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Name: 20031007_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 7, 2003
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alex Jones, I'm Michael Corbin.
Alex is away on business and we'll be back and return to the airwaves on Thursday.
We've got quite a lineup for you today.
Get sat down and get ready, because we're going to take you on a tour through several different interesting things that are developing.
The first thing we're going to be talking about today, at the bottom of the hour, we're going to be joined by Pamela Hennessey.
She is the volunteer media coordinator for the Schindler family.
Now, some of you may not have heard of the Schindler family, but we're going to be talking about that.
Basically what the Schindler family saga is about is a woman lies in a state of coma in the hospital in Florida and the courts are attempting to have her tube removed which would essentially cause her to die.
Her family is fighting a very, very hard struggle to stop this action from taking place, and we were just informed today that Governor Jeb Bush in Florida has ordered a temporary stay, and that what they're trying to do, he actually filed a memorandum in support of preliminary injunction in the case of disabled Pinellas County woman, and we're going to talk about that with Pamela Hennessy at the bottom of the hour.
It's quite a story.
You know, it kind of reflects the attitude and the mindset of the people that are running this country today.
Who would have ever thought that the government would have the authority to decide whether you live or die?
But of course, as this plan to take control of all of our lives, as it continues to unfold, that is their goal.
That's one of their goals.
And one of the things you really need to be aware of is that For example, Terry Schiavo, who is the person that is lying this whole thing with the courts, the only reason that they want to disconnect her tube and cause her to die is because she's made herself vulnerable because of a $750,000 medical fund that she acquired via a medical malpractice lawsuit payable to her inheritor when she dies.
So, the inheritor is her husband.
So, essentially, her husband is capable of making the choices to do this, and the government is more than willing to step up to the plate and end this woman's life.
I think it's absolutely ridiculous, and we're going to talk about that.
Then, coming up at the top of the second hour, we're going to be joined by Paul, let me get to his name here, Paul Watson.
Joseph Watson.
Sorry about that.
Paul Joseph Watson is going to join us.
Out of Order.
He's got a book called Order Out of Chaos.
Elite Sponsored Terrorism in the New World Order.
Now, his book blows wide open the official story behind a multitude of both historical and modern day events.
Now, Paul Watson uses mainstream media reports to exhaustively document how governments are exploiting and even carrying out terrorist attacks to further their unified political agendas.
If you remember, yesterday we were joined by Paul David Collins, who was talking about state-sponsored terrorism.
Now, every reference article in Watson's book is available online, so you can cross-check the facts for yourself.
We're going to find out today when we talk to him how both the Clinton and Bush administrations protected Osama Bin Laden and the Al Qaeda network before September the 11th.
We're also going to find out about the highest levels of the U.S.
government were complicit in the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Many of the named 9-11 suicide hijackers are still alive.
And the real culprits have never been officially identified.
That's interesting.
British MI5 has infiltrated the IRA and they're carrying out terrorist attacks to maintain a divided Ireland.
We're also going to hear from him on chaos mongers who are arming tyrants worldwide as a pretext for endless war and empire building.
And of course, this is something that has been demonstrated numerous times in the mainstream press.
We're also going to talk about a despotic New World Order and how it's being constructed, how it threatens us all, and what we can do to stop it.
And of course, the other interesting thing, as I mentioned yesterday, we're going to be joined by Greg Pallast, who just released an article called Arnold's Enron Secret.
We're going to come to all of that, coming back from the break, and we'll get to that too.
You're going to like that story about Arnold, and of course we're going to be joined at some point today by Alex Jones, who is going to give us a special report.
Stay tuned, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be right back.
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That's 888-803-4438 and protect your family.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And returning today, sitting in for Alex is Michael Corbin.
I'm here with Michael Corbin.
Alex is away on business.
He will return on Thursday.
I'll be with you tomorrow as well.
And we're going to cover some very interesting topics between now and tomorrow.
And of course, when Alex returns, he will also continue bringing you breaking news and keeping you abreast of what's going on.
Now, as I mentioned, we're going to have Terri, Pamela Hennessey is going to join us at the bottom of the hour to talk about the case of Terri Schiavo.
And that's going to be very interesting.
And also, some of the things that are happening in the news today that you can find on www.infowars.com.
We're going to cover some of those real quick before we get to our guest.
You also, we're going to open up the lines as well to you, so you can call in at 1-800-259-9231.
Again, that number is 1-800-259-9231.
And you can go ahead and start calling now if you'd like.
Now, coming off of the InfoWars.com site, there was an interesting story today.
There's actually several interesting stories, but the one that Particularly, I found interesting is Israel has gotten the green light from George Bush to strike Syria's terrorist base.
Now, this is kind of an interesting article because this comes off of the AP, but essentially what's going on here is that the Israeli warplanes attacked an Islamic Jihad training base deep in Syria for retaliation in a suicide bombing at a Haifa restaurant that killed 19 people.
Now, Israeli media said that it was the first Israeli attack on Syrian soil in more than two decades.
The strike, which occurred late Saturday or early Sunday, targeted the Ainshah Saheb camp about 10 miles northwest of Damascus, and that was according to Israeli officials.
The base was being used by several terrorist organizations, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad, the army statement said.
Now, Syria has been warned more than once by the United States that it should close all of the facilities of the Islamic Jihad.
Apparently it has not done so, and it is their policy, the Israelis' policy, after what happened in Haifa, to go after Islamic Jihad wherever they are.
Well, the Syrian government has made no immediate response.
Now, speaking on the Al Jazeera television network, Abu Imad al-Rafai, an Islamic Jihad spokesman in Beirut, Lebanon, he denied that there were any Islamic Jihad bases in Syria.
Now, the interesting thing is that on April the 16th, 2001, Israeli warplanes blasted a Syrian radar station in Lebanon, where Syria is the main power broker, killing three Syrian soldiers.
That strike was the first in five years against the Syrian military, and came in retaliation for an attack by Syrian-backed guerrillas in which an Israeli soldier was killed.
Now, the interesting thing about this article is that, kind of in keeping with some of the ideas that I've been tracking, Syria is one more of those stepping stones before Iran, and then ultimately my belief is that the goal is to control the entire Middle East, Because when you get right down to it, our government, in conjunction with the Israeli government, desires to control the oil, because that would... You know, oil is one of those things that every nation in the world, no matter where you are, every nation in the world requires some form or derivative of oil.
And, you know, when you're talking about the New World Order and the people that are trying to take control of everything, it stands to reason that you would want to control one of the most important items on the planet, and that is oil.
With that control, you would be able to bring any nation to its knees, and control it economically and politically.
And I think that's kind of an interesting thing, because that is where I think a lot of this is going.
The other thing that was interesting, too, is Big Brother is now watching your children.
And we've got a couple of articles on Infowars.com you want to check out.
One of them is about security cameras that are watching Lee Lee School.
I think that's the proper way to pronounce it, I'm not sure.
But anyway, this is very interesting, because as you know, they will go to any extreme, any length.
to make sure that they get this uh... they get this plan into place uh... this comes this article comes from uh... uh... let's see here to the news press published by newspress dot com uh... and its security cameras that are watching the lee lee school this is the first high school uh... in collier with this system and uh... the article goes on to say that graffiti sprayers burglars and other criminals beware personally always preface uh... these kinds of actions with You know, a thing that is somewhat justifiable or makes you feel more comfortable with what they're doing.
The article says Big Brother is watching you at Lely High School.
He's also watching students moving from class to class, eating in the cafeteria, and hanging out in the courtyards.
The school just became the first in Collier County to install security cameras in hallways, the cafeteria courtyards, and around the outside of the school.
The system, with 30 cameras, cost $40,000, but school officials say it's worth it.
Yes, I am enthusiastic about the camera, said Ed Messer, Manager for District Safety and Security.
He says it's not a privacy issue anymore, it's a safety issue.
Of course.
We can provide safety for you.
No longer about privacy.
Schools that are safer are smarter, and that's our job.
Again, that's a load.
Bob Friedland, assistant principal at Lely High School, can sit in his office and see what is happening all over his school.
Now, from his computer, he can zoom the cameras in and out, pan and tilt, and record the video.
Top school officials at the district level can do the same from the administration building.
There's also another article on Infowars.com that says, spying on your teens via satellite for $600.
Now, this is an interesting concept.
This is from Australia.
The tracking units to monitor children and teenagers are disguised as watches, mobile phones, and belts.
And they've hit Australia to the outrage of civil libertarians and parent groups.
Now, the latest in spy gadgets available in Australia are being marketed to anxious parents.
They include a computer device and software that can record email and chat room conversations, and a clothing spray that can tell if teens are having sex.
Australian company Internav's mobile phone sized global positioning system tracking device has emergency alarm button and software so parents can zoom in on a child's whereabouts using a home computer.
Now this device is going to cost $895.
Again, you know, these are examples of how silly things are getting, you know.
The other thing we're looking at too is Skull and Bones.
Now, there was a recent program on 60 Minutes about the Skull and Bones.
Alexander Robbins, I believe, was featured on that.
The Skull and Bones, as many of you probably know, is the Yale secret society that our president and his father and a lot of other social engineers have belonged to.
A lot of people suspect or believe that the Skull and Bones is like the center of the onion in some ways.
It provided the nexus for where these guys all got together and, you know, planning their takeover of the world.
It's interesting to note that a lot of interesting people have been members of Skull and Bones throughout the years, and even the history of it is kind of interesting to track.
Now, the other thing we're looking at, too.
Finally, somebody got wise to something that was going down in Florida.
The suicide webcast was killed.
Okay, this is the webcast of a concert by a Florida band.
Hell on earth that was supposed to occur this past Friday night and feature a live suicide did not happen.
And kind of along that same line, kind of illustrating how Hollywood is warping the minds of your children, there's a new movie out called Kill Bill.
Quentin Tarantino has been pushing the extreme violence to 12-year-old kids.
And this is sick.
It's very sick.
The film is Tarantino's first major film since Jackie Brown, six years ago.
And it tells the story of an elite assassin, played by Uma Thurman, who is on a mission of revenge against her former employer, Bill, played by David Carradine.
Now, Kill Bill is reported to be extremely gory, even for Tarantino, well known for his violent gangster flicks.
Uh, such as Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction, as well as the shock horror vampire movie, From Dusk Till Dawn.
Now, at a press conference before the London premiere on Thursday, Tarantino said that over 100 gallons of fake blood had been used for the movie, and described how one fight scene in which Thurman dismembers 88 opponents with a Japanese sword took over eight weeks to shoot.
Uh, she says, uh, or Tarantino said that he wanted to think of every way he could for her to disband and put an end to her enemies.
Now, the director went on to talk about a gang rape scene in the movie, which he said was a sequence of hell of which he was very proud.
Now, seated next to Thurman and other stars in the film, Daryl Hannah and Julie Dreyfuss, Tarantino said Kill Bill was a feminist statement, a film about girl power.
Oh, God.
Thurman also told journalists that her favorite scenes were when she used her sword.
She says, I'm a very possessive person of my sword.
She became one with it, she earned it, and she has to learn the hard way how to handle that thing.
Well, Kill Bill is in two installments, with a second volume expected to be released next year.
Again, this is an example of, you know, how Hollywood is, you know, really got their sights set There's a dynamic here.
When they use violence, oftentimes they use sex and violence together.
People wonder why no one has any respect for women.
They wonder how come our children have a confusion about their sexuality.
And not only that, what's expected of them as boys and girls or as men and women, Because Hollywood sends out one message and then society dictates another.
You know, we've been talking, at times, we talk about moral relativism.
Well, if it's okay, if it's my truth, it's okay for me, I can do this.
And this is what the movies teach kids to believe.
And then, of course, when they go out and do that, you know, you end up with all kinds of horrendous, horrific things occurring as a result of this.
And if you ever wonder why your kids are confused, well, that's a big part of it.
Because Hollywood is trashing their minds.
Uh, and you know, that's something that parents have a responsibility to make sure that their kids are not filling their minds.
I mean, you put garbage in, you're going to get garbage out.
And Hollywood has taken a tremendous role.
And facilitating the deconstruction of your minds.
Not just kids, but also adults as well.
This is just another example of this.
Anyway, our number today is 1-800-259-9231.
Also, I want to invite you to visit my website.
Also, I want to invite you to visit my website.
I'm the host of A Closer Look on Saturday nights, carried on GCN's radio network.
And it's at www.foracloserlook.com.
That's the number 4, acloserlook.com.
And I'd like to have you join me on Saturday night, 6 to 8, Mountain, 8 to 10, Eastern.
Stay tuned.
There's more to come on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Michael Corbin.
We'll be right back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
And indeed there is a war on for your mind, pocketbook.
We're going to continue the fight.
1-800-259-9231 is our number.
I'm Michael Corbin, sitting in for Alex Jones, who will be back on Thursday.
think. We're going to continue the fight. 1-800-259-9231 is our number. 1-800-259-9231.
I'm Michael Corbin, sitting in for Alex Jones, who will be back on Thursday. Alex is away
on a business, and he will be giving us a special report.
We're supposed to get one today from him as well. He's out in California, taking that
business out there with Arnold Schwarzenegger. We're going to hear from Greg Palast during
the third hour. Greg has dug into some interesting things and has come up with Arnold's
Enron secret. That's going to be very interesting.
That's a nine billion dollar secret that he has and there's a lot at stake of course.
Nine billion dollars is a lot of money.
But anyway, coming up, as I mentioned earlier, at the bottom of the hour, we're going to be joined by Pamela Hennessey.
I want to read to you real quick a letter from Terry Schiavo's father, who has appealed, he's gotten injunctions to stop the feeding tube from being removed.
Judge Greer in Florida has ruled three separate times to have it removed.
It was clamped once.
For 60 hours.
I mean, this is the most heinous thing that I've ever heard.
This is, again, from Terry Schiavo's father.
Dear friends, in a trial initiated by Michael Schiavo, a verdict was issued by Circuit Court Judge George W. Greer on February 11, 2000.
Judge Greer granted authorization to stop feeding Terry.
Judge Greer's verdict will cause Terry to die in 10 to 14 days.
Terry will die of starvation.
Now, as I mentioned, this is an older letter, but the substance of what we are going to be talking about is contained in this.
Now, as Terry's father, I have been designated as spokesperson for the family, and more important, as a voice for Terry appealing to you to join us in our efforts to reverse this travesty of justice.
We have to save Terry's life.
Essentially, Terry has been sentenced to death.
We do not understand how, in a civilized society, that Terry's life was even put on trial.
Terry has not committed a felony or any crime.
Terry has not desecrated any commandment of God.
Terry has not violated any of society's laws.
Terry's only culpability is ironic.
She has made herself vulnerable because of a $750,000 medical fund that she acquired via a medical malpractice lawsuit payable to her inheritor when she dies.
Terry has no will.
The inheritor is her husband.
Now the precedence that Terry's trial and ensuing verdict establishes should frighten everyone.
Basically, any person that is impaired who cannot speak their mind is vulnerable to be legally executed.
In Terry's case, where money is the motivation, the risk increases substantially.
This ruling could potentially open the door to eventually include everyone who is a burden to his or her caretaker or a drain on the state.
The court's verdict endorses a current movement attempting to legalize euthanasia in the United States.
This is what this is really all about.
Now, after hearing Judge Greer's verdict, our family reacted with a variety of emotions.
The thought of our daughter's death by starvation is inexpressible.
There is also empathy for the parents and families of murder victims, particularly when the person guilty of committing the crime goes on trial and is acquitted due to dishonest testimony given by witnesses under an oath of God.
The frustration must be unbearable.
Now Terry's trial has attracted national media coverage.
People have responded from across the country offering their support.
There have been communications from people who also have family members impaired by brain damage and have recovered.
They relate scenarios where their family member was in the identical situation as Terry.
Like Terry, their child or sister would smile, laugh, cry, moan, show signs of recognition, and appear as if they were trying to speak.
In every case, the neurologist interpreted these actions as reflex.
In every case, the neurologist's prognosis indicated that there was absolutely no chance of recovery.
Remarkably, and contrary to the negative diagnosis, they report that there was recovery.
Most notable was a young man who walks daily, unassisted, on a treadmill, and a woman who, after 20 years, has fully recovered.
Now also, we have the recently publicized case of Patty White Bull, who recovered after 16 years, and Terry Wallace, who recovered after 19 years, in a condition similar to my daughter.
There is hope for Terri to recover.
She displays the exact characteristics as described by all the callers.
Her husband does not want anyone to believe that Terri is a living human being who consistently responds when stimulated.
He is well aware that he has denied Terri any opportunity to recover for the past 11 years.
Before we can concentrate on assisting Terri's recovery, the immediate priority is to stop Terri's execution.
We have to keep Terri alive.
We are dedicated to preserve Terri's life.
Terry does not deserve to have her precious life cut short.
Please help us.
We cannot do this alone.
Please join our family and make this a community effort to overturn this cruel verdict.
We must challenge this miscarriage of justice.
And indeed, we must.
And we are going to talk about it coming up next with Pamela Hennessey.
There's a lot more to come on the Alex Jones Show.
Our number today is 1-800-259-9231.
I'm Michael Corbin, sitting in for Alex Jones.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Yeah, well not in Alex Jones territory, you're not.
1-800-259-9231, 1-800-259-9231.
Filling in for Alex today, I'm Michael Corbin, host of A Closer Looker.
It's Saturday evenings on the GCN Radio Network, 6 to 8 now and 8 to 10 p.m.
And I want to encourage you to join my program as well on Saturday nights.
Now, before I get to my guest, Pamela Hennessy, to talk about this really heart-rending story about Terry Schiavo, I want to mention to you that, you know, the most important thing that you can do to combat what is taking place in our culture, our society, is to be informed.
An informed citizenry is a prepared citizenry.
And Alex has taken great pains to construct Put together information.
He's a very good researcher.
He's somebody who goes out and gets these stories.
He's cobbled all of this into several videos and a book that I highly encourage you to get.
Now, not only do you want to get the book and the videos for yourselves, but you should order them for family members, friends, if you have anybody, contacts in your communities.
I would get this stuff out to everybody that you can because, again, The more informed we are, the better prepared we are to deal with whatever comes down the pike.
Now, videos that Alex has produced, the most current one is Police State 3, total enslavement.
Now this is the greatest evil that mankind has ever faced, and it is among us.
It's a scientifically crafted global dictatorship.
Sworn to enslave every man, woman, and child.
Now, the United States government at all levels has fallen under the control of the desperately wicked New World Order clan.
And indeed, we are hearing about this every day.
The events of September the 11th mark the initiation of the final sick push of the Illuminati to consolidate their One World Order and transform Earth into a prison planet.
Well, he's also produced the 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, Police State 2, The Takeover, Police State 2000, Dark Secrets Inside, Bohemian Grove, and his book, of course, is 9-11, Dissent in the Tyranny.
Now, you can get these videos for $25.95, plus shipping and handling.
If you order three or more, the price goes down to $20 a tape.
Plus shipping and handling.
There's two ways you can get these.
The first is by calling Alex's toll-free number at 1-888-253-3139.
Again, that number is 1-888-253-3139.
His website also offers these books, the book and the videotapes, at www.infowars.com or www.prisonplanet.com.
eight eight eight two five three
three one three nine uh... his website also offers these books of the book in
the videotapes at w_w_w_ dot info wars dot com
or w_w_w_ dot prison planet dot com i encourage you to go there
get informed and stay informed okay Now, before we go to Pamela Hennessey, let's take a quick call.
We've got Paul calling in from New Jersey.
Good morning, good afternoon, Paul.
You're on the air.
Hi, Michael.
I just wanted to say that I don't believe there's any correlation that's really been proven between movie violence and real violence in a nation.
I do disagree with that because there has been a considerable amount of study on that.
I refer to Judith Riesman.
I don't know if Alex has had her on the program, but I've interviewed her.
She has spent a considerable amount of her life documenting the correlation between not only the You know, practical violence or violence that takes place in the world as a result of this.
But she's also documented chemical changes that occur to a person's brain by observing, watching this.
And there's also chemical changes that occur while watching pornography.
Now, Japan is a large consumer of violent films and even comic magazines for children.
And Japan has one of the lowest murder rates in the world.
Likewise, I think there are many countries throughout what would be considered a decadent Western nation, which have low murder rates, unless, of course, they start banning guns and generally importing third-world immigrants who generally perpetrate more of the crimes in Europe.
So I would contend, for most people and most kids, Watch a violent movie.
They're generally not going to commit acts of violence, and I don't think that happens frequently at all.
You know, Paul, I would say this.
I think the concern is legitimate, but I think the existing laws that restrict kids from seeing rated R movies are adequate.
I don't think that, you know, and I do believe that adults have the right to see violent movies.
Well, sure, you do, but here's the thing.
I would also concede that there may not be a direct Correlation.
But I think that the important factor to keep in mind is that when people watch extreme graphic violence, it does a couple of things.
Number one, it desensitizes them to violence, and it makes them more susceptible, I would think, to becoming violently oriented to where violence would be an option in whatever practical life activities they might engage in.
I appreciate your call.
Thank you very much.
We're going to move on to our guest, Pamela Hennessey.
Thank you very much again, Paul.
Okay, now, Pamela Hennessey is the volunteer media coordinator for the Schindler family.
I'm going to bring her on and have her discuss this quite heart-wrenching story about Terry Schiavo.
Without further ado, good morning, Pamela.
You're on with me.
Hi there.
How are you, Michael?
I'm doing good.
I read the letter from Terry's father.
Which was very touching, and you know, this is quite a story.
Give us a little background on this.
What happened to Terry, and what's going on right now with her?
Okay, there's quite a bit going on at the moment.
The thumbnail of the case is, in 1990, Terry collapsed.
He suffered a cardiac arrest.
The cause of which is still unknown.
Some media reports she had a heart attack, but that's not true.
In any event, during this collapse of this medical incident, oxygen was cut off to her brain for several minutes, and because of that, she suffered profound cognitive disability.
At that stage, Terry's husband, Michael Chivo, Uh, filed a medical malpractice suit.
He asked for $20 million.
He said he was, uh, he expected his wife to live 50 or more years.
The jury awarded him, uh, just over $1.5 million.
And, uh, as soon as he had the money in the bank, he entered a, a do not resuscitate order into Terry, Terry's chart.
He ceased any aggressive therapy for her.
He's not given her therapy in over 11 years.
And he petitioned the courts in 1998 to remove Terry's gastric tube.
Terry receives nutrition and hydration via a G-tube and removing that tube will cause her to die of dehydration and starvation over the course of 10 to 14 days.
Pamela, let me ask you this.
I inaccurately report that she's in a coma.
Is she in a coma?
Is she awake?
She's definitely awake.
Terry has periods of sleeping and wakefulness.
She has a vocabulary.
She says things like mummy and help me and pain.
She's actually very much aware.
The courts have found her to be in a persistent vegetative state, but there are 14 doctors On record now, and under penalty of perjury, who say she is not, Persistent Vegetative State, or PVS, is misdiagnosed 43% of the time.
Sure, yeah.
And no, so she's definitely very aware, but she does have profound brain damage, and she's not been given therapy or rehabilitation, so she's not But she's still a living human being, which is the most important, paramount fact here.
She's a living human being.
Yes, she certainly is.
And the problem with this particular court case and what is going on in Judge Greer's court, Florida has a very solid definition of what TVS is.
And that is somebody who is completely unaware of their environment and completely unable to interact.
Well, Terri does interact.
You know, she tries to speak.
She follows commands.
And the danger part in all of this is that video evidence was submitted into the court and Judge Greer and doctors appointed by the husband in this case, the husband who wants Terri dead, said, well, you know, she's doing something, but it's not very consistent.
So they're kind of lowering the bar for people who are disabled.
Pamela, let me ask you this.
The reason I want to ask you this is because I'm going in a direction with this.
I think the audience should understand a couple of elements here.
How did you get involved with this kind of a case?
I actually, I had read about Terry's case in the newspapers for a couple of years.
And in what I read, I always heard that she was comatose, she was hopeless, she was a vegetable.
And then one day I heard on talk radio, I heard a host talking about the case, saying that she was not.
So I went to the website, I read the court documents, I saw photographs of her, and what I saw horrified me.
And so I got involved immediately and offered my help to the family to get the word out there that Unfortunately, what's been reported in the media is just not correct.
What I'm amazed at in our culture today is the, you know, this is a culture of death.
That's correct.
It's been described that way by religious leaders, and you know, the whole thing is basically about death.
I mean, that's all there is to it.
Myself, personally, I take compassion, like you do, with the idea that I don't think under any circumstance the government or any person has the right to decide whether a person who's disadvantaged incredibly in the state, to decide for that person whether that person should live or die.
Well, I agree with you a hundred percent, and it's funny that you open this segment you know mentioning that it's important for people to do
their homework and to find things out for themselves
if your listeners will do a google or yahoo search on that phrase
culture of death uh... they'll actually find a lot of articles and a lot of
information that will probably frighten them
the culture of death is is uh... a movement that i truly believe is afoot in this
country and other countries to solve
profound medical challenges by causing someone to die.
Yeah, and this is happening in, although it's happening in the Nordic countries.
I mean, they already have euthanasia.
And the problem is, is that although they give you the hype that it's very controlled, state controlled, it's very controlled, The fact of the matter is that now it's becoming too convenient for the doctors and the medical people to just, you know, go ahead and do it.
Well, that's part of the problem.
And a doctor, a physician, takes a Hippocratic oath.
And one of the first and most important points of that Hippocratic oath is that they will do no harm.
That's right.
And in a case like Terry Schiavo, This is not allowing a terminally ill patient who would die naturally anyway.
It's not a case of a patient like that denying medical treatment.
I mean, what we're talking about is food and water.
And Terry's not terminal.
So that certainly is part of the problem.
Another thing to consider During the year 1938 to 1939, the Third Reich initiated the T4 euthanasia program.
And they started off with profoundly disabled and handicapped and mentally impaired children.
And then it got a little easier to lower the bar, and a little bit easier to lower the bar.
And a lot of very important historians believe that that was sort of a stepping stone into what happened, into the Holocaust.
You know, that's an interesting thing you brought up because one of the things that I believe personally is that once, and this even kind of reflects back on the call that we had just a minute ago with Paul about violence and that type of thing, I think once you get to a point where you're so desensitized to the dignity and the value of human life, It just becomes easy to justify this action and that action.
We analyze the activities of global elites that are enslaving the planet with these crazy notions.
They're actually the purveyors of the culture of death, I believe, because their whole goal is to control and manage the population.
They don't want too many of us.
They don't want us to think for ourselves.
They want to make Sure, that when they say drop dead, you drop dead.
That's their goal.
But the thing is, is that how have we been maneuvered into this kind of a position to where we're even asked to make this decision?
That boggles my mind.
You know, I just couldn't do it.
I was asked personally to give a no resuscitation order on my grandmother.
I refused to do it and the doctor and the nurse were very indignant about it and I was just I was shocked I was I was in shock when they asked me to make that decision and I said absolutely not.
I hear both sides of the argument.
You were bringing up the Florida legislation to define the permanent vegetative state and all of these different things.
To me, my statement is, I don't care about all that.
That's not important.
What's important is you have a human life here.
That person has as much right to life as anybody else, and no one should have the authority or the ability to make that decision for me.
No, you're absolutely right, and the decision to withhold nutrition and hydration from Terry Schiavo is being based on a concept that there is a quality of life, and who Seriously, who is to judge what quality of life is?
You know, the argument could easily be made that Terry is never going to run a marathon, she may never get a position in Congress.
Well, neither am I. I mean, we're using the wrong things to define what life is.
Life is no longer an aware A human being, life is what you're able to accomplish.
And that's not correct.
Or if you're a burden on the state, as Terry's father so aptly points out in his letter, if you're a burden to the state, if you're any kind of a problem to anybody, you know, this is the interesting thing, too, about the insurance question, you know, the health insurance question.
They're maneuvering people into believing, you know, they scare the heck out of you.
The insurance, again, this is my personal belief, insurance companies have actually got control of the medical market because they have allowed these prices to go so far out of reach that people can't afford healthcare.
And the insurance companies gain control over your destiny, your health destiny, and your life.
Because now they're in a position to dictate to the doctors and the hospitals what will be paid for and what will not be paid for.
And inside of that equation is the question of whether or not, if you reach a certain plateau of economic burden on them, Well, guess what?
They may say, we're not paying anymore.
So they're either going to turn you out to the street or they're going to euthanize you.
And while you're going down that road, you might as well include pharmaceutical companies.
It's all part of the same beast.
The funny thing on this particular case, well, it's not funny.
The peculiar thing on Terry's case, Terry has had, you know, all these doctors come forward and offer to treat her, free of charge.
And still the judge has said no.
Somebody can sit back and kind of look at that and say, why are they so eager for this woman to die?
And I think what they're trying to do is sort of lower the bar.
Make it easier for the next person to go.
And it's important to remember that Florida has got a very high elderly population.
You betcha.
Good many of them.
We're up against a break.
Hold on.
We'll come back after the break and continue this.
You're a very courageous woman and I applaud you.
1-800-259-9231 is our number.
We'll be right back with Pamela Hennessey.
I'm Michael Corbin.
Stay tuned, there's more to come on the Alex Jones Show.
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Pamela Hennessey is joining me.
And I want to encourage everyone in the audience.
two five nine nine two three one one eight hundred two five nine nine two three one pamela
hennessy is joining me and uh...
i want to uh... encourage everyone in the audience this is something i think
is very very important everybody in the audience should take up
because the pamela is fighting for They should contact the governor's office in Florida, Jeb Bush, who has, Terry will report here, filed a motion in court.
I'll have her describe it.
I would encourage everyone to let the governor of Florida know that we will not tolerate state-sponsored executions of this nature.
Pamela, what has Jeb Bush done recently?
Well, as of today, Mr. Bush has filed an amicus brief into the case.
Now, there's not a lot there that I can really comment about without being an attorney, but your listeners can.
It is a public record, it is a court document, and they can view that on our updates if they go to Terry's website, and that is terrysfight.org, T-E-R-R-I-S, fight.org.
And that's been posted as of today.
So if they want to read that.
Unfortunately, as I said, since I'm not an attorney, they're going to have to form their own opinion on it.
But that was filed as of today.
What do you encourage people to do?
Should we tell them to contact the governor's office in Florida to let them know that they're not going to tolerate this?
That they do not want to see this happen?
Well, they can do that.
And that is an important thing to do.
One thing that I would like to say to your listeners that they really should do, you know, we're talking about this culture of death, and I think over the past 20 or so years, you know, attorneys have tried to encourage their clients through family law to have an advance directive or a living will or some other medical proxy that should they become incapacitated, what they will and will not accept as medical treatment, Your listeners need to re-examine the documents that they have governing their health care, and they should also seek out a life support directive.
Now, the reason I say that is because, like Florida, a lot of states are adapting statutes that say food and water is life support, which is ridiculous.
You and I need food and water.
So, I would say to your listeners that they really need to examine that and talk to their attorneys, talk to their spouses and to their children about what their precise wishes are and make sure that it does get into writing.
Terry had no living will and no advance directive.
Her husband testified in court, you know, she told me back in the 80s she wouldn't want to be on life support.
Well, that was before.
The Florida statutes change to include food and water as life support.
So there could be no way she addressed that.
Pamela, real quick, about a minute.
Where's her husband in all of this right now?
Is he fighting you folks?
No, well, he's fighting in the court for the right to have her gastric tube clamped off and to allow her to die.
And that's a process that can take 10 to 14 days and she will suffer.
And he has pursued this.
A lot of people ask, why doesn't he get a divorce?
and and that remains a mystery or outside pamela thank you very much and you're a good
woman keep it up i mean uh... i know what you must be going through since got to be
very very hard dealing with uh...
dealing with the system in this in this uh... way and uh...
uh... you know i just hope that uh... that it all hands out best
Well, I do as well, and thank you for having us on.
Okay, thank you very much.
You take care, okay?
You too, thank you.
God bless.
Okay, that's it for this hour.
Stay tuned, there's more coming up on the Alex Jones Show.
Our number today is 1-800-259-9231.
1-800-259-9231. Be sure and visit the website for Terry Sciabo.
Stay tuned.
Paul Joseph Watson will be joining me at the top of the hour.
Don't let this one go down in flames.
There's more to come.
Stay tuned.
Paul Joseph Watson will be joining me at the top of the hour.
We'll be right back after this.
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
And again, sitting in for Alex is my Michael Corbin.
Alex will return on Thursday.
I'm going to be with you tomorrow.
I'm really enjoying this.
It's an honor that Alex asked me to sit in for him.
I love the audience.
A very fine audience and a very fine program.
Now, as I mentioned, we're going to be joined by Paul Joseph Watson here in just a moment.
He wrote a book called Order Out of Chaos, the elite-sponsored terrorism and the New World Order.
And this kind of reflects back to yesterday's program when we talked with Paul David Collins about his book, The Hidden Face of Terrorism, and how a lot of terrorism is actually state-sponsored.
And when you get down to doing the math, It kind of makes sense, you know, and that's kind of what we're going to be talking about today.
He's going to talk about how both Bush and Clinton, again, you know, another thing I believe is that the bipartisan issue is nothing more than a smokescreen.
We heard from a caller yesterday about the socialism, you know, how he thought it was, you know, well and good and all of that.
That is nothing more than the club.
Socialism is the club that they are going to use to keep us all into a state of compliance.
They're not socialists at all.
If they're anything, if you really wanted to describe them, they're fascists.
But their whole goal is to control the entire human resource, and that's not a word I hate.
You know, you notice you go to these big corporations now for jobs.
You are dealing with the human resource department.
What that essentially equates to is, just like the thing we were talking about with Pamela Hennessey, there is no dignity of life anymore.
There is no dignity of the individual.
You are nothing more to them than an economic unit of measurement.
And this is precisely what the New World Order is about.
It's an economic world order.
It is nothing more than a bunch of money-grabbing control freaks Who want to manage every aspect of your life, and control you, and get you to produce the things that they want as they live in paradise, if you will.
And, you know, personally it's a very repugnant, repulsive thought, because I'm not an economic unit of measurement.
I am a human being, and I am a productive human being, and I have a mind, and I think for myself.
Thank you very much.
Uh, so I don't want them telling me what to do.
I despise them telling me I have to wear a seatbelt.
Uh, you know, I get tired of being told what to do.
And if you ever wonder, at the end of the month when you get your paycheck and you look at all this money that flies out of your account, you start to figure it out when you start looking at where all this money goes.
Because, you know, the very reason why you can't afford anything anymore is because They have homogenized everything in business.
They've distilled it down to just a few select corporations that own everything, and the prices are fixed, and they're designed to keep you with your nose to the grindstone, and constantly just breaking your backs, working hard, so that you have nothing at the end of the month, but you've got to keep paying them.
And, you know, it's like a catch-22, and it just keeps on going, and it keeps on going.
But anyway, also I want to mention, too...
That my program is called A Closer Look.
It's aired on Saturday night on GCN, the GCN Radio Network.
And of course, GCN, in my estimation, is the world's authority on what's really happening in the world because they have brought together a lot of very, very controversial talk show hosts who are out there doing the work and digging up this stuff and bringing this stuff to you so you can be informed.
And my program and Alex's program tackle very similar issues, and we really do cover the bases.
A Closer Look airs on Saturday evening at 6 to 8 Mountain, 8 to 10 Eastern, and I encourage you to listen to that program as well.
My website, too, is www.4acloserlook, that's the number 4, acloserlook.com.
I encourage you to go check that out as well.
Now, as I mentioned, we're going to be joined by Paul Joseph Watson coming up after the break.
And also, Alex will join us briefly during this hour to bring us a special report from Los Angeles on the Arnold Schwarzenegger debacle.
And as I mentioned, we're going to hear later on in the third hour from Greg Palast, who has dug up Arnold's Enron secret.
You may be getting closer to finding out what really the game is all about.
There's a couple of planks to it.
We're getting zeroed in on it, so stay tuned.
There's a lot more to come on the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be right back.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster as a New World Order.
A New World Order.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart piece by piece and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police State 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
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That's toll free at 888-803-4438. Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother. Mainstream media. Government cover-ups. You want answers? Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
And again, sitting in for Alex is Michael Corbin, and Alex is away.
He is going to be updating us from Los Angeles, California this morning, or this afternoon, I should say, in just a little bit.
He's out there covering the Arnold Schwarzenegger gubernatorial recall effort, and Arnold's Buying to take over as governor of the state of California.
And as we're finding out, there may be other reasons for why this is occurring.
This may have been something that's been brewing for a couple of years.
It's kind of like an insurance policy, if you will.
We're going to find out all about that, too, as we'll be joined by Greg Pallas during the third hour.
We're getting our guest, Paul Joseph Watson, lined up.
And in the meantime, I want to invite you to go to www.infowars.com.
There is a whole litany of breaking stories concerning the New World Order, what's going on with it, and the whole thing.
What's really interesting, there's an article on there from AP about the FBI sending Hamas money in the late 1990s.
Now, again, We're going to be talking about state-sponsored terrorism and how this kind of thing occurs.
And this article kind of illustrates that, again, you know, there's been some strange things going on.
As I mentioned, Paul Joseph Watson talks about how the Clinton administration and the Bush administration were helping to finance Osama bin Laden.
Now, again, this is an AP article concerning the FBI.
While President Clinton was trying to broker an elusive peace between Israelis and Palestinians, the FBI was secretly funneling money to suspected Hamas figures to see if the militant group would use it for terrorist attacks.
Of course they're going to use it for terrorist attacks!
Wonder what the heck they thought they were going to use it for?
The counter-terrorism operation in 1998-99 was run out of the FBI's Phoenix office in cooperation with Israeli intelligence and was approved by Attorney General Janet Reno.
Several thousand dollars in US money was sent to suspected terror supporters during the operation as the FBI tried to track the flow of cash through terror organizations.
The FBI said in a rare acknowledgement of an undercover sting that never resulted in prosecution.
That's interesting too.
Quote, this was done in conjunction with permission from the Attorney General for an ongoing operation and Israeli authorities were aware of it.
Now, one of the FBI's key operatives, who has had a falling out with the Bureau, provided an account of the operation at a Friends Closed Immigration Court proceeding.
Arizona businessman Harry Allen testified he permitted the FBI to bug his home, his car, and his office, and he allowed his Muslim Foundation's activities in the Gaza Strip to be monitored by agents and arranged a peace meeting between major Palestinian activists and gained personal access to Yasser Arafat during more than four years of cooperation with the FBI.
Now, Ellen's FBI handler in the late 1990s was Kenneth Williams, an agent who later became famous for writing a pre-September the 11th memo to FBI headquarters, warning that there were Arab pilots training at U.S.
flight schools.
The warning went unheeded.
Well now, Ellen, a Muslim convert, testified that he was taking a trip to the Gaza Strip to bring doctors to the region in the summer of 1998, when Williams asked him to provide money to a Hamas figure.
You know, one thing as a sidebar to this, I interviewed a guy named John Loftus, who is an attorney, and he's worked in the intelligence agencies for many, many years.
One of the things that he said, and again this kind of goes back to what we're talking about, about, you know, what did the government know about the activities of these terrorists before September the 11th?
He was talking about, you know, that there's such things as intelligence blocks, where the agency like the FBI have These intelligence blocks and agents out in the street who might be doing their job, going out and digging up intelligence on these groups and things like that, may be legitimately trying to pursue these groups and find out what they're up to, but when they get the reports written and they submit their reports for any kind of prosecution or warrants or that type of thing, the upper echelons of the agency tell them, uh-uh, no, you back off of this thing or you back off of that thing.
And, you know, in a lot of ways, again, you know, who makes these kinds of decisions?
You know, who decides whether or not something should be pursued or not, and at what point is it justified that they are allowed to ignore something as paramount as that?
Anyway, our number is 1-800-259-9231.
I'm going to open the phone lines here and get some comments from you guys.
nine nine two three one will open the phone lines uh...
here and uh...
get some comments from you guys one eight hundred two five nine nine two three one
going on with this our article here about the uh... f_b_i_ it ellen testified that the operation that he was involved
in uh... ended abruptly in nineteen ninety nine when he and
williams had a series of disagreements over the operation
and disputes that began when ellen angered the f_b_i_ by having an affair
with a chinese woman suspected of espionage Now, Clinton's National Security Advisor, Sandy Berger, said in an interview that the White House wasn't informed of the FBI activities, quote, we were not aware of any such operation, and that was according to Sandy Berger.
I wonder why they weren't aware of it.
Uh, FBI officials said that they tried to get Ellen to end the relationship and his work was terminated for failing to follow the rules.
Now, what goes on here is interesting, is that Melvin McDonald, who is the former U.S.
Attorney in Phoenix, who has championed Ellen's cause, said that the FBI's abrupt end of the investigation squandered an important intelligence opportunity.
Of course it did.
He, quote, he says, uh, Harry had been a tremendous resource to the Bureau.
We did not have that many people like him with connections like that to the Middle East.
Now, former State Intelligence Committee Chairman Dennis DeConcini, another Ellen supporter, said Ellen's work could have greatly assisted the FBI, but instead, you know, they've been busy turning their back to it to allow, to basically allow it to happen.
Anyway, check out InfoWars.com.
It's www.InfoWars.com.
Also, Congressional reports out now that says the terrorists could buy special equipment from the Pentagon.
Again, you know, another one of these Interesting stories that ABC News has provided that the GAO found that the Department of Defense has not attempted to determine who is buying some of these exotic weapons, biological weapons.
Let's see here.
According to a draft report, which came out by the General Accounting Office, which was obtained by ABC News, according to this report, which is due to be released today and discussed in a hearing of the House Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security, Congress ordered the GAO, its investigative arm, to set up a phony company to see how easy it would be to buy surplus lab equipment from the Pentagon.
Now, using fake names, GAO investigators went to a website that sells Pentagon surplus and ordered items that were needed to produce bacteriological weapons, including evaporators, centrifuges, bacteriological incubators, and protective clothing.
So anybody can really walk in and buy it.
In its report, the GAO found that the Department of Defense has not attempted to determine who is buying excess biological equipment and how these items were being used.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, this is an example of how inefficient and how incapable the government is of protecting you from terrorists.
You know, I'm amazed.
That they actually could get you to believe that they can provide you safety and security from terrorism and from terrorist activities.
They cannot do it.
One thing, too, to keep in mind is over in Israel.
And this kind of harkens back to the idea that they're taking our liberties and they're couching it in the war on terrorism.
But you look at Israel, which is a virtual police state.
You know, they may not have had a plane hijacked in a long, long time, but nevertheless, they're still having bombs going off in Israel, killing lots and lots of people, and there's nothing that they can do to stop it.
The same thing applies here.
I mean, this ABC News report illustrates that there is no way that the government is able to protect you from terrorism, from anything like that.
You have a responsibility to your families, You have a responsibility to your communities to be responsible and take care of the things that you take care of.
Defending your family, defending your property, and taking care of your own.
And that should not be left to the government to do, because the government cannot do it.
It's not an efficient system, nor is it possible to do.
1-800-259-9231, 1-800-259-9231.
As I mentioned, coming up a little bit later on in the bottom of the hour today, Alex Jones is going to be joining us from Los Angeles to give us a special report.
On his observation of what's going on out there in California, where Governor Gray Davis is in the recall effort to recall Governor Gray Davis.
There's two things that we were talking about yesterday, and that is, we're going to talk with Greg Powell today about his discovery of Arnold's Enron secret.
But more importantly, the election is coming up.
You know, it's my belief from just observing what's going on out there, it's my belief that one of the things that they're trying to do is they're going to get Schwarzenegger in a position to assure that California, and we know they've got Florida sewed up because of the fiasco that took place back in 2000, they want to assure that they have California and Florida, which are two very, very important states, uh... to uh... to bush
uh... for getting reelected and uh... you one of the things that may be occurring out
here is is they're getting uh... their their ducks in a row if you will
in advance uh... of the election which is going to take place
uh... you know next year but uh...
the interesting thing about this whole thing is uh... what palaces discovered
about uh... this nine billion dollar uh...
the asker with and ron and how important it might be
that uh... are will be elected because apparently are old attended
A meeting on May 17, 2001 at the Peninsula Hotel in Los Angeles, where he and Enron Chieftain Kenneth Way met with convicted stock swindler Mike Milken, and Alex mentioned Milken yesterday.
Well, the deal is that there's been a suit filed by California, the state of California, by none other than Cruz Bustamante, demanding that the $9 billion in profits that were taken out by the oil companies during that fiasco back in the late 90s and in the early 2000s, demanding that that $9 billion be refunded to the state of California.
Well, of course, our president and others in his orbit have a vested interest in some of these companies that Looted the nine billion dollars, and they're going to make sure that it doesn't come back to you.
Lines are open.
1-800-259-9231. Lines are open. 1-800-259-9231. We'll be right back after this.
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Lines are wide open now.
We've got some callers.
And I'm Michael Corbin, sitting in for Alex Jones, who is going to join us at the bottom of the hour to give us an update, a special report from Los Angeles, California.
And we're looking forward to that.
Let's go ahead and go to the phones.
Paul's calling in from New Jersey.
Good morning or good afternoon, Paul, depending on where you are.
New Jersey, you're on the afternoon.
Good afternoon.
I have to make a disagreement with you.
When you say that there's nothing the government can do about it, sure there is.
I haven't talked to you, I haven't talked to Alex before.
But I have to make a disagreement with you.
And when you say that there's nothing that the government can do about it, sure there
They're stuck doing it.
They're the ones that are doing it.
And not only that, they can close up the borders, stop interfering with other people, and so
There's a lot of things they could do.
You're darn right.
Go ahead, Charlie, go ahead.
But we've got to stop old New World Order government, and that's what they're going to do, interfering with other people.
I mean, they say Saddam Hussein is a dictator.
Well, he's mild compared to what we've got.
Yeah, you're right.
So, I mean, there's a lot they can do about it.
Well, I should say, the government stopped doing what they were supposed to do and they're doing what they're not supposed to do now.
way but saying you know uh... we got a threat of a terrorism yeah
from our own government that's where the threat is well i should say
the government stopped doing what they were supposed to do and they're doing
what they're not supposed to do now yeah well they're the ones behind it all
yeah that's right, they're definitely, common sense talk they might
they're not closing the borders up right no they're not, everybody's blowing over
and they're not concerned about their family being terrorized are they?
no but you know the thing is, doesn't that tell you that they're the ones that are doing it
of course, they're not concerned They're not concerned about us anymore.
They want to deconstruct our society.
They're not even concerned about themselves being terrorized because they're the ones that are doing it.
That's right.
That's why they're not closing up the borders.
Common sense tells you that.
Sure, and the thing is that there's a couple of things that are going on here when they do this.
Number one, they're not maintaining the integrity of American culture.
They're not facilitating or not providing the reason for coming to America in the first place.
Because, face it, we're a melting pot.
We were a melting pot.
But you came to America because America was America.
And it was free from the tyranny and oppression that they were experiencing in their countries.
And the problem is that now we're letting all these folks in.
Number one, we don't know who's here.
The terrorists are here, and we don't know what they're doing.
The second thing of it is that they don't adhere to American values and cultures.
So there's nothing organized or anything about it.
It's a complete desecration of our culture.
Well, you know, bin Laden and al-Qaeda is George Bush's Bush crime family, buddy.
That's right, that's right.
And they set it all up.
They're going to keep doing it.
Yeah, they're going to keep doing it until they're done.
The only way we're going to change this country, I'll tell you, the only way we're going to change it is people in this country are going to demand people ballot.
Well, that's one way, but I mentioned yesterday one of the things that's going to, the only way I see that this is going to be reversed is for every person in the United States and around the world to get back to what is right and get back to, you know, the basics and think right, because Until that happens, until we get over our greediness and our material, you know, we cannot be totally materialistic and hope to succeed as a culture or as a people.
It just will not happen.
You're not going to get anybody in there to do the right thing unless you get paper ballots.
Well, you've got to get people in there that understand that they're there at the behest of the people, not at the behest of the corporations or the ruling elite.
That's the problem.
The paper ballots will help get the right people in there, but you've got to vote for the right people to start with.
You've got to educate the people.
Jeff Buchanan won up in New Hampshire because they had paper ballots.
What's happened to him?
Well, he's a losing case now.
I don't know what he's up to.
Something's happened to him.
I mean, I've seen him kind of change over the years.
He's kind of gotten soft.
He's changed, yeah.
Yeah, he's gotten soft.
Yeah, but the thing is, you know, everybody criticized Kennedy.
Kennedy was the only one that was trying to do the right thing.
He was going to try to change this whole I know he was mixed up with, you know, his old man was the one behind all that garbage anyway.
If you don't get paper ballots in, you know what happened in South Carolina here?
I don't know if you heard Attorney General Charlie Condon.
Charlie, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but we've got to move on.
We've got to take a break, okay?
Thanks for calling.
Keep listening.
1-800-259-9231 is our number.
Alex Jones is coming up next with a special report from Los Angeles, so stay tuned.
I'm Michael Corbin.
There's a lot more to come on the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be right back.
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We continue on.
We continue.
I'm Michael Corbin, sitting in for Alex Jones, who's going to join us momentarily from Los Angeles with a special report.
Our number today is 1-800-259-9231.
And the lines are open, so give us a call.
Now, let's go ahead and go back to the phones.
We talked to Charlie in South Carolina.
Let's go to Warren in Colorado.
Good afternoon, Warren.
You're on the air.
Yeah, nice to hear you.
I'm 1360 out of Johnstown.
We get a better signal out here in Northeast Colorado.
Oh, okay.
I'm just down the street from you, actually.
I'm in Denver.
Oh, cool!
Alright, what was your website again?
and then the number 4, a closer look dot com.
Okay, I've got it.
You've been all over the... You've touched on a lot of things today.
I'll tell you what, that Arnold Schwarzenegger thing, it's incredible how far this country has gone.
We used to just discount a person like that.
I can't wait for Alex to come on and give us an update.
He's with us now.
We're going to go to him as soon as I'm done on the call with you.
Keep up the good work, and we'll talk to you later.
Alright, thanks for calling.
Okay, and as promised, Alex Jones is on with us from Los Angeles, California.
Good morning, Alex. How you doing?
Great, Michael. Just to give you an update, I mean, obviously everybody knows as much about this race as we do
from watching the news, at least on the surface.
But it's obvious that they're focusing on the sexual allegations, just like they did with Bill Clinton.
Instead of focusing on the real meat and potato issues.
Now I'm not saying it's okay what Arnold's done when you've got over 20 women saying this where their smokers fire as he admits.
and the obviously the guys out of control animal i mean this is more than
just groping uh... from his allegations that he hasn't uh...
uh... denied it in fact they now have a new term for him uh... the
apology later i believe that the uh...
i think it's a new term but just like the monica lewinsky
these are serious issues but they pale in significance compared
to the sellout of missile secrets to china right in the clinton death list the rest of it
Well, the same thing with Arnold.
For every 100 mentions in the local press or the national press of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Uh, and, uh, what he's done with women.
There might be one mention of, oh, the Hitler allegation.
Well, the guy said in two separate magazine interviews that he wanted to be a dictator.
He said in a book proposal that he wanted to be a dictator and worshipped at Nuremberg like Hitler, and then he admired Hitler.
This is on the record.
Then you add to that his dad being the Gestapo officer and police chief, hanging out with Kurt Voltheim, the high-level Nazi, former head of the UN campaigning for him in 1986, when confronted by reporters saying, I don't care about the Nazi stuff with Kurt, I love him.
Then you add to that all the other things he's doing, open borders, anti-gun.
That's a whole other story of how the so-called neocons are falling after themselves, worshipping Arnold.
But to have them in the news focusing on, oh, these allegations with the sex with the women, it's much more serious to have the comments where he wants to be a dictator, he wants to be worshipped by crowds at Nuremberg, he admires Hitler.
So really that's, I'm sure that now from watching it and from being here on the ground, that that's the diversion, that's the distraction, because he couldn't survive having to say, oh well, I don't know why I said I loved Hitler.
Uh, but he can't survive all the sexual garbage.
And they're saying on the news, they've got Democrats up there going, well, Bill Clinton did this, and so what if Arnold did it?
We've got to just accept it.
So also, morally, they're lowering the bar a whole other level.
And I would predict today that Arnold Schwarzenegger is going to be elected.
of the big reasons is a lot of the state has the Diebold touchscreen voting system, and
Diebold was caught in the 2002 election manipulating votes right here in California.
And Diebold and others are doing everything they can to keep this story under wraps, but
at prisonplanet.com and infowars.com we have a touchscreen electronic voting fraud section
that really proves that all of this is going on.
But I would predict, and it's not a hard prediction to make, that on the one way or another we'll
end up the apologidator, or however you want to say it, will be the next governor here
in the fifth largest economy in the world.
Then you've got Orrin Hatch, who admitted to the Associated Press that there's a Republican and a Democrat version of a bill to start the repeal of the 22nd Amendment to the U.S.
Constitution so that Arnold can run for President.
So they've got big plans for Arnold Schwarzenegger, and now they've lowered the bar even further You can pose in the gay pornomags, you can be anti-family, anti-gun, pro-open border, you can say you want to be a dictator, you admire Adolf Hitler, you want to be worshipped like Adolf Hitler was worshipped in Nuremberg, with the mass totally shutting off the thinking process is what Arnold basically said.
You can say all of this.
You can be involved in all this.
You can smoke pot on video.
You can be a steroid addict.
You can have one of the dirtiest mouths out there.
And the neocons will love you.
But if you're a real conservative, a real patriot, a real Christian, you'll be called a devil worshipper by the Pat Robertsons of the world who say that forced abortion and fantasy is a good thing in China.
So they're really scrambling the terms now, today, and there's a conditioning process going on where they go, well, the bar's been lowered, this is just no big deal, you know, all these women coming out and saying this.
You know, Alex, granted, and the observation is very accurate, the sexual scandal, you know, from a political standpoint, with everything that's come before Arnold, is a very manageable scandal that doesn't really detract necessarily from the candidate.
What do you see at a deeper level?
What do you see is the real appeal of Arnold for the governor of California?
Well, it's fluff.
It's hype.
I mean, the World Bank and IMF have said in their own documents that whenever they come in and blow out an economy and consolidate it, which is where they get their power from, they print the money.
Everything's about getting us overextended, getting control of us.
That they will just put in different puppet leaders to take the blame.
A few years ago, in the last year, in Argentina, they had, what, six different leaders in about a six-month period, every month bringing a new one in, blaming him, as they took the bank accounts, as the economy fell apart, as the World Bank took control of the water supplies, the natural resources.
the roads, the telephones, basically the whole thing went into receivership of the IMF and World Bank
and so they come in and the IMF and World Bank take control of the government
they call it the IMF riot Then when there's no food, people go even more crazy.
Then they have to call the army out to quote, restore order.
This is all by design.
They want things to race all the way to the bottom, like they've done in Iraq and many other countries, like they've done in Serbia, like they're doing in Argentina.
Just with the economics, not with the military.
And then after they've been able to do that, they can then come in and totally rebuild the entire economy with 100% ownership of the New World Order.
So, it's the same thing with Arnold or Bustamante.
Or any of these people, you put in the establishment candidate with the left flavor or the right wing flavor, but the actual actions are identical, just the rhetoric might be slightly different.
And so Arnold is perfect for this Hollywood surface culture because he is a total and complete puppy.
He looks like a robot when he's out there walking around with little kids, you know, children for Arnold.
Liberal women for Arnold.
Mothers for Arnold.
I mean, the whole thing is staged with a pack of goons around him, protecting him like the game show host was protected in The Running Man.
So Arnold is the epitome.
He is the future man if the New World Order continues to succeed.
We're going to have these puppets in every region of the country.
They're nothing more than just little titular heads for the centralized federal government.
So Arnold isn't a solution.
He's just a bunch of hype.
We'll just give them bread and circus.
We'll just give them a bunch of hype instead of real substance.
Instead of somebody like a McClintock, who by the way is not perfect, but at least is pro-gun and wants to control the border.
I mean, this is a great example for the globalists and the media of how they can sell socialism and big government and Nazism and perverted garbage at every level and still make it palatable and sell it to the people.
So this is also a test for the population of will they buy this type of bondage.
I think the answer is, at least out here in California, The propagandas work quite nicely on them.
You know, on Infowars.com, you have an article on there about the Nazis in W's closet.
This is kind of an example, too, of the kinds of people that he surrounds himself with, and these guys are about their own unified agenda to take over things.
Greg Palast is coming up in the next hour to talk about his discovery of the Enron secret, Arnold's Enron secret, which may Have something to do with why it was so important to get Arnold in as governor because of this nine billion dollar profit.
Nine or ten billion dollar profit that was taken by the oil companies.
One of George Bush's favorite games to play.
Yeah, it's incredibly disgusting.
I have to watch when the news go, bring me the broom!
Bring me the broom!
We're going to sweep Davis out!
No more special interest!
No more money in Sacramento!
What you've been doing is wrong!
And the people are sick and tired of it!
We're going to deal with it!
I've got plenty of money!
I don't need no more money!
Yeah, like, power people don't want more power.
And then we know from months ago, and again it's in the article I wrote back on On September 3rd, actually, I wrote the article the week before that.
It took me a while to write it.
And I mean, I had mainstream news articles then about Arnold in some smoky room in Beverly Hills Hotel hanging out with the Enron chief and Michael Milken, the junk bond dealer, the felon, and they're all in there.
I mean, Arnold's involved in all this.
Arnold is a really serious, quote, businessman in all these backroom deals.
He's connected to all these different people.
So you're going to see a further milking and raiding of the state if they tell people, there's no more money, we're in debt.
You're going to have to, you know, we're going to raise all these taxes.
We're going to have a car tax.
We're going to have 14 other taxes.
And then they suck the conservatives in to go, OK, how are we going to pay for it?
When in trinity, look at the comprehensive annual financial reports, the double set of books that states, counties, and cities have, these guys have plenty of money.
So again, it's just about a process of Buffalo and California with a spectacle, a smokescreen, and they're accepting all this.
And there's Arnold going, we're going to stop this corruption.
It's absolutely horrible.
I want to do something about it.
It's just terrible.
And he's more intimately involved with Enron and with Bush and his cronies that did it than Governor Davis, who, by the way, was involved in the scam with him as well, according to the Sacramento Bee.
A couple years ago, I saw the articles where he would buy Power for the state at $137 a megawatt and sell it back to the power providers for a dollar.
So I mean, you know, Davis is dirty too, but I mean, just to have one of the chief demons up there going, we're going to deal with this, this is absolutely terrible.
You're good to me, you're going to have real, honorable, good work from everybody.
Bring me the broom!
Bring me the broom!
We're going to sweep Davis out of here!
And it's total bread and circus work.
I mean, it's like going to a hockey game or something where we all have stacks of t-shirts throwing out the bread, you know, in the circus and some heavy metal band going, we're not gonna take it.
No, we ain't gonna take it.
We're not going to take it anymore.
It's just total, again, people want the sugar-coated cyanide pill, and they're going to get it.
They're going to get it, right.
And they're going to wonder why we don't have jobs and why all these new taxes are going up.
California is the model for the rest of the country, and this is a beta test for bigger things for Arnold Labor.
Yeah, that's right.
That's right.
You know, I'm going to cast a movie called Take California.
I'm going to cast you as the lead actor in it, okay?
Bring me the broom!
Bring me the broom!
Let me just tell you something, Michael.
It's so honored to be on your broadcast.
We are going to end corruption in California.
I can't wait.
Let me tell you, don't worry about me.
I'm working with Enron to keep the regulation going, to keep the scam going into the tens of billions.
That's right.
Listen, listen.
I apologize for that too.
I'm the apologinator.
That's right.
You want to take some calls?
Sure, just one or two, because I've got to go out here and cover this story, and I've also got some meetings over here as we fight the New World Order, ladies and gentlemen.
Okay, let's do that.
We've only got a couple minutes in this segment anyway.
Let's take a call from Bill in Arkansas.
Good afternoon, Bill.
You're on with Alex Jones.
Bring me the boom!
Oh, man, well, I'm trying to keep rolling on the ground out here, but I'm talking like Arnold.
I swear to God, I just like him.
He does a darn good job at it.
I'm going to get all your property.
You're going to have car taxes, bans on guns, open borders, ha ha!
Well, I tell you what, Alex, he fit right in.
Help people like him out there.
Yeah, that's right.
I was calling, I might be a little bit off beat, but you're talking about open borders and the Patriot Act and what is it, Homeland Security?
Homeland Security.
Yeah, Homeland Security.
You know, big thing there.
Well, I work for the Department of Emergency Management.
I was part of the Sheriff's Association.
I worked for FEMA.
Man, this ain't nothing but a big bunch of bulls.
Ain't nothing there to grab people's freedom away from them and using it for a good excuse.
Well, you see, we've got to take your freedom to keep you safe.
I learned this in Austria.
We had another great Austrian leader who did what he had to for the people.
For the people of Nazi... I'm in California.
Well, you know, I sat around here You know, the country here a while back was on the Orange State Alert.
I got a call in from Little Rock.
We're on the Orange State Alert, you know, and everything.
Didn't get me excited.
I knew that was going to happen.
Well, it's all starting to go under federal control.
And, I mean, it even came out last year.
This was admitted by the White House.
They were, quote, scripting terror alerts for political gain, ordering the CIA and FBI to put out fake terror assessments to, quote, create hysteria.
That's the White House memo.
Create hysteria.
Now, Michael Corbin or Alex Jones are Well, I'm not a big fan of Bush, that's for sure.
You're not a fan of gun control on borders?
Well, you're a liberal, you know.
No, I'm not a fan of gun control at all.
Open borders, let's talk about open borders.
I live in the state of Arkansas where chicken plants are at.
I mean, you know, the little old town I live in is about 3,000.
I think about a thousand of them are illegal immigrants working in a chicken plant, you know?
Well, and you see the government lets these big corporations create these felonies,
and then the little companies go out of business because, number one, the INS will raid them if they've got two illegals
working there, and they just can't compete against this.
And so again, the IMF World Bank plan is to get rid of the middle class.
And that's what's happening here.
Disarm us, repossess our way of life, get us dependent, get us into the system, either our welfare or the criminal justice system, or into big pharma and the psychological Uh, you know, scams that are run by the psychiatrists and the psychologists, uh, get you somehow adjudicated to have some type of problem, financially, criminally, mentally, get you into their system.
So I would take a caller you don't like the new gun bill they've got in the Senate sponsored by Republicans and Democrats that'll, if you've ever had a misdemeanor, you won't be able to own a gun, it'll register all gun owners, you don't like that, you feel like that's conservative.
No, I don't like it.
I'll tell you what, Bush, a lot of people here in Arkansas voted for him because they thought he wasn't a gun grabber.
Well, he's going to grab guns just like everybody else.
Hey Bill, we've got to move on.
We're about out of time.
Thanks for the call.
Hey Alex, listen, are you going to give us an update tomorrow?
I will give you an update tomorrow.
And Michael, you're doing a great job.
I appreciate you pulling in for the show.
And I hope that folks will visit InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And I hope they'll get the new book by Paul Watson, Order Out of Chaos.
I hope they'll get Police State 3, Total Enslavement.
Okay, Alex.
Thanks a lot.
as well, they'll get the videos and get them out to everybody and expose the system, pull
the curtain back, and that's what we're doing here in California, working on getting the
films out in a bigger and better way to defeat the globalists.
Okay, Alex, thanks a lot.
We'll talk to you later.
Okay, that's it.
We'll be right back after this.
Stay tuned.
I'm Michael Corbin filling in for Alex Jones.
We'll be right back.
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Again, thanks to Alex Jones for his special report out there in LA covering that whole
circus, and indeed it is a circus.
Also want to invite you again to be sure to check out my program, A Closer Look, on Saturday night, 6 to 8 Mountain, 8 to 10 Eastern, right here on the GCN Network.
Our website is www.4acloserlook.com.
That's the number 4, acloserlook.com.
And we will all, Alex Jones, myself, and others on the GCN Radio Network, will continue bringing you truth.
In advertising.
Anyway, let's take a call before we get to the Great Palace, of course, is going to be joining me at the beginning of the next hour, but let's take a call.
Brad is calling in from Illinois.
Good afternoon, Brad.
You're on the air.
Yeah, I thought you were going to say, fighting for truth, justice, and the American way there for a second.
Yeah, well, that's essentially what it is.
That's right.
I wanted a few callers back.
I think you were talking about this Homeland Security and Patriot Act and all the tightening down that's going on right now.
I wanted to let the listeners know that this tightening down stuff really started in the mid-80s, just since 9-11.
Everybody's got a focal point on it, but I remember in the mid-80s, like 85 or 86, all the federal courts And the big cities started putting in the metal detectors and the high security.
And then some of the bigger cities that could afford it started putting it in all their state and city buildings.
And this was in the 80s when things were, you know, back to the way they were normally.
And you had to wonder, I used to ask myself, well, who are they protecting themselves from?
There were no terrorists running around back then.
They were protecting themselves from us!
And you know, that's right.
And you know, Brad, the thing is, is that, and you bring up a really good point.
This all occurred in very subtle ways and it was always predicated upon one lone gun nut or somebody that did something that got them, they were able to whip the public into a frenzy to start accepting us.
I remember here in the Denver area.
There was a woman that was getting a divorce, filed for the divorce, her husband came into the courtroom, shot her dead, and immediately the media jumped on it, we've got to have this, we've got to have that, and as a result of that they've got all these protections and securities in place for this one incident.
But I'm like you, you know, I'm not a terrorist, you know, and who are these laws really construed against?
It's us.
Absolutely, and then the other thing I wanted to bring up is A caller back or so was talking about the paper ballot.
You know, we all know these voting things are a sham.
But you know, I have to kind of agree with Lysander Spooner, the writer back in the 1800s, where he basically said that a secret ballot doesn't do anything but create a secret government.
And I have to agree with him on that.
I mean, I've argued with people here locally when they have these sham referendums.
That's right.
to get money for the schools or whatever, basically it's nothing more than legalized
burglary or robbery.
And I've often said, "Hey, you people who are voting for this, stick your hands in my
Your names ought to be out there in public to see who is actually stealing from who."
That's right.
So that's basically all I wanted to say.
Yeah, I enjoy your show on Saturday.
I've never called in, but maybe some night I will.
Well, I appreciate it.
Okay, bye.
Well, keep listening, okay?
Again, thanks, Brad, in Illinois.
Okay, coming up, I mentioned we have Greg Fallis joining us at the top of the hour.
Greg is going to be talking about his investigation into Arnold Schwarzenegger and we're going to find out about his nine billion dollar dirty little secret with such luminaries as Kenneth Wei from Enron and Mike Milken, the convicted junk bond dealer.
Incredible story.
So stay tuned, there's more to come.
Our number today is 1-800-259-9231.
Again, the number 1-800-259-9231.
I'm Michael Corbin, sitting in for Alex Jones, who will return on Thursday.
Be right back after this.
I'm Michael Corbett, sitting in for Alex Jones, who will return on Thursday.
And I'll be right back after this.
Stay tuned.
Introducing the most efficient gravity filter available.
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
And again, I'm Michael Corbin, sitting in for the Away on Business, Alex Jones.
And as you've heard the last couple of days, he's been providing updates, special reports from Los Angeles, covering the Arnold Schwarzenegger Devacol, if you want to call it that, which it certainly is.
It's a circus, as Alex has described.
And the fix is in, and they are... they just continue, they just keep going at trying to raid, you know, the state and rid it of the corruption, only to replace it with a much more corrupt system.
www.infowars.com www.infowars.com and also www.
You must check out those websites.
There's loads and loads of news on there to keep you up to speed on what's going on.
It's kind of interesting when Alex was talking about Schwarzenegger and his Austrian connections and his love of Hitler.
You know, there's an article on the UnforWars.com website titled, The Nazis in W's Closet.
When Adolf Hitler needed money, who did he call?
Well, he called George Bush's granddaddy and he was, you know, a lot of times people don't realize what's happened in the past and how much it affects what is happening now.
And again, you've got to stay informed because you begin to realize, you start connecting the dots and you start seeing where all this stuff goes.
I interviewed a gentleman on my program on A Closer Look, his name is Carlo Calvi, the son of the deceased Vatican banker Roberto Calvi.
And, you know, Calvi was big in the Vatican Bank scandal.
Of course, the Bushes and his relative families, they seem to have a propensity for scams.
Peter Bruton wrote an excellent book on George Bush Sr.
and the Iran-Contra scams and all that.
Those people raided billions and billions and billions of dollars from innocent people in the United States from savings and loans.
And, according to Calvi, the Bush family apparently does have some leanings toward Nazism and Fascism, because Calvi reported a meeting between Michele Sindona, who was a mafia guy in Italy, and a guy named Phil Guarino, here in the United States.
Now, Guarino, if you do some research on Guarino, He was a big campaign fundraiser for the Republican Party, going back to Ronald Reagan and George Bush, and mysteriously he kind of disappeared from the scene during the campaign of George W. Bush.
My estimation was it was kind of a form of damage control because they didn't want this question to come up.
But you know, there are the connections there, and it's undoubtedly I mean, it's as obvious as the noses on our faces that what they're doing is this police state activity with Tom Ridge and the Homeland Security Act and all of these things with Poindexter, with Total Information Awareness, etc., etc.
These guys are hell-bent On completely taking away all of our liberties and robbing us of our ability to think for ourselves, to protect our families and our property, and to enslave us in a total police state.
And what I just mentioned real quick too, Alex Jones' latest video, Police State 3, is a must-have video that you can get by calling 1-888 Uh, 253-3139-888, 253-3139, or InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
PreState 3 is, the subtitle is, Total Enslavement.
And he will demonstrate how this plan of theirs is well, well underway.
And we can't afford to be sleeping at the switch here right now, because things are really reaching a critical mass.
Uh, the next presidential election is coming up next year.
It's going to be interesting to see how this all pans out.
The hope is, as we've been talking on the program, the hope is that if we get informed and we know what's going on, we can use our vote and our voice to put a stop to this and end this totalitarian regime that's on the horizon.
One other thing too, Argentina, which Alex brought up, they're under a constitutional dictatorship.
And that's kind of where we're going.
John Dean of Watergate fame has written extensively on constitutional dictatorship.
That's another thing you need to check out.
1-800-259-9231 is our number.
Give us a call.
I'm Michael Corbin.
Stay tuned.
There's more to come on the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be right back.
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This is Michael Corbin from A Closer Look.
Does this scenario seem far-fetched or on the horizon?
Well, we may experience this level of government control if we don't stand up today and take back our God-given freedoms that have been taken in the name of the war on terrorism.
The number you have reached, 9-1-1, has been changed to a non-published number.
We are the Borg.
You will be assimilated.
Resistance is futile.
Yeah, right.
Yeah, right is right.
I'm Michael Corbin, sitting in for Alex Jones, who will return on Thursday.
Let's take a quick call, and then we're going to go to our guest, Greg Pallast.
We've got a caller from Michigan.
Good afternoon, you're on the air.
Yes, I have this problem with Gregory Pallast.
I think that You know, he's done a lot of very, very useful work.
He leaked the information about the W1999 document.
You know, he has done a lot of good things, but this is a person who has lionized Gray Davis.
Gray Davis has done more damage to California and this country than any governor could conceivably have done.
He's been all about eliminating the borders, basically creating one magnificent region
with Mexico, as he said, gun-grabbing, land-grabbing, and everything else.
He's recently passed a whole lot of really terrible legislation to curry favor with his
bosses so that he can stay in power.
My stomach really gets turned at the... I appreciate the focus on Arnold Schwarzenegger
and all of his problems, but I think we need to look at who these other people are, Bustamante
and Gray Davis.
They have to be gotten rid of.
Read about what a great man he is, fighting corruption.
I've read Greg Palast's articles to that effect.
So I think he should be challenged on those things.
Well, we'll talk to him about it.
You know, the thing is though, he is entitled to his opinion, and of course you are entitled to yours.
The idea is that everybody has their particular angle and viewpoint on things.
Well, his angle doesn't hold water.
He has done these things and he has...
dramatically assaulted the sovereignty of this country and the rights of the
people of california and he set a precedent that will be followed by for
the rest of us very short i don't know if i go that strong Why not?
Well, just listen to your language.
I mean, your language makes it sound like he's a devil or something.
He's not.
I think that Gray Davis is.
And I think that anyone that can support those things is totally against the principles of this country.
And I think that should be highlighted here.
Well, sure.
And of course, if Californians get Schwarzenegger, it's going to be worse than the previous.
I think it will be.
I don't think it will be different.
I think it will be the same.
Either way.
But I think that Gray Davis needs to be held accountable.
Your guest needs to be challenged on those things, and in support of Greg Davis.
Okay, well we'll ask him about that.
Alright, thank you.
Alright Dave, thanks for the call.
We're going to be getting Greg on here in just a moment.
Real quick, to update you on what he is going to be talking about, there is, apparently
he has been given documentation that discusses the fact that Arnold Schwarzenegger was in
a meeting on May 17, 2001 at the Peninsula Hotel in Los Angeles, which you heard Alex
This meeting was attended By Enron Chieftain Kenneth Ley and convicted stock swindler Mike Milken.
Now, what is interesting about this is that Bustamante had planned, Davis, Grey Davis and Bustamante had planned to make Enron and other power pirates, then ravaging California, pay back the $9 billion in illicit profits that they carried off.
Now, here's the story, and we're going to talk about it with Greg, is the story that Arnold Schwarzenegger does not want you to hear, and that is that the biggest single threat to Ken Flay and the Electricity Lords is a private lawsuit that was filed last year under California's unique civil code provision, 17-200, which is the Unfair Business Practices Act.
This litigation heading to trial now in Los Angeles would make the power companies return the nine billion dollars that they filched from California electricity and gas customers.
Okay, so when we get Greg on, he's going to talk about this because this is a very paramount thing because if Schwarzenegger is elected, this whole thing could go away and those guys would get to keep the nine billion dollars that they stole out of the pockets of the Californians.
And we're going to take a call now.
We've got someone calling from Oklahoma.
What was the name again?
Ron, we've got you on.
You're on the air.
I heard you talking a minute ago.
About Germany and suggesting that your listeners should read more history, I was going to suggest that they try to find a copy of William H. Shire's Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, or possibly Shire's Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler.
There are so many similarities to what happened in Nazi Germany and what's going on now.
The Reichstag fire, I'm here in Oklahoma City.
Shortly after the bombing, I was calling it the Reichstag bombing.
But Hitler's speech before the Reichstag after the fire in 1933, when he called for the Enabling Act, that was almost word for word George Bush's speech.
Makes you kind of wonder where they're getting their material for his speeches, right?
It was absolutely scary.
Yeah, yeah.
You know, I've always been fascinated by World War II and read a lot about it.
And when these things started happening, it just struck a chord immediately.
And everything, just lights came on.
You know, it's interesting because one of the things that also precipitated Hitler's power, coming to power in Germany, was the fact that he used the street thugs to terrorize the citizens.
The S.A.? ?
Yeah, and one of the things we're seeing now, you know, a few callers back mentioned the fact that there were certain things that were occurring in the 80s that were a lot more subtle, that were kind of paving the road to where we are today.
One of those things too that I observed was the proliferation of gang members.
And not only just proliferation of gang members, but the well-armored and well-funded gang groups out of California that eventually have populated a lot of the major cities in the United States.
And when you look at what's going on down on the street level, It makes you kind of wonder where they got their money, where they got their guns, and you know, the drug business.
Right, we even have it here in Oklahoma.
Yeah, and the cops act like, well we can't clean these guys up because there's too many of them.
But, you know, the problem is that if they really wanted to put a stop to it, they could.
But they don't, because they're being told to lay off.
Because those kinds of investigations would lead to some interesting places, as Gary Webb noted in a series of articles that he did for the San Jose Mercury News, when he discovered the CIA's involvement in funding some of these gangs with drugs and weapons.
My lady friend managed an apartment complex here in the city back in the 80s.
And there was a really bad, bad drug problem.
Really bad.
Couldn't get anybody to do anything.
Finally got one DEA guy interested.
And the city police wouldn't do anything.
And the only way I got the DEA interested was to tell them that there were white college kids from OU coming in on the weekend.
But otherwise, when it was just black, everybody looked the other way.
See, the thing is that we're going to have street violence erupting.
We're going to have violence erupting right on the streets.
And what's going to happen is you're going to have the guy come riding in on a white horse, and he will take care of the problem.
And then, of course, we will be beholden to him, and everybody will live happily ever after.
I was listening to your guest yesterday, and he was absolutely fascinating.
Which one, yesterday?
Paul David Collins?
Right, right.
Yeah, he's done a lot of research on this stuff, and you know, one of the things that, when we were talking about, you know, being informed and reading books and things like that, I highly encourage the audience also, if you can get a copy of Painted Black by Carl Rashke.
This book was written in 1990, so it's a little bit hard to get, but Painted Black kind of outlines the aesthetics of terror, what Rashke, who's a comparative religion professor at DU in Denver here, He outlines this thing about what he calls the Aesthetics of Terror, and it's kind of a history of terrorism.
And he kind of lays down the groundwork, too, to illustrate that not only is terrorism and Satanism walking hand in hand, but they are one and the same.
In other words, they are tools that are utilized by control freaks who want to gain control of large masses of people.
Thanks for the call.
We've got to move on.
Coming up, we've got Great Palace, so stay tuned.
There's more to come.
Our number today, 1-800-259-9231.
I'm Michael Corbin.
259-9231-1800. 259-9231. I'm Michael Corbin. We'll be right back with the Alex Jones Show.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And again, filling in for Alex Jones, I'm Michael Corbin.
Alex will return on Thursday, and our number today is 1-800-259-9231.
Again, that number is 1-800-259-9231.
259-9231. Again, that number is 1-800-259-9231. Now we're moving on to my guest, who is, he's
been called "twisted" by Katherine Harris in Florida.
Uh, the White House says, we hate that, and I can't complete the, uh, the sentence, but you can imagine, we hate that.
Uh, S-O-B, I guess you could use that word.
But anyway, and also, as you've heard, uh, one of our callers, uh, takes exception with his stance on Gray Davis.
But, as they say, variety is the spice of life.
I say, controversy is the spice of life.
It's a pleasure to welcome to the program Gregg Pallast, author of The Best Democracy Money Can Buy.
Gregg, welcome to the program.
Hey, Michael, glad to be with you.
Good to interview you again.
Take your best shot!
Well, you know what?
We're going to focus today on this discovery that you've written about, about Arnold Schwarzenegger's dirty little Enron secret.
I mean, it's not so secretive.
Not anymore.
Yeah, well, right.
Uh, the, uh, the governator there, um, met secretly in a hotel room with Ken Lay, the, uh, the mastermind of Enron.
And, uh, Mike Milken, the convicted stock swindler, and a few other luminaries of the dark world.
And, uh, this is in the middle of what we call the California energy crisis, the middle of the California energy Swindle about Ken Lay and his power company cronies ripping off the state.
And the whole discussion was about undercutting the investigations by the state and federal government.
Now, back in May of 2001, they didn't know who they could put up against Gray Davis as governor.
Mainly, they were concerned about his lieutenant governor.
A guy named Cruz Bustamante is actually on the ballot now, probably the number one challenger to Schwarzenegger, it's just a recall win.
He had filed a lawsuit a month before the meeting, which was demanding $9 billion back from these power pirates, and stands a very good chance of succeeding, unless of course a governor of the state steps in and gets in the way, and that's kind of a The purpose of the meeting was to get rid of the short circuit lawsuit.
And they didn't have a crystal ball.
Some people said, I don't want people misreading what I've uncovered.
They're not saying, let's start a recall and put up Arnie.
What they did is, because that was the guy named Issa that started that, they said, we have to go up against Davis, undercut him.
Stop these investigations.
And they had not only Schwarzenegger, but they had Reardon, who was the mayor of Los Angeles, who they thought might be the candidate for governor.
So they didn't know which of these guys were going to step in, but they, you know, the idea is to have, hey, have all the politicians in their pocket.
You know, it's cheap.
You don't know which one's going to run or work out, right?
That's the same thing.
So it's a con.
It was part of the continuing, what's continuing on, it's part of the continuing story of the power pirates ripping off the public.
It's still happening in Texas, it's happening all over the place.
Yeah, right, well it is.
Now, you know, given the fact that these guys, including Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is probably par excellence in this department, given the fact that a lot of these guys give new meaning to skeletons in the closet, let's look inside of Bustamante's closet.
What's in there?
Well, yeah, you know, one thing, I don't want people to get charmed, get the idea that I've fallen in love with some politicians of any party.
Not for me, right.
That doesn't happen.
In fact, yesterday I was viciously, I mean, I was like, I gotta tell you, I was viciously attacked yesterday for saying unkind things about my senator, Hillary Rodham.
Hillary the Rod.
And you know, but what do you want me to do?
I'm an investigative reporter.
For those who don't know, I'm an investigative reporter for BBC television.
And for the Guardian Papers of Britain, which are probably the most influential in the world, and certainly my news program is maybe the most widely seen in the world.
But I'm pretty much locked out of the U.S.
I kind of bounce off the electronic wall, except when, you know, Alex Jones gives me an opening.
And I just, you know, I tend to go after those in power.
That's what an investigative reporter does.
So when the Clintons were in power, I made them very unhappy, apparently, quite unhappy.
Well, you know, I've always measured my effectiveness and success by the things that are said nasty toward me, you know, like being called an SOB.
I tend to look at somebody and say, thank you, because I'm doing my job.
Yeah, you know, I mean, my other view is like, the interesting thing about Bustamante, where my problem comes in with him.
Hold that, Greg, because we'll take that when we come back from the break.
1-800-259-9231 is our number.
Greg Palast is my guest.
We're going to talk about Arnold's and Ron's secrets, coming back from the break.
Stay tuned.
There's more to come on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Michael Corbin.
We'll be right back.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
And again, I'm Michael Corbin, sitting in for Alex Jones, who will return on Thursday, and he will be continuing the InfoWars fight.
Our number is 1-800-259-9231.
Joining me is Greg Pallast, and we're talking about his latest article.
Joining me is Greg Pallast, and we're talking about his latest article.
Was it released yesterday, Greg, on Arnold's little secret Enron secret?
That come out yesterday?
Yes, and actually over the weekend, it was Friday night that they came out.
I just got these documents, internal Enron memos.
It added to some material that was already out there.
I do want to give some credit to the San Francisco Chronicle, which first learned of the secret meeting, but they didn't seem to have any information on why they would be meeting, and that required understanding, getting a little more info.
One, the memo saying that they clearly wanted to undercut Davis.
The other is that the state suit, which was the real threat to these guys, because California has an unusual law called the Unfair Business Practices Act, in which if you're ripped off by a series of corporations, You can sue.
It's unique to that state.
And I've done similar litigation.
In fact, I won a case, a $4 billion case, against a company in Long Island under statutes in New York.
And, by the way, talking about both parties being on the... Well, see, there's really only one party, Michael.
It's called, what I call, Hesba Shaquel, which is the party of the cash.
And in New York, I had this little Democrat, so-called Democrat, named Mario Cuomo, the great liberal hero.
He stepped in on a case.
And save the power company from a $4 billion payment.
In one case, in one coast, it's the governator.
On the other coast, it's the Democrats.
I don't want to say it's one party or the other, because it isn't.
It just flows into one thing.
I mean, it's the whoredom of the cash party.
Yeah, exactly.
And that's one of the problems.
So I don't want people to think that this is some type of partisan investigation.
I mean, I should say I am, but it's a bipartisan investigation.
So we've got both the governator and then we also have the copy of New York Politico's Democrat, Cuomo, doing the same.
Actually, he actually did the game.
He actually saved a company.
He was in position.
These guys lost the racketeering case.
He actually stepped into a federal case to save a group of racketeers.
And he gave, right now, our dear liberal leader, in case people wonder whatever happened to Mario Cuomo?
You know, I mean, he's a Where Are They Now personality.
What he's doing now, he gave a no-bid, big fat no-bid legal contract to a law firm named Wilkie Farr Gallagher.
Today, he is at Wilkie Farr Gallagher.
So I just want you, the taxpayers in New York, to know that their money went to Good purpose, to make sure that Mario Cuomo continued to live in the style to which he'd become accustomed at your expense.
The lap of luxury, yes.
You know, I don't want anyone to think, well, oh, he's out to get Arnold because he's out to help the Democrats.
No, it doesn't matter.
It's the same game.
Sure it is.
On the other hand, I have to say, Bustamante did the right thing by bringing that lawsuit He seems to be a bit afraid of it, because he certainly doesn't like to shout about it, but I think that, you know, clearly it just brought down firepower on his head, corporate money boys that really went after him.
And don't forget, the energy crisis started under a guy named Bill Clinton.
The year 2000 was the Clinton presidency, and Clinton While Davis is drowning, Davis is getting absolutely pounded politically because of the power prices rising.
Clinton didn't act on that until December, until after the election.
I mean, he waited.
California's drowning, and he didn't take any action until December of that year.
He waited until the hemorrhage was well-established, and then he acted.
Oh, yeah.
I mean, he didn't care.
You know, look, and you have to look at another thing.
Uh-oh, they won't... I guess people won't like this one.
One of the reasons seems to be a great prejudice toward power companies in the Clinton administration, which may have to do with the fact that Hillary Rodham represented one of the big, giant power companies ripping off California.
Out of Little Rock, Arkansas, enter G International.
Isn't that interesting?
Isn't that interesting?
But, you know, I mean, I'm not saying that there's a direct connection.
I'm not saying that the Clintons are influenced by money.
It just looks that way.
You know, I don't know what to tell you.
You know, it's like, and you can see that, by the way, in the book, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy, I don't want, that's very important that people understand that I have a chapter, by the way, a new chapter, which is in the edition out now, called California Riemann, Deregulation and the Power Pirates, the real story there, and it tells about Hillary and her connections, and it tells about Enron and the connections, of course, deep into the Bush family.
These guys have been plugged in, and I know they're kind of plugged in, but this has been going on for a long time.
Yeah, I mean, you have to understand, Enron was a kind of, you know, Bush creation to some extent.
The Bush family, they grew up together politically.
The corporation really was established in about 19... it was only established around 1986 out of Houston Natural Gas, and it was the creation of deregulation, which really started with Governor Bush out of Texas.
Now, deregulation first caught on in California under Pete Wilson.
Now, there's a Republican there, and so it mixes up under Pete Wilson.
But these are Texas power companies.
Enron, TXU, which is Texas Utilities, Reliant, which is the alias for Houston Industries, Southern Company, Entergy, Hillary's company.
We're basically dickering among themselves about how to divide up the market.
And I saw them just rip off one nation after another.
They came to America late, as you'll see in the book.
I mean, they were behind.
They gave some emphasis to the coup d'etat in Pakistan, which is how we end up with a berserker, maniac, Mosul fanatic military dictator in Pakistan.
Who is, by the way, now our ally.
I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea just because I said someone's a berserker with a weapon.
The guy has nuclear weapons.
We don't need to send in inspectors in Pakistan because the guy, the dictator there, exploded his bomb on national television.
So, you have to understand, these power pirates have been operating worldwide.
They didn't just show up in California one day.
They start out in Texas, but then they move to England, Brazil, Pakistan, leaving broken bones and bought-off politicians in their wake, and then they ended up in California.
In empty piggy banks.
That's right.
And so they picked up, you know...
To them, you know, Schwarzenegger was not, I wouldn't say, their creation.
They just jumped on, grabbed on, and funded the, you know, the Frankenstein.
I say, you know, in this whole equation, he's probably a bit player that, you know, he's a bit player and he's willing to roll over for cash.
His lines are all scripted.
He seems to believe this stuff, you know, but on the other hand, it's very clear when he's not scripted that he doesn't quite know what to do.
And, you know, people are voting They seem to be attracted to this guy because they see this larger-than-life guy on the screen.
Well, if you like fictional characters, then why don't you write in Spider-Man?
Or Mickey Mouse!
He's never been an intro.
He's never touched anyone behind except for his web, and then it's only the bad guy.
Now, let's talk about this.
After they've looted or robbed the consumers in California of $9 billion, how does Arnold fit into this equation in Bustamante, and what are the dynamics of this game?
It gets really complicated.
All our schemes tend to be kind of complicated.
They've got a problem in that Enron, because it imploded, all this garbage came out.
In fact, if you want it, you don't have to be a great investigative reporter to get some of this stuff.
The bankruptcy courts have required that internal Enron documents be posted on the web.
Out of Texas, that's right.
What you'll find is that all the games and schemes are laid bare.
They would falsely schedule power.
They had these colorful names for playing the market, like Get Shorty and Death Star, but basically they would You know, lie about what they were selling and not selling.
They would sell power that didn't exist.
There's all these ways to fake out the market.
When that didn't work, they would simply meet in hotel rooms and divide up the market and figure who pays what.
It wasn't just Enron, by the way.
Like, corporations like El Paso, which, you know, they would shut down gas going into power plants.
The power plants would shut down and they'd sell the big electricity from their other plant and make a killing in a single day.
You know that big blackout they had in California a couple of years ago?
Is that somehow related to this maybe?
It was 100% related to it.
Because what they were doing is that they were playing games with the market.
For example, in one case, Enron Corporation sold 500 megawatts of power.
That's a huge amount of power.
Which they said, which they bid.
They had this goofy bidding system, which was like a fixed casino.
But they had this goofy bidding system.
Enron wins the bid to send 500 megawatts of power into California.
But it goes over a line that can only handle 1515 megawatts of power.
Now if you try to pour a gallon of gasoline into a thimble, it's going to go all over the place.
And it doesn't work.
So the power engineers in California said, oh my God!
If that stuff goes over the line, one, the lines will evaporate.
Literally, they'll vaporize if you do that.
Or at least they'll trip and everything will go dark.
So we can't get the power there.
So we better... We'll pay anything, absolutely anything, to get power in from other sources.
And prices went up 10,000% in an hour.
And, of course, Enron and their cronies were there to sell it to them.
That's the type of games that were played.
And when they played it one too many times, what happened was that We used to have an old system that was regulated, you know, people complained about regulation, but you know, basically you had a bunch of engineers that would say, we need so much electricity over here from those plants over there.
This time it's like these wacky bidding systems, and these guys knew that you couldn't get, you know, you can't run power in two directions at the same time, you can't, you know, and they would figure out the physical glitches in the system until finally, you know, a few times it just went kablooey.
Let me do this.
Our wires are burning up here.
Julie from Ohio would like to get on here.
Good afternoon, Julie.
You're on with my guest, Greg Pallast.
Hi, Greg.
I'm in Rhode Island.
I've actually heard you on Jack Blood's show at WARL.
Oh, great.
You had a good interview there, and I haven't looked up your book yet, but I will.
You sound like a fascinating person.
Please continue to tell us the truth and uncover all this stuff, because we peons like to know what's going on.
Well, you're not a peon.
You're still a voter until they computerize the voting systems.
Your votes still count.
That's coming soon.
I just want to make a quick announcement and I'll get off the line.
It has nothing to do with Greg or anything like that, but tonight in Rhode Island, in Providence at the City Hall, People are going to come out and repeal the Patriot Act in Providence.
Well, then that means that there are real patriots in Providence.
Well, you know, we're trying to do what we can.
As I try to explain to people, I'm a mother of three, your baby doesn't come out running out of you.
You have to teach it how to walk and take baby steps.
So hopefully four states and 400 cities have done this, and hopefully the federal government will get the idea.
That's right.
And on newtowards.com, by the way, too, there's another city that's getting ready to do it.
So it's starting to catch on.
I think people are starting to see.
They're peeling back the veil, and they're seeing that there's a monster back there.
Yeah, well, in fact, actually, one thing you'll find out in my book, because I have, as Alex has noted, In fact, today Michael Morris' film comes out about the connection between the Bush and the Bin Laden family, which is triggered by my research for BBC television.
And I just, in fact, won an award for that this week from something called Project Censored.
The California State University's journalism school gives out awards for the most important stories not reported in the United States about the connection between the Bushes and the Bin Laden.
But here's a good connection for you.
The firm that did that computer fix Of knocking off thousands of legal voters in Florida and handing the race to the Bushes in Florida in 2000.
They are now the number one contractor for homeland security.
They are keeping billions of records.
I know they've admitted to me 16 billion records that they're keeping on American homeland security.
Is that Choice Point?
Choice Point out of Atlanta and these guys are ...are raking it in.
And by the way, remember, there was all those headlines last month which seemed to have just kind of drifted away about this guy Grasso at the New York Stock Exchange, given a salary of $160 million.
But no one asked why.
They just said it was obscene.
But what was the point of the obscenity?
The obscenity was proposed by a board member of the exchange named Ken Langone.
Langone was the guy who was being charged With security fraud.
And giving money to his crony Grasso was a way of protecting himself.
Who is Langone?
That, his company, is Choice Point.
His company is the company that's the big winner.
And the term, big winner in the War on Terror, I got from Forbes Magazine.
They say, who's the big winner in the War on Terror?
Choice Point.
And these are the guys that fixed the election.
These are the guys that are fixing the New York Stock Exchange.
These are the guys that have records on Americans.
You know, and that's one question I have for you.
When did we become the suspects?
We had 19 hijackers, not one American citizen.
Why are American citizens on the suspect list?
We're all suffering for it, too.
Let's move on.
We've got a caller, Jeff, calling in from Texas.
Good afternoon, Jeff.
You're on with my guest.
Hey guys, you guys are doing a great job today.
I appreciate it.
Thanks, Jeff.
Listen, I'm calling from Austin, Texas, and I know Alex, and I have a cable television show just like he does.
And I know you're going to be in for the Green Festival this weekend.
I know you're speaking on Sunday.
I'll be in Saturday night through Monday morning in Austin.
Oh, well, that's what I was going to ask you.
Our show is live on Monday night, so maybe you could call... You better call my office and not hang up poor Michael here with that request, okay?
Always contact Greg.
Anyone can, by the way, go to gregpalace.com and see these nasty BBC television programs that are just too difficult to show on American TV or read this material.
Obviously, you can read the book, but it does have a contact, Greg.
So, if you have some comments or complaints, please do that.
I will do that today.
Also, I wanted to ask you just real quick, it's kind of off-subject, but how did you get a hold of that document, W1999I, and I'll hang up and listen now.
Okay, people are wondering what that is.
document that w_ one nine nine nine i and i'll all hang up a look at that
okay i think that the or what if people are wondering what that is uh...
document uh... of one ninety nine i uh... that the designation for national security
The secret FBI document, which I've published at least a hunk of it in my book, I want to get all of it up on my website, but it is a document which indicates that there was a prior request to investigate two members of the Bin Laden family in the U.S.
and FBI agents were not released to do so until September 13, 2001.
And that document was dropped on BBC television researchers by disgruntled agents.
Well, I can't really say that's exactly what happened.
Here's exactly what happened.
Agents came in to talk to our team and they said, asked some dumb questions about, I don't know, what the heck.
Greg, can I interrupt you?
We've got to take a break.
I'm going to work you over for the last part, okay?
All right.
Great Palaces.
My guest will return in just a moment on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Michael Corbin.
We'll be right back.
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We continue.
We're on the homestretch here of the Alex Jones Show for today.
Greg Palast is my guest.
Greg, I want to ask you real quick, if I could, what happens here if Arnold is elected governor in Florida with this $9 billion problem?
Well, I think he'll be elected in California this time, Florida next time.
He's in Florida.
If Arnold is elected governor, what happens is that he's assented to this idea of undercutting the investigation.
The state has demanded $9 billion from the Bush administration.
That is, that the Bush administration order the power pirates to return the $9 billion that they stole.
The federal government realizing that, in fact, that's their job, what's called the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
It's job is to be the police.
They've got the evidence on these guys, but rather than simply demand that they return the money, the feds have said under Bush's guidance, and by the way, the head of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, a guy named Woods, was personally proposed to Bush by Ken Lay.
He's saying that the power companies can get off the hook by settling the case by paying like one to two cents on the dollar.
That's it!
Now if that happened, if that happened, the only thing that could stop it is if the governor of California jumps in and says he will not put up with it and joins with the lieutenant governor in court.
Saying this will not stand and let the court case go ahead if otherwise what happens is the judge in California in the civil litigation I know it's complicated, but that's how these things work.
The civil litigation won't have much choice but to say, the federal government has stepped in, the elected governor of the state has no complaint, case dismissed.
I think that's the way it's heading, and that's the danger.
I've tried to reach Arnold to say whether he's really going to go along with this scheme, and the only thing that happened is that some woman confronted him with my article and said, are you in bed with Ken Lay?
And his response was, well, literally, I'm not making this up, he did this in Bakersfield Saturday.
Well, I wasn't in bed with you!
So, you know, that's the answer so far.
But, you know, we'll see what happens.
I don't think there's much chance of getting back the $9 billion then, as a practical matter.
The Ken Lays guys in there at the federal level, with Bush's approval, they'll have the governorship of California.
And Bustamante also, don't forget, Bustamante is a politician like anyone else.
He sees which way the wind blows, and he might just scamper away and say, well, it's not worth fighting anyway.
He just keeps on going, and it will keep on going until people start putting their foot down and saying, no more.
No more, exactly.
And like I say, you have to say no more, not just the Republicans, it's not just the Schwarzeneggers, it's the Cuomos of this planet, too.
And when the public, like this woman calling from Rhode Island, steps in and says, well, you know, you may think of us as peons, but in fact, we ultimately have the vote.
We're not going to put up with it, and we're going to stand by people who stand by us.
And like I say, that's the key thing.
Because unfortunately, both parties have been money poisoned on this one.
Greg, we're out of time.
Okay, well great, Michael.
I'm really glad to be with you.
Well, same here.
And thank you very much for coming on the program and informing us about this whole debacle in California.
It's interesting.
Well, we'll be in touch.
Again, that was Greg Pallast.
His website is www.gregpallast.com.
And that's it for us today.
I will see you tomorrow in for Alex Jones, who will return on Thursday.
And I've got an interesting lineup for you tomorrow as well.
We're going to kind of look more closely at the aesthetics of terror.
Jimmy Rothstein, James Rothstein, is going to join me on the program to talk about some of the stuff that he did as a retired New York City police detective.
And working on the Son of Sam case, among other things.
And we're going to look at how those things relate to today.
That's it for us.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Good day.
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