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Name: 20031023_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 23, 2003
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You are listening to GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Another live broadcast.
It's already Thursday, the 23rd of October, 2003.
All right, my friends, another live broadcast.
It's already Thursday, the 23rd of October, 2003.
As we accelerate towards Samhain, or the High Holy Day for Satanists.
You know it as Halloween.
You celebrate it with pleasure.
Just another one of the things that's hidden in plain view, like your Coca-Cola.
Which 60-something years ago was full of cocaine and has cocaine coca leaf flavoring today.
But you tell the average person that, they'll roll their eyes.
Or you tell them that the Exxon double cross is a deep Illuminati symbol.
Hence the word, we've been double crossed.
Hearkening back to the treachery of the Knights Templars and then the Illuminati and the French Revolution.
This show is about knowing the meanings of symbols, understanding history, knowing our government, our laws, and understanding ways to fight back against the tyranny of evil men.
Again, it's Thursday!
The 23rd of October, 2003.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The websites are Infowars.com.
That's I-N-F-O-W-A-R-S dot com.
Short for Information War.
And PrisonPlanet.com as we attempt to expose the architecture of the prison planet that is being built.
We also have JonesReport.com and VirginUtah.com as well as Infowars.net.
Well, the Terry Schiavo case has taken another turn.
A couple days ago, the governor said put the feeding tube back in.
That was on Tuesday night, then.
In the dead of night, Michael Chievo took his wife, and really, the guy should be arrested.
If he lived in Utah, he would.
He's already got another wife and several children, and she's pregnant again, but the wife he hasn't given treatment for 13 years, who's not in a vegetative state, was tortured for seven days, not given water or food.
Most people would die, but there he's a fighter, didn't even shut her eyes.
That is, she blinked them open and closed them, but she didn't go into a coma as most people would do.
And they wouldn't let the family, the mother, the father, the brother, see Terry.
The Schindler family couldn't see their daughter.
And now the Palm Beach Post is reporting that he, Michael Schiavo, has run off with her again.
His crazy behavior is starting to finally attract the attention of the police.
Shivo taken from hospital.
Clearwater, the husband of brain-damaged Terry Shivo, spirited her away from a hospital late Wednesday, minutes before her parents and brother, who had been denied access all day, arrived to visit her.
You see, he can move them around and then try to deny a visitation while she's, quote, settling in.
So I guess he's going to try to move her around for the 15 days until they pull the feeding tube again.
I have no idea where she is.
A bewildered Bob Schindler Jr.
said minutes after Chievo was taken by ambulance from the hospital.
I just got a cell call an hour ago from my mom saying, get to the hospital.
They're going to let us visit Terry.
Now we don't know where she is.
When we get back, I'll give you the latest details.
There's more on this.
Also, curtains ordered for media coverage of returning coffins.
The government, and this is on Infowars.com, is not allowing you to know the numbers of dead or see the bodies, see the coffins, like they've always done.
So we're behaving more like the old Soviet Union every day.
Students fight e-voting system and say it's a fraud.
More protests beginning nationwide against the electronic control grid.
Take our right to vote away.
Saboteurs attack California.
Oregon transmission tower, environmentalist, banker-funded trash.
Al Fiyad challenges Duke to sue and Dodie Al Fiyad, the father of the man who got Diana pregnant and both of them were murdered, is challenging the Duke to sue them for their claims that they were murdered.
We'll be right back.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my most comprehensive documentary exposing the New World Order's orchestration of the September 11th attacks yet.
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Through the years of providing water filters to America, you've come to us and we've listened.
You asked us to make the water level visible to eliminate the guesswork when refilling the water.
We listened.
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We listened.
You asked us to develop a filter that was made in the USA.
We listened.
You asked us to include an emergency light for camping and during power outages.
We listened.
After 9/11, you asked us to develop a filter that was more powerful in removing chemical
Again, we listened.
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and made in America.
Get the Berkey Light, the American water filter, for only $259 by calling New Millennium at
That's toll free, 888-803-4438.
Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Live from deep in the heart of Texas, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Thank you for joining us on this October 23rd, 2003 transmission against tyranny.
As we engage the capital ships of the New World Order at point-blank range in the Info War.
Again, thank you for joining us for this transmission, depending on where you listen on the globe.
It may be the morning, it may be the middle of the night, it may be the middle of the day.
Thank you for joining us.
Big show, a lot of key news and info, and yes, I am lining up Larry Pratt, Aaron Zellman, a local gun dealer, Bob Dacey, and others tomorrow to spend at least two hours on the NRA, the State of the Second Amendment, in America today.
So, that's tomorrow.
You'll definitely want to join us for the broadcast because I said I would do this expose and we will be doing it tomorrow.
Now, Shy vote taken from hospital.
Let me just read this Palm Beach Post article right now and then I'll get into the latest Princess Diana murder information coming out.
It's turning into quite a soap opera.
But it's very important because it exposes the murdering nature of the globalist.
I'll then get into some of the global news and a bunch of electronic voting news that's coming out.
They cannot hide this story any longer of the fraud that the CIA is putting in through these touchscreen companies.
And remember, all the stories here that we're going to be covering are on PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
So please stay with us.
There's a poll here and it says, should Governor Jeb Bush have intervened in the Schiavo case?
Yes, 80% with 4,100 votes in this article has only been up for about 10 hours, by the way.
Already 4,100 people voting on it.
20% said no, the governor shouldn't.
Those are the ignorant people or those that love death.
They'll probably end up in the same position as Terry someday because of their lack of understanding and vision of what human history means and what happens.
So, of a total of 5,140 votes, we have 1,040 who want to kill her, and 4,100 who are against it.
And these stories, again, are on the websites.
If you want to go vote yourself, while this poll is still open.
It was just a few minutes ago before I turned my computer off, because I don't surf the internet while I'm on air, because it becomes a distraction.
You certainly can, so go knock yourselves out.
Now let me read this article, the latest chilling development here, at 11 minutes after the hour.
Shivo taken from hospital.
The husband of brain-damaged Terry Shivo spirited her away from a hospital late Wednesday, minutes before her parents and brother, who had been denied access all day, arrived to visit her.
This guy's really starting to show his cards to everybody.
I have no idea where she is, a bewildered Bob Schindler Jr.
said minutes after Schiavo was taken by ambulance from a hospital.
I just got a call an hour ago from my mom saying get to the hospital, they're going to let us visit Terry.
Now we don't know where she is.
Husband Michael Schiavo, still his wife's legal guardian, despite the fact that he has several children and has impregnated his second wife again.
Again, they'd arrest him in Utah, but not in Florida.
Husband Michael Schiavo, still his wife's legal guardian, whisk her away late Wednesday from Morton Plant Hospital, where she had been taken Tuesday to begin the process of reinserting a feeding tube that has been keeping her alive since 1990.
And she's never been allowed physical therapy.
Doctors and nurses have testified she can eat food.
They're not allowed to brush her teeth, give her antibiotics, nothing!
Can't shave her legs, can't walk, nothing!
This woman gets nothing!
Terry Schiavo was taken back to Woodside Hospice, which has been caring for her for several years.
The 15-mile trip from the hospital included a long procession of police and emergency vehicles.
It's a shell game, said Schindler family attorney Patricia Anderson, outside the hospital.
Terry is being used as though she is an object.
It's an outrage.
Quote, now listen to this.
It's a calculated attempt to debilitate her physically, she said, but she has an iron will to live, so don't count her out.
Yeah, seven days without water.
The average person will pass out within three days with no water.
This is a healthy person.
Four days they'll be in a coma, and most people die within five to six days.
Now I read some of the medical journals on this, researching this months ago, with uh... and and and having bob schindler the father and
others on the show and i i talked to nurses and doctors
when somebody's been debilitated so long in the night care sometimes it makes them
more hearty in a way it's like those high-altitude desert trees that are
fifteen hundred years old in california that get a few you drops of water a year and are so incredibly hearty
and i predicted that by the grace of god of the tortures he's been through
might actually uh... be a buttress
uh... once i started i got a water from resolve a matter of spent some serious
a kiddie damage to say the least ever seven days without water food
i don't suggest you try and go into a three days without folks you could die
okay but again it's a calculated attempt to debilitate her
physically she said but she has an
iron will to live so don't help her out
Although Anderson said the family was in night visitation all day, brother Bob Schindler Jr.
was even escorted out of the hospital Tuesday night.
The family later went to the hospice and was allowed to see her.
Her father, Bob Schindler Sr., said she was being fed through a tube and that she looked very tired.
She looked like someone who'd had the flu, he said.
He said she pulled away when he hugged her as though she didn't want to be bothered.
Senior Schindler said the family would try to come back to visit her again today, but didn't know if they would be allowed back in.
This woman's fully conscious, obviously having hallucinations.
That's the number one thing you have when you don't have water.
You know, the guys in the desert, you know, You've read the history.
People in the desert start seeing pink elephants and mirages and you're falling down and talking to their long-lost relatives.
From descriptions, that's basically the point she's at.
You try not having water for seven days.
She looked like someone who had the flu, he said.
And it goes on, the senior Schindler said the family will try to come back to visit her today, but didn't know if they would be allowed back in.
If I say something wrong here tonight, her husband will punish us, he said.
Anderson, the Senator's lawyer, said she had been in constant contact with the Tallahassee and was considering legal options that she would not specify.
Why don't you try to get custody taken away from this monster, this pig, who's got another wife and other children?
He tricked them a day after she mysteriously had broken bones and was suddenly paralyzed and only able to mumble.
He came to them and said, just sign right here.
The lawyer said this will streamline things and make the paperwork easier.
Oh, sure, Michael.
Whatever's good for her.
And basically at that point he went, Mwahahahaha!
I am now in control!
Removal order three times.
During a five-year legal fight, judges have three times ordered the feeding tube disconnected and the Schindlers appeared to have exhausted their legal challenges when the Bush Legislature stepped in.
The decision touched off celebrations among right-to-life groups and questions among legal experts.
It was just an absolute trampling of her personal rights and dignity.
Belos said Wednesday on NBC's Today, we believe the court, sooner or later, we hope sooner, will find this law to be unconstitutional.
Oh yeah, I got all this questionable stuff swirling around this.
You got Michael Schiavo in court saying, I want this 1.3 million dollars so I can be a nurse and take care of her for the rest of her life as soon as she gets the money.
You're not allowed to brush your teeth.
Nobody can see her.
When's the bleeper gonna die?
They've got doctors and nurses testifying this.
This is sick, folks.
This is sick.
I mean, let's say you get a divorce and your wife or your husband's being mean to the children.
You've got evidence.
You should be able to go to court and take custody away from your wife or husband.
But Joe, you can't do that here!
No, no!
She's gonna stay in this guy's clutches.
When he could care less about her.
They have doctors and nurses who treated her.
Multiple doctors.
Multiple nurses.
Saying that woman was eating jello and other foods and could have been rehabilitated.
My grandmother had a stroke and had to be rehabilitated to be able to swallow.
And she's lived about 10 years with that.
And if she didn't have loving family, she'd be dead right now.
My grandfather had a stroke about four years ago, and couldn't swallow after that, would still try to eat, and they tried to do physical therapy, and he just basically stopped eating, and just died.
But nothing was denied him, and he just gave up the ghost, folks.
And if it's natural, and if that's what happens, and that's what God wants.
And, you know, this is very common.
I've been reading the statistics.
About 15% of us are going to have strokes and be paralyzed and not be able to swallow food.
And then most of the time, if you get rehabilitation, you can start eating.
And some people live 20, 30 years.
My grandmother has a good life.
A good life.
She goes out on the front porch and watches the birds eat and the Tweety birds and the hummingbirds at the feeders and the deer and the rabbits.
And she goes on trips.
And if we had a sick family, she'd have been dead years ago.
I don't remember how many years ago.
Eight, ten years ago when that happened to her.
My father drives to East Texas every weekend to see her.
Every weekend to see her.
And has told her she can move in with the family here in Austin because now my step-grandfather, my real grandfather, died of cancer in the early eighties from the cyanide-based Stuff they were told to put on the cows in the 60s to keep the flies off of them.
He died from that.
Ate his lungs up and gave him cancer.
Another loving thing the government authorized.
But then I have a step-grandfather and he's dying of lung cancer right now.
So who knows what's going to happen with my grandmother.
Because he's the one that mainly takes care of her.
But we'll take care of her.
We're not going to abandon our family.
This is part of the sick culture of death.
Where we don't take care of our children, our parents.
And it's going to come back on all of us!
You don't take care of your parents, what type of morals are your children going to have?
They're not going to take care of you and the government's going to kill you!
Think about it!
We'll be right back.
Hi, I'd like to welcome Alan Glass, who is a pharmacist from Marks Plaza Pharmacy in Vancouver, Canada.
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Through the years of providing water filters to America, you've come to us and we've listened.
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We listened.
You asked for an elevated base so the system could be used in places beside on the edge of a counter.
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You asked us to develop a filter that was made in the USA.
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Some people said, "Why are you spending so much time on this?"
Why is the network spending so much time on it?
Well, we were spending time on it, at least on this show, months ago.
With the Schindler family.
Okay, because it's a case point example, not just that she's a human being and deserves our defense, but this is going on by the thousands every year in this country.
Again, Wesley Smith of the Wall Street Journal has listed hundreds of cases.
We've had him on this show to just cover dozens of them.
Specifically, people audibly saying, please honey, can I have some water and being killed.
Strapping people down who've got motor function over the top half of their body, who are in a lot better shape than Terry Shivo.
So understand that.
And I was just thinking about our parents.
How they changed our diapers.
How they fed us.
How they got us up in the middle of the night when we were crying.
When we had fevers.
How they loved us.
How they carried us on their backs.
And then we just cut our parents loose.
We don't love our parents.
We don't spend time with our parents.
We don't honor our parents.
You know, the Bible says you're going straight to hell.
And you know what?
That's common sense.
Because you've got to be an evil person to not take care of your children, to not take care of your kin, to not take care of your parents.
And let me tell you something.
You might as well tie a big old millstone around your neck and throw it into the deepest ocean.
Because that's what you deserve.
And that's what you've already done to your own soul!
You sickos out there that think 45 million abortions are good.
You twisted freaks that think the state killing people and eugenics is cool and you know who you are.
You have already damned yourselves in this life.
You've already helped create a system that's going to chew you up like a bunch of hamburger meat stuck in a meat grinder.
I mean, this really threatens me.
It makes me angry.
What we'll do to the least of our people will end up happening to all of us.
If you don't feel threatened by this, if it doesn't make the hair on the back of your neck stand up, something's wired wrong in your brain.
I have no idea how we can turn our backs on our families, on our parents, on our children.
Imagine what it's like for the Schindler family to watch the torture of their daughter for 13 years.
Imagine this.
We wouldn't do this to Al-Qaeda.
Joseph Mingala did stuff like this, but it's just all acceptable because the media and the culture say it's compassion.
See, everything's about mislabeling the facts.
Alright, coming up, curtains ordered for media coverage of returning coffins and the Associated Press reports that, yeah, the troops aren't allowed The dead troops, the media isn't allowed to know the numbers or to see the coffins when they come off the planes.
Just national security and the Bush administration admits because it might hurt the war morale.
So we're like the Soviet Union now where they cover up the numbers of dead and cover up the dead bodies.
Also, students fight e-voting firm.
I tell you, a lot of folks are waking up to the electronic voting machine frauds.
Saboteurs attack California-Oregon transmission towers.
Yeah, a terrorist attack, but nothing will happen to the terrorist.
Because they're government terrorists, basically.
Quest continues.
Mohammed Al-Fayyad to sue U.S.
for Diana info.
And here's the New York Times.
Al-Fayyad accuses Duke of Edinburgh of plotting to murder Diana.
This is big news, folks.
And it's all coming up after this quick break.
But right now, let's go to Mike in Florida.
Mike, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hello, Mike.
We got you there.
I guess we don't.
We're not taking calls right now.
That's cool.
We'll go back to calls then, maybe, in the next segment.
Again, I know there's some callers there, but we'll try to get to you here in a second.
second, 1-800-259-9231, 800-259-9231, and I'll find out what's going on during the break,
I guess.
And then we'll get into the whole Princess Diana situation.
Also, they're trying to fear monger again about smallpox and how we're going to be hit any minute by it.
And a lot of these microbiologists that are involved in the development or treatment or detection of this are dropping dead all over the place.
One of them, one of the Louisiana State University guys, top expert on some of this stuff, just died in a puddle of water.
And Bush requests BBC smallpox drama.
He wants that to fearmonger here in the U.S., that from the BBC.
And yesterday a caller called in and said, I saw Pat Robertson endorse Arnold Schwarzenegger, and I found that even hard to believe.
I know he's for forced abortion and infanticide, but I didn't know that he could get away with endorsing Arnold.
Well, it turns out I've got the press release here where they did endorse Arnold.
I want to thank the listener that emailed me this, very interesting, just to show you how twisted the so-called Christian conservative movement has gotten.
So that's coming up as well.
Big show on it for you.
And we will get to Mike and Florida and others when we get back.
1-800-259-9231 800-259-9231 on any of these issues that you'd like to discuss.
And yes, PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com are the websites.
And I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Weekdays 11 to 2 and back at 9 to midnight.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
Monday through Friday.
We're about to go to Mike, Joe, Brock, Kevin, Scott and others.
Kevin's on a cell phone, so we'll go to him second.
And then into the Princess Diana, the latest developments there.
The Global Outlook with expanding the Free Trade Group of the Americas.
That's going on in Atlanta and Miami right now.
Bush finishing up his Asia-Pacific Summit, trying to sell us out with police state measures and world ID cards.
And more on the Terry Schiavo-Schindler case, as well as Michael Schiavo drives her around basically in ambulances from place to place and tries to block the family from seeing her.
Before we go back to the calls, I do want to announce something here on air.
The last few months I've been working on a new documentary, and I can now tell you the title, it's The Matrix of Evil.
And it has Congressman Ron Paul, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, myself, it has Colonel Craig Roberts, it has Frank Morales, Colonel Craig Roberts is an expert on the New World Order, government-sponsored terror, what's happening with the Second Amendment, excerpts of a speech he gave in Kansas City with myself, Frank Morales, speech he gave at the Project Censor Awards for his analysis of the Patriot Act, he shared second place with myself, we tied with the votes of the professors and students that studied our story, and he gets into the drug war, the police state, the end of Posse Comitatus, Homeland Security Control Grid,
Tiffany McKinney talks about UN-run white slavery rings, 9-11, corporate corruption.
We have a speech with Ron Paul he gave outside Austin, Texas at McKinney-Ruff's.
Excerpts of my speech there, my speech before the Austin City Council that was just amazing, people have universally said, where they then passed a resolution against the Patriot Act.
Excerpts of other speeches I gave, and then a lot of little news clips and government documents.
It's a different type of documentary from what I've made in the past.
It's just a compilation of different speeches and interviews we've done, and everybody separately, not even knowing each other, people that come from the classical left, the classical right, libertarians, Christian conservatives, military men, it all comes together that both parties are controlled.
We have a world government.
We've got to restrict the size of government.
We've got to stand up for the Second Amendment.
It's a little over two hours long.
It is the matrix of evil.
And we just got it up on Infowars.com at the shopping cart last night.
It's just now getting put into the system with the operators at the 1-800 number.
And you can also write to me.
So it's $25.95.
And you got the same deal with that video.
You order three of any of my videos, including Matrix of Evil.
Maybe you order Road to Tyranny, Police State 3, Matrix of Evil.
And they all drop down to $20 a piece.
That's a $5.95 discount on each video.
So roughly an $18 discount.
I guess to be accurate, a $17.85 discount on the three-tape special, a $24 discount on the four-tape special, and so on.
So go to InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, get my book, get the new book, Order Out of Chaos, I published.
It's incredible about government-sponsored terror.
Get The Matrix of Evil.
You'll see the banner on InfoWars.com.
It says, they took the red pill.
And it says there's still hope if we wake enough people up.
And you click on it and you can go buy it online.
Or you can call toll free to get The Matrix of Evil.
It's an amazing video at 1-888-253-3139.
at 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100,
Austin, Texas, 787-04.
Of course, your purchase also helps us with future productions and travel costs and upkeep of the website and my staff.
So that's also a secondary reason to get the films and you're authorized and encouraged, for non-profit, not-for-sale purposes, to get the videos and make copies of them and get them out to opinion makers in your area.
So, 888-253-3139 or 3001 South Lamar Street 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
An order out of chaos, the new 300+ page book is $19.95 when you order one.
Get a second copy for only $11.95 and $8 savings to give to friends and family or neighbors to wake them up as well.
So get that book.
Great Christmas gifts.
Great birthday presents.
Let's talk to Mike in Florida.
Mike, are you there now?
Yes Alex, I'm here.
This is Arnold Schwarzenegger, new governor of California.
I heard, I've been listening to you for the last month or so, talk bad about me and I feel that it's only fair that I get to report.
Ask me now, believe me later, I'll get your guns, open the border.
I don't understand why you pick on my father, I can't help who I was born to.
Well why do you hang out with Kurt Voltheim and say I don't care if he's a Nazi, I love him, I'm campaigning for him, that's a quote.
Kurt's a good guy.
I don't understand he was part of this hoax of cost.
I don't see what everybody's big deal is about everything.
Kurt is a good man.
Maria and I love him very much.
Well, yeah, that's what you said before in 86 in the middle of the firestorm when you were campaigning for him for Austrian president after he'd been UN Secretary General.
Well, what about you being photographed with him two years ago there with former top Nazis at the parliament?
Arnold surrounded by all these Nazis, all these former colonels and people in the SS.
Oh, that was just a good old get-together of friends.
We're old friends from Austria hanging out together.
I don't see anything wrong with that.
Well, Pat Robertson did endorse you.
I do have his quotes now here from the PR Newswire from about a month and a half ago during the middle of the election.
And he was endorsed by Pat Robertson.
I guess to be endorsed by the 700 Club, you need to be in hardcore gay porno mags, private collections of Robert Mapplethorpe.
I guess in there with the, you know, wine glasses full of you-know-what and crucifix.
And I guess you've got to say that you, quote, despise Christians in your best-selling book, Evolution of a Bodybuilder.
I guess you've got to grope a lot of women and admit to it.
Ambi for Open Borders, Gun Control, and Abortion on Demand, state-sponsored and paid for.
So I guess, oh, and you also have to be involved with Enron to, quote, fight the corruption of Enron.
So what do you say to all that?
Well, Alex, I can't say that I haven't made some mistakes in my life.
Who hasn't?
When I was younger, you know, I was a little crazier.
What about two years ago, surrounded by all the Nazis?
Like I said, Alex, it's just a gathering of friends.
I'm not a Nazi myself.
The Feynman Wiesenthal Center even says so.
Oh, well, they say everybody that isn't a Nazi is a Nazi.
If you are a Nazi, you're in pretty good shape with these guys.
Well, Alex, my problem... But I guess I'm anti-Semitic because I'm against Nazis.
I mean, I'm trying to figure this out.
Arnold, will you explain this to me?
Oh, I saw in the one video, Bohemian Grove, where you're inside the secret rules of the world, where you were accused of being anti-Semitic.
Well, yes, at the end of the film, they don't accuse me.
They go, though Jones never says anything anti-Semitic, a lot of people who don't trust the media think that Jews run it.
Does Alex think that?
Now, very unusual, yes, is we think the government's corrupt and that's code, see?
But of course, I go out and bullhorn and protest the Klan, but again, protesting the Klan is secretly a Nazi activity now.
But being a valid Nazi who says, I quote, admire Hitler and want to be worshipped at Nuremberg, that's a sign that you're pro-Jewish.
Well, let me address one other thing, Alex, when you talk about... Well, no, let's address you saying in Rolling Stone Let's address you saying in other publications that you wanted to be worshipped at Nuremberg like Hitler and that you admired Hitler.
Can you address that?
I can address, Alex, that I had aspirations of being a great man, not like Hitler, but the power that he wielded, much like Napoleon.
I want to be a leader, a world-renowned leader.
Well, that's what you said before, too, but I mean, Napoleon wasn't very nice.
Well, Alex, they did some bad things, but they were great, great big leaders, and I have aspirations to be in the White House in 2008 after you, after my good buddy Orrin Hatch gets done repealing your amendments.
Okay, well good to hear from you.
Thank you for the call.
Let's talk to Joe and Ida.
No, we're going to Kevin next, then we'll go to Joe.
Kevin in Texas.
Go ahead, Kevin.
Hey, Alex.
You kind of stole my thunder about your new movie.
I watched parts of it last night, and I think you finally got the tool that's going to wake up people on the left and wake up people on the right.
For those that don't know, Kevin sells my videos at gun shows, so we dropped by the office yesterday.
I wasn't there at the time, and he watched as we were finishing the film last night.
Then you got a chance to see some of it.
What did you think?
Oh man, the stuff with Cynthia McKinney and being woven in with that Berkeley protester.
I can't remember his name, but he's a famous one.
That stuff's fantastic.
I can't believe what would have happened if Bobby Kennedy had not been gunned down.
That's something I never thought of.
And of course they had to kill MLK and RFK.
Of course they had to.
world would have been a different place for sure but well we have ron paul
talking about world government admitting that washington is run by those that quote one global governance
uh... we've got to uh... him saying we have a world oppression of the neo-cons
one a macabellian tyranny now we've got ron paul talking about other republicans are
for big government as well as the democrats and then that they're all in one
party We've got Frank Morales talking about the police state, myself, the City Council, myself getting the Project Censored Award.
My best speeches!
I mean, I've been giving my best speeches ever lately.
There's three of my speeches in there.
Excerpts, the best parts.
There's a Ron Paul speech, Cynthia McKinney, then an interview with her, Frank Morales, his speech, news clips.
It's a great video.
How much did you get a chance to watch?
Quite a bit.
You know, I brought that extra footage up there from your little confrontation with the Justice Department weasel, so I watched quite a bit of it.
This might be the thing that finally breaks down everybody's barriers and the polarization and gets everyone to really figure out that, you know, they're all in it together.
It's going to be a great video.
Now Kevin, you called me last night to tell me about what you thought of the video, but I didn't know you were going to call today, but you mentioned at College Station, A&M, there is panic, there are thousands crying, the mourning is incredible, a mascot has died, but they could care less about the troops and all the things that are happening.
Yeah, I think this is Reveille No.
6, the collie, but I think the last one died about 98 or 99, and over 3,000 people turned out for the funeral.
I mean, they closed down the road, the police escorts.
The other day, professors were crying, and I understand if you lose your pet, you're upset, but this isn't their pet.
It's a symbol.
You know, a symbol of what?
I don't know, but the rest of the world's spinning around them, and they're at CIA Central.
Apparently they're concentrating on the death of a colleague.
Well yeah, they've got the Homeland Security command bunker to be run out of there, and it's a brainwashing facility for neocon phony conservatism.
I'm not attacking A&M alumni, folks.
They should be attacking their own university right now.
They should be stepping up and saying, what are you doing to my university, my seat of higher learning?
uh... that's not the only one to school cabin all-out no no but i don't know we've got a lot of listeners who are they
and i went there who have contacted us
who are mad about this saying that saying that the troops are breathing depleted uranium terry
shiva as being tortured to death
uh... there's been forty five million abortions and all this is cops are getting killed
and three thousand people show up the last time the dog dies and there's
crying going on at the campus in the newspaper It's the top story and I mean it just shows the mental illness.
It's like Caligula in Rome marrying his horse and kicking everyone out of the Senate.
Alex, my university was Southwest Texas State University, the home of LBJ.
They've always had a pretty big criminal justice department there but after 9-1-1 they've got a Yeah, the new focus is going to be training for Homeland Security.
That'll be the only job you can get is being a goon.
They're getting a 300-acre development out near the old airport.
It's a cooperative joint effort with the DA, ATF, local law enforcement, and Wackenhut.
So, you know, at the university level, they'll be training goons at Southwest.
And they're going to need people to fill all these new prisons, so they're making lots of new laws to catch all of us for petty things.
You've been behind a cop in Austin lately, whether he's a trooper or a city police, or seeing the buses that drive around with billboards.
We're hiring.
Want to be a cop?
You know, no one else in Austin is hiring.
There are no jobs here, but they're loading up on law enforcement.
Government's growing at record levels.
Fortune 500 have gotten more wealthy than ever, but the general public's getting poorer.
It's crony capitalism.
It's not free market.
I've got some Tico Times I'll bring by to the show.
You've got to see these.
The press in Costa Rica works.
They just don't have any weapons to do anything about anything, but you'll be amazed to see these articles.
I wanted to make a plug.
Tomorrow is UN Day, and we're going to celebrate it south of the Capitol on the 11th in Congress at 6 p.m.
And we're going to celebrate it the way we like to.
Who's putting that on?
I believe it may be some of the Truth Seekers people, people that put on the McKinney-Ruffs, Ron Paul, and you, and John Stamper.
I wonder why I wasn't contacted for that.
I'm contacting you right now.
Well, I mean, many times I've gone out and sliced up you in flags, burned you in flags, and that 6 p.m.
I'll be there.
I'd like to be a speaker at that event.
Anyone in the Central Texas area, if you want to come from farther, come on.
You know what?
We need to go down to the Big Baptist Church where they have a U.N.
worship session.
I forgot that every October 24th is U.N.
Slave Day.
Well, people come down and take the 11th and 12th Street exit, and it's right there at the south entrance to the Capitol.
And, you know, provocateurs are welcome.
We open you with a welcome arm.
It's not too late to join.
They never do that to us anymore.
Hey, Kevin, thanks for the call.
I appreciate it, buddy.
Take care.
Let's talk to Joe in Idaho.
Joe, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good morning, Alex.
I just wanted to bring up Shibo there.
I just wanted to tell you one thing.
Let's not drop the ball on Terry here.
Don't feel bad about how much you're broadcasting on Terry's situation.
No, I don't feel bad.
I'm talking about the people that email me, the minority, going, why are you talking so much about this?
What about Israel?
They're about to nuke Iran.
Well, one thing that always happens with the Patriot movement is they win a little battle
and everybody backs up and goes home.
This is not one of those.
We should just keep moving forward and moving forward because there's people behind Terry
that are lined up for the same kind of treatment.
And if we don't shove this steamroller all the way back to the water that it crawled
out of, then we're just going to go around this one and go to the next one.
The other thing I wanted to point out too is Michael, her husband, if I read the article correctly, he has a job working at the hospital that she went to.
Have you read that?
That is true.
The guy is something else.
I have my question about what happened to Terry in the beginning.
But if he's a nurse or something to that effect, let's say he's got Terri out wandering all over the country and just strangely something else happens to her and she dies or something, how are we going to detect if she wasn't injected with something and stopped her heart or something to this effect?
I mean, what's going to take place here?
We need to get Terri, everybody, we need to keep continuing to beat this drum.
I called in a month or so ago and I kind of chewed on you a little bit about people here at home that need help here at home.
And this is one of those people, and we need to keep moving forward.
What are you saying?
I haven't covered this enough?
Oh, no sir, that's not what I'm saying.
I had the Schindlers on months ago.
Yeah, no, I'm saying you're doing a fine job with this.
All I'm saying is now is not the time to back off.
This woman still needs everybody's help, the support, the phone calls, the emails, everything until we get Terry, if nothing left, back to her parents.
So her parents can do something for her and get away from this man.
It's also a precedent-setting case.
Thanks for the call, Joe.
And yeah, I mean, look, there's setting precedents here.
And this is going on all over the country right now.
We've got to create a movement that is aggressive, in their face, saying, no, you're not going to kill people that aren't in a vegetative state.
And you're not going to kill vegetables either, folks.
All right, we'll come back and talk to Brock in British Columbia, Scott in Michigan, and others.
Toll-free number to join us on air, 1-800-259-9231.
And you heard Kevin talking about how powerful the Matrix of Evil is.
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Let's go straight back to the calls on this Thursday transmission.
Then I am going to get, if we take this next bank of calls, early in the next hour, into Lamorte, Ontario.
More on Princess Diana.
How the partial birth abortion ban did not ban partial birth abortion.
I want to get your take on that.
Right now, let's go back to the calls.
Let's talk to Brock in British Columbia.
Brock, you're on the air.
Thank you, Alex.
I would like to hope that the public pressure certainly did a good job with Terry Schiavo.
I would like to see it continue and get that low-life bottom feeder, Michael, in jail.
That if the people put enough pressure on Jeb Bush to expose this creep and get him thrown in jail.
I'd like to see Two years ago, in Kansas City, the VA was caught, multiple people died, strapped down, World War II, Korean War vets, the flies and rats were on them, rats were eating them.
This is in the Associated Press, folks, Kansas City Star.
The flies would crawl up their nose, lay eggs in the sinus, the maggots would eat their brains.
This is in the news.
So this is going on all over.
They want to just get rid of the old and infirm, and it's happening.
I want to see all of these people go to jail!
This should be illegal!
It is illegal!
But again, the medical system with the bioethics boards are self-regulating and trying to legalize this.
Well, you know, this is exactly what Hitler did, Schwarzenegger's buddy.
You know, I can remember him saying, well, we have the ideal situation, you know, for the old people, you know, we just exterminate them.
And this is Nazism all over You know, our health boards and what have you.
And this is, you know, this is Schwarzenegger's buddy.
This is what Hitler did.
Watch it!
You're going to get listed by the ADL as an anti-Semite if you talk bad about Schwarzenegger or his buddies.
Yeah, bring them on.
I'm trembling in my boots.
Don't talk bad about Nazis, buddy!
Yeah, you know, isn't that something that the ADL, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Love Nazis?
I mean, what kind of twisted, crazy, backwards world this is?
Well, the government loves Margaret Sanger, who gave awards to Hitler and took awards from him, and she's called a great liberal.
See, real tyranny is protected, and they use horrible labels on good people.
It's not working anymore.
Thanks for the call, Barack.
Good to hear from you.
Scott in Michigan.
Go ahead, Scott.
Yes, Alex.
I'm on a spell, so I'm going to make this quick.
I've been holding off.
Anyway, I want to thank you, but ultimately, Gotta give all the praise and glory to God.
Anyway, I called Pat Robertson the other night.
They said that they covered it, and the next day they had a clip on it.
It may have lasted a minute, if that.
Whatever it was.
Talking about Terry's case.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
And anyway, I was listening to James Dobson the other night, and he did a tremendous job.
And he had a Janet Folger on, Jolly, or Johnny Erickson-Potta.
She wrote a book, Johnny and Friends, or Jolly and Friends, something.
I didn't catch it.
Okay, and what did that say?
And then there was another guest.
Well, they were very good, and I called them up, and I, before knowing your website, I didn't know your email address.
I'd like to call them back, or maybe you could, or have someone in your office, as it were, call them.
Okay, call them, okay.
Okay, their number is 800- Well, sir, I don't want to give out other talk show's numbers here on the air.
Okay, Alex.
Anyway, may I give their website, though?
Whose website?
James Dobson.
Okay, you mean they're covering the Terry case?
Yes, and they did a really good job.
Okay, sure.
Give out another talk show's website.
That's a good idea.
Okay, James Dobson.
It's focused on a family.
His website is family.org.
Okay, sir.
Again, it's kind of a rule in talk radio that we don't just endlessly promote other talk shows, but I'm glad that James Dobson is out there fighting this.
That's great!
And I'm glad, but Pat Robertson isn't really doing that, is he?
And there's one more website.
It's CitizenLink.org.
I inform them of you.
I hope to get you in touch with them and inform them further.
All right.
Thank you so much, Scott.
Appreciate your work.
Come back and talk to others and cover a bunch of news.
Second hour straight ahead.
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Ideal for I- You are listening to GCN.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've been covering the Terry Schiavo Schindler case intently here on air.
A couple days ago, the legislature moved in Florida, House and Senate.
He basically passed the buck to the governor and forced him to try to do something, though he could have already blocked the seven days of dehydration that Terry went through that would kill most people.
Now the husband ran off with her to a hospital, now he's taking her back in an ambulance without telling anybody, trying to block the family from seeing her, and that's out of the Palm Beach Post.
Now we're about to go back to your calls, and I want to get into the news.
Al Fiad, ...accuses the Duke of Edinburgh of plotting to murder Diana.
This article's from 1999.
They laid out the plan to kill her in a car.
Now the princess' letters to her butler have come out where she said they would probably kill her in her car with a fake accident.
And Al-Fayyad Aid challenges Duke to sue Duke of Edinburgh because he's accusing him of murder and says, go ahead, we've got the facts.
Sue me.
I'm suing you, by the way.
And he's suing the U.S.
to get documents released as well.
It has come out that Pat Robertson, something I wasn't aware of, a caller made the claim, and I did get an email with a news article proving it, from back during the Governor gubernatorial recall in California, that Pat Robertson did indeed endorse Arnold Schwarzenegger.
So again, to be endorsed by the 700 Club, I guess you've got to be a hardcore gay porno mag, say you love Hitler, want to be a dictator, and be involved in the Enron scam.
And B for open borders, abortion, gun control.
I mean, this is just unbelievable.
But I guess it's really part of the course.
I shouldn't say that it's unbelievable.
More on election fraud coming out as a student group starts civil disobedience against it.
It's all coming up.
Now the total free number to join us, we have a lot of calls on this broadcast, the 23rd
of October 2003, 1-800-259-9231.
And I always love hearing from first time callers as well, if you have a question or
comment or disagree with me.
You've got a question about the New World Order, about politics, about the Bill of Rights, about laws.
I can answer a lot of them.
So I'd like to hear from you if you have questions as well.
Ed in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Hello Alex.
9-2-3-1. Ed in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Hello Alex. Hello sir. Hey, the new TV guide here has a 3D picture from the Matrix movie.
On the top it says, The Secrets of the Matrix, and on the side it says, We See Everything.
Pretty interesting.
And they now have the National Matrix System plugging into the states, calling it the Matrix System, to spy on everything we do, but the border stays wide open.
We See Everything, yes.
Alex, what's going on at the Grove for Halloween?
Is there special ceremonies?
Well, the Northern California Conservative Christian Encampment, again, it's not conservative nor Christian, but that's what they call it, with all our leaders of the conservative movement that keep selling us out, well of course, they're globalists, they really conduct the rituals July 15th to July 30th.
That's when it's going on.
They probably have some secret ones though for Halloween.
Well, it's 2,700 acres and yeah, we know the elites in and out of there and there are other rituals.
But what's known is during July.
That's when I was there with my own two eyeballs for five hours, four and a half hours inside and saw the satanic ritual.
And shot video of it when the Grove admits I did shoot that video and admits it is their ritual.
Yeah, I watch it again.
I watch it every couple of months.
I'll re-watch it and stuff.
And you always pick up new things when you're watching it.
It's very interesting.
That's Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
Great film.
Thanks, Alex.
Hey, thank you.
I appreciate the call, Ed.
Ken and Jerry and others, you're up next when we get back after this quick break.
I'll take three or four more calls and I'm going to go in the news for 10-15 minutes and then back into calls.
And again, if you disagree with me, if you agree with me, if you have a question or comment, the toll-free number is 1-800-259-9231.
The websites are Infowars.com, that's I-N-F-O-W-A-R-S.com, and PrisonPlanet.com.
Check them out today.
JonesReport.com has a lot to offer, too.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Cartoons ordered for media coverage of returning coffins.
And the The Pentagon, the Bush Administration, is having them even cover up the numbers of dead.
They have the Pentagon, not just commanders in the field, with hundreds of fake form letters, with multiple different permutations, but three or four different versions, being mailed out to newspapers all over the country.
the newspapers and publish them and it has the same handwriting the same
signature on all of them with different names of troops
turned into dozens of newspapers hundreds of newspapers i stopped keeping track of it was well over a hundred fifty
newspapers uh... so everything the soviets did we now see here before
they show you the coffins they'd
admit how many troops were dying uh... but i would have been a read about uh... and i've
seen documentaries in russia where people's family would die fighting the uh...
afghans and uh... or in other wars and they were allowed to have on
their tombstone where they died or what happened
now when the planes would land they would cover up the number of coffins the
media of course was control wouldn't report on it and now we have that right here in america so just across
the board and the uh... major media is being scripted by the federal
government i mean it's gotten that bad
so that's coming up to here in just a few minutes right now let's go back to
the calls ken in texas ken you're on the air go ahead
Alex, good morning.
It's a pleasure to talk to you.
Pleasure to talk to you.
I wanted to relay something that I saw this morning.
Did you happen to see the little Katie Couric stage show this morning on the Today Show?
You know, a few months ago, I was watching a few hours of TV a week.
I'm out of control.
I haven't turned the TV on in weeks.
Well, the baby woke up early, so it was kind of an accident that I was actually watching it.
And basically, one of the Columbine Or these tapes, videotapes, was released, I guess, to the public.
Oh, it takes them three, four years to edit them up right, I guess.
Right, and here's how it was staged out.
Katie Couric has this guy in Denver that was supposedly one of the perpetrator's classmates at the time of the shootings.
He's on live, and then a parent, of course, one of the kids that was killed, And he had sued, I guess, to get the tape shown publicly.
Well, I show portions of this videotape, you know, just, you know, complete black, you know, high-powered artillery blasting everything, you know, quoting, you know, the devil and saying, we're going to blow your brains out.
And to make a long story short, they go to this guy in Denver, and he's like, he's like having this, you know, this sweating, You know, fake, uh, exasperation.
He says, well, you know, I, you know, we found websites and information on the internet.
We, and we turned them into the authorities and they wouldn't do a search and it's just horrible.
Well, yeah.
Harrison Klebold made videos about how they were going to kill everybody.
The son of a prominent FBI agent, founder of the Trenchcoat Mafia two years before.
2020 and 91 did a piece about how a child died at Columbine.
In the death education classes, they would have the children locked up in coffins.
Basically, at Tavistock Institute, mind control operation.
Almost half the schools hit me that day.
The principal and the sheriff were at Subway having a sandwich.
Sweating it out right as it began.
They've sealed the emails of the police.
Why did the SWAT team stay outside for four hours?
Why did the children say they saw four men in black outfits?
How did Harrison Kleibel get over a hundred bombs inside?
It goes on and on and on and on.
But there's a cover up here of what really happened.
We keep pointing out, why not release the video?
Why not release the video?
They released like ten seconds of Harrison Kleibel stumbling around in the lunchroom.
The school was full of cameras.
And I hope somebody will tape this.
Please send it to me, folks.
I need the guys to start watching TV and taping again, but what exactly did they show on the video?
Just groups of people firing off weapons, you know, dressed in black.
Groups of people?
Yeah, in one scene it was just one guy, and then in another scene it was about three or four guys, and Katie Couric just kind of Glossed it over.
She said, yeah, there were other people involved in this video, too.
Wait a minute!
Wait a minute!
This is massive!
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
That's what I thought.
Sir, I'm about to fall over.
Everybody, this is going to be re-aired.
What is Katie Couric on?
Folks, watch ABC tonight.
Let me stop you.
Let me stop you.
Let me stop you. Let me stop you. Let me stop you. What time in the morning was this?
Around 7 o'clock this morning.
Nobody's picked it up yet that the tape was even released.
I mean, I haven't seen any media outlets.
You're telling me that they showed more than two shooters?
Group of people just firing off these weapons haphazardly.
And then there was this other guy there that they just kind of blobbed in, and he wasn't even part of the original interview, this black guy.
Oh, here's another parent of one of the kids that was killed, and he goes, well, hell, there's a lot they're covering up, you know, to kind of, you know, make him seem crazy, of course.
Well, no, good for him.
I'm glad.
I'm glad he's speaking out.
Now, one more question for you, Alex.
Just real quick, I don't want to digress too much, but If you can explain to me, what does Colberg, Kravis, and Roberts have to do with this New World Order?
Because they got something to do with it, I just can't figure it out yet.
What is who?
Colberg, Kravis, and Roberts, they own Prime Media, which owns Channel One.
Oh, yeah, I've done stories on those guys.
I mean, we even had Channel One when I was in high school, and it was all New World Order ads, really violent, all anti-gun, all one world government, and you have to sit there in second period during the prime learning process, they say, a second period.
8, 9 o'clock, 10 o'clock, and they show all this propaganda, and then you watch Coca-Cola and Nike ads during it, and supposedly it's even gotten worse.
Lower funded schools are the ones that have to sit through it, primarily, right?
Yes, sir.
I mean, I haven't really followed it in years.
That's why I didn't really understand the names when you first mentioned it, but let me stop you for just a minute.
Go back to Columbine, okay?
I'm sorry.
No, no, this is really important.
Now be very careful, because I want specifically, you're saying they showed video.
I mean, I'm, this is incredible.
They showed, because the children came out and said there were four men shooting people.
Then the SWAT teams were ordered to stand back.
It's obvious there were more shooters.
It's obvious the SWAT teams admit, and this has been in the Denver Post and been in the Rocky Mountain News, that the SWAT teams did shoot some of the children.
That's admitted, on tape.
They told the school administrators this, and police were crying about it.
But, you're telling me that on video, you saw, and they admitted, that there were quote, more than two people.
Yes, in one clip.
And, you know, I'm lying, I'm dying.
Did anybody else see this?
I know the phones are loaded, but try to get in.
Did anybody else see this?
Sir, I'm begging you, everybody look for this.
Tape this off NBC.
Get it to me.
This is an absolute incredible situation because that's what we already know happened and why they would show that on NBC uh... just blows my mind and and uh... you're sure kevin it was at seven o'clock this morning seven seven fifteen it was one of the top stories when i first run off all that bs uh... just how they trumped it up though with the rat you know the interview the guy that tried to turn supposedly turn
You know, the perpetrators in, you know, by giving their websites to the authorities.
Yeah, but this is hidden in plain view.
Because if there's more than two shooters and there's video, that's why I said they never would release the video, because it has more than two shooters.
That's what all the children said, the young people.
And to now have this, and to have the one man saying there's a lot they're covering up, and the other guy saying, I tried to warn them.
I mean, wow!
All Katie Couric could say was, Why would you want this video released?
How could you possibly watch it?
She's just like shaking in her boots and all these guns are horrible.
And it was just insane.
But don't people know what they were watching?
They wouldn't have aired it.
I mean... Thank you.
Thank you for the call.
I really appreciate it, Kevin.
Or Ken, excuse me.
That is just...
Oh, if that's true, praise the Lord!
But again, the people are so brainwashed, they can show them 14 guys in polka-dotted suits jumping around on pogo sticks shooting people, and they still go, Harrison Clabo did it!
Man, the mind control!
If that's true, I've got to figure out why they released that.
That is amazing.
Jerry in Pennsylvania, you're on the air, go ahead.
I'd like to touch on two things very briefly.
First of all, with the NRA, this has been my forte since, oh, 1963, I realized they were a fraudulent organization.
Finally in 1995, I realized we've been trying to reform them for years and years and years.
Finally in 1995, I realized there can be no reform of them.
Now you must do everything you can to expose the rawness that they've committed in the past.
Because we are losing, not because of the skill of our adversaries, we are losing because our side is just giving everything away.
Well, it's not just our side, it's a Trojan horse, a loyal opposition group, and that's a classic tactic of statecraft and control in a Machiavellian system.
Sir, sir, sir, let me just talk to you.
Give us some of the history of why you woke up in 1963 and what you saw in the NRA.
I became a life member in 1963, and I was in the service then.
I was in Germany, and you could, being out of contact with America at that time, and not reading the American Rifleman that I was getting every month was coming here at home, but we read Guns and Ammo, other publications.
They would touch upon continuously the political situation, the attack on the right to keep and bear arms.
I had the opportunity, it was Christmas vacation time in 1963, and I went to a base library and browsing through some of the copies of the American Rifleman.
And I'm looking through them and I'm thinking, oh boy, now I'm going to get down to the nitty gritty to see what they're really doing.
Browsed through one copy after another, they acted like nothing was going on.
I said, what the heck is going on here?
Finally went back to one of the last issues, like a December issue, and they would have a little financial pie.
Stay there, Jerry.
I'll let you finish up.
I just wanted to ask that question of how did you wake up in 1963?
Of course, the NRA was for the 1968 Gun Control Act.
Well, they're for the Our Lady of Peace Act now.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Now, Ken in Texas claims, and I believe him, he sounded credible, but I can't confirm it, that Katie Couric this morning at 7 o'clock Central, the 715, was showing what people forced the government to release, and I'm surprised they did.
They won't release Oklahoma City bombing tapes, Pentagon plane crash tapes, they put out that little snippet of an explosion.
They won't do that in all other cases, because their story is never what they say it is.
We can always prove that.
And now I'm told Stephen in Texas saw it and is calling in about what he saw in Katie Couric.
That they admitted and showed more than two shooters.
Do you realize how big that is?
Do you realize that's like, that's why I almost got hysterical earlier and started, you know, spazzing out.
Because we already know this.
But if that's the case, number one, it's amazing and will really hurt the globalists unless I've miscalculated because Why would they release that unless they think they've done people down so bad that they don't even care?
And we'll just show that.
Just hang out that there were more than two shooters and just leave it out there.
Because I've been seeing a lot of that lately.
Just incredible admissions.
Well, yeah, the Bushes do hang out with the Bin Ladens and flew them out of the country on 9-11.
Well, yeah, the CIA was running an aerial of flying planes into buildings that morning and ordered NARA to stand down.
Well, yeah, we did put some cancer viruses in the vaccines.
But real quick, finishing up, Ed in Pennsylvania, I appreciate calling in, woke up back in 63 noticing the NRA wasn't alerting their members to massive gun control.
Go ahead.
Okay, well, this is Jerry from Pennsylvania.
That's what I was told.
I got, oh, okay.
Oh, okay.
Okay, well anyway.
You know what, let's just call you Mr. Doe.
Well, anyways, when you browse through their magazines, they were doing nothing.
They were acting like nothing was going on.
There was no monies being spent fighting anything.
And the further you got into it, you could see all the gun control that they have promoted.
Since the 1920s and 30s, they started to promote these Uniform Firearms Acts in the various states.
They wanted to promote this through all the states, but it didn't take hold.
They promoted the National Firearms Act, the Federal Firearms Act, The Gun Control Act of 1968.
The Brady Bill.
They sent out, in 1993, they sent out faxes from their headquarters to all Congress saying, bring this thing up for a vote.
This is what we want, even though at that time it was really going nowhere.
And the fraud has continued.
You have to expose them.
You have to go in, and there's enough.
The material that you discovered on Wright's Eaton Bear Arms website, you have to go into this, you have to expose them, This thing is so rotten, it's so vicious, it is so evil.
And I'll let it go up there.
The other thing I wanted to bring up, I'd like to recommend a book for you and for everyone else.
And this has to do with the euthanasia programs which were started in the hospitals in Nazi Germany.
And I'd just like to touch on the three chapters.
Okay, Chapter 3, Killing Handicapped Children.
Chapter 4, Killing Handicapped Adults.
Chapter 10, Managers and Supervisors.
Chapter 11, Physicians and Other Killers.
The title of the book is The Origins of Nazi Genocide, From Euthanasia to the Final Solution, by Henry Friedlander.
And this was all done for the good of the community.
It was done for the health of the state.
Thanks for the call.
Really appreciate those fine points, Jerry, in Pennsylvania.
Let's go to Steve in Texas.
Steve, did you see Katie Couric showing more than two shooters this morning on NBC?
I saw that clip.
I'm actually about to pass out.
You're kidding me.
This is true.
Oh no, it's true.
What my understanding was, they were out in the woods.
They were doing their target practicing, shooting at you know just trees and things and they had shotguns they
showed them their shot up shotguns and then they were there were four of them and what my
understanding is what they said was that the older gentleman was the one that sold them the guns
okay and see let me stop you I was already aware of that in the gun shop, so it's an anti-gun piece.
What I was getting from the earlier caller, which I couldn't believe, and I was trying to believe him, but here we go.
Okay, that was not four shooters inside the school.
And that video, because they would not release that.
If they did, that totally threw me into a tailspin.
No, I think you misunderstood him.
I think what he was trying to tell you is what I think I saw was this morning them out in the woods practicing.
There were four of them.
The man that sold him the guns and his girlfriend.
Are you saying in the school and he was saying yes?
Well, I didn't see that.
And if that was the case, then I didn't see it or whatever.
No, there were four of them out there shooting in the woods and one was the girlfriend of the guy that sold him the guns.
Now that's old news.
They hadn't released the video, but that's old news.
Yeah, that's pretty much what I saw this morning on Katie Kirk's program.
So it was basically just an anti-gun piece.
Pretty much, yeah.
Anyways, Alex, thanks.
Appreciate what you're doing.
Thank you so much.
Yeah, I was... I mean, I'm being... It's an analogy, but, you know, about to faint.
That would be so amazing, but... I knew they wouldn't do something like that, but the caller was... I guess I was misunderstanding him.
I was saying, are you kidding?
Oh, yeah, they were showing there were more than two shooters.
I was going, what?
We'll come back and take more calls, and I will get into that news.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Well, I've been walked back down.
No, I've been walked back down.
All right, folks.
Alex Jones back live.
Brett in Washington, Leslie in Virginia, David in Michigan, Jim in Texas, Robert in Illinois.
Your calls are all coming up here in just a few minutes.
I'm going to get to some news right now before we run out of time.
Before I do that, I am very happy and proud and blessed to be announcing that we have completed A new documentary film.
And it's a little bit different from my other documentaries.
It is a compilation of three speeches I have given.
One at the Project Censored award ceremony that was aired live on Free Speech TV.
And a speech I gave before the Austin City Council.
A 15-minute speech I gave.
One of the best I've ever given.
About the Patriot Act and standing up for liberty.
Also excerpts of an hour-long speech I gave at McKinney-Ruff's.
Just a few weeks ago, right before Ron Paul spoke, excerpts of his speech.
We have a speech given by Cynthia McKinney at the Project Censored.
Also an interview we did with her.
Frank Morales, expert on the police state in the Indo-Paci Commentatus.
A lot of different news clips and government documents.
It's Matrix of Evil because all these diverse people from different areas of the political spectrum saying the UN's kidnapping children.
Cynthia McKinney, that the government's covering up 9-11, about government assassination of leaders, about standing up.
And the film, most importantly, is full of solutions.
Ron Paul says we're waking up like never before and have a chance to win this thing.
Cynthia McKinney says it.
Frank Morales.
I bring it forward.
Colonel Craig Roberts.
We've got some of his speech from Kansas City, about six months ago in there.
So, it's an amazing film.
It is a little over two hours long.
It's really powerful and it's perfect for AXS TV.
It's perfect to show to your college students, your high school students.
It's perfect for homeschoolers as curriculum.
It is a great tool to get the film, to make copies of it, to give it out to your friends and family and opinion makers in your area.
It moves very quickly because it's all these speeches and discussions mixed together in a fast-moving pace over two hours.
So you need to have it.
You really need to have this video because it just covers so many different angles of this Matrix of Evil and gives you a very clear picture from a lot of very respected individuals on what the New World Order is and what it's doing to us and how to stop it.
It's Matrix of Evil 2595, but if you get Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, Police State 3 Total Enslavement, get three or more of any of the videos They drop down to $20.
You save $5.95 per video.
That's roughly $18.
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The new book, Order Out of Chaos, is excellent, covering government-sponsored terror, a New World Order agenda and plans.
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Or just write to me, and I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
And for those that get everything we produce, all the great works, you really need to get Matrix of Evil.
All right, let me get into some of the news and we'll get back to these loaded phone lines.
Curtains ordered for media coverage of returning coffins.
This is out of the Washington Post, also an AP article here.
Since the end of the Vietnam War, presidents have worried that their military actions would lose support once the public glimpsed remains of U.S.
soldiers arriving at airbases in flag-draped caskets.
For this problem, the Bush administration has found a simple solution.
It ended the public dissemination of such images by banning news coverage and photography of dead soldiers, homecomings on military bases.
In March, on the eve of the Iraq War, a directive arrived from the Pentagon at U.S.
military bases, quote, there will be no arrival ceremonies for or media coverage of deceased military personnel returning to or departing from Russia, Germany, airbase or Dover uh... base to include interim stops the defense department
said referring to major
ports or the pentagon spokesman the military-wide policy
actually dates from about november two thousand and so now they they they put up curtains
poles that have curtains on them blue curtains all the way from the back of the jets
into the buildings or from jet to jet
so you can't see how many bodies there are So it's not just covering up that there's dead bodies, but the numbers, folks.
We know that's being suppressed.
And then a lot of the deaths they put out as accidents, or lots of jets colliding full of troops, or lots of helicopter crashes.
So the number's way over 100 since the end of the, what they admit is way over 100, since the end of the so-called war, and that's the watered-down numbers, and it's a real tragedy, not to mention the soft kills we're going to see from the 1,900 times safe levels of depleted uranium in and around Baghdad, Tikrit, and dozens of other major cities in the Iraqi nation.
Well, that's happening there.
Students fight e-vote firm Wired News.
A group of students at Smartmoor College in Pennsylvania have launched an electronic civil disobedience campaign against voting machine maker Diebold Election Systems.
The students are protesting efforts by Diebold to prevent them, other website owners, from
linking to some 15,000 internal company memos that reveal the company was aware of security
Security flaws?
It's like a fox putting a back door in the hen house.
And it's e-voting software for years, but sold the faulty systems to states anyway.
They had their own top engineers go public.
They caught them with wireless transmitters in them.
They caught Diebold in discussions with industry heads, talking about, "We'll use our friends
in the military control complexes, the defense industry, and the media to put the story out."
We can't let anybody know we're having this meeting.
It's, quote, racketeering.
It's not just Diebold, folks.
Diebold has been sending out cease and desist letters to force websites and ISPs to take down the memos, which the company says were stolen from its server in violation of copyright law, which isn't true.
They had them up there like idiots on a backdoor area.
It has been using the Digital Millennium Contract Act, or DMCA, to force ISPs, that's under UN law by the way, to take down sites hosting the memos or sites containing links to the memos.
Links to the memos!
Folks, you link to them, they come after you.
Diebold did not respond to Wired News request for comment.
Bev Harris, owner of the Black Box Voting site and author of the book on electronic voting industry, was one of the first people to post the memos before a letter from Diebold threatened her with litigation.
Have a dozen... well, they got her site taken down.
Have a dozen other people hosting the memos.
The United States, Canada, Italy and New Zealand also received letters forcing them to take down the material.
Why War, a non-profit student organization, Swarthmore and the Swarthmore Coalition for Digital Commons, also composed of Swarthmore students, announced plans to deny Diebold, defy them, and their college ISP.
Why War posted the memos on its website about two weeks ago.
But move them to a student computer after the college ISP received a cease and desist letter.
The college notified the student who wishes to remain anonymous, but it would disconnect its internet service if it didn't remove the memos.
But Luke Smith, the sophomore, said the students are planning to bypass the threat by hosting the memos on different machines.
Each time the machine is shut down by Diebold, they will move the memos to another machine, passing them from student to student.
They're using copyright law as a means of suppressing information that needs to be public.
I mean, it's like if a Pentagon document comes out, you report on it, and the government shuts down, you know, ABC News.
Oh, because you covered what we said.
I mean, it's like the plane dealer out of Cincinnati did a report and got into the meeting and heard all this stuff.
It's a great example of how copyright law can be used against the public good rather than for it, as it was originally intended.
He added, it is not like people are reading these memos in order to steal Diebold's election system.
The company is trying to use the law as specifically to mandatorily take down section to conceal flaws that directly affected the validity of election results.
This is a threat to our country.
The DMCA passed by Congress in 98 includes the Safe Harbor provision and allows ISPs to remove material from the web that allegedly... See, no judge, no jury.
They just say, we allege it.
Allegedly violates a copyright without suffering legal repercussions for the person who posted the material.
The law allows the ISP to remove the content for a minimum of 10 days.
Well, Doherty, Media Relations Director of Electronic Frontier Foundation and Companies, have been using the Safe Harbor provision to stifle free speech online, and ISPs have carved into the threats, rather, caved into the threats, rather than risk-facing legal action from a copyright holder.
You know, which they have no standing.
We support the right of Smarthmore students, or anyone for that matter, to link to or publish information about electronic voting systems that is vital to the debate over democratic process, as Doherty said.
Doherty said the EF F launched their own resistance campaign last week at a news site.
The Independent Media Center and its internet provider, the Online Policy Group, received a cease and desist letter from Diebold.
In addition to the position of EFF, Dougherty is executive director of the Online Policy Group, a non-profit organization that focuses on digital privacy and rights issues.
The article goes on and on.
Understand, this is why Oracle head Ellison, who wants you to take an actual ID card, wants to make all servers be at central hubs so they can shut down and control it so you don't have your own server.
So you have to go along with their bluff so they can force your website down.
But folks, we have an election fraud section on PrisonPlanet.com just out of the mainstream news articles.
Quoting these documents.
They can't force the Plain Dealer.
They can't force the Associated Press.
They can't force Wired Magazine and Newspaper to take this stuff down.
Just to take the articles about what they've been doing down.
Or the history of election fraud.
So go check it out.
Spread the word about that.
But this is just unbelievable.
I mean they're caught in these meetings.
They're caught in their own documents.
It's like the The biometric consortium based at MIT with a Fortune 500 and Walmart meeting with Governor Ridge and talking about neutralizing opposition, not letting us know that RFIDs attract us in taxes, small chips.
The idiots at the National Biometric Center, RFID Center, left the files on their server with a clear link to it.
Then they freak out when people find it, go back in and then add copyright to it later, but it's too late because it didn't say copyright.
But it's crazy.
If it's in the public interest, if it's a public story that affects anything in the public domain, the environment, the law, family, much less voting.
I mean, look, you can't get into these voting machines.
No one's allowed to look at them.
The election services aren't allowed to look at them.
Turns out that all the big directors of these voting machine companies are former deputy directors of the CIA.
They brag about this in classified phone conferences that the media got in on.
And now they're freaking out that people know!
It's amazing!
And they better be freaking out!
It's already too late for you.
The people spread the word about this, get involved on this, get out there and inform others.
At the grassroots level, there's nothing they can do.
Saboteurs attacked California Oregon transmission tower.
This is out of Forbes, Los Angeles.
Environmental extremists could be involved in attempting sabotage of two giant electricity transmission towers on Monday.
The head of the California Police Department said on Tuesday.
California Police Department?
Officials said the man fled after he was discovered late Monday afternoon apparently removing nuts and bolts at the base of a transmission tower near Anderson in Northern California about two hours earlier in Plymouth Falls, Oregon, around 150 miles.
That's where the big banks are attacking the landowners.
North of Anderson, someone was discovered tampering with the base of another transmission tower, police said.
Utility sources said.
I think it's more than just a coincidence.
It certainly has the overtones of some sort of domestic terrorism activity.
Anderson Chief of Police Neil Pusill Jr.
said at him that he had turned to the FBI investigation.
Turned it over to them.
They've caught the environmental land grabbers in Rhode Island and Long Island and all over the East Coast burning SUVs, burning houses, they're killing people, sabotaging bulldozers, equipment in the Northwest.
Of course, we're not going after the prisons that own most of the logging companies now with the slave labor of the prisoners.
And so they're running all over the place doing this, and they're killing people all the time, setting fires to things, and it's hardly ever even in the news!
So very, very serious.
The Animal Liberation Front and others are behind that.
Let me cover this Prince of Diana story, and then we'll go to Brett, Leslie, David, Jim, Robert, and others.
Al Fayyad accused the Duke of Edinburgh of plotting to murder Diana.
Now we covered the story Monday out of the BBC.
The actual letters of Diana saying somebody in the Roe family is going to have me killed for what I've been doing.
They're going to tamper with my car to get me killed.
And then of course it happened.
Mohammed Al Fayyad accused the Duke of Edinburgh yesterday of masterminding the murder of Diana, Princess of Wales.
Michael Howard, the former Home Secretary, of taking a day Of what was described as wild and groundless allegations to the High Court.
On that third day, Mr. Hamilton's libel action against Harold's owner, Mr. Al-Fayyad, was accused by Desmond Brown QC for the former minister of making up allegations as he went along.
He also repeated claims that Domestic Lawson, editor of the Sunday Telegraph, is an MI6 agent.
That's what Al-Fayyad's saying.
Mr. Brown said that it Did give substance to his conspiracy theory over the Paris car crash that killed the people Al Fiat had, quite false on a number of occasions, accused the Duke of Edinburgh of masterminding it.
Oh yeah, and we went through all the evidence yesterday of the security cameras turning off five minutes before the crash and all turning towards the wall.
You get into her being alive and she's stumbling around and out, you know, inside the car, going to get up.
Uh, you've got him taking an hour and a half to go to the hospital, an hour to take her from there, driving 25 miles an hour.
You've got her now saying she'd been threatened and was gonna be killed in a car crash.
Uh, you've got her pregnant, uh, with Alfiad's, uh, uh, son's, uh, child.
Mr. Al-Fayyad said, I have the right to say what I feel.
The editor of the Sunday Telegraph definitely works for MI6.
His brother-in-law works for MI6.
These are the people who control democracy in this country.
Let MI5 and MI6 sue me.
Let Prince Philip sue me.
Then I will get, I'm going to go through everything.
And of course, they later backed out of that and dropped him.
And Al-Fayyad, the heed is suing them now.
Quest continues, Muhammad Al-Fayyad to sue U.S.
for Diana Info.
And it says a grieving Mohammed Al-Fayyad leaves London's Westminster Abbey with his wife and it gets into how he's suing them.
So he's suing them.
And it says Al-Fayyad challenges Duke to sue.
Mohammed Al-Fayyad has issued a challenge to the Duke of Edinburgh during a second day of the cross-examination of the libel trial.
It goes on, Mr. Al-Fayyad called on Prince Philip to sue him over his allegations the Duke had masterminded a conspiracy to kill the Princess of Wales and his son, Dodi.
And by the way, Uh, the polls in England now are running 85 to 90 percent.
They were 76 percent just a few days ago.
Our polls are running 65 to 68 percent.
I mean, people aren't stupid, folks.
It's so obvious.
The Sachs-Coburg-Gothas love killing their own family members.
When we get back after this break, I'll go directly to your calls, then into a ton of other vital news on smallpox, the brewing World War III in the Middle East, a bunch of gun control news, Pat Robertson endorsing Arnold.
I didn't know about this.
How do you endorse Arnold?
It's all coming up after this quick break so stay with us.
We'll get to everybody and I'll continue to try to speed read through all this as well into the third hour to get to all the news we've only scratched the surface on.
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Alright my friends, I have a new video out.
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Be sure and check it out.
Let's go to the calls.
Let's talk to Brett in Washington State.
Thanks for holding, Brett.
You're on the air.
How you doing, Alex?
Pretty good.
You know, it's amazing.
I'm a truck driver.
I have been able to do this within the last month and a half or so.
I'll get an air car so I can listen to a lot of good programming right out here going down.
Unfortunately your cell phone's cutting out.
I didn't know you were on a cell phone.
We would have gone to you earlier.
Brett, are you back?
Call me back when you get to a better cell area.
I'm sorry, Brett.
Leslie in Virginia.
Leslie, go ahead.
Thanks for taking my call, Alex.
I want to thank you for exposing Terry's case.
If it hadn't been for you and others, we wouldn't have learned about this situation.
Well, it is this network that talked about it first, months ago, and gave the story legs.
In prelude, we were getting ready for the attempted murder of Terry to try to defend her at that point, trying to stop that from taking place.
And it really is the listeners of this show, the phone calls, the letters, that forced this into the mainstream media.
But what this case has done, Alex, ...is expose the moral decay of this country from the judicial and legislative process which affects each and us every day.
And what's so amazing, I heard one of the callers in Power Hour yesterday, and he said that the, and I haven't checked it out, but he said that the attorney that was representing the husband and the judge had the same last name.
So it would be really interesting if people would get the disclosure on that judge and others in Texas, particularly if the judge heard this case, and get involved.
Because in Virginia, our legislature appoints the judges, and that's only allowed in two other states.
That's Rhode Island and South Carolina as well.
But from my understanding, they have elected judges in Florida.
And if the folks can find, you know, there were so many, there was this courageous nurse that the Power Hour had reported.
She had come forward...
Ms. Carpenter, we've had her on.
Yeah, and...
The point is that we're all talking about Terry, and that's important, but understand,
this is happening to thousands of people every year in this country.
The government's setting the precedent.
The Hemlock Society and other death lovers are out there promoting this and selling this.
This is going on everywhere.
We've got to change the bioethics boards, and really the eugenics boards, at these hospitals.
We've got to get involved and find out what the handbooks are,
most of them written by Peter Singer, being used by the hospitals and hospices.
We've got to change this culture.
We've got to become aware of this system-wide...
Terry is blessed because she has a family that fought for her.
In many cases, people just do whatever the doctors say, and they no longer take the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm.
Well, Alex, I totally agree with you, but the whole process is in question here on the judicial side as well.
The idea that the judge allowed would not allow all these court records to be, I mean, all these testimonies to be entered into record.
The process of the guardianship where all these complaints were made and the judge didn't do anything or didn't intervene at that point.
It's a travesty and I appreciate the call.
Good to hear from you, Leslie.
Thank you.
We're going to try to go back to the calls here.
Well, you know what?
We'll just do it in the next hour.
We're going to break here in a second.
When we get back, we'll go back to Brett and Daryl and Jim and Robert and many, many others that are holding.
We can continue to talk about Terri Schiavo-Schindler.
They put her feet in tube back in a couple days ago because of the legislature passing a law to quote, authorize the government to do so.
He didn't need authorization to do that.
But we put him on the hot seat so he had to act.
And that ties into the so-called abortion ban two days ago, the partial birth abortion.
They had to act because the Republicans have the House, the Senate, the Executive, the Judicial, Nuclear reactors provide economical energy, but would you be prepared during an accident?
"Well, you just can't kill the baby on the operating table.
You just can't kill them at the birthing station.
You gotta go ahead and kill them while they're still in the birth canal."
It's a total cop-out. It's a sick travesty.
I'd like to get your take on that. We'll be right back.
Nuclear reactors provide economical energy, but would you be prepared during an accident?
During nuclear disasters, great amounts of radioactive iodine are released into the ass.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back, my friends.
Already into the third and final hour of this live Thursday transmission, the 23rd of October, 2003.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're about to go straight back to your calls and into more of the key news.
This show attempts to be a conscience for the people.
We attempt to expose the blatant, flagrant, state-sponsored evils going on at local, state, federal, international levels.
We talk about the global government that's right out in the open that we were preconditioned to not discuss.
The media said that's a bad thing to talk about, it doesn't exist, you're crazy.
We talk about it, then they announce, it's world government, submit to it.
We expose the mind control of the media, the propaganda, the false left-right system.
We attempt to get people thinking outside the box.
That's what this show is all about.
Let's go back to the calls.
David in Michigan.
David, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
I just wanted to kind of echo what a couple of your earlier callers talked about.
Number one, Terry is not at all out of the woods, as you know, because... Hey, listen.
Let me just stop you.
We got a lot of new listeners, a lot of new stations.
They have no idea who Terry is.
Everybody keeps calling in like we're all here at a, you know, at a coffee house.
I'm not mad at anybody.
We just gotta recap that she's a lady who's not vegetative, who the state and her husband have been trying to kill, but the family stood up to it, the listeners stood up to it, but now there's a 15-day reprieve, now a 13-day reprieve, and Michael Schabo, the husband's driving her around in ambulances, tagging her from place to place, won't let her family see her.
Go ahead.
Yeah, this guy seems absolutely desperate to basically get her off.
And the 15 day, or whatever it is, reprieve is a one-shot deal.
And I think that they are just concerned now that they need to massage the public a little bit more to accepting this kind of thing.
There are actually television programs on Last night, where they had experts coming on, you know, quote-unquote, talking about how we're really depriving Terry of her right to die, and not respecting her wishes.
But it doesn't matter, I've seen the excerpts of that in the print, but 80% of people in the Palm Beach Post are against killing her.
Well, it isn't her right.
She doesn't want to die.
There were strange foul play stuff surrounding this, what happened 13 years ago.
She's not a vegetable, and this murdering media is trying to use this as a precedent-setting case.
They're absolutely determined to do this, to put it on our faces and kill our ability to react to it when they start doing it on a large scale.
And in the case with the gun, I think there's a new offensive that is being launched against gun rights that's coming up for this late fall and winter because I didn't hear the thing the other caller was talking about but I did on the way home last night while I was driving I heard something on NPR and they supposedly had Harrison Klebold in some national park
Yeah, shooting guns.
So what's happening is, there's a massive re-demonization campaign being launched.
So Bush, he's already said he'll sign the new assault weapons ban so they can pass the Lady of Peace Act gun registration, going after those that have misdemeanors.
There's a massive new push.
You're right, I've seen it happening.
Yeah, well they're doing this and the thing that struck me about this little, somehow they have this audio tape of them out in the woods doing this, but what really struck me is it was just like lines from a movie. The micing was perfect. Everything they
said was clear as a bell and perfect and they were laughing about how it would be great
to put a bullet through someone's head and everything. It just had a movie-esque quality
about it.
Well, all the more reason that we should own guns that there are psychopaths like this out there.
That's all the more reason for no guns.
Oh, absolutely.
But, you know, it's all about backlash, creating backlash.
In fact, the whole idea is, you know, the Bush administration, the backlash against the Bush administration and the phony war in Iraq for phony reasons will be to next hand it over to the next management team that will use that As the excuse to bring us into total socialism.
Yeah, that's it.
Moses there to energize a left-wing counter-revolution that really is the revolution.
Great points.
We'll be right back.
More calls.
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Big Brother. Mainstream media. Government cover-ups.
You want answers? Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the...
the GCN radio network. And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The talking heads can have all the experts they want on to talk about how wonderful it
is to dehydrate people who are conscious to death. They can claim the new definition of
a coma is someone pole vaulting or a...
I'm trying to give an analogy there.
They can say people begging for water and begging for food are incontinent and in a vegetative state.
Or people who have their eyes open and smile at their parents are in a vegetative state.
This is sick!
This is crazy!
This is what the globalists are masters of!
And pretty soon it'll be you're running the 100-yard dash at record speed and they go, you're in a coma.
We've had Wesley Smith on from the Wall Street Journal.
He's listed Florida cases where the woman for weeks is begging, food, water, please help me.
So the nurses give her water and they've got an order to not give her food.
person's paralyzed neck down and then when the judge finds out they haven't died they put an
armed guard a police officer in there to make sure no one feeds her and he walks there and
walks the woman beg for food and die and the cop goes well it's a judge's order uh uh you know
she's not in good shape right today please mister can i have some water this is on the record
they said david wendland out in california this guy could could
He had a little bowling set in his hospital room in his wheelchair.
He'd roll the ball and he even had control of his hands.
He'd beg for food.
They killed him successfully.
There's hundreds of these!
A lot worse off.
Terry Shave was a lot worse off than these people.
And she's not in a vegetative state, but on the nightly news, I read the text of what they have on the news.
News reports on ABC News and CNN, it's, this woman's in a vegetative state.
These wacko right-o-livers, they just want to keep this corpse alive.
You know, what's wrong with them?
But it doesn't matter what they're trying to push.
They're lies.
80% of the polls are against killing her.
And I guess in our new democracy, they're still failing.
Of course, in a republic, you could have 99.9% saying, kill this woman.
They couldn't do it because of the rule of law.
Because of the Bill of Rights.
Imagine trying to take a prisoner on death row who killed somebody with a chainsaw.
Some psychopath with a big beard and beady eyes like Charlie Manson.
Somebody who's out cutting babies out of women's wombs.
Imagine if they wanted to chain him up, tie him down to the bed and dehydrate him to death.
You'd hear the ACLU and all the leftist groups screaming and yelling, and, How dare you?
We care!
We care about life!
We're so good!
Alan Dershowitz would be against it while he's, quote, for torture people to get answers from them, and, quote, said Christians deserve to die at the Baptist Church in Fort Worth a few years ago with a mass shooter.
He said that on CNN.
So it's a double standard.
It's a sixth standard.
And they're setting this precedent.
And it makes me very angry.
But imagine police You wouldn't stand there and watch him chain down a killer on death row and watch him die of dehydration, of torture.
But you'll sit there in a hospital room while somebody's being murdered, begging for water and begging for food and just, I'm doing my job!
I mean, how pathetic are you?
And that's happening all over the country.
Coming up, deadly smallpox, not eradicated, scientists warn, they're trying to fearmonger there.
Bush requests BBC smallpox drama, that's the headline.
won't destroy its smallpox stocks.
And we'll talk about Clinton holding on to the smallpox stocks.
Funny, they're saying smallpox is going to hit us, I believe them.
Knoxville agencies hold terror downtown drills, they're doing all over the country to scare you into submission.
Practice federal control.
Got some emails by locals that have been seeing this happening.
And we will also get to, in shocker, Pat Robertson endorses social liberal Arnold Schwarzenegger.
A lady claimed this yesterday.
I actually got the news article.
It's true.
You're like, oh, that's ancient history.
No, not about Arnold, but that Pat Robertson would endorse him.
You talk about amazing.
And also, Marine strangled Iraqi detainee.
We'll get into that.
Strong geomagnetic storm expected to hit Earth.
Police use pepper spray on West Virginia fans.
Case video shows cops kick a suspect.
We'll get into just some of that kind of behavior.
Conspiracy theories.
Needling City.
Santa Cruz was voting to impeach Bush.
Their resolution that they want that.
And suddenly they're having weird federal attacks on them.
New spy gear aims at foreign attacks in Iraq.
The same surveillance blimps that those mobile weapons trucks were meant to fill full of hydrogen, well now our government's put up the same helium blimps and it's going to use them for surveillance.
And they're now going to use them here in the US.
Chavez allies say video proves CIA coup plot to kill him.
We'll tell you what Psychopathic North Korean dictator is doing.
Starving North Korean, again, starving babies that are foreign born.
That's just some of what's coming up here.
Mark, who is up next?
I lost my call list here.
Who in Texas?
Jim in Texas, you're on the air, go ahead.
Jim, yeah, I'm in Texas, I'm in Fredericksburg, just a little bit west in the beautiful hill country.
A couple of short items regarding the caller maybe an hour ago referring to the Katie Couric video this morning.
This morning's national briefing column in New York Times has a picture which is apparently still out of that video and it seems to be, according to the short article, this was a rehearsal.
In the company of a couple guys who sold these boys guns out in the woods about a month before the actual Columbine Massacre.
So you may want to check on that.
The other item, an earlier caller referred to UN Day being tomorrow.
United Nations Day, so-called.
High Feast of the International Clique.
I was involved in church work for many years and In the old traditional liturgy, every major feast day has an octave.
That's the week after the day itself, for example, All Saints Day being November 1st.
The 8th of November would be its octave, the culmination of that feast day, which occupies an entire week.
And it's interesting that the octave of UN Day is Halloween.
Are you there?
Well, yeah, the big Communist Celebration Day May Day is over 4,000 years old.
And was an occult high ritual day called May Day all over from Scandinavia to France.
Well, this was also actually a traditional folk festival in Europe that had nothing to do with politics in many areas.
But what I thought... Well, yeah, what happens is you have druidic rituals.
They then get masked by, you know, the Catholic Church coming in and taking over those rituals and putting a Christian saint Over it, and then yeah, so then it continues to be the party time after that.
But I thought it interesting that the octave of UN day is Halloween.
More or less appropriate.
Interestingly, just a final short note, Today's Times also of course on their editorial page has one called, the headline on it is, Scorning the Courts in Florida, and you can imagine what it says.
What does it say?
Oh, well, I wouldn't want to read the whole thing.
It's lengthy, but it's basically pro-the-court decision, anti-life.
That's the essence of it.
Yeah, and these bleeding-heart hippies and fascist bootlickers are going to love it when that happens to them when they're in deep trouble.
Thanks for the call.
You're welcome.
Appreciate the call, Jim.
Let's talk to Robert in Illinois.
Rod, Elizabeth, Tim, and others.
Go ahead, Robert.
Yeah, Alex, first of all, I wanted to pass along, we're coming up on the Police and Fire Commission Chairman here in the City Council of the City of Chicago, and also a university's having a Patriot Act Symposium.
Out of all your tapes, because what I'm going to try to do, is I'm going to propose, listen, I'm going to say the best way to do this is spend two hours Running an Alex Jones video.
Which video would you suggest?
I'm trying to get this on the table as soon as possible in the Police and Fire Commission public hearing and also in a university symposium.
I would say air police state three total enslavement about 45 minutes of the film.
It's an analysis of Patriot Act 1-2, Homeland Security, and Ashcroft's lies.
We have him talking, and then later saying different things.
I would show about 45 minutes of Police State 3.
Second thing, I'm making a proposal for a deputization of persons such as yourself, myself, Al Turner up in New York, who is calling for organized, if necessary, force to rescue the woman.
I don't know if you knew that.
As of Monday, he was calling for that, if it was necessary, the minimal force necessary to rescue the woman.
But I'm putting together a proposal, and I don't want to reinvent the wheel if someone's already done this, to introduce at every possible level provision for the deputization of individuals who demonstrated a certain probity of conduct and a rectitude of intention.
So if you have any thoughts, I'd like to think about it.
But then I want to get to the third thing, is in this whole scenario with the Teresa Chavez, the false imprisonment, The torture and the attempted murder, and what I'm preparing also in regard to that, is criminal, civil, and co-oriental challenges to the presumption of fitness to hold and exercise the authority of any law enforcement office besides filing complaints against the husband, filing complaints against the judges, filing complaints against the attorneys, so that they are now back on the defensive.
We're going on the offensive, we're on the attack, and now they're fending off our attacks.
But this is an important point because In the balance, what these Pinellas Park police officers
were looking at is if they refused it, most of them probably didn't even consider to refuse
the assignment, but if anyone was considering refusing the assignment, in the balance they
looked at there was no cost to them to taking the assignment if they don't have any
conscience, but they figured they would be suspended or terminated if they didn't take the
It's all color of law.
I mean, ask a police officer, would you stand there for 10 days while a dog chained to a post died of not having water?
Well, no way!
I like dogs, but you do that to a woman who's conscious, who's not vegetative.
Aren't the cops smart enough to read in the paper that she's a vegetable and watch her looking at them and blinking and mumbling?
I mean, what's their major malfunction?
How weak-minded are these people?
I think the key here is, is getting into the courts and getting Michael Shivo to lose his guardianship over her because the guy is obviously engaged in begging me he's got another wife and children while he's married to her!
The only thing Alex Jones, to raise the stakes for those police officers, if they take that assignment, they're looking at, they have a criminal charge filed against them.
There needs to be criminal charges for being married to more than one woman!
Thanks for the call.
Alright Alex.
He cannot be her guardian.
He wouldn't let them brush her teeth for ten years.
That is abuse in any book.
That's why you've all got to say on the record that you don't want them to kill you, or they'll say you did say it.
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It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
A woman who struggles to hug her mother, who smiles, whose eyes are open.
Who the doctors and nurses said could swallow and eat food.
Ten years ago, but they were never allowed to continue the therapy.
Not allowed to brush your teeth.
And the news says there's a woman in a vegetable and she has a right to die.
And there's these evil people that want to torture her by keeping her alive.
But again, her case, Terry's case, compared to the cases where people are audibly saying, please give me water, please give me food.
No, no, no!
You said you didn't want medical intervention a few years ago.
You know, it's all fashionable on TV.
Your doctor asked you and you did a living will.
And it doesn't matter if you beg now.
You're in our custody.
And we're going to kill you now.
How does that sound?
You didn't know the definition of a vegetable was somebody bench pressing 500 pounds, did you?
I mean, that's the logical next step.
You're begging for food and water.
Ottawa, please, honey, give me some water.
Where's it go next?
See, now the nightly news.
Peter Jennings.
Why, this vegetable.
She's a vegetable.
Let's talk to Elizabeth in Maryland.
Elizabeth, good to talk to you.
And I want to hail you as the juggernaut voice of God's righteous power coming into our nation.
And as you, day after day, try to bring to light the horrible evils, such as the evil done to Terry Schiavo, and the other evils lying in wait for all of us, I would like to just tell you briefly two reasons that I'm thankful for your voice on the air.
And the first reason is that you cut through the hypocrisy today about Pat Robertson endorsing Arnold Schwarzenegger.
And the other thing is that I see all along that you have a real love for the Jewish people and the black people, unlike some other white racists that I hear calling in.
And I know that someone like Aaron Zellman would not be on your program if you were not a man who loves Jesus Christ and who loves humanity and doesn't
put a racial label on them.
And the second thing is, Alex, I want to thank you personally that you inspire all of us out
of our apathy and out of our ease and out of our little lives based on celebrities.
And you personally began to inspire me in June when I heard you for the first time talking about
the evils, the horrible evils the elite do to the children of the world. And I began listening and
taping every last show from that day forward. And you have inspired me to go back into my past
background. And I'm starting a radio show. And tomorrow my show will begin on the local Annapolis
network WKDI 840 AM. And it's called the divided kingdom.
And I'm going to talk philosophically about the old days when you talked about your grandmother and taking care of her.
The family cared about each other.
I'm going to contrast that with the things that you bring out, the evil, reprobate mind.
And I thank you so much for all you do, Alex, from my heart and soul.
Well, wow.
We'll have to have you on as a guest once you're going.
And I believe we're on some of those five stations in Maryland, aren't we?
Yes, you are on WKDI.
You're on the full three hours.
Wow, what a wonderful affiliate.
You know, I can't keep track of all the affiliates, but that is a really powerful affiliate going into several major cities, and everybody should support it.
And I would add to that that Think about it.
These idiots that don't take care of their parents and their children.
What do they think that society is going to do to them?
A climate like this is like boiling acid to all of us.
You reap what you sow, people.
Yes, it is.
And I don't know how these police officers can sit there all over the country with people begging for food and water and go, sorry, I don't know how they can do that.
You couldn't pay me 10 million dollars to do that.
No, that's true.
And many people are asleep.
I tried to reach a county commissioner and I got no word back.
I didn't have your videos yet, but we plan on ordering all of them, plus the new one.
Is it immediately available, Alex?
Yes, it's done and we've got to mass produce it now, but it'll be shipping out next week.
That's terrific.
Thank you so much for all you do.
Well you're awesome Elizabeth and good to hear that you're taking action.
That's what I like to hear.
He's getting a radio show.
You're putting up a website.
You're starting with an access TV show.
Great ground floor way to reach tens of thousands of people even in small towns.
You're putting up websites.
You're writing books.
You're putting out newsletters.
You know, I listen to some of the other networks and all they do is whine and complain and gripe and talk about how we're losers and talk about how we can't get anything done.
And then they talk about how they're not successful.
Why do you think you're that way?
Because you've got a loser's attitude.
I mean, did you ever play football?
You cannot go out there intending to lose.
You're going out there to win!
To go 110%, every single play, and not give up!
Where there's a will, there's a way!
Where there's a will, there's a way!
Can you get it through your head?
Where there's a will, there's a way!
And what do the Globalists say in their internal papers on...
On PNAC, or on RFIDs, or on the voting machines.
The people don't like this, but we don't care.
They're apathetic.
We just gotta keep pushing it, no matter what they say.
And they'll submit to it.
That's the sick attitude.
We're gonna fight you toe-to-toe.
We're never gonna stop.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
You know, I've done this more than once or twice with films.
Matrix of Evil has been done for a couple days.
And then we get some more footage we want to add, so then we have to look at it, splice it in, but to be completely honest, here in the next couple days, because I don't offer a film until it's done, Sometimes I'll say it'll be done in two weeks pre-order if you like.
This film's done.
It's going to be mass-produced next week.
It'll be shipped out by the end of next week.
So we're just saying order now because on the website it says takes two to three weeks for delivery.
Generally we order tapes from us.
We ship tapes three times a week.
I have staff that's there five days a week and they do the orders but we ship tapes.
Go to the post office, or have the post office pick it up three times a week.
What is it?
Monday, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
Sometimes those dates change.
If somebody needs a rush order or something, but we usually just use first-class mail.
Sometimes if you want it, media mail.
If you want UPS, we do it now.
And if you want to be a distributor for Matrix of Evil, the new film, or Police State 3 Total Enslavement, or 9-11 Road to Tyranny, you want Forty-five to fifty percent off to be a distributor of the books, the tapes, the films, the CDs, the t-shirts.
You can always call my office and talk to Shirley, who does a great job in there.
And if she doesn't answer, she'll call you back within the day at 512-291-5750.
Again, that's 512-291-5750.
Again that's 512-291-5750.
And just for general sales, you want to order a couple videos, we have the total free number
with the operators and the website to order and those orders are taken off every day and
those orders are fulfilled and sent out.
But we do say two to three weeks for delivery, because sometimes I'll mail a tape in Austin and it takes two weeks to get there.
Or somebody in New York will get it three days after they order.
There's no rhyme or reason for the post office, but generally a week and a half to get a video.
Or a book or an item.
But if you order Matrix of Evil now, you'll be the first people to get it, Because the film's done, I think we're adding a little something in today.
Because we want to make it even better.
I've had videos before that have been done three or four times, but I don't offer them.
I keep thinking I'm going to be done, and then keep adding stuff.
But I'm not doing that in this case.
We're adding a few more things today, and then we're going to put it on the Master Tape.
We've already got the first version from yesterday on a Master Tape, ready to be mass-produced.
But I'm going to add a little bit more to it, and then Get it sent off to the duplicator right here in Austin and within days I'll have hundreds of the videos and we can ship them out to you.
So if you want to be the first people to get the new film I've made, The Matrix of Evil, go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and order it.
And order some of the other videos.
Because then being, instead of being $25.95 a piece, they'll be $20 a piece when you get three or more.
There's discounts when you get multiple books.
We have a lot of specials, so ask the operators about it when you call.
It shows the different prices and listings and special deals on the websites and fullwaters.com and prisonbonnet.com when you link through to our secure online shopping cart.
The new book, Order Out of Chaos, is excellent.
It's only $20.
Get a second copy for $11.95 to give as a gift this Christmas, or as a birthday present, or just to wake your neighbor up.
It's an excellent book.
My book's only $12, Descent into Tyranny, over 200 pages, covering government-sponsored terror.
You can write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Again, that's 3001...
That's 888-253-3139.
South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704 or 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
And remember, your purchase supports this broadcast, my staff, the plethora of computers
and bandwidth charges and traveling costs and everything we do.
We work around the clock.
You're not going to find anybody that works harder than myself, folks.
I am the hardest working guy in this movement.
I'll just say it right up front because it's no bragging just fact, as John Wayne said.
And a lot of these people out there in the so-called movement talk all day about how they want everybody to work together, but they're the first people when you try to work with them, it'll stab you in the back.
But I found that the listeners, the activists, the people on the ground, the best people I've met in my life, and you guys need to stop looking for leaders and become the leaders like that Lady Elizabeth starting her radio show tomorrow in Maryland.
That's amazing, that's wonderful.
That woman's probably more articulate and smarter than I am.
She may do a better job than I've done.
You know, I've said it that, you know, I'm no prophet, folks.
I'm just somebody who loves freedom and standing up for my family.
And if you want to put me in that prophet category, okay, well then I'm John the Baptist.
And I'm looking and I'm town crying for leaders to come forward and fighters to come forward to overturn this Babylonian world system.
And again, that's an analogy, folks.
I'm here trying to get you involved.
I'm here talking about the coming man, the coming woman, the coming people.
Who will stand up against tyranny?
I've planted the seeds, I've seen thousands of people from this show become leaders and activists and effect change and have victories.
And lately I've been listening to some other networks a little bit and it's just, other so-called patriot networks, it's so negative, it's so beaten down, it's like listening to New World Order transmissions.
And I'm not putting a good face on things, I'm not You know, sitting here trying to do a pep rally at homecoming.
We're really having victories.
We're really affecting change.
But we can't get the government to move without massive pressure and that comes from you being a leader and teaching others how to be leaders.
And the videos are some of the best tools we have for waking folks up, so please get them and take action.
Don't wait.
Don't procrastinate.
It's so vital.
It's so important.
I got news here.
Cover up alleged probe of USS Liberty.
This out of the Macon Telegraph, mainstream news.
EU elite are filthy pigs, says Bossy.
Top minister says that the EU is run by a giant satanic pedophile ring.
Umberto Bossy.
And on PrisonPlanet.com, on Infowars.com, we have huge government-run white slavery pedophile ring, mainstream news articles, London Telegraph, BBC, Der Spiegel, AP, Reuters, DynCorp caught kidnapping 200,000 women and children.
You just think they let me get on the air and say that?
There's news articles, okay?
People email me and go, I can't believe that.
That's too incredible.
Folks, I'm reading right out of the newspaper.
You think I'd get on the air and say something if it wasn't in the newspaper?
You know how liable I'd be?
to say that the Texas company Protegene engineered corn that grows AIDS virus in it and got authorization
to plant it in 96 locations and it spread into other crops?
I mean, that was in the Associated Press.
Yes, it sounds nuts.
Yes, it's out of control.
But it's really happening.
I'm going to take three more calls from Tim, Regina, and Brett, and that's it.
I'm going to cover news for the rest of the show.
Tim in Wisconsin, go ahead.
Yeah, even though there are a lot of things that are going to happen anyway according
The thing I still can't agree with other kind of Christians, including Jehovah's Witnesses, is that you're only supposed to change people and stuff just by preaching the Gospel to them.
If you don't also fight against the evil in the corrupt government system, even like the Terry Scheibel case, That you're really accepting it.
Yes, God does want us to witness the gospel to people, and yes, we are in a system of things that is coming to an end according to Bible prophecy, but I still believe that God still expects us to stand against evil and corruption in the government and other organizations.
I believe that the other... Well, what comes first?
The chicken or the egg?
Let me say this, Tim, you're making a good point.
If you read the gospel, it says stand up to evil, help the orphans, the widows, stand up to the tyranny, go in and whip the money changers.
They say just preach the gospel, they mean the one-third that they teach.
They mean the little snippets that are politically certified, literally, in the state of Pennsylvania now by Governor Mark Swiker, whole sections.
You can be liable if you read from them as a hate crime.
So if anybody's really read the gospel, which I've sat through innumerable church services and Sunday school and read the Bible and listened to the fine preachers on this network, I know the truth.
It's to stand up against tyranny.
The gospel doesn't say, lay there like a jellyfish.
I was also just going to say quick, I believe that other kind of Christians like that, I'm talking about, are they still going to find themselves standing in judgment before God someday because they re-accepted the evil by not doing anything about it just because of a religious belief that all they were supposed to do was just preach the gospel to change things.
I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
I'm trying to find my Pat Robertson endorsement of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
I have it here.
He did indeed do that.
A lady called in and said that.
I said, somebody send me proof.
I was sent the mainstream news story.
He endorsed Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Hardcore gay porno mags.
Pro-gun control.
Pro-open borders.
Groping all these women just a few years ago.
Hanging out with Nazis.
Saying he wants to be a dictator.
This is modern stuff.
And he's endorsed by Pat Robertson.
I mean, what's wrong with that picture?
Regina in Pennsylvania, you're on the air.
Alex, you have to remember that, you know, the feeding we're getting is he will help to get the Republicans in leadership in the 2004 election.
That's all that matters.
Oh yeah, and we've got to get Supreme Court Justices, okay?
The Republicans have appointed seven of the nine Supreme Court Justices.
What happened there?
Exactly, and you know, I tuned over to Tony Snow's on for Rush Limbaugh today.
I had to call in because I heard that guy call in about Dobson.
Look at your site.
That makes me a little bit nervous, Alex, but you know, I'll pray about it because Dobson could be woke up too.
But, you know, I'm glad he's doing what he's doing, but when Rubber meets the road.
I read where he had a picture of Big Bush in his office.
So, you know, who does he really align with?
Well, we have the Patriot Act, which, as far as I know, wasn't for you and Tom DeWeese and some of the other good talk show hosts and what you force us to do because you motivate us so much to do our own research.
I don't think we'd know too much from Dawson about the Patriot Act.
Well, I tuned over to Tony Snow and he had on Ashcroft.
And Ashcroft said something to the extent that Tony Snow said, what about this Patriot Act?
All these people are so upset they're going to lose their rights.
And Ashcroft said, well, there is no problem with that.
All we say is that we have to petition a judge.
to decide whether we can have a search warrant. Now this is the same people, Alex, that keep
telling us we have bad judges and we have to get Bush in and allow all these justices to come in,
but yet he's going to give power to a judge to make the decision whether they're going
to break into our house. Okay, Regina, can I say something?
Sure, I wish you would.
I'm just a little bit upset because I'm tired of this propaganda.
I'm glad you're upset.
And I didn't mean to run over you earlier, but you were kind of putting out a comment and I was just trying to add that... Well, I'm glad you are.
I'm counting on it.
They have put in the judges.
And they have said that they'll resign the assault weapons ban, and they've said they want amnesty, and they've said they want all this.
They're a bunch of traitors.
They make me sick.
And the Pat Robertsons, the Sean Hannity's, the Tony Snow's are there to keep middle America, good decent Americans, in the dark and ignorant.
My question to all the people out there is, have you read my analysis of Patriot Act 1, Patriot Act 2, and the Patriot Act section of Infowars.com?
Because if you had read it, you'd know it's a lie.
They say they don't need warrants, okay?
They have administrative warrants for whole sectors of the country.
And the new Patriot Act says they don't even need the administrative warrants or administrative subpoenas.
So it's all there.
They're lying about that too.
Remember Ashcroft said there was no Patriot Act two months after it had been introduced, Regina.
Right, right.
The reason I'm calling is... Go ahead, I'm sorry.
No, go ahead.
Arlen Specter was on this morning and I did try to get in and I had pretty much what I was going to say.
I was going to give your website and everything, but I'm going to encourage the people right now.
I called my Senators after I heard Ashcroft babbling on there and Tony Snow helping them and telling them about the fact that it's hand-picked who goes to these conferences.
Come on!
We're getting a $100,000 grant in our area for Homeland Security.
Do you think I'm excited about that?
They're talking about weapons.
They're talking about training the National Guard in how to define weapons.
Patriot Act 2 has gun control in it.
I mean, these guys are monsters.
Thanks for the call, Regina.
Can I say something real quick?
I want to push your book, Alex, Descent into Tyranny, page 120.
Everybody ought to get a copy of this and make sure that they get this book.
You say right here, the different sections, and I read this to my senator.
Section 802 has to be the most frightening.
You see, this defines a domestic terrorist as anyone who is involved in acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States of any state, is an example of high school football players, I mean, how much more do we need, Alex?
And I just thank the Lord for what you're doing.
Tom DeWeese is getting petitions, you know, in the Senate.
They can pass what Ron Paul and Butch Lauder did, and we need to tell them, get it passed, guys.
You're not representing us.
I agree.
Great points.
Thanks again.
Thank you for the plug.
One last call, because I've got to get some final news.
Who was the last caller, Mark, that I said I'd go to?
That was... Who in Ohio?
Bretton, Ohio.
Go ahead, Brett.
You're our last caller.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
I called earlier and got cut off on my cell.
I appreciate you taking me back.
Sure, go ahead.
May the Lord Jesus Christ, the one and only true God, bless you and continue to open your eyes.
Well, they're pretty wide open now, but I do thank God for opening my eyes.
Alex, you know, I'm not the only one that sees this.
You and I and your listeners out there, we all know there's many planks and avenues that the New World Order and the United Nations is working on.
However, if you get right down to it, there's, I would say, four main pillars that they're operating off of.
Politically, monetarily, militarily, and yes, the religious.
And I try to stay on top of them all.
But because I've been looking for the second coming, and I've been looking for Jesus Christ Alex ever since I've been five years old, I really focus in on that last one I mentioned there, the religious one.
And of course, I don't need to tell you that there's a lot of signs of the times here right now.
There's a guy down there, are you still with me?
There's a guy down there, right there in your neck of the woods, David J. Smith.
Have you heard of him?
Yes, we've had him on the show.
Oh, really?
He's got a new book out, Alec, 500 pages, and he claims that it's true history, not the stuff that our children are getting under the New World Order propaganda in the public school.
I was just wondering if you have read that book or heard about it.
No, but I'll probably have him back on the show, and I appreciate your call, Brett.
Take care.
We're flat out of time for this segment, almost, and During the break, I'm going to try to dig up that article I had.
Huge stack here on Pat Robertson endorsing Arnold.
You're like, oh, that's old news.
No, I wasn't aware of that.
I mean, that is so transparent.
Such a great way to expose these neocons.
I mean, yeah, he's got racehorses and likes to gamble.
You know, that's bad enough for Bill Bennett, Mr. Book of Virtues with the 1.4 million in a single weekend and the, you know, all the girls.
Just look at the Bohemian Grove.
I mean, our Christian conservative leaders are engaged in satanic activities.
It's admitted!
But when we get back, cover-up alleged in probe of USS Liberty, the Macon Telegraph, on InfoWars.com.
EU elite are filthy pigs, says Bossy.
The European Union's elite are determined to destroy Europe's Christian heritage.
Italy's former minister, Umberto Bossy, said yesterday he described the elite as filthy pigs who wanted to make pedophilia as easy as possible.
There's been all these scandals where they catch the royalty, the elites, just involved in child kidnapping, sacrifice, torture.
This is London Telegraph, folks.
No tabloid.
And then starving North Korean kills foreign babies.
That's refugees returning to North Korea face forced abortions in Kim Jong-il's prison camps.
Sounds like America.
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Well, I had it here several times during the show and mentioned excerpts of it, but it was an article about Pat Robertson back during the middle of the recall election on 700 Club with the quotes endorsing Arnold Schwarzenegger, saying he was good.
And I know that's posted on InfoWars.com.
At least I saw the webmaster posting it this morning.
And it's very important, so go check it out.
But here is an article I do have.
This is out of the Macon Telegraph.
Cover up alleged probe of USS Liberty.
A former Navy attorney who helped lead the military investigation of the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty that killed 34 American servicemen says former President Lyndon Johnson and his Defense Secretary Robert McNamara ordered that the inquiry conclude the incident was an accident.
We've had the eyewitnesses on.
They were called on board the ship by the Admiral afterwards and told, if you ever tell anybody about this, you'll be court-martialed, life in prison, or worse, we'll kill you.
And the captain got the Congressional Medal of Honor for staying at his post with shrapnel in his leg, half-blown off.
They tried to sink it for hours, and people go, oh, that's Israel doing that.
Yeah, but under orders from LBJ as an excuse to attack, that's right, Egypt.
And this was all on the record.
You had Admiral Moore on, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff.
He was in there about six years later as the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff in the early 70s, and he was on the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the time.
And a signal affidavit released at the Capitol Hill News Conference retired Captain Ward Boston and Johnson said McNamara to those heading the Navy's inquiry to conclude that the attack was a case of mistaken identity despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Boston was senior legal counsel to the Navy's original 67 review of the attack.
He said it in a sworn statement that he stayed silent for years because his military man and when orders come I follow them.
Oh, Nuremberg defense.
He said he felt compelled to share the truth following the publication of a recent book, The Liberty Incident, which concluded the attack was unintentional.
The USS Liberty was an electronic intelligence gathering ship that was cruising international waters off the Egyptian coast on June 8, 1967.
Israeli planes and torpedo boats opened fire on the Liberty in the midst of what became known as the Israeli-Arab Six-Day War.
In addition to 34 Americans killed, more than 170 were wounded.
And now Israeli pilots have come forward.
No, they're against what happened here.
And they called for this in the Northwoods Plan in 1962.
They called for blowing up ships and blaming it on foreign enemies.
And the ship, the Israeli pilots admitted they saw a huge American flag, they knew the ship well.
They didn't want to attack it.
The Israeli pilots had to be ordered three times over the radio, you attack that ship now.
No, it's an American.
You attack them, you hear me?
And our jets launched.
And then the White House was in command of the aircraft carriers and said, you turn those jets back.
And the attack went on for hours, strafing people in lifeboats.
They sent in Israeli special forces on helicopters to kill the rest of them.
And then they basically refused and flew off.
This has all come out.
And now people in government are so disgusted by the lies of the media, they're coming forward.
Admiral Moore, the lawyer for the government, ordered to whitewash it.
The officers of the ship, Israelis.
Another example of governments blowing stuff up, to blame it on their enemies, but by the grace of God, with over 700 cannon holes, a giant torpedo hole through both sides, thousands of other holes, white phosphorus bombs, machine guns firing on it, the ship didn't sink, they didn't abandon battle stations, despite the fact there were men plastered all over the deck dead.
And then, I didn't have time to get into full detail of it, the London Telegraph, EU elite are filthy pigs, says Bossy.
Richard Bossy, leader of the Northern League, says Brussels was transforming vices into virtues, and advocating the cause of atheism every day.
He announced the European Arrest Warrant as a step towards dictatorship, deportation and terror, instilling fear, and he went on to talk about the Nazi camp type system that they're running, and how they're kidnapping children.
Wow, isn't that interesting?
We're out of time.
If you're an evil German or an evil Jew or an evil person from China, I will expose you.
Our government's illegitimate.
The British government's illegitimate.
All these governments are new world order hives controlled by the big banks.
We gotta stand up and fight it.
Be sure and join us Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 during the day and of course back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
Be sure and get the new video, Matrix of Evil.
Have a great day, a great evening.
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