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Name: 20030929_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 29, 2003
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, folks.
It's getting close to the end of this month.
All right folks, it's getting close to the end of this month already the 29th of September
2003 And we're going to be live for the next three hours
Today is a really important show.
I was chomping on the bit yesterday to get on the air and luckily did a couple of radio interviews and was able to talk about some of these issues.
Well, now it's my own show and all the great listeners and great guests and we're going to be documenting just how criminal the New World Order is today, tonight, this morning, depending on what time zone you're listening to us in.
And I did do a better job last week of going to calls early in the first hour and letting folks get their information out and bringing up a lot of different news items.
If you'd like to join us on air, any particular news story that's put a bar under your saddle, particular issue of propaganda you'd like to expose, new world order brainwashing in shows like, well, Threat Matrix, I've got a new review of that.
We'd love to hear from you as we track the criminal activities of the global elite, also known as the New World Order.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
Now, I've been very concerned about race-specific bio-weapons.
nine two three one eight hundred two five nine nine two three one
now i've been very concerned about race specific bio weapons you know
develop stuff they've had for at least forty years of a lot dot entire races of
humanity and i love the politically correct line about over all one
race Well, that is until you get into reality, and well, we're not all one race, folks.
So we'll be covering that.
Ethnic bomb now linked to Korean intrigue.
We don't just have bioweapons experts all over the world who are in race-specific bioweapons dropping dead and being murdered, being assassinated.
Now it's happened in North Korea with their head operator.
So this is a very serious business.
We'll be getting into that.
Also, Iran warns, don't hit our nuke plant.
So things are escalating between Iran and Israel.
Israel with its 400 nukes and dolphin subs and fighter bombers and the rest of it.
And now our good buddy Putin helping to arm the Iranians, our own government helping arm the Iranians, ushering us into World War III.
Putin and Bush have had an incredible love fest.
They're at Camp David and now over in Europe as Bush signs on to UNESCO, the United Nations organization dedicated to destroying the family.
We're going to read some of the actual policy statements and charters of UNESCO, for those that doubt it, here on the show.
Lots of announcements over the weekend of a new world order.
Bush aides say they'll cooperate with probe into intelligence leak.
Karl Rove, of course, reported this two months ago.
It's always patriots that get it first.
had blown the whistle on a bunch of CIA personnel and their controller just to burn them for coming forward and saying, look, this Niger uranium story's false.
And so Rove just hung hundreds of people out to dry.
Now, that's already come out and they were killed and captured and are being tortured right now, but hey, you know, that's conservatism, folks.
Anti-gun, open border, ratting out our CIA.
They're actually out there fighting real problems.
So, Carl Rove, what a creature.
And now this is finally breaking over the weekend, the mainstream news with Condoleezza Rice out there lying to the public and all the rest of it.
So we'll get to that.
Plus the economy, record numbers in poverty and record layoffs.
You think it's bad now?
It says it's going to get seven times worse and they're answering more NAFTA.
More yet for you!
That's just some of what's coming up here on the show, and of course, wide open phones.
But I haven't even scratched the surface on the news.
If you want to stay with us, the toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
It is Monday, the 29th of September, 2003.
9 9 2 3 1 it is Monday the 29th of September 2003 the websites are
info wars dot com info wars dot net and of course prison planet dot com
these are big websites full of great information and a lot of folks work hard to
bring these to you So I hope you'll spread the word about them and click on the goods as well and support the sites that way.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, we're now 8 minutes and 35 seconds into the first hour of this worldwide transmission.
Now, listeners, you know that I'm not into the Colby Bryant case.
You know, I'm not into O.J.
You know, I'm not into Ilian Gonzalez or Monica Lewinsky.
I'm not into fashion.
I'm not into pro wrestling.
I'm not into Monday Night Football.
No, I'm into race-specific bioweapons, which, good chances are, are going to kill a couple hundred million people or more here in the next couple decades.
I'm into the giant concentration camps that I have been to, that I've walked around inside, that I've made films about, that I have newscasts covering and news articles on top of it, and I have jail guards admitting it.
I'm into foreign troops massing to take your guns away.
I'm into the satellite tracker boxes in your cars, getting ready to start taxing and tracking us.
I'm into the fact they're putting cancer viruses in most of the vaccines, admittedly.
I'm into the official government plans to implant these viruses in you and put fluoride in your water to kill you and take control of you and your family.
And I know a lot of you over the years that I've been on the air would laugh, and now you're not laughing, you're crying, because almost everything I've said has come true, unfortunately.
And I wish I was wrong.
I wish this wasn't happening.
I wish things weren't this bad.
Now, Tom and Elaine and others that are patiently holding, we're going to get to you, because I'm changing the format of the show.
Going back to what it was a few years ago where I got a call early in the first hour instead of making folks hold for an hour.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
Now, there's been a lot of talk about Project for a New American Century.
We've been talking about them, well, for about three years.
Before September 11th, I had read PNAC documents, among other documents, out of these neocon think tanks where they talked about a new world order and how terrorism was going to be the empowering threat for a world government and how they were going to use it to set up this police state.
I read about PNAC on air before September 11th.
Then after September 11th, the British News, the London Guardian as usual, an amazing publication, came out with the major analysis of it and this was Dick Cheney and Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz and Pearl and Jebby and And Bush and all of them, W, saying, we're for a new world order, we're going to use terror, terrorism is wonderful, we're going to take all your rights, Saddam is in a threat, we want the oil, ha ha ha.
And there's hundreds of different documents, white papers, plans, strategies, confessions, by these guys, written from 98 to 97 when it was founded, right through 2001.
And they're still writing stuff, but there was one in 2000 called Rebuilding America's Defenses.
And it said in there, and this one was purported to be written by Chaney and Rumsfeld together in a meeting.
They would have little, well basically the little brainiacs there, the way Peanak describes these meetings.
You know, some little 170 IQ minion who would sit there and listen to these two have a discussion and then write up a plan out of it.
You know, while the little super gophers walked around planting things.
And those two are super gophers.
They're actually in the management of the New World Order at a high level.
Whereas Bush is a teleprompter reading creature.
And so, now there's been more analysis of it.
And we read the quotes where they go, we want to use race-specific bioweapons to kill certain races.
This is very legitimate.
We need to legitimize this.
I mean, this is some scary stuff, folks.
And then I come across articles like this.
This is on PrisonPlanet.com.
It's on InfoWars.com right now.
Ethnic bomb now linked to Korean intrigue.
A top North Korean scientist working on a race-based bomb.
Did you hear that?
A top North Korean scientist working on a race-based bomb has vanished.
Was he taken by Western intelligence operatives or did the Chinese nab him?
This is by Gordon Thomas, an amazing writer out of Ireland.
Ethnic bomb now linked to Korean intrigue.
This guy's done a lot of long-term research.
He's one of these guys who makes predictions and they come true.
Really does a lot of great work.
Has Dr. Ray Chae Woo, North Korea's world-ranking expert, working on a whites-only racial genetic bomb that's snatched in a combined CIA MI6 An Australian secret service operation?
Or has Rye been grabbed by the Chinese secret intelligence service so that the communist government can discover just how far Kim Jong the second, North Korea's unpredictable hereditary dictator I would add, has advanced his threat to launch the ethnic bomb upon the world.
Kim could participate.
precipitate a crisis which would bring China into direct confrontation with the United States, something it is not yet ready to do.
This again from American Free Press.
Now, I'm going to read the rest of this article after we take some calls, but I do want to say this.
From looking at all the pieces, Dr. David Kelly, he isn't just somebody who was for the war, but blew the whistle about lying, and then got caught with his throat slit and undigested bottle of pills in his belly.
With electrodes up to his chest, which has never before been seen.
It's just ridiculous.
You don't walk around with hospital electrodes on your chest.
Why was this happening?
Why was it done sloppily?
Well, they say, oh, it was done because he blew the whistle on Blair and they wanted to send a message out for folks to shut up.
Yeah, but when the globalists kill somebody or do something, it always has multivariate, multifaceted reasons.
It's got to fit.
You know, kind of like with people that bet on the horses.
It's betting on three horses in a row.
What do they call that?
The trifecta.
Hitting the trifecta is what Bush said about 9-1-1 in a quote.
Oh, we hit the trifecta on 9-11.
The Globals are all about hitting trifectas.
Quadruple trifectas.
It'll cover dozens of issues before they'll launch it.
They've got computers and predictive Algorithms and psychological warfare patterns and they feed them into war machine systems that scenario and game all this out.
That's what Total Information Awareness is about.
It's about predicting human activity and interaction and the patterns you move in.
It's a predictive science.
I guess there was a great writer who Who wrote about that, Isaac Asimov, his foundation series.
And really, that system of predicting the future has actually developed.
But, again, I'm going down rabbit trails here.
The point is, from looking at this, you've got Dr. David Kelly, who was the head of Porton Down Bioweapons Lab, dropping dead.
And you've got the race-specific bio-expert up in Virginia who literally had his guts ripped out and a giant pentagram carved in his back.
And you've got everybody out in Tennessee getting their heads comped and thrown into rivers and burned up in cars and shot in the back of the head.
And in Russia, dying in airlocks.
In England, dying and getting hit by cars out front at the bio-weapons plants.
People getting killed in Russia, and people getting killed in Australia, and they're always over specific, race-specific bioweapons programs.
Either they're in the development of it, or they're top scientists in the treatment of it.
People that could recognize where an attack came from, what country developed it, people that could treat it.
And last time I checked, I think the number's up at like 24 top, top, cream.
The best there is, dying folks, And now this individual has come up missing.
North Korea's big expert has come up missing.
This is not good.
This is not good at all.
And then you've got the government setting up this big federal program, BioShield, $6.3 billion, Bush only got $5.8 billion funding on it, to put in three dozen level four bioweapons labs and to fund the dozens of others that are already in place.
Who fund the forced inoculation under page 71 of Homeland Security, and who shut down the cities, and now they admit, okay, what we said years ago was true, they've got the highway dividers at key intersections ready to block off major cities within just several hours, and they've signed deals to bring in Mexican and Canadian and Czech Republic and all these other troops, troops from the Ukraine, And they plan to pull this in England and the U.S.
We're the enemy, folks.
We're being brought down by the New World Order right now.
I heard Joel Skousen on Gary Brownfield giving basically the same analysis.
We're being set up.
That's Bushes and Clinton and all their jobs.
And yes, I'm saying it, folks.
I'm saying they're going to attack this country.
They're going to bring us down if we don't get the word out on this.
We're the target and then Europe's going to rise out of all this.
It's horrific!
And I remember two years ago, the Australian bioweapons experts released the formula for mousepox.
And they found a way of mutating it for any mammal, and they found a 100% death rate.
A 100% death rate, folks.
And then they put this recipe on purpose.
They published it in the newspaper and put it out on the internet.
Now, why would the government do that?
And then kill the bio-experts that produce it, and the bio-experts that can treat it?
Because they want to be able to say, oh, it wasn't the Western world that did this, this was released, and the Arabs got it, or the Asians got it, and now we're going to have a national draft, and you can't leave your house at night, national ID cards will leave your home, and total draft, we're mechanizing for war, World War III, total takeover, It's horrible.
It's horrific.
There's no way to describe how serious this is.
I mean, we are on the knife's edge.
We're on the edge of the precipice here.
I'll read more of this article.
Well, we'll come back and talk to Tom and Elaine and others that are patiently holding it.
Then I'll get back into this news and a bunch of other news.
Bush with Putin and some Second Amendment news and some recall news and some what's happening with the economy.
But race-specific bioweapons.
And we all are part of the human race, but there are specific differences proven by science.
Israel, the U.S., England, everybody else developing these weapons.
And then you have the key globalists talking about how they want to get rid of 80-95% of us in key policy reports.
And then it's clear they're setting up to release this, have a controlled release of this.
Imagine the police state gas mileage they'll get out of it.
They're preparing for it, folks.
We'll be right back.
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Coming up I'm going to get more into race specific bio weapons and now this top North Korean scientist missing at
the top of the list.
Add that to the list of those missing, dead, or dying who are involved in these programs worldwide.
Right now, let's go to Tom in California.
Tom, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Of course, I'm going to talk about the recall.
CNN came out with a gallop poll yesterday, which I don't put much faith in.
Arnold sure to win, defeating Governor Davis.
Oh, he's so good.
And out here in the local media, it's obvious they're controlled by the elite.
Every time they mention the recall, there's Arnold's name mentioned every single time.
McClintock has picked up a lot of support from Democrats as well as other Republicans.
A lot of people were impressed with the way he handled himself.
They're trying to order him, the neocons, to step down so the Nazi porn king can be the new governor.
Yeah, and it's very maddening because the GOP is flat out ignoring the people of California.
not returning phone calls. Yeah, look at who they want.
They want a guy who's anti-gun, pro-open border, wants homosexuals to adopt children, is in
hardcore porno mags. This is your Christian conservative, folks. And of course he's a
member of the Grove and the San Francisco Chronicle. If the Grove wants him, they get him. And
basically, the people are supporting Tom.
I don't believe in all these polls.
This is just pressure to try to get him to drop out of the race.
And they've already told me, I've called his office several times, that he's not going to drop out of the race, regardless of what the effect on the recall is going to be.
And just as a side note, I'd like to say that I'm happy that I've sent two copies of 9-1-1 Road to Tyranny to two of the people who are part of the September 11th advocacy.
That is the Independent Commission of the Family members who lost loved ones at the World Trade Center.
I sent them two copies and I'm going to send another one out to one of the members today.
Alright, I appreciate you doing that, my friend.
Okay, that's all I have to say.
Keep up the good work.
You bet.
Take care, Tom.
Yeah, this whole recall election is a distraction, is a diversion, unless you look at it as that.
And go, oh, let's study distractions and diversions.
Let's study how they manufacture consent.
And then it's very educational.
Elaine in Texas.
Elaine, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
I want to say good job you and John did talking to the City Council about the Patriot Act.
What was really funny was this weekend in the Statesman, they already started talking about how it's being used for just regular crime.
In fact, I got a bunch of articles today and they say, all over the country, well, yes, it'll be used for misdemeanors and marijuana and you won't have any rights, but that's what they said it was for all along.
That's terrorism.
What's funny is it's already being used is what the statesman finally came out and said.
Well, let me just add something, Elaine, since you mentioned this.
I'm going to read a review of Threat Matrix.
I didn't see it but people called about it and I read a review of it.
The second Threat Matrix show on ABC is the guy's a drug dealer so he funds Al-Qaeda so they arrest him and he doesn't get any rights because he's a drug dealer, see?
Oh, of course.
A terrorist.
Which is funny.
I watched the practice last night and they kind of dealt with the same thing.
Some criminal that Kept getting away with stuff.
Some lady finally killed them, you know, to protect her family or whatever.
And, um, so they're in the courtroom and twice the prosecutor calls her a terrorist.
Oh, yeah.
See, folks, all the sitcoms, all the dramas.
They're just shoving it in our face.
Suddenly, see, oh, see, it is for terrorism.
Everything's terrorism.
Well, what was interesting was the outcome was The defense tried to argue that the law was wrong, and she had every right to do that.
And she won the case.
So I don't really know what they're trying to tell us there, because this is ABC.
But that was pretty interesting.
And one more thing.
60 Minutes yesterday had a great piece on eminent domains.
And I've heard you talk about some people, the government, taking their houses.
Well, yeah, the Supreme Court ruled two years ago that You no longer get just compensation.
Part of the new free country is that they just take it with no just compensation.
The same Supreme Court that says they now follow the orders of the UN courts.
That was a lot of exposure on how the government is just really screwing us there.
I just wanted to say that was a great piece.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks a lot.
Well, thank you, Elaine.
I appreciate your call.
I guess she's already gone.
I was going to ask her what particular statement or article.
I saw several last week admitting, okay, they are using it for every crime imaginable.
The Justice Department admitted three or four months ago, it was an article in the Washington Times, had the quotes, but I went and found the actual testimony of the spokesman for the Justice Department.
They said, yeah, we're going to use this for all crimes.
We don't make any excuses about that.
We'll use whatever tools we've got.
So, I mean, this is Ashcroft saying there's no Patriot Act 2, folks.
They have that Deputy U.S.
Attorney there just lying, lying, lying.
I called him a liar.
That was on the news.
I said, you are a liar.
We'll be right back with more calls, more news.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN radio network.
Oh yeah, folks, we're back live.
Toll-free number to join us on air, 800-259-9231.
All right, let me go back into this article, our top story, then we'll go back to your calls.
Ethnic bomb now linked to Korean entry.
This is by Gordon Thomas, American Free Press.
Online at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
A top North Korean scientist working on a race-based bomb has vanished.
Was he taken by Western intelligence operatives or did the Chinese nab him?
Or is it part of a larger global government culling of those that could blow the whistle on who actually is going to carry out one of these attacks?
I would add that, Mr. Thomas.
How's Dr. Ray Chay-Wu, North Korea's world-ranked expert, working on a whites-only radical genetic bomb?
Well, be politically correct.
You gotta support it.
Sounds like a good thing.
Been snatched?
I'm being sarcastic, folks.
Remember, there's that Harvard professor that said, he's a white guy, death of the white race would be a good thing, and then you're racist if you say that's racist.
Dr. Ray Chae-woo, North Korea's world-ranking expert working on a whites-only Racial genetic bomb has been snatched in a combined CIA, MI6, and Australian Secret Service operation?
Or has Ray been grabbed by the Chinese Secret Intelligence Service so that the Communist government can discover just how far Kim Jong the Second, North Korea's unpredictable dictator, has advanced the threat to launch the ethnic bomb upon the world?
Kim could precipitate a crisis which would bring China into direct confrontation with the United States, something it is not yet ready to do.
The bomb, which is more accurately characterized as a biological weapon, is designed to attack specific human genetic structures.
Its dispersal methods vary, but most analysts expect it would be put in a warhead and launched on a missile.
Mossad, the CIA, and MI6 have all interdependently confirmed R.I.
as his team of microbiologists were developing an ethnic bomb designed to attack white races.
Again, Mossad, CIA, and MI6 have all independently confirmed that R.I.
and his team of microbiologists have developed an ethnic bomb designed to attack white races.
Well, I'm sure Khalid Mohammed and the Ford Foundation like that then.
The news has already sent a shockwave through the closed world of microbiology used for covert purposes.
Yeah, basically the cream of that crop's all been killed the last year.
There are various genetic components for racial types, hair color and texture,
skin and eye color, all the way down to nose shapes.
And it says RIE, or re, as his researchers were working on a genetic bomb
that would be deadly accurate in its targeting.
To achieve this, they needed to create a genetic profile of people who uniquely share common inherited variations of their dopine regulating genes regardless of their ostensible race, geography, or ethnicity.
A secret report Prepared by Defense Secretary, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, by a team of geneticists, states, consider what could happen with a virus or bacteria that only infected a certain type of person.
Consider the potential leverage a nation would have if it could create and create a credibly threatened the extinction of all people worldwide of a certain color.
Parting specific genotypes could transform bio-warfare.
Now, by the way, the globalists have had this for decades, okay?
But again, I kept wondering, why are they killing top race-specific bioweapons experts in the U.S., Canada, England, Australia, the Netherlands, Russia?
Why, why, why?
People that have developed it, people that could treat it.
And I said, you watch, they're going to try to claim the Arabs or the North Koreans or somebody's going to release this and we'll have to have world government to stop the spread and total police state that will never emerge from.
And it looks like this is the pattern that they're really building the infrastructure for.
Despite all their talk of dirty bombs and nukes and sarin and chemicals and how this is going to happen, the real preparation is for biological and specifically the subgrouping of race-specific.
A secret report prepared for Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolowitz went on to report this nightmare.
At Britain's Porton Down and Fort Detrick, Maryland, the details are being urgently studied.
A whites-only ethnic bomb in the hands of Bin Laden or a rogue state like North Korea or Iran that have a dramatic effect on the current balance of power sent a microbiologist to Fort Detrick.
Let's stop right there.
The former head of Porton Down, where they do produce race-specific bioweapons, was Dr. David Kelly.
And the former head guy over Race for Civic Bio Programs at Fort Detrick that was gutted, literally had his stomach cut open, his heart removed.
He was a Charlie Manson style hit for the Washington Post.
Again, these guys are all getting killed left and right.
And it was Fort Detrick, Maryland that we know released the most weaponized anthrax ever seen, coated in bentonite, a U.S.
government patented project.
Just a piece of equipment decoded in Bentonite cost over a hundred million dollars.
They tried to claim somebody did this in their back room or something.
Horton Down was caught three years ago releasing the weaponized foot and mouth that showed up in dozens of locations simultaneously from Scotland to Ireland to Wales.
Then they killed eight million sheep, four million cows that didn't even have it.
Only a few hundred ever actually caught it.
And then I predicted they wouldn't let the farmers restock their animals.
They would take their land, which is exactly what their government did.
So isn't this interesting?
I mean, it just goes on and on and on.
So you look at who has a history of releasing this stuff, who has a history of developing this, who has a history of bio-attacks on blacks and on American Indians, that is Native Americans, in the Americas period.
You look at the race-specific attacks with the soft-kill weapons, that is slow-kill weapons, degenerative weapons, all over Asia and Africa and Latin America.
And then it spills over into the U.S.
just as a side problem and does affect some whites.
And then they're claiming the North Koreans are going to release some type of bioweapon.
Sounds like they're setting them up for the blame.
Probably they're going to release, and I hope this doesn't happen, but here's a prime analysis projection, folks.
I see in the cards from enough pieces of the puzzle that if they do decide to do this, they're going to release a weak race-specific weapon that will kill 10% of northern European whites that it hits, okay?
This will cause an absolute panic with the core of the middle class getting behind absolute police state.
Who wouldn't get behind it for the cure and to protect their family?
He will then see elite white circles totally getting behind, burning in their guns, whatever needs to be done to get behind the war effort to stamp out the enemy.
It will then slide totally into race war.
They will shift the counterbalance of the swinging pendulum out of this multiculturalism system into a total forthright super-Nazi attack force.
And that's why you see all these weirdos, these weirdo Zionists hanging out with weirdo Nazis, and it's always a Kurt Voltheim, Gestapo commander, running the UN, and you've got Henry Kissinger plans to sterilize half the women in the world, and race-specific bioweapon plans coming out of Australia.
You've got the Prince Phillips and the Bushes and the rest of them, you know, the Bushes admittedly, MSNBC, they eat off Hitler's silverware at Skull and Bones, you know, Nazi flags, all this.
It's crazy, folks.
It's really crazy.
And so when they release this, simultaneously you have the Nazis allied with the Zionists, which now even left-wing publications admit goes back.
They're some of the biggest racists out there, the Zionists.
They're going to launch, and they've been authorized to launch, a race-specific anti-Semitic weapon that truly kills Semites, real Jews, and Palestinians.
Folks, this is incredible, and I'm just having these epiphanies here.
Last night, reading this, and I'd already seen it happening, but now I see enough pieces of the puzzle.
This is a very good idea of what you're going to see happen.
I don't know if I articulated that properly.
Do you have any comments on this?
Why have they given reactors to North Korea?
Why have they given them the machines and the centrifuges and the equipment and the scientists and allowed their people to go to our universities to learn all this?
Because by escalating the crisis, you're going to have a serious, serious pretext for total world government.
I predict that if a race-specific weapon is released, and they've already been released, a soft kill on the Africans, on the Native Americans, on the Polynesians, all these peoples are already under attack.
The globalists do not like them.
They want to get them out of the way.
They hate them.
It's really a sick crew, folks.
and to get the world behind this, I think now you're going to see a soft-killed weapon
that will be specifically admitted to be a bioweapon released against northern European
Why do I say that?
Because eastern European whites have a mix with a lot of central Asians and some of your
middle easterners, whatever race code you want to put them in.
But then we get back into the Israeli equation.
They admit they're producing race-specifics that kill real Semites, which even Jewish organizations have become very concerned about, because this will kill people that are really Jews.
But it won't matter to the European variety, who aren't really even Jews, who again just adopted the, that's why you've got all these blond-haired, blue-eyed Jews running Israel.
Who are really the real Nazis.
And again, you go to a higher level of the New World Order equation.
It's now begun to break in the news.
It looks like the Antichrist forces are going to get what they want.
Kill Christians, kill Jews, kill Arabs.
I don't know what's going to happen, folks.
But it's very, very serious.
You start looking at these pictures.
And I mean, they're here talking about it.
And then Dick Cheney is in corporate minutes talking about it.
Does this freak you out?
Does this concern you?
Do you see the angles?
I'm trying to show you just some of the angles, some of the indicators here.
At Britain's port and down in Fort Detrick, Maryland, the details are being urgently studied.
A whites-only ethnic bomb in the hands of a Bin Laden or a rogue state like North Korea or Iran could have a dramatic effect on the current balance of power that a microbiologist at Fort Detrick No one yet knows how far the North Korean research has gone.
The indications strongly suggest the work is far more advanced than any similar research in the West, said a senior Israeli intelligence source.
The search to create a whites-only bomb began in the aftermath of the Korean War, when U.S.
prisoners were secretly experimented on in North Korea.
And that's admitted, and that information was sold to Russia and then back to our own government.
Until recently, China has been prepared to use North Korea as another surrogate to threaten the West while the Communist government continues to build its own arsenal to face the United States.
And being armed, by the way, by the globalists.
In a document, the CIA director George Tenet prepared for the President Bush, the intelligence chief wrote, by 2015, China will have deployed tens to several tens of missiles with nuclear warheads targeted against the United States.
All the major decision-making by the Bush administration, neoconservatives, for the Pacific region has been based upon that prediction.
But news of this whites-only ethnic bomb, how long I've been talking about this, that's the key, folks, this is going to be the key, has forced the Pentagon to rethink its position over North Korea.
There is growing intelligence that the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Il II, could be planning his own preemptive strike, increasingly convinced that it will be only a matter of time before the Bush administration deals with undoubtedly the most powerful arm in the axis of evil.
Yeah, why did they release three battle plans earlier this year to attack North Korea as early as two days from now?
I'm not saying they're going to attack North Korea two days from now.
Donald Rumsfeld, on purpose, released ultra-secret documents three times.
Documents that I would be shot if I was caught sneaking into a base to get them, and I should be.
You would be shot.
Ultra-secret battle plans, three separate battle plans to attack North Korea.
They leak these in whole, endangering our troops, endangering everybody in the peninsula over there in North Korea, South Korea.
It's totally psychotic.
They release these to escalate that nutcase, that hereditary rootcake, Kim Jong Il, to attack us.
The globalists love it.
They don't care if hundreds of thousands of our troops die.
They don't care if we go into World War III.
They don't care if the North releases bioweapons.
This is a nightmare.
And believe me, they got cures for everything.
That's what they've been doing with the hundreds of billions into the trillions of dollars these underground bases are coming up with cures for every conceivable genome.
Only IBM has the entire genome.
And that's part of what World War III is about, is attacking and taking over the world before anybody else gets this genome.
Then you get into the sicker, more Machiavellian worldview of Injustifies the Means.
The globalists have got to be the most wriggles and got to be the most evil.
We've got to set up a worldwide police state to stop third world populations from getting the super genome weapons.
You've got to go into a global power monopoly and a global government soon to stop the release of these.
But then you go back into the problem of the people running this global government are complete Luciferian psychopaths who openly say that once they've got their global government in place, they're going to start human genetic engineering and extermination programs en masse once we're into the compact control grid cities.
So now you're starting to figure out what's going on.
I'll read more of this article later, folks.
And I will get into Bush meeting with Putin and Iran and the threats with Israel and all the serious issues that are going on.
But whether it's the U.S.
or Germany or Israel, all these countries are run by the New World Order, folks.
And they're guiding us into this disaster.
Roger in Pennsylvania, go ahead.
You got me?
Yeah, your phone's cutting out, but I do have you, yeah.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
Okay, yeah, your opening monologues are like solid gold so often, so I wouldn't have you shorten those up so much.
You had like a week or two, you had the Rhode Island affiliate fellow talk show host on.
Could you get him back with particular emphasis, something he only made passing reference to?
And that was having forced the other local radio stations and the newspapers to change their tune.
I think that could be very powerful if you clogged up a good hour or two just on that.
Roger, that's happened here in Austin.
I mean, we had hundreds and hundreds of people show up.
A hundred people signed up to speak.
We got the Patriot Act thrown out.
People are talking about fascism, New World Order.
It's becoming mainstream.
Anywhere we're on the air for an extended period of time, we deprogram people by showing them the false left-right system.
But yeah, that is an important point.
Yeah, him and the local callers there could relate anecdotes, and that would be very embarrassing to all this Clear Channel crap-faps, I'm sure.
You mean the ultra-socialist, uh, communistic Claire Channel, yes.
Yeah, and lastly, Alex, uh, uh, whether I'm waiting on the phone an hour or what, that doesn't mean that you owe it to me to get to my call.
Uh, and I, I know- Roger, all I said is, is that, is that I'm gonna try to go to calls earlier in the first hour, because I want to, because I don't like when I hear a rebroadcast, listening to myself for an hour.
Yeah, and I- So, so, that's why I'm taking more calls.
My brain is like- Hold on, let me finish, let me finish.
No one tells me what to do.
I don't have broadcast meetings on the network.
There is zero guidance.
Absolute zero.
I do whatever I want.
That's why this network is so special, folks.
Well, my point is just that I've called a few thugs a few times.
I deserve to be cut off.
But if you've got somebody on there 20 minutes and they're batting up thugs, and I don't care if you keep them, I'm God bless, Alex.
Okay, thank you, Roger.
More calls coming up, folks.
Are you getting what I'm saying with these race-specific bioweapons?
I mean, this is what the new order is obsessed with.
This is what their whole system's about.
You'd better start thinking about it.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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A large portion of the public budget for defense worldwide goes to race for civic bio weapons.
It's got to be a race-specific bioweapon, because if you just release a bioweapon, that just goes around wiping everybody out.
No, you've got to have it hold entire countries, regions hostage.
And the PNAC documents call for legitimizing these.
They've already developed the weapons, but now legitimizing it.
And IBM, who was involved with the Nazis, is at the forefront of developing this stuff, and using their computer systems to enable the sub-directorates of the defense contractors to do that.
And so now they're setting North Korea up.
Oh, they're involved in Race Specific.
They're going to get it.
So they're going to be the ones that release it, see?
But if this concerns you like it concerns me.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
And later we'll get off into some of the other news.
Bush is meeting with Putin and others.
But before I go back to Don and Indiana and others that are patiently holding, I do want to remind the listeners that I've made nine full-length feature documentary films.
The newest is Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
It covers some of the bioweapons, the forced inoculations, Patriot Act 1 and 2, Homeland Security, gets into Ashcroft's lies, it gets into the Peanut documents, it gets into the implantable microchips.
It's an incredible, new, up-to-date film.
Two hours, forty minutes.
It's really a bunch of films put together.
You need to have it, folks.
You need to have police state 3 total enslavement.
You need to have 9-1-1, the road to tyranny, which is excellent.
The Masters of Terror, it's part 2 of that.
You need to have all my videos.
Now, they're $25.95 a piece.
Order three or more, they drop down to $20 a piece, and they make great Christmas gifts, great birthday gifts.
They're also authorized to make copies of my films for non-profit educational purposes.
I want you to get them, make copies of them, get them out to folks.
Also, there's the new book, Order Out of Chaos, written by Paul Watson, published by moi.
I would ask the listeners to get this book.
Personally, from Alex Jones, I hope you get Order Out of Chaos written by Paul Watson.
I couldn't have done it as good a job.
Covering government-sponsored terror, getting into the British behind terror, getting into the U.S.
government, admitting news stories out of Israel where they admit they've carried out terror and blame it on their political enemies.
Just showing how governments do this.
It gets into a bunch of other facets I haven't covered in my book or my films.
$19.95, 330-something pages, full of documents and diagrams.
You need to get Order Out of Chaos by Paul Watson.
It is $19.95.
Get a second copy of the book for only $12 or $11.95 to give as a gift this Christmas.
I'm impressed with this book, and it's not going to get out there unless you get it out to people.
It's up to you.
So help us get Order Out of Chaos out there to the American people.
You've heard the rave reviews by listeners that have gotten Order Out of Chaos.
So InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to get my book or Watson's book or my videos.
InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order via our secure online shopping carts or just write to me.
Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704 or again InfoWars.com or Net.
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Again, that's 888-253-3139.
And your purchase of the videos, the books, does also support this broadcast and the websites and these incredible expenses we have.
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But number one, they're waking folks up, they're empowering people, they expose the globalist paradigm and give people true understanding and discernment.
So again, 888-253-3139 or prisonplanet.com or infowars.com.
or prisonplanet.com or infowars.com. Please don't wait.
We're going to start the second hour here in a few minutes and we'll go to Don and others who are patiently holding on.
I want to get more into ethnic mom now linked to Korean intrigue.
Bush aides say they'll cooperate with probe into intelligence leaks.
Earl Rove burning assets just for political expediency.
Iran warns don't hit our nuke plants after Israel, the U.S.
and England armed North Korea and armed Iran.
That's on the record.
And, uh, Bush and Putin's meeting.
What's really behind that?
What's going on with the dollar?
It's all coming up.
Very important second hour.
Stay with us.
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, folks.
Already into the second hour of this live Monday, 29th of September, 2003 edition.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're about to go to Jim and Don and many others that are holding.
You want to join us on air to talk about any news item, any piece of propaganda you've seen.
We'll talk about Bush's little meeting with Putin, the two KGB chiefs together.
The big story that I talked a lot about in the last hour that I hope people will comment on, listeners will get involved in discussing, is ethnic bomb now linked to Korean intrigue.
All these microbiologists coming up dead or dying who are involved in race-specific bioweapons, those are weapons that kill certain races.
And the Western governments are preparing to be hit with this.
This will be their pretext for totally re-engineering our society into a mega-police state.
So I'll go into more of this article from American Free Press with more analysis and get into a bunch of other stories here, but basically it is order out of chaos, creating a crisis to offer the solution.
Jim in Colorado, then we'll go to Don in Indiana.
Jim, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good morning.
Glad to have you aboard on American Freedom Radio from Johnstown, Colorado.
I wanted to ask you whether you had any information about uh... cheney's
involvement on the board of directors with uh... patel and the things that uh... that they have been developing
nobody ever talks about the fell and i believe that they are very
very uh... pertinent uh...
government uh... agency well basically uh... you've got the tell you've got uh...
lockheed martin you've got
the car longer you've got all this key cluster of of brokers and defense
uh... department liaison They're all basically governmental, private, slash.
They're these foggy mixtures.
And these guys all enrich themselves by being in and out of government controlling who gets the contracts.
And it's in the hundreds of billions of dollars.
In the aggregate, it's in the trillions of dollars.
And it also gives them a lot of strategic control.
And you have Cheney all hooked in with Halliburton and Kellogg.
I mean, it's just all a giant cash machine, and then Dick Cheney saying, I don't make any money off Halliburton.
I mean, it's just amazing to have these types of transparent lies that anybody can figure out.
But, I mean, where to start?
But you also have Cheney in a policy report talking about race-specific bioweapons to kill certain races.
And you've got all these countries involved in developing them.
It's just a massive ticking time bomb.
A lot more dangerous than nuclear weapons.
A lot over the airwaves.
You've heard in the past talk about Rumsfeld's involvement with Searle and with Hendrickson.
But it doesn't seem like anybody ever speaks about it, so I never hear it coming up.
And I had heard myself someone talking one time that they believed that chemical
anthrax had come through Battelle's involvement. Well, I know that the CERL actually owned Monsanto
and Rumsfeld was the head of that in '83 when they approved aspartame. Yeah.
I mean, anything, you know, taking over the genetics of the plants, taking over the genetics of the animals, patenting life, key infrastructure points of draconian control, like a bad science fiction movie, it's always the same dark lieutenants from the New World Order.
And it's very, very scary.
Yes, sir.
Well, that was the point that I wanted to make.
I'm hoping someone else will know something more about Battelle, and there could be more talk about They're a huge research and development outfit that are in 40 countries in the world in everything.
Well, I mean, take IBM.
They're the facilitator of the implantable microchips, of bioweapons, of the human genome.
They've got their fingers in everything, and they were involved with the machines with the tattoos for the Nazis.
Did you know that?
I heard that from you.
Well, that's a fact.
I mean, how much to feed somebody, what age they were, what weight they were, whether to kill them or not, how long to use them in a camp.
And now they're involved in the same stuff today.
Folks, these are incredible feudalists.
Feudal surf lords.
Thanks for the call, sir, and God bless.
We'll be back.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my My new two and a half hour video, Police Day 3, is for you!
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central Standard Time.
We're here live, and of course back from 9 to midnight.
Going out on a growing list of just fabulous AM and FM affiliates.
Global, shortwave, and the internet at infowars.com or prisonplanet.com.
And to all our listeners, sponsors, affiliates, the folks running the show, Uh, the networks that picked this broadcast up to everybody, I want to thank you for picking up the show and for allowing us to simply talk about history and the corruption of evil men and, you know, getting past what color somebody is or where they're from and down to the facts of what do they believe and what do they push and who do they support.
Because when you boil it all down, it does come down to good and evil.
Good versus evil, my friends.
Alright, let's go to Don in Indiana, then we'll go to others at 1-800-259-9231.
I've been talking about race-specific bio-weapons that are all over the world now, and developed by all these countries.
Yeah, Alex?
Yes, sir.
This is Don from Indiana, and uh... Welcome.
Yeah, thank you.
I was listening also to the Oscars and Oscars this morning on the Derrick Brown Show.
Yes, it was a good interview.
Yeah, excellent.
And I heard in the late news last night here in the 50,000, I go out to the station here in Chicago, that they announced that the city council of the city of Chicago is supposed to vote, probably vote it down, the Patriot Act on Wednesday.
They will be voting on that on Wednesday.
Well, that shows the amazing pressure on Daley because he hates the Constitution, he loves the New World Order, but that shows the incredible pressure they're under to at least have to give lip service, so that's a victory for the people of Illinois.
Yes, yes.
That's true.
And for the outlying people in the surrounding areas here in northwest Indiana.
Sir, what do you think?
Did you hear me talk about race-specific bio-weapons?
Yes, yes, I did.
Do you have any thoughts on that?
Well, I think that these things have been going on for many years here in this country.
If you listen to Cleo Skolzin, that wrote the Forty-Five Common Goals, he expounds on that quite a bit.
Absolutely, and whether it's fascism or communism, it's all run by the globalists as a way to consolidate power under this global government umbrella.
And the way to neutralize the New World Order is to just limit the size of government.
Then it doesn't matter who's running it or what secret group you think has control of it.
They won't have the tentacles, the mechanisms to touch you in your daily life.
That's how you defeat the New World Order, is you take its blood supply away.
But out of terrorism, out of threats, out of crises, they just continually expand their power base.
Anything else you'd like to add, John?
No, that's all.
But Alex, God bless you and your ministry as you go through this day, and we hope you have a very nice day.
Thank you.
Thank you so much for the call, my friend.
Well, let me just recap this.
I'm going to get into some other news, but I specifically would like to hear listeners comment on this.
Ethnic bomb now linked to Korean entry.
Now, there are over... When I stop counting this... I mean, folks, there's so many angles, so much data, so much information.
That I have to filter and then with my understanding of the globalist plan, their policy reports, their white papers, their strategic goals, by watching their propaganda and what they're pushing, I can tell what's information, what's disinformation.
But at a certain point, I don't even think the New World Order knows what they're doing day-to-day now.
They have a general path they're going down, but they're trying to make so many corrections and have got so many different plans running at the same time, trying in a symphony of destruction to weave this web together that I can't even track it anymore.
Really, I can't.
My head is spinning at this point.
But there are certain, let's just say, lighthouses of the New World Order, certain beacons that the enemy is sending out for their own operatives that I'm able to pick up on and follow the general thread to what they're going to be doing.
In this hurricane, this swirling torrent of just degradation, destruction of morals, centralization of power, explosion in government size, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction by the very governments claiming they want to take our rights to keep us safe from those weapons of mass destruction.
There's 24 microbiologists that were all in key race-specific bioweapons production areas of global infrastructure.
And they either were in the development of it or they were in the treatment of it and identification of it off the genome to be able to tell who produced it, who manufactured it, whose specialties, whose techniques were used in developing this.
And then you look at the wide-reaching murder that's going on against these people, only an MI5, an MI6, a CIA, a Brotherhood-type operation that could carry this out.
And that's what concerns me.
And then I said, look for a throwdown.
You know, cops when they kill an innocent person will throw a Saturday Night Special down.
Look for them to throw down on China or North Korea or Iran.
Look for the globalists to throw down and say that they have race-specific weapons and that they have released it.
They could even throw down on Israel.
Israel's a set piece in all this.
The globalists, when I saw Jane's Weapons Encyclopedia say Israel's very dangerous producing race-specific bioweapons earlier this year.
Again, they're now introducing this to you.
Oh, there's these race-specific weapons they're going to get you.
Here's who's developing it.
Well, again, when I find an egg by the side of the lake, I understand that a duck laid it.
You know, it's a duck's egg.
And so I don't focus too much on the egg.
I focus on the duck itself and what it's up to.
And that's the New World Order.
But now they've got this top scientist missing and they're saying that Dr. Ray Chae-woo of North Korea, the top bioweapon, race-specific weapons expert, was he kidnapped by the British, by the US, by the Israelis?
Was he grabbed by the Chinese because they don't want Kim Jong-il escalating this anymore?
I mean, this is pure speculation.
The point is, he's missing.
He's missing.
And I want to get into more of this, but just in case you're wondering who would really carry something out like this, Uh, and then we'll go back to your calls.
Just in case you're having trouble understanding why somebody would do something like this, there were a couple news articles just today about government-sponsored terror.
BBC reports it's confirmed the government of Indonesia has been carrying out the bombings to blame on their political enemies.
They've now been caught red-handed, police again, military special forces planting bombs.
Same thing happened in the Philippines.
Their own troops took over and said we're not going to be part of blowing up our own troops anymore.
This is wrong.
They got caught doing it.
Yet again, huge bombings on a weekly basis.
28 bombings, or 28 suspects in dozens of bombings.
That's BBC.
Uh, here's another one.
Guardian, final agony of RAF volunteer killed by sarin in Britain.
That's a government chemical weapons test on their own people.
Here's another one from the, what is this, Associated Press.
North Carolina approves sterilization compensation.
Hundreds of thousands of women were sterilized nationwide by a Nazi program, but it just admits it here.
That's just some of it, folks.
I mean, every day there's stuff about government-sponsored care, race-specific bioprograms that are declassified by the U.S.
government, the British government, the Australian government.
Indonesian soldiers held over bombings.
I'll be getting to that if we take some calls, but let me cover this now.
London Guardian, up on the websites right now, folks.
Final agony of RAF volunteer killed by sarin in Britain.
As the inquest, the investigation, into the death of a human guinea pig at Porton Down opens, a witness breaks 50 years silence to recount the horrors he saw.
Now, Dr. David Kelly was the head of the Race for Civic Bioweapons Program, the head of all of Porton Down, in the 90s.
You know, notice he's dead too.
There's a lot of these guys dying, but just thought I'd tie that in for you.
Same place they released Foot and Mouth, by the way, on accident, they said, and they had to kill everybody's cows and sheep and take their land.
Like most 19-year-olds, Alfred Thornhill had never seen anybody die.
When the fresh-faced trainee engineer from Salford answered his call for national service, he thought he could handle anything.
Dispatch to the ambulance service, the self-confident teenager arrived for a month-long position At Porton Down, the government's top secret chemical weapons laboratory in Wiltshire, he was proud to be doing his bit for his country.
But nothing could have prepared the young man for the horrific events he witnessed on the May morning in 1953.
By the way, this went on at Porton Down until 1985.
It goes on.
Answering an emergency call, he witnessed scenes which would haunt him for half a century and thrust him into the center of an inquiry into one of the darkest hours of British military history.
Until today, Thornhill, now a 70-year-old pensioner, has never spoken publicly about what he saw.
He feared the Ministry of Defense would send him to prison.
I'll read what he saw when we get back and we'll go to calls, but I want to add, this is what they do.
They got one witness who's willing to speak out.
By the way, they killed a bunch of porting down scientists, not just Kelly, who blew the whistle about this, because they're doing this stuff right now.
They released plague bombs off the coast of Scotland, killed a bunch of people, then that got covered up.
In 1985, they had British and U.S.
troops stand out in the sun on top tanks.
They've had jets fly over and spray them.
Some died that day, some a month later, some are dying today.
You know, 18 years later, 16 years later.
They calmly announced to the BBC a couple months ago, yeah, well, no one's going to be charged at Porton Down.
They were following orders to kill U.S.
Just calmly, oh, we just have them stand out in the countryside, in the beautiful Welch countryside, where they do the test, and they're in the hills, and just fly over and just spray them, you know, we just kill troops!
New York subway, 1968, bottle up and release, details remain classified, deaths resulted.
They do this all the time.
Folks, they said they were going to have a couple tests over Goldsby and other areas of Oklahoma six months ago.
Now they've announced it's going to go on for years, non-stop, test every day, thousands of pounds being sprayed of bacteria on the city.
They just say, get used to it, you're going to be sprayed by spray planes and helicopters.
They're just setting the precedent to spray whatever they want, whatever they want on us.
Oh, it's the Army and Homeland Security.
I just wanted to give you some background on all this.
This is your government.
This is who you need to give your liberty up to and they'll keep you safe.
I mean, I got them sterilizing women here, you know?
The other article, oh, wait till you hear what this guy, this ambulance driver, showed up to see.
We'll come back, we'll cover that, we'll get to your calls.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, folks.
We're talking about the people that run the infrastructures, that run the civilization that we all live in.
The government that puts up the red lights and builds the roads and sets the parameters for getting an education.
These are the control freaks that run our lives.
I want you to think about, at the highest levels, what they're involved in.
Now this is in the 1950s.
Imagine what they're doing now.
Until today, Thornhill, again this is a guy working for the British government, now a 70 year old pensioner, has never spoken publicly about what he saw, he feared the Ministry of Defense would send him to prison.
Or worse.
He has now broken a silence to tell of the day he arrived at Porton Downs gas chamber and saw the convulsing body of a 20 year old Ronald Madison thrashing around on the floor spewing substances from his mouth.
Thornhill's eyewitness testimony will form a key plank of the reopened inquest into Madison's death, which is due to be heard in the next few weeks.
Madison, an RAF engineer from County Durham, had been used as a human guinea pig by the Ministry of Defense scientists experimenting on the lethal nerve gas sarin.
Like hundreds of others from the armed forces, Madison had volunteered for the trials.
They use our best and brightest.
They just give their souls to these people.
...believing he was going to Porton Down to take part in some mild experiments to find a cure for the common cold.
Instead, by dropping sarin onto Maddelson's skin, they used him to help determine the dosage of the lethal nerve gas.
Born Hill's accounts of the agonizing last hours of Madison's life shines a light into the murky past of the secretive establishment and the shocking experiments carried out on volunteers.
Hundreds are suspected of dying prematurely or going on to develop illnesses such as cancer, motor neurodisease, and Parkinson's despite the grief and fury of survivors and their families Over the decades, successive governments have sought to bury the scandal, but Thornhill's testimony could change all that.
I had never seen anyone die before, and what that laid, and what that lad, he said, I had never seen anyone die before, and what that lad went through was absolutely horrific.
It was awful, he said.
It was like he was being electrocuted.
His whole body was convulsing.
I have I've never seen somebody suffer an epileptic fit, but you have never seen anything like what happened to that lad.
The skin was vibrating and there was all this terrible stuff coming out of his mouth.
It looked like frogs spawn or tapioca.
And, uh, it says, uh, Thornhill recalls a number of scientists standing around.
Madison, you can see the panic in their eyes.
One guy looked as if he was trying to hold his head down.
There were four of us who picked him up off the floor and put him on the back of the ambulance.
He was still having these violent convulsions as we drove him to the medical unit of Portland.
By the time we reached the unit it had been cleared of other casualties and there were men in white coats standing around a bed.
Thornhill was told to carry Madison over and it was then that the young ambulance driver saw a second image that would haunt him for decades.
I saw his leg rise up on the bed.
I saw the skin begin turning blue.
It started from the ankle and started spreading up his leg.
It was like watching somebody pouring a blue liquid into a glass. It just began filling
up. It was standing by the bed gaping. It was like watching someone from outer
space. And then one of the doctors produced the biggest needle I'd ever seen with
the size of a bicycle pump and went down into the lad's body. The sister
saw me gaping and told me to get out.
Again, they had a nun in there as the nurse.
The next day, Thornhill was devastated when he was told a medical officer, the young man, had died.
He recalls the whole medical unit stinking of Dettol as it has been sprayed everywhere to decontaminate the rooms.
I don't want to babble through this.
I'm not a professional news reader.
The point here is, like Limbaugh and others, and Peter Jennings, but the point here is, other socialists that are ill, that they just came out, they were doing this in 1985!
They have guys stand out on tanks, told us, they weren't even volunteers!
They fly over, spray them, they do it to tanks, they do it to ships, and they're still doing it!
This is the government that makes the vaccines that you put in your body, then wonder why autism's exploding, and all this cancer, all these new forms of cancer, which they admit have been put in the vaccines?
I mean, it's just crazy!
You trust them to say irradiated beef is good for your children?
In the public schools?
You trust them to say sodium fluoride is good and all these other types of fluoride in the water?
When their own documents show it's meant to toxify the body and dumb you down?
It is a toxic suppressor?
A toxic tranquilizer?
I mean, it just... We got psychopaths running things, and that's in the fifties, folks!
That's in the 50s!
And now they say we're about to be hit by race-specific bioweapons.
Give all your rights up.
Take the vaccines.
Whatever we tell you to do.
Follow our orders.
Not a question of if, but when.
We're going to take all your liberty away now and go to this high-tech super-police state because these terrorists are going to attack us.
We'll come back and talk to Richard in Alabama and many others.
If you want to comment on this, if you want to discuss this, if you've got any questions, 1-800-259 9-2-3-1-800-259-9231.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Why isn't the nightly news talking about race-specific bioweapons?
Why doesn't the nightly news talk about how our government has done thousands of admitted high-altitude, low-altitude spraying of unnamed substances, but they admit that they've killed people in San Francisco and Florida and in Texas and in New York City going back into the 50s and 60s and 70s.
I remember When I first got on the air back in the early 1990s, seeing a Time Magazine article where they said, oh, we don't do this anymore, but it is true that these doctors, that when the pregnant wives of G.I.s would come in to get medical care, the wives of G.I.s, they'd go, here, honey, take these vitamin pills.
When the woman would take the vitamin pills, they were really uranium and plutonium pills, they'd have violent miscarriages, and come in, and there were the very doctors who did it, taking notes on what the response was, and what it did to the baby, and what it did to the woman.
I mean, how did they get in the 50s, in the 40s?
This is the declassified stuff.
How did they find people that were willing to do that?
Let me tell you how they did it.
What did Ron Paul talk about in his speech a few weeks ago here in Austin, Texas?
What did he talk about in his neocon article July 10th that he gave before Congress?
He talked about how at a Republican leadership conference he was given a book By a neocon writer that was about giving in to evil, going along with evil, how being more evil than anyone is actually good because other people are going to be evil too so you might as well be more evil than they are because deep down you're still good and you're guided by good principles.
You just carry out pure evil so you can be more evil than the bad guys so you can defeat them.
And how socialism is really good, and a social welfare net of welfare to control the population is really good, and how national drafts are good, and how enslaving everyone is really good for their own good, and how, well, the neocons really aren't against abortion, and, well, we really do like Trotsky, he had a lot of good ideas, Delta Force.
Members of Delta Force.
The most elite unit in the military, arguably.
It's, you know, a joint command deal.
They take people from the SEALs, and from Marine Force Recon, and from the Army Rangers, and the Green Berets.
You know, you go through all this.
It's like the creme de la creme.
I know they've got even more elite units than that.
We don't even know the names of.
Well, maybe I do, but I don't want to get killed talking about them.
The point is, is that they get these groups in there, And they tell them, you know, you can do a hundred pull-ups, you can, you know, run with an 80-pound pack on your back for three days with no sleep.
Well, you broke your leg and crawled five miles with the back.
You know, you still get to, you can be in the Delta Force.
Just read this book, The Prince, by Machiavelli, written 500 years ago, and write an essay at the end of it and tell us, tell us what you think.
And this guy could have all the right stuff, okay, just a machine.
But if he doesn't write that essay, at the end of this, and doesn't come back with a sociopathic answer that evil's good, that the end justifies the means, they will say, you know what?
We decided you're so good, you're not going to be in Delta Force.
You're so good!
That we're going to make you an analyst at the CIA, how's that sound?
Or we're going to send you back to train special forces.
Because you've got such moral leadership, we don't want to put you in harm's way.
Because you said you wouldn't violate your morals, and wouldn't slit children's throats, and wouldn't engage in evil.
Okay, you pass the test, but if you say you'll engage in evil, and of course I'm ruining the test for them, and you go through all this and say you're a sociopathic man, you're going to be a captain in Delta Force.
And it's the same thing, the Masons do that, you know, when you're a 33rd degree, or 32nd degree, and they say, you know, we want you to move up, We want you to write these essays on these questions of morality.
And if you're some goody two-shoes, they go, oh, yes, we want to make you the treasurer of our local group.
You really have proven yourself.
But if you come back with some really evil answer, you race to the top.
You race to the top of the organization.
And so you've got all these useful idiots down low who think and mean well and never have any idea what they're a part of in this compartmentalized structure.
Same thing with the NSA, CIA, Defense Intelligence, all of it.
I mean, they got guys that'll throw themselves on hand grenades for this New World Order, thinking they're fighting for America.
And really, they're blowing their innards out to destroy America.
They're trained attack dogs.
It's our job to bring the intelligence level of the pit bulls, of the Dobermans, of the Rottweilers, of the Bull Mastiffs, up, of these German Shepherds, to bring their... to educate them that their masters are bad.
And hopefully they can become human beings, thinking creatures, with us, who have real power, real psychological leadership.
Because it's been said over and over again by psychological studies, that it takes more leadership, more strength, more will, to go against the mass, to go against the brainwashing of the day.
It takes more leadership and more strength to do that, than to charge a machine gun nest.
Did you know that?
I mean, it's relatively easy to switch off the thinking process and to run screaming towards a machine gun nest.
It's pretty easy when you see two thugs attacking an old lady to go over and fight them barehanded.
If you've got any humanity left in you.
They just take that basic tribal humanity to defend in a combat situation.
They take that and mutate it and warp it.
What we're trying to do is get people to go to the next level and advance their psychological systems, advance their soul, to the point of realizing this paradigm.
And being able to say no to a... I mean, I could have a crowd around me throwing rotten tomatoes at me, you know, like the movie Braveheart.
Well, that's a true story, by the way, and you know, ripping the guts out of William Wallace there.
I mean, I could do that, not because I'm something special, but because...
Because I have the in-brain coding to sacrifice myself for my family and for humanity because I realize I'm dead anyways.
You might as well stand up and fight this if you have a chance of defeating it.
I mean it's just in-brain programming.
So they take that in-brain programming and mutate it.
We're saying have the strength to get above your subconscious mind and to consciously look at what you've been part of.
Now I've gone to this big diatribe and I'm about to go to Richard and Who's up next after Richard?
Tracy, Chip, and others.
And I got off on this long diatribe.
But seriously, I've walked up before a city council and had them all boo me and laugh at me.
And it doesn't make me mad.
I don't turn red.
It actually empowers me.
I feel sorry for them at that point.
I don't know.
I mean, growing up, if some bully walked up and hit me upside the head with a 2x4, I just totally got energized.
Just unlimited power.
Unlimited strength.
And all of this can tie into that, folks.
That's what this is all about.
But whether it's psychological warfare or physical warfare, psychological warfare is 90% of it.
And we've got the most powerful weapon out there.
The truth.
First and foremost.
And we've got the facts that time and time again, the New World Order, the tyrant's servants, many times, when they're actually at the pinnacle of power, and are wrecking societies, and feeding on the innocent, that they, at that point, will actually turn against their masters, like Kennedy did, and like many others have done.
Again, I'll use another Hollywood analogy because that's so successful in our culture.
You know, it's like Darth Vader in Return of the Jedi, finally at the end grabs the Emperor and throws him down the shaft.
Well, we saw that with Saul of Tarsus becoming hauled.
We've seen this time and time again throughout history, folks.
So I'm saying to those Sauls of Tarsus, I'm saying to you, join us.
Be real men.
Do what it takes.
Go against the programming that tells you you're elite because you follow whatever ruthless order you're given.
Don't fall into the same trap of the Waffen-SS that delivered the German people into an abject hell and killed untold millions of innocent people in Europe.
Now, where have I gone with this 10-minute diatribe?
How could doctors sit there And over the years, kill, we know of hundreds.
It looks like thousands.
Killing hundreds, maiming thousands.
We know that.
It looks like a man killed thousands.
In and around, porting down.
How do you bring in a young, 18, 20 year old young man who loves his country, I'm here to volunteer, you know, testing the common cold.
And he's dead two hours later.
And they bring in another one and do it from 1950 right through 1985 and now they're doing it in other programs, folks.
I mean, how do you fly the plane that flies over men sitting out smoking cigarettes and eating a sandwich sitting on top of their tanks?
Man, we got easy duty today!
They're just testing a simulant on us!
You know, how do you do that to your own people?
See, that's how you do it well.
Somebody's got to do it and the Russians are developing it.
Let me tell you how this works.
They call these top people in, the guys with 170 IQs who can do the 100 pull-ups and run the triathlon three times and all this garbage.
They call them in and they go, man, we know you're smart enough to understand this.
We know you're elite enough to understand this.
The Russians and the North Koreans, they've all developed this and they're ruthless and they're evil and they're not going to stop.
And so we've got to be the most evil people out there to defeat the evil.
We have to become the evil.
Do you understand me?
And they're smart enough to grasp that understanding, but not smart enough to go to the next level.
Plus, they're in the peer pressure mode.
Plus, they've already been on this journey and dedicated so much endorphin to achieving this task.
Their entire psyche, their entire view of themselves, their entire persona, their entire ego is tied up in being this war horse for the New World Order.
That they will deliver themselves in it, and then as they do more and more evil things, they will then rationalize and make excuses, and frankly, if they don't go crazy or commit suicide, they will begin to enjoy it and become sociopathic and evil.
The globalists have attempted to just circumnavigate having to mutate good people and they've tried to go in and just find evil people.
The problem is a truly evil person is very rare.
They can perform under incredible stress and will not generally sacrifice themselves.
So they found that they need truly trained attack dogs like a German Shepherd who will give its life believing what it's doing is good.
You understand me?
And so they got people that'll inject syphilis into a black man.
A lot of times they start it on the minority group, using a racism issue or a regional issue.
Then it's, oh, we gotta do it to this group, too.
Well, you've already been involved in it, you better follow order.
They also like to kill their own agents when they get out of line.
They have to do that a lot as well.
So, think of the evil in the New World Order.
They have tens of thousands of minions throughout their infrastructure who are committed to this.
And who will, who will get in the helicopter, and who, well in many cases they don't even know what they're doing.
They've flown so many simulant missions, so many thousands of simulant missions, spraying biologicals on us, that they're not even worried about it now.
That they'll just get in the helicopter and go spray whatever they're told.
When they get off the helicopter, they'll be walked to the back of a truck for quote, debriefing, and they'll be driven off to a landfill to be shot and poured into a vat of acid.
By the way, in dark winter scenarios of this race-specific bioweapon or other lighter bioweapon attack, they keep focusing around Texas, Oklahoma in their threat scenarios.
And that's why they're now doing these thousands of tests in Oklahoma and areas of North Texas now to train us to accept all this.
And don't be surprised when they release the stuff in Oklahoma or Texas, because they will follow a plan and then, it doesn't matter how transparent it is, do the plan in the area they've already announced.
Just like World Trade Centers 1 and 2, the separate attacks of 93 and 2001.
So, think of the mass warping of the mind, the mass warping of the psyche, to be able to take somebody, to take a young Army doctor and have him kill some well-meaning, smiley-faced young man.
Murder them!
And now you want to give this government lots of power over our lives.
You want to let them run our lives.
Well, you're in deep trouble then.
We're all in deep trouble, folks.
And I just want you to know these people have killed 200 million, okay, the controllers.
The cult of evil, the dark cult of evil that Bush talked so much about in his speeches.
Yes, it is a dark cult of evil.
The hijackers were servants of a dark cult of evil.
This dark cult of evil has got these people ready, these mind-controlled slaves, as bad or worse than any brainwashed Muslim ready to, you know, blow himself up with C4 strapped to his waist.
They are ready, they are focused, they will carry out whatever they're told, whenever they're told.
I just want you to know that.
And I want the people out there who are involved in this type of stuff to think about what you've done.
And I know you're into pushing yourself and into doing the unspeakable things because you're so tough.
Why don't you be really tough?
Why don't you really do what it takes and symbolically Symbolically, you know what Darth Vader did to the Emperor.
Let's go ahead.
And I'm talking about the system.
Throw down the system.
The system's bigger than any one person.
I'm talking about speaking out against the system.
Leaking information on the system.
Blowing the whistle on the system.
Exposing it.
Coming out against Babylon.
Leaking more of it.
That's the only thing that can save humanity is enough disclosure of the horror of his plan.
And it means the gullible yuppies, and I'm talking to you now, the weak-minded people, you're going to have to have the strength, too, To wake up and have this revelation, this renaissance of understanding of what history is and what power elites are.
All right, Richard and Tracy and Chip, we'll go to you now.
Richard in Alabama, go ahead.
Alex, I can think right now of a couple of things that I disagree with you about.
One, I think the purpose of the story about the race-specific viruses is designed to get white people to take their vaccination.
Well, I already said that last hour.
Look, I thought you said it was they had a different purpose.
Well, but I mean, intellectuals, Richard, always seem to focus on one thing.
I don't know why that is in society.
I'm focusing on a hundred different points.
As I said, you gotta hit the trifecta.
The globalists don't do something unless it hits a multi-path system.
I mean, I didn't say that about BioShield and the forced inoculation plan.
That's part of the plan.
You just talked about a water pump on the engine of a truck.
I'm talking about the whole vehicle here.
You're talking about a water pump.
I said that.
Another thing, I don't think they can sacrifice the neocons over the 9-11 issue.
Because if they did, that would bring down David Rockefeller alone.
They never do that!
Now, they're not going to ever go to jail, or it's never going to come right out and say they did it.
They're going to leak enough of it to where everybody knows, and you understand, and then make the U.N.
look like the good cop.
Oh, so it'll be ambiguous.
Well, remember how I said over a year ago, before the war in Iraq, I said, they're going to leak that Iraqis bombed Oklahoma City, but never bring all the evidence out, remember?
But that it wasn't true.
But the point is they had it set up where it looked like that.
Remember, I said they would do that.
And they did do that.
But they couldn't bring it all out because people would say, wait a minute, he blocked the release of the surveillance tapes, wait a minute, he brought these Iraqis in.
They just brought enough of that out on Neocon Radio that, ooh, we're giving you the big scoop to again create that perception with 70% of the people that, oh, Saddam's with Al Qaeda.
Yeah, I saw that.
I mean, my point is, and I'm not trying to brag here, how do I predict things like that, Richard?
You've been listening a long time.
How did I say they're going to attack New York using bin Laden on July 25, 2001, two months before the attacks?
I mean, how do I do that?
Well, actually, it was talked about in other, from other sources, but they were not mainstream sources, and I guess you just I can't remember.
There were some... Look, I'm not sitting here tooting my own horn.
I want people to know.
There's frankly a lot of kooks out there acting like they know what they're doing.
You know, putting out all their garbage and mixing it in with flying saucers or whatever.
I stick with real stuff, bud, and I've got a very clear picture of the entire spectrum.
My problem is, is there's so much data now, I can't keep track of it all, there's so many sub-levels of this, that as an analyst, I I just know this.
We are hurting them bad.
They're hurting us bad.
This thing is out of control, Richard.
Yeah, well, try to get more sleep if you can.
I've been getting plenty, actually.
But thank you.
Do you want to hold over and disagree with me more?
Well, that's the only two things I can think of to disagree with you about.
Okay, well, I really appreciate it.
Thank you, Tracy and Chip and Bobby and others.
You're up next when we get back.
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Hey folks, Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my most comprehensive documentary exposing the New World Order's orchestration of the September 11th attacks yet.
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That's 888-253-3139.
Alright, we're about to go to... Is it tracing?
That's 888-253-3139.
Alright, we're about to go to Tracy, and then Chip, and Bill, and Peter, and a bunch of other people that are
patiently holding.
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This is really insightful stuff.
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Take action, folks.
Let's go ahead and talk to Rudy in Colorado.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Okay, Tracy's up next.
Tracy, go ahead.
Yeah, this is Tracy.
Are you there?
Yes, sir.
Actually, what I wanted to talk to you about, and you kind of pointed it out here just a little bit back earlier in your show, and it's Freemasonry.
And that's really where we need, that's the day that we really need to take issue with.
You know, because, I mean, that's your local city council people, that's where it's all facilitated at, you know, at the local level.
Well, yeah, you've got your useful idiots that are members that think they know what the ballgame is, and really they've just been co-opted.
You've got to explain that to them, though.
Yeah, exactly.
I agree with you.
I mean, it's to do with intestinal fortitude.
Do you know what that is?
You know, the definition of fortitude.
Moral courage.
That's right.
We've lost that in this country, and it's been facilitated on us.
Yeah, they tell you it's courage to sell out, to be a sociopath, to do as thou wilt.
Well, I tell you, here's a way that everybody can kind of help their intestinal fortitude a little bit.
They could give them a gallon of raw milk and three tablespoons of honey and shake it up vigorously and leave it out on the counter for three days and don't ever put it in the refrigerator.
And you'll get that Constitution growing back in you again.
There's a lot of things that we could actually do to straighten things out to where we could see things a little bit clearly.
You know, I mean, we're so polluted.
Well, we're psychologically polluted, too.
I mean, every show is how good torture is and how taking people's rights is good.
Next hour, I'm going to read this review of the second Threat Matrix that aired this Thursday.
I mean, man, there's website after website.
Freemasonry in Israel.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
I'll tell you another website you should check out is AmericanPie.com or .net.
You know what that song is, Bye Bye Miss American Pie.
It's the most despicable song I've ever heard.
People should download the lyrics to that and really check that out.
I mean, they've been pushing this agenda on us for a long time.
And if people want to take issue with Jews or Freemasonry, you know, the Lost Tribes of Israel, they should look on their Cadillac emblems and their Dodge emblems and all that sort of thing.
It's been going on in this country since the beginning.
Sir, we're out of time.
I appreciate your call.
I do want to state it isn't one specific race or group running the New World Order.
It's corrupt people that are in control of almost every country.
And he's jumping around a lot about symbolism, but yeah, the New World Order is hidden in plain view.
It's just right out there in the open, in everybody's face, just flaunting its evil.
That's what the New World Order is up to.
It's trying to condition you.
Wow, third hour, just a minute away, and warrior calls.
The Berkey Light's unique design combines the age-old process of microporous filtration coupled with modern state-of-the-art technology and the highest quality materials, bringing you the finest water filter available in each of...
This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright my friends, we're already into the third hour of this Worldwide Monday Transmission, the 29th of September, 2003.
PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com are the websites.
I'm talking about race-specific bio-weapons and how they're proliferating and how the Globalists are going to use this as a way to create a worldwide panic and then engineer us into a highly controlled society that they've already been constructing around us.
I call it the Beast Capitalist Society Control Grid.
We've got a lot of callers that have been holding patiently.
We're about to get to you.
I'll tell you what I'm going to do.
Here's the toll-free number.
I'm going to take six or seven more calls, then I'm going to cover news for the rest of the show.
There's a bunch of it I haven't gotten to, including a review of the latest Threat Matrix show on ABC, where, well, you thought the first episode where they torture some guy half to death because torture's good.
Joseph from England is now good in America.
It gets even worse.
You'll hear who the new terrorists are.
They're drug dealers.
Just wait until we get to it and just a bunch of other key stuff.
Right now, let's go to Chip in Idaho.
He's up next with Bill, Peter, and others.
Go ahead, Chip.
Alex, haven't talked to you in a while.
Good to talk to you.
Go ahead.
Hey, thanks a lot for what you're doing.
I wanted to talk about a little bit.
I don't like really necessarily talk about myself, but I want to play the quarterback here and hand off the ball because I got to go downtown anyway.
These people are trying to instill psychological operations that are running through the media.
It's all CIA stuff, I'm sure.
All back into the World Bank.
Oh, that's all admitted, yes.
You're watching a sitcom, the CIA wrote it.
They're trying to get a defeatist attitude.
I've been running into that now for about 35 years.
Yeah, Resistance is futile.
Can't fight City Hall.
Nah, let's lay down to it.
But regardless of all of that, look at over 400 cities passing resolutions against the Patriot Act.
The thing I was going to say, I don't want to hold you up too long, you've got a lot of guys on the line there, but they'll get you for a while, but if you continue to absorb all this unpleasant information, eventually you'll come out on the other side Realizing that you're right.
I wasn't put here just to live my life.
I was put here to serve God.
And serve His people.
And this is not... This isn't child's play here.
This is the real thing.
So, all the old games gotta follow up.
People gotta wake up to that.
This is the real thing here.
You can't just throw yourself into football games and beer and sex and just hope it all goes away.
It's not going to go away until you stand up and fight evil.
Again, if we weren't morally reprobate, all this couldn't be happening.
If the government wasn't so big, it doesn't matter who's running it.
The Pope or the Easter Bunny.
The point is that if you weren't putting up with big government and if it was reduced, they wouldn't have the mechanisms to control you.
There's one thing, one more thing I gotta say.
These guys are a conspiracy and the scary thing about it, I don't mean scary, but the ominous thing about the deal is they have passed laws forbidding conspiracies.
So, they're in violation of their own laws, but then they use them against me and you.
Well, I mean, it's the old joke.
It's, it's, there is no new world order.
There's no world government.
If you say it, you're a kook.
You know, Limbaugh said, while the courts go under U.N.
control, while Bush signs onto UNESCO, while they announce a new world order, he says there's no new world order if you say it, you're a kook.
Well, people are seeing what's going on.
I mean, that's the basic thing.
Whenever the tanks were running into the Waco Church, they were saying, this is not an assault.
They demolished half the back of the building.
They said, this is not an assault.
They found bodies, by the way, that had been run over.
They had guys with guns shooting, you know, out of the fronts of those tanks, shooting people, running over them with tanks, and this is not an assault.
Don't run.
We are your friends.
That's right.
And the way they're doing it is they're bribing everybody.
They're pumping so much money out of their printing machines to try to keep everybody bought off and keep the economy rolling until the tanks come rolling in.
Well, that's it.
They've just got to keep it going long enough to get their thing in place.
Thanks for the call.
Really good to hear from you.
Great points.
Call back anytime, my friend.
Bill and Peter and others, you're up next.
When we get back, 1-800-259-9231.
A lot of other key news and info and tidbits coming up in this third hour.
So I hope you'll stay with us for the remainder of the 55 minutes and 10 seconds we have left here in the show.
Call your friends and family and tell them to tune in as well.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, already 8 minutes and 10 seconds into this third hour.
Going right back to your calls and more of the news.
Bill in Florida, thanks for holding her on the air, go ahead.
Yes, Alex, I just want to say it's an honor to speak to you.
I just have basically two comments.
One is about Ashcroft's statement that he made.
I heard it on Democracy Now!, even though I don't agree totally with what Democracy Now!
has to say.
They do have a lot of the things about the New World Order that they reveal.
Oh yeah, they do.
And then they just tell you that the UN and the world government's the answer.
So it's like, oh, that right hand's hurting people.
Let's jump in the mouth of the monster that the hand belongs to.
But yes, you're right.
Yes, and I see that.
I see that.
But what she said, which was very, I mean, I'm a natural researcher.
I've been researching stuff for a long time.
And she said that it was going to, Escroft was going to put out a list of 100,000 people That they were going to claim we're like terrorists, even domestics, you know, like citizens in America.
And when I heard that, I said, oh boy, they're upping the ante.
They're upping the ante.
Let me stop you for a second, Bill.
You're telling me that on Democracy Now!, it's a very credible program.
It's on TV and radio.
You're telling me that now, now who said that on that show?
That was Amy Goodman.
That was the host?
I'm going to call her.
I don't mean to get her on.
That is incredible.
What exactly did she say?
Well, she basically said that they were just going to up the ante, that Ashcroft was just going to put out that list of 100,000 people, foreign and domestic.
Well, see, that makes perfect sense.
You watch the sitcoms.
You watch the dramas.
Suddenly, Anything, hitting somebody, getting in a fist fight, having some marijuana as an act of terror, they secretly arrest you, on the show, suddenly this week, all the newspapers, okay the Patriot Act is for everything, yeah we're going to use it, they announce all this, and then quietly the real FEMA training hasn't been for the Arabs and the Muslims, it's been for Christians, conservatives, gun owners,
It's been for anybody, like Tyrone Powers said with the COINTELPRO, it's for black preachers, white preachers, anybody who could be a leader, even people that have served them.
I mean, it's a classic Red Terror type takeover with that similar type system.
This is, you know what, let's see them try it.
You know what?
If they do that, it's an act of total desperation, meaning they know they're about to get criminally charged for all the things they've done.
I tell you, the angles I'm seeing out of that statement, and I believe you, Bill, that Amy Goodman said that.
Another thing they said was they were going to distribute these lists to the private sector as well.
Oh, now you're talking about listing someone as a potential terrorist, kind of with the caps, too?
Uh, where if you have bad credit, you're a terrorist.
Oh, yes.
I have seen that.
Yeah, yeah.
But anyway, it's not good.
I mean, you know, when I heard that, I mean, I was outraged.
I was totally outraged.
Well, we know who the terrorists are.
Oh, of course.
Of course.
And, you know, those planes that were flown, those planes weren't flown into those buildings, Alex.
They got some called Global Hawks.
I mean, they were remote controlled, either from a satellite or from a tower, a remote tower.
Well, we had a listener who had talked about...
In the 1980s, that was perfected.
Well, that was actually perfected in the 70s.
I mean, they had the, or the 60s, they had where they'd fly in the old drones, the, you know, old jets, just for artillery or missile practice.
Oh, okay.
I mean, you know JFK's firstborn son died flying into Germany in a chase plane, remote controlling, a B-23 loaded with explosives.
See, nobody, that's hardly ever on the news.
Did you know that Germany was attacked by thousands of remote control aircraft long before they deployed their flying bombs?
Did you know that?
No, I didn't know that.
Now, the problem was you had to have somebody in visual control of the plane with the radio controller.
And so Kennedy was flying a chase plane, flying his plane and remote controlling that plane when he came under Messerschmitt and Folkwolf attack and got killed.
So, they've had it for a long time and these idiots go, you can't remote control planes!
They had a press conference in Portugal last year, it was in the News of Portugal, a big national paper.
We're former U.S.
military men, you know, generals, colonels, foreigners, all these top military.
A 76-hour press conference with all these experts saying there is no way that top jet pilots for the U.S.
or Israel or anybody else could fly that good.
Only remote control could do that, my friend.
That's right.
That's right.
So true.
Another thing, Alex, my last comment I'd like to make.
What I really hate is how they're criminalizing the American citizen.
I really detest that.
Even down here in Tampa, the new mayor we have, Pam Aureo, she's the supervisor of elections.
She's the mayor now.
She's upping the ante as well.
She's mandating all law enforcement arrest people like, for instance, if you leave the house, you forget your driver's license, and they have to stop you and you don't have it, you go into jail, automatically go into jail.
Well, the police put a full page ad in the New York Post in their papers in New York apologizing.
They said, we've been ordered to squeeze you.
And this is on top of the bad economy.
And pregnant women sitting on a bench too long waiting for a bus.
That's loitering.
Men who own their own barbershops smoking cigarettes on their own property.
That's called loitering.
Wearing a baseball cap backwards, that can now be... You see, they've written all these laws, now they're going to enforce them, you see, and ensnare us, and... It's just incredible.
It is.
But it's got to stop, Alex.
What do you think about the race-specific bioweapons?
I think that is very insidious, because we all know that the people at the top are very prejudiced.
Um, and to me that's just par for the course.
When I heard that, I said, OK, that makes sense because I know how they are.
I've done my research.
You know, the A's and all that kind of stuff.
They've been doing their soft kill or slow kill in the third world for decades, and now they're saying it's coming here.
And of course, by soft kill, it kills you over time.
It doesn't like, bam, you get hit by it, you fall over five minutes later.
Well, it's a pleasure hearing you there, sir, from Tampa, and I hope you'll spread the word about the show.
Okay, Alex.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
God bless you, Bill.
Let's talk to Peter in Oregon.
Peter, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Oh, hey, Alex.
How's it going?
Pretty good.
Long time listener.
It's the first time I've gotten a chance to call in.
I really enjoy your show.
I've been picking it up since about 97.
I just wanted to mention about the race-specific bioweapons that I watched a Documentary, I think, Dutch over the weekend about the skull and bones.
And they actually, one of the people they interviewed with, one of the segments was this guy named Dr. S. Mumford, who was out of Houston at the time, and he had written this essay, or this, you know, white paper about, called Overpopulation is National Security Threat.
And it dealt with, you know, the need to typically address, like, different races and That's part of a larger grouping from the early 1970s.
We have Dr. Kissinger's paper where he says, give the third world loan guarantees but order them to sterilize half their women.
And they did it!
That's a declassified document.
And what was interesting, what ties specifically into what you're talking about now, is that they were typically addressing in the context of the skull and bones and the people who were in there and stuff, Um, they're close ties to all the eugenics movement, going back to, you know, World War II and times before.
And see, I tied that in to Porton Down and then I tied it in to North Carolina, saying, oh, we're sorry we sterilized all these women.
I know, it's incredible.
We'll be good.
We won't be, you know, just give up your rights to us and we'll take good care of you.
It's completely unbelievable.
And the thing was with this specific guy that we're addressing him was saying that Bush, at the time, in his capacity as the director of the CIA, had actually come to him and set up a meeting with this guy and specifically told him, you know, that CIA agrees with everything that you're saying here.
And that was 1973?
I can't remember exactly the exact year that it was, but yeah, I mean, I just, I thought that was very interesting.
And I had been listening to you talking about that.
And of course I had checked out UNITE for myself.
And now you're going to start talking about it.
Pardon me, go ahead.
I was just saying, Well, I mean, let's say I was on the air, and I had hundreds of billions of dollars, and I had race-specific bioweapons plants, and I'd written papers where I said I wanted to release these on people.
And then I was going forward to say we need to go ahead and do this.
I would think that I would get arrested rather quickly.
But they run around talking about how they want to do it, and PNAC documents, and are in control of the system to do it, and are now proliferating it and saying it's about to happen, and then of course it'll get all this police state power out of it.
And nothing's happening to them.
Nothing's happening.
I mean, folks, this is such a big story.
And I keep harping on it and harping on it, hoping somebody will be concerned.
I'm glad you called in about this.
Well, thanks.
I just wanted to put that in there as another, you know, connecting point.
What documentary was this?
I can't remember the exact name of it.
It was just about this Colin Bunches Dutch.
It was a link somebody sent me to a page with a whole bunch of different videos.
It even had a couple clips of some of your stuff on there.
Did it say it was Dutch?
Yeah, it was Dutch, but you know... Yeah, I saw that.
We've had that at Prison Planet.
We need to repost that.
Yeah, because most of the interviews were actually... most of them were speaking English.
It was just some of the little foot parts in between that was Dutch, but...
All the interviews and stuff are English, so... Well, yeah, that's the thing.
When you get into Skull and Bones, I mean, it's rolling around in coffins, it's hugging, you know, uh... It was creepy.
I mean, I had looked into it before.
Naked, rolling around with Nazi flags, eating off Hitler's silverware, talking about bio-ing everybody, and... Yeah.
And you got Ted Turner spouting it, and Prince Philip.
I mean, they're into this, folks!
This is... And now they're all old men!
And they want to do this before they're gone!
Well, you know, I had had conversations with people before, and I said, you know, look, Just from a reasoned perspective, I mean, on one level, it's just a bunch of guys, and they're getting together and doing this wacky stuff, and, you know, they can do whatever they want.
But on another level, you know, you could just as easily say that, you know, people going to church on Sunday are just a bunch of people, you know, getting dressed up and going here and having their little chance and stuff.
I mean, on a certain level, it's just people doing this thing.
But on another level, you know, it deals with the energy that they themselves ascribe to it.
Well, you know, stay there.
Stay there.
I want to talk to you more.
This is a great call.
Peter, stay there.
Then we'll go to Clyde in Colorado and others.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption.
Alright, I'm gonna talk to Peter, Clyde, Michael, Ron, and Leslie, and that's it for calls.
I gotta give them some of this other news I haven't covered yet.
So important, but this race-specific bioweapon issue is so near and dear to the New World Order's heart, we have to talk about it in depth.
Nobody else seems to be doing this.
You know, I'm a Christian, okay?
But people look at me as weird for going to church.
Now, but again, what are they calling for at my church?
Well, not a bunch of sick, bizarre stuff.
People say, oh, we'll leave the Aztecs alone.
That's just their culture.
Well, then you have to say, we'll leave the Nazis alone.
That's just their culture.
Now, we have to look at cultures.
Some cultures are better than others, obviously.
And so I guess just from a view of sociology, Which would tie into anthropology, that what Peter's saying is, you know, going in and worshipping a Canaanite human sacrifice god, I mean, that's what crazies do.
You know, most serial killers are Satanists.
I mean, the psychologists don't believe in God.
They say, well, that's just their, you know, their contemporizing or their building a manifestation around this predatory god that they see following their worldview.
And yes, you look at the globalists time and time again, it's the occult.
It's these predatory gods.
Well, I believe there's a devil, so I believe that's what they're following.
But the point is, even if you don't, you have to address that fact.
Is that what you were trying to say, Peter?
Yes, exactly.
And just that, you know, it's not about whether you think it's important or not is completely meaningless.
Well, not completely.
I mean, it's just the fact that they think it's important, and they're the ones who are constructing reality through perception for everybody else.
And if your neighbor was out in the backyard watching Satan or rolling around in Nazi flags
and then telling us how much they love us, would you trust that neighbor to water your plants?
Yeah, I don't think so. And the thing is, you know, people say, well, you know, it's not important.
You know, sure, they may, you know, they watch TV, but I don't watch TV or whatever.
Bush is still a Christian, so he's part of the satanic order.
He's still a Christian.
Yeah, it's ridiculous.
I mean, look at your watch.
Look at your wallet.
I mean, the fact that the hands are moving on your watch, and you decide that that means it's 3 o'clock, or the fact that, you know, the bill, the piece of paper you put out of your wallet is a $5 bill, is just as much perception as these people ascribe to the fact that they are coming together in this group to forward the plans that they are, and they don't believe that the rest of the people are human.
I mean, they really do consider everybody else just to be cattle.
Yeah, they have a religion of not having a conscience, and on feeding on us, the cattle.
Thanks for the call.
Excellent points.
Really, really great points.
Clyde in Colorado, go ahead.
Oh, hi, Ali.
Are you there?
Yes, sir.
You know, I think that Jesus reminded us about not being double-minded.
What I find these days is that people are very double-minded, even among people who would probably consider themselves to be his followers.
I think that it's hard to track from the things that are really of God.
It's hard to track those and make those part of your life.
Here's an example of double-mindedness.
It's bad when you watch a documentary about the North Vietnamese torturing our airmen.
It's bad.
You're angry.
You know, you're a good old boy.
But when you turn on Threat Matrix and torturing the bad guys is good.
You read the law enforcement magazines where they say torture's good.
Both fiction and non-fiction are saying it's good, folks.
Massive programming.
Admittedly, the government is involved in the production of these shows now.
That's double-mindedness.
And I'll talk to people on the street.
Well, I think torture's good.
Oh, really?
You can trust the government with tortures?
You can believe a confession from torture?
Well, our government wouldn't torture unless it was... Oh, so now you're for Joseph Mengele?
Well, of course I'm not!
Well, see, that's mental illness.
They're mentally ill.
They can hold two thoughts at the same time.
And that's what O'Brien tells Winston when he's torturing him.
He says, I don't want you to see 2 plus 2 equals 4 or 2 plus 2 equals 5 or 6.
I want you to see everything at once.
And finally, Winston sees 3 and 5 and 6 and 10 and a myriad of fingers.
And he goes, oh, you're cured, Winston.
Winston, you can't have an original thought, you little jellyfish!
Go ahead.
Well, you know, Alex, what I find is if people do not recognize, they'll just say messing around with stuff to do with the occult.
Or having Harry Potter books, or whatever you want to say, stuff on television.
They do not recognize how it is desensitizing them.
I mean, they really do not have enough self-perception, I guess, self-knowledge, to realize that they're being programmed.
You know, to be less sensitive, or to be desensitized.
To murder when, you know, you've heard the statistics by the time you're 18 years of age, you suck.
Sir, when I turn on primetime TV and go to the channels and see three shows in one hour about torture, we're in deep trouble, buddy.
Yes, I know, and you know, the average child sees 18 or 20,000 murders by the time they're 18 years of age on television.
And they admit that.
When I ask people that, they say, oh, that's just fiction, that doesn't bother.
Oh, and by the way, the crime rates exploded with the advent and widespread distribution of television.
That's true.
That's when the crime... because what are they showing us?
TV can be a great tool for enlightenment and society, but no, it's not.
Instead, it's, you know, gay eyes for the straight man and next on threat matrix, how to torture right-wingers, you know, it's... You know, I don't know how to get through to people to get them to think about how they're being programmed by what they put in their minds.
We're all programmed by what's put in our minds, what we read, what we see.
Do you have more to add, my friend?
I don't.
Have a good day.
All right.
Sorry for jumping over you.
You're just making great points.
I want to add to them.
We'll be back with three final calls and a bunch of news.
Stay with me.
We're on the march.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Folks, the government, going back to J. Edgar Hoover, has a big relationship with the big networks.
And so when they're on there every episode saying, hey, gun owners are secretly going to overthrow the government on Frazier, we should ban them, or torture's good for right-wingers, we need to torture these people and take their children, And you see it on all the different episodes everywhere, or world government's good, better get used to it.
You know, that's serious!
That should really concern you.
But again, trying to explain that to the average Joe, who doesn't even know where Iraq is, or what the Third Amendment or Fourth Amendment is, or doesn't know who the second president of the United States was.
You're trying to talk to these people.
I mean, they don't have any reference point for anything.
They'll just slide, guess torture's a pretty good idea, it's on TV now.
You say to them, well, wasn't Joseph Mengele for that?
Well, he was a Nazi.
We're not Nazis.
Well, they were Nazis because they tortured people.
What, man?
What are you, with Al Qaeda?
You want them to win?
I mean, it's hard to communicate with these people, but we have to.
You explain to them, hey, was it good when our airmen got tortured in Vietnam?
Well, no.
Well, can you trust a government to torture somebody?
Well, no.
Can you believe a confession from someone who's tortured?
Well, what if we're about to get attacked and we need the information right there?
That's always the line.
Well, then you've got to get into who's been carrying out the terror attacks.
Who stands to gain from these terror attacks?
And finally, they'll go, I guess I get what you're saying.
Hey, you see UT win this weekend?
I actually had this conversation with somebody.
Did you?
Their mind control shifts in.
You know, their brain says, I've hidden some hard evidence, some real issues, I'm afraid.
Let me jump into escapism.
Did you see UT win?
Wasn't that great, Alex?
I gotta go, man.
I gotta keep walking here.
They've gotten you.
It's too late for you.
You're part of the pod people now.
You should have seen it.
Anybody seen that movie, They Live?
You know, where you put the sunglasses on, you can really see What the world's really like, and this show is like a box of sunglasses.
You know, it's contraband.
They do everything they can so you don't ever put the sunglasses on.
You know, take the veil away so you can really see the reality of what's going on, you know, deeper into the dimension of reality.
But when I walked up to the Deputy U.S.
Attorney last Thursday night and was confronting him about the Patriot Act affecting all citizens for all crimes, At first he was just laughing at me and smiling, but as soon as I knew U.S.
code and facts in some sections, he got all upset looking.
The statesman riders that were in his lap almost literally started getting real serious and looking at me.
And I expected him to start talking to their wristwatches going, they got one we can see, code red, move in.
And again, if you haven't seen They Live, you won't get to that.
But it was just like that.
We got one that can see right here.
I'm getting there immediately.
You got a problem?
He may even know what the Bill of Rights is!
Very rare!
Yeah, the average man on the street can tell me all the football and baseball scores for 25 years, 30 years.
Or what somebody's RBI's are in baseball, but they can't tell me what America's all about as we're losing it.
Alright, I'm going to take a couple vital calls here, and then I'll get into some really important news that we've mentioned but haven't really detailed.
Before I do that, though, there's always before and before.
I do hope that everybody will get my videos.
America Destroyed by Design, Police State 2000, Police State 2 The Takeover, Police State 3 Total Enslavement, 9-1-1 The Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror.
I hope that you'll get the videos.
They're all over two hours.
They're all professionally produced.
They're riveting.
This is powerful, shocking stuff.
You think you know about the New World Order?
You've got to see it, folks, to believe it.
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Make copies of them.
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And Mark Twain said that in the beginning, a patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated and feared, but in time when his cause succeeds, the tem adjoining him, then it causes him to be a patriot.
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So stop doing nothing, folks.
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Secondarily, it also supports the show and what we're doing.
Let's talk to... I guess we're now talking to Michael in Georgia.
Go ahead.
One moment, sir.
I'm on the phone with an attorney.
If you could bounce me back one, I'll get right back with you, okay?
Oh, okay.
All right.
I guess we'll do that.
I'm going to go back to you in a few minutes.
I'm getting through these calls.
Ron in Oklahoma.
Ron, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, I'll try to make this as quick as I can.
First, the effect of 9-11 and your other films is to make a person wake up in an episode of The Twilight Zone as the lead character where the guy Looks around and realizes that everything that he has known is an illusion.
Everything the government feeds us, the media, Hollywood, whatever, is a total illusion.
And I'm sure everyone, most of your listeners, have seen episodes of The Twilight Zone or other TV programs or movies where the character wakes up and looks around and finally figures out that there's a real world outside this little narrow world that he's been living in.
And that everything he has been told or has read or has heard is so much nonsense propaganda.
That is the effect of seeing 9-11 grow to tyranny.
But also, Alex, if you would let me read a few paragraphs from conservative columnist Dan Tomlinson's Sure, go ahead.
President Bush needs to find a way to tone down Attorney General John Ashcroft, or consider easing him out of his high-profile post.
With the public relations sense of a gorilla, Ashcroft has become an increasing political liability.
If the White House re-election strategist, Paul Rhodes, is smart as he seems to be, he
will urge the President in finding a way to dampen Ashcroft's seeming enthusiasm for curtailing
civil liberties, replacing him before next year's election is probably not politically
practical, considering that any confirmation hearing on a new appointment would become
a full-scale Senate inquiry into the conduct of the war on terrorism, particularly the
use of the Patriot Act.
Ashcroft's impertinence on such controversial issues as the Patriot Act and his heavy-handedness
in dealing with critics makes him an easy target for those who question the administration's
dedication to the preservation of basic rights.
Even Republicans in Congress have been reluctant to defend Ashcroft's outburst, the latest of which was aimed at librarians who had the humanity to challenge the use of the Patriot Act to obtain library records during national security investigations.
The Attorney General accused the librarians and other groups who demanded to know how many times their records
have been violated for being hysteric.
These charges were built on misrepresentation and supported by unfounded fear.
Sam Thomason and the syndicated column.
Well, that's nothing compared to him saying, "There's these people talking about phantoms of lost liberties and the
They are liars and they will lose their liberty.
There is no Patriot Act 2 before the House and Senate, which is, by the way, a crime to lie.
I mean, the guy is, I mean, look, Ron, that's like if I said, the sun did not come up today in testimony.
I mean, it's so easy to prove he's a liar, but again, he knows the news isn't going to call him on that.
Now, here's the problem with what you just read.
I know you've been listening a while, Ron.
I told folks we could tell when the terror attack was coming, when they allowed the Anti-Patriot Act talk to reach a crescendo.
Because then they're going to blow more stuff up, or God forbid release a bioweapon, and then go, see, you tied our hands.
See, they just cancelled Total Information Awareness, now it's Terrorism Awareness, they're cancelling Caps 2.
Only on paper.
So then, oh see, you cancelled all the tools we needed, you caused the next terror attack.
Now in the future, criticizing anti-terror measures is aiding terrorists, and that will be outlawed.
There's even been a discussion of that by the Assistant Attorney General for Gray Davis, in banning anti-war protests saying that that aids terrorists.
I notice that's a Democrat, liberal Democrat, doing that.
Now, that is in the cards.
That's one scenario, and I tend to lean towards that one.
The other scenario is that the globalists have ordered Bush to not produce the weapons of mass destruction, to make America take the blame for that, to make the EU and the Euro, you know, the EU and the UN look good, good cop, bad cop there, and bring the UN into Iraq, and that he's not going to be allowed to have their Patriot Act, for now, and they're going to use this as a way to discredit conservatism, using Bush as the titular head.
Now those are the two scenarios, two of the major scenarios that are going on there.
So realize, I've been saying for a long time, that they're going to allow the reversal of the Patriot Act on many levels, and they're going to blow stuff up and say, oh see, you tie our hands.
Now I'm more sure of that, watching them ax total information, watching them ax caps too, again, on paper, while racing ahead and implementing all of it with expanded funding under new names.
You understand, it's all going to stay there under Democrats, they're just going to be our saviors, and then it's not going to be the Arabs anymore, it's going to be domestic groups supposedly behind the terror, and then the left will just love watching fellow Americans being arrested.
Yeah, I see where you're coming from.
What worries me are things like Matrix and Total Information Awareness, and then the case that Dan Rather was referring to at the National Zoo, where zoo employees have been ordered to gather information on the reporter.
What I see coming, Alex, is that government employees would use this information collection as a weapon to blackmail reporters and other people.
Oh, that's the whole point.
Look, look, and under Homeland Security, if somebody in government blows the whistle on embezzlement, sexual harassment, that's an act of terror.
Oh yeah, listen, we're going into tyranny, sir.
This is what I see, that this is how this information will be used to manipulate people, whether it's business people, this proprietary information that affects a person's business, their life.
Also, a business won't be able to compete unless they've got this data.
And if they collect information on Joe Smith out here, now, and then he has an affair or whatever, ten years from now, he's running for Congress, or city council, or whatever, Matrix, DARPA, whoever has this information, Blackmail him with once he's in public office.
That's it.
Or he's a reporter or whatever.
That's what this is all about.
I've talked to a lot of special forces folks right here in Austin.
That's their job.
Hey, thanks for the call, bro.
Good to hear from you.
Michael and George, you make it quick.
I've got to get to some of this other news.
Go ahead, Michael.
Hey, I just want to elicit people's prayers for a child that I had born on Thursday, a baby girl, Brittany.
I mean, excuse me.
Her name is Michaela Danielle, and PHR has taken my child because Someone turned, the Colonel Grandmother turned me in for being a quote, Prophet of God and saying that I have abilities and my Christian way of life.
The way they're saying you're crazy because you say you know about the New World Order.
Yes, yes.
They've had a lot of TV episodes where if you believe there's a world government, like the show called Judging Amy, they have to come go ahead and take your child because you believe in that imaginary world government that's announced every day on the news.
Yeah, exactly.
Now wait a minute, so was the child given to the wife or who?
Well, yes, but because she was breastfeeding, they're letting her Well, sir, let me just say this.
You ought to be glad it's not the state.
And they may try now to get the state involved.
You just better be glad it's with the mother.
Well, but she's not going to be.
Probably after tomorrow, see?
Tomorrow's my court date.
Our court date.
Well, good.
I hope you... Yeah, that's just... Well, why don't you guys get out of this satanic stuff you're involved in fighting with each other and come back together?
What do you mean, come back together?
I mean, if you're with this woman, why don't you guys work it out?
Oh, we're not estranged.
It's the maternal grandmother that's done this.
Oh, this is incredible.
Yes, the maternal grandmother complained about me being a, quote, prophet of God, believing that the British royal family is going to try to take over the world, and that Prince Harry will be the Antichrist.
Yeah, that's what it is.
So you're talking about the New World Order, and now, so they said in papers that they believe you're crazy.
Now, have you ever been adjudicated to be mentally ill?
Then they don't have a shred, and you need to sue them.
Thanks for the call, sir.
I appreciate it.
That is incredible.
Thank you for the call.
Thank you for the call.
I just, I mean, it's just part of the course.
If you see it on a sitcom or a drama, they're getting you ready to do it.
And I've seen that a thousand times, what you just said.
You believe there's a new world order?
You're crazy.
You're a liberal.
You're against gun control?
You're a liberal.
You're against open borders?
You're a liberal.
You're against nap and gat?
You're crazy.
You're mentally ill, folks.
You don't like losing your jobs.
It's the Soviet Union.
You don't like Stalin?
You're crazy.
You're going to a work camp.
That'll cure you.
Last call.
Who's our last caller here I said I'd go to?
Leslie in Virginia.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex, for letting me be part of your program.
Excuse my laugh.
You get sarcastic.
I love that.
Well, I'm not even being sarcastic!
I get tickled there when, you know, there's people guzzling three beers and, you know, let all this information pass.
God forgive me, but anyway, I just wanted to say real briefly that, you know, people who don't think, and I don't know how many people are informed about remote control aircraft, but I got video here, you know, I got off a document there about three years ago about Uh, they were trying to test this jet fuel.
It was supposed to cut down on, uh, you know, in case of a crash, and it was supposed to be non-flammable or something.
But they remote-controlled this aircraft, uh, you know, to test the fuel.
They put dummies in the passenger seats and video cameras in the, uh, in the jet to see what kind of an impact it would have.
So, you know, that, the fact that remote-controlled aircraft, I mean, this was a big 747, too.
I mean, I got it, you know, all documented.
Yeah, they flew it from what, L.A.
to Australia?
Yeah, yeah, by remote control and it's purposely crashed to test the fuel out.
So, anybody, I mean, you know, it's incredible.
I mean, anybody that's not informed about it does exist.
Well, anybody that thinks you can remote control aircraft is with Al Qaeda.
And again, if you think the moon is made of rock, it's easier with Al Qaeda.
That's true.
And if you think that George Washington was good, you're with Al Qaeda.
Now, I'm not being sarcastic.
I know, I agree with you.
I mean, some of this stuff would be funny if it wasn't so deadly.
I heard a preacher say that one time about politics and living themselves over a pageant of darkness there.
I mean, they're in for the ultimate fate of You know, in their eternal destination.
Well, that's the thing.
These globalists know they're going to hell, folks.
And so they want to take a lot of us with them.
They want to create a hell here.
That's right.
We're a bunch of psychopaths.
We've got a bunch of dead bodies running the government.
That's right.
That's exactly right.
Just a sample of that.
I appreciate you letting me take part, sir.
I mean, I appreciate you letting me bring that out.
Hey, I appreciate you.
When I come back, I'm going to talk about Threat Matrix.
I've got the synopsis of what this last week's episode was.
He is a veteran, and he makes some drugs up, so they arrest him and say you don't get a lawyer, you can't face your accusers, because you're a drug dealer of that age, Tara.
They're just all programming you for that.
You're without CAIDA.
You didn't pay your taxes.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
So what happens is, you got old ladies, grandmothers, whatever, watching the dramas, the sitcoms, where if somebody believes in a world government, they're a terrorist.
You gotta call the police on them, and there's lots of issues where CPS comes and takes the kids because somebody believes in a world government.
And so then you see that happen in the real world.
See, that's just like the torture.
Torture's now good.
The new episode of Threat Matrix is they need to go ahead and torture people because, you know, they're bad.
See, and this is where people get their morals, their ideas.
But I guess they need to arrest the folks at the EU Observer, one of the biggest newspapers in Europe.
Salt and Pepper, EU, US, and the New World Order.
That's the headline.
The major publication!
Arrest them!
And it says, in 1989, a New World Order started taking shape.
One of the combatants of the Cold War, the Soviet Union, was finally defeated, and it soon degenerated.
That's the headline.
Here's another one.
This is out of Times of London.
African leader calls for new world order at UN meeting.
Well, he's obviously insane.
The rest isn't our family.
Qatar's first deputy prime minister and foreign minister, H.H.
Sheikh Ahmed bin Jassin bin Jabbar Al-Faheen, stressed the urgency of establishing a new world order, leading to an equitable distribution of wealth nationally and internationally.
Oh, calling for world socialism.
Okay, um, I'm beginning to understand here.
We're insane.
This is just today, just the two articles I had.
It's dozens every day we can post.
Just type New World Order into search engine.
You know, uh, just everywhere.
But again, that's a major publication.
Talking about it, it doesn't even... See, that's double think that it can exist on TV at night, but then when you say it exists, you're crazy, see?
Here's another one.
uses terror law to pursue crimes from drugs to swindling.
This is from the New York Times, and it admits that it's to be used for all misdemeanors, felonies, you name it.
Here's another one.
Mrs. Bush promotes U.S.
as it rejoins UNESCO in Paris, and it's Vladimir Putin kissing her.
I mean, she's got her hand on him.
This is really disgusting.
It says, Bush has signed on to UNESCO, the United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization.
And I have the admissions here in a ten-part series for teachers published in 1949 under the title, Toward World Understanding, asserting that one of the chief aims of education today should be to prepare boys and girls to take an active part in creating a world society.
The government schools must stamp out the love of country and the family must be viewed as the enemy.
That's a quote.
As long as the child breathes the poisoned air of nationalism, education, and world-mindedness, it can produce only precarious results.
I'm about to read all this, but we can't Again, it doesn't exist, though, even when it's in the mainstream news.
Here's another one.
CIA 6 probe of White House.
Karl Rove selling out a bunch of spies just to burn somebody who didn't lie for him.
And, uh, a bunch of other news here.
But, uh, and I've got a little Threat Matrix article here that was pretty important.
Who knows?
Maybe I'll read that tomorrow, tonight, 9 to midnight.
I don't know.
CIA condemned for flawed intelligence on Iraq.
It's just taking the blame for that when all it was doing was following its orders.
I'm out of time.
Oh man, I didn't get to a lot of this, but I covered a lot of it.
We talked about some of the really big, central issues here on the show.
Hope you'll tell your friends and family about the broadcast, whether it's on the AM and FM dial in your area, global shortwave during the day at 12.172 or 93.20, or at night from 9 to midnight at 5.085 or 68.90.
Hope you'll tell folks about PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
And I hope you'll look around you and you see the blaring propaganda that is everywhere!
Let you know how serious it is!
Look at the propaganda they're pushing!
That's what they want to do!
Take your guns!
Torture you!
Take your children!
I didn't write these things, they did!
And yeah, if you want to wake folks up and deprogram people... Now, you heard the caller earlier, so you get the videos.
I'm out of time.
Don't want to get into that Threat Matrix article.
Here's one out of the London Times.
Arms firm waged dirty war on protesters.
It's admitted that a lot of the big defense contractors are involved in dirty tricks against peace activists, anti-patriot act activists, constitutionalists.
The private defense department agencies are involved in putting the red light cameras, the face scanning cameras, lobbying local police, getting the vote machines, the touchscreens put in.
Time and time again, folks, military industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about.
But again, any corruption in government doesn't exist.
Maybe Eisenhower should have had his children taken.
You know, he imagined that government once did something bad.
How insane!
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
God bless you all.
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