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Name: 20030722_Tue_Alex
Air Date: July 22, 2003
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, Thanks for joining us today or tonight or this morning depending on what time zone you're listening to us in.
It is already the 22nd of July 2003 on this live Tuesday edition of the World Wide Show as we expose the globalist crime rings and their pomps and what they're up to.
Big, big show lined up for you.
You'll definitely want to stay with us.
Torture testimony acceptable.
This is out of the London Guardian.
The British government says that torture is acceptable and answers wrung from individuals under torture is acceptable.
Now, that's a 180 from Western civilization in every canon of a free society.
You cannot trust confessions from torture, you cannot trust a government that will torture people, or you'll have to rethink your views on our airmen being tortured by the North Vietnamese, or by Hitler, or what Joseph Mengele did in the death camps in Nazi Germany.
Or you can hold both ideas at the same time in your mind, be a good neocon as part of the double think system.
So coming up, torture Is acceptable, expert tells terror panel, hearing that MI5 would use information obtained under duress in court?
Also, Ashcroft yesterday on national television, and I can't keep track of it all.
If you got video of it, please send it to me.
Ashcroft denies USA Patriot Act and defends it and says that it doesn't take your rights.
So we went ahead and went to the Justice Department's own policy report.
By Ashcroft, not even the report that's critical, but a report that he gave before Congress, where they admit it will be used for all crimes against all citizens, and does get rid of the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
So, this from Reuters, Ashcroft defends USA Patriot Act.
Another story out of the New York Times, report on USA Patriot Act alleges civil rights violations.
But forget that, I've got the Anchorage Daily News, tougher Patriot Act, Attorney General says, and calls for more power and an expansion.
Then I went back, and we're doing a flashback for you on fullwars.com, Patriot Act of 2001, cast wide net, where the Justice Department's own report to Congress that was televised, where they admit just a few weeks ago, about a month and a half ago, that it is for all citizens and all crimes.
So we're going to go over that for you and show the lies And then we'll get into proposals to North Korea.
might offer no attack pledge.
Well, that's good news.
We'll get into that.
Also, FBI denies failing to spot September 11th plot that the report says they did.
Also, Bush approval hits 59.
Democrats give an edge on the economy.
Again, a controlled paradigm.
Doesn't matter who's in power.
They're all New World Order up there.
Continuing, report FBI informants knew of 9-1-1 hijackers.
This from the Associated Press.
Well, we told you this before 9-1-1.
We warned you of the plot.
Everybody who had a brain already knew it was happening.
This show knew, and we warned the people on the record.
So, there's another MSNBC exclusive.
Yeah, we're on an exclusive.
The 9-1-1 report slamming the FBI has now been released.
War incorporated on the march to relieve U.S.
It says the mercenaries wear black uniforms and masks, and they're private.
DynCorp and other companies will talk about DynCorp and the things they're up to.
Another story here, Pentagon seeking private security firm to police Iraq.
is creating an Iraqi militia to relieve G.I.s.
plan to enlist Iraqis in Operation Civil Force intended to quell resistance.
Also, construction of nuclear reactors in North Korea ongoing to spike tension.
Yeah, they keep talking about these reactors.
Our government's building them.
That out of the Associated Press.
Also, lawsuit claims troopers have ticket quotas.
Oh, that's admitted.
Mistakes admitted in South Carolina.
Mental jail stays.
Wait to hear about this.
Sharp rise in children's Ritalin use.
They're giving it to 15-month-olds now.
It's all coming up.
Big show.
Please stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption, crashing to the lies and disinformation, Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central Standard Time during the day and then of course back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time as well with a rebroadcast of the daytime show from 1 a.m.
until 4 a.m.
weeknights as well.
The websites are InfoWars.com, InfoWars.net and yes PrisonPlanet.com Where to begin?
There is so much to cover and I'm going to go straight into news today and kind of skip the diatribe or monologue or rant as some would say, as I would say.
I already mentioned this in the last intro segment but we're going to get into Ashcroft in the same speech saying he wants to expand the Patriot Act.
Yesterday up in Alaska when he was there visiting And then claiming that it doesn't take any of your liberties and that it's all lies to say that it does.
Well, I've read Patriot Act 1 and Patriot Act 2, and Ashcroft tried to deny that Patriot Act 2 even existed.
Then he had to admit that it did, and had been introduced in the House and Senate.
Then he said, yeah, let's go ahead and expand it a few weeks ago.
His own Justice Department admits, enthusiastically before Congress, Uh, that they just love it and that they're going to use it in all crimes against all citizens for any reason on a hundred fronts that have nothing to do with fighting terrorism, the boogeyman excuse that they've been using in the past.
And yesterday he said that it doesn't take any of your rights and those that are saying it are undermining the Republic.
Well, you're the one undermining the Republic, but of course you're not really running anything.
You're just a front man, Senator, Attorney General, Mr. Puppet Ashcroft.
And on top of that, the British government has said we don't want our businessmen back who are obviously innocent.
We don't want our special forces soldiers back that are in your custody that you just rounded up randomly off the streets of Afghanistan Because if any of the people being held there that are British citizens get brought back to England from Camp X-Ray and Camp Delta in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the evidence against them will be inadmissible because it was obtained under torture and duress and without them being able to see lawyers or their names even being released in many cases.
And there's been this big debate about torture.
They've been on Fox and CNN and all the big channels saying that torture's good and that maybe the government should go ahead and torture terrorist suspects' children to get answers.
We have news articles and video clips in Police State 3 with them saying this in dozens of news articles.
And then every time we talk about it and how it's wrong, they then, the same people that said torture was good, will claim we've never tortured anybody.
Shut up, that's a conspiracy theory.
It's this new propaganda tactic of saying one thing in the speech, and another thing in the same speech, and then saying just accept it.
It's a psychological warfare tactic that's very sophisticated, and I've gone into it in the past, but it takes 30 minutes to even basically give some details of.
But you can break it down for yourself with your native intelligence and understand what's going on here.
They're just training you to accept 2 plus 2 equals 5, or 4, or 3, or 8, doesn't matter.
And they have admitted, the government admits, that at least two people were tortured to death at Bagram Air Base by the CIA interrogators and said, oh, oh, we're sorry, we won't do that anymore.
And they admit that people are being tortured at Camp X-Ray.
I mean, when they put a mask and mouth guard over you and goggles and earplugs and chained down in a kneeling position with your feet behind your gluteus maximus, That's an admitted form of torture, excruciatingly painful in just a few minutes.
Why don't you go ahead and try it?
Even if you're a person who's an athlete, who's big and stretching, or even someone who's into yoga.
You know that that is extremely painful.
It's what the Israelis admit they use to torture people.
Sleep deprivation, a bag over the head, it's worse with earplugs or a face guard.
And they do this for weeks on end.
They have them in little metal cages like the Vietnamese did to our troops, the communists did to our troops.
Little metal cages in the tropical, coastal area of Camp X-Ray and Delta.
Delta being the subgroup of Camp X-Ray.
Mosquitoes, they reported.
The troops, you can see photos of them wearing mosquito hats and gloves and putting repellent all over themselves.
Low morale for the troops.
Imagine being an open-air pen!
Defecating in a small hole in the ground.
Living in your affluent with mosquitos, in mobs, breeding and biting you with a mask over your head.
And some have died and they claim it was suicide.
A hundred of the 500 plus have, quote, tried to commit suicide.
I mean, I believe some of them have tried.
I mean, who wouldn't?
We're now coming up on over a year of this.
Over a year of this, and you're like, hey, they're Al-Qaeda, they get whatever they deserve!
Well, folks, then I guess our troops deserved it in Vietnam, and the answer is no, or in North Korea, and no, that's exactly what they did to our troops, was put them in cages!
Open-air cages!
And it was wrong when it happened to our troops, and it's wrong and evil now, and the world is seeing this, and the globalist newspapers in Europe are demonizing us, the American people, for this.
That's part of the globalist plan.
The European banks and monarchies and bankers own our government, own our military, they carry this out, our media says it's good, we feel all content, and partake in the evil psychologically, enter into evil as the neocons say they want us to do, in Ron Paul's own speech.
And then worldwide we're being demonized as the owners of America are using us for the dirty work while making the Euro and the UN look like good guys.
It's horrible.
And, you know, we had Ann Coulter on and she denied the torture when it's been in a hundred newspapers.
Positive articles about it.
Well, here it is out of London Guardian in court, open court, they're saying torture's good, okay?
I've got, I've seen Ashcroft on video.
Saying on TV that they're torturing them.
That it's good.
Torture testimony acceptable.
Expert tells terror appeals hearing that MI5 could use information obtained under duress in court.
An MI5 expert in terrorism has admitted that the security service would use information extracted from tortured prisoners as evidence in court.
The secret witnesses told a panel of judges that in spite of knowledge that a victim had been tortured or had come from a country where the regime sanctioned torture, she would still consider their testimony to be relevant to security service investigations.
The A.P.' 's reported, the C.I.
section chief of Central Asia has reported and has bragged that they are taken to Egypt, they are taken to Jordan, they are taken to Israel.
Just two weeks ago there was another A.P.
article about Israel, they admitted they are taken to a secret facility, sleep deprivation, denial of food and water, they are chained down, they are hung up by their arms, oh I forgot that part too.
There's photos of people hanging by their arms for days!
Now, the average American watches that, and then reads the headline, or the reporter, the newsreader says, Is it torture to do this?
Well, of course it is!
Hey, why don't you try hanging yourself up by ropes or chains for a day or so?
Why don't you try it for five minutes?
You'll be in excruciating pain!
This is classical torture!
You know, the old image of the long gray-haired man hanging up by leg and arm irons in the dungeon.
This is what they did to the Christians in Rome!
And it's happening right out in plain view, and the whole country's partaking in this evil.
It goes on.
The admission will add to growing public concern over the detainees at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba.
Who were questioned by the CIA and MIFI officers.
Critics claim that the government has condoned torture.
They admit it.
But the U.S.
in its attempts to garner evidence against people it suspects of having been involved in Al-Qaeda or the Taliban.
Now the real Taliban and Al-Qaeda, in my film Rotateria I say 6,000 because that's what we had in the news articles then.
New Yorker Magazine, Times of London, AP, MSNBC.
Now they admit 8,000 Taliban and Al-Qaeda flown out to safety and Fox News reported and said, oh well, the CIA made a mistake.
And then generals who aren't part of the New World Order blew the whistle and of course got removed.
And that was in the news here.
Just a few places here and there, never a big news item.
That they would have top Taliban generals and they'd be ordered by the CIA to release them.
They'd be loaded into trucks, paid by our government in gold bars and they'd disappear.
Same thing with the Iraqi leaders and that's on the record.
So, don't say, oh, it's just torture for Taliban or Al-Qaeda.
No, no, no.
If they're grabbing 15-year-old kids, 85-year-old men, this is admitted, folks, and taking them and torturing them and killing them in many cases.
And I remember in Road to Tyranny, I talked about secret execution.
It was in Patriot Act 1.
I talked about it at Camp X-Ray.
And I talked about it in Patriot Act 2 analysis.
It's on Infowars.com.
And I got emails and calls going, where'd you get this about secret execution?
I don't believe it.
Well, now you don't say that.
You don't even have to read my analysis.
I'm going to look at the U.S.
You can be lazy and turn on the nightly news.
There's been hundreds of reports, again hundreds, about the execution chambers, about the secret execution plans.
So see, that's now out in the open and kind of passe.
All of this is passé now.
Oh yeah, torture, I heard about that.
Oh yeah, secret executions, I heard about that.
But what you've got to get through your brain is I have the spokesman for the Justice Department before Congress a month ago saying, and it's posted on Infowars.com right now, right now, right now, It's posted, saying it will be used for all crimes, misdemeanors, against all citizens and all criminal investigations.
Patriot Act 1 and 2 will be used.
No juries, snatch and grab off the street, never seen again.
They're hiring private merc teams to do it internationally and domestically.
And that's with a black mask come in and no badges.
Folks, they are publicly, they have to publicly do this so their police and military think it's okay, because if it's on the news, well, it must be alright.
They're standardizing criminality in front of you and then having the debate about the Patriot Act be about foreigners.
And, oh, it's just for those illegal aliens.
It's for citizens.
So we'll cover that.
We'll cover that.
From the Associated Press, from Reuters, from the New York Times, from the Anchorage Daily News, and from the Washington Times.
When we get back, official admissions by the Justice Department.
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Yesterday in the third hour, I read about 80%, 90% of Congressman Ron Paul's 45-minute speech that he gave before
Congress 12 days ago, where he detailed from their own published writings of the
Vice President and others.
The plan to invade countries before 9-1-1, how they said they needed a terrorist attack to get the people behind this New World Order, where he detailed how they are actually the fourth international founded by the Trotskyites, how they are expanding government and destroying the Bill of Rights and Constitution, how they said that the public had to be trained to quote, enter into evil, Everything we've broken down here.
They're training the society how to be evil.
They're exploding the size of government.
They love the welfare state, Ron Paul said that, using their own quotes from their own publications.
And by carrying out September 11th, the globalists are able now to condition you through fear to keep your way of life, which is gonna be the opposite of what happens, You're going to lose everything you've got, but they're telling you, go along with what we say, get rid of the Bill of Rights, give up liberty for so-called security.
They're doing it right now!
And telling you that torture is good in mainstream newspapers, okay?
In court, they're saying it.
And then Ashcroft says there's no Patriot Act II and then admits there is.
This is Ashcroft in Anchorage, Alaska yesterday.
This is from Reuters.
And again, if you tape this, please send it to me.
I can't watch it all or keep track of it all.
I need your help.
Ashcroft defends USA Patriot Act.
Attorney General John Ashcroft on Monday defended the USA Patriot Act saying criticism of the sweeping federal anti-terrorist law was based on exaggerations and falsehoods.
Now you're the liar.
Ashcroft told a news coverage it was understandable that the public was concerned about the possible invasion of privacy but when the so-called invasion is one that's falsely reported and non-existent and they don't hear about the fact that it's falsely reported and non-existent.
It's not helpful, he said.
Well, let me tell people the truth.
The so-called liberal media, the military industrial complex owned media, only covers the liberal end of things.
Oh, they're violating immigrants' rights.
Oh, They're wiretapping too many people.
Oh, it's so bad!
And then Ashcroft goes, how dare you?
That's not true.
And conservatives hear that and go, well, we gotta do something about these illegals.
Get them, Ashcroft!
When the whole thing is geared towards homeschoolers, patriots, gun owners, constitutionalists, states' rights, Christians.
That's what FEMA and the FBI are out doing.
We've got their training manuals, the video of them teaching, and we've got them cold.
And so the media hasn't called Ashcroft on it effectively.
You have to read the bill yourself.
You have to look at the legislation in the U.S.
You have to spend days researching it.
Many nights I stayed up until 4 o'clock.
I'd start at 10 o'clock at night, 12 o'clock at night, go to bed at 4 o'clock.
My wife would come down the stairs and go, honey, you gotta go to bed.
And I did the research and everything I told you about it has now come out.
But Ashcroft says it doesn't take any rights.
He said the act passed over the attacks of September 11th extended to anti-terrorism efforts the same law enforcement tools that were available to fight other forms of crime.
That's a flat line.
Provisions that allowed law enforcement agents to monitor a person's reading habits or purchases, for example, were similar to traditional subpoena powers used in murder and drug trafficking investigations.
No, that's not true.
You want all the records from Borders Books, you want all the records from the library, and then you tell the Librarian or the person at the bookstore, they can't tell anybody.
Section 213, break in somebody's house, plant things, take things.
If people catch you, they're not allowed to talk about it or they could be arrested as a terrorist and lose all their rights.
And Ashcroft is saying it doesn't take our liberty and was already there.
Maybe he's right with stuff like acid formature seizure where the old lady's got five grand in her purse and they take it, no drugs are found.
Or were they arrest you for having potting soil in your rose garden and take your home?
Or you have a cooking timer in your kitchen and the SWAT team doesn't find any drugs and you have no criminal record, but you get 20 years in federal prison, like the Thule of Texas case that just came out.
I mean, give me a break!
So yeah, some of this did already exist.
I guess that's true.
We use these tools, Ashcroft said, to secure the liberties of our citizens.
We use these tools to save innocent lives, Ashcroft said.
He was in Alaska to meet with the State's Terrorism Task Force, one of 93 nationwide, and it goes on to report by internal investigators that the Justice Department has identified dozens of recent cases in which department employees have been accused of serious civil rights violations involving enforcement of the Patriot Act.
Well, and then they go on to say the Republican-controlled state legislature in Alaska has approved a resolution condemning the act as an infringement on civil liberties.
That's why Ashcroft's panicking!
Hundreds of conservative cities and towns have passed the Bill of Rights Restoration Act.
There's several different acts.
I've written one that's been passed by cities and towns.
So he's panicking and he's lying and we'll expose his lies and take your calls when we get back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Alright folks, we're going to open the phones up.
Don't have any guests today because I wanted time to cover the news and take your calls.
Tomorrow I've got a former city council member, expert on the New World Order, successful businessman George Humphrey joining us for two hours to talk about the New World Order and give us his analysis.
But today, we're taking your calls and covering the news.
The toll-free number to join us on air on this Tuesday edition is 800-259-9231.
That's 800-259-9231.
And we'll get you up and on the air.
Eric in Connecticut and others, your calls are coming up here in just a few minutes.
And again, that's 800-259-9231.
thirty one will get you up and on the air eric in connecticut and others recalls are coming up here in just a few minutes
and again that's a hundred two five nine nine two three one
if you're tuning into the show for the first time and you wonder what we're all
about uh... we're constitutionalist here
We believe in the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
We believe in America, in the Second Amendment, in the family, in Jesus Christ.
We believe in controlling our borders.
We believe in not attacking sovereign countries that have done nothing to us.
We believe in fighting the Big Brother control grid, lowering taxes, abolishing the Federal Reserve, getting out of the United Nations.
That means we're mortal enemies of the neocons and their liberal stooges.
That means we study the bills and the legislation and the news.
And every day people ask me, where do you get all this information?
How do you know so much about the New World Order?
Well, until about... I went to bed kind of early last night.
Until about midnight I was scanning over news wires and reading government documents and I got up at about seven this morning and by eight o'clock I was scanning news wires along with my wife looking at AP Reuters, Washington Times, BBC, Times of Tokyo, The Straits Times, South African newspapers.
I was scanning over bills, looking at trends with state laws, studying the latest information on vaccine damage to children that's admitted I don't, I haven't watched, I haven't watched more than two hours of TV in the last two weeks.
Now normally I watch about an hour a day and become physically ill.
Literally, I get nauseated and angry.
And, uh, cause seeing them lying, seeing how evil they are, watching their smirking, uh, criminality, I can't handle it anymore.
So I'm asking you to tape Ashcroft on C-SPAN.
I'm asking you to tape Hillary Clinton.
I'm asking you to keep track of these people.
I can't do it anymore.
I'm so happy not watching TV for the last two weeks.
It's wonderful.
If you see something on C-SPAN or the news, please tape it and send it to us.
Mark it and tell me what it is.
If it's important, I'll watch it and do something with it.
I do a local TV show twice a week.
It's One Best of Austin.
And I've shown up number three in the ratings here locally, which is wonderful for an AXS TV show.
I have my own obvious commercial radio show.
But I can read the text of what they say and read the text of what they do and not get as angry.
Psychologically, I can't watch it anymore.
I'm sorry.
I think I'm going to continue not watching TV.
If you're going to do it, fine, but it's been wonderful.
What I do do is read the news wires and the text of speeches.
I can read what Ted Bundy and his ilk do.
It's hard to look at them.
It's hard to look at the serial killers smiling and smirking and posing as our saviors.
I just can't do it anymore.
It'd be like if your next door neighbor was a serial killer, you knew it, you'd seen them bury a hundred bodies in the backyard, you had all the evidence of it, and the police went into the backyard, dug up the dead bodies, and gave the serial killer a reward for exposing it.
And it'd be like watching the police then go and arrest your other neighbor who helped blow the whistle with you and blame your other neighbor for it.
I just can't watch the serial killers up there anymore smiling and smirking and laughing and lying.
I just, I can't do it.
I can't watch them anymore.
It's too painful.
Because that's exactly what they are and just thinking about it I'm getting sick at my stomach.
I am.
I'm getting a headache right now.
Let me get that image out of my mind.
Get the images of them out of my mind.
Okay, there we go.
I tell you, these people, ugh.
It really is affecting me, okay?
In fact, maybe we should just air a song.
Right now, I might need to take a break.
I'm not kidding, folks.
I can't handle it.
Hold on just a minute.
They're having an anxiety attack just thinking about them.
Because, see, I'm normal, folks.
It affects me to know what they are.
It affects me.
I was just talking to Chris, who runs the show.
He was saying the same thing.
He says he doesn't watch TV anymore.
He listens to the news here on the network and scans the news wires while he's running the show and occasionally they give me a tidbit of news before I can get it.
And he says he can't watch TV.
He goes home and reads a book every night.
And I'm the same way.
I didn't mean to get off into a diatribe on this, but just thinking about him and having flashbacks to watching him smile and smirk and giggle and have little inside jokes together on the news shows and to see the CFR up there on C-SPAN and To watch them just makes me sick!
And yes, if I'd have been scanning the TVs like I normally do, normally in my office I keep three TVs on, on different cable channels and on satellite, watching all three channels of C-SPAN and keeping a couple channels off and on.
I'll flip the channels around to the news channels.
Or I'll flip over to cartoons and it's the kids' DNA databasing, thumb scanning, retina scanning, massive conditioning, gun control, promos on Nickelodeon.
I flip over to the movies, that's full of propaganda.
I flip over to sitcoms and dramas, it's all about torture and world government and New World Order this, New World Order that.
The propaganda's gotten so bad I had to turn it off.
Because, again, I just walk around the office, or walk around home, And watch them all over the channels and I turn up the volume and hear what they were saying and pop a tape in.
I kept tapes on all the VCRs and I've got giant stacks of video we haven't even logged or watched yet.
And I've got a bigger office and I've got more people in there now trying to log these and watch them.
They're so evil.
There's no way to track their lies and evil.
I could take one article and dissect it and show you hundreds of lies.
Alright, your calls are coming up in a minute.
Eric in Connecticut and others.
But I literally did just get a panging headache.
And uh... started getting nauseated thinking about it.
Because I have to watch the serial killers set up there and talk about how they're gonna save us by taking all our rights away if we'll just give them more control.
And if that doesn't make you freak out, if that doesn't make you, if that doesn't make your heart beat faster, if it doesn't make you get a headache, I don't know what will.
Because... I'd imagine police officers, good police officers, good detectives, good FBI that are out there who are compartmentalized and actually do a good job.
They know what I'm talking about.
They know what it's like to know somebody's a criminal, to know they're a murderer, to know they're a thief, and to watch them get away with it, and to watch them... I guess the police don't know what it's like then because they don't have to Investigate a criminal and then watch him on the news as our savior being given rewards and awards.
So I guess you don't know.
It's worse than what a few of the police and detectives out there have experienced, okay?
It's a lot worse!
It's very painful!
I gotta cover some of this news and I promise I'll get to the loaded phones here in a minute.
I just...
Really did affect me, bringing back those images.
That's why I turned the TVs off, though.
And I don't know how long I'm going to do it, because I get all the same news out of the newspaper, and more.
I just... I just don't have to look at them.
All right.
Report on USA Patriot Act Alleged Civil Rights Violations.
It's an internal Justice Department report that got leaked.
It admits they're violating people's rights all over the place.
But Ashcroft up in Anchorage, where the Republican State House has voted to decry the Patriot Act, because they've read the subsections, and how they can secretly break in your house and take whatever they want, or plant whatever they want, and you can't tell anybody they did it, or secretly arrest you, or secretly execute you, and how it's written for all crimes and all misdemeanors.
So Ashcroft's desperate up there grandstanding in Anchorage yesterday, lying, and I've got the complete text of what he said, and I could spend two hours reading it, and dissecting the lies, we don't have time.
But maybe you'll tape it and send it to me because I really need it for a new film, but I should have watched it, but I just couldn't do it.
I can't do it anymore.
Report on USA Patriot Act alleges civil rights violations, but then we have Ashcroft who said there wasn't a second Patriot Act.
Now admitting a month ago there is before Congress.
Well, now he's back in the same speech saying the Patriot Act doesn't affect citizens or take your rights away.
And then in the same speech saying he wants to expand it.
And then, of course, the article and Ashcroft don't tell you what areas they want to expand.
They give you some side issue of, oh, more wiretaps.
And they already have unlimited wiretaps under Echelon and Total Information Awareness, which, by the way, did not get defunded.
It's been around for decades.
A current plan got defunded.
It was DARPA put the microphones and cameras up in Austin five years ago.
That's what I mean.
Just to understand their system, And then to see their lies and try to decipher it for you.
There's too many lies.
I'm being hit by millions of them here.
So Tupper Patriot Act Attorney General says controversy law gives government broader powers for surveillance, monitoring phones, and gets into that.
And then now I want to do a flashback.
That's out of the Anchorage Daily News.
I want to do a flashback to the Washington Times.
Then I'll go to your calls.
This is a flashback from the Washington Times a month ago, and it was by Frank J. Murray, Patriot Act of 2001, cast wide net.
Now understand, Patriot Act 1 does affect citizens, Section 802, any action that endangers human life that's a violation of any federal or state law.
You can be secretly arrested, secretly executed, no one even knows where you went, right out of the Soviet Union or Nazi Germany.
The new Patriot Act says that's too narrow.
They want unlimited.
Even if you don't commit a misdemeanor or knowingly commit a misdemeanor, they want to be able to secretly arrest you and execute you.
That's just one of the little nightmare tidbits.
And then now, here's another one.
This is from the Washington Times.
Maybe you want to go read this.
We posted it again today amongst Ashcroft's newest spin.
Long sought details have begun to emerge from the Justice Department on how anti-terror provisions of the USA Patriot Act were applied in non-terror investigations, just as battle lines are being drawn on proposed new powers in Patriot Act 2.
Overall, the policy now allows evidence to be used for prosecuting common criminals, even when obtained under extraordinary anti-terrorism powers, and information sharing between intelligence agencies and the FBI.
Did you hear that?
Overall, the policy now allows evidence to be used for prosecuting common criminals, even when obtaining under extraordinary anti-terror powers, information sharing between intelligence agencies and the FBI.
And they've said the CIA is already acting domestically and taking over police departments, according to the Times, PICANN, you and the AP.
Quote, this is the Washington Times.
This is the Justice Department before Congress.
They said this out of their mouths.
We would use whatever tools are available to us within reason to prosecute violators of any law.
Justice Department spokesman Brian Sierra said in the wake of his department's massive report to Congress describing how the USA Patriot Act is being implemented.
We would use whatever tools are available to us within reason to prosecute violators of any law.
Justice Department spokesman Brian Sierra said in the wake of his department's massive report to Congress describing how the USA Patriot Act is being implemented.
The information was a response to doubts, not from outspoken civil liberties groups, but from Representative F. James Sensenbrenner, Jr., Wisconsin Republican, and the House Judiciary Committee Chairman, who publicly pushed for its speedy 337-79 House passage.
So this is their official report praising this, saying it'll be used at checkpoints, in drug investigations, in robbery investigations, in family violence investigations, We've read the report.
So I could spend hours on this.
I'm not going to.
I've got other news and your calls to get to.
But that's Ashcroft.
And he's up in Anchorage and now going to other states to grandstand and say that it's a liberal lie that it doesn't take your rights or affect citizens.
When it's on the record that it does, but they know most of you will never read the bills and you'll never read the reports by their own Justice Department.
Let's talk to Eric in Connecticut.
Eric, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
God bless you.
I'm a relatively new listener and a first-time caller.
I receive the First Freedom, the National Rifle Association's publication.
I'm also a life member of Gun Owners of America.
I'm a firearms instructor, among other things.
And I will let you know that here in Skull and Bones country, you do have fellow patriots up here.
I know that, yes.
They had a speech by King Robinson.
I suppose that the last annual meeting, this was the keynote address that he gave.
And it is in the First Freedom.
and he's quoted as saying that bush protects our freedoms that we don't need to work out of the white house because bush protects our freedoms he basically bashes anybody in his speech who was against the iraq war and there's really no uh...
information in there.
That's an RA.
Sir, have you read the 21-page Gun Owners of America analysis by their top lawyers as well as Larry Pratt, a former constitutional advisor in the Congress?
His analysis, they found stuff far worse than what I found in my seven-page analysis.
Yes, I have that report, Alex, and what I'm planning on doing is writing an op-ed to my local paper.
I do write And in fact, I'm going to be giving copies of your video... Email that to PrisonPlanet, sir, and millions will read it.
We're looking for more...
We want some Second Amendment writers for Prison Planet and millions, sir.
Okay, I did email... We'll read it.
Please talk to Paul Joseph Watson over at Prison Planet.
Email him and please send us your op-ed.
Okay, I did email him.
He must get a lot of stuff, Alex, because I didn't get anything back.
Well, I'm getting $2,000 a day.
I don't know what Paul's getting.
That's why we've got him on the team to help us.
But email him at Paul at Propagandamatrix.com and we'll review your article.
Good chance we'll post it.
Okay, Alex, and one last thing.
I know you've got a lot of callers, so I'll be quick.
I'm trying to get my first selectmen in Niantic here to go against the Patriot Act.
There was a big effort over about three towns over in Stonington, and somehow the local officials put the k-box on it.
There was quite a write-up in my local paper about it.
And I'm making copies of your 9-1-1 Road to Tyranny, and I'm giving them to friends, and in fact, I'm going to be giving them to local officials.
So I just want to say, I pray for you, Alex.
God bless you, and I appreciate what you're doing.
Well, Eric, let me keep you on a few more seconds, and we'll come back and take more calls, folks.
So you're saying the NRA magazine says that Bush isn't going to take our liberties.
Basically, yes.
They sing his praises.
Kane Robinson, he's the new president, of course.
I guess Charlton Heston Now, let me just add something.
Their own legislative alert center admits that Bush is going to re-sign the assault weapons ban and add a ban on semi-automatic shotguns of any type.
Is that defending our liberties?
I don't think so, Alex.
Yeah, well see, you've got good people and bad people in the NRA.
And this guy needs to be removed if he indeed said that, and I'm sure he did.
Email me that and I'll post it.
Thank you, sir.
We'll be back with more calls.
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There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
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Dan, Charles, Daniel, Dwayne, and I.
And others, your calls are all coming up here in just a moment.
But, you know, earlier in the hour, I shared with you that it really is nauseating to watch the globalists, day in, day out, hundreds of hours of it, of mine, lying and manipulating, when I know that they're criminals, I know they've carried out murders of the American people, I know they're destroying the Bill of Rights and Constitution, I love this country, I love my family, and I can't believe this is happening to America.
Coming up, there is just so much news.
We'll talk about North Korea, the latest developments in Iraq, a bunch of September 11th prior knowledge now coming out.
It's all coming up in the next hour, but we are about to go straight to your calls.
Before I go to Dan and Charles and Daniel and Duane and others, I do want everybody out there to take action and to get my videos.
9-1-1 The Road to Tyranny covers September 11th of government-sponsored terror and the Globalist Master Plan.
Part two of that film, that two-and-a-half-hour film, is The Masters of Terror.
It's over two hours.
Two hours, five minutes long.
Police State 3 Total Enslavement is my newest film.
It's very informative.
It covers dozens of examples of government-sponsored terror other than 9-1-1.
Patriot Act 1 and 2.
Homeland Security and gun control and a bunch of other key stuff.
The videos are $25.95 a piece.
Order three or more, they drop down to $20 a piece.
My book is 9-1-1 Dissentant to Tyranny.
It is 230 pages, only $12.
Go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order via our secure online shopping carts or call toll-free today to order at 1-888-253-3139.
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They're all excellent, and your purchase supports this show.
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At the grassroots, start exposing the neocons and the globalists for what they are.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dan in Illinois.
Dan, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
We'll go to Charles and Dave and Dwayne and others.
Go ahead, Dan.
Alex, this is Dan in Idaho.
Oh, it's Idaho.
Go ahead.
Thank you very much for the time.
You were mentioning a torture of the American people.
I'd like to give you a couple cases in point to help the listening audience get some reality.
Back in 96-97, I was involved in assisting on a torture situation in Billingsley, Montana.
But Dan Peterson, Leroy Schweitzer and those guys at Freeman over there.
We were called in.
Several guys out of Washington State and Idaho went over there.
They were hanging these guys by their arms behind their back and taking a jail key and twisting it up their noses until their bowels released.
We went over there and got that stopped.
It's terrible what's been going on.
It's probably that story about those people.
It was probably the most misreported story, probably worse than McVeigh.
Well, for those that don't know, I had the London Guardian, an official British court, open court, they said torture is acceptable.
Yes, sir.
And it's been going on for a number of years and not reported by anyone.
Well, they tortured the children at Waco with the gas and the fire.
They certainly did.
And I'm as frustrated and nauseated as you are, Alex, and I have been for years.
It makes me sick.
If you've got a soul and a conscience left, every fiber of your body and soul cries out against this.
Anything else, Dan?
Yeah, I've got one other thing.
Stay there.
We've got to start the second hour.
I'll go to you next and then on to others.
We'll be right back.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
John Ashcroft is a big fat puppet.
He's not running anything, neither is George Bush or Bill Clinton or Al Gore or John Kerry or Hillary Clinton or Chuckie Schumer.
They're figureheads, technicians to bring down the Republic.
The parties are together.
There isn't a left or right, there's only New World Order flavors and different systems to implement it.
It's an illusion to give you the perception of a political paradigm.
Now, in the last hour, just recapping, mainstream British news and official British court, they admit that torture is now acceptable and that people who have been tortured, that evidence is admissible in court.
That's official, folks.
It's been official.
Ashcroft went to Up to Alaska to Anchorage, where the Republican-controlled government has voted down their Patriot Act.
Ashcroft is panicking.
They want to keep it a left-right issue, which it's not.
It's a liberty-versus-tyranny issue.
He said the Patriot Act doesn't affect citizens' rights.
So we've posted the official Justice Department report and a Washington Times article about it, where they admit it's used against all citizens and all crimes.
That Ashcroft is a lying creature.
So that's some of what we've covered.
We've got a bunch of other news on Iraq, a bunch of news on drugging children, inoculations, just a bunch of news.
It's all coming up.
Let's go back to Dan in Idaho, then Charles in Pennsylvania.
Daniel in Georgia, Dwayne in Texas, Allie in Oklahoma and others.
Go ahead.
Dan in Idaho was talking about how the Freeman, when I read about this, were hung up by their arms and had jail keys crammed up their noses into their sinus, where it was twisted to create deep somatic pain, but wouldn't leave any marks other than the nosebleeds.
Please continue with the love of the federal government.
Yes, Alex.
One more recent than that is last year, a James Michael Neumeier up in Lataw County Jail in Idaho had his ribs broke by the U.S.
Marshals up there trying to get him to submit to their admiralty court in that venue.
They drug him around by his hair.
They ran a coup baton up his nose.
I personally spoke with the man and I write to a lot of these guys.
I personally spoke to Lieutenant Scott Miller down here.
And I'm going to say this right now.
People that do that, if they don't repent of it, are going to hell.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
but while he shuffled feet and looked at his feet and i thought about the cruel unusual punishment
uh... that was going on and and and i want to say this right now
people to do that if i don't repent of it are going to hell
yes sir and these are christian men that i'm mentioning in their
thousands of us that are are getting that kind of treatment have for
a number of years alex
for several declaring your bill of rights and constitution Well, I mean, I've got friends who declare their rights in court, and they'll walk up and knock your teeth out right in front of the judge.
We've had guys drug across the bar because they wouldn't submit.
Yes, sir.
And a lot of these guys, all they wanted was a grand jury like Dan Peterson and Leroy that they gave the Unabomber.
And now they're gone, and we don't know where they're at, whether they're even alive.
I appreciate the opportunity to speak out for other Christian patriots.
These are Christian men.
I know them personally.
And I'll let you go on with the show.
It's an excellent show, Alex.
Thank you again.
Thank you.
And you know what?
A lot of people hear this and get scared, but that's all the more reason to fight.
I mean, our forefathers would charge machine gun nests, and our liberty wasn't in as great a danger.
And here in the homeland, It's all being destroyed.
When they're on the news saying torture is good, that's so the cops and military and police think all this is acceptable.
Just like the neocons said, they must train the society to enter into evil.
And a mass warping is taking place.
We have to stand up and say no and speak out.
And a lot of good people in government who heard us talk about this years ago have now seen it first hand and are joining the ranks.
Of the restorationists.
We're fighting the revolutionaries.
We are the counter-revolutionaries.
We are defending the real country.
The Republic.
Not the corporate fiction that is the private federal reserve and its systems.
And federal marshals call into this show.
They send me information.
There are a lot of good people and they're very upset about what's happening.
They've seen it first hand.
They know how evil things have gotten.
It's like the homeschooler in New York.
Who has the 3.84 grade average graduating from college.
CPS may take her from a family.
They say that's abuse.
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Big Brother.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
This broadcast is an alert, a warning to all.
And humanity that have souls and love God and love their families and despise and hate wickedness and corruption.
Evil, despotism is growing.
The exact patterns of Russia and Germany are unfolding with an overlay of high technology and sophisticated mass brainwashing, twisting the hearts and minds of the people, torture, preemptive war, It's being legitimized, while our border stays wide open.
Hardened checkpoints are being built into the roads.
Millions of face-scanning cameras are being erected.
Armored vehicles are being delivered to police departments.
Giant FEMA camps have been built, according to the Rocky Mountain News, Associated Press, Newsmax, and a hundred other mainstream publications.
Foreign troops are massing.
The Bill of Rights is being erased.
Execution centers are being built from Terre Haute, Indiana to Camp Delta in Guantanamo.
But if we speak out and we point out this evil and we decry it from every hilltop and churchtop and every valley and every hamlet and every meadow, If we do that now, we can back the globalists off.
If we're silent, and if we go along with this, they will legitimize this latest wave of acceleration of evil, and they will move on to the next phase.
We are in a death-grip struggle!
Many people are cowards deep down inside, and will make the subconscious split-second decision to join the New World Order, to join the dark side.
But many who have heard us warn them in detail for years as we exposed the architecture and plans of the New World Order, many in the system that heard us and rolled their eyes have now seen it all transpire exactly as we warned them.
And they are now waking up and joining the side of goodness and decency and honor and strength and will.
God bless you for joining us.
I pray you'll be blessed.
And I pray you'll be filled with the Spirit of the Lord to fight the New World Order.
And I ask God to protect all those that fight the New World Order.
And I ask God to awaken members of the New World Order, like Saul of Tarsus on the road to Damascus, and that they become great leaders in the fight against the New World Order.
We've got to do it, my friends.
We've got to resist the New World Order.
We've got to ask God to guide us, to lead us, to guide us, to direct us.
This is it for all the marbles, the battle for the Republic.
Back to your calls.
Charles in Pennsylvania, you're on the air worldwide.
Mr. Jones.
Yeah, I called you about this guy from England, Kelly, but first I want to say I think, in my humble opinion, that you You can take a lot of credit for turning a lot of this back.
I think you can take a lot of credit for what's going on in these cities and what went on in Alaska.
And you have become the spokesman of shortwave radio and have exposed that.
And all the people on there, and a lot of these people are extremely bright, as you well know.
And it has helped us enormously.
You've just come up with the right vehicle to extrapolate this across the country.
Well, I'm one of many people, but I do try to stay on target in key infrastructure points of the New World Order.
Instead of attacking the Death Star with a frontal assault, we try to go into key areas of their lives and short-circuit their program.
I would also add to that, that this show is not just on shortwave.
This network has over 300 AM and FM affiliates.
Many of them I'm on.
One of the largest internet audiences, routinely number one on Shoutcast out of over 3,000 radio stations and networks.
And that's just one of our streams.
We have three streams and they're almost always in the top ten.
If you combine our streams, we're almost always number one.
And we are doing it together with God's help.
Well, even better that you're on these other programs.
Well, yes, I have done over a thousand radio interviews since 9-1-1.
That has had a great effect.
And you've had people on who the general public would never have heard of.
You know, like Dennis Cuddy.
I mean, it goes on and on and on.
But these people that really have something significant to say.
Well, I'll tell you, there's one reason I'm still alive.
That's because God wants it that way, and the prayers are important, and I would also add to that that the globalists know that there are thousands of Alex Joneses out there, and people understand the paradigm, and Ron Paul's speech of 12 days ago where he said the neocons are Trotskyites, Support fascism, want to set up a police state.
You see, it's not just Alex Jones or Ron Paul.
There are thousands of outspoken people, thousands of talk show hosts that you'll never hear about because they're on locally in different areas, who are just as articulate and who are fighting.
There are thousands of websites, hundreds of books, hundreds of videos about 9-1-1.
We're winning the fight.
So there's too many of us now, sir.
And they know we're fearless.
They know That we're willing to die in this fight.
They know that we are in the Info War and we can't be snared by their provocateurs to be involved in violence.
Well, the information that at one time in the not-too-distant past was just brushed aside and lapped off is not anymore because you have articulate people putting this forward in a manner... Sir, I just started... It's a good point.
It's true.
I just started working out again.
I've lost 12 pounds.
I started swimming, jogging, and lifting weights.
And it has the bad side effect of my testosterone level being higher, so I'm more aggressive.
So I'm in the gym, I'm at the pool, I'm jogging, and I have police, DEA agents, lawyers, doctors, city council members walk over to me in a restaurant, or at the mall, or in the grocery store, or at Gold's Gym, and tell me I'm right, and they're scared.
I had a city councilwoman tell me that she's scared, it's all true, That the feds are trying to take the city over?
What do they do?
I mean, look, it's horrible!
It's evil!
I'm glad people... they should be waking up!
Well, another... get off on another... a patriot that I know, maybe you've heard of him, maybe not, his name is Mike Grady.
They had him in prison in Florida for quite a while, and he's... he believes in what he's doing, and I'm not quite sure what that is, but he was released out of prison and uh... some of the people who have talked to said that he probably wouldn't have lasted much longer that it put a a gentleman in in the cell with him who was beating him up and breaking his glasses my kids are yelling sorry and uh... anyway how do you folks I'm guilty when I'm rude to a store clerk I'm guilty when I'm mean to my wife say something rude how do you beat up people
Who are restrained, who've done nothing wrong, and then use criminals to abuse them.
You know, growing up in Dallas, Dallas was a lot rougher than Austin.
And going to high school there, I remember being a freshman and weighing 160 pounds and having somebody who weighed 220 pounds assault me because they said something rude to my girlfriend and I stood up to them.
And I remember When the big bully, you know, who's on the wrestling team and plays football, and of course I did too, punched me in the face and the blood started pouring.
When somebody's bigger than me and got me cornered, I am totally energized.
And then, because I got in quite a few fistfights, folks.
Dallas was rough compared to Austin.
I'm not getting off into some G. Gordon Liddy how tough I am, but the point is I fight with my mind.
But I remember a few times where I was a little bit in the wrong, and where I got in a fight with somebody who weighed less than I did, or was the same size, and I couldn't even fight them.
When I tried to swing, I had no power.
But when somebody big tries to corner me, or one time three guys attacked me, broke my leg, I hospitalized them, savagely crushed their skulls, Whenever I'm cornered, when the bully attacks me, and see that's why I get nauseated.
I have to watch the bullies winning and winning and winning and winning and winning and abusing and abusing and abusing.
And I don't know how, I don't know how people can bully someone who's down.
That goes against my programming.
Doesn't that go against your programming?
Absolutely, and this brings me around to why I called you.
They're really on the ropes.
When you were talking about television, I never watch television, but I happened to be in Radio Shack yesterday, and they had the barns, and I can't remember, it was like a square table, and they were doing this.
They are panicking over this Kelly guy that they've obviously killed, and they were spinning this as, I mean, the people from Fox News and all these other places were looking at them like, oh, I mean, come on!
They had barns, and I can't think that Other guy's name is Drake or whatever, and they had tried to turn us around.
Oh, this guy wasn't really anything at all that has to do with weapons, and he really didn't know anything.
And this friend of his is saying that he was appalled that they had come out with this situation, saying that he was implying this and that.
What are you talking about again?
They were talking about this Kelly that was killed.
Microbiologist from England?
Yeah, but I mean specifically, what area of that?
Well look, it's obvious, the guy just told his family and friends and telephone calls and emails, I'm gonna fight this, I've been mistreated, I'm gonna go public, and then he ends up dead a couple hours later.
Give me a break.
Well this is Fred Barnes, I think that's one of them.
Do you know who I'm talking about?
And the rest of that people that are in that crowd, they were spinning this thing about this Kelly, that he really had nothing to do with this, and it was all the BBC, and they were saying things, and they really should apologize that it's not true, and it just seemed to be, just from the looks on their faces... Well, that's how the spin works.
Let me break it down briefly in the seconds we've got left, and we'll come back and take calls.
He went before Parliament.
He said, yes, I gave some of the information to the BBC, not all of it.
And then they mistreated him.
And then he said, OK, I'll go ahead and go public.
And then he got killed.
So see, now they can try to spin it and say, oh, look, BBC, you put him out there and made him commit suicide.
When in his emails and phone calls, which are public now, he told people he'd been mistreated by the government, not by the BBC.
But see, now that he's dead, he can't speak out for himself, but luckily there's the email and what he told his wife and children and others.
But really good points.
And I've got more news on Kelly that's coming up too.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Yeah, I don't want to get off into a bunch of tough guy talk, because the power's in the info ward.
The pen is mightier than the sword, unless you've got all those avenues blocked from you and are cornered, but it was interesting because Dallas had a totally different culture, and especially out in Rockwall, Texas, you know, kind of the good old boys, and I guess it's I've been told it's always been like that.
People get in a lot of fights.
Serious fights.
You could be out at a bonfire and look at somebody rung and they'd be assaulting you with post hole diggers within ten seconds.
And the few times I was halfway in the rung getting in a fight, I got my hind end kicked.
It would usually be somebody my size, just average size.
But all the other times I got in fights, it was always a I don't know.
of bullies or a particular bully who outweighed me by in many cases, you know, 60, 70, 80
pounds, and I would try to stay out of the fight.
As soon as they started assaulting me, I would basically just black out, and next thing I'd
know there'd be police there and they'd be getting loaded in an ambulance.
And I don't know, I guess it's instinctive for all of us that when we're cornered that
We have the strength to fight back and can do amazing things.
you But there's nothing that makes me madder than bullies.
And I just can't stand them.
And that's why it's very frustrating to watch them corner people and do the things they do to innocent people.
It just makes my stomach turn and my mind burn with a righteous anger.
And if you don't have those feelings about bullies and about dictators and about corrupt individuals, you're not connected to God, folks.
Because the Bible clearly shows that we should be outraged and disgusted by corruption and especially by bullies.
By those that feed on the innocent, that feed on the widows.
That's the word I'm looking for.
So, that's what I was trying to get at, and it's so important that we all get that righteous indignation at the lies and the corruption.
But so much of the American society has just accepted that, oh, that's what politicians do.
Oh, they lie, cheat, and steal.
Yeah, that's what the Houston Crime Lab does.
It frames people.
Yeah, that's what police do.
They torture people now.
And then no one's brought to justice.
That has to change or evil's going to win out and set itself up as the norm.
And then it's going to come after the good at an even greater rate than it's doing now.
We're going to break and come back and go to Go to Dave, and Darryl, and Dwayne, and Allie, and Steve, and Barney, and many others that are holding.
That's all the calls I'm going to take for this hour coming up in the next segment.
I'm going to go to the next segment, but I want to spend the last of the hour getting into some of the news.
I want to spend the next few minutes getting into some of that news right now.
FBI denies failing to spot September 11th plot.
That's their spin out of the Scotsman.
Bush approval at 59.
Democrats give edge on economy.
Here's the story that started it all.
AP report, FBI informant, new 911 hijackers.
And this is their big new breaking story.
This came out a year and a half ago.
This came out about 22 months ago, within a week of September 11th.
We even heard about it before, but specifics came out after September 11th, right after it.
We have all the news articles posted on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com that most of the hijackers, it looks like 12 of them, of the 19, had their houses, their cars, their credit cards paid for by the FBI.
In two of the houses, one in Florida, one in California, where at least five of the hijackers live, the supposed hijackers, the FBI had informants or agents living with them.
Now, I've got MSNBC, AP Reuters on this from the weeks after 9-1-1.
Everybody's supposed to forget about it.
You never hear about it in the news.
Well, this is the big report by the Whitewashing Committee, but they say it's all an accident, the FBI didn't mean to, and they just need more funding.
And the higher-ups blocked the investigation, but they were stupid.
And then the article doesn't mention what past articles said.
We put the news together that the five, or was it six, FBI agents, five or six, I've got to dig that article out, all got big fat bonuses.
They had a Washington Times article, several others, where they all got record cash bonuses, 30 grand, 15 grand, 20 grand apiece, for blocking the investigations.
Not reprimanded, rewarded!
So, again, when you've got all these news articles, you've got this whole story put together, and then you hear their spin, it's incredible, it's very frustrating, and again, makes me angry.
So, report, FBI, informant, new 9-1-1 hijackers, that's coming up in detail, exclusive, the 9-1-1 report slamming the FBI, MSNBC, also how the government's hiring mercenary teams in Afghanistan, Cuba, the U.S., Iraq, you name it, and why that's so dangerous.
But first, your calls, and we get back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, let's get through the callers and then I'm going to get into the news on September 11
on lies of weapons of mass destruction and the counter lies that the globalists spew once they get caught lying.
(upbeat music)
But let's go ahead and talk to Daniel in Georgia.
Daniel, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Is this Alex Jones?
Yes, sir, it is.
Mr. Jones, pleasure to talk to you.
I have been listening to you on the net since like, oh, 98, 99, something like that.
I appreciate the work you did with the Branch Davidians in helping to rebuild their church.
Well, I want to thank the listeners.
We built them a church that seats 400, two-story.
Made out of hardy plank and then treated so it can't be burned down or fire retardant.
And we built that as a memorial for those that died, yes.
Yes, you did.
And I happened to be personal friends with Clive and the recently departed Edna and Sheila and the rest of them.
And, you know, I can say that, you know, everybody thanks you from their heart because what you did was a really good thing.
But again, I didn't do it.
I got tired of the Davidians getting the shaft when it came to the civil trials, the judge not allowing a jury.
See, that was before 9-1-1 and the Patriot Act folks were already doing it.
I got tired of everybody talking and so with the charity we set up, we said send the money to the three hardware stores Uh, Ian, we set up accounts, and I would announce each day, we need 100 boards of this size, we need 100 pieces of sheetrock, pull this number to this Lowe's or this Home Depot or this McCoy's, pull now, and every dime, and I gave over $1400 of my own money, every dime went to build that, and we raised over $120,000 by the end of it.
Yes, you did.
And again, on behalf of the Branch of Idiots, or actually they call themselves something else.
But the point is, is that what you did was a very great thing.
The listeners did it.
Well, actually, through you, the listeners did it.
But what I'm trying to say is that I am a mainstream guy, okay?
I happen to own property.
I happen to be in the business community and I listen to you whenever I can because I find your information highly informative.
When I research your information, I find it to be like, you know, 99 to 100% correct and I find no fault with the information that you give out on the radio.
I'm just trying to figure out, and this is just from a regular guy, what is it you're trying to accomplish?
The United States Constitution does not exist anymore, okay?
The America of the 20s and 30s and 40s doesn't exist.
We didn't hang up on you.
That's weird.
Sounds like he got disconnected.
If Daniel tries to call back in, Mark, tell me and I'll get him back up on the air.
Sounds like his phone cut out.
But I can hear where his question or his statement was going.
Things are bad.
The government is illegitimate and is destroying America.
And things aren't going to get any better if we quit doing this radio show.
In fact, they're going to get worse a lot quicker.
And Alaska, Republican-controlled statehouse, just passed a law decrying the Patriot Act, listing the subsections that violate the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
And Ashcroft can lie all day, the neocon liberally is.
It isn't going to work for him.
Hawaii's done the same, a liberal state.
It's over 400 cities and towns, not 180, not 250, not 300.
Not 180, not 250, not 300.
Months ago I counted them all up, it was over 400 in two states.
There's a solution right there.
There's what our educational program has done.
And that's for all patriots, not just the show.
We're a small part of that overall move to educate and alert the people.
And we've got 99% of firemen and police and doctors and medical workers refusing the smallpox shot.
That's the LA Times.
Out of 10 million they wanted to vaccinate, 296 did it.
That's LA Times a few months ago.
Now it's Maybe a thousand that have taken it.
Out of 20,000 that were ordered to report to take it or lose their jobs in Connecticut, firemen, police, medical workers, four showed up.
That's the Associated Press.
And those numbers are a few months old.
The program has been going on for over a year, so I guess a few more have probably taken it now.
I've seen a few articles, but can't recall the numbers, but it's still very low numbers.
Ninety-nine plus percent are refusing, despite the government saying it's wonderful, like mother's milk for you.
They're deadly smallpox shot.
They've tried to ban guns in this country and Bill Clinton and the Liberals were swept out of office because of it.
So now Bush is Trojan horsing us and trying to do even worse stuff and the neocons are covering that up.
That's where we have the crisis point.
Because folks don't look at action, they look at rhetoric.
We're trying to change that.
There's a bunch of other examples.
They wanted to have Henry Kissinger head up the 9-1-1 committee.
And that blew up in their face.
They had to get him off of there.
Well, there's a bunch of examples.
Maybe listeners should chime in with your example of where we're backing them off.
They passed a law in Texas last month stating that the law states that you don't have to vaccinate your kids, so why is CPS coming at people that don't?
Child grabbing services.
And so the new law says CPS can't do that.
It's a crime.
Well, no kidding.
It was a crime beforehand, but they had to pass a law telling these criminals to stop it.
There's another victory.
The big Eli Lilly just lost a big lawsuit over their Lyme disease vaccine that hurt a bunch of people.
I mean, these victories are all over the place.
And they're reported in the back of the newspaper or deep in some news wire.
We take those articles reported in the back of the paper, we make them front page on this show and inform millions of people.
I mean, I've gone the last eight years from an AXS TV show and one radio show once a week on local FM To being on dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens of AM and FM stations.
Simulcasting on shortwave.
One of the biggest internet listening audiences.
And I've reached tens of millions of people.
I've done over a thousand radio interviews.
I, just in my own little ministry, have woken up millions of people.
Thanks to you getting my videos and making copies of them.
Let's talk to Dwayne in Texas.
Dwayne, you're on the air.
Yes, sir.
Doing alright today?
Pretty good.
East of Buffalo, about an hour and a half.
Still there?
I just wanted to say that I really appreciate your tireless efforts to freedom and to waking a lot of people up.
Well, it's about survival.
This is about survival.
Yes, sir.
No doubt about it.
I'm kind of ashamed I don't work harder.
Well, your tireless efforts are greatly appreciated.
And when you were talking earlier about, you know, getting sick, about having to Watch all this stuff on TV.
I know the feeling.
Just never forget to pull on your power.
You know where it's coming from.
Our Lord and Savior.
There's no doubt that's where your energy comes from.
Amen to that.
Anyway, I live here in a house that my great-grandfather built in 1908.
A lot of my folks were veterans.
Fought in Germany, Italy, Iwo Jima.
I just want you to know and other people to know that I'll never forget that.
And I am willing to repel my borders and to put up the good fight for freedom.
But just so many people have got their head in the sand nowadays.
It's terrible.
It is.
And they do it at their own peril.
They're guaranteed destruction.
Well, like I say, it's terrible.
But one of these days, everybody's going to get woke up, I'm sure.
It's already happening, but Peter Jennings isn't going to tell us we're winning.
Sir, we're winning.
That's what makes The Globalist so dangerous right now.
Oh yeah, no doubt about your television.
One thing I did see on our local NBC, up there in Tyler, they got a new federal police program going up there.
It's called STEP, federally funded.
And I was sent The step and the slap program by police.
Tell them about it.
Well, what it is, they're going to be You know, police, they're going to be checking people for DWI, is what they said on the news.
But the actual plan says it has nothing to do with DWIs.
It's an excuse to train us to accept checkpoints.
It's also part three of the four-part National Seatbelt Initiative plan.
They state it is about training you for internal checkpoints.
Well, no doubt about that.
And it's about federalizing police.
Well, people just don't see it.
Well, a lot of people are, thanks to you and other people and the tireless efforts of other people that listen to your program.
A lot of people are waking up.
Yeah, that's where the power comes from.
The listeners of this show and other like-minded shows that love America, don't get involved and don't become leaders and don't run for city council and don't make copies of documentary films and don't hand out booklets and don't get involved.
We're going to lose this country.
We've already lost most of it.
People are waking up.
The battle's been joined, folks.
We need you to not stand by idle.
Well, you know, freedom's a strong thing.
One of these days when people realize it and they won't be willing to fight for freedom, I feel like the globalists and the Illuminati and all them, they're going to have a fight on their hands.
They do have a fight on their hands.
Yes, sir, no doubt about it.
That's why I'm putting the total control grid in.
Thanks for the call, Dwayne.
Okay, thank you, sir.
You bet.
And Daryl, or Daniel, I can't get my name straight ever, a lot of D's today.
In Georgia, he got disconnected.
Go ahead, sir.
He's back on.
You were bringing up about how America's basically gone, so what can we do about it?
Go ahead.
No, Alex.
Actually, I was not saying that.
What I'm saying is that having listened to your show for at least five, six years now, it's like I have to go back to the late 90s.
A friend of mine turned me on to your show, and it's like, yeah, this guy's a nut, but guess what?
When I researched what you said, this guy is not a nut.
You know, he is telling the truth, and it's like, I have basically been following you throughout the years, but what I'm trying to find out is, is like, look... You were saying the Constitution's gone, and then your phone cut out.
What are you trying to say?
What I'm trying to say is, is that what you are saying is the truth.
All this nonsense that is going on today is the absolute truth.
But if there's nothing we can do about it because of the simple fact that there's nothing we can do about it.
Well, that's, sir, you may have missed what I said in response to, and see, that's where you were going.
That's what you said.
Look, If we weren't here fighting it, things would be 10, 20 times worse.
If we weren't fighting RFIDs, Walmart wouldn't have suspended, for now, the implementation of the tracker chips and goods.
But they are suspending it for now, and we all know they're going to take it up later.
Yeah, that means exactly.
It's a war, sir, sir.
It's a war.
We're winning a lot of battles.
And then we get discouraged when the enemy launches another attack?
That's what war is.
But you see, we are not in a war.
Well, yes, we are in an information war.
And the revolutionaries of the New World Order, the Illuminists, are trying to overthrow our Republic and replace it with a high-tech, cashless society, slave grid.
And we are winning a lot of the fight, sir.
We're losing a lot of the fight, too.
But we're in the fight.
Alex Jones, you know what?
You are a gem, okay?
Because you have a radio show, and you can broadcast the truth, and you are one of those people that is a rarity in society, okay?
But the problem is, is you don't understand.
When I talk to my peers, okay, and I have money, I mean, I'm one of the mainstream type of guys here out here, and it's like when I talk to them, They admit they understand they are under rule.
They understand that.
They got stuff.
But guess what?
And that is the problem.
The average American today does not understand that freedom does not I understand.
I see where you're going, sir.
Daniel, I see where you're going, and thanks for the call.
Let me just say this to what you had to say, and then I want to take a few calls and try to cram some more news in before this hour ends, but let me try to break down the problem here with what you're saying.
It's true.
I understand it.
A lot of people who are comfortable, who are intelligent, will admit this is happening, but they'll say that's the way it's always been.
There's nothing you can do about it.
You can't fight City Hall.
They will regurgitate that Tokyo Rose propaganda and lay down GI.
But the good news is we don't need everyone.
We don't even need a large minority.
3% started and won the Revolutionary War of 1776.
We need men and women to set bushfires in the minds of others.
And we are well over 3%.
And that has happened.
10% are patriots or constitutionalists.
Our problem is about 1% of those are active.
And I mean really active.
So, we have more numbers than they did in 1776.
And I've talked to Colonel Roberts many times on this show.
Marine Corps Sniper, Vietnam Veteran, Army Intelligence Colonel.
He said 5-10 years ago he'd be at the Deer Camp with 30 state police and Local police and maybe a fed or two, they'd all laugh at him about the New World Order that didn't exist, they needed more power.
He says everyone at the deer camp now, and it's like 40-something people he said, it's grown, the deer camp he's been going to, now they all agree, they're all talking about the New World Order, they're all talking about 9-1-1, they know who did it.
You know what a big deal that is?
And I get the same thing from cops on the streets.
For every stupid shaved head thug with tattoos all over him on a power trip harassing your wife or girlfriend when you're downtown, there's five or ten of them that are awake and know something's wrong.
They just don't know the full ramifications.
So I'm telling you, we're winning this fight.
Bottom line.
And we don't need everybody.
And I'm telling you, move on.
If somebody says, yeah, I know this is true, but I don't care.
You want to say, well, you're going to care when they take everything you've got.
And then later, the tyranny is going to be water on those seeds and sunshine on those seeds, and they're going to sprout.
I'm like Johnny Appleseed.
I'm just out there planting the seeds to get people to take a closer look, to look at things from another angle, to realize history, and to get them going on their own.
And there's people five years ago that didn't believe me that have now woken up and are fighting the new world order.
Let's go ahead and take calls.
Let's talk to Allie in Oklahoma.
Go ahead, Allie.
Hi, Alex.
How you doing?
We need some help.
A nearby small town is attempting to annex a bunch of farms into the city, and they're trying to annex 17 full sections and part the four of the sections, and it's over 11,000 acres.
And then they'll pass regulations and... Sure they will.
But we're pretty well.
I think we're going to take care of that part.
But what I want to know is how to go about getting this Bill of Rights Restoration Act brought up to the city while we're in there at this meeting with them over this annexation.
Maybe we can bring up this Bill of Rights Restoration Act and I don't know how to even start it.
Stay there.
Stay there.
This is important Allie.
Don't hang up.
I'll tell you how to do it on the other side.
And then we'll launch into more of the news.
It's all on InfoWars.com.
Stay with us.
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We are accelerating towards the third hour.
Thank you for joining us today.
Allie, you want to know how to bring forward my resolution?
The Save the Bill of Rights campaign has been passed by some cities and towns.
There are many other resolutions.
Some are weaker.
A few others might be a little bit stronger than mine, though I doubt it.
You find a like-minded city council member You approach them and you bring them a few news articles that are all over the place, like the one out of the Anchorage Daily News, where it says, hold on, Republicans pass a bill decrying the Patriot Act and restoring the Bill of Rights and Constitution, and you say, look,
Conservatives in Alaska are doing this.
They're trying to do it in Salt Lake City.
Conservative towns around Salt Lake are passing it.
You show them conservative towns in Florida doing it.
And you say, this is a conservative issue, because they're going to try to say it's a liberal issue.
They try to do that in the media and balkanize things.
And you say, we want you to simply say the Bill of Rights and Constitution are still in effect in this county and town and that you're going to stand up for it.
And then you also pass out copies to ten of your friends who are going to be there and you have them all call members of the council beforehand or go down and talk to them in person or ask them to have a cup of coffee with you in the morning at the local coffee shop and you educate them about it and then you ask them respectfully to pass it then if they refuse you start coming down and decrying them as spitting on the graves of our veterans if they won't simply pass a resolution saying the Bill of Rights is in effect And in power in your city or town.
But Alex, I have to have the exact location of where to get this information.
Okay, let me tell you.
Let me tell you.
Let me tell you.
On InfoWars.com, there's the Save the Bill of Rights campaign.
Big ol' link there on the page.
It's also at PrisonPlanet.com down the left-hand side.
It says Save the Bill of Rights Campaign.
You print that, and on the main page today, I printed it off.
It should have been posted.
I'm sure it is.
Yeah, because it's in the Ashcroft section today.
We have the Anchorage Daily News saying just what I reported.
Yeah, okay.
Well, I don't know the date of the newspaper or anything.
Ma'am, let me tell you.
But it's going to be up there on the website, huh?
Yes, this is July 22nd.
Kate Peswecker and Nicole Tassong, Toughened Patriot Act Attorney General, says controversial law gives Attorney General broader powers.
Here's another one.
This is out of Reuters.
Anchorage, Alaska.
Attorney General John Ashcroft on Monday defended the U.S.A.
Patriot Act.
Down at the bottom, Republican-controlled state legislature in Alaska has approved a resolution condemning the act as an infringement on civil liberties.
And then we have the law I've written posted on the site as well.
I see.
Well, that's a tell.
And how about the copies of the Patriot Act and info on the Patriot Act 2.
Will that be on your information?
Yes, there's a big link at the top of the main page that says Alex Jones Analysis of Patriot Act 2.
Thanks for the call.
Really appreciate it.
And by the way, if you want to wake your city council up, your county commissioners, give them a copy of Police State 3 Total Enslavement or The Road to Tyranny.
Get my videos, make copies, and give it to all of them.
And call back in a week and say, have you watched it?
In fact, if you want to order my videos, there's nine different ones, nine different titles and my book,
go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or simply write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar,
Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704 or call toll free to get my videos at 888-253-3138.
And your purchase also supports this broadcast and what we're doing.
And we need the funds to expand and maintain our operation of powerful films.
We authorize you to make copies for not-for-sale purposes.
Please get them today.
1-888-253-3139 or at fullwars.com or net.
Callers, you're going to have to hold.
I want to get straight into the news.
I haven't covered yet, or I've only mentioned briefly, in the third hour.
Then about 20 minutes into the hour, I'm going to take calls for the rest of the show with a recap of top stories at the end of the broadcast.
Third hour straight ahead.
If your station doesn't carry it, ask them why.
We'll be right back.
Stay with me.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
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You want answers?
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All right, folks.
Already into the third and final hour of this worldwide broadcast.
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Sherry and others, Barney and others that are patiently holding, your calls are coming
up in about 20 minutes if you can hold.
I've got news I need to cover now.
a toll-free number to join us on air always a good idea to give it out haven't given it out over an hour
1-800-259-9231. Any particular news or story we haven't mentioned or something you saw on the
news you want to talk about or something you witnessed on c-span or something happening
locally in your area?
We'd love to hear from you on those issues as well.
800-259-9231 and we will get you up and on the air.
992-31 and we will get you up and on the air.
Okay, there's a bunch of news. Later I'm going to recap this because it's so important.
I'm about to cover other news we haven't gotten to yet.
Ashcroft has been lying and then caught in lies and issuing new lies, mixing it with half-truths and then combining it with more lies.
I mean, he makes Bill Clinton look like a poor liar.
We'll get into what this puppet's up to and how conservative states are decrying and passing laws against the Patriot Act.
Also, big news story out of London Guardian.
We're in British court.
They admit they're torturing people now and that that's A-OK.
Kind of a big deal, folks.
That's coming up as well.
Got news on record Ritalin use.
They're now giving it mass in the UK and the US to babies 15 months old or younger.
I mean, think about that.
A dangerous amphetamine.
Basically, methamphetamine.
To babies, people!
If your kid's hyper and doesn't behave, just drug them so they grill in the corner.
It's not that you're giving them Coca-Cola and Twinkies.
That's not why they're bouncing off the walls.
Here, give them some speed to burn their little brains out.
Retard growth.
Shrink their brains.
Cause heart palpitations.
So just pure evil right in our face.
That's coming up.
It's amazing.
More on the microbiologist, former head of Horton Down, one of the whistleblowers to the BBC and their writer, Mr. Gilligan, how Dr. Kelly supposedly committed suicide, but they say it was a grizzly scene.
Some new developments on that.
That's coming up.
And the FBI denies failing to spot September 11th pilot, but it comes out that report FBI knew 9-1-1 hijackers lived with them.
Yeah, of course, they ran the whole operation.
And continuing, we'll get into the new FBI report, which is basically a whitewash, but it's bad enough.
Just incredible.
Bunch of news on the mercenaries.
This is out of the Scotsman.
We also have one out of the London Independent and another out of the New York Times.
is creating an Iraqi militia to Relieve GIs, U.S.
plans to enlist Iraqis in operation, civil force intended to quell resistance, and it's a bunch of murderers they're hiring literally out of the prisons.
War Incorporated on the march to relieve U.S.
troops all over the world.
It says they wear black uniforms.
They work for DynCorp and others.
We'll talk about the history of DynCorp.
We'll be getting into all of that news.
Also, construction of nuclear reactors in North Korea ongoing despite tension.
Our government giving them nuclear reactors showing how staged all this is.
Lawsuit claims troopers have ticket quotas.
Yeah, no kidding.
Ex-trooper, trooper of the year.
Blew the whistle on this.
Mistakes admitted in South Carolina mental jail stays.
Turns out people stayed months and were completely innocent and done nothing wrong.
That's all coming up.
Iraq weapons, now a secondary issue, the White House says.
Don't worry about it.
It was never about that.
Funny, I thought it was all about that.
They want you to engage in double-thinking.
Forget it.
More U.S.
soldiers being killed.
Unfortunately, Cheney had Iraq in sight two years ago.
More on the internal documents of his Energy Task Force.
About how they'd soon be getting the Iraq oil before the enabling event of 9-1-1.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we're back live launching straight into the news and coming up in the next segment we'll go back into your calls.
This is out of the Scotsman today.
FBI denies failing to spot September 11th plot.
Now this has been out in the news for years.
22 months to be exact.
The FBI missed a chance to uncover the September 11th plot by failing to discover the two men living with an FBI informant who were preparing to join the suicide hijackers.
Congressional inquiry is expected to report The study due to be released this week also contains new evidence suggesting that a Saudi American government agent may have been a key associate of Al-Qaeda attackers.
According to Newsweek, folks, the FBI paid for their houses, their cars, their credit cards.
And a bunch of them have been found to still be alive.
The study due to be released this week also contains new evidence suggesting that a Saudi American government agent Mayhem Buttaki, Associate of Al Qaeda Attackers, according to Newsweek.
One congressman involved in the probe told the magazine that the findings were a scathing indictment of the FBI and an agency that doesn't have a clue about terrorism.
Oh, it was an accident.
Is that why your funding's all been increased?
Is that why the people that blocked the investigation of this by good FBI low-level that were compartmentalized, is that why they got the biggest cash bonuses in FBI history?
Is that why?
You don't mention that, do you?
We're talking about dead people here, folks.
They're dead, those thousands that died.
I don't think it's funny.
And the Globalist is going to carry more out, you watch, unless we expose them on this.
This is life or death.
One congressman involved in the probe told a magazine that the findings were a scathing indictment of the FBI and the agency that doesn't have a clue about terrorism.
The report states That the Bureau had evidence about a suspected Saudi secret agent who had extensive ties with hijackers Khalid al-Mahhar and Nawaf al-Hazimi, but did not keep checks on him, the report threatens.
Worse in the United States, relations with the long-time ally Saudi Arabia already dealt a massive blow by evidence that most of the September 11th hijackers were Saudi citizens.
Yeah, and most of them are still alive.
What does that mean then?
Well, you know how drones are piloted and controlled.
You know, they've flown 747s from L.A.
to, uh, to, uh, you know, the place with the kangaroos over there.
So, that's going on, flying into Australia.
I mean, it's remote control, folks, and I don't want to get off all into that.
I cover it in my films.
Nine of the hijackers have been found alive.
A bunch of the others have their houses, their cars, their credit cards paid for by the government.
Public officials got told not to fly that day.
The CIA put put options in against America and United days before.
Bush had troops massing in Tazikistan and Uzbekistan.
Salman Rushdie got told not to fly that week to New York by the FAA for his safety.
Mayor Willie Brown got a call from the FAA the night before, told not to fly to New York.
It's not a conspiracy theory.
MSNBC reports Israel did tell its people to get out of the building.
I got that in the films.
That's mainstream news!
On and on and on and on.
And the neocons and the PNAC board.
Policy board with Dick Cheney saying we need a big Pearl Harbor event to get our New World Order before 9-1-1.
And his energy documents about how they were soon going to have Iraq's oil and have the pretext to get it before September 11th.
Two months before!
troops massing.
I mean, I could just... I've had to make two films and write a book.
Goes on and on.
I shouldn't even get into 9-1-1 without doing a whole show on it.
We are tomorrow, by the way.
With George Humphrey.
You don't want to miss that.
Okay, I'm gonna get bogged down here.
I gotta hurry.
Bush approval rating at 59.
Democrats give an edge on economy.
Doesn't matter if you get the Democrats in there.
They're all on the same team.
Two different tires on the other side of this truck.
The sluggish economy and the continuing daily threat of U.S.
forces in Iraq have taken a toll on President Bush's public standing, according to the U.S.
Newsday Gallup poll.
The President's approval rating fell 59, its lowest level since March.
The poll of 1,003 adults over the weekend, and his overall approval on the economy is 45%.
It's just dropping, dropping, dropping.
Some of his other polls are in the low 40s.
Bunch of different poll numbers on different questions.
It goes below 40!
Look out!
He'll need to do something, or that is the people he works for will need to do something to Get us all back in line, praising him as our savior.
Some more rubble for him to stand up on top of with a bullhorn and tell us how much he loves America.
We'll just give our rights up, he'll keep us safe.
We just don't ask questions.
What did Dick Cheney say on Meet the Press last year?
He said, if you continue to frustrate us with 9-1-1 investigations, you're ensuring a larger attack.
And then he smiled cryptically.
You like being threatened, America?
So it goes on and on.
You can read the Newsweek whitewash that they call exclusive.
We had David Chippers on two weeks after 9-1-1 telling you everything and more that's in these stories.
By the way, part of that David Chippers interview is in the Road to Tyranny.
Continuing, War Incorporated on the march to relieve U.S.
troops of Scotland on Sunday newspaper.
Now listen carefully to this.
With their laser-targeted assault rifles, wraparound sunglasses, and black uniforms, the men guarding Afghan President Mohammad Karzai look like U.S.
Special Forces.
But in fact, they are American mercenaries working for private contractors, the special forces who used to guard Karzai flew home last autumn after the Bush administration decided to contract out the job of protecting the Afghan leader.
Their presence is just one manifestation of a dramatic trend towards the privatization of war by the Pentagon.
By the way, they get paid, just the foot soldiers, $200,000 a year.
A captain of these units is paid $300,000 a year.
A captain of these units is paid $300,000 a year.
Commanders of overall operations countrywide are paid over a million dollars a year.
And then they whine on the TV, "Oh, send some money to the troops.
They're on food stamps."
Yeah, I am sad for the troops, but how about they stop all this?
And it turns out globalists own these companies, like DynCorp.
Oh, by the way, these guys have gotten lots of work before, according to the BBC, loading the kidnapped women and children on jets to be flown to the Middle East and Asia.
They got caught.
This is what they do.
Their presence is just one manifestation of a dramatic trend towards privatization of war by the Pentagon.
The use of private contractors is not new.
What is unprecedented is that the Pentagon has pushed privatization further than ever, even to the extent of using private contractors for core military functions.
Well, that's also so you can compartmentalize stuff so people in the military don't get a view of what's really happening.
And they found that generals have even blown the whistle, special forces colonel in Afghanistan as well, when they weren't allowed to capture real Al-Qaeda or forced to release them or fly them out to safety into Pakistan to start the next phase of the destabilization process between India and Pakistan.
Black masks, black uniforms, and of course they're all former SEALs, Delta Force and others.
The use of private contractors is not new.
What is unprecedented is that the Pentagon has pushed privatization even further.
Shrunk by a third since the end of the Cold War.
The private military industry has grown rapidly.
It now compromises 1,000 capitals, generating between $100 billion and $200 billion a year, according to Peter Singer, in a new book, Corporate Warriors, The Rise of Privatized Military Industry.
And Bush has authorized these guys to operate domestically, by the way.
So the guy that grabs the Patriot and throws him in the van to be taken off, never to be seen again, acts under national security umbrella, With no record.
Talk about the Mafia, this is it.
During the 91 Gulf War... Oh, let me go back.
Singer said, this is a huge and growing industry that is increasingly active.
A number of conflict zones.
The state is usually thought of as having a monopoly on the use of force, but it isn't anymore.
Oh, yeah.
A hundred to two hundred billion dollar industry.
Pretty big, huh?
That's what the black mass come in.
Uh, popularized by Hollywood.
You know, most of your cops now wear combat boots and black uniforms.
They'll have the balaclava, that's the black mask in the back.
No badge numbers.
That's so these guys can operate.
We've been saying this for eight years since I've been on the air.
And we have this from internal sources.
Well, now you can pick up the newspaper and read about it.
And that's bad enough!
We got Massad here domestically, UPI reported, allowed to, quote, kill Americans.
No arrest, no jury, no judge, no indictment.
You're just dead.
Oh yeah, Ashcroft, you're not taking any of our rights.
No, no.
A hundred and two hundred billion dollar industry of mercenaries.
And the Washington Times reported last year convicted felons, if they're illegal aliens, get to come back and become members of the military.
Washington Times!
It listed people convicted of arson, rape, armed robbery.
Ha ha ha ha!
That's your new enforcers, folks.
And it goes on.
During the 91 Gulf War, there was one private contractor for every 50 soldiers.
In Iraq, the war involved one private contractor for every 10.
The companies were involved in military operations, such as maintaining the weapons on American stealth warplanes, reconnaissance aircraft, and Navy ships.
Richard Boettcher of the State Department spokesman said the Department awarded the contract to protect Karzai to a private firm called Dyncor, which employs former Special Operations military personnel and CIA officers, because its only security agents did not have the proper training or weaponry to deal with combat conditions in Afghanistan.
But the decision has been criticized by two congressmen, Henry Hyde, who is chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, and Tom Lantos, the most senior Democrat.
And it's going on here domestically, en masse, and DynCorp, as I said earlier, is the big one.
And it just so happens they've been caught in the Balkans running 200,000 kidnapped women and children.
That's BBC, folks.
We're here on the air saying it.
It's in the newspaper.
And it's in the back of the paper.
The average American has no idea.
You tell them this, they roll their eyes at you.
And they're going to operate domestically.
I have Ridge on Tape on C-SPAN saying it.
So that's the new America, folks.
All compartmentalized.
And now you're going to have the multi-trillion dollar Defense Department It's already 100 to 200 billion being put into this.
Now even more shifting.
See, privatization isn't privatizing at all.
It's the private globalists transferring government control to private industries who have total anonymity.
You're not going to get their corporate documents.
You start to figure out the mass wholesale wickedness we're facing.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
I could talk for hours, for hours, about why it's bad to have a mercenary army.
I mean, they'll owe allegiance to the private contractors that just so happen to be connected to Dick Cheney and Bush and The Democrats as well.
The military industrial complex is privately owned.
They make all the profits.
That's not enough now.
They're going to own the armies.
Large armies.
In fact, some estimates are 15% of the troops in Afghanistan are private.
And the Scotsman on Sunday article Says, meanwhile, when a plane carrying U.S.
missionaries was shot down by Peruvian military aircraft in Peru, it emerged the attack was an accidental one, carried out after mercenaries' plane was mistakenly identified by U.S.
surveillance aircraft flown by private contractors hired by America for its own war against drugs.
We're hiring a private army, says Janice Szulczkowski, a Democratic Congresswoman who has sponsored Two failed bills that try to curb the role of commercial contractors in military roles.
We are engaging in a secret war and the American people need to be told about it and why.
Yeah, well that's true.
I mean, folks, a free society, you know, the first thing Caesar does is he hires his own private internal guard.
Hitler did it.
They're doing it now.
They even wear the black uniforms.
With laser-targeting assault rifles, wrap-around sunglasses, and black uniforms, the men guarding Afghan President Mohammed Karzai look like U.S.
Special Forces.
And it says that at Camp Arjafjan, the giant U.S.
military base south of Kuwait City, the armed figures guarding the gates are civilian employees of Combat Support Associates, who provide the Army with security, logistics, live-fire training, and maintenance.
But again, these aren't the guys getting killed.
It's your poor kid living on subsistence whose wife's on welfare back home with CPS harassing her.
Dad comes back to his kids being seized or on Ritalin or Prozac.
They're eating, you know, Wonder Bread and bologna three times a day.
But that's okay, you know, he comes back, his kids are autistic from the shots, and he's got DU all in him, and he's got lung cancer, but that's okay, because Don Corr and others, they're running things, and all they do is carry out the security and other things, and then our troops sit out there and get shot for the private bankers.
Alright, we're about to go to your calls, we'll go to Sherry Ann, and then Steve and then Dan and Barney and others, but this dovetails nicely with the private corporations meeting with about two months before 9-1-1 with the Chinese Energy Commission plotting what they would do with Iraq's oil after they got it.
Oh, before 9-1-1.
Hmm, I see.
That's their own documents.
That's judicial watch, folks.
Oh, but you're liberal if you criticize them.
Oh, I see.
Let's go ahead and go to Sherri-Ann or Sarah-Ann?
Welcome to the Airwaves.
Thank you, Alex.
I'm a bit angry this morning listening to your caller, Daniel, I believe his name was.
He called in saying that there is nothing we could do and I don't know if that was his name, but I wanted to give him a message and that denial is the highest form of mental illness and it's people like him that are taking down our Republic.
And it makes me very angry that he has the nerve to call in and, say, speak with such ignorance.
Well, I don't want to go that far with him, but, you know, he's disillusioned.
We've got to get his morale up.
But yes, we are on the march.
A lot of good things are happening, but Peter Jennings isn't going to tell us that.
No, he's not.
I would like to also tell Daniel that I'm a registered nurse, and I have lost many jobs because of my stand against vaccinations.
Against medications and just protocol.
And he needs to gain some strength.
So you put yourself on the line.
That's great.
That's the truth, Alex.
I'm going to follow the truth.
I'm going to follow what's true to my heart.
And when you do that, you can't go wrong.
You will always win.
You'll always be successful.
Well, I'll tell you this.
You're truly alive, too.
You know, that's what this man needs to do, is start following the truth.
I can't believe he is so informed.
He suggests that he is very informed.
He listens to your show, but he does absolutely nothing about it.
If I had his money, which he proclaims he has, I would be taking all my money and I would be handing out your videos at a mall.
Right now, I've probably handed about 50 out of your videos.
Thank you!
Wow, that's great!
And got a couple of your t-shirts.
You know, this guy needs to buy t-shirts, buy some videos, do something.
Well, I know this.
If he wears one of my gun control shirts against gun control, he will meet like-minded people wearing it.
Has that happened to you?
It's great.
Well, that's great.
Anything else you'd like to add?
No, I just wanted to say thank you very much for everything, Alex.
You're doing awesome.
Well, thank you.
God bless you.
Wonderful lady.
All right.
Look, people's morale gets down, though.
I don't want to knock the caller earlier, but I understand her frustration at him.
But, hey, it's a war.
Some people are going to have low morale.
I'm not going to have low morale.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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your health simply cannot wait any longer.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Now I just talked about how they've got the mercenaries in mash.
A hundred to two hundred billion dollars a year.
They wear black uniforms, ski masks, you name it.
Dying cars have been caught with these operations, kidnapping 200,000 women and children, transporting them out to different points around the world.
That's BBC!
That's AAP, folks!
And now they're going to be running your life here domestically, taking over more and more of the military, owing their allegiance to private corporations that are chaired by former CIA directors and others.
And on top of it, new headline, Pentagon seeking private security firm to police Iraq, but large parts of Iraq still gripped by lawlessness and guerrilla warfare.
The Pentagon is planning to hire a private security firm to arm and train thousands of former Iraqi soldiers to guard government buildings, pipelines, and other important installations.
Now they're doing a lot more than that.
Pentagon has been in talks with the private security firm Kroll, who trained the former soldiers to take over duties at At spots now guarded by U.S.
soldiers, the guards would carry small arms and are responsible for security of up to 2,000 sites.
So, lots of news on that.
The U.S.
is creating an Iraq militia to relieve GIs.
Well, they already hired the former secret police captain from Iran, who then, after the Shah fell, went to Jordan, where he got convicted for stealing $300 million.
An embezzlement scam and now he's the head guy in Iraq and he's got all his former people.
There's some, according to the press reports, raping, killing, assassinating, robbing street vendors.
I hear the neocons talking about the freedom of the Iraqi people.
There's an AP article two weeks ago with the people with the bags over their heads being loaded on the backs of army trucks taken to these re-education centers for quote, selling things without a license on the streets.
Beer and stuff like that.
It's a giant business with 200 million, excuse me, 20 million slaves.
I'm thinking of America with 200 million slaves.
Actually, 300 million slaves is closer to it.
Oh man, we're in deep trouble.
Let's go back to the calls.
Let's talk to Stephen Ohio.
Stephen, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I think you hit me, Alex.
This is Dan from Illinois.
Okay, Dan in Illinois, go ahead.
I mean, that Rumsfeld, I swear, it's hard to be more wicked than him, don't you think?
Well, he is a globalist after their father's own heart.
I mean, seriously, if Duff had a face, I think that would be his.
When I look at him, that's all I see.
I mean, it's just...
He does look Nosferatu, Vampirish.
I mean, it's serious.
It's a very, very evil looking face.
Vampirish, I think is the word.
But as far as that caller from Florida is concerned, Alex, every day somebody who thought they were immune to what the government could do to them is being affected.
And since that's happening, then your message is going to hit these people somewhere along the line.
They're going to find the people who have your message to explain why they're getting hit and what they've been in denial about and why they were not exempt ever.
But a lot of people think they're exempt of what's going on by just playing along.
Well, they're not exempt, my friend.
No, I think they are.
I think they're part of the establishment.
Thanks for the call.
Good point.
Now let's try to go to Steve in Ohio.
Steve, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex?
Yes, sir.
Good afternoon.
I'm calling with something off-topic and I'm going to speak to one of your advertisers, the British Brookfield Filters?
Yeah, and I've heard you mention before that folks buying the bottled water, sometimes buying bottled water that may be six months or a year, even two years old, if folks will look at the bottom of their bottled water bottle, there's a small triangular-shaped emblem on the bottom and normally those are an echo type emblem, but in there they have a rating for
the plastic that the bottle is made of.
There's a number in that triangular shape.
The most permeable is a one or a two.
In most of your plastic bottles, if you get them out of a grocery store, Walmart, Kmart, or any of the other chain
stores, which means that your soaps, your fabric softeners, your
cleaning chemicals and stuff like that, all plastic.
They're also in ones and twos.
And the chemicals are leaching out of those jugs.
If you have a pallet of a bottle of drinking water sitting next to a pallet of chlorine bleach or... Well, that's why when you walk by a pallet of stuff, it leaks because they do leak.
And so these chemicals are leaching out of one jug into the drinking water pallet of the next one.
To safely store water, you need at least a five or above, glass being the best.
Five is a hard acrylic plastic.
The same way when you're storing water, if folks are using plastic jugs after they've
filled it through their burk field or some other type of filler, they need to store it
safely and the harder the plastic, the better, and then still keep it away from other chemicals.
That's all I had is just the- The little plastic triangle at the bottom is a rating of
the plastic.
The better the plastic, the worse it is.
The lowest being a one, and most of your soft drain- I knew it was a rating of the type of plastic.
And so you're saying it's a rating system of how permeable it is?
The lower the number, the worse.
Well, the articles we read, I mean, the Dannon up in New York a few years ago killed people.
The stuff that was in the water was so bad.
Most of these bottled waters have bacteria and everything else in them, and they're kind of a joke, you know, really.
And so that's why I was saying, go with the British Berkey.
It's a high quality filter.
I owned these before it was a sponsor, folks.
And now you just buy them from the national source and save a lot of money, Jim Shepard, and support this show.
And I knew that.
I tried to get in the last time Jim was on the air, but your lines are busy.
I'll hop off here because I know you need to get back to the news.
Thanks, Alex.
Well, that's important.
Water, thank you, sir, Steve.
Water is 70% of the body and it's a big deal.
Do the taste test.
Drink water out of a bottle, drink water out of a tap, and then taste water out of a big Berkey.
And you don't taste anything when it's out of a big Berkey unless it's cold.
You know, how come it has that cold... Cold isn't supposed to have a taste, but it kind of does have that crispness feeling.
But do it.
I mean, in the past, I remember six, seven, eight, nine years ago before I knew how deadly fluoride was, I would drink a big glass of water, After brushing my teeth.
Or before.
And I remember I'd always kind of have a stomach ache just for a few minutes until I ate something.
Well now I can go to the refrigerator, pull out a jug and put big, berky water in.
Ice cold, delicious.
Make ice cubes!
With big, berky water.
And then when you put them in your clear drinking glass, there won't be those weird white flakes at the bottom.
And that's all the chemicals.
And dioxin and dead bacteria and stuff forms a film.
For some reason it sinks to the bottom of the ice cube.
When the cube melts, it leaves that.
Berkey water cubes don't do that, folks.
Unless you've got really old plastic trays.
I know a lot of you don't use trays anymore, but those break down too.
But it's an important issue.
And by the way, if you want to call and find out about the big Berkey products they have to offer, it's 888-803-4438.
888-803-4438 888-803-4438
and tell them Alex Jones sent you to get the discounts.
Because the prices you get when you mention my name are much lower than the ads you hear on this network.
I'm sure you've already noticed that.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
I'm going to get back into some more news.
Let's talk to Barney in Maryland.
Barney, thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
How are you doing, Alex?
Good, my friend.
I've got two points.
First, what the establishment is doing to our military forces in Iraq is extremely cruel.
Yeah, they're huffing depleted uranium, they were hit with CERN and VX in the first Gulf War, admitted fact, giving them deadly anthrax and smallpox shots, killing them, that's now admitted, and they're living on welfare, unless you're a sergeant or above, but don't worry, the Merc people, the mercenaries, get $200,000 a year starting.
Well, we should do everything we can to bring those troops home and send the mercenaries over there.
i was about to say let's see how the mercenaries do without our boys
and my other point was uh... you yesterday you were talking about the
voter fraud and the legal woman voters and back when uh... spear agnew was the baltimore county
executive around nineteen seventy
an urban renewal bill was passed that took some of our property rights away
and we petitioned a bill to referendum and the supervisors of the election verified our signatures
and then the legal woman voters somehow got access to the uh...
petitions and they went over them and they criticized some of the
namespelling Yeah, they're the League of Stealing Elections.
They were caught on video ten years, twelve years ago in Florida falsifying things.
And you notice the congressman That's right.
And they went over, they criticized the names on the petitions.
machines will have a paper ballots that that that is with them
and their lobbying to stop that and for the beginning record and they want to be
remotely access by wireless internet that surely can stealing elections i
mean i want to voters
it's right and uh... they they went over they criticize the names of on the petition to add this is
after they've been verified
and then uh... we had to go to the entire stack of petitions And then they came back and criticized the addresses.
And we had to go over them again.
And finally, one of our group contacted a woman lawyer and we went to court and lost.
Or had a hearing on it.
Let me give you an example.
In California, they have double the signatures over double.
The signatures needed to start a recall referendum of criminal Davis.
Now, they have come out and the government, Davis, is suing to have them all thrown out.
Now, when the voters passed a law, the proposition to not give all the welfare to illegal aliens, to felons, he went in, he didn't say it was a bad vote, he went in and just said, I am disregarding it.
The guy is a dictator.
And I've told people, you don't just get rid of a gun-grabbing, open-border criminal.
And why is he a criminal?
He got caught, and he got money for this, according to the Sacramento Bee, never made national news.
You know, the neocons act like he was in a fight with Bush and the Energy Commission and Cheney.
That's not true.
He got caught, Barney Davis, buying a megawatt for $147.
From Enron and others, and selling it back for a dollar, over and over again, thousands, millions of times, thousands of times a day, tens of thousands of times a day.
I mean, think of that bid rigging, that scam!
So the energy never even left, just going in circles, then running up, you know, these billion dollar, ten billion dollar bills.
I forget what it was, like twelve billion by the end of it.
California can call in and refresh my memory, I think it was like twelve billion by the end of it.
You know, the special bonds, putting you in debt, raising taxes, and it was all a scam!
The guy should be in leg irons!
It looks like they need to tar and feather a crew out there again.
Government is holy and can do no wrong, how dare you?
And I would add, The former State Attorney General Morales just went to prison for four years, and I said they won.
I got criticized.
I said, he is a criminal!
He owns part of the law firm that got hundreds of millions, excuse me, billions of dollars.
I forget, how many billion was it?
It was some ridiculous amount.
He gets the money from the ruling.
I mean, come on folks!
Well, you know what you're going to have to do, Alex, is warn that lady you had on yesterday, I think her name was Beth, and tell her about what happened to the Collier brothers and Jack Ruby and some of our CIA agents that used up their usefulness and put her on guard.
They all came down with cancer, you remember?
I think they can eject it at will.
Okay, I thank you.
Yes, well, Barney.
You still there?
Barney's gone.
Uh, Barney, they have hundreds of viruses that produce cancer within weeks.
I mean, they got naturally occurring cancer viruses.
They just so happened and made it into the polio shot and then other more modern shots and cancer's way up with those new types we're getting to enjoy.
So take your vaccines!
The government loves you!
And that's the thing.
These Delta Force guys and guys that go and work for DynCorp and the rest of it.
They give them the shots with the DNA fragments that go into their tissues and then activate at a later date and give them cancer.
I've seen Bill Clinton on TV drinking Diet Coke.
I mean, they all do it to their own selves.
This whole system is devilish.
It's just against everybody.
It's out of control.
It's out of control.
And it's going on everywhere.
Now listen to this.
Because this is important.
I want to get into these Cheney Energy documents.
Because they're extremely revealing.
I'm trying to find the article.
Man, all this news is important.
I'm just going to blitz through it for the final 6-7 minutes we've got left here of broadcast time.
This is out of the London Telegraph today.
Cheney had Iraq in sight two years ago.
Of course, you don't have to believe them.
You can just go to Judicial Watch or Infowars.com.
He posted this on Friday.
Judicial Watch released the documents.
They finally got some of Cheney's energy documents from before 9-1-1, where he was meeting, already carving up Iraq.
Of course, his other PENAC document says they were going to go in and get the oil before 9-1-1.
Cheney had Iraq in sight two years ago.
Now, 9-1-1 happened 22 months ago.
Documents released under America's Freedom of Information Act revealed that an energy task force led by Vice President Dick Cheney was examining Iraq's oil assets two years before the latest war began.
The papers were obtained after a long battle with the White House by Judicial Watch, a conservative legal charity that opposes government secrecy and which is suing for the dealings of the task force to be made public.
This is just some of what they got.
Most of it hadn't been released.
The emergence of the documents could fuel claims that America's war in Iraq had as much to do with oil as national security.
It also indicates that the Bush administration is beginning to lose the battle to keep its internal working secret.
And don't think the military industrial complex won't detonate a nuke or release smallpox to smokescreen all of this.
We're in very bad trouble right now and I pray to God to protect us.
And you better pray that too, folks.
Protect us from these people, oh Lord!
The 16 pages dated March 2001 show maps of Iraq oil fields, pipelines, refineries, and terminals.
A document titled Foreign Suitors for Iraq Oil Field Contracts is also included, listing which countries were keen to do business with the Saddam regime.
Judicial Watch requested the papers two years ago and was threatened with arrest at the White House gate if they dropped the subpoena, which Clinton didn't even do.
Judicial Watch requests the paper two years ago as part of its investigation into links between Bush administration and senior energy executives including Enron's former chairman, Ken Lay.
Mr. Cheney has fought the release of the documents at every stage.
A court ordered two weeks ago that at least some of the Task Force's working papers should be made public.
See, that's just some of it.
Judicial Watch's president, Tom Fenton, said people will draw their own conclusions about the documents, but that is what an open society is about.
Given the delay in the release, the Bush administration clearly did not want them to come out, close quote.
And it gets worse and worse.
You can go read the article for yourself.
On Infowars.com, and here is some of the other little tidbits of news.
More U.S.
troops being killed on a daily basis in ambushes and mass shootings.
Construction of nuclear reactors in North Korea ongoing despite tension.
Our government's building them despite tension.
Lawsuit claims troops have ticket quotas.
I'll hit that when we get back.
Also, the government admits they can grab you for no reason and hold you for no reason.
We took it to that.
Also, sharp rise in children's Ritalin use of 15-month-old babies.
And the White House says that the weapons issue with Iraq was never central.
It's secondary.
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We do it Monday through Friday from 11 to 2, Central and back from 9 to midnight.
Right here on the GCN Radio Network.
Some final news tidbits of importance coming up here momentarily.
Before I do that, I want to encourage every single listener of this show Forget my videos.
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Again, that's 888-253-3139.
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have gotten them in have made copies for non-profit not for sale purposes that
have aired them on access tv and gotten them out to opinion
makers and talk show host and elected officials in your area
God bless you!
You're part of history, and Godspeed to you and your family.
I'm out of time.
I want to get to some news here in the last three minutes of the worldwide broadcast.
Iraq weapons, now a secondary issue.
The U.S.
Defense Secretary says finding Iraq weapons of mass destruction is now a secondary issue.
See, there's a lot of weapons over there, but they were all sold by the Russians of the U.S.
and they're at known sites, so they can't talk about that in the news.
The existence of such weapons was cited by Washington and London as a justification for going to war, but Paul Wolfowitz Guy who loves Machiavelli and Trotsky says he's no longer concerned about them.
In an interview on board a U.S.
Air Force One jet returning from a five-day tour of Iraq, Mr. Wolfowitz said the task of setting the weapons question is in the hands of U.S.
intelligence agencies.
Oh, okay.
That's nice.
Just forget about it.
We never said it, and they've been saying that in the news.
It was never about weapons.
That's a lie, a liberal lie.
Well, you're the liberals, so shut up.
And it goes on and on here.
soldiers killed in Iraq ambush.
Another soldier was killed in another convoy.
It just goes on and on daily.
I don't know why they think these Iraqi police are going to help them because they're getting killed even more.
The destruction of nuclear reactors in North Korea ongoing despite tension.
This is out of San Francisco Chronicle AP.
A U.S.-led project to build two nuclear reactors in North Korea has proceeded despite the standoff between the Communist State and suspected nuclear weapons development.
South Korean officials said Wednesday.
Talk about arming the enemy.
Lawsuit claims troopers have ticket quotas.
Ex-Trooper of the Year alleges that opposition to quota forced him out of South Carolina Highway Patrol.
The U.S.
and the federal government is pushing all these quotas.
The South Carolina Highway Patrol operated a quota system that rewarded troopers who met ticket-writing goals and punished those who did not.
A two-time trooper, two-time winner of the Trooper of the Year contends a federal lawsuit.
Turns out this trooper's a big hero and saves people all the time and is very brave.
He said, look, I'm not going to do this anymore.
Just give old ladies tickets.
They said, you're out of there.
Two-time winner.
They want thugs.
Another one here.
This is out of the Charlotte Observer.
The last article was out of the, uh, another big paper.
I'm trying to find it here, or it ends.
Uh, this is out of the, uh, the state newspaper.
This is out of the Charlotte Observer.
Mistake submitted to South Carolina Mental Jail Stay.
South Carolina Mental Health Chief now says lack of funds was not, was not the real reason.
Turns out they held 70 people, uh, in jail despite the fact they've been ordered to be released for seven months.
See you back tonight, back tomorrow!