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Filename: 20240318_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 18, 2024
2971 lines.

Alex Jones discusses various news topics including potential conflict with Russia, NATO leaders calling for direct military confrontation, and the importance of free speech. He highlights how the media uses words like "bloodbath" out of context and emphasizes that there is increasing tension between the US and Russia with both countries discussing the possibility of using tactical nuclear weapons on each other. Jones also mentions Putin's warning about the dangers of the Anglo-American empire, which he refers to as a tyranny and cancer. He criticizes political parties trying to co-opt him, urges people not to be fooled by the media's portrayal of the situation, promotes his products, and discusses inflation. The show addresses geopolitical topics such as ongoing conflict in Ukraine and ongoing genocide in Gaza, calling for a global peace movement.

Tomorrow's news.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
There are 231 days, 12 hours, 59 minutes, 29 seconds to the most important election in world history.
And oh man, we have a lot of news and information to cover here today.
Everybody's focused on the bloodbath hoax.
We covered it a lot last night, but I'll hit it some.
It's really waking people up, how the corporate media is the enemy of the people, but
Really, the big news is all these different EU leaders saying, nope, we want war with Russia, joining Macron, and then the mouthpiece of the Bilderberg Group came out on CNN, Fareed Zakaria, and said it's time to send in troops against Putin.
And, again, CNN's not important, doesn't have any ratings, nobody watches it, but it's kind of the
We're good to go.
Let's go ahead and play a compilation of the media, including Joe Biden just a week ago and a bunch of others, using the term bloodbath to talk about the economy or to talk about firings at the RNC.
We all know what a bloodbath means.
But now, no, no, Trump wants a bloodbath if he's not elected.
Here it is.
But as Politico.com reports tonight on the, quote, bloodbath at the RNC.
Headlines calling it a, quote, bloodbath.
A bloodbath?
Not only is it going to be a bloodbath, but after they leave New Hampshire, it's a bloodbath on her home turf?
That's really tough.
Maricopa has left a lot of corpses in his wake.
I mean, we can count the bodies.
As part of the, quote, MAGA drive to take over Maricopa County.
And the headline refers to it as an impending bloodbath.
Columnist Charles Flo has a new piece for the New York Times entitled, A Biden Bloodbath.
This week's bloodbath for Democrats.
A bloodbath at the ballot box.
There could be a Republican bloodbath.
They'll talk about a bloodbath.
There's a bloodbath.
I have to talk about you.
It's gonna be a bloodbath all day long.
Is in for a bloodbath.
Hasn't been a bloodbath on the way down.
Donald Trump bloodbath.
Be a bloodbath.
Predicted to be a bloodbath.
May not be the bloodbath.
It would be a bloodbath.
More of a bloodbath.
It's going to be a bloodbath in November.
Possible Biden bloodbath this November.
A bloodbath on Wall Street.
There's gonna be a bloodbath.
In Alabama.
Into a bloodbath.
Obviously there was a bloodbath.
It was a bloodbath.
We're down 800 points.
This bloodbath at the Department of Homeland Security.
And it's a bloodbath today.
There was gonna be this bloodbath.
It could be a bloodbath for them.
Bloodbath, possibly.
Bloodbath that went through with the Attorney General.
Bloodbath, 99 days out.
The bloodbath is gonna look like.
Resided over a bloodbath in the diplomatic corps.
Salute, in my opinion, bloodbath.
Bloodbath, the Democrats.
We're calling it a ticket sales.
Turned into a bloodbath.
Ticket sales, listing a Taylor Swift's latest tour.
So Trump openly says, I'll put 100% tariff on Chinese electric cars.
You try to bring them in through Mexico.
Try to build them in Mexico and protect the auto industry.
It'll be a bloodbath.
You don't want to do it.
I told Xi Jinping it's a bloodbath.
And they sit there and take it out of context and just show him saying bloodbath because they are out to get you.
I know we already know that.
But this is absolutely out of control, ladies and gentlemen.
Tell you what else is out of control, they're getting ready to seize Trump's assets.
That's right, they're not letting him do an appeal bond.
That's right, they want all the money now.
No due process for Trump.
These people are criminals.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Well, it's no secret that the corporate media has almost no viewers.
But there's so many thousands of channels of it, local, national, international, that they flood the news feeds with it so at least people get the headline.
Trump says if he's not elected there's going to be a bloodbath.
And then they take the clip out of context.
They do this constantly.
Remember when they claimed that he said all Mexicans are terrible, horrible people and are criminals.
The full quote was, there's a lot of good people coming across, but also a lot of bad people.
Well, everybody knows that.
So this is very similar to what we've seen in the past.
Remember, they also said that his first action was to remove Martin Luther King's bust.
from the Oval Office, which had not been done.
They just lied and said that.
But if you go back six, seven, eight years ago, it was working then with some people.
Folks now know that nine times out of ten, if it's political and a corporate statement made out of dinosaur media, that it's either a lie or completely spun until it's unrecognizable.
So we're going to talk some about that today.
We've got examples of the media using bloodbath over and over again like parrots.
We've got clips of Biden saying it, but I think everybody's got this one covered.
I mean, I may talk about it a little bit.
Everybody else is only talking about that, and that's fine.
I want to talk about nuclear war.
And I want to talk about how this is unfolding, because we have
A bunch of different NATO chiefs of different countries, and the NATO chief himself, and the defense ministers in Germany, and the UK, and Sweden, and France, and we have the president of France, Macron, and just so many others, it would take about 30 minutes to name them all, on the same sheet of paper now, the same talking point, that sanctions don't work.
Well, just let them steal 300 billion from the Russians, they're about to
Give themselves a launder in Ukraine.
Certainly works to make them money.
But it hurts people all over the world, not just the Russian people.
And in a way, that which does not kill you, only makes you stronger.
So the Russian economy, according to many analysts, is actually doing better than it was before this war started.
But regardless, when Vareed Zakaria gets up on his show once a week on CNN for an hour,
You are hearing what the Bilderberg Group and the CFR and the managers of the Anglo-American globalist system want.
That's what Russian calls them, the Anglo-Americans.
It doesn't mean Anglos like white people.
It's the old term for the merger of the U.S.
and British Empire.
Really, before World War II, that was already going on, and that's what they call themselves, is what Winston Churchill called it.
It's a three-volume set that I've read, all 1,100 pages or so.
It's how long all three books are together.
The history of the English-speaking peoples, very fascinating.
I suggest anyone out there that wants to know real history, read it.
Putin addresses the globalists as the Anglo-American empire.
And he says that the West is very dangerous, that it's a tyranny now, and that it's a cancer that's expanding, that it's a catastrophe, and that we don't have free and fair elections.
And even in international polling groups that go and do scientific polls of Russians, they all predicted he would win by 87%, which he did.
And even Fareed Zakaria,
He doesn't deny in his CNN piece that Putin won.
It's not fraud.
He's that popular.
In fact, he won by 10 points more than he did last time.
The Russians, more than any other group in the world except maybe the Vietnamese, have been invaded more times than anybody else.
In fact, they're constantly getting invaded.
For 1,000 plus years, I think it's 1,070 plus years, so that's in the DNA.
Not just Hitler, not just Napoleon, not just the Muslims, but the Huns, the Mongols.
This has been going on for a long time.
So this is a big deal.
And there's a normalcy bias that, oh, we're not going to have another big war because we have nuclear weapons, but now you've got the Pentagon and the Russians.
Military, Ministry of Defense, putting out statements about, well, we're going to have a limited nuclear war.
We're going to use tacticals on each other.
So there's a real creeping up to the edge of oblivion here.
And now we're standing on the edge of the cliff with our toes over the edge.
This needs to stop and it needs to stop right now.
So I'm going to be getting into all of that.
Coming up here in just a few minutes, also huge border news, Biden administration plans to use Guantanamo Bay as a processing center for Haitian invaders, being called migrants.
When you call them that, then it gives the UN jurisdiction under the law.
That ties into the road warrior level ongoing collapse of what is already a failed state, Haiti.
Machete-wielding, malicious battle gangs import a prince as elites vie for power.
Different cannibal factions.
Donald Trump could have his property seized as he owes $454 million in fraud case.
Trump has failed to get appeals bond for the $454 million civil fraud judgment, lawyers say.
So he's being denied due process and appeals process there.
Trump can't secure 454 million appeal bond in New York.
Fraud cases, lawyers say.
So we're going to be talking about that situation and so much more here today.
Also, Trump is having big trouble raising money because he's getting on average $50 donations.
And all the big globalist billionaires, except for a few people that aren't globalists that are billionaires, are piling on to destroy what they see as a champion of the people.
You can say what you want about Trump, but the globalists hate his guts because he actually tried to be president and tried to do things he thought was good for the country.
He certainly made mistakes, but he's a good man.
He's a strong man.
And those that have supported him at a high level, like myself, have been persecuted dearly for it.
And contrary to me cutting and running,
I support Trump more than ever because of the persecution.
Call it pick-headedness if you like.
But at the same time, that does not mean that I'm in a cult and that I slavishly defend every policy he's involved in or the things that he does.
He has been making a lot of moves lately, endorsing neocon globalists that hate his guts.
And I know the inside baseball, who the advisors are that are telling him this.
And so I really see our mission here as
Trying to get Trump back into office but being very aggressive when he does things that I think and that my expert guests think and that the listeners think is wrong.
I think we really have a consensus here on air dealing with that.
But I just wanted to stake that out and be very, very clear because there's some cultic Q-like adoration for Trump that he's a god, he's perfect, he can't make any mistakes, everything's 3D chess.
And that is not what's going on here.
He's smart.
He's tough.
He tries to do the right thing.
He makes mistakes sometimes.
He's a delegator.
And he listens to people like Grinnell, who has done a few good things, but overall is one of the people I'm told that gives Trump really bad advice on who to support for office.
And I'm really worried that if Trump does get back in,
That he's going to be stacked again with a bunch of scum.
Some place he did a decent job, not perfect, is the Supreme Court's been having some pretty good rulings.
Not as strong as I'd like, but they've been standing up under the tyranny.
And they had a unanimous verdict, as you know, two or three weeks ago that Trump could not be taken off the ballot.
When he's not even been charged or convicted of the crime he's being taken off the ballot for.
That doesn't sound like legal rocket science to me, does it?
Does it sound like that to you?
So we have that news to get to.
Also, I called it a turning point last night and I want to go back over it more this evening.
Leticia James planned to persecute Newark firefighters for their speech backfires.
Because they have a right when she comes to their union, their event, to boo her and to chant Trump.
Well, she wanted them fired, she wanted their pay cut, she wanted them persecuted.
Isn't that an indictment of what a pig-like creature she is?
That Soros witch who, I guess, metaphorically flew into the meeting on a broomstick.
So we'll be laying all of that out coming up today.
Speaking of free speech, the Supreme Court, two-way free speech cases regarding social media misinformation today.
We're going to be hearing oral arguments on the Justice Department, the intelligence agencies, that it all came out in the congressional hearings last year.
Of course, it broke here many years ago, but it came out officially last year that they were targeting, censoring, surveilling the American people to manipulate the election.
The Supreme Court has said that regardless of whether they argue, well it was Russian funded, of course there's no evidence or misinformation, it doesn't matter.
The court has already said that they have that right to free speech regardless.
Can't just label it as something and then people don't get their speech.
So that's the court already telling them what they can argue in front of it, signaling a big defeat for the deep state and the censorship that they have been engaged in and election theft they've been engaged in against the American people.
So I just want to sit back here at 1116 Central Standard Time and just get this on record for all the listeners and all the viewers.
America is fighting for its life.
And not just America, the whole world.
And we've never been in more grave danger.
And if we don't admit we're in grave danger, then we are going to lose it all.
And we are going to have total financial collapse, huge wars.
The globalists that have set up this kleptocratic system believe that somehow AI will help them transcend the mess they've created.
And they're building bunkers publicly.
I first reported it 15 years ago and I told you about secret bunkers and who was building them and later it came out those exact people were building giant bunkers because I talked to people that knew them well or people that were building them.
And I mean 10 story deep bunkers in the sides of mountains or on the coastlines with underground submarine escape bases.
That's what Zuckerberg has.
And imagine you take part in a system so predatory that you've got to build a bunker and have a submarine underwater supervillain escape pod.
Absolutely insane.
So that's where we are.
And I see one of the leftist refrains, slogans, you know, Alex Jones is fear porn.
Alex Jones is trying to scare people.
I've had to mentally walk through the fact that because I haven't run to the Southern Hemisphere, if there's a nuclear war in the Northern Hemisphere, it'll create such chaos and collapse even in the Southern Hemisphere, that unless you're on one of those tiny islands where they have sheep farmers and the population is like 200, you're going to wish you're dead.
There's a limited nuclear war.
It'll cause societal collapse and billions will die just from the aftermath of it.
The nuclear reactor is melting down.
It's going to be just so hellish, I can't even believe it.
And I just love how the left works for the system and slavishly defends every corporate directive, no matter how ridiculous, and then
They love all these wars, and they love torture, and they love spying, and they love censorship, and they just sign on to anything, the more evil the better, and then they make jokes about nuclear war.
When it's never been closer, all of even the mainline analysts admit we're the closest we've ever been, a worse scenario than the Cuban Missile Crisis, the weapons are way more high-tech, way more
Quickly deliverable and I just sit there I've had to make a moral decision to go down with a ship if it does happen because we got a better chance of stopping it if we stay at the helm in the storm instead of just turning loose the wheel and putting our head between our legs but I still have to make a moral decision looking at my children
And my family, when I don't leave the country, and I have to have a moral fight with myself not to do it.
I had an overwhelming urge, and I guess God knows how to keep me at the wheel because I don't have any money anymore.
I never had as much as they claim, nothing near it.
But I don't have the money to run off and hide somewhere.
So, I had to fight literally as a person that
I'm not a coward.
In fact, I'm the opposite of that.
It's not even a fear thing.
It's a survival instinct to get out of here.
It's very strong.
It's very intense.
I intellectually see the information, but I spiritually feel the grave, nauseating danger.
And I've decided to stay and try to stop this, and then we're here trying to stop it, and people think it's funny.
They think it's a joke.
And it's because they've lived under relative freedom and security so long that they haven't studied history or looked at what's just happened the last hundred years and how frequent and serious wars are.
And if we have one now, it'll just be unspeakably horrible.
You know, I see these clips because it goes into the Globalist Calculus, that I'll explain coming up later, where they'll show the starving Palestinian children dying.
And it's heart-wrenching, and it tears my guts out.
And then I see some of the Israelis, even on national TV, saying the Muslims are subhuman, and we need to kill the children because they'll one day grow up and kill us.
And then I pull back, and I go, why is the corporate media showing me that?
What's the larger game here?
What's the Hegelian dialectic?
Because there is one.
And then also, wait a minute, 80 plus million people last time I checked, the last four years, starved to death.
And that's a UN number.
And I agree with it.
I've checked the numbers.
It's accurate.
80 plus million people starved to death because of the COVID lockdowns and the chain reaction it created, the cattywampus that it created, and
Not a word about them, other than the UN saying, give us billions in money to feed the starving, shut down the farms and food production in the name of COVID, the third world, way more intense than the first world.
So, so again, you have to ask yourself, why are they showing me one crime, one tyranny, and then not showing me one that is
I don't know, let's say 20,000 Palestinian children have died or starved to death.
I think that's an accurate number currently.
There's about 20,000 out of 30,000 children.
Okay, I really feel sad for them.
And I make myself watch the videos.
And as a father, it tears my guts out.
And then I think, why am I not seeing the images of the 87 million that starved to death around the world?
What you are seeing is the military aged men
Fleeing those collapses, picked by the UN to give them cards, debit cards, to come to Europe, to come to the United States, to come to Canada, to be our new police and military, which is official.
So see, I understand the dialectic and how the moves work, and I'll understand enemy operation, and later I'll read a Club of Rome or a Rand Corporation document, and I'll be finishing the sentence and knowing what the next paragraph is.
I'm so in their head.
And you can get in their head, too.
A lot of you are in their head, and you understand the enemy operation.
And when you extrapolate it out, 10, 15, 20 moves, there's no other angle to it but total extinction of the human population.
And then I say, well, that's aliens then.
That's the spirit, the fallen one, maroon on this planet, inter-dimensionally, as the Bible says, manipulating us to kill each other.
Or is it just human selfishness that's always been in us?
The spirit of Cain to kill our brother because we didn't get the birthright.
All I know is it's going on and I really wish we'd go interstellar.
I really wish we'd go intergalactic.
I really want to see humanity go forward.
I see the amazing culture and music and art and things we're able to do.
I see the good in people.
But the globalists don't see the good in people, they see the bad in people because they look into the mirror and see themselves.
But that said, I have also been too nice in many levels and realized that when I am a classical liberal, like a Thomas Jefferson, that in the modern communication system, that only aids the enemy's operations.
And I'm going to explain coming up, this is very, very important information.
And I've also tracked everything they're doing is to show us things that in our epigenetic history didn't exist to completely disconnect us from our ancestors and our programming God gave us.
But it's also preparing us for the new system it's bringing in.
And it basically goes along the lines of they live.
And that's what it is.
You know, the people, when you put the glasses on, aren't physically a walking dead space alien, but their spirit is.
And it's like Avatar.
There is a thing jacked into them, and at the moment it finally takes over, they just become robots.
You know, most of these people that are influenced by Satan and his minions, his pomps, his pimps, don't have kind of the Linda Blair model
operating in them.
That's just one phase to terrorize and harass and scare people.
That's just one mode it's got.
It's more like an NPC that has no morals and just greedily runs around following whatever stimulus it's given to believe that it's going to get some power over somebody.
But it's not human.
I've studied history, I've studied the ancients, I've also
I've talked to a lot of people that have worked in secret projects and things like that, but I've also experienced it myself that there is a higher plane to this one.
In fact, there's multiple higher planes.
Just as there are nine circles of hell, there are 12 dimensions just within this framework of this universe.
And so I'm going to stop pontificating at this point, and I'm going to come back and hit the nuclear war news.
And how we can hopefully stop that.
And then there's a really interesting National Polling Agency University study out dealing with how different races of people see each other.
And as soon as I saw the graph,
Before I even zoomed in and read the names on it, I knew which group was going to be what graph and which group was the other.
Because I saw it on my phone real small on X and I just saw the headline, racial groups rating each other.
And I couldn't read it because it was small.
And I thought, oh, the white people will all be down the line.
They'll rate everybody the same because that's how they've been brainwashed.
Whether you think that's true or not, I'm saying they've been brainwashed whether it's true or not.
And all the other groups say whites are the ultimate evil.
Now, that's not everybody, but that's the majority.
So, of course, I knew what it would be before I looked at it, because that's why the corporations have done this.
But only white guilt reaffirming it and agreeing to it and enforcing it.
See, white people and white academics and white media operatives, they've created this and enforced it.
But it was done, they're conscious of that, as a control system over the West to have a new form of slavery.
Psychological slavery.
It's not black people putting out all these anti-white ads, folks.
It's the globalists.
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We're good to go.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones.
I'm a mirror in space.
I'm looking down on you.
My mind is a straight.
Everything you do.
You think your private lives mean nothing of the kind.
There is no true escape, I'm watching all the time.
On screen is a NATO simulation of a first strike on Russia that kills 60 plus million people and the whole thing takes 10 minutes to be carried out.
And this is just a simulation of a ICBM attack.
Real attack will happen from submarines and nuclear weapons in
Western Europe that arrived within one to three minutes on most of their targets.
Russian submarines, the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic Ocean, Pacific, will destroy every major coastal city on average within three minutes.
Takes about 15 for the ICBMs to launch.
Go over the North Pole.
And then hit North America.
Now the real fun starts when the hundreds of nuclear reactors in Russia, Europe, the United States melt down, which they all will in a nuclear war.
And then you've got all those Chernobyl's that you're dealing with, all of those Fukushima's.
And I guess Zuckerberg and all the rest of them, I guess Larry Page on his
300 foot yacht feels safe down in the South Pacific because that's where they all stay.
They very rarely come to events in the West.
Sometimes they meet in Dubai now, but normally they're now meeting in places like Tasmania in the middle of nowhere.
So we don't just have Macron and all these defense chiefs over in Europe.
Saying we've got to double down, we've got to go to full military confrontation, we've got to send troops in.
The mouth of the New World Order, Fareed Zarkaria, who, when you hear him speak, he's one of the only journalists let in to the Club of Rome, Bilderberg, CFR, White House.
When you hear him talk, that's communication not to the general viewers of CNN.
He goes on once a week.
To communicate to the underlings what the current orders are.
And we'll play a clip of him in a moment that seems all jolly about Russia and how things are going.
And he says, the answer isn't sanctions, it's decisive military setbacks.
So we need to give Ukraine any weapon they want.
Any weapon, that means nuclear.
And every word is parsed when he says this.
We need to give Ukraine any and every weapon, and we need to commit to send troops in and direct conflict with Russia.
So it's not just Macron shooting his mouth off, it is
The mouthpiece of these people.
So everything is going in that direction now that Russia, really eight months ago, had already decisively done what they wanted to do, take the areas of the East, take the areas that are almost 100% Russia, that have always been Russia, take the port there in southern Ukraine on the Black Sea.
Of course, Putin won by 80 plus percent yesterday.
We're going to play a clip first of some of what he said when the poll numbers came in with 90 percent of the vote counted that he'd won.
This is what some of what Putin had to say last night.
Mr. President, journalist Evan Gershkovich spent this election in prison.
Boris Nadezhdin, who opposes your war in Ukraine, wasn't allowed to stand against you.
And Alexei Navalny died in one of your prisons during your campaign.
Mr. President, is this what you call democracy?
My question is, Evan Gershkovich was one of the people who spent this time in prison.
Nadezhdin, who was fighting against the war, was not allowed to participate in the elections, and Navalny died in prison during your campaign.
Do you think this is democracy?
This is life.
If Mr. Nadezhny took part in this elections, or did not take part in this elections, that means it was the result of his unsatisfactory work or preparation.
Maybe he should have avoided any mistakes of providing the applications.
As far as I understand, this was the problem.
That he did not get additional or sufficient votes to take part in the campaign.
As for Navalny, yes, he passed.
And this is always a sad event.
But unfortunately we had some other cases where people died in prison.
Did you not have these events in American prisons?
You did, many times.
And by the way, maybe it will be slightly unexpected.
A few days before Navalny passed, some colleagues told me, not the members of the administration, some other people told me that there is an idea to exchange Mr. Navalny for some people who are imprisoned in Western countries.
You can believe me or not, but the person who spoke with me, he said, before the end of the sentence, he said, yes, I agree.
Unfortunately, what happened, happened.
But this happens.
So you can't do anything about this.
The reason I played that clip is
Do you see Joe Biden getting questions like that?
There he is in front of the international press taking their questions.
It goes on and on.
Now here's another clip of Putin talking about the so-called American democracy.
Here it is.
We haven't been intervening in any elections, and as I said, we're going to work with any leader that the American people choose.
But what's curious, in the last year of his term as president, Mr. Trump, the current presidential candidate,
Well, allegedly using some Russian influence to rig his elections.
That's weird.
As for the current election situation in the US, I think it's getting less and less civilized right now and I would like to refrain from any comments in this regard.
And I'm absolutely sure and I think it's obvious to everyone.
America's political system now cannot claim to be democratic in all senses of this word.
And he went on to say about the transcript right here that Russia is fighting for its life, that Russia's been under attack for a thousand years and that they will not back down and they will not be defeated.
So everything is just hurtling into war.
Now here is Fareed Zarkaria
We're going to skip this break.
Here's Fareed Zakaria reading off a globalist script.
So this is what the new world order plans to do.
He admits that America is losing its influence.
He admits the Anglo-American alliance is falling apart.
He admits the world's turning against us.
He admits...
And then his answer is, let's just accelerate with all the weapons and direct war with Russia.
This is the New World Order speaking.
Listen to it.
In a recent interview with Russian state TV, Vladimir Putin said something that was, in his words, important for us ourselves and even more so for our listeners and viewers abroad to understand our way of thinking.
The one Ukraine, he explained, is for the West a way of improving its tactical position vis-a-vis Russia.
But for us, it is our fate.
It is a matter of life and death, he said.
The fundamental mistake in Western strategy against Russia has been to ignore this reality.
New data confirms that the Russian economy has withstood Western sanctions far better than most predicted.
Its GDP grew at over 3% last year and now inflation, which reached around 18% in early 2022, seems to be steadying at around 7.5%.
Russia's largest bank, state-owned SpareBank, recently announced that profits last year, fueled by a mortgage boom, surged more than five-fold to their highest ever levels.
Moscow has survived Western sanctions for a variety of reasons.
These sanctions are not comprehensive.
For example, they do not completely prohibit Russia's energy exports, nor can they.
The world is too dependent on these resources.
A total ban, if enforceable, would lead oil prices to skyrocket and trigger a global recession.
And as Western companies fled Russia, non-Western ones simply replaced them.
Russians addicted to Starbucks will find that those outlets have simply been taken over by Starz Coffee, a locally owned brand.
Indian businessmen tell me that they were able to buy Western companies' assets in Russia at fire sale prices and now operate those businesses profitably.
There are lessons here.
The world economy is interdependent enough that it's hard to ban something like oil without imposing huge costs on everyone.
Non-Western economies now make up a large enough part of the world that if they don't go along with sanctions, those sanctions lose much of their bite.
But the largest lesson is surely that economic pressure alone rarely causes countries to capitulate.
Over the decades, Washington has placed ruinous sanctions on Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela, and now Russia.
Can one say in any of these cases that the regime reversed its policies?
The Russian economy has survived because Putin has done whatever it takes.
He has put his country on war footing, rallying its citizens with patriotic rhetoric that often works when a people feel besieged.
For what it's worth, the respected independent Levada Center survey recently reported that Putin's favorability rating has risen to 86%.
The central bank raised interest rates sharply.
The finance ministry put in place foreign exchange controls.
Government spending has risen dramatically, all to create a military-industrial economy.
These policies and the sanctions will create severe long-term costs for Russia's economy and society.
But slow stagnation is something a country can often bear far more easily than a sharp shock.
Putin sees himself in a take-no-prisoners battle with the West.
He has often indicated that he would not shirk from using tactical nuclear weapons.
He has directed an ongoing and vast information war against key Western nations, notably the United States.
By one European Commission estimate, posts by accounts linked to the Kremlin were viewed at least 16 billion times in the West in the first year of the Ukraine war.
As the U.S.
considers banning TikTok, it's worth recognizing that the issue is not really who owns the platform, but how malign forces can use any platform to get their message out, make it viral, and undermine truth and facts.
President Biden has done many big things right in this war.
He has rallied the West and many non-Western allies like Japan, South Korea, and Singapore.
He has provided moral and material support on a vast scale to keep.
Republican opponents of aid to Ukraine are embracing a policy that is deeply irresponsible and unsafe.
One that, if it succeeds, would make America weak and the world far more dangerous.
And yet, Biden and other Western leaders must demonstrate that they too will do what it takes and that time is not on Putin's side.
That means using Russia's central bank reserves, now frozen, to help Ukraine.
It means accelerating delivery of every kind of weapon that can...
The pressure that Putin needs to feel is not long-term economic decline, but short-term military setbacks, loss of conquered territory, higher casualty rates, and a collapse in morale.
France's President Emmanuel Macron is surely right that the central fact that must guide Western strategy is that Putin cannot win.
If that means greater Western involvement, even military forces of some kind on the ground, that's better than watching Russian aggression succeed.
Macron gave a speech this week in which he said that the conflict was existential for France and Europe.
The West can only gain the upper hand in this war if it truly believes this and acts on that belief.
I could do a five hour, ten hour show and just analyze every sentence he said there.
But did you catch it?
Russia says it's fighting for its life, it'll never back down, it'll never give in, and it'll use nuclear weapons.
And so we need to move troops in and give more high-tech weapons and whatever they want to Ukraine, which Russia says it will then use tactical nuclear weapons on.
And that's what the globalists, that's what the Bilderberg Group gave him to read on air.
He admits it, so it's on record.
Remember that's where Soros, seven years ago, went on and bragged about how, working with the State Department, he overthrew the government of Ukraine three years before, now ten years ago.
So they brag about starting a fight with Russia on its doorstep, at its birthplace, where Russia started as Ukraine,
And because Russia's winning, the West needs to double down.
So here's the breakdown here.
It's very simple.
They're trying to sell you war, a third world war, a nuclear war.
They know it's not popular.
So that's why people knew after World War II wars weren't popular.
So they didn't call Korea a war.
They didn't call Vietnam a war.
They didn't call any of these operations a war.
But now they openly call it a war.
So, again, there's this normalcy bias that people believe, because we haven't had a nuclear war since the 1950s when multiple countries had nuclear weapons, that it's not going to happen now.
But it is happening now.
And it's sheer madness.
We saw some sanity Friday when
Chancellor Schultz of Germany, Olaf Schultz, was at an emergency summit of the EU leaders and NATO and said on the podium to Macron, who was sitting right next to him, we are not going to have a direct war with Russia and we're not going to send troops into Russia and you need to stop saying that because that'll lead to a nuclear war.
I wonder if they're going to suicide
Shultz now, who's far from a sweetheart.
He's a big globalist, but this is real crazy town.
Remember a year and a half ago, Joe Biden, just seven, eight months into the war.
They were asking for F-16s and Abrams tanks and he said, well, that escalates this and that leads to World War III and we can't do that.
And that's because the set U.S.
policy and set NATO policy and ran Corporation War Games and Pentagon War Games all showed that on that threat continuation ladder that goes back to the 1960s, that's been updated thousands of times, it goes from 1 to 43,
That you're getting total, complete nuclear war, and the end of the world as we know it, and we're in the high 30s right now, folks.
So, this is beyond dangerous, and it's because the world financial system that the West has set up, the Ponzi scheme, is supposed to be phased out now, and go to the new cashless society, central bank digital currency, social credit score, carbon tax system.
But China and India and Germany, Russia, excuse me, China, India, Russia, Mexico, and a hundred plus other countries have refused to go along with the carbon regime that literally shuts down civilization.
And so now the globalists, the Rothschilds, are rattling their sabers saying, if you don't get in line, we'll give you a nuclear war.
I remember six, seven years ago, the head of the EU at the time was Herman Von Ruppe, before he retired, said, if anybody leaves the EU, that'll mean war.
And they said, what do you mean?
And they said, we're going to characterize that as Russia, no matter who the country is.
Nothing to do with Russia.
But if anybody tries to leave, there'll be a nuclear war.
So this is called nuclear blackmail.
This is called being held hostage.
And a lot of people want to have Stockholm syndrome, mass Stockholm syndrome, and rearrange deck chairs of the Titanic and pretend all this is okay.
This is not okay.
So here's some of the headlines.
Putin wins fifth term as Russian president with 87% of the vote.
And mainline analysts, you heard Farid tell the truth.
Putin is that popular.
He didn't have to steal the election.
People of the power in Russia, says Putin.
Next I want to read his speech.
US is not a democracy, Putin.
US looks to interfere in Russian elections, ex-CIA officer.
Russian forces liberate another settlement in Ukraine.
Germany's running out of money and debt levels are exploding, warns the German finance minister.
That's the point.
Then we've got what's happening in Israel and Palestine and how that all ties together.
We're not at war with Russia, Shultz tells Macron.
Olaf Shultz.
NATO says fighter jets can carry nuclear weapons as tensions with Russia reach breaking point.
Yeah, when you load the hydrogen bombs on the jets, instead of an ICBM or a launch from a submarine, so it's five, ten minutes, now it's two minutes.
One minute.
Run on the border, takes off, goes up to Mach 2, drops the bomb, goes straight up, gets out of there.
Massive escalation.
Former UK spy chief, we're at war with Russia.
France mulled boots on the ground in Ukraine for months.
Russia claims it's killed 6,000 foreign fighters in Ukraine, including 491 Americans.
Yep, that's true.
Germany prepares to bring back the draft.
Catastrophic report describes lack of weapons, ammo, and a rapidly aging armed forces.
You got a bunch of technocrats that think they're saving their bunkers, marching us towards nuclear war.
It needs to stop.
All right, I'm going to shift gears into all the other political news, what's happening to Trump, and also this big study where you want to hear what people think of white people, what the media has done.
This is some powerful information next hour.
We're going to go to break here.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones!
Every farmer is warning us from every field on God's green earth.
A reckoning is imminent.
The four horsemen of the apocalypse are galloping on the horizon.
Last year in the United States, we lost over 500,000 farms.
We lost over 125 million acres of farmland.
There's never been a time that the local rancher or producer needs your help.
Buy American, buy local.
Microsoft founder Bill Gates is the largest private owner of American farmland.
Gates alone holds over 275,000 acres across 19 states.
Two giant companies controlled by foreign governments to come in and acquire.
One of them is controlled by the Chinese and they bought Smithfield out of North Carolina and the other one was a Brazilian company that came in and bought up one of the other major players.
Why would we want to have an antagonist?
On 25% of our meat processing.
It makes no sense at all.
Convoys of hundreds of tractors and trucks have slowed or blocked the traffic on major roads, leading to major cities in the last three weeks.
And many of the protesting farmers in France have also stopped, after the government there offered a series of financial concessions.
And they've also blocked numerous border crossings with the Netherlands.
In Portugal, farmers have partly blocked a key bridge on a main road into Lisbon.
In the Netherlands, it was about fertilizer.
In Germany, it's about the so-called diesel privilege.
In France, it's about restrictions on the use of pesticides.
The CIA media and its satellite propagandists are covering up a global revolution that is far worse than any war.
Engineered global starvation in order to rein in the GMO agricultural control of the United Nations Agenda 2030 and the Great Reset.
Climate transition is a key priority for our societies.
We need to make sure that our farmers can be a partner in this.
With our new Climate and Nature Plan, we focus on the following three things.
First, the green transition.
Second, the growing physical impact of climate change.
And third, the risks from nature loss and degradation.
Our peaceful and united Europe
Is being challenged like never before by populists, by nationalists.
We hear the propaganda that increases of the gas of life, a trace gas in the atmosphere, will bring a disaster and that we will have runaway global warming.
Sorry folks, we've known for 200 years from chemistry
But it's the exact inverse.
In America, Soros ponds are now making it a priority to wage lawfare on the average farmer, while a backdoor elimination of fertilizer, livestock, and farms by any means necessary is well underway.
You know, climate change is a bit abstract.
Some people understand it really well, some understand it a bit, some just don't understand it.
Every kid knows how important it is to have water.
When you're playing football and you're thirsty, you need water.
Four billion of us depend on nitrogen fertilizer, which they now say is bad because it's a greenhouse gas or whatever.
And in particular what the net zero movement does is it ignores the benefits of fossil fuels and it exaggerates the negative side effects.
That's the key thing that's going wrong.
Fossil fuels are crucial to the availability of food for 8 billion people in two ways.
So anyone want to suggest what are the ways in which fossil fuels are crucial to food?
So that's one.
So modern fertilizer is derived from natural gas.
We cannot feed 8 billion people without plentiful fertilizer.
Before natural gas, we were trying to use bat guano.
That was our best fertilizer.
Bat guano didn't scale very well to 8 billion people.
So, you know, natural gas is crucial.
There's nothing close to natural gas in terms of fertilizer.
Meanwhile, a tsunami of illegals is slowly reintroducing screw worms and hoof-and-mouth disease to American livestock our ancestors tenaciously battled with and eliminated from the U.S.
Our nation is running out of time.
No one wins in a war against the farmer.
Everybody starves and everybody dies.
John Bowne reporting for InfoWars.
The Farm Wars at Bandot Video.
It's also on Real Alex Jones on X. We'll be right back in 60 seconds.
Please stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
Alright, coming up in the next few days, because I want to do more research on it because it's so big.
The British government, with their top universities and government institutions, has put out a report called Absolute Zero.
Where they don't want to just have net zero increase in carbon, or lower it to a previous state.
They want to get rid of all carbon, which humans are.
And I was going over this report today, and it's so big, literally and figuratively, that I want to make a big deal about this.
But I also don't care if other people, like Tucker Carlson or anybody else goes and does it first.
I just want to get this information out.
It's so nightmarish.
That it's just hard to describe what they're doing.
Other than total feudalism, the end of civilization as we know it.
And speaking of the end of civilization as we know it.
Guys, pull up a satellite photo of the island of Hispaniola.
It hasn't been called that for a couple hundred years since the French split it with the Spanish.
But it's the island where on the west you have Haiti and on the east you have the nation, yeah, the Dominican Republic.
And if you look on a satellite, Dominican Republic's all green.
The East and everything's rock basically, almost no trees, deforested in Haiti.
So the Spanish and African slaves to grow different crops like sugarcane 500 years ago.
And the Dominican Republic has not been historically big in the slavery department, so they didn't have all the African slaves there.
And now Haiti, after the earthquake, it had big problems before.
It was a failed state.
I would never even say it's really been a country.
It's always been a road warrior.
It's always been collapsed.
But now it's entered
Cannibalism and an absolute negative civilizational capacity.
And so we have all the B-roll of machete-wielding gangs that run the country and people eating body parts.
Viewer discretion advised.
The cannibal cult thinks they get power from eating men's testicles and penises.
That is obviously viral.
Viral clips of that.
So whoever has the guns, meaning the gangs and the government they work with, the government uses gangs as their cutout, have control.
And so now over a million Haitians are set to come here to the United States.
And this is a microcosm of where the rest of the world's going
Under civilizational collapse.
And then after the earthquake and the Clintons looting it, now after years of lockdown and no industry or no tourism, you see the massive influx of Haitians that are really refugees fleeing into the West.
Now why is this so important?
Because this is the model for the rest of the world.
This is societal collapse.
Machete-wielding militias battle gangs in Port-au-Prince as elites vie for power, so-called elites, CNN.
Wonder how those elites feel being the bosses ruling over a hellhole, which again is what's happening in the rest of the world at a slower pace.
Dozens of U.S.
citizens evacuated Haiti for the first State Department charter flight.
Inside Haiti, a lucky few escape while millions face gang-rural hunger and chaos.
And then here's another one.
Why gangs hold so much power in Haiti?
And CNN gives its twisted reason.
When society collapses, it's then groups of military-age men running around feeding on the rest of the population.
And in most societies, then order gets finally re-established once that collapses.
But instead, Haiti just is a slow burn, always continuing to sink deeper into the morass.
So Florida braces for Haitian migrant influx.
Governor Ron DeSantis deploys military personnel.
They need to be told they're going to be deported.
But Biden has said that that's not what's going to happen.
They're going to be kept here.
Look at all the piles of garbage in this photograph.
And that's what New York City looks like now.
That's what some of the other areas look like.
So the globalists have collapsed the third world.
They're using it as a weapon now to collapse into the West and bring us down.
Very, very dangerous.
Very, very sad.
Now I want to talk about some hope and then I'm going to get back into the globalist war game against civilization and society.
The Portuguese continue European trend of veering right ahead of EU elections.
Portugal's recent elections reveal a significant response to the EU's Green Deal, with environmental parties failing to secure seats in Parliament, a trend echoed across Europe, and signaling a broader political shift, while Polish conservatives also surge.
In Portugal, the election results led to a
Several conclusions.
First, they demonstrated how the Europeans are rejecting and reacting to the EU's Enforce Green Deal.
Two environmental parties did not even make it into the Parliament, which aligns with the disastrous polls for the Greens across Europe.
The Greens are just a globalist party of cutting off energy.
One of the Portuguese eco-parties, in a bid for survival at all costs, formed an alliance with the communists, who had been strong in the country for many years after the Salazar era.
It turns out that the Portuguese do not want the left in government, nor the radical left in parliament, absolutely.
And additionally, it is evident that the socialists are in retreat, as is also the case in many other European countries.
The center right to govern it must have the support of the right-wing Chegg party, which quadrupled its numbers of parliamentary seats.
So whether you're in Latin America or whether you are in Europe or whether you're in areas of Asia that allow voting,
There is a massive shift towards not cutting off the resources and plunging society into a death spiral.
Unfortunately, the dominoes that were knocked over with the COVID lockdowns that extended for years in the third world is irreversible and is causing a massive stampede into Western countries.
So it's kind of the case of a dollar short
And a day later, a day late and a dollar short.
But that's what's happening right now.
Now I want to get into something that I mentioned at the start of the broadcast today.
And I've seen similar polls, you see the numbers, you see the corporate media.
You ask yourself, why is every major corporation out there
Saying that white people are inherently evil because they're white.
Well, you brand white people as the devil, and then you connect it to the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, private property, due process, the right to own guns, the right to contract, and then you get rid of that last dam, or that last road bump, that last speed hump, that last impediment to corporate, Black Rock, New World Order rule.
So this morning,
And I meant to repost this on my ex-account, Real Alex Jones, I didn't, so one of you guys that has access to my ex-account, please post this and just say, very important information to understand the future, or very important information to understand why the globalists are pushing an anti-white agenda.
So the minute I saw this on my phone,
My eyes are still pretty good, but I couldn't read it on the phone.
As soon as I saw radical groups raiding each other, or racial groups raiding each other, I thought, oh, I know what I'm going to see, because I couldn't read white respondents like we can now because it's blown up.
But I said, but I could see the dots, and I said, I bet that'll be white people.
So I clicked on it, and I magnified it.
And I printed it, as you see right here.
And sure enough, what I instantly thought it would be, it was true.
This is the American National Election Studies, time series study, post-election data.
So this is a major study on asking white, black, Asian, and Hispanic respondents
Their view of other racial groups.
Now, for radio listeners, I'll narrate this, because you can't see it, but again, I'll post it on our Alex Jones right now, so let's see it there.
Notice white respondents, because they don't want to be seen as racist or bad, because they're being taught they're the bad people, they're being taught to never make a decision, never discriminate on food, or on energy, or on policies, because
The West is seen as white, and we'll discredit the idea of the West.
The whites all voted the same on their view of white people, black people, Hispanics and Asians.
Almost identical numbers, and I've got the breakdowns here.
Because, okay, how do you answer this question?
Oh, everybody's the same, I don't see anybody who's different.
Now what the globalists want,
is to get whites to vote like everybody else did and see themselves as the devil.
That's what they want.
So, and notice, whites did rate themselves as the worst group.
So whites are learning well to hate themselves and have self-loathing.
So whites did
Rate themselves as the bad people, but only by 10 percentage points.
Now, blacks saw themselves as the best.
Hispanics saw themselves as the best.
And Asians, when stacked up against whites, found themselves the best as well, but not by a large margin.
Now let's look at black respondents.
Well, white people are the absolute worst, and this is not all black people, but it's almost the majority.
This is the brainwashing.
White people are the worst thing on earth.
Black people are the best.
They're almost perfect.
Blacks saw Hispanics as super bad, but not as bad as
The devil over here, the white devil.
I see the numbers, black respondents.
So whites is good and so.
Now let's look over here.
Hispanic respondents.
The point is, is that all of this brainwashing is doing nothing but creating division and it's not coming from the white people or the black people or the brown people or the Asian people.
They're just trying to have jobs and raise their families and live their lives.
But it is the establishment and the power structure that is doing all of this.
And they're doing it over and over and over and over again.
And I know everybody knows this, but we have to let this really, really sink in.
And just ask ourselves, why would a power structure do something like this?
Well, because they're cold-blooded and big corporations want to control society.
I mean, do you think black people came up with Advil commercials on TV, but also Advil in caps at stores where it says black people feel more pain than everyone else?
Buy Advil and save the black people.
That's just the establishment trying to wrap themselves in a black skin.
And it's very, very sad.
And I'm going to look at these numbers more.
Really try to give you my take on what they mean, because it's all very, very confusing.
But at the end of the day, society and civilization is on the cusp of irrevocable collapse.
And I almost feel like I'm up here rearranging chairs on the Titanic.
I think I don't almost feel like that.
I really do.
I don't want to just sit up here and commentate on the destruction of civilization.
I want to try to stop this and try to do something.
Because there's this bandwagon effect where people that call themselves liberals support any war, open borders, surveillance, censorship, tyranny.
And you look at them and you know they're going against their own interest, but they're doing it because they are pretending that they're part of the power structure.
When they're not.
So I have hundreds of articles here.
I have all the different horrible stuff they're doing and at a certain point it's just like,
Why would you come up with something this oppressive?
Why would you do something like this to turn people against each other?
And it's because the globalists know that evil works.
At least it works in the first step, or maybe the second step.
Ten-year-old kids denied drinking water in class because of three Muslims observing Ramadan.
See, it's not tolerance, folks.
It's that you must submit.
24 children were told they cannot drink water at a school in Germany because three other students in the class were Muslims observing Ramadan, according to a report.
The 10-year-old kids in Frankfurt, Germany, were all denied drinking water due to the tiny minority fasting for the Islamic holy month.
German outlet NIUS notes that the fifth grades informed their parents after two teachers at the school made the decision.
One parent commented, at dinner we always talk about how the day was.
I asked my daughter what was going on at school, what was new at school.
She then told us the two teachers had forbidden the students from drinking in class because three of the 27 were fasting.
The schools are told to do this, folks.
They don't just come up with this.
It's all about how do we persecute people?
How do we take things away from people?
Because if you're destroying somebody's country and getting rid of their culture, you need to cow them.
You need to dominate them.
You need to, in an imperious fashion, absolutely push them down in the mud so they never think about standing up again.
You have to get them to do ridiculous things as an act of submission.
And that's all this process is.
And I just wish people would stop submitting and stop bowing down.
Because the globalists on the left have an alliance with Islam.
At the same time they kill them, the same time they attack them, they use them as a political tool.
I've got articles here where Joe Biden has announced a plan to ban
Two-thirds of gasoline cars by 2032.
And of course, there's not enough parts for the electric cars.
There's not enough ingredients for the electric cars.
There's not enough lithium.
Because this is not a bridge to the future.
This is a bridge to collapse.
This is what the absolute zero
It's all about.
And that's why I'm going to prepare a presentation in the very near future on this information.
Now, we're going to go to break here in a few minutes.
And I think it's important to look at the martial law that's incrementally being crept up and set up all around us.
And I think it's very important to look at the wider world and
The fact that you've got a bunch of disconnected globalists that believe they're about to be gods, and who've stolen control of the central banks, and who control the money, who are giving orders to everyone to carry out all these different operations, and they're not looking at the end game of what it creates.
You're not going to depopulate 90 plus percent of the public and not have giant wars that end up destroying everything.
It's not going to happen.
It's that simple.
And you're not going to be able to execute all of this and not create chain reactions that are guaranteed to create a hell on earth.
And anyone who has any geopolitical or historical understanding knows that.
And understands that.
So then you have to ask, why are they doing that?
Because they're not just going to destroy us, they're going to destroy themselves.
So this isn't just nihilism, where I don't care about myself, who cares if the world ends.
They're working to destroy the world.
And if you look at the European Union leaders, none of them have children except a few of the Eastern European leaders.
How do you have a group of people that don't have children?
Because they know they've made a deal with the devil.
And that's why they run headlines everywhere about, oh, the end of humanity and the end of humans and looking for the end of humans.
All of this is being done by design.
That's really the big takeaway.
I could sit here and cover articles for you all day and talk about factoids and prove my points, but you don't need it to be proved anymore.
You see the world government and the social credit score and the pedophilia and all the Satanism out in the open.
The mark of the beast.
And we sit here and we pretend like we're not going over the edge into hell.
And it would be so easy to just wake up and rediscover God, rediscover the truth, and reject these people.
But we have crazy psychotics at the helm, and that's what's happening.
It's that simple.
All right, we'll come back with some really important news straight ahead.
And then Owen Shorter's coming up today at 3 p.m.
Central with The War Room.
Don't forget, weekday mornings, 11 a.m.
Harrison Smith with
Show he does, American Journal.
All right, stay with us.
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I don't know.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
New York City are deploying the National Guard, effectively militarizing their streets and especially their subways.
So is this about citizen safety?
Or is it, as Alex Jones warns, the piloting of martial law?
Hello there, you Awakening Wanderers!
Thanks for joining us on this voyage through truth and freedom.
By clicking the link in the description, you can support our movement, get additional content each week, like this week's Displacement Theory video, as well as joining us live for our conversations with important thinkers, journalists, and politicians, and help our movement to grow in the face of incredible opposition from globalist forces.
And these globalist forces are no doubt on the rise.
You will be aware now that New York City, that most liberal of metropolises, has militarised its law forces by putting the National Guard on the subway.
Now, New York City is no doubt in a time of crisis, evidently and apparently connected to the issue of migration.
But is this sudden appearance of military personnel on the New York subways really about protecting the citizenry, or is it more insidious than that?
Are we beginning to experience the piloting and grooming of a population to get us ready for militarized streets?
For many years now, we've seen anti-protest laws, militarization of the police, police cars that used to be like, Neenah, Neenah!
Scalextrics, Dukes of Hazzard, good old-fashioned fun, have become like tanks now.
Why has that happened?
When did that become necessary?
Is it necessary in your neighborhood?
And if rising crime is a problem in your neighborhood,
What exactly is causing it?
Do you trust the people that have the power behind the barrel of the gun or not?
Let's have a look at Alex Jones's perspective.
You'll be well aware that Alex Jones's perspective will be around centralised authoritarianism, global conspiracies and piloting.
But having just lived through the last five years,
It does seem that we have been subject, whether it was some of the events around the pandemic or recent censorship laws across the world, to the piloting of ideas in certain territories in order to normalise them.
I'm talking about the freezing of bank balances, closing down of people's social media, using government proxies to censor, dissenting voices, lockdowns, internment camps, arresting people for things they've said on the internet, imprisoning people for things they've said on the internet.
So while the time that we're talking about Donald Trump and how bad he is for democracy, is democracy, even under the auspices of actual Democrat rule, becoming more and more authoritarian?
Let's start with Alex Jones, then we'll get into what we think is happening together.
Tonight, a new approach to keep subway riders safe.
Guns aiming at your face.
The new way.
Threatening to kill you if you step out alive.
The army.
Look how compliant the news always is.
Look, don't say that this is terrifying.
Don't start saying the military are on the subway now.
That's a clear indication that whatever your political perspective, things have gone terribly wrong.
Say instead, new way to keep you safe.
New way to help you go to sleep at night.
A firm punch right in the jaw.
Bag checks and beefed up security with members of the National Guard.
Beefed up?
Like it's nutritious?
It's like a bone broth made out of a gun pointed at you by the state.
As CBS 2's Naveen Dhaliwal reports, the plan comes on the same day as another attack on a conductor.
Night, night!
So, you know, attacks on conductors, gotta bring in the army, so... With riders on edge, the governor is putting a plan in place that includes cameras in conductor cabs and more cops on the platforms.
At Grand Central Terminal Wednesday evening, bag checks were underway.
It seems to me that in order to protect the legitimizing, raising authority,
Indeed, there's such a sort of raging debate in your country about guns and gun ownership and gun laws.
And all it seems to amount to, really, is not whether or not there are guns, but who's allowed to have them.
And we now know that the state doesn't want to discuss their guns.
What about the dangers and threats of those guns?
What about the many people that are killed in friendly fires, in wars?
Perhaps all we're talking about in politics is who has the right to kill.
As tackling subway safety is now at the top of the list for city and state officials, these brazen, heinous attacks
On our subway system.
On our democracy.
By me.
No, sorry, I mean on our subway.
By someone who's not me.
Have gotta be met by.
Everyone's got guns now that works for me.
You don't work for me?
No guns.
You work for me?
Will not be tolerated.
This was a stern message from the governor.
It is a stern message.
It's a stern, very aggressive message.
It's an authoritarian message.
It's not stern, it's authoritarian.
It will not be tolerated.
I don't care about your past.
I don't care about your social conditions.
I don't care about your mental health.
I don't care if there's been a fentanyl crisis.
I don't care if America's breaking down.
I don't care if you're delirious with doubt and you can't feel God in your heart anymore because you're surrounded by lies and treachery.
All I care about is do as you are told or we'll kill you.
I mean that what is the message?
After several attacks in the transit system in the past week, these attacks prompting the governor to deploy a thousand members of the National Guard.
Look, that's the news doing the job of propaganda.
These attacks prompting the governor.
I don't know.
I bet if you had the time to look at the data, you'd go, how many attacks are there each year since 1970 in New York on staff members?
And then you'd have to look at a variety of factors.
Poverty, inequality of wealth, mental illness, government support.
There's so many vital components.
When the solution is always, we're going to take some more power because of this, there's a really nasty cuff going around.
In conclusion, we're gonna take a lot more power.
There's a really nasty Putin going around.
So in conclusion, we're gonna take a lot more power.
There's some really nasty truckers going around.
So in conclusion, we're gonna take a lot more power.
Is the answer always gonna be, you're gonna take a lot more power?
There's a lot of people saying on the internet that we're taking too much power.
So we're gonna be taking a lot more power and censoring those people.
Hmm, okay, and the threat is Donald Trump, how?
And police to subway systems across New York City.
What they're doing, checking bags to make sure explosive or illegal weapons aren't entering our subway system.
I think it's rather offensive to all of us as human beings that Eric Adams, being a person of color,
I'm getting rather tired of the idea that equality and fairness means
Highlighting programs of representation in order to mask increasing authoritarianism.
I agree with equality and particularly when it comes to matters around gender and sex but above all wealth and power.
City officials say each week NYPD bag screening teams will be at 136 stations.
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Okay, let's get back to the story.
That's about a third of the stations in the system.
New York City's Civil Liberties Union calling it heavy-handed.
But heavy-handed really means like, oh no boss, there's another person was wrote to a bus conductor.
That heavy-handed means that you're not even actually in control of the weight of your power.
And isn't that the perfect description of how globalist, elitist power masquerading as American patriotic power, whether it's in foreign wars or on the most beautiful city in America, some would argue, New York City, and the imposition of authority, all in order, as usual, to help people.
Like stop and frisk, ripping a page straight out of a Giuliani playbook,
We had to, really, because the pages were stuck together.
I'd like to take a note, every time a demon of the liberal elites have their ideas borrowed and utilized by those same liberal elites, Donald Trump is the worst thing that could ever happen!
That's why that wall he's building, that we mocked him for, is still being...
That's why those cages that we condemned him for are still there and were in fact actually put there by Barack Obama.
Giuliani, that pervert, lunatic, maniac, son of a bitch, actually had some pretty good ideas when it came to protecting train conductors, which is now something we care about now that we can have armed military on the ship.
I didn't used to care about Giuliani when he was just being in Borat, but now these ideas can really be used to control ordinary people.
I like that guy!
In addition to the bag checks, the governor's plan includes amending state law to ban repeat offenders.
Every single one of these bullet points will amount to more power for the state, a greater ability to arrest and control.
Installing cameras in each conductor's cabin.
Mental health, Adriana, you get the idea, mental health.
You know, we'll put something on Instagram.
There'll be a hashtag.
Everyone's gonna feel a whole lot better.
And if they don't... Now, a perspective from the other side of the aisle.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Now, a perspective from the other side of the aisle, let's put it mildly, Alex Jones.
Alex Jones has been a guest on our show, and Alex Jones will be a guest on our show again.
As you know, I consider Alex Jones to be a kind of shamanic force in politics.
Of course, he occasionally says things that are pretty crazy.
Hey, who doesn't?
But when it comes to the issue of piloting authoritarian measures, and perhaps even martial law, Alex Jones is a voice that's perhaps important.
Let's have a look at what he's saying on this subject.
When I was cutting my teeth 29 years ago, on air,
Bill Clinton had just been in office for a year or so and it was confirmed, the military was warning, it was coming out, they were leaking classified documents that now are all basically admitted and have been publicly rolled out against the public to
Incrementally bring in martial law.
So they went from this being secret under Clinton, and then with Bush, yeah, it's mainly for Al Qaeda, but it's also for domestic groups.
And then you're asking, well, what's this really all about?
And then you start to realize it's part of a long-term process of just getting the military, the police, the public ready for this.
So, here's what's happening.
We're not going to have UN troops one day, or Russian troops like Red Dawn, and you're in Colorado and all of a sudden parachutes come down and you've got Russian troops shooting at you.
It'll be our own troops, but they'll be made up of people that have been tested for decades, going through the training, going along with attacking their own people.
And now the troops are being deployed and searching everyone's bags.
Like, how can you not be affected by that image?
That's armed military personnel on the subway being normalized.
I am quite sympathetic to this perspective, given what I've witnessed and experienced in the last few years.
And indeed, Jones is showing he's working out an incremental increase in these tactics and techniques over several administrations.
Isn't that indeed the domestic heart of what globalism means?
That regardless of who you vote for, you've got deep state interests that have an agenda that's
We're good.
are now deployed.
Once you've seen armed military personnel conducting bag checks on a subway in New York City, when there isn't a war happening, or anything remotely like it, domestically across America, then you have to acknowledge that that is something that is significant.
And quite a lot of power and time and propaganda has to be invested in saying that someone like Alex Jones is hysteric, and due to his, let's call it his presentational style, he does make that kind of analysis, in some circles, quite credible.
But let's not forget
What we're looking at, we're looking at armed troops on the subway in New York.
There's not been a terror attack.
There's not been a terror attack.
We're not in the middle of COVID.
It's just being normalized.
Without a warrant, all these decades of preparation for martial law, and that's what this is, is here.
It is interesting.
Bags being searched without a warrant by troops is a pretty significant step to normalise, particularly in a city like New York.
Often when I talk about piloting, I mean Australia, internment camps, trucker protests, and the evocation of the Emergencies Act in Canada, the freezing of bank accounts in Canada and Ukraine.
New York City, that's a bold move.
But I suppose the fact is, is broadly, compliance has become allied to opposition to Trump.
That's what it means.
Like, if you are opposed to liberal democracy, and liberal democracy now means war in Gaza, it means war against Russia, it means being compliant when it comes to medical suggestions that come from the state.
All ideas that, in the 60s, when the heroes were people like Malcolm X,
Like you wouldn't have thought.
One thing you want to be is obedient.
When Pfizer says jump, you say how high and oh I'm not sure I'll be able to because my heart hurts.
Now authoritarianism has become somehow allied to liberalism and the idea that military force and military intelligence is turned against the domestic population has become normalized.
We know from personal experience now that
Agencies, deep state agencies and proxies funded by the state that were used as intelligence assets to oppose terrorists, as they were then called, perhaps understandably, in various Middle Eastern wars and subsequent disputes, are now deployed against domestic populations.
That's a fact in your country, in mine, across the world.
So, in essence, what we're witnessing is we, the domestic population of these nations, are regarded as the enemy.
And that doesn't take brilliant analysis, actually, because just watch the Oscars.
You know, Trump, he's in there.
That's 50% of the population.
That's 50% of the population, and that includes black people, Hispanics, significant numbers of women.
It's not just, oh, mega, you know, it's not that.
It isn't that.
And by the way, you're allowed to be that if that's what you are.
All of you have the right to be who you are.
But they have to create the climate first for martial law and civil emergency to sell us on it, the angrier world that Klaus Schwab talks about.
Yeah, it's an important point that the occupying force are there as protectors and actually that's not a new idea.
The English or British occupation of Northern Ireland begins as we're here to protect, I think initially, forgive me, Catholics in Northern Ireland.
It just became normalised and I know there's a long and complex history between our two separate
But often the introduction of the military is portrayed as for safety and security and protection.
I think that probably happens in the Balkan Wars, Middle Eastern campaigns.
Peacekeeping force, actually.
If that piece of language was introduced when I was a little older and a little better educated, I'd have gone, peacekeeping force?
That doesn't seem like the way you get peace.
I say the whole world must learn of our peaceful ways by force.
This is not a right-wing piece of writing, by the way.
In this journalism, Donald Trump is criticised for his attempts to deploy the National Guard during the uprisings that came from George Floyd's murder.
So, this is not apolitical, this is political, but it's political from the side that you would not have expected.
That, for me, increases its validity and is precisely the type of discourse that we must engage in.
If you find yourself either side of that line, you're being controlled.
The mobilization of 2,000 city and state police and National Guard troops in New York City on the pretext of fighting crime in the vast subway system is a demonstration of the reactionary character of the Democratic Party.
Last month, New York City's Democratic Mayor Eric Adams announced he would deploy 1,000 New York Police Department cops in the subway system after a law and order campaign by the city's tabloids.
Sensationalizing a handful of violent attacks against subway riders and transit workers, which, knowing what I know now about how the media operates, were possibly written in conjunction with the people that introduced this law.
It would be, hey, we got these stories, we got these stories, we'll give you access to this story, we'll give you this interview, we'll give you this access, we'll give you this tax break, we'll give you this... We now know that that's...
The relationship between the media and the state.
Do you think that the X-Files was the first time deep state were embedded within a media organization?
Let me know in the chat.
On Wednesday, New York Governor Kathy Hochul, also a Democrat, announced she was redeploying 750 National Guard troops already in New York City, as well as 250 state troopers and police of the Metropolitan Transport Authority, MTA, the state agency that runs the subways to increase the number of uniformed personnel patrolling subway stations and riding trains.
I remember when I was a kid, I used to hear people talk about
You know, you want to see more bobbies, that's the word in our country, bobbies on the street.
But the image there is a sort of a member of the police force on a bicycle.
And again, this might just be where I am in my own personal evolution.
It seems like a rather pleasant idea, a member of the police force, again that word, that is working for the community.
But now, just think about how you think.
It feels to you, as a person, when you're on the subway, and you see people with machine guns, do you feel, do you feel inside yourself, that's good, that's good that that's happening, I feel more safe.
Now I don't know what else might make you feel unsafe, I don't know who you are, or where you're from, or how you've been coached and trained, maybe a group of young people with their hoods up makes you feel bad, maybe a group of drunk...
Men in suits makes you feel bad.
Maybe people wearing religious attire of some denomination makes you feel bad.
But one thing I can say with some certainty is granting further and further authority to a group invested in war and control will not be good for any of us, regardless of our outward accoutrements.
The troops are currently operating out of Fort Hamilton in Brooklyn as part of Joint Task Force Empire Shield.
I mean, that's not good, is it?
Join Tarsus Empire Shield.
I mean, they're telling you what they're up to.
What are you doing?
We're shielding the Empire!
And what if I don't agree with the Empire?
Well, I mean, I could put it in a number of ways, but how about, well, I don't know...
Okay, so that event increased authority, increased spying, increased surveillance, increased war, and we all agreed it was a good thing to do, didn't we?
Except for the millions of people who marched against that war against Iraq, which, by the way, happened anyway, of course.
We all agreed that it was necessary because we were under threat.
So what's happening now?
We are under threat, right?
From MAGA Trump on one side, or immigrants on the other side, so we'd better get the
Military on the streets.
They regularly patrol in the Grand Central Station, the Port Authority and a few other transportation hubs wearing camouflage uniforms and equipped with automatic rifles, but not engaging with the population.
Now the soldiers will take on the role of supplement in the NYPD, helping with random searches of bags and backpacks and other police activity.
They will also move deeper into the subway system
Appearing at more of its 470 stations and riding trains like this is not CBGB's, New York Dolls, Ramones, Bowie, Warhol, Blondie, New York City.
Let's get on it.
Yeah, we're free.
If I lived in New York right now, I'd be, I'd be frightened.
I've lived in New York before.
If I lived in New York and they militarized the underground, I'd think it's time to get out.
And we'll be seeing this on
I predict, and actually Alex Jones has predicted already, with a good degree more experience and research than we're able to deploy, that we're going to be seeing this more often.
And the good thing about it is we'll know, won't we?
Because they won't just suddenly do it and say it's to pick up sweet wrappers, although God, you know, maybe they do that in Singapore.
They will say it's to protect you.
So watch out for that.
Now you know what to watch out for.
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...will introduce a bill to bar anyone convicted of a crime of violence on the subways from using the transit system for three years, effectively barring them from living and working in the city, where only the wealthy and upper middle class can go about their daily lives without riding the subway.
Again, this is like hate law stuff, isn't it?
Well, you can't blame us.
If someone's committed a violent crime in a subway, then it's sensible to ban them.
If you commit a crime against one of our workers, one of our personnel, we have a duty to protect them, and we cannot let you ride the subway.
Except, what if they didn't?
And what was the provocation?
And under whose authority?
And who trusts the judiciary now anyway?
And who trusts the military?
And who trusts the police force?
Even the military don't trust the military.
They're setting themselves on fire.
They're living on the brink of poverty while still serving.
There are 40,000 of them homeless right now.
If I see someone in a military uniform, I don't know whether I let them check my bag or flip them a buck.
The terms hate and terror are being more widely used.
To appropriately categorise groups in ways that means that they can be penalised, controlled, criminalised or shut down.
You've all seen videos of like mentally ill kids being dragged out by the police for saying something off-key in public.
You know, wasn't that a long ago?
Oh, Tourette's, they've got Tourette's, oh yeah.
They're using this authority in whatever way is convenient.
A terrorist now, and for some time has been, someone that the centralised authority has a problem with.
An individual or group whose intentions are adversarial to the state.
Now, the problem is, all of our intentions ought be adversarial to the state, because the state facilitates globalist corporatism.
Primarily, domestic order, in order to continue to facilitate that, secondarily, and
Other than that, it's like, I don't know, putting on things like the Oscars.
I don't know what the other role is.
January 6th, protest as a terrorist.
Because, you know, that was terrible.
That was an insurrection.
And pro-Palestine, protest as a terrorist.
Well, good!
Because, you know, those people, they're not like us.
Oh, so, are you not noticing the crucial fact that wherever you might feel, on the political spectrum our culture offers us, you can be regarded as a terrorist if you're a nuisance?
Statistics collected in recent years show that the campaign to whip up fears of violence on the subways has no basis in fact.
Ah, good, right.
I mentioned earlier that there'd probably be information available on the amount of attacks that take place.
Here's some information.
So, get ready.
NYPD figures showed a 2.6% decrease in subway crime in 2023 compared to 2022.
Although there was a jump in January 2024 compared to the same month last year.
Probably because they registered statistics differently, because they knew they were about to introduce these laws, a cynic might assert, in conjunction with a spate of stories released in high-profile and compliant media outlets.
Hey, let me know in the chat if you agree.
According to a separate analysis by the MTA and the New York Times, oh right, yeah, that vast template of opinion, the New York Times, violent crimes occur at an array of between one and two per million subway rides.
Get the army down here!
Once every million or two subway rides, there could be a crime!
Well, are there any areas in culture where there's continual crime?
Do you wanna sort that out?
There are.
But a few violent incidents, the knifing of a subway driver, the shooting of a passenger in Brooklyn, have been sensationalized by the media and capitalist politicians of both parties.
Hochul did not conceal the political motives behind her announcement of the troop redeployment.
I'm also going to demonstrate that Democrats fight crime as well, she told MSNBC on Thursday.
This narrative that Republicans have said and hijacked the story that we're soft on crime, that we defund the police.
Not only do we defund the police, we defund, and yet still use, the military on the subway!
There you go, get down there and search bags!
And when you've finished your tour, there's a sleeping bag for you!
Go sleep down there!
The New York Civil Liberties Union said, Instead, a sweeping surveillance state was being established.
One of the key episodes in Trump's preparation of his attempted political coup on January 6th, 2021, you can let me know whether or not you agree that that's what that was,
Of course he's threatened to invoke the Insurrection Act during the summer of 2020 and send the military into major American cities to suppress popular demonstrations against police violence sparked by the murder of George Floyd.
Now a Democratic governor is deploying troops in the largest American city on an equally bogus pretext.
Doesn't matter whether you are at a Black Lives Matter protest or a pro-Trump MAGA protest.
In the end, if you get in their way, you're a terrorist.
You have more in common with one another than you have in common with the media or political systems that are attempting continually to divide you.
It is impossible for the US ruling elite to carry out this policy democratically.
It requires a frontal assault on the democratic rights of the working class and the build-up of the repressive forces of the capitalist state.
So by the time that new measures are introduced that are unpopular, whether it's the increase of war or the increase of authoritarianism, the sight of the military on the streets and transport facilities of major metropolises will be normal.
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On March 6th, 2001, Alex Jones first predicted the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center.
You've got an element of the FBI and these war game scenarios where they can remote control a 747 and they're going to crash it into the World Trade Center.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit InfoWars.com forward slash show and share the link today.
Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of Look Into It.
This is his third appearance on Look Into It.
Please welcome the man, the myth, the legend, Alex Jones.
What's up, Alex?
I thought you were going to say Joe Rogan or Eddie Bravo, but all right.
Dude, so much shit has happened.
I mean, what?
So much.
Look, look, look out.
Look how they just threw the case out in Georgia.
The main racketeering.
The judge said it's a fraud.
You have no evidence.
You big, fat, evil George Soros witch.
That Fannie Willis literally flies in the courtroom on a damn broom.
So that's over?
It's totally over?
Well, they still got the sub-charges, but the main thing, the judge just killed the racketeering charge and three other charges on Trump.
So the racketeering was what ties it all together.
So yeah, now the judge just handed her a giant mess to embarrass her more because she lied and said she wasn't screwing that prosecutor for years.
And then, of course, anybody can buy the cell phone data.
They showed him shacking up with her, like, two years before, at her house, like, 25 times, and everywhere else.
Because, you know, just like Dinesh D'Souza, a few years ago, went and bought, in a few cities, it's very expensive, he just bought the cell phone data of all the mules going to these safe houses and then getting the ballots they went and put in the drop boxes.
And just like D'Souza got that, you or I, anybody, if you're willing to plop major cash down, can get the cell phone records of anybody.
So, she got up there and said, oh, I didn't start dating him until two years ago.
Well, they had her four years ago, shacked up at his house, him shacked up at her house, so she's gonna be lucky if she doesn't get indicted for perjury, that evil George Soros witch.
How about if a sex tape comes out of her and that dude?
That would be fucking crushing, right?
I'm sure, I'm sure of that, but I'm not into bestiality videos.
I mean, like, watching a man have sex with a whale is just disgusting.
That's hilarious.
Oh, man.
So, okay, so the Georgia case is falling the fuck apart.
What about the New York shit with, you know, Mar-a-Lago being worth $18 million?
That wasn't even a real case.
Just like in my cases, the judge found him guilty in default.
So, are all these trials just...
They know at the low level they got their corrupt judges and they can just do whatever the fuck they want.
Here's how it works.
Americans until now have not been a witness to any Bravo for 20 years or Alex Jones for 30.
Hell, when I met you 25 years ago, you were already awake.
So 25 years ago, you were probably awake before that.
The point is, they still think courts are somewhat fair.
Now they, all the polls show like 80% don't believe the courts.
Two years ago, 90% believed the courts.
So, there's still a lot of jurisdictions that are real and things, but Soros has got in.
Over 1,000 DAs, over 2,000 county attorneys.
He's got 21 of the state attorney generals like Leticia James in New York that brought the case against Trump on real estate.
And so what they do is they default you in civil trials and say you didn't appear or didn't respond.
You do.
Then the judge takes over.
They don't have a jury trial.
They have a
They have a judge trial.
In my case, they defaulted me and said I was guilty, but still had a jury trial as a show.
But the jury was there to decide how guilty I was, and the judge said he made $400 million off this.
I never made $10 off Sandy Hook.
And then they sit there and tell the jury, he's got all this money and you can't defend yourself.
People say, oh, your lawyers suck.
No, the judge gives them every day a big list of things they can't say and says, I'll sanction you and take your bar license if you speak up.
Both my lawyers still spoke up.
Both have been sanctioned by the court.
They're trying to take my lawyer in Connecticut's license away.
He's a famous criminal lawyer, Norm Pattis.
So, man, people are getting it.
People are like, wait, wait.
You're already guilty, but a jury's gonna decide how guilty?
Well, with Trump, they've just gotten rid of juries altogether in some of these cases.
Yeah, why are they so after Trump at this point?
If he's, like, if he's, um...
I appeared before the Congressional Committee, the highest representation of the American people, under a subpoena to tell what I knew of activities, which I believe might lead to an attempt to set up a fascist dictatorship.
Does America owe its edge in military technology to Nazi war criminals brought here after World War II?
The truth is that thousands of former Nazis, some of whom committed atrocities, went to work for the United States government.
Do you have any people paid by the CIA who are working for television networks?
This, I think, gets into the kind of, uh, getting into the details, Mr. Chairman, that I'd like to get into an executive session.
At CBS, uh, we, uh,
I had been contacted by the CIA, as a matter of fact, by the time I became the head of the whole News and Public Affairs operation in 1954.
Ships had been established and I was told about them and asked if I'd carry on with them.
We're really talking about intelligence at the highest levels of the U.S.
government, setting the broad direction for the nation.
Have you brought with you some of those devices which would have enabled the CIA to use this poison for
We have indeed, for killing people.
But also the toxin itself would not appear in the autopsy?
But when the President says that it is not illegal... If you've been anywhere near a television set or a radio these past few hours, you already know that John Lennon of the Beatles is dead.
He was shot late this evening in front of his apartment building in New York City.
Despite evidence that Noriega was involved in drug trafficking, Bush kept Noriega on the payroll.
We interrupt your regular programming to tell you of a plane crash in northeastern Minnesota, where we have just had confirmed a short while ago, eight people were killed on a small beach aircraft that was on its way to Evolith, Minnesota, including Senator Paul Wellstone of Minnesota.
And according to the senior staff in the Senator's office, not only the Senator, but his wife Sheila,
His daughter, three members of his staff, and the two pilots.
The CIA has been and is now completely out of control.
The accusation is that drugs are being sold by the Contras and that the CIA knew about it and didn't do anything.
Get him out!
Get him out!
Get him out!
On the ground.
An assassination attempt.
The President was hit, but pushed immediately into the limousine and rushed to the hospital.
William Colby has been missing since April 27th.
His canoe was found washed up on the banks of the Wicomico River, April 28th.
He's missing and presumed drowned.
The United States tonight declared in effect that Panama's General Manuel Noriega is a threat to this country's national security.
When George Bush became director of the CIA in 1976, he inherited Noriega as a contact.
When you read these outrageous charges by a drug-related, indicted dictator, discount them.
They are total lies.
In 1976, Flight 455, which took off from Venezuela bound for Cuba, suddenly exploded.
All 73 passengers and 5 crew members aboard died after the plane crashed near Barbados.
More of the terrorists were found to be Latin Americans contracted by the U.S.
One of the attack's masterminds, Posada Capriles, currently lives freely in Miami.
The enemies of humanity have been very good at dividing and conquering us.
But if we simply start thinking about things according to the definition of, is it pro-human versus anti-human, we start to win.
And that's why I had the idea for Team Humanity.
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What would you call the debates and discussions about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
And so, we have the t-shirt.
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We're told humans are the problem.
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Hey, let me start by saying you do a great show.
Thank you.
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When did you start taking it?
About four years ago I had high blood pressure and I was on blood pressure medicine.
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And when I took the X2 iodine, after about three or four weeks, I think my body was detoxified of a bunch of metals and stuff that my body was storing.
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And I tell people, the only thing I did was X2 iodine.
And even though I do think all your other products are good, I recommend to anybody that they start with X2 Iodine because it detoxifies your body and kind of kicks your natural DNA into full force.
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I tried other Iodines and they didn't have the same effect.
So, X2 Iodine, I really wanted to point that out.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones!
Literally, they're bringing in the foreign army.
But it won't happen overnight with you in blue helmets.
It's just they're now your police.
They've already purged the military.
They'll follow orders.
They bring them in.
This is very simple.
So Rome took 400 years of bringing in foreign troops to fall.
They didn't do it on purpose.
But the globalists look at 1984 as fiction, or they look at Rome and they go, which was historical, and they go, that is a blueprint.
That is an owner's manual.
That is a battle plan.
So that's what the Great Reset is.
It's accelerating the collapse of Western civilization.
You don't want in around to compete with the globalist model of eat the bugs and enslave and collapse.
So they're actively seeing prosperity and Christian nationalist freedom.
God forbid the rest of the world pick up
Western culture.
So you brand it as racist, you say it's bad, because it's like kryptonite, you know, to Superman, or holy water, and high noon to a vampire.
If people say, I want my second amendment, I want my new process, I want my capitalism, well then it's over for the Black Rocks, and the Googles, and the Facebooks.
So that's why they're fundamentally branding freedom as a white evil thing, because let's face it, Western civilization did develop
from Greece on this incredible thing that could uplift humanity so you discredit it by making it racial instead of selling it to the world and having everyone adopt it and creating unification not through centralization or enslavement but through adoption because it works so well and so the globalist tyrants are fundamentally threatened
I see this as the panic button being hit.
What science fiction writers like Yules Vernes, 140 years ago, wrote about?
Like rockets that take off, go to the moon, and come back and land again?
Elon Musk has done it.
Whatever we can envision, it's not like Oprah's Secret where it instantly happens, but with the potential of technology and society, and like Elon says, a big enough population.
You need billions to build infrastructure that can do anything.
And then once you realize the planet's tiny, and there's hundreds of billions of galaxies that are close, I mean, we can see, then you go, oh my god, we're like embryonic right now.
We're like a tadpole.
And we're not just like a frog, we're like a butterfly that turns into a spaceship that turns into a god, basically.
And so we're a tadpole right now.
We can do anything.
And they're trying to tell us, no, you're scum, you're ugly, you're racist, kill each other, because the globalists want to extract out of us
That essence of infinity that God's given us, that God essence.
We're not God, but we're little g's that the first book of the Bible tells us.
They want to extract that and use that for their life extension, their empowerment, their greedy control, instead of all of us sharing this incredible magic metamorphosis we're about to have.
And they're trying to block the birth pains of what we're about to become, but I can tell them, you're going to fail.
Four words, four little words that are hurting America's pandemic response.
What are they?
Do your own research!
Can we all stop saying, I need to do my own research?
Nobody who's saying that is getting in a lab and doing tests.
At best, you're reading other people's research.
And more likely, you're probably reading a tweet about a headline about a blog post about someone else's research.
That phrase, do your own research, is popping up a lot in conversations about coronavirus and about COVID vaccines.
But this go-it-alone approach, doing your own research, it seems so innocent, but it can have serious consequences.
In other words, CNN says, don't do your own research.
What are the roots of this phrase?
I feel like I used to hear it around QAnon craziness.
Well, today, the deer antler guy was sentenced to 41 months in prison for his role in the Capitol riots.
The same phrase through your research is being peddled by some people who do have ill intent, who want to push you down certain paths, who want to, either for profit reasons or for geopolitical reasons, want to make sure that you are reading certain information as opposed to listening to authoritative sources.
And you will respect my authority!
So what should be an actually smart idea, especially in the U.S.
with such a lack of funding and media literacy and all of these issues, it can really actually help make things worse.
Yeah, it's a sneaky little phrase.
Here's the four words that are helping to spread vaccine misinformation.
According to CNN, here they are.
Are you ready?
Do your own research.
Do your own research.
Do your own research.
It's a sneaky little phrase.
That's right, folks.
CNN here to tell you, don't look into these things for yourself.
Don't do your own research.
Don't question anything.
Just listen and obey.
He could have undermined the messaging so much that he can actually control exactly what people think.
And that is our job.
Once again, the media is clamoring to tell you to stop looking into stuff for yourself.
Do your own research.
Those four words are hurting the U.S.
pandemic response, CNN chief media correspondent Brian Stelter said on Reliable Sources Sunday.
Brian Stelter visits school kids to teach them to spot misinformation.
He's telling them don't even trust satire, don't trust anything but CNN.
Reducing a liar's reach is not the same as censoring freedom of speech.
It's CNN.
I'm watching the midterms, then you would think our country is Mad Max Thunderdome.
This guy is like, they're coming from Guatemala, they're coming from Mexico.
There's a liberal mob that's coming.
You bought a truck!
You bought a truck!
You're the president.
And you would think everybody in the country is just like, to the bunker.
Well, the Bill of Rights is a stumbling block on the way to shutting down speech that the left doesn't like, at least in government.
But there's a new avenue for those who would like to censor what you say and think, and that's corporations.
The left have wised up to this.
If you want to stop someone from telling the truth, use companies to do it.
The social media giants.
And they are.
For many on the left, the view seems to have become that if you can't beat them, prevent them from speaking.
So far the most prominent casualty of the crusade against free expression has been the radio show host Alex Jones.
There is a concerted effort by the Democratic Party and multinational corporations and big tech to silence conservative and nationalist and populist voices.
There's also guys on CNN that spend their whole day calling Facebook and saying, can you ban this person?
He may be America's best-known conspiracy theorist, but this week, Alex Jones' content will be a little harder to find.
Shame on the mainstream corporate media for not defending the First Amendment, but instead attack-dogging, calling for federal regulators to shut down independent, free press working with big tech.
People know what's true.
They can smell it.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
2001, Alex Jones first predicted the September 11th attack on the World Trade Center.
You've got an element of the FBI and these war game scenarios where they can remote control a 747 and they're going to crash it into the World Trade Center.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit InfoWars.com forward slash show and share the link today.
Hello everybody and welcome to another episode of Look Into It.
Tonight, this is his third appearance on Look Into It.
Please welcome the man, the myth, the legend, Alex Jones.
What's up Alex?
I thought you were going to say Joe Rogan or Eddie Bravo, but all right.
Dude, so much shit has happened.
Look how they just threw the case out in Georgia.
The main racketeering, the judge said, it's a fraud.
You have no evidence, you big, fat, evil George Soros witch.
That Fannie Willis literally flies into the courtroom on a damn broom.
So that's over?
It's totally over?
Well, they still got the sub-charges, but the main thing
The judge just killed the racketeering charge and three other charges on Trump, so the racketeering was what ties it all together.
So yeah, now the judge just handed her a giant mess to embarrass her more because she lied and said she wasn't screwing that prosecutor for years.
And then, of course, anybody can buy the cell phone data.
They showed him shacking up with her like two years before at her house like 25 times and everywhere else.
Because, you know, just like Dinesh D'Souza a few years ago,
He just went and bought, in a few cities it's very expensive, he just bought the cell phone data of all the mules going to these safe houses and then getting the ballots they went and put in the drop boxes.
And just like as soon as they got that, you or I, anybody, if you're willing to plop major cash down, can get the cell phone records of anybody.
So, she got up there and said, oh, I didn't start dating him until two years ago.
Well, they had her four years ago, shacked up at his house, him shacked up at her house, so she's gonna be lucky if she doesn't get indicted for perjury, that evil George Soros witch.
How about if a sex tape comes out of her and that dude?
That would be fucking crushing, right?
I'm sure, I'm sure of that, but I'm not into bestiality videos.
I mean, like, watching a man have sex with a whale is disgusting.
Oh man, that's hilarious.
So, okay, so the Georgia case is falling the fuck apart.
What about the New York shit with, you know, Mar-a-Lago being worth $18 million?
That wasn't even a real case.
Just like in my cases, the judge found him guilty in default.
And said Mar-a-Lago's worth $18 million when people are ready to buy it for $800 million right now.
They're selling two-acre lots for $220 million.
He's got 18 acres with over 100 buildings on it and a golf course.
And people are ready to buy it right now for $800 million.
And the judge, notice, it said the judge found him guilty.
People go, oh, it's a bench trial.
You can choose in a criminal or civil trial a judge.
But you choose the judge.
Trump, under new New York law they passed, just for him, he didn't get to choose a jury trial.
Just like in that crazy lady that said rape is hot, E. Jean Carroll, the jury's never said Trump raped her 25 years ago with no witnesses.
He wasn't allowed to say he was innocent.
Eddie, since when can you not say you're innocent?
I mean, Jeffrey Dahmer was guilty, but he's allowed to say he's innocent.
So are all these trials just...
They know at the low level they got their corrupt judges and they can just do whatever the fuck they want.
Here's how it works.
Americans until now have not been a witness to any Bravo for 20 years or Alex Jones for 30.
The point is, they still think courts are somewhat fair.
Now they, all the polls show like 80% don't believe the courts.
Two years ago, 90% believed the courts.
So, there's still a lot of jurisdictions that are real and things, but Soros has got in.
Over 1,000 DAs, over 2,000 county attorneys.
He's got 21 of the state attorney generals like Leticia James in New York that brought the case against Trump on real estate.
And so what they do is they default you in civil trials and say you didn't appear or didn't respond.
You do.
Then the judge takes over.
I paid $400 million off this.
I never made $10 off Sandy Hook.
And then they sit there and tell the jury, he's got all this money and you can't defend yourself.
People say, oh, your lawyers suck.
No, the judge gives them every day a big list of things they can't say and says, I'll sanction you and take your bar license if you speak up.
Both my lawyers still spoke up.
Both have been sanctioned by the court.
They're trying to take my lawyer in Connecticut's license away.
He's a famous criminal lawyer, Norm Pattis.
So, man, people are getting it.
People are like, wait, wait.
You're already guilty, but a jury's going to decide how guilty?
Well, with Trump, they've just gotten rid of juries altogether in some of these cases.
Yeah, why are they so after Trump at this point?
If he's like, if he's, um, some people think he's, uh, he's just playing, you know, bad cop, good cop, and he's part of the deep state.
And is he with them or is he not with them?
Because it seems like they're really fucking going after him, right?
Look, Trump is just like Elon Musk.
He sees a collapsing global system, and he wants to take it over.
Maybe he's good, maybe he's bad, but the hatred for Elon Musk, the hatred for Trump, is both real.
And it's because you don't tell those guys what to do.
Normal presidents, except for Nixon, they removed him too.
Nixon said, I'm the president, screw you, I'm in charge, so they set him up.
It's the same thing.
Trump's not perfect.
He's really smart in ways, really tough, I admire him.
He's wrong on some things, you know, right on 95% in my view, from my perspective.
But he doesn't let anybody tell him what to do.
So everybody says Nixon has been a complete puppet since they removed Nixon.
And Trump came in and said, no, listen, I'm in charge, okay?
And I make the decisions.
And so you've got these boards and these bureaucrats and these think tanks that normally run stuff, and they're pissed.
So yeah, Trump's real.
And 100% for America doesn't mean I agree with anything he does, but he's real.
He's his own man.
He's in charge.
His biggest strength is nobody's a bigger pig-headed person than Trump.
He's like a jackass.
I mean that in a good way.
He's stubborn.
You don't tell him.
You can't push him around.
But at the same time, when you're good and trying to warn him, he doesn't listen.
So yeah, Trump's 100% real.
Doesn't mean he's 100% perfect, but he's 100% real.
Just like I'm a real, Joe Rogan's real, you're real, doesn't mean you and I and Joe agree on everything, but we're still real, we're our own men, we make our own decisions, and that's what Elon Musk and Donald Trump are doing.
So we're seeing the real deal right now.
A lot of conspiracy theorists that I know, I would say 80%, don't trust Elon Musk.
And, um, you know, because, you know, he's involved with, you know, SpaceX.
And I mean, he's fake launching a fucking Tesla into space on a billion year orbit around the sun.
Amazing pictures from space.
Elon Musk pulls off an engineering feat.
He sent his own kind of rocket man on board a Tesla Roadster into orbit.
Elon Musk has outdone himself this time.
But this is much more than a publicity stunt involving just a car in space.
Let's start with the science.
This afternoon, SpaceX launched the world's most powerful rocket, and it's a major milestone for the company.
And this is a live look at what's happening right now in space.
That's Elon Musk's own Tesla convertible in orbit.
The driver is a mannequin he's calling Starman.
But CBS reporter Manuel Borroquez shows us
What came down is also making news.
27 rocket engines fired at once, sending the Falcon Heavy into space, and the SpaceX crew into applause.
Well, if you could hear all that cheering, it was an outstanding touchline of the Falcon Heavy.
The mega rocket combines the power of three SpaceX rockets into one, generating over 5 million pounds of thrust, enough to launch a 737.
It's a very big step forward, and we haven't seen a rocket this powerful since the Space Shuttle retired back in 2011.
SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk spoke with CBS Space Analyst Bill Harwood Monday at the launch pad.
What does the country need this rocket?
This rocket's great for a lot of reasons.
It's something that I think inspires the public, and you could actually send people back to the moon with the Falcon Heavy, with the orbital refueling, send people to Mars.
The payload on this test launch is MUST's Midnight Cherry Tesla Roadster, with a dummy named Starman.
It's headed for an elliptical orbit around the Sun that extends as far out as Mars, and it could remain in orbit for hundreds of millions of years.
And the side boosters that got the Falcon Heavy into space must got them back intact.
They stuck their landings at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station.
Manuel Bohorquez, CBS News, Kennedy Space Center.
All right, we've got to show you more live pictures from space.
Coming up in about 90 minutes, if all goes well, rockets on board will fire again, sending the Roadster on its way towards Mars.
So it's like, it's...
It's hard to fully trust him, but I think it's possible that you're right, and he is actually in the middle of awakening, and now he's starting to see that, you know, what good is all his money if we're going to live in a Mad Max world?
In a Mad Max world, Zuckerberg's building bunkers, they're all building bunkers.
Why not have a good world where your money's worth something?
Look, I'm not
Elon Musk apologist.
I'm not an Elon Musk publicist.
All I know is let's say you got a clock and 12 noon is total freedom and 6 is total slavery.
So Elon Musk
You know, it was basically at three o'clock before.
He did a lot of weird stuff, things I didn't agree with, Neuralink, Soul Driving Car, but in the last two years, he's moved almost to Eddie Bravo level.
And Joe, you know, is a good guy.
He's moved way over there too.
So is Tucker Carlson.
So you and I, we're not bragging, it's true, we're way ahead of the curve.
The whole world sounds like Eddie Bravo.
Of the top 100 most popular talk show hosts in the world, all 100
Or anti-New World Order.
We're electing anti-New World Order people all over the world.
The world has woken up.
So, whether they were already awake, or whether they're trying to just get on board a bandwagon, I don't care.
Because when you start winning, you've got to get ready for everybody to come over to your side.
So, I've been doing this 30 years in April.
About three weeks, middle April.
Remember my first show was on April 15th.
They said, are you here because it's tax day?
And I said, no.
I talked about taxes because of it.
I've been on AXS TV 30 years ago in April.
And, uh, I got a local radio show about a year later, got syndicated two years later, just kicked, you know, worked hard.
And it's been, you know, a 30-year success story.
Uh, you know, overnight success story.
But, no, I mean, uh, look, you don't do, Elon's reaching like 300 million people a day with his stuff, exposing the transgenders and the open border and the New World Order.
I know there's a lot of hanky-panky with electric cars and space and a lot of weird shit going on, but he's moving way towards us, so I'm happy.
Yeah, yeah.
Some people are concerned that that's just, um, that's part of, uh, the deep state plan.
Get you to follow a false idol like he's playing a role like, oh, he's going to save everybody.
Follow him.
Here's the difference.
I'm not following Alex Jones.
Or Eddie Bravo, or Joe Rogan, or Tucker Carlson, or Elon Musk.
He's doing irrevocable damage to them.
They are openly with George Soros, and the EU, and the New World Order, and the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Justice Department trying to put Elon Musk in prison.
Elon Musk is one of two things.
He's either an opportunist that sees the current new world order going down, he wants to run it, so he's posing as a savior to come and do it, that may be it, or he's woken up as a humanitarian.
But I'm telling you, right now, if I'm walking to my car, and someone looks over and hits me in the head with a lead pipe, and knocks me down and I'm bleeding, and some good Samaritan comes over and kicks their ass and protects me, maybe that person's doing it for bad motives.
All I know is they just were helping.
So you can't argue with the pudding.
Christ said you judge a tree by its fruit, said he, and right now Elon Musk is
Elon, in influence in the world, not just in America, it was like this.
Elon Musk, and then twins, Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson, and then Alex Jones and Jordan Peterson and a few others.
Candace Owens?
Candace Owens.
I would say, you know, she's, I mean, you're big, you're down there in that constellation.
I'm just saying, I'm calling it like it is.
I'm like, not the starting guy, but all the starters are on the field and you and I are like right behind the starters.
And I know this, nobody tells me what to do.
And I also have kind of a bias.
People are telling me all day, somebody's telling me what to do.
Uh, you know, uh, I'm getting orders from somebody.
I run my own life.
I'm doing, I'm calling my own shots and I'm really trying to tell the truth.
And we have arguments, you know, you and I on the phone and you and Joe were arguing two days ago and I agree with this.
He disagrees with that.
You agree with this.
I mean, we're not, there's nobody telling Joe Rogan what to do.
I mean, so I know how the real world works.
The globalists have had their power for a while.
When we were asleep, they were able to do whatever they wanted.
The awakening's here.
We're about to find out what's really going on.
You know, like my theory on the Bushes is like George Bush Sr.
and George W. I think that they were brought into the Republican Party or
I don't think.
There's two sides.
There's a Republican side, Democrat side, and even Ronald Reagan said if fascism was to infiltrate, they'd always go in through the left because it's easier.
The left is easier to infiltrate.
The left is easier to blackmail.
The left is easier to corrupt.
The right is blackmailed and corrupt too, but it's a little harder.
It's not even.
Nothing is even.
The Democrats are easier to control through blackmail, because it's all free love.
Well, and they were the first party, so they've been in charge from the beginning, so they're just older.
Yeah, it's been taken over.
So, when you started your shit, you were balls deep going after the Bushes.
That's why they blew you up, right?
They're like, oh shit, Alex Jones is perfect.
He's going after the Bushes.
Because, I mean, you look at like, you know, 9-11.
That's pretty fucking obvious that Michael Moore had a movie, 9-11 Fahrenheit.
It was a fucking nationwide release.
They were mainstreaming... Let me speak to both those points.
The globalists are good at picking talent once it emerges and trying to co-opt it.
Show, you didn't become the world jiu-jitsu champion because they decided to blow you up.
You came from nowhere and you beat the top people.
Joe Rogan didn't blow up and take over because they picked him.
It's because he's really smart, gets better and better.
He's played the long game.
They try to co-opt.
But there's truth.
Even if you don't let them co-opt you, they'll create this image of you.
We're good to go.
Where do the Bushes get their power?
Prescott Bush is the deputy lawyer at Brown Brother Harriman in World War II.
That's George Bush Sr.'
's father, Prescott Bush, his father.
Yes, Senator Bush is the deputy lawyer at one of the most powerful law firms in America.
And so when the Nazis fail, there's Leningradian on this, it's been released, it's not denied.
There's the equivalent of 50 trillion plus dollars back then.
Tens of billions.
Because the Nazis, in case they lost, were heavily investing in America.
And it came out, they had the McCormick-Dickstein hearing committees, that Prescott Bush was a big Nazi and all this, but he turned double-edged in the last two years of the war.
The Kennedys were involved too, with Joe Kennedy, and both Kennedy brothers were dating a Nazi spy and all that.
That's in like History Channel shows.
But they turned back against the Nazis a few years of the war, just like the King of England had to advocate Edward VIII because he was a Nazi too.
So the Nazis were on Time Magazine, they were the good guys, until like 1940.
So the Bushes had all this Nazi money, and then with that, it wasn't a Nazi conspiracy, but with the CIA and OSS that became MI6 at the end of World War II, they pledged that money into the Western Intelligence Agencies, and the Western Intelligence Agencies with Operation Paperclip and the Ratline brought in 30 plus thousand Nazis into America,
We're good to go.
That when he was the director of the CIA, he got hired by Nixon.
He went from being a Democrat to basically being a Republican.
And then their job was to fully take over the Republican Party after Nixon.
And that's why Bush Sr.
stepped down in 1993 and let Clinton win.
And so since Clinton, or since Bush Sr., Clinton,
George Jr., that was the deal.
Then Obama.
It was supposed to be Hillary.
One CIA club controlling both parties.
That failed.
And then when Trump came in, he's not controlled by any agency.
He calls the shots.
And so that's why they're so pissed at Trump, and that's why the CIA's trying to remove him, why they've run the Russiagate and all this stuff.
So that is all admitted that 100% the neocon blue-blood Republicans saw the rebellion, because they already had the left going along with open borders and globalism and pedophilia and all this stuff.
The Republicans were the threats, they want to control it, and so now because the Tea Party and then Trump and everything, we've taken over the Republican Party pretty much.
Now Trump's daughter-in-law's control the RNC.
Now they're in full panic mode.
Now the fake prosecutions aren't working.
Now it's all going down.
But yeah.
I was on AXS TV.
There was nothing like it at the time.
Then I had a little radio show that got top ratings.
I went and found out about satellites.
Paid myself to get syndicated.
I sat there and called myself every week.
Hundreds of radio stations.
Kissed the ass of affiliate directors.
And got back when talk radio was big.
And I was making films.
And so I was getting on 50,000 watt stations.
Big ones, little ones.
I did all that.
There was a time kind of when the left tried to embrace me.
Uh, in the middle of the Bush administration, but I was already launched, but they tried to co-op me.
They flew me out to California.
I met with the big Hollywood elites.
I met with the top producers.
I met with, uh, you know, the lawyers for Spielberg, all of them.
They said, we're going to be a movie career.
We want you to be a liberal.
We want you to take over everything.
Then Roger Ailes offered me a job a few years later at Fox news.
I said, no to that.
So you're right.
They came to get me later, but they didn't boost my career.
I did it myself.
Then they tried to come get me to work for him and I've never worked for him.
Yes, so, um...
What were your feelings of Obama when he was running for president?
Did you already have him figured out?
I mean, you know his mom and his grandpa are CIA, right?
That's declassified, that's a fact.
Okay, so did you know that back then?
Or were you kind of, like, cause me and Joe, me and Joe were like, yeah, maybe, maybe he's the, he is hope.
Maybe he is the one.
We were fooled for a little bit.
I was fooled a little bit.
I was producing for six months before he got elected.
He didn't get elected, people bought into him.
Unlike Biden, he was elected.
Both times, landslides.
I was producing the Obama Deception six months before he got elected.
I knew he was going to be elected.
Oh, so you knew?
But John McCain was controlled, too.
So that was totally selected.
And then Mitt Romney was controlled.
So there was no choice then.
It was back to the CIA controlling both parties.
And so I made the Obama Deception that was released one week after he took office.
It's free online.
Watch the Obama Deception.
And I then predicted everything he was going to do.
We interrupt our program to bring you this important message.
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Right in front of our very eyes, we are seeing the globalist deep state at work.
Black Lives Matter and Antifa.
What a terrible, terrible blight upon all people.
Antifa, which they claim means anti-fascist, is absurd, ludicrous, and totally opposite of what they claim to be.
They are not anti-fascist.
They are the fascists.
Black Lives Matter.
It's a ruse.
If Black Lives Matter, then why don't we do something about what is happening?
Blacks on Blacks.
Killing Blacks.
In places like Chicago, Detroit, Baltimore, Washington, D.C.
It's an endless list that won't be missed.
So, the bottom line here is that it's about divide, confusion, chaos, and conquer.
What we're watching here is insanity, and particularly the deep state Democrats and their seditious, despicable, lying media are fanning the flames.
I urge all of my brothers and sisters, don't go for the ghost.
Okay, don't be duped, hoodwinked, bamboozled, okay?
Understand that we are in this struggle as patriots, as U.S.
citizens, together.
What we have on our side is we have each other.
Each other.
And that's extremely powerful.
And that's something that the media, the deep state, Democrats, and the RINO Republicans, for that matter, they don't want you to know that.
They want you to think that you're alone.
You're by yourself.
You're not alone.
You're not by yourself.
And there are a lot of people, millions, millions, who are thinking just like you.
This is our republic.
This is all about fun and games and hurting people and destroying, not building, not serving the people, body and soul, but the exact opposite.
So I plead with, implore with, to all my brothers and sisters of all colors, get a grip on reality.
Stop this madness.
Stop this insanity.
And those who won't stop it,
There is nothing more frustrating to me, whether it comes to news or anything else we're doing, than to know I'm telling the truth and to know that if you'll just listen to me and take action, it will change your life.
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We'll be right back.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show with Gerald Cilente.
Hey, great being on The Alex Jones Show.
Yep, I look forward to it every week.
And everybody out there listening, do everything you can to support InfoWars because they're doing everything they can to support you.
And we have lost our freedom and democracy in this country.
And it breaks my heart to see what's happened.
And InfoWars is doing the very best they can to give you the best they can.
And if we don't support each other, we're finished.
And things are very, very dire.
I've been trend forecasting now.
This is my 44th year.
Best-selling books.
Trend tracking far better than Megatrends, Time Magazine.
Trends 2000.
International bestseller.
Weekly Trends Journal Magazine.
You go to jonestrends.com and you get it for pennies a day.
Twenty-two dollars and about fifty cents a week.
Or, you could buy the Wall, uh, I can't say the right word, SHI Journal.
And, let's see, this is Saturday's edition.
Six dollars.
Six dollars.
And here's the picture that takes up most of the front page.
Great Caesar's Ghost.
Here we go again!
Honorable men in central Rome's Lago di Torre, Argentina, actors dressed up as ancient Romans on Friday, reenacted the assassination of Julius Caesar.
The performance commemorated on Roman leaders killing
Of the Ides of March in 44 B.C.
That's the crap.
That's the crap that they're selling.
And you know why they're selling this crap?
Because they're a bunch of crap heads.
We don't have a media anymore.
They're little prostitutes.
They're little dried out lemons.
Little Anderson Coopers.
Jake capitalists, little boys and girls, prostitutes, media whores that get paid to put out by their corporate pimps and government whoremasters.
So we're giving you in the Trends Journal that you're not getting anywhere else in the world.
Nowhere, anywhere doesn't come close.
Tell you what in the world is going on, what it means, what's next and what you might want to do.
And InfoWars is giving you all this great information that you could keep putting together to help you prevail and prosper in these dangerous times ahead and the great products that they have.
So here's a headline from Euronews.
European leaders condemn Putin's victory.
You mean like the one you had over here in 2020?
In the U.S.S.A.? ?
You know, I'm no fan of Trump.
I call things the way they are.
Election was rigged.
Oh, and I think he was the guy that created the stupidity of mail-in ballots.
I'm not sure, but I think that happened during the COVID war that he launched on Operation Whoop Speed, the gene therapy inoculation, when he called a state of emergency.
On March 13th, Friday the 13th, 2020.
So I don't like the cat.
But the election was rigged.
And here's the way I see it.
And I only call it by the facts.
I did election eve with Greg Hunter on USA Watchdog.
And the polls were like this.
Biden down below and Trump on the top.
And then it changed in an instant.
In a flash.
When we get back, I'll tell you why.
And... Pseudo-Election, right here!
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You're listening to the Alex Jones Show!
And now, your host, Gerald Solente!
Hey, great to be back!
Great to be back at the Alex Jones Show!
So I was talking about the 2020 election, and the big headline, Pseudo-Election!
European Leaders Condemn Putin's Victory!
They had a rigged election over there, huh?
No, the United States had the rigged election.
So I'm doing InfoWars, and
Greg Hunter did a great job.
He had all the charts up, you know, everything, all the, this is 2020, November election.
And Trump is leading Biden all over the important states.
All of a sudden, I forget the exact number and the exact state.
I think they were Wisconsin and Michigan.
112,000 or 120,000 mail-in ballots had just been counted.
And they all went to Biden.
Wait a minute.
You mean not one for Trump?
Again, not a Trump fan, but I got a mind.
I'm not six years old.
You're telling me out of 120,000, 110,000 mail-in ballots from two states, nothing for Trump?
Again, the mail-in ballots are a joke.
Not a joke.
It's rigging the game.
And when they talk about Russia, how about, hey, you remember that little daddy's boy with a pair of cojones smaller than a mothball?
Little Georgie Bush?
Oh, we got them hanging chads down there in Florida.
Oh, and JFK?
Again, not who I like, but I dislike the facts.
Oh, all of a sudden he wins when he's gonna lose Illinois when you had that guy Maya Daly over there that was running the whole show?
Elections are rigged.
The whole game is rigged.
Oh, but those dirty Russians!
And as I said, journalism is dead.
They're firing everybody.
We report it week after week in the Trends Journal.
And this just came out.
It's all over the world.
This is from WSWS.org.
Hundreds of jobs to be axed in New Zealand media restructure.
The past two weeks New Zealand's two main mainstream television stations announced dramatic reductions to their news and current affairs programming.
That will see the elimination of basically between three to four hundred jobs.
You name it, they're all doing it and they're all going AI.
So that's, that's why I'm saying do everything you can to support InfoWars.
So one of the articles running on InfoWars now, and again this ties into the Trends Journal, it's, again we'd forecast this, this is their Emergency Monday broadcast, NATO leaders beat drum to support
Of what Macron calls for direct military confrontation with Russia.
Now let's go back to the Euronews headline.
They say, NATO leaders.
This says, European leaders.
How could you be so gutless, ignorant, to look up to these, quote, leaders?
Maybe they should be outside of outhouses and lead you into the outhouse.
Because that's all they are.
Pieces of crap.
How can you look up to a little cazzo like Macron?
A little fake-haired little boy or maybe he's a girl.
Who knows?
Maybe him and Rachel Levin had something going on before.
Oh, Rachel Levin.
Oh, no.
Oh, Rachel Levin.
Richard Levin.
I forgot.
Oh, that's that's the clown that's our health expert.
These are our leaders.
The leaders over there in Europe, Schultz.
Bologna Maloney in Italy.
A clown like Sunak over there in the UK.
Oh, did you hear the latest?
His father-in-law just left a kid.
He was like four months old.
Not left a kid, gave the kid $40 million.
For investment.
$40 million.
Could you imagine if these multi, multi, multi, multi millionaires and multi, multi, multi, multi, multi, multi billionaires put one penny for peace?
I shouldn't say a penny.
I'd say a billion dollars to our Occupy Peace Movement.
So you could have peace on Earth.
Go to hell.
What are you talking about peace on Earth?
Oh, you got that fat Mount Stoltenberg.
That NATO clown say we're in for a long war with Russia.
That's right.
And now it's being reported on InfoWars.
Emergency Monday broadcast NATO leaders beat drum in support of Macron's call for direct military confrontation with Russia.
There it is.
World War Three has begun.
It was one of our top trends for 2024.
Your cover of your Trends Journal magazine on February 22nd, 2022, a little over two years ago, was from COVID war to Ukraine war to World War.
World War III has begun.
And as we have been warning,
Week after week, month after month, and year after year.
As these wars escalate, you're going to see oil prices spike.
And as we had forecast, as Ukraine keeps losing support from people,
And military support and financial support from countries, they're going to take more dramatic actions in their attacks against Russia.
And now what's going on?
Bombs away over oil refineries.
Let's blow up another pipeline.
It's only been about three or four in the last couple of days.
Oh, and what's Brent crude now?
At $87 a barrel?
On its way to $90?
And, as Israel keeps ramping up the Middle East war, more bombs away over there in Lebanon?
Blowing up Iranian oil facilities?
Oil prices, Brent crude could spike to above $130 a barrel.
And when that happens, the equity markets will crash and the global economies that had been artificially propped up with trillions of dollars of fake money backed by nothing and printed on nothing will crash.
Japan, UK, Germany.
Japan and Germany.
Japan, fourth largest economy in the world.
Germany, third largest economy in the world, in recession.
They cannot take a hit of higher oil prices.
And this is the reality on the street.
The people are feeling the pain.
I'm talking to a lot of businesses, and particularly in the hospitality and service sectors, slowing down.
People can't afford it.
What are you looking at?
Your car insurance going up over 20%?
A number of places around the country, you can't even afford
Insurance on your home?
This is serious!
And it's only going to get much, much, much worse, as this continues to escalate.
So now, you're also going to see, again, one of our top trends for 2024, a golden year for gold.
You're going to be lowering interest rates.
Will they do it this month?
Well, the guess is they're not.
I would have thought they were going to.
Because they're going to do everything they can to prop up the economy.
And the lower interest rates go, the deeper the dollar falls.
The deeper the dollar falls, the higher gold prices go up.
Gold is dollar-based.
So when the dollar gets weaker, it costs less money for a lot of other countries to buy gold.
And you're already seeing a record year of gold buying in China.
And from World Banks.
World Central Banks.
They know how bad it is.
And again, all things are connected.
The hotter the wars heat up, the higher inflation goes.
The higher inflation goes, the more you want to get gold.
And again, we don't give financial advice because
It costs a lot to buy a lot less.
And inflation really is devaluing the currencies.
That's what inflation actually does.
The currency doesn't buy what it used to.
And when you look at the real inflation numbers, they're much worse than their official numbers.
For example, home prices cost almost what?
$400,000 median household income, the grand total of $74,500.
So you can't afford to buy a house.
But no, we're not going to put that in the inflation number.
We'll rig it.
Well, we got rentals and we do this and that.
Oh, you're not eating.
Steaks prices went up.
That's right.
People are eating sharp meat.
The thing is rigged.
They started rigging it in the 1980s and Clinton did it in the 1990s again.
So they changed the whole thing.
You go to John Williams' shadow stats, the inflation numbers are more than double what they reported.
So that's where we see the economy going here.
So the markets are on, you know, it's a joke.
You got 1% that owns 54% of the equities in the United States, 1% own 43% of all the global equities.
So the bigs are controlling the whole thing.
And they're going to do everything they can to keep the markets high.
Everything they can.
They'll stay up.
And they will.
But, there are the wild cards, that nobody can predict.
I say, people used to call me a futurist.
I say, I'm not a futurist.
Nobody can predict the future, right?
I forecast trends.
And, there's the wild cards, whether they're made by humans, or actually sub-humans, when you look at the clowns running the show,
We're nature.
I mean, remember California?
Oh, drought, drought, drought.
Now it's rain time.
You never know.
So, we're very bullish on gold.
We remain very bullish on Bitcoin.
I was on with one of the Bitcoin kings, Max Keiser.
Did a whole hour with him on InfoWars, not too far back.
And Max had been on this, boy, he must be a billionaire by now.
And so what's going on also in these countries where you have inflation, like 240% like in Argentina, the people are buying, they're buying Bitcoin.
They can't afford to buy gold.
They're buying cryptocurrency.
So the cryptos are going to stay high until the banks go into CBDCs, Central Bank Digital Currencies.
And that's going to happen.
The when is a guess.
But it's going to happen because they're going to come out with a new currency because the dollar isn't worth anything.
You have what?
You're nearing 35 trillion dollars worth of government debt.
Going up a trillion dollars the debt level every hundred days.
So all of a sudden you're going to hear something, they'll make it up.
Russians just hacked our banking system.
You can't get your money out.
It's a bank holiday.
But don't worry about it.
We're here to protect you.
They're coming out with a digital currency.
Then you look at what society has become.
It's AI'd.
It's a digitized society.
Young people, they're fine.
Paying with their digital wallets.
They don't want to carry cash.
So when they go digital, that's my forecast.
And Max and I disagree on this.
And, you know, nobody's ever right all the time.
And of course you should disagree if you don't agree with somebody and you have the facts.
And Max is, you know, he's on top of this.
But I believe that, um,
When the central banks go digital, they'll do everything they can to ban the competition.
Just like with gold.
They took us off the gold standard in 1971.
So, and again, people don't realize inflation skyrocketing and they never talk of the reason why.
And it was the Vietnam War that they printed up all this fake money to keep fighting this war.
And that's also when I started bringing in migrants.
It was under LBJ, LB Jerk.
Off over there in Texas.
They wanted more cheap labor.
They needed labor because they're drafting all the guys my age and a little older.
So they wanted more migrants to come in.
And then I wrote in my book Trends 2000.
H-1B visas, when the whole internet revolution began.
They didn't want to pay we, the plantation workers of Slavelandia, a living wage, so they brought in cheap labor from China and India.
And, you look at the numbers now.
They're bringing in more and more and more cheap labor.
Because all the big chains, you go to any of them and you see help wanted signs out in front because they're paying the people nothing.
So now you're a migrant coming in and you want to get out of Haiti?
I mean look what's going on, look what's going on all over the world.
Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia,
Tigray War nobody talks about?
So people are leaving their countries.
Lack of basic living standards, government corruption, violence, crime.
Come on into America!
The bigs running the country need cheap labor.
They're even bragging, bragging, making it clear in papers like the Financial Times,
That Germany needs more labor.
What do you mean you need more labor?
You've got a recession going on over there.
No, we want cheap labor.
So the bigs can make more money.
They don't want to pay you anything.
Because the rich keep getting richer.
Again, you go to Oxfam and you can see the data.
So that's on the immigration front.
And on to the economic front.
So again, the big thing to watch right now are Brent Cruz.
Because that's going to be a signal that's really, really going to be felt, a shock that will be felt.
The national debt is rising, Aaron was right, by $1 trillion about every 100 days.
The nation's debt permanently crossed over to $34 trillion on January 4th, now it's about
It's nearing, I think it's about 34.5 now.
debt, which is the amount of money the federal government borrows to cover operating expenses.
34.4 billion.
It's just, it's ridiculous.
So, again, this is why you're going to see gold prices go up.
Imagine, imagine being in business or not in business and having the equivalent, not in trillions, but in hundreds of thousands of dollars of personal debt and just keep piling it up.
How could you keep running your business?
How can, how can you keep, you couldn't.
The whole thing is a scam in front of everybody's eyes.
Now let's go back, make all things connected.
I keep saying they're going to keep lowering interest rates and pump up the economy.
Because who's running the show?
The bank students.
Don't believe me?
How about our Treasury Secretary, Janet Msvatchabrut-Yellen?
What was the last job?
Fed head.
But we're the same age.
I hope I don't look as bad as she does.
Marona me.
They want to keep the people in power in power.
Our government is being run by the Federal Reserve in front of everyone's eyes to see and hear, if you're not deaf, dumb and blind.
And of course the people watching InfoWars understand the facts.
The general public doesn't have a clue about this.
They don't even know where the Treasury Secretary is.
So you've got the central bank, the banksters, running the country.
That's why they're going to lower interest rates to jack up the economy before the election.
And again, it's going to be a freak show no matter what.
But those dirty Russians, their elections are rigged, unlike in America where everything is so legit.
And look at the country we have.
A two-party system.
Two parties.
What a joke.
What a joke.
Oh, we fight and bring freedom and democracy, and then you read of all the money that the rich people have given to the politicians.
Got no money?
Got no political job.
You gotta get paid off.
And morons and imbeciles call it campaign contributions.
They're bribes and payoffs.
And they paid off the bigs.
Destroyed the middle class in America.
And what this country was founded on.
So InfoWars is doing everything they can to help bring that back as we are doing with the Trends Journal.
So support InfoWars.
We're going to take a break.
We're going to be back in a little bit and go to InfoWarsStore.com.
They've got great products.
And go to TrendsJournal.com, a magazine you're not going to get like anywhere in the world.
And you go to JonesTrends.com and you get a real break on it.
Of course, you're almost nothing.
Stay tuned.
We'll be right back.
But it all boils down to this.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Gerald Solente.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And as I keep saying, do everything you can to support InfoWars, because they're doing everything they can to support you.
And they got these great, you know, deals they give you to give you that 360 win.
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And one of the great products they have out, that they're giving you a discount on of up to, let's see here, 40% off is their
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And we've got to get in the best shape we can.
I keep telling everybody, what could I do?
You've got to get in the best shape you can.
Physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Matter of fact, someone just stopped by today
And you know, he says he sees me on Infowars.
He wanted to thank me.
And he said, like this, he said, I just lost 30 pounds.
He said, I keep hearing what you're saying.
And, you know, I understand you got to get in the best shape you can.
It's so important.
So moving on, you know, as I said, you know, once upon a time, there was some like Easter time, Easter time.
The Prince of Peace.
And I'm a warrior, by the way, for the Prince of Peace.
Throws the banksters out of the temple.
Same criminal group, just different names.
Because they were destroying the lives of the people.
Three days later, he's on the cross.
Happy Easter.
There's a great website
They really know their stuff and they do it for the people.
And that's Wall Street on parade.
And they have an article up today.
Morgan's federally insured bank is fined $348 million for losing track, you ready?
Of billions of trades.
So again, billions of trades.
They lost track of.
And they get a tiny little fine like that.
On Thursday of last week, two of JPMorgan Chase's banks, federal regulators, fined the riskiest bank in the United States, that's their language, $348 million for engaging in, quote, unsafe and unsound banking practices.
Don't forget to put your money there.
Everything will be just fine.
Oh yeah!
For failing to supervise, quote, billions, end quote, of trades on at least 30 global trading venues.
And... They go on.
Under Jamie Dimon at the helm of this federally insured bank is both Chairman and CEO.
You ready?
JPMorgan Chase Bank
Has turned giant scandals into an art form.
It's rap sheet reads like that of organized crime of an organized crime family and includes an unprecedented five criminal felony charges.
Hey, Salenti.
I'm Jamie Dimon.
Don't you know who I am?
We don't go to jail!
We give them a couple of bucks.
And they shut up.
We're running the show over there.
Look who your fed head is.
She's our treasury secretary.
It's one big gang.
Oh, they talked about the mafia.
Hey, you could talk about the Italians any way you want.
But hey, don't talk about the banksters.
No, no, no.
Be proper.
They go on.
Just last year, it's salacious activities with such trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, to whom it doled out mountains of hard cash for more than a decade, for ends, which he then used to silence
His underage victims and accomplices generated news headlines around the world.
The bank settled those charges last year, which had been brought in two civil lawsuits by its victims and the Attorney General of the U.S.
Virgin Islands for a combined $365 million.
Making it clear from what I just said.
Adding to the outrage over a mild slap on the wrist from these two regulators last week is that this federally insured bank was previously charged with engaging in unsafe and unsound banking activities when it used depositors' money from its federally insured bank
To engage in massive high-risk credit derivatives trades in London from 2012 and lost, you ready?
$6.2 billion of depositors' money.
The case became infamously known as the London Whale Scandal.
That's just part of it.
Everybody better grow up.
It is not a government that we have.
It's a crime syndicate.
They steal our money.
I'm too big to fail.
You're just a piece of crap.
$29 trillion dumped into the banksters by the Fed heads, according to the Levy Institute at Bard College.
They're thieves and they're murderers.
What's your favorite war?
Well, I grew up during the Vietnam War.
Oh, you remember the, uh, lies about the, uh, blowing up that ship?
The Gulf of Tonkin lie?
Wrote about it in my book, Trends 2000.
Why, McNamara, may he rot in hell.
How about Saddam Hussein, who doesn't have weapons of mass destruction to tie us down?
You got that guy Osama bin Laden?
Get her along!
Gaddafi gotta go!
They're murderers and thieves!
So support InfoWars!
InfoWars is supporting you!
We'll be right back with...
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We're good to go.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Gerald Solente.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And as I said, you know, as a trend forecaster, we travel the world and looking for information.
So we could provide hard data and facts.
So that we, in our trends journal, we say this is what they're reporting.
And if it's about the Israel War, for example, we say with the Jerusalem Post, that's Times of Israel, their information.
Then we go to Iran, to IRNA, ISNA, Tehran Times.
We've got Al Jazeera.
We go all over trying to get information.
And then we give you our, this is what they said, this is our analysis, and here's our trend forecast.
So now, InfoWars is one of those places, InfoWars really hits a lot of good stuff.
Let me see what they got today.
And as I mentioned, they have an article up here, it's very important.
Emergency Monday Broadcast, NATO leaders beat drums in support of Macron's call for direct military confrontation with Russia.
Little faggot Macron, with the fake little hair, little pecker like this, right?
Anybody, I want to make this clear to everybody listening, this is where I come from.
Anybody that, like a little cop song like Macron, wants to wage war, put on your military drag, grab your gun, and go over there and fight, or shut your little mouth.
You got that little Mikey Johnson?
You got that little Adam Schick?
Oh, and tough Tom Cotton!
Go back there and fight!
You love that stuff!
Anybody that supports war, take your wife, your kids, your transgenders, yourself, your money, go over there and fight or shut your mouth.
I don't want my money going there to kill people.
But we're bringing freedom and democracy.
How dumb could you be?
Oh, we follow our leaders.
Look how much people hated me when I had my freedom, peace and freedom rallies over here.
Oh, and the one they hated me the most for was when little Andy Cuomo locked down everything and I had a peace and freedom rally.
2,000 people showed up.
We all died from COVID.
People follow their little clowns, and they're leading us into war.
And that's why I'm mentioning this article.
Because, Trends Journal coming out tomorrow, these are some of the stories that relate.
As forecast, this is our trend forecast, and the headline is, as Ukraine loses war, it will escalate attacks inside Russia.
So what's happened?
Over the last few days, bombs away over oil depots and refineries inside of Russia.
The numbers are up to almost between 12 and 20 percent of wiping out supply.
You don't know whose numbers to believe, but those are the numbers.
And what we've been warning, week after week after week after week, year after year, as these wars continue, and I said it earlier, Brent crude's going to go up.
We just took the break, I looked, Brent crude now broke $87 a barrel.
So now, when you're putting pumping gas into your car, don't worry about the price going up.
There's no inflation, and you're, they're using your money to bring freedom and democracy to Ukraine, the most corrupt country in Europe.
Oh, not according to me, according to
The European Union.
Oh, and according to the Ukrainian people, who in the last poll, number one concern was the war, 89%, 89% of the people polled, corruption was the second major concern.
So, article number two.
Again, we said that as, first going back, we said as Ukraine loses,
And again, you look at the cover of our Trends Journal, don't count on the counter-offense.
We said it was a load of crap before it happened.
And now nobody talks about it.
They're not going to win.
Again, you know, Napoleon left Poland with 420,000 troops to attack Moscow in 1812, came back with 10,000.
Aren't you guys glad you went there and died and fought for that?
Operation Barbarossa, launched by Hitler, killed over 25 million Russians.
They were the first to defeat the Germans.
So anybody thinks that Ukraine, a little losing country to nothing, is going to win, out of their minds, we say they're going to ramp it up.
More attacks inside of Russia, and watch out for a major false flag event, an attack on a nuclear plant, it's coming.
Because the next article is,
In the Trends Journal, Putin talks risk of nuclear confrontation.
That's right.
But don't worry about it.
You see a flash, go in your house and stand in the middle of the room.
Yeah, bend over and kiss your butt goodbye.
There's stupid crap they tell you to do in case of nuclear.
Oh, I got a bomb shelter.
Oh, yeah, you got to come out.
It's going to be lovely outside.
Again, staying with the geopolitical trends and going back to the article
That's in Infowars about what's going on.
Another top trend, no peace allowed, EU's top diplomat rejects Pope's call for peace in Ukraine.
And that little clown said the Holy Pope entered the garden when no one invited him.
This little Burrell BS little clown boy.
No one invited him?
Who the hell are you to say this?
I'm no fan of the Pope.
But boy, he's calling for peace.
And of course you know I launched Occupy Peace.
Poland continues to promote wider war with Russia.
Another article.
Stoltenberg, that little other clown, that's the head of NATO, promotes more war with Ukraine.
He said, Ukrainians are not running out of courage, they're running out of ammunition.
Together we have the capacity to provide Ukraine what it needs.
Now we need to show the political will to do so.
Oh, political will?
You mean little pieces of scum?
Little pieces of political crap?
Political will.
Hey, Stoltenberg!
Go over there and fight!
And then, of course, the genocide going on
This is the definition from Oxford of genocide.
The deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying the nation or group.
Right in front of everybody's eyes.
Last week's Trench Journal, we wrote about the Middle East Monitor.
He stated that, according to Jewish law, all residents of Gaza must be killed.
When asked about the elderly and the children, he replied, the same applies to them.
Mali described the war as, quote, a religious war.
Little Lindsey Graham described it as a religious war, too.
Ain't my war!
Hey, what if I don't believe in your religion?
Could you handle that?
I won't tell you to believe in mine.
I'm the deacon of the Universal Church of Freedom, Peace and Justice.
No, no, no.
You've got to believe in ours.
We're the only one.
He said, quote, the basic law in a religious war and in the case of Gaza is that, quote, you shall not leave alive anything that breathes.
Isn't that nice?
And if you do not kill them, they will kill you.
Today's saboteurs are the children of the previous military operation who kept alive, and the women are the ones who produce the saboteurs.
Terrific, huh?
We need peace on Earth!
Alex, please tell Musk to donate a couple of hundred million dollars to Occupy Peace so we can get a global peace movement going.
We are on the verge of nuclear annihilation.
World War III has begun.
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