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Name: 20030623_Mon_Alex
Air Date: June 23, 2003
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
and now live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends.
Welcome to another live edition of the Alex Jones Show, where we talk about real issues that actually affect you
and your family, where we decipher the lies, the propaganda.
A great example of this is the Supreme Court just handed down a ruling and the media claims that it supports affirmative action.
I heard CBS, radio, ABC, television, I was listening to the radio and watching TV this morning and they said, hey, this reaffirms affirmative action.
So I went and read the ruling for myself and it strikes down classical affirmative action.
Quotas, scores, numbers, adding points.
You see, two wrongs don't make a right and what the Supreme Court has done is a good thing, but it's because of massive pressure from the American people.
Well, it's like last Monday.
The Supreme Court ruled they can grab you for any reason, forcibly drug you, and that it gives them total police state power.
Now, most of the headlines I saw in the newspapers and what I saw on television said that, oh, the Supreme Court has moved to restrict forced drugging of individuals for trial.
I read the ruling.
It said as long as there's not a great chance the medication will kill you, they can do it.
So, they have to fill out a little form and dot an I and cross a T. Takes about 60 seconds, literally.
And that's it.
They just gotta have a prison doctor say this drug's fine and it happens.
But the average person's emailing me going, Alex, I heard your show.
You said that the Supreme Court said they can force drug.
That's not true.
Well, I'm sorry for folks out there that don't know how to read federal rulings or even read deeper into the articles themselves, but the headline may say they restricted forced drugging, but the meat of the articles and the ruling shows that they basically made it unlimited.
They may say the Supreme Court just reaffirmed affirmative action.
That is not true!
Okay, so this is the level of twisting and lying that we deal with on a daily basis.
One of their favorite tactics is just mislabeling something.
They will say corruptions down in a headline and then in the body of the article it will say that corruptions way up.
They'll say that campaign finance reform stops corrupt money and then you find out it doubles the amount of money but restricts the First Amendment.
It's something else how they spend things.
So that's all coming up in the show today.
It turns out that guy they grabbed who was supposedly going to try to cut the Brooklyn Bridge cables was FBI.
And that it's all staged and there's going to be a secret plea for the person.
It's just total theater as we predicted.
Turns out a lot of the so-called top Al Qaeda they caught in Afghanistan turned out to be CIA and have already been released.
When they have these announcements of arrest, they never mention in the news six months later that they quietly released these people.
It's total theater, we'll get into that.
More on those so-called mobile weapons trucks.
It turns out that, yes, they're for pumping up balloons, surveillance balloons, and that our government has some.
Has some of the very units Iraq has, bought from the British, and Iraq also bought from the Russians, and our government knew this day one.
Day one.
But you see, I still have arguments.
I did over the weekend with friends and family.
Oh no, I haven't heard those trucks were for pumping up balloons.
Weather balloons, surveillance balloons.
They'd have talked about that on the news.
Well, it is in a few newspapers in the country.
It is admitted by the U.S.
government now.
They tried to deny it last week.
It's like Patriot Act 2.
They say there's no Patriot Act 2.
The thing's been introduced in Congress for six months, people, under S-22 in the Senate.
We'll be right back with more reality.
Stay with us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
I've got an author coming on in the next hour.
He's written Silent Invasion.
Dozens of confirmed cases of Chinese and Cuban and Mexican troops.
sneaking around down on the southern border our government aiding and abetting them and uh... we know that as part of the pan-american union they've signed deals as of last year to bring in canadian and mexican troops to quote this is the army war college quote deal with american terrorist and for peacekeeping so it's public foreign troops to quote deal with american terrorist and for peacekeeping but we'll get uh...
Some of the other evidence on the research side down at the border with our guest that's joining us in the next hour.
And of course, we're going to have wide open phones today.
I really have been striving to go to your calls earlier in the first hour.
And if you'd like to get involved on air, I'd love to hear from you.
it's one eight hundred who five nine ninety two thirty one
but you know there's foreign troops in our country which is admitted to us
military bases, Czechoslovakian, Czech Republic, Russian, Dutch, Israeli, British, Australian, Mexican, Canadian.
So many of these authors and researchers and Whirlwind Daily and everybody are like, oh my gosh, it's an invasion, what's going on, our government's so stupid, they don't know, oh my goodness.
Of course they know, it's part of a process.
You don't think this could be happening if the globalists didn't want it to?
You don't think Mexican troops would be killing federal officers every couple months now and shooting up vehicles and beating up American citizens 20 miles over the border and all of this if our government didn't want it to be happening?
So we'll get into why it's happening and what's really behind it later in the show today.
I really am proud of InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and I hope you visit both the websites daily to read along with the legislation, the documents, and the news stories from around the world The transcripts, the audio files, the interviews, the video clips.
There's so much we offer in the Information War, in the battle for the Republic against the enemy combatants, against those that would overthrow our country.
There's so much that we offer in the Information War to equip you at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com, not to mention InfoWars.net.
All three different websites, so definitely check them out today.
But I wanted to start the show with a couple articles about the police state and how we can all be entwined in it and caught in this web.
This is out of the Boston Globe today.
And I always say that, I always read the headline from the website that something comes from.
It's the Boston Globe carrying an Associated Press article from the 22nd.
So this is from yesterday, Sunday.
22nd of June 2003 and it's on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Police officer fired for smoking tobacco.
And before you think he was fired for smoking in his squad car or at the Dunkin Donuts or on the side of the highway, no, at a party.
Now, In Florida last year, they fired a bunch of city employees in several different towns that have banned city and county employees smoking cigarettes or smoking cigars.
A senior, twenty-something year veteran, we had him on the show, I forget the details, is an older police officer, a detective.
He smoked a cigar at a going away party, at a retirement party, and one of the scumbag rookies He needs to move to Russia, tattled on his superior, and got him fired for smoking the cigar.
So, that's classic, but I've seen these articles before.
By the way, in a lot of different cities where they put satellite tracker boxes in the police cars, they're now given specific routes to drive, micromanaging the police.
If they drive off that route, or that sector, they're being fired.
Again, they use the police state against their own minions.
So that they will think it's all kosher when they carry it out against the general public.
Well, hey, I gotta do this, so you better go along with it.
But then when a cop shoots your dog, or shoots your child, or shoots another officer, or gets caught dealing drugs, nothing happens.
Really corrupt, bad police are rewarded.
Good cops that do petty things are fired immediately.
Police officer fired for smoking tobacco.
This is a new story out of AP, Fall River, Mass., up in Massachusetts.
A police officer who was fired for violating an obscure state law, banning smoking among public safety workers, plans to fight his dismissal, which was based on an anonymous letter.
Now, you see, it's an anonymous letter.
So let me see.
You or I, General JQ, John Q Public, we'll get a SWAT team ready because some crackhead informant says that they saw drugs coming out of your house or your business.
Just because they want some money.
And the cops will make excuses.
Hey, well, you know.
Okay, well, that's fine.
You get fired now, you see, over anonymous letters, which makes me very angry.
I don't like corruption.
I don't like a violation of due process.
I don't like bad things happening to anybody.
By the way, I don't just sit here and bash SWAT teams.
You're the number one cause of death of your own officers.
Police, you should be against SWAT teams.
You should learn the numbers, boys!
Let me continue.
So you're killing yourselves, okay?
I wish you'd stop it, please.
A police officer who was fired for violating an obscure state law banning smoking among public safety workers plans to fight his dismissal, which was based on an anonymous letter.
Wayne Jeffrey, a seven-year veteran of the Fall River Force, was fired May 29th after an internal investigation prompted by an unsigned letter that claimed he smoked tobacco at a party.
Oh wow, now unsigned letters!
You lose your job.
A 1988 state law that police officers and firefighters are subject to immediate termination if they are found to be using tobacco products either on or off duty.
And it goes on, it's our policy to investigate any accusation thoroughly regardless of the source, Police Chief John Solza told Fall River News Herald.
The statute, as written, provides us no room for discretion.
Oh, so see, now a fifth grader draws a picture of his father, who's an army captain in Iraq.
This just happened a month ago.
Draws a picture of his father, the captain, with an M-16, during art class.
Police were called.
He was detained and expelled for the year.
Now, I see these articles all the time.
Tweety Bird keychains.
Criminal charges, forced drugging, kicked out of school, CPS for sick on the families.
Well, now it's going to happen to you, cops.
You carry out the zero tolerance?
Okay, you're going to get to enjoy it.
See how this works?
You're always the first to really bear the brunt of your own medicine.
Statewide, only two other officers have been fired since the law went into effect, but Jeffrey's case was the first base on an anonymous tip.
I don't think they drafted this law.
They intended it to be used in this manner, Jeffrey said to the Boston Herald.
If you're charged with a crime, you get to face your accuser.
I never got to face my accuser.
Well, sorry, Jeffrey.
Under Patriot Act, they can arrest Alex Jones, and my wife wonders where I am 20 years later when they find me in a shallow grave.
If the feds don't take the time to put me in a meat grinder or a vat of acid, You're like, oh, the government never do that.
Oh no, the FBI's just been caught running hit teams and drug dealing nationwide.
Oh no, they never do that.
You're starting to figure it out, aren't you?
So, you think you get to face your accuser not in the new homeland.
And by the way, any misdemeanor is now an act of terrorism under Section 802.
By the way, our veterans didn't fight and die in all these wars, so a cop could be fired for smoking a cigar or smoking a cigarette at a party.
This is going all over the country.
Again, I had a Florida police officer, former police officer, veteran on, who smoked a cigar at a party for going away for retirement, and they found out who did it, some scumbag little rookie trained in the Nazi camps about how to be a good little Soviet.
This isn't America, people!
And it goes on.
State Rep.
Robert Correa, Democrat Fall River, agrees and said he would file legislation to give them second chances.
Those caught smoking would have one chance to quit.
And it goes on, according to the bill.
And, uh, just amazing.
It goes on and on and on and on.
I got another article here about the police state.
This is out of Reuters.
Reuters as some say.
I've been on foreign broadcast and they call it Reuters.
New Zealand farmers fume over flatulence tax.
Different federal departments have talked about a fat tax, a soft drink tax, the Department of Agriculture wants to start a flatulence tax for your sheep or cows.
Now, of course, there are actually more bovine creatures and more sheep and goat species and more deer species and a larger number in the U.S.
200 years ago than there are now.
That's a significant fact.
But they don't care.
Global warming is a joke and a lie.
They don't care.
Here it is.
New Zealand farmers fume over flatulence tax.
New Zealand farmers are being asked to cough up 8.4 million to start a year in New Zealand dollars to help reduce greenhouse effects caused by flatulence of their millions of sheep and cattle as they say, and they say the plan stinks.
Pun intended I guess.
So they don't care if it's not real science.
They don't care If it's totally made up, they're just gonna tax you!
They just reported, by the way, last week that Europe had its hottest day since 1733.
That it was hotter, though, in 1733.
Where were the cars in 1733?
that was part of the one seventy three three whoever the where were the cars in
seventeen thirty three spotter then tickets are fraud It's a lie.
But it's a way to tax you and control you, people.
So, cops, don't smoke a cigar and can't have your pigs and sheep anymore.
We're gonna tax you.
This is the police state we'll be right by.
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I stand up for freedom.
I stand up for all your rights as human beings on this show.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 central and back from 9 to midnight central.
We blast out on the AM and FM dial, the internet at infowars.com and net and prisonplanet.com and global shortwave.
global shortwave from 11 to 2 during the day at 12.172 and 93.20 and at night from 9 to
midnight at 5.085 and 68.90. Now I've got all this earth shattering news of incredible
import, but I decided to start the show today with the cop being fired, the veteran police
officer, an anonymous letter said someone saw him smoking at a party, tobacco, and they
say zero tolerance, we don't need to have witnesses, we don't need to know who the person
is, they just said you did it and that's the end of it.
See, anonymous, this is how it works now.
And the cop says, wait, I'm innocent until proven guilty.
I have due process.
You have to tell me who said this, or you have to have a trial.
And they go, no we don't!
We don't have to do anything!
Because this is the New World Order!
This is the Sovietization of America!
Last Friday I watched a documentary about Stalinist Russia and the things they did and how they operated.
Let me tell you, it's a mirror image of what's being set up here today.
It's all about control.
Forcing people off the land, into the cities.
Erecting giant police forces.
Making the general public criminals.
Enforcing petty crimes.
Secret arrests.
Everything that's happening.
But look at this article from Reuters.
New Zealand farmers fume over flatulence tax, and it's a huge yearly tax.
Last year, New Zealand signed the Kyoto Protocol on global warming and agreed to reduce production of greenhouse gases, which are suspected of being a major cause of climate change.
Now the government plans to introduce a tax to help pay for research into livestock emissions, so they're going to use their own money to destroy them, of methane and Oxide, nitrous oxide, which account for more than half of the country's greenhouse gases.
But farmers argue that reducing greenhouse gases emissions benefits everyone, so all taxpayers should pay the freight.
So you see, It's not in this article that the farmers are saying this is ridiculous.
Global warming is a joke.
It's a global tax.
The UN's own policy papers say it's a fraud.
It's an excuse.
They can say there's a global crisis.
People will accept a global government and global tax.
No, they accept the argument.
They just say, we'll make others pay!
On current livestock numbers are around 46 million sheep and 9 million cows.
The levy will cost farmers around 9 cents a sheep a year and around 72 cents per cow, which is a lot because you know they're going to jack it up.
Deer and goats will also be taxed, but pigs and poultry, partly contributors to greenhouse emissions by comparison, are exempted.
So, See, you think the New World Order isn't going to affect you.
And, by the way, you think Bush didn't sign on to Kyoto?
He's funding it without signing it.
And he signed on to UNESCO that takes over the land, the parks, that sets up these systems that fund the building of the bureaucracy.
Now, what's some of the other articles I have here?
Captured Al-Qaeda man was FBI.
That's the one in Telegraph.
Also have the Associated Press and Time Magazine here.
But they put the spin on it.
Yeah, he'd been working for the Feds for years.
He was a double agent.
But wait a minute.
Ashcroft said they caught him through emails from a third party.
Turns out that was an FBI agent he was sending the emails to.
They got caught over in Afghanistan supposedly catching a bunch of Al-Qaeda.
Turned out it was staged arrest.
This is mainstream BBC, AFP.
Our government admits it, but you never see it in our newspapers.
Most of the guys they arrested and showed you pictures of, oh, we're going to torture them.
We're going to get answers from them.
Oh, this is high level.
Turns out they're CIA or FBI.
And turns out they've been quietly released.
We've listed all those names here.
This is theater, folks!
This is cloak-and-dagger theater to make you think that they're doing something to scare you into accepting Patriot Act 2.
This is out of the London Telegraph.
The American Al-Qaeda operative en masse this week is having planned to bring down the Brooklyn Bridge.
He was first detained in March and has been used by the FBI for months as a double agent.
It was reported yesterday.
authorities waited until last week to announce a plea bargain struck With Layman Farris, a Pakistan-born lorry driver, ordered to scout out terror targets, including the New York landmark.
Then you look at all the other supposed hijackers and people.
They all have their houses and cars and credit cards paid for by the FBI.
Nine of the nineteen are proven to be alive.
You start adding all this up.
It's just so ridiculous.
We'll come back and tell you about the Middle East, what's happening with the economy, the debt, the stock market.
Big show today.
Please stay with us.
I love America.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm sorry, listeners, we're not going to talk about Hillary Clinton's book of lies, which the neocons do for their fellow traveler, their fellow Trotskyite, literally, to make her money.
They're all on the same team.
I'm sorry, we're not going to talk about Jesse Jackson and what an idiot he is.
We already know that.
Or how he's a member of the CFR and how it's all a bunch of theater.
We're going to talk about real issues of real significance.
We're not going to talk about the Lacey Peterson case.
We're going to talk, if we talk about kidnappings and murders, we'll talk about how the government runs the major operations and have been convicted and caught doing it.
The UN, DynCorp, U.S.
government, Israeli government, and others.
We talk about stuff that actually affects you and your family on this show, but I will say this, there's been over a million Harry Potter books sold.
And we also now have Hillary selling around a half a million books.
I mean, who really cares, folks?
Well, I'll say this.
I didn't spend much time on Harry Potter last week.
I just said, look.
The difference between Harry Potter and J.R.R.
Tolkien's Lord of the Rings is, in Lord of the Rings, it doesn't teach you how to perform magic, it isn't following the different levels of a Wiccan cult, you know, that witches and warlocks are members of, in what they call a grove.
And it actually has a separation between good and evil, and these archetypal symbols, but it's still a dangerous doorway into the occult.
I've read two of the Harry Potter books and it is classical occult training.
And I've got one big piece of evidence to show this without spending a bunch of time on it.
They released the Harry Potter book on the eve of the summer solstice, the high holy point for occult practitioners.
And they've released the other books.
On other high days, the winter solstice and on the summer solstice and if you track when a lot of rock bands who have been caught engaging in the occult, I mean they found a chopped up dead kid at the Rolling Stone Mansion in a pool of blood on a bed with the kid's heart cut out.
In the seventies nothing happened to him with a known voodoo witch doctor there in the building.
But the Rolling Stones and others released their records on the summer or winter solstice.
And of course they released the Harry Potter trash on that date.
So, sit there, I hear the neocons defending Harry Potter, saying it's good for your kids, it's not a cult, oh these right-wing extremists make us look bad.
Okay, keep lying to people.
Keep putting out your propaganda, okay?
We know what's going on, alright?
Keep saying Skull and Bones is a Christian organization, or Bohemian Grove is a Christian organization that Bush attends.
Just keep saying that Moloch worship is a good thing.
I'm sorry, Moloch is in the Old Testament, and it is the God they worship at Bohemian Grove.
He was a human sacrifice God.
We're supposed to ignore all this.
It's all hidden in plain view, people.
It's all hidden, right out in plain view, and they're asking their God to empower them.
I mean, turn on the radio, listen to rock and roll, folks.
And you know, I'm gonna admit it, I listened to it years ago.
I like it, you know, it's got this powerful sound, but I don't listen to it anymore.
I'm a much healthier and happier person.
You listen to it, it's... Half the songs talk about how they're in service to Satan, people.
You're supposed to just laugh and go, oh, it's just funny.
It's just for having fun.
Yeah, look at how these people's lives end.
So that's all I have to say about Harry Potter.
Yeah, go ahead on the eve of the summer solstice.
That's the high holy point.
It's the eves before the solstice.
That's what Halloween is.
It's going into the winter.
And they've got the winter solstice.
They've got it all.
They've got the summer solstice.
And they have another High Holy Day in the middle of July.
That's when they kick off the Bohemian Grove revelry for the Fire Festival.
And they say that at the Grove.
I've been there with the world leaders.
International Television, Trio Network, San Francisco Chronicle.
They admit Alex Jones snuck in.
The Grove admits.
Yeah, they do this ritual, but it's just for fun.
You're Christian leaders worshipping Satan, ladies and gentlemen, but it's just for fun.
And then all the big French and British newspapers reported that last month all the dead bodies are digging up of women and children all over France, killed in ritual sacrifices, world leaders connected, Dutch royal family, French leaders, bankers, but it's just the back of the paper.
Okay, they dug up a bunch of dead kids with their hearts cut out.
Let's move on.
It's all just fun!
Go buy your Harry Potter book!
It's not a problem!
Makes me sick.
So, you need to put your thinking caps on, folks, and realize the truth is stranger than fiction, and we're in a bizarre system right now.
Oh my goodness.
Also, there has been a massive earthquake in Alaska.
And depending on what Richter scale, 7.1 to 7.3, the West Coast Alaska Tusami Warning Center, NOAA News reports, and they watch status for an even larger earthquake that is possible, because this thing was pretty sudden, they say, and that usually means larger ones.
At least it does in some cases.
And 65 miles southeast of Boulder Island, Alaska, 290 miles west of the capital of Alaska.
It goes on here.
So there was a big earthquake up there.
We've got that news for you.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 800-259-9231.
is 800-259-9231. I'm going to your calls here in about 30 seconds. 800-259-9231.
Captured Al-Qaeda man was FBI.
Details of that coming up.
PAL proposes U.S.-Mideast free trade link.
Woman talks friend out of suicide.
Police shoot her dog.
The Conqueror Spaniel ran up wagging its tail according to witnesses.
They yelled, the dog is sweet, it likes you, and the officer killed it.
Also, we will get into Afghanistan.
Regains its title as world's biggest heroin dealer.
It was down there at the bottom just a few years ago, but after liberation, the CIA's favorite product is flowing in for your family.
Also being tracked down by your mobile phone, BBC, they now admit the US, England, New Zealand, Canada, Australia, the Echelon family of countries that you're all being tracked by your cell phone now.
Also, a big clothes manufacturer is going to at least abandon RFID tags for now because of your boycott.
This is out of RFID Journal, the official propaganda journal of RFID and the Pentagon.
Also, ID Technology, a waiting avalanche.
That's out of the Mercury News, warning people about it.
Two suspect labs could have produced hydrogen.
That's the LA Times, and they admit in the article that our government knew the British and the Russians and sold them these, and our government even bought some of the British vehicles.
They are well known to fill surveillance blimps and weather balloons, and that's the only thing they can be used for.
It was clearly marked as such.
We covered this last week, but now it's in the LA Times.
That's an incredible rarity to see that reported here.
So total lies, I knew day one what it was.
They all have Jane's Weapons Dictionaries with them.
All the commanding officers, high-level officers do, and they knew what that was.
So did our so-called arms inspectors.
They got computer programs.
They just load it up and type in the serial number.
They know what it is.
Israeli soldier made woman drink cleaning fluid.
I want to commend the Israeli government for indicting the soldier.
But that's just to make them look good, though, in the aggregate.
Also, a report cast doubt on Iraq-Al Qaeda connection.
Our own CIA told Bush, this is not Al Qaeda.
They are not with Al Qaeda.
They hate Al Qaeda.
Saddam kills Al Qaeda.
And so Dick Cheney dropped by Langley, Virginia and said, you better get it straight.
You know, when the Vice President puts his hand on your shoulder and says, we know you'll find them.
Netanyahu says Iraq-Israel oil pipeline will open in near future.
So they're going to be getting the oil for free.
It's all coming up.
Right now, let's go to Don in Oregon.
Don, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good morning, Alex.
How you doing?
Pretty good.
How's it back there in the Dallas-Fort Worth area where you're at?
I'm sorry.
You were cutting out.
What did you say, sir?
You're back there in Dallas-Fort Worth area?
I'm in Austin, Texas.
Oh, Austin.
That's right.
That's right.
Well, anyway, I was pretty much Chalked by that article on the police you talked about over the air a little while ago.
And is the full APS story on your website?
Are you talking about the story where the cop... Smoked and got fired?
An anonymous tip said he was seen smoking a cigarette, so now he's fired?
Uh, yes.
Let me dig the article out.
It is oninfowars.com.
It's an AP article.
It's right on the web page there under the, uh, logo?
Yeah, that's where we post the stories.
Right under the logo with the cigarette?
Because I was gonna... Well, did you just find it?
I don't... No, I'm off the internet right now on the phone so I can get back on and find it.
But I was gonna... I was gonna publicize it to the police departments around here.
Let them know.
A lot of these guys probably aren't even aware of this.
Now you notice they tell him, we don't need any witnesses, we don't need, you don't get a trial, and the officer says here that he should get, trying to find his exact quote, that he's innocent until proven guilty.
He goes, those caught smoking would have one chance to quit.
That's what the new state law would say, but the old state law says that you need not even have a witness.
It can be an anonymous letter.
It says if you're charged with a crime, you get to face your accuser.
I never got to face my accuser, Officer Jeffrey said, and it was from an anonymous tip.
That he was seen at a party smoking a cigarette.
Now a year ago I had a police officer, a veteran detective on, who was seen smoking a cigar at a party and was fired.
So, and you don't get any chance to face your accuser.
No due process.
But see, if they can do it with something like that to a cop, they can do it to anybody.
Well I think this is a prime story to start going around to your local police departments with, you know, if nothing else, with a With a printout of the APS report and just start blasting it because where else can you get more mileage than if you go to them and talk about something that happened to them?
It's just incredible.
Well, and again, if a cop goes in the wrong house and shoots somebody innocent, nothing happens to them, but they're caught dealing drugs, it gets covered up.
Yeah, if they smoke a cigar.
Bad cops are protected, but good cops are fired for no reason.
Go ahead.
I think this is a great way to get to them.
To let them know that they're not protected from this new world order.
If even more so, they're more adhered to it.
There's been a call from Congress to ban cigarettes and make it a felony and controlled substance like cocaine and don't think they won't pass it.
Let me add something to this.
Already, if you're under 16 in Texas, You can serve up to a year in juvenile for having one cigarette.
I mean tobacco cigarettes.
See, it's making everything a crime.
Casting a wide net to get everybody in their private prisons building widgets.
On another note, I live out in north central Oregon, so I don't get the local scuttle, but what goes around Portland or the Or over on the west side of Oregon, where most of the law is made or drafted up in Salem.
But I guess now they're really starting to get fired up on putting these $50 toll boxes in cars now, so where they can tax you for driving around.
Well, Oregon did announce that they're moving to make it official law under a federal edict.
And at all states, we're about five years from satellite tracker boxes in all cars and taxation.
It is official.
Well, Portland, Oregon and Salem are just test kitchens for the New World Order.
I mean, this is the Moscow of the West out here.
It's ridiculous.
You know, I've lived here for most of my life.
You know, I'm 60 years old and 50 some odd years of it I've lived in Oregon and I can attest to the fact that this is really a Gestapo-run state which was trialed by ambush.
We see more out-of-control bizarreness out of Oregon than probably even New York or Illinois.
Well, we got a lesbian mayor out here in Portland and she's real tight with Janet Reno and together they got Moose in here.
You know, Charles Moose.
Got him in Portland and he was the guy that was in charge of the snipers back there.
In the Washington, D.C.
Yeah, it's funny.
The snipers come from Oregon, where Moose is at, and then he shows up to handle the case, and you've got feds crawling all over it.
Thanks for the call.
And Operation Northwoods, a U.S.
government plant, calls for the U.S.
government to carry out sniper attacks and how to frame patsies.
And I don't have time to get into it, but it was a government operation.
All the evidence is conclusive.
Who's up next, Mark?
Alright, Daryl in Pennsylvania, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alex, did you get a chance to catch Texmar's Great Power of Prophecy broadcast this weekend?
No, I didn't.
Okay, the program dealt with the Sovietization of America, something you just mentioned recently.
And a couple quick points.
Tex's dear wife, Wanda, as I'm sure you probably knew... Yeah, she fell down and broke her shoulder in five places.
I'd like to ask the prayer warriors who are listening to please pray for a speedy recovery for Wanda.
A couple things Tex brought up was that the Soviet Criminal Code, I believe it was Section 58, is being implemented in the U.S.
right now with all this new legislation.
We've got three former KGB FSB chiefs in the U.S.
right now, as you're aware of, Gorbachev, Evgeny Primakov, and General Karpov.
Plus a whole bunch of colonels and lower-level KGB guys.
And we just announced two months ago that Primakov is helping run Homeland Security in the Internal Passport Division.
And some of these colonels... They're a part of Freedom having the KGB here!
I mean, they don't just implement the KGB system, they bring them here.
And some of these colonels are coming right in to work on Homeland Security, Alex.
So, is there any chance that you could get Texxon soon to talk about this?
Yes, I would love to get Texxon.
So I appreciate that, Alex, and God bless you, and keep up the good work.
Darryl, let me ask you another question.
Yes, sir.
Do you think it's a wake-up call to police that now they need not even have a witness, an unsigned letter to get a cop fired, claiming I saw the cop smoke a cigarette off-duty?
Well, I hope it is, Alex, because, as you've mentioned on your program before, these people eat, they're young.
And the local police, I've talked to my friends in the local police and said, when they start really cracking down and they've used you, then they'll take care of you to make sure that you're not left behind to be a witness.
So, yeah, I hope it is a wake-up call.
Well, they always do.
And, you know, we're here calmly talking about official news that they're peopling The new Homeland Security Department with former KGB chiefs.
Now this is admitted fact.
See, it's so bizarre though, people can't even interface with it.
I can't.
And I think, Alex, that Tech said that Primakov was getting something like $250,000 a year for this work that he's doing.
So isn't that something?
That's coming out of the taxpayers' pocket to pay for the guys that are overseeing The Gulag system that's going to be set up in the U.S.
and Tex also mentioned that besides Guantanamo, they may be shifting out dissidents to maybe the Dominican Republic.
So I'm sure they got lots of places to send the renegades, Alex.
Yeah, we're sitting here calmly talking about KGB chiefs running things and coming up in about 10 minutes, foreign troops massing on U.S.
But, uh, you know, KGB's good, Founding Fathers are bad.
We have FEMA on tape saying the Founding Fathers, Christians, are enemies of the government.
Homeschoolers, everyone.
Anybody with property, you're all to be arrested.
Don't worry, you'll thank Bush.
He's very conservative.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1 The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we've got a guest coming up, the author of Silent Invasion.
Again, we do have a guest coming up, the author of the Silent Invasion.
In the next hour, we'll get into how our government's bringing in foreign troops.
Of course, the author's basically saying that they're all here and the government doesn't know about it.
Well, no, it's official.
They're sanctioning it, they're setting it up.
And I know we get up here and talk about former KGB chiefs and colonels and others here helping run Homeland Security.
That is official, folks.
But a couple years ago, Powell really freaked people out, Secretary of State, when he said, oh yeah, he was having a meeting with Putin about how Putin was trying to help him learn how to set up an internal checkpoint, and Putin was telling him, well, the Russians won't accept internal checkpoints anymore, but your people will.
So they're doing it, and it's under the guise of seatbelt checks and amber alerts, but officially it is the takeover of the society, and they have former heads of KGB and others here doing it.
And it's official news reports.
I mean, it's just, you know, oh, KGB's good, yeah.
So that's your New America, folks.
And I just want to mention this briefly, then we'll go to your calls.
Court issues split decision on affirmative action.
A lot of articles are saying that they ruled for affirmative action.
Law school policy upheld.
Undergrad program overturned.
So, I mean, law schools could always choose who they wanted and there was always discrimination there.
I mean, I think it's wrong if you've got a white student who's got a 98 and a black student who's got a 95 and they give it to the black student.
But let's be honest, there's an even bigger form of discrimination in the good ol' boy network for bureaucrats and elected officials' children and people like George Bush who had a failing grade but got into Princeton, got into Yale, excuse me.
So we see this over and over again.
So, you know, it's not just the minorities that get preferential treatment.
Let's be honest about that.
Supreme Court did rule that with the undergrads they cannot overstep people who have better test scores.
Two wrongs don't make a right.
That happened because of extreme pressure.
But it's funny how they always get you to focus in on what the minorities are doing and what they're getting, but never on how the fat cats get the real preferential treatment.
So, there's a lot of different forms of affirmative action going on out there.
That's what we do on this show, is we show you different sides of the equation.
Before I go to all the people that are holding, like Matt and Rob and Wyatt and others, I do want all of you to see Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
It covers Patriot Act 1 and 2, my new film.
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Your calls, the news, and a guest.
Right ahead, stay with us.
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Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Scott Goldranson, author of The Silent Invasions, coming up in the next segment.
Foreign troops all over the southern border.
Our government's involved in it, of course.
Ties in with what's been in the mainstream news now about how former KGB chiefs and colonels and others are to run Homeland Security.
Yes, it sounds insane.
It is insane.
It's all happening.
Reuters headlines, U.S.
building death camps with execution chambers.
Poor citizens.
Last week, the Justice Department admits the Patriot Act is for all crimes and misdemeanors.
Police are being fired at their scenic parties, smoking cigarettes.
No trials, no witnesses.
They just claim, you know, a random letter mailed in.
This is the type of corruption.
But right now, let's try to get in a bunch of calls.
Let's talk to Matt in Arkansas, then John in England, Rob in Wyoming, Wyatt in Maryland, Joe in New York, and others.
Go ahead, Matt, in Arkansas.
You're on the air.
Yes, sir.
My dad is a minister, and I was telling him about the Bohemian Grove, and he told me something that kind of shocked me.
He said, you know what?
Even if I see it with my own eyes, and I have all this documentation and quotes from books, and I see all this proof, I'm still not going to believe it.
Pretty sad, huh?
So your dad basically said that he will believe the lie and take, the Bible says they willingly take the delusion and willfully say, I want the lie.
You know, some argue, sir, that's the ultimate sin.
Oh, wow.
Huh, that's pretty cool.
I'm not going to sit here and tell you, yeah, that's ultimate sin.
Some interpretations that willfully knowing something's evil and saying, I don't care, I accept it, that's it, yeah.
Another question, the flatulent tax, you know, with the animals?
Yes, that's right, Reuters.
Yeah, does that have anything to do with, like, the Jewish protocols?
Because that's what it sounded like to me, and I was wondering what was your thoughts on the Jewish protocols?
I don't know who wrote that, and sir, I just go with what UNESCO and Kyoto Protocol say, and it's about a takeover and getting us all into compact cities.
This is the cover for getting people off the land into the communal farms, basically.
We got your Police State 3 and showed it to several people.
We made some copies.
It's pretty good.
Personally, I watched it.
I got scared and then angry, you know, getting to the point where Pass the fear into the anger that these people are so... the double think, the double speak, all that is just, it's ridiculous.
So your father though said that he doesn't care if the media and the Washington Times and all these articles I have admit the Grove is real, admit world leaders go there, he doesn't care if they're worshipping Moloch, that he doesn't care.
Yeah, he absolutely says he'll refuse to believe it, because he thinks they're Christian men, because they say so.
You know, they wouldn't lie about that, would they?
So the devil doesn't masquerade as an angel of light?
Good point, good point, yeah.
And don't beware of false prophets, and wolves in sheep's clothing, okay.
He did promise me he would watch it, but, you know, I'm almost hesitant to even do that, because if he... Well, maybe you could print in the MSNBC article about Skull and Bones that they admitted satanic.
Maybe Satan is really Christian and people that believe in Jesus are bad.
Maybe that's the truth.
Maybe we've all been wrong.
Of course I'm being sarcastic here.
Yes sir, yes sir.
I didn't mean to be sarcastic about that.
I apologize.
Yeah, yeah.
This is your loving government.
Yeah, it's pretty terrible.
Yeah, see?
Bush has former KGB chiefs now in his government.
But hey, it's conservative.
Let's accept it.
I got this book from 1892.
It's called Socialism from Genesis to Revelation.
I got it from a Baptist minister.
And 1892, he's got all these quotes.
One of them was, people are sick of such nuanced dogmas as private property, free contracts, and things like that.
He never condemns the Constitution straight out, but he does.
He undermines it, the whole book through.
No, it's one of those precious preachers.
Well, the novelist said they would take over the clergy.
And now they're leading us straight into the pit.
I hear the Christians, oh, Harry Potter's good.
Go out on the eve of the summer solstice and buy it.
Oh, they just like to have it on the summer solstice for fun.
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Big Brother Mainstream Media
Government Cover-Ups You want answers?
Well so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, John and Rob and Wyatt and Joe and many others that are patiently holding.
Your calls are coming up probably in this segment.
I just talked to our guest during the break and we'll probably hold him over somewhat into the hour, next hour, let him ride shotgun with us so I go to calls earlier in this hour and kind of space out the information.
He's written a powerful book called The Silent Invasion.
Scott Golbrinson, if I'm pronouncing that correctly, I always pronounce names wrong even on my own, I'm from Texas folks, I'm just joking.
Scott Golbrinson and it gets into foreign troops, it's well documented, he's done a lot of original research, gets into the New World Order.
Last year I have the AP and Reuters and Toronto Star articles, they've signed a deal to bring in Canadian and Mexican troops to quote deal with American terrorists and for peacekeeping, they use their exact terms, they have said that They also used U.N.
troops three and a half years ago fighting the wildfires out west.
The Feds admitted that they set an incredible crisis creation.
And they're training Czech Republic troops all over Texas.
They're training Russian troops for the north.
And for the North Central areas, they're training Chinese for the West Coast and the areas of the Southwest, along with Mexican troops.
And they even have a federal exchange program for different regions of the country where the foreign troops come in at.
And this is mainstream news.
This is not the stuff of theories or speculation.
In my film, The Masters of Terror, I detail the foreign troop threat and go over the articles.
We also have the Washington Post and other articles talking about it, and Road to Tyranny.
We get into some of it in my new film, Police State 3, just as this develops.
But the silent invasion, and we have the author on, Scott, it's great to have you on the show.
Tell us about yourself and why you decided to write this book and what the book covers.
We'll be going over in the next hour or so.
You're also a listener of the show as well, so it's good to have you on board, sir.
Well, I appreciate that, Alex.
It's an honor to be on and I appreciate the time.
It's one of those stories, I think, a lot of us who've come across this powerful information what what indeed is happening behind the scenes or not so
behind the scenes anymore
and that is uh... that will be pulled down the river and uh...
for me uh... i've always been an optimist always been a very patriotic
american like most people who listen to your show are
and um... i i came across this information uh... based on some sources i
had as both a writer but also i have family law enforcement in the military
We're seeing Red Dawn in slow motion.
As a matter of fact, it's a good analogy and it's amazing how it's out there and it's in the public domain now.
You mentioned all the articles and you've probably been the best one in the country keeping on top, if not the world, keeping on top of this.
And the fact remains, and what I always tell people when I talk to them about this subject is, it's just about connecting the dots.
The dots are out there.
All you have to do is look in the news, read news sources all over the world and in our own country, and you can see what's happening.
But Scott, Scott, this is like, I remember in kindergarten they would give you the connect the dot puzzle, where there were so many dots you could just see what it was.
It was impossible, you know, as a five-year-old to get it wrong.
This isn't like it's some connect the dot for the senior in high school.
This is a connect the dot for a five-year-old.
You're right, but as you know, the American public has been dumbed down, and not only through the education system, but also we're spoon-fed news every day, and if you don't go out and find the news and figure out what's going on out there, a lot of people are just content to watch the reality TV programming and ignore what's happening, but more and more people are opening their eyes, and this is why I wrote this book.
I was not, I'll be very honest, I was not one of these people who kept track of this.
It just came as a beacon in the night, shining in my face when I came across this information, and I couldn't ignore it anymore.
I'm a young father, I have two young children, I'm married, I value my freedom, and I felt as though it was my duty to find out what was going on and tell everyone else about it.
Well, absolutely, Scott.
I have hundreds of articles mainstream where a cop's up in Utah or Idaho or South Texas and they pull over a van of guys and it's special forces from the Army, U.S.
Army, with Czechoslovakian troops.
They flash national security papers at them.
The cop finds drugs in the back.
People are in national parks.
Chinese troops run over, scream at them with Mexican troops in the middle of the country and on the Ozarks.
They call the police, the feds say it's national security, and then we go to urban warfare training operations with Dutch and British and Israelis and Germans and they admit it's for gun confiscation.
I've got it on video here domestically.
It's for America!
The role players are screaming, I'm an American, no, not the camp!
And now it's come out that they're hiring, this is AP Reuters folks, all these former KGB bosses to help run Homeland Security?
I mean, Scott, this is so crazy, I have trouble believing it, even as it's happening.
Did you go through that in researching for this book?
Oh, absolutely.
In fact, I'll be honest, I still have days where I don't want to believe it.
Days that were, you know, growing up as an American and believing in the ideals that our country was founded on, I still, to this day, just sometimes want it to go away, but that only lasts about three minutes, and then I realize, no, I can't do that.
It's happening.
And I think a lot of people do just put it on their mind and say, no, no, it can't be happening.
It's impossible.
This is the United States of America.
This is the beacon of freedom throughout the world, or what used to be.
And so, when I was researching the book, yeah, I wanted it to go away, and it took me It took me a long time to come to grips with the fact that these people were telling the truth.
The sources that I have mostly are military and also Customs and Border Patrol folks.
And so they're on the front lines every day fighting the battle.
And they would tell me, and I would try to dismiss it, I would try to find ways to poke holes in it.
I would research their background, use private detectives, you name it, to try to find where these people were full of it.
And the bottom line was, they weren't.
And not only were they not lying to me, But their stories were corroborated by other people who had no relations to them, who would tell me the same exact stories, but had no connection with the original source.
So there was no way for me to deny it.
I remember the day when I finally kind of got comfortable in my skin, so to speak, and said, you know what?
This is happening.
Not only is it happening, but it's rapidly occurring in front of my eyes, and I better do something about it.
All right, for those that don't know, I should have introduced him better.
Scott Goldbergson is a former print journalist and current public relations professional for one of America's top software companies.
The Silent Invasion is his second book, following the 2001 release of his first novel, The Broken Election, first-person account of the infamous 2000 presidential election.
Goldbergson has extensive experience as both a writer and a broadcaster, hosting local and national radio programs, providing College football coverage for USA Today, online division during the 1990s.
He's a graduate of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where he carries a bachelor's degree in communications with an outside emphasis in political science.
Wilberson is married and a father of two, currently resides in San Diego, California.
And, uh, look, Scott, we'll get into the evidence and go over the documents in this interview and we're honored to have you.
But I want listeners to understand how this is going to take place, because I've read the Globalist Policy Papers.
I've read many times what Henry Kissinger said, and we'll read that quote in a second.
This is one of the few public quotes they released from Bilderberg, and it was carried in AFP in 1991, of the European Newswire, the counterpart to Reuters.
9-1-1 is the primer That detonates the explosion in tyranny.
Then they bring us more tyranny.
They've set the precedent with foreign troops fighting forest fires for a decade.
They've been training foreign troops with our special forces and general military police.
We're under attack.
Everything's breaking down.
Oh, the terrorists nuke a city, release smallpox.
The foreign troops are here to help.
This will be the smoke screen for the Red Dawn invasion, which is already being staged and masked.
And I'm not just saying this, folks.
You know, if I say something, I really believe it, I've analyzed it, and I've been very accurate in the past.
I'm saying this on the record.
This is probably going to happen unless we get the word out of who the terrorists are.
Any comments, Scott?
Well, no, you're absolutely right.
And I think it's for people to realize, too, that, for example, you and I have no affiliation.
I have not talked to you before.
I've never talked to you, no.
Other than listening to your show.
If you read and listen to your show, look at the films that you've produced, a lot of what you say is the same things that I've found.
They link up.
Maybe different people are telling us the same things, but certainly they link up.
There's no way to deny that it's happening.
Living in the Southwest, as you do and as I do, just on the coast here in California, You see how this is all being set up, and it's not only plausible, it's going to happen if we allow it to.
That's the key ingredient.
There's ways to stop this, but people need to be educated.
They need to get the word out.
The word is leaking out more than ever now, but people like yourself and someone like myself who's written a book about it, people are always trying to quiet us.
I've run into problems.
I've been harassed.
You name it, but the reality is that those of us who have the conviction to continue with this and tell people how it's going to go down, when these steps continue to happen and people start to say, I heard that Alex Jones and Alex Jones told me this is going to happen and sure enough it came to pass, when those things start clicking in more and like you said the Red Dawn invasion starts to occur, we'll realize that those guys were telling the truth and we better start getting off our duff and doing something about it.
Absolutely, and you're getting a lot of calls, Scott, on your call waiting.
You might call us back during this break and hit star 70 and disable that.
I will do that, sir.
Yeah, now when we get back, I do want to go through some calls and we'll get more into your story, and I appreciate you coming on with us, but let me read this quote by Henry Kissinger.
Today America would be outraged if U.N.
troops entered Los Angeles to restore order.
Tomorrow they will be grateful.
This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence.
It is then that all people in the world will plead to deliver them from this evil.
The one thing every man fears is the unknown.
When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished For the guarantee of their well-being, granted to them by their world government.
Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberg Conference, Evian, France, 1991.
And there's another scenario.
Our government funds the comic books and the school books in Mexico, and the survival packs, telling the illegals that the Southwest belonged to them.
The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo is a fraud.
It's taught in U.S.
schools in the Southwest.
And so they're going to have like a French separatist breakaway or a Kosovo breakaway.
That's when they're going to insert the foreign troops.
We'll be right back with the information.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Scott Goldbrin says our guest is a silent invasion.
I am someone on the front lines of this battle every day.
America needs to read this book and wake up to what's going on.
That was said by a U.S.
Border Patrol agent.
And it's got quotes in here by Congressman Tom Tancredo.
And it's an amazing book.
We'll get into a lot of the evidence and documentation coming up in the next segment.
But, Scott, from your analysis, your research of this, Would you agree that it's very important that we speak out, that we expose this, that we show that this system can be documented, that they plan to incrementally train us to accept foreign troop occupation?
And former Soviets and others running the Homeland Security System, that we speak out and explain how they will use this to neutralize their capacity to set this up.
I mean, they've been getting rid of posse comitatus for decades, training us to accept military on the streets.
It's all an incremental move.
Any comments to that?
No, I agree with you on that, Alex, and I think, yes, I think people need to realize how the plan is going down.
And, again, you've publicized how that plan is going down for a long time, and we need to continue to do that and show how, for example, 9-11 was the perfect example and, as you mentioned, the catalyst for doing that.
People will give up freedoms, as we've seen over the last two years in droves, to make sure that they feel safe.
And people in America today are willing to pretty much give up everything.
And the Kissinger quote is especially telling.
And if you look at what's happening, if you look at the supposed fall of the Soviet Union, which I've never bought.
To begin with, I believe that the fall of the Soviet Union and everything that I've seen in research shows that the reason they've done that is to lull us into this kind of false safety feeling.
And in reality, and of course our press plays along, it's the bankers that control the communists.
I mean, look at how the Fortune 500's in love with Mao.
Let's take a call.
Let's talk to John in England, then we'll go to Rob and Joe and others.
John in the United Kingdom, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, firstly on the subject of the former Soviet Union, I noticed on the news today that the last independent media station in Russia is now being closed down.
And they put the Red Stars back on all their tanks and they're getting record IMF and World Bank funding.
Yeah, but no more independent media in Russia now.
Yeah, I've got that article, they shut down the last independent station.
Secondly, I caught some of your stuff on Sacred Cow.
I have to say, people don't realize you have a sense of humor.
Well certainly, I have a friend here in Austin who...
Who works with a bunch of different comedians, and he takes clips of my TV show and stuff and puts them on there, certainly.
Do you have any comments about the New World Order, or about what's happening with the foreign troops, or cops losing their jobs?
They're seen smoking a cigar at a party, or do you have any comments about that?
Well, I mean, I saw it coming when I was vacationing in the States last year.
You know, you could just sit coming in, but the reason I brought up the stuff You know, the fact that you have a sense of humour is, I've been posting your material to forums in the UK, and there was one guy who came back to me with a really smart comment.
He said, don't you realise Alex Jones is just a very clever satirist?
And I don't think he listens to your show.
Because, yeah, like I say, you've got a sense of humour, but you're not just a satirist.
Well, I cover serious information, but I will joke and say, isn't it good that they're taking all our rights away, or something along those lines, John.
Obviously, when I'm being sarcastic, I'm being sarcastic.
I think he missed the plot, or maybe he just kind of saw you lumped in with Bill Hicks and doesn't get Bill Hicks either.
Some fantastic stuff.
I also have to say, I think you exhibited wonderful self-restraint when that guy was just massively in your face about Waco at the comedy club.
I don't know why, you know, you were just really calm and composed about that.
I don't know if anyone's seen the clip, but if it was me, I would have reacted differently, so I admire your self-control there.
Well, yeah, I was... I've been asked to give speeches at UT, To address people at comedy clubs and things, you know, I'll go anywhere, especially locally, so I don't have to travel to address crowds.
And I've been at UT and had somebody run over, grab the microphone, shove me with news cameras, and then I was in the paper as the bad guy.
And in the clip you're talking about, the guy was screaming and yelling and cussing at me.
Oh yeah, I mean, it was just, it was really offensive.
Well, certainly it was offensive.
But I don't see, I don't let people suck me in.
Listen, John, I really appreciate your call, sir.
We're going to continue with calls.
I know a lot of these callers were holding since before we got our guest on.
When we go to Rob and Joe and others, I'd like to try to get you to address the foreign troops massing on our soil subject.
Because, can you think of anything in and of itself that's more important?
And it ties together with the gun control, how they're disarming us.
It ties together with the open borders, with the Fortune 500 funding, the La Raza, La Reconquista movement.
Does, from your research, does that tie into the Lombrican Kista re-takeover of the Southwest Movement, Scott?
Oh yes, absolutely.
But we'll get your analysis of that when we get back, and then get back into the calls, and then into your book, which we have you here to talk about.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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I got a star on my car and one on my chest, a gun on my hip and the right to arrest.
I'm the guy who's the boss on this highway, so watch out what you're doing when you're driving my way.
If you break the law you'll hear from me I know I'm a Alright, we're about to go back to our guest, the author of The Silent Invasion.
He's written for major newspapers, works for a Fortune 500 software company in public relations.
And we're honored to have him on the show, and we're going to go to your calls, but hopefully on the New World Order, gun control, foreign troops, open borders subject, because they signed the deals to bring in Mexican and Canadian troops to, quote, deal with American terrorists and for peacekeeping.
So, that's an official admission, people.
It's in my film, The Road to Tyranny.
It's in The Masters of Terror.
You need to get those videos.
You need to make copies of them for non-profit, not-for-sale educational purposes.
You need to get them out to all your police, your military, your sheriff's departments, your local city councils, and make them face the bizarreness of this.
It's like the guy at the end of the movie Body Snatchers.
You know, nobody wants to believe him, but it's hard to believe this, but it's real and it's happening and it's confirmed and it's official.
Please go to InfoWars.com Or presentplanet.com to order the films.
Or call toll-free to get the videos at 1-888-253-3139.
If you want to do more than talk about it, you want to show people approve, this is a way to do it.
1-888-253-3139 or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin,
Texas 78704.
Now the films are all over two hours long, $25.95 a piece.
Order three or more, they drop down to $20.
My book is 9-1-1, Descent into Tyranny.
It's only $12.
Infowars.com or net to order, or 1-888-253-3139.
Scott, if people want to get The Silent Invasion, which is excellent, how do they get that?
There's several ways.
The fastest and best way, really, to get it is directly from my publisher, which is County Coup Press.
And there's an 800 number.
You can find them on the internet.
I see you have my site linked up on yours, so people can get there that way.
Yeah, we've got a big link on Infowars.com to it right now.
That's right.
Or they can call 1-866-394-2665.
Again, that's 1-866-394-2665.
Or, if they're more comfortable, they can go to the Amazon.com or any of those places and find a book or go to the local bookstore.
All right.
What's that number again?
it's one eight six six three nine four
to six six five alright and it would be a great companion but my police state videos
I mean, we've got to show people what's happening.
We've got to educate them now.
That's why I tell listeners to make copies of my videos.
It's a mini printing press.
I mean, what can the millions of listeners do if they get the films and they copies or buy the books and give them to people?
We've got to do this.
The mainstream media is not going to do it.
They're going to address it in the back of the paper every once in a while and tell you how great it is.
Now, let's get a few more of these callers out of the way, then we'll get into your book, and I appreciate you being patient.
Real quick, Robin Wyoming, go ahead, thanks for holding, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, just two points, one of which has directly to do with your guest, the other has to do with 9-11, something I've never heard anybody mention.
But first, there was a guy while I was on hold mentioned Jewish protocols, and I just wanted to specify, it's so important for potential converts to recognize and make the distinction between Jews and Zionism.
No one's greater enemy of the Jews than the mask of Zionism, whoever's really behind it, you see, and of all people.
Well, I mean, I watch on C-SPAN the Israeli Parliament and it's other Jews standing up and fighting the Zionists, and it's the Orthodox Jews who are mad at the Zionists.
And then the Zionists have taken control of our media, or large sections of it, and claim you're a racist.
If you talk about the Zionists, why are there Jews on the show that talk about Zionism?
And it turns out liberal writers have been writing great story and counterpunch by a Jewish writer about how the Zionists actually helped Hitler.
So, yeah, time and time again it's actually the atheistic Zionists going after Jews, and it's terrible.
Masquerading as Jews.
You know, putting that shield over them when there's a lot of refusenik Jews that you're not hearing about at all.
You know, I don't think Jews run the New World Order, I don't think Germans run it, or Chinese.
I think evil people run it, but definitely there are a lot of Zionist influences worldwide that aid a lot of evil movements like the Communists and others, and when you criticize it, they go, oh, you're a racist.
Well, I'll fight anybody, whether it's the Ku Klux Klan or the ADL, I'll fight anybody that tries to hurt America.
Okay, 9-11.
When I was listening live, somebody called me to turn on the radio.
It was all ABC News on every station, with the exception of NPR.
Might as well have been ABC News, you know, but ABC News had every radio station.
Don't know why.
This is live.
The Pentagon had just been hit, which automatically, that was a red flag.
You know, that's a paradox in itself.
Oh, caught us by surprise, right?
So the correspondent for ABC News told the anchor that the reason this could have happened was, and this is a quote, and this was the big tip-off to me, was he said, I was told that it's because this is a democracy.
Now, we know it's a republic, not a democracy, but the point is, of course, Washington, D.C.
is a democracy.
But the point is, it's because of your freedoms that the nerve center of the most powerful military in history is inexplicably defenseless.
See, did anybody ever mention that to you?
Yeah, well they've said, we can't protect you because you have freedom, give up.
Your liberty for security.
They say this over and over and over again, drilling it into your mind that if you just would accept tyranny, you'd be safe.
Well, that was awful quick.
Right on the very, you know, 15 minutes after the Pentagon was hit, they're already doing this.
And since it was ABC Radio News, it should be a simple matter to track down who that correspondent was and who supposedly told him that.
Well, look, I mean, the Pentagon Office of Strategic Influence says that they lie to us, they say they'll use terror to get control of us in their own Northwoods plan.
Thanks for the call, I appreciate it.
Hey, one more point.
One more point about the Supremacy Clause.
This is important.
They use the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution, Article 6, Section 2, to justify things that aren't treaties.
Treaties have to be made under the authority of the United States, which proceeds from the Constitution.
And to be in order to be the supreme law of the land.
It says anything in the Constitution or laws of any state.
And that's often misread as meaning the Constitution.
It says this Constitution when the Constitution is referring to itself.
It's talking about the Constitution... The Congress is scrimping around here, but they claim that they can give up our sovereignty through treaties and they really can't.
Thanks for the call.
Any comments to that, Scott?
Well, I think it all plays into the same master plan here.
If you look at, whether you're talking about foreign troops, as I do in the book, and kind of how that's all being orchestrated, the freedoms that we're all giving up as a people are each day eroding what this nation is all about.
And as you know, it's all orchestrated, it's all being done behind the scenes by evil men, as you mentioned earlier in your segment.
One more call, then we're going to spend the rest of this hour on the book, and then we're going to take more calls in the next hour, and I appreciate you staying with us.
Joe in New York, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, hi Alex, hi Scott.
I got more of a comment than a question.
Orrin Hatch's obsession with file sharers online, I think actually he's really not concerned about the piracy of software and music.
I think he's more afraid of files and videos Information like yours, Alex, than stealing software offline.
Well, Orrin Hatch is a police state, big government pimp, and he claims he's a conservative, the senator from Utah.
And Orrin Hatch, it turns out, his website is run, I have this from Wired News, by stolen, pirated, $500 software.
So he's committing a bigger crime than music file sharing, and he could care less.
He's a joke.
Yeah, very interesting.
Well, lately I found a couple of your files, a couple of your videos online on these file sharing programs, and I think that's really what they're concerned about, because this can get the information spread like a virus.
Well, exactly, and this is what he said, and by the way, it was a bill last year to do this.
It isn't like Hatch has pulled this out of a hat.
Okay, they're not telling you in the media it's a bill now.
They did last year.
It's like, oh, what do you think of this idea?
The government has a backdoor, and they admit it's hacking, to hack your computers and destroy them if you share any files.
See, if you're sharing files with a tier-to-tier system that's got anybody's music or video clips, they want to destroy your computer.
So, yes, they want to tax the net, shut it down, to control it, and they want to destroy any of the major meeting places where millions of people go to share files, which is also starting to rival the mainstream media.
See, they're panicking.
They've got to move now, because the alternative media is hurting them so bad.
It was like the Gallup poll a month ago.
Only 32% of the country trust the mainstream media.
80 plus percent trust the alternative media.
At least to give them more unbiased or a wider range of information.
So they're losing all their credibility right now.
Any comments to that, Scott?
Well, yeah.
I'm glad you brought up this subject.
It's a great call because I think this is the point.
The point is they want to control information.
They don't want people like Alex Jones or myself out there talking about this because more people will become educated, more people
will understand what the steps that are being taken to destroy our freedoms
and if that's done then that puts a big crimp in their plan and they have to
change their plans and perhaps fight some of us on the streets and so if they can control
every aspect of communications then certainly we're going to be in a whole heck of a lot more trouble
because we're not going to be able to get your videos and
my book and even the blogs you see out there, some of the people who are
writing the truth, they want to figure out ways to use the technology against us and to shut us down.
And Europe's moving.
The UN claims they own all domain names.
Europe's about to create a huge tax.
That'll then tax the net here.
They're unifying the system.
States are moving.
New York's moving to tax the net.
So, it's happening right now, folks.
Alright, anything else, Joe?
Alright, that's it, he made his point.
Getting into your book, breaking it down, the evidence of foreign troops massing, foreign troops, Mexican troops shooting our Border Patrol, killing them, that's admitted.
The deals to bring foreign troops in that have now been signed as of last year, Army War College in 99 talked about it, now they're doing it.
A breakdown, how you started studying the book, But first off, you said you've been threatened over this book now.
In what form do those threats come from?
Primarily they come via email or telephone.
I've gotten telephone now.
I have an unlisted number, the whole deal.
We all know, Alex, I'm sure you better than anyone.
Mr. Goldbrunson, you need to stop your activities right now!
Well, there's some wackos out there who just find your name because you have some notoriety and they try to do whatever.
But, you know, some more of these threats are more serious.
They become very cryptic, and they're followed by a lot of technical issues with my PC, which is a brand new PC, and I'm a pretty technologically advanced guy, so I know what's going on.
And so when that happens, you get a lot of, you know, why are you saying these things?
You're better off being quiet, especially if you love your children and those types
of threats that come my way.
I've been followed, especially during the researching of the book, as I was going back
and forth between Mexico and the United States, strange things happened.
Now, I had the whole iris scan issue when I tried to come across the border, um, and this was before, this was previous to 9-11.
Yeah, see, I mean, all this stuff was set up before, they just announced it after 9-1-1.
Yeah, it's amazing how they rolled it out two days later, isn't it?
Well, you know, I mean, notice our government has time to have agents bugging you, because you're trying to expose how they're setting up a red dawn.
Oh yeah, absolutely, and the agents, you know, The way the book's broken down really is kind of in three parts, and it's kind of back and forth on it.
I have the sources that told me about what was happening.
These are great men and women of the Customs Service, of the Border Patrol, the U.S.
Navy, U.S.
Marines, and some people in Washington.
But also what I did for people, because I tried to look back at how I came into the information and how it was kind of naive to all that was happening and what I decided to do
was give some history.
Because when I talk to people about Mexico, for example, why would Mexico sell us out?
A lot of people have a hard time believing that, Alex.
And the reason is we're always, you live in Texas, I live in California, we always hear
these ads on the radio about our friendly neighbor to the south and it's great to come
to Mexico because you can go and vacation.
But we've got Fox and all of them saying this is Mexico.
Fortune 500 funds the textbook saying it's Mexico.
They've got the organizations that say everyone's going to be pushed out of here from Texas to California.
I mean, that's public.
Yeah, absolutely.
But people, again, they're getting spoon-fed this news by certain news sources.
And so they accept it, and they have a hard time.
So one of the things I wanted to do, I set out in this first book, and we're going to do more, is saying, look, here is why Mexico plays into this, and why they have no problem selling us down the river.
And that is, they've never come to grips, nor they've always felt that the treaty was done illegally, and that they still own California.
Guadalupe Hidalgo, but again I want to make a key point.
DC and New York, and you can see the list of them, fund this movement to try to break the U.S.
up into a Pan-American Union, put peacekeepers into the race war that they're engineering.
That's right, and I mention that in the book too, I talk about how NAFTA played into, NAFTA obviously one of the major steps in making The Pan-American, or as I called it, the North American Union, occur.
And Vicente Fox, as you know, big World Order guy, New World Order guy, and he's all for it.
You look at his public statements, I have many of them on my website and in the book, about he wants no borders.
He's looking at the European Union, watching it closely, and that's exactly what he wants.
And so when people look at Mexico, I'm telling them not to look at just illegal immigrants coming across the The board is trying to pick tomatoes and strawberries and make a better life for themselves.
Yeah, they're just the tools.
That's what's really underneath it.
They're just the tools to also drive down the wages, menialize the society.
And I know you've talked about this in the past, and what Tom Tancredo, the congressman from Colorado, and I talked a lot about, and that was, when he went to Russia, he met with basically what is the equivalent of the head of the Border Patrol for Russia.
And what he told them was, look, What the Chinese are doing, now he's talking about the Chinese in particular, what they're doing is they've instituted what they call moving borders with people.
And so what they do is through illegal immigration they basically move the borders without people even realizing what's happening.
And so I think we're seeing some of that.
You add in the fact that we have all these foreign troops already on our soil, as you've documented, as a lot of people have documented over the past 15, 20 years.
Then you look also at the fact that the flood of illegal immigration and how it's increasing, and not only is it increasing from Mexico, but Asian, Central American, Middle Eastern people, what they call other than Mexicans, are streaming over the border in droves every single day.
And you can see this moving borders with people scenario playing into the overall picture here.
And the UN also calls for all of that.
The United Nations calls for a borderless world.
And the United Nations, as you know, in Mexico particularly, and I have some of these.
They didn't make it in this book, but they'll be documented in my next book.
And that's these campaigns that they have all over the world, but also in Mexico.
Telling mothers in Mexico, in Spanish-language documents, if you're pregnant, you can get better care in the United States.
Go over the border, even if you're arrested.
Because they know that once they cross over the border, the way our system is set up, that people can have a child here, and the child becomes a citizen of the United States, and their medical costs are zero.
And our government wants it because these uneducated, ignorant people that don't know about freedom will vote for gun control, vote for bigger government, And it's somebody to pay into the social security system, so it's elaborate.
Both parties are involved in it, despite the fact that 80 plus percent of American people, regardless of race, are against the open borders.
That's right.
And plus, you talk a lot about, in your work, about the dumbing down of America, correct?
And part of that is bringing in illegal immigrants who have no education.
They come from third world countries, where they have maybe a second, third grade education if they're lucky.
And, uh, again, those people are going to remember those that allowed them to come into this country, which allows, uh, the people in power, the people on both sides of the aisle, if you will, who want to take control, want to continue to erode our freedoms here in this nation.
You also get into specifics, your eyewitnesses in the Border Patrol, Navy, Coast Guard, Marines, with the foreign troops.
Uh, this is all documented.
It's coming up with our guest.
He's the author of The Silent Invasion.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.com.
More calls coming up as well.
Stay with us.
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call 800-569-4340 or visit on the web at CliffScott.com Scott Gomer and Son is our guest.
He's going to stay with us into the next hour.
I really appreciate him joining us.
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If you'd like to talk to our guests, the toll free number is 800-259-9231.
I know it's scary to talk about this type of stuff, and believe me, Six, seven years ago, people called me and warned me about this.
I didn't believe it.
I have AP Reuters.
I've been to the places with the Marines training with foreign troops, with the role players screaming, I'm an American, please no, not the camp.
It's in Police State 2000.
It's in the takeover.
I mean, back in 99, I was witnessing this.
It's happening, people.
It's happening right now.
It is so bizarre.
You know, they denied they were getting rid of Posse Comitatus, the law that stopped the military from enforcing laws on the streets.
Now they admit they're getting rid of it.
It's all happening.
So please get involved in the fight now.
I mean, if this thing comes to fruition, it doesn't matter if you serve them or fight them.
They're going to take your pension funds.
You think seven million people in prison is a lot?
It's going to be a lot more than that.
They're making us prisoners, people!
It's happening to America!
And the neocons won't talk about it!
It's all about Hillary Clinton's stupid book!
Making her money!
That's all they do!
It's a joke!
The socialists, the big government people, took over by claiming they were conservatives, and they aren't!
And I'm so sick of people being fooled by them!
Scott, continuing, the eyewitness reports in your book, not just the news stories, what type of stuff are Border Patrol agents and Coast Guard and others seeing?
Well, particularly the Border Patrol folks, what they're telling me is they're seeing They're being attacked constantly.
You'll see it sneak into the papers every once in a while, especially in Texas, Arizona, and California, and New Mexico as well.
uh... about the little incursions uh... what they call mistakes by uh... mexican military who are trying to control the spread of drugs through the border region but in reality what the agents are telling you know these are these are soldiers are not only soldiers uh... from mexico but there's asian soldiers there's eastern europeans that are firing on them and they're taking sniper positions on them uh... one of the the the officers are dying and our government's ordered them not to pursue they'll be twenty miles over the border they kill federal agents Forest workers, Border Patrol, INS people, and this is part of a program.
Yep, that's right.
And that's the frustration that I feel from the Border Patrol folks and what they've all joined together.
And they have to do this in secret, by the way.
I mean, these people, the reason in the book, too, the only reason they would agree to talk to me On the record, so to speak, was by changing their names.
They would not have me pinpoint their locations or use their names in the book because they feel for their safety and their lives and many have been threatened.
My father's a dentist and one of the top Border Patrol people is his patient.
My dad brought this up to him about the foreign troops getting shot at the bounties, and he said, oh yeah, it's all true.
Foreign troops, masked down there, Chinese, Russian, Czechoslovakian.
That's right.
And they have encampments all over the Southwest, and in the book I concentrate primarily on what's happening in Baja California, right near me, near San Diego.
And, you know, I had Tijuana police officers who are not necessarily known for their ethical behavior, so to speak, but I had a couple of good guys there who've encountered these people, who've done runs for their superior officers in bringing supplies out to Cuban soldiers and Chinese soldiers who are camped out in the middle of the desert and who are constantly testing the reaction times of law enforcement and our military as it comes across.
Not only that, Alex, I have naval aviators.
Who have told me that they have been told not to fly over certain areas, even though they've reported seeing movements of troop personnel that are not, I repeat, not Mexican materials or vehicles, but those that are used in North Korea and China, and they've been told to stay away from these areas.
These are naval aviators.
These are not guys just flying little Cessnas by them.
These are people who are very well educated, very high up in the command of the naval aviation corps.
And when they give the word, the illegals are going to burn down the southwest cities, and the feds aren't going to come arrest them.
They're going to come arrest you, folks.
And they're going to tell you the foreign troops are your saviors.
Third hour coming up.
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This is the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The Silent Invasion.
Scott Galbraithson.
The mainstream media has ignored what's happening on the border.
It's about time someone talked about what's happening down there, Congressman Tom Tancredo.
Could the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 be just a precursor to something far bigger?
In his new book, The Silent Invasion, Arthur Scott Dalbrinson explores the shocking revelations of what's really going on near our border with Mexico.
Could Chinese, Cuban, and North Korean troops be training for an invasion of the United States through
Mexico with eyewitness accounts and a tireless investigation
the author blows the lid off the story of the century border patrol agents, customs officers and military sources
tell the author the shocking details of what could be the silent invasion of the
Now, this is Reuters AP.
I've been on the ground, witness Marines with foreign troops, Czech and others, training to take your guns.
Last year they signed the deal to bring Canadian and Mexican troops in here to quote deal with American terrorists.
Three and a half years ago when Clinton set the forest fires in the West, the mainstream media admits they brought in UN troops to help fight them.
I have this in my films.
Police state three total enslavement.
Police State 2000 Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror.
We've got a link to Scott's website at InfoWars.com.
A lot of key information.
Now we have Michael and Bob and others holding.
If you'd like to join us on air in this third hour, the toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
Proof is stranger than fiction.
And yes, it is happening here.
My friends, we've got to have courage and speak out and stand up against this.
And I think that's starting to happen.
Scott, continuing with the eyewitness reports of naval aviators told not to fly over these areas, the foreign troops shooting at our border patrol, not just Mexican, but Czechoslovakian, Russian, Chinese, Cuban, North Korean.
Going over all this, you're eyewitnesses.
Let's talk about that, and then in the next segment we'll start going back to calls.
Yeah, I mean, especially what's disturbing too is the customs people that I've talked to working at Otay Mesa, which is the busiest port in the country as far as trucks coming across.
They are telling me that they will suddenly be what they call the line, the inspection line of the agents who inspect the trucks that come through from Mexico.
After NAFTA, that was loosened up a lot, and recently President Bush allowed trucks to come across, and actually rail cars as well, uninspected and so what's happening is they've told me that
they've been out on the line
trucks will come across and of a suspicious nature suddenly there will be officers that are coming up they've
never seen before Now these people are very close.
They all work together every day.
A lot of times in dangerous situations so they know each other very well.
Suddenly a guy and women will walk out, agents will walk out they've never seen before and will relieve them and say go inside, take a break.
And suddenly trucks are waved through.
Now that's not, and they've been caught before, that's not just foreign troops or weapons, it's cocaine and heroin.
Oh yeah, it's everything.
I mean I had, one of the agents told me that they Uh... inspected a truck with full of ammunition, Chinese ammunition and weapons and uh... his supervisor... The L.A.
Times, you know, the 96th article, they caught the communist military giving fully automatics to street gangs.
And so these weapons are coming across, they're inspected, good agents are finding them and trying to stop them and they're told, you know, let it go through, don't worry about it, you don't have to worry, just let us handle this and it's let through.
And these agents, the ones who have complained, find themselves out of a job Or worse!
And so, you gotta wonder what's happening there, especially with the fact that, as you know, the Chinese, the Communist Chinese control the ports in Mexico now, everywhere from Ensenada, which is only 80 miles south of San Diego.
And they have the Panama Canal given to them by our government in 2000, and they've got Long Beach, and they're trying to get the Port of Boston.
Yeah, Port of Boston, exactly, through Costco, absolutely.
All right, stay there, Scott.
I want to get back into this because some stations carry the news right now.
I want to go back into this and talk about an AP report two years ago where they caught this 18-wheeler full of cocaine.
Special Federal Forces showed up, took it, said, don't worry about the drugs.
That was in our paper here in Austin.
Folks, they're bringing the narcotics in.
They won't stop them at the border, but they'll bust your door down.
See, this is about the police state.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
To all points of the compass, north, south, east and west, the chair is against the wall.
We are in occupied territory.
We are the banished constitutional republic under National Security Act dictatorship owned by the private central banks.
They are the enemy combatants.
They are those overthrowing our republic and setting up a nightmare prison state economy.
They are amassing foreign troops publicly admitting they're here to quote deal with American terrorists.
They're taking former KGB chiefs and putting them into homeland security publicly.
They're expanding almost every federal agency, crippling the size of the BATF, announcing secret arrest of citizens for no reason.
Every year I see articles in Texas where the Border Patrol catches giant truckloads, 18-wheeler loads full of cocaines.
They describe in a local paper, the Austin American Statesman, special federal police magically show up, take the loads of cocaine, release the drivers, and they watch the truck drive off.
Massive cocaine and heroin dealing run from the highest levels of government.
Then through the crisis the narcotics create by having them be illegal, 9 out of 10 crimes are drug-related.
They then have militarized police that bust down your door at 4 a.m.
in the morning to kill you and your family or your dogs or cats.
They're packing your children into the prisons.
It's a sickening, disgusting joke to bring down America, and we know that the British government uses the Chinese military, this is BBC, in Sudan to run BP's oil wells.
We know that they, our government, publicly gave the Communist Chinese military control of Panama Canal.
Didn't even try to get a bid in on it.
They run that.
They've given them the West Coast and East Coast ports.
They're massing in Mexico.
The Fortune 500.
All the big Fortune 500.
I mean, they're all on there funding La Reconquista, Mecha, La Raza.
La Raza means the race.
Funding this breakup of the Southwest, creating kind of a French separatist movement in the Southwest, but with Hispanics.
There's at least 25 to 30 million illegals, perhaps higher.
It's not 10 million like they say.
They're legalizing that.
Setting up the breakup of America inside the Pan-American Union.
They publicly said that Florida We'll be part of the Caribbean Union merging into the Pan-American Union.
This is all public!
They have reported as of last year, Toronto Star, National Post, Washington Post, AP Reuters, it's in my new films, the deals to use foreign Mexican and Canadian troops to quote deal with American terrorists and for peacekeeping.
Now we're talking to a writer who has written for USA Today and many other publications And he's Scott Galbrinson.
He's a former print journalist and current public relations professional for one of America's top software companies.
The Silent Invasion is his second book, following the 2001 release of his first novel, The Broken Election.
Galbrinson has extensive experience as both a writer and broadcaster, hosting local and national radio programs, providing college football coverage for USA Today.
It goes on, he's a graduate of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where he's earned his bachelor's degree in communications.
And of course he's also a political scientist and a father of two happily married in San Diego, California, where the Communist Chinese have taken over.
And where they caught him shipping in fully automatic AK-47s and heroin, and the government shut that down.
So you got criminals running the government, they're going to use foreign troops to take control of you and your family.
I have the Washington Times from last year where they said that illegal aliens can now join the military, not just from Mexico, but Poland and other countries.
And they said of their aggravated felons, that's fine.
And the Washington Times listed rape, child abuse, armed robbery.
That's who they're hiring.
Not just foreigners, but criminals.
The exact thing Stalin did.
Scott, talking about the eyewitness accounts of Border Patrol, INS, Marines, Coast Guard, Navy, Naval aviators.
Tell us what you're seeing.
Break it down and we'll go to these calls.
Some of the documented stories of how the special troops show up and say, leave these trucks alone and they drive on through.
Break that down for the listeners.
We had an agent who found, actually a truck driven by a North Korean gentleman.
Coming across with what appeared to be not only huge stockpiles of ammunition, but also shoulder-launched missiles.
coming across on he was told uh... to to step back and allow
uh... someone who flashed a uh...
uh... national security paper at him and was then
carded off uh... not to be seen again uh... he was not seen by his employers
when the air should take his fellow employees when his from employees who at all uh... joined together with with
him and they had been meeting secretly to talk about the things they've seen
uh... called his apartment the number was gone that went to the department to
find out where he was he was suddenly had moved out the middle of the night and
left uh... the deposit money which is gone
So you see people who are coming across certain things disappear.
One of the other agents portrayed in my book died in a mysterious car accident.
This woman was a long time veteran on the Customs Force.
Who was not a drinker, was a person who believed that upholding the law was the most important thing in her life.
On a foggy morning in San Diego, early morning, crashed into a tree.
Suddenly there's alcohol all over the place and it was deemed that she was drunk.
And I knew this person very well and she was a source, one of the bigger sources on my book.
And so what is the, what do the Other police officers, they just say, okay, they're killing us, we're going to stop now, we're going to let the criminals do this.
What they should do is when these people show up and say, let the drugs go through, arrest them, call the media, and expose all this, that they're going to keep getting whacked like this.
Right, and that's, you know, a lot of them are doing that.
Most, I should say, most of them have not come out publicly to do that.
There are a few that have, and you probably know who they are.
But for the most part, they feel as though being stealth with it so far is the best way to go.
That's totally insane!
Well yeah, but they're trying to do it and you can somewhat understand these people are in fear and I don't know that they feel as though they can come out and not be killed immediately.
That's the sense I'm getting and that's why they talk to people like myself and say, hey listen, here's what's going on, let's get it out there.
But I do have a few of them, Alex, and I'd be more than happy to At a later time, you know, get them on the air.
I've talked to a lot of these people, and it's been in the news here and there, you know, where they're all complaining, hey, this truck was full of cocaine, and these feds showed up and took it away, and, you know, they caught the Dallas Lockers doing that, and they caught the crime lab in Houston doing it, and there's corruption everywhere, and they killed some cops who were investigating the Oklahoma City bombing the feds were involved in.
Now, from my evidence, usually when it's Chinese or North Korean or Iraqis, these are actually CIA operatives, a dummy army to have a fake attack.
Did you ever come across that information?
Oh, sure.
It's all over the place, and I think we're, I believe, and maybe, again, because I'm an optimist, maybe I'm thinking a little too much from that perspective, but I believe we're on the crux of some people really coming forward and shedding some light, some people turning around and
doing exactly what you say and calling the media and understanding that there are some
of us out there who will
support them in what they're doing and publicize what's happening.
But still, these people are so afraid. I mean, I have some people who I would
talk to and then they would get so freaked out by
by threats or what not that they wouldn't talk to me again.
And I have not heard from some of those people.
But continually, over time, Alex, I have people coming to me weekly who now want to share more information with me.
But you've got this border... yeah, they can't kill us all.
You've got the Border Patrol.
They see the feds come and grab this person and take him away and they disappear?
They need to...
They need to go public.
Where is this person?
See, and under Homeland Security, for any misdemeanor, you can be secretly arrested, secretly executed, and they're saying, the Justice Department said last week, this will be used for citizens.
Instead of cowering, everybody going, oh, we better shut up then, it's a tiny cabal, a few thousand hitmen, a few thousand controllers, folks.
And if we all stand up, they cannot get away with this.
But if we lay down, it's going to get worse, and worse, and worse, and worse.
And we've got to be willing.
We have the freedom we have.
We have the liberty we have.
Because people are willing to fight and die, and to stand up against the Benedict Arnolds.
Well, that's exactly what we have to do, Alex.
I have a lot of people who write me and they say, you're risking a lot.
You have a family.
And I said, yes, I do.
But this is worth the risk.
We have to fight for our country.
I mean, if there's anything you can learn about how our country was founded, that is that people were willing to give their lives, and that's where I'm at.
I'm at the point now where I need to publicize.
I need people to understand what's going on and let them know before it's too late, because we're getting to the point, Alex, where it's going to be too late.
Well, it's getting... it's just totally nuts.
I mean, it's official now, and folks, When you study how evil the globalists are, and you see what they're setting up, it is self-preservation to fight it.
And it's instinctive.
People say, oh, you have all this courage.
Folks, it's instinctive.
It isn't a question.
There isn't a question of, should I stop?
Should I back off?
Because I love my family.
I love this country.
I mean, it's so alien to me to lay down to evil.
I mean, when they catch the UN kidnapping 200,000 women and children with Dyncor, and it's admitted, and it comes out in court, and nothing happens.
I mean, they're grabbing little kids, people, that they run every evil thing you can imagine, and we can't just sit here and let them do this anymore.
Alex, you know what?
That's a great point.
Somebody's got to point out that Nero and the pack of criminals, and I'm talking about above Bush, this Nero-like system, That's right.
The way I talk about it, excuse me for using a football analogy, but since you're in Austin, I'm sure a lot of people in the country can relate.
Sudden death over time.
This is a two minute warning.
We've got two minutes to go.
That's not a lot of time.
We've got a lot to do.
And not only that, but I had one of the sources in my book, I got in a blowout with him one time because he was very afraid, didn't want to come forward with some information.
I said, look, they're going to kill my kids.
I said, you know what, they're going to kill your kids anyway.
So let me tell you, either you're going to fight and get more people on your side, let people know what's happening so that we can all come together as a country as we have in the past, Well, it's like Jennifer Flowers.
She got on national TV and said Clinton's had people killed.
And Matthews goes, well, why aren't you that?
She goes, because I'm on TV talking about it.
That's right.
You're not safe creeping around in the shadows.
And that's my main project right now is a lot of the people you met in the first book and some of the people that We didn't have enough room to put in the first one.
These are the people that I want to come forward because if they come forward, Alex, I mean, you talk about blowing the lid off some of these.
These are some people who, especially with some of these aviators that I know in the military and some other military folks, I mean, these are people so well-respected that if they came out and said, look, here's what I've seen, there's no way you can dismiss it.
These people's records are...
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I was just talking to the author, our guest, and he was talking about how one of the things
One of the cases of one of the Customs officers on the scene, on the job, taken away by the Feds.
They're asking questions, never seen again, moved out in the middle of the night, never seen again.
Rick Cruz, Customs, and he... Scott brought this to the LA Times, and the editor said no to the story.
So now we can have federal officers just disappearing.
And they're already getting killed left and right, shot by the troops, and then nothing's done, it's hardly in the news.
This is disgusting, isn't it?
Scott, the one thing about it is you try to bring it up, you try to get it out to the mainstream, and a lot of these mainstream people are either in on it or they think you're so out of left field that you're insane.
I have some friends and acquaintances who I no longer associate with because when I started working on this, they turn on you and they say you're insane, you're crazy, what are you talking about?
These are people I knew for a long time.
And so I think these are the ways they try to control you.
Well that's their fear too.
They don't want to admit the government's corrupt and powerful.
It's like in the movie, The Godfather, when the guy's wife says, oh, you know, presidents and senators don't have people killed.
Don't be naive.
And he goes, now who's being naive?
That's right.
I mean, there's this massive Mindlessness.
And that's what allows us evil to breed.
But notice, you're the author of the book.
You're okay.
And you told me that four of the people you interviewed have been whacked out.
Killed, heads cut off, just like Arkansas up there.
In Arkansas, we've got to stand up, we've got to speak out, because then it doesn't profit them to kill us, because that just makes our work that much more powerful.
No, but in many ways, and I shared some of the things off the air as far as the threats that I've received, but I've also had, for several weeks, the funds in my bank account disappeared.
Just gone.
All my liquid assets were gone.
Bank could not explain what happened.
Eventually it got back, but I'll tell you what, for two weeks I was in a whole heap of a lot of trouble with a lot of people, because suddenly I had no money.
And I think it's things like that where they send you simple signs that are like, look, yeah, we're not going to take you out because now you're out there.
People know who you are.
You're public.
And if you were to suddenly die a mysterious death, there'd be questions.
But certainly we can make your life difficult.
I want to say it on the record.
People, you save your life by being willing to give it up.
It's dangerous to get in your car.
We're all going to die.
Why not stand up and be part of history and stand up against these criminals?
The most cowardly person sees a man with a gun to a woman's head and a little 110-pound guy will run over and take it away from the big guy.
We all have this in us.
We could go to foreign shores and be shot at by the bankers.
Why couldn't we fight here in the information war against those that are overthrowing America?
And the one time I really got death-threatened Well, I had a federal guy on a talk show Friday night with Sheriff Mack say that threatened my life, and that was out in the public.
These guys had admitted FED, and they called up and said, you know, and I hope you get it.
And Sheriff Mack was just blown away by it.
So now they're getting pretty arrogant, but I don't know if that was just a side guy kind of flipping out.
You know, when I was on Sheriff Mack's show, this guy calls in who they all know and says this, but when I was rebuilding the Branch Davidian Church's memorial, bringing evidence that the judge was corrupt, that he wasn't going to allow a jury in the civil trial, I got the voice changer calls.
Oh, yeah.
You know, oh, you've gotten those?
Oh, I've gotten those.
Not only do I get them, but they usually come... Scott, this is a very serious issue you're involved in.
i don't care about your family it's time to back off now well i think that the more more disturbing ones have come
when i'm on my cell phone and they cut in
you're on a clear cell phone call and suddenly another voice is there telling
you uh... you know what you're doing is not good for the
country oh yeah
Now this is what a lot of them say.
Yeah, we're hit men.
Yeah, we do stuff.
We gotta be more hardcore than the commies who defeat them.
We gotta bring the narcotics in.
We gotta do this.
We're doing it to be tougher than the enemy!
And that's their sick argument.
It's such a mental con game.
That's right.
What you're doing's not good for the country.
Let us keep shipping our heroin and cocaine in, boy.
We want to turn your daughters into crack whores!
You know, Alex, that's the thing.
You talked about people who are kind of out there and they're mindless.
This is something that's been going on for decades.
And the fact that our kids are being desensitized to certain things.
I mean, you look at the fads going on now.
People splitting their tongues like a serpent.
I mean, some of these things just blow my mind.
Well, they're telling us torture's good on the nightly news.
Yeah, exactly.
And you see this just permeating our society.
You see the gun control fanatics and what they're trying to do.
And I believe that the school shootings are all part of that.
I mean, who wants kids to shoot themselves, right?
Very easy for... Well, they now admit Riddle and Prozac are causing it.
Yes, I heard your show the other day where you were talking about Prozac.
It's just about mainstream admissions.
Well, look, they're not going to get away with it.
The most important thing is to expose that they're the terrorists.
That's it.
And this is not our legitimate government.
We will come back and go right to Michael, Bob, Dan, and others.
Call the free number to join us on air.
If you lie down like a jellyfish, we'll get walked on.
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What will a bully do?
A sinister bully, a sadistic bully, bred on generations of lies and evil and corruption, who loves to persecute the innocent, slaughter the meek, enslave and poison the society.
They'll run all over you!
We've got to stand up to these thugs.
Their insanity is just totally and completely out of control.
Everything they claim to be, they're the opposite.
And they're destroying America.
That's their job.
That's their goal.
Wrapping it in, this thin veil of, oh, they're trying to save America.
We're talking to Scott Golbranson, and former writer for USA Today.
He is in public relations for Fortune 500, one of the big software companies.
And he's here with us today.
And we're talking about very, very serious issues.
But you need to understand something.
I was talking about the threats I've received over the years.
Really one of the latest ones was last year when I was out in L.A.
taping The Conspiracy Zone and we all had our own dressing rooms.
But right off the main floor of the stage, Right before we went on, I went in a bathroom, a communal bathroom, a larger one, and there was Lionel Chetwin, the guy that just made a made-for-TV movie where Bush is the big hero.
He's the head of Bush's committee that's taking over the media, Humanity and Arts, with the propaganda.
He goes, he looks at me, and he goes, you're Alex Jones, bugs his eyes out, makes a fist, points his finger, and says, we're gonna get you!
I followed him out, and I said, Chetwin says he's gonna get me in front of some of the staff, and he goes, oh, I'm just joking.
So that's on the record.
And Chet Woods heard about this and had his people get in contact, but after I called up the witnesses and had them talk to him, he shut up and said, okay, I'm sorry.
I was just joking.
Well, if anything happens to me, this is important to be out in the open.
I'm in good shape.
If I die of a heart attack at 29, or I'm a bill accident, or they claim I commit suicide, I will never commit suicide.
But see, they probably won't do this to me, but if they do, that's fine.
Because it waters the tree of liberty.
They know what it backfires on, which is why they probably haven't chosen to, even though they'd like to.
Which shows me they're still being pretty icy about their business, because they don't like what we're doing.
The more of us that stand up, the better off we are.
But as we were just talking to Scott, some of the Customs and Border Patrol people, and two of the Mexican officers he talked to that exposed this, Well, they're found with their heads cut off or they're never seen again after being grabbed by the feds.
So, this is the snatch and grab.
And you notice when the media talks about people being arrested under Patriot Act, they never mention citizens, though they did admit it last week.
This is to be used for everything.
Scott, we're going to win this fight, my friend.
You know, I have no doubt about that.
I think there's days, there's good days and bad days where I feel as though Uh, the swell is too large and the people in this country for some reason don't care.
But I know there's enough of them out there.
I hear from them.
I mean, I get hundreds and hundreds of emails a week.
Of people telling me, yeah, you know, I've seen this, I'm down in New Mexico, or I'm up in Buffalo, New York, and I know what's going on on the border.
Well, they had a drill last year, led by U.N.
armored vehicles from Southern California into Northern Nevada.
It was on the news.
Armored convoys of U.N.
vehicles in a, quote, U.N.
Did you hear about that?
Oh, yeah.
I have seen, personally, with my own eyes, U.N.
vehicles near the Marine Corps Air Station Miramar here right in San Diego.
I've seen the white Humvees.
I would say that the government's hit men and their goons and their analysts and their psychiatrists and their social engineers and architects and political scientists.
I know they take you when they get you into this, and they have you do some hits on some communists, some drug dealers first, some Muslims overseas, and then oh next it's this guy in the NSA, he's bad, he released information, we can't have this in the press, then later you find out it was the Patriot you whacked.
And they take you to Hawaii and let you meet the guys that are, you know, 75 that were doing this when they were 30.
And, oh, you're going to be like this, and you're going to be taken care of.
And then now, you know, you still have this envelope psychologically of, oh, this is to save America.
A lot of you are just sadistic killers, and we know that.
But a lot of you, you know, have been sucked into this, and you're in your million-dollar house.
And no one questions why on your $100,000 or $80,000 a year job you have this million dollar house and the big jet boats and the house in the country.
And that's all this means to you.
Have some courage.
Have some humanity.
I pray that God will knock you off your horse like Saul of Tarsus and you'll wake up and become Paul.
Because I know a lot of this has happened.
And you need to do it now.
Do you see where I'm going with this, Scott?
Oh, absolutely.
And I think there's some of them over there that will.
Will all of them?
Of course not.
As you mentioned, a lot of them are sadistic people who are plain and simple Alex Evil.
There is good and evil in this world.
A lot of people don't believe that, but you and I know it's true.
But a lot of them were seduced by, literally, the dark side.
There's that journey they were seduced into.
Yeah, not only that, but remember, there's files of the skeletons in the closet that these organizations use against these people to make sure that they don't speak out.
And if they're not, then they're just taken out.
But there are some who are brave souls who believe in America.
And I believe that those people will be instrumental in turning the tide.
It's just a matter of getting enough of us there so that they feel as though they have the support and the people behind them.
And once we do that, then I think you'll start to see some movement, see some of these people come out.
All right.
Let's take some calls.
Mike in New York, then Bob, Dan, Emmett, and others.
Go ahead, Mike.
You're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
How are you doing, Scott?
Hey there.
When you were talking about the borders and all that, you didn't mention the MENA airport in Arkansas, and actually the proposed airport in Northwest Arkansas, where the free trade organization, all those free trade centers, basically transfer all their goods, aka cocaine and heroin and all the weapons.
Are you aware of that?
Yeah, I've heard, obviously, especially the people I know in Customs tell me about those things, but they're far more widespread than just those.
Oh yeah, they're in Texas.
Yeah, they're in Texas, all over.
I mean, the Southwest is a major staging area, as Alex will tell you as well, but it's all over the place.
It's in places like Kansas, Nebraska, it's in places like Colorado, Montana, all over the place.
They're encircling the whole country, and they've done a good job of it so far.
That's with J.B.
Hunt and Wal-Mart.
Well, I don't get into that, sir, but we can't prove that.
We can't prove foreign troops and government drug dealing, though.
Anything else, Mike?
And also, it ties in with the Red Chinese secret police that are in the United States as well.
Well, that's public now, you know.
We have the former KGB running Homeland Security.
Now the three KGB members that are now supposedly proposing for Homeland Security measures and working with them, with Ashcroft, Well, Mike, the Chinese angle is interesting, too, because one of the sources in my book is an older Chinese gentleman who came to this country, he was trying to flee tyranny from Communist China, came to join his daughter and son-in-law here in the United States to only find out that they are actually Chinese sympathizers and are allowing illegal Chinese immigrants, and who knows exactly who they are,
Coming into their house, giving them clothing, and they come in the middle of the night, take a shower, sleep, eat something, and they're gone in the morning.
And for every thousand cases you hear about the one bust, when an 18-wheeler busts open full of dead illegals, They're condoning, sanctioning the whole thing.
They just do selective busts to make you think they're doing something.
It's like the cop in Tulea, Texas framing the 46 people, 20 to 90 year sentences, and now it turns out the whole thing was made up.
No drugs were found.
That's right.
I mean, this is massive people.
You've never fought them.
You've served them.
You're a government bureaucrat.
They'll put you in prison for no reason.
It's to feed this giant prison slave economy.
That's right, Alex.
It's also an example where Wang Chung, who was actually the head of the secret Chinese police, was working with Clinton back in the 90s.
Well, they say Clinton.
Clinton's just a puppet.
I mean, they say Clinton gave nuclear reactors to North Korea, and he didn't.
He's a traitor.
But all it is is Donald Rumsfeld was on the board doing the actual transfer.
They're all together.
The neocons are on TV making Hillary money talking about her book.
The Democrats want to divide and group everybody, while the neoconservatives, aka Republicans, want to divide and conquer.
That's it, thanks for the call.
You're welcome.
Bob in New York.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Yes, sir.
Yes, I got two incidents, one confirmed, one not confirmed.
The day after 9-11 on 9-12, Bush stands up in front of the American people and tells them that our pals with NATO have loaned us an AWACS aircraft.
I just found that, you know, it really was repulsive.
Well, that was all part of conditioning.
That's in the Road to Tyranny.
0-1-6 AWACS and then 56 Norwegian F-16s.
Again, that's how they break the ice for the foreign troop takeover.
Any comments to that, Scott?
Well, that's right.
We saw Mexican military patrolling the coast of Southern California right after 9-11 as well.
I mean, coming in, as far as coming to San Diego Harbor, which is one of the most sensitive naval ports in the country, so certainly it's all about conditioning.
It's about getting us ready for the international forces who will soon be in our own nation, or are already here, but will soon be taking over.
Shaving us after the bio-attack.
The other issue?
Was a friend of mine, dear friend of mine, that spent about 14 years in the Air Force and was stationed at K.I.
Sawyer up in the U.P.
of Michigan.
Late one night, multiple C-130s land.
Now, the Air Force security doctrine on base is you never guard an aircraft on the flight line.
Well, out jumps a bunch of guys in trench coats and Uzis guarding these aircraft.
And he just found it incredibly strange.
Well, the next thing that happened is the gates come down in the back and the big white stretch fans come pulling up and off come the brown cardboard boxes wrapped in tape that are about two by two square.
Now, what's in the boxes?
Real simple.
Sir, the AP's reported they catch trucks full of cocaine, special feds show up, flash national security badges, just what our guest was saying, and this is when Border Patrol finds cocaine, they call the feds, special feds show up, flash national security badges, take the drugs, it's never in the news, everything's shut down.
Alex, I have one other question, it's kind of off topic and I want you to bring it up later.
The issue of Ralph Nader running for the Republican nomination.
And I'll sign off.
Well, maybe I'm showing my ignorance.
Was this announced?
Yes, it was on Fox News yesterday, and also there's a real strange article on Fox's website about it if you search Ralph Nader under Fox News.
Oh, Ralph Nader's on their side.
He's loyal opposition.
I think so, huh?
I know so, yeah.
Hey, thanks for the call.
Appreciate it.
Any comments to that, Scott?
Well, you talked about the C-130s, and I get reports, actually a lot from Texas and New Mexico, of these C-130s flying just a couple hundred feet off the deck with fighter escorts, everything.
I mean, it's happening more and more.
We're seeing it all over the place.
And that's why I don't think people have an excuse anymore, Alex.
It's all out there.
You constantly harp on it.
Look at AP.
Look at Reuters.
Look at all the major news wires.
Look at International News.
It's all there.
All you have to do is look.
Don't trust me.
Don't trust Alex.
Go look for yourselves.
You'll find it.
Let me read this article.
Let me find it.
It says, this is London Independent, Afghanistan regains its title as world's biggest heroin dealer by Andy McSmith, political editor.
Afghanistan is still the source of almost all the heroin sold in London, even though Britain has poured millions into trying to stamp out The war, wrecked countries, resurgent drugs production.
Yeah, that's to stop any cowboys that try to grow their own.
Opium poppies are springing up in the plains to the mountains of Afghanistan in far higher quantities, and in the final year, the Taliban will see us in Britain overthrew.
So here it is.
Record production, and now it's all hitting our streets.
I mean, give me a break, folks.
Yeah, Alex, I had a DEA agent contact me after I had found out that he was a credible guy.
He told me, he said, look, there was no mistake that Bin Laden was in Afghanistan and that we suddenly went into Afghanistan and where the Russians were bogged down for years trying to fight the Afghanis and the drug lords and the warlords, we suddenly went in and had pretty much an easy action there.
And continuing, I just want to hear a little flare-up that makes it sound like it's still difficult.
Well, the leaders of Taliban and Al-Qaeda were loaded on C-130s and flown out to safety, and in the end, you know, it was an accident.
That's right, but the reality is that we wanted those fields.
We wanted that opium field because it helps the NWO guys further their cause and get everything ready for what's coming, and that's the invasion of the United States.
Incredible, and you've got massive evidence in your book.
We're talking to former USA Today writer, And we appreciate Scott Brunson joining us.
And we really do appreciate him coming on the show.
Let's talk to Dan in Illinois.
Dan, you're on the air.
You're on the air with Scott who is fighting the New World Order.
Go ahead.
I got a couple of things, but I just wanted to mention, Scott, those things that happened to you with the money and the cell phone.
They made a movie, I don't know how long ago, with Will Smith and Gene Hackett.
Enemy of the state.
Yeah, where they took his money away and he had all this trouble.
It sounded so familiar.
Yeah, that's what it'll be like under the biometric cashless society control grid.
That's right.
You know, Mr. Goldbrin's son has been bad, so this has to happen now.
Yeah, they haven't gotten to that stage, but certainly I can feel some of the pain in relation to the movie a little bit at least.
But anyway, I was watching the local news last night.
I don't know, you've never mentioned this Alex, I'm sorry if you did.
They've got a new uniform for the Army now.
It looks just like a Darth Vader uniform.
Yeah, about three years ago I saw the new uniform.
It was in the Army little postcards that were in restaurants, you know, promoting it.
And it's a black visor, black helmet, black combat boots, black armor.
It's the same outfit you see the riot police basically wearing.
That's what I'm saying.
That's what I'm saying.
Well, they're going to be on your streets in black Darth Vader outfits with the KGB running them.
Doesn't that sound like freedom to you, Dan?
And the uniforms are made in China.
So, what were they saying on this show?
Oh, that this is the new sleeker look and they're not going to be bogged down anymore.
The old uniform's too heavy.
They weren't going into the real reason.
I mean, they weren't even close.
They were using it as an exclusive.
It's going to be sleeker.
Oh, well, it's all part of the love.
Men in black ski masks are always good guys.
But the other thing I wanted to mention is that, Alex, as far as your drug scenario, as far as how much they're bringing in, you know, when they lower the economy at the same time, the temptation increases.
So more people are going to be tempted into dealing this crime.
Well, they also have to engage in crime to get the money, because it's illegal.
That jacks the price up, they make more money.
Well, not only that, but now you're getting more people in jail, and ultimately, isn't this just a design to make the whole country third world?
Well, the biggest part of the economy is prisons, and the same people that ship the drugs in own the private prison companies.
Well, then, you know, the next step is to have prisons without prisons, just everybody going to work at gunpoint like they do in the third world country.
I have Ridge on tape saying they will have troops in all the factories, the stores, everywhere, for your safety.
You mean at gunpoint?
There's no such thing as even minimum wage.
You're just going to get a couple of crumbs to live on.
There's going to be federal retraining.
People are going to thank them that after the big crash, they did something to feed us.
That's it.
I mean, that definitely has to be the ultimate plan.
And there's so many people out of work that farmers and ranchers will have to give their land up to help people move on to it.
How dare you not be for the homeland?
Just speaking out against this is causing starvation.
You're a traitor, Dan.
I know.
All right.
We'll talk to Emmett in Canada when we get back and get some final comments.
Some of the other stories in the book, The Silent Invasion, by our guest.
Scott Goldbergson, I really appreciate you coming on the show today.
We've got information about his book on Infowars.com, also about Police State 2000, Police State 2 The Takeover, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, 9-1-1 The Road to Tyranny, The Masters of Terror, and my ninth new film that's out, Police State 3 Total Enslavement, where we chronicle the crimes, the admitted crimes of the globalists.
that are well above the puppet president Clinton or Bush or John Kerry or whoever's in there.
So, go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Find out more about this vital information.
Final segment with our guest, Scott Goldbergson.
I'm Alex Jones, and you better get past your fear, because that fear is going to let the bully knock your teeth out.
Stand up!
Stand up against him!
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
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and tell them Alex Jones sent you. That's toll free at 888-803-4438.
Not yet available in Iowa.
You better get involved with your city council and your county commissioners.
You better get good police chiefs and sheriffs in there.
You better get talk shows and websites and access TV shows.
You better get my videos and make copies of them.
Order the police state films, all three of them.
Get the Road to Tyranny.
Make copies.
Educate the people.
It can back the Globalist off, or if they go ahead with the next phase of the plan, more people will know the truth, and they're gonna fail.
Why do they want our guns so bad, and we've put up with all the bad things that have happened so far peaceably?
Because they know, their social architects know, the things they've got planned are so bad, so horrible, that many people will physically fight back.
We're trying to overt that.
We're trying to expose the enemy combatants, expose the false government, expose the dictatorship of the New World Order, We're trying to do it now and reach everybody.
Please spread the word about the show.
Please get the films.
Please make copies.
Please help us defeat the New World Order by spreading the word, ladies and gentlemen.
We're the canaries in the coal mines.
You're a lot safer than we are engaging in this fight.
And overall, we're all safer by speaking the truth.
So, go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to get my videos.
Or call toll free to order them.
And you get big discounts when you get three or more.
1-888 253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 787-04.
Take action now.
Make the call.
Get in the fight.
There aren't that many evil people in the globalist system.
It's a bunch of ignorant, compartmentalized do-gooders that empower the system.
We've got to ring the alarm bells and stop that.
And the films or many printing presses that will help you get that job done.
Also be sure to visit our guest website.
We have a link to that on InfoWars.com.
You can also visit the SilentInvasion.com.
Scott, I'm not going to take any more calls.
Recap any other key information or tell us about any other key stories that are confirmed in your book.
Where are the foreign trips, the drug dealing, the government running all of this?
Break it down for us.
You've got the floor in the last three minutes.
Well, I'll tell you.
First of all, what we're seeing in Mexico, and I just had an update on this yesterday,
is we're seeing continued pouring in of foreign troops from all different areas, including
through the Caribbean, through Cuba, into Mexico, also from China, the controlled ports
in Mexico.
They're coming in in droves.
They're bringing in lots of equipment, uniforms.
They're bringing in ammunition.
They're bringing in heavy equipment.
They're bringing in a lot of chemical gear.
That's the information.
That's actually something I'm just breaking here on your show for the first time.
And meanwhile, our troops are all overseas.
That's right.
And that's the one scenario that I mentioned in the book.
If you can imagine a protracted dispute in the Middle East.
We're in Iraq now.
We're in Afghanistan.
Probably going to be in Iran soon.
Terrorists have hit us.
We've got these foreign assets.
In fact, the Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman said, if we're tied down overseas, quote, foreign assets will be used here.
That's right.
And it's happening because, you know, I just talked to a soldier back from Iraq last week who said, you know, Iran's coming.
It's coming pretty soon.
We're going to go into Iran next.
Then, if you can imagine the Chinese going across the straits, going into Taiwan, suddenly you have way too much to handle.
The Panama Canal gets closed from the Chinese controls there.
Suddenly, and then you have a nuclear weapon detonated in one of our major cities, you can see an international force Um, checking in real quick and taking control of the streets, taking control of our freedoms and getting rid of our freedoms.
And I think that's where we're going.
That's why people need to understand.
They need to see what's going on.
They need to keep track of the news.
They need to put pressure on their local media.
And if you do have any information, you know, contact Alex, contact me, contact anyone you know.
To let them know what's happening so that we can get it out there, get it out to the people so they can... And talk to local talk show hosts!
You know, show up, talk to the hosts, show them the documents.
The local talk show hosts will have you on, and then you're a lot safer by going public.
Scott Galbraithson, thank you so much for coming on the show.
I appreciate your fine work.
We will have you back on the show in the near future.
Alright Alex, I appreciate that.
Thank you for the work you're doing.
You bet, thank you.
This show's been so good, I'm going to re-air it tonight, 9 to midnight central.
On the shortwave at 5.085 and 6890, or on your local AM or FM dial, or on the internet at infowars.com or net.
Tell your friends and family to tune in tonight, 9 to midnight central, and back tomorrow, 11 to 2 central.
Get out there and take on the terrorists, or they're going to eat your lunch.
Through the years of providing water filters to America, you've come to us and we've listened.
You asked us to make the water level visible to eliminate the guesswork when refilling the water.