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Name: 20031010_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 10, 2003
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It's already Friday, the 10th of October, 2003.
I'm Alex Jones.
Your host will be live for the next three hours.
We've got Frank Whalen from Arkansas, a talk show host, to talk about the state law where if your child is even a pound overweight, they'll take measurements, physicals, Your child has a year to lose the weight or CPS will be involved.
It is a criminal matter.
They're talking about the labor camps.
Make the children stay after school for three or four hours and exercise along with quote other classes.
This is a national slash global model.
Any way to get involved in your life and control you.
Also they're there in Fayetteville where he's based in Arkansas handing out tattletale cards.
Did you see somebody speed?
Did you see somebody throw a cigarette butt out?
Report them.
Fill out their driver's license or their tags and get the make and model of their car.
So we'll be talking about the police state coming up here in about 30 minutes.
First, I'll cover all the news.
Then in the second hour, we have Frank Morales, who's an expert on the New World Order in the police state.
And I mean an expert.
He tied me for second place, one of the only dual awards they gave there at the Project Censored.
Awards in California last weekend.
He tied for his analysis of the Patriot Act and he's really up on Posse Comitatus and all the developments in Garden Plot.
He has the original copy, the unclassified copy, don't ask how he got it, of Garden Plot and he'll be joining us in the second hour of this global transmission today.
Of course, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The websites are InfoWars.com, InfoWars.net, and PrisonPlanet.com.
Yesterday, I read the mainstream news articles about NORAD working with NATO in a mock takeover of the U.S.
two days ago.
A story I missed was in the Denver Post.
Headline, Colorado Springs.
And it says, next time NATO officials say they're doing a lockdown, the folks in the luxury Rodmore neighborhood will take them seriously.
Very seriously.
And when NATO workers turned on security on the eve of the FEMA takeover drill with NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, people couldn't get in their houses, they had electronic locks, the garage doors wouldn't open.
This is 600 plus calls, now it turns out it was thousands of calls.
A lot of different things went out.
We're now hearing that some of the red lights went out.
All different types of avionics and aircraft.
You live in Colorado Springs.
We're on the radio in Colorado Springs, part of the Colorado Radio Network.
Would you like to call me?
We'll go to your call early in this hour.
Tell me what really happened in Colorado Springs.
And how does this tie in with the power outages globally?
Yesterday in Athens, 1-800-259-9231.
Hawks warn Iran threat must be eliminated.
They're calling for an invasion now of Syria and Iran.
Looks like Israel's going to go ahead and do it.
Israeli forces, battle gunmen in refugee camp on Gaza-Egypt border.
Doc Dalibon, leader, freed by USA.
His relatives, London Telegraph.
Bars tap high-tech technology to track troublemakers.
You've got to have your national ID card and be properly scanned to get in.
They're also starting DNA testing at some of the bars to get in.
NASA successfully flies first laser-powered aircraft.
Red Cross criticizes indefinite detention in Guantanamo Bay.
Arafat's illness.
Time Magazine saying it's stomach cancer.
Israel says a month ago they're going to kill him.
Suddenly he's fighting for his life.
Of course, he is old.
Who knows what's really going on.
Also, a bunch of editorials from the Washington Post, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, you name it.
Drop the bar to presidency, some say, for Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Let immigrants run.
The establishment wants him for president, obviously, in 08, folks.
This is very, very serious.
Also, state to link up private databases.
This is more on the Matrix system.
Look, it's a big, big show with two absolutely amazing guests.
You'll want to stay with us.
We'll launch straight into the news and your calls and then guests will be good back.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
That's right folks, DVD.
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That's 888-2533139.
888-253-3139. That's 888-253-3139. Or order online at Infowars.com or Infowars.net. Again,
that number, 888-253-3139.
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Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central Standard Time.
I do this show live and of course back from 9 to midnight.
A lot of news.
Several great guests.
Frank Whalen, talk show host in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
We're Walmarts based.
Broken a lot of big news stories about the RFID.
Gotten a lot of internal documents out of there.
A lot of classified stuff with the FBI involved with them.
Well, now, a few weeks ago, you probably heard they have the state law going into effect that if a child's one pound overweight, every child is listed and given physicals by the government, federally funded.
If you're one pound overweight, then if you don't lose the weight in a year, one pound, a hundred pounds, they send CPS after you.
There's talk of making the children stay after school and work out under the school's control.
It's taking control of your life.
Of course, they're the ones putting the candy bar and soft drink machines in where the children gobble each break off the trash.
Those won't be taken out of the school, neither will the riddle in the Prozac or any of the other trash.
This is all about control.
He's coming up to talk about that and also title tail cards that are being handed out around the city to report on basically any type of activity to be secret police for the government.
Then we've got Frank Morales, who's an incredible police state researcher, best-selling author, New World Order expert.
He tied for second place with myself for the analysis of the Patriot Act II, and he was there receiving an award.
I was just stunned by his knowledge.
I'd read some of his articles in the past.
Stunned by his knowledge there in California.
He lives in New York.
And he is an Episcopal priest who has decided to be homeless, but does have an office.
Very interesting fellow.
I was really impressed with him.
So he's joining us in the second hour.
You do not want to miss that.
Now there's a bunch of news I want to get into right now, but I do want to put the call out to the listeners.
If you live in Colorado Springs area, we know we have a transmitter part of the Colorado Radio Network.
We're also on the American Freedom News right there.
Another great network that's got an affiliate right there in Colorado.
I know we cover the entire state.
I mean, we cover about 85% of the state of Colorado.
We have a transmitter in Colorado Springs.
So I'd like to hear from you about this.
Now yesterday, and again, this is how the news is compartmentalized.
I read an article, several articles, one was AP, one was out of Australia, out of the Australian newspaper, and it was talking about NATO did a drill two days ago of taking over the United States of America.
It was classified, the media was not allowed in, everyone had to sign non-disclosure agreements.
They had European generals, Eastern Bloc generals, everybody who's part of NATO now was there, and they were admitting this was for the takeover of a country.
And they practice taking us over through NORTHCOM and FEMA.
We've talked about how FEMA and the North American Command sit above the military now and tie directly into the National Security Council in FEMA, and above that is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, founded in the late 1940s and chaired in a private corporation.
And with all this happening, guess what they did in preparation?
Now, this came out in the Denver Post yesterday.
We just now found it this morning.
Frank Whalen actually pointed it out to me.
It's being posted on Infowars.com right now.
I guess we should post it with the other articles, the AP and the Australian article about the NATO takeover.
It's tied together.
It's very interesting.
If you heard about this, give me a call or if you experienced this, 1-800-259-9231.
Next time, now this is out of the Denver Post, okay?
Article published Thursday, October 9, 2003, and airwave glitch hits Springs area.
Garage door openers jammed, hundreds say.
Colorado Springs.
Next time NATO officials say they're doing a lockdown, the folks in the luxury Broadmoor neighborhood will take them seriously.
Very seriously.
Last week, NATO workers erected security and communications towers in the area in advance of this week's Defense Ministers Conference.
By 9 a.m.
Friday morning, all 10 lines in overhead door company of Colorado Spring were lit up with calls from the Broadmoor, a nearby town of security, complaining that their garage door openers had jammed.
More than 400 calls, and another article here says 600 calls, from frantic, frustrated, and flustered residents came on the day alone.
They haven't stopped since, and the company's receptionist, Tina Oetken, you have another AP article says 600 now, they say it hasn't stopped since, and the AP's from last night, so if it hasn't stopped, I don't know what the number is now.
And coincidence, Oetken says her boss doesn't think so.
With over 600 plus calls, it's hard to believe that it can be anything but NATO.
The company said, garage door transmitters work on radio frequencies, NATO also needs radio frequencies, but insists it isn't poaching off the frequencies that signal remote-controlled garage door openers.
We've double-checked our system, and there's no technical reason that we should be causing the problems that Army Lieutenant Colonel Gary Keek, a Pentagon spokesman, And it goes on to say that people couldn't get in their houses, that they had electronic key access.
Uh, Teek apologized if anyone was inconvenienced, but said the additional security for everyone in the Broadmoor, and not just those attending the meeting.
Otkin said some of her customers were even locked out of their houses because their computer keypads jammed.
Other residents, like Debbie DeYoung, have suffered only intermittent problems.
Oh, I thought maybe it was the battery, DeYoung said when she learned that many of her neighbors were struggling with their garage door openers.
My garage door has been wild.
DeYoung isn't alone.
A nearby radio shack sold out of 12-volt batteries, which are often used for garage door openers.
Friday morning, a new shipment sold out in 90 minutes.
And now we're getting reports that airplane avionics had problems.
We're getting comments that cell phones were messing up.
We're getting... You're in Colorado Springs.
What's really going on?
Let's go directly to people in Colorado.
In Colorado Springs.
Now, because I know we're on in Colorado Springs, and I'd like to hear directly from the folks
Now, three weeks ago, the BBC reported that there were troops from France, I forgot France, Czechoslovakia, troops from the Ukraine, by the thousands, all over northern Scotland, in extremely rural areas, very genteel folks, pulling families, women, children, crying, it said, several stories in the Scotsman and the BBC, pulling children crying out of vehicles, women, slamming them around, and the government said, oh, it's just a drill, never mind that.
And we've had the same type of garbage go on here.
Whenever they're having urban warfare training in a town, not just will they lease a building and blow it up in front of everyone unannounced, also garage doors will jam, cars won't start.
They're testing all kinds of weird stuff, folks.
They admit they got EMP bombs, you name it.
I don't know, I don't think this is an EMP bomb in Colorado Springs, but it's obviously frequency jamming on a very, very wide spectrum.
If it's jamming keys, and cell phones, and garage door openers, and aircraft are acting strangely, and they got weird towers up, that NATO, you heard them, NA-TO!
At one of our most key security nuclear installations for NORAD, and for tracking the skies and commanding and controlling the military forces, NORTHCOM is based in these bases.
Not just in Colorado Springs, but in other areas around Colorado.
And they have NATO!
Notice how we just passed over that.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization putting up towers, running security, And again, this article doesn't mention, and I've been looking at the Colorado articles and the AP articles, they don't mention what the Australian paper mentions.
Well, one AP article does mention it, but the other AP articles and Reuters articles don't mention it, that this is a NATO takeover drills.
I'll re-read that story today, it's on InfoWars.com, BrisbanePlanet.com, and yesterday's news, just go to the little calendar there and click on that date.
That'd be the 9th of October, today's the 10th.
So, you're in Colorado.
You got friends and family in Colorado Springs.
They told you what happened.
Or better yet, you're in Colorado Springs.
I'll go to your call in the next segment.
What did you see?
What happened?
What is your local news saying?
A lot of times local news will be different than national news.
Of course, it was also in your Colorado Springs TV last year that on Christmas they were going to be taking blood on the side of the road, not just breathalyzers.
We had it.
We had it out of other newspapers.
They're in Arizona, where the police announced we're going to be taking blood.
Imagine the cops pulling you over and saying, randomly at a checkpoint, we're going to take your blood now.
So this is the type of bizarre stuff.
And they've got the Army now involved in these different operations.
Army involved in security.
Army involved in law enforcement.
And they're openly on the news saying we're getting rid of posse comitatus, and Frank J. Morales will be talking about that in the next hour.
Now, I know we've got a lot of callers calling in about this subject, and it will get to you.
I'd like to hear specifically from folks in Colorado, and even better, in Colorado Springs.
Here's the number one more time, in case you never called in.
You just listen.
Dial it right now on your cell phone.
Call me.
Tell me what happened.
Give us a report there from Colorado Springs, Colorado.
We're going to come back, take calls in the--
Then I'll get into U.S.
Hawks warn Iran threat must be eliminated.
Israel's forces battle government and refugee camp on Gaza's Egypt border.
About to be World War III, folks.
We're about to go into Syria, about to go into Iran.
Our government's putting in the sanctions, talking about war.
Top Taliban leader freed by U.S.A.' 's relatives, London Telegraph.
Just hundreds of those articles.
Here's the latest in a long string of them.
Now in England to get into bars.
They do a DNA swab test.
Receive your quote on drugs.
Guilty to prove innocent.
Here's one out of Canada.
Bars tap high-tech technology to track troublemakers.
NASA successfully flies first laser-powered aircraft.
Red Cross criticizes indefinite detention in Guantanamo Bay.
Arafat's illness.
Has he had a slow-kill hit put on him?
A bunch of editorials from liberal publications praising Schwarzenegger, calling for him to be president and calling to get rid of the 22nd Amendment, as we told you they would.
It's absolutely amazing.
This is just some of what is coming up here on the big show.
And believe me, I haven't even scratched the surface.
Just a gigantic show lined up for you with Frank Whelan and Frank Moranowicz in your calls.
We'll be right back.
Be sure to visit the website.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
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Alright, here's the deal.
We got loaded phones from Colorado, so I'm going to go straight to the calls.
We'll get to Nathan in Iowa and others.
Let's talk to Henry in Colorado.
Where are you calling us from in Colorado, sir?
Yes, sir.
Thank you for all that you do.
I'm calling you from Colorado Springs.
I'm calling about... I tell you, I'm happy we can get you all over Colorado.
What can we do to get you for the full three hours?
Well, that's up to the fine stations that carry us.
I know they carry two hours there.
Sir, what exactly happened yesterday?
Now, the big story is that NATO's running security and put up towers and they've got foreign troops there and they admit in the foreign press it's a takeover drill of the U.S.
Are they admitting this to you on your local news?
I didn't experience anything.
I went to the protest for the three days and what I did experience was a very peaceful protest.
People with their banners and signs.
And, uh, there was five people that, uh, were arrested, but I didn't see anything.
I actually saw one man, where the police told everybody to move to one, excuse me, not the police, but the press told them to move to one corner.
So you had a gathering of people.
So the press, the press is law enforcement now?
They actually told this man to move to one corner so they can get them all on the camera.
And, uh, this gentleman, due to the amount of people, he actually just stepped foot off the curb.
And he was arrested for trespassing.
Okay, now what are people saying about all the weird stuff with electronics in the town?
Well, the only thing I experienced was I had a walkabout radio with me and I wasn't getting no transmission at all and I was standing right outside Broadmoor.
And imagine as they get us more into this casual society.
They're talking about retina scanning to get in your house and all this.
Imagine the control that gives them.
Well, there's been a lot of TV interference since NATO was here.
Okay, thank you for the call, sir.
Really appreciate it.
Call back anytime.
Let's talk to Carson in Colorado.
Carson, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
God bless you, Alex.
Steve Carson.
Listen, I also was up there, but I work as a stagehand, and so I was able to get backstage during a lot of the prepping.
Uh, one of the most important things, uh, the three items I'd like to touch upon with you, sir.
One, in all of the text in these displays of propaganda that they ran out, uh, for particularly the, uh, The new perspective, members of NATO.
In the middle of the text, they're capitalizing the word Alliance.
And they don't refer to themselves as NATO.
It is capital A, the Alliance.
Well yeah, they've said that NATO's gonna be the new global force, and it's shifting its gears, and now they've had NATO aircraft, AWACS, F-16s, in our skies.
They've signed the deals to bring in Mexican, Canadian, Czech troops to America.
Yes, sir.
The other point is that the Catholic Church up there was shut down completely, and NATO security used their grounds as a staging, and that was the nest of NATO security, was on the grounds of the Catholic Church.
As if our military couldn't provide security.
Now, the Denver Post talks about large antenna farms, transmitters being put up.
Did you see that?
I've got one right above my cabin.
I don't live in Colorado Springs, but there's a brand new military array directly over my cabin.
Now, my third point, sir, and I'll let you go get your other fine collars.
What was very interesting that at one of the major checkpoints for traffic that ordinarily would transit that residential area, on at least one occasion, myself and a photographer tried to engage air policemen.
These were Air Force officers.
Who were manning the checkpoint without the presence of any civilian authority.
And is this off the base?
This is on public street, sir.
Totally criminal.
Violating federal law.
They have not gotten rid of posse comitatus yet.
And this is outrageous.
Thank you, sir.
God bless you and death to the New World Order.
Sir, can you get me some video or photos of that?
I will try my best, sir.
I've got still photos and we have no video capability out there.
Email them to me and I'll put them on the website.
Yes, sir.
Tips at Infowars.com.
You're hearing it from the folks on the ground in Colorado Springs.
Bob in Colorado.
Where are you calling from in Colorado?
I'm calling from Security, Colorado.
Okay, right outside all this.
Yeah, one of the areas you mentioned were affected by the electronics.
Yes, what happened?
I experienced the garage door phenomenon.
The garage door wouldn't work from the street coming into the driveways.
This is just a small subdivision, just a mile or so, maybe two miles from the Broadmoor Hotel.
Did you see trucks?
You had to get right up to the garage door in order to get the radio controller to work the garage door.
Well, I just turned it off after all this is going on.
This is like the first day they were setting up and cordoning off the Broadmoor area.
A couple blocks around the Broadmoor, they were setting up the concrete.
Now, the last caller said they had Air Force troops off the base with no civilian law enforcement running things.
That's martial law, ladies and gentlemen.
That's martial law.
Yeah, some of the local TV stations were reporting they had to have special badges to be inside the control zone there, and it looked like they had some concrete barriers and some heavy equipment with signs hanging from it.
And this is in the town, not in the base?
This is actually off base.
Stay there.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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That's all about this with your host, Tony Delvecchio.
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$159 by calling new millennium at 888 803 4438 that's toll-free triple 880 3
44 38 all right for folks that just joined us yesterday I read an
AP and a Australian Same as the newspaper story.
Where NATO admitted that they had a takeover drill of the United States or quote, other countries yesterday, it remains classified.
NATO came in, put up their own security, their own control towers.
It manipulated cell phones, garage door openers.
We're getting reports of walkie-talkies.
We're getting reports of airplanes, avionics.
We're getting all different keypad entries into homes.
A lot of different systems having problems, but the local news didn't mention what the international news mentioned of the NATO takeover drill.
NATO now to be the global army for the New World Order.
Very, very, very serious.
And now we're hearing about troops off the base without police running checkpoints, searching people, and all this other un-American violation of posse comitatus, and we've got We've got an expert in the next hour coming on to talk about that.
He's an expert on posse comitatus in the police state and it's going to be very, very important with Frank Morales.
I know that we've got Bob and Tammy and Nathan and many others that are holding, who are in Colorado, responding to the situation as it develops.
But the big news story here isn't the electronic problems, it's that they've got towers up that are causing it and that NATO is running the security and running the town.
This NATO takeover drill.
It's not a summit, it's a takeover drill!
That's what NATO says to the foreign press and says to our media, obviously, but they don't report on it.
Let's bring Frank Whalen up from AMX, the number one talk show there in Fayetteville, Arkansas, and surrounding towns, who talks about the New World Order every single day.
And Frank, we're about to go right back to these calls.
You're the one, when I, on your show, mentioned the Australian newspaper articles and the AP article about the takeover drill of America by NATO over NORTHCOM.
This is martial law, folks.
Read what NORTHCOM does in the Homeland Security package of last year.
Hey Alex, have you seen the Denver Post?
And that brought up the electronic problems.
You emailed me that.
It's now on Infowars.com.
Frank, tell us about yourself and your whole take on this.
It's incredible, Alex.
And once again, honored to be here.
I appreciate that.
And obviously, I'm glad you got this story because the resources at your disposal, the amount of people that you can interact with.
You can get those first-hand reports and it's fantastic.
It's necessary that you have that information.
But I think it's very interesting.
It's not much of a drill when they're running checkpoints and actually admitting that it's a takeover.
It's very suspicious in all this electronic disturbance that we're seeing.
again you have to wonder yes you compartmentalization of the news i'm
looking at a p from last night i'm looking at denver post from yesterday
i'm looking at denver post today not a word of this is a night nato takeover drill but then
they chose spokesman with his name behind it
in the australian papers that you have to take over drill folks marshall
it's an insult to our intelligence to think that we will sit here
and into these things and take our local media uh... take them at their face
value of their word without doing the research.
And I wish they'd put NATO on our border, but that isn't going to happen.
No, no, no.
It's going to be right in the heartland, letting you know who's boss.
Let's go back to the calls real quick.
Let's talk to Bob in Colorado, then Tammy in Colorado.
Bob, you were saying you saw the checkpoints off base.
The other caller said they were threatening to arrest people.
No police with them.
That's a violation of federal law.
We've had retired JAG officers on.
They're trying, they've got a bill right now by Senator Warner to get rid of it in the Congress.
But it hasn't been gotten rid of.
It's a felony for any officer or anyone that follows those orders.
But again, it's one of these laws where they just say, ignore it.
Your comments to that, Bob.
You're in security, which is the town right outside Colorado Springs.
Yes, sir.
Yeah, they set up a buffer zone around the Broadmoor Hotel.
They told some of the employees, and I have a niece that works over there at the Broadmoor Hotel, to not even come to work this week.
And, you know, they'd have their own people, uh, you know, operating all the, uh, the equipment and, you know, uh, taking care of all the gas.
Foreign troops in America running the security, running the stuff.
Yeah, they got the whole area cordoned off.
It's an upscale neighborhood.
Uh, it's, it's off base, uh, for the, uh, Fort Carson, uh, Army base here, so... And by the way, they've had these type of drills all over the country, not just with NATO.
They've had them all over Central Texas, South Texas, Iowa, Tennessee, Connecticut, all over the country, Charlottesville, North Carolina.
Over the years, I've made films about it, I've posted thousands of news articles about it, and it's just incrementally, and when you complain about having buildings blown up in your downtown city, they go, oh, you're a black helicopter kook, and you say, wait a minute, It's in the paper this happened.
I've got video of this happening, and you're still bad for being against it.
Yeah, well they wrapped their meetings up, but they took one of the Russians up to the NORAD Cheyenne Mountain facility, you know, the NORAD early warning area.
So, uh, they even gave tours.
That's terrifying.
Alright, sir.
Thanks for the call.
Appreciate that.
Uh, Bob?
Frank Whalen?
Uh, absolutely terrifying, Alex.
The fact that, uh, that they think they can slide this by us.
It's important for people to research these laws and bring it to their attention.
Demand that the local media address it honestly and fairly.
Well look, it's not like it's our opinion.
The Pentagon and the Bush administration, and Clinton helped get rid of it, they're all together on this, said, we're getting rid of posse comitatus, we're going to have troops in the factories, the schools, as quote, a security force.
Troops in America, the running man, folks.
That's not a free society.
Let's talk to Tammy in Colorado.
Tammy, you're on the air with Alex Jones and Frank Whelan.
Lots of kudos to you.
Yeah, I'm calling.
I'm actually in Vail.
And I'm originally from Leadville, which is way high up.
And almost daily, I'm seeing helicopters in the sky, black helicopters.
I'm seeing... Today, we got sprayed.
There's a grid of clouds that are man-made above my head right now.
By the way, they admit, a year-long spraying's been going on in Oklahoma.
Daily Oklahoma.
They're just going to get used to plane spraying you every day.
Yeah, and I called the Sheriff's Department and they tell me, oh, those are just regular contrails.
I said, go outside and look for yourself.
Those aren't regular contrails.
You can see... Well, I know this.
Growing up in Texas, you didn't see contrails at 3,000 feet.
You do now every day.
It's just, it's outrageous.
Since when did the atmosphere change on Earth?
Yeah, and why doesn't anybody think this is weird?
I've called the Sheriff's Department twice in the last three weeks and they're just telling me, oh don't worry about it.
So what's the response?
Who am I supposed to call?
What am I supposed to do?
I don't understand.
Sammy, are people getting it that this is martial law when you've got foreign troops putting up control systems, setting up checkpoints?
You know, everybody I talk to up here is in dream world because, you know, everyone's on perpetual vacation up here in Vail and, you know, no one believes me when I tell them.
I say, go to InfoWars.com.
Okay, sure, yeah, you're a smart girl.
Why do you believe that this stuff is happening?
Well, that was the response we got five years ago.
That's the rarity now.
Frank, you've seen a major wake-up, haven't you?
Oh, absolutely, Alex.
You're too right on that.
Over time, people start to hear these things, and then they get put in their subconscious, and then all of a sudden, they are watching that mainstream media.
By the way, Frank, I wasn't leading you.
You said this on your own show this morning.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
I mean, when you started out doing this format, how many years ago?
what's the response you've seen?
About three years ago, and I got the typical "that's the crazy show"
and "let's flip over and see what the crazy guy is talking about today"
but as these things come out, as people hear that, and again, they file it away
and then something pops up and they say "I've heard that before"
then all of a sudden they start calling in and saying "I need more information"
Well, I've been on your show probably five times in the last few months and no one's called in to disagree with loaded phone lines.
For hours, Alex.
Every phone line jammed completely and people calling up to thank you for what you're doing.
Thank me for having you and guests like you on the show.
Well, I mean, I'm not tooting our horn.
My point is, we are deprogramming people so the globalists can just keep trying it.
Their time is short and they know it.
Tammy, anything else?
Yeah, I just have one more quick thing.
I did go on to the patent on HAARP, the U.S.
Good for you.
And I found in black and white, they said large amounts of barium have been proposed to be sprayed into the ionosphere.
Yeah, we've had Dr. Nick Baggage, whose father was the congressman from the University of Alaska on.
He's read that patent.
It's accessible to all.
We've linked to it on the site.
And they say we've got to spray barium salts into the sky to resonate with our powerful ground reflectors, ionizing the atmosphere with high amounts of electricity to manipulate things.
And they say it's a thing to block radar, a thing to block satellites, whatever.
The point is, they're doing it, folks!
Good to hear from you, Tammy.
Just a couple more calls from Colorado, and we're going to shift gears into, well, your child's a few pounds overweight.
They're going to take them from you in Arkansas.
Let's talk to John in Colorado.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good morning, gentlemen.
I only have a few moments.
I've got to get back out on the road.
Yesterday, well, yesterday and the day before, I worked here at the hospital.
I won't tell you which one.
We had a color outage.
Over a portion of it.
As to what was the cause, unknown.
And you're in Colorado Springs?
That is correct.
Power outages at hospitals now, go ahead.
The other one was at a healthcare facility.
Oh, you had two separate power outages?
Well no, this one here was kind of an odd one.
They have automatic door openers.
Well, theirs wasn't functioning.
This ties in with what you were mentioning earlier out of the article.
And I told them, well, the door's locked.
Well, the doors weren't locked.
I mean, the lock itself was undone.
It's just the door wasn't opening.
This morning when I went back to this particular facility, they had a little note.
And it says, the reason why our door didn't work is because of the needle.
And I found that kind of interesting.
Was this an official note?
Was this coming through your supervisors?
No, no, no.
This was attached to the front door of their building.
You could not gain access through this particular door.
It was malfunctioning throughout the day.
And it just said, because of NATO, the hospital can't get in.
That was the odd part.
They made a comment that it was due to the NATO security.
Sir, you need to call the newspaper.
I'm a courier, so I'm throughout the town.
I didn't see it isolated in any one location.
Because we're getting calls about planes, we're getting calls about cell phones, we're
getting all this stuff, and it's more than just garage door openers and door openers.
See, I'm a courier, so I'm throughout the town.
I didn't see it isolated in any one location.
I did see lights malfunctioning.
They were spotty.
Oh yeah, we heard traffic lights.
Anyway, that was about it.
I just thought I'd throw it out there for you.
Frank Weiland, thank you, sir.
Thank you.
This is amazing, isn't it?
It absolutely is, Alex.
And this is, again, people are passive on the majority of them.
Obviously, your listeners are different.
My listeners are different.
But people want explanations rather than investigations.
And why is no one referencing the numerous power outages all over the world?
Czech Republic, United States, Canada, Italy, Mexico, Great Britain, and more?
Uh, Greece.
There's a disinfo deal that it's Al-Qaeda, yeah, from the cave.
No, folks, they're doing this to train you to have the perceived need that there's not enough power so you'll accept higher power prices.
And when is that money being funneled?
Funneled, that's what I'm curious about.
Well, I mean, it's like Arnold meeting with the Enron people trying to keep the scam going, and then he's saying, all clean house!
The interesting thing about the Enron situation, Alex, you remember the story, is that the Enron emails that they sent out said only principals were invited.
45 were invited, I think 11 showed up.
Why is Arnold, an actor, an action star with a bad accent, in crazy eyes?
Why is he a principal?
I'm worth 800 million, I get special deals!
Yes Alex Jones, good day.
Yeah, it's something else. Let's go back to calls here. Let's go back to
Michael in Colorado go ahead Michael. You're on the air.
Yes, Alex Jones. Good day I thought it was interesting that NATO was right at the foothills
of NORAD Also, that's the point
We have a foreign power, a foreign private corporation, NATO, running security in neighborhoods, police nowhere to be seen, the military stopping people on civilian USA ground, and you've got everything going haywire with NATO taking control of the airwaves, basically.
I used to go shooting in the foothills of the mountains out here, and I've noticed lately that ATF goes up there and takes pictures of people shooting in a designated target shooting area.
Another thing, this is our news agency announced the other day not to be alarmed if there was a lot of smoke in the air.
They said it was going to have three controlled burns into what we noticed the day before yesterday.
It was an orange glaze in the air.
Now wait a minute, can people email me at tipsandinfowars.com?
You're telling me, they said be prepared for smoke in the air.
Oh my goodness.
They said there were three controlled burns, rather large controlled burns.
And we did have kind of like an orange glaze in the air yesterday, correction, the day before yesterday.
They need to have a barium salt mixture to, with their antenna farms, to control the atmosphere and to jam out radar, to jam out satellites.
I mean, this is Manhattan, folks, and that fits right in with what you're saying.
You say for people to contact our media, our media is completely glazed over here.
What I'm saying is, send me those articles or those pieces.
As far as the people here, people walking around these days, too.
Well, not if you tell them to tune in to the show.
We'll hopefully deprogram them.
Thank you, Michael.
Last call for now, because I want to get into some other subject with Frank.
John in Colorado, go ahead.
Hello, Alex?
Yes, sir.
Good morning.
Yeah, what I've noticed here is on A Street, off of A Street in Colorado Springs, as you go up, there's a stadium called Penrose Stadium.
And they've had all sorts of military people there with the dogs out as I take my dog to Dog Walk Park.
And there's buses there.
They go there to get screened.
Then they go up to the Broadmoor.
Because it's packed and there's no event there.
And when you see that much...
Military and um... Sir, this is an admitted national takeover grid and the real government's run out of Colorado.
Everybody knows that.
And now you got foreign troops, large troops, a big drill about a hand control of our government over to NATO.
It's happening.
This is a drill for the takeover of America.
That's not Alex Jones.
That's AP and that's the Australian.
And see, I think it's Lake Avenue where there's a lot of rich people that live on that going to Broadmoor.
They evacuated all those people out.
This was on TV.
They evacuated them for NATO?
All the people that lived on Lake Avenue, this was on NBC, ABC, CBS's affiliates, they were all put up in other hotels and they were told they had to go.
Martial law drill, folks.
You're hearing it.
But it's for their own safety, you understand.
Sir, I need everybody to email me the local news scripts off ABC, CBS, NBC, to tips at Infowars.com.
Hey, hold on.
We'll create a section on this so folks can read the stories and make up their own mind.
Alex, when I called the NBC affiliate and spoke to the news director, I believe it was either Leslie or Elaine, and told her what I'd seen at Penrose Stadium. She said, "Were
there any black helicopters there?"
So see, as I said in my films, in the Bohemian Grove film, I said it's a preconditioning.
When troops appear, when checkpoints appear, before all this happened they said black helicopter people believe troops are coming, and then that's the code word for you're insane.
It's like the body snatchers.
You're not feeling well, lay down next to the pod.
I know, take your pill.
Well, we've got one that can see.
It's like they live.
We've got one that can see.
I know, and it's just like the other column.
98% of the people here could care less because they're in such debt to the bank.
Well, there's no telling what they're doing with those frequency transmitters.
DARPA in the Boston Globe three months ago, this is in my article, DARPA Engineering the Beast System, two and a half months ago, it's on InfoWars.com with a hyperlink to the Boston Globe, they said they're going to quote, put up towers that are at a frequency for mind control. Boston Globe,
there's no telling what you're under right now and you tell me that they got people evacuating,
shutting things down, smoke in the sky, electronics not working, troops setting
up checkpoints and you call and complain about it and what did she say to you?
Uh, I, with her black helicopter there. I know.
It's sad.
Can you hold me over?
I've got one other thing to say.
And Frank, Waylon, can we hold you over with Frank Morales for the next hour to talk more about this?
I would love that, Al.
Man, folks, this is amazing.
You see how it works.
And when you see all this happening, you're weird if you don't like it.
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Waging war on corruption.
one zero ten ninety that's one eight hundred seven one zero ten ninety
waging war on corruption alex jones on the g_c_n_ radio network
they've had top off one top off two top off three in denver [MUSIC PLAYING]
Where they practice with the army and the police unannounced.
They'll say a month before, oh we're going to have an unannounced terror attack.
Then they kind of start the drill and people think it's a terror attack.
Then in the middle of the drill they say, oh it's just a drill.
I had a city councilwoman on from Denver.
She was telling me how great it was.
They had plans to round people up, put them in sports stadiums, fly them out of Denver International Airport.
Forced inoculations, everything.
And then They have deals to bring in Mexican and Canadian troops.
The main base of this, of course, is going to be in Colorado for the Joint Forces Command.
This is all mainstream news, folks.
It's all right out of AP Reuters.
Rocky Mountain News.
Remember the Rocky Mountain News?
The Army, quote, has mass graves and incinerators.
Remember that?
That's in our concentration camp section of PrisonPlanet.com.
I mean, I didn't write it, okay?
The Rocky Mountain News did.
But you call the news, and you go, hey, you know, there's smoke in the sky, electronics aren't working, they're kicking everybody out of their houses and taking over the sports stadium.
What's going on?
And I bet there's black helicopters, too.
But you better believe that in a town like that, with that much control right in the heart of the New World Order, That the people at those stations are working for the other side.
Usually they're just useful idiots following orders who just think that the consultants tell them what to do.
But in a place like L.A.
or New York or D.C.
or in Colorado and certain key areas, they're under the globalist control.
And Frank Whalen's going to stay with us with Frank Morales, who's on this subject, by the way, of Posse Comitatus and the New World Order and the military takeover and the law being changed.
They're trying to change it this week or next week.
It's just incredible.
Going back, who were we talking to in Colorado?
Yeah, John in Colorado.
Sir, tell us.
You called the local news.
What did you say to them?
What did they say to you?
Well, I brought up the fact that I thought it was rather weird that they were having the big NATO meeting over at the Broadmoor, yet they had to be screened at Penrose Stadium.
Why wasn't that on the news broadcast?
With the buses and the rest of it, which our police have been training in, by the way, for mass roundups in Austin.
And she was just quiet, and then she asked me what I thought, and I said, well, you know, New World Order stuff, and that's when she pretty much said, was there any black helicopters there?
Well, folks, let's understand this.
Yeah, were there any black helicopters?
Let's understand this.
Black helicopters are admitted of special forces in Seattle government.
That's History Channel, Discovery Channel.
Uh, we have this going on.
A foreign military force is there taking control of the city.
Parts of it.
And you call about it and you're weird.
See, this is how they try to neutralize you politically, is to say you're crazy because you're asking questions.
That's how they try to neutralize you.
Well, it's not that they're... They won't neutralize me, but...
You can't re-enslave who's happy in their bondage.
I'll just put it to you that way.
Okay, I gotta let you go.
Gotta let you go, John.
Frank Whalen, stay with us, okay?
Let me just take a minute out here, which is how we fund this operation, and tell folks, if you want to see what they got planned for you and your family, the troops saying they're trying to put you in camps, okay?
Then you need to get Police State 2000 and the takeover.
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We'll come back with you and get some of your comments on this.
Take more calls, then go.
As well, to Frank Morales.
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, second hour, folks.
A riveting first hour.
Boy, you missed it if you weren't tuned in.
The military-industrial complex that is foreign-owned Took over areas of Colorado the last three or four days were power outages, there were problems with aircraft, problems with red lights, problems with hundreds and hundreds of garage door openers, you heard callers talking about hospital doors not working, you name it.
And the military took over parts of the streets, police were not involved in it, they were in civilian areas, they were doing a staging area at the sports stadium.
This is similar to other events we've seen here in Texas and other areas.
NATO put up towers, took control of the situation.
That's admitted by the mainstream news, that NATO was in control of an American city!
Under NORTHCOM, we're under martial law.
We're talking to Frank Whalen of AMX, the number one talk show in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
We'll talk about this subject and other subjects.
We've got Frank Morales, an expert on the New World Order and Posse Comitatus joining us, who I set up days ago.
This is timely, very great timing.
Thanks to the good Lord.
And we got a loaded phone.
People want to talk about this, but I mean, this is martial law drill.
The foreign news reported yesterday out of Australia and the AP reported that NATO was doing a drill of taking over the US, but it's not in the local papers.
When you call the local TV stations, they laugh at you about it.
Frank Whalen comments.
It's incredible, Alex.
I hope that your listeners there in Colorado will not stand for this.
I also would like them to possibly contact you and see if they would let you know about how these radio frequency takeovers have influenced shortwave, The internet and just mainstream radio, because under, of course, you know this, executive orders, that is one of the things.
They do have the authority to take over the media.
Every radio station, including your radio station in Fayetteville, has a FEMA takeover box by remote control radio.
Yes, sir.
That's absolutely true.
People need to read the executive orders that are on the books.
It's the EAS Emergency Alert System.
And now they take over for, oh, a little girl's been kidnapped, or oh, there's flooding, or oh, guns are evil.
We're now hearing those.
Yeah, in fact, Alex, you've been on my show previously, and of course, right in the middle of, you know, towards the end of wrapping up a show, we've been interrupted with one of their tests.
Very timely, of course.
Very, very timely, of course.
All part of the freedom of the new America.
Oh, yeah.
They put it all in place, the terror arrives right on time.
But, I mean, hearing the callers, they call the local news stations, this is all going on, and they tell them, oh, well, why are you complaining?
Are you a black helicopter crazy?
It's incredible.
I interviewed a gentleman on the show, on my show, who had written a paper about FEMA 12 years ago, in which, in their budget, they had purchased black helicopters.
Well, I mean, they admit on the Discovery Channel that it's black ops.
FEMA, Delta Force, the Night Stalkers out of Fort Campbell, Kentucky.
I mean, look, at Camp Mabry, you know, they've got an old jet and artillery in a tank, and they've got a black helicopter out there with a skull and crossbones on it.
Hidden in plain sight.
Yeah, but you're crazy if you see it.
Oh, absolutely.
It's all part of the discreditation that's going on.
For example, your last caller.
It's all designed to make him doubt himself.
To make him not make that phone call in the future.
Let's hope it didn't work.
Well, we know it didn't work.
Folks are waking up everywhere.
Frank Morales, who's just an incredible individual, is coming up.
We'll go to your calls shortly in that interview.
Give them about five minutes to lay out what's happening.
We're going to go to Don and Tim and Myron and Fred and many others.
If you want to join us on air, Get involved in this Global Transmission Against Tyranny and Point Blank Range in the Info War.
It's 1-800-259-9231.
Frank, plug your website for your powerful broadcast.
It's www.1049x.com and my email address is there.
That's the best way to get a hold of me.
Alright, and you just do, let me tell you, it's an amazing broadcast.
I get a huge response.
People are really waking up in that sector and I got Frank on originally to talk about, and it's been in the news, you're one pound overweight, your child is, they send CPS after you, they're talking about after school programs for your kids, taking control of them, getting you into some type of criminal system now if you're overweight.
While they put more candy bar and soft drink machines in the schools for every period that your child can guzzle trash, then they bounce off the walls off sugar eyes and they stick them on Ritalin or Prozac.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, with the continuation of this transmission against tyranny at point-blank range.
We're going in full throttle.
Nothing can stop that now!
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Protect your family. Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Radiating, radiating out on the AM and FM dial from Rhode Island to Denver, Colorado, from Albuquerque, New Mexico to Austin, Texas, from Kansas City to Pensacola, Florida.
on the AM and FM dials, simulcasting on global shortwave during the day at 12.172 and 93.20
and at night at 5.085 and 68.90 and with one of the biggest internet audiences on the
internet at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com with hundreds of
thousands each day listening to the show we are fighting the new world order toe to toe, the globalists,
the military, industrial complex We have Frank Whalen from AMX, the number one talk show in Fayetteville, Arkansas, talking about the police state Walmart, in with the FBI and their new control bunker, arresting children, basically, if they're one pound overweight now in the state, taking them from their parents, that's what they're trying to push for.
Just wall-to-wall out-of-control behavior.
Loaded phone lines here.
We're about to go to Frank Morales, who I was stunned.
I've read some of his writings and global research on online.
He's one of the few guys that's written the most extensive dossier on garden plot.
I got, I tied for second place with Frank Morales at the Project Censor.
That book's been out for, I don't know, 12, 15 years.
We were up in north of San Francisco getting awards.
He gave a stunning analysis to our cameras and to the national free speech television cameras.
So did I. And I know this stuff.
I live and breathe this stuff.
I'm the police state expert.
And I've made films about it.
I've written about it.
But this guy is on par and in some areas has even more knowledge.
He's an amazing Individual.
And I tried to recap during the break to him what's happened.
He was aware of it, but not the details.
I have just gotten up to speed on this the last few days.
Let me recap it for those that just joined us.
Colorado is the real capital of the New World Order here in Oceania.
That's where the really deep bunkers are.
That's where the command centers are.
That's where they're building the concentration camps, according to the Rocky Mountain News.
The headline, mass-graze incinerators prepared by Army.
That's on PrisonPlanet.com in the concentration camp system section.
We then, over the years I've had members of their legislature on, I have had a city councilwoman on, Mayor Pro Tem, she admitted plans for people in sports stadiums, forced inoculations.
Out of these crises is a smoke screen to put in to activate the martial law grid and mechanism that's already been built.
Now they've announced they want to get rid of Posse Comitatus the last year.
The bills are now pending.
And then, yesterday, I got an article out of the AP that's on InfoWars.com, FirstPlanet.com.
Also one out of The Australia, one of their big national papers.
I'm going to dig that article back out.
I read it on air yesterday, in fact, at this very time during the broadcast.
And it's sad that they talked to NATO, none of the press was allowed in, they had to sign non-disclosure forms, but that NATO admitted that it was a takeover drill for the U.S.
or other countries.
NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is a private corporation set up by the Bilderberg Group.
They came in, ran security, put up some type of bizarre transmitters that have caused electrical problems everywhere.
Red lights, hundreds and hundreds of garage door openers, hospital doors, radios, just all sorts.
Planes have had problems with their avionics.
A lot of this has come out in the news.
You read the local paper and Denver Post talks about some of this.
We're going to email us all the local news articles.
Anything you find will create a suction OnInfoWars.com, OnPrisonPlanet.com.
I know Paul Watson's listening.
We need to get that up right now.
This is massive.
This is major.
Then the troops backed up and controlled by NATO.
They admit NATO was running security.
They had MPs out in the city, checkpoint, searching cars.
They made part of the city evacuate.
I did read about how they were doing some weird activities at the sports stadium with buses and troops and police.
A massive takeover drill.
In our news, they call it a NATO meeting.
Classic PsyOps.
Frank Morales is an Episcopal priest.
He has been living what he called as a squatter to be with the people and really experience what life's really like for many years.
Frank Morales, thanks for joining us and sitting through that diatribe.
Good to be with you, man.
Tell us a little bit about yourself and then your analysis, your take on what I just laid out.
Well, for the past four or five years, I've been looking specifically at Pentagon plans to suppress dissent within the U.S., particularly what is officially referred to as Department of Defense Civil Disturbance Plan 55-2, which is codenamed Operation Garden Plot.
A lot of people thought that Garden Plot was some fictitious creation of a conspiracy theorist, but in fact, Garden Plot is, literally speaking, a 200-page document that is farmed out from the executive agent, which is the U.S.
Army, to various military and law enforcement sectors around the country, and in fact now is being exported as part of peacekeeping operations.
So I began to look very closely at Garden Plot and other related matters concerning The Pentagon, under its Operations Other Than War doctrine, or OOTW, which targets civilians and non-combatants, by the way.
Now, Frank, it's important to add here that they've been lining this up for over 20 years.
Now it's all coming to fruition with urban warfare training, basically on a pandemic scale, everywhere all over the U.S.
and worldwide.
They know dissent's mounting.
They're getting ready for a national draft.
The economy is imploding.
Well, they put out their propaganda of how it's getting better.
They know we're going to resist more of what's coming down the pike.
We know they're going to carry out more terror.
Comments to that?
Yeah, I think Bush's comments relating to the idea of preemptive strike.
You know, I mean, that needs to be applied to the kind of what they refer to as counterinsurgency.
Preemptive strike, preemptive action is a classic tenet of counterinsurgency.
In other words, you want to nip the resistance before it has a chance to grow.
It's very clear that the Bush people are intent on carrying out their global domination, their agenda for global domination, and at the same time recognize that people will resist and are resisting.
So they're, you know, quite rationally, if you can use that term from their point of view, are creating an infrastructure to detain, to prevent, to imprison, if not to eliminate Those people and sectors that resist the New World Order, particularly for those of us here in the U.S.
who are in the target of Pentagon operations other than war, particularly under the heading of what they refer to as civil disturbance planning.
The other thing that I noticed in reference to the late-breaking news, which again, I'm not totally up to speed, I've been running around today, I haven't really picked up any press, Is that yesterday, the NATO had its meeting in Colorado Springs, and for those listeners who aren't aware, Colorado Springs is also the home of NORTHCOM.
Well, North American Command.
That's where all this is happening.
We're on a great AM station there in Colorado Springs, and the listeners are just calling in with a bedlam.
Well, NORTHCOM is basically, you know, a domestic military command Which celebrated its kind of operational anniversary just last week on the first of October.
They took a year to get up to speed and they are now officially operational according to their report.
And they are tasked specifically to quote-unquote assist law enforcement.
Now with the breakdown and the erosion and the imminent repeal of the Posse Comitatus Act, which is the law, the criminal statute, The only criminal statute that, by law, delineates the role of the military from the role of domestic law enforcement, that law is about to be repealed.
The Bush people have been reviewing it for quite some time.
Various elements within the Pentagon have been calling for its repeal.
With the imminent repeal of Posse Comitatus, there'll be nothing separating, you know, preventing military, National Guard, And what have you, let alone international forces.
And for those that don't know, in this brainwashed society, when you've got troops on the streets, folks, you're in martial law, you're in a third world dictatorship.
Yeah, one of the defining characteristics by all accounts of totalitarian, if not fascist regimes throughout history has been the virtual symbiosis between its military and its police.
One of the bedrocks of democracy within the U.S.
has always been the civil-military tradition that maintains a clear delineation between the two.
Well, in our republic, under the 10th Amendment, I was supposed to keep the feds out of that, but this is just downtown Moscow.
Let's get a comment from Frank Whelan.
Frank Whelan, comments to what Frank Morales is laying out here.
It's absolutely incredible Alex and yourself and Frank Morales there are obviously putting all the pieces into place.
People need to look at the broader scope of this thing.
You can't deny that this is going on.
It's incredible and it's shocking but it is not surprising in the slightest.
I think the troops are in place.
They're already moving over here to do various drills in various areas.
I think people need to look for the terror alert being raised and then say, look, this is great.
We've already got the troops in place.
I would say look for more terror.
Frank Morales, we know the globalists are carrying out the terror.
How soon do you think until they start blowing stuff up or releasing biologicals?
Well, you know, a lot of people are looking towards this next election.
As a kind of, you know, a likely scenario that would be created which would on the one hand, you know, create the context for an overt martial law.
Well, look how unpopular going into Syria and Iran is, and the approval rating keeps dropping.
Now, maybe go below 40, but they don't seem to care.
They're confident.
They know they can just light something on fire again.
Yeah, it makes you wonder.
I mean, these people have been sort of predicting various scenarios, even in terms of 9-1-1.
I was mentioning the other day that Well, you know, my reading of what's going on in the Pentagon, you know, as early as 97, 98, 99, right up until 2001, I can show you at least two dozen separate remarks from two dozen separate Pentagon officials.
The terror's coming, we're gonna take all your rights away, this is for your own good, martial law, homeland security as early as 93, go ahead.
They were predicting that there'd be a catastrophic action that would take place which would, you know, would create a situation where we'd have to choose between our liberty And, you know, our security.
Now, this was being laid out long before 9-1-1.
I mean, these guys either have the gift of prophecy, or they knew a lot more than they're letting on.
Well, then look at PNAC.
Oh, how wonderful Pearl Harbor is.
We need more of these for imperial mobilization.
I think one of the things that we're looking to do here in New York, and one way of countering some of this, is to look at the whole notion of posse comitatus and the separation of the military and the police, And as the Bill of Rights Defense Committee, in terms of the Patriot Act that's taking place around the country, people are now looking to recodify the Posse Comitatus Act.
The battle's been joined.
Frank Morales, Frank Whelan, both gentlemen stay there.
We're going to come back, talk more about the specifics of trying to repeal Posse Comitatus and what it is.
Then we'll talk to Dan, Tim, Myron, Fred, and others.
Everybody, your calls are coming up.
I'm Alex Jones, PrisonPlanet.com.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
During Reconstruction, after the Civil War in the 1860s, Northern troops, by corrupt generals and led by corrupt colonels, basically set up their own little corrupt empires, feeding off populations, burning, pillaging, killing for over a decade.
The backlash was the Posse Comitatus Act.
You can't have troops that are trained to kill people and break things out supposedly in the peacekeeping operation of a peace officer.
Then to militarize the police, sort of calling them law enforcement, giving them military training with the thousands of SWAT teams around the country under federal training and control.
And so we already really have gotten rid of Posse Comitatus since the late 1980s.
Troops would have been in police uniforms and raids on homes and gun shops and drug dealers.
And then that's all in Road to Tyranny.
Now FEMA, in my film The Road to Tyranny, goes around and teaches police that all Christians, gun owners, homeschoolers, liberals, environmental activists, anybody within the establishment is a terrorist.
And that's all on tape.
Frank Morales, before we go to these calls, and later of course we're going to plug one of your latest great books, it's amazing, I had a chance down at Rita over the weekend, I got it there in San Francisco when you were there, About posse comitatus, why is the bill that's trying to get rid of it, and we know the White House has announced this, how do we stop it or can we?
Well, I think the thing that people should do immediately, which is, you know, the common sense thing to do would be to contact their representatives, you know, those who still have some kind of conscience about some of these issues, and protest the potential repeal of posse comitatus.
We need to make this a public issue.
One of the things that they're attempting to do is to do this in secret.
Now they've announced they want to, quote, put troops on the street.
I've got Reg on video saying that.
But, and we know Senator Warner and others have introduced legislation.
You say it looks like it's going to pass?
Yeah, it's basically, you know, being done behind the backs of the American people.
So I think the one thing that we need to do is to make this a public issue.
One of the ways to do it would be to, you know, look at some of the things that are happening in the local SWAT.
So have cities say, we're not going to have SWAT teams and we're not going to have troops on our streets?
Yeah, we've got to bring, we've got to make this, you know, we've got to bring what is merely implicit and make it explicit.
We've got to bring out and we've got to create a campaign around posse comitatus and practically speaking to try to move locally to recodify the posse comitatus act locally.
Well, we know they've gotten rid of it covertly, now they're just pulling the veil back on the monster.
Yeah, I mean, you know, it's really a race against time, because otherwise then we'll be facing a much harder battle.
It'll be legal for National Guard people and others to arrest you, to search your home.
Now, I don't know if you've seen this, Frank, but...
They've reported deals for Mexican, Canadian troops, Czechoslovakian.
They've had foreign troops in Scotland harassing people, pulling them out of cars.
It really looks like they're going to try to use some foreign combatants, just like the British use the Hessians.
Yeah, I think that whether it's mercenaries, you know, they'll hire, there's a lot of that going on nowadays, or using people they are very concerned with the morale problem, you know, in terms of American troops patrolling, arresting, detaining American citizens.
They realize that there's a real distinct possibility that, you know, there's some stuff going on within the military now about the forces that are not willing to carry out this kind of agenda.
I think that will literally, no pun intended, whomp in their face if they try it.
You know, so I think it's very logical that they would try to bring in forces that Are not, you know, not part of our citizenry, so that it would be a lot easier for them to carry out the orders that they're being given.
Alright, Frank Whalen comments to what our other guest is saying.
I am in complete and total agreement with both of you.
I think that, as we've seen with the various terror attacks that have happened on United States soil, things need to get bigger and bigger and bigger in order for people to roll over.
Now, if you remember surveys taken after September 11th terror attacks, Uh, detailed people's willingness to sacrifice, to concede their liberties in exchange for security.
I think it was in the upper 70th percentile.
And now that number's fallen down to about 40% because people figured out that if you give up liberty, you get tyranny.
And people are focused on the draconian legislation that's already been passed, the things that are waiting in the wings.
But they do need to focus on posse comitatus.
That is going to be the destabilization of this country.
Well, that's why my plan, that's been passed by some cities and parts of it by others, My Bill of Rights Defense Committee, and I was one of the first to write one, talks about NORTHCOM, martial law, executive orders.
It doesn't just cover Patriot Act 1 or 2.
Frank, comments?
Yeah, I think that people have been focused on the legislative onslaught that's been taking place over the, you know, recent period.
And I think it's very important that people zero in on Pentagon domestic operations.
You say Pentagon domestic operations and people's eyes glaze over.
But under their recent doctrine from about the mid-90s of so-called operations other than war, the Pentagon, particularly with the institutionalization of NORTHCOM within the last couple of years, They are quite serious, and the apparatus is in place to execute operations within America, and these operations are targeting civilians and non-combatants.
All right, we got a break.
I promise, straight out of this break, we're going to plug both our guest websites and our guest book, and we will go straight to Don, Tim, Myron, Fred, John, Larry in Colorado, and others.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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My friends, I know this.
I've been on the air now for just about 10 years in Austin.
The last six or seven really focusing on posse comitatus, the new world order, the militarization of police, going into this whole prison economy where the Defense Department and its private defense contractors run the red light cameras, the face scanning cameras, the prisons.
This is how they're going to take control of us.
They're going to be the arbiters of justice and crime and no more juries and no more attorney-client privilege and your child's fat.
We're taking it from you.
It's a horrible system.
They said that by the end of this decade, 30 million of us will be in prison.
And it's up to over 7 million in the last five years from 1.3 million.
I mean, they're not playing games.
They're targeting all of us.
One marijuana cigarette.
20 to 90 years in prison.
No trial, no nothing.
That's in the Victory Act.
That's how it's codified.
That's what this stuff could do.
The definition of terrorism in Patriot Act 1 and Section 802, any action that endangers human life, that's a violation of any federal or state law.
So broad, it'll affect, it'll grab everyone.
Under faith-based initiative, they're telling the churches, they'll tell them what they can and can't say.
Suddenly, Baptist churches in Austin are anti-gun, pro-UN.
The left, the right, it's all controlling.
Talking to Frank Morales in the past, he talked about how, you know, when he's in New York, talking about the New World Order and stuff, and in concentration camps, he gets these emails, you know, what are you, a right-winger now?
Because the right-wing's picking up on what you're doing.
He's like, no, I'm an American.
We all got to come together for the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, get past these labels.
But before I go back to Frank, Morales and Frank Whalen, I really appreciate joining us and all these callers.
I'm going to tell you how to get Frank Morales' great new book and about the website he writes for Cryptome.com.
There's a link to that on InfoWars.com, I know, in our clip section, our link section.
Before I do that, I want to encourage everybody, you want to hurt these New World Order trash heaps?
You want to expose them?
You want to pull the rug out from under them?
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Frank Morales, Cryptome.com.
How do folks get your new book about the police state?
Well, they can order it through Arm the Spirit, which is a Montreal publisher.
You can find them on the web as well, and they can also go to Cryptome.org.
Oh, excuse me, cryptcom.org.
Yeah, spell that out for folks.
C-R-Y-P, as in Peter.
Amazing website.
I go to it all the time.
I don't know why I said... Yeah, it's a good resource.
And if they search Garden Plot on that site, they'll come up with the article and there'll be references in that as well.
And the name of your new book?
It's called Police State America.
And it covers Operation Garden Plot, the whole issue of the proliferation of so-called non-lethal weapons, which is the kind of weapons that a lot of us will be facing, have been facing.
Um, various aspects of the surveillance apparatus that's in place now within America, and other related issues concerning Pentagon so-called operations other than war.
Alright, Krypton.org, or the publisher in Montreal, Arm in the Spirit.
Alright, folks.
Police State America.
Police State America.
You need to get this.
And I know that you also went to a screening and spoke over the video Urban Warrior, which I was in.
That was an excellent video, by the way.
If people are interested in that, you know what I might do?
If it's okay, I can just give you my email.
Yeah, let's do that.
And I don't have any problem with people contacting me.
I'm already out there.
So, you know, it's like, you know, it's FRM, it's Frank Rebellion R Morales M. FRM.
All right, folks.
We'll get that out again before he leaves.
You'll see a little bit in the next hour.
I'm about to go to these calls right now.
Frank Weiland, I'm sure chomping at the bit with great points to make.
Go ahead, sir.
I'm just blown away.
In fact, Mr. Morales there, I'm writing down all of his information so I can check that out as well.
And I think that makes an important point, Alex, is that with all the work you've done and people like you, the information's out there.
And you guys reference every place that it's been, so if people are, if they know people who are doubting this, if they know people who don't see this coming down the pike, you need to make the picture more complete for them and go to these sources and get this material and show it to them.
Yeah, we're not putting a bad face on this.
When the Rocky Mountain News says that the Army's prepared mass graves and incinerators, we're in deep trouble.
And I've seen that, I know Frank Whalen's seen that.
Have you seen the Rocky Mountain articles about the incinerators, Frank Morales?
No, I haven't, but I'll go check that out.
I mean, sometimes, Frank, when you see a news article or admitted Pentagon document, is it even hard for you to believe?
Like when we have something like Northwoods or PNAC?
Yeah, no, it's, unfortunately, it's becoming, I'm less shocked these days, but my thing has always been, you know, I'm interested in one, two, or three, you know, You know, references that really create a credibility base that people can really get a hold of this stuff.
Well, like PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com and our Concentration Camp section, it's nothing but AP, Newsmax, Rocky Mountain News.
It's all right there.
Like when I say FEMA says all Christians, Founding Fathers are terrorists, all the homeschoolers are terrorists, I have their training manuals and I have them on video to a group of police saying it.
You guys have both made a great point there, that this is not material that we are privy to only.
It's out there for everyone.
The same mainstream sources that are being used to debunk people, Alex, like the person who called into your show that had called the local media, these are the same sources we're pulling from to complete this picture.
Well, what they do is they admit, yeah, the troops are running checkpoints and have shut the city down and the electronics are all malfunctioning and they've taken over the sports stadium and there's all kinds of weird stuff going on, but why are you against it?
Are you a black helicopter crazy?
All right, let's go to calls here.
Let's talk to, I guess, Don in Michigan's up first.
Thanks for holding, Don.
Go ahead.
How are you doing today, Alex?
Good, sir.
I was going to ask you about your conversation with Gary Busey there the other day.
You were going to talk about it maybe today, but I ain't even worried about that.
I was wondering if you could tell us a little bit more about this operation in Colorado, this NATO exercise.
I've been to AP and I've been to the Australian.
They're dancing around it a little bit.
See, it was a meeting.
Okay, let me read to you, let me read to you from the Australian on Infowars.com.
NATO Chiefs in Secret Weapons of Mass Destruction Exercise.
Can you read the other articles locally?
They just call it a meeting.
NATO defense chiefs took part in an unusual secret exercise in Colorado yesterday to test the alliance's military responses in a fictional fast-moving crisis involving terrorists and weapons of mass destruction, officials said.
Held under tight security at Shriver Air Force Base, the exercise was devised to stimulate discussions among alliance defense ministers on soon-to-be fielded NATO response forces capable of intervening in crises as far beyond Europe, officials said.
The NATO leaders will consider the capabilities needed to confront the threat of terrorists and weapons of mass destruction, and it goes on to say this is training for any country with 19 member nations.
And then I know that NORTHCOM has said that NATO will sit as a node of it on a parallel level, and they've got the NATO AWACS in the skies, the 56 NATO F-16s, they've got the deals that have been in the Major papers that are on my website in the foreign troops section about bringing in Canadian and Mexican troops to deal with American terrorists.
I've been to dozens of urban warfare training ops with foreign troops.
They're saying it's for domestic and international.
This is all for the global empire, including here domestically.
Comments on that, Frank Morales.
Yeah, the one piece that I can add to that is that the first head of the continental U.S.
command Prior to NORTHCOM, because a lot of people don't know that under Clinton, there was a Continental Command set up.
It was kind of a forerunner of NORTHCOM.
They were kind of running through a trial period of trying it out.
And at that time, the head of it was Admiral Gaiman, G-E-H-M-A-N.
He was made head of this Continental Command.
The New York Times quoted saying that this might be a problem vis-a-vis Posse Comitatus.
Gaiman was head of NATO.
He was head of NATO prior to his becoming head of this domestic command, which then evolved into NORTHCOM.
And now Wesley Clark was also head of NATO and a Rhodes Scholar and roommates with Clinton.
Yeah, I don't think it's really unreasonable to assume that there's a need on the part of Pentagon people to create a force that's capable of functioning within the U.S.
that is not wholly composed of American citizens.
You know, it creates a loyalty problem when you have people going up against their own brothers and sisters, you know, their own neighbors.
Uh, yeah, sir, it's stated up one side and down the other.
This is dual purpose for domestic.
I mean, I have troops on tape, the role player saying, we're Americans, please know not to camp.
Yeah, no, it's very clear that the domestic is the international, the international is domestic.
Garden Plot, which was originally designed along with U.S.
Army Field Manual 19-15, which listeners can go find.
Army Field Manual 19-15.
We've read it on air, we've linked to it many times.
Okay, and those are being exported.
Yeah, thanks for the call there in Michigan, Don.
Tim in New York, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi Alex.
I was listening to you earlier and I called my local news station, WROC-TV in Rochester, New York, and I let them know that that um... nato was running military exercises out in colorado
and that it was he aware of it and he said yes but i go do you feel
that maybe you should maybe reported
that of the colby bryant stories that no and that i asked him i go to support
uh... communism in the destruction of america he says yes and hung up on me
This is the newsroom.
The guy in the newsroom boldly just said, yep, I support communism and the destruction of America.
Well, I would answer to what Frank was saying about all these NATO guys revolving door into NORAD and into the head of NORTHCOM there in Colorado.
And that is that General Shoemaker was the general who ran WACO and the Delta Force killing American citizens.
He's now Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff.
And Wesley Clark was his boss running that operation.
Frank, or both Frank's comments?
Well, I wanted to say that you're absolutely right, and you can see these patterns.
Everything you guys have laid out, this is the New World Order agenda.
It's a spiderweb, and it can be followed with a certain degree of homework.
Now, they're also instituting, from a previous guest that I had on the show a couple weeks ago, a militarization of the neighborhood watch, complete with new uniforms.
I have AP articles out of New Jersey from right after 9-11 where they said they're training old women to quote, spot women in baby carriages and old men that don't trust anyone, Frank.
I think part of the thing here is that, you know, there's a certain terrorism that's being created within the American population.
If folks are doubting this is for domestic uses, Scripps Howard News Service, as well as Gannett in New Jersey, and this is in Police State 3, say, quote, the head of FEMA there, Sid Casperson, says, quote, under a red alert, you're an enemy of the state, you cannot leave your home, virtually all of your liberties are stripped away.
Did you ever hear about that, guys?
This is out there, Alex.
Again, a certain degree of homework.
Sometimes it's only a portion of a sentence in one news story.
Look, they're training us for martial law.
Frank Morales comments to this whole red alert.
They're saying it's about martial law.
Yeah, I think, you know, as we're referring to U.S.
Army Field Manual 19-15, in there people can read where the Army talks about the distinction between martial law and martial rule.
They're quite, you know, upfront about that Marshall Rule is a lot easier to, you know, to implement.
And my guess is that that's what we'll be looking at.
I think what, in New York here, what we're looking at... Okay, the difference between Marshall Law and Marshall Rule, for those that don't know.
Well, it's just you don't need a declaration for martial rule.
They can just sort of morph right into it.
It doesn't require the kind of legislative maneuvers and so forth, and it's covert.
Yeah, they never talk about it.
Suddenly there's troops at your local school or in the factory, which Reggie said they'll do.
Suddenly everyone, oh, it's infrastructure protection.
They lay it out pretty clearly in that field manual.
I don't have it in front of me, but if people want to look at that, it's pretty interesting the way they lay that out.
Well, let me tell folks this story.
About a year and a half ago, they started running this thing called Army News Watch on local channel 17 on cable.
We have, you know, county cable.
You know, the county has its shows on there.
And suddenly, it wasn't the county commissioners or the Water Commission meeting.
Suddenly, it was Army... Every week was the same show, seven nights a week.
Every week was a new show.
I even got it on tape.
And they said, you have two employees, you have a hundred.
Let the Army drop by and drug test your employees.
And so there it was, you know, in our lives right there, Frank.
Well, you know, I mean, it's clear.
I mean, the prospect of martial law is not that far away when you think we're already in a state of emergency.
Bush reenacted the emergency around 9-1-1 just last week.
Again, that was not covered in any news reports, but so we're in that.
We're looking here in New York, come the Republican National Convention next August, in what is being referred to as a national security event.
And this is basically tantamount to a martial law situation as well.
So they're, it's like posse comitatus.
They didn't have to repeal it necessarily, although they're trying to.
They're going around it.
They just kind of go about setting this kind of mechanism up, despite the fact that, you know, it's unconstitutional, etc, etc.
But we're looking at the same kind of process within the martial law scenario.
The only defense people have at this point is to raise this stuff up, is to get it out there, create campaigns locally around posse commandos.
Just like the Patriot Act.
Just like the Patriot.
Great point.
That's the answer.
Myron, South Dakota, you're on the air with Frank Morales and Frank Whalen and Alex Jones.
Go ahead.
Yes, I wish to point out that NATO is a UN regional arrangement.
A private corporation.
Well, NATO was organized under Article 52-54 of the UN Charter.
And NATO must, every action must be reported to the UN Security Council.
And the 1949 NATO Treaty itself begins The parties undertaken as set forth in the Charter of the United Nations.
And let me add this, in the news articles it says, NATO was in control of security over the Air Force Base and surrounding civilian areas of the city, so a UN foreign body was in control of the heart of one of our strategic SAC defense bases and NORTHCOM over civilian activities.
Frank Morales.
Yeah, I don't see any, you know, I think the evolution of the uh... of militarism
spreading in terms of the you know breaking down the distinction between
the people at the domestic and international it's very clear in terms of civil disturbance planning
They're exporting garden plot abroad for use in peacekeeping and integrating local police forces in various parts of the world into the apparatus.
So it doesn't strike me as odd that that's in fact what's happening here.
They don't put any credence in any kind of sovereign right on the part of the American people or any other people for that matter.
That's it.
It's a New World Orders.
Everybody stay right there including Myron.
I want you to be able to finish up.
We'll go to John and Larry and others.
Stay with us.
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Alright, Frank Morales is going to leave us here in about 20 minutes, about 15 minutes
into the next hour to finish up with the calls.
Then Frank Whelan is going to keep riding shotgun with us until the bottom of the next hour and we're going to get into a bunch of this other news and how they're going to try to criminalize the entire population, but we're about to go back to Myron, John, Larry, Mike and others.
Frank Morales, a very important question for everybody out there.
A lot of people don't get involved in this because they're afraid.
They're afraid of the men in black uniforms like Solzhenitsyn talked about coming and getting them.
But Solzhenitsyn talked about what would happen if we met the thugs, you know, downstairs with pickaxes and pokers, you know, if they want to get violent.
I'm trying to fix things peaceably.
I think that's the answer.
They want violence.
They have to create fake violence and provocateurs.
But I see a lot of troops, a lot of military waking up.
I've seen people that serve this system being fed on more readily than those that Uh, those that fight it.
Isn't it about survival?
I mean, really the trick is, by the thug, by the bully is, is that you think not fighting back against him makes you safe, but in truth that empowers him.
Aren't our voices needed?
Like, like sunshine's needed in the dark of night?
I mean, this is the answer here.
And we're part of history, and we're safer fighting this.
And what scenario do you see of them arresting a Frank Morales or an Alex Jones?
Or will they just allow us to stand there and grab and complain as they own the dominant media and are feeding on the general public?
Oh, I think you're quite right.
I think that the solution lies in the power of the people.
The people have the power if they are able to overcome feelings of being intimidated.
They're relying on a panic culture.
They were able to get over with the kinds of draconian legislation and so forth, and attempt to implement this stuff, because people are afraid.
As soon as people begin to stand up and show these people that we're not intimidated by it, and that we're capable of speaking out, of organizing, and of pooling our strength, My own sense is that this thing will dissolve.
I think that a lot of people who are in both law enforcement and the military, their commitment to carrying out this agenda is paper thin.
I mean, it used to be the expression, you know, paper tiger, and that's the notion.
I think as long as people stand up, it's like the bully on the street.
Nine times out of ten, you don't have to fight back.
All you have to do is show that you're not intimidated, and they leave you alone.
It never will come to that.
I remember when I was about... I think people need to stand up now and show some kind of united, you know, united opposition to whether it's a repeal of Posse Comitatus Act, to the non-lethal weapons, to the militarization of the police, and all these various other things that are taking place around us and I think we'll be
quite successful in pushing this back.
Now I'm an optimist, but I've seen the power of the people in action and I know people have that desire.
When they see others standing up, then you feel more empowered to stand up as well.
Well, absolutely.
I mean, people get in their car every day when that's the number one cause of death for Americans.
You just do it because it's part of life.
I mean, it's a lot safer to fight tyranny than getting in your car, folks.
It's just that, you know, it's got all these weird, foggy connotations around it.
Yeah, they want us to feel paranoid.
They want us to feel this kind of thing.
But as soon as we get the information, We demystify the situation, and we realize that the kind of people who are doing this are just like you and me.
They have a different, you know, mindset, obviously, a different set of values, but they're not super people.
Well, it's only a few thousand globalist sociopath controllers for the big corporations manipulating millions of, on average, just average Joes.
We have to displace them.
We have to create some openings.
We have to create some democratic space so to speak so that we can organize and
push back get our information out there organize organize and
organize let's go back let's go back to great points of our morals frank wyland uh...
you've got the last minute of this hour's it tells what you think
well i think ultimately alex the way i use my show is that people like yourself
on but i also have the mouthpieces
of the new world order And I do that for a reason, because no one likes a lukewarm fence-sitter.
The purpose of my show, the purpose of your show, is to kick that fence and force people to choose which side they're going to fall on.
You know, we can go along with this, we can buy into it, but you cannot, all it's going to take, Alex, with this red alert status, is to offer some sort of Pavlovian prize for people to rat out their neighbors, just like the tips program.
We're going to see it.
It's important to choose to make the right choice.
All right, the third hour is straight ahead.
We've got Frank Morales for two more segments.
We're going to keep Frank Wellen on with us as long as you like.
We've got loaded phones.
Myron, John, Larry, Mike and others will get to you.
And hey, if your station doesn't carry the third hour, you're going to miss out.
A lot of news, two great guests, your calls, all jammed to the third hour.
Stay with us.
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, folks.
We're now 30 seconds into this final hour, this global transmission against tyranny.
We're about to go back to the calls.
If you'd like to join us on air, it's 800-259-9231.
We're talking to Frank Morales, who's an author and researcher on Posse Comitatus, the militarization of police, the prison system economy that's, well, the biggest part of our economy now, what we're going into.
And in the last hour, the last two hours, we talked a lot about this NATO takeover drill that took place in Colorado Springs the last four days.
And I have the Australian here in front of me, as well as the AP.
It says the scenario for the exercise, which is devised by the meetings of the U.S.
host, was set in a fictional country of 2007.
not coincidentally the year that the new nato forces scheduled to be fully
operational the new global uh... reach not just for north atlantic
other details the scenario remain classified encourage an open discussion
among the ministers and the chiefs of defense a scenario was not recorded
according to u_s_ sources it goes on to say that the uh...
nato countries involved initially were uncomfortable about participating in
something that could be considered a war game devised by united states so see it's a war game
and they practice roughing people up shoving americans around the power was
going off weird stuff was happening lights weren't working garage doors
weren't working and then nato was running security ordering the air force m_p_s
around Now that's scary, isn't it, Frank Morales?
Yeah, I think that the fact that it's done at Colorado Springs, where NORTHCOM is situated, which is the, you know, the command that's dealing with supposedly, quote, assisting law enforcement within the U.S., And to have some other forces come in and assist law enforcement in the U.S.
is kind of interesting, isn't it?
It is.
Let's go back to Myron in South Dakota.
Let him finish up his fine points.
You were mentioning that NATO was chartered by the U.N., which was chartered by the banks.
Go ahead.
Yes, I wish to point out that the Korean War, for instance, was fought under the U.N.
The Vietnam War was fought under CETO, a Southeast Treaty Organization, which was founded at the same time that NATO was.
The Balkans, war was fought under NATO, and you know, you want more information?
Well, Afghanistan's going under NATO now, too.
The whole thing, in fact, Cheney admitted on Meet the Press that the whole point was that the beginning is that it will eventually be turned over to the United Nations, Iraq will be.
And Colin Powell at the same time stated, yes, that was the original intent.
There's another great website on the UN, the United Nations, it is getusout.org, which has a lot of good information on the United Nations.
Alright, thanks for the call.
Appreciate it, Myron.
Frank Morales, Frank Whelan, I mean, the left over in Europe is acting like the UN's the good cop against this whole war, but they're owned by the same military-industrial complex.
So either way, the globalists own and take over your country.
Comments, Frank Morales or Frank Whelan, to the control of the left and the right?
It's an absolute sham, Alex.
There is no definitive difference between the political parties or the military entities out in this world today.
You know, you're talking about this drill going on in Colorado.
Remember the reports of a drill of an airplane crashing into a building on September 11th.
How strange is that?
At 8.30 in the morning, the CIA, that's how they told NORAD, stand down, it's just a drill.
That's right.
Frank, comments to that?
These groups, NATO and the various other acronyms, are dummy fronts, basically, and are used by the banks and the oligarchy and the others to the extent that they're useful.
Now obviously some of the left sees elements within the UN, particularly some of the That's just a steam valve.
roots opposition within the UN so to speak as potentially allies in some sort of fight.
But that's just a steam valve.
Yeah, and that might be okay, but you know, like remember the bomb that just went off
at UN headquarters as soon as they set foot in Baghdad?
I mean, you know, they'll keep them in order.
So I mean, I don't see that there's any real potential there.
The power lies in the people.
The power lies in the power of information, getting that information out, and people organizing around their self-interest, around their rights, and around, you know... So the people, the people thinking for themselves and not being programmed by anything in the system.
Alright, we'll be right back with our final signal with Frank Morales.
Take more calls and talk to Frank Whelan.
I'm Alex Jones.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption.
Crashing the lies and disinformation.
I'm Alex Jones, talking to Frank Whalen of the AMX, number one talk show there in That's Sector of Arkansas, who I've been on the show many times.
There's a lot of key info.
We're going to talk about some subjects that we haven't gotten to yet.
Making you all criminals.
Your child's a little bit overweight, they take them from you.
A new law there and a bunch of other key news from around the world.
Got a few other calls we're going to get to here with Frank Morales, who got a little tied for second place with myself to get on our analysis of the Patriot Act.
That's in the new Project Censored book.
He really knows what he's talking about.
A great expert on this subject.
We're going to tell you how to get one of his new books, Police State america please say u_s_a_ here in a few minutes
and i'll contact him as well uh... right now uh... let's uh... go back to the calls
gentleman let's talk to john
and uh... john is calling us recall this from john let's not stop but i'm sorry on the call is rolling from
chicago over the internet is how usually getcha
however i don't have you're really quick are all pack
is only going to start accepting gold bars for their oil transfers
And the Russians are saying, this is official, yesterday, they're considering only selling oil and only accepting euros when the dollar is further plunging.
My question was, they're saying around 2006, but before they start doing this, and my question would be, how do you think this would affect Well, the dollar plunged on that news.
Bush has got Treasury Secretary Snow stomping around bad-mouthing the dollar.
So the globalists want to bring America down, make the EU the model, then merge us.
But let's get the take of Frank Morales and Frank Whelan.
One of you guys want to take that question?
Sure, Alex.
I totally agree with your assessment of that.
I think that there is a push for this one world government.
And I do think the European Union, especially the way people have glommed onto it, I do think that is the model.
And I do think the United Nations is going to be an integral part of getting us into that organization.
Let's get a comment from Frank Morales.
Yeah, no, I mean, same comment.
It's clear.
That the interest of sovereign U.S.
is secondary to the interest of this kind of global one-government sort of approach.
Again, the European Union would be the model for that.
We'll go ahead and let that caller go, he's got a bad phone.
Isn't the global parasite Using the substance of America to empower its global reach, but out of this America is going to be basically turned into a third world police state.
Yeah, because the transnationals and the others, they don't have any interest in America per se.
I mean, they're only interested in their own power, their own, you know, the bottom line.
So, I mean, it's quite secondary to think in terms of American interests.
Wow, it's good to talk to folks who know what's going on.
Let's talk to Larry in Colorado.
Larry, thanks for holding here on the air.
El Paso County, that's the Colorado Springs area.
Yes, sir.
And in 97-98, we used to have about 980 some square miles of unzoned area where we didn't need regional building, we didn't have to have permits, and they crammed it all down our throats.
And one of the things that people in other areas don't realize is that one of the questions I asked about regional building is that in 1900 Europe, if they would have had regional
building, where would Anne Frank of hid?
Well, the whole point is is that they federally have written the zoning laws.
It's really serfdom or feudalism as a mode of control.
Now, you're in and around the Colorado Springs area.
They talked about troops on the private roads, NATO in control, shutting things down, weird electrical problems everywhere.
That's in the paper.
Aircraft having problems, red lights having problems.
What have you heard or what did you see?
I've seen an awful lot of cops out, more than usual.
And I've heard straight out from people about their garage remote controls and stuff like this.
Um, but so far that's all I've heard.
You haven't been in the town because we had like three or four callers that they had NATO security people and others out at checkpoints away from the base searching cars.
I haven't run into that, but I have heard on certain roads that they see carloads of them sitting alongside the roads.
Carloads of troops?
Yeah, or of police.
This was military police under NATO control?
I don't know.
I'm going to actually go into town to check more of that out.
Well, they're gone.
I mean, they're starting to break down now.
But we've been kind of worried about this for quite some time.
Because back in 87, or 97, 98, and stuff like this, they were ordering, I monitored the county commission meetings for years, for about two years straight.
And the Sheriff's Department was ordering, you know, ungodly amounts of M-16s, Glocks, and ammunition.
Well, you've got to keep control of the slaves.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, on the point, it sounds to me like there's some kind of electromagnetic pulse weaponry kind of scenario that's being implemented there, because I know that a lot of the so-called counter-terrorism work Well, I know the Boston Globe, and this is in my DARPA Engineering the Beast System article on Infowars.com, when I make the claim there's a hyperlink to the Boston Globe, DARPA came out, the same folks with the betting on dead servicemen and the surveillance blimps and poindexter and all this garbage in the matrix system, he comes out right before he left and he says, well, and by the way they're going ahead and implementing this, they want to put up
Classified transmission towers that, quote, control the human mind and silence dissent.
And when the Boston Globe has DARPA, the big research firm of the Defense Department, saying they're going to put up mind control towers, gentlemen, I mean, that's off the charts bizarre.
Frank Morales and Frank Whalen comments.
I think that, you know, in the Police State of America book, I wrote a piece on the electromagnetic pulse weapon, which the Pentagon was field testing last summer.
This is a handheld weapon that can heat skin from 200 yards away, and it's particularly utilized for crowd control.
Yeah, that's mounted on Humvees.
ABC News reported on that.
Exactly, and we know about that.
But what people are not aware of is that these weapons, according to the Joint Chiefs policy statement on non-lethal weapons, are determined to be rheostatic.
In other words, they're tunable.
Now, when you tune an electromagnetic pulse weapon, down so that it doesn't necessarily heat skin. It interferes
with the brain which is an electronically mediated organ.
Well I would add to that that in my film Rotaterni I have the catalog Shomer Tech, big law enforcement
catalog, biggest in the country, one of the oldest. And it says by the supersonic nausea
machine our law enforcement officials have used this at many rallies to stop dissent
and make speakers vomit.
And it says it can make a whole crowd sick.
And we bought one, turned it on inside a TV studio without telling the people.
They said, well, there's going to be a test.
We're going to tell you what it is.
And they all started getting sick, had to go to the bathroom.
I mean, without even telling people, double blind thing, they're vomiting.
And they're selling this, saying we use this to stop I mean, I turned it on in the studio and people didn't know, and they're just getting sick.
Other guys did it live on TV.
I mean, they're selling this $150 unit and bragging that they stopped political dissent.
So, I mean, as far as, you know, garage doors and so on, it sounds to me that the strategic uses for that weaponry, which are, you know, just another way to look at strategic would be to cover a wider area in terms of electromagnetic pulse weaponry, you know, that deals with whole areas.
You'd start to see the kinds of, you know, symptoms that you're seeing in that area.
I mean, it sounds to me like there's some kind of war game scenario utilizing some of this weaponry.
Alright, two more calls and that's it for Frank Morales.
Mike in New York, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alright, we'll go to that caller now.
Is Mike in New York still there, guys?
Yes, hello?
Go ahead, sir.
Yes, how are you doing, Alex?
About those weapons you were talking about, the EMP weapon.
I don't know if you've ever heard of Brezhnev.
Back in 1975, a major speech was given by him.
Well, we have hundreds of patents for these.
We've had Dr. Nick Bagach on a bunch of times.
I mean, this is all, this is public now.
These are Russians back in 1975, stating that they had a A development of a new kind of weapon.
Newsweek reported... More terrible than anything the world has ever known.
Newsweek reported that at Waco they used a quote, white noise machine.
These things are supposedly supposed to create, like, UFOs in the atmosphere and, you know, anti-gravity machines, you know.
I don't deal with stuff like that, I can't prove.
I just deal with facts.
And I know that Newsweek talked about how wonderful it was that German and Israeli troops helped Delta Force with Russians with a white noise machine.
That's Newsweek and Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
Frank Morales?
Yeah, I know the electromagnetic pulse weapon is something that has been in development both in its localized, you know, against the crowds or dissenters and so forth, as well as strategic uses.
There's been some discussion of what is referred to as an E-bomb.
Which will short-circuit whole cities.
My guess is that the kind of thing that you're seeing in Colorado Springs, you know, falls within that category.
Obviously, we need to get more information on it, but yeah, we're dealing around the facts here.
You can check out Thomas Bearden's website.
You ever hear of Thomas Bearden?
Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S.
Army, retired.
Does he get into UFOs and stuff?
Not really.
I don't touch that.
No, no, he doesn't.
He actually tells you about these things.
They're called Tesla Howitzers.
That's what they're called.
I know there's a lot of secret and advanced weapons, but I can only deal with the stuff I can prove.
It's already so bizarre, but thank you for the call.
You can prove it.
I really appreciate it, Mike.
Who's that next caller there, Mark?
Who should I go to next?
Eddie in Ohio.
Go ahead, Eddie.
Yes, go ahead.
Yeah, I was listening to this Colorado Springs this morning, and I plugged a couple of radio stations to let them know, and they all say they're not interested.
But of course, you know, I plugged D4Words.com and you, and to me it just seems like Most of these radio station people are somehow trained... Yeah, they're bought and paid for, sir.
The Military Industrial Complex owns Clear Channel.
Let me put you on hold and let you talk about it in the next segment with Frank Whalen.
Frank Morales, I want to thank you for coming on the show.
Hey, thank you.
Good to be with you guys.
I want to get you back on in the future.
The name of your book, websites, emails?
Police State America can be gone through Arm the Spirit, Montreal.
If you go to Cryptome, C-R-Y-P-T-O-M-E dot org, and search Garden Plot, you can pick up the Garden Plot information.
And your email address.
And email FRM at Panics.com.
Frank Morales, you're a great American.
God bless you.
Thanks for coming on.
We'll be right back.
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Oh man, it has been an amazing 2 hours and 24 minutes.
So far.
We got about 35 left.
We got Frank Whelan on here and I know he's... I mean, between him and Frank Morales and all these callers and all this incredible news, we're about to go back to Eddie and Fred and Tony and others that are patiently holding and cover a bunch.
I'm just going to throw out about 20 news stories at Frank and get his comment on it.
But Frank Whelan, the number one talk show host in your area on the AMX, They're on the FM.
I'm in Fayetteville, Arkansas, where we fight the New World Order toe-to-toe.
We were talking today on your show, this morning, about the law they passed a few months ago, that if a child is overweight, they will grade you, they will do physicals, on all the children, of course, that's just getting the school into your child's physical setup, when they're the ones putting the Coke machines and the candy bar machines all over the schools and pushing the Redline and Prozac as if they care.
Now there could be criminal charges, there could be CPS involved, there could be after-school camps.
It's like the Houston Chronicle last year reporting that all over Texas now they're going to grade parents if the children don't finish their homework, the parents will quote, be arrested.
That's the headline.
Ways to get into our lives.
We have the federal plans.
The school is a way to criminalize everybody.
Turn the school into a prison, then make everything illegal with zero tolerance, tying the parents in and having them sign contracts to waive their rights to put their child in the camp.
Bring us up to speed on this, Frank.
Well, you're absolutely correct, Alex.
This is all part of the U.N.
agenda from various outlets.
You can see these things developing.
Now, I had heard about this before school actually started here in Arkansas, but I waited until I had news stories to reference before I brought it up.
Now, interestingly enough, very little mentioned here in our local press.
Two stories that I saw, SunSentinel.com and the Chicago Tribune, and they're all talking about Uh, the State of Arkansas House Bill 1583, Act 1220 of 2003.
And what this does is it outlines this, uh, what has come to be called the FAT Report Card.
What they're going to do, starting this year, is the Department of Education, the individual schools, will be testing the children, a body mass index test.
Okay, all 447,000 kids attending school this year.
And what this body mass index test is, it's an indicator of body fat based on their height, their weight, and then based on their age and their sex.
And of course, the parents need to be told that CPS is grabbing children nationwide for this, so this is a violation of the Fifth Amendment.
This is a criminal investigation, and your child should not be forced to do that.
Well, it's interesting, too, because I've been encouraging parents to call their children's schools and say, my child will not be tested.
Now, you know what I was told was that if you want to be exempt from this, And I have to go out and say this, Alex, that the educators and the school administrators are not for this.
I've not talked to, I've talked to hundreds of people in regards to this.
But that makes them even worse.
If they know it's bad and go along with it, it makes them twice as evil.
I agree, I agree.
The mouth of Hades is twice as open for them.
Oh, you're absolutely right.
It's absolutely insidious.
So you talk to these cowards and what do they say?
Well, I was told that the only way you can get an exemption from this is not because you're a parent and you disagree with it, but you need to get a religious exemption.
You need to get your pastor, provided you are a member of a federally accredited church.
Well, they also have the conscientious objector deal for the shots, all of them.
You don't have to do anything.
This is all color of law trash!
They are collecting data, the school counselors, all of them, to steal your children, all over the country, folks.
You're absolutely right.
The interesting thing is that this year they're testing, then, as the bill says, next year, they're going to test again and they're going to make a comparison.
If your child has not made progress in decreasing their body mass index, or if your child has flatlined, they are going to, and I have it right in front of me, it's section 6 here, and this was approved in April, folks, It says, enforcing existing physical education requirements.
So there's going to be an enforcement angle.
I read what they said around the country and what the Department of Education federally wants.
Your child will then have to stay in like a work camp two hours after school, pick up trash, it's like they're a criminal, no run laps, all this, instead of getting the filthy Coke machines and candy bar machines out.
It's very interesting.
The consensus among my listeners is that the kids are going to be conditioned into fighting, trim, fighting weight in order for this reinstitution of the federal draft.
Well, that's another part of it.
It's just control.
Why are they involved with how much your child weighs?
Why are they the parents?
Why are they, while they push their filthy food, dripping with cheese, dripping with chocolate?
I remember school.
Candy bar machines, Coke machines.
And I was a few pounds overweight, despite the fact I was playing football, and I said, my dad said, quit drinking Cokes and candy bars twice a day.
I quit and lost like 20 pounds.
I've quit drinking soft drinks again, and I've lost 15 pounds.
It's unbelievable, Alex.
And then when your kid's bouncing off the walls like a pogo stick from all the sugar, they put them on Ritalin.
Let's drug them down into submission.
Stay there, Frank Whalen.
Absolutely incredible broadcaster.
We'll tell you how to tune into his show if you're in that area of Arkansas.
We'll get all these callers.
We're going to take three more calls.
That's it.
And then I'm going to just throw news articles at Frank Whalen and get his comments on it.
Oh, it's going to be big.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
That's right, folks.
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I guess we'll just take one more call here from Fred in Arizona, and then we're going to just cover news, the balance of the show with my good buddy Frank Whelan.
Fred in Arizona, you're on the air with Alex Jones and Frank Whelan.
Go ahead, sir.
The thing that's uh, are you still there? Okay. Yes, right here. Yeah. Okay, fake cops stopped three drivers on ipans
shots are fired Uh, these men were described in the mid-20s heavy build
meaning, uh, I think uh, uh, and speaking spanish In other words, these people were in police cars.
Actually, this was a truck.
With red lights flashing blue and red lights.
I would guess it was probably Mexican troops.
That's correct.
That's what I believe.
But here's the problem.
All three victims drove away.
They refused to stop.
They refused to obey orders.
Yeah, I know.
And all the time, cops will be in black uniforms, no insignia, ordering you around.
You don't even know if they're police.
Well, that's correct.
Now, here's one of the key things.
Police suggested drivers ask for identification when they are pulled over.
Can you believe that?
That means that our local police are part of this.
I wonder if it is part of this NATO exercise.
Now say that again, drivers.
Okay, this is in the paper now.
I'll send the article to you.
Police suggested drivers ask for identification when they are pulled over.
Oh yeah, try that.
Try that with the average cop.
You'll get drug out and beat up pretty bad.
Well, let's hope you have your translator in the car with you so you can actually understand what they're saying in reply.
So many police can't speak English now.
I mean, I was out in L.A.
and I thought I was in, like, Bangladesh or something.
Well, that's correct.
They drove away.
However, the cops, the bad cops, state cops, you know, Mexican police, or Mexican troops, did shoot out the tires on one of the guy's cars, but he still didn't stop.
He kept on going two exits down, pulled off, and called the police.
And the police told him, well, ask for identification.
Well, I know what would happen to me if somebody started shooting my tires out.
They'd have a problem.
Well, yeah, you know, we all need to carry an AK-47 in our car, which is legal.
And, uh, you know, make sure that these kind of things don't happen.
Well, maybe in your state, but not in most.
If it's a fully automatic, you gotta have the stamp for it, but semi-auto, yeah, you can carry those in Texas.
Well, yeah, semi-autos only, I agree.
Still, the police finally flip out, even though it's the law, you can have it, even though back when everybody had guns, they were a lot safer.
They like living in urban cesspools where everybody's disarmed, and criminals are feeding on us!
Police like being killed by their own dirty system!
And I don't like police being killed!
But I know if some foreign troops were trying to pull me over, man, I'd jump over, roll out of that car, and they'd be dead, dead, dead.
That's what we need.
Okay, sir, thank you.
But you probably go to prison because they go, well, they said they were police, it doesn't matter if they're foreigners trying to rob you.
You worship anybody that says they're the police!
Yeah, absolutely.
That's the most insidious aspect of this, Alex, is that they'll still get you for it, like you were talking about on my show today, with car accidents.
Obviously, the word accident implies that it was non-intentional.
People being prosecuted under Ashcroft's mandate is the fullest extent of the law.
Well, yeah, and when I, you know, I mean, everybody's had wrecks, everybody's done stupid stuff.
I've fallen asleep and ran a truck off a highway and flipped it three times when I was 16, driving back from deer hunt in the middle of the night, in the middle of a sleet storm like an idiot.
But the whole point is accidents happen, you know, but now everything's being criminalized.
Everything's being... and people are like, yeah, throw the book at them.
You know, I was talking to you.
In fact, I don't know if you got my fax today, but I did fax you the tattletale cards where they're trying to enforce cigarette butts, for example, being thrown out of cars.
We have that right here in Austin.
Did you see smoke coming out of a car?
Tattletale immediately.
Did you see an illegal firearm?
There's a picture of a revolver.
Which is totally legal, creating a perception that it's illegal.
That's right.
It's all about drugging people down with these news stories, the mainstream media.
Let me tell you, Alex, except for independent people like yourself, there is no more investigative reporting.
The media is controlled.
Plain and simple fact.
I've been on the radio for 10 years, and until I found this station here, I've been fired from every radio station I've ever worked at for controversial statements.
It's unbelievable.
Now, locally, they're acting real sneaky, though, about your Tattletale cards.
Yes, they are.
As a matter of fact, I knew about this in advance, and I mentioned this to you, so you knew about it.
Someone had told me that they were making the cards, and they were instrumental in making it, so they knew about it.
They contacted me, and I said, get me a copy of this.
And he was not able to do so.
Finally, a small story appeared in the mainstream media here.
Obviously, it was spun as in, this is a great idea.
This will cut down littering.
This will be healthier for everyone, because that's how they get you with the health angle.
And ultimately, I sent someone down, one of my great listeners, we have quite a network going here, to get some of these cards.
Now, he was given the runaround for five hours.
They didn't even admit that they had them, until finally he became such a pest, they said, here, go away.
And they gave him about ten of these things.
Well, let me tell you, yeah, those would be given out to specific people.
Look, I mean in my film Road to Tyranny, I have the local news ad by the police that they run on cable
where it goes, "You can get as much as $200 for turning anybody in for drugs or guns, including your mommy and your
That's what they teach them in the class.
That's right.
It's a little Tattletail credit card with their name and number on it.
They enroll them in the program, and the kids just run around tattling.
And then they have a class where they ask them, what does your mommy have?
What's in the medicine cabinet?
Does your mommy drink?
Does your mommy ever leave you alone?
We're talking like, 7th graders, 8th graders, and then all of a sudden, two weeks later, and folks, it's a giant federal business.
The biggest part of the federal government now is this child grabbing.
This is what you hear.
It's incredible.
We have a witness!
We have a witness!
You left your child for one hour, two days ago!
Let me in!
You open the door.
Sign here, right now, or I'm taking you.
You're going to jail!
And there's a cop with a lady.
Okay, I'll sign.
And you just slide your kids over.
The cop grabs the child.
And by the way, I don't have any guilt over this because every week I watch Judging Amy and have a mental illness interface with it where they simulate these crimes and I'm part of it and then I feel good about it.
We simulate the crimes together with TV.
That's my imaginary friend is the TV show.
So no matter how inhuman and evil this is, I simulate it with the TV each week.
You're absolutely right.
Does that make sense what I'm saying?
Oh, absolutely it does.
This is how they do it.
For example, the body mass index testing, we're doing it for the kids.
So if you oppose it publicly, you're anti-child.
You hate kids.
You'll actively seek out to destroy kids, in fact, if you're against this.
What we do on that subject is we know you're five times more likely in government custody, whether CPS, foster parent, or government, period.
Five times more likely to be abused or killed.
Or lost in the system.
Oh yeah, thousands in Florida.
That's right.
It's creeping everywhere.
If we had the media these people have, we'd clean house overnight.
Oh, I'm with you, brother.
It's insidious.
Now, with the smoking ban, which was passed by our city council... Which, by the way, is a U.N.
mandate, globally, publicly stated.
The mayor came on television, and I, you know, I rail against the U.N.
There's a U.N.
free zone movement in town.
The mayor came on television in the middle of that council, right before the vote, and said, Anyone who says this is a civil liberties issue, the government's trying to take your rights away, that is a bogus argument.
He said the U.N.
connection is beyond comprehension.
I made a number of statements, obviously pointed at myself.
And by the way, all over our news they admit the Supreme Court follows the orders and rulings of the U.N.
That's right.
But you tell a cop on the street, you know, the U.N.' 's involved in this, that's ridiculous!
Get down on the ground!
I heard that's a terror code word!
Yeah, correct.
the service groups at this checkpoint is a violation of posse comitatus
the police are taught these training drills i have video of it, i have photos, i have articles
they're taught posse comitatus is a code word for killing police officers
yeah it's really too bad and really you're just quoting a federal law and that's the
brainwashing here yes the good cops are being phased out
and put into place with the power tripping power hungry uh... brainless drug addict children
well usually some guy on roids who's a former gang member and he deals cocaine on the side, that's what they are here
in Austin, you know the new ones and you say posse comitatus and they go that's a terror
code word It's all part of the mind control program that we're seeing in our entertainment, in our media, and, you know, in our legislation.
The politicians... What kind of legislation?
That's a code word for terror!
Shoot first, worry about that big word later.
Let me tell you, in their big, they sent out tens of thousands of this little memo, the FBI did, it's on my website, it's in the film.
And you can call the phone number.
We've called the phone number on air to the FBI.
It says, those that make frequent references to the U.S.
Constitution are terrorists.
That's right.
It's amazing that we've got these incredible documents put in place by the Founding Fathers who knew... It's the law!
It's the big law!
It's the government!
Let me tell you something.
These people are anti-government.
They're the anti-government extremists.
Well, they're inspiring terror by their own laws, by the USA Patriot Act.
Those who cause people to feel terror, to inspire panic, that is the mainstream media.
That is our elected representatives.
These are the people... The White House has been caught putting out fake terror alerts for, quote, hysteria.
Absolutely, to detract from the news of the money being devalued, of other legislation being passed.
It's all about distraction.
You probably remember the General Accounting Office, their report on the Pentagon selling bioterror equipment online.
Now that was distracted.
Over a trillion dollars missing from the Pentagon.
Don't worry if you talk about it!
You're a terrorist!
We're going to arrest everybody!
The FBI is funding Hamas in the mid-90s.
All these stories were circumvented by Roy getting his head chewed off by a tiger.
They were circumvented by the Terminator running for governor.
all the uh... grizzly bears i was looking at the time any people because they were
afraid of him as any we had gone to the right people left and right black bears
are eating people they've got a few of them
that's a matter of but but but but there's a u_n_
says killing any animal, including a cockroach, is evil.
Well, it's all part of the conformity and yet the political correctness of it all.
It's like, we want everyone to be the same, but we'll allow you to have these different beliefs.
We'll accept them all.
Bring me the broom!
Bring me the broom!
We're going to sweep out the corruption, the connections to Enron.
You know, it's very interesting.
We want the connections to Enron, except for me, the top lieutenant.
It's a principle, that's right.
Yeah, well, another thing not being reported in this Schwarzenegger debacle is, if I'm not mistaken, he has dual citizenship in the United States and in Australia.
Oh, he does, yeah.
That's got to raise some flags right there.
Oh, no, let me stop you.
I just so happen to have it here today, since you mention it.
Here it is, here's all the articles, Washington Post.
Let immigrants run.
We're not quite ready to endorse Arnold Schwarzenegger for president, but it doesn't seem too early to endorse the idea.
The California governor-elect ought to be able to run for president if he wants to.
Unless the Constitution is changed, the country at large can never be asked to join Arnold.
The nation's charter of speech is that no person except a natural born citizen shall be eligible for the office of president.
And he goes on to say that Arnold needs to be our president.
Okay, here's another one.
Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Drop the bar.
Drop bar to presidency, some say.
Effort afoot to let immigrants have a shot at Oval Office.
Yeah, and Orrin Hatch.
The same guy that wants to blow up your computer if you listen to his song illegally.
Bring me the broom!
Bring me the broom!
Well, the interesting thing about Hatch's proposal, if I'm not mistaken, he says that a person must be a U.S.
citizen for 20 years.
Now, Arnold, I believe, has reached his 20th year of U.S.
citizenship as of this year.
Yeah, they want him for 08.
I'm thinking so.
Can you imagine?
Arnold, it's captured everyone, and then he'll be our wartime president for fighting Syria and Iran, North Korea, and... I'm going to dominate you!
Ha ha ha!
Well, that would be the best thing for them, because now Arnold can... Look, it is scary how the Simon Visenthal Center worships him.
Nothing he does, running around in front of thousands, screaming, I hate black people, in, in, in.
That's all wonderful.
And then you talk about, I believe in freedom, that's a secret anti-Semitism code word!
Hey, Mel Gibson hates Jews too, I hear.
Well, I mean, that's my point.
You can run around and say you love Hitler, you want to be a dictator, just a few years ago, and then that's good, but then you go, I believe in the Second Amendment, that's code word for hating black people.
You know, it's all over the news.
I mean, I've had the news ask me before, you're pro-gun, is that racism?
And I go, excuse me, the first gun laws were against black people.
I mean, political correctness is just la la land.
You're absolutely right.
Three of the main dangers to the American way of life, political correctness, convenience, hence the microchip with the O, well just get your implant and then you won't get these checkpoints, you'll be able to breathe through the checkpoints like an easy pass.
And then, of course, security.
The need for security, but I had, uh, you know, people need to know, hey, you know what?
Your bars may be gated.
Security doesn't make you safe.
The bigger the war on terror gets, the more terrible.
Frank, let me throw this at you.
You know, did you see Arnold when he kept doing the speech going, bring me the broom, bring me the broom?
No, I didn't hear about that.
Okay, well, I was out in California.
He was on TV all the time.
He kept doing that bit.
You know why?
Because it was about to be midnight and his wife had to fly off on the broom.
Well, it's so interesting, that whole Kennedy connection, you know what I mean?
Well, let me ask you a question.
Why do you think there's suddenly all these editorials by Democrats about how wonderful a president he'll make and Limbaugh and Hannity love him too?
It's simply because they are, as I said, the lukewarm fence-sitters and they know that he won and they're trying to glom on.
They're trying to say, hey, I'm in your camp, I'm on your side, Arnold, don't shoot me.
But listen to this, more than 12 million Americans were born elsewhere.
They vote, pay taxes, serve on juries, and die in combat.
Several hundred Medal of Honor winners and recipients were born others.
The point is you can't have a foreigner because they could be a spy!
That's right.
It will be very interesting to see, Alex, about some of that suspect legislation that Gray Davis signed through as quickly as humanly possible.
To see if Arnold actually does some repealing of it.
No, he said he's not going to.
He's already said he's going to keep all of it.
You have any legals, licenses, gun control, all of it?
Yeah, why not?
Come on.
And Arnold will get praised.
Limbaugh will say, that's conservatism.
Serve up the abortion.
Serve up the gun control.
And I'll be called a communist.
That communist is for guns.
He doesn't love Hitler.
He's anti-Semitic.
The sad thing is that a lot of us have come to take these things for granted.
You obviously have not.
Your listeners haven't.
My listeners have not.
But the other people out there, they're happy with their Monday night football and their takeout pizza.
They're happy with their reality television.
I'll thank Arnold Mike Wright, President, to run our concentration camps.
The Atlanta Journal Constitution, another article.
I'm all fired up now.
State to link up private data Social Security numbers, driver's license, fingerprints will be part of a crime database.
And now Georgia says they're signing on to the Matrix system.
What a nice name they picked, Frank.
It's all the same thing with the symbology that's out there.
It's all hidden in plain sight because they are insulting people's intelligence because they think that we can't see what's going on.
I agree.
Here's another one.
This is a really important article.
Top Taliban leader freed by U.S.
say his relatives, London Telegraph.
Rumors swirled around the Afghan capital last night that the most senior Taliban leader in American custody has been freed.
Well, yeah.
Mullah Waqil Abdul Waqallali, the former minister in the Assad regime, was said to have been released from Bagram Air Base, U.S.
military headquarters, two days ago and 18 months in detention.
He's the guy that stayed and warned the U.S.
Only one they grabbed.
They flew the rest out on C-130s and helicopters.
That's now admitted.
Comments to that.
Yeah, it's very interesting, Alex, because if you read that story, it does say that there was no comment from U.S.
officials there in Afghanistan.
Now, the next day, a story came out in which the U.S.
envoy and Karzai came out, and Karzai said, this is absolutely not true, isn't it?
And he turned to the other guy, and the other guy says, yes.
So, again, no comment from U.S.
officials on that repealed story.
Relatives claim he'd gone home to Kandahar in the south of Afghanistan, but confusion surrounded the reports.
Colonel Rodney Davis, U.S.
military spokesman, would not confirm any release and referred journalists to the Afghan authorities, a comment suggesting that Mullah Matkwakli was no longer in American custody.
But a spokesman for the Afghan foreign ministry said he was not aware of Mullah's being sent home.
I've got a few other articles I'm going to throw at you, Frank, okay?
Frank, I think you might be supporting Al Qaeda because you're pro-Second Amendment.
I like the conservative thing to do is hand in our firearms.
I like Rush Limbaugh.
I like communism.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
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All right, final segment, folks.
We'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight Central Standard Time, on your AM and FM dials, simulcasting at infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
Or on Global Shortwave at 5.085 and 6890, and during the day at 12.172 and 9320.
We're talking to Frank Whalen, and Frank, what's the website for your fine station one more time?
It's www.1049x.com, and I can be reached by email there.
I prefer to be contacted in that fashion anyway.
It's not much of a website, unfortunately.
Oh, you've got a great show, the number one show in the area.
Hey, thanks.
People have an inherent need to know the truth, and your show provides that.
And the truth is, I'm going to clean up things in California!
Go get your guns!
Yeah, I want to see the Info Wars brooms.
When are you going to have those available?
I'll quit doing that.
It was so funny when I saw him do it over and over again.
I love it.
It's like somebody flipped a light switch now.
Oh, they've got to go into Syria.
Syria's evil.
Syria, Iran, Russia, Israel.
You're seeing a bunch of connections there and we're inevitably going to be dragged in any way you look at it, no matter who starts it.
It's already starting.
And now, you know, suddenly, they say a month ago, Israel says we're going to kill Arafat publicly, and suddenly he's all held up.
Now they say stomach cancer.
They don't know.
What do you think's going on?
Well, there are some reports that he actually is dead.
Now, I don't know.
I haven't heard that confirmed in the mainstream sources.
Yeah, the French were saying that.
So if that's the case, I think you're going to find out that it's going to be blamed on Israel, even if it's the Mossad or it's not.
And there goes the powder keg.
Because if you look at it, Arafat is the underdog in the Middle East.
Everyone feels sorry for him.
No one really cared too much.
They hooted and hollered when Syria got attacked.
But if Arafat gets killed, he's a public face.
Here's another one.
the Israelis. If he is killed off, you're going to see the beginning of the end.
Absolutely. Here's another one. This is out of Canada. Bars tap high technology, high
tech technology, to track troublemakers. Bar patrons in Vancouver will soon have to swipe
their driver's license and have their photographs taken every time they enter a club or bar.
That is a bar watch member.
Within the next six months, about 35 bars and clubs in Vancouver will likely be conducting and contacting a network that will be able to red flag troublemaker patrons.
Same thing's going on in England.
They are DNA testing you, they want to do that here, and they are making you thumb scan to get your driver's license, then to get school lunches, then to get the grocery store.
This is the control grid, isn't it?
You're absolutely correct, and Walmart is pioneering it with their endorsement of the RFID.
They said, we want all of our vendors to have this technology in place by 2005 or we will not sell your product.
Well, there you go, folks.
Put it in your face.
Total enslavement worse than 1984.
Frank Whalen, thank you for coming on the show for two hours.
Alex, it's been a distinct pleasure.
Thank you, sir.
Thank you, my friend.
Take care.
We are out of time.
They are bringing the broom, sweeping us out of here.
Mark, around the show right now, is saying, bring me the broom, bring me the broom.
Alright, I'll stop it.
You had to see it.
It's funny and you saw it.
We've got to go now.
Don't get the videos laid down to me.
Ha ha ha.
I am Octypal Arnold.
Meant to manipulate you.
You must submit.
Now we won't submit to you and the rest of your trash, Mr. Homo Porno.
Okay, Mr. Gun Grab Abortion on a Platter.
We will not go along with the New World Order and the neocon whores.
We will stand up to the New World Order.
If you want to fight him, you want to strike a blow for freedom, get my videos, make 10 copies, get them out to opinion makers, take your towns and cities back, we're doing it, we're on the march, we're gonna crush the New World Order, we're for real!
Go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and get Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Get the new book, Order Out of Chaos.
Get 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny.
They're all powerful films, all powerful books.
Write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Again, that number.
Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Again that number, operators are there right now and we need your support.
This thing can be stopped.
It will be stopped.
We're not gonna stop.
You understand that?
Get involved in the fight, be part of history, and crush the New World Order!
See you back tonight, 9-9-9 Central!
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