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Name: 20031020_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 20, 2003
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You are listening to GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, we're breaking open another week of broadcast right now.
Welcome, my friends.
It is Monday the 20th, the 20th of October 2003.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
And Saturday I do a show with John Stattmiller from 1 to 4 p.m.
Real Talk Radio and We had some of the family of Terry Schiavo or Schiavo Schindler and minutes after a Catholic Monsignor was refused to give the last rites, we had him on the show.
It's since broken in World Net Daily and in the Associated Press.
She was refused the last rites.
This woman has never been in a coma.
She was in a wheelchair the last 13 years up until Wednesday when they pulled her feeding tube and put her in a hospital bed.
She went on morphine yesterday for the extreme pain.
She's been conscious with her eyes open the last four or five days while they've been doing this to her and right now the damage is irreparable.
She could be brought back to a certain point but the massive kidney damage and other problems set in according to the medical facts of what death by dehydration and starvation does.
We have a track record of what this does and In 30 minutes, I have Wesley Smith.
He writes for a lot of big publications, including the Wall Street Journal.
You want to know about the culture of death and the fact that Terry is just one of thousands of people they've done this to.
He lists hundreds of people in one of his best-selling books who are talking awake, who are begging, please don't kill me.
Water, water, water, water.
I mean, it's vegetative now.
If you're begging, please give me water.
See, they just change definitions.
I'm told that some of the Schindler family we had on Saturday, and we've had of course the mother and father on in the past, are there across the street waiting to come back on the show.
So here in about 10 minutes we're going to bring them on.
And we got Wesley Smith coming on, and there's a bunch of other news we'll be getting to as well, globally, internationally.
The Free Trade Group of the Americas is meeting right now to try to expand NAFTA and GAP.
There's almost no news coverage of this, though I have a Miami Herald story about it.
There's new gun bills.
There's a bunch of new developments with Israel threatening to nuke everybody in World War III, not on the horizon, but right in our backyard now.
A bunch of Big Brother developments.
It's a big, big show lined up for you, whether you're listening at night or in the morning or in the middle of the afternoon, depending on where you are situated on this beautiful planet, circling the sun two-thirds of the way out on the spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy.
And my job is to stand up against tyranny.
That's all our jobs.
We have liberty and freedom because our forefathers and mothers did stand up against tyranny, and we're losing that freedom, and tyranny's growing right now.
The good news is, everybody agrees that I've talked to, from Ron Paul to myself, the people are waking up.
The dollar's continuing to plunge, though.
Interest rates are about to go back up.
A lot of key economic news we're going to get to as well.
The total free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231, 800-259-9231.
Freshly updated are the websites InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
That's InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We also have JonesReport.com and some other great websites like InfoWars.net.
But we're going to break and come back and talk to some of the folks there at the vigil that's grown there on the ground across the street from the death mill in Panama and Pinellas Park, Florida.
Also a special session called in state legislature, Speaker of the House Johnny Byrd introduced Terry's bill.
We want to commend Johnny Byrd for trying to save this woman's life.
And this is a precedent-setting case.
Very important.
Also, some of the latest developments, again, from the family.
And Terry Shiavo denied last rites.
Catholic Monsignor forbidden to put crumb of holy wafer in dying woman's mouth.
I'm not a Catholic, folks, but regardless, I mean, Christians take communion, and this is her last rites for her religion.
This is blasphemous!
And of course, it broke right here on this network Saturday as it happened.
We'll be right back.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
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Big Brother. Mainstream Media. Government Cover-Ups.
Big Brother. Mainstream Media. Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, there in Pinellas Park, Florida, where they have the hospice where Terry Schindler,
everybody keeps calling her the name of her estranged husband, but it's really Terry Schindler,
you know her as Kievo, is dying right now, and they've had her on morphine since yesterday.
Saturday, while I was live on the air, we had the Monsignor on, minutes after he was refused to give her the last rites and Holy Communion.
Which is needed in the Catholic faith before death.
It's just horrible, folks.
It's absolutely horrible.
And this is a precedent-setting case, but it's happened to thousands of other people.
Wall Street Journal writer and best-selling author is joining us in about 25 minutes.
Wesley Smith to educate us on the fact that this has been widespread for over five years in this country and is becoming more and more widespread and yes, common with people who have more motor function than Terry.
And so that's coming up.
We have Roberta Rhodes, who's a long-time listener of this network, who has been there giving the phone to the Monsignor and to some of the nurses who have been involved in Terry's fight and to some of the family.
We, of course, have had the mother and father on in the past and have gone over this.
But this shows how it's not just going to be abortion.
It's going to expand out from there.
And this is, again, a precedent-setting case because they want to be able to get rid of this aging population.
The United States is going to have the oldest population on average in the world in 15 years.
A massive elderly population where the country's demographics are going to look like Florida in just a few short years.
We're already one of the oldest populations in the world and that's all being now replaced by immigrants from other countries.
And this culture of death is being set up.
Then, coming up, we're going to get into torture, now routine for Putin's police.
And they're making it routine here as well.
Skilled workers mount opposition to free trade as jobs move overseas.
In the Miami Herald reports, trade representatives discuss free trade zone of the Americas, radically expanding NAFTA and GATT into global government.
That's how the EU started.
That was as a so-called free trade deal.
So that's coming up.
We'll give you the developments on that meeting that's taking place in Miami right now.
We will get into Blair having heart problems yesterday.
We're going to get into the latest developments in Baghdad, what's happening with Israel and Syria and how they're threatening to nuke everyone and this massive Move into World War 3.
It's all coming up on the show today.
Plus new developments, handwritten notes by Princess Diana saying that she was afraid that the royal family would have her murdered.
And we know she was pregnant with this wealthy Arab's child.
And it's obvious that they did have her killed.
We already knew this years ago.
And in fact, many people in British polls believe the government killed her, but this is mainstream news.
We'll be going over that, and more news of the government of the Philippines carrying out terror, to blame it on their political enemies, and more on the British government carrying out terror, to blame it on their political enemies.
All from mainstream news, re-breaking yet again with new developments.
Right now, we're going to go to Roberta Rhodes, there in Pinellas Park, Florida, right across the street.
From where Terry is dying and Roberta, thank you for coming on the show to give us an update.
Thank you very much for having us, Alex.
This is just an awesome time right here, right now.
And Robert is available to talk.
This is her brother that she spoke with Saturday on the live radio.
This is Robert Schindler?
Yes, this is Terry's brother.
And anything you want to ask him, I know last night, rather late, he had an opportunity to go in with Terry and came back very encouraged.
Um, if you should happen to lose it, it's simply because my phone is losing power.
I understand, Roberta.
Go ahead and give this to Robert.
You can also have the network call back on the phone number that was given by the brother-in-law, and it's his phone that's fully charged in case you happen to lose it.
Fantastic, Roberta.
Go ahead and give this to the brother of Terry.
This is Robert Schindler.
Thank you very much.
God bless you.
Thank you.
God bless you.
Mr. Schindler, thanks for coming back on.
Thanks for having me.
A bill has been introduced, Terry's law, to try to stop the execution of your sister.
Can you give us the latest developments, please?
Well, we're waiting to hear.
I was understanding that it was going to begin at 12pm today, so we've been Uh, calling, uh, the, uh, Florida legislators, uh, specifically Senator King and asking him to please pass this, uh, this law or this bill immediately.
Well, that's very encouraging.
You saw your sister last night.
Can you describe the condition she's in after, what, five days of being denied water?
Yeah, she's, um, I tell you, she's a fighter.
She's, uh, she seems to be doing, doing okay, holding her own.
She's still alert.
Uh, you know, we went in and, um, And we gave her a kiss, we told her to hang on, and we told her to hang in there that we're still out here fighting for her.
So we just try to encourage her to hang in there, and so far she looks pretty good.
I'd like just to say something real quick, Alex.
There is so much misinformation about my sister's condition out there.
Terry, she is disabled.
Uh, she is extremely alert.
She always has been.
She responds to her family.
She tries to communicate.
She constantly and consistently tries to speak with us when we go in and see her.
There's been so much, uh, wrong and misinformation that has been, uh, put out to the press, uh, by Michael and Michael's attorney, that the, uh, public and the media and the way they've handled this case, uh, there's still people coming up to me today, uh, under the belief that Terry's on a ventilator, that there's no awareness, and that she's a vegetable, and it is completely Completely wrong.
Robert Schindler, brother of Terry Schiavo Schindler.
Robert, this is the point I made Saturday, that it's the media is very culpable in this because AP, Reuter articles, Miami Herald articles say, quote, a vegetable's having her feeding tube taken.
Your sister for 13 years has been able to swallow food, is alert, smiles, cries when she sees family.
There's video at TerrysFight.org, links to that at InfoWars.com, and this again is a precedent setting case.
We've got Wesley Smith coming on later, Wall Street Journal writer, to talk about hundreds of people who have been talking, begging for food and water, who are being killed.
This is a wicked precedent being set.
What would you like to say to the members of the press that hear this show, that go along with this lie, saying that she's a vegetable?
Well, they're choosing to believe Michael's doctors.
And Michael's doctors, if you did any kind of research, they're all well-known for their right-to-die belief.
The media is ignoring over a dozen doctors that we've had come forward and saying that Terry can be helped significantly.
And the right-to-die movement is funded by the federal government, the Peter Singers of the world.
They want to get rid of infirmed people.
Well, that's correct.
And that is why no one is allowed to see Terry except the family.
That is why we cannot take any pictures of Terry.
Because if the public saw Terry's true condition, they would be outraged.
And for those who don't know, you've gotten video out before.
Now a judge and others have been threatening you guys not to take more photos.
Can you describe that for us?
Well, we did release a video in contempt of a court order, and again, it was to show how much communication, or how much recognition there is between Terri and her mother.
You can clearly see when Terri's in my mom's presence, or my mom's in Terri's presence, she is trying so desperately to communicate, but her husband has denied any type of therapy for 10 years because he's
the guardian and he has this power and and therefore terry has been confined to a hospital bed
for the last 10 years and this is the best way that she knows how to communicate it is
absolute travesty what they have done to this poor woman now she had broken bones when she came in as
well 13 years ago and that was all sealed That has now come out.
Doctors and medical workers who were involved treating her say that she could have been rehabilitated.
She's even been denied for 10 years having her teeth brushed.
I would call this torture.
Well, certainly, and this judge has helped to aid Michael and his attorney into killing my sister.
Every time we try to get something Uh, Don, as far as any type of investigation, it's blocked by this judge Greer here in Pinellas County.
And it's just been absolutely frustrating that we can't get any help from any of the agencies that are in place to help Terry.
Now, sir, according to the doctors, the medical experts, after three days of being denied water, kidneys start to shut down.
Uh, I guess there's no way with tests because no one can touch her to find out.
But you're saying after four or five days of this, four and a half days, she is still conscious with her eyes open?
She, as far as we know, uh, Terry, look, she looks pretty good to us right now.
Um, and we're just, we're praying to God something's going to happen today, uh, to, to, to stop this, this, uh, absolute madness.
This is insanity.
I'm in there looking at my sister and I can't, it's beyond comprehension that she is sitting there starving to death.
Uh, I, I just, uh, I gotta tell you, it's one of the most difficult things I've ever had to experience.
And I can't imagine the pain my parents are going through right now.
Well, it goes to the heart of this culture of death.
I can't imagine what that would be like as a parent.
Now, Robert, the Monsignor, we had him on minutes after he was denied giving her last rites.
Can you tell us what's developed since then?
He's still, as far as I know, he's still not allowed to administer Holy Communion to my sister.
He was just going to break a piece of the Holy Communion off And these are private police officers, I would add, that have been hired.
and uh... michael's attorney would not allow it to happen and it's still in
place and i i i might add that there is no court order they have
not produced a court order
that says that terry cannot be fed and these are private police officers i
would add that have been hired so basically it's just lawlessness in there
well they they told him i think that if you tried to uh...
to uh...
give terry holy communion that he would be arrested have you called the police to point out because i i i read
and i read and also heard that these are rent-a-cops
police doing this of the.
I don't believe that's legal or lawful.
Well, I don't believe they're off-duty police.
I think they're part of the police force of Talens Park.
Okay, but I heard that 20 of them are rent-a-cops.
No, I'm not sure of that, sir.
I'm not sure.
But they are there in the room, and they are there at the front gate, and there's three checkpoints that we have to go through to visit my sister.
Robert Schindler, can we call back in a little while and check back in with you, sir?
Am I able to give the phone number and tell her if she would like to call and put pressure on the legislator?
I'll tell you what.
We've got a short break here.
We'll put you on hold.
We'll come right back to you in a few minutes, sir.
You can give those numbers out and folks can get their pens and paper ready.
I'm Alex Jones and we're talking about Terry's fight for her life.
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Alright folks, Alex Jones here back live.
I've heard some talk show hosts say, well they do this to people all the time.
They kill people who are conscious all the time by denying them water.
That's the main way they do it.
Their dehydration and they put them on morphine which makes the body even shut down quicker.
They claim to stop the pain.
And Terry's been going into the fifth day now of dealing with this there in Pinellas Park, Florida.
But we can't become desensitized or acclimate and accept this.
They're trying again to set this precedent nationwide, worldwide, to get rid of aging or infirm populations because of the new socialist system, why we don't want to pay for it.
It's really sick and this culture of death crowd just makes me sick.
Talking to Robert Schindler, and this is the brother of Terry Schiavo-Schindler, And Robert is there right across the street.
He was in to see his sister yesterday through all the checkpoints.
He's still conscious, unbelievably.
He's now on the line with us and Robert wanted to give out the phone numbers of some of the local constabulary to try to counter what's happening down there in Florida.
Also a bill has been introduced, special session called in state legislature, Speaker of the House Johnny Byrd introduced Terry's bill at noon today, it's right about now.
The Governor of Florida, Jeb Bush, has called a special session of the Florida Legislature for Monday, October 20th.
That's because of your pressure, folks.
2003, at the time Florida Speaker of the House will introduce Terry's bill.
By Florida law, two-thirds majority vote required to have a topic entered.
And thank you for coming back on, Robert.
How can people get involved and call these numbers?
Okay, you can call.
It's 850, area code, 850.
Sir, what number is this?
This is, the number I'm calling you is the legislative, the House of Representatives in Tallahassee.
And this number is 80.
Excuse me, 850?
0 excuse me 8 5 0 4 8 8 4 8 8 6 0 2 6.
Okay, so that's 8 5.
Go ahead.
And this number is Senator King.
Now, Senator King has already come out and said he will not support the bill, which would kill it.
And this is his number.
It's 850-487-5229.
And we're asking people to pass Terry's bill.
And that's Terry Schiavo.
Can I also give out Terry's website?
Yeah, terrysfight.org.
Those numbers again for Senator King, 850-487-5229.
The general number for the legislature, 850-488-6026.
And what exactly will the bill do?
850-487-5229, the general number for the legislature 850-488-6026.
And what exactly will the bill do?
It puts a temporary, I guess you'd call it a moratorium, a temporary moratorium on all
pending cases like my sister's.
So that would immediately stop what is happening here, so that they can review the laws of Florida.
That's my understanding of what this bill is.
The bill would put an immediate moratorium on all dehydration and starvation deaths currently pending in Florida, or a legislative stay of execution for Terry.
And I would point out this is cruel and unusual when you call the legislature.
An axe murderer can't be put to death by dehydration, one of the most painful forms of death.
But this is happening to Terry.
We're talking to her brother, Robert Schendler.
Very important to call those numbers.
Anything else you'd like to add, Robert?
Hello, I'm sorry.
I understand there's a big crowd there.
Anything else you'd like to add?
No, just please keep carrying your prayers today.
Today's a very important day.
We're hopeful that something will happen and God will have mercy on her.
All right.
Well, thank you, Robert.
And we will check back in with you throughout the day when you're able.
And God bless.
We'll be praying for you and the family and Terry.
Thank you for your help, Alex.
Take care.
All right.
We're going to give you the big overview now.
We've looked down on the micro view.
Now we'll look at the larger view of this and just how widespread it is when we get back with Wesley Smith.
He's a Wall Street Journal writer, best-selling author, who has been around the country watching them kill people who are talking, begging, please give me water, it hurts, it hurts.
They'll then come in and give them morphine to knock them out.
But that's coming up here in the next segment.
We're just going to have Mr. Smith on for 30 minutes, then in the second and third hour we'll continue to have updates on this, but I'm going to shift gears into the economy, into the Second Amendment, into the police state, into looming World War III with Israel threatening to use nuclear weapons all over the Middle East.
The pending draft coming up.
More on the murder now coming out.
Mainstream news.
Princess Diana.
Something we've already known because she was pregnant with an Arab man's child.
Which then raged the royal family and she wrote in letters that that was the fact.
So that's coming up as well.
Big show with a lot of vital information as we pull back the veil and reveal the just absolute corruption and wickedness of the globalists.
And what their mindset is, what type of world they're creating for us and our families.
So it's all coming up after this quick break.
And yes, we'll have open phones here on the show as well.
If you've got any questions for Wesley Smith, 1-800-259-9231.
And the websites are infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
800-259-9231 and the websites are infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN radio network.
Alright folks, here in a few minutes we're going to go to Wesley Smith, writes for a lot of national publications,
including the Wall Street Journal, best-selling author about the culture of death.
It's growing in America.
Last Friday, you read an article Out of the age in Australia about a sickly child being Hitler's venture into the death camps and how it started with blind people, retarded children, and how it led on to millions and millions of Jews and Germans and people that, and Poles, people that didn't go along with the system.
Before we go to Wesley Smith, I want to encourage all the listeners to get a pen and paper because it's very important that we break the conditioning of the American people, that we show them the big picture.
And my documentary films, and the book I've written, and the other book I've published, do this.
The newest films expose government-sponsored terror.
September 11th, Oklahoma City, that's all covered in Road to Tyranny.
Part 2 of that, Masters of Terror, details the plethora of evidence on 9-11 and how to expose it.
My new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement, gets into PNAC, what the New World Order is, from their own statements.
Homeland Security, Patriot Act 1 and 2, Ashcroft's Lies, The Government Run White Slavery, Rings, The Dying Corps and the U.N.
Have Been Caught Running, It's Into the Gun Control, The Forced Inoculation, The FEMA Camps, The Foreign Troops, It's an amazing documentary.
The new book I've published is Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsor, Tearing the New World Order, over 300 pages.
It covers the history of government-sponsored terror in the U.K., the U.S., Israel, the admissions out of mainstream news where they caught them doing this.
It gets into how terror organizations, including Nazi groups, are controlled by MI6, German intelligence, and the FBI.
You need to get this new book.
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So go to InfoWars.com, go to PrisonPlanet.com to peruse the great items we have to offer.
Or call toll-free to order the videos, the books, or the audio cassettes or CDs.
Your Christmas gifts are handled, folks.
I also authorize listeners to make copies of my videos to spread the word.
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Who else does that?
We won't have an effect unless you get these videos and make copies and get them out to people.
That's the power of the population, of the individual, together, working together.
Operators are there right now, take your order.
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Or you can write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
And the videos are $25.95 a piece, all over two hours.
Order three or more of the nine titles.
They drop down to $20 a piece.
That's a substantial discount.
Do the math.
So again, don't wait.
Take action now and wake America up.
We're having a huge effect and I want to commend those that have gotten the films and have made the copies and have taken action.
Now we talked about Terry Schiavo.
Uh, Schindler.
We've had her parents on, her brother on.
She's now into day five of them pulling the feeding tube.
She's not in a coma.
She's awake.
She's smiling.
Her eyes are open.
This is 13 years of torture.
And now they've denied Holy Communion.
Last Rites for Saturday as we were on the air live.
We then had the priest on right after they denied him this.
The police threatened to arrest him.
But it's not just Terry.
You're hearing about it because the family's fighting back, and people are now becoming aware of this.
We've been having Wesley Smith on for years, and to give us the big view of what's happening, and the hundreds of people that we know that this has been done to, and it's certainly thousands, people who are talking, begging for food and water.
Wesley Smith, thank you for coming on the show, sir.
Thank you for having me, Alex, and good morning.
Give us an overview of your study of this, just how bad it is, what's behind it, and how we can stop it.
Well, what's behind it, frankly, is the bioethics movement, which is sort of resurrecting eugenics, which says that we can differentiate between the people who are fit and unfit, or better and not as good.
And starting around the mid-1980s, and perhaps even earlier, the bioethics movement began to agitate and press, and realize these folks come out of the high universities, they're part of the medical intelligentsia.
I mean, this wrongness that is being imposed on our country, this destruction of the sanctity of life ethic, is being imposed from the top down.
This is not what the people want.
It's what the few self-appointed, self-important bettors want, if you catch my drift.
And they've decided that as part of the right to refuse unwanted medical treatment, which I generally support, for example, if you get cancer and you don't want to have chemotherapy, no one should be able to force you to have chemotherapy.
And that's just right to refuse treatment or right to go home and die.
This isn't right to die.
This is the government setting the precedent with these bioethics boards to just kill people.
That's right.
This is no right to live.
So, as part of that discussion, remember people used to be hooked up to machines and all that stuff.
As part of the discussion about giving people the right to say no to unwanted medical treatment, what ended up being dealt with was, if people are cognitively disabled and need a feeding tube, and are unable to make decisions for themselves because they're incapacitated, then who decides on what should be the criteria?
And unfortunately, what came out of the Nancy Kuzan case, ...was that food and fluids delivered through a feeding tube would be deemed medical treatment that could be withdrawn and withheld, and that the decision could be made by other people.
And subsequent to that, what's now happening is dehydration deaths imposed on defenseless people based not on written advance directives, but on the most casual statements imaginable.
For example, in the Schiavo case, and this testimony is very uncredible as we can get into, Michael, the husband who wants his wife dead so he can remarry, he's already had two children with his fiancée, and they want to get married, but his wife is still alive.
Kind of gives a whole new meaning to the term, till death do us part, doesn't it?
He said that during a movie, Terry once said about Karen Ann Quinlan, who was an incapacitated woman whose parents successfully obtained the right to remove a respirator.
She said, if I were in that condition, he says, I wouldn't want to be kept alive by tubes.
Well, that is a very casual statement during a movie, and the judge said... If it's even true... And I don't think it is true, and I'll tell you why.
In 1990, after Terry collapsed, Michael brought a medical malpractice case and he brought it to the jury and he said, you know, I want to take care of my wife for the rest of my life.
I'm going to become a nurse so I can do that.
I love her so much.
And he brought forward a therapist with a specific therapy plan to help her improve.
See, a lot of doctors are saying she can be improved, that she might even be able to be weaned off that feeding tube.
The jury awarded Michael 1.3 million dollars in a medical malpractice award.
$300,000 went into his pocket for loss of companionship and so forth, which is pretty typical in these kinds of cases.
The money went to the lawyers.
But $750,000 went into a trust fund that was supposed to be to help Terry get better, or at least improve.
And he then instantly said, you can't even brush your teeth, you can't give her antibiotics, you can do nothing for her.
Once the money was in the bank, and realized that if she died, he would have inherited every dime of that.
Suddenly he did not, not only did he not give her any rehab, but as you said, he would not even let the nursing home brush her teeth.
Which demonstrates what he thought about his wife and his great concern for her well-being and her dignity and her safety.
There's an affidavit under penalty of perjury by a nurse who cared for Terry in the mid-1990s who said he used to go into the nursing home and say, hasn't that bee died yet?
And if she'd get sick, he'd get very excited because he thought she was going to die.
When she hadn't died by 1998, he petitioned the court To remove the food and fluids through the tube.
And here's where I think the real bad guy is in this whole case.
It's not so much Michael, because you know there are people like Michael in the world.
The real bad guy to me is Judge George Greer of the Sixth Circuit in Florida.
Because judges are supposed to protect the defenseless against people who would take advantage of them and use them and kill them.
But this judge, instead of saying, look Michael, you're engaged to be married, you're having children with your fiancée, you'll inherit the money that's left in that trust fund if she dies, you know what, her parents want to take care of her for the rest of her life, so Michael, you go on with your life, fine, die if I do.
Yeah, you're losing your guardianship, which by the way, we've had the Schindlers on the parents, they tricked them days after she was hurt, mysteriously, into signing over rights to quote, streamline things.
And I know the Schindlers.
I've met them.
Talk about heroes.
Mr. Schindler has spent every dime he has.
As you know, he's a man in his late 60s.
He has also spent every dime of his retirement fund.
So he doesn't have a retirement anymore because he's trying to save his daughter's life.
The lawyer, Pat Anderson, who has done a brilliant job in trying to defend Terry's life, We'll never get paid what she's owed, and she's aware of it, but she's doing what a lawyer should do in a case like this.
She's standing up for the defenseless.
And what happened was, this judge allowed Michael to stay in charge of the care.
Even though, as we said, he wants to get married, even though he'd inherit money, even though he wouldn't let the nursing home brush his wife's teeth.
Well, if he said all that under testimony, Wesley, if he said under testimony he wanted to be a nurse to take care of her and then he removes care, isn't that perjury?
One would think, and one would think at the very least it would call into tremendous question his credibility when he comes now to Judge Greer and says, oh, she said you wouldn't be kept alive like this.
And then his brother says, oh, I heard that, too, and his sister-in-law.
But you know what?
The parents never heard anything like that.
Her friends never heard anything like that.
Her brother and sister never heard anything like that.
And Terry's a Catholic, and under Catholic moral teaching, that would not be permitted in this circumstance because she's not suffering.
We're talking to Wesley Smith, Wall Street Journal writer, best-selling author.
We'll tell you about some of those books in a minute.
Wesley, the big view, because I've had you on two, three years ago, where... The big view is that the bioethics movement is saying that people like Terry Schiavo are no longer persons, and that they are no longer fully human, and that they no longer have the right to life.
And let me tell you what else they're going for.
They want to start using people like Terry as a natural resource.
And let me read you something very quickly from the current issue of Critical Care Medicine.
Now, Alex, Critical Care Medicine is the medical journal for the specialists who do intensive care work and that kind of thing.
This is not Joe's medical journal online.
You know what I'm saying?
This is big time.
This is prestigious.
Prestigious, thank you.
That's the proper word.
Reputable, big time medical journal.
This is two doctors from Harvard University.
Quote, we propose that individuals who desire to donate their organs and who are either neurologically devastated or imminently dying should be allowed to donate their organs without first being declared dead.
In other words, once you dehumanize people like Terry and say she's not a person because she doesn't have sufficient cognitive capacities, not only do we have the right to kill her and get a good night's sleep, but there are many at the top levels of organ procurement medicine and in bioethics movement who look at her as a harvestable commodity.
You know, she's got that liver.
She doesn't need it as much as the guy in the next bed who may have greater cognitive capacities.
So this is what happens when you begin to dehumanize people and say we're not equal.
And Dr. Peter Singer, who speaks before the Governor's Conference from Princeton, he calls babies mackerel, old people worthless.
Right, and Peter Singer is at Princeton precisely because he does not believe that each and every one of us has equal moral worth.
He doesn't believe in the sanctity of life ethic.
He believes that animals are equal to people.
He's the father of the animal liberation movement, which is as radical and subversive as it gets.
And you notice that movement is now getting deeply into violence and terrorism.
And he's also the one who said parents should have a year within which to keep or kill their
babies based on the baby not being a person, not based on disability, but not being a person.
And Peter Singer's also the one who advocated that bestiality was okay, because it's just
two animals rubbing body parts together.
And again, the governor's conference has him speak.
He's given all this attention.
The establishment loves this.
This should scare the daylights out of everyone.
This is straight out of Nazi Germany.
Wesley Smith, people aren't aware of the fact, you know, the news keeps saying there's a woman in the vegetable, a bunch of kooks are upset that they're taking her feeding tube.
People go, oh, let her die, because we've all been conditioned by the, you know, by the sitcoms and the dramas of how great this movement is and how loving Kevorkian is when he's not caught in a dark room with dead bodies, losing his medical license.
This is a pack of sickos taking control.
The government doesn't want to take care of old people, money-wise.
They want the organs.
They're setting this precedent.
Can you talk a little bit about all the people they've been killing who are begging for food audibly?
Well, there's a case from Florida, again.
It's very interesting.
So much happens in Florida, named Marjorie Nybert.
And I write about this case in my book, Forced Exit.
And she had been the chairman of the Chamber of Commerce In Cincinnati.
And she was visiting her brother in Alabama when she had a stroke.
And she was not terminally ill, she was seriously disabled by the stroke.
And she had difficulty swallowing, so they wanted, they put in a feeding tube so she wouldn't swallow and aspirate.
You know, if you'd swallow wrong and food gets into your lungs, you can get pneumonia.
and that can kill you. So they put in a feeding tube as they tried to begin to give her therapy
to help her relearn how to swallow. It turned out that she was not going to be able to relearn
how to swallow, that her stroke had disabled her ability to do that. So the proper thing
would have been to keep the feeding tube in and let her go on because she wasn't terminally
ill. Well, guess what?
She'd once said if she were terminally ill, she would not want to be on tubes.
And I think, you know, when people say that, what they generally mean are these machines that, you know, you're hooked up with something in every orifice.
And so her brother said, okay, because of that, I'm not going to give her food and water through the tube.
And she was put in a nursing home and began to dehydrate to death, and she started asking and begging for food and water.
I talked to the lawyer who was appointed for her.
She'd say, Honey, can I please have some food?
I'm so thirsty.
Can I please have some water?
And the nurses started sneaking her food and water.
They were so wigged out by this and so upset.
Finally, when Marjorie hadn't died on schedule, it takes about 10 to 14 days to die, the nursing home staff or administration realized something was going wrong here because she was still alive.
Meanwhile, a nurse or someone else was so upset they blew the whistle, and so there was a very quick public investigation, and a Florida judge gave He gave this lawyer 24 hours, and his task was not to determine whether she should live or die, but whether she had the competence to withdraw the power of attorney she had given her brother.
By that time, after almost a month of no food and water, she was no longer competent, which is what the lawyer reported back.
And the judge said, well, then she cannot have food and water.
She's not competent to ask for the medical treatment of food and water.
And even though she was begging to be fed, he dehydrated her to death.
Now, you didn't hear that on the nightly news.
Wesley Smith has written about it in the Wall Street Journal.
Hundreds of such people.
He's written two books about it.
Now, you didn't know Kevorkian was caught in the dark with dead bodies and lost his medical license and is a sicko ghoul, did you?
But it's a fact.
These people are sick demons.
Jack Kevorkian wanted, you know, he was presented by the mainstream media As the retired doctor who helps terminally ill people kill themselves.
Well, that's not true.
First off, he wasn't retired.
He was unemployable.
His last job had been as an ambulance driver here in California, and he couldn't even keep that.
When he had been a practicing physician, he had not treated living patients.
He was a pathologist, which is, of course, an honorable profession, but you're not treating living patients.
You're looking at tissues, you're deciding whether they're cancerous, and that kind of thing.
Thirdly, Jack Havorkian was never about compassion.
He had, before he started killing sick and disabled people... Hey, stay there, Wesley.
We got a break.
We'll be right back.
He likes dead bodies.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines,
the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright my friends, our final segment with Wesley Smith and in the next hour I'm going to shift gears into the global
and national news and continue with updates on Terry.
On the Terry.
(upbeat music)
Harry Schindler, I hate to even call her the husband's last name, because that's not who she's really married to, folks.
Basically, this is just a sick, sick story, and there's so many of these where people are talking, can I please have some water, honey?
And then they'll kick the nurses out, fire the nurses, have a cop stand there while they kill somebody as they beg for food.
Then if they beg too much, they'll just drug them out until they're gone.
Wesley, continuing here in the last five minutes, we've got left with key info folks need to know about this.
Wesley Smith.
You know, there's a federal court hearing happening right as we speak in Florida because a federally funded disability advocacy group has now filed a federal lawsuit.
And when these folks get involved, it tends to be more meaningful than when individuals do, so there's some hope there.
Secondly, there's a special session right now in the Florida Legislature And there's been a bill introduced called Terry's Bill, which would put a forced suspension on all dehydrations and starvation deaths currently pending in Florida until the legislature had a chance to re-look at the law as it now exists.
Well, Wesley, this is cruel and unusual.
You can't do this to a child killer, but you can do it to some poor woman.
Well, if you did it to a horse, you'd go to jail.
That's a good point.
If you do it to a human being and they have a feeding tube, it's called medical ethics.
You can't do this to an animal, but you can do it to a human being.
Exactly right.
Because you see, what's happening is a destruction of the sanctity of human life in health care public policy.
And they're changing definitions to where vegetative is, honey, can I have some water?
It's getting to the point where what's going on here is a redefinition of what gives life meaning.
Instead of life having meaning because one is human, Then what's going on is they want to recreate it so that life only has meaning and value if you have a certain quality of life generally based on cognitive capacities.
And that's why the disability rights people are so upset because they see themselves as the target.
Well, they are the target.
Of course they are the target, and they're aware of it, and they're up in arms about this.
And they're working shoulder-to-shoulder with people who are pro-life, and people who want to support disabled folk, and there's kind of a politically strange bedfellow coalition that's come together to try to stop this culture of death.
Well, that is encouraging, but they've been getting away with this the last six, seven years quietly.
You know, I think people are beginning to wake up at this particular case, which is, not only is she being denied a feeding tube, but a judge has said no to giving her the medical rehabilitation that, including a Nobel nominee, said could help her be weaned off the feeding tube.
This takes it a step beyond just withholding food and water to, we're not going to give you the treatment so you wouldn't need a feeding tube.
And I think this case, and I'm not sure why this one has done it, but I'm glad it has, has finally awakened people to what's going on.
And people are beginning to look at the ivory tower and say, we're not going to follow your lead because you're taking us off a cliff.
Well, Wesley, what happened is, is the family put up a website.
We've interviewed them, you know, on this network going back a year ago.
And again, people are shining the light.
As you began to do, you're probably the most prominent person fighting this with the most people that tune into what you're writing and what you're doing, and you're out there doing all these radio interviews.
Wesley, would you like to plug a website or your books?
Well, if people are interested in Forced Exit, for your listeners, it's half price.
And they can get it through Spence Publishing.
This is the updated version of a book that I wrote in 97.
It's now updated and revised.
Okay, what's the phone number quickly?
What about a website?
What about a website?
SpencePublishing.com or you can go to my website, www.WesleyJSmith.com.
I want to have you back up in the near future for one hour.
Thanks, Alex.
Take care.
Thank you for coming on.
God bless.
Okay, second hour coming up, and I've forgotten about this, we've got Lou Epton simulcasting with us from Las Vegas on his big AM show, and we're going to open the phones up and cover news, so stay with us, second hour, straight ahead.
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You are listening to GCN.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, we had Wesley Smith, The Wall Street Journal writer and expert on how the government is killing people
that are conscious, begging for food.
He was listing another Florida case where the woman said, may I please have water?
She was talking and the judge said, no, you signed your rights over.
We're killing you.
And they killed her.
And there's hundreds of these cases that Wesley Smith knows about.
Now I want to shift gears into global news and talk about what's happening with the Free Trade Group of the Americas.
Meeting there in Florida.
And we're going to simulcast this hour with my good buddy Lou Epton, who's on a great AM station there in Las Vegas.
What is it, KLEV?
We've done this a couple... K-L-A-V.
You're right on.
And Lou, it's good to have you back on with us to talk about all the news.
It is great to be with you, Alex.
As I told you before, you've got a lot of fans here in the Valley, and we enjoy hearing everything you've got to say.
I pointed out to my people again, in case they missed the last show we did together, That you are a very rare individual.
You were offered a great deal of compensation and a great deal of fame.
If only you would stop talking about these real issues.
And you said, keep your money.
I'm going to keep talking about what I know to be right.
And here you are.
Well, Lou, it shows how bad our society's gotten that that's a rarity when that used to be the norm and common.
I mean, if somebody offered me a million bucks to rob a bank, I'd say no.
If they offered me a million bucks to starve an old lady to death, I'd say no.
It's not hard to do, I mean, but I guess you and I have become rare, but more people are waking up and having the moral courage to stand up against tyranny.
Lou, out there on KLAV, which I know when you've been out of town they've also carried the show there and I really appreciate that.
I know you've been talking about Terri Schiavo or Schiavo Schindler and how the woman's conscious, but they're saying she's a vegetable and killing her.
What's your take on that?
I think it's another case of murder that nobody seems to care all that much about, and I think the main problem with what everything going on today is that people, at least from my taking, just don't care.
They're all too busy doing their own thing, and they're not paying attention to these atrocities.
And so it happens to them.
When it happens to them, you reap what you sow.
There's going to be nobody there to stand up for them.
That's absolutely the way it is.
But it's a world we live in anymore.
We've lost our morals.
We've lost our pride.
We've lost pretty much everything we once had, Alex.
Lou, we're about to break, but for those that don't know who you are, I was on your show ten years ago.
You've been out there fighting the globalists for a long time.
Tell us about Lou Epton and the website and the radio station.
Okay, well the website is loueptonshow.com.
Lou Epton, well, Lou Epton woke up probably back in 1973 and started hollering pretty loud.
He was doing a TV gig down in Florida at the time during the oil crisis, interviewing one of the oil magnates who was sitting there reading from a script.
And it was my pleasure to call him a blatant liar, because we were shipping oil everywhere else, and we had no storage facilities left, and yet the nation was in a hemorrhaging situation.
People were getting rid of large cars, all because they thought, oh my God, there is a horrendous shortage.
And it was just a process of training us to accept higher prices.
That's all it was, and here we are, paying those higher prices, and they're not going to come down to any degree.
We're in a new process of raising prices now.
Yeah, we sure are.
I mean, if you're not used to spending about $1.70 a gallon, you're going to have to get used to it, because it's no way going to go back to even $1.40, or certainly not to anything below.
It's just, it's hard to describe sometimes the craziness of everything, but I've been here at KLAV, which is one of the unusual stations in the country, now in my 12th year, and It's become a calling.
You've got to keep trying, okay?
You may not succeed, but by George, you're going to keep trying because it's worth trying.
You love this country.
You understand the fraud of the government.
You see everything that's going on, and you shake your head in disbelief that more people aren't outraged at the crimes that this government continues to commit.
But the good news is a lot of people are waking up.
I'm seeing a huge awakening, and I've talked to you privately.
I know you are as well.
Lou, stay there.
We've got a quick three-minute break.
We're going to come back and just launch any news you think is really important.
I'll launch into mine, and then hopefully we can open the phones up.
I'm Alex Jones, simulcasting on KLAV with Lew Epton.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back, my friends.
Already 8 minutes and 12 seconds into the second hour of my global transmission.
We've blasted on the AM and FM dial, shortwave internet at infowars.com, prisonplanet.com.
We're simulcasting with Lou Epton out there with his powerful talk show on the AM in Las Vegas and Lou's got a lot of news he wants to cover.
I got a bunch I want to throw in there and get his take on and I know we want to take calls and Lou?
Okay, I'll tell you the thing.
It may not sound large to a lot of people but I'm getting awfully sick and tired of this nation's Desire to take God out of everything and the latest of course being the Pledge of Allegiance now come on You tell me where there's a conflict church and state here when they removed Judge Moore's Ten Commandment monument when kids were taking and not allowed to pray in school starting back in the 60s and if you take a closer look you'll see that's when the educational system started totally going down and that's when the morals fell apart it sure did and
That they would even get as far as the Supreme Court, that anybody would even come up with the idea of taking the words, under God, out of the pledge.
I don't know.
Alex, we've got a tape here.
I'm not going to necessarily play it, but I'll tell you, it's one of the more beautiful things.
You may be familiar with it.
It's Rudd Skelton's classic Pledge of Allegiance, and I'll tell you, I should be playing it every morning.
I'm not, but I should be because it's an emotional, it's an absolutely gorgeous piece.
Well, let's play it if you want to, Lew.
Would you mind?
You got it ready?
Yeah, we just happen to have it ready.
Well, let's go ahead and hit it then.
Okay, here it is.
Getting back to school, getting back to school, I remember a teacher that I had.
Now, I only, I went, I went through the seventh grade.
I went to the seventh grade.
I left home when I was ten years old because I was hungry.
I used to, this is true, I work in the summer, I go to school in the winter.
But I had this one teacher, he was the principal of the Harrison School in Vincennes, Indiana.
To me, this was the greatest teacher, a real sage of my time, anyhow.
He had such wisdom.
And we were all reciting the Pledge of Allegiance one day, and he walked over, this little teacher, Mr. Lasswell was his name.
Mr. Lasswell.
He says, uh... He says, I've been listening to you boys and girls recite the Pledge of Allegiance all semester, and it seems as though it's becoming monotonous to you.
If I may, May I recite it and try to explain to you the meaning of each word.
I, me, an individual, a committee of one, pledge, dedicate all of my worldly goods to give without self-pity, allegiance, my love and my devotion to the flag Our standard.
Oh, glory.
A symbol of freedom.
Wherever she waves, there's respect.
Because your loyalty has given her a dignity that shouts, freedom is everybody's job.
That means that we have all come together.
Individual communities that have united into 48 great states.
48 individual communities with pride and dignity and purpose.
All divided with imaginary boundaries, yet united to a common purpose.
And that's love for country.
And to the Republic.
A state in which sovereign power is invested in representatives chosen by the people to govern.
And government is the people.
And it's from the people to the leaders.
Not from the leaders to the people.
For which it stands.
One nation.
One nation.
Meaning, so blessed by God.
Incapable of being divided.
With liberty, which is freedom.
The right of power to live one's own life.
Without threats, fear, or some sort of retaliation.
And justice, the principle or qualities of dealing fairly with others.
For all.
For all.
Which means, boys and girls, it's as much your country as it is mine.
And now, boys and girls, let me hear you recite The Pledge of Allegiance.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Since I was a small boy, two states have been added to our country.
And two words have been added to the Pledge of Allegiance under God.
Wouldn't it be a pity if someone said that is a prayer and that would be eliminated from schools too?
All right, there it is.
Now, Alex, I'm not the most religious individual you'll ever meet, but I certainly have a love of God.
And the way this nation used to be, When they recognized it as a republic instead of this demonocracy.
What did you think of it?
Well, I know this.
They're trying to remove all the original foundations to replace it.
When you get a new king in Egypt who didn't like what the pharaoh had done before him, he would tear down their monuments, knock their names off the monuments.
That's what's happening.
And they're replacing it with Harry Potter and witchcraft Barbie.
And training our daughters how to be whores, training our sons how to be little gang members, they know that immoral
people will stand up and fight.
They won't be slaves.
But an immoral people can be enslaved quite easily.
And the problem is people love the flag and love America, but they don't know what the
flag symbolizes, the Bill of Rights and Constitution, and what the republic is.
And so now the tyranny is wrapping itself in the flag and saying, go along with me or you're against America.
When in truth, those that are destroying America have wrapped their tyranny in the flag and worldwide America is being demonized with all these evil wars.
When in truth, it's Europe that controls our military and our government that is using us as the proxy to carry that out.
Now, Lou, I've got some news stories here for you and I want to get your take on it.
Israeli subs have nukes aimed at Iran sites.
And last week they announced Israel has nukes, as if we didn't know this for the last 38, 40 years.
American-made Harpoon missiles, armed with nuclear warheads, are now aimed by Israel's fleet of Dolphin-class German submarines against Iran's nuclear facilities.
Following September's exclusive report by the American Free Press about Israel's submarine nuclear attack capability over 100 harpoon missiles, cruise missiles have been secretly airlifted to the remote island of Diego Garcia, a joint UK-US base in the Indian Ocean.
Three Israeli submarines that arrived at the base earlier this month were each loaded with 24 harpoon missiles.
And it goes on to say they set sail for the Gulf of Oman, bringing Iran's nuclear facilities all within range of the submarines.
Israel's not bluffing.
They attacked, in the early 80s, the Tamos nuclear reactor in Iraq.
Now they're saying they're going to go into Syria and Iran.
Everybody's against this war.
It's a total escalation.
There's no reason to do any of this, but the globalists need this crisis to offer their solution.
Lou, they're lining up a national draft for men and women, 18 to 49, a draft of professionals.
They'll force us to take the inoculations.
We're going into martial law, and they're using these crises after they armed Syria, armed Iran, armed North Korea, armed China.
Now they're gearing us up to have war, and this is real.
This is a real escalation.
What does Lou Epton, who's been on this earth quite a while, have to say about this?
Well, let me tell you, it's a very scary scenario.
I don't know if it's even stoppable anymore.
I think the real reason we went into Iraq, like a realtor would tell you, is real estate.
Look at the location of it.
I'm not surprised that the Israelis are now looking toward Iran.
Iran is probably our next target, although we now have North Korea coming into play.
The real enemy, I think, would be mainland China, but then nobody wants to talk about that.
They're our buddies, we're doing a lot of trade with them.
This whole world is bizarro land, pure and simple.
And the PNAC documents show that they said Iraq is just a military base to go into Syria and Iran, link up with Afghanistan, and the globalists, not America, will have the entire region.
How many Americans will die in that fight?
Meanwhile, they say brace for more terror, but the borders are more open than ever.
Well, I'll tell you.
I was old enough to be brought up to believe that life was a precious commodity.
It today has become one of the cheapest commodities on this planet anymore.
And you look at the people in D.C.
who are pulling strings for the globalists over in England.
They say they want to democratize the world, which would be the worst thing that they could do.
That means manufacture consent.
Their word, democracy, means a tank with a guy with a machine gun.
That's right.
And on top of it, in Miami and Atlanta, they're having two separate meetings.
The big one's in Atlanta, Miami Herald.
Trade representatives discuss free trading zone.
Foreign trade representatives from five South American countries met Friday with business leaders in Atlanta, which wants to be the headquarters of the Western Hemisphere Free Trade Zone.
Now, the EU started as a trade deal.
They admit this is global government.
We're losing our sovereignty right now.
You think NAFTA and GATT took your jobs?
They say it's going to get seven to nine times worse with layoffs.
And the average person has no idea what the Free Trade Group of the Americas is, Lou.
I understand that.
And how do you get this known when you've got a media that is all but totally controlled by these globalists?
They're certainly not going to talk about it, and too many people still think what they see on TV is the way things are, and we've got justification for every illegal act we're taking and have taken.
And it's going to come home to roost, folks.
These globalists could care less about you.
Being the center of the empire means you're going to be at the center of the slavery.
And unfortunately, too many people will only realize it when it's a done deal, and it'll be too late.
So they can't kill you with their inoculations, and they can't kill you with their biological terrorism.
They're going to do it one way or another.
It's not a pretty picture.
It's not.
Lou, we've got a break.
We've got a bunch of news to get to.
You've got some more news you want to cover.
I want to take calls.
The toll-free number to call in, folks, on our board is 1-800-259-9231 on any of the issues we've raised.
Terry Shivo, Schendler, the situation with the nukes, the escalation of World War III, what's happening with the dropping dollar.
What's happening with the free trade group of the Americas?
We're simulcasting out there on that big AM station in Las Vegas with Lou Epton.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
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He rode a blazing saddle, He wore a shining star,
His job to offer battle to Batman.
Alright folks, Alex Jones back live, simulcasting with Lou Epton on his talk show in Las Vegas, Nevada.
And if you'd like to join us on air, it's 1-800-259-9231.
And Lou, I guess we can take calls on your end, too, can't we?
I've got locally 731-1230 or toll-free 1-866-820-5528.
And I wanted to mention, if anybody wants a copy of the Red Skelton Pledge, they'll find it on my website, loueptonshow.com, and you can just download it from there.
I need to put a link to your website from PrisonPlanet.com or Infowars.com so folks can get that, Lou.
Lou, you want to go to some calls?
I'd love to.
Alright, let's talk to Regina in Pennsylvania.
Regina, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
I've been listening intently to this situation in Florida.
I just asked Alex, maybe, you know, I don't want to be out of order here, but when you are talking to these people, And this comes from universities and everything.
I just wrote a letter to Don Wildman from the American Family Association and I hope he paid attention a little bit because like you Alex, I go to these people Well, Regina, let me stop you.
For those that don't know, you've got to introduce what you're talking about.
I'm not mad at you, but you've got to do that.
Well, they're pushing... Terry Schiavo... Let me finish.
Terry Schiavo Schindler, down there five days with her water being taken.
She's conscious.
Her eyes are open.
They're killing her.
This is happening all over the country.
This is what you're talking about.
Go ahead.
And I assumed that... I did go off a little bit, so maybe you guys got another subject.
No, that's okay.
We have to introduce what you're talking about.
Go ahead.
Well, I'm trying to put this together.
I'm a little bit nervous because I hope this comes out right, but the founder of UNESCO,
Julian Huxley, I wish that you would tell the people when they get on with you like
this Wesley Smith and the different pro-life people that maybe they're not aware that Mr.
Bush rejoined us to UNESCO.
One of the goals of UNESCO, the founder, was that eugenics, science of creating better
people through genetic manipulation.
Alex, you have such a voice that's allowing you to open to these different avenues.
I feel that a lot of my input is being blocked out because a lot of the Christian groups
are looking at constitutional amendments for man and woman, but UNESCO destroys the family
and Bush put us into it.
Well, exactly.
They'll put a band-aid on a severed leg.
Let me read the quote by Sir Julian Huxley, brother of Aldous Huxley, who wrote Brave New World.
Huxley said that, the writer of Brave New World, that he was writing about the system they were building.
Listen to this.
Even though it is quite true that any radical, eugenic policy will be, for many years, politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO To see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care and that the public mind is informed, read between the lines, brainwashed, of the issues at stake so that much that is now unthinkable may at least become thinkable, Sir Julian Huxley, First Rector General of UNESCO, 46 to 48,
Bush just signed on to UNESCO that's kill the babies, kill the old people, dehumanize, forced inoculations, control of our educational system.
Lou Epton, how can people put up with this from George Bush?
I wish I had the answer to that.
I know it's not easy.
I can't.
But again, too many people are still asleep and I wish I knew the way to wake them all up.
This abortion topic by itself is driving me absolutely crazy.
Bush claims to be a great Christian and yet He's not walking the walk.
He's talking the talk, but he's not walking the walk.
And how many children have already been murdered?
Yeah, the Republicans have the House, the Senate, the Supreme Court, and the Executive, the Legislative, the Judicial, and the Executive.
Where is it?
Where's the ban on abortion?
Where's the ban on partial birth abortion?
And how?
You know, they still think there's a difference between these two major parties, and I think they're one and the same, and they're a total fraud, and they're just following an agenda, and I've used the expression that these people we put into office are nothing more than puppets.
They do what they're told, whether they like it or not, and this is why we are where we are today.
And then the Republicans were in the Statesman last week, here in Austin, going, ha ha, we've redrawn Ron Paul's district, so he'll lose to the Democrats.
When you've got a real patriot, a real conservative, a real Christian, they go in just like Senator Bob Smith.
They're going after Tom Tancredo.
Regina, go ahead and finish up.
I just wanted to say that I just feel that if you could just stress this with some of these people, because like now in Pennsylvania, we had a couple bills that were like lower the mandatory age for compulsory education.
You know, we've been fighting the vaccinations.
We know that that's being processed through, you know, all children come under No Child
Left Behind or Left Alone, No Left Alone, and it's coming through now the State Board
of Education.
So we're supposed to have hearings while our state reps are elected and paid well to, you
know, put us under a human resource research organization.
Virginia, you've got a governor, Schweiker, who's got a law passed that preachers are liable if they read anti-homosexual passages from the Bible.
I mean, folks don't realize how far we've gone.
Lou Edmonds, our guest.
I'm his guest.
We're simulcasting.
Lou, take us out of here.
Okay, hang on, hear this, and we'll be back right after this.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
That's right.
We're now an hour and 33 minutes into this global transmission.
We're going to have Lou with us for another 26 minutes, and then I've got the third hour coming up with more news, calls, and info.
And again, Lou Eppin's out there simulcasting with us on his fine affiliate.
That's right.
Right there in Las Vegas.
Lou, I've got a bunch of other news here.
I know you've got some news items, and I've got a bunch of callers.
You've probably got some calls as well.
What do you want to do here?
I've got a... He's an old friend.
He started the American Patriot Facts Network, which today is humongous.
And I was wondering if it was alright if we'll take a call from Ken Varden.
Sure, let's do that.
Ken, good morning.
It's been a long time.
Yeah, how are you doing, Lou and Alex?
Of course, I listen to both of you all the time.
On this Terri Schievo thing, you know that there's a bill introduced in Congress down there called Terri's Bill.
Yes, we had Wesley Smith.
We got an email of all of the Senate and Representatives in Florida there to try to get her back on feeding.
I hope everybody can go out and search the web for Terri's Bill.
And try to encourage these people to get this thing passed and get her back on life support.
He's been off for five days.
Day six now, really.
It's horrible.
It is, Ken.
Thank you, babe.
Okay, good talking to you, and thanks for both of you.
Alright, take care, my friend.
Good to talk to you.
Let's talk to Bill in Alabama.
Bill, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex and Luke, can you hear me?
Okay, the phone numbers that you gave out previously are accurate.
They are good.
The people, the receptionists, are waiting to hear from you.
Do you want me to repeat them?
Okay, for those that just tuned in, you mean phone numbers to the Florida Legislature, which is right now Considering bringing up a emergency session to have a moratorium on torturing people to death, something you can't do to a cop killer or a child molester, but we'll do it to an innocent woman who's done nothing wrong, who's fully conscious, now into day five, day six of torture.
Did you want to give those numbers out again?
Yes, 850 area code.
for the help of the help of representative in florida eight five zero
eight eight the role
okay senator kane is the uh... president of the senate in florida
by the way when you call him we're told uh... he says there's no such bill
Well, of course, they're just now bringing up the debate to have the bill, but I have the Associated Press article here right in front of me, so this guy's a real piece of work.
No, no.
When I called both of these, they were receptionists who answered.
They just wanted to know if I was in support of this bill, and they thanked me for my concern.
Okay, give the number to King.
Okay, Senator King, area code, once again, 850-487-5229.
Now Bill?
You obviously heard me last hour when I had Wesley Smith, Wall Street Journal writer on, listing another case in Florida where the woman was begging the nurses, please give me water.
They were doing it.
So 14 days later, they put an armed guard in there, wouldn't give her water, and she begged to death.
She begged.
We're talking people begging for water.
That's your right to die, folks.
They're murdering people.
And the news media The United Press International, AP, all of them are saying, oh, this woman, Terry's a vegetable, and all these kooks are standing around mad about it.
That's the level of the media lying.
Folks, you better start searching out the actual news.
We've had the family on, the lawyers, the priests, the people.
Terrysfight.org has a video of her with her eyes open, smiling at her mother.
Lew Epton, does this enrage you?
You bet it does.
I look for words sometimes to try and describe what's going on, but this country has become very murderous in its activities, among everything else, and again, somehow, someday, it's got to come to a screeching halt.
We've got to get this place back.
None of us are safe when this can go on to one woman.
One thing more, Alex, if you don't mind if I'm breaking in.
Yes, go ahead.
Yes, when you call these people, you're going to get receptionist.
Now when you make these calls, of course be very polite.
Ask for an A, now.
Yes, and not only that, but also ask them if they have visited harryspike.org.
I urge them to take a look at this website.
That's an amazing point.
They can see what's happened.
They can see video of her in conscious, her eyes open, mumbling to her family.
This is the vegetable.
This is a vegetable.
Last time I was at the store, the squash wasn't talking to me and didn't have eyes open.
That's for sure.
Boy, we've got to flood those calls.
Give those numbers out one more time.
Okay, the, uh, administrative office for the, uh, House of Representatives in Florida.
Area code 8-5-0.
Senator King is the President of the Florida Senate.
The number at his office.
Area code 8-5-0.
4, 8, 7, 5, 2, 2, 9.
All right.
Thank you so much, Bill.
Mark, who did you say was up next there on our lines?
Mark in Texas is up next.
Good afternoon.
Go ahead.
You know what really sums all this up well is during the championship series with Chicago, You have a fan reach over and interfere with the live baseball.
Well, the city, a majority of those people are ready to call out the bloodhounds, install the Amber Alert, put all the cameras on high alert, go get a rope, find a tree and hang this guy.
We've got a young lady sitting down on the floor being starved to death.
And what happened?
Yeah, people have riots over the stupid baseball game.
And it is.
It's stupid compared to the murder of innocent people.
We probably have people right now trying to buy tickets to the next Marlins game.
They wouldn't even know who Terry is!
And if they did read the newspaper, the 20% that actually thinks they're informed read the paper, they hear, oh, it's a vegetable.
What are these people so upset about?
You've been kept in the dark intentionally, Lou.
It's diversion.
You know, the baseball, the football, so many of these other things are to keep our eyes off of reality of what is going on around this country that they really don't want us to know about.
Well, I coined the term, gladiatorial diversion.
How about weapons of mass deception?
Yes, weapons of mass destruction.
No, you're right.
They're freaking out.
There's convulsions of anger that somebody touched a baseball.
And let's call out the Feds to catch them, but the average Yahoo out there has no idea about what's happening, how the President's being set to kill them.
Do you hear the latest they're offering this individual that supposedly interfered, something to do with movies, a movie contract or a television show?
Come on.
It's total mental illness.
Gentlemen, right off the get-go, they post and put it in the paper, the guy's name, address, phone number, where he works.
Gentlemen, keep up the great work.
Alright, thank you.
And for those that have been hiding under a rock, the big news, you know, forget Israel about the nuke Iran saying they'll quote, use nukes last week.
Let's talk about this baseball thing.
You know, this is my, but the caller, that's why I get so incensed.
I played baseball, I played football, I played soccer.
I mean, I was a jock.
But, I mean, I realize how ridiculous and stupid it is, these guys calling to talk radio so angry about their team losing or what a coach did, but they have no conception that their bill of rights, their country, their future's gone, Lou.
I know.
Too many people still think as long as they're free to suck up a beer, free to go do a job, assuming they still have one, free to get up in the morning, that this is total freedom.
Well, I hear lots of ads and lots in movies and on TV that, man, I got freedom to party!
Let's keep freedom going in America so you can go to the Bahamas.
I actually heard an ad like that.
Freedom to party.
You gotta fight for your right to party.
That's the Beastie Boys song.
Now, Mark, you were telling me the next caller was in Virginia.
Who was that?
Okay, Eric in Connecticut.
You're up next.
Go ahead.
Alex. Yes, sir. Hey there. Great to talk to you as always.
You guys are doing the Lord's work.
You and Lou. Thank you. Alex, in the recent discussions of the NRA,
there was a talk of having Neil Knox on. Yes, I am trying to line up Neil Knox, one of the
former good members of the board of directors. And for those that don't know, Lou, I'm sure you
heard about this two weeks ago, two Wednesdays ago, about a week and a half ago to be accurate.
The NRA argued in a federal case that, hey, we're for registering all the guns. We're for
you not being able to leave your home with them.
That's their quote, defense, is capitulating like Benedict Arnold.
Comments to that?
You bet.
That's why I support the GOA, not the NRA.
Go ahead.
Oh, I'm sorry, Lou.
Go on with what you're saying.
No, go ahead, Eric.
You're on mute.
Okay, um, yeah.
Neil Marks, he has a newsletter.
It's published on Shotgun News on the internet, and he used to be in Guns and Ammo, and basically when the NRA submarine him, they stopped carrying his article in Guns and Ammo.
Well look, the NRA is a wholly owned subsidiary of the UN now, they're UNESCO members, they've signed on, they're anti-gun, even the Cato Institute went public a few months ago and said they're trying to torpedo their federal gun case.
Yes, I am a life member of Gun Owners of America.
I'm a certified firearms instructor.
I believe in the sacredness of the Constitution and the Second Amendment.
And I'll be honest guys, I find it appalling that this organization, which purports to support the Second Amendment, says that George W. Bush supports freedom.
Kane Robinson, new president of the NRA, says in First Freedom that Bush supports The second amendment.
And Bush supports, Bush also supports open borders, super computers in China, signing campaign finance reform, blocking Dan Burton's committee investigating Bill Clinton, protecting Bill Clinton, he also signs onto UNESCO, he does all this stuff, you can list it, he tried to block arming the pilots!
I know, I know.
I'll tell you, it was easy to read when he first came into office and he refused to examine any of the Clinton crimes.
He just said, hey, that's yesterday, we're going to go forward.
Well, I'll tell you, there were a lot of things that bore investigation, but oh well.
Yeah, you know, and here's a tip for all you NRA members out there, and I found this out.
If you don't want to get all their junk mail and stuff, you can call the NRA and request to be put on their Do not promote this.
The only thing they'll send you is the occasional election notice.
Yeah, absolutely.
Thanks for the call.
And I'll say this right now.
If you're listening to Lew Epton on his great station out in Las Vegas, tell ten people a day about it.
If you're listening to me in Austin, Kansas City, Rhode Island, Florida, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Denver, Colorado, if you're listening to us on the American Freedom Network or Colorado Network, wherever you're listening to us, Tell ten people a day.
Just do it.
Make up some business cards.
You'll support us.
We're supporting your Second Amendment.
We're supporting your land rights.
We're supporting your borders.
We're supporting a right to life and fighting the culture of death.
Get my videos.
Get my books.
I need your support.
Lou needs your support.
We're waking people up, but not fast enough.
The power lies with you out there listening, getting educated, and taking action, and being leaders.
And starting your own Second Amendment group locally, which we've done, and we defeat the gun bells around here with our grassroots power, Lou!
Yeah, absolutely.
You know, it's the same game.
They're talking about gun safety.
They're talking about common sense gun control, supporting the hunters.
They want to close the gun shows.
They're anti-gun.
They're trying to destroy, and they're marching in lockstep to get rid of the Second Amendment.
And they've got all these little words like, it's just reasonable, sensible.
A sensible restriction is what Ashcroft said, and it's the same lingo that the Violence Policy Center and Handgun Grabbers Incorporated are using.
That's right.
And the facts still prove that those communities where people are allowed Concealed weapons or where they're allowed to have their own protection at home.
They have the smallest crime rates of anybody.
Well, take this new Grisham movie that's out there.
They took a tobacco script about the tobacco lawsuits and did it about guns where the evil gun lobby is secretly tampering with juries and we need to sue them out of existence.
The propaganda is omnipresent.
Be conscious of it.
This isn't freedom, folks.
Let's talk to Lucia.
Lucia in New York.
Lucia, you're on the air with Lou Epton and Alex Jones.
Bear with me, Alex.
I'm getting a little interference on my phone.
Thank you.
I wanted everyone to know that I took it upon myself to call the Archdiocese of Pinellas County or Pinellas Park, which incidentally is in St.
And by the way, they refused her last rights.
Yes, I know.
That's what I called about.
I got a very nice secretary who was very, very sympathetic.
And she said, I said, why didn't this priest just go ahead and do it?
What's so bad about getting arrested?
He said, yes, I know a lot of people.
She said, we've been swamped with calls all week long.
So, it's encouraging to know that people are also calling there.
But there's something else I wanted to talk to you about.
Education can go just so far.
Education has a purpose.
As a former teacher, I'm speaking, is to put people to action.
It's only the first step.
That's what this movement of ours has always lacked.
I listened to Lou Epton years ago.
I was fighting on every front.
I'm an exhausted person.
I'm in my 70s, but exhausted physically but not mentally.
I wanted to suggest something.
Why can't we chip in?
Get a building, an old office building or something, and call it the American Nuremberg Court.
For one reason.
We have such a plethora of material out there now.
The crimes the Globalists have committed are legion.
And we would have to staff it with former judges, retired judges, we would have to have good lawyers.
No, it's a good idea.
Have a people's court, videotape it, go over the crimes, put it on something like free speech TV or something, and just go over all... Absolutely!
America, the American Nuremberg, and I'm telling you something else, I'm sick and tired of all these wonderful conventions on just about any subject.
Always being located on the West Coast, down in, you know, the Southwest, occasionally in another place, but we people along the
eastern seaboard in like say middle America, middle eastern America, why do we always have to
be running across the continent?
I hear you, Lucia.
You've been listening to Lou Epton for years, huh?
Oh, I have all of his material.
I adore that man.
I have his tapes and everything.
I mean, I was really very, very active.
I still am.
Yeah, Lou's been out there fighting for a long time.
Thanks for the call.
The only problem anymore, Alex, is where in the world are you going to find an honest judge, or for that matter, even an honest attorney?
This DOJ is so corrupt that it's become laughable, and it's a damn shame it wasn't meant to be that way.
Judges were meant to be nothing more than referees.
Now they are the law.
They own the courtroom.
You don't dare mention God, the Constitution.
They're going to decide whatever they want.
They won't allow the evidence that might sway the jury to go another direction.
The crimes are being committed daily, and I don't know how in the world we're going to handle it.
Well, look, they've been killing people for years who are begging for food.
Now people are just learning about it.
It's a process.
I'm telling you, though, Lou, I've never seen such an awakening as I'm seeing right now.
That's encouraging, and you just gotta hope and keep on praying because this nation is worth saving.
It is.
LewEptonShow.com and of course my website is InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
PrisonPlanet.com is a great site, folks.
Check it out if you haven't.
HW, Jim, others, your calls are up next.
When we get back with our final segment with Lew Epton, then I'll shift gears into more news and more calls in the third hour and update on the Terry Schiavo situation.
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1-888-253-3139. That's 888-253-3139.
Alright my friends, we're back live.
Our final segment with Lou Epton.
I really appreciate him having a simulcast on KLAV out in Las Vegas.
Really, Alex, if it's all right, and I don't want to take from what we're doing, but I think a lot of people here in Southern Nevada might be very interested in some of these outstanding videos that you have made available because they explain a lot, they go into great detail, I know they're probably up on your website, InfoWars.com, but I'm looking at one in particular called Total Enslavement, Police State 3.
And it's an intriguing, not just title, but what it's all about.
Can we take a couple of moments on that?
Well, thank you, Lou.
I didn't know I was going to do it this hour, but you brought it up.
Thank you.
It's my newest film.
It covers government-run white slavery rings, gun control, Patriot Act 1 and 2, Ashcroft's lies, Homeland Security.
It begins with 20 minutes on what the New World Order is, the PENAC documents.
It gets into the forced inoculations.
It is a two-hour, 40-minute film.
Folks are authorized to get it and make copies, get it out to people.
And of course, there's three police state films.
They're all excellent.
Road to Tyranny is my September 11th film.
They say the most powerful film we've made.
And I've written a new book, Descent into Tyranny, as well as published a book, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror in the New World Order, and frankly on the issue of governments blowing stuff up and blaming it on their enemies, some of the best work out there.
So yes, if folks want to Go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order VR secure online shopping carts.
They're welcome to do it.
Or they can call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, right here in Austin, Texas,
at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
And folks, if you don't get the videos and make copies, or tell folks about Lou's show or my show,
and don't wake people up, the tree will fall.
Nobody will hear it make a sound.
It's up to you to give this story legs and to help us fight this tyranny.
And so please take action.
And Lou, your website again?
Lou Epton Show.
That's L-O-U-E-P-T-O-N Show dot com.
And it's an excellent site with a lot of key stuff.
One final call for this hour with Lou Epton.
H-W in Colorado.
Go ahead.
As a barely survivor of the Second World War and having grown up in Dresden, I got my story to tell.
I sure re-investigated in my whole life what has gone on in my parents' generation.
My dad was in the old Reichswehr in Germany and got badly hurt in the war.
So, we really suffered through this thing, and then I thank InfoWars.com for all this information that really explained to me how the $200 trillion, no, $100 trillion of the Rockefellers and the $10 trillion of Rockefeller bought all three powers of government.
Certainly the legislators, the executors, and the judges.
And I lost all my grandparents' property.
And behind the Iron Curtain, let's say in East Germany, just because of that.
So you've seen tyranny before.
You know, Lou, folks like H.W., they can see the tyranny clearer than those that haven't lived through it.
You bet.
I sure owe it to you to have understood a lot more here at West Bonhomme, but I always had a guess.
Well, let me get Lew's final take on your important words, H.W.
Well, you know, you stop and you think about everything going on, and then you have to wonder, do people really want freedom?
Because you've got to remember, it was only, what, 3 to 4 percent of the population that dragged the rest of these people into a free society?
Three to four percent.
I wonder what our percentage is today.
And that's why I sit here and I have to ponder, do people really want a kingdom?
Do they want a leader?
Or do they want liberty and freedom that we once had?
We were the great experiment.
And if we don't do something about it, we're going to lose it all.
LewEptonShow.com, InfoWars.com.
Lew, thanks for having me on, and we really enjoyed having you on, and God bless, my friend.
Alex, thank you so much for the opportunity.
I know the people here in Southern Nevada enjoy hearing from you.
We've got to do it again.
Bye, Lew.
Our third hour is coming up with more calls, more news.
Keep it locked in.
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
We're already 40 seconds into the third hour of this Monday, the 20th of October, 2003, global transmission
Leslie Smith, Lou Epton, Robert Schindler, brother of Terry Schiavo, My wife grew up in Italy for six years.
She says it's schiavo, but whatever.
The case in Florida, going into day six of her having her feeding tube taken, she's still conscious.
Most people can't hang in like this.
The news calling her a vegetable.
We had Wesley Smith going into all the hearts of people, listing cases where they were begging for water and food and being killed.
That's the precedent.
When you hear right to die, it means the government's right to kill you!
I want to take a lot of calls and cover a ton of other vital news I haven't gotten to in this third hour.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
We're about to go to Helga, Tim, and others that are patiently holding some of the news.
Let me just do a basic recap, because I haven't covered much of this, though.
We've covered tons of vital information.
Very good first two hours.
I want to keep that going in this third hour.
A lot of information.
Israeli subs have nukes aimed at Iranian sites.
That's coming up.
Torture now routine for Putin's police.
Cafe Press sends his Propaganda Matrix t-shirt for offensive content.
What do you hear about that?
My buddy Paul Watson.
Uh, eases off after heart scare.
This is to make us feel sorry for this guy.
Mexican consular IDs increasingly accepted.
Diana feared car accident plot BBC.
Now her own notes have come out.
We know they killed her, but now we have her own writing, uh, on, uh, the palace stationary, admitted to be her, saying she thought that the royal family would kill her if she was pregnant with the, an Arab, uh, child.
Diana Letter, sensation, they will try to kill me, quote.
I'm going to cover that.
That's important.
interest rates rise soon.
That is very serious news.
Ron Paul said when that starts, ready for the depression.
Look, it's all coming up.
More on the Free Trade Group of the Americas meeting simultaneously in Atlanta and Miami right now.
Also, you know, I want to talk about this because it's another example of problem-reaction-solution.
I'm obsessed with problem-reaction-solution because the globalists are obsessed with problem-reaction-solution.
Now here's an example of problem-reaction-solution.
Remember about five years ago, somebody every night for years would bust, sometimes hundreds, but usually dozens, of car windows with a ball-peen hammer.
Little, you know, sharp-ended hammer.
And it turned out it was the owner of a big auto glass repair shop.
While you were getting your windows busted out, you come out in the morning, there'd be a billboard overhead about get your window fixed here.
Well, finally a smart cop said, you know, this is getting pretty obvious.
The setup cameras, they caught the guy, the owner, out with a ball-peen hammer.
He'd do it a couple days a week.
That's problem-reaction-solution, okay?
That's what we're talking about here.
Now, this is out of Local 6, a news channel out of, uh, Wellesley, Mass.
And it says, anti-black graffiti tied to black high school student.
Now, I want to be conservative.
I've probably seen 50 news stories the last couple years, where at universities, high schools, colleges, all over the businesses, minorities send themselves hateful letters and do bad things.
They had swastikas put on my high school.
Turned out, and it was, quieted down real quick, that it was a black kid that did it.
I'm sick of it!
Folks, the most people I know never say anything about anybody.
We're not a bunch of racists.
In fact, a lot of you are racists, okay?
And I am sick of it.
I am really sick of this.
And I'm not guilty, and I've done nothing to you.
Now, I know we have a lot of black, a lot of Hispanic listeners, great folks, and they have a right to be angry about some stuff, but people like this give it all a bad name.
And it's an example of problem, reaction, solution.
Keeping this garbage going.
We'll come back, take calls, get into this, and a lot more.
Stay with me.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, 8 minutes and 30 seconds into the third hour.
The toll-free number to join us on air if you'd like to get involved, have a question, a comment, you want to scream at me, you want to tell me I'm wrong, you want to try to disprove something I've said, hit me with your best shot.
I'm a big boy, I can handle it.
You think gun control is conservative?
Well, explain to me how it is.
1-800-259-9231 1-800-259-9231 and uh... I'm gonna get into anti-black graffiti tied to black high school student I mean almost every time something happens to a black church or a school or something it turns out it's It's the black folks doing it.
Now, are there toothless Klan members burning crosses in yards?
Is it bad?
Are there federally controlled neo-Nazi groups that are out of control?
But, there's so much in my life, the culture has attempted to make me guilty for something.
And I have to tell you, I'm a white person.
And I'm around white people all the time.
I don't hear all this racism.
I don't hear this talk about Hispanics and blacks and Asians.
But let me tell you something, from all the so-called minorities, I hear a whole lot of it.
And I've heard a whole lot of it my whole life.
I heard a whole lot of it in high school.
Do I hate black people because of that?
Do I hate Hispanics because of that?
I realize that, you know, this stuff's out there, and this is going on, and under political correctness, it's been fostered, and it's okay for these groups to be like this.
And no, it's not okay.
It's your right to be that way, but I'm not going to sit here anymore and put up with it.
I've seen so many news articles.
Where they catch the college or high school students sending racist letters to themselves, spray-painting swastikas on the school, and then there's this big, giant freak-out in the news media, and all the white people are taught how bad they are, and, you know, all this, and then, and then, back of the paper, small, you know, story, oh, it was a, it was a black student, or a lot of times some liberal who did it to quote some white person who quoted it to draw attention to the racism And this is a form of problem-reaction-solution.
Again, I talked about the guy who owned the windshield repair shop, so he'd bust out windshields every night around his business.
Well, I mean, if you get social control and get things out of society by, quote, being a victim, then you want to continue fostering that.
And I'm tired of it, folks.
They're passing all these hate crime and thought crime laws.
I remember MTV a few years ago had a 24-hour marathon.
Well, they showed like a hundred names and video clips of people who've been killed by white racists.
And they mentioned, uh, this poor black man, Mr. Byrd, was killed by Mr. King, drugged to death, and never mentioned in there, we need to pass federal thought crime legislation, uh, hate crime legislation, they never mentioned that those, that the two brutal thugs, the pieces of garbage that drugged this black man to death have been given the death penalty!
I mean, what more?
And in Texas, we'll kill him.
He won't be in there more than five years.
But no, it was just they drug him to death and nothing happened.
And then they'll use those thought crime, those hate crime laws to restrict what you and I can say regardless of what color we are.
To grow up and stop it.
I mean, I've had black people do racist, mean things to me in the workplace, getting up on me before.
I've had it happen in school.
Do I hate black people because of that?
I realize That they were put into this victim mentality, and most black people aren't like that, most Hispanics aren't like that.
They were put into this mentality, and they think it's okay.
They think it's alright.
You know, my wife speaks Spanish.
Her father was in the agriculture department, so she was in Europe from the time she was in elementary school right through high school.
So she speaks Spanish and French and German and a bunch of Scandinavian languages and Italian and all this.
So, you know, and a lot of my family speak Spanish.
I don't speak a lot of it.
But, uh, you know, I talked to family, uh, who, who, um, you know, I have family who was in Guatemala on business, so they can speak Spanish.
And they hear it out there.
I mean, routinely, you walk into a restaurant or a store now and the Hispanics will hail you with hateful comments.
I mean, what is that?
See, I never did anything to you, okay?
I'm not a guy riding around on a black horse with a white hood on.
But, you see, this is what multiculturalism does.
It actually re-energizes racism.
That's what it is!
Instead of us just living together.
Instead of us just going to barbecues together, hanging out at church, whatever, playing a game of tennis.
No, it's all, what's that white person think about me?
What's that black person think about me?
It's mind control.
So break out of it.
I mean, I am offended by La Raza, which means the race.
And I have a lot of videos of their conferences.
I mean, it's like an Aryan Nations meeting or something.
But with Hispanics.
And it's, oh, it's acceptable with AT&T and Gillette and everybody else and Miller brewing funding it.
I, uh, you know, uh, Mecha.
I mean, I've got video of their rallies in L.A.
where they've got signs of white people's heads cut off.
And this is okay and the news won't cover it?
I'm sick of it!
I'm tired of the garbage, folks, so deprogram yourselves and stop it.
And don't sit there and hate me because I'm white, because I'm secretly a racist.
You know, it's like when I caught two black men being paid off by an old white man at the legislature three years ago.
Now four years ago, how time flies.
Almost four years ago.
And, you know, I go in, I speak at the hearing, I walk out, they're being paid off, it's illegal according to the House Ethics Committee, I catch video of it, Actually, a member of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms runs in and says, Alex, get out here with your camera.
There's a payoff.
And this guy's going, 100, 200, 300 when I run out there.
And I run up and I say, what are you doing?
And they go, oh, we're just getting some money for coming for a testimony.
I go, what?
And then I get a call from a Hispanic gentleman at the paper of the statesman.
He goes, Mr. Jones, about the incident, are you catching that payoff on tape?
Mr. Jones, are you a racist?
I said, what?
Are you joking?
I was speechless.
I said, what?
Well, Mr. Jones, these are black men.
I said, if they were white, would you have put this on TV?
I said, are you a racist?
What type of comment is that?
It's like if a black guy is robbing my neighbor, and I go over and make him get on the ground at gunpoint, will the police come and ask me if I'm a racist?
But if it's a white guy and I go over and apprehend him, will they ask me if I'm a racist?
If I was a black guy and I caught a white guy raping the neighbor and I stopped him, would the cops come and say, are you racist?
This is a white man.
I mean, that's multiculturalism, folks.
It's racism.
It's death of all our cultures.
And I'm sick of it.
So Local 6 News out of Massachusetts reporting, Anti-black graffiti tied to black high school student.
I see one of these articles every couple months.
Really, every couple weeks.
Year after year.
I mean, I've seen 50 of these things.
School officials said anti-black graffiti scrawled on the bathroom stall at high school was the work of a black teenager enrolled in the school through the METCO desegregation program.
The graffiti discovered October 7th that the school would burn on October 15th or 17th and there will be no blacks Uh, there will be no blacks, police were investigating, and the public has expressed concern about racism in the school.
Oh, see?
Oh, and it goes on, now that he did this, well, he must have done this because he was under pressure!
I mean, I gotta be honest with you folks, I became a fighter.
Uh, because black kids would beat me up.
And, you know, I had some white kids beat me up too, but, I mean, majority of the fights I got in were racist blacks attacking me.
And, you know, then it got to the point where I just fought back and people went to the hospital.
But, you know, that was public school for me.
Do I hate black people because of it?
I remember I played football, so I had black friends.
And, you know, I'd be down in the so-called black neighborhood.
You know, I'd have black people walking on the front porch and yell, get out of here, you honky, all these names.
And my black friends were like, come on, let's get back to my grandma's.
Let's get out of here.
I remember being about 12 years old, walking home from the bus, and three black kids come up and beat me up.
I go home and they beat me up.
My dad says, well, you better fight back next time.
And I did.
I found out that quit happening.
But, I just, you know, I mean, how many black people have been beat up by white racist gangs?
Well, I've been beat up by black racist gangs, okay?
I had five Mexicans break my leg, okay?
That was growing up in Dallas, Texas.
I don't want to hear it anymore and I'm sick of it.
I am sick of it.
Let me say it again.
I am sick of your racism against me.
I've done nothing to you.
I know, I know, we have, again.
I know you're sick of the white racism, and I know what's going on out there, but that's how this works.
That's how this gets re-energized against each other, and the globalists then rule over us.
Let's talk to Helga in Texas.
Helga, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
You're absolutely right.
We have to go to the bigger fish.
I called every day all those numbers, and I reminded them that there was a Nuremberg trial Nuremberg trial.
For those that don't know, you're talking about Perry Schiavo Shedler being murdered right now.
But there was a woman, a couple of phone calls, you know, talking about the people's court.
That's something we should have.
9-11 should be tried.
We should have, we should make somehow of a court and try 9-11.
Start with 9-11.
And then go on to, you know, deal with cases.
You know, I could put one of those on here in Austin, get one of our lawyers to be the judge.
And I could be the prosecutor.
We could have a bunch of prosecutors and have each of us give a different part of the case.
And we have to make it very seriously because this is what, I mean, that's how we get the Patriot Act.
That's how they can do this in Florida.
That's how we get all the corruption, and just imagine... And you know, that's what Hitler did!
But just imagine when the police doesn't need a warrant anymore.
They can just, you know, come any time they want.
I mean, this is going to be unimaginable, you know?
So, I think we do have to have a people's court.
Constitutional people's court.
I agree, Helga.
We have to have the best people helping and naturally everybody else helping, but we do need to do it because it's going too far.
It is.
Every day I have been calling all those numbers.
You know, stay there, Helga.
I want to hear what type of response you're getting from the legislature and the district attorney and the rest of them.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk. Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, Helga, finish it up real quick with the Terry Schiavo Schendler case.
You said you called a lot of numbers in Florida.
What type of response did you get from the state agencies?
I always started off that I was born into Nazi Germany.
And I always reminded them that if they let this woman die, then we have stepped here into Nazism.
And there was one guy who said, yeah, we just follow order.
I said that was no excuse on the Nuremberg trial.
And I advised them to rent the movie.
Tracy Spence on Nuremberg Trial, that's where the church is.
It's a very good movie.
At this time, I think it's a good thing to listen to.
Alright, thank you Helga for the call.
Let's talk to Buck in North Carolina.
Buck, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, in the past, these various militia groups have had my admiration and support, and I've even donated a little money to them, but no more.
They're all wet.
You know, Waco took everybody by surprise.
More or less, a lot of people had some faith in the government then, but after Waco, there's just no excuse.
This Terri Schiavo case, 10 men could reach her in 60 seconds, and another 60 seconds they could have her gone without firing a shot.
At least somebody could go to a magistrate and charge her with assault or something.
At least in jail, she'd have a right to bread and water.
You know, that's a good point.
Somebody could accuse, well, I'm not saying do that, but accuser of a crime should get more rights, yeah.
This is disgusting.
And all these folks that are crawling around in the mud with camo gear on, you know, they need to join a quilting society or something.
That's all I've got to say.
Well, all of us.
I mean, all of us.
I mean, my job is trying to inform people and, you know, I go out and get involved legislatively.
I get involved.
Well, if you won't take up arms to save a young lady from being starved to death, you won't.
ourselves and defend the innocent. Well if you won't take up arms to save a young lady from being
starved to death, when they come and get your neighbor, you won't take up arms then.
Well I'll tell you this was going on for years and I've had Wesley Smith on discussing it for years.
I think people are at the point now of learning of these crimes, learning of these horrors.
And I'm not saying it's okay, but I will say this, Buck.
I'm seeing a massive awakening.
I'm seeing people become aware of the crimes of the globalists.
That's why the globalists are trying to turn up the heat with the police state now.
So I think these evils have been going on for a while.
We're now just learning of them.
Yeah, but nobody's willing to do anything about it.
Well, what should we do, Buck?
I don't know, Alex.
I wish I had the solution.
If I had the solution, that would have been the first thing out of my mouth.
You know, Rick Stanley got arrested today by a SWAT team in Denver, and they supposedly crashed into his car after he was out of it.
Then he gave up.
He was at his warehouse, and in all of this is the guy who believes in the Second Amendment.
Thanks for the call, Buck.
Let's talk to Luby.
Great cafeteria here in Austin called Luby's, but Luby is calling us from Oregon.
Luby, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
First time caller.
Well, welcome.
Surprise, I got through.
What I'm calling about is the fact that I did get in touch with the Florida representatives, the House of Representatives, and they are taking sort of like a vote, which way you go.
And of course, I opted for not having her die.
And I got in touch also with the police department there, and the RUSA, of course, was unavailable.
Well, I guess that's our democracy now.
It's like thumbs up, thumbs down at the arena with the emperor.
If we say thumbs down, she dies.
Thumbs up, she lives.
Look, again, an axe murderer has more rights than this lady.
She's conscious, they're killing her.
We need to call and ask them, have you seen the video of Terry who's conscious at TerrysFight.org?
Did you bring that up to them?
Well, I brought up the fact that she was dying, that I would like that to cease.
You know, rather than dying, I would prefer anything.
And not to take the... Not knowing how the thing was worded, I didn't know whether it should be yes or no, because sometimes they say no, and it means yes, and vice versa.
So I told her my definite opinion is that she should not be killed.
And that's what was happening at the moment.
And also, when I got in touch with the police department, I didn't speak to any representative of the police force but the secretary.
And she, of course, continued to tell me this was a civil case.
I said, but they're killing someone there.
And she said that it's strictly a civil case and they are there to keep the peace.
Yeah, now when they take your house for a little petty, oh your 18-year-old had a beer party while you were gone, they got that in a lot of states now.
It's, well, you can't appeal it.
We're just taking your $200,000 house.
It's civil.
We're taking your land.
It's civil.
There's no rights when it's civil.
Yeah, now they can do it for that, but they certainly can't take her out of there.
The Constitution says, what, if it's $20 you get a jury?
Yeah, something like that.
Yeah, it's real clear.
Thank you for the call.
Anything else, Luby?
Thank you, Luby.
Now I'm getting hungry.
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I'm going to take four or five more calls and I'm going straight into a bunch of other key news.
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We're on the march.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Well, I'll be going back down.
All right, my friends.
Alex Jones here.
Back live, we're talking John Charles Spencer Wesley.
And that's going to be it for calls.
I'm going to shift here to some other key news we haven't detailed properly yet.
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Alright, let's go ahead now and go back to the call.
Let's talk to John in Florida.
John, welcome.
Yeah, how you doing Alex, and thank you.
First of all, I had a lot of notes, and I didn't want to go into them, and I want to tell you that I tried to call the Governor's office, and I met with the old sorry, but I have to take another call.
I'm only the Secretary.
So, here I am, 62 years of age, for the first time in my life.
I am witnessing, right in front of my own eyes, the conspiracy of a Governor of the second largest state in the United States, and a judge.
Conspiring to commit premeditated murder right in front of the entire nation.
Nobody in Tallahassee has gone down to the sheriff's office and filed a criminal complaint of murder against the governor of the state of Florida.
With all the right-to-life people that are trying to take care of that end of murder, here we have an adult.
This is not a non-born child.
It's an adult that's being murdered right in front of us.
And I think that all of our arguments of pardons and all of our constitutional rights to liberty and self-evident truth and all, that's all well and good.
But what we are witnessing is not dying.
This should leave everyone to understand that she is in a hospice.
This is a hospital setting where people are supposed to be taken care of and preserved the quality of their life.
Well, they're not doing that.
And I think someone today, before the end of the day is over, which may be too late, and before she dies, murder is being committed in front of us, and this is something someone can do in Tallahassee.
File a criminal complaint.
She's not vegetative, she's still conscious after almost six days of this, which is amazing in and of itself.
It's a miracle.
Well, maybe you should go file the complaint.
I am 90 miles away, and I was thinking, I told my wife, I think I'm going to do it, but I sure would like to have a few other people go down.
Because, Jeb Bush... Well, you know, they probably won't let you do that.
You can't file a complaint against a police officer.
There could be a hundred witnesses of a cop, you know, blowing people's heads off for no reason, and the cops will say, you can't file that complaint.
Well, they can say you can't, but I know you can, and I know you can file it against the hospice.
And that'll be the end of them.
But anyway, someone needs to file a complaint.
You certainly can file a complaint against a police officer, and certainly against the governor.
Yeah, but it goes through their internal affairs.
You go to the chief weasel with blood dripping from his lips and try to file a complaint on the fox, who's savaging hens.
Well, I'll tell you what, Alex, then I'll let you go.
You and me, we can file complaints right in our own cities.
Because we're watching this.
We heard this with his own mouth.
He said he can do nothing.
We need to file these criminal complaints right in our own town.
Alright, interesting point.
Thanks for the call, John.
Charles in South Carolina.
Charles, you're on the air globally.
I haven't talked to you for a long time.
You know, Jasper, Texas, you were talking about Jasper, Texas, and the black man that was dragged.
And then, a couple years later... Well, there was a white man that got dragged by four blacks.
Did you know that?
Uh, yes, I mentioned that.
The Associated Press reported it.
Oh, I didn't know you mentioned it.
Well, you know, I'm 76 years old, and I've been witnessing this same thing all my life.
Whenever a black person commits a heinous crime, it's never reported on the news media.
Reason being is, they want the blacks to turn against the whites.
Let me just break this down.
i'd say that the white shirt dot are really bad and it's more more heinous crimes committed by black
i mean nine-fold and white against black okay let me say why i brought this
up okay or let me just break this down
headline out of uh...
wellesley massachusetts anti-black graffiti tied to black high school
student and and and i've seen these articles all the time where the so-called minorities
go do the graffiti themselves, go do the thing, and then say there's all this racism.
When I'm not racist against anybody, and I understand that.
Now, in Jasper, two thugs drug a poor black man to death, who they knew from prison, they'd been in fights in prison, but that was horrible and wrong, and they got the death penalty, and they should.
Five black guys on the 14th.
Of 2002, on the same stretch of road, who didn't even know the old white wino, drug him to death, till parts of his body came off too, and it was one AP article, one local news story, and the sheriff said, I won't come on.
I said, why?
He goes, because I'd be called a racist.
So everybody knows, you don't, exactly, you're a racist, if you even say that anyone but white people can commit crimes.
That is ridiculous.
That's what they're trying to do.
And I've seen this all my life.
I've been in on this for 76 years, okay?
So, you know, these people are sick.
And I don't know how we're going to get rid of them.
By these people, you mean the government selling this?
The people that are running this country.
They're the ones that are controlling this country.
They're sick.
I mean, they're really sick.
This Bush is nothing but a Satanist sicko.
They talk about cults!
Well, you have the movie.
I haven't got that film, Alex.
I've got about six of your films.
I've got to get a few more.
One of these days, one of my VCRs broke down from dubbing your stuff, okay?
I've been dubbing so much that one of my VCRs broke down.
Well, we need you to keep it up.
Thanks for the call, sir.
Look, my whole frustration, and I don't get into all the race stuff, I point out, I stand against the Klan, the Aryan Nations, but I also stand against Khalid Mohammed and the Black Panther Party, who says kill all white people.
I stand against Mecha that says kill the whites.
That's what I'm trying to say here.
Is that this multiculturalism is a cover to really fire up racism in the so-called minorities, that are really the majority now, to have this balkanized system.
So that's what I'm speaking out against.
That's what I'm exposing.
Let's go ahead now and talk to Spencer in Ohio.
Spencer, you're on the air.
Yes, sir, Alex.
You know, that white slavery law of 1910 is still in effect, I think.
You know, I called my public library and told them to get all your videos.
And I'd like you to tell me where I can still get a gun through mail order before Halloween, because I think that's going to fall on Black Friday.
I'm really confused now.
I mean, there's a lot of places you can buy guns, mail order, but they do the background registration.
Well, I can't afford to buy one.
They used to send them through the mail free.
Sir, you can buy an SKS, a nice SKS, for $100 with a great sight that you can shoot deer at 200 yards with.
Yeah, 150 yards decent, 200 would be a really good shot.
So I would check out Shotgun News.
You know, I've got a sponsor on InfoWars.com.
Left-hand side of the deal with this great mail order guns.
Just go click on that.
That's the place to go.
Thanks, Spencer.
Wesley in Tennessee.
Wesley, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thank you for making my call this afternoon.
I appreciate it.
You bet.
Last caller.
Go ahead.
I think you and I would both agree on the fact that the battle that we're seeing in the world right now is a battle intrinsically of good versus evil.
And I really believe that a lot of our frustration comes from the fact that we expect that we're going to get all these things accomplished without getting this nation on its knees and not praying because America's real good at praying but we're not very good at repenting anymore.
And I think until we do that... Well, these preachers teach people to... God's gonna make me rich!
Tell God what you want!
You're right!
Call him up and order that pizza!
Well, I mean, Christ prophesied that there'd be those kind of people in this time in history that would be around, and we have to be on our guard and on our alert to be wise to people like that that are the hucksters and the scammers.
But I really believe that until we get on our knees as a nation, And ask for God's divine intervention.
This thing is just beyond the ability of even the best people in the world, like yourself, to be able to handle on our own.
Well, you're right.
We are spiritually, morally bankrupt.
That's why that's happening.
We've left the Ten Commandments and brought in the ten planks of the Communist Manifesto.
I mean, folks, read the Communist Manifesto beside the Ten Commandments and ask yourself, what are we under in America?
The answer is clear.
Well, God bless you for your work, and I just want you to know that you're in my daily prayers, and I stand behind you 100%.
Well, thank you, Wesley.
We appreciate the support, and I stand with all you great men and women out there, whether you're Hispanic, black, white, old, a northerner, a southerner, a westerner.
Whether you're in Germany or China or in South Africa, if you're standing up against tyranny and fighting corruption and fighting this omnipresent, out-of-control government, and standing up for liberty and human decency, I'm with you.
All right, let me cover news the last 14 minutes here.
Again, this needs to be recapped.
I'll give them some other news.
Israel's subs have nukes aimed at Iran.
This has been announced in Israeli papers.
American-made Harpoon missiles, that's cruise missiles, armed with nuclear warheads, are now aimed by Israeli's fleet of Dolphin-class German submarines against Iran's nuclear facilities.
All six of them.
Following September's exclusive report in American Free Press about Israel's submarine nuclear attack capability, that's old news, folks, that's in Jane's weapons publication five years ago, over 100 Harpoon cruise missiles have been secretly airlifted to the remote island of Diego Garcia, a joint UK-US base in the Indian Ocean.
The three Israeli submarines that arrived at the base earlier this month were each loaded with 24 Harpoon missiles.
They then set sail for the Gulf of Oman, bringing Iran's nuclear facilities, all within range of submarine payloads.
So see, Israel is the set piece, the pawn.
It isn't America's the Israeli pawn.
Because I've looked at the money, the funding, the systems.
It's the big banks in Europe, with the royalty, controlling the U.S., dashing over, controlling Israel.
It's bad for the Jews, it's bad for the Palestinians, it's bad for you folks, because you're about to start World War III.
They then set sail for the Gulf of Oman, bringing Iran's nuclear facilities and a range of submarine payloads.
The decision to launch them is entirely in the hands of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.
Mrs. Sharon gave Washington only a short warning before he gave the order to attack an alleged terrorist camp deep inside Syria.
He has made it clear to Washington that the same rule of engagement will apply if it comes to launching harpoons.
Now understand, very clearly, I want you to understand something.
The PNAC document said they're going to go into Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, and now because of the polls and the numbers and the globals haven't provided another terror attack yet, they're going to have to use Israel to do it.
And then the national draft starts, total bedlam ensues, very serious.
And it goes on.
The decision to launch them is entirely in the hands of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon.
Mr. Sharon gave Washington only a short warning before he gave the order to attack an alleged terrorist camp deep inside Syria.
He has made it clear to Washington that the same rule of engagement will apply when it comes to launching the harpoons.
Sharon made his position clear in a telephone call to President Bush the day after the attack on Syria.
According to one Israeli source, Bush said that he just wanted to be kept informed.
Credible intelligence sources say the reality is that Sharon believes he could have the support of Bush if he did launch an attack.
Well of course!
Indication of the deepening concern that some members of the Bush administration now feel is National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, playing good cop just like Powell, allowed one of his senior aides to confirm AFP's September report to the Los Angeles Time and London Guardian newspaper, both through heavily on the original American Free Press story, the senior Pentagon and State Department sources of AFP's first story about Israel's Dolphin-class submarines, told AFP exclusively that in the words of one high-level Well, yeah, AFP, you do a good job, but come on, it's been all over the newspapers.
For years, they got these German subs, these attack subs with cruise missiles, and it's been there for, they've been saying three weeks ago they may start nuking people.
Rice is engaged in an annual internal power struggle with Rumsfeld.
That's total theater.
And has chosen to use what she sees as a failure of the Middle East to harness Sharon's behavior as her launch pad to have the Secretary of State ousted.
Rice's long-term strategy to become Secretary of State while Rumsfeld is no supporter of Powell.
He knows that having Rice in charge, the State Department will give her more power.
That is, this is just theater.
Come on.
Jordan Thomas, you're smart, but give me a break.
You believe that ruse when Powell says he's against the war and then is the one that delivers the message to the U.N.
saying he was wrong?
You really buy these dog and pony shows?
Come on.
Smoke and mirrors.
We'll come back.
Torture now routine for Putin's police.
Bunch of other key news in the final quadrant of this transmission on AM FM satellite shortwave internet.
We're also on some cable systems.
You know, they'll have a little cable system that has this little cable channel, little announcements.
We're on in quite a few places.
Why don't you ask your cable system to carry us?
We'll be right back, folks.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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Final segment I want to hit this Prince, it's Diana Step.
I'll hit more of this tomorrow night, but this is important.
First let me hit this, the London Guardian.
Torture now routine for Putin's police.
And I have an ABC News piece where they train the public school kids how to do this and how to torture people.
See, in our news this thing, torture is good now.
Torture now routine for Putin's police.
Corrupt force extracts confessions with elephant masks and beatings.
Now, our police do this a lot.
The suffocation, we get a lot of reports of this.
Once the policeman's gas mask was sealed tight around his face, Dennis 18 lasted about 90 seconds before passing out.
After a heavy beating by police fists and batons, Dennis had still not confessed to stealing a car radio from a garage near his home.
So two officers handcuffed his hands behind his back and clamped down the elephant mask, as it is called, to his bruised head.
They shut its valves and then waited.
I thought it was all over.
I thought I was going to die, said Dennis, a hardy car mechanic whose experience of police torture has left him unable to walk the streets without a gang of friends by his side.
Once the detainee was unconscious, the Russian police panicked and dumped him in a cell.
After he regained consciousness, he still had not signed a confession, so the police came up and released him.
His friend Arthur, who was arrested for the same alleged crime and beaten in the next room, was less resistant.
He had heard police can die in police cells and so signed a confession prepared for him by the police after two doses of the elephant mask.
And it goes into, say, a poll of 32,000 people from across Russia, published last week, show that a quarter consider their rights have been violated by the police or courts of the last year, and 30% said they have been physically or psychologically tortured into giving a confession.
And the sitcoms, the dramas, the movies, the TV, the culture's saying, torture's good, every night on the TV shows.
And the cop magazines talk about, maybe torture's good.
Yeah, Joseph Mingola did it, maybe he was nice.
Here's the BBC, this is up on PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com, And they got copies of her letters, weeks before she was killed, saying they're going to tamper with my brakes, they're going to run me off the road, they're going to kill me.
Diana Feared Car Accident Plot.
Princess Diana feared the brakes of her car were going to be tampered with ten months before she died, and then again weeks before she died.
In a crash in Paris, her former butler has claimed the princess allegedly wrote a letter to Paul Burrell, and it's her writing, in this phase of my life, is the most dangerous.
She reportedly named someone who was planning an accident in her car, brake failure, or serious head injury.
Yeah, that's the Burrell family.
The alleged letter, which Mr. Burrell kept secret until now, has been published in the Daily Mirror.
The name of the alleged person has been blocked out of the newspaper for legal reasons.
Diana and her lover, Dodi Al-Fayyad, a rich Arab, were killed early in the morning on the 31st of August, 1997, when a Mercedes driving with a chauffeur Uh, crashed into the Pointe du Malle tunnel in Paris.
Down underground they crashed.
They held the EMS back for an hour.
British Secret Service and French Secret Service were in there.
I've seen the video of it.
On the bodies.
And then they die.
And their alleged letter puts it down, reportedly believes the plot was in order to make the path clear for Charles to marry.
And then she got pregnant and that was really over.
It was reportedly written a couple of months after her divorce from Charles was finalized.
That goes on.
A French inquiry in 99 blamed Mr. Paul and concluded that he had taken a cocktail of drink and drugs and was driving too fast.
Nice little story.
Go read it.
There's a bunch of articles.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Go look at it for yourself.
We were saying this years ago and I remember being on the street.
I was out in California shooting America Destroyed by Design when it happened and everybody was on the street.
I mean just going, they killed her, they killed her, they killed her.
Everybody instinctively knows the truth about 9-11, about Princess Diana, about all this.
Look at this, Sydney Morning Herald, mentally ill bomb expert missing in Thailand.
Thailand keeps blowing stuff up and blaming it on their enemies.
Thai authorities confirmed today that a mentally ill Canadian explosives expert, it's always some mental patient in federal control, shows up somewhere, was missing in Thailand, but said they do not believe he poses a threat to the upcoming APEC summit.
And the Globalists are meeting right now in Atlanta, as well as in Miami, but the main meeting is in Atlanta, to expand the Free Trade Group of the Americas and take us into world government.
And expand Napton Gap.
That's been real good for your jobs, hasn't it?
We're all against what's happening.
We're all against the open borders.
We're all against the gun control.
More and more of us, the majority.
We can take America back, but you've got to get involved in the fight.
And that starts with telling 10 people by email, by letters, by phone calls, to tune into the Alex Jones Show, to tune into this network, to support our local affiliates, to get the videos.
Join me tonight, 9 to midnight central at 5.085 and 6890 on shortwave.
And back tomorrow, 11 to 2 at 12.172 and 9320 during the day.
I'm out of time!
Get out there and fight the New World Order.
Stand up for your family, God, and country.
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