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Name: 19990524_PoliticalTexan_Alex
Air Date: May 24, 1999
176 lines.
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There was a black helicopter spraying some white powder.
It's bizarre!
It's like an invasion!
What's behind this helicopter hell?
Now the strange side effect of a lot of people in the Lone Star State coming up with a lot of conspiracy theories.
Steve Reifert reports on the helicopters and health problems that have hit Austin.
It's the sound.
It sounded just like a tornado.
They were so loud that they shut the windows.
That's how they know they're back.
It's huge.
You could see the machine gun mounts on them and everything.
And they were black.
The black helicopters.
Nine children, all come down sick at the same time.
The whole side of my car was covered with dead mats.
Austin, Texas is a peaceful, laid-back kind of place.
It's bizarre.
It's bizarre, it's like an invasion.
I can confirm black helicopters are swarming all over Texas and the rest of the U.S.
harassing citizens, police, anybody that gets in their way.
Black helicopters, the strike force, the New World Order.
Alex Jones is a popular radio talk show host with Austin's KJFK, and he's been investigating and reporting on the mysterious black helicopter phenomenon for years.
It reads like a science fiction novel, but it's really happening.
Until recently, the government, the military, and law enforcement had denied the very existence of black helicopters.
But now, authorities can see there really are such things.
Yes, black helicopters are real.
They're here to take care of you.
They're for anti-terrorist training.
But Jones and others suspect the black helicopters are the real terrorists.
You're talking about SS Cavalry right here in America.
The sinister-looking unmarked choppers have been reported buzzing home, following motorists, landing unannounced in schoolyards, and even dropping a mysterious white dust on Austin neighborhoods.
See, it smears like paint.
Norma Rubel says her car was covered with the stuff after a black helicopter flew over her house.
It's like the Mayfair incident.
City officials examined the mysterious substance and declared it cedar ash from a nearby forest fire.
There's no way it looked like cedar ash.
And she says nobody can explain what else she found on her car.
Thousands of dead necks.
Something killed them.
Meanwhile, others who have seen the black helicopters fly over their homes say the dust might have poisoned them.
All of my kids and myself all got sick with permit trouble.
And the Hopkins family suspect a government cover-up.
I think most people would like to be able to just say, well, our government would never do that.
Alex Jones insists it would.
They tested what's been sprayed out of helicopters.
It has salmonella and other types of bacteria that you would find in garbage.
Jones suspects it's all part of secret government preparations for a possible state of emergency.
We see a lot of indicators that the military is preparing for martial law.
And Jones is not alone.
The government has more control than they need.
I think the black helicopter's probably got something to do with it.
We're in the equivalent of 1936 Germany.
That little ship's now getting its power, and they're getting ready to really clamp down.
Well, guys, how you doing this evening?
We're live, and you are watching InfoWars, Exposing Corruption, Freedom Reports, all that good stuff.
Mike and the rest of the crew, Scott, Lance, Bush, all the great folks in there running the program.
Of course, Melissa, earlier this evening, in there helping out.
We do appreciate all of your fine work.
We have a lot of important news for you this evening.
I'm a little bit hoarse, so bear with me.
And I would tell Mike, I am, at least on this monitor, glowing a little pink.
You might want to alter Okay.
That's a good mic.
That's fine, though.
People aren't tuning in to see my ugly face, are they?
Now, I don't know where to start.
I mean, I have two hours on the radio to talk about this stuff every night, Sunday, and I have three hours on Saturday, so I'm sitting here looking at all this, and I've already been through it today, several times in several other programs I did.
Well, I really don't know where to begin.
I mean, where should I begin?
We just have propaganda upon propaganda upon evil upon evil.
I think I'm going to take a lot of your phone calls tonight, 477-2288.
We are live again, my friends, and it is May 24, 1999, one day closer to victory.
And as you watch this program, if you want every decision to be made for you, if you
want no control of your personal destiny, if all you want is a fraud, then this program
isn't for you.
If you want foreign courts dictating what our judicial system can do and cannot do, then this program is not for you.
If you actively believe that parenthesis, that is, the active embracing of Of criminal activities.
If you think that's good, if you buy all their propaganda, it's for the children, all this primitive psychology package, and a glossy 21st century facade, then again, this program is not for you, my friends.
If you want to seek the truth, if you want to research the facts, don't take my word for it, go research it for yourself, and again, this program is for you and your family.
To expose the things that are happening globally.
If you wish to take action in a proactive form in this info war that we're all engaging in, then again, this program is for you.
That looks great, Mike.
Good job.
Let me launch into the news for you.
We certainly need to go to this Associated Press article.
Remember back in 1997, don't we, the reports of a black immigrant being sodomized with a broken toilet plunger, two to three feet long, according to police reports, by police.
We remember police being fired for trying to speak out.
We remember the mayor, Rudolph Giuliani, coming out, a phony conservative, a phony liberal, a phony human being.
Terms don't mean a damn thing.
And we remember people saying, well, that just couldn't be true.
They tortured him for hours.
And now some good police finally stepped forward and, uh, well, just let me read the article.
No high-tech teleprompters here.
No scripts.
Let's just go to the article.
The answer is from the AP.
It's up on my website, InfoWars.com.
If people are watching a tape of this, it should still be in the archives.
Mike Richardson does a fabulous job, as the crew does at this television show.
As Vic Greeland did, helping to start the website.
Fewer cops to plead guilty.
Mike Tom Hayes, a police officer, accused of torturing a prisoner inside a Brooklyn Station House will change his plea to guilty, as lawyer told a federal judge.
A specific charge to which Justin Voepel would plead was not revealed.
Voepel is the central figure in a case that has seen five officers indicted on charges of violating the civil rights of a black Haitian immigrant.
Let's stop the case.
As I like to say.
You always notice that the federal government, whether it's Rodney King or this case, every year or so, likes to pick a case where they charge out and defend someone, preferably a minority.
As it's said, the black population and the other populations that are on the reservation for modern plantations, you could say, in the inner cities, where they break up the families and keep people below the poverty level and ship in the government narcotics.
It's really sick, but that's the program.
It's a British intel program that was first used, of course, during the Boxer Rebellion, last century, in China.
We've got a strong powerful nation being used here as a state to militarize things.
But they always like to say federal.
Why is it federal?
Someone beats someone for hours on the way into jail for Supposedly hitting a police officer.
They found out later that it was the wrong guy.
At a bar or something.
And they're beating him on the way.
They're getting him in the bathroom.
And they're holding him down, shoving a plunger.
And other police were witnessing this.
And they come out and brag with the feces dripping down the excrement and the blood from the sharp point of the instrument.
It's supposed to be a broken, tipped instrument.
Ramming it in him over and over again while they savagely beat him.
Oh, no, no, we're not going to charge them with attempted murder or assault with intent to cause bodily harm.
We're not going to charge them with a state law.
We're going to back off and we're going to let the feds do it because, of course, New York dropped the ball.
But the really big corruption comes in from a few poster boy type situations and rightfully prosecutes.
Thus, when they burn churches or shoot pregnant women in the head or Blow things up like federal buildings in a Reichstagian-type activity.
Nobody wants to do anything.
Let me continue.
Voepel is the central figure in a case that has seen five officers indicted on charges Violating the civil rights of a black Haitian immigrant.
News of the plea came after several days of speculation following testimony by four police officers who witnessed Voepel brandishing a stick around the time that he allegedly tortured Abner Lomond inside a bathroom at a Brooklyn police station on August 9, 1997.
The case against the four remaining officers was expected to cease.
There was no indication whether Voepel would testify as part of Any kind of plea deal.
The maximum sentence of the charge Vopal faces is life in prison without parole.
Vopal, 27, of Staten Island, is charged with ramming a stick into Lomond's, if I pronounce that correctly, rectum and mouth in a fit of rage.
Prosecutors say Vopal mistakenly thought Lomond, 32, hushed him in a disturbance outside a Brooklyn nightclub.
This is my problem with hiring these steroided-up, impotent leakers.
"Vopil's co-..."
And police officers.
"Vopil's co-defendants, officers Charles Sanchez, Thomas Wise, and Thomas Bruder, are charged
with violating Pluma's rights by taking turns beating him en route to the station.
Swartz also is accused of holding down Lomond in the bathroom attack."
The normally combative Kornberg (that's the attorney) had implied in opening statements
he would try to show that Lomond was injured during consensual sex before he got involved
He had his pouring blood with broken arteries and vessels in his rectum and from his lower intestine, beaten with his teeth hanging out, broken out.
The former and current precinct patrolman testified, thank God there's some decent folks left, that they had seen Vopal wielding a stick on the morning of the bathroom attack.
Roman had told the jury that Voepel put an object in his rectum, pulled it out, and put it in his mouth.
He testified Voepel told me if I ever talked to any man about what happened he would kill everybody in my family.
Detective Eric Prutsky testified seeing Schwartz lead a handcuffed woman whose pants were at his ankles towards the bathroom.
Later, a disheveled and sullen Voepel was Swinging the stick around like a sword and hitting it against the wall, the detective said.
I want to back up for a second.
If I saw anybody, if I was a police officer, a peace officer, if I saw anybody dragging, dragging some bleeding person to a bathroom, and then I heard this story, and there were other police watching, I mean what type of shit cowards have we become?
If you don't like somebody, stand out and fight them like they used to.
Officer Mike Schofield testified that Vogel borrowed a pair of black leather govs from him before the alleged attack and returned them covered with blood.
This is a Schofield officer.
Kornberg, along with other defense attorneys, attacked the credibility of Tursky and Schofield for coming forward only after it became clear internal affairs investigators would be interviewing them anyway.
The defense went silent Wednesday when a burly Sergeant named Kenneth Wernick appeared as a surprise
witness in an account never before public. He testified that "Hopel bragged, 'I took a man
down tonight.'" Boy, you're tough!
Like a bunch of wild dogs, you pull down some innocent person (you now admit to innocence),
beat them on the way to the station, sodomize them with serious bleeding.
Hopel then took him to the bathroom to see that shoes, the three-foot stick which was
stashed by the sink, he said.
Kornberg declined to question both Wernick and a second surprise witness officer, Michael Schroeder, who testified vocal, had taunted him by putting the end of the excrement-soaked stick in his face.
Man, these police are everywhere, guys.
And that's where I'll move to this.
You've all seen the video of Mike Henson.
We've all seen the videos.
And right here, I have the form.
They finally let us have the form.
The form that Mike Hanson was asked to sign.
Mike Hanson, standing up for his First Amendment right to say, leave me alone, but mainly his 4th Amendment right that's being destroyed in this country.
Small picture there that I'll get into later.