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Name: 20031021_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 21, 2003
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You are listening to GCN.
Big brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friend.
It is the 21st day of October, 2003.
And I'll tell you what the season is.
It's death in World War III.
Thank you for joining us for this 21st of October global transmission on the AM, FM, satellite, shortwave, internet, We'll be live for the next three hours, and there is just so much vital news and information that we will cover on this broadcast.
In fact, much of it in the first hour.
I've been focused on the Terry Schiavo, properly pronounced, Schiavo, Schindler case.
There's been a new development.
The House moved quickly in special session in Florida.
To now send it to the Senate, which is going to vote today, to allow the Governor, as if he ever needed the authority of the legislature, to block her torture execution.
Doctors said she would die within 6 to 14 days.
She could die any time now.
They're pumping her full of morphine.
She's been in and out of consciousness.
They pulled her feeding tube, which the key thing is the water for the dehydration, last Wednesday at noon.
We will cover that, and then I'm getting into Princess Diana.
We already knew she was murdered, now it's come right out in the open.
We will also get into something that's old news to the listeners of this show, but is new to the American people, the Bush family, and their connection to Nazis.
Running Nazi operations in this country.
This is from the Associated Press, Fox News, you name it.
Also, We're going to get into the developments between Syria, Israel, Iran, the Dolphin Submarines, the Typhoon Harpoon, cruise missiles, the nuclear weapons.
It's been out for weeks that our troops are living in cinder block open air facilities with gunshot wounds, you name it, getting almost no treatment for months and months.
Now, because the Pentagon was embarrassed, they're supposedly flying more doctors out there and funding.
Folks, they hate our troops.
After they're done with them, after they're done vaccinating them and using them for combat, they soft kill them through the vaccines.
35,000 of the troops from the First Gulf War are dead.
They have twice as many birth defects in the general population in their children.
They have been found to have serine, VX, Bizarre antibodies for weaponized viruses in their blood.
They're huffing depleted uranium at 1,900 times safe levels.
A lot more than what Silkwood got in that famous case.
This is the reality.
We're not a negative show.
We believe it's positive to tell the truth.
It's positive to know what's really happening in the world if we're going to stop this season of death and fire that will bring this world down in flames under the new world order system of order out of chaos.
When we break, I will come back and enter into the news on Diana, the Nazis, the war, the troops, the Second Amendment.
There's a good gun bill written by Ron Paul that's been introduced.
It is a powerful broadcast we have lined up for you.
I am completely energized.
We're going to win this fight.
We're going to smash this New World Order.
We are going to break the the conditioning of the population we are going to expose
who's plunging the dollar and shutting down our jobs.
And speaking of that, they're meeting in Atlanta and Miami again with the free trade group
of the Americas.
Bush is over in the Asia Pacific summit, met with Fox, promising to get rid of our borders.
Fox wants total amnesty.
What is a foreign president doing telling us what to do?
It is all coming up in this transmission.
So stay with us.
And we're going to have open phones.
I want to take a lot of calls.
No guests today because I don't have time to cover news and take calls.
Your chance to get involved and to be heard by millions and to get your info out with questions or comments or you want to scream at me, go ahead.
1-800-259-9231. We'll be right back, InfoWars.com.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, "Least 8 3 Total Enslavement."
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
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You will lose your liberty.
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If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two and a half hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
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That's 888.
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Call 1-800-615-7094 now before it's too late.
This is Pat Cooper.
Tony Del Vecchio is coming to this station very soon.
I'm swea... I'd book any day now!
You're gonna love his show.
That's all about this with your host, Tony DelVecchio, Saturday evenings from 9 to 10 p.m.
Central Time, right here on the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Hi, Ted Anderson here.
I'm happy to announce that the audience has increased over 200% this year, and our advertisers have sent testimonials complimenting the responsiveness.
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Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
This broadcast is dedicated to truth, justice, the American way, decency, honor, family, standing up against corruption.
You know, early in my life, I saw the darker side of the world growing up in the suburbs of Dallas, Texas.
We all knew the sheriff brought in the heroin and cocaine as well as the marijuana.
We knew that there were satanic cults operating at the highest levels of local government.
We knew that that there was every form of corruption and that it was feeding on the society and all of this came out in the news from time to time.
The sheriff finally went to prison for bringing in narcotics and well there were reports of the occult activities in the area where I was raised and so when I would turn on the news or go to college and hear how loving the government was and how they wanted to take good care of me I said wait a minute I read about Hitler, and Stalin, and Mao, and Nero, and Julius Caesar, and Pol Pot, and the Khmer Rouge.
I had read about Machiavelli, Machiavelli and the prince, and the sacrifuge of government 500 years ago, the inquisitions, the systems of feudalism and serfdom in Europe, and humanity and bondage.
Yeah, by the time I was 16 or 17 years old, I had pierced the veil, at least one of the layers, and seen deeper into the shadowy world of the elite.
The average person is a shallow-minded individual who gets their world view from sitcoms and dramas.
They don't even read the newspaper or watch their local nightly news.
Then you've got the crowds that do watch the nightly news and read their newspaper and regurgitate back what the political pundits say and smile at you as if they are some type of aficionado on the political system.
And still deeper you have the political hacks of the left and right and their little Courts, like the many Byzantine kingdoms, and then still others pierce the veil deeper and say it's a conservative or a liberal bias, an elitist bias.
No, it's much deeper than that.
It is a world system run by Satanists.
Who believe in survival of the fittest and social Darwinism and eugenics and Nazism and the darker arts of the occult.
That is the reality.
Their symbols, their trappings, their statements, their whole system hidden in plain view as an abominable juggernaut, a colossal system of Cyclopsian wickedness.
That, my friends, is the reality.
It's just like that movie, They Live, that John Carpenter film.
The Kentuckian, with a deep understanding of the global system, revealed to you the reality of what we face in an archetypal synthesis.
In an archetypal synthesis, you put the sunglasses on and you really see what the media, and the elite, and their servants, and their minions, and their pumps, and their viceroys, and their princes, and principalities, and their goddesses, their crooked crosses, their pyramids, their pentagrams, they're all seeing flaming eyes staring out of the darkness at you!
Wake up!
Stop being foolish!
Stop falling to the snares of the wolves in sheep's clothing!
Unlock your mind!
Let's go straight into the news.
Straight into the news.
Terry Schiavo's rescue passes in Florida House, awaits the Senate.
The Florida House voted Monday night, shortly after 10 p.m., 63 to 23, to give Governor Jeb Bush the authority to rescue Terri Schindler Schiavo from the court-ordered starvation she has undergone since Wednesday, October 15th.
It is now the 21st.
On Tuesday, October 21st, you may view the Florida State Senate take-up of the bill to save Terri's life online at F-L-S-E-N-A-T dot gov forward slash welcome forward slash index dot C-F-M.
Just go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
We've got links to all those.
Press conference scheduled for Tuesday.
Terry Schiavo's parents, brother and sister, are canceling their Tuesday press conference.
Originally scheduled for 1 p.m., but plan to set time to comment later in the day.
House votes to let governor intervene in the Chiavo case, as if the governor needed it.
He can pardon a convicted child killer, axe murderer, blood drinker.
But, and you can't kill a dog or a horse this way, starving them to death, dehydration, one of the most painful forms of termination known.
But you can do it to an innocent woman who's fully conscious and is not a vegetable.
And that abominable lie makes me sick!
The Florida House voted money to give Governor Jeb Bush the power to issue a stay in the case of the brain-damaged woman whose feeding tube was removed last week by her husband's order.
Now it's brain damage.
You ought to email the Associated Press, Jackie Halifax, the writer, and say, thank you!
We're just saying she's got some brain damage.
Thank you!
The House voted 68-23 for the bill.
The Senate planned to take it up Tuesday.
The capital action came hours after Senate Watchdog Agency was able to ask a federal judge in Tampa to keep Terri Schiavo, 39, alive long enough to investigate the claim that she is being abused by her husband.
Lawmakers were in Tallahassee for a special session on economic development, but the fate of Terri dominated the day.
Bush last week promised the woman's parents that he would help them if he could.
Find a way.
You had a way.
And now you've gotten tens of thousands of calls, tens of thousands of emails.
I want to commend this network, our affiliates, our listeners, because I was on this months ago.
We were all on this weeks ago.
And I commend all of you because we still have a chance to save her.
It may be irreparable, but it's precedent setting.
The damage may already have been done.
In fact, a lot of it's already been done.
It may be a miracle here.
House Speaker Johnny Burr, Republican Plant City, said early Monday he wanted to do something to save her.
Senate President Jim King, Republican Jacksonville, originally said he didn't want to intervene.
He later agreed to, thanks to your phone calls, but said he wanted to limit the scope of the bill as much as possible.
You disgust me, you miserable worm.
Chievo has been at the center of a decade-long court battle between her parents, who want her to survive, and her husband, Michael Chievo, who contends he is carrying out his wife's wishes, not to be kept alive artificially.
Oh, with a feeding tube.
That's artificially now.
So it is continuing, ladies and gentlemen.
The bill approved by the House would give Bush 15 days to order a feeding tube reinserted.
The power to give that order will be limited to cases where a person has left no living will.
It is a persistent vegetative state.
She's not in a persistent vegetative state, folks.
Has had nutrition and hydration tubes removed, and where a family member has challenged the removal.
That describes Terri Schiava, they say.
Well, not exactly.
There's an article out of WorldNet Daily.
It says, what if Terri Schiava were a dog?
And he goes, I wish Tereshchievo were a dog, because in the Humane Society, people with the ethical treatment of animals, in the Animal Planet Channel, would swoop in, work their magic, and successfully save her from a cruel and unusual death by starvation and dehydration.
But yeah, it's supposed to elevate the animals and lower us.
Despite an abundance of secular media reports, the Chondray, 39-year-old Tereshchievo, in Ellis Park, Florida, is not comatose.
She is not a persistent vegetative state, nor is she terminally ill.
There's video of her.
She's wide awake, eyes open.
Yes, she's disabled due to a collapse 13 years ago, which resulted in oxygen deprivation of the brain, but she laughs, cries, and responds to her family.
In fact, she's not on life support of any kind until past Wednesday.
No extraordinary measures have been taken to keep her alive at all.
Not even brushing her teeth, not allowed by this degenerate husband.
They were merely feeding her, yes, through a tube, but it was just food.
Last time I checked, a nutritionally sound meal hardly qualifies as extraordinary medical intervention.
They go on to describe how you would be arrested under felony charges if you chained a dog up without water and food.
Okay, shifting gears into Princess Diana.
Now, I've done, I've had guests on, I've done whole shows on this three, four, five, six years ago.
Yes, six years ago I did radio shows about this.
They took that car over by remote control, which is now Associated Press, Reuters, all the new cars for the last six, seven years have had it.
Uh... and uh... she told folks she thought people were messing with her car, not just in this letter, but to witnesses.
And suddenly the car goes out of control, smashes in, down underground into a tunnel.
For over an hour and a half, the British Secret Police and the French Secret Police kept everybody away from the car.
Everybody dies in the car.
And then it just so happens months before, Diana feared a car accident plot.
Princess Diana feared the brakes of her car were going to be tampered with ten months before she died in a Crash in Paris, her former butler has claimed.
The princess allegedly wrote in a letter to Paul Burrell, this phase in my life is the most dangerous.
She reportedly named someone, which has been blacked out, who was planning an accident in my car, brake failure, and a serious head injury, which is exactly what happened.
It turns out she told others she'd been threatened, she was afraid, and then she got pregnant with Dodie Alfiad.
The alleged letter, which Mr. Burrell kept secret until now, has been published in the Daily Mirror.
The name of the alleged person has been blacked out of the newspaper for legal reasons.
Diana and her lover, Dodi Alfayad, the shopping mall magnate, were killed early on the morning of the 31st of August, 1997, on a Mercedes driven by a chauffeur.
Henry Paul crashed into the Pont de Malle tunnel in Paris.
In the letter, Princess Diana reportedly believed that a plot In order to make the path clear for Charles to marry, that's a quote.
It was reportedly written a couple of months after her divorce from Charles was finalized in October of 96.
A French inquiry in 99 blamed Mr. Paul, concluding he had taken a cocktail of drinking drugs and was driving too fast.
But the driver's father, Henry Paul, says it's all made up.
His son didn't use drugs.
He thinks it was a murder.
The parents of chauffeur Henry Paul were still insisting yesterday their son was not responsible for the crash which killed Princess Diana.
They say he was not drunk or speeding and believe the Paris crash in which Paul died with Dodi Fyad was not an accident.
Revelation to Ida predicted her own death in the car crash and letter to Butler Paul Burrell could support their claims.
Why wouldn't they put him in an ambulance?
They weren't stuck in the car.
Why have the secret police stand around, huh?
Making sure they all got properly taken care of.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, if you'd like to join us on air, we have wide open phones.
any issue you'd like to discuss, any news item I've mentioned, 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231, and we'll get you up and on the air.
So now it's coming out that the father of the chauffeur with Princess Diana has been saying all along...
But this is just confirming, her letter is confirming what they had said, that the Secret Service has got in there a credit of fake blood sample, that he was on drugs, of course he died in the car crash, that Diana and the rich Arab were alive as well and were killed in the car.
And she had said that she was afraid that they were going to crash her car and then kill her with a head injury.
Man, she really got it specifically down to the facts, didn't she?
Well, it turns out she'd been being threatened.
And then we have, of course, Dr. David Kelly, porting down bioweapons expert in the Gobble on the Whistle on Lies by Mr. Blair.
Turns out he had special forces types in black uniforms standing around when the first police came along and found the body.
And the fellows in the black uniforms just kind of walked off.
And, well, the inquiries does not do worried about these men in black uniforms that never seemed to report back that they'd found the body.
Just don't worry about that.
And yeah, he had some electrodes on his chest and blood and undigested pills that have been crammed in his mouth.
But, you know, that just happens sometimes.
Kind of like Arkansas.
You know, you shoot yourself in the back of the head with a shotgun, cut your arms and legs off, throw yourself in a gully and pour gasoline on yourself and light yourself on fire.
It happens every day, folks.
I mean, it's easy to cut your head and arms and legs off and shotgun yourself in the back of the head and pour gasoline on yourself and throw yourself in a gully inside a trash bag.
I forgot that part.
You know, Fannie Malick, the state medical examiner, you know.
Kids get run over by a railroad, you know, on the railroad tracks, and have their heads bashed in, and had reported seeing drugs being dropped off, and, well, that's suicide, too.
It's a lot of suicide.
Well, I never intend, and I will never commit suicide, and, uh, by the way, I don't ever want to be unplugged, either.
So, that's on the record, too.
You know, when the government says, well, they secretly told us they wanted to have, to be unplugged.
Oh, absolutely amazing.
What do you think about all this?
1-800-259-9231 is the toll-free number to join us on air.
And this came out over the weekend.
I mentioned it yesterday, but I didn't spend any time on it, and I really should.
This is from the Associated Press.
It's a headline yesterday on Infowars.com.
Bush's grandfather directed bank.
Tied to man who funded Hitler.
Tied to man?
He was the only American on the board of Brown Brother Harriman.
All the others were German officers.
They ran 53% of Nazi steel production.
About 15% of the oil of the Nazis.
A large portion of munitions.
Ball bearings.
By the way, Roosevelt was allowing it to be shipped in, too.
Our bomber pilots weren't allowed to bomb whole sectors of Germany, keep the war going, keep weapons production going, kill as many Germans and Americans and Russians as possible.
Oh, war is a bloody business, and it is a business, isn't it, for the folks in the Ivory Towers?
So, President Bush's grandfather was a director.
Oh, a director of a bank seized by federal government because of its ties to a German industrialist who helped bankroll Adolf Hitler's rise to power government document show.
Helped bankroll the rise?
Folks, we have the original articles posted on InfoWars.com.
The newspaper clippings from 42, where they took him into custody, he got out a few hours later, it was really an arrest, had to pay one of the biggest fines in history.
And, uh, so that's interesting.
And it goes on.
Prescott Bush was one of seven directors of Union Banking Corp.
and Brown Brother Harriman.
I don't mention that.
New York Investment Bank owned by a bank controlled by the Thyssen family according to recently declassified National Archives documents reviewed by the Associated Press.
Recently declassified documents?
What are you talking about?
There's been 20 books written on it by acclaimed researchers.
There's more than 20.
There's videos on it.
There's all the original news articles.
I got four or five on the website.
Fritz Thyssen Was an early financial supporter of Hitler.
Whose Nazi party, Thyssen believed, was preferable to communism.
The documents do not show any evidence Bush directly aided the effort.
Oh no, certainly not.
What a whitewash.
His position was union banking and never was a political issue for Bush, who was elected to the Senate from Connecticut in 1952.
Reports of Bush's involvement with the seized bank have been circulating on the internet for years and have been reported by some mainstream media.
The newly declassified documents provide additional details about the union banking price and connection.
This is just inoculation, folks.
They can even call it that, to condition you.
So now this can't hurt him.
Oh, I heard about that, yeah.
Oh, I heard about Scalabones.
Oh, I heard about the group.
Oh, I heard about Arnold liking Hitler.
Oh, it's alright.
There's no pattern here.
Trent Duffy, a spokesman for President Bush, declined to comment.
I got a bunch of other news I don't have time to mention.
It's coming up after the break and your calls.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
four three oh six six nine two eight hundred four three oh six six nine two
waging war on corruption alex jones on the g_c_n_ radio network
i love it folks 33 minutes and 20 seconds into this first hour of transmission.
Well, we read the Associated Press article about, yeah, Bush headed up a bank and ran a bunch of Nazi stuff, but just don't worry about it.
He loves you.
And yeah, Princess Diana thought they'd kill her in a car crash by messing with her car.
And yeah, they have the technology to do it.
And yeah, the family of the driver says that it's all a big cover-up and a murder.
And yeah, she was pregnant with the Arab's daughter.
Again, there's no motive for the royal family to kill her, so there's not another heir to the throne who's an Arab from a very wealthy Egyptian family.
And yeah, well, sure, there's a lot of other stuff going on, but let's just trust the government.
I mean, royalty never killed members of its family.
I mean, you know, in China, or Japan, or Germany, or France, or England, They weren't constantly killing their own children, killing their parents, killing their siblings.
That never happened.
Well, actually, that's all they did.
Almost every royal family kills their cousins, kills their neighbors, invades countries, kills their cousins, kills their children, kills their parents, kills their brothers and sisters, cuts their wives' heads off, just absolute murder and slaughter and death, and then it happens again, and we just sit here and suck our thumbs.
By the way, in U.S.
polls, about 65% of Americans on a CNN poll say they believe that basically the Roe family killed her.
And it's a, what, 70-plus percent, it was fluctuating 75-78% in British polls say they believe foul play and Princey Charles was involved.
Well, just like 87-89% of us are against open borders, and about 70% of us are for less gun control, and well, just like 84% of us believe the government killed Kennedy, and just like 99.99% of the police and firefighters and medical workers refuse the smallpox shot.
I guess we're all just nuts.
We're all just starting to get it.
But you know what?
When I read internal documents about the RFID scam and Walmart and Homeland Security and the plan to make you use these tracker chips, they said, yeah, our internal polls show that 78% of people are totally against these and the other 10% don't like it and 10% think it's great because they're idiots, basically.
They didn't say that.
But it doesn't matter if they're all against it, they're apathetic, and we'll just do it and make them accept it.
We will, quote, neutralize opposition.
And we have the internal documents, the internal recordings and transcripts of the heads of the big touchscreen voting companies that a reporter got into, a classified teleconference, where they talked about, yeah, this could be construed as racketeering.
No one must learn of this.
The people have found out that the machines are a fraud.
How do we stop them?
And they brag about, we've got to, quote, use the military-industrial complex, the CIA, to manipulate the media to get people to accept this.
That's the Cincinnati Plain Dealer.
I don't know if that's one of the major papers in the country.
May not matter to you or anything.
They just sit there and talk about how they're lying to you, how they're scamming you, how they're taking your freedom, how they're building giant prisons.
But it's like Ceausescu over there in Eastern Europe.
I mean, just one day everybody turned against him.
Everybody hated him.
99% of them.
Everybody just couldn't stand him.
The place was falling apart.
The guy was on a total power trip.
But see, that's just a dictator.
What about a dictatorial system that's much more sophisticated that can put new puppets in from time to time to make you think you've got a choice and make you think that change is going on?
This is what we're talking about.
All right, we're going to go to your calls here in a few minutes.
Chuck and Nelson, or Nielsen, Jeff, Josh, Chris, and many, many others.
Before I go any further, before I go any further, It is so important that you use the best tool I have found in the information war to unlock minds, to take the blinders off, the plugs out of their ears, to open those brains up and energize folks to the full paradigm system of seeing the intricate overlapping nexus of control and society and history and how to counter it.
My videos, my documentary films, will get the job done.
I've made nine films myself.
I carry several other titles by other great producers and authors, great other books by other writers.
I published a book, Order Out of Chaos, a late-sponsored terror in the New World Order, 300-plus page book, covering the history of government-sponsored terrorism.
From Israel to the U.S.
to the U.K.
to Russia.
It's an amazing book.
Get a second copy for only $11.95.
Get one for yourself.
Get one as a gift.
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Or exactly $8 off.
And that purchase goes to support this broadcast as well.
The films, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
You want to see where Where the bushes like Prescott, where they go, what they do, what they're into, the occult rituals.
Just so happens I snuck in and bought it on video.
You might want to see the Satanic Ritual, which they admit I shot on video.
They admit in the paper I shot this video.
This is real, folks!
The Grove admits it.
That's an important film you might get, or you might get 9-11 Road to Tyranny, detailing who carried out September 11th, and how they plan to use it as a pretext to totally enslave you and your family.
You might want to get Part 2 of that, The Masters of Terror, an amazing film, or the newest film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement, covering the history of the New World Order, what the New World Order is, PNAC, government-run white slavery rings, gun control, forced inoculation, concentration camps, the Casual Society control grid, Patriot Act 1 and 2, Ashcroft's Lies.
The videos are $25.95 apiece, order 3 or more, they drop down to $20.
It's an $18 discount on the 3-tape special.
We get beggars, you order more.
Just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
If you ordered some of the films and were impressed with them, which I know 90 plus percent of you are, why didn't you order more?
1-888-253-3139 is the toll free number to order.
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Don't wait, it's up to you.
Get the videos, make copies, yeah!
Get them out to opinion makers, air them on AXS television, spread the word, the power of the people is unstoppable when they're in a righteous battle.
Again, write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704, and again that number one last time, 888-253-3139.
It's up to you, the ball's in your court, get on the field, hit them hard.
Chuck in Florida, you're on the air globally, welcome.
Hi Alex.
I talked to you and John on Saturday and the great show.
What I have to say, I think everybody should hear.
I live about 130 miles from Pinellas Park.
We're curious.
Joyce and you put out the call on Friday to go there.
My wife and I left right away.
We got there about 6 p.m.
and stayed there about 4 a.m.
About 50 people were there.
All the time we were there, Alex, There was not one minister, priest, or rabbi good as us.
One lady we talked to asked her bishop to come down, and she was told maybe this was best that she die.
And anyone who belongs to a church could ask them if there are a 401c church.
If so, they should drop out immediately and find one that is not, as most of the churches are nothing but a corporation.
The churches are all standing by, Alex.
And letting this murder take place.
Well, that's being done, sir.
That's being done because the media keeps saying she's a vegetable.
Most people don't hear this show, and they haven't been to the website.
They haven't seen the video of her alive and mumbling with their eyes wide open.
Obviously, cogent.
Wouldn't you think the churches in Pinellas Park area, they could have 30,000, 40,000 people standing vegetables.
They know the situation down there.
They just won't do nothing.
Well, the media is keeping people in the dark.
That's the biggest problem.
But now the House has voted to allow the Governor to reprieve her, calling his bluff.
We'll see what he does now.
Now it's going to the Senate, but it may be too late.
We're going into day seven of her no water, folks.
Seven days!
Try not drinking water for a day!
That's unreal that they could do that.
You can't do it to a dog.
You can't do it to an axe murderer.
You can do it to a poor defenseless woman.
That's sick.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate you going out there.
God bless you, Chuck.
And I'll say this right now.
That's why it's so important that we be on more AM and FM affiliates, because one of the alternative mediums was talk radio.
Most of it's been bought up, where they got these neocons on there telling you how good the Patriot Act is, and the new world order isn't so bad, and well, maybe some gun control's Christian after all, and even a lot of the so-called Christian shows have been, well, maybe she needs to die, she's in a coma.
And we'll sit here and tell the truth, folks, and that's why our affiliates are so precious.
The growing list of them out there, so be sure and support them.
Let's talk to Jeff.
Jeff, where are you calling us from?
Louis area.
Welcome, sir.
We appreciate your show, really do.
It is a sad state of affairs when you can't get more than 40 or 50 people to show up down there in Florida.
The deception is great.
The sheep are so docile.
But I believe that we can pray and have an awakening in the pastors and the leadership of the church.
Hey, the preachers are at the topless barge.
Amen, brother.
And they can care less, okay?
Yeah, well, let's just pray that they wake up and realize what's going on, because they either be with us or more than they to be with them.
We've got them outnumbered.
It's just a question of educating the people and waking them up.
No, no, no.
The majority of the people know there's a problem.
Don't trust this illegitimate government as far as they can throw it, Republican or Democrat.
But they've got this whole system of media that keeps the illusion going that we're the minority.
No, we're not!
We are the vast majority.
But we're a majority of spineless jellyfish.
Well, the restoration's coming, Alex, one way or another.
You know, whether it be through the Through non-violent means or violent means, it's going to happen one way or another.
It's just a question of time.
What do you think about it coming out about Bush Sr.
and the Nazis, Prescott Bush?
We're all Jewish buddies.
We're talking about the Holocaust.
I grew up in a Jewish house and never again I was drilled in my head every time I went to Jewish summer camp.
Oh, the Holocaust was so great and this and that.
You know what?
They served the God of money, and it's all about the money.
And you know, the sad thing about it is, Alex, it's not even real money.
It's monopoly money.
So, Jeff, you're Jewish by birth?
Well, yeah, by birth.
I found Jesus as my Savior, but, you know... But, I mean, do you understand my disgust that I stand up against Arnold who says, I admire Hitler, I want to be a dictator who's worshipped at Nuremberg.
This is a magazine quote.
He hangs out with Voltheim as we speak, a UN and Nazi chief.
All of this, he's in hardcore homosexual porno mags, he's involved in Enron, and the media just covers all this up, and calls him a conservative, and Limbaugh and Hannity are for him, and then you've got the Bushes all tied in with Nazis, and Nazi stuff is skull and bones going on as we speak.
ADL, Simon Wiesenthal Center, love them.
And then if somebody has a pro-gun group, they'll be listed on the ADL website.
I'm sick of it.
We need a class-action lawsuit.
Well, the courts are totally controlled by them.
I mean, we can't play on the enemy's field.
You know what I mean?
We've just got to take it to the streets and get out there and inform the people.
And I'm going to make another run for sheriff in a little smaller county this time.
And one of the things I will do is make sure everybody who votes in that county gets a copy of your films, and we'll see if they can steal that election, too.
God bless you, sir.
And by the way, we do have a lot of news on election fraud.
It's more and more prevalent every day.
You know, the county clerk down there in the county that they stole the election from, her daughter was working in the collector's office and got caught stealing ten grand.
So God is on the case one way or another.
Anything you throw in the deepest sea will eventually wash up on the shore.
You reap what you sow, brother.
Take care.
All right, let's go to Josh in Montana.
Go ahead, sir.
I was listening to your show last night.
Am I still on?
Yes, sir.
I was listening to your show last night, and you were talking about Ron Paul saying the economy is going to go really south.
I'm only 25 years old, and I guess I've only seen one of these economic cycles that we're going through.
Unlike my parents, I've seen several.
I started making a lot of money in the late 90s when the boom was going on.
By the way, Josh, these are artificial cycles.
Yeah, I know that.
They whiplash the public back and forth for profit.
They make profit off of us when there's a boom.
But not just profit.
The globalists print the money.
It's control.
Yeah, I understand that.
It's control and profit.
What I'm asking, what I'm trying to figure out here, like, if a person I bought gold when it was $2.45 an ounce.
before and let's say they took their money and continually kept it moving a couple steps
ahead before like the Dow crashed, if you moved your money into gold when it was at
257 an ounce, you would have made a bunch of money off that.
Yeah, well look, I mean I bought gold, sir, I bought gold when it was, you know, 245 an
ounce, I bought gold when it was, you know, 325, 340 an ounce, but I'm holding on to the
little bit of gold I've got.
And I bought bullion and semi-numismatic, because then it's non-compensatable, which they've done four times in the last 70 years.
But go ahead.
What I'm asking, I guess, let's say hypothetically a person has a mortgage.
Now, when there's a depression, the supply of currency and circulation tightens up, correct?
Yes, they artificially remove money from the supply so you physically can't pay back debts.
So it's a mathematical impossibility to pay debts back.
But during a depression, are there things that are going to go up in value dramatically, like gold that a person is holding on to?
Let's say you had a bunch of gold.
Well, you could pay your debt off because the gold rose up in value.
Well, I'll say this.
I think everybody should be diversified.
I wouldn't be in any one thing, but if you are in one thing, all stocks, all bonds, all gold, you got a problem.
It should be broken up.
Number one, I'd try to pay down debts.
Then I'd try to diversify.
And everybody should buy a couple acres, even if it's desert.
Everybody should have private property in the boonies where you can bug out to.
Yeah, I definitely agree with all that.
I mean, I'm just trying to figure out how to I've seen books printed before, and I regret not buying them, but they talk about how the elite move their money around.
Well, that's the point.
For every $40 that CEOs are dumping of their own stock, okay, for every... I've had the numbers a few weeks ago.
I don't want to give numbers out if I can't remember them exactly, but the ratio... I had the Wall Street Journal in front of me.
I'm trying to dig it out.
It's actually in the stack here.
What's happened is, is that right now, at record level, CEOs and executives are dumping their stock, something like 40, I think it's higher now, 40 to 1.
For every dollar of stock they buy, they're dumping 40.
And then the mom and pops are all rushing back in and pumping it back up.
So, stock market is potentially, obviously, not going to be a very good place to be, but what about Well, I mean, do you know how to milk a cow?
Do you know how to pull a tooth?
Do you have a profession?
Are you a roofer?
Are you a plumber?
I'm a machinist for a living is what I do, actually.
Well, you know, that's something that will still be needed.
The problem is you're going to be competing against 35 million illegal aliens.
And I'm going to school to be a paramedic and get a pre-medical degree and all kinds of stuff.
And by the way, I can attest to the You're awesome.
Thank you.
Chris and others, you're up next when we get back.
9-1-1 on the road to carrying copies and out of those three I would estimate probably about
four or five hundred copies have been made and I haven't made a single copy and I'm going
to head down to the coffee shop and uh...
And see that's the geometric growth curve.
It is and I'm going to put hundreds out into college today so.
You're awesome, thank you.
Uh, Chris and others you're up next when we get back 1-800-259-9231 Ton of other news and vital info.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Crashing through the lines and disinformation.
Waging war on corruption.
Thanks for tuning in.
The one I was trying to make in the last segment is one of the callers mentioned election fraud.
This story's finally broken into the mainstream news, but it's a whitewash, a watering down, a soft-soaping.
We'll get into that.
Also, Al Fiad calls on Blair to launch Diana Inquiry, that obvious murder.
Well, our government rejects a call for the inquiry into Diana's death.
Bush, Fox make amends and call for totally open borders and total amnesty.
Microchip could do away with pills, BBC.
Chips out of fashion at Prada.
One of the stores are removing the tracker chips because of massive protest.
A new gun bill that's good by the Honorable Ron Paul from right here in Texas, targeted by the Republican Party, publicly in the newspaper, to be removed from office, by the way.
That's their conservatism.
Doctors' dollars rush to Fort Stewart.
Remember, they won't give our troops treatment for months in these little bunkers they're in.
Well, now because of that being exposed, they're having to do that.
High court to decide right to refuse a national ID card.
And then you notice that the same thing's happening in England and Europe.
It all works at the same time, same day, same system we're under.
Minister presses ID cards.
Liberty Group's attack plan for EU health ID card.
failure to count civilian deaths.
That's just some of what's coming up in the next hour.
Right now, let's go to Chris, Michael, Charles, Andre, Bill and others.
Chris, in the great state of Tennessee, you're on the air.
Hello Alex.
I fully support Ron Paul.
He's a marvelous man, and each time I watch him on C-SPAN, I'm just amazed.
He's publicly targeted by the Republican Party.
They rewrote his district to give it to the Democrats.
They'd rather have a dirty Democrat in there than him.
That's why I can't stand Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and George Bush.
They make me sick!
Well, he supported the people of Syria and voted no against the The latest sanctions against Syria.
He was the only one that stood up and said no.
Yeah, he believes what George Washington said.
Also, they arrested Rick Stanley Saturday morning.
Yeah, I covered that yesterday.
Okay, I was cutting the grass.
For those that don't know, the interesting fellow, very well spoken, sick of the Second Amendment being violated.
uh... war a gun to uh... a rally as a senate candidate and said look we have a second member not they arrested him
now they swapped aimed at me he went with a peaceably they call this business
a compound a well-established and we fasteners nationwide will be bottom
and uh... another patriot uh... in the do a lot go ahead with the story that reminds me of of that is the dentist
who was he's about six years ago And the man has been sitting in jail for six years.
Forcibly drugged because he was an army doctor at Waco.
Yes, sir.
He said that Delta Force killed those people, which has now been proven.
So they grabbed Dr. Charles T's cell and forcibly drugged him.
That's him.
That's him.
Yeah, five and a half years of it in maximum security.
He's in the hole.
Yes, sir.
Alex, I'm going to an anti-war protest in D.C.
And I'm going to try to be on C-SPAN.
Would you recommend any topics?
Just get websites out.
Just say the government is illegitimate.
Carried out September 11th.
I'll be wearing my Infowars shirt.
You're awesome.
Thank you, Alex.
Anything else?
No, I love you and you're a genius.
No, you are my friend.
Thank you.
Alright, we've got to break and start the second hour of global transmission.
We'll talk to Mike and Charles and Andre and Bill and many, many others.
And if you disagree with something I've said, or you'd like to add a point, or you'd like to alert us to propaganda implanted in the media.
There's more propaganda in sitcoms and dramas and movies than there is in the news.
So watch that carefully.
What have you been seeing?
I don't watch TV anymore.
I'm Alex Jones.
And we're going to be right back with the second hour.
Call your friends.
Call your names.
Call them to tune in right now, because they'll want to hear what's coming up.
Introducing the most efficient gravity filter available.
You know, if you were to throw 100 ball bearings at a magnet, most would bounce off.
But, if you placed them on the magnet, all would stick.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
From deep in the heart of Texas, ancestral nesting area of my family, I'm your host Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining me on this 21st day of October 2003.
And all the ladies and all the gentlemen and all the children And all the ships at sea, and those listening in Africa, and Asia, and Europe, and Latin America, and all over North America.
Welcome to this transmission against tyranny.
Millions of people come together each day and each night to resist the tyranny, to discuss the world, to relearn history, and to stand against tyranny.
Thank you for joining us.
Big second hour.
We'll give you more of the developments with the Terry Schiavo.
Schindler case with the House voting to give the Governor a chance to give her a reprieve of damages and already irreparable.
Frankly, it probably is.
But it's good to at least not let these dogs totally kill her.
Also, they're saying that Princess Diana wrote letters, and we got copies of them, saying they were going to kill her.
Which is what they obviously did, quoting a car wreck.
It's coming out that Bush was involved, Bush Sr., Sr., Prescott Bush.
Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove master, Senator Bush, with the Nazis, as if we didn't already know that years ago.
Also, we're going to get into the brewing World War III with Syria, Iran, and Israel.
And of course, we're going to get into a bunch of election fraud news, a new good gun bill that Ron Paul has introduced, and a lot, lot more.
Right now, let's talk to Mike In Ohio, Mike, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon, Alex.
I'd like to talk about Terri.
Uh, yes.
Well, there are a lot of cases where people have gone into comas that I have known over the years.
She's not in a coma.
She's not?
She's conscious, with her eyes open, begging.
Well, the fact is... There are listed cases in the Wall Street Journal, Leslie Smith, where the people audibly say, honey, please give me water, I'm dying, and they still kill her.
Yeah, she said that.
She actually articulated some kind of speech.
Yes, over the last 13 years, yes.
Can you talk about situations where people have, families have experienced things like that and have come out of it or achieved some kind of success?
Because I've known people that have been in even comas for periods of time and somehow they've come out of it.
My uncle was in it for six weeks and he's fine today.
How did he get out of it?
Well, he flew off a motorcycle when he got hit head-on by a truck and flew about 100 feet and smashed it.
Yeah, I had a couple of buddies that did that, too.
And his brain was literally out on the pavement and part of his brain was removed.
And six weeks later, he came out of the coma.
So you grew up in suburban Dallas, huh?
Where I grew up, I experienced a lot of what you experienced with society and the drugs and prostitution and the whole rings.
Well, I was talking about the sheriff being a drug dealer.
We all knew it for years.
He finally went to prison.
Weird occult stuff.
Just rampant.
I mean, I grew up watching that and knew how corrupt the government was.
All the kids knew.
I grew up watching that and what our prostitution rings had to do with kids, child pornography, and the rest.
Sex rings and all of that.
I had to grow up by the bite out of my family.
That sort of thing.
Well, that's harrowing.
That's horrible.
It's strange because I tried working with a couple of pastors trying to get kids out of that and being aware of that sort of thing.
What was that incident about that one lady whose boy had come in missing and for a number of years he showed up back up at her door?
What was that case?
Yeah, well we've had those guests on.
There's been a lot of those cases.
And a lot of that ties into some of the occult encampments of the elite.
This has come out.
We've had Senator DeCamp on covering this.
And it's so horrible, it's hard to believe, but Congresswoman McKinney, when I interviewed her a few weeks ago, talked about the U.N.
and the white slavery rings.
They were caught with DynCorp with hundreds of thousands of women being flown out to slave brothels.
Women and children, thanks for the call.
And again, good people.
As good people, we can't get our minds around this type of horror.
But it's going on under the rocks.
The government's running it all.
Your calls, more news coming up.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
We're 8 minutes and 25 seconds into the second hour.
21st of October, 2003.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're about to go back to Charles and Andre and Bill and Emily and many others that are patiently holding.
But let me right now get into some more of the news, because this is all extremely important.
Bush-Fox make amends.
That's the headline out of the San Jose Mercury News.
Hey, Bush has got a lot of holdings in those pens over there.
A lot of DynCorp goodies.
President Bush and Mexican President Vicente Fox putting an icy rift over Iraq behind them.
Met Monday.
Yeah, icy rift.
Staged event.
Met Monday for the first time in a year and agreed that their governments would try again next month to tackle the touchy issue of immigration.
The two neighbors held a 30-minute reconciliation session on the sidelines of the annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit in the Thai capital where North Korea and counterterrorism have dominated the agenda.
As Bush And East Asian leaders conferred on how to deal with North Korea's nuclear weapons program.
North Korea fired an anti-ship ballistic missile in the seas between South Korea and Japan.
The test firing, apparently part of a military exercise, came one day after Bush announced that he would favor giving North Korea written security guarantees if it abandoned its nuclear arms program.
North Korea has routinely used provocative military demonstrations to draw attention to its diplomatic demands.
officials described the meeting between Bush and Fox as relaxed and very warm, and said it ended with an invitation to Fox to visit Bush's Texas ranch in the coming months.
to visit the Texas set with the little hay bales in the tractor.
Both sides acknowledge that reaching an immigration accord, Fox's top foreign policy goal, will be difficult.
The Mexican leader wants the United States to expand permanent visas and guest worker programs to Mexicans and give legal status to about 3.5 million undocumented Mexican migrants who live and work in the United States.
Yeah, you mean 30-something million.
Now, about a month before 9-11, Bush was trying to get the bill passed for open borders, blanket amnesty, unlimited, you can get here, you're legal, we'll issue a national ID card.
And over 800 cities except the matricula from Poland, Mexico, Venezuela, you name it, you can go buy one.
The leader of the Colorado Senate that we had on, his staff went and got four ID cards in one day, with different names, the same person, just to prove this.
I mean, it's out of control, but they want you to have the Pentagon watching you, and drones in the skies, and surveillance blimps, and FBI reading the email, and all of this, and everything you buy being tracked, and microchips and everything.
And, you know, domestic CIA, but the border is more open than ever, and thousands of Border Patrol leaving to be air marshals.
officials have been reluctant to legalize immigrants who have entered the country illegally?
Oh, really?
There is some support in the Bush Administration and Congress for increasing the number of permits for temporary Mexican workers, but even that proposal fell off Bush's agenda after September 11th.
The tags shifting his focus to the need for stringent border security, which is a total lie.
They tried to get it passed before 9-11 because they knew they were about to do that to us, and then afterwards they got up there and acted like they were going to do something when they didn't.
Fox said he and Bush agreed that cabinet officials of the two countries would try to set a schedule for resolving the issue during the annual meeting of their bi-national commission set for November 12th in Washington.
They're surely going to require a great quantity of discussions, dialogue, negotiations, Fox said.
But the important thing is that both presidents are returning to the bilateral agenda with great enthusiasm.
Before North Korea launched its missile, Bush said on his way into a breakfast meeting with South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun, we're making good progress on peacefully solving this issue with North Korea.
Roth wrote, thank the United States for making efforts to make progress.
Very interesting.
Okay, continuing with the news.
Your calls are coming up here in a little while.
BBC today, microchip could do away with pills.
Sorry, we don't use cash anymore, and well, there's no self-serve anymore, and you gotta check yourself out in the checkout line, and if you want these pills, you gotta implant this little chip.
See how they phase everything in?
Scientists in the United States have developed a new way of taking medicines which could improve the effectiveness of some treatments, including HIV therapy.
Writing in the Journal of Nature Materials, they describe a drug-containing microchip which can be implanted in the body.
This then releases the medication slowly so the patient no longer has to take any pills.
They already have these.
Most drugs are still taken orally, but this has drawbacks.
Biggest one is human error.
Simply forgetting to take your medicine can seriously affect how well the medicine works.
Oh, and sometimes the... sometimes the pharmacist rip you off or make a mistake.
It'll save a life.
Hundreds of thousands get sick.
Tens of thousands die from bad prescriptions or wrong prescriptions.
That's the numbers.
We all just need chips.
So this new microchip, which is just over a centimeter in length, can provide a way of delivering exactly the right dose, exactly the right time, therefore making the drug work as well as possible.
Keeping track, the chip's surface is covered with little grooves where the drug should be loaded.
It is then covered with different types of polymer, which slowly biodegrade, releasing each dose at a different time.
Yeah, it's like women taking Norplant and their ovaries rotting out.
It is then covered with different types of polymer which slowly biodegrade.
This type of drug delivery could be very useful for patients who have to take many different tablets at specific times each day.
For instance, those with HIV.
As well as patients suffering from dementia who cannot remember when they take their drug.
Yeah, we'll test it on the prisoners and on the Alzheimer's people first.
And Alzheimer's is exploding because of all the aluminum, and all the garbage, and all the aspartame, and autism's exploding because of the vaccines, and they got drugs to treat it, don't worry.
Chips out of fashion at Prada.
This is out of Financial Review.
When the Italian fashion house Prada opened a new store in New York last year, its use of radio frequency identification technology, microchips, received as much attention as the clothes, shoes, and Embalmic product bags, whatever that means.
Prada used the wireless chips on its product labels to both track merchandise and provide shoppers with tailored information on products.
You'd walk in, it'd flash your face on big screens, say your name to you, they'd walk over and know what you like, know what your size is.
People didn't like it, it turns out.
Sales assistants had wireless chip readers to access a database that stored detailed information on products and on the customer's buying habits.
It goes on.
But now those chip labels have been quietly removed and an example of the kind of cultural barrier that technologists could never have predicted.
Oh no!
You just admit you're going to have radio readers all over town tracking us with this and the internal documents with Homeland Security got leaked that it is part of the control grid!
It's admitted!
Realize how chilling that is?
How dark and wicked that is?
But now those chip labels have been quietly removed.
It turns out the ladies who shopped at Prada objected to the data collections and Terry Ritter Antitechnology Forecaster at Price Waterhouse Coopers.
They did mind product keeping track of what they bought and when, but they did mind the store knowing what size they wore.
Shopping remains stubbornly resistant to high-tech innovations.
Oh, it's just an innovation.
It's like the little tattoos on the concentration camp victims run by IBM, by the way, and their little international business machine.
The Bushes were involved in that, of course.
You know, the Jews didn't like the innovation, I guess.
It was just up technology, but now our fringes, wardrobes, and kitchen cupboards would be in constant electronic communication with warehouses around the globe.
Any deficiency would be addressed automatically.
Oh, so see?
It's all connected.
They'll watch you in your house.
And it says, if we insisted on still physically choosing our own goods at retail outlet, cash and check-out operators would be an anachronism viewed in much the same way as stick-on price tags.
Oh, they said that if they had their way, the company says, no more cash, you'll have to use the chips.
But in reality, there are still significant barriers to the adoption of retail technologies that are unlikely to be removed in the effort in the short term, medium term.
That's why the internal DARPA slash Homeland Security documents meeting in a private meeting with representatives of the Fortune 500.
Admittedly, a big auditorium with the leaders of the Fortune 500 all there in Chicago.
This is the closed door meetings.
In the open meetings, they were going, our Babylon system is close to completion.
We had Kathryn Holbrook taunt.
She said it was all these biblical systems.
The angel will soon control Babylon.
These are quotes.
Babylon system almost up!
And everyone would start giggling and rubbing their hands together.
Folks, you didn't fall into the twilight zone.
This is true.
NoCards.com's got all the documents.
I've read it all in the news.
Our Babylon system's going well!
Governor Ridge said, though your studies show that 78% of people are against this, they can be pacified.
They can be made to not resist.
They used other terms like neutralizing opposition.
Though most Americans are against this, they're apathetic.
They will be forced to accept.
These are quotes, people.
Governor Ridds with them in a secret meeting.
Ha ha ha!
And then these idiots left it on the back of a website in an accessible area.
They had their server with classified documents open by the grace of God.
Or maybe somebody's leaking this.
And what did it say?
What did it do?
What did Ridge say?
What did Wal-Mart say?
They said, well, Wal-Mart was instrumental in 84 with making people accept the barcode.
It was unacceptable then, but Wal-Mart did it and everybody else had to, because they tell the manufacturers, we're the biggest retail, now they're a lot bigger than they were, 34% of total market of all retail sales of anything, and they told Wal-Mart, they said, you've got the universal product code in, now we want you to force this on them, and Wal-Mart is rampaging to do it!
Do you understand?
They're talking about neutralizing you.
Neutralizing your opposition.
We're going to come back and we'll go to Charles and Andre and Bill and others.
If you want to join us on air, it's 1-800-259-9231.
We'll take with some more calls and I'll get into Ron Paul's new good gun build.
Also, our troops not being given treatment even when they've been shot.
For months, they have to lay there in pits of flies in open air, cinder block buildings.
That's mainstream news.
High Court to decide right to refuse the National ID Card.
The same thing's happening in England.
Universal tyranny coming in.
It's all coming up after this break.
Stay with us.
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I got a star on my car.
I got a star on my.
You're not the guy who's the boss on this highway.
and the right to arrest. I'm the guy who's the boss on this highway.
No, you're not. You're not the guy who's the boss on this highway.
The American people are, and you would be revered and supported and loved like you once were,
given the piece of pie, the hot coffee. You couldn't buy yourself lunch if you go back to being peace officers.
But you've been trained how to be goons for the New World Order.
Many of you have been.
It's a lot of the good cops trying to keep you in line.
The feds want to train you how to be goons so that when you get in trouble they can come in and federalize your city.
So wake up and join the American people again.
Alright, we're about to go to these loaded phone lines and then back into this stack of news of new election fraud developments, World War III developments, great Second Amendment developments, a bunch of key stuff, folks.
But right now, Charles in Louisiana with Andre and others.
Go ahead, Charles.
How you doing, Mr. Jones?
I'm doing good, Charles.
Good to hear from you.
Oh yeah, I get discouraged sometimes, but I still listen to you every day.
I really do.
I'm hooked on you.
For those that don't know, Charles, you've made over 3,000 copies of the videos.
Over 3,800 copies.
Now, we haven't talked.
You haven't probably called in about six months.
Oh, it's been four months.
Hey, I thought of you.
You said that you were tortured in Louisiana for a crime you didn't commit with a bag over the head.
Well, yeah, to make you sound a statement, they put a plastic bag over your head and they put a pinhole into the bottom mouth.
But the Russians yesterday are admitting that that's how they get confessions of kids they think stole a stereo, is they put the quote, elephant mask on them and do the same thing.
Oh yeah, well you got to sound a statement.
I did it twice.
I think it caused brain damage to me.
But they take a clear bag and they don't want to pull it off.
But a bag goes down in your throat and you get very little air.
It's like a pinhole.
You can end up like Terry Schiavo when that happens.
Or Schiavo.
Yeah, but then when you go to prison they start taking your blood, buying your blood, giving you $10 for a pint of plasma.
And if you've got AIDS it goes right to Canada.
Oh yeah, they don't check the AIDS.
No, they don't check the AIDS.
When you go to prison they sign up for the blood deal.
They give you $20 a week.
And if you don't sell the blood, the food gets so bad that you can't hardly eat it.
So they control you with the food.
Just like body snatchers, like a coven of vampires.
Yes, sir.
Well, but I was listening to you this morning when you said that the American people just suck on their thumbs.
We better wake up.
God knows we better wake up.
For our children's sake.
Well, Charles, I'll tell you the biggest thing, and you've done it.
Cynthia McKinney ran up, hugged me, and said, your film, Road to Tyranny, woke me up.
She then went into the U.N.
and child kidnapping on tape.
She went into how the films are incredible.
And this is a woman who woke up, we deprogrammed a super liberal, and her own party turned against her.
The Dixie Chicks woke up because of this show, and I'm not bragging, I have this from their manager.
I mean, this is the reality, and those are just examples of what people like you did, making copies of the videos.
Well, you do them all good, and you realize, it's just that the people don't know what to do.
And if they can't do anything, but if it's just to give a relation, one of your tapes.
The other day I passed, I had some guys shooting guns.
Five guns.
I went out and I gave them a tape of Bohemian Grove.
Dark Secrets of Bohemian Grove.
I passed back and they was amazed.
I mean, they was outraged.
They didn't even heard of this.
They was just shooting some guns in the field.
I just went up to them and gave them tapes.
But, the thing is, people...
They turn off the radio program and it stops right there.
You encourage people, but people have got to take their own initiative to go beyond this.
Promote this program.
If everybody would just listen to this program one week, we could take back our country.
Just think of that.
If everybody just listened to this program one week and check you out, we could take back this country.
Charles, Charles, over a year ago you told the story of you were giving out copies of the tapes, the police were threatening to arrest you, and six months later they were shaking your hand and paying you for additional copies, and buying you a cup of coffee at the donut shop.
Oh yeah, yes.
He threatened to take my chihuahua, you remember?
He threatened to take my dog.
I had my dog.
I was selling flags for Larry Nichols, supporting this program.
Well, for folks that don't know, Charles, Tell folks about the sea change you saw in your community from the thousands of videos you handed out.
Oh, you know, I had a little meeting every day with 27 people.
We started giving shortwave radio, second-hand shortwave radios to people.
Policemen that was against me thought I was crazy.
After a while, I become my friend.
Well, I moved since then.
I'm in a different parish and I'm doing the same thing here.
I just, uh, churches have I'll tell you why that's happening.
They watch it and they already know most of what's in it.
And especially police.
They go, this guy knows exactly what we're being taught.
He's not lying to us.
They start talking around, you keep passing out.
Don't defend the tape, just give them the tape.
I'll tell you why that's happening.
They watch it and they already know most of what's in it, and especially police.
They go, "This guy knows exactly what we're being taught.
He's not lying to us. He's just telling us straight."
And that's the power, because we're telling the truth, and the truth will burn a hole right through a mountain of
lies like a particle beam.
Thank you for the call, Charles.
You keep it up, and God bless you, my friend.
My brother.
We'll be back with more calls, more news.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're about to go to Andre, Bill, Bob, John, Joseph, and others.
Quickly, so everybody stay right there.
You know what happens?
A police officer in a big city like Baltimore, Maryland, or a middle-sized town like Austin, or a small town like Fredericksburg, Texas, will be given a copy of Road to Tyranny.
And they will see in the film They will see in the film, state police arresting a naval veteran, a woman, a farm wife, with no criminal record, because she simply said, you can't stop me at a checkpoint, they had a bunch of cars pulled over, and demand my papers when I've done nothing wrong.
Fourth Amendment.
They jerk her out of the car, say, what are we gonna charge her with?
We'll charge her with resisting.
They frame her right there on the side of the road, and take her to jail.
Now you gotta know that's wrong.
I mean, if you're not just an egomaniac, well, she didn't lick my boots properly.
Then we show you FEMA in Kansas City, sitting there before firefighters and police.
This is in early 2001, saying, quote, all Christians are terrorists, in the name of the federal government, all the founding fathers are terrorists, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
Then we show the training manuals, where they say gun owners, Christians, homeschoolers, defenders of the U.S.
Constitution, those that make frequent references to the U.S.
Then I point out in the film, I go, police, didn't you swear an oath to this evil document?
And this all started under Bill Clinton.
It's gotten even worse under Bush.
That's what FEMA and Homeland Security are out doing.
They're not worried about the Arabs or the open borders.
There's record numbers of visas being issued to people from countries that are listed as terrorist sponsors by the State Department.
Nothing's being done.
We point that out in the film.
And what do you say to that as a police officer?
It's the facts!
There's no jury in the world if shown these facts wouldn't know something was wrong.
Now you gotta ask yourselves, is what this government's doing good for your pension?
Good for your children's future?
Do you like being put in the position of no-knock search warrants for drugs that we all know that the government ships in, in total, and that is broken up as a pretext for control and to populate the prisons?
The bigger the prisons get, the more crime.
The more money spent on education, the more stupid our children get.
The more money we spend on terror, fighting terror, the more terror.
The more machine guns and black ski masks you're given, the more cops get killed.
The numbers of cops being killed are up, while crime is down.
Your own SWAT teams kill your own officers.
Every week I see an article where it happens.
This isn't good for you.
This isn't a good life for you.
Being hated by the people isn't a good life for you.
So join us!
Join us!
We're friendly.
We're nice.
We love those that stand up against tyranny.
We love those that are honorable.
And the more of you stand up, the more it becomes safe for you to do so.
I mean, don't get like the New York police that are so pathetic that they have to put full-page ads in the New York Post and Uh, New York Daily News saying, we're sorry.
We've been ordered to squeeze you and double the fines and give you tickets for no reason.
We've been ordered to do so.
It's a budget shortfall.
The budget's a scam.
They got plenty of money.
The government prints the money.
The comprehensive annual financial report in New York, they got over a trillion dollar slush fund.
Even after the recession, it was 1.3 trillion, now it's a trillion.
This is the reality.
I mean, the police are so hated now in New York that not one, but hundreds were caught, ordered to give tickets during the blackouts when cars were stuck in the road.
When people didn't feed their parking meters.
Citizens were out directing traffic.
Join us.
Come back into humanity.
Join the American people.
Stand up against tyranny.
Be part of history.
Be a real man.
Be a real woman.
Be strong enough to have the moral courage to face the facts of what we're saying.
We'll be the best friends you ever had.
Stop going after the good people of America.
Stop getting young teenagers into the system for petty reasons, for things you know you did, and that cops let you go for petty things when you were young, and you'd be in the system now and have no future if they wouldn't have been common sense, and you're not common sense.
And let me tell you, what you do to those young people is going to happen to your children, or your grandchildren, or your nephews or nieces.
Have some common decency!
We're not your enemy.
You work for a corrupt military industrial complex whose own white papers say they're going to destroy this country!
And you with it!
Alright, let's take calls.
Andre in Wisconsin, go ahead.
Hello, Mr. Alex.
How are you doing?
Pretty good.
I happen to be one of those people that you mentioned.
One of those cops.
But I'm a good one, though.
I'm not a bad one.
Well, thank you.
Thank you for your service and your...
It's just, it's really frustrating, Alex.
I mean, you're trying to just do your job, and you've got these ego cops getting in the way and messing up, and nothing ever happens to them.
And society's degenerating.
You do have a bunch of hedonistic, demonic animals to deal with.
Oh yeah, and the, uh, the ranks above you are really bad, and they're the ones that make the rank.
It's really frustrating, let me tell you.
But what I really wanted to say is that I like your show.
I enjoy it.
And there's a bunch of us, a small group of us, that talk about this kind of thing.
And we think it's wrong, too.
So not everybody's bad.
There's a small percentage of us.
Well, it's a growing percentage.
Listen, listen.
I mean, and I shouldn't get preferential treatment.
But the last three times I've been pulled over in Austin, because I'm going to admit it, I speed, folks.
I mean, I'm not a reckless driver.
These roads are built to go 80 miles an hour on.
That's how fast I drive, if it's not a bunch of traffic.
I mean, if it's 10 o'clock at night, there's no one on Mopac, I'm going 80 miles an hour.
And so are you, police.
It's common sense.
These roads are designed for 85 miles an hour.
But the point is, they drive 100 on the Autobahn and have less wrecks.
But the point is, The point here is, I get pulled over and they'll just smile and say, Alex, just stop driving fast.
Now, why are they letting me go?
I don't know.
But the point here is, is that I've been out on the streets with the police.
And a lot of them smile at me and go, I can't talk to you, Alex.
Watch the show.
You know, so I know.
But again, they're like the American people.
They still follow these illegal, unconstitutional mandates.
How do you change that when the top is rotten and giving you a dirty job to do?
Well, that takes the act of the public.
I mean, overwhelmingly, it's the public that has to change it.
I mean, they're the ones that elect these goofs.
I mean, I hate to say it, but, you know, and that includes me.
You know?
So... But, uh... Well, I mean, are police starting to figure out that SWAT teams get citizens and cops killed?
I mean, uh... My own SWAT team, I...
I don't really delve into that group too much.
too much.
Let me give you an example.
There were a bunch of police in a tiger mart a few months ago, this is about six months
ago now, and one of them was Billy Hanson, Mike Hanson's brother.
I'm friends with him, you know, we eat stuff.
And I pull up, I see him, I walk and start talking to him.
They're going, yeah, they want us to take smallpox shots.
We're not going to do it.
We saw your show.
We know the truth.
We checked it out.
It's true.
I looked online.
Oh man, did you hear about that cop getting killed?
It's horrible.
They've got to do something about these SWAT teams.
I was talking to one of the other cops.
They're like, yeah, we all know it was the cops that shot the cop.
And they just grabbed some innocent guy and said he did it.
I'm having this discussion with police.
There's like five or six of them.
We're like 20 minutes.
And one of them goes up and buys a drink in another candy bar and goes, here Alex, have a candy bar.
And I go, no, I can't accept gifts.
So, you know, again, but then I get mad because I'm downtown with my wife, then my girlfriend, and some guy who I know in the gyms has a steroid head.
I've seen the guy!
Comes over with a shaved head, tattoos, black gloves, starts grabbing on me.
I don't need to put up with that.
So there's this cadre of about 20% of these gang member cops and you've got about 60% that just want to do their job.
You've got another 20-30% that are just idiots.
Break down the percentages for us, Andre.
Well, I'd say you've got it right on the head.
There's a small percentage of us that I hate to see the eagles, you know, dwell out there.
The people with the eagles are the ones that are getting promoted and, you know, and the rest of us are just taking it.
I mean, but... Well, help me understand something, officer.
When I see the state police in Texas, I know you're in Wisconsin.
Where are you, Milwaukee?
Now, and people go, how did he know that?
It's the most populous area in the state.
It's a good guess.
You say it's a big department.
So you're in Milwaukee.
Now, what is Milwaukee?
It's about the size of Austin, isn't it?
Yeah, I would think so.
I've never really been to Austin.
Okay, but a million people?
More than a million?
Probably about a million.
Okay, well that's what we are.
You know, with the metro area.
Surrounding areas.
Why do I see state police?
I've never seen the APD doing it.
state police with an old woman standing there with her goods all over the road
then they'll have the old woman put her stuff back in the car. How do police get
that sick to not understand that's abusive?
Well sure it's abusive but uh...
I don't know the situation.
I couldn't answer that.
I mean, I see families doing it.
I mean, what would it be like for you if you weren't a police officer, you're on a Sunday drive, they pull you over and make you put all your stuff out on the side of the road for 30 minutes?
I mean, wouldn't that humiliate you?
Well, sure, but why did you get pulled over?
You see where I'm going with this?
No, I understand.
Listen, I've been speeding before, and I'm like, look, give me the ticket.
OK, I did wrong.
And they'll go, let me search your car.
And I go, no, I don't use drugs.
Go get a warrant.
And they'll let me go.
But other people just go, sure, search my car.
In fact, we stopped our car 100 yards away before, waited until the police officer leaves, run over and talk to the people, and we'll just say, well, I was going five miles over the speed limit.
My whole point is, how do we stop people for speeding while the borders are wide open?
While there's illegal aliens committing felonies everywhere?
Well, that's true.
I mean, your guess is as good as mine.
I mean, I don't really deal on the state or the federal level, but... What are you going to do if they announce that you're being drafted for part of a domestic security force, and you're going to have to take a smallpox and anthrax shot?
You won't have to quit.
Everybody's going to say no.
Did it even get down to your level discussing the smallpox shot?
All right.
Anything else you'd like to add?
I enjoy your show and keep it up.
All right.
Thank you, Andre, for your call.
And be safe out there.
Why anybody would take that job too?
I mean, society has degenerated.
I mean, it's not just cops that are turning into slobs.
The citizens look like some type of mutated, warmed-over death.
I mean, the young people are a bunch of these moronic banshees.
I mean the last, I watch these cop shows sometimes when I watch TV and just the going into houses with the junk everywhere and the needles all over the place and some drunk attacking the police and the cops get cut and you know I mean I wouldn't want that job.
I wouldn't want that job.
Let's go ahead and talk to Bill in Indiana.
Bill you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi Alex, how are you?
Pretty good.
I have just two questions and One of them is, are you going to discuss the NRA this week, their agenda?
Yes, I said I was going to do that, and I am.
It's really hard to try to line up Bernadine Smith with Larry Pratt with JPFO Aaron Zellman, but yes, yes, I'm on that.
Okay, and the other question is, what do you think of Howard Dean as a candidate for Vice President?
You're talking about the Vermont Governor?
Yes, sir.
I think he's horrible.
I mean, he's a leftist.
Look, this is what they do.
They've got the globalist win, whether it's a left-wing or a fake right-wing takeover.
The government policies are exactly the same.
They don't like Dean, though.
Their boy is Wesley Clark, who's worse.
I mean, if I had a choice between Dean and Wesley Clark, it'd be Dean.
And you know what, I'll tell you, I think Dean's better than George Bush, because at least we know what he is, and he's honest about what he is.
With Bush, you get massive government, gun control, open borders, loss of liberty, and the neocons are asleep.
And then with Clark, you've got somebody who will be a war hawk.
for the national i_d_ card or national draft everything bush wants everything
the c_f_r_ wants but clinton's uh... roommate
road scholar former head of nato i mean clark is their boy
uh... one other question let me ask you what do you think of dean
well i i called her office this morning and uh... i ask him about the uh...
social security and i i think about the gun control and then she put me on her website.
I didn't check it all out yet, but they're going to send me something.
Where does he say he's on gun control?
Well, he's going to leave it up to the... You go to their Civil Rights and Justice part of their website, and he's supposedly for sensible gun control.
Yeah, what did I just say?
No, what did I just say to you?
That is, look, whether it's the NRA or Handgun Control Inc.
or Howard Dean, they're all together, same lingo, setting up a legal framework to totally disarm us.
And Howard Dean is a gun-grabbing worm.
But I'm telling you, he's not going to get elected because he's not their man.
Their man is George W. and Wesley Clark.
And either way, they might as well be the same person.
Hey, one other thing I want to ask you, tell you, you'd be surprised how many children that are in high school, now freshman, sophomore, juniors, and some graduates, a lot of them, don't know how to use a ruler.
They don't know how to use a ruler.
So you're a school teacher?
Well, uh, a little bit.
Yeah, well, let me just say this.
Sir, have you read Deliberate Dumbing Down by Charlotte Isserby?
Yes, I talked to her, yes.
Well, great.
I mean, it's government documents, how to dumb the kids down, how to not let you teach.
And so they don't know how to use a ruler, they don't know where Iraq is, they don't know how many continents.
I know, almost every adult I know, Yeah, who just got out of high school or college.
They don't know where continents are, sir.
They don't know how many continents.
They don't know what the Fourth Amendment is.
It's pathetic.
But they'll tell you how many freedoms they've got.
Nobody took none of my freedoms!
In mathematics, I was doing the same work a lot of freshmen are doing now in the fourth and fifth grade.
My father could fluently read at about a sixth, seventh grade level by the time he was three and a half, four.
My father was doing trigonometry when he was a sophomore in high school.
I'm a dribbling, gibbering idiot compared to him.
He knows how to do machine work.
He knows how to shoe a horse.
He knows how to ride a horse.
He knows how to run a chainsaw, run a trot line.
He knows how to do everything.
He knows how to clean a gun.
And I'm light years ahead of most of these people.
We're getting stupider and dumber and more moronic.
Yeah, it's gone.
I think the public education system is... My dad knows how to fix a car.
He has ten times the skills I have.
Let me tell you, I got ten times the skills these high school kids have got.
All they know how to do is play Nintendo and smoke pot and prepare themselves to go into the prisons.
I think you're pretty close.
Hey, that's a good population of slaves, isn't it?
Oh yeah, yeah.
So how do we turn it around?
I don't know, but I'll tell you, in second and third grade, they give them calculators, and they don't even know if they get the right answer.
I'm serious.
That's pathetic.
I don't know.
I'd throw them in a trash can or box them up and put them in a cupboard somewhere.
And now they say, no need to teach spelling, we have spell checkers.
You're getting us totally dependent.
Thanks for the call, my friend.
Good to hear from you, Bill.
We'll come back and take more calls, Bob and others.
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Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster as a New World Order.
A New World Order.
Can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the sinister Patriot Act legislation one and two apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
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Executive orders.
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If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two and a half hour video, Police State 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order, or call toll free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
1-888-253-3139. That's 888-253-3139. Order today and spread the word.
Alright, I've done a pretty good job at covering a lot of the top stories and key stuff.
And before the show ends in the next hour, I'm going to recap some of the top stories for those that just joined us.
The Bush family with Hitler.
The British government killing Princess Di.
Incredible evidence coming out of that, as if we didn't already know it.
High court to decide right to refuse a national ID card.
Simultaneously, same thing's going on in England and Europe as they unify it.
You watch these rulings say, oh, you can have a national ID card.
Also, I'm going to get into our troops not being taken care of, a bunch of election fraud, Maryland Democrats want outside voting machine audit, Washington Post, e-vote firm seeks voter approval after being caught in fraud.
That's just some of what's coming up.
I'll also get into Syria and Iran.
And the toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
About to go to Bob and John and Everett and Jim and others.
A lot of great calls today.
We'll keep that going into the next hour.
Before I end this hour, and then before that I'll try to get to your calls, I want everybody to stop sitting around and stop waiting.
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or Infowars.com.
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Adams is up there in heaven, folks.
This is being part of history here.
1-888-253-3139 or write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100, Austin, Texas,
78704 or infoorgs.com or prisonplanet.com.
Don't wait, make the call right now.
Operators are there 24 hours a day.
Bob in New York, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alex, you're not going to believe this one.
A friend of mine just came to me with this documentation.
He's working for a municipal government, okay, and along with his W-4, And all of his other tax and INS paperwork.
At the back of the worksheet, he has this thing handed to him.
It says the Oath of Allegiance.
And it says, and let me read this, it says, I, with the name to be put in there, do solemnly swear or affirm That I have never willfully advocated, advised, or taught the doctrine that the government of the United States or any state or any political subdivision thereof should be overthrown or overturned by force, violence, or any unlawful means.
That I have never organized or helped to organize or become a member of any society or group of persons Which teaches or advocates such a doctrine.
Hold on, hold over to the third hour.
But for those that don't know, police departments have a questionnaire on a test.
Have you ever been a member of a militia?
Ever been part of a pro-gun organization?
Have you ever?
This is the Sovietization of America and they're setting us up for dictatorship.
Stay there.
Yes, I'm aware of that.
I'd like a copy of that particular document.
Stay there, Bob.
Third hour straight ahead.
Hope your station carries it.
You've asked for them and now they're here.
Hello folks, Alex Jones introducing you to the new Berkey PF2 Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements for exclusive use with the Berkey Lights Blackhead.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, we're now 25 seconds into Hour 3.
Thank you for joining us on this 21st day of October 2003.
2003. I'm Alex Jones. Coming up I'll give you an update on the Terry Schendler case,
Terry Schiavo case.
And we'll get into how it's now going to the Senate.
The House passed it to allow the governor to give her a reprieve as if he needed that authorization.
But the legislature is moving with a large vote.
The majority of them voting to not kill her.
That's wonderful news.
But it may be too late, folks.
They need the feeding tube back in her now if she's got any chance.
Also, the Bush family and Hitler, the government murdering Princess Diana, more evidence of that pouring out, more on election fraud and how they're trying to institute national ID cards worldwide under U.N.
It's all coming up.
But let me take five more calls, then I'm going to go back in the news, then back into calls.
I've had a lot of calls today.
Bob in New York is held over from the last hour.
One of his friends was signing a contract, a pledge, to have a city job.
He didn't mention the city, but I've seen these.
Austin Police Department, Travis County Sheriff's Department has these.
He's never been a member of a militia, never been a member of a right-wing group, never been a member of a land rights group, never been a member of basically anything decent and honorable.
And he's reading a similar thing that's not quite as hardcore as what we have here in Austin.
Go ahead and re-read that for us, Bob.
Okay, you want me to start from the beginning, Alex?
Start over.
I name, do solemnly swear, or affirm, That I have never willfully advocated, advised, or taught the doctrine that the government of the United States or any state or any political subdivision thereof should be overthrown or overturned by force, violence, or any unlawful means.
That I have never organized or helped to organize or become a member of any society or group of persons which teaches or advocates such a doctrine.
That I have never uttered Any treasonable or seditious act or act that I have never been and do not intend to become a member of any subversive group.
And then it has a section for your position, and I can't read the rest, but I think he's probably willing to fax this to you.
But this is ridiculous.
They blew away seditious act, anti-seditious act, you know, right after the Constitution was ratified.
This is insane.
This is completely crazy.
Every form of tyranny, every trapping of despotism, every mechanism of serfdom that is in the Declaration of Independence, Legion squared, is now upon us.
Hey, thanks a lot.
Keep up the good work, Alex.
Thank you, my friend.
Good to hear from you, Bob.
Let's talk to John in Texas.
Go ahead, John.
Alex, greetings from the Republic of Texas.
Well, greetings.
Hey, uh, you were asking about, uh, about, uh, examples in the media of, uh, their propaganda?
Dude, I got a beauty right here.
Uh, in November's Reader's Digest, in the That's Outrageous column, one of their regular columns, uh, there's an article by Tucker Carlson, uh, who incidentally co-hosts CNN's Crossfire.
Yeah, worthless weasel, yeah.
In which he's talking about all of the conspiracy theories that are all over the internet and all over talk radio.
He's talking about how a lot of people believe that the CIA created the AIDS virus, chipped cocaine into the inner cities, forced Nixon to resign, and arranged the suicide of the Jonestown Massacre.
Which is all documented.
Right, exactly.
And now I hear it says, I'll just read you this one little Insulting paragraph here.
None of these things actually happened, of course.
They were hatched and cultivated on the internet and talk radio, both of which function like dating services for the like-minded mentally ill.
Well, after a stint in a FEMA camp and forced drugging, which they're now the Supreme Court's rule they can do, you'll be more normal.
Tell you what, stay there.
I want you to read more of that by that twit in the bow tie.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster with a New World Order.
The New World Order Can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the sinister Patriot Act legislation one and two apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security.
Executive orders.
Force vaccinations.
The New Prison Economy, The Total Information Society, The Pan American Union, Federal Gun Grabs, Government Run, White Slavery Rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two and a half hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
888-253-3139. That's 888-253-3139. Order today and spread the word.
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From his Central Texas Command Center deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
A masses in fewer and fewer hands to become drunk on their control and wish to manipulate and engineer societies.
Then there's the populations that wish to live in freedom and liberty and raise their children.
It's up to us to combine our forces to educate the mass and resist this global tyranny.
Talking to John in Texas about propaganda that's in the magazines, the newspapers, the dramas, the sitcoms.
It permeates everything.
Be aware of it!
Learn just how serious things have gotten, the scope of it, the control, the coordination.
You were reading passages by Tucker Carlson, the gun-grabbing socialist from Crossfire, writing a column for the November issue of Leader's Digest.
Recap what you were saying and read some more of that.
Well, basically it's an article about all the so-called conspiracy theories, which are actually conspiracy fact.
It talks about how the internet and talk radio function like dating services for the like-minded mentally ill.
You want me to go on?
Oh, yes!
Okay, it says, unfortunately, plenty of people buy into the bull.
Over half of those polled in a 1997 Scripps-powered Ohio University survey believed the paranoid lie about crack cocaine.
Remember the crash of TWA Flight 800 off Long Island, which killed 230 passengers?
More than a third said they think our own military shot the plane down.
Movies are also in the conspiracy game.
Oliver Stone's JFK claims there was a second gunman, maybe a third, who fired at President Kennedy.
By the way, 84% of Americans believe that.
See, they're more and more in the minority.
They can keep saying the emperor's wearing a fine cloak.
No, he's naked.
Well, I was a little bit upset about this article until I realized a very simple truth.
This article is nothing more than an act of desperation.
They're running scared, people.
We're winning.
They are, but that makes them very dangerous.
Don't think they won't release smallpox if too many of us wake up and try to get control of us, but don't think they won't release it if we go along with them.
In fact, that's actually holding them back right now.
Well, I'll read you one last little paragraph from here and then I'll give you a solution to this little problem here.
Conspiracism is a relic of a pre-historical age, a time when witches were assumed to be responsible for ills ranging from famine to impotence.
You'd think conspiracy theories would have faded with the moon landing, if not electric light.
Just the opposite appears to have happened.
Maybe conspiracies are the only way some people can justify their prejudices.
The truth be damned.
Maybe TV has made us all so dumb that we'll believe anything.
Hey, there's one little bit of truth in there.
Either way, it's worth remembering that people who believe in witches tend to burn them.
So, see, you've got prejudice, you want to murder women.
If you believe the government ever did anything corrupt or ever lied to us, you're crazy!
Government's always been loving.
But wait a minute.
What did Machiavelli say about politics and the manipulation?
What about the black men in Tuskegee?
What about 400,000 women forcibly sterilized?
What about the pregnant wives of G.I.s being given uranium-plutonium pills?
What about black people being slaves?
What about giving smallpox blankets to the American Indians?
That's the Smithsonian Institute.
I mean, it goes on and on and on.
All the crimes we know that they've committed...
You know, a trillion-plus missing from the Pentagon.
Nothing's done.
I mean, all of this stuff.
And then this guy just goes, basically, if you think the government ever did anything wrong, you're crazy.
But the government charges people every day with conspiracy to commit murder, conspiracy to rob a bank, conspiracy to embezzle.
But again, people in powerful positions, it doesn't exist to have a conspiracy.
Again, that's so half-baked.
That's written at a 10-year-old level of psychology.
Oh, yeah.
Here's the thing.
Do you think people are buying that from Tucker Carlson?
Unfortunately, yeah, I think a lot of them are.
Especially, well, obviously the ones that haven't woken up, but yeah.
I have a feeling that our society has become so stupid that Yeah, they're buying it hook, line, and spear.
And they tune into 24, and they tune into Threat Matrix, where it's torture people every episode.
And, oh, that's a good thing.
Torture's now good, too.
Ask these idiots.
So, Joseph Mingolo was good.
Thanks for the call.
Send me that article.
That's interesting.
Thank you, John.
Ebert in Florida.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Okay, he's in Illinois.
Everett, go ahead.
Good afternoon, Alex.
A couple thoughts on Terri's situation.
Terri Schiavo Schindler has not had her feeding tube removed.
She is in a coma.
She doesn't exist.
You believe in witches?
If you say they're killing her.
Well, anyway, I think she would be treated more humanely.
If she was a condemned prisoner about a day away from execution.
Or if she was a horse or a dog, you couldn't do this to her.
That's true.
And the other thought is currently she's probably got less of a chance to survive than a person lost at sea or in the desert or the Arctic because somebody would probably be looking for them.
Well, seven days, we're going into day seven, without water, I guarantee you there's already been massive It really is terrible.
organs this is just outrageous and how dare Jeb Bush who could have ordered that feeding
tube not removed sit there and cop out to let her die now the house has moved the senate's
moving and uh... it's just it's just a tragedy it really is terrible
i can't believe it in this country it's almost speechless And she was conscious up until yesterday, eyes open, alert, looking around, and the news keeps saying she's a vegetable.
Yeah, that's all you hear.
That's all you hear in the media.
Well, that's about it.
I hear a lot of people in worse situations, it would be better off if she, you know, went right down to it.
It's horrible.
And what you'll do to the least, you'll You do to me.
Thanks for the call.
Yes, sir.
Thank you.
Appreciate it.
Robert in Tennessee.
Robert, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Proverbs 24 11.
Rescue those who are being taken away to death.
Hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.
Yes it does.
I'll tell ya.
to the slaughter. I think that describes America better than any other four or five words I can
think of. Yes it does. I'll tell you. What else is on your mind Robert? We need to have a big meeting
here sometime with you here. That's what we need to do.
What are you, a WBCR listener?
Yes, sir.
Well, I need to come up to Tennessee.
I need to come up to Arkansas.
I need to come up to Rhode Island.
I've got some travel in the future.
I haven't set any dates, but I'll be... We need to have Ron Paul here, too.
Well, speaking of that, he's got a new gun bill, a bill we can actually vote for that's pro-gun, and I'll talk about that here in a few minutes.
Thank you.
Well, we need to get and we can do something all of it
well we are robert thanks for the call appreciated uh... rob in illinois you're on the air go ahead ro
Alex, Robert Kaufman, Illinois.
I'm trying to get down there tonight on a flight.
I'm doing all this paperwork.
I called the city manager and the mayor and a number of police officers.
I spoke to them for some time and I laid out the criminal and tort liability and evidence that challenges the presumption of fitness to hold office of any law enforcement officer that would not refuse to accept an assignment guarding that hospice under these conditions.
My question is, Uh, would you be able to conduct a press conference if I can get this mayor?
What I'm trying to prove is I'm trying to prove a state of mind.
I just had the outside counsel for the city hang up the phone on me.
I've got documents served on them.
I'm serving them again.
Four different fax numbers.
Well, sir, they have received Thousands of faxes, tens of thousands of calls, tens of thousands of emails.
That's why the legislature moved last night at 1030 in the evening to vote 68 to 27 to allow the governor to "give her
a reprieve like she's a convicted murderer."
Now it's up to the Senate, and the governor doesn't need the legislative power.
He's the executive.
He could have already done this, but he's not.
Jeb Bush is pathetic.
What this particular bill is, though, the Pinellas Park Police, Alex, is to demonstrate, to prove, and to get this established, to raise this issue, that they cannot presume that these orders... Yeah, just because the media and Jock Kamorkian say killing people's fun, and just because Hitler says it's okay, doesn't mean it's okay.
Right, so I guess my question was, is I'm trying to hook them in, if we could get some type of a press conference to require, in other words, to get all these positions out in the open, and I've got this whole document that explains the criminal tort liability.
Well, the family's been given press conferences, and you know, if you want to be there and think they'll let you speak, go ahead.
Well, no, what it is, is it's getting the city manager, the mayor, the police chief, so we can show how thoroughly unfit for office they are, and how they have no clue as to what constitutes the burdens of those offices, and from that juncture, whatever happens in this, we'll be able to proceed.
Yeah, they do have the public welfare in protecting the innocent, and enforcing the law, and this all is a big fraud.
So my question is, Alex, is there, or maybe you want me to call you back, is there a way we could arrange that you could interview them with these questions as part of that?
They're not going to talk.
We've already tried to get the police chief on, the mayor, the assistant U.S.
attorney, the U.S.
attorney, the governor's spokesman.
You've tried to get all those parties.
They don't talk to me.
They don't talk to me.
It's not magic because I'm on the radio.
I'm going to send you a copy of this, Alex, and what it is is to show that they're not going to later be able to claim that it wasn't clearly established what their duty was under these circumstances.
Yeah, well we need to let them know that it's going to be clearly established that she was never in a coma, and that that is a complete fraud, and the...
The lawyers and people putting out this fraud need to be charged.
One other thing I was going to ask you for future reference, Alex, and I realize you're under an avalanche of problems, and we thank you for your contribution, but for future reference, I was wondering, and you're already spent, you're exhausted, you've got a ton of things to do, if you leave that battle station to go somewhere else, then there's all kinds of evils that get away while you're not there.
Well, that's it.
I'm definitely at Battle Stations.
Alright, so what I'm going to do is I'm going to try to call you from down there.
If I can, I'll give you a report.
I don't know what it's going to be like, but I'm trying to get down there as soon as possible because I don't think the Senate... I think that might be a bluff.
Good, good, good.
Get down there.
Thanks for the call, sir.
Bye, Alex.
We'll be right back at Battle Stations.
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Now before I go to Rodney and Frank and many others that are holding, here's the toll free number 1-800-259-9231.
Any news item, any comment, question, want to get involved on air, we still got a lot of time left here today.
This evening.
If you disagree with me, go ahead and hit me with your best shot.
But I gotta get the news.
five nine nine two three one it is a great with me going to have a little bit shot
one eight hundred two five nine nine two three one but i gotta get the news and it is about ten fifteen
minutes and the balance of the show the last fifteen or so
uh... i will take your calls 1-800-259-9231.
The last five minutes or so, I'm going to recap some of the top stories of the day, because I know a lot of you weren't tuned in during the first hour about the Bushes and Hitler and the British government killing Princess Diana and a bunch of other really key stuff.
But right now, let me launch into more of the news!
The Liberty Committee!
Okay, this is on Infowars.com, the Second Amendment section.
Political action from Principal Ron Paul put this out.
No sponsors, total 26.
Original sponsor, Ron Paul, Republican, Texas, 14 district.
Head of the, title of the bill, H.R.
No French gun control for U.S., countering U.N.
gun control in America.
It says it's no longer a secret the United Nations wants to establish some kind of global tax scheme and impose global gun control.
If the United Nations can do both at the same time, it will.
To make certain the United Nations has a clear understanding of the position of the United States, Congressman Ron Paul, along with ten other congressmen, introduced H.R.
Where's your Republican Congress?
It's constitutional.
It's in the Republic.
It's what the constituents want.
The Right to Keep and Bear Arms Act of 2003.
According to H.R.
3125, Congress finds that one, over the past decade, the United Nations has demonstrated a consistent animus, that is, hatred, to the Second Amendment to the United States.
And I would add, they said the UNIDIR statement from the U.N.
in 2001 was, quote, civilian ownership of firearms threatens the legitimate power monopoly of the state.
Power monopoly of the state is the D-word.
You owning guns threatens dictatorship.
Secondly, in June 2003, the United Nations sponsored a week of action against small arms.
And they had that in 2001, too.
French President Jacques Chirac and the Socialist President of Nations tax on firearms for various utopian purposes.
Four, two million largely unarmed people are killed yearly by oppressive genocidal governments throughout the world.
And ironically, at the same time the United Nations was working to prohibit Americans from exercising their Second Amendment rights to defend themselves, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms was called to investigate the illegal possession of submachine gun by bodyguards of the Secretary General of the United Nations.
Coffee on on!
3125 would prohibit U.S.
taxpayer dollars from being used to support or promote any United Nations degeneracy.
I'm sorry.
Any United Nations actions that could in any way infringe on the Second Amendment.
The legislation also expresses the sense of Congress that the proposal to tax or otherwise limit the right to keep and bear arms are reprehensible and deserving of condemnation.
3125 was introduced on September 27, 2003 with 10 original co-sponsors, which is an impressive number to start, but let's make clear the United Nations, France, China, and any other country What the position of the United States is, urge your U.S.
Representative to defend America's Second Amendment by co-sponsoring H.R.
Well, funny, under Bush's UNESCO re-sign two weeks ago, there is over $500 million for small arms control and gun control.
Right here in this country, and I went to eat Chinese food at one of my favorite Chinese food restaurants last night.
And, uh, there was a little, little lunchbox that looked like it said, UNICEF and UNIDEAR.
And he goes, oh, my, my daughter, real nice lady, from a public school, uh, we, we do this each year to help children.
I explained to her, and she goes, oh.
And she says, I watch your TV show.
She took the thing down.
I said, no, you know, just please investigate it.
I was real nice to her, but I am literally deprogramming people everywhere.
Just this, the Baptist Church here in Austin is anti-gun day, folks.
UN Day, every October 24th, it's out of control!
HR 3155, call your congressman and say, look, you neocon, you co-sponsor this or I'm going to campaign against you, I'm going to vote for the Democrat, because at least we'll know what we've got!
We could repeal all these gun laws.
Republicans are in the executive, the legislative, and the judicial, and you're getting more gun control, not less!
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We've got about 26 minutes left.
I'm gonna try to just rampage through about 15 different stories.
Then I'm gonna go to Rodney and June and a couple other patient folks that have been holding.
Just rapid-fire calls 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
We'll get a few other folks in.
I want to get to this news real quick, but first, right now, folks, please, grab a pen and paper, don't procrastinate, don't wait on this.
The people you wake up, may be the folks that wake up others that turn the tide against the New World Order.
That sheriff, that talk show host, that college professor, that lawyer, that priest, that professor, whoever.
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I can think of no better film than Police State 3 Total Enslavement to cover the history of the New World Order, the PENAC documents of prior knowledge, and the plans for Iraq at 9-11, Patriot Act 1 and 2, Ashcroft's lies, Homeland Security, a concentration camp, police state plans, the cashless society control grid, gun control, government-run white slavery rings, and just so much more.
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A bunch of stuff you won't find anywhere else.
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Got a second copy of the book to give as a gift to inform somebody.
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And it's excellent, too.
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Go to InfoWars.com, go to PrisonPlanet.com, or call toll free to order at 1-888-253-3139.
at 1-888-253-3139 that's 888-253-3139
or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001, that's 3001, South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Again, it's up to you to take action.
We know it's having an effect.
We know we're deprogramming people.
But I need those that have made copies of the tapes to keep making copies.
Or those that have gotten some of the videos but haven't got the new ones.
Get the new ones.
Get them out.
Get them on AXS TV.
And if you haven't done anything, take action now!
I'm tired of talking.
Let's take a few calls and I'll go into the news.
Rodney in Texas.
Rodney, you're on the air.
Hey, how you doing there, Alex?
I don't know.
How am I doing, Rodney?
Well, you sound good.
I want it to be real brief.
Number one, the Terry Schiavo.
Isn't it ironic that it was a Bush who signed the Americans with Disabilities Amendment back in 1992 to protect That's just a way to harass businesses and employers and get federal control at the same time they're passing the eugenics laws to get rid of the disabled.
Right, and then you turn around and it's Bush who is denying this lady the right to live.
And the legislature's copping out for him like he needs their authority.
It's all window dressing.
All window dressing.
And one final point, and I'll let you move on.
When the Pentagon announced that they were going to create a Department of Misinformation.
Yeah, the Pentagon Office of Strategic Information and said we're going to lie to you and now we find hundreds of papers with fake letters written home from servicemen by the Pentagon.
Are we surprised?
Yeah, now you just brought up a very interesting point.
The public was outraged about the fact that the Pentagon was going to outright lie to us, but all they did was just change their venue and use the newspapers, mainstream TV and radio, right?
Well, the Pentagon Office of Strategic Information said, we're going to lie to you.
Their first report?
No, we're not going to do that.
That was the first lie.
Look, they'd already been doing it, but I've seen Globals admit this on TV.
They call it psychological inoculation.
In case they get caught lying, in case they get caught taking over networks, which they've done in sitcoms and dramas and production, They admit it, so it loses the power.
It's like the CIA running drills of flying hijacked jets into buildings in New York and D.C.
at 8.30 in the morning on 9-11.
When that started coming out on this show with Stanley Hilton, Bob Dole's former chief of staff suing Bush for involvement, not knowledge, of 9-11, suddenly it's in the AP.
Yeah, yeah!
We were running a drill of flying planes into buildings, and yeah, we ordered NORAD to stand down.
It's just an accident.
Go ahead.
So I guess my point is, where's the public outrage about that?
The fact that, you know, this department of disinformation or misinformation, it's not being ran directly out of the Pentagon like they misled us to believe, but instead all they're doing is just using the mainstream newspapers, TV, and... They always have, but it's so overt now they've got to just admit it so the yuppies go, well the Pentagon admits they ran the media, what's wrong with that?
Torture's good too!
Mom, apple pie, and torture!
See, he's just admitting it all.
Well, that's all I wanted to bring out.
Keep up the good work.
Thank you, Rodney.
Excellent, excellent points.
Thank you.
June, in mass, up there.
You know, I did call quite a few of those numbers.
Tell folks what you're talking about.
Oh, about Terry Schiavo.
I wanted to say that and then I forgot.
And one, the government office, I'm not going to say which one it was, but this woman... Well, why not say who it was?
Well, I don't want to have something happen to her.
Oh, they're not going to do anything to you?
No, I mean to that woman.
Okay, tell me.
Go ahead.
I'm sorry.
Well, she was... I don't even know why we need a bill to stop people from starving.
Someone... I mean, it's against the law anyway.
Why would you need to sign a bill for it?
I'll tell you what, let's count to the days.
And we'll hear what the woman had to say.
No water Wednesday.
No water Thursday.
No water Friday.
No water Saturday.
No water Sunday.
No water Monday.
No water Tuesday.
Go ahead.
But it shouldn't even have to be a law.
I mean, it is against the law anyway.
Let me count those days up.
Let me count the days up.
Let me see.
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday.
Man, that's a lot of days.
Let me see.
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday.
That's like six going into day seven.
It is day seven.
Well, there's a reason why she's still living, I'm sure.
God is going to do something about this.
But anyway, I just said, why would you work for people like that?
I thought she was getting mad at me.
Hey, if I was a police officer in a room with a woman with her eyes open looking at me, I would say, I'm walking out of here.
I quit.
I'm suing.
You can't order me to torture people to death.
But our society is so weak-minded, whatever authority says, we lick the boot.
We lick the boot.
Up and down.
That is the exact opposite of what America is about, folks.
They want their paycheck.
But she did say, you know, I don't even believe in all these wars.
Well, I said, well, if you're going to keep working for them, at least try to influence other people to think like you.
So did she agree with you about not killing this woman?
She didn't come out and say it.
She just said, I don't even believe in all these wars, so I'm sure that's what she was trying to say to me.
You know what I mean?
But they just keep working for them.
See, all that's grown is the Fortune 500 got richer, the general public got poorer, including the middle class, and government has grown at record levels.
They're into everything.
I don't think you can work for any business that isn't controlled.
Controlled by them.
But thank you for all your information.
It's such a wonderful program.
All of them.
Sometimes I try to listen in the middle of the night, but I doze off and I don't hear the whole show.
But I mean, it's really wonderful.
I just hope people catch on.
But a lot of people are.
They just don't know what to do.
Joan, you're a wonderful, caring person seeking for the truth, and you will find it, and you need to just research everything you hear us say, check it out for yourself, and you need to know that they've put a hero archetypal image in our minds.
You know what a hero archetypal image is?
It's Arnold Schwarzenegger.
It's, you know, playing the running man.
It's the guy who goes by himself for all of us and defeats the enemy and everything's okay at the end.
When in history, the truth is the heroes are those that teach morals to their children.
The heroes are those that say no to slavery.
The heroes are those that grab the whip away from the slave master in the mud pits when Moses killed that enforcer when he murdered an old woman in front of him.
The heroes are those that sacrifice for others.
Let me tell you something.
Let me tell you something.
The heroes are those that have the moral courage to face up against the system and say no against it when all the voices of the media are saying the opposite.
And it's you telling folks about websites, calling into radio shows, educating people at your church, making copies of videos, educating yourself, putting a bumper sticker on your car.
There's tens of millions of us.
We're the majority.
They're panicking.
Yeah, I think a lot of people really Well, it's like the woman with the UNICEF, which is there to murder children, vaccinate them with deadly poison they've been caught, uh, forced sterilization programs.
And here's the nice lady with her public school daughter, the public schools in Austin, I guess all over the country, uh, raising money for a murdering UN organization.
It's because of people's ignorance.
Good people empower this evil.
They want to be in like, You know, that pretend world.
It's almost like a valley in rain that they have.
You know, they just want to be in that wonderful world where nothing goes wrong.
A little comfort zone.
Yeah, and it isn't like that.
You know what?
People love going to a football game.
They love sitting in the bleachers.
It's a nation of spectators.
And 98% of them never were on the field and don't know that being on the field is a thousand times better.
Just join me on the field.
Just get on the field.
Get in the game.
Thanks for the call.
Get in the game of life.
Get in the game of history.
Get in the game of honor and will and duty and family and decency.
Get in the game now.
Turn against the system.
Turn against the empire!
Turn against the false left-right system!
The Bill Clintons!
The Hillary Clintons!
The Sean Hannity's!
The George Bush's!
Turn against these lying trash!
Demand that they repeal the gun laws!
And control the border!
And no amnesty for illegals!
And demand your cities stop issuing matricula cards and accepting them!
Alright, let me cover final news, and then I'll try to get a few final- and I gotta recap top stories, but that's coming up.
High Court to decide right to refuse ID cards, Washington Post.
Now we've got dozens of Supreme Court and Federal Court and State Court rulings that the police can't take you to jail for failure to ID when you're walking your dog down the street.
Though I've got friends that have been arrested.
The only reason the Supreme Court is taking this case is so they can overturn what they've done in the past.
Understand that?
And then I have articles from around the world where they're doing this and yes it's the UN They're following a U.N.
mandate for a Social Security digit number prefects to control us all.
This is admitted.
The Supreme Court announced yesterday that it will decide whether people have a constitutional right to refuse to tell police who they are.
Without comment, well it's the Fifth Amendment, folks.
Your judge can't make you.
See how sick this is?
Without comment, the court said it will hear the case of Larry D. Hibble, who refused 11 requests for identification when a Nevada Sheriff's Deputy Detained, but not yet arrested in response to a witness report of Hibble was assaulting someone in his truck.
Okay, now they have the right to arrest him, right to take him in, right to talk to witnesses, but you don't have to tell anybody.
You don't have to open your mouth.
When Hibble refused to say who he was, the officer arrested him on charges of violating a Nevada law requiring a citizen to identify himself after a police stop based on reasonable suspicion that a crime is underway.
Sounds reasonable, but it's not.
It's Nazi Germany.
And at the same time, BBC Minister presses ID cards.
An identity card system is the only way employers are going to be able to tell the person is entitled to work in the UK according to Immigration Minister, Beverly Hughes.
Now they admit they wanted to have an actual ID card.
80% of people are against it.
They're basically rioting over it.
So they go, okay, it'll be a national work card or national health card.
She says there are currently holes in the system which mean employers are falling foul of the law by taking on illegal workers either knowingly or unknowingly.
Oh yeah, and then it's all selectively enforced.
That's how they put thumb scanners in here in Texas.
Here's another one.
London Telegraph.
Liberty Group's attacking plan for EU health ID card.
The European Union took its first step yesterday towards the creation of a EU-wide health identity card.
Able to store a range of biometric and personal data on a microchip by 2008.
Approved by the Union Ministers of Luxembourg.
A plastic disc will slide into the credit card pouch of a wallet or purse.
And Now to get a, the passports are going to biometric, the British passports are going biometric, unifying the system.
Oh man, there's so much.
Syria vice president, U.S.
backs Israel's acts of terrorism against the Palestinians, and it's just totally escalating.
And Israel's got dolphin German subs, with harpoon nuke cruise missiles steaming towards, right now!
Steaming towards, out of their pickup base with the U.S.
and the U.K., steaming towards the Gulf, and saying publicly they may nuke Iran within the month.
Maryland Democrats want outside voting machine audit, this too out of the Washington Post.
Why do they want the audit?
Well, they don't really tell you in the article.
Democratic legislative leaders called yesterday for independent auditors to study problems.
Built-in, back doors, the heads of these companies admitting it's, quote, racketeering, Maryland's voting machines saying they do not trust Republican Governor Robert L. Elrich Jr.
to resolve the matter on his own.
So we got these people fighting over the letters of control.
In a letter to the Director of the Maryland Department of Legislative Services, Senator Paula C. Hollinger, and Sheila Evans-Hickson asked that the agency examine a report issued September by the Science Application International Corporation on security weaknesses in a new computerized voting system the city prepared to purchase at 55.6 mil.
And then, again, they don't give you any of the real dirt of why this is happening, that they've been proven to be fraud based.
We'll come back with e-vote firm seeks voter approval Trying to brainwash you in a recap of top stories you don't want to miss it.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we've got more callers.
I'll try to jam a couple of you in, Ed, maybe.
But, let me jump in the news right now.
Boy, there's so much of it.
E-vote firm seeks voter approval in the wake of concerns raised about security flaws.
Security flaws.
It's like saying Hitler had flaws.
In electronic voting systems, a lobbying group is sterilizing, strategizing a public relations and lobbying campaign to help voting companies repair short-term damage done by negative reports and media coverage.
Oh yeah, hmm.
And in a separate and surprising move, companies, according to one vendor, are Reversing their long-time opposition to giving voters paper receipts as a way to verify electronic voting results, a change critics have been seeking for months.
Oh yeah, they'll create you a nice little fake record.
Nobody will be able to put it back together anyways.
That's nice.
So they're in a lot of trouble, folks, and the news is whitewashing this.
FDA report due on cloning.
I read the article, Boston Globe.
Basically, cloning is going to be just fine as long as you kill the baby before it gets too big.
Polls rebelling against the Patriot Act.
New York Daily News.
City Council is attacking the Federal Patriot Act.
It's downright unpatriotic.
Resolution backed by 29 of the 50 council members contends the act threatens fundamental rights and liberties.
A non-binding resolution urges city police to refrain from helping federal authorities with arrest.
Absent assurance that those individuals would not be subjected to military detention.
Yeah, be under the Constitution Bill of Rights.
Also, Richard Perle says force against North Korea only option.
Wants to go ahead and launch an attack on them.
Wants to launch an attack on Iran and Syria too.
Senators see privacy concerns in Pentagon data collection.
And it's admitted that the Pentagon is still running Total Information Awareness Network under the name Matrix and under other programs under the National Security Agency.
TIPS program under a new name, all this stuff.
They just, when they bring out a new program, they give an existing program a new name in case there's pressure, then they withdraw it.
And then recapping, Associated Press reports, documents, Bush's grandfather directed bank funding Hitler.
And it's a big whitewash, but they admit, oh yeah, he ran most of the Nazi stuff, but he didn't mean it.
And Princess Diana in a letter said that she feared she'd be killed by her car being tampered with, and it looks like now she was threatened.
She thought Prince Charles would have her killed.
These articles are on InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
The chauffeur's father said his son didn't even drink or smoke or use drugs, that the secret police falsified all that.
Why didn't they let her get to a hospital for over an hour?
They killed her in the car!
She was pregnant with the Arab's daughter, or child, and they're not going to put up with that.
Also, Bush met in the Asia-Pacific Summit with Vicente Fox.
And says they're going to go ahead and get blanket amnesty and open borders.
Let's take one call.
Who did I say was up first from Utah?
Ed, go ahead sir.
You're our tail gunner.
Thank you, Alex.
Listen, a couple quick things here.
I don't know if I caught that first hour caller or not.
Were you talking about the Mr. Wheeler case out of Baltimore?
Well, I have talked about that, but go ahead.
We're almost out of time.
Alright, yeah.
And the other thing, did you get a message concerning Ted Sampley?
No, I didn't.
Ted Sampley of U.S. Veteran Dispatch out of Kinston, North Carolina.
He's got a lot of information on John Kerry.
He's one of the original founders, Alex, of POWMIA.
He's a fulcrum in the Vietnam Veterans Movement, but he's got a lot of political information.
And so anyway, I think one of your secretaries here has some information on him.
If you want, I can hang on after... No, no, just... If she's got it, I'll read it, okay?
Okay, and one last thing there.
You brought up Sean, Sean the neocon.
Keep in mind, he was syndicated September the 12th, 2001, and when you look at what the American Free Press has reported on Rupert Murdoch, Okay, we're out of time.
Thank you.
Thank you, Ed.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
Be there.
Tell your friends and family.
I'm back tomorrow, 11 to 2 Central.
PrisonPlanet.com InfoWars.