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Name: 20030709_Wed_Alex
Air Date: July 9, 2003
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Yesterday we have Kathryn Albrecht on, and she's with the organization Caspian,
that's exposing the RFID tags, the biometrics, basically the cashless society slave grid.
They got internal documents involved with the Department of Defense, Walmart, and others where they talk about pacifying, manipulating the public, neutralizing public opposition.
They say that 78% of you are against it, but they don't care.
Work on your apathy and tell you that resistance is futile, that there's nothing you can do to stop it.
And we had her on a few weeks ago.
I've been hammering the RFID tags for years.
Now Walmart is cancelling their smart shelves and smart flooring that scans you and tracks you, but they're still demanding that all of their manufacturers start implanting this stuff.
So they're just cancelling it for now because of the massive heat.
This is going to be an ongoing fight, and again, they plan on you being apathetic about it.
Boycott them forever.
She'll be joining us to talk about legislation.
We ran out of time yesterday about legislation they've written that they hope Ron Paul, who's the only one that's shown some interest, will sponsor concerning RFID.
She's going to be on for about 15 minutes to the next hour.
I have another guest coming on, part of a peace group.
A mainstream peace group that simply tried to be part of a Fourth of July parade that was advertised for anyone in the community to be a part of.
They were told they were not allowed to be part of it.
This is very important because it impacts the bedrock of America, the First Amendment, so that's coming up the third hour.
In the meantime, I got a bunch of news, and I mean a bunch of vital news and information that we're going to be covering today.
The International Herald Tribune is reporting what the Whitewash Commission said.
They admitted that there's been intimidation of witnesses and basically cover-ups going on.
That is coming up.
Also, USA Today.
Supreme Court citing more foreign cases.
And they talk about how they're following, quote, the UN's mandate.
So I've been talking about this for years, but here it is.
In USA Today.
You're in a world government, folks.
Continuing, out in California, Governor Davis has a new bill that looks like it'll pass.
Republicans, of course, are behind it with it, being neocons, to make basic government activities, local and state, secret.
So a secret government, secret votes, you name it.
I've got some comments on the rash of shootings yesterday at a Lockheed Martin plant in Mississippi, and out in California, the big suspect is an assistant principal blasting children.
So we'll continue to discuss that as well and how it ties into the Matrix Teenagers caught moments before the rampage on Monday.
Again, it is Wednesday, the 9th of July, 2003.
You're also going to be taking your calls today in this hour, early in this hour, at 800-259-9231.
Bunch of vaccine news.
I want to go over some of the latest vaccine news.
They don't just want your kids to take a triple shot that's been shown to be the most dangerous, the MMR.
Now they've got a 5-combo shot.
They've got 10 combos coming out.
And the new federal bureaucracy, 6.3 billion a year funding it, Iogeal, is going to try to force you to take it.
Also, one of the big pharma companies just lost a lawsuit for their deadly Lyme disease shot.
Maimed hundreds of thousands.
This is the Associated Press, by the way.
So those that deny that vaccines are dangerous are living on the moon and telling us that we're the people that are crazy.
So we'll go over this and just a plethora of other news that I haven't even had time to scratch the surface on.
I'm going to go into a blitzkrieg of news and information on the other side of this quick break.
Also on InfoWars.com, we're going to post that clip that we posted before, but we're going to post it again of Bush saying, Things could be a heck of a lot easier if this was a dictatorship, so long as I'm the dictator.
Not just the text of it, the video of it.
That'll be up on InfoWars.com in the next 30 minutes.
So stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones, and we'll be right back.
Be sure to visit InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother. Mainstream Media. Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Our founding fathers said it over and over again in different ways and slightly different configurations, but The basic statement is this.
The price of liberty is eternal vigilance.
And my job, my life, my dedication is to exposing criminal syndicates of all shapes and sizes.
And there is no bigger syndicate that promotes and fosters crime of every type than the New World Order.
So my main focus This is the New World Order and all its pumps and all its servants.
And last night laying in bed at about 2 p.m.
2 a.m.
2 a.m.
looking at the ceiling and cars driving by casting their shadows on the walls.
I was exhausted but I still laid there for about 20 minutes and thought About my life and what I've decided to do with it, and I've thought about, yes, the dangers of being killed by the government, the dangers of being falsely charged with some horrible crime and being imprisoned, being tortured, but then in the balance, thinking about my family, my children, their children, in the balance, there isn't even a choice, there isn't even a question, or a millisecond, of
Am I doing the right thing?
I mean, if you have basic decency and basic honor and the basic programming that God gave you to defend your family, your country, your people against evil and against oppressors, then there is no debating it, there is no question, there is no hindrance to the mission that we are all here in.
I mean, I'm not going to falter or waver, folks.
Because I know the costs.
And I know that we can affect change.
And I know that we can fight evil.
And I'm not going to buy their line that resistance is futile.
And we all just need to accept this fact and become decent human beings and join in on the fight for humanity against dehumanization.
And I've talked about this a lot on the show.
I mean, every day we get in our cars And if you're under the age of 55, and you're a male under the age of 58, and you're a female, the number one cause of death is automobiles.
Now, after 55 is a male, 58 is a female, it's heart attacks, and cancer, and strokes, and stuff like that.
So why do you still get in your car?
Why do you still drive down the road?
It's the most dangerous thing you can do.
You drive down the expressway at 75, 80 miles an hour.
You get on the interstates and drive 85 miles an hour.
You're driving around in a thin, plastic and aluminum shell with giant 18-wheelers and moving trucks and cement trucks around you and huge SUVs.
But you don't even question it.
You don't even fear it.
You just accept it because everybody's doing it.
Now, I'm a conscious person.
So, when I'm driving... And knock on wood, I haven't had a wreck in about six years.
When I'm driving, I do think about that it's the most dangerous thing I do in my life.
I get emails.
I get letters.
I get phone calls.
Oh, you're so brave.
You know the government could kill you.
You need to watch your back.
Do you want a bodyguard?
I don't know how you do it.
How do you have this courage?
And frankly, it doesn't even compute because the biggest dangers in my life are slipping in the shower and grounding or Dying in a car wreck, or frankly, for that matter, being carjacked long before, or being struck by a bolt of lightning long before I get into territory of the government, the men in black coming and killing me, or framing me, or torturing me.
Now granted, if we don't fight the system and speak out and get involved, the chances
of the Gestapo scenario taking place become much higher, become much greater.
But it doesn't matter because if we didn't have people in the past, like our founding
fathers and our veterans and the people that stood up against crime and those that stood
up against the system and consolidated, arrogant, delusional power, we wouldn't have the society
we have today, ladies and gentlemen.
So we're standing on the backs, and on the dead bodies, and on the blood, sweat, and tears, and on the sacrifices of all those before us that stood up for decency against tyranny.
So there's no choice for Alex Jones.
There's no going back.
There was never... Once I learned of the New World Order and found out that it was in fact a reality and began to learn of its crimes, there was never a debate.
I mean, I have examined the psychology and the soul and the spirit of it, but there has never even been a question of selling out.
When I was offered four or five years ago a million dollars to go join the New World Order and be a national phony neocon fake conservative, but to not expose the Republican Party and just talk about how dumb the Democrats are all day, there wasn't even a question.
There wasn't even a hesitation when it came to saying no.
But you see, in this society of weak, scrambled eggs, brained, pathetic people, almost everyone is ready to sell their family out for 20 pieces of silver.
And that's why things have gotten so corrupt.
That's why things have gotten so bad.
So stop being so fearful, folks.
I'm a canary in the coal mine for you.
I mean, I'm a big fish in this fight.
And I'm here telling the truth.
Seven days a week.
365 days a year and I'm not going to live in fear.
I'm not going to do it.
I do live in the constant horror, though, of what's happening to my fellow man and what's happening to the society my family lives in.
I live in horror of not doing enough and in great frustration and not being able to express the ideas and understanding I have properly.
And I live in horror of how I spin out of control on the air, and I live in horror at the fact that I can't make all the films and telegraph all the ideas, or log all the videotapes of all the incriminating evidence of the globalists, or read all the documents, or write all the books, or get all the interviews we need for this show to expose the New World Order.
And I live in constant frustration and horror at so many of the patriots who infight, and who are petty, and don't realize the mission they're involved in, and who are simply on egomaniac trips.
Folks, this system is designed to destroy the mass of humanity.
To take your hearts, your minds, your souls, to turn you into grasping fools chasing after these phantom carrots that are dangled in front of your faces.
The society is being engineered.
The architecture has been laid and is now being implemented to make you totally dependent on government, to live in a compact city, to be scanned and tracked and traced and patched, right to the edge of exhaustion, to push you on to Ritalin and Prozac and alcohol and drugs and all the additives in the food and in the water and the air.
And to set up bureaucracies to forcibly inject you with the deadly vaccines, hundreds of which they're coming out with every decade, dozens every year.
It's a nightmare!
I mean, I look at what they're doing, I think of the crimes we've all committed.
The crime I committed to my ignorance ten years ago, eight years ago, buying a Pakistani rug.
The crimes I've committed We're all dirty creatures in the eyes of God, but if we beg forgiveness and join in the fight against evil, we can be forgiven and resurrected, ladies and gentlemen.
and join in the fight against evil, we can be forgiven and resurrected, ladies and gentlemen.
Our souls to be resurrected and reformed and rebuilt.
I just ask God to help me carry on, to give me the strength to fight the New World Order
and to eloquently telegraph the information and the understanding that I've been given
somehow to be focused in this fight to warn you, and I pray that we'll get on more stations
to reach more people.
That God will protect His people in their work.
And I know that I'm protected as long as God wants me to do this work.
And that's why I have no fear as well, my friends.
That it's all in God's hands.
That He's leading us.
That He's guiding us.
That He's directing us.
And the poor fools that have said in their heart, there is no God, look at the New World Order, look at what they're obsessed with, look at how they're ingratiated in the occult, and look at the systems they've built, and then tell yourself there is no God, because they're fighting against God and everything that's decent, and they hate family, and everything wholesome, and everything loving, and they are a pack of lying scum!
I mean, the news here in front of me, it's just unbelievable.
USA Today admits that the Supreme Court is now following the orders of the U.N.
Here's the headline.
Supreme Court citing more foreign cases.
That's the headline.
We're inside the New World Order already.
I've been to the concentration camps, people.
I've made films about it.
I've got Senate hearings on tape.
I've been to the camps with the troops trying to put you in them.
Do you think it's going to be people that fight the New World Order?
No, it's people who serve it.
It's people who the government wants to take their possessions.
It's petty bureaucrats in the system that want to feed on you locally.
The New World Order is a blind demon eating its own, eating everyone.
And when you serve it, it has license to come into your home, license to destroy you and your family.
We'll come back and I will get to the news.
Please stay with me.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back, my friends.
Welcome back, my friends.
Wyatt, Don, Bob, Fat, and others, your calls are coming up in the next segment.
I could spend an hour on each one of these articles, but let's just go ahead and jump right into them.
9-1-1 panel complains some agencies are slowly... I can't even read suddenly.
9-1-1 panel complains some agencies are slowly and slowing inquiry.
Okay, there, finally got it.
9-1-1 panel complains some agencies are slowing in-courting.
And this is out of the International Herald Tribune.
The leaders of a federal commission investigating the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 complained today, that's to make you think they're really doing something.
Remember, they tried to have Henry Kissinger run it.
The leaders of a federal commission investigating the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 complained today that they had encountered particularly serious problems in obtaining materials from the Defense Department and lesser delays from some other government departments that could threaten the panel's work.
Now, remember that this is a panel that has security clearances.
This is the elected Congress, and they've got members of Congress there.
They've got a former governor on the panel.
They've all been sworn to secrecy.
They're having some public hearings, but the government still won't give them the information.
The Commission's Chairman, former Governor Thomas H. Keene of New Jersey, also said the Justice Department and Department of Homeland Security were moving too slowly to permit the panel to conclude its report by May 2004 as required by its Congressional mandate.
Mr. King said the Commission's members were unhappy that some agencies, they cited the Justice Department in particular, had insisted on having monitors present at all Commission interviews with their representative officials that can foster a chilling sense of intimidation among witnesses, Mr. King said.
So Mr. King said that it causes intimidation among witnesses.
The Chairman also said the Justice Department had failed to provide needed cooperation regarding the Prosecution of Zacharias Mishawi, who was accused of conspiring with the September 11th hijackers.
Now, Zacharias Mishawi has said that the government paid for his house, his car, his credit cards, and that's been proven with many of the other hijackers who've been found to be still alive, but that kind of gets stuck under the rug.
And, of course, they got trained at U.S.
military bases as well.
That's all mainstream news, folks.
It's in my films, in the book, on the website right now, in the 911 sections.
And, um, Moose Cowley wants to talk to the committee and wants to talk to the commission, but they've said no, so that's going on there as well.
But, again, they're just running the clock out on this commission.
It reports back May 1st of next year, of 04, a little under a year from now, and nothing's really going to come of this.
They're just going to say, okay, well, the government kind of messed up, they need more funding.
That's all the other commissions have said.
This is from USA Today.
Supreme Court citing more foreign cases.
Scalia, only U.S.
views are relevant.
The Supreme Court's reference to foreign law in a ruling last month that overturned state anti-sodomy statutes stood out as if it were in bold print and capital letters.
Writing for the majority in a landmark decision supporting gay civil rights, Justice Anthony Kennedy noted the European Court of Human Rights and other foreign courts have affirmed the rights of homosexual adults to engage in intimate consensual conduct.
I just want to point that Anthony Kennedy, the justice, would be arrested in England for using the word homosexual.
The Scotland Yard Diversity Unit has arrested members of the media that use that term because it's been found to be offensive.
So now scientific terms are, I guess heterosexual will be as well, or to use the term Anglo or Negro.
To use scientific terms now is bad because somebody doesn't like it.
I would just add that caveat.
And if you're doubting it, we have BBC news articles and interviews with people on PrisonPlanet.com
and Infowars.com with folks from England who have been arrested for using that word.
And Scotland Yard Diversity Unit head says in BBC article that that word is unacceptable.
So talk about Orwellian, here it is.
But the big news here is that they're going along with foreign rulings.
And this has already been happening in death penalty cases.
They ordered Texas to suspend executions of two Mexicans who admittedly committed murder
and there's all these witnesses.
And the Supreme Court earlier this year said, OK, we'll freeze and stay those executions.
We'll rule that that has to happen.
So it's already happening.
And remember, the EU, there aren't any judges that are over juries.
You can't face your accusers.
It's tribunals.
You can be held for 30 years without being charged or being tried.
And so the EU and the World Criminal Court and others, the International Court of Justice, as they call it, about mislabeling things, are basically giving the orders
out here.
And it says, "Never before had the Supreme Court majority cited a foreign legal precedent in such a big case.
Kennedy's opinion in Lawrence v. Texas, which was signed by four other justices,
has ignited a debate among analysts over whether it was a signal the justices
will adopt foreign courts' views on individual liberties."
I'll come back and go through a couple other key top stories,
stories that will go right to your calls and then into some other guests.
You'll want to stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Welcome back folks. I'm your host, Bill Hager. I'm here with the Genesis team. We're going
I know we have Wyatt, Don, Bob, Fat, and others that are patiently holding.
I got a bunch of other news coming up.
Marine dismissed jail for refusing anthrax vaccine.
Glaxo settles Lyme disease vaccine suit.
Wait till you hear about what this did to the people that took it.
This is out of the Associated Press.
Also, a new vaccine reduces numbers of shots.
Now they admit the combo shots, the multiple shots, the most dangerous type.
Now instead of three different vaccines in one, five, ten.
They want to make it mandatory.
With no oversight, and Bush trying to give liability protection to the big pharma.
In fact, they passed that blanket liability protection in the Homeland Security package, and it was repealed.
But they have made the autism record secret.
I wonder why.
So that's coming up.
Also, the Supreme Court citing more foreign cases following U.N.
We'll get back into that.
Also, California trying to use the war on terror to make all the records secret, and proceedings in local and state government secret.
I want to talk about these mass shootings that always pop up in rashes.
A lawsuit, school forced pregnancy and STD test.
Now we've seen this happen all over the country.
I mean, they'll grab ten year old girls and do sexual examinations on them for no reason.
Well, it's happened again.
And remember last week and Monday we had the lawyer on.
There in Tennessee they had hidden cameras in the girls' showers and boys' dressing rooms.
And the school said, so what?
Big deal.
And now they admit the images were sent out and accessible over the internet and accessed from other states.
So, talk about Big Brother.
It's all coming up.
Followers, be patient, because I have gotten my wires crossed.
I had thought this guest was coming up the third hour.
He's coming up in the first hour.
He'll only be on with us about ten minutes, because it's an important story, but one we can tell quickly.
And I'm honored to have him on the show with us today.
Let me go over this news article and we'll get him up on the air.
This article is out of Minnesota.
Again, the Associated Press report, peace group barred from sitting.
Now, whether you're for the peace groups or against them, you'd better be for the First Amendment because that's what the Fourth of July and America's all about.
But these neocons, and I've heard them all over the radio, say that people should be arrested if they protest or demonstrate because, quote, that aids the terrorist.
And even liberals are doing this!
Out in California, the Assistant Attorney General Mike Van Winkle said that, chilling statements, three weeks ago in the Oakland Tribune that's on Infowars.com.
Peace group barred from city parade, and it says the Brannard Area Coalition for Peace was denied a spot in Friday's July 4th parade on the basis of safety issues.
Community action officials said today Nancy Cross, Executive Director, Uh, the Community Action said her board made the decision on the basis of general safety after consulting with the Police Chief John Bullock, if I'm pronouncing that right, and City Attorney Tom Fitzpatrick.
The police told us they were spread absolutely too thin, Cross said.
She said the decision was not made haphazardly.
Cross said Community Action offered to reserve a spot on the parade route where the coalition could display its signs, but the peace group rejected that idea.
And we hear this over and over again.
Pro-gun groups try to demonstrate in Arizona cities.
And they say, well, you have to pay for police security.
Or you have to go to a special place.
Or you can't be part of the parade.
Or they tell environmental activists the same thing.
It's across the board.
Larry Fisk, spokesman for the BACB, said the option of setting up a booth would not have given his group the same exposure and was not the same manner in which other groups were treated.
And the article goes on to talk about, and there's several articles on this, how any group that wanted to be part of it, hunter groups, veterans groups, civic groups, the Rotary Club, they could all be part of it.
Your little kids could be in it if they wanted to.
They have the same type of raids in Austin, but not a peace group.
And in a letter of facts to Community Action and city officials, Wednesday pissed, urged them to reconsider and raise the possibility of legal action.
And so now he joins us.
And we see this type of Gestapo attitude everywhere, trying to oppress and repress the First Amendment action.
Larry Fisk, good to have you on the show, sir.
Thank you.
Glad to be here.
This is a big deal.
This article is a whitewash compared to the other stories I've seen.
What really happened and why should we be concerned about this?
Well what happened was that our group met in early June and decided we wanted to participate
in the parade like other parts of the community do and let the community know that the peace
movement is alive and that we are a part of the community and that our members and supporters
are active in the community.
In fact, one of our members was originally involved in founding this parade back about
1974 or 75.
And Brainerd made the big deal out of the 4th of July.
The Union Community Action organized it and I was told by an MCLU attorney that they received
$60,000 in a levy from the city.
They called it the American Celebration and they called Brainerd Minnesota's 4th of July
capital and they made a big deal out of it and we wanted to be a part of that.
Now George Washington said that foreign entanglements were horrible, imperialism was horrible, and
I can think of nothing more patriotic.
That on the 4th of July, going out and being involved in the community with your view, that is in line with George Washington.
Well, actually our, we entered, filled out the form and entered, and we said the name of our unit was Supporting American Freedoms.
We were going to have a signed banner saying, Supporting American Freedoms of Speech, Assembly, and Dissent.
I'm saying peace is patriotic.
Oh, that's even worse than I thought!
You were talking about the actual Bill of Rights celebrating dissent!
And they told you... Now, again, in America, you shouldn't have to fill out a form of what you're going to be saying and doing.
This is incredible.
Well, you know, they didn't require you to say what you're doing, but they asked, you know, what's the theme of your unit or what's the name of your unit?
And the name of our unit was Supporting American Freedom.
And these were the signs we were going to have.
We were going to have our coalition banner and American flag.
But that wasn't kosher on the 4th of July.
Excuse me?
That wasn't acceptable on the 4th of July.
Well, apparently not.
So we sent up the form on the 18th.
We received it on the 19th.
We faxed it back on the morning of the 20th.
didn't hear anything back. So I called in on the 25th and talked to somebody who said
well they were in the process of sending confirmations out in the next couple of days so I didn't
have any idea there was any problems of any kind. Then on the 30th you could call from
Nancy Cross, their executive director, saying that this year's celebration was honoring
the military and they couldn't guarantee the safety of peace marchers and we would not
be allowed to march.
So now you've got your First Amendment unless the government decides it might be dangerous.
Oh, your speech is okay as long as it doesn't offend anybody and so now you're punished because somebody out there might not like the First Amendment and might need to move to Russia.
Right, and I said that we weren't worried to march, but she said no.
It wasn't political, it was a safety issue.
And I asked who made the decision, and she said the Board of Directors.
And I asked the names of the Board of Directors, and she wouldn't give them to me.
And said she didn't want to speak anymore about it.
Oh yes, it's a national security issue.
Gotta be real secretive.
They also obviously tried to run the clock out on you.
Well, yeah.
It was only a few days before the spray that we heard.
So you threatened legal action.
What happened next?
I did a follow-up call and she said they were not going to change their minds.
that you referred to.
I did a follow-up call and she said they were not going to change their minds.
So we subsequently had a meeting and there were a few people who said, "Well, maybe we
should ask the city to apologize."
Overwhelmingly, people said, you know, they also got a letter from a person at the Minnesota Civil Liberties Union, pretty much saying the same thing, you know, just referring to some case law and saying, you know, this is a violation of state law.
Well, it's also discrimination.
It's like telling blacks that, oh, you can go to the restaurant, you just got to get it out of the way.
The food out of the back window.
I said that to him.
I said, so look, what if a black organization wanted to march and we thought there was racist activity in the area?
We could say, well, it's unfortunate that black people can't march in parades.
And they said, you know, we're sorry.
We just can't do it.
Well, that was the argument used to try to block people engaging in the First Amendment during the 60s.
It was, oh, it's for your safety.
So what we decided is to The Minnesota Civil Liberties Union has basically contacted us and looked into it a bit, and so we decided to go to them and have them take it up if they see merit to the case and they're investigating the case presently.
Well, this just shows the mindset of government, and they're doing it to liberals, they're doing it to conservatives, and they tell Pro-gun groups when they're standing out on the street corner with signs protesting city gun laws.
The police will come and say leave or we're going to arrest you.
Your protest is dangerous.
I'll tell you another story.
Early when anti-war activity was beginning before the Iraq War, I was at another community nearby which is St.
Cloud, Minnesota.
there was a protest along the street and the police stopped, told us all we had to get off the street, go back down into
the park.
The traffic was slowing down to 35 miles an hour.
And I pointed up ahead and said, "Well, the speed limit's 30."
And he said, "No, you cannot protest on the street here."
And we said, "What street in St. Cloud can we protest in?"
And they said, "No street. Either you get off the street or we arrest you."
Now people did take that to the city the next week and got that sorted out.
Well, that shows the mindset.
These guys need to move to Communist China.
That's where they operate like this.
So, this is across the board.
So, there hasn't been an apology by the city, then?
No, nothing.
In fact, now they are totally slammed up.
A woman called me.
We're trying to just write a little paper for school, and she's going to use this as a subject.
They wouldn't even tell me Community Action's numbers.
They won't say anything there.
So now you've got a little town saying you can't know the number to the board.
Oh, yes, it's for security.
I was wondering, could I give an email address if anybody was interested in contacting our local paper in support of our... Oh, absolutely.
You want to give a city number out?
You want to give a number out to this commission?
Anything you want to do, go ahead.
Letters to our local paper would be BDForum at BrainerdDispatch.com.
Brainerd is B-R-A-I-N-D-R-D.
BDForum at BrainerdDispatch.com.
Okay, let me stop you for a second.
Did folks just go to Infowars.com?
Uh, it's one of our top stories.
We have it there.
A list of the guests that are coming on today.
And we have Larry Fisk listed there.
We have a link to the BrainerdDispatch.com website.
And on the left-hand side, down at the bottom, it says Contact List.
You can contact my phone number and email every department with a whitewashing newspaper.
If you want to encourage them to stand up for the First Amendment, they might want to do that.
You know, they are a newspaper.
So folks, just... I would like to say that the newspaper, which does tend to not always support our point of view by any means, but they have covered this story and, you know, let our opinion out and... Well, I'm reading a July 3rd article, and it seems like a spin piece to me.
Are there other articles?
Well, there's one thing... There are several articles.
There's one thing that's been repeatedly in the paper.
repeatedly that I called them about today, and that is that the city's been saying that
our application was late.
And when you get the forms, there is a thing mentioning July 15th.
We had originally contacted them before that, and we didn't get the forms they were supposed
to send.
But the thing is, we were in numerous phone contacts with them.
Nothing was said about any deadline.
They had a recording on their machine after the 15th, and they sent it in, and they said,
"You know, on the 18th, we were talking to them, and they said, 'Yeah,'" and they sent
us the application on the 18th.
We received it on the 19th.
We faxed it right in the morning of the 20th.
Nobody said anything about late, even when Nancy Cross called.
Well, yeah, I understand what government does.
They lie.
That's what they do.
We would not be able to march on the 30th.
He said nothing about, uh, late application having anything to do with it, but now they keep bringing this up, you know, the application.
Yeah, that's their excuse.
Your application to be part of a parade.
Alright, well thank you for coming on the show, Larry Fisk, and Godspeed to you.
Good luck.
I appreciate it.
What is that website?
uh... uh...
you're so you're the without you
w_w_w_ dot i_d_m_f_ all w_a_r_s_ dot com info wars dot com or president planet dot com
okay well i i i appreciate you get back to court thank you larry
I don't care who you are, if I agree with you or disagree with you.
I agree with you, this war was a fraud.
Now that's totally proven.
The neocons and the Hillary Clintons working together, bringing you this war.
But, uh, regardless, I agree with you.
I mean, I think anybody who wanted to march on that break should be able to.
It's called the First Amendment.
You restrict one group, you restrict everybody.
Let's go to the calls, as promised, and back in the news.
Uh, Wyatt, Marilyn, and Don, Bob, and others.
Go ahead, Wyatt, you're on the air.
Good afternoon, Alex.
How you doing?
Uh, listen, I'm furious.
I just read an article yesterday in the Baltimore Sun.
It was originally for the Los Angeles Times.
Uh, uh, Charles Piller.
Uh, the headline reads, residents, it's a big article Bob, I'm gonna hit on a few topics.
Residents, comma, officials split in, boom, in bio lab construction.
You know, these bio labs they want to put all across the country.
Yeah, part of BioShield, part of the forced inoculation program.
That's right.
Okay, in Hamilton, Montana, which is about 65, 70 miles south of Missoula, Uh, right on the border there with Idaho.
It says, in the shadow of the snow-capped Bitterroot Mountains, moon-sooted, moon-cladded scientists will soon begin producing gallons of concentrated death.
Isn't that nice?
Concentrated death.
Oh, but it's just a study, Ed.
Wyatt, you can trust them.
They don't want control out of a bio-release.
Of course not.
They're building this thing right across the street from a senior citizen center, right across from restaurants, and right down the street from a school football field, and then school.
There's only 3,700 people.
Don't worry, they're going to build dozens of them all over the country.
That's right, Derek, we're talking about it.
Now listen, why would the states, who are supposed to be broke, which is a a a a also saying everything's secret we can't
tell you what the city council did with the taxes that's secret now all over the
country because of the terrorists but we're going to tell you where
all the new level four bio weapons labs are going to be. Yeah, they're going to tell
you where they are but they want to keep it secret. It says a university research center and some local officials
are clamoring to join the building boom because of the hundreds of millions of
dollars in research money. Well that's the reason they're doing it.
They want it in their neighborhood. It says a modern bio four level lab.
Do some--
Ebola and lots of viruses.
Oh, isn't that nice?
If there's about 20 liters of concentrated Ebola and other dangerous organisms, enough to infect every person on the planet, will be produced just in one, so that they can study vaccines.
Of course, there are no vaccines, according to them, for us.
But, but, but Bush says they're going to make them, and then make it mandatory, and of course there'll be a release, and then you'll need to take the shot.
It is Creighton named John LaMontagne, Deputy Director of NIAID at Bethesda National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease.
Bethesda, Maryland here.
We've got enough of these here.
We've got four teachers.
It's unbelievable.
What, you didn't like how they mailed anthrax out?
Oh, yeah.
The most weaponized form ever seen?
Well, don't worry.
Bush got a heads up to be on Cipro four weeks before it showed up.
Listen to this.
He says it did to people that are protesting.
Stay there.
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Alright, Wyatt, Maryland. You're absolutely right to be concerned about BioShield.
Alex, this is just unbelievable.
I mean, this one guy from NIAID in Bethesda, Maryland, he says that these people, he calls them intransigents, which sounds terrible, but it just means people who live there.
It says, critics as intangrient spoilers who don't understand level 4 precautions.
Sterilized waste from such labs is cleaner than what comes out of anybody's home!
Yeah, right.
Let me stop you.
Today, on InfoWars.com, we have the BBC, where they admit that they, quote, killed troops, Americans killed American troops and British troops in and outside Porton Down as late as the mid-eighties, but no charges, because the government ordered it, and Three years ago, it was Porton Downs that admits that they quote, accidentally released weaponized foot and mouth, then they had to kill eight million sheep, four million cows, and then wouldn't let people restock and use that as a police state measure.
I mean, it goes on and on.
I know, Alex.
Look, some of the things in here are so amazingly stupid that are quoted by these so-called intelligent idiots.
We're getting as close to fail-safe as possible.
Adding as fail-safe as a space shuttle.
They're not idiots, they know what they're doing.
I know, but he says, "We're getting as close to fail-safe as possible, adding as fail-safe as a space shuttle."
Well, my God, we've had two space shuttles blow up!
I mean, you know, and they said they're building this to withstand a small plane crash.
It could be a break.
A home could withstand a small plane crash if necessary.
Now let me stop you, Wyatt.
Some articles say a dozen, some say 26, some say 40.
How many of these does this article say they're going to build?
It says six.
But it really didn't get into where the six are.
It just says bio over boom in bio lab construction.
But it points out about six.
It says dotting the country, dotting the country with these labs.
So it doesn't say it's a total of six.
See, every article says something different.
But right here in Fort Detrick, Maryland, they point out that there are so many leaks in the old pipes.
and a concrete cover pipe that they're leaking contaminants and it's a groundwork.
The Russians released anthrax and killed thousands of people, okay?
Right. I mean, it's such insanity.
What I think they're going to do, they'll have enough labs across this country
that all they have to do is release a little bit of something
and everybody in the United States could drop dead.
Well, that won't happen.
No, it won't happen.
They'll have a few thousand, they'll have a few thousand die and then clamp down the cities and say, after this happened, we gotta take your rights to keep you safe.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, folks.
I mean, they're behind it all, and the CFR is saying, we're going to get hit by vile weapons, our lives are going to change, they're going to take all our rights, and they're building these everywhere and saying, oh, we're going to develop dozens of vaccines that will be forced.
All right, we're going to break, and we will come back with Don and Bob and Thad and others.
And I kind of got behind because I thought that guest was on the third hour, but...
That means we just got another guest coming off in about 15 minutes in the middle of the next hour and then I'll be done with guests and we'll have time for all your calls but I'll go to your calls when we get back first and then I'll have time to get to all this news, the vaccine news, the gun grabbing news, the mass shooting news.
I mean there's just so much we've got to go over so please stay with us.
Before I end this hour and the last minute I got left here, Please go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
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Alright, just a lot coming up on this Wednesday edition.
Second hour, third hour, straight ahead.
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Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We have a government that admits they've killed U.S.
troops, foreign troops, and chemical and biological weapons tests.
It's all over the news right now on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And now they want to build dozens, they won't tell us the exact numbers, some articles say a dozen, some 26, some 30-something, bioweapons labs all over the country, in populated areas, in big cities, in small towns, And they want to build, as you were just hearing one of our callers talk about out of a news story, and I've seen the articles, they're going to build them all over the country, and they're going to produce liters of liquid death.
So it's a big deal.
We've had a victory against Walmart and the Defense Department, and the secret documents we got from inside of the Auto ID Center, part of the Uniform Commercial Code, planning to microchip every product.
And Catherine Albrecht is coming on in the next segment.
Right now, let's go to Don in Michigan, and then Bob and others.
Don, you're on the air.
How you doing, Alex?
Pretty good, sir.
Did you get my email I sent to you?
About what's going on up in Fremont, Michigan here?
Yes, I did.
How they're land-grabbing.
It's going on everywhere.
No, that's not it, Alex.
There's been a raid.
State police.
There's been a trooper killed.
Another one shot.
My contacts here in Michigan say that the guy, the citizen's been shot.
They shot him from a military helicopter.
He's got shot seven times.
I know you don't like to talk about theories, only the documented stuff, so I'll leave that alone.
But, uh, state police, they say that he's, uh, they haven't found him and they're looking for him.
Uh, police from seven states away are helping.
This is big news right now in Michigan.
Well, I'll have to go to the Associated Press and find out more, and I'll do that.
Did this happen today?
This happened Sunday night.
Uh, what supposedly happened, uh, the guy, Christian, Patriot, Militia, whatever, conservative views, uh, believes women should be wearing dresses instead of pants.
Apparently he was at a gas station in Fremont, Hesperia, Michigan.
And some young women were out there.
I wasn't there.
I don't know.
I'm just telling you what I read.
Apparently they weren't dressed too conservatively.
And he made some comments.
But long story short, they filed a complaint against him.
And supposedly he's soliciting sex from minors.
But the police were sent out there to serve the warrant.
He barricaded himself.
He tried to hit her.
I guess Trooper Kevin Marshall's been shot dead.
There's another one wounded.
My people say that, you know, there was helicopters there firing down into the house.
Right here, the big news channel in Michigan is 9-10 News up in northern Michigan here, and I watched it last night and today.
I saw an armored personnel carrier right up at the guy's house by the cornfield there.
It looked just like Waco, Texas.
They ran through.
I saw an explosion right there from the windows just blowing out.
Alright, I will, when did you send your email?
I sent it last night and I just sent you another one today.
Okay, to what box?
I sent it to Tips at Infowars and Alex at Infowars.
I can give you the site right now, it's Grand Rapids Press.
It'll tell you all about it.
Okay, I'll find it.
Thank you, sir.
I'll cover it.
Thank you.
And we'll get more information.
Very interesting.
Thank you, Don.
Bob in New York.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
How are you today?
Well, just amazing stuff going on.
Isn't it?
Hey, this is a follow-up from yesterday in regards to what I refer to as a degaussing coil.
We were talking about trying to deactivate the RFID tracker chips we're now going to put in everything.
And I just wanted to reiterate that you don't want to do this around any film or any electronic device, which kind of, you know, what are you going to do about that?
Are you talking about the magnetic wand that you use to erase audio tape?
Yeah, yeah.
What you do is just plug it into a 110 outlet, press the button, and The coils of wire give you a huge magnetic field and it'll blow out those RFID tags.
Now will it erase them or blow them out?
It'll blow them out.
I spent about 8 years in the military in electronics and I went into retail where I actually was in the CD business and I had to have RFID or a similar device called I don't know.
symptomatic but uh... yet definitely large magnetic field to blow it out
the other issue i wanted to bring up this is really bizarre
back when i was about twenty one years old i took a note
and that was to support and defend the constitution and uh... just recently
i noticed that uh... some military officials were retaking it
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, my friends. We're back live, already in the second hour.
We're going to go back to the calls.
We're going to go back to the calls, back to Bob and Thad and others coming up here in just about 10-15 minutes.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 800-259-9231.
Last Friday and then on Monday, we covered articles about Tennessee where they have hidden cameras in the 10- to 14-year-old school children's bathrooms, dressing rooms in public schools.
It's going on all over the country, but they've been caught in one particular area.
Well, now they're back at it again in other areas of the nation, doing these sexual exams on young girls for absolutely no reason.
So, this is your government, folks, training you that the children don't belong to you and abusing your children.
Now, Katherine Albrecht, She is the founder and she runs No Cards and the organization Caspian.
They fight against biometrics, Big Brother, the shopping cards that track and trace you, the so-called discount cards that are really designed to rip you off, find out what you've got to buy, what you really want, and then actually jack those prices up and manipulate you.
That's how she got into this.
We've had her on two or three times in the past.
We had her on yesterday and we ran out of time.
We're talking about the secret documents of Walmart, the Defense Department, Botger & Gamble, and others in the Auto ID Center, part of the Uniform Commercial Code and barcoding system.
And they've been caught lying, saying that they didn't want to put shelf readers and scanners that scan you as you walk around through the store.
The microchips, again, are activated as you leave the store.
They're still activated.
Now there's news articles admitting they plan to use it for taxing you as you drive around in your car, already doing it out in San Francisco according to the San Manto Times.
They got some of the, well they were secret documents, but the fools at Auto ID Center actually had a back door that was wide open to everybody on their website to get their corporate minutes.
And they talk about suppressing the people, manipulating the people, pacifying them, how to control you, how you're apathetic.
They don't care if the majority of you are against it.
Uh, it's, they talk about strategies to manipulate and to basically lie to the public.
It's a big news story, so, Catherine, recap the basics, and then let's get into a law you guys have written that you're hoping Ron Paul will sponsor that we know will have great support with the people, but not with the bureaucrats in Washington.
Hey, absolutely, Alex.
But listen, before we get started, I've got to share some very good news with your listeners.
It's just in.
Walmart has unexpectedly canceled plans to do these shelf trials in Brockton, Massachusetts.
Now, you know about this?
This is where they were... Yes, I actually... I have a Reuters story here where Walmart unexpectedly, quote, cancels You know, they'll just announce it again quietly next week after the heat is off.
Well, we'll see.
I think they're taking an awful lot of heat.
We're scoring this one as a victory.
And Alex, your listeners can get actually an exclusive on this piece of information, but I was actually in a Walmart store in Brockton.
I saw that smart shelf with my own eyes.
And now they're canceling it.
And now they're saying, "Well, you know, we never really were really going to ever even do that in the first place."
So, uh...
So that shows the army of one out there for real taking action.
Well, I'm telling you, you know, these people are really running scared.
They know they've got a problem with 78% of consumers opposing this technology.
And all it takes is for, you know, you folks out there to put in the phone calls, to put the pressure on them, and
they go running for the hills.
So I am feeling like we consumers right now are holding the power in our hands.
And if we can capitalize on this right now, if we can take advantage of the fact that we are now being listened to,
that the media of the entire world and every one of these RFID companies has all eyes on us as consumers
and waiting to see what it is that we want and what it is we're going to do next.
Now, Catherine, for those that don't know, they brag in their corporate minutes, and
it's the Defense Department, Walmart, all the big guys, they want to make this the standard
system, replace the barcode or supplement it.
It's trackable, traceable, it's for the casual society control grid.
Now in these documents you just got this week, and then they admit you've got them, they're
very mad that you have them, according to the Associated Press, and you've now posted
We've got them on Infowars.com today as well.
A mirror of those documents.
There's some of them, hundreds of pages of it.
They're now saying that, okay, you shouldn't have those, but in it they talk about how to pacify, how to manipulate, how to keep the people in the dark.
They called in big PR firms, trying to lie to the people.
Go over some of that for them.
Well, you know, the part that we found most interesting about their research, and by the way, they're not claiming that we shouldn't have them, they're now taking a very different tact, and I'm sure they're... Well, there was an article yesterday in the AP, they said that you shouldn't have those documents, that that was their quote.
Have they changed that again?
You know, what they're now saying is, oh, we meant to do that.
We meant to post all those... everything we do is an open book, we haven't... Now, wait a minute.
Yesterday, and I have the mainstream articles, they said they were very mad that you had those.
Well, go figure, because their story is changing, I think, as fast as they can make it up.
There is no Patriot Act.
There is a Patriot Act.
It doesn't affect citizens.
It does affect citizens.
It's just, there are weapons of mass destruction, and you're lying if you say there aren't.
Okay, there are weapons of mass destruction.
Okay, there aren't weapons of mass destruction.
I mean, it's just every day, endless flip-flopping.
Well, we're getting this from the Auto A.C.
We're getting this from Gillette.
We're getting it from Walmart.
I, you know, it's funny because I, even to this day, I'm still amazed when I get lied to.
Believe it or not, with all the stuff I know, you would think I would have overgrown or outgrown my naivete, but I'm always stunned when these people lie.
And their latest twist on these documents is they have gone through, and hand by hand, every single document.
They have written in confidential until, and then they've written old expiration dates on the documents.
So wait a minute, you downloaded them when it just hit confidential.
That's correct.
Then you reported on Monday that they were now altering them, and they're altering them, putting a confidential till date.
I mean, the news should have a field day with that, but of course they won't.
Well, and that's exactly what's happening.
If you look at the mirror, if you go to our website at nocards.org, you can download all 68 of those original confidential documents, and believe me, there's some juicy tidbits in those documents.
What they have done is they pulled them all off, and then one by one they put them back on with these new bogus confidential until deadlines.
They would say confidential until May 2003 or confidential until November 2002.
You talk about transparent, that's a big deal.
Well, and if you compare the before and the after versions, you'll see that that's been tacked on to every one of the documents, and many of the documents have yet to reappear at all.
And the most interesting part is that we have thousands of documents from their website, and by far the most interesting ones were never labeled confidential at all.
And if they are sincere about meaning that everything on their website was meant for public consumption, then we'll take them up on that and go ahead and begin releasing those documents.
That's amazing, and here it is from CNET News today.
Walmart cancels smart shelf trial.
Walmart stores have unexpectedly canceled testing for an experimental wireless inventory control system, ending one of the first and most closely watched efforts to bring controversial radio frequency identification technology to store shelves in the United States.
Well, Gillette didn't order Hundreds of millions of these for no reason, and I guarantee you this is going to continue, but this does show that they're on the run for now.
Well, they're on the run for now, and it's thanks to consumers out there who took the time to call and voice their complaints.
We're not out of the woods yet.
Gillette is still doing trials elsewhere.
They've pulled that particular set of trials.
Walmart is still trialing other consumer products as well.
So I think this is a nice, highly publicized retreat, but it doesn't mean we're out of the woods.
We need to let these people know we're going to boycott you, we're going to picket you, we are going to be on you until you make an absolute declaration that you're not going to be putting anything in consumer products.
So that's really what we're pushing for right now.
We have, as we discussed yesterday when we got off the air, we have two things that we are proposing that we think will fix this.
The first is we have authored a piece of legislation called the RFID Right to Know Act of 2003.
You can find the full text of that legislation on our website at nocards.org.
It's a second story down.
That legislation is looking for a sponsor.
That's the first thing.
Second thing is we do not want, this would make it illegal, to attach personal identifying information to these tags.
Meaning, if you bought a sweater and it had one of these tags in the label, and you paid for it with a credit card, that they would not
associate in a database or anywhere else your name with that label,
so that you could later be tracked or tagged with that denial.
Now, Catherine, when they first started announcing this a couple years ago, they were very arrogant,
and they said that Prada's and other clothing stores were planning just that.
You will not be able to get a return slip unless they scan your name onto it when you leave.
That's been part of the plan all along.
That's a key area to target in this and now we find they're putting them in shoes and announcing this.
Then they can be read from several feet to several hundred yards away as you walk around.
And your law would affect all the black boxes they put in the new cars, which they didn't tell anybody about, which police now use to prosecute people after auto accidents.
So there's all these different tracking and tracing devices in things and it needs to be labeled.
People need to know.
And this is what our legislation aims to do.
It was authored by the Legislative Clinic at Boston University.
This was written by experts in writing legislation.
Actually, it was written with the supervision of experts.
It was actually written by a second-year law student by the name of Zoe Davidson, who is one of the most brilliant women I think I've ever met.
She did a fantastic job.
We've got to break, Catherine.
One more quick segment, then folks, we'll get into the other news.
After going to your calls, for those that have been holding, everybody stay with us.
We'll tell you how to get this legislation introduced when we get back.
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All right, folks, we're back live.
Catherine Albrecht is our guest, and we're going to be going to the callers coming up here in a few minutes.
All the great folks that are holding the toll-free number to join us on air is 800-259-9231.
Believe me, Definitely want to hear the news.
It's coming up.
It's all just out of control.
Proving how criminal the government is.
How just insane with tyranny they are and despotism.
Our last segment with Catherine You've got this legislation.
It's sensible.
People need to know what's happening.
The government's even trying to take labels off now for meat that's been irradiated or take labels off if it's got aspartame or take labels off if something's not organic.
They really don't want us to know.
What they're doing to us.
This is a big victory.
Walmart had announced it was going to go in all their stores and they were going to make all their suppliers adopt the RFID.
Having them back off the trials is a big deal, but we need to get Ron Paul to sponsor this bill and that's why you're here today.
How do we do that?
What you want to do is contact Ron Paul's office.
Now, this won't be of very much help unless you're in his district.
So, if Ron Paul is your congressman, and you can find that out, I'm sure, by going online if you're not sure who your congressman is, and looking up your district there, but you can reach Ron Paul at this email address, rep.paul at mail.house And Alex, maybe you can put that email address up on your website so people can find it.
Right here in Austin, his district surrounds us.
We're on six affiliates in Texas, and four of them are in his district, or cover his district.
News Talk 1260 is right here in Austin, so thousands, tens of thousands of Ron Paul constituents and voters, because my listeners are all Ron Paul supporters, They're there listening right now.
We need to encourage Ron Paul to adopt this legislation.
It is called the RFID Right to Know Act.
You can find it online at www.nocards.org.
No cards because our organization started fighting supermarket cards.
You can see the full text of the legislation in the summary of the bill.
I have spoken with Representative Paul's legislative analyst, a man by the name of Norm.
Yeah, I've met Norm and I've been to some dinners, he said, and I've met Ron Paul, had him on the show about 20 times.
He insisted very busy man.
He said he had not yet had an opportunity to read the legislation.
He was not really familiar with what it said.
Yeah, I've met Norm and I've been to some dinners, he said, and I've met Ron Paul, had
him on the show about 20 times.
They are overwhelmed, but we do need to push for labeling of this big brother technology
as a technology.
I think that's a big problem.
I think that's a big problem.
I think that's a big problem.
I think that's a big problem.
I think that's a big problem.
I think that's a big problem.
I think that's a big problem.
I think that's a big problem.
I think that's a big problem.
I think that's a big problem.
I think that's a big problem.
It's a great idea.
That will stop it cold.
We can get this passed.
I beg our listeners.
We even air Ron Paul's legislative updates twice a day on this network.
That's how Ron Paul friendly we are on this national network.
So, Ron Paul, I certainly hope, and he better bring forward this legislation.
And then the folks can lobby nationwide.
because as you said what seventy was a seven eight eight percent of people
believe that technology is going to invade privacy people are concerned it will get out of control it will be
abused and the other twenty two percent must be uh...
well basically retarded then well that's what i think
so here's the path to getting this introduced and by the way i regularly speak with members of the major
media major newspapers television all over the country
and they say that they cannot report on our legislation until we get a sponsor
once we have a sponsor at that point then they can write stories in every major
newspaper and every major magazine it will be on every major television program but until we
get a sponsor our legislation is just sitting there and getting no
coverage at all so we desperately need you
i'm calling on the residents of austin please come through for us
The entire rest, not only of the United States, but the world, is counting on Austin right now because I think this is the only congressman who is honorable enough to take this up.
Well, just so you know, Austin is Lloyd, big government dogged, but the surrounding, it's all gerrymandered by the Democrats.
The surrounding area down to Houston is all Ron Paul, and so Fredericksburg and It is called the RFID Rights to Know Act of 2003.
And you know what, Alex?
all of Central Texas, so a lot of our stations cover that area. People are listening right now,
and shame on them if they don't contact Ron Paul and tell him to adopt the, what's the
name of the legislation again? It is called the RFID Rights to Know Act of 2003. And you know
what, Alex? Since I'm sitting here, I'm going to put myself on the line. I'm calling, as you know,
I'm patched in by telephone, and I'm in New England.
I'm all the way up in New Hampshire.
I will personally fly out to Austin, and I will meet with any group of people there who want to work with me to get this legislation introduced.
I will fly out there in August.
I put myself on the line right now.
Contact me at this telephone number, 877-287-5854.
If I can get a dozen of you out there in Austin who want me to come out and push for this,
Folks, go to the website.
There's a link to it on InfoWars.com.
Thanks for joining us.
Good idea.
We'll be right back.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, I'm going to take three calls that have been holding the longest, then I'm going straight into this news for the balance of the hour.
Then I'm going to go back into your calls.
We don't have any other guests today, which is a good thing.
I'm getting frustrated here because we've had a lot of great guests on already, and we're taking a lot of great calls.
I'm taking some important news stories.
I'm taking some time out to cover those, but the news I haven't gotten to is just out of control.
Real quick, Bob in New York got caught short earlier as I told him to hold over.
He wanted to make a point about the oath of office or the oath in the military.
Go ahead, Bob.
Hi, Alex.
This is really weird, okay?
On CNN, I saw Bush reassigning or re-upping a bunch of military officers and enlisted people, okay?
And in that, they had changed the oath of office.
It went through the first, you know, section, the normal section, where, you know, support and defend the Constitution, blah, blah, blah.
But then it went into this segue of, uh, basically a loyalty oath to the President and all of his, uh, officers below him.
Now, I don't know if you recall yesterday, but what did Adolf Hitler do?
He took- He made the Wehrmacht- Yeah.
I got the film of that.
You're telling me- That they're giving a loyalty oath to Caesar.
Folks, if that is true, I believe you, but when and where did you see this?
It was on CNN, and it was like a week and a half ago, and I wish I had taped it, but I'm fearful that it got lost in... Where was he giving a speech?
At what military base?
I don't remember.
It just had, you know, all the pundits Okay, well, Paul Joseph Watson is a great webmaster.
Paul, do a search for about a week and a half ago, talking to my webmaster right now.
Get that.
Find out.
There'll be a text on AP or Fox or CNN or something.
...of the President's speech, and then they'll have the troops perhaps giving their oath.
You're telling me that on the end of it, they gave a loyalty oath to the President?
To the President and his officers below him.
Now that is so bizarre.
I mean, it really flipped me off because, like I said... Well, look, everything's bizarre.
I mean, video cameras in elementary school dressing rooms... Alex, I'm 38, and I took this oath when I was 21.
Uh, you know, there was no timeline for this oath.
So as far as I'm concerned, even though I've been discharged and no longer under the Uniform Code of Military Justice, that I still need to support and defend my Constitution.
And when I heard this, it just, you know, it rubbed me wrong.
What did I say?
So they swear an oath to the Constitution and then to the President?
And then they go through and I loyally swear to follow the orders of my immediate supervisor
and above all the way to the commander in chief.
So notice they always had that problem of swearing an oath of constitution so you couldn't
follow unlawful orders but now, "Oh, I swore an oath to the bureaucrats too."
It's bizarre.
As they torch the Bill of Rights and Constitution, I'm sure we'll find out more.
Thanks, Bob.
Let's talk to Roy in Florida and Aldo in California.
Roy, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Go ahead, Roy.
You're on the air.
Yes, okay.
I was listening to your guest on the RFID legislation.
And I agree that 100% it needs to be done.
But the number one means for corporate America to track me or you or anybody else's spyware on the computer.
Oh, you're right.
And the cookies and All the things they do, the whole society is being geared for the total information awareness system.
And in addition to that legislation, why can't we have some legislation to label spyware when a webpage comes up?
And when they access your computer, what happens is you buy a computer program that does XYZ, And then built into it is what they call a Trojan Horse.
Kind of like this presidency for big government.
And then it, you walk in your computer in the middle of the night, has Microsoft accessing and downloading information.
They all do it.
And yes, they're getting away with it.
We've got to fight on all these fronts.
Alex, just, are you familiar with a program called Spybot S&D?
I've heard of it.
It's a wonderful Well, I'm not the computer expert, but the guy that runs InfoWars.net, Dwayne Coutts is a big internet service provider company.
He's not big, it's small compared to the big ones, but it's large.
He's got tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of members.
And he runs InfoWars.net.
Great internet service.
ISDN, DSL, dial-up, all that stuff.
A great dial-up.
I mean, you'll think you're on, you know, a better connection than normal dial-up just because he has good phone numbers, but it's nationwide service, and they have a, you know, the proxy servers, they have the virtual browser, so it gives you another identity and just blocks all of that out of hand.
I never plugged this, but people really should go switch from AOL and the other big brother systems to InfoWars.net.
Yeah, particularly any internet service provider that includes their own browser, AOL, MSN.
Well, I mean, having AOL is like having Echelon for your internet service provider.
Okay, thank you, Alex.
Alright, I appreciate the call, Roy.
Great points.
Aldo in California, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, sir.
How you doing, bud?
Hey, this is a little late, actually, and I really wish I'd gotten this news to you a few months ago.
Actually, it was probably about beginning of June.
I was outside in my backyard, this is in Southern California, and I heard what I thought was like a model airplane or a prop airplane or something.
And you saw a drone.
I saw a drone.
I have another mainstream news article here today where the aviation people are very upset they're going to launch drones.
They're already out nationwide.
They're going to watch all of us, but not the border.
And they've got high-powered radar that looks right through your walls.
So they're going to just fly right over, black and white image inside your house, through four feet of concrete if necessary.
And that's all part of the new police state.
So what did you see in your backyard?
I just looked up in the sky and I just see this little, uh, you know, little, it sounded more like a model airplane, but a little bit louder, like a, like a, you know, Cessna or something to that effect.
And it was just screaming right across the sky and it was no mistake in it.
It was absolutely a drone.
It had the funny wings and everything.
One of the drones you've seen on the news.
Yeah, absolutely.
I've seen it on your website and multiple pictures of.
Well, I mean, it's not a conspiracy theory.
They admit it.
It's total surveillance.
And the Defense Department, five years ago, sort of pegged at police departments, put in this high-powered radar that looks right through your walls.
I mean, where's the Fourth Amendment, people?
That's not a free society when the Army's looking through your walls and the police are.
And by the way, it didn't stop 9-1-1, did it?
No, absolutely not.
They're behind you, the terrorists, right?
You know what I mean?
Well, that's it.
And I guess the new oath is worshiping the President.
I've got to confirm that.
Yeah, you know, real quick, Jackson, I know you don't have much time, but I need you to address this point.
I got video of this.
My wife says, get out of the shower at like 7.30 in the morning.
I run out a few months ago.
And here's the police helicopter flying around my house in little circles.
And then, shooting right by it, is a drone at about 100 feet, flew over the tree line.
And it was a drone, the standard, classic, little drone.
Uh, the, uh, the, uh, the, you know, type that had wings, not the disc-shaped type.
And there's the drone, and I'm just, oh, hi drone!
And there's, and that, that was a week after I talked about my cousin, who's out there at the airport merging the Army and the police, and admittedly they got drones, helicopters, everything.
Really, really quick too, Alex, I need you to address these points, because you've actually converted myself, as well as my brothers, into absolute soldiers for this cause, and, and this is all we spend our time on now, mostly.
But we absolutely need some type of concrete info or documentation as far as the 80% population reduction.
And also, any light you can shed on the whole life extension question.
Because when we show people the videos, that's kind of one of their big, you know, things that they bring up and kind of use it as a way to discredit you.
And I believe, and I know it, but I just want some type of hard, concrete truth.
Well, in Road to Journey, and I point out that I'm going to make a whole film on that, the future in the film, I show some mainstream news articles.
I show text of Prince Philip's book published in 1987 in I Was an Animal.
It's on bookstore shelves, sir.
Prince Philip, head of the royal family over in England.
You know, the daddy of Prince Charles.
The husband of Queen Elizabeth.
Any type of UN documentation or anything like that?
Well, let me go over it for you.
Let me go over it for you.
I mean, they're saying, where is it?
There's Prince Philip saying it.
Ted Turner in Audubon Magazine, we give the footnotes of it, and Public Magazine said he wanted to get rid of 95% of us.
The UN has said that they have a targeted of 80% world population reduction.
Type in A U.N.
funded for sterilization in Peru, in India, into a search engine.
Prepare for hundreds of BBC AP articles.
Those are in the new films.
They've got the Georgia Guidestones paid for by the U.N.
that say keep the world population at 250 to 500 million.
That's in Georgia.
I'm well aware of all those things.
Hold on.
I mean, they're in the film.
We just...
This is the book where Prince Philip says it.
Here's where Ted Turner says it.
This is the goal.
I mean, if you go to college, that's what your professors talk about.
This is all over the place.
They've been caught doing it.
They paid for millions of Indian men to have their tubes cut in India.
I mean, I don't know.
They paid for men in Latin America to be To have the reproductive systems cut up to get land.
I mean, that's in the news every week, so... It's incremental, basically.
Well, it's not incremental.
Hold on a minute.
About a month ago, I posted, it was allafrica.com, and I posted a link to the Declassified National Security Council report where they had a plan launched in the 70s by Henry Kissinger, in the late 70s, Right.
sterilize in the ten most populous countries half the women and it describes how to do it so that's a
Please right I'm with you. I don't know but I'm not mad that you're asking. It's just that it's all right there,
I'm with you. There's so much evidence. It's like trying to That's like trying to force the water out of a fire hose
through a One of those straws you stir your coffee with here
I'm 100% with you.
I could go print.
I could go to Google.
I could print AP, Reuters, UPI, BBC, Times of London.
I could print an entire box of paper.
I mean, a huge box of... I'm serious.
Two printer cartridges coming here with a stack that reaches the ceiling.
Now, I'm not exaggerating, sir.
No, I'm with you.
With admitted mainstream reports and read them at 95 miles an hour.
So I was a babbling mess here on the air.
It's like DynCorp and the U.N.
getting caught running white slavery rings globally.
I mean, there's hundreds of articles in the last six months on it.
Have you ever had Ted Gedderson on your show?
That's what I was going to ask you.
Yeah, I have had Ted on.
Okay, alright.
I just saw his video through the Prophecy Club, and I was pretty impressed with his findings.
Hey, I hear you.
I tell you what, Aldo, if you want to hold the next hour, I can do it.
I've got to cover news.
No problem.
Do you want me to let you go?
Yeah, yeah.
I'm not cutting you off from your important question, but I said I'd do this and I got to.
Thanks a lot, bud.
You know, I told my wife to do this.
She's my webmaster.
She's too busy.
I'm asking Watson to do this now at Prison Planet.
I want a gigantic vaccine section.
I know you can post 500 in a week, buddy.
Find me all mainstream stuff where they've lost lawsuits, where they've been caught with deadly stuff in it.
The coroner saying this man's racked shots, killed people, all that stuff.
I want that post.
I know it's a big job, but it's for the country.
Please do it, Watson.
If you're listening, I'll call him today.
Uh, I'd like to communicate him over the air, though.
I also want a aspartame section.
We have some on that every week, but these thousands of articles are all mixed around on that site.
I also want a section on this.
What we were just talking about, how they want to kill us.
I know you can find a hundred articles in a few days, in a few hours, but post them in a few days.
Do those three things for me, and get the transcript from yesterday.
I know it's a lot of work, but we've got to give it to these people, and we've got to put it all in one spot.
Okay, uh, man, I gotta try to go through all this.
Let me just race through it, and I'll get into more detail in the next hour, but I'm sorry, I'm getting bad about this.
I take calls and guests, and don't get to it.
Fox News, Marine dismissed, jailed for refusing anthrax vaccine.
A Marine helicopter pilot who refused on religious grounds to receive an anthrax vaccination was dismissed from the Corps on Tuesday in order to serve seven months in prison.
Now, I could spend an hour on this.
They found it full of toxins, poisons, cancer viruses.
This is mainstream news, a whamsic journal.
They suspended the experimental program.
It's caused massive carnage.
They're about giving it again.
They want to forcefully give it to you, the BioShield program.
A huge bureaucracy they're forming.
Uh, so that's just horrible.
That's Fox News.
Glaxo settles Lyme disease.
Vaccine suits.
This is out of the Philadelphia Inquirer.
And no, that's not the National Inquirer.
Every time I say Inquirer, I get emails.
It's a highly respected paper.
Philadelphia Inquirer.
Laxo settles Lyme disease vaccine suit.
Hundreds of thousands of people nationwide who received the Lyme disease vaccine have received the lawyer's label as an impressive settlement.
But if you are one of the recipients of Lymex shots, don't bother looking from checking the mail.
The lawyers get it.
The benefits from the agreement finalized last week with the vaccine's manufacturer, SmithKline Vecham Corp.
Now SmithKline, Laxo, SmithKline, PLC, are not monetary unless you are one of the plaintiff's attorneys who spent more than $1 million.
And it goes on to talk about what the vaccine did.
And how it damaged them and how they admitted damaged them and how dangerous the vaccine is.
It's a long article.
If you want to go read it, go ahead.
I see this stuff every day.
I don't know how to cover it all.
Here's another one.
Repeat MMR jab for 40,000 kids.
The government says not only do we want to make it mandatory, but we need to come back and take it again.
That despite one telegraph poll that 99% That's the whole, all-against-the-MMR shot.
There's the kids happy and well and talking and walking.
Give them a shot, they're in a corner flopping around for the rest of their life.
Uh, this is out, uh, of, uh, what is this out of?
The Associated Press?
New vaccine, reduced number of shots, five vaccinations combined into one.
Children in Madison are not able to get their vaccinations without having to take so many shots.
Oh, isn't it great?
WISC News 3 reporter Tony Morsley said the medical breakthrough is called It's the multiple shots that are always the worst.
And now they have a 5-shotter.
And I got an article here about a 10-shotter they want to come out with.
It's the multiple shots that are always the worst.
And now they have a five-shotter.
And I got an article here about a ten-shotter they want to come out with.
And it says, "Given at two to four months to six months of age, but that's still an
improvement over previous vaccines."
They want to make dozens of new ones mandatory.
Here's another one.
This is out of the Boston Globe.
Lawsuit School for its Pregnancy.
School administrators in Washington Heights for several 8th graders to be tested for pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.
And it goes on, what they did is completely unheard of, said Donna Lieberman, Executive Director of NYCLU.
It violates their right to privacy, it violates their right to go to school, violated their right not to be subjected to summary punishment.
And it goes on, Dr. David Bell, Specialist in Adolescent Medicine at New York Presbyterian Hospital Family Planning Clinic, who saw the two girls, said he was outraged that Intermediate School 164 demanded confidential medical information from the student.
And that's what the students get for missing a day of class.
Here in Austin, you miss a day of class, you get drug tested, medical examinations, juvenile hall, and hey, they're putting video cameras in the showers!
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There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
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You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the new rule of order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order, or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
888-253-3139. That's 888-253-3139. For today, spread the word.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
I am seriously considering making a bunch of films where I do a one hour video on...
On eugenics and population control, and documents and video clips of world leaders, official bills, legislation, news articles, just for 60 minutes, you know, probably 400 articles, 50 video clips, you know, their own books, their own publications, where they say they want to kill 80% of you, and then make just an hour-long film about gun control, or an hour-long film about, we're going to be doing that, we're gearing up to do that.
I mean, my two-hour films, my two-and-a-half-hour films, 170-minute films, you know, almost three-hour films are great, and I suggest folks watch them in segments, you know, hours-long segments to absorb it all.
But I wasn't getting frustrated with the earlier caller.
It's just that I wasn't a little bit, because it's so hard to relay all the information, and I understand people cannot accept the horror of what's going on.
But in the life extension technology situation, I want to make a special film about that.
But probably go on the eugenics film, though.
Maybe 30 minutes on eugenics and that, and then show why, what the globalists want, how they want to get us out of the way, so they can enjoy all the suppressed technologies they've developed.
We do have their admissions in this from top futurists and top corporate leaders.
This is what they talk about around the bar teams, or out on the yachts, my friends.
Oh, we're in so much trouble.
But, uh, look at this article, Lawsuit School Force Pregnancy STD Test.
And it said that the girls had played hooky, and so now if you miss class, you get called in and get your genitalia examined.
We've all heard the horrors of this nationwide with elementary school kids.
It's gotten a lot of attention.
It's happened all over the place.
But here in Austin, I have newscasts where they have the family court judges, if you're late to class three times, late to class, that's an absence.
They file criminal charges, though the state law doesn't even say that.
I mean, folks, how do you say that putting video cameras in the 10-year-old girl and boy's showers is good?
About a week ago, I was telling a local talk show host about this.
you're going to be... I mean folks, how do you say that putting video cameras in the
ten-year-old girl and boys showers is good? Okay? About a week ago I was telling a local
talk show host about this. He said, "Oh, Alex, you've gone too far." And then I saw him on
Monday and he goes, "Yeah, I saw it on Fox."
And I said, OK, here's another one.
Walmart's putting tracker chips in their products.
Oh, that's ridiculous.
He goes, wait a minute.
Show me the article.
He goes, I need to quit doubting you.
Oh, I want you to doubt me, but just don't just doubt and then just doubt.
Please go check out what I'm saying.
This is all out of control.
I can't handle it anymore.
I mean, I got this article, USA Today, where they say the UN's giving orders to the Supreme Court To actually say that they're saying that's the authority now?
USA Today, folks!
I got articles here about the drones that watch us, looking through our walls.
The Defense Department says, yeah, they run the face-scanning cameras.
It's a control grid.
They're gonna watch what we do as citizens?
I mean, come on!
We're living in a bad Twilight Zone episode.
I expect Rod Serling to walk by any moment.
And the response I have, and freaking out over this, is a normal response.
Something's wrong with you if you don't have a bad response to this.
I'm out of time.
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Third hour coming up.
When was the last time you used Pure Silk?
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Probably never, right?
Hey folks, Michael Trudell here and I'll...
This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, we're already into the third hour.
I want to talk in more detail about some of the stories I barely mentioned earlier in the show.
There's been a victory against the Defense Department in Walmart in their RFID cocker chip scheme.
The 911 panel admits witnesses are being intimidated by the White House.
The Supreme Court says USA Today they're going to be following U.N. orders from now on.
They're using anti-terrorism laws locally and at state level to freeze access to basically any government
Total secrecy.
I want to talk about some of the shootings that have taken place in the last week or attempted shootings.
There is just so much and some more vaccine news I didn't get to.
And yes, we're going to take a lot of calls this hour.
I had to suspend calls in the last part of the last hour because I didn't get to some of the news.
I wanted to cover some of it.
It's all vital.
We've got news here just across the board about the phony war, about bio-weapons labs they want to build everywhere that are so dangerous.
It's just all vitally important.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 800-259-9231.
is 800-259-9231. 1-800-259-9231.
259 We will get you, my friends, up and on the air.
The White House backs off claim on Iraq by Washington Post.
The Bush administration acknowledged for the first time yesterday that President Bush should not have alleged in his State of the Union Address in January that Iraq had sought to buy uranium in Africa to reconstruct its nuclear weapons program.
The statement was prompted by a publication of a British Parliamentary Commission report, which raised serious questions about the reliability of British intelligence that was cited by Bush as part of the effort to convince Congress.
Now, the CIA had already told Bush months before the report was fake, made up.
The government made it up, the British government.
It's made up.
The mobile weapons trucks, made up, sold by the British to them to pump up hot air balloons.
Made up!
They're lying to you!
They're gun-grabbing, big government promoting, New World Order minions!
report pours scorn on evidence of Iraq weapons, and it's just totally false.
Total lies.
Totally and completely made up.
Vladimir Putin warns of catastrophe from unilateralism.
This is more just New World Order jockeying, acting like there's two halves of the New World Order, and giving you some fake choice of what type of New World Order do you want.
And it's all run by the same jokers.
Now, this is out of, uh...
This is out of Yahoo.
I guess it's an AP article.
Putin warns of catastrophe from unilateralism.
If unilateralism becomes the norm of international life, it will lead to chaos and catastrophe.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said in remarks published here, Putin was responding to question on the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in an exclusive interview with the New Straits Times ahead of planned visits to Malaysia, a mainly Muslim Southeast Asian nation.
The trip, which was to have begun So that's about making the U.N.
the good cop in this massive scam.
I haven't spent enough time on this.
sir. Putin stressed in the interview held in Moscow that Russia wanted to see international
organizations of the United Nations strengthen the deal of peacekeeping and upholding international
law. So that's about making the U.N. the good cop in this massive scam. I haven't spent enough
time on this. I will talk about this in the next hour, in the next segment. Bush Link Company
handled security for WTC, Dulles, and United...
Oh, wait till you hear about the details of this.
I mentioned it yesterday, but haven't detailed it yet.
I'll read the article as well.
More on lawsuits, school forced pregnancy, and STD tests did exams on young girls.
They're doing it again!
They're doing it again in New York.
They've done it all over the country.
And on Monday, revelations of the school knowingly putting cameras in 10-year-old girls' and boys' showers.
Just big brother in your face.
Maximum tyranny.
Got an article here we haven't gotten to yet about.
Yes, they're launching the hover drones to watch all the cities and look through their walls.
But high-powered radar And we're also going to have an update on Dick Simcannon, the Aeroplastics guy, who said, show me the IRS law, your private collection agency from the Federal Reserve, now in jail through a kangaroo court system.
We'll have an update on the continuation of the trial tomorrow.
I'm John Staten, only when we get back.
We'll also take your calls, so give us a call at 800-259-9231 on any of these issues.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, Gentlemen, they go into your calls.
Doc and others that are holding, just be patient.
We'll get to you.
And yes, Bush-linked company handled security for the WTC, Dallas, and United.
We'll get to that story as well.
Right now, I'm joined by John Stattmiller.
I don't know if he's in Dallas yet or going to Dallas or Fort Worth, but I know he's going up in the morning.
For the case of Dick Simkhanin of Aeroplastics, why don't you give folks some background, John?
Yeah, hi Alex, thanks for taking the call.
Yeah, Dick Simkhanin of Aeroplastics, and actually it's in Fort Worth, he has not been the tax collector for the federal government for several years now.
Uh, what they did is they slapped a 27 count indictment on him.
Uh, he researched the law and let me say something first about Mr. Simcannon's character.
I've been up at his place of business, uh, after hours for meetings with this man.
Uh, I've met Rhett Beckman there that you had on the air, I think, what, last week.
Uh, very good, well thought out man.
Not, uh, not prone to exaggeration.
The facts are the facts.
He looked at the situation, decided to do what his heart told him and his conscience
to do, and that's not be the tax collector for the IRS.
And for those who don't know, the Constitution says the government can't order you to do work for them and carry out their enforcement arms without paying you, and they can't make you work for them.
They call that the S-word, or slavery, and on top of it, it's a private collection agency for the private total reserve, and Mr. Simkhanoum was part of the full-page ads in USA Today saying, here's the U.S.
Code, now show us the law.
And Alex, it must It must bear repeating that we've had people, the then Commissioner, Charles Rosati, has since resigned.
Uh, the Department of Justice.
We got as far as having a meeting arranged by Roscoe Bartlett with the aforementioned parties.
By the way, John, John, last year, we read the video here in Austin, what this group did with the people.
They went and bullhorned Grisanti and stood at the building and they'd asked for months, hunger strikes, you name it, for him to come out and answer and show us the law.
They wouldn't do it because it's a fraud.
The 16th Amendment's a fraud.
That's been admitted by the state.
It's never ratified.
Well, it's been very interesting because in this country, Alex, do we have a right of a redress of our government?
Do we have the right to simply ask a few simple questions of what they like to call a representative democracy?
Okay, fine.
What do we need?
the right to simply ask a few simple questions of our, what they like to call a representative
democracy. Okay, fine, what do we need? 51% of the people asking the same question. The
question is, is the 16th Amendment, was it properly ratified?
Is it constitutional?
And who has to exactly pay these income taxes?
You know Alex, you know we have a lot of tax protesters in here in this country.
We have a lot of people that have gone to jail supposedly for not paying their fair share.
You would think that the IRS would more than welcome the opportunity to clear any of this up.
Well why don't you get to face your accuser?
Why don't you get a jury?
Why is it their own special tax court paid by the government?
Well, in this case, Dixon Cannon is going up in front of Judge McBride tomorrow morning.
Actually, it's been slated for 2 p.m., but I never trust these federal judges.
I would urge people to be up there by at least 9 a.m.
and maybe plan on staying until at least 5 p.m.
This is one thing that I must do.
My wife and I are going up there.
I'm going to see if I can get an interview if he is not released.
Now, the reason he's in jail right now is he wants the court to face additional charges,
levels at him by the federal prosecutors.
Well, he was out on bond. He was out on a recognizance bond.
The judge recognized who he was, where he was.
He has a business, employing people.
He's not a threat to the community.
And he's certainly not going to fly the coop, as it were.
Well, that's the problem.
He's not like Enron robbing pension funds or moving offshore.
He's actually got a lot of employees in Fort Worth, Texas.
How dare him?
Well, and you know, it's not like he's going to pack this thing up on his back and move it off to Mexico overnight.
This man is in the community.
He's been part of the community for many years.
He's not going anywhere.
This hearing tomorrow is strictly on the bond.
This Judge McBride wants to review this bond and see if he is a flight risk.
And Alex, there's something you've got to keep in mind here.
We have seen people like Erwin Schiff, Larkin Rose, We The People Foundation, Bob Schultz.
Dixon Cannon has been part of this group of people and we're not simply We're protesting an unfair tax.
What we're talking about is repealing an illegal and unconstitutional tax for the people that we run into every single day, Alex.
There's something that you and I, and the guy next door, and the guy down the street, we have to deal with every day, and that's money.
You know, we're throwing a little dog bone from the White House on this tax cut, supposedly.
And they raise a dozen taxes and they give us some paltry tax, but at the same time, John, Ronald Reagan's commission in 81 found that not one rich cent of the income tax goes around the country.
It all goes to the IMF, World Bank, and the...
The collector of that for them is the IRS and the Federal Reserve.
So, this is all admitted, this is all factual, and the taxes are all controlled.
The power to tax, the power to destroy, and I want to know why these tax courts, they grab your bank accounts, they arrest you, and then say no juries allowed.
See, this is how institutionalized the corruption is.
Because you're guilty until at least you can prove yourself innocent.
That doesn't keep them from, and this is the game plan from the IRS.
They will contact, this is what they did to Dick Santana, they contacted his creditors, they contacted his business people that he did business with and told them basically that he was in jail for tax fraud.
Now this, this is even before the case even comes up in court, before a decision is made.
It's the harassment and intimidation, and I'll tell you what, you want something that makes George Bush's $350 billion tax cut look like Uh, like nothing, let's start putting the money back in people's pockets, where they spend it and spread it out throughout the economy.
You know, economically that makes sense to me, but not these people that got us in bed with the Federal Reserve Act, and of course the IRS is the surety for that, uh, for that private corporation.
Alex, things have been so screwed up for so long, and what's really sad is most people are brainwashed into thinking they have to pay their IRS taxes.
Now, there are exceptions.
If you're a federal employee, if you live in the District of Criminals, I'm sorry, D.C., Puerto Rico, Guam, and there are other subsections, but by and large, the majority of the American people do not, absolutely positively, do not owe a tax to the Internal Revenue Service.
Well, people accept slavery like black slaves accepted in this country as their lot in life, but they didn't even really institute that thing over 1% until during World War II, and then it was a voluntary wartime tax just for the war.
And then, during World War II, it was only at 1%.
I think people today would think that that would be a great tax break if they only had to pay once a month.
That's how down they are.
They thank them for some 10-year $350 billion.
There are multiple trillions being transferred in the U.S.
every day in the currency and commodity markets, John.
$350 billion is nothing!
There's a trillion-two missing from the Pentagon.
How about they give us back that money they stole?
Well, it's a system we've managed in 200... we just had a birthday, Alex.
227 years.
And they were on the radio saying, "You thanked the government on the 4th, you said you saw it on TV, I heard
it in the car."
There were checkpoints everywhere, pulling families out, throwing their goods on the ground,
billboards flashing orders at the people, reporting illegal guns, report terrorists, billboards saying...
It's being legislated through the court.
which isn't illegal, this massive tearing, they reported drones, looked through our walls,
cameras in 10-year-old girl dressing rooms in public schools, poor vaccinations.
It's all out of control. It's being legislated through the court. This country is so screwed up
and popped inside out, but there is salvation. If people educate them about their type of
government, they will get involved.
It's not happening, in fact.
Take acid formature seizure, where they pull the old lady over and take her money, no drugs found.
Take Thule of Texas, 46 people, no criminal record, no drugs found, no paraphernalia.
They get 20 to 90 years in prison.
Turns out later, on the word of one cop who admitted he lied.
I mean, it's just, you can't trust this government.
That's what the founding father said.
John, what time tomorrow, or where, in Fort Worth?
Yeah, it's at Judge McBride Court.
Now, this is in Fort Worth, Texas.
The address is 501 West 10th Street, room 401-401.
And that's in Fort Worth, Texas.
And let me give you the zip, because... Is that a federal courthouse?
I do believe it is.
Now, if people need directions, let me give you the zip, and you can go up to MacQuest.com and get directions right from your home or your business, wherever you're at.
I urge people to go up there tomorrow.
The zip code up there is 76102.
Now this is for Dixon Cannon.
This is just a bond hearing.
We're going to show support.
So let this judge know.
And if I have to pledge my assets for this guy to be free so he can face these, uh, these egregious, phony, and false charges against this man, I'll pledge everything that I own.
And I know that man will be back in court.
This is a fight that he's been looking forward to for a number of years.
We've had him on the show.
He said that two years ago.
John, thanks for going up there.
We're going to check in from you tomorrow.
Thanks for joining us.
All right.
Thanks, Alex.
Take care.
All right.
Very important information.
Let's go talk to Doc in Illinois.
Doc, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Go ahead, Doc.
You're on the air from Illinois.
Okay, Doc's not there.
Let's go to Alexis in Michigan.
Go ahead, Alexis.
Go ahead.
I'm way over here.
We listen to you over here, and I've been trying to get your word out everywhere.
And if you hear me coughing, they just chemtrailed the Indian Reservation out here, so my voice is gone.
But my question was, why are there massive amounts of Russians building brand new houses on the Indian Reservation, and there's whole colonies Well, because our borders are wide open and the CIA controls the Russian and the Chinese mob as their enforcers.
And as their hit teams, I don't know about this particular group, but they are massing Czechoslovakian and Russian troops in Texas.
That's mainstream news.
They're here for your safety, though.
Alexis, stay there.
We'll come back to you in Washington State after the break.
And then I'm going to get in to admitted hover drones.
And a bunch of other news, so you'll want to stay with us.
Stay right there, Alexis.
We'll come back to you and others.
Hello, folks.
This is Alex Jones.
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I got a star on my car and one on my chest, a gun on my hip.
We're about to go to rest. Back to Alexis and Randy and others.
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It's great products.
Now, let's go back to Alexis in Washington State.
Alexis, you say that Russian communities are building on the Indian Reservation?
Right down the street from my house, I live on the Tulalip Indian Reservation.
And they have huge, brand-new houses.
And this whole colony will take up, you know, like, It's 10 acres, and it's all Russian.
Okay, have you talked to the Indians?
Why this is happening?
Um, I've talked to some of the people that I know, but I haven't gone to the tribe itself.
Okay, well why did they say this is happening?
Uh, nobody knows.
They're wondering themselves, because they don't want them there.
And then, uh, by the way... I mean, don't they have to go to the tribe, or go to the government?
I mean, no one knows why the communities are just popping up on Indian land?
Yes, there's a lot of strange things going on.
They're putting up those DARPA cameras.
They're allowing the sheriffs to come on the land now and pull people over and arrest them.
They're letting them do a lot of things that they never used to do.
Well, it sounds to me, Alexis, like you have more answers than I do.
But they have signed deals to bring in foreign troops to, quote, deal with American terrorists.
So, they're also hiring felons for the military now.
They're also hiring illegal aliens for the military.
So, everything we saw Stalin doing is now happening here.
By the way, in my stack of news, and I will cover it when we get back, as well as the Bush story about his companies involved in the WTC takedown, involved in the security there, about Stalin, how he used hidden microphones around the country to control, and how our government is now doing that.
Alexis, thanks for the call.
You're welcome.
You bet.
Who's up next, Mark?
Randy in Georgia.
Go ahead, sir.
Hey, Alex.
I wanted to tell you about that.
They got in with the plastics industry to stop the income tax law.
When you file for your EIN number, that's the Employee Identification Number, It says on the instruction book, if you look in the instructions on page 2, who must found.
It says here that you must be a foreign person, or non-resident alien, before you become a withholding agent.
There's a problem though, and that's what everybody sees and points out is true.
That's right.
But the globalists are all about wordsmithing.
So, under the 1933 War Powers Act, this is a fact, they declare all of us aliens ...of the District of Columbia started the state police, started issuing licenses.
It made us all enemy combatants.
It made us all enemies of the state.
It made us all criminals who were then licensed.
That's why they say you're an alien.
Well, that's right.
When you become a U.S.
citizen, you are saying you live in a Virgin Island, Guam, Puerto Rico, Northern Virgin Islands, or... Instead of a citizen of your state that is part of the original union.
Right, but when it comes to federal income tax, which is under the federal state, when you sign that Social Security number and that W-4, now the W-4 falls under 3402P under Title 26, which says that you may enter into that agreement and you can terminate that agreement each time.
Now here's the problem, they're criminals, they don't even follow their own code, they do what they want, when they want, they make the laws as they go.
You're right, because I've been rebutting the letters left and right since 98.
And, um, they keep sending them.
What they do is they keep sending them to different agencies, and they don't even follow the law.
And I've asked them for the Supreme Court Justice, uh, cases where they've, uh, said that, um, that citizens are liable for the court, for the tax, and they, they're not.
An American citizen, you won't find it nowhere in the whole code.
And under Title 20, under Title, uh, 26, take that there.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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time I do this show live. Thanks for joining us.
To rebroadcast the daytime.
show from 1am until 4am, I'm just going to talk to Randy in Georgian and I'm done because
I've got to cover this news. I've been committing to myself to cover at least most of the news
that I set out to cover each day. So, Randy, go ahead and finish up what you were saying
about this false government, this false corporate government they build that masquerades as
a legitimate government that is replacing every institution with its own bodies.
Go ahead.
You're right, what you said just a minute ago.
They don't go by the tax laws, because if they did go by the tax laws, they would lose.
And in turn... You know why there's all those holes in the tax laws?
Because the big corporations get to use all those loopholes.
Well, that's right.
It's all for big corporations.
It's not for the little man.
But when the tax laws were set up, they were set up for non-resident aliens and foreign corporations.
They would set up a U.S.
citizenship, which says you live in the Virgin Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico, Northern Mariana Islands, Washington, D.C., and it's the possession of the territories.
Well, that's like a driver's license.
Because of the Constitution and Supreme Court rulings, and this is their own rulings, folks, they cannot make you have a license to travel.
So they just come out and say, OK, well, if you have an unusual conveyance, you've got to have this.
Well, cars in 1918, when they passed that law, were still the unusual conveyance.
So I can lawfully ride my horse down the shoulder of the highway without a license.
Because that's still the general conveyance.
But see, just like all income taxes, there's a prima facie evidence.
And what that means is, you owe the tax until you refund it.
If you don't never rebut it, if you get a letter from the IRS and you just throw it in the drawer and don't worry about it, you owe the tax.
And if you go in the courtroom and say that you didn't rebut letters or say anything about it, then I'm not liable under Title 26, Section 6001, 6011, 6012A.
I hear you, sir.
It tells the person who's liable for the offense.
There's still criminals that don't fall any law.
In fact, I went out and got my individual master file about three years ago, and I've
been getting them every year.
And they got a TC-150 on there, and that's a Virgin Islands code.
Thank you.
I hear you, sir.
I really appreciate your call.
Thank you.
Yeah, it's a whole area of study and folks really should investigate that.
But, I mean, if you want to know that our country's being destroyed and what was there that made up what the flag symbolizes as being dissolved, look at USA Today.
Supreme Court citing more foreign cases.
That's the headline.
Supreme Court citing more foreign cases.
And then it lists how the court is listing The United Nations and other foreign courts, the World Criminal Court, as the authority.
And that's USA Today on the 9th, ladies and gentlemen.
It's on InfoWars.com right now.
And they admit it right here.
So now, any rule or law they have in the EU, you supposedly have got to follow it.
Well, over in the EU, You can't criticize the government.
You don't have juries.
You can't face your accuser.
And you notice in the Patriot Act, they are merging these systems.
They are unifying the systems.
Alright, now I'm just going to race through news here, and there is a lot of it.
This is the Moscow Times.
Study. Russians about three times more likely to commit suicide.
Russians are nearly three times more likely to commit suicide than the world average, according to a new report
by the health minister of Moscow's Research Institute of Psychiatry.
Now, a lot of this is the government killing people and claiming it's suicides, but they do have one of the lowest,
the lowest, for the industrialized world, but one of the lowest globally, life expectancy.
It's what communism did to the country, so that's interesting.
Also, North Korea tested nuclear devices.
North Korea recently Reprocessed a small number of its estimated 8,000 spent nuclear fuel rods, and has also tested devices used to trigger atomic explosions.
South Korea's intelligence agency said today, you know, over the weekend, that Iran tested a medium-range missile that can hit Israel, and then admitted they tested it.
So a definite escalation taking place there now.
This is out of the Sacramento Bee, terrorism bill limits public role.
The measure which would reduce access to meetings is called too far reaching
and it's racing through the Senate.
Governor Davis has sponsored the bill.
And it will make local government, county government, state government virtually secret.
They talk about it here being unlimited measures and no way to mitigate it.
It's boundless, said Tom Newton of the CNTA's General Counsel.
Any record associated with crime, seems to me, could be thrown into this black hole of exemption, and there's no precedent, I'm aware of, for open meeting exemption they want to create.
So that's just some of the news there.
Big victory, of course, but they're going to come back with it again.
Walmart was rolling out its smart shelves and smart floors that track you with RFID tags in the clothes and shoes and Gillette razors.
massive backlash from this show and other broadcasts. They're cancelling that for now.
But their own secret documents now released, and they admit they're secret and are very angry about it.
Say that they know you're apathetic, even though 78% of you are against it.
They're just going to keep coming back with it, with the Department of Defense, in secret meetings with Ridge.
That is in the documents, and those are now on the websites, prisonplanet.com and infowars.com.
Hey, here's an argument from the San Francisco Chronicle against euthanasia.
They try to unplug you after a week being in a coma now.
Man walks after nearly two decades in a coma, greets mother.
A man regained consciousness after spending 19 years in a coma as a result of a car crash greeting his mother who was waiting at his bedside.
He started out with Mom and surprised her, and then it was Pepsi, and then it was milk, and now it's everything he wants to say.
Stone County Nursing Rehabilitation Center Social Director Ashley Bagley said Tuesday, Terry Wall, 39, had been at the center since his July 84 crash, and his family refused to unplug him.
So, there you go.
But they want to make it a law where they kill you, because we all have to pay for that, and that's not right.
Iraq attacks wound seven U.S.
soldiers after Tommy, Franks, and Bush say, bring it on, go ahead and attack our troops.
There's been lots of new attacks, including now mortar attacks and rocket attacks not seen since the end of the so-called war.
And they claim the boogeyman Saddam's running all of it.
As if they wouldn't really catch Saddam if they wanted to with a $25 million bounty.
Of course, the CIA claims they killed him twice in bombings for sure.
Now they claim he's alive again and the audio tape is Saddam.
Also, quizzing them on 9-1-1 from Time Magazine, Bush and Clinton may be asked to meet with an independent commission investigating the terrorist attacks.
An independent commission that has to be agreed on by the President?
These guys were all appointed by the President?
They called Henry Kissinger independent.
I mean, this is just... It's like saying Joseph Mingala or Heinrich Himmler is an independent investigator of Adolf Hitler.
And it goes on.
Will President Bush be summoned before the Independent Commission investigating 9-1-1?
It now appears very likely.
John Leham, Ronald Reagan's Navy Secretary, wants both President Bush and former President Clinton to meet with the Commission to discuss matters that could conclude that their administration knew about Al Qaeda's terrorist plots and what was done to combat them before 9-1-1 attached.
That'll be a big whitewash, you can be assured of that.
White House, again, already mentioned.
Baxoff claims that Iraq tried to buy uranium.
We told you that months ago.
It was totally made up.
They knew it all along.
There are still neocons on the radio.
Liberals in conservatives' clothing, if you want to use that term.
It's not a correct term, but just use it if you want to.
It's all liberal-conservative.
It's very, very serious.
Also, big news story here out of Tehran Times.
Riyadi, a leading Islamic business group, has warned four major Western banks that they could be implicated in a multi-trillion dollar lawsuit filed by families of victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks.
The group said Sunday, the Saudi group threatened to implicate Western banks in a 9-1-1 lawsuit because the Saudis are just a set piece for the bankers.
And so they're saying, okay, you kill these suits and we're going to tell them who's really involved in 9-1-1.
It actually says it in the article.
A legal team for Dalla Al-Bakr Holding and its owner, Sahim Kamal, has notified the four unnamed Western banks that their names could be added to a list of defendants implicated in the lawsuit.
Dalla said in a statement, Dalla's banking subsidiary, Al-Barask Investment and Development, and Kamal are among the more than 100 Saudi organizations, charities, businesses, and well-known personalities sued by the families.
They go on to say that if they continue with the lawsuits, they will release information on four Western banks with links to the President.
Well, look for an invasion any day now of Saudi Arabia!
Isn't that nice?
The Ohio Al Barhart's legal team expects that the court will agree to drop the client's
names from the lawsuits the statement said.
However, in the unlikely event that the banks are not dropped from the lawsuit, the Wesher
and Banks will also be added to the list of Saudi banks and defendants under the legal
procedure known as third-party lawsuit, which gives defendants the right to name other parties
get warned.
Isn't that nice?
Here's another report.
This is out of the Prince George's Journal out of Maryland.
Mainstream news.
Bush-linked company handled security for the WTC, Dulles, and United.
All key areas.
And remember, the CIA was running a drill that morning, applying hijacked airliners at the New York and D.C.
Skyline, and ordered NORAD to stand down.
Admit it's fact.
In the news a few times, never heard about it again.
George W. Bush's brother was on the board of directors of a company providing electronic security for the World Trade Center, Dulles International Airport, United Airlines.
By the way, George Bush's brother declared martial law one day before 9-1-1, according to the Associated Press in Florida.
Never been done before.
But see, under that, he could do some things with the banks and other goodies.
It goes on.
George W. Bush's brother was on the board of the records of the company providing electronic security for the World Trade Center, Dulles International Airport, and United Airlines.
According to public records, the company was backed by an investment firm, the Kuwaiti American Corp., also linked for years to the Bush family.
The security company, formerly named SECURECOM, and now named STATESEC, He's in Sterling, Virginia, and its CEO, Barry McDaniel, said the company had a completion contract to handle some of the security of the World Trade Center up to the day the buildings fell down.
And they'd hired John O'Neill, former Deputy Director of the FBI, blown the whistle on the government, that he had a security that day, starting that day, and he supposedly died in the collapse.
And then by his body, one of the hijackers' passports was found uncharged.
Can you believe that?
It also had a three-year contract with Manhattan Electric Security Systems at Dulles Airport, according to a Dulles contracting official.
Also handles some security for United Airlines, according to McDaniel.
And it goes on and on.
So just more and more connections.
And remember, all the planes were running at 95% occupancy on the East Coast that day, on average, according to reports.
But the four planes that got hijacked, United and American, had 20% exact occupancy.
No more, no less.
Oh, my goodness.
Oh, my goodness.
It just goes on and on.
Let's continue.
This is out of the Scotsman, uh, Scotsman?
On PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com, the hidden microphones Stalin used to shape the rebuilding of post-war Europe.
Now, in Austin, Garba, five years ago, they began putting hundreds of microphones up each year.
It's now up to a thousand.
They admit this in the paper.
Microphones with shotgun power to rotate around 200 yards away and listen to people.
And it's all hooked into their emergency center.
And now they admit, last Monday, that it's used by the Defense Department to, quote, watch the people.
The hidden microphone Stalin used to shape the rebuilding of post-war Europe.
Joseph Stalin was not a man to leave anything to chance.
Years of eliminating his opponents, 50 to 65 million of them, and protecting himself from potential challengers, ...has instilled a keen sense of self-preservation in the Soviet dictator and bred, as poker players put it, a sense of self-preservation and unwillingness to ever give a sucker an even break.
One of those suckers, it turns out, was Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the United States President.
A new study was revealed in devastating detail about Stalin bugged FDR's quarters during the 1945 conference at Yalta, a term in the post-war map of Europe.
Folks, they didn't have to bug him.
He was all for it.
An article published in the latest edition of Studies in Intelligence, the journal of the U.S.
intelligence community, Gary Kern writes that Stalin had an American president pinned, examined, and analyzed like a specimen under a magnifying glass.
The Soviet leader knew every move, every gamut.
The Americans and British would make a Yalta and would plan his response accordingly.
The U.S.
argues Mr. Kern walked into a surveillance trap.
Oh yeah, right.
The footage just shows how loving microphones are for you and your family.
Here's one out of the new scientists today.
Safety fears over pilotless planes.
A plan for pilotless aircraft to begin operating routinely from ordinary airports in the U.S.
is being greeted with alarm by aviation safety campaigners.
They say such operations would put at risk the safety of other planes, passengers on the ground, and people living near airports.
The plan, which also involves giving unmanned aerial vehicles, UAVs, easier access to U.S.
civil airspace, is a result of a powerful partnership led by the Pentagon, NASA, Lockheed Martin, Norfolk Grumman, and Boeing.
Oh, the remote control systems, those are useful, aren't they?
On Access 5, the group aims to loosen restrictions on where UAVs can operate within five years.
They've already got drones in the skies.
They fly them out of Bergstrom, right here in Austin, in a joint APD-U.S.
Army operation.
For most of the flight, UAVs are controlled by a pilot on the ground via satellite radio link.
At present, anyone wanting to fly wants a civilian airspace to follow a detailed flight plan with the Federal Aviation Administration at least 30 days in advance.
Access 5 wants UAVs to be allowed to fly on a day-to-day plan as filed by any other aircraft.
The group hopes this rapid approval of UAV flights will also Allow the craft to fly more flexible missions, but critics fear it may eventually pave the way for pileless cargo flights.
And it says, totally unopposed, the prospect of UAVs sharing runways with passenger planes is raising serious concerns.
What happens if a pileless plane hits an airport terminal or another plane?
It goes on and on.
Folks, they've already got them in the skies.
Senator Warner said they're gonna watch everything we do.
Before I end this segment, I do want to challenge all the listeners to get my videos, to support the broadcast, to get my book.
They're amazing films.
My book is amazing.
It covers 9-1-1.
It's 9-1-1 to send to tyranny.
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Is there anything more important to expose?
Uh, and what the Globalist Future plans are.
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It's my best film.
I have a new film that's excellent as well.
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That's 888-253-3139.
I'll give you the number again and the mailing address on the other side.
I'll give you the number again in the mailing address on the other side, and launch back
into about ten other news articles in a news blitz.
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Alright, I'm going to hit some final key news, recap a couple top stories as well in this last little five-minute
I'll be back tonight from 9 to midnight. Spread the word about the broadcast. Check out the information we cover
here daily.
I want to thank our affiliates, our sponsors, the listeners, the folks that run the show, my producer, Violet Nichols,
Violet Jones, my wife, my webmaster, Paul Joseph Watson, Violet, everybody.
And just God bless you all, and please join me tonight, 9 to midnight Central Standard Time during the day.
I'm on Globals Courtway, but 12.172 and 93.20 during the day from 11 to 2, and then back from 9 to midnight at 5.085 and 68.90.
That's Monday through Friday.
Before I go back to the news, though, please get the films.
They are such a key tool.
They're waking up 90% of people that see them.
If we just give somebody a news article or try to talk to them over the fence, that'll do something.
Giving them a video shows them what the New World Order is, what its goals are, what the crimes are.
It'll shock them into waking up and beginning to realize what they're facing.
It is so important and it supports this broadcast and what we do at this ministry.
So please support us if you believe in what we're doing.
Go to infowards.com or net to order.
Or call toll free to get my videos 1-888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
All that evil men and tyrants need to flourish is that good men and women do nothing, so please don't do nothing.
All that evil men and tyrants need to flourish is that good men and women do nothing, so
please don't do nothing.
military experts arrive in Monrovia.
A U.S.
military team has flown into Liberia to look at how best to bring stability to the broken West African country as President Charles Taylor prepares for foreign exile.
He's been told, leave or it's over for you, and he's following orders.
The first group of humanitarian survey team touched down in a helicopter at the heavily fortified U.S.
Embassy in the coastal capital of Monrovia.
My friends, Africa has more oil in the Middle East, much of it sweet, more gold, more diamonds, and the entire area that's been invaded by the French, the British, and the U.S.
this year is full of it.
Their own reports say it's spot oil, but of course they won't be honest about it.
No, no, no.
They'll just say it's because they love the black people.
If you want to be fooled, go ahead.
Here's another disgusting story, and this is out of the Associated Press.
Swedish scientists produce healthy baby from mice with womb transplants.
Saudi Arabians have done it in women, transplanting wombs and trying to plant embryos.
It just goes on and on.
A nanotechnology group to address safety concerns, and it says it's a consortium put together by nanotechnology companies.
They call it an independent commission, the New York Times does, to investigate nanotech and to tell us it's safe.
The companies telling you it's independent, telling you it's safe.
The Nanotechnology Business Alliance, a trade group of business and work on nanotechnology, plans to announce a new task force today to address health and environmental concerns that would be associated with microscopic nanotech-scale products.
We haven't seen anything yet, but it should at least scare everyone, said Mark Molodesky, Executive Director of the group.
Commissioner Molodesky said many members of the group had decided, in light of growing speculation about potential dangers posed by nanotechnology, that they want a forum We're sharing research and developing better public explanations on the issues.
It says it will be an independent commission based at universities funded by the group.
Oh yes, very independent.
Such a joke.
Another one here.
Human cloning now the public's main concern.
Human cloning has overtaken nuclear waste and the concern it causes in the Australian community.
A genetics expert said yesterday.
It's all important.
EU to adopt stem cell research rules this week.
Widening for cloning of humans.
Uh, the recall of Davis is going well.
They have collected 1.4 million signatures, but Davis may just throw it all out.
The criminal he is.
Uh, court rejects a bid to stop Cheney lawsuit.
Cheney doesn't want you to know about his Enron crimes.
And so, he's trying to stop that, threatening those that try to deliver subpoenas.
He goes on and on, but I'm out of time.
We covered a lot of news, had three guests, answered a lot of calls.
Thanks for joining us.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to Midnight Central, and back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
Be sure and join us.
Thanks for listening, and thanks for being involved, and thanks for caring.
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