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Filename: 20240220_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Feb. 20, 2024
2128 lines.

The article discusses how Dr. Ana Maria Mielchia has found evidence that humanity has already been infected with advanced surveillance nanotechnology through the COVID shots, which emit a fluorescent orange glow under UV light of 365 nanometers. The TRACE Act authorizes the Centers for Disease Control to contact trace and monitor the population, and the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Babylonians, and Chinese discovered that male and female brains work differently, with women having three times the connections between their left and right hemispheres and being more resistant to autism. The speaker discusses politics and upcoming elections, emphasizing the need for people to support InfoWars products like TurboForce and X2 Iodine to fund the fight against globalists. The host talks about a Stanford Medical Study that highlights distinct brain organization patterns in men and women, with women having twice the thicker blood-brain barrier to protect their brains and being less likely to be autistic. Alex Jones promotes InfoWars products and discusses the ongoing dangers of the New World Order, including corruption, mass sterilization, and the cutting off of major energy sources. The host criticizes the media for pushing narratives that align with their agendas, such as claiming birds can fly or that women are better for society because they work collectively. Alex Jones discusses how Hillary Clinton and the deep state have attempted coups against President Trump, and they now project these actions onto Trump by saying he is planning to use the military against the people if re-elected. Meanwhile, in other news, Ukraine struggles to survive and relies on support from the United States. The speaker discusses various social issues, including crime, media manipulation, mental health, and health remedies, and urges listeners to take action in their own lives to reduce their carbon footprint. Alex Jones highly recommends X2 Iodine as a detoxifying product for enhancing natural DNA function, urging listeners to support Infowarstore.com by purchasing products like Nitric Boost, which have powerful benefits for blood and overall health. The speaker emphasizes the importance of fighting against censorship and exposing the operations of globalists who attack those who stand up for freedom and individual rights.

Emotionally, it is easy to dismiss the work of Dr. Ana Maria Mielchia, for it is very disturbing.
But her work is shown through scientific testing and backed up by government and NGO documentation.
And the evidence shows that humanity has already been infected with cutting-edge surveillance nanotechnology.
This is a follow-up to my last report on Dr. Mielchia's hydrogel research.
New research shows that those who received the COVID shots emit a fluorescent orange glow in their faces that is visible under a UV light of 365 nanometers.
And those who have been exposed to shedding emit this glow around their nose.
After his wife was coerced into getting the COVID shot, PhD Justin Coy began his own research.
He found that the more shots a person received, the more they glowed under UV light.
The glow can be seen initially around the nose, and over time, spreads throughout the entire face and into the neck.
After a hot shower, filaments are expelled through the skin of the vaxxed, and these filaments also emit a glow under UV light.
These filaments not only glow, but they have been shown to move on their own in spastic movements.
And they are also attracted to people.
In videos, they can be seen trying to latch onto a finger.
And when a person who has received the shot has dry skin, these expelled filaments will become airborne.
This could explain how shedding occurs from the vaxed to the unvaxed.
The Pfizer trial document stated that an unvaxed individual in close proximity to someone who's been vaxed can be infected by inhalation and skin contact.
In 2008, a biological nanotechnology pesticide designed to kill the brown moth in the state of California was deployed and appears to have included the same sort of fluorescent invisible micro dye that we see in the scientific research.
Dr. Hildegard Stanninger tested individuals exposed to this nanotech pesticide and found that a glow could be detected in their eyes under UV light.
Dr. Stanninger called this the Eye of Horus effect due to its similar appearance and claimed it was due to the use of fluorescent thiocyanate in the pesticide, which according to the literature would have been used to track the effectiveness of the dispersal.
The idea has been around for decades.
The Institute for National Security Studies, Non-Lethal Weapons, Terms and References, published in 1997, discusses an invisible infrared dye which is visible under UV light so that rioters can be later identified.
Justin Coy points out how the genetic code for luciferase, a bioluminescent enzyme found in nature, is included in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, along with SV40, which could theoretically allow the luciferase to be written into the genetics of the recipient.
Coy proposes that this could be what is causing the vaxxed to glow under UV light.
The TRACE Act, H.R.
6666, COVID-19 Testing, Research, and Contacting Everyone Act, was introduced in May of 2020.
The bill authorizes the Centers for Disease Control to contact, trace, and monitor the population.
In late 2020 and early 2021, people all over the world started noticing purple streetlights, which is the color of UV light.
The quantum dot tattoo research funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provided a way of detecting whether or not a person was vaccinated by including fluorescent medical information in the vaccines.
Invisible near-infrared tattoos that would imprint beneath the skin to later be read by customized smartphones.
In the scientific literature on quantum dot research, these fluorescent medical information tattoos have a similar appearance to the faces of those infected by the Vax under UV light.
You may or may not believe in biblical prophecy, but it seems clear that the ones running this diabolical program are using it as their playbook.
From Revelation 13, And the second beast required all people small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark.
But never forget, we still have free will.
Gregg Reiss reporting.
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That's right.
It's Tuesday, February 20th, 2024, and the Sleeping Giant.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
And the Sleeping Giant has awoken!
The sleeper has awoken!
And the plans of the New World Order are disintegrating as fast as they build their system around us.
Destined to stand for only one year before it collapses.
But they're far from completing it.
We are living in the most incredible time ever.
I say this every day now, and five years ago I might say it once every six months.
This is an incredible broadcast today.
They're always amazing.
I must cover all this news.
So we had some other guests scheduled.
I cleared the decks.
We have one guest popping in on Julian Assange and the extradition.
He spent 160 something years in prison for espionage here in the U.S.
I guess as a lawyer, they're popping in the last 30 minutes of the third hour.
But everything else is going to be news, clips, analysis, and I am supercharged and massively prepared today.
All right.
I have five stacks in front of me that illustrate the global awakening against tyranny and how fast it's moving, and the power we have as people awaken and learn the power they have.
So I'm going to be hitting all of that first.
Then, some of the best unintentional comedy ever, but this is an ongoing standard tactic by the think tanks, by the big endowments, the Carnegie, Rockefeller, Ford endowment that run the CIA.
They do this all the time.
They come out and they say things that are just total lies.
They'll say, ice caps discovered on Mars the first time.
They were discovered 100 years ago with telescopes, and now probes have landed on them.
They'll just say, discovered first time.
Why do they do that?
I'll explain why.
There's other psychological tactics they use, where they say, you know, two men can have a baby, X and Y chromosomes don't exist.
That's like saying water isn't dihydrogen monoxide.
It's just absolute, the opposite of science, the opposite of facts.
So you can call it unintentional comedy, but it's the jokes on us if we buy into this.
Oh, Stanford Medicine Study identifies distinct brain organization patterns in women and men.
Now that's not by anatomically looking at the structure of the brain or even watching the behavioral differences in males and females in every species, not just mammals or marsupials.
That's already been done massively for hundreds of years and was well known.
It's hooking people's brains up to computers and saying, oh, the brainwaves are completely different.
Yeah, I'm not a medical doctor.
I'm not a medical person, but I love reading medical journals.
My dad is a physician.
But this is sixth grade science textbook when I went to public school.
It's an absolute fact.
And so I'm going to just talk about, coming up later in the hour, a few of the differences in the brain of men and women.
But let's just give you a little tidbit for anybody who wants to look it up.
They didn't call themselves really medical doctors, but they were philosophers and they did some of the first drawings and sculptures of the anatomical shape of the body and made the first statues that were really anatomically accurate.
Masterpieces carved of stone.
And they would cut open parts of the body and try to write about and guess what they did.
And they knew the brain did the thinking, they knew the heart did the pumping of the blood, and they even knew the liver was the thing that cleaned you out.
They just figured it out.
They're the original scientists, basically.
The Egyptians and the Greeks and the Babylonians and the Chinese, the Chin.
And they all found the same thing, whether you go find 4,000-year-old manuscripts in Egypt or 4,000-year-old manuscripts in China, they figured it out.
Without any of the, quote, modern science.
But the first thing the Greeks wrote about was looking at a woman's brain, young or old, who died.
They pulled them out, they looked at them next to a male brain, and they noticed a lot of things.
A, a male brain's bigger on average.
That doesn't necessarily have a chihuahua that's tiny, as smart as a German Shepherd.
But the point is, male brains are bigger.
Male bones are thicker.
Everybody knows that.
Males are twice as strong on average.
More stamina and everything.
It's not putting women down.
It's a fact.
Men can't have babies.
There's a bunch of stuff men can't do.
But the Greeks noticed that there were three times the connections between left and right hemisphere of the brain.
And of course now, going back over a hundred years, they've hooked up wires, they've had it totally down for 60, and they can see the difference between a male and female brain, the greatest difference.
There are three times the connections between a female's left and right hemisphere than there is in the average male.
Now some women have more of a male brain and have less connections between left and right.
But that's why women in general are kind of taking everything in.
They have women's intuition.
They're kind of focused on everything and seem like they're daydreaming quite often.
They're not.
Their hemispheres are communicating with three times the, three times, the Greeks saw the brain, your nerve connections and said, well, these, woman's brain is like more one and men's brain are two.
And funny, that's what the science is once they hooked them up to electrodes.
So this big article at the top of Yahoo, AP Reuters, oh my God, the brain of a woman and a man is different!
It's ridiculous, ladies and gentlemen.
Absolutely preposterous.
Men and women's brains do work differently.
Scientists discover for the first time.
That's like scientists discover a big yellow ball in the sky for the first time.
Scientists discover that fish live in water.
Scientists discover that birds fly in the air.
Scientists discover that if you cut your head off, you die.
Why do they do this?
Well, first they tell you there's no difference in all the movies and culture.
Then they go further and like every Netflix movie, every new movie, the women are the boss, the men are idiots, you know, it started back in the 70s where male role models look like morons, Archie Bunker, married with children, you know, the list goes on and on.
And then they even brag that the CIA funded that and they had...
John P. Holdren and a bunch of others have gone on TV, White House science czars, and bragged, oh yeah, starting in the 70s, we undermine the nuclear family and the image of males being the leaders.
Paul Ehrlich, also famously in the 70s, went on TV and said, we're funding the Hollywood and TV executives to make sure that we undermine the family and the role of men.
Not to make women empowered, but to break down our families.
So I'm already kind of going into this, but later in the hour, I'm going to get busy on other news, or the start of the next, I'm not sure yet, because I'm going to spend at least 30 minutes on this.
By the way, I don't come in here and tell the crew what to pull up.
They're just able, listening to me, they just type in whatever I say, and they find the documents, the bills, everything I'm telling you.
Because by the way, men and women are one species.
We're the species split in two for competition.
And that's how all the different species are split up.
That's how we're designed.
Not just mammals, not just homosapiens, sapiens.
But did you know women have twice the blood-brain barrier of a man?
That's why they're more resistant to autism.
95% of autism is in men, is in boys.
Did you know that they have twice as thick a blood-brain barrier as men?
Did you know any medical doctor, any trauma surgeon, any battlefield surgeon will tell you that a woman can take more gunshots and more blood loss than a man?
Did you know any doctor that delivers babies will tell you female babies are twice as tough as a male?
To survive, not to win a fight, but to survive one, because they are what produces the next generation.
Women are incredible.
And if I had to pick one of the side of the species that I would say is more amazing, I have to say it's women.
I mean, quite frankly, that's why all the ancient cultures worshipped the goddess, because they could just see these women have babies, these women give milk, these women take care of, these women are incredible.
Women are incredible in their magical, holy role that God created.
Men are expendable, designed to go out and provide.
Our brains, left and right hemisphere, are barely even connected, so there's no confusion.
There's absolute direct action.
That's why a woman can't compete with a man.
Oh, are there a few women and a few top percentage points that can compete with kind of the lowest percentage of professional athletes?
Yes, there are some women, a very small percent, maybe one-tenth of one-one-hundredth, that can compete with the worst NFL players, the worst NBA players.
You're talking about percentage points here.
So, to sit there and act like they're discovering that there's a difference is
Men don't have a uterus.
Men don't produce milk unless you give them a bunch of toxic hormones.
It's not even real milk.
And now the federal government came out in England and said,
Giving men these toxic hormones, they can produce tiny amounts of milk is as good as a woman's milk.
And I looked up the studies.
We're talking about them producing 1 20th maximum of what a woman produces of this toxic milk.
And they say it's as good as a woman's milk.
It's all lies, people, to get you ready for transhumanism.
So I'm going to stop there.
I'm going to recap what I said and expand on it.
Coming up later in the broadcast soon.
Let me tell you what else we got, and then I'm going to get into action and victory and some really great examples of what's going on.
They now have a whole bunch of new studies confirming that the Moderna and Pfizer shots caused massive blood clots, heart attacks.
And again, they're using a psychological warfare tactic where they say, oh, but it's rare.
No, it's not.
It's killed 20 million people.
We have that.
We have Hillary Clinton has resurfaced, climbing out from under wherever she came from.
Well, we know.
Chicago Mafia.
Her dad was the deputy head of the Chicago Mafia.
She's crawled out from under her rock with Christina Amanpour of the UN to say that Trump's planning a military dictatorship.
So, you know what that means.
Of course, we know what she's been trying forever.
Whatever she tells you Trump's doing, that's what she's up to.
And I want to explain, when I talked about it a month or so ago, I made a big deal about it.
And it's crazy.
I talk about anything and it gets huge traction.
I wanted that to get traction, got no traction.
I say no traction, millions saw it and heard it, but it didn't become a big story.
The Democrats have said their plan B is when Trump has such a landslide, he wins the election.
That they're going to activate giant riots and burn down the country.
It'll make the summer of rage in 2000, the summer of mostly peaceful protest look tame in comparison.
And then they're going to cause a constitutional crisis and try to force him from office.
And they said that in 2020.
They said, if we don't win, we'll just hold an alternate
Inauguration in Colorado, which is where the real U.S.
government's based.
It's not the backup government.
It's the real COG, Cognitive Government Complex.
And it was in the New York Times, big war game, and John Podesta, your Democrat Party top operative, saying, we're not going to accept it one way or another, and we're going to see civil unrest.
They're going to activate all the illegal aliens and all the rest of it.
So that's a big deal.
That's what we're facing.
How long until the election?
Let's put it on screen.
Because Trump is in their own skewed polls that sample way more Democrats than Republicans and hit Democrat voter pools.
Trump's 15 points ahead nationwide.
He's up to 7 to 10 points in all the battleground states.
The real number is 30 points ahead.
And those numbers are coming up.
By the way, another big national, very respected polling group projected by Decision Desk.
Look at this.
Current Donald Trump vs. Joe Biden 2024 electoral map projected by Decision Desk with an index of over 100 scientific polls.
Trump gets 312 delegates.
Biden gets 226.
A gigantic super landslide.
Bigger than Ronald Reagan.
Bigger than Richard Nixon.
People haven't gotten numbers like this since George Washington.
Look at that.
Zoom in on that.
That's why they're crapping their britches.
Oh, you mean we didn't see through all the corruption before?
They thought they could, you know, just indict Trump and have jury-less trials and have all these clowns up there talking about how hot rape is with no evidence Trump even touched her or ever met her?
And then now they're like, well, why is nothing working?
Let me explain something to the CIA and to the Carnegie Endowment that runs it.
I'm going to explain something to MI6.
Listen, dumbasses.
It was real easy for you to inherit all this Western power and then people were asleep because they thought there was a social contract and were just living their lives and having a good time.
It was easy to fool and lie to people when they were asleep and trusted you.
People aren't asleep now.
Most of them aren't.
And the others that are asleep are waking up fast.
Reality's dawning.
People aren't asleep anymore, and they don't trust you, and they don't like you, okay?
Let me explain that to you, alright?
And you think with your strategy of just attacking me, and attacking Trump, and then you thought all that behind-the-scenes stuff a couple years ago that I'm not supposed to talk about, that's off-record?
You think when you harassed Joe Rogan and messed with him?
I could have told you real quick what was gonna happen when you did that.
You forced him to completely wake up and join us, and now he's as hardcore as it gets behind the scenes, but like a jujitsu expert, is rolling out his attacks slowly and watching his moves.
And they already know all that.
You thought messing with him and threatening him and doing a bunch of stuff that I'm... doesn't want me to tell you about?
I was sitting there smiling like a Cheshire Cat three years ago when you guys started harassing him.
What'd you think harassing Aaron Rodgers would do?
Think he'd make him stick his tail between his legs and pee pee on himself?
So you guys think we're like you?
You think when you mess with my family, my family's gonna get messed with hard, folks.
My dad this morning is so damn happy, 10 years younger being attacked like this, and he just said, son, I'm tired of you even, I want you to take the gloves off.
They wanna fight, they're gonna get one.
Who the hell do you think you're dealing with, trash?
It's that great scene near the end of that movie Elysium.
I don't like Matt Damon as an actor, but it's a good movie.
And the head of the planetary elitist colony orbiting the Earth is ordering around these illegal commandos, he said, running around killing people.
And she says, if you don't get this handled, you're going to be hung.
He picks up a broken piece of glass and he goes, hey lady, we do the hanging and jabs it into her carotid artery.
See, the New World Order took the gloves off.
You're the ones that set your army of pedophiles loose on us.
You're the ones that did all this while we were asleep and while we were decking it.
We deserve some of the blame, but we didn't run it.
We didn't do it consciously.
You are guilty.
And you're the bad guys.
And your problems are only going to get worse.
So please keep persecuting people.
Please keep attacking people.
Please keep threatening people.
And see where it gets you.
And case in point, we're going to cover this right now.
You know what?
I don't do this to make you continue to tune in.
I do it because you only... I'm the same way.
If I don't whet your appetite and kind of like put it out there and pull it back, it won't have a big effect.
So this news is so important, I'm not going to cover it right now.
I'm not going to make you wait long.
We're going to break in a few minutes.
I'm going to come back and hit this, okay?
But let me tell you.
It's like you wake up when you're a little kid and you smell bacon cooking and biscuits.
Maybe it's pancakes.
You know that smell.
What's mama cooking?
What's daddy cooking in there?
My dad's a great cook as well.
I never knew waking up in the morning, my dad would do breakfast a lot.
I'd go, well, that smells good.
When you get a little bit older, you're 10 or 11, you start drinking coffee.
Oh, I smell that coffee.
That smells pretty good.
I'm going to get me a cup of that.
You know what I smell?
I smell globalist blood in the water.
I'm like a big old 20 foot long great white shark.
And I smell a lot of blood.
Of the political lifeblood running out of your veins.
Oh, what's that?
I smell fear.
I've got my hands around your throat.
The American people got their hands around your throats.
And when we're done with you, you'll wish you'd never been born, you trash!
You murderers!
You killed 20 million innocent people, you shot up millions of children that are flopping around like dead fish dying!
You are absolutely disgusting filth!
But you see, the power you had, and the levers, we could depopulate, we could control, we could corrupt the medical system by getting them on board with us, then we could do whatever we want, and we could use them all for guinea pigs, and it's gonna be so wonderful!
Oh, so smart!
You inherited the American and British Empire.
And then you crapped it all away, selling out your own power base to China because you'd make more money in the short term.
You are not far-thinking, Globalist.
You pretend like you are.
But if you were really far-thinking and looked at second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh order events, you would know that you have followed the absolute worst course you could ever follow.
And my mission, even though I hate your stinking guts and I love victory over you and I shouldn't rebel, I'm a Christian man and when I was young I rebelled all the time.
And it was certainly attractive in the culture and people liked that, but I repent of that.
I was doing a little reveling, a little kind of skates on the edge of Satanism.
I repent.
Because that's not why we're going to defeat you.
We're going to defeat you because you've got your foot on the neck of our children, and you're scum, and God's watching, and God hates your ass.
And we're going to get you out of the way, and we're going all the way to the stars and beyond.
Yes, to quote Buzz Lightyear, we're going to infinity and beyond.
And it's going to be messy.
And a lot of people are going to die.
But at the end of the day,
You know it deep down inside, Lord Rothschild, and all the rest of you, that you're going to be pushed into the fires of history.
And it is you who will be destroyed, not us.
You set the trap, you dug the pit for your fellow man, and now it is you that will be consumed, not us.
Is that clear?
I know it is.
Know your fate and embrace it.
My fate is to throw everything I've got at you, and it is an honor, and it is a pleasure, and it is a sacred
Absolute duty and I am so thankful to the God of the universe and the God of consciousness and the God of everything that is good that I have been put in this position with so many other great men and women to stand against this evil and to be persecuted by it.
It is the ultimate blessing and is our God not incredible to continue to give us such incredible opportunities?
I don't want to come back.
A lot of good news.
A lot of good news.
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Evil is not the only thing that has a will.
Discover your will.
Discover your spirit.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
The Sleeping Giant is awakening.
The people around the world are rediscovering their power.
From Sri Lanka to India.
From France to Germany to the United States to Canada.
The people realize that an anti-human world is being built.
That we're being told we're obsolete.
And people are flexing their muscles.
And I've got a lot of examples of this I want to hit right now.
But the first big one is the weaponization of the judiciary and the legal system, and how Soros took over almost all the DAs, many of the judgeships, close to half the attorney generals, and they send them to these big seminars, lavish hotels, all over beautiful places in the world, mainly the Caribbean.
Danny Willis, all of them go, and they teach them how to engage in criminal activity, and how to work with the media and think tanks, and how to engage in fraud, and how to rig juries or not even have juries.
And so people are watching this, and they're seeing it unfold, and they're realizing, wait a minute, if Donald Trump doesn't have any rights, or Alex Jones doesn't have any rights, I don't have any rights.
Now the problem is the electronic voting machines and fraud in places like New York, where the Democrats aren't the majority.
California's been red.
It's always been red.
It used to be redder than Texas.
But if you get Democrat election officials over your systems, it's over.
They're now appointing illegal aliens in San Francisco and in Chicago to run the election boards.
I'm not kidding.
I covered it yesterday.
I'll cover it again later.
So it's all about flaunting it in your face, rubbing your nose in it, they think will make you become conditioned to accept it, because again, they thought you were awake and bullied, people were asleep.
Now when you're awake and somebody's punching you in the nose for no reason and rubbing crap on your face and trying to cut your kid's penis off, your little girl's breast off, you're like, what the hell?
And they, so they reapply more intimidation, they reapply more attacks.
So what about the truckers and more right now?
So for folks that don't know, or don't pay attention, in Europe, in the United States, there's a lot of famous trucker protests and farmer protests that have changed federal laws, that have had huge effects, have changed national laws around the world.
There was a case, what was it, a decade ago or so, that the trucker got 110 years in an accidental wreck, the judge just was persecuting the truck driver, and
They shut down Colorado for four or five months.
Prices exploded.
Businesses were shutting down, even big ones.
And so the judge said, OK, 10-year sentence.
That shows the power of the people.
So, I knew this would happen last week when the truckers get pissed that they mean business.
Hardworking, competent people that also have a lot of time to listen, so they're very politically informed on average.
I'd say 90% populist or conservative.
There aren't many liberal truck drivers, so they live in the real world.
And so, I knew when this got announced last Thursday or so, and it exploded, and it was the top trend almost every day on X, and everywhere else since then,
That when members of Congress came and shot their mouth off about the truckers, and when Democrats, prominent ones, came out and talked show host and attacked them and made fun of them, and said we'll just replace you with driverless cars and trucks and we'll just get you fired, they didn't understand that trucking is still one of the only things that's not centralized in this country.
There's some huge companies out there, but the majority are middle-sized trucking companies or independent operators.
And they understand they're all under attack, so they're not in a union, but they've got a basic solidarity.
They stick together.
They have to.
It's a tough job.
And they came out, and I've got a bunch of examples, but you've seen them, I'm not going to bore you with them, and said, you're idiots, you're all going to get fired, you're going to go bankrupt.
No, they've got all the loads they could ever want to take around the rest of the country.
And the truckers have said, hey, if you live there in the area and you're a small trucking company, you've got to keep delivering.
We're not mad at you.
We're not going to, quote, take your lunch.
We're not going to beat you up like leftist unions do if you cross the picket line.
And so now truckers are saying, OK, so you're now making fun of us and saying you're going to get rid of us and calling us Nazis.
We're just going to now intensify it.
And that's the thing about the left, they think they're dealing with an asleep population still, and to a great extent, you're not.
And the more you act like the surly, arrogant, bravada, hubris, chutzpah-filled scum, the worse it's going to get.
Trump now backs the trucker boycott against New York City over fraud verdict.
But there is a bigger thing that just happened.
And I've got the articles right here.
Thousands of companies, including hundreds of large ones, in just the last four days since the ruling Friday, have said, we were going to move to New York, New York State, New York City.
We're not now.
And everybody else is voting with their feet.
And great, you're bringing in illegal aliens, and you're bringing in mentally ill people, and you're bringing in criminals.
And so it's taking New York from a dystopic craphole, a shithole, to a Mad Max, Road Warrior, Beyond Thunderdome scenario.
And the globalists want to collapse things universally, and then buy it all up and rebuild it, and build back better, but that's not going to happen.
You're just collapsing your own areas.
So this is an example of solidarity and people taking action, people waking up and saying, we're moving to Florida.
We're moving to Texas.
And then when the jobs and the industry and the votes are there, people are going to vote for their prosperity more and more because they're awakening.
People in their sleep voted against their own self-interest.
And it's going to pull all the wealth out.
of those areas.
So New York will be worse than Detroit within a few months.
It's already hellish.
And when it's being run right, it's a great place.
Giuliani wasn't perfect, but he was running it.
It was great.
New York, great museums, restaurants, theater.
I mean, it's a cool, big city.
You're buzzing.
Go out with friends on boats, drive around the Statue of Liberty at night.
I mean, it doesn't have a bad vibe.
At least L.A.
has always had a bad vibe for me.
I just
I just feel like I'm Superman with kryptonite around my neck when I'm there.
The spirit's so evil.
New York didn't have a satanic feeling to it.
You can feel it.
I was there a couple years ago doing some podcasts and I had the LA feeling.
And there was just pedo pride stuff everywhere.
So they're destroying themselves.
They're cutting off their nose to spite their face.
And so
Famous investor, billionaire Kevin O'Leary slams New York City ruling against Trump.
He did it on CNN and on Fox.
Both are excellent breakdowns and it's true!
So I'm sorry for the workers and good people in New York.
I like real New Yorkers.
They can be Hispanic, black, white, Puerto Rican, great people.
That's not even who... New York now is like half illegal aliens that don't even know what the hell they're doing.
And there's riots, a bunch of riots, illegal alien centers beating up the police.
And they can't play the race car because almost all the cops are black that were in that precinct.
And it's just not working anymore.
People see their, again, going against their own self-interest.
So that's another big example.
And of course, an even bigger one is they had 80% uptake or 75% uptake on the first poison shots three years ago and then 50% uptake and then 30% and then 20% now.
In some demographics, it's 15.
Our guest said 15 yesterday.
The real number, obviously, is about five.
So 5% are taking their so-called fifth booster.
So there is a learning curve here.
And people are just voting with their action.
And now the hospitals that fired hundreds of thousands of nurses and doctors are begging them back in the U.S.
and all over the world.
And they're begging the military back saying, OK, we'll sign a contract.
You'll be taking experimental shots.
They took a run at us and it blew up in their face.
And they killed 20 million of us.
And it's been rough and it's terrible.
But I'm seeing really good signs everywhere.
We're not going to skip this break.
I'm going to come back and hit the Kevin O'Leary rant that is a hole-in-one.
If it was a golf, it's Tiger Woods, hole-in-one.
I mean, it's Michael Jordan, you know, super fly.
It is amazing and it's what we're going to do.
They want to put us under a social credit score, take everything away from us to control us.
We're going to checkmate your ass, and we're going to take everything away from you, the New World Order.
And then we're going to indict you, and we're going to throw your ass in prison.
Be right back.
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I don't know.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Because you can't starve us out and you can't make us run.
Those Winston Moore boys raised on shotguns.
We say praise, we say ma'am.
If you ain't into that, we don't give a damn.
We came from the West Virginia coal mines and the Rocky Mountains and the western skies.
And we can skin a buck, we can run a trot line, and a country boy can... And we can start a populist movement worldwide against the New World Order.
We could spend 30 years doing it.
No, and then when the enemy made their move, everybody would then go back to all the breadcrumbs we laid out and find out how to beat ya.
And it all happened.
Because it wasn't my plan.
It was God's plan.
Alright, so...
There are so many examples of the people waking up and saying, no, it's happening everywhere and realizing that when the system's at war with you and the system has broken the social contract, it's not your system.
It's not legitimate.
It is not just your right.
It is your duty to abolish it and rebuild it.
But we're not going to have a violent civil war.
That's what they want.
This isn't a civil war with each other.
It's not a civil war with the government.
The government's been hijacked.
It's removing the hijackers.
Again, if you're on an airplane flying as a tourist, let's say from London, England to Cairo, Egypt, and all of a sudden guys jump up with bombs and guns and they take over and put the pilot and co-pilot in handcuffs and put on the uniform.
They do that sometimes and say, do what I say.
Is the airline the enemy?
Are the pilots the enemy?
Are the stewardesses the enemy?
The flight attendants?
It's the hijackers.
So you don't blow up the airplane to get the hijackers.
You decide to let's roll and try to stop them.
And so the globalists can only get away with this if we don't know they're the bad guys that are orchestrating it.
They say that.
They say we're bringing in this big change.
We're going to blame it on the governments and the people and we're going to have them all fight each other and then we'll be the saviors and pick up the pieces.
No you're not because we're going to expose your ass.
And we have.
Every popular icon now is exposing the New World Order.
You can say, well, are they good?
Can we trust them?
They're coming over to our side because we're winning.
It's academic discussion.
I know Tucker's for real.
Whether Musk is or not, it doesn't matter.
He's wreaking havoc.
I mean, they thought Alex Jones was a problem.
My God, he's just devastating them in real time.
They don't like it.
Maybe he wants to replace them.
Maybe he wants to take over.
You can say that, but he sure as hell is ruining their world.
He's wrecking their world.
So now, and I've got the reports right here, thousands of companies have announced they're leaving New York.
Because of the judge's ruling, because everybody knows it's a fraud that has to happen, everybody knows you go to banks and they want you to value the real estate at a positive level.
That raises the whole market, that ensures they're going to get more money, and every investment Trump ever did paid off and the banks tried to testify and the judge would shut them down.
And people see that and they go, my God, if no jury even involved, if a judge can just take somebody's company away and take dozens of big buildings and golf courses away and put a federal receiver in running Trump's company right now that's a Democrat that works for Bill Clinton, if they can do that, they can do it to anybody.
Of course, Trump's a big, powerful man, the President, with billions of dollars.
They've cut his wealth in half already.
He's doing it for everybody.
It's amazing.
You can't sit back and complain about it.
He's the man in the arena.
Is he perfect?
But it's easy to point out the strongman stubble when you're not in the arena.
Print me the arena speech, please.
Or just the heart of it.
From Paris, France.
So what I want people to understand is you're in a historic moment.
And yeah, we've been getting our asses kicked forever.
We were asleep.
Now we're not asleep.
And as you get up out of the bed, your nose is bleeding, your eyes black, and you've got a knot on your head, maybe even a stab wound, and you look at what's been stabbing you and biting you, and it's like a one-foot-tall, bug-eyed, retarded gremlin.
And you look at yourself and you're not asleep, you're like a 50 foot tall steely-eyed giant with giant arms and legs and huge claw hands.
And the moment you realize your power, you're like, Gremlin, game over!
Maybe the Gremlin bites your hand a little bit, pisses on you.
That's about all it can do.
And that's why they hate you.
Because they're globalist parasites, and they know your potential.
They want to hurt you as bad as they can, so you never rise up spiritually, culturally, economically, and throw them off of you.
But the minute you realize they're the enemy, BlackRock's the enemy, the Private Fellow Reserve's the enemy, the Carnegie Endowment's the enemy, the Rockefeller Foundation's the enemy, the moment you realize that and pull your support from them, metaphysically, culturally, spiritually, economically, it's game over.
So here's the billionaire, Kevin O'Leary, Shark Tank,
Attorney laying out what's really happening in New York and how the sleeping giant has arisen.
This award, I mean, just leaving the whole Trump thing out of it and seeing what occurred here, and I'm no different than any other investor.
I'm shocked at this.
I can't even understand or fathom the decision at all.
There's no rationale for it.
And so let me give you a real-time experience I'm having regarding this, and I'm not the only one.
It doesn't matter what the governor says.
New York
Was already a loser state like California is a loser state there are many loser states because of policy high taxes Uncompetitive regulation it was already on the top of the list of being a loser state I would never invest in New York now And I'm not the only person saying that and here's a real-time situation in development in real estate right now the hottest asset class is
I think?
Normally, you'd consider that, to put in one of these facilities, create 400 jobs, 5 more jobs for each of one of those, for auxiliary services.
I can't go to New York.
So I'm going to Oklahoma, North Dakota, West Virginia.
Governor Stitt, Kevin Stitt, my staff have met with him.
Governor Bergen, the same thing.
Governor Justice.
Those are winner states.
They don't do things like this.
I have to syndicate that debt and all that equity.
We're talking billions of dollars here.
Do you think any foreign institution or any private equity firm or any pension fund would touch New York?
And that's why New Yorkers should be concerned.
The fine people of New York should ask themselves, why are we such a loser state?
How are we going to attract business?
It's not just the existing businesses that are fleeing out to Texas and Florida.
What about new money like this that I'm talking about?
Like a $4 billion data center?
Not a chance I would put that in New York.
Zero probability.
And so they've got a lot of work to do to find themselves getting out of this situation.
This has all occurred post-pandemic.
Winner states versus loser states.
Look at Tennessee right now.
Fastest growing city in America.
Winner state.
Good policy.
Competitive taxes.
You've got to start thinking about this in the context of winners and losers.
New York, mega loser state.
So Kevin, what did you think of Governor Hochul saying, this is like a unique one and done because Donald Trump went too far and was so nefarious.
You guys, if you're just doing what you should be doing, you have nothing to worry about.
But they're very worried about it.
Yeah, we're very worried.
Every investor is worried because where is the victim?
Who lost money?
This is some arbitrary decision a judge made.
This policy and what this says, what does this say about the bar?
The legal bar in New York?
Aren't they going to question this judge?
$355 million and there's dollars as a penalty and there's plus interest at 9% and there's no victim?
What is this?
I'm sorry, her words fall on deaf ears to everybody.
There's nothing she can say to justify this decision.
And this has nothing to do with Trump.
Nothing to do with Trump.
Forget about Trump.
This is not a Trump situation.
This is a New York problem now.
The whole world is looking at this saying, what are you doing to yourselves?
Alright, so here's the bottom line.
Communist China
Had all this Western money, it was the main investment point.
Xi Jinping started seizing companies, everybody left.
India is now producing more than China in three, four years.
It's the same deal.
The globalists have overplayed their hand.
The army the globalists use is a bunch of corrupt lawyers.
They're a bunch of snot noses that don't think second, third, fourth order.
We do.
They're losing.
Yeah, they're going to make it hell for me and Trump and the leaders in the fight, but it's okay.
We're big boys.
We're men.
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We love it.
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I want to play one more powerful clip of Kevin O'Leary on CNN that will come back and hit all the other insane news.
They discovered men and women are different.
Yes, it's top headline in the country.
It's all coming up, but here's more Kevin O'Leary.
Wouldn't there be many companies who would not want to do business or loan money to people like yourself or investors if they know that they can get away with fraud and there's no recourse to protect them?
Excuse me, what fraud?
This is not about Trump anymore.
When you get a developer that builds a building, and he says it's worth $400 million, and he wants to borrow $200 million from a bank, which happens every day, everywhere on earth, including every American city.
Every developer is an entrepreneur.
They shine the light on their building and they say it's worth $400,000.
The bank does its own due diligence, as was done in this case, because they're very good at it, the banks are very good, and they say, no, it's worth $300,000.
We're only going to loan you $150,000,000.
That haggling has gone on for decades.
That's how it works.
And then, in this case even, the bank that was supposedly defrauded testified and said, we didn't lose anything, we want to do business with this guy again.
We'd like to.
But the judge said, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Let's penalize this developer for $355 million.
And if we're going to do that, let's penalize all the developers all across America.
They've all done the same thing.
All of them should go to jail and we should stop building buildings.
That's what the message is from New York.
Even the governor herself is concerned about what this looks like to investors all around the world.
It's not just U.S.
All around the world, people are talking about what happened here.
You really think people want to invest money in New York after this?
How about we go somewhere else?
I think there are people who would... I don't want to cut you off, but I want to converse with you instead.
Well, you just did.
It's only because I want to have a conversation, Kevin, as opposed to just having you tell me.
I respect you because you're a lawyer.
You understand exactly what I'm talking about.
You're a lawyer.
I got to tell you, I'm respectable for a number of reasons, Kevin O'Leary, but being a lawyer is one of those issues.
But I'll tell you, when I hear your conversation, and I do want to converse with you about this point, I understand that there are legitimate concerns that were raised during the trial and will continue to be raised about
Who the quote-unquote, what, who is actually bringing the suit?
It wasn't the banks who were saying that we as consumers are unsophisticated feel this way, but Letitia James, Attorney General, and I know you want to expand beyond Trump, has suggested, well, it's about making the playing field level for those who are not the major and billionaire investors, but for those who are supposed to put business records out there, want to get a loan, the idea of making sure that they have to have the same
True statements included as those who have a lot more money.
Is there any weight to that for you?
Well, I ask you, who lost money?
And I make it even clearer.
You and I, we're developing a data center together.
And I say to you, we can go to New York, where this just happened.
It's your money now.
You're now an investor and you're taking risks.
You're an entrepreneur with me, right beside me.
We're together on the deal.
Or I can show you
Oklahoma, North Dakota, West Virginia, where the governors actually ran businesses.
Let's go there, where this never happened before.
They have power, they have permits, they've got legislation that's supportive of entrepreneurship.
Why would we go to New York?
Why take the risk?
My only point is, did we just diminish the great state of New York and the great people of New York?
And shouldn't they ask for better management so they don't become a flyover state?
Remember, New York has the highest taxes in the country, the worst regulatory environment, and it's incredibly mismanaged.
And I'm pointing out now, on top of that, you get this insanity.
A victimless crime, and forget about Trump, it's not about Trump.
I don't care about Trump in this.
I care about America, and I care about entrepreneurship, and I care about democracy, and the fairness
The judicial system is now being criticized.
People are asking themselves, the bar of New York.
Is this judge rational to charge $355 million in a case where no one lost any money?
Is that good for the people of New York?
Should the people of New York wake up to this and say, what's happening to us?
Why is this becoming so perverse?
Why are we the focus of this injustice?
I have nothing to do with Trump.
I'm not supporting Trump.
I'm supporting American entrepreneurship.
And New York is slowly becoming the number one loser
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It's Alex Jones!
Welcome to hour number two, my friends, of this Tuesday, February 20th, 2024 transmission.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
All right, let me put bookends on what we covered last hour, the mass awakening happening, the people realizing their power, the truckers saying they're gonna not deliver to New York, Congress people, media pundits attacking them.
Huge ex-accounts saying good riddance, making more truckers now say they're going to boycott.
It's going to just devastate what's left of New York.
Because the left and their minions have no respect for reality and no respect for anybody, even themselves.
They don't think second, third, fourth order of magnitude.
That's what they mean when they say, he's playing checkers, we're playing chess.
Chess is second and third and fourth order magnitude.
The Masters are, you know, six, seven, eight orders of magnitude out.
They can see no matter how you move, what's going to happen.
That's the genius of it.
The Globalists aren't even playing checkers, folks.
They just say, we win the game.
We don't even play the game.
We win the game.
It's like you're getting ready to play pool.
No, this is not play pool.
I already won.
You're like, we haven't even racked up the balls yet.
We haven't even broke yet.
You're like, no, I won.
They're like, no, you didn't.
Well, I have a chess department and they said I did.
And so you can do that for a while, but then people are just going to withdraw their support from you.
But if you look at how the Democrats have already destroyed their cities, and how the globals have destroyed Europe...
They're threatened by the prosperity of Europe and the West and the idea of freedom.
So the globals want to dominate that while they used its power to take over the world.
But then their own command bases and where their own mansions are, are now crime infested hell holes.
It's like saying, even if you're going to cheat on your wife, don't shit where you eat.
Don't have sex with women or men at your office.
But people do that, and does it ever end well?
And it's the same story over and over and over again.
I use the analogy of people peeing in the pool.
Little kids pee in the pool.
And if you go into a public pool, it's toxic, it burns your eyes, they put so much chlorine in it to kill all the garbage that's in there, it's horrible.
But what happens when somebody takes a dump in the pool?
They close it.
They gotta drain it.
There's E. Coli.
It's dangerous.
You can see it.
So the Democratic Party on the left and the Rothschilds and the New World Order have been peeing thousands of gallons of the pool for a long time.
And the pool's green and it stinks, but folks still get in it.
But now the CIA and the Democratic Party and these judges are pulling their pants down and the pool's just like a cesspool, like a sewage treatment plant.
There's just thousands of you-know-what's floating in it.
And they got a bunch of arrogant, sociopathic criminals like Hochul and Newsom that'll sit up there and giggle and laugh, and that's all they've got is their Confidence Act.
But there's a point where no one buys into it anymore.
So there's this ongoing war on logic.
And there's standard tactics written up in the psychology books.
I remember I talked about it decades ago.
I was in a Barnes and Nobles and there was a psychology
Magazine I bought the magazine I showed on there was more scholarly big thick trade publication and I'm talking about some massacres was declassified in the 80s that the British had done in Kenya.
There's a psychological name for it.
I tried to look up this morning.
I couldn't find it called quote effect.
I'll think of it in a minute, but
The British had killed tens of thousands of Kenyans because they uprose.
And you notice the Kenyans did end up getting their independence.
And the British Ministry of Defense and MI6 put out a memo saying, claim we killed nine or whatever it was, it was less than ten, claim we killed nine villagers.
So when people hear 10,000, 15, I forget the exact number, it's a lot.
We're good to go.
And they explain it all in the psychological memo.
That's why they have all these headlines.
Okay, yeah, yeah, yeah.
The COVID shots are causing heart attacks and weird blood clots and strokes and myocarditis and all this.
But it's very rare.
So we have the insurance actuaries, all these other studies between 17 and 22 million dead worldwide.
Government databases, depending on how you slice it, it's around 20 million dead and growing.
Blood clots never before seen everywhere, it's all being reported.
Well, they just come out with new headlines, oh, guess what?
Prestigious medical institution in the U.S.
did a study and it is causing death.
But it's very, very rare.
Yeah, there's the New York Times a few years ago.
Feeling terrible after your shot?
Then it's probably working.
So, if you get a real vaccine, I've talked to medical doctors about this, this is mainline science, there may be additives to it and there may be contaminated with other viruses or things, that's the real danger, but if you could have a pure
We're good to go.
They had liability protection since 1986.
Bad thing Reagan did.
It's the same thing worldwide.
They have no liability and they're just filthy full of SV40 cancer virus.
Just look it up.
The current COVID shot's full of SV40.
A very aggressive simian virus.
One of the main causes of cancer worldwide.
You wonder why it's exploding?
It's just full of everything.
That's what Judy Minkowitz pointed out.
She used to work on this stuff for the government.
They're trying to cover up all the other vaccine damage, thinking they're going to say it's COVID shot later.
She said this three years ago.
It's now come out.
She's right.
It's also the Spars war game document came out years before they released COVID in 2020, or late 2019, but announced it in 2020.
And so they put everything, all the cancer viruses, all the fetal tissue, all the cancer
They put, that's why pharmacists would open up the data sheet that came with the shots and it would say nothing.
They'd never seen a drug that didn't have something about just the name and who made it.
Because they put everything into it.
And then they'll say, oh, it's the COVID shot.
We had special liability protection on that.
But see such large numbers of people never took it.
So you have a huge control group, kind of like the Amish lived on average to 85.
Everybody else lives like 72 now.
Yeah, a lot of places went down from 75 to 72 on average.
The average men and women together.
Women like 75, men like 70.
I mean, it's bad.
We got the Amish over living to 85 and almost no cancer, no autism.
I mean, it's a dangerous control group.
You go, hey, what's wrong?
Why are they okay?
What's wrong with us?
That's why they're trying to shut down the Amish.
Because when everybody's dying at age, you know, 30, and everybody's got Alzheimer's by 25, which is starting to happen, and everybody's infertile, and the Amish are over here just fine, well, you're going to say, well, what's going on with them?
Well, it's the same thing with the control group.
30% of people never took a shot.
Now it's down to, like, less than 10% taking it.
So they got a big problem on their hands.
And now, as Ted Rose at the UN said, and as the Clintons said at their global initiative, no one trusts us!
Bill Gates, everybody hates us!
It's worse now!
God, we got a problem!
But Bill Gates said, don't worry, something so horrible's coming, you'll take it.
Oh, you're not going to release a mild virus this time and have the shot be the killer.
Oh, they're going to release something really nasty, because they never give up.
Well, you're going to kill a lot of people, Gates, Klaus Schwab, all you guys.
Peter Daszak, but Anthony Fauci, but it's not that I like our odds.
I know we're going to win.
It's a slam dunk.
People already know you just committed this mass crime.
You better hope some natural virus doesn't show up or leak out of one of your labs on accident because you're going to all be, let's just say, not in a very nice place.
People are going to tear you limb from limb.
So go ahead, be my Huckleberry.
And I know you will.
You can't help it, you murdering, arrogant filth.
We're not asleep anymore, Bubba.
Go ahead.
Sturdy here, he say.
Because you're staring down the barrel of an awakening giant.
Make my day.
But you've had so much power so long, you have a normalcy bias.
You're gonna roll those dice again.
If they were smart, they'd back up and wait a while.
People forgot about this a few decades, but you won't.
You can't help it.
So... Everybody has to get ready for the next attack.
Now, let's shift gears into another big story of scientific...
Quackery and it's just unintentional comedy, the likes of which make my head spin.
Let's put it up on screen here.
Men and women brains do work differently, scientists discover for first time.
Headline on a say, scientists discover for the first time that if you stick your hand in a garbage disposal, when it's on, it's going to cut off the ends of your fingers.
Or maybe you should say, scientists discover the first time that if you jump out in front of a train going 100 miles an hour, you're going to die.
Or maybe it's time to discover the first time if you pour five gallons of gasoline on yourself and light yourself on fire, you're going to burn yourself to death.
I mean, it is so ridiculous.
Why do they do this?
To scramble your brain.
Men and women aren't different.
Men can have babies.
Two women had a baby in the federal prison.
Breastfeeding men are as good as mothers.
And then they double back.
Researchers found men and women are different.
They want you to have all thoughts in your head at all times in a confusing
Discombobulated world, where sometimes there's X and Y chromosomes, but sometimes they're not.
When O'Brien, the torturer, and the inner party is torturing the outer party member, Winston Smith, in the dystopic nightmare novel, 1984, he's been torturing Winston for a month, pulling his teeth out, electro-shocking him, everything, he says,
When I hold up four fingers, I don't want you just to agree there's four.
If I say it's five, you say it's five.
It's not that I want you to just do what I say.
I want you to believe it's whatever I say.
And finally, Winston sees dozens of fingers and says, I don't know how many fingers.
He goes, good.
Now I've tortured you.
You're now a mind control slave.
And we're going to put you out to pasture for a few months.
And watch you closely and make sure that we took your soul.
We like to hurt free will.
We like to dominate God's spirit.
That's a little piece in you.
And he said, then we're going to kill you and we're going to burn you in an incinerator and shoot your ashes in the atmosphere and no one will ever know you existed.
And once it says, thank you, that sounds great.
And he says, you know why we do this, Winston?
He says, no.
He goes, because we're the priest of power.
We want people to live less and be totally alone.
And we want to press on the nerve of power and trample to be trampled upon.
He goes, Winston, I'll be arrested soon and tortured to death.
I love it.
I want to hurt humanity.
I love Satan.
And we're always showing this 1940s TV or 1950s TV version.
Pull up the color one with the famous British actor, William Hurt.
And it's also got the other guy in it, Kevin William Hurt, 1984, that's a better B-roll.
So, let's just talk about the difference between men and women, and it's way more amazing than this.
It's amazing because men have their attributes and their gifts God gave us, and then women have their attributes and their gifts, and their
They're amazing, and this is not some leftist, kissing women's ass thing.
I mean, it really is true.
If I had to sit down, I think you would agree, most of you, and if you said, who is more amazing, and men do incredible things, and men can do math better, and fight better, and focus, and have fun, and men are wonderful.
But if I had to sit back and really say, who is more magical, men or women, it's obviously women.
I mean, they're a one-person operation.
They've got milk.
They grow the baby.
They love the baby.
They're just incredible.
And they do so much more than that.
And they nurture, and they build.
And we're one species, but we're separate and equal.
We're different, but equal in different ways.
We have so much potential.
So let me just tell you what's mainline medical literature, and it's established, and it's not debated by anybody.
A female baby or fetus is twice as tough on average as a male fetus.
They can handle disease, wounds, gunshot wounds, broken bones.
They heal faster, they're better.
Because males are high geared for going out hunting, fishing, building, fighting.
We're focused on mission.
Women are back at the hearth in the center of the tribe, just like in a beehive or an ant hive, the female's at the center.
It's in nature everywhere.
And then they somehow convince you, with all the movies and the culture, no, no, no, women are the best fighters, and women are the best repetitions, and the women are the best at chess, and women are the best... No, you're not!
Because your brain has three times the connections on average between left and right hemisphere, your mind is one.
So you have better intuition.
Remember what Donald Trump said?
He said the deepest thing he ever learned was how to be shallow.
Because he has all those ancestors, all those instincts, all that knowledge, all that personal knowledge, and your first instinct is always right.
The deepest thing I ever did was to learn to be shallow.
What a deep statement.
And so, women's bones aren't as strong as ours.
Half as strong.
Ours are twice as strong.
Women don't have the big blood volume.
Women don't have the thick skull.
Women aren't designed like in an anthill
The warriors that are twice the size of the other ants, three times in some cases, like the famous Texas Red Ant.
Beautiful ants, love to watch them.
One ant can like carry a rock, weighs five times its weight, ten times, it's incredible.
This pebble, this little ant's carrying it.
And those males are totally focused and geared to defend their ant hill.
Their hive.
And again, that's in that species.
It's all around you.
You don't have scientists going to an anthill and saying, oh, those male ants can have babies.
Or, oh, those male ants are equal to the female ants.
It's ants.
It's what they are.
They're one organism broken into individuals, a collective.
And the left always tells you you're a collective from the top down.
That's not how collectives work.
It's a collective that it all works together but it's all individual action carrying it out.
They operate off pheromones and other things.
We're way more advanced than a hive colony.
A jellyfish is not one creature.
A jellyfish is a whole consortium of cells that have a template that organizes them into the jellyfish.
Whether it's a hundred feet long or an inch long.
So the reason I hit this is
Why are they coming out and telling you, scientists discovered for the first time birds, some bird species can fly.
You'd laugh at that.
But they've already pushed the agenda that there is no difference, there are no Xs and Ys, so now they're back.
Oh, but I knew, before the article this morning, I got up and I saw it at 5 a.m., and I went, the article will be a brain scan saying women are actually better for society because they work collectively together.
And sure as hell, that's what it said.
It was like, oh, women are good communists.
They're going to work better.
That's why BlackRock and all of them are putting women in charge, because women have an instinct to work collectively when the tribe is good and healthy.
But not when women are put in the positions of power to then destroy the collective.
So, before I read it, I said, when I read the study, it'll all be about the battle between men and women and who has a better brain.
Now we're going to be told women have better brains.
And sure as hell,
I read the articles, and then I read the study, scanned over it, and it's exactly what I knew it would, because it's all the same agenda over and over and over again, and it's pure BS.
Here's the study.
The battle of the brains.
Oh, it's not men and women together forming the species, working together.
No, it's men fighting women.
Who's better?
And they say, if you were more like women, you'd live longer.
Women are designed to live longer.
Men are designed to be expendable.
Stanford Medical Study identifies distinct brain organization patterns in women and men.
Oh my gosh!
The battle of the brain, men versus women.
It's always versus.
Oh, Black Rock cares about you women.
I mean, you can't watch any show on Netflix where the women aren't all the bosses and aren't all the warriors and aren't all the scientists and the men are idiots.
I mean, obviously women, you have sons, you have daughters, anyone that has had children knows you're one group together on the same team.
If you're not, you're in trouble.
What is this idea?
It's pure crap.
And again, I'll give you another example.
Women, as I mentioned earlier,
have on average twice the blood-brain barrier.
So the sack around the brain and the way the blood vessels come in is twice as thick to protect that brain.
That's why women aren't as autistic.
90 plus percent are male.
Because the brain of a woman is designed where she gives up bone mass and aggression and fast twitch muscles and all that.
Her entire system, on average, talk, look it up for yourself, talk to any trauma doctor.
They see a young man come in with gunshot wounds across the chest, they go, we're gonna probably lose him.
They see a female come in, they go, we got a chance.
Because everybody knows women are tougher when it comes to surviving, which you're designed like a seed to survive.
The men are designed to protect the seed.
So all of this obsessing on women and the system wants to empower you is about destroying us.
Destroying you.
We are one.
But we are separate for our defense and our adaptability.
And it is the men that go out and compete in the genetic system to advance the genetics and the women that choose the genetics to advance us into the future.
It's God's plan.
We'll be back.
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Hey, let me start by saying you do a great show.
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About four years ago, I had high blood pressure and I was on blood pressure medicine.
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One of the most frustrating things about being awake on a globalist agenda is seeing the general public still asleep.
By and large, not aware of the magnitude of the incredible danger they're under, but also the ongoing attacks and the magnitude of the death caused by the lethal injections, masqueradings, vaccines.
It is so frustrating to see people going about their daily lives oblivious.
You realize, Akron's not bliss, it equals death.
But people are starting to really understand how serious things are, and that's a hard thing to do, because to wake up to a dystopic reality and realize that we're in the middle of a giant biological weapons war against humanity, and that there's mass sterilization that's already taking place, and they're cutting off all the major energy sources, is really hard to deal with, but it's the reality.
Facing it is our only chance to turn this around, because stuff's about to get really, really nasty.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
In New York City.
In New York State.
In Detroit.
In Michigan.
In California.
Every Democrat-controlled state is now telling people on the news.
I see dozens of newscasts today.
I've seen the postings.
I've only watched a few of them.
But it's always the same formula.
Oh, they're loving white people that don't want to be racist.
They actually say they don't want to be evil white people.
They've brought in brown people out of the goodness of their heart.
They're being paid money by the federal government.
It's the new Democrat business, is you put illegal aliens in your house.
When you sign them up for welfare, you skim part of it and you put them in a job and skim the money off of them.
Just like the left farms and controls the homeless and skims up to half their money.
So, they don't grow corn, they don't grow wheat, they don't grow pumpkins, they don't grow tomatoes, they don't grow potatoes, they don't grow jalapenos.
And so you see the giant illegal alien centers everywhere with riots in Texas and riots in New York the last few days.
And attacking the police because they can't get enough homes quick enough to get them into because it's 30, 40, 50,000 a day coming in.
Yeah, that's it's a day, folks.
At one checkpoint, they got 14,000 in one day last month.
So we're going to be getting into that.
Just finishing up on women being different than men.
Remember last week I showed you the Dubai International
World Champion Swat Team Competition.
And I mean, you look at the guys from Latin America, Asia, Europe, the U.S.
I mean, it's just, they're athletes.
And 99% of men couldn't compete with them.
And then here come the women, they didn't even check the course, they didn't even look into how you're supposed to do it, that later minute, they just can't even get on a zipline.
No research, no caring, no nothing with their weapons, but they're women and they've watched a lot of Netflix shows and the women are kicking all the guys' asses in the Barbarian movies and in the science fiction movies and in the war movies.
And go across.
And then meanwhile the women can't even go across the zip line.
And it goes on, I'm not gonna, I mean they couldn't even get through the first course.
And by the way, the pool's two feet deep.
They have trouble getting out of the pool.
So, now imagine a man trying to have a baby.
He couldn't even, you know, begin.
But that's the idiocy we're being taught.
That's what we're being pushed.
So, I'm done talking about that.
It's a pretty big deal that they would insult everybody's intelligence with the top news story in the country today.
It's everywhere.
Did you know what they just discovered?
What did they discover?
They discovered that women and men's brains are different.
Did you know that?
Man, that's just hard to believe.
I had no idea that was the case.
All right.
I want to hit Hillary Clinton.
And what she's up to, because it's a real window into what the enemy's planning.
I want to hit the illegal alien stuff.
I want to get into a bunch of the news.
As well, we've got a guest coming up on Assigns, the first season of the press.
So much, I've only covered like 20% of the news, so we've already covered a lot of really interesting, informative stuff.
So interesting that I skipped both network breaks last hour and did not plug.
And if we don't plug, I won't be here.
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DrJonesNaturals.com for all the products not available at InfowarsStore.com.
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All right, I'm going to go to break.
I'm going to come back.
I'm going to hit the Hillary thing first, because that's something nobody else is really understanding.
Everybody gets the illegal alien invasion and the lawlessness to break down society, but there's also big developments there, so we're going to hit that.
And then we've got big military development in the Middle East, Israel, Palestine, and in the Ukraine war that now officially admits a rout of the Ukrainians.
So what's going to come next?
We're at a critical juncture, inflection point on that.
It's all coming up on this live Tuesday edition.
Please stay with us.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones!
You found it, my friend!
Recognized by the globalists as the tip of the spear.
We carry the spirit.
That wishes to bring humanity to the next level and transcend our fallen nature.
We believe humanity.
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We are ready to go in, through, and beyond and meet our ultimate destiny.
All right, so the globalist demon Hillary Clinton, Madam President, as Newsweek printed up hundreds of thousands of copies in the days before she lost in that first election against Trump in 2016.
She's crawled out into Iraq with Christina Amanpour, who's one of the worst New World Order people out there.
She's the one that went and found fake concentration camps in Serbia, so that the West could bomb Serbia and their capital with depleted uranium bombs and turn the country, half of it over, or the lower third of it over to the Muslims, Kosovo.
She went and famously showed one guy who had tuberculosis with his shirt off trying to get into a UN food pantry that had a barbed wire around it.
And said, look, these people are in a concentration camp.
That's the type of scum we got with Christina Amanpour.
And so if you look at all the preparation, oh there's white supremacists everywhere, oh there's going to be a civil war, all the movies and TV shows produced by Obama and others.
Leaving the world forever?
They're branding Americans not wanting to be under globalist control and being wrecked as a civil war.
It's not a war inside our country, citizen against citizen.
It's citizens peacefully trying to get back control of their hijacked government.
And so they put up the talking points in 2000, in case they were unable to steal the election, that if Trump wins, we're just not going to accept it.
Democratic Party did public war games.
John Podesta said we won't accept it.
We're going to have an alternate inauguration in Denver, Colorado or Colorado Springs where the alternate COG government is set up, Continental Government.
And we're just going to disregard Trump and say that he's not the president.
And then there's going to be civil unrest and we'll remove it.
But they didn't have to go with plan B. They were able to steal it with all the dead people voting and the databases that Zuckerberg spent $450 million on of all the dead people and people that have moved out of state or out of county to then be able to fill out the ballots and give it to people to then go cast them.
And the drop boxes and the mail-ins.
And so they know that's not going well for them because they were barely able to steal it, and it was super obvious.
And if Trump has an even bigger landslide, there's not enough dead people in Zuckerberg's $450 million database that can do it.
And electronic machines they can steal in key places, but that's being watched out too.
So they're now hedging their bet massively, knowing that Trump's really 30 points ahead of them in real polls, 15 in the others.
10 points in battleground states that they're in total panic mode and so they're now moving to okay when he gets in if he gets in
There's going to be uprisings against it, and if he calls out the military and declares the Insurrection Act, that George Herbert Walker Bush did in the early 1990s, the LA riots, we're going to call that racist and dictatorship and brand that when we cause a racial uprising, or brand a limited uprising as racial.
It'll really be a communist, Latinist uprising.
And then we're going to remove Trump that way.
And then they're pre-programming.
You've seen the last few months.
I told you it was coming everywhere.
New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, CNN, ABC News, NBC News, everywhere.
CBS News, PBS.
Trump's going to call out the military, and if he does, that's martial law.
No, martial law is when a president dissolves the Parliament or the Congress and the governorships.
That's one form, not the most common.
President or Prime Minister.
The most common is when another outside group gets control of the military and overthrows the existing government.
Nine times out of ten, that's how coup d'etats operate.
Alright, like even in the movie, Hop.
Great children's movie.
Don't know any stock in it, just saying it's a really funny, wholesome movie.
Not many of those around these days.
This has already been out ten years.
We watch it every Easter.
My kids love it, even the adult kids.
My mom loves it.
It's hilarious.
And Carlos is the head chick, and he has a coup over the Easter Bunny, and he says,
This is a coup d'etat.
I'm taking over, which is French for coup d'etat.
That queue up hop, this is French for coup d'etat.
Just type in hop, coup d'etat.
See, see, even in the children's movie, the coup d'etat is when the chicks overthrow the bunny rabbit.
And I know the general audience gets that, but
9 times out of 10 historically, you can look it up, it's probably like 95 times out of 100.
I mean, it's more than 9 times out of 10.
It's the military and another political party, like Operation Valkyrie against Hitler in World War II by the German military was attempting to overthrow Hitler.
So, that's how coups generally work.
It was a coup when they killed Kennedy in 1963 in Dealey Plaza, blowing his head off.
That's a coup.
Go ahead and roll it with audio.
Start it over.
It's called a coup d'etat, which is a French for coup d'etat.
But Carlos, you've been my most trusted number two for years.
Well, guess what?
I am sick of doing number two.
It is our time for number one, yeah?
Oui, debaucher!
That is so historically important, and the front was cut off.
Let's play that one more time.
Carlos, what are you up to?
It's called a coup d'etat, which is a French for coup d'etat.
But Carlos... All right, so let's stop right there.
So the Easter Bunny's the president, and Fauci and Hillary and Obama are the Easter chick, okay?
I mean, okay, so, so...
That's a coup d'etat.
But Hillary and all of them are saying, once he gets in, he'll use the military on us.
Oh, why is that?
Because you're going to be burning the country down with your Soros-backed Black Lives Matter and the illegal alien brigades and MS-13 and Antifa.
So here's Hillary just putting this out because this is what they're going to do.
So we're busy trying to win the election and stop them stealing it.
That's important.
But I'd say that's 60% of it.
I think Trump's going to win by such a landslide right now.
We're not overconfident.
We all go out to people to vote.
We watch what's going on.
And the political realignment is so big.
Trump's going to win.
They already know that.
So now we better start talking about what they're going to do when he's president-elect.
See, they're not going to wait until he gets in there.
How many days from the early November election to January 20th inauguration?
70 plus. 79.
Remember we had 79 days of hell?
I predicted it with a countdown.
I said they were going to steal it.
I said they would do all the civil unrest.
Lord knows I didn't believe I'd walk right into their trap.
Go ahead and roll the Hillary clip.
Can Ukraine survive another year?
Will the United States step up?
And will the United States continue to be a leader of NATO, given former President Trump's recent comments?
You know, President Biden said... You know what, I apologize.
Let's stop right there.
I'm not doing this for cliffhangers, but I thought the clip was shorter.
It's three and a half minutes.
We'll come back, we'll start the next hour.
I'm going to get to that and then I'm going to get to the huge Ukraine news, which is really dangerous because they're being completely routed now.
So if NATO's going to jump and do a false flag or something, this is a very important stack.
We're going to get to that.
We'll get to the illegal aliens rioting, Tedros and his world government treaty.
He's bitching that nobody wants to ratify it because we know he's a murdering criminal.
And we've got so much more coming up in the third hour today.
In the last 30 minutes we have a lawyer who's been really on top of the Assange situation to give us a breakdown on that because if they can get Assange, they can get us all.
They've already tortured the guy half to death.
So now they're about to extradite him here to Mordor to throw him out of the jail.
He'll obviously die in jail if that's the case.
Big hearing going on that just concluded in the UK.
We've got more on Dutch cultural enrichment.
Extreme migrant gangs cause major riot, burn police cars, greet wilders.
I will become the Prime Minister who finally puts things in order.
Huge developments all coming up next hour and a ton of news breaking as well.
That's on InfoWars.com that I've not even gotten to yet.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
So President Trump doesn't need to stage a coup if he gets re-elected.
It was the deep state with the fake Russiagate and the impeachments and Obama with the illegal spying that tried a coup against Trump for four years to block him and did steal the election in 2020.
So when Hillary comes out and says Trump's planning to use the military against the people and Trump's planning a coup,
She means they're going to activate rioters and looters, which they admit they're doing, and then if Trump responds legally and lawfully, they're saying they're going to remove him.
They say, oh, we can't use the Insurrection Act that George H.W.
Bush used in 1992 in the L.A.
So that's what they're setting up.
That's what they're getting ready for.
And they're telegraphing it.
Oh, he's a dictator.
Oh, he's going to use the military.
When they're the ones that have been using the Pentagon and CIA against us in election meddling and censorship and control.
So here's Hillary Clinton totally inverting reality and projecting.
Can Ukraine survive another year?
Will the United States step up?
And will the United States continue to be a leader of NATO, given former President Trump's recent comments?
You know, President Biden said this week, supporting this bill, the one for foreign aid and military aid, is standing up to Putin, opposing it is playing into Putin's hands.
You're a former senator.
The Senate came kicking and screaming, but they passed it, but the House hasn't passed it.
Where do you think, in the political realm, this is going to go?
Well, one thing I know for sure, if this bill from the Senate were ever put on the floor of the House, it would pass.
It would pass overwhelmingly because the people who are preventing it, starting with the speaker, Mike Johnson, are not doing America's business.
They're doing Donald Trump's business.
And why is Donald Trump so enamored of Putin?
Well, part of it is he's a wannabe dictator.
He has told us that repeatedly.
He even said the other day, let's basically get out of NATO and, you know, encourage Putin to do what he wants to do.
How absurd a statement that is, cannot even be, you know, measured, because you are essentially giving a green light to a murderous, brutal dictator.
Nobody who is siding with Trump on this issue would want to live under that kind of regime.
I want to ask you though, you said if it came to the floor of the House it would pass overwhelmingly.
We know that the majority of Americans believe and support NATO, and they want to support it.
But why do you think that?
Then why isn't it coming to the floor of the House?
Well, this is one of the great political mysteries of our time, because there are Republicans who feel that they took an oath to Donald Trump, not to the United States of America.
And I don't say that lightly, but I cannot understand it.
There are people I served with in the Senate for eight years who have turned on America
In order to curry favor with Trump.
I don't recognize these people.
These are people who I worked with that I traveled with and to hear what's coming out of their mouths now is just shocking to me.
So there's something going on in this minority of the Republican members of Congress, particularly in the House, that.
Makes them seem as though they're a member of the Trump cult.
Not that they took an oath to serve our country and work on behalf of their constituents.
I'm hoping that better heads will prevail and we will get that vote.
For those who say this is just Trump in campaign mode... No, that's not true, Christiane.
You need to listen to him and take him seriously.
He is telling us what he wants to do.
He wants to be a dictator on day one.
He wants to round up people because of the way they look.
They may or may not be undocumented.
It doesn't matter to him.
He wants to call out the army to do that.
He wants to use
You know,
Any kind of independent expertise.
So, you know, he wants people who will say when he said memorably during COVID, maybe you should inject yourself with bleach.
Instead of looking shocked, they'll say, yes, sir, Mr. President.
That's what he wants.
He wants to bend the government of the United States to his will, just like Vladimir Putin did to Russia.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, this is going to be a jam-packed third hour today.
We're going to cover a ton of breaking news right now.
The Red Cross, we've confirmed.
He is tracking people that have had the COVID shot and is not wanting their blood.
This is a gigantic development.
I'm going to cover that coming up in a little while.
We've got big Ukraine news, which is very dangerous news.
The Ukrainians are being completely routed now.
The globalists have gone from saying they're invincible to they've had their asses kicked, which has been true for a year.
And so they're getting ready to pull something big or they're going to have to admit that Russia won.
I don't think they're going to give up.
They're not signaling they are.
So something big is about to get pulled.
We're going to talk about that.
And I also want to just review for people the real Alex Jones Twitter account.
With what I've just posted since 5 a.m.
this morning, I've got four videos of crazy white people doing insane criminal stuff, just to point out how crazy people are, and I've got one video of a black guy doing a horrible thing.
But when you notice the comments and people I know sending me messages, why are you being racist?
I'm going to show the black people doing bad stuff, because it's going to happen.
I'm going to show the white people and brown people and everybody else.
That's what I'm going to do.
Because I'm against criminals.
So, excuse me, there's not four, there's six videos today of white people doing insane, crazy criminal stuff, and one video
Of a young black man robbing girls selling Girl Scout cookies in Dallas, Texas.
And the media wouldn't even show the suspect until they had video.
They said a man just robbed girls.
It wouldn't even show his picture so you could catch him.
But the picture got out of the reported suspect.
Again, it was a white guy robbing Girl Scouts.
I'm gonna show the damn picture!
And the media would too.
Why don't they?
It's not to help black people.
It's to make sure that criminal culture that's starting to take over some of the black communities is protected to grow into a cancer that takes over.
Not to help the black people.
Eight out of ten crimes against black people are committed by this small sliver of black thugs.
And the mayor of Kansas City said, don't call them thugs.
I'll call white people thugs.
I got video of white people shooting people for no reason and knocking people out for no reason.
I call them thugs.
Call them criminals.
And I post it.
And when black people do that, I'm going to post it.
So, yeah, here's the, uh, quote, suspect robbing the cookies, and then they gotta blow up his face, and it's him.
And we'll show his picture.
Get all that ready.
It's all on my ex account.
We'll show him first.
Then we'll show some of the white people.
God, if I try to show them all, we'll run out of time, but I'll show some of them.
They're all at Real Alex Jones.
And some days, I see, you know, ten examples of black people doing bad stuff.
I put it up.
Some days I see 10 examples of Hispanics doing it.
I put it up.
Some days I see, but most days it's a mix.
But people telling me not to post it.
You're going to get more of it now.
I'm not a racist.
I'm a realityist.
Word I just invented, like Jesse Jackson.
Probably invent more words than he does.
That's how we get new words, by the way.
People invent them, people adopt them, then it's coined and it's a new term, like LibTard, you know.
Left-right paradigm.
But I digress.
I wanted to air right now because it's really good.
I've asked Harrison Smith to do more of these.
He's only done two of them before.
Now he's at a third one.
If you want to share it, it's at RealAlexJones.next.
It's also on InfoWars.com.
Climate change pitch meeting with Harrison Smith.
We're going to air this, and then I'm going to come back and show you the craziest zombie woman you've ever seen.
Oh, by the way, she's a white lady.
And if she was black, I'd be showing it to you.
But, I mean, this is what these drugs are doing to people.
Crazy, white, zombie lady coming up.
But first, here's the report.
Whew, it's kinda... feels hot.
You feel hot?
Yeah, yeah, it's pretty warm.
Yeah, I think we're all gonna die.
The world's being destroyed.
I think this is it.
Yep, this is it.
End of the world.
The apocalypse.
I'd say we have... three weeks left to turn this thing around.
The worst part is, it's all your fault.
I can't believe you've done this.
How is this my fault?
Well, you produce carbon dioxide, and there's way too much of that stuff.
Too much?
How much is there?
How much is too much?
Look, I don't even know.
I'm not here to understand vague pseudoscientific talking points.
I'm here to enforce insane restrictions on the basis of those talking points.
Yeah, you know, like, uh, carbon credits, and no gas stove, and you have to eat bugs, and live in a tiny box like a bug, and, uh, injure bloodline, you know, no children or anything, like a... like a bug.
Okay, that is insane, yeah.
Well, it's a crisis, a climate crisis, so we don't have time to think about this stuff.
We're saving the Earth.
From what?
Well, from people.
Like other people, not like you and me, but like...
You know, people.
So you want to eliminate humans.
Well, it's not quite that simple.
Yeah, I feel like that should be a hard no.
See, it's math.
Well, no.
We have this equation, and we're trying to get this number down to zero.
And one of those variables is people.
We're trying to reach zero by multiplying these non-zero numbers by whatever the value of people is.
Yeah, that's right.
We call it net zero.
Okay, because people produce carbon dioxide by existing.
Right, so it's all about switching energy production to carbon neutral sources.
Yeah, alright.
And also not breathing or eating.
I'm sorry, what?
Great news!
We're making big progress.
The oldest and largest power plant in all of England just went 24 hours totally carbon neutral.
They didn't burn a single ounce of coal all day.
What did they burn instead?
What is biomass?
Big, beautiful trees from across the ocean.
See, we cut them down in British Columbia, ship them across the Atlantic, and burn them for fuel.
Wait, so just because you don't burn coal, you're calling that zero emission?
Well, the banks do, yeah.
The banks?
The bank.
The bankers, the international bankers.
They're in charge of all of this because they're so selfless and caring.
Okay, and they're making us give up combustion fuel.
Well, not totally.
Just like natural gas and coal and stuff like that.
Yeah, but not trees.
No, not trees.
Trees are fine.
All right, that's crazy.
Isn't there any other power generator source?
Like, what about windmills?
Oh yeah, windmills are great.
Yeah, after like 18 years, they're carbon neutral for a couple years.
Plus, when they freeze, you can just keep them spinning with the diesel engine.
Also, they kill a ton of eagles.
Uh, is that a good thing?
I guess not, but we're saving the Earth here.
You can't make omelets without breaking a few eggs, and you can't build windmills without killing a ton of eagles and whales and chopping down two million trees in Scotland.
Okay, wait, so you're burning trees for fuel, but you're also cutting down entire forests to make fields to build windmills?
That's right, and also we're just chopping down trees and straight up burying them in the ground.
It's a new initiative.
I hate trees.
Don't trees, like, absorb carbon dioxide?
No, that's what my giant vacuum machine is for.
It's huge.
Okay, this is, this is getting weird.
Windmills work, though.
Yeah, windmills work great, unless there's, you know, too much wind.
Okay, what about solar panels?
Solar panels, also fantastic, unless there's, you know, too much sun.
Alright, what about nuclear energy?
Alright, well what about cars?
I mean, cars run on gasoline, so what about them?
Actually, every car is going to be electric from now on!
Can the power grid handle that?
Every car being electric?
So, I don't get it.
How are people going to drive?
How are you going to drive when you don't own a car?
What do you mean, I won't own a car?
I mean, how will I get anywhere?
Everybody will share a small amount of cars.
Oh, it's easy.
You'll have an app like Uber where you can request a ride and also apply for a transit permit to leave the 15-minute perimeter.
What 15-minute perimeter?
Yeah, the one I'm going to put around you.
It's called an Ultra Low Emission Zone.
It's a core aspect of the sustainability development goals.
It's where you can't leave your neighborhood and don't own a car and never fly and can't eat meat.
Look, you're never going to get these laws passed.
No, they'll pass.
Just not through law.
No, I'm just going to sort of do it.
See, I don't have to pass a law to make beef illegal.
I'll just buy the cattle farms and shut them down.
See, I control the market with my incredible wealth.
You control the market?
That's right.
So are you the one that off-shored all of our manufacturing to China?
Yeah, that was me.
China, where there's no environmental controls at all, the number one polluter on earth?
No, that can't be right.
No, no way.
That would be, that would be crazy.
Okay, look.
I'm an environmentalist, but can't we just do normal things like animal preservations, nature reserves, recycling?
No, no, no.
That's not how environmentalism works anymore.
From now on, all environmental or ecological concern will be subsumed within the climate change carbon neutral agenda.
See, carbon is responsible for
Hurricanes, tornadoes, wildfires, pandemics, heart attacks, mass immigration, teenage mental health.
I mean, do you have any idea how traumatizing it is for a child to constantly be told that the Earth itself is dying and that it's their fault?
Okay, so why do you keep doing it?
Because the time is now.
Uh, what?
Because Earth can't wait.
What's happening here?
Because we will be the generation of change.
Are you just saying slogans at me?
Climate change is racist.
Okay, I don't understand what's happening here.
That's fine.
You don't need to understand.
You just eat your bugs.
My engineers are hard at work spraying metal particles into the air to block out the sun.
Please, don't do that.
Look, this is an emergency.
I don't have time to stand here and argue with you about my asinine weather modification programs.
The fact is, it's happening.
Your pipeline is shut down, your backyard garden is illegal, and your water is filled with microplastics, which I put in there because I'm into that sort of thing.
So the fact is, this is happening, you're helping me, or I swear to God, I will throw soup all over the museum!
I will glue my hand to the ground right here, right now.
I'll block the traffic.
I mean, a blocked ambulance is a small price to pay to insist that the government do something it's already doing to a suicidal degree.
You know what?
It's fine.
Great, because I've got to go catch a helicopter to the airport.
Me and John Kerry are going to race our private jets across the ocean for fun.
I'll see you later.
All right?
By the way, no children.
No bloodline.
Bloodline's over.
No children.
First-rate work from Harrison Smith.
We need those weekly.
It's at realalexjonesinfowars.com.
Watch Climate Change Pitch Meeting.
Share it like your life depends on it, because it does.
And oh, look what I have in the news today.
Just bolstering what he just said.
Everything he said is true.
CNN calls for limits to how often Americans can travel abroad.
Carbon passports may be the answer.
So they can fly around on their private jets all day, but you're going to be limited to only a few air travel trips a year.
Starting to figure out what this is.
All right.
So, I've been off X, formerly Twitter, for five years.
We came roaring back on three months ago.
And when I see streets full of zombies on fentanyl and piles of garbage and police being shot, if it's a black cop being shot by a white guy, I show it.
If it's a black guy shooting a white cop, I show it.
If it's blacks doing knockout games and robbing whites and saying racist things, which the media then tries to cover up, I show it.
Why are they covering it up?
Because the CIA funded the whole gangster culture in the 80s, shipped in the cocaine, it's all declassified, Ice Cubes talked about it, he witnessed it.
We want to say that's wrong and not defund the police and go in and help those communities.
8 out of 10 blacks that are attacked are attacked by black people.
I'm trying to stop innocent black children being the majority of abortions.
But I also don't want those children brainwashed into anti-white thugs that come out and attack me.
So, I was sitting there this morning, and I posted six clips, I said four earlier, but six clips, this is what I came across, of crazy white people, knocking women out, throwing women in front of trains, racing down the highway from police, killing themselves, running into the back of an 18-wheeler, zombie woman attacking, trying to break into a black family's home, a white woman, crazy white lady,
Obviously whacked out of our mind on a bunch of drugs.
I just show it to show, because the statistics show this is happening.
It's not just like we're picking and choosing.
There's cameras everywhere now so we see more of this.
That's part of it.
But we're living less.
Our life expectancies are down.
Our fertility is down.
The Cheerios and Quaker Oats is a chemical that sterilizes you.
Mainstream news.
They're giving us poison shots regardless of what color we are.
And then I will publish these videos where you see black professors saying, we're going to kill all the white people.
They're funded by the big banks of the university.
I don't want to see a white professor get up and say, we're going to murder all the black people.
If I saw that, I'd say, fire that professor.
That's not free speech.
It's a call for violence.
But the feds have got to have the blood tribe and the patriot front totally federally run.
Even the blood tribe admits they're feds.
CIA they admit.
They go recruit
Aryan Brotherhood out of the prisons.
They say you get out earlier if you go under this guy and do this with the FBI.
And then they show up at leftist events, create the illusion of white supremacy everywhere.
We expose it.
And we post it all.
But because I've gotten a lot of complaints,
Not just from people on X, though the videos get millions of views apiece, but from people I know saying, Jones, you're getting involved in the racism in the division.
No, it's not division when I show footage of black people trying to vote in the early 1960s in Alabama, or trying to protest, and police dogs being released on them, and they're shot with water cannons.
That's wrong.
And when I've seen a few clips of Russians doing war crimes, I've shown it.
But nine times out of ten, I haven't even shown the footage of a Russian town being bombed with drones, bombing bus stations with women and children.
That's up there.
I show evil things so that we can see it and face it and deal with it, ladies and gentlemen.
That's what this is all about.
So, a new video came out up in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.
A young black man walks up in a gray hoodie, points a gun at little kids, selling Girl Scout cookies, and robs their money box.
If a white guy did it, I'd show it.
We do show it, but that's not the issue.
The issue is, the police wouldn't even release, I've got the articles right here,
The race of the person had said a man in a gray hoodie.
They had the CCTV video of him doing the robbery and all of it.
They didn't release it.
Imagine the control of that police department.
Fort Worth Police is where it happened.
I say Dallas because I'm from Dallas.
You call everything Dallas when you're up there.
Everybody else does.
Fort Worth.
Basically a western suburb of Dallas.
Show the video of him
This man, reportedly, robbing the little girls selling cookies.
Walks up, grabs a cash box, runs off, and the media says, what did they say at the Kansas City NFL parade last week?
White men robbed.
No, it was two black men.
And again,
It's not blaming black people in general, it's saying why is the media doing that?
Because they don't want to admit the major problem.
They want to blame all gun owners.
Law-abiding blacks, whites, everybody.
The majority of black people are great people, but there is a small, heavily active minority of black males out doing this.
There's a bunch of other people committing crimes, too.
But that is the out-of-control group, because they're fatherless, whatever, that's doing it, and the media doesn't want you to know, and then turns around and says white people are doing it.
It's not about blaming black people, it's about showing how the media is lying.
What do you think that young black man does in his community?
You think he just robs white people?
Or little kids?
So here's a new video that's got like 40 million views on X since it broke yesterday.
It's a black man and woman and there's a white zombie lady out of her mind, this is happening everywhere, trying to break in their property.
And of course I posted it to show how crazy this is.
Now did anybody say, why are you bashing white people?
See you've got race on your mind.
If this was two white people and a crazy black zombie,
Crazy black woman doing this.
By the way, I got a crazy black woman I posted.
Comes to the black man's door, says, I want to have sex with you.
She's got a machete in her hand.
I showed it because it shows the breakdown of civilization.
It wasn't about bashing a black woman.
It's about how crazy stuff's getting.
I got footage today of white people randomly knocking women out and randomly throwing women into oncoming traffic.
I didn't show it because they're white.
I showed it because it's crazy.
When I show the fentanyl videos of black, white, and Hispanic like zombies, I'm showing it to draw attention to it.
So here's a compilation.
So it's about, I'm not really exactly sure what time it is.
My wife is on the phone because this right here is going on So this is still happening so now we got some cops rolling up here this is right here That's some wild business See you're wrong motherfucker
Things are coming right now.
This is what I'm talking about.
This is crazy business right here.
I won't let my dog, but... Oh, shit.
This right here is the wildest business I've ever seen in a long ass time.
Yo, you good or something?
I am.
I told you I'm from Africa.
You don't know me.
I don't.
Yeah, what you doing up here?
Because I think I was looking for you.
What you looking for me for?
I like you.
Oh, you got the wrong door, ma'am.
I got the right person.
Maybe it's the wrong address, please.
Yeah, it's the wrong address.
I'm not female.
There is a difference between female and woman.
Female is just for your pussy, for your dick and money.
I'm from Africa, I cook clean.
When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk fear.
America, the home of the free and the land of
Donald J. Trump is now President of the United States.
When you look at the videos of all the people that, quote, took the Pfizer shot, they all have that crazy look.
Look at the Kansas City shooter that shot 23 people, the black guy.
He has that same crazy look.
Look at the white lady attacking the black people.
She has the same crazy look.
It's demonic, ladies and gentlemen.
Something is going on with these people.
They've lost their minds.
Look at the people taking the shots.
Look at their eyes.
The eyes, Chico.
It's always in the eyes, as Tony Montana says.
The eyes never lie, Chico.
All right, big guest coming up on Julian Assange straight ahead.
InfoWars.com forward slash show.
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Why do you think the globalists are desperately trying to censor everybody?
Why are they attacking myself and Donald Trump and Elon Musk and everybody else?
Because they can't get through this giant megalomaniacal power grab if we're here exposing them.
But we're not just exposing their operation.