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Name: 20031017_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 17, 2003
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You are listening to GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right my friends, it's already Friday, the 17th of October 2003.
We're going to have wide open phones today.
Alright my friends, it's already Friday, the 17th of October 2003.
We're going to have wide open phones today.
I want to take a ton of calls on any pertinent issue you'd like to discuss.
Any questions, comments you want to attack me, hit me with your best shot.
You want to agree with something I've had to say or elaborate on it.
You want to alert the public to propaganda that has been implanted in the dramas and sitcoms on television or in the movies.
Got a bunch of emails on that today.
You're welcome to call in to the show.
It's 1-800-259-9231.
1-800-259-9231 800-259-9231
I might even go to calls in the next segment.
I mean it.
I want to take a lot of calls.
I've been doing a better job of getting more of the calls, and we're going to do it today here on this global transmission.
Today, tonight, this morning, depending on what area of this world you're listening to us in.
And boy, the stack of stuff, as talk show hosts say, is large.
Syria on alert in case of Israel attack.
We'll get into that.
Another top microbiologist dead.
This out of the Advocate newspaper.
LSU West Nile researcher, 46, dies in pickup crash on I-12.
And of course, a lot of these guys have died where their cars are tumped over and then they drown in a puddle next to the car.
And he drowned in a puddle, so he's in a puddle of rainwater.
There have been lots of those deaths.
And that dovetails with the new developments.
Dark actors at scene of David Kelly's death.
The microbiologist, former head of Porton Down, the man who started blowing the whistle on lying about weapons of mass destruction.
We'll get into some interesting reports on that.
Also, U.S.
combat deaths past 100.
Since the end of the so-called war.
Smart screens, sample DNA, you'll all have to give it now.
Our national police are calling for it, they're calling for it in England as well.
The picture which shames the U.S.
Army, we'll tell you about that picture, it's on PrisonPlanet.com right now down at the bottom of the screen.
Bush, Baker, and global genocide.
Also, Marks and Spencer tag shirts with RFIDs, they're moving ahead with that.
Small tracker chips embedded in your clothes not to be removed.
Bill Gertz putting out propaganda for the neocons as usual.
Protecting George Bush when it comes to proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Big Brother car spy puts privacy at risk.
More on the satellite tracking systems they want to make you live under.
Child ID numbers to help fight abuse.
Now they admit all this national IDing of children is about reporting numbers to CPS so they can grab your children.
Officials in Hot Springs are issuing ID cards to children.
Feds want all seeing eye in the sky.
Germans lap up claim that U.S.
plotted September 11th.
Top government official now doesn't say the evidence looks like the globalists carried it out.
He now says the U.S.
government did it.
A lot more hardcore than when Michael Mecher and the British minister had the same EU vitamin and mineral supplement update.
Now they're banning those.
and a bizarre story, Jews appear on blacklists prepared by NRA of gun haters
and now the big Jewish organizations are saying the NRA may be anti-semitic
folks this is getting so ridiculous by the minute I don't even know what to say anymore but
pretty soon these uh these the these leftist Jewish groups are going to lose all credibility
You just cannot continue to call anyone who is right of Stalin anti-Semitic.
It is not going to work!
Because I'm not anti-Semitic.
Everybody I know isn't.
But if you criticize anything Israel does, they claim you're secretly worshipping Hitler.
And then the Jewish groups endorse a real Nazi like Schwarzenegger.
Look, it's all coming up.
Just a really big show.
And that's the tip of the iceberg on the news.
We will cover it all if you're doing a better job of that.
You're called straight ahead to 800-259-9231.
800-259-9231. And I'm going to do an expose of the NRA today.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, "Least 8 3 Total Enslavement."
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It was, well, good, but also very painful to discover that, well, not my suspicions, but my analysis was frankly, frankly a little not strong enough.
And what am I talking about?
Well, let me, let me fill you in.
A couple days ago, I had Angel Shamaya, the webmaster at Keepin' Bear Arms, on the show, and I visit the website daily.
We grab some of the key news stories off that, and we're kind of a reader's digest for folks that want to be up to speed on the New World Order, so we'll have a few key NRA stories or Second Amendment stories every day.
So I go to their website and I go to others.
I've never been to their keepinbeararms.com forward slash NRA section.
I mean, they got like, I don't know, 50, 60 stories and an even bigger archive of National Rifle Association treachery.
Now, I was aware of almost every news story there, every NRA action, every NRA crime against the Constitution, the Bill of Rights.
But to see it all there, chronicled, so well documented, I mean I spent hours last night when I got home at midnight from work on a new film I spent hours just reading every single article on there and I can speed read so there's no way we can read all this on air but I can give you a synopsis of it and I would encourage anybody who's on the internet I think I'm going to create a clone of their NRA section next week for InfoWars.com just because we need to duplicate this information
It's so important and I have it available to more people.
But on Monday, I got real upset because Keaton Bear Arms had the transcript from the federal court.
I went to the federal court, got the transcript.
To my horror, it was true.
I mean, we've had Angel on many times.
I know they're a great group.
I trusted them, but I had trouble believing it.
There was the NRA saying, we're for registering all the gun owners.
We believe people shouldn't be able to leave their homes with their guns.
We're for gun control.
I mean, they normally do things that cause that to happen, but they're not that overt.
This is a smoking gun.
I mean, I thought I was reading something from Sarah Brady.
In fact, Sarah Brady will not generally be that hardcore.
She has to sneak around a bit more.
A few times she's admitted that, yeah, we've got to ban all the guns to enslave the people.
She said that on the floor of the Senate back in the early 90s, and that's in my book, and that was in the National Educator.
This was just about as bad, and to see this really got me angry.
It made the listeners really angry.
Well, then I did some more research, and Angel pointed out on the show that, well, you need to go to our NRA section.
So I finally did that last night.
And there were so many stories of just the last two years that I remember, that I had ranted and raved about, and each story by itself proves the NRA are a bunch of anti-gun socialists masquerading as patriots, when really they're Benedict Arnolds.
Yes, really the greatest general of the war at the end, turned against General George Washington, Benedict Arnold, a Genius of military affairs, a patriot, a man who had been wounded, a man who had fought bravely, thought that we were going to lose, and so he jumped over to the other side.
So, I just use the Benedict Arnold example because there are traitors.
That happens in a war, okay?
And Angel talked on the show about how, yes, he'd had the same experience I've had.
In fact, he was having it that day.
You post what the NRA has said and done, you show their treachery, and then people email you and call you and say, you're a traitor, you're a liberal, you're working for the other side.
Because you're against gun registration and gun confiscation and reauthorization of the assault weapons ban and Our Lady of Peace Act.
Which, by the way, is all being supported by the National Rifle Association.
The Cato Institute accused the NRA of trying to destroy one of their cases, trying to derail it.
Folks, here in Texas, in several different legislative sessions, we experienced NRA getting in our way, trying to sabotage our operations.
I don't just go stand around in the halls of the State House for ten hours at a time, eight hours at a time, with a video camera.
And I don't just sit there and shake hands and talk to state reps and members of the legislature and state senators.
I don't just do that for fun.
I got a life.
I go down there because I'm the only one that seems to have the will to stop things around here.
I have to do everything.
Okay, I'm not going to blow up.
The point is, I have to deal with sniveling NRA trash!
Trash of the earth!
Filth of the earth!
Garbage of the earth!
And I declare war on the NRA as a bunch of gun-grabbing garbage today!
I'm going to make it a serious issue, one of my main focuses.
One of my main focus points.
Because I am not putting up with it anymore.
And I sat there for hour after hour after hour.
Over two and a half hours.
At 2.30 I finally had to go to bed.
Reading what they'd done.
And again, almost everything in there I already had covered on air, but piecemeal.
You know, every few weeks I'd cover this, I'd cover that, oh see they're treachery, and I would kind of glaze over it.
But when you look at it all in total, the documents, the facts, the quotes, the statements, it is unbelievable.
So what are we going to do about Benedict Arnold?
What are we going to do about this traitor?
You can sit there and go, well, I guess the Redcoats are really pretty nice, and you shouldn't be talking bad about them.
Well, you just need to get out of this country.
You need to leave.
We would have our Second Amendment back instead of sliding and losing ground every day if the people out there would grow up, do some research, and stand up for this country instead of sending in your check to the NRA.
All right, I don't want to get off on an hour-long rant about this.
Later in the show, I printed off about 20 of these treacherous stories concerning the NRA.
Then I noticed this morning when I was stapling them, I printed them last night and was going to staple them this morning, that they're supposed to be printer-friendly, but about half of them aren't.
I need to call Angel and tell him to put these up in printer-friendly versions.
I'm going to have some trouble reading these, but, you know, a word will be cut off at the end of each sentence.
I had to imagine what the word was.
But we're going to go over a lot of this.
It'll probably take me 30 minutes later in the show.
And we're going to have open phones today.
But again, to see it all together, and there was a few stories I wasn't aware of, a few treacherous activities I wasn't aware of.
To have it all together, I literally was getting sick to my stomach because I realized we're going to lose it all, folks, if we don't expose these traitors.
If we don't grow up and stand up.
Because we have these allegiances.
Imagine the troops under Benedict Arnold.
I mean, they believed in him.
There was dismay.
The Continental Army almost fell apart when they arrested Benedict Arnold.
But, uh, it's happened, folks.
And I'll say it right here.
The NRA is sworn to get your guns.
What do you have to say about that?
And the vast minority of you that email me, calling me a communist because I'm exposing the NRA, calling me a communist because I'm against Bush, who by the way is closer to a communist than I am by light years, I'd like to hear you call in.
I'll try to be nice to you.
Tell me what your major malfunction is.
Explain to me Why we should compromise.
Explain it to me.
I want to understand.
1-800-259-9231 and then coming up we'll get into Syria on alert in case of
Israeli attack Another top microbiologist in the U.S.
In the inquiry whitewash in England, it's come out that there were a bunch of men in black uniforms seen around Kelly's dead body right before he was found.
combat deaths passed 100 since the end of the so-called war.
Bunch of DNA sampling and tyranny.
As I said, a bunch on the NRA, a bunch of news on the economy and the dollar and the new colored money.
Just a bunch of key news today.
Right now, let's go to Jane in Arkansas.
Jane, you're on the air.
Good morning, Alex.
Nearly all the shortwave listeners have heard about and are very concerned about Terry there in Florida.
To me, what the judge has done is state-sanctioned murder.
Most of us have sent emails, and we've made phone calls, and we've gotten nowhere.
A lot of the programs have asked for additional suggestions as to what might be done to save this young woman's life.
Well, for those that don't know, on the other side of the moon, this woman is awake, looking around, crying when she sees her mother, smiling, and they pulled her tube out two days ago, and basically there'll be irreparable damage within another Fifteen hours or so and then she'll be dead by next week.
The only thing that I can think of at this point would be for people to contact the chief of police and the sheriff in the area because attempted murder is taking place.
And file charges against the doctors, against the judge.
Well an assault, a assault, torture is taking place.
You don't kill an axe murderer like this by depriving them of water.
It's cruel and unusual.
It's against the Bill of Rights.
But, they will do it to a woman.
A poor, dear woman who is conscious.
They're setting a precedent now that having your eyes open and mumbling is vegetative.
I think that if charges were filed with the local police authorities, it might be stopped.
And that's the only thing I can think of that might work short of going in and physically removing her from the hospital.
I agree.
And what town is she in again?
I've got the articles there.
Oh, I'm not close enough to remember.
I'll dig them out.
I can't remember.
I'll dig my articles out.
You know, the truth is they've killed hundreds of such people that we know of.
They're setting the precedent just to where next time we won't be as upset.
And it's going to be just like abortion.
You know, 20 years from now it'll be 50 million Americans have been killed while begging for food.
Anything else you'd like to add?
That's it.
Thanks a lot.
Thank you, and thanks for your concern.
That's a great idea.
There should be criminal charges filed.
You got any other ideas, folks?
at 9-9-2-3-1. You got any other ideas folks? We'll be right back.
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Welcome back folks.
A former top German minister, in office just a few years ago, has come forward and basically says the globalists carried 9-11 out.
They got a bunch of headlines out of Germany where more and more people, it's verging on the majority, are coming right out and saying the military-industrial complex orchestrated the entire attacks.
And more and more people that I talk to on the street understand this.
I'm talking about police, military, professional people.
Because once you look at the facts, only a wild-eyed conspiracy theorist can say that 19 hijackers, a bunch of whom have now been found to be alive, could magically hijack all four of these aircraft, and the NORAD could stand down for all these hours, and on and on and on goes the evidence.
So that's coming up, those stories, and Just a bunch of other news, and of course an expo today.
I'm going to go through some of the treacherous activities of the NRA that are just legion.
But right now, let's talk to Chris in Tennessee, then Tracy and Dan and Dave and others.
You're on the air, Chris.
All right, Alex.
Thanks, man.
Yeah, I joined the NRA a long time ago.
I think my membership expired soon before I knew what they were.
I've since joined Gun Owners of America and Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership But last week, it's kind of funny, the NRA called me and the guy starts to spill about the 2004 presidential election.
The rabid gun grabbers will be coming out of the woodwork.
And I go, you're talking about George Bush, aren't you?
And he just kind of slid and he goes, well, you know, well, the Democrats said, well, you know, George Bush said he'd sign the assault weapons ban.
He's kind of, you know, one of the big pushing for it.
And he was like, well, if we don't get our funds together, I said, oh, so you're you want me to donate to help defeat George Bush?
He's like, No, we're talking about the Democratic candidate.
Well, it got to the point, the guy, then he started talking to me, I said, listen, don't ever call, I've sent him several letters, but I said, don't ever call me again until your publication, I think it's called First Freedom or something, I get every month.
I said, when you run a front page, a big exercise on how George Bush is a gun grabber, Then I'll know you're really trying to do what you say you're doing, but you won't cover for him while he takes our guns away.
Then you have the audacity to call and ask me to give money to help re-elect him.
Well, yeah, and take, take, take, I mean, have you heard us read what the NRA lawyer said in a federal court case that, quote, we are here to register guns.
We don't believe it's an individual right.
We think you need to keep your guns in your house and not leave with them.
Yeah, they are only a roof, a shield, and people need to wake up because they support the NRA and think it's helping them and all it is.
It's, you know, they're just a compromised society.
And they're going to compromise us right out of existence.
Yeah, basically they're a teddy bear the establishment hands us when they drop us in a vat of acid.
Here, this will be your comforter.
Take this teddy bear.
Just focus on it.
We're going to drop you in a vat of acid.
I wish if a third or a tenth of the people that belong to NRA would wake up and join JPFO or something.
Then some things will start happening, I tell ya.
Absolutely, thanks for the call.
And I'll... I'm sorry, go ahead.
It's already gone, sorry.
That's my cue, thanks for the call.
I'll hang up on you, sorry.
I'm gonna let you finish up.
Look, and it's not just JPFO, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms, Aaron Zellman, great folks.
It's not just Keaton Bear Arms.
It's not just the gun owners of America.
You need to start your own liberty group.
I mean, right here in Austin, I have Texans for Freedom.
We've defeated the Patriot Act.
We've defeated gun bills.
We defeat the gun bills in this state.
We have the rallies.
We go out and bullhorn the gun grabbers.
The NRA is nowhere to be seen, and they don't just not help us, they attacked us in the Dallas Morning News and called us extreme.
Because we're for zero gun control.
I'm sick of it!
Let's talk to Tracy in Texas.
Tracy, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I just wanted to really thank you for everything that you're doing here.
I mean, it's just really wonderful.
And as far as the NRA goes, you know, my dad is, he's like a lifetime member of the NRA.
And I've talked and talked and talked to him until I'm just blue in the face.
And, you know, I think, well, he's in, he's, you know, we live in a small town, so his mind is pretty closed.
You know, I live in one of those towns here in Texas, unfortunately, that runs off the good old boy system.
You know, and as long as you do everything, you know, the way society in this town states that you're supposed to do it, everything's okay.
As soon as you step outside the realm, you know, then you're kind of an outcast.
You know, and we have the sheriff who has illegal aliens working for him.
We have our own chief of police who's one of the biggest drug dealers in this town.
You know, and as long as you follow along in their footsteps, you're fine.
But as soon as you try to go outside the realm and fight that, then you get in trouble.
We've got a bunch of neutered males in this country that think being a slave is cute.
Well, we gotta compromise a little bit.
Don't talk about my NRA that way.
Did you want to add more, Tracy, or are you done?
I think I'm done.
I just really want to say thanks, man.
Well, thank you.
We'll be right back with more news, more calls.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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And my friends, the New World Order isn't backing down either.
So it's like two locomotives on the same track colliding with each other and it's important that you get involved in the fight.
Now, Don and Dan and Harold and Ray, your calls are all coming up and just a plethora of other news.
Captain Joyce Riley, who has a big talk show right here on this network, you probably heard her on some of the national shows as well, Is giving us an update on Terry Schindler Schiavo, who's in Pinellas Park, Florida.
There's only about 30 people there at a prayer vigil outside.
She's conscious.
She's looking around.
She smiles when she sees her mother and father.
She's been given no treatment for 13 years.
I'm saying 10 years.
We've had her family and lawyers and others involved on two days ago.
They pulled her feeding tube.
Irreparable damage will now start ensuing here in the next 10 hours according to experts.
Captain Joyce Riley is a nurse and Has actually been by the bedside of people who were dying of cancer, whose stomachs have basically been removed, who couldn't eat.
Takes weeks of tortured pain to die.
Dehydration, it's nightmarish what happens.
I've read the descriptions, the medical descriptions of the skin cracking and bleeding, the tongue swelling up and turning black and cracking, the water leaving to the core organs, the eyes drying out and dehydrating.
It is One of the most horrible forms of torture around.
I mean, imagine being in a rock slide and being covered with rocks and living for two weeks and dying.
That's basically what it's like.
It's horrible, the family doesn't want her to die, but the state and her husband have pulled the feeding tube, and Captain Joyce Riley's been working on this, and we're also going to have an attorney on with us covering this for the next 10 or 15 minutes.
She's there in Pinellas Park being killed right now, and Joyce has got some of the latest developments.
Joyce, thanks for coming on.
Thank you, Alex.
I do appreciate it.
This is very difficult to talk about, and it's very difficult for a lot of people to think about.
But Alex, it has to be talked about and it has to be addressed right now, as you know.
This situation that's taking place, and I do have Linda Kennedy conferenced in here, and she's going to give us some of the information.
We just got off the line with the Attorney's Office a few minutes ago, and there are a couple of developments from the legal side that I'm going to let Linda address in a minute.
But I'm very concerned right now that there's only 30 people down there with a prayer vigil.
And I want to say and implore you, if you are within striking distance of Florida, be there at that Pinellas Park Hospice.
Be there.
It's got to be an outpouring of people that Jeb Bush sees and knows is there.
It's got to be an outpouring of people that say, not no, but heck no, you're not going to kill this woman.
Take your signs, get down there and go.
Now, as you said, probably within 15 hours, the damage will not be reversed.
What happens is, the kidneys are damaged so much from lack of fluid, that they begin to shut down, then all the other organs shut down.
Now, we were getting ready to leave from here to head down to Florida, and it's just that we don't think at this point that we're going to be able to get there in time.
So we're begging you to please be there.
Please go and be there for Terry Schiavo and for everybody in this country.
Now, I did take care of a patient who starved to death and it was unfortunately a medical situation where there was nothing that could be done for her.
But I took care of a patient every single day for two weeks.
And let me tell you, it's extremely difficult for me to talk about because I know what she's going through.
But let me just say that you have no idea the torture this woman is going to be put through.
And why in this country we would ever allow this to happen, I do not know.
But I am begging you, because if you knew what it would be like to have to watch this woman go into a state of delirium, and then a state of unconsciousness, and then her body begin to twitch.
I mean, when she wants to live.
Also, Linda told me that there was a new video that had been done.
And I'll let her tell you about this video of her when they told her that they were going to take the feeding tube out, what happened.
But I implore every one of you... And that video's at terrysfight.org.
No, you know what happened?
The court has sealed this video we're going to talk about right now.
This is a new video, Alex.
It's not even on the website.
The court sealed it.
And I'm going to let Linda tell you about that.
How did the court seal?
Oh, so when she found... Okay, Linda Kennedy, lawyer, bring her on.
Go ahead, Linda.
Hey, Alex, and greetings to your audience.
Yes, this video was a video that I believe it was the father that actually took the video when they told Terry that she was going to have her feeding tube removed, and she tried to get out of her wheelchair.
And she was trying to, you know, go for help.
This is not anybody who's plugged into anything.
Not that that should matter.
She's not with her eyes half open.
I mean, this is a woman as alert as you and I, who is now being starved.
What was the description by the father?
She obviously began to struggle?
Yes, she did.
And the statement I got was she was trying to get out of her wheelchair.
like an animal caught in a bear trap absolutely and uh... evidently the judge this judge grier
is no stranger to me alex and unfortunately the story is too long to go into now
but this judge has has been in the news before for very questionable and
illegal tactics and i will take all the responsibility for saying that nobody
else knows i'm saying that it's my fault if anybody wants to sue anybody
but he is known for that and uh... what he did is he sealed this tape and he told uh...
bob schindler that if he released the tape
he would no longer be allowed to see terry unless the the husband allowed it
And so Bob unsealed it.
Well, I think at this point they've got to go ahead and put the video out because he's going to be dead soon.
He did.
He did the day before the feeding tube was taken out and this was the video I'm talking about.
As you know, I'm sure, and as your educated listeners know, you can't seal a document or a tape or what have you unless you go through numerous steps.
To show that it's in the public's best interest and it's for national security and that's why you've sealed it.
What exactly, what national security are we protecting by sealing the fact that she doesn't want to die and she's totally conscious?
Now talking to Mr. Schendler, her father and mother, what exactly is on this videotape?
Well, I've got it from them in an email.
So I haven't specifically gotten it from their mouth.
I got it from their email.
And it was basically when she was told that she would have this happen to her, she struggled and tried to get out of her wheelchair.
And Alex, you may have this.
I'm a regular listener, but every now and then... Well, we've had the Schindlers on the show, and obviously right now they're just desperately fighting, meeting with the governor, everybody else trying to save their daughter's life.
And we've only got 15 more hours or so, according to the medical experts, until she's going to be Devastated, and she's been given no physical therapy, no antibiotics for infections for 13 years.
13 years of torture.
And again, you can't do this to an axe murderer.
You can't do this to a child molester.
But a good, decent young woman who's been in a living hell for 13 years is now being killed.
That's right, and apparently her lawyers met with the sheriff, that's Sheriff Rice, and I have his phone number, and also State Attorney Bernie McCabe this morning, and they tried to get an indictment against the husband for all of this past Uh, these shenanigans he's been pulling.
By the way, it's on the record of the Associated Press.
They have doctors, they have nurses, saying this woman could be walking if she'd have been given treatment.
She used to talk, used to eat food in her mouth, and then he demanded no, oh that's treatment.
And he said that, you know, when is the bleeper going to die?
He wants to get remarried.
That's been in the mainstream news.
It came out that it wasn't a heart attack, that she had bones broken.
Classic trauma.
This is incredible.
And Alex, actually, even since or right around Labor Day of this year, Some of the indictment is even going to events as recent as that.
Okay, now what's the name of the sheriff and the law enforcement that wants to go after him?
How do we support them?
Okay, now they're not going after him.
That's what we have to do is we have to get this sheriff who is also... But you were saying that they were attempting to, but didn't.
No, actually the attorney for her met with them this morning and they did not act upon it.
That's horrible.
So, I think what we need to do, though, is put that pressure on them.
That's Sheriff Rice, R-I-C-E, and that's 727-582-6200.
And they need to know that the public is watching.
Obviously, the vote doesn't matter anymore, but there's still more of us than them folks.
Now, they're in Pinellas Park.
What's the name of the county?
Do we know the name of the county Pinellas Park's in?
Ah, Joyce, do you know?
No, I don't.
We'll dig that out.
And then also, the state attorney is Bernie, B-E-R-N-I-E, McCabe, M-C-C-A-B-E.
And his number is 727.
Now, if a governor can pardon a murderer, the governor can put a stay on this, but he says he'll let the, quote, courts handle it.
That is horrible.
Well, you know, it's interesting that even the attorneys are still waiting for this, quote-unquote, silver bullet of the law.
There is no silver bullet of the law.
This is just plain wrong, and these people can stop it any time they want.
The law does not apply to the government.
It only applies to us in the way that they want to apply it.
So don't anybody think that Jeb did everything he could, etc, etc.
He can stop this anytime he wants.
Well, look, they're setting a precedent.
Mr. Wendlandt out in California, many others.
We've had Wesley Smith on, Wall Street Journal writer.
He can list hundreds of names of people who were controlling their own wheelchairs, bowling, you know, able to drop a ball and bowl, talking, begging, please give me food.
Every time we do this type of show, talk about this, nurses call in and say, yeah, they kill people at my nursing home.
They kill them here, they kill them there.
This isn't, quote, right to die, folks.
This is the government, because we're an aging population, setting the precedent to kill us.
And this is going to come back on us.
Joyce, do you agree with that?
Oh, absolutely.
And, you know, think about Stephen Hawking.
You know, the very most intelligent physicist who's in a wheelchair, can't speak, can't move, can't do anything.
This woman has more motor control than he does.
That's right, that's right.
Let me give the address of the hospice.
It is Woodside Hospice, located at 6774 102nd Avenue North near 66th Street North and 102nd Avenue North in Pinellas Park, Florida.
Joyce, please go over that slowly.
Folks, grab a pen and paper, pull over, get a pen and paper.
If you're in this area of Florida, shame on you if you don't go to her aid.
If you're in Florida, try to get up there.
If you're in Georgia, Alabama, get down there now, folks.
We've got to stand against this wickedness or we're going to You reap what you sow.
That's right.
It is Woodside Hospice.
It is located at 6774 6774 102nd Avenue North.
6774 102nd Avenue North and that is near 66th Street North and 102nd Avenue North.
6774 102nd Avenue North and that is near 66th Street North and 102nd Avenue North.
That's near 66th Street North and 102nd Avenue North in Pinellas and that's spelled P-I-N-E-L-L-A-S, Park, Florida.
And all I can say is, go there now.
If you can be there within 10 hours, or 15 hours, be there.
Unfortunately, we're 24 hours away right now.
Exactly, and folks, she's in there, strapped down in the bed, conscious, in great pain, no water, parched throat, And she's dying.
She's being tortured to death right now.
You think about that hospital room.
You think about that hospice room.
You think about this 13-year fight.
You think about what's happening right now.
And you understand this could be you, your son, your daughter, your grandmother, your grandfather.
This could be your wife, your husband.
America is turning into the pit of hell.
And I have an article here about Adolf Hitler Yes, Alex.
May I interject just a couple more things?
child. The parents came to him and said, "Kill our child, euthanize,"
and Hitler had been getting stuff from Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood
and the eugenics people, and that's when it all started in the mid-30s. And look what it led to.
Yes, Alex, may I interject just a couple more things?
This is unconfirmed, but I have it from the inside that the mother-in-law is the one sitting
in there in a sealed room to watch her die. The mother-in-law.
And secondly, as far as this entire situation, there's the whole issue of the money
from Oregon, there's an issue of euthanasia and making it legal, etc. But there's another
issue that I talk about a lot is if you have a trust or if you have a fund.
That the courts will actually suck you into the court, appoint their friends over it, and suck it dry.
And that's exactly what's happened here, including the independent expert for the husband, who claimed that he had no relationship with the judge or the defense attorney.
I told Bob Schindler, you've got to dig up the dirt.
You know there's money going, you know, back and forth.
You've got to dig it up.
And he found it.
And they had this long-standing relationship that they lied under oath about.
That's what's going on here.
They sucked her dry.
They're gonna, you know, do whatever other agendas they have to do.
And that's what we're watching right here.
Just incredible.
I just beg everybody that can be there.
Flood that state with people.
Also flood the Sheriff's Department with respectful phone calls of how we want to see charges filed because this could happen to anyone if this can happen in the state of Florida.
And it's been on CNN so many times.
The world is watching this woman die legally.
I'm sorry, Alex.
No, no, absolutely.
Go ahead.
Last thing, I just want to tell people that no matter what happens with this, I mean, we're fighting a beast.
We are fighting a beast.
And even, heaven forbid, if we don't win this one, we have to show them that we're not going to stand by.
We've got to fight it.
They can't set the precedent here.
That's right.
And if we don't win this one, we could win it on the next one.
We can stop it.
But we can't stop it by sitting there going, oh, isn't that too bad?
I mean, we have to pray, yes.
Well, duty is ours.
Consequences are left to God.
And, you know, if I saw five gang members beating an old woman to death, and I wouldn't think about launching into attacking them and fighting back, even if there wasn't a chance for me to win.
I mean, it's just simple, folks.
That's right.
Well, thank you Alex, and we'll continue to update you and the rest of Genesis.
Well, I mean, if there's new developments, I mean, she's going to be basically irreparable damage the next 15-20
I mean, they pulled it on, what, Wednesday at noon? It's now Friday. They say 50-60 hours.
Joyce, you've worked around this. What would you say about Terry?
Well, no, I would say that probably you're right.
In the next 15 hours, it probably will be irreparable.
There may be some chance, but I don't know.
And I think that it's time to act.
The time to act is right now.
Well, she's been denied a lot of care in the past.
That may have actually made her more hardy in a way against this.
There's no telling.
This woman's had quite a fight.
Imagine being surrounded by this for 13 years with the family fighting.
And it shows.
Don't just sign papers.
The family was all crying.
She'd been in the hospital for a day.
The husband came and said, oh, the lawyers say it'll be easier if you just sign over rights.
That'll kind of focus things, get it down to one person.
And they said, OK, crying and signed.
And don't sign anything, people.
Linda Kennedy comments to that as a lawyer.
Yeah, I would agree.
Everything has, well I shouldn't say everything, but most often there's fine print, even if it's not written on the paper.
There's legal terms.
It's tied to U.S.
Code, tied to other precedents.
Right, and normal language doesn't mean normal language in legal terms.
It may, you know, when you say you have a right to know, know means something to everybody except lawyers, and it means something totally different.
So don't sign anything, even though common sense tells you it's okay.
Absolutely, and keep your mouth shut.
Thank you very much, Alex.
I really appreciate this.
All right.
Thank you, Joyce.
Thank you to the listeners, too.
You bet.
Thank you, Joyce Riley, and thank you to Linda Kennedy.
Take care.
It's devastating, and I'm glad that Joyce came on the show with that update.
And it hurts my heart, because when I see an innocent, weak person pinned with coyotes and wolves and hyenas ripping their innards out and laughing all the way to the bank, it makes me sick, because I know that I'm on the list and you're on the list and we're all, whether you serve it or fight this system, we're all in this nightmare, demonic, filth-ridden, corrupt, decadent society where people don't care about each other.
Alright, we're going to come back and we will go to Don and Dan and Harold and Ray and others and get to all the other news.
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Alright, right back to your calls here in just a few minutes.
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Let's talk to Don in Missouri, then Dan, Howard, Ray, H.W., and others.
Don, you're on the air.
Yeah, hi Alex.
I think the people that do more than just buy your videos, they should send out donations so you can get more staff and do more, I think.
A lot of people do that, I don't do that, but yes, I'm somebody that it all goes to fight in the New World Order, and everybody knows that, and we do need your support.
Hey listen, I wanted to touch upon this NRA matter again.
I had complained to them about what Hallbrook had done, and they sent an email back to me yesterday saying that there was a certain context to this whole thing.
I thought I'd run it past you.
Okay, for those that don't know, their lawyer, Holbrook, in a federal case said, we're not arguing for uncontrolled access, we want guns registered, that's a quote, and we don't want you to be able to leave the home without them.
And so the court said, oh good, you agree, quote, with reasonable restrictions, that's handgun control incorporated argument, what did the NRA tell you?
Uh, they said that back in 1976, um, the city of Washington D.C., their town council had, um, We passed a resolution banning all gun ownership, and so because the crime had shot up so much that there is sympathy now for some ownership by means of registration.
Yeah, but it's a federal case.
It'll have national repercussions.
It's a federal court.
They know that.
We've had the experts on, and they argue this in other parts of the country.
So, and they, I mean, they're trying to derail the Cato Institute lawsuit that's national.
Yeah, I figured it was something like that.
They try to make it sound like it's a very local... Well, yeah, they're co-opting gun owners and convincing you that restrictions is good.
It's like Project Exile and all this.
Federal Task Force is going after gun owners.
Oh, it's so good.
It's pretty subtle stuff.
The way they work, you know.
It is.
Anything else you'd like to add?
Oh, uh, I was just thinking about, you know, um, the cultural war that we're fighting.
I think what we're really fighting is tyranny.
That's it.
Stay there.
I'll let Don, I'll let you finish up in the next hour.
We'll be back in 70 seconds with the second hour and get to all your calls and a bunch of news.
I'm Alex Jones.
Please stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Already into the second hour of this global transmission against tyranny.
In the last hour I talked about some of the treachery of the NRA.
I mentioned some of the key news we're going to be getting to.
Now it's big news in Germany that the military-industrial complex carried out September 11th.
They can't hide the truth forever in this country as well.
We had Captain Joyce Riley and Linda Kennedy on to talk about the Terry Schiavo-Schindler case.
Within 15 hours, there'll be irreparable damage.
They pulled her feeding tube two days ago at noon on Wednesday.
It is now Friday, and there's now a new video out that the judge, they're saying, has blocked of when they told her, we're going to pull your feeding tube.
She tried to physically get out of the wheelchair, struggling, very upset, and she's in tortured pain right now.
This is just heart-rending.
I've heard some people say, ah, don't focus on this too much.
We know this stuff's going on.
Yeah, you can't just become acclimated to it just because it's going on in every county and every city.
And this woman just so happens to have a family that's fighting for her.
You know, we've got to speak out.
We've got to talk about this and abortion and the rest of it.
We cannot become conditioned that all this is okay.
And then it just becomes normalized.
Coming up, Syrian alert in case of Israeli attack.
And more microbiologists dying, more information on Dr. David Kelly and his obvious murder over in England.
It's all coming up.
Don in Missouri, I'll let you finish up and we'll go to Dan in Rhode Island and Harold, Wisconsin, Ray, Colorado, H.W., Colorado, and others.
Don, you wanted to talk about the culture war.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I always think about it as it relates to church people especially, that the church is often by the cultural war, but it's on a lower level.
And what they don't understand is that it's actually a fight against tyranny, but these people have so much money and a tremendous skill at deception, and so even though we have a lot of sympathy in the larger society for a lot of the cultural issues, we never get anywhere because they just use that money and that deception to keep on shoving it down our throats.
Well, and because our leaders, like Pat Robertson and the NRA and others, are there to just pacify us.
And they won't go where you go.
You go to the juggler, to the heart of the matter.
Until the church is willing to do that, they're never going to really... We're going to end up like the church in the 1930s in Germany that was hated by the people.
Well, the church is going in the opposite direction of what they did in 1776 with the faith-based initiative, and that money's already flowing, by the way.
They're federalizing the churches.
I mean, suddenly now Baptist churches in Austin have UN Day, October 24th.
They have anti-gun buyback deals.
I mean, even bedrock conservative groups now are just totally dropping the ball, because I have friends go to big Baptist churches.
They've given me letters from the preacher.
Don't discuss politics anywhere in the church.
Don't talk to your friends at lunch after church.
Well, that's not what the First Amendment says.
The government's not supposed to be involved in what the churches are doing, period.
Not the government tells the churches what to do.
Now they're telling the parishioners, the members, the sheep, what to do, what to say.
I mean, it's sick!
Well, it's that whole idolatry of Romans 13.
Um, and Paul was being very cagey back in those days.
They were a small group.
He didn't want to politicize them.
Well now, what he said, look, that's all taken out of context.
And the whole Bible.
What did Christ do to the money changers?
The whole Bible is prophets and people standing up.
I mean, why did almost all the disciples were killed, crucified, boiled, had their heads cut off?
Was that because they were saying, worship Rome?
No, they were out speaking out against it!
And that's what the Bible says, not what these New World Order whores lie and tell the people.
They are servants of the devil!
Until the church gets over that, they're never going to make any headway Yeah, these lying neocons saying they're Christian, that the Patriot Act's Christian, and, oh, it's a war against the Muslims, the evil Muslims.
That's a bunch of garbage.
The New World Order controls the radical Muslims.
Well, you're going to the heart of the matter, Alex, and you're exactly doing what God wants you to do.
And you've inspired me, and I'm moving in this direction, too.
And everybody ought to really think in these terms, because it's the only way to make anything work.
And there's a hunger out there for real churches.
We're sick of it.
I'm sick of it!
We'll be right back with more calls, more news.
Please, stay with us.
Stay the course at fullwars.com.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, we're already eight minutes and thirty seconds
into the second hour.
We're about to go straight back to your calls for all of those out there that are holding.
And we've been talking about the case of Terri Schiavo, her real name's Schindler, that's her family's name.
And she'll be irreparably damaged in the next 15 to 20 hours.
She's had her water and food taken away now for two days.
And she's fully conscious, folks.
She's not a vegetable.
And the videos out of her, over the years, there's doctors and medical workers on record that she could have been rehabilitated.
But the government and the media and everybody else just loves what they're doing, setting this precedent, having evil right out in the open.
Now, she is, she is there in Florida and needs your help.
And we've got a caller, and I don't like doing this, callers calling in who I don't know saying they have a phone number to something and then giving it out wrong.
But we've given out the phone numbers to the sheriff.
We've given out the phone numbers to the state attorney.
We've given out numbers a few days ago to the governor.
We've given out the addresses.
But Allison, have you tried the phone number that you have?
Allison, you're on the air from California.
Yeah, from California.
I called around midnight last night.
I found it on the internet.
It said it was Suncoast Hospice, but it was in Pinellas.
So I called it and I said, is this Woodside Hospice?
And they said yes.
So if anybody wants to call, I'd like to give out the number.
It worked just a few hours ago, earlier this morning.
I called up the lady and I said, do you realize, you know, what has happened here?
If you participate and cooperate in this evil murder, I said, it's you and me next.
I said, do you understand what happened in Nazi Germany, where six million people went to their deaths in concentration camps because nobody stood up?
And so, he thanked me for my thoughts, but... So this is in Pinellas Park, and it is... It's Woodside Hospice.
Woodside Hospice, and you've tried this phone number?
Yes, I called it twice, at midnight, which would have been three in the morning, Florida time, just last night.
Okay, what's the phone number?
Area code 727...
5 4 1 4 1 9 9 So that's 727-541-4199 and we've given out a bunch of other
numbers that Captain Joyce Riley and Linda Kennedy gave us on air last hour.
And some people say, "Well, they've done this hundreds of times that we know of."
What's the big deal?
You know, she's conscious, she's not a vegetable, they're killing her.
That's the point.
We can't just sit here idly by and let this happen.
We can't do it.
Anybody who's in Florida, who is within striking distance, as Joyce said, of that hospice, needs to get out there.
Terry's own bishop has not been out there.
That's another one that we've been calling.
We can call from all over the country, even if we can't physically be there.
We can call, and we can be with them in prayer.
Well, please be polite when you call, because being mean doesn't help.
But let them know that what they're doing is wrong, and try to speak to their conscience.
Because some people do still have a conscience, though this media, this culture is designed to remove that.
Thanks for the call, Allison, and that's important information.
Thank you.
Yeah, we'll continue to follow it here and I'll be on the air tomorrow too with a Saturday show and we'll follow it there as well.
Let's go ahead now and talk to Dan in Rhode Island.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Oh, Dan just hung up.
Okay, well we'll go to... Who's up next then?
Harold in Wisconsin.
Harold, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I'd like to start out with a quotation so I can make sure I can get it in.
We're supposed to live so as not to fear death.
Okay, I don't know what that means.
So it's... Well, that's a good quotation.
Think about it.
Live so as not to fear death.
Because there's something better beyond here.
So you're saying it's... What's your point?
Well, I just wanted to get that in.
Something for people to think about.
Because you're talking about people who are fearing death, you know?
But if we live the right life, we won't fear death.
Because we know after death, death is our birthday.
In heaven, hopefully.
But otherwise, what I was going to say is that you're right on it.
I mean, this New World Order is taking over.
I've been watching it for 20, 30 years.
And it's gradually coming to a head.
You've got these judges and congressmen and senators all under control, and it's globalism, and it's going to be a one world government, one world church, one world economic system, all these things.
Well, it's already here.
They're just now announcing it to us because it's so far along.
Thanks for the call, sir.
I appreciate that.
Take care.
Ray in Colorado.
Ray, you're on the air.
Alex, you there?
Oh yeah, sure am.
I gotta just say, I'm coming from a totally different camp, but everything you say, I'm pretty familiar with too.
And I was wondering what your thoughts are on the anarchist movement.
Do you know anything about that?
Yes, and there's a lot of well-meaning teenagers and college students involved in it being promoted by the Hollywood groups.
You see a lot of it in the malls being sold.
It's kind of been co-opted by the establishment.
When you go to an anarchist meeting or an anarchist rally, there'll be lots of red flags, red stars, Che Guevara shirts.
It's really, they're not for no government.
They're for the overthrow of the existing system, which the establishment is actually for.
They're busy overthrowing our republic.
And generally, those running the anarchist movement are CIA officers or handlers or assets controlled by the Central Intelligence Agency.
And they really are kind of a neo-communist movement and don't even know it.
Well, the CIA thing I'll agree to.
I am an anarchist, but they are trying their best to handle us along with the FBI.
I mean, they do that to all sorts of movements.
Well, of course they do, but let me tell you my experience with the anarchists, okay?
I mean, a lot of them are just nice college students who are against corrupt government, OK?
But then when you really get around them, well, they actually are for some gun control.
Well, actually, they're not against government.
They're just against this system.
And then I've had other ones walk up at a rally, try to provocateur fights.
Then when you tell them back off, the police run over and protect them.
And the anarchist walks over and says, we're going to kill you soon.
We work for the feds.
I'm telling you that out in Seattle, they had 50 hired thugs trained by the federal government, housed in a government building, protected by the police, and dealt a force.
This is mainstream news.
I have newscasts, news articles, police admitting it, amateur video, all in the takeover.
That's the first 30 minutes of the two-hour, five-minute film.
And they admit they work for the government.
They were there to make the peaceful demonstrators look bad.
They're agent provocateurs.
You're right.
And we've been dealing with those people for the hundred, over a hundred plus years of our traditions.
But the thing about gun control is I'm absolutely for no gun control.
None at all.
And the thing about the whole communist thing, we, the left is dead.
And the anarchist movement is having this Crisis right now.
We're trying to digest all these leftists who are coming into the movement.
And this is as big of an issue to us as it is to you.
We have a lot of ideas that overlap with communism.
We also have a lot of ideas that overlap with all sorts of other movements.
You can't reduce it all down.
Oh, really?
If you're an anarchist?
No, really, an anarchist is a big empty brain for any movement to come in and control it, buddy.
I mean, you don't have anarchy in groups of bigger than five people.
It doesn't exist.
What you have is liberty on one end of the spectrum, and tyranny on the other end, and a constitutional republic is 90% on the spectrum towards what you would call anarchy.
Again, you have a republic, a rule of law protecting the minority as well as the majority.
You restrict the size of government down to its bare minimum, but you've got to have government in a complex society.
Anarchy is being funded now just to break down the existing systems to bring in a larger global system.
Well, I don't doubt there's opportunists out there trying to take advantage of every new situation that's created by our movement and by your Patriot movement.
But I don't think we should be fighting sideways.
I think we should be fighting and concentrating more looking up.
Or looking towards centralization.
Again, all I've seen is a bunch of misguided or government agents.
You asked me what I thought of anarchists, I told you.
And that's from years of experience.
I know.
And I realize we're brother enemies.
At least that's how I view it.
Our ideas just are not compatible at all.
Okay, what type of government would you have?
Absolutely none.
No rulers.
But see, in a system like that, a thug will get together with a hundred guys with machine guns and set up toll roads.
You'll have government within one week of no government.
Do you understand that?
You ever seen the Road Warrior with Mel Gibson?
Are you there, Ray?
Ray hung up.
I wanted to ask Ray.
I'm not trying to be mean to you, Ray, and I'm glad you called, and I wish you'd have stayed on.
I just get irritated.
I'm an honest guy.
I don't put on an act.
Have you ever seen The Road Warrior?
That's anarchy, buddy.
There is no such thing as anarchy.
It doesn't exist.
It doesn't exist.
A constitutional republic is the most workable system for liberty and freedom, with state governments and local governments highly restricted, an educated population on history and their liberties and freedoms heavily armed.
That is the people ruling their own lives.
That's how God wants it to be.
It's biblical.
So, please call back in some other time, because I want to have a further discussion with you.
Well, we'll go to break here, come back and talk to H.W.
and others.
If you want to join us on air, we're taking a lot of calls today.
And if you disagree with me, just try to articulate it, please.
Because I need to have it articulated to me.
And I just love our websites.
PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com as well as JonesReport.com.
Just a bunch of other news.
I'll take some more calls.
I'm going to get into some NRA treachery.
Much of other key news, just what's going on in Germany with the wake-up to 9-11, as well as in Europe and the U.S.
It's all coming up, so stay with us.
Hello, Ted Anderson.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN radio network.
Alright folks.
Let's go right back to the calls.
Open line Friday here.
HW in Colorado.
Welcome, sir.
Hi, Alex.
I sure would like to thank you for what I heard in the last two years on your programs here on 1060 AM, Johnstown, or Longmont, Colorado.
That you have shown just a great respect for life and for the individual and that's what really all matters because we all got our own head to carry and our legs to walk.
Now let me explain this with government.
If a society becomes an addict, like an oil junkie as a whole, and decides to have wheels on the butt instead of just legs, as were God-given, the lucky ones that still can walk, then you do have to have red lights, or lights.
So that is about the extent of the law we need.
You can transfer a law and not now let this lead to us.
Well I think you're talking about what the anarchist guy was saying.
Anarchy might have worked in caveman days.
It doesn't work in a society this complex.
Government will assert itself and out of anarchy always comes tyranny.
So we need to get back to a republic that blocks tyranny and anarchy.
That's basically right.
But the problem is, in the end, that all of us have become addicts, as you might say.
We're addicted to the system, we're addicted to the handouts.
Almost every business makes money off the government.
So a lot of people turn blind eyes to the part of the government they like.
Well, I would call it individualism.
That's what I would feature.
That word, anarchism, just hasn't been given a bad connotation.
But functionally, we'd have a lot better time if we'd all just walk and bum into each other in the intersection and say hi.
Well, I think what you're saying is that this modern system is like a giant beehive, a Luciferian beehive, where we're all compartmentalized, we're told how to think by the television set, the population goes out and regurgitates those new social mores, and we're a very controlled, shut-in system, and neighbors don't even want to talk to you, because they're so selfish, they think it's a bother.
And that's the death of culture.
Now me having grown up behind the Iron Curtain 17 years, I really started listening to these programs like from John Melpapore and David Icke and then here for RIE.com and now last night I heard Blood, Money and Power.
By McClellan.
Gives you the story of the Kennedy assassination.
You've got to get this guy on.
Well, we know what happened with Kennedy.
I mean, that's been, we do cover that from time to time.
It's very important.
But sir, thank you for the call.
I really appreciate it.
All right.
I'm going to take more calls when we get back, but I'm going to cover some news first.
So if you want to get lined up on air, we'd love to hear from you at 800-259-9231.
But I do want to get into Syria on alert in case of Israeli attack.
Another top microbiologist dead here in the U.S.
LSU West Nile Researcher 46 dies in pickup crash on I-12 and he fell out of the car and drowned in a mud puddle.
That's a very classic way.
More on Dr. David Kelly came out with little fanfare in the whitewash inquiry.
Turns out men in dark uniforms were surrounding him hours before he was found by the police.
Also, U.S.
combat deaths past 100 since the end of the so-called war, smart screen sample IDs, DNA of everybody.
I want to get into the Germans waking up to 9-11 in a big way, and also an article that parallels Terry Schiavo Schindler, the sickly child that launched Hitler on a path of killing.
Let's do that now.
German historians have identified the family whose request to Adolf Hitler that their blind and deformed son be put to sleep was the catalyst for the Nazi euthanasia program.
And that actually came out in a film called Architect of Doom.
They have all the documents.
And in the early 30s, they started killing deformed children, which is what Dr. Peter Singer, the big bioethics guy, calls for in the U.S.
The five-month-old boy who was given a lethal drug after Hitler sent his own doctor to examine him has been named as Gerhard Kretschmar, the son of a farmhand.
The case was to provide the rationale for the secret Nazi decree that led to the mercy killings of almost 300,000 mentally and physically handicapped people.
And this all came out of Margaret Sanger in this country who gave awards to Hitler and got awards from the piece of film.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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and fifty nine dollars by calling new millennium at eight eight eight eight oh
three forty four thirty eight that's toll free triple eight eight oh three
forty four thirty eight from his central texas command center
enemy lines the information war continues
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, my friends, we've got loaded phones.
A lot of great folks want to talk to us.
Your calls are coming up after I cover some of this news, and then I need to take calls and get back into Some of the extensive research papers that I've read about NRA treachery undermining the Second Amendment.
That is coming up.
I'm going to spend some time on that.
Before we go to John and John and Ruth and John and Joe and John and others that are patiently holding I want to bring up for the next four or five minutes, Debbie Morrow, who is a lady who you talk to, generally, when you call New Millennium Concepts.
And I'm about taking control of my life.
I'm about getting you to take control of your life.
And there's a lot of different ways we can do this.
I mean, I could do a better job with nutrition.
I eat a lot of junk.
But I do drink good water.
And last night I was at a business meeting at a restaurant and I just couldn't drink the tap water.
It tasted horrible.
Now years ago I thought it tasted wonderful.
I could guzzle the stuff down.
Once you've been drinking filtered water out of a real filter, I don't mean some charcoal filter piece of junk that only does a few thousand gallons.
I mean when you've been drinking water out of a real, high-quality, state-of-the-art filter, it'll change your life.
Stop drinking all these poisons and toxins.
There's enough of it in the air, enough of it in the food.
Removing the stuff out of your water is a vast majority of the toxins out there.
This is so important.
And yeah, they kill the bacteria with fluoride and with the chlorine and all the rest of this, but you're still eating all those dead bacteria, basically.
So this is a great way to protect you and your family.
And if you've already got a big murky, a murky light, if you need replacement filters, they've got them.
If you don't have shower filters, that's where you absorb a lot of stuff in your lungs and your skin.
This is a great Christmas gift.
If you've already protected yourself and you've done the Berkey Challenge, you've gotten a Berkey Filter, now you try to drink tap water, you can see the big difference.
Give it as a Christmas present, as a birthday present, to the grandchildren, to your parents, to your grandmother, to your husband, to your wife.
Joining us is Debbie Morrow.
Debbie, thanks for coming on this Friday edition.
Hi there, Alex.
How are you today?
I'm fantastic.
Tell folks a little bit about the filters and the different specials we're running right now that are about 20% off what you normally get.
Right, yeah.
I'd like to go ahead and first of all tell them about the October specials.
We have the Berkey Light with the light.
A solar attachment, KDF shower filter, battery adapter, and two sport bottles, or two potassium iodate, or one of each, which would come to a total of $471.
And we have it on special for $383, which is an $88 savings.
We also have for the people who have either the older systems that have different filters, Or have some of our competitors with different filters.
We have the black purification elements available for $192 and they get a free shower filter or a Berkey sport bottle with that.
Now that's four filters.
What I do is, I don't drink but a couple gallons of water the whole family a day.
With two black murky elements, it's just the flow rate.
The water is still just as clean, it's just you only get 15 gallons a day instead of 30.
So what a lot of people do is they buy the four filters It'll do tens of thousands of gallons, and then if one ever broke, or if something ever happened, or if you want to put it in another filter, you've got two replacement filters.
So the system will take four in there, but it has plugs for it.
You can just put two in, or even one.
That's a great value.
These are very expensive, top-of-the-line systems.
They're discounting.
And you get a shower filter, folks.
It's like a $40-something value for free.
So that's another really great deal.
That's true, and if they let me know that they don't have their plugs anymore, if they have the stainless steel unit and they haven't got their plugs anymore, I can go ahead and add two plugs in there so that they can use two filters instead of one.
Another thing that I do want to share with you, Alex, is the PF2 fluoride and arsenic reduction filters.
I have had a lot of people ask me if, you know, it takes out the fluoride.
And we do know the black filters do reduce fluoride, but not to a point where we like to, you know, claim that because we really want to be able to get most of that fluoride out as best as possible.
And for folks that don't understand this, do research on it.
I've actually watched specials about it, read about it.
Fluoride is so small I mean, it'll go through rock and water.
It goes through everything.
It took them years to specifically design a special hose filter that finally gets, and we were talking about it with Jim, he's had different studies and tests done, and sometimes it produces 95%, sometimes 99%.
The point is, they can't say it gets it all out, it just cuts it down to almost nothing.
That's right, and that's what we want to do, is get that right out.
So we do have the PF2 Fluoride and Arsenic Reducing Filters available now.
They will last up to 1,000 gallons for a set of two of them.
So if you did approximately two and a half chambers a day, that would be six gallons a day, then they would last you six months.
But if you only go through, like my family, we go through about a gallon and a half to two gallons a day, those filters would last us a full year.
Now understand, the black murky elements, they last a lot, lot longer.
They do tens of thousands of gallons.
It's the fluoride, folks.
It's the perfect toxin, the perfect chemical weapon, and that's what top scientists have said on this show.
That's what the big head doctor up in Canada is now saying.
It was for fluoridation.
They found out they're actually adding toxic waste in with the fluoride because that's where it's coming from is the aluminum and the fertilizer plants.
So, believe me folks, this is... Go to the store, look at filters.
They're not cutting out the fluoride.
This unit does it.
So please give Debbie a call.
How much is a set of two of those?
A set of two of those are $49.
For shipping.
And that goes on the spigot.
It's a gravity filter.
Very easy to do.
Very easy to operate.
The water goes through the upper chamber where you put a gallon of water, gallon plus in.
It runs down to the lower chamber and then that's where the spigot is.
This screws onto the spigot and it goes ahead and takes out the fluoride.
Well, it doesn't really do that, Alex.
Not on the spigot.
It goes on the nipples of the black filters.
I haven't bought anything from you guys in about a year and a half.
What is the unit I have that screws onto the spigot?
You're talking about the spigot where you screw where the water comes out?
I have no idea.
I'm a genius, people.
Debbie, how do folks call you?
They can call me toll free at 1-888-803-4438.
Again, it's 1-888-803-4438.
And again, folks, I did research on this.
I decided to have a big murky four years ago.
Now I've got three of them.
I also have reverse osmosis, but you've got to keep those changed out, and that turns into a hassle.
Water is very important.
I have the shower filters, and they're top of the line, and that screws on to a very simple, in between the sprayer, the nozzle head, and the The pipe coming out of the wall, and it took me about two minutes to do it on each shower, the two showers in my home.
And that's a big deal, too.
So, 888-803-4438.
Debbie's going to be right there to take your call right now.
And if you hear of this at night, you can call, leave your name and number, she'll call you back tomorrow.
Anything else you'd like to add, Debbie?
Just that we really love supporting your programming, Alex, and keep up the good work.
Alright, thanks a million for coming on.
You bet.
And folks, New Millennium is the sole group responsible for funding our global outreach on the global shortwave, and they do it.
And it's a product I believe in.
So you're not only getting a great filter and protecting yourself, you're also supporting the broadcast.
Okay, let me get into news now, folks, for the rest of the show and your calls.
And I'm looking at this crazy stack of news, trying to figure out how to get through this quickly and get back to all the people that are holding.
Wow, let me just launch straight into it.
Syria on alert in case of Israeli attack.
Damascus, Reuters.
Syria's Armed Forces Chief of Staff has told his troops to be alert to repel any possible Israeli aggression after Israel warplane struck a location near Damascus earlier this month.
And members of the Israeli Knesset have called for attacking Damascus, blowing it to bits, for attacking Tehran, a massive escalation.
These guys have all been killing each other for thousands of years, it's going to continue.
The problem is Israel's got 400 nukes, Iran's got nukes now, that's obvious.
North Korea's got nukes, it's just a very dangerous world, and the New World Order is spurring and pushing all this along and controlling the terrorist groups.
I'll tell you right now, it isn't Damascus that controls the terrorists, folks, and it isn't Iran that controls the terrorists.
Every time we track it back, it's the CIA, MI5, MI6, Saudi Arabia, and they all work for the globalists.
In a speech quoted by the state news agency, Tukmeni accused Israel of trying to export its domestic crisis by harassing Syria.
Well, Bush has said he wants to go into Syria, and Israel is starting that up for him as a political divergent.
Now they've started the sanctions and all the rest of it.
He also said Syria policy would not be affected by possible U.S.
sanctions after U.S.
House of Representatives voted for a bill to punish Damascus, mainly for backing anti-Israel militant groups.
These pressures have not and will not pay and will not divert Syria away from its policy, which is based on principles.
By the way, at the big Muslim conference in Malaysia, the Syrian President Assad, the hereditary dictator is what he is, just like Bush, just like Kim Jong-il in North Korea.
It's always a bad sign, folks, when you've got, you know, daddy-son running things.
Assad died a few years ago, but now he's got a son in there.
I'm not a fan of any of these groups.
I mean, it's all just evil governments.
Can't we figure that out?
That big government's bad?
That bad people always get in, whether they're Arabs, or Jews, or Germans, or British, or Chinese.
I mean, it's just simple.
Government's bad, folks.
Big government, not controlled by the people, is bad.
It always turns bad.
They had corrupt governments in Israel in Christ's day.
They had corrupt governments in Germany 300 years ago.
I mean, this is the way the world works.
And somehow we deny that.
And it's a huge escalation.
Now listen to this.
Now there's dozens and dozens of these people dead.
Another top microbiologist dead, LSU West Nile researcher 46, dies in pickup crash on I-12.
And I hope I pronounced this right, it's Michael Purick.
A LSU professor who helped fight the spread of the West Nile virus died Saturday morning in a one-vehicle car accident.
Boy, most of them die this way.
He was 46.
Walker Police Chief Elton Byrne said Sunday that Perrick of 522 River Bend Road, Baton Rouge, crashed his Ford pickup truck at about 4.30 a.m.
Saturday while heading west on Interstate 12 in Livingston Parish.
Did he fall asleep?
I don't know, that can't happen.
Perrick's truck veered right off the highway at about three miles east of Walker, flipped and landed in rainwater, Burns said.
Perrick, who was wearing his seatbelt, drowned because the crash is under investigation, Burns said.
This is Perrick, who worked for the U.S.
Army for more than 15 years, joined the LSU facility faculty in August 2001 as an assistant professor of medical entomology, in addition to West Nile.
Perrick had also studied malaria and several other diseases.
said Tim Showalter, head of LSU's Etymology Department.
He was one of our stars, he said.
He was well known.
While he was here, I certainly got to know the depth and breadth of his character and talent.
He certainly, and it goes on to talk about how he impressed him with his desire to do research, teach students, and provide answers for the community.
And he'd been at the head of investigating Different diseases.
It says he said he had been robbed at gunpoint, shot down while flying over Africa, ridden through the jungles of countless countries, and suffered through malaria and denying fever.
Yeah, collecting what for the army?
He probably does more field work than any entomologist based in the United States that I know of.
Robert A. Wertz, Chief Entomology at the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
He said of Parrick.
I mean, this guy, folks, again, they're all top, absolute tops of their fields, based in weaponized zoological diseases from animals, based in weaponized smallpox, anthrax, Ebola.
They've almost all been to Africa, or they head up bioweapons systems like Dr. David Kelly had of Borton Down, which released foot and mouth, by the way, that's admitted.
And they're all turning up dead.
And I mean, every week now there's another one.
So, here's another one.
I've got to remember to file that one.
And maybe it's an accident, but boy, this is very dangerous now.
Here's another one.
Dark actors at the scene of Dr. David Kelly's death.
I think this should be up on PrisonPlanet.com.
And see the previous story about Paul Watson.
Kelly murdered, says MI6 agent.
We have a link to that.
Entering the witness box at the Hutton Inquiry on 16th September 2003, one key figure stands out in the events surrounding Dr. David Kelley's death.
The fact that his testimony contradicts that of the five previous witnesses, he had received no attention in the mainstream press and has failed to be brought out in the inquiry itself.
Moreover, the position of Dr. David Kelley's body prior to his arrival is different from his position when he leaves.
The man is a British policeman.
His name, Detective Constable Coe.
In his testimony before Lord Hutton, D.C.
Coe, the third witness to Kelly's dead body, relates how he is called at 6 a.m.
on the 18th of July to Aberdeen Police Station.
Here he is instructed, we are not told by who, to make house-to-house inquiries to the village of Longsworth, about a mile from Kelly's house.
He does not follow these instructions.
He heads instead to Southmore, Kelly's home village.
Here he visits Ruth Absalom, one of Kelly's neighbors, who was the last person to speak to the scientist the previous afternoon.
From there, rather than make house-to-house inquiries, Coe sets out to the area where Ruth Absalom last sees Kelly to make what he describes to the inquiry as a sort of search towards the river.
And it goes on to say that the Dr. Coe's testimony contains one of the most blatant discrepancies in the whole of the Hutton Inquiry.
All is clear from his own and other testimonies that he is not alone when the region of Hardown Hill, a serious question mark, hangs over the number of people who are with him.
And it goes on to talk about how he sees several, three or more men in black regalia, black outfits, in the early morning standing around Kelly I'm going to try to read this when we get back.
It continues.
and there's actually several of these articles.
Coe at the death scene, D.C. Coe goes to describe how on their way to the river,
he and D.C. Scheidels encounter Louise Holmes and Paul Chapman, the other volunteer searcher.
Louise and Paul explain how they have already found the body, and Paul Chapman leads the three.
Note, the three according to Chapman's testimony.
Officers two, and according to the testimony of the other witnesses, we are given to understand that Coe's two, note two, companions wait and guard the scene from the path while DC Coe visits the body alone.
When asked about Kelly's body position, Coe twice states that it is laying on his back.
There's a lot of this info.
I'm going to find the parts I read last night about the men's, when they first walk up, other people standing around it.
In fact, I just found that part.
We'll read that when we get back.
And then I'll try to take some calls.
And we'll get into the NRA news.
There's so much here.
I could spend an hour on each one of these articles.
Trying to detail it.
Trying to go over it.
But we'll come back and go to all these great callers that are holding.
Try to shift gears in the third hour to the NRA News.
I'm Alex Jones.
And most of the news we're covering here can always be seen at the websites InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Please spread the word about those.
We'll be right back.
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There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order can emerge.
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888-253-3139. That's 888-253-3139. Order today and spread the word.
The article I've been reading over would be four or five newspaper pages, so I'm just
going to put it in a synopsis for you.
They've had the inquiry into Dr. David Kelly, the Hutton inquiry as it's called, and they've interviewed all these different police who were there, and they've contradicted themselves.
They say that there were three guys there at first when the body was found, who later left, In black shirts, black pants, black combat boots, military types around the body.
Then they're basically told to shut up about that.
And this has come out in the inquiry, folks.
And then now some of the police are changing their stories, which is perjury.
So that's what's going on there.
Very, very interesting.
I want to get into the sickly child that launched Hitler on a path of killing.
I read a little bit of this earlier.
Also, Al-Qaeda pursuing a dirty bomb.
Mr. Bill Gertz, who will attack the Democrats when they're corrupt, which he should, but defend Bush and put out little propaganda pieces.
I'm going to go over that.
FBI raids three city agencies.
Street fund raiser's office in Philadelphia.
And that's all because they voted against the Patriot Act, basically.
I'm sure they're a bunch of Democrats.
They're probably corrupt.
I don't doubt it.
A lot of skeletons in these closets.
We'll go over that.
And the NRA expose I said I'd do.
I've got a bunch of articles showing their treachery against the Second Amendment.
Well, that's all coming up too in the third hour.
But first, I want to go to all these callers that have been patiently holding.
We'll get to you.
But I cannot let an hour pass without reminding you that if you really want to wake people up, you want a tool that'll wake your neighbors, your friends, your family, your police chief, your sheriff, your local talk show host up.
I found no better tool than my videos.
I mean, Cynthia McKinney ran up to me and hugged me at an awards ceremony and said, I woke up about 9-11 because of your video.
I mean, again, I'm not tooting my horn.
I'm showing the effect of you getting the videos, making copies, giving them to people.
She said somebody gave her the DVD.
Why not get the videos, and why not support this broadcast, because we do need your support.
I've made nine films, I've covered some other videos by other authors, I've written a book, I've published another book, I carry some other great books, like One Line's Illuminati, Circle of Intrigue, Order Out of Chaos is the best book we've got, frankly, by Paul Watson.
You need to have these materials.
Big discounts when you get multiple books.
Big discounts when you get three or more of the videos.
Go to InfoWars.com.
Go to PrisonPlanet.com.
Don't wait.
Order the videos.
Order the books.
Great Christmas gifts.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Don't wait, folks.
It's so important, and these films are really having an effect, so get them, put them on AXS Television, make copies, show them to your VFW hall, show them to your college class, whatever.
I want to commend those that have taken action, by the way.
Keep it up.
John in Indiana, then John, Tennessee, and Ruth and John and Joe and others.
John, you're on the air.
Yeah, hello, Alex.
Thank you.
I called Sheriff Rice and the other woman who picked up the phone told me that it wasn't the sheriff's jurisdiction.
Oh, yeah, in his own county with the Terry Schiavo Schindler case.
Yes, and then I called the other police there in Pinellas.
And they said that it's in the courts, so they passed the buck, too, so I didn't get too far there.
I just told them, you know, the whole country's watching, and I told them where I was from, where I was listening, and how I heard about it, and that I hope they do the right thing.
The other question I had real quick, Alex, you know, you got a lot of callers.
Last Saturday, you were on TalkDollRadio.
We were talking about Ann Tatlock, and I was in a company truck here, and I was trying to grab paper.
How can I get that information at that last hour that you and John were reading from with The whole thing with the World Trade Tower?
Is it the WebFerry?
Uh, yes.
Okay, because I... I don't have the address.
I don't have the address in front of me.
Oh, okay.
But if you type it in the search engine, it should pop up for you.
And you're talking about, um, you're talking about Warren Buffett meeting with the top CEOs in Bush at a secret meeting hours after the attack.
Very interesting.
Thanks for the call.
Third hour straight ahead.
Please stay with us.
Introducing the most efficient gravity filter available.
You know, if you were to throw 100 ball bearings at a magnet, most would bounce off.
But, if you place them on the magnet, all would stick.
Big brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
A whole nother 60 minutes.
Well, now 59 and 10 seconds, but I'm Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us.
And as usual, I'm gonna have to race through the news.
I've covered a lot of it, but we're gonna race through the news.
Your calls in this hour, there is just so much.
I'm not even gonna try to mention what's coming up.
Just believe me, you want to be informed about what's going on.
A lot of police state, a lot of global news, a lot of gun grabbing news.
I'm gonna go through at least 10-15 minutes.
of some of the other NRA treachery against the Second Amendment.
But right now, these callers have been holding way too long.
John in Tennessee, you're on the air globally.
Yes, the lawyer for the family of Terry Schiavo said they had exhausted all civil remedies in court and they were waiting for the DA to file criminal charges.
But the family does not have to wait on a DA or sheriff to do their job.
Anybody can make a citizen's arrest or go to the grand jury or be a special
prosecutor pro se.
Everyone has the right to self-defense of themselves and their family or to use deadly
force for self-defense. And for those who just joined us, Terry Schiavo, Schendler is
they're trying to kill her.
They pulled the tube out two days ago.
They admit they're killing her.
And the woman is conscious, and according to reports of the new video of the judge's block being released, when they told her, we're going to remove your tube, she began struggling and trying to get out of her wheelchair.
Well, Shivo's judge has the same last name as the husband's doctor who testified, last name of Greer.
Crooked judges and cops are arrested and convicted every day.
Anybody aiding this attempted murder at the death camp is an accessory to that felony.
And there are a hundred other state statutes to rest the husband on to remove his guardianship.
Now the Pentagon uses 17-year-old American girls to fight and die in battle all over the world.
It's time for the rest of America to grow up.
Waiting on Governor Bush who goes to Bohemian Grove for his mock child sacrifice to do anything about this is ridiculous.
His own daughter is a convicted Colombian crack-ho.
He's not likely to help.
You know, if you type in Bush Crime Family on the web, they have the convictions of the family.
I mean, this is a mafia family.
Sure, they're worth a trillion dollars.
They're just laughing all the way to the bank.
You know, everybody sits around and waits for them to do the right thing, and you're going to turn blue in the face first.
Well, I don't know about a trillion, but they are worth tens of billions.
One of the wealthiest families in America, and they're so powerful, their wealth is basically Uh, basically classified.
Well, they're not that wealthy.
If they're only a trillion, they say the Rockefeller family's worth $11 trillion.
And that's supposedly Bill Clinton's lies.
Well, the globalists are worth over, with their combined forces, $300 trillion, according to Dr. Tanya Karagian, one of the top Russian economists.
And that's the numbers we've got as well.
Well, us little people can do something.
Everybody should buy your 9-1-1 video and hand deliver it to your local Congressman and Senators.
I gave one to Republican Congressman Jimmy Duncan in Tennessee.
Now he's one of only six who voted against Bush's war.
So it does have an effect, perhaps, and he's writing in his little newsletter that goes out to everybody in the district, talking about prior knowledge of 9-1-1 and all the corruption in the contracting by I had Congresswoman McKinney come up and say, I woke up because of you!
It cost her her job.
But I mean, my point is, the Dixie Chicks, McKinney, you're saying this guy, I mean, that's just what we're doing.
It shows that we can all do this.
Well, as more and more career criminals infiltrate government, more and more people are going to have to learn how to do citizen's arrests and special prosecutions, because there's not going to be any other justice.
Well, there is Supreme Court precedent That is part of our history.
They totally disregard it and say it's illegal.
But what happens when somebody's robbing your warehouse, you hold them at gunpoint, that is a citizen's arrest.
Well, did your buddy in Bohemian Grove, did he get elected constable?
My buddy?
Oh, you mean Mike Hanson?
That election hasn't happened yet.
Mike starts campaigning two years out.
Well, he made a citizen's arrest, though.
He did.
We'll be right back.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal
the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the
Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white
slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll free 1-888-253-3139.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, my friends.
We're now 8 minutes and 21 seconds into the third hour of this global transmission against tyranny.
I love freedom.
I can't stand corruption.
And I've studied history.
And if you lay down to corruption, you will be enslaved.
That's the nature of criminals.
And how ignorant have we gotten?
Alright, wide open phones and then into more of the news.
Let's talk to Ruth in Pennsylvania.
Ruth, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hello, Mr. Jones.
I just wanted to add some information on the Terri Schiavo case.
This comes from a newsletter that is directly from the family's representative off of her website.
These are updates in the last minute on these last days.
Linda Kennedy got it slightly wrong.
About who the representative was that day, it's worse than what Linda Kennedy says.
We know that Mr. Schiavo, Terry's husband, has a living girlfriend who is pregnant with his second child.
It was Terry's husband's living girlfriend's mother who was supervising Terry Schiavo Schindler's parents.
If you can imagine, the girlfriend's mother was supervising the visit.
It wasn't even Terry's mother.
You can follow that.
I went to Terry's Fight.org yesterday and did see some of that and I don't have the site pulled up in front of me.
What do they say about this new video and the judge blocking releasing the video of Terry Schiavo trying to struggle out of the chair when they told her they were going to pull her feeding tube?
I remember reading that on the website but these are just some things that are Not in the news media about the situation down there that I know more about than that video.
You know more about that than I do, but there are 20 police officers in the evening that go down there that are hired by Mr. Schiavo's lawyer, and that money comes out of Terry's trust fund that was supposed to be used for her care.
20 cops down there, male and female cops, plus a canine cruiser, which pulled up at midnight last night, which was barking madly in the cruiser.
And there's all these 20 cops all over the place, plus a policeman stationed by her side, plus a nurse, plus Terry's, or I'm sorry, Mr. Schindler's living girlfriend's mother supervising.
It's a bizarre circus scene.
And Mr. Schiavo was there.
And Terry, he said, on the 16th last night, was running a fever, was turning red, perspiring in obvious physical discomfort.
He mentioned this to the nurse sitting there reading the book.
She didn't even speak back to him.
She just continued reading.
Mr. Schievo couldn't believe there was no response coming to help his daughter with this fever.
Oh, you mean Mr. Schindler?
I'm sorry.
Thank you.
All these names.
I'm sorry.
You corrected me.
No, it's okay.
And Mr. Schindler referred to this whole group.
He was so shocked by the circus going on down there, he called it a death squad.
It's just bizarre.
I need to get them back on the show.
Maybe we'll do that tomorrow, but by tomorrow it isn't going to matter.
She's going to be irreparably damaged.
Does it say she still has her eyes open?
No, I didn't read that, but these were short emails that came with just updates and they keep coming throughout these last days.
Imagine watching your daughter die, watching her struggle when they tell her we're going to pull your feeding tube on Wednesday at noon.
Can you believe that?
Canine dogs and one in a room?
And her husband has been, or so says the attorney, her husband has been getting death threats.
I don't know if that's true, but he left Clearwater, Florida.
He's nowhere around.
Isn't it bizarre?
I mean, it's just too much.
It's so depraved.
Well, it is, and thank you for the call and your concern.
And let me just read this now, and then we'll go back to your calls.
Thank you, Ruth.
The sickly child that launched Hitler on a path of killing.
This is out of The Age, one of the big national papers of Australia, on InfoWars.com.
On PrisonPlanet.com, actually the story is on PrisonPlanet.com, German historians have identified the family whose request to Adolf Hitler that their blind and deformed son be put to sleep was the catalyst for the Nazi euthanasia program.
A five-month-old boy who was given a lethal drug after Hitler, I read about this years ago, sent his own doctor to examine him, has been named as Gerhard Kretschmar, the son of a farmhand.
The case was to provide the rationale for a secret Nazi decree that led to the mercy killings, in quotes, of almost 300,000 mentally and physically handicapped people.
The Krushmeyers wanted their son dead, but most of the other children were forcibly taken from their parents to be killed.
Again, most of the other children were taken.
A few days after Gerhard died in 39, 15 psychiatrists were summoned to Hitler's chancellery and told that a secret euthanasia program, dreamed of by Hitler for more than a decade, was to be put into effect until now the boy was referred to only as Case K. The term was by Nazi doctors when the program was launched and at a subsequent Nuremberg war crimes trial.
Now, before I read more, Margaret Sanger, that hundreds of public schools and buildings and Planned Parenthood buildings are named after, the statue of her in DC, gave awards to Hitler, received awards from Hitler.
She gave him the ideas.
It was a group of British and U.S.
scientists that came up with the science of eugenics.
Aldous Huxley's brother, Julian Huxley, was the first UN General of UNESCO in 1946 to 1949.
And he talked about in quotes that are in my book, Descent to Tyranny, how good eugenics is and despite the fact that Hitler made it look bad, we've got to go ahead and get people conditioned to accept it.
Now they've changed the name.
They always do this.
Total Information Awareness is in trouble?
Change the name to Matrix.
If TIPS program's in trouble, call it SecureCore.
This is what they do.
Same thing with this.
They change the name from from eugenics to bioethics.
Dr. Peter Singer, not singer, Peter Singer was brought over about 15 years ago with a huge endowment by Princeton and he's a doctor and a bioethics philosopher and he calls babies, subhuman, mackerel, retarded people, worthless, old people, all these different names And this is being done, folks.
This is being set up in America.
This is how it works, see?
Now they're talking about not letting you have children.
There's even a chance they could have any type of problems.
Or if children are aggressive, if the genes are aggressive, they'll have to screen your embryos.
This is being discussed to be implemented, folks.
And it goes on.
Now Gerhard's name heads the first comprehensive list of euthanasia victims unveiled in Berlin this month, and a permanent reminder of one of Hitler's lesser known extermination programs.
We need to know about that.
Also, there were over 400,000 women forcibly sterilized, and I mean single parent mothers, their daughters would be grabbed.
Not even retarded.
It's bad enough they're retarded.
It's even more out of control.
It's bad enough, folks.
It's totally wrong if somebody's retarded or blind or whatever.
Then they do it to people and nothing's wrong with them.
This is on the record.
You've all heard about it.
And what is CPS?
What is the public schools?
It's all social engineering, bioethics, eugenics.
It was compiled over three years after painstaking research by German government archivists into 740 previously unknown files taken from the Chancellery and uncovered In archives of the Stasi, who had taken the Nazi information, the former East German Siger police.
At his trial at Nuremberg, Hitler's personal doctor, Karl Branded, revealed that an unnamed infant had provided the Nazis with the excuse to embark on creating a master race.
The baby's father, Richard Kretzmar, from the small town of Saxony, town of Passen, near Leipzig, had written to Hitler's office in 1939, asking permission to kill his son.
Folks, this is not accurate.
In Architect of Doom, they have Hitler at the government sanitariums in the mid-30s, at least by 35, probably 34, killing thousands of retarded children.
This is when they launch the big, mechanized, industrialized, extermination program, with the help of IBM, I would add.
In his testimony, Dr. Brandits said, the father of the deformed child wrote to the Fuhrer with a request to be allowed to take the life of his child Or, this creature.
Hitler ordered me to take care of the case.
The child had been born blind, seemed to be idiotic, and a leg and parts of the arm were missing.
Now the child probably ended up having 190 IQ and coming out with new scientific equations.
For some reason, statistically, either children who are deformed have problems, uh... have extreme problems and are you know all have very
low accusin sometimes but it's a higher statistic
then what you call normal people you just get incredible gifts from god
and uh...
it's so sick that gets into the hundreds of thousands of victims
of that let's go to june john in ohio john you're on the air thanks for
holding yes i have
i called the self-care software prices office in the attorney bernie mccabe's
office and uh...
I want to express my disgust at this degeneracy.
If you've got time after I tell you about that, I'd like to discuss my disagreements with my general agreement with you, because I'm the guy who is in general agreement with a socialist and a leftist perspective.
But first, they seem to be totally bored.
I couldn't get Sheriff Rice directly or McCabe directly.
First they told me he was busy on the line, the sheriff, and then they told me he was out of the office when I told him what I wanted to complain about.
And whoever took my call seemed very bored about it and dismissive and was not going to pass on my message to him about the precedent-setting nature of this case for everyone in the country and everyone in society.
Just a perfunctory, I'll let him know that you disagree, and she hung up.
Then I called McCabe's office, and I got somebody who was apparently an assistant, and he wasn't at all interested.
That's the U.S.
And he said that, you know, in both cases they told me, well, the judge is the final authority, and I told him that one corrupt judge certainly doesn't determine the right and wrong, the morality or the constitution.
Yeah, this woman should get appeals.
And she's going to be basically dead in about 24 hours, folks.
She'll be totally fried.
Stay there.
Stay there.
I'll let you finish up, John.
We'll go to Joe in Idaho.
Let me make it clear.
I get a lot of emails, not a lot, a few, going, why do you always, you know, say this or that?
I have to reintroduce that we're talking about Terry Schindler.
I have to reintroduce, you know, what issue we're discussing or what an individual name is that somebody's mentioning.
We'll be right back.
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I'm just going to talk to John, Joe, and Spencer.
That's it for calls because I've got to get into some of the NRA treachery and about 20 other news stories I've at least got to mention here in the time we've got left in this hour.
Because it does fly by us.
Let's go ahead and let John finish up some point he wanted to make.
Go ahead.
Well, just to finish up with McCabe, I told him about this tape that she struggled to get out of her wheelchair when she was told she was going to be killed.
And he had a strange reaction.
It was like, I can't remember exactly, how did you know about that?
It wasn't exactly that.
But then when I asked him, well, do you know about it?
He wouldn't answer me directly.
It was almost as if this wasn't supposed to be known about.
Uh, and at any rate, I let them both know through their surrogates that we know who they are and they're being watched and, you know, there'll be some possible price to pay if this goes on.
And, well, I guess I can go on to the other issue.
As I say, I'm unaffiliated, but I agree with a socialist or leftist perspective, a genuine one, not the ones that Are told about in the media because I think genuine socialists or leftists are systematically censored from the media, but I believe in a sense that if the source of these corporate military industrial elitist conspirators is their control, ownership and control of all of the means of wealth production, all of the mines, mills, factories, media, everything in society,
That gives them the ability to control the government.
You'd say give it over to some other government, you're just going to have thugs there too.
You've got to have local control, you've got to have private property, you've got to have a Republican rule of law.
I agree with the rule of law, but I think the source of breaking this power and giving the power to the people, if you want to use that phrase... But that never happens!
The minute you take the wealth from one group of criminals, you give it to another group.
I think there's a way it could be done.
If you elect your people in all the mines, mills, factories, media, where everyone works, metal and manual, black and white workers, elect their representatives locally and then nationally, get rid of this ridiculous geographical setup.
Take over the control of those who run and operate all of the mines, mills, and factories and put it in their hands.
You still have a bureaucracy.
It's a command and control nightmare, John, and that's where we differ.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
I mean, come on.
Come back to reality, okay?
Pure socialism doesn't work.
Anarchy doesn't work.
It doesn't work.
It doesn't work.
You forget about the wickedness in the hearts of men.
You've got to restrain power.
Let's talk to Joe in Idaho.
Go ahead, Joe.
Yeah, Alex, I was calling about that Terri Schiavo situation there.
To me, it has the appearance of another Waco, where we all sit around and just watch what happens, and we all feel bad for her later on.
And I just, I'm sure everybody's considering this to be something, the equivalent of a state-assisted murder, because that's what we had in Waco, that's what we have here, and we're getting our butts whipped off with paperwork.
Well, we are getting conditioned to the 50-something million abortions, or 45 million abortions, all of this.
We're just conditioned to death.
Just, well, yeah, that's what they do.
Yeah, well, for Bush to sit there and say he doesn't have the power to stop anything, how would the governor have power to stop a state execution?
Well, you know, you can't execute an axe murderer by depriving them of food and water.
But, oh, we can do this to Terry Schindler.
Yeah, well, here we are sitting honoring all their decisions as if they were lawful decisions and they're using a legal system... Well, for folks that don't understand what you're saying, this same government and courts said black people weren't human beings.
Later, the blacks said, no, I'm a human being.
That's when it changed.
So you're right.
Everything this government says isn't holy and perfect and has to be followed.
You know, if Hitler says, kill that retarded baby, you don't do it because he's the so-called Fuhrer.
And I can't believe the assistance these people are getting.
You know, like the lady who called in earlier talking about 20 officers hired outside, you know, standing around.
All these people are participating.
You know, there was war crimes back during World War II there that people, oh, I was just following orders, or in this case, they're probably being paid to take part in, giving it the appearance that... Well, I just want to say this, because if there's one thing I've learned in life, you reap what you sow.
And, I mean, it really, you know, the Buddhists would call it karma.
I don't believe in that, but that's kind of a rip-off of what you sow.
But it is true.
And I know this to these police, these judges, others.
They're creating a climate, a system, where their own evil is going to do horrible things to them.
And I know this.
There is a God.
And when you do evil things, bad things happen to you.
And so, you know, this evil we're allowing affects us all.
Oh, absolutely.
Well, I can tell you right now, America right now is being tested to see how much she'll take and what we'll put up with.
And when they find out where the line in the sand is, then they'll back off.
Yeah, that's it.
They're probing.
Yeah, exactly.
Well, that's all I had to say.
Thank you.
Great points.
One final call and straight into this stack of vital news we haven't gotten to yet.
Stay with me.
We'll be right back on the other side with 30 more minutes.
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You asked us to include an emergency light for camping and during power outages.
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Alright, I'm going to try to calmly get through all this news and NRA treachery as well.
I've got to just do a whole show on NRA treachery.
Have Larry Proud on, have Aaron Zellman, have Angel Samaya, have Charlotte Iserby on to talk about the demonization in the schools, have Bernadine Smith on.
I think I'll do that next week.
Have three hours of Second Amendment and NRA treachery, but we'll cover some of the stuff you may not be aware of.
Coming up here in a few minutes.
Last caller I'm going to take today is Spencer.
Spencer, go ahead from Ohio.
God bless you, Alex.
You know, I dropped out of the NRA back in 98.
Wayne Lapierre wrote me a letter.
He says our organization is just for hard-working, tax-paying citizens.
And I said, well, I don't support de facto government.
When did they start working for the IRS?
And when did they stop supporting the militia?
I thought they were supposed to be the militia.
Also, there's a book out, The Iron Triangle, and it's at the Public Library, and it talks about the secret conference that the Carlyle Group has at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel with former President Bush and Osama Bin Laden's brother, and how they now own the FCC, and they're behind the new money-mining scheme.
Well, that's all accurate, yes, and I've heard about that book.
And they own all the FM radio stations.
Well, not all of them, but most of them.
And they have an underground bat cave in Boyers, PA.
Well, yeah, that's true.
They've got a bunch of underground bunkers.
They admit.
I've got the headlines in Road to Tyranny where they say shadow government now in control.
So could you get that guy, Dan Briarty, who wrote the Iron Triangle on your program?
Yeah, I might do that.
And you know, when Ruby shot Oswald, he had a ring on his finger that had a triangle on it.
Well, that is an Illuminati symbol.
Thank you for the call, Spencer.
Spencer, Spencer, come on.
We're not going to do the Jackery every time.
We could be talking about, you know, the weight of an elephant.
You'd talk about, or you know, a moon mission.
You'd bring up Jack Ruby.
You're obsessed with Jack Ruby, aren't you, Spencer?
Well, if Mr. Spielberg is going to make a movie, call it Rubenstein.
It'd be a sequel to Frankenstein.
Or make a sequel to Schindler's List and call it Schwarzenegger's List.
Alright, thanks for the call.
Thanks a lot, I appreciate it.
Oh boy.
Let me do the news, some of the news right now and then I'll get into the NRA stuff.
This article, listen to this.
Germans lap up claim that US plotted September 11.
A former cabinet minister is drawing huge crowds and stoking the fires of anti-Americanism in Germany with a book arguing that the U.S.
government mounted the September 11th attacks as part of a plot to win global domination.
Now this is Al Jazeera.
Notice how it totals CIA front.
Notice how it's anti-Americanism, see?
And that is, in a way, true.
I mean, they'll say the U.S.
government did it, not that forces that own America out of Europe did the attacks.
Andres Von Bulow has gone even further than Michael Mecher, the British minister, Britain's former environment minister, who claims the U.S.
not only failed to prevent the attacks.
Von Bulow, 66, former technology minister I would add, believes that September 11th was staged to justify the subsequent wars on Afghanistan and Iraq.
If what I say is right, the whole U.S.
government should end up behind bars, he says.
The German government has made no official response to the book, although ministers have tried to distance themselves from his views.
But Bonbulo's ideas are very popular, and polls show a fifth of Germans believe Washington ordered the attacks.
That is not true!
It is not a fifth!
I have read the Reuters polls.
I've read the Spiegel polls.
It's between 30 and 60 percent, depending on what poll.
The CIA on September 11th Written mainly from internet research is a bestseller with sales of more than a hundred thousand.
Yeah, well you want real books.
The definitive books on 9-11.
Descent into Tyranny, Order Out of Chaos, No Rumor, All Documented Fact.
No one can read those books and not come back with a reality.
By the way, I had a book review here from a mainstream newspaper that reviewed Descent into Tyranny without me even knowing about it.
It gave me a great review and now of course I can't Here in the stack, I was going to read some of the review, but it was glowing.
The Ellis County Press, pretty big paper, south of Dallas, there in the Waxahachie area.
Tens of thousands of subscribers and readers, and wow, they just came right out with it.
It was amazing.
It's conservative paper, by the way.
I just got that in the mail a couple days ago from a listener, so thank you very much for that.
And here's another one on the 9-11 situation.
This is from Deutsche Welle, big newspaper in Deutschland.
9-11 conspiracy theory books dominate debate at Frankfurt Book Fair.
At the Frankfurt Book Fair, 9-11 conspiracy theory books, theories, are a hot topic of conversation and three books, all by German authors, are topping the country's bestseller list.
It's one, two, three.
It says, why are these works such a focus of interest?
And it goes in a long article about that.
So you can run, but you can't hide New World Order.
Can't cover it up forever.
Big Brother Car Spy Puts Privacy at Risk.
And this is out of the Scotsman.
A Scottish computer company, which stands to profit from so-called Big Brother technology, is warned that it could be used for spying unless legislation is put in place to protect privacy.
Classic tactic!
They'll go, it's legislation to protect privacy, when they stand to gain, and then it just codifies it into law.
So, that's going on there, and it says Jim Lee, the managing director of Falkirk-based Campbell Lee Pick, So that within two years, most cars will be fitted with cheap black boxes, which will relinquish control of vital systems, as well as communicating driver habits.
And I have another article here out of the Associated Press, where they admit, not just the article I read yesterday, but a new one that says, oh yeah, the new cars are all going to have pilotless control.
We're going to take control now.
We're going to put this in all the cars.
Great way to kill you, by the way.
Just, you know, you're driving over a bridge or around a rocky corner, and boop, you're off the side of the cliff.
Here's another one.
This is BBC Smart Screens sample DNA.
And you've heard about how in England, if you want to go into hundreds of the bars now, they make you give a cheek swab of tissue that goes into what they've called a new national database to make sure if you're bad later they know.
Guilty until proven innocent pre-crime.
Also, they face scan you when you go into a football game, soccer game.
Now they want to have this national DNA database and they're saying, never fear, we don't want to just take your blood or your cheek swab now or a skin flaking, scraping.
Now, it says, an intelligent liquid crystal display which could bring mobile DNA fingerprinting.
A step closer has been developed by scientists.
Joint research between Cambridge University scientists and Epson has yielded an intelligent ultra-thin display device which combines clever circuitry and sensors.
A sophisticated device can take samples either through touch or in liquid form, then analyze and store the information.
The technology could be used on a range of wireless mobile devices, like handheld computers or even wrist watches.
The police at checkpoints already randomly take DNA samples, and they already have a little testing kit that wires the DNA test back to the police station.
That came out last year.
Yeah, we're in 2003, folks.
combat deaths passed 100, BBC.
Other 4 U.S.
soldiers have been killed in Iraq, bringing the total to more than 100.
The number of U.S.
personnel who have died in attacks since May 1st when major hostilities ended.
And on one incident today, 3 U.S.
military police officers were killed when they clashed with supporters of the Shia cleric in the holy city of Karbala, the U.S.
military says.
Oh, right outside Karbala you just uprooted all the fruit trees.
It didn't help, did it?
No, it's horrible for everybody involved.
Another story here out of Al Jazeera, the picture which shames the U.S.
It's like toddlers being searched by troops.
A secretly taken picture of an American soldier frisking an Afghan child has shocked human rights campaigners across the world.
Folks, that is nothing compared to the stuff that's going on.
Big clothes makers and retailers shifting to RFID despite boycotts.
This is out of Zenet News.
The retailer has begun a trial involving the fixing of radio frequency identification tags into men's clothing, Marks & Spencer tag shirts with RFID.
Speaking of IDs, child ID numbers to help fight abuse, Charles Clark, the Education Secretary, this is England, is fighting for a short bill in the Queen's speech next month which would give every child an identity number and allow local authorities in England to share information about any suspicion of neglect or abuse in a family.
Big UNESCO move that Bush has signed on to, England signed on to, to break up the family, the stated goal.
The bill will be the first installment of the government's plans to reform child protection after a public inquiry into the murder of Victoria Kleinby.
And it goes on to say they want the power to include a shake-up of local government by merging education and children's social services into children's departments.
Part of education will be them in your home looking for any type of reason to take your children.
And you notice if they ban smoking in all the cities in Europe, they start banning it here under a U.N.
Admittedly, the average American has no idea, despite the fact the Supreme Court has admitted they're now under U.N.
This is out of KATV 7.
In Hot Springs, Arkansas, officials in Hot Springs are issuing ID cards to kids.
Whatever happens there happens here.
Hot Springs, and by the way it's happening everywhere, officials in Hot Springs kicked off a new statewide service, a service like the IRS, issuing ID cards to children as young as five years old.
The state legislature passed a law in the spring that allows parents to get their child a card that looks just like a driver's license.
The child's vital information will be stored in a statewide database.
It goes into how they're pressuring parents to do this now.
And if you're on welfare, you have to have it.
And then, of course, they're passing laws at the state level to make you take vaccines and go in for checkups with the government if you're on welfare.
And they are also, now if your child's overweight, they take you in Arkansas.
They take you from the family.
And here's a headline.
Karen Wright, mother, says, I think there's not a mother that's been around that hasn't at one time called their child and the child didn't answer.
You immediately go into a panic.
The ID is hoping the panic will be short.
The state is hoping the panic will be short-lived with the new ID card system.
All that's required is a birth certificate, a social security card, and five dollars.
The bill passed the state legislature unanimously.
How sick is that, folks?
The very people involved in child kidnapping is the government, according to Congresswoman McKinney, who I interviewed.
We don't have all the evidence, but there's a Congresswoman saying it.
This is out of Wired News.
Feds want all seeing eye in the sky.
Spooks, suits, generals and geeks gathered here this week to discuss a common goal in all seeing omnipresent set of eyes in the sky to keep an unblinking view of the entire world at once.
Representatives from the military, spy agencies, and the defense industry met to find ways to put new generation of spy satellites in orbit to aid in war, homeland security, and spy aircraft.
And it goes in to say the Big Brother vision in a hotel ballroom is providing and proving to be a whole lot easier than executing it in orbit.
Several of the satellite systems are wrapped in controversy, cost overruns, and long delays.
See, it's not about is it good to have this, but can we afford it?
And it's all to watch your crops and put cameras up in the woods and to make sure you're good.
It goes on and on and on.
EU vitamin and mineral supplement update.
First 300 key vitamins and minerals axed.
Now 5,000 supplements banned by EU directive.
Sam Butcher reports on the right of freedom for the 1.6 billion euro alternative health industry.
It says the Alliance for Natural Health is set to legally challenge the contentious EU Directive on Food Supplements, FSD.
The FSD passed into European law in July of 2002, a law that effectively brings about a ban of 300 nutrients, including 5,000 health products, most of which are dietary supplement closest to food forms.
That's right, but you can get all the Ritalin or Prozac you want.
An amazing article here out of Global News Service of the Jewish People, JTA, Jews appear on blacklists prepared by NRA of gun haters.
And it's a big article and basically they say that the NRA is trying to be anti-semitic but that they're honored to be listed And so now basically the NRA is evil because, well they are evil because they work for the government, but now they're bad because they mention some of the big organizations that are anti-gun and a lot of them happen to be Jewish.
So, just amazing.
I mean, I guess everybody's anti-Semitic now.
I mean, I'm not, but I guess because I'm for freedom I must be.
It's just a tactic used by the government because, you know, of what Hitler did.
It's a great demonization tool.
When in truth this government's carrying out all the Hitler policies and getting Nazis elected governor of California.
Halliburton faces a fight over Iran link.
This is out of money.
This is Halliburton, the oil business run by the U.S.
Vice President Dick Cheney in the late 90s is facing a confrontation with investors over its operations in Iran.
Total hypocrites.
Let me do this.
Let me plug videos now.
I'll come back in the last five minutes and just do a brief analysis of some of the stuff you may not be aware of with the treachery of the NRA and I will do a whole show Next week with a bunch of guests on this subject because it's so important.
Here's just a few of the headlines.
NRA helping feds force more gun control on states and citizens.
This is an 11 page analysis.
How the NRA bargains away our Second Amendment.
This is a 12 page analysis.
NRA's good friend of Second Amendment calls for .50 caliber rifle ban in Los Angeles.
How the NRA endorses anti-gun candidates.
Of course, the big court case, federal court case, where they're arguing that guns should all be registered.
That's how they supposedly protect your right.
NRA endorses gun control over a superior candidate again.
NRA says honest Americans would turn in banned guns.
The NRA is of the Second Amendment.
What H&R Block is of the Sixteenth Amendment.
And the IRS, a partner.
That's some of what I'll scan over in the next segment, so you'll want to stay with us.
Then I've got some other news I'm going to try to cram in, too.
Before I end this segment, I do want to tell you that if you really want to fight the New World Order, if you want riveting, dynamic, informative, edge-of-your-seat viewing, and you want to be really informed and educated on the New World Order, And you want to feel confident in the facts of this system.
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We'll be back with the final segment.
We'll be back with the final segment.
Stay with me.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
For those of you that are online and who are doubting the treachery against the Second Amendment of the Benedict Arnold NRA, go to KeatonBearArms.com forward slash NRA and prepare yourself.
And I'm going to do a whole show on this next week.
This is just some of the treachery.
NRA helping feds force more gun control on states and citizens.
And I've seen all this in the news.
This is all documented.
Schumer-McCarthy gun control bill set to pass with NRA's help.
And they've got the NRA Director and Senators up there with Chuckie Schumer and all of them as buddies.
What do you get when you put a current and former board member of the National Rockwell Association in the same room with two of the most vehemently anti-gun members in the House and Senate?
CNS News columnist Jeff Johnson, in his September 26 news report on Thursday, said the answer to that question was agreement.
The NRA is enthusiastically endorsing a gun bill, gun control bill, that is also sponsored by avowed gun grabbers and banners, Senator Charles Schumer and Representative Carolyn McCarthy.
Handgun Control Incorporated calls the bill a sensible step that will save lives.
Note the word step.
And note that in NRA court hearings, where they're going, we're for the Second Amendment, a sensible step is registering all guns.
That's last week in court.
It's sensible.
We're for reasonable, sensible, the same lingo.
Twilight Zone.
And it goes on.
A sensible step, which is to say about banning semi-automatic rifles due to the Ergomatic and safety features and what they've said in the past about completely banning handguns and it goes into how the NRA supports that bill.
They want to reauthorize the assault weapons ban.
They want to have the strengthening instant background check.
It's a national gun registration database.
It goes after those that have misdemeanors.
Here's another one.
How the NRA bargains away our Second Amendment.
They just show in this 12-page article with hyperlinks dozens of court cases and statements and NRA website releases Where they're just giving up the farm on purpose!
See, it's a staged fight.
They go in and throw the horse race or throw the boxing match.
The oldest trick in the book.
Here's another one.
NRA's good friend of the Second Amendment, that's in quotes, calls for a .50 caliber rifle ban in Los Angeles, says there's no reason for anyone to own a .50 caliber weapon.
Once again, the National Rifle Association's leaders have demonstrated exceedingly poor judgment.
It's not poor judgment.
They're Benedict Arnold.
And picking and promoting friends, this time their good friend, the Los Angeles City Councilman, who adamantly supports the outright ban of a firearm that has only ever been used in one documented crime in the entire nation.
NRA's partner in crime is Dennis Zine, a former LAPD cop, and now Los Angeles City Councilmember, District 3.
And it goes into their quotes of how they support him.
Here's another one.
NRA endorses gun controller over Superior Candidate.
And it gets into how they do that with another key person, Virginia Delegate Jack Roslin.
Anti-Second Amendment, but they give him this pro rating.
NRA says honest Americans would turn in their banned guns.
Bill did what any honest, law-abiding America would.
Build it with any honest law-abiding American would.
Do he turn in his SKS Sporter, a militia rifle, to the police?
NRA video entitled, It Can't Happen Here.
And they show him turning the guns in.
I mean, here's another one.
NRA is the 2nd Amendment.
What the 16th, what H&R Block is, the 16th Amendment.
They enjoy gun control.
It gives them a reason to exist.
Here's Charlton Heston in an interview saying, and there's an audio clip of it on the radio, guns make NRA President nervous.
He thinks that assault weapons should be banned.
You love the Second Amendment more than you love Charlton Heston?
He lobbied for the passage of the 68 Gun Control Act.
We've had him on the show.
He's a puppet.
I'm out of time, my friends.
I'm out of time.
We'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight Central Time.
That's 10 to 1 a.m.
10 p.m.
to 1 a.m.
And I'll be back Monday from 11 to 2 Central Standard Time during the day.
Please spread the word about the show.
We're waking up a lot of people.
We're having a big effect, but not fast enough.
Too little, too late, unless you energize as leaders in your area.
Unless you engage in the InfoWars.
So visit InfoWars.com.
We're out of time.
Have a great weekend.
Be safe.