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Name: 20031002_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 2, 2003
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Not yet available in Iowa.
This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, my friends.
Another live edition Of the Alex Jones Show, and here I am, your little host, Alex Jones.
On our little show, going out coast to coast on the AM and FM dial, simulcasting on global shortwave, the internet, satellite, you name it.
We're going to have wide open phones, yet again today, and of course some great guests, and we're going to go into all the latest news and developments proving that we have this This corrupt world government and, well, hopefully spurring you to action to educate yourself on these facts and then to go out and warn others.
Look at these headlines today.
Columbine files to be destroyed.
This is out of the Denver Post.
Victims' families want depositions made public.
The Feds want all that stuff secret, including the videotapes of what really happened inside.
Oh, they've released ten seconds of Harrison Klebold stumbling around in the cafeteria, but that's about it.
Why were the SWAT teams kept outside for four hours?
Police admitted in depositions that they had shot quite a few of the children.
Why are they destroying this evidence?
Well, the evidence that's out shows That Harris and Kleibol weren't shooting anybody.
This was a federal operation.
I'll go back into that today.
Also, did Bush serve?
Did Bush serve?
Now, this has been discussed ad nauseum on this network, by this show, by other shows.
The documents are out.
His actual record is out, is public.
He went AWOL for over a year and a half.
Anyone else would have been arrested for this.
And now it's finally coming out that he just wasn't a draft dodger, folks.
He got a, well, an elitist appointment to the Air National Guard here in Texas, and then he walked off from that to embrace Jack Daniels and cocaine.
Did Bush serve?
Claims he was an Alabama guard, but there's no record.
See, he went to work for a campaign in Alabama, and he just quit, folks.
He walked off.
So, uh, we'll get into that.
Also, big headline here.
Are you ready for a militarized police force?
The Bush administration is calling for the repeal of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, a law passed after the Civil War to prohibit the deployment of federal military forces onto American streets to control civilian lives.
Otherwise known as martial law.
That's the main stream article.
Otherwise known as martial law.
That's not Alex Jones.
No, my friends, that's, uh, the, uh, Veil News here.
So, we'll be going over that.
Also, gun owners begin lying down weapons.
This is, uh, laying down weapons.
This is out of the Advertiser, big paper in Australia.
And they have begun to turn in.
First, they banned almost all the guns.
Now they're banning the rest.
People are dutifully showing up and turning them in.
Of course, about five years ago, the real Crocodile Dundee, the guy who was Mr. Australia that the movies were made about, not Mr. Hogan, but the real Crocodile Dundee, the famous hunter, tracker, he wouldn't turn his guns in.
The SWAT team dropped by and gunned him down in his home in cold blood.
So, they've taught a lot of folks lessons out there.
You turn your guns in.
We bring in the illegal aliens.
We take your jobs.
We break the country down.
You like the New World Order?
Now they're announcing, yeah, we got a DNA database from all of you at birth.
Yeah, we're taking all your freedoms.
Yeah, how do you like it?
Yeah, we're taking your land.
Yeah, that's right.
We're the New World Order.
So, gun owners begin laying down their weapons.
Here's another one.
More people were killed with knives than guns in 2002, says Statistics in Canada.
That's an interesting little headline there.
We'll be getting into that.
This is just some of the news.
Yeah, we got some arny news as well.
But a big show lined up for you on this 2nd of October, 2003, Thursday edition.
The websites are infowars.com and prisonpanda.com.
I'm Alejandro Jones.
We'll be right back.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright my friends, eight minutes into this first hour.
We're going to have wide open phones today on the show.
A total free number to join us on air to discuss any news item you've seen on television or read in the newspaper or more importantly propaganda you've seen in the dramas and sitcoms and the fiction where the real mind control is being meted out to the American people and the people of the planet.
Do you want to comment on any of that?
Bring up issues that I've missed or things that you think are important or particular facets of societal trends?
This show is about discussing our world, and about discussing history, and the trends, and what powerful people try to do, and, well, what the Global Crime Syndicate, known as the New World Order, is up to.
So again, the toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
Columbine files to be destroyed.
This is out of the Denver Post.
Victims' families want depositions made public.
Oh, but the government says it's national security.
And, uh, well, I guess it really is national security.
A special room under strict lock and key, filled with evidence from two settled Columbine cases, is being shut down, and a federal magistrate has ordered some of the materials, including depositions of the killers' parents, destroyed.
Why in this huge murder case, 14 dead, this huge spectacle on Adolf Hitler's birthday in 1999, Or the day after Adolf Hitler's birthday.
Why would you see the destruction of that evidence?
Well, Oklahoma City, they blow up the building, they tear it down, they take it to a landfill, a private whack-a-dunk landfill, pour concrete over it, dig a 30-foot deep pit, and have armed guards with Heckler & Koch submachine guns right now to guard that.
To guard that entombed concrete within concrete.
Same thing with the World Trade Center.
They had the company control demolition, the same folks that did the demolition, the second demolition, you know, getting rid of the evidence there at Oklahoma City.
They ran that World Trade Center a year and a half ago, tearing that down, and shipped it to China.
And even the firefighters threw a fit and said, you're destroying evidence.
There's a cover-up here.
It was on all the New York papers.
Never saw it in your local papers that were on the news.
Kind of regionalized, but over and over again, just gotta destroy that evidence.
Of course, I remember the children coming out.
I remember the reports that there were several other full-grown men in black ski masks and black outfits shooting children inside.
And later, several of the police admitted, crying, that I had shot, you know, that they had shot, they said, I had shot children.
Oh, I'm so sad I killed the children, crying about it.
That came out with Rocky Mountain News and the Denver Post, but kind of got swept under the rug.
And then you've got the feds grabbing the surveillance camera tapes and then releasing ten seconds of Harrison Klebold running around the cafeteria.
There were over a hundred propane butane bombs, but they claim these guys just came out of the parking lot shooting and attacking, but there were a hundred.
Not a dozen, a hundred.
Some of them huge!
propane and butane bombs all over the school over a hundred and you've got the sheriff and the school principal at subway just so happens during school that morning having a meal together and about what would they say forty percent of the teachers were out that day the school was about half empty Just folks didn't come to school that day.
And, uh, Harris and Kleibold...
They had interesting parents.
One was a nuclear physicist, the other an Air Force officer.
They both worked for private defense contractors in interesting capacities.
The founder of the Trenchcoat Mafia, two years before the tragic events in 99, was the son of a prominent FBI agent, and of course worked the case.
Harris and Kleibold ran the school's internet and made a video about how they were going to kill everybody just a few months before.
But again, let's just ignore all that.
But you can't ignore it when they're going to destroy the evidence.
A special room under strict lock and key filled with evidence from two settled Columbine cases is being shut down and a federal magistrate has been ordered that the materials, including depositions of the killer's parents, be destroyed.
The room in the federal courthouse in downtown Denver was set aside in 2002 to house particular documents and materials deemed to be worthy of special handling and security, according to court documents.
Now the two cases have been settled.
Magistrate Judge Patricia Owen is apparently cleaning house.
But her order has angered families of Columbine victims and others who want information from depositions on the parents of the killers, Eric Harris and Dylan Feibold, to be made public.
Yeah, there's a bunch of lawsuits still going on, but they won't release the depositions of the police and of the parents and of the witnesses and the other children.
We just can't release that in lawsuits or court cases.
Just, you can't have the eyewitnesses, you gotta have depositions.
Just, no, you just can't read what's in them.
You can't touch it!
Why is that?
And, uh, it says, uh, who are they protecting, said Rich Patrone, stepfather of slain student Daniel Rarbar.
Am I pronouncing that right?
And, uh, oh, yeah, Roarborough, uh, was one of the guys who was shot by the police.
Are they protecting the murderer's families?
There should be a public outcry.
There we go.
Oh, we got it right.
Patron and others believe that information gleaned from the depositions could possibly prevent another Columbine tragedy from happening.
Reflecting on recent school shootings throughout the country, Patron called the destruction ordered by Cohen ridiculous.
Well, yeah, if you think Judge Cohen's a good person, it doesn't make any sense to destroy evidence.
It's ridiculous.
You don't do that for just a basic murder case, or a rape case, or an armed robbery.
But in this case, just...
It's like Waco, a little concrete church records vault with a hole blown on the top.
They had the bulldozers crush that, haul it off, bury it in a big pit at a private landfill, and pour concrete into it and mix it all together.
By the way, I talked to one of the concrete truck drivers, folks.
I already knew about this, and I asked him about it, because I rebuilt, with listeners of this show, a memorial church that seats about 400, a two-story church, there at Mount Carmel a few years ago.
I was tired of folks talking about how sad they were about Waco.
I thought because we were cowards and didn't do anything then, we could do something now.
So we built them that nice church, and while they were... While we'd have the concrete trucks out there pouring, I would talk to the concrete truck drivers, and one of them particularly said, oh yeah, I was hired.
They had dozens of trucks there, and we were to mix the chunks of the church records vault in with the concrete.
Same thing with Oklahoma City.
You have controlled demolition of the building, you haul it away under guard, you dig a pit, and then you break it up in pieces, and you pour concrete in with it.
There's no reason to do that.
That's to destroy the evidence, so in a hundred years, a thousand years, archaeologists won't be able to go in and separate it out and find out what's going on and look at what developed.
It'll all just be one big merged blob.
That's how the Mafia likes to kill people, or after they've killed them, they like to dispose of them, you know, burying them in a large foundation of a structure.
They found dead bodies entombed in concrete.
Well, it's just a great way to seal something up.
You can't just dig in and prove anything.
But again, I mean, just criminality right in your face, folks.
I don't know what else you want to know about these people.
And I don't want to spend all day on Columbine, but I know we have a lot of listeners there in Colorado, but we cover the whole state on several great, I don't know, six great stations we're on there.
And I'd like to know from the listeners there in Colorado what they think about this, particularly.
And think of all the police state gas milers they got out of this.
In my film, The Takeover, I show how even before Columbine, they had FEMA and the Secret Service, quote, involved in school drills.
And just conveniently, the shooting happened the week before the NRA convention, right while the big anti-gun crowd was meeting in New Orleans.
Just magically, this occurs.
And even people like Limbaugh have had to point out that every time there's a big gun bill being introduced, magically there's some mass shooting.
And then you add together the police admitting that they shot at least some of the children.
You add together the school having a lot of people out of class that day, the principal, the sheriff meeting, and it's scary stuff.
The government is essentially destroying our property without paying for it.
That's what some of the locals are saying.
I'm extremely frustrated and my clients are extremely frustrated.
Lawyer Arlington said his clients paid $3,000 Uh... to record the depositions of the killer's parents.
Oh yeah, they've already paid for all this, folks.
The government is essentially destroying our property without paying for it, Arlington said.
I remember they had to pay, like, exorbitant amounts of money for police emails, uh... from the sheriff, and the sheriff wouldn't release them.
Won't release your emails?
Hmm, the day before.
Hmm, what's in those?
The government is essentially destroying our property without paying for it, Arlington said.
In the, uh... order handed down by Cohen, on Tuesday, the court found that there would be no further purpose needed or use for any of the five depositions to remain in existence because the case has been settled.
Oh yeah, I'd imagine that a law school doesn't want those for their records, huh?
I'd imagine nobody wants it.
The two cases involved in the order are Mark Allen Taylor v. Solvay Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
And Brian Roroboro and four other victims' families versus the parents of Harrison Clybolt.
And the government is destroying that evidence to protect the parents of the Patsy children.
They don't want any investigations, any court cases on this.
And of course, we're also trying to protect the psychotropic drug makers these young men were hopped up on.
Alright, we'll come back.
Did Bush serve in the International Guard?
Did he go AWOL in Alabama?
The answer is of course he did.
Getting rid of posse commentatus, a bunch of election news.
It's all coming up in your phone calls.
Call 1-800-259-9231.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
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you lose nothing but the death you know folks you can go climb in a hole somewhere and
hope the new world order passes you by but you're gonna rot
in that little cave you built for yourself.
The Globalists are a bunch of degenerate, lying, murderous, ruthless, sadistic trash.
They have a religion of sadism.
And sadistically feeding on populations.
They love death.
They love to meat it out.
They love to mutate societies and dumb you down.
They love to control you and starve you mentally, spiritually, physically.
They love to poison your very soul!
So get angry!
And stand up!
And educate yourself about history!
And understand you're part of the ancient war against tyranny!
Do it now, my friends!
Be part of history!
We're about to go to Mark, Mike, Mike, Mike, Angus, and many others that are patiently holding.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 800-259-9231.
Let's just go to calls.
Then I'll go to Did Bush Serve ABC News?
Are you ready for a militarized police force, otherwise known as martial law?
That's the headline.
I love it.
Here's another mainstream news article.
Gun owners begin lying down weapons.
Laying down weapons.
I'm from Texas.
Lying down weapons.
And more people were killed with knives than guns in 2002.
Oh, very interesting statistic out of Canada.
Kuwait foils smuggling of chemicals, bio-warheads from Iraq.
That's a big headline.
What does that mean?
Devious virus attacks on the rise.
Arnold's in a lot of trouble.
It means his bill rating will go up for basically groping women on elevators.
Well, that's pretty bad, but it's better than some things he's done.
I guess that means he was doing the other stuff for money.
The stuff with the men for money and the stuff with women because he likes it.
That's just some of the news here.
I'm sorry.
Also, Americans want President Bush and Congress to renew the gun ban.
More propaganda from the media.
Conservative critics blast NAACP opposition to the Caucasian Student Club.
And it's actually a Heinz 57 girl.
You know, she's multiple races.
Human race, I guess you'd say.
She says there's kind of a reverse racism against whites.
And I've experienced this.
I'm pretty young, folks.
So I don't have this big guilt complex that a lot of older folks have.
And I don't care what color you are, but if you have a problem with me and you're a racist, I'll end up not liking you.
But not because of your race, but because you don't like me.
And then you think your racism's okay because you're a minority.
But you're really the majority globally, and pretty much are the majority here.
I don't know, it's just amazing.
We'll get into that, too.
Right now, let's talk to Mark in Minnesota.
Mark, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Liberal Commie.
That's right.
I'm pro-gun, pro-border, pro-sovereignty.
You are a liberal extremist commie.
That's what you are, Alex.
So is Ron Paul.
He's against Trotsky, yes.
You left me an extremist.
But I noticed a few days ago, you were saying how Bush could marry Fidel Castro.
And people still call Bush a conservative.
Well, he didn't exactly marry Castro.
But he has gotten into bed with Castro.
That's my point.
That's the analogy.
While putting out rhetoric they don't like, the Republicans are moving to normalize relations.
Well, it goes beyond that.
In fact, there was something that happened.
Bush's president is in the year 2001, and it was so horrible.
I can't believe this hasn't received that much media coverage at all.
I'm not sure if you're familiar with exactly what happened in Angola, but you have the communist Marxist regime of Jose Eduardo de Santos, who has been backed up by none other than Fidel Castro, and you have Cuban communist troops, Marxist troops, who are helping to prop that Marxist regime up, and killing Jonas Avendi, and killing his followers, the Freedom Fighters.
Well, in fact, Reagan had backed Jonas and Demby.
Not that Reagan was really all that conservative, but he at least backed Jonas and Demby.
Well, let's just say it.
I mean, Reagan is ultra right-wing compared to Bush.
We want to use that whole spectrum.
But then Bush Sr.
came around, and Chevron wanted to get involved in oil exploration in Angola.
So Chevron gets into bed with the Jose Eduardo de Santos Marcos regime.
Next thing you know, Bush Sr.
using the UN and so forth, decides to impose sanctions on the Savimbi faction
so that they can't get weapons.
We'll talk about this when we get back, Mark.
And we'll go to the other Mikes and Angus and others that are holding.
Stay with us.
uh... on the report and that the washington regime the bush regime in
concert with the del castro and chevron by the way you had so human marxist troops
guarding chevron oil wells that are there will
we'll talk about this will get back mark will go to the other uh... mike's and
angus and others that are holding tell us a lot more coming up
we're on the march the empire's on the run Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Welcome back folks.
Welcome back folks.
Alex Jones here.
Now 33 minutes and 15 seconds into this first hour of this 2nd of October 2003 worldwide transmission against tyranny.
For those that just joined us, Mark in Minnesota was raising the point of how Not just Chevron, but Dutch Royal Shell and others work with every unsavory group you can imagine.
In fact, we have the communist...
Chinese, according to BBC, by the tens of thousands, the military, guarding BP and Dutch World Shell installations in Sudan, helping with the extermination program of the Christians there in the South.
This is on the record, folks.
And then down in the central areas of Africa, as you were just mentioning, Fidel Castro's troops there, guarding Chevron bases, slaughtering those to get their land.
I mean, the globalists don't care.
They want to work with dictators.
They want to work with one person.
They want to work with strong men, because then they've just got to pay one person off and get the population as slaves.
And go ahead and finish the fine point you were making about our neocon president who's trying to normalize relations with Havana, Cuba.
Yeah, so anyway, you have, you know, communist Cuban troops guarding Chevron oil wells in Angola.
And, of course, it was our policy under Reagan to have backed Jonas Avimbi.
Good man.
You know, good man.
And I encourage people to go look up information on him.
Good solid freedom fighter right there, opposing that wicked Marxist regime in Angola, José Eduardo de Santos.
Well, eventually, you know, they decided they were just going to take Jonas Avimbi out, you know, get rid of him.
And so a few years ago, 2001 here, the Bush regime, Uh, colluding with, uh, Cuban, uh, with, uh, you know, the Cuban Marxists, Fidel Castro, and, uh, José Eduardo de Santos, uh, regime, decide to assassinate Jonas Avimbi, using, uh, you know, sophisticated, uh, cracking technology, you know.
Well, thank you, Mark, for the call.
Really amazing points.
And we did cover that at the time when it happened.
And this is what's frustrating.
to Santos, come visit them out in Washington, D.C. I mean, it's horrible. Absolutely horrible.
Thank you, Mark, for the call. Really amazing points. And we did cover that at the time
when it happened. And this is what's frustrating. When I sit up here and I freak out on air
and I say, "70% of the American people don't know where Iraq is on a map." The numbers
are 70 to 90 percent depending on adults, college students or high school students.
But between 70 and 90 percent, depending on what poll, don't know who the Vice President is.
It doesn't matter if it's Bill Clinton, who's in office, or George Bush.
They don't know who Dick Cheney is.
They don't know who Al Gore is.
Most people haven't seen the poll numbers on it, but if they don't know where Iraq is or who the Vice President is, I guarantee the numbers are even worse.
And I've done little polls on the streets.
For my TV show, I've walked up to maybe 20 people and said, what's the Fourth Amendment?
And maybe, if you talk to 20 people, maybe one person will say, oh, they've got to have a warrant.
So, you know, this caller is bringing up our government meeting with communist murderers who are taking over and slaughtering people for the oil companies, and they don't even know where Angola is.
They have no idea of the history of Africa.
They have no idea about how these criminal crime cartels, that's what the New World Order is, is different allied houses, the Global Crime Syndicate, how they have used fascists and communists and created these people as their tools.
So, you're trying to explain this to somebody, they go, wait a minute, isn't Bush a conservative?
Well, can't I go back to sleep?
That's my frustration, because we see this over and over and over again.
It's like, The head of the New York Stock Exchange, Richard Grasso.
I mean, I have the Reuters and AP photos, a bunch of them, where he met the head of the FARC guerrilla in 99, hugged him, the head of the Communist guerrillas who control about a third of Columbia, and told him, either you invest with us, put your drug money in our banks and the stock market, or we're going to come down here and bomb you.
You can either make money or get bombs.
He threatened him.
That was a quote.
And, uh, the FARC said no.
Now, I'm not for the FARC, you understand.
They're just another little crime syndicate that didn't play ball with the bigger criminals.
And, uh, you know, the bigger mafia.
And so it's like a larger mafia group.
Uh, you know, the New York mob going after some little, uh, Irish mob or something in some small town.
In one of those little mob wars where people don't roll over.
And so that's the same equivalent.
You've got the big New York mob of today going after a little communist mob down in Colombia, who want to keep their own money.
And by the way, all the drug interdiction, all the drug spraying, all the stuff that's going on down there, that's just of the communist-controlled areas.
The drug war is against their competition internationally, and internally, it's about a police state and packing the prisons with fresh souls who build the whack-and-hunt widgets and then drive down the labor cost and displace more middle-class people.
So this is the system.
But you try to explain that to somebody, they don't know who Richard Grasso is, they don't know who the head of the New York Stock Exchange is, they don't know he just got $139.5 million, $139.5 million dollars for all the scams he's been running.
They don't know that there's a law that the New York Stock Exchange is allowed to take drug money from outside the country.
They don't know that Bush is hanging out with murdering dictators.
They don't know!
But here's Professor Carol Quigley, and then I'll go to more calls.
This was Bill Clinton's mentor at Georgetown.
And this was a guy who wrote Tragedy and Hope, and who believed in one world government, and admitted that he had studied the one world government movement, and that he thought it was a great thing.
And in Bill Clinton's, one of his first State of the Unions, he thanked, in several speeches, in a speech and in a State of the Union, he thanked Professor Carol Quigley.
As his mentor that saw the potential for him to be a president someday.
Now this is Professor Carl Quigley in his book, Tragedy and Hope.
I'm reading this from my book, Descent into Tyranny, where I have this quote among dozens of other key quotes.
There does exist and has existed for a generation an international network which operates to some extent in the way the radical right believes the Communist Act.
In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Roundtable Groups, CFR, Collateral Commission, Royal Institute of International Affairs, I added that, has no aversion to cooperating with communists or any other groups that frequently does so.
I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years in the early sixties to examine its papers and secret records.
I have no aversion to it or most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it And to many of its instruments.
I have objected, both in the past and recently, to a few of its policies, but in general, my chief difference of opinion is that it wishes to remain unknown, and I believe its role in history is significant enough to be known, and that's a tragedy in hope, from the book, Tragedy in Hope, published 1966.
Oh, by the way, Bush just signed back on.
He had his little tart signed back on for him a couple of days ago with that New World Order globalist Jacques Chirac.
They just sent Laura Bush over there with her little demon eyes.
And she just signed back on to this.
She's a very evil looking woman, folks.
I haven't met her yet.
I don't mean to get off and have people look, but I just wanted to make that point.
Even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and the public mind is informed of the issues at stake, so that much that is now unthinkable may at least become thinkable.
Sir Julian Huxley, first Director General of UNESCO 46-48, brother of Aldous Huxley, who wrote Brave New World, and said that Brave New World was what he thought would happen, because that was the plan.
Now you wonder why it's so similar.
Okay, uh, Mike in, uh, I don't know, where are you calling us from, Mike, Minnesota?
Uh, Hugh, Montana.
Oh, you're calling us from Montana, and then we'll go to another couple other Mikes.
Uh, welcome, Mike, in Montana.
Hi, how you doing, Alex?
Pretty good, Mike, where you at?
Um, there's a, kind of a little basic theme I got going here this morning, uh, about the children and kind of, Got me fired up with that thing about Columbine.
Yeah, destroying the evidence and the depositions.
And this article doesn't mention they won't release the emails of the sheriff and others.
They won't release any of the police officers' depositions.
And they've got witnesses that told the school administrators that cops were saying, yeah, we were shooting the kids as they came out.
We were ordered to do so.
Go ahead.
Well, before I get to the main part on Columbine, I wanted to throw in a little thing that they're kind of teaching our kids.
I thought Jimmy Neutron was a pretty good little cartoon until I overheard one of the kids on there saying one day, lies are your best friends, you just haven't met them yet.
Who are your best friends?
Yeah, lies are your best friends, you just haven't met them yet.
The little kid with the little Well, yeah, the Jimmy Neutron cartoon, I have like a ten second clip of it in Road to Tyranny, when we're talking about brainwashing kids for biometrics, and to get the mail you have to be DNA tested and retina scanned.
And they've got all these new TV shows about spy kids, I don't mean the movies, I mean they have shows in Canada about how to be a spy, all the big rages, the toys, how to be a spy, and this new CIA DARPA video game where you kill your neighbors, torture your neighbors, you're a terrorist, you're in the CIA, this is meant for widespread distribution to train people to think like this.
Well, they've even got video games out now where You're basically in control of the war, you control the propaganda, and form the people's minds to suit your own purposes.
Well, I remember about four years ago I did a review of a game called Dungeon Keeper.
I was getting my oil change, I was reading some computer gaming review magazine that was laying there, and it was how wonderful the game was, PC World gave it the highest award, and you kidnap women and children, you're a demon, you torture them to death down in a pit, and the more pain you give them, and this is what Satanists believe, The more power you get, and that's what happened down in Matamoros with those drug dealers grabbing college kids to torture them to get power, you know the mental patients they are, and here we're just this game, sold to children, and you build your war machine, black ski mask troops, off who you torture and kill in your pit.
And so this is the type of game, and the most popular game is the What is it, Grand Theft Auto 1, 2, and 3?
And they got these other games where you rape the prostitute, you don't pay her, you blow her head off, you get large bonuses.
Now this is what America's turning into, and those will be your police officers very soon.
Oh yeah.
And another thing about kids, I don't know if you ever noticed the thing about Waco.
They said, oh, it's for the children, and so on and so forth and stuff.
What I want to know is, if they didn't know where people were in there, Then why were they ramming the walls with tanks and tearing the walls right down around the children's ears if they were so worried about them?
Oh, I gotta tell you, I really am an expert on WACO, just because I've studied it for so long and done so much reporting on it and been so close to it here in Austin.
They came in day one with helicopters firing.
We had the BATF firing at the front.
They knew that Beresh or Howell went to town every day, jogged off the property every day, had an auto repair place down the street.
They didn't want to come pick him up.
They knew the sheriff did target shooting with them.
They just made money as one of their side businesses at gun shows, a small part of what they did.
$250 tax they claimed that they hadn't paid on a gun.
And so they hit him with a 97-man assault team.
And there's actual video of the Feds shooting the first two DATF officers.
The Davidians weren't even shooting.
And two of Clinton's bodyguards go in first.
And you can clearly see the Feds shooting them.
And then the helicopters all open fire.
And they all open fire on the front of the church.
And as soon as the Feds quit shooting, the Davidians let them all retreat and leave.
Then they called in the Germans and the Israelis and the Russians.
The Russians had a white noise machine.
They did the mind control bit, and they sent in Delta Force to kill him.
And that's what they did.
It was never about... That thing was meant to go badly wrong.
And the shooting started with killing Clinton's bodyguards.
I mean, there's video of this, folks.
And so that's how the whole thing started.
And now General Shoemaker is the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Clark, who was over him, is running for President.
I mean, you know, they're getting rid of posse comitatus.
They want generals, military men, that will kill American babies.
That will take toddlers and consume them in death and fire.
Yeah, I wasn't trying to make the point that they did it for the children.
I was saying that they... You're being sarcastic, I understand.
Well, from some of the testimony that I heard, when it was going down, they were saying, oh, we are doing this for the children.
I know better, but... Yeah, we've got to save the children.
That's why we didn't just pick up Koresh, you know, who really... I mean, I've got to tell you, it was a fruit loop, folks.
But the Davidians are just real nice people, and most of what you heard was going on in there turned out to be fake testimony by the feds, that young girl and all that.
That's all admitted now.
I mean, I don't believe in what Koresh believes in.
The Davidians all don't agree with each other.
I mean, that was a Seventh-day Adventist break-off group, been there since the 30s, so...
Uh, and, and, you know, the reason they like Koresh is, there was this big, fat, uh, uh, uh, mean guy who wasn't even into religion, who had the deed to the property, who basically was beating people up and shoving them around.
And, and, and Vernon Howell, known as Koresh, came out and beat him up and threw him off the property.
And so, wow, this guy's our messiah.
He's being nice to us.
But the point is, regardless of whether, what you think of the Davidians, you don't go in there and murder them.
Yeah, absolutely.
That's what really went on there.
I don't agree with him either.
I don't believe what he believes, but I do believe that life is more important than that.
As far as Columbine goes, I see Columbine as something to further the agenda of creating the police state.
What better way to create the police state of tomorrow than to indoctrinate The kids, on a day-to-day basis... Well, that's it.
This was the excuse to turn the schools into total and complete prisons.
And now the parents can't get in.
There's barbed wire fences.
If there is somebody shooting, they lock the school down, which ensures a maximum death toll.
Look, they wouldn't let the children leave in Columbine.
Four hours.
I had the Rocky Mountain News editor on a few years ago, and I said, for three hours, they... And he said, no, let me correct you.
He said it was three hours and 57 minutes.
From the time they got there.
From the time the first SWAT team got there.
If you count from the time before the SWAT team, it's over 4 hours and 20 minutes.
According to the Rocky Mountain News editor who showed up on scene.
So, just incredible.
Yeah, absolutely.
You know, like I said, what better way to indoctrinate tomorrow's generation into a police state than to Well, that's it.
And actually, school shootings are way down statistically, about 27% overall in the last 10 years, but they create the perception that it's an epidemic.
Thanks for the call.
I mean, look, when they have that wall-to-wall, kids are being kidnapped, they just decided to focus on kidnapping cases, kidnapping is actually way down.
And I predicted, I said, watch, after a month of this, there's going to be a rollout of microchips for every child.
And right on time, remember that?
And suddenly it was the rollout of the chips for the kids.
I mean, it's really transparent once you've been studying it long enough.
You see it happen, folks.
You've seen it unfold.
Mike in Florida, Angus in Canada, Jim in Colorado, and others.
Your calls are up next, so stay with us and a bunch of other key news items at infowars.com.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, all these great callers from around the country, from Nevada to Colorado, well, to Canada.
Your calls are coming up here in just a few minutes, and I will, early in the next hour, get into, did Bush serve?
And we know he didn't.
We know he went AWOL.
Because he is a criminal.
He is a liberal.
He is anti-gun.
He is a New World Order stooge.
That's coming up also.
Are you ready for a militarized police force?
Otherwise known as martial law.
That's a newspaper headline.
Here's another one.
Gun owners begin laying down weapons.
That's just some of what I'm getting to in the next hour.
And should I even get into Arnold's groping of women?
I mean, yeah, that's bad.
It shows he's pretty compulsive and out of control.
But, I mean, does it pale in significance to saying he loves Hitler?
Which I know is a now-unneeded requisite for a Simon Wiesenthal endorsement.
I'm going to get in trouble because I don't support Hitler, but I don't know.
I don't want to keep talking about Arnold.
We're going to find out.
We already know the foregone conclusion.
He's going to win coming up here in about five days.
But before I go back to your calls and all this news, yes, it's the end of the hour, and I haven't gotten around to it yet, so I might as well do it now.
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And we do need your support as well.
These are some of the best films out there.
I'm going to come back and go straight to Mike and Angus and Jim and Warren and a bunch of other folks in Nevada.
You name it.
In the second hour, I'm going to take these five calls that are first up.
Then I'm going to go to Did Bush Serve and all of their news that I was just mentioning.
Plus there's some new biotech news that I need to get to.
And of course, L.A.
Times, Schwarzenegger Groped Hollywood Women.
And, uh, the guy's an animal, man.
He's out of control.
There's no self-control.
I mean, even if you love Hitler, you know, you'd think the guy would be a little bit smarter enough to not run around saying it.
Just crazy.
Uh, and, uh, it goes on to say, uh, Chicago asked Congress to rethink Patriot Act.
Well, that's the pot calling the kettle black.
And, uh, Atlanta's about to pull out of the Patriot Act, so big trouble for the New World Order.
Deputy quits after filming a film of him threatening to shoot students.
Well, they shoot a lot of children in these drills at schools.
They shoot a lot of cops, too.
It's horrible.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We are now 30 seconds into the second hour of this worldwide transmission!
And I'm fired up!
I want to defeat tyranny!
I want to energize those that love liberty!
Alright, I already got into how they're covering up the evidence of government involvement in Columbine continually.
Trying to burn the records and depositions of the embarrassing information.
Also, it's now coming on ABC News that Bush went AWOL from the Air Force, of course.
Committing a crime out Clinton and Clinton.
He just... When it comes to drug use, selling America out, open borders, gun control, he's more Clinton than Clinton.
More human than human, as they say.
More New World Order than New World Order.
Also gun owners begin laying down weapons.
That's another headline.
That's coming up.
Right now, your calls as promised.
Mike, in Florida, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding patiently.
How are you doing today, Alex?
Good, sir.
First, I just want to give everybody a heads up that at 1.30 Eastern Standard Time on T.E.C.T.V.
there is going to be a show about the N.W.O.
and about secret societies that run the world.
So just to give everybody a little heads up there.
What TV channel is that?
It is on T.E.C.T.V.
at 1.30 Eastern Standard Time.
Is that T.E.C.T.
or T.E.C.?
Oh, that's that ABC outfit.
Yeah, well, I haven't got a chance to see the program yet.
They're having a show on the New World Order.
Yes, and besides that, they've also had Trio Network is rerunning the Secret Rules of the World series all this week.
Oh, that I'm in?
Yes, they had David Icke on last night, and tonight the Bilderberg episode is on.
I think I'm in all five of those, but I haven't watched all five, but I know I'm in a one-hour special on Bohemian Grove.
You're in the Bilderberg one.
I know you're in that one.
I've seen that one before.
Yeah, I'm in the David Icke one, too.
Have you seen the Bohemian Grove one?
Oh, yes, I did.
That was a very good one.
That, except for the fact that the British guy, towards the end of the scene, he tried to twist everything to fit more of what he thought it should fit.
Well, I mean, it's just classic.
It's just absolutely classic.
Yeah, John Ronson really made me mad.
He took footage I shot, and then There's not one racial comment in the whole film and he goes, well Alex thinks the media covers it up.
Maybe he thinks it's Jews.
What is that?
I mean, they just throw that in there.
No, I will not engage in the race stuff.
I will not engage in it with... The media wants everybody to have everything along racial lines or something.
I mean, nothing to do with Jews in that video.
It has to do with a bunch of WASP, blue blood, white Anglo-Saxon male Protestants who claim they're Christians engaging in satanic rituals.
But they gotta throw that in there and they throw Harry Shearer in there to attack me, who goes to the Grove, who made a whole movie attacking me called Teddy Bear's Picnic.
I'll never forget watching that Conan O'Brien piece where they're, you know, it's obviously me and Mike Hanson and we're the crazies breaking into the Grove.
They made a movie, a spoof on what we did.
I mean, you talk about propaganda and Harry Shearer again brings up, it's just amazing.
Harry Sher brings up, well, I'm Jewish and I go to the Grove.
What does that have to do with anything?
I'm just so sick of it!
Anything else, sir?
Oh, yes, definitely.
I had two points I wanted to make.
The first was that I'm sick of Rush Limbaugh parading around as a conservative when he is nothing more than an elitist racist You know, I've actually got a story here, but let me dig it out.
I'm sure you heard about the football, Donovan McNabb, the black football player.
You know, I've actually got a story here, but let me dig it out.
Exactly what did that greasy, that pill-gobbling creature have to say?
Well, he says that there's a social contract in the NFL, and that the media in general are trying to promote a black
quarterback, so a lot of it's invested in Donovan McNabb.
And he said that he's not good at all, and he threw the race card in there as well.
Yeah, that's what I was reading.
Which is ridiculous.
I mean, let's face it, we'll be right back, stay there.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, we were just about to go to Michael in Nevada, but he hung up after we finished up with this caller we're talking to in Florida.
Mike in Florida was talking about the Secret Rulers of the World episodes re-airing on the Trio Network that I'm in.
I didn't know that was happening.
I know it's aired all over the world.
And by the way, in that documentary, the heads of the Bohemian Grove, the head office in San Francisco, admits, yes, Mr. Jones snuck in.
Yes, he got footage of our ritual.
And, you know, Mr. Jones has been making a big deal out of it.
It's just a theatrical production.
That you've been doing for 120 something years in secret with world leaders flying in and the darkest occult activities carried out in eyes wide shut fashion.
Sure, sure, sure you do.
And you just make all these big decisions there.
Skull and bones is no big deal either.
You're just following some of the deepest black magic rituals out there that are thousands of years old.
It's all just in fun.
And let's go ahead.
And Mike, you were making another point.
You were talking about something when we hit the last break.
Go ahead.
Yeah, well, I just wanted to finish up on the rush point.
I happened to catch a show yesterday, and I was curious to figure out how he was going to spin this one anyways.
and uh... basically what he had uh... what he had to say was that it was lefties
at ESPN also teaming with the lefties in the political spectrum
that were out to get him and were spinning what he said to be racist words
and it was all brought by the left well let me just say this
It's a plot by the New World Order.
I mean, you take the Paris Band from Paris, Texas, a town outside Dallas.
They go, they have a reenactment of World War II, they have the flags of World War II, people see a swastika and go into mindless convulsions of hatred.
But then, it's okay if Arnold says he loves Hitler.
I mean, that just shows the mindless response.
I mean, and now I guess if you go see a Hollywood movie and there's a Nazi in it, you must scream and throw things at the screen and run out of the theater yelling, Nazis are attacking, Nazis are attacking.
That shows political correctness gone just into the extreme, almost the religious nature now of some type of mindless Eastern cult or something.
From the quote I got here of Limbaugh, he was saying, well, you know, there's a big push to put black quarterbacks in, and there's a push everywhere else to put blacks into positions of power.
And obviously there is affirmative action, and there is a move to do that, and it is discrimination, and it's wrong.
It really is a stupid statement concerning sports because, I mean, let's face it, and Harry Carey got in trouble for saying this, it's like saying the sun came up this morning, blacks dominate not just the muscle sports, but skills sports, a lot of the brain sports, I mean, and again, Harry Carey got in a bunch of trouble for stating something that's a fact.
I mean, I'm a European.
I am the result Uh, attempts by the nobles to make me smaller and weaker and stupid.
Uh, to, to, to manage me.
I have serf blood in me.
I also have what they call high blood.
Uh, now in this country, it's the Smithsonian Institution, folks.
Uh, there were giant breeding camps in this country for African Americans.
I mean, I've been to the Smithsonian, I have looked at the family Bibles, the breeding programs, and so let's face it, folks, that is where a lot of that super genetic skill, which was already there, I mean, you go to Africa and the Kenyans and the Marathons and the rest of it, but to say there's not differences in races, you take A race that was already in a very dangerous climate, with very dangerous animals around them, and then you take that species of human, and half the blacks die on the way over in the coffin ships, half of them dying, coming over here in the coffin ships, already the stronger survive, then the incredible type labor
Uh, that blocks were put under the back-breaking labor, and it was survival of the fittest.
Uh, so, you look at Europe, well, you take Arnold Schwarzenegger.
There were some breeding programs by the Romans to make their slaves bigger.
And anyone with a Schwarz before their name, that was generally a gull or a Visigoth seal by the Romans that this was a bred slave.
So when you hear Schwarzkopf, Schwarzenegger, that's a breeding program, a several thousand year old breeding program.
This is just history, folks!
So, we're all the product of breeding.
Let's just be honest.
That's why you get some of these really big Germans.
Napoleon had all the big French killed off because he put the big French in the front lines.
The French used to be really big.
Some of the French from the breeding lines.
If you had a lower name, you were bigger.
Now the British, if you had a... And what does Swartz mean?
It means black.
Nothing to do with Africans at the time.
It means you were always in the dirt working in the earth.
And Schwarzenegger means black plowman.
Schwarzkopf means black head.
So this is just history.
Now I had family that came here as slaves, as indentured servants.
Now England had a more sophisticated model because they found that the Romans had trouble
suppressing their populations because they did not breed their slaves to be done.
They bred them to be intelligent and large.
And that started backfiring on them with the white slaves they had out of Western Europe.
And some out of the East as well.
Now you go over to what England did is they would purposely give you subsistence diet And literally over generations, the serfs got very short.
The Aztecs did this too.
They would keep their underclasses under control.
They would kill those that were larger or smarter.
This is on the record.
So the Aztecs and the British, strangely enough, came up with similar systems on their own to try to create a drone.
You notice the British are real big on dog breeding.
So, let's just be honest, we're all products of tyranny here, whether we're Native Americans, or whether we're black, or whether we're white.
If you look at the British model with the Native Americans, putting them on a small piece of land, not giving them enough food to live, controlling them, breaking up their families, it's the same thing today.
Now, comments to what I just said.
Well, yes, I agree with you a whole hundred percent, and I'm glad you brought up slavery, because my last point was I wanted to talk about a different kind of slave, and that's the slaves of Unicor and of the federal prison industry.
And what they're doing to help destroy the current market, and what they're doing to kill the middle class, and to steal jobs, and to steal money away from good, hard-working people with their shady tactics with the Department of Justice.
That is, and look folks, we've got five and a half million people in federal prison.
Uh, it's easily three million in the other prisons and jails.
So it's well over seven million.
Seven and a half million last numbers I saw.
They had some new number five and a half.
That's not accurate.
I go to Justice Department numbers.
And then there's tens of millions on parole or on some type of, uh, you know, agreed release.
Some adjudicated system.
And it's just terrible.
And then the good old boys out there say, well, we ought to make them work.
Folks, they're working for $0.20 an hour on average.
Actually $0.18 an hour on average.
Highest wage is $0.25 an hour.
To buy stuff from the commissary.
And, I mean, how do you compete against $0.25 an hour?
How do you do that?
So let's be honest.
Slavery is alive and well in America.
But Rush Limbaugh, did you hear about this whole pill popping story?
I heard that the Florida is investigating him for having an addiction to prescription pills, illegally obtaining them.
Which, I mean, look, I'm not going to back Limbaugh for that if that's true.
It's in the New York Daily News and the Associated Press.
Looks like he's going to get in a lot of trouble over this.
But, I mean, I broke my leg at a compound fracture years ago, and luckily I don't like Drugs, I guess, other than caffeine.
I can't seem to get off coffee, but I hate the way those drugs make me feel.
So, in three or four days, I was off of them after having major surgery.
And they were like, man, how can you do this?
We're going to give you three weeks of these pills.
I didn't want them.
But some people take that for a bad back or something.
It's over.
I mean, they're on them for the rest of their lives.
And, uh, just terrible.
Absolutely terrible.
I don't... But, you know, I believe that I know that Limbaugh has talked about One of the few things I agree with him on, where he's actually being a real freedom lover, is decriminalization.
And I've actually found some of the text of him for decriminalization years ago.
If he's been for decriminalization and we can confirm that, which it looks like it's confirmed, I really don't think that Limbaugh should go down for that.
But maybe it'll teach these pimps of the establishment a lesson.
Where do you stand on that?
Well, the criminalization, I'm all for that.
I just want to figure that of the people that were put in jail for drug offenses in California in 2001, 76% of all the abusers and offenders that were put in were marijuana users.
Oh, of course, they don't.
And at the same time, the bigger the war on drugs gets, the more drugs.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Angus in Canada and Jim and Warren and others.
Angus, you're on the air.
You ever had any Angus beef, Angus?
Oh yes, many times, Alex.
Black Angus is really tasty.
Go ahead, what's on your mind?
Well, I thought I'd call and respond to your story on handguns in Canada.
I happen to be listening to the local news here in Edmonton, Alberta.
For those that don't know, tell them what the story concerns.
Well, basically, how many murders have declined since the introduction of their draconian gun registration law.
Oh, that's their spin.
But if you look at the old numbers, it shows more murders with knives than guns.
Right, that's what I was going to get into.
You said we were going to hold over.
Yeah, yeah, go ahead.
Oh, okay, very good.
So, in this news broadcast last night, the reporter made the statement that, of course, the main problem still is handguns, and the reason that there's a problem with handguns is, of course, the United States' fault.
Because Canada gets more guns from them than any other country.
They've gone to the U.N.
and called for the U.N.
to come in and stop our manufacture.
That's under UNIDIR, which says that civilian ownership of firearms threatens the legitimate power monopoly of the state.
And power monopoly of the state, folks, is a fancy way of saying dictatorship.
You owning guns threatens their dictatorship.
Stay there, sir.
I'll let you finish up from Canada.
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All right, folks.
Alex Jones here, back live.
We're talking to Angus in Canada.
And I might as well just go ahead and read this article since he called in about it.
More people were killed with knives than guns in 2002, says Statistics of Canada.
This is out of Canada, the CP Ottawa newspaper.
More people were killed with knives than guns last year, Statistics Canada says.
Well it's like that a lot of years here in the U.S.
Baseball bats almost kill more than guns.
Cars, a lot more.
And Canada's homicide rate rose after two years of relative stability.
Oh, you've banned most of the guns and the homicide rate's risen.
Hmm, that always happens.
And the criminals are using guns and knives.
The agency reported Wednesday.
Same time, the production Proportion of homicides committed with firearms fell to an all-time low.
Stabbings, the most common method in 2002, accounted for 31% of homicides, followed by shootings in 26%, beatings, 21%, and strangulation or suffocation, 11%.
Well, I'll say this, too.
If the government ever wants to get all our guns and thinks it's going to be easy on them after that, whatever happened to the butter knife brigade?
With a butter knife, you can get all the guns you want.
If you're willing to use that butter knife, But again, we're trying to fix things peaceably, my friends.
Let's go back to Angus.
Angus, go ahead, sir.
Well, one of those things that's not mentioned in that article is the skyrocketing of incidents of home invasion.
Well, actually it admits almost all forms of crime were up, including burglary of habitats.
So yes, you're now turning into a total cesspool of crime, just like England and New York.
Every time you take the guns, crime explodes.
Yes, now you also mentioned earlier, you mentioned about Sudan and the oppression of Christians by the Muslim regime that's in there.
It's important to note that... The Muslim regime that works for the big British oil companies?
Well, yes.
The oil keeps that regime afloat and it's controlled out of Calgary, Alberta, by Talisman Energy.
Now, they claim they've done some divestiture, but I know people in them and all they've done is paperwork.
You have another plant here in Edmonton called Sherrod International.
It brings in Cuban ore Processes it, and then sends it into the United States as Canadian product.
They've even got Cuban flags up.
It's bizarre.
Where should I stop?
I had an incident where I had to contact the Edmonton Police Department.
Now, most policing in Canada is taken care of by the RCMP, but some municipalities take it upon themselves, and Edmonton is one.
This officer came to me, he was very antagonistic.
You know, I was a big intrusion to him.
But what I noticed... Well, how dare you call... I mean, you called on your God, your Lord?
No, no, no, I had to... I mean, we work for them now.
We're their slaves.
Yeah, right.
Anyhow, have you ever seen a police officer wear a cross-jaw holster?
I've never seen it.
I've always seen police officers with their gun on their hip.
I have only seen banditos and gunfighters in the movies wear it across their belly.
And this man showed up at my house with this holster on his belly.
Now that tells me a lot.
If you look for something, you'll find it eventually.
Well, only banditos wear black ski masks.
I mean, we always know that executioners, uh, inquisitioners, evil people wear black masks.
But now, the good guys wear the black masks, and torture's good, and, well, government's good, and... Oh yeah.
Well, um, keep in mind when you're buying any product, Canada is the original fascist nation in North America.
They are prostitutes to the United Nations.
They are no friend of the United States.
And... Well, here's my comment.
We're all being merged together right now, but explain this to me.
So why was this lordship at your house?
Oh, well, I don't really want to get into that.
What I had to do is I had to make something a matter of record.
And so I needed to call the police and have them show up.
So the Lordship shows up and he was angry that you had called upon him?
Oh yeah, it was pretty pathetic.
Once they found out that I couldn't be Buffaloed though, they weren't real happy with that.
But I got what I wanted.
Did he talk into his wristwatch and say, I got one that can see?
You know what?
I'm sure they did once they left.
But I did let them know that I would under no circumstances... See, I helped apprehend a suspect in a crime not a month ago.
And turned it over to them.
That'll never happen again.
And I, you know, I grew up where the police were the good guys.
You know what?
All they are is thugs now.
They're the muscle for the politicians running their own agencies.
Longer than that now.
In college, one of my dad's friends was about to retire.
Big federal marshal here in Texas.
And he's one of the head guys.
And he just pulled me aside and said, don't ever get into law enforcement.
I hadn't even really been thinking about it, but I mentioned it to my dad.
He goes, unless you're a criminal.
He said, things aren't the same, Alex.
He said, don't join it.
He said, unless you're a criminal.
Thanks for the call there, Angus.
I mean, it's true, folks.
Look at them!
They dress like goons!
We're a third world cesspit!
It makes me sick!
We'll be right back with some more of your calls and more news.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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All right, Jim and Warren and Jay and Eric and Wyatt and many others.
I'm getting to you here in just a few minutes.
Let me just hit on some of this news right now.
Did Bush serve?
This is from ABC News.
Now, for listeners of this show or other shows of this network, You know that Bush showed up basically in a cocaine-induced, Jack Daniels-induced coma, almost crashed his plane over and over again, had the worst ratings possible.
Normally, you'd be grounded, wouldn't be allowed to fly with this.
You would have washed out over and over again.
He was just in absolute, complete danger.
He looked like a beatnik.
Long hair, eyebrows grown together, big old sandals flapping along.
And I'm not bashing you if that's what you look like.
I just want you to know this is what your neocon is.
You basically look like Michael Savage did.
With little buddies, of course.
Did Bush serve?
Well, no.
The beatnik didn't.
I'm serious, folks.
This guy makes me sick.
Claims he was an Alabama guard, but there's no record And it says, Governor George W. Bush's campaign workers have concluded that no documents exist showing he reported for duty with the Alabama National Guard as ordered in 72.
They are looking for people who served with him to verify his story.
Folks, they've done whole shows.
I've done whole segments.
But I mean, David Joyce has probably done, I don't know, 20 shows on this.
Every time I tune in, they're talking about it.
Because it is important.
Because, you know, Joyce is a captain in the military.
She knows you don't just Walk off for a year and a half of what you're signed up for.
You go to jail if you do that or you get a dishonorable discharge and it ruins your life.
You can't own a firearm.
I mean, it's a serious business.
You can't own a firearm.
This guy's got the nuclear football.
A little beady-eyed, blue-blood British citizen.
Not bashing the British or English people.
You're great folks.
I mean, your elites are bad.
Don't want to get accused of being anti-white or racist here, you know.
I can't say anyone's bad here.
We're so politically correct I could be arrested.
Not being sarcastic, no.
My last name's Jones, folks.
I'm from that area, so.
But the point is, I just gotta be careful.
I don't like the British aristocracy, which Bush is part of, according to Reuters.
A bunch of articles from Reuters.
But, let me get back into this.
Governor George W. Bush.
Now, of course, they do admit they have the hay bales and the fake tractors and all that out of the ranch, so I have to get in my fake mindset when I talk about Bush.
Governor George W. Bush's campaign workers have concluded... I gotta do my... Folks that do fake Texas accents, this is how they talk, so I gotta do it.
...that no documents exist showing he reported for duty.
With the Alabama National Guard, as ordered in 1972, they're looking for people who serve for him to verify his story.
Dan Bartlett, now let me go in a real Bush accent.
Dan Bartlett, the spokesman for Bush's Republican presidential campaign, said he reviewed another 200-page packet of documents last week from the National Guard's records repository in Denver.
I have read it and there is nothing.
Earth-shattering, he said.
The campaign... I'm doing my Atlantic accent, not my English accent.
The campaign was looking for payroll records that would show Bush reported for duty to the Guard in Montgomery, Alabama.
A temporary assignment, adjustment away from the Texas National Guard, to accommodate Bush while he was working on the unsuccessful Senate campaign of former Postmaster General Wynton Blount.
And it goes on to say, records may be gone.
Those records are missing.
The records have been found from Texas that he did walk off and he did leave.
That much is clear.
Then they try to claim because it shows he walked off and that nothing was done because daddy was director of the CIA at the time.
You don't mess with that guy.
He done some work in Dallas a few years before in 1963.
This is a very important young lieutenant of the New World Order.
And you don't mess with his boy.
But records may be gone and they go into all that and beat around the bush with it.
and uh... general said bush did not report now they've talked to the general and uh... the campaign was surprised in may when retired general william turnip seed, if I'm pronouncing that right, said bush should not report to him although the young airman was required to do so his orders dated september fifteenth seventy two that lieutenant bush should report lieutenant colonel william Turnip Seed.
Turnip Seed.
I'm sorry, that's a nice name.
It's interesting, though.
I never heard of Turnip Seed.
DCO to perform equivalent training.
Bush served as a pilot in the Texas Air National Guard from May of 68 to October of 73, primarily flying F-102 fighter interceptors at Ellington Air Force Base, south of Houston.
Yeah, right.
Again, they say he's the worst pilot ever seen, basically.
Uh, that people were terrified to be anywhere near him, that they basically just told him, hey, just sit out for a while.
He had the worst ratings over and over again.
Normally, you have one bad rating, one bad mistake.
If it wasn't caused by some type of mechanical error or something, you do one more, you're out.
He had just dozens of them.
He was just a careening psychopath.
And then they let him fly, folks, because you don't mess with the CIA director's boy.
Okay, I don't want to rant and rave about that anymore.
There's an interesting article here out of the Vail News, and it says, Are you ready for a militarized police force?
The Bush administration is calling for the repeal of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, a law passed in the Civil War to prohibit the deployment of federal military forces on the American streets to control civilian action, otherwise known as martial law.
And it goes into This investigation by Sonoma State University Project's censored winner of the second most censored story of the Pentagon's domestic operations.
By the way, I tied with this guy for second place for this award this year for my Patriot Act article.
Interesting little story here.
About what they have turned our country into.
The United States Army Field Manual 19-15 entitled, Civilian Disturbances Issued in 1985, is designed to equip soldiers with the tactics, techniques, and procedures necessary to suppress dissent.
It says that, the manual states that crowd control formations may be employed to disperse, contain, or block a crowd.
Employed to disperse a crowd, they are particularly effective in urban areas because they enable the control force to split a crowd into smaller segments.
And then it goes into how the police and military are now showing up.
It sounds familiar.
In February of 15, 2003, a peace rally in New York City was broken up.
And troops are showing up.
More and more events.
More and more checkpoints.
And it is martial law, folks.
It's not freedom when you have this type of stuff going on.
I wanted to tell you what's going on over in, well, good old kangaroo land.
And if you look at England, the U.S., New Zealand, Australia, and Canada, what I call the echelon group of countries because they all share in the echelon, NSA system, they all have the same programs, the same social service networks, they follow trends in the same directions, administration, operations, the same directives.
And five years ago they said we're banning almost all rifles and handguns, you've got to register the others.
Some of their citizens refused.
United States Marine Corps troops were used in some towns for the Associated Press to confiscate guns from Australian citizens.
They've now come back and become police officers and the like.
And Crocodile Dundee.
The real Crocodile Dundee.
This was actually even in the NRA magazine, surprisingly enough.
The real Crocodile Dundee.
Mr. Australia.
You know, the big game tracker and alligator wrestler.
You know, all-around tough guy.
Good looking guy, too.
A lot better looking than the guy they had play it in the movie, but he looked a lot like that guy.
The Hogan character.
Before I get a bunch of emails, know that actor was not killed.
Every time I talk about this, even when I read the article, four or five years ago, I'd get calls.
What do you mean?
I saw him on a TV interview the other day.
He's not dead.
Not the actor.
The real Crocodile Dundee, okay?
And I'm not talking down to you.
I know most of you hear what I'm saying, but a lot of you are listening halfway or something.
I'm not saying they killed Paul Hogan or whatever his name is.
Let's make that clear.
The real Mr. Australia, the guy who they admit has brought billions to the state, to the country.
And he was out of his house.
He would not turn his guns in.
He said no.
Leave me alone!
And they sent a SWAT team out, they opened fire on him, he killed two of the thugs, who were the goons, and they basically sat there for hours shooting into the house until they killed him.
A guy with no criminal record, just wanted to be left alone, out in the bush, and the cops, to make an example, said, he won't turn his guns in, let's go out there and take him.
And they shut up his house and they killed him.
I just want to add that to you.
Now they're taking all the guns, and it says gun owners begin laying down weapons.
This is out of the Australian Advertiser.
South Australian gun owners yesterday started giving up their weapons as part of the latest gun buyback.
Up to 10,000 handguns, mostly used for sport shooting, are expected to be collected by South Australia by March 31 as part of the national scheme.
March 31st is part of the National Scheme.
Among earlier rivals yesterday were a .44 caliber Magnum worth about $800 and a Smith & Wesson semi-automatic handgun worth about $1,000.
Last December, the Commonwealth of States and Territories agreed to tighten control of the handguns used for sport shooting or held in historical collections.
The restrictions are based on the caliber, barrel length, and magazine capacity.
They're basically banning everything now.
And there was an article two weeks ago where they went into one Australian town, quote, using the army because they didn't think people turned in all their guns, and the army was going door-to-door confiscating all the guns.
I mean, that's pathetic, folks!
That's total tyranny!
Troops taking guns!
Australia was freer than we are just ten years ago!
And now it is a cesspool.
They're taking everybody's land, they're bringing in masses of illegals, they're legalizing all these different people, balkanizing the country, breaking it up.
It's just so sad to see another country fall to the new world order.
And folks are going to do it here.
Last week the Republicans introduced their most draconian gun control bill ever seen.
It's S-22 and Our Lady of Peace Act and a bunch of other gun bills rolled into one.
Ever seen a shrink won't be able to own a gun.
Uh, ever, uh, had a misdemeanor?
Can't own a gun.
Everything you do, put into a gun database.
As gun owners reported here on this show, this is really part of the total information awareness network.
Local police departments is part of the new matrix grid.
They call it the matrix control grid.
That's, that's, Their own statement, by the way, is collecting data on everything, not just on gun owners, but through this enacting law.
It's horrible!
It's worse than the 1968 Gun Control Act, by light years, and the NRA is for it!
Oh, we're in trouble.
Just please wake up before it's too late, folks.
Wake up to Limbaugh and Hannity and all these guys, that they're shills.
They will not tell you about real stuff that's happening.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jim in Colorado.
Jim, thank you for holding so long.
You're on the air.
Yes, good morning, Alex.
How are you today?
Good, my friend.
I want to compliment you on the great work that you're doing.
I try to listen to you every day.
I've got a comment here about the Columbine incident.
Shortly afterwards, I was reading either the Rocky Mountain News or the Denver Post.
They said, in this article, about two weeks prior to the Columbine massacre, The then-director, Louis Free, director of the FBI, his son was at the Columbine School, walking down the hallway, videotaping the halls, dressed like Louis, like Cleve Baldwin Harris in black trench coats?
Yes, in fact, in my giant files, I have that article, I've interviewed those reporters, I did shows on this a couple years ago, a bunch of shows on it, and when you add all the pieces together, Uh, you've got the son of a prominent FBI agent who founded the Trenchcoat Mafia.
2020, in 1993, no, excuse me, 1992, this is in the takeover, did a 2020 piece about, Littleton
was the pilot school there at Columbine for death education.
A girl died locked in a coffin.
Uh, the teachers would dress up like vampires.
Folks, this is 2020!
I mean, that's how insane... Something's going on at that school, buddy.
Well, so what do you think's going on?
I say a mind control operation.
You start adding all this together, them stealing all the documents, the police admitting they shot some of the children, the children reporting they saw other men.
I mean, you can't make stuff up like this.
Coffins and crazy teachers and locking kids up in coffins until they die.
Sounds demonic.
Oh, no, it sounds... well, no Christian conservatism.
Satanism is Christian, and Christian is devil now, see?
That's the whole... if you're in the gay porno mags, and you love Hitler, you're good.
If you hate Hitler, you're a Nazi.
The other thing I wanted to mention, too, I purchased your excellent 9-1-1 tape, The Road to Tyranny, and I happened to see Bette Bush, Ruth Bush Sr.
speaking, On 9-11 of the year 91.
I thought, what a coincidence.
That was exactly 10 years before 9-1-1 occurred.
Did you notice that on your tape?
Yes, sir.
We did notice that.
And again, every State of the Union he talked about the New World Order.
And here you have him years before on 9-11 talking about a New World Order can't emerge.
Well, thank you, Alex, and keep up the great work.
Hey, I appreciate your call, sir.
You betcha.
That's why September 11th took place right around 9-11, because that's when you have the State of the Union, and then he has to, quote, cancel it and grandstand as your savior for a few days and have it.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Warren.
Warren, where are you calling us from?
I'm calling from northeast Colorado.
Another Coloradan.
Go ahead.
Yeah, it's good to hear you on 1360.
Nothing against 1060.
Had a long month.
They started this whole thing, but 1360 sure has a better segment.
All of the stations that pick up this show are great in Colorado, and I hope people will spread the word about all of them.
They're all wonderful folks.
Yeah, just a quick comment on Columbine.
I remember that day when that was going on, and these squat guys were walking behind an armored car.
And just the whole thing.
I just couldn't believe how wimpy these guys were looking.
That's what it means.
The first... Well, SWAT teams normally rush into schools, and these guys aren't cowards.
They go indoors all the time.
They were ordered to stand down.
This is on the record.
They were ordered to stand down for four hours while the feds did their work inside.
And that's on the record.
Harrison Klebold didn't put a hundred bombs in there, folks.
Well, I just want those SWAT guys to know just how dumb they looked, and it was pretty obvious.
That's about my only comment.
It was a horrible thing.
Well, everybody calls them cowards, and so they made them take the blame, and, oh, all the police are cowards.
No, it's worse than that, sir.
I mean, they were ordered for four hours to stand there while people bled to death so they could get the evidence out of the inside.
Yeah, I remember some of the articles, there were some police officers that wanted to just go in right away, and they were They were literally restrained from rushing in.
These guys rush into stuff all the time.
They train for this all the time.
They were ordered, you stay right there.
You don't go in.
And the kids that came out said, yeah, there were these other big men, these military men shooting the children.
Thank you, we'll cut away from that now.
Back to Harrison Klebold.
It's very transparent and I think everybody knows what's going on.
I've been on a bunch of Colorado radio shows and I've been on this one for years and when we do shows on it, everybody agrees.
Are you done?
Did you want to add something else?
Okay, great.
Thank you for the call.
Really good points.
We'll talk to Jay and Eric and a bunch of other people when we get back and get to a bunch of other news.
We haven't even scratched the surface yet.
We've got a final segment this hour, then we've got the third hour straight ahead, so I hope you'll stay with us.
We'll be back.
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Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster in a New World Order.
A New World Order?
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
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If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
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That's 888-253-3139.
1-888-253-3139. That's 888-253-3139. Order today and spread the word.
Alright folks, final segment here in this hour coming up in the next hour.
I'm going to get into some of these other little news articles here, like Kuwait foil smuggling of chemicals.
Bio warheads from Iraq, oh really?
Also, devious new viruses, attacks on the rise.
And, uh, there's a bunch of gun control news.
Look at this propaganda.
Americans want President Bush and Congress to renew the assault weapons ban.
Oh, don't worry, Bush will, because he's so conservative.
And, uh, conservative critics blast NAACP's opposition to Caucasian student club.
Well, I don't understand.
Why can you have a black, Hispanic, Asian, uh, student club if you can't have Caucasian clubs?
I don't understand that.
Why can't you have white entertainment television?
I mean, are whites just so inherently evil?
Well, I mean, there's blacks and Asians running slavery all over the world right now.
Now, all men have a capacity to be evil, but I see no problem people having clubs.
German clubs, French clubs, Jewish clubs, black clubs, white clubs, Mexican clubs, Venezuelan clubs.
I mean, give me a break, folks.
They make everything dirty.
They make everything bad.
There's nothing wrong with liking your heritage!
But again, the New World Order can't have that.
They can't have anybody having their culture.
Anybody having their own identity.
They want to destroy that and turn us all into little Ken dolls and Barbie dolls, basically.
Also, L.A.
Times Schwarzenegger groped Hollywood women.
He is a maniac, folks.
That's pretty bad, but that's nothing compared to the other stuff he's up to.
Loving Hitler and stuff.
Well, I guess that's a positive now.
You get awards from the Simon Wiesenthal Center when you say you admire Hitler.
I just can't ever get over that.
And a bunch of other cities, Atlanta, Chicago, others moving against the Patriot Act.
Just a bunch of other key news that is coming up in the next hour.
There's a Russian Roulette star terrified.
What do you hear of this?
Mind control expert Darren Brown has told how his television game of Russian Roulette could go hardly wrong and admits he feels terrified.
We're talking about the Running Man, folks.
This is it.
We'll get to that.
We'll get into Rush Limbaugh and his pill-popping escapades.
So that's coming up as well.
Now, again, we're here at the end of the hour.
I'm very predictable, and I want to spend a few minutes encouraging every single one of you out there.
But number one, get videos that I know are waking up the majority of the people that see it.
I mean, that's a big deal.
To have something that works.
To have something that wakes somebody up.
Like 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, that covers the history of government-sponsored terror, The Northwoods Document, Oklahoma City, September 11th, the first World Trade Center attack the FBI carried out, The Police State, the New World Order, the concentration camps.
It's an incredible film.
Got the Abbey Newman stop in it.
It's just as if FEMA's saying all Christians are terrorists, all Founding Fathers are bad, anyone that loves the Constitution as an enemy needs to be put in the FEMA camp.
I mean, it's all in the film.
9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, deprograms, 90% of those will watch the whole thing.
I mean, the New World Order better look out if you people take action.
Get the video, make copies.
If you've got it and haven't made copies, make some copies.
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I'm really proud of that film.
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Total free number to order by phone as well as 1-888- 2-5-3-3-1-3-9.
We also got some great audio CDs by George Humphrey about the New World Order in September 11th.
Eric Houshmand's book and other materials.
That's 888-2-5-3-3-1-3-9.
Or at fullworks.com or prisonplanet.com.
Again, that's 888-2-5-3-3-1-3-9.
Third hour, straight ahead.
888-253-3139 or at fullworks.com or prisonplanner.com.
Again, that's 888-253-3139.
Third hour, straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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toll-free triple-eight eight oh three four four three eight this is the genesis communications radio network
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government cover-ups You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, we're already into the third and final hour of this Thursday Global Transmission Against Tyranny.
Against every facet and form of Control Freak Minion, the rumors and the documentation begins on this show.
I don't talk about chupacabras, yetis, UFOs, or Easter bunnies.
No, my friends.
I don't talk about a bridge I want to sell you on the moon.
We talk about real issues.
The Bill of Rights, the Constitution, the New World Order, the concentration camps, the foreign troops, the gun grabbing that's going on, the neocon, Trojan horses destroying our freedoms, working with the Democrats, the New World Order, the IMF, the World Bank, the OECD, all the organizations that want to enslave you and your family.
Bunch of news coming up in this third hour on a host of key issues.
So stay with us, but right now, before we get into Arnold and the recall and the gun control and the neocon activities, let's go back to these calls for folks who have been holding very patiently.
And let's talk to Jay.
Jay, where are you calling us from today?
I'm calling you from New Jersey, Alex.
It used to be called the Garden State, but now I like to refer to it as the Gulag State.
It certainly is.
Your FEMA guy there, Sid Kasperson, Absolutely.
said that under a red alert you will not be allowed to leave your home, you'll quote be
considered an enemy, all of your basic rights will be stripped away under martial law.
Did you see that in your Gannett News Service?
Oh, absolutely.
That was actually a few months ago, I believe.
I was terrified when I read that.
Go ahead.
Oh, um, you know, Todd, it's funny you mention that.
I went for a walk, uh, just went for a walk the other day.
We were having some really nice weather, uh, here.
I walked past the, uh, police station and I saw two, uh, police officers, um, apparently they had the, uh, lettering, uh, serve and protect on the, uh, on the police cars.
Well, I, it's funny, I saw two, uh, cops, uh, removing those letters, uh, you know, I guess they got some kind of order to take that off the police cars now.
They have been told in New York and other cities that they are to squeeze, shove us around, keep us in line, let us know that they are our gods, literally.
That they're the boss.
And yeah, all over the country, servant protects being taken off.
It's feed on us, shove us around, let us know who the boss is.
I wish I had my camera.
I could have got a picture of it.
You know what you ought to do?
You ought to carry around in your car with you, or even on your purse, those little $5 disposable cameras.
I always do that.
You never know what you're going to come across.
The other point I wanted to talk about was getting the Schwarzenegger thing.
Do not talk bad about Hitler, buddy.
That's anti-Semitic.
It really seems to me that like the globalists or the elitists or however you want to refer to these people that are like engineering this whole thing, I mean it seems like they always set up a situation where it's a win-win for them and to me... Yeah, whether it's Cruz Bustamante the racist or Arnold the racist, But see, notice it's okay.
If you're an establishment guy like Bustamante, it's okay if you're a racist.
If you're an establishment guy like Arnold, it's okay if you're a racist.
I mean, the guy went in before hundreds of bodybuilders and began screaming the N-word, all blacks get out, you're trash, you're filth.
That's on the record!
Man, imagine that!
And the Simon Wiesenthal Center endorses him!
That makes me so mad!
And you hit the nail right on the head because, I mean, if Arnold doesn't get in, then it's a Trojan horse to get Bustamante in.
And, I mean, what he's going to do to the state, I mean, just basically turn it into, you know, another part of Mexico.
But Davis and Arnold already, you know, have Bustamante in there.
Let everybody see the horror.
Glenn Spencer says, let this come out as fast as possible.
That's our only hope that America will finally realize how much trouble we're in.
Right, but it's also funny, I'm looking at an article right now out of the BBC, and it was actually quoting of all people Will Smith, the actor Will Smith, and he says of Schwarzenegger, he says, he really represents the American dream.
Coming to America with nothing, to become the biggest movie star in the world, and then to decide to run for governor, he is the perfect candidate.
And Will Smith is a new world order whore.
Stay there, we'll talk more about it when we get back.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal
the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the
Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grants, government-run
white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order, or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
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1-888-253-3139. That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, real quick, let's go through these calls, because I've got a lot of news I need to cover, folks.
There's a lot of news we haven't gotten to yet.
Going back now to Jay in New Jersey.
He was bringing up Arnold in this disgusting Will Smith quote.
Talk about a little corporate minion.
Will Smith about how wonderful Arnold is.
And this American dream now of going and joining the Bohemian Grove, a cult compound.
So you're allowed to say you love Hitler and be hailed as a good guy.
It just shows the incredible double standard of this.
And then Will Smith isn't done.
He knows that Arnold has publicly said he hates black people.
But that's amazing.
Go ahead and finish up what you were saying, Jay.
Yeah, I just thought that quote really exemplifies how, like, these celebrities and these elite insiders, I mean, they basically all promote each other and it's all a big business.
And I'm convinced, you know, we already know that the Defense Military Industrial Complex has been running the Hollywood movie industry since, like, the days of Disney in the 50s, the 40s.
That's totally admitted.
Right, and I'm convinced that they're being, like, offered, they have to be There's some incentive, and it's got to be something like Advanced Life Extension Technology in exchange for being a part of this conditioning program, which essentially is what it is.
Well, that's exactly what they're being offered.
Then you see Arnold telling you what it's all about in Running Man.
And they really don't care.
I mean, as long as they're getting their feet in the action, I mean, they don't care if we're all vaporized off the planet of the Earth.
At the surface of the earth, they'll be underground in some bunker.
Take The Sixth Day.
That movie about cloning.
And that's what they discuss, folks.
Some of the reports come out of the grove.
I mean, they hatched the Manhattan Project there in like 1941.
They hatched Star Wars there in 1978.
And I don't mean the movie Star Wars, folks.
I mean, oh, we ought to really have a Star Wars program.
They hatch Arnold.
They set him up before he was going to run.
Everybody said, oh, he's not running.
And I said, well, it looks like he is.
The Grove says that's who they want.
They always brag, too.
It's like a couple weeks before they announced Dick Cheney as George Bush's running mate.
They're like, oh, he has heart problems.
That'll never happen.
Oh, he lives in the same state as Bush.
And that's not going to be allowed.
That's against federal law, Constitution.
And then it came out on CNN.
They go, it's been announced from Bohemian Grove.
Some of the executives for Time Warner were hanging out with the former president and former chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, Colin Powell.
They've said the choice has been made at the Bohemian Grove for Colin Powell.
I mean, by Colin Powell and George Bush Sr., that it will be Dick Cheney.
They love to let you know that they're the bosses.
This little-known economist, this patriot, this anti-New World Order guy, That's all I got, Alex.
Greenspan goes to the Grove and for the first time becomes a member and then a month later
they announce him as the new Federal Reserve Chairman back in 1984.
So they really do let you know that they're the bosses.
Hey, that's all I got Alex.
I just wanted to mention too that I just got a DVD burner and I'm buying 9-1-1 Road to
I believe that's available in DVD format, right?
Yes, but you'll have to either lower the res of it or break it in two to put it on one DVD.
Because I want to basically copy that video.
My DVD is a DVD-9.
And so a DVD-9 is two layers.
Okay, really it's like a two-disc set, but it's on one disc.
It's 170 minutes.
Yeah, I want to copy that, and I want to give it out to all the police in my town, because I'm pretty familiar with all the police here and stuff.
Some people in my family are firefighters and stuff, so I want to try and get it out to the law enforcement.
If you can head it off at the pass, Jay, and show them what's happening before the conditioning gets even worse, or before the Globals launch another terror attack, that'd be great.
Thanks for the call.
Appreciate that call.
Okay, let's go ahead and talk to, I guess it's Eric up in Skull and Bones territory up in Connecticut.
Hello, Alex.
Welcome from Corupticut.
That's it.
Heart of the Blue Blood New World Order system.
Boy, I'll tell you, it's sure pervasive up here.
Just about everywhere you look in both subtle and not-so-subtle ways.
You know, I wanted to put a plug in for your Berkey filters.
I am on a budget right now.
I don't have the bread at this point in time to get one of the big ones.
But I got one of the little sport Berkeys and I took it to work.
And the water that I drank from the tap, where I work, it's literally like drinking from the YMCA swimming pool.
It's that chlorinated.
I ran it through this little filter and let me tell you something, that water came out Well, they're also a great sponsor, but I chose to buy Big Murky products before they were a sponsor years ago, and the body is 70% water.
They're awesome and I recommend every listener at least consider buying one.
The little ones, the big ones, they're awesome filters.
Well, they're also a great sponsor, but I chose to buy Big Berkey products before they
were a sponsor years ago.
And the body is 70% water.
This is a big deal.
And people, you don't know what you've been drinking until you stop drinking it.
I mean, when you've been drinking clean water for a month or even a few weeks, try drinking tap water.
It is horrible tasting.
I did the other day, and let me tell you something, I almost gagged.
You know, after you drink water through a good filter of tap water, you just don't want to go back to it.
Well look, my whole life, I would brush my teeth with fluoride toothpaste, and I'd always get kind of a little bit of a headache when I was a child.
And every time I would drink a bunch of tap water, it was just like, why isn't it satisfying?
Why does it make me feel bad?
I mean, I just didn't remember that.
I don't feel like that anymore now.
My brain works so much better.
And it says right on the back of the toothpaste bottle, if you tube, if you ingest any of this, it's deadly poison.
Call poison control immediately.
And we've had the top scientists, brain surgeons, epidemiologists, chemists on, and now the former big head dentist in Canada who got fluoridation put in says he's wrong.
It's deadly.
And it's not just the fluoride.
It's the chlorine.
It's the pesticides.
It's the herbicides.
It's the... There's all this MBTE.
All this runoff.
People that are all fertilizing their yards.
All that garbage goes right into your water, folks.
And so they put a bunch of more poison in it that'll kill the bacteria.
And oh, this is so good for you.
Drinking a bunch of dead bacteria and stuff that'll kill bacteria.
And they've proven that the chlorine alone Triples your chances of kidney cancer.
Yep, I believe it.
So folks, hey, drink good filtered water, and you're going to live longer.
I mean, that's just the statistics.
But you've got to be careful, too, about what you're absorbing through your skin.
Alex, one other thing.
I wanted to mention that I wrote a letter to the editor of my local paper.
New London Day has about 50,000 readers.
I wrote a letter about the Patriot Act, and I linked To your website, Infowars.com, for Steinopsties of the Patriot Act.
And, um, just keep up the great work, Alex.
That's all I had.
Did they, uh, put that in the newspaper?
Yes, they did.
They put your, they put, they linked to your website in the New London Day.
When you went on to their website, and you accessed that article, it was a live link.
It was a live link to my analysis of Patriot Act 2?
To your website, and then you could just see right on the website, you know, the, the Patriot Act is analyzed, and you could just click on that.
You know, I would hope you'd send me that issue.
I would really appreciate that.
Yeah, I'd be happy to.
And I also have the recording, Alex, of Sean Hannity, our good neocon, interviewing Hir Ashcroft.
I'd love to hear that.
Yeah, that'd be great if you want to send that to me, too.
I'd really appreciate your fine work.
But what was that like?
What was that love-fest like?
Oh, jeez.
Well, basically, Ashcroft, from the get-go, he just insisted that the Patriot Act did not uh... abrogate or infringe on any of our civil liberties uh... that that these these uh... people who were uh... protesting this act were nothing but a bunch of uh... of uh... uh... screening banshees who were who were chasing uh... the phantoms of lost liberty as it were and hannity he just couldn't say enough about uh... ashcroft and hannity was basically playing right right along with it and uh...
Alex, it turned out to be more like a mutual admiration society than anything else.
They really didn't talk about the meat of the issue.
Well, that's all these shows are, is ads for their books.
That's about it.
I mean, you spend about two minutes on average an hour plugging my videos.
Yeah, I know you do, and I heard... But these guys, it means all about their book, and let's read from my book, and let's, you know, just on, on, on.
I heard Limbaugh had a ghostwriter for his books.
Is that true?
Guys, Joseph Farrow wrote his books.
No kidding.
I'll tell you, that guy, let me tell you something, Alex.
That guy, Limbaugh and Hannity and Savage, those guys at one point had me totally buffaloed.
I mean, buffaloed.
And, you know, I have to admit it was not easy to kind of wake up and smell the coffee as it were.
And I'll tell you, once you know what they're up to, isn't it obvious?
Yeah, it is.
And I'll tell you, I want to thank you.
I want to thank you for helping waking me up.
Well, I want to thank all you guys.
God bless and take care, my friend.
I got this article about the pill gorger Limbaugh, which, you know, he actually hasn't been too behind the drug war just because his listeners aren't, but I don't know.
I just think it's scary what's going on in this country and the stuff all these people are involved in.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to, oh I guess it's Wyatt up in Maryland.
Wyatt, go ahead.
Good afternoon, Alex.
Yeah, I just want to touch on a couple topics if I can.
About three years ago on 16 Minutes, it had been four years ago, Leslie Stahl was doing a story about extradition and how policing departments can't afford to bring certain criminals extradited because they can't afford the expense to send the two Two officers out to, like, we'll say Colorado.
In fact, the person that we're talking about was in Colorado.
And so... We've got this whole national train that's coming into D.C.
tomorrow, or is it today, with these tens of thousands of illegals saying, you don't have a right to control your border.
How about we arrest all those people right now?
Well, we should.
Anyway, what this story turned into was a report actually on the US Marshal's airline that they
run out of Oklahoma City Will Rogers Airport where they have the detention center
there and they have a fleet of jets about 7 to 9, 727s and then some Citation jets and some
twin engine turboprops.
It's a horrible center and I have talked to people.
I know you have.
I have talked to people that have been involved with that.
Down on the bottom floor of that, they do have a crematorium.
And by the way, that was in the Rocky Mountain News!
The governor admits they've got secret crematoriums for you.
They need to burn your body, get rid of the oven.
Stay there, Wyatt.
We'll talk about how in free countries, they secretly kill you and put you in ovens.
We'll be right back.
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All right, I'm going to take five more calls on that stick because I've got a bunch of other news, as usual, I want to
get to.
Let's go to these calls quick.
Wyatt, Maryland, finishing up a point you were making.
Go ahead.
Well, anyway, the story was about the situation that you reported on many, many times about the Oklahoma City complex and how they transport 100,000 prisoners a year through there or more, taking them to Uh, federal prison camps to for, uh, industry uses.
And, uh, I just want to also say I've heard a lot of people call up, uh, off and on that say, gee, Alex, I used to feel this way.
Now I understand what's going on.
My whole thought, my whole thinking has changed because of you and the things that you pointed out.
So it proves that more and more people do.
In fact, you just had a caller that was several callers that had stated that.
How their mindset has changed about what's really going on, and they used to be brainwashed with the Limballs and the Hannebys and the rest of them.
Everything that I know, Alex, if you have, and this is for any new listeners, everything that you have ever stated that sounded like fiction to most people has always bared 100% truth behind it.
I don't care how bizarre the statements that you have made, found it to other people but everything that you've ever
reported or came across has been one hundred percent correct and true.
Well, let me stop you Wyatt.
Now, I do make occasional mistakes and if I catch them I'll admit it.
I get dates wrong.
I'll read a name wrong.
I do stuff like that.
But the difference with this network and this show is, and I appreciate the kind comments, we try to tell the truth.
We do our best to really get down to the nitty gritty of what's going on.
And over time, yes, this show has been proven to be frighteningly accurate.
And, you know, look at history, how weird history is.
All the bizarre things that happened.
And so, yeah, this stuff sounds crazy and wild, but that's one reason the New World Order is in so much trouble, is that we were there, not just myself, but thousands of other prominent folks fighting the New World Order, for decades, saying what was going to happen.
Now it's happened, and you do see a big awakening take place.
One more thing and I'm done.
I was listening to your program several years ago when Columbine happened.
You broke the news on your... I was listening to the shortwave.
You broke the news on your show that just came out of Colorado that several men are opening fire on the schools, on students.
Now you reported several men dressed in black.
That's exactly what you reported.
And that is what is bearing truth right now.
Not only the two boys, But there were several men and that disappeared.
That whole thing about extra people disappeared in the national conspiracy press that we listened to.
And I thought that was just very important, because you did point that out, and now it's bearing fruit.
Well, the children coming out were saying, yeah, there were four men, two young men, two old men.
They were shooting everybody.
And then we have this out of the Denver Post today, for those that are wondering why we're bringing up Columbine.
Columbine files to be destroyed.
Victims' families want depositions made public.
The families are saying there's a cover-up.
And the cover-up is the police admit they were ordered to shoot some of the kids that were exiting the building.
And there were people inside.
That's why the SWAT teams were held back for four hours.
That's why they destroy everything.
From Waco to Oklahoma City to the World Trade Center towers.
They do away with all the evidence.
That's what they do.
That's what criminals do.
Thanks for the call.
Appreciate that.
Let's talk to Frank in West Virginia.
Thanks for holding, Frank.
Yes, Alex.
Thank you for taking my call.
I have two quick questions.
And along the lines of your last caller and that topic of Columbine, I talked to a police officer who works in a school, and he just went in for training, got out, recently said that one of the training tactics is a lockdown if there is any problems or shootings or anything like that.
He couldn't explain to me why the reasoning or so-called logic behind it, but I simply told him if I were a parent with children, walked in with some murderers, there's nobody who's going to get in my way from going into that school.
and rescuing them.
And children running out were getting double tapped in the head by the cops.
And I know this, you know, if I had a child in a government training camp and they were
going to tell me I had to stand there because they were cowards and were going to let my
child be killed, I mean, I'd do the same thing.
I'd go in there.
But no, they say that during a school shooting, if there's a shooting going on in the school,
the principal hits a button now.
This is being federally paid for.
Everything locks down.
So you watch, you're going to have a hundred children killed, a hundred young people, and the news is going to go, well, they could have escaped, but well, the lockdown's still good.
We're going to take your guns now.
And they're advertising the schools as a place to go if you're a lunatic.
I was just wondering about State Schools Act.
And, it's coming up, uh, there's a bomb coming up in two days.
I'm gonna try and fight this thing, and, uh, just need to learn a little bit more about it.
Oh, there, yeah, Safe Schools is just turning your schools into a prison.
Okay, uh... And training your children how to be, uh, prisoners in the New World Order.
Anything else, sir?
No, just six, six-month mandatory, uh, for use of, uh, profanity, and, uh... Tell you what, stay there.
We'll talk about it.
Stay there.
I wanna hear about this.
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Alright, quickly! Quickly!
We're going to let Frank and Carl and Rhonda have some comments and I've got to get some of this in if we haven't covered yet.
You know, when you talk about history and you read about Roman emperors firing the Senate and marrying their horse and having it walk into the palace and, you know, leave its stuff all over the place and, you know, Nero burning Rome to blame it on his enemies so he could expand his palace.
And strangling people every morning when he woke up for fun.
When you read about the Aztecs and all the insane things they did, and you look at Hitler and Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot and just, in almost every case throughout history, tyranny is the norm!
Tyranny is the natural system of sadistic, predatory manipulators That get into control, that enjoy evil, and who don't have a conscience, and they call it social Darwinism.
You know, they believe in evolution.
They take it to the other extreme of saying, well, you know, we're ruthless, we're evil, and that means we're the strongest, survival of the fittest, and so it's our right to rule over you, and it's our right to feed on you.
They call us cattle, or bugs, or Ted Turner calls us useless feeders, a Hitler quote.
And then you try to talk to the average, dumbed down, societally engineered person and you want to warn them, you care about them, you need them to wake up so we can protect our families and this society and they want to laugh at you.
Well I tell you, it doesn't hurt my feelings, it doesn't make me mad, it just It kind of makes me sad, but I just boldly look them in the eye and say, hey, I'm trying to warn you.
Can you feel the humanity?
Do you have a sixth sense?
Can you feel that I'm telegraphing?
This is serious.
And I'm able, despite all my foibles, to break a lot of people's conditioning, because I'll grab them by the shoulders and say, hey, this is real.
You better wake up.
And some people say, well, you can't do things, you know, that extreme.
A lot of folks will be turned off by it.
I don't know.
I found the opposite.
I mean, if you just run in and tell people, hey, we're under attack!
Enemy forces!
There they are!
You've been blind to them!
A lot of times they'll shake their heads and go, whoa, I do see it!
Man the guns in the Info War!
Prepare for physical attack!
Because the enemy is going to be launching some physical attacks because they're losing the Info War right now.
They got lies that have to be reapplied continuously, and they have to You have a bunch of compartmentalized minions carrying it out, don't even understand what they're truly part of, whereas we have the thinkers, and those that have passion, and those that have love, and those that are willing to sacrifice, and that are selfless.
We've got the power, but all we need do is use it!
Alright, let's go ahead and it's very frustrating to know we have that power to not see you not using it out there.
You need to use that power that God gave you.
You are a leader.
You're a creature made in the image of the creator of the universe.
You understand the power?
You understand the potential that God has put in all of us?
You must use it!
You must!
You must fight against evil.
That's why we're here.
It's a test.
Life is so short, what matters is what you do in your life, what you stand up against, the adversities you overcome, the family you raise, the evil you stand up against.
It isn't how many yachts you can amass and how many women you can have sex with and how many throats you can slit.
Let's go ahead and let Frank in West Virginia finish up.
Go ahead, Frank.
You're familiar with the no-tolerance rules that they've, policies they've had in the schools.
Yeah, and when you mention six months, you get six months of what if you use one for vanity?
Yeah, six months of expulsion or I think the term was, you're basically kicked out of school for six months.
Well, they send you to a criminal secondary school where they teach you how to huff paint and how to be a drug dealer and you get recruited into that.
I see.
I'm trying to fight this thing and there's a bond coming up in a couple days to vote
on to further fund this on the local level for the bricks and mortar and prison bars
or whatever.
Let me break down what it is.
They have a national association of counties, cities, county commissioners, governors.
They all go to these big dinners 10 times a year, 20 times a year, and they all get
given their walking orders.
They're told what the lobbyists are going to be kicking cash out for, what the feds
want and they come back and so what you have in your area is being done everywhere.
Now, it's another case of problem, reaction, solution.
They put profanity all over primetime TV.
They put men in bed together, women in bed together at 7 o'clock at night on channels targeting tweenies, not even teens.
The children's magazines are more pornographic than Hustler.
We were just reading that out of London Independent.
Uh, you know, telling the girls how to do all this different stuff.
Uh, all the different, uh, you know, rock bands and a lot of the rap bands and people, uh, they're out there with all this profanity-laced stuff.
It's all over TV.
It's all over the culture.
And then everybody goes, man, our kids are out of control and cussing.
We gotta get really tough.
Six months out of school.
And by the way, when they kick you out, they then say, well, it's your fault you've been suspended.
CPS comes to the house, or the truancy officer, or they put you on probation in a lot of these schools if you're, quote, You're late to class or miss a few days of school.
You're put on probation.
Your parents aren't told that you have a right to a jury.
It's all just an administrative court.
They have you here, sign here, waive your child's rights.
So it's about getting your children into the system.
Instead of ripping the TVs out of the walls, throwing them into the garbage can, taking a ball-peen hammer to them or a sledgehammer.
You ought to have a ritual in your backyard of beating the television to death.
I agree.
And instead of telling your child there's an enemy force sworn to destroy their mind, sworn to get them on drugs, sworn to get them into a family-destroying system, instead of reaching out to your children and telegraphing the societal, tribal understanding of an enemy force, that we're together as a family.
The family is a unit to feed and clothe and defend against enemies.
And you have to activate that tribal force that God gave us, you must activate it in your children, and to resist this system that is meant to destroy that tribal force, is meant to destroy that unit, and so again, they create the crisis, they train your kids how to act like idiots, and then your child says a cuss word, and they're drug off to the principal by the police officer, they're frisked, They're drug tested.
They're thrown out of school.
They're put into the criminal school.
They're now in the system.
Oh, now they do something wrong in that.
Now they're deeper into the system.
Look, they said we're going to have 30 million people in prison by the end of this decade.
They didn't say that for nothing.
They plan to do it.
And they're training your children how their new job is going to be as a prisoner.
That's the future.
No jobs, napkin gap and all that.
Your new future is as a prison guard or as a worker in a prison.
Go ahead.
Yes, you're absolutely right, Alex, and looking for some tactics to stop this thing, so I'm going to pick up a comprehensive annual financial report to see how much has been set aside that hasn't been spent on anything, and bring this before the public here in the next two days best I can.
And show that there's no need for funding for this whatsoever, as well as bringing... Well, they're turning the schools into prisons.
I mean, before Columbine, the school shootings were way down.
They're even more down from there.
All they're doing, putting up fences and ID cards and forcing the children is training them how to live in a Orwellian system.
Thanks for the call, Frank.
Thank you, sir.
Go ahead.
Thank you very much.
I'll just give my remainder of the time over to the next scholar.
All right.
Thank you.
Look, I mean, I know I start ranting and raving over this subject.
They have sold a counterculture.
I was being interviewed by a big hip-hop magazine up in Canada, and they were fully aware of the New World Order, really great folks, and they understand this counterculture, how they co-opt the counterculture, and then mutate it, as one listener said on this show, and introduce an abomination.
And they tell the young people, wild sex, drugs, being rebellious, vandalizing stuff, that's cool.
Now, that's the big military industrial complex owned media telling you that all of this destructive stuff is cool.
And then when your child goes out and acts this out, they're grabbed up by the system.
And so they're just fashion... they're making it a fashion to get into a system that'll make you a prisoner.
I mean, I hate to use this analogy, but it's a great analogy from Pinocchio.
You ever seen the Disney classic Pinocchio?
Pinocchio gets in with a group of young hoodlums and these old con artists bring him out to this party island where you break windows and drink beer and play pool and smoke cigars.
You know, the radical thing for in the 40s.
Late 40s, early 50s, whenever that movie came out.
And in the morning they all turn into jackasses.
They all turn into donkeys.
And they get loaded on slave ships.
Now what's the moral there?
That the establishment, that the pirates, that the old men, the con artists, knew that by getting these young people into this so-called radical lifestyle, they were actually putting them into bondage.
That they were actually getting control of them.
Now do you understand?
And that's exactly what it is.
I mean, how cynical, how sick, that the corporate heads of the media sell your children a lifestyle that will get them in prison, They sell them regalia and fashions that the police are being trained at the same time are gang paraphernalia or are a certain uniform for them to alert on.
So basically the police are mindless dogs that have been trained to attack anyone who has a certain scent on them and then the news tells your children to put this scent on.
Again, there's the analogy.
And the police will rend and tear and drag your young away and you'll just sit there and wonder how it ever happened.
Instead of looking your child in the eye and explaining this is an enemy program to destroy them.
And I know the patriots and the Christians that raise their children like this.
Their children never stray, folks.
They never stray.
They're strong leaders.
They're controlled.
They're focused.
These young people that I've seen out there are amazing.
And you look at their counterparts, these slack-jawed, dead-eyed These morons!
All right, I got it real quick here.
Let's talk to Rhonda, Missouri, and then Carl.
Go ahead, Rhonda.
Hi, Alex.
Just one thing, quick thing on the power that we have.
Luke 20, 21, when the Pharisees demanded of Jesus when the kingdom of God should come, he said, it will not come with observation.
For behold, the kingdom of God is within you, within each one of us.
I've got to stop you right there.
I don't want to be listed as an anti-Semite.
No New Testament is allowed on this show because I don't want to be listed by the ADL as an anti-Semite.
I know Jesus was a Jew.
I understand that.
But we just want to go ahead and bow to the pressure.
And of course I'm being sarcastic.
Pretty soon, I'll be arrested.
Next few years.
They're about to ban the New Testament in Europe.
They're banning it in Pennsylvania, Governor Mark Schweiker.
That's the Associated Press.
You cannot read the passages against homosexuality.
And there's a move by the ADL and the Simon & Wiesenthal Center to ban the Bible right now.
So, that's how far we've gone.
Well, they're welcome to do whatever they want, but I'll keep worshiping Jesus Christ and God.
And I'll take that wherever that takes me.
And as far as what they call us, we're not human beings anymore, we're human resources to be disposed of and used at their whim.
One quick thing on Rush, a local morning program for an hour and a half, they started out the program what a non-issue Rush was, this big deal, but they proceeded to talk about it for an hour and a half.
I'm almost convinced this could be a stunt.
I think.
You've got him with the black guy comments, you've got him with the pills, you've got him with the, uh, he's deaf, couldn't hear.
This is just to prop him up because his listenership is evaporating.
Oh, yeah.
I don't know if that's the case, but it smells like that.
I tend to agree with you that the polar, bringing the polarization, and it was kind of comical because the host said right off about Sarpton being against it, and he said, that almost makes you think something that he did was right.
And when I called him, I said, You know, you're starting to get half of it.
You know, you're right.
It's all about polarization.
It's all about these people are on the same team.
But I had to remind them, they kind of brushed over the prescription drug issue thing.
I said, look, what would happen if your daughter, your sister, your mother was caught at a checkpoint with a prescription bottle that didn't belong to them?
Hey, I know old ladies who've been taken to jail because they, you know, would put their pills in the little case for the day.
But they're carrying a big old bottle.
And they'll take them to jail.
I'm sorry, man, I've got to do it.
So, you know what?
I say let's put them in prison for 20 years.
And it's the same crowd that when they took the Ten Commandments out of the Alabama courthouse down there, were saying, well, let's see, that's the law, you know, that's the law.
It's amazing.
These are neocons.
They're all for Bush.
I just keep trying to call in and tell them they don't like hearing from me.
I don't get too much time on.
I heard you on that big Chicago show, Beyond the Beltway, which ought to be called In the Beltway, but I heard you really tear them up on Skull and Bones.
The truth.
The truth shall set us free.
And that's what I love about you, Alex.
Yeah, you're going to stand up and defend yourself if that time should come, but the truth is our weapon.
It is.
They've got to reapply their lies over and over again.
And all we've got to do is point the lies out.
We've got an easy job.
Thanks for the call, Rhonda.
I appreciate it.
Last caller, real quick.
Carl in Indiana.
Go ahead, Carl.
Hey, Alex.
How are you doing today?
Pretty good, buddy.
Yeah, hey, I was wanting to touch base.
Chicago did pass that resolution to at least take a look at the Patriot Act.
And I know Atlanta's considering it, too.
But I mean, that's huge news, and it was all covered.
That's 105 cities.
No, it's actually only 400.
Yeah, ABC 7 was still reporting like 100.
Oh, yeah, I heard some of the news.
Well, 100 cities, 45 cities, one state, 170 cities.
I heard some on the news, National, 100 cities, 45 cities, one state, 170 cities.
It was over 400 months ago.
What I want to say is I called the local editor here in Northwest Indiana and he said, "Oh,
well it doesn't matter.
That's just, you know, that's federal law.
So here's a newspaper editor who's probably been given his, you know, his speaking papers in the morning.
All the big editors met with Ashcroft.
Oh, yeah, and it's just, it's very important that that, I don't believe has gotten the news coverage in our area that, you know, Chicago, I think it's probably the largest city that has passed resolution.
Well, absolutely.
Daily you ought to read what's in the Patriot Act, because that's exactly the type of garbage he's been pulling.
Oh yeah, no, he's definitely an NWO.
But the thing is... Well, it shows the pressure that's been put on them.
Yeah, the more, like you said, the more lies they tell, the more they are going to have to tell more lies.
And then pretty soon it just gets so big, they can't lie anymore.
Well, yeah, now it's just...
Well, now it's like they'll tell the truth one day and go, yeah, it's world government, we're taking all your rights.
The next day, we never said that, there's no Patriot Act 2.
I mean, it's gotten where it's almost like they're practicing lying on purpose just to burn us out, where we're just like... I mean, I'm almost at the point of cannot compute, you know, in the old movie where the robot smoke starts coming out of its ears.
I mean, it just... I'm like going, whoa, whoa, whoa, you know.
Well, the thing is, people need to get out and they need to call their newspaper editors when they find that there is something that's about Absolutely.
Thank you so much for the call.
I really appreciate it.
Of course, the rest of that passage says that if you're into evil, you're going to be blinded.
You're not going to be able to see.
But, I mean, there are so many people who think they're good Christians or good conservatives.
And really, if you start talking to them, They believe in big government.
They believe in communism.
They're hollow.
They've just got a label in their mind, an image of what they are, an image of what America is.
And I'm telling you, that's all gone, folks.
We want to get America back now.
We're in desperate straits.
Have you heard them?
They say NAFTA and GATTA is going to result in seven times the loss of jobs overseas.
Seven times what it is now.
And they want more NAFTA and GATT?
I mean, I have to hear another Al Gore or George Bush senior tell me how good NAFTA and GATT is?
See, they're all together on gun control.
They were all together on going into Iraq.
They were all together on NAFTA and GATT.
They're all together!
And this false choice that the neocons project is what is killing us.
Bill Clinton could never have gotten away with what George Bush is.
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Alright, folks.
Alright folks, we're almost out of time. I've got a bunch of news I want to...
I've already mentioned most of it.
I've gone over it with the listeners.
We take a lot of calls, but callers have a way of bringing up most of the stuff I was going to talk about today anyways.
Uh, I really shouldn't talk about Rush Limbaugh, Arnold Schwarzenegger.
I mean, this really is mindless distractions or divergence.
We've got all these race-specific bioweapons being produced, all these microbiologists dying, the global is setting up all these FEMA camps, and then here I am reading this Rush Limbaugh in pill probe, New York Daily News, talk radio, Titan Rush Limbaugh is being investigated for allegedly buying thousands of addictive painkillers from a black market drug ring.
Uh, the moralizing motor mount was turned in by his former housekeeper who says she was Limbaugh's pill supplier for four years.
Will McCline, 42, this is Limbaugh, was hooked on the potent prescription drugs, OxyContin, Lorset, And Hydrocordone, and went through detox twice!
There were times when I was worried, Klein, called the National Enquirer, which broke the story in the edition being published today.
All these pills are enough to kill an elephant, never mind a man!
So, uh, boy, I mean, just, uh, unbelievable.
And, but why is all this coming out now?
You know, the comment about the black guy and all that.
I just get so sick of it.
Oh boy, he's a total puppet.
I mean, hey, Arnold, you didn't say you loved Hitler.
That's your problem.
You said you loved Hitler, and you'd pose for hardcore gay porno mags, and if you had said that you hate Christians, maybe you'd be a Christian conservative and be supported.
I mean, have you been to the Satanic Grove?
I haven't seen your name on the list.
If you were a member of a satanic organization, you might be okay.
No, you were just a mid-level bootlicker.
And maybe the establisher doesn't want to pay you the two hundred and something A $287 million dollar contract?
Money like that will make them burn you, buddy.
Wonder what your maid's getting.
That much money's a curse, folks.
There's a bunch of other news here.
It's all very important.
You just need to visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
I don't buy this story for a second.
This comes to you from the country that brought up the story of the Iraqis throwing babies out of incubators.
This is out Associated Press.
Kuwait foils smuggling of chemicals, bio-warheads from Iraq.
Kuwait security authorities have foiled an attempt to smuggle 60 million worth of chemical weapons and biological warheads Oh, really?
From Iraq to an unnamed European country, a Kuwaiti newspaper said on Wednesday.
The pro-government Al-Siarzaringin quoted an unnamed security source that the suspects had been watched by security since they arrived in Kuwait and were arrested in due time.
They did not say when or how the smugglers entered Kuwait or when they were arrested.
Isn't that interesting?
And it says the smugglers may have been accomplices inside Kuwait.
Isn't that interesting?
Now, we know the country's full of chemical weapons with U.S.
markings, but they can't roll those out and show those to the world.
We have video of them from the first Gulf War, but... Will this be used as evidence of Saddam's weapons of mass destruction?
Who knows?
We're out of time, folks.
Another great show.
Can't get into the other distractions about Arnold's groping of women, but I'm sure you've already heard about that.
Which really...
It pales compared to all the, I love Hitler, I want to be a dictator stuff, but it is pretty serious.
He's just a maniac sociopath.
I do want to encourage you in the last minute of this show to, if you believe in the show, what we're doing, to support us.
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That's 888-253-3139.
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Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
All the affiliates, the listeners, the sponsors, the folks running the show, great job!
Have a good Thursday!
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
You know that Berkey water filters have become the standard of excellence by which all other...