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Name: 20031014_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 14, 2003
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones
Oh, yeah Another live edition.
I'm Alex Jones.
We went about a hundred miles an hour on the show yesterday and Well, the same thing's going to happen today.
It is Tuesday, the 14th of October, 2003.
I'm Alejandro.
That's Alex Jones, deep in the heart of Texas, bringing you this global transmission against tyranny.
We have several guests we're lining up.
We'll tell you about them a little bit later in the show.
Look at this stack of news.
We are overrun by gun crime, says police chief.
And that's in England.
After banning all the guns, the crime rate has exploded.
Just more numbers on this.
We'll get into that.
Also, we're going to get into some of the new cloning things and a bunch of different abortion rulings.
The good and the bad around the country and federally.
Today, Keep and Bear Arms is reporting, and this is being updated on InfoWars.com right now.
They found out the NRA was arguing in federal courts against the Second Amendment.
That's right.
We already knew they were sworn to destroy the Second Amendment.
A lot of you haven't figured that out yet and can't believe it when I say it.
You're going to learn real quick or you're going to lose your Second Amendment.
You're going to grow up real quick and be real men and women out there and get your head out of the stand and figure out that open borders and gun control and blocking Dan Burton's committee on Pardongate and supercomputers to China and campaign finance reform and signing on to UNESCO is not conservative, is not American, is anti-American.
And I'm not preaching at the general audience.
A lot of you are smarter than I am and are more up to date than I am.
I'm talking to that minority out there that still e-mails me telling me, get off George W.' 's back.
And you know, get off Rush Limbaugh's back.
Get off Sean Hannity's back.
I'm sick of these neokinds.
They're destroying America.
Ron Paul gave a speech July 10th exposing this.
The ultimate threat is the neokinds!
Alright, I'm not going to get preachy here.
Interesting email with accompanying news story just so happens that all over the country they're drilling to put kids on buses without telling the parents under FEMA control and Homeland Security and Wesley Clark is calling for national compulsory service for everyone.
Digging ditches, tattling on neighbors, being in checkpoint squads.
I saw the federal plan on this in 98 and now here it is out of the Associated Press.
So we'll be getting to that.
And more on Syria and Iran and Israel's crosshairs.
And some are saying that's a bluff.
No, it's not.
Israel's already gone after the Taymus nuclear power plant in Iraq.
And believe me, they will use nuclear weapons.
They're saying they will use nuclear weapons.
Everyone's calling it a bluff.
I don't call it a bluff.
Israel isn't big on bluffing.
I don't know if we've forgotten that, but it's like It's like some really tough guy, okay, in the bar that's been in prison a couple times for killing people with his bare hands, and then he tells somebody at the bar, back off, leave me alone, do what I say or I'm gonna break your neck, and then you laugh and say, oh, it's just a bluff.
Israel has zero history of bluffing.
Absolute zero history of bluffing, okay?
So, uh, we'll get into that.
Also, we'll talk about the military drill for Russian pupils.
They have similar drills here in the U.S.
What Hitler had, what Stalin had, we now have.
We'll mirror that with what's going on in Russia.
troops' body armor delayed.
Bush just can't seem to get that to him.
A September 11th panel weighs MI5 like spy agency.
The September 11th whitewash panel, I told you, would come back with more police state.
That's their answer for the government being bad and having prior knowledge is unlimited power and control.
It now broke on ABC News last night, what we've been reporting for several days, about the fake Pentagon letters being put in newspapers all over the country with the same signature, the same handwriting.
Part of the Pentagon's Office of Strategic Information, or LYING.
Being used domestically against you and your family.
Not a sign of a free country.
We'll be back.
It's a gigantic program.
Stay with us.
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Hey folks, Alex Jones here and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film,
911 - The Road to Tyranny on DVD.
That's right folks, DVD.
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888-253-3139. That's 888-253-3139. Or order online at Infowars.com or Infowars.net.
Again, that number, 888-253-3139.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
We're now 8 minutes and 27 seconds into the first hour of this global transmission against tyranny.
Thanks for joining us.
You're a part of history by educating yourself, by taking the blinders off, by seeing the big picture.
You know, I'm not going to go into a monologue or a diatribe here.
I'm going to go right into the news.
The news today and the news I didn't get to yesterday because we had a bunch of great guests on.
I didn't get around to it.
Clark calling for a civilian reserve corps.
Now, they have announced in the Houston Chronicle, among other papers, the official federal plan for a draft 18-49, all women, all men, to start with electrical engineers, police officers, firemen, to start with people in agriculture, ranchers, farmers, To start with people who are in transportation, truck drivers, taxi cab drivers, you will be forced to serve.
Don't worry, it only starts at 10 hours a week, just like taxes started.
You know, 2% are now 35 to 40%, just your federal tax, with the FICA and the income and all that.
Uh, you'll start with 10 hours a week and they have listed it.
It will be public works projects.
You'll go drive and volunteer at the dam, building a new dam, or digging ditches, or uh...
Fixing clogged up streams.
Tree planting campaigns.
That's for the older folks.
They've listed for the youth.
Warrant service training.
Checkpoint training.
Fugitive apprehension.
Building clearing.
This is the official federal plan that I read with absolute abject horror five years ago.
That I warned you about in 1999 in my film Police State 2000.
You will have to help run checkpoints.
They have for people 20 to about 35.
I figure they think you get smart enough by 35 not to want to do it.
Out in gray uniforms at hardened internal checkpoints, which are now being put in everywhere under the guise of toll roads, to search vehicles.
And yes, you will have a stun gun, and there will be men, bivouac, with automatic weapons that are your bosses, who are military-style civilian police.
This is the official plan!
And now, here it is, another article, this time out of the Associated Press today.
And when I left the office and went to the studio, it was being updated on InfoWars.com.
It should be there right now.
Clark calling for Civilian Reserve Corps.
Democrat Wesley Clark says if elected president, he would create a corps of civilians who could be called on for service in national emergencies, much like the National Guard.
Every American age 18 or older, it's not just 18 to 49 now, this just says older, Could register for Clark Civilian Reserve, listing skills that could aid the country in a disaster.
Registration is voluntary and would involve a commitment to serve anytime for five years.
Now, let me stop right there.
I've read the Democrat and Republican versions of the bills.
Over the last two years, they've been being introduced every session.
Rangel's got one.
The Republicans have got one.
And it's been again in the Houston Chronicle that it is a new national draft for professionals of doctors, nurses, police already listed them, agriculture, truck drivers, commercial license holders.
It says we'll make you But of course, when it's in the National News or the Associated Press, you're going to hear, oh, it's just an idea that you sign up for the service.
And so the law they're talking about now would just say you have to register for it, listing your skills so they can draw upon it.
So this is how they ease it in.
This is how they ease the idea in.
Oh, these cameras are just for traffic.
And then a couple years later, oh, we're going to use them for law enforcement.
Oh, these transponders that have to be in your car now if you're in San Francisco, if you use the toll roads, or just if you use the toll roads.
Oh, now we're going to use them to track and control and trace.
You see, it's all done like that.
In times of natural emergencies, such as floods, forest fires, or terrorist attacks, the President would have the power to call to duty up to 5,000 civilian reservists.
Tours would last as long as six months.
Congress would authorize more to be mobilized.
Now, the National Guard paperwork they signed, it just says they won't call you up for more than a few months, but the small letter says it could be up to two years, and then reissued for another nine months after that.
People who were in the military in the 80s have been called back up, and they're calling them part of the volunteer army.
They've been basically drafted, folks.
Civilian reservists could also be sent overseas.
It says.
For jobs like reconstruction in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Ooh, that sounds fun.
Those who are called to duty would receive health care, a stipend, and the right to return to their jobs when their service is completed.
Clark's spokeswoman, Kim Spells, said the program would cost about $100 million a year and would be part of the Department of Homeland Security.
See, it's a small program and it's voluntary.
No, it's not.
The bills that are all introduced don't say that.
Just type in New Draft for Professionals Proposed New Bill and hundreds of articles will pop up.
I just mentioned the Houston Chronicle.
That's the one I got in the file.
And just yesterday they were reintroducing new bills to do this.
Rangel was and so were the Republicans.
Clark, a retired four-star Army General, who ran the Waco siege, by the way, also called for an expansion of the AmeriCorps' National Service Program created by President Clinton.
Yeah, so did Bush in his State of the Union two years ago, and in that State of the Union, and in the official plan, to graduate from high school, whether it's public, private, homeschool, to get accredited, he will have to serve, again, not ten hours a week, But 15 hours a week for your junior and senior year, and that's all either planting trees, picking up garbage like prisoners, or law enforcement.
Half of it's green indoctrination, environmental communist indoctrination.
The other half is East German Stasi Youth Corps system.
And again, this is all announced.
This is all mainstream.
So what do you think about that?
I think I've spent enough time on it.
This is the type of email I get every day and I see articles like this every week.
My name is David.
Last name omitted.
I won't use his last name.
My name is David.
I live in Garfield Heights, Ohio.
My eight-year-old son came home from school today and informed me that at 8 a.m.
his school was practicing again today and informed me that at 8 a.m.
this school was practicing this homeland security evacuation drill they loaded the
kids on these buses to see how fast they can get them out. The school did not
even inform any of the parents that these drills were taking place
even though state law says they cannot take your child anywhere
without a written consent slip. They just take them and I am outraged by the
school's actions and that they will not give me any straight answers to my questions.
Just the usual, I am just doing my job.
I would like you to post this on InfoWars.
They are not even bothering to prepare.
And it says they just do what they want with your kids.
And it goes on to say even if it's against state law, thank you David.
Well, David, long before 9-11, I made the takeover.
I made the takeover in 2000.
And it was the second of the police state series.
And then, of course, three years later, I just made police state three total enslavement.
A lot has developed since then.
And it was schools in North Carolina, schools in Tennessee, schools all over, schools in Austin.
Where BATF comes in, in the 7th or 8th grade, and has a semester-long class.
Now, it's a local sheriff's deputy.
The BATF will give you $140,000, $180,000.
It trains several sheriff's deputies with a year-long program, and they have the children write dossiers on their parents.
I have the news articles, folks, okay?
Mainstream news articles in the film.
AP, Associated Press, reporting that FEMA and, quote, the Secret Service were over this.
Long before Columbine, by the way.
Training to load kids at gunpoint on buses, and quote, take them to FEMA emergency relocation centers.
And this happens everywhere.
I mean, I have video in the Road to Tyranny of children crying, screaming.
We're talking elementary students with MP5s stuck in their face.
Police dragging them out at gunpoint, putting them on buses.
When I was a child going to the government training camps, my sister went to private school.
She's younger than I am.
I was sent to public schools.
My parents didn't have a lot of money then.
And in the government training camp, I remember having to get a signed letter to go to the Zoo, a signed letter to go to the Planetarium, a signed letter to go to the City Gardens in Dallas, a signed letter to go to the Natural History Museum, a signed letter to go to the Art Museum, a signed letter to go to Six Flags over Texas!
But to have men yell and scream and stick Heckler & Koch MP5 9mm machine guns in your child's face, and to load them on buses and take them to the local airport, and then take them back... No letter!
And I have the news articles on that.
So, yes, thanks for reminding me, listener, of what they're doing.
Take an extra job, have your wife not work anymore, you don't work, send her off, whatever.
Just don't go, don't put your child in the government training camp anymore.
Just don't do it anymore.
I mean, look at Tennessee with the cameras in the showers for the elementary students.
Look at Louisiana with the cameras in the classrooms.
Look at the homeschooler with the CPS after because she's 15 and graduated from college with a 3.84.
Look at what America has turned into, folks.
Look at the evidence.
We have the manuals from UNESCO that controls the Department of Education saying the family must be eliminated.
And it is being eliminated!
The education systems worked.
It's meant to dumb them down.
They're dumb.
The war on drugs has worked.
There's more drugs on the streets, more prisons, more cops.
The war on terror has worked.
There's more terror, more police state.
The borders are more wide open than ever.
Toll-free number to join us on air, 1-800-259-9231.
1-800-259-9231. 800-259-9231.
I'm going to get back in our attorney.
Your Honor, we are here wanting to register handguns.
That's a quote.
NRA lobbying to register all gun owners.
And a bunch of other absolutely key news.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, we're back live.
We're gonna go to Bob in Canada, Todd in Kansas, many others that are patiently holding.
If you want to address any of these news items I've thrown out here, any of these concerns, if you have concerns, if you have news stories you'd like to discuss or propaganda you've seen embedded, And not just in newscasts or newspapers or on the radio, but in sitcoms and dramas.
That's where the real mind-washing is going on.
But Keaton Bear Arms has written an incredible story, an analysis here, that's on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
NRA attorney, this is the headline, quote, Your Honor, we are here wanting to register handguns.
Now did you hear that?
Your Honor, we are here wanting To register handguns!
Keepin' bear arms, NRA attorney Stephen Holbrook appears not only unprepared to effectively argue a Second Amendment case, but ready to give up the farm to register handguns and call it reasonable.
When he gets his day in court, read the annotated transcript of Mr. Holbrook's oral arguments from court just last week.
This is the NRA on a key Second Amendment case.
This is on the website right now, folks.
Second Amendment Federal Court Hearing.
Annotated transcript of N.R.A.
case proceedings.
You can click on and read a large section of the transcript in the story.
Here is a short excerpt from Mr. Halbert's oral arguments last Wednesday, October 8th, in a case the N.R.A.
calls a Second Amendment lawsuit.
The court And see, all of you can go read these courts, read these rulings, read these transcripts on court websites.
Help us find this.
Help us and other great sites post this, see?
We're about real research.
Now listen to this.
The court.
This is the judge.
The government can't put restrictions on the right to bear arms?
Mr. Holbrook, NRA attorney.
Your honor, we are here wanting to register handguns.
We are not here Wanting unrestricted access.
Unregistered access.
Unregistered access.
We're not here asking to carry them other than in the home.
The court.
You're saying that the government can impose reasonable restrictions?
Mr. Hallbrook, yes, your honor.
Yes, your honor.
You can read more.
It gets worse.
We have the transcript.
Sarah Brady wants to register handguns, too.
Maybe Mr. Holbrook should join our organization to help in their efforts.
When you read the full annotated transcript, the above will be one of many concerns raised.
Arguing a so-called Second Amendment case while wanting to register all handguns, quote, is working directly against the rights of those who would never submit to such restrictions under any circumstances.
Stephen Holbrook is an NRA paid attorney, and he filed the lawsuit with their support.
And you can link through to the Go to the NRA website and see that all right there for yourself.
Now, does this make you mad?
It makes me very, very upset.
But see, I've been, four years ago I wouldn't call the NRA anti-gun because I was ignorant.
I would say they're weak, they're wimps, they keep dropping the ball, what's wrong with them?
There's nothing wrong with them, folks.
They work for The Globalist.
There's five and a half million members.
Five and a half million magazines go out.
They're the second biggest lobbying organization next to the National Association of Retired Persons.
We could have our Second Amendment back.
Almost everybody who's pro-gun, at least on paper, gets re-elected.
We're the force in America.
We're the majority view.
We've won the debate.
More people now are pro-gun than ever before.
And it wouldn't matter if the whole country was against guns.
It's still in our Constitution, Bill of Rights, as part of our Republic.
Enshrined in the Second Amendment.
Our God-given right.
And we all know this.
And we know when they take guns, you know, the crime gets worse.
And we know that the states that have lax gun laws have the lowest crime rates.
And we know cities that have total gun bans have the highest crime rates.
And we know Kennesaw, Georgia, in the 80s, said every home has to have a gun.
And they have the lowest crime rate in Georgia, and violent crime dropped 97%, okay?
We know all that.
We've told the story.
People know it.
Washington doesn't care.
It's like 87 to 89 percent, depending on the poll, of the American people are against open borders and all these illegals.
They try to make it a racial issue.
It's not.
I have Hispanics all over the street running up to me, shaking my hand, saying they agree with everything.
In fact, it's incredible.
We've won the fight to wake people up.
The problem is the Sean Hannity's and the pill-popping Limbaugh's of the world Keep conservatives in the dark and spend three hours on the radio every day talking about how dumb Hillary is and how good and conservative Bush is.
It's a total theater!
And I've seen the NRA.
I've seen them try to block us in Texas when we're trying to beat gun bills.
I've seen them come out against us.
I've seen them covertly lobby for gun bills.
I've seen them get the 68 Gun Control Act passed.
I've studied history now and I know the truth.
And I'm sorry if you're a member like I was and you don't want to face the truth.
You're going to lose your guns unless you grow up right now.
Now, what do you think about this?
The article gets a lot worse, and I'll read more of it.
We'll take calls first on all these issues, and there's a bunch of other news I haven't gotten to that I've mentioned.
I mean, I get hot under the collar.
I love the Second Amendment.
It is such a key part of our free republic.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us, folks.
It's just unbelievable.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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That's toll free.
Call them Alex Jones sent you.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
There is a war on for your mind big time.
A lot of neocons and their phony supporters have told us that the Patriot Act 1 and 2 doesn't affect American citizens.
Now it has been admitted in official Justice Department Congressional testimony that it will be used against drug crime, family violence, environmental laws, everything.
No juries, no judge, no nothing.
And then they even have their sitcoms and dramas on TV announcing in homeland security scenarios that everyone is a terrorist and every crime is an act of terrorism.
We have the NRA posing that they're pro-gun while they get caught in every case, slitting our throats, stabbing us in the back, getting more gun control passed.
And more on that coming up here in a few minutes.
Just to recap some of the top stories.
General Wesley Clark is continuing what Bush and Clinton are for.
National compulsory service, that's what the bills say.
And this is out of the Associated Press.
18 and older will have to register for your new slave duties.
And again, the NRA attorney, Your Honor, we are here wanting to register handguns.
That's what they're arguing in a Second Amendment case.
Oh, they're for gun registration.
Just don't confiscate them.
Oh, sure.
Go ahead and just get that next step done and then of course they'll be for banning some guns.
And then I've got an article out of England.
We are overrun by gun crime, says police chief.
That's the headline.
After banning guns, now one of the highest crime rates in the world, from one of the safest countries in the world.
troops' body armor delay, just like Janet Reno didn't want body armor to go to the Border Patrol.
They're doing the same thing.
September 11th panel weighs MI5 like spy agency.
That's their answer, see?
The government was bad and had prior knowledge, so we need, uh, it says more power than even the Patriot Act.
Even more control than what President Bush is asking for.
But now he can, because the panel, the independent panel of all his Enron business partners says that they're going to handle the problem.
It's like Arnold in bed with Enron, now he's elected to fight Enron.
I mean, it's just...
Are you for Gray Davis then?
That's the point!
They control all these people.
Let's be honest.
Also, anger at $1.30, excuse me, $1.30 a mile road toll.
I'm sorry, the last five years I've been saying the plan is in England for the equivalent of 60 cents a mile, and here's 60 cents a mile.
Now the UN mandate is $1.30 to start off.
Of course, it'll get higher.
Well, this is a pound thirty, so I guess that'd be about That would actually be about $2.50 or so.
If I'm not doing the conversion right, our British listeners can tell me what the pound is right now.
Well, I guess it's dropping like the dollar, so I guess it's still the same ratio.
We'll get to that and just a bunch of other news here that's really, really important.
We're about to go to Bob, Todd, John, David and others.
Before I do that, I'll take a few minutes out here to really encourage all of you to grab a pen and paper.
Number one, the information I'm going to give you is one of the best tools we've found to unlock minds and deprogram the population so they can understand what we're coming under in this world government.
Number two, it also supports this broadcast and the work I'm doing, and we need your support now more than ever.
I'm a documentary filmmaker.
I've made nine full-length feature, professionally produced, incredible films.
And, uh, 9-11 The Road to Tyranny is the most acclaimed.
It covers the history of government-sponsored terror, September 11th, the police state, the foreign troops, the concentration camps, uh, the eugenics and mass extermination plans from mainstream news.
And, uh, it has FEMA saying all Christians and all gun owners and all constitutionalists and, uh, all, uh, did I say Christians or just founding fathers, are terrorists.
Uh, you might want to get the, uh, 170-minute film on DVD, 142 minutes on VHS.
The newest film is Police State 3, total, and I mean total, enslavement if they get their way.
First 20 minutes is the history of the New World Order and what the New World Order is, something I didn't do in the other films really in detail.
The PENAC documents, Patriot Act 1 and 2, the lies of Ashcroft, Homeland Security, government-run white slavery rings, gun control plans, forced inoculations, concentration camps, foreign troops, the Cashless Society control grid, and a lot more!
Very fast-moving, it's really the equivalent of three or four films in one.
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Order three or more, they drop down to $20 a piece.
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The new book I've published by Paul Watson is amazing, A Tour de Force.
It's up to you to get it out to people.
David Rockefeller's media isn't going to promote it.
It's Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror in the New World Order, 330-something pages.
It is, what is it, 335 pages, something like that.
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or Infowars.com or PresidentPlanet.com Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Don't wait, folks.
Number one, I mean, again, we deprogram Cynthia McKinney.
We deprogram other members of Congress.
We deprogrammed the Dixie Chicks.
This is who I know we've deprogrammed with these famous people.
Gary Busey woke up in the New World Order because of this stuff.
The former L.A.
District Attorney contacted me over these films.
It's all because of you getting them and making copies.
I've done thousands of radio interviews, over a thousand in the last two years.
I've gotten hundreds of calls on air by listeners who have seen the films.
Not listeners of this show, listeners of those shows.
Conservative, liberal shows.
Shows that are antagonistic towards me.
Callers calling, no it's true, I saw the video.
FEMA says we're all terrorists.
Christians are evil.
We have this.
This needs to be seen.
We know it's working.
But again, it's like we threw a few good punches in a fight.
We can't stop.
We've got to keep going.
We're getting hit back, folks.
We got our teeth knocked out.
We're bleeding hard.
So were they.
So keep pounding.
You've got to finish this job.
You've got to pall drive the enemy.
Grab them in the infoward.
Drive their head down into the concrete.
Look, look.
More importantly than getting my videos, if you've already got them and you haven't made copies, make some copies.
Get them on AXS TV.
You've aired them on AXS TV.
Air them again.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com to order.
All right, that's enough.
Let's go to the calls.
Thanks for holding.
Bob in Canada.
Welcome, sir.
Thank you.
I have several questions for you.
One of which, what do you think about the situation in Yellowstone?
A few news outlets have been carrying it.
Apparently government officials have been there, hush hush.
I had a guest on two years ago about this.
I have not covered it since then.
There have been amazing Discovery Channel programs and Learning Channel programs.
The only channels I really watch now, there's so much propaganda, I don't even watch those.
But over the last few years I've seen shows about it.
I need to remember who the guest was and get him back on.
It was one of the doctors, I've heard him on one of the other shows, one of the scientists.
And there's a giant bath-a-lift, a giant Yellowstone is a giant volcano cone.
I mean, how many thousands of square miles is Yellowstone in surrounding areas?
Why is it hot water seeping?
Why is Old Faithful now off timing?
Why is the ground sinking and rising in certain areas at record levels?
Several feet a year in some areas.
Is it going to explode?
We know it's exploded in the past, depending on what geological system you look at millions of years ago or thousands of years ago.
Depending on what science you look at.
But we know it's exploded before.
We know there's chunks of Yellowstone in Idaho, chunks of Yellowstone in Texas that were ejected hundreds if not thousands of miles.
So, you know, I'm talking folks, there's giant boulders shot thousands of miles out of the thing.
We know it's exploded.
The question is, is it going to explode again uh... we that we don't have enough science we only have
about a hundred thirty years of science really about fifty of good science
looking at it but it just be a fear-mongering tactic yes
but it may be real problem uh... it's a hundred times more dangerous from
scientists i've talked to an articles i've read that an asteroid hitting the earth and killing us
uh... what do you think i think that uh...
extremely dangerous by virtue of there being government officials sneaking in
there and trying to pretend that you know they're not there.
Yeah, I got an article about them blocking roads and telling folks to get off because of the volcano and placing sensors, a buggy in.
The problem is there's a lot of disinfo I've heard out there, a lot of people on air going, I know it's blowing up next month!
Same ones that were saying, Planet X will kill us within the hour!
Uh, you know, we just, processes are, the processes are so slow, we don't know.
But I know this, if I was in Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, uh, you know, any of that area, I mean, even in Texas, we're all in danger, if it does, it is a gigantic volcano, and it's acting weird right now.
We know, from the data of the last 130 years, it's, the changes have accelerated.
Is this part of a mini-cycle?
We don't know.
Is it burping?
Is the volcano having a hiccup?
We don't know.
I tend to, because of the span of time, I tend to say that I'm not that worried.
But it could blow up tomorrow.
I don't know.
And the other thing I wanted to ask... I mean, I'll be accused by the New York Times of saying it's going to blow up and kill all of us, okay?
I'll be in the New York Times next week saying that I said a volcano was going to kill everyone on Earth.
Well, I think that it may be used as a manipulative tool to again, you know, enforce FEMA or Well, that's where I was going next.
When you first asked the question, a hundred thoughts ran through my mind.
I blurted out some, didn't finish my main thought.
They have seismic weapons.
We have congressional bills.
We have patents.
They have a nuke that can make it go off.
They can say it was an explosion.
They could do anything.
They could do just about anything.
They've got seismic weapons.
They've got... HAARP could cause it.
Yes, very astute.
They could cause it to erupt.
And the other thing is the polar melting.
You know, the poles, all the ice breaking up.
That's propaganda.
It is.
Total lies.
Yeah, it doesn't sound logical.
It sounds like it's being extremely Exaggerated.
Well, let me ask you a question.
They had British icebreakers and Norwegian icebreakers going to the North Pole 130, 120 years ago.
Why'd they need icebreakers?
I mean, the Titanic got sunk by a, you know, how many ton iceberg.
I mean, was that because of the global warming?
I mean, it just so happens I've read a lot of history books.
I've been into navigation and sailing, not physically, but just reading about the incredible explorers at the North and South Pole.
And, you know, they described in 1865 icebergs, you know, the size of islands.
And now they'll point at an iceberg and go, look at it off the coast of Chile!
It's huge!
It's all over!
It's falling apart!
They've done ice core samples.
And it shows that there's a 12,000 year cycle.
It gets bigger, it gets smaller, both the north and south.
Right now it's getting a little bit smaller.
But every summer, every spring, masses of it break off and blow it away.
And Peter Jennings will point a news camera at it and say, look at the ice caps melting!
I think that, again, it's a manipulative tool to empower environmentalists... The U.N., of course!
...who will then go to the U.N.
and say we have to have more controls over the population for their protection.
You know?
I couldn't agree with you more, yeah.
And when do you say that the New World Order was inaugurated?
Was it with the Twin Towers being detonated?
That's when the New World Order, we're officially into it.
They were going to put the gold capstone on the Giza big pyramid and they had all the world leaders there.
I watched it live on PBS, I guess at about 11 in the morning here.
It was nighttime over there in Egypt.
It had just gotten dark and they walked out on the stage.
It was on PBS.
They said, oh great anti-beast, oh Lucifer give us power.
This is international TV.
Bush was in attendance, they were all there, and they said, give us power, and then they had a giant movie screen, about ten times bigger than a normal movie screen, with a giant horned demon, and then this French rock band in English began to go, anti-beast, anti-beast, anti-beast, give us power, oh sun god, Lucifer, red, red, red, red, and then I had to go on air, and I ran in on air, and I said, are you watching this?
Because they were going around the world, Showing the festivities, and there were big news articles in the Associated Press, Reuters, you name it, about how they were going to put the gold pyramid on, the top on, and then they said, no, we're not doing it now, and then Rockefeller came out and said, we're three years behind, and what happened a year later is they got us up to schedule using a terrorist attack, and that was the detonator in the cap firing the bullet down the rifling towards the head of Freedom and Humanity.
Well, I think that the New World Order is behind, and large credit to you and others informing the populace.
It's very hard with the news outlets to be able to see behind the scenes until you can see patterns forge, which you open up.
Well, think about how nuts this is, Bob.
I mean, look, they go to Skull and Bones, they go to the Grove, but all these world leaders are at the Pyramid.
Folks, you can do a LexisNexis search or Google search.
You know, 2000, a new millennium, uh, celebrations at the Giza Plateau at the Great Pyramid.
And, I mean, I'm watching them worship a giant horned demon on TV.
And announcing the new age, and oh, Aquarius, and oh, Anti-Beast, and oh, Lucifer, and oh, Sun God, and I don't even know what Anti-Beast is.
It was bizarro.
I don't even know, but I'm weird for reporting it.
I'm weird for reporting they want to put microchips in us, but they're doing it.
They're the ones that are doing it.
Was this Shirley MacLaine and Bush?
Yeah, it was in the news that world leaders, Jacques Chirac and Bush Sr., that's where they went.
It was on the news.
I watched a giant devil worship fest.
Well, it doesn't surprise me in the least.
Every time I report something like this, I just feel like a crazy person, but they did it.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you.
You bet.
Todd in Kansas.
Todd, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
Pretty good, sir.
Hey, it was a good job there at the beginning of the hour on this registered slave workforce, and it's true.
In the last 12 hours, it's been solidified in my mind that it's true.
Last night on this little numb news here, Superintendent and school district over here.
It's all a good and happy thing to protect the children and the school.
They all have their little doggy tags with their digital picture and their barcode and name that they got to wear in the school.
And then later on, I talked to the superintendent.
He listened to me, but it all came out that that was my opinion.
I told him, no, it's a fact.
You can go check out these things.
You really need to do that.
And then I found out just An hour ago that all hazmat drivers, DOT, all those are going to have their little doggy chains too.
Real soon.
Well, I mean, they're saying any professional is going to be drafted and now they've got this draft for 18 and quote over and they've got all these bills introduced and I report this, people call in and go, I get emails, where is it?
I can't believe it!
That's right in the face, right in the skull.
It don't matter if you're two years old or 60 years old, you're going to have Your little registration on what you're doing.
The official federal plan says the school is to train people how to be when they're adults.
Well, it's happening.
It's here.
I'll hold you over, Todd.
Stay there.
Yeah, whether it's ID cards, frisking, barbed wire fences, police, cameras in the classrooms, thumb scanning at your school lunches, training you to be a slave of Oceania.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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I got a star on my car and one on my chest.
The history of mankind.
There's somebody saying, "I got a star on my car and one on my chest."
I got a gun on my hip and the right to arrest.
I am the authority.
I am the sovereign.
I am the government.
You are the slave.
And in modern history, it's always been it's for your own good.
Before it was just, hey, I'm God.
I'm the government.
You better follow my orders.
Now it's, oh, it's for your best interest.
With all this propaganda, and people have forgotten that, so we're losing freedom, we're going into tyranny.
And now America is awakening, the world is awakening, so the globalists are trying to clamp down.
Todd in Kansas, go ahead and finish up the points you were making, sir.
Well, I'd given that superintendent this morning many places to look when he said the word opinion.
I gave him, just look at the sheriffs in Ohio, look at the The parents being ticketed in Houston.
Look at your big camp in the backyard.
Yeah, for those that don't know, parents are arrested if their child doesn't finish their homework one time.
Yep, and the camp outside of the county commissioner's office up there in Washington, down to all the bacteria being sprayed down in this boy's backyard right next to me.
That was in Stars and Stripes in the Kansas City Star two years ago.
They sprayed a biological agent, the Army did, all over the towns.
Well, it's true, because I'm down in southeast Kansas.
I can see most of these chemtrails stopping about 60 miles over the border into Kansas.
You can see that.
It's really fog to the south.
Now, I'd ask the superintendent, would you be willing to go on the radio for 15, 20 minutes?
No, no, no, no, no.
That wasn't going to happen.
It wasn't going to happen.
So your kids are, your children are all going to wear ID cards and thumb scan to get lunches and be frisked and it's all part of freedom.
Well they're doing it.
I think I must go buy me a bullhorn today.
Go down there.
Go down there and educate that school.
You bet.
Well thanks a lot Alex.
Keep it up.
Hey I appreciate the call.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in New York.
Go ahead John.
Hi, Alex.
How you been?
Good, sir.
I want to make you aware of something that's going on, and it's headed your way, but I just wanted to let you know.
There's a company named National Grid.
National Grid is a British-owned company.
Prince Philip sits on the board of directors of National Grid.
They made a compact with the power companies in the states of Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York.
I read the article yesterday that Europe's buying up everything.
Yeah, New York, Ohio, Indiana, almost to St.
Louis by now.
And they're buying up only one thing, Alex.
They're buying up the power lines.
The transmission of electricity in the United States.
And the company is National Grid.
Yeah, that's not strategic.
Let's just hand that over to the foreigners.
Right, and they're using it because they're double-dealing the electric bill for every consumer in America.
I know this.
Every consumer.
Sir, my power bill three, four years ago was $240, even in the summer.
Maybe $150, $200 during the winter?
$700, $800?
The generator has become an independent entity.
They say it's power choice, where you get to pick the power and also put it on the power line.
No, it's regional monopolies.
But the foreign entity, the British, with this royal connection of hooking it up, is the second thing that's happened to me That I've been watching very closely.
Matter of fact, I wrote in an article in the local paper and showed the electric bill and showed that no matter who you pick as a generator, we're all paying the same for power.
It's one of the biggest shell games of all time.
And that the British company wants to own all the power lines in the United States.
And before they scam you, they have rolling blackouts to give you the perception that there isn't enough power.
That came out from internal documents in California.
That's correct.
And we had a rolling blackout in the beginning of September, end of August here in New York that extended into Ohio and Michigan.
Before they quadrupled and tripled and doubled the prices in Texas, we had a bunch of rolling blackouts a few years ago.
That's correct.
The other thing was Uh, the mention of, uh, I just got back from a conference where they wanted to build a couple more power plants, and I told them to turn on the ones that they had already shut down, and one of the fellas there was from British Petroleum.
And a long time ago, you had a caller on that was talking about this subject, and I wanted to verify it with you.
Oh, I know it's the foreigners that are bonding up the transmission lines of the power companies.
And they spent a bunch of money to get Austin's power plant shut down.
They're just buying them, shutting them down, creating a monopoly.
Thank you so much for the call.
Great points.
Second hour coming up.
More news, more calls.
Stay with us.
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The globalists are creating a massive smokescreen.
They'll shuffle the politicians around but give you the same thing.
Consolidation of power and control, the erection of a massive police state control grid, the destruction of our borders as we're rolled into the Pan-American Union and the One World Government.
Governments throughout history have sought to make the people their slaves, to set themselves up as the rulers.
It's happening again.
We here at this broadcast, at this network, and obviously at the station you're listening to, are against tyranny and for liberty and freedom.
And we are trying to explore the realities of what we face.
Now last hour I got into Wesley Clark, who wants a big national draft for everybody.
I got into the NRA and a big federal lawsuit arguing against the Second Amendment.
We'll go back into that.
I want to get into now an ABC News report We talked about yesterday, it was out of the Olympian, Olympian newspaper in Washington, now it's out of the ABC News, about the Army creating fake form letters about how much the troops love the war and how great the Iraqis are doing, and then signing their names to it, the Pentagon Office of Information, or lying, and putting this out in the news.
They've now been caught doing it.
This is just one of the many things they're doing.
I mean, the Pentagon's paying for propaganda in the sitcoms and the dramas, not just the newspaper and the news.
Very, very serious level.
Folks, when the government starts doing that, you know you're in deep trouble.
We're all in a lot of trouble, including those in government.
This is not the way we want to go for our children, our futures, and even today, and just our lives.
Let's talk to David in Alabama.
David, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
You bet.
Listen, your first hour, excellent.
I'm furious about that NRA attorney.
I can't seem to get it to pull up on your website.
Maybe I'll show up in the archives later.
I need to get copies of that out to my hunting buddies and gun club buddies.
It's just unreal.
Now, wait a minute.
Hold on.
For those that just joined us, now, my webmaster said they were going to put this on Infowars.com, but if it's not there, go to KeepEmBearArms.com.
But I've got a serious suspicion it's on my site.
Or hit refresh.
Hit the refresh button on InfoWars.com.
Headline, NRA attorney, your honor, we are here wanting to register handguns, close quote.
I'll read this article in full later in this hour, but go ahead.
I can't believe it.
Some of us who have been NRA members, you know, and they've been telling us that they're supporting all our rights, or they're paying somebody to tell the judge that kind of information.
It's just infuriating.
Absolutely infuriating.
I just can't believe it.
Well, you need to get this out to everybody, and we need to leave the NRA, or use it as a recruiting arm for your own local Second Amendment group.
And get your tapes.
I've got all your tapes.
I've shown them.
They're excellent value.
They open people's eyes.
90 to 100 percent conversion rates.
People that want to keep their head in the sand, they're going to keep their head in the sand.
But those that need to learn, need to watch the tapes.
Absolutely just awesome stuff, Alex.
You know, maybe what I should do, David, is Well, it would help because you get new listeners all the time.
I've been listening for years.
I've been a prior 9-11 listener.
Folks that are just catching on need to learn that the NRA is in league.
Like you said before, they've had that oath.
You know, I used to walk around writing their phone number on the back of cards at businesses where I work, asking people to join in the mid-1990s.
I don't want to hear it from some of these NRA members that are idiots who call me and go, how dare you put them down?
Well, there may be some local people that are for the NRA, but when you get up to the higher levels, as you've shown, where the real money is and the power... Well, the members are good people.
Even your regional folks are okay.
But we've got to get together and get the board straightened out if we're going to get it straightened out.
If we can't, then leave.
I agree.
I mean, look, they're neutral on Bush saying he'll resign the assault weapons ban.
Oh, he better not.
Oh, that's ridiculous.
Anything else you'd like to add, David?
No, just keep up the good work.
Love your products and your show.
Keep it up.
Thank you.
Thank you so much.
More calls, more news coming up.
Stay with us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
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We normally update InfoWars.com at about 11, 1130, right as the show starts or a little bit into the show.
We had some callers on and off air asking about this NRA story, this sellout story.
So I called my webmaster.
It has not been updated yet.
She's in the process of updating right now.
About 60 different news stories.
That should be up in the next 20-30 minutes.
You'll be able to go read this for yourself.
So just hit your refresh button a little bit later.
What am I talking about?
This is from Keaton Bear Arms.
Your Honor, we are here waiting to register handguns.
Your Honor, we are here wanting, excuse me, to register handguns.
NRA attorney, that's the quote.
Angel Shamaya, keepin' their arms?
NRA attorney Stephen Holbrook appears not only unprepared to effectively argue a Second Amendment case, but ready to give up the farm to register handguns and call it reasonable when he gets his day in court.
Read the transcript of Mr. Holbrook's oral arguments from the court just last week on October 8th.
DC, Second Amendment federal court hearing in a federal lawsuit.
Okay, and they're going to try to create bad case law. Annotated transcript of NRA case proceedings.
They have a link to the transcript. Here is a short excerpt from Mr. Hallbrook's oral arguments
last Wednesday, October 8th, in a case of NRA calls a Second Amendment lawsuit.
Big case we've been talking a lot about and again here they are, the globalists having their own
people in there playing the part of the good cop, betraying us like Judas Iscariot.
The 20 pieces of silver.
The court, this is a quote, the judge, the government can put restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms?
Mr. Holbrook, your honor, we are here wanting to register handguns.
We are not here wanting unrestricted access, we are not here asking to carry them other than in the home, see?
Because there's no law about having your guns registered nationally.
But now, see, the NRA's arguing for that.
They're actually the next tier.
They're in one of the quotes.
The court.
You're saying that the government can impose reasonable restrictions.
Mr. Holbrook, yes, your honor.
Yes, your honor.
Sarah Brady, and it goes into the article about this, Sarah Brady wants to register handguns too.
Made Mr. Holbrook, NRA attorney, to join our organization to help in their efforts.
When you read the full annotated transcript, see they call it reasonable.
This is all gun grabber lingo.
The above will be only one of many concerns raised.
Arguing a so-called Second Amendment case while wanting to register all handguns, close quote, is working directly against the rights of those who never would submit to such restrictions under any circumstances.
Stephen Holbrook is an NRA paid attorney and he filed the lawsuit with their support.
And the lawsuit is to register guns.
It's to create bad case law.
It's actually a gun bill.
Anti-gun bill.
Would Thomas Jefferson or James Madison have gone to court to fight a Second Amendment case merely wanting to register handguns in the home?
See, that's another step for the globalists.
See, it's all in plain view, folks.
Of course not.
Would they have argued for handgun registration in the middle of a court hearing in which they eagerly agreed that the government can impose, quote, reasonable restrictions?
It's like Ashcroft getting hailed by the NRA.
Remember that?
A couple years ago, oh, he says he's for the Second Amendment.
They didn't add, with reasonable restrictions under federal law.
See, putting the federal law above the Bill of Rights, which is the big law.
Not a chance.
Doing so suggests that such an overt infringement on our Second Amendment rights is reasonable, that's his quote, when it would certainly not be.
Presentable, perhaps.
You do not have to register your Bible or your computer, First Amendment, so why would you register your firearm, Second Amendment?
Answer, you shouldn't.
But NRA management and their unprepared attorney, unprepared.
Oh, see, it's an accident.
No, it's not.
Obviously disagree, and they are using members' donations to do just that.
Handgun registration is the NRA's idea of leading a Second Amendment court challenge, yet they've been in operation since the late 1800s and have raised billions of dollars to quote, protect the Second Amendment.
Americans must realize the NRA management defense of the Second Amendment rights in court litigation is destructive.
Fortunately, the current Second Amendment lawsuit most likely to be heard by the Supreme Court, Silvera v. Lockyer, That's out of California.
Lockyer, the Attorney General, is beyond NRA management's control.
The Supreme Court is very likely to grant a hearing to Silvera's case soon.
And thanks to careful legal research spanning the last year, the case is far better prepared than the Second Amendment litigation the National Rifle Association has ever brought to court.
It was already greater judicial success for the Second Amendment than the NRA's well-paid lawyers has ever managed.
By the way, I would add to this that in Illinois last year, they said they're going to have house-to-house gun confiscations, quote, to see if you're not registered.
With their cage teams, the NRA head in Illinois said, yeah, that's reasonable.
The key words they're using, legalese, when we were trying to beat a gun registration bill and gun show shutdown and banning people under 18 from being able to touch a rifle, the NRA, and we had Congress for all the rest of our rallies, the NRA refused to send their local head, this woman, to it and called us extreme in the Dallas Morning News.
The NRA helped pass the 1968 Gun Control Act.
Charlton Heston campaigned for it.
I'm sorry that hurt your feelings, that's just the facts.
Don't blame the messenger.
I mean, how many folks have called in and said they saw him doing it?
Well, I have the news articles about it.
I have a horrible VHS copy of a copy of a copy of him on CBS promoting, and I wish somebody had a better copy and sent it to me.
But that's the reality, folks, and that's going up on InfoWars.com here very, very soon.
We're posting it right now.
Or just go to KeepingBearArms.com right now.
And get it and email it out to everybody.
Let's go ahead and go now to Marcello in Canada.
Go ahead, Marcello.
Hello, Alex.
Thank you.
Remember last time I called you, I talked about voting non-confidence?
Yeah, you said in Canada you can just vote non-confidence in your elections.
Right, and I also told you it's a very little-known thing.
And it just so happens, a little while later, we actually had our elections in Ontario, and I went and voted non-confidence.
And it's little-known for one reason, I guess, because it's not an option on the ballot.
And it's something you actually have to proclaim.
You have to go to the polling station and say, I'd like to register a vote of non-confidence in every candidate.
And I did that and I kind of threw them for a loop.
And, uh, you know, first he was trying to tell me, Oh, I can't advise you how to vote or how not to vote.
And I was saying, no, no, I'm voting non-confident.
And he tried to tell me, Oh, there's no such beast.
And, and then, uh, he had to call up his supervisor and, uh, She looked really perplexed and was leafing through her manual there.
Well, it's like police saying there's no Second Amendment or no right to travel or no right to religion or no right to assemble.
They just say, you gotta have a permit, no longer a right, it's a privilege.
We can't let them get to that point of just basically extincting liberties.
Right, and so she couldn't find it and then we got one more higher up person and then she conceded, oh yeah, this person has the right to do that.
After entering non-confidence, we have our notice of registration, it has a number on it, and you hand that in and then they check it off.
They have a blank line there, so that's where they enter that vote, non-confidence.
And she told me I had to submit the ballot blankly.
I don't know if that's correct or not.
Okay, what else is on your mind, sir?
You mentioned that you might check it out.
Yeah, I didn't get it.
Man, I got so much info coming at me.
I'm not in Canada, but definitely I'd like to learn more about that.
That's interesting.
Yeah, because there's a reason that you should be able to do that as well.
And, you know, you might get what I got.
Oh, you can't do it.
No such thing.
Oh, yeah.
I was going to check out if we can do that in the States.
Because, you know, it's a way of repudiating... Well, I know you can write people in, so I guess in our country you can say none of the above.
Because, you know, the majority of people don't vote because they're so disillusioned.
Yeah, that's a good way to stop these electronic voting machines is demand that they put that there, have exit polls, and show that more than half the people vote no confidence, and then watch them still try to claim that somebody's been elected.
Thanks for the call.
Interesting information, Marcello.
Take care.
Rod in Colorado.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
I'd like to comment on the NRA.
About 30 years ago, there was a gentleman named Robert O. Anderson, who was president or CEO of ARCO, Atlantic Richfield Company.
And he worked his way to a top position in the NRA.
This was during the early 70s.
And then he was trying to get the rifle range closed.
New Mexico and convert it to a campground for public use.
And he was undermining the NRA.
Well, the membership got pretty upset about it, and they finally got him out of there and went back to a more sane operation.
But still, the underlying hidden agenda of the NRA for the last 50 years has been to help disarm the American people, even in spite of the fact that their charter is who teach marksmanship to the young people.
Hey, that's all they do.
They give A+ ratings to people that are publicly anti-gun.
They keep their members in the dark.
They lie that Ashcroft is actually anti-gun.
They try to block local groups that are trying to defeat legislation.
They're there as a Judas goat to lead us into the slaughter pens.
And remember the CARA bill, the $47 billion land grab money.
The NRA put millions of lobbying in to get that passed.
Their members didn't even know about it.
The Paragon Foundation, a land rights group, had a fight with them.
We boycotted the NRA as legislative director and he got fired!
That's the way it should be.
And so, yeah, it's full of good people, but full of useful idiots.
Check out this Robert O. Anderson guy from ARCO 30 years ago, and there'll be some members of the NRA that were members as long as I had been that will remember that, I'm pretty sure.
Well, what do you think about them arguing in this big Second Amendment case, trying to stick their nose into it?
We're for registering guns.
We agree that's the way it should be.
It doesn't surprise me a bit.
I haven't been a member of the NRA for 10 years, because of their activities.
I got out, I think, at about 97 and would just say, well, they got some bad folks, well, they've been infiltrated.
Folks, you can kick out the infiltrators, they just put more in.
Yeah, they just keep working their way to the top like rocks in your garden, you know.
That's it, sir.
Anything else?
That's about it.
Thank you, Rod, Ralph, and Brock, and others.
Your calls are up next.
Toll free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
I'll take some more calls this segment.
The next segment I'm going to go back into a bunch of other news on a plethora of vital issues that are just as important.
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We're back live.
Alex Jones here.
We're about to go straight back to your calls and coming up, we are overrun by gun crime, says police chief.
And that's in an area with totally manned guns, U.S.
troops, body armor delayed, September 11th panel weighs MI5-like agency, wait till you hear this, anger at a 130 pound, a pound and a half mile roll code, a toll road plan, that's over $2, folks, U.S., well over $2 per mile to drive your car in England.
And we'll also get into just a bunch of other really important news about what's happening globally.
Right now, let's go back to the calls.
Let's talk to Ralph in Oklahoma.
Ralph, you're on the air.
Yes, Alex.
How often do you talk with a former life member of the NRA?
We've actually gotten quite a few calls over the years from former life members, or life members who are now angry.
Yeah, and I hope they're all DOA members now, like I am.
No, several years back, maybe heard it on this program, something on Truthful Radio anyway, about the NRA contributing so much to the United Nations, that I called the ILA and asked them about it, and they said, oh yeah, that's correct.
I said, I don't want any of my money going to the United Nations.
Their bottom line is global gun control.
How much money did you give them?
Well, I was a life member back for 30 years, nearly.
So how much is that?
Well, that was probably, I'm not sure what it was, maybe $175 or $200 back then.
I'm not real sure.
or 200 back then, I'm not real sure, and different contributions.
For those who just tuned in and don't believe you, what was it about five, six years ago
the NRA joined the UN as a non-governmental organization and gave them a bunch of money
and pay yearly dues?
I challenged them, I said, well, right there somewhere in your monthly magazine, I want you to print how much money and when you give them this money.
Oh, we can't do that.
and i feel well and cancel me out so i'm still on the books is a lot member but
i i don't you know they won't take me off all of them
well i mean i've i've had people laugh at me at the gun show go on but you know
i raised with the u_n_ paul hall the n_r_a_ supports gun control what's wrong with
you And they're just ignorant, they don't care about the Second Amendment.
They don't want to know, they're afraid of the truth.
I challenge everybody that has that attitude to call the ILA, you know, it's no big deal, just to find out.
Well, I know that every July now, the United Nations meets, July 7th through July 14th, there at the Rockefeller Center and at the U.N.
Center in New York, and they put out the unitary statement in 2001 that, quote, civilian ownership of firearms threatens the legitimate power monopoly of the state.
Now, a power monopoly is a dictatorship.
And their sworn goal is to disarm us, and the NRA is a member of the UN, just like NAMBLA.
And the UN doesn't give any ground.
The NRL claim, well, we're there to effect change.
No, you're not.
You're there to compromise the Second Amendment, and that's been their job for at least the last 40 years.
That's exactly what they've done.
That's why I'm I feel bad about leaving him out.
You're right.
I know I have joined several people, too.
Larry Pratt is the only one that even talks.
Well, JPFO is good, too.
He's used for the preservation of Farron's ownership.
I feel bad about leaving him out.
You're right.
He is very good.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I appreciate the call.
The really good groups that defeat stuff at the state level isn't the NRA.
The NRA is there to incrementally, with the Fabian Socialist model, inchworm, to every time a gun bill gets brought up the state level, to have it rewritten to only give them half of what they want.
They never repeal, they never get assault weapons bans repealed, or state laws repealed.
When we have the power, there's 130 million gun owners, 5.5 million members of the NRA, if they told folks to show up at meetings and show up at the state level, and if they wanted to put out state action alerts, and if they wanted it, no.
They don't do it.
And so it's your local gun groups, frankly, are even more important than the GOA.
The GOA is great, but we need hundreds of groups reading the legislation at the state, local, federal level.
We need everybody, we need you to become leaders and start your own Second Amendment groups because you know you're good.
And go join the NRA locally and recruit out of that organization.
Break them down.
Take their members.
We need lots of soldiers in this fight, not one chief who's sold out.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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My friends, there have been new developments in a story that we first talked about over
the weekend on my Saturday show I did with John Stapmiller.
I then covered more of it yesterday and I've got articles from Tennessee, articles from Iowa, articles out of Washington State where locals discovered by reading the newspaper and where the newspapers in some cases discovered that They were receiving, all the newspapers in all regions of the country, or I should say many of the newspapers in regions of the country, form letters signed in the same handwriting with different names of different servicemen, different members of the military who were serving in horrible conditions and who we support as individuals.
We don't support this whole fraud of a war, but who we still support the troops.
And now it's been admitted, ABC News last night with Damage Control had to come in and they just calmly announced, yeah well the army had their commanders get the names of the members of their units without their consent and they told each officer over these units, over these groups In the military to write a fake letter and then sign the names of their men to it and to mail it back to the areas where their men, or now women, are from.
Now that's the Pentagon's Office of Strategic Influence, or lying.
Remember they announced a year and a half ago, we've got this new office that's going to lie and plant false news stories.
And then their first official story was, oh no, that wasn't true, we're not going to do that.
And then now they've been working around the clock.
They were there before, now they were just announcing themselves.
And when they get caught lying, they go, well yeah, we said we'd lie.
I mean, it's amazing.
It'd be like if I walked up to you and said, hey, I'm going to be robbing your house next week.
Is that okay with you?
And you joke and say, sure, Bob.
And then I rob your house and you say, well, wait a minute.
I told you I was going to rob you.
So I'm going to read the new ABC News story about that and just a bunch of other incredible news.
And then we'll get to Brock and Mark and Gary and a lot of other people that are patiently holding.
We've reached the halfway point in this global transmission.
We'll continue the discussion of the NRA in a federal courthouse in a case saying we are for, quote, the registration of people's guns.
And we're against people carrying their guns anywhere but in the home.
I mean, that's what they said.
And that has now been posted on InfoWars.com for you.
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Jim, thanks for coming on.
It really does.
Alex, I'll tell you what, you're such a quick study that if you researched it for two weeks, you ought to know it upside down and back and forth.
I'm always amazed at how quickly you come out with information.
I mean, it's like something happens and a microsecond later you come out with all this information.
I don't know how you do it.
And everybody thinks, gee, Merry Christmas.
He's stark raving mad.
And then six months later, Uh, the rest of the media catches up and it becomes common knowledge.
Uh, you know, it's kind of like your Arnold Schwarzenegger expose.
I mean, gee, Merry Christmas.
You've been on that for months!
And all of a sudden, five days before the election, all of a sudden, you know, the Los Angeles Times comes out with this astounding story that's like old hat and old news.
Yeah, he was in Enron meetings.
He loves Hitler.
He said he hated blacks in front of thousands.
He gropes all these women.
He attends the Grove.
It all comes out five days before, yeah.
Well, anyway, Alex, we have a couple of specials up for your listeners, and listeners, you can go to InfoWars.com, go down to the Berkey light, Click on that and it will bring up the filter.
With the Berkey Lite, we have really gone to the extreme to remove contaminants out of the water.
For example, with respect to pathogenic bacteria, it's considered removed when you remove 99.99%.
And in our filter, the only reason why I can't test higher, right now we've tested above 99. and then seven more nines.
And the only reason why we can't go higher than that is because once they get over a billion microbes per liter, they can't figure out how to count them.
But nothing got through at the most contaminated level.
And for those that don't know, you didn't do the normal testing.
You had a university basically put pond slime in, and nothing was in the Petri dish on the other side.
Well, typically when you're testing for a microbe, what they'll do is they'll take, for example, E. coli.
And then they'll test 100,000 per liter, and then they throw those filters away.
And then they'll try, you know, Pseudomonas aeruginosa or something, and then they'll just try that one pathogen and 100,000 per liter, and then they'll test how many come through, and then they throw those filters away.
We said, no, we don't want to do that.
What we want you to do is mix them all together.
And most companies wouldn't test that way because it would absolutely overwhelm the filter.
And we said, look, we don't want 100,000 per liter in there, which is the standard test.
What we want you to do is create the most microbes you can get into a liter of water, that's known as lawn growth, and test it with that.
They thought we were crazy.
We said, no, put all the microbes, mix them all in there together, do it at the most dense contamination level you can find, because we want to see what comes through that filter.
And when they tested it, they thought we were nuts.
And when they looked at the results on what came out, they were scratching their heads saying, there's something wrong with our equipment here because we're showing nothing.
And so they did it again.
And tell folks which university did that?
That was the University of Louisiana.
And they have one of the biggest storehouses of microbes in the country, actually in the world.
And they're instrumental in doing a lot of work.
For example, in the Exxon Valdez, Uh, you know, spilled all that oil up in Alaska.
They wanted to eat that up with microbes.
They went to the University of Louisiana because they've got the microbes that'll eat the oil.
And you had that scientist working on it.
So, folks, bottom line, for replacement filters, for your old filters, you can get just the replacement filters, or for the murky light unit, Uh, or, uh, for, uh, it has a nightlight system in it with a rechargeable battery.
You can get a solar charger that goes with it.
Uh, they've got the, uh, the only thing, the only thing the black filters wouldn't totally cut out was fluoride because the way fluoride is designed, it goes through everything.
Go to the store, the filters they sell don't cut out fluoride.
You have post filters that do that that you tested for over, what was it, a year or something.
You've got the top of the line on those post filters that screw onto the spigot when it comes out another layer of filtering.
It's ridiculous.
It's the best you can get.
And folks, God forbid there's a biological attack or it seems like every month here in Central Texas they say boil your drinking water because some town will have the sewage spill over into the drinking water.
Just stop drinking this trash and at the same time get a great filter and support this broadcast.
I want you to call.
What are the two deals you're offering, Jim?
Okay, we're going to offer a Berkey light special.
This is the special with the LED lights.
We're also including the solar panel which will give you perpetual lighting because you can use that solar panel to charge it during the day.
The solar panel also has adapters so you can charge your cell phone in an emergency.
Uh, and other things like radios, uh, shortwave radios.
We're also going to include the KDF shower filter, which, uh, takes out the pollutants in your shower so you don't breathe them in and get them into your body.
Also included, a battery adapter, which, uh, will, uh, with four AA alkaline batteries will light that base for two weeks at night, every night.
So for eight batteries, you've got a month's worth of lighting if the lights go out.
And we're going to include two sport bottles or two potassium iodate or mix and match.
Get one of each.
The total value on that is $471.
We're going to give it to your listeners for $383.
And Jim, I know what your margin is, because we talk about it, and I mean, you really are, frankly, on top of your already discounted prices, a 20% reduction.
Folks need to call.
They need to take advantage of this.
Now, if you just want the Black Berkey replacement elements, you can get those.
How much are those?
Well, normally they're $192 for a set, but during the special that we're currently running, For your listeners, we're going to also include a $49 shower filter, absolutely free.
So that's four black filters, which you could just use two.
You'll just get 15 gallons instead of 30 gallons a day.
And then have your two black replacements on the deal.
And you get, did you say two shower filters?
One shower filter.
One shower filter.
So essentially you're getting a $50 shower filter, no charge.
Okay, again, both those deals are on Infowars.com.
You can go look at them and read about them and then call the number.
Or you can just call toll free to get it.
That's 888-803-4438.
Take control of your life, folks.
Stop drinking this trash.
Maybe you've already bought one and are impressed.
Give them to the grandchildren.
Give them to the parents.
Give them to your grandparents.
Folks, when you've been drinking good water, clean, pure water, For a couple weeks.
Then go drink some tap water.
You'll be so glad you got this.
And when I did my research to get a Big Berkey...
Four years ago, I now have three.
A Berkey Light and two of the other Berkeys.
Now I have four.
Two of them are in storage.
When I first did that, and I have the shower filters.
When I first did that, I talked to people who had them.
I went online, did research.
I have friends that had different other units.
I drank out of them, and it didn't taste good.
You taste nothing but water with the big Berkey, and now this new Berkey Light with the black Berkey elements is even better.
Thanks for coming on, Jim.
Always a pleasure, Alex.
Keep up the good work.
God bless you, my friend.
Thank you so much.
And we bring Jim up here because this water issue is so important.
We have the facts, and you need to take action.
Okay, let's go to the calls.
Thanks for holding.
Brock in Canada.
Brock, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I wanted to illustrate what I see going on and ask your opinion on it.
It seems like there's a lot of Judas goats leading us into the slaughter bin over and over again.
In the justice system, we have an outrageous amount of break and entering and obvious crime.
Where the perpetrators get 30 days or nothing and the victims guard for a long time.
Well yeah, in Canada, New York, the UK, a guy busts in, grabs it on your wife, robbing you, you pull a gun on him, call the police and they say you're not allowed to have a gun and you go to jail.
Yes, and they protect the perpetrators all over the place and stick it in her face.
Now what I'm wondering is, if this just isn't a setup, To trick us to having them download a bunch of heavier laws coming in the future.
Maybe getting rid of judges or having a brand new system where they come power-slamming down hard.
Well, that's exactly mandatory sentencing, getting rid of attorney-client privilege, phasing out juries.
It's already begun, sir.
The Waco civil case two years ago didn't have juries.
Three years ago, excuse me.
To take away our rights so they can control us better.
Look, that's exactly what's happening, and then the NRA goes and grabs up all the court cases, and then compromises, and the court rules, okay, you can have a gun if you get a special permit for it, and then now everything has to be permitted, they're out promoting the concealed carry that turns a right into a privilege.
The other thing I wanted to ask is, it appears that George W. Bush is insane.
He's a total puppet, he's not running anything, neither did Bill Clinton.
Well, I think that he's going to be torpedoed in the next election.
Well, they love to switch around the puppets, but I predict Bush is going to win.
I may be wrong.
Everybody's saying, oh, he's in deep trouble.
They can pull a lot of things out of the hat before the election.
And how far?
But it won't matter.
You'll get Wesley Clark who's for the exact same stuff.
Yeah, I'm just wondering if they sleaze Hillary Clinton into the fray.
To get her in there again, but... It won't matter, but a lot of conservatives will switch off the thinking process and hail Bush and say, oh, we gotta vote for him.
It doesn't matter.
I think Hillary being in there would be good, because then that would mobilize conservatives and libertarians and Christians.
The problem is, under Bush, everything Bill Clinton wanted is being passed.
Under Bill Clinton, people woke up and stood up and got involved.
I mean, did Bill Clinton sign back onto UNESCO?
Did Bill Clinton call for blanket amnesty for all illegals?
Did Bill Clinton say he'd re-sign the Assault on Independence ban?
Could Bill Clinton have gotten away with that?
Let's see, because it's Bush, the NRA can go, oh, well, we're for it, because Bush is for it.
Oh, Bush is for not arming the pilots.
Oh, Bush is for... It's incredible.
Thanks for the call.
Thanks, Barack.
Mark in Minnesota, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Mark, you're on the air.
All right, we may have lost Mark.
Can you hear me now?
Go ahead, yes.
Yeah, isn't that something else?
The DOD sending out these fabricated, you know, Good newsletters, you know, putting soldiers' names who are, you know, sitting in hospitals in Germany, you know, with their shoulders blown off and so forth.
I'm just thinking, you know, before, you know, when the truth starts to emerge on, you know, Gulf War Syndrome 2, next, you know, we'll be seeing all these letters to the editors saying how thankful We are, as soldiers.
I love the depleted uranium being 1,900 times safe levels.
The anthrax shots are so wonderful, and their parents will be like, wow, that was an interesting letter you wrote.
By the way, let me stop you.
I heard a woman on Limbaugh yesterday, because, you know, I get to hear an hour after I got off the air, I was listening in the car.
And it was, I've seen letters in the editor every day, they love it, but the TV's lying, they're lying liberals!
Uh-oh, I've got lots of letters to the editor!
And he's like, yes, yes, and then I've got people emailing me saying that these very letters were shown at their church, going, look, the troops love it!
Yeah, exact same letter, you know, all over the country, and I like, in fact, I found the links to about 50 different, uh... Sir, the same signature, the same handwriting!
Yeah, it's absolutely breathtaking, but in fact I'm noticing, in a way that's a good sign though, because when they're using desperate measures like that, that shows you really just how horrible public opinion must be, and they must know that when they resort to those sort of measures.
But I notice they're giving some of their propaganda.
Let me tell you why I'm so mad.
I saw white paper put out by the Defense Department and Secretary White, who's not saying he's a good guy, going, look, this will take five years to ten years.
It will cost over one trillion dollars, some estimates 1.6 trillion.
And then you hear on the news, oh, gentlemen, you'll all be back right after you go into Baghdad, within weeks.
They knew that wasn't the facts, and they told us, and they lied to the troops, and now they're there breathing depleted uranium, and then they go, well, support the troops.
The anthrax shots were wonderful and their parents would be like, well that was an interesting letter you wrote.
I didn't write anything.
But yeah, I'm telling you, it shows you how desperate they are and I've noticed.
It's very scary.
That they're having to give their propaganda a facelift because people are seeing through these shallow attacks, personality attacks and so forth.
I was listening to a certain neocon show, for intelligence gathering purposes of course, and uh... you know pretending he's all objective
he's like you know all these republicans are so liberal in fact he
came up with a nickname for Arnold Schwarzenegger, Arnold Kennedy
and he's saying how liberal all these republicans are and how horrible everything is because both parties are the
same and then in the next breath he turns around and says yeah
all these liberals who stay there, stay there, I'll let you finish
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The Berkey Security Pack is your one-stop solution for unexpected emergencies.
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I can only let Mark finish up, because I've got to get to this news article about the fake letters.
But Mark, and then we'll go to Gary and others next hour.
Mark, go ahead and finish up real quick.
Yeah, I'll tell you, they are definitely tailoring their propaganda, because they must be hurting one of these neocons.
He spends about 15 minutes saying, you know, Liberals have taken over the Republican Party.
He's having to do that because people are waking up.
He's got to act like he understands.
Yeah, they're setting up, basically, their own sacrificial lambs.
They'll attack the right target, but then they'll throw in the poison after that.
And he's sitting there spending 15 minutes saying how liberals have taken over the Republican Party.
In fact, he came up with a nickname for Schwarzenegger, you know, Arnold Kennedy.
I heard the Limbaugh fill-in say that it was really a good thing that the Republican Party had gotten, quote, more moderate.
Yeah, so anyway, he's saying how liberal the Republican Party is, you know, how bad that is, and attacking Schwarzenegger, calling him left-wing, saying the Republican Party is full of hypocrites, but then he turns around in the next breath And when he's saying how liberals have taken over the Republican Party, he says all those liberals who want to ruin America, those liberals who are opposed to the Patriot Act.
Yeah, exactly.
Thanks for the call.
When it's all legislation, all legislation that Bill Clinton tried to pass with John Ashcroft when Ashcroft was a senator.
Almost all that stuff was pinned by...
The staff of John Ashcroft, Section 213, Section 802, Section 215, a bunch of the banking stuff, all Ashcroft, all Bill Clinton, okay?
Letters Home, ABC News, finally broke there last night.
Soldiers glowing accounts of success in Iraq were written by commander.
The letters appeared in roughly 12 newspapers.
It's well over a hundred yesterday, folks.
Across the country, from Massachusetts to California.
Folks, it was in 11 in Washington State alone.
And many places in between, family members and local newspapers received letters from soldiers of the 2nd Battalion of the 503rd Infantry Regiment, detailing their success in Northern Iraq.
Each letter was signed by a different soldier, but the words were identical.
And I've got the signatures right here.
It's written in the same feminine writing.
A 5-year-old can see that's the same writing.
A very feminine, looks like a 14-year-old girl, folks.
Looks like, you know, notes I'd get as a freshman in high school from my girlfriend.
And it says, Kirk is a hot and dusty city of just over a million people.
The majority of the city has welcomed our presence with open arms.
After nearly five months here, the people still come running from their homes into the 110 degree heat waving to us as our troops drive by on daily patrols of the city.
Children smile and run up to shake hands in their broken English.
Thank you, mister.
Turns out Amy Connell of Sharon Mass knew as soon as she received a letter from her son Adam that he did not write it.
He's 20 years old and I don't think the language of the writing ability would have entailed that kind of description, she said.
And so they called their family and found out I didn't write any letter.
I'm going to get more into this, folks.
I'm going to get more into this, because it turns out our troops are cutting down the olive trees, cutting down the date palms, destroying their plants, bulldozing the farmers' land, and that's going to blow up in our troops' face.
That's going to cause lives.
They're being ordered to do so.
And yes, it came out under Israeli control, folks.
And that isn't good for Israel too, but it's good for the governments to keep this crisis going instead of us living in peace together.
Before I end this hour, If you believe in what we're doing, and you want to wake folks up, and you want to be a contributor to this fight in many ways, get my videos, make copies, get them out to your friends and family, talk show hosts, sheriffs, county commissioners.
Don't wait!
Police State 3, The Masters of Terror, Road to Tyranny, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, America Destroyed by Design.
You need to have these videos.
You need to have the books I've written and the books I've published.
Go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to get the books or videos.
Or call toll free right now and they can answer your questions.
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We need the funds.
253-3139 and you support this broadcast. We need the funds one eight eight eight two five three
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three thousand and one South Lamar sweet 100 Austin, Texas
I'm Alex Jones, third hour, straight ahead.
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For example, This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright my friends, already, already into the third hour of this, the 14th of October, 2003, Tuesday edition.
I want to take, I want to take 10-15 calls in this hour.
I want to load the phones up, I want to go to your calls quickly, and I want to hit a smattering We have the court transcript.
I understand I'll be called a liberal by neocons because I'm pro-gun.
I understand that.
arguing in federal court for total gun registration and not being able to leave
your house with your guns anywhere in the country we have the court transcript
one eight hundred two five nine nine two three one i understand i'll be called a liberal by neocons because i'm
pro-gun i understand that
but uh... we here will still be pro-border pro-family pro jesus christ
and pro-second amendment we will be against UNESCO
We will be against blocking Dan Burton's committee and protecting Bill Clinton on Pardon Gate.
We are against supercomputers to Communist China.
We are against campaign finance reform.
We are against restricting the First Amendment.
We are against NORTHCOM taking over the U.S.
considering a posse comitatus.
We are against abortion.
I know that's communistic.
I know that you've been taught that's what Stalin's for.
But we stand against Rush Limbaugh and George Bush and all the rest of the neocon trash.
Let's talk to Gary in Tennessee, then Michael and others, and then we'll get to more news.
Go ahead, Gary.
Yeah, this is Alex Jones, a.k.a.
Paul Revere, Jr.
Am I talking to?
You're talking to a left-wing, wild-eyed gun fanatic.
God bless you, sir.
Yeah, every time I get on the phone, somebody tries to beep in.
I won't try to pinch, but I just had a couple of things.
days ago, they said they were going to start putting up $19 million worth of surveillance
cameras throughout Knoxville.
Now they're going to have little robots on cables with ground penetrating radar looking
through your walls.
How's that sound?
Little robots.
Yeah, I know it's getting there.
And don't be mean to the robot.
That's a law officer, just like a police dog.
You do anything to that robot, and they're saying this now, you'll be charged with assaulting an officer.
Oh, I believe you after what I've heard.
What, you know, some of your other stories.
Oh, I have that article about the robots.
I'm going to spend more time today on it.
You're not?
What's wrong with having robots on wires over your houses, zipping around, looking through your walls?
Sounds like freedom.
No, no.
It's just unreal.
Well, you've accepted all the cameras.
I mean, what's wrong with robots?
It's just ridiculous.
I mean, what was wrong in Empire Strikes Back with the Imperial Probe Droid?
Why did the rebels have a problem with it?
I don't know.
I didn't watch that movie.
I'm being sarcastic, but go ahead, sir.
Anyway, I have a...
I also have a 12-gauge single-shot shotgun.
That will not be banned under the new Assault Weapons Reauthorization, but if it's multi-shot of any, a two-shot semi-auto will be banned.
The NRA supports it.
Well, I used to hunt a lot, but I have a box of 100-shell, number 8 shot.
That's an arsenal.
Oh, is it?
That would be not allowed.
According to some state laws they pass and are trying to pass, wearing camo with two friends in the woods is an act of terror.
Owning more than 200 rounds of any ammo is an arsenal.
Yes, it's a terrorist.
Well, this gun was given to me by my brother.
Like I said, I used to hunt a lot, but I keep it here at the house because I have a right.
Not according to the NRA.
Well, according to the Constitution, I do.
Well, I agree, but that's because we're communists.
We believe in America.
When you're conservative, you believe in Stalin.
Well, I just wonder why they're going to come around and say, let me have your... and it's not registered because it was given to me.
Well, see, once they have us in a depression, they'll tell your neighbors that they get more creds put on their multi-pass, their ID card, if they report you.
Hey, Gary, good to hear from you.
Great points that you made there.
Michael and others, you're up next.
When we get back, call the free number to join us on air.
Or prisonplanet.com.
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Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, "Least 8 3 Total and Slight."
enslavement. Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
A New World Order can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the new world order really is, Then my new two and a half hour video, Police State 3, is for you!
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
888-253-3139. That's 888-253-3139. Order today and spread the word.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, folks.
We're back live.
I'm going to get five calls out of the way quickly.
I'm going to hit about eight stories.
First, I'm going to go back into the fake letters sent out by the Pentagon.
Believe me, it's not just one commander doing it.
They found multiple versions from multiple units.
Okay, with fake, uh, you know, with a fake text with a name signed by the same person.
So we're going to be going over that, and it's 11 papers in Washington State alone, okay?
ABC News is reporting, uh, that it's, uh, roughly 12 newspapers nationwide.
You know, ABC News, that the Olympian's reporting 11 papers alone in one state.
Uh, let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Again, fake letters saying how much they love the war and how much the Iraqis love them.
Hmm, who's up next here?
I got confused.
Michael in Texas, welcome to the Airwaves.
Hi Alex.
I bought your videos and I'm having a hard time making copies of them because the tabs are broken off.
How can I make copies of them?
Okay, I didn't know that.
I've instructed my duplicators not to do that, but sometimes their employees forget, because that's standard, the stop duplication.
You take a piece of scotch tape, about three quarters of an inch long, and you place it over that tab.
Another thing, too, a couple other things I want to mention.
I had talked about it earlier.
I did not know the name of the show.
It came on about late 2000, early 2001 on UPN 20.
The show was called Freedom.
When the show began, it said that war had broken out in the Middle East.
Acts of terrorism happened in America.
The President's plane went down.
Martial law was declared.
Then it was about the resistance.
Yeah, I had one episode of that sent to me.
I begged other folks that have it to send me the other copies.
Look, Fox on the Lone Gunman, two months before 9-11, aired an episode where, quote, a secret government group within the government hijacks a jumbo jet by remote control to fly to the World Trade Center.
And the guy says, why would they do that?
And he goes, for martial law, to get control for this world government, to invade countries, to smart bomb third world nations.
And then, of course, the Pentagon ran drills of this happening.
The morning of 9-11, they quote, ran a drill of it happening in New York and D.C.
at 830 in the morning.
That was how they ordered NORAD to stand down.
They always throw in your face what they plan to do later.
It's like the demolition man.
With Sylvester Stallone saying, oh, the Presidential Library for Schwarzenegger.
He goes, what about the 22nd Amendment?
They go, oh, they changed that right after he was elected governor.
Now he's elected governor, and they come out and they say, oh my gosh, now there's all these editorials by Democrats and Republicans about how he needs to be president, and there have been bills introduced to repeal the 22nd Amendment by Republicans and Democrats.
People said, look at Lord of the Rings, the two towers coming out right after the two towers got hit.
And in it, there's an all-seeing eye on top of a pyramid that symbolizes the evil thing.
And the USA Today, the Washington Post, both read editorials of how, is Admiral Poindexter at DARPA copying?
Is he copying?
Tolkien's, the professor of medieval literature and art, are they copying his idea?
Art imitates life more often than life imitating art.
It's kind of a feedback loop.
That has always been the symbol of the Illuminati, of the New World Order, is either the double cross, Or the all-seeing, burning eye with thunderbolts shooting out of it.
And J.R.R.
Tolkien wrote non-fiction books explaining why he used those symbols and admitted that it was modeled after the occult.
So, but again, USA Today and others said, oh, the government's modeling themselves after Sauron and after Saruman, who also used the symbol of the eye, the white eye.
But that's not what, you know, so They're throwing it in our face, but it's not live imitating art, it's art imitating life.
Go ahead.
Another thing, too, is, uh, two things I thought would be very interesting is, uh, when you make the videos, when you show the newspapers, could you leave the date on there a little bit longer and, uh, the headline?
And also, too, are you making any new videos about the, uh, Reconquista, the Mexican invasion of the Southwest or all of America?
And Reconquista means the reconquering.
Yes, as well as, um, About the, uh, one of the planks of the Communist Manifesto about what's going on with the deindustrialization of America.
Yeah, let me ask you a question.
What film are you talking about in particular when the news articles aren't up there long enough?
Uh, I haven't watched them in a couple of months.
It's the, uh, Police State films.
As well as the, uh... Must be Police State 3 you're talking about.
Yeah, I know you have a lot of information.
You just have to go right through it.
Well, I mean, you have a pause button.
And the VCRs the last five years have a crystal clear pause function, and the DVDs have a crystal clear pause function.
So I would suggest you hit... Now let me explain something.
I didn't count it up, but I think there's about... I would have to say there's probably about 300 news articles or more in Police State 3.
See, to me it doesn't matter.
It's just when I make them to people who don't understand They need to have an understanding.
I mean, I say, look at all the recent news articles that admit a New World Order.
And then I show, like, 20 news articles, and they're up.
You see it flash.
Neocons call for a New World Order.
Bill Clinton calls for a New World Order.
Bush calls for a New World Order.
Then we show clips of him saying New World Order.
I mean, we're just showing that they're calling for a New World Order.
And maybe that's the first time I've heard that.
Maybe I should leave them up longer.
But I like your videos.
They're excellent.
And that New World Order thing with Bush and the others, I think it would be good if that was in each and every video at the beginning.
That way people can have an understanding.
New World Order comments are in three of the nine, and usually they're different New World Order comments in different places.
I don't like to have the same information.
Because folks end up getting more of one of the videos.
There's so much info, I could have 20 videos.
I could have 100 videos.
Which video is your favorite?
How many do you have?
All of them.
I like the Masters of Terror.
It's the best one I've seen.
You know, I've been getting that a lot lately.
My cousin Buckley Hammond helped me make that.
Mason Collier is doing a great job, too, working with me on the Police State 3.
So, hey, thanks a lot for the call, my friend.
Appreciate it.
You're welcome.
You bet.
Let's talk to Tim in Wisconsin.
Go ahead, Tim.
I gotta go quicker than this.
Go ahead Tim.
Two things quick.
I just got done a little while ago spreading the word to two health food stores and two grocery stores that sell vitamins about the Codex Alimentarius.
There's a move to ban over-the-counter sale of any vitamin.
Yeah, and then last night on the Mainstream News there was a part where I noticed that they're buttering up all the conservative talk show hosts on conservative talk shows.
Yeah, the so-called liberal media is a romper room for all the neo-cunts.
Yeah, they're showing one liberal talk show host that talked about how they've been taken so much from the conservative talk show host and about fighting back with his liberal talk show.
Yeah, this is what they do.
They give you the liberal conservative option and would you like to be punched with our left hand or our right hand when they're both part of the same ogre?
Thanks for the call.
I really appreciate it, Tim.
Howell in Florida.
Howell, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
I'm listening to you on 9320 shortwave in Pensacola.
Do you copy me?
Yes, sir.
I'm an NRA Life and Endowment member.
I heard what you had to say about the NRA.
I believe it's probably true, and I think that all the 5 million NRA members ought to be calling in.
Trying to get the NRA back to what it used to be.
You've got to remove the board and put people like Larry Pratt in charge.
You've got to remove the board and put nothing but no compromisers in and then start lawsuits and recalls.
The whole recall, the energy was over guns and illegals.
What did it turn into?
Arnold saying he's for every policy Gray Davis was for.
I agree, Alex.
I have the state representative of Florida's phone number and I think the members ought to start calling in because I think the NRA is being used as part of the global scheme to centralize all the power over guns and eventually only the NRA will have ranges and your guns will be kept locked up.
Let me stop you, let me stop you.
okay what howell is saying now how do you have documentation for this because
i've got a comment on my ears or just instinctively no this
here okay well i give you the evidence
as an ngo the u_n_ the n_r_a_ has pushed for bills uh... to take over private property
to have the n_r_a_ be the group that accredits gun ranges that you can have a
gun range unless they authorize it to make them again
a non-governmental organization which then is given the power to regulate
and they have been pushing uh... you heard it or gun registration and control and then
you go through them and they are the control arms
So, yes, they want a monopoly run by them.
That's the name of the game, and they're going to price out everybody but the extremely rich.
What made you think this up instinctively?
Well, I didn't think it up instinctively, although I just... Oh, so you did?
Okay, I was asking... I agree with what you said, but that's not true.
I've been on this for many years.
Don't argue with what I said.
I was asking you, did you come up with this instinctively, or did you have documents?
Yes, I know, but I've been looking into this for many years.
I've been an NRA member since back in the Early 60's and uh, but uh, the membership's gonna have to get active.
I don't want to take up all your time and I'd like to give the state representative's phone number.
Sure, what's his name?
Okay, his name is Alfred Hammond and his phone number is 386-462-5421.
That's in Alachua, Florida.
Alfred Hammond.
Well, Hammond, that's my mother's maiden name.
Why, this guy may be related to me, huh?
He better get in line.
We'll be right back.
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Alright, let's get to these calls real quick, folks.
It's really, really important that we do what Hal was talking about.
Call your NRA at the state and federal level.
I mean, the NRA is just amazing, folks.
They're there to suck the money out of you and kill the Second Amendment.
And to keep control of the active gun owners of the country.
Imagine if those five million gun owners were active and lobbying and creating their own groups and giving their money to real politicians, real statesmen.
We would have our Second Amendment back.
But you ever hear the NRA talk about reversing something?
No, it's, let's always compromise with something new.
You know, the globalists say, well, there's five feet until you go over the cliff.
We want six feet.
The NRA says, no, you only get four and a half!
We really fought hard.
Yeah, I just want to give an example of the kind of people who realize what's going on.
I was watching Unsolved Mysteries on the TLC or whatever channel.
don't think the intelligence agencies in the government the globalists and the
gun grabbers but i got the schools are brainwashing the kids they got
control of the uh...
the uh... gun groups are real quick here patent taxes go ahead pat
yet when you get a look at people realize what's going on i was watching unspotted mystery on the field you're ever
cannot public people
and i think will keep genius i think it's ten or eleven years old but
never philip Pauley in Denver, Colorado.
He stated that the United States was per se worse than that of the Roman Empire.
This is a 10 or 11 year old kid.
Well, they do throw it in our face and a lot of folks are awake and some of the truth slips through, but there are ways to avert this, but the globalists want to tear us up into little pieces and absorb us.
I just thought that was a wonderful thing.
This little kid had said that and it's just a big wake-up call.
That was filmed.
That was an old rerun.
What was the context of it?
It was just a kid genius.
He was 10 or 11.
He was out of school.
His parents were homeschooling him and he was going to go to Denver, Colorado and take the Denver College there.
And that's an unsolved mystery?
Well, it was on Unsolved Mysteries.
The whole Unsolved Mysteries thing was the fact that they don't know how the brain works yet.
Oh, I gotcha.
Well, I know how it works now.
The New York Post has reported, the CPS is right now trying to take a 15-year-old girl who has a 3.84, graduated from college, the college gave her a diploma, the state says they won't recognize it, and they're about to charge the father, last time I heard him call him back, with neglect charges.
This kid had insane intelligence.
Well, they'll have to put him on Ritalin then.
Thanks for the call, sir.
Great, great points, Pat.
Good to hear from you.
Jim in D.C.
You're on the air worldwide.
Hello, Jim.
You're on the air.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I didn't hear the Jim part.
How are you, Alex?
Good, sir.
Good, good.
I'm calling today specifically about the Total Information Awareness Network.
And what has been on the press up here just a few days ago was that the government has abandoned this thing.
Total lie.
Total lie?
Well, they had said, and I recall listening to you... Let me stop you.
Have you ever seen the movie, The Blob?
Oh, man, a long time ago.
What would happen if you shot it with a bazooka?
A million pieces would fly around and then start eating everything, but go ahead.
So, sometime before, they kind of backed up and reorganized, and you were on that early.
Yeah, they're having to claim that they... Yeah, they're having to respond to us, at least.
That's my... That's what...
That's what motivated me to call you and to just share the thought with all of your listeners, all of us who are tuning into this, that in fact, and I'm telling you, you more effectively and loudly and reciprocally than anybody else has addressed this issue, and the government has altered their course, and that's the point.
There is a power there.
In the spreading of the word, that's what I'm saying.
Well, there it is. I mean, look at Patriot Act 1. They're trying to repeal it. The House passed to repeal parts of it.
Bush says he won't sign it. The Democrats, the Democrats who helped author it with Bush and Ashcroft, won't pass it.
See? See? There's the evidence right there. And now it's at least stopping passage of Patriot Act 2.
Exactly. So, I just am sort of enthusiastic about that.
And imagine if Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity and Michael Savage were for repealing it.
But no, they're with Hillary and Chuckie.
They support it.
They keep the numbed, dumbed-down neocon listeners in line.
Oh, I agree with that.
Separate from Mr. Limbaugh's problems as a person.
Separate from that.
By the way, it turns out it wasn't 100 Oxycontin a day, he had four other suppliers.
It now looks to be at least 200 Oxycontin a day.
Maybe a world record for drug addict behavior.
Is that perhaps where his imperiousness comes from?
You know, because a heroin person that's a robber or something is imperious.
You know, it's only them.
You know what I'm saying?
Well, always, always, Limbaugh has a long history of being a drug gobbler.
So there's no telling what he's on.
All I'm saying is that there will be a fundamental change in the underpinning of the strength of their alleged argument, which defies the facts on the ground.
And to that effect, I believe that your show and the network has been a positive influence in making that happen, and that's a good thing.
It shows we can stand up to the bully.
Have to, as well.
Let me just make two... Okay, stay there.
I'll let you finish up, and then John and Roy, then that's it, because I have got to get to this news.
There's a bunch of it.
It's all vital.
And I'll recap some of the top stories as well.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Let's take a couple more calls and I've got to jump into this stack of really incredible news.
Jim and DC and then John and Ray.
Jim, go ahead and finish up your other points.
Finishing up, thank you.
The October surprise is upon us again, and I looked on the web and saw Sarah McClendon has a page up there that says, I believe Gunther Rassbacher, and I know you've told everybody about this case.
What is the next surprise?
Could it be Cuba?
I also hear that President 41 is at the White House all the time.
You remember Grandi or Gandhi, the congressman from L.A.?
He's on a radio show here called Andy and Gandhi.
And he bled it out and said, oh, he's got a problem.
Well, they'll solve it this morning.
Yeah, he'll be there early in the morning.
I don't want that kind of secret operation at the Oval Office level.
They admit shadow government, FEMA in control, secret energy meetings.
It's all run by the CIA, folks.
And is there a split in the CIA?
I'm wondering about that as well.
Yeah, there is.
I mean, there are large groups of CIA that actually go after terrorists and spies and people, but that's all for intelligence gathering for the upper levels.
The upper levels are all complete criminals.
So you got the top half that's rotten, or the top tenth that's rotten, and you got the whole lower mass that's just being used and abused of well-meaning people full of courage.
So does that answer your question?
Pretty much.
Thank you for your efforts and bless you, brother.
We'll see you around.
Thanks a lot.
And that's exactly what's happened.
The average age of a CIA agent or officer or controller was about 40 years old just a few years ago.
Now, the average age of the people being put in the field and carrying out high-level duties is 29 years old.
And that's because they want soldiers now.
They want people that don't think, that haven't had time to have other careers.
And it's very, very scary.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in Florida.
John, you're on the air.
Afternoon, Alex.
You're an amazing phenomenon.
I think, you know, you're one of a kind.
And thank you for all you do to us.
Thank you.
Listen, I have been a life member of the NRA since the mid-70s.
After having, in the early 70s, become an annual member, I upgraded it, and for a decade or so.
I've just been discussing with them and have joined some of the other gun pro-Second Amendment organizations.
I'd encourage everybody to do that.
But my real reason for calling is that I was listening to Gary talk to you earlier, and Gary was saying how he had a 12-gauge shotgun that is not registered.
And Gary, I hope you're listening because, you know, you're falling right into the trap that these, you know, gun grabbers and the, you know, other government, you know, potentates want is for you to I think that everything has to be registered.
Nowhere in the Second Amendment does it say that any kind of firearm has to be registered.
Hey, we've got to compromise as conservatives.
What's wrong?
Are you a socialist?
What's wrong with registering your guns?
Come on!
They're not going to confiscate them.
They have them in every other case, but let's just ignore that.
You know, I was surprised you didn't say something about it to him, Alex.
Well, he was saying, I've got a gun that isn't registered.
What's going to happen to me?
And the answer is, the NRA has their way of protecting your rights.
They're going to codify it that you don't have that right.
So, you know, a lot of people are like Gary.
They seem to think everything has to be registered.
And I don't know, you know, how they get it.
I don't think Gary was saying that.
Oh, okay.
Alright, that's all.
I'll let you go.
Thanks so much.
Hey, thanks a million.
I appreciate the call.
Let me tell you what happened in Texas.
I mean, I never elaborate on this properly.
Let me do this briefly because we've got one more call I'm going to get to.
From Ray.
But let me boil this down.
They passed concealed carry in this state, I don't know, five, six years ago.
And they argue that, look at Florida, look at other states, they pass concealed carry and the crime rate drops 22%.
A violent crime drops even more, but the general crime rate is about 22-24 percent, depending on the state.
You know, look at how great this is, and then this allows us to have all these good citizens that are out there armed.
It'll stop criminals.
We didn't need that.
We needed to go to Vermont-style, Kerry, where there is no law saying you can have the gun.
It's called the Second Amendment.
You don't need more laws.
Now, what do they do in Kansas, or I should say Missouri, we're sitting in Kansas City.
We're on the radio.
What do they do in Missouri?
What do they do in Texas?
What do they do in their places?
They strengthen a bunch of gun laws.
Then make it a concealed carry and go, okay, you can have that gun outside your house now, but only if you've got this special license.
And later they can up the price of the license, not give the classes, hold up the licenses when they feel like it, not give them to you if you've got a misdemeanor, which they're now doing.
I've got a lot of gun shops mad at me that listen, a lot of listeners, I got a concealed carry and how dare you?
Okay, fine, you might as well just forget the Second Amendment then.
You're allowing them to turn a right into a privilege.
I mean, until the 40's you didn't need a driver's license, folks.
You're like, well aren't you for that?
No, I'm for people who are reckless driving, take them to jail.
They're hurting somebody.
The more licenses and fees we get, the worse things get.
This isn't to help us, it's to control us.
And let me tell you something, right here in Texas, just twenty-something years ago, you could have your handgun, you could have your rifle, you could have it in full display, no one thought anything of it, we had a lower crime rate.
The doors were all open, the children could play out on the front lawn, or a half mile away, you'd let your, you know, ten-year-old ride off on their bicycle, not a worry in the world.
I remember just ten years ago, there were trucks everywhere with shotguns and rifles, and you'd be walking along in a parking lot, look down in the driver's seat, and there'd be a gun in a holster.
We had a free country.
We had a free state.
But we're more like New York now than we were like Texas just a few years ago.
We're pathetic.
I'll say that to my fellow Texans.
You need to be slapped upside the head.
And now I know people that go to the shooting range and are arrested coming back.
Cops will park a mile down the road at the shooting ranges, pull you over and go, you got any guns?
Well, yeah, I just came out of the shooting range.
You're going to jail.
And they get their lawyer and their lawyer says, this happened to John Stattmiller by the way, he didn't go along with it.
$25,000 I can get you off on four years probation!
John said no, I want a jury trial, trial by jury.
A jury of my peers and they backed off and that was it.
I know people who were caught with a machete in their lawn service truck.
By the time they're done with it, they're on probation for eight years.
I can't buy a gun at a gun shop and drive home without it being up to an officer's discretion whether to arrest me.
That's not a Second Amendment.
And we've still got the law here for rifles and shotguns.
Folks, my family's got land in one of the most rural areas of East Texas.
You don't see guns in the cabs anymore.
This is pathetic.
You know why?
Because I've got friends that have said over the years, I'm putting a shotgun back up my rack.
I'm putting a deer rifle back up.
Within hours of driving with that, you'll be pulled over, you'll be face down in fire ants on the side of the road with some young cop on roids with a shaved head and tattoos all over him freaking out with a gun out asking you why you got a gun!
My daddy!
I got cousins that are just a few years older than me.
Who were in the shooting clubs in downtown Dallas.
In North Dallas.
In the wealthy neighborhoods.
In the poor neighborhoods.
Going to shooting competitions.
My daddy would get out of the truck.
He'd drive to school on a license when he was 13, 14 years old.
Driving in the old Ford pickup truck.
He'd get out, walk in with a shotgun, put it in the locker to go dove hunting with his football coach.
You don't see that anymore because we're a pathetic, emasculated, castrated bunch of trash.
So I don't want to hear it from you anymore, gun shop owners, and I don't want to hear it from you concealed carry people.
Well, why don't you have it, Alex?
Well, you could be killed by somebody.
You could be Well, you know, occasionally I do carry a shotgun or rifle in my vehicle.
And I've been stopped and police have freaked out over it.
I just say to them, this is America.
This is Texas, buddy.
My family fought for independence in this state.
You got a problem with me having a gun?
What's wrong with you?
And they'll back off.
But if you show any fear, they will take you to jail.
But I don't carry a handgun, folks, because that would be a way to get me into their system.
And they got laws to ban me carrying a shotgun.
You know, I've had death threats before.
I'm gonna kill you and, you know, I know what your truck looks like.
Here's your address, you know, and a voice changer.
Mr. Jones, you'll soon be dead.
And I don't have a right to carry a handgun in this state because I don't have a Second Amendment in this state.
That's what America really is.
Ray in Michigan, last caller, go ahead.
Alex, how are ya?
And again, I'm fine.
I'm not bashing America itself, what we've become.
We gotta face up to how lowly we are and pathetic and make the NRA repeal the gun laws.
Go ahead.
And every one of us needs to fall and repent.
What if you had a single weapon that could destroy all of an enemy's orbiting spy satellites at once?
You would have greatly improved your ability to move military forces undetected.
This would be invaluable if you were preparing a surprise attack.
What if the same weapon could wrap the Earth in an impenetrable shield?
We're talking about HAARP.
And how it can manipulate the chemicals in your brain as well using ultra-low frequency waves.
That's a real problem that people do not address.
And they have magnetic seismic weapons to create earthquakes.
We've been doing this.
Tesla was doing this a hundred years ago.
This is not new science.
We're just really stretching the boundaries of how we're using it.
It's a great tool.
Well, I wouldn't say how we're using it, how the globalists are using it.
Well, but it's being promulgated again.
I mean, the Air Force is in charge of this, and then other projects.
Hey, I have the bill in my book, Descent into Tyranny.
Yes, yes you do.
The Dennis Kucinich bill.
Well, this correlates to the vaccines, the chemicals in the food, how they control the serotonin levels in the brain.
This all ties into, if you've noticed, mainstream television lately has really been pushing The Prozac, the Zoloft, the Luvox, these are drugs that the frequencies can tone in on these.
It's chemical warfare.
Well I know that the barium salts and aluminum dioxide is for that.
It is to saturate the body.
And you see the detectable levels of, kids get over 65.5 grams of mercury.
Before they're four years old.
And we're curious where autism comes from.
These hormones attack the male brain predominantly.
As it explodes by 1,000 and now 2,000 percent.
That's not over-diagnosis.
Thanks for the call.
You bet.
Great points.
I appreciate it.
Okay, let me cover news the last 15 minutes.
Okay, letters home.
Soldiers glowing accounts.
Success in Iraq.
Success were written by a commander.
And again, dozens and dozens and dozens of newspapers have got these, are being used for propaganda purposes.
The Pentagon is writing letters, signing people's names to it in the same handwriting, and putting it in papers from Massachusetts to Colorado to Texas to Indiana to Washington State to Oregon to California to Georgia.
And I just thought we should recap that for you.
Now getting into other news.
We are overrun by gun crime, says police chief.
A chief constable admitted yesterday that his officers are being forced to ignore thousands of burglaries, thefts and car crimes, because they are swamped by increasing drug and gun violence.
This is after total gun confiscation in England four years ago.
The public's perception that the police were not interested in low-level and nonviolent crime was underlined when Steve Green, chief constable of Nottinghamshire Police, said there was not enough money for officers available to investigate all crime.
What they do is they don't stop crime, then they call for more police.
The emergence of Britain's drug and gun culture had impacted on the force to such an extent that something had to give.
This year, there has been, on average, more than one shooting every week in Nottinghamshire, which is a small town.
Last week, Martin Bates, 64, was shot and killed as he attempted to defend off a raid at their shop in Arnold District.
And on Wednesday, a 60-year-old, Armital Kadabar, was shot dead in his car just over the Nottinghamshire-Lintonshire force border.
Sorry to folks in England, I'm mispronouncing these.
Although, technically, a Nottinghamshire police inquiry, they have been forced to hand it over to the Leicesternshire, because they are also so overstretched.
Mr. Green, the constable, said the rise in violent crime and the necessary investigations cannot continue without consequences for other areas of policing.
The impact will be on the volume of crime, such as burglaries.
I am confident we can still reduce violent crime, but we won't be able to reduce it As much as we want, there is clear evidence that we are a country of a police force dealing with big city problems.
See, we're a country police force dealing with big city problems.
Well, you live in a country where an old farmer's been broken into twice, his family assaulted, the guy's had knives, he shoots and kills one with a 80-year-old double-barrel shotgun with ancient conker man rounds, He kills one of them, the other one sues him, and they give him life in prison.
I mean, what do you expect when beetles aren't allowed, when they get broken into?
There have been cases where a woman was being raped, the husband stabbed the intruder, he's locked up the intruder.
I mean, I just... They love it, folks!
And then Pandora's Box is open, crime explodes, and you get more police state.
That's on InfoWars.com right now.
troops, body armor delayed.
Washington Post, nearly one quarter of the 130,000 U.S.
troops in Iraq still have not been issued a new type of chromatic body armor strong enough to stop bullets fired from assault rifles, despite the fact there's plenty of them on store shelves.
Delays in funding, protection, and shipping mean it will be December before all troops in Iraq have vests which were introduced four years ago.
Janet Reno and then Bush won't give our Border Patrol that and took their M-16s.
September 11th, panel Waze MI5-like spy agency.
Now I told you, this panel's all globalist cronies.
A lot of them are involved in 9-11.
We've done shows on that, hours on that.
And now Fox News is reporting advocates of major changes to U.S.
intelligence establishment are making their case to the Independent Commission studying the terror attacks of September 11th.
And now the Commission is called for a new domestic intelligence agency.
James B. Steinberg, Deputy National Security Advisor in the Clinton Administration, said Monday that he supports making two new entities, Independent Director of National Intelligence and the Domestic Security Service, modeled after British MI5.
In an interview, Steinberg said the U.S.
counterterrorism forces remain hampered by decades-old walls separating the law from the work of the FBI and the CIA.
Oh, we need our own KGB.
It's already been there, now they're going to unveil it.
They built it behind the curtain, now the curtain's falling.
The traditional focus on catching people who break laws, while the CIA works abroad and focuses on learning secrets.
And they're testifying right now, it says, calling for this and the panel wants to go ahead and have that.
So, let me see, they get more funding, triple the funding after Oklahoma City, now they get triple the funding again after 9-11.
Do they have a motive to stop the terror?
No, they don't.
They have a motive for more terror.
This is the news out of Scotland.
Anger at $130 a pound, that's over $2 US, a mile road toll plan.
It's only going to be $0.60 here to start, aren't you glad?
But there, almost $2 and I guess about $0.20.
A controversial proposal for a pay-as-you-go road toll scheme on roads across Britain, now it's across Britain, see?
Which could see drivers pay as much as £1.30 as it pints a mile has sparked outrage.
The Institute for Public Policy Research has recommended that the Big Brother-style congestion charge be introduced to fight pollution and traffic gridlock.
It's already started in London.
The think tank, which has close links to the government, said today other measures would only lead to more pollution and congestion.
The proposal would see drivers pay an extra 16 billion pounds to drive on all roads and motorways.
Today, monitoring groups demanded cash raised from toll booths be handed back to drivers in the form of tax cuts.
A spokesman from AA said only the wealthy could afford to drive and would end up in the permanent recession.
And in this country, they've got a federal plan to start taxation of everyone with a satellite tracker interface already in all new cars made in the last six years.
I'll recap the NRA lawyers' statements about how they're for a total registration of guns and that you shouldn't be allowed to leave your home with any gun.
And then I'll get to military drill for Russian pupils, more on Clark calling for a national draft of everyone, and a lot of other key stuff.
So you'll want to stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
That's right folks, final segment here.
The show's from eleven to two weekdays and back from nine to midnight central.
NRA Attorney, your honor, we are here waiting to register handguns.
We are here wanting, I keep saying waiting, Your Honor, we are here wanting to register firearms, and that's from the NRA, October 8th in federal court in D.C., arguing, uh, this is from the judge, the government can put registrations and restrictions on the right to bear arms.
Mr. Holbrook, NRA attorney.
Your Honor, we are here wanting to register handguns.
We are not here wanting unrestricted access.
We're not here asking to carry them other than in the home.
It's a federal case.
The Court.
You're saying that the government can impose reasonable restrictions, Mr. Hallberg?
Yes, Your Honor.
Yes, Your Honor.
Read the full transcript at InfoWars.com.
Larger transcript.
So that's your loving NRA.
I guess I'm a socialist because I'm against that.
I'm a liberal then.
I'm pro-gun, I'm evil.
Military drill for Russian pupils, London Guardian, the Russian school syllabus will soon include basic military training following a vote by Russian Parliament that overwhelmingly backed the Soviet-style lessons.
Compulsory lessons for male and female pupils will include how to strip an AK-47, parachute drills, and the best Uh, response to chemical, nuclear, biological attack.
Parliament backed amendments to the law on Friday by 388 to 42.
Last month, President Putin told a meeting of teachers at the Kremlin that such training is not bad, it's necessary and useful.
And the move has been interpreted as part of the Kremlin drive towards patriotic education on the history of Russian military and political strength.
Now, once somebody's totally enslaved, see, in East Germany or Nazi Germany or Russia, they did all this and now it's coming back.
Here, They say guns are bad in the home, guns are bad, guns are bad, but now actually Secure Corps, part of FEMA, has started some lessons with M16s.
If you want to learn how to be an officer, or in the military, once you're about 16, you can go to a military base outside the school as part of your training, and they teach you how to run checkpoints, and how patriots are evil, and I've had ROTC students on the show from college in San Antonio.
They go out, they train how to kill militia, how to go after right-wing, how homeschooling's bad, This is it, folks.
The Cadres to go after you and your family.
And that fits into this AP article.
Clark calling for Civilian Reserve Corps.
Democrat Wesley Clark says if elected president, he would create a corps of civilians who could be called on for service in national emergencies such as the National Guard.
Such as the National Guard.
Anyone 18 or older, see?
And they have bills to make it compulsory right now.
Uh, there's a city to vote on, uh, Bush impeachment.
California Town considers resolution urging action against President, with the potential of becoming a second California city to vote in support of ousting George W. Bush.
Ar- Arcat City, if I'm pronouncing that right, will vote tomorrow on a resolution urging the immediate impeachment of both the President and Vice President.
I think it's a great idea.
I was for Bill Clinton being impeached, and I'm doing the same here.
I support that.
Oh man, a bunch of other news.
We are out of time.
Go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to get the rest of it.
Great show today.
Great calls.
A lot of key news.
I am just flat out of time.
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And we have beaten back the Patriot Act.
We have beaten back total information awareness, at least on the surface.
What means we gotta fight even harder, those are battles, not the war!
And the enemy is preparing a massive counteroffensive with more terror to legitimize their evil aims.
See you back tonight, 9 to midnight, back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
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