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Name: 20030708_Tue_Alex
Air Date: July 8, 2003
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, ladies and gentlemen.
It is Tuesday, the 8th of July, 2003.
Big show for you lined up today.
In the first hour, we have the webmaster of PrisonPlanet.com joining us.
He's Paul Joseph Watson.
He lives in the United Kingdom.
He has a great head on his shoulders for analyzing the New World Order and covering and posting pertinent facts and tracking their lies and doing daily flashbacks to show how they put out different propaganda almost on a daily basis now.
We'll also talk about his upcoming book, and no, we're not offering it yet, and yes, I'm publishing it, Order Out of Chaos.
Talk about a powerful name.
Well, it's a powerful book, and it's lengthy.
We'll go over some of what's in the book, some of the key smoking guns of September 11th, and we'll get a British perspective on the high-tech police state they have developing there, the disarmament of the British people.
We'll talk about the lies of that We've got Catherine Albrecht, the head of Caspian, coming on the show.
We had her on a few weeks ago.
to be tried without juries and to be executed.
So that's all coming up in about 30 minutes.
Then in the third hour, we've got Catherine Albrecht, the head of Caspian, coming on the show.
We had her on a few weeks ago.
You know, we were talking about RFIDs before RFIDs were cool, as they say.
The small, trackable microchips that are gonna go in all your clothes,
all your razors, all your food cans and containers, Everything.
And we told you it was about a control grid to tax and trace you, well now, Caspian, their organization has basically, I don't want to say hacked, But use software to get into internal areas of the big RFID consortium's website and dot secret documents.
And the RFID group admits they're accurate and they're very angry.
And they talk about how they want to, quote, manipulate, neutralize, pacify you, and get you to accept the casual society control grid.
It's great what the technology people on the side of liberty are able to do.
It's like when Orrin Hatch came out and said, hack anybody's computer and destroy it if they download anything that's not authorized.
Video, audio.
Well, folks just went to Hatch's website and found out that he had pirated software.
He'd used pirated software to build his very fancy, expensive website.
that they'd stolen cost $400, a serious crime.
And so the organization that went in and scanned his site found out that they didn't have the
proper serial numbers for the stuff and stolen it.
They're now calling for Hatch to be arrested, and I think it's a great idea.
He's a gun-grabbing, un-American liberal, and I'm sick of neocons like him.
So, we're on the march, the empire's on the run, but that only makes them more dangerous.
We will track the latest global developments and unravel the New World Order here on the show today.
Big show lined up, and we're going to take a lot of phone calls in this first hour, and Watson's on with us.
Now, the White House today had to admit that, yes, they knew that Africa didn't sell Saddam Uranium, and that Bush lied in his State of the Union.
to admit that yes, they knew that Africa didn't sell Saddam uranium and that Bush lied in
his State of the Union. That's kind of a big deal. And why about everything else, being
the big socialists, big government liberals they are?
The neocons, they are.
The lying creatures, they are.
So that's coming up, uh, also.
Ministry of Defense report Ford scorned on evidence of Iraq weapons of mass destruction, admitting they lied.
Blair's now been caught in his little fight with the BBC as being a big fat liar.
Uh, Frank says bring it on.
More U.S.
troops get killed.
Stay with us.
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Hey folks, Alex Jones here and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1 The Road to Tyranny on DVD.
That's right folks, DVD.
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Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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888-803-4438. Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother. Mainstream media. Government cover-ups.
You want answers? Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, I've said it so many times, and it's true, because you're calm, you're...
You're happy, at least some of the time.
During the breaks, we have discussions that are much more entertaining and interesting and informative than we have on the air.
And it doesn't matter if I'm doing Real Talk Radio on Saturdays with John Stattmiller, or if I'm doing a show with Michael Trudeau, or if I'm just talking to We're just trying to one-up each other during the last three-minute break with who bought the most fireworks and who had the best mortar shells and cannons.
Before the BATF comes and gets me, that's what they call the big tubes you buy that, you know, shoot the professional fireworks.
And I was bragging that I got a special deal because one of my friends runs a fireworks stand, so I got him a toss.
But by the time we got off, got done rattling off the different fireworks we had bought, I believe that Mark and Matt have defeated me.
They actually got more fireworks than I did.
Alright, now this sounds like mainstream radio now.
I'm starting the show discussing fireworks, but I do enjoy going out with family in the middle of the countryside on a beautiful star-filled night and shooting fireworks off for three hours.
I really did enjoy it, and I love the Fourth of July, but I don't love the Fourth of July just because my dad made the best beef, ribs, and brisket that he smoked all day.
And I didn't just enjoy the Fourth of July because we shot all these fireworks off, but my uncle bought, my dad bought, and what I bought.
I enjoyed the Fourth of July because I remembered those that fought and died to make America the successful experiment it was, and should still be, but it's frankly not, folks, in many respects, a free society.
Because on my way, and I talked about this some yesterday, but you really can't stress it enough, on my way to East Texas to visit family from Central Texas.
I want swans!
Wolf packs!
They even call them wolf packs.
Of state police and others with local police swarming in MJTF wolf packs, multi-jurisdictional task forces,
they would exit off the road, come back onto the road, randomly pull over five, ten cars,
all together in mass, just totally randomly, and then you'd see, and then you'd come across wolf packs
that had already pulled over their quarry, and they would have families standing out on the side of the road
in the heat, in the fire ants, their goods stacked out on the road, their fireworks being inspected.
I saw this toddler standing there with his mother in fear, looking at these officers
as they directed the father to dig through his car and remove the spare tire for them.
And I wanted to pull over, and I wanted to scream at those police officers that they're desecrating everything America is, was, and is gonna be!
And then it just got worse and worse.
Report illegal guns.
Report tips.
Report terrorism.
Uh, don't drink and drive.
Drink and drive, go to jail.
You know, the billboard started just, don't drink and drive.
Now it's report guns.
Report terrorist.
I heard little FEMA announcements on the radio.
I heard talk show hosts saying we should be thankful to the government on the 4th of July.
It made me sick!
And then I thought about the bill that almost passed in Texas.
Some states have banned them.
A bill that almost passed a ban on fireworks.
How Estes Rockets, little rocket kit she buys as a kid, that I did with my father, about to be out of business because they can't ship their rockets to people.
Has nothing to do with terrorism.
They don't care.
I thought about our jobs shutting down and our factories leaving our shores forever.
I thought about how the number one part of our economy is giant prisons and law enforcement and security and surveillance.
I thought about the Pentagon announcing that everything we do will be watched and tracked.
I thought about how they're getting rid of Posse Comitatus and bringing in foreign troops.
I thought about the forced inoculation plans and the new $6.3 billion federal bureaucracy yearly called BioShield to forcibly inoculate you and to build giant infrastructures.
And I got very angry.
But for those two and a half, three hours I was shooting fireworks off, I kind of forgot about it.
But, uh...
You know, sometimes I get tired.
Sometimes I, just for a few seconds, will lose the fire, the will, and the desire to get on the radio and to do interviews morning, noon, and night, and do my own syndicated show.
And I sometimes lose the fire to make a new documentary film, or I lose the fire in my belly to sit there for hours every night reading news stories on the news wires.
But I always get the fire back if I just turn on CNN or FOX or if I listen to talk radio.
And yesterday I went over to News Talk 1260, KWNX, the great affiliate that picks up my show here in Austin, and I over there, met with the great folks, we talked about the
new world order, people shared news stories with me, I had great discussions with them.
And then I get back in my car and I'm listening to that station and I flip over to see what
the other station's doing.
And stuck in traffic, I listen to 30 minutes of the host saying that every child needs
It should be illegal not to take vaccines.
Everybody should be forced to take all the new vaccines that's on the other station.
And how wonderful the vaccines are and how there's all these conspiracy theorists that think vaccines are bad for you.
So I said, you know, I'm going to call into this station.
And of course everybody knows my voice.
And I can successfully call into some local stations if I call in and go, Oh, yes, I'd like to talk to the host, please.
You know, a lot of folks talk like this in Central Texas, so I can get on the air.
So I called in and I said, I'd like to disagree with the host about the story he's reading.
And the call screen goes, What do you want to discuss?
I said, well, I want to talk about Well, I'd like to discuss, uh, bring up that he's saying there's no danger to vaccines.
It's admitted that SV40, uh, in many of the vaccines, not just the polio vaccine, is a dangerous, uh, cancer-causing virus.
They admit it's caused all these new forms of cancer.
Uh, this is admitted by major medical establishments, University of Chicago.
He goes, what else?
And I said, well, uh, I said, autism's up 2,000% and some of it could be misdiagnosis or more diagnosis, but a lot of it has been proven to be additives to the vaccine.
They've admitted that.
George Bush had the vaccine record sealed and tried to sign an executive order and then passed a law that got repealed, by the way.
I didn't tell him that part.
Last year, guarding the vaccine makers, so I said this to him, and of course I had something cogent to say, and he said, nope, I'm sorry, we're not gonna let you on the air.
And I said, why not?
He said, well, I just don't agree with what you're saying.
I said, but it doesn't matter if you agree.
It doesn't matter if you agree with what I'm saying, sir.
Lock, jam, and go!
He said, nope.
And I said, so there's no free speech on this station?
Now, understand, I'm not talking about News Talk 1260 KWNX.
I'm talking about this other station owned by the President's family.
The President from Austin will just say that.
That, by the way, just got sold to a big conglomerate.
They've always been totally New World Order, neo-con, you know, liberal stuff on the slide.
They're owned by Democrats.
Yellow Dog Democrats.
Big government types.
And so I say to him, I said, so there's no First Amendment on your station.
He goes, that's right.
And slammed the phone down.
So I didn't get on the phone.
All three or four people, including my wife.
And guess what?
He wouldn't let any of them on.
And every caller but one.
I mean, they probably took 15 calls.
It's bad.
Everybody should be vaccinated.
It's wrong.
People are kooks.
And I heard the host on air going, well, see, everybody's against this.
Wonder why the legislature passed a law.
I'll tell you about the law in a second.
That's how this all got started.
So there is censorship, folks.
Acting like it's free speech.
Acting like this is what the people want to hear.
And I've heard this about the station for years.
I haven't really tried to call in much.
But I never get on the air there.
If you disagree with them, Frankly, folks, you have to lie to get on these talk shows.
You have to call in and say you agree with them, and then they'll let you on.
And it's even worse on national shows.
I've called in national shows, never get on.
I guess I've been able to call in on a financial show and frankly lie.
And this is a war.
I'm not into lying.
I've had questions of that.
You know, is that proper?
But I guess I really don't lie.
I'll just kind of talk about some other side issue, get on, talk about that issue, and then branch off.
But I have asked the listeners, you know, do you think that's ethical?
Some of them said no, some of them said yes.
But here I am on the air talking about it.
But it's like being a spy in a war.
They're the liars.
They're the corrupt people holding out that it's the First Amendment.
And it's not the First Amendment.
It's all about censorship and crafting abuse.
Now, if you sound like an incoherent idiot, I've tested this before and disagree with them, they'll let you on.
But if you don't agree with them, or you don't sound like an incoherent idiot, some dumb liberal they can slap around, or some dumb neocon they can slap around, they won't have you on.
And, you know, I've called into a lot of national shows and had this happen.
You know, I've been on road trips and tried for an hour to get through.
You get through, you get on, you get to the call screener, and they hang up on you.
So what does that say about America?
Very serious question for everybody out there.
Uh, here is an article out of the Dallas Morning News yesterday that they were talking about on this Little Talk Show.
The law lets kids forego vaccines.
Critics worry about health at schools, others applaud choice.
Well, wait a minute.
It was already a law that you couldn't make a kid take a shot.
The article acts like there was a law where you had to, but what they, what the new law actually does is it says CPS can't come after you, because I went and got the law yesterday.
CPS can't do that.
You know, they're still going to do it.
listeners, I remember our listeners were pushing for this, brought to bear the vaccine awareness
network and others. So that's what the new law does. They would come after you. There was no law,
they would still come after you. Well now it says CPS can't do that. Now you know they're still going
to do it. So when we get back I'll tell you about this law in Texas that you need to have in your
state. And then the staged event I've watched unfold on talk radio.
It's disgusting!
But I do have to say the news talk from 60 KWNX will not censor.
Be right back.
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Folks, if you want to take vaccines, go ahead and knock yourself out.
You know, I have said that It's your choice.
Do it if you want to.
Don't do it if you don't want to.
Vaccines, if they were produced properly by trustworthy organizations, not eugenics-obsessed Nazis, publicly funding extermination programs worldwide against the third world, and being caught doing it to the vaccines.
Official government plans, Australian, US, Canadian, British, to do this.
We didn't have on the reports the mercury and the mycoplasms and the cancer viruses and the weird hormones and the UN getting caught sterilizing women with a tetanus shot that had a hormone added.
I mean, this is all admitted!
But yeah, we have companies that can be trusted in four or five groups, independently tested the vaccine lots, and yes, vaccines can be a good thing.
You can give yourself an immunity.
But there's no substitute for being healthy.
But certainly vaccines can be a good thing, but they shouldn't be mandatory.
And we've got a government that's trying to make dozens of new ones every year mandatory.
In fact, there was an article last week about how they want now a whole new class of shots.
They're talking about making an anti-smoking vaccine mandatory.
They were talking about making an Alzheimer's vaccine mandatory if they could get approval.
Then it killed a bunch of the people that took it, so they backed off.
They used to give kids before the age of two shots in Japan.
Now they've made a law where you can't do it in Japan.
It killed and brain damaged so many children.
They didn't have cases of autism that were known in Japan, and now they do.
And their government freaked out and said no.
Autism was unheard of.
It was an unknown thing just a few decades ago.
Now it's all over the place.
You go to the mall and you see kids all over the place nodding their heads, twiddling their fingers in front of their faces.
This is real people.
And I wanted to call into the show and I also wanted to make the point, you know, while I'm sitting there on the
hall before they came and screened my call, it wouldn't let me on the air, I was thinking, "Hey, I'll point out that if
we're all coops, why did 99+% of doctors and medical workers and police and firemen refuse a smallpox shot?"
Why did the government have to suspend the experimental anthrax shot they gave the troops, now admittedly killing a bunch of them and injuring many others?
This is all confirmed stuff!
We cannot just sit here and ignore it.
And yes, if you don't give your kids inoculation, they could get something.
They could get sick.
Especially if you've got them in these daycares, which is insane.
All the, you know, the big disease factory, because all the kids are on antibiotics, and only the superbacteria survive.
It's like sick building syndrome, or sick hospital syndrome.
You know, they always find the flesh-eating bacteria in the hospital.
Because they're the most immune in that environment of vaccines and in that environment of all the antibiotics over-prescribed.
You've got superbugs there!
Every time somebody gets flesh-eating bacteria, you know, they're in the army and they give people shots with the same needles out of those guns they claim are safe.
And they're not, folks!
I've given cows shots with them and it does not work.
Those multiple shot systems do not work like they say they do.
And you get blood all over it.
I remember two of the guys in the same unit got the flesh-eating bacteria.
One died in the range.
You know, you always hear about that.
Well, this stuff just breeds in daycares and hospitals.
So, yeah, I mean, if you're going to have your kid in daycare, you're going to do that.
Had to do that.
And the vaccines were safer, maybe, but not with the track record of who's running this.
And so I wanted to say that.
I wanted to warn the people that, no!
So I wanted to find out if they were screening everybody.
Because every caller, you know, they took like 15 calls, and they let one person in who was against it,
who sounded like an incoherent idiot.
That's why they let him on.
So I called, what, four people, and they all called, and none of them could get through or get on the air.
The call screener would tell them no.
So that's what even these local stations are doing.
So here's what they were talking about on the station.
Law lets kids forgo vaccines.
Critics worry about health and schools.
Others applaud choice.
A new Texas law that will allow unvaccinated children to attend public schools and daycare centers.
And their parents philosophically object to state immunization requirements has alarmed pediatricians and public health experts.
The new measure, which was tacked to a mammoth Health and Human Services Reorganization Bill, Well, that's been there forever.
This is what's new in the law right here.
to obtain a state health department form that would allow their children access to public
schools upon notarization.
Well, that's been there forever.
This is what's new in the law right here.
The new policy signed into law by Governor Rick Perry also prohibits a Health and Human
Services Agency from taking punitive action against parents for not immunizing their children.
That's the new law.
But of course, below New World Order, Dallas Morning News doesn't tell you that.
They bury it in the article.
I'll get to some global news.
There's a bunch of it.
It's all really important.
We got Paul Joseph Watson, webmaster for PrisonPlanet.com, and a great new author.
One of the only people to read his new books.
It's not published yet.
He's joining us.
You don't want to miss this interview.
Just stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Are you prepared?
Seems that more terrorism on our soil is inevitable.
Chemical attacks, biological, nuclear, who knows for sure what dangers lie ahead for America.
Recent articles have pointed to vulnerability and our ability to... ...that's 888-601-7546.
Well, Marilyn, that sounds fantastic.
We'll check back with you a little bit later to learn more about this exciting new product.
Okay, thanks.
(upbeat music)
Earlier in the hour, I talked about how I was having this discussion during the break
with two brothers that work at the network.
As we were trying to one-up each other on who had the most fireworks this 4th of July,
and Mark was informing me later that actually in Minnesota, you can't shoot off fireworks.
So a lot of folks go to the border to Wisconsin.
And of course, there's a big law about it, and of course they did, but he did point out
that people just ignore it in wholesale mass in the state.
And that happens in Austin.
Inside Austin, you're not allowed to shoot fireworks off because they've got all their reasons for it,
inside a fire or whatever, but as long as you're not endangering somebody or it's rain,
I don't see there being a problem with it.
And I know this, I've been right out in my front yard shooting artillery shells off the floor.
Ooh, I'm admitting it.
It's like the government said that everybody had to take a shot.
A smallpox shot.
The police and military and doctors and others.
Well, the only people they can make take a shot, a smallpox shot, is the military because they're a captive audience.
But I don't think they should have to take it.
And they just refuse to take it.
The police and firefighters and doctors.
Because they know how dangerous it was.
Okay, let's go ahead and go to our guest, and then I'm going to get to, before this hour ends, Andy and Peter and Dan and many others that are patiently holding.
I do want to challenge all the listeners to get my book, 9-1-1, Descent into Tyranny.
Maybe you've already gotten Descent into Tyranny, the book, or the film, Road to Tyranny.
9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny.
Or perhaps you've already gotten Police State 2000, or The Takeover, or Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
The question is, have you made copies of those videos yet?
Have you given them to friends and family?
Have you aired them on AXS TV?
Have you given them to your sheriff, your police chief, your county commissioners, your city councilwomen and men?
Have you gotten involved in the Info War to expose this alien government we have?
Alien to the American way of life.
Alien to our Republic that is destroying our liberties and freedoms and setting up a high-tech police state.
But hey, a lot of people would appreciate getting an original video.
Why not give Road to Tyranny, or Masters of Terror, or Police State 3, Total Enslavement, or my book, The Sentence of Tyranny, as a gift?
The book is 230 pages, only $12, and it covers what really happened September 11th, who stands to gain.
You see the government in a crisis to convince the people who only give up their liberty in exchange for safety
As if you get safety when you give up liberty Now the painful facts are in the dark forces mobile
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Now, Andy and, again, Peter and Dan and others that are holding, they're going to get to your phones.
Don't screen your calls. We don't censor people like the neocons and the liberals.
We tell the truth and can defend ourselves because we have the facts.
Now, Paul Joseph Watson, I became aware of his work a couple years ago when he started Propagandamatrix.com, and I don't work with a lot of people because a lot of folks get off into conspiracy theories, Things they can't prove, they're leftward-leaning, they're rightward-leaning, they're not constitutionalists, they don't have a grasp of history, they don't understand the manipulation, and a full field of view of the paradigm to see the lies, the different tricks they play in paradigm management, in psychological warfare.
Paul Watson has a great grasp of this, and we think along very similar lines, which is a rarity, unfortunately, so I got Watson to Let's start with our health prison planet, dot com.
And it has now gone, in just the last year, to being in the top 1% of patriot, conservative, constitutionalist websites.
It is as big as InfoWars.com was a year ago, only a year into its existence, and now InfoWars.com has raced up the charts.
Up there into the very highest percentile now, with just a few dozen websites ahead of us that cover similar information, with tens of millions of visitors per month to both the websites.
And I'm not bragging.
I'm giving you a status report out there on the front lines that our message is winning, that our war against the New World Order is very successful, and that you can become leaders in this fight as well.
But only in our little corner of the world we're having massive effect and there are tens of thousands of people fighting in a big way and millions fighting in small ways and together we're moving mountains.
Most Americans now have heard the government carried out 9-1-1.
Many Americans have investigated it and found out that it is in fact the truth.
And just like Galileo was a coup for saying the world was round, just a decade later after his death, people, most people knew that it was round and he were a coup to say it was flat.
So, joining us is another radical, a man who believes the world is round, and believes the sun comes up in the morning, and believes government is corrupt, and needs to be watched and contained, Paul Joseph Watson.
Paul, thanks for joining us from the United Kingdom.
Hello, Alex.
Great to be on the air today.
You bet.
You like that introduction?
Yeah, very good.
I'm just another terrorist, so you better watch what I say.
Oh, you're doing a great job.
Paul, tell us about briefly how you woke up to the New World Order, why you started your website, what we do at Prison Planet.
Then let's talk about the news coming out in England and the death camps, the national ID cards, the gun confiscation.
What's developing with the police state there, and then I want to get into the weapons of mass destruction and 9-1-1, but first off, what woke up, what turned the lightbulb on in Paul Joseph Watson's brain?
Well, uh, this ties into something you were discussing just a few minutes ago, actually.
Um, the idea of paradigm management, or paradigm control.
Um, basically I woke up to the New World Order by realizing that both left and right were controlled, because originally, I got into politics in the first place through the liberal channel, basically.
Then I started to read some books which proved that both the left and the right were controlled, especially in relation to the biggest example that we can provide, which is the Cold War.
And obviously we know the work of Anthony Sutton, who's done a great job Now deceased, Dazley, but he did a great job in exposing the fact that the Communists were actually funded from New York by the Capitalists.
And I've got, just recently found an article, which hasn't been online or anywhere that I've seen, and it's way back in 1959, and it's from the Wisconsin Daily Journal.
And it's, the title of the article is, Kozlov leaving California for chilly Detroit.
And it's an Associated Press article and it goes on to explain how Kozlov, Romanovich Kozlov, who was Khrushchev's right-handed man, was invited in 1959 to Bohemian Grove.
Obviously you listeners are well aware of Bohemian Grove.
And the quote in this Associated Press article is that he was wined and dined by the capitalists.
And Kozlov actually stated that Into the first David Tritt saying business will be good is the quote.
And he was obviously discussing this with the capitalists.
So we have Khrushchev, right-hand man at the height of the Cold War, meeting with New York bankers at Bohemian Grove.
Now, Paul, you told me about that about two weeks ago.
Have we posted that yet on Rosenblatt?
Not yet, no, but in a few days or a week maximum I will have a full article on that with a link to the original newspaper article.
Well, that's fantastic.
Now, continuing this line of discussion, we're going to go to some polls and back in the news.
It is admitted that the Red Cross was used for a 25 million in gold bullion, equivalent of a billion at the time, when Lennon was about to fail in 1970.
We know that I was watching in the History Channel a couple years ago and almost fell out of my chair.
They had the old CIA Section Chief, he was like 85 at the time now, bragging that, yeah, we actually put Mao into power.
We thought it was a greater stabilizing effect.
And then I have got CBS Classics off the CBS Classics channel.
I don't have it on my cable.
A listener mailed it to me.
Scott McCarthy right before he got burned, going, "I have discovered that there is a
global system, there's a group above the communists, that the army is funding the communists."
And that's when they all turned against McCarthy.
And now the KGB files, the East German Stasi files have come out.
Turns out it was, in fact, the Wall Street Journal reported both McCarthy was right,
the LA Times wrote an article a few months ago, McCarthy was right.
It turns out it was worse than what McCarthy thought.
They were using him to help set up a police state, going after people that really weren't communists,
it's just leftists.
And when he found out that the bankers were funding it, that there was a group above the communists,
that's when they torpedoed him.
He was a darling with Nixon and Eisenhower and all these guys until he found out the truth, and then he was destroyed politically.
So, that's a fact.
I mean, during the Cold War, it was the Rockefellers and others that were funding and juggled Joe Stalin in our newspapers.
Well, yeah.
three weeks ago the headline that goes to protsky walks the halls of the white
house and it mentioned that all the neocon leaders their fathers were all
protskyites uh... william kristol's father was the head of the communist fourth
international in this country i mean paul you can't make stuff up it's so
bizarre any comments for that well yeah that's the main thrust of what we try to
expose the fact that both left and right are controlled and in the news it's not
just a liberal bias.
It's either a liberal bias or a neocon bias.
The bottom line is that it's a bias.
Actually, I read today some excerpts from one of Anthony Sutton's books, who was the main exposer of this whole paradigm.
He was talking about the Hegelian dialectic and how left was played against right, not just during the Cold War, but afterwards to ensue that this would happen.
I mean, what it boils down to today is that you can be against illegal immigration, but then you have to be pro-war.
Or you can be anti-war, but then you have to be pro-abortion.
Which is obviously what the liberals are.
And then on top of it, you're not really against the war, just the U.N.' 's gotta authorize it.
You're for the quote, left-wing New World Order.
So they bypass the discussion of, we don't want a New World Order, they admit there is a New World Order.
of the left wing or right wing new world order a couple years ago I've seen the position papers
by the globalists saying this is how they were going to sell it to us
and bypass any discussion but then look at Bush signing on to UNESCO
United Nations Educational Culture Organization who says quote the families of disease must be eradicated
is that very conservative?
Well, that's the point and the fact is that before the war actually started
all the left wing so called alternative media websites were calling for anti-war protesters to wave the UN flag as
they marched and the UN and the American, the Germans and the French
their solution to avoiding the war was full scale UN occupation anyway
so the end result was basically the same system It's what brigade of Caesar's troops will be there.
And then, now America and England play the part of the bad cops.
We've always been the good guys before.
In world opinion, making Russia, China, and the EU look like the good guys.
Empowering them.
Everybody dumps a dollar in the pound and goes to Europe.
Well, yeah.
Basically, they use liberal organizations like the UN.
They use them as sort of batteries.
The call now is to replace the UN in left-wing circles because it was ineffective in preventing the war.
And so left-wingers are calling for the UN to be replaced by a de facto world government.
So we see the overarching structure here.
The UN was always meant to be folded into NATO, IMF, World Bank, OECD, World Trade Organization, World Health
Those bodies have already been set up, and the CFR, five years ago, was calling for "getting rid of the UN and restructuring
And then conservatives see liberals against the war.
They know the liberals are bad, so they think, "Oh, the war must be good."
Again, that's how paradigm management works.
And I've seen articles from people that were putting out good information.
I mean, I won't name any names, but now those same people are writing voluminous articles praising the virtues of John Kerry and how the Democrats will save us.
And John Kerry, like George Bush, is a member of School of Bones.
So they don't see... People who come out anti-war don't see the full perspective, and in the end their information becomes disinformation.
Well, it's totally staged at the federal level, and we know that.
Now, Paul... Day one, we've known that we were being lied to.
We know that the trucks were sold by the British.
The so-called mobile bio-weapons trucks were sold by the British.
uh... they have a purchase order the iraqis said that they want
that the unit already been there and seen those drugs but they don't care they claim they were bio weapons labs
they claim those were mass graves they knew it was a body exchange program
in the iran iraq war uh... the country of niger
uh... the white house knew months before that was a totally fake document they didn't care
talked about it at the state of the union why do you think they lie and don't care if they get caught
uh... well tying into that we've got the story today out in the washington
post White House backs off claims on Iraqi buys.
And basically, I mean, people have obviously heard of this before, but it's called externalization of the hierarchy.
And this is what we see developing.
The lies come out, but then they're just white Washington people who don't take any action.
and that conditions you to accept more of a kind of a revelation of the method
and that makes people think you've still got a free press but you notice this all comes out after the war and they'll
be able to...
be a new war and it will come out after the war, further degrading the government and
how the people see America when America is just a glove over the New World Order's hand.
Do you agree?
Yeah, that's the point.
It's the same process over and over again, which is why exposing it is very simple as
long as we get the key information out.
It's like the feds train the cops how to be thugs when they do thuggish things.
The feds come in and federalize the police department, another sub-directory of the government.
It's the same process over and over again, which is why exposing it is very simple as
long as we get the key information out.
It's the same process over and over again, which is why exposing it is very simple as
long as we get the key information out.
coming in federalized, the police department and other sub-directory.
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Don't worry, this show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
And it burned.
Go ahead.
Well, it's good to talk to you.
Thanks for holding.
We'll have more time to get into more key analysis.
This is really important information, ladies and gentlemen, if you want to really know
what's going on in the world and want to be able to affect change.
Andy in Ohio and Peter, Dan, and others.
Andy, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Well, it's good to talk to you.
Thanks for holding.
Thanks for keeping me on hold, man.
All right.
We're going to go ahead and get started.
We're going to start with the weather.
We're going to start with the weather.
We're going to start with the weather.
We're going to start with the weather.
We're going to start with the weather.
My shortwave's not working good today.
Alright, well you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Okay, uh, I'm really excited to talk to you, Paul.
I look at your website every day.
And, uh, I always wanted to know what's going on with the radio show on the website.
What happened to the radio show, did you say?
Yeah, the radio show that you have on your website.
Paul does a once a week radio show, and I think he's probably been so busy he hasn't had a chance to do it lately.
Yeah, basically I had to end that.
I mean, it was getting thousands and thousands of listeners a day, but I just decided to concentrate on other things.
But it may be back in the future.
Okay, yeah.
I really like the archives.
The archives are really good on the website, too.
What's going on with Seasilver?
Are they going to be back open?
Well, they got For those that don't know, this is simply a liquid vitamin and all they said is it's more absorbable than solid vitamins.
The same stuff sold in the store and the feds are now, in Europe, they're banning vitamin C over the counter.
So this is a move everywhere to go after any real supplement that does a good job and I think that's just ridiculous.
Anything else on your mind, Andy?
Not much.
All right.
Thanks for taking my call.
Thank you so much for the call.
Let's talk to Peter in Florida.
Peter, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hi Alex.
Thank you.
In line with what we're talking about right now, I found something on the Hegelian dialectics.
It's interesting.
It says, at about the same time that Hegel was passing from the scene Karl Marx caught the revolutionary fever, he drew heavily from Hegel, the dialectics, and Cherbon, materialism.
He picked up where the other philosophers left the discussion, but with a twist.
He formerly stated that philosophers have only interpreted the world in different ways.
The point, however, is to change the world, was to become the warp and wolf of Marxism.
In the Marxist interpretation of reality, God had to be abandoned.
Alone in the universe, man was instilled a vacuum left by religion and materialism.
Yeah, the communists basically were just the front for the bankers.
They conned the people back into feudalism and served them.
They hung a label of liberation on it, and then funded it, and then conned the masses back into it.
So Marx and Lenin and all these guys were nothing but plagiarists.
Paul, any comments?
Well, yeah, speaking about Marx, that, again, ties into how we're working.
woke up to the whole system because when I went to university about two years ago
Marxist ideology was pushed as the accepted version of history
it was sort of a revisionist history but with a communist bias
and then they tell you communism is dead as the system of big government spreads worldwide
it's just the control of the communist system is by private banks
yeah, I mean you were talking about the firework ban earlier which is again
sort of a communist sort of law, you know, big government because it might hurt somebody we gotta ban it
oh we gotta have a satellite tracker box in your car if it saves one child
yeah, and I mean I was watching the news just before I came on today
and it showed a policeman with a hidden camera and it showed a man smoking a cigarette and dropping the
stub on the side of the street and the policeman went up to him and said that'll be a £50
fine Mind the...
So, again, these tiny laws that come in, again, will condition us to accept the bigger laws, the fancy things like firearms.
Exactly, and now in New York they've been ordered to arrest people for any patty reason.
It's about squeezing and getting us all into the system.
Anything else, Peter?
Out of Webster's Dictionary, under Dialectic Materialism, a philosophy founded by Karl Marx, which forms the basis of communist doctrine, It combines the materialistic idea of matter over mind with the Hegelian dialectic in which opposing forces are constantly being reunited at a higher level.
I tell you what, stay there, Peter.
I'm gonna come back.
I want you to focus on that more.
I'm gonna go to Dan and others.
Second hour, straight ahead.
Stay with us.
When was the last time you used pure soap?
I mean, real.
Hard to find all-natural pure soap that contains no dyes, perfumes, deodorants, or antibacterials.
Probably never, right?
Hey, folks, Michael Trudell here, and I want to...
[microphone cuts out]
This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
That's me, David Laharta, Texas, Central Texas Command Center.
We're going to take a lot of calls and cover a ton of news.
Talk about 9-1-1, talk about the police state, talk about the missing weapons of mass destruction, the false left-right paradigm and paradigm management.
Call the free number to join us on air in the second hour, 800-259-9231.
800-259-9231, 800-259-9231.
And I have the head of Caspian coming on in the next hour.
They got into the big RFID consortium website with Walmart and the Department of Defense
using the, just trying random passcodes like "authorize."
They got into some internal areas, all legally and lawfully.
It was off the main site, no hacking involved.
and found out where they've used words like how they want to manipulate, how they want to neutralize us, how they
want to destroy opposition to the RFID tracker chips.
That's in the third hour.
And I'll cover some of that with Paul Joseph Watson, author and webmaster and researcher and writer, who is joining us
right now.
And his first book, and it's longer than mine and more detailed.
My book's kind of like a coffee table book, 230 pages.
Each page is concentrated in information and facts.
It's a great bathroom book, too.
They said, you know, somebody just wants to read a page or two at a time.
Or, you know, bedside book.
His book's almost, it's coming out at about 340 pages or so, and that's Full of images and graphics.
I'm publishing.
And it'll be out in about three weeks.
But he's joining us to talk about the New World Order.
And I respect his analysis.
He's a webmaster for my website.
We also have Infowars.com.
Peter in Florida was bringing up the dialectic and dialectic materialism and how Karl Marx talked about taking so-called opposing forces and merging them over and over again, a system of psychological warfare.
Go ahead and re-read that Webster's Dictionary definition, Peter.
A philosophy founded by Karl Marx that forms the basis of communist doctrine.
It combines the materialistic idea of matter over mind with a Hegelian dialect in which opposing forces are constantly being reunited at a higher level.
That's dialectic materialism.
That's the dictionary.
And what does that mean to you, or put it in a nutshell, for somebody that's confused?
I can't believe anything you hear.
You've just got to know the difference between despotism and freedom.
That's it.
They confuse it between left and right, communism and capitalism, when really it's the same force of centralization.
Paul Watson comments.
Uh, well, actually I was reading about this sort of topic earlier today, and Anthony took an excerpt from his Gull and Bones book, which I'll be posting on freedomplanet.com tomorrow.
He talks about Marxism and Hegelianism.
And he states that the answer to this seeming political puzzle lies in the Hegelian logic.
Remember that both Marx and Hitler, the extremes of left and right, presented as textbook enemies, evolved out of the same philosophical system, Hegelianism.
That brings screams of intellectual anguish from Marxists and Nazis, but is well known to any human being.
Do you agree with that, Peter?
fascism with hitler and stalin were buddies again the globalists try to give you two false choices
a left-wing u.n a right-wing u.n what type of world government bypassing any discussion of hey we don't
want a world government do you agree with that peter oh yeah yeah um the uh although we don't
telegraph that bedrock message of real paradigm to people it's over
If we can't get that across, people will continue to be confused by the false paradigm.
Any of you?
Go ahead.
Yeah, you can find more about this on newswithnews.com.
It's an article done by Detective Phil Ward called Community-Oriented Policing.
And Bush said that he was a communitarian.
The dictionary, until about 20 years ago, said a communitarian is one who promotes communist systems.
And in the official platform of Bush Cheney 2000, they say we are, first and foremost, communitarians.
Getting in plain view, we'll be right back.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
"Holy State 3" details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster as a New World Order.
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and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
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the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun rafts, government-run white slavery rings, and
much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new 2.5-hour video, "Holy State 3," is
available now.
is for you. Visit infowars.com or prisonplanet.com to order or call toll free 1-888-253-3139.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
To boil this down simply and succinctly, We talk about how the rhetoric of the Republicans and the Democrats is different, but the actions are carbon copies.
We're talking to Paul Joseph Watson, the webmaster for my website, presentplanet.com.
He's also an author, written a lot of great articles and a lot of great analysis, and I'm publishing his first book, Order Out of Chaos.
Man, what a great title, but it's a great book.
And no, it's not out yet, and no, you can't order it.
And yes, it is a trigger force.
Let's go back to the calls, Paul.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dan in Illinois.
Dan, you're on the air.
Go ahead, sir.
How you doing, Alex?
Pretty good.
I also think that the way this is done is that there's a constant redefinition of meanings.
It gives an example, all the words.
Good people do evil things, and evil people do good things.
In other words, that premise.
And now the good guys on all the sitcoms and dramas, they have to torture, but torture's now a good thing.
Right, the constant redefining of, and I'm just giving examples because it's more subtle than that.
and the the other thing that's everything that's happening today
this guy was a psychic no he worked for the imperial police secret police in india
he worked for the communist later and found out both sides were controlled let's get a uh...
comment from watson about mr blair a pen name george arwell go ahead paul
uh... well uh...
This idea of gaining liberty, meanwhile losing liberty.
Now, you posted that on Prison Planet.
He actually, Blair actually said, and his minister said, oh, you gain liberty, freedom plus.
Yeah, and the exact quote was, we are strengthened in our liberty if our identity is protected from theft.
When their system of identification number has caused identity theft and they admit it, create the crisis, offer the solution, get you deeper into the pit.
Well, yeah, exactly.
And what I was going to say, you were talking about Unitarian before.
The Unitarianism, it's not Muslim.
Communitarian is the most dangerous force out there.
Well, communitarian, and then they have their churches in our communities that are the communitarian or unitarian, and I've been to unitarian churches before to see what they're doing.
I mean, it's openly a communist meeting.
Well, it's scrambled eight.
Each person has the truth within himself, so that means each person can make his own definition, and it's okay.
That's what the most dangerous thing out there.
But it's like a big change agent, though, because they all get led in a certain direction.
Well, because it's like not standing on the ground.
Once you're up in the air, you can get blown around with anything.
Well, that's what O'Brien says to Winston in the Ministry of Love when they're torturing him.
He says, you know, Winston says, well, you're not really holding up three fingers, but you say you want four or two or one.
He goes, hey, we want you to where you see all fingers at all times and have no real thoughts, or I could be a soap bubble floating up off the ground.
Cramp a leg!
I hope we're not getting too esoteric here, getting off into too much...
But the other thing I wanted to mention was that under the disguise, we were very aware that their rights were being given up, but the communist influence of what's really going on is the responsibility is being handed to them.
That's communism, is you give all the responsibility to the state.
And then no one points out that we have a war on terror, the terror attacks get bigger.
We have a war on drugs, there's triple the heroin, double the cocaine, and more people in prison.
We have a war on illiteracy, there's more illiteracy.
A war on crime, there's more crime.
Paul, comments to this?
Well, yeah, we've talked about communism and rights being given up.
Obviously we know that communism is controlled anyway, but the fact is they are following the so-called cream of communist and Nazi ideals merged together, because Western rights are the same system at the top.
And one of the major points of this is the moral decline of society.
You can go to the 45 goals of communism and find, and this was entered into the Congressional Record, and Number 25 actually states that present homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as normal, natural, and healthy.
That goes back to UNESCO saying the family's a disease, terminated, but it's okay to say heterosexuals are a disease and should be terminated and call us breeders, but then it's okay for this group.
See how also in their whole hate crimes lexicon, they get to be hateful but we can't counter that.
That's all the redefinition.
There's all your redefinitions right there.
Up is down, down is up, black is white, white is black.
The family is the disease rather than the heart of any situation.
Well the historical and basic common sense facts show that you're four to five times more likely than a single parent home to end up on drugs or in crime.
But they don't care.
They do everything they can to break up the family.
And then have programs to quote strengthen it but actually destroy it more.
And they know if you're degenerate, or you're on drugs, you're doing whatever, you're not going to care about your neighbor or a corrupt government.
Thanks for the call.
And that plays into the materialism, you know, in the socialist stuff is bad but that when it's your God and that comes
first past your family and when you're so materialistic you'll sell out Jesus Christ himself for 20
pieces of silver that's materialism when you become Judas Iscariot. That point and talking about
degeneracy I mean the whole emphasis in the culture on MTV is that they put out that it could be
part of some kind of fad whether that be fashion music whatever and that masquerades itself as
culture and free expression and freedom itself when in actual fact it divides the population into
different slave camps. I mean we saw the analogy in the Pinocchio movie where some of
them got decadent and ended up getting shipped off to slave camps so it's important to rediscover
what's really important morally to Well, I've used that example many times.
They get the kids, they get them to engage in behaving as thugs.
The establishment takes them out to this wonderland, gets them to party and steal and do all this, and then that transforms them into beasts, mindless beasts that are then slaves of the system.
And then you look into who's pushing all this, who was the financial backer behind feminism, and it's the same names crop up again and again.
Gloria Steinem in one of her own books admits that this magazine was funded by the Central Intelligence Agency, and she was an active officer.
This is mainstream books, one of her own books, she admits it.
Central Intelligence Agency officer.
And that's the main point to emphasize, that the New World Order itself is not only a political movement, it's a cultural movement.
And at the lower levels, it's a societal brainwashing method.
Well, yeah, I mean, if a woman wants to be a brain surgeon or a rocket scientist, I'm sure she can do a great job as good or better than a man.
The point is...
And they tried to brainwash women to do this, but their instincts, what their desire is, switched back against them so the government's panicking.
All these professional women now want to make money early so they can go be mommies at home and enjoy that incredible thing that God's created.
But the CIA came in and it's admitted, broke up the family so they'd have women working in factories.
So they could have a higher tax bracket, the taxes at higher levels, so the kids would be in the daycare centers and the head start getting their vaccines, learning how to turn mommy and daddy in for owning a gun.
And it came out that the whole 60s movement was part of that same agenda with the LSD.
Yeah, the CIA released the patent on it.
Leary was their agent the entire time.
Again, conservatives would have been against the Vietnam War, but they would hire beatniks that many of the known government agencies are now public, folks.
They would come into a town, sped on people, break windows, act like horrible beasts, and then the conservatives would go, well, this war must be good if these guys are, you know, out here doing this.
And those, uh, beatniks later became conservative talk show host like, uh, Michael Babbage.
Who says that anyone that, yeah, you notice then in the redefinition, he gets fired off MSNBC for saying something about a group and engaging in the First Amendment, but it's bad to talk about the homosexuals, but not bad to say put anyone in a forced labor camp that disagrees with the government.
That's okay.
Put people in concentration camps.
He said that.
That's okay on MSNBC, but don't say anything about this protected group.
seeing the new values?
And he engaged in inciting violence by saying, "Attack peace protesters." Now, it doesn't
matter if peace protesters are left-winged. I mean, advocating attacking them is not really
accessible. I mean, the comments that he made that he got attacked for is a complete distraction
from what he said before, which is now being pushed under the rug.
Yeah, it's saying, "Put everybody in a camp, forced labor camp, take their assets,
if they disagree with the government."
And then now we see the Deputy Attorney General of California, Mike Van Winkle, agreeing, he's a liberal, saying protests may not be allowed because protesting a war aids the terrorists.
Now the Republicans are with Gray Davis.
Take the recall campaign.
Let's say Arnold Schwarzenegger runs and wins.
He's for gun control.
He's for abortion.
His father was a top Gestapo captain who arrested people.
Later became the police chief of a major city?
And by the way, Schwarzenegger in a Rolling Stone interview about 8 years ago said he'd like to be the head of a federal police force.
Doesn't that sound nice?
Yeah, and then you get... I mean, obviously Schwarzenegger's been in these films like The Running Man, where he was a so-called freedom fighter, so... Brainwashed conservatives think that he's actually standing up for freedom and morality when he's being far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far-far- And then it doesn't matter if you've got Davis or him, same deal.
We'll come back and take some calls for the folks holding in Texas and other states.
Poll free number to join us on air, 1-800-259-9231.
The website's updated daily, PrisonPlanet.com, Infowars.com, and Infowars.net.
Paul, I enjoy having you up.
I can't wait to have you up.
I want to have you up once a week when your book comes out.
Dissect a chapter each week of your book.
It's an amazing book.
I mean, only person other than you to read it.
It's now being printed.
And no, we're not offering it yet.
Order out of chaos, but I look forward to having you on the show on a routine basis.
Stay with us for the rest of the hour.
We're going to come back with more calls and get into more news.
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Alright, Paul Watson, my friend, my compadre over at CrimsonPlanet.com Let's go back to the calls.
Meg in Texas.
Meg, you're on the air.
Yeah, hi, Alex and Paul.
Kudos to both you guys.
I really appreciate your work and how well cited and documented it is.
Listen, on your latest film, which is real good, by the way, one of the most poignant parts of it was the I guess it was on 6th Street being a Texas girl.
It looked familiar.
The uniformed police officers.
Yeah, the guys in the ski masks refusing, covering their badges up in tape.
Yeah, if all you would have appreciated it, they could have been in front of Buckingham Palace.
And they wouldn't say anything back.
What can we do as citizens to Uh, as a cause to stop that kind of action and cause them to, uh, wear identification.
Well, we went to the City Council and pointed out, uh, Mike Hanson dug out the actual law, that if they're not in undercover work, they were violating state law.
Uh, and if they do it, will it be- That's in a public place there on 16th Street.
If they do it multiple times willingly, it becomes a felony.
It's a misdemeanor if they do it unwittingly.
Or without malice of forethought.
So we pointed that out.
They claim they're going to stop it.
The last time they were out, badges were visible.
No black ski masks.
They were wearing the federally issued Darth Vader outfits.
Paul, any comments?
Well, I remember having two pictures on my website, and this was, I think, about two years ago now.
Yeah, well, you're used to that over there somewhat.
The Monarch, uh, I, uh, I don't guess it's quite as innocuous as all that, you know, there.
Well, uh, we have, yeah, we have the same police state system, but we don't have them dressed up in, uh, riot gear and black E-masks yet, anyway.
But, uh, two years ago I posted on my website two different pictures.
One was the Waffen-SS Nazi Brigade, and one was, uh, It's pretty scary.
Yeah, they're just starting to look alive all over.
But it's all fear.
It's all, you know, perception.
Oh, Alex, a friend of yours and I were talking about owls the other day, and you know, the bohemian grove thing with the owl statue and all that.
And I had never heard the term Molek.
So I happen to have a metaphysical Bible dictionary from the United Church.
It's kind of interesting.
Molek is Hebrew for King, Ruler, Counselor, or Judge.
But the metaphysical description of it is the ruling of public opinion and of the mind of the flesh in one's consciousness.
And that's what they did in the ceremony cremation of care.
They bring the bound effigy of a child.
or deep regard for what other persons may think, i.e., public opinion.
And that's what they did in the ceremony cremation of care.
They bring the bound effigy of a child. They tell you it's an effigy.
Bring it up there, it screams, it begs, they burn it before Moloch.
Oh, it sounds real, too.
I've watched that film.
Who was, well, thank you, who was signified, uh, Moloch was a bull or an owl.
Most of those Babylonian-slash-Canaanite gods had double or triple or quadruple or, in some cases, ten different faces.
The owl, the bull, and they would bring the children before it, and Leviticus says that it's the most evil demon you can worship.
If a country's leaders worship that god, then the country will be purged to evil.
Right, I believe it's Logistics 1821... Well, Alex, I've just, um... I don't think anyone can do this, this on the internet right now.
I've just typed in molex.dictionary.com, and the very first definition is, quote, In the Bible, the God of the Canaanites and Phoenicians, to whom children were sacrificed.
And that's dictionary.com, the biggest referral site on the internet, so anyone can see that right there.
Right, and let's see if it's on... Alright.
I had it marked that the Ammonites, yes, faulty thinking was one of the main things I remember in that definition.
But, moreover, it goes on... They conduct a ritual to mesmerize us and enslave us and to have no conscience while they're doing it.
They say this.
This is what George Bush intends.
Along with public opinion, or swaying public opinion, with the prejudices, customs, and desires This is from the Metaphysical Bible Dictionary put out by the Unity Church.
place or expression to these new and higher ideals.
Wow. And that's from where?
This is from the metaphysical Bible dictionary put out by the Trinity Church. I'm not sure about the date of
That's bizarre, but that is accurate to what I saw.
The Empire's on the run.
Paul Watson, stay there, we'll come back and talk to Mike, Randy, Wyatt, Allen and others.
And you have to start launching in this more of the news.
Stay with us.
We're on the march. The Empire's on the run.
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It's Tuesday, the 8th of July, 2003.
I'm about to go to your calls and into more of this news before I go any further.
I do want to encourage the listeners to visit Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com to go to the secure online shopping cart and to order my documentary films, to make copies of them for non-profit and not-for-sale purposes, to air them on AXS TV, to get them out to talk show hosts and opinion makers and preachers.
Public officials and authorities in your area now, because a lot of them are good old boys and are corrupt, but they have no idea what they're part of, the bigger system they're part of.
They need to see the crimes of the globalists.
The globalists own and run the dominant media and spin this system, but if we put their crimes end to end, they will circle the planet hundreds of times.
We need to get the word out.
And 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, frankly, is my best film.
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It's a hundred and seventy minutes long on DVD.
Only film I offer on DVD.
And it covers the history of the government carrying out terror attacks worldwide.
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Admissions of it.
Official U.S.
government plans to carry out terror attacks like Operation Northwood.
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The first World Trade Center.
The second World Trade Center attacks on 9-1-1.
Where the globalists are going in the future.
The police state.
Homeland Security.
The Patriot Act.
It's in 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny.
Part 2 of that expands with Masses of Terror.
It's a little over 2 hours long, and it's excellent as well.
It's mainly just on 9-1-1, though, and really details that.
We have Police State 3 Total Enslavement that gets into dozens of other examples of government-sponsored terror we don't cover in the other two films.
And then it gets more into Homeland Security, Total Information Awareness Network, Patriot Act 2.
It gets into government-run white slavery rings.
It gets into government drug dealing.
It just covers so much, folks.
It's my longest film.
It's 2 hours and 40 minutes long, okay?
Frankly, it's 2 hours and 41 minutes.
I finally really timed it out.
You need to get Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
They're $25.95 apiece.
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So go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order.
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That's 888-253-3139.
One more time, folks.
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That's 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
All that evil men and cars need to flourish is that good men and women do nothing, so take action to get the films.
And Get Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, the anniversary of that's coming up.
What, next Thursday or Friday they're gonna have their, uh, 129th ritual.
And, uh, Helmut Schmidt, we have his own publication, his own book, Men and Powers.
Close up of the cover, close up of the page numbers and subsections.
He was German Chancellor.
He admits they have other Bohemian Groves in Europe.
Oh, they go way back.
That's where Skull and Bones goes back to, the Druids.
And he says that he loves the Bohemian Grove in California.
He loves the CFR and Trilateral Commission.
How they all meet there.
How the Bilderberg Group members meet at the Bohemian Grove and quote, have their Druid rituals.
That's about 45 seconds of the two hour film.
To give you an idea of what's in it.
Just all documented.
And then we have video of the ritual itself.
Paul, do you want to comment on Skull and Bones and the occult?
Big behind this, whether people want to embed it or not, and we'll take some calls.
Well, yeah, just to side note, the popularity of your videos, which you were just mentioning, are proven by the fact that the bandwidth for PrisonPlanet.com is something ridiculous like 129%, simply because most of your videos are actually posted online in the video section, which again is another, you know, point.
Describe how many gigs the Prison Planet's using.
Well, obviously, uh, Dwayne Coop's got some systems that can handle massive surges of bandwidth, but, um, I mean, InfoWars.com, now it probably gets double the amount of hits that PrisonPlanet.com gets, obviously, because it's been around longer.
But InfoWars.com is on about 11% of the maximum, because they've got these massive systems that can handle it.
But PrisonPlanet.com is I'm having to pay for that.
I got exactly on 129% of its maximum.
And that's because we've got a lot of videos and obviously audio of the interviews that you do.
And I'm having to pay for that. That's why people would support us.
Yeah, it's another reason to do that.
Well, and other folks that post my videos, I link to them when they do it if they want to handle it.
They always tag them down after a while when a million people come through.
We put up a clip of payoffs at the Texas Capitol a couple years ago that I caught on tape, and it got linked on the NRA's website, and gun owners, and beaten bare arms, and like a million people watched it.
A million hits of it, and it was like a thousand dollars a day or something.
I had to take it down, folks.
I mean, It's just, we do all, you know, we could have our own TV networks and we have the bandwidth.
That's the problem with internet taxation.
That's why they want to get the taxation.
That'll break the back of everybody.
You won't even be able to hear audio streams anymore.
Which, of course, we don't pay for.
That's the affiliate that does that.
It's just amazing.
Absolutely amazing.
In your research of Bohemian Grove or Skull and Bones, you just mentioned the AP article from the 50s you found that will be posted tomorrow, Associated Press, where you have the Communist leaders going to the Grove in the 50s.
Yeah, that's correct.
I mean, anyone can see this.
You obviously have to pay for the access to sit back in the archives for 50 years.
But it's associated with a press article out of the Wisconsin Daily Journal, July 6th, 59
And it says quote the Soviet Union's first deputy premier today winds of the stay in California
During which he was wined and dined by capitalists And it goes on to describe how the rest of the political
spectrum was very opposed to his Just his visit and this was covered in other newspapers
It was one of the top folks at the grove at 59 to press Scott Bush grandfather of the Fool Society president we
have now Think about that brotherhood group that you just came out
with outcropped and others and congressmen living in buildings together and
Saying Hitler was good. Did you see all that came out in the Harper's?
Yeah, these are the sort of groups that have even above groups like stolen phones and the ones that you know
That's funny, that just came out about the Brotherhood and I was having to make arguments with just about their power.
We already knew about them a few months ago in Kansas City with the guy that wrote the Unseen Hand.
Ralph Epperson was saying, no, the top group's the Brotherhood.
They've got all these interlocking groups, as Taxi Mars has documented.
They're all members of the same groups.
And people sometimes don't believe the sort of rituals and practices that go on at places like Bohemian Grove.
But I've got a Washington Post article here from June 1997, and it talks about how then Secretary of State George Shultz actually proposed to his wife that roast at Bohemian Grove.
And it goes on to casually mention that, quote, Last month Schultz gave her a ruby diamond and sapphire engagement ring that would be red, white, blue and popped the question at San Francisco's Bohemian Club in July.
He'll repair for the club's rustic camp at the Bohemian Grove where men often romp naked and that's an exact quote out of the Washington Post six years ago.
Well, also, that would mean meeting at the clubhouse in downtown San Francisco and ornately building gargoyles on it.
That's where the women are allowed.
They're not allowed at the camp itself, founded in 1873, but has had presidents going to it since the 1900s.
So, this is the type of stuff they're doing there.
And it is... I mean, I've got a Washington Times article in the film about how they bust in the male prostitutes.
And then I get an email, how dare you bash the gays?
Well, wait a minute.
These are the Christian Conservatives busing in their $2,000 an hour male whores, and the Liberals are defending them.
Isn't that nice?
I mean, with that, obviously we're talking about people labelling us conspiracy theorists.
We're talking about stuff that's in the mainstream newspapers.
I mentioned earlier this process, what some people call externalisation of the hierarchy.
This is whereby the agenda Well, a month ago, Rumsfeld accepted the Doolittle Award, uh, you know, after the famous guy who flew the B-23s or 4s off the front aircraft carrier to bomb Tokyo.
because there's so much information out there on a day-to-day basis.
Well, a month ago, Rumsfeld accepted the Doolittle Award, you know, after the famous guy who flew the B-23s or 4s off
the front aircraft carriers that bombed Tokyo.
And he said, "Oh, I got a chance to meet Doolittle at the Bohemian Grove."
Yeah. I mean, you go to the Newspaper Archive website and just type in "Bohemian Grove"
and you get like 300 articles panning right back to, I mean, if you type in "Illuminati,"
you can get London Times articles from 1898 talking about the German Illuminati
and how it infiltrated the Christian faith.
John Quincy Adams had a ban that said that a secret German society was taking over.
The founding fathers of the Masons all quit.
They almost took over.
I mean, this is all admitted.
The presidents wrote books and letters about it.
It's not like it's a... Well, look, I get attacked by Fox shows all the time.
Alex Jones believes there's a new world order.
We got all these presidents saying it on tape, Paul.
I mean, people ask me how I get these news articles for the websites.
I don't go to just other alternative media websites.
I go directly to the source.
Anyone can go to Google and type in New World Order and check that every day.
And articles every single day pop up where people are talking about the New World Order.
Yeah, whether that be in Russia, China, France, or in America.
I mean, you get stories like for a new world order, neoconspiracy.
And those sort of articles are on there every day, and yet, where still conspiracy theorists say that new world order
It's amazing. Talk about double-think. That's 1984, where they say,
"One day you're at war with East Asia," and then the same newscasts say,
"We've never been at war with them," and then say, "We have been at war with them,"
and then if you say, "Hey, that's saying different things,"
you're crazy, they come arrest you.
Yeah, and we get that sort of thing with the so-called nations that
The neo-cons are planning to invade one of the world's most powerful nations.
One week they're our allies, and the next week they're our enemies.
And Libya, in particular, has been called our enemy and then our ally on a month-to-month basis.
So, again, it's, you know, who are we?
Well, they're giving North Korea nuclear reactors and weapons parts while saying they're going to nuke us, and it's just crazy.
Let's take calls real quick, folks.
Mike and Nevada, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead, Mike.
You're on the air worldwide, sir.
Can you hear me?
Yes, go ahead.
Yeah, actually that's the jerseys.
Okay, well go ahead.
Yes, I want to ask something on Paul about his website.
I don't know, I'm not really familiar with you.
This is the first time I've heard of you.
Well, PresidentPlanet's my website.
He's the director of it and the webmaster.
And so is Infowars.com and Infowars.net.
Paul has Propagandamatrix.com.
Okay, now I know who you are.
Yeah, I have a question.
Actually, my question is more of a statement about the form of governments and everything.
The political spectrum, as we've been believed and learned, is that we stay in the middle of the road.
Democracy's in the middle, and everything's on the left and the right.
And really, it's all the same system.
There's no choice.
It's an illusion.
Because really, where would you put a constitutional republic and an anarchist on that?
Is that for Paul or for myself?
Well, the anarchist system is basically at one extreme end of the political spectrum.
Republicanism is quite a way before that, but obviously before democracy.
But again, this whole paradigm is staged.
It's about freedom or command and control.
And you get these anarchists that call for, you know, revolution.
About collectivism versus individualism.
Maybe in the state of society, basically, what we have is maybe socialism being moved towards the left.
Yeah, the whole political spectrum of the world is being moved left for several decades.
And the right acts like the money is against socialism, when in truth they finance it because they need a large government that they control the levers of and control the population and confiscate wealth and control society and set the parameters.
The real political spectrum You could put either point on the left or right, okay?
It would be a circle.
But on one end, you've got total command and control, a boot-stomping on the human face forever.
On the other end, you have hunter-gatherers in loose-knit societies as close to anarchy as you're gonna get, and it's impossible in groups of bigger than two to three people.
You don't want anarchy.
We're too complex a society.
Very close to anarchy, about 90% towards it in the spectrum, is the Constitutional Republic, the rule of law.
Then in the middle of that spectrum, you have your democracy, but once you hit the middle of the democracy, you're already in the gravitational pull of the tyranny, and you accelerate at light speed towards the heavenly body of tyranny that has a political gravitational vortex, or black hole, uh, function, sucking you towards it.
So then you've got all the anarchist youthful idiots that are in fact propping up the agenda of the globalists.
racing towards anarchy, trying to reach the republic, and then maintain the republic,
always being pulled back towards despotism, as our founding father said.
Well, then you've got all the anarchist, youthful idiots that are in fact propping up the agenda
of the globalists. I mean, I even read an article the other day where the top, the main traffic,
you know, anarchist websites, the biggest ones on the internet, will refuse any articles on Bilderberg
because they see it as an anti-semitic, right-wing conspiracy theory.
When we had the BBC reporting...
four days ago. Now see they put that label, you know we criticize Russia, China, New York, whoever,
and you say Israel's doing something corrupt. Oh anti-semitic!
And so the anarchists are all wearing red stars, they're really communists, and then when
you really got, you know, the founder of Bilderberg was an admitted top Nazi, Prince Bernhard,
and then oh you talk bad about him, you're anti-semitic. See how that's just a label? Yeah and
I mean BBC did a report on Bilderberg just four days ago and BBC is, you know, mainly center-left
as you would call it in this controlled paradigm. Yeah but the anarchists, I mean look, most of the
anarchists are federal.
I've had them tell me they are.
I've had them threaten to kill me.
They work for the feds.
Thanks for the call.
That's why you see anarchists here in all the malls now.
They're pushing it.
It's communist.
Okay, let's go ahead.
Just get it.
There's no difference.
Let's go ahead and, you know, we're just talking about anarchy, you know, just what we're, you know, it's on the other end of the political spectrum.
This isn't real anarchy they're talking about.
Again, it's about mislabeling.
Randy in North Carolina.
Randy, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Sir, to all of our friends in Rhodesia, Australia, you know all the rest of the country, sir.
Um, all I can say is You people are trying to tell people who don't know what is going on, what is going on.
I'm pulling completely behind you there.
Are they really even know?
Do they know what's going on?
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We've got Katherine Albrecht coming on. She's the head of Caspian, the group exposing how they give your data on your shopping
carts, the homeland security, how they spy on you, the RFIDs.
They've now gotten in with a password into stuff that was not really protected on the big Biomeckers Consortium website, Walmart, Department of Defense, probably are parts of it, and it talks about how they're going to dumb you down, how they're going to manipulate you.
We've got it posted on the websites.
And the documents posted on Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, what they got off of the, uh, really the government's website.
It's supposedly private, with Walmart and the Defense Department of how to, quote, neutralize the public's, uh, anger over this, how to manipulate the public.
So that's coming up, and, uh, Watson's gonna ride shotgun with us right now.
Let's go back to the calls, and I'm gonna hold our next guest off about eight minutes or the next hour, so we can get to everybody.
Uh, Randy in North Carolina, make your point real quick, and I'm gonna go to Wyatt, Alan, Joan, and others.
Go ahead, Randy.
I don't know why.
Um, Sir Paul, um, are you familiar with Alan Watt?
You're not?
Okay, but you're the same person, insofar as it goes, and um, I think I'll wait for it.
Sir, we're all the same.
Um, we have to, we have to face the enemy, and we have to defeat the enemy, Next time these people over here in Europe and the rest of the world are freed, they will not be freed by United States military as it is right now, sir.
They'll be freed by people like you and me and the gentleman that owns the air town right now.
Alright, thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
They are going to be freed by free human beings that want to stand up against the New World Order.
But talking about the power of the people, Tens of millions of individual folks visit infowarriors.com and prisonpilot.com every month.
That's not an exaggeration.
Tens of millions.
Millions of different people coming back every week, turning into tens of millions, and spreading the word.
Dick Gephardt.
Online supporters of Democratic presidential hopeful Dick Gephardt appear to have trouble organizing.
Recent email exchanges reveal his official campaign tried to have a grassroots meeting, several of them online, when less than five people showed up and they canceled it.
They can't even get five of their dumb minions, and Bush has trouble too, to meet up on some online chat.
That shows their grassroots support, whereas we can't grow anymore because we're getting too many people visiting us.
Paul, that shows that we've got the grassroots, they've got the illusion.
You know, I talk to big newspaper writers, they get one or two emails a day, I get thousands a day.
We've got the people, they just haven't figured out their leaders yet, Paul.
Well, that's the point, and all the big mainstream news websites are now going to subscription, and it's not working out for them because they're hit with dwindling week by week, and they need to get to the And a new Gallup poll shows that only 32% of the American people trust the mainstream media.
80-plus percent trust the alternative media.
80 plus percent trust the alternative media.
Yeah, we've got a poll out of the London Times today which fits into the same context.
There's voters losing faith in Blair over Iraq war.
And 80 plus percent are against the National ID card and the Euro, but he doesn't care.
Oh yeah, and the government tried to depress the vote against the National ID card
because they had a big online poll and it was out.
And it was 89% against, or even more.
Then they tried to claim they lost it, but it turned out they hadn't.
Let's talk to Wyatt Maryland.
Wyatt, go ahead.
How you doing, guys?
Pretty good.
Good afternoon.
Listen, the independence data came on the movie with Will Smith.
It's a complete Illuminati New World Order movie.
You have a common threat, The movie is entirely filled with special effects, frame by frame, with Illuminati symbolism.
to defeat it. Also, the movie is completely and entirely filled with special effects.
If you still frame it, frame by frame, with Illuminati symbolism, pyramids that are all
through the movie, Skull and Bones, and the other things that are in the movie.
Stay there while I let you finish up on the third hour.
Watson, stay right there, my friend.
We'll be right back with the third hour.
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We'll be right back.
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
As we ended the last segment of the second hour, Wyatt Merlin, who joins us in my webmaster,
prisonplanet.com, Paul Joseph Watson joins us.
We're talking about Illuminati symbolism and conditioning.
They admit that one of the former subdirectors of the CIA wrote the movie The Exorcist and put hidden images in the
That's admitted.
The Toyota got caught in Europe having a satanic commercial with images about sacrificing children three years ago.
A British firm produced the ad.
That was in the Times of London and everywhere.
Gotta find that again, watch it, and post it.
But this new Matrix movie is full of subliminals.
I was catching them just watching the film.
Got nauseated watching it.
And, uh, total New World Order in your face, revelation of the method.
The Grand Architect is the head of it, you know, the Masonic Lucifer paradigm.
And then now these kids, just like Harrison Kleibel, wanted to go on a giant killing spree and were obsessed with the movie Matrix.
And, uh, Wyatt, you were talking about Independence Day.
I got Reagan on video.
He did say an outside threat from another planet attacking us would unify us.
Uh, the Bilderberg Group has talked about this.
I don't get into flying sausage and aliens, but, uh, the, uh, Kansas City Star and, before that, Wired Magazine reported that this Rothschild consultant, the former chief of staff for Clinton, are behind this, quote, disclosure project to tell us that the UFOs are real.
That's Project Iron Mountain to, quote, have this outside threat to get us unified.
So that is something that's in there.
Well yeah, he's talking about Independence Day and the fact that this whole UFO invasion made history.
Obviously this is going to be 10-15 years down the line.
But I've actually wrote an article on this many months ago.
I've got the exact Reagan quote.
I can play it right now.
It's just a 16 second sample.
You want to play it?
Yeah, go ahead right now.
Yeah, turn the volume up.
Go ahead.
I don't suppose we could wait for some alien race to come down and threaten us.
Perhaps we need from outside universal threat our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.
Did he get that?
Yeah, he said that in the State of the Union and before the UN.
Yeah, before the U.N.
General Assembly, September 8th, December.
So that's the U.N.
Wyatt, is that where you were going?
What you have here is a total movie of Order Out of Chaos, and that's the theme.
But what really got me was when...
I've got my interest seeking to look and go back through this entire movie, frame by frame, in all the special effects.
I don't care where it is, but wherever special effects are there, you have Illuminati symbolism.
You have pyramids, you have the all-seeing eye in the pyramid, you have occultic symbols within the spaceships.
Not only that, there's an American flag shown in one portion of the movie, and there's no stars in the field of blue.
It's all just red, white, and the field of blue.
There's no stars at all, which caught me, began me to go back and look at this movie.
It's total federalism, total command and control, thanks for the show.
Good points.
Alan in Kansas, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
When we use the word New World Order and talk about New World Order, the word new is promotional.
It sounds like it's something new.
It's an old world order.
I agree with you.
It is so very, very old.
And I think we need to start explaining this to people every time we say, well, we don't agree with the new world order.
It sounds like we don't agree with something new.
And it's not new.
It's not even about the world.
It's about some kings, pseudo kings, and princes and prince wannabes forming a syndicate.
And it's not even very orderly.
Look at what's going on today.
Yeah, it's a criminal crime ring.
It's pirates.
Bushwhacking people.
Stay there.
I'll let you finish up.
We're going to get our guest on, but for Alan and Joan and others that are holding, just stay there.
I'll get your calls early.
Paul Watson, stay there as well.
We've got the head of Caspian joining us to talk about some bombshell information that, believe me, you do not want to miss coming up here in the next segment.
Everybody will definitely want to stay with us.
We will be right back on the other side.
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Big Brother. Mainstream Media. Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Catherine Albrecht is our guest.
She's agreed from Harvard, working on her doctorate in graduate work there.
Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering.
They've broken dozens of major stories about how these supermarket discount cards really ripped you off, how they share and sell the data, the governments involved, RFIDs we've been covering here for years, the small radio frequency identification tracker tags, the casual society control grid, the biometrics, all of it.
And they have just broken a massive story.
Riding shotgun with us for another 30 minutes or so is Paul Joseph Watson, my webmaster.
He's also an author of Order Out of Chaos.
He's joining us here, and I know we have some callers holding.
Let me give you some background on this and read the Commworld July 8th news story today.
We mentioned this yesterday.
I also have another article here out of the Associated Press covering this and another one out of Line 56 newspaper.
A U.S.
consumer group opposing the rollout of RFID tags has grabbed a bunch of documents from an RFID industry site and mirrored them.
We posted them too on Infowars.com.
What it says is an attempt to expose the industry's intended publicity campaigns.
The documents published here currently Online, you can get them though, folks.
And it goes recommendations, consumer surveys, and slideshows discussing how to pacify consumers.
The Walmart documents we have talk about the same things.
The RFID industry site, AutoIDCenter.com, has already begun removing or replacing the documents discovered by Caspian and mirrored by PropTome.org.
While the RFID Journal has complained that Caspian has invaded the privacy of AutoIDCenter.com members.
You got the Department of Defense in there.
You got FBI agents from our sources inside the Walmart RFID Center in a bunker.
I mean, this is the casual society grid.
Krypton is going on, an offer due to slapshot dot effect.
The documents cited by Krypton, however, have been interpreted as evidence of negative attitude
towards consumers.
They speak of a need to pacify consumers when unfavorable RFID tagging news stories emerge
and look for ways to, quote, "neutralize opposition."
The RFID industry has for some time focused on its publicity on supply chain issues
and away from consumer tracking, though earlier last year, Walmart told the USA Today that it was about tracking each
show, that they've already been caught,
partly because of privacy concerns reflected in a survey in the Caspian documents, which
shows 70% of consumers in America are worried that tags will invade their privacy.
However, the industry is also to deal with considerable consumer ignorance and scaremongering,
for instance, the consumer's fear that health impacts of RFID tags, presuming, I guess,
the micro-watts the tags momentarily use communicate are somehow more dangerous than holding
a more powerful transmitter against your ear.
That's a good point.
Cell phones are dangerous.
I suggest you use a navigator, a little plug in your ear, and keep it away.
A lot of people lay it in their lap and then get genital cancer.
Uh, so that is true.
It's a lot more dangerous, folks, to have a cell phone than one of these RFID tags and microscopic transmissions just with the waves hitting it and reading it.
Uh, but, uh, joining us, uh, is the founder and head of Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering, and she's, uh, Katherine Albrecht.
Good to have you with us.
Hey Alex, always a pleasure to be on with you.
Had you on just two weeks ago, and you're getting more and more documents as you do more and more interviews.
You've been on around the world.
This is a big deal.
I know you've got copies of the documents.
Tell us exactly what you discovered in the incredibly arrogant statements.
But frankly, when you were on three weeks ago, you heard similar statements, and a lot of biblical references, when you were up in Chicago at their big consortium meeting.
Yeah, well you know, the thing that's been happening is behind the scenes since 1999, when this Auto-ID Center first got founded.
And to put this in perspective for your listeners, by the way, the Auto-ID Center, the folks who had this gaping security hole where we were able to just go in and see all these embarrassing and confidential documents, They're actually, um, you know, it could be argued that they are one of the most powerful organizations in the world right now in terms of futuristic technology.
Well, they're connected to all the people.
Walmart got the barcode to become universal in the 80s.
They're doing it again by them forcing all of their manufacturers to adopt this.
This will become universal.
You got it.
Walmart being one of the sponsors of the Auto ID Center, it's comprised of now more than a hundred different organizations and companies, product manufacturers, retailers all around the world.
They have gotten together and for, as I said, the last three years have been meeting secretly behind closed doors in these meetings having discussions about... And that is the definition of racketeering, I will say it.
They are colluding to change industry and to make us accept a new system with additional costs as well.
This is racketeering, setting up a new industry, and then it has the privacy implications.
Well, and the problem here is it would be one thing if they were meeting behind closed doors to talk about, oh, I don't know, new forms of forklifts or something to develop for the warehouse.
But what they have developed is something that has the potential to influence every single human being on the planet.
And they say that in their documents.
Tell us about the new documents and how you got them, and then we're going to get Paul Watson's response to this.
Well, we have, uh, it's kind of funny.
We first stumbled across this huge gap in their website security back in the spring.
And in fact, I had quite an astonishing time a few months ago sitting there saying, "Well,
wait a minute."
As I was looking up some just standard documents, this other was confidential in the bottom
of a number of them.
This wasn't that strange.
And then I, you know, and as I began to open up documents on their website, I was astonished
at how confidential these documents were.
And I'm talking about lengthy lists with emails of everyone who's participated in their meetings
with telephone numbers.
Corporate chieftains' home addresses.
Yeah, I mean that level of detail.
Department of Defense goodies.
In fact, a Canadian researcher just found a bunch of NSA stuff posted.
It's like their Northwoods document.
I've never heard of Northwoods.
northwoods but it's a u_s_ government airplane bank that got leaked
they admit it's accurate it talks about hijacking jet airliners to crash into blame on foreign
enemies i mean the stuff that gets leaked by government and quasi-government
tell us about the group and exactly who's in it and what's in the documents
well these documents contain everything from board meetings that are confidential
secrets of powerpoint presentations that they have given to say everyone from the department of transportation
It has references to meetings with Homeland Security Chief Tom Ridge.
It has references to trials, actual store-level trials where they're putting these things together.
This is massive, and you talked about it at the public meeting in Chicago.
They said, if we can get Homeland Security to endorse this for security, now they're saying they want all the cows and sheep to have this, federal inspectors, a whole new level of bureaucracy, a security clearance to have any job.
I mean, this is their control grid.
Remember, I talked about Ridge on C-SPAN last week.
I have him on tape on C-SPAN, I've got to dig the tape out, and I watched this live,
and he was meeting with corporate heads, and he talked about this control grid.
Well, and I think that this is one of the concerns, is that, you know, the companies
involved in this would tell you that their only concern is better efficiency in the supply
chain, that they're only worried about warehouses and transporting things more efficiently.
But now I'm dealing with Ridge.
Yeah, and one of the things that you'll see on here, and let me just re-read that quote
that I mentioned last time we were on together, Alex, and this is a quote by Larry Kellum.
He's the Director of B2B Supply Chain Innovation for Procter & Gamble.
He gave a whole presentation about how item-level tagging is going to be the future of RFID.
Now, item-level tagging is actually putting one of these tiny remote transmitter chips on every consumer product manufactured in the world.
The clothing?
Well, woven into the clothing.
Well, woven into the clothing or potentially pressed right into plastic in bottles and products as they come off the shelves.
Gillette already has it.
Michelin already has it, the tires.
Well, Gillette is testing it.
They've been putting it in the packaging, but the potential is quite large that they would put this right into... I mean, for some things, the packaging may as well be the product, but you're talking about a car right now.
Now, it's in the Michelin tire.
Yes, and we have seen schematic diagrams and that has been going forward to the best of my knowledge.
Let me stop you, Catherine.
We've got Paul Watson here, and we're so honored to have you.
I know I'm jumping in a lot, just adding tidbits, and I want to get into what the documents actually say in the next segment, but let's bring Paul Watson, our researcher from England, on.
Paul, any comments to what Catherine's saying?
Well, you mentioned the first interview with Catherine, and anyone can go online and listen to that now at prisonplanet.com in the audio section.
twenty-fifth interview, but also we posted just yesterday a picture which one of our
Prison Planet columnists actually took personally from Walmart and it reads, and you can go
online and see this now, "To our valued customers, for your protection and to bring you low prices,
we use closed circuit televisions and electronic merchandise tagging systems."
And that picture's on prisonplanet.com right now.
So there they are trying to push it.
Catherine, what do you say to that?
And the problem here with Wal-Mart is that they're putting these hidden reader devices in shelves and in floor tags.
We actually have a document that states this is happening now.
They have vehemently denied it in interviews with reporters.
I have right here... So the scanning is when you walk around inside the store and you set the cameras watching when you pick up the Gillette razors?
Well, that is one of their stated plans, absolutely.
And let me give you a list of products that we have a document right here that specifies at Wal-Mart in Phase 3 testing.
They are testing Caress soap, Rite Guard aerosol deodorant, Pantene shampoo, Huggies baby wipes, Coca-Cola 2 liter bottles, and of course Gillette products.
Now, when you look at this document that talks about Walmart doing this, it actually says that for each of these products, they're doing a shelf read.
Now, a shelf read means actually reading the items on the shelf, so this means that the tags must be in the items themselves in order to do that.
I got a stop, and that's big, but in the items themselves, and they said they weren't doing that.
One of the other ones is a floor reader.
There's a reference to a floor read for Coca-Cola.
And the question we are now raising is, we actually, I have in my possession right here, right now, a pair of shoes by the company, a company called Footstar.
And right on the tag, it says, Attention!
Our products have theft detection devices embedded, which will be deactivated at the register or at the service desk.
So you combine that with floor readers, you have the potential to read people through their shoes.
After they leave, and in San Francisco they're using an RFID to begin taxation off the toll roads,
turning the entire city into toll roads, San Mato times, three weeks ago.
Stay there, riveting information, absolutely important.
Got to boycott them now before they put it in everything and there's no escaping it.
They'll make it the law that every product has to have it, unifying the supply chain with the right book.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Joan, Bob, Bill and others, your calls are coming up.
We're talking to Katherine Albrecht.
She is the founder and head of Caspian.
She is great from Harvard and also about to get her doctorate there.
Started a few years ago, Caspian.
It's done incredible work.
Consumers against supermarket privacy invasion and numbering.
I start hyperventilating when we talk about this.
This is the Cashless Society Control Grid Department.
The Defense is a member of this.
Ridge involved.
Total control grid of everything you do.
Cashless society taxation.
That's what this is all about.
And now they went to their website, and the idiots had whole areas that were accessible that said, you know, classified, not for distribution, internal.
And then going over these documents, and Paul Watson, jump in any time, these documents you've gotten, Catherine, are just bombshell, and of course you've got them and excerpts of
them on your website, and we'll talk about that in a few minutes, and how folks access them.
We have a link to it on Infowars.com.
What else is in the documents?
I mean, not just how they're already in the shoes and stuff and going to read you.
I mean, there was a Washington Post article last year saying they already have pressure
plates and cameras that read your eye movement, how long you watch something for psychological
algorithms to be built, psychological dossiers on us.
That was in the Washington Post.
I don't know if you saw that article, where they admitted all this, but what about their
statements about pacifying us and about neutralizing opposition and manipulating the public?
Can you tell us about that?
I think one of the big problems that the Auto ID Center, and hence all the over 100 companies
affiliated with it have right now, is they have an enormous problem with consumers right
78% of consumers that they studied in their own internal documents have turned up saying that they are extremely concerned or somewhat concerned about privacy invasion associated with this technology.
61% are concerned about electromagnetic energy affecting their physical health.
So they've got a big problem, and their big problem is called a public relations nightmare.
So they have called in heavy-hitter PR firm Fleishman Hillard to devise a PR strategy for them.
And one of the things, they've actually done two things.
They called in Fleishman Hillard to say, come up with a PR strategy for us.
The second thing, they actually studied a whole bunch of consumers all around the world, in Japan, Germany, England, the United States, France.
And what they found was, in every case, that the people they surveyed did not like the technology.
In that particular document, Helen Deuce, who is their researcher over there in England, she actually comes right out and says, well, and in fact it's at the November board meeting where all these guys got together again behind closed doors to talk about this.
She presented the results of the study, and from what I have been told, her comment was, well, we've got some good news and some bad news.
The bad news is that people really don't like this technology.
That's the results of my study.
The good news is that it appears they will be apathetic and they will not know what to
do about it unless someone comes along and motivates them and wakes them up.
Other than that...
People don't like the New World Order, but they all feel like they're alone even though
we're the majority.
It's gun control.
It's all the issues.
The people want their liberties and their freedoms, but they feel disempowered and really
have all the power.
That's my frustration.
Paul Watson, we've got to really promote gas being in and we've got to get the word out.
I know I've been talking about RFID for five years, TexMars for eight years, people.
Uh, Watson, got any ideas on how to get the word out on this other than this show?
Well, yes.
I mean, Catherine mentioned, right, that this same system is being implemented in, you know, what's called the Echelon countries, specifically my country.
But people in this country say, oh well, we haven't got a Walmart over here, so they're not introducing it.
But Walmart, in fact, owned the major supermarket store over here, which is Asda.
But it's the same system being implemented across all those countries.
It's interesting that we're talking about these documents that have just been released that lay the groundwork and the quote I read out of one of the stories that came out today is that these companies talked about how they would manage the release of negative stories about RFID.
So now they've got, yeah, a direct apathy.
I mean, think about how arrogant they are to you and your family folks.
Uh, Catherine?
public perception and direct apathy.
So now they've got direct apathy. I mean, think about how arrogant they are to you and your family folks.
Let me tell you one of the ways that this is actually a strategic, an element of their strategic plan is to
encourage apathy.
One of the things in the Fletcher & Hiller document, or one of the many Fletcher & Hiller documents we have obtained,
they actually say, "emphasize in all public communications with the press the inevitability of this technology."
So emphasize, you know, it's coming, it's inevitable, there's nothing anyone can do to stop it.
So they use that passage every time.
Lay down, G.I.
You won't be seeing your sweetheart.
Lay down, Tokyo Rose said.
You won't be seeing your sweetheart lay down, Tokyo Rose said.
Watch and do about five more minutes on the other side, and...
and... and... and... and...
Head of Caspian, stay right there, Catherine.
Amazing information. I want to hear more about these secret documents you've gotten, and how they're panicking.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march. The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN radio network.
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♪ On the road of blazing sadness ♪ - We're talking to Katherine Albright.
We've got my webmaster at prisonplanet.com.
Paul Joseph Watson.
You'll be hearing more on the show in his upcoming book, Order Out of Chaos, that I'm publishing.
I know we've got Joan and Bob and Bill and others that are holding your calls.
They're coming up in a few minutes.
I am hyperventilating over this issue.
This is such a key area in the fight for liberty.
It's like open borders, gun control, RFID, casual society, biometrics.
These are all the top, most important issues, strategic things you've got to stop the globalists from putting in.
And Paul Watson, I'm giving you a mission, my friend.
I don't just want an audio file of this interview with Catherine up on the website.
I am asking our listeners, there's three or four of you that do this, hauling all cars, I want a transcript of this interview posted, because Greg Powell and others at the BBC have posted them, that the transcripts of this show get published in major newspapers around the world, I don't know why I guess the interviews are so insightful with these great guests.
Listeners, you know who you are, email it to Watson, okay?
If there's half the time, we get so many thousands a day, sometimes I won't see it the first day.
Email it to tipsandinfowars.com and Watson, the transcript of this, where should they email it to you to get it posted so millions of listeners can email it out to folks?
Listeners can email it to paul at propaganda matrix dot com and I'll get that.
Alright, and we'll publish it under the Prison Planet headline.
This is so important.
Catherine, I know I'm jumping in over you.
I get out of control on this subject.
It makes me so mad.
Because I read them years ago saying what they would do with this taxation, control, tracking.
You've got the internal documents.
Before we go any further and go to these calls, who got the incredible idea at Caspian to go to the site, to snoop around, not hack it, but just look around and find their classified documents of this governmental quasi-private group setting up this racketeering takeover?
How did you get in and get this and tell us about some of the other secret documents you've got?
Well, let me tell you, Alex, what I think is the most disturbing part of this whole thing is that here are the people who reassure us that we can trust them to put these tagging devices in everything we come in contact with.
That we can trust them because they are going to use Internet security.
And this is actually a quote from one of their documents, their public relations documents
out to the public saying, "Hey, you know, well what about security?
Isn't that going to be an issue when you put RFID tags in everything and you're tracking
everything through the internet and through these massive databases?"
Their response has been, "You don't have to worry about that.
We've got security under control.
Internet security is very strong and very powerful."
And then you go to their website.
"And the verified data will be collected and protected."
So I go to their website and on the search, you go right to the front page of autoidscenter.org,
Right there you will see a little search window.
You can type in any words you want, and it will... Well, now they've cleaned it up.
They've sanitized it since yesterday.
But for many months, and potentially even years, you could type in whatever you wanted and you would get access to their internal documents.
These people do not have a clue about security.
They do not have the first idea of how to protect their own sensitive information.
Well, Catherine, Catherine, now they're going to tie us all into this grid.
They're the people, this same grid, same companies, Walmart and others, that had pushed for the social security numbers as an identifier everywhere now.
They admit that has caused the proliferation of identity theft.
And now they're opening a bigger Pandora's box and they'll offer more tracking and tracing.
And, uh, I mean, this is incredible!
I have to say, the amount of, I mean, the idea of leaving these bozos in charge of my
personal data being collected on me everywhere I went through RFID tags is enough to send
chills down my spine.
I'm not just talking about massive corporations or government entities that might want to
use it against me, but I'm talking even, you know, you don't even have to be a hacker to
Any criminal could go online if they had everything online and, you know, download anything they wanted to download.
This is nuts.
People don't know what they're doing.
We can't trust them with our security.
They are dangerous.
They are dangerous because they don't see the future they're creating.
They are dangerous because they don't take reasonable, even common-sense precautions.
even to protect their own selves, which is where, you know, clearly they have an interest in that.
A criminal can also scan boxcars, warehouses, homes, and find out what you've got inside.
They admit that a lot of these can transmit over distances between two feet and a hundred yards, is what I've read in the mainstream news.
And remember, this all comes on the heels of the Total Information Awareness Network getting announced by the convicted felon, Admiral Poindexter, with their all-seeing eye logo of the pyramid.
And they, and the Pentagon said, everything you buy, you sell, you get your email, what you say will be put in this grand database.
That's a quote.
And then now you've got Ridge and these documents meeting with them.
You go to their public meetings and they say we've got to get Homeland Security to be behind this and pushing it.
Tell us about those secret documents, please.
Well, the quote I wanted to read to you about Larry Killen said, if we get a declaration from Homeland Security that this is the step we need to take to protect the food supply, that's the step that will move this technology forward.
We're already hearing that out of Ridge.
And that was in reference to item level tagging, which means putting remote tracking devices on every item in the food chain.
And you said you got shoes that already have the Senate.
That is correct. I was sent these shoes by someone who purchased them in Hawaii of all places.
She got concerned because she saw this tag on them and sent them to us.
Now, the company that manufactures these shoes, we have not yet by the way x-rayed the shoes to find out if we have the
tag in there.
If anyone has access to an x-ray machine and would like to volunteer it to us.
I'm down in Texas.
My dad is a dentist and oral surgeon.
We're up in Harvard country.
I'm down in Texas.
My dad is a dentist and oral surgeon.
I've got skull x-rays that scan those nicely.
Well, hey, Alex, I'll send them your way.
You can post them on your website.
You can be the first to get the information out about whether we've found tracking devices in shoes
or not.
Be sure and ensure that.
I will call you when I get off air and give you the address to send it.
And I will, within a day of getting those, have them x-rayed.
And then you want me to dig out with tweezers the chip itself
and then maybe scan that as well?
Well, it would be interesting to know what exactly they've put in there.
And again, for your listeners who may have just tuned in and missed that portion, I have in my possession
a pair of size 7 Soho shoes.
These are women's sandals in an extruded kind of a foam plastic.
On them, there is an attached tag that says, www.footstar.com.
Attention, our products have that detection devices embedded, which will be deactivated at the register
or the service desk.
Now, that could simply be an electronic--
some other type of electronic article surveillance device.
It could be an RFID chip.
At this point, we do not know.
What we do know, though, is that this company in China has contracted with manufacturing plants in China and that they are putting RFID or RFID-like devices into shoes in China and importing them here.
So, we want to get to the bottom of that.
But again, that's a big question mark.
Let me get to a few things that are certain from this website and from the documents we have.
One of them, the Auto-ID Center has been going through four phases of testing out their RFID technology.
The first and second phases are now complete.
They are now in the middle of phase three, and phase three is item-level bagging, among other things, meaning putting these into individual items, seeing how consumers interact with them, seeing how the stores and readers interact with them, seeing what happens when they try to read many dozens of things at a time on a shelf in a store.
Here are the products, and I hope you do get a transcript of this because I would like this to be made public.
Here are the products that are being tagged currently.
It says Summer of 2003.
Glockner & Gamble is tagging Bounty Towels and Pantene Shampoo.
It says Cape Girardieu Factory, Iowa City, D.C.
That means Distribution Center.
So Bounty Towels and Pantene Shampoo coming out of there may well be tagged.
Gillette Mach 3, 16-pack.
Right Guard Aerosol Deodorant, 10-ounce cans.
That's coming out of Chicago.
Unilever, a major consumer products company, produces these products that will be tagged.
Liquid All Detergent.
Caress Soap.
That is coming out of Baltimore.
Johnson & Johnson is tagging Carefree.
Not sure what Carefree is.
Also Bedtime Bath, out of Olive Branch.
Craft Foods is tagging Maxwell House Coffee and Kraft Cheese Slices out of Fort Worth.
And Coca-Cola is tagging 2 liter bottles of Coke, and then it has a comma and it says 8-pack tray.
That is out of Cleveland, Tennessee, and it says "bottler"
Now, when I look at another chart here from their internal documents, it says,
"Caresto 6-pack, Santin Shampoo, 750-milliliter bottles."
And on the right, it says "Walmart" running vertically down between all of these products,
meaning that these are all being tested at Walmart right now.
It says "unit and case aggregate."
Now, that would mean potentially that they're talking about backroom supply side in the warehouse.
But next to it is the concern.
It says shelf read.
Shelf read means putting the individual products on the shelf and making sure you can read each individual product.
And here's the one that has me the most concerned.
It says shelf and floor read.
Now, floor readers, I think, are one of the biggest concerns we face with this technology, Alex,
because it has already been demonstrated through research that's been done associated with the Auto-IT Center
that these reader devices can be embedded into floor tiles and carpets,
meaning that if--now, and by the way, the read range on these,
the read range really doesn't go beyond about 20, 30 feet unless you put a battery in it
or unless you hack around a little.
Um, the read range typically is, I would say, between 5, 10, 15 feet in that area, but the more powerful devices have a shorter read range in some cases.
Now, if you can put RFID tags into shoes, and if you can get away with hiding them in shoes, and you have reader devices in floors, Then there just went away your read range problem of 20, 30 feet to track people.
You simply put down a map at the entrance of your store, or wherever it is you want to track people, and you take a read right off their shoes and you know where they are.
In the Washington Post article last year, and Paul, when you dig all these up, post them in the story when we do a transcript.
They said that pressure plates will read what you're buying.
Tiny cameras, and I know somebody at UT who works for the CIA in the psychology department, Department of Defense funded.
It's all about retina readers that read Voight-Kampff, like Blade Runner, tight movements in the eyes.
get your psychological read off something you read on a package and it talks about scanning
and tracking you and the store brought us said they're going to already have this in
stores in New York's they said where you go in you buy something next time you come in
they face scan you they know what you bought last time or if you're wearing the RFID
it reactivates it and then they can custom tailor things to you uh did you hear about that well you
know that's really the idea is to find ways to custom tailor things to individuals to identify
them i have in my that's what they claim on the surface yeah well i have in my possession
a prototype loyalty card that actually contains within it an RFID tag
That can be read right through your purse, backpack, or wallet?
Well, they had the IBM ad a few years ago, where the guy, you think he's stealing food, he's putting it in his jacket, he walks out, the security guard comes over and says, sir, your receipt.
Now, in that case, though, the reader device in the doorway has read the product that he's carrying, and presumably also read some identifier of him, so that those products could be deducted from his payment system, whatever that is.
That's an IBM ad for this new chip credit card.
Paul Watson, any comments to what she's saying?
Yeah, just throw this in now.
We actually had an article on prisonplanet.com last week where one of these RSID tags was actually discovered in women's underwear.
So we've got all these products on top of each other.
But the question that I wanted to put to Katherine is about Benetton because we know that Katherine led a successful campaign against Benetton to boycott Benetton against putting RSID tags in clothes.
But we recently had An article out of the RSID Journal, which is the main propaganda organ of RSID, where Mauro Bennett had actually stated that his company were ongoing with the test for RSID and that that original back down for the successful campaign against them
Yeah, Catherine, that question and then also the quotes here out of the news where you have the documents that talk about, quote, neutralizing opposition, pacifying consumers.
Answer his question and mine, please.
Well, let's see, the issue with Benetton is that Benetton, I think, was astonished at the speed and power of this firestorm that consumed them when they made the announcement that they were going to be embedding RFID remote tracking devices in clothing labels.
Now, that is absolutely over the line.
I think everyone who heard this story agreed.
They were inundated with press requests from as far away as Tasmania.
I was on Swedish public radio.
We've been featured all over France, Australia, all over the world.
People went nuts when they heard about this.
Now, what I did not realize at the time, apparently, is that Mauro Benetton, a member of the Benetton family, is also deeply involved with a company called LabID that is developing and promoting this label-tagging technology.
And so, apparently, our boycott against Benetton caused a big family rift in the Benetton family.
This is what I've been told from inside sources.
That Mauro Benetton apparently had put in about $15 million to developing this RFID technology and investing in it, and was going to apparently use his family's company, Benetton, as one of the first examples of bringing it to market.
And when the rest of the Benetton family heard what had happened, or were right in the middle of this firestorm, they said, you know what?
I don't care what you've invested.
We are pulling back from this.
This is dangerous stuff.
We are going to get caught... I don't care if they pull back.
Benetton, we must target them just like Smith & Wesson when they tried to do this sneaky anti-gun move a few years ago.
I don't care if they sell it, what they do, we must salt the earth.
Anyone, Walmart, everyone, we must boycott them 110% all of them.
You know who I want to call for the biggest boycott of all against is Gillette.
I think that Gillette is one of the most despicable companies I have ever come in contact with in working with this technology.
I personally was in a Brockton Walmart.
Now this is another story I'll keep it a little exclusive on here.
I went into the Brockton Walmart after reading in the Boston Globe a few weeks ago that they
were going to begin their shelf-level tagging tests the following week.
So I drove an hour and so down there to get to the store.
I went into the store.
It was in a predominantly minority community.
That was the first thing that struck my notice, so that, for example, if people felt that
their privacy had been violated, there wouldn't be a whole lot of Manhattan lawyers potentially
shopping there to sue them.
Yeah, disenfranchised groups are always tested on first.
And I had several lengthy conversations with a family who spoke Spanish.
I am also fluent in Spanish, so I was able to...
They were also fluent in English, but we conversed in both languages about their concerns about
this technology.
I was interacting in that store, I would say, for over two hours.
I spent a great deal of time in front of that shelf.
I even purchased a disposable camera at Walmart, and I took photographs of that shelf, which I now have in my possession.
Now, the astonishing thing to me is that given that there's been a hundred and ten Absolutely amazing.
Paul Watson, comments, then we're going to calls.
Yeah, that's the best.
SmartShelf being in the Brockton store, they backpedaled, they removed the shelf overnight,
and they claimed that they had no intention of doing any such test and they did not know
what she was talking about.
Absolutely amazing.
Paul Watson, comments, but we're going to calls.
Yeah, that's the best.
We've got a big picture on prisonfinance.com of a six-foot sign of Walmart saying "RFID."
Can I jump in here?
Another thing I wanted to mention is that Katherine was talking about the Google hit on the RFID.
Don't be surprised if they actually changed the terminology for that because we've seen that with programs like
total information awareness being changed to TALON and WISE.
We see even a problem.
Yeah, what an excellent point.
Can I jump in here?
Now one of the things that we uncovered in this strategy document by Fleischman and Hillard was they actually
toyed around with the idea of calling these green tags safer, better, smarter, something like that.
You know, of actually promoting them as this wonderful thing that's somehow going to make the world better.
And you know, I saw that and I thought, you know, that is really, that is such a stretch.
And you know, I really hope they do something like that because that means they would take a public splash,
they would take this public, and believe me, the public would be on them like white on rice.
Well that's really stupid because green tag is something even easier to get across to people.
RFID is kind of a hard concept.
I want to go to Joan, Bob, and Bill.
I'm going to give you each about a minute on the other side with our guest, Catherine Albrecht, and give you out her website as well.
I want to thank you for joining us, Paul Watson.
Okay, thanks, Alex.
Take care, bud.
I'll talk to you soon.
Catherine, one final segment with you.
Come back and take three final calls.
We'll give you some final tidbits.
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Catherine, what about the website for Caspian?
How do folks visit the website to get more informed?
You can find us online at www.nocards.com.
My email address is kma at nocards.org.
Okay, nocards.org.
Let's take a call.
Quickly, callers.
Thanks for holding.
Joan in Florida.
You can also do a Google search under Caspian.
We usually come up with the first or second hit on that search.
You can find us there easily if you can remember we are called Caspian.
My email address is kma@nocards.org.
Okay, nocards.org. Let's take a call.
Quickly, callers. Thanks for holding.
Joan in Florida. You're on the air.
Uh, yes, Alex.
Uh, out of a regular newspaper, Tampa Tribune.
Uh, our opinion, it was June 15th.
So they can go tbo.com and research this article.
Our opinion, new science of radio tags hold promise, comma, threaten privacy.
And it also talks in here on this about the tag car could be tagged based on where and when you drive your car.
Give me that article and please email it to Catherine.
So, Tampa Tribune is saying it will be used to tax cars.
All will be happening with a little bit more sophisticated transponder in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Interesting, Catherine.
Yeah, absolutely.
And you know, the limits of what this will be used for are just the limits of the human imagination.
If they can find a reason for collecting the data, this technology will enable them to do it.
And Alex, you talk about a number of other concerns about illegal immigration, about police brutality and other
I'm telling you, no matter what your concern is, envision that the people doing the oppressing have access to this
And you will see why this affects all of us, no matter what your freedom issue or your personal issue,
no matter what it is, RFID will take that issue and bring it to a whole new level of bad.
I've got a document in front of me real quick I want to tell you about, Alex, before we get off the air here.
This is Department of Defense applications of auto ID.
And this is a Mr. Kimball from the auto ID who was speaking at a meeting.
They're going to make the Iraqis wear it.
I'd like to read you something here.
Mr. Kimball described four projects which the Department of Defense is pursuing related to auto ID.
Most of these are pretty innocuous.
The Department of Defense needs to know the location of materials at all stages of its life cycle.
Got a bottom in the cloud.
Alright, the final one is, this is the one at the end, it says, Mr. Kimball mused on future applications, including a telepathy test.
Such a tag does not exist, nor can we guess how it might work, but the point is that the Department of Defense is careful not to go down a course of action that precludes adoption of a new technology when that technology becomes feasible.
A telepathy tag?
What is that?
It's insane.
Real quick.
Bob in New York.
Thanks for holding.
You got 30 seconds.
Go ahead.
Go ahead, Bob.
My training is in electronics and there is a device called a degausser stick or a degaussing
It's used in the picture tube industry or TV set industry.
If you just search degaussing coil on the internet I'm sure you'll be able to find it.
You just can't use that device around any electronics or it will blast it.
It will blast out those RFID tags.
Alright, thank you for the call.
Sorry to Bill and others that we're holding.
I apologize.
Call me back.
If you're listening, please go to our website at no price.
We need you.
We are organizing local chapters.
Join us.
Hit the feedback form and please sign up.
Oh, Catherine, that's great.
And I'm going to call you after the show, okay?
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Tell your friends.
God bless you all.
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