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Name: 20030923_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Sept. 23, 2003
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, well, well, another live edition of the Alex Jones Show.
And yes, I'm Alex Jones.
It is already Tuesday, the 23rd.
The 23rd of September, 2003.
Did you enjoy hearing Lord Bush's speech at the UN?
What about Jacques Chirac?
Again, it's all good cop, bad cop.
The U.N.
is our savior.
It needs more power.
It needs to run our lives.
The U.S.
government front man in Iraq, the Iraqi puppet, the new guy is saying, oh yes, we need the U.N., not the U.S.
And now the U.N.
comes in and is going to fix Iraq and do what the evil Americans couldn't do.
They were against the war at the U.N.
They're so loving and then they'll come in and take over Iraq and, you know, show that evil right-winger Bush.
And then come out smelling like a rose when the United Nations is one power strata above America on the New World Order pyramid paradigm.
It's all good cop, bad cop.
We'll get into it today.
I've got some comments about their speeches.
Also, we're all egg-wielding terrorists now, is the headline.
And we're finding out people are being charged with, under the Patriot Act, other terrorism pieces of legislation.
And Ashcroft and others say they need more power.
They need it now.
So we'll be getting into that.
Also, a trial over new voting machines to begin.
This is out of the Jacksonville Metro section of the Jacksonville newspaper, the Time Union newspaper.
China proposes northern free trade zone.
Palestinians could become next target of international war on terror.
Perez says weak dollar sparks share rout.
Remember just yesterday we were reading to you about where the IMF said it's over for the dollar.
It's going to plunge.
It's going to plummet.
And then they pose as the saviors and say, we've got some sensible monetary policies for you.
You're all going to have to give up your standard of living.
They actually said that.
You're going to have to have a lot higher taxes, 85%, and you're not going to have any freedoms, and this is because you've been bad.
You've over-consumed.
Your standard of living is too high.
Our standard of living was high.
And just one of the members of the family had to work, and mommy could stay home and take care of the children.
Now we all get to work and live in squalor, basically.
So that's coming up.
Also, Dutch Foreign Minister to become NATO Secretary General.
Iran parades new missiles, with the threat to wipe Israel off the map.
That's the London Guardian.
We'll be getting to that.
Now, U.S.
unmanned spy planes deployed against North Korea.
They talked about a strike in North Korea as early as next month.
As early as October 10th.
Rumsfeld said about eight months ago in a leaked document, they leaked three different battle plans.
One of them called for nuke attacks on the capital of North Korea and on the border regions to be followed by special forces taking over the airports and the capital.
Let me just tell you, the casualties there are guaranteed to be in the tens of thousands.
I don't care what type of weapons.
The North Koreans are like cult members.
It's totally brainwashed.
Again, I'm giving an example of how they'll catch one of these surveillance boats and everybody on board will take cyanide.
That's mind control, folks.
That's mind control.
Worse than the Nazis.
Worse than the Russians.
It's Japanese-type behavior.
Uh, but it's not just, it's not just Harry Carey, Seppuku, whatever you want to call it.
I mean, that was the warrior class if they'd been dishonored or were going to be captured.
The North Koreans just love to commit suicide, generally for no reason at all, just under orders.
So it's more like a mindless drone mentality.
Alright, I'm discriminating against another culture.
The Nazis were good and so were the Aztecs.
No, the Nazis were bad and the Aztecs were bad.
And so are the North Koreans.
We'll continue to speak out against corrupt evil cultures.
We'll be right back!
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm sure that a lot of you have heard about the airline JetBlue taking your personal information and giving it to not just Homeland Security but the military but We'll give you the specific details of that in the middle of the next hour with Declan McCullough who writes for Zenet News and a bunch of other really high-brow tech publications.
He tracks Big Brother activities.
So, Declan McCullough will be joining us here on the show in about an hour and 20 minutes.
Speaking of high-tech fraud, here's a headline out of the Times Union paper in Jacksonville, Florida, trial over new voting machines to begin!
But, it isn't over the fact that the voting machines have back doors hooked into the government, it isn't the fact that they have wireless internet connections that no one told anybody about, it isn't the fact that industry officials have been recorded in meetings talking about how to oppress the people and how to divert our attention from the reality that there is no more election.
No, it's about the Americans with Disabilities Act, that's what it's about, you know.
Saying that they can't use these machines.
So see, they always...
Stuff gets brought to court on side secondary issues, and obviously if you're blind or you're deaf or you've got a problem like that, it's not a secondary issue.
But my point is, is that isn't it the number one issue that the CIA is involved with all the big touchscreen companies?
And if you've missed our analysis of that or the articles about it or the transcripts or the interviews or the news articles, the mainstream news articles, We have an election fraud section on PrisonPlanet.com.
But I see this in so many cases.
The judges will allow a lawsuit over Americans with Disabilities Act.
Oh, is it easy for them to use?
But there won't be any lawsuits that are allowed through, though they've been filed, over the fact that they've caught Diebold and other companies With all their government connections, hooking into the machines during elections and manipulating votes.
That happened in California in 2002.
This is real stuff, folks, and it's a big deal.
So trial over new voting machines to begin in a case with national implications.
A federal judge will be asked to decide this week whether Duval County elections officials discriminated against blind and other disabled voters when they purchased new ballot equipment in 2001.
Why is a judge doing this?
In the past, judges didn't rule on cases of discrimination or cases of bank robbery or grand larceny or cases of rape.
Juries did.
Grand juries called for indictments.
The local magistrates Executed the indictments, the police, the sheriff came and arrested you, and took you, and clapped you in irons, and then a jury of your peers examined you, and examined the case.
Not a judge, but over and over.
Administrative law courts, admiralty courts, on and on and on.
I read these rulings where they're just snatching people's land, and taking guns, and banning gun shops, and just a whole plethora of issues, and it's judges, just judges.
Trial over new voting machines to begin.
Testimony begins today in an Americans with Disabilities Act lawsuit filed by three Jacksonville voters and the National Disabled Rights Organization.
Now notice, there's no jury.
Now, when did this happen for the first time?
You think, well, that must be the way it's always been.
When did this first happen?
It happened in 2000.
Started in 99, went through 2000.
Right here in Central Texas, in Waco, Texas, Federal Judge Walter Smith, who sat on the criminal case, sat on the civil case.
Now, he should have been recused, but that never happened.
And he said on the news, he said, there will be no juries.
We don't have juries in these type of suits anymore.
Oh, yeah, they just passed a federal law.
Like passing a federal law that black people are two-thirds human.
I say it's not a legitimate law.
You can say it's the law all day!
Stalin can say it's the law that he took farmers' land!
Those farmers have a right to fight back against Stalin!
You need to understand this, but... When I went down, I protested Walter Smith, and I made a big deal out of it that he was not, quote, impaneling a jury.
So then, I got death threats.
I'm not saying they were from Walter Smith.
The U.S.
Attorney, the prosecutor on this, had a little boo-boo.
A little Arkansas the other day, by the way.
I don't know why that happened, but pretty scary.
But that was the only time I really got scary death threats was in the Waco case.
And I had death threats in front of witnesses by admitted confidential informants who came right out and said, well, we're informants.
We're going to kill you.
You'll be dead soon.
And then right around that time, you know, I had people breaking in on my phone line with voice changers saying, I'm going to kill you if you keep what you're doing going in Waco.
Because that was a big case.
That was embarrassing Bill Clinton.
And so I pointed out, I said, why isn't there a jury?
And I just kept asking that question.
And what was really hurting him was a big station right here in Austin that I was on at the time.
And a lot of people started asking that question.
The paper started asking that question.
And then Smith said, OK, I will impanel a secret jury.
They are only advisatory.
I will take their verdict in secret.
And if I don't like their verdict, he actually said this, I will not even make it public.
Well, of course, the jury that he, quote, appointed.
He appointed a seven-member special jury.
He chose people, folks, who you understand.
And of course, they came back and said, no, we're throwing this lawsuit out.
And he said, oh, the jury said so.
But they weren't even going to have that until This development.
I don't want to go down a rabbit trail with this, but just reading this article about the electronic voting machine lawsuit down in Duval County, Florida, there's no jury involved?
And this is happening everywhere.
Everything is staged now.
They're having all these Ashcroft Town Hall meetings.
The public isn't allowed in.
When the former White House Chief media person, whatever her name is, came down here to universities in Texas.
They wouldn't allow the college students, because I've talked to them, to ask questions.
They would let them write them on cards and then choose for a random youth to read off the card to give the illusion of questions.
I mean, it's just everywhere.
It's staged events.
Have you figured that out yet, folks?
Just the illusion of freedom and liberty.
Now, we're going to take a lot of calls today.
If you want to comment on this or any other issue, any other news item, it's 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
Weak dollar sparks share rout, a drop in the value of the dollar caused stock markets to
plunge around the world on Monday.
That was yesterday.
And as that was happening, we were reading a London Guardian article that just had quotes and hyperlinks for the IMF statement, International Monetary Fund, that's the bankruptcy holding company, one of the larger ones, for the private Rothschild family.
That openly owns a large portion of it, along with the Queen of England, Dutch Roll Family, Saxe-Coburg Gothas and others.
And they come right out at a key point and say the dollar is going to plunge, it's going to be dead meat, it could totally unravel.
The American Leviathan, when it falls over, is going to fall even harder.
Little economies would have already gone bankrupt and be in depression, but when America falls, it's finally going to unravel.
I ought to dig that back out.
I mean, the quotes were so unbelievable.
By the IMF.
See, the IMF is like the executive.
And then you've got its spokes, its regional governors, the Federal Reserve, and the Bank of England, and the Bundesbank of Deutschland.
You've got the Bank of France, you've got the Bank of Moscow, you've got all these banks.
And it's simple.
Your country gets invaded, taken over.
They set up a dictatorship.
Put in their banks and then put puppets in and withdraw and call your country a democracy, but as Lord Rothschild said, I care not who runs the government or who passes the laws, only who controls the money and then everything else flows from there.
And so they come out.
I mean, that's the equivalent of... I'm trying to think of a good analogy.
That's like an axe murderer hacking somebody up and putting them in the back of their truck and then driving it to the police and saying, look, I want to report that this person was hacked up by an axe.
You know, there's blood splattered all over the axe murderer, and of course the cops are going to look at him.
But for the IMF, I mean, this is who runs our policy, orders Greenspan around, orders the UN around.
This is it, the private IMF, folks.
They own giant cash machines, huge computers.
They can add as many ones or zeros as they want behind it.
They write the credit for the world out of nothing, and they finance the universities, they own the media, they own the defense agencies, everything!
They founded the CIA, they wrote the National Security Act, they are BCCI, they are Clark Clifford, all of his crew!
And they just come right out and just say, hey, your dollar's dead meat!
Ha ha ha!
George Soros, his little Rockefeller Rothschild minion, hopping up and down going, yes, yes, yes!
And you just watch the dollar plunge.
And that's all we had left.
I mean, I don't like this fiat currency.
I wish we had our real money issued by our government, not by private banks.
You know, with Federal Reserve at the top of it, instead of the United States note.
I can't stand that the little bit of money I got in the bank is being devalued massively.
Makes me angry.
And it's all by design.
Folks, even if it's a fiat currency, it's all we had left.
We don't have the factories.
We don't have the job base.
We had that World Reserve backup currency that everybody traded in, and so it had value.
That's why you can go to Mexico, or that's why you can go to other terrible countries and buy more with your money.
You know, eat a big meal for five people for, you know, ten bucks, eight bucks.
Whereas it costs $200 here in the States.
You won't be able to do that anymore, but that means domestically with all these goods and the $10 CD players or the $200 20-inch color TVs, whatever.
And it was all engineered!
I mean, they haven't been putting the police in riot gear and building prisons and mass relocation centers for nothing.
They've been engineering this!
And so I want the FBI folks listening and BATF and police, when they take what you've got Just be smart enough to remember who did it to you.
Just for me, would you do that?
And maybe you'll decide to join the American people.
And stop being part of this criminal crime syndicate.
As a compartmentalized, useful idiot.
We'll be right back with more news.
Stay with me.
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Alright ladies and gentlemen, jumping back into the news, and look I'm not trying to sit here and be negative,
understand that.
(dramatic music)
I want you to know who's going to take your pension funds.
I want you to know who's taking the veterans' health care.
I want you to know who's raping this country.
When they tell you that, oh, we're in all this debt and we overextended ourselves and we all, you know, live these haughty lifestyles and it's all our fault, that's a fraud, folks.
They set up a system where it's impossible for any country to dig out of the debt system they've set up.
Now certainly, are there people that get a bunch of credit cards and run up huge debts and don't pay them off and have horrible fiscal responsibility and who are addicted to the home shopping network?
I'm not saying, you know, with the decadence of the New World Order comes a general malaise in decadence.
I remember being in college, I remember when I hit about 17 in high school, I started getting credit cards in the mail.
And I got a credit card.
And I would pay it down every month.
And I did that for years and years.
And I would get credit card after credit card after credit card.
Sometimes I was getting credit cards every week in the mail.
You've been pre-approved.
You've been pre-approved.
I could have had 50 of these things.
I could have run up, you know, a $100,000 debt.
But I didn't.
My dad sat me down and explained how it was a scam and how they operate.
How they wanted to get me into their system.
But a strange thing happened.
A few years after always paying the credit card down, I got a letter.
My credit card had been cancelled.
That's right.
You actually get a bad credit score if you don't have debt and if you pay off your credit card.
Because I was just using it as a debit card.
Occasionally when I was out doing business, I would pay for the gas and write it off on taxes or whatever.
That's what I was taught to do.
And I only use the credit card for stuff like that.
I've always been kind of a cash guy.
And you're saying, what does this have to do with a plunging dollar?
The globalists took over the world's central banks.
They print the money out of nothing.
The countries you see being attacked, the seven rogue nations of the countries, good or bad, bad leaders or good, that doesn't matter.
The point is, they were sovereign outside the New World Order.
They weren't under globalist control.
And there's this big revelation today that Wesley Clark admitted in a book that in 2001, when he was still in the military, that he saw a plan to invade seven of the Middle Eastern countries, starting with Iraq.
And how did he know this?
And this is an incredible revelation!
Folks, PNAC was saying it in 2000, 99, 98.
We need giant terror attacks.
Pearl Harbor was very good.
We need another one bigger.
Terrorism will empower the New World Order.
We will mobilize for imperial domination.
We'll grab all the oil.
Saddam's not a threat, but terrorism is the pretext to get that oil and then attack all the neighbors and totally dominate everyone.
We want social welfare.
We want to control people through big government.
We believe in abortion.
I mean, do you want to read these things?
We believe in race-specific bio-weapons to kill certain races, Dick Cheney wrote in the Rebuilding America's Defenses of September 2000.
I mean, it's so crazy, it's like turning on TV, it's a late-night horror movie, and there's the mad scientist going, I will release the bio-weapon and kill certain races!
You're like, man, that movie's far out.
That would never happen.
You open a PNAC document written by Dick Cheney.
We believe that race-specific bioweapons will be very useful and will be legitimate against certain races.
PNAC has that on their website, folks.
Michael Meacher, the big British lord.
He's not a lord, but head of the Energy and slash Environment group said, look, I was all part of this.
I'm not being part of this.
He came out, released the documents.
And made his own comments about it, you know, that big op-ed he wrote called, The War on Terror is a Hoax.
And he just gave the quotes, and you know, where it is in the PNAC documents.
See, this stuff is, in fact, I've been wanting to pose this question to the listeners, about the plunge of the dollar, about the loss of liberty, about their saying the tech jobs are going to lose seven times what you've lost to India.
That's Scripps Howard News Service with federal numbers.
I mean, if you like Naftin Gatt, you're gonna get a lot more of it, okay?
Remember him on the news saying how great it'd be back in 94, and people were lying conspiracy theorists that said it would be bad?
This is all by design.
They want control of you.
They don't want you to be, uh, self-sufficient.
They want you to be dependent.
But what about the race-specific bioweapon comments in a document written by Cheney and Rumsell, this particular one, footnoted by these two?
Or they say that it will be legitimate in the future to use race-specific weapons.
Why is it that top story?
Do you know what race-specific weapons are?
Your call's coming up.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're back live at--
Alex Jones here.
I do this show Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central Standard Time.
And then back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time as well.
And I'm sorry, I don't talk about Ghosts and Goblins, Chupacabras, Yetis, Bigfoots, Flying Saucers.
I don't talk about Mars bases.
I don't talk about Galileo going into the service of Jupiter.
I don't talk about stuff that really doesn't affect us or can't be proven.
I talk about the IMF and World Bank with plans to put you in forced labor camps, tens of millions of Americans, it's been federally announced, to have troops with machine guns over you working in the factories, to take your children from you and make them be raised in government dormitories, to forcibly inject you with hundreds of vaccines, also engineering them into the food supply, Mass cloning of embryos, total abortion globally, forced on women.
We talk about stuff like that.
Real things that are happening.
Real atrocities.
I'm not going to talk about speculation.
I'm not going to talk about diversions or distractions.
We focus in on real issues.
I'm putting the call out to listeners.
I let you guys call in, you gals call in about any subject you want, any news item, any propaganda piece on television that makes for very interesting listening, very informative listening because you never know which direction this show is going to go.
We talk about the nature of man, the nature of the world, the nature of history.
We try to get folks to get outside the box to shift their paradigms, to expand their understanding of the human condition.
And the true nature of good and evil.
And to really get out of this mesmerized, sleeping, waking, zombified state that so many people are in.
That's what they're in.
They're just in this general malaise.
We're trying to stop that.
We know that it's always been a small, vocal, focused, informed minority that has changed history for the good or for the bad.
And so we're calling good folks, informed folks, to get involved in the fight.
But sometimes I throw out a subject and I say, Listers, I really want to get your comment on it.
Maybe it's Chinese mobile death van driving around, grabbing political dissidents and shoving them in them and then killing them.
Or, you know, the Stars and Stripes article.
It's, again, mainstream, pro-military, pro-government paper admitting that, yeah, the troops have to pay for their own food when they're shot in Iraq at the hospital.
Some of their medical care as well.
They have to pay for it.
We need to comment on stuff like this.
The American Bar Association.
Saying, well, no more attorney-client privilege.
We're going to title on you to the judge and the prosecutor without letting you know.
We want to get rid of juries.
I mean, still, I talk to the average person, the average patriot, the average conservative, libertarian, whatever, Christian, freedom lover, and they don't know about the American Bar Association.
I'm getting emails every day.
Every day!
I was reading emails last night.
They were saying stuff like, I want to see the article where the American Bar Association says there's no attorney client privilege.
I don't believe it.
I've been listening to you for years and I don't believe it.
See, obviously, I've got to do a better job of reporting this, but I've read the article four or five times.
It was all over the news.
But again, who can keep track of all this?
They've got a new bill where illegal aliens can have dual citizenship to destroy our sovereignty.
That's confirmed.
I mean, how do you Properly spend time on these issues.
Here's another one.
Again, I go back to this PNAC document, one of hundreds, written by Cheney and Rumsfeld.
They're the guys signed on to this particular plan or strategy, and this big globalist think tank.
And in 2000, Cheney and Rumsfeld say, well, we need race-specific bioweapons, and this is going to be legitimate to use these on certain races.
Now they say the use of certain race-specific genome attack pathogens, and they have a little meeting about it.
Yeah, this will be very legitimate.
Folks, that's, again, I use the term off the charts, breaks the scale, brushes the mold.
Just, there's no way to describe, to scream or yell or Hyperventilate or or or calmly describe how horrible that is.
I mean that's Joseph Mingala Nazi stuff, but being openly discussed.
And who's involved in developing all this?
IBM goes around.
Let me tell you what IBM does.
International Business Machines.
What does IBM go around doing?
They go around buying up the biotech companies, buying up the implantable microchip companies, buying up key areas in the control grid.
They pretty much control about half of the human genome project, the other half's the government.
And I told you two, three years ago, well in 2000, that's three years ago almost now, I went and read for like two hours one night the corporate minutes at ADS.com, Applied Digital Solutions, and basically it said that IBM owned all their debt, controlled them, told their board of directors what to do.
That's why we're such a good company to invest in.
We're basically an IBM shill.
And then they made the leap that the Communist Chinese Army would invest in it.
And now that's where the big plant is.
It's made the tens of thousands of chips, over 5,000 now implanted.
I'm being deployed, putting prisoners in Mexico, prisoners in Russia.
There's a deal with the California Bureau of Prisons.
That's Reuters.
I mean, this is scary, folks.
Imagine a movie where there's this mega-corporation, and it's involved with a communist Chinese military, and it's got a big plant making implantable chips.
And then in the movie, you turn the news on, you know, it shows the scene of a family watching TV and all the talking heads on every channel.
You put the channel and they're saying, every child needs a chip.
A chip's so good.
Chip keep you safe.
A chip, chip, chip.
I mean, somebody wake me up from this nightmare.
But we're not in a nightmare, folks.
We're awake.
This is happening.
And then we extrapolate out from there.
You know, IBM's involved in fostering and supporting and driving all these bioweapons developments.
And the whole human genome.
And it's just pure wickedness, folks.
And people say, well, they'd never, you know, the government, the Level 4 Bioweapons Labs, the Human Genome Project, boy, they'd never do anything bad.
You know, that'd be crazy.
Then you read all the policy reports of the Ted Turners, the Prince Phillips, the Jacques Cousteau's, the Nature Conservancy's, the Sierra Club's, the 1973 CIA orders to the IMF and World Bank about telling the third world to sterilize half their women or they wouldn't get any IMF and World Bank funding.
I mean, that's all admitted!
And Australia's plan through food to put in a bioweapon to sterilize Asia.
That's all on Road to Tyranny.
I mean, folks, I have hundreds of these articles.
And then, in a PNAC document, in a PNAC document, he got Dick Cheney and the Defense Secretary, Rummy, talking about how this is going to be legitimate.
And they've done everything!
Everything they say they'll do, they do it!
You better be really concerned, folks.
I mean, you know, I would expect that if I started writing papers on the internet about how using race-specific bioweapons was reasonable and good, and let's say I owned a big biotech firm that had the scientists and the capability to develop this stuff, I would expect I would be arrested.
I should be arrested.
Taken in and interrogated.
I don't mean tortured.
Interrogated to get answers.
That's what should happen.
But no!
It's the Vice President!
It's the Vice President with all this at their fingertips.
These psychopaths.
These gun-grabbing, open-border-promoting, ultra-liberals, if you want to use your term, folks.
I mean, that's what they are according to your fake neocon paradigm.
And I look at that.
I mean, this is insane!
If you or I had the capability to do this type of stuff and we were publicly saying it was legitimate and might need to happen, then you add to this over 22 dead microbiologists from Australia to Russia to the U.S., all of them in key race-specific bioweapons development programs, all of them Either they're in the development or they were in the treatment and knowing how to identify where something came from.
And folks, these people are dying.
They get pulled over.
Why would somebody stop on the side of the road without flat tires?
Well, cop, you know, someone in a police car.
They pull them over, their brains are bashed out.
Their brains are bashed in, they're thrown off bridges.
One taught bioweapons guy had his guts cut out and a big pentagram carved in his back.
That's the Washington Post.
People dying in airlock.
People getting smashed by cars on the streets.
I mean, small plane wrecks, crashes.
It goes on and on.
Shot in the back of their home.
Husband and wife and kids lined up and shot.
I mean, come on, FBI!
Come on, government!
Are you going to stand by while this happens?
This is really scary.
We live in times that try men's souls.
This is what I want to talk about.
Does this concern you?
Who's up first, Mark?
Who should I go to first?
Rod in Texas, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, I disagree with you about the importance of topics such as UFOs and things that you're talking about.
You called in the last five minutes yesterday when I was talking about the whole UFO movement run by the Rothschilds, Kansas City Star, It's run by the Rothschilds, run by Clinton's former chief of staff as their main guy.
This is mainstream news, and it's there to discredit serious issues, like what Dick Cheney said, and they mix it together to discredit it.
Now you go ahead, you've got the floor.
Okay, okay, what I'm saying is that it's a mistake to marginalize it.
And here's a good example.
Most of your listeners would recognize me.
They know who I am, and I've done some very good research over the last ten years.
And I called you and warned you about Gordon Novell, and you went ballistic on me.
A Gordon Novell you had on, and I was like, he's tied in with John Alexander!
Sir, hey, hey, hey, hey!
Hey, let me talk!
No, no, put him on hold.
Now, the problem here is, we're going to take what you say one point at a time.
I don't want to get all mad here, okay?
I just fly in saucers, discussions of them.
You want to know my hot button, folks?
Tuba Coppers, Yetis, Green Men.
I just go ballistic.
It's like I'm a bull and it's a red cape.
Just don't try it with me.
Now, Gordon Novell did a lot of great work.
Helped get the flare tape out.
Really helped burn the government.
Uh, and he had everything he had taken from him by the CIA.
He was involved with the U.S.
He's a famous guy.
I gave a lot of information to Oliver Stone.
And this guy, Sam Gordon Novell, is bad.
I don't know either way.
I had him on as a gift.
Now, go ahead.
Point by point, I'll take what you're saying.
Go ahead.
I believe I sent you a picture of him sitting in between John Alexander and Victoria Likas, his wife.
John Alexander is the head of the First Earth Battalion.
He is funded by Robert Bigelow in Las Vegas at a place called the National Institute of Discovery Science.
They are very well connected to past and present administrations.
Well, no, that's true.
Novell continually tells me that he's been to Area 51 and the Flying Saucers and all that.
Well, that's the point that I'm trying to make.
Now I understand.
It is weird to have a guy who brought the flare footage out and got it from the CIA director right before the CIA director was killed and then he's running around telling me he's seen the flying saucers.
We didn't bring that up here on air though.
That's all Gordon basically talks about when you're with him privately.
That's the point that I wanted to make.
That this does have a sociological impact and an impact on people's belief systems.
It's giant!
It's huge!
That's all anybody's talking about is little green men.
Okay, that's all I have to say.
Okay, well I don't want to run over anymore.
Go ahead and finish up what you're saying.
No, that's all I have to say.
I just don't think it should be marginalized.
Let me stop you here for a second, okay?
This is why I'm mad, okay?
Are you ready to hear why I'm angry?
Go ahead.
Because we fight to be on the AM and FM affiliates we're on, from Rhode Island to Texas to New Mexico to California.
And we get great ratings and great listenership and we're successful and then the stations get bought out and they put, you know, mindless drivel on it.
But it's very frustrating to me to be talking to a Ph.D.
or to be talking to a police officer or SWAT team commander and I'm telling them about Operation Northwoods, an official U.S.
government plan to carry out terror attacks that's admitted by ABC News, Baltimore Sun and the U.S.
It's very frustrating to be talking about serious issues like race-specific bioweapons, which it looks like they're gearing up to use.
We're talking about millions dead here, folks, or more.
And then out of that crisis, a giant worldwide police state set up.
Out of it.
You know, they're setting up the police state, now they'll bring in the pretext of bringing us to the next level of tyranny.
We're basically looking at the end of freedom, the end of modern civilization.
And the end of the Renaissance, end of the Second Dark Ages.
And all I hear when I tune into these shows that do discuss some of the real stuff that's going on is mixed in goat people, yetis, bigfoots, green men, and I'm telling you what most of those people are putting out is it's an industry, it's a new age type scam, Uh, it's out of control.
I know the government's got advanced technologies.
I know they've got space planes.
I know they've got flying disks, because I've got time-life books where it says U.F.' 's Air Force on it.
They admit they've got stuff.
The Germans had crap that looked like that.
That's admitted.
So, I know all that.
My point is, is that almost everything I've looked into with U.F.O.s is government.
You know, the giant flying V. Well, NASA's got pictures of it.
That's their big space plane.
So, we're stuck in 1970s technology.
It's parceled, doled out to us real slow.
I know there's suppressed technology, but I'm telling you, regardless, that's coming out of the government.
Now, you can say, well, they got it from aliens, and we'll say, well, they got it from the devil.
Whatever, folks.
The Bible says we're made in the image of God.
I believe it came from man.
We're smart.
And we build on things.
And there's a lot of suppressed technology.
My whole point is, every time I talk about something real, or something that's concrete, the SWAT team guy I'm talking to or the PHD will say, oh, but that's like that crowd that believes in the UFOs, or the crowd that believes in whatever.
And that's because the X-Files and all these shows, on purpose, will mix.
FEMA's got camps in with, they're run by aliens from the South Pole.
Now do you understand?
Yeah, I see your point.
And so I try to shelter my show from that, so people can tune in to all the other stuff they want to hear.
I'm trying to get folks to understand that, hey, the Federal Reserve's private.
I'm dealing with stuff that I know is hurting us, that I know is evil.
Well, again, going back to, you know, you're talking about children disappearing.
I can tell you for a fact where a lot of these children wind up and what's done to them and why it's done to them, basically it's to children that are traumatized at an early age develop psychic abilities and they are being employed in these remote viewing programs.
I have a friend who was in forced recon in the 1980s and he was still getting intelligence from remote viewers.
So they still are employing this technology?
Oh, well, the government believes in the occult.
I mean, they conduct rituals.
I've been there.
That's a fact.
The Bohemian Grove has admitted that I went in there by the San Francisco Chronicle and the Press Democrat.
And national television admits.
Trio Network interviewed the Grove leaders.
They admit.
Yeah, we carry out these rituals.
So, yeah, I know they believe in the occult.
We'll be right back.
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888-253-3139. That's 888-253-3139.
But the last caller was a great example of what I've been talking about. I mean, the
government believes in the occult.
Yes, the government spent hundreds of millions of dollars on psychics, what they call remote viewers, to try to give it a new label.
And they claim that it worked for them, but they've now suspended it.
I don't believe that for a minute.
It's like saying they suspended MKUltra.
I mean, the mind control now is just mainstream, being used against us at every level.
But again, I don't get into stuff like that.
I get into, hmm, Dick Cheney says in a document he wrote that race-specific bioweapons used against certain races is going to be legitimate.
Oh, really?
Race-specific bioweapons that kill certain races?
That's a lot bigger than remote viewing, folks.
And you know what?
It's documented.
Folks, I've got a giant stack of news here that's all admitted, right up front.
This tyranny of every imaginable configuration.
They're arresting people under 16-year-old deportation cases.
Retroactively saying, well, the group you were a member of 16 years ago wasn't listed as a terrorist.
You haven't been a member in decades, but we're going to go ahead and arrest you now.
Oh, you threw an egg at somebody.
That's an act of terrorism.
We're going to charge you under the Patriot Act.
That's provable!
So that's all I'm trying to say here, and I know we're about to go to Mike and Manuel and a bunch of other people that are patiently holding the toll-free number to join us, 1-800-259-9231.
And I've been trying to be nice to the callers, I get... I was mean to the last caller, and he did make really good points.
Thank you, sir.
Call back some other time, we'll spend more time talking about it.
I just... There I was giving a speech about how I didn't want to talk about UFOs and Now it's a big distraction, and man, first caller out of the box, talking about it, I had steam coming out of my ears here.
Do you understand they're building giant bio-weapons labs?
They've already built a bunch of them.
They're killing the microbiologists that could blow the whistle on it, or who developed it.
When they start getting rid of those that made it, folks, when they start getting rid of people that can treat it, folks, you've got a serious problem.
When the UN and the globalists and the big fat cats, when they put out their policy reports, it's all about how they want to get rid of 85 to 95 percent of us.
That's scary.
And that's real.
And it sounds totally nuts.
But I can say it because they said it, and because I can document it, up one side and down the other.
And that's why this show has credibility, despite all of my hyperventilation and, you know, theatrics.
Alright, I do this at the end of every hour.
I really want the listeners to support this show.
The show is exploding in size, but that means I need more staff, and more computers, and more video editors, and we need your support.
I got a couple films in the works, and we need your support to get the other films so we can make these new films.
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The second hour, your calls, a ton of news and guests straight ahead.
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
We're already into the third hour.
I know a lot of callers were holding and dropped off and I was bad about not getting to you because we had Declan McCullough on.
Talk about, well, the army involved with the airlines.
JetBlue, to be specific.
Others are doing it, too.
The grocery stores are doing it.
Taking all your personal data, your eating habits, your reading habits, and giving it over to the government.
So stop using credit cards, folks, at these big chain stores.
Mom and pops aren't uploading your stuff to the government.
All right.
We're about to go to your calls and I've got just a bunch of other news.
Believe me, I'm just going to get to the news.
I'm going to take some calls.
You'll want to stay with us.
There's a lot of new developments on a hundred fronts and I'm going to cover it all.
Right now, let's go to Marcello in beautiful Canada.
Thank you very much, Alex.
I was calling to tell you and your listeners about a voting option that I feel no one knows about.
In the last Canadian election, which happened to be in 2000 as well, I voted non-confident and you have to go to the polling station and you hand over your registration notice and you tell them that I'd like to register my vote of non-confidence in all the candidates.
So that's saying none of the above?
Yeah, and it doesn't count as a spoiled ballot.
It counts as a vote for no one.
Hey, I like that.
And what you do to is you go to a precinct and you have a bunch of those and then you watch if it's touchscreen that'll never even show up in the election results you'll have some proof there.
Yeah and when when I did this they had to hand enter it themselves on a separate sheet.
I don't know if we have that here in the United States.
Well the average Canadian doesn't even know about it because I tell people about it they say oh that sounds interesting but I don't think you can do it.
And I tell them, I did it.
So, you know.
Well, you know, that's another way the Globalists run election fraud.
That's how the Soviet Union would do it.
You know, they'd say, you can elect one of these three guys from the Duma, and they're all KGB.
I mean, it's, it's a scam.
I mean, yeah.
And my understanding is this, if the majority vote non-confident, they have to re-field the whole candidate again.
Now, you know, we have a writing system here.
If it's non-confidence in one writing, they have to refield candidates in that writing.
But I don't know if it's on the whole national scale.
No, I can't imagine it happening.
So few people even know about it.
I don't know if our system is like that here in the United States.
Maybe we can ask some of the listeners that know more about the election process than I do.
I know this.
There's a lot of stuff I don't know.
I learn more every day.
I learn how much I don't know every day.
So, I'll definitely try to research that.
That's interesting.
Anything else, Marcello?
Oh, I happened to catch a minute of the... What's that called again?
The Matrix?
The ABC show?
Oh, Threat Matrix.
Training you how to be a slave, be surveilled, and how torture is a great American value.
That's basically the message of the show.
Yeah, I only indulged it for a minute, and I felt repulsed.
According to the USA Today review, and all I've seen was the ad in the movie theater for it, and they were torturing some guy, and it was good that they were doing it, according to the Sicko Show, the Nazi program, but watching Threat Matrix, I mean, it really does turn my stomach, but reading the USA Today review, they say it's just endlessly how you're being listened to, how you're being watched, how good it is.
What did you get from watching it?
Well, in that one minute, I really got how it's trying to acclimate people by sanitizing a completely bunch of nefarious activities.
So basically they were surveilling everybody, everyone was being watched, but this is how we stay safe?
Well, the scene I saw, there was the torture scene and getting info out of the guy.
I'll tell you, sir, I gotta stop you.
You know, I said I was going to tape this, folks.
Please tape it and mail it to me.
Stay there.
I want to hear Marcello about the torture scene.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, last Thursday I talked a lot about it.
I saw the promo for it.
And I told people that they ought to tune into it just to monitor it.
I didn't watch it.
I was doing a TV show Thursday night and then taking care of business, fighting the New World Order.
I didn't watch Threat Matrix, but I read the horrible review of it.
Where they admit that it's basically a giant police state commercial.
Of course, I got that from seeing an ad for it in a movie theater where they're torturing some person.
Got him all strapped down in a high-tech chair, torturing the living daylights out of him, because they're good!
Torture's good!
Now again, this is warping the minds of the people.
And of course, it's how this NSA surveils you and how this keeps you all safe.
But Marcello lives up in Canada.
He says he was flipping through the channels and saw the torture scene.
Can you describe that to us, please?
Well, yeah, like you said, there was a guy wrapped down to this chair.
And he looked, you know, very disheveled and you can see lesions on his body.
And he had the torture babe asking him questions.
And it's all about, you know, He's just ferreting out whether or not he's telling all he knows or the truth.
And they've gotta do it because there's about to be a major attack!
They've gotta do it!
I mean, they don't like it!
I mean, when I saw her, it was this face of she's sad, but she's still shaking with power, and she's all sexy.
I'm touching you!
And everybody's going, ooh, she's so powerful!
Is that what you got from it?
Yeah, and then she dials in with her pals, and they've got all kinds of high-tech equipment with them, and they're all looking real I like their, uh, just got everything going and you know
everything's so smooth and perfect and uh like I said I, I thought... These are our new
authority figures.
So the guy they're torturing... I mean, I just saw her torturing the daylights out of him in the ad, and it said, they're power unlimited to keep you safe.
Their method's unorthodox.
And the guy's getting tortured.
She's going, that's my question!
I'm a good American!
I torture people!
But, I mean, exactly what was she saying to him, and what was he saying while he was being tortured?
Oh, they were trying to get out of him where some uh...
heritage bills were or to go infiltrate
according to what i got a white guy controls al-qaeda right yeah i think you were the russian
and and and and what i have harvard here from around the paper saying quote
does it do not like a new world order are secretly under al-qaeda
control period You don't like globalism, you don't like losing your job, you don't like losing your guns, you're with Al-Qaeda.
This is the script, folks.
They're going to blow more stuff up, and then, oh, you secretly work with Al-Qaeda.
And there's going to be all these weak-minded noodle heads that watch shows like Threat Matrix and 24 on Fox, where every show is about torture and every show is about how good it is.
I want people to get something straight!
Our troops, our men, got shot down, and put in cages, and tortured, and it's wrong!
And Joseph Mingola did it, and it's sick!
And ABC News makes me sick!
So the torture babe, I love it, that's exactly what it is.
The torture babe.
Just describe exactly what she does to this guy when she's torturing him.
Well, I saw so little of it.
Mostly what I saw was her asking questions and I guess the torture bit was already done when I flipped on there.
He's just all white, lesions, strapped down and disheveled.
They're loving him.
Do you realize, folks, and I'm asking you this question, how sick it is to have them telling us torture's good?
They're legitimizing that, sir.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, I know.
And it's the slow acclimation process.
Well, let me tell you why it's so scary.
The April issue of, what is it, Firearms and Weapons of Law Enforcement.
I read this on air like ten times, it was so incredible.
They had an article written by this Fed for the police, and it was like, torture may become a regular part of law enforcement, it's been looked down upon, but recently we've understood that if we're the good guys, we can administer it.
And it went on to say, what if a man's got an anthrax bomb about to release and he won't answer questions?
Obviously, torture's needed.
Then I found out it's being taught to cops everywhere.
But notice, there's no real anthrax, there's no real terrorists, and it's always the government.
But see, so now terrorism is throwing an egg.
Terrorism is protesting.
Terrorism is having marijuana, see?
Oh, we only torture terrorists, and everything's an act of terror, according to Section 802 of the First Patriot Act.
Yeah, and who administers torture and thinks they're some bad guy?
They all think they're good guys.
Well, exactly.
I mean, Joseph Mengele was fighting for the Reich that was under attack.
And, uh, you know, I mean, doing what he did.
He had to advance the medical science, and that's what they said.
And BBC reported that as late as 85, they did hundreds of tests outside Porton Down, out in the countryside, in the military-owned land.
They'd have U.S.
and British troops sit out there in their tanks and in jeeps, fly over and spray them, and they would die.
They'd kill our troops.
1968, New York subway.
Biological released, dozens died.
Details remain classified.
That's a government admission.
Senate report.
We have a government.
that just kills people, just randomly go on to work, and oh it's just a test.
They take little children and radiate them, the sons and daughters of military personnel,
oh we're going to do a test on your daughter. They radiate them, kill them, they give pregnant wives
uranium pills just to see what it would do to them in the 50s, 40s, and we just go well we
can trust this government now. You're foolish to think that torture is ever good.
It will, number one, you can't believe a confession that was gotten by torture,
and you can't believe a government that'll carry it out folks.
Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, Nero, Jesus Christ was tortured.
He was whipped.
He was beaten.
Everything happened to him.
Was that now good?
Or in the ADL, he's an anti-Semite and deserves it.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
And I'm not kidding.
This latest ADL thing.
Folks, I've been criticized for not being against Israel, okay?
I'm not against people of Israel.
I'm not against Jews.
I'm not against Germans.
I'm not against Chinese people.
But I am sick and tired of the ADL and the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
I mean, I really am sick of it.
Remember the World Net Daily article in, what was it?
Back in 2000.
Digital Hate 2000.
Listed thousands of groups.
And it listed peaceable Texas for firearms rights.
I mean, I know them!
I've been at rallies as black people, white people.
Hey, don't ban our guns.
Nothing to do with a race.
All these other gun groups, land rights groups.
I was blown away by it.
And then there was Steve Voss.
We played his music, you know?
Bring America back, come together, red, white, and blue, love America.
I mean, whoa, this is really radical.
About as square as it gets, you know, for all the hip-hop folks or, you know, the kids out there.
I mean, this is just really old-fashioned stuff.
He's listed.
I remember World Net Daily was saying, hey, Steve Voss ought to sue.
You know, they've been promoters of it.
We love Steve Voss.
I mean, nothing to do with black people or white people or Arabs or Jews.
I mean, attacks.
It's been turned into a tool.
What's happened to Jews in the past, the horrible things that have happened to all different groups out there, has been taken and basically pimped out to attack good people.
And I'm sick of it.
I'm tired of it.
And then that destroys any memory of people that have been killed by tyrants, like Hitler.
I mean, look at the ADL.
Oh, Schwarzenegger's good.
Simon Wiesenthal's a sinner.
Oh, we endorse him.
He has no Nazi ties.
No, he just says, I love Hitler.
I want to be a dictator.
I love Kurt Voltheim.
I don't care if he's a Nazi.
That's on the record in front of a bank of TV cameras!
And then they attack Mel Gibson for a film about a Jew named Jesus Christ who stood up to the corrupt establishment, the Jews and the Romans, and the government, and who was killed.
And they've got the nerve.
I'm not going to put up with it anymore.
I remember the New York Times put me in a big article next to it.
It mentioned Bin Laden, it mentioned white supremacist groups, and it said, and then there's Alex Jones who believes there's a Bohemian Grove where occult rituals go on.
The New York Times knew that the San Francisco Chronicle, the press democrat in Santa Rosa, knew that the Bohemian Grove club head had already been interviewed by World of Wonder and aired on British and Japanese TV and now on this show.
And they didn't care!
They just said, hmm, it's Alex Jones and he submitted the article, didn't he?
And at that point I'm like, hey!
I'm mad at you now!
Not because you're Jewish, but because you're demonizing me for no reason!
And then what happens is, whenever real bad things are happening to any group, they've already... I mean, it's like, uh...
A lot of black folks come up with fake charges of racism.
You know, on college campuses they've been caught planting evidence of racism, planting, you know, fake letters just to get attention.
And then when something really bad happens to a black person, nobody's gonna listen.
Same thing, you know, it's Crying Wolf.
I'm sick of it!
I'm trying to save this country.
Mel Gibson's trying to put out wholesome films like The Patriot.
He got attacked for that.
I'm sick of it!
Leave Steve Voss alone!
Leave Peaceable Texas for Firearms Rights alone!
And leave me alone!
I'm sick of it!
And stop endorsing a megalomaniacal Nazi pig like Arnold Schwarzenegger!
That's what makes it so sick!
That's what pushes it over the top!
I mean, it's just pure politics.
It's just pure demonization, using the deaths of all those people that were killed.
All those Jews that were killed wrongfully, using their deaths as an excuse to attack people that are trying to stop the Fourth Reich.
And that's what's going on here.
I'm sick of it.
Spencer in Ohio.
Go ahead, Spencer.
Jesus conquered death, hell, and the grave, Alex.
So he conquered torture, too.
Well, no.
That's the point I'm making.
But, I mean, now they're saying.
They're saying the New Testament's anti-Semitic in Europe.
Trying to ban it.
Well, why would Mr. Gibson cut his movie all to pieces?
Albert Hitchcock never cut his films up.
Look, all I know is, is that, uh... Jack Ruby's alive!
Okay, that's interesting.
How does that tie together?
Well, uh, I was, I was called by the Sheriff's Department and said that I was accused of telephone harassment for calling Joe Finan's program yesterday and saying Jack Ruby is alive.
You know, Spencer, that's a wild statement, but I want to hear where you're going with this when we get back.
Stay there.
More calls and a bunch of news coming up.
We will talk about the JFK assassination.
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Kennedy White House killed U.S.
Tape support new book showing who really assassinated JFK.
That's from WorldNetDaily, up on InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com right now.
The White House Press Secretary's daddy.
Mr. McLennan, who worked in and out of government, was in and around all this, has already brought out information in a new book that we've already brought out on this show.
I mean, we've had LBJ's mistress on, we've had a bunch of the players on, we know who some of the killers are.
One of them's in federal prison right now for killing another judge.
It goes on and on, and it's a lengthy article here, that yeah, there's these phone conversations backing up.
Phone conversations that just got released!
Right on time with this book that's got LBJ in there managing the killing of JFK.
So, interesting information there.
Since you brought up Jack Ruby.
Now, Jack Ruby was already, what, 50, 60 years old, wasn't he?
Spencer, he'd be pretty old now.
What would he be, like 100 years old or 95 years old?
Yeah, he'd look like Frank Carlucci.
All right, so you're joking around.
Why are you saying Jack Ruby's still alive?
Well, actually it's in a book called Final Judgment.
He might have been alive 15, 20 years ago.
Michael Collins, yeah, that's true.
Michael Collins Piper, which was referred to me by Professor Tex Mars, And in this book, he says there was no autopsy photos of Ruby.
Well, I know they stage a lot of deaths, like McVeigh.
Even mainstream news said he was still breathing when he was wheeled out.
I totally believe that.
That whole thing was staged.
Yeah, and that was not actually Ruby who shot Oswald in the Dallas police basement at all.
It was an actor.
And it could have been actor John Carradine.
I know that the father of an actor uh... was a charles harrelson father of what he wrote some
was photographed by the dallas times herald
and now the fun bob of the dallas morning news below and uh...
but yeah he was behind the grassy noles bill six foot four guy
it's classic phones like c_i_a_ all the way with his cat may have a got the right
one all that the cops Yeah, so I called up Joe Finan's radio program yesterday, I said, Jack Ruby's alive, and so he reported me to the Sheriff's Department, and they accused me of telephone harassment.
Well, wait a minute, if somebody gives a phone call, a phone number out, I mean, that's ridiculous.
I don't know who this talk show host is.
I don't want to get into it.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
I'm not really, Spencer, about gossiping about some other little penny-ante broadcast.
Or maybe a great broadcast.
I don't know.
But I don't understand telephone harassment.
That does sound crazy.
Let's go on now to the calls.
Let's talk to John Tennessee, then Israel, and a bunch of other people that are holding.
Go ahead, John.
Yeah, Nixon was at the same meetings as LBJ plotting the murder of JFK.
Yeah, I know that.
I submit it.
I've had the mistress on.
The third degree is synonymous with torture and originated with the initiation rituals for the third degree of Freemasonry.
And of course, it's just mind control using physical torture with Botanic occult rituals thrown in just to scare the heck out of everybody.
And that's the essence of the Red Terror and the Nazi Terror is torture.
And now your government on news channels and TV and in print is saying torture's good and the TV dramas, every channel, torture's good.
This is sick and dangerous.
And I wanted to add that Mel Gibson's alleged quote on Fox News Service saying he wanted to cut the heads off his critics of his movie.
That makes sense if what you're saying is true that He is getting death threats for making the movie.
Fox, of course, censored the death threat part and just gave the one-sided Bill Gibson quote and didn't quote any of the death threats.
Well, Fox doesn't want to distribute.
A lot of times they do distribute his films.
I mean, look at Fox TV, the trashiest stuff out there.
That's our neocon conservatism.
Conservatives, aren't you sick of being co-opted?
I know I am.
Well, isn't the owner of Fox the Jew?
And why would a Jew want to distribute the Passion Play?
Well, I know there's a lot of Christians who are Jewish, and I know there's a lot of them in Israel.
And so, I mean, Israel's a bunch of different camps of different people, just like in America.
I mean, you know, old Germans aren't bad because, you know, Adolf Hitler's off doing something.
But there is a camp out there that wants to have this racial or tribal fight going on And when you study the New World Order and the Illuminati, it transcends Germans and Jews and Chinese.
It just gets down to evil people.
But obviously the ADL is just totally out of control, attacking Mel Gibson, calling him an anti-Semite with no proof.
And I think that's going to hurt the ADL.
I think that's going to backfire on them.
Thanks for the call.
A lot of people love Mel Gibson, and he's never done anything to anybody who's Jewish.
And it's despicable.
And the ADL has lost quite a few lawsuits.
So they're losing all credibility right now.
And they're making enemies, by the way.
I mean, I've never even talked about the group.
I'm sick of being, you know, attacked by them for just stupid stuff.
I said, the government may be involved in the space shuttle.
And they go, look at this obviously anti-Semitic remark.
It was just, what?
They go, I believe in freedom.
Oh my gosh, he's anti-Jew!
You know, it's just like, what?
And then you respond to it and they go, see, see, he's talking about Jews.
I don't think so.
We'll come back and take more calls.
I've got a bunch of news.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Welcome back my friends.
My final comment about the ADL attacking Bill Gibson and the Simon Wiesenthal Center doing it while they defend that Nazi creature, Schwarzenegger.
He says he loves Hitler, folks.
He admires Hitler, wants to be a dictator, loves Kurt Voltheim, doesn't care if he's a Nazi.
Campaigns for him.
I find that very offensive.
I don't like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
He's pro-abortion, open borders, anti-gun.
Booked in with the Bohemian Grove Wasp Satanic Society.
Ooh, look, I'm attacking the wasp now.
I'm anti... I hate white people.
No, I hate corrupt people.
And, I mean, basically, you just go... If you're the government, you just go rent out the ADL, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and they'll demonize whoever you want.
I mean, almost everybody I've ever seen demonized by these groups has never said anything!
About anybody Jewish, and I, I, they're creating hatred!
I think Jewish folks out there should be very upset about this, and I know they are.
I know Aaron Zellman, a good friend of mine, is very upset.
Jews in Preservation of Firearms.
Henry McCalb, who's a famous professor and invented a bunch of board games and stuff.
He's really upset about it.
He's saying, hey, you stop this!
This is a globalist plan to continue anti-Semitism, and it is!
Folks, this is...
This is wheels within wheels within wheels.
And I am tired of it!
I mean, Mel Gibson is a good, wholesome person.
His family, just incredibly good, decent people.
Believe me, they're just amazing, good people.
They just radiate a wholesomeness.
And I'm tired of it!
I mean, Hollywood finally found a movie.
They're not going to distribute it!
No one's going to take it!
It's going to be boycotted!
A film about the last 12 hours of Jesus Christ's life.
That incredible story, the passion, just really makes me angry, folks.
And then to see all these real Nazis just running around, running things.
That makes me very, very angry.
Let's take two more calls, and that's all I'm doing because I want to cover news for the rest of the show.
Let's talk to Israel in Texas.
Israel, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Last Friday on Fox, I hate to admit it, but I watched their programming.
And in the first program called Louie, a comedy about a Puerto Rican donut shop owner, he said that this is America, you better learn Spanish.
And then following in Boston Public, one of the teachers walked into a physics class speaking in Spanish.
And one of the kids objected and said, you know, this is a physics class.
None of us speak Spanish.
And then the teacher said, well, that's disgusting.
Well, and let me break this down, divide and conquer.
Big banks, old white men, publicly funded La Raza, which means the race, folks.
Again, I'm sick of real races getting away with it.
Mecha, you name it, who say all whites out, that's what Mecha says.
Now, all whites out, well you better get out of Mexico then, because it's your upper class inbred white people running it as usual, using racial politics to control you, and they're doing this to balkanize and break the country up, and they want to speak in 50 different languages where none of us can communicate.
They want all these different people in different racial divides and groups to control us.
It's basic imperial politics, as Brzezinski said in his book, The Grand Chessboard.
And one last thing about Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Where does his loyalty really lie?
He has dual citizenship with the United States and with Austria.
And when it really came down to it, who would he support?
He would support himself, he would sell us out, and he would support the whole Nazi regime.
Are you anti-Semitic because you're attacking somebody that's been endorsed by the Simon Wiesenthal Center?
Well then I'm anti-Semitic.
You attack any politician endorsed by the New World Order, and you're anti-Semitic?
You do not talk bad about Hitler, buddy, or you're anti-semitic.
Do you understand me?
Yes, sir.
I would be very good, excuse me.
God, you will learn how to be my slave.
Don't you understand?
We have two rules for people.
You are real Nazi, you do real good.
I'm gonna get between a German and a Russian accent, sorry.
Ask me now, believe me later.
I like steroids.
I'd like to be a dictator.
I've always admired Hitler.
I don't care about this Nazi stuff with Kurt.
Maria and I love him.
That's why I'm going to Austria to campaign for him.
The former Secretary General of the United Nations noticed that the UN really likes Nazis.
They like me too.
I go to the Grove and do the rituals.
It's incredible.
The New York Times.
Alex Jones believes there's a bohemian grove where rituals are done.
Alex Jones believes it?
Alex Jones believes it?
I believe the sun came up this morning.
I'm sick of it!
Remember all those years?
These insane kooks believe in a new world order.
The kook detector.
Anyone that believes in a new world order is crazy.
What's your neocons told you?
And then now, Harvard, I've got the Harvard article right here, Harvard Gazette, says, well, now Al Qaeda secretly controls the right-wing groups in America, those that quote, don't like a new world order.
That's right, there is a new world order, but it's good and you're with Al Qaeda if you're against it!
That's all they've got.
I'm for freedom, sovereignty, private property rights, Second Amendment.
You're with Al-Qaeda!
They're actually sitting around at big symposiums at Harvard with all these government officials going, Well, Al-Qaeda controls the Patriot Movement.
They're gonna be getting us any second now.
They believe the New World Order is bad.
Wait, wait, wait.
I thought the New World Order didn't exist.
Steve in Colorado.
Go ahead, Steve.
Yeah, hello there, Alex.
Well, hey, all those upper crusty folks that hang around like Harvard and everything, they're all CFR types anyway, so.
But I had three questions I wanted to ask you.
The guy that you mentioned earlier, I think you said he was British, Mike Meekin?
Is that right?
That used to be with the IMF?
Michael Meecher.
How are you spelling that?
Do you have that article?
Yeah, it's on PrisonPlanet.com.
It's on InfoWars.com.
And this is just a message to Paul Watson.
I keep giving the guy more to do and he does a fabulous job.
I want a PNAC archive.
But what is it?
Project for a New American Century.
It was the 2000 report.
They did hundreds.
By Cheney and Rumsfeld.
Rebuilding America's defenses.
And that's got to do with the race-specific bioweapons, how good they are to kill certain races.
He's so good, Cheney said.
But again, that's not a problem.
The ADL has no problem with that.
Directly out of Joseph Mingala's mouth, it's okay.
Here he gets Mingala, you're an anti-Semite.
But, uh, so we've got that going on over there.
And we've got him saying Pearl Harbor was great, we need more Pearl Harbors, but that's in that particular document, and Michael Meacher, the big energy slash environment minister, said, this is a bunch of garbage, I'm going public, they planned all this, they're behind it, in like a ten-page article he wrote for the London Guardian.
Okay, and yeah, so do you have his article?
Yeah, we're like a newspaper.
So, Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com host an edition every day of news.
And then there's an archive.
So you have to go back and just like a stack of newspapers at your house, click back through and find it.
I'll tell you, we posted it three weeks ago.
We reposted it on September 11th on both websites.
So it should be in the archives on September 11th or September 10th or 12th.
One of those days, it's right there.
Go to the London Guardian, type in the War on Terror.
This War on Terror is a hoax.
That was his article.
But why read that?
Why not just go read the PNAC document?
Yeah, okay.
And I wanted to read that in particular.
And then, the one that you mentioned about the CIA instructing the World Bank and the IMF.
We're in 73, in a 73 document.
Where can that be found?
That is at the Library of Congress.
We have a link to it.
We have a link to PDF files.
We have a link to Okay, so that'd be under government docs then?
Well, I don't know if we got into that set.
We're a small staff.
Paul Watson does prisonplanet.com.
My wife does infowars.com.
And that's why the sites have different looks and a little bit different information.
Generally, we all kind of think alike, so it's basically the same type of news,
same areas covering police, state, technocracy, enslavement, bioweapons,
New World Order, end of sovereignty, Second Amendment.
Those are the types that we focus on.
But it's all there, sir. It's all there daily.
Unfortunately, I have to go to the library.
But anyway, I don't know if you heard the news item about when Paul Bremer was testifying before the Senate Committee, and he said this delightful statement by him that said, well, guess who gets to fund Iraq's outstanding debt?
Due to international law, the U.S., of course, read, taxpayers, get to fund Uh, Iraq payments to foreign countries that they owe.
I don't know if you heard that, but that was... Well, yeah, the whole country's going into receivership.
There are no bids allowed.
Uh, to have a job, you've got to wear an RFID bracelet.
Halliburton goons will have you loaded on trucks, bags put on your heads, take you to a slave labor camp.
This is admitted, folks.
Slave labor camps.
Uh, and, uh, I mean, the globalists just grabbed 21 million slaves and 4 trillion in oil.
Yeah, pretty amazing.
And before they were getting, you know, a couple thousand a month, a couple hundred a month, depending on what job they had.
Pretty high standard of living.
They get $20 a month.
That's the highest paying job under Halliburton.
And it's all under its subsidiaries.
You can't sell.
There was an AP article.
People getting arrested for selling pantyhose, beer, anything.
And it showed hundreds of men being loaded on trucks, bags on their head.
They're terrorists.
They're out there selling stuff for their family.
And then I hear the lying socialist neocons, the enemies of everything American, on the radio going, the Iraqis have freedom to sell out what they want now, and sweatshops aren't so bad, and genetically modified food's pretty good!
They're advertisements for death!
The co-op chief!
They make me so mad!
Oh yeah, yeah, they're just, they're, they really are, they really are whores of the
press because they just, they, they just hire themselves out for whatever the government
Exactly, but they act all holier than thou.
We're exposing the media bias here.
No, you're exposing your left hand.
You're the dirty right hand.
Also, the bottom line to all this spending, all this freewheeling spending of the government and everything, the bottom line is just to get rid of the middle class.
To tax us out of existence.
Ron Paul said it.
It's the admitted policy.
Destroy the minds of the school children.
Admitted Department of Education.
Take your private property.
Totally enslave you folks.
And it's all under public safety.
We have to torture people now for public safety.
Yeah, it's just amazing.
But yeah, they're trying to tax the middle class out of existence because that way then you have the elite and then you have all the worker bees at the bottom.
That's part of their economic plan there.
Hey, thank you, my friend.
I really do appreciate the call.
No more calls, because I want to hit a bunch of final news.
Here in the last 14 minutes we got here.
Before I do that, though, I mean, I really have gotten to the point where I don't even plug my videos in books anymore.
And this is how we operate.
That's secondary, though.
The films are excellent.
They're waking people up.
You need to have America Destroyed by Design, Police State 2000, Police State 2 The Takeover, 9-1-1 The Road to Tyranny, The Masters of Terror, They mentioned Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
All these films are excellent.
They're all over 2 hours.
Some are 2 hours and 5 minutes.
Some are 2 hours and 40 minutes.
I only have one film on DVD.
That's Road to Tyranny, 170 minutes.
It's also on VHS.
But we still use VHS because, believe it or not, they're trying to force a transfer over to DVD.
But still, more people have VCRs, it's still easier to copy, and still easier to get out to people without problems.
We'll be offering more on DVD in the future, but not now.
Support us!
Get it on VHS, get the Road to Tyranny on DVD.
Don't wait!
Take Road to Tyranny.
We got FEMA saying all Christians are enemies of the government.
We'll be putting camps, basically.
They say all Christians are enemies of the government or terrorists.
You see what they do to terrorists?
All Founding Fathers are terrorists, period.
They list Founding Fathers.
The training manuals.
Defenders of the U.S.
Those that make frequent references to the U.S.
Constitution are terrorists.
They say it's a terrorist action.
We have official training manuals.
We have video of it.
That's about three minutes of this 170-minute film.
Plans to exterminate you with bioweapons.
Mainstream news.
That's about a minute of the film.
The government carrying out September 11th.
That's about 40 minutes of the film.
The government carrying out Oklahoma City.
That's about 40 minutes of the film.
The history of government-sponsored terror.
That's about 20 minutes of the films to lead up.
It goes on and on.
Their goal, their police state, their control grids, their prisons, their implantable microchips.
I mean, that's just one of my films!
Everybody should have Road to Tyranny!
And now there's police state, three total enslavement.
I mean, the thing's two hours, 40 minutes long.
It's Patriot Act 1 and 2, Homeland Security, government-run white slavery rings.
Implantable microchips, the concentration camps, forced inoculation, gun control, just absolute, you gotta see it, PNAC, it's all in there.
The fake left-right paradigm, the New World Order exposed, it's just all in there.
And then there's the books I carry, Order Out of Chaos by Paul Watson, that I printed.
My book, Descent into Tyranny.
Springmeier's book, Bloodlines Illuminati.
Tex Maher's one of his best books, the latest edition of it, Circle of Intrigue.
You need to have these books, you need to have these videos, and you need to support us.
They got pro-gun t-shirts that say politicians love disarmed peasants, and security response team t-shirts that say InfoWars.com on the right-hand shoulder.
Don't wait, folks!
Go to InfoWars.com, go to PrisonPlanet.com.
We got deception dollars that are great to wake folks up.
Some of the cheapest prices you'll find at Seption Dollars.
Don't wait, folks.
Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or call toll-free right now at 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
1-888-253-3139 or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin,
Texas 787-04.
All that evil men and tyrants need to flourish is that good men and women do nothing.
We found no better tools in these videos to wake people up.
We just want to be left alone.
We want our free country back.
We want everybody to be able to live in peace.
We're tired of the globalists stirring up all the racial infighting and all the political correctness and all this trash.
Stop it!
Well, it's not going to stop until you stand up and let them know and dig your heels in!
Look at this, and let me jump into the news now.
Patriot Act used in 16-year-old deportation case.
Washington Post.
Administration receives 1987 effort.
These people aren't even members of this anymore.
The group has been listed recently as terrorist.
They're going back and saying, we want to arrest people.
We want to do this to people.
From 16 years ago, 16 years ago, the Bush administration has decided to pursue a 16 year old effort to deport two Palestinian activists.
And again, you can say, well, that's just them Palestinians.
I don't like them.
Well, it'll be you next.
Let me tell you, all the training's for you, Christians.
It's for you, conservatives.
It's for you, God-owners.
This is just being beta-tested.
See, it starts with the Jews in Germany, moves on to the people they want their land, then down to the Baptists and everybody else.
And well, here in the new Nazi Germany, it's starting with the Arabs.
The Bush administration has decided to pursue a 16-year-old effort to deport two Palestinian activists.
Hey, how about we arrest Bill Clinton for pardoning and giving clemency to over 30 terrorists who carried out 130 bombings?
organization despite several court rulings that the deportations are
unconstitutional because the men were not involved in terrorist activity and
have not been members for years. Hey, how about we arrest Bill Clinton for
pardoning and giving clemency to over 30 terrorists who carried out 130 bombings?
Uh-huh. How about we do that?
Oh, but Bill Clinton's protected by George Bush, blocking all investigations of all of that garbage.
I don't want to hear trashy neocons involved in theater, Shakespearean show, talking about how evil Clinton is.
Bill Clinton's your buddy!
You protect him!
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
Pan-American. The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal
the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the
Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grants, government-run
white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit infowars.com or prisonplanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
1-888-253-3139. That's 888-253-3139. Order today and spread the word.
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Don't worry.
This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, folks.
We're back live.
Man, boy, there's a lot of news here that we need to go ahead and try to speed through.
plans to attack seven Muslim states.
This is out of Al Jazeera.
We're talking about what big news this is.
Leslie Clark told people in a book interview that, oh yeah, they knew about the attack on seven nations and Iraq was just the first.
There in the Middle East, of course, Afghanistan and Central Asia.
Presidential hopeful, General Wesley Clark, says the White House devised a five-year plan after the 9-11 strikes to attack seven majority Muslim countries.
A former commander of NATO's forces in Europe, Clark claims he met with senior military officers in Washington in November 2001, who told him the Bush administration was planning to attack Iraq first before taking action against Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia, and Sudan.
The general's allegations surfaced In a new book, the Clark Critique, excerpts from which appear in the latest edition of the U.S.
Magazine Newsweek.
Well, folks, we have the PENAC documents where they said before 9-11 that Saddam wasn't a threat, he's a quote, convenient pretext, we want to use that for oil and as a military base to attack these other six countries.
I mean, and Clark's calling for new American patriotism, exactly what Bush wants, compulsory national service, worshipping the U.N., I'm being good little slaves.
And that's all that's happening now.
The U.N.
is going to play the part of the good cop flapping down into Iraq to save everyone.
Privacy law in California shields drivers, New York Times, which isn't true.
California today adopted the nation's first law meant to protect the privacy of drivers whose cars are equipped with black boxes.
Or data recorders that can be used to gather vital information on how the vehicle is being driven in the last seconds before a crash.
Folks, the thing records all the time and it's the interface for the satellite tracker system, okay?
Governor Gray Davis signed the law which takes effect on July 1st requiring carmakers to disclose the existence of such devices and permitting access to the data without either a court order or the owner's permission.
Unless it is for the safety study in which the information cannot be tracked back to the car.
And again, you read the law, it's got a hole you can drive a Mack truck through it.
But again, all the new cars have had this the last six years, and now they're getting more sophisticated, and then the media goes, oh, we're going to use this now for, we didn't think about using it to satellite track you, it's just designed to have it plugged into it.
That's just an accident, ABC News said.
Harold Sonnen, Australia.
Spy camera test.
High-tech spy cameras that can pinpoint criminal activity are to be tested across Victoria.
But their ability to differentiate between lawful and unlawful behavior has been questioned by the civil libertarians who warn of Big Brother approach.
The cameras are said to be able to identify and record everything from a drug dealing, car theft, and street robberies to the length of grass in a council park.
And it goes on and on.
Control for face scanning cameras.
Also, when the British fought off I.D.
cards from BBC, compulsory I.D.
cards are nothing new in the U.K.
They were issued to all British civilians during World War II.
That is until one ordinary man said no.
That's the story of how one man said no to being a slave.
The British wanted to keep it going, by the way, after the war.
Clarence Wilcock, a dry cleaner from suburb North London, Must rank as one of the unlikeliest Davids ever to take on Goliath.
Mr. Wilcox was stopped on December 7th, 1950, while driving his car along Ballard's Lane.
The uniformed police constable, Harold Muckle, who demanded to see the motorist's identity card.
See, they don't even... That was a big deal, folks.
And then they got that removed.
For now.
Now it's coming back.
And we're so enslaved, we don't even know it.
DNA law raises privacy issues from LJ World.
Uh, out of Lawrence, Kansas.
And, uh, they admit in here that, you know, they want to use all the DNA databases, but they don't tell you is every baby has blood taken from their heel and they put it in the federal database.
Of course, Bush, again, addressed the U.N.
and worshipped them properly today, and so did Jacques Chirac.
And, uh, Ashcroft's producing plea bargain discretion, so you'll get prison no matter what you do, so they can build more prisons.
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