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Name: 20031022_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 22, 2003
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, my friends, it's the 22nd day of October, 2003, year of our Lord.
And it's halfway into the week on this Wednesday transmission.
I do this broadcast Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time during the day and of course back from 9 to midnight
Central Standard Time as we blast out on the AM and FM dial simulcast@infowars.com and prisonplanet.com
and a global shortwave during the day at 12.172 and 93.20 at night 9 to midnight
5.085, 68, 90 and we're also on what three satellites for frequencies there, digital, analog, you name it, whatever
your station needs we've got it
And there's also a rebroadcast of the daytime show from 1 a.m.
to 4 a.m.
So, big selection for you out there stations, we really appreciate you.
The sponsors, the listeners, the folks running the show, everybody makes it possible.
This broadcast is dedicated to standing up against tyranny, to mobilizing the people of the United States and the world against the New World Order juggernaut of dehumanization.
An amazing thing happened yesterday, and I just hope the damage isn't irreparable.
For seven days, Terri Schiavo Schendler was refused water and food.
She was not in a vegetative state.
That's now being finally admitted by the mainstream media.
Governor Jeb Bush, who could have reprieved her, as he could anyone in the state, last week didn't.
He waited until tens of thousands of phone calls.
Some are now saying hundreds of thousands of communications.
Emails, faxes, letters, phone calls.
Thousands of people went to the Capitol.
Hundreds and hundreds over the last seven days went to the scene there in Pinellas Park.
And now they have ordered that her feeding to be reinserted.
That happened yesterday.
Now, according to the family's website, the family has been kicked out.
The mother, the father, the brother.
Because the estranged husband who's got custody of Terry has kicked them out, but the feeding tube is back in.
The Hemlock Society and the other death cults are enraged right now because this isn't about a right to die, this is about the right of the state to kill you as they set the precedent for the aging population to be terminated with modern eugenics policies.
So this fight isn't over, but we have definitely been on the field hitting them hard.
We're in the game.
And people are just now learning about the hundreds of people that we know of, obviously the thousands that have been conscious, begging for food and water audibly.
We've listed other Florida cases with Wesley Smith earlier this week on Monday from the Wall Street Journal about people who are saying, please give me water, please I'm dying, who are being killed in Florida.
So people are just now learning of this, and we'll get the details of that.
I'm hearing a lot of neocons on fake Christian radio and conservative radio, what I would call communist radio.
They claim they're against the leftists.
I can't think of any more leftist policy being ran through.
They've got the House, they've got the Senate, they've got the legislative system, they've got the judicial system, they've got the executive.
And they have now passed a partial birth abortion fraud.
Now they've just got to suck the baby's brains out while it's still in the birth canal instead of pulling the head and shoulders out and killing the child on the table.
They can still kill the child as late as they want to.
Trent Lott was going to get a ban passed period of late-term abortions.
Bush told him don't do that according to Fox News.
And then suddenly he was demonized, attacked, and the Republicans turned their back on him.
While Arnold runs around saying, I love Hitler, and that's okay in the media, because he's for abortion.
So this partial birth abortion ban is a fraud.
They know that we're all against it, and that it's wrong, so they had to at least make us think that we're doing something.
Because the Republicans control everything, they can't just stand idly by.
That's coming up, more on Bush and the Asia-Pacific Summit.
We got Paul Watson from England joining us to talk about the latest developments with the Princess Diana murder.
It's all coming up.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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That's toll free at 888-803-4438.
Not yet available in Iowa.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, it is the 22nd day of October...
I'm Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us.
We have the amazing webmaster, author, researcher, Mr. Watson, Paul Joseph Watson.
Joining us here in about 22 minutes, he's in England.
He has written articles and done an extensive study on the murder of Princess Diana.
We've been reporting this now for six years.
And her letters came out a few days ago where she said, they're going to kill me in a fake car accident months before she was murdered.
Now it's coming out she told friends and family that, yeah, they're going to kill me because I'm going out with this Arab guy, this rich shopping mall magnate.
And it turns out she was pregnant with his child.
So they crashed the car.
Uh, killed everybody inside.
Wouldn't let them get in the ambulance for over an hour.
This is now coming out mainstream news.
They've blocked out the names of quote, those she thought were gonna kill her.
But she told friends, and this is now coming out, that it was a royal family.
And of course, royal families worldwide, whether it's Japan or China or ancient England, are well known for killing their family members, their children, their mothers, their fathers, their brothers, their nieces, their nephews, their cousins.
I mean, bringing down the Czars in Russia was a Bank of England hit.
Publicly, Lennon worked for the British royal family and was funded by Chase Manhattan City Bank, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds.
And that was the British putting a hit out on their cousins.
There's famous photos of the King standing next to the Czar, and they're identical.
They were body doubles, basically, because they were first cousins and part of an internal breeding program.
So that's coming up.
Terry Shivo Schindler.
has uh... been given a reprieve who knows if she's uh... no one can give her medical attention though they just put the tube back in because of massive pressure good job folks seven days without water and food will kill most people and cause irreparable damage this woman has been through a living uh... trip into Hades the last thirteen years we'll give you details of that a bunch of global news some new second amendment news and this fake partial birth abortion Ban is just that, a fraud and a false victory, but it is a victory in that they're having to at least give us false victories to try to pacify us, because they can't not ban partial birth abortion, at least on the surface, if you've got fake neocons controlling the legislative, the judicial, the executive branch, as well as the federal courts nationwide.
So, we're going to be getting into that as well.
I gotta say this, though, because, you know, I've been attacked in the New York Times, I've been attacked in the Washington Post, I've been attacked in the Austin American-States and the San Antonio Express News, the list goes on and on and on.
But when so-called patriots attack me, it's saddening because I very rarely attack other so-called patriots unless I think they're endangering people.
Unless I think that it's part of a larger snare.
You know, nobody ever gets in trouble that works with Alex Jones.
Nobody goes to jail who works with Alex Jones.
Nobody ends up getting pipe bombs planted on their property that works with Alex Jones.
But the crowds that attack me The people that go after Alex Jones, the people that work with them, do get in trouble.
We're here to break the false left-right paradigm.
We're here to get back to a populist constitutional view of liberty and freedom.
I'm here deprogramming the false left wing and the neocons.
I'm here unlocking liberals' minds every day.
They become real conservatives and go out and buy guns and realize that the environmental movement is nothing but a land-grabbing envelope for the big banks.
But I was reading this big news story about me and this went on for page after page.
Somebody sent me and it said, Alex Jones is so irresponsible.
On the day of 9-11, that morning, he got on the air.
And yeah, I was on the air from the time it happened.
I was on talk shows on this network leading up to my show.
And I said the government did this, guaranteed.
I said they have plans like Northwood's to carry out these attacks.
And I pointed out that on July 25th I launched Operation Expose the Government Terrorist, where I said they're going to use Bin Laden to attack New York.
That is, blame it on Bin Laden using him as their proxy.
Now that's on the record.
I did that on radio, on dozens of shows leading up to 9-11.
I said call the White House, call Congress.
I've never before done that, unless it was a piece of legislation or something.
I said call them and tell them don't carry out the attacks.
On July 25th I did two hours on my TV show Warning people.
And the video of that is in Masters of Terror.
It was in the emergency release of 9-11.
I mean, that's on the record.
And it said, well, even if Alex Jones is right, it was irresponsible.
Oh yeah, to with precision know what was happening.
With precision to warn the people.
With precision to say, look for draconian legislation.
Look for a biological attack.
I went on the air and I said the government did this and I said look for a biological attack to continue the fear because I understand the threat matrix, a term I've used long before they had a TV show about it.
All the key indicators, I can see a mass field integrated picture with the mind God gave me to give you a synthesis of the most probable outcome.
And it takes intense concentration.
It takes sitting there in a dimly lit room for hours, focusing on the information, asking God for guidance.
Frankly, I have been so overwhelmed with data that I have attempted to create a threat matrix picture, and it's too out of control at this point.
I've been honest that I believe the New World Order doesn't know exactly what they're going to do.
They're hesitant right now.
And they're just trying to propagandize us at this point.
But I mean, it's on the record.
You can't deny it.
I said they're going to use Bin Laden as the proxy to attack New York.
Call the White House, tell them don't do it.
I mean, that's on the record.
Two months before 9-11.
And on the day of 9-11.
Laying out exactly what was going on.
And I have the ADL to thank.
Type Alex Jones into the ADL.org website, and then one of the listings there is, it's what they're saying.
Published, what, September 12, 2001.
What they're saying, and it's got me listed.
It says popular Texas talk show host, says the government's behind the attacks, that they're probably going to launch a biological attack.
I mean, September 12th, I'm being attacked by the ADL, said nothing about Jews, didn't say Israel was behind it.
I don't believe Israel was behind 9-11, though they had prior knowledge.
It's like the German, and the French, and the British, and the Egyptians, the Iranians, all these warnings.
But there I am, with them on the record, attacking me for such precision.
And then the Antrax showed up.
How do I know this?
Because I understand their propaganda!
If I watch enough of their television and read enough of their news articles and see the preparation of propaganda and lies and fear they're creating, I can accurately, in many cases, predict what they're going to do!
And I just can't believe that there's all these little pea brains out there Uh, that think it's still a left-right paradigm, and because I've reached out to the left to deprogram them, and because I've been successful at that, that I'm bad.
And look, I'm not tootin' my own horn here, folks, but I know what I'm talkin' about.
I know how to get this country back.
I study this stuff continually.
I study history.
I study globalist systems of control and manipulation, and I try to wake you up to see those systems.
And every time I try to... I mean, you notice, I have Michael Corbin do my show, I have John Stattmiller do my show, I've had David Joyce on my show.
I will have the people on this show who are not a bunch of backstabbers.
I will work with people who are not basically criminals.
I will not work with trash that has stabbed me in the back, that has ripped me off, that has told horrible lies about me.
And they're infuriated that I won't lay in bed with them and their federal operations.
So people need to be conscious of that.
As well.
Because if you're focused, if you're up front, if you have faith in God, and if you're fearless, you can change the world.
But if you sit here and become a debating society and pick at the Patriot, Christian, Constitutionalist, Libertarian, whatever movement you want to label this as, you're not going to affect change, you're not going to get anything done.
Bottom line.
All right, we got Paul Watson coming up in about 15 minutes or so.
If you want to join us on air, we're going to get calls early in this broadcast about the Terry Schiavo Schindler case.
Schiavo, Schiavo.
Again, in Italian it's Schiavo, but everybody's calling her Schiavo.
They put the feeding tube back in her.
This is wonderful news, but is the damage irreparable?
Good job for the pressure you put on The Globalist.
This shows the power of the people.
We'll be getting into that and a lot more here on the show.
In fact, here it is.
But the toll-free number to join us on air if you want to talk about this or respond to this 1-800-259-9231 800-259-9231 And again, the names I listed earlier are people I can work with.
And again, the names I listed earlier are people I can work with.
Pastor Butch Paw, the folks on this network, good people.
You know, a lot of folks are jealous that this network's got so many affiliates
that we're able to break through.
Why is that?
Well, number one, we formatted this network where it actually has tones, where it actually has the talk radio clock.
You can't just have an hour show without ads and then expect a radio station to pick it up.
And then again, these jealous people ask, how can Alex Jones be on all these stations?
You know, how can he be affecting change?
How can he be getting stuff done?
Well, because I've worked in talk radio!
I've actually worked for radio stations!
I actually know what I'm doing!
Again, I wish you idiots, some of you out there were on real talk stations, could actually reach people.
But again, you don't know what you're doing!
Your production sounds like it was done on a Mr. Microphone Recorder!
Again, I'm just getting off into side issues here.
Florida governor orders feeding tube re-inserted, praise the Lord.
Invoking a law rushed through the legislature only an hour earlier, Governor Jeb Bush ordered a feeding tube re-inserted Tuesday into the brain-damaged woman, the center of one of the nation's longest and most bitter right-to-die battles.
Right to die?
She doesn't want to die.
The bill was designed to save the life of Terri Schiavo, whose parents have fought for several years to keep her alive.
Her husband, Michael Schiavo, says she would rather die We'll come back with more on this.
Take your calls and get to Paul Watson.
Stay with me.
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From his Central Texas Command Center deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we got Paul Joseph Watson from London, England.
From the United Kingdom.
From the New World Order heart.
Coming on to talk about the murder of Princess Diana in the next segment.
We're about to go to your calls and then, of course, more on Terry's fight.
The latest info, go to InfoWars.com or TerrysFight.org.
Also, her family has put out a press release saying they've been kicked out of the hospital room and now that there's been this stay of torture-style execution.
What do you think about that?
Husband of disabled Pinellas woman barring any visitors from seeing Terry.
Clearwater, Florida on Tuesday, October 21st, 2003, Terry Schindler.
Let's just call her Schindler, folks.
She doesn't have anything to do with this husband.
She's already got a wife and kids after her.
Was transported from the Hospice Woodside Facility in Pinellas Park, Florida to Morton Plant Hospital in Clearwater, Florida at the time gastric tube was reinserted and Terry Schindler Foundation
has learned that she is receiving liquids as of this writing this is
yesterday afternoon Michael Schiavo has ordered or Schiavo has ordered that the
hospital may not permit any visitors for Terry including her parents and
siblings as of 8 p.m.
Eastern Time Wednesday morning Terry's immediate family is not allowed to visit her and is not permitted to have any information regarding her physical condition.
Wow, isn't that special?
Timothy, where are you calling us from today?
Okay, Timothy just hung up.
We'll go back to the calls here in just a second.
Folks, what do you think about this?
What do you think about This situation, I mean it just goes from bad to worse and then from good to bad back to good.
What a, what a roller coaster here.
What a roller coaster ride.
And, and of course Saturday when I was live on the air, they said that she couldn't have her last rites with her Catholic monsignor.
We're going to hold off on the calls for a second because I was just told that Linda Kennedy A lawyer who's been working on this case here on the network has got an update for us.
And Linda, thanks for coming on.
What's going on?
Alex, thanks for putting me on.
And I just want to let you know, I got a really disturbing email, and I'm still in the process of verifying everything, but I did call the nurses board in Florida.
Apparently, Michael Shivo is a respiratory therapist and an RN, and I got both his license numbers.
And he works at the hospital where Terry is now laying in bed.
Well, if she mysteriously dies or if anything happens to her, if she's not given proper treatment, there'll be serious repercussions.
And again, I'm just verifying, I did call the hospital and they did not deny what I just said.
Well, I know the family has said months ago on this show that, yeah, he went to school for that.
So anyway, the fact that he's working there and she's got IVs in her is just very, very disturbing.
Major conflict of interest.
Okay, well listen Alex, I don't want to keep you any longer, but we need to keep the audience up to date on everything that is going on.
We've talked to some of the nurses and doctors, too, on air who are experts on this.
Joyce, of course, has worked on this as a registered RN as well.
Captain Joyce Riley, who you work with, who I work with.
Looking at this situation, Linda, seven days without water, there's got to be some serious damage.
It really does, Alex, and I know, you know, God does do the impossible, but unless he's intervened in that particular area, you know, imagine just your body just laying out there dry for seven days.
I mean, if her kidneys are still functioning, I'd be really, really amazed.
We need to pray for Terry.
Amen, sir.
Shivo Schindler immediately.
Well, thank you, Alex, for putting me in there.
Hey, thank you so much, Linda Kennedy, for being on the phone for over a week dealing with this and for the whole network and the listeners and our AM and FM affiliate Shortwave Internet.
This media venue where we're able to interface with millions of Americans and folks globally helped push this story into the national limelight.
Again, we were on this story, making it get legs, pushing it into the light months ago.
And you were a big part of it, and you are correct.
It's an info war.
That's where the battle is.
Thank you, Linda Kennedy.
Thank you.
Take care.
And this is the point I'm trying to make.
I'm not bragging that, oh, aren't we special, let's slap each other on the back.
If we didn't have this network, if we didn't have these affiliates, if we didn't have wonderful, gracious, loving listeners that care about life and care about families.
And care about sovereignty.
And care about decency and honor and duty.
We wouldn't have this venue, this David, to successfully fight this Goliath.
So everybody, you're all part of something special.
And this is just amazing that we've been able to have this record legislation.
They're saying the fastest that legislation has ever been passed in the state of Florida's history will be back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hi, I'd like to welcome Alan Glass.
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at 1-800-710-1090. That's 1-800-710-1090.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central and then back from 9 to midnight, we're here
It's the Alex Jones Show.
We're about to go to Paul Joseph Watson from the United Kingdom.
Our English friend who is really an expert on the Princess Diana murder.
Also the new developments in the Dr. David Kelly murder and a lot more.
We'll talk about the Asia-Pacific meeting.
What's happening with national ID cards over there and well as well as over here in the United States.
And we're going to get more into the Terri Schiavo-Shudler case, getting her feeding tube reinserted, by the grace of God, in massive pressure from the legislature and the governor.
The governor could have kept that feeding tube from being removed last week, but he didn't.
He said he wasn't going to intervene, but under massive pressure by you, he did.
And also, they did not pass a partial birth abortion ban.
It doesn't ban it.
We're going to get into that today, tonight, this morning, depending on what time zone you're listening to us in.
Before we go to Paul Watson, I want Judy, who's been holding in Tennessee, to be able to comment.
Judy, go ahead.
You're on the air.
Yes, I'd like to, Alex, make three comments.
Number one, if all believing born-again Christians would get on their face before God and pray that Terry has a complete healing and that our organs are fine, I believe God would do it.
We could give him the glory.
You stand in belief on that, and I believe there's a good chance he's going to do it.
I've prayed, and hopefully others are praying the same thing.
Second thing is that I think it's time for a class action suit against Michael.
For attempted murder, at least, if there was an attorney down there that would take the case.
And we could all send in money and put the heat on him.
And third, I watched Pat Robertson two nights ago and I thought you might be interested in what he said.
I flipped over and his newscast people were giving a report and they had just finished saying that she couldn't have the last rites.
And Pat Robertson came on and I expected him to say how horrible this was murder.
He said, oh, how horrible this is.
This is the most terrible thing I've ever heard in my life.
Why, they should give her last rites.
And I thought, you know, that's it for me and Pat Robertson.
This guy cannot be a born-again Christian.
What exactly did he say?
He said, oh, how horrible this is.
This is awful.
This is just horrendous.
They should give her last rites.
Not a thing about that they were murdering her and how horrible that was.
Well, let me just tell you something, you know.
Pat Robertson has done some good.
He wrote a book about the New World Order, but he flip-flopped about three years ago.
And he said, oh, the microchip isn't the mark of the beast, go ahead and take it.
I mean, I've got him on video.
He said, uh, partial birth abortion and fantaside.
Well, China's doing what it has to do.
Under massive pressure, he put out a clarification on the CBN website, and it said, well, yeah, they gotta have more aggressive Planned Parenthood.
So, uh, and then I got criticized for attacking Pat Robertson.
I mean, I'm... Look, it's like these neocon preachers saying the Patriot Act's good.
That is not true!
Absolutely, and he also thinks that Arnold's wonderful.
That way he's a Republican.
He's not a Christian, he's a Republican.
I might see the 700 Club three times a year.
You're telling me he said Arnold was good?
Oh yes, and his wife was wonderful.
No, he didn't.
Yes he did, I heard him.
Oh my goodness, thanks for the call Judy.
You're welcome Alex.
Great points, thank you.
Folks, Arnold, posing for homosexual magazines, private collections of Robert Mapplethorpe, the guy that puts crucifix in You Know What?, and worse things I can't mention.
He says he loves Hitler, he campaigns for Kurt Voltheim after it's out that he's a Nazi.
He's photographed with him just last year, two years ago, three years ago.
He says that he hates Christians in Evolution of a Bodybuilder.
I mean, I've written the definitive news article.
I wrote an article two months ago about Arnold.
And it talks about him and the secret Enron meeting with Michael Milken, the junk bond dealer and felon, and Enron Chief Ken Lay.
And then he runs on stopping the corruption of Enron.
It's like having Herman Goering investigate Hitler.
And I know that Hannity and Limbaugh and others, I know they worshipped at the feet of Schwarzenegger, but not Pat Robertson.
You've got to be... Folks, come on!
Come on!
Give me a break!
Let's go to Paul Joseph Watson, author of Order Out of Chaos, the best 9-11 book, better than mine, in existence, the most definitive, the most well-documented, to bring us up to speed on a plethora of key issues.
Paul, thanks for coming on.
Paul, you're the webmaster, the researcher for PrisonPlanet.com.
You put great polls up there every day, original articles, government documents, streaming audio, video.
You are just a one-man wrecking crew to the New World Order at your battle station there in England.
The Princess Diana situation.
Recap it for us.
Give us the history, what we've already known for six years, now mainstream news.
Lay it out for us, sir.
Well, yeah, we had the articles on Monday.
We need to introduce this again by bringing in the story which broke on Monday concerning Diana, in effect, predicting her own death.
We've got the picture actually on prisonplanet.com if you click on the Monday archive.
Which was Paul Burrell, Diana's former butler, who released a handwritten note which was addressed to him, signed and dated by Diana.
The note was originally written in October 1996, and Diana said that she gave the note to him for insurance purposes.
The note said, quote, I'm going to date this and I want you to keep it just in case.
And she went on to say that, quote, this particular phase in my life is most dangerous.
And XXX, and the name is obviously blanked out, is planning an accident in my car, brake failure and serious head injury in order to make the path clear for Charles to marry.
Now, the British newspapers have speculated that XXX, the blanked-out name, is in fact Prince Philip, the Queen's husband, and this is also what insiders have said.
You can gauge the mentality of Prince Philip by just reading some of his own quotes as it pertains to so-called overpopulation, and I believe that there are a few of those quotes contained in your book, Alex.
Well, he said in his own book written in, what, 1987, if I was an animal, by His Royal Highness Prince Philip, out of the royal family behind the Queen Elizabeth, And he said, quote, we need to kill 80% of the population, I want to come back as a virus to kill 80%, but the point here is...
Because the British Royal Family is well known, going back hundreds of years, for killing their family members.
I mean, this is a pastime.
The Tower was built to kill family members, quietly, away from prying eyes.
And to have her specifically say, car accident, head injury, they're gonna kill me, they had to have threatened her.
Now it's come out that she told others, verbally, they've been threatening me.
Give us your analysis of that.
Yeah, so the bottom line is that life is definitely not sacred to Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.
And as he mentioned, in the two days since the story broke, other close confidants of Diana have actually come forward and stated that Diana said the same thing to them, that the royal family was planning to assassinate her in the near future.
Now, most of us know what the official explanation for Diana's death is, which occurred, obviously, late August 97.
the official explanation is that diana and her fiance dodie alfayed
leave the ritz hotel in paris supposedly heading for dodie's flat
are chased relentlessly by paparazzi photographers before entering the pont del mar tunnel where
a combination of the paparazzi and their drunk driver in inverted commas
henry paul caused the mercedes to crash into a pylon at high speed
henry paul henry paul diana dodie
paul diane the only survivor is diana's bodyguard trevor reese jones
now in response to that we've had all the highbrow british newspapers
react to the latest story by saying that it supports the wild diana
conspiracy theory that she was murdered so we can go through
the actual evidence in a bullet point fashion to support the fact that the
official story is bogus and that this was an assassination firstly
and we see this pattern in almost every political assassination
When Diana was being driven in the Mercedes earlier in the evening, there were two other vehicles flanking her for protection.
Both were absent later on in the evening.
The driver, Henri Paul, was not a qualified chauffeur and had no car hire permit and he mysteriously just turned up and was arranged, it was arranged that he would be the driver for that night.
So, I mean, we can go back to the famous quote from Fletcher Prouty, the former colonel.
The assassinations don't necessarily have to be directed.
It can just be allowed to happen by removing the usual security provisions.
Your listeners will all remember the pictures of the four bodyguards in Dealey Plaza who were standing on the car behind Kennedy, not on Kennedy's car, where they should have been.
And again, the same thing happened when Yitzhak Rabin was killed.
The video shows How his security team stepped back in unison and allowed the killer to come through.
Well, also one of the biggest pieces of evidence is what for over an hour they don't put her in an ambulance.
The security forces that just show up stand around, get in the car, do things.
Yeah, actually an hour and a half before she actually gets to the hospital.
The car itself, the Mercedes, was changed and was actually a different model to the one they've been using early in the day.
And by the way, I've read just last week Associated Press articles Where the new systems in the cars can already take control of your vehicle.
And we know they've had these technologies for decades.
And then she says they're going to tamper with my car and kill me.
I mean, this is amazing.
And the only survivor of the crash, the bodyguard, was not wearing a seatbelt when the car left the Ritz Hotel.
And of course, It's standard for bodyguards because they need to react quickly to not wear a seatbelt.
But then we're told by the official version of events that the bodyguard survived because he was the only one in the car wearing a seatbelt.
So there's another discrepancy.
And the major question is why the car even entered the Pont Dalmar Tunnel when it takes you away from Dodie's flat.
The route was also totally different from the one they took to Dodie's flat earlier in the day.
And going back to the drunk driver explanation, this contradicts what Henri Paul's close family recently came out and stated, and we had the articles up there on Monday, that he didn't drink.
And the French inquest also said that he had taken no dose of antidepressants, which the family also said that he wasn't taking.
And the Ritz Hotel video of Henri Paul also being examined by experts
is clearly not four times over the legal limit as was claimed in the French
inquest and if that was the case he would hardly have been able to
stand up on the video if that was the case. Also we have
the father of the driver saying not just that my son didn't drink or take drugs
but on top of it we the father is saying that it was a fake blood sample which
we know governments The FBI Crime Lab, Houston Crime Lab, dozens of others have been caught in this country doing that.
Well yeah, the likely explanation is, and that's exactly what Henri Paul's father stated, was that The body was switched and the blood sample was taken from someone else, and yet still the French inquest said that the blood carbon monoxide level, which is to do with how oxygen enters the brain, was at a level of 20%, which is also incompatible with the video images.
And so it's at least clear that something happened to Henri Paul in the unaccounted three hours or so before he arrived at the Ritz to be the surprise driver of the Mercedes and of course we can look back to the documented history of mind control which tells us that it's not hard to program people to have suicidal tendencies which is why Most of the mass shooters immediately kill themselves after going on a rampage.
Well there was an article earlier this week over in Asia where quote a insane Western bomb expert just suddenly gets over there and then they release him and now we've got this quote guy who's been in government mental institutions who's a bomb expert running around during the Pacific Asia Summit.
Yeah, every case we see, we can go back to Port Arthur with mass shooting there and again.
The killer goes on a mass rampage and immediately kills himself afterwards.
What will take the Tasmanian shooting where 20-something people were killed?
This guy had admittedly been in quote government mental institution care with top known mind control doctors as his doctors.
It's the same thing with Timothy McVeigh had the well-known guy mentioned in MKUltra hearings in 77.
That's his psychiatrist in the prison.
We've got Buford Furrow of the Jewish Center in California, admittedly in the custody of federal mine control experts.
They don't even hide this stuff, Paul!
So it's obvious that that was the program that was being installed, or at least finished off, in the hours before Henri Paul mysteriously arrived on the scene.
And we were talking earlier about the delayed reaction after the crash actually happened, an hour and a half before Diana got to a hospital.
The first man on the scene of the crash was a motorcyclist called Eric Patel.
And he said that Contrary to the official version of events that there was paparazzi and white Fiat swerving in front of the vehicle and all this, the first person on the scene of the crash said that there were no other cars around and the Mercedes just suddenly veered into the pillar as if by remote control.
And then Patel looked inside the car and saw that Diana's eyelashes were still fluttering and that she was clearly still alive.
So when Patel phoned the police to tell them that Diana had been in a crash, they just laughed at him.
So he actually afterwards drove to the police station where he was immediately arrested and made to sign a statement which he didn't even have a chance to read.
The major smoking gun with the tunnel itself is that the 17 traffic cameras, both before and inside the tunnel, were all mysteriously turned off right as the Mercedes was leaving the Ritz.
And just like Oklahoma City, they've sealed those tapes.
International Security, just like the Pentagon, just the most surveilled place in the world, but no video of the plane.
And the security cameras for the Pont Dalmar Tunnel were actually turned towards the concrete wall right up until two days after the crash, which is obviously just another coincidence, but furthermore, Radio Ham's in Paris that night reported that right as Diana was leaving the Ritz for the next 20 minutes or so, all police radio traffic was basically died and only returned after the crash.
So we have the, after that we have the hour and a half gap.
Well that's just like when NATO took over Colorado Springs, everything went haywire.
Everything goes dead, so there's no recorded footage of what actually happened.
We have the hour and a half gap between the crash and when Diana arrived in hospital and the first medical team that arrived inexplicably only had an oxygen mask with them and it's clear that they were making sure that she was dead because if there was a prompt response she probably would have lived because the initial people on the scene said that she was still actually talking after the crash.
This has all come out on the news, this is all out in the open.
And the bodyguard stated that she was still talking and one of the first medics on the scene later appeared on the Larry King Show on CNN and said that, quote, she appeared pretty fine.
And when they finally did get her in the ambulance, they were ordered to go no faster than 25 miles an hour and actually drove right past four hospitals which were closer to the scene.
Paul Watson, I want to talk about the aftermath of this.
The type of whitewash we'll see.
Blair saying no inquiry.
Not even a whitewash.
Then I want to get into the latest developments of Dr. David Kelly that a lot of folks probably aren't aware of.
The men in black uniforms that disappear and the police are told not to talk about it.
Then I want to get into what's happening with your national ID cards as we get them here as well.
And take calls.
Stay with us, we'll be back.
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All right, we've got Paul Watson for 30 minutes into the next hour.
And we're going to be taking your calls on any of the subjects.
Terry Shivo Schendler.
Partial birth abortion.
There was no ban yesterday by the Senate, folks.
And we have what the bill actually does.
I have the text of it here in front of me.
They're trying to pacify you, which in and of itself is good news.
It shows that we're having an effect.
Also, we've got some of the global outlook, what's happening with the national ID cards, how they're bringing them forward, the Dr. David Kelly case.
I'd also like to hear from listeners that just thought of this during the break, who've read Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order.
It's the best book I know of in existence, not just because I published it, but it's 330-something pages of just You know, how the British government carries out terror.
Caught red-handed.
How the Israeli government does it.
How the U.S.
government does it.
How the German government does it.
How the UFO movement is controlled by the Rothschilds.
Mainstream news.
Just amazing stuff in this book you're not going to find anywhere else.
And, uh, I'd like to hear from listeners that have gotten it and get your review live on air as well.
When we finish up with the Prince of Diana, uh, murder story, Paul, and it'd be a conspiracy to say it wasn't a murder, that's what all the evidence shows, uh, order out of chaos.
Why should folks get it?
Why should they get a second copy for $8 off to give to friends and family?
Well, the main feedback that I've got so far about Order Out of Chaos, which is, some of it's from people from Britain, actually, and I've had a lot of emails asking if there's a British outlet for it.
It's useful just to explain to people that they can buy the book from InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, if they're in Britain.
You can get it anywhere in the world.
Yeah, we ship to New Zealand, we ship to Germany, we ship to Africa.
The main feedback that I've got is how people like the thoroughly documented style of the book, which is similar to Alex's book, Descent Into Tyranny.
With every source I cite, I include a URL and a source from an actual mainstream publication, the online version, so people can verify anything that they think doesn't add up.
I mean, there's basically 60 sources for every single chapter.
So, in that sense it is very different from any other sort of alternative book in that every single thing I say is backed up by mainstream evidence.
Yeah, when we say that the Israelis founded Hamas and have been caught creating terror groups and bombing things, it's Harots!
It's the Jerusalem Post.
When we say that British MI5's been caught doing almost all the bombings, this is admitted BBC and London Guardian and then your own research.
And still, just recently, Harots and Jerusalem Post are reporting that all the major bombs are coming out of bomb factories controlled by Israelis.
And we've had the so-called fake Al-Qaeda group, which the Israelis blamed on several bombings, and which they claim were palestinians they were arrested
and quietly released because it like to know that they were in fact moscow
my line folks but i'm not killing jews are killing palestinians the new world
order is controlling it to be stabilized destroy israel destroy the palestinians
now now here's the point you need to go to info wars dot com a prison planet dot com
order order out of chaos or police state three total enslavement the video
wrote during the video you need to go to info wars dot com a prison planet
dot com uh... order out of chaos is nineteen ninety five when you
get one copy Get a second copy for $11.95 to give as a gift.
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or 1-888-253-3139 or via the phone.
That's 888-253-3139 or write to us, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Don't wait.
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Get the book.
Get the films.
Start waking folks up.
You're really missing out.
You got a family member that's hard to wake up?
Give them a copy of the book.
Give them a copy of a video.
We got 30 more minutes with Paul Watson.
We're going to go back into Princess Diana.
Recap that.
Hit the final information.
Then get into Dr. David Kelly.
Then get into the National ID cards and take your calls.
Stay with us.
Second hour straight ahead.
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ideal for traffic this is the GCN radio network
big brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Already into the second hour of this transmission.
We wage war on corruption.
We crash the lies and disinformation.
We're interviewing Paul Joseph Watson, The researcher and editor of my website PrisonPlanet.com is also an author of a definitive book on government-sponsored terror and other key New World Order activities.
Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror in the New World Order.
We've got Charles, John, and many others holding.
Your calls are coming up here in a few minutes.
If you want to join us on air, it's 1-800-259-9231.
Paul, in about a minute or two, recap the facts that it's obvious that they murdered Diana, her new letter, then get into what you think the aftermath will be, because I know you've been writing and researching this for years.
And then I want to get into Dr. David Kelly and these dark actors that have been threatening him now being at the scene and some of the different testimony in the inquiry.
Then I want to get into the unification of the world ID card now being implemented from Europe to the US.
Parallels which we can draw between Diana and the David Kelly situation which suggests that both are connected in the fact that they were both murders and not an accident and a suicide but a couple of things that We need to throw in regarding the Diana death was that, firstly, on top of all the hard evidence that we've already run through, the cameras, the 17 security cameras turning off right before the crash, the police radios going dead, the lack of response after the crash from medical authorities, the hour and a half delay.
Diana's seen talking by witnesses.
We can throw in the actual evidence we have on top of all this, which is kind of the cherry
on the cake.
It's not the foundation of our assertion that she was murdered, but we have the usual, and
we see this in every case, the ritualistic symbols, which the Illuminati used to communicate
with each other.
The car hitting pillar number 13, and then the memorial being an eternal torch flame,
which obviously was also used for the Kennedy Memorial.
And by the way, directly above that tunnel is a little island area where they admit the
Romans wrote about that being the center of Druid rituals and sacrifice.
Yeah, it's an ancient pagan sacrificial site and we have the lighted torch just as was the aftermath of the World Trade Center memorial with the lighted flame.
And the same torch, the same torch and black swans at our memorial in England, Kennedy's site, the eternal flame, the burning torch.
So again, it's the Illuminati communicating to each other that this was, in effect, their dirty work.
And that's not the foundation of our case, but it's just the indication that it was an elite hit.
Well, it's like the sniper attack.
Somebody leaves a skull and bones death card.
They always engage in these trappings.
And then we can go into the parallels with the murder of Dr. David Kelly.
Basically, we would expect the circumstances of the deaths of Dr David Kelly and Princess Diana to be somewhat varied because one was apparently an accident and the other was apparently a suicide.
But it's what the two have in common that indicates that both were in fact murders and indeed both carried out by a team that used the same tactics.
Both David Kelly and Princess Diana were in a sense Disgruntled former employees Kelly of the British Government and Diana of the Royal Family both had grudges to bear and held sensitive information.
Kelly primarily from his work in biospecific viruses at Porton Down and Diana from her involvement with both Prince Charles and Prince Philip.
So this in itself was a motive for their assassination.
And in both cases, both Diana and David Kelly were on the eve of making an announcement which would have severe ramifications for the authorities.
Kelly on Blair lying about Iraq's WMD and Diana announcing their engagement and in fact pregnancy with Dodi Fayed.
Alright, smashing Paul.
Excellent analysis.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
With more analysis of this for another 5-10 minutes, then your calls, you can get involved on air.
I'm Alex Jones with Paul Joseph Watson of PrisonPlanet.com.
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Big Brother. Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, Charlie, John, Brian, Cliff, and others.
Your calls are coming up here in just a few minutes.
We're talking to Paul Joseph Watson.
You missed the analysis of the last 35 minutes.
Boy, I tell you, it's important stuff and I know Paul will post this interview at PrisonPlanet.com in the audio section with all the key interviews we've done and several of those are of course with Paul and hundreds of other prominent people from across the political spectrum all exposing the New World Order.
Well, I guess a few of them are enemies of freedom, socialists, gun grabbers like Ann Coulter, but We're talking to Paul Joseph Watson, author of Ordered Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order.
Find out more at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Now, Dr. David Kelly, bio-weapons expert, head of Horton Down, engineer, race-specific bio-weapons, blows the whistle that they're lying about weapons of mass destruction.
He'd been a hawk.
Found in the field with electrodes on his chest, undigested pills in his belly.
He said he'd been getting threatened, dark actors around him, his phone acting up.
That he was going to quote, get his good name out.
He was going to make an announcement.
He was tired of being attacked.
Suddenly he's found dead with his wrist slit, and now the police come up to see weird guys in black military uniforms.
They walk off.
They're told to shut up.
This comes out in the inquiry.
Then they perjure themselves and say, okay, we didn't see him.
This is all going on.
Dr. David Kelly, tie that in with the British royalty, the German royalty, the Sachs-Coburg-Gotha family getting rid of their enemies.
Well, we were drawing parallels between the obvious murders of both Diana and Dr David Kelly.
A couple of points to rhyme that off.
The first people to discover both bodies acted like they were basically mopping up a crime scene rather than helping or reporting a victim.
And we had the so-called incompetent medics in the case of Diana and the strange men in black jumpsuits which came out in the Hutton inquiry that were reported to be hovering around Kelly's body by eyewitnesses before the police even arrived.
Also, we have the fact that both Diana and David Kelly stated that they would likely be killed in the coming months.
Obviously, we had the stories on Monday that Diana stated that She would have a car accident and we had David Kelly coming out in the weeks before his death saying that, or in the ten months or so before his death, before the Iraq War, stating that if war on Iraq was declared that pretty soon he would be found dead in the woods, which is exactly what happened.
And so we see these parallels between the two cases.
And so the question to ask is who actually carried out these assassinations?
And Paul, these little tidbits come out.
He's saying, I'll be found in the dead in the woods if I don't shut up.
I've got dark actors threatening me.
Somebody's tapping my phone.
I'm going to get my name back.
We've got Diana saying they're going to make me have a car crash and kill me afterwards.
And I've been threatened by, and it's blanked out in the newspaper, Prince Charles, Prince Philip.
I mean you start and then you've got the cameras all being off in the tunnel and you've got the hour and a half of the hospital and Diana talking and being conscious when the first people got there and then the man who sees all this being arrested by the French and you just keep and then her being pregnant with this Arab's child.
Well yeah, we've got Kelly saying that his phone's tapped, we've got Diana weeks before her death saying that her apartment is completely bugged, and so again another parallel between the two cases, but to ask which actual group carried out both the Diana and Kelly assassinations, Obviously we're talking about the British intelligence apparatus, MI5 and MI6, but digging deeper, and this is especially interesting since I mentioned before the Mercedes crashing into Pillar 13 in the Pont Dalmar Tunnel,
There's actually a paramilitary assassination group in the UK which goes by the name of Group 13.
People who've actually researched this group later found themselves being threatened at gunpoint.
This Group 13 so-called evolved out of former SAS members that were in Northern Ireland in the late 70s and we know the history of Britain.
Those are the guys carrying out the terror bombings to keep the occupation going?
Yeah, those are the guys in the MI5 bomb squads actually carrying out the purported MI, you know, IRA bombings, later turned out to be MI5.
And this Group 13 was later contracted to carry out hits for the British government on behalf of the Foreign Office, and from the evidence of previous researches, it was affiliated internationally with an American-based assassination team called Pegasus, which takes its orders from the NSA.
And all this has been put out there by people on the fringes of these organisations who are desperately trying to blow the whistle.
But the bottom line with Diana is that she had the ability to take any issue whatsoever and put it at the forefront of public scrutiny, as she did with the landmines issue.
And so, in my estimation, this ability coupled with her side knowledge of the royal family in an affair with an
Yeah, wouldn't you say that's the coup de grace that she's with this rich Arab who owns the shopping malls in
Europe admittedly pregnant by him about to get married?
Yeah, the royals didn't want her to taint their sacred bloodline and
basically Diana was too much of a loose cannon with too big a chip on her
shoulder that she couldn't be tolerated any longer.
But the ramifications of the story on Monday are basically twofold.
Firstly, that we've seen renewed calls for a British-based inquiry, independent inquest, into Diana's death.
And we had the story yesterday.
Tony Blythe's spokesman basically completely dismissed the possibility of this.
But obviously when the amount of disinformation is out there as it is today, it becomes almost impossible to conclusively prove anything, but of course the flip side of that is that no one believes what the government is saying.
Exactly, they can't prove.
Their stories are always the most ridiculous and the most easy to disprove.
We can always just prove their story and then it's obvious what really happened, but there's so much smoke thrown up the average person's confused.
Now Paul, we're about to go to calls, but Uh, you put a poll up on the website from one of the major newspapers.
What did it close at?
Last time I saw it, it was 76% of the British people believe Diana was murdered.
In our polls, it was about 62% in CNN.
Uh, 84% believe Kennedy was killed by the government.
Uh, 89% to 87% think the borders should be controlled, illegals deported.
I guess we're all just raving kooks and conspiracy theorists.
Well, that must be the case.
I mean, we had the London Mirror Poll, and the Mirror is actually the biggest-selling newspaper in Britain.
The Mirror Poll ended at 76% of British people think that Diana's death was not an accident, and then After that we had TV polls on BBC and Sky News which stated that the figure that believed that it wasn't an accident was as high as 90% and even in America we had a CNN poll which was showing 65% believed it wasn't an accident.
So it closed at 65 when I saw it.
It was like 62.
So we're definitely deprogramming people.
Let's take calls.
We'll get into national ID cards before you leave us.
Let's talk to Charles in South Carolina.
You're on the air with Paul Watson and Alex Jones.
Alex, I've read all that stuff in the American Free Press.
What are you saying?
But that isn't what I called for.
Let me ask you a question so I know what I'm talking about.
Did you tell that woman that Robinson wouldn't say something like that?
Well, I was saying, I mean, I said it's hard to believe.
Okay, but it's true.
You see, I haven't got cable.
I just watch this regular ABC.
He's on ABC, 9 o'clock in the morning.
That ain't the only thing this guy says.
He's a New World Order all the way.
Take my word for it.
I'm not a liar.
You know who I am.
And I'm a reader of the spotlight.
I know it all.
This guy's a New World Order all the way.
I was just saying it's hard to believe he can get away with that.
Well, he's doing it.
Have somebody tune in on him and see what I'm talking about.
Tune in on him.
Have somebody look into him, okay?
Okay, Charles.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to John in Tennessee.
You're on the air, John.
I used to live in England with the U.S.
Air Force, and it was reported that the Queen makes half a billion dollars a year income tax-free and is the largest landowner in New York City.
Trevor Reese Jones ...was an MI6 agent who reported that British intelligence plotted assassination of the Bosnian President using a car with a remote-controlled anti-lock brake system.
Uh, Dan and Dodie's car was broken into and the ABS computer stolen, and then the computer was recovered and reinstalled in the car that crashed.
It was not replaced with a new one.
If the left side brakes are triggered, the car will steer hard left, which is what it did.
And Reese Jones was arrested in USA to prevent his scheduled TV interview.
He missed his return flight on Swiss Air Flight 111 that crashed and killed everybody on board.
After Diana and the so-called DUI crash, DUI laws were changed to lower the blood alcohol limit for the entire planet.
This is a scam of the police state.
Tennessee Driver's License Handbook admits, quote, you can still be convicted of DUI with blood alcohol of 0.0% end quote.
Breath testers don't even test alcohol, and they get hundreds of false positives for diabetes, dieting, and exercise.
You're already under arrest before you get a blood alcohol test.
It's all fraud.
There's no passing score.
Now, the U.S.
Air Force and NSA bugged Diana's cell phone, and the BBC published the X-rated transcripts.
On the day of Diana's murder, 90% of the British people said that the Royals killed her.
It was just a gut reaction.
I remember I was in San Francisco filming America Destroyed by Design and everybody was walking down the street going, they killed her, they killed her.
Paul, what was it like in England the day they murdered her?
Well, it was obviously used as a mass psychosis device, which is what these incidents usually are used for, World Trade Center specifically, but the caller mentioned Trevor Rees-Jones, and we touched on this earlier, but we didn't go in any depth.
Trevor Rees-Jones, as the bodyguard, was supposed to not be wearing a seatbelt, because that is the mandate of bodyguards.
But he was pictured at the traffic lights right before they entered the tunnel, not wearing a seatbelt.
And then the official explanation later on is that he survived because he wore a seatbelt.
And so later we get the whole tale about how the Mercedes was taken in three weeks before stolen and the brakes were tampered with.
So that does dovetail with what the caller was saying.
All right.
Thank you, John.
Great points.
We'll be right back with more calls, more news.
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Alright, folks, I'm Alex Jones.
Paul Watson's gonna stay with us about, uh...
another 15 minutes or so into the next segment, so we have time to, uh, take more of your calls on the
subject of the murder of Dr. David Kelly, the special forces types around the body when the first
police walk up, and then no one thinks to question the guy in black--the
three guys in black outfits.
Kelley says he'll be found dead in the woods, all this stuff, he's being threatened, dark actors, and literally they found dark actors when they got there, Princess Diana.
We're going to get into national ID cards, how they're being implemented everywhere, and the big push in England and Europe and here by stealth.
And of course, your calls.
We're about to go to Brian, Cliff, Alan, and others.
First, let's go to Patrick in England, calling in via cell phone.
And you're on the air with your fellow Englishman.
Patrick, welcome.
Go ahead.
Hello Alex, and thank you very much indeed.
Now I was at a seminar the weekend in Chepstow where this was dealt with.
People like you and me who research this kind of information, sorry there's cars passing by here, but two pieces of news have emerged about David Kelly.
The search that was mobilized, hello?
Yes, you're on the air.
The search was mobilized at 2.30pm before he had left the house.
And indeed that motor cruiser was on the river and Navy SEAL, three guys in Navy-type uniforms were seen there.
But one of the key pieces of evidence is, Dr. Kelly had hardly any blood at the scene, just minor blood.
He did not bleed out.
If he cut his wrist, he would have bled out.
He had undigested pills in his stomach.
Well, that's what they say.
Let me get Paul's take on what you're saying.
Go ahead, Paul.
Yeah, there was little blood at the scene, according to the original eyewitnesses.
We had three basically walkers in the countryside that had hired a boat to sail along the river that saw in the distance three men, three large heavily built men in black jumpsuits just hovering around the body, checking the body, who then walked off.
Ten minutes later, the police arrive and identify the body.
So again, we have these people that come almost before the authorities to mop up the crime scene.
And obviously, their activities before these three ramblers saw them is what we're actually trying to highlight.
Alright, your take Patrick on Princess Diana?
Well, just before we go, the other piece of conflicting evidence, that's correct what Paul says, at the Hutton Inquiry was, that Dr. Kelly was found by the civilian searchers who were sitting up against a tree dead, the police said he was lying down on the ground.
That's the total conflict of evidence there.
But the Princess Diana thing, yes, colleagues of mine who research, the Mercedes 600, that's some piece of kit, It was, they had a fleet of six of those at the Ritz.
The specific one that killed him was stolen weeks before and returned, embellished and cleaned and ready to go.
So that alone, and can I give you a third piece of evidence?
You know who I'm talking about.
Mike Dicken on Talk Sport.
Well, that's what eyewitnesses said.
Saw her talking, moving around.
Thank you, sir, for the call, Patrick.
Thank you.
Let's talk to Brian in Kansas.
Brian, you're on the air.
Yes, sir.
Actually, it's Brandon.
Okay, Brandon, go ahead.
Don't worry about the name mix-up.
It happens all the time.
What I had to mention is off today's subject, but relates back to what you We're talking about a few weeks ago.
And it's... You had mentioned that the yuppies are the hardest people, group of people to get aware of what's happening.
Because they think they're part of the establishment.
I work with a bunch of yuppies.
And I work in the IT section.
And to give you a little bit of my background, I have... Well, I hope they enjoy the seven times the layoffs of what's already happened to India.
Yeah, really.
Tell me, that's a different subject there altogether.
But I have an RF background with military and civilian, both.
And the thing that I found that works for getting their attention and actually making them aware is to talk about the OnStar system.
And, you know, talk about it in a level they can understand it as far as how it operates and how your vehicle can be controlled by it.
Your vehicle can be controlled?
They admit Homeland Security is using it as a bug to listen to people?
And that has been, I verified that a week and a half ago, actually almost two weeks ago, I was at a Set your demonstration on the OnStar system with two different sales reps and the look on their face when I started asking for technology demos was, you know, very surprised that they came across somebody that knew how the system worked.
and what all of us capable well i mean it's admitted industry papers that
online securities using it to listen to people we are it's not been directly
uh... the uh... the uh... g_p_s_ system is owned by the government
uh... and serves at the pleasure of the auto manufacturers comments to what the
gentleman saying paul play in the end
the satellite control system in all cars goes back almost ten years which is why
the eyewitness reports of the diana crash that the mercedes without any uh... distraction from any of the vehicles
mysteriously viet into the fifteen pillar
goes back to the fact that uh... group thirteen have been using that mechanism
of uh... remote control to crash cars years previously to uh... the diana
crash And that was something that they would not even
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
that asked him to demonstrate how the engine can be shut off.
Tell you what, stay there.
Stay there, Brian.
We'll talk to Cliff and Alan as well when we get back.
And to get into national ID cards with Paul Joseph Watson.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The following is an actual conversation between a Neoconstar operator and a subscriber in distress
who is locked in her car and doesn't have the proper authorization to get out.
With Neoconstar, help is just a satellite away.
Neoconstar, how can I offer you great service today?
Please help me, I'm trapped in my car!
My retina scanner won't work!
Just relax, sir.
It's not sir, it's ma'am!
Please hurry, it's hot in here!
According to Admiral Poindexter's database, I have you at the Monsanto Mart on 2nd Street.
I have a live shot of you from the Neoconstar observation blimp in your area.
I'm an old lady!
Alright sir, looks like you have no outstanding warrant, so you're not under vehicular detention.
But it looks like you have some outstanding parking tickets in two counties.
We'll need you to slide your National ID card for deduction before we can release you from the car.
Slide it through the Neocon Star Console now.
But I can't find it.
I'm looking everywhere.
I can't find my National ID card.
Sir, I'm going to send a Homeland Security helicopter there right now to check you out.
You have a 99.2% chance of being a terrorist.
Would you like the NCAR lethal injection right now or would you prefer to wait for the agent?
Okay, I'll take the lethal injection please.
Thanks for using the Neocon Star. Have a nice day.
Yes, thanks for using the Neocon Star.
Paul, we need to get that posted on PrisonPlanet.com so that it can get spread around the internet.
I keep meaning to call and tell you that for weeks.
I mean, that's more in the realm of reality for what we're facing.
The big automakers have said they want retina scanners to, quote, tell if you're tired.
Now we're hearing about, oh, tired driving's worse than drunk driving.
What's the answer?
A retina scanner on all cars.
Why, it'll save lives and to make sure your car isn't too hot with your children in it.
A wireless hookup to an infrared scanner.
Very inexpensive.
They want to make that standard by 2005.
That's MSNBC, by the way.
Going back to Brian in Kansas.
Continuing to discuss this, you say you went to an OnStar Demo Discussion.
They were freaking out that you knew about this.
Tell us some more.
Brian, are you still there?
Yes, I'm still here.
Or Brandon, excuse me.
Yes, I'm here.
What else did they say?
The main demo they wanted to give was to show how you can make cellular calls from inside your car.
Using the OnStar system, which is all VIA-connected through cellular usage.
And, you know, satellite doesn't blink through cellular.
I did get them to admit to the fact that they can monitor conversations going on inside the car without anybody knowing it.
And that they have used that already.
And, of course, they were really surprised and denied it until I finally kept at it and kept at them.
And finally got them to admit to that they do do that, but only with a court order.
I said, OK, so you're saying you have the technology that is capable of doing it?
He said, yes.
I said, how many times has it been done?
Well, it's only been done once.
Yeah, right.
Look, folks, the satellites are owned by the government.
By the way, the Bin Laden's own part of the company with the Bushes, then it went into bankruptcy and the government took it over.
Now it's all hooked into the control grid.
The GPS, 66 satellites and six spares.
I'm not kidding, folks.
That's how they announce it.
Orbiting the planet.
Uh, just, uh, just absolutely amazing that this is, uh, going on.
Paul Watson, uh, your take on this, because the same system's being put into your country.
They're announcing they're going to start taxing you to drive with the satellite boxes that just accidentally were put in all your cars.
Yeah, and we've got the EU calling for a national ID card, and on the side also, at a lower level, calling for a national or a European health ID card.
And a European driver's license, same thing in England, same thing here.
This is the national ID card, and people don't even know it.
Yeah, just today we've got the article calling for an EU driving licence and the satire in the clip you just played about the National ID Card grading people on levels of security and whether they've committed criminal offences in the past is no joke because we have from Australia, which is also on the website today, the airliners are creating this database which produces...
produces graded ratings on whether people are yellow, orange, or red security threats.
And you become a threat if you have bad credit.
Yeah, we've got caps too.
We've got the Pacific Database, which includes all people in Australia, New Zealand, and basically Australasia.
And then we have the Matrix System, integrating the echelon group of countries into the state level, from the counties in your country to the states in my land.
It's just amazing.
Thanks for the call, Brandon.
Let's now talk to Cliff in Colorado.
Cliff, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex and Paul.
Appreciate what you're doing.
I've gotten all your tapes, Alex, and I've been making copies, and I've been targeting the wrong audience.
I've been distributing them to principals, college professors, CEOs, and I'm having a yuppie, and I'm having a dismal success rate doing that.
Certainly you hear callers that have a 90 to 100 percent.
Sometimes we get calls from the minority where no one's waking up.
What type of response are you getting?
Well, I'm getting a negative response, but I'm slowly figuring that I'm giving... I give them to college professors who scoff, and in fact I've been ostracized by some of my family members who are college professors, and they think that I'm the crazy one.
But when you give them to a track co-operator, or a post mailman, or the guy that works at the convenience store, that percentage is They're turning around, they're asking for more copies of tapes.
So you're having problems with educated idiots.
Paul, do you want to talk about this phenomenon?
Well, if you offer tapes to people that are basically locked into the system, then obviously they're going to give you a reaction which isn't beneficial because You tell people that have been locked into this system for basically all their life that they've been basically the minions for this giant corrupt bureaucracy which feeds a wider agenda then obviously their life up to that point is basically has been of minimal importance and so obviously
They're natural instincts kick in where they're going to defend their existence up to that point because basically you're giving them a kernel of truth which will destroy the entire foundation of their job, their life, up to that point.
One thing Alex, if I may add, one thing that disturbs me a little bit, I gave some tapes to some Christian friends a couple weeks ago and I asked them just this morning how the tapes are going and they said they watched them and they're scared to death. They also made a comment, they
said that Jesus and God's going to take care of it.
And I'm sitting on the fence as far as religion goes. I haven't made my own choice about that.
But I told them that we, citizens everywhere, need to stand up to tyranny and to evil.
That's your responsibility.
Well, let me just say this, and thanks for the call.
It's an important question.
Christ stood up to the tyranny of his day.
Daniel did.
The prophets did.
The disciples did.
The founding fathers did.
What happened with Hitler?
What happened with Stalin and Mao?
This is a modern view that lay down, God's going to handle it all, and that's not true.
God said stand up, reprove the works of darkness, stand up to evil.
And so you've got this modern neutered church by the government just like they have in China, the patriotic church.
And so these people are afraid, they're copping out, and they're destroying themselves.
Well, yeah, and the people that react to videos like yours badly, I mean, they know that the government has lied so much that they're starting to apply that ethic to the general population.
So when you tell them something, they think that you're lying because the government has been caught lying so many times.
and climate of deception they've just applied it to everybody because it's
been so ingrained into them by the government. Well also he was
saying these questions were
woke up to it but we're still like well God will handle it. God wants you to tie your shoelaces
folks let's talk to one last caller Alan
and I believe it's in Michigan. Alan go ahead. Hi guys Paul I've ordered your book and I eagerly await its arrival
order out of chaos I used to be in London fire brigade now it's actually a
backup for the Moorgate collision in London underground
And I know that if we had arrived at the Lady Diana accident, she would have been out of that vehicle at least within 15-20 minutes.
No doubt.
I have a question for you.
If every thinking person knows that the media is controlled by the elite, What is the function of the London Daily Mirror now?
Well, let me take that first and see if Paul agrees.
And Paul, you say whatever you think here.
Throwing it in our face, plus they can't hide everything so they have to inoculate us to it, just kind of later bring it out to give us a feeling of desperation and that they're omnipresent.
I mean, the British lords of old would kill their family right out in the open, cut their wife's head off in front of a crowd of a thousand.
Well yeah, there's so much evidence that goes even deeper than what Diana revealed, that the London Mirror are in effect whitewashing things, but the caller mentioned that he was part of the unit which would respond immediately to circumstances such as Diana's car crash, and the fact is that Diana conflicting with the official reports was basically almost out of the car and the official explanation for the delay between getting her out of the car and to the hospital the hour and a half delay was that she was trapped within the vehicle but she was out of the car so again that goes back to the response which was delayed.
Yes, final comments, Alan.
You have any opinion about why the Mirror would actually be putting our face about Diana's brother's statements?
Well, here's the deal.
They had to kill her because she was pregnant, she was going public, she was fighting landmines, she was a loose cannon.
So, number one, greater damage would have been done by not killing her, and then later if it leaks out that they did kill her, there's nothing we can do, they say, so just let us know.
It's like Dr. David Kelly.
That's a message.
They did it sloppy, so it's a message.
Hey, you blow the whistle on us, we'll kill you.
That's what the mafia does.
A lot of times they'll kill somebody and let everybody know.
It's a message, Paul.
As with Jackie Kennedy.
And Piers Morgan, the actual publisher of the Daily Mirror, came out the day of and the day after these revelations were revealed and said that while these stories are interesting, it doesn't prove that Diana was killed.
In anything other than an accident, so the actual publisher of the Daily Mirror is out giving interviews to CNN whitewashing the whole thing right now.
And a lot of this is, a great point Paul, and thanks for the call Alan, a lot of this is they've got to report some corruption to quote control the way the story's going against the alternative media and to try to create some credibility there.
Paul's got to go, but before he goes, Paul, order out of chaos in a minute and a half, describe the book, white folks should get your book that I published.
Well, in all doubt and curse, one of the things that I go into detail about, which is rarely covered in other books, is the way in which New World Order choose to proceed in implementing their agenda.
And in one sense, this is characterised by how legislation is passed to further centralised power.
We talked about the European National ID Card earlier.
the European Union always advanced this federalist dictatorship by taking small baby steps.
And we see that right across the world, how this legislation is introduced in tiny steps
so people don't realize what it led back to and the fact that it leads back to an overall
I mean, the BBC reported that the single currency, and this was after the Bilderberg meeting,
was planned, and this was in the EU's archive, was planned right back since the '50s.
So we have a memory of history and that's what I try to expose in the book, that this
is an overall agenda and it's not just to do with modern day events, it goes back throughout
And having a long-term memory is something that really hurts Big Brother.
That's why they're trying to create a memory hole system where we now see them retroactively, months later, editing transcripts, editing news articles across the board.
This shows that unseen hand becoming very visible.
So folks, you need to get Order Out of Chaos.
300 plus pages full of diagrams, documents, government sponsored there, what the New World Order is, a lot of key stuff.
$19.95 when you order one, get a second copy for $11.95 to give as a gift.
I hope you go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order it and any of the other great films or books.
The toll-free number to order is 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
That's 888-253-3139 or write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
It's an impressive and important and scholarly but riveting work.
Folks, help us move this thing.
Help us get it out to the people.
It's up to you.
Paul Watson, I want to take a second out to thank you for your amazing dedication, your insight, your work on PrisonPlanet.com, my website, and I just want to thank you for your great work, sir, and God bless you.
I mean, we're starting to have a few victories at the moment with the pro-life course, so it's definitely starting to pay off, and it's always a pleasure.
All right.
Thank you, Paul.
Take care.
All right, I'm going to get into the victory with Terry Schiavo and Schindler and the false victory with the partial birth abortion ban, which really isn't doing that, and a bunch of global news.
And I want to take more calls for the balance of the broadcast.
Got about an hour and 12 minutes left in this transmission.
It is Wednesday, the 22nd of October, 2003.
If you agree with me, you disagree, got points you want to add about About Princess Diana, about Terry Schiavo Schindler, about the partial birth abortion ban not really being a ban, if you want to talk about Israel saying they're going to start nuking Iran, North Korea threatening everybody after being armed by the globalists, if you want to talk about all this Second Amendment legislation, pro and con, Ron Paul's new bill, any of these subjects, you disagree with me!
You disagree with something I've said or something I do or something I'm putting forward.
This broadcast is not censored.
We're wide open.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
Get involved on air and we're going to cover more news.
I'm going to come back in the next segment.
Go to calls, go to news.
Right now, let me just add an extension to what I was saying about Order Out of Chaos.
Paul sent me sample chapters of when he was writing it.
He had a publisher.
They said it was too hardcore.
He got out of that deal with the publisher.
I published Order Out of Chaos.
The book is absolutely incredible.
If you want to be an expert on the New World Order, if you're going to get one item, one book, this is it.
Like Road to Tyranny is the one film you've got to have.
And, uh, $19.95, folks.
And also, your partner supports this broadcast.
I'm the publisher of this book.
You want to be a distributor of it?
And then we'll sell it to you at half price to be a distributor.
It's not in your bookstore, at your church.
Or if your radio station isn't selling it.
Or my videos.
We're looking for that as well.
You can call my office at 512-291-5750.
If you want to be a distributor, want to set that up, 512-291-5750.
It's up to you, the grassroots, to get this book out.
To get my book out.
To get the films out.
Uh, the total free number to order the videos.
Big discounts when you get three or more of any of the nine titles.
Uh, eight dollars off when you get a second order out of Kaos.
To give as a gift to somebody.
That's 888-253-3139.
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and i'm at three thousand one south lamar sweet one hundred
austin texas seven eight seven zero four and every dime of the support you get this by getting the
videos that i'd like to make copies of by the way
and i want to make copies of for non-profit not for sale purposes goes to
fight the new world order goes to fund making more films goes to pay for shortwave
one eight eight eight two five
1-888-253-3139 or prisonplanet.com or infowars.com with our wonderful shopping cart that my wife designed there at Yahoo!
Alright, we're out of time for this segment.
News, your calls, a ton of vital info to the future of the Republic and the world, straight ahead.
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If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down.
And the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns.
The truth hurts, but it hurts a lot worse to stumble around in the dark and fall into one of these pits.
Your children, your country, the future of humanity and civilization depends on you waking up, getting informed, standing up, fighting back, taking our government, our culture back.
Before we go to Charlie in New York and others that are holding, this is out of news with views on our websites, the partial birth abortion scam by David Brownlobe.
After 30 years of empty promises by the pro-life leaders in the U.S.
Congress, it came as no surprise that they would pass A completely meaningless ban on a barbaric and indefensible method of child killing, known as the Purple Birch Abortion.
And it says Senate Bill S3 and House Bill H.R.
760 provided ironclad proof that it is impossible to spend decades voting for the lesser of two evils and end up with anything but evil.
It does look like the Senate and the House will work out the language in their respective bills and send it to the President Bush to sign.
Unfortunately, there appears to be no argument on the key wording of the actual ban.
Both of these bills allow a doctor, in quotes, To kill a child during the very process of birth until, quote, and from the bill, in the case of the head first presentation, the entire fetal head is outside the body of the mother, or in case of a breech presentation, the child should be killed before any part of the fetal trunk passes the navel is outside the body of the mother.
So they can have the baby up to it before it's navel and go ahead and kill it.
Just chop its legs off.
So they gotta make sure to keep it up in there and kill it.
And, uh, so that's your partial birth abortion.
Keep it right up to nine months, kill them all you want, kill babies that can be adopted on the spot, just kill, kill, kill!
I told you they wouldn't do this!
Trent Lott was gonna pass a real partial birth abortion ban, and that's why, oh, he said that Trump, Thurman might, what about a good president at his going-away party?
Meanwhile, Arnold's running around saying, I love Nazis, I love gay porno mags, I hate women, I... Oh boy, and that's, oh, that's good Christian-ness, but oh, Trent Lott's gotta go.
This is not a ban.
Those are targeting coordinates.
Plain and simple, the abortionists may be cunning, but they are certainly not stupid.
This will not even slow them down.
A law that protects only a child in the last ten seconds of nine-month pregnancy is a total fraud.
It is hard to imagine how anyone could even write a law that would provide fewer restrictions on the legal killing of a human being.
As such, it is highly unlikely even on a single child will be saved.
But that doesn't matter.
You're going to hear the neocons all over talk radio celebrating their conservatism.
They had to do this because you put the pressure on them.
Keep it up.
It's like Terry.
They weren't going to save her.
The governor could have done it until massive pressure and the legislature moved, then he had to do something.
Let's talk to Charles in New York.
Go ahead, Charles.
Hi, Alex.
I have a question concerning the powers that be.
Do you think it's totally orchestrated, or is there a faction amongst these groups amongst themselves.
Okay, there are different management teams run by allied chiefs of crime syndicates,
like you'll have the New York mob, you know, the classic Italian mob, who are the main bosses with
the most power, with the most votes in a committee, and they tell the Kansas City and the Chicago and
the LA and...
and the New Jersey mob what to do and sometimes have fights with each other and battle over turf, but everybody knows who the big bosses are.
That's how the New World Order works.
There are different management teams and the globalists allow certain competition amongst those management teams for who can expand turf, who can put in the dehumanization agenda faster.
They will be rewarded with top chieftain jobs over sub-directorates and governorships.
Well, eventually, it results in a nuclear exchange, doesn't it?
Down the road?
I mean, that's what we're looking at.
How will something like that promote it?
Sir, a limited nuclear exchange to scare the world into accepting total world government, total world tax, and gun confiscation.
Is there a targeted area that's deemed expendable?
Yeah, Taiwan, South Korea, and anywhere in the United States.
As well as Syria, Iran, and Libya, they may be the first to get vaporized.
Does that answer your question?
Yes, sir.
Anything else?
No, that's fine.
Third hour of transmission, 70 seconds away.
Stay with us.
Through the years of providing water filters to America, you've come to us and we've listened.
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've had a powerful broadcast the last two hours with a capital P. And in this hour, I want to take at least 20 calls.
Let's load the phones up and go through them quickly.
And I'm going to get into how the Parcel Brother Abortion Ban really wasn't a Parcel Brother Abortion Ban.
What was meant to pacify you.
The good news on Terry Schiavo Schindler.
And the stay of torture execution for her, but the damage may already be irreparable, but good job for folks for doing the right thing, and it shows the power of the people, and the power of prayer, the power of action.
Got a bunch of global news on the police state, the national ID card, gun control, the good, the bad, and the ugly.
It's all coming up in this hour, the toll-free number to join us on air.
Any news item, any news story, any particular piece of info you think's important, What area of the New World Order do you think is the most weak to being exposed?
The assassination of Diana now coming out in full view.
Princess Diana.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
one eight hundred two five nine ninety two thirty one that's one eight hundred
two five nine nine two three one we got a member with terry
but with terry's fight uh... she's only one person
though she's dear And the evil demon Stalin said it best, when one man dies, it's a tragedy.
When 10,000 die, it's a statistic.
They're going to continue abortion because it's the policy of the New World Order.
They're going to continue this eugenics of the right to die movement, meaning killing people who are begging for water.
That's on the record from the Wall Street Journal.
People who are conscious, audibly saying, please feed me, please give me water.
It hurts.
We've listed those cases.
How do you respond to the neocons?
Because they had to because of pressure saying, okay, just don't kill the baby outside the mother.
You can kill them up to nine months inside the womb.
Just don't do it when the baby's out on the table.
Basically, they've restated the same thing from before.
What do you think about that?
We'll go to Otto, Sean, and others.
Otto, in California, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
How you doing, bud?
Pretty good.
Um, actually good to hear from Paul as well.
I'm, I'm, uh, quite a follower also of Propaganda Matrix.
Um, mainly I have a question for you as far as, uh, Flight 77 that hit the Pentagon, or supposedly hit the Pentagon.
Um, actually I, I noticed that, uh, well I guess it's still on Prison Planet's website, but, uh, on Propaganda Matrix, I don't see it there anymore, but the video of, the CNN video of the, All it is is an explosion, the most surveilled area in the world, and all they've got is an explosion on tape.
Right, right.
I was wondering if you were going to include that in any of your upcoming movies.
I've made two films about 9-11, Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, and frankly I am planning on making another 9-11 film.
But that's six months out.
I think that video is extremely damning and extremely suspicious, the fact that that's the only shot that they have.
Well, that's about one of a thousand smoking guns and red flags.
Of course, of course.
And the other thing is, too, what is your take, as well as I'd like to hear Paul's take, on the two jets that hit the World Trade Centers?
As far as the flash, I believe it's the first jet that hits the World Trade Center, the flash.
It also has something on its belly.
The airline experts have looked at, which isn't supposed to be there.
So my question is, do you guys believe that?
Well, it looks like a fragmentation or a large belly bomb.
It looks like some type of large belly bomb.
Now, do you think that the jets were switched out?
Obviously, and again, that gets into speculation.
We know their stories of fraud, but obviously, the two airline computers malfunctioned on a top day of top flight.
Everything else was like a 98% capacity, the news reported.
All four planes have exactly 20% occupancy.
So it's obvious.
They fly the aircraft, land them.
That's why you've got the hour and a half gap from takeoff.
They land them, shoot everybody in the head, and then have their drones attack.
Hey, thanks for the call.
Thank you.
Anything else?
All right, bye-bye.
Okay, thank you.
We'll come back and talk to Sean and others.
And take your call and cover the news.
We've got 55 minutes left.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Ease the T-Rex of political talk. Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
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And I tell you, the guy running this show, answering the phones, running the show, he also does GCNlive.com, and Mark deserves a lot of credit for that.
All the great folks of the network are affiliates, are sponsors, and numero uno are listeners.
Let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
I said we're going to take a lot of calls this hour.
Let's talk to Sean in Florida, then George, Chris, Rhett, and others.
Sean, you're on the air.
Yes, sir.
Hey, I got a question for you here.
I was listening to your show the other day.
We don't get the third hour here, but you were talking about the police pulling people over and pulling out all their luggage and searching it and wondering why they do that, why they make them load up their luggage and stuff.
Okay, and you had that police officer from, where was it?
It was from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Right, from Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
I just want to kind of give another little spin on that, come from the other side.
The reason that they don't load up the other people's luggage and stuff is for their own safety.
Because if the cop is busy loading up luggage, he doesn't know what the people are going to be doing.
I mean, I understand old ladies and stuff like that, but even then, a grandma might, you know, get a wild hair, something may be bothering her, and next thing you know, the cop's in trouble.
Hey, let's just handcuff everybody when they get pulled over randomly or at checkpoints.
Hey, you know, we don't have the manpower or the money to actually put up a wall on a border to keep all the illegal immigrants, keep the drugs out, stuff like that.
Hey, bud.
Hey, hey.
Hey, you used to, when the ratio was about one cop for the ten we now have, we had lower crime, happier societies.
It's a bunch of garbage.
It's about raising money.
It's about controlling populations.
Are you a police officer?
No, I'm not, but I actually went through the academy.
Well, look.
Number one, they need probable cause to pull you over.
It's a violation of the Fourth Amendment.
I don't care if they say it's not.
It is.
I don't care if the Supreme Court says that they're allowed to do it.
The Supreme Court said black people weren't human beings.
I don't agree with that either.
Let me just tell you something.
And I appreciate you disagreeing with me, and I'm not mad at you.
I just want to put out my points here.
They didn't do this 20 years ago.
They didn't do this 10 years ago.
It's humiliating and it's wrong.
And it violates the spirit of America.
Go ahead.
Well, you see, yes, they do have to have probable cause to pull somebody over.
Well, no, not the Supreme Court doesn't say so.
A probable cause could be...
uh... a tail light broken it would be it could be you know their license plate
light isn't shining on the on the license plate it could be any number of
things uh...
and all they need to do it but i don't work but if they ask yes you are correct
and telling the people uh... that if a police officer says hey
can i search a vehicle you have every right to tell them no you may not prefer vehicle
If you want to search my vehicle, go get a warrant.
Yes, you have every right to do that.
Now, I agree with you.
Most people don't know that, though.
Sean, because they don't teach the Bill of Rights in school or college, but listen for a second.
You agree with me on that.
What I'm trying to tell you here is that Number one, because somebody has a burnout taillight isn't probable cause to think there's drugs in the car.
That's ridiculous.
They should give you the citation and leave it at that.
And what do you say to a lot of people I know who've been threatened with arrest if they say, no, you can't search my car?
Then if they get arrested, they have every right to get a lawyer, you know, go to this, you know, make sure that they don't do anything that would ruin their case.
Sir, do you understand that America is about limiting the scope and size and power of government because throughout history government is the most dangerous thing because a common street thug doesn't have mechanized military and militarized police, doesn't have giant prisons, doesn't have the force to engage in mass evil.
Do you understand that?
Oh yes.
Okay, well government's way too big and way out of control.
Oh yes, and I also know that the government needs to be changed, things need to be dealt with.
I also know that when the country was founded, the way that our forefathers wrote up the Constitution, one of the reasons that we had the right to bear arms was in case the government ever got out of hand, that we had the right to overthrow it and start anew.
But because of things that they have done and changes that they have made to the Constitution, that makes it treason now.
Well, sir, sir, they later had amendments that said black people weren't human beings.
I don't care.
If they say I've got to go climb in an oven, I'm not going to do it.
If they say I've got to bow down and worship Hillary Clinton, I'm not going to do it.
You see?
What I'm trying to say is, as far as searching a vehicle... Go ahead, sir.
We didn't hang up on him.
His cell phone cut out.
You can get back in, Sean.
You're welcome to call back.
I hate it when somebody's disagreeing and their cell phone cuts out.
Call me back, Sean.
Let's talk to George.
George, where are you calling us from?
Calling you from St.
Louis, Missouri.
It's good to talk to you.
What do you want to say to what Sean was saying?
You know, on the surface, it sounds all well and good.
All too often people, um, I think they think that the real world operates the way the world operates on paper.
Well, this is what they think.
And I would expand on what you say, and I would agree with you.
They think everyone in the government's like them, and because they help little old ladies across the street, and because they never thought Uh, about robbing their neighbor and because they never thought, uh, about, uh, you know, beating their wife, they think that it's not going on.
Just because they never thought like Hitler or never thought like Stalin or Mao, they don't understand that.
So they think that, oh, that's okay, whatever, whatever excuse the government gives them is okay, when they don't know the background or the history and that the road to Hades is paved with good intentions.
You know, I, I agree with that and you know, Washington said it best, and say what you will about George Washington, but government is force.
And actually, that kind of ties into the reason I called.
I got my undergraduate degree in political science before I came out to St.
Louis to go to seminary.
And one of the things I did in order to get that degree is I did some independent research, and I chose what I guess the mainstream would call the radical right.
It turns out it's not radical at all.
But one of the things I did in doing my research is I came across Unintended Consequences by John Ross, which I actually think is a great book even though it is fiction.
And one of the points that the fictional character made was, you know, at what point does the talk and the information stop and physical action, you know, is required?
And I'm not trying to imply by anybody that might be listening that I'm inciting terror or inciting armed insurrection, but I think at some point People have to say, you know, we've talked enough, we have a right to take care of this government and install what is constitutionally valid.
At what point do we get there?
Is it, you know, the national ID card?
Is it right after the other terrorist event where the far-right's blamed?
Because now, allegedly, they'll be linked with Al-Qaeda, so we need to take their guns and put them on the list of terrorists.
Okay, let me, this is an amazing question, amazing statement, again, just amazing.
Let me go over it.
You use force in two major cases with different sub-levels to those, and they're both interconnected.
You use force when you're wrongfully being attacked and there's no other recourse, individually or communally, in a communal fashion, at the point.
Okay, and that can happen in the case of Ceausescu in Eastern Europe, where he was a horrible dictator, the government thought everything was fine, and suddenly one day, even the secret police and everybody else turned against it.
They were all sick of it.
You know, it's like eighty-something percent being against open borders, or seventy-six percent saying they killed Britain's Diana, or eighty-four percent saying the government killed Kennedy.
We're all learning, we're all knowing.
They're desperate now.
What I'm saying is we're all learning, we're all beginning to know.
I don't mean we're all knowing.
That's developing.
So you use force when you are in the right and you're defending yourself from wolves, from coyotes, from lions, from beasts that are mindless and attacking you.
Now, secondarily, you do not use force offensively When it is not in your best interest, and when that use of force will be used by a sophisticated propaganda machine that has still not been totally discredited.
Because the globalists have to blow up their own buildings, carry out their own sniper attacks, have their own battle plans to scare the general mass that doesn't trust the government, but is afraid they will use that aggression Uh, to then scare those sheep into running into the slaughter pens following the Judas codes of Tom Brokaw and Peter Jennings and uh, and the rest of them.
So, in the process at this point, saying, I'm ready to have a shootout with the government because I don't like what they're doing with the national ID card.
That's going to be used against you.
You first got to develop an information dissemination system.
You first got to be a leader like they did for the decade up to 1776.
You've got to explain who the enemy is.
Explain that it's not a legitimate government.
Explain what your rights are.
Explain how they violated that.
List the violations.
Create the committees of correspondence.
Have 400 plus cities in four states vote to throw out the Patriot Act.
Deprogram the leftists, which I am successful at doing.
Which you can be successful at doing.
Creating this grassroots movement to get back to the Republic.
So, I am totally against violence, I am totally against offensive use of force, because, number one, that's exactly what the globalists are wanting, and number two, we haven't engaged in the informational deprogramming on a mass scale yet, and we're just now having huge geometric growth curve success.
Now does that answer your question?
No, yeah, I couldn't agree more with you.
One of the points I've made in my research was I think people on the quote-unquote far right have done the acting way too soon.
Also, they've been co-opted.
Stay there.
This is really important, George.
And we'll go to Chris and Rhett and Brad and many others.
Stay with us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
I always love taking calls because they bring up so many great points.
But I cannot stress enough that 99 plus percent of the medical workers, the police, the firemen just said no to the smallpox shots.
Remember, they said, oh, you have to take it to keep your job.
It was no law.
They couldn't get the states to pass the Model State Self-Emergency Powers Act, so the feds put it in page 76 of Homeland Security, but still, people just wouldn't take it.
They tried to put Henry Kissinger in as the whitewasher of 9-11.
People didn't buy it across the political spectrum.
People didn't buy killing Terry Chievo Schindler.
The people don't buy these lies.
You understand?
But the illusion is continued by the media that, oh, well, everybody else thinks the way the government does, and so we all feel like we're alone when really we're the vast majority.
We're the vast majority.
It's just the vast majority doesn't have a deep understanding.
They have an instinctive understanding.
You just gotta tap into that and point out the crimes of the globalists.
And then your sheriff, get your sheriff elected, your county commissioners, your city council, deprogram them, get involved.
The patriots got involved, like the land-grabbing environmentalists or the socialists or the fake neocons.
If we got involved, we'd take over our cities and counties and then our states.
We went out and reached out to blacks and Hispanics and the old and the young and the north and the south and the west.
We can get this country back, folks.
I know it.
I've seen it.
I've done it with my limited capacity to fight, which is greater than most, but I've been doing this for 10 years.
You can grow into the fight.
All of us together doing little things can move mountains.
Many hands make light work.
Gotta get to all these calls.
I guess we're talking to George in Missouri.
George, finish up your point.
Oh, sure.
Like I was trying to squeeze in, I heard the music coming on.
You know, one of the things that my advisor and I, who, my advisor, uh... oversaw my research and i made the point that so many
of these guys in the in the patriot movement and uh... on the on the right that
that one of the store of competition republic
either through poor associations report for the back maybe they over
they overthought their own self-importance and they thought you know
the point i made with the time they thought was right
was actually nowhere near it and as a result they actually uh...
they actually aided the people that they were trying to...
The National News will go out and literally interview some drunk, with no teeth, waving a gun around and go, here's the gun owner.
And I mean, we have to be conscious of this tactic.
And then you have to be conscious that if you try to go to a land rights meeting and somebody starts talking about violence, follow them out with their car, it'll be an unmarked police car.
Yep, I couldn't agree with you more.
Something needs to be done, but there are times and places for everything.
And one of the points I was making, I think a lot of times we hear your show, we go out and we try to do things on our own, but all too often we get a little bit overzealous.
And sometimes I think people that may just now be waking up, that are listening to your show, may be thinking that you're saying something you're not really saying.
Well the problem is, is the whole overnight UFO crowd.
I agree with that, too.
Patriots get sucked into that, and they run up and go, Planet X is killing us next week, the earthquakes, the Mayan calendar, it's a bunch of garbage.
I agree with that, too.
I've told people that over, and they've always got some new delusion.
Stick with real stuff.
That's hard to believe enough.
You know, that's crazy enough.
Thanks for the call.
No problem.
Good to hear from you.
Let's talk to Chris in Texas, then Rhett, Brad, Chris, and others.
Chris, you're on the air.
Hello, how are you?
All right, I just had a question about the new money.
Oh, yes.
I know how they want to put the tracking and all that into the new money.
They want to put it in there?
It was in there six years ago.
Well, okay.
When I look at the strip, like in the new ones, is it the actual strip that can be traced?
Or is there an RFID unit in it or something?
I mean, how is it traced?
There was a CNN article about a week ago, two weeks ago, that showed all the security features.
The new money has two RFIDs in it.
A small one pressed into the cotton.
It's not paper, it's cotton.
There's another RFID strip in it, the same type they have in the last redesign of six years ago.
Okay, so when I want to show people this, because a lot of people think I'm just crazy by telling them this type of thing, where do I show them?
It's like being a mile from Mt.
Helens and they're asking, where's Mt.
Okay, well let me go over it for you.
I don't have any of the new pink money.
I don't have the article showing the design of it in front of me.
Uh, but, uh, let me just tell you that any of the last redesign of a $5 or up, the one doesn't have it.
Yeah, yeah.
Hold it up to light, and on the left-hand side of a $20, and this different side on other money, you will see a strip.
You grab it on the edge, you can pull it right out of it, especially if it's an older bill.
It's harder to do.
It's a brand-new, crisp bill.
It's laminated into it.
But that is an admitted RFID tracker system, and this is all admitted.
It's public!
Yeah, I know.
I've ripped out one of the new ones already.
I work downtown, and I deal with a lot of cash, you know, giving people change.
And every single new 20 I've mentioned throughout is tracking them.
Well, stay there.
This is important.
We'll talk about it more.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we got a lot of phones, a bunch of news I still want to hit on, and we got to go quick here.
Finishing up Chris in Texas.
You know, I gave the analogy of people not knowing about tracking systems in the money, RFIDs, now for six plus years of somebody standing a mile from a giant mountain and then asking you where it is.
A better example is an elephant sitting on them, and they know it stinks and it's hairy and it's crushing them, but they can't tell what it is because they haven't ever gotten outside the box.
Or it's like standing at the summit, the top of a mountain, and they're looking down below them going, where's the mountain?
Where's the mountain?
But you say you work in a bank or somewhere around money.
Yeah, I work, I exchange a lot of cash at night time with people.
Okay, so you're trying to You're trying to educate them?
Yeah, I can tell just from the people I've worked with.
I mean, over the past, I started listening to you about a year and a half ago, and I'd say about 80% of them have made it.
They've woken up.
I mean, it's great.
And the money is a really good, it's a really good easy way to explain to people about the government tracking us and the dangers behind that, because it's right in our face.
Well, the Federal Reserve said But they were going to use this to track and trace us.
And then when you don't keep your money in a bank, they're going to devalue it using
that RFID.
That was almost four years ago.
The Federal Reserve Administrative Board in Virginia.
Thanks for the call.
Keep it up.
Good to hear folks are waking up 80%.
Let's talk to Rhett in North Carolina.
Rhett, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
And this is kind of ironic, but I was just going to tell you about a little small victory
I had.
And it definitely helped my confidence, thanks to you.
If you would allow me to tell you about a little experience I had, a quick little experience I had with a neocon radio talk show host.
Okay, tell us.
Okay, well, the fellow was on the show, and he was talking about the Patriot Act, like they all like to talk about, and one of the quick things I like to go to is, you can't tell me one person that's been affected by these anti-terrorism acts.
And so, I remember the article you published, and ironically enough, it was about a guy, the guy with the meth lab in North Carolina, who was being charged under a chemical weapon charge.
And that was the Associated Press.
Yes, indeed.
And it just made me so mad, because this guy was up here, lying through his teeth.
He just got through talking about how great the forefathers were, and how great the patriots were.
And I guess that's why he went into this thing about the Patriot Act.
Another AP article says they're going to charge someone with a pound of marijuana as weapons of mass destruction.
Go ahead.
Another guy was at a coffee shop, this was in North Carolina, and had a mainstream article called Weapons of Mass Destruction.
The coffee shop owner saw him reading it, the Secret Service hit him hard.
Go ahead.
A 12-year-old in San Francisco was told to write a report on the bridge.
The Secret Service hit him hard.
Go ahead.
Well, see, I saved all these articles, and lucky enough, I was at home when this guy said it, and I took every amount of courage and every bit of faith that you've instilled in me since I've been listening to you, and I called up, I got on the show, the guy didn't even know what Section 802 of the Patriot Act was, I read that to him, I told him about the guy in Watauga County and the other people that had been charged under the Patriot Act, and just like I should have known, He hung up the phone on me, and like I said, I'm not saying this because of what happened to Sean, but it just really showed me how this thing is working.
And you need to go down to the radio station, highlight the news articles, write him a nice letter, and say, hey, be a real American, look at this, and then keep lying or come out and tell the truth.
Well, he's a syndicated talk show host from L.A., so I could go to my local broadcast show and maybe send him something, but I mean, it was just blatant.
I tried to call back, and the guy that's been on the call just kept hanging up on me.
Well, you're a well-spoken fellow.
I bet if you went to the local station, they've got a morning and afternoon local show.
You can go talk to the manager and say, you know, I'm concerned as a patriot, as a Christian.
Here are some news articles.
You think you guys could do a radio show some morning about this?
Well, I tell you what, and I reiterate what everybody's been saying and what you've been saying, 80% at least, I mean, my friends and my family especially are starting to pick up on this thing, and I really think that something's going, I really think we're making a difference now.
I mean, something somewhere is telling me that this fight is for real.
Now, I understand.
The Globalist will probably release smallpox or something.
But, again, that's an act of desperation.
It's too late for them.
They're in deep trouble.
At least we're fighting back.
Thanks for the call.
And they would have already launched more attacks if we wouldn't have been here fighting them.
That's why I'm willing to die for this country because of my family.
I love my family.
And I'm willing, folks, to pay the ultimate sacrifice because I will not go along with evil.
I will stand up against tyranny.
If gang members are attacking an old lady, I will run up and fight them if it's ten to one.
And of a bunch of other thugs that are running our media and our culture and running it down the tubes, I will fight them in the Info War as well!
I'm not afraid!
No fear!
That's what Jesus Christ has given me, and he can give it to you too!
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Chris and then JQ.
Chris in Wisconsin, go ahead.
What do you think about the act of 1871, which basically turned the United States into a corporation?
And second, I wanted to know, What do you think about these groups of people around the country that are filing various forms of paperwork to become sovereign citizens?
Well, this is, okay, that's real, though there's some quacks out there putting out disinfo.
Here's the problem.
The globalists are using admiralty.
They have backdoors and legal clauses for themselves.
They are allowed to use those in court.
They are allowed to not pay the taxes.
They are allowed to have tax-free foundations.
They are allowed to have pure trust and a loyal title.
But they will selectively not allow the general public to have what's written into their own code.
So they don't follow any law.
It's law of the gun.
Law of the pirates.
Law of the New World Order.
Survival of the fittest.
Masquerading in a thin veil of legality.
Are you talking about the sovereignty thing?
All right.
I've talked to people that are working on it that have had some success with that, but aside from... Well, yes.
I mean, there are real systems.
The problem is there's a lot of quacks out there that say, sign everything over to me in the chest, and then they rip people off.
So just be careful.
Yeah, there's just different people doing it different ways.
Some people are trying to sell it.
Some people are doing it for free just to help you and whatnot.
Also, regarding this Act of 1871, Are you familiar with the article, it's titled, The United States isn't a country, it's a corporation, by Lisa Giuliani?
Well, yes, it's, it's, it's, and thank you for the call, sir, I appreciate it.
Take care.
What's going on is, you have lots of movements in this direction.
You had them trying to get that through on Andrew Jackson.
On his deathbed, they said, what are you most proud of?
I killed the bank, and he died.
Then they came back after the Civil War, with the 14th Amendment, making us welfare slaves, wards of the state.
Uh, basically listing us all as idiots, who then are wards of their system.
And then there's the War Powers Act of 33, National Security Act of 47.
Uh, it's just expansions of all this.
Homeland Security.
It's expanding.
We're a big, rich, powerful, free country.
It's taken them hundreds of years to enslave us again.
We're not going to overturn it overnight.
Let's go ahead now and take another call.
Let's talk to J.Q.
in Oregon.
J.Q., welcome.
Well, howdy, Alex.
I have two points to make.
One about the use of force, and the other, I want to pull in a little bug in your ear about Social Security.
First, the use of force, it is the right, it is the duty of the people to enforce the law.
Now, this is according to the law.
Ultimately, it is the people who must protect the Constitution.
The law cannot be enforced unless the people are able to resort to the use of force.
And I maintain that if the Constitution ultimately is going to be protected, it will have to be protected Through the systematic use of force against this criminal conspiracy that sees control of our government.
But, J.Q., you must first, as the founding father of this deal... Oh, that's the last resort.
...successfully educate people.
Go ahead.
Okay, I'm just saying that's the last resort.
When push comes to shove, the use of force is authorized by law.
Or, well, and it's enshrined in the Declaration of Independence as a right to duty, as you just said so eloquently, but here's the deal.
the constitution let me just add a statement of the means to do it too
exactly what but i'll i'll let you talk to me at this caveat what you said your
fine points is key the threat of force the threat
that they don't have the monopoly of the forces the u_n_ said civilian
ownership of firearms threatens the legitimate i say it's a legitimate power monopoly of
the state or dictatorship
The very fact that we've defeated a lot of gun bills, the very fact that we've got them on the run, the very fact that the Bill of Rights culture is growing across the country, The fact that we are armed makes us a hard target to hit.
The threat of force has been holding them back from some of their more bloody designs.
Your comments?
You hit the nail right on the head.
That's what has been slowing them down.
If we weren't armed, they'd be all over us like a hawk on the ground squirrel.
Okay, on Social Security, this $87 billion that Bush wants to give away, This is coming out of Social Security and Medicare, or a portion of it, I can't find out how much.
But they're raping Social Security for the $87 billion, and Bush is making it a point to make it a gift, not a loan, but a gift out of Social Security.
Yes, and, that's a nice little tax folks, and a nice tax increase, cut taxes and raise them.
That's right.
Just a few years ago we had this massive tax increase to save Social Security.
Now they're squandering that.
And we're going to have another massive tax increase to save Social Security again.
And meanwhile, the old folks like me, I'm on Social Security, we're going to find that the money is gone.
They want us dead.
They want us dead, Alex.
And they'll have a Democrat.
Yeah, they're setting that precedent.
They'll double-team you with a Democrat and claim they did it when they're all working together.
But here's an added point.
Thousands of our troops that have been wounded are in these open-air, cinderblock buildings, literally with flies all over them, with no medical attention for months, not even being flown out to Germany.
That's what they think of the troops, and that's patriotic.
To not give the troops treatment is now patriotic.
Well, that shows evil intent.
It's just evil intent everywhere you turn.
It shows a cavalier arrogance and hatred of the troops.
They hate these well-meaning people.
They want to kill the old folks, Alex, is my point.
This is evil intent.
So, you know, all the way around, these people are evil.
Bush is among the most evil people who has ever lived.
Well, he's certainly an evil minion.
You know he's a figurehead.
Anyhow, I said my piece and I want to thank you.
Hey, what do you think about Ron Paul's bill to not give money to the U.N.
for gun control?
I think it's a good idea.
It is.
Thanks for the call.
They're going to get Ron Paul out, though.
That's the problem.
Yeah, the Republicans have said in the local paper two Saturdays ago that, quote, the Republican Party has rewritten his district so the Democrats can win.
That's your conservatism!
Thanks for the call.
And I'm a liberal because I'm against it.
I'm for Ron Paul, so I'm an evil liberal.
They said in the article, we're going to get him out.
Ha, ha, ha.
Just in your face.
Ha, ha, ha.
And we got Bob Smith, and we're going to get Tom Tancredo.
And that liberal, Cynthia McKinney, she came out against the Patriot Act, and Homeland Security, and the New World Order, and government-run white slavery rings in 9-11, so the Democrats got her out.
Folks, all of you need to go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and you need to get Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Police State 3, Police State 2000, The Takeover.
You need to get Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
All full-length feature documentary films.
They're $25, $95 apiece, $20 when you order three or more.
Your Christmas gift shopping is handled and your support is vitally needed.
Also, the new book Order Out of Chaos by Paul Watson is excellent.
Go to Infowars.com.
Go to PrisonPlanet.com.
Don't wait.
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I'm about information.
That's what I offer.
888-253-3139. That's 888-253-3139. Or just write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar,
Suite 100, Austin, Texas 7875.
Now in the final segment, I'm going to recap some top news and some other news we haven't covered.
Right now, Jim Shepard on with us for four minutes.
Jim, the body is 70% water, the water is full of every poison imaginable, people need to get your highest quality filters that I've chosen before you were a sponsor, for my family.
Thanks for coming on, Jim.
How do folks protect themselves?
Well, Alex, you know, it's not only important to take care of the water that's coming into your house, and there's all sorts of chemicals that are in the water.
It's not only important to do that on a daily basis, but it's also important to have the capability that if that water goes out, that you can go out to a pond, lake, or stream and get your water and purify it.
And that's what we do with the Berkey filters.
We purify the water, whether it be normal, everyday water, or if you have to rely on an untreated, unpotable source of water, you're fine with the Berkey Light, Big Berkey, and the Berkey Sport, and the various different water filtration and purification systems that we manufacture.
And Jim, I can think of no one in the movement for freedom who supports and sponsors more shows and more broadcasts.
I can't think of a better, decent person who's been honest with me over the last three year relationship.
uh... and the relationship i have your company before you were sponsored before
i knew you i can think of i can think of a better christian uh... patriotic organization to choose to
that that now has a made in america system but folks could support on top of it
how the folks get the filters tell about the specials
okay you can uh...
get the special by calling eight eight eight eight oh three
four four three eight
or uh... by going to uh...
Infowars.com and clicking on the Berkey Light picture and that'll take you to the specials.
If you don't get the special, if you don't get it written down, what I'm going to give you right now, we have two specials.
We have the Berkey Light with the emergency lights.
They also do as a great night light.
And if power goes out, they'll keep on burning.
We also have a solar system that you can use in conjunction with that.
Charge the batteries up during the day with the solar system and the lights will burn all night long.
The solar system is also capable of recharging your cell phones so you've got communications in a blackout situation.
Also, other small appliances.
We're also going to include the KDF shower filter, which is designed to take those chemicals out of the water before you breathe them in in the shower.
And most people don't realize that you can get more chemical contamination from taking a shower in the water that's full of BOCs and such, as you'd get more contamination than you would if you actually drank the water.
This package is a survival buoy or pod.
And you get a whole bunch of different items.
You save a lot when you get this package.
You also have another deal for black Berkey element replacement filters that fit in all the other gravity filters with the adapters you have.
Great system.
Tell folks about that.
Just briefly, in the other package you also get either two sport bottles or two potassium iodate for some sort of a nuclear event.
The other special is if you get four Black Berkey filter elements, this is for you folks that already have a gravity filter and if you want to upgrade it to a gravity purifier, four Black Berkey purification elements will also include a $50 KDF shower filter or sport bottle, no charge.
So, between the two specials, on the first special, you're going to save about $88.
The second special, you're going to save nearly $50.
Thank you, Jim Shepard.
Give him a call.
God bless you, Jim.
Thanks for coming on.
Thanks for your support.
We'll be right back with final news.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster as a New World Order.
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If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
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That's 888-253-3139.
888-253-3139. That's 888-253-3139. Order today and spread the word.
You've asked for them and now they're here.
Hello folks, Alex Jones introducing you to the new Berkey PF2 Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements for exclusive use with the Berkey Lights Black Berkey Purification Elements.
The Berkey's PF2 simply screw onto the stem with a Black Berkey Purification Element.
When used, water flows through the purification elements where pathogenic bacteria, harmful chemicals, radon-222, heavy metals, nitrates, foul taste and odors are separated from the water.
The water then flows through the PF2 elements, where fluoride, arsenic, and other residual heavy metal ions are separated.
Your purified water is now ready!
If you have fluoride or arsenic in your water, you need the Berkey PF2 Host Filter Elements.
Get a set of two for only $49, or get two sets for only $89 by calling New Millennium at 888-803-8000.
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1-800-615-7094 for free prescriptions.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines,
the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
From 9 to midnight central, we do this show each evening Monday through Friday on the AM and FM internet at Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com at night 9 to midnight on the shortwave at 5.085 or 6890 during the day from 11 to 2 at 12.172 and 9320.
And it really is important to stop drinking the poison water.
Take control of your life.
Stop procrastinating folks.
These are great systems they have to offer.
1-888 803-4438.
I mean, you can take your ice water at the restaurant, pour it in the little portable Berkey's, uh, little sports bottle, it's like 30 bucks, great system, pour it in there, and then, uh, you know, just instantly start drinking water that almost everything's cleaned out, and then basically everything is cleaned out when you got the big, you know, system that, you know, sits on a table in your house.
one eight eight eight and all three four four three eight really believe in this
a set of case battle partial by the abortion That's the AP headline.
It's a complete, absolute lie.
A great article from News and Views on PrisonPlanet and InfoWars.com and it says a partial birth abortion scam.
All it says is they can't kill the baby on the operating table.
They gotta do it up in the womb, right up until nine months.
So they just gotta keep the baby in the birth canal to do the killing.
That's it, folks.
That's what they already basically did, was suck the brains out, collapse the skull, and take the baby out.
This is so incredible.
Form over function.
Form over reality.
Just propaganda.
Great news in the Terry Schiavo-Schindler case.
Yesterday you know that last night, due to all your efforts, they put the feeding tube back into her and now taking her to a hospital.
They're not allowing her to see her family now.
Mr. Schiavo isn't.
Michael isn't.
So that's happening, and find out more at the website or at TerrysFight.org.
We've got to keep watching this.
The battle isn't over in 15 days.
It gives them 15 days to try to do something, and we may be right back where we were, and there could already be irrevocable damage due to seven days without water.
Why don't you try it?
I suggest you don't.
Most of you would die or go into a coma by six days.
Many people die at three days.
By the grace of God, she's still alive, and I heard she was opening her eyes still, even on the seventh day.
A plan for a single EU driver's license.
We told you about this.
Again, they couldn't get a national ID card, global ID cards.
They go, okay, it's a pan-EU driver's license.
Same thing in England.
That's what we have in this country.
The new plastic card, European license will carry all information of the driver on a microchip.
But the Brussels Commission rejected claims today that the move announced to be a Big Brother legislation.
They go on to say people say it's really Big Brother, really a national ID card.
Uh, yeah, that's what it is.
RFID authentication for passports and ID cards.
And it says globally the UN is pushing to make all of the passports, and the US and England are now doing this, have biometrics and a world ID system.
If you want to travel, you've got to have your global card.
Georgia won't join an anti-terror database known as the Matrix Project.
That's not true.
They already did join.
Under pressure, they claim they don't.
You've got to become aware of this tactic.
I'm in cost and privacy concerns.
Eight officials backed away from an anti-terrorism database.
Officials initially considered joining a decision that makes Georgia the sixth state to abandon the Matrix Project.
It's already been going on for decades.
The move also casts doubt on the future of a database that tracks personal details of all citizens, not just those accused of a crime.
Divorce records, credit scores, what you buy, what you do, all the RFID and face scanning will be fed into these local FEMA hubs run by DARPA under the subsidiary of FEMA and the North American Military Command based in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
If you believe in this show, spread the word about it.
Spread the word about the websites, the affiliates.
God bless you all.
Thanks for your support.
Whether you're in Rhode Island, Kansas City, Austin, Texas, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Denver, Colorado, Pensacola, Florida, Tampa.
I want to commend everybody out there for helping us stand up against this tyranny and get involved in being part of history and fighting against dehumanization.
To my family, to my friends, to everybody running the show, to the affiliates, the sponsors, the listeners, thanks for all you do.
Keep it up.
Redouble your efforts.
We'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2 central.
Now get out there and take on the New World Order.
Stand against it.
The Berkey Light's unique design combines the age-old process of microporous filtration coupled with modern, state-of-the-art technology and the highest quality materials, bringing you the finest water filter available anywhere.