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Name: 19990419_PoliticalTexan_Alex
Air Date: April 19, 1999
253 lines.
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One of our associates being harassed for refusing to go along with Big Brother.
I'll re-air... We've got twenty-something minutes, but I've got to cut out people's names and stuff.
We'll re-air it next week where I might fat-axe it to Republic so we can play it out in their studio when I do my other show from the house.
Let's go over that real fast.
We'll probably run out of time to get it all, but it'll be okay.
It's about four minutes long.
Right here on 98.9 JJFK.
I'm in front of Junior Sports Club on Ave 35.0.
I refuse to get out of my car.
I'm going to be shot by DPS officers right now just because I refuse to get out of my car.
About six now.
They just want to arrest me because I didn't get out of my car.
I refuse to get out of my car and that's it.
I'm a law-abiding citizen.
He's got a shotgun on me.
He's got a shotgun on me!
I need some people here!
I-35, right in front of the Cheetah Sports Club, north-south.
I know my, my casting crew friend of mine, my name is Derrick Shields.
My driver's up.
Derek Shields.
Because I went down the corridor, he saw me because I didn't have a front license plate.
This is Garrick with his recorder.
He asked me if I was wearing contact.
He's on the cell phone to KJFK.
Check my finger.
He says I didn't have contact.
He said get out of the car.
I said this is my personal property sir.
I'm going to stay in the car.
He said I'm going to take you to jail.
I said no.
I started to roll up.
He went for me so I rolled up the window.
He was going to mace me.
And then he struck me in the face with a pin in my car.
Luckily I didn't have a car on me.
My name's Rondy.
And I got another guy with a shotgun over here.
No, I haven't been drinking.
I haven't been drinking.
I haven't been drinking.
He's ready to break the window.
I may be killed right here.
I may be killed right here.
Go ahead and stop the tape for a second.
Just tell me to open the door, they're yelling.
I need some... Alright, now, yeah, Derek is very soft spoken.
So when Shannon was talking to him, he thought he was drunk or something, but we've had Derek on the air.
He's going to be on the 9 o'clock again next week when we're re-aired again.
You know, Derek, she's very calm.
Listen to how calm he is when they finally bust in the window.
Porter, I need some witnesses.
Witnesses did show up, by the way.
We had them on this program.
I'm right in front of a huge sports club.
They call the ambulance around, too.
They're letting the air out of my tires right now.
They're letting the air out of my tires.
One guy has a shotgun on me.
They're letting the air out of my tires.
These tanks that they laid in front of her and their bikes, they laid them in front of my car and in back of my car.
I got a car in front.
They're getting ready to break.
They're getting ready to take me down.
They're getting ready to break my glass.
They're getting ready to break my glass.
I was just getting ready to sell this car.
They're getting ready to break my glass.
I got a tape recorder too, Shando.
There you go.
We're gonna take that.
Here they go.
Here they go.
Here they go.
Here they go.
Here they go.
All right.
Open the door.
All right.
You hear me?
Open the door.
We have to go.
We have to go.
the voting people there are now having one and two more of the documents presented there.
And the first file of the committees is going to be...
All right, well, absolutely.
We are live.
I just get into the, uh, the, uh, thing here to do this program.
As I said a second ago, it is April 19, 1999, one day closer to victory.
This is the date of when some of the first shots were fired in the Revolutionary War against the Empire of Britain.
It's also another notable date is the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995.
It was meant to, number one, erase the memory of Waco.
Two years previous on the same date, April 1993 when federal agents, yeah there's the inventor of flare technology we just showed there when he was talking about men machine gunning than women and children.
PFBI hostage rescue teams accompanied by Delta Force so loving people ready to take good care of folks.
The Delta Force really really really cares about us.
That's right.
There's even more dynamic on the big screen when I saw it's debut for Waco-Little's engagement here in Austin a couple years ago.
You can see the men backing up, firing shenanigans at the people, and you can catch it on the TV too as well.
I'll play that sometime again for you.
We're going to be going until 11.30 tonight.
They're not taping this show, so you better tape it if you want any of these stories.
You won't be seeing it on replay.
Alright, Mrs. Quinton to visit the Balkans.
We're going to the Balkans now.
Before I get to that, Of course, you know, this large phony war against a sovereign nation.
In fact, over on my website, InfoWars.com, I have the low-resolution photo supposedly taken by an aerial plane.
Also, they claim to have taken some similar photos they're showing the news by via satellite.
This is the high-res you get with these 35mm and 70mm cameras.
Yeah, right.
Back in the 50s, with these planes, they could You know, I'll tell you what time it was on somebody's wristwatch, and back in the 70s they released photos of satellites showing what's on a postage stamp.
It's just total insanity that we are made to believe and to accept all of this.
It's about the 50th anniversary of NATO.
That's why this is happening.
The 50th anniversary of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, up until just 27, 28 days ago, a non- Not a aggressor, a defensive posture against the Warsaw Pact and the Eastern Bloc nations.
But that is no longer the case under the tutelage of the war-monger, the liberal, the loving person, William Jefferson Clinton.
He's running the gas out of our military.
The Air Force has been out for now around a week, they've been out of cruise missiles.
The Army and the Navy are running extremely low.
And they're taking nuclear-tipped cruise missiles, Tomahawk cruise missiles, and replacing them
with the conventional loads.
Our last aircraft carrier left the Pacific Friday, and so now China can have its way
with any myriad nations.
Japan, North Korea can engage in whatever terrorism they wish.
Of course, as well, when we talk about China, we should talk about the relationship with
Taiwan, who they said are going to be taking over soon and are correcting nuclear attacks
on us.
if we stand up against them on that.
Also, from last week, and I only do this live program once a week now, but I don't have any time during the week to get down here and put on a lot of taped shows, and Mike's working on that soon for you, but it's now come out and it is admitted that nukes on bombs, we talked about this years ago, These are even more dangerous than hydrogen weapons, because hydrogen damages the oil paintings and the booties that the New World Order is obsessed with.
One reason they want bombologists housed in Bosnia, they're saying, is because there is a Rembrandt base there, a famous artist.
A renowned artist from hundreds and hundreds of years ago.
So the New World Order doesn't like to hurt the art and bombs, because that's all they care about is possessions.
Same reason they like neutron bombs because they don't cause any peripheral damage or collateral damage to structures and infrastructure.
They simply kill humans with radiation bursts.
Jimmy Carter killed the fielding of these weapons that U.S.
scientists invented with the help of Nazi scientists.
The evil that's involved in this nation never ends.
Jimmy Carter killed the development of the neutron bomb just like he handed over the Panama Canal.
So now, almost 20 years later, You can be handed over to China, who now has leased both ends of the Panama Canal.
The Nucon bomb can kill all life in cities or whatever area of target, but again, leave destructors alone.
They have these weapons.
They are now testing them.
We have that up on Infowars.com.
International articles, local articles, national articles, we've got it all up there on Infowars.com.
My website has been up for a little over a month now.
Now he's gotten about 63,000 hits.
Now, Poison Cloud.
Apparently my throat is extremely dry.
I forgot to bring some water in here.
Poison Cloud engulfed Belgrade.
I talk too much, guys.
I do two radio programs a day.
Oh, endless.
And I go out to speeches.
Poison Cloud engulfed Belgrade and ecological disaster was unfolding yesterday after NATO bombed A combined petrochemicals, fertilizer, and refinery complex in the banks of the Danube in the northern outskirts of Belgrade.
A series of detonations that shook the whole city early yesterday sent a pocket cloud of smoke and gas hundreds of feet into the sky.
In the dawn, the choking clouds can be seen spreading over the entire northern skyline.
Again, this is right here.
This is from the London Times.
Oh, thank you, Mike.
All right.
Among the cocktail of chemicals billowing over hundreds of thousands of homes was the toxic gas phosgene, chlorine, and hydrochloric acid.
At least three missile strikes left large areas of the plant crippled in oil and petrol from the damaged refinery area flowing into the river forming slicks about 12 miles long.
Temperatures in the collapsing plant were said to have risen more than 100 Celsius.
Asked about the hazard from the chemical smoke.
NACO said there was a lot more smoke coming from the villages and coast above.
No supposed mass graves.
Now, we had your photos off the news on the site.
We didn't degrade them.
You did.
It's clear where the supposed mass graves are.
There are patches where you have degraded in the photo.
And you've got these high-res flames.
There's no clouds, it's clear.
You take this photo, and you didn't want to blow it up for it, and you purposely... It's like they're wanting us to know.
Those that are in the know, they want us to know, hey, we control the population, we control whatever we want out there.
For the dumbbells, we'll just accept it.
I'm shocked.
These are mass graves, and you look at it, it's just a huge blur.
I mean, suppose that graves have shadows coming off of them.
Obviously, hay bales.
And I tell you, anybody that's worked on a farm knows what they look like.
In Europe, they still have them.
Each year, it's the primitive, longer ones.
It's just a travesty.
Any idiot can look at this, even the degraded shot can tell you it's that.
I'm not defending Slobodan Milošević or anybody else, but our good friend, well I thought he
was our enemy, Osama bin Laden, the Mujahideen leader, comes from one of the most wealthy
families, one of the royal families, one of the noble families, I should say, of Saudi
They own the largest construction firm and a lot of the oil production out there in Saudi
Arabia, who has been a CIA asset admittedly in the media, and then what, eight months
ago or however long, supposedly they were blowing up US embassies.
And that, Madeline Albright, Secretary of State, puts it up and says, "We bombed our
embassies and turned to lead on 'Mary King Live'."
We've talked about that clip a lot here for you.
I mean, just think about it for ten minutes, ten seconds.
I mean, what?
You know, come on.
And now he is in Albania, south of Kosovo, in Serbia proper, openly in the media, fighting against the evil Serbs.
A CIS that's still doing his job.
All right, well, remember how evil Saddam was to supposedly blow up all those oil refineries?
gas masks to distribute in surrounding areas. Residents were told to breathe through scarves
soaked in sodium bicarbonate as they were crossing against showers of nitric acid."
All right, well, remember how evil Saddam was to supposedly blow up all those oil refineries?
You know, the truth from my military sources is, NSA was there with Delta teams and others
murdering troops the fact that we came into the oil fields in southern Iraq and Kuwait
and saw them blowing up the oil heads. It's just real evil.
You just can't imagine, you don't understand the ruthless nature of these people. "150,000
armed Serbians ready to resist NATO invasion." This is off the 18th World. "In case of a
ground operation in Kosovo, the North Atlantic Alliance will run up against resistance
of 150,000 armed Serbs. General Nabota Pavinka, commander of the 3rd Yugoslavian Army,
which is deployed in Kosovo, stated on Saturday. There are now 150,000 armed men on the
territory of Kosovo, the general state.
With each shot they fire, they'll kill at least every third enemy. That will be the
price of which the aggressor will have to pay for setting foot on our land."
We are ready to wage a nationwide war.
He has it.
He's just the leader of the Serbian 3rd Army.
The General said that NATO officials were deceiving the public opinion and concealing their loss in the operation against Yugoslavia.
Only the 3rd Yugoslavian Army, he noted, has shot down 16 NATO aircraft, 5 helicopters, 46 cruisers and 4 unmanned planes since the beginning of the aggression, i.e.
March 24th.
I have photos up on InfoWars from NATO allies, like Greece and others, of the coffins being offloaded off trains and going through shipment, with US soldiers carrying them, with US troops inside under UN control.