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Filename: 20240408_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 8, 2024
3206 lines.

The video discusses the solar eclipse and its negative narratives, encouraging people to appreciate the celestial event. It also covers other news topics such as statements from Donald Trump and issues with DEI pilots. Alex Jones promotes his magazine, book, and products available at InfowarStore.com in this episode of Infowars. Gerald Celente emphasizes listener support for the show while discussing various topics including technocracy, banking crisis, inflation, commercial real estate loans, and solar eclipse. The show also promotes several products available at InfowarStore.com.

We're good to go.
I'm good.
On this Monday, April 8th, 2024, Eclipse Special Transmission.
You know, I've seen all these different headlines and all these different narratives and all these different psyops about the Eclipse.
It's likely it'll be another day, comes and goes, with an amazing celestial event for us to witness.
And there's one narrative I'm not seeing anywhere.
As we play that graphic on the screen, and I guess here in Austin we're, what, two hours away from the totality of the 2024 eclipse,
You know the one narrative I'm not hearing anywhere?
Maybe Marjorie Taylor Greene is touching on it, saying that these earthquakes and everything and this eclipse is a reminder to repent.
But you know the narrative I'm not seeing?
That this eclipse is a reminder of how incredible, how divine this creation in which we exist, in which we are,
How incredible, how divine it truly is.
Maybe someday that would have been the narrative, but no, all over the news, Eclipse sickness is causing weird feelings, social media users claim.
That's all in your mind.
And it's really been amazing.
I have people that are sending me messages, and I guess because they view me as the conspiracy theorist,
They're like, man, there's something weird with this eclipse, or I'm getting eclipse sickness and all this stuff.
I'm like, no, you're not.
No, it's all in your mind.
You've probably lived through a dozen eclipses.
This one's different.
Because of all the propaganda, all the media, all the hype.
But hey, I can put that aside.
Hey, it's pretty cool.
You look up, there's an incredible celestial event going on.
You look down, there's these... The shadows that the sun is casting is all different.
That's how I remember it from last year.
But then they want to fire up the Hadron Collider at the same time, search for dark matter.
So people get freaked out about that.
But you know what?
Let's just put all that aside and let's just...
Sit back and let this eclipse be a reminder of what an incredible experience we have as humans.
The divine creation of this universe, the divine creation of this planet, the sun, the moon, the stars, the earth.
Us, human beings, conscious on the planet, searching, questioning, discovering, inventing, innovating, witnessing.
Experiencing the eclipse together.
But hey, guess what?
We got boots on the ground downtown Austin.
We got boots on the ground outside of the city as well.
We're going to have live shots of the eclipse.
So it might scare you though.
So if you can handle it, stay tuned.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Owen Troyer.
We don't, we don't just want to
Stop tearing.
We want to completely block it out like a 2024 eclipse.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are broadcasting live from the Info Wars World Headquarters in Austin, Texas, here on this Monday, April 8th, 2024 transmission.
Owen Schroer sitting in for Alex Jones.
There you have it.
I guess the live shots from all over.
Already streaming here.
They're gathering at Niagara Falls.
They're gathering in the beaches of Mexico.
Right here in Texas.
Looks like stadiums.
That looks like the Southern Illinois Salukis football stadium they have there on the screen.
I guess they'll be having the path of totality fully covered there and we'll have live coverage ourselves with our own cameramen and reporters out on the ground and I think you know we did this last time but I think we have some special cameras with some special lenses we can actually film the event while it's happening and broadcast it live while it's happening as well though it does appear
We're going to be dealing with overcast here in Austin, so I'm not sure what visibility we'll have, though we do have some boots on the ground and some cameras set up outside of town as well.
So, if you're tuned in for Eclipse coverage, you will get just that.
But we do have some other coverage for you as well.
We do have some news.
There are some other things going on, if you can believe it.
We have some political developments here.
With a statement from Donald Trump, and a guest on the Joe Rogan Show really put it, really put it well, saying, if you can, if you're not completely broken, if your brain is not completely broken, if your soul is not completely broken, when you remove Trump from the equation and you look at what they're doing here, this would be
This would be, you know, five alarm fire, this would be sirens going off, the justice system completely ruined, completely being rigged and weaponized and abused.
But see, that's the trick.
That's the trick.
And it shows how strong propaganda is.
I mean, even with this eclipse, where people are just freaking out about this eclipse, traveling,
Hundreds of miles, renting hotel rooms at ten times the normal price for a five minute event.
Freaking out, getting prepped, you got the National Guard on standby, all this other stuff.
So it shows how propaganda, how hype, how psychological operations work.
And it's the same thing with this Trump deal, different story altogether, but they build this hatred for Trump.
They cast all these aspersions and demonizations, these smear campaigns all against Donald Trump, and then you sit here and you just see the man that you hate, but you can't draw back and remove the man and then look at the process and say, oh my God, what have we done?
But this guest puts it well.
So we're going to read the statement from Trump and then we're going to look at this quote because it's a real short clip.
It's like 20 seconds and it just perfectly encapsulates, it just perfectly encapsulates how insane what they're doing to Donald Trump is, weaponizing the Justice Department against him.
And if you removed Trump and you just look at all the factors, you'd shake your head and you'd say, oh my goodness, this is,
This is banana republic stuff, this is authoritarian stuff, this is corrupt government stuff, this is third world country stuff.
Well this is going on here now.
So we'll have that, we've got more of these issues with the airplanes.
And now... So you've got the, so it looks like there's probably two issues going on here and one might outweigh the other.
Whatever's going on with the actual structure of these airplanes, and it seems to specifically be Boeing, and they've got their other issues going on, but all these issues are now showing up in the airline industry.
And it wasn't always like this.
Flying, typically it was a safe experience, a confident experience.
Now things have changed with all these issues with the parts and the manufacturing.
But with this diversity, equity and inclusion phenomenon, there's been an odd new development.
And so it's hard to even put this into words where I guess what you have is you have D.I.E.
hires or D.I.E.
We have the video of this.
Who are now getting on the PA during their flight and basically saying, I'm a DEI hire.
If you feel unsafe, then get off the plane.
So we're going to have that clip for you.
But it's like, isn't that what everybody's worried about here?
Is some obstinate, arrogant person
Puffing up their chest, saying, I've conquered you, I've dominated you.
We've rigged the system so that I can get here, and if you don't like that, then buzz off.
Like, doesn't that just affirm what our concerns are?
As you have hundreds of people's lives hanging in the balance, taking off and landing, in midair, and you're going to go on the PA, and you're going to boast about that conquer, you're going to boast about that dominance.
Isn't that the problem?
Isn't that the issue?
Is we want people that are confident and competent flying a plane, not somebody that says, ha, I got here.
So, you think about that.
That's the kind of crap I'm talking about.
Is it safe to fly to the solar club?
Yeah, I guess planes are just going to be falling out of the sky in a moment now.
But you see, you take this video of this, what we can only assume is a diversity hire as a pilot, and then you combine that with what we covered last week, and it shows a bar graph.
If you look at the acceptance rates in the medical school,
Based off of demographics, it's nearly impossible for an Asian to get into medical school compared to a black American.
So again, I don't care.
If I need to get neurosurgery, I want to go to Ben Carson.
He's the best in the game.
It's not about skin color, it's about who's the best.
And now because of diversity, equity, and inclusion, they're making it about skin color, and that's the problem.
And then when they get on a PA, during a flight, and rub it in your face, and see, most people don't even know what's going on.
Imagine, most people on that flight don't even know what's going on, and now they're hearing this, and they're probably saying, wait a second, what?
What in the hell?
So we're gonna play that for you.
We've got a shocking clip,
USAF Senior Airman Lance Castle being, I don't even know what you would call this, I mean tortured?
Because he refused to get a COVID-19 vaccine, and so he was forced to live in a cell, and then confined to his cell, missed the birth of his first child,
He was eventually acquitted, but, but, so this video is going viral, the way they were treating him.
And, and we should be looking at this.
And so that's what I'm saying.
We're all staring at the eclipse, and that's fine.
It's a, it's an amazing celestial event.
It's a once in a, it's a, it's a once in a rare time.
Check it out.
That's great.
It's cool.
But it's almost like it's turning into this distraction.
By the way, we have no control over that.
We have no control over that.
That's God's creation.
That's God's clock.
That's God's divine creation here.
Incredible to witness.
Wow, a great reminder.
Holy smokes, look at what God created.
This is incredible.
We have no control over that.
When you see this video,
Of a man being tortured in a military prison cell because he refused to get a COVID-19 shot, which he ends up being right about.
Because we have other news about the vaccine and the side effects now.
Now the CDC has basically been like, yeah, about a million people had serious side effects.
Yeah, that's at least a million that we know of.
And he gets acquitted.
But you see this video, and they storm into his cell, and they hold him down, and they torture him, and he misses the birth of his son.
We do have control over that.
And we should be looking at that and saying, we can never allow something like this to happen again.
What happened to us as Americans, where we got this far down the road of tyranny?
What happened?
We should all be sitting back and looking at that.
And saying, how the hell did this happen, and how the hell can we make sure it never happens again?
So, we got that going on.
But imagine, at this stage in the game, it's humans running in there and doing it, and then maybe the humans realize, okay, this is probably a bad idea.
Well, what about when it's robots?
Yeah, what about when it's robots?
We have some important geopolitical news today as well dealing with the terrorists from the Moscow theater shooting and some big developments there.
It's not good.
You might say that there's good news on the Israeli front as at least at this stage in the game they're talking about maybe having a ceasefire or maybe
Coming to some sort of agreement as they're withdrawing troops from the south.
That's the IDF.
So what caused that?
We can discuss, and everybody was kind of anticipating with all the recent trends, with the recent direction that the IDF in Israel was going in, that they were basically just going to wipe out Rafa too.
So now it looks like that's not going to happen.
That's a good thing.
Or is this just kind of a taking a couple days or weeks off before they really go after it again?
So we'll discuss that again, the side effects of the Pfizer or the COVID vaccines rather.
And then they come out and they admit, okay, well,
We got this whole new marketing push about COVID and everybody's afraid of COVID and so we might as well just get as much of this market tapped into as possible so they start to sell these other drugs or remedies and then they come out and they say with their latest, oh yeah well we sold this but it doesn't do anything.
It doesn't actually do anything.
So that's fun.
So we'll talk about that.
We'll talk about that.
And in many ways, I think that we have some similarities from the 2016 election.
The obvious similarity between the 2020 election, it would be if it's Trump versus Biden again, but
We're starting to see this Trump hatred ramp up again on the streets.
And you've had a 64-year-old man who drives an RV around with a bunch of right-wing slogans and Trump stickers and Trump banners and everything on it.
You know, support the police, stuff like that.
American flags, that's right-wing now.
It's like I make a joke with my neighbor.
I've got an American flag hanging in my garage and he's got an American flag.
Like, oh yeah, we're talking, like, hey, well, yeah, at least I know you're not a Democrat.
He's like, how do you know that?
I'm like, well, you got an American flag in your garage, so, you know.
Yeah, that's kind of the giveaway.
Oh, you like America?
Well, you must be not a Democrat.
But remember, that was the trend.
That was the season.
It was Trump supporter season for liberals to hunt, to batter, to attack, to mob, to stab.
So are they trying to create that environment again heading into the 2024 election?
So we'll talk about that and then some other instances like where a group of college students has a Trump flag at a college baseball game and the police show up and they say, nope, you can't have a Trump flag.
Do you think the same thing would have happened for a gay pride flag?
Do you think the same thing would have happened for a Biden flag?
Somehow I doubt it.
How can you not have a Trump flag?
What happened to free speech at a baseball game?
And of course, they're getting booed because Trump is actually popular!
Not like Biden.
Biden sucks.
Nobody likes Biden.
Trump is cool.
People like Trump.
So we'll give you the sights and sounds there.
You know, there's a...
There's a wild thing happening with Elon Musk, Twitter, and a Brazilian Supreme Court Justice.
And we could probably get guests on from Brazil to even comment on this, as we've had a few before.
And there's a couple different angles that I want to look at here.
I think what Musk is doing in this situation is good.
Now Brazil is so so basically the Biden administration has already made an enemy out of Elon Musk and and they've already weaponized the government against Elon Musk in about five six different ways going after all of his different companies and he's pushed back a little there but not as much I guess you could say or not as a direct confrontation like with this Brazilian Supreme Court Justice
Now, nothing from Joe Biden as Elon Musk is being targeted as X, as a platform, is being targeted by the Brazilian Supreme Court.
So the corrupt Brazilian Supreme Court wants this X user banned and removed.
And Musk won't do it, and now he's like, nope, I'm gonna make sure his account is never removed and I'm gonna promote his account.
So, okay.
Again, I like that.
I mean, you can sit here and have different opinions about, you know, billionaire businessmen getting involved in politics in such a direct way, but it is what it is, and I would say it's a good thing.
But it's funny, it's funny that Elon Musk will go to bat for these social media accounts that the Brazilian government wants banned, yet he won't
Reinstate popular Americans Twitter accounts, the most obvious probably being Nick Fuentes.
So it's strange to me.
It's strange to me when Elon Musk pumps out statement after statement after statement about free speech, stands up to the censorship in Brazil to such a degree, as he goes toe-to-toe with a Brazilian Supreme Court Justice,
But accounts like Nick Fuentes, they don't count.
They don't get their speech.
So you just have to ask why.
You just have to ask why.
And then there's this other story going viral.
Death to America.
Michigan protesters hold pro-Palestine rally.
Condemn Israel and the United States.
Are you surprised?
There's nothing new to this.
And these are blocks of Muslims that have moved into Michigan and Minnesota.
They elect Muslims to Congress.
And look, either they're strategic about this, or somebody's strategic about this, because they move them, they all move into the same district, they create a voting bloc, and now they essentially control the politics, the political will, the political destiny of these districts, of these local governments, and then they end up being all Muslim.
Now you could say that's an organic event.
You could say that that is somebody's manipulating that, planning that.
There's probably a lot of both going on.
But you know, I was in downtown Austin, Texas.
I doubt the crew could even find this video, it's so long ago.
This had to be
2017, 2018, I think it was right before we were banned off everything, and so when they banned us off everything, it kind of just was like recalibrating our archives was just a hell of an endeavor.
That's why we ended up hiring an archivist, but they removed a statue from the University of Texas, Austin.
And they do it in the middle of the night, because there was a big controversy, and the big donors didn't want it to do, didn't want to remove it.
And really nobody wanted to remove it, but you had these radical leftist groups that were protesting and causing a bunch of issues.
So they tried to do it in the middle of the night.
And I got word from... I think it was just like local police or maybe somebody on our security team was like, hey, I just heard they're trying to remove this thing in the middle of the night.
It had to be like 1, 2 in the morning.
And yeah, I show up at UT's campus where this statue is.
And they're quietly trying to remove this statue.
It's been there forever.
But now they want to remove it because leftists are complaining.
Because that's what they're told to do.
Like a trained dog.
And they're all out there.
And I'm filming.
And I mean, I'm still relatively new to town.
Only been here like two, maybe three years.
I didn't go to UT.
And I'm just showing up as a journalist, documenting this, and I see all these Democrat leftist protesters, you know, celebrating, hopping up and down, like a bunch of elves on meth.
And I'm saying, hey, what's going on here?
We're finally getting this racist statue removed.
We can't believe it, America's colonizers, and you know, all the normal stuff.
And I said, oh, okay.
And then do you know what they started chanting?
They started chanting death to America.
These weren't Muslims.
These were American liberals.
So hey, I get it.
It's shocking.
You see this Muslim man up here in a part of America that Muslims have essentially politically conquered.
By hook, by crook, organically, whatever.
There's all these pockets of this.
And they're chaining death to America.
Yeah, that's kind of crazy stuff.
You have these, they win elections and they go up there and they don't even speak English.
They don't even speak English.
And they're chaining death to America.
Yeah, that's shocking.
That's a problem.
You don't understand, that's the exact same sentiment of the American left.
For pockets of Muslim groups and voter blocs and whatever control they've seized over their local areas is one thing.
The American left is running the country.
Joe Biden is running the country.
He's supposedly the president.
And it's all these American leftists that are there running his presidency.
They hate America.
They dream chance of death to America.
So I get it, it's more sexy to show the Muslim up there chaining death to America.
That's more shocking.
But that's like a tiny pocket, maybe here, maybe there, maybe this place.
It's shocking, no doubt.
But no, the American left is the death to America party.
And they're about, I don't know where they're at, probably not half the country.
Most people are realizing what they are now, so they're leaving it.
But no, that's who runs this administration.
That's who votes for Joe Biden.
is the death to America Democrats.
So yeah, you can be freaked out over some Muslim guy chanting that.
That's the attitude of the American left.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Word on the street is if you stare directly at the eclipse with no glasses, you'll get Trump energy.
That's how he became so powerful.
All right, I'm being facetious.
Before somebody does it and then sues me, don't stare directly into it.
If I decide to do that, that's my own personal decision.
We are not recommending that.
Make sure to wear proper eyewear.
Not only did that dog view the eclipse, he then later voted for Joe Biden.
All right.
This video is going viral right now.
And this is something we have control over.
Not like the eclipse.
That reminds you that God's in control.
That reminds you that we are on God's plan.
God's design.
His clock in the sky.
We look up, we see it, we see a reminder of that in epic fashion during an eclipse.
But let's think about something that we can control.
Now this video has probably been seen about five million times since it got uploaded.
And you last week had Donald Trump making a very profound statement, especially considering where he was at during COVID, the reverse course that he took during COVID, where he was first saying, oh, it's just the flu.
Let's not panic.
And then all of a sudden we need to lock everything down.
And then Fauci shows up and starts running things.
And so then last week he comes out and makes a statement, never again, we're never going to lock down, we're never going to do this again.
And really, you need to go one step further.
And you need to say... Because you need to look at all the enemy's plans.
And you say, yeah, okay, even if, if they do, if there is some new deadly virus, not like COVID, which is like 90% of the deaths or more happen in hospitals, and it's just a bunch of hype, a bunch of propaganda, and people with comorbidities dying.
And you say, no, no, it's not just that we're not going to do that again, we're not going to lock down again.
Even if there is a deadly virus, even if there is something with whatever high percentage of death, if you catch it,
We're still not locking down.
It's about saying, we have the freedom to move about this country.
We have the freedom of choice.
Now, if there's a deadly virus going around, some hemorrhogenic fever, people bleeding out of their eyes and ears and nose and dying, then you might want to stay home.
That's your choice.
That's your choice.
Just like if it's 110 degrees and you want to stay home because you don't want to go get hot, or if it's negative 30 degrees and you want to stay home because you don't want to go freeze unless you're Jussie Smollett getting a Subway sandwich in Chicago at 3 in the morning.
Like, that's a personal choice.
So yeah, if there's a deadly virus going around, you still have the personal choice.
Do you want to open your business or not?
So it's about going even further, knowing what their next move would be, to not say, oh, just not for COVID or not the flu, for anything, we're not doing this again.
For anything, you have the right to decide whether you want to open your business or not, whether you want to go outside or not, whether you want to go to the playground, or the park, or with your kids or not, or go to dinner, or go to a ballgame.
That's up to you to decide.
No government intervention.
We have control over that.
So here you have a video from USAF Senior Airman Lance Castle after refusing the COVID-19 bioweapon.
They put him in a cell.
He was dubbed a threat, given 60 days pretrial confinement, missed the birth of his first child, and sent to a court-martial to stand trial.
Was eventually acquitted, not guilty.
And because he refused to take the COVID-19 vaccine, which was obviously the right decision now, in hindsight, even though we knew it all along, he made the right decision.
So here's this video, guys.
Put it on the screen.
He's in his military cell, and they bum-rush him and hold him down like he's some sort of a terrorist.
This is an American serviceman who didn't want to take an experimental injection.
And they get all lined up like linebackers about to blitz the quarterback.
And this is unreal.
This is the madness that we can never let happen again.
This is insanity, what you're witnessing on the screen.
All because a guy didn't want to take a COVID-19 shot.
Completely unnecessary, completely avoidable.
Doesn't want to take an experimental injection, and so he has to go through this.
Being ambushed and bum-rushed and pinned to the ground by, like, about six other servicemen.
Like, linebackers standing outside of a cell, getting ready to blitz the quarterback, and then pin him down, and then cuff him.
And they went along with those orders.
And they took the vaccine.
And he was in the right.
Think about that.
Now, there's so many different lessons that we can learn here.
And there's so many different angles to digest this and interpret this from.
And it shows the power of propaganda.
It shows the power of compliance.
And yet, at the end of the day, who was right?
Who won?
Well, it was Senior Airman Lance Castle that won.
He was not guilty.
He was acquitted.
He didn't take the deadly injection.
But all those other young men that went in there and bum-rushed him and took him down and carried him out like this, like he's some sort of a sub-human, they were wrong.
But they went with the propaganda, didn't they?
They went with the propaganda.
They went with the big lie.
They took the injection.
They did what they were told.
And they were all wrong.
And we should all be sitting here looking at this saying, never again.
Never again.
And then they leave him writhing on the floor like some sort of a torture treatment.
And we should all be looking at that saying never again.
Look at what this insanity of COVID did to us.
We can make rational health decisions.
We can make rational reactions to problems and find solutions.
We don't have to lose our freaking minds over it.
We don't have to go completely insane over it.
Man against man.
Giving your lives over
To a corporate establishment, medical-industrial complex.
And so, not only was he right, there's even more coming out here.
CDC discloses 780,000 new reports of serious side effects after COVID-19 vaccination.
That's like a fraction of the puzzle there.
The VAERS report already has millions, so the CDC probably hasn't even read the VAERS report where there's millions.
It's off the charts.
It's off the charts.
So it'd be like they've had the VAERS reports for decades and they're normally somewhere around a couple hundred, maybe tops out at a thousand side effects from the vaccines.
Now it's like 20, 30,000.
I mean, just, you know, everything else has just barely been showing up.
So it's off the charts and now they admit it.
And then they try to come out with these other things too, because it's the COVID market now.
So everything, you know, everything's marketed towards COVID.
You got to make money.
New England Journal of Medicine study reveals Pfizer's antiviral drug Paxlovid does little or nothing against COVID.
Yeah, just like the vaccine.
Just like the vaccine.
Now, there's another angle to this that I want to get to coming up on the other side, and that is putting blind faith in a system that's corruptible.
Now again, I don't mind
Getting on an airplane and feeling confident that I'm going to take off and land safely.
That's a good thing.
That's a good thing.
That doesn't mean I have blind faith.
That means, you know what, planes have been proven safe and
I've taken some flights and so I feel confident that I'm going to get on this plane and I'm going to land safely and everyone else is too.
So that's not blind faith.
But now you're talking about putting blind faith in these corrupt institutions that we know are corrupt.
Putting blind faith in experimental technology.
What happens when we put blind faith in AI and robotics to run our lives?
Because the left is already going on that.
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It is so frustrating to see people going about their daily lives oblivious, and you realize ignorance is not bliss, it equals death.
But people are starting to really understand how serious things are, and that's a hard thing to do, because to wake up to a dystopian reality and realize that we're in the middle of a giant biological weapons war against humanity, and that there's mass sterilization that's already taking place, and they're cutting off all the major energy sources, is really hard to deal with, but it's the reality.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
Alright, I've just been informed we have a special report, a special message, if you will, coming up from Alex Jones in just about 20 minutes from now, in the second hour of this transmission, we will be hearing from Alex.
So stay tuned for that here on Eclipse Day.
Now, last week
I thought we had a good discussion with Brian Krasenstein.
It was healthy.
We had our disagreements, but I let him talk.
And I wish that I would have seen this or he would have posted this video before that interaction because I really would like to talk to him about this.
Now putting blind faith in anything is not very responsible.
And to kind of
Segway off talking about COVID.
Think about how much blind faith people put into a corrupted system.
What we knew was corrupt.
Institutions that we knew were corrupt, like the big pharmaceutical industries, and more specifically, even big pharmaceutical companies that have already paid off hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars in malpractice suits and other things.
And yet we put blind faith into this over the whole COVID thing.
Now, how much of that was legitimate fear versus how much of that was just political?
To just rub Trump's nose in it or rub conservatives nose in it during an election year because for whatever reason now it just is the political cultural shift has happened.
Left-wingers love authority.
Right-wingers are anti-authority.
The left wing wants to be the establishment.
The right wing is now the anti-establishment.
So that's just where we're at now.
That's just what's been trending now.
And if there is an inflection point, it would be Trump 2016.
But so, you use COVID as an example.
There's this complete overwrite of common sense, this complete overwrite of your will to be free.
Oh, the lockdowns, the mandates, the masks, the vaccines.
And people put blind faith in all of that.
Of course, they were all wrong.
And now we have the numbers.
That the lockdowns were bad, closing schools was bad, the masks don't work, the vaccines were ineffective and deadly.
But people put blind faith in all of that, for whatever reason, whether it was just political hatred or just genuine fear, we witnessed that, it was a horrible thing.
Well now we're talking about putting blind faith into robotics and AI.
And I bring up Brian Krasenstein because he uploaded this video of himself.
And we don't need the audio, you can just B-roll it.
And he says, because I'd really like to hear his thought process on this.
Just drove across the state of Florida from Miami Beach to Fort Myers with FSD version 12.3.3.
It was the most relaxing drive I've ever had.
I stepped in one time at a right-hand turn on red just because it was overly cautious and there were multiple cars behind me that I didn't want to be holding up.
RoboTaxi will change the world, I have no doubt.
I will tell you right now, for me, I would not let
A car drive itself with me inside of it.
Or anybody I'm friends with or my family or loved ones.
Not going to happen.
Not going to happen.
I would guess.
Again, I'm not somebody that doesn't want to be able to hop on an airplane and have confidence that I'm going to take off and land safely.
But what's the story here?
This isn't about whether the technology of robotic cars or self-driving cars is going to be a good thing or a bad thing.
This is about putting blind faith in something.
So if we put blind faith in robots and AI to drive our car or to run our civilization,
How do we not have the proper foresight to realize how wrong that can go, how fast?
How do we not have the foresight to realize how dangerous that is, that equation, that potential?
Things can go wrong like that.
And even, I use Krasutin as an example here because it's like he's putting blind faith in this machine driving him across Florida.
I could never do that.
So, good for you, Brian.
You trust robots and AI, I suppose, more than I do.
But, again, one thing goes wrong and you're in a car accident.
One thing goes wrong and you hit somebody.
And that's why he even had to admit, yeah, I stepped in at one time because I wanted to be cautious.
So even he kind of understands, yeah, you can't put total faith in this stuff.
Now, again, I'm not a Luddite.
This technology is likely inevitable.
Will it be as safe as flying on an airplane someday?
But I'm not leaping into that.
I'm not putting blind faith into that.
But that's just a stepping stone.
That's just like barely even scratching the surface.
We're talking about AI and robots running everything.
And it's funny, last week or two weeks ago you had this development.
California passes, and it's all the left.
Now see, this is why it's so strange.
Again, it's the left putting the blind faith into all of these systems.
It's the left going with all these authoritarian bents, and now it's the right-wing saying no.
So, you know, just consider that when you're voting, or consider that when you're deciding your politics, your policies.
So the California, the Democrats in California, they go and they vote for minimum wage to be raised to $20.
Now forget about the arguments pro or against.
Just, just, just, okay.
So now minimum wage goes up to $20.
Now what's the exact next domino to fall?
People lose their jobs, people get fired, some companies even close up their shops.
Because they cannot afford to pay $20 minimum wage.
So then they go out and they do these interviews.
Some fast food workers, whatever, ice cream parlors, and they say, yeah, I voted for this bill, I wanted the $20 minimum wage, now I've been fired.
Well, the Simpsons this weekend,
I don't know if this was a new episode or they just replayed this episode from the past because of the subject matter.
But The Simpsons aired an episode this Sunday where the food delivery workers go on strike.
So it's this whole thing about the food delivery workers going on strike, whatever, they want more money.
And at the end, the big CEO comes down in the middle of the standoff and he says, I've got the solution.
And the delivery girls and guys say, oh, we're going to get paid more.
We're going to get our fair share.
And he says, absolutely not.
Robots are taking your job.
And then that's exactly what's also happening in California.
So you see, we have to be careful not to put blind faith in anything.
And we have to be careful not to leap into these new technologies without fully investigating and looking at all the different angles.
So the same thing goes from self-driving cars.
I mean, look, I'll speak for myself.
I don't see how I could ever let a car drive me.
I ain't doing that.
I mean, maybe when I'm like 80 or something and the technology's there, but I don't know.
Right now, couldn't see myself ever letting a car drive me.
I don't see myself.
But for whatever reason, the left is all in on this now.
Whether it's self-driving cars, whether it's COVID tyranny, whether it's, oh look, minimum wage and then my job gets replaced.
Because it's all about centralization.
Yeah, there's the episode right there.
I don't know if it was a new episode from this Sunday or they just re-aired it, but...
It was new this Sunday, guys?
Okay, so... But I'm sure that's in response to that stuff that's going on in California.
So I don't know why the left wants to put blind faith in all this stuff.
I don't know why the left wants to just fully centralize everything.
That's not what the American left used to be.
That's certainly not liberalism.
So it just shows the new American left is authoritarianism.
The new American left is centralization of power.
But maybe that's this realization that they've had.
It might not even be consciously.
It might just be subconsciously.
Where they've had this realization that they can't tell you what to do without the power.
So they need to centralize government.
They need to institute all of these things.
Because otherwise they can't control your life, which is what they want to do, ultimately.
And that's the story of Greta Thunberg, where she gets arrested in this climate change thing.
We're going to have that coming up in the next hour, along with Alex Jones.
And there's another story here.
It's not to talk about Greta Thunberg, the little girl that they've turned into a propaganda agent.
But there's another side to that.
Now, before Alex Jones joins us, coming up in the next hour, folks, Infowarsstore.com.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones!
Alright, so we know that the Democrats pay
People, to promote their agenda, propaganda, what have you, they give them scripts to read on social media.
Now, I will tell you, I'm assuming that's what this is, based off of some of the things that I see in this ad.
But it's ironic, because people are taking this, what appears to be just straight-up Democrat propaganda, on this lady's social media account.
I'd bet that that's what this is.
But it's ironic, because people are seeing this and they're saying, wait a second,
These are the things you're complaining about, but yet this is, like, we like this.
Now, of course, it's not even full honesty.
So it's either a leftist that is just deceived, or it's just straight-up Democrat propaganda.
So here it is, though.
This is what people are assuming, or I'm assuming, is Democrat Party propaganda.
They're paying social media posters, influencers, to read this script.
Here it is in clip two.
So pause it right here real quick.
So this is, again, this is, to me, proof one and two, if you will.
I mean, I'd bet everything on it, folks.
She's reading off a Democrat script.
She says, oh, Trump is anti-immigration.
That's total Democrat Party propaganda.
Trump is not anti-immigration.
Notice they leave out a very key word there.
Notice they do that?
That's done intentionally.
So they deceive their own voters.
They deceive their own people.
No, Trump is not anti-immigration.
He's anti-illegal immigration.
Completely different thing.
And you leave that word out.
Conveniently, I'm sure.
But then you see all the edits and the captions.
This is 100% Democrat Party propaganda.
Now, pause it real quick.
So again, that's just all Democrat Party propaganda.
We're talking about not showing kids porn in schools.
We're talking about not having strippers and adult performers show up and perform for children at schools.
And notice how she says... Again, she's just reading off the script.
She says...
Criminalizing LGBTQAI plus activity at the schools.
But she didn't... Criminalizing what exactly?
She didn't say the criminal charges.
She didn't say anything like that.
So they just... So it's all this fear-mongering now towards the youth.
Like, oh, if I'm gay, I can't vote for Trump.
He's criminalizing my lifestyle.
And that's not what's going on at all.
So it's just more lies.
Huge changes to the education system.
He wants to give huge benefits for homeschooling to indoctrinate kids with Christian nationalism and incentivize teachers.
So we're just assuming then, we're just assuming at this point, that if you homeschool, you're a Christian nationalist.
There is no Christian nationalist homeschooling agenda.
There is no Christian nationalist homeschooling... It's like, you homeschool your kids.
Plenty of non-Christians do it too.
So again, it's all this propaganda.
But why don't Democrats, why don't liberals, why don't leftists want you to homeschool your kids?
They want your kids in the education department that they run so that they can indoctrinate them!
See, that's what it's really about.
They want your kids in their schools so they can indoctrinate them with the LGBTQ stuff and everything else.
With their lies about immigration.
With their LGBTQ plus propaganda.
...guns in their classrooms... ...further crack down on affirmative action and destroy crucial DEI departments at colleges... ...anti-racist... ...for restoring racist crime policies... Oh, but now he is racist.
...legal system reform will be off the table if Trump becomes president.
He promised to bring back racist policies... Oh my gosh.
Okay, so there you go.
But this is what... This is what Democrats are paying people on social media to post for their millions of followers.
And they just read off this script, nothing but lies.
That lady should be ashamed of herself.
There is nothing more frustrating to me, whether it comes to news or anything else we're doing, than to know I'm telling the truth and to know they'll just listen to me and take action.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
It's Monday, April 8th, 2024.
I'm your host Alex Jones and today is the day of the big solar eclipse.
We've got live coverage of that taking place right now with our crew in studio and in the field.
The eclipse is coming right over our office's head.
We're going to be breaking it all down for you here today, but I wanted to come on the air and commend
And just support Elon Musk for what he's doing in Brazil, where they have established a dictatorship through Lula and the corrupt Supreme Court, where they are barring any political candidate that is in the lead from being able to run for office in their Congress or for president.
They banned the incredible Bolsonaro, as you know, for eight years to be able to run.
Now they're saying they're opening a criminal investigation of Elon Musk for simply pointing out that that country has a totalitarian system that's taken it over and that he refuses to ban the list he's given of members of their Congress that are very, very popular that are also rising.
See, they've got a problem.
Oh, they banned Bolsonaro, claiming he tried to steal an election for lightly challenging it, just like they're doing with Trump.
Now I'm going to comment on Elon Musk and the situation in Brazil.
They're incredibly corrupt.
We're witnessing 1984 level gaslighting by this court, claiming that Elon Musk runs a digital militia.
That's communist talk.
That's what they always call anybody that resists the communist takeover as a militia.
And he wants, quote, support of members speaking out as a militia and gets disappeared to a Porsche Labor camper, killed.
And saying that he wants part of disinformation because he's refusing to ban accounts of popular political opposition in Brazil.
This is classic election theft out of the oven.
Very similar to what we saw happen in 2020 here in the United States.
And the documents have all come out, weaponization hearings.
We know the Justice Department
We know the intelligence agencies publicly worked against President Trump and his supporters to steal that election, to manipulate the outcome.
And now using the same totalitarian tactics, they're trying to take Trump off the ballot around the country.
They're doing the same thing in Brazil.
They did it with Bolsonaro, banning him for eight years for being able to ever run for president so that
They can submit their communist takeover and he'll never be able to run in the future.
It's that simple.
And then they turn around and accuse Bolsonaro of trying to quote steal democracy or Trump trying to quote steal democracy when these are classical communist slash again totalitarian tactics that are being used.
So Elon Musk coming out and defying the order and refusing to ban the
New opposition leaders that are challenging Lula and the communists.
A wonderful move.
Because all the rest of big tech has been bowing to Brazil and to the EU and to others and allowing them to establish this total censorship control.
And once they're done with the Alex Joneses, the Donald Trumps of the world, they're going to move on to everybody.
That's what the social credit score AI system is.
They admit that.
So people that criticize Elon Musk all day and say he's not perfect, he's far from perfect.
Nobody's perfect.
But my goodness, in the last two years, and I told you this was coming, Elon Musk has really
No, we're good to go.
And they are saying that, again, he has a digital militia and he's trying to steal the elections, all because the same corrupt Supreme Court that took Bolsonaro off the ballot and won him room for office is scared and knows the people of Brazil are turning against him.
Because again, you can steal elections, but then you've got to censor and control the press, or people will point out that it's stolen, and you won't be able to maintain your totalitarian control.
It's very, very simple.
I know the audience all understands this, but Elon Musk is taking them directly on.
And they cannot stand, their operation will fail.
If Musk stands firmly against them.
At the same time, Axis doubled the amount of people on it and the amount of use in just the last few years since Musk took it over.
That has also been exposing all the other big tech companies who are losing major market share.
If you've got one big free platform, even quasi-free, it will expose the others.
Tyranny needs that level
Of unified control to succeed.
And if there's anybody allowed to stick their head up above the parent pig, then the whole system fails.
And so that's why InfoWars has been so important over the years.
That's why they wanted to shut us down so badly.
And now imagine how it feels to the New World Order.
They've got Elon Musk out there.
He's reaching 50 times more people than I am probably.
And just devastating him.
So I'm very thankful to God for this.
I'm very thankful to everybody out there that's supported us in the past.
And I just want to tell everybody, you should support Elon Musk because they are now criminally coming after him.
This is very, very real.
And in closing, don't ever forget that the State Department, going back a few years ago, has been advising Lula, even when he was running against Bolsonaro, and then after, how to stop Bolsonaro.
And they've done that now.
Just like they tried to take Trump off the ballot here, their Supreme Court actually did it.
Imagine if our Supreme Court would have said, oh yeah, Colorado.
Oh yeah, Maine.
Oh yeah, you can just take him off the ballot for no reason.
No criminal conviction, no criminal indictment for insurrection.
Sure, you can do that.
Imagine, just imagine if our Supreme Court did that.
Well, the lower courts were going along with it.
So we're just inches away from where Brazil is.
And again, the CIA is advising Lula, backing Lula.
It's on record on how to steal elections.
Just a few decades ago, the CIA had been caught many, many, many times around the world overthrowing governments.
And now they've done it even more times on record.
It's over 50 governments.
They bragged they've overthrown.
And the State Department runs the CIA when it comes to foreign policy and the policy objectives.
So, the same group is working against you and me and our families.
We have a coup in this country, but it hasn't gotten full control yet.
It hasn't got control of our minds yet.
There is a war on foreign minds, and that's why this is so important and why it's all coming to a head right now.
So again, I salute Elon Musk, and I thank you all.
And I hand the baton back to the crew.
But I want to state it one more time very, very slowly, very, very succinctly.
And it's not because you're not smart.
It's not because I'm...
Stupid, and I just have to sit here and say the same thing over and over again.
It's because this is so historical, what's happening.
We have a global corporate combine, it's mouthpiece is the WEF, it's owned by the private central banks, through the UN, through the CIA, through these global organizations, literally trying to install tyranny worldwide.
As Klaus Schwab said, he penetrates the cabinets.
And so anybody that doesn't play ball with the globalists and who tries to be a nationalist and a populist is being targeted.
But the populists are in the right and they're more and more popular.
And so the tide is rising against the tyrants and we're living in such an incredibly historic moment and everything you do now echoes throughout
The future and eternity to a greater extent than ever has.
Humanity has a hunger for freedom and we're beginning to turn the tide at InfoWars.
And this audience of activists have been right at the center of that fight.
So I want you to look in the mirror today and realize what you've done speaking out against tyranny has had a huge effect.
And all that you've gone through has had a massive effect.
And again, I salute all of you.
You are the resistance to this tyranny.
And you're doing an incredible job.
And what Elon's doing is incredible.
And the EU and Brazil are all coming after him, folks.
He's really going up against the globalists.
So this is real.
And we've got to recognize that.
We've got to stand with him on this.
Again, it doesn't mean he's perfect.
It doesn't mean he's wrong on some issues.
He is.
These are real enemies.
It doesn't matter.
He's making a real run at them.
And so is InfoWars.
It's going to be archived at InfoWars.com and at RealOfficeJones on X. Get it and share it with everyone you know because we have a good chance at beating these people peacefully.
But if we allow them to cement their control and their control grid, it's only going to get more and more hellish and it's going to end up being a physical fight.
That's not something we want.
We want to fix this now.
God bless and good luck.
Thank you, Alex.
We now are back live inside the Info Wars World Headquarters in Austin, Texas.
Where the totality of the eclipse is set to strike in less than an hour.
They're already running this around the clock.
I was listening to Alex's report and then in the break room scrolling through the news feeds and this is on every single channel.
I'm sorry, I can't help myself.
It's just goofball stuff.
It's very cool.
I like cool things.
Don't get me wrong.
I like seeing a shooting star.
I like seeing a meteor shower.
I like seeing an eclipse.
I remember, I think it was last year when there was the eclipse.
It's a vivid thing in my memory.
I didn't even know it was going on, and I get out of my car and I look down at the ground, and there's like these tiny little crescents all over the ground, like beaming through the trees and on the cement, and that was from the eclipse.
That was the way the light was coming out.
So, it's cool, but there's some real stuff happening that we have control over.
So, but just to reiterate, you know,
When you're watching this today, and if you're in Mexico, I guess they're starting to see it.
It's going to hit Eagle Pass, Texas pretty soon, too, and then make its way.
Actually, it's ironic.
I guess it's like an illegal immigrant caravan.
It goes from Eagle Pass, then it'll end up in New York.
It's amazing stuff.
That's fun.
But, you know, this is just a reminder of God's divine creation.
This is just a reminder that we are in an incredible creation here.
It's all by design.
It is intelligent design.
It's not a coincidence that this stuff happens.
It's by design.
It's God's creation.
Oh my gosh.
How do they put Alex Jones on a Rolling Stone cover story?
The far right is crawling with Eclipse conspiracy theories.
Why'd you guys do that to me?
Why did you do that to me?
We need to put like Alex's head in front of the sun.
That's the real eclipse.
No, so you're looking up at the eclipse, let it be a reminder of God's awesome might, God's awesome creation, proof of God's clock, the sun, the moon, the stars, the earth, all on God's time.
We can't control that, but we can control what goes on down here.
Now, this is such important stuff that I'll probably just do a full segment of coverage on this so we can upload it.
As a standalone at Band.Video, but I mean, the geopolitical developments, and basically Jamie Dimon is talking about what I was talking about all last week, and I'm just sitting here scratching my head like, where is the mainstream media?
This is insane.
So we'll get into that coming up here in the next segment.
Let's do this.
Let's do this.
We had the bridge collapse in Baltimore.
You then had a barge ram a bridge in Oklahoma.
Now you have a massive cargo ship losing power in New York City near Verrazano Narrows Bridge.
And I guess it's just stalled out in the middle of it now.
So this is getting more suspicious.
And it's hard to believe that all this is a coincidence.
But I don't even, it's like, I don't even want to put a line in the timeline here and say, OK, well, when did this all start or whatever.
But I mean.
The awareness of such has definitely been increased since Biden took office.
Now, again, I don't know if that's a fair line in the sand and say, OK, well, between Trump and Biden presidency.
But let's let's recall, since Biden became president, we've had massive train derailments.
So many train derailments that you can't even keep track of all of them.
I don't remember that before Biden.
We've had
All of these production facilities and manufacturing plants light on fire and burn.
So again, I don't know if it has anything to do with the switch of the White House, but I mean, if that's a demarcation line, there's something going on with that.
And now with this barge story?
Is our critical infrastructure under attack?
Is this all coincidence?
Is there something to be said that after Trump left office and Biden got in and this all started happening?
And now with the other barge hitting a bridge and now this one just losing power in the middle of New York City's waters?
I mean, it's just crazy!
And then you've got what's going on with the airlines.
And this is... You've got two things here.
You've got
The diversity, equity, and inclusion, which everybody's talking about, and maybe that ends up being an issue, maybe not, they certainly want it to at least appear that way.
So if you wanted people to lose faith in an institution, if you wanted people to lose faith
In flying, you'd say, okay, we're no longer hiring people based off of merit or ability or experience.
We're doing it off skin color.
And if they have the right skin color, it doesn't matter if they have lower test scores or they don't have the experience or they can't even fly a plane.
But if they have the right skin color, we're going to put them in that cockpit.
So again, whether that ends up being a true threat or not, I guess time will tell.
But if you wanted to destroy confidence, that's what you would do.
But it appears that the real issue here is what is going on with the actual structure of these airplanes.
And you feel like there's about to reach ahead here, because we've had near collisions going on a lot more recently.
Near collisions.
Actually, two planes did collide not too long ago, earlier this year, on the tarmac.
But you've also had near collisions midair, people landing, people taking off, near collisions on the tarmacs, then there was.
And then you have the actual structure of the planes now, and this is like every week it's something.
It used to be I might see this maybe once or twice a year, with the actual integrity of the plane structure having an issue, but now it seems like it's happening weekly, and the latest being a Southwest Airlines flight
Denver to Houston.
Engine flap peeled off.
Shortly after takeoff, and there's multiple people obviously recording this, stunned.
They had to call an emergency landing after the engine cowling detached.
FAA will obviously be investigating, but it's like this is happening all the time now.
I mean, you would never hear stuff like this.
And you can't even, I don't even think it's fair to say, well, we've got cell phones, we're recording everything.
I've had a video recording device on my cell phone since, like, 2009.
It was pretty common by 2012.
So, I mean, we're talking about, it's been more than 10 years since everybody's had phones that can record a video on the airplane.
And it's just the last couple years now where you're seeing this.
And with the other issues you have with Boeing,
Something else is definitely going on here, folks.
Way too many instances here.
Way too many instances here to say that this is just a coincidence.
And this isn't just a once or twice a year thing.
Now this seems to be happening once a month, if not more, plus all the issues you're having with the personnel.
Now, the good news
is none of these issues have resulted in any fatalities or deaths or plane crashes so that's a good news it when you're when you're dealing with all this but you just can't help but feel like I'm sorry to say you just can't help but feel like it's inevitable at this point at this rate that eventually one of these deals is going to be deadly and how could it not be I mean
Near air collisions, near tarmac collisions, tarmac collisions, engine flappings ripping off in the middle of the flight.
You just get the feeling that it's inevitable, unfortunately.
And wouldn't that really be a shame?
I can sit here and just try to pick this thing apart, try to dissect it.
Like, what the hell is this?
Is this an organic thing?
Is Boeing just cheap and they don't want to fix these planes?
Is there really personnel issues here?
Does it have to do with D.I.E.?
Or people are just dumber?
Is it some combination of both?
Are they trying to destroy the airline industry intentionally?
Do they not want us flying anymore?
Is this part of like the Green New Deal?
Scare everybody out of flying?
Or just cancel flying now?
It's too dangerous?
Something is going on with all of this.
And I just get the feeling it's not...
It's not going to be such a easy thing to talk about soon, because at this rate, eventually, eventually you feel like it's going to be deadly.
Whatever it is.
And then what happens?
They've already made the flying experience so miserable.
First it was September 11th, and then it was COVID.
The experience of flying is just a miserable experience.
Not to mention who you might deal with on the plane.
Even the airplane itself is less comfortable.
They made the seats less comfortable.
Seats on an airplane used to be comfortable.
Now they're just horribly uncomfortable.
So it's just like, is it just all by design?
So you just don't fly anymore?
So you just live in your pod and not complain?
Well, we're trying to figure it all out here at InfoWars.
That's what we do.
And we're going to get into probably the most important thing coming up in the next segment.
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And so you see all this panic.
We're not the one causing the panic.
I don't know why they put Alex Jones on that story.
We're not the one saying panic over the eclipse.
Uh, but people definitely are.
Well, I'm not so panicked over an eclipse, but the subject we'll get into next might have you panicked.
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As you're about to witness...
The totality of the eclipse.
Look at how perfectly it all lines up.
That's God's creation.
That's proof of God's creation.
That's what we should be in awe of and reminded of when we witness this.
But, as people are staring up at the sky at something they can't control, it's important we stay grounded here.
Because this is the real deal.
Now, I want to bookend this with a story that just dropped from CBS News, talking about a recent take from JP Morgan's Jamie Dimon, and it's exactly what we were really focused on right here on this show last week.
JP Morgan's Jamie Dimon sounds alarm about possible worst risks to U.S.
since World War II.
By the way, Elon Musk just shared this story on his Twitter account saying, yes, he agrees.
JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon says he worries geopolitical events and U.S.
political polarization may very well be creating risks that could eclipse anything since World War II.
So you're sitting here staring up at the sky, at the eclipse.
Meanwhile on Earth, we are talking about such serious geopolitical situations and tensions right now.
That it's actually stunning that the American media is completely numb to it.
But I get it.
I get it.
They all make millions of dollars.
They have high fancy cars and houses and security and offices and everything.
So they're comfortable.
They are living the high life, high on the hog.
They don't think any of this can touch them.
Now here's some of the developments.
Broca's attack suspects claim Ukraine link in new interrogation clips and they're admitting it now people can say well maybe they're just saying that but they're saying yes we got paid tens of thousands of dollars by Ukraine to come commit the attack and then they also gave us the exit strategy and told us this is where to go exit and then you could find safe harbor here and we'd get you inland so that's what they have admitted to in this interrogation now look at some of this from the media from human
Rights Watch.
Shameful pride in torture of terrorism suspects.
Shameful pride in torture of terrorism suspects.
So they're upset that the terrorism suspects are being tortured.
Four men charged in Moscow concert hall attack bearing signs of severe beatings.
That's PBS.
The Associated Press.
So they're also upset at how Russia is handling this.
But it's just the anti-Russia thing, really, more than anything.
They really don't care about torture.
They really don't care about inhumane treatment.
They'll encourage inhumane treatment if it comes with a vaccine mandate.
They'll encourage inhumane treatment if it comes with the sex trafficking at the southern border.
Then inhumane treatment is all fine and good, as long as it works with their political agenda.
But oh, when it's Russia, see Russia bad.
Things are getting worse.
Oh, but see, but I can't even move on because let's recall.
Vladimir Putin blames the U.S.
for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline explosion.
And when this news comes out,
If they believe it.
I mean, so why is Russia broadcasting this for the world?
Do they want everybody to think that Ukraine ran these attacks?
Do they want everybody to make the equation of Ukraine equals the United States?
Are they building for something else here?
Are they building for a new narrative push?
Are they building for something else?
Why else would you be doing this in public?
Well, yeah.
Putin blames the West.
Putin blames the U.S.
for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline attack.
By getting these guys to admit that Ukraine paid them and aided and abetted in their terror attack, that's basically them blaming the West again.
And that might not be direct responsibility, but they understand the nuance here and they don't play games.
Like your media does.
Like our government does.
Our government plays games with the American people.
Our politicians play games with the American people.
The Russians understand that Ukraine is a vassal state of the West.
And that's why Victoria Nuland, and that's why everybody else is in there running their games, and Hunter Biden, and everybody else.
That's why the CIA wants Zelensky, because Ukraine is the vassal state for them to launder money, launder weapons,
And be right there on the doorstep of Russia as a strategic location to keep NATO alive and to keep Russia on its heels as far as the geopolitical power brokering is concerned.
And Russia's sick of it.
But it's the West doing that.
And it's mostly the United States of America.
They fund NATO, they run NATO, the rest of the European countries just go along with it for the cash, money,
And the security benefits.
That's why we pay for most of NATO.
That's why Trump says, well, let's just shut it down.
We pay for it.
We get nothing from it.
No, we do get something from it.
Our government launders money, launders weapons to their proxy groups, and then keeps Ukraine there as this junkyard dog, if you will, in Russia's face.
That's what we get from it.
The American people don't get anything.
The United States of America doesn't get anything.
It's our corrupt politicians.
It's our corrupt military-industrial complex.
It's the State Department.
It's the Pentagon.
Russia knows that.
So when they blame Ukraine, they know sitting right there behind Ukraine is the U.S.
Now here's some of the sicker stuff.
Fake marriages with disabled women in Ukraine are soaring as Leupold buys men a ticket out of military service.
So they're marrying disabled women so they don't have to go serve anything, so they don't have to go serve.
Ukraine resorting to drafting mentally retarded men and then there's a bunch of these videos of them out in the field.
It's really sad to see.
But they're drafting anybody.
Anybody that's outside of Kiev.
So they're protecting Kiev with all the Ukrainian oligarchs and the Kiev regime there.
They're protecting Kiev so that the rich can still have their parties and have their yachts and have their massive mansions and their club scene and their nightlife and everything else.
Kiev is like in a bubble right now.
And it's all by design.
But then you go outside of Kiev and they're going and they're recruiting people and they're forcing them into military service and everything else.
NATO chief reverses course, warns Ukraine may have to compromise with Russia.
Well they keep flip-flopping on this, so who knows where they really stand.
One day it's, we're going to war with Russia, the next day it's, no we're not, Ukraine needs to make a deal with Russia, the next day it's, okay, Ukraine can join NATO, the next day it's, okay, no, Ukraine needs to make a deal with Russia, and so it's just...
But they don't know what to do, because they know they need the U.S.
funding NATO or it won't exist, so they have to do what the U.S.
says, but also they realize that none of their people want this war with Russia, so they have to come out and flip-flop.
So they have to come out and make a statement to appease Washington, D.C., and then they have to come out and they have to make a statement to appease the people of Europe.
And that's all it is.
They don't even have a real stance.
But maybe some good news out of Israel, at least temporarily.
Israeli officials expressed optimism over ceasefire talks with Hamas.
Israel withdraws most troops from south at six-month mark of Gaza war.
Israel is pulling some troops from southern Gaza.
Now the plan is to clear Hamas from Rafa.
So we'll see what happens.
The big concern was that they were going to push all the Palestinians into Rafa and then just wipe them out by bombing it.
I guess that could still happen.
A lot of the hostages they've now admitted are actually dead.
But it's amazing.
You barely hear anything about that from the American media or questions of the Biden administration.
Why aren't you doing anything about the hostages?
They just kind of give them a pass.
But so it all comes back to this.
JP Morgan's Jamie Dimon sounds alarmed about possible worse risks to U.S.
since World War II.
When you have Russia blaming Ukraine, that basically means they're blaming us.
And then when you have Israel in the standoff with the Arab world and bombing an Iranian consulate in Syria, it all, it all is bad geopolitical juju.
Bad geopolitical mojo.
Bad geopolitical developments.
Jamie Dimon gets it, but the American media doesn't.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones!
I want to read a statement from Donald Trump here and then play a clip from a guest on the Joe Rogan Show that in just 20 seconds kind of puts it perfectly.
Here's the statement from Trump over the weekend.
Now we have Judge Merchin who is not allowing me to talk, thereby violating the law and the Constitution all at once.
It is so bad what he is trying to get away with.
How was he even chosen for this case?
I heard he fought like hell to get it, and all of the rest of them also.
He's talking about the judges wanting Trump in their courtroom.
If this partisan hack wants to put me in the clink for speaking the open and obvious truth, I will gladly become a modern-day Nelson Mandela.
It will be my great honor
We have to save our country from these political operatives masquerading as prosecutors and judges.
And I'm willing to sacrifice my freedom for that worthy cause.
We are a failing nation, but on November 5th, we will become a great nation again.
Make America Great Again.
Donald J. Trump.
So he's obviously completely correct.
Now as far as these judges begging to get the case or how that situation turns out, I suppose there's some mystery there.
Maybe he has some information that we don't.
But okay, Donald Trump dares corrupt judge to throw him in prison.
Donald Trump dares Democrat activist judge to throw him in prison for his speech.
Now just so people understand what he's talking about.
Last week, this judge, Murchan, put a gag order on Donald Trump.
Because Donald Trump was sharing reports and mainstream media stories with... I mean, it's just financial reports.
It's not even up for debate.
That this judge's daughter, the daughter of Judge Murchan, has been receiving, her companies have been receiving millions of dollars from Democrats.
Millions of dollars.
And she has worked with multiple Democrats, including, but not limited to, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden.
Now, Trump gets word of this, Trump gets the reports, the mainstream media starts reporting, he shares all this, and the judge says, nope, you're gagged, you're not allowed to share that.
You're not allowed to talk about that.
It's so stunning it doesn't even need any further explanation.
It's so corrupt it doesn't even need any further commentary.
But I think that this gentleman puts it quite soundly in 20 seconds from the Rogan Show.
And so let's play this clip because this really nails it in 20 seconds here in clip 5.
This is what's dangerous.
And everyone has to forget their blind hatred of Trump.
Put the widget in there.
Insert X is the person.
X has not been convicted of a crime.
A Supreme Court looks at evidence that was not presented with no defense and makes a decision.
That's dangerous.
It may not feel dangerous to people right now who think at any cost keep Trump from being president again.
What happens when that same methodology is used against someone that you do support?
So that nails it right there in 20 seconds.
And of course, what is the overarching theme?
What is the overarching energy here?
Hatred of Trump!
So that's why he starts, he says, well you have to remove your blind hatred of Trump for a second.
They can't do it!
But that's just the average Democrat, that's just the average liberal that's been completely brainwashed into hating Donald Trump.
The American deep state, the Republican establishment and the Democrat establishment,
They hate Trump because he's a threat to their political power.
He's a threat to their gravy train.
He's a threat to their boondoggle.
That's why they hate Trump.
But then they brainwash the average liberal thinking that they hate Trump because he's either a racist or a misogynist or whatever other garbage.
But that's all political propaganda.
So you have the
Corrupt political establishment that is going after Donald Trump because they hate him because he threatens their political power.
And then they have their methods and their means and their propaganda, which has corrupted the mind of the American leftist into hating Donald Trump because they think he's a racist or a misogynist.
But that's really just propaganda from the political establishment.
But so that's why it's remove the name Trump and just insert X. And you have an entirely different situation, don't you?
Insert Clinton, insert Biden, insert you, insert anyone.
And then you'd have a problem with it.
But because it's Trump and you hate Trump and you've been brainwashed against Trump, you accept it.
All these judges are liberal activists.
Except one, and that's Cannon in Florida.
And what have the Democrats been doing to Cannon?
They've been death-threatening her.
She's received death threats.
People have been arrested for sending her credible death threats.
They've been attacking her.
Jack Smith has been attacking her.
For no reason, by the way.
But they let this judge go, who has family members making millions of dollars from the Democrats.
Not just any Democrats, the Democrats Trump is going up against in this presidential election cycle.
Those exact Democrats.
Could it be more clear-cut direction?
Could it be more clear-cut?
Could it be more obvious?
And they don't care, because they hate Trump so much.
And they've gotten the average American liberal to hate Trump so much that they just figure, oh, we can just engage in all this political corruption, and they'll just accept it because it's Trump.
And they do!
The propaganda works.
The brainwashing is strong.
64-year-old New Jersey man who operates Trump RV, beaten with sledgehammer, airlifted to hospital with significant head injuries.
Nice grandpa likes to take pictures with his grandkids in this big RV with Trump stickers and support the police stickers and American flags.
So yeah, some liberals beat him with a sledgehammer because they're so loving.
Is that a hate crime?
And then you've got
At the University of Arkansas, police officer cut down a student's Trump flag at the baseball game versus Ole Miss.
Big turnout, big baseball game.
Arkansas, Ole Miss.
And you're not allowed to have a Trump flag.
Here's the sights and sounds, clip seven.
Why can't you have a Trump flag at a baseball game?
Now look, it might be one thing where I go to the Texas Rangers game with a, you know, 50-foot Trump flag and lay it over the awning and they boot me from the game.
Because, you know, maybe I'm obstructing, I wasn't obstructing anybody's view, but fine.
I hang a 50-foot flag over the overhang there and maybe over an advertisement or something.
Actually, I made sure I didn't obstruct anyone's view or obstruct an advertisement.
Nonetheless, whatever, policy, they boot me out.
Okay, that might be one thing.
We don't live in the golden age of sports anymore where you could bring a sign or, you know, hang a banner and that was just part of the experience, part of being a fan, part of being in the atmosphere.
Now it's all a controlled atmosphere and notice not as many people are excited about going to sporting events anymore.
But these guys just have a basic Trump flag at a ballgame, a college ballgame, bunch of students, and you can't even have a Trump flag and they cut it down.
And they cut it down.
I wonder if they would do the same for a Biden flag.
I wonder if they would do the same for a gay pride flag.
Maybe they should try.
So there's really multiple levels of this.
It's this new political correct
Uh, politically correct atmosphere where you can't even go to a sporting event and have a flag or a banner because it might offend somebody.
It's like, it used to be commonplace in the 90s, early 2000s.
So they just take some of the fun away.
But then it's the direct political attack where you're just not allowed to support Trump at a public event.
And you beat up an old man with a sledgehammer, and you're a hero to the liberals.
J6 political prisoner Ryan Samsel seeks donations for medical expenses, finally sees doctor after years of abuse, beatings, and neglect.
Now this is a crazy story, but... So I guess he's just in a real bad situation in that prison, and I don't know.
From being behind the scenes, there's a lot of different factors that go into this stuff, and the means of communication are obviously limited.
I hope for him the best, and I hope it's not as bad as it sounds, but it sounds bad, and I mean, look...
I was in a fortunate situation where most of that prison that I was in either liked me in what I do or ended up liking me in what I do.
And the hatred, which did exist, there were definitely some haters and some people that wanted to make sure my run there was as bad as possible.
But most of the people there liked me.
Most of the guards there liked me.
It sounds like this guy is getting the opposite situation and that's truly tragic.
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Alright, you know, another factor of what I was just talking about in the last segment, this hatred for Trump and how it's just like accepted and promoted and then it ends up resulting in a 64-year-old grandpa having a liberal smash his head in with a sledgehammer.
You know, this stuff was truly
I couldn't even imagine this when I was in college.
And I went to some political events in college.
There was some political stuff.
I was a freshman at Mizzou when Obama and McCain were running against each other.
And there was political stuff around.
There was political debate and stuff.
But, like, there was no hatred.
There was disagreement.
There was discussion.
But at the end of the day, I mean, I never witnessed anything.
So, okay.
You have Michael Knowles, who I guess is doing some campus tour here, and they're hanging banners, the official Young Americans for Freedom chapter of the University of Utah, and so they're staking one of these signs because the campus liberals are going around and tearing them down.
And the campus liberal ends up seeing them recording and goes on a diatribe, the likes of which, again, I just can't imagine seeing anything like this when I was in school.
And it wasn't like I was completely removed from the political scene.
It was during an election year and there was plenty of politics going around.
Never did I see anything like this.
This is truly deranged behavior.
This is the result of propaganda and brainwashing.
Look at this college liberal just completely break down after she's the one tearing the signs down and somebody just catches her doing it in clip 10.
Are you sad?
Like, do you not have anything else to do with your time?
Why are you harassing us?
Why are you harassing us?
Why are you harassing us?
God loves everyone.
Why are you harassing us?
Why are you harassing us?
That's not very ladylike, but I guess she doesn't really care about that.
I'm telling you, this is really sad.
It's really sad that somebody in college would have such a mindset towards political speech they might disagree with.
Again, I'm not that far removed from being at a university.
I was at a university for multiple presidential elections.
I was working on the school student newspaper for a presidential election and there was plenty of political debates.
There were plenty of political disagreements.
I never saw anything like that.
I couldn't even imagine seeing something like that.
So what is that?
What is that hatred?
What is that derangement from a young girl?
She's been lied to, she's been brainwashed, she's been propagandized, and now hatred fills her heart.
And it's really just sad.
So they go around tearing down these signs because Michael Knowles is against trans kids.
And then look how she even spouts the exact propaganda in between her sailormouth rantings.
People kill themselves because of you.
No, no.
Transgender individuals have always had a high rate of suicide.
Has nothing to do with political commentary.
And now, long-term study, 15-year study just came out that yeah, most trans people regret it by the time they become an adult.
In their 30s.
And that's why they kill themselves.
But this young girl believes all the Democrat Party propaganda and she's so filled with hatred.
And that's what she takes to the polls.
That's what liberals take to the polls with, folks.
That's why these people are so dangerous.
That's why they're so deranged.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the Infowar.
And now your host, Owen Troyer.
Well, they brought out the baby steps for Joe Biden and he still struggles.
They figured, well,
If we cut the amount of stairs he has to climb in a third or in a fourth, a quarter here, then, you know, the odds of him stumbling and fumbling and falling on his face are a lot less.
And that's true.
That's true.
That's just the numbers.
But as you can see here, Joe Biden earlier today almost falls on his face.
He can't even climb stairs.
The guy can't even climb stairs.
Or maybe that's just a robot.
You know, he kind of walks like a robot.
You know, robots maybe haven't mastered the element of
Climbing a staircase, yeah.
That's kind of how Joe Biden looks.
Or he just is suffering from all sorts of physical and mental problems as a fake president.
So, maybe robot, though.
I'm not sure.
Maybe he was confused because of the eclipse.
Maybe he's got some of that eclipse sickness.
All right, now.
Oh, I've been looking forward to this all day, let me tell you.
I've just been really thrilled all week, all month, you might say, for the
Eclipse coverage, baby!
And it's Chase Geyser at the scene.
Now, Chase, Chase, there seems to be some cloud cover here.
You're live at Zilker Park.
You've been talking to some people.
You're going to be covering this live.
We're going to be getting some shots of the eclipse.
Beautiful Zilker Park, by the way.
It looks like it's a nice day out there, despite no sun.
Maybe the cloud cover will be a good thing, though, so you can stare directly at it.
Although, I'm not encouraging that.
Somebody will sue me.
So, I'm not encouraging staring directly at it.
But, Chase, what are the sights and sounds out there at Austin's beautiful Zilker Park?
Well, Owen, thanks for having me on the show.
I appreciate it.
There are a lot of people here at the park, despite the fact that the forecast was for cloudy.
Now, we've seen this eclipse in and out, depending on as the clouds pass over.
Right now, we hear some cheers.
It looks like some of the clouds may have moved away.
And it's my first real eclipse, so it really has been a fairly amazing experience.
We've talked to people that have come here all the way from Seattle, and all the way from Florida, and there's a lot of enthusiasts here, astronomy enthusiasts here, with all sorts of binoculars that can look at the sun, and telescopes that can look at the sun, and it's an exciting day, despite the fact that there's some overcast going on.
It does seem that intermittently, we are able to see quite an awesome phenomena.
Oh, wow!
Oh, you got people from all corners of the United States in there!
Well, the sliver that is going to get this total coverage in this continent is right here in Austin.
Of course, it goes all the way up through the northeast.
And so people that live way outside the sliver have just decided their favorite place to go in order to see it.
And a lot of people picked Austin, Texas, because it's a fun place to go for other reasons as well.
And we've met a lot of people that aren't local here and a lot of people from the surrounding areas in Texas as well.
What about security?
We heard a lot of talk about security states for this.
This is one of the main parks in downtown Austin.
It truly is a great park.
This is where they do ACL, fireworks, all kinds of events.
What's the security like there?
You know, we haven't noticed anything like that.
This seems more like a 4th of July type event, where people are just hanging out publicly in the park.
There are some different areas outside the park that seem to be private, that might even be ticket entry only.
I'm not sure what security's like there, but we haven't encountered a substantial amount of security since we've been here.
Everybody's just hanging out, and I think part of the reason that things are a little bit lower tension is just because of the overcast weather.
I don't think it's as packed as was initially anticipated by local authorities here in Austin.
I'm just curious, have you seen anybody hanging out in the trees playing bongos?
There's a little bit of that going on, actually, as a matter of fact.
All right!
Young high school kids.
Yeah, there's a lot of that going on.
We've got the bongo players!
Yeah, it's a little bit like a hippie fest, I would say.
Okay, that's what I'm talking about.
I don't mind a couple bongo tree players.
I've seen a few in my day.
Now, when you talk to people about coming down to visit, is this something they do quite often?
Do they follow Eclipses regularly, or is this a one-time thing for them, or what?
That's a great question.
So the people that we've spoken with here, it ranges.
Some people, it's their first eclipse.
Some people have seen several.
One gentleman even said that he was excited for the next one, I think, in 17 years.
It was when the next one's supposed to happen.
Oh, it's a cure-up!
Oh, 17!
Something like that.
Yeah, it's a cure-up.
That's exactly right.
Oh, and you're crazy.
So, yes, we see people that are enthusiasts that do this sort of thing all the time, and we see people that this is their first time.
But everybody seems to be using it as an excuse to have a fun social event with friends and family.
So what's the sight there right now?
It looks like some people are staring up into the sky, some people are just chatting, some people are looking down at their phones.
Can you see anything?
Is there too much cloud cover?
I've got a roof, I've got a ceiling above my head, I can't see anything, Chase.
Yeah, right now the clouds are covering the sun, the eclipse, as it's happening, but they have been moving and we've had moments of 30 or 45 or 60 seconds at a time where we've been able to see it and it was really cool because I did have the opportunity to see the moon begin to
Take a sliver out of the sun.
And it was like something from 2001 and Space Odyssey or Pink Floyd.
It was actually, Owen, much more impressive and awe-inspiring than I thought it was going to be.
I'm a little bit like you in that I didn't really understand what all the excitement was about this phenomenon.
Oh, don't you put that on me.
It is remarkable.
Don't you?
When you look at the sun, it seems like a two-dimensional circle in the sky, but when you see the moon go in front of it like that, it really gives you a sense of the depth and just the enormity of these objects.
Well, you know, it's funny, actually, to expand on that.
I started getting into, just out of nowhere, my dad got me a telescope when I was like 22 or 23 years old or something.
I didn't ask for it.
Just out of nowhere.
He was like, hey, I got you this telescope.
It was a birthday gift, I think.
And for about a year or two, I really got into it.
And it actually is really cool.
Like, when there's a planet in your sight line at night,
And it's like the brightest thing in the sky is the planet, and then you actually look at it through the lens of the telescope, and it's like a tiny little sliver, like barely even visible, the planet.
It's still mostly being blocked, but even that tiny little sliver of the planet is still the brightest thing in the sky.
I mean, you can look at the surface of the moon and you can, like, see the dust particulate on the surface, so it actually is pretty cool.
Do you see any telescopes out there?
Are people able to look through this with the telescope?
Absolutely, several people are observing the sky with their telescopes.
Like I said, the amount of enthusiasm ranges.
There are some people that you can tell are obviously astronomy enthusiasts and others that are just here to have this experience as they're locals.
But yes, you can definitely tell who the serious players are here on.
Well, I'm assuming, too, it looks like you got one of those electric scooters.
You probably rode in on that one, didn't you?
You rode in on that?
That was yours?
Yeah, we were anticipating a lot of traffic, so we figured we'd get on the electric scooters and just roll on over here from the headquarters.
Those things are everywhere in Austin.
It's crazy.
I'm sure it's like that in many of the metropolitan areas.
Did you have anybody there?
Because we were talking about maybe talking to people live.
Did you have anybody there that wanted to chat with you live here on the air?
We didn't get anybody that wanted to chat live because, of course, everybody wants to keep their head in the sky looking at the eclipses, but we did have several conversations before it began with many of the locals here.
And, like I said, just a lot of general excitement, a lot of astrology enthusiasts, believe it or not.
We went up to a group of girls with one young man with them, and they all knew their signs, and they didn't just know their signs, they knew descriptions of their astrological signs that I didn't even understand.
So they weren't just Scorpios, they were Scorpio in retrograde with
With Jupiter ascending, yeah, Mercury rising, that kind of stuff.
It's really fun to see that some people are here and they're really into that new age space.
But others are just here to see a cool thing happen in the sky.
The astrological elite.
Are they converting you, Chase?
What are you, like a Leo or something?
I'm a Scorpio, so I can't be trusted, apparently.
My wife says we're both water signs, and that's supposedly a problem.
But it does make one think, having looked at this event, it makes one think about what Elon Musk is doing, and SpaceX, and how it seems like, as a culture in America, we've forgotten the ambition to explore and discover space.
And this sort of event really does re-inspire that, that awe and that desire to explore beyond this planet.
And so, that is one thing that I have noticed and experienced personally, having been here and seen moments of this eclipse, that re-inspiration of a desire to explore beyond just the realm of our own planet.
You know, whenever I see mainstream stuff like this, I'm always trying to look outside the lines.
I'm always trying to look for a different approach, a different angle.
And the two that I have dealing with this, one ties into that, where
I look at what's going on with the airline industry right now, okay?
And there's always the rumors and there's different debates or conspiracies about why we didn't go back to the moon, but I'm thinking, well, what if it's by design?
What if the establishment that is, what if the powers that be don't want humans to expand into space?
They don't want us to travel.
They don't want us to get outside of our pod, right?
It's all about condensing us.
It's all about getting us into a smaller space, limiting our carbon emissions or whatever carbon footprint, the different narratives they use.
And so I'm thinking, well, is this part of the narrative with the airline industry, this diversity thing, so that you're not feeling safe, all these structural problems with the planes, so you're not feeling safe, and then now there's a fatal event, now people don't want to fly, or they can't fly, it's too dangerous, whatever, and now it's, well, you're never flying, you're never leaving your...
Local area, and it's just putting us into the small space, keeping you in the container forever.
You know, maybe that's part of what they did.
Maybe that's why we never went to the moon again.
It's this expansion of humanity, this expansion to the stars, this desire to go somewhere else and expand human civilization.
Do you ever get the sense that maybe that's what the whole reason why we never went back to the moon, or maybe that's why they're attacking the airline industry right now?
You know, I do get that sense that they want to stifle ambition and they don't want us to do things like explore and accomplish amazing things, groundbreaking things.
But even more than that, I think what the situation is that the policies are so bad that there's just this natural entropy and erosion of civilization and how our systems operate and technology and how businesses run.
And part of the corruption within our existing systems
is the sacrifice of the ability to do these things.
So it's not necessarily, in my opinion, that they're trying to keep us from exploring and accomplishing these things, but as a result of these policies, that's inadvertently what happens.
It's a sacrifice that they're willing to make in order to accomplish their agenda.
So one of the other things, when I look at this eclipse,
...that I don't hear or see anywhere is it's a reminder of the divine creation in which we exist.
I mean, it's a reminder of the true...
Excellence of this creation of God that we're in.
And you know, when you talk to the astrology people, I don't know if they shared any religious beliefs or whatever, but to me this is beyond religion.
This is proof of creation.
I mean, even believing in these astrological symbols to me is like admitting that, yeah, you're in a divine creation.
There's an intelligent designer of all this.
These things have meaning.
The eclipse has meaning.
Do you get any sense of that?
Are people out there just in awe, like you were saying?
Wow, look at what God has made.
This is God's clock.
Look at how perfect it is.
The sun, the stars, the moon, the earth, all aligning in perfect completion.
Do you get any of that?
Sure, well as you very well know, Owen, Austin is a very secular city, for lack of a better term.
But I will say that seeing all these families here has definitely evoked a sense of team humanity.
The conversation we have frequently with Alex on InfoWars and of course the conversation that he had with Elon Musk about team humanity.
And so, seeing all these families here, there's not
As many occasions as there used to be, at least when I was growing up in the 90s, to be at family events like this.
And I see kids running around and mothers and fathers together.
And there is definitely a wholesome sense here that people are bringing their families here for the purpose of just taking in the wonder that is creation, certainly, on.
Now, do you have your eclipse glasses or are you going to trump this one?
I got them.
My wife got these for me.
She was worried that I was going to go blind.
I told her I would only look at it with one eye.
Oh, I'm going without glasses.
I'm not giving any recommendations here.
I'm going without the glasses.
I don't want anything to get in between me and this eclipse.
Well, you're going to go full 2017 Trump, huh?
Yeah, I'm going full Trump.
Well, I've heard, too, that if you stare directly at it, you can harness it.
That's how Trump became so powerful, actually.
Well, that's how his hair never went gray.
Right, right.
It actually got gold-er.
It got gold-er.
Right, right.
It's the sun.
If you want to shine like the sun, you gotta burn like it, Owen.
I said I'm staring that son of a bitch.
There is definitely a massive movement, a massive thing happening on our continent where people are gravitating toward this event.
But aside from that fascinating in and of itself aspect of this, I have nothing else that transcends the norm.
Well, they were also booking hotels.
I'm sure it was the same in Austin.
They were raising prices like 500,000% just to book a hotel room.
Like I said, there are people that are here from Seattle and from Florida.
People spend a lot of money to come here.
Families, even, all together came as if it was a trip to Disney.
And it really is amazing how excited people were to see this event.
Are you, uh, can we get a camera pan here?
Yeah, let's see if we can get the camera on it.
It looks like it's popping out right now.
What do you see here?
Popping out?
Like Janet Jackson at the Super Bowl?
Yeah, it looks like it's about 75% covered, maybe even 85% covered.
Clouds just got out of the way for a second.
Everybody cheered around here.
And, uh, we're supposed to have totality at, I think, 36 after, give or take a few minutes, but it looks like it's approaching that right now.
It's amazing.
And it is getting dimmer, and it's not just the clouds.
I can tell that there is less light in the sky straight from the sun.
Alright, I think, I don't know where this view, where is this view coming from that we have on the screen, guys?
So, uh, we've got our own camera set up as well, um, filming it, and I don't know if we have the special lens here.
Oh, okay, this is your view, actually.
Okay, so this is right next to where Chase is at here.
In the interim, the clouds did cover it back up for about 15 or 20 seconds.
It was pretty remarkable.
Is that the special lens on that deal, too, that we got there?
Oh, yeah, you have to put the special lens on the phone cameras.
Otherwise, apparently, the sun can harm the cameras, just like it can harm your retina.
I believe so.
Oh, is that true?
Geez, I thought this was advanced technology.
Well, maybe Elon Musk will invent the X phone and we'll be able to look straight at the eclipse without having to put any filters on our phones.
Yeah, I know.
So you got a brief sightline.
You know, last year, I'm pretty sure it was last year when we had the last eclipse.
Last year was a bright day, there was barely a cloud in the sky.
You could stare right at that sucker.
Yeah, and there was a big one in 2017.
Several cities in 2017 for that eclipse did declare a state of emergency and tighten up security.
And even here in Austin, there were rumors that they were going to alter cellular service to prioritize emergency first responders.
But we haven't had an issue with the cell signal here today.
And we haven't seen any heightened security or anything like that.
Just a lot of families and friends out here having a really good time.
Some enthusiasts, some just regular local folk trying to see what the fuss is all about.
But I will say, despite the fact that it has been cloudy today, there were moments that were absolutely astounding to me, Owen.
How many glimpses have you had?
I would say that I've probably had a good cumulative 120 seconds of looking at this at different stages.
Did it shake your soul?
I wouldn't say that it shaked my soul, but it was definitely inspiring on.
I think the coolest celestial events, to me, always had to be shooting stars.
Yes, absolutely.
Have you ever had the privilege of seeing a whole meteor shower?
I've seen a couple meteor showers.
I've even seen satellites blow up, which was pretty wild too.
Was it scheduled or did it just blow up?
No, it just blew up in the sky.
Happened to catch it.
Happened to see it in live time.
Wow, that must have been incredible.
When was that, Owen?
I was a kid, and anybody that was there that night would remember.
It was so bright, everybody pretty much saw it.
But I was in a soccer game, and it was a pretty big game, so it was pretty well attended, and the satellite blew up.
It blew up.
It was in St.
It was such a big flash that everybody looked up and saw it.
It was crazy.
We didn't know what it was at the time, and then of course it was in the news.
Yeah, satellite blew up.
But I don't know, between meteors, I think the shooting star is the coolest, because it's like,
When you see it, you can see it so far away and it travels such great distances at a high speed.
I don't know, when I see a shooting star like that at all, that does shake my core.
I don't know, that actually hits me really into the core, into the soul.
What's really amazing about it to me is...
I don't believe a meteorite has to even be that big for the impact to be astounding.
I mean, a small object that flies into the planet thousands of miles an hour can create a massive crater.
And it's just that sort of a shock.
Obviously, we feel here on this planet like we're not moving at all because our motion is relative to the planet.
But it is traveling through space at thousands upon thousands of miles an hour.
And when an equal and opposite force impacts with it, despite how small it is, it creates a substantial amount of energy that can
Well, there was actually a meteor that, um...
It was not too long ago it was caught, a meteor came through.
And you know, it's also more proof to me, it looks like we've got a shot there.
Looks like you've got some, the clouds are clearing out there, at least momentarily.
Yep, I can see it.
I can see it right now.
Looks like a crescent moon, but it's the sun.
And it's still so bright, that's what's even crazier.
I know.
I'm looking right at it, no glasses.
So there's your view right there.
And then we have a second shot that's got a little less cloud coverage.
As I guess we're nearing the time of totality.
You know, to me it's another just proof of total divine creation.
We have this atmosphere surrounding our planet that meteors can't just get through unopposed.
Like there's a reason why they break up when they hit our atmosphere.
So it's like God gave us a protection mechanism here.
I know, that is absolutely wild.
You can just look at the moon, which doesn't have much of an atmosphere at all.
I don't think it even has one at all.
And how riddled it is with damage.
All the different colorations and shapes on the moon.
Yeah, look up, Chase!
Everyone's looking up!
Oh yeah, it's amazing.
This is what I'm going to need my glasses for.
Let's get this live.
Here we go.
There's the shot of it.
It's now a crescent sun.
Yep, there it is.
Chase, what do you see?
I'm looking at it.
You see my awesome glasses?
I see a crescent sun.
Yep, it's amazing.
I don't know if you're able to see it so well on your end or not, but from here it is very clear.
It looks from our cameras, oh yeah, we can see it pretty good right now.
Yep, there it is.
It's really amazing.
And, I mean, those are just two giant objects, completely different distances from one another, and it just happens to line up perfectly so that it looks like they're the same size.
Yeah, what are the odds of that, Chase?
I don't know.
I couldn't even begin to tell you.
I'd say zero.
Yeah, it's like the odds of creation existing here on the planet.
Yeah, the odds are about zero of that.
It's a miracle.
So to me, it's just more proof of God.
And the fact that the moon is like exactly the right distance away from the planet to keep the oceans from flooding the entire planet.
I mean, everything really is a balance.
It's an equilibrium and it's so delicate.
That is the major piece of evidence that
It makes me believe in a creator, Owen.
That every single variable has to be kind of right where it is, and it always works out.
Do you see anybody on the buildings behind you?
Is anybody on the rooftops or anything over there?
Are they all beavering away at work?
Yeah, I think they're beavering away at work.
You know these people.
They're just so materialistic.
That's a Google building!
I mean, there's a Google building right behind you!
Oh yeah, they don't have their heads to the stars.
They should be trending right now.
They should be trending.
They're reading your emails right now, Owen.
They're reading your emails.
That's probably true.
I know.
I don't know if it's funny or sad.
Well, alright Chase, we're about to go to a break.
You can stare directly into that sucker.
Any closing comments before we take this break and stare directly into the sun like madmen?
I just want to say thanks for having me.
This is truly amazing, and it was a much more fascinating and amazing experience than I anticipated it would be.
I'm very glad that InfoWars sent me out here to cover this.
And you got prime real estate there at Zilker, too.
That's like, you're in the middle.
I don't know who you had to bribe to get that.
Chase Geyser on the scene.
We're going to let him stare directly into the sun, and we take a break.
Maybe I'll go stare directly into the sun, too.
If I come back blind, you'll know why.
I know, as viewers and listeners, you've heard callers call in and talk about how X3 has changed their life.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
We're good.
I think so.
I don't think so.
We're good to go.
Oh, yeah.
We're good.
We're good.
I'm good.
We're good to go.
I don't know.
We're good.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, I have just re-entered the studio.
I just witnessed
The totality.
And I gotta say, that was pretty awesome.
And... I would say we were actually extremely blessed, given the cloud cover, because it probably made it even more epic.
Where, if it was... If it was just a sunny day, and there was no cloud cover, it'd be a lot harder to stare directly at it.
And so I just stared directly at it, and the cloud cover gave it like...
The perfect amount of cover to really see
When the totality happened, and from the crescent on one side to the crescent on the other side, the little beams of light, you could see the different colors.
It also made you, like, look at the clouds differently and how they were moving.
So, uh, that was, that was really special.
If you were able to, uh, if you were able to catch it, I hope you got a good view of it.
If not, we've got some shots here, uh, live on the air with you as well.
So far, I'm not blind, but, uh,
Yeah, so that was pretty cool.
It got really dark as well.
It got so dark, in fact, the automatic light detection sensors that we have here to click on the lights outside all clicked on because that's how dark it got.
That doesn't just happen from cloud cover.
So there you go!
There you go, ladies and gentlemen.
If you witnessed it and you were in Mexico or Texas, it's now heading your way.
It's now heading
And so if you can, pop outside for five minutes and give it a look-see.
Definitely something cool.
Snap a picture or two.
But when you're staring at that, and it basically just looks like a dark hole in the sky.
It just looks like an abyss in the middle of the sky.
And the ring of light around the moon.
And it's just amazing how it fits perfectly.
The odds of that are 0%.
That is divine creation.
That is God's creation.
The chances of that happening in nature, 0%.
100% proof of God.
100% proof of intelligent design.
And again, it just fits perfectly.
And then the ring around it, and you see different colors that you never see.
You see the true power of the sun.
Because we had some cloud cover here, you can even see inside the clouds differently, and how the different layers of the atmosphere were moving in different directions.
So, I'd say we were very fortunate here in Austin to have that look.
Probably a unique look, depending on the cloud cover you have.
But, when it comes your way, if you're in the path of totality, I'd definitely step outside, take a look up,
And just capture that moment for yourself.
Very cool.
Very cool.
No doubt about it.
But it is nice, isn't it?
It is nice to get distracted from all the evil natures of Satan on this planet.
All the evil things that we have to deal with politically.
It is nice to just look up and be reminded that, yeah, the Creator made everything here.
This is all on His time.
His purpose.
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But it all boils down to this.
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We exposed 9-11 before it happened.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Black hole sun, won't you come?
All right, the eclipse making its way across the continental United States now.
We're getting other shots from Arkansas, and it will continue to head northeast.
And now Chase and I can give full reaction.
Chase, right outside here at the InfoWare studio, I have to tell you, it was a pretty incredible shot.
I'm imagining we had virtually the same view.
But I would say the cloud coverage was actually a blessing.
I would say that made it an even better sight to see.
Were you able to see the blaze of the sun around the circumference of the moon?
That was absolutely amazing.
You were able to see that from the studio?
Yeah, that was stunning.
That was ten times cooler than I thought it was going to be.
Yeah, the different colors, like you call it the blaze of the sun, and then could you see two like...
For a couple moments there, it was like you could see the different levels or layers of the Earth's atmosphere, and how they were each different, moving different ways, and the swirling of the clouds.
So it was definitely a unique experience, I think, given the cloud coverage, whereas if it was just a sunny day, you probably wouldn't have seen all those different aspects.
Plus, I stared right at it.
I didn't need sunglasses.
I can understand why, traditionally speaking, there's this connotation with eclipses of end times, because it was crazy how dark it got and quiet it got for, I don't know, 30 seconds or so.
Everybody was cheering here and then silent, almost in just admiration of what was going on.
It was totally not what I expected.
I thought it was just going to be like some shade for a little while, but I really felt like I was in the shadow of the moon.
Well, it reminds me of, it's one of the more powerful scenes, I think, even in cinema history, is the apocalypto scene, where they're using the eclipse against the population, meaning like the elites, the political powers that be, they know the eclipse is coming, they have the advanced calendars of the movements of the sun and the earth and the moon, and so they know, okay, on this day the eclipse happens, but the general population doesn't, right?
So they go up there, and they do this huge ritual,
They say we're sacrificing people to the gods, and if the gods find favor of us, then that means they'll block out the sun.
Of course, they knew that it was a self-fulfilling prophecy.
They knew the sun was going to be blacked out.
They knew the eclipse calendar.
Whereas the population below, celebrating this ritualistic sacrifice, doesn't know that's the case.
And they think, oh my God, these people can truly connect with the gods.
They can really communicate with the gods.
So yeah, I mean, it is a celestial event, truly.
I can just see Klaus Schwab in his famous Sith Lord uniform at the top of a giant Mayan pyramid.
Just totally exploiting the fact, can't you, Owen?
But it just says, like, who knows what other stuff that we don't know?
Who knows what secret ancient knowledge that's out there that we don't have access to, that is being kept from us, that is being used to keep us under thumb of the establishment, of the authority?
Sure, absolutely.
And we know from history that there is certainly knowledge that's been lost.
And nobody really has a satisfying explanation as to why or how the pyramids were built, for example.
And the fact of the matter is, civilization was completely different thousands of years ago.
They weren't distracted with things like streaming services and social media and all this other noise that we have in our culture today.
And that gave them time to be more contemplative and to think critically and to solve problems in creative ways that, unfortunately, many of which have been lost.
But it does make you wonder, then, what is it that our military-industrial complex is capable of that we have no idea, we can't fathom?
And secrets have always been something that has empowered those who have this knowledge over those who don't.
So, there's the... I think it's one of the greatest scenes in the history of cinema, is there, in Apocalypto, they're using the knowledge of the eclipse against
The people that they govern, that they rule over, thinking that, oh, this proves that they are in touch with the gods.
But it shows how powerful of an experience that is.
But, you know, it kind of goes back to that ancient knowledge aspect of it.
Like, well, how did they know there was going to be a total eclipse?
I mean, this is stuff that's been well documented for millennia.
And so, if the ancient cultures had that access and information, I mean, who knows what else they might have had?
Who knows what else we still have to this day?
You know, the pyramids are one of the many mysteries, I think.
The megaliths, as well, in South America.
So there's so many mysteries out there.
And that's why it's so frustrating, Chase, that I have to come on here today, and it's a nice relief factor, I think, to be talking about something like this.
Where it's like, we're building up for a potential situation with a world war, a nuclear holocaust.
It's like, why don't we come together and discover the secrets of the universe?
The secrets of the oceans, even!
Yeah, and I wish I had a satisfying answer to that question.
I think the fact of the matter is that as human beings we are fallen, and though we are capable of accomplishing so much when we work together and solving so much and discovering so much of the wonder that is creation, our own corruption and failures, sins, get in the way on a societal level from that.
It's like we were talking about
At the beginning of the hour, with why haven't we gone back to the moon, and this conversation about exploring space, and are the elites intentionally trying to keep us from accomplishing great things, and unfortunately all of our failures over time, if we don't do something about them or repent from them, they add up.
We're good to go.
Well, I can't decide if I want to just continue this conversation and go real deep.
I mean, if I just want to take this thing all the way down the field or just say, Chase, it was nice catching up and maybe get back to some news.
I don't know.
Should we go all the way here, Chase?
Yeah, dive deep.
This only happens every once in a while.
It's the eclipse.
I guess that's true.
It's the totality.
So why not?
You know, I think...
We are created in the image of God and the likeness of God.
Perhaps we even have... Well, I certainly am.
Well, perhaps we even have, I would say, God-like abilities.
I mean, we talk about how we only use like 13% of our brain or what have you.
We read about the miracles of Jesus Christ and what he was able to do.
We look at ancient civilizations and the mysteries when it comes to technology and advancement and engineering and electronics.
And my theory is, when we look at everything we're doing with technology now, or we even look at AI or the path for a quantum computer and then merging with it, man and machine, I feel like we're in a fallen state.
Humans are in this fallen state.
And we're constantly trying to regain the abilities we've lost, but for whatever reason we can't do it organically anymore.
We can't tap into what we were created to be, so we can't fly, we can't read minds, we can't do quantum computing like we might have the ability to do, so we're trying to build
We're trying to actually mechanically, technologically build all these things to regain all these abilities.
And I think it's symbolic.
Where is AI and man merging with machine going to start?
Healing somebody that's blind, allowing somebody that can't walk to walk again.
I think that's just a microcosm.
I think it's all of these abilities that we've lost, we're going to try to regain, but we're going to have to use technology to do it.
You know, it's interesting that you mention that because it makes me think of the story of the Tower of Babel and the hubris around that civilization trying to build a tower that would reach all the way to heaven.
It's indicative of our desire as human beings to reconnect with God and the relationship that we lost after the fall.
But at the same token, then it begs the question,
Who says that the Tower of Babel story is the last time that humans will commit that sin?
Are we committing that same sin with the development of artificial intelligence where we see ourselves as gods, where we see ourselves as able to reach heaven on our own without the assistance of God through this technology that's going to make us seemingly omniscient and capable of doing so many things that would require a miracle 2,000 years ago from Jesus directly
Many of these things, like being able to walk again or healing the blind, are going to be possible with this technology, so I think it depends on the attitude with which we approach these things.
Do we approach this technology with humility and regard, or do we approach this with pride and arrogance?
And if it's the latter, it could result in some terrible consequences, I think, for humanity.
All right, Chase Geyser, live from Zilker Park.
We did it, brother.
Live Eclipse coverage.
I think we knocked it out of the park.
It was a lot of fun.
Thank you so much, Owen.
All right, there goes Chase.
And wow, I gotta tell you, so we did the hour there covering the eclipse.
It was pretty cool stuff.
I hope that if you're out there, you got to see it.
I hope if it's coming through your area where you live in the path of totality, you get to check it out, too.
You can go look at the images.
They're already all over the internet, too.
Pretty cool stuff.
Pretty cool reminder of really
In the grand scheme of things, how small we really are in God's divine creation, yet how important we are that we can recognize these things and document and experience these things.
I'm going to come back and just do five minutes of news coverage before Gerald Cilente takes over.
Please, folks, support us at Infowarsstore.com.
It takes a lot to do this coverage live on the scene, in studio, with the crew and all of it.
Please support us at Infowarsstore.com.
We want to do everything great, and so we hope you enjoy this Eclipse coverage.
We hope you'll shop at Infowarsstore.com.
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But it all boils down to this.
We're bringing you hardcore information on the New World Order.
We told you about lockdowns and poison shots that would attack your immune system decades before.
We exposed Bohemian Grove first.
We exposed 9-11 before it happened.
I am in the zeitgeist, but I cannot continue to fight the globals without your support.
So spread this report, spread this video, and get great products you need at the same time funding our operation at InfoWarStore.com.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Alright, I'm gonna hit some news stories here.
I should probably just revisit this tomorrow because it's very important, but let me just kind of mention it.
With Greta Thunberg getting arrested, it's a fake arrest, over the weekend.
I mean, literally, like, it's totally staged.
And they have all the camera crews around her, multiple camera crews around her, and then the police just take her and put her on a tour bus.
Literally, they're like, oh my gosh, look, Greta Thunberg was arrested!
She gets tossed on a tour bus.
They're like a city bus.
They're arrested?
So it's all for the cameras, it's all for an act, it's all for a show.
I don't understand what exactly role the police have agreed to here other than just, I mean, like, why do they even do this?
But they take part in this act as well.
And so, but this is like, this is the video, but when you zoom out, there's other people, and there's like five camera crews following her around like it's a documentary or something.
So it's all fake, but it's all about convincing you that you need to turn off your energy and live like a caveman.
California enviros sue to close last nuclear plant providing 9% of state's power.
So if they close it, then your energy bill is going to go up 9%.
And so that's how that works.
But maybe we'll just come back and visit that tomorrow because it really is important.
Man, oh man, there's other really important stuff here.
We mentioned a lot of it, dealing with the geopolitical Elon Musk under investigation by Brazil's Supreme Court after Musk promises to reactivate social media accounts that Top Judge ordered to be removed, but still banned some Americans' accounts.
So it's just odd.
I think Elon Musk is doing a great thing.
I think Elon Musk is definitely on the right side of history here, but yet he'll go to bat for these accounts, but not for American accounts that deserve to be reinstated too.
But it just shows.
The entire establishment is going after Elon Musk, and so that's how you know he's the real deal.
Death to America, Michigan protesters hold up pro-Palestinian rally, condemn Israel and the United States.
What separates the American left from the death to America protesters?
Well, really not much.
Maybe their skin complexion?
Probably about it.
I've filmed leftist Democrats chanting death to America, too.
They go out and burn the American flag in the streets.
So, you know, let's not forget what we're dealing with here.
Alright, we got other big election news.
Craziness over the weekend where the Bay Bridge in San Francisco got taken over by these like street racing gangs.
It's not even street racing.
Street racing is one thing.
They're just putting people's lives in danger and doing donuts and hitting people.
People get hit by the cars.
Then anybody that dares drive through their little circle
Gets their car stolen.
And so then they were stealing cars too.
Beating people as well.
Stealing cars.
It's just totally out of control.
San Francisco.
San Francisco.
That's what that is.
So, yeah, you just avoid it.
These street gangs now, stealing cars and running people over.
Uganda's top court upholds nearly all anti-sodomy laws, infuriating the Biden administration.
They love that sodomy.
Why do they care so much about Ugandan sodomy laws is what's so strange.
Is Obama about to go to Uganda or something?
I don't understand.
So they really love their sodomy.
The Biden White House really loves their sodomy.
It's, you know, it's why Diddy says vote Democrat.
All right.
I'm about to hand the reins over to Gerald Celente.
You might say this was a historic broadcast today.
You might say that.
We're going to continue to give you live shots as the eclipse crosses the continental United States.
There's one from Carbondale, Illinois, southeast.
Southwest, rather.
Illinois College, where a lot of people were checking that out.
Gerald Cilenti is about to take over.
He's going to give you all the latest trends, all the latest news, probably a good rant or two, what he's known for.
And I'm going to be signing off.
We'll be back here to do it all again tomorrow.
Folks, remember, shop at InfowarsStore.com.
We did a great job with this coverage today.
Teams on the ground, multiple teams on the ground, multiple live shots, the crew in studio, me hosting here.
So please shop at InfowarsStore.com.
We want to continue to do this for you.
Gerald Cilenti comes up next.
I talk a lot about the great successes InfoWars has had.
I don't think anybody can deny it.
And it is because of listeners and viewers supporting us.
But when we talk about the crew at InfoWars, people behind the scenes, the researchers, the writers...
They really have been the MVPs in this fight.
And when you look at Harrison Smith and Owen Schroeder, the hard work they engage in every day, five, six, seven days a week.
It's really just incredible.
So for myself and the whole InfoWars crew, I thank you for your past support.
I only encourage you now to realize that InfoWars cannot stay on air if you do not support us.
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If just 1% more of you took action and went to MFORESTORE.com, our funding problems will be over.
Please take action now.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show with Gerald Cilente.
Hey, it's me now, The Alex Jones Show.
You know, look, how much do I love being on The Alex Jones Show?
Here we are!
Eclipse time!
Right now, right now at this moment in New York, where I am.
Solar eclipse, and here I am doing the InfoWars.
Again, why do I care about this?
I mean, but the whole, everything's... People... This is all the news.
People don't have a clue... ...world.
They're like, hey, it's solar!
Oh my God!
Oh, the sun and the moon!
Marona me!
What difference does it make?
The streets are empty up here.
I mean, everybody, I mean, it's been dead all day long.
Now it's getting dark.
And again, people don't have a clue of the facts going on in the world.
Not a clue.
And one of the clues was one of your top trends for 2024.
Golden year for gold.
Golden year for gold.
Was hanging around about $2,350 or something like that.
$30, $40, $50.
I didn't look when I got on here.
Go back to your trends journal.
Top trends again for 2024.
Golden year for gold.
This is just the beginning.
2,200, you know, what, between 40, 50, 30, 40.
It's up over $300 since we had forecast this.
And this should be headline news that the Trends Journal, the only trends magazine in the world,
Real trends.
Oh no, we don't talk about fashion trends or music trends.
How about crap trends?
Dope trends?
No, we don't do that.
We tell you what's going on in the world.
Socio-economic, geo-political, high-tech science, technocracy.
Oh yeah, technocracy is taking over the world, taking over our lives.
And here's a book by Joe Duran.
Look at the sizes.
This is the cat that writes our technocracy stuff.
So we're giving you, when you go to jonestrends.com, and you get it for almost nothing.
$2.50 a week.
I got the, uh, I can't say the word on here.
I don't want to get blacklisted.
That's racist, Salenti!
How dare you say blacklisted?
That's being disrespectful to black folks!
And let's really be jerks, alright?
And I want him to change the name of that drink that everybody calls a cocktail.
We have to call it... Put the feminine name in there, too.
Don't call it a cocktail!
And listen, he'll be stupid about everything because that's where the world is gone.
And when I say... Yeah, this is the Wall Street, and there's an S, H, and I, and throw a couple of letters in there with a T and an I, and that's what it is.
Six dollars.
Six dollars for this piece of crap.
And look at the big story in the middle.
Sicily's Mount Etna blows rings.
How about, I can't say blows, uh, jobs.
A joke.
We're giving you what nobody else has given you.
This is
This is the Wall Street Journal.
Gold strikes another record.
The price of gold has hit another all-time high.
This time inflation concerns appear to be the cause.
I can't say what that really is.
It's a lot of BS.
Because it's the wars going on.
It's the fear of the banks going bust.
People with a brain know what's going on.
Oh, the eclipse.
I gotta go.
Gotta go.
Don't want to miss it.
Don't want to miss it.
Oh my God!
People don't have a clue what's going on.
Let's go to gold.
All that cheap money that they dumped into the system to fight the COVID war.
Forgot about that?
All around the world, countless trillions of dollars
Go home!
Don't go to work!
Don't go to school.
Stay home.
Here, here's some free money.
Hey, don't worry about it.
Hey, here you go.
They flooded the world with cheap money.
That's what you got inflation from.
We got 35, almost a $35 trillion debt level in the United States.
The, uh, every 100 days,
The debt level only increases by a trillion dollars!
Wonder why gold prices are going up?
Nothing mentioned in this article.
Gold's climb over the last two years has been fueled by... Not a word about the Ukraine war or the Israel war.
Not a word.
Oh, go back to your Trends Journal.
Again, you go to jonestrends.com.
We're giving you history before it happens.
If you want to know what in the world is going on, what's next and what to do, you want to Trends Journal.
The facts are there.
No one anywhere on the planet could touch us.
Going back.
We're warning about this.
Gold prices are going up.
The world is going to war.
You go back to your Trends Journal.
We warned Middle East meltdown, one of our top trends, that Israel is going to escalate its attacks against Iran.
Week after week after week after week after week.
And going back to the COVID war and the lockdowns, I was listening to Owen and he was saying about what's going on in San Francisco.
Yeah, you left your heart in San Francisco.
All of this stuff that was going on, like the subways where they're throwing people into the tracks, where they're punching women in the face in New York, where there are homeless and migrants everywhere.
The gangs that they're talking about that Owen was talking about in San Francisco, this did not exist before the COVID war.
Just to put everything together, and we're going to get back to gold, the global economy, what's going on.
But tracking trends is the understanding of what in the world is going on and what's next and what to do.
So when you're looking at nobody talks about this.
What Owen was talking about with the violence going on,
This did not happen before the COVID war.
End of story.
It did not happen.
I talked to people in New York.
They live in a city.
I was talking to this young lady and she said, where'd you grow up?
She said, I grew up near the Guggenheim Museum.
I said, how's the city?
She said, it's a lot different now.
She said, you know, I don't go out now when it's dark.
And when I was 12 years old, I was walking around the city by myself.
That's how it's changed.
Nightlife over at 12 o'clock.
When I was a young guy, man, we're going out at one o'clock in the morning.
Yeah, we're going to boogie to midnight.
Oh, yeah, just keep going.
And totally changed.
Now let's go back to the Iran-Israel war.
We said Middle East meltdown, oil prices.
Want to know why gold's going up?
Now that Israel attacked
The consulate in Syria last Monday and killed top Iranian commanders.
As we used to say in the Bronx, payback's a bitch.
Iran's not going to back down on this.
The greater the war escalates in the Middle East, the higher oil prices are going to go.
Again, you go back just recently, you had Brent Crude around $73 a barrel.
Now it's like around $90 a barrel.
What's that going to do to inflation?
They're not talking about this in any of the mainstream media.
Goes back to gold prices.
This thing could go to $130 a barrel plus it's going to crash the global economy and it will crash the equity markets.
That's why gold is going up plus what barely a word about it in terms of the implications and barely reporting on it is one of our top trends for 2024.
Banks go bust.
Gold prices.
Go back last year around this time when Silicon Con Man Bank went bust in California.
What happened to the equity markets and what happened to gold prices?
Then First Republic and Signature Bank.
Three banks.
Oh, big news.
Do you know how many banks
Are under threat.
Deep threat.
As a result.
Of all of the banks go bust.
And you know why the banks are going bust?
Nearly 300.
Because it's one of our top trends.
For 2023.
Office building bust.
Go to Trends Journal.
You can see right there.
Right there.
All the covers.
Your office vacancy rate in the United States is around 20%.
Nobody in them.
Nobody in them.
Hey, I'm the landlord.
How am I going to pay my rent, my loan?
I'm not.
Keep the building.
Banks go bust.
All prices are going to escalate.
Again, making connections between different fields.
They don't talk about, again, we call it a golden year for gold for a lot of different reasons.
One, one, one, one, one reason for gold going up in a stupid article from the Wall S.H.
Hey, how about the, uh, the Ukraine war?
How about going to your Trends Journal and we've been warning
Again, facts are all there.
Before the Ukraine War began, we said, there's no way in the world that Ukraine's gonna beat Russia.
Hitler killed 25 million of them in Operation Barbarossa in World War II.
Wiped out the land according to JFK, John F. Kennedy, the equivalent of Chicago to the East Coast.
Farms, factories, homes.
Nobody suffered more than the Russians.
They were the first to defeat the Germans in World War II.
So we said they're not going to win.
Then you look at your magazine, Trans Journal cover, don't count on counter-offensive.
We said this is a lot of BS.
Ain't no way, no how.
And then we've been reporting, as it keeps going down, what they're going to do in Ukraine is a major attack, a false flag event,
Something that's going to get them back in the media and get them more money.
Oh yeah!
You had the concert, right?
This is your Trans-Journal.
This is just one of the stories, the articles.
Just a couple of weeks ago.
As forecast, as Ukraine loses war, it will escalate attacks inside Russia.
And we warned about
A nuclear strike.
And these are just some of the trend forecasts.
Ukraine lost its counter-offensive, now looks to provoke World War III, which strikes on Russian Black Sea Fleet in Crimea.
One after another, we're saying how they're going to ramp this up.
And we're going to pay for it.
With our money, and our lives.
That's what's going on.
So this is serious.
Here, by the way, a site that I recommend, anybody that wants to know about what's going on in the Bankster Bandit world, and I call it Bankster Bandits because nothing has changed.
This was the cover of your Trends Journal back in 2011.
Look familiar?
Yeah, the only things, the names have changed.
The Prince of Peace became violent to drive the money changers out of the temple.
So the site that has the best bankster information is Wall Street on Parade.
Russ and Pam Martins.
They give it to you like nobody else does.
So now let's go back to gold.
The banks are going to go bust.
There's going to be a banking crisis.
These are just some of the articles about Wall Street on Parade.
Study finds Wall Street mega banks have overstated income for years on commercial real estate loans they sell to investors to suck it.
Another one.
Wall Street on Parade.
More failed banks and office building demolitions likely before real estate problems end.
Oh, this is coming out from federal agencies that you don't hear about that we've been warning about now for since the COVID war began.
We forecast this was going to happen.
Again, people don't want to go back to work.
They don't want to commute an hour and a half each hour and a half each way to work.
I'm getting up at 5 o'clock in the morning and I'm a guy, let's say I have 10 stories in a building.
I got, you know, 200 people in cubicles.
What am I paying for these cubicles for?
Yeah, work at home.
Come in a couple of days a week.
I don't see him anyway.
The crisis is unimaginable.
And what it's also done is destroyed the businesses that used to depend on commuters.
So going back,
So what's going on in the banking crisis that we're giving you details you're not getting anywhere else.
It's this thing here, you ready?
Banks face two trillion dollar wall of commercial property debt.
Two trillion dollars.
And now what they're doing is they're pushing the loans forward.
So they don't
Because these are revolving loans and interest rates have gone up.
So now you got to pay more on your debt.
You got to pay more on your debt as you have less tenants.
So now they're increasing it.
So they're trying to make it not look like it's happening.
So they're extending the loans a bit, but the debt level is going up.
Okay, another one from Wall Street on Parade.
I'm telling you this is a site to go to if you want to know this kind of information.
Five banks have combined half trillion dollars in commercial real estate loans.
And you know who the number one is?
JPMorgan Chase.
Oh yeah, JPMorgan Chase.
The bankster gangsters convicted
Of five felonies.
Five felonies.
Hey, I'm Jamie Dimon.
Don't you know who I am?
I don't go to jail.
Yeah, here's a couple of bucks.
Yeah, we rigged the precious metals market.
Well, we only had to pay $900 million.
This is serious.
It's going to get much worse.
That's why gold prices are going up.
The wars.
The debt level.
Oh, again, inflation.
Hey, you like how your oil prices and gas prices have gone up?
Don't worry about it.
S&P Global downgrades outlook for five regional U.S.
banks to negative.
Oh, and I said before about the office occupancy rate being at 20%.
You go to Portland, Oregon.
Portland used to be a hip place, man.
Almost 30%.
Depending on whose numbers you look at, this is vacant.
Nobody there.
Same thing about San Francisco, LA, way up there, New York City, 23%!
23% of the buildings are empty, empty, vacant.
We're going to have a banking crisis, the likes of which you've never seen, and it hits the cities.
New York City's delinquent property taxes soar.
The overall vacancy rate, the Manhattan offices, space, oh, yep, yep, stood at 20, it was 22.5 in November, now it's 23.
The highest on record.
Officials say delinquent owners, yep, yep, can't pay their debt.
So now they're going to raise taxes on us, don't worry about it.
Article from
This week's Wall Street Journal buried on the bottom, or the top I should say, on the last page of the business section.
Banks stall for time on office loans.
The banks, the phenomenon which critics often dub extend and pretend, has added significantly to the
2024 maturing debts.
That's what I said to you before.
They're extending these loans.
But as I said, if they say it's extend and pretend.
Gold hour forecast.
Again, it could be rigged.
Again, the facts are there.
You look it up.
JPMorgan Chase rigged the precious metals markets.
You got the bigs running the show.
Three private equity groups own 10% of the banks.
Without the rigging, the Trends Journal forecast is gold at the end of this year, $2,300, $400,000.
Keeps going up.
And again, I was on with Max Keiser.
Max loves Bitcoin, and so do I. But I said, look, both of them are going to go up.
And we nailed it perfectly.
And again, support InfoWars.
What they're doing here, what they're giving you, you're not getting from any other mainstream, anywhere, anyplace.
So we'll be right back.
We've got a lot more going on.
Stay tuned.
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And I started eating a little better, but my blood pressure stayed high, and when I took X2 iodine, after about three or four weeks, I think my body was detoxified of a bunch of metals and stuff that my body was storing, and my blood pressure came down to perfect level, and I tell people the only thing I did was X2 iodine.
And even though I do think all your other products are good, I recommend to anybody that they start with X2 Iodine because it detoxifies your body and kind of kicks your natural DNA into full force.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Gerald Salente.
Uh, how I love InfoWars.
Look what I'm doing.
Here we are, the solar eclipse.
Everybody's out there.
Everybody's out there.
Is anybody listening to the show?
How are you today?
I'm alone.
Everybody, woof!
Whole different world.
Yeah, one of my guys that works for me went all the way up to Lake Placid up here to see it really head on, you know.
But that's how much I love InfoWars.
I'm missing the solar eclipse.
Everybody knows about the solar eclipse and doesn't know anything about what in the world is going on and the crisis that we're faced in both economically and geopolitically.
All we've become are plantation workers of Slavelandia.
Yeah, pigs own everything.
They own everything.
No more grocery stores.
No more hardware stores.
No more stationary stores.
No more grocery stores.
Just chains.
Chain's a fool.
That's all we got.
So, the U.S.
trade gap widens almost $69 billion.
That's okay.
It's only largest in a year.
Don't worry about it.
Hey, everything's fine.
We are on the verge of an economic collapse.
That's why gold prices are going up.
And the people that really know it, there's a place called China.
They got 1.4 billion people there.
Oh, we only got 332 million here, but that's all right.
Retail sales in China of gold have gone up 24% since the start of the year.
Chinese government, all the central banks buying up gold, buying up gold, buying up gold.
You know why?
Simply because
The people know how bad it is in China with the three years of zero COVID policy.
They feel the pain.
And they want to protect themselves with gold.
And again, then the wars.
You know, when I was a kid, I used to hear these stories about, you know, well, I'm born in 1946, the war ends in 45.
So I'm hearing war stories all the time as a kid growing up.
And how many people bought their freedom with gold coins?
And that's one of GC's, Gerald Salenta's, three G's.
Guns, gold, and a getaway plan.
Gold is it.
And again, Bitcoin, to me, it's going to keep going up.
Because people can't afford to buy gold, they're buying Bitcoin, they're buying a sixteenth of an ounce, a sixteenth of a percentage of nothing, whatever.
But they could do that, they're watching their currencies fall, prices going up.
We've got 250% inflation rate in Argentina.
So gold, by the way, our forecast is gold could top $3,000 an ounce this year.
As we're speaking, gold is around $2,337 an ounce.
So another $650 hit.
And it has ups and downs.
You're going to see it go down.
There's no question about it.
The other thing is they're going to lower interest rates in the run-up to the Presidential Reality Show.
Because the lower interest rates go, the more they boost the economy.
And they want to keep Ms.
Fatsia Brut.
That means, by the way, people ask me what that's an Italian expression in slang.
Ugly face.
Fatsia Brut is Janet Yellen.
The Treasury Secretary, former Fed head.
So the Feds are running the show in front of everybody's eyes.
If you could look at that face, Marlon.
We're the same age.
Hope I don't look as bad as she does.
So they're going to lower interest rates.
The lower interest rates go, the deeper the dollar falls.
Excuse me.
So now, going on to the crisis of crises, that's going to affect us the worst of worst, and that's the Israel war.
As you know, I'm totally opposed to what Hamas did, totally opposed to what Israel did.
The slaughter going on in front of everybody's eyes, and you could save your baloney
You can see the pictures now coming out because Israel's got out of one of those areas of the mass destruction.
Yeah, we blocked these buildings to get Hamas!
Who are you talking to?
We're talking to the people that still have the brains of little boys and girls in kindergarten.
Now you pay attention to what we tell you.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
You're blowing the crap out of this place.
What are you doing over there?
Oh, I forgot.
Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner, said how valuable that waterfront property is over there in Gaza.
I forgot.
This is genocide by definition.
Totally opposed to it.
And save your crap about calling me an anti-Semite.
Shove it!
I'm not anti-American, clown boys and girls, who call me that when I'm against America's illegal and unjust wars.
And, and, little boys and girls, I, Gerald Cilente, launched Occupy Peace, OccupyPeace.com, over a decade ago, because I hated the wars,
Brought to you by Little Georgie Bush.
With a pair of cojones small and a mothball.
That lied us into the Iraq War and Afghan War.
And the Nobel Piece of Crap Prize winner, Barack Obama.
I want that guy Qaddafi out of there.
Assad has to go.
Oh yeah, the Afghan troop surge.
Of course he should get the Nobel Peace Prize.
That's when I launched Occupy Pierce.
I'm disgusted with this stuff.
People ask me, why would Netanyahu do this?
Why would Biden do this?
You don't ask a crazy person why they're crazy.
This thing is going to continue to escalate.
Look up the Samson option.
The Israelis say if they're going to lose this war, they're going nuclear.
They got between 200 to 400 nuclear warheads.
And I'm not good at numbers, but what are there, about 15, 16 million Jewish people in the world?
1.8 billion Muslims?
Got it?
We need peace.
We need peace.
If we abide by the Occupy Peace Tenets, one of which is close the troop bases overseas and secure the homeland with the troops.
And put them to work rebuilding our rotted infrastructure, we could bring America, really make America great again.
We have to close these bases and secure the homeland.
Because our lives are being threatened.
These aren't my wars.
Nothing to do with them.
One out of every 13 bridges in America is in poor condition.
Thousands could collapse from a collision.
That was from even the Cartoon News Network, CNN.
But yet we spend all this money.
Hey, give Ukraine another 60 billion dollars!
Screw you, American plantation workers!
We'll be right back on Lot More To Go With.
Stay tuned.
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One of the most frustrating things about being awake to the globalist agenda is seeing the general public still asleep.
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It is so frustrating to see people going about their daily lives oblivious.
And he realized entrance is not bliss, it equals death.
But people are starting to really understand how serious things are, and that's a hard thing to do, because to wake up to a dystopic reality and realize that we're in the middle of a giant biological weapons war against humanity, and that there's mass sterilization that's already taking place, and they're cutting off all the major energy sources, is really hard to deal with, but it's the reality.
Facing it is our only chance to turn this around, because stuff's about to get really, really nasty.
Survival Shield X3, now back and better than ever with a whopping 40% discount.
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Hey, let me start by saying you do a great show.
Thank you.
Hey, let me point out that I took X2 iodine.
I started taking that stuff.
The best iodine I think I ever found is what you guys are selling.
When did you start taking it?
About four years ago, I had high blood pressure, and I was on blood pressure medicine.
And I started eating a little better, but my blood pressure stayed high.
And when I took X2 iodine, after about two or four weeks,
I think my body is detoxified of a bunch of metals and stuff that my body was storing.
And my blood pressure came down to perfect level.
And I tell people the only thing I did was X2 Iodine.
And even though I do think all your other products are good, I recommend to anybody that they start with X2 Iodine because it detoxifies your body and kind of kicks your natural DNA into full force.
So, in my life, I found X2 Iodine the best.
I tried other iodines and
They didn't have the same effect, but so XY done, I really wanted to point that out.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Gerald Solente.
Hello, everybody.
Oh, I missed the eclipse.
Because I love doing InfoWars, because of what InfoWars does for you.
And again, journalism's dead.
You know, the TransJournal magazine, it's one of the last of its kind.
The only of its kind.
And what InfoWars has given you is listening to Owen, you know, going over the news and giving you an analysis of it.
So I do this because I'm supporting InfoWars and you're supporting it too.
But Alex, like Alex said, you know, a lot of people come in for the free trip, but don't do anything to support InfoWars.
And when you buy their products, you're supporting both InfoWars and yourself.
And they got these great, you know, deals going on.
To try to help you and help InfoWars, and they got that DNA Force Plus, and they're giving you like 50% off, and it's back in stock.
And this has a formula that helps support your energy levels, bring them up to the highest levels, and helping your body fight the toxins that are everywhere.
So it's more than just a 360 win, man.
And really, you need this stuff now because we're being poisoned in so many different ways.
The foods are ultra-processed, there's all this artificial crap in them, and now they're allowing more antibiotics in the animals.
Yeah, we grow them in crap, you know, so we've got to give them these antibiotics because it's not the way nature used to rise and we're factory clubs.
So you get, and so they're giving them all these antibiotics.
See, this DNA Force Plus, it's exactly what you need, you know, to provide your cells with the protection that it needs.
And there's never been a better time to get it.
And you save 50% off DNA Force Plus.
You go to InfoWarsStore.com
Get it, because you need it.
And again, it's a 360 win.
These ingredients are really needed to support the function and cellular energy production.
Helps you boost your mental health, your physical health, in every different way.
And this is something you need more because of the crises that we're going on now.
I've been at this, I've been trend forecasting now for 43 years.
And, excuse me, 44.
And I've never seen a crisis like this, and I keep telling people, what can I do?
What can I do?
You've got to get in the best shape you can.
Physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
And do something positive every day.
Like InfoWars, we do with the Trends Journal, we try to give you the positive information to put you on a positive path.
And if you're not in the best shape you could be in, you're not ready to fight.
And I'm a warrior for the Prince of Peace.
And as you can see here.
People say, oh, we don't like you, man.
Would you angry?
The Prince of Peace was angry, too.
Because the same banksters back then, the same bankster bandits now.
That are robbing and stealing from the people.
When I was a young guy, I used to have a thing called savings banks.
Yeah, there were the commercial banks and the savings banks.
Where you got good interest on your money that you put in there.
They're giving you nothing.
They're giving you nothing.
Give me your money.
Now, we're talking about Jamie Dimon.
There's this article on InfoWars.
JPMorgan's Jamie Dimon.
World events and polarizing politics creating risks that could eclipse anything since World War II.
No kidding!
Wait a minute.
Jamie Dimon said it.
Jamie Dimon, so it must be true.
Yeah, we've been warning about this how long?
You know, they had these numbers that came out last week and again, we're saying the economy is going down.
We're going into
Now take it easy.
I don't mean the drags like, you know, and by the word gay used to mean happy.
Once I'm happy, I'm gay.
Again, be what you want.
I could care less.
I just don't want to hear the crap about it.
So going back to the baloney that they're feeding us, we're going into dragflation.
The economy is going to drag down and inflation is going up.
When I did my Top Trends at the beginning of the year with Alex Jones, we talked a bit about the immigration.
I said, Alex, you're doing this to bring in more cheap labor.
And I went through the facts.
We only do facts in the Trends Journal.
Well, when I talk to the politicians, I say, fact you.
F-A-C-K, facts.
Look at the jobs that have been created.
I'm going to go back and give you a little history.
Possessor Tracking Trends is the understanding of where we are and how we got here to see where we're going.
And, to make it 100% perfect, yeah?
We are the only ones in the world, here or there, that teach trend tracking.
Far better than Megatrends, Time Magazine.
Oh yeah, that's my name, Gerald Cilente.
Trends 2000.
International bestseller.
Trends Journal.
Weekly magazine.
You go to JonesTrends.com.
You get 10% off.
Cost you a grand total of $2.50 a week.
So going back to where we are with the economy, where we're going, and with the jobs, and tracking trends is the understanding of where we are, how we got here, and where we're going.
They changed the immigration laws when the Vietnam War began.
Because they drafted all the guys.
I'm prime draft meat, by the way.
And I was stupid enough to believe the crap that if we don't stop those Vietnamese and take it over there, those commies are going to take over all Asia before you know it.
The dominoes will keep falling.
They hit the shores of California.
I'm not making that up.
I believed it.
I used to want to go to get drafted because they don't want to get killed.
I'm watching these guys walk through water this high, you know, guns over their head and 50 pounds on their back.
I said, I'm not gonna.
But I believed it.
I believed it.
So what they did, they drafted all the guys so they needed cheap labor.
They loosened the immigration policies under LBJ, LB Jerk, off there over there in Texas, yeah.
Then, in my book, Trend Tracking, at Trends 2000, I'm going back to the immigration issue, and the jobs.
Wrote about the H-1B visas, the internet revolution began.
Needed more cheap labor.
Yeah, bring them in from India, bring them from China, pay them less.
We don't want to pay American workers more, because hey, I want to become a billionaire, I don't care about anybody else.
Now go to any store, go to Target, go to Walmart, which I don't go to any of them.
Go in there, and whatever, I go to Marshalls, I buy some nice stuff there.
I got this jacket there years ago.
I got this shirt there.
On all the doors.
Help Wanted.
Help Wanted.
That's the jobs that are created.
Because you're a plantation worker of slave land here.
This is better than the plantation system.
Back then you had to house them and feed them.
Now you give them enough money, get the hell out of here, come back tomorrow.
You look at the data, it's all there.
And the jobs that have been created, service sector jobs.
You know what else?
Social services.
They pay the least.
Government jobs, eh.
So the jobs that are being created are paying no wages.
So when they're talking about the economy, and you're looking at, oh the jobs, the economy's growing, no it's not.
The rich are getting richer, and they got more plantation workers, that's why they want the cheap labor.
No other reason.
And they're bringing them in, bringing them in.
And then again, we send our money for war, as the people here are going down.
So anyway, that's just some of it.
You want more of it, the new magazine's coming out tomorrow.
It's a weekly, over 170 pages each week, and you can listen to it.
And people, I can't read a hundred, you don't read a, it's a magazine, you read what you want to read in there.
You want to read about high-tech science?
You want to read about AI?
You want to read about where, oh, EVs are going?
Oh, one of our top trends for 2024 was EV go FU.
That's right.
We warned this is going to happen and you're seeing the sales go way down.
So we're giving you everything we can and so too is InfoWars.
So support InfoWars and support the Trends Journal.
Thanks for tuning in.
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