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Name: 20030625_Wed_Alex
Air Date: June 25, 2003
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends, welcome to another live edition of the Alex Jones Show, where we talk about real issues that actually affect you and your family.
Now, I'm sorry, we're not going to discuss how stupid Hillary Clinton is, or how dumb Jesse Jackson is, or how the Democrats are traitors.
We already know that!
We're going to address on this show The neocons that are expanding government, grabbing our guns, getting rid of our borders, selling us out to a world government, and then claiming they're conservative.
It's amazing, and we'll be discussing it, and of course we will be exposing the Democrats as well, but we know what the Democrats are, my friends, and we're able to deprogram the Democrats that are out there listening to this show who have been useful idiots in the past because we're not hypocrites!
You wonder why the liberals won't wake up to the fact that big government and centralized systems are corrupt and dangerous?
They won't wake up to that because conservatives will sit there and try to defend corrupt Republican leaders and the Democrats have done a good job of telling their minions about all the Republican corruption and uh... the double standards and so when they hear conservatives trying to defend conservative ideals liberals just throw the baby out with the bathwater and we're not hypocritical on this show we try to get to a constitutional base the thing that made this country great we try to address the systemic corruption that's in the system across the board top down left right at every level
And we call on the American people, and people of the world for that matter, to stand up against the corruption, the wickedness in high places.
Alright, big show today.
It's News Overload.
troops wound Syrians in border clash.
We learned of this a couple days ago, but now we're finding out more.
And it looks like the globalists are trying to start a war with the Syrians.
Also, six British soldiers killed in southern Iraq yesterday.
A U.S.
soldier was also killed in the north yesterday.
And it turns out these guys don't work for Saddam.
They're not loyal to Saddam.
They were mad about peaceful crowds being shot and the corruption they're seeing.
And I'm sad for the troops.
It's horrible what's happening to them.
At the same time, what's happened to the Iraqi people is horrible, and you support the troops by not putting them in an unjust war, by not putting them in this position.
You support the troops by, well, when they get hit with nerve gas in 91, you support them by treating them.
Supporting the troops doesn't mean you put them in a hellhole and don't give them support.
Which is what the globalists do, they use them!
And now the globalists are panicking.
They're now going to go ahead and try to offer the Iraqis some of their own oil money.
If they'll shut up.
If they'll go along.
Before they weren't going to get any of it.
And they had been saying that all the oil from the north was going to go to Israel for free.
This was a public announcement.
Netanyahu was talking about it on Monday.
The head of the Likud party, and now they're saying, okay, well, we'll give you some of the oil if you're good.
And someone has blown up the oil pipeline several times.
Pipeline sabotage adds to gloom over Iraq oil exports.
Also, we have the Globalist in the past blowing up the oil wells in 1991 to jack up prices for other Middle Eastern crews.
We're not really sure who's behind this.
It could be either side.
I don't know.
But if you really care about the troops, you'll want to hear this headline when we get back.
Mainstream news headline.
Our troops suffer from uranium sickness.
So, The media will whine and cry about six troops being killed, which is a travesty.
But they could care less about tens of thousands that are going to come back and get lung cancer.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
I'm not here to distract or to divert you.
I'm not here to cover issues of little or no significance.
We have a corrupt world government.
It is upon us.
Our liberties, our freedoms, our heritage as Americans is being systematically dismantled and incinerated, decimated, terminated, annihilated, and the people doing it are running around wrapped in the American flag cynically telling us that they are the guardians of America and of that birthright.
But even a cursory investigation of their policy reports, their public statements, their financial holdings, their systems show that they want to turn America and the world into a 100% command and control despotism, tyranny, feudal serf grid.
And it's happening right now, and the Judas Goats, the Judas Iscariots of the world, are up there as the neocons, manipulating and lying to you.
And they're going to engineer a liberal backlash that will come to power using all the powers that the neocons and mechanisms they've set up and it's going to get even worse under a Democrat president with a Democrat The Democrat leader of the UN, it goes on and on and on, and they're setting it up.
I can see it.
I can see their program, their operation, and we must speak out against it.
We must expose the reality of what's happening.
troops came out yesterday, wound Syrians in border clash.
United States Special Forces wounded at least five Syrian border guards as they pursued a convoy thought to be carrying senior members of Saddam Hussein's regime.
It emerged yesterday.
The commandos launched an air and ground assault on a convoy of six or seven vehicles speeding towards the Syrian border last week.
The attack initially raised speculation that Saddam Hussein or his sons might have been killed.
Now, they've told us that they killed him two or three other times and they killed Chemical Ali and Mrs. Anthrax and all these other stupid slogan names they've given these people.
And I just want to remind you that they produced, our government produced, the illegitimate government produced a fake nuclear dossier supposedly out of Africa to Saddam.
Turned out it was totally fake, made up.
They've had all these other fake dossiers that were made up or written 12 years ago.
They have said that trucks that were for pumping up surveillance balloons for trench warfare in the Iran-Iraq war sold to the Iraqis by the British and the Russians They knew day one those weren't chemical biological weapons labs.
Turns out they lied to us all along.
So when I see a story like this, and they're changing their stories every day or two, it's clear they're trying to escalate a war with Syria.
And they said they want to invade Syria.
Generals have said it.
The PNAC people, Project for a New American Century, have said it.
They leaked a plan to attack North Korea as early as this October.
Rumsfeld did, trying to escalate the lunatics in North Korea into attacking us first, which the globalists would just love.
Imagine the police state they'd get out of that, and Rumsfeld posing as our savior with Bush and Chuckie Schumer and Hillary during that period of a smoking West Coast.
Turned into a giant slag heap.
So, I see a story.
I mean, it's hundreds of miles from Baghdad to the Syrian border.
And there's supposedly this convoy, but they, special forces have to attack the convoy once it gets to the guard stations on the Syrian side.
And now our troops supposedly went into Syria, grabbed some of the Syrians, and are holding them.
And I'm sure after lots of torture, they advocate torture on the news every day, I'm sure they'll say whatever the CIA wants them to.
By the way, there's another lie in this article that says United States Special Forces.
These aren't United States Special Forces!
Special Forces aren't even part of the military, ladies and gentlemen.
Delta Force, Navy SEALs, they're all under National Security Council control.
And that's private.
Our government is a private corporation.
1913 took over the banks.
1947 National Security Act.
Going back, 1933 was War Powers Act.
Martial Law was set up and they've been expanding it ever since.
And now you have Patriot Act in October 2001.
Homeland Security in 2002.
They've activated the continuity of government operation.
Washington Times headline, Martial Law is in effect.
We've had their constitutional scholar on.
He went over the information and had the same analysis we did.
We're in martial law right now.
It's one increment of it.
They're just warming you up to it right now.
Oh, we're going to have thousands of checkpoints every weekend for drunks and drugs.
Well, now it's gun sweeps.
Oh, we're going to check and see if you're wearing your seatbelt.
Oh, we're going to set up permanent state police checkpoints on the highways.
It's now happening.
Oh, we started construction before 9-1-1.
But this will help for anti-terrorism.
Oh, that Amber Alert!
We're going to use it to flash warnings about wearing your seatbelt.
Oh, and then guns.
Oh, report terrorists.
Martial law people.
They've said they want to get rid of posse comitatus.
They already did it.
Now they're rolling the troops out on the streets, signing deals for firing troops publicly.
It's all happening.
Red Dawn in slow motion.
Right now.
And it's so bizarre, it's so horrible, the average person can't even begin to believe what's happening.
But, you know, I read that Houston Chronicle headline, police chief says that the crime lab frames people as part of its policy.
That's just where I live, right here in Texas.
They've got all these towns framing people and the police raping and killing and running the prostitutes and dealing the heroin and cocaine.
Framing masses of people in huge roundups, laughing about it.
Giant prisons being built everywhere.
Cameras now in almost every neighborhood and side street and alleys and microphones hanging out of trees and armored vehicles driving around and army helicopters over our city every single night.
And now it's not a conspiracy theory, you see the black helicopters.
The news says, oh, they're here to help.
They just patrolled now.
And yes, we've started drone overflights!
It's now official!
Nothing like drones!
And of course, there's no real terrorists to find, so they can go after all the lesser criminals now.
And they've said, oh, the Justice Department said last week before Congress, okay, it's true, there is a Patriot Act too, and it's going to be used for all crime, against all criminals, including petty criminals.
And you go, good, anything we need to stop criminals.
And by the way, make them work once they're in that prison.
Oh yeah, you're going to have a lot of jobs, folks, when tens of millions of people are in prison building widgets for 20 cents an hour.
Oh yeah, that's real good for the economy.
People, wake up now!
What they do, they come into a small town area, build a giant prison, There's been a Walmart in town for 10 years.
There's no jobs left.
Downtown's a ghost town.
Everybody's losing their farms, their little ranches, because they can't pay the property taxes.
And then all of a sudden, hey, you can come to work at the prison.
Some of these towns in Texas, almost the entire town works at the prison.
And don't you tell them the prison's bad.
This is the new America.
It's all they've got is working in the prison.
It's like that Kirk Vonnegut book where half the people are in prison and the other half are jail guards.
That's where we're going, folks.
It's the new economy.
Surveillance, police state, snatch and grab, secret arrest.
You want it?
You got it.
They're going to take your land under environmental guise.
They're going to make you have an ID card to have a job with different security clearances to work anywhere.
It's all official.
You're going to have, just like they do in Cuba, Or East Germany, under the Stasi, you're going to have plainclothes Special Forces officers.
Oh yes, the Special Forces is now taking over the entire military.
And they've said that it's going to be taking over civilian life.
They announced this before 9-1-1.
They've been training the Cadres, and then they're going to rotate them out of the Special Forces ranks.
They're the new Praetorian Guard.
They're the new enforcers of the federal government.
Special Forces troops Trained in walking up behind you and sticking a knife up into your brain.
Trained in grabbing you and throwing you in a van to be driven away and never seen again.
That's our new product.
That's what America is.
That's the new America.
And they're going to say, you support the troops, don't you?
You support the police and their black ski mask, don't you?
And Hollywood glamorizes it.
I mean, every show you tune into, every movie, it's worshiping the SWAT teams.
Doesn't matter if the SWAT teams are really killing their own officers.
More often than the officers are killed by perpetrators outside the force.
Doesn't matter what the real statistics show.
Hollywood says it's cool.
Putting on black uniforms and armored outfits and beating people up and busting in houses without warrants.
It's all part of the new freedom.
I got articles here today.
They're going to go ahead and start DNA databases of all children in England for a DNA database.
By the way, they've already been doing it in the echelon group of countries, the US, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, the UK.
When they take that blood from your baby's heel, it's now admitted, it's for the last 30 years, it's been going into a permanent federal and state DNA database.
They didn't ask you, did they, when they violated your Fourth Amendment?
I've been telling you this for years, now it's official.
Oh, we just so happen to take this heel blood and save it, and we're going to use it for a national DNA database, and it's going to be on your ID card.
That's going to be your barcode, is your blood.
Sounds Antichrist, doesn't it?
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You know, I know a lot of the things I talk about on the show are very frightening, but it's really just history repeating itself.
And if you want to sit there in a naive fashion and just decide to not check out what I'm saying, and just decide to not believe me, or just decide to cower and hide under a rock somewhere, you are ensuring the destruction of this country.
And you're denying the historical fact of what's happened over and over again.
Not just worldwide, but in this country.
The type of abuses we see, the type of corruption we see, the type of organized crime we see in control of this country is very similar to what we fought in 1776.
in 1776 and a lot of people have been in denial for a long time but let me
They don't set up a high-tech police state and build a giant prison grid and start infiltrating special forces troops and foreign troops and former KGB bosses into homeland security and continuity of government unless they've got some horrible things planned.
You see, there's never enough for these people.
They want it all.
They want it now.
It's their very nature.
They enjoy what they're doing, and they've got a bunch of useful idiots who think that they're elitist, think they're part of something special, that are going along with this.
And a lot of them are useful idiots inside their mechanisms of control.
So I'm begging you to think for yourselves out there.
I'm begging you to grow up And to have the courage to educate yourselves on the issues we're discussing here on this worldwide broadcast.
So, it's obvious that they've gone into Syria now, killed a bunch of people, kidnapped some others, tried to escalate war with Syria.
They've said they want to go into Syria.
They've started the destabilization of Iran.
And look, I'm no fan of Syria.
I'm no fan of Tehran in Iran.
I'm no fan of the Mulas, but what was in there before?
The Shah?
His secret police?
The guy they've got to run Iraq?
The heir apparent?
He was convicted in Jordan court.
We're stealing over 300 million dollars and he was a member of the Shah's secret police and now he's feeding our government reports of Saddam's weapons of mass destruction and claims that Jordan is involved.
And our government real quick said, uh no, that's not true, that's incorrect.
So you've got little crooks trying to settle scores.
I mean, Jordan is on the globalist side!
And they're even starting to demonize Jordan!
Because Jordan convicted the new mob boss they've got running Iraq.
Then you've got the head of Afghanistan, Mohammed Karzai.
I mean, this guy's a unicol and BP and Halliburton employees work for all of them.
And now they've retaken the crown for world opium production.
And suddenly there's all this smack on the streets.
The dirty, filthy narcotic.
But don't worry, they've got SWAT teams to clean up the problem while they clean up your Bill of Rights and Constitution.
So, troops, wounds, Syrians, and border clash.
And, oh, it's not clear who opened fire first.
But it was a Special Forces ambush set up at the border.
Six British soldiers killed in southern Iraq and they were trying to say that, oh, this is, you know, all Saddam in the north, you know, the boogeyman Saddam is going to get us.
But this is the south where they had been, well, anti-Saddam.
But now it turns out that it was the Shiites and others, quote, are angry about being shot at their weddings and shot in their demonstrations and they're angry about the water and power still being off.
And so now the British have been killed, and I'm sad for these British troops.
But I'm also really concerned about the article that I told you I would mention when we got back.
Our troops suffer from uranium sickness.
Now, that's the headline out of the national paper of Australia, The Age.
And it is a scientific fact our own army had to admit under pressure that if you inhale depleted uranium it is very very bad for you and can kill you within a matter of months or years.
Australian servicemen and women who served in the recent Iraq war were reporting symptoms of uranium sickness.
The United States nuclear weapons experts said today Dr. Douglas Rook is a former US Army nuclear health physicist ...and was formerly the Pentagon's expert on the health effects of depleted uranium ammunition.
Speaking in Melbourne today, Dr. Roque said Iraq women and children in America and Iraqi military personnel had reported respiratory illnesses and rashes after the recent conflict.
He'd also been told of Australian servicemen and women with similar symptoms.
They're now doing tests on them and finding high levels of uranium.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Well, Marilyn, that sounds fantastic.
We'll check back with you a little bit later to learn more about this exciting new product.
Okay, thanks.
Welcome back, my friends.
It's Wednesday.
It's Wednesday, the 25th of June, 2030.
I'm Alex Jones.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
Your calls are coming up if you'd like to respond to our troops are being killed, US troops being killed, British troops being killed.
And if you want to go back over some of the background of this, here's an article from May 30th.
gunfire kills three teens at a wedding.
soldiers opened fire on a festive wedding parade earlier this week, killing three teenagers and wounding seven others after the celebrants fired weapons in the air.
The shooting on Monday night was one of a series of deadly incidents this week that have sharply increased tension between U.S.
troops and Iraqi civilians.
The Iraqi civilians were not killing coalition troops.
They were, since the end of the war, or of the major takeover of Iraq, the occupation, they were basically going along with it, by and large, just saying, please turn our water back on.
Let us go back to work.
Let us have our jobs.
And then at several weddings, protests, demonstrations, in many cases, people didn't even fire a gun, a kid would throw a rock or something, And they would mow down, at one demonstration they shot like 180 people.
By the end of it, 20 of them that were shot died, 15 of them on the spot.
And so now Iraqis, including the Shiites and others that had been for the takeover, are getting very angry.
And a lot of this began north of Baghdad, folks, not because of Saddam Hussein giving orders from some secret bunker, but because there have been a lot of rapes taking place.
And, folks, militaries do this, okay?
This happens.
You can have 200,000, 250,000 good troops, and if 1,000 of them are bad, which the ratio is actually much higher just in the general public, you're going to have this happen.
And they have not been disciplining the people that are doing it.
The reports are stated because they don't want to give validity to these reports.
And so the Iraqis are throwing fits, okay?
And that's what you would do if we'd been occupied by a foreign power and they were raping the women and shooting people and doing all of this.
How would you respond?
People who were for the so-called liberation In areas that were for it are now getting very angry.
And I think it's terrible.
I think we should support our troops and get them out of there.
But not until they set up a dictatorship.
And so I wanted to show you why the Iraqis are so angry.
Now that was out of the Sydney Morning Herald.
This was out of the Associated Press.
Army turns away burned children in need of help!
Our militaries never behave like this, folks.
On a scorched afternoon while on duty at an Army airfield, Sgt.
David Borrell was approached by an Iraqi who pleaded for help for his three children, burned when they set fire to a bag containing explosive powder left over from the war in Iraq.
Borrell immediately called for assistance, but the two Army doctors who arrived about an hour later refused to help the children because their injuries were not life-threatening and they had not been inflicted by U.S.
Now the two girls and the boy are covered with scabs, and the boy cannot use his right leg, and Borrell is shattered.
His morale is obviously low.
Because our troops are good people, generally.
They don't want to be part of this.
They were told they were going in to give food, and medicine, and liberation.
And folks, when you go in and blow up an infrastructure for 12 years, totally destroy it in the last round of takeovers in March, And you occupy the country and disband the police and the government, and then say, oh, we don't have to give you medical attention, we don't have to treat you for cholera, we don't have to treat you for dysentery.
This is horrible!
Our government, using our name of the American people, went in there, and now is telling people, if you want to work for Halliburton or the other few corporations that have been given the contracts, you've got to work for $20 a month.
Under Saddam Hussein, the average Iraqi was making, even during the siege in the last 12 years, $200 a month, according to the Associated Press.
$20 a month?
You can't live off that in the poorest African country!
It's a desert nation, with almost no agriculture.
Off of the Tiger's Euphrates, that's all they've got.
And now things are even worse.
A million and a half Iraqis, a million and a half have died since the beginning of the first Gulf War in 1990-91.
And, you know, before they said, well, Saddam's not letting them get the aid.
Well, he is a thuggish CIA hitman hired in 58.
That's admitted fact, and I'm sure some of that's true.
But now there's no excuse.
And Secretary of the Army White, for all of his vices and problems and Enron scams, basically got fired, told to resign by Rumsfeld, Defense Secretary, because White said, you can't go in there and take over that country and fix it and put in the systems without 250,000 troops!
My generals, with all their 170 IQs and all their West Point training, And all our computer models say a minimum of 250,000 troops.
Five-year occupation!
Well, they're not going to do it, folks.
They're not going to fix the water.
They're not going to fix anything.
They're going to let more Iraqis die.
They're not going to give them medical treatment.
Rumsfeld thought it was real funny.
Remember, he laughed.
I got it on video.
And said, oh, well, freedom's untidy as our troops stood by, in many cases, escorted buses in full of Full of Iraqis that have been trained in the U.S.
and England to burn buildings, to blow up hospitals, to blow up the Quranic centers, to take over the mosque.
And it was real funny when all those hospitals were burning, wasn't it?
And now, when people come to the military needing health care, they don't get it.
I have never seen in almost 14 years of Army experience anything that callous said Boral.
Well, Boral, you better get life insurance, buddy.
Because I commend you for standing up and speaking out, but you better watch it.
Because they got a pension, they don't like their own people speaking out against them.
Well, maybe Boral isn't a patriot.
You know, because I've been accused of not being a patriot because I don't want our troops involved in evil.
So, maybe Borrell's bad too.
Maybe, you know, he's over there serving his country, he was told, but that means not giving small children health care.
I've never seen in almost 14 years of Army experience anything that calloused Borrell who recounted the June 13th incident to the Associated Press.
A U.S.
Army spokesman for the children's condition did not fall into a category that requires Army physicians to treat them and that there was no inappropriate response on the part of the doctors.
It goes on.
The incident comes at a time when U.S.
troops are trying to win the confidence of Iraqis, undertaking that has been overwhelmed by the need to protect themselves against attacks.
Folks, they were not being attacked, except by kids with rocks and things.
And they mowed down weddings and did all of this, and now it's generating a response.
Same thing happened in Vietnam.
And, uh, my friends This is just horrible to see this quagmire forming like this.
And it gets worse.
It gets worse.
It gets a lot worse, a lot quicker.
They have now conclusively proven, from the first Gulf War and from Kosovo, that our troops were hit with depleted uranium, that they breathed it, that it's hurting the populations in and around the area, it's even worse.
Our troops are just getting short-term exposure, but it never leaves your lungs.
And now the former head of the Army's division that studies this is saying, yeah, it's true.
Killing our troops.
So let me get this straight.
You support the troops by not caring about the fact that they've been breathing depleted uranium.
So, again, I'll say it.
I support the troops, but I am very, very upset about what they've done to them.
As usual, it's like the globalists have a rule or something.
I've talked to Vietnam veterans, including family.
The helicopters would fly over, their skin would be wet with the Agent Orange, full of the dioxin compliments of Monsanto.
And later they admitted that they knew all along it destroyed chromosomes, that it caused cancer, And now they're just now giving them treatment 30 years later.
It's wrong people!
I don't want to just sit here and preach all day.
We'll go to your calls in a little while, but...
Here's the article.
Our troops suffer from uranium sickness.
The age, up on Infowars.com.
Australian servicemen and women who served in the recent Iraq war were reporting symptoms of uranium sickness.
A United States nuclear weapons expert said today.
Dr. Douglas Rook is a former U.S.
Army nuclear health physicist and was formerly the Pentagon's expert on the health effects of depleted uranium ammunition.
Speaking in Melbourne today, Dr. Rook said Iraq women and children and American An Iraqi military personnel had reportedly respiratory illness and rashes after the recent conflict.
And he had also been told of Australian servicemen and women with similar symptoms.
That's the reports I received from the U.S.
Army Medical Department.
But something needs to be verified and looked into, he said.
And then I have another article here out of Reuters about how they've done blood tests of some of the troops and it showed uranium.
But it's all being swept under the rug.
When American soldiers are sick and the Iraqis are sick, there's nothing that says an Australian soldier is going to be isolated when he goes through those areas and he's not going to become ill.
And no one is saying he's not going to become ill.
During Operation Desert Storm in 1991, Dr. Rook led a team assigned to clean up uranium-contaminated faws by friendly fire.
What we saw can be described in only three words.
Oh my God, the wounds were horrible, the contamination was extensive, he said.
although myself and my team members were respiratory and skin protection
that protection we know today does not provide an adequate protection against
the inhalation the ingestion the absorption of uranium compounds
folks hundreds of times were used in this war hundreds of times
excuse me thousands of times
We're used and it turns into powder when it hits its target.
But you know what?
They don't care.
I have a major report here admitting that sodium fluoride is deadly and the British government doesn't care that there are now hundreds of university studies and their government saying it's deadly.
They are going to put it in the water whether the people like it or not and vote to take it out of their water.
Those that don't have it are going to have it.
And I'll sit here with somebody on the street and they'll laugh at me and go, you think sodium fluoride's bad?
Ha ha ha, I heard kooks talk like that.
You know, I listened to Neocon Radio yesterday and I was flipping channel to channel in the morning and the afternoon.
Every channel, the same words, the same order, were talking about the same things.
And they were saying that Genetically engineered food is better for you.
There's nothing weird in it.
Starlink corn was recalled for no reason.
There's nothing weird in the food.
We should all eat it.
Folks, I have AP articles where they put HIV virus in bio corn and planted it in 96 locations.
It was put into granary bins and spread to the four winds.
They've got salmon genes in corn, cockroach genes in corn.
They've got grasshopper genes in tomatoes for 10 years.
It's causing bizarre enzymes.
Starlink corn caused horrible allergic reactions.
That's why it was recalled.
This stuff, there's super weeds taking over that cannot be killed by any known chemical.
Monsanto genetically engineered soybeans and canola is jumping into other species.
It's been found in plants as big as oak trees down to sage grasses.
It's wall-to-wall insanity.
They're growing pharmacological corn from East Texas to Denver, Colorado to North Dakota.
And I heard him on every show, I was flipping channels, same words, same script, same statement, same guest, saying, as I was going around town doing errands for two hours yesterday, I heard him saying, these lying liberals, they say genetically engineered food is bad, they're liars, they're a bunch of kooks, ha ha ha.
And they are a bunch of kooks.
They have a bunch of clowns out there protesting it to make it look stupid.
The Ford Foundation and Carnegie Foundation and the rest of them go and create these organizations, fund the leaders.
They have them out there, out in Sacramento doing witchcraft dances.
I got the AP article right here.
Sacramento Bee article as well.
We're posting it all on InfoWars.com.
May already be up there.
I know she's updating right now.
They're doing witchcraft dances.
And see, then the news shows that and goes, oh, look at these idiots.
You got a bunch of people out there doing their, doing their drum circles.
No coherent information.
Chanting like morons.
Instead of handing out, think of those thousands of protesters handing out AP articles about prote-gene in Texas with AIDS virus and corn.
If they handed that out to everybody, and we're there wearing suits and ties, we could end this genetic engineering right now.
By the way, that's what the farmers do in Europe, and they've kept it out.
Despite what the European government's tried to do.
Despite the European government arresting prominent farmers that lead these organizations.
And yes, the Black Brigade showed up in Europe and in Sacramento yesterday in their little black ski mask and black uniforms.
The same crowd I see flown around everywhere, publicly funded by the Delta Force, according to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, and Seattle Weekly, And King Television.
I've got the newscast, the news articles, everything in the takeover.
You can have 10,000 demonstrators.
Here come the 50 hired thugs.
We've seen the same guys here in Austin.
The government flies them around on jets to burn trash cans and bust out windows.
They step aside and the cops walk right past them and attack the peaceful people.
And I heard them on the air.
Oh good, I'm watching them on the news right now.
I heard this national talk show.
Oh good, they're beating the protesters.
They're arresting those kooks.
Why are these people always violent?
Ha ha ha!
Neutralizing any discussion, any debate.
So they tell you DU's good for you.
When the head of the Army's group that studied it in 91 says it's deadly and that he goes into how it has huge open sores and people's bleeding gums and lung cancer.
And how it's happening again to your boys and girls!
I support those troops!
I don't want them breathing uranium!
I don't want them breathing VX and sarin our government sold to their scumball Saddam Hussein!
I am angry here!
How dare you!
How dare you people out there that stick a plastic flag on your car!
A desecrated American flag made by slaves in China!
How dare you question my patriotism when to you it's like a sports team or something.
It's skin deep.
You could care less about the troops.
Oh, I support the troops.
I support the troops.
You don't care about the troops.
You know, caring about the troops and the country takes responsibility, takes being informed, takes studying situations, takes research.
And you sit there, ignorantly, with that stupid plastic flag, that desecrated flag, when everything that flag symbolizes is disappearing right now!
I am hot!
And now, our troops are coming down ill again.
And when their skin busts open and the blood drips, and they die of lung cancer, and they die of all this stuff again, they're not going to be given treatment, and I'll have to hear you call into a neocon show, a big liberal pimp show, and I'll have to hear you go, this is made up by the liberals, our troops aren't sick.
Well, I'm going to funerals where they're sticking 30-year-old Marine corporals in the ground who were 200 pounds of solid muscle before the war, and it'll be 75 pounds of death when they bury them.
I support the troops.
It's you that don't.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN radio network and if you're not angry about our troops huffing sarin and
VX and uranium if you're not upset about that, something's wrong with you
(upbeat music)
Supporting the troops doesn't mean using them like, well, like birdcage liner.
And loving America doesn't mean... Again, I talk about plastic Chinese desecrated American flags.
I am offended.
I'm the type of guy who would get a tear in my eye during the Star Spangled Banner, during the Pledge of Allegiance, and I still do.
In fact, even more so, because I think of how this country's being ruined by fake, shallow phonies who are so stupid politically that they don't even know that they are ultra-liberals.
The liberals are so liberal now, and so mind-controlled, that they call themselves conservatives.
That's how scrambled everything's gotten.
And again, the liberal-conservative term means nothing.
I'm just using the terms people are familiar with.
You support Bush, you support big government, corruption, and no, that doesn't mean you'll support John Kerry.
They're both members of the same club, the same organization.
It's staged.
Oh, there's so much news today, folks.
It's just now our troops hit with a DU and the former head scientist for the Pentagon that documented all this in the first Gulf War says it's happening again.
The sores, the infections, the lung problems are massive, the deaths.
Here he is saying it.
You won't hear this on our news or you'll hear it just kind of barely, barely mentioned in the background.
And we read about Iraqi children begging for medical attention who can't even walk and being denied it and our own troops are getting upset and they should be getting upset because we've got the responsibility for that country now.
But no one's going to be taken care of.
We're going to set up a police state, put the former top secret police officer from the Shah's dictatorship in there.
It's sick.
It's absolutely sick.
And here's Bush pushes for BioShield passage.
President Bush yesterday urged Congress to pass BioShield, a six billion dollar plan to battle Anthrax, smallpox, and other bioterrorism agents by speeding the development of vaccines and treatments.
Yeah, it creates an infrastructure for forced inoculation.
Lord Bush said, Project BioShield will give our scientific leaders greater authority and more flexibility in Decisions that may affect our national security, Mr. Bush said at a meeting of the Biotechnology Industry Association.
Our labs will be able to hire the right experts, to buy the right equipment, and to speed the construction of the right facilities to accelerate urgently needed discoveries.
And I read the actual plan as of six months ago when I first saw it.
This is to fund the health departments, to fund the forced inoculations.
This is the giant new federal bureaucracy of forced inoculation and vaccination.
And they passed a law in page 76 of Homeland Security for forced inoculation, the federal model of the Model States of Emergency Powers Act.
Does that concern you?
All these new wonderful federal agencies Oh boy, we're going to break and come back in the next hour and I will go straight to your calls and get into a bunch of other news we haven't hit yet.
Toll free number to join us on this live Wednesday edition, 800-259-9231.
What do you think of any of the articles I've covered here and are you seeing the propaganda?
Before I end this hour, I really want to challenge you to get Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Police State, Three Total Enslavement, all of my great videos that are waking people up, that show who the real terrorists are, that show the globalist master plan.
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3139. Take action, support the broadcast, get the films, Wake America Up Now, 888-253-3139.
We'll be right back.
Commodities, futures, options. While most people are acquainted with stocks and mutual
funds, the commodities markets remain a mystery.
It's one Barkley Financial.
This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Yes, I'm getting bad about it.
I've just had an hour of rant and rave news blitz.
And now we're going to start going to your calls at 800-259-9231.
Coming up, more on the new National Bureaucracy for Forced Inoculation.
Also, we're going to get into some of the technologies that NASA's developing to scan your brains on the street corners in the airports.
They're already deploying it.
More on the six British soldiers killed in southern Iraq and the U.S.
troops who lose Syrians in border clash.
They're now saying, because of unrest, they may go ahead and give the Iraqis enough food and money to perhaps live, quite gracious of the globalists.
And just a bunch of other news I haven't even begun to get to, but I promised you that I would get to your phone calls, and we are going to do that right now.
Mark, who is up first here, sir?
Aaron in Kentucky, then John in Tennessee, and others.
Go ahead, Aaron, you're on the air.
Hello, Mr. Jones.
How you doing?
Pretty good, sir.
I'm a long-time listener.
I've been listening for a couple of years, and I appreciate your insight.
The reason that I'm calling is I'm calling because I'm concerned about the RFID tracker chip, and I was listening, I guess I'm backpedaling a little bit, but I was listening to your show, yesterday's show.
And the thing that concerns me is that they're trying to make this into a uniform code, not so much that they're using it as, say, inventory control for Walmart, but because they're making it into a uniform code, it can be used at all the stores.
And if it is created by an organization, this means that the government has access to this information.
And while it could have positive uses, it also has enormous potential for the destruction of liberty.
And so that's just a concern.
I'm a technologist myself, and I'm somewhat familiar with how this kind of thing might be done.
And, of course, in the future, if ever there's a need to perhaps forward it, there are also ways of doing that.
But, I mean, I can see the possibilities that this could be used for a great deal more than simply theft control and inventory control.
Well, here's the problem with the radio frequency identification system.
Is that the San Mato Times reported two weeks ago that the Bay Area is going to use a transponder type of RFID to tax people.
It was just for the toll way.
Oh, you have to have it if you ever use the toll.
You got to pay electronically if you're in state.
But now it's, oh, the whole city and bay area is going to be wired with radio readers that track and trace your movements and are going to start taxation with it.
So, we have the government's admission of this.
You know, the government says, oh, we just so happened to mandate, but not even with a law, but mandate the big automakers to put a satellite tracking hardware in all the new cars.
Now they just got to plug the interface in.
Oh, now they want to make up a lot of taxes to drive.
They set the infrastructure up, and they always use it for big brother purposes.
Yes, that is precisely why I called, because of the fact that a government organization was involved to make this into a uniform code.
And if they're using the technique that I believe that they are using, then this sort of thing could not only be used as a means of manipulating people, but other organizations could use it as well to manipulate the government itself.
Because the way in which it's done, I believe they're simply using multiples of harmonics as a way of incrementing up and gathering digits.
And then they incorporate these harmonics into a transmission.
And through the harmonics, through basically unraveling, whether it's AM, FM or digital transmission, unraveling the transmission, they get the number ID.
Based on the frequencies of the harmonics.
Yeah, this is a system that can be shut down.
I mean, why get away from the barcode?
Why do they need this?
They say it's about control, and I pointed out last year that by Walmart adopting this, this will force every manufacturer to put it in.
And now the news, another story today, admits that Walmart is setting the standard.
They're the guys that got the universal barcode usage going.
Anything else you want to answer?
Uh, no, thank you.
Thanks for the call.
More calls and news coming up.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
That's toll-free, 888-803-4438.
Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
A new blast has hit an Iraqi fuel pipeline.
That is infuriated Benjamin Netanyahu and Yahoo and others.
...who have said that oil from Northern Iraq belongs to Israel with no money to be paid.
I don't know.
I've never really been an enemy of Israel or against Israel.
I mean, I'm not a big fan of these Arab countries.
They're a bunch of thugs.
But their leaders are.
But taking their oil for themselves and not paying for it?
Our government's saying, oh yes?
But there are other factions in OPEC, including some of the European counterparts that are involved in banking the money for the Arabs that don't want oil coming out of Iraq, and they just want to increase prices by keeping Iraq out of the oil business.
So I don't know what's really going on with this.
Your guess is as good as mine.
Sabotage suspected.
And it says unknown assailants have attacked a pipeline in western Iraq near the border with Syria.
An oil ministry official said yesterday, warning that such attacks could become a daily occurrence.
UK babies may be genetically screened.
Financial Times, read the article, they've already been taking their blood for a database.
Now they're just going to use it.
They do it here in the US too.
Here's another one, on the edge of a genetic revolution to map out the medical future of birth.
The UN has said they want a world ID card with a world biometric face and thumbprint along with your genetic code on it.
That's coming up.
But first, let's go to the calls.
You guys have been very, very patient.
John in Tennessee, then Rodney and others.
John, you're on the air.
Is the Harry Potter rollout on the summer solstice designed to divert attention from Bohemian Grove and the Franklin cover-up?
I don't think so.
But for those who don't know, the Harry Potter books do get kids into witchcraft.
It is a fact.
Don't deny it.
What's the update on Bohemian Grove this year?
designed to get kids into Christianity and they do roll the books out on winter or summer
solstice and it is a cult and that's basically what this is all about, getting us away from
our Christian values and anybody that denies that just hasn't studied it.
What's the update on Bohemian Grove this year?
Has it started?
No, Bohemian Grove has other little meetings throughout the year but the big kickoff is
during the fire festival months or midsummer ceremonies that pagans carry out July 15th
to July 30th.
So the kickoff's about 19 days away.
Is anybody going to go out there with video this year?
Well, I snuck in three years ago.
Three years, July 15th.
It'll be three years.
I don't know.
I certainly won't ever be going back there.
I gave copies of that tape and your 9-1-1 tape to Ralph Nader and Congressman John Duncan, Republican, and Law Professor RFK Jr., Kennedy.
So they all seem to be pretty impressed with that.
You say they were impressed with it?
After they watch it, they seem to change their Their attitude on television, it may just be coincidence, maybe they never watched it, but Nader did jump ship from the Green Party and is now apparently running for Republican presidential nominee and he's attacking Bush on C-SPAN really hard and attacking Homeland Security really hard.
So maybe that's got something to do with their policy, once they see what's really going on.
Kennedy was very interested when I said, here's a tape of Bohemian Grove.
he seemed to know exactly what that was.
Well of course they do, the east coast conservatives go there for their homosexual orgies.
Right, I don't think Kennedy was invited.
No, the Kennedys have never been there.
So the liberals would certainly like to have that information.
It's very Christian and conservative to have jet loads of $2,000 an hour male prostitutes flown in from Europe.
Only the Saudi Arabians can afford such dalliances other than the Bohemian Grove Christian conservative group.
By the way, that's the Washington Times.
David Gergen admitted it's in the film.
Giant homosexual orgies.
I didn't say it.
David Gergen.
The Washington Times did.
This is your Christian conservatism.
Well, Nader also pointed out something interesting on C-SPAN this week.
He said that Arabs and thus Christians are, quote, the other Semites.
Because anybody who lives in that area is a Semite.
And that anti-Semitism by the Israelis is worse than the Anti-Semitism against the Jews.
Well, see, that's really the big mind trick that's being played.
I support Jews.
I support Jews being able to live in the Middle East.
The problem is that they had lived together and that all you had was Europe setting up a communist base in Israel.
And folks, that's a fact.
Anakham Begum was an admitted communist and our government helped put him in.
And I've had Jews on this show who are from Israel, who have names like Levine and Hamish, and they will tell you, and that's about as Jewish as it gets, they will tell you that Israel is controlled by the Bilderberg Group.
Again, you're not supposed to support corrupt governments.
I don't support the Nazi government, I don't support the Chinese government, I don't support the Communist Chinese, and I don't support corrupt Israeli government, which United Press International has reported is involved in massive child kidnapping rings and kidnapping of women as well.
I criticize Saudi Arabia for being even bigger than Israel in all of this.
Saudi Arabia is one of the most evil countries I can think of.
But, uh, I'll criticize them and I'll criticize Israel.
Evil is in all these high places.
That's why things are so bad.
Well, Nader is, uh, he's an Arab from Lebanon and he also founded Trial Lawyers for Public Justice, which is the dream team of a hundred lawyers that built the Christek Institute, Sue Bush Sr.
White House under the RICO Act for Narco-Terrorism and Iran-Contra.
So, it might be interesting fireworks.
Of course, you also got John Kerry running for President, who wrote in his Kerry report during Iran-Contra that the U.S.
intelligence agencies had converted themselves to the free flow of drugs.
Yeah, but that happened long before Iran-Contra and the Democrats were involved as well and John Kerry's a skull and bones man in the same grouping as Bush, not the same class, but in the same five-year period.
He's a little bit older than Bush, so it's totally staged.
I don't know if Nader Nader, I don't think, is in the NEOCON camp, but he's in the big government foundation camp, and it does look like there's some internal power struggles inside the New World Order.
I personally don't think Nader and the Green Party are going to save us.
Well, the Green Party totally sabotaged Nader, because I handed Nader, personally, some information that the Green Party is, at least in Knoxville, Tennessee, and Tennessee in general is run by the The mafia syndicate for garbage, the BFI waste management type of nuclear waste industry that is just so powerful.
It's a $40 billion... Well that's the incredible thing.
You look at National Geographic, Nature Conservancy, Sierra Club, they're funded by the big chemical giants and they use environmentalism to go after private property and then try to control the environmental movement so they don't get on real issues like genetically engineered food.
Thanks for the call.
Really good points.
Appreciate it.
Rodney in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, how you doing there, Alex?
Hey, I was talking with a friend of mine about how in your video on 9-1-1 you talked about how those airplanes were remotely controlled.
I talked about that in Masters of Terror.
Oh, okay.
Well, in any case, I'm finding a lot of people have a hard time believing that those airplanes were capable of being taken over remotely by, you know, the CIA or whoever had flown into those buildings.
But my concern is, and I do believe that they were able to do that, you know, with the modern day technology and whatnot, I do believe that they were able to do that with those airplanes.
But my concern is, You know, just that bit of information from the video should be enough to worry a lot of people about stepping foot on an airplane.
Let me be clear, because there's some confusion here.
Do you have 9-1-1 emergency release?
Do you have 9-1-1 the road to tyranny?
Or do you have masters of terror?
None of those.
Okay, what video are you talking about?
The 9-1-1 video is the one that I was discussing with my friend.
I've never seen it.
We were just talking about it.
Okay, because emergency release only offered for two months.
I wanted to get something out.
It was right after 9-1-1.
Okay, and that film's no longer offered.
And it gets confused a lot with 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, the official film.
If it's Alex Jones at a desk, Talking with some video clips and a bunch of documents, that's emergency release.
Uh, if it is 9-1-1 Road to Tyranny, the official film, I'm only on for like five minutes at the first, introducing the film.
The rest is video clips and voiceovers.
And documents.
Masters of Terror is video clips, documents, and some of me at a desk.
Uh, so it's a kind of a combination lecture and, uh, and documentary.
Now, I have said That it is an absolute documented fact that the military industrial complex funded, trained, and allowed the attacks to take place, and that the public officials got warnings not to fly, and that the government launched the anthrax attack, and that they did insider trading, and all that's proven.
Right, right.
Now, when you get into remote controlling the planes, that's the preponderance of evidence The evidence all shows that it is impossible that 19 hijackers did it because 9 of them have been proven to still be alive.
Uh, because passports fell out of the sky at two of the crashes, uncharged.
Give me a break.
Right, right.
Uh, cars were left with confessions in them.
Uh, you know, all of this.
But see, then we add the U.S.
government plan, Northwoods, where it says we can remote control a jet full of college students.
They said, killing young people will get a bigger response.
Well, that's, see, that's the fear.
That's what I'm talking about.
But, sir, we have an official government plan.
No, no, no.
Where they say they want to remote control jets.
I agree with you on that.
I'm saying that just that bit of information alone should make Americans afraid to step on an airplane.
If they have that type of technology, that they can fly airplanes into buildings, who's to say that they won't do it in the future?
Stay there.
We'll talk more about this on the other side.
And I do have a bunch of news coming up, so stay with me.
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The firefighters said they saw and heard bombs going off.
The firefighters said they saw and heard bombs going off.
One of the towers fell faster than a bowling ball could fall from 1,300 plus feet.
Building 7 wasn't hit by an aircraft, but later that afternoon at about 5 o'clock Eastern,
imploded in 3.2 seconds, faster than a bowling ball could drop from the top.
That can only happen by separate floors being exploded out from under it at the bottom and being turned into powder instantly, hence shortening the height of the structures.
And scientists, engineers have gone over this, firefighter engineering, the oldest firefighter organization publication in the country said there's a massive cover-up.
But then people say, okay, well prove there were bombs in it.
Well, FEMA would arrest anyone that took photos of it within 24 hours of the attacks.
And the government covered up Oklahoma City, destroyed the wreckage, hauled it off to bury it, and have armed guards to this day Around it, in Oklahoma, they tore up the church records vault at Waco, the only concrete structure, where a bomb had been detonated on the top.
We have photographs of it, and what Delta Forces admitted they did.
And I talked to one of the cement truck drivers out in Waco, and he said they took it out there to a private landfill and poured concrete for days into the chunks of it, and had to stir it all up under federal orders.
Why would you do that?
So we know that the planes didn't bring the towers down.
They can have all the NOVA and Learning Channel specials they want trying to tell us that it's not the case.
It's the same thing with claiming that 19 guys hijacked four aircraft and the NORAD wasn't scrambled for hours and then they flew into the buildings and then one of the towers that was hit second and floated before the first one and You start adding all this together.
Top pilots, fighter pilots, commercial airline pilots have said that they might be able to hit that building the way those guys did.
One try out of ten.
The G's that were pulled over 6.5 on one of the turns into the towers.
The Jets fly-by-wire system cannot physically do that and you'd have to override it and then physically it would be very hard for even a top fighter race to do that or someone who was very familiar at thousands of hours of commercial airline flight.
These guys are all on the record saying this but it happened.
It happened three times, twice under the towers and then even more Complicated maneuver with a double twist coming in without beacons, perfectly T-boning the Pentagon.
It goes on and on and on and on and on.
So, then they find a bunch of the hijackers still alive.
Turns out a bunch of them were trained at U.S.
military bases, have their houses, their cars, their credit cards paid for.
You start adding all this together, it is a fact, folks, that the planes didn't bring down the buildings, and it's a fact that those pilots couldn't get the job done.
I mean, after they were supposedly trained at U.S.
military bases, like the Pensacola Naval Air Station, which is admitted in MSNBC Pensacola News Journal, then they went to create their ledger, or their trail, they went to some private flight schools, and they routinely would throw fits and jump out of the planes and couldn't even get Cessnas off the ground.
This is about a month before the hijackings, but magically, magically they can take control of planes, slit the throats of the pilots, take control, get in there, fly in, do it with all military precision.
And then we have a U.S.
government plan called Northwoods, where they call for doing just such a thing.
Remote-controlling jets full of young people, killing them, crashing them, and blaming it on foreign enemies.
That's an official U.S.
government document.
So, Rodney, there's a lot of other points I could go over, but does that answer your question?
We still have Rodney in Texas there?
Yes, sir, does that answer your question?
Yeah, I just wanted to add to what you were saying.
You had a guest on named Professor Fencer of AssassinationScience.com.
He has recently brought out that that same technology, and he's challenged people on this, this same technology or some similar, very similar to it was used to bring that airplane that Paul Wellstone was on, to bring that airplane down.
Had you heard about that?
Well, look, there's Global, HawkMaid, and FortWord.
There's about, that I've seen, five other companies that do it.
Folks, they have cruise missiles.
They can fly through a 4x4 window, or even smaller, a 2x2 window, with like 95% accuracy.
Through the window, they can almost always hit the building, unless somebody shoots the missile with small arms from the ground and disables it.
They have the system with the Predator drones and all these others where they can fly around for 25-30 hours before having to land and refuel.
And then they say, oh, there's no such technology when we have U.S.
government plans to do it from 1962.
Did you know our government, Hitler, just didn't have guided missiles?
So did the Allies.
And I'll tell you about those when we get back.
Thanks, Rodney.
We'll come back and cover more news and take more calls.
We're on the march, the Empire's on the run.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, I do this show live Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central and then back from 9 to Midnight Central.
We go out on the global shortwave at 12.172 and 93.20 during the day from 11 to 2 and then back from 9 to Midnight at 5.085 or 68.90.
The websites are InfoWars.com, InfoWars.net and PrisonPlanet.com and our wonderful AM and FM affiliates around the country.
We are going to go to your calls here in a few minutes, but I need to cover some news right now.
Before I do that, I mentioned that... Let me put this in a nutshell for you.
We know the official story of the hijackers isn't correct.
We know the men they claim were the hijackers.
Almost all of them were on the federal payroll, as well as Mossad payroll.
That's Fox News.
Came out about a year and a half ago, just quietly announced, A.P.
Royer is all of it.
The government said, yeah, well, we were paying for their houses, their cars, their passports to get them back in, their credit cards.
Yeah, this guy had been, you know, working for our government ten years ago.
Yeah, well, we're not going to talk about it in national security.
Oh, the guy that was going to attack the Brooklyn Bridge, he's FBI.
Well, we actually might be releasing him soon.
Okay, yeah, you blew his cover.
You know, we have all these reports, and we know what's going on, so we know that the official story of what they claimed about the collapse of the buildings, about how the aircraft did that, about how NORAD was standing down that morning in the FAA, and they declared national security on the FAA tapes and grabbed those, and on the cell phone calls of the families.
And on the firefighters that witnessed the bombs, they told them to shut up.
Those that survived have been told to shut up.
I've talked to them.
The media claimed that all the firefighters' radios had malfunctioned in one of the towers.
None of the radios malfunctioned.
They grabbed those tapes under national security.
That's the New York Daily News reported on that last year.
But you never hear about this stuff in the big national media.
And then we have a U.S.
government plan by remote control to take control of a jetliner, commercial jetliner, to have it wired with remote control systems and to crash it preferably full of college students.
They said killing young people will get a bigger response.
It'll cause a helpful wave of indignation list of dead Americans.
They actually say that.
Official admitted declassified government plan.
You can be a coward and stick your head in the sand, or you can type in Operation Northwoods on the internet.
One of the first things that will pop up is Library of Congress.
You can link through and read it there, or you can go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, the archives.
But people go, well they don't have remote control technology today, you liar!
They've got it standard.
Two days after the attacks of 9-1-1, Bush got up in New York and said, well, to stop this hijacking, we can remote control the planes and make them land in the future with the technology.
And one of his Secret Service guys reaches up, grabs him by the jacket, and jerks his arm at the podium, and Bush shuts up.
The Secret Service is the boss, folks, for the private banks.
Their job is to keep his lordship in line, and, you know, make sure he doesn't shoot his mouth off, like when he said that he saw the first plane hit the building, and he knew when he left the hotel, you know, and knew about the hijackings before they even took place, and turns out the White House now confirms on the phone to NORAD and FAA, when the transponders got turned off, they got a call to take control of the situation by the White House.
But people say, oh, they don't have this technology.
What do you think cruise missiles and drones use?
They've done a test where they flew a plane from California to Australia, folks, about five years ago.
I watched the film of it being done on the Discovery Wings channel.
I even have it on tape!
This was done years ago!
They can fly a jumbo jet from L.A.
to Melbourne, Australia, with no one on board it!
They've done it!
But in case you deny that, and you go, well, they didn't have it in 62, they have very powerful radio-controlled systems in the 40s.
They had radio-controlled proximity artillery shells in 1941.
I mean, you need to find out about the technology, but they took B, what is it, 2034 Liberators?
I forget all the different names.
Again, I'm a big buff of watching Discovery Wings, and I've seen this on the History Channel.
I've seen it on a bunch of shows, and listeners have emailed me the, you know, the different Aeronautical Society stories about it, bragging about it.
They took the flying coffin, that medium bomber, and they took the B-17, the heavy bomber in the middle of the war, and from bases in Greece, because I've seen the film of this happening, they remote controlled different types of bombers into heavily fortified German bases, keeps, castles.
When the Germans would be dug in up on a hillside, they would fly from hundreds of miles away They would have a chase plane that had to stay within a couple miles of it, and they would fly these remote-controlled, with precision, right into castles, right into caves, right into bunkers.
And it's a lot more devastating than Hitler's V-1 and V-9 and V-2.
You know, they had the flying cruise missile type, they had the Wernher von Braun, had the big rocket type during the attacks on London.
And so they were using these systems, but actually the Allies had an improvised, even more deadly system of taking the Liberator bomber and taking the B-17 bombers and did this hundreds of times.
They would load them, jam-pack them full of fuel and explosives, And they would launch the plane, and they would have someone else in a plane behind them, remote controlling and into the target!
So, yes, they have the technology!
I have seen the black and white footage of one of these things flying into a castle in Italy the Germans had, that our forces had been hitting with artillery for weeks, and couldn't get the Germans dug out, and they started Flying in from on top of them with these jets, and they did it over, not jets, with these prop-driven planes.
So, this is what they did, and I don't want to get off into a 10-hour discussion about it.
Perhaps you've seen it on Discovery Wings, perhaps you've seen it on the History Channel.
I know I have multiple times, and I have it on videotape.
So, again, just the massive denial that we're seeing out there Is ridiculous.
We have an official government plan to do it.
To kill young American citizens.
To kill Americans.
To blame it on foreign enemies.
And then you got all this other evidence.
And I get the emails, I get the occasional calls.
Not questioning what I'm saying.
It's great to question.
You should do that.
But just saying it's not true.
That technology doesn't exist.
And yes, the technology exists, and it can be controlled by satellite now.
You don't need a chase plane.
For a good 20 years, it could be controlled by satellite.
Alright, I'm done.
I'm done talking about that subject.
I gotta race through some news here.
There's just this giant stack.
It's all so important.
Oh, let's cover this first.
UK babies may be genetically screened.
Now, this is the Financial Times of London.
I got BBC, London Guardian, it's all up on the website right now.
And, what was it, two weeks ago I read the official Australian government report of policy and procedure for taking the DNA from the baby's heel at birth.
And I've had a congressman on from Virginia, they're doing it in North Carolina, Texas.
Every state that has been investigated has been caught doing it.
When your baby's born, they take three ampules of blood.
One for the health department.
Ask them, they'll tell you.
One for the county health department.
One for the state and one for the federal government.
It is mandated and funded by the federal government.
The hospital actually sells your blood and makes money off of it.
And on top of it, you are charged for the test.
It is criminal.
It is racketeering.
But no one questions the medical establishment.
The doctors, the nurses, they don't question.
It's just procedure for the last 30 years in this country.
They claim it's to test for blood diseases.
Well, why don't they just send it to the lab, then, and charge you for the local lab or another private lab?
Why does it go to state, county, and federal?
Well, I've had the congressmen on.
I've read the AP and Reuters stories on the air.
They've caught a bunch of the states, and they're all doing it.
They've caught a bunch of them keeping it in a federal, state, and local database.
And now because they want to use it in court, and the father of DNA's called for it, and IBM's called for it, who runs the Human Genome Program, and the UN called for it two weeks ago, and they want a world ID with your DNA on it, and now the echelon group of countries that follow the same programs, from surveillance to CPS to medical systems, England, Canada, the US, New Zealand, Australia, are all now in simultaneous articles saying Two weeks ago it was Australia, this week it's the United Kingdom, a month ago it was Canada announcing it.
They all announced it together.
UK babies might be genetically screened.
Financial Times of London.
Every child born in the UK could be genetically screened and the data stored to plan their future healthcare under government proposals for a massive expansion of genetic testing.
And by the way, they said, and I've had the folks on the show about this, it's been in the San Francisco Chronicle, that when they take your blood, it's also sold to biotech companies and if they isolate a protein or a hormone or a gene, they will patent it, they will own it, you will never even know that your DNA was used and patented and that you will not be paid for it.
It's another facet to this.
John Reed, the new Secretary of State for Health, So the UK was on the threshold of a revolution in health care.
Increasing understanding of genetics will bring more accurate diagnosis, more personalized prediction of risk, new gene-based drugs and therapies, and better targeted prevention and treatment, he said.
So they're admitting it'll be used and it'll be studied and it won't belong to you.
This is Gattaca.
This is Brave New World.
This is THX 1138.
This is Big Brother.
Just choose your nightmare dystopic reality.
It's here.
Just a big combo of it all.
And the insurance companies will have access to it.
And genetics is a black box.
It's just a handful of companies and you won't be able to afford the test to find out if what they're saying about you is even true.
By the way, the governor of Oregon has said that they want to test babies in utero.
Imagine mandating a Biopsy, very dangerous to your baby, but they don't care to decide, quote, if it's genetically predisposed or environmentally for drugging at birth.
You're starting to get, folks, I'm not joking about this, I told you five years ago about the plan to satellite tracks and tax you, now it's in WorldNet Daily, AP, Salem, you know, it's in all the news, okay?
I told you about RFID to tax you, it started in San Francisco.
I tell you about internal checkpoints and toll roads, they're setting them up.
I told you about Amber Alert, was really EAS, would be flashing anti-terrorism and anti-gun announcements, now they're doing it.
Look, I read their policies, what I'm telling you is fact, okay?
John Reed, the new Secretary of State and Health said the UK was on the threshold of revolution and healthcare increasing understanding of genetics will bring more accurate diagnosis or personalized protection of risk Prediction of risk, new gene-based drugs, and therapies and better targeted prevention and treatment, he said.
The controversial proposal for testing newborn babies was announced in the white paper that promised 500 million pounds, 50 million pounds, expand the availability of NHS to cope with the rapid advance genetic testing and is likely to be studied by the Human Genetics Commission, the Government Advisory Group, as well as the National Screening Committee before firm proposals are made on what diseases would be treated, would be tested for.
So, They're already taking the baby's blood out of the heel.
It's being put in the database.
Now they announce, oh yeah, we are going to use it.
In Australia they said, oh, we use it in the Bali bombing to identify victims.
We need to go ahead and start using it for crimes.
This could keep you all safe.
See, they're announcing it now, getting you ready.
This is the rollout phase.
They put the infrastructure in, have it in place, then announce it.
They put satellite tracking hardware in your car, then announce they want to do it.
They put the radio RFID readers on the highways, then announce they're going to use it for tracking and taxation.
They set up the FBI NICS system, then they pass a law to make you go through a registration process to own a gun.
They build the PAN before they domesticate you and put you in it.
Okay, Dr. Reid promised to make Down Syndrome testing available to every pregnant woman, not just those 37.
By the end of 2005, he also unveiled plans to fund more research.
So you've got to go to the government to get testing in England.
That's what government owned and controlled.
It's really fascist medicine.
The profits go to select groups, but it's not free market.
Research in genetic diseases such as cystic fibrosis and cancer to set up facilities to make gene therapy treatments for the NHS.
See, it's all the treatment you're going to get out of this.
Up to $18 million will be injected into the upgrading of the NHS genetics laboratory facilities in England.
Other funds will be used to bring genetics into mainstream medicine.
It says the proposals were welcomed by medical researchers, but opponents of genetic testing say they raise the prospect of a world where imperfection was illegal and a genetic underclass was unable to obtain health insurance, jobs or mortgages.
It's already happening.
Folks, this is horrible.
This is so horrible.
There's another one, London Guardian, on the edge of a genetic revolution to map out medical future at birth.
And we've had one of the heads of the federal agency on, who said that he wants screening for kids.
Had him on just a few months ago.
I've got to dig his name out, but he was all over the news, remember, saying kill Babies, if they've got problems in the womb.
There's discussions of making it the law.
Dr. Peter Singer said this.
Just too much information, folks.
I just can't handle it anymore.
The government is to spend, again, 50 million pounds to bring genetic revolution to the mainstream.
It's the same spin.
And genetics has the potential to bring immense benefits for patients.
To the Health Secretary.
Yeah, here's the problem though.
Have a free market health system.
Don't have all the regulation.
Let people decide on their own.
Let them go get the testing.
Have private charities that people need help.
That's when we had the best health care system in the world.
Now we don't.
And it goes on and on and on.
Now this story gets even crazier.
Bans sought on sexual stereotyping.
This is out of the EU Observer.
Ban sought on his sexual stereotyping.
Brussels is said to be preparing new legislation to monitor sex discrimination outside the workplace.
The proposal could lead to a ban on programs and advertisements that stereotype men and women, such as a woman wearing a dress or a man wearing slacks.
That will be illegal on television or in any plays or dramas.
Now you talk about secret police and they claim always to stop profanity when they're the ones pumping it out and But notice, see, now it's not just in the workplace, now it's everywhere.
And again, we have the UNESCO that Bush just signed on to saying, and I read it last week, their official document, the family is the enemy, is a disease.
Official UNESCO documents, posted at Newsmax, we link to it.
I've read it right out of the UT textbooks, the Calhoun Reader, the family's the enemy, we will destroy it.
This is how you do it.
It's not a stereotype, it's a unit of survival and strength.
Your kid is four to five times more likely to end up in prison on drugs if they do not have a man in the house.
Doesn't work to have two women.
Doesn't work to have two men.
We are genetically engineered by God to follow a certain pattern.
And they know it.
That's why they're trying to destroy it.
You heard that.
Brussels is said to be preparing new legislation to monitor sex discrimination outside the workplace.
The proposal could lead to a ban on programs and advertisements that stereotype women or men.
And they do not want women seen in dresses.
Now folks, I'm not kidding.
See, this is the control.
Total mind control.
If you criticize the EU now, people are being arrested.
Because the EU provides welfare, you're trying to stop people from getting welfare.
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I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to get my own little TV. I'm going to get
my own little TV. I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I'm going to get my own little TV.
I'll tell you what I'm going to do.
We're going to go to these calls quick.
We're going to go to Tom and Tim and John and Bob and Steve and others immediately when I start the third hour.
So everybody stay there.
We'll get to all your calls, those that I mentioned, and others immediately when we start the next hour.
I've just got some more news I've got to get to.
But I'm reading the EU Observer, folks.
I'm reading the European Union reports.
And now it's not just that you can't criticize German produce if you're English.
You get arrested because that was xenophobic to say in an ad, British produce is better than German produce.
See, you can't have any distinction.
You can't say... I mean, when they get done with it, you can't say, I guess your car is manly and better than the other truck.
It's total mind control.
Oh, it might hurt somebody's feelings.
And you see, Bush has signed on to this UNESCO-type garbage.
Bans sought on sexual stereotyping by the Belgian government.
Brussels is said to be preparing new legislation to monitor sex discrimination outside the workplace.
Proposal could lead to a ban on programs and advertisements that stereotype women or men.
And it goes on to say, the courts will be able to decide what constitutes sexually stereotyping and what constitutes images of men and women affecting human dignity and decency.
The extent to which this legislation will go into prescribing what may be fact be present in almost any portrayal of men or women is not yet clear, although safeguards on freedom of expression are thought to be included.
So it'll be special little boards of thought police, but in one description they said that, you know, women are shown at home in dresses and this is not proper.
This hurts human dignity.
Yeah, women, isn't it great having to work two jobs and your kids are given over to some dirty daycare center and your family's breaking up and you don't have time to live your life?
Isn't it great having to pay all your money to the government to have them try to force inject your kids?
The woman wants to work and wants to be a brain surgeon.
I'm sure she'll do a better job than men.
But, a lot of women want to stay home and they can't.
And it's wrong and it's disgusting.
So now it's going to be the law, folks, that you can't show that type of stuff.
And then the spin is, Brussels considers ban on raunchy TV images.
But then, of course, also images of women in dresses.
The feds see orange on the 4th of July.
They say the terrorists might hit us on the 4th.
Again, training us that we all live under tyranny and that tyranny is a good thing.
The Washington Post is savagely basically attacking Mel Gibson for his film about Christ.
The ADL says a description and going from the King James Version actually reading out of the Bible is the text of the film is maybe a crime.
I'm going to read this article in the next hour.
They're calling for it to be changed.
They say showing the Pharisees calling for the death of Christ is anti-semitic.
And I read the BBC News article last year.
There may be a ban on the New Testament in large areas of the Old Testament.
So, again, this is the new system as well.
That's coming up.
I'll get to all this other news in the next hour.
There's just so much of it.
Please stay with us.
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
During the last break, the little 72nd break, when we end one hour and start another hour... Hey folks, Alex Jones here.
Thanks for joining us.
During that little break, I kind of thought to myself, you know, Alex, you didn't do a very good job in the last hour.
You should have gotten more upset on air.
You should have pointed out how evil this is, that in the U.S., the U.K., Australia, New Zealand, Canada, they always do the same stuff in the same order.
It's all by the same people.
That they're taking blood from your baby's heel at birth, they've been doing it for 30 years, putting it in a federal database, now they admit it and are going to start using it, and they're going to sell the information to IBM and others that are studying the human genome and making all these systems out of it, and they're going to deny you insurance with the data and all the rest of it.
I mean, think about how bad that is!
That's what we're fighting on this show!
Like the Houston Chronicle article yesterday where the police chief admitted that they're framing most people in Houston and that the government is criminal.
I mean, it's just massive corruption!
Alright, we're going to go to Tom, Bob, Tim, Steve and others right now.
Tom in California, thanks for holding, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, I've called before and I bought your 9-11 road attorney, I love the film and I've made copies for my family.
I've got a couple quick points to bring up.
I want to bring up a perspective of a California, what's going on with the Recall Davis Trust.
We do not want Arnie or Feinstein or any of those people.
Wait, wait, wait.
You don't want the son of a Gestapo death?
No, no.
It literally rounded people up.
A guy who's for gun control and abortion.
And married to Maria Shriver, too.
That neocon is your governor?
Yeah, we don't.
We are backing Tom McCliptock, who was a former senator.
Who has helped with this recall since day one.
He's also helping to get rid of the DMV or make their fees down to $1.
I know the recall group is busy, but I can get Senators, Congressmen on here in 24 hours.
I'm having trouble.
Can you get me Tom McClintock on here?
Um, I could possibly get him on here.
I'd have to go through a few things on the internet to find him, but I could possibly get him to speak on the show.
Well, I'm not blaming the recall campaign, but I keep playing phone tag.
Like, they call and try to set a time.
We call them, can't get them.
Yeah, it's because they are extremely busy with this whole thing, but it's a good thing because it's waking up other people.
They're talking about getting rid of their governor in Nevada.
It's waking up people.
Hey, we are the government.
We can do this.
Well, we definitely don't want a neocon like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
No, he's just a big phony.
And my second issue was, I was infuriated to turn on C-SPAN this morning and see them wasting my tax dollars, the House, talking about giving Tony Blair a congressional medal.
I mean, the man is a liar, just like Bush is, about Iraq, and they want to give... They want to give a lying criminal a medal.
Yes, and one other point I wanted to bring up, did you happen to see C-SPAN last night on a committee from the House talking about immigration last night too?
No, I didn't.
It was very good.
She is an immigrant, she is a legal citizen now, but she is one of those people that is helping the immigrants to sue the government if they die on the way getting in here illegally.
She also thinks everybody from Mexico should be allowed to come in here, and one California representative, I don't know who he was, But he said it, you know, he said, hey, we are recalling our governor right now because of the problems we have.
We are bankrupt because of all the immigration and support that is for people who are here illegally.
And he also made the point... Let me boil this down, and I'll hold you over if need be, Tom, and let everybody else, but look.
The biggest single group, if you want to be in grips, the listeners of this show are Hispanics.
They're the biggest supporters.
Yeah, I'm half Hispanic myself.
Let me say this.
They know more than anybody.
There's 400 million people south of that border.
It is a hellish world.
We cannot take any more.
It is destroying the jobs, the pay, the infrastructure.
We do not want to turn into Mexico City.
It has got to stop now, and the media tries to make it racial.
It is not racial.
It is about survival of this country.
We always talk about Hispanics, because that's the majority of who's coming in.
I don't care if it was Russians or Mexicans coughing tuberculosis all over the place.
It doesn't matter.
It's got to be stopped.
Anything else you want to add?
No, that's all.
All right.
Thank you, Tom.
It is out of control.
I'm going to talk about that after we take some calls.
It has got to stop now, people.
Those are third world nations.
We cannot absorb their mass.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, I shut open phones and I meant it.
Let's go straight to them.
Thanks for holding, folks.
Let's talk to Bob in New York, then Steve, Tim, Wyatt, Jason, and others.
Go ahead, Bob.
You're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
How are you doing today?
Did a little research on Ralph Nader, his attorney, Donald Etra, Skull and Bones, 1968.
1968, Skull and Bones member.
But I guess he ditched him in 73.
I've read quite a bit about Ralph, and I really don't know how to figure the guy out.
You know, it's not like he's flying around in big expensive jets and on Miats and stuff.
I was wondering if you ever had him on your show, or Dennis Kucinich, or Ron Paul.
I think most of these representatives are scared for their life after what happened with Paul Wellstone.
I've had Ron Paul on about 30 times in the years I've been on the air.
We had Senator Bob Smith on about 10 times, so the Republicans went after him for being a real conservative.
Being actually pro-life and actually pro-gun and actually pro-border and sovereignty.
And no, I've never had Ralph Nader on.
I've never had Dennis Kucinich on.
I should get them on.
But, again, I see the Greens as a watermelon.
Green on the outside, red on the inside.
Their solution is more government.
When the corporations have lobbied for big government, they use big government to steal our wealth and transfer it to themselves.
David Icke exposed the Green Party, the European Green Party, for what they really are is just nothing more than a bunch of fascists.
But what I find interesting is Ralph, you know, refused to join their party.
He just seems like such an interesting individual.
He's like an enigma.
Now, could he be part of it?
Loyal opposition?
I don't know, but all indications lead me to believe that the guy is... Well, I know Ross Perot is loyal opposition.
Oh, absolutely.
That's a gimme along with Anderson and the rest of them.
If you're running two horses in a horse race and you decide to throw a third in and you still own them, guess what?
Either one comes in, you still win.
You got it, brother.
Anything else?
No, that's okay.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, bye.
Yeah, Ralph Nader running as a Republican.
Now, if this was a Democrat move, you would see something like that, because now that takes the Green Party out of the next equation.
But, uh, and then that empowers the Democrats in the election and gets them more votes.
It was the Green Party that obviously, if you believe there really is an election, and there's different layers to this onion, if you really believe that there is an election, uh, at the federal level, then the Green Party costs the election for Albert Goode Jr., Albert Trotskyite Jr., oh, Bush Trotskyite Jr., and all the rest of these people.
And you heard me yesterday, I had the former analyst for Ronald Reagan, one of his top CIA advisors, on the show, and I brought up that the neocons were founded by a fascist, the economist Strauss, and by the fourth international, by Trotsky, and he didn't deny that, because it's been in the news.
I mean, the truth is so bizarro that it's hard to even believe it when they admit it.
Let's go back to the calls.
Let's talk to Steve in Colorado.
Steve, thanks for holding it on the air.
Hi there, Alex.
How you doing?
I wanted to mention three things and then a question for you.
The first is, you had mentioned about the airplanes that they loaded with explosives and stuff and then remote controlled them into targets.
That's actually how Joseph Kennedy Jr.
was killed during World War II, was that he was a Navy pilot And he had volunteered for one of those missions.
Yeah, he was in a... In fact, that was on the Wings Show that I have on tape.
It just mentioned, we don't know the details, it was classified, but he was in a chase plane guiding one of those in and, yeah, died.
Well, no, he was actually on board one of the airplanes.
What they did was... I taped this about a year ago.
I'm going from memory.
I thought they said he was in one of the control planes.
No, he was actually in one of the airplanes, because see, what they do is They had pilots on board that would fly it to a certain point and then they'd bail out.
Then they'd use control airplanes to fly it to the actual target.
And what happened was, something happened and the airplane blew up before the guys got out.
And that's how Joseph Kennedy Jr.
And that's why JFK was groomed for president.
Well, I know he died in a secret mission.
I know they mentioned that he died in part of one of these operations.
I've got to go dig that tape out.
I literally tape probably eight hours of stuff a day.
I don't watch TV, I tape TV, but occasionally catch some of what I'm taping on key shows.
But, yeah, I remember seeing that.
So, what do you say to those today that say they couldn't remote control planes?
Well, they obviously don't know what they're talking about.
Actually, there was also an airplane That you may have heard of.
It was an airplane, a supersonic bomber, our first supersonic bomber called the B-58.
It was designed to be able to be, have the whole mission flown after leaving the runway by a computer.
And that was back, the B-58 was retired from the Air Force back in the late 60s.
Well, yeah, the 1962 Northwoods Plan says we can remote control, by radio, take control of a passenger jet and preferably kill young people.
Yeah, I guess in response to your question about what would you say to people that don't believe it, I'd like to kind of quote another guy that I have heard, a guy by the name of John Leffler that says, your ignorance does not make me a wacko.
I love that quote.
Now, you obviously know more about this than I do.
I've just seen it on the Discovery Channel and the History Channel, and maybe some folks can email me some of the stories about it, but of course it's mentioned in the documents I have how they want to use it, but the older stuff They used the B-17, the Discovery Channel was saying, and what was the other bomber?
They called it the Liberator?
That's the B-24.
That's actually what Joseph Kennedy, he was flying the Navy version of the Army Air Corps' B-24.
I can't remember what the Navy called it, but yeah, the B-24 was the Army Air Corps' Liberator.
And anyway, then the second point is, you know, all these groups that you mentioned, like PNAC, And the continuity of government.
And Brzezinski's statements.
Yeah, well, and like the Washington Institute and other organizations that are making the policy for this country, the foreign policy for the U.S.
You know, the sad joke is if you go and look at the people that are running those organizations, they're all CFR types.
They mention their names, like Project for a New American Century.
If you read at the end, they're almost all CFR types.
This is what they have.
They have the heads of the Bilderberg Group, or the heads of the CFR, or the heads of the Trilateral Commission, or the heads of PNAC.
And then PNAC says, we need terrorism to get the people behind a war, for imperial mobilization.
Saddam's not a threat.
We want his oil.
Signed Dick Cheney.
And then the news goes, These liberals say that Dick Cheney said it was about oil.
What a lie of these communists!
Well, it's comical, if it wasn't so sad, is that the CFR has their liberals, or the quote liberals and conservatives, so that the whole show, just like you mentioned, is run by the same masters.
It's all theater, it really is.
What you're saying is exactly right, because this supposed discussion It's just for public consumption, that's all it is.
Well, even their public discussion is, okay, we're going to have a new world order with a world tax, world army no rights.
Will it be a left-wing or right-wing world government?
Then they'll have a debate on TV about that, whereas five years ago you were a kook to say there was a new world order.
Now, oh yeah, there's a new world order.
What type do you want?
They have a fake debate about a subsection of ideas and don't even give us the opportunity to say, we don't want a world government, or hey, you said there wasn't a world government.
It's really pathetic.
I don't know, what do you say to people that don't want to know the truth?
It's really sad.
Well, look... The third thing I wanted to mention was, you had mentioned Dr. Doug Rock, which for those who want to check out his name, his last name is spelled R-O-K-K-E.
And he's the one that was talking about depleted uranium.
Yeah, and I was mispronouncing it, Rook.
I'm really good at that.
Yeah, he was the former head of the Army's investigation of that, and he says it's killing people, causing lung cancer, rotting their skin, that it's happening again.
But you don't hear that on our news, do you?
No, I heard a... happened to catch him on Jeff Rents' program, and he had mentioned that the way we get depleted uranium is in the production of nuclear weapons, less than one pound by weight of the uranium It's a different type of uranium.
It's just as radioactive.
It's just not the unstable type they need to build a bomb.
Yeah, so anyway, what they do is they get rid of it, just like they do fluoride.
Instead of having all this crud sitting around, what they do is they put the uranium, the depleted uranium, into the weapons because indeed it is Uh, so, um, strong and it can penetrate all kinds of stuff, but, uh, like you had mentioned, when it hits, like, if it's an A-10, uh, shell, when it hits the tank, uh, it vaporizes, and then, uh, all of a sudden you got all this radioactive dust sitting around for anybody that breathes it.
And it, um, you know... Don't worry, it goes away in 50 million years.
Yeah, not a problem, eh?
And then, my question for you was, you had mentioned that, I think it's the guy that's running Iraq now, used to be in the Shah of Iran's, let's see, some place in his cabinets?
Yes, he was a section chief.
Over secret police, and I've got a BBC article here in the stack today.
I knew that he'd been convicted for stealing $300 million in Jordan.
That was also in the article, but now it mentions that he stole the money as well, but he also was originally a secret police officer in the dreaded Shah's Secret Police.
Okay, was that the Sivak or something like that?
Okay, now what's the guy's name?
Shalaby or something like that?
I've got to dig the article out.
It's on infowars.com or should have been.
It's one of the articles that was printed that I read last night.
But that's what it said.
I'll have to dig the article out.
But he's a big head guy, the Mohammed Shalaby or however he pronounces it.
He's the guy who lived in England, had to leave Jordan when he was convicted, originally born in Iran.
And he was in the Shaw Secret Police.
That's pretty scary, huh?
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Alright, more news just coming up.
I promise there's a stack of key stuff here, but I want to go to your calls quickly.
Let's do it.
Right now, let's talk to Tim in Wisconsin.
Tim, thanks for holding her on the air.
Go ahead.
Before my main point, quick, it's just so good to listen finally on shortwave now that I've got myself a good bit better radio.
The first best one I was only able to afford was just a cheap $20 Kobe.
All I could get for any Genesis program was just only the third hour of Real Talk radio, but it was almost impossible to keep it in.
This is at least a $40 grundig.
I know it's still quite, probably quite isn't as good as a $100 or $150 Samjin, but at least, you know, gets in Genesis, you know, programs, you know, like, like, you know.
But anyway, an aunt of mine who doesn't, you know, believe me about the RFID tags at Walmart, so she told me to, you know, even go to Walmart and ask them about the RFID tags.
I did.
And all I got though was some young manager, you know, girl that still looks like she's still a teenager almost, that didn't know what I'm talking about.
Well how does your aunt deny RFID tags when it's been in every newspaper in the country?
I mean, she just denies the sun comes up in the morning.
Also, this young manager told me to talk to Red Vest about it, and they know nothing about it either.
A manager at Walmart or a dummy owner.
What else is on your mind, though, Tim?
That was it.
I just wanted to tell you about how I did, like she said, how I went to Walmart to ask or talk to them about the RFID tags to see if they know anything about it, and they didn't.
All right, well what I'll do then is in the next segment I'll read some articles about Walmart and RFID tags that just came out today.
Thanks for the call.
Maybe you can print it off at Infowars.com and give it to your aunt that's living in La La Land.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Wyatt in Maryland.
Wyatt, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
Good afternoon.
I'm pretty good, sir.
Go ahead.
I went to my local Walmart and did the same thing.
Same deal.
same deal. Eight, 19 year old, 21 year old, they know nothing about it.
I just wanted to talk to someone.
I'll have to speak to a district manager, possibly.
Just to get some information or a memo.
Anyway, last night I was watching 48 Hours and they had a New Scotland Yard case.
It was a gang of thieves and they were trying to get some armored cars and were unsuccessful.
They were plotting a diamond heist at a at a diamond show, the Millennium Diamond Show and it was very interesting because with all the thousands and thousands and thousands of cameras in London and the surrounding area.
It's two million in London, a million and a half dispersed over the rest of the country.
It's amazing.
They didn't mention how many cameras it was but I knew it was a tremendous amount.
You could watch this entire Ordeal go down.
They're planning, they're plotting, they're moving their movements.
They use a boat, they use a tractor, a bulldozer in all their efforts to coordinate this whole thing.
You can watch it.
And what was very interesting was It's just like you and I watching a reality TV show.
It's the running man.
How many years did I say with all these cameras they're going to show us the Christians getting tracked down and wiped out and it's going to be the new sport and the problem here is is that these cameras, England since they put all this in their crime rates exploded.
It hasn't done anything to crime, and it's being used now against the general public.
But see, I'm more worried about the criminals in government having this power than the common street thugs.
I just want the right to defend myself against these people.
Absolutely, but what I noticed was, As you're watching this through all the cameras, and I could zoom in and zoom out at will, I mean it was unbelievable, it reminded us, it reminded me of what is on television today with all the reality shows, which is desensitizing us.
To be watched in our homes, and making it very fashionable to have a camera in your home, and we're watching you, exactly.
Yeah, all your intimate movements and so on and so forth.
And you're watching this on TV and you think nothing of it.
Now, people don't even blink an eye at these reality shows that are so ridiculous.
But anyway, well, that's about all I wanted to say, Alex.
Keep up the good work and God bless you and I'll talk to you soon.
Thank you, Wyatt.
That is very, very, very insightful.
Uh, Jason in Texas.
Go ahead, sir.
You're on the air, Jason.
Hey, Alex.
How are you?
I called last week and got cut off because it was the end of the show, so I figured I'd touch base again.
And, uh... You're about to get cut off again, but I'll hold you over.
Go ahead.
Very good.
In the meantime, uh...
Stuff has gone down.
I wanted to comment on that and then segue into some of the theoretical stuff you were talking about earlier and then I guess I'll head out.
Sure, stay there.
Do we need to take a break?
Yeah, I'm just saying we're going to put you on hold.
Stay there.
We'll let you come back and finish up, Jason.
Then I'll talk to Barney.
A couple other people.
We're going to wrap up the calls.
And when we're done with this board of calls, then I'm going to the news.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, I'm going to talk to Jason, Barney, Dominique, and Curtis, and that's it for calls.
Let's go to you quick.
Jason, go ahead and make your points.
Hey, really quickly, I talked to you last week.
I want to say that it was on Thursday, and we talked about all these RFPs that were coming down from state agencies here in Texas after being appropriated.
Pretty large sums of money from the Fed for this Homeland Security stuff.
So anyway, I've been doing a lot of Open records requests and things of this nature.
Yesterday I play a regular golf game out at the municipal course.
I don't have a penchant for paranoia.
I was on my way to the golf course.
North Mopac, I was heading down to Stasney, East Stasney.
This is in Austin, Texas.
Yeah, correct.
So I took Mopac to 360, 360 to the 35 feeder, and on three occasions in the same trip, which is normally a 20 minute trip, if that, I was pulled over three times.
And I was not ticketed.
What would they do when they pulled you over?
Well, I rolled down, I pushed the button on my window, and on all three occasions, I kind of had some legal education, but I showed my hands out the window, and I stepped out of the car, and I basically yelled, I'm exercising my legal right to vacate my vehicle.
And the first officer laughed, and just asked me, you know, for license and insurance.
And in fact, all three did.
And then they asked me if they could search my car.
And I told them on all three occasions they could search my car if they wanted to.
But if they wanted me to take any sort of test or anything that I wanted to do so in the present... Well, that's terrible, Jason.
You have what you call a Fourth Amendment, and there was no reason to do that.
Yeah, I'm aware of that, but... Did they search your car?
What's that?
They did not, no.
car they did not now let me break something down to you okay
well that was harassment yes i've been out let me let me tell you something
you may not have anything to hide but they've been caught here in all over the
state and all of the country planning evidence and if you do have corrupt
police who are on the federal payroll and they do that to you and
you let them in and they can use that against you in court
if you say no and they plant something you can have that thrown out of court so it's deadly
serious you better stop all of you better stop giving them permission to search your car they
say well what do you have to hide go
well what do you got to hide How would you like me to pull you over and ask to search your car?
It's called the Fourth Amendment.
This is a free society, and you're not going to destroy my birthright and my children's birthright.
That's what I've got to hide.
What have you got to hide?
Now, let me tell you something.
Let me stop you.
They've been swarming everywhere, stopping people who have nothing to do with fighting the New World Order.
There are police everywhere now.
It's been in the news in New York.
They're stopping people randomly, giving them tickets for everything.
It's about squeezing us, sir.
And they've got a lot of new mandates that have been given federally, so they're increasing their activities to fund them.
But the fact that they didn't search your car three times, when they pulled you over the third time, did you point out, this is the third time, why are you doing this?
I did, and they said that it was coincidental.
Yeah, sure.
But you say that you work in a software company that does work for the government?
Yeah, it's all contract work.
And you did a bunch of four-year requests, Freedom of Information Act requests?
Probably a call came down just to harass you, but I wouldn't let that stop you.
I would continue.
Have you gotten answers on your Freedom of Information Act request?
Basically what they tell me is that they won't release any information until the bids are awarded.
And one bid's been awarded because I was awarded the bid.
But they still won't release information as far as who is, you know, who's handing, you know.
Is this your working on a key part of infrastructure?
Yeah, it's a key part of digital.
Well, it's a key part of what you'd call digital infrastructure.
I mean, basically all it is, it's document management.
And the thing is, is that this module... Is that part of Patriot Act compliance?
Yeah, right.
But you have to understand that what's really weird is, and I talked to another talk show host about this, and a couple of people who I guess are professional ethicists, and this is the dilemma.
The module that I've created, you know, by the gray matter that God gave me.
Basically, you can appropriate any person, concept... Well, it's like a gun.
The gun isn't evil, it's how it's used.
Yeah, I understand.
But what I'm saying is that you can associate a concept person, address, telephone number, anything, with a given number.
So in that, as far as the retention of documents, or as far as...
When you go to find information on people, this makes it an extraordinarily efficient process.
Yeah, and it connects all of the systems together.
Well, that is right up Echelon's alley, so I hope they're paying you a lot for it, number one, and number two, I would imagine that that's harassment if you were asking the right types of questions, and I appreciate your call.
Hey, really quickly, really quickly.
You were talking about the neocons.
The founding, well one of the most prolific neoconservative writers was Irving Kristol.
Yeah, the father of Kristol.
And when you alluded to Strauss, you were not alluding to Leo Strauss.
Do you know anything about Leo Strauss?
He's dead now.
I am familiar, but not enough to really make any comments.
Alright, well I'll tell you this.
If you want a really fun intellectual exercise for the weekend, do what you can to find information on the Straussian School of Political Theory.
Because this stuff that you're talking about... Is that University of Chicago?
Strauss is not with the University of Chicago.
He's not with the Chicago School of Economics or anything like that.
Listen, I gotta go.
I gotta let you go, man.
I got a bunch of callers here.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Barney in Maryland.
Go ahead, Barney.
You're on the air.
Okay, Barney's not there.
Hey, I'm here.
Okay, go ahead.
Three quick points.
First is that Nikola Tesla was operating remote-controlled boats Way back in the early 1900s before Marconi got the patent for radio.
That's number one.
And number two, I don't put any stock in the history channels, because if you really want to know what happened out in the Pacific during World War II, you would read John Toland's book, The Rising Sun.
And it's an accurate account, as I remember it, and as I was told by different people.
I know there's a lot of propaganda and lies on all those channels.
My point is, it's admitted fact that the U.S.
government, the British government, used remote-control aircraft as weapons in the 1940s, during World War II.
That's what, I mean, they've got film of it.
That's what I was discussing.
Yeah, I never was familiar with any of that.
But at any rate, my third point is, back in the 60s, A man by the name of Benjamin Freeman, you ever heard of him?
He's the editor of a small newspaper called Common Sense, and he told us about Ralph Nader, or a man of his character, coming into government months before he actually appeared, and of course, along with Nader came Moshe and Noshua, and it shut down a lot of good industry, and priced us off the market, and caused industry to move overseas.
All right, all part of a larger plan.
Thanks for the call, Barney.
Dominic in Texas and then Curtis, and that's it.
Dominic, go ahead.
Good to talk to you, Dominic.
Hey Alex, this is Dominic.
I'm actually here in downtown Dallas, right across the street from the Federal District Court here.
We were just in on the detention hearing for Dixon Kanan, who is the CEO of Aeroplastics.
I don't know if you're familiar with him, but he's The first guy to really stop having federal withholding from employees.
That's affirmative.
And at any rate, the government failed to make their case on both counts of his danger to society and also his flight risk.
So he will be released without any sort of bond, even at the objection of the government.
We're asking for a lien to be put on his home until the trial, which was also denied.
Very good news here from Dallas that Dick is going to be able to go home and be with his family and properly prepare for his upcoming trial.
And all that Mr. Simkanen is asking for is the law for filing to the private run-for-profit collection agency of the Federal Reserve known as the Internal Revenue Service.
And in fact, let me mention that we're going to be working on putting together a sort of synopsis of what we all... One little sort of side note is that it was standing room only.
In fact, they cleared out the courtroom of only... The only number of people that were allowed to stay was the number of seats that were available.
So we all cinched it in and crowded into these little pews, literally as physically tight as we could.
We couldn't put more people unless we started stacking them on top of each other.
Did that freak the private bankers out from the IRS to see a packed courtroom?
Most certainly, most certainly.
I think it had a very beneficial effect.
They like to do their dirty work in the dark.
Alright, send me some info on that.
We ought to get Mr. Simcannon on.
Take care, my friend.
Appreciate it.
Curtis in Louisiana.
Curtis, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
I just wanted to comment about People that don't, that don't know that they have remote control aircraft.
Well, the drones are more controlled.
You know, the one-man drones or the unmanned drones that they always talk about.
Well, of course, and it's admitted they had them in World War II as weapons.
And, uh, as the caller mentioned, they do have it on the Discovery Channel, History Channel, that Kennedy's oldest son died in one of these missions.
And we have a U.S.
government plan called Northwoods where they call for remote-controlling jets and crashing them and killing American citizens to be blamed on foreign enemies.
Well, I guess people who don't believe in that, I guess they just figure that the engineers get together and talk with the other part of the aircraft and say, well, we're going to fly.
You know, we're just going to go where we want to go.
They're delusional.
People have to deny reality because reality is so scary for them.
I mean, they got remote control cars that you play with as kids, so, you know, all you gotta do is just make it bigger.
Well, they say you can't remote control a jet.
And, uh, they say that, uh, the buildings fell faster than a bowling ball.
And then something can physically fall, but, uh, so they had to be blown out from the bottom.
Whole floors had to be, uh, totally atomized, blown into dust, but they just want to ignore all that.
And Building 7 wasn't hit by an aircraft, but they want to say that Nothing happened there.
Thanks for the call, Curtis.
I want to ask you a question real quick.
Do you have that article on infowarriors.com where Israel founded Hamas?
We've posted, I don't know, probably 50 articles over the years, and they're in my new film, Police State's Retotal Enslavement, but yes, Yitzhak Rabin admitted, right before his assassination, that they'd helped found Hamas in 1973.
And then they got caught last year creating little Hamas groups that were really Israeli agents who would go around and shoot and bomb things as a pretext, and that was confirmed.
Okay, well I appreciate it.
Alright, thanks for the call Curtis.
Mel Gibson is under attack.
This is out of Hollywood Reporter, carried by the Washington Post.
Gibson's Jesus picture faces more anti-Semitism charges.
Continuing to raise concerns over The Passion, the Mel Gibson-directed film about the last days of Jesus Christ, the Anti-Defamation League of America, ADL, charged Tuesday that, based on the study of the early version of the screenplay, the project could be replete with objectionable elements that would promote anti-Semitism.
Well, it's not anti-Semitism, it's anti...
I mean, Christ said they were evil.
He said they were misleading the Jewish people and the world.
He said they were part of the synagogue of Satan.
That any false prophet, whether they were Jew or Gentile, was part of that.
And that's... They took the King James Version, this is what I've... We talked to Mel Gibson's dad on the air.
They had it translated back into Latin and back into Aramaic that Jesus Christ spoke, as well as Hebrew.
And that's the screenplay, that's the text, the Bible!
Now the Bible's anti-semitic.
Funny, I thought Jesus was a Jew, but... Okay!
Jesus Christ, the Anti-Defamation League of America says is racist.
Charged Tuesday that based on the study of the early version of the screenplay, the project could be replete with objectionable elements that would promote anti-semitism.
The ADL embraced the findings of the Interfaith Committee of Scholars that has raised objections to the unreleased film, even though the U.S.
Conference of Catholic Bishops has distanced itself from the same group.
In its statement, the ADL contended that Gibson and his collaborators must complement their artistic vision with sound scholarship, which includes knowledge of how the Passion accounts have been used historically to disparage and attack Jews and Judaism.
Absent such scholarly and theoretical understanding, a production such as The Passion could likely falsify history and fuel animus of those who hate Jews.
So, and I remember the BBC article, British Broadcasting, last year, Mr. Biggles, in Old Testament, could be banned was the headline.
Mr. Biggles is a World War I comic book character who shoots down German aces and says, I don't like Germans.
And they're discussing banning that.
It's xenophobic.
And they say the Old Testament has comments by Jews about destroying other tribes under orders from God.
And they say that's hateful.
Now there's a discussion of banning the New Testament because Jesus said bad things about the Pharisees.
Jesus wasn't Jew, people!
Saying things about the corrupt church, the corrupt system, the money changers.
And of course Jesus wasn't being anti-Semitic.
He was a semi, he was not part of the world, but this is it.
You think it's the ADL just going after the Klan and people?
Going after the Bible.
Which was written, by the way, by Jews.
Most of it.
So, I don't know.
That's just, this is the craziness.
You heard from the EU government they're gonna ban TV shows, plays, movies where women or men are shown in stereotypical roles.
That's women in dresses, anything like that.
It's a hate crime now.
Not just in the workplace but on the streets.
So it's total control by the politically correct and Bush is signed on to the group pushing all this known as UNESCO.
United Nations Educational and Cultural Organization.
And experts said to tell legislators he was pressed to distort some evidence.
This is out of the New York Times.
A top State Department expert on chemical and biological weapons told congressional committees in closed-door hearings last week that he had been pressed to tailor his analysis on Iraq and other matters to conform to the Bush administration's views.
Several congressional officials said today, well we don't need this report to know that.
They claim the African country of Nigeria sold nuclear parts to Baghdad, totally made up, They claim that these trucks were filling up balloons.
Derigibles were bioweapons labs.
The serial number showed it was sold to them by the British.
And the Russians.
That's unbelievable.
I've got a bunch of other news.
It will be a news blitz.
In the final segment, I've got to dig out the Walmart story.
About RFID chips, because I said I'd do that.
Also a story about fluoride laws.
The government plans to encourage the fluoridation of water, but it is the subject of controversy among experts.
More research is needed.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones, on the GCM Radio Network.
Alright, let me jump straight into it.
Here is a computer news story.
RFID technology replaced barcodes if new partnership succeeds.
The Auto ID Center Research Facility in Massachusetts Institute of Technology announced a partnership with Uniform Code Council and Walmart to unify it as the new universal system to sell something that must have a chip in it.
Navy puts RFID into service.
Now this story is out of Reuters.
While retailers and distributors of mobile use of radio frequency identification chips to track products in their stores and supply chains, the U.S.
Navy using them to track something far more precious, human lives.
Everyone must wear wristbands now.
They're trying to put them on the Iraqi population to track them.
Already tens of thousands of kids in England now in Scotland have to wear wristbands or ankle bands with this stuff in them to track them if they've even done one antisocial act.
Here's the Ottawa citizen out of Canada, and it gets into Walmart, has the headline here.
Another one, another article here on it.
This particular story is out of the tech web section of Yahoo!
And it says, Wal-Mart has told its 100 suppliers that they will need to have radio frequency ID chips in place for tracking pallets goods through the supply chain.
Wal-Mart has experimented with RFID technology over the recent years for several applications.
The deadline sends a clear message about where the country's largest retailer sees the emerging technology first being practiced and practically applied.
And they're saying they want it in the goods, Coca-Cola, Kraft, they want it in the Gillette razors already there.
And so there's Walmart pushing the entire industry to implant it, not just in pallets, but everywhere.
That's all on InfoWars.com right now.
Some of the other reports here, government fear-mongering, UN reports sees 800 Al-Qaeda members at large.
This is out of Reuters.
They say that the UN is warning us that Al-Qaeda is everywhere and is going to get us any minute.
We should give up our liberties.
Fluoride laws, Leningradian, the government plans to encourage the fluoridation of water, but is the subject of controversy among experts and more research is needed.
Well, the average American heard that kooks say that sodium fluoride's bad, but if you read into this article it admits that top scientists from major universities say it is deadly, it conclusively destroys your IQ, toxifies the brain, riddles your bones, does the opposite of what they claim it does.
It hurts you.
The government is poised to regulate and reignite one of the most vexed medical issues of the past 50 years.
Early next month, Parliament will debate Clauses of the Water Bill which will give indemnity against legal action to water companies that add fluoride to their supplies, paving the way for the extension of fluoride schemes throughout the country.
I wish I had time to cover all this, folks.
Now I'm out of time.
They signed a deal with Europe for extradition agreement easing strains between Europe and the U.S.
We can now be extradited for EU laws, for speech and conduct.
It goes on and on, people.
I mean, it's just massive.
It's total.
It's complete.
And the average American has no idea, no idea what's going on, mainly because they're drinking fluoride.
I mean, they admit it.
It literally causes brain damage.
I got thousands of scientific reports from mainstream groups, but the media just ignores it.
And the average American has no idea.
You better start filtering your water.
You better stop drinking the fluoride.
You better take control of your life, or you're crazy.
I'm out of time for another live edition of the Alex Jones Show.
We'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight central.
Be sure and join us and tell your friends how they can tune in.
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I'm out of time.
Thanks to the stations, the affiliates, the sponsors.
The listeners, the people running the show, my producers, God bless you all.
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