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Filename: 20240409_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 9, 2024
3174 lines.

In this episode of InfoWars, discussions take place on government accountability, left-wing violence, congressional investigations, and unity under "Team Humanity" for a pro-human future. Topics include political frustration, the lack of action against individuals exposed by Project Veritas, COVID-related actions, and accountability. UK MP Andrew Bridgen joins to discuss his pursuit of accountability for the COVID cabal and his opposition to mandates and damage caused by vaccines. Concerns are raised about potential crimes against humanity, efficacy and safety of vaccines, Big Pharma's influence on politics, and the global net zero policy. The conversation touches upon subversion of democracy, unelected individuals influencing global affairs, and power given to organizations like WHO. Bridgen warns that decisions made in the next 12-18 months will determine humanity's future and urges people to stay awake and united for freedom.

On January 10th of 1963, 45 current communist goals were submitted to the Congressional Record.
Number 13 was, do away with loyalty oaths.
60 years later, on the very same day, Biden, Obrador, and Trudeau met in Mexico City for the Declaration of North America, which states a plan to unify North America under the ideas of diversity, climate change, migration, health, and regional security.
The beginnings of a North American Union, which is a step towards a one world government.
According to law, elected officials must swear an oath that they will support, defend, and bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
And through the Freedom of Information Act, U.S.
Attorney Todd Callender, along with his team at Project Proper Oath, found that not a single member of the existing Cabinet has a valid oath of office.
Secretary of the Treasury, Janet Yellen, has no oath of office.
Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, has no oath of office, and has also failed to register as a foreign agent, which is required due to serving on the boards and conducting international business with Raytheon, Nucor, and Tenet Healthcare.
Attorney General, Merrick Garland, has no oath of office.
Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, has no oath of office.
Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, has no oath of office.
Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg, has no oath of office.
Secretary of Health and Human Services, Xavier Becerra, responsible for declaring a national emergency during COVID, has no oath of office.
Former Director of the Centers for Disease Control, Rochelle Walensky, had no oath of office.
Special Counsel Jack Smith, responsible for investigating the January 6th U.S.
Capitol attack, has no oath of office.
Attorney for the District of Columbia, Matthew Graves, Chief Prosecutor of Jan Sixers, has no oath of office.
Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, has no oath of office.
Within 30 days of appointment to public office, all public officials are legally required to have a signed and notarized copy of their oath of office.
And it appears as if no elected officials in the federal government have one.
They are either non-existent, incomplete, or fraudulent.
The fraudulent ones are missing signatures, are not notarized, and in most of them, the words, so help me God, are in all caps.
In the U.S.
Constitution, so help me God, is not in all caps.
And this matters, as many have been telling us for decades, including the great Jordan Maxwell.
Today, the entire world of mankind operates under a world law
Which is referred to as the Law of the High Seas or International Maritime Admiralty.
When you were born, you came out of your mother's water.
Since you came out of your mother's water, you are a maritime product.
This is why, when you were born, the doc has to sign your birth certificate.
It's a maritime admiralty manifest showing that your mother brought you into the world and you were going to make money.
Anything in this country, if it's a lawful, legal document of any kind, your name must be, according to Maritime Law, be in all capital letters.
Because you do not own your body.
You do not own yourself.
All capital letters name implies that you are a Maritime Admiralty product.
You are
Not a human.
You're not a living entity.
You're a product.
You're a living entity, person.
The actual you is represented under law by upper and lower case names.
So you are a corporation whether you know it or not.
But you are merely a subsidiary of a larger corporation called United States.
This is the way the law works.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we go live from the InfoWars World Headquarters in Austin, Texas.
Coming up next...
I know, as viewers and listeners, you've heard callers call in and talk about how X3 has changed their life.
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You are listening to an Infowars.com frontline report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Tuesday, April 9th, 2024.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
Owen Schroeder sitting in for Alex today.
We may be hearing from Alex before the end of this live transmission with 209 days and some odd hours to go until the 2024 presidential election.
Now, I have a lot of news revolving around that election, specifically on some major issues.
And I think that
Republican voters and Trump supporters are going to have to make some difficult decisions or some difficult measurements in the upcoming months.
And we always suspected that the Democrats were going to use abortion
As the key issue to either stop Trump from getting votes or to get single issue voters out to vote Democrat.
And they've been laying this groundwork for quite some time and we're kind of reaching a pivotal moment in this.
So Trump has to come out and make a statement that upsets some pro-lifers.
And then the Republican Party piles on.
And then the Democrat Party tries to go further so that Trump can't get that message out.
So I'm going to be breaking all of this down for you.
Explaining the Republican far pro-life mindset like what Mike Pence is doing, which is ironic by the way.
Which is ironic when Mike Pence goes and hand signs with a sharpie
Mike Pence goes and hand signs bombs with a sharpie.
Because he wants you to know that he likes those Israeli bombs.
He supports those Israeli bombs that are going to be used to kill.
But he's pro-life!
Give me a break.
So let's just weigh it all, let's measure it all, let's look what the Democrats are doing, let's look at what Trump said, and then let's revisit something as well that happened in the last couple of weeks that's very important.
From the Biden fundraiser with Clinton and Obama, and then all the celebrities like Lizzo and all the rest, to the Trump fundraiser.
Because there's actually an interesting story there.
That should not be ignored.
But yeah, there's pro-life Mike Pence.
Oh, Donald Trump's so bad, he's making a political decision on pro-life, pro-choice.
I hand-sign bombs!
I hand-sign explosive devices!
I'm the real pro-life candidate!
I'm the real conservative!
Man, did Mike Pence turn out to be beyond a letdown.
This man is beyond a letdown at this point.
So we're going to get into that.
And then some other political developments dealing with Tulsi Gabbard is now on a campaign and she has been for a while but she's got a new book out and she's doing podcast interviews and she's urging centrist liberals or fair-minded Democrats to abandon the Democrat Party before it's too late.
Before it's too late, meaning they're going to turn into a one-party totalitarian dictatorship if you give them political power from here on out.
And she's right.
She's right.
And they sit here and act like, oh, we're against the elite, we're against the rich.
And then they have these massive fundraisers with all the rich and all the elite celebrities and everything else.
And then they tell you, see, we're for the little guy.
$100,000 a head for a table.
But then Trump actually does grassroots fundraising.
So we'll weigh all that.
Mitch McConnell climbed out of his hole, stuck his head out of his shell, and did what he was told to do, I suppose.
Coming out against TikTok, which is actually kind of strange, considering his wife, a major Chinese influence on him, politically.
But he wants TikTok.
He says TikTok is a threat.
Well, that's interesting, because
There is a real threat, actually.
Oh, and then McConnell is apparently bullying Mike Johnson behind the scenes, too.
And trying to guide his political decisions.
You know, Mitch McConnell, the guy that can barely stand up and walk.
But oh, Mitch McConnell says TikTok is a national security threat.
You know, there's been a whisper into the wind for the last couple of weeks.
There's been a whisper into the wind the last couple of weeks, couple of months from the FBI, from DHS, Border Patrol, the National Security Council.
They've been whispering it into the wind.
And it just kind of...
Just blows away, doesn't make a big noise.
And then it's gone.
But all these intelligence agencies, all these security agencies, are all saying the same thing.
And they're warning that they believe a terror attack in the United States could be imminent.
And they point the finger at Russia.
They say, well, because Russia just endured their terror attack, now the terror threat here is up.
Well, that might be real, but why would that be such a threat?
Oh, because the southern border is wide open.
Wide open.
And Border Patrol is releasing their numbers.
Already, in fiscal year 2024, 69 suspects on the terror watch list have been apprehended at the southern border.
No, that's not Elon Musk making a joke.
That's the number
of potential terrorists apprehended at the southern border.
And so the FBI, Border Patrol, DHS, National Security Council, they all come out and say the same thing.
Terror attack imminent.
Terror attack highest threat level in modern history.
Avoid large gatherings.
Avoid sporting events.
Do the math, folks.
Pretty simple math.
Unless you're a liberal, then you might struggle.
Pretty simple math.
Russia and its allies know that it's the United States funding and pushing Ukraine into these conflicts.
Working Ukraine like a puppet.
Working Ukraine like a dog on a leash.
Using Ukraine as essentially a political forward operating base in the face of Russia.
Russia and its allies look at the United States for that, as they're engaged in this war that's cost hundreds of thousands of lives and will continue to go on.
And then you have the Arab world looking at what Israel is doing, bombing whatever country they feel like, bombing the Gaza Strip,
Bombing embassies in Syria.
And they know, boy, why does Israel have this chutzpah?
Well, it's probably because they get supported by the United States with all that money.
And all that political support.
Okay, well, gee.
A lot of countries mad at Ukraine, a lot of countries mad at Israel.
But they know, they know who sits behind them.
Encouraging them, cheering them on.
And then you have a wide open southern border with millions of people pouring in, many of which we cannot even count.
Cannot do proper background checks.
We don't know who they are.
We don't know where they're coming from.
Very easy to lie, deceive, sneak in.
Kind of a big deal.
They just whisper it into the wind.
Terror attack imminent.
Avoid large gatherings.
Remember they said the same thing to Russia right before the Moscow terror attack.
They said the exact same thing.
They said avoid theaters.
And now they're saying the same thing here.
And it just gets whispered into the wind.
It's just no big deal.
Now, God forbid there is a terror attack.
Let's hope there's not.
God forbid there is.
What now?
What then?
Because the question shouldn't be, what then?
And see, that's not the question.
The question should be, what now?
Why aren't we closing the southern border when multiple intelligence agencies and security agencies are saying, terror attack imminent.
Terror attack highest threat level.
Why is the southern border not being shut down?
Why is foreign policy not being re-investigated, re-considered, re-adjusted?
But oh, they're covering it!
This was the nightly news, Sunday night, ABC, whispering it into the wind, telling you, yep, the security agencies, the intelligence agencies, they all know what's coming!
Sunday night, ABC News,
Just kind of whispering it into the wind... That, yeah... Pretty much all the Intelligence Security Administration knows... We're at a high risk of terror.
And maybe you should avoid large gatherings, Clip7.
Security warning right here in the U.S.
from the FBI and Homeland Security.
Warning of potential threats to public gatherings.
The timing of this and why they're concerned tonight.
Here's our Chief Justice Correspondent Pierre Thomas with late reporting.
Tonight, FBI and Homeland Security officials are warning U.S.
law enforcement about the potential for terror inspired by that deadly ISIS attack in Moscow, targeting a concert hall.
The concern, according to the Bulletin, violence targeting mass gatherings such as sports stadiums, concert venues, or houses of worship in the United States.
Remains a real threat.
This is so insane.
This is so psychotic and it's just unreal that we sit here and deal with this.
What is to blame?
Is it America?
Distracted and dumbed down?
Is it just the raw commitment to corruption that we get from Washington DC?
Our Congress?
The White House?
Is it a combination of both?
Are we just supposed to accept?
We just have to live like this.
We just have to live like this.
But hey, as long as I got my Netflix, as long as I got my ballgame, as long as I got my concert venue, as long as I got my restaurant, as long as I got my social media,
Let the government run rampant, let them run corrupt, let them steal my money, fund terror, open the borders, put me and my family in a state of danger, maybe cause World War III.
It's fine!
I got fancy stuff!
I got cool gadgets!
I got loudspeakers!
...complex than this.
You didn't hear about ISIS.
Why was Trump able to defeat ISIS?
Was it a military strategy?
Not really.
Trump was able to defeat ISIS because he cut the supply line.
He cut the funding.
He cut the arms.
It's really that simple.
See, this is why the intelligence community was so pissed off at Donald Trump.
This is why the deep state
Was in an absolute fit of rage at Donald Trump because they wanted to go in there and manipulate him with intelligence reports and continue the funding and continue the money pouring into these proxy groups.
But see, Trump is a rational guy who thinks for himself, who wants to make his own decisions.
So they might say, Trump, we need to move these arms.
We need to move this money.
And he might sit down and say, why?
To who?
What's the end?
What's the goal?
And they'd be like, well, that's classified.
They're kind of looking around the room, looking at one another like, ooh.
Should we tell him this?
He's not really in the club.
Should we tell him about the war crimes we've been committing?
Should we tell him how we actually funded support terror in the Middle East?
We can't do that, can we?
Not with him.
Oh, geez.
Oh, that's classified, President.
Oh, really?
You're not going to tell me?
Well, how about no money then, huh?
How about no funds?
How about that?
No funds, no arms.
So, go ahead.
Get out of my office.
So they got pissed!
And remember, and then they tried to go rogue, and they would publish it in the mainstream news, acting like Trump's the bad guy, and they said, Intelligence community furious at Trump!
Not going to be giving him briefings anymore!
Ignoring the briefings!
They just won't give him information!
They're going to go act rogue now!
All illegal, all criminal activity, but it all been going on.
Why did Newt Gingrich come out and say in 2016, do you know why they hate Trump?
Because he's not in the club, because he's not part of the secret societies.
So, so, so much of this is about war.
And funding wars, and funding terror groups, and having these proxy groups, and having these spy groups, and running these blackmail campaigns.
And usually the president, who's in the club enough, they just say, alright Mr. President, you can have plausible deniability.
We need to send these groups some weapons, we need to send these groups some money.
And then it comes out in the Obama administration, and they just rewrite the headlines
Because they got caught funding ISIS.
Then they call it the Islamic State, then they call it ISIS, then they call it ISIS-K, because they kept getting caught funding these radical jihadi groups, these proxy groups in the Middle East, funding them in Syria.
And so they come out and they rewrite the headline, and they say, moderate rebels.
Obama funding moderate rebels.
But they tell the President.
I said, oh, Mr. President, you can have plausible deniability.
We're not going to give you the intel reports here.
We just need some funding and some money and it's going to be fine, okay?
And the president says, oh, okay, wink wink, nod nod, signs it off, and then the money goes out and the arms go out.
And it's plausible deniability.
And he gets it.
They get it.
And everybody goes on.
But not with Trump.
Trump didn't want that.
Trump wanted the information.
Trump wanted to know what was going on.
And it drove them insane.
So that's why they started to say, well, we're not going to do intelligence briefings with Trump anymore.
And they say Trump ignoring intelligence briefings.
No, they wouldn't tell him what was going on.
He would ask questions.
They wouldn't tell him.
So how did Trump defeat ISIS?
He cut the funds and he cut the arms.
Why is the first thing they did?
In the Biden administration, when he gets in office, sending hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine and sending all this military support with no oversight.
They had catching up to do.
They were way behind.
They had to refund all their proxy groups.
They had to rearm all their proxy groups in the Middle East.
Ukraine is just the middleman, the rat hole.
And now they're back!
And now the intelligence community says, yep, terror attack could happen, large gatherings, United States, concert halls, ball games, parks, venues.
Well, golly gee, how are they getting the money?
How are they getting the weapons?
How are they getting in?
It's all policy.
It's all Washington, D.C., deep state, Pentagon, military-industrial complex policy.
And so that's what's so frustrating.
And then we have to sit here and take it, and they just whisper it into the wind.
Sunday night news.
Oh yeah, all the intelligence agencies, all the security agencies agree.
Terror attack imminent in the United States thanks to the open border.
And it's ISIS, by the way.
Big eclipse coming up!
Make sure you travel on the totality path!
It's gonna be the greatest thing ever!
Here's where you can get your sunglasses and blah blah blah blah blah!
You might get shot at by ISIS terrorists, but hey, it's gonna be great!
We're less than halfway into fiscal year 2024, and the number of people on the terror watch list arrested at the border is more than 2017 to 2021 combined.
You mean the Biden White House is funding?
Gee, man, gee!
No oversight to all the money and the weapons going into Ukraine, which is known for corruption?
And now ISIS is back?
And now our southern border is open?
I mean, I'm scratching my head here.
I don't know what the hell's going on!
I'm so confused!
I'm so disoriented!
Why is there a terror threat?
I don't know!
intel warns of potential terrorist threat at gatherings after Moscow attack.
I mean, this is just nuts!
So wait, ISIS wants to attack Russia, and ISIS wants to attack the United States?
Somebody explain that logic to me.
Somebody explain that linear development to me.
No, it's the same proxy groups.
It's the same troglodytes.
It's the same criminals.
And they put them into these groups and they fund them and they arm them.
And some of them are just bat crap crazy.
Others might be religious extremists.
Others they might pull out of prison.
And they might say, hey, you're going to run this deal, and we're going to give your family some money and they'll be taken care of, but you're going to go die here.
You're going to go jihad.
But see, the attack in Moscow, what was the missing element?
They want to say it was ISIS, and maybe it was, these people might have been affiliated with ISIS, but what was the missing element?
They tried to escape.
They had an escape route into Ukraine.
So we've got more on this, and I think that the strategy from Russia here is now becoming clear.
It's just, there is no strategy from the White House.
There is no intelligence from the White House.
They're just setting all of this up.
And I mean, what do they expect here?
I guess they expect that they'll remain in power, and so it just won't matter to them.
I guess that's what they're expecting.
But we don't have serious leadership in Washington, D.C., folks.
We don't.
We have a lack of serious leadership.
It's lacking.
It's clown leadership in D.C.
And they come out and warn you, terror attack imminent, and it just gets rushed away, whispered into the wind.
There is nothing more frustrating to me
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Leading a frontal assault on the lives of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
This is just absolute craziness that we're dealing with here.
And I'm just looking for rational minds.
I'm just, I'm just trying to find rational, common sense minds anywhere here.
It's funny, JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon gets it.
He's warning about this.
World events and polarizing politics creating risks that could eclipse anything since World War II.
So you have Russia essentially coming out, and really, I mean, they're blaming Ukraine, but everybody knows Ukraine is just America's puppet at this point.
Just a proxy state, essentially.
And we have a wide open southern border.
It's just like, what?
And the Republicans don't even do anything about it!
Mitch McConnell's on the floor of the Capitol today complaining about TikTok!
Saying TikTok is a national security threat.
Oh my gosh!
What a joke!
What a joke!
We have no serious leadership.
Oh yeah, Mitch.
That damn TikTok opening the border, that damn TikTok telling people to come in, that damn TikTok giving them free money, free food, free housing, everything else, free rides, that damn TikTok people are using TikTok to get their airplane tickets and their bus tickets and their map routes, that... That darn TikTok!
I mean, it's just a joke!
It's a clown show!
It's a clown show!
And they all sit here.
Everybody's got to take on the TikTok deal.
Everybody in Congress.
Oh, it's a nice, safe, easy topic.
Pick your side and go with it, baby.
But when the Intel communities and Border Patrol and the FBI and the National Security Council and they all come out and they say, terror attack imminent!
Avoid large gatherings!
Oh, I don't want to touch that.
I don't want to deal with that.
Let me talk about TikTok!
That's the one!
Yeah, I'm talking about TikTok!
I'm Mitch McConnell, I'm talking about TikTok, yeah!
TikTok's a national security threat, look at me!
You're a clown!
See, it's so disgusting that I have to come on air and I have to say this.
It's disgusting.
I feel gross, I feel slimy, but
Is it gonna take a terror attack in this country for our Congress members and Washington DC and the White House to wake the fuck up?
Or are you gonna sit there and talk about TikTok?
A child's app!
I'm disgusted!
See, that's the problem is, I don't want to see that.
I don't want to deal with that.
I want to see something happen before we deal with that.
I want to say, what are we doing right now?
But nobody's serious.
Nobody's serious in the FBI.
Oh, don't worry.
Don't worry.
Probably between now and the end of April, they'll probably get five to ten more people that were in D.C.
on January 6th.
Yeah, that's what we'll do.
That's what we'll do.
And maybe we'll get a TikTok ban.
Maybe we'll get a vote on the TikTok ban.
What do you think about that?
What do you think about that?
It's a joke.
It's disgusting.
So let's be perfectly clear.
I pray to God
There isn't a terror attack in this country.
I pray to God we don't see bloodshed.
I pray to God there isn't a false flag to get us deeper embedded with Israel, or deeper embedded in the Middle East, or deeper embedded in Ukraine.
I pray to God.
But as far as I can tell right now, nobody's taking any of that seriously in D.C.
Barely anybody even gets that in the American media.
So, it's like, I don't want to get punched in the face to have to wake up, okay?
I don't want my alarm to ring in the morning, and then Mike Tyson to come into my bedroom and pop me right in the face to wake me up.
But boy, oh boy, that sure would do it, wouldn't it?
Like, oh gee, I just got punched by Mike Tyson, I'm awake now!
Ah, ah, yeah, I'm thinking about TikTok.
Ah, ah, yeah.
Ah, yeah.
Uh, I think about abortion and TikTok.
Ah, it's like, oh yeah, it's kind of nice.
Alright, you know.
More money for Ukraine.
More money for Israel.
More money, more money, more weapons, more military.
Mike Pence goes, signs a bomb!
It's so frustrating.
It's disgusting.
It's disgusting.
So I pray to God.
I pray to God that more Americans don't have to die.
I pray to God more Americans don't have to suffer because of this corrupt leadership in Washington, D.C.
This joke, clown leadership in our intelligence communities, our national security communities.
This do-nothing leadership in D.C.
I pray to God we don't have to see bloodshed because of it.
I pray to God.
And look, I'm not up here being the fear monger here.
Everybody's sitting here, oh the eclipse and the cell phones and the power outages and CERN and all this stuff, and we were up here saying relax, the day's gonna come and go and nothing's gonna happen.
So, this isn't a fear mongering campaign.
This is the real deal!
So I don't want, I don't want to have to have Mike Tyson come and punch me in the face to wake me up.
So it looks like Russia's strategy in Ukraine is pretty clear here though.
They're just going to bleed Ukraine dry.
And they're basically just gonna make Ukraine send all of its men into the meat grinder.
Or women now, or children.
Anybody they can throw out there that's not in Kiev.
It's the Kiev regime protecting itself, living in a bubble.
And then they just go out everywhere else and just send everybody to the war, into the meat grinder.
Most of them just go out there and immediately surrender.
But it looks like that's the strategy now, is Russia's just basically
In a war of attrition, and just bleeding Ukraine to the last man, and then maybe they'll advance into Kiev or something else, I mean, I don't know, but at this stage in the game, that's basically Russia's strategy, is the slow bleed-out of the entire Ukrainian military.
And that's why every time you see Zelensky, he's sitting here begging for money, begging for arms, begging for support, begging for troops.
Because Ukraine has been bled dry by that tiny tyrant.
Fake marriages with disabled women in Ukraine are soaring, as Lupo buys men a ticket out of military service.
That's what they think.
Ukraine resorting to drafting retarded men, and children, and women, and old people.
It's anything they can get, as long as it's not in Kiev, as long as they're protecting the Kiev regime.
But that's all about to change, I feel.
All Ukrainians must fight, says the General.
Ukrainian citizens must realize that none of them will be able to escape mobilization as Kiev's military suffers personnel shortages.
Land Forces Commander Alexander Pavlyuk warned in a Facebook post on Monday.
And again, this belief is from the young
Kids and the oligarchs and the rich folks and the rich kids in Kiev is that they're never going to have to fight this war.
It's kind of like the DC of Ukraine in a way.
It's not a perfect comparison, but basically it's like Lindsey Graham saying, bomb Iran!
Bomb these guys!
Bomb that guy!
But Lindsey Graham ain't going to war!
It's like the same thing in Kiev.
It's coming to their front door whether they realize it or not.
Maybe ours too, unfortunately.
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Yeah, Team Humanity.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, the truth is I'm just sickened by all of this.
The frustration here is this continuation of this hopelessness, or this helplessness, rather.
It's like, we can't do anything about the border invasion.
We can't do anything about the corruption in D.C.
We can't do anything about our government making the world a more dangerous place, making America a more dangerous place.
It's just like, it's just this helpless feeling.
It's just like a total criminal activity.
I mean, it's just, it's totally the most dastardly individuals running the whole thing, and then we're just sitting here, we're just helpless.
See, that's what's so frustrating.
It's like, we're not helpless!
We are fully capable of doing something about all of this!
I always make the analogy of lifting weights.
Anybody that...
Does heavy lifting knows?
I mean, it's like, okay, well, maybe you're going for a new lift, or maybe you're going for more weight, the most weight you've ever done.
There's that hesitation, because it's potentially dangerous.
You can get hurt, whatever.
All right, well, I'm going to try to squat this much, or I'm going to try to bench this much, or I'm going to try to do this power clean, or I'm going to try to do this deadlift.
Most weight I've ever done.
It's a lot.
But there's like, you do it once, it's like, oh, I can do this.
I can do this.
You do it twice.
Then you do it three times.
Then you do it ten times.
We just have to realize we can lift that weight.
We can do it.
Again, we're just too comfortable.
We don't want to.
I mean, if we just had any will at all in Congress.
But see what they do now.
You take a little action.
You go to Washington D.C.
You take a little action.
on January 6th.
They come after you.
What do they do?
They threaten you.
They threaten your family.
They throw you in jail.
They censor you on social media.
That puts them right back in line.
It's all on a razor's edge, man.
It's all on a razor's edge.
Now, I want to move on from this because it's just too frustrating.
And let's just pray we don't have to endure something truly bad.
That is like the next domino to fall.
Let's just pray we don't have to.
Let's just pray it's not inevitable.
But I've got to move on or I'll just sit up here ranting and raving just knowing it's all avoidable and just take some will from people in D.C., from people in Congress.
Just take some people to get serious.
Just take some people in the media to get serious.
But it's a hope and a prayer.
So I'm just going to move on.
And we do have some other important news to cover.
We'll get into more of the political stuff here.
Everything we do here is brought to you by you shopping at InfoWarsStore.com and it's such a relief factor because I've got stories today we're going to cover about how Anthony Fauci and it's Rand Paul, it's Elon Musk, it's others are calling him out telling it's time for criminal investigations and prosecutions and that's just kind of a figurehead of the larger issue of big pharmaceutical and these vaccines killing people but
It's like, you go to the mainstream news, you go to these late-night frauds like Stephen Colbert, and it's like, why do they support the vaccine so much?
Why are they telling you to take this vaccine?
And then it cuts to commercial, and it's a Pfizer ad!
Oh, no wonder they want you to take the vaccine!
It's their sponsor!
We don't have to worry about that here!
We don't have that guilt.
I don't know if Stephen Colbert sleeps with the guilt of pushing a deadly vaccine on people or not, but
Maybe he's a soul to school.
We don't have to deal with that.
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Now, alright.
Let's look at some other stuff here.
Here, let's have, uh, maybe we need a little... Maybe we need a little comic relief.
Maybe we need a little comic relief here as we close out the first hour and enter the second.
Dealing with some heaviness there.
Joe Biden!
Boy, this guy's something, isn't he?
This guy is truly something.
Would you believe me if I told you Joe Biden has claimed that he was raised Puerto Rican, Greek, Irish, Catholic, Jewish, Italian, Polish, Palestinian, Persian, and black?
Would you believe that?
Certainly Joe Biden hasn't claimed all of those things.
Or maybe he has!
Actually, he definitely has!
Here's the video proof in clip 9.
Oh, we all needed this.
Let's start it again from the top.
I'm going to turn my mic off because I'm going to be interrupting and laughing too much.
Joe Biden, the most diverse, multicultural human being in the history of the world.
He's for real.
I was sort of raised in the Puerto Rican community.
I had a very close relationship with the Greek-American community, for real.
I am Joe Bidenopolis.
I grew up in a heavily Irish Catholic community in Scranton, Pennsylvania, and a heavily Italian-Polish community.
When I say I got raised in the black church, he knows I'm not kidding.
The Persian culture.
This is amazing.
As a student of the Persian culture, I probably went to shul more than many of you.
I come out of the black community.
The background of my family is Irish-American.
Not fundamentally unlike the Palestinian people.
I might say raised in
Everybody in town was either Polish or Italian.
I grew up feeling self-conscious.
My name didn't end in an S-K-I.
I was raised in a neighborhood where I felt self-conscious.
My name didn't end in an O. That's kind of how I was raised.
Like so many Americans of Irish heritage.
Let me tell you, forget about it.
That's where I got raised, man.
Just like rabbis, synagogues, and Jewish community centers in your hometowns, and that's the tradition I got raised.
Hard-working people, the middle class, the neighbors I got raised in.
I was raised on GM.
I was raised by Danny Inouye.
I was raised by a righteous Christian.
I got raised on automobiles.
Oh, what an absolute liar.
What a just complete... He just lies.
It's just like... It's so natural for Joe Biden.
He doesn't even think twice.
He doesn't have to.
He just opens his mouth, starts talking, and makes it up from there.
We got more from Biden.
Do you think Joe... Could Joe Biden possibly make the bridge collapse in Baltimore about him?
He did.
He did.
He made it about himself.
Go figure.
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It's all about Poopypants Joe.
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It's really just incredible.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, Rand Paul is calling out Anthony Fauci.
He's not the only one.
I'll tell you who else is and what's being revealed, but first here's part of Rand Paul being interviewed last night talking about this.
The establishment regularly wrings their hands, befuddled by the public's obvious and dramatic loss, loss of faith in America's once most respected institutions.
Now, invariably, they blame Donald Trump for sowing these seeds of doubt.
His and his mega-mastodons, all of those, they're the ones who poison the public's thinking about everything from the FBI to the CDC.
I'm a politician, I know.
But I'm listening to the scientists.
Wear a mask.
Socially distance.
If the unvaccinated get vaccinated, they will protect themselves and other unvaccinated people around them.
If they do not, states with low vaccination rates may see those rates go up.
Of course, these frauds all need to look in the mirror.
They are solely to blame because they're the ones who just made stuff up to scare people and to control people.
How many times did some annoying liberal woman chastise you at the grocery store checkout line or at the airport check-in counter?
Social distancing, please!
Remember that?
Remember those annoying stickers?
They're still there.
Well, as The Angle told you back in 2020, these rules, rules about masks, rules about social distancing, were not based in science at all.
And now years later, in testimony on Capitol Hill, Tony Fauci, the man responsible for it all, has begun admitting what we knew all along.
That there was no data-driven evidence to support these rules.
But we were supposed to blame Trump for all this?
Those same fraudulent scare tactics are being used to mandate EVs.
A lot of them are frozen here in Iowa this week.
And of course they want to outlaw gas stoves.
You'll have to fight me for mine.
And they want to push to ban meat.
Force you to eat grasshoppers.
And of course they want to ban natural grass lawns.
Can't have those.
The left wants to control you, they want to monitor you, and they want to chip away at your freedoms for your own good.
Joining me now, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul.
Senator, they've been telling us that democracy is in danger if Trump gets in.
But how would you describe what they've been doing to us?
Well, you know, democracy is in danger because you realize, Laura, you can't have democracy unless it's filtered through Rachel Maddow.
We can't let Donald Trump speak directly to the people.
By all means, democracy will only survive if he is channeled and filtered by Rachel Maddow.
I mean, to listen to the ridiculous nature of these people who every day blather on about
Democracy is going to be defeated.
We're going to lose democracy and then the next breath they come out and say but we must ban Donald Trump from being on the ballot because God forbid the American people they we cannot let them have a choice and let them vote for him.
So it is a bizarre notion and they have these convoluted ways of saying well we need an electoral process for supporting democracy.
Thank you.
Now, Senator, we discussed the fake social distancing rules that were put into place.
They were everywhere.
There were tyrants running around, you know, wagging fingers and yelling at people.
And Tony Fauci essentially admitting that that was just based in nothing.
What should the consequences be for him, for all of the COVID fraud that was perpetrated on the American people?
Everything they blamed the right on, vaccine hesitancy, not trusting government officials, the loss of trust in government, I told them over and over again, and I still continue to tell them, it is at their feet.
It's not at those of us who said, well, maybe we should examine individually whether older people might benefit from the vaccines or if younger people might not.
We're going to come back to this clip, and we're also going to follow up with some other news in regards to Fauci.
But see, it's another one of those things.
It's like, Fauci is just, he's caught red-handed here, man.
How are we helpless to prosecute that little gremlin?
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Now, Senator, we discussed the fake social distancing rules that were put into place.
They were everywhere.
There were tyrants running around, you know, wagging fingers and yelling at people.
And Tony Fauci essentially admitting that that was just based in nothing.
What should the consequences be for him, for all of the COVID fraud that was perpetrated on the American people?
Everything they blamed the right on, vaccine hesitancy, not trusting government officials, the loss of trust in government, I told them over and over again, and I still continue to tell them, it is at their feet.
It's not at those of us who said, well maybe we should examine individually whether older people might benefit from the vaccine versus younger people who might not need it, or whether or not people who have already been infected may not need to be vaccinated again, or maybe people don't need...
They've already been infected.
None of these questions were ever answered, but the more they came out with things that weren't believable, like that your six-month-old needs three vaccines, or your 12-year-old needs three vaccines, even if they've had COVID, and that none of the studies included the variable of whether you have had COVID.
So they would do these large studies and compare booster to no booster, and they couldn't show that it stopped transmission, because it doesn't.
And for kids and teenagers and young people, they couldn't show that it reduced hospitalization or death,
Because it didn't.
Because these kids were rarely going to the hospital.
So then they came up with, they said, well if we vaccinate your kid three times, they make antibodies.
But Rand... It wasn't proof of anything.
It was all...
Yeah, Senator, they were lying.
And the lying had real consequences for children, their mental health, their education, for business, for our faith, not being able to go to houses of worship.
I mean, that's fundamental American freedoms.
And I'll ask you again, what should the consequences be for Anthony Fauci?
You know, I've sent two referrals to the Department of Justice.
I think he lied to Congress, which is a felony.
You know, several folks from the Trump administration were accused of lying to Congress and carted off to jail with FBI agents all over the property, you know, yanking them out of their house early in the morning.
But we have two tiers of justice here.
It depends on whether you were a supporter of Donald Trump or you're a supporter of big government, you know, the centralized government.
But Anthony Fauci did lie to Congress.
We know that from his own words.
Not because I say he lies, but his private emails say he was lying.
Virtually everything he said in private contradicted what he was saying in public.
And he was fairly honest in private.
In private, he said masks don't work.
In public, he wore three masks.
In private, he admitted that there was such a thing as natural immunity gained from getting the infection.
In public, he was like, you know, we're not going to measure that.
It's unpredictable.
Yeah, on our show he said that several times, so I kept trying to push him on natural immunity and he's all, no, that's not really a thing.
All right, Senator, you've been fantastic on this.
Does Anthony Fauci belong in prison?
Well, would it be for the COVID protocols?
Would it be for the vaccine pushing?
Maybe we should go back and look at his involvement in the AIDS epidemic.
Rand Paul followed up and released this statement this morning.
Newly obtained documents confirm yet again Fauci lied about COVID.
Fauci's NIH lab was a partner with Wuhan on a proposal to engineer highly transmissible coronavirus in 2018.
But he wasn't alone.
15 government agencies knew about it and said nothing.
Americans deserve answers.
Yeah, that's right.
And these people probably deserve prison time, I would say.
The great Wuhan flu, the great COVID cover-up.
Shocking truth about Wuhan and 15 federal agencies.
It's frustrating, because this has been known for years now, and yet we still have to sit here and play this game of tiddlywinks, trying to put that tiddlywink Anthony Fauci behind bars.
But who knows?
You know, maybe Fauci gets involved in some more gain-of-function research and another pandemic happens.
Then he comes out and says, you need to wear your mask and you need to take your vaccine.
Elon Musk commenting on the developments saying, my pronouns are Prosecute Fauci.
That's right.
That should be obvious at this stage in the game.
It's funny too because, you know, people look at Elon Musk and he's obviously a pioneer in his own right.
But like, yeah.
Coming out and saying that Anthony Fauci deserves prosecution, that's like barely... That's like the lightest step you could take.
For a guy that, you know, makes rockets and all this other stuff.
That's like nothing.
Like, yeah, prosecute Fauci.
But it's like, oh my god, Elon Musk is saying it!
Which is good, it's nice to have that, you know, someone with a bigger profile as Elon Musk saying it, but people act like, oh my gosh, he's leaning into this so hard.
Well, that should be basic common sense to prosecute that goblin creature.
I mean, should we review Fauci's involvement in the AIDS epidemic?
And these stories are re-emerging and going viral with all these old headlines talking about Fauci, the man who gave us AIDS.
Smallpox, vaccine-triggering AIDS, it's Fauci.
It's Fauci, Fauci, Fauci, Fauci.
He's all over it.
Fauci, Fauci.
And because you didn't prosecute him then, because you didn't put that mad scientist goblin behind bars then, he came out with COVID!
What will Fauci do next?
What loving virus will Fauci give us next?
You know, loving virus from Fauci.
And then he goes on TV and they put him in like GQ, man.
I don't know anything!
I don't know anything!
I just wear a mask!
I don't know!
I don't know!
Get your vaccine!
Get your vaccine!
Wear your mask!
Wear your mask!
A ghoul.
Did Matthew McConaughey win awards for that movie?
Dallas Buyers Club?
I think that was an award-winning film.
Dallas Buyers Club?
You may have seen the film.
Pretty good movie, actually.
Pretty good movie, actually.
And you know the bad guy in that movie is Anthony Fauci.
Just odd.
That dirty, rotten, mad scientist, Anthony Fauci.
Everybody knows it, too.
Everybody that's worked with him knows it.
It's just a joke.
But hey, you know what?
If you bent a blade of grass on the Capitol lawn on January 6th, we're coming for you.
You're going to prison.
You're a danger.
All right.
Let's move on here.
Let's move on here.
Let's talk political issues.
Now, a couple nights ago, Donald Trump releases a statement on abortion.
And while you can only assume Trump's stance to be political at this point, just making political measurements and decisions ahead of a 2024 election, we also have to analyze that from a raw political standpoint.
And so,
I'm pro-life.
I would like to see laws protecting the unborn, absolutely.
But at the end of the day, we have to be pragmatic and we have to be making decisions to put ourselves in the best situation politically, which also eventually will be to eradicate abortion altogether.
But it's a process.
It's a process.
And this is why I always say political purism is a cancer to any political movement.
And so now people are coming out against Trump because he makes these statements that you might disagree with, I might disagree with.
But Trump is kind of up against it.
Because the Republican Party really is bad on this issue.
Where they have no good, they're bad messaging wise.
So you can just come out with raw policy and that's fine.
But they don't even do that.
And there's a reason why they don't do that, because they know it would probably hurt them politically.
Now, I think abortion is a winning issue, politically.
But, it has to be presented in a very nuanced way, and you have to make sure that you're winning in the narrative war and the headline battle.
And going up against the left in that battlefield, I mean, they own the field.
So they've got the home field advantage, it's tough to do.
But the Republican Party doesn't do counter-narratives.
The Republican Party doesn't do narrative control.
They don't put out any good press releases, any good press statements, any good ads, pushing back on all the abortion rhetoric that the Democrats put out.
So Trump is already at a loss here.
And so he has to tackle the issue on his own, because he gets no relief from the Republicans on this issue.
They just totally lose the narrative battle with the Democrats.
But there's actually a good thing here.
And the fact that the Republicans are piling on Trump, and the Democrats are piling on Trump, and he comes out and really kind of takes the neutral ground here and says, look,
We did the right thing that needed to be done, and that was get Roe vs. Wade out of the Supreme Court and into the states.
And again, if you're looking at things through a political, pragmatic strategy standpoint, okay.
So, you take it out of the Supreme Court, you put it into the states.
Where, quite frankly, it's not done well in a lot of states.
Some states it's done well, some states it hasn't done well.
Some states, the abortion laws, and they got passed, and now you can't get an abortion.
But this is another place where the Democrats win, because you can get an abortion in certain situations.
If the mother's life is in danger, if the baby's life is in danger, whatever, there are still instances where you can get an abortion.
So it's not, they lie about that and they say, oh, the mother's gonna die and now she can't get an abortion or all these other things.
Total lie!
And the Republicans don't have any messaging to push back on that, and so they lose in the narrative war.
But it's been probably about a 50-50 split when you get down to the state level about banning abortion or not, even in conservative states.
So, Trump takes the neutral ground and says, yes, I'm pro-life, but we're in an election year, we've got to win an election, and we've got to make strategic decisions, but we've left it up to the states.
So you can now decide what
Your state is going to do.
So he really kind of claims the neutral ground.
And it was the perfect, it's like the best thing that's ever happened even to the pro-life movement.
And this is tough to understand, but it's true.
Trump taking the neutral ground and then getting pounded by the Republicans and pounded by the Democrats is actually a good thing.
Because now they have to go listen to what Trump said.
And politically speaking, you're not going to have
This pro-choice movement that's going to be so impactful at the polls, potentially.
And that's what it's really all about.
So the Democrats are piling on.
Donald Trump is worried that since he's responsible for overturning Roe vs. Wade, again, it was the Supreme Court.
Trump was not on the Supreme Court last I checked.
The voters will hold him accountable in 2024.
I have news for Donald, they will.
Abortion rights have won in every election since Roe vs. Wade was overturned.
Well, that's just not true.
If that was true, then why would they be complaining about Texas and Missouri and these other states where you can't get an abortion?
So they just lie on top of lie on top of lie here.
But it's all about turning out women that are single-issue voters, and then their cuck husbands as well, or their gay friend as well, who normally wouldn't vote at all, but, oh, you gotta vote for my healthcare rights!
So we'll dig more into this, but here's a great breakdown.
Natalie Winters was on a podcast here with a bunch of...
socially liberal women that are pro-choice and she really hammers into this issue about how they're being brainwashed to vote based off their emotion driven by propaganda.
So here's Natalie Winters explaining this and you can see it in the girls faces when she basically catches them in their own trap that yeah we've been manipulated by abortion and then that forces us to vote Democrat in clip 11.
When you guys are considering who you're voting for, what's like the primary issue that drives you?
Is it abortion?
That is a driving force for me.
Yeah, I would agree.
I think abortion is a driving force.
So, isn't it kind of interesting that for a lot of women, young women that I speak to, there's these, like, isms and ideologies that are so strongly implanted in your brain, but you haven't really even done the work to come to that conclusion, yet it manifests in the form of you voting in a political way.
I would assume you're maybe, probably Democrats, or you vote for politicians.
Not solely, but strongly, because of what they do with abortion.
And when my side says that they use abortion as an issue to turn out the female vote, does it not make you think, like, oh, isn't it interesting that I'm so passionate about this issue that I actually haven't done any research on?
Now, that's quite frankly every issue that a liberal has.
But let's look at the abortion issue, because that's what the Democrats are going to try to push to the polls.
Most of those girls probably have never had an abortion and never will.
In fact, most women that are pro-choice have never had an abortion and never will.
Most of those girls, they're all on birth control.
They're not even worried about getting pregnant.
They're probably on multiple forms of birth control.
So it's not even an issue that they have to deal with.
But they get manipulated, they get lied to, and then they end up going and voting because of it.
And getting other people to go out and vote because of it.
And they're convinced it's about health care.
Because the Republicans lose the narrative war.
But it was really perfectly phrased there.
You get manipulated, and then you end up voting Democrat.
And you can see it in their faces if you're watching us today on Band.Video.
You can see in their faces after she says it, they're like, oh, I guess she's kind of right, actually.
See, it's not, oh, I need to vote for safety or security or a good economy or good foreign policy.
It's abortion!
That's insane in and of itself.
But it shows how they get manipulated.
But strategically, Trump, abortion restrictions cost GOP.
Political purism destroys a political movement at the polls.
And so, this is a tough one.
This is a tough one for Christian conservatives.
This is a tough one for pro-lifers.
It is.
It really is.
So, I guess the question would be strategically, do pro-lifers now not show up because of this stance to vote for Donald Trump?
I doubt that.
I would say, just from a matter of strategy and just raw politics,
That Trump coming out and taking the neutral ground probably has a positive result at the polls, and then him being attacked by the Democrats and the Republicans force people to go look at what he's actually saying and realize that, okay, no, they're actually lying about Trump's stance on the issue now.
And then Mike Pence coming out and attacking Donald Trump, saying he stabbed the pro-lifers in the back.
I don't view it that way.
I think Trump has to make a political strategic decision, and he did so, and he took the neutral ground.
And he figured, you know what?
It's probably better for me to be in office than draw a hard line in the sand on abortion and then not get into office.
Some people might disagree.
That's the measurement I see here.
But for Mike Pence, who loves war, who goes out and signs bombs, who goes out and takes a sharpie and signs bombs for a photo shoot, to be talking about being pro-life?
Sit down and shut up, Mike.
It's really unfortunate, Mike, you turned out to be a total phony and a total fraud.
And so you want to take a hard stance on being pro-life?
Fine, good for you.
Maybe don't go sign a bomb that's going to be dropped to kill innocent children, you phony.
But you did it, didn't you?
You did it, and you loved it.
You felt good about it, too.
You loved the cameras there, but then you're going to pile on Donald Trump?
Give me a break.
Now here's some more commentary on it.
Let's go back in time!
Let's go back in time.
I'm telling you, strategically, again, if you're a pro-lifer and it rubs you the wrong way, I get it.
But strategically, what Trump did here, politically, was actually probably smart.
Because this used to be the common stance for any politician to take on the issue.
Here's Joe Biden in 2006.
Here's his stance on abortion, 2006.
I do not view abortion as a choice and a right.
I think it's always a tragedy.
And I think that it should be rare and safe.
And I think we should be focusing on how to limit the number of abortions.
And there ought to be able to have a common ground and consensus as to do that.
I think the vast majority of the American people think that can be done.
But unfortunately we're put in a position where you either eliminate abortions under all circumstances or it's, quote, abortion on demand.
The fact of the matter is I've never known of a woman having an abortion and say, by the way, I feel like having an abortion.
It's always a tragic decision made, always a difficult decision.
Seems, seems rational there, doesn't he?
Here's Hillary Clinton, 2008.
What does she have to say about abortion?
I think abortion should remain legal, but it needs to be safe and rare.
And I have spent
Many years now, as a private citizen, as First Lady, and now as Senator, trying to make it rare.
Trying to create the conditions where women had other choices.
I have supported adoption, foster care.
I helped to create the campaign against teenage pregnancy, which fulfilled our original goal ten years ago of reducing teenage pregnancies by about a third.
And I think we have to do even more.
You know, when I think about this issue, I think about the whole range of concerns and challenges associated with it, and I will continue to do what I can to reduce the number and to improve and increase the care for women, and particularly the adoption system and the other opportunities that women would have to make different choices.
So that probably would have been considered a far left take on abortion in 2008.
But so what's changed?
Looking at those clips from Biden and Hillary from 2006 and 2018, it tells two big stories.
One, it shows how Democrats don't really have any fundamental beliefs.
Democrat political beliefs and policies and fundamentals change with the temperature, with the season,
With the flavor of the month.
They can change.
They don't actually have foundational principles.
And that's why it's actually harder for Donald Trump to deal with this issue because conservatives actually do have foundational principles.
Being pro-life might be one of them.
But for Democrats, they don't have foundational principles.
They don't have to remain consistent with policy or political beliefs or stances on major issues like abortion.
They can change depending on whatever direction the wind blows.
And they do!
It's all political strategy.
But here's the other story.
Why did Democrats make the issue of abortion such a headline issue, even though clearly they knew 20 years ago it was something you wanted to touch with kid gloves and stay away from and be as neutral as possible?
Because they've turned it into a political issue, they've turned it into a narrative war, and they've manipulated women into becoming single-issue voters, and some men, to become single-issue voters on abortion alone.
So they don't vote common sense, they don't vote border security, safety security, economy, foreign policy, all they do is show up and vote abortion.
It was all done intentionally by the Democrats.
So there's your two stories from those clips.
Democrats change their policy depending on what way the wind blows, they don't have any foundations or principles, and they manipulate people with issues like this to become one-issue voters.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
All right, just to close out that last topic of discussion here.
210 Democrats vote against bill requiring medical care for babies born alive after abortion attempt.
Yeah, kill that kid.
Oh, man, it's just ugh.
And, you know, here's here's people's concerns, and I think Trump's concerns as well.
And there is an argument to be had here.
And I'm against political purism, but I understand people that are, and pro-life is one of the main purist issues that there are.
Arizona Supreme Court rules state must revert to century-old law banning nearly all abortions.
Near total abortion ban, Arizona reinstates 160-year-old abortion ban.
Notice what they did in 2022 and nobody ever went to prison for leaking the Supreme Court decision.
And so they leaked it in a timely fashion right before the midterms so that they could get abortion on the ballot.
And now they're going to do the same thing.
And so you can be a political purist on this issue.
And you can celebrate this decision, and you can celebrate other things.
And maybe you have asked yourself the question.
Is it worth it to be a political purist on the abortion issue, but then lose elections?
And you could say, well that doesn't mean we're going to lose elections.
Okay, but what if it did?
What if it did?
That's the question.
That's the measurement.
And so, have no doubt about it, that this decision in Arizona is now going to be used by Democrats to say, see, Republicans are going to take away your right to health care.
And dumb liberal women will fall for it.
So, you just look at things politically, pragmatically.
If you're a purist, you say, I don't care, we're saving all the babies no matter what, that's fine, even if it costs you elections.
But that's where we're at.
Now, this decision just happened today as well.
This is truly precedent setting.
Parents of Michigan school shooter sentenced to 10 to 15 years in prison.
Jennifer and James Crumbly, whose son killed four people, each face up to 15 years in prison for involuntary manslaughter convictions.
Now, this just broke.
I don't want to get too deep into this, but the evidence presented against them is pretty bad.
When it comes to the messages and the warnings and everything that was presented to the court, it definitely looks pretty bad.
No doubt about it.
To now have the precedent that parents can be prosecuted for crimes that their children commit is extremely concerning and dangerous.
And it really sets up an entire new litany of issues that could potentially follow here.
And I get
Where the jury is coming from, and that's part of the problem in America today too, is that, you know, it's a jury of your so-called peers, but if half of those juries are not very bright people, if half those jurors aren't very bright people,
You know, the type of people you go out in the streets and say, hey, you know, when was the Declaration of Independence signed?
Or hey, how many states are there?
Or what's the US Capitol?
And they just don't know anything?
Those are the type of people that get into a jury now.
And so they just deal with raw emotion.
They don't think critically.
They can't think two-dimensionally, three-dimensionally, four-dimensionally.
They can't think about the impact of decisions like this, and they just go off raw emotions.
And so they see these messages and the kid killing kids at the school, and they just see, oh my gosh, well these parents have to pay.
Somebody has to pay!
And then it's just, boom, now you have the precedent.
Parents are getting charged for what the child did.
So that just developed a very dangerous precedent there.
All right.
You know, this is how Democrat Party propaganda works, by the way.
And we just discussed that with the abortion issue.
California environmentalist group sue to close last nuclear power plant providing 9% of California's power.
We need to go in the opposite direction.
We need to be getting nuclear power on the grid.
So now your energy bill in California is going to be 9% higher.
And this is what the liberals do.
They just did the same thing with this minimum wage law.
And they all vote for a minimum wage law.
And then they lose their job because the business can't afford to pay them anymore.
And they say, what the heck?
So now it's going to be the same thing.
Oh, I voted for the minimum wage law.
Look how smart I am.
You just lost your job.
Oh, I voted to shut down the nuclear plant.
Your energy bill just went up 10%.
Why is my energy bill so expensive?
But they set you up with these environmentalist stunts and propaganda agents like Greta Thunberg.
It's so ridiculous.
She gets quote-unquote arrested, they say,
These police officers pick her up and put her in like a tour van.
There's no arrest.
And notice, there's entire teams of cameras filming the entire thing like it's a movie scene.
It literally is a, it's exactly what you would see if somebody was filming a movie.
I feel bad for this girl.
And I mean, I guess she's technically an adult now, but
I don't want to be mean to Greta Thunberg here.
This girl has obviously been used and abused by wacko leftist progressive types and her parents and it's really disgusting actually.
And so part of my heart actually breaks for Greta Thunberg.
That she's been used and abused by these people now and this is just who she is now.
And so she gets treated like
She's in a Hollywood movie with all these cameras around her and they say she gets arrested and they toss her into a city bus.
It's not an arrest.
It's all for stunts.
It's all a camera thing.
But, you know, she's the exact type of person they want to use that probably doesn't know any better and may have some learning disabilities or something.
So again, I don't want to come on here and make fun of this girl.
My heart kind of breaks for her because she's been used and abused by liberals.
That's what they do.
These are sick freaks.
They will do anything for their agenda.
They will use children.
They will.
They will use anything.
See, once you understand, once you make that leap intellectually, philosophically,
You understand how sick, deranged, and dangerous the modern day liberal truly is?
They will sacrifice anything at the altar of liberalism.
Including children.
Because they've put it in their heads that they're the heroes and so they can do no wrong.
They've put it in their heads that they're the stewards of humanity.
They're the stewards of morals.
They have the high ground.
They're saving the planet.
So yeah, you gotta crack a few eggs to make an omelet.
That's how they look at it, folks.
So whatever evil they commit in the process, they've already justified it internally by, we're the good guys.
We're the good guys.
We're fighting the evil.
We're always the good guys.
We always have the moral high ground.
And if we have to do some bad things or abuse some kids or do whatever we have to do to accomplish our agenda, it's worth it because we're the good guys.
So that's how they justify all this crap.
And they're about to learn it again.
Mansion tax only makes Los Angeles housing crisis worse.
So they made this mansion tax quote-unquote and now all rents went up and now nobody can afford rent.
Way to go liberals!
When are you going to learn?
Probably never!
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones!
Tulsi Gabbard is trying to speak some sense into liberals and democrats.
We'll see if it has a result.
Some interesting developments here.
Tulsi Gabbard was recently on a podcast, the Babylon Bee podcast, and some excellent poll quotes here from Tulsi Gabbard.
Yeah, she's right.
I felt that I had done all I could to try to bring about changes within the party.
It became very clear that not only were the powers that be in the Democrat Party not interested in change, they felt directly threatened by me and my message, and therefore retaliated in every way they possibly could.
They care more about power than they care about solving problems or what the best interests of the people in the country
When I say I love my country and I cherish freedom, people are like, gosh, you sound like a right-wing conservative.
What happened to you?
What happened to me?
What happened to the Democrat Party?
You know, there's two things about this that Tulsi Gabbard gets from an insider perspective that are just so key to understand.
And it's the first part here of this quote.
There's no one in the Democrat Party anymore who advocates for peace, civil liberties, or freedom.
Okay, well, we see that with policy and rhetoric and approach, but more importantly, this.
They care more about power.
They care more about power than they care about solving problems or what the best interests of the people in our country are.
Power, power, power.
That's all the Democrat Party cares about, is power.
And what's the driving force?
What is, if you could separate, politically, the left from the right, if it would be possible to make a general statement, a general analysis, what separates the left from the right?
The right
The American right wants to be able to do whatever they want.
The American left wants to tell you what you're allowed to do and what you're not allowed to do.
If you just want to do what you want, political power is not something you lust after because you don't have to control your neighbor.
So, think about it.
You're not trying to seek power over your neighbor.
You're not trying to seek
Control over somebody else's life or their decisions.
But if you're on the left and your entire driving force is telling people how to live, is telling people what they can and can't do, then you need power.
That's why it's so important to understand that.
The Democrats lust for power because it's the key to all their policies.
And without it, they have nothing.
Paul C. Gabbard leaves Democrat Party, calling it an elitist cabal.
Yeah, they go out and have these fundraisers with all these celebrities and all these rich people, $100,000 a head to sit at a table, and they say, the Republicans are the party of the rich!
Yeah, I'll have more about that fundraiser in a second.
But no, it's all the big billionaire class that supports liberal ideology, Democrat Party politics, but oh no, it's the Republicans that are for the rich guy.
Skyhorse Publishing announces upcoming book by Tulsi Gabbard.
For the love of country, leave the Democrat Party behind.
Said it a hundred times.
Only two things survive.
The Democrat Party or the United States of America.
These two things cannot coexist much longer.
Only one survives.
The Democrat Party or the United States of America.
Tulsi Gabbard, but see that's why they hate America.
That's why the Democrats chant death to America in the streets.
That's why they burn the American flag.
They know the game!
This is interesting.
Tulsi Gabbard turned down RFK Jr.'
's offer to be his running mate, she says.
And she gets into it a little bit.
And how they were friends, but she declined after carefully considering the offer.
You know, I wonder if this isn't because she wants to come out and endorse Trump, or be a part of the Trump administration at some point.
It's kind of what I take from this, because why wouldn't you take that offer?
Unless you were looking at something else, potentially, that might interfere with.
But I'm just theorizing here.
And now the Democrats are coming out and telling you not to do your own research again.
Arbiter of Truth and Disinformation Guru tells public, don't do your own research!
During a recent discussion, Pennsylvania Secretary of Commonwealth Al Schmitt and Executive Director of Pitt Disinformation Lab Beth Schwanke spoke about beguiling the public into believing establishment sources.
Oh, yes.
Don't do your own research, says the liberal.
Don't do your own research, says the Democrat.
Just listen to us.
Oh yeah, but then they say Trump's going to be the dictator!
MSC meltdown, Trump is going to be dictator for the rest of our lives.
It's all projectors.
They want to dictate your life.
They want to tell you not to eat meat.
They want to tell you not to have a gas-powered stove, a gas-powered car.
They want to tell you not to do their own research, not to do your own research, and then, oh, Trump is the dictator!
Trump, Trump, Trump!
No, they're the dictators.
But they know, inherently, everybody hates a dictator.
So they take all the posturing, they take all the stances, they pose as the dictators, but then they say, Trump is the dictator!
That's why Tulsi Gabbard is urging people to leave the Democrat Party.
Now, speaking of fundraisers, so it probably shouldn't go unmentioned, Trump has a massively successful fundraiser over the weekend, raises $50 million, compared to the $26 million that Biden raised.
Now, here's why this is significant.
Yes, Trump has big donors, obviously, but the majority of Trump's donors are actually just average, blue-collar, working, American, middle-class people.
Whereas Biden has $100,000 ahead fundraisers featuring Lizzo and Stephen Colbert and all these other celebrities and Obama and Clinton.
So Trump doubled Joe Biden at a fundraising event.
Trump doubled Joe Biden.
Now, who did Joe Biden use to create
The atmosphere and the energy to have a massive fundraiser.
Who did he use?
Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Lizzo, Stephen Colbert, the list goes on.
Who did Donald Trump use to get 50 million dollars?
Who did Donald Trump need?
Donald Trump.
That's it.
Donald Trump didn't have to parade a bunch of old, corrupt politicians.
Donald Trump didn't have to bring out a bunch of celebrities to do performances and sell fancy dinners to raise $50 million.
You know who Trump needed?
He needed Trump.
Biden needed all the bells and whistles.
Biden needed all the power of celebrity.
Biden needed major help to fundraise $26 million.
Biden wasn't even
The story.
Biden wasn't even the focus.
Who did Donald Trump need?
He just needed Donald Trump.
There's no energy in the support for Joe Biden, folks.
It's not there.
It doesn't exist.
Trump's support is real.
And you just compare and contrast those two fundraisers, it just tells the entire story.
Trump is
The leader of his campaign.
Trump is the selling point of his campaign.
Trump is the mainstay, the focus, the front man of his campaign.
What is the number one asset to Trump's campaign for president?
Donald Trump.
Is the number one asset to the Joe Biden campaign for president.
Anyone but Biden.
Literally anyone.
Give us anyone.
We don't want Joe Biden in the public.
Think about it.
Biden is running for president again.
He does no interviews.
He gives no access.
He barely holds any rallies.
He can't do a fundraiser without celebrity power up there to draw in cash.
What are they gonna do, folks?
I mean, seriously, if they steal this thing again in 2024, which, saying that is now a criminal offense... It's brave to just even say that.
If they steal this thing again in 2024, nobody's gonna believe it.
Nobody's gonna believe it.
But hell, I mean, they've basically told you that's what they're gonna do, or something else will happen and Biden just won't leave the office.
Just like they said Trump would do!
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Alright, a couple other headlines here before we're joined in studio by Chase Geiser and a special report incoming from Alex Jones.
Joe Biden was at the bridge collapse and he made the whole thing about himself.
It's like, how can Joe Biden make a bridge collapse about himself?
That's Joe Biden.
And he just continues to lie about his education and lie about how he lost his son and he just makes all this bull crap up.
But beyond that, see if you can make out what he says here addressing the bridge collapse.
I'm not sure this makes any sense, but maybe you can figure it out for me in clip 8.
Today, my administration is announcing the first tranche of dislocated worker grants.
Fancy phrase, which is dimes.
All it is there to make sure it helps create jobs for workers involved in the cleanup of this incident.
Additional jobs.
Slurring and stumbling and mumbling and bumbling through another speech is Joe Biden.
By the way,
We joked about this when we were covering this live on the war room when the bridge collapsed.
I mean, we were really joking.
I don't think we actually thought they would do this.
And we'll see what happens.
The Francis Scott Key Bridge name should change.
Civil rights groups say there it is.
So we were joking, like, they're going to name it the Katenji-Brown-Jackson Bridge.
They might actually do it.
They might actually not call it the Francis Scott Key Bridge, and they might call it the Katenji-Brown-Jackson Bridge.
This country is a joke, man.
The day the Democrat Party and the liberal ideology is eradicated from this country, politically and culturally, is the day America becomes the bastion of freedom and ingenuity and invention and prosperity that it is destined to become.
But we first must do that.
Here's more for Biden.
He doesn't care.
The Supreme Court rules against him.
The law of the land is against him.
He doesn't care.
He's buying votes, cancelling student debt anyway.
Here he is bragging about just outright criminal behavior in clip 4.
From day one, my administration has been committed to fixing the broken student loan system and making sure higher education is a ticket to the middle class, not a barrier.
My administration has approved debt cancellation for 4 million Americans through various actions.
I don't know what to do with my hands.
So again, it's totally against the law, Supreme Court rulings, everything.
You can't do that, Joe.
He says, I'm just gonna do it anyway.
This is criminal behavior, just bragging about it.
Here he is again, bragging about it, clip 13.
Tens of millions of people's debt was literally about to get canceled.
But then some of my Republican friends and elected officials and special interests sued us.
And the Supreme Court blocked us.
But that didn't, well, that didn't stop us.
No, I mean it sincerely.
We continue to find alternatives past reducing taxes.
He means it, too.
Find alternatives to break the law.
Stunning stuff, isn't it?
Joe Biden.
But I wonder, when Janet Yellen says this during an interview, what are Americans thinking?
Here we go, clip six.
I guess I'm just wondering if the economy continues to hold up, no matter what happens on the Fed.
I think we've got a good, strong economy.
We've got very strong domestic demand.
Consumers are holding up.
Some low-income consumers are perhaps exhausting their buffers of saving that they built up during the pandemic.
We're out of time here.
We're about to be joined by Chase Geiser here from Alex Jones.
But can you imagine, like, Americans are struggling, but then that mophead, bowl-cut, rat woman comes out and says, no, the economy's great.
Oh, gee, the economy's great now!
The rat woman said so!
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
You can't put me in jail if you don't know what to do.
Wow, you're so lucky, Alex Jones.
Yeah, so, we were after him.
Was that court case used?
Sure it was, but we were looking at all of his followers.
Was that in Seattle?
Oh, my God.
Who's that guy?
It's Vero, practicing trapment.
A lot?
Yeah, we get really close.
It's a civil matter.
Since they've got all this access to his stuff, and it's there, what can we go find?
And the goal with him was what?
Just to bankrupt him?
Uh, pretty much.
There's nothing federally, federal law, we can do.
But civilly, we can go at him that way.
Chop his legs off.
Who would be like a big influencer that you're after?
Like a... I don't know, like a... Like a Fox News person?
Or like a Tucker Carlson?
Or like... Oh, I'm sure he's... Right.
The youngest one, but I guess the loudest.
Like that, what was his name?
The one that said the Sandy Hook didn't happen.
Alex Jones.
Yeah, so... We're after him.
You are?
Are you still after him?
Because he's broke.
He got found guilty.
And had to pay like a hundred million dollars.
So what, why did we have to?
We're not in anymore.
Just to get the money from him?
Was that court case used?
Was that a CIA thing?
Sure it was.
That was an agency thing?
Actually, it was a defamation case.
So it's a civil, not government case.
But we were looking at all of the scholars, commenting, like, who's up to make this type of break?
So, even though it's technically not our, well, not the agency, definitely, but the Bureau, for instance, it's not our purview.
It's a civil matter.
But, since they got all this access to this stuff, and it's there,
What can we go find?
The investigating group, Sound Investigations, caught a high-level FBI slash CIA manager.
He goes out and manages major contract operations, admitting to incredible January 6 revelations of FBI inside the crowd.
And the deliberate targeting of yours truly, Alex Jones, to silence me through lawfare.
Now, we've known this for a while and had a lot of evidence, but this is absolutely the cherry on top.
We're about to break it all down right now.
Elon Musk is responding, calling it disturbing.
It's going super viral.
The reports are all at Real Alex Jones.
Please stay with us.
We're about to lay it all out.
Gavin Oblenus has worked at DHS, the FBI, but now he's a contract manager at the CIA.
His big credential is he's a hardcore leftist, a social justice warrior, and that's who the Obama administration, now in its third unelected term via its puppet Biden, has put tens of thousands of people
Like this man in charge.
They can put anybody in jail.
And the great investigative unit that has really helped expose Pornhub and the persecution of the pro-lifers and so much more, they're doing a great job just like Project Veritas did when James O'Keefe was there, got this clandestine group of several
This is
The government can put anybody they want in jail, how they want to silence people that have loud voices like Alex Jones, how they work behind the scenes to help coordinate and get that done.
But of course, the big takeaway is also the fact that, of course, there were 20 FBI agents inside the crowd on January 6th when the FBI directors testified that that was not the case, even though it's been confirmed that they were in the crowd and the feds requested the Capitol Police blur the faces.
Of these men when they released some of the January 6 footage.
So Congress is being lied to.
Or in the real world, somebody like John Gotti doing it, and then later saying, well, I just gave the order.
I didn't actually do it.
So this is a huge, huge issue.
Now, I want to be clear.
I'm going to be back in Austin in the next few days.
I'm going to put together a big detailed report of the whole history of this because this is a lot bigger than the persecution of Infowars.
It's a lot bigger than the attacks on myself and my family.
What was done to us by Lawfare and the FBI and CIA working in tandem, as I told you years ago they were behind it, is a window into what they are basically standardizing under the social credit score for the American people in general.
So here's the long and short of it.
And again, I'll do a more detailed report with all the video clips, all the proof.
It'll be out by Friday.
Probably even earlier.
Because this is very historical.
It's very important.
Sandy Hook happens 11 years ago.
I barely talk about it.
I think it really happened at first.
But there are some anomalies.
A bunch of investigators, former school safety officials, professors, and others from Florida, Wisconsin, you name it, come out and say they think it didn't happen.
I don't
We will go over Jones's history, find a few things, take him out of context, and then demonize him in the press saying that he's Trump's brain and that he tells Trump everything to do.
So by extension, Trump is Alex Jones.
So you demonize Alex Jones, you exaggerate, you twist, you lie.
Thousands of news articles, hundreds and hundreds of national TV programs, thousands of local news shows for two years saying that I'm sending people to Sandy Hook family's houses, that I'm peeing on graves, and I've never been to Connecticut at that time, that I'm harassing them, that I'm doing all these things I never did.
Then they have Megyn Kelly do a TV program about it, interview me, they use that to sue me.
But then they get all the discovery that the FBI, CIA guy is talking about and find nothing illegal.
They thought they'd find something illegal and put me in jail and they admitted that.
And when they didn't, they went, oh crap, after three years of discovery, we'll just have the judges that they totally control in Connecticut and Texas, because again, they sue in the key jurisdictions and they select key judges, just like with Trump and all that lawfare and trying to steal the election.
And so then they have the judges default me.
In Connecticut and Texas, so I'm already found guilty.
The judge then tells the jury that I'm guilty.
Tells them I have hundreds of millions of dollars that wasn't true.
They bring in HBO film cameras, movie cameras, do huge productions, put on all this disinformation.
I'm not allowed to challenge it because I've already been found guilty.
It's hearings on damages.
You get a billion and a half dollar judgments total.
Then the Democrat Party lawyers say,
And by the way, the law firms running it are openly the top law firms in the Democratic Party.
They say that is not enough money.
We want $2.67 trillion, the GDP of India, just absolutely to scare the hell out of people and create hysteria.
And so that's basically what happened.
And we know that the main lawyer in Connecticut is a former federal prosecutor that set up and put the governor of Connecticut in prison.
Blumenthal, Senator Blumenthal's son works there and basically runs a lot of the operation.
It's a deep state cut-up in my view.
You also have this FBI agent that sued me and got 90 plus million dollars.
I never said his name, never showed his photo, none of the crew ever talked about him, didn't even know who he was until he sued me.
So the FBI was a party to the suit and now you see this individual just caught on video bragging about how they used that to get discovery, again to try to find
Information against me and my crew.
So that's just some of the FBI Deep State connections, but now it's doubly confirmed by what this individual is now admitting to on tape.
And we have major information from other sources that are now coming forward that is going to break in the next few weeks that really expose how this whole thing was run.
This is beyond hiding on a laptop.
This is beyond spying on Trump supporters.
It's beyond censoring them by the millions.
This is at the same level of them trying to take Trump off the ballot and literally steal the election up front.
This is.
Going in to shut down independent media that's popular, because the deep state can't survive and can't operate, if the truth's being told, just like we've seen in Brazil, where they took Bolsonaro off of the ballot under State Department advisement, and we're working in tandem with Lula and the Communists.
Now they're taking all these other top politicians that are populist and conservative and aligned with Bolsonaro off the ballot as well.
That's why you have the big fight with
That's right.
Working in tandem together in multiple states to control what can be said and what can be done.
Media management, PR firms lying about what I said and what I did to build this straw man.
Very sophisticated information and operation which again was being done to perfect this to be able to roll it out against the general public which they're now doing.
So what we have with this FBI agent out of Connecticut
Uh, that sued me in the whole rigged trial is a direct tax now that the FBI is developing against the American people where even if their names have not been said, no one's even talked about them, they will then be attached to cases.
They will then win tens of millions of dollars and then use all of that discovery information against their enemy, the American people.
So, uh, this is, this is all being done in concert.
This is all a unified.
I don't
Sabato was it's better to die on your feet to live on your knees but in my experience people that live on their knees actually end up dying on their knees.
So the smartest thing to do is to stand up and realize we have a rogue criminal government that's hijacked the nation.
There has been a coup.
And we've got to come together and we've got to stop it.
All right, here is another clip.
I'm told this great investigative group is going to be releasing a lot more later in the week.
And so are some other groups next week.
So this is this is very historic.
And then once this live feed is archived at Bandai Video and Real Alex Jones, please share it.
You can kind of put anyone in jail if you know what to do.
You set them up.
Does the Bureau practice entrapment a lot?
We get really close.
We call it a nudge.
A nudge.
A nudge.
Sometimes you just gotta give them a quick little click just to see what happens.
Sometimes you light the fuse and just wait for it to fall.
Nothing like putting out a fake social media thing to like really get people mad.
Alex Jones.
So, we were after him.
You are?
We did what we wanted.
Which was what?
Took his money away.
Shot his legs off.
Gavin O'Blenis is a contracting officer at the CIA.
O'Blenis worked for the FBI in 2021 and 2022 in the San Diego office, moved on to Homeland Security where he conducted asylum interviews at the southern border, and now works for the CIA managing multi-million dollar contracts across government agencies and private sector vendors.
I work for, um, you know, I work like this without... I'm not supposed to tell people I'm a job.
If I say intelligence, what do you think?
You work for the CIA?
I do.
That's incredible.
I'm their contracting officer.
That's amazing.
So I deal a lot with different agencies.
We're contracting with the Director of National Intelligence to do stuff.
We do Navy, Army.
I just...FBI.
I used to work for the FBI, so... Right through the FBI.
I mean, they're like, here, you used to work there.
Oh, I'm permanent.
I'm set.
Well, why did they call a contract?
Because I do the contracting for them.
I do all the legal contracts.
I fly out to vendors and evaluate them.
I love the agency.
Good for you.
I like the Bureau, too.
The Bureau was a lot of fun.
I got to do a lot of cool stuff with the Bureau.
I was the guy in the back of the truck, in the van.
Oblenus spoke to an undercover sound investigations reporter about his work experience involving near entrapment and his employers' involvement with political commentator Alex Jones's legal battles.
As long as the bureau is able to progress far enough to be able to put pro-lifers in jail whenever they want.
You think that's on the agenda?
We can, we can, we can kind of put anyone in jail if you know what to do.
Just let them up.
You create the situation to where they have no choice but to act on their impulse.
And once they act on that impulse, then we call that entrapment.
It's a fine line.
Does the Bureau practice entrapment a lot?
We get really close.
Not officially?
We get as close as we can.
We get as close as we can to it without doing it.
So they can entrap some of these pro-lifers into doing things that they don't care.
Depending, yeah.
We call it a nudge.
A nudge?
Sometimes you just gotta give it a quick little click just to see what happens, right?
A nudge.
And how does that happen?
You put a post out there, or you have someone fake a profile, say something that triggers, that we know is gonna trigger.
Like, we already know your history.
If we're to that point, we already know everything about you.
So we're like, oh, this'll piss someone off.
Sometimes you like to fuse, and just wait for it to follow.
Like a railing.
Like a... Oh!
So when a railing happens, sometimes the bureau behind it... Yeah, sometimes.
Nothing like putting out a fake social media thing to, like, really get people mad.
All this fake news.
Yeah, sometimes it's... It's not fake.
It's embellished a little.
He's a big influencer that you're after.
Like a... I don't know, like a... I don't even know these names.
Like a Fox News person, or like a Tucker Carlson, or like... Oh, I'm sure he's... Right.
The youngest one's I think that's the loudest.
Like that, what was his name?
The one that said the Sandy Hook didn't happen.
Alex Jones.
So, we were after him.
You are?
Are you still after him?
Because he's broke.
He got found guilty.
And had to pay like a hundred million dollars.
So what, why did you have to?
We're not in anymore.
Just to get the money from him?
Was that court case used?
Was that a CIA thing?
Sure it was.
That was an agency thing?
Actually, it was a defamation case.
So it's civil, not government.
But we were looking at all of the scholars.
How many?
Oh, like, who's recognized?
So, even though it's technically not our... Well, not the agency, definitely, but the Bureau, for instance.
It's not our purview.
It's a civil matter.
But, since they got all this access to his stuff, and it's there...
What can we go find?
And did you find anything?
I can't tell you.
Oh, we didn't.
But, so, you know, it's just kind of like, you know, realize the opportunity that you have.
So with Alex Jones, you were watching him long before anything ended up happening?
It wasn't my office, but, I mean, we would have been well aware of what he was doing.
And the goal with him was what?
Just to bankrupt him?
Oh, pretty much.
And we let the families do it.
We let the families do it.
Were they encouraged to do that by the Bureau?
Like nudged?
We don't encourage people.
We just say there's no federal statute being broken.
But you do have the option for a civil case.
It's a pretty good case.
That's our opinion.
Oh, that makes so much sense.
I have a cousin who's a lawyer.
So that's a lot of these cases, they're kind of encouraged by the FBI?
Yeah, like, there's nothing federally, federal law, we can do.
But civilly, we just go at them that way.
Chop his legs off.
And they did?
So the FBI was happy?
They didn't care.
We were like, aww.
Basically, the citizens did your job.
So you can encourage a civil lawsuit?
Not encourage.
What can you do with people like Alex Jones now?
Is he still out there?
Is he still chirping?
He can chirp.
Are you still watching him?
He did what we wanted.
Which was what?
He took his money away.
We shut him up for a while.
You're never going to shut him up for anything.
Unless you put him in prison.
But again, he didn't do anything to go to prison.
Being ignorant is not a crime, though it should be.
It is.
I mean, you could bring a knife.
He did inside a riot, like Cheeto.
He didn't encourage people to go shoot people.
He didn't.
What was he doing?
I thought you said that there were FBI agents in the crowd at J6.
There always are when there's a big protest in D.C.
Just in case it gets out of hand.
But there wasn't enough to turn that tide.
I mean, I'm talking they need to have at least 20.
You needed a thousand to get rid of that crowd.
So they had like, oh that was just 20?
Yeah, just to go through and see what they could meet or you know that kind of thing.
Wow, yeah definitely they needed a thousand at least.
See that's also Capital Police jurisdiction.
They're in charge.
Why he didn't have more on hand?
I don't know.
The Bureau didn't really want people knowing that they were in the crowd.
That would be overstepping their bounds.
A little bit.
Do people know that?
Do people know that the Bureau was in the crowd?
They probably never will.
Do you know agents that were there?
They're with the agency now.
That is the latest video release from SoundInvestigations.com.
The entire video is linked up at Infowars.com under the headline, Investigative Report, FBI CIA Officer Confirms FBI Agents Were In Crowd On January 6th, Confesses Agencies Targeted Alex Jones.
A lot to digest here.
And boy,
If we are under the belief, and why would we be, that some institutions might want us shut down.
If we were under the belief that some groups and powerful agencies would want us shut down, which why would we be, you'd want to be smarter than them, wouldn't you?
You'd definitely want to be smarter than them.
Now we're going to come back and cover this.
Chase Geiser in studio.
But you know, there's a larger umbrella factor that we're going to be talking about with Chase, and that's...
The shadow hand that is always involved in major events.
The shadow hand.
Whether it's January 6th, or whether it's internet censorship, we now have the overwhelming evidence and proof that it's the shadow hand of our corrupt government, the deep state, that is always there, always involved, always manipulating.
And so, maybe it's Alex Jones today.
Maybe it's Owen Schroyer tomorrow.
Eventually, it's you.
And that's the problem.
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One of the most frustrating things about being awake to the global agenda is seeing the general public still asleep.
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It is so frustrating to see people going about their daily lives oblivious.
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But people are starting to really understand how serious things are, and that's a hard thing to do, because to wake up to a dystopic reality and realize that we're in the middle of a giant biological weapons war against humanity, and that there's mass sterilization that's already taking place, and they're cutting off all the major energy sources, is really hard to deal with, but it's the reality.
Facing it is our only chance to turn this around, because stuff's about to get really, really nasty.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
Alright, we just aired the latest from Sound Investigations, and you know, there's all these undercover groups now doing great work.
Unfortunately, you know, Project Veritas kind of had the falling out with James O'Keefe, and I don't know how much
I don't know.
And what they found, Chase, was that the Republicans that they got undercover footage of say the exact same thing in private that they say in public.
So there's no story there.
So it's funny how it's always the left and it's always the same types of people caught on undercover footage saying these things, or like Van Jones saying, yeah, the entire Trump-Russia collusion is made up, it's a nothing burger, we have to cover it every day anyway, for
...are ratings.
And so, you know, there's a common trend to all of these things.
It's always the left exposing themselves.
It's always the deep state exposing themselves.
And yet again, more proof of that with this sound investigations video.
I can't believe that that gentleman was hired at the FBI or the CIA.
It's amazing to me.
You can't?
I can't believe how vulnerable our intelligence community has made itself by hiring just anyone.
I guess that's the problem.
When you rapidly expand the government quickly and you're hiring virtually anybody to be in any office,
You're going to have a swath of people that work for you that don't understand basic principles of discretion.
I mean, of all things, I don't know if you've ever seen the movie The Good Shepherd, but you can look back at the history of the founding of the CIA, for example, and see how intense and serious these people were.
They weren't necessarily good people.
They were very Machiavellian, utilitarian, but they were absolutely intense about discretion, and the Skull and Bones, Secret Society, it was all the Ivy League, good old American names that were pushed in, and now we see that it's just been
Swampified so that only the most pathetic people work there.
Yeah, yeah, that's a good point because we have this kind of respect or even awe maybe, but it's like this is what we're dealing with.
We're actually dealing with like low-level grub like this.
It's like the evil that we face are not even really elite anymore.
It's just these grub worms that they, I guess maybe being gay or something is a part of the hiring process.
I don't know why or maybe it's a diversity thing.
But you definitely see that, and I was, you know, we were joking in the break, I was like, see Chase, this is why I never go to lunch.
See, this is why I never go to dinner.
But it's always the same story.
Now, we have other elements of evidence, and it's important to not just focus on this individual, who knows how credible this guy really is.
Maybe he's just showing off, you know, thinking he's gonna, you know, get himself taken care of afterward, or he's just bragging on what he thinks is a date here.
He could end up being a desk jockey.
Who knows?
Maybe the FBI or the CIA ends up, you know, firing him or discrediting him, whatever.
Maybe they're afraid to, though, because they could get FOIA'd, and what he ends up saying could be turned out to be completely true.
So we'll kind of see what happens in the aftermath here.
But we already know that the feds do this.
Just look at the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping case.
I mean, it's amazing.
That's the story.
It's like,
We have them caught in a courtroom.
This is what the feds do.
The whole thing should have been shut down after that.
Absolutely, and it was really interesting to hear that journalist ask the question, do you entrap people?
Just straight up ask the question.
He said,
We get really close.
You could tell he wasn't comfortable enough to just blatantly say yes, but he conveyed the information that yes, that's the case.
And like you said, with the Whitmer-Kett kidnapping case, that was obviously an instance of entrapment.
With his statements about FBI agents being on the ground during January 6th and stating that the public would never know about that, that implies entrapment on January 6th.
And we can see here that if they can't put you in prison,
By framing you or setting you up for a real crime, then they simply encourage people to go after you in civil suits in order to chop your legs off, using his exact expression.
Well, and imagine, too, that this is the mindset of these people.
They really don't care.
They, like, he even kind of, you can tell in the video, he kind of knows...
Again, whether he has this high-level clearance or high-level intel or high-level involvement, put that aside.
Imagine the attitude, like, yeah, we know that these people don't belong in prison, or yeah, we know we're kind of setting them up and entrapping them in fraud and deception, but it's a good thing.
You know, it's like, that's the attitude here of, yeah, we're engaged in deception, we're engaged in fraud, we're engaged in weaponizing the government against our opposition, but it's like, with a smile, with a smirk, maybe with a little gay flamboyant touch.
Well, obviously, true crime has been really popular, especially among women on streaming platforms.
It seems like every other docuseries or documentary is a true crime series.
And if you watch any historical examples or study any historical examples of instances where evidence was planted in order to convict somebody that turned out to be innocent of that crime later on,
When you go and you speak with or interview these officers or investigators that planted the evidence, it's like, why did you do it?
Why would you frame somebody for a crime?
And oftentimes the answer is, we were so convinced that he was guilty, and we just didn't have enough evidence to get this person, so we planted the evidence so we could seal it up.
If there's like an Alex Jones or someone else that they really want to put away because this is someone that's perceived as an opponent to their political agenda, then they'll do everything they can, as unethical as it may be, in order to set that person up, even when they know that he or she is innocent of any given crime.
It's absolutely terrifying the extent to which this fourth unchecked branch of government has expanded.
You know, that's what it is.
It's a completely...
Lack of an ethical approach or ethical beliefs is just totally unethical and they don't care.
They justify it because I'm the moral high ground liberal.
I'm the moral high ground no matter what.
I can justify anything I do because no matter what, I'm the high ground.
I'm the moral superiority and of course, that's completely inaccurate.
But this is kind of the problem that we deal with politically, I think, as conservatives, Republican voters, is that
The Republicans sit here and rest on their laurels and sit here and rest on their ethics all day long.
And it's like, you realize your opponent does not approach things in that manner at all.
And it's like, I look at Mike Johnson as maybe an example.
Like, he wants to reach across the aisle.
He wants to assume Democrats will deal in good faith.
He wants to maintain standards and norms inside the House and all this stuff, and it's like, no, buddy!
That's gone!
This is not politics as usual!
Your opposition to the Democrat Party, they have no ethics!
They will deceive intentionally, they will lie intentionally, they will steal intentionally, and they will not feel bad about it.
And it's like, we can't even get an impeachment?
We can't even stand up for George Santos?
Like, do you really think holding on to your ethics in the House, and I'm not saying to be unethical, I'm just saying to have this loyalty like, oh, if I just behave ethically, then my opponent will do the same thing.
Not even close.
Well, and the thing is, I'm not even calling on Republicans to use the same unethical tactics as the left.
I'm just calling on Republicans to use aggressive tactics.
So, don't put up with it, don't assume that you're dealing with good people.
There's a reason that for years the United States has had the policy... Yeah, like, closing the border is not unethical!
Right, right, exactly.
So for years we've had this policy that we don't negotiate with terrorists, but we always have Republicans negotiating with the left, which has become a terrorist organization.
I mean, think of all of the black flag operations, whatever happened on January 6th, the fake impeachment trials, the Russian collusion hoaxes.
This is terrorist-like behavior that we see from the leftists, from the political class in the United States.
And Republicans are either compromised in leadership, so they're playing along and just pretending to be opponents of it, or they haven't woken up to the fact that they need to start realizing they're at war.
Here's some evidence to back you up here.
Alarming footage shows street gang smash police car while the female officer is inside.
So this is the hatred for police that has been driven by the Democrats.
So now they're ambushing police officers.
So would you call that terrorist activity?
Trump RV owner viciously beaten with sledgehammer, airlifted to hospital with significant head injury.
So a radical leftist beats this guy because he supports Trump.
Would you call that terrorism?
Don't support Trump, don't support police.
Students protest Hillary Clinton at Wesley College Summit say blood is on her hands.
Well, yeah.
What about the police officers that get ambushed and killed?
What about the Trump supporters that get ambushed and killed?
Are the blood on the Democrats' hands with that, too?
So, Chase, those are just two examples of dozens, hundreds, thousands of violent Democrat activity which they use violence to manipulate you and scare you out of being a conservative.
Out of being a Republican voter.
Chase Geiser in studio.
We're talking about more evidence of deep state activity trying to, the shadow hand, trying to manipulate Americans.
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So we've already got
It comes out in court where they run an entrapment scheme with a bunch of unsuspecting individuals, and they say, oh, we're going to kidnap the governor of Michigan, and of the 21 people, 17 of them are feds, and those charges end up getting dropped.
And it just shows how they run these entrapment schemes, and it's all for a political agenda.
So see, oh, the Democrats are the victims, and the Republicans are the violent party.
But then it turns out it's just all feds, and it's just all entrapment, and of course the Democrats are actually the violent party.
The Weather Underground, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, the list goes on and on.
But okay, there's the other side of this, and it all comes out in this latest Sound Investigations video, and that's...
We're going to silence our opposition.
So, I don't need some desk jockey who wants to show off on a date, and maybe he has intelligence about how they go after individuals, maybe he's just showing off.
The point is, look at what they did, what we found out about the Facebook files, the Twitter files, and how the Democrats have these organizations where they work with
Yes, so I think we've crossed an important threshold in America.
And let's use the example of the KGB, for example.
The KGB was an entity that was basically like the communist version of Gestapo.
Everybody knew that they were doing these things, that they were lying, that they were investigating innocent people, that they were violating human rights.
Everybody, even in Russia, understood that the KGB was a threat.
So it wasn't a matter of convincing people that there was something wrong with the KGB.
Now we're at this place where for so long in the United States of America, it was much less clear the intelligence community was as criminal as it was, as entrapping as it was, had an agenda, didn't care about your rights.
At this point, everybody who's ever going to know, in my opinion, should already know that our intelligence community has escalated itself to that KGB-esque level.
So I don't think we're going to be able to convince anybody who isn't already convinced
Well, I would say the approach from Vivek Ramaswamy is the only political approach.
Abolish it.
Shut it down.
You can't fix something like this, but it's beyond that.
It's that a message has to be sent.
If you're going to give a bureaucracy this kind of institutional power, the minute it gets abused, you shut it down.
Because otherwise the message is, well, okay, you can get away with power abuse and abusing this and politicization and weaponization and we'll just reform you.
Abolish it.
Well, and maybe you know something that I don't, but I can't think of a single instance throughout the history of the intelligence community in the United States where they've been caught in a scandal and people have either gone to prison or publicly been arrested or charged with a crime.
So you go back to MKUltra, for example, yes, they found out it was happening and the intelligence community said that they shut it down.
But I couldn't name a single operative that was responsible for that program or involved.
I can name some professors maybe, but professors who all held their distinguished positions at universities, whether it was the professor that was working with Ted Kaczynski and screwed him up before he became the Unabomber or others.
And so if there's no accountability ever when they get caught in a scandal, then why is it that we would ever expect that they would change?
So how do we get the accountability in?
How do we instill this accountability?
If we can't fix the intelligence community from within, how do we enforce the accountability from outside?
Well, and I think that that's just a frustration we have at so many different levels right now.
Whether it's dealing with the Biden crime family and nobody gets prosecuted.
I mean, Hunter Biden didn't even have to show up for the hearings and he doesn't get held in contempt.
Peter Navarro sits in a jail cell right now.
Whether it's the wide open southern border and they just totally get away with it.
But you know, you look at the intel communities.
They come out and they make a statement.
And it'll make national news, and all the mainstream liberal Democrat media will come out and they'll say, oh look, the FBI says white supremacists are the number one threat in the country.
Oh my gosh, white people, white people, white people.
And then all the people commenting on white people get married to white people.
But that's a different story.
Well, the intel community in the last couple weeks have come out, multiple agencies, FBI, National Security Council, all the agencies, and they come out and they say, we're at the highest level of a terror threat, potentially in this nation's history.
We're at a high level terror threat, don't go to sporting events, don't go to mass gatherings, don't go to theaters, don't go to concert halls, and it's just like, it's a whisper in the wind.
So they come out and they say, be afraid of white people!
It's like, oh my gosh, white people, white people, white people!
And then they come out and say, hey, massive terror attack incoming!
What did you say about white people?
It's like, where is the disconnect here?
I think you're exactly right.
That's an amazing point.
And what came to mind as you were talking about that was, okay, we're not going to impeach Mayorkas.
And there were Republicans that voted not to impeach Mayorkas over this border crisis.
And suddenly, you have the intelligence community come out and say that we're at a greater risk of a terrorist attack now than ever.
Yet, they're not doing anything about closing the border to prevent it.
I'm hearing in my ears that Alex has just called in.
Yeah, so we've got Alex Jones on the line joining us live on the show here today.
Alex, you're on the air.
You guys are doing a great job.
I'm watching you, or just watching you, but you were saying, what is the solution?
What do we do?
We continue to expose it.
We expose the architecture of it.
We have major congressional hearings.
This latest footage is because this guy's a manager at the CIA and FBI.
He's a smoking gun because there he is admitting all these things that the FBI director has denied, but that has also gone public.
This guy needs to be in front of Congress.
We need to file a lawsuit.
We need to take action.
We need to fight back.
And at the same time, when I talk about architecture, I'm not defending the FBI.
Or how it operates.
Since the days of J. Edgar Hoover, it's been gathering dirt, blackmailing people, and staging things.
We know that.
And I do think it's time to abolish most of these federal agencies and then basically start from the beginning, building something back.
But we need new Frank Church-style committee hearings like they had in the 1970s that almost got the CIA and FBI abolished.
And they're 10 times worse, 100 times worse now than they were.
But the most important unit to expose is the Southern District of New York.
And the special units they've got in D.C., and notice this guy's with the special units in D.C., this latest FBI-CIA guy that just got exposed for admitting January 6th, had feds know that we already knew, and of course being part of the targeting operations against us, trying to shut down our free speech.
So this is a giant criminal operation.
It's totally illegal, but we have to understand that the average FBI agent is like a bank robberies and kidnappings and things like that.
They're all controlled and given what they can do, and I've talked to high-level
Federal judges and federal agents met with them down at the border where four-time convicted pedophiles are caught again driving a school bus, in one example, in a South Texas town.
And the DOJ has control over the magistrates and the federal judges and says, no, you're not allowed to prosecute them.
You can only put them in jail for 30 days for crossing illegally, a misdemeanor.
So you have to understand, it's compartmentalization.
It's key units like Loris Lerner.
At the IRS 15 years ago under Obama, 12 years ago, targeting hundreds of thousands of Christians in groups, harassing them with the IRS.
But it was key units she had.
So Congress can cut the funding of these groups, even ahead of abolishing them, until they get their act straight.
But now they've gone pure woke.
They're waging war against the American people.
And it's absolutely criminal.
And this is just the first salvo in this group's video.
They're gonna be releasing more later in the week.
We have other groups about to release major information.
This is KGB-level garbage.
And you guys are doing a great job.
I want the listeners to understand.
How many times did I tell you it was a joint CIA-FBI operation?
We know the players.
We know how they did it.
It's all there, and this is really backfiring on them.
And now Elon Musk is coming out and calling for investigations, and I've called for congressional investigations, and Musk responded saying, yes, this is very disturbing.
So we'll definitely do a Space this Friday when I'm back.
I'm actually back Thursday, but I'll be there Friday.
We'll be doing shows Saturday and Sunday, and then big news breaking next week.
But look, there's not just evil in the universe, there's good as well.
We're good to go.
We're at the crossroads.
Now's the time for maximum effort.
God bless you.
Good luck.
You know, he brings up such a great point there about the hearings.
You know, you mentioned how none of these corrupt officials from inside the government ever get any charges written up in jail.
All of these undercover investigations from the years, Project Veritas, O'Keefe Media Group, Sound Investigations, this most recent one.
Where are the Republicans calling for hearings?
Why aren't these people being drugged in front of Congress under oath for hearings?
Has that even happened once either?
I don't think that's happened once.
It's because the Republican Party, Republicans inherently, conservatives inherently, have a mindset of being reactive.
So you're trying to conserve something like the Constitution, you wait for an attack on it, and then you defend it.
We need to realize that it's time to be proactive.
The best defense is a good offense in this case, and I think we just need a major cultural shift in the party, man.
Alright, we're going to come back and do another five minutes with Chase Geyser and then Maria Z takes over the fourth hour of today's Alex Jones Show.
That's everything though.
I mean, there need to be hearings.
Hundreds of them.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, final five minutes here with yours truly, Owen Troyer, filling in for Alex today.
Chase Geiser sitting to my right.
We just heard from Alex Jones.
And you know, that's really everything.
And I think that
This is where the rubber meets the road and I'm just going to kind of lay it down here and get Chase's response.
I'm sick of political representation that doesn't want to win.
The Democrats want to win.
I mean, they want to win.
They are committed to destroying this country, taking your freedoms, chopping kids' balls off.
Like, they're in it to win it.
The Republicans are just in it to be there, it feels like.
And I'm damn sick and tired of it.
Now, maybe there's hope that there's some change here, and there's a couple stories, like with the new leadership at the RNC.
RNC Chair pledges to have thousands of attorneys watching when 2024 ballots are counted.
Quote, you have to be in the room.
That's playing to win!
That's playing to win.
Senator J.D.
Vance sounds the alarm on how Biden's border crisis is affecting the census and helping Democrats win the Electoral College.
Again, boom, that's playing to win.
You've got to take it a step further and stop them from coming in.
If I'm playing to win here, Chase, this is so easy.
But it's okay.
And it's just like, how am I not even on the field?
It's like if I show up to the Dallas Cowboys game, and they kick the ball off, and there's no Cowboys on the field.
I'm like, what the hell?
I thought we were, where's the team?
How is it that not a single Republican in Congress, and maybe there have been voices, but there's just not enough movement, haven't called any of the individuals Project Veritas has exposed?
Any of the individuals O'Keefe Media Group has exposed, any of the individual sound investigations have exposed, how have none of them been called for hearings under oath in front of Congress?
Start asking these people questions!
Start getting down to the bottom of it!
I mean, it's just, where is the effort to win?
Maybe that changes after 2024 if we're lucky.
But that's what's so frustrating about this.
It's like, there's easy steps to take to try to win the game.
They're not even on the field.
The most frustrating thing to me, Owen, is whenever there's a major budget crisis, and Republicans and Democrats are arguing about what the next fiscal year is going to look like and what's going to get approved in the annual budget, and both parties use the same rhetoric of, we have to do whatever we can to avert a shutdown.
And when I see stuff like this, and when I hear Alex talk about these cells within the FBI or the CIA that need to be defunded, I'm immediately frustrated, looking back just a couple of months ago, with rhetoric from the Republican Party that we have to avert a shutdown.
I'm thinking, shut it down!
What average American would be negatively impacted by shutting down the federal government in order to refuse funding and justice?
Which, of course, it doesn't even really shut them down, either.
That in itself is a lie.
It's just that basically the Republican policy... Like, you can't go to the DMV!
Right, right, great!
I don't want to go to the DMV ever again!
In fact, I haven't gone in several years!
Absolutely, so I'm thinking, like, the Republican policies should be that the government only does what the government would do anyway if it was shut down, so it seems to me that the one thing we should be focusing on as Republicans is never funding the government again so that it's only minimally active in the first place.
Well, and this just shows, too, why there's this split in the Republican Party, where it's the Republicans that want to keep the establishment as is, and the gravy train as is, and then there's the Marjorie Taylor Greene's, the Matt Gaetz, the Freedom Caucus, of course, which Mitch McConnell is trying to stifle right now, and I feel like Mitch McConnell is bullying Mike Johnson at this time, saying, no, you need to listen to me, not the House Republicans.
Yeah, absolutely.
What you mentioned is absolutely true.
There is a schism in the Republican Party.
It's the neocons versus the slur that they use of MAGA Republicans.
They've tried to turn it into a slur, saying somebody's a Make America Great Again Republican or a Trump Republican.
And what's really going on is it's the neocons, the warmongers, the old guard in the Republican Party versus the populists or the America First movement.
And that's the shift that we're seeing.
I think ultimately the populist movement in America will win over the Republican Party, but we're seeing the growing pains of that right now.
And until this populist movement totally takes over the right side of politics in this country, I think we're going to see more of the same.
And 2024 is kind of going to, I think, be the major barrier moment to see if we can get across that threshold, get over that bridge, breach that dam.
But once that dam is breached,
Because it all comes down to elections, obviously.
But once that dam is breached, and if we actually are monitoring elections and making sure that it's fair and counted square, I mean... I don't see how it stopped, really, with Trump's populism.
And by the way, the funniest part of that video, if being ignorant was a crime, well, if being ignorant was a crime, all liberals would be in jail, so that would be something else, wouldn't it?
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Well, Owen Schreier and Chase Geyser were just talking about politicians who need to be representing the people, politicians who actually care about their country and care about the future of the world in general.
Those people who need to be talking about the issues that actually matter.
Well, we have one of those politicians with us today.
Independent MP Andrew Bridgen from the UK has called for accountability for the COVID cabal.
He has actually recently filed evidence to Met Police for committing crimes against humanity.
Andrew, thank you so much for joining us today.
We so appreciate your time.
It's a pleasure to be on your program.
It's wonderful to see you here, Andrew.
Well, we have so much to talk to you about today.
The UK has gone mad, as has the entire world.
But you really have been standing up for the people the whole way through COVID.
You were heavily opposed to mandates.
And of course, you've been chasing accountability for the damage that these injections have done.
What actually alerted you to the fact that something was very wrong here?
Well, I actually took
Two AstraZeneca jabs myself, and the second one really hurt me.
As it turned out, many, many years ago, many decades ago, when I was at university, just because I was interested in the subjects, I studied Biological Sciences and I specialised in Biochemistry, Genetics, Virology and Behaviour.
So I had a background knowledge which I'd kept up over the years.
So I was actually at university when
Malone uncovered the mechanism by whereby mRNA works and I was in the right place at the right time.
And when respected scientists were speaking out for no commercial advantage, no financial advantage for them and being cancelled.
And when people say to the public, you know, the science is settled on this.
Well, the science is never settled.
That's not the way science works.
That didn't ring true to me.
Science is always up for alternative theses and ideas and should be challenged and should be defended.
That's the way we make scientific progress.
So when they said that, the alarm bells were ringing.
And I also saw as a representative for North West Leicestershire, I was seeing the damage that the lockdowns were doing, the psychological damage.
I was having in one month more suicides in my area.
My constituency than we had in a year and and that was the fear that was being pushed onto the public was unwarranted against the minimal risk from a virus that had a 99.8% survival rate and the average age of mortality with COVID-19 was 83.
It's a year longer than normal longevity.
So it was completely out of proportion and when we got round to the
The Partygate scandal where it turned out that Number 10 had not been socially distancing, not wearing masks, having parties while the rest of the country was under draconian measures that were taking away people's freedoms.
Then you realised, I realised that they knew that there was no risk and it was all a scam.
And so I was the first MP to call for Boris Johnson to be removed from office in the January following the Partygate scandal.
I was continuing to do more research and speaking to a lot of independent scientists who weren't in the pay of Big Pharma, and it clearly didn't add up.
I spoke out on 13 December 2022 in the House of Commons in a speech where I questioned the efficacy and safety of the vaccines and called for them to be halted then.
What pushed me to that, Maria, was the
The Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority had asked for permission to extend the jabs down to babies of six months, which had never happened in this country.
There hadn't been a healthy child of under five who died of Covid.
They were at minimal risk.
I knew I was going to get kicked out of the Conservative Party for speaking out, but I couldn't not speak out because
I knew I could win.
I knew that I could persuade even the most pro-vaccine person that there was more risk from those experimental vaccines than there was from Covid.
And although the government derided my comments, and it wasn't covered in the mainstream media, of course, and I was cancelled from that moment onwards, what I did achieve was that the government in the UK never did authorise those vaccines for those young children.
And isn't that what we're here for?
Absolutely, Andrew, and we are so grateful that you've saved the lives of those children.
We now know how dangerous, I mean, we knew then, but now there is so much evidence as to how dangerous these injections are, how many lives they've taken.
I know that you've been drawing a lot of attention to excess deaths.
I know that you are also continuing to investigate this.
We'll talk about the April date later this month, where you've encouraged people to turn up
To this excess death discussion that you're having, but I want to talk about these statements that you made in the article that the team just brought up on screen.
Crimes against humanity, UK MPs urgent stand.
So you've called, the article says that you called for the maximal penalty for Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and what you refer to as the COVID cabal.
And of course we know that there is a cabal, this all happened in lockstep all around the world and it's incredible that you're pushing for accountability because so many want to just forget what we went through.
But if we don't, we have the WHO looming around the corner about to, you know,
Well, I misquoted.
I was more subtle than that.
What I said to the House was that I'd always been opposed to the death penalty, to capital punishment, on the basis that if it's wrong to take a life then it can't be right for the state
Take a life in revenge.
However, events of the last few years had caused me to reconsider my position on this.
And given that crimes against humanity are so heinous against humanity, that I felt that for crimes against humanity, we would have to consider the ultimate sanction, even in the UK.
I never mentioned the Covid cabal.
The fact is that the media and all members of the House of Commons
It was interesting, they knew exactly what I meant, and there were a few gasps, but they knew exactly what I meant.
I didn't have to mention COVID-19 and what's been done.
I was actually thrown out of the Conservative Party and accused of anti-Semitism for tweeting out in January, on January the 11th, 2023, that a world-leading cardiologist has told me that
The rollout of the vaccine is the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust.
And even mentioning the Holocaust, where I wasn't diminishing it or denying it, merely saying that the rollout of the vaccines, the experimental vaccines, were the worst thing since the Holocaust, they used that as an excuse to exclude me from the party.
But it was very clear, and before they threw me out, I had a meeting with a senior party official, and I spoke to him for an hour and a half, raised my concerns about
The safety and efficacy of the vaccines, and also about the use of NICE guideline NG163, which was brought in as a treatment for vulnerable elderly with suspected COVID.
And it was the use of midazolam and morphine, which are respiratory suppressants, which led to their death.
They were effectively euthanized.
Tens of thousands, and that created the first wave.
And of course, they had all the symptoms of dying of COVID-19.
They had respiratory failure, which was expected, because that's what happens.
In your country, it was Remdesivir that was used, but in the UK, it was Moderna.
At the end of that meeting, this official of the party turned to me and said, Andrew, there is currently no political appetite for your views on the vaccines.
So there may be in 20 years time, and you're probably going to be proven right.
But in the meantime, you need to bear in mind you're taking on the most powerful vested interest in the world with all the personal risk for you, which that will entail.
And I said, I'm out of here.
There's nothing else to talk about.
I want to talk about this, this response of Matt Hancock.
Who is the one who's accused you of anti-Semitism, which is outrageous because we know now through Dennis Rancor that these injections have killed conservatively 17 million people worldwide.
So it is in fact the greatest crimes against humanity since the Holocaust.
You are in fact absolutely correct.
And so let's talk about Matt Hancock for a moment.
Tim, if you can bring up some of those messages from Matt Hancock that were leaked where he was talking about how he was going to scare the pants off everyone and he really wanted to meet his target.
If you've got those messages, Tim, if you can bring them up on screen.
If not, we'll just talk about the contents where he also talked about how Bill Gates really, you know, owes him one because he's managed to inject his microchips into everyone.
This is the same Hancock that's going to lecture you about your speech, is that correct?
And he also said in a WhatsApp message to one of his aides, we need to decide when we deploy the new variant and scare the pants off of them.
Well, that scaring the pants off was causing my constituents to commit suicide.
There it is.
So here we go.
When do we deploy the new variant?
This is the same Matt Hancock that's trying to silence and is smearing.
And defaming this brave man that we have here, a rare politician who is willing to stand up for the people and demand accountability for the crimes that were committed against humanity.
Look at this.
When do we deploy the new variant?
And he's talking about the complication with that.
Brexit is taking the top line.
Damon Poole is who he was texting at the time.
Do we have the other text team to really just remind Matt Hancock of what sort of messages he was sending while we're doing this broadcast?
Because this is an individual that should be under the microscope and yet isn't.
Tell him he's talking about Bill Gates here.
Have you spoken with Tedros about NVAP?
Matt Hancock says yes, messaged.
And then Damon Poole says, no promise, but I'm trying to land a Bill Gates endorsement of the platform.
Matt Hancock, tell him that considering how many people I'm getting his chips injected into, he owes me one.
And of course the media said, oh ha ha, Matt Hancock tells a joke.
And this is the same Matt Hancock that was talking about deploying the new variant.
I mean, to me, this individual is absolutely deplorable.
And Damon Paul, just for the record, was one of his special advisers.
I'd met him when he was in position.
And of course, Matt Hancock ultimately had to resign for breaking his own lockdown rules himself with his other assistant who he was having an affair with at the time.
So he left rather
Ignominiously from office.
But it continued.
We had Sajid Javid then took over as Health Secretary.
He, within a few weeks, authorised the vaccines for under 18s in the UK.
And I know, because they told me, there's about six qualified medical doctors who are Conservative MPs in our Parliament.
Every one of them went to see Sajid Javid and said, do not authorise these vaccines for under 18s.
He listened to them.
And authorise them.
It's interesting that he's also leaving Parliament at the next election.
He's deciding not to stand at the next election.
I don't know.
I think many politicians in my Parliament, I think our democracy has been usurped.
I think a lot of people are going to be leaving Parliament to spend more time with their unexplained wealth.
Very good point.
So you say our democracy's been usurped.
It certainly is the case in every single country.
I'm not sure if you're familiar with what Senator Antic did some time ago, but he brought a motion forward to get the politicians to disclose their ties to the World Economic Forum.
80% of them voted against doing so, which means 80% have something to hide.
So who do you believe has... Also, the brave senators in the upper house in Australia,
put forward a motion to have a debate on excess deaths.
And instead they had a debate on whether they should have a debate on excess deaths.
And the majority voted that they weren't going to have a debate on excess deaths.
I think I actually got the first ever debate on excess deaths in any democracy in the world.
And I'll tell you now I put in 26 times for that debate.
I started in January 23.
I could only apply once a week for that topic.
I applied 26 times, and I can only apply on sitting weeks.
So I started applying in January 23 for a debate on excess deaths in the mother of all parliaments, and I finally got my debate on the 20th of October that year.
There's something seriously gone wrong.
And it's not the first time that this has happened.
In the 1960s, I did some research.
We had the thalidomide scandal, a drug produced by the German manufacturer Chemigrunethal for morning sickness.
And its selling point was you couldn't overdose sites, apparently, so you could have as much as you wanted.
And they were selling millions and millions and millions of doses just in West Germany at its height.
It was drawn in 1961.
60% of the pregnant women who took it, their babies died, and 40% were born with appalling abnormalities.
It prevents angiogenesis.
So once you took that drug, basically your fetus couldn't produce blood vessels, which is led to shortening of the limbs.
It turned out that when they were developing the drug in Germany, they gave it free to the staff.
And an employee's wife gave birth to a baby with no ears, but they covered all that up and still bought it to market.
It was withdrawn in 1961.
And the shocking thing is, when you research it, and all the harms it did across the world,
It wasn't mentioned.
The word thalidomide was not allowed to be mentioned in the Chamber of the House of Commons until 1972, 11 years later, before there was a debate, by which time the affected children were 11, 12 years old.
Chemogorinothel got out by, I think, offering three million or four million in compensation, far less than they'd made out of the drug.
And the shocking thing is that they had an injunction on the Times newspaper who had
Going to cover the story about the harms and they were stopping them.
That was overturned by the Strasbourg Court of Human Rights and when I looked at the judgment of the three judges there, it said that speakers of the House of Commons had deliberately suppressed debate on thalidomide for 11 years.
Well, as I said in the House of Commons in January, I'm not going to let that happen this time.
Big Pharma have done this before and politicians
I've been cowed or bought off into silence before.
This is far bigger than Thalidomide.
It's all over the world and it's symptomatic of our democracy has been undermined.
And if we don't stop it now, we're heading into a very, very dark place with the WHO and being pushed into a war with Russia and net zero, which is the biggest con
Against humanity as well.
I mean, this is a dystopian future.
Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, openly said, I think it was a year ago now, that the plan is for no meat, no dairy, three items of clothing per year.
He, of course, gets this from the ARUP report, which works in conjunction with C40 cities, which is the plan for every smart city around the world under this insane net zero policy.
And so I want to talk to you about the progress of all of that in the UK.
My nearest city is Leicester and they're a C40 city.
My area is not, but I'm near and I'm pretty well known in Leicester.
And they dare bring the C40 restrictions into Leicester because they know I'll kick off and it'll guarantee my re-election because the people won't stand for it.
So they'll try and get me out at the next general election.
But I think
I mean, with a pretty good chance.
People are waking up pretty quickly in the UK now, and they're certainly waking up in North West Leicestershire.
And I don't have any worries about my security.
People do run after me up the street in North West Leicestershire, but only to have a selfie or shake my hand.
Well, that's exactly what I wanted to ask you.
So you're finding that people are now more than ever.
I mean, not just people that were awake during Covid, but people are wanting
To see more leaders like you.
This is actually what the public want.
They don't want someone that tells them a lie because the truth's too hard to bear.
They actually want honest people.
Yes, but the party system just sucks people in that you have to play the party line.
At the end of the day, I came into politics because the area I represent is my home.
It's where I've been brought up.
These are the people I was brought up with.
I went to school with and I wanted to make my area better and I think we've achieved so much.
The whole party system is they want you to have loyalty to the party and if the party says that black is white or a man can be a woman, then you have to agree.
I mean, it's ludicrous.
They don't want loyalty to your area.
They don't want loyalty to your people because that's
That's the way politics has gone, and so many are playing the game.
If you want to get promoted and want to move up the ministerial ladder, you've got to agree to sell your people out, it would appear.
Well, the BBC, the last interview they did with me, they asked me, why are you willing to sacrifice your political career on the hill of vaccine harms?
And I said, well, that's because that's the hill you're killing my people on.
Thank you so much for saying that to the BBC, Andrew.
I'm certainly grateful for it.
I know that everyone else watching is and I'm certain that we will have accountability because
I think they were counting on the people giving up, but we haven't.
And in fact, we've become more stronger in our resolve to see accountability.
I want to talk to you about the evidence that you lodged with Met Police for the Covid crimes, the excess deaths.
You've got experts that have weighed in.
Talk to us about that.
Well, I wrote to Mark Rowley and it's about eight or nine weeks ago now.
Offering to bring or asking, requesting that I bring some world experts in, including people like Dr. Clare Craig at heart and Professor Angus Dalgleish, who's the most cited oncologist in the UK.
And we want to give our evidence about crimes that have been committed against the people throughout the Covid response, especially the safety and efficacy of the vaccines.
I mean, I've got a copy of the unredacted South African Pfizer contract, which was signed six months after the UK signed its contract.
The UK contract's only ever released redacted.
But it clearly states in the South African contract that they had no idea what the long-term side effects of the vaccines are.
We know from the Pfizer trials, they only actually monitored the side effects for eight weeks.
And then they vaccinated the control group, the placebo group.
So they destroyed the whole science of accountability and testing of those vaccines.
So no one can say they know what the long-term side effects are.
And they also said they had no idea how effective the vaccine was going to be.
Well, since the South African contract was signed six months after the UK contract, I can presume, and I will presume in my next speech on
The 18th of April, when we supposedly got a three-hour speech debate in the main chamber of the House of Commons, which I should be leading.
Who could have said they're safe and effective?
I even challenged Rishi Sunak only a couple of months ago
And gave him a chance to correct his statement that these vaccines are safe and effective.
Andrew, we've got to go to break.
We've got to go to break.
I want to hear the rest of that story right after we return.
We're here with Andrew Bridgen, live from the UK.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host Maria Zee of ZeeMedia.com and we have with us today Andrew Bridgen, independent MP out of the UK and a true hero of humanity.
That is what he is and that is what he will be remembered as throughout history.
Before the break, we were talking about some of your discussions with Rishi Sudhak.
I really do want to, Andrew, talk about, before we move on from COVID, I mean, it's all related, but you were told by a senior cabinet minister that
I mean, according to this article, this unnamed minister allegedly conveyed to you that you would be dead of cancer soon because you were vaccinated.
Can you talk to us about that briefly?
Yeah, that was February last year, so a year last February, and I thought he was a friend of mine at one stage, but he came up to me in the tea room and just whispered in my ear, you can speak out about the vaccines all you want to, Andrew, you're vaccinated, you're going to be dead of cancer soon, and walked off.
I mean, what sort of person says that to anybody?
I mean, these are disgraceful people.
And of course, he can deny it.
I mean, I'll swear on oath that's what he said.
And I don't know, have you named this individual publicly?
No, there's no point doing that.
He'll deny it, but that is what he said.
That's what he said.
And I've had lots of other colleagues come to me and said things, you know,
I mean, there are about 4,000 real people working in the House of Commons, House of Parliament, the cooks, the cleaners, the security guards, the clerks, and 80% of those, I mean, they're politically aware.
They know what the truth is.
It's only our elected representatives that deny it in the pantomime that we call our Parliament, who stick with the narrative.
I mean, the people out there that they know, really.
And colleagues know.
I mean, I had a very senior colleague came to see me
Last July and then she said that you know privately and she came to me and said my sister's taken the Moderna booster and now she's paralyzed from the neck down and I said well I'm really sorry about that that's that's terrible but obviously you know now so you're going to have to speak out and she said well the doctors are fairly convinced that she'd probably be able to walk again and she doesn't want any publicity I said well you don't have to name names but you know you know now
So you've got to speak out and she just turned around to me and said I'm not speaking out and just walked off and she never has.
That's disgusting.
I've got another colleague who came to me a year last November and said that he had two micro heart attacks after the second Pfizer jab and I said well speak out with me and he said I'm not speaking out but I guess I mean the punishment they've meted out to me reputationally financially I mean the strange things I mean I'm you know
I think I'm one of the guinea pigs for the social credit scoring system that we'll be looking forward to.
I want to talk to you about that, Andrew.
I really want to talk to you about that.
Despite not having not had a claim on my car insurance for 25 years, and I have the maximum certificate, which is 12 years, not had a claim is the maximum certificate.
I can't get car insurance, suddenly.
Can't get car insurance.
Nobody wants to quote me.
And you're just blacklisted.
For no reason.
So you mentioned before, apart from cowardice in politicians, which is which absolutely is the case for so many of them, as you said, you know, they know what's going on.
They won't speak out.
They're just cowards.
We also have people who are absolutely compromised.
And you mentioned before the subversion of democracy.
Who do you believe to be responsible for the subversion of democracies worldwide?
I don't think we really live in true democracies anymore.
Who is behind all of this?
Well, the Uber wealthy, the 0.1 of a percent, and I mean, clearly, you know, Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates, who's the biggest investor in, one of the biggest investors in, in health care and the WHO, and obviously makes a lot of money from his vaccines that he uses influence to get them to order people, mandate people to take.
Yeah, I mean,
You know, Bill Gates.
He comes into the UK and walks straight into the Prime Minister's office.
You can go and see whichever ministers.
I mean, who made this guy?
Who elected him?
What's he got to do with the UK?
Why is he advising us?
What are his qualifications in medicine?
What are his qualifications on the environment?
And he's making a lot of money off it.
They even let him on the BBC to push the vaccines that he was making money out of when the BBC has a no advertising policy.
Yet it lets
Bill Gates go on there and say, you know, no one's going to be safe until everyone's had the vaccines.
Well, they were his vaccines.
And once he dumped his stock in Pfizer, he said they weren't very good.
I mean, the guy, if I were the Prime Minister, if he landed on UK soil, he'd be arrested, I can assure you.
That's probably what needs to happen.
We want to have a word with him about what the great attraction of Epstein's Island was to start with, I think.
The state of Louisiana in the United States has become the first U.S.
state to reject the WHO-WEF power grab and in fact
Bill, Senate Bill 133 aims to ensure that the international bodies of the WHO, UN and WEF have absolutely no jurisdiction or authorities within the state's boundaries, which is crucial considering the UN's political declaration, which says in the event of an emergency, Antonio Guterres is the dictator of the world.
And what the WHO is trying to do with the IHR amendments
What do you think the chances of the UK making similar moves as the state of Louisiana, for example, are?
I think it's nil.
The only debates we've had in my Parliament, and I've again asked for these debates and never got them, but we have a quirk in our Parliament.
If over 100,000 electors sign a petition for a particular debate, it has to be considered and they're normally granted.
So we had a debate I think last April on the
So-called pandemic agreement or treaty or accord.
They keep changing the name so they confuse people.
And that was very sparsely attended.
I spoke in that.
And we had a debate in December on the amendments to the international health regulations.
And I feel the WHO are running two horses in this race.
They've got the pandemic accord or agreement and they've got the amendments to the international health regulations.
And quite honestly, it doesn't matter which one gets over the finish line.
They've won.
And these are so serious.
I mean, this is the biggest giveaway power grab by an unelected, unaccountable, non-tax paying, diplomatically immune from prosecution organization.
The Director General was appointed, Ted Ross was appointed in an unholy alliance between Bill Gates
And the Chinese Communist Party, which my government at the time objected to his appointment, and he will become dictator of the world if we get these powers through.
And it's very clear that Nobel wants to talk about these issues.
I've spoken in Ireland, the Irish Parliament on the WHO, I've spoken in the European Parliament on the WHO, I've spoken in Norway, Sweden, Denmark,
And Latvia.
And I'm going out to Estonia.
It doesn't matter where we stop this.
We've got to stop this in any country.
It breaks the system they've got.
And I mean, having someone who's unelected, unaccountable, non-taxpaying, immune from prosecution, running the world.
And let's put this in perspective, Maria.
There's no court anywhere in the world where you, I, or anyone else can object to anything that the Director General of the WHO does and hold them to account.
What could possibly go wrong?
What could possibly go wrong with that?
And what we do know is they won't even have the WHO.
Their advice was advice, advisory at the last pandemic.
And it was wasn't good advice.
It was a litany of disaster, which has caused economic, social mayhem.
We've got a million under 25s in the UK on a waiting list for mental health support after those lockdowns and the pandemic response.
That's the legacy.
They won't even have a review of their advice in the last pandemic.
That's because they're going to do exactly the same again.
They're talking about vaccines in 90 days, mRNA vaccines in 90 days, no human tests at all because they're safe and effective.
Well they've also used the words, I know that Dr Teslory was present in a February 2022 meeting of the World Health Assembly where they used the words force vaccination and punishment for anyone who doesn't comply in future.
Their initial published proposed amendments said no human rights, no dignity, no fundamental freedoms for any future pandemics and so this is clear what they're trying to do.
Don't go anywhere, we'll be back with MP Andrew Bridgen right after this short break.
We'll see you in a moment.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
We're here with our final segment with UK MP Andrew Bridgen who has filed evidence with the Metropolitan Police for the crimes that were committed during COVID.
The police should be investigating all of those who pushed these injections, all of those who administered these injections and at a bare minimum
Those who got on television, all of the so-called public health officials and lied to people on national television.
The journalists who told the people that these injections were safe and effective and now we have excess deaths.
At levels that are higher than the Vietnam War, for goodness sake.
This is absolutely unacceptable.
And thank God for Andrew Bridgen, who's with us now.
I want to ask you, Andrew, because you mentioned the social credit system and that you are already feeling the effects of that.
You can't get insurance.
I've been debanked for my journalistic efforts.
I'm familiar with the early stages of the social credit system myself.
And we've seen this increasing trend of people being debanked.
I mean, I know even people in my audience who are not public figures, but because of their social media commentary, presumably, they're just being told by their bank, no, we want nothing to do with you.
And so this is absolutely accelerating.
We have Australia that just rushed through digital ID, rammed it through Parliament.
Within hours, it was done.
Obviously, there's still further debate that needs to happen to it.
But this is happening at an accelerated rate.
And we just saw these ridiculous hate speech laws go through in Scotland, although I note that the Scottish police are currently dealing with around 60 complaints an hour about the First Minister, who is a racist, and so that's good to see.
But the point is that there is absolutely this acceleration of the agenda to reach this digital dystopia.
I really want you to spend some time talking about that, please.
Well, it's all about control.
Everything's always sold to the people.
It's about your convenience and keeping you safe.
Well, anyone who's willing to trade freedom for safety will get neither.
That's an old saying, and it's very, very true.
You'll get neither safety nor freedom if you trade your freedom away.
It's basically the Chinese model.
It's clear that the world's elites have looked at the way of managing the planet and managing people and they like the Chinese system which allows the big corporates to make lots of money and the rich to live a good life but for the vast majority it's a totally controlled system.
Well, it's all agenda 2030.
I mean they're not shy about telling us where they're going to take us and
As Klaus Schwab admits, they've infiltrated the cabinets around the world.
We can see that.
Is that not treason, Andrew?
Is that not treason?
A foreign body coming and penetrating our cabinets?
It is treason, and it's interesting that when Tony Blair, God bless him, came into power in 1997, the very first thing that his government did, which wasn't in their manifesto,
They took the death penalty in the UK out of the treason laws, and no one could work out why they did it.
And it would seem to suggest that they knew what was going to be perpetrated against the people.
If you work against the people, as elected, you're betraying them.
That is treason against the people.
And the people in my country, in your country, and in so-called democracies around the world, are being betrayed as they've never been betrayed before.
And it's not just, say, one country.
Across the whole of the so-called free world.
Well, it won't be free for much longer unless we stand up.
And the interesting thing is we've got to stand and fight in our own countries because there's nowhere to run.
Nowhere to run.
I always thought if it got really bad in the UK, I'd go to Canada or America.
Well, I mean, Canada's worse than under Trudeau.
It hasn't taken him long to run down.
If you want to talk about the social credit scoring, I mean, look at what he did to the brave truckers that protested.
They had their bank accounts frozen.
I mean, that's now been ruled illegal.
When's Trudeau going to be held to account for those acts against the people?
Yeah, for breaking his own constitution.
So I agree with you, absolutely, we have to fight like hell.
You've got an excess deaths debate happening on Thursday the 18th of April at the public gallery, Grommel Green entrance.
In Parliament Square, you're encouraging people to gather in Parliament Square from 5pm.
Talk to us briefly about that.
Well, the debate's supposed to start at 2 o'clock.
It won't because they won't give us the full three hours.
And I'll be leading that debate.
People, interested members of the public will come to the public gallery, but that's only limited.
The last time I spoke on excess deaths there, that first debate on the 20th October, there were hundreds of people who couldn't get into the public gallery.
And they were in Parliament, so I know there'll be hundreds and hundreds of people turn up to watch it who won't get in.
So if they wait in Parliament Square, I'll go and address them outside the House of Parliament after five o'clock, when the debate's finished on the day for coming to support me.
And we either stand together or we either hang together now or we're going to hang apart.
And there is good hope.
The first time, the globalists, all their chips are on the table.
We can see the game.
If it's a game of poker, we're all in.
The public, we're all in.
But they're all in too.
And over the next 12, 18 months, the way those cards fall are going to decide the future of humanity.
And I want it to be on the right side.
We have a saying, you know, that when the people are scared of the politicians, which is where we are now, we have got
We've got so-called elected assemblies that are inflicting things upon the people.
That is tyranny.
So when the people are scared of the politicians, it's tyranny, and when the politicians are scared of the people, that's democracy.
And we need to get back to the latter as soon as possible.
Because we are the servants of the people, we're not their masters, and a lot of elected representatives around the world seem to have forgotten this.
Yes, they forget that when they sit and eat at night, the reason that the meal's on their table is because of the taxes of the people that they serve.
And very, very few have forgotten that that is actually their role.
And, you know, well, I guess maybe it's farmer kickbacks these days, Andrew, for some of them.
But certainly the people's taxes.
Now briefly talk to us about where UK's are at with the digital ID and then I want to encourage everyone as well please to go to Andrew's Twitter at
Abridgen, A-B-R-I-D-G-E-N, A-B-R-I-D-G-E-N.
He's got a link there for his action, where you can support his action against Matt Hancock, the deplorable individual that's accused him of anti-Semitism for appropriately calling out the crimes against humanity committed during COVID.
Talk to us briefly, Andrew, about where Digital ID is up to.
Well, we've had consultations on Digital ID and digital currency.
I asked a question last year and the Leader of the House said that the Government had got no plans to bring in digital ID and there was actually a Government consultation on it at the time and I'm told unofficially that it's going through whatever happens.
It's all ready to be implemented, it's all being implemented across the whole world and it's certainly being implemented in the European Union.
Creating this digital wallet and they want to put something in it, as Ursula von der Leyen said, and it's going to be a digital currency.
Well, that is a digital trap for the public.
It'll give the state huge powers to interfere in their lives and control them.
I mean, you won't need barriers around your community.
When your card, your bank card, only works five minutes from your home, where will you be able to travel?
I mean, this is a way of just curtailing people's freedoms.
Of course, it'll be the people's freedoms that are curtailed, not the elites.
So this is a huge digital trap which, again, no Parliament really wants to discuss.
It's all going to be for your convenience and Tony Blair keeps saying that we'll be able to manage the next pandemic better because we'll be able to make sure you've had all your vaccines.
What a nightmare situation.
So it's better we don't go in the trap than try and break out once we're in.
We've got to avoid it, if at all possible.
The WHO and also the narrative on the net zero is crumbling in the UK.
Well, perhaps next time we get you on, Andrew, because we're almost out of time today.
Perhaps next time we get you on, we can talk about specifically the narrative around Net Zero.
It's absolute nonsense science.
There are so many experts, real experts, coming out and debunking this entire narrative.
And so, you know, I think that we are seeing a huge wave of people that are waking up to the truth.
But it's about uniting and demanding that those who serve us, while we still can before they're all replaced by AI for goodness sake, because we know that the UN's Boston Global Forum group who are pushing the AI world society and digital world, Ursula von der Leyen is one of the people in that book, say that there'll be an AI judiciary.
We won't even have real people anymore in the judicial system and so we must
Stop this.
I want to thank you so much for your time today, Andrew, and your fight.
Again, asking people to follow you on XAbridgen and also support your fight against the deplorable Matt Hancock.
And please continue to support InfoWars that provides a platform to the heroes of history.
This interview, this discussion, this discussion that secures our freedom when we reach more people would not be possible without the people's support for InfoWars.
So please continue to do that.
I'm Maria Zee of ZeeMedia.com and it's been an honor to be with you all today.
Thank you.
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One of the most frustrating things about being awake to the globalist agenda is seeing the general public still asleep.
By and large, not aware of the magnitude of the incredible danger they're under, but also the ongoing attacks and the magnitude of the death caused by the lethal injections, masqueradings, vaccines.
It is so frustrating to see people going about their daily lives oblivious.
And he realized, Akron's not bliss, it equals death.
But people are starting to really understand how serious things are, and that's a hard thing to do, because to wake up to a dystopian reality and realize that we're in the middle of a giant biological weapons war against humanity, and that there's mass sterilization that's already taking place, and they're cutting off all the major energy sources, is really hard to deal with, but it's the reality.
Facing it is our only chance to turn this around, because stuff's about to get really, really nasty.
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