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Name: 19990222_PoliticalTexan_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 22, 1999
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The greedy politicians, who make sure things go their way.
They pass a piece of policy, and live from day to day.
It's been working for years, and we don't get to have a say.
If you want to crack this constitution, is that what's in your plan?
You can taste my gun from my cold, dead hand.
In every hateful history, when genocide was planned, the firearms were gathered up and the opposition banned.
The pilots became distracted, and a few foes flew away.
And by the time they re-arrived, they couldn't get away.
The smiling face on my TV says, we should all join hands and help create this beacon of a new world as a flag.
Well, now I'm terrified of bad news.
All right.
Alright, we are live, Austin, Texas.
And to all those people out there that take the program, we'd like to thank you for doing that and sending it out to
friends and family in the hope that information will spread.
And I know in my heart and from the information I've gleaned that this program or tape variants of it that people have assembled for themselves is playing at access stations all across the country, being aired on micro FM radio stations and being referred to all across the country.
It's great to see that labor toil in the fields, in the vineyards of men and women's minds, is bearing fruit.
Now, of course, my name is Alex Jones.
This is the Freedom Report.
And we're standing up, best we can, right here, February 22nd, 1999.
One day in one year, closer to victory.
Victory against parasites that corrupt those that would deceive the nations And create a technocracy to rebel hell itself.
Quite a bit of news for you tonight.
OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Hazard Administration, has created a new program, a new set of regulations, if you can call them that, that aren't even a closing horse of socialism and, uh, socialism, that's a good word, and command and control.
Socialism and command and control.
We'll be getting into this this evening.
We'll also be giving you an update on the military maneuvers here inside the U.S., here inside Texas, mainly.
Operation Last Dance ended Friday.
The last actual operation, we're told, was at Fort San Houston.
This was the event that garnered most of the media coverage out there.
in television and radio land, but we should go back to the Friday before.
What I see as the most key was when Puerto Ramos was attacked by elements of the Black
Ops squad, the expanding Delta Force, and of course brought in by the elite Knight Stalkers.
There you see the only footage that we've been able to obtain from here locally on Fox.
I supposedly have some long reports coming to me by the Texas NET, the NBC system that
did a two-minute report and was carried by three news stations that we know of out there.
Showing the fire in Kingsville, not this Monday, but last Monday.
So a lot of, actually February 8th, even longer than that, time does fly when you're having so much fun.
We'll cover the now-admitted, I have Associated Press articles here, I have news articles out of the Corpus Christi Caller-Times, and also the San Antonio Express News in the last two weeks talking about black helicopters, live fire, and explosions.
All of the other four exercises, and the fifth was a little bit different, but the first four were conducted in civilian population centers in South Texas.
San Antonio, their last finale, which they did tell some of the public about, which was a total change for the Delta Force in its history.
in these operations was conducted at a military base, the smallest and most centrally located
in San Antonio, Fort San Houston.
As if, well, yes, the operations have been going on, and yes, live fire, yes, black helicopters,
but see, we do them on military bases.
Well, Kingsville, Port Aransas, San Augustine, and of course, Corpus Christi, well, those
are not military bases, are they?
And they were done, again, in direct violation of the 10th Amendment, state's rights, and of course, posse comitatus that seeks to curtail military, federal intervention locally, or even training, when it's the local law enforcement.
In one case that we have documented from the mainstream newspapers and people that we've Uh, is that in Corpus Christi, not this Wednesday, but last Wednesday, uh, they had a military exercise taking over the old courthouse in downtown Corpus Christi, working with local law enforcement with the Corpus Christi SWAT team.
Uh, again, this is not portraying overseas.
They're not going to take the Corpus Christi SWAT team overseas with them, any more so than the tape you've seen many times here on The Freedom Report and my other program exposing corruption of the Marines doing mock gun confiscations in Hebron, Maryland, September 3rd and 4th in 1998, where they asked the camera person to turn his camera off once it became nighttime and they were actually doing the mock gun confiscations.
They had police working with them.
They're not going to load squad cars on C-130s to take them overseas.
This is all being done for right here in the good old United States of America.
So, again, all, absolutely all, very, very important to each and every American out there to realize that number one, they're desensitizing you.
Number two, they're training local law enforcement to accept this.
Number three, in some cases, they're sending a person into black helicopters to attack oil refineries and do live fire and explosions of automatic weapons and real live hand grenades or flashbangs right in front of the authorities without them knowing.
In Kingsville, they did it without some of the authorities at the Sheriff's Department in Clyburn County and, of course, the Fire Department.
We are going to re-air that, not this hour, but at 10 o'clock Central Standard Time.
At 10 o'clock this program goes off the air, the Freedom Report does, and at 10.30 we come back right here on Time Warner Cable Channel 10, that is 10.30, and we will be airing for you the military activity, we'll be airing for you citizens talking about the black helicopters, The city manager of Kingsville in South Texas talking about it, the fire chief talking about it, workers talking about it, and actually them restoring and fixing some of the damage to the detective's building there in Kingsville, Texas.
So that should be quite interesting for all of you out there.
Again, we are live.
I'm about to go to your phone call if you'd like to get involved on air here on the Freedom Report.
477-2288 is the telephone number.
Okay, let's go first to the San Antonio Express News from this Saturday.
Front page of the Business section.
It's also in Saturday's Statement.
Front page of Section A. OSHA, the Occupational The Standards Board is moving forward with an unprecedented takeover and nationalization of the corporations and businesses and workplaces here in America.
For anyone that's worked in pretty much any business, you've dealt with the occupational
standards and hazard agency.
If you've dealt with them, you've seen them engage in ruthless activity, go after corporations
that are smaller or businesses that are smaller, of course, at the behest of the old money
corporations seeking to weed out the competition, the new little bad sons that are coming up,
to use a gardening or arborist terminology for you, giving people $5,000, $2,000, $10,000
fines arbitrarily, never really giving set standards, but at least giving you some code
to follow.
As if a city or a state or a county couldn't implement this according to the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Well, if you read the Saturday Statesman article, Associated Press, or if you read the variant of it in the San Antonio Express News, OSHA is now, according to ergonomics, that is, chairs and livability and workability of businesses, from manufacturing to offices, you name it, they're going to regulate open-ended bureaucratic terms.
They're not going to tell the business what to do.
In fact, they say that as if it's a wondrous favor what they're going to do for the businesses, they are going to Simply state that you need to have ergonomics and a worker-friendly atmosphere, which all sounds nice, but then they say if there is a single accident, it could be a factory of 10,000, 2,000, 20, a little print shop, it doesn't matter, if there's a single injury, then they're going to come in and make the business, redesign their entire workplace, change things, you name it.
Well, this is the power to destroy.
Because many businesses work on a very small profit margin and cannot adapt themselves to this.
Now, the large elite corporations and banks in the European world that control this nation are able, repeat, are able, with their foundations and other things, to easily adapt and change their businesses.
but thus it will only hurt the middle size and smaller corporations that only make, you
know, between 200 million a year or 100,000 a year.
That's the scale right there until you get into really large corporations.
But the really important little caveat to this whole discussion is that if you look
at the third world where Europe and the Eastern establishment here in the U.S., their local
governorship of the Federal Reserve and others, controlled by the I.M.S. and the World Bank
and the International Bank of Settlements and the S.M. Bank.
So if you pull back and look at it, you can see most of the major elite corporation investment
and foundation investment is in the third world, in China, India, Mexico, Indonesia,
countries with no civil rights, no environmental standards, no workers' compensation, almost
zero pensions, slave labor in some cases, 30 million political dissidents and slavery
Mexico, which is tantamount to slavery, or slave wages in many cases, you see both of the investment going into those countries, which makes it easy during the anesthetizing period here in the U.S.
to migrate cheaply, and it gives us the illusion of wealth while the fiat money system is printing tax, which is our number one product for export here in the U.S., then of course propaganda and armaments.
So, to discuss this in an academic function, We all need to be conscious of the simple fact that, number one, and most importantly, this is highly destructive to our industrial base.
It is then, secondly, It will force the flow of manufacturing jobs and even information technology jobs into other centers where labor is cheaper and there are not the other costs of doing business, such as environmental standards and things.
We're talking about saying they're bad if they're serious.
None of us want to die of cancer because of dioxins and other chemicals.
But then the second point, of course, is it gives the power for the federal government, controlled by international treaty now, to literally shut down any business they wish if there's one injury.
And many injuries are done simply through ignorance, simply through the employees not knowing what they're doing.
Of course, there are job safety problems, and there are always, always civil suits that could be affected if our legal system had not been thoroughly infiltrated by corrupt bars, that is, the club that controls the lawyers, and to where frivolous suits are allowed and serious suits are many times shuffled away.
So, simply, this is a statement of fact that we all have to deal with and understand that OSHA, the Occupational Safety and Hazard Administration, is engaging in.
Of course, you can dig through your bin and read the Saturday San Antonio Express News article, front page of the business, or the Saturday front page of the actual A section of the statement, where OSHA admits, repeat, repeat, very important key point here, We're OSHA, an unelected, unaccountable bureaucracy, says, we're going to be nice to you, this is almost the exact statement, we're going to be nice to you, we're going to allow businesses to develop their own systems, and then if there is an injury, we're going to come in and make them, one injury, a single injury, front page of the statement, they're going to come in and make them redesign the entire factory or business office.
That, that is criminal.
To not tell you what their regulation is, number one, And then when you have a single injury over any span of time, OSHA gives itself full license to come in and make the business change whenever they wish.
That is tantamount, that is criminal.
And that's the problem with bureaucracy.
A long time ago, people were falling into sausage machines at Rockefeller plants.
Striking Ford workers were being shot by, not by the police, but by hired thugs.
We saw this type of activity.
Again, and the federal government came in and said, my gosh, we will help you, won't we?
Meanwhile, the elite was puppeteering the agencies, just eyeing the new corporations that were threatening their monopolies, or their oligopolies.
And this hurts creativity, it hurts GDP, it hurts the population, it hurts the creativity of just average humans here on planet Earth.
It's...it's...things get more and more Orwellian, more and more science fiction-esque, and things become more bizarre daily.
And I literally do feel my ego and the rest of it slipping away, and none of it really matters anymore.
I can quit these shows and my two radio programs instantaneously now and be a happy man.
I've done my job.
I will never quit, though.
Because it is my destiny and it is your destiny out there to be free thinking, natural human beings that are able to control some of their destiny, some of their environment.