered.
Would you recommend it?
Let me tell you, I'm someone who has been death-threatened quite a bit.
I don't do it, because I'm not going to go register in fingerprint and jump through 14 hoops for my Second Amendment.
So I carry a rifle, which is still legal and lawful, in the state.
Uh, and in my home I have handguns and incident access pistol safes.
And I have rifles locked up in a gun safe.
Uh, but no, I have chosen not to do it.
For moral reasons.
Now, am I telling you not to do it?
I'm saying you just better be conscious of the fact that while you're doing it, you better be lobbying for Vermont style and to get a better law passed in your state.
Alright, well thank you for your advice.
Yeah, let me just tell you, it's up to you, Tony.
Thanks for the call, sir.
Carl in Colorado.
Carl, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Coffee with Berkey water.
What about coffee with Berkey water?
Makes it taste good.
Yeah, it does.
Going to the issue on everybody thinking they're going to heaven, obviously they haven't read the Bible.
If you go to Matthew 7, about verse 23, Jesus is... This is a scene after death.
And these people said, Lord, we did miracles, we did this and that.
And he says, depart from me, you workers of iniquity.
They presumed they were saved.
And even the Apostle Paul was living in hope until the very end of his life.
That's according to the Bible.
Well, I'll just say this, my discernment tells me I better fear God, and I am afraid to sit here and say I'm some lily-white, perfect creature.
Stay there, I'll let you finish up.
We're talking about the big pole they did.
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A big expo today of the NRA is coming up, folks.
Multiple guests, so stay with us.
Carl in Colorado, then Ray in Colorado and others.
Carl, go ahead and finish up what you were saying, sir.
Well, I'm saying that it's time these people start to read the Bible for themselves.
Because, Jesus says, straight is the way, narrow is the gate, and few, F-E-W, few, People that have done more research than I have say a few means about one in a thousand.
And it's time these people wake up.
Can you think of what's going to happen to these one-worlders that think they're above and beyond?
We need to warn them.
And the church isn't doing it.
The clergy isn't doing it.
Well, I just, I mean, sometimes when I do watch TV, I flip over to the so-called Christian channels and it's a bunch of how to make money and a bunch of voodoo, basically, of tell God what to do and all this magic stuff and that Benny Hinn, I mean, it's like watching a shaman or something.
We're in a lot of trouble.
But to have 80% of people thinking that they're good and they're all going to heaven, that's scary.
Well, you know, I have been around Christianity for Over 30 years I've been an ordained minister.
And hey, I'm not sure I'm going to make it.
Because I hear repeatedly people saying, once saved, always saved.
That's the sin of presumption.
And that's one of the most dangerous things you can get involved in.
That's like walking out on quarter inch ice, presuming that you won't sink.
It's stupid.
We're living in a world of stupid people, that's all I'm saying.
Well, you're the pastor, didn't the Bible say that, was it Christ that said, faith without works is dead?
Right, absolutely.
But I hear people tell me constantly, oh, I'm saved by grace.
Well, I mean, I'll tell you right now, I'm a rotten creature.
I have horrible thoughts, you know, about a thorough time.
And I'll add this, that I hate evil.
I have this compulsion to stand up to bullies and corruption.
And I know that God's driving that.
But at the same time, I look at my own self, I see my own evil.
Well, look at Apostle Paul in Romans 7.
He said that, that I would do I can't do, but that that I would do, I can't, or that that I wouldn't, I do.
Now, I'm not better than Paul.
And what people don't realize is the Ten Commandments, as revealed in the New Testament, say it takes place in our thoughts.
Jesus says in Matthew 27, if I look at a woman to lust after her, I've already committed adultery.
Well, that's what I was saying is that Is that, uh, I mean, I continually, uh, you know, have, have, have thoughts, and I, I realize what that is.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
And the scary thing is the average person isn't even conscious of their, of their thought process.
See, you gotta just first get conscious of it, folks.
And you can say, well, I don't believe in God.
Well, fine.
If we've got evil people all around us, that's gonna come back on you.
You know, evil's a real thing, folks, whether you believe in God or not.
Uh, let's talk to Ray in Colorado.
Ray, you're on the air.
Yes, sir.
How you doing?
I've called before.
I was the anarchist in Denver.
Yes, I remember your call.
Yes, sir.
But today I wanted to ask you about what you... Well, I wanted to ask you a quick question and then get to the topic I wanted to talk about.
About guns.
Is there any way to still get guns without registering them?
In most states you can still buy them from a private seller.
You know, the ads in the newspaper.
I got a Winchester shotgun I want to sell for $200.
You go over to Billy Bob's house and buy it.
But they're trying to pass laws and the newspapers, Carte Blanche, even Bilo, that owns the Dallas Morning News, won't take gun ads now.
Yeah, I think the Denver Post tried that here for a while too.
But the subject I did want to talk about most was on marijuana.
I've got this theory that the reason it's illegal in this country is because it was such an important industry That's not a theory.
We have industry documents where DuPont and others didn't want it.
George Washington grew it.
Look, I don't smoke marijuana.
I don't like marijuana.
I don't like anything that dumbs me down.
But at the same time, marijuana is a hundred times better than Prozac and Ritalin that they're shoving on our kids.
And I'm for decriminalization.
The bigger the drug war gets, the more drugs we've got.
Stay there.
I'll get back to you later.
We've got Larry Pratt coming up.
Just stay there, Ray.
The Berkey Light's unique design combines the age-old process of microporous filtration coupled with modern state-of-the-art
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Already into the second hour.
Ray in Colorado and others, be patient.
We're going to get to you here pretty quick with Larry Pratt.
And whatever issue it is of the Bill of Rights or Constitution, or what Ray's saying, that anarchy's good, I'm sure Larry Pratt's got some comments to that.
It's coming up.
I got Larry Pratt on today, I got Bob Dacey, a local gun dealer and expert on the New World Order, coming on to talk about his view of the NRA.
We got some folks from JPFO coming on in the third hour.
Because, look, I mean the NRA's always tried to block us in Texas when we try to defeat gun bills.
The NRA is a Trojan horse against the Second Amendment.
I mean, they're not just dumb or dropping the ball or compromising.
They premeditatedly are engaging in treachery.
And last week I read about a October 8th case, federal, very important federal case, where the NRA argued, quote, Your Honor, we are here wanting to register handguns.
And then I've got the head of the NRA, two of their board members meeting with Chuckie Schumer and others in a press conference agreeing on Our Lady of Peace Act and we'll go after people with misdemeanors and create a database of gun owners and we've got the NRA giving A plus and A ratings to known gun grabbers.
It's disgusting.
It's absolutely disgusting.
And that's something that Gun Owners of America will not do.
The NRA also won't put out alerts in their gigantic magazine that goes out to over 5 million people about what the anti-gun movement's doing.
So they're like a watchman on the wall who doesn't just not warn the people when the enemy's scaling the walls in the dead of night at 3 a.m., but they also lower the drawbridge over and over again.
I'm sick of it.
I've declared war on them, folks.
And we've posted a bunch of key articles of their treachery on InfoWars.com.
And we're about to go to Larry Pratt joining us by ISDN line.
We're getting straightened out right now.
Do we have Larry yet?
So we'll get to Larry after this quick break.
Larry, I know that you're a gentleman.
You probably think it sounds bad as the second biggest gun group in the country to bad mouth the NRA, but just come right out with it.
You're as smart as I am or smarter.
You and your operation are very intelligent.
You've got to admit, the NRA is there destroying the Second Amendment.
Bottom line, what do you say?
Well, we have a very important difference in how the political system works, and I think it might boil down to the uh... concept of optimism and versus pessimism
and we think that you can achieve a whole lot more than they do and i think
that's one reason they end up making a lot of concessions that uh... we don't think they
should be making Wait a minute.
Look, a compromise would be if I'm standing five feet from a cliff and I move back two feet next time you let me move forward two feet, they always give up ground.
We've already fallen off the cliff.
We're on our way down.
And this is more than just compromise.
Well, it's certainly the very disastrous result of a long-term uh... commitment to trying to be nice to the other side and it's it's a chronic problem it's not just the NRA you see it in a lot of different groups and one reason we promote so heavily the book that our chairman wrote confrontational politics is that a lot of people on our side generally on the freedom side and certainly in the right to keep and bear arms don't understand that uh... you don't win by uh... waiting for the other guy to say okay i guess you all are really nice guys after all
Part of it, I think, is a failure to acknowledge that we're fighting a socialist religion that views everything that we have as theirs, that we can't be legitimate doing anything apart from them.
Well, let me add this to what you just said.
We're going to come back and get into details of it and what GOA is doing right now to defend the Second Amendment.
The media says, and in politics they say, be nice, don't be confrontational, then they're confrontational.
I'm very confrontational, and all I've had is victories at the state level, Larry.
I'm very, I mean, I'm vicious.
Well, I think certainly a confrontational politics is the way to go.
It is, and they're trying to disarm you, folks, when they say, don't be confrontational.
That's right.
I mean, how do they behave, Larry?
Oh, they got it down to a fairly well.
I will defend my liberties.
Larry Pratt, stay with us, sir.
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on the g_c_n_ radio network well we're talking about the treasury of the n_r_a_
i don't like uh...
a jockey throwing a horse race for a boxer taken a dive and if you want to talk to larry pratt who is
frankly the key figure in the fight for the second amendment this
country and they had the founder of g_o_a_
dot owners of america donors dot org The toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
We're talking about the treachery of the NRA.
Before we go back to Larry, I want to encourage all the listeners of this worldwide transmission, whether you're listening on AM, FM, shortwave internet, to go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and to get my new video, The Matrix of Evil, where we interview Congressman Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney, Colonel Craig Roberts.
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Now, Larry Pratt, the last time I had you on, I didn't get around to having you plug how folks join GOA and some of the great items you have to offer, some of the insightful key info for the InfoWar.
You just mentioned a book, Confrontational Politics.
I was unaware of it.
I've read some of your other great books that you guys have put out.
How do folks get in contact with you guys?
How do they get that book?
Well, if they go to gunowners.org, that's probably the quickest and easiest way.
It's right on the web, and you can scroll down to where it says Bookstore.
Our foundation maintains an internet bookstore.
You won't find anything pretty on the shelves if you walk into our offices.
They're all piled up in a mail room, but they're there.
It's a book that was written by our founder and chairman, based really on his own 22 years in the state senate.
He found that it was so exasperating because his colleagues just did not understand conservative, pro-gun, pro-life, you know, across the board, whatever it might be, fighting taxes, they just didn't understand confrontational politics.
And as he watched the system, something that he took to like a duck in the water as far as confrontation was concerned, he saw that the other side was able to teach him lessons, which he was willing to learn, But he had a lot of trouble getting his colleagues to learn it.
So he wrote this book.
It's a short, quick, easy read.
He's really a good writer.
And he gets across the idea, which actually a number of people have had almost identical reactions.
After they've read the book, they'll contact us and say, I finally understand why our side keeps losing.
How do folks call and get that?
If they can't get on the web at GunOwners.org, then there's a toll-free number they can use to get it.
It's 888-886-GUNS.
Or that's another way of saying it is 888-886-GUNS.
Oh, that's fantastic.
Or GunOwners.org.
Now Larry, this is a key issue you brought up.
And I should talk more about this.
I've noticed the socialists, the gun grabbers, the land grabbers, very confrontational, in your face.
And they tell you, the political pundits, the consultants, oh, lay down, be nice, don't be confrontational.
That's the equivalent of Tokyo Rose or the Northern Vietnamese with the speakers going, lay down, don't fight, it's wrong to fight us.
I mean, people shouldn't buy this propaganda.
They do that in talk radio, the consultants tell you.
It's kind of like Linus and Lucy, and Linus is forever falling for Lucy's scam about, I'll hold the football up this time!
And of course she never does, and these guys keep telling us, look, we just want to close this one quote loophole, and that'll be the gun control law that'll make things work, or as you say, the land control that we need to make things responsible for the environment, or whatever it might be.
It's just this one more little nick off your salami.
But in their mind, they see the salami going through a grinder, the whole link of it.
And yeah, they're sitting up on top of it, trying to jam it in.
That's right.
Now Larry, your honor, we are here wanting to register guns.
This is on InfoWars.com.
NRA attorney Stephen Holbrook appears not only unprepared to effectively argue the Second Amendment case, But ready to give up the farm to register handguns and call it responsible.
We have the transcript of this from two weeks ago in D.C.
Second Amendment federal court hearing attorney transcript of N.R.A.
case proceedings.
The court, the judge, the government can put restrictions on the right to bear arms.
Mr. Holbrook, N.R.A.
lawyer, your honor, we are here wanting to register handguns.
We are not here wanting unregistered access.
We are not here asking to carry them other than in the home.
The court You're saying that the government can impose reasonable restrictions.
Mr. Hallbrook, yes.
Your Honor, yes, your Honor.
Let me add one more point to get your take on it.
Larry Pratt, COA.
One more point.
The Cato Institute says the NRA is trying to derail their gun suit.
Angel Shamaya and the folks out of California with the case, they're saying the NRA has tried to sabotage them.
What Halbrook said is indefensible, and it's all the worse because I know he doesn't support registration as a general principle.
I've read too much of his work to know that he would agree with it.
He's the guy that, among others, but he's written a lengthy law review article exposing how registration was used by the Nazis to get at the guns of the german citizens prior to their uh...
really roughen up the country
what he was uh... i'm presuming what he was trying to say was look
we're not challenging all of the law all we want today is to make it so that i
can legally have a handgun in their house
and he could have said it that way uh... or some
you know other
But that'll be precedent-setting nationwide, and Benedict Arnold stood up and said how much he loved the Continental Army, but he was still a traitor.
It was a bad thing to say.
He's better on his feet than that.
I don't know what came over him, and I'm very disappointed that he had something like that to say, because this is a guy whose writings have been just tremendous in the cause of liberty.
The story of how the Swiss stood off the Nazis, the story of how Uh, gun control was used against the blacks following the war between the states.
Yeah, but Larry, what about, what about now, this situation that we have developing, uh, where you got Chuckie Schumer and board members of the NRA up there for the Lady of Pease Act, and now they're strengthening the instant background.
You've written articles about how it's the worst gun control in 20-30 years.
We are on different sides with them on two major issues I can think of right off the top.
One is the renewal of the ban on the plastic gun, which first of all doesn't exist, and if it did it would probably be a one-shot before it became a blob of melted plastic in your hand.
But if it were something that could be produced, I'd like to go buy one myself.
We don't have any business banning guns, and they're supporting this, and I think that's, among other things, it's unwise.
Not only is it unconstitutional, but it's a false sense of security that somehow, oh well, if we keep plastic guns away from the market, then they won't be going through airport security.
We know how tight airport security is.
I think if we're relying on airport security, we might as well, I don't know, get a bicycle to go across the country because it's not a good idea on the planes the way they're flying now.
So that's one disagreement.
We just flat out are not going to agree to any gun bans, period.
And that thing comes up for its expiration December 10th.
And I think they almost forgot about it this year.
Ted Kennedy just introduced a bill earlier this week to, quote, plug that loophole.
What about Ron Paul's bill to not give money to the UN for anti-gun programs?
How do we get behind that bill?
Well, we've got, at one time or another, we've done email.
I think there may still be some on our website, and if not, you can always send your own message to the Congress in support of or opposition to any number of bills from gunowners.org.
We've got a Yes.
an activism center where we've made it really easy you just type in your zip
code and automatically your congress critters pop up
and you can but can we send positive messages saying that we want to
get ron paul's bill blocking you in anti-gun funding absolutely
uh... you can do that and if you don't know the uh... bill numbers you can
always look that up on another section of our page which uh... the main page has a
place you can click for what is it a chart HR 1325?
I was afraid you'd ask me the number.
I think it's HR 1325.
I covered it two days ago.
That's probably right because he introduced it fairly early in the session and that relatively low number would indicate that.
Okay, well look, bottom line, Larry, We need to repeal all the gun laws, get Vermont-style Second Amendment, the real deal.
The NRA's not doing that.
How do we stop it?
How do we make the NRA?
How do we reform the NRA?
How do we remove their board of directors and put the Neal Knox types back in?
Well, I'm not sure, because I'm not a great student of their internal workings, but it seems to me that they've got enough of a control of the process for membership On their board that that's going to be pretty tough to do, but we found during the battle on the gun show attack from 98 through 2000 that Gun Owners of America is able, even when the other gun groups are on the other side, by the grace of God, we were able to stop that legislation, not only with no allies, but our allies were actually on the wrong side.
I think what we need to do is to try to stop the so-called Our Lady of Peace bill, which you've mentioned.
They're now calling it the Nick's Improvement Act, as if you could improve a whorehouse or improve any other thing that shouldn't exist.
But that's something that I think we could win, and if we've got a minute after the break, I'd love to explain why I think we can get some of the flakes brought on to support us on that bill.
Also, I want to get into how do we ensure that Bush doesn't reauthorize the assault weapons ban next year.
So we'll talk about that with Larry Pratt, and I'll come right out and say it.
The NRA are a bunch of Trojan horse traitors with a lot of good members being pacified by them.
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Alright, we got a bunch of callers for Larry Peretz and I don't know how long he can stay with us and a lot of
information to cover here in a short time.
The website's gunowners.org.
Got a big fat link to it on infowars.com right now.
Larry Pratt, the two questions I shot out at you before the break, tell us about the Lady of Peace Act, now the NICS Strengthening Act, and how do we defeat the assault weapons ban reauthorization?
Okay, the Our Lady of Peace, the NICS Improvement, the NICS Strengthening, however it might be called, is something that should be laid to rest in perpetual peace.
This thing is nominally to provide money for the states, to send all kinds of criminal and hospital records to the feds so that they might further disqualify other people from gun ownership.
These would all be non-violent type of offenses or histories, but nevertheless they are on a program to piecemeal, little by little, take it all away.
And that's something that ought to be of concern to gun owners and freedom activists, but I think there's another dimension of this that starts to talk to some of the, actually, the Liberal Democrats.
they were understandably upset about the total information awareness program
that supposedly been stopped it by a senate amendment earlier this year
uh... we don't want the government having a huge database that has
a collection of all the databases in the country so that we are totally
transparent and our government of course is uh... totally obscure
this bill would accomplish what we thought we had stopped uh... when we defunded the defense department's t_i_a_
It's a funding mechanism for the new Matrix system at the state level integrated with the feds.
Well, and it actually has a little kicker in there that's a mind-blower.
In order to track down an illegal alien that might have an illegal gun, They would authorize in this bill the FBI to get all the IRS data on all Americans, all the health records on all Americans, all the employment records on all Americans.
Ain't a whole much left after you get all of that.
I'd say if you have all that in one place, you've got it all.
And that's in the name of protecting the children and the women.
And I think this is a major fraud.
And we'll see how consistent some of these privacy advocates are.
I applaud them when they criticize John Ashcroft for things in the Patriot Act and the TIA.
Let's see if they really are serious about protecting the average American's privacy, which is going to go down the toilet.
Well, make no mistake, Larry, you're right.
If this was Bill Clinton or Al Gore doing all this, they'd love it.
And I think some of our guys would be a little bit more astute to block it, but because it's got Larry Craig, an NRA Director, Senator from Utah, as one of the sponsors, and John Dingell, who's perceived as a pro-gun Democrat, even though he voted to ban semi-automatics, this thing has a lot more gas in it than any other anti-gun measure, save the banning of the plastic gun again, that I can think of.
Okay, but next up is the assault weapons ban reauthorization with pork added to it, How do we defeat that?
I mean, we need to be defeating that, not allowing reauthorization.
That's correct.
I'm frankly moderately optimistic that if we keep the heat up, and that's that big if, that's the significant word, if.
But if we keep the heat up, I think they will see the light, as Senator Dirksen used to like to put it.
And when is that coming up next year, Larry?
Well, it expires September 13.
Of next year, 2004.
It doesn't look like they're going to be doing anything with it at all this year.
They're getting mercifully close to closing this particular session of this Congress.
But I've noticed the NRA hasn't even been talking about it.
We need to force them to get their members behind repealing this.
Well, and I think the more chatter there is that you're causing on your show, and other shows hopefully joining with you, we've done a number of mailings and email campaigns on this thing, and eventually I think Our allies are going to be jumping in on this thing.
Well, we've got to start heating up now for the election, heating up for what's after the election.
We're going back into the cycle, as you know.
Yes, exactly.
And all the activists, you better get back in the field again.
Yes, that's exactly right.
One of the things that we'll be doing is trying to cash up our political victory fund.
And we operate, even in that one, rather differently, because we will pick Certain people like Marilyn Musgrave, and frankly, the gun owners that were on our list and subsequently became part of her support base contributed somewhere in the neighborhood of $125,000.
We encouraged what they call bundling mailings, but it takes money for us to do that.
We mailed many of our members, and we emailed our members as well, and we encouraged them to send money directly to her campaign.
We knew from her record in The state legislature, she was going to be as good as we've seen her being here in the Congress.
Alright, Larry, can you stay with us for about 10 more minutes?
You bet.
Okay, we'll come back, talk to Ron, Regina, Larry in Texas, a couple other people.
We've got Bob Dacey coming on, a local gun dealer, to get his perspective.
He's done a lot of research on the NRA, on the UN, on what's happening, and so he'll be joining us as well.
We'll be right back after this quick break.
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We're going to talk to Ron, Regina, and George.
We're going to let Larry Pratt go, and we're going to go to Bob Dacey, a local gun dealer, to get his perspective on the Second Amendment and the U.N.
and what's happening with the NRA.
Larry, let's talk to Ron in New York.
Ron, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Hi, Larry.
I spoke to Larry extensively about a year or so back.
I think he remembers me about the All-Lady of Peace Act.
Retired officer.
You may recall that conversation.
It went off quite some time.
In fact, I informed your office when they attempted to reinstitute this new incarnation, which is called, and this is a mouthful, the National Instant Check System Criminal Records Enhancement and Improvement Act of 2003.
As we acknowledge, it is a reinstitution of the Our Lady of Peace Act from last year.
Well, it's the Matrix Total Information Awareness Network for gun owners.
It starts with us, like Hitler starting with Jews.
But this is even slightly worse than the original legislation, because the original legislation At a process of economic rewards to states that comply.
This legislation rewards compliance and punishes, withholds funds to states that don't comply.
And plus it expands the base of information.
It is not only just medical information, as you pointed out, there's also a catch-all in there.
Uh, which says, information which may be of interest.
Like the IRS records.
Federal government.
So that's a pretty wide open, uh, you know, parameter.
Okay, comments from Larry to Pratt to what Ron is saying.
Uh, he's absolutely right.
It's the ball game.
It is everything they want on us.
And I named three databases that would probably give them all they really want.
But, if they wanted more, uh, that language exactly lets the FBI, and they're the agency that pulled the trigger, if you will, It lets the FBI trigger requests for any amount of information they want.
So it's the Total Information Awareness Network, end of the Fourth Amendment, right there.
Right there.
And where are all the civil rights activists?
Where are they indeed?
Well, fellas, I'll tell you, we do have some allies out there on the other side of the political spectrum that ordinarily we would not maybe consider allies.
We have an organization called the National Association for the Mentally Ill.
Which is vehemently, vehemently opposed to this law.
And in fact, I contacted them as well.
I think that we should, you know, we should try to make alliances and network with people.
A lot of organizations don't know what's going on.
A lot of people are ignorant.
It's up to you as the listeners to be facilitators and to reach out and educate people and to keep this broadcast informed, to keep Larry Pratt informed.
And yes, and I did.
As a matter of fact, I called Mr. Pratt's office several weeks back about this.
I spoke with, of course, the lovely lady who answered the phone there.
Okay, Ron, I've got to let you go.
One last thing.
Okay, one last thing.
Ron's already gone.
Any other comments to what he just said, Larry?
Well, I'm glad that he's on this thing, because I really appreciate having somebody that's got that law enforcement background.
I think that carries a little bit of extra weight with some of these legislators, because they're so used to listening to law enforcement tell them to ban guns, and here's a man Who's really got it figured out.
Well, also, you know, we can use those investigative skills to defend the Republic.
Two more calls.
Regina in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air with Larry Pratt.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Sorry about the second call so soon, but the number I have is H.R.
Keep and Bear Arms of 2003.
Ron Paul's bill about the U.N.
Remember you mentioned it earlier?
Oh, very good.
Correct number.
I'm really concerned also, Larry Pratt.
I'm sure you're aware.
I've been very concerned, so has Alex, on this faith-based ministry.
I just got an email that kind of disturbed me.
I wish I could send it to you, but maybe you were also following this.
I sent it to you, Alex, in regards to... We don't want an S-4176.
We want the HR-7.
I don't know if they're having conference committees now, but Paul... For those who just joined us, tell them what you're talking about.
I'm talking about the churches being able to get money for the... Becoming minions of the federal government.
Okay, and it says that there's a group of Christian schools that's behind this H.R.
Paul Warrick, who's also pushing the man and woman.
We don't hear about UNESCO joining, but we're to have a second, you know, the constitutional amendment on man and woman from him.
And then there's evangelical church groups.
I just wondered if, since it's turned into H.R. 7, Do you have any different kind of opinion on it, Larry Pratt, than you did in the past?
Well, actually, one of the battles we have been fighting is in the educational area.
We don't believe that the federal government ought to be involved in education.
Certainly, they shouldn't be involved in charity.
We just think they ought to get out of all of this.
Alex, I'm not sure whether we've talked about these presidential academies, but we've been fighting that thing tooth and nail.
Yeah, we've had you on about how they're now trying to rewrite the ethics, have the ethics and the history and the civics curriculum all written by the federal government.
The socialist professors would run these training academies.
That's just a terrible idea.
The schools are already bad enough.
I mean, Bush just signed back onto UNESCO, so we can see where it's all going, and having the churches on the federal payroll is a nightmare.
Yeah, certainly my church isn't going to be there, and hopefully a lot of others have it figured out, but there will be some that will voluntarily put the hook in their mouth, and that'll be terrible.
Let's take one last call for Larry Pratt.
George, George, where are you calling from?
Yes, where are you calling from?
Right, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Okay, listen, Larry.
In 1976, were you at the Republican National Convention in Kansas City?
No, I wasn't.
Okay, well, I thought... I made it to Detroit the following convention, I believe.
Okay, I was there also.
And we've been in a war a long time, and this attack on guns and the the n_r_a_ is strictly a phony organization
because of but token resistance
well i wish i could get them to read uh... confrontational politics it uh...
would be very helpful in might correct a lot of what they do
Well, I don't know that you'll be able to overthrow with an NRA.
It's controlled by the New World Order and that's one of the ways they always operate.
They always control both sides in any conflict.
That's a good question.
Larry, in your years at Gun Owners, have you ever been approached?
I'm sure you have with the lobbyists and promised deals to move up in the world if you just compromise.
You know, I guess I'm such an ornery cuss that I haven't really gotten those kinds of deals.
I've been asked to give in on this or that, but nobody's ever said what they would do for me.
They just thought I'd be so happy to give in, and I look at them like they came from Mars, and they realize we're not talking the same language, so they generally tend to leave me alone.
It's probably the same with you.
They may try to intimidate us, but I don't think you're likely to be getting too many offers in compromise either.
I've gotten a few in radio.
Oh, you know, come be a neocon, but I'd turn them down, obviously.
Anything else, George?
We got one other question.
Larry, when you were there in Detroit in 1980, You there the night that Reagan stood up and said he wanted to take George Bush as his vice presidential nominee?
I almost threw up on the floor.
Okay, that's exactly what happened.
That room with thousands and thousands of people, you could have heard a pin drop, and I kicked myself in the tail end that I didn't holler traitor at the top of my lungs when that occurred.
And the next day, when he came in with George Bush, Nancy was standing there crying on Paul Axel's shoulder.
Do you recall that?
Yeah, and of course a lot of us thought at that time that Jack Kemp was the great alternative.
Yeah, which was not the case.
It turned out that we didn't really have a horse in that race.
Yeah, he was a sellout.
I stored stuff over at Kemp's, so I was distributing literature there.
Well look, what you get, thanks George from Michigan, what you get with that is the former CIA director, the Kissinger buddy, the ambassador of the U.N.
and China, Bush, for the national security dictatorship coming in to really be the president.
That's a real tragedy.
Larry Pratt, thank you for spending 40 minutes with us today and I look forward to having you back on as we go into the election and as we Fight the gun grabbers and I hope that we can get that assault weapons ban repealed.
There's going to be a lot of action.
You bet.
And defeat this total information awareness network funding mechanism through the gun bills.
Well, thanks so much for your interest in all this and for having me on.
I really appreciate it, Alex.
Larry, keep it up and take care.
Thank you, sir.
Larry Pratt, very accessible fellow, very intelligent on the facts and the issues, and there's just more exposing what we're facing as gun owners, as Americans, in this first freedom, and how the NRA will not blow the whistle, will not warn the people, and will actively try to derail lawsuits that could Create good case law for the Second Amendment.
Alright, now I want to thank Bob Dacey for holding.
Bob's a good friend of mine.
He owns a hardware store that also has a gun shop in here in town.
He does a lot of hardcore research on the UN, on the NRA, on where the Second Amendment is, on the different plans to get your guns, to shut down the gun shops, the gun dealers, the gun makers, the distributors.
He also has a popular TV show here in Austin that I tune into when I get a chance to.
Bob Dacey, getting a chance to listen to what Larry Pratt's been talking about and what we've been covering here with the NRA, saying we want to register your guns and not getting behind the repeal of the assault weapons ban and being for this new Total Information Awareness Network funding through gun control.
Your response to all that, Bob Dacey?
Hey Alex, thank you for having me on.
And by the way, before I respond to that, I want to wish you a happy UN Day.
Today is October the 24th.
I'm sure you're going to go out and celebrate, right?
Yeah, I'm not going to be able to be downtown for the UN flag burning this year, but I'm sure they've got some smart folks who'll be down there taking care of that.
I'll go down there and I'll take care of it for you, Alex.
My response to all that is what the NRA is doing now is nothing new.
I mean, you know, back in 94, when they did the Brady Bill, The U.N.
backed that, and they're doing the same thing now.
It's like they think if they compromise with the devil that somehow or other everything is going to be alright.
But they know better than that.
These are top lobbyists, top Washington hacks.
Well, they're also attorneys, Alex, and anybody who's an attorney knows that they are steeped in precedent.
That's what they do.
Precedent is very important.
In any legal process, because they're always saying, well here they did it here, here they did it there, your honor, so now we can do it here.
That precedent is the bulwark of our legal system.
And they're out everywhere creating bad precedent knowingly.
Right, and here this fella Hal Brook has responded, of course, to a keep and bear arms attack on him.
You know, he's got a response out now.
And let me read a sentence from it.
Since we are attacking the ban on handguns, and since the law otherwise requires all firearms to be registered, we are seeking to register handguns.
For residents in immediate danger, a registered handgun is better than no handgun, end quote.
Which isn't true, it sets... He knows he's setting a precedent there.
It sets the national precedent, yeah.
That's right.
Washington, D.C.
case, he's setting a precedent.
And, you know, he knows it.
He's a lawyer.
He's given the other side fodder for, you know, ammunition.
Well, he's even using their lingo, their buzzwords.
Just forget it, you know.
You can't compromise with the devil.
These people, I believe Mr. Pratt said it a while ago, they're a bunch of international socialist types.
They want your guns.
They won't stop until they get them.
You can't compromise with them.
Well, these are massive gun bills.
The NRA, even bigger evidence than we're here to runnish your handguns, your honor.
The big evidence is they're not against the assault weapons ban.
You know Alex, for the longest time I really fought agreeing with you about being an RA.
Instant Nix Strengthening Act, which funds the Total Information Awareness Network and
the Matrix System.
You know, Alex, for the longest time I really fought agreeing with you about the NRA.
I thought they were just misguided, but over the years since I've been, since you were
primarily involved in waking me up, you know, I've come around to your position that, you
They're just plain sellouts.
And they're taking a lot of really good Americans who think that the NRA is doing a job for them, and they're just selling them down the river.
Bob, I know you've got a lot of research, a lot of information.
You're great at that.
You've got your UNIDIR quotes of what the UN wants to do to us.
You've got your little documents there.
Yeah, you know that TV show that I do here in town called The Simple Truth?
It's on at 8 o'clock on Channel 16 in front of you, your local listeners, whoever's listening.
Produced by Jeff Kantoff and Kelly Taylor.
I'm in my fifth year now doing that show, Alex.
And the reason I've done so much research is, you know, a lot of it is because I want to disseminate on that show.
And the document you're talking about, the Unitair document, I was so tickled pink when I found that thing and I gave it to you.
Because, you know, I'm like the mouse that roared.
You know, I got a local audience and that's all I got.
And you were national and international.
And when I gave you this document back in 2000, 2000?
You broadcast it all over the world, and I thought, man, that is great.
And it got legs, because it was on the UN website, and it says in there that civilian ownership of firearms threatens the legitimate power monopoly of the state.
Well, let me read you the exact quote.
The document is called Removing Military Weapons from Civilian Hands, and it's written by Christoph Karl and Patricia Lewis.
They are the directors of UNIDIR, and for those of you who do not understand what UNIDIR stands for, it stands for United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research.
Now the quote, the killer quote, the worst thing in this whole obscene document is this.
It says right here that these weapons and what they're talking about In terms of these weapons, it's military-style weapons, and they're defining that as a semi-automatic weapon, such as an M1 Garand from World War II.
Here's the quote.
Such weapons...make it harder for the state to regain the legitimate monopoly of force.
So there you have, in the UN's own words, their own website, I didn't make it up, they're saying that state monopoly of force is a good thing.
But Alex, I thought state monopoly of force is the definition of totalitarianism.
Well, it's the definition of dictatorship.
Well, yeah, whatever.
I mean, they're saying that state monopoly of force is a good thing.
It's command and control, totalitarianism, a dictatorship, oligarchy, whatever you want to call it.
And later on in the document, they take a stab at... I hope that they're actually taking a stab at Larry Pratt's organization, Gun Owners of America, because apparently they're taking a stab at the NRA here.
Because they're more famous, I guess, or bigger.
Listen to this quote from the UNIDIR document back in 2000.
"If a concerted campaign were to be formed to remove such weapons from civilian hands,
this would have a number of distinct advantages.
It would be hard for the anti-control lobby to argue against such an initiative as
After all, who could easily justify the right for civilians to bear arms built for military purposes, and thus argue taking automatic and semi-automatic weapons off the streets?
There you have it, right there.
If you make a campaign from civil society, which is of course controlled by them, all those little NGOs that they fund, the elites fund, We could say that civilians have no right to bear military weapons, and who could come up with an argument against that?
And of course, me being a very simple person, say, what about the Second Amendment to the Constitution?
And Bob, you've broken a lot of other big stories.
Your son, now a state trooper, went to... No, he's still trying to get a job there, Alex.
Okay, well I thought you said he graduated and got a job.
He graduated, but he hasn't gotten a job yet.
Okay, well your son, I know graduated, and he was going out there at what, Sam Houston University?
And you've got the video of the bizarre stuff they were training him to do and how we're all going to be part of this world government.
Basically, the bottom line there was that they have, at the criminal justice building down there, they had a display in the lobby containing, among other things, the Chinese Communist flag proudly on display.
Stay there, we'll talk about it.
We'll get into the NRA too.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
Can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the sinister Patriot Act legislation one and two apart piece by piece and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police State 3, is for you.
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That's 888-253-3139.
888-253-3139. That's 888-253-3139. Order today and spread the word.
Spread the word. Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we're going to continue with the discussion of the Second Amendment and other police state activities against it and your liberties into the next hour with Bob Dacey.
And we're going to take more calls now.
If you want to get involved on air, it's 1-800-259-9231.
Got a question about the UN, the Second Amendment.
Bob Dacey is an expert, as I think you can hear.
He's a great friend of mine and he's grown and learned so much and surpassed me in many areas in his research.
Before we go back to Bob Dacey, my new video, The Matrix of Evil, is now out.
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So be sure to go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or call toll free 1-888-253-3139 to get the new video.
Bob, I didn't mean to digress, but a side issue.
Your son graduated, what, a year or so ago?
Yeah, about a year ago.
From Sam Houston University, the big law enforcement organization out in East Texas.
And you talked about some of the stuff in the textbooks, the video you shot, and when the alumni come in, they take out all the communist flags and communist badges, showing their guilt.
Talk about that.
but we're gonna do we're gonna go down there and document the fact that uh...
you know they were displaying a communist chinese flag and a bunch of
soviet and uh... chinese police a battle
down there at the criminal justice building and we went down there to
to photograph it and uh... it but it was all gone and very disturbing that there
wasn't there but uh...
my my son told me don't worry about it it'll be back tomorrow it's alumni day
and they took all that stuff out of there they don't want to take off all
the old geezers they're schmoozing for money and so they put the stuff back after alumni day and we were
able to get documentation that yes they display the communist chinese
flag in the lobby and yes they display communist police medallions in their
showcase But more importantly, you went over what's in the textbook.
I remember you doing that.
Yes, the textbook that they had at the time for one of the courses was called Comparative Criminal Justice.
And one of the themes of that book was to indoctrinate the future police of America that the jury system is no good.
We have to get rid of it.
But before we do, we've got to go look at the Chinese system and the Swedish system and the German system and other systems, the Japanese system, so that we can have an alternative way to determine innocence or guilt.
It's a direct attack on the jury system is what they're teaching the police in the United States today.
And now the American Bar Association wants to get rid of it.
They're getting rid of attorney-client privilege.
Europe's getting rid of it.
They're reinstating double jeopardy.
This is a worldwide event.
Yeah, you know, the Second Amendment's kind of a little bit, for the last couple of years, been on the back burner because they're so busy going after all the other ones, you know?
It's amazing.
Bob, the NRA.
I mean, they... Hey, let me tell you something about the NRA, Alex.
I got a document in front of me that's printed by the United Nations back in 1999, okay?
It's called Disarmament, the world at a critical turning point, and it's a UN publication, alright?
So nobody can say I don't document what I say.
This is a compilation of their disarmament conference back then, and there is a section on it having to do with small arms.
And Tom Mason from the NRA is at this discussion, and there's a transcript of what he's saying at this UN conference.
And you want to talk about not defending the Second Amendment?
Let me just quote from this thing.
This is Tom Mason.
Real fast, we've got 30 seconds left.
Alright, let me preface my questions with a comment that throughout your whole presentations, there's not been one mention of hunting or self-defense.
How would you limit production of small arms and still preserve production of civilian weapons that are currently held by civilians for legitimate civilian purposes?
He's not talking about the Second Amendment.
He's talking about sport shooting and hunting and non-military applications.
The Second Amendment is all about military applications, and he knows it, and he's not defending it.
That's right.
Third Hour straight ahead.
Hope you stay with us.
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You are listening to GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
In the last hour, we have been exposing the treachery of the National Rifle Association.
as he. He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network. And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
In the last hour, we have been exposing the treachery of the National Rifle Association.
Not the members, not even a lot of the state directors, but the people that run it in D.C.
The history of them either blowing court cases, not warning their members about gun control
packages, or now supporting the reauthorization of the assault weapons ban.
They're doing nothing to stop it.
Supporting our Lady of Peace Act, or the NICS Strengthening Act, which is the DARPA Total Information Awareness Network system.
Just heard Larry Pratt in the last hour go over the subsections on that.
It's very, very scary.
We could have our Second Amendment back, Vermont-style concealed carry, the Second Amendment, if the NRA would actually inform its members, but it won't.
And they're not dropping the ball, they're not dumb, they're not buffoons.
They are steering us into incremental disarmament, and now it's accelerating.
We got Bob Dacey, a gun dealer here in town, owns a gun shop, good friend of mine, great researcher.
I didn't want to just have Larry Pratt on, I wanted to have somebody out there, an activist in the field, on and he's got a plethora of knowledge.
He's with us for this hour.
We're going to go to your calls as well.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
Bob, let's go to calls.
All right.
Let's talk to Pat in Texas.
Pat, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I just wanted to get a couple of things from y'all.
I want to have the website where I can get that statement made by the UN.
That was on the UNIDEAR website for about a year.
It's still up there, Alex.
What subsection?
Do you have the URL?
Well, I've got it.
It's a big ol' long ugly monstrous thing.
You know, if you want me to read it?
Tell you what, just go to UN.org and type in UNIDEAR in the headline.
What's the headline?
Well, it's removing military weapons from civilian hands.
Actually, if you type the name of the authors, it'll come up.
Christoph Carl.
And Patricia Lewis.
You type that into a Google search engine or Yahoo or whatever, and this document will come up.
Well, I've posted it dozens of times, and it's buried somewhere in my site.
Yeah, and the main thing about this document, it's their own words.
They say, you know, Civilian ownership of semi-automatic weapons should be banned worldwide.
The Second Amendment is horrible, and state monopoly of force is a wonderful thing.
I mean, hey, they're hanging themselves with their own words.
State monopoly of force, that's dictatorship.
That's right.
Can I get the address of the gun shop?
I want to come by and talk to you face to face.
Well, I have a hardware store that has a small gun shop in it.
It's the hardware store in northwest Austin.
It's 5 Foot Springs Road at 183.
Yeah, Northwest Austin.
It's pretty easy to find where that's true.
And Bob also, we've got to get him some more.
He's almost sold out, but we're about to get him more of my books and videos.
He's got some of those in stock as well.
I don't own any guns.
I'm only 19, but I don't want to have my rights stripped before I have a chance to fully You know, I feel like sometimes I'm a hypocrite.
I sell guns and I have to go through the NIC system in order to do it.
I don't like it.
It's just what I have to do.
And I totally disagree with it.
So what does that make me?
I'm not sure, you know?
Well, look, as long as we're conscious of it and inform people, that's the point.
Try to repeal it.
But yes, sir, and if you haven't been raised around guns, you need to go take a firearm safety course.
Well, I plan on, as soon as I turn 21, I plan on going to get my concealed handgun Yeah, well, sure, but what I'm telling you is, is that we're against them making a law to have a weapon safety course, but if you weren't taught it at, you know, knee-high to a grasshopper, you need to go take a gun safety course.
Bob, who would you recommend people go to?
Red's Indoor Range or something?
Well, for a gun safety course, anybody.
I mean, you can go to Red's.
Yeah, I mean, that's probably the best range.
A lot of these guys, these NRA instructors, they're great guys.
Oh yeah, they mean well.
They're just controlled by the devil.
They're lower level.
They don't know what their upper level people are doing, selling them out.
Pat, hold on Bob.
Pat, anything else?
No, that's it.
Thank you.
Thank you for the call.
We'll be right back, folks.
We'll talk to DJ and others when we return.
Any questions or comments, Bob Dacey, Alex Jones here to answer.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
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You will lose your liberty.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The National Rip Your Amendment Off Organization, or the NRA, is being exposed here today.
NRA helping feds force more gun control on states and citizens.
Schumer-McCarthy gun control bill set to pass with NRA's help.
What do you do when you put a current and former board member of the National Rifle Association in the same room with two of the most vehemently anti-gun members of the House and Senate?
CNS News columnist Jeff Johnson, in his September 26th news report, on Thursday, the answer to that question was agreement.
The NRA is enthusiastically endorsing a gun control bill, but also supported by a vowed gun banner.
Senator Charles Schumer, Representative Carolyn McCarthy, Handgun Control Inc.
calls the bill a sensible step that will save lives.
Yes, register all gun owners and put you into the DARPA database.
You heard Larry Brett.
Note the word step, which is what they say about banning semi-automatic rifles, and then of course they want to ban Saturday night specials, anything under six inches, anything with a scope, a sniper weapon, on and on and on.
They want to ban everything.
Due to ergonomic and safety features and what they've said in the past about completely banning handguns.
NRA's former and current board members took the stage with two of America's premier gun banners, smiling as they announced unequivocal support for the new gun control bill.
Representative Dingell called the two gun prohibitions patriotic Americans and praised them in other ways.
Senator Schumer and Representative McCarthy vehemently opposed the intent and purpose of the Second Amendment and consistently signed on to bills that would ban guns.
They were both elected to Congress and pride themselves on their gun banishment agendas.
Some would have a hard time calling such people patriotic.
NRA insider Dingo didn't stutter.
I got stacks of these.
They tried to block us in Texas when we're trying to beat gun bills.
Folks, they are traitorous.
You wonder why you're losing your rights when we're the majority, when we have the power, when it's in our Republic, when it's in our Bill of Rights?
Because these people are traitors.
DJ, Ralph, Spencer, and others, your calls are coming up here in a few minutes.
Toll-free number to join us on-air globally, 1-800-259-9231.
Local researcher, television talk show host, gun dealer Bob Dacey is my guest to give us a grassroots view of this against the New World Order.
Comments to what I just read about.
Think of it, in all the various rallies that I've been to down at the State Capitol over the years, some of them where you were prominently featured, I've never seen anybody from the NRA down there.
They refused to come to meetings where we had Senator Bob Smith.
They refused to come to meetings where Ron Paul's out giving a speech.
They called us in the Dallas Morning News extreme because we were against some of the gun bills.
Well, I'll tell you what's extreme, Alex.
If the NRA, and all you listeners out there, you listen up.
If the NRA has anything whatsoever to do with Charles Chucky Schumer, that's extreme.
Schumer is probably the worst, most disgusting, pathetic, Waco-murderin' baby-cover-upper Senator and the whole badgum United States Senate.
The guy is complete pond scum, and whenever I hear his name, my skin crawls.
And if the NRA is in a meeting with him agreeing on something, hey, that is like, hey, wake up, there's something wrong here.
A national press conference.
Chuck Schumer is literally, I mean, he's in the CFR, he is For those that don't know, this strengthening the NICS check, and we've read it, I've written analysis of it, we've had Larry Pratt and others on, we've had Aaron Zellman on, JPFO, Jews with the Preservation of Firearms Ownership.
Arrest records, psychological records, military records, and I say IRS records, all your records, your credit reports, all for gun owners to start in a database, federally funding it with the states.
That's the matrix system, tied into total information awareness, and it gives it masses of hundreds of millions of dollars of funding.
So, again, folks, this is more than gun control.
and the average person has no idea. That's why we need to be on more AM and FM's,
more internet listeners. That's why we need you to tell everybody about the show,
because we'll talk about it. We'll read the bills. Bob Dacey, what do you have to say to them adding
this national registration of gun owners and tracking all our activities without warrants?
It doesn't surprise me, Alex. They don't support the Constitution.
They're out to destroy the Constitution.
They're out to destroy the Republic.
They're out to destroy the Bill of Rights.
I mean, those bills you're talking about.
Schumer had a bill a few years ago, I think it was Senate Bill 2525, where you're supposed to fill out on your 1040 form the make, model, and serial number of all the guns you had, and register them with the IRS, and send in 50 bucks for each one, no matter how long you've had it.
I mean, these people have no shame.
And then they were going to use that money, and states are doing this, some of the states have passed similar things, this didn't pass, to pay for billboards and TV ads to demonize guns.
Yeah, well, you know, they had that Smith and Wesson agreement several years ago, which never really went anywhere, but that agreement... You've got to show folks the wickedness, the dastardly sneaking about.
Cover that, recap that.
Because you're a gun dealer.
You got the basic racketeering order from Smith & Wesson when it was red coat owned.
You got that.
We helped expose it.
And then we'll go to these calls.
Tell folks about that.
Well, I want to make sure people understand that Smith & Wesson is no longer owned by the British.
It's owned by an American company now.
Out of Arizona?
Yeah, they're trying to be good boys now.
It's a totally different company.
But back then, I mean, they were agreeing with the Clinton administration to impose all these draconian uh... manufacturing requirements performance requirements
uh... magazine capacity requirements safety requirements
all these requirements and also not only on the gun itself but on the dealers themselves that wanted to be a smith and
wesson dealer as a matter of fact uh... back then uh... of course i was
following it uh... and they said that if you were going to be a smith
and wesson dealer you could not sell high capacity magazines of any type
And you had to keep children back, what, 14 feet, blackout your windows?
Not have signs?
You had to have some sort of an arrangement whereby you could physically restrain anyone under the age of 18.
You also had to have a fireproof vault.
On top of your burglar bars.
And you had to make sure that somehow or other you're going to keep a kid away from the evil gun counter.
They were trying to equate firearms with pornography.
Basically, that was the connection.
And then let me add this.
When gun dealers and distributors and manufacturers said no, they tried to start racketeering suits to threaten people to sign an agreement, a civil agreement.
Right, and that civil agreement, of course they all balked at it except Smith & Wesson, but the civil agreement had a clause in it which was the biggest joke.
What it said, very specifically, was that we agree, we the gun manufacturer who signed this agreement, agree that whatever further design implementations and restrictions and whatever you put on guns in the future, we will have already agreed to it without even knowing what they It was a blank check sharecropper's contract and I had the CEO of Taurus on during the period.
He said he was in a meeting with the UN and the gun groups where they said you better sign on to this or it's over for you.
I mean, yeah, again, the point, Alex, that the NRA boys don't seem to understand, although they actually do, is the other side is the devil.
You cannot compromise with the devil.
You lose every time you do.
That's it.
The NRA has been losing for years and they're not stupid.
Yeah, they're throwing the fights.
Yeah, they're throwing the fight.
Let's talk to DJ in Texas.
DJ, you're on the air.
Well, Pat answered one of my questions for me by finding the location of your gun dealer friend there because I was wondering, I've been interested in Possibly purchasing a firearm.
I didn't have any interest until I accidentally discovered all this what was going on a few months ago and realized what all was going on.
The other thing I wanted to know is you have the phone number for Gun Owners of America.
I don't have it in front of me.
It's like triple eight.
I don't want to give a number out wrong.
It's like triple eight something six guns.
Go to... Do you have a computer?
Well, just have your neighbor who does go to gunowners.org.
The phone number's right there.
Yeah, that's what I was wanting to know, because I think all of us need to, even if we don't own any firearms at present, we need to be supporting these people.
Well, you need to own firearms, and you need to go to Bob Dacey and buy an Incident Access Pistol Safe if you live in Austin.
That's what I've got, and that way it's safe around your children.
You can get to it in about five seconds.
Put it in a little nightstand by your bed.
You need to go take a fire safety course because I was given grueling military style training from the time I was four years old by my grandfather and my father and that's why I can shoot a deer in the head at 400 yards when it's running.
Well I learned how to shoot in the military.
Well good thing, go out and buy a gun.
You should have one then.
Yeah I agree with you.
It's getting nuts out here.
And thanks a lot, Alex, for all that you're doing.
Well, thank you so much.
Hey, Bob, I didn't mean this to be an infomercial, but tell folks where you're located again in Austin.
Well, again, I didn't come on here to promote myself, but if you insist.
My hardware store is called the Hardware Store Incorporated.
It's located at Spicewood Springs Road and 183 out in northwest Austin.
You've got evil patriotic literature in books and tapes, and you've got guns.
Yeah, we do a lot of work.
I'm a member of the John Birch Society at the grassroots level, and the John Birch Society is an extremely good resource if you want to know what's been going on for all these years and why.
Let's take another call.
Let's talk to Ralph in Texas.
Ralph, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
My question is, I try to tell people that the NRA is selling them down the river and that they're giving their members money to the United Nations, and I can't find any, and the NRA won't tell me, but how much does it cost them to be an NGO in the United Nations?
Hundreds of thousands of dollars, and they are, I don't have all the numbers in front of me, but we've covered it.
Go to the UN's website, go to non-governmental organizations, type in NRA and you'll find it.
How long have they been members, Bob?
Well, longer than I care to remember.
The thing about the NGO thing is they've got to agree to jump through hoops and do good work for the U.N.
in order to be an NGO.
And if you know anything, if you've researched anything about the U.N., you know that you should have nothing to do with them whatsoever because they are nothing but a The totalitarian organization in sheep's clothing and they are literally out to disarm America.
Stay there, Ralph.
We'll talk about it more on the other side with you, Spencer, and others.
Call the free number to join us on air.
We've got 40 minutes left.
1-800-259-9231 from deep in the heart of Texas.
I'm Alexander Emmerich Jones.
We're talking to Bob Dacey.
More straight ahead.
Keep it locked in.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
In every industry, factories are shutting down, layoffs are intensifying.
They say the high-tech layoffs are going to be seven times greater in the next four years than what we've already seen.
We're witnessing tens of millions of illegals from Latin America pouring in, millions from Asia, millions from Eastern Europe, bringing with them uncontrolled disease, crime, you name it.
Don't laugh, untreatable tuberculosis.
And the borders are wide open, but they say, oh that's okay, we'll just watch you and take more of your liberties.
And they have some poultry operation where they arrest 300 illegals and make you think they're doing something.
That shows that we are putting pressure on them.
We've got the government setting precedents to kill people who aren't even in comas.
We've got fake partial birth abortion bans of three days ago.
It didn't ban partial birth abortion!
I've read the bill!
The good news is they're at least having to respond to us on the surface, but before we go back to uh... Ralph and Spencer and Jeff and John and others, Bob, I have the article here where Pat Robertson endorsed Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Again, this is the new conservatism.
Anti-gun, pro-abortion, open border, Groping women, saying he admires Hitler, in hardcore porno mags, and this is our new conservative endorsed by George Bush and also endorsed by Pat Robertson.
How do we respond to this, where they call us communists because we're pro-Bill of Rights, pro-gun, pro-family, and then the neocons are really the people pushing a command and control system, as Ron Paul exposed in his neocon speech.
You know, the thing about Arnold Schwarzenegger, uh, that's all mainstream stuff.
I mean, the fact of the matter is, look at the Republican Party platform saying the state of Texas, you know, read it.
It's pretty darn good, really.
I mean, it's pretty darn good.
Read that.
Get us out of the CFR, repeal gun laws, abolish the Federal Reserve.
Get us out of the UN.
I mean, you know, protect the right to life.
I mean, it's very good, but you're grassroots Republicans.
They don't have a clue.
They do not have a clue as to what their so-called leaders up in Washington are doing.
They'll argue.
I had Angel Shumai on Keeping Bear Arms.
He'll be on a show reading the NRA's quotes about how they want to register guns.
And they'll go, you come, you shut up!
Have you had people tell you that when you're exposing the traitors?
They go, no, that's not true!
That's impossible!
They just look at you funny sometimes.
I've never actually been insulted in all the years I've been doing this.
But I know, you know, you are so outspoken.
I remember back when Clinton was You know, a lot of people were screaming at you being a super, super conservative as you were attacking Clinton.
And now that Bush, the so-called conservative, is in office, now they attack you being a liberal.
No, you are, and I am, and we are, constitutionalists.
We want to go by the rule book.
That's what we want to do.
Regardless of which side of the false political spectrum we're opposed to, if they're not following the Constitution, if they're not following the Bill of Rights, if they're not following the Declaration of Independence, we're against them.
And if people will get back to that litmus test, we can get our republic back because the majority of Americans agree with us.
That gives us the force to enforce not the democracy, but the republic.
Not only do we have the numbers, but we have the law.
Yeah, you know, I've had a lot of discussions with attorneys in my store, and I've kind of trapped them into having to agree with me.
I say, did President Bush put his hand on a Bible as a conditioned precedent to taking office and swear to protect and defend the Constitution?
Answer is obviously yes.
Is the Bill of Rights part of the Constitution?
Answer, yes.
Is the Fourth Amendment part of the Bill of Rights?
Answer, yes.
Does the Fourth Amendment require you to go to a judge, reasonable cause, get a warrant, before you go out and search and seize?
Did Bush sign the Patriot Act, which blows away the Fourth Amendment?
Okay, next question.
And this new gun bill the NRA is endorsing gets rid of the Fourth Amendment, too.
Yeah, and so the question is, Bush signed the Patriot Act, at which Section 213, for example, blows away the Fourth Amendment.
My question is, did he break his sacred oath of office?
Answer is yes.
Let's talk to, let Ralph finish up.
Ralph, go ahead and finish up.
Okay, Ralph hung up.
I told Ralph to hold.
Let's talk to Spencer in Ohio.
Spencer, go ahead.
Yes, sir, Alex.
You know, with your feet on terra firma, could you tell me who suspended the writ of habeas corpus without congressional approval?
And secondly... Yeah, the military-industrial complex did.
We're now in a dictatorship.
Now, could I have your comments concerning Kofi Annan's statements in the Smithsonian from January 2003?
He says, to do good, you sometimes have to deal with the devil.
Now, isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?
Now, wait a minute.
I hope you'll send me that.
You're saying he said that?
Yes, I have that quote.
And he says he's an egalitarian, and he believes in the equality of all men.
Well, how can you have that unless you have the equalizers?
Well, Bush, in the 2000 election, said in his campaign, the flyers, Bush is a communitarian.
The dictionary, until 20 years ago, said that one who promotes communist systems.
Yeah, and the Masons infiltrated the NRA.
Alright, thank you for the call.
We'll get Bob Daisy's comments on the coffee and on Bush and the rest of it when we get back and we'll talk to Jeff and John and others.
Call for a number to join us on air no matter where you're listening on this green jewel of a planet.
Blue jewel, I should say.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Welcome back my friends.
We're about to go back to your calls on the Second Amendment and the New World Order in America and more on the UN's criminal activities with Bob Dacey, my good friend, great researcher, television host, gun dealer.
We'll be talking to Jeff, John, Paul, John, Jack, and others.
But before I do that, if you want to support this show, you believe in what we're doing, you like being informed, you like hearing all these great gifts, just get the videos.
Get the books I've published.
Number one, the videos are waking up the majority of people that see them, because folks already have a lot of pieces of the puzzle.
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People are very receptive right now.
And secondarily, it supports this show and my staff and what we're doing.
I've made ten films.
The tenth is now out.
It is The Matrix of Evil, and it's a little bit different from other films.
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So it'll wake up those Democrats out there.
It's an amazing new documentary.
It's got a lot of news clips, documents in it, a lot of historical stuff, a cutting edge, what's happening with the neocons in World War III and the coming depression that Ron Paul talked about.
at a speech about a month ago here in Austin.
Bottom line, you need to have these videos.
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and the power of the people getting these videos putting them on access
showing them to their friends and families been massive I've done over a thousand interviews in the last two years, and routinely listeners call in who've seen it on cable access, whether it's in Tennessee, or Georgia, or Florida, or New York, wherever.
They routinely call in, they've seen it on access, somebody showed it at their church, somebody gave them a copy.
They've never heard my radio show, but they've seen the videos.
So help keep pushing that.
Expand that.
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it. 1-888-253-3139 or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin,
Texas 78704. Let's, Bob, any other key points you want to hit on before we go back to these
We were talking about Kofi Annan when we took the break there.
Let's talk about Kofi Annan for a second.
Now you have to understand, anybody out there listening, you have to understand that the United Nations is a creature of the globalists.
It is not an entity unto itself.
It is their enforcement arm.
It's like NATO or IMF or World Bank.
They're all just heads on the Hydra.
That's right.
It's their intended vehicle to establish their New World Order.
And Kofi Annan, therefore, is merely the head puppet.
He's not a powerful man by himself.
Just like Kurt Voltheim, the Nazi.
And what about their Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
Sounds good until you get to Article 30 and 31.
Well, 29 and 30 actually, but this is the deal about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and if you're new to the UN and you think that what we're saying is kind of weird, all you've got to do is go to the UN website and print up the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and read it.
It very clearly states in Article 29 that you may not exercise any human rights if you disagree with the UN.
It's Article 29, Section 3.
Quote, these rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.
So the whole thing, I call it, the entire U.N.
is what I call an excrement sandwich with chocolate frosting on it.
I mean, it looks really good, but don't bite into it, you're going to get a surprise.
Well, also, I mean, I went to a Chinese food restaurant Monday on a business meeting, and I know these people, they're nice folks, they watch the show, you know, they're Chinese.
There's this little, pretty little, looks like a lunch box up at the front counter.
And I go, it was UNICEF and some other UN programs.
And I walk over and I go, you know, ma'am, I've known you for five years.
I go, this is bad.
I know you think the UN is good.
She goes, oh, our public school told us to do it.
And you know, her daughter, who's, I guess, like eight years old in elementary school, because her daughter's usually up there while she's up there.
I know the family.
They go, oh, the school told us to do this.
All the children are doing it here in AISD.
Well, that's nothing new.
I mean, when I was a little kid back in the 60s, we had the little UNICEF boxes, too, and the school told us to do it.
And I dutifully went out there when I was a little kid and trick-or-treated for UNICEF.
Little did I know that in the 60s during the Vietnam War, UNICEF was collecting money and sending it to the North Vietnamese at the same time they were shooting and killing American soldiers.
Well, it even gets worse.
They're part of the vaccination program, the sterilization program.
We have the Henry Kissinger documents on that.
I mean, it just gets worse and worse, but you were going to say something about Kofi Annan.
Well, basically, you know, he had to prove his mettle in order to become the Secretary General of the U.N., and he did that in 1994.
He was in charge of African affairs at the U.N.
back in 1994.
And of course, that's when the Rwanda massacre happened, and the UN force on the ground under
a Canadian general by the name of Roméo Dyer got wind that one group was going to massacre
the other one, and he contacted Kofi Annan and said, "Listen, we can stop this.
What should I do?"
And Kofi Annan said, "Nothing."
And Kofi Annan is therefore partially responsible.
Also, the New American, before I interrupt you, the New American, I remember, has the articles with them burning kids over fires and doing all that, but that was in Somalia.
But also, if I remember correctly, the UN would set up bases, pull out of the refugee camp at night, let the others kill them, and it was reports that the UN had machine guns shooting those that tried to run.
Well, however it happened, you had 800,000 people massacred right under the UN's nose, and at the very least, they did nothing to stop it.
Well, wherever the UN goes, Bob, there's piles of dead bodies.
Well, there's piles of dead bodies, and there's Sex, prostitution, brothels that are set up.
We know they have to service the soldiers.
I mean, gigantic hypocrisy at the U.N.
Well, the U.N.
has been caught with Dying Court kidnapping 200,000 women and children in the year 2000 alone.
They've lost in court.
That's now admitted, Bob.
Yeah, and of course, George Bush went before the U.N.
a few weeks ago in his great speech and talked about how we need to eliminate this child, this sex thing going on.
And he's sitting there, you know, the pot is sitting there calling the kettle black.
I mean, here the U.N.' 's guilty of this
All over the world, all the time, the sex trade follows the UN wherever they go, and how sanctimonious of them to say we need to get rid of it.
We have a giant section on that on PrisonPlanet.com if you're doubting us, BBC, AP, you name it.
We don't just make these claims here, folks.
Believe me, we'd be liable.
It may sound horrible, it is horrible.
It may sound unbelievable.
It's going on, okay?
As bad as it gets.
Who's up next?
I guess it's Jeff in Texas.
Jeff, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Let me give you a little background real quick.
I'm a retired Chief of Police, 26 years, with the Texas Department.
I'm a graduate of the FBI National Academy, the Law Enforcement Management Institute in Texas.
I have a degree in History and Political Science.
I was an Emergency Management Coordinator for the city where I was also the Chief of Police, so I've been to all the FEMA stuff and the DPS, the Emergency Operations School.
And I'm telling you, Alex, Your listeners, I wish, would read the Federalist Papers.
The Second Amendment makes all gun laws illegal.
You know, we fought a revolution to get away from European systems, and we're returning to that.
A feudalistic society, and the UN, I agree with you 100%, is pushing this, but they're doing it, Alex, through our state and our federal government.
We started in the 60s with this LEAA, Law Enforcement Administration.
They get their tentacles in you.
And they control you.
And a lot of my police officers were just unaware of this.
Half of them wouldn't vote.
Half of them didn't know the issues.
Half of them don't even know what the Second Amendment is.
Well, sir, under the UN's goals, the police are going to be disarmed after we are.
Let me tell you something, Alex.
They're using the police, and the police are just like the followers of Adolf Hitler.
They'll go right along with this, and then they're disarmed.
That's population control.
That's what they want.
If you read the Federalist Papers, the Second Amendment was number two on there because that protects all of our basic rights.
The Second Amendment is what keeps us free.
But the federal government, Schumer, all these liberal politicians, they're trying to take our gun rights away.
And I'm a life member of the NRA.
The best guy they ever had up there was Neil Knox.
They gave him the boot, Alex.
Well, I know.
And so I'm really disgruntled.
They're selling this out.
And I know what gun control does.
I'm, like I say, 26 years a cop.
It doesn't work.
That's not the answer.
You read the FBI stats.
Everybody should read the crime in the U.S.
Every year it's published.
You can see who's committing the crime.
Uh, if I'm not going to worry about being busted for a murder rap, why am I going to worry about a gun law violation?
Well, look at the places with the gun control.
That's where most of the crime's going on.
And I've said this for years.
I mean, I'm an anathema to some of my former colleagues because I just don't go along with this spiel.
Well, what did Mark Twain say?
In the beginning, a patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and feared, but in time, when his cause succeeds, the tem had joined him because then it cost nothing to be a patriot.
That's right.
And, uh, I mean, look, when we, when we got the Patriot Act repealed in Austin, they had Chief Nee, this California transplant, Behind the closed doors, we went back there and saw him with two FBI guys standing right behind him.
They had the Deputy U.S.
Attorney in there trying to twist arms and threatening people.
I got right in his face.
But let me tell you, we're federalized here in Austin, and the feds are running things, and they panicked because we're pushing them out of here.
Comments to that?
It's not just Austin, Alex.
It's everywhere, though.
And I'm telling you, it's a master plan.
They're brainwashing a lot of these people.
I would say, read the Federalist Papers, know that we're America.
We're not Europe.
We're not Germany.
in the show, they've seen a lot of what we talk about coming true, what would you say
to them?
I would say read the Federalist Papers, know that we're America, we're not Europe, we're
not Germany, we're not France.
Read the Federalist Papers.
That tells you exactly what's going on.
And it also disgraces all of our veterans who fought and died and were wounded to preserve America.
My dad fought four years in World War II in the 16th Tank Division in Europe.
We are trying to return to a feudalistic society under the auspices of the UN.
That's what they're pushing.
Well that's it.
I totally agree.
Do you have any comments to what Jeff's saying, Bob?
Talking about the Federalist Papers, there's a very famous quote from, I think it was Federalist No.
by Alexander Hamilton, little more can reasonably be aimed at with respect to the people at
large than to have them properly armed.
I wonder what he meant by that?
It's a mystery, isn't it?
Yeah, you know, apparently people can't figure this stuff out anymore.
Most people haven't even heard of the Federalist Papers.
Well, that's because they go to those public schools where they teach them that you don't have a right to keep power.
80 plus percent of high school seniors don't know what the Fourth Amendment is.
70 percent of Americans don't know where Iraq is, but they'll tell you their opinion about it.
Alex, when I first met you back in 1998, remember that time in my office when we had that long discussion?
I handed you a textbook from my senior level high school here in Austin, the very same high school you graduated from, Anderson High School, where the government textbook said that the Second Amendment has been widely misunderstood.
It does not guarantee a right to keep and bear arms.
Remember that?
Yes, and we had a general over, he was a general in the reserves, and he had the army helicopters land our last day of school, and then the year after I left, one of my friends said, Alex, you're not going to believe it, this is before I was even on the radio or TV, I was in college, he said, The principal got on the speaker and said, uh, graduates have a good summer, and remember, things have changed, you're in the New World Order.
Hey, it's even worse than that, Alex.
The medal that they give the Anderson High School graduates now... Oh, wait a minute, your children!
I remember later you told me about that too, about the New World Order.
Yeah, well, the medal that they give you when you graduate from Anderson High School now has a U.N.
emblem on it.
Well, and for those that don't know, this is, you know, the middle class, nice high school, Northwest Austin, and black helicopters, troops, frisking the children, New World Order this, New World Order that.
Bob, in fact, after I talked about that, later you had children.
Tell folks about the U.N.
I'm sorry, say again?
The New World Order comment.
In fact, you reported on that too, over the loudspeaker.
This was the New World Order.
Well, specifically, I don't remember that, Alex.
It's just a constant thing.
They call themselves the International School.
And they have several different logos on this medal and of course one of them is the U.N.
logo and they're, you know, that's the way they are.
I mean, that's what they're teaching these kids.
Okay, let me get a final comment from Jeff and I've got to go to John, Paul, Johnny, Jack.
I would say this, the International Association of Police, all of these organizations through our government are operated under U.N.
yeah they're not governmental organization members first ten amendment
dr constitution known as the bill bills of rights show me one instance where
the nineteen forties every one of those
everyone every one of those amendment
The first ten have been violated.
Well, absolutely, and thanks for the call.
Call back anytime, sir, with your insight.
We've left the Ten Commandments and the Ten Bill of Rights.
We've moved to the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto.
I challenge everyone to read it.
In fact, in the back of Dissent and Tyranny, I have the Bill of Rights compared to the Communist Manifesto.
Ask yourself what system we're under now.
Let's talk to John in Ohio, then Paul, John, and Jack.
John in Ohio, you're on the air.
Yes, I agree that the neocons and the military-industrial complex are behind 9-11.
I believe that they're trying to establish a corporate fascist world order.
I'm totally against gun control.
And I consider myself an unaffiliated leftist and socialist.
And I think some of the interpretations that you're giving to this is really helping that very military-industrial complex that you're You're trying to oppose, because when you talk about, for instance, the United Nations.
The United Nations is pretty much controlled 90% by that corporate fascist military industrial complex.
They founded it!
They paid for it!
Well, I think that too often the conservatives complain about the 10% that is not controlled.
The 10% that is not controlled that would perhaps hold accountable That's window dressing to keep you in the system.
resolution criticizes the attack on Iraq. That's window dressing to keep you in the system.
If you're 90% controlled, you're 100% controlled.
Well, the point I'm making here is usually that the right-wingers, for instance, when you're talking about the military-industrial
complex in Guatemala, they killed a quarter million people down there for the
military-industrial complex.
Yeah, they'll do it under fascism, they'll do it under socialism.
It's all command and control.
But the point was, it was done under anti-socialist, anti-communist... Did you hear the former police chief, sir?
He called it feudalism.
Forget all these terms.
This is feudalism, sir.
This is slavery.
I understand that, but I want to make a specific point.
Larry Pratt at one time supported That very same genocide in Guatemala in the guise of arming ourselves in the same way that right-wing death squads were armed in Guatemala.
Now, if we're going to brainwash people to think that the enemy is not the military-industrial complex, but leftists, we're going to be auxiliaries to that very same military-industrial complex.
Leftists are funded by the leftist movement.
The New Age movement is run by the military.
You've got to understand you're controlled, bud.
Your organizations are controlled.
Now, we're here exposing the NRA.
Can you at least come forward that the Socialists are in control?
We'll be back.
Final segment, more calls.
Stay with me.
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John, you're on the air.
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I'm going to take three calls real quick and get some final comments from Bob Dacey, John
in Florida, and then Paul and Jack.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, Mr. Jones, I was putting my boat away and I wanted to call you because I picked
up my wife's magazine on the deck of the boat.
She left it there.
It's the October 2003 copy of Vanity Fair.
On page 162 of that magazine, this month's issue, there is an article written in there and I'd like you to have the author on your show.
He writes about smuggling the Bin Laden family out of the United States During 9-11 and the people that were used, he names their names, of who was used to get the Bin Laden family out of the United States, fly on days that there were no flights in the United States.
Now, 144 members of the Bin Laden family, other known terrorist organizations.
And he says the airports that they were flown out of, The people were there, the private investigator's name who was hired to usher them out.
Sir, sir, sir, sir, we broke that two years ago.
The Miami Herald actually broke it, but yes, there's new details out, the former terror czar admits all this.
Do me a favor, tear that out and mail it to me.
Yes, sir.
And I promise I'll have them on.
Comments to what John was just saying.
Well, you know, wouldn't it be a shame to hear about what happened to the Lusitania?
How it got attacked there and got sunk and everything?
I mean, that's old, old, old news.
What's new about it is the fact that it appeared in a mainstream publication.
That's the new part.
John, anything else?
Well, it gives a better reference to who are the people that were at the scene, what airlines, and who authorized the money to fly them out.
I saw reports about the Vanity Fair.
I didn't see the Vanity Fair.
Please send it to me.
Yes, sir.
Thank you, John.
Good to hear from you.
Jack in Rhode Island and Paul in Florida.
Jack, you're on the air on one of our great affiliates.
Go ahead.
Oh, he just hung up.
Okay, we'll go to Paul in Florida.
Paul, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex?
Okay, I just want to make sure we're still here.
Listen, the special legislation session they just had here in Florida?
With that girl?
Okay, that was frosting on the cake.
The real thing they were voting for was $30 million in unclaimed lottery tickets that were supposed to roll over and go back into the cookie jar.
That was the main agenda, and they stuck this other thing as a cover-up.
And so they're making Bush looks like he's the guy with the white horse, and what they're really doing is they've sold thirty million dollars from the lot of money.
Well, thirty million dollars is chicken feed for someone like Florida, but Bush was not going to save Terry Schiavo until there was massive pressure, and I appreciate the call, Paul.
Interesting point, I'll check it out.
I'll check it out.
Thank you, sir.
Bob, we've got about two minutes left.
Final comments.
Well, you know, Alex, I really appreciate you having me on again.
Second Amendment is, I believe, it's going to They have been under continued attack now, I think, as they shift their agenda back toward the domestic end.
I mean, they've been stealing Iraq's oil and stealing, you know, growing poppies in Afghanistan and building pipelines for the last few years.
And they've kind of put it on the back burner, but I think it's going to be firing up again.
They've been going after all the other amendments so much that they... It is fired up!
These two new gun bills are the biggest Well, that's what I'm talking about.
I think for a while it's been kind of quiet, and now they're cranking it up again, and here it comes.
They're going to be coming straight after the Second Amendment.
You know, thanks to people like you, we're going to head them off at the pass.
Well, they can ban the guns.
I'm not turning them in.
Oh, no.
When they want you to turn in your guns, they want you to be a slobbering slave.
Well, that was the line in the sand at Lexington and Concord.
Yeah, we can't afford to go back that way.
Once you've given up the right to keep bear arms, according to Patrick Henry, you are finished.
You are finished.
We're not going to let that happen.
Bob, thanks for joining us.
Thank you very much, Alex, and you take care.
You bet, my friend.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight, Central Standard Time, right here on the GCN Radio Network, on your loving affiliates out there, the great folks, the affiliates, the sponsors, the listeners, the folks running the show.
My second command there, Mark, doing a fabulous job.
And I'll be back tomorrow with John Statmore from 1 to 4 as well for Real Talk Radio.
And then back Monday from 11 to 2, Central.
And back from 9 to midnight Monday.
So be sure and join us and get my new video, Matrix of Evil.
It's amazing!
Available at the toll-free number or by writing to us or at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and get the new book, Order Out of Chaos, as well.
Get it out.
It's a great Christmas gift.
We're out of time.
More great shows coming up right here on this same station.
So you have a wonderful, safe weekend and fight the new world order.
Bye bye!
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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