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Name: 20030822_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 22, 2003
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Big brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
...my friends, another live edition. This time it's Friday, the 22nd of August.
We're going to have wide open phones today, and we've got a great guest coming on, Frank Whalen from a radio station I'm a routine guest on.
They're in Fayetteville, Arkansas to talk about Walmart and the RFID tracker chips.
All the news stories that he's broken, the great guests he's talked to, and an audio recording he's got out of Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Where they have the little prophecy conferences where they tell you that the microchip isn't bad, and that it's not the mark of the beast, and you can go ahead and take the chip.
We got Pat Robertson saying this too, so see, and I guess when the Antichrist is in Jerusalem ruling, they'll say that's Jesus, and he's here now, and we're supposed to follow him.
You gotta support Israel, so when the Antichrist is in Israel, you've gotta support him.
I mean, that's what it looks like where it's going.
And again, this is not a religious show.
I do a news program, but to see the conservative Christian movement in America totally co-opted, and how they will accept a 180 of what the Bible says is absolutely amazing, and that's coming up.
And, you know, Tim LaHaye and the rest of them with their With their Rapture books, and these groups are out there at their Rapture conferences going, the chips aren't bad.
They're good.
They're not the beast system.
You can go ahead and take them.
They've got good uses.
So we've got some audio clips of that stuff in the next hour.
And some of the speakers at one of these conferences Really incredible stuff.
I mean, I've had these so-called Christian leaders call me a wicked devil because I talk about Bush and Skull and Bones and Bohemian Grove.
It's just wanton, willful denial because they're part of it, folks.
There's a lot of news this week that I never got to and I was digging through the news and I just saw a lot of stories I want to go over and plus there's a lot of new articles and conveniently the UN bombing is now the pretext to get the UN into Iraq.
See they played the good cop against the war the whole time but oh now they've been hit by terrorists.
I said Europe would probably get hit by terrorist attacks and the UN would get involved.
I would get member countries behind it, like the globalist bombing Bali to kill a bunch of Australians, to get them behind it.
But now you have the UN getting bombed, how convenient, and it has all the trappings of a globalist operation.
I've got articles like this one, brutal killer, to get $300,000 payout.
Now, because his feelings might have been hurt, a man who viciously killed his brother's fiancée, hours after he was released from a psychiatric hospital, will be awarded more than $300,000 compensation.
Here's another one, firearms amnesty loophole, out of Australia, where the military is confiscating the guns at gunpoint.
Here's another one out of the New York Post.
While a citizen directed traffic, the police were out giving tickets to people.
And they try to spin it that, oh, it was only some of the cops.
They've been ordered to squeeze everybody, and they did nothing to help.
In fact, tried to get riots going, of course, and the news tried to push riots.
That didn't happen, which would have been great for Homeland Security to have some riots and get to send out some troops and save us.
Also, military to conduct bioterror exercise.
Now it's not enough to do it in Oklahoma over the whole state.
Thousands of pounds of bacteria to be sprayed, according to the Associated Press, on Infowars.com.
We'll tell you about this big North Command, North Com, military takeover.
Also CDC, 715 people infected with West Nile.
Only 20% of those infected ever reported, so it's probably much higher.
Uh, gladiatorial diversions with Rush Limbaugh to be your sportscaster.
Also, total surveillance equals total tyranny.
We'll get into that article.
Israel envoy, U.N.
bomb came from Syria.
Need to invade Syria now.
Kimiko Ali outlived death reports.
But then we have, we went back and got the articles where they say that Kimiko Ali died.
That they got his body.
It's all coming up.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, my friends. We're now eight minutes and 32 seconds
into this Friday live edition of the Alex Jones Show.
And listeners do this all the time.
They call up and they say, there's been a mass shooting, there's been another bombing, and they're not very specific.
And about 98% of the time when a listener calls in to tell us about something they saw on the news, we go tune in, it turns out to be accurate.
But I wish listeners would call in and tell us on air specifically what they saw or heard.
We get calls all the time at the office, you know, at midnight.
Let me on the air!
I want to go on the radio show!
No one's at the office.
Or people call the toll-free number to get the videos and think that's the radio station.
It's very frustrating because the Saudi Arabians came out a few months ago and said that the British ...are carrying out the bombings in Saudi Arabia to destabilize the country.
That's confirmed.
We know the Globalists carried out World Trade Center attacks in 1993.
We know they carried it out in 2001.
We know they carried out Oklahoma City and Gulf of Tonkin.
That's all been confirmed.
But I get a call going, yeah, the news is reporting that the UN insiders are doing the bombings.
Well, that fits the bill.
But then I go check it out and can't find it, and I just wish people would actually call into the show to tell us stuff like that.
I don't know, it's just frustrating.
Because, you know, it's always relaying some long message to me that folks are during the breaks about issues or about a particular news article, and it's frustrating.
So if you've heard this report or seen it and can tell us where you saw it so we can go get it, That would be nice.
1-800-259-9231. I mean, I know who has the motive.
I know the M.O.
I know who the serial killers are.
I know who's been caught hundreds of times carrying out terrorist attacks and blaming it on their enemies.
It was the U.N., the IMF, the World Bank, the U.S.
government, the British government, the German government, the Israeli government, the Chinese government, the Japanese government.
This is what they do.
They boil stuff up.
They kill people.
They nerve gas people and say that some enemy did it and frame some, you know, moron cult.
And then the government says, we're taking your rights to protect you from these people.
This is their favorite game.
This is what they do.
By the way, they say they captured Timmacle Ali.
Now, when they claim they killed Saddam's sons for the fourth time, they showed us dismembered bodies that you couldn't recognize with bloody faces.
Next day, it was wax figurines.
Oh, here they are!
It's them!
And then in the back of the newspaper, there'd be a little bitty comment, wax figures.
Literal wax faces.
And then here we have it.
Chemical Ali outlived death reports.
Chemical Ali, a mass killer and one of the great survivors of Saddam Hussein's Iraq, even outlived reports of his own death that emerged yesterday when his capture was revealed.
Well, we did a flashback at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
British military body of Chemical Ali found.
CNN, Doha, Qatar.
The notorious Iraqi General, known as Chemical Ali, Saddam Hussein's cousin, who allegedly ordered the deadly chemical weapons attack against Kurds in 98, in 88, excuse me, was killed in a coalition airstrike on his home over the weekend, U.S.-led coalition officials said Monday.
Captain Al Lockwood, spokesman for the British military and U.S.
Central Command, to the body of General Ali Hussein, Ameed Bajeed, had been found British Defense Secretary Geoff Hoon said there was indications that it, in this case, although he said he could not absolutely confirm it.
Now I'm sure now that on the weapons of mass destruction and on the fake mass graves and the fake weapons trucks and the fake dossiers and all these, you know, three times saying they killed Saddam, three times and the fourth rolling out the wax figurines and saying they're wax figurines I'm convinced that this is all being done on purpose.
This is to discredit America.
That's Bush's job.
I said Bill Clinton was there to drive our psyches to the mud, then they give us Bush the savior, so domestically conservatives go to sleep, while they get rid of the borders and have blanket amnesty and total gun control and the end of sovereignty and the end of the Bill of Rights and supercomputers in China and all that stuff.
And I'm sure of it.
And Leon Skelson agreed yesterday.
Many others agree.
It's clear.
The UN, the World Bank, the big bankers over in Europe, they pose like they're against the war when they really own the military-industrial complex publicly.
They're profiting off the takeovers.
America is the pit bull.
America is the scapegoat.
America is the group that goes out and does the dirty work.
But the globalists funded the Soviets.
They created them.
And then unleashed them on the world to kill 50 million people.
In Russia, 50 plus million in China.
It destroys societies, and then you see them for the last 50, 60 years, funding them, training them, giving them all the weapons, leaving them alone, having stage fights with them.
They played the part of the evil empire.
Now, worldwide, America plays the part of the evil empire, and all these lies and all these ridiculous distortions, and Dick Cheney getting a $9 billion contract, no bids allowed, The enslavement of the Iraqi women and children and men.
$20 a month to work.
Chalibai, the convicted felon and torture expert for the Shah, being hired to be the head of Iraq.
That's all over the foreign news.
It's meant to be seen.
And America is totally being demonized, and hence our republic.
What we've been seeing is this beacon of freedom and liberty, while the UN and the EU and the criminal court is being legitimized as good.
And when the liberals go out and protest the war, and protest Bush, they don't say the New World Order is bad, or global government is bad, or gun control is bad, or open borders are bad.
They attack Bush for being the evil aggressor.
It's all the right-wingers.
It's the Christian right-wing.
They're doing it.
And that's not true.
So, we're watching America being used as the evil empire to legitimize the EU, the UN, NATO, When you really look at it, the EU, the UN, NATO, IMF, World Bank, they're all behind this stuff.
So that's what's happening.
But again, as it develops, we will find out if that is an actual report about the UN being behind the bombings.
We're getting calls about it, but we want to confirm it.
We don't just speculate here on this show.
Alright, a lot of other news here.
Now, I told you about this years ago.
It's called an x-ray laser.
And they've got these things that are space-based, and they can zap in a wide-spectrum beam an entire city.
Anybody who's not 200 feet under lead cover is instantly killed.
And all life dies, but then troops roll in and they start the replanting process.
And most of the shuttle, about 85% of it, is deploying X-ray laser pods and missile pods and nuke pods.
A lot of the classified Black Manta and Aurora projects, which they now admit they have but don't roll out for us to see, are deploying this.
That's why they're getting rid of the old military and then all these advanced weapons go to the EU.
military pioneers Death Ray Bomb.
Pentagon Project brings fear of new arms race.
I talked about this yesterday and it just came out.
We talked about the death race, folks.
This is London Guardian.
American military scientists are developing a new weapon which kills by delivering an enormous burst of high-energy gamma rays, it was claimed today, the bomb which Produces little fallout.
Blurs the distinction between conventional and nuclear weapons.
An expert has already warned it could spark a new arms race.
Scientist behind the gamma ray bomb is still in its infancy.
That's total lies.
And technically, problems mean it could be decades before the devices are developed.
Folks, they got jets.
Jumbo jets, admittedly, with particle beams, chemical lasers, you name it.
Decades ago, 20 years ago, they had particle beams you could put in the back of a truck that would just mow down masses of people.
Kill them.
You just mix a little bit of material, nuclear material, into the particle accelerator and it just kills people.
It's a radiation gun.
I mean, it's like the science fiction movies.
And it's invisible.
You just...
And, uh, everybody in front of you is, uh, the problem is that the smaller units from what I've gotten from sources, a backpack held, and, uh, they, they leak when, when it's spinning up the, uh, the goodies to shoot out the end of it, and it's not too good for the folks wearing the unit, and also it, it kills people hours or days later.
Very loving.
Very, very loving.
But they have the larger units in these jets.
They can just fly around and zap whole cities.
And they're showing you some of the 30, 40-year-old stuff, the helicopters with the laser, and on History Channel and Discovery Channel, I've seen the shows, it says it'll be used to take out militias, and it shows a farmhouse of militia, and they burn down the telephone wires and the power, and melt the tires of the cars with their helicopter with the laser, and they're getting ready to deploy that for police.
The police also are being given the shock radio frequency systems that knock out the cars.
Most of the new cars already have the kill switch in them.
So, you know, just total slave grid stuff, but that's Lennon Guardian with the more advanced stuff.
Here's another one, Washington Times, Asian students develop flying robot.
Thailand, Bangkok, students at Asia Institute of Technology are developing A remote-controlled, unmanned mini-helicopter for use for agriculture or military operations.
And see, that's just deluging us with this.
Robot spy can survive battlefield damage.
New scientist, a military reconnaissance robot being developed by the British Lab, can keep moving when it gets damaged on the battlefield.
When any of the snake-like robot's muscle segments are damaged, clever software evolves in different ways for it to wriggle across any terrain.
And, uh, this is the admitted stuff they've got.
By the way, within eight years, half the Air Force will be drone.
And see, the good thing about that for the globalists is then, it won't matter if troops won't attack U.S.
You won't even need foreign troops.
A handful of technicians can control thousands of, uh, these systems.
We'll be right back.
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Alright, we're back live and I checked into the story.
It's been posted since yesterday.
A caller called in earlier.
And said, did you hear Fox News?
They said that U.N.
insiders knew about the bombings and let them happen.
Well, the story is, Chalibai, this horrible Shaw captain, secret police captain who tortured the living daylights out of a lot of people, and is a convicted felon, bank robber, head of the U.N.
occupation, head of the globalist occupation, Uh, had prior knowledge and it looks like was involved in the bombing of the UN.
But, I mean, that's just par for the course, folks.
So, I'll get to those mainstream news articles for you.
I mean, look, it'll come out and it just won't matter.
And, uh, it's like chemical Ali.
They claim they captured him, they're gonna claim they capture him again in six months, and then they kill him again and again and again.
Probably 200 years from now, they'll be still capturing Saddam and Bin Laden and killing them, and then saying a month later they captured and killed him again.
This is all done on purpose to, number one, train you to accept La La Land doublespeak, and to make America look like a bunch of lying, corrupt demons to the rest of the world to make the UN look like the good guys.
I just, it's unspeakable the things that are happening right now.
We are under massive psychological warfare attack at multiple levels.
The total free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
Wide open phones, 1-800-259-9231.
800-259-9231. Wide open phones, 1-800-259-9231. Coming up in about 35 minutes, I've got Frank
Whalen from a great radio station in Fayetteville, Arkansas, took the number one morning talk
show in that market.
Talks about the New World Order.
And I've been on his show many times and he's gotten a lot of inside information out of Walmart.
That's based there.
That's gone to Catherine Albrecht, broken nationally in the news.
We helped get her some of that information.
They got it off a big hole in MIT's website, the secret meetings with the heads of Fortune 500 and Ridge about the cashless society, implantation of chips into all products.
This is mainstream news.
He'll be joining us.
He's got clips locally at one of these uh...
fake rapture uh... meetings where they say lay down the world government's
good where they say the microchip isn't bad it's not the mark of
the beast we can we see this trend
where where uh... the seven hundred club says taking the chip isn't bad it's not the mark it's not the
mark see how sick that is folks
and according to their theology you gotta support israel no matter who's in
there or running it
so when the anti-christ is in the temple according to them will have to bow down
and worship him and follow him
And again, this is a news program, but it just shows how these people are totally controlled by the New World Order and how really dirty they are.
So that's coming up, and how it's the same comments, the same script, the same line.
But that is coming up as well.
Wow, there is so much here that I want to get to.
Of course, you know this week, Howard, the head of Australia, said they're going to give up their sovereignty and go into an Asian Union with China and Japan and surrounding countries.
That's why they've got to merge their laws with those nations.
They're member states.
They're taking all the guns now.
Totally open borders.
Blanket amnesty for all illegals.
And on top of it, there's stuff like this.
This is the Harold Sun Firearms Amnesty loophole.
The Australian-led intervention force in the Solomon Islands has been forced to tell about 100 licensed gun owners they can keep their guns for another four months.
Isn't that terrible?
And these are the same troops that killed Crocodile Dundee.
I don't mean the guy that plays Crocodile Dundee in 1998.
Mr. Australia, the guy that put him on the map, the real Crocodile Dundee, looked just like the actor.
You know, this big backwoods guy really did, you know, he'd jump on some 15-foot alligator, crocodile, alligator hunter, the crocodile hunter.
He'd jump on him and, you know, stab him and hunt him and all that stuff.
You've got that stupid socialist Irwin who kind of just copycats him.
They went to his house, wouldn't turn his guns in, machine gunned him to death, okay?
That's on the record.
Well, they're now running around one of the possessions, the Solomon Islands, taking their guns.
And Solomon Islanders have been told they have until midnight tomorrow to surrender all firearms to the force restoring law and order.
Intervention Chief Nick Warner yesterday admitted there were about a hundred or more licensed gun owners who will not be forced to hand in their weapons.
Of course, that's all government bureaucrats.
The embarrassing admission came after the withdrawal of legal challenge by a local who wanted to keep his licensed gun for hunting.
Mr. Warner to the Regional Assistance Mission, Solomon Islands, wasn't told there were valid licenses in the community.
Mr. Warner said the force had taken incorrect advice from the police and Attorney General's Department in the Solomons.
But they will be forced to turn in their guns, and Mr. Warner said the force had collected 2,485 guns so far.
By the way, in the Solomons, one guy shot somebody, so they confiscated all guns.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I do this show live.
We're about to go to Ed, Ron, Daryl, Wesley, Michael, and others.
Coming up, I will get into Chalibi, the terrorist and bank robber that our loving global government has running Iraq.
Over there.
And so we'll be getting into that as well and how now it turns out he's connected to the bombings.
Surprise, surprise.
And before I go back to your calls, I just want to mention some of what's coming up.
While a citizen erected traffic, fool wrote tickets.
The New York Post.
Here's the problem.
Now we've dug into this report since I learned of it this morning.
Turns out a lot of cops were doing this.
The New York Post just focused in on this one person.
The city's shut down.
Hours into this, the cops are out giving people tickets, you name it, arresting people, loitering, mothers with their children standing on the side of the road.
It was a shark feeding frenzy as the public servants attacked their slaves.
So we'll be getting into that as well.
Also, I mean, the socialist model.
Brutal killer to get $300,000 payout.
A man who viciously killed his brother's fiancée hours after she was released from a psychiatric, or he was released, from a psychiatric hospital will be awarded more than $300,000 compensation.
And wait until you hear why.
It's like the cops, a rash of cops killing people who are handcuffed with guns and then saying, oh, I thought it was my taser.
They're suing Taser Incorporated.
I mean, it's just... It's off the charts crazy.
No, non-lethal weapons have trained you to use force immediately in an unthinking fashion.
And that's what non-lethal weapon training is for.
It's to train you to engage us.
Notice it's gone from pepper spray and batons to rubber bullets blowing eyeballs out.
Now they're going to deploy microwave guns to city police departments that burn the skin.
And they admit they can focus the beam and kill you!
And of course, that'll accidentally happen, but again, it's incrementalism, folks.
Before I go to your calls, the loaded phones here, I do want to remind the listeners that I have published an amazing book.
Paul Joseph Watson wrote it, the Web Manager for PrisonPlanet.com.
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It focuses in on British-sponsored terrorism, where they've been caught red-handed globally doing it, including in their own country, to get controlled.
It gets into how the government is behind the fake UFO movement to stage some type of Iron Mountain event.
It really is an incredible book.
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It is absolutely amazing, especially in the fight against the Patriot Act.
It covers Patriot Act 1 and 2, other terror legislation, how they lie, what it's really all about, what the states are doing, mimicking this.
An incredible tool to wake folks up in your area to fight the Patriot Act, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
The films are $25.95.
Order three or more, they drop down to $20 a piece.
Again, folks, that's $19.95 for Order Out of Chaos, $12 for My Book Descent Into Tyranny, $25.95 for any of my nine videos, $20 if you order three or more of any of the titles.
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That means get them, hand them out to people.
Make copies, please!
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The toll-free number to order the videos or the books is 1-888-253-3139.
888-253-3139. That's 888-253-3139. Or you can just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3000
South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 787-04.
Again, that's 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 787-04 or 1-888-253-3139.
Now, I'm going to go to Ed and Ron and Daniel and Wesley and Michael and others here in just a second,
but let me add one more thing that's really been laid on my heart by God to talk about.
Is that we glaze over things here.
I see articles every day now where Time Magazine for Kids in the public schools every month now says every child needs a microchip.
But I have Time Magazine for Kids here given to over 10 million school children.
In the classrooms.
I mean, I have a copy of it from last month.
I have a copy of it from a year ago.
How the kids need microchips.
Uh, the Lego toys, surveillance, uh, you know, World City, spy on people with satellites and ground-penetrating radar, look through their walls.
Uh, the new Global Peacekeeper toys, where they wear black ski masks, you take the mask off, they've got hateful, satanic smiles with sharp teeth.
You're the good guys, you have sharp teeth.
And, and, and satanic eyes.
You know, bugging your eyes out.
Uh, you turn the cartoons on, it's all New World Order, everything.
I mean, folks, you need to see what's on the sitcoms, the dramas, the movies.
It's everywhere.
Cuervo Gold.
Last night I'm sitting there eating dinner with my wife, and I'm reading the Austin Chronicle.
And there's a Cuervo Gold ad, you know, the premium Mexican tequila.
Added there, and it shows two girls.
There's a storm, high wind, people getting blown around.
You know, it looks like hail's falling.
And there's two women sitting there in chairs, sitting back, relaxing, smiling.
And there is a pyramid of light shooting down over them, making a pyramid.
And it says, Cuervo Gold.
It can control the weather.
Or, it controls the weather.
And then under it, it says, Not true.
That's a lie.
Only the government can control the weather.
Now, they have the Seagram's Brothman ad, and I've seen it.
Callers talk about it.
I have seen it.
Of course, it comes on.
Didn't have a tape rolling.
Didn't get it on tape.
I'm begging you to tape it and send it to me if anybody catches it.
You know, maybe you see a show air.
It's going to air again later at night, and you know that ad played then.
Good chance it'll play again.
Tape it.
Please help me.
It goes.
Where's the captain?
The captain's been there.
It's all these girls and guys rolling around, you know, kissing on each other and bathing suits.
You can tell, you know, it's getting to be dark.
They're all about to have some fun.
They're all giggling, you know, slapping on each other.
And the captain's giggling like the devil.
You know, he's got the beard and the face.
He's the archetypal, you know, linen slash devil type.
You know, that high forehead, the big eyes, you know, the goatee.
You know, the handlebar mustache, he's giggling in a red outfit.
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha!
He's causing fun!
And he's kind of like a disembobulated spirit floating around, causing the fun.
All of a sudden, he kind of swoops up by one of the kids, and they all look underage, and he, you know, like 17, 18, he holds up this weird device, scans the retinas of people, their eyes flash in a satanic fashion, and he goes, You're cleared by the captain to party!
I mean, folks, any magazine, any newspaper, it's total deluge.
Cartoons, movies, everything.
And I just want to point this out.
We haven't talked about this enough.
We've had a congressman on the show two years ago.
We've read a few news articles, just a few spotty AP articles.
A big article in Australia, admitting it.
A few articles in England, a few in Canada.
Whatever Canada, the US, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom do.
I call them the Echelon countries that have the Echelon system.
They have the same programs, Head Start, you know, to vaccinate and dumb down your kids.
They have all the same cameras, the same way national ID cards, standardized systems.
It's all owned by the same people, the same big banks.
Echelon group of countries.
Well, I've seen articles out of all the Echelon countries that, you know, it just so happened starting back 30-something years ago that We started taking ampules of blood from baby seals for a blood test, and it just so happens those have been kept in federal government, central government databases, and the government is going to use it for a DNA database now, and to track everyone, and maybe to even be on your ID card.
The father of ID's called for that, your ID barcode to be on everything.
The discoverer of the human genome has been on the record that.
So this is the plan.
And it's a perfect example of compartmentalization.
It is admitted that when you go and they take one ampule of blood for the health department, one for the state, one for the feds, you try to tell them, this has been in the news, we've talked to parents, tell the doctor, well you just go ahead and do that blood test yourself.
Well, no, it's mandated.
Well, why can't I just pay the blood tests done here?
I don't want this into the feds.
Sir, we have to.
Well, there's no law.
Well, we have to.
If the hospital gets paid, and they collect the DNA database of your child, violate the Fourth Amendment, like you're a criminal.
They gotta get special court orders to do this to people in jail cells.
But not you.
Not your newborn baby.
And it's also come out that they're taking that blood, there's a lawsuit out in California over it, Every human has their own proteins, their own genomes, their own special mutations.
They're taking those, they're going through the blood supplies, they're looking at genetic records, they're using it, and the government is giving it to certain bioweapons labs, human genome companies, IBM.
I mean, look, that's a giant, worldwide system taking your blood, starting at the same time, 33 years ago, in all the western countries, Taking the blood from the babies, and they tell you it's to test for a blood disease.
It's a total lie!
I mean, this is, you know, they put the satellite tracker and taxation boxes in all the cars!
And the hardware for the plug-in, and don't tell you, and then announce, oh yeah, it's already in your car, we're gonna do it.
They put the cameras up and say it's for traffic, and then announce, oh yeah, it was the plan all along to tax and control you with it.
Just please, people, this is so horrible, what's happening.
It's so horrible.
What's happening?
Ed in Indiana.
Go ahead, Ed.
I mean, to add to your not having a future outlook that's so rosy, but I was the one that called in earlier and just left a message that was an insider with the U.N.
And I wanted to call and explain more about what they actually said.
Well, I actually have the news articles here.
Chaliba, of course, had prior knowledge.
Sneaking around involved the head bank robber, former torture master.
Yeah, and they were saying on Fox News that they wanted to keep the peace by keeping out former Bass Party members and that This was just a bath party, guys.
You know, one of the big old terrorists we're looking for.
Now we're going to have to go ahead and fortify and militarize all the UN buildings across the world.
But of course, it's doublespeak.
They're going to go ahead and keep the bath on.
Who did the bombing?
And of course, Chaliba is involved, but that's okay.
Yeah, right out in the open.
And see, I'm so conditioned.
I got the article here.
Wasn't even going to get to it until later.
Just, oh yeah, they're blowing up their own buildings.
And still, we're skipping over so much other stuff.
I do have one question I want to ask before you let me go.
Before I get to that, I just want to talk about this Mel Gibson thing.
It's really getting nauseating to me, because I was watching, I got it on tape, if you want it, I'll send you a copy, of The God Squad on Bill O'Reilly.
First story was Bill O'Reilly covering these smut mongers that were selling snuff films of rape and murder of pregnant women and children.
And O'Reilly was saying, it's great that, you know, these people were arrested and they're going to get 50 years.
Well, that sounds great.
Well, then they had The God Squad come on to talk about Mel Gibson's movie.
And the rabbi there said that Mel Gibson's movie had the same moral relevance of those smut films that those people were disrespected for.
You're kidding!
No, I've got it on tape.
I will send it to you.
Well, I mean, it's like Alan Dershowitz.
People couldn't believe it.
Remember when the Baptist Church got shot up in Fort Worth?
Yes, I'll remember.
And he said the Christians are getting what they deserve.
And people were like... And no one called him on that, and now you say Was it Rabbi Hare?
Yeah, the Rabbi from the God Squad.
Is it the head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center?
I'm not sure.
Now all this movie is, and we've had Gibson's father on, he talked to Gibson right before he came on my show two nights ago.
He literally called him right before he came on, and that film It's not being edited, and that's not true.
They're not cutting stuff out.
But on top of it, it's word-for-word out of the Bible.
Jesus Christ was a Jew.
I mean, it's not anti-Semitic.
That's like saying, because King David stood up against Saul, that he was anti-Semitic.
This is the government hating Christianity.
You're telling me that he said Mel Gibson's film Is the same as snuff films?
Is the same moral relevance as snuff films?
It will cause the same kind of disease, same kind of violence, hatred, animosity, and just negative energy that... And of course it's the government we found out that's involved running all the snuff films.
Oh, of course.
The CIA and their little peddling operation.
I've heard about that.
And, I mean, it just keeps getting worse and worse.
I'm watching Fox.
They're talking about tearing down all this Christian stuff and leaving up statues of Greek gods.
I'm seeing Bush portrayed as Jesus Christ.
You know, I mean, just on top of everything else, I hear them blatantly announcing stuff like there are satanic meeting halls on board naval ships now.
Everything's getting really weird.
I've had people that were harassed for taking the Bible to school in my town.
And there are Christian leaders so-called saying, take the chip, it's not a problem.
Thanks for the call, Ed.
Yeah, exactly.
And yes, sir, send me that video.
Send me the video of the rabbi saying that this film is the same thing as a snuff film.
I mean, I know Dershowitz, Alan Dershowitz, who's for torture, by the way, said Christians deserve what they got.
He just said that Christians deserve this.
Think about how bigoted and hateful it is, but that's okay.
That's probably going to be praised.
You know, that's good.
Thank you.
Christian leaders probably say, thank you.
Ron in New York.
Ron, you're on the air.
Yeah, Alex, my main man.
I gotta ask you a question about the Bible.
Do you still put your left hand on a Bible in court and raise your right hand when you're sworn in?
Well, I know that they're getting rid of the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm.
They're trying to take the oath out of the courts, and that's all next.
Well, I... You have to understand, a lot of this God stuff, when the money says in God we trust, there's a pyramid right under it.
That's their God they're talking about.
Well, I was wondering if they took the Bible out of the courtroom already.
Uh, no, they haven't.
Well, uh, you think they will when, uh, after they remove the... Uh, yeah, the Kentucky Supreme Court ruled two years ago that the Declaration of Independence is unconstitutional.
It just says our Creator.
It's all thought crime stuff.
I mean, like the caller said, you got Greek statues everywhere, but you can't have a Ten Commandments.
I mean, it's about getting us to stay there.
Just stay there.
We'll be right back with you, Ron.
Stay with us.
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Alright Ron, go ahead and finish up with your comments sir.
Yeah, Alex, I couldn't understand why they want to take the Ten Commandments out of the Alabama Supreme Court and not touch the Bible, or not take the Bible out of the court, or anybody's court for that matter.
Well, that's part of the incremental process, and then they're going to replace it with the Roman Civil Law.
That's already been happening.
That's why when you do a brief to a judge, You say we pray to the court.
We, I mean, they admit it is a religious, it's set up in a religious fashion.
Our modern courts are not how they were set up originally in this country.
For anybody that doubts what I just said and it sounds crazy, just ask a lawyer.
It is done in a religious fashion.
Thanks for the call, Ryan.
Okay, Alex.
Keep up the good work.
Thank you.
Let's talk to Daniel in New Mexico.
Go ahead, Daniel.
Daniel hung up right when we were going to him.
Wesley in Tennessee.
Go ahead, Wesley.
Hi, Alex.
How are you today?
Um, I've got to tell you something that I think you'll get a big kick out of.
I can't name the store where my wife works, but she's been kind of running her own little scam on the store ever since she went to work for him.
She's been wearing an earpiece and told people that she was hard of hearing and that actually what that was was a Well, I don't want to, I mean, if she can still do her job and do that, I mean, I imagine she turns it down when a customer comes up.
so she can listen to you for three hours a day.
Well I want to say hi to your wife.
I thought that was pretty doggone nice.
I mean I don't think I could give you a better compliment than that.
Well I don't want to, I mean if she can still do her job and do that,
I mean I imagine she turns it down when a customer comes up.
Oh sure, yeah it's a science.
You know, she's got it down cold.
I mean, she takes care of the customers.
There's a lot of people who do that.
Well, I don't blame them.
I mean, I'll tell you, until I became disabled as a school teacher, I mean, I had no idea what was going on until I bought a shortwave radio.
So help me, I really didn't.
I think it's kind of interesting, Alex, that when Alabama and Auburn get together, they sure don't have any problem getting 85,000 people into that football stadium.
That was such a small and pathetic crowd that they had out in front of the courthouse.
I thought, where are all the churches?
Where are all our church leaders that should have been standing out there in outrage at what was going on?
Something that's religious, even under their 501c3, which is a fraud, something they can clearly do even under that fraud, but a lot of them are afraid, well, that's political, I better not get involved, when it's always been the churches that led the vanguard of getting rid of slavery, you name it, now they're totally cowed out telling us how good world government is.
Because they've been promised the faith-based initiative money.
So they don't care.
The Baptists don't care if a billion bucks is going to the New Agers.
As long as they get theirs, we're going to hold for it.
They want the government to control them.
Oh, control us!
I hate to say this, because I sure as heck don't want to sound like a pessimist, but my definition of an optimist is a well-informed... I mean, my definition of a pessimist is a well-informed optimist.
I just wonder if we're going to all find ourselves someday in a Crocodile Dundee situation where it's going to come down to if we can't choose to either live free or die.
I mean I've learned that at 59 there's worse things in this world than dying and one of them would be to have to live on your knees in front of another man.
Well, understand, their system can't succeed unless they con good people to go along with it, and we're having a lot of victories.
I mean, they're doing a lot of crazy things, throwing a lot of insane stuff in our faces, trying to condition us to accept it.
And it's not going to work.
That's why they're building up such a police state.
They know at a certain point all the propaganda isn't going to work anymore, and it's going to have to be brute force.
We've got to convince the police and military now that it's the right thing to do, and in their best interest, to not go along with the New World Order.
Thanks for the call.
We'll come back and talk to Michael in Kentucky and others, and we've got a guest coming up and a bunch of other news.
So stay with us.
Next hour is going to be a jam-packed toll-free number to join us on air.
And of course, I'm Alex Jones.
My website is infowars.com.
And of course, I'm Alex Jones.
My website is infowars.com.
We'll be right back.
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the burkulite self-sterilizing. This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
By the way, remember Dr. David Kelly, the microbiologist?
Now it's coming out that he told friends that have They went to war with Iraq, or if he continued to speak up, that he'd end up dead in the woods.
And that's exactly what they did to him.
Now that's coming up more on Chalibai, involved in the bombings over in Iraq for the Globalist.
We got guest Frank Whalen coming up to talk about a bunch of different issues.
Your call's right now.
Let's talk to Michael in Kentucky.
Go ahead, Michael, you're on the air.
Yeah, long time since I've talked to you, Alex.
I wanted to make mention of something that you point out a lot is that even atheists should be concerned about all this tracking grid, prison planet plantation technology that you talk about.
Not only the implantable chips, but the cell phone tracking technology.
I think you may have covered the story out of Germany where the moose hunter identified a way because he lost his dog, he developed a little Uh, matchbox size thing that can track.
And of course it's being used for lots of other purposes besides keeping up with your dog, your hunting dog.
But, um, one thing I wanted to, uh, issue that I wanted to bring up about all this is, um, it really doesn't matter whether it's the mark or the beast or not.
It is just, is completely wrong against our, uh, the foundations of our form of government.
And of course, you know... And things have gotten so bad, we have to sit here and explain that the government putting chips in a Shatrakis is not freedom.
Well, and it's not for your convenience or for your safety.
We're now on the air, having to take the position of the weirdos, going, the chips are bad!
Well, I don't think, you know, a lot of people don't think that you're a weirdo for pointing this out, but they automatically think, well, you know, and the media has helped to condition people to think, well, it's just liberal hysterics.
But, of course, you and I are nowhere near liberals.
And we're not trying to merge with the liberals on the opposite end of the spectrum.
The kids' video games and toys and TV shows are all, take chips, time for kids, take your microchip.
I mean, this is serious.
The point I wanted to get at was that, you know, all these people are driving around and have this philosophy from their church or whatever that, oh, well, you know, it's terrible, it's bad, you know, I don't like it.
I don't have to worry about it.
I'm going to be raptured out of here.
I think that that is just a way to opt out from speaking out and trying to do something about it.
Well, did that happen in Germany?
Did that happen in Africa and Rwanda?
Did it happen in Russia?
Well, and you've got another show on this network that gives a valid perspective from my point of view on the idea of what Nero, you know, demanding worship and how he was... Well, look, regardless of... I'm not going to get into this, this is not a religious show, but I'm a Christian.
Regardless, regardless, regardless, regardless of that, the point I'm trying to make here is that, as you said, it's evil, it's wrong, this system's out of control, and we have a job to expose evil and corruption.
Well, I agree with that completely.
But there are some other perspectives on what is the Mark of the Beast, and I think worship is a key to it.
Uh, and I think if you go back and look at the Revelation, there's like... People worship this Madison Avenue materialism.
There's three, yeah, three major points to accepting it.
And, uh, if you go back and look at the book of Revelation, you'll see what I'm talking about there.
It's not only that you accept the mark, but, uh, that you worship the beast and the image of the beast.
So, uh, hmm, if this is something where you end up in a, in a FEMA detention center and they tag you electronically with a barcode of some sort, then, uh, All is not necessarily lost, I think.
You shouldn't, you know, consider yourself... No, you have to willingly go along with it, but see... Well, exactly.
But see, the government's following the Bible, which is really scary.
There's no... The government has said, hey, you won't have to take it.
You just won't eat.
So they'll just starve you to death.
There's no statute of limitations on fraud, and there is...
There is no valid contract under duress.
So that's all I have to say.
Hey, God bless you.
Thanks for the call.
I really appreciate it.
Good to hear from you, Michael in Kentucky.
Mark in Minnesota.
Ruth in Illinois.
Scott in Connecticut.
Ron in North Carolina.
Everybody else, just stay there.
We'll be back with your calls and our guests.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright my friends, it's eight minutes past the hour on this live Friday edition of the Worldwide Broadcast.
I'm Alex Jones.
I know we've got loaded phones, we will go to your calls very quickly.
In just a few minutes, I'm going to be honored to be joined by KXNA Fayetteville, Arkansas talk show host Frank Whalen.
Good friend of mine, been on the show many times.
He's broken a lot of big news stories.
He's there in the home base of Walmart.
Also, While a citizen directed traffic, fool wrote tickets.
We did find the New York Post article.
It is posted on Infowars.com.
More U.S.
soldiers captured.
Braced for a shock at the pump.
Record gas prices.
It's all a big scam.
They do this every summer.
you notice the prices just go up and up and up and up and up and up and up and up
and our governments grab more oil than ever it's just all part of the monopoly
also US tipped on imminent bombing days ago Chalibai the head
of uh... iraq dictatorship has admitted saying so of course you now have shadowy globalist figures
involved in the bombing and Mr. Chalibai is a convicted bank robber
torture expert for the shah He's who the U.S.
government has running things.
And Chalibi, or Chalibi, depending on how you quote it, Or say it, was the guy in the South and the North.
It'd be him and 10 or 15 guys seen jumping up and down going, Bush!
He'd be all over the country going, Bush!
In staged events.
He was the guy out there running the cut down the statue garbage.
And no, I don't support Saddam.
I'm talking about how we're being lied to, people.
Give me a break.
Also, Tesco ends final trial of CCTV spy chip on razor blades.
Yes, folks, now it's not just chips that track you, now they watch you.
This is the Lennon Guardian.
That's just some of what's coming up.
Let's go ahead and go to Frank Whelan.
Frank's going to be riding a shotgun with us into the next hour.
He'd like to stay with us.
We've got a lot of callers that want to talk about the issues.
Frank, good to have you on the show.
How are you, Alex?
Oh, I'm pretty good.
I enjoyed being on your show for two hours this morning.
It was a pleasure.
I apologize for cutting into your show prep time like that.
Oh, hey.
Every morning I'm doing radio interviews.
Well, you're doing a great job.
Yesterday I was up at 530.
seven radio interviews yesterday.
I have only done yours, so.
Well, I appreciate your time.
Nevertheless, you're doing great things, and I imagine the amount of time that you devote
to the radio stations is probably at some point not enough to get the material out.
And you granting me two hours today was fantastic, so I thank you.
Come on, man, I'm honored to be on your show, but listen.
The problem is Peter Jennings can read off a teleprompter for 15 minutes and get all his lies out and talk to 20 million people.
I am forced to go through one of the few places that hasn't been censored out, and they're buying everything up trying to shut it down right now.
I'm one of the Few people that's been able to, I guess, go around and do a thousand interviews, but others have tried it.
And so it's one of those little cracks in the wall of the electronic Berlin Iron Curtain.
Or Berlin Wall.
And so I can't turn down an interview whether it's at 4 a.m.
or 5.30 a.m.
It was good being on your show during primetime drive this morning at Fayetteville where Walmart is based.
Tell us about your talk show and how folks can listen to it and how you've gotten into fighting the New World Order and what response you've gotten in the ratings and in your community.
Okay, well, I've been in radio about 10 years now, off and on in various locations, and I seem to get fired at every station I've ever worked at, strangely enough, because I delve into things that are somewhat controversial.
Things like what we are talking about today, and things that you've been talking about for years yourself.
The problem is that the majority of the radio Networks, the giant consolidated radio giants will suppress this information as you know and as I know so I came to Northwest Arkansas here because it was privately owned and they said if you can do something that works go ahead and do it we'll deal with the repercussions ourselves.
So luckily as you know the kind of material we talk about on my show we're allowed a little bit extra Leeway.
And the repercussion has been the highest ratings, massive sponsorship.
That happens once a few people stand up, step across the line, then everybody else does.
Mark Twain said it best in the beginning, the patriot is a scarce man hated and feared, but in time when his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
It is hard to go into this system though and be willing to fight it.
We're conditioned to fear a lack of money.
As if being poor or being not wealthy is the worst thing you can be.
The only thing worse than that is death.
The fear of death.
Now, I get death threats.
I know you get death threats.
It's par for the course.
But at the same time, when you overcome those fears, then you truly are a force to be reckoned with.
And you have always been an inspiration.
I remember the first time I had seen 9-11 The Road to Tyranny, your film, which is incredible.
I actually popped it in the DVD player and I watched it for about 40 minutes and then I stopped it and I just had to, you know, I had to sit down and exhale because the material was right there.
It was all laid out.
The things that I had been hunting for for a long time, the questions that I had, the questions my listeners had, were right there and I was able to see The way that you find your material is in the actual mainstream media, the exact sources that the people who disbelieve these things are being programmed by.
It's a matter of co-living them.
I mean, they say microchips for every child administered by the U.S.
Army is a good thing, and we go, man, that sounds like a horror movie from ten years ago.
That's all we do.
Or, oh, here's an article, the blood they take from your baby at birth goes into a DNA database, and they lie to you.
You're crazy, Alex.
That's a violation of your Fourth Amendment.
You're subversive.
That's all we do.
Yeah, and we get the backlash from it as a result, because to be out there is to face the ridicule and whatnot.
But unfortunately, it takes some time.
With the passage of time, these things prove to be true, and it's just a matter of reminding people that, hey, remember me, the crazy person that said this six months ago?
You know, it's pretty much what you're doing.
Now, Walmart, for example, here in this town, has been involved in a lot of activities.
Now, what people don't realize is that Walmart here in Northwest Arkansas, they're based in Bentonville, about 10 minutes north of Fayetteville.
There's just a slight difference of location, but we broadcast into that area, and you do too.
Now, from what I have heard, Walmart employees have been banned from listening to my program.
And the last time we had you on the show and we discussed the Walmart bunker and different things, the RFIDs, I had heard from a listener that they were installing the RFID registers, the cash registers, the checkout lanes, in one of the stores in Springdale, Arkansas.
Interestingly enough, after I had heard from him, he told me that he was contacted by the FBI and told to be careful what kind of websites he visits and what kind of radio programs he listens to.
And also, for those that don't know, From these sources, you've gotten internal not-for-distribution Walmart documents that have then gone to Catherine Albrecht and others and turned into major international news stories in the mainstream media.
And for those that don't know, since we did these interviews three, four, five months ago on your show and brought this out, it's been in the Wall Street Journal and the rest of it, That Ridge met with the Fortune 500, Procter & Gamble, Kraft, Walmart, all these people and said, it quotes, how do we neutralize the opposition?
How do we get them to accept the grid?
How do we get them to accept the Babylon system?
Whatever that is.
They actually said that.
How do we get them to say it's for anti-terror?
And so think about that.
Somebody works for Walmart, just calls and he goes, yeah, they're putting the RFID readers in, you know, down in this town, and then they get a call, boy, you better what, but see, that's continuity of government, and the government needs Walmart, who is 30, now, 3 or 4% of all total retail sales of all products, to tell their manufacturers, you must implant this, then that'll cause a total unification of the acceptance of the system.
Oh, absolutely.
The other interesting thing, you directed me to Katherine Albrecht, which was fantastic.
She and I did an interview together at the beginning of this month, just a few weeks ago.
And she mentioned about how they were going to install these things, and they were actually going to mold them into the products themselves.
And she mentioned DVDs.
And I thought, well, that's interesting, because Walmart had just launched a online DVD rental system, where they'll mail you out the DVDs and whatnot.
And in one of their statements from Walmart, and I don't have the document here, I did send it to Catherine, Walmart actually said, this is great, because within two to three days, we can reach 90% of the population of the United States.
And there is some significance to that.
Walmart already has far-reaching grips into the fabric of this community,
with frequent donations to the University of Arkansas.
So you look at the way that these things are working, and you look at how the information is being suppressed,
and the people getting it out there are being targeted.
Well, Walmart did the bio-drills where people practiced going to the Walmart with the police
where they give you jelly beans that signify your vaccination.
Isn't that amazing?
How Pavlovian is that?
It's like the kids having a thumb scan to get their school lunches.
Oh yeah.
And an article I never even got to out of the Associated Press two days ago was posted on the site was was uh... you know mcdonald's all these hundreds of companies they're just gonna adopt on scanners and you're gonna have to come scan to make sure that credit cards good and it's just for security and two years ago i saw articles out of out of uh... colorado articles out of uh... arlington texas where they just said the police have called up stores and said you will come scan everyone when i buy here you will buy this from scanner now thank god most of the store said no we won't there's no law but
This is a military control grid, folks!
You're absolutely correct, and Walmart was the first one to sign on with the Auto ID Center and subsequently, Walmart being the biggest distribution company.
They signed on in 1984 with the unification of the barcode.
Go ahead.
Yeah, well that's absolutely correct.
But with Walmart being the biggest distributor, basically, in the world, you've got a number of the different
companies that have vendors that sell to Walmart also being forced to sign on just to keep up, just to compete,
just to stay in business, and to keep their employees employed and their employees' families fed.
It's very Orwellian, certainly.
But when you're looking at it in these different contexts, you can see how insidious all this is.
Now, you mentioned McDonald's, for example.
McDonald's ran a story probably two months ago where they said they were going to go to these automated kiosks
where you would go and you'd do your order, and then you'd go and sit down, they'd bring your food to
It's presented as convenience.
It's presented as a benefit to you.
Now, with the thumb scan included in that, as a side note, of course, that's not really marketed, but, you know, they would present it as such.
It presents it in a whole other context all of a sudden.
It's saying, look, we can get your order right, we can get it to you faster, and we can charge you less for food because we're paying less, because we don't need as many employees.
But who's going to have money if they don't even have burger flipping jobs to buy burgers?
Stay there.
More calls.
Your call's coming up.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we're talking to Frank Whalen of KXNA in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Frank, before we go to these calls and then on to some of the news about the little Christian meetings you have locally where they say the chips aren't the mark of the beast, you know, you can go ahead.
They've got some good uses.
We're going to play some audio of that.
Before we do that, tell folks about the frequency on the FM for KXNA.
Absolutely, and I thank you for that.
It's 104.9 on the FM dial.
It's actually a rock morning show, but I've sort of morphed it into a talk show with lengthy interviews.
But the listeners love it.
I think that there is a hunger for the truth out there and people like yourself are
presenting it so well
you know people want to be exposed to that and that's why for example this morning when you're on my program the
phone lines jammed up non-stop for two solid hours that we had you here. Well
also you talked about how the format is men
But with your show you have high ratings of men, women, old people, young people.
It's really transcended all expectations and that's been one of the beautiful things about it.
That's what happened here in Austin when this show was on FM.
Is that in all the demographics, and that scares the globalists?
It does.
It does, absolutely.
Luckily, we're still able to fly under the radar.
Because we are independently owned, we're a little smaller.
Our broadcast range is not as powerful as the giant corporate radio giants in the market here.
However, we are beating the pants off them, I'm happy to say.
Well, I mean, yeah, that's what happens.
Is that people want to hear the truth.
They're sick and tired of the phony left, phony right garbage.
When we come back, we're going to jump into a bunch of this news.
I want to get your take on it, Frank.
Let's go to some of these calls that have been holding a long time.
I guess up next is Mark in Minnesota.
Go ahead, Mark.
Hey, gentlemen.
How are you guys doing?
Very well.
I don't know why you went to all the trouble, Alex, to make 9-11, you know, the Because it seems to me that 9-11 was a lucky event, wasn't it?
I mean, it served as a pretext for the globalists to expand their death grip throughout the world.
I'm keen to see Michael Ledeen... Did you read that Congressman Ron Paul's speech?
Yes, where the neocons, Ron Paul, congressman, gave a speech, it's on InfoWars.com, it's got on the main page, right hand side, picture of Ron Paul.
And the neocon leader says, this was a wonderful event, very lucky for us, and exactly what we needed to get our New World Order.
And beforehand, the CFR and others were saying they needed just that attack, and of course it turns out they're all involved in it.
It was a very lucky event, wasn't it there?
Well, they're allowed to say that.
Yeah, they can say it.
I mean, who's going to read policy reports?
Go ahead.
Yeah, I was wondering if you've seen any of Hopsicker's work.
I have one of his videos.
I was wondering what you think about his work, if you've seen that.
I have not.
No, if it was me you're asking.
Why don't you send it to me?
Because he's got some interesting points.
The Huffman Aviation Some of the alleged hijackers, such as Mohammed Atta, trained.
Now, that appears to have been a CIA proprietary company.
Well, it was, but yeah, I've seen it, and that's the whole, that's the Venice Flying Circus.
But, that's the name of the film, but again, that's focusing in on, they were creating a ledger for the hijackers of this is where they train, and then it ignores where they publicly trained at the U.S.
military base beforehand.
So, that's focusing in on the hijackers creating their backgrounds instead of where they actually trained.
Still, that's kind of fishy right there, though.
There's about 10,000 things that are red-handed right out in the open where we've caught the globalists.
Thanks for the call.
Comments, Frank Whalen on September 11th.
Yeah, I think that he made a couple of great points, as did you, just that in order to facilitate a lot of these Well rehearsed plans and some plans that have been waiting to go into place for an extended period of time because this objective of a one world government, it will happen.
Unfortunately, it is a reality.
It's happening now and every single event is staged and it is planned and that's why awareness is so important, Alex, and that's why your video is so vital so people can see the connections In a sort of retrospective sense, so they can look for things in today's news to see what will happen in the future.
Well, yeah, people all look at things individually.
They hear about higher gas prices and just think, hmm, higher gas prices.
They don't think about the context of the oil monopoly or how gas prices go up every summer when they know our demand's higher.
They don't talk about how the government's own documents said the war was partly about oil.
So it's all right there.
People need to look at things in a wide spectrum, in a historical context.
And that's why we're in so much trouble, because people have lost that.
Mike in Illinois, Scott in Connecticut, Dan in North Carolina, and others are called up next.
And we're going to play one of these preachers, one of these neocon leaders.
Microchip's not that bad.
Go ahead.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I've been on Frank Whalen's show, I don't know, six, seven times.
And it's the same as being on Pacifica Radio or some conservative talk show.
Liberal, conservative, doesn't matter.
We'll take about 15, 20 calls and maybe one guy will call in that disagrees.
I don't know if that's ever even happened on Frank's show, but I've had this experience all over the country.
I mean, I go on shows and say the government's illegitimate and blows up buildings and kills everybody and cops call in and people say, and I work for the newspaper and, you know, well-spoken scientists and black people, white people, old people, young people, auto mechanics.
They all call in and say, yep, makes sense.
Yeah, I saw that.
Yeah, I've been thinking that.
People instinctively know the truth.
The globalists are in deep trouble.
They really are, folks.
And Frank Whelan at KXNA in Fayetteville, Arkansas with a powerful show.
Love going on it.
Let's go back to the calls.
I don't want to get into this whole neocon Christian church, but something that Mark in Minnesota mentioned is the PNAC document and he also mentioned Ron Paul's speech where he gives quotes of public statements in published books by leaders of this administration and other neocons saying we are Trotskyites, we are Machiavellian, we believe in entering into evil, we love lying to people, we want a social welfare state, we're for abortion.
This is what the neocons, the Rush Limbaugh's, the Hannity's, really are at their core And here's Ron Paul exposing this, and then, yeah, they got quotes in there about how a 9-1-1 was lucky and how they'll use it for a New World Order, comments about PNAC and Ron Paul's speech and these neocons, Frank.
What do you think about these neocons, Frank?
I think it's not surprising at all, except for the simple fact that it was Ron Paul who brought it all together.
As a congressman, I mean, truly he is in the line of fire to be able to bring all this out and expose it.
And I imagine, in compiling this document and giving this speech, I imagine he probably shocked himself, Alex.
Well, that's what he said, actually, in the speech.
I mean, he said, we've all known about neocons for a while, but now I've investigated them.
And, of course, everything he said is what I'd said, plus more.
I mean, you read it, again, it's like Pulp Fiction, where the Legion of Doom is running things.
But it's actually happening.
We have the documents from the RFID Center and the big corporations and Reds talking about ways to neutralize our opposition, how to control us.
Folks, you're in the matrix!
It's important for people to realize this, but you're right about how it transcends gender and age and social classes and educational level, because this stuff feels right.
When you hear it, you may want to Dismiss it.
But that's the logical part of your brain.
That's the intellectual part saying, no, no, no.
Think back on your education and how you were raised.
You are not going to accept this as a possibility, let alone a reality.
But deep inside it does resonate.
And it transcends every other medium as well and how it's presented
which is exactly what we're talking about with here you've got these
uh... these prophecy conferences where they just tour around the country and
they they discuss uh... the end times and people are more
interested in that now than probably ever before simply because of the world
events and how it affects us here in the united states
but for these things to be presented in all these different avenues where it's like
oh the microchip is wonderful it's good for you it's necessary
i would do it well i mean i've got pat robertson on tape knowing
Well, I mean, it's not the market.
I don't think it's a problem.
It'll keep the kids safe.
And Sean Hannity, every child needs one.
Who wouldn't have this?
What parent wouldn't?
And you hear the same thing from this preacher you're going to play.
I hear it all over Christian Talk Radio, Let's Talk Friends, with that real nice voice.
We've gotten a letter, quite a few letters from listeners that believe that This applied digital solution biochip is the mark of the beast.
It's amazing, isn't it?
No, my friends, it's not.
The Bible says on the forehead or hand.
This will actually keep us safe.
I mean, regardless of what it is, whether you're an atheist or a rock worshipper or a Christian, folks, the government wanting to put a chip in you to track and control you?
That's, again, worse than The Running Man, worse than 1984, worse than Brave New World.
But it's just, it's good!
Yes, that's absolutely correct.
In fact, I believe he even helped.
and these chips and this is gonna someday happen but but this really had
the problem and who wouldn't want to have it as a parent and actually this
isn't that mark so you just don't worry about that one parent would and it's the
same script I've heard that's what's scary and he's hooked him with a Tim
LaHaye he says yes that's absolutely correct in fact I believe he even helped
I've heard this from one of my listeners that he actually helped LaHaye on his
study Bible now Tim LaHaye of course one of the authors of the left behind series
world-renowned books they're selling unbelievably well especially in context
of the Christian material now the other interesting thing Alex I'm sure you're
aware of is one of the biggest distributors of left behind books is
Walmart interestingly enough well of course and and this is the type of
neocon stuff that just laid down it's gonna be wonderful and
That's right.
But I don't know how the churches do this because, you know, we hear the story about how the Antichrist is going to be in Jerusalem and going to set himself up.
But the neocons say, worship Israel no matter what it does.
And then so when the Antichrist is there, they're going to bow down.
It's amazing because the stage is being set for everything we've ever heard about, Alex.
It's mind-boggling.
And instead of, it was possible even the very elect would be deceived... Absolutely.
What better way to be deceived than by the trusted religious elders?
And again, that goes back to how we're raised.
We're conditioned as a child to accept the word of an adult.
Hey Alex, great show.
Nice to have your guest on there.
I just want to tell you guys something.
I was going to talk about Arnold Schwarzenegger, but now because it's about Walmart, I want to tell you what happened.
through some of these calls real quick and then play these clips.
Mike in Illinois, go ahead.
Hey Alex, great show, nice to have your guest on there.
I just want to tell you guys something.
I was going to talk about Arnold Schwarzenegger, but now because it's about Walmart I want
to tell you what happened.
About a week ago I went there with my kids to get school supplies and there was a desk
with a woman standing behind there.
She was not a Walmart employee, but she was, um, I wish I had the patch.
I threw it out because I was so disgusted.
But it was a little sticker that said, over 750,000 children are abducted a year.
And it said, right there, she had all these little toys and gifts to give to the kids, talking to parents, coming in with their kids.
You gotta get your kids fingerprinted.
You gotta get them fingerprinted.
It's safety.
And Alex, I'm telling you, it was just mind-boggling.
And they've already got their blood, and with the template, they can put it in the digital database.
It's unbelievable, Alex.
I said, yeah, you work for the New World Order.
You need to get educated.
And I told her to go to your website.
She wrote it down.
I don't know if she did or not.
She was a young girl, probably in her early 20s.
She was very Ignorant to the fact.
You notice it's the masons that are involved in getting all this in.
The computer companies drop by our store, a free face scan of your kid, then they sell it to Homeland Security.
Actually, Homeland Security can demand it.
They don't even need to pay for this under the Patriot Act, of course.
They got caught from stores and from states buying video and digital images of faces for a NSA front in Connecticut.
Remember that?
Alex, I just want to say you guys are doing a great show.
One other thing I wanted to add is you guys are talking about Wal-Mart selling all the Christian materials.
I know all about that.
Alex, I want to ask you a question.
You're talking about, real quickly, if you could just briefly tell me what you're talking about with these What Walmart's talking about doing with these, is it these self, help yourself checkout lines?
Is that what you're talking about?
Okay, everybody, we keep talking about Walmart because they're the big distributor.
Home Depot's doing it and all these Lowe's are doing it.
Target, you name it.
But I mean, this is how it works.
This is the admitted They have the RFID, they have the telemetrics consortiums, they have whole conferences where thousands of companies send people, okay?
And the Department of Defense is there, and they tell them this is the new system, and they say, this is the plan, pull out three or four of the checkout lines at the grocery store, at the bank, at the Walmart, at the Target, make you Check your own stuff out.
Then they pull out the rest of the lanes and put thumb scanners in.
And that's already happening in Texas.
They first put in self-serve at ATB and College Station in Houston.
Then, six months later, there's a thumb scanner there and they go, for your security, you gotta do this.
And I got ATB admitting in my film, the grocery store chain for those that aren't in Texas, that, yeah, it's hooked into the driver's license and the government database.
So, this is all about total violation.
It's gradualism and under the guise of convenience and security.
The two big issues that every... And it's for the casual society.
They're going to tax fast food, potato chips, Coca-Colas.
This is admitted.
But that's just on the surface.
They're going to control what you eat, what you do, what you watch.
Like your computer has cookies that tell them what you watch.
Your cable knows everything you're watching.
That's MSNBC.
They've got helicopters that look right through your walls.
They're going to permanently tether giant surveillance blips at like 10,000 feet over cities to look through your walls at all times.
This is all mainstream news, folks.
Alex, have either one of you guys heard of a gentleman by the name of David J. Smith out of Oaxaca, Texas?
Yeah, we've had him on the show.
Just he's a very intelligent man, and I've listened to him.
What do you think of him, Alex?
He's pretty up on everything.
Yeah, he's a great American.
Thanks for the call.
Any other comments you want to make, Mr. Whalen, about the issue of RFID or the control grid?
I just think it's so interesting, but I do think it's certainly a gradualism process.
But, you know, again, like you said, everyone targets Walmart, but it's the same I mean, listen, I went to the store to buy razors the other day.
Yeah, well, Walmart's at the top of the food chain of industry.
They set the precedent.
Yes, absolutely.
But everyone follows as a result, so they're all involved.
Folks, this is life and death.
Life and death.
You cannot go there.
You've got to let them know, too.
I mean, listen, I went to the store to buy razors the other day.
I always bought Gillette.
I did not buy Gillette because they're putting the tracker chips in them.
Well, you know, it's interesting, Alex, that people get the Gillette razor blades sent to them on their 18th birthday.
Did you know that?
I remember getting one when I was in high school.
I did too.
Yeah, so that's part of it.
Gillette now. Oh yeah, yeah. That's the thing is that when you look at this from their point of
view it is probably a smart business. You're cutting down on the cost for inventory and manpower.
Hey, we can track it all with computers.
But their admitted statements are, they're going to gather data by RFID readers off the products and off your face scan or thumb scan.
Every product's going to be scanned.
Look, here's an example.
Then we've got to go to calls and then these clips.
the babies the government admits that blood they take from your baby goes to a
DNA database but they lie to parents and tell them it's for a blood test
now I mean folks that's sinister for over thirty years and now they're getting ready to
announce that they have been announcing oh yeah
there's a DNA database and of course the mainstream media will not call them on this
there will be a small little uh... news story buried at the bottom of a newspaper
and a live broadcast and it will be spun to present this as this is a great idea
Yep, two quick calls.
Scott in Connecticut, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Pretty good.
Frank, doing a great job, as well as Alex's.
Hey, thank you, Scott.
Hey, I'm a libertarian with a non-denominal belief in God, and I read Thomas Paine's Age of Reasons, which solidified my beliefs.
But anyway, Alex, do you have anything on your tape The tapes that you're selling, the 9-11 tapes, showing the companies that are reaping the benefits in Iraq right now, due to the allowance of the occurrence of 9-11?
no but we point out road to tyranny was made in was was released in february
uh... of uh... two thousand and two and road to tyranny
probably was a bit of but we were two thousand and two road to tyranny says
they're going to use this to attack iraq masters of terror says that
uh... made years before okay The books, Descent into Tyranny, is more up to date with that, and so is the new one by Paul Joseph Watson I published, Ordered Out of Chaos.
Well, I've got to tell you, I got on informationclearinghouse.info yesterday, and I read something that made I don't think the American public realizes they're footing the bill for this and the government and the corporations and the people involved are getting rich.
Well, they pay the Iraqis $20 a month.
You cannot work without an RFID bracelet that you have to wear.
That's the Associated Press, by the way, RFID.
Chalibai, an admitted torture expert for the Shah, and an admitted bank robber, wanted in Jordan, who's the ally of these people, is running things.
And he is setting up a tyranny worse than the former CIA boss, Saddam Hussein.
We're familiar with Jim Hightower.
Have you ever had him on your show, Alex?
Yeah, but again, his answer is the Democrats and the Greens are going to save us, and that's a controlled paradigm.
Just like Limbaugh tells you that Republicans are going to save you.
If you don't expose the entire paradigm, it's gone.
Thanks, Nicole.
It's a myopic form of truth.
You're absolutely right.
It's only one side of the issue.
And it's contrived, I guess, contrived opposition.
It's all false.
They're all answering to the same guy.
Yeah, I mean, it ends up, they only tell you part of the equation, and oh, it's just part of the government, or it's a rogue group, and oh, the Democrats will fix it.
Let's take one last call here.
Dan, North Carolina, and then we'll play these clips.
Dan, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I just want to make a few comments real quick.
One of the forces today that's really playing out in what you're seeing in Christianity And with the Ten Commandments being removed, prayer being removed, is Freemasonry.
And I was hoping that maybe you could have someone on that is an expert and is knowledgeable about Freemasonry.
Well, I'm pretty knowledgeable about it.
Yeah, and maybe have everybody that's listening go type in Supreme Council 3-3 and just take a virtual tour of their national headquarters in Washington, D.C.
because Freemasonry is a synagogue of Satan.
But if you speak too much about it, you will get attacked, I guarantee you, because I've been attacked many times.
They've been death-threatening me lately.
That's one of the powerful forces tied in with the Illuminati.
You keep talking about the Masons, we're going to blow your head off!
They window-dress under the disguise of the Masons.
You know how much that will do to help this fight?
If one of you idiots does that, and I want to live forever, I mean, I don't want to die and I'll never commit suicide, I want to add that point.
But you guys ever blow my head off, I mean, I don't want to get into an occult example, but it's like Obi-Wan Kenobi to Darth Vader.
I mean, that is not going to work for you.
Well, Alex, I'll never let your name be forgotten.
That's for damn sure.
Well, it just isn't going to work.
But, I mean, it's a joke.
That's why there's too many of us.
There's too many People out there that are fighting the New World War.
There's too many Frank Whelans, too many Catherine Albrechts, too many John Stapman, there's too many Dave and Joyce Riley, there's too many people, there's too many Derry Brownfields, there's too many You're absolutely right, and that's why people need to take that step to overcome that fear and come forward and be public about this.
And as you have said repeatedly on my program, Get the videos, make copies, give them out.
It's more important for the information to be out there.
The more courageous people are, the more exposed they are, actually the safer they will be.
Yeah, it's like front line trench warfare.
Once you roll over into the trench and you're in it, you're not afraid anymore, folks.
I tell you, it's actually a lot of fun.
Anything else, Scott?
Or, uh, Dan, excuse me.
Yeah, just, uh, real quick, at U.S.
Airways, they have a new board of directors that they announced.
Two of the people are N.M.
Rothschild, and they've hired, they've brought on a member, uh, he's a 27-year veteran of the CIA, which is really strange to me.
Oh, everywhere, you've gotta be CIA to be in the Fortune 500.
This is fascism.
They got us addicted to socialism, to the moron liberals, now they're gonna take it and hand it over to the fascists.
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Alright my friends, I'm back with Frank Whalen of KM.
the next hour I'm going to go, we've covered a ton of news already, but we're going to
go into all this other stuff I mentioned earlier.
And we're going to take more calls and Frank's going to ride shotgun with us for another
30 minutes, I appreciate him doing that.
Frank, go ahead and tell us about this individual, this particular New World Order conference,
and then let's play these clips of this guy, this Tim LaHaye minion about, you know, the
microchips really aren't so bad.
The gentleman's name is Gary Frazier and the cassette tape I'm looking at says, "Signs
of the Second Coming of Christ, the Role of Israel in Bible Prophecy."
That sort of references to what you were just talking about, doesn't it?
That's the same thing.
He's got to be a leader.
He's got to be there.
We've got to worship him.
This is, I believe, February 2002 here in Northwest Arkansas.
It's Gary Frazier speaking at the, quote, The Left Behind, What It's All About Bible Prophecy Conference.
I've got a couple of clips here.
The first one is about a minute long.
And he sort of is talking about how people have been coming up to him and mentioning that, is the microchip the mark of the beast?
He skillfully slides it in.
Go ahead, hit it.
He goes and starts talking about the articles that we have talked about on our various shows and sort of equates the microchip and the mark of the beast with technology that will bring security and convenience.
So listen to this.
Now, it's interesting that in a recent edition of the Whistleblower Magazine, their front cover contained an article about our brave new world that we're entering into.
And their article here talks about biochip implant technology and how this concept is sweeping the world.
Let me just say this to you.
The method ...that will be used by the Antichrist during the Tribulation Period, will be messages that will be known to everyone at that particular time.
And make no mistake about it, all of these concepts and ideas that will come to us, that will ultimately be used or evil, will always be presented to us on the basis that they're good for society, because they will either bring us security, or they will be a matter of personal convenience.
And today, we're being sold on the concept of biochip implant technology.
Is that going through okay?
I believe so, but we've got to go right to the point where he, again, it's on the slide, and he says, don't worry, this isn't it, so this isn't a problem.
See, oh, you know, this system's okay, implantable chips.
Go ahead.
Yeah, you're absolutely right.
It's almost like he's sort of saying, this could be a bad thing.
But then the next clip, he addresses the security factor and benefits of the microchip.
It's amazing.
It gets worse and worse.
It sure does.
It sure does.
Here's the second clip.
First of all, there is a security factor.
In fact, children can be implanted with biochip implants and so forth, and so that if someone grabs that child, they can track them and find them and so forth.
And I want to tell you, I don't know of a parent or a grandparent that would not want their child or grandchild hit in order to keep them safe.
I don't know of anyone who would not want that done.
That idea is being attributed to us, and soon that will be a reality.
And many people are afraid of that idea.
In fact, Santa and I were in Tulsa preaching back a number of months ago, and we drove by a pet clinic.
And there on the sign, it was the Wedgwood Pet Clinic in Tulsa, and on the sign it said, uh, ship your pet today.
In other words, bring your pet in, let's tip them, and that way, you know, if they're lost, we know who they belong to, and so forth.
This idea that started in pets is rapidly moving to adults.
Just a few days ago, I was with a friend of mine who is with IBM, and he is in a division where they're working on all of these different hip implant ideas.
For example, you've probably heard, as previewed on Good Morning America, the medicine kit.
And what that medicine kit does, it has all of your medications programmed into that kit.
It's very tiny, you can swaddle that.
And what that medicine kit does for you is that as your body needs the medication, it first gets it out of your system automatically.
We're going to have to go to break.
I wish your station carried a third hour for those that don't.
We're going to come back and then play where he goes ahead and says, So this chip isn't a problem, it's not... Just wait, it's incredible!
This guy is on the slide, very sophisticated.
We'll be right back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, folks.
I'm down here in Austin, Texas.
And our guest, Frank Whalen, is joining us from Fayetteville, Arkansas.
And then he's trying to play some audio clips.
We're very clear on his radio show today that I was on, but I'm told folks are having trouble understanding it somehow, the way it's getting fed to us.
So we're going to try to play these clips again a different way.
But I've heard the so-called Christian preachers and people all over talk radio, all over TV.
Pat Robertson, well, this implantable chip really isn't the mark of the beast.
No, it's something else.
The bottle says, on the forehead or on the hand.
I mean, they're really in... Well, you know, this global leader may actually be coming to help us.
But this guy starts out with, a lot of people are afraid of the chips, and well, they do have all these medical purposes, and what parent wouldn't put one in their child?
But no, this chip that's coming out, it isn't the mark.
So you guys just don't worry about that.
I mean, they couldn't come right out and say, the chip's good.
Because they're the Christians we're supposed to trust.
No, it's just, well, don't worry about it.
No, this isn't it.
This isn't a problem.
And, oh, that Patriot Act doesn't take any of your rights away.
That's a lying lie of the devil.
And, well, yeah, they're not getting rid of abortion, but that's OK.
And, well, the big churches, I've got the Baptist churches here.
I've got a list of churches.
The Baptist Joint Committee on Public Affairs, the Interfaith Alliance, Interfaith Alliance of Alabama, all these groups that are with the quote, ADL welcomes decision to remove Ten Commandments from Alabama Courthouse.
So, that's the press release, ADL welcomes decision to remove Ten Commandments from Alabama Courthouse.
I mean, this stuff is everywhere, but where all these groups are doing this, and it's amazing.
Frank, do you think we should go back and re-air all these clips so people can hear them, or what do you think we should do?
We can definitely try if you prefer.
I have the time and I know the emails are due.
I was worried it sounded muffled somehow.
Yeah, and I'm told folks can't understand all of it.
Yeah, I'm going to try something different, and your producer there said that that would work a little bit better.
Well, hey, that sounds great.
I appreciate you doing this.
No problem.
I know it's kind of weird.
No problem.
Well, you know, it all boils down to Getting the information out there, Alex, and as you said, you have some fantastic listeners, and my listeners are fantastic, too.
I actually got this from one of my listeners, James, who calls in quite frequently when you're on the show.
He's a big fan of yours, as everyone in my listening audience.
It is important to get this out there and share this, because who knows how many more things you're going to hear as a result of this broadcast.
I'll tell you what, let's play that last clip now, and I want to come back and play the clips again, and then we'll go to some news and calls.
Is it possible to queue it up for the last clip?
Absolutely, we can do that.
You got it now?
Yes, I will go to it right now.
Awesome, because go ahead and roll it whenever you want.
I don't think biochip implant technology is the thing we have to be concerned about, but what I do want you to understand from this technology is, is that this technology sets the stage for the world to receive a mark that ultimately will be used in some technological way to track their being.
Yeah, I think that is extremely significant.
He's saying, don't be afraid of the microchip as a Christian.
However, keeping my technology will lead to the Mark of the Beast, which will be used to track people.
And then out of the gates, the RFID Verichip And Digital Angel is for tracking and control with prisoners.
China signed on.
That sounded great.
Let's come back in the next segment and start from the beginning again and air this five minutes.
You got it.
In fact, we can just air it straight through so folks get an idea, and then we'll take more calls and get to more news.
And Frank, what about a website for KXNA?
And Frank, what about a website for KXNA?
We do have one available, but it's somewhat small.
It's www.1049x.com.
And if you go to my name, Frank Whelan, you can click on it and send me an email if you'd like.
All right.
So, that's the website, folks.
He's got a great show.
Frank's got it right there.
We've got a bunch of news, too.
We'll come back, play this, and then maybe take some calls on the subject.
You got any comments about this?
It's, you know, microchip can plant it in you.
It's not a problem.
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Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
That's right, I'm in Austin, Texas, and Frank Whelan is in Fayetteville, Arkansas, and they have one of these prophecy conferences there, and listen to what the establishment New World Order Church Just saying about implantable microchips.
I mean, some atheist on the street.
I've heard them out criticizing the government putting a chip in us and tracking us.
But not God's chosen people now, the Christians.
They, you know, the implantable chips got a lot of good uses.
And what parent wouldn't put it in their child?
And we've heard the Sean Hannity's and all of them say every child needs this.
And again, the 700 Club.
Well, the chip isn't bad.
It's a good thing.
Frank, again, tell us who this character is, and play those clips again, because earlier the feed might not have been getting to us too well.
Absolutely, happy to.
And also, if you'd like, I'll email them to you for your website, if you prefer.
His name is Gary Frazier, speaking at the Left Behind What It's All About Bible Prophecy Conference.
Sure, go ahead.
here in northwest arkansas in two thousand two now he is the founder and president of discovery ministries
incorporated as you mentioned works
uh... very closely with him what had one of the others left behind series
and you can certainly see the amphibious connections president all that which let me play them all the way
through circle and i will be set
uh... here they are folks now let's now it's interesting that in a recent edition of
the whistleblower magazine
their front cover contain article about our brave new world that we're going
into And their article here talks about biochip implant technology and how this concept is sweeping the world.
Let me just say this to you.
The methods that will be used by the Antichrist during the Tribulation Period will be methods that will be known to everyone at that particular time.
And make no mistake about it, all of these concepts and ideals that will come to us, that will ultimately be used for evil, will always be presented to us on the basis that they're good for society because they will either bring us security, Or they will be a matter of personal convenience.
And today, we're being sold on the concept of biochip implant technology.
First of all, there is a security factor.
In fact, children can be implanted with biochip implants and so forth, and so that if someone grabs that child, they can track them and find them and so forth.
And I want to tell you, I don't know of a parent or a grandparent that would not want their child or grandchild chipped in order to keep them safe.
I don't know of anyone who would not want that done.
That idea is being touted to us, and soon that will be a reality.
And many people are afraid of that idea.
In fact, Sandra and I were in Tulsa preaching back a number of months ago, and we drove by a pet clinic.
And there on the sign, it was the Wedgwood Pet Clinic in Tulsa, and on the sign it said, Chip your pet today.
In other words, bring your pet in, let's chip them, and that way, you know, if they're lost, we know who they belong to, and so forth.
This idea that started in pets, it's rapidly moving to adults.
Just a few days ago, I was with a friend of mine who's with IBM, and he is in a division where they're working on all of these different chip implant ideas.
For example, you've probably heard, as previewed on Good Morning America, the medicine chip.
And what that medicine chip does, it has all of your medications programmed into that chip.
It's very tiny.
You just swallow that.
And what that medicine chip does for you is that as your body needs the medication, it disperses it throughout your system automatically.
Which means that you'll be able to throw away pill boxes.
You won't have to wonder, well did I take my medicine?
Did I not take my medicine?
Let me tell you, as I look around this room, there are a lot of young people here today and that's not an issue with you.
But I want to tell you, I also see some other folks in this room and that is an issue to you.
Because we do tend to forget sometimes, did I do this or did I not do that?
Well that medicine chip takes away the question mark.
Applied Digital Solutions has a patent to market to the American public.
All types of biochip implant technology and the world is going to grasp this idea.
Now Christians say, but should we not be afraid of that?
I mean, after all...
Could that not be the mark of the beast?
Because after all, it'll be a way to number people.
It'll be a way to monitor their actions and their goings about and so forth.
Shouldn't we be afraid of that?
Well, I personally am not concerned about that technology.
And I want to tell you why.
The Bible says clearly in Revelation 13 that the mark is going to be on The forehead, or on the hand, it doesn't talk about being underneath, and the Greek word for mark is a word that has but one definition, and that word simply by definition is, to be engraved upon.
I don't think biochip implant technology is the thing we have to be concerned about, but what I do want you to understand from this technology is, is that this technology sets the stage for the world to receive a mark that ultimately will be used in some technological way to track their being.
So, let's not fight it while they're putting the chips in, that he admits is the foundation.
Oh, foundations aren't important.
Let's not, and folks, it's obvious.
It's the face scans, the thumb scans, the chips.
That's all the system of control.
I mean, if it isn't the devil, it might as well be, because it's a devilish system.
The government has admitted, the documents have been declassified, but in the Wall Street Journal, it is to control you and your family.
And imagine if some socialist tried to talk like he did, they'd have run him out of there, old ladies beating him on the head with umbrellas.
You're absolutely right.
But the way he did it was all just, medicine, medicine, chip.
Who wouldn't protect their child?
You'll understand when you get older.
Well, it's the same thing, Alex, as it is with the security cameras.
It's the appearance of security.
It inspires a sort of lack of basic understanding.
I bet he's got friends at IBM in the biochip department.
Well, here you've got these biometric scanners that they just pulled out of the place down in Tampa.
Okay, well that was the appearance of security.
Well, let's go ahead and lay off the police officers because now we have cameras that can monitor these activities.
Hey, that's great.
It may document your death.
And aid in the prosecution of the perpetrator, but it certainly is not going to save your life.
But the cameras are always erased when that happens.
So when the cops beat you up, it's mysteriously erased.
It's all a joke.
They admit the cameras were put in as part of a DARPA program called Battlefields That See as a control grid for America that is official came out a month ago.
You know, the other point that you and I were speaking about on my program this morning is the email that I read to you.
Where the gal had mentioned that her boyfriend saw someone actually use the microchip in his hand at Walmart to pay for his purchases.
Well, that's confirmed.
They see military go through and do it routinely.
And at a store that's not used to it, they will call up the manager who then puts his key in the machine.
And for folks that doubt this, my cousin is an officer in the Army, been in almost 20 years.
And he came over to the house a few months ago and he said, Alex, he said, I didn't believe a lot of stuff you were talking about.
But he said, we got called to an officer's meeting, several hundred of us in a hall.
We were told that within two years we're all getting microchips.
Now, we've had dozens of military people call in who were told this is going to happen.
They admit they're doing it to special forces.
This is massive.
This is absolutely massive.
Well, a couple of points of significance in this particular email was, number one, it was exactly as you had said, and we had not collaborated on that before we talked.
Yeah, I talked about how they do it, you know.
Yeah, absolutely, and that's what it says in here.
The other point that really jumped out at me was the first Four words of this email about a year ago.
I think that's interesting.
Well, for all it's worth, I have talked to people who have seen it happen.
Not a neighbor told them or they have.
I mean serious, one person, a serious professional who has seen this done.
And I remember eight years ago, People call in and go, Delta Force is out at the Walmart Distribution Center, and we go out there, and black helicopters would be taking off, or, you know, Walmart's out handing the jelly beans out during the bio-drill, like, oh, this is your simulated vaccination.
And they're involved, and they admit this RFID bunker hooked into the rest of the nation for MIT and Homeland Security that Walmart is involved in, and then you got their documents, they're locally where it's based, and it said this is not for distribution, classified.
Absolutely, and that is in essence what we're talking about on a far grander scale.
and they admit those are their documents with Homeland Security and the Portion 500, how
to neutralize our opposition.
I mean, this is horrible.
And that is, in essence, what we're talking about on a far grander scale.
When you're looking at something like Walmart, there is an organization in which the people
who are in, they're in it.
But you can always count on the people who step up and say, "Look, this goes against
every natural fiber of my being.
I need to get the information out."
And even if they send it to me clandestinely, or they call your show anonymously, whatever
the case may be, or they get in touch with Catherine, for example, the point is the people
will bring the information out to you.
And you, being so public...
Are a great source for that information because people know where to send it, when they get it, where to, you know, who to contact.
And they should always send it to multiple people.
All right, let's talk to Manuel in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
How you guys doing?
Okay, I'd like to basically help illustrate the amount of propaganda they've been using over time and how they just don't miss a beat.
I have a popular science magazine from October 94 where Chris O'Malley edited an article which read, Within the next 10 years, we'll have miniature computers inside us to monitor and perhaps even control our blood pressure, heart rate, and cholesterol.
Within the next 20 years, such computers will correct visual and hearing signals, making glasses and hearing aids obsolete.
Then I have an Associated Press article where it talks about one smart house.
And it's funny how they start the article.
It says, uh, this unblinking smart house may seem a bit Orwellian, but its designers hope to use it in a benevolent way.
Now hear this.
It says the project supervisor hopes to someday build a system that can monitor its residents' blood pressure, check to see if they're taking their medication.
Researchers are also working on toilet sensors that could conduct a urinalysis and a kitchen console that would chart a person's diet by scanning the barcodes on grocery packages.
And this is from April 2002 and it also goes on to say, They always say they hope to develop.
All that stuff is decades old.
Well, put that in context of the Victory Act with their narco-terrorism.
Well, you've already got these methods in place to monitor people who are on home arrest for drunk driving.
Well, now all of a sudden you've got a toilet seat that can take a urine sample.
Well, this is for the seniors.
Remember, we all care about old people so much.
That's why they have a little eugenicist out there.
Well, yeah, they just killed 10,000 of their own people.
They just lock them up, turn the air conditioner off.
Bye-bye, 10,000 dead French.
We'll be back.
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All right, we're talking to my good buddy from KXNA in Fayetteville, Arkansas.
Talk show host, number one talk show host.
They're fighting the new world order.
Frank Whalen, we're talking to Manuel in Pennsylvania.
Manuel, go ahead and finish up.
Okay, it reads here, seven red-eye sensors tracking every move.
Blinking on and off as you walk past.
First, let me tell everybody something.
I'm not getting fed his audio.
Go ahead, Manuel.
Now I can hear you.
Go ahead.
And there are sensors in his refrigerator and kitchen cabinets.
Another soon will be installed at leg level in the living room to monitor how the subject is walking.
And it says here, by watching the person's activities over a long period of time, a smart home would notice small changes that may indicate bigger problems in the future.
And then they go ahead and call the social workers in to take grandma off an euthanizer.
Exactly, that's right.
Now, the government is four to five times more likely to abuse children, women, men.
Their jails are, you know, pits of guards raping women.
That's all over the news.
And then they say we want infrared cameras by law by 2005.
This is two years ago.
Because all these kids are dying in the hot summer.
Their parents leave the windows up.
A little wireless camera hooked to your OnStar will watch you too.
And now they admit, Television Weekly does, that the satellite systems in your cars can be used by Homeland Security to dial in and listen.
It's like Winston in 1984.
Frank Whelan?
Security and convenience, Alex.
Again, the two driving forces behind all this.
In line with what we were talking about on the show today, and what you had posted on your site, is about how the children are being targeted in various forms.
If I'm not mistaken, Disney Channel has an original movie called Smart House, in which these exact things are defined.
And they've got a show called Spy Kids up in Canada, where you're all spying on your parents, and they've got the Lego set where you're spies.
All right, thanks Manuel.
Let's talk to Mark in Kansas.
Last caller for our guest.
Go ahead, Mark.
Yes, sir.
While I was listening, I have to say that I agree with both of you completely.
I have a little organization called Christian Intelligence Resource Network.
I just caught this guy, if I heard him correctly, the preacher that you were showing the tape of, in a flat-out lie.
He was saying that Mark would be on your forehead or on You're absolutely correct.
In fact, I went to a couple of Bible resources... And I've talked to people that are Jewish who speak Hebrew.
I've talked to folks that know the Aramaic.
It means to scratch or plug or put something in you.
You're absolutely right, Alex, and let's look at the two differences here.
You've got Revelation chapter 13 verse 16.
And the Revised Standard Version says, quote, it also, it causes both great and small, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead.
Okay, and then the King James Version, again, Revelation Chapter 13, verse 16, quote, "...and he causeth," E-T-H, all, both great and small, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive and work, "...in their right hand, or in their forehead."
Now, I had a guest on my show, Alex, I'm sure you've heard of her, Lisa Ruby.
Her website, libertyofthecaptives.net, has a huge article about the definitions of those terms, causeth versus caused.
And if you think about it, that would be by law.
Law causes people to do things, not forced.
We will not be forced.
It won't be as it is in the Left Behind series where you're brought to a guillotine and said, are you going to do it or not?
No, you just won't be able to go to all the stores or have a car.
It has to be done like that.
It has to be in a deceiving fashion.
Even the elite, even the elect will be deceived.
What better way to do that And by changing just a few words, just a few letters, which changes the context of everything.
They're using contaminated versions of the Bible.
You're absolutely right there.
That's all they do.
And you notice it's the Baptist Church in Alabama wants the Ten Commandments out.
Welcome to the New World Order.
Anything else, Mark?
No, that's it.
Thank you very much.
Thanks a lot.
Frank on his show this morning pointed that out.
I mean this shows how deceptive, but see I hear the same comments in the same order out of Pat Robertson and all their mouths.
They're reading off a script.
Isn't that amazing?
They've got their handlers out there.
They've got their people that disseminate what exactly they're supposed to say and how they're supposed to say it.
You're seeing it in every realm of society today, Alex.
That's how we're being indoctrinated into going along with this.
That's why we're led to the slaughter.
It's because we're seeing it in every single form.
Now, people who will go ahead and adhere to their strict religious beliefs and listen to anything their religious leader says, They may go ahead and avoid the mainstream media, they may avoid the newspapers, they may avoid politicians, but they go to church.
That's why they're hitting us from every single angle to wear us down.
Well, the church is one of the worst places.
He pointed at the corruption of the Pharisees, and that's all the Passion does.
Christ speaks out against the establishment of that day, and I heard the listeners say it, and we have confirmed it.
We got the transcript.
They had the rabbi on the O'Reilly Factor last night.
They had a show about snuff films before that, and the rabbi said, this Mel Gibson film is just as bad as a snuff film.
I mean, they need to be sued for that.
That's unacceptable.
Well, it's like, uh, I just got so sick of it.
And, you know, this is a, this is a news program about the persecution of Christians.
Real Christians.
We, I mean, take the road to tyranny, Frank.
We have FEMA in there saying all Christians are terrorists.
You don't hear the churches talking about that.
Frank Whelan, thank you for joining us so much, my friend.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, Frank Whalen's been on the radio since 6 o'clock this morning and doing his own show.
He asked to meet his daughter of 2-15. She's going to stay with us for another 15 minutes.
And if you want to get involved on air about any of these issues, 1-800-259-9231.
And even if you're not a Christian, because again, this is a news show, we've been talking a lot about Christian issues because real Christians are under attack, the church is being attacked, The basic tenets of the Bible are under attack.
The basic bedrock of the Magna Carta and Bill of Rights, which is the Ten Commandments, is under attack.
And the Judeo roots of the New Testament.
I mean, it's crazy to have rabbis on TV attacking the New Testament and saying, take the Ten Commandments out.
You've got Baptist churches doing it, too.
I mean, it's suicide by these churches, folks.
But they're getting the federal money.
It's part of this New World Order plan.
And, Jason, we're going to go back to Frank here in just a second.
Before I do that, I want to remind all the listeners that I published a new book.
I didn't write it.
I've written one book and published it myself.
It's 9-1-1, Descent into Tyranny, 220-something pages long, full of diagrams and documents, history of government-sponsored terrorism, September 11th, concentrated, powerful info.
But now we've published a new book.
The info in it's I mean, it's up to date until just about a month ago or so, a month and a half.
I mean, it's very hard-hitting, powerful information, order out of chaos, elite-sponsored terror in the New World Order, by Paul Watson, who does PrisonPlanet.com.
It is 330-something pages, full of diagrams, documents, bills, It focuses on a lot of areas that my videos and my book don't.
It really is exceptional.
The book is 1995.
My book's only $12.
They're both excellent.
My videos are 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
The Masters of Terror, Police State, Three Total Enslavement, America Destroyed by Design, Comprehensive Financial Reports, Exposed.
And Frank, I didn't bring you up here to toot my own horn, but what effect have my videos had in the Fayetteville area of Arkansas with your listeners?
Alex, it has truly been amazing.
Your hard work and dedication has certainly been acknowledged and appreciated.
Not today, but the last time previous that you and I had spoken on the show, you were talking about the release of Police State 3.
Interestingly enough, after you and I wrapped up the interview, I was turning the The microphone over to the next guy coming in, and we were just chatting a little bit, and we took some calls.
In fact, we took a call from the gentleman who runs the Public Access television station in town here, and he said that because of the interview, he was going to run your videos on Public Access TV all weekend.
And he did, and it was phenomenal.
People really appreciated it.
In fact, strangely enough, as soon as he had made that statement, we were knocked off the air.
Our transmitter got shut down.
Very, very strange.
But at the same time, the information was out there and a lot of viewership and a lot of listenership to your show.
In fact, you have probably inspired more sales of shortwave radios in this area than anything else.
And I think that's a vital part of getting that communication out there, people being able to hear what's going on.
Because as you know, Alex, you have to not just turn to the local resources, not even just the national ones, but you have to get your information from all over the place.
We've got to have local leaders.
We've got to have people that don't see themselves as a leader stepping up to the plate, getting involved in the fight.
I want to commend all those leaders out there that have been doing that.
So folks, get the videos, get the books, 1-888-253-3139.
Again, that's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me.
me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Again, folks, it is so important to go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and get the
books, get the videos.
If you want us to be able to make future films, if you want me to make other documentaries
on other subjects and write other books and publish other books, we don't go to the Rothschild
Castle like Arnold Schwarzenegger and Warren Buffett.
We don't get invited to the Bilderberg Group meetings.
We don't have Simon and Schuster saying, we want to put this in the bookstores.
I mean, look at Frank Whelan.
Number one ratings in his town.
Written up in the newspaper.
Doing a great job.
Same thing.
I've won Best of Boston, Best TV Show, Best Radio Show.
They bought the station out from under us, the FM.
Now we're on an AM.
It's building.
It's amazing.
You know, the truth sells.
The problem is they won't let us put the truth on the shelf.
And you know what?
I do agree.
I think everyone needs to see these videos.
The first time I saw it, it was amazing to me.
As I said, Alex, because a lot of this information was already out there before September 11th.
And we were viewing your film, 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, after September 11th.
So to look at it and to give it perspective is to say, all of these things were said on this date leading up to September 11th.
You're able to see the patterns that are out there in the media and in all of your leaders, be they religious or political.
You just got to pay attention to the significant portions of what they're saying, compare them, and then in essence you can also understand what is coming.
Well, that's it, and that's how I was able to get on the year July 25th, and that's in the Mattress of Terror, before the attacks, radio and TV, and say, the government's going to use bin Laden as a scapegoat to attack New York.
That's right.
And I knew that from all the indicators.
And I'm telling you, we have backed them off from terrorist attacks in America.
I want you to know that.
We have stopped them.
That's why they're resorting to other crises to train us that they're our masters.
We talked about that today, about the blackout and different things about how something is done on the low-level scale, and then if that does not have the desired reaction, everything gets ramped up.
It gets taken to the next level, and it comes in harder, faster, and worse.
And then Reg says this was our test drilled.
Could you believe that?
That blew my mind.
Well, it's always... I mean, look, I've got Asian Times, Reuters, mainstream news here, U.S.
tipped by imminent bombing days ago, Chalibi.
And he's the convicted bank robber and torture king, literally, with the Shah, who's been hired by the globalists to run Iraq.
Casting new doubts on who really stands behind the bombing of the U.N.
office in Baghdad and benefits from such an attack, a member of the U.S.
hand-picked Interim Governing Council said Wednesday, August 20, they had received intelligence on August 14 that a truck bombing was imminent in the capital and shared it with U.S.
intelligence agents.
Chalibi, head of the Iraq National Congress and known favorite for the U.S.
Defense Department, asserted that he said intelligence separately said that a large-scale attack would take place against a soft target such as Iraq political parties or other parties.
Now notice, this now allows the UN to come in and play the part of the good cop and now fortify UN facilities all over the world just like they're doing city councils, state houses, federal.
They're all armoring against us the people And over and over again, it's like Bin Laden.
They could have busted Bin Laden.
They had him in the U.S.
hospital, admitted after the Khobar Towers, after the embassies.
Turns out he didn't do any of it.
CIA, MI6, they carry the attacks out.
The Saudis have said it.
The British are blowing up their own buildings, blowing them up in Saudi to destabilize things.
It's absolutely true.
In fact, we were discussing that today with all the things going on, particularly the U.N.
headquarters in Iraq getting blown up.
Well, when we went in, We went to Iraq and removed Saddam Hussein, we removed an obstacle on the part of some of the fundamentalist Islamic groups there, and now we have removed the obstacle that his fear, albeit misplaced, inspired.
He did keep them in check, although he did horribly, and he's a bad guy, and we've got him gone.
Yeah, he was a CIA appointee, and this is admitted in congressional hearings.
absolutely but now he's gone and now that that puts uh...
that basically pays away
for more terrorist tax for for a ramped up or at least the appearance of so
we in which we can uh... respond
it with a greater capacity with a greater uh...
yeah i think we need to have these attacks so they can never have an election
so they can keep the occupation going It's totally staged.
That's right, and people need to read the executive orders, because those things are on the books, they've been on the books for decades, and they need to notice the significance of these things, especially in regards to FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security.
Let me throw some other articles out.
While a citizen erected traffic, fool wrote tickets, New York Post.
The problem is, I did research on this this morning, turns out it was the cops all over were doing this.
Isn't that an amazing photo?
You've got a 70-year-old guy out there, just an average citizen directing traffic, and you've got the picture of the police officer just looking with the ticket in his hand.
Yeah, if cars got blocked in a standstill, they got a ticket for parking in the street.
This is the new America.
While some city workers struggled to protect New Yorkers in the midst of a blackout, yeah right, a city traffic agent wrote summons even as private citizens wrecked traffic at a busy intersection yards away, about a half hour into Thursday's power outage, Dr. Robert Oh yeah, absolutely.
and two other new yorkers took it upon themselves to ease the traffic jam at
west seventy ninth street well remember when they had the riots of the men raping all
the women in front of you and the cops just stood there
that's your new america and they tell you you can't have a second amendment
that they'll protect you but then they say they have no liability to protect you
then fifteen minutes later an NYPD traffic enforcement car rolled up but instead of interrupting traffic
the agent tagged a pair of cars on west seventy ninth street
When I saw the flashing lights and the cars pull up, I said, oh, relief is here, Richter told the Post.
But they got out of the car and started writing tickets.
And the New York cops have run TV ads and radio ads going, look, we've been ordered not to protect you, not to help you, just to give you tickets.
It's interesting, too, when you look at the smoking ban, about how that is happening there, because we're seeing that all over the place.
And as we talked about today on my show, Alex, it is a U.N.
agenda, and you can map it out, go back all the way to the top and see where it originates.
But here you've got New York, and look at how busy they are.
They're writing traffic tickets, and they're writing tickets for people smoking in bars.
Never mind the blackout, never mind Uh, you know, the potential rioting that didn't happen, and I think there's a degree of disappointment on their part.
Exactly, and now they have people on the news going, rioting, March 30 minute, rioting, and by the end they're like, going, rioting, there was no riot, they were actually getting upset.
It was amazing, you're watching the footage.
I saw reporters all upset, and they go, let's talk to this comedian, what do you say?
Well, I think we ought to have some rioting!
I was watching the footage, Alex, I think it was on CNN, and you had a bunch of people over there in tank tops waving at the camera, smiling their face, a little hi mom mouthing action.
You know, they were in a good mood, because this is nothing compared to what they've been through, but they didn't play their part, and I fear for them and for all of us as to what this will lead to.
Yeah, did you see how angry all the officials were?
Oh yeah!
It was truly something to behold, but again, we need to recognize the significance of this.
They didn't play along.
Something else is going to happen, and it's a tragedy.
And it's something, hopefully, we can avoid, like you said, by getting this information out there.
Look at the Patriot Act.
Ashcroft has to do a concert tour, multi-city, all around the country here, to say, no, this is working!
And I remember reading an article that said the Justice Department has warned of dire consequences to Congress if they repeal aspects of the Patriot Act.
Uh-oh, more Ashcrofts!
That's how they passed it last time was a CIA anthrax attack.
And this is a fact, folks.
And Bush and his cabinet on Cipro before the attacks were launched, folks.
Come on.
And look, brace for shock at the pump.
Gas prices may reach highest levels in history.
That's absolutely true.
gasoline prices in history appear to be just down the road, dwindling supplies in the face
of increased demands, threatened to push pump prices over the national record set last mid-March
when markets were shaken by the prospects of a war with Iraq.
I mean, you notice now there's always a crisis to keep the prices up.
That's absolutely true.
In fact, if you, I don't know if you got to see the story, I think I found it maybe a
week or two ago, Montana Billings Gazette, in which they were saying that the federal
government is filling up all their reserves first.
And that's why there's no gas actually going out into the community, the average Joe.
Because we have to go ahead and stockpile it on a federal level before there can be any excess available to the people.
But it's all about training us for this crisis mentality, because they're planning stuff that's so horrible, they've got to get you drilled into the preparation that follow their oil does when they say so.
Military conduct, bioterror exercise, London Guardian.
Uh, there's actually an AP article posted on the Guardian.
Northern Command, that's the new military dictatorship, folks.
We are an authorized war zone which is responsible for military operations inside the United States.
Since Friday, we'll begin an extensive exercise next week to test the ability to respond to multiple domestic emergencies.
Now, this article came out before the power outages.
I want to remind folks.
This has been posted for a week and a half.
The exercise, dubbed Determined Promise, includes a simulated hurricane, real and simulated wildfires, Funny we've had all that.
Airborne terrorists threaten Alaska in an outbreak of bubonic plague in Nevada.
Now, meanwhile, the last four months they've been spraying thousands of tons of Bacillus throngensis and other bacteria out of military aircraft all over Oklahoma.
And folks, if you doubt me, I've got the Associated Press on my website right now.
That's right.
I'm right next to Oklahoma.
I'm very much familiar with it.
We have listeners who drive over from Oklahoma to give us the inside dirt on all these things.
Well, it's been on the news that FEMA could have an emergency.
We'll be spraying you daily with bacteria for the next three months.
Just getting us used to crap spraying us.
Yeah, the interesting thing about this Determined Promise... And that's not a test, Frank, when they do it for six months.
Go ahead.
Yeah, absolutely.
That's a good point.
Yeah, if you look at Determined Promise, the significant thing about that is that all of these events are happening simultaneously.
Well, wake up, people.
Take a look at the world.
All of these things are happening simultaneously.
Well, listen to this.
Lieutenant Colonel Dan Storking, a Pentagon spokesman, said that the exercise has been planned for months and has no direct connection to this week's power blackouts in the Northwest.
Northeast, even though that was part of the plan.
It's like on September 11th, they had a drill at 8.30 in the morning of flying hijacked jet airliners into buildings.
That's right.
They just so happened to have a drill that morning and ordered NORAD to stand down.
I want to reference people, Alex, if I may, if I can remember correctly, to, I think it was CBSNews.com, again, mainstream source, in March, probably early to mid-March, there was a story that said the U.S.
made tests Secret E-bomb in Iraq.
Now, if you look at what an E-bomb does, okay, electromagnetic pulse.
Yeah, it's going to do exactly what occurred in New York City and in the Northeast United States and in parts of Canada.
It's identical to what would occur if that happened.
Now, in that same story, they mentioned that the military is eager to see if these E-bombs, if they can make their aircraft impervious to these E-bombs by shielding them properly.
Now, I don't know if you heard this, but During this same blackout, I remember lots of eyewitness accounts that I've heard from people, I have family up there, and they all said they all heard planes flying overhead.
That would indicate to me that that was a test run in some capacity.
Well, they've done, I mean look, BBC reported months ago that until 1985, they would have U.S.
and British troops stand out in the sun, they'd fly over and spray them, some would die that day, some a month later, some five years later, and they said, yeah, the government did murder people, but it was part of a government operation, we can't prosecute.
Was that Project 112 and Project Shad, 60s and 70s?
Yeah, one subsection of that.
But this went on until the 80s, outside Porton Down, which Dr. David Kelly just so happened to be the head of.
And now there's a new article out.
He was saying, if I don't keep my mouth shut, I'm going to end up dead in the woods.
Yeah, and I don't think he was announcing to everyone, hey, I'm going to kill myself and here's how I'll do it.
I just think that that's one of those things that we discussed, hidden in plain sight, where a lot of people are not going to acknowledge its significance.
The first line of that story spins it, let alone the actual meat of the story.
Well, he said dark actors were all around him.
He was being threatened.
I mean, this is all on the record, but they go, oh, it's suicide.
Or Arkansas, as you had on your site.
I love that.
Well, you have a lot of that up in your neck of the woods.
Oh, unfortunately.
Arms, legs cut off, two plastic bags with gasoline on you.
Fannie Malick says it's a suicide.
I just can't accept that.
And I think that, you know, something will come out.
Luckily, there are people like yourself and Paul who are doing such great things.
I interviewed Paul.
Of course, you said his book just came out.
He is an amazing speaker as well and quite a guest.
I really enjoyed having him on my program.
Yeah, Paul Joseph Watson.
You want to have him back on?
Yeah, absolutely.
Frank, I'm out of time.
I want to thank you for coming on the show.
I enjoyed being on your show.
Yeah, it was nice.
And put a plug in again for your radio show every morning.
The show is called the AMX and it airs from 6 to 10 a.m.
Central Time.
104.9 FM, and Alex, always a pleasure and an honor, sir.
All right, that's in Fayetteville, Arkansas, right there in Walmart, Slave Grid.
Take care.
We'll be right back with the final segment.
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This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, before I take a couple final calls from Debbie and Mike... Now, I'm sorry for others, but I don't have time to get to you.
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This is really important information.
There's a lot of kooky stuff out there.
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870-269-4177 or HerbalHealer.com.
Let's go to Debbie in Texas.
941-77 or herbalhealer.com.
Let's go to Debbie in Texas.
Go ahead, Debbie.
Yeah, turn your radio off.
Put her on hold.
Everybody's got to turn their radios off or speaker phones or whatever that is.
Okay, let's go back to her now.
Debbie, you there now?
Okay, go ahead.
Anyway, I was just wanting to call to mention something to you and ask you a question.
I heard some comments about you and I just wanted to get your response to it.
But the first thing was I had I've been working for a mortgage broker recently, and in the course of that work, calling people to offer them refinancing services.
I met a gentleman, an elderly gentleman who was in the grocery business for many, many years, and he's just an all-around businessman.
Debbie, I didn't even know your call was there until just a few minutes ago, but you have to get to your point because we're almost out of time.
Okay, anyway, what I was going to say, he told me something very, very interesting.
He told me that ATB, I don't know if you're aware, but he told me that it is owned by the Baptists and that they have a tremendous market advantage because they're not paying taxes like all the other grocers.
Have you heard anything like that?
I know they're all hooked in with Baylor and I know they're in on the inside track with the New World Order.
I would like to get some documentation.
Now, the thing you heard about me, go ahead.
Oh, anyway, it was on that Clay Douglas Show, which I really don't...
I know, but we have a lot of respect for him.
Ma'am, ma'am, ma'am.
That's the whole point of comments like that.
So they then get attention.
Let's stay focused on the microchips, the foreign troops, the chemtrails, the serious issues.
I'm not here to provocateur stuff.
I'm not here to get into mindless debates.
I'm here to fight the New World Order, ma'am.
And I would stay focused on that.
That's what I'd do.
I have no comment.
I appreciate your call.
Mike in Tennessee.
Go ahead.
Okay, well, we don't have time to take calls.
That's fine!
I will be back tonight, 9 to midnight, Central Standard Time, on your AM and FM dial, or at InfoWars.com or Net, or Global Shortwave at 5.085 at 6890.
Be sure and go to HerbalHealer.com.
And a lot of other news stories.
Tesco ends trial of CCTV spy chip on Razorblades.
That's London Guardian, folks.
The Guardian revealed last month that Tesco's store in Cambridge was testing tags which triggered a CCTV camera when a package of Mach 3 blades was removed from the shelf.
The second camera took a picture of the checkout for the face scan as a practice to put your digital number on that chip.
This has been the plan all along.
Okay, we're out of time.
Man, I'd say there was a lot more we didn't have time to get to.
Kelly's talk of death in the woods, Dr. David Kelly told the U.K.
diplomat he would probably end up be found dead in the woods.
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