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Name: 20030804_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Aug. 4, 2003
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
I'm honored to be here.
We're going to cover a ton of vital news and information today.
All right, my friends, it's Monday, already the 4th of August, 2003.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
I'm honored to be here.
We're going to cover a ton of vital news and information today.
Coming up early in this hour, I'm going to cover something that I went over several years
I covered this three years ago, on air, during the election, and I informed the listeners that I would not be voting for Al Gore, and that I would not be voting for George W. Bush, because they are carbon copies of each other when it comes to their actions, not their rhetoric.
And people had trouble believing the policy of Bush that he would reauthorize the assault weapons ban and expand it.
He told you what he was going to do to you.
And I had a lot of callers who denied it at the time as I would read excerpts of Lord Bush's speeches here on the air.
Well, I have the NRA fact sheet here and it's NRA ILA.org, that's the NRA Legislative Alert website, and it's most sweeping gun ban ever introduced in Congress.
Clinton gun ban, reenactment ban, bans millions more, and right here, bans all, that's their quote, all semi-automatic shotguns.
They even have a link to the subsection.
Banning, I mean, shotguns that hold two rounds, folks.
We're talking everything.
And I try to explain this to people, and I have been shouted down on radio shows by people that call in and say, I'm a liar.
So just keep living in your fruitcake land.
This bill has a very good chance of passing.
And I'm sick and tired of the total denial by you people.
I mean, it makes me sick.
And I'm not talking about our general listeners, but the types that are driving along in their cars, listening to this show for the first time, and Just decide to deny what I'm saying here, just because it's painful and they don't want to believe it and they want to keep living in their strong delusion that everything's honky-dory because we've got Lord Bush and the neocon crowd.
We're losing America, people, and because you're in denial It may be too late, unless we're able to kick-start the conservatives out there into reality to realize what we're really facing.
There is a bunch of other news.
Some of it's good, some of it's bad, some of it's ugly.
But we're going to cover it all here on the World Wide Broadcast.
I do this show Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central during the day.
And back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time and we go out on a growing list of wonderful AM and FM affiliates.
We simulcast at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com on the Internet and Global Shortwave during the day.
At 12.172 and 9320 and at night from 9 to midnight, 5.085 and 6890.
If you'd like to find out more about the network itself, the different shows, the different satellite feeds, for individual listeners or for your station, simply visit GCNlive.com.
That's GCNlive.com.
Alright, strap yourselves in.
We're going to go to break and come right back.
And then we're going to get into the news.
And there is a lot of it.
I'm just going to skim over, skim through some of the headlines and then go back into some more of the meat of some of the key stories.
And we'll take your calls as well today.
InfoWars.com is being updated right now, folks.
We're going to post again the NRA admitting Bush wants to take almost all the guns.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, again folks, big show lined up for you on this 4th of August 2003.
We had our 1-800 lines running through Global Crossing and they've gone basically bankrupt.
So we're switching our 1-800 service over to AT&T right now.
So they tell me we should have 1-800 lines back up for you to call in on in about an hour or so.
There's still a few phone lines.
You can still call 800-259-9231 and then hit extension 125 and that'll get you into the board if you'd like to get involved on air.
So dial the same toll-free number and 800-259-9231 extension 125.
But we're not going to call for 30, 45 minutes and by then they'll probably be up.
I would hold off on calls for now, though I know you're going to want to comment on all the different news items that we have for you today.
Coming up later in this hour, I'm going to engage in liberal socialist evil on the air.
I'm going to warn you about the most sweeping gun control ever.
Again, that's not conservative.
That's bad.
According to Ann Coulter and others who've been on this show, a real conservative talks about mindless issues and how stupid Hillary is all day, while voting with Hillary for gun control.
While voting for Hillary to invade sovereign, innocent countries.
You have to vote with Hillary, almost identical record, and then walk around talking about how conservative you are, to really be conservative.
If you're actually pro-gun or pro-sovereignty or against open borders, that is very, very bad.
And we're in the very, very bad camp here on this show.
And, you know, I'm learning how to be a good neocon here, and I'm apologizing, but I actually don't want to turn my shotguns in.
The most sweeping gun ban ever introduced in Congress, Clinton gun ban, reenactment ban, millions more guns.
2038, introduced by Representative Carolyn McCarthy, does not just reenact or reauthorize the 94 Clinton ban, but the so-called Sullivan ban law.
It bans millions more guns and it begins the backdoor registration of guns.
All told, it's a giant step closer to the goal started by Clinton gun ban sponsor Senator Dianne Feinstein on CBS 60 Minutes.
If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, Picking up every one of them.
Mr. and Miss America turned them all in.
I would have done it!
That's a quote.
There is no 10-year sunset provision in the bill, H.R.
And it permanently bans every gun that is currently banned and with numerous overlapping provisions.
And it bans every gun made to comply with the Clinton ban.
Bans guns exempted by name or type under the Clinton ban.
Commonplace Ruger Mini-14s, Mini-30s, Ranch Rifles, .30 caliber carbines, and fixed magazine semi-automatic centerfire rifles.
Bans all semi-automatic shotguns.
Bans Remington, Winchester, Beretta, Benelli, and other shotguns commonly used for hunting, traps, skeet, sporting clays, and self-defense.
Bans them by banning their main component called the receiver.
That's section 2A30J of the bill.
Bans them because they have any characteristic that can function as a grip.
Section 2HII and B42.
Folks, I've read the bill.
It's worse than what the NRA is saying.
It basically bans every gun in the country but Black Pounder.
Now this is NRA saying bans all semi-automatic shotguns and that means double barrels.
That's considered under this a semi-automatic because it can fire in rapid succession, pull the trigger, and shoot.
So stuff that was out there 200 years ago is going to be banned.
And folks, this is very, very serious.
And Bush says he wants to sign this.
And the neocons will absolutely go into a deep worship fest, screaming, you're a liberal if you're against it.
And you've heard them.
You've heard them on this show.
You've heard them on national radio.
You've heard listeners who've gone to their chat rooms and websites, and they'll scream, you're a liberal.
Get off our site, you communists.
If you mention that Bush is anti-gun, anti-border, And I'm sick of it.
I mean, you neocons are the most pathetic, mindless creatures I've ever seen.
We know what a mindless, useful, idiot, bleeding heart liberal is.
But you're worse, because you think you're a conservative, a constitutionalist, when you were doing nothing but aiding this corrupt, out-of-control, illegitimate government.
Imagine Al Gore trying to ban all semi-automatic shotguns.
Folks, the list of things they're going to ban goes on for page after page.
I'm going to read it later.
I'll read that in about 20-30 minutes.
Yes, I'm angry.
I'm sick of your ignorance.
Look, I've been on radio shows and they will call in and they will deny this.
You're living in a wonderland.
You are very, very childish.
Well, I like Bush.
But he knows to do a little gun control.
Because, you know, he's got to compromise.
And I think you're a liberal.
I think you're lying.
But even if Bush is doing it, so what?
And it's a certain type of caller.
They'll call in.
They'll go, well, I support the president and he's not going to do something like that.
And that's not true.
And the host will say, well, actually, yes, it is true.
Here's, on one show, he goes, here's the Associated Press.
This was months ago when this was getting announced.
And the caller goes, well fine then!
Ha ha, oh man!
This feels so good to be an idiot.
So, I don't mean to spend all day on this, hey, we'll lose our Second Amendment.
I mean, it's almost gone, and the cops will take your guns, and they'll walk around with, you know, Bush Cheney bumper stickers on their cars, and we can all be slaves.
I guess that's really what it comes down to.
I guess that's really what it's all about.
By the way, the NRA will admit this on their legislative alert section after a lot of pressure was put on them, but their America's First Freedom magazine just hails Bush as pro-guy.
So it's very, very interesting.
You've got different factions in the NRA.
When the last head of the legislative center, lobbying center, came out for a $47 billion government land grab of private property and tried to use NRA money to lobby for that, he came out and attacked the Paragon Foundation, which is very constitutional and what you could call conservative or libertarian.
They fight for land rights, private property rights.
The NRA viciously attacked Jay Zane Wally and the Peregrine Foundation.
The NRA joined with the Sierra Club and Nature Conservancy and attacked the Peregrine Foundation and gave their phone number and website out.
Well, Wally went on the air and, in short order, crushed the Trojan horses inside the NRA and the head lobbyist, the head of that directory of the NRA, was fired We need to fire the new director of the NRA, the new president of it as well, because he is a, he speaketh with forked tongue.
Yeah, they want your guns, folks, so they're going to get people into positions.
Judas Goetsch, Judas Iscariot, Backstabbers, Benedict Arnolds, Trojan Horses, into those positions.
That's how war works.
You know, double agents.
As Ron Paul has now exposed, the Bush administration is the ultimate Trotskyite double agent attack force.
That's not Alex Jones, that's Ron Paul.
And you just can't believe the horror of Bush saying he'll sign a bill to ban all semi-automatic shotguns.
You can't believe the horror of Bush's cabinet controlled by Trotskyites.
By the way, the Secretary of State Colin Powell is a globalist and is bad enough, but he's on the way out, by the way.
They're going to put another Trotskyite directly in that position.
Powell was the only one that didn't have a Trotskyite background, though he has a black ops background, in Vietnam and in The Iran-Contra scam and activities.
Oh, before I get 100 emails that I'm racist, Black Op is a secret government program with secret funds.
I'll get emails, what's this about Colin Powell and Black Operations?
I say that because I got some email about I think it's that Conan the Barbarian music that we play.
It was like, I'm Jewish and I know that's code for the learned elders of Zion.
That music you're playing.
So I've got to watch it here that I don't commit thought crimes on the air.
I've got to be very careful in this politically correct world.
I could be arrested for what I just said, talking about Colin Powell involved in secret government budget programs here.
We'll say it like that.
I was talking about, more like I was last week when Mr. Poindexter, the convicted felon, the old white guy, I said was involved in big black ops and black budgets.
I can say that about Poindexter, but I better be careful about saying Owen Powell was involved in black budget ops, because there's no pun intended.
Okay, but that's the insanity of the thought police in America today, folks.
They will read the most bizarre stuff into anything.
Of course, it's never black people reading it into the show or Hispanics.
It's always the liberal, you know, the neocon, neoliberal echelon out there that wants to attack anyone for their speech.
Side issue.
When we get back, thinking outside the U.S., the Washington Post has reported that the Supreme Court is following the orders of the World Criminal Court.
We're now under that.
About a month ago it was in USA Today, it said, pegging orders from the UN.
Oh, great article on the New York Post, how all the Hollywood people and the bankers and the politicians all have concealed carries for handguns and machine guns.
You can't have guns in New York, the New World Order paradise, the model world.
You know, where the nobility can have a sword, but not the slaves.
Oh, our troops have been hit by nerve gas.
Of course, they're not going to be treated again.
We'll be right back.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Folks, we've got a lot of different news coming out today.
Economic, global, national, local, different areas of the country with the police state, with the fight against the deadly vaccines.
It goes on and on.
But jumping back into the news, thinking outside the U.S., and it's a lengthy Washington Post article that happily announces that our Supreme Court now is getting its walking orders from the European criminal courts.
Now, USA Today has also announced this about a month ago.
Even said that they are following from the rulings as if it is their president from Europe.
Now, in Europe, they're getting rid of the Magna Carta.
They're getting rid of their common law.
They're getting rid of all juries.
You can't face your accuser.
You can be arrested for your speech.
We've talked a lot about how they arrest TV personalities, if they even use the word homosexual.
That word is illegal in England now, despite the fact it is in the encyclopedia and the dictionary and is a scientific term, because someone finds it offensive and the government selectively enforces that.
Thinking outside the U.S., the Supreme Court is going global And not just in the sense that several of its justices have embarked on their annual summer voyages to European destinations.
Ha ha!
See how it's cute and funny?
Rather, the court's own decision-making is beginning to reflect the influence of international legal norms, as well as rulings by courts in foreign countries.
We can learn so much from Spain, where they arrest you if you criticize the government.
And then they've gotten up on the news, the Supreme Court justices, and said, I'm sorry, our Constitution just can't survive, not in the age of the New World Order.
The trend peaked in two most important cases of the recently completed term, the Court's rulings Permitting race conscious admissions in higher education and abolishing state prohibitions on private consensual homosexual conduct.
By the way, Charles Lane of the Washington Post, you would be arrested for that.
We have the BBC News article where they arrested one of their TV reporters because at a rally they said, farmers deserve the same rights as homosexuals.
And the Scotland Yard Diversity Unit head, he had him on the show last year, had the man arrested for the word homosexual.
They said that word cannot be used.
It is hurtful.
So understand the type of courts you're talking about here, Washington Post.
The trend peaked in two most important cases recently completed.
Perm, the court's rulings permitted race conscious admissions.
Oh yeah, that was what the conservative court ruled.
Neocons told you it was getting rid of affirmative action, it actually affirmed it.
See, they tell you gun control, turning your guns in, is pro-gun, see?
And you go, oh, it's pro-gun.
See how they twist everything and you just buy it?
The court's ruling permitted race-conscious admissions in higher education and abolished state prohibitions on state-consensual homosexual conduct.
In both cases, judges invoked legal principles that were not made exclusively in the United States.
In the affirmative action case, Justice Sandra Day O'Connor wrote 5-4 a majority that the University of Michigan Law School's effort to enroll a critical mass of black, Latino, and Native American applicants could pass muster under the U.S.
Constitution through such programs might not be necessary 25 years from now.
Now again folks, regardless of whether you're for or against these rulings, you don't go to the EU, you don't go to the International Court of Justice, which has no justice, And have them set our precedence.
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote a separate concurring opinion, Justice Stephen G. Baird, that noted that the court's 25-year time frame was constitutional convention of the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination of the United States in 94, but that it should not be considered a firm forecast.
and they go on to say that citing opinions of the European Court
of Human Rights, he wrote that the right of petitioners seeking the case has been
accepted in international human freedom in many other countries
and they go on to list the UN and other courts and a 2002 ruling
banning the death penalty also invoke international opinion
in explaining why the practice violated the permissible punishment
and that was the case of executing retarded people or mentally retarded
they say that well the international criminal court says you can't do
that I would agree you shouldn't execute
Retarded people, but the point is you don't have to go to the EU to get that ruling and to say, well, the Europeans say it.
It's the President who said it.
But again, the EU is doing all this and the world government's doing all this to make themselves look good, see?
And then, oh, we gotta follow their lead.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I'm here, I'm your host Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central Standard Time and then back from 9 to midnight
Central Standard Time.
I'm here, I'm your host Alex Jones.
Coming up a little bit later in this hour, we're going to go to your calls.
While we switch over to the new 1-800 service, we're moving from Global Crossing to AT&T
at the network.
Now you can still call in toll free at AT&T.
You've just got to hit extension 125 to get through to the board.
800-259-9231, then extension 125.
extension 125 to get through to the board, 800-259-9231, then extension 125.
And Joe in New York and others, your calls are coming up here in a few minutes.
Look I've got as usual about 50, 60 articles here in front of me and here's just one of
And it's out of the Washington Post, and they admit that the court is following the edicts of several European courts and several global courts that have been set up, and at the end of the article they say, oh well, it's because the justices travel more than they used to, and every summer they all go visit with their friends in Europe.
Uh, yeah, folks.
The Chief Justice and others have gone to Bilderberg Group meetings, and they're getting their walking orders.
And the article that I'm reading from, and I wish I had a computer to screen up on it, because I printed it in the non-printer-friendly version.
It's hard to read here.
But it says, uh, conservative legal scholars who regard the courts The use of international legal sources is an intellectually amorphous endeavor that would subject citizens to the decisions of foreign legal institutions.
When the court starts taking these into account, it reveals itself as more interested in making policy than interpreting the constitution of the statutes, said John C. Hugh, a former Bush administration advisor in international law who teaches law at the University of California at Berkeley.
And it goes on to say, citing his words from the court's provision in the previous death penalty case, they wrote that they must never forget that it was the Constitution of the United States of America that we are expounding on, whether it is not first to settle consensus among our own people or of other nations, however enlightened the justices of this country may think they can be, they cannot oppose that upon the American people through the Constitution.
And it's a bunch of other hyperbole that says it's part of globalism and getting rid of our sovereignty.
See how they just calmly report and calmly announce in the Washington Post and USA Today and all their legal speak that, oh yeah, we're changing our jurisprudence.
We're going to follow the European model.
In more and more cases, we're citing international law.
Well, let's break down what's happening.
Three years ago, they executed two German immigrants, illegal aliens by the way, who went into a bank and shot and killed three people.
And there were hundreds of witnesses in and out of the bank.
It was a busy bank.
They were caught on the surveillance tapes doing it.
The police surrounded the bank.
They gave up.
And they were given the death penalty out in Arizona, and they were executed, which is a good thing.
I mean, when you got somebody caught red-handed with witnesses and video of it, I think there needs to be a high standard for the death penalty when you got that much evidence executed.
I do not believe you should be able to go on it off DNA or FBI crime labs or government witnesses.
It has to be individual witnesses because the government is totally corrupt, but I am for the death penalty if it is You have multiple independent witnesses added with videotape and then admissions.
But again, side issue, they gave them a death penalty and the court was about to hear the case.
Well, the Supreme Court, well, the state went ahead and executed them.
Because the Supreme Court didn't agree to hear the case first off.
Well, Ginsburg then said, oh, this is horrible.
In the future, we will follow the edicts of the International Criminal Court and the World Court of Human Rights and all these other kangaroo institutions that have been set up.
Then last year, there was two Mexican immigrants who'd been involved in a similar, two Mexican illegals, who'd been involved in a similar murder operation.
And there were all these witnesses and they were caught by security cameras doing it.
Very similar case.
And they were going to be given the death penalty and they were going up to be executed.
And the execution was stayed by the Supreme Court, citing international law against the death penalty.
Now this is the This is the nine-member court, seven of which were appointed and confirmed by Republican-controlled executive and legislative bodies.
So again, neocon destruction of America, right in your face, and you can't even see it, neocon followers.
I don't mean to be preachy, but this is killing us.
And there's no way for me to sit here and describe just how horrible and just how serious this is.
There's no way to do it.
I mean, they're just calmly in the news announcing that in all these different cases, our government's following the edicts of the International Criminal Court, the World Court of Human Rights, these different commissions, courts in Belgium, I mean, it's a sick joke.
You can't face your accusers.
You don't have juries.
These things are kangaroo courts in every textbook, classical way.
They are kangaroo in every way.
And where do we get the term kangaroo court?
I've got this great book.
I've got to get the author of this on.
It's Why Do We Say It?
You can look up and he's saying About 150 years ago, they would execute you for any reason in Australia.
And the British courts would, they would have juries under the Magna Carta, but they would go out and appoint the juries.
It would always be the police and government officials on the jury.
And so, the people of the island nation began to say, it'd be better if they just had a group of kangaroos.
It's a kangaroo court.
Anyway, side issue.
I love that book.
It's over there on the bookshelf in the studio.
Why do we say it?
It's interesting.
But this classical kangaroo court, and so we're going to follow all the orders of this court.
Folks, they've banned BB guns in England and Germany.
They've banned all the guns.
They've confiscated the people's guns.
You can't criticize the EU or you're arrested.
You can't protest or demonstrate or you get attacked by the police.
They're setting up satellite tracking and taxation.
They're raiding people's homes.
They're doing everything they're doing here, but more.
The EU Commission is unelected, giving everybody its orders.
They don't allow people to have referendums on whether to give up their currencies or enter the EU.
And so our court, our Supreme Court, Has to act like they're going off precedent in the Constitution Bill of Rights.
At least they did in the past.
Now they're going to go off the precedent of these kangaroo courts in Europe?
Do you understand what a big deal this is?
I remember being on the air eight years ago and reading government documents and CFR publications and where they said that we were going to go into the criminal courts and that we weren't going to have any rights and that the government was going to be all powerful.
This was their words.
And I'd read that on air, and listeners would call in and say, that's ridiculous!
There's no such thing as the CFR!
And I'd go, well, yes, it's a global body, and it calls for the destruction of American sovereignty, and they'd go, oh, sure!
I heard Rush Limbaugh says that that's an imaginary group, and it's a kook detector, and you're a liar!
They don't say that now, see, they kind of quietly don't talk about the kook detector anymore, as ultra-socialist liberals.
Now they just kind of go, yeah, the CFR is here to advise us they're good.
So, the USA Today article was even more brutal.
It was just, you know, how wonderful it was that we were following the orders of the EU and of these courts and, oh see, the rulings are you can't execute somebody if they've got below a 75 IQ.
And see, that sounds reasonable.
I mean, certainly, folks, you don't want to execute someone if they're really mentally retarded.
But I've followed a lot of these cases.
And the particular case that the Supreme Court ruled on with an international edict and precedent and you know there was video and TV
interviews with the guy who done the killing 15 years before he was cogent intelligent now he's got this
you know this retarded act of I don't know what my name is and he seemed 10-15 years
earlier he's all cunning and intelligent so that's the problem with this on top of it but see it all
sounds good doesn't it It sounds, sounds, sounds real good, but it doesn't matter.
See, it's all emotional.
I know that most people in modern America think it's just fine for people to sodomize each other, and so they have an international ruling like that, and the average American goes, oh, that's good, the international court.
Or they hear, oh, don't kill retarded people, you know, don't execute them, oh, that's reasonable.
You know, they hear this, they're bleeding hearts, and I hear the neocons defending it on air.
And so this is what you get.
But see, the international court has ruled you can't own guns, there's no right to private property, there's no right to vote, there's no right to face your accuser, you can be held for 25 to 30 years without being tried.
These are official International Criminal Court, International Court of Justice.
They've got dozens of these kangaroo courts.
And see this is, I'm on article number two now and I could talk forever about this.
But see, the International Criminal Court didn't exist.
I was making it up.
I was delusional five, six, seven, eight years ago.
But now it's in the Washington Post and it's good and You know, they're traveling to Europe on vacation and picking it up.
It's really no big deal.
It's just total propaganda, folks.
They're getting their walking orders.
They go to globalist meetings, people.
Joe in New York.
Joe, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Good to talk to you again.
Joe, do you realize how big it is that they're in the Washington Post and USA Today admitting that we're going under the control of these courts and that they are the bosses above the Supreme Court?
That's now the authority our court goes to?
Well, you know, I really do think we're toast.
I'm not giving up.
I'm not saying let's acquiesce to the New World Order.
Let's hand in our guns.
Well, you're right that they're going to go ahead with their plan regardless of what we do.
We have to be individually strong and put up or shut up as far as our faith.
Are we going to give in to this?
Are we going to be cowards and die on our knees?
Are we going to die on our feet like free men if it comes down to that?
Well you're right that they're going to go ahead with their plan regardless of what we
But, I mean I keep using this example, 99.9 percent.
Do the math, folks.
They wanted to vaccinate 10 million people, and out of the 10 largest cities, only 296 showed up to get the shots.
I mean, they told the police, they told the firemen, they told the medical workers, the epidemiologists, take your smallpox shot, it's good, and almost universally, on average, 4 out of 20,000, the Associated Press reported, said no.
Said no!
So, what does that say to the globalists?
See, I mean, they can act like we're all buying it and have some, you know, beautiful info babe who looks like a mind control slave up there tell us everyone loves the New World Order, everyone loves Big Brother, everyone loves implantable microchips, but that doesn't mean in reality the people are buying it.
The problem is the individual sits there not buying it but thinking they're alone.
You understand that paradigm?
Now, what about this new idea or this new Well, you're talking about how the media has done the polls that now the majority of women, as well as men, we covered this a few months ago, only about, I'm going from memory here, 34% of women are for abortion now.
life is not an extreme position uh... how do you correlate that with uh... with what's
going on well you're talking about how the media has done the polls
that now the majority of women
as well as men we covered this a few months ago
only about, I'm going from memory here, thirty four percent of women are for
abortion now it's the low thirties
and the vast majority of men in the high sixties are against abortion
Those numbers have flipped in the last 10 years.
And I may be off a point or two.
You said you just saw it on the news.
Is that the numbers they gave?
Yeah, all of the mainstream propaganda machines, CNN, Fox... Yeah, I don't have the article in front of me, but I'm going for memory.
There were several polls, but they were all low 30s women for abortion, high 60s men against it.
So it's basically flipped.
See, they have to have a facade.
You know, Bush comes out and says, I'm studying this.
I may be against homosexual marriage.
Distributive thought crime folks saying the word homosexual.
He may be against it.
Oh, he cut 97 million abortion funding to the UN.
Oh, you're winning people that are against abortion.
Well, where's the ban?
Why hasn't Bush signed it?
It's rhetoric.
And yes, it's the mass of millions of active Americans demanding that Bush do this.
He's got to have some litmus test.
And his own pundits have said, his own mouthpieces, that if he does something about abortion, at least restricts some partial birth, which even Dick Gephardt's for doing.
That shows us how conservative Bush is.
This is very moderate, folks.
If he does that, at least, then he can sign his assault weapons ban.
And they've actually said that, and the conservatives will let him slide with that, which is insane.
But that's why they're doing it.
I mean, take Bush.
Look, Bush increased, by billions of dollars, the amount of funding to UNESCO, whose main job is abortion.
When you hear about this vaccine funding, that's Planned Parenthood abortions.
When you hear about all this UNESCO funding, that's the government financing abortions.
So they cut it by 90-something mil, and then increase it by several billion.
It's smoke and mirrors.
Do you understand, Joe?
Well, I'll tell you Alex, I think they're going to be ready to go soon, from what I've read, from the things I've read on the internet, about the U.S.
State Department handing over property, the Alaskan Islands, some of them, to the U.S.S.R.
Yeah, that was four years ago.
Bill Clinton did that.
It was official, I read the Reuters article, but people are just now learning of it.
Right, and for China, having both sides of the Panama Canal... Which is given by our government, yeah.
Right, they've got the West Coast, they've got the East Coast, and the other foreign troops... But understand, this is after nukes or smallpox release, they're coming to help us.
Or slaughter us, actually.
And yeah, and then see, when patriots fight back against the foreign troops, they're going to announce on the news that we're really working with Al-Qaeda, see?
Well, I tell you, until this happens, I'm going to continue going to chat rooms and pasting InfoWars and Prison Planet and handing out your website to people who I meet at work and elsewhere, but I guess that's really all we can do.
Sounds like you've got a neocon in the background, Joe.
That's my power.
Actually, I guess it is a neocon, yeah.
Alright, thank you.
Thank you.
We'll come back and talk to Dennis and others, and I'm going to read From the NRA, the actual subsection of the bill, where Bush, with feverish glee, wants to ban your guns.
Ban your guns.
I mean, across the board, almost everything.
I know I'm liberal.
I'm against it.
We'll be right back.
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All right, Dennis in Arkansas, Mark in Kansas, Mark in Minnesota, others.
Your calls are coming up here in just a few minutes.
I haven't even gotten to the meat of the news.
I mean, I've gone into about two or three articles so far and I could spend, again, hours on each one.
Our Supreme Court says that They're going to get their guidance, and by the way, this is in their statements.
The Washington Post kind of whitewashes it and says, oh yeah, they're following European edicts and going with their rulings.
I've years ago read justices' comments about how Europe's the authority, they've got the answer, everything stems from them.
No, America was a 180 from that.
And anybody who knew history would understand that.
People don't understand that, so they go, oh, OK, well, you're conservative.
Follow the foreign court's edicts.
And they'll have some neocon playing the part of being against it.
And again, against it for all the wrong reasons.
This is paradigm management.
Before I go to Dennis and Mark and others, If you want to find out more about the Globalists, if you want to see what the New World Order is doing on hundreds of different subjects from hundreds of different angles to give you a really good picture of what they are and what their plans are and how to stop them, you need to get 9-1-1 The Road to Tyranny, my two-plus hour film, about the history of government-sponsored terrorism and September 11th and it breaks down how they carried the attacks out and why.
Very important to get that film and to get it out to people.
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Don't wait.
I promise when we start the second hour, I'll take calls for about 20 minutes real quick, and then I'm going to go into the NRA story where they admit the gun grabbing by Bush.
Then we'll go back into news.
Dennis, Mark, Mark, and many others.
Be patient.
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additional 125. All your calls, a bunch of news, straight ahead in the second hour.
It's not extreme to know the law and know America's history.
And it's not liberal to be pro-gun.
I'm sorry, neocons.
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back, my friends.
Already into the second hour of this live Monday edition.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Thanks a lot for joining us today and thanks for all your support and your listenership and spreading the word.
Thanks to the folks that run the show and the affiliates doing a great job.
Our sponsors, God bless you all.
This is such important information that we're putting out to the world and it's so well documented that, well frankly, it's irrefutable.
We're about to go to Dennis, Mark, Mark and others that are patiently holding.
Coming up, I'm going to go into the NRA Legislative Fact Sheet, listing subsections of the new assault weapons ban that Bush has said he will sign, that has a good chance of passing.
Right now, let's talk to Dennis in Arkansas.
Dennis, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
I'm just calling in.
I just got back from a funeral.
Bill has spent the last five years in deer camp with us.
He lived in a little overhead camp and committed suicide.
He got a note from the IRS, a letter from the IRS, threatening imprisonment and Bill was a simple man and he didn't have any clue on how to go ahead and pay his bills or anything but he was an old woodsman out here, didn't have a vehicle to travel in or anything else, drove a log truck and they threatened to imprison him and he'd rather took his life than go to prison.
You need to contact the agents involved and maybe mail them a picture of his shattered head and say, thanks for all you do.
Yeah, we're all tore up down here and we just don't know what to do.
We've discussed it amongst ourselves.
Well, did you know there's thousands of suicides a year where people paid all these stupid illegal taxes to this private agency and they still come after them?
So, the only way the family can be taken care of is the husband blows his head off for the insurance money.
Well, this old man, he didn't even have a gun.
I mean, he had to sell his gun to pay a doctor's bill, and he borrowed a piece of rope, and he hung himself from his boss's logging truck.
And he's got nine children, and I just want the IRS to know how happy everybody is down here with him.
Oh, so the old man hung himself?
And I'm just, boy, we're all just heartbroken because of the IRS.
Letter after letter saying that they were getting closer to being imprisoned and nobody even knew about it.
Old Bill just had it all and he had the letters laid out with the pictures of his children and he hung himself, 55 years old.
Well, you know, that's really horrible.
But, you know, the cases have been in the news.
I mean, people commit suicide all the time.
And the IRS, of course, has got it set up where you don't get juries, can't face your accusers.
Again, that's not what America is supposed to be about, folks, is not having juries, not facing your accusers.
Of course, under neocon administrations, you know the IRS always cracks down more, and I predicted this, and sure enough, they've announced it.
But I thought they were supposed to be the kinder, friendlier, happier IRS now.
So what, the guy was so broke he didn't have money to pay all the taxes they claimed he owed?
That's correct.
I mean, he lived in a little old overhead camper that fits in the back of a pickup truck.
Didn't have no electricity in it, nothing else, Alex.
Man, I tell you, I wish that guy had listened to the show or talked to people.
He could have just ignored that.
Well, he never let anybody even know about it.
It was just a shock to everybody.
If the folks around here would have known, we'd have gladly taken up donations and paid his IRS bills, and it's just broken hearted.
Well, the problem is when you pay them, then they come back and say, we want more.
And they shove you again, pay us!
And he was just a simple man, he could hardly read or write, and the suicide note, and what I heard... Were the police, are they proud of themselves now?
Well, actually, the Sheriff's Department down here told the family to get a lawyer and try to sue the IRS.
They saved, what, our Sheriff's Department.
That was, as far as they're concerned, a manslaughter.
They forced them to do that.
See, now they're waking up.
Because a lot of Sheriff's Departments will come into little blue collar homes, and I've seen them taking the old people out who've had the strokes.
The IRS takes their house.
When the Sheriff's Deputy should be arresting those scum-sucking worm heads.
Stay there.
Don't hang up, Dennis.
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This is Bob Coggins on the GCN Radio Network.
For the years I've seen.
Dozens of mainstream news articles, hundreds of alternative news reports about the masses of suicide in this country with the IRS.
Because the people that are law-abiding generally, never thought of themselves as criminals, who've paid the taxes the IRS claims is owed, and then suddenly they change some law retroactively and demand all this back money and penalty and interest.
The IRS agents start threatening them.
Come to the house.
In some cases, grab wedding rings off women's fingers.
This has been in the mainstream news.
And then the old man goes out behind the house and blows their head off.
It happens all the time.
And the IRS just laughs.
It's so funny.
It's so good to be the private collection agency for the Federal Reserve System.
And they print the money out of nothing.
They don't even need the taxes.
The government can just print its own money and fund itself like it did before the bankers took over in 1913 and have a few excise taxes on trade and tariffs that made the country what it is today, but now we have NAFTA and GATT destroying the country, but hey, don't let the facts get in the way.
And Dennis in Arkansas, then we'll go to Mark, Mark, Rodney and others, For those that just joined us, describe what you did up in your neck of the woods.
One of your friends who just hung himself, couldn't even afford a gun because he was so poor, hung himself living out in his camper and had the IRS pictures all spread out, pictures of his children and then the IRS threat letters all out in front of him.
Well, you just said it all, Alex.
I'm just broken hearted.
But they would say he wasn't paying his fair share.
I would say that he paid his fair share for many, many years.
The man had nine children and he supported all his children.
He was too proud to go on welfare, food stamps or anything like that.
Yet the IRS said that he owed them money.
Gosh, the old man had a lot of hospital bills recently because he was feeling sick.
He didn't even have a vehicle to drive himself around.
It's so sad, Alex.
So he was living in a camper, you said, and driving a logging truck as his vehicle?
Well yeah, it was a logging truck, his boss's logging truck.
And he would walk to the store to get groceries and whatnot.
He was a simple man, could hardly read or write, and yet he made enough out of that IRS thing saying that they were going to ship him to the pen, and he would rather die and have his freedom than go to the pen.
And I guess it was just too much for him.
And the police said that the pictures of his family and the IRS letters threatening him were all spread out around his dead body.
And a lot of police aid the criminal IRS, but you're saying the sheriff's deputies were upset.
What did you hear them say?
Well, the people that were down there, they told me about it, and they said that the sheriff's department said that the family ought to get together and sue the IRS because that was not homicide, but manslaughter.
By them forcing him, they literally forced the man to kill himself.
They do it all the time, and that's why I believe God's promise that there is a hell, Dennis.
Well, we had a little memorial out at deer camp the other night, and we were talking about it, and one fellow says, well, he won't go to heaven because it says in the Bible that suicide is the only thing that can't be forgiven because you can't ask for forgiveness.
And I'm kind of thinking that God, I'm hoping that God knows that Bill was a simple man, He just lets him in the gate.
And that's it.
We're all tore up down here.
I don't know.
I've talked to the family after the services today.
I just got back.
And I told them, I said, get the guy's name that threatened that and go after him personally.
Yeah, that's it.
That needs to be done.
I mean, whoever the little punk is, the problem is, is that generally if it's somebody who's poor, it's just a computer.
Mindless form, threatening everyone with a raft.
I mean, and folks, you ever ask yourself, how does the IRS grab your bank account without indicting you, without subpoenaing you, without hauling you, without a detective knocking on your door?
How do they do this?
That's not a free society, folks.
That's the European model where they just do whatever they want.
That's the mercantile feudal system.
That's not America.
And it makes me so angry that people have been in this tyranny so long, they can't even recognize it.
I mean, take my father.
You know, my dad's a dentist, and he paid the IRS everything that they said that he owed.
And then they retroactively changed the tax laws.
And I remember, they, I mean, my dad paid them everything he had, and that still wasn't enough.
And they broke agreement after agreement after agreement with him.
And finally he just said, you know what, I'll just sue you and you can put me in jail if you want, and they left him alone.
I mean, they're criminals.
When you pay them, when they say, you haven't paid us, you owe us more, and you pay, the computer automatically red flags you and continues to attack you.
They're extortionists, folks.
And it's money the government printed in the first place.
They don't care about it.
It's not to run the country.
That's Ronald Reagan, by the way.
He said that.
That not one red cent goes to run the country.
It's about control.
The power to tax is the power to destroy.
Thanks for the call, Denison.
And do me a favor.
Will you send me any news articles about this?
Oh, we already cut you off.
Thanks for the calls, The Q. It's my fault.
Dennis, maybe you should, if there are any news articles, mail them to me, snail mail, or somebody email it to me.
That's just horrible.
Mark in Kansas.
Go ahead, Mark, you're on the air.
How you doing, you communist friend?
I'm pro-gun, I'm a commie!
That's right.
I got you a little tidbit you can slap onto your NRA piece you're going to have.
I called up the NRA to let them know I was not going to renew my membership.
I got to talk to someone live there, and I told them what they were up to, and they weren't for our Constitution, weren't for any of the people, really.
And the guy goes, well, you can take your $35 and save it.
That's what he told me.
Oh yeah, they could care less.
They're getting federal money now.
I'm like, great!
It's nice to know that these guys were for us, but now it's like, eh, we'll hang you out to dry like a piece of dirty laundry.
I mean, I love America now.
I mean, there's better groups out there who are willing to fight for our gun rights, and you're one of them who's greater than all of us, who's showing us what's going on, and a lot of people are really I'm not greater than the folks out there.
A lot of people are smarter than I am, they're more articulate, they're more educated, and they're not being the leaders they should be.
We need them to stand up and fight this thing, but whether we've got an 85 IQ or a 170, We've all got a responsibility, and we can all see evil when it's staring us right in the eye.
And some people, I mean, evil's looking right at the eye, and they're like, oh, what's this?
I mean, I was over this weekend, I went to a place to do a little business, and I was talking to some people there about what was going on and happening, and I got one guy to look up your website, I'll find out later, and another man that was there, I talked to him earlier, about a year later, and his eyes kind of lit up, like, I remember you.
You were telling me about what was going on and so forth.
I had to go see a shrink.
I looked at him like, how much did you pay?
I told you what was going on.
I told you what was happening.
This guy took your brain, took it out, and dumped it on the ground.
Oh, no, no, no, no.
He had a problem in the brave new world.
Oh, yeah.
When you're upset, you go and they give you Soma.
Oh, yeah, you're right.
Okay, I forgot.
But, I mean, the guy was like, he was like, I had to go see a shrink.
Oh, man.
Well, a lot of people who find out about the New World Order do flip out and go get on medication and totally turn into recluses.
Yeah, I'm not surprised.
Because when you know the government's run by terrorists and that they're putting poison in the vaccine and building all these prisons, it's scary.
But think about all the other things governments have done.
Think about what governments did last century alone.
Killed Upwards of 200 million people.
And sticking your head in the sand, going along to get along, folks, ensures their victory.
Thanks for the call, Mark.
Really appreciate it.
Mark in Minnesota, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How are you doing?
Yeah, you're so right about Bush.
And I'll never forget during the 2000 campaign, I was on Pat Buchanan's steering committee, his state steering committee up here in Minnesota.
And I remember during the primary campaign, He was claiming accolades for this so-called bold parental notification bill that he had signed while he was Governor of Texas.
But what, of course, he didn't tell you and the Republican Party didn't tell you and the media, since the media can't tell you things like this, since that would injure their plan of creating this fiction of choice, is that I believe like three of the Texas State Supreme Court justices, who Bush himself appointed, dumped that bill over.
The man has got zero pro-life credentials, and I wanted to point out the fact that the pilot's being armed.
I don't know if you've heard what's happened with that.
Well, Bush tried to block it.
He didn't want to arm one pilot.
Barbara Boxer, who is a right-wing radical compared to Bush, and I'm serious, folks, when we talk about action here, she was for arming all the pilots.
Bush said no, so now he gave them 100 hoops to jump through and is defunding that.
Go ahead.
Yeah, you're right.
Even though it's the law now, the Bush administration, actually, they're no longer training pilots.
Uh, to carry guns.
So they cannot get armed anymore, uh, thanks to the Bush administration.
They came in, they fired, uh, the guy who was training the pilots, uh, who's overseeing that program.
But I guess he was, like, handing hats out to the, to some of the pilots or something?
So they just fired the guy.
I guess that's called corruption now.
And, uh, so that program has been going on.
Yeah, Halliburton getting a $9 billion contract, no bids allowed, and posting record profits is okay.
But the shooting instructor giving them free hats, that's pretty evil.
And again, you just showed your Al-Qaeda membership mark by not submitting to that.
Tell you what, thought criminal, you just stay right there.
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Alright folks, I said I'd get to this NRA legislative alert.
I covered this back during the election when Bush said that he would re-sign the Assault Weapons Ban.
And the Brady Bill and the Assault Weapons Ban are phased in, in pieces, and get more draconian each time they're authorized.
In fact, there won't be a 10-year sunset clause in this new one.
It makes it permanent.
And it bans almost all guns.
That's right, almost all guns.
But again, you won't hear about this on the nightly news.
And you can say, oh, well, that isn't going to happen.
Folks, he's saying he'll sign it.
All they've got to do is have a mass shooting at the right time.
It'll pass through or have terrorists engage in a mass shooting.
And then, oh, if you're for guns, you're for terrorists.
It's really incredible.
And then they're expanding these federal task forces to go after gun owners.
In fact, a gun story that ties in with this Washington Post article about the International Criminal Court taking over the Supreme Court and the Supreme Court taking its orders from them.
As I heard Larry Pratt today on the Derry Brownfield show, Talking about a case that I had covered a while back, where a man had gone across the US-Mexico border to eat dinner.
Local rancher.
No criminal record.
He had accidentally left a box of 22 shells in the back of his truck.
Who hadn't done that in Texas?
I don't know.
And he drove over there and they were going to give him a long prison sentence of felony, but he was extradited back to the US.
The U.S.
government said that under the international treaties they went ahead and convicted him and gave him a felony and gave him some prison time and now he can't own a gun.
So there's another example of how they're following the laws of other countries and how we're losing our sovereignty.
Let's go ahead and go back to Mark in Minnesota real quick and then I'm going to get into this NRA story and then Rodney and Jeff and Elroy and others.
Go ahead, Mark.
Yeah, real quick.
Yeah, really, what it is, it's a big personality contest, I've noticed.
You know, they'll sit around and talk about how Hillary treated the Secret Service and stuff like that.
It's just a big personality contest.
They can't get into, you know, the real substantive issues, which we all agree.
And it's interesting, I was listening to an interview that one of my U.S.
Senators gave on the radio, a big-time neocon radio show.
My U.S.
Senator that I'm talking about, Mark Dayton, he's a Democrat, fairly left-wing.
Of course, he's for the war, so I guess that makes him conservative.
But he was talking about the nomination of Miguel Estrada, and he was actually saying that the Republicans, with their maneuvering, it's like they're deliberately trying to hold this up to turn this into a big spectacle.
And it hit me, it's like, yeah, that's exactly what the, I mean, Miguel Estrada, this guy is a pro-abort, okay?
Writing in front of the court briefs on behalf of the National Organization for Women, you know, against pro-lifers in favor of abortion, and you have all these neocons, they get on the air, and they're like, excuse me, the Democrats, they're evil, they won't nominate Miguel Estrada.
Not that Miguel Estrada is a conservative, but he's a Republican nominee.
So, therefore, you know, they're bad, we're good.
Look, that whole appointee thing, they appoint who the elite want, bottom line, thanks for the call.
And it's a total diversion.
They say, vote Republican, vote Republican.
No matter what they do, don't hold their feet to the fire, or we won't get good Supreme Court justices.
Folks, seven of the nine were appointed by Republicans.
Look at the rulings.
Stop being idiots.
Rodney in Texas, you're on the air, go ahead.
How you doing there, Alex?
Pretty good, my friend.
I got a couple of things I want to ask you about.
The video, Bohemian Grove, I got into a heated discussion with a guy because everything that I hear you say on your show, you back it up with facts.
And he claimed that he had seen that video and there wasn't anything conclusive.
Now, I don't believe him.
You know, particularly... Well, I mean, you can watch the video and just say it's fake, but you're ignoring that the Bohemian Club on national television, worldwide, in the Secret Rulers of the World video produced by the British, using my footage, they admitted that I snuck in there.
The Bohemian Grove has admitted in major papers, the Press Democrat, the San Francisco Chronicle, that I did indeed get that footage.
So, again, it's like denying the existence of the CFR.
The San Francisco Chronicle just reported about Schwarzenegger and the run for the governorship.
Stay there.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright my friends, Alex Jones here back live.
We're going to let Rodney finish up and then Jeff and Elroy and others are going to need to hold because I need to get to some of the news and get back to your calls.
But Rodney, I'm trying to understand what your friend is saying that That my video isn't true or isn't real?
Well, he tried to hint that he didn't believe it was true.
And I said, well, you know, Alex has all these independent sources outside itself and even have admitted quotes from people like, was it Helmut Kohl or Helmut Schmidt?
Well, yeah, in the film we have one of the most damning pieces of evidence for the globalists is a book that he wrote in the 1980s, "Men and Powers," a
political retrospective by Helmut Schmidt.
And he says, "I'm in the CFR, I'm in the Trilateral Commission, I'm in the Bilderberg Group, we
run the world, we're the New World Order."
And then he says, "My favorite place in the world is the Bohemian Grove.
I love the Druid rituals.
We do our own rituals in Germany at our own grove, but I like the Americans' grove.
So, he says, I'm part of a satanic cult, and we're worldwide, but I love going and doing what we do in Northern California.
Now, that's written by the German Chancellor, folks.
And then we have the Washington Times saying they run around naked in the woods and have homosexual sex.
And we have Parade Magazine saying it about the sacrifices.
I mean, this is all mainstream news.
There have been news articles written since the 1920s about it.
Presidents have been going there for over 103 years.
Let me continue.
I sneak into the Grove.
I show the British media.
I show us on the airplane.
I show us get off.
I show us sneak in.
I walk around in there.
I shoot video of it.
They admit I snuck in and got the footage, and I've been on Christian talk shows, and they've said, we rebuke you.
Lying devil, basically.
You know, Mr. Jones, you can go to hell for lying.
Bush isn't in the Skull and Bones or Bohemian Grove.
Shame on you!
Well, it's admitted he's in Skull and Bones!
I mean, So, they, they, and most of them are either masons or they're into the occult.
You've got a lot of preachers that are into the occult who are so-called anti-New World Order people.
And believe me, I'm not going to name names, but we know who they are.
Yes, we do.
And they cannot be trusted.
They are wicked devils.
Go ahead.
Yeah, and you know, when I mention all these things to him, he says, well, just because one or two of these people admit that they're doing it, that don't mean all the rest of those guys admit it.
So the official Bohemian Gross says, yes, Mr. Jones snuck in, yes, this footage is real, they say it on international television, but it still doesn't exist.
Okay, well... Well, no, I didn't say I didn't believe you.
Well, no, I mean, look, it's... that's why I'm going to reread this, Rodney.
I'm not mad at you.
I think it's an important call.
That's why I'm going to reread this story.
Is because I'm still getting calls denying that Bush wants to sign the assault weapons ban.
I mean these people will do anything to shirk their responsibilities.
I've got into arguments about people about this assault weapons thing.
One guy told me oh no that's just for For a fully automatic weapon that he's going to sign this bill on, I said no.
Yeah, that's fine.
And then when the SWAT team raids him and he goes, I didn't know you couldn't have a shotgun.
I'm sorry, officer.
Well, I don't know why Bush did this, but I still like him.
I mean, that's exactly what they sound like.
Thanks for the call.
Appreciate it.
Yeah, let me cover this now and then I'll go to your other calls and news.
Now, look, I covered this three and a half years ago, okay?
And I covered this NRA alert six months ago.
Same alert, link on InfoWars.com to the NRA, and here's the actual address, okay?
www.nraila.org forward slash factsheets dot ASP question mark Form Mode equals Detail and ID equals 143 and EID equals 4476 equals 5132003 and T dot dot dot.
As you can see, it's much easier to go to InfoWars.com and link directly through to the NRA website.
Now, some people on computers do not understand That when you go to someone's website and link through, you look at the URL, you will be on the NRA website.
Last time I posted this, I got emails by mind-controlled, and I'm serious folks, mind-controlled neocon radio listeners, who accused me of creating a false NRA document.
They don't understand that you link through to the NRA's website.
I mean, I've actually corresponded with them as they send back emails saying, you're a liar, you're a liar.
It's like finding out your dad is a killer or something.
Or finding out your dad is a bank robber.
You know, it's, no, it's not true!
Shut up!
That's impossible!
You know, it's like Luke Skywalker when he finds out Darth Vader is his daddy.
So, you know, these people just...
You know, they're reaching out to Bush to lovingly kiss him, and Bush turns into T2 and rips his skin off and goes, Liberal Assault!
And he starts crushing the entire country.
Again, using another analogy here.
I mean, these people are infiltrators, folks.
That's what they are.
And you just buy into their skin and go ahead while the dogs are barking.
And I'm one of those dogs warning you, folks.
The NRA had to do this because of massive pressure.
A lot of people made calls to the NRA to make them talk about these bills.
Now this is NRA fact sheet, okay?
The most sweeping gun ban ever introduced in Congress.
Clinton gun ban reenactment bans millions more guns.
And again, Bush, this has Republican co-sponsors, Bush says he will sign it.
It bans millions more guns, and it begins backdoor registration of guns.
All told, it is a giant step closer to the goal stated by Clinton gun ban sponsor, Senator Dianne Feinstein, on CBS 60 Minutes, quote, if I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them, Mr. and Mrs. America, turned them all in, I would have done it.
There is Now, that's a quote.
There is no 10-year sunset provision in the bill, H.R.
Permanent bans and permanently bans every gun.
This is currently banned and with numerous overlapping provisions.
Now, let me read this to you folks.
This is very, very serious.
Now, this is the NRA.
It's worse than what they say.
We've had Larry Proud on.
We've read their analysis.
I've read the bills.
It's worse, okay?
The Patriot Act II in the Senate basically makes all guns illegal on a case-by-case basis, alright?
Bans every gun made to comply with the Clinton ban.
The Clinton ban dictated that the kinds of grip, stocks, attachments, new guns can have manufacturers and gun owners comply to new guns conform to the Clinton requirements.
2038 bans the new guns too.
Bans guns exempted by name or type of the Clinton ban.
Commonplace Ruger, Mini-14s, Mini-30s, Ranch Rifles, .30 Cal, Carbines, and fixed magazine semi-automatic centerfire rifles.
Bans them.
From possession, sale, everything.
Bans all semi-automatic shotguns.
Did you hear me?
In fact, I'm going to slap neocons right now in the air.
Wake up, you idiots!
What is wrong with you?
Wake up, you people!
Alright, maybe that got your attention.
Let me just slap the microphone on this.
Wake up!
What is wrong with you?
What is your major malfunction?
Anyways, continuing.
I've been accused as a liberal for being for guns.
I mean, it's just the new scrambling of everything.
Wake up!
Now let me read this again.
Bans all semi-automatic shotguns.
Now, I'm continuing to read here.
Bans Remington, Winchester, Beretta, Benelli, and other shotguns commonly used for hunting, traps, skeet, shooting clays, and self-defense.
Bans them by banning their main component called the receiver.
That's section .2A30J.
And bans them because they have any characteristic that can function as a grip.
Section 2 HII and B42.
You can link through to the actual bill at Infowars.com through this story.
Bans target shooting rifles.
Bans the three centerfire rifles most popular for marksmanship competitions.
The Colt AR-15, the Springfield M1A, and the M1 Garand.
Bans guns for self-defense, bans any semi-automatic shotgun or any rifle an attorney general one day claims isn't sporting, even though the U.S.
Constitution, the Constitution's of 44 states, and the laws of all 50 states recognize the right to use guns for defense, well that's their reason for existing.
But see, the 68th law says non-sporting can be banned.
And says you can't own a gun for a misdemeanor, not just a felony.
Now states' attorney generals are doing that.
Bans guns for self-defense.
Bans any semi-automatic shotgun or rifle.
Attorney General one day claims this is sporting, even though the U.S.
Constitution, the Constitution of 44 states, the laws of all 50 recognize the right to use guns for defense.
Bans 65 named guns, the Clinton law, ban 19, bans semi-auto fixed magazine pistols over 10 round capacity, bans the guns themselves, bans frames, receivers, parts used for repair or refurbished guns, bans importation of magazines exempt by Clinton bans, bans selling or legally owned assault weapons with a magazine of over 10 round capacity.
Bans guns rarely used in crime, a fact demonstrated by every state and local law enforcement agency report on the subject.
A constitutionally mandated study of the Clinton ban found that guns were never used in more than a fraction of all gun murders.
Again, found that the guns there banning.
Continuing, and as backdoor registration requires manufacturers of guns, frames, receivers, Yeah, Mr. Jones, we know.
Well, he's better than Gore.
Yeah, we know.
dealers, requires dealers to report any guns, any parts they have in stock. They have private
sales of guns and parts. The next step is to register individual purchasers. You already
do that with your instant check NRA. And I go in these gun shops and the guys have got
George Bush pictures hanging up and they'll go, "Yeah, Mr.
Jones, we know. Well, he's better than Gore. Yeah, we know. Well, I'm starting a
vitamin selling outfit.
I'm gonna be shutting the shop down even though it's making money.
I know we're gonna ban them.
There's nothing we can do.
I'm so good.
I gotta go to the UT game.
I ain't got no time to stand up for what America really is.
And it's you, the good ol' boys, that should be standing up and speaking out, but instead you drive around, you leave your, you leave your, you leave your Bush Cheney sportsman sticker up.
They'd never do that to me!
That's why I said the Liberals should love Bush.
I mean, you want open borders, you want bigger government, you want gun control, you want supercomputers to China, reactors in North Korea, you want to sign on to the UN and UNESCO, you want to protect Bill Clinton and block Dan Burton's committee in Pardongate, you want to sign campaign finance reform restricting the First Amendment before elections, I mean, the list goes on and on.
You want it, you got it.
You want it, you got your dream boat.
But see, it's about rhetoric, it's not about action.
So the left is all, oh we hate Bush, oh he's so horrible, oh he's so evil.
Bush doesn't matter.
Bush isn't running anything.
So why do I spend so much time on the puppet in chief?
Because as a figurehead, his image neutralizes so many conservatives While energizing the most virulent forms of left-wing activism in this country.
Oh yeah, they are the ranks of the gun grabbers were faltering, the ranks of the land grabbers were faltering, you know, they're mindless, bleeding-heart foot soldiers.
We, as real conservatives, libertarians, constitutionalists, Christian patriots, were winning the fight.
But not anymore.
Yeah, there has been an energizing of the left, so now the left can stand there and go, see, the UN's good, they were against the war.
See, the IMF and World Bank are good, they're against the war.
Oh, see, it's all evil nationalism, it's all America, as Bush actually increases UN funding and as the UN actually gave approval for the war in many respects.
Again, it's good cop, bad cop.
Either Iraq accepted UN occupation, or they got invaded.
Folks, this is all scripted out.
Will it be a left-wing or a right-wing world government?
See, bypassing the discussion of, we don't want a world government.
Whereas just a couple years ago, you were a kook to talk about global government.
I mean, I understand how they operate.
And if you don't wake up as liberals and stop being idiots, And if you don't wake up as neocons and stop being idiots, and if you don't become populist-constitutionalist, that is, an across-the-board, for the people, for the country, for what's right and what's worked in the past, it's over, folks!
You're gonna have this corporate tyranny giving you two different brands of slavery and giving you a choice.
It's like the, you know, grocery store chains they've got where They got one company here and one company across the street, and you think you're getting a different choice, and it turns out both companies are owned by the same people.
I mean, that's how it works, folks.
And you bought in one of the oldest tricks in the book, and I'm just desperate to get you to think for yourselves.
That's all I'm... We're losing this country.
You know, the left wing is for gun control.
They'll admit it's a police state in Nazi Germany, and they're building all these camps, and it's horrible, but... The government's bad, but you should turn that gun in.
Oh, yeah.
The gun is a canary in the coal mine.
The gun is a symptom of a free society.
When you're in a Nazi Germany, or a Stalinist Russia, or a Caesar's Rome, or a Fidel Castro's Cuba, you don't have armed citizens.
You have an armed government with a monopoly of force.
And I'm able to deprogram leftists by explaining this to them.
I go, would an American Indian be allowed to have a rifle?
Or should, while they're being oppressed and killed, should they have their gun taken?
And they'll go, oh, of course not.
Well, now you get it!
So shut up!
And look at the facts, and then speak out once you know the reality that swimming pools and cars kill far more people than guns do, and you've been manipulated by the corporate media!
If they get our guns, you people, it's all over for everybody!
Alright, I'm gonna break.
We'll come back and go to the calls.
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Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film,
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That's right folks, DVD.
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That's 888-253-3139.
Or order online at Infowars.com or Infowars.net.
Again that number, 888-253-3139.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we're accelerating towards the third hour.
We've got Jeff and Elroy and many others that are patiently holding.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 800-259-9231.
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Now before I go, I just want to mention again, I produced nine full-length feature films
that are powerful, that are waking up most people that see them.
Road to Tyranny, 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, proves that the Globalists carried out September 11th.
We have their official admissions that they planned such attacks, and then we have the evidence that they carried out the attacks, and then the motive, and the aftermath, and their master plan.
Part two of that film is Masters of Terror.
It's excellent as well.
I wrote a companion book to both films, 9-1-1, Descent into Tyranny, 230 pages, only $12.
The films are $25.95, $20 if you order three or more of any of the nine titles.
My newest film is now out and shipping, Police State 3, Total Enslavement, and It's indescribable.
It's so good.
Two hours and 40 minutes.
You've got to get it, folks.
Go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order via our secure online shopping carts or call toll-free at 1-888 2-5-3-3-1-3-9.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Don't procrastinate.
Get the videos.
Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Don't procrastinate.
Get the videos.
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But please get them and make copies for non-profit educational purposes.
Just again, 888-253-3139 or 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
3139 or 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Please take action. We need your support.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jeff in Indiana, then we'll go to Elroy and others.
Jeff, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, I wanted to keep with your gun theme here.
Indiana is right to bear arms state.
You can check your Constitution, Article 1, Section 32.
The one thing I wanted to invite your listeners to is tomorrow night is the National Night Out Against Crime.
I wanted you to maybe give us a brief treatment here.
The National East German Tattletale Night being rolled into Homeland Security, admittedly, and it's all about having nosy tattletales.
Through McGruff, the crime dog, right?
McGruff who takes a bite out of guns.
We have the director of that on and he said, yeah, McGruff now focuses on guns.
And we should also be watching out for women with baby strollers, too.
That was the Associated Press in New Jersey.
Homeland Security met and said, we're looking for all crime.
Everything is terrorism.
They said, watch priests and women with baby strollers.
People you'd never think.
They're terrorists.
Did you see that article?
Yes, I did.
I did read that.
That was about a year and a half ago.
It just gets more and more crazy.
Now, the other thing, too, I wanted to talk about is the idea that that's a great night for everybody, all your listeners to get out to kind of push your movies.
To educate everybody as to what's really going on out there.
You know, you're right.
Stay there.
We'll talk to you more on the other side.
You're supposed to walk around and be tattletales.
There's no real terror around.
So look for guns.
Even legal guns.
Go ahead and call the police on people like you do.
Go out and pass videos out.
Business cards.
Get out and talk about fighting the new world order.
We've said, have your own block parties.
Your own constitution parties.
Hey, if they really love the red, white, and blue, they'll want to come to it.
More than 700 chemicals have been found in our drinking water.
And did you know that you can have greater exposure to these chemicals by taking hot showers than when you drink the water?
That's because many chemicals are inhaled when they evaporate.
This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, folks.
We're all ready.
End of the third and final hour, and we've had a lot of amazing calls.
We've covered some key news issues, but I've got to cover news here.
So I'm going to take about five more calls this hour from Jeff and Elroy and Linda and Richard and a few others.
Maybe, I don't know, six or seven calls.
And then for at least the last 30 minutes, I'm going to cover news because, boy, is there a lot of it.
But the first hour I read Washington Post where they said, yeah, Our Supreme Court's following the International Courts now.
They're the boss.
So, just calmly, right out your face, and it's very, very serious.
Let's go back to Jeff in Indiana.
Jeff, you had another point you wanted to make about this National Nazi Night Out.
Well, actually, Alex, I had kind of three here, but I'll make them really quick for you.
Go ahead!
That main idea here is that the idea is these legislatures that are Congress people and what have you that are going to be at these meetings are usually the ones who are One of two classes.
They're either going to be the ones who are going to listen to us, or else they're going to be the minions who are carrying it out.
So it's a good time to either try to bend their ear, you know, in either case, or, you know, find out what kind of toys, you know, our police departments have or what have you.
It's also a very good time to find out what they're trying to push on our kids in school.
A lot of our parents don't go to school to find out what our kids are learning, but this gives a good opportunity to find out what kind of programs they're pushing because You know, they use our children to pour in our heart streams.
Well, absolutely, and the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
And you've got all these people that think that, you know, the government says it's for a good cause.
Well, folks, charity starts at home, and charity starts with not being manipulated by evildoers.
And that's exactly what this government does.
Their system couldn't operate if it wasn't for all the well-meaning saps that are deceived into following their devilish designs.
Alex, the other thing I wanted to mention, too, is if you don't take time with me now to go over some more, maybe articles that have been in papers and other announcements, if you can maybe give this a little bit of a treatment tomorrow, since it actually is tomorrow night, Just so that you can kind of give your listeners an opportunity to, maybe for the first time, if they haven't been passing out your videos, give this an opportunity to actually be the time that you jump in the water to do it, to start making promotion.
If you've been afraid that, you know, you didn't want to go out and pass the videos out at a parade or you didn't want to do them at the video store or whatever, this would be the opportune time to do it because these are going to be the people who are going to Yeah, the people, one out of a hundred, that actually go around and go to government meetings and title-tale groups, they're the active folks, the do-gooders who mean well, and they're key Nazi Party members that can be contacted and hopefully shaken out of their service to the Fuhrer government.
So, absolutely, we've got to go to these Nazi Party meetings, the National Night Out, And try to reach out to these people and show them how they're being manipulated.
Find a little conscience in the world.
Great points.
Thank you for the call, Jeff.
Absolutely, yeah.
McGruff the Crime Dog, Neighborhood Watch, it all sounded good, but now the feds admit, oh, it's a Russian model.
Yeah, we want you now to get more proactive in your spying and tattling and report people's political activities and during a red alert we're going to need block captains to control and under the new national compulsory volunteerism, your local board is going to tell you where you've got to volunteer.
They're literally shutting up the textbook system.
And I've got another example of this.
They're now making ozone action alerts mandatory and not letting you drive your car in areas around the world.
Now, the ozone things are fraud.
The emissions are a fraud.
That's all admitted.
But it's about the government telling you where to go, what to do, how to act.
That's what all these national night outs are and ozone action alerts.
Training you to take your orders from the flashing FEMA billboards.
We'll be right back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
We've got about 51 minutes left.
I want to take some more calls and get into some more of the news here.
Oh, and there's a lot coming up.
We talked a lot about the Second Amendment today, and here's a story out of the New York Post today.
Armed and famous.
Yes, that's a pistol in their pockets.
A bevy of Big Apple's big stars are packing heat according to the latest data from the NYPD's list of gun license holders.
Among them more than 3,600 privileged.
It's a privilege!
Among the more than 3,600 privileged New Yorkers allowed to Who hit the streets with a loaded weapon are tough guy actors Robert De Niro and Harvey Keitel, shock jocks Howard Stern and Don Imush, oh and Howard Stern's anti-gun, developer Donald Trump, record honcho Tommy Mottola, and Channel 5 TV anchor John Rowland, also on the list are
Ex-Seagram CEO, Edgar M. Brothman, who's a big anti-gunner, gives a lot of money to that.
Defense lawyer, Barry Slotnick.
State Senate Majority Leader, Joseph Bruno.
Daily News co-publisher, Brett Drashner.
Manhattan judge, Leslie Cocker Snyder.
Arkansas Lieutenant Governor, Winthrop P. Rockefeller.
His famous family is based in the city.
And Assistant State Attorney General Stephen Pagnos, who was smeared in the Taiwan-Brailey fiasco, Tijuana-Brailey fiasco, 15 years ago, ex-top cop Howard Safar, and publishing czar and author Michael Horta, also have gun licenses.
Their hermits permit And allows them to keep a gun in their homes and demands that when they travel with their weapons, the guns must be unloaded and locked in a safety box with the ammunition kept separate.
Oh, Councilman James Davis, slain two weeks ago by political rival Othaniel Askew, who brought his... bought his in Carolina.
North Carolina was the only member of the City Council to have a gun license, according to NYP.
D. Man, I've got to start printing every article printer-friendly version.
The people that print them for me must.
Because it is very frustrating to read down the article and have it cut off.
Ah, now I'm angry.
Because I wanted to get to the rest of this article.
But that's okay.
It's okay.
I know we've got some callers coming up here in a second.
And I will take some more calls before I get back into more news.
If you'd like to join us on air, it's 1-800-259-9231.
Who's up next, Mark?
Oh, Elroy hung up.
I was just about to go to Elroy.
Linda in Wisconsin, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Wonderful job that you're doing, and thanks for getting out this information.
I want to just redress a little bit on a past caller concerning the man who committed suicide over the IRS.
I'm on Social Security Disability and I received a call here one day from MasterCard, which I have debt with, but this is what they told me and so this is a heads up to everyone.
They said that Because I'm on Social Security Disability and I suppose that would be someone that's just on their retirement Social Security, that if you are using a credit card as income, and that was the word they used, in other words, you're using it to buy products with, food, whatever.
Yeah, that's how it works.
They have you put all your money in.
the law or under the federal law that this is criminal activity.
Yeah, that's how it works.
They have you put all your money in, you would have gotten millions if you even got 3% interest
on your money, which is guaranteed.
Instead you get a pittance, barely enough to live off of, and then you can't go out
and get another job to supplement yourself so you've got to eat dog food in the back.
That's all part of the new America.
There's no factories.
Your kids don't have jobs.
They can't support you.
The family's all broken up thanks to the new UNESCO American Society.
I don't know about you, but this is very common.
And yeah, these punks at the credit cards, they have little talking points how to scare old people and disabled people into paying them, and you need to sue them for terroristic threats!
But obviously, that's ridiculous.
You can take your credit card and spend things because that's a debt that you're supposed to pay out of your money.
Then to claim that that's an income, a debt is an income, is exactly what the IRS does with the fiat currency.
You need to get that slimeball's name and find out if it's a policy and there's a major lawsuit there.
But they try this stuff all the time.
That's why they want to make it to where you go to prison for any reason now so they can have their way with us and act legitimate when this country is totally illegitimate.
Alex, you had a call that... And by that I mean the people running this country are totally illegitimate.
Our republic is real.
America is real.
But this modern country that they've set up out of Washington, D.C., that is a corporate fraud and is not real.
Alex, you also had a caller not too long ago that I think it was this man that calls in from New York all the time.
He's very knowledgeable on economics.
He said something about that even if you owe $10 to the utility company, that that would make you a debtor and that you could go to debtor's prison.
But let me jump forward now.
I want your listeners to know The other day I talked to my sheriff here in Eau Claire for about 45 minutes and he was very polite with me, but we need to educate these people.
They do not understand, and this had to do with, I think you were talking about it, it had to do with turning the sheriff into a common police officer and taking their authority away.
And he was not concerned about that at all.
This is why we need to educate them and show them the proof of the legislation.
And thank you for this information that you're putting out on the Second Amendment.
Incidentally, this H.R.
2038, you said under Clinton.
Is that a bill under Hillary Clinton or is that former President Clinton?
Now, that's how the media operates.
That is the bill that Bush says he will sign, so the NRA, trying to make it look like it's Clinton when Clinton's long gone and is a traitor, says Clinton gun ban is back, but it has nothing to do with Bill Clinton other than the fact that he's the one that got it to pass in the first place.
Okay, but Bush is going to go ahead and sign it.
Well, yeah, he said that back during his campaign, and he said that again about three months ago.
I've got a bunch of news articles with headlines like Bush Shocks Conservative by Stance on Assault Weapons Ban in my new film Police Day 3.
Alex, you said something a few minutes ago that was brilliant.
I tried to write it down.
You said that Bush was the neutralizer and that was brilliant because I tried to write it down the way you said it.
Well, I said, have you ever seen the Terminator movies?
Yes, I've seen, yes.
Okay, well he's a neutralizer, he's an infiltrator, he's got a skin that looks like a person, but his job is to insert himself into a command base or into a structure and destroy the enemy.
And that's what a Bush is, that's what an NRA is, is that we think they're on our side, they're able to stab us in the back, whereas a Bill Clinton or Al Gore couldn't because we know they're bad.
Well, the far left is using Bush for their agenda for a global government, but the far right is using him for their agenda for their global government.
That's it!
And then when you get past the rhetoric, it's the same global government.
And I pointed out that the left-wing people out there, if they got past rhetoric, should love George Bush, because his policies are identical to Bill Clinton's.
Yeah, and I have a friend who's a Republican, and he I cannot explain to him as many times as I've tried about this Michael Savage.
He thinks Michael Savage is one of the good guys, and I've tried to... Yeah, put anybody that disagrees in a forced labor camp.
Yeah, he says all the right things about open borders and the rest of it, but he doesn't... but then his answers are big government and it's horrible, and then he says that Bush is fighting the New World Order?
That's another bait and switch.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you.
And if people can't see that, they're crazy.
Let's talk to Steve in Ohio.
Go ahead, Steve.
Long time listener, called you a lot of times.
Passed a lot of your tapes out to people up here.
I'm close to Dayton, Ohio, where the Marines were last year, and tried to send you some footage on that.
Listen, I listen to you every day.
I missed something, and I wanted to get it from you.
Are you there?
Oh, yes, sir.
I'm sorry.
You said the other night, or I'll get you at night, too.
You said the other night on shortwave that there were two states that voted against the Patriot Act.
Yeah, it was Hawaii and Alaska, and now Delaware, New Mexico, and others are about to do it.
What happened is Ashcroft went to Alaska, gave a speech, he requested that the state not pass a repudiation of the Patriot Act.
And the Republican-controlled legislature threw it back in the neocon's face and said, no, we've read the bill.
It does affect citizens, and it does attack the Bill of Rights.
And that's a big, big deal.
Yes, sir, it is.
I'm in Ohio, and we're in a pretty... I would like to take a survey, please.
Perhaps not.
Stay there, Steve.
Don't hang up.
I'll let you...
We'll finish up on the other side.
We'll take a couple more calls.
Then I'm going to launch into a 30-minute news blitz.
I'm going to cover as much news as possible here at the end of the broadcast.
We've got 40 minutes left, so please stay with us.
Don't forget the websites, InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, folks.
You're only about seven, eight minutes away from a full board launch into the news.
A lot of the news we haven't gotten to yet.
Really important information.
Let's go back to Steve in Ohio, who wanted to say something else when we hit that last break.
Go ahead, sir.
Well, I'm just, you know, I just thank God we got somebody out there, you know, that has a median to tell this and devotes as much time to it as you must.
I hear you twice a day, six hours a day, and you come in really good here, by the way.
You know, I look for a different place to go.
I have been for a long time.
But New Mexico, isn't that part of the Asland?
Well, it is.
I mean, every state has got different globalist operations trying to break down its sovereignty.
But there are good people everywhere.
And a lot of folks are waking up to this tyranny.
But we've got to give them the whole picture, not just part of it.
Well, right.
And when I pass out a film, for instance, I mean, I would say 70% of the people look at me like I'm from Mars, and 30% look at me like, you know, maybe there's something here.
Just because you're handing them something, that's bizarre.
Oh, I know, a citizen talking to someone in a checkout line about something other than the weather is almost a thought crime punishable by death now.
Well, you know, after a while, you know, initially they do that, but after a while, you know, after they see and hear, you know, if the media mainstream would only Uh, you slip up and say something here once in a while, you know, sometimes they.
They do pick up on it and want to know more, but initially they look at you like you're an alien.
But you know, it's just like selling anything.
Before long.
The masses, you know, they're going to end up knowing what's going on.
I mean, I can only hide what they're doing.
Yeah, when Galileo said the world was round, most people thought he was a raving lunatic.
But just seven years later, the kooks were the people still saying it was flat.
So, let's engage in thought crime together, Steve.
Let's say the world is round.
Say it for me.
The world is round.
The world is round.
This government is not legitimate.
It's carrying out terror.
It's coming after our guns, publicly saying it wants to destroy our families.
We're not going to put up with it.
We don't care how many info babes lick their lips and tell us the globalists love us.
We know it's a fraud.
Thanks for the call.
Appreciate it, Steve.
Great points.
I mean, last hour I went into this thing with the NRA, where they admit that these new gun bills And Bush says he'll sign them, will ban all semi-automatic shotguns.
But I still have good ol' boys.
Tell me, and I mean I've had them tell me, it could be Colorado or Louisiana or New York or South Texas.
It's the same type of call, sounds like the same kind of guy.
He'll say, I don't believe it, that's a lie, you liberal.
You liberals are coming up with some real scams to fool us.
And you try to tell them facts of their face and they just can't figure it out.
Pastor Butch Paul now joins us.
He is a Vietnam veteran himself.
A guy who's fought the New World Order tooth and nail right here on this network.
Pastor Butch, what's going on?
Well, sir, I don't want to interrupt your program.
You're having a good program.
But I just got home a few minutes ago from working a job.
I had to pass this on in case you didn't know, which you probably already do, maybe the listeners may not, that they now are extracting DNA from your fingerprints.
And those fingerprints can be up to a year old.
So when you give your fingerprints for your driver's license, they have your DNA if they want it.
Now, where did you get that story?
This is from UPI Science News.
No, I was not aware of that.
I ended up doing radio interviews this morning and didn't do as much preparation as I should have.
Is that on all the decision?
That will be in my newsletter.
It's also will be on my website, maybe by now, I'm not sure.
Well, I've got a sneaking suspicion that if it was in United Press International Science, my wife has probably already posted it.
On Infowars.com, but hey, you heard about New York?
They're going to have the homosexual high schools?
Oh, absolutely!
And of course, as you know, as I talked to you already, the Christian schools in Texas, especially with Patrick J. Wade, have to shut down because they're not licensed.
But we can fund a public perverted school, of course, yes.
Oh, and here in Texas you can have a Buddhist or a Muslim or a Jewish school that's unlicensed, but Christian schools are being shut down.
And you're going to be on, aren't you coming on Thursday?
Thursday at 1 o'clock hard time, I think it is.
You're going to be on for two hours?
1 o'clock your time, 1 o'clock Eastern time, yes.
Uh, who's startin' the schools right here near Austin.
And then in the third hour, we're gonna have the folks on who get beat up and taken to jail for protesting abortion on city streets.
That's not allowed now.
Well, Pastor Butch, in my film, America Destroyed by Design, the executive order Clinton signed said DNA.
We were wondering how they do that, weren't we?
Yes, we were, and now we know.
Hey Alex, I'll let you go.
Take care, my friend.
Alright, thank you.
That's an interesting little tidbit.
Very interesting.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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and do your body right with Cardinal.
The folks running the show are just enamored with Pastor Butch Paul
because he, well he wears his firearms in a church.
That's right.
As a statement, back when this was a free country, actually in the Revolutionary War, they would have their guns in the pews and up on the pulpit.
Of course, that was back when your doors were open, you didn't have all these problems, and people were very respectful.
But now we live in the cesspool age where we're being disarmed and the government's saying we don't have a right to defend ourselves.
I'm not going to take any more calls because I got a bunch of news that needs to be covered that we have not yet gotten to.
And before I do that, I want to plug a couple things and we'll cover news.
Then talk to Carol in Pennsylvania and others that are patiently holding here on the show today in the last 26 minutes that we've got left.
But I do want to plug herbalhealer.com.
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You'll get the free color catalog and you'll get a free monthly newsletter if you want it just jam-full of information.
870-269-4177 or herbalhealer.com.
And then of course I produced nine documentary films and written a book, "911, Descent into
It's 230 pages long, covers the history of government-sponsored terrorism, how the globalists carried out September 11th, and the other crimes they're committing, the police state they're setting up.
It's an excellent book, only $12.
My films are all $25.95, but if you order three or more, they drop down to $20.
And they're all over two hours long.
9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny is 170 minutes long on DVD.
It's the only film we offer on DVD.
It's also on VHS.
We have the new film, Police State 3, Total Enslavement.
It covers Patriot Act 1 and 2.
Homeland Security.
Dozens of examples of government-sponsored terror we didn't cover in the other films.
The government founding the white racist groups, the Hispanic racist groups.
How it controls that to create a crisis.
Just all that.
I mean, it's a great new video.
Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Take advantage of this, folks.
Get the 3-tape special.
Get my book.
Get it out to folks.
Pull free number to order.
I've also got pro-gun t-shirts, anti-terror, anti-terror t-shirts.
Again, operators are there right now to take your order.
For America Destroyed by Design, Police State 2000, Police State 2 The Takeover, Police State 3 Total Enslavement, 9-1-1 The Road to Tyranny, The Masters of Terror, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed, Tex-Mars, Gulag America.
It's all on InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or call toll free 1-888-253-3139.
We've got to win this information war or we're going to lose our Republic and the tyranny is going to get deeper and darker.
You can also write to me, I'm Alex Jones, with your order at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
All that evil men and tyrants need to flourish is that good men and women do nothing.
So stop doing nothing.
These are key tools in the information war.
I would also add that famous Mark Twain quote, In the beginning a patriot is a scarce man, hated and feared, but in time when his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
We're at the turning of the tide.
Minds are being unlocked.
This radio show and my films are some of the best tools From past experience that I know that we have.
So please don't stand idle by.
The war has already begun.
And if we don't overt this with the information war, the next gale from the north will bring with it a resounding clash of arms.
My friends, I know not what case you will take, but give me liberty or give me death That is a variant, a paraphrase, on what Patrick Henry had to say.
Okay, let me just jump straight into the news, and there is a lot of it we haven't gotten to.
This is out of London Telegraph.
Mutual suspicion as U.S.
troops go in hard.
Harry de Quinteville joins a pre-dawn raid to search for arms at a farm in Balda, north of Baghdad.
And it says at 4.05 a.m.
the assault started.
Oh, they'll make good police officers when they get back here.
This is what our cops have been doing for a while.
Almost a hundred heavily armed American soldiers wearing night vision goggles had surrounded the target, a large farm complex halfway between Baghdad and Tikrit.
Charlie Company scouts, who had earlier cut their way through a fence and wriggled as close as they dared, said it was surrounded by high walls, razor wire and guards.
Unseen above, unmanned aerial drones were beaming pitchers back to base.
Just above the tree line hovered a pair of American Apache helicopters.
Then the order came for the four-man teams of Blue Platoon to go in.
There was little resistance.
The front gate was unlocked and the guards were nowhere to be seen.
At the door of the main residence, the soldiers hammering were greeted by one of the raid's targets, a short, portly man who ill-disguised his fear.
As the soldiers swept through the rest of the house, almost 20 women and children were corralled downstairs before being led to the garden.
That was when the wall and the wailing started.
We always have to go in hard, so Lt.
Sasserman, the Charlie Company commander, but this is better than it used to be.
A couple of months ago, we would have come through a wall with a Bradley armored vehicle.
And it goes into how they go into the houses and shoot innocent people, but that's okay.
Don't worry, they claim they're about to catch Saddam.
Do you believe any of that?
The wax figures they put on TV and said it was his sons?
And now they're going to have some new wax figurine and tell us it's Saddam Hussein, when the guy's living in Belarus, paid off by Rumsfeld and Bush, according to major Russian and Iranian newspapers, who I have found to be more accurate than the neocon lies.
Oh, I gotta keep going here.
I'll never get to it all.
State Department changes seen if Bush re-elected Powell and Armitage intend to step down.
I guess move in and cash in on the goodies.
I've seen them do this before.
They walk into the House and announce their state of emergency again.
That's how they can engage in all these unconstitutional activities for another year.
This is from the International Information Program, usinfo.state.gov.
Bush continues a national emergency with respect to Iraq.
They've always got an energy crisis or a war.
Every year, they re-up the emergency.
And that keeps the executive orders going.
President Bush has continued for one year the national emergency with respect to Iraq, signing continued instability in the country, as well as the need to ensure the establishment of progress leading to representative Iraq self-rule.
So, they're declaring the similar emergencies there that they've had here for a long time.
Continuation of the National Emergency with respect to Iraq.
And they will continue to impose the trade sanctions and block Iraqi government assets, additional measures, and it just goes on and on with their executive order.
So that all continues.
State prison population up 3.9 last year, second only to California.
And this is out of Jacksonville, Times, Times Union staff writers repelled by laws mandating longer sentences.
Florida prison population grew last year by more inmates than any other state, save California, according to a federal report released last week.
The number of people incarcerated by Florida climbed in 2002, 3.9% across the country.
State prison populations increased by an average of 2.4%.
We have the biggest prison population in the world, and most of them are non-violent, and the violent offenders are released.
That's a fact.
Continuing, months before movie on death of Jesus causes stir, I'm going to try to get Hutton Gibson or maybe even Mel Gibson on the show, because, I mean, all it does is show what the Bible says happened.
The corrupt Pharisees had Jesus killed, And the Jewish groups are saying that is anti-semitic.
And in Europe, they're moving to ban the Old and New Testament, according to BBC, saying it has hateful stuff in it.
It has stuff where the Jews are ordered to go in and kill tribes by God, because the tribes are evil.
And they say that's evil.
And then they have Jesus saying the Jews are bad, the establishment Jews were bad, that the Pharisees and people were bad, so that they want that banned.
We're very close to this, folks.
This is mainstream news.
With his movie about the death of Jesus under attack as anti-Semitic, Mel Gibson is trying to build an audience and a defense for his project, screening it for evangelical Christians, conservative Catholics, right-wing pundits, Republicans, and a few Jewish commentators, and Jews who believe that Jesus is the Messiah.
Mr. Gibson has poured $25 million of his money into the movie, The Passion, calling it the most authentic and biblically accurate film about Jesus' death.
It's in Aramaic and Hebrew and Latin.
I cannot wait to see it!
And yes, there's been claims that Jesus is anti-Semitic, and Jesus was Jewish, folks.
I don't know if people are aware of that nowadays.
They don't teach that in school anymore.
But it's ridiculous.
The medieval passion plays portrayed Jews as Christ killers and stoked anti-Jewish violence.
They're saying that's what this does.
Now, it's a translation out of the King James Version back into Aramaic and Hebrew and Latin.
The three languages spoken at the time.
That's what the Bible says, folks.
Jesus said that But the Pharisees were wicked devils.
Now, most of his disciples just so happened to be Jewish, and some were Gentiles.
But, I mean, again, this is what they do.
Standing up for America now is racist.
Oh, it's out of control.
It's so out of control.
Oh, look at this.
This is out of the Financial Times of London.
Halliburton profits skyrocket on Iraq deals.
It's well above $9 billion now.
They've got lots of little multi-billion dollar deals going.
Halliburton, the second largest oilfield service company in the world, on Thursday said work in Iraq could bolster revenue as it swung from a loss to a record second quarter net income of $0.26 million or six cents a share compared with the year earlier period.
A Houston-based company credited the quarter's 11% rise in revenue to $3.6 billion, largely to increase activity in engineering construction group ECG projects, including government services work in the Middle East.
And it talks about how Albertan is in the process of finalizing another additional $4 billion settlement of asbestos claims.
Nonetheless, the result this past quarter included a foreign exchange gain of $19 million because of a significant strengthening of the British pound against the U.S.
dollar during the period.
So, doing quite well.
So were the other key oil companies that went into Iraq.
But it wasn't about oil.
No, no, no.
Pan American Union promoters, PNAC, said it was about oil, but again, when the Vice President says it is about oil before the war, we shouldn't listen to him.
parents say son-in-Iraq was casualty of chemical weapons.
This from the Washington Times.
There's been a bunch of deaths now.
No one knows how many.
And illnesses, but it's in the hundreds.
The government calls it pneumonia.
Their skin rots off.
Their lungs literally disintegrate.
Their intestines fall out of them.
Kind of like the vaccines do to kids, according to the United Press International.
The parents say by talking to their dead and dying children that they would go through bunkers and things and then get really sick and the government said, oh, you just got pneumonia.
Of course, these are all the declared sites.
Iraq's full of chemical and biological weapons, but it's all marked U.S.
So, again, there's lots of declared sites.
And our troops, those get bombed and destroyed, and our troops breathe it.
And don't look for any health care, because that's how you're supported.
Not supporting you is patriotic.
Supporting you is not patriotic.
Supporting the Second Amendment is now liberal.
This is the new paradigm.
Specialist Joshua Nucci, if I'm pronouncing that right, Nucci, 20, who had been conducting cleanup operations in Baghdad, died July 12th after being transferred from his base to the airport at the U.S.
Military Hospital in Germany.
Army specialists are analyzing tissue samples from his liver, kidneys, and lungs to determine the case of death.
Oh yeah, you'd find massive sarin in the dead and dying in the First Gulf War and bury them and say it was natural causes.
So we trust you.
Army specialists are analyzing tissue samples.
Two U.S.
soldiers serving in Iraq have died after their major organs failed.
Our numbers are in the hundreds.
Seven others have reported similar serious symptoms, although overall about 100 cases have been diagnosed since March 1st.
Lieutenant General James Pecky, the Army Surgeon General, has sent two doctors and four other disease specialists to Iraq, and two more doctors to a regional medical center in Germany, where some of the troops were treated after being flown from Iraq.
The teams are retracing the soldiers' steps in hopes of pinpointing The source of the infection.
Oh, is that like the, what was it, three or four troops died of that flesh-eating bacteria before the war?
A day after they got their inoculations and it would start on the spot where they got the shot and eat their flesh off?
Now, that was in the Sacramento Bee, but again, the troops, the government said, we need to stop complaining and take their shots.
Hey, how's Mr. Blumenthal doing from NBC?
Who took his shot?
He's dead now.
Oh, well, okay.
War casualties overflow.
Walter Reed Hospital.
It's over 800 people injured.
Arms and legs blown off, you name it.
Man, I tell ya, I got a bunch of key news here.
We're gonna just shoot through it real quick when we get back in the final segment.
Get to a lot of it.
And Ashcroft's saying, Al-Qaeda's gonna strike us again, better give all your rights up to me, he says.
But better let us run your life, or the bad men are gonna get you.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
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If you want to understand what the new world order really is, My new two and a half hour video, Police Day 3, is for you!
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Jay Leno's slated for a Queer Eye Makeover.
This is out of AdAge.com.
Gay product placement show, grossed high ratings, and they admit that it's actually being funded The sitcoms and dramas are being funded by groups to push homosexuality.
Yeah, the government pushes anti-gun messages.
A lot of this is paid for, and here's a positive promotion out of one of the big advertisement agency websites bragging about this.
Major marketers are ongoing placement deals on the breakout Get Queer Eye for the straight guy, even as NBC plots an August 14th special in which the show's gay fashion team will make over Jay Leno.
See, it's paid for, folks.
When you watch that sitcom and it seems like they've got this agenda, yeah, it's paid for when you see them say anti-gun comments or anti-American comments.
And this is all expanded under Bush.
A lot of this is publicly funded, a lot of it's privately funded.
But it's very, very serious.
Also, school chief fails must-pass test out of the Boston Globe.
Superintendent of schools Wilford T. Laboy, who recently put two dozen teachers on unpaid leave for failing basic English proficiency test, has himself flunked a required literacy test three times.
The Eagle Tribune reported Sunday.
And it just shows.
I mean, you've got illegal aliens that can't even speak English.
You got people who flunked out of college as superintendents.
I mean, you just got a joke, folks.
And just a very, very interesting story there.
Also, here's an example of tyranny.
Ozone Alert in Paris.
See, it starts as just something to help the environment.
Oh, today's an ozone action day.
Total quackery.
They just say it out of the blue, as if ozone's bad.
Then they get you to, you know, carpool.
Then it's, oh, you can only use that lane of your carpooling.
Then it's, oh, you can't drive today.
Ozone alert in Paris.
Police have cut speed limits in Paris because of ozone pollution.
That'll actually make it worse, folks.
Motorists are being urged to leave their cars at home and use public transport.
Speed limits are to be cut from 30 kilometers to 18 kilometers.
LCI television has shown police patrolling Paris with speed guns.
Metro France and National Weather Service has forecast no respite in the coming days from heatwave that has struck France for most of last month.
And it says, high temperature is mixed with sunshine and pollution to create ozone and colorless gas that is harmful to breathe.
Oh, give me a break.
Ozone alerts have been reported in other parts of France, including Lyon, France's second largest city.
And they got a thing called the Austin Air Force that buys time.
Fake newscasts on local radio stations where they want you to, quote, take voluntary testing.
And I went and interviewed them.
They said, oh yeah, this is to get you ready to pay for emissions testing and to pay and to have to carpool.
This is all admitted.
Oh, man.
They're panicking.
Denver Post.
State vaccinations lag.
Colorado risk last nationwide in childhood inoculations.
Says parents don't trust the government.
And now just over 62% Vaccinate their children.
75% nationally.
It was about 95% just a few years ago.
Well, people found out you were brain-damaging their children in your Brave New World system, so... Here's another one out of the Austin American Statesman.
Texas listed third.
And 63% vaccinating.
And a lot of doctors are coming out against the vaccines now.
Governor Davis is trying to block the recall vote against him, and if not, he wants back on the ballot.
And, uh, here's the Houston Chronicle admitting they had to pass a law in Texas to stop the CPS from taking people's kids who didn't vaccinate.
It goes on and on.
Oh, man.
827 Americans wounded.
That's the actual number.
government warns of imminent massive internet hack attacks.
Yeah, we know you're launching them.
Huge denial of service attacks.
Yeah, we've already felt that.
At InfoWars.com.
We're out of time.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Great show.
Really enjoyed your calls.
I love exposing evil, and I appreciate all your support.
Join us back tonight, 9 to midnight, and back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
God bless you all!
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