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Name: 20031001_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Oct. 1, 2003
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, well, well.
It's already October 1st.
We've left September behind us.
Thank you for tuning in to this worldwide transmission.
It's already Wednesday, the 1st of October 2003.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
There's a ton of news and information we'll be covering in this first hour and throughout the broadcast day.
I also want to take a lot of calls on any particular news item, any piece of propaganda you've seen on the news, or embedded in dramas or in sitcoms, in the particular news piece you think is being ignored or not being given enough attention.
This show is about, well, kind of what the soapbox was a hundred years ago.
Discussing real issues of real significance that affect us in our everyday lives.
Now, the total free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
You know, last night it showed that Texas High School, Middle School, with the marching band doing the countries that were involved in World War II.
They had the French, the Americans, the Italians.
When they did the Germans, the people went into a catatonic mind control spasm and began, in some cases, physically attacking the coaches and others, anyone seen as authority figures from the school.
And why am I going to talk about this?
Because you can have Arnold Schwarzenegger, who says, I admire Hitler, I want to be a dictator, I hate Christians, I love Kirk of all time, I don't care if he's a Nazi, and that's wonderful, that's good, everybody loves it.
Simon Wiesenthal, Senator, endorses him.
But if you even do a book report now, and I've seen reports of this, and talk about Nazis, they'll say, what are you, a Nazi?
So it's incredible conditioning.
It's amazing, and it's a tool of social control.
Now, when Steven Spielberg made, I guess, Raiders of the Ark, and they show Nazis and Nazi flags and Nazi mobiles, you know, tanks, does that mean Steven Spielberg is a Nazi?
I mean, when plays And dramas can't even display a Nazi flag without crowds going into just convulsive attacks.
It shows the mind control.
And that's why Harvard said in the Gazette two weeks ago that anybody that talks about a New World Order is really a Nazi.
So you can parade around and really be a Nazi if you're for world government.
You'll be endorsed by these people.
But if you're not a real Nazi and you're fighting Nazi-like ideas and New World Order-like ideas, you're going to be called a Nazi.
It's amazing, but this is political correctness, folks.
So I'm going to go over that, and White House not to declassify.
More on 9-1-1 report, they're trying to block that.
Also, the White House is trying to block an investigation of Karl Rove, the White House Chief of Staff, blowing the whistle and blowing a bunch of people's cover.
Not just the woman who was in the CIA, but all those under her.
That's the story they're ignoring.
This has turned into quite a firestorm, but again, they're only focusing on the surface issues.
And frankly, what happens to a bunch of CIA people pales in significance to our troops huffing depleted uranium at 1,900 times safe levels right now.
So we'll be getting into that news as well.
Also, more on the H-1B visas.
They want to increase those.
There's some moves to block that.
And I haven't really spent time on UNESCO.
Bush has signed back onto it, sent his TART over there to Jacques Chirac to get the job done.
And I want to go over some of what UNESCO has to say.
And what Bush has done.
Your call is coming up.
Stay with us.
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Hey folks, Alex Jones here and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film,
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888-253-3139. That's 888-253-3139. Or order online at InfoWars.com or InfoWars.net.
Order online at InfoWars.com or InfoWars.net.
Again, that number, 888-253-3139.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
I don't wanna spend too much time on this but I really
I really am in shocked amazement.
Up in North Texas yesterday there was a school band with of course the liberal band teacher who's totally shocked and amazed everyone's mad at him and they showed the French and the British and the Americans and the Italians and they would have their flags, their national flags and you know they were reenacting World War II, stylized Like any other play would do, like a Steven Spielberg movie would do, would say, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom or something, and was showing the Nazis.
But, when they saw the Nazi flags, it says the adults went into convulsions, they began throwing things on the field, assistant coaches walking into the stands, were being screamed at, cussed at, things were being thrown at them, and it was just mindless, it was like 1984, you know, ten minutes of hate or something.
I mean, the people had no cognitive understanding.
They were in mindless group think.
They didn't understand it was part of the play, part of the exhibition, you could say.
I mean, how many plays, how many movies have Nazis in Nazi uniforms and Nazi flags?
This didn't even have that.
It had a Nazi flag symbolizing the Nazis in World War II and playing Deutschland uber alles.
But the people weren't about substance.
They just saw a symbol.
The thinking process had been totally switched off.
And they became, well, basically, it almost turned into a riot.
Meanwhile, we have Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Now, I've written an entailed analysis of this guy.
And I told you folks he was going to win the election a month before he announced, when they said, oh no, he's not going to run.
I said, well, the Bohemian Grove says he's the man.
That's where the top Republicans are, and they say they want him.
I said, you know, they got their touchscreens in, they got Diebold Election in there.
And the media's gonna make this guy, you know, the main focus.
I said, so let's investigate Arnold.
And I said, it's more than just posing for the cover of homosexual porno mags.
You know, going back to how he made his money in Germany with the reports of the male prostitution.
There, but that frankly starts to pale in comparison to the comments about, I want to be a dictator, I admire dictators, I admire Hitler, I don't care about the Nazi stuff in Kurt Voltheim, I love him, Maria loves him.
The guy is something else, folks.
I mean, imagine if I was running for governor, or you were running for governor, or somebody was running for governor, and they had comments in major magazines like Rolling Stone, saying, I want to be a dictator.
I love dictators.
I admire Hitler.
Can you imagine that?
It's amazing.
And listeners of this show know that I don't get up here and bash Israel, or bash Germans, or bash blacks, or Jews, or anybody else.
You know, every time I find out somebody pitches some big national TV show for me or something, without me even knowing about it, it's, oh, Alex Jones, the evil ogre, the, well, well, doesn't he talk about the New World Order?
Isn't that code for anti-Semitism?
Folks, you don't need to look for any code.
You got Arnold running around saying, I love Hitler, and that's just fine.
That's just fine.
That's good.
That's dandy.
Real live Nazis like Voltheim get to be U.N.
Secretary General for 10 years.
The U.N.
defends him when it came out that he was a Nazi.
The U.N.
came out and defended him and said, oh, we want to keep him here.
I mean, the guy wrote propaganda labels about kill all the Jews, kill all the, you know, world government, blah, blah, blah.
I mean, that's Kirk Voltheim.
Running whole operations in a whole sector of Serbia, killing our allies, and when it comes out, the UN defends him, and keeps giving him his pension, and he goes on to be the President of Austria.
Arnold runs around in the middle of a firestorm, campaigning for him.
I mean, Arnold's basically an IG Farben, which is still around, slash IBM Nazi lovechild.
And I have to watch the sold-out, whorehouse, Simon Wiesenthal Center defending this Nazi.
And it makes me very upset.
So I'm bad at the Simon Wiesenthal Center because I'm against Nazis.
And I'm not joking when I say that, folks.
It's that sick.
It's that disgusting.
And I have a lot of trouble dealing with it.
A lot of trouble handling it.
I mean, I'll never forget two years ago, opening up the New York Times.
People call, have you seen the New York Times?
Drove down to the newsstand, bought one.
I mean, there I am on the front page of one of the subsections.
There's a picture of Bin Laden, and they've got all these unsavory groups, and just right in the middle, they don't say I'm a Nazi, they just include me with Bin Laden and all these Nazis, basically all these federal officers, all the Nazis and the Bin Ladens.
This is Alex Jones, believes there's a Bohemian Grove, believes that You know, Republican leaders carry out these rituals, just guilt by association.
I don't believe anything.
I snuck into the Grove.
It's a public group.
They admit, the Grove admits on national TV, by the way, that it aired by the time they wrote this review of the TV show.
That's what it was in the New York Times.
They knew in there that the Grove admitted I snuck in and did shoot that ritual on video.
But it didn't matter.
It was Alex Jones believes this is going on.
Like saying, Alex Jones believes there's a West Coast.
Alex Jones believes there's big sequoia redwood trees on the West Coast.
Alex Jones believes there's a Capitol building in downtown Washington, D.C.
I remember being on the air six, seven years ago, people calling, you believe there's a world government?
Ha ha ha!
You're crazy!
I heard crazies believe in that!
Or, I heard that people that wear Nazi underwear You know, closet Nazis talk.
That's a code word.
What a great way to neutralize opposition.
That when you criticize any government corruption, they say, oh, that's a code.
When you criticize NAFTA or GATT or the WTO or the Federal Reserve, that's a code.
We don't need any codes.
We know who the Nazis are, okay?
We know they're Arnold Schwarzenegger.
And we know that when you get to the top, it's just a bunch of criminals up there.
And they're all here selling us this whole sad sack View of being a bunch of guilty, you know, sobbing, multicultural, societal genocide morons!
I'm sick of it, I really am.
I mean, you got Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Folks, I've got the quotes of what's on these photographs that he took.
Arnold, let me tell you, the life of the party for these events as well.
What is it?
Hot Dirty Man Party?
I mean, they're now optioning this stuff right now, these photos, for like $24,000.
And from the collection of Mr. Maplethorpe, and I mean, that right there, folks, you know you've heard the limbos of Sean Hannity's defending Arnold, talking about how great he is.
That's what we've turned into, is somebody who says, I want to be a dictator, I admire Hitler, and by the way, I'm in private Robert Mapplethorpe collections, not to mention all the other homosexual porno mags, and I'm going to fix your state for you, so don't vote for McClintock.
And the Republican leaders are telling McClintock to step down.
And then you add to this the backdrop of the school band Doing a World War II historical reenactment.
I mean, how many bands have done that?
How many movies have done that?
How many plays have done that?
It's got to be in the thousands.
And the public is so mindless, so bestial, so low-level, that they see it.
Right here in Texas, folks.
That's a pretty conservative town.
And they go into convulsions of anger.
And when the assistant coaches tried to come and call them and say, hey, it's just the band, it's just a historical thing, they screamed at them, they cussed at them, they threw things at them, because they were good slaves.
They'd been programmed properly.
Just show a swastika and everybody will scream in anger.
But again, if you're a real live Nazi that actually killed a bunch of people, you get UN awards.
Or if you are a You know, Dr. Peter Singer, who runs around saying, babies are mackerel, old people are subhuman, retarded children are worthless, kill them all.
You get to speak to the Governor's Conference.
I mean, Margaret Singer gave awards to Hitler, got awards from Hitler, sterilized hundreds of thousands of people, fortunately, would send CPS out to single-parent homes and do this to the mothers, do this to the children.
And you don't hear the black leader saying, take down her statues.
You don't hear the ADL saying, take her name off all these death mills, these abortion clinics, or off these public schools.
I grew up in Dallas, across the street from a Margaret Sanger Elementary School, or down the road from it.
You don't see them saying, take down the statue of Albert Pike, Grand Mason, founder of the Klan.
You don't see the ADL or Jesse Jackson saying, take that down.
Because folks, they don't care about real Nazis and real trash and real evil and real Sovietization.
They just want to malign and attack people who are standing up for liberty and freedom.
They got a mindless mass that doesn't know where Iraq is on a map, doesn't know, you know, five of the state capitals.
uh... that doesn't know what the third or fifth amendment is, doesn't know what the tenth amendment is, that doesn't know basically who their daddy is.
And you're trying to talk to these people and it's like talking to an ignorant cave savage or something.
And I'm not trying to be sardonic, I'm not trying to be elitist, I'm very upset about this.
I'm very, very, very upset.
We're going to come back and talk to Mike and Lisa and John and Ken and others and get into a bunch of the other news.
There's a lot of it here.
But just the total hypocrisy that the so-called conservatives can sell us Arnold.
He says he wants to be a dictator.
He dreamed of being a dictator.
He admires Hitler.
He loves a known Nazi.
He's naked in Robert Mapplebork photos with flowers in his teeth.
And you better believe that if there was a real conservative with a real conservative voting record running for governor, and that they had posed in Speedo trunks for a women's magazine, it'd be, oh, we can't have him, this is devilish.
We'd have Pat Robertson on TV decrying it.
But not if it's hardcore.
We'll be right back.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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As heresy came, well, the ragtag band Took to bring a revolution
Some would make him king, others couldn't stand the man.
The cost was a solution, but he rose again.
Wise men follow him, they'll know who's king.
Wise men follow him.
Thank God for the renegade, and the life we need for the head of the land.
Thank God for the renegade, Lord knows where.
When it comes to heroes that renegade your life.
They veiled against the crown another red-tag band Declaring independence
They laid their bodies down calling bloody war A liberty for their descendants
Thanks to the renegades Thanks to the renegades, my friends.
We're free today.
Alex Jones here, back live.
I'll tell you what I'm going to do.
I'm going to go straight to your calls in the next segment so we have time to get to everybody and give you plenty of time.
So Leslie and John, Ken and Paul, everybody stay there.
Also coming up, Patriot Act kicks in at banks today.
Oh, you thought it was just for the guys with the turbines on their heads.
Sorry, it's for all of you, no matter what color you are or what religion.
And it has nothing to do with fighting terror.
Because you see, the definition of terror is so wide that it means your taxes, marijuana, not paying child support.
Everything's an act of terror now.
This is out of the Cincinnati Enquirer.
And they're just announcing that there's no more Fourth Amendment or Fifth Amendment concerning your bank accounts and that's all transparent for everybody.
Stars and Stripes last week reported that people who are shot or step on a landmine or hurt in Iraq have to pay our troops for their own meals in the hospital and some of their own treatments but now it's come out Afghanistan planning Calls for up to eight more years.
So the troops are going to stay there for eight more years and instead up front, Iraq will be five years.
I remember that in the policy reports.
They act like now they're shocked it'll be five years, but that's just Iraq.
There in Afghanistan and Central Asia, we're talking about eight more years and of course, you know, it'll be forwarded out from there, expanded out from there.
Keep control of that giant supply of opium to keep that flowing.
I also want to get into UNESCO because they just signed back onto this a few days ago and I haven't spent enough time on it because I want folks to know what Bush is signed on to.
Obviously Bush didn't sign on to anything.
He's a puppet, but when you hear the neocons on talk radio defending Bush, calling him a conservative, you need to know that he's just as conservative as Arnold Schwarzenegger.
A conservative in name only.
And no, I'm not saying run out and vote for the Democrats.
I'm showing you that we've got a rigged game here, folks.
Rigged horses in this race.
Also, yesterday I was talking about allergies.
And I've read the statistics and the reports and the numbers and talked to the doctors.
Twenty years ago, allergies were almost unheard of.
You talk about you have an allergy to something and people go, what's an allergy?
Well, now it is just massively widespread.
I have allergies.
Horrible allergies.
I don't like whining about it on air, but it is debilitating, you know, the few weeks out of the year, I guess, few months out of the year now that I have them.
But it turns out, as I said, vaccines, antibiotics are causing it when children are given them later in life.
It's screwing you up.
Major report.
This is out of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
I mean, there's got to be a reason all this is increasing.
And guess what?
It's the vaccines.
It's the antibiotics.
We'll be back with your calls.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Don't worry, this show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire.
Old Johnny Cash, what a great American.
He, of course, just died a couple weeks ago.
He just finished another CD, another record.
I'm going to have to go out and get that.
We're about to go to all these great callers and into more of the news.
If you'd like to join us on air, it's 1-800-259-9231.
Then I'm going to dive straight back into what's going on with the New World Order here.
Right now, let's go ahead and go to the calls.
Let's talk to Leslie.
And she's calling us from Virginia.
Hi Alex, thanks for taking my call.
You're doing a good job in waking up the sheeple while the foxes are erecting the fences.
Alex, are you aware of Sherman Skolnick?
Okay, because I was wondering if you could have him on your show.
I have had Sherman on several times.
Oh great, because on his website He has copies, a mole from the Federal Reserve, of the Bush family joint bank account with the Queen.
Are you aware of that?
The wire transfers?
The Bushes, going back over 200 years, are family members and express agents in the United States for the Saxe-Coburg-Gothas.
Well, I am talking about the more recent wire transfers of $250 million and others with the Bush family and the Queen.
Yeah, well, the Bushes owns triple-hull tankers, oil companies, they sit on the boards of dozens of banks, they're worth hundreds of billions of dollars.
That's why you never hear about them, you know, on the list of the wealthiest people.
The most powerful people in the world, and they're minions like the Bushes, they're just high-level minions, you don't ever hear about them in the news.
That's why when you pick up an issue of Parade magazine, You know, in the paper, telling you the wealth of the President.
Oh, President Bush is worth a million dollars.
Yeah, and I'm a Space Cadet.
Right, we went, yeah.
Yeah, he owns a professional baseball team, he's worth a million dollars.
I mean, on the face of that statement, it's ridiculous.
Of course it is.
And the Queen having the majority stock in British Petroleum, and you see these joint bank accounts.
And who owns Dutch Rochelle?
Well, the Dutch Roll family, and they're intermarried with the Queenie over there in England.
Well, I tell ya, it seems to me we need stronger disclosures.
Well, don't talk about the British or you're anti-English.
That's racist.
And don't talk about Idi Amin or you're anti-black.
Yeah, well, Thomas Jefferson... Well, don't talk bad about him or you're anti...
Well, he emphasized the importance of disclosures with our officials.
Yeah, well I was being sarcastic.
Yeah, I know, I know.
I mean, don't criticize Muammar Gaddafi, you're anti-Arab.
But, you know, we've got to know who these people are, their financial interests, for the sake of all.
But anyway, you're quite aware of this, and you're quite aware of those wire transfers that have been made in the past several years, and Skolnik has it on his site.
at uh... well next report dot com and it did i i think you're with her uh...
naturalist but uh... somehow you could post as wire transfers uh...
i think it would be the interest of many
well just tell you this we got bcc i was quite clever in the bushes and the rest of
them caught red-handed openly engaged in a massive global organized
crime okay Money laundering, drug dealing.
Yeah, well, Hillary and Foster represented BCCI.
They were just regional partners.
Yeah, they worked for the Bushes.
Again, the Bushes didn't work for the Queen.
But I like Skolnick.
I've had him on.
I don't think everything on there is documented to the level I like.
So I really just stick with stuff I can prove.
There's so much stuff I can prove, I could never even cover all that.
Well, those wire transfers, he's got copies of it.
Yeah, I've seen it.
I'm not doubting it's not real.
We ought to talk about BCCI.
There's a lot of stuff.
Oh my gosh.
Here we go again.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you.
Really appreciate it.
John in Minnesota.
Go ahead, John.
Alex, I hope your allergies are clear up, but I would really recommend maybe cutting out the dairy for a little bit.
We know how full of antibiotics and everything that is.
Absolutely, and for those that don't know, I've just been talking about why are allergies getting so much worse.
They didn't really exist 20 years ago.
Now it's a pandemic.
And milk is really a perfect conduit to poisoning children.
I mean, so many children are lactose intolerant anyway.
Well, they do put a lot of garbage in the milk, whereas it would be good for us if they didn't put all that in there.
But again, I have the Atlanta Journal-Constitution and several other articles admitting antibiotics, vaccines, all this is now being linked to allergies later in life.
And that's obvious that it's something that's been introduced, because this was almost unknown 20-30 years ago.
Now the majority of us have it.
Well, hey, I sent you an email about an interview with former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, the guy at the center of this new to-do.
Yeah, his wife, the CIA.
He did an interview with Joshua Micah Marshall, who is a writer for the left, and he has TalkingPointsMemo.com, you might be familiar with that.
But there was a great quote at the interview, Joshua Micah Marshall was asking Joseph Wilson about the diplomacy of the former war, the Gulf War versus this Gulf War.
And I thought you'd really like this quote.
Joseph Wilson said, the genius of the first Gulf War was that everyone understood this as part of what then President Bush called New World Order, which would be that over the next 20 or 30 years, we would have a lot of these small wars, which we would want to resolve through international coalitions and with the legal imprimatur of the United Nations.
So it's almost like he's saying, yeah, these PNAC guys, you know, they're real evil.
The genius laid in the New World Order.
Well, yeah, and I've actually got a similar quote from him.
Email me that story.
I'll post it.
I emailed it to you, but it's talkingpointsmemo.com was the original.
I think it was last Monday when it was published.
Well, look, I mean, It's like Ron Paul was here in town speaking a few weeks ago and somebody said, well what about the worldwide conspiracy for a new world order?
And Ron Paul said...
Well, it's not a conspiracy if it's out in the open.
He said, I'm in Washington, the majority of people want total world government.
And the loss of liberty and freedom.
I mean, it's not even hidden, but Rush Limbaugh says you're a kook, and that it's a kook detector if you say it, while they're bringing it forward, while it's happening.
You know, Limbaugh says Naft and Gatt are good.
Yeah, Limbaugh, we're our jobs.
I'm sick of it, and don't tell me Arnold's a conservative in the Maplethorpe photos while he runs around loving Hitler.
I mean, I'm just tired of it.
Well, how do you expect Arnold Schwarzenegger to get any conservatives behind him if he doesn't join the homoerotic gang there?
Well, that's it.
I mean, that's why Arnold fits in like a pea in the pod there, is there at the Grove.
It's triple-X, you know, old men engaging in every form of degeneracy imaginable.
And that's not Alex Jones, that's the Washington Times!
They bus in like Beluga caviar, the $2,000 an hour male prostitutes from all over the world converge so that the Christian conservative leaders can just have their fill of them.
You have to be careful how you say it, though, because in California, you tell everybody that Arnold is for abortion and pro-gay marriage, you're going to get with him some votes there.
I understand that, but my whole point is that I'm a Christian conservative, and I don't get up here and attack people for what they've done or mistakes in their life, but when it's just blatant across the board, and then to watch them attack McClintock, He's got a pretty good record, and tell him to step down so Arnold can be governor?
It makes me sick!
It just makes me sick!
Well, the thing about Arnold Schwarzenegger, again, is that if you think about it in terms of the world passing him off as a global leader, there you go.
It just shows they can sell us anything.
Thanks for the call.
Really interesting points.
Let's go on to Ken in Texas.
Ken, go ahead.
Hello Alex.
Yes sir, this is Kenneth in Paris, Texas.
The band you're referring to is the Paris High School Blue Blazers band that presented at the Nazi flag during a halftime presentation last Friday night at a football game in Dallas.
So, yeah, and it broke big on the news yesterday.
Now, you're in Paris, Texas.
Yes sir.
Where this took place, and the reason I'm saying this is so important is, Arnold can say, quote, I admire Adolf Hitler and other dictators.
I would like to be a Christ, a new Jesus.
I don't like Christians.
I don't care if Kurt's a Nazi.
We love him.
Maria loves him.
I love him.
I want to be a dictator.
All these type comments, and that's okay, and then somebody in a halftime band presentation shows the flags of World War II as a history lesson, and everyone goes into convulsions.
Go ahead.
Well, the thing that probably, uh, there's several points here.
I guess, number one, the fact that it was done through an accurate historical depiction of what actually took place.
And the flags were used to depict the countries that were fighting during World War II.
Like the American flag was used to represent the U.S.
of A. The English flag for the Union Jack for England.
The French flag for France.
And, of course, they had to use the Nazi flag because it was Nazi Germany at the time during World War II.
Yes, sir.
It's a smaller city of about 25,000 to 26,000 people.
And basically, just the fact that I think, you know, as you said, the audience didn't receive it very well.
The crowd didn't.
It wasn't here locally.
I think it was in Dallas where it took place.
The game was being played, I think, in Dallas at Dallas Hillcrest High School.
But basically, my understanding is also, and I'm trying to be ethnically I'm biased here anyway, but I'm thinking that I heard also someone mention the point that some Jewish individuals had just gone through the Rosh Hashanah holiday period and they had seen that also and they were rather upset about it also.
So basically yesterday on WBAP, the 50,000 watt blowtorch out of Fort Worth, Texas that serves the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex at a radio station at 8.20am, the band director was interviewed by Dan Potter of WBAP that morning, yesterday morning.
And the band director explained the situation and also explained that he had to apologize to the ADL and other groups for the actual presentation of the Nazi flag.
Oh yeah, for showing a Nazi flag.
So now I want Steven Spielberg in Raiders of the Lost Ark to apologize because a Nazi flag was shown there.
This is insane!
Well, I think it really just shows me unfortunately what's happening in some respects also the fact that we can no longer just depict history as it once was and so if people don't have a historical basis for what others have done... Well, I mean, here's the deal.
They tried to force Yahoo!
To not allow Nazi memorabilia to be sold.
Folks, I've been to gun shows before and thought something was interesting and bought it.
I mean, I bought a British medal, an American medal, I bought a Nazi medal.
I thought it was interesting.
I've been to the Smithsonian and bought the Nazi flags and the weapons and the uniforms and a bullet hole in the helmet.
I thought that was interesting.
I've been to the Admiral Nimitz Museum and seen the Japanese stuff.
I thought that was even more interesting than the Nazi stuff.
So I guess the Admiral Nimitz Museum, Pacific Museum in Fredericksburg is a Nazi shrine because it's got a Nazi flag in there.
Maybe it's a Japanese shrine too.
They're actually worshipping Haruhito out there right now.
Folks, there's thousands of plays and movies where you show Nazi flags.
This shows the mindless group think of.
They're showing the flags of World War II in a parade.
They see it, they go into convulsions, and the band director apologizes.
I mean, that's mind control.
That is total form.
You know, just the symbolism over actual substance.
It's just unbelievable.
I mean, that is cult-like that the people were so dumb.
I mean, how many movies have you seen, Ken, where there's Nazi flags and Nazi tanks?
I mean, if you were a movie director, we're going to make a World War.
Steven Spielberg just made the Great films.
I mean, is Steven Spielberg a Nazi because he showed Nazis?
This is insane!
I'm sick of it!
Arnold's running around saying he loves Hitler being endorsed by these people!
I'm sorry, go ahead.
That's fine, I understand.
Basically, you know, even your program this morning, when you entered your program, one of your theme songs before you started was, I think, the theme to The Longest Day, 1962, that movie, which I think was one of the most outstanding movies I've ever seen in my life.
Hey, hey, we've gotten emails about that, claiming it's a Nazi song.
You shouldn't even joke about it.
Well, I'm not joking.
Sir, sir, I'm not kidding.
Shows with John Wayne now, because any film that showed World War II and you play that music, I actually had to defend myself for playing that theme music, buddy.
Well, I think what's happened is that basically also, you're pointing out by saying all these things, Alex, basically that we have a new generation coming on board now that's, you know, past my generation now that basically, when I was growing up I used to read Ballantyne war books all the time depicting World War II battles and things like that.
I used to buy them all the time, but what I'm saying is we have a new generation coming
in now that's been, as Charlotte History has brought up before, that's been dumbed down
to the point that they no longer even want to, they're no longer taught history.
In many schools, the history is not really emphasized and taught that much, and coming
from a smaller city, I guess they felt like it was important to bring out some historical
perspectives regarding World War II, and that just basically was frowned upon by certain
elements or groups there at the time.
Well, I mean, this, exactly.
Look, everything's been reduced down now.
Everything's been reduced down to just symbolism.
So what I want to really say, if I could, Alex, is simply this.
People that don't know the sacrifices made by others before them, they don't know what they've got.
So when they lose it, they won't even know they've lost it.
And that's the real danger involved here, because they don't know the blessings they have now.
So when they're taken away from them, They won't even realize they're gone for the most part.
You're telling me that band director apologized?
Well, he did apologize to the ADL, and basically they've also agreed not to show the flags any longer in halftime ceremonies when they have their presentation.
Show what flags?
Well, the flags like the Nazi flag, etc.
No longer is it going to be shown during halftime presentation by the band.
In other words, they're going to keep their same type of band presentation, but they're just not going to have the flags depicting the different countries when they do it.
I mean, folks, but see, it sounds ridiculous.
It's meant to be ridiculous to set the precedent where you don't say that word.
And then see, it's all selectively enforced.
If you're a real live Nazi saying you want to be a dictator, saying you love Hitler, oh, you'll get special leadership awards from the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
But see, but if you're now fighting Nazis, you're going to be called a Nazi.
And oh, he's against the world government.
He must be a Nazi.
It's a... It's 1984 on rockets, is what it is.
Well, Alex, I just want to let you know about what's going on up here.
And I really think it's sad because it shows us that no longer is history, accurate history, going to be tolerated by certain groups and powers that be in our society.
And if you try to depict history, no matter how accurate it is, if it's not something they think or deem to be politically correct, then you're in hot water.
Well, exactly.
And thanks for the call.
And I have friends that are pretty well-educated, intelligent folks.
And I was telling a story about one of my neighbors went to buy some beer.
That Negro, whatever it's called, it's Spanish.
It was from Mexico and he was going to get something for a party or something.
He was telling me and he walked in and he said, you don't have any Negro Modelo or whatever it's called?
And the guy at the counter goes, sir, we don't take that type of talk in here.
And it was like, you know, redneck guy.
He goes, what do you mean?
Negro means dark.
That's what the beer is called.
He's like, get out of here!
I was in another store, and I wasn't even buying beer.
I just noticed they didn't have any beer in the store, and I was getting some Blue Bell ice cream.
And I walk over to the counter, and I go, I notice you don't sell beer here.
And he goes, no, sir.
The owner of this store owns 12 stores, and we don't sell it.
You know, it's against our religion.
And I said, oh, that's interesting.
I said, is the owner Amish or something?
And he goes, sir, no, he's white, and we don't like that type of talk.
So now, anything people don't know, like if you claim that there could be a 10th planet, or that there's other spectrum, or a new scientific theory, it'll go, Racism!
Or you say, you don't want to give somebody your ranch or farm.
I mean, I'm not joking about this, because we're on to something here.
It's like morphed into something, where if someone doesn't know what something is, it must be racist.
And I said, no sir, Amish are white.
Amish are like Dutch.
You know, the people on the horse and buggies.
He goes, oh, oh, I see.
Look, look, look.
You're upsetting people, partner.
Just so ignorant.
You say the word Amish now.
What kind of racist code is that?
It's just mindless.
just cowardly creatures.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
But think about how mindless that crowd had to be to have all the flags of World War II and there to be a Nazi flag in the midst of it and just descending into barbarism, throwing things at the children and creaking out and yelling and cushing at the coaches and the band.
How dare you!
But they'll go see a Steven Spielberg movie with Nazi flags everywhere, and oh, it'll be just fine, see?
Because the establishment's allowed to show all that.
A flag, a symbol.
They've tried to ban the sale of memorabilia, see?
And then they can ban other things, but see, that's the political correctness, you know, the witch hunt nature.
I mean, you want to talk about McCarthyism, this is real McCarthyism, where it can just be selectively enforced on people.
That was the case that was in the Associated Press and World Net Daily about two years ago up in Michigan.
A young man, no criminal record, valedictorian.
He had the highest score in his 8th grade class.
Valedictorian is for a graduating senior, but he was the equivalent of that.
Highest score in a large Michigan school.
And he's real smart, and they said, we want you to sign this red-lettered form for Martin Luther King Day that says you'll never own a gun, that you'll never defend yourself in a fight, that you'll, you know, do this and that.
And he said, no, I'm not going to sign agreements.
You know, I don't have to sign anything.
This is a free country.
And they called him into the principal's office and asked, are you a racist?
Are you against Martin Luther King?
He said, what do you mean?
See, I mean, it's like coming to you and saying, sign over your house to us.
Uh, for Martin Luther King Day, and you say, well no, I'm not gonna give you my house.
Well, you're racist then!
See, it's a tool.
They get you to feel all guilty, and you've done nothing wrong.
And then they use it as a tool.
Oh, well then, you must not be with the good people then, uh... And then those doing it are the real Nazis!
They're the ones taking your liberty, taking your freedom, trying to get your guns, hanging out with real live Nazis, running around saying, I love dictators, I love Hitler, I love Kirk Valdemar, I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it!
It's just, I'm sick of these!
I'm going to have to start writing articles about this explicit, incredible hypocrisy of these people.
And I've done that in my Arnold Schwarzenegger article.
So go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, get that article, email it out to everybody so they know the truth, and email it to all your local talk show hosts so they can maybe break their conditioning and figure out what's really going on.
But imagine a band leader having to apologize on the radio, I'm so sorry I showed the flags of World War II, I'm so bad!
And again, it's all selectively enforced.
I guess only if you're a big Hollywood fat cat can you show a Nazi flag in a movie, or in a play, or anything else.
It'll just be an evil crime if anybody else does it.
That's insane, folks.
That's mind control.
That's thought control.
That's thought crime.
It's happening, my friends.
And it's all selectively enforced.
You can have your Mecha, your little Raza.
They can have all the racism they want on BET.
And I'm sick of it.
I'm not guilty.
I've done nothing wrong.
I care about everybody.
I want everybody to have freedom.
And I know that the New World Order is funding all this balkanization, and I'm standing against it.
I am sick of it!
That's what it's meant to do.
It's meant to make us angry.
It's meant to generate more friction.
We'll talk about it more in the next hour.
We'll get to all these callers.
Paul and John and Carson and Jeffrey and Allison and others.
Let me spend the next 60 seconds plugging my videos.
You need to get these videos.
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Or, just write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
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We'll be right back.
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The BerkeyLite Self Sterilize This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Political correctness Political correctness is a tool to bully and bludgeon those that want freedom, that want liberty.
Break down America to destroy all our cultures.
To hand us over to a one world government, the UNESCO UN system.
And I was just thinking in the last segment, or the last little one minute break ending the last hour, how up in Paris, Texas they had this Marching band that showed the flags of World War II and just seeing a Nazi flag set the crowd into just mindless convulsions.
But, again, they're all worshipping Arnold who says, I love Hitler and love dictators.
That's okay.
But that shows just the 1984, you know, ten minutes of hate that's been drummed into people.
And I thought about when I caught this old white guy paying off two black men who testified before the state legislature and which the state legislature admitted was illegal.
Violated the state law.
And I was all proud of myself catching the bribery going on in the halls of the statehouse.
And then we got a call from the statesman saying, Mr. Jones, these are black men being paid off.
Are you a racist?
I said, what are you talking about?
I just caught this on tape.
People being paid off.
Well, would you be upset if they were white being paid off?
And I said, well, of course I would!
Never entered my mind!
Well, we just... And that was the focus of the article.
Is Alex Jones racist for filming black men being paid off?
I mean, you remember that, don't you folks?
I mean, it just... I don't even know how to deal with stuff this weird anymore.
I'm like, I'm against that Nazi Arnold Schwarzenegger!
Well, that's a very anti-Semitic thing to say!
I'm against Hitler!
Oh, boy!
Man, you don't like Jews, do ya?
Well, I'm against world government nap and gat!
Oh, that's real code words for it!
So, I mean, political correctness, and it's just so bad under Bush.
They just love it.
These Neocon talk show hosts and the rest of them are just real pieces of work.
That's all I can say on the issue.
I don't want to spend all day on it.
It's just so important.
I want to get back into UNESCO.
I want to get into some of the facts that allergies may be caused by people taking antibiotics or vaccines early in life.
I've got a bunch of mainstream news articles about that.
Afghanistan, they're saying we'll be there now for another eight years.
Just a bunch of other news.
But right now, let's go to the calls as promised.
Let's talk to Paul.
And Paul, where are you calling us from today?
New Jersey.
I wanted to say some things about Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Now, the quotes you've been repeating of Arnold Schwarzenegger, they're old quotes, right?
Those are from the 1980s or 70s, right?
Uh, they're from the 86, 76, 77, 78, uh, 1998.
Alright, so, the ones he made in 76, I would contend, are probably the most radical.
Now, that was about 28 years ago.
That means Arnold Schwarzenegger was in his mid-twenties.
Okay, now, what kind of philosophy or wisdom do you expect From a 25-year-old barbell guy working out at the gym.
What books are he going to be reading?
How is he going to be formulating an intelligent philosophy?
You're not listening.
I was pretty smart at 25.
Let me just tell you something.
The guy is for open borders, abortion on demand, tax increases, he's being hailed by conservatives.
That's the real meat of the issue.
I agree with that, but I kind of don't like the It's a personal, almost slanderous type of thing.
It's not slanderous!
It's what he's been... The guy said it!
Yeah, I know, but my point is he was doped up on steroids as a 20-year-old kid.
Oh, you talk about slanderous, now you're saying he's on steroids.
No, well, he admits that.
Which is obvious.
Yes, he does.
He admits to that back then, yes.
But my point is, he's a young, misguided guy back then, and I think you should take More current, up-to-date, enlightened quotes of Schwarzenegger.
He's the same person he was, he's worse.
The guy goes to the Bohemian Grove, buddy.
He's not just in Robert Mapplethorpe photos in the late 1970s.
However, my point is, can I continue after the break?
Yeah, you can continue on.
Because I think your argument has got holes you can drive a Mack truck through.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a big, fat, Nazi worm.
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There is a chance to use this disaster in a New World Order.
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Big Brother. Mainstream media. Government cover-ups.
I don't want to spend all day on Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network. And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, I've got a bunch of news to get to. I don't want to spend all day on Arnold Schwarzenegger.
I brought it up because you've got this little band from Paris, Texas, doing a reenactment of World War II, marching,
with a whole bunch of flags, one of them the Nazi flag, showing the countries.
It's in a thousand plays, a hundred movies.
It's everywhere.
It's just history.
And everyone convulses and freaks out.
There's apologies.
Oh, this is so evil.
But then Arnold's running around saying, I love Hitler.
I want to be a dictator.
Uh, and this caller saying, well, you know, don't slander him.
Hey, Arnold said it, buddy, so please.
The defense for slander libels the truth.
This is all public.
So I don't like your statement.
That's slanderous towards me.
Uh, just so you know, John, I'm being up front with you.
You want to play hardball with me and use those type of words.
And then the guy goes to Bohemian Grove now, which they admit they ship in the male prostitutes there.
The old men run around naked in the woods, according to the Sacramento Bee and all these other big papers.
And you got Arnold saying he loves Kurt Voltheim in the middle of him being exposed as a Nazi in 1986.
You know, when the guy's married to Maria Shriver, 30-something years old.
I guess he'd be about 36 years old.
Yeah, go ahead.
No, it's... Another thing about...
Now, if his father was a Nazi, correct?
Yeah, but we don't focus on that.
In my article, we talk about that being a red herring.
Yeah, I agree with that.
And the point is, why wouldn't he be proud of his father?
And let's say he personally knew Kurt Waldheim.
If he knew him, maybe he met him and liked him.
And maybe Because he's an Austrian.
He just isn't really that good.
And maybe he just likes Robert Mapplethorpe.
Maybe he just likes the satanic rituals at the Grove.
No, maybe he does, but my point is... Maybe he just likes open borders and gun control and forced abortion.
And that's my point too, though.
How could he be a Nazi and be for the migration of non-whites into white countries?
The point is he's a New World Order whore.
But my point is... My point is it's a hypocrisy of people flipping out over the Nazi flag as part of a World War II reenactment.
Utterly mindless and shallow.
But then you've got the highest awards by the Simon Wiesenthal Center being given to Arnold as Arnold runs around hanging out with Waltheim to this day.
Yeah, but I just don't see what the big deal is.
Listen, I'm going to be honest about this.
Hey buddy, I didn't slander Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Everything I said is on the record.
But I wanted to say something about it.
Hey, but wait a minute.
I'm going back to your statement.
Your statement.
Your statement.
That I'm slandering Arnold Schwarzenegger.
The guy has said this on the record in Rolling Stone Magazine.
Yeah, when he was how old?
He was like 30 years old.
Hey, buddy, let me tell you something.
I've had responsibility since I was about 15 years old.
I'm done talking to you.
Thanks for the call.
You don't have any arguments, my friend.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is real smart.
Oh, I'm real afraid of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
I'm afraid a robot arm would come out and grab me.
I think there could be some envy within you, perhaps, and I also think he's just an opportunistic politician.
I'm not supporting Schwarzenegger, but I do think that what you say about him and his being proud of his father's record in the war, or being proud of, let's say, Some Austrian nationalism.
I don't see why he should be ashamed.
He didn't say that.
And likewise, when he's young, he wants to be a dictator.
For example, with myself.
The guy's a megalomaniac, man!
He's saying he wants to be a dictator?
He loves Hitler?
He hangs out with UN chiefs?
So what, he's an ambitious man?
That is a very Machiavellian man.
Listen, listen, listen.
I'm done talking to you, bud.
Your argument is a joke, okay?
Thanks for the call.
Envious of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Would I say that to his face?
I mean, now this is like junior high.
My daddy's tougher than your daddy.
I bet you won't say that to his face.
But I don't sit up here and talk about my bravery, okay?
But I go up to the police at checkpoints to get in their face.
I crawl around through the redwood trees and sneak past the Secret Service and go into
the Bohemian Grove, buddy, where your little Arnie hangs out.
I get chased by the Delta Force in Florida through the swamps with guys on dune buggies
chasing us.
Okay, I've had feds come up and pull butcher knives out in front of 20 people and say,
"We're going to kill you soon.
We're feds at Waco."
I get the call in the middle of the night with a voice changer going, "Mr. Jones, we've
had our eye on you for a while."
Continue what you're doing and you're gonna be dead.
You hear me?
You're gonna be dead soon.
So don't sit there in your weak little mindset and imply that I'm afraid of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
That is amazing.
And that I'm envious of him.
That's amazing.
I mean, let's be honest.
I wouldn't mind having a couple hundred million dollars because I could really fight the New World Order with it.
And see a lot of interesting pledges from the world.
But I think my envy ends about right there.
I detest evil.
I detest the New World Order.
I detest the neocons.
I detest their hypocrisy.
I detest the loss of the Second Amendment.
When California falls under this gun grabber, I'm upset about that.
Folks losing their Second Amendment, the borders.
I don't like Arnold Schwarzenegger, buddy.
And it just is a great testament to how sick the neocons are that they're defending him.
And then you'd call in and defend him.
I mean, that is just crazy.
It is a big diversion.
The whole thing's a distraction.
But if we look at it for the diversion and the distraction and the hypocrisy, from another angle, it can be educational and uplifting.
I do not want to talk about Arnold anymore, because this is really Way off course from the serious stuff that's going on.
Let's talk to John in Tennessee.
Go ahead, John.
This past weekend, both the History Channel and C-SPAN reported that Adolf Hitler was a Jew.
Both of the authors were Jews, so it must be politically correct to admit it now.
Well, it is true he was a Rothschild.
And now Counterpunch and Alexander Cochran of the LA Times have reported that Zionists were involved in funding Hitler because they actually wanted It gets into higher level satanic orders that actually want to kill the Jews.
And you've got what Jesus warned about these false ones in there.
It's very scary.
And to try to explain this to people who, you know, to a country that gets mad at a Nazi flag in a reenactment of World War II, I mean, it's like trying to explain rocket science to a toad.
Well, the book, Hitler's Jewish Soldiers, about his 200,000 Jewish soldiers, was written by Dr. Brian Mark Rigg.
You might want to interview him.
He wrote it five years ago, but he's just now getting on C-SPAN.
Hey, man!
You got the Simon Wiesenthal Center endorsing Adolf Schwarzenegger.
That's not credible, that they would do that.
Well, I'm sick of it!
I mean, I've gone out and protested the Klan and all these other federal groups.
I've gone out and protested MECHA.
All this race stuff is going to... the global issues are going to control us.
And I'm not going to sit there and watch these groups endorse Arnold and then go after Steve Voss and then second amendment groups.
I'm sick of it!
Well, the History Channel also reported the USS Maine.
And it exploded in Cuba, killing 250 soldiers.
You mentioned it in your videos.
And it started the Spanish-American War.
Teddy Roosevelt was the Assistant Secretary of the Navy at the time, and the war made him President.
Are you a racist against the Spanish?
Possibly against the Israelis and the Jews.
No, no, no.
I'm being sarcastic here.
Obviously you're saying that war was started against Spain using a pretext.
But see, the mindless public just hears the word Spain.
He must be against Spain.
Here, let's just be totally mindless.
Here, how about we just burn you?
No, no, no.
How about we just burn you at the stake because you said the word Spain?
Well, that may happen down the road.
We'll see.
In 1974, the U.S.
Navy reported that the official cause of the explosion was inside the ship and not a Spanish mine.
So the whole war to steal Cuba was a fraud.
That's why Operation Northwoods wanted to remember the man.
What did Teddy Roosevelt call it?
A splendid little war.
Yeah, the Rough Riders going up San Juan Hill.
And Bush says he's modeling himself after President William McKinley, who engineered that.
Yeah, that's like History Channel reporting that Israel attacked USS Liberty.
And of course, James Banford was interviewed and wrote Body of Secrets and broke the Northwoods document.
Well, it's like 9-1-1.
that when they when the aircraft carriers that are shipped under attack
we've launched jets to defend
uh... in international waters they got a call back instantly from the white house
said leave it alone we understand we're in control of this operation
they ordered that ship to sit there that whole thing was staged
right out of LBJ's office and Israel was just the trigger man
they were going to blame that on Egypt folks well it's like 9-1-1 you got the uh... sixty israeli massad
spies were arrested This was a Pentagon operation.
Did the French or the Germans or the Mossad know?
So it's getting really old that the Arabs are getting all the credit for 9/11 when the
Saudi hijackers are still alive.
I mean, that's really annoying to me to even hear this attack of the Arabs when the whole
thing is obviously a fraud.
Well, I'll say this.
This was a Pentagon operation.
Did the French or the Germans or the Mossad know?
Obviously that's admitted.
But I don't know.
It plays into the government's hands to say that Israel was behind it.
I don't believe Israel was behind it.
Well, they played a big part.
And Tex Marsh reported that the Jewish neocons, like Rush Limbaugh, Billy Graham, and Hillary Clinton, will soon outlaw the Christian Bible, say, in ten years.
So we better get ready to bury our heads in the sand.
Well, that is true.
There is a move in Europe and now in the U.S.
and what was it, Pennsylvania?
Governor Mark Schweiker.
If a preacher reads the anti-homosexual comments of the Bible, they can be arrested or fined.
Right here in America, folks.
Can't read the Bible.
Well, the First Presbyterian Church of Knoxville, Tennessee reported in their bulletin this month that the court was right to remove the Ten Commandments, and that 90% of the Bible should be censored and removed.
Wow, so they copied that?
And they have a 666 on their church logo, the Celtic knot over a Celtic cross.
That's 666.
So they even put 666 on their church.
That's their church logo.
The biggest downtown church in Knoxville.
Alright, thanks for the call.
Well, now you're being racist against the Celts.
They're the Celtic folks.
You're now a black racist after what you've done.
We cannot discuss anything, folks.
We cannot have parades reenacting World War II.
We cannot have museums.
Those are evil dudes.
You just hate them.
Support Hitler or anti-Semitic, bitch.
Alright, we'll be... Well, I'm sorry.
I don't support Hitler.
Call me a racist if you want to.
I just do not support Adolf Hitler.
I'm sorry.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Multiculturalism, political correctness, is meant to balkanize the control.
And then when you stand up for something good or decent or wholesome, you can be attacked.
And the whole thing is selectively enforced.
And we need to understand that my criticism of Arnold Schwarzenegger is for the abortion, the open borders, the gun control, and then you add to it everything else.
It's just the icing on the cake.
The Bohemian Grove, the Robert Mabel photos, the I love Hitler, I want to be a dictator.
I mean, no one who said I want to be a dictator should ever be in any position of power.
I mean, Bill Clinton said it.
George Bush said it.
Starting to get the pattern here, folks?
Well, but I guess it's bad when Bill Clinton says it, but good when George Bush says it, and good when Arnold says it.
So, uh, you know, I love everybody, no matter what color you are.
If you love freedom and you want to leave my liberties and my freedoms alone and my children's future alone, but you come after my freedom, I don't care what color you are or what religion you are or where you're coming from, I'm going to stand against you.
See, the New World Order is about saying, uh-uh, uh-uh.
You've got to accept all the religions, no matter what they want to do.
You've got to accept all lifestyles, no matter what they want to do to you.
And I'm telling people right now, I'm not going along with it.
Let's go ahead and talk to... Oh, I guess Jeffrey is up next in Missouri.
Go ahead, Jeffrey.
Good afternoon, Alex Jones, and I love your show, and I'm a first-time caller, sir.
Well, welcome to the airwaves.
I've been following your show, and I've been following your your mission and it's a very good mission and I agree with
you that the Republican conservatives, I don't know if you agree with me, but it seems like they
reversed. They're grasping everything that they used to be against. Even now the National
Republican Party says abortion is good.
It's a woman's right and I disagree with that. Well, I mean, take Ron Paul. He said we have been
betrayed in his neocon speech.
We have been betrayed.
Let me say it again.
We've been betrayed, sold out, folks.
And let's just be honest and stop beating.
Let's not be taken for another ride.
They go, well, who are you going to vote for then?
That shows us how bad stuff's gotten.
I know this voting for the status quo isn't going to help us.
No, not at all.
We have got to face up to the fact that That gun owners, we're the majority, plus it's constitutional in our republic, repeal gun laws!
Don't give us more!
Look, Bush says he'll sign this new gun bill that's been introduced by Republicans and Democrats, and it's the most draconian stuff ever!
I mean, that makes me angry!
Well, actually, Alex, I'm from Missouri, and we just had our concealed carry passed through, but in the newspaper, in the little print, is what really got me pissed off, was one of these Republican leaders from the Missouri The Senate said gun ownership in Cary is a privilege.
They took away our right.
Well, I understand that makes you angry and I appreciate the call, sir.
Let's be careful with even light language because there's a lot of children listening.
Okay, I apologize.
No, that's okay.
Hey, I understand this stuff gets people hot.
We just have a lot of homeschoolers, thousands that are listening.
But thank you for the call and please send me that story, okay?
Really great points, Jeffrey, appreciate that.
Yeah, I hear all the good ol' boys on talk radio, the conservative shows, even guys that I like, who I know mean well.
And they're right on about 90% of the issues, but they love this concealed carry.
They just think it's the best thing to slice bread.
And let me tell you, folks, in most states, it takes a right and turns it into a privilege.
Here in Texas, when they passed it a few years ago, crime rate's gone down, it's been great, yeah.
But now, you can't buy the gun at the gun shop and get home with it without the concealed carry permit.
You can't go to the shooting range.
It's up to their discretion.
And then all they've got to do is jack up the prices to get the gun, to get the concealed carry, to jump through the hoops.
I mean, New York City 50 years ago had concealed carry and they just phased it in to where you can't get a gun now.
And I did read about Missouri, where they passed that.
And basically, it's a gun control bill.
But there'll be NRA members that'll call me all day long and tell me how I'm wrong.
We need Vermont-style carry.
It's called the Second Amendment.
You don't have a criminal record?
You carry a gun.
And you get a low crime rate.
You know, even Switzerland, the lowest crime rate in the world, is about to register and ban a bunch of guns.
Because they just signed on to the UN last year.
We're losing our guns, folks.
We're losing them under Bush right now.
He's voting with Hillary and Chuckie Schumer, and I'm sick of it.
And you need to wake up and grow up out there and face the facts.
We're going to lose our sacred right to defend our families.
It's enshrined in the Bible.
Folks, the Bible says you'll go to hell if you don't defend your family, if you don't stand up to tyranny.
And I'll say it again.
Hitler was for gun control.
I'm so sick of these Nazis!
Of these Communists!
These control freaks!
All of ya!
I'm not your property!
Do you understand me?
Federal Government!
I'm not your slave!
You think stuff's bad now, folks?
If they get our guns, it's gonna get bad overnight.
It's gonna get a lot worse.
Alright, more news, more calls.
Allison and Michael and Spencer and others, you're up next.
When we get back, stay with me!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, we're now 20 seconds into this segment, but 33 minutes after the hour,
into the hour...
The total free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
Before this hour ends, I want to spend five minutes or so, after we take some calls, on UNESCO.
Because you've heard Bush sign back onto it.
Maybe you haven't heard exactly what this organization is really all about.
Again, Bill Clinton didn't even sign us back onto this.
I mean, it's just incredible.
I mean, it's abortion and world government incorporated.
By the way, there's a move to go ahead and pass the partial birth abortion ban.
We'll see if Bush signs it.
He's under massive pressure to do it.
I pray that happens.
Everybody needs to get on the telephone and the fax machine and the email and on their knees because that's one reason this country's being judged, folks.
You can't have 54 million abortions and have an unrepentant country and not have tyranny.
I mean, just to have a government and a population that doesn't think that's bad.
No wonder we got the news saying torture's good and You know, taking our liberties is good, because people don't know what evil is anymore.
Before I go back to Allison and Michael and Spencer and others, I want to bring Debbie Morrow up from New Millennium Concepts for a couple minutes.
Debbie's just a great lady.
She's the lady you talk to generally when you call to order some of the big, murky line of high-quality water filters, shower filters, potassium iodate sports bottles.
Hi there, Alex.
Thanks for having me.
Actually, Jim wanted to extend the September special through today.
for the month of October.
And here to announce those is my good friend, Debbie Morrow.
Debbie, thanks for coming on the show.
Hi there, Alex.
Thanks for having me.
Actually, Jim wanted to extend the September special through today.
Even though today's October 1st, he wanted me to go ahead and announce
that we would extend this filter special for you, the $298 special for the Berkey light without the light,
two Berkey sport bottles, and two additional replacement elements, or the $345 special, which
is the Berkey light with the light, the two sport bottles, the auxiliary battery adapter, and the two replacement
Each of those specials save you between $75 and $100.
And we've got a link to that on InfoWars.com on the left hand side.
There's a link through to the website where you can order on their secure online shopping cart.
Jim's been in business for a long time.
The big national distributor of British Birkfeld.
Now the maker of the Berkey Light, which even exceeds the British models.
Made right here in America.
A bizarre rareness to have something actually made here.
And this is what I drink water out of.
I bought Berkey's from Jim before he was even a sponsor years ago.
I guess four, five years ago now, how time flies.
Folks, you need to take advantage of this.
You've also got a little portable solar panel and charger that works for cell phones, other stuff when you're out in the bush.
How much is that?
If you buy it with the special, I've been giving it to people for $50.
It's normally $75 if they order it alone, but if they get it with the September special, I have been discounting it.
Debbie's awesome, folks.
She's always giving people great discounts.
She's also a listener of this show, and I've had a chance to meet her several times.
Just a great, great lady fighting the New World Order up in Dallas, Texas.
Folks can call you.
I mean, Deb is going to be there in just a few minutes after she hangs up here.
If you love your family, folks, you need to get your children off the fluoride, off the pesticides, off the chloride, and just all the trash.
Take the Berkey Taste test.
Drink out of one of these for a month.
Try to go drink tap water.
You're going to just laugh that you didn't do this sooner.
We overlook stuff, the big stuff like water, 70 to 71% of our bodies.
Debbie, how important is a water filter to people's health and safety?
A real water filter?
The Berkey water filters have changed people's lives.
You know, I get testimony after testimony, Alex, of people who call me and say they've never had such great water, that their health is better.
You know, we're being poisoned in so many areas with the water.
Chlorine alone, you know, it's amazing the difference when you drink the water.
And I use mine every day because I live in the city and I get Dallas water.
And, you know, we won't even drink regular water anymore out of the tap because it's such a difference, not only to how you feel, but the taste is so much better.
It's very important.
And the body, a lot of people already have the filters, but they don't have shower filters.
And this is what I have in my home.
The biggest organ is the skin.
And you also inhale it into your lungs, and when the hot water comes out in the shower, it aerosolizes the chlorine, the pesticides, the herbicides.
Folks, you need to put filters on your shower, and you've got some of the better models there.
How much are those, Debbie?
The KDF shower filters are normally $49, but I can go ahead and give you a discount of $35 on that.
So it would be $35 per shower filter.
And they do go between your pipe and your shower head, so you do get to use your normal shower head with it.
They're very easy to install.
And you know, I've worked for Jim for almost five years now, and I have never had a single person complain about the shower filters.
Now, I have had one person who it didn't fit his shower, and he had a real modern, state-of-the-art kind of thing.
But I get more reorders on those shower heads and they last a year.
Well, yeah, because it's important.
If people aren't drinking the poison, you need to know you're getting just as much of it through your skin.
That's right.
That's right.
And of course into your little lungs.
Debbie, thanks for coming on.
Thank you, Alex.
Really appreciate you.
That's 888-803-4438.
It's usually her, just one little lady.
And so if you call and it's busy, call back or leave your name and number and she'll call you right back.
And, you know, I don't pitch drugs on my show.
I don't pitch, you know, magical cures.
I don't pitch, I just, you know, freedom, information, water filters, vitamins, stuff, you know, real stuff, folks.
Let me tell you, this water is a big deal.
And you just need to stop procrastinating.
You want to strike a blow at the New World Order?
Take control of your life.
Turn the television off.
Spend time with your children and your wife and your husband.
You want to strike the New World Order?
Stop drinking their water.
Take control of your life, folks.
Okay, I want to thank folks for holding.
Let's talk to Allison in California.
Allison, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
I appreciate you holding, Allison.
You're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
I know you don't want to spend all day on Arnold Schwarzenegger, but I think your listeners will be interested in some recent experiences I've had.
And I just want to preface this by saying that this is exactly why I left the Republican Party seven years ago and never looked back.
All these so-called conservative pro-life talk show hosts like Roger Hedgecock and Sean Hannity have abandoned Tom McClinock.
And they're saying that we need to get the fiscal issues right before we can work on the moral issues, but they have it exactly backwards.
Well, that's the cart before the horse.
It sure is.
It's the tail wagging the dog.
But anyways, what's happened lately is I occasionally write for World Net Daily, and I also write for a lay Catholic newspaper in San Diego called San Diego News Notes.
And a few weeks ago, one of our friends up in Los Angeles snapped a photo of Arnold receiving Holy Communion at St.
Monica's Parish in Santa Monica.
This is on August 31st, so it's very recent.
And this is, you know, when he has publicly said that he supports homosexual domestic partnerships and abortion.
So I tried to call the pastor a couple weeks ago for comment about this for a story that I was writing for News Notes, and of course he never returned my call.
And by the way, I recognize your voice.
I believe you've been on as a guest.
Tell folks who you are.
I'm Allison Smith, and I occasionally write for World Net Daily.
And I also write for... Well, you've done a lot of great work.
What do you think about this caller earlier?
And I'll let you finish your story in a second.
The guy says he loves Hitler, loves Kurt Voltheim, wants to be a dictator.
He's in hardcore homosexual porn with Mabel Thorpe.
He's just a few years ago hanging out with Voltheim.
He's a member of the Bohemian Grove, which they admit carries out satanic rituals.
That's admitted, folks!
That's admitted!
And people are still defending this guy.
There's another thing that we just got recently, and I'll forward it to you, that he was on British television just a few years ago.
Now this is long after he's gotten married, right, and become supposedly a family man.
Where he was grabbing for the upper anatomy of women over on a TV show in Britain, but I'll forward that one to you.
Anyways, to continue, I just think it's all awful, Alex, to answer your question, and I just don't understand why everybody's abandoning Tom McClintock to favor him, but all that aside, last night I was at a Bible study here in San Diego, and the instructor who teaches it is named Bill Creasy.
He comes down from Los Angeles every week to give a Bible study.
And he starts telling a story about Arnold last night, saying that Arnold Schwarzenegger donated $1.3 million to rebuild St.
Monica's Parish after the Northbridge earthquake destroyed the dome several years ago.
And apparently there's a big plaque in the back of the church about Arnold and Richard Reardon, who's also another pro-gay, pro-abort, former candidate.
Uh, being major donors to the church.
By the way, Bohemian Grove member, yeah.
Thank you.
Yeah, I didn't know that, but thanks.
Yeah, San Francisco Chronicle, yeah.
So I went up to this instructor, Bill Creasy, afterward, and I talked to him about this, and Bill Creasy told me that he hoped that by telling the story it would get Arnold some more votes.
And this is a Bible study instructor who told me this.
No, no, I mean, they've been given to great delusion, and they love death now.
I don't know about this particular person, but I mean, look, I hear them on the air, you know, well, we've got to have some gun control, we've got to compromise.
Well, we've got to go ahead and... They're just saying, they don't care if 80-something percent of people are against it.
They're announcing blanket amnesty for all the illegals, more of those special visas to take our high-tech jobs.
I mean, we're committing suicide here!
I know, and I thought to myself, you know, just follow the money.
Arnold gives all this money to the church, so even the good Christians, so-called, Don't say boo to him when he publicly espouses abortion and homosexuality.
Look, actually he gave a house worth over two million to the Catholic Church, but what's happening here is take the faith-based initiative.
Billions of dollars to go to the churches.
No wonder the local Baptist Church has anti-gun UN day here in Austin.
They're already getting federal money.
And now they're trying to pass this faith-based initiative to give them more.
And so they'll say whatever the government wants.
I know.
Alex, I'm like you.
It just makes me want to puke.
But thanks for listening to me and thanks for taking my call.
Well, thank you.
Are you still there?
Yes, I am.
Allison, what do you think about the Simon Wiesenthal Center endorsing Arnold and then running around attacking people who have never said anything about Israel or the Jews?
Well, Alex, I just think all of it's terrible.
You know?
I mean, what does the Simon Wiesenthal Center stand for?
Well, I just don't understand why they'll demonize all these wholesome, good groups who've never done anything to them, but then some guy that loves Hitler, they love him!
I don't understand it either.
There is certainly a veil of darkness that has been pulled over this country, you know, and we've lost what little sight we have because we're going after all the bad things.
So it distresses me and it breaks my heart, Alex, but you keep up the good work.
I really appreciate what you do.
Hey, what's your website, Allison?
Um, I don't have one.
I know that I've seen a lot of your writings.
Right, but if you go out to worldnetdaily.com and type in my first name, which is spelled A-L-L-Y-S-O-N, last name Smith as it's normally spelled, you'll see some of my stories out there.
I write about sexual perversion issues.
Boy, there's plenty to write on on that subject.
There sure is.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you, Alex.
Yeah, folks, I mean, If they can sell us Arnold as the guy to vote for, I mean, if they were all behind McClintock, he'd win, folks.
Hands down.
But no, it's going to be Arnold.
And not that it even matters, because the whole thing's staged out there.
It's just how you can hear the neocons saying he's the man.
They mean abortion and gun control is good then.
We're in a lot of trouble, folks.
I mean, 87-89% of people want the borders shut, the illegals are deported.
I mean, they admit those numbers, but it says Republican and Democratic parties just don't care!
They just don't care!
We're getting rid of your borders!
End of the subject!
That shows it's not our government.
It's not a constitutional government.
Michael in Kansas, go ahead, thanks for holding.
All right.
Not quite.
Oh, he's there now.
Well, go ahead, Michael.
Oh, there you are.
Thought I lost you.
I was watching the History Channel.
Hello, Alex?
Yeah, right here.
Watching the History Channel, and they were showing some of the old Nazi clips that was captured by the American soldiers of what they did to their children and so forth, and how they demonized them, and how they turned them around to stand up and fight for And I think everybody at the History Channel should be arrested and they should apologize.
That's obviously Nazi leanings to show a Nazi flag.
I think they ought to arrest this band director who did a reenactment of some World War II stuff and showed the flags of countries, symbols, people should be arrested, ban the Bible, ban everything.
And they have also even showed the footage of the soldiers that walked the Bataan March How pitiful and how rotten the Japanese murdered those guys.
By showing the Japanese, they're supporting Japanese fascism, by showing a Japanese flag, that's an act of hate right there.
And of course I'm being sarcastic.
Arnold can say he loves Hitler and wants to be a dictator, and he gets the endorsement of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, but then over here, a band director just shows the flags of World War II and there's convulsions and freak-outs.
That's mind control, folks!
It's worse enough when the veterans, Four men who fought, died, and gave their blood are now in disgrace by this country and the political correctness that my father fought for to end Nazi Germany.
And I am appalled at what this country has done to our veterans.
Four men who died in Pearl Harbor.
Men who died on the beaches just to get into Germany.
And now we've turned into Nazi Germany run by the multiculturalist.
It's so far out of hand and we can't even teach our children the people who came from foreign countries who wanted to get away from their tyranny to come to freedom here and now we call people who did come here, you know, an African American.
I mean, oh you're against him!
You're against a Irish.
It's so sickening.
Well, it's how they control us.
It's a smoke screen.
Thanks for the call.
Good to hear from you.
Spencer in Ohio.
Spencer, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
God bless you, Alex.
You know, have you ever seen the movie Hitler in 1960 starring Richard Bassard?
He had a shrink doctor from Harvard who treated his headache.
Did you know that?
Yeah, he was hopped up on a bunch of different drugs.
But by the signing over to UNESCO, Mr. Bush has now broken the everlasting covenant and violated the Monroe Doctrine.
UNESCO claims that America is no longer a sovereign nation anymore, like the British did in 1812.
Well, they also say that the family is, quote, a disease and must be eradicated.
That's... I'm reading from a ten-part series for teachers published by UNESCO.
and it asserts a title "Towards a World Understanding"
"One of the chief aims of education today should be to prepare boys and girls to take an active part in the
creation of world society"
"The government schools must stamp out love of country and the family must be viewed as the enemy"
"As long as the child breathes the poison air of nationalism, education and world-mindedness can produce
only rather precarious results"
It goes on page after page, and this is what Bush has signed on to
Yes, they support atomic families, and I'm against UNESCO and the United Nations
I support H. Conres 4, which is Ron Paul's bill in the Congress.
And we should get out of UNESCO because, uh, they're going to blow us up real good.
And, uh, oh, did you know Jack Ruby doubled as his brother Earl after he died?
Yeah, I read that somewhere.
Thanks for the call, Spencer.
A lot of interesting points.
All right, I'm going to come back and just hit some more news that we've missed.
We haven't had time to get to.
Then we'll come back in the third hour and get some more news and more calls.
Wide open phones at 800-259-9231.
800-259-9231. Stay with me.
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That's 888-253-3139.
Alright my friends, Alex Jones.
You're back live.
That's 888-253-3139.
Alright my friends, Alex Jones, you're back live. What does UNESCO do?
Okay, this is from their own documents.
Good job.
Very important to understand that.
UNESCO interfaces with the education affairs of member countries and has sought to construct a UN-based school curriculum for American schools.
Well, yeah, we've already been part of it without being signatories for decades.
UNESCO has been fully supportive of the United Nations Population Fund and its assistance to China's brutal course of population control program, forced abortion and fantasy.
What Pat Robertson says is good.
Again, I've been criticized for criticizing Pat Robertson.
Okay, fine.
You have the dead babies on your hands then.
UNESCO has designated 47 UN biosphere reserves.
A lot more than that, folks.
In the United States, covering more than 70 million acres, also World Heritage sites, without congressional consultation, and they tell people on the outlying areas what to do with their land, I wanted to add that, UNESCO effectively bypasses congressional authority to manage federal lands by establishing management policies without congressional consultation or approval.
And they go on to call the family a disease that belongs to the age of barbarism and needs to be eradicated and And that's what Bush has signed on to.
That's what he sent his tart, his little creature.
Bush promotes U.S.
as it rejoins UNESCO a couple days ago, being kissed on by Jacques-Camille Chirac.
And she was in Paris to attend a rejoining ceremony of UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.
So, more of that, folks.
More of that.
You won't hear Lord Limbaugh or other and sundry Prostitutes of the New World Order out there speaking out against that, out there standing up against it.
Just to remind you what this government's like, that you want to give all your liberties and freedoms to.
Associated Press, North Carolina.
Approved sterilization compensation.
Survivors from among the thousands of North Carolinians.
Residents who were involuntarily sterilized by the state over five decades will be compensated in the form of health care and education.
But see, it's already going on under other names.
Long gone microchip cat finds owner CNN.
Lots of propaganda daily on that.
Another article here out of the British News about killing people with chemical weapons, their own troops and tests, and them convulsing and dying.
That's the type of stuff we're dealing with here.
Oh man, the next hour I'll get into some of the Patriot Act being phased in and some of the other election news and what's happening with the economy as well.
And always at the end of each hour I remember that, hey, I better plug my videos because they're waking folks up, number one.
Number two, it supports this broadcast.
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How do I describe what's in a 2-hour, 40-minute film like Police State 3 when it's all so fast-moving?
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in the videos. 888-253-3139 or just write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R,
Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704. Third hour straight ahead.
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother. Mainstream media. Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, already into the third hour of the jam-packed hour of the day, of the evening, of the morning, depending on what time zone you're tuning into us on.
I had a caller last hour that likes Arnold Schwarzenegger.
He didn't really say he likes him.
He said he doesn't like me, that I'm envious of Arnold and I'd be afraid to call him names to his face.
Yeah, you've really got me figured out there, buddy.
I'm afraid to confront powerful people.
Sure, that's my M.O.
You've caught me.
Actually, I have such little fear that it's a problem.
I probably need more fear.
It's kind of foolish to not have fear in your life, but maybe I need a little more.
We'll see in the final equation, won't we, at the end of the day.
But if you disagree with me like he does, and you think Arnold's a great guy, or you think world government's good, or you think gun control's good, or you think forced abortion's good, maybe you're a Christian conservative like Pat Robertson.
Whereas I consider myself to be a real Christian conservative.
Again, according to Limbaugh, you've got to be for forced abortion, gun control, and stuff like that to be a new conservative.
But I'm being serious here.
one eight hundred two five nine nine two three one eight hundred two five nine
nine two three one and we're about to go to uh... mark in rhode island and uh...
charles and pete and ron and chris and many many others are patiently
holding and and boy is there a lot of news
Patriot Act kicks in at banks today.
Oh yeah, it affects you and your family.
Has nothing to do with terrorism.
Stars and Stripes reports Afghanistan planning calls for up to eight more years of occupation.
Also allergies tied to vaccinations in articles I've got and tied to the antibiotics being given to small children can really screw kids up for life.
Major studies on that.
And just a lot more in this hour.
But right now, let's go ahead and go back to the calls as promised.
Let's go ahead and talk to, let's go to Mark in Rhode Island first.
Mark in Rhode Island, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
It's a great pleasure to talk to you.
First time caller and a long, well, couple of year listener.
Pleasure to hear you on the show, sir.
Thank you.
And I just, I just thank you for what you're doing.
And I know you're a pretty humble guy.
You don't like to be Put up on a pedestal, but I just want you to know I really admire you and people like Joyce and Dave and people like at WARL, which I do hear you on out of Providence.
And just, you know, thank you for all this information and letting us see through all the lies and disinformation.
Well no, I appreciate you and I appreciate those that came before us that continue to preserve history and that help teach us how to think and how to understand world history.
Because it's the old cliche, because it's true, that those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
So people don't know tyranny today because they weren't taught what tyranny was before.
And so it's our job to ring those alarm bells and warn people and I see a massive awakening taking place.
I mean I've talked to some of your talk show hosts there and I've talked to your program director and they say that it's changing the minds of a lot of people and affecting local talk shows and the newspapers.
Just having one radio station telling the truth that is so valuable and I hope folks will tell everybody in their area every day about every AM FM affiliate we've got.
Yeah, actually Alex, I'm a self-employed contractor and I'm in a lot of people's homes during the weeks and I do try to tell people to listen to that and go to your website and see what you're putting out.
But I just want to say a couple of things and I'll make it real quick.
I do want to congratulate the city of Austin and I know you played a big part in that in the vote last week and putting down the Patriot Act.
Well, I want to congratulate the folks that showed up three or four times to have it postponed over and over again, and it was overwhelming pressure that did that.
I tell you what, stay there, Mark, and I'll talk to you on the other side from Rhode Island.
I'm going to talk more about this and see what you guys are doing in Rhode Island to defeat this or other areas of the country, and then we'll go to all the other great folks that are holding.
I didn't talk enough about that.
The 400-plus cities, the four states that have repudiated the fascistic Garbage from the liar Ashcroft and Bush.
By the way, the bill was written by Hillary and Chuckie Schumer.
I thought I'd add that for you.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, my friends.
I do this show Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 and then back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're talking to Mark in Rhode Island right now.
He was congratulating Austin, Texas on passing a resolution decrying the Patriot Act.
And some say, well, it's just resolutions.
But it expands the understanding.
It expands the consciousness, as they say, the awareness that there is a Bill of Rights, there is a Constitution.
People didn't even know that a few years ago.
They didn't even know what their rights and freedoms were.
Now, because the enemy has moved in such an overt way against our freedoms, there is a massive wake-up call taking place.
And now we need to start boycotting the banks and the businesses and the corporations that are carrying out the Patriot Act willingly.
And that story's coming up here in just a minute.
But, Mark, go ahead and finish up your comments from Rhode Island.
Hi, Alex.
Oh, yeah, by the way, I believe it's going to be next Tuesday, October 7th.
There's going to be a meeting at the Providence City Hall and they're organizing to defeat the Patriot Act.
I believe it's 6 p.m.
at night, so they've been hyping it a lot on WARO, but I just wanted to throw that out again.
And I tell you, that is so exciting to be part of the Second American Revolution to restore America.
What day is that again in Providence, Rhode Island?
I believe it's October 7th, Alex, on a Tuesday evening at 6 p.m.
Well, that's going to be when Arnold is being christened the new governor out on the other side of the coast.
What's the matter, Alex?
Don't you like any of his old movies, Terminator and Total Recall?
I have no problem with the movies.
I actually like some of those movies.
No, I do too.
But I don't like the person.
But according to that caller the other hour, I'd be afraid to say that to Arnold's face.
Yeah, yeah, right.
We'll see.
Who knows?
Maybe I'm going to be confronting Arnold.
Maybe people don't know the secret plan.
Alex, one more thing.
I was watching the Discovery Health Channel this past weekend and I thought of you because they were doing a program on Austin, Texas.
It was a couple of years ago.
You had a severe outbreak of Streptococcus, I think it was, and flesh-eating bacteria.
Is there any connection there with any of the New World Order stuff?
What show was this on?
I believe it was the Discovery Health Channel.
Well, I know that because of the wonderful border economy we have, I mean, just the tens of millions of illegals from every country imaginable, no health screening.
I mean, they did that at Ellis Island, folks, but A lot of it is the antibiotics.
My dad is an oral surgeon, a dentist.
He has a medical degree.
I remember back when I was five years old, I'd have a cold and my mother would be taking me to the doctor and my father would say, he's sick once a year, every two years maybe.
Look at all these other children, they're sick all the time.
Don't put him on antibiotics.
And my dad, then one time I stepped on a nail, he said, yeah, I'm putting you on antibiotics.
I mean, you know, antibiotics are for surgery or bullet holes or, or stepping on a nail, you know, where there's pus involved, internal type stuff.
You don't just go get on antibiotics when you got a cold or a flu.
What that does is, is it kills, and I know everybody knows this, but it bears repeating.
It kills all the good bacteria you need that are a buffer.
Of the bad bacteria, only the strongest survive that are resistant, and you get drug-resistant, untreatable stuff.
And that's what all this flesh-eating stuff is, is that these common types of bacteria are becoming super, super destructive.
And you find them, where do you find them?
In hospitals.
In these, you know, sick buildings.
But here's my dad, you know, twenty-something years ago, saying, you know, don't, you know, don't take antibiotics, and I never hardly got sick.
Now I have some allergies, but that's about it.
But, he was weird back then to say that.
I mean, it's just the last five years they admit what a disaster antibiotics have been.
Now, they're a godsend for, you know, guys with bullet holes on the battlefield.
They're a godsend if you got, you know, gonorrhea.
But, they overused it, they gave it away for everything.
All these skin creams, antibacterial soaps.
What do you think antibacterial soaps are doing, folks?
It's making super bacteria in your bathroom.
You put your children in these wondrous daycares with 50 children, 30 children with all these different bugs who are all on antibiotics creating ultra super bugs that then mutate and cross species which are your most deadly types.
So where are flesh eaters showing up?
They're showing up in military bases where vaccine programs are going on.
A lot of people are together on antibiotics.
They're showing up in daycares.
They're showing up in hospitals.
All government style creatures Again, government always giving you horrible things.
Government's giving you back the 60-hour work week.
They've given you breaking up the family, and the man and woman got to work in the slave pens.
They've given you up the destruction of society.
And yeah, this flesh-eating bacteria is very scary, folks.
It will kill you in a matter of, you know, four, five, ten hours.
It just rots your skin off.
And I know, Alex, that you know about this, and probably a lot of you listeners.
I found out about it a couple of years ago about colloidal silver.
Actually, I was able to get my own generator online.
I've been making my own, giving it to my wife and sons for a couple of years now.
I just want to say this about colloidal silver.
It is a powerful antibiotic.
It's one of the few things that will still work.
Doctors used to give it to people, put the silver in the baby's eyes.
The problem is some people drink gallons of it every day and you will turn blue.
You will turn into a Papa Smurf.
I'm not kidding.
You'll look like a Papa Smurf if you drink a lot of it.
But yes, when you're sick or occasional dosage of it, if it's the right type of generator with a small enough particle, very, very, very beneficial from my own experience.
But again, it's this way with everything Patriots are into.
Just because something works, or just because the government's lying about healthcare, I wouldn't believe everything you hear a lot of these charlatans pushing.
That's all I can say.
But when it comes to colloidal silver, it is a powerful, natural antibiotic that is going to continue to work until bacteria develop a special shell membrane to defeat it, which I don't think there's any really known bacteria that can do that.
So, one of the few things we've got left.
Alright Alex, it was great to talk to you.
I didn't think I'd be on this long, but keep up the great work and we'll do what we can out in this part of the country.
I will keep on listening.
Keep on giving Jesus the glory, because he's the one that's going to be Lord over all.
That's the New World Order.
Jesus Christ is Lord over all.
Thank you, Alex.
Alright, thank you so much for the call, and amen to that.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Chris in Tennessee.
Chris, you're on the air worldwide.
Hello, Alex.
Alex, with your success, you always have somebody who tries to take a cheap shot at you.
For instance, the caller the last hour.
I've met that guy, and I've told him face-to-face that I didn't like him.
His answer was, Violence doesn't solve anything, but he took a cheap shot at you trying to promote his internet talk wave show.
I didn't know that.
That's why I wanted to tell you, sir.
He's called to your show a couple times trying to bait you.
I'm calling you out again, Paul.
But what's getting me, Alex, today is that the one story that I can't shake is our government Wanting to have it, uh, betting on the war with Mr. Poindexter's, uh, scheme.
You remember that a while back?
And I didn't cover this yesterday, and I should have.
I dropped the ball.
Now they've got, they've got the video game.
And I read the review of the game.
I read two reviews to find out what it's really all about.
And basically, it's about torture, killing, carrying out terror attacks, and then, let me tell you what this game's really about.
Not just desensitizing CIA officers, uh, average age of the new crop, 29.
Isn't that interesting?
Not just about that, these young, dumb, you know, conditioned people.
It's not just about that.
They're going to distribute this.
It's going to be sold on the shelves.
Oh, this is the CIA game, and it teaches you how to not trust your neighbors, drug dealings, an act of terror on the game, how to commit assassinations of terrorists.
It's basically just more propaganda.
Go ahead.
Well, we have Buzzy Kongard, who orchestrated the September 11th insider stock trading.
And our troops right now are returning 2,000 to 3,000 of them a day.
They have to pay for their own airline ticket returning home from Iraq.
And what I'm trying to get at is when our men and women see how they've been swindled into this so-called war on terror, they'll actually see what's going on.
Another thing, real quickly, yesterday I saw on the news that now our government wants to save $10 billion by cutting people who are off disability and Social Security benefits.
So, Alex, the way you woke up America, uh, find out the way, um, the Patriot Act has been shoved down our throat.
Not only our servicemen and women have had their rights taken away and their lives, now our government is trying to go after our sick and elderly and our disabled people.
And, and, you know, entitlements, those type of entitlements.
Which I said up front weren't a good idea because they take a dollar of our money, send back 30 cents with strings attached.
But come on, I mean, I don't mind paying taxes for somebody in a wheelchair.
I don't mind paying taxes for somebody on disability.
We need that safety net.
It should be at a state level or a local level.
We still had families.
Families took care of families.
And so you didn't have to worry about being killed when you were old or infirm.
But the entitlements are very small.
That welfare to the public is very small.
The big welfare is the corporate welfare and all that.
So think of these neocons when they're on the air bashing somebody in a wheelchair.
Yes, sir.
Oh, take their health care away, while they're actually covering up for the trillions in corporate welfare.
And that's what makes me just so angry.
I'm listening to the Veterans Hour, the Chaplains Hour, this Saturday on the local radio, and
they were reading an AP article, and they said, "Oh, you think it's bad that they make
the veterans, when they're shot in Iraq, pay for their own health care and their own meals
in the hospitals and their own plane tickets back?"
They then went on to say that our troops in Africa, almost all of them are getting malaria.
They will not give them...
They were reading an AP article.
They're not given treatment.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Now understand this.
For malaria, the government says, and you got it while you were sleeping or off-duty, you don't get paid, you can't prove it.
We're not going to give you treatment for malaria.
Yes, sir.
They send our troops there.
They get malaria and they're not given treatment.
Yes, sir.
And I guess supporting our troops means, I just, I don't even know what to say anymore.
You summed it up very well, Alex.
Everybody please donate what you can to Alex's show and thank you very much, Alex.
Thank you.
I appreciate it.
If folks want to support this show, the show's growing by leaps and bounds.
Our infrastructure isn't to support all these listeners.
If you want to support the show, tell people every day how to tune in.
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And get the videos, get the books, get them out to folks.
That's the key.
We'll be right back with more Calls Born Ish.
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(dramatic music)
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright my friends, we're back live.
We're going straight back to your calls.
Oh boy, who's up next here?
So many people to talk to.
Ken in Fort Worth, Texas.
Go ahead, you're on the air, sir.
Oh, you can hear me, okay.
Hey, oh, Jack Chirac in France, first of all, he's just a one, a UN pimp, that's all he is.
Well, he definitely is that, yes.
Oh, so now you're racist against the French?
Oh no, just one more boy.
No, you can't criticize anybody.
If you're against Hitler, you're anti-German.
If you're against Mao, you're racist.
Remember Darren Clinton, when he was selling all our secrets and was a newscast?
Is this secretly racism against the Asians?
There's all this news about spies.
Hey, Sherman Scholex got a book out called Ahead of the Parade.
I don't know if you've seen it or not.
But the bad part is, uh, Greedy Amazon doubled the price.
They want it for $40, and the book price is $20, and I'll give you a toll-free number where you can get it for $20.
Oh, well, I hope you call other shows, Ken, and plug my videos and books.
I sure will.
I'm going to show them on my cable.
I know.
You're just a sweetheart.
Hey, you call 800-861-7899, and you get it for $20, and it's a new book.
And, uh, do you know a guy by the name of Rice McCloud?
Have you ever had him on your show?
No, but I've heard of Rice McLeod.
Yeah, we're going to go to a meeting with him tonight at Spring Hill Bar-B-Que in Irving, Texas.
7.30 if people want to go.
It's kind of like a class on taxes, court, sovereignty.
We come up with different ideas and people throw us information.
That's a cool last name.
Hey, Hunt, Hunt.
Rice, M-C-L-E-O-D on the internet.
You can track him down.
I wish you'd have him on as a guest.
You know Mark Crutcher?
Uh, no.
Plano with the Life League?
A lot of good folks we need to interview.
Hey, get Mark Crutcher on there.
He's doing yeoman's work on stopping abortion.
Oh, he's very Al-Qaeda-ish.
According to FEMA, that's very evil to be for a little baby.
The federal government is going to prosecute this guy from Aeroplastics in Bedford, Texas.
He's coming Monday to Fort Worth on the 6th of October.
uh... taxed up yes terrible jack and that's a giant mike a i n
pardoning the pronounce but should be
uh... but i'm going to the courthouse it was going to be six october looked at
the documents and it should be coming monday up
okay thank you and i'm not come on down alright buddy thank thanks for the call to the other
uh... pete In Canada.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
How are you?
Oh, I'm doing alright.
That's good to hear.
I've got a few things and I'd like to hear your opinions on them.
I was actually listening to a show yesterday.
It was one of those weird UFO things or whatever.
I know you have no interest and neither do I. I was just trying to find, you know, some good stuff.
But I found it interesting.
They had a guy by the name of John L. Peterson.
He's supposed to be a futurist.
I don't know if you've ever heard of him.
I believe I have, yes.
Yeah, he's the biggest weirdo.
He went on, this is George Norrie's show, I don't know if you know him either.
Yeah, sure, I know who that is.
Yeah, he had him on there just going on about talking about, you know, just, you know, pretty much a global matrix, you know, sums it up and stuff like that.
It was just weird because they had Norrie and he was kind of playing devil's advocate for a little bit, you know, but he was, you know, he just kind of He was really soft about it, you know, he didn't really give a second opinion or anything like that.
Well, one of those, when you say global matrix, you know, I go to the Defense Department, I go to Bill Joy at Sun Microsystems, I go to their statements, and their statements are, everything we're going to do is going to be watched, tracked, and controlled.
By law, we will have a digital plug-in in our brains, the Army War College says, and we'll be hooked into, quote, A worldwide control web.
Now that's the Army War College and DARPA in the last four years have been putting out different reports on this and it shows just how nuts these people are and I wouldn't laugh at them because they've got all the People on TV saying how great implantable microchips are, and once they've got you in their compact cities, in their control grid system, they can force you basically on anything they want.
Oh, sure, I understand that.
But the problem is, see, nobody will take any of that serious, because on shows like that, in between the chupacabras and yetis and snowmen and aliens, they'll mix in some real stuff and then it discredits the whole enchilada.
I think it's just like it's a front, right, for them, I think, anyway.
I don't know about that particular I mean, I know what Clear Channel is, folks, that owns it and runs it.
But I do know for a fact that the UFO movement, according to the Kansas City Star and the Associated Press, is run by the Rothschild family and Bill Clinton's former chief of staff, and the whole thing is basically a front for the New Age movement.
Yeah, wasn't it Lawrence Rockefeller actually funded a bunch of that stuff, too?
Yeah, that's actually in the book, Order Out of Chaos, at least sponsored terror in the New World Order.
There's a whole big fat chapter.
Well, I don't want to spend too much time.
I have a couple other things.
Maybe if you can have me on the other side, I'd really appreciate that.
Okay, sure.
We'll let you ask those questions.
But, uh, yeah.
If you want to really know what's going on, you need to get the new book, Order Out of Chaos, by Paul Watson.
Available exclusively through InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com or by calling the toll-free number or writing to us.
You want to know what's really going on?
You want real information and not rumors?
You will get it on this show.
We'll be back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright ladies and gentlemen.
Welcome back.
I'm going to take three more calls.
I'm going to get into some other news we haven't gotten to yet.
We're talking to Pete in Canada.
Pete had a couple other questions.
Go ahead, Pete.
Yeah, I'll just finish up.
Yeah, I was actually... a couple of friends down here actually heard a video was going around down here.
I don't know if you ever heard of it.
It's done by a guy named Peter Lalonde.
I don't know if you know him.
No, I don't.
Uh, he did a video called Mark of the Beast and he actually mentions Tex Myers in there.
I know he's, uh, you know him, right?
Uh, yes I do.
Yeah, okay.
I was just asking about that.
And the final thing was, uh, I was listening to, uh, one of the so-called conservative, whatever you want to call them, uh, on, uh, the radio the one day and I picked up that savage guy or whatever.
And, uh, I was just, he had a McClintock on there.
Um, and they were talking about just how, you know, pretty much there's no real conservatism in America today and all this.
And then, you know, it's stuff that you kind of agree with him, you know, but then he goes back and then he says how, you know, the, about the Patriot Act, you know, that anybody that doesn't agree with the Patriot Act is just insane.
He's a crazy liberal.
They have something to hide there, you know, all this.
Then he ties the ACLU into this and says that they're a front for, you know, That's exactly what happens.
The Democrats will say some good things and then do some bad things.
It's the old rat poison equation of 98% of the rat poison is a good food.
It's the 2% that's the poison that kills the rat.
Thanks for the call.
But with Michael Savage, the guy is an oily beatnik.
He's an old economy.
That's what he is.
That's what he's always been.
He's furthering the elite stand.
And I've heard the guy say, anybody that disagrees with the government, put them in a forced labor camp.
Put them in concentration camps.
Take whatever they own.
The Patriot Act is good.
What do you have to hide?
If you don't have anything to hide, don't worry about it.
That's totally diametrically opposed to what America is.
And he'll talk about how the border is open and how that's wrong, but then he really won't go after Bush and others.
So, I mean, absolutely.
That's what's going on there.
I mean, I personally, folks, can't tune in and listen to oily beatniks for hours after hour talk about how conservative they are.
So, I mean, that's how they control us.
They've got people we're supposed to trust in key positions.
So if you listen to what these guys are doing real careful, I mean, I heard him, I probably listened to the show 15 times, probably heard him talk about putting people in concentration camps 10 times, but one time I heard him Get on the air and say, Bush is fighting the New World Order.
Bush is fighting the world government.
You've got to get behind Bush to defeat the New World Order.
I mean, that is so ridiculous.
But, oh yeah, Bush is fighting the New World Order.
Try empowering it.
And then he'll say, there's no way to win.
We've lost America.
It's all over.
You'll always hear that.
Lay down.
There's nothing you can do.
Only I've got the answers.
You know, that kind of line.
So, basically the guy's balkanizing people, alright?
He's there as a steam valve for a lot of real conservatives that figure out that Limbaugh and Hannity are basically Hillary Clinton dual creatures.
And so they know a lot of folks are going to jump ship.
They've got a fake ship for you to jump over to.
That's all that's happening.
And they don't put people like that on WABC and, you know, the big establishment radio stations for nothing, folks.
The big socialistic radio stations.
The phony right wing is the creation of the globalists and the left, the co-op conservatism.
Same thing with the NRA, with all of them.
Alright, let's talk to Charles in Pennsylvania and then Ed in Utah, and that's it for calls.
Charles, go ahead.
Good to talk to you, Charles.
Okay, he's gone.
Let's talk to Ed in Utah.
Ed, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, that was a brilliant assessment there of Mike Savage and the rest of the neocons.
I do appreciate that.
He literally was a beatnik commando for the communists.
He was an overlord over an entire area.
His background leads into a couple of things I wanted to say.
Besides you and Joyce Riley and Bill Boshears there in Cincinnati, you're the terrific trio on the air.
Well, there's a lot of other great talk show hosts, too.
Well, there's a few others, but you three are reaching a national audience, and that's what's important here.
And a growing one, like you said.
A couple of things I want to throw into the mix.
Concerning this microbiologist, David Kelly, the late David Kelly, For those that don't know, he got murdered, it's obvious, and now we have the North Korean bio, race-specific bio-weapons expert missing, and dozens of others that have been killed.
What do you think is going on here?
Well, I think I know what's going on, because as you know, I've talked to you before.
And Gordon Thomas, who is the British contributing editor to the American Free Press out of Washington.
I think you're hotlinked to it still.
I haven't checked you lately on that, Alex.
We linked to their stories.
We were reading one of Thomas' stories on Monday.
Well, what he's talking about, basically, is that the Weapons of Mass Destruction false document.
That Mr. Kelly had admitted openly prior to his death that he had falsified for the benefit of Bush Blair.
But also, he was involved with Pashnik and the other fellow that recently died at what you just mentioned, the IBR, the Institute for Biological Research in Tel Aviv.
And this is the real crux behind the Simon-Weiss et al.
Those people are tied together.
And the American Free Press, of course, gets a rap from some people for focusing on that, but they always keep turning up here.
You have a former... James Weapons Publications has warned that the U.S., England, and Israel have giant stockpiles in race-specific bioweapons, and then you've got Dick Cheney In the PNAC document in 2000, rebuilding America's defenses, saying we need to use these race-specific weapons, we need to legitimize killing certain races.
Now, why hasn't that been top news?
I mean, they'll freak out, they'll pull their hair out over some band having an American, British, Italian, French, Nazi flag to symbolize, you know, World War II.
Totally above board, totally wholesome, just like a play or a movie.
It's just history.
Hysteria, screaming, yelling.
And then you've got real, race-specific bioweapons being deployed, being developed, prepared to be deployed.
All these microbiologists in key positions that could treat it or blow the whistle on it, who are involved in developing it, dying.
This is very chilling, folks.
I mean, I can imagine a Hollywood horror movie like 21 Days starting like this, and then suddenly there's no discussion.
Why is it that top news that Dick Cheney wants to use race-specific weapons?
Well, I think I know why, and that is because of where I mentioned this is based out of, in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Notice you had Wolfowitz and Pearl, both Alex tied to the Israeli lobby.
uh... that were behind the war more so than even bush themselves
and that could be a very minute that there are no double agents double agents
and uh... when you look at the fact that gordon thomas who uh... basically had
nothing against israel for many years uh... has been like i said is now with the american free
press he's the british a correspondent
when you start taking this all together and the time and wife at all
their long history with the anti-defamation league of being anti-gun
and like you just said their stealth mouthpieces like michael the savage
uh... when you start taking this all together alex and then you look at their
uh... uh... arab specific biological weapons that's why it's not being talked
about and that's why i'm hoping you'll have one michael collins piper
who by the way uh... i think you know him he is a uh...
correspondent for the american free press because an international incident
By speaking at the United Arab Emirates a few months ago and caused the Bush administration to act on behalf of the Israelis to get the Ziad Center there closed down.
So, where I'm going with all this is that we're seeing the same cast of characters involved in every step of the way on this, and they're all tied to the ADL, Alex.
And I'm just, you know, I go back to what you're not going to hear on the 14th, or excuse me, on the 11th of November, on Veterans Day.
No talk of the USS Liberty, and yet the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Moore, has produced a video in conjunction with the American Free Press there in Washington, exposing the Israeli lobby's complicit destruction of 34 Americans and injured 168.
And yet you won't find that on the media that isn't truly controlled by a percentage of people.
That have strong ties to Israel.
Alright, well thank you for the call.
Let me just say this.
Thank you.
Didn't mean to interrupt you there.
I was going to let you continue but I guess you're already gone.
I had so many points I wanted to make while he was talking and I forget them all.
See if I don't interrupt, then I never get my points up.
I should have written notes.
I'm getting out of habit now that I'm not trying to not interrupt as much.
But he made a lot of different really good points.
I mean, I'm concerned about race-specific bioweapons when North Korea is making them, or Israel, or the U.S., or England.
And that's why I really am mad at the ADL and the Simon Wiesenthal Center, because I've never... I mean, I've been criticized for not going after Israel, which I've been attacked.
You know, I've been death-threatened by the Ku Klux Klan, because I wouldn't attack Israel and go after Israel.
And then to wake up and have the New York Times or the ADL attacking me two years ago, I mean, that was... See, they want us to be part of the system.
They want us to play racial politics, and I'm not going to do it.
I'm not going to do it.
I don't care what color you are or where you're from.
If you love freedom, I love you.
If you don't love freedom, I'm your enemy.
And, uh, yeah, there's a lot of racists out there.
There's a lot of racists and Hispanics and blacks and whites and Jews and everybody else that care about their group and are in their own little racial clubs and they want to then tell, uh, you know, evil whitey that, well, you're not allowed to stand up for your race.
And it really is obnoxious.
And that's really the rub.
And so multiculturalism is creating a lot of white hatred, which then the globalists use to kind of push this whole agenda.
So it gets pretty complex, but I'm not going to be part of it.
The ADL has gone after good, wholesome gun groups.
They have gone after very wholesome people like the Gibson family, Mel Gibson.
It's despicable, and I think that Jewish Americans To call the ADL and Simon Wiesenthal Center and say, stop giving us a bad name, stop taking the memory of those that were killed and people that have been killed wrongly, and using it as, you know, it's like you basically go rent the ADL, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, they're in these government partnerships, you just go rent them to demonize whoever you want.
I mean, I don't understand how they can go after Steve Voss, Simon Wiesenthal can, Center, for, you know, having songs about love in America.
Nothing about race in any of it.
Or how they can list local gun groups that I'm a member of.
Or local land rights groups.
Anybody who loves freedom is listed as basically a Martian worshipper of the devil.
In league with 14 Hitler clones.
But I'm not going to dance, folks.
It takes two to tango.
I'm just going to sit here and observe it and go, oh, you like a guy that loves Hitler and loves world government and loves all this stuff and wants to be a dictator.
And then you're going to attack people that form land rights groups.
They're headed up by black people.
And yeah, I mean, I'm really upset about it.
I'm really concerned, folks, that America is so dumbed down, on average, That they'll freak out and almost have a riot at a football game because they show the flags of World War II in a drama depicting World War II.
I mean, plays, movies, this is done.
People are so mindless now that they just see a symbol and go into mindless hysteria.
Oh, that's the devil!
That's the bad thing!
While a guy's running around saying, I admire Hitler, I want to be a dictator, and he's getting the high awards from people.
I don't know.
I have to question the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
I mean, why are you connected with a known Nazi?
I mean, that's scary when the Simon Wiesenthal Center has more Nazi ties than I do, folks.
I mean, it's very, very upsetting.
But again, it's the New World Order.
So I'm not going to sit here and go along with it.
A bunch of sociopathic atheists demonizing anything conservative or Christian or wholesome.
We just can't sit here and take it.
But we can't go at it from some racial position, because I've talked to Admiral Moore, I've talked to all the people that were involved in and around the USS Liberty, and Lyndon Baines Johnson had control of that ship and parked it there and wouldn't let jets defend it, and when they got the word it was being attacked, he knew all about it and said, yeah!
I mean, it was a real Gulf of Tonkin.
I mean, was it racial in the Gulf of Tonkin in 1964 when they claimed they were being attacked?
Well, no.
They just wanted the natural resources and wanted to have that war with their former business partner, Ho Chi Minh.
Well, it's the same thing.
In 1967, they said, well, we just can't have a ship under attack, but not have it real.
We got caught last time.
We'll just park the ship out there, have it under CIA control by the National Security Council and the White House.
We'll order Israeli fighter-bombers to attack it.
The Israeli fighter-bombers were on tape three times going, I'm not going to attack that ship.
It's got a giant stars and stripes on it.
And then they held back the jets and the helicopters and the crews while they attacked it for hour after hour.
Just amazing folks, blowing giant torpedo holes in it, thousands of rocket holes all in it, the captain with his leg half blown off at the bridge the entire time, people being strafed in the water in their We're talking about a ship 20 miles from an aircraft carrier, folks.
hours later the Israeli hit squad showed up in the helicopters with their commandos on
board with their machine guns and from the accounts that have come out they just said
no we're not doing it and had a mutiny on board the helicopters and basically the helicopters
went away and then the ship just sat there and then twelve hours later the ship comes
and picks them up. We're talking about a ship twenty miles from an aircraft carrier folks
in international waters thirteen miles off the Sinai peninsula and they were going to
It's now admitted.
They were going to say, Egypt sunk our ship.
Can you imagine the wailing and the gnashing of teeth?
Let's be honest about it.
Who were those Americans who were going to carry out Northwoods?
That was going to be the Marines being attacked by the Army.
It wasn't going to be Mossad attacking the Marines.
So, when we say, oh, it was just Israel that attacked the USS Liberty, no, no, no.
Then they can try the whole, oh, you just don't like Israel.
Well, no, we just show that LBJ was using Israel as his attack dog.
See, then they lose that.
And then it shows how widespread this is.
You know, when Hitler blew up his own Reichstag, that wasn't Mossad doing that.
That was the Nazi Party doing that.
I mean, they all do it.
See, we're here speaking out against evil.
And a lot of people can't see the evil of the Christian Coalition.
I got a lot of complaints when I read the quotes of Pat Robertson saying China's doing what it has to do with forced abortion and fantasy.
And then his clarification was, well, yeah, they gotta do something.
And I get criticized when I said, don't give money to the Red Cross and the United Way, they're gonna steal it and give it to gun control.
And you know what?
Later you had to apologize.
And I've been criticized when I read Harots, where it reports that Israel's blowing its own stuff up to blame it on the Palestinians as a pretext to maintain a military dictatorship over the whole region.
Well, I'm sorry if you don't like the truth.
You need to grow up and face it, if you really care about humanity.
People need to stop being just so amazingly naive.
The naivete is just amazing.
I mean, there were evil black people 5,000 years ago.
There were evil white people 5,000 years ago.
Evil people!
But they know how to get us all in these tribal units where, oh, you can't criticize that group.
You're against their tribe now.
And everything is tribalism.
You know, that's what these sports are all about.
You know, now, oh, I'm part of this tribe, or I'm part of that tribe.
That's why you could have this mindless group at a high school football game and see the flags of World War II and, you know, have a near-riot and violence erupt because of swastikas seen.
See, it's just mindless Pavlovian conditioning.
While real Nazi policies are all around us, we react to the symbol.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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alex jones on the g_c_n_ radio network [MUSIC PLAYING]
Before I hit some final important news, we haven't gotten to yet, I do want to remind the listeners that I published a new book, Order Out of Chaos, elite-sponsored terror in the New World Order, and if you want to see the major governments of the world carrying out terror and the evidence where it's admitted all over the place, Need to get Order Out of Chaos, and it's an amazing book.
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Knowledge is power, folks.
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They're $25.95 a piece.
Order three or more, they drop down to $20 a piece.
And we do need your support as well, folks, too, so we can make future films and continue our operations.
The toll-free number to get my videos or books or any of the materials is 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139 or PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
Don't wait.
Join us in the Info War today against the New World Order.
5-3-3-1-3-9 or prisonplanet.com or infowars.com. Don't wait, join us in the InfoWars today
against the New World Order. Be part of history, folks. 90% of those at Sea Road to Tyranny
I mean, that's an amazing effect on people.
So again, 888-253-3139 or prisonplanet.com or infowars.com or just write to me, Alex
Jones at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100 Austin, Texas 78704.
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Here's one out of the Cincinnati Enquirer.
Patriot Act kicks in at banks today, beginning today.
Don't be surprised if you get asked some questions or questions than usual when you open your bank account or when you cash a check at the bank.
It goes on.
That's because October 1st is when the commercial banks, savings banks, credit and brokerage firms, and other financial providers must comply with the rules of the Patriot Act.
And it goes on to say there's no more warrants, no more disclosure of anything.
They're just going to spy on you.
And it allows financial institutions to ask more questions about you than previously, than if an entity thinks that's necessary for background purposes.
Industry consultants told bankrate.com.
So just more secret police garbage.
They're saying they're going to be keeping Our troops in Afghanistan for another eight years, that out of stars and stripes.
forces could be digging in for a stay of up to eight more years in Afghanistan, where frequent firefights continue on the border with Pakistan nearly two years after major combat ended.
See, they don't want things to be stabilized or be fixed over there.
They want to keep it going so they have an excuse to stay there and not let the oil flow.
I'm talking about Iraq now, because that then boosts the price of oil.
They also I'm going to bankrupt these countries so the IMF and World Bank can fully buy them up and own them.
And now the opium production is at record levels coming out of Afghanistan.
It's out of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Asthma tied to antibiotics in babies.
Got another article here where vaccines are tied to asthma and allergic responses.
A lot of different reports out of England, out of the U.S.
on that coming out from prestigious institutions.
Of course, nothing will be done about it.
We're out of time, folks.
Another great show.
Really enjoyed talking to all the great listeners.
I want to thank the affiliates, the sponsors, the listeners.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
That's 10 p.m.
to 1 a.m.
And of course, back tomorrow, 11 to 2 Central, right here on this network.
Have a great day.
Have a great night.
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