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Name: 19990719_PoliticalTexan_Alex
Air Date: July 19, 1999
133 lines.
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You must know all this.
You don't need government missions for years.
Now the people of one Texas town are out to expose what they call a conspiracy.
There was a black helicopter spraying some white powder.
It's bizarre.
It's like an invasion.
What's behind this helicopter hell?
Now the strange sightings that have a lot of people in the Lone Star State coming up with a lot of conspiracy theories.
Steve Langford reports on the helicopters and health problems that have hit Austin.
It's the sound.
It sounds just like a tornado.
They were so loud that they shook the windows.
That's how they know they're back.
It was huge.
You could see the machine gun mounts on them and everything.
And they were black.
The black helicopters.
Nine children all came down sick at the same time.
The whole side of my car was just covered with dead mats.
Austin, Texas is a peaceful, laid-back kind of place, just like its favorite son, Willie Nelson.
At least it used to be.
Until the black helicopters arrived.
It's bizarre.
It's like an invasion.
Suddenly, people all over Austin started seeing them, with some saying they've been harassed and maybe even poisoned by the things.
I can confirm black helicopters are swarming all over Texas and the rest of the U.S.
harassing citizens, police, anybody that gets in their way.
Black helicopters, the strike force, the New World Order.
Alex Jones is a popular radio talk show host with Austin's KJFK, and he's been investigating and reporting on the mysterious black helicopter phenomenon for years.
It reads like a science fiction novel, but it's really happening.
Until recently, the government, the military, and law enforcement had denied the very existence of black helicopters.
But now, authorities can see there really are such things.
Yes, black helicopters are real.
They're here to take care of you.
They're for anti-terrorist training.
But Jones and others suspect the black helicopters are the real terrorists.
You're talking about SS Cavalry right here in America.
The sinister looking unmarked choppers have been reported buzzing homes, following motorists, landing unannounced in schoolyards, and even dropping a mysterious white dust on Austin neighborhoods.
It smears like paint.
Norma Ruble says her car was covered with the stuff after a black helicopter flew over her house.
Looked like somebody took a spray painter and sprayed it.
City officials examined the mysterious substance and declared it cedar ash from a nearby forest fire.
There's no way it looked like cedar ash.
And she says nobody can explain what else she found on her car.
Thousands of dead gnats.
Something killed them.
Meanwhile, others who have seen the black helicopters fly over their homes say the dust might have poisoned them.
All of my kids and myself all got sick with stomach trouble.
And the Hopkins family suspects a government cover-up.
I think most people would like to be able to just say, well, our government would never do that.
Alex Jones insists it would.
They've tested what's been sprayed out of the helicopters.
It has salmonella and other type bacteria that you would find in garbage.
Jones suspects it's all part of secret government preparations for a possible state of emergency.
We see a lot of indicators that the military is preparing for martial law.
And Jones is not alone.
Government has more control than they need and I think that the black helicopters probably have something to do with it.
We're in the equivalent of 1936 Germany.
Hitler's just now getting his power and they're getting ready to really clamp down.
All right, Austin, Texas.
We are live.
It is Monday, July 19th, 1999.
I've got a lot of news stories.
In fact, I'll tell you why I have a lot of stories tonight.
That's because over the last few weeks I've been thinking, my gosh, I only talk about whatever news happened on whatever particular Monday I'm doing a program on.
Then I realized there's so much important news, and since I'm only doing one live-access television program now, that the public has not gotten So it's very important.
And I'm being given a birthday cake.
Uh... Well, thank you.
What is this?
Alright, I didn't even know about this.
That's good.
Good job, Mike and Alex.
Police State 2000.
Death to the New World Order.
Who made this?
You did?
Scott did?
Yeah, Scott made it.
Well, Scott, thank you so much.
I mean, I got the crew giving me and Mike cakes.
We ought to give you all a cake.
Well, that's incredible.
I guess we'll have some after the... We all eat some now.
Here, go ahead.
Thank you so much.
Thanks, Scott.
Yeah, we got Scott and Colby and Lance and Violet's in there hanging out.
We got Mike Hanson, of course.
Melissa was here for the earlier program tonight.
That's fun.
You gotta have some fun, friends and family.
I want to thank the crew for doing a fantastic job.
Anyways, as I was saying, I was a little distracted with all this cake coming in as I was speaking.
A lot of news over the last month that some of you might not have noticed if you weren't scanning the different news services like Reuters, Associated Press, United Press International, and of course the British news agencies, BBC, German, Iraqi, Serb, you name it, I scan them all and try to bring you the information.
So tonight, the next hour, We're not going to be taking any of your calls, and that's not because I don't want to take your calls.
The phone system blew up Saturday, I'm told.
Pretty much is out for a while, and will be fixed sometime in the near future, we hope.
But we are live, again, Monday night.
It's the 19th of July, 1999.
Popular Mechanics, this month.
Popular Mechanics, August 1999.
1999 and the cover sea launch sea launch rockets fires the first strike against
America's superiority in space They admit international banks are funding it.
Boeing is involved with the Russians, the Ukrainians, and they don't mention China who's supplying the dock space via Bill Clinton and his globalist controllers.
You see, our enemy gains their power through subterfuge, through lies.
It's the three-cornered hat of confusion, divide and conquer.
And that's how they're winning the fight against humanity.
Confusing people.
You see, the power elite funded international communism.
Funded Marx and Engels.
As I've said many times, it was a way to con the masses back into feudalism.
Back into serfdom.
By putting a nice package on it and saying it's for the people.
Basically, they wanted powerful, dictatorial, central government machines.
To balance those in parity against what was left of the West in its expansion as a way to create a massive military-industrial complex here.
And that's not Alex Jones telling you that.
That was Dwight D. Eisenhower as he left office.
Kennedy warned about it right before he was assassinated.
And we'll get to JFK Jr., the son of the late president, this evening in my analysis of that.
And a few key little points you might not hear in the mainstream media.
So we'll get to a lot tonight.
But of course, Sea Launch, what was it?
At least two years ago?
I don't want to exaggerate.
Three years ago, we were talking about this.
Two years ago, we actually had photos from Long Beach.
They're up on my website, InfoWars.com, under the New World Order section.
And a satellite war.
And here you have