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Filename: 20240214_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Feb. 14, 2024
3162 lines.

InfoWars interviews Dr. Brett Weinstein about creating a system that liberates individuals and stops the destruction of civilization. They discuss unity against globalists, populist movements, and various products available at InfoWarsStore. Topics covered include surveillance technology, nuclear power industry criticism, COVID-19 pandemic understanding, and economic issues such as regional banks' struggles, inflation impacting people living paycheck-to-paycheck, manufacturing jobs' importance to the U.S. economy, lowering wages, and economic sanctions like Biden's pause on liquefied natural gas exports. Globalists are discussed as intentionally destroying various sectors of the economy and society, including manufacturing, oil and gas, tech stocks, and security. The hosts promote KEPM.com for consultations and strategies for investing in gold and silver bullion and discuss the gold and silver market. They also mention InfoWars Life Silver Bullet Colloidal Silver, Team Humanity shirts, and services related to precious metals investments. Global elites are reportedly buying gold as an inflation hedge, indicating belief in the failing economic system.

Oh, ladies and gentlemen, it's Valentine's Day, February 14th, 2020.
Big Brother, mainstream media, government cover-ups.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, we've got a big interview and also the breaking news coming up that I did this Sunday that's about to premiere here when we come back in the next segment with Dr. Brett Weinstein.
Very, very informative.
And we're really waking up a lot of the former liberals to just be populist and be for not destroying civilization.
And he's analyzed the globalist attack operation and concurs with me and many others that the plan is to destroy civilization, to consolidate power and total depopulation.
We're talking Hitler on steroids, Genghis Khan on steroids.
I've really enjoyed watching him since he became a podcaster when he left Evergreen University because the political correct groups went after him.
So is his brother.
Very smart guy.
And I don't agree with everything he says, but it's certainly thought-provoking.
And he's also able to wake the so-called liberals up out there.
And get them to realize that their party affiliation is destroying them.
I know Mitch McConnell, the Republican establishment, are terrible people.
But we've got a populist beachhead inside the Republican Party that is threatening the globalists.
So I did over two hours, a little over two hours, with...
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Of the regular audience of great patriots that are awake.
You're the vanguard.
You're the emissaries.
You're the... Oh, what's the term they use?
The ambassadors or when you're Christians going out to wake up other groups or other cultures.
What's that term?
What's the term when you're Christians going out to... Missionaries.
The crew popped in my ear.
Missionaries for a pro-human future because the globalists have given up on themselves, they've given up on humanity, and they are selling a decidedly anti-human agenda.
So here is the interview with the former professor, Dr. Brett Weinstein.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
On Valentine's Day, February 14th, 2024, this is now the hottest dominant cultural movement in the world, and it's not some fake leftist group or some fake right-wing system.
This is a real populist awakening.
So I'm very excited, and all glory and thanks goes to God for the great awakening that he has inspired through all of you.
So start your engines, ladies and gentlemen.
We'll come back and I'll introduce the big interview.
It'll take several hours to go through.
As we speak, we're going to post the full interview to man.video and RealAlexJonesOnX.
Dr. Brett Weinstein breaks down how we stop the destruction of civilization.
Gunther in Tennessee.
Thanks for calling, Gunther.
First time caller.
Hey, Alex.
Real quick, wanted to plug your foundational energy.
Just started taking that.
And, boy, three pills, recommended dose, I was bouncing off the walls.
But I tell you, foundational is the right name for that product because I'm cut down to one.
It's like you have a baseline of energy that you were missing before that you got back.
Well, I'm glad you mentioned that because it's methylfolate, the breakdown of folic acid, and a lot of people, particularly Europeans, don't absorb all of the folic acid.
So it's not a stimulant.
It's a totally natural thing that boosts energy that's foundational.
And was I lying to you or did it not work?
No, it was top-notch.
And I was actually taking Red Pill Plus before, and that's got a little folic acid in it.
I think there was a little buildup from this, but the energy from this was no jitters.
I mean, it's top-notch.
It's a great product.
Well, thank you so much.
Yeah, no, Folic acid's great and it's in real red pill, but some can't break it down.
This is the breakdown of it.
That's exactly it.
We now take you live.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center.
In the heart.
In the heart of the resistance.
Oh, yeah.
Rallying patriots worldwide.
You're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's Wednesday, February 14th, 2024.
And despite all the attacks, thanks to you, the viewers and listeners, we are still on air and more effective than ever!
Because there's not just evil in this universe.
There's way more good.
And you represent that.
So before we get to this important interview, let's listen to 60 Seconds.
We are the dealers.
We give you everything you need.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're building a pro-human future.
And the cradle is rocking.
People want a future.
They want justice.
They want prosperity.
They want freedom.
They want creativity.
They want security.
They want free will.
All right, I interviewed Dr. Brent Weinstein a few days ago.
We're about to premiere it live on this Valentine's Day transmission.
Really likable, smart guy, brings a scientific approach.
I've done a lot of research.
I can tell you this guy's dead on.
I don't agree with every single one of his conclusions, but certainly his research is really important.
And I got to meet him this weekend when we taped this interview you're about to see.
And it turns out he's been a fan for 15 years or so.
He's been through a lot of hell, if we're telling the truth.
Very interesting interview.
We're also going to live stream it.
We are live streaming it at RealAlexJones on X, at InfoWars.com forward slash show, and on radio and TV stations across the country.
And I know for young folks, I'm 50 now.
God, young folks, you little kiddies over there.
That you're going to say, why do you have ads?
Because that's how TV and radio works.
We get part of the ads.
They get part of the ads.
That's the format.
And when we got deplatformed six years ago, we would have been off the air instantly if it wasn't for the AM and FM affiliates.
So that's why we're skipping most of the network breaks.
Those are our ads.
But our local station ads for our precious affiliates will still be going on.
So, in the next two hours, I'm just going to do one plug here for us, because that's what funds our operation.
We have three amazing products in stock right now.
Body's Ultimate Turmeric Formula, the highest quality turmeric you're going to find anywhere, 95% cuminoid, back in stock, 40% off, selling out quickly, next level foundational energy with the methylfolate and the B-complex vitamins that are so good for your whole body, and cellular energy, and of course, nitric boost, newly formulated, even stronger, and a better deal we got it for.
So for the first time ever,
Nitric Boost is 40% off at InfoWarsStore.com.
Get a copy of my book, The Great Awakening, The Plan to Defeat the Globalists and Launch the Next Great Renaissance.
It's all there at InfoWarsStore.com.
And I thank you all for your amazing support.
All right.
Dr. Brent Weinstein with Alex Jones lays out the plan to stop the collapse of civilization and the mass extermination of 7.5 billion people, which is the official globalist plan.
Here is the deep dive.
Stay with us and share those links.
That's how we override the censors.
We're a small part of the equation.
You, the viewers and listeners, getting excited about this, sharing the live feed, sharing the post, sharing the clubs is everything.
So, it's your mission, should you choose to accept it, to make sure this transmission goes to the four winds.
The ball is now in your court.
What we want is a system that liberates individuals as meaningfully and as broadly as possible.
That should be our guide.
That's classically liberal.
It is classically liberal, and I believe it is also actually liberal, and it is a perfect match for what I find my many conservative friends believe as well.
That this is the metric that we can use to test any system that we put in place.
Does it liberate people, or does it constrain them?
What they have recognized is that they have no use for us.
And I wish that was an exaggeration, but you can see this so clearly in what they did to the public over COVID.
I don't think we really have any choice, but to rescue Western civilization, it is the best tool we've got, always has been.
It's not to say that it can't use upgrading here and there, but it's the best tool we've got.
We have to save it because your children, my children, and all of the grandchildren that we might ultimately have are depending on us to do it.
And the idea of hypernovelty is that although human beings are the fastest evolving animal species that has ever existed...
Physically, psychologically, socially, and...
We can't catch up.
What you're detecting as the collapse of civilization is really a manifestation of many different kinds of hyper-novelty that is making it difficult for us to see what's in our interest.
They are gambling with a planet that isn't theirs to destroy, that is actually it is the birthright of every living person and it is the entitlement of all the people who will eventually live here.
They are gambling with it and they obviously don't know what they're doing.
It is likely that
Many of the deaths that occur as a result of these shots, it's the result of the mRNA platform itself.
That anything you loaded onto that platform would produce many of these pathologies, because the platform itself is deeply flawed.
Former professor Brett Weinstein is in studio with us for an in-depth interview.
We're taping this on Sunday while everybody else is watching the Super Bowl.
I'm really excited about this interview.
I've been trying to get him on the show for a couple of years.
He was just in town for the Joe Rogan No.
He's a very busy guy.
1 podcast in the world, which I'm sure will have already aired by the time this interview goes out.
But I just want to point out, I love football.
It's great.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
I just want to remind folks of where we really started seeing this guy explode out there.
And since then, he's obviously been everywhere.
One of the top guests on Joe Rogan has his own hit podcast as well that everybody should search out.
That's the Dark Horse Podcast.
We'll put all that on screen for folks.
Darkhorse.locals.com and also on Rumble.
And it's a show that I routinely watch.
We're good to go.
I want to hit.
Everybody knows, half the time I do an interview, it's me doing half the talking.
I really want to give you, Doctor, a chance to start wherever you want, to cover the borders.
You were just down at the Darien Gap with investigative journalist and war correspondent Michael Yawn.
You just did an amazing podcast with Tucker Carlson.
I watched the whole thing once and then watched the clips again.
We played them on the show.
You really nailed what's happening.
And we were just talking before we started taping.
You said, listen...
We have to save Western civilization.
We're in a crisis.
We've got to transcend these labels of left and right.
I totally agree with you.
So we're going to cover the waterfront here today, and I really appreciate you taking the time to make yourself available.
So let's start.
Well, thanks.
I'm really glad to be here and to meet you finally.
I've long been a fan of yours, if a bit cryptically.
And in fact, maybe that is a place to start.
Many years ago, I guess it would have been something like 2011,
Thank you.
I'm heartened to see you defending people who obviously ideologically were not closely aligned with you.
And I felt at the time, and I feel even more strongly now, that you're a patriot.
And I really appreciate that you see all Americans as worth defending.
So thank you for that.
Well, thank you.
But look, if I don't defend everybody, I'm not going to get defended.
It was that famous...
I exactly agree with this, and I think that really is the team that needs to assemble.
All of the patriots who respect the principles on which the U.S.
was founded, and indeed the Western civilization is founded, need to put aside ideological differences so that we can fend off what threatens Western civilization.
And at the point that we've succeeded in doing that, we can go back to fighting over ideological issues.
But for the moment, they're beside the point.
Now, I didn't really go into your bio, and most people know who you are and they know a lot about you, but maybe we should just real quick talk about your background, what you've done, your best-selling book, The Hunter-Gatherer's Guide, The 21st Century, and then kind of your political process and what you would call yourself today.
And then let's talk about that big attack on Western civilization and then launch into wherever you want to go.
You want me to tell people my background?
Just about yourself, yeah.
I'm an evolutionary biologist.
I studied bats as part of my dissertation work.
But that work led me quickly to the study of biological trade-offs.
That is to say, oftentimes anybody who's managed a system knows that you can't have everything.
You have to borrow from one thing in order to accomplish something else.
And it turns out that that's the way biology functions, too.
So anyway, that became my focus, and it has an important implication to this day in terms of how I see civilization and other complex systems functioning.
I taught for 14 years at the Evergreen State College, which was a very strange place.
It was the most liberal college in the country, I believe by almost any measure.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
I think so.
Just to interrupt, it felt like a Maoist struggle section.
I think it was in every way except that the students who were confronting me, I don't think, knew very much about Mao.
But in every other way, yes.
Keep going, sorry.
So, anyway, I was teaching evolutionary biology.
The college had hired a new president who was interested in remaking the college according to very different rules.
But he had a problem because at Evergreen, the faculty had the power to stop him.
And so he...
Effectively used racism to eliminate his opponents.
And I became public enemy number one, not because there was anything wrong with my teaching, but because I was going to be an obstacle to his plans.
And that resulted in the dramatic confrontation that many in your audience probably witnessed at the time.
Dialectic means you are using disagreement to discover what is true.
I am not interested in debate.
I am interested only in dialectic, which does mean I listen to you and you listen to me.
We don't care what terms you want to speak on.
This is not about you.
We are not speaking in terms of white privilege.
This is not a discussion.
You have lost that one.
I am talking about terms that serve the truth.
Those are the terms?
Do I think that black students in sciences are targeted here?
Do I think they're targeted anywhere?
Okay, I do not believe that students of color are targeted in the sciences here.
But maybe I misunderstand what you mean by targeted.
Oh my God.
So, wait a second.
To me, targeted means something different than what I just heard you define it as.
I do not believe that anybody on our faculty with intent, specially targeted... That's what you gotta say!
Was that not targeting people of color?
I'm sorry.
I keep...
I didn't hear you at the beginning.
Your presence taken as a protest, if you will.
That's what you said in your email.
May I answer that question?
Wait a second.
First of all, Day of Absence has been here longer than I have.
I have never protested it.
Until the idea... Until... No.
So this sounds almost like a French Revolution purge going on, that once they killed the royalty and the rest of it, then it was just inner factions battling for control.
Yes, all of these things have historical echoes.
There were elements of what happened at Evergreen that were new, but of course most of it was just a refresh of historical chapters.
And, you know, it was about something else.
Race became an excuse for a battle that was desired by powerful forces that weren't interested in sharing their plan with the faculty, students, or anybody else.
It seemed like Everdeen wetted the mouth, too, or the taste buds, because then it seemed to be like the bellwether, and then it spread across academia everywhere and was defended by the media.
Now here we are, six, seven years later, now everybody who's got to have a brain, the vast majority, and they say, no, academia, major colleges have turned into nuthouses.
Well, the fact is they were...
We're good to go.
I think?
And it had taken over anthropology.
And when Heather and I took an anthropology course, we found an evolutionary perspective unwelcome.
And so we fought back against that.
I actually failed the course because the professor was not interested in having any pushback.
But in any case, this has been going on for decades.
And it finally completely took over the universities and has left them
Like trying to make biologists tell their class that two men can have a baby?
I mean, this is just so biologically nonsensical that you would imagine every university in the country would have a group of biologists saying, I don't know how you reached that conclusion, but it just isn't right.
And yet, one struggles to find any university in which anybody is standing up against such claims.
And that's really because the ones who would stand up have been forced out.
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Wow, so thanks for spending some time on that.
There's so many places to segue.
So many places.
Walk us through then into present world and how you would describe just in a larger gestalt the world today and why you're so concerned about really the collapse of civilization.
There's a feature of complex systems that I think people don't really appreciate.
There are many systems that are incredibly powerful, like Western civilization, but they are also in their own way fragile.
I think?
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
I think?
So that's where we are.
We've got a system with no rudder, or if there is a rudder, it's under the control of something that we can't see headed in some direction we don't know.
There's thousands of parallels to this, but...
I'm under a lot of stress.
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But if I didn't have the supplements we have and promote, I wouldn't be able to continue to be on air.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Now, the insanity that's been incubating or chastening inside of the colleges and funded by the big corporations, I guess it's a mode of control, has spilt out.
The FAA is going to try to put schizophrenics flying jumbo jets and they're literally going to hire mentally handicapped people.
When I first saw that news a few months ago, I didn't believe it.
I went and looked it up.
Now they have...
Major FAA meetings and major airline meetings that have leaked just the last two weeks where they're sitting there saying it's going to make everybody uncomfortable, but we're not going to go for who the best pilots are.
And you're watching this just thinking, I don't care if they're black or white or old or young or gay or straight or male or female, but you better damn well pass the highest test scores.
What do you think are some of the key points that we need to remember as we embark on this challenge going forward?
Your whole program is very heavily male-dominated.
It just is.
And really, it is white male dominated.
I mean, let's just say what it is.
And so let's be willing.
That is today what it is.
And then let's talk about what could the future look like if you really had this program that was representative of the whole country, right?
Of the whole world.
And sometimes those are challenging or difficult.
Or I would say people get a little bit uncomfortable
This is insane.
Well, when I was driven out of Evergreen in the early days after that, I was asked to speak in numerous places about the free speech crisis on college campuses.
And at some point, I ended up testifying to Congress on this.
And I told them the same thing I had said each other time I'd been asked, which is it's not a free speech crisis and it's not about college campuses.
That's simply the first place you're seeing it.
This is somehow an attack on Western civilization, and the wrong-headed ideas that are alarming when you see them in a classroom become dangerous when they migrate out into civilization and they take over engineering firms, they take over literally everything because...
We're good to go.
Even then, you're talking about a problem that is going to take a couple of generations to correct.
Even if we started doing everything right today, we have to clear the people who are so confused about the way mathematics and biology work and we have to put people in important positions who know what's going on.
But given the complete collapse of the university system, there isn't an obvious source for those clear-headed people.
And, Doctor, that's one kind of level, I'd say, down at the grassroots, 1,000-foot level, 500-foot level, 100-foot level.
But I saw you on Tucker Carlson's podcast.
I think you went further than I've ever seen you, saying, no, this is very dark.
This is very planned.
If you go up to the million-foot level and look down...
And you listen to Klaus Schwab and the globalists, they say, we're building a post-industrial world, we have to have an angrier world to blow it up, and we're going to do this for depopulation, and then somehow they're going to try to secret away the knowledge in some...
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
I think?
And ran into the main contractor and then the workers and all of them saying, we're going to go get that son of a bitch.
And they're telling me this and I'm like, can I say that?
Well, don't say our names.
And I'm just sitting there watching them
I think.
Insanity, scientific consolidation for the consolidation, and then they think their plan of imploding civilization, that somehow they're not going to have blowback from that?
Again, they thought they could do all this and never be the target.
They thought we would all kill each other, but now that we've identified the globalists and most thinking people now know about them, and there's a huge mass accelerated awakening happening that no one can deny, they should know your plan would never have worked before.
One chance out of a thousand in my view.
Now there's no way it works, but as you said, if we tried to put the brakes on this and the globalists and the elites suddenly realized how insane they were, it'll take generations to turn it around.
They've already set in motion a countdown to doomsday.
I mean, I've got four children.
I want to fix this, but I am mightily freaked out.
Yeah, I agree.
My impression is that they are clever enough to wreck the systems that work, and they are far from clever enough to rebuild something in their wake.
So, yeah, I think they are heading us for disaster.
And that they are going to discover how much hubris has been driving them when it's too late for them.
But I don't think we really have any choice but to rescue Western civilization.
It is the best tool we've got, always has been.
It's not to say that it can't use upgrading here and there, but we have to save it because your children, my children, and all of the grandchildren that we might ultimately have are depending on us to do it.
The way you just took my three-minute rant and crystallized it in 30 seconds, that's why I'm a fan.
The enemies of humanity have been very good at dividing and conquering us.
But if we simply start thinking about things according to the definition of, is it pro-human or is it anti-human, we start to win.
And that's why I had the idea for Team Humanity.
I brought it up to Elon Musk.
He loved the idea.
What would you call the debate and discussion about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
And so we have the t-shirt.
Team Humanity with a nuclear family standing against the globalists.
This shirt is a great conversation starter, but it also is a fundraiser to give info on the air so we can promote and support Team Humanity.
I want to thank you all for your past support, but I want to encourage you all now to understand that this is a revolution against the globalists, and it is so critical now to signal the fact that you are part of Team Humanity.
We're told humans are the problem.
We're told we're killing the Earth.
We're told all this garbage so we hate ourselves and stand down and roll over and die.
We're not going to do that.
Get your Team Humanity shirts now at InfoWarsStore.com, and I thank you all for your support.
In fact, I'm going to shut up now.
So let's just go.
Where do you want to go?
Daring and Gap?
The Collapse of the Borders?
The Great Microcosm?
The Wars?
Tucker Carlson and Putin?
I mean, go wherever you want, Doctor.
Well, let's cover something you asked up front, which is how do I see myself politically?
Because I think this is going to be an important potential sticking point for your audience, and it shouldn't be.
So let's say the worst part up front, which is that I regard myself not just as a liberal, but as a radical.
Now, I describe myself as a reluctant radical because I've studied complex systems, and I know that any attempt to improve things invites the danger of unintended consequences.
This is the problem for liberal thought, is that when you try to fix things, you create phenomena you don't see coming.
So I'm aware of that, and I would not be enthusiastic about changing a system that works if I didn't think that we had to do it, that the system that we have built is not capable of managing the scale of the processes that we are utilizing today.
So we have no choice but to change, but we should be very careful about the unintended consequences.
We should go in with our eyes open, and we should monitor the consequences of what we're doing so that we know when we're making an error and we can stop as quickly as possible.
What you're saying is, you want to change the previous system and fix problems, but this new Klaus Schwab fix is not the fix, it's death.
It's death.
It is death.
And it's not that I want to fix the prior system.
Frankly, I think the prior system was pretty amazing, and that...
I think?
We're good to go.
I think.
Thank you.
So, in any case, I'm not enthusiastic about changing civilization.
I'm a huge fan of what we had going.
But technology is going to force our hand, and we need to be careful.
I understand.
You're not trying to fix problems with the old system.
You're saying it's colliding with all these great new changes in automation and robotics and shipper computing and quantum computing and all the rest of it.
So we have to be honest.
And instead, Klaus Schwab and those guys literally go, it's magic.
Once the AI is in control, we'll fix it, but we've got to bulldoze everything that was already there, because we're going to imagine this big, beautiful palace we're going to build, and then it's creating a perfect storm, like a black hole of destruction.
Yes, and I would say the way to think of the problem is to separate the values from the structures and mechanisms that bring them about.
And this is a place where I believe that there is no distinction between...
Properly thinking liberals and properly thinking conservatives.
What we want is a system that liberates individuals as meaningfully and as broadly as possible.
That should be our guide.
That's classically liberal.
It is classically liberal and I believe it is also actually liberal and it is a perfect match for what I find my many conservative friends believe as well.
That this is the metric that we can use to test any system that we put in place.
Does it liberate people or does it constrain people?
Human empowerment.
So just my little thought on this...
Yep, exactly.
And only because I've read the writings of the think tanks, the Gates Funds, and the UN, the people that are running it, and Klaus Schwab, the Club of Rome.
They just say humans are done.
There's too many of them.
When you get a bunch of freedom, you become decadent trash.
We want to bring feudalism back for whoever we let live, and then we're going to sit up here like Mount Olympus and direct... I mean, it's the Hunger Games, but in the real world.
And so that's why they want to destabilize the human system so that we're so...
Please welcome Yuval Noah Harari.
COVID is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimize total biometric surveillance.
We want to stop this epidemic.
We need not just to monitor people, we need to monitor what's happening under their skin.
What we've seen so far, it's corporations and governments collecting data about where we go, who we meet, what movies we watch.
The next phase is the surveillance going under our skin.
We now see mass surveillance systems established even in democratic countries, which previously rejected them.
And we also see a change in the nature of surveillance.
Previously, surveillance was mainly above the skin.
Now it's going under the skin.
Embedded in his hand is a microchip that serves as his keys, his ID, and his wallet.
Governments want to know not just where we go or who we meet, above all they want to know what is happening under our skin.
What's our body temperature?
What's our blood pressure?
What is our medical condition?
In a matter of seconds, the chip is inserted.
The transformation is complete.
When scanned, all of a person's information about their vaccination status is shown on a reader or phone.
Now humans are developing even bigger powers than ever before.
We are really acquiring divine powers of creation and destruction.
We are really upgrading humans into gods.
We are acquiring, for instance, the power to re-engineer life.
Humans are now hackable animals.
You will own nothing.
And you will be happy.
I think that fake news have been with us for thousands of years.
Just think of the Bible.
You know, the whole idea that humans have, you know, they have this soul or spirit and they have free will and nobody knows what's happening inside me.
So whatever I choose, whether in the election or whether in the supermarket, this is my free will.
That's awful.
To me, this is the central issue of it all.
It's easy to dynamite and destroy things when you're the administrator and have all this BlackRock money.
But notice they can't ever actually build anything.
So they're sitting there going, look what a great artist I am smashing things.
And then society looks like a Jackson Pollock.
But how are they ever going to paint a Rembrandt?
They're not.
What they have recognized is that they have no use for us.
I wish that was an exaggeration, but you can see this so clearly in what they did to the public over COVID.
We're good to go.
Do that in order to protect vulnerable, infirm people?
That's not something a rational civilization would do, but at least that's a logical argument.
But at the point that we discover that these things did not in any way control the disease, they didn't control people contracting it, they didn't control people transmitting it,
We're good to go.
That's powerfully said.
Well, I've got 100 angles I want to go with, but, Doctor, where should we go next?
People can find all your work at darkhorse.locals.com.
They can also find you at Dark Horse on Rumble.
They can find your book, which was amazing, I read it years ago, The Hunter-Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century from a former professor at Evergreen State College.
Where should we go next?
I'm happy to direct this.
You want to get into Tucker and Russia and the war, the borders, what's going to happen with the election, Biden.
I mean, you can see it everywhere.
Things are unraveling.
Well, let's briefly just talk about the central concept of the book that Heather and I wrote.
The central concept of that book, and in fact, it would also have been a good title, is hyper-novelty.
And the idea of hypernovelty is that although human beings are the fastest evolving animal species that has ever existed...
We're good to go.
We are like a fish out of water.
That's the analogy I use.
Also, even our best men and women trying to go to Mars, they're going to lose a lot of their muscle mass, heart mass.
They're going to have serious health problems.
Once they get there, they're going to be very lucky that it has a lower gravity because they're going to be a lot weaker.
And so what we're all going through is such a change.
Whether people believe in classical evolution or not, it's clear humans are evolving.
We do control our environment like no other.
Any other animal out there, we're able to do amazing things.
But with something this accelerated, we can't do it.
But I read a lot of globalist writings.
They're very nihilistic.
They sit back and say, screw it.
It won't matter if billions die in this evolution.
Some humans will accelerate evolution.
We'll get the Uber mention out of this Battle of the Gods, Guder Dameron.
And I'm like, boy, I heard this from Hitler before.
I mean, this is real megalomaniac crap.
Yes, and in fact, I heard you recently talking about the fact that there are more than 400 civilian nuclear reactors on planet Earth.
What people may or may not realize is that those reactors require constant vigilance to keep them from melting down.
Their design requires that heat be removed from them constantly.
And so a civilizational breakdown threatens to take all of the material in these reactors and expel it into the world.
I think.
I think.
It looks purely reckless to me, and I don't think that there is a super clever secret plan that we are not in on.
I think they think there is, but I think they're wrong that it actually makes sense.
Oh, you're absolutely right.
I mean, I know folks that have gone to Davos and been around it behind the scenes.
It's literally prostitutes, drugs.
They're delusional.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
100 megaton bomb going off over Dallas or Austin, and there's a flash at 5,000 feet, and it vaporizes and destroys most of the city.
But there's very little radiation after that.
When a reactor goes off like Chernobyl or like Fukushima, it's much worse, and those were partially contained.
We're talking about hundreds and hundreds of reactors blowing up, and even if you are...
Half a mile underground, it's going to end up getting to you, and the surface of the Earth will be unlivable for eons.
As you said, I've looked at every angle, there's no way the so-called globalists that pretend they're masters of the universe have even looked at this one problem.
This one problem already tells you that these are effectively madmen.
Because if they weren't, they would at the very least have arranged to put all of the material that had been out of the reactors long enough, and I believe it's five years, into dry cask storage so that it did not have to be actively cooled in order to... Instead they store it in the open tanks.
The worst possible place you could put it.
And, you know, Fukushima...
We're good to go.
They just barely managed to keep it together, and it is not hard to imagine scenarios in which, for example, a fuel pool had cracked and drained, causing a fire that would have made the site unmanageable.
So they are gambling with a planet that isn't theirs to destroy, that is actually the birthright of every living person, and it is the entitlement of all the people who will eventually live here.
They are gambling with it, and they obviously don't know what they're doing.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're in a war against the globalist.
And people can't identify who's a patriot and who isn't.
We want to identify as pro-human and anti-globalist.
We want to let people know we're 1776 Part 2.
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Why do you think the globalists are desperately trying to censor everybody?
Why are they attacking myself and Donald Trump and Elon Musk and everybody else?
Because they can't get through this giant megalomaniacal power grab if we're here exposing them.
But we're not just exposing their operation.
In my new book, we give you the solutions to build a new, better world, an alternative to Klaus Schwab's You Will Eat the Bugs.
This is The Great Awakening.
The plan to defeat the globalists and launch the second Great Renaissance.
It's a companion to my last book that was a number one worldwide bestseller.
And this book is even thicker and even more powerful.
Get your copy of The Great Awakening today at InfoWars.com.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
All you have to do is check out what I'm saying.
And that's why they run the fake headline against myself and Tucker Carlson everywhere, every day.
Jones admits he's an actor.
Or Tucker Carlson says nobody would take me seriously.
Where did we say that?
We never said that.
They just say we said that.
But where's the clip?
Where's the article?
Where do we say that?
It doesn't exist.
Alex Jones is playing a character and is a performance artist.
Jones is playing a character on his radio show.
The radio rants of Alex Jones are just an act.
He's actually a performance artist.
He's a performance artist.
Alex Jones is a fake.
They're lying to you because they think you're stupid.
And it's all based on the custody battle with my ex-wife five years ago.
And she was trying to put into evidence me dressed up more than a decade before, like the Joker.
Being sarcastic, saying, take your Prozac, kids.
Take your illegal drugs, too.
You'll die.
It's fun.
So people wouldn't take drugs.
And they wanted to enter that in evidence.
They look, he's insane, telling kids to use drugs.
And my lawyer went, when Jack Nicholson plays the part of the Joker, no one thinks that's really Jack Nicholson.
So yeah, when I've been Cobra Commander, Hail Cobra!
or Optimus Prime, Autobots, let's roll!
or the Joker, because I can do imitations of them all really good, or Darth Vader, Don't act so surprised, globalist.
You didn't think you could silence the American people, did you?
By the Vaccinate Me Elmo doll today.
It's required by the CDC.
But they play those games.
And that's why I don't joke around as much as I used to.
Even though I tell people, okay, this is a joke, this isn't serious, they clip it out and they say, no, this is what he really believes.
Every day when I leave work, I do this.
That man's a threat to this country.
And they go, look, he admitted in court he's an actor.
Well, yeah, I was an actor in Scanner Darkly.
I was an actor in Waking Life.
I was an actor when I was Cobra Commander.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
But it doesn't mean that Alex Jones, the talk show host, up here reading news articles to you, isn't a real thing and isn't something I'm actually saying.
And you know that.
You're insulted right now.
I'm even explaining that to you.
And so am I. But that's who these people are.
You don't know the power of the dark side.
Am I really Darth Vader?
I think Alex Jones seems really talented.
He's smart.
He's funny as hell.
He's truly funny.
I'm kind of retarded.
Now that I've done those imitations, those little jokes, do you now not listen to what I say about other things when I show you a powerful news article by Dr. Joseph Mercola on Infowars.com that has all the cited information?
The latest tragedy, sudden adult death syndrome?
No, that's a real thing.
That's something happening in the real world.
And that's what we're breaking down here today.
I am Alex Jones.
And I am the guy on this show every day.
I am an American.
And that's what I promote is freedom and justice and liberty.
And they can't stand it.
Pesky Earth Creatures.
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
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And by the way, I'm not the huge environmentalist in that I follow that cult.
I actually care about the Earth as a conservationist.
It's also all the other creatures on this planet.
This is sick.
And I watch them saying, oh, we're going to cut the carbon dioxide.
That's the most evil thing.
I'm like, you won't even get control of the nuclear reactors, assholes?
I mean, I'm sorry.
It makes me mad.
Well, I must tell you, this is one of the things I like about you best, is that you're looking at this logically speaking, not ideologically.
And I find, in fact, many conservatives...
Thank you.
Irrespective of where you think the diversity of the Earth came from, that we have an obligation to steward it well, and we are doing a terrible job of that, that we have an obligation to... If we're going to have nuclear power, it has to be built on a different basis than the reactors that we are currently continuing to run, right?
And this is just common sense.
It's not liberal.
It's not conservative.
It is common sense, and I don't know...
How we can gather under that banner, but I know that the need to do so is absolutely urgent.
Well, they made euthanasia legal.
Well, just say then, you agree that if it melts down and there's a big problem, you agree to be executed.
No court, no nothing.
You signed on.
You agreed to run this right.
You're the steward.
And the shareholders are sitting out there.
They need to be held responsible.
And I don't want to run around killing people.
I'm not salivating.
I'm just making the point that these people are running things that just a few of these completely melting down will kill hundreds of millions of people of horrible cancers and stuff.
And they should be held accountable.
Well, at the very least, if you want the system to evolve in the direction of producing benefits for humanity, there has to be accountability for people when they make avoidable errors.
Well, how do we have accountability for the nuclear power industry?
Because I get it's a real science.
It can be done right.
I've read a lot of books to see what experts have said.
But when I look how they run it, they run it like it's a pig farm or something.
I mean, it's just like...
Like you said, Fukushima is what I was thinking about.
They've got all the nuclear waste stored inside the building and inside the water when you're supposed to remove it?
Yeah, I mean, the design was preposterous, and it was preposterous at many levels.
The fact that it exists.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
And don't forget, the Japanese built it on the worst fault line in their country.
It was a completely predictable catastrophe.
So, on a fault line, in a tsunami zone... Right, with generators that were unprotected from a flood that wasn't a matter of if, it was a matter of when.
Well, I used to talk to a lot of people in Congress, still do, and like military generals and people.
I still do, but they would say, Jones, you don't understand how incompetent the elites are.
You think they've got all the power and control.
They've got all the money, so they're in charge.
They don't.
But they, let me tell you something.
They are not paying attention.
And I think that's more frightening.
Then some actual super genius, because at least a super genius wouldn't want to destroy themselves.
No, this is my exact concern, is that even the elites, what I call the rent-seeking elites, who we are clearly fighting, even they are depending on us winning, because they don't know enough to run the system.
They don't have the proper caution in their model.
They don't understand the systems that they're playing with.
Frankly, they can't distinguish between a complicated system and a complex system, and they keep upending themselves.
Explain that.
A complex system is a special entity.
And, you know, in the case of COVID, you had multiple nested complex systems, right?
You had a disease interacting with the immune system, which is a complex system inside a human body, which is a complex system inside of civilization, which is a complex system.
No wonder they screwed it up.
We're good to go.
And I get up front because you didn't know exactly what was going on at the time.
You wanted more data.
You were going along with it at first, but then once you saw what was happening, you changed course.
That takes more courage than people that are partly wrong and they never admit they're wrong.
But if we pull back from this...
How did they think, cooking this up in a lab, how did they think when all the scientists scanned it and said, yeah, it's obviously man-made, and then they bring out a shot, which even their own internal people go public saying, this isn't going to work.
Even the FDA had a memo out in October 2000 saying, we think it will have all these problems.
And then the big money people just said, we don't care.
Bring it out there.
Do it.
And now I watch the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation events.
I watch the congressional hearings.
I watch the hearings.
With all the other big think tanks, like the Clinton Global Initiative, and there's Chelsea Clinton going, it's true, everyone hates us now and doesn't believe us, and now no one's taking any of the shots.
It's like 3% uptake on the new boosters.
And I was telling him, I'm like, whether they did it on purpose or not, regardless, it shows that they didn't know that this would absolutely screw the pooch.
Because they are hated now.
Well, and rightly so.
You know, it would be one thing if they had made all of these errors and then upon the revelation that these things were wrong had changed course.
But the fact that they don't change course tells us they didn't care in the first place whether what they were saying was true.
Maybe they didn't believe any of it to begin with.
So whether they did it on purpose or not, which you can debate all day, they certainly now know and have bought into keeping it going, so now they are behind it.
I mean, the fact is those shots should never have been injected into a human being.
It was absolutely clear that we didn't know what their long-term consequences were going to be, that
I think we're good to go.
There's no question that I, along with most other people, bought something about this story at the beginning.
And to the extent that people have woken up, that's something that happens over time.
But I know very well how my process of awakening began.
It literally took one hour, almost to the minute.
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And what happened to me was...
We're good to go.
We saw for the first time that there was some novel coronavirus circulating, that the claim was that it was from bats.
And you're a bat scientist.
I'm a bat biologist, so I looked at it and I thought I would... You're Batman.
I guess.
But I looked at this and I looked at the paper in question and I thought it would be good, it would be reassuring to tell my Twitter followers that I'd looked at this, that I knew the bat family in question, that
It made sense to me that this virus would have emerged in a contact between people and these bats, etc.
And so I put out a tweet.
And one of my followers came back and said, are you saying it's a coincidence that this virus emerged on the doorstep of a biosafety level for research labs studying bat coronaviruses in Wuhan?
And I said, what the hell don't I know?
We're good to go.
I think?
And so I got that wrong.
Well, frankly, if I'm looking to figure out who I should be paying attention to, the ability for somebody to improve their model as evidence emerges is the key question.
That's science.
That's how it's done.
And so, yeah, I would love not to have gotten anything wrong, but that's, I think...
I assumed that something we were being told was true.
I now think, at least at the level of the advice we were given, that essentially you wanted to do exactly the opposite of what you were told to do.
That would have been the best possible thing.
They told you to go home.
Don't go home.
Go outside.
Make vitamin D. But see, you're in the Amazon writing a book.
I'm reading Rockefeller Foundation documents.
I'm interviewing the guy that wrote the U.S.
Biological Weapons Law.
So that's why we were just like, do the opposite.
Well, actually, you know, it's funny.
Do the opposite.
I'm reading Robert Kennedy Jr.'
's new book on bioweapons and the connection to Wuhan.
And it is...
Absolutely frightening history that most of us do not know about our own biological weapons program.
And if you had known... Talk some about that.
Well, I'm learning from Bobby Kennedy, so I would recommend people read this book.
Just like his last one, The Real Anthony Fauci.
I read the last one.
I mean, frankly, it's a book that throws everybody who reads it, and I think through Bobby when he wrote it, that even just compiling the evidence of what was going on with Anthony Fauci is shocking almost no matter how awake you are.
It's staggering.
And so the same thing I would say is true.
Yeah, it's staggering.
With his new book about bioweapons and Wuhan.
But I just highly recommend people look at it.
And they come to understand, for example... Then you learn they're all over the place.
You learn they're all over the place.
You learn that there is a direct connection from the Japanese bioweapons program during World War II...
That is something every citizen needs to be aware of, that these two things are not distinct.
I remember reading about it.
It's very well documented.
At the end of World War II, they let a bunch of the Japanese war criminals that did the baton death marches and all the biological testing on British, Australian, Canadians, because a lot of them were over there, and U.S.
sailors and people.
It was mainly Americans.
And if you think that the Nazis were the height of diabolical in terms of their medical experiments, the Japanese were involved in literally infecting people or having people infect other people and then dissecting them live without anesthetic.
I mean, this is atrocity at a level that
...stretches the capacity of the...
The Japanese are really cool people and very interesting, but if you go back to Japanese imperial brainwashing and how they worked, if you were rude to your boss, he'd say, kill yourself, and you would.
Their thing was, these troops surrendered, even though they were all shot up and stuff.
You're not a human anymore.
You surrendered.
That's why they were flying their planes into our aircraft carriers and committing suicide before they'd give up when they were wounded, because that's like, to them, like, oh, you surrendered, even though you got three bullet holes, you're subhuman.
It goes back to that.
Well, that's one lesson.
The other lesson I would take is that this is actually a set of
We're good to go.
Well, I...
I want you to expand on that because one of the biggest mistakes of the Canadian military, the U.S.
military, and I'm not blaming the average troops, but the higher-ups, and the European Union military, as I'm sure you saw it, in about 2021, by the end, they came out during the dancing nurses and all of it,
They do.
What I don't know yet is what the purpose of this was.
They seemed absolutely dedicated to getting a shot in every arm.
That, in principle, I suppose, could be driven by greed, but it does not feel like a satisfying explanation.
There was something driving them to want to vaccinate everybody, even children, who stood no chance of getting any benefit from this.
What was that about?
That's the question that keeps me up at night.
All right, so do this, doctor.
And I'm going to try to... You're so polite, I'm trying to give you the floor here.
I saw you do a great job on Tucker, but even more has come out since you were on a month or so ago.
You break down and do a great job explaining that...
We're talking about 17 million dead, not from the COVID virus, but from the so-called shots, and then now more information's coming out, and there's an active cover-up going on.
Can you kind of repeat that, but also expand on it?
Now, I want to be careful.
People have taken me to task for saying that 17 million people died, which I didn't say.
The statistics show that number's gone up.
Well, Dennis Rancourt did...
What I think is a credible estimate.
It's well published.
I think you had him on.
And so it suggests that something like this magnitude of death has occurred.
Now, of course, let's say that his estimate is accurate.
That's still a number in the midst of
I think?
We're good to go.
This is... Forgive me, this is a little complex, but I want people to think about it carefully.
Because a lot has been put on the spike protein.
People imagine that the spike protein is the cause of the pathologies.
And while I think the spike protein was a very poor choice for these shots, that it does create pathologies of its own, I don't think it's the majority of what's going on.
And in fact...
I think?
We're good to go.
That matters a great deal because one of the things, and I don't know what level in the explanation it serves, but one of the things that is true is that the COVID pandemic, whatever its nature was, from complete psyop to entirely biological, allowed the normalization of...
The mRNA platform being brought and used on the public with minimal testing, which made the flaws in the platform disappear.
Gunther in Tennessee.
Thanks for calling, Gunther.
Hey, Alex.
First time caller.
Real quick, wanted to plug your foundational energy.
Just started taking that.
And, boy, three pills.
Reagan's recommended dose.
I was bouncing off the walls.
But I tell you, foundational is the right name for that product because I've cut down to one.
It's like you have a baseline of energy that you were missing before that you got back.
Well, I'm glad you mentioned that because it's methylfolate, the breakdown of folic acid, and a lot of people, particularly Europeans, don't absorb all of the folic acid.
So it's not a stimulant.
It's a totally natural thing that boosts energy that's foundational.
And was I lying to you or did it not work?
No, it was top-notch.
And I was actually taking Red Pill Plus before, and that's got a little folic acid in it.
I think there was a little buildup from this, but the energy from this was no jitters.
I mean, it's top-notch.
It's a great product.
Well, thank you so much.
Yeah, no.
Folic acid's great and it's in real red pill, but some can't break it down.
This is the breakdown of it.
That's exactly it.
But folks, we're standing up for our rights.
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One of the most frustrating things about being awake to the globalist agenda is seeing the general public still asleep.
By and large, not aware of the magnitude of the incredible danger they're under, but also the ongoing attacks and the magnitude of the death caused by the lethal injections, masquerading as vaccines.
It is so frustrating to see people going about their daily lives oblivious.
You realize Ingrid's not blessed.
It equals death.
But people are starting to really understand how serious things are and that's a hard thing to do because to wake up to a disturbing reality and realize that we're in the middle of a giant biological weapons war against humanity and that there's mass sterilization that's already taking place and they're cutting off all the major energy sources is really hard to deal with, but it's the reality.
Facing it is our only chance to turn this around because stuff's about to get really, really nasty.
We're good to go.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
The fact that we were in a hurry to get out of COVID allowed them to normalize the mRNA platform and that that platform
From the business perspective, allows you to reformulate virtually any vaccine that you wanted.
In live time.
Presumably to repatent it, to create vaccines very quickly for new pathogens, whatever their origin might be.
And what we in the public need to be aware of is that they haven't figured out how to solve the problem with it.
So anytime they deploy it, we need to say no.
Let me just describe a little bit about why that flaw exists.
The mRNA message, this is a genetic message loaded into this platform, is surrounded by something called lipid nanoparticle.
If those lipid nanoparticles stayed in your deltoid muscle, then their consequence would be localized.
Although this consequence would be negative in your deltoid, it wouldn't be devastating to your health.
But they, of course, don't stay in your deltoid, which we learned very early.
They circulate around the body.
And the problem is that that lipid nanoparticle, lipid just means fat, and because like dissolves like, the fat on these tiny particles causes the mRNA to be absorbed into any cell they encounter.
All of your cells are covered in a fat layer.
So wherever these things circulate around the body, they get absorbed.
Like it's cancer.
Like it's virally infected.
So basically, their mRNA shots are a pseudovirus.
They infect cells, cause those cells to make this protein, and then the immune system treats them like they are virally infected cells and destroys them.
Which, if that happens in your liver, maybe it's not that serious.
You can afford it.
If it happens in your heart, it's potentially devastating because it creates a wound, which is then a vulnerability.
If you're a soccer player and you're running particularly hard...
You know, you can get a blood vessel that bursts in your heart, causing a devastating pathology, causing your death, for example.
This is a predictable consequence of a shot that has no ability to target which cells take it up, and therefore no ability to protect you from your own immune system destroying the cells that have taken it up and giving you a lethal wound.
We're taping this now, but that gives me the luxury to go back and add these clips in, but there were three or four C-SPAN programs with Fauci and others in 2017, 18, 19, with all the different federal heads up there.
They're like, we're going to use a novel virus out of China, and I'll play the clip.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
The big corporate system as guinea pigs because they themselves want life extension and they themselves want the cure to cancer.
But they're saying we've got to do this.
And now Tony Blair has got a company and so does Bill Gates.
Oh, they've got a new mRNA vaccine cures cancer.
Oh, didn't know cancer was communicable.
No, folks, they've changed the definition of vaccines to where it just means something that we put into your body
I think?
A vaccine is just something that lessens the disease.
And I said, no, honey, before that, if you've got a real vaccine, it's a real technology, your body learns how to beat it.
They give you a broken version of it or a weakened version, and you beat it.
It may still have side effects.
Sometimes you might have an allergic response, but if they had good, clean stuff, I'd take the risk.
I'd be taking it all like it was pumpkin pie.
She's like, Dad, how do you know all this?
And I said, well, fine, I've got a site that's coming on.
I'm going to make you watch it in a couple days.
She said, fine, I'll watch it.
So this is the level we're dealing with here.
But am I right in what I said?
Yeah, you're right in what you said.
They changed the definition and they utilized an emergency in order to speed it past the tests that I believe would never have allowed it to be used on humans or, frankly, even farm animals.
They used the panic that was in the public, panic which they themselves induced, in order to sneak it past the controls.
And I do have to wonder how much...
We're good to go.
I think?
We're good to go.
I think?
Heather and I knew for certain that that could not possibly be the case.
And the reason it can't possibly be the case is because safe does not mean without harm.
It means without risk.
Safe and effective.
We're good to go.
I think?
To be telling us that these shots were safe when they knew better meant they weren't interested in informed consent.
They had somehow given up on that principle, and that was effectively a declaration of war on the public.
And then you add...
All the pressuring and all the intimidation and all the mandates, now I notice in Australia and Germany and the UK and Canada, they're like, we never told you you had to.
Well, they fired hundreds of thousands of nurses worldwide and persecuted people.
No, you guys just, Joseph Minglet, you literally just violated the Nuremberg Code, correct?
Absolutely, and in fact, I had not read the Nuremberg Code.
We're good to go.
It is possible they used it as an instruction set.
And that tells you what kind of contempt they must hold us in.
For them to have looked at a pillar...
All right, Dr. Brett Weinstein, stay right there.
I want to come back to the time we have and hit a whole bunch of issues.
Tucker, Russia, the wars, the border, all of you, amazing.
We'll be right back.
Folks, stay with us.
Two years ago, we began developing this game that came out so much better than I even thought it would.
It is now a number one hit.
I imagined the control freak left attacking it.
But I didn't know that right when the game came out, with perfect timing, Elon Musk would release me on X. And the whole world will be waking up, and the Davos group will be confronted at their own events by world leaders calling out their tyranny.
This is the planet's aligning.
And now, MSNBC, the corporate press, Media Matters, George Soros, they're all calling for it to be banned.
Is there a way to counter the types of hate that people like Alex Jones promote and now they do in video games?
I mean, this is a party that talks about video games being dangerous for our kids.
And yet here he is with a video game that promotes violence.
You will be silenced.
And celebrates that kind of violence.
You suck, big tech lizard nerd!
Because let's be honest here, when he is talking about killing globalists, we know what globalists now means for the Republican Party and what that is code for.
Because they understand they're reaching a bunch of young guys who are getting this sort of message beaten into them right now.
Today, I'm playing the unhinged Alex Jones video game.
I saw it was released on Steam, so I'm like, well, that kind of opens the floodgates.
This game is actually really good fun.
This is insane!
Look at all the blood!
Look at all these zombies!
I'll eat your ass!
Okay, so that is what he said.
I'll eat your ass!
I don't know what the characteristics of the game are beyond that he's involved and that it's killing globalists.
This is the kind of thing that will become a normalization lever in teaching people, I mean, it's okay to kill the globalists.
This is pretty amazing.
Jump around, jump around.
Alex Jones, you are a hero.
This is supposed to be Justin Trudeau, I think.
Come on, Mark!
Oh, s***!
Mark Zuckerberg, kill me!
Look at him crawling away.
What them dogs gonna do?
They gonna...
Oh, they ate his ass.
Find out what they're scared of at alexjonesgame.com.
Follow the link from there to Steam and download it and share it.
It's $17.76.
It funds the info war.
It is key in the culture war.
We need to be engaged and involved in books and films and universities and Hollywood and everywhere.
And we are.
So get Alex Jones New Old Order Wars right now before they ban it.
Make it such a big hit they continue to s*** their f***
And all the control freaks, I want to echo what Elon Musk said to your censorship.
Go f*** yourself!
Want to hear your view on things.
How do people, not that most folks don't know about or don't listen, find your podcast, find your show, find your book.
We're going to put it on screen.
Dark Horse is the name of your podcast, darkhorse.locals.com.
You also have Dark Horse on Rumble.
We're putting that on screen right now.
But what else would you like to tell the viewers and listeners about where they can find you?
It'd be great if you would sign up for my Twitter feed.
I'm at Brett Weinstein.
Brett has one T.
And yes, do sign up for our Locals community and on our Rumble channel.
That helps us.
It's free to you, and we really appreciate it.
And I'm glad you raised that because I know your Twitter.
I know your ex has been following it for years, but even when I was kicked off Twitter before Elon brought me back, and I still sometimes run onto the fake accounts.
There are fake accounts, and there is something algorithmically going on inside of Twitter, which is also very strange when you see it from my side of the screen.
I don't know what it is.
I suspect it's not Elon doing it.
But let's put it this way.
He said that he had in fact purchased a crime scene, and I think that is a very apt description.
There's a lot about Twitter that is not straightforward.
When I was able to speak to him for over two and a half hours, like six weeks ago, he said, listen, it was set up to run these shenanigans.
The very fabric of it is a fraud.
We're trying to fix it.
It's like a ghost of the machine.
That's, in fact, exactly the phrase that I used to try to convey this to him.
There are things that I can see from my side that I think he's unaware of.
So anyway, I hope he does fix it.
At one point he was talking about having to rebuild it in order to get all of the ghosts out of the machine.
And I don't know where he is with that thought process.
Because I have contacts, not as good as yours, but I'm able to call some of those top people when they block us or won't let me put my website on.
He goes, yeah, we'll fix it.
It's fixing in an hour.
And then somebody turns it back on.
They built a lot of back doors.
There's a lot going on in there that is not about the front end of Twitter.
All right.
We've got 40 minutes left.
Let's run through it all.
You just went to the Darien Gap.
Again, that's where North America ends or Central America ends.
It goes into South America.
They're officially building this giant U.N.
You did a great summation when you were on Tucker, but can you expand on that for viewers?
The Darien Gap is a gap in the Pan-American Highway.
It's about 60 miles in length where the highway has never been completed.
This is a highway that goes from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to the southern tip of South America.
And there's a jungle.
In fact, there's a national park in the Darien province of Panama.
And what has happened is that for various reasons, largely encouraged by the international community, various NGOs, there is a massive migration of people coming through the Darien Gap.
And this is a disaster at an environmental level.
This is extremely destructive of this unique forest, and it really is a unique forest.
It is a humanitarian catastrophe as well.
People are dying in the jungle because almost all of them enter it unprepared and it's an extremely difficult habitat to cross.
And it's also, I'm not even sure what the word would be, but politically the implications of the huge number of migrants, almost all of whom are coming north to the U.S., are going to cross our southern border, the implications are utterly profound.
And what I told Tucker was that I wasn't exactly sure why I went to look at this in person, because there's plenty of documentation from Michael Yan.
I think.
My hypothesis is that it's actually an invasion of Chinese migrants who are motivated by something entirely distinct from the people migrating from elsewhere in the world.
The migrants from elsewhere, a lot of them are from South America, some of them are from the Middle East, but those migrants all tell the same story about being motivated by...
The economic collapses in their home countries and what they perceive as economic opportunity in the U.S.
The Chinese migrants aren't interested in talking at all.
In fact, they're extremely cagey to the extent that one gets anything from them.
It is a kind of hostility.
There is a distinct male bias in the population of Chinese migrants.
So we're talking about young military age males, most of them very fit, unwilling to talk about what they're doing.
And, oddly enough, housed separately in Panama.
So... We know there's some Chinese government sponsorship.
It certainly looks like the Chinese government would have to be aware of these migrants.
Presumably, it would have had to let them leave China.
And they've got complex apps?
Yes, this is a strange combination of low-tech and high-tech.
There are apps that appear to tell them where to go and how to make the migration.
We're good to go.
So this organization is...
...inviting people to try to cross the Darien Gap, some of whom don't make it.
Mothers are leaving the jungle having lost children.
Children are leaving the jungle orphaned.
It's a catastrophe.
And why the international community is encouraging it is, to me, completely mysterious.
And no media coverage other than you and Tucker Carlson and Michael Yawn.
And it's, like you said, a humanitarian disaster...
You made a point on, Tucker, I forget the exact quote, but it was powerful.
You said, it's almost impossible to overstate how dark and organized this is.
It's visible on the ground, but nobody goes to look at it.
And I must say, I'm grateful to Mike Leon for having invited me and having given me, effectively, a guided tour.
He brought, in fact, me and my son.
We traveled.
To Darien, and he knew exactly where to take us so that we could look at it for ourselves.
Maybe it's also you going home, because I think Jan told me you actually, for part of your bat research, lived out there for a while, right?
I lived in the Panama Canal in Lake Gatun on Barrow, Colorado Island for 18 months while I was studying bats.
So I know Panama reasonably well.
And what is taking place in...
Thank you.
Meaning the U.S.
military was still in control?
Well, the handover was in process, but the U.S.
had not officially handed the canal over, and its military presence was still there.
And these things were well understood.
The canal was an American achievement.
The military's presence there was both symbolic and important to the protection of the canal, which was understood to be vital.
So it's a UN globalist invasion port?
You know, it seems to be.
It's very hard for me to imagine.
I don't know what story these people tell themselves about what they're doing.
But, yes, it appears to be that what was once, what was built to protect American interests and to facilitate our well-being is now being turned to its exact opposite purpose.
Like everything else, I don't see how the powerful financial interests of the world are using American power to continue their corporate empire, but at the same time, schizophrenically,
Paradoxically, moronically attacking him.
I mean, I think we're always left to struggle for what they could possibly be thinking.
And I think where you began this discussion is exactly right.
We have to take into account that diabolical, yes.
Geniuses, I don't think so.
I think these people are reckless, and they do not understand that they are having a much easier time breaking these systems than they will have rebuilding them.
I think they're looking only first order.
They're not looking second, third, fourth order.
Well, it's almost like they have the mentality that they can, you know, rebuilding the system isn't high on their priority list because they know that they have to break the systems that allow citizens some control over their own well-being and their own future.
So that's the crazy gamble.
They think they can wreck it and then rebuild it.
Yes, and in fact, it's not unlike...
What the diversity, equity, and inclusion folks are thinking.
They are very focused on tearing down a system, the evils of which they believe themselves to be thoroughly familiar with.
Even though they're in control of it.
That's the mental illness, is they're in control of it.
It's kind of like when the...
Fall of Rome finally happened in 410 with Alaric, and they burned down almost everything.
They were so shocked by one building, they left it alone.
But it never came back, basically, because they just said, well, we'll just burn it, instead of saying, well, we run this now.
Right, and the fact is, Heather...
frequently points out that this is really a mistake that could only be made by people who have not traveled the world.
Because once you've seen how successful our system actually is, yeah, there's unfairness in it, no question about that.
But you would address the unfairness at the level that it actually exists, rather than imagine that if you tear it apart, that something better will replace it.
Let me use a silly analogy.
Here's American Western success for GDP and human freedom and medicine and mobility and human empowerment.
It's up here.
And then it's got a lot of unfairness to it.
The enemies of humanity have been very good at dividing and conquering us.
But if we simply start thinking about things according to the definition of is it pro-human or is it anti-human, we start to win.
And that's why I had the idea for Team Humanity.
I brought it up to Elon Musk.
He loved the idea.
What would you call the debate and discussion about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
And so we have the t-shirt.
Team Humanity with a nuclear family standing against the globalists.
This shirt is a great conversation starter, but it also is a fundraiser to give info on the air so we can promote and support Team Humanity.
I want to thank you all for your past support, but I want to encourage you all now to understand that this is a revolution against the globalists, and it is so critical now to signal the fact that you are part of Team Humanity.
We're told humans are the problem.
We're told we're killing the Earth.
We're told all this garbage so we hate ourselves and stand down and roll over and die.
We're not going to do that.
Get your Team Humanity shirts now at InfoWarsStore.com, and I thank you all for your support.
Hey, let me start by saying you do a great show.
Thank you.
Hey, let me point out that I took X2 iodine.
I started taking that stuff.
The best iodine I think I ever found is what you guys are selling.
When did you start taking it?
About four years ago, I had high blood pressure and I was on blood pressure medicine.
And I started eating a little better, but my blood pressure stayed high.
And when I took the X2 iodine after about three or four weeks, I think my body was detoxified of a bunch of metals and stuff that my body was storing.
And my blood pressure came down to the perfect level.
And I tell people the only thing I did was X2 iodine.
I'm good to go.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight, you better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Some public schools and libraries invite drag queens, some dressed like torn demons, to read to young children.
Parents' rights are the verdict, and children's rights are put ahead.
So the child has the right to be protected from the parents when the parents behave badly.
Yeah, that child molester just messed with the wrong preschooler.
What makes you think he's a child molester?
Oh, he's a child molester, believe me.
Every child molester I've ever met looks just like that.
And make gay little babies for the whole human race.
Make a
Hey, that's fucked.
And then you have talk show stars like Joe Rogan who just wing it, who make it up as they go along.
And because figures like Rogan are trusted by people that don't trust real newsrooms, we have a tension, a problem that's much bigger than Spotify, much bigger than any single platform, Kate.
But that's what's at the heart of this... Damn it.
Everything on TV sucks.
It's Alex Jones.
You piece of shit.
You fucking damn fucker.
Listen, fuckhead.
You fucking crossed the line.
Get that through your fucking head.
Stop pushing your shit.
A few minutes later.
We're going to beat your ass.
You just get that through your stinking traitorous heads.
But I will stomp your head in if you start a fight with me, you thug scum.
You think I'm a coward like you?
Uh, I... Uh... Three days later.
I just got invited to give the commencement address at Harvard this year.
That's amazing!
I'm gay!
Let's go get the hats.
So you get to wear the hat and everything?
Yeah, exactly.
I see you, enemy.
I see you, enemy!
You are my enemy!
You will pay.
Yeah, you think I don't see your face, scum?
You don't think I don't see you?
I see you.
You understand me?
I know what you think of me and my family.
I see you right back.
You understand that?
You understand that?
You will not bring humanity down!
God is going to destroy you!
Ladies and gentlemen, we're in a war against the globalists.
And people can't identify who's a patriot and who isn't.
We want to identify as pro-human and anti-globalists.
We want to let people know we're 1776 Part 2.
That's why I designed this amazing 1776 red, white, and blue Gadsden flag shirt so you can support the Infowar and meet like-minded people everywhere when you wear it.
We're good to go.
InfoWars limited edition shirt right now at InfoWarsStore.com.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is antithetical, the complete opposite of what the globalists are pushing.
So get both the Team Humanity and the 1776 Gadsden Snake shirts limited edition at InfoWarsStore.com right now.
Spread the word, meet like-minded people, and fund the 1776 revolution worldwide.
The system they're going to create has a ceiling way down here, way worse than even what people live in in the unfairness.
There's almost no way that they could exceed what Western civilization has already done to bring about fairness, which doesn't mean that it has arrived at fairness.
But we don't blow up the best thing we got.
It's like you're on a ship at sea and you decide that you don't...
Like something about its construction, so you're going to sink it in hopes that something better comes along.
But instead you just drown.
You take it into port, you buy the ship, you change it.
You upgrade the ship, or you trade it for something.
You don't destroy it in the hopes that a better one is going to arrive, because that's not going to happen.
You're going to drown as a result of that folly.
This is an incredible interview.
We've only got 30 minutes left, but you're hitting on all cylinders.
We're all seeing the same reality.
It's like we're following some script of music or some directive we got.
It's right there.
I mean, in fact, that's the best indication that you have that a story is true, is that people happen on it from multiple different starting points.
That's how you know that you're really on to something.
And so I love the fact that you and I have arrived at a similar place from very different starting points.
That's confirmation that it's real.
Alright, shifting gears out of that then, what do you make of the hysteria over Tucker?
Hundreds of millions of views on X, billions have seen clips of it, one of the biggest interviews ever, it's like moon landing level coverage, and then you've got him calling him a traitor, Boris Johnson, Democrats want...
The Espionage Act to be used.
I mean, this is shameful.
This is hysterical.
This is, what is your view, as someone that's researched, what freedom's about, academia, all of this.
I mean, this is, and then the Putin interview was really, I mean, I thought him just kind of giving up, saying we'll never be friends, you never want to stop, and basically you're never going to dominate us, so that's the way it is.
Yeah, I find the reaction to Tucker revealing.
For one thing, I know Tucker, and I quite like him.
He's a very decent guy, and I know... Oh, when you're in person, you pick up 10 times stronger than you see on TV.
This is a real Santa Claus type.
This is a sweetheart.
Well, like you, he is a conservative who...
He loves other Americans, even who don't share his ideology.
He very much appreciates nature and wants to see it protected.
So, as far as I can tell, this is the real deal.
And, of course, the fact of a journalist going to interview a foreign leader who is in many ways hostile to the U.S.
and to the West, that is perfectly in keeping with
The principles that make the West work.
Kennedy talked to Khrushchev.
We didn't blow ourselves up.
So this is just simply a matter of holding somebody to a different standard because it allows you to tear them down.
You know, I don't know what to make of what Putin said.
I did find it...
He was arguing his legal right, you know, because this is ours, instead of using the opportunity.
But nonetheless, in terms of whether there's anything questionable about Carlson going there to interview him, no, I'm glad he did go there to interview him because we need to know, even just need to know what Putin sounds like to himself.
That's useful information from the perspective of protecting ourselves from Putin.
And boy, wasn't...
We're good to go.
This guy's not an idiot.
I mean, you know, it's a fact-finding mission, and he was doing the job of a journalist, and it was refreshing to see it.
So I think the controversy over it is entirely synthetic and just designed to tear somebody down.
But it also goes to the incompetence, because the Streisand effect, I'm not a rocket scientist, folks.
I'm like, hey, Tucker, it's great being attacked.
If they'd just shut up, it would have had 20 million views.
They did turn it into a phenomenon.
So why aren't they smart enough to see, first order, you demonize Tucker, you're discredited, it only makes him bigger, and the interview is 20 times bigger?
Like, a fool would know that.
Well, so I actually think this goes to another set of questions.
So I, as a COVID dissident who watched us outfox the official narratives and those who were spreading it,
I think a lot about the force that we're up against.
And my model, which I did talk about on my first interview with Tucker a couple months ago, is that we're up against something that I call Goliath.
And Goliath is partly built of a cabal or several cabals, and it's partly an emergent phenomenon.
It is ferociously powerful, but it's also stupid.
It is relatively easy to beat if it is not on territory where it is dominant.
And so this means a couple things.
One, it means those of us who are fighting that force should always keep in mind that getting Goliath on our territory, not its territory, is the way to beat it.
You can beat it easily if it's off its footing.
That's why we marched into a trap on January 6th.
We went into Goliath's territory.
And it was scripted.
So the fact that Carlson, like you, like Joe Rogan, has established an outpost that is not supposed to exist, right?
An unsanctioned kind of media.
That's not Goliath's territory.
And in fact, Goliath made a terrible error during COVID of imagining that
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Wow, I'm so impressed, man.
That's why I love your podcast, because you say things in a really slick way.
I'm sitting at home thinking this.
I'm like, Tucker is taking real journalism for the first time and bringing it to the new space.
No one trusts the old system, but there was an old thing for real journalists and real reports.
But they've so wrecked themselves, no one believes it.
Even though they said the sky was blue or the ocean's wet.
And so Tucker's actually going into the new independent media that is the new dominant force and restarting real journalism.
Well, nitric oxide is a key.
It's made by our own bodies again.
It's made by L-citrulline and L-arginine, the amino acids.
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I did, and I do.
I'm not a scientist like you.
What do these compounds do, creating nitrous oxide?
What does it do?
It relaxes the vasculature, so the clot will go through and not restrict.
It allows it to relax.
It lowers the blood pressure, has the toxic...
Yeah, why is it particularly the athletes?
Because they operate at oxygen max, capacity max.
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This is an energy production, oxygen necessary disease.
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It's a 360 win.
Interestingly, I think that is creating a... It is taking a kind of institution that came about in the podcast space that got kicked into high gear over COVID and it's moving it to the next level, which actually reflects... I was recently in the Czech Republic and I was...
We're good to go.
I think?
We're good to go.
To win this battle is to build parallel institutions.
So I wonder if that's not in effect what we're watching.
Okay, if the media is going to refuse to report the news, then we're going to build it outside.
If the universities are going to refuse to educate inside those structures, then we're going to do it outside on the internet.
That's what's happening is the parallel institutions are rising to displace the feeble, broken, corrupted institutions that refuse to function.
That's perfectly said.
That's absolutely true.
Nietzsche said that which doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.
And if you look at segregation, it was a horrible crime.
Jim Crow, terrible.
We're good to go.
They'd already kind of been at the bottom, then they'd come out of it, but they're still not Western, so they weren't infected by the neoliberal corporate mind control, and so they still had kind of that suppressed instinct of freedom left, and that was soil for it to sprout from.
And it also means that they are in a position, potentially, to save the world from what's taking place in the World Health Organization.
The World Health Organization is involved in effectively rewriting the rules in preparation for some sort of pandemic rematch.
That was my next question for you.
Right here, Bill Gates planning overhead shot, guys, real quick, because that was my next question.
You read my mind here.
We're simpatico.
Bill Gates planning for Pandemic 2, complete with new vaccines administered from a little patch.
So they're saying, Tedros is saying it's imminent, so speak to that.
So the World Health Organization is cryptically saying
Writing the rule set that would have allowed Goliath to win the COVID battle, where Goliath ended up embarrassed by those of us on the outside exposing the lies that were being told.
So they see the last four years as a war game.
Well, I always say that Goliath has to be dragged onto territory that it doesn't know.
Oh, I've read it.
It's scary.
It's terrifying.
And, I mean, it includes insane things like the right of the World Health Organization to mandate not only vaccines but gene therapy to redistribute medical technology.
So imagine that, you know, instead of the battle over ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine that we saw that the WHO could just dictate that those things...
So it's a biomedical corporate coup.
It is.
And it really looks like they're looking for a rematch.
So we have to derail that thing.
By the way, you convinced Tucker of this, and I'm not saying I'm smarter than Tucker.
He's smarter than me in most ways.
He's like, come on, Alex.
We were talking on the phone like six months ago.
And when I saw him like four months, three months ago, he goes, they're not going to try it again.
We just beat their ass.
And I said, they want a rematch.
Everything I see is it was a war game.
And he now says, you convinced him.
Well, they are looking for a rematch, but the fact is they are now faltering.
Because we're on the offense exposing it.
We're on the offense exposing it.
And folks in Eastern Europe, in fact, are recognizing that they are actually in a unique position.
Yeah, they've got prime ministers and stuff calling them all out.
In Romania, there is a very live resistance movement.
I'll stop interrupting.
Well, all I'm saying is... Start over.
Start over.
Look, to me...
Western civilization is fundamentally about an agreement to put aside our lineages, our races, and to collaborate with each other on the basis that there are things to be accomplished.
And that is the magic that made America as powerful as it was.
Goals, not race, religion.
Right, exactly.
Well, let's put it this way.
How successful are you going to be if you have to collaborate only with people who look like you versus how successful will you be if you can collaborate with whoever has the most useful tools to bring to the table?
But you've got to have shared goals.
If they take the goals away now, it makes it a weakness.
With goals, it makes it a strength.
Well, I would say those goals are values, right?
If we share values and then we collaborate on how to accomplish them, that's powerful.
And it made America...
What it is.
Folks in Eastern Europe are now beginning to recognize that they hold the values that we once held so dear and that they're in a position to protect us from things like what's taking place in the World Health Organization.
So that's what I'm hoping will happen, is that they will shine, that they will rise to this challenge, and they will derail this diabolical proposal to the good of all of humanity.
Well, that sounds optimistic, and I think it is optimistic, but what do you make just of the cut-and-dry situation in Ukraine?
NATO's been defeated.
They're doubling down.
Putin's not perfect, but clearly they started the war.
NATO started it, from my perspective, if you disagree, tell me, nine years ago.
And it's one thing to go blow up the Iraqis, and I'm not saying Saddam was perfect, but lie about WMDs.
Now you're starting a war with a highly sophisticated civilization that has a thousand-year history of being invaded over and over again and doesn't give up.
I mean, it's like starting a fight with Mike Tyson in his prime.
It's just dumb.
So what are they thinking?
Well, that's always the question.
You have to ask yourself the question, are they just being foolish?
Or do they know something we don't know?
And I also wonder about...
How to categorize the force that makes these decisions.
I see the United States leadership making decision after decision that is obviously terrible for the citizenry.
And undermines the establishment.
So is that that something has gotten into our system and is inducing us to hurt ourselves?
That's possible.
Is it just stupidity?
That's also possible.
So when we pick a fight,
You have to ask the question about whether there is an objective we don't know or whether this is just insanity that has taken over the system.
And I really don't know the answer to that question.
But I do know that the emergent part of Goliath...
Well, that's what it is.
It's a council of different...
Yes, and I think it's the kind of thing that is very difficult...
To accomplish if people have a normal relationship with their own mortality and their own progeny.
If you love your children, you don't start World War III, even if it makes sense on a balance sheet somewhere to do it.
Yes, maybe if you're in an elite position, you'll earn some money that your kids will inherit.
On the other hand, you're wrecking their planet.
And so that would give people pause.
I think you answered the question, Doctor, for 50, 60 seconds.
There's something at the core of this dysfunction that is about incompetence.
And if you've lived inside a system, if you've been inside the university system, let's say as a scientist, as I was, and you've watched that the majority of every department is composed of people who, although they are fully convinced they are engaged in behaving scientifically, are just simply not.
They're not good at it.
We're good to go.
I think?
We inflicted something on the military that drove out all of the people who are likely to stand up.
And they turn around and say, sorry, come back.
We weren't even thinking.
We don't know whether what they did was the result of massive stupidity or whether they were trying to create a compliant force.
But we know it didn't work.
They came back and reversed it.
Well, they tried to.
You're right, it hasn't reversed the problem.
I'm saying they reversed the policy.
They reversed the policy, but now people are loathe to join the military because they know that such a policy can come down the pike and it can put them in a terrible situation.
All right, the ten minutes we have left.
I'm a big fan.
Love you on the show.
Love seeing other shows.
And people have been attacking you.
We kind of started with this, but maybe we should end with it, about, well, this guy, you know, didn't have a perfect pedigree fighting the New World Order.
There's not many people out there that have been doing this 30 years like I am.
There's some other great people out there who have done it as well, and we love them to death.
But my goal...
Is to learn from other people, and then they learn from me, and then we have a consensus, and we fix things.
I want to win this.
I don't want to sit around and say, this is the most holy of all our people, and then this person was always perfect, and this person... No, no.
We need people like the doctor here, who is smart, entertaining, popular, who's joined us.
When Joe Rogan, known 25 years, he just wanted to have fun.
He's been awake a few years.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Tucker came here 11 years ago and said, man, I thought you were cooking wrong.
I woke up, you're right.
I've influenced him.
He's influenced me.
I've learned my own personal power of persuasion.
Not that I'm the grand poobah or the best guy around, but I've seen the power of debate.
I've seen we can win.
I've seen we can come together.
I know humans are overall good.
But this holier-than-thou stuff, folks, is a disease.
And it's in the left where you've got to prescribe to every leftist ideology that's put out by some think tank and then when that's all agreed to, now there's a new group wanting power over it that makes it even more radical.
That is a disease.
Can you speak to that?
Yes, I've been watching this and I'm horrified by it because I have the sense that people are fighting over credit at halftime and that they're going to screw up the game.
We're going to lose it because we're fighting... They're watching the scoreboard during the game.
But they don't get that it's halftime.
And the fact is, we all have everything to gain by leveling up together.
That's what we should be doing.
And for people to look at Joe Rogan or Tucker Carlson or me or you and say, oh, they're controlled opposition because they were taken in by the COVID narrative or something.
Or X. Right.
The fact is,
A, you know, you can start with a cynical position that says nothing anybody ever tells you is right.
And yeah, you will not buy any bullshit if that's where you start from.
But you also won't be able to detect anything useful.
You're not going to leave your house.
You're literally, if you just think everything is controlled, it's not, folks.
I'm real.
Okay, I'm real.
I know I've changed the world with working with you.
I know there's good people.
I know we can fix this.
We've got to.
Damn it, there's not just evil.
There's not just evil.
No, in fact, there are great people who are interested, who share values and are putting aside ideology, and that is an incredibly powerful thing.
So, look, in my case, what I want is I want people to judge my whole record.
Was I advocating for people to wear masks?
Yeah, I was.
I thought that stood a chance of actually reducing the spread of a disease that I thought was more serious than it turns out.
Out of abundance of caution, and when you learn you were wrong, you went public.
I changed it.
So who cares?
And now you're a huge advocate for truth, so who cares?
Well, look, there was a little bit of harm done by people wearing masks as a result of my advocating for them.
But there was a lot of good done by, A, people watching me wake up to the foolishness of the mask.
But, Doctor, that's the globalist fear whistleblowers.
They fear people that at first were a little wrong.
And if we don't embrace powerful, smart people like you when they join the awakening, no one else is going to do it.
And so just all I would say is for all of us, just judge us based on the net impact we have had.
There's no way that this is a limited hangout when we are doing damage to Goliath's narrative.
We are revealing what he wants people to believe.
I go to the grocery store.
I go to church.
I see family.
And they go, oh, we love that professor, that doctor, that Dr. Brett Weinstein.
And he's really great.
People, you're a smart guy.
You're entertaining.
You're great.
You can talk about any subject.
You're a great guy.
And this is something I want to say.
I always sat back on air for 30 years in April.
And said, I don't think I myself was the best.
And I'm doing this, trying to do this.
I said, where are all these professional men and women I know and that I see that I know are smart and know what's going on because they were asleep or they were only focused with blinders on, kind of a wormhole, a tunnel vision on what they were doing.
But I believe, and I've said this for 25 years, that once things got bad, we would get...
The professors and the scientists and the researchers on our side.
And when it starts to happen and the avalanches to us, we just literally beat the hell out of Big Pharma.
Their stock's going straight down.
No one's taking their crap.
We're winning.
And then we turn into this...
Like Spanish Inquisition or something, going around to find out if somebody's a heretic or were they perfect.
Folks, the big win is here.
We have got to stop because they're ready for a rematch.
They're coming in for another attack.
We better get together and we better stop it.
Yeah, and it is the result, in part, of this very unfortunate fact, which is that people who are independent-minded, the lone wolves who actually do see through things early, are often not very good at teaming up.
It's a paradox, because collectivists are very good at teaming up, but then a central system can pay them and do it, whereas independent people are some of the best thinkers, but they'll never want to team up.
So how do you deal with that paradox?
Well, I mean, look, I think a lot of this is solved metaphorically.
And what I do is I think in terms of the stories in which we all appreciate this.
You know, the Lord of the Rings or the ragtag fugitive fleet from Battlestar Galactica.
And the point is, look...
Maybe you don't start out with that skill set, but you can develop that skill set, and if you think about it, just quietly to yourself for a moment, you'll realize that the only way we're going to win is if we figure out who to team up with and how to do it.
So, anyway, that's a skill we can develop, and we should be working on it every day, because as Alex just said, the victory is there to be had, but we are going to end up
Going out of the frying pan and into the fire if we don't figure out how to overcome our tendency to attack each other.
Let's talk about the paradox of Elon Musk.
Look, I've got Elon's number.
I don't mean literally.
I can see the cut of his jib.
He's a scientist.
He's a promoter.
He's a really smart guy.
He's a salesman.
He has incredible energy.
And he wants to dominate every scientific development that's out there.
He wants to be...
You know, the Spradley Sprockets of George Jetson world.
And he's all over the place.
The enemies of humanity have been very good at dividing and conquering us.
But if we simply start thinking about things according to the definition of is it pro-human or is it anti-human, we start to win.
And that's why I had the idea for Team Humanity.
I brought it up to Elon Musk.
He loved the idea.
What would you call the debate and discussions about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
And so we have the t-shirt.
Team Humanity with a nuclear family standing against the globalists.
This shirt is a great conversation starter, but it also is a fundraiser to give InfoWars on the air so we can promote and support Team Humanity.
I want to thank you all for your past support, but I want to encourage you all now to understand that this is a revolution against the globalists and it is so critical now to signal the fact that you are part of Team Humanity.
We're told humans are the problem.
We're told we're killing the Earth.
We're told all this garbage so we hate ourselves and stand down and roll over and die.
We're not going to do that.
Get your Team Humanity shirts now at InfoWarsStore.com and I thank you all for your support.
I think.
We're good to go.
This idea that Elon Musk is working for the establishment, as you point out, there's a lot of different factions that are battling over the levers of control.
I just don't see as fair.
And then, okay, say we don't trust Elon.
We've got to see what he does long term.
Judge a tree by its fruits.
Then don't spend 90% of your time saying Elon's a shill, Elon's a fraud.
Say, okay, we don't totally trust him, revise, read the fine print, but boost all the great stuff he's doing.
Because I look at what he's doing, and it's enraging the EU.
They're trying to indict him.
He's got all these drug stories and all these attacks.
I've been through this, but on a smaller scale.
He's getting Trumpian-level hate now.
The globalists, the corrupt, illegitimate,
Incompetence do not like him, okay?
You can't fake that.
And so I see a huge opportunity here.
We could lose Musk when he's trying to jump to our camp if we don't embrace him.
Now, if he does something wrong later, we go, hey, wait.
But if we don't, he's trying to jump to us, is what I see.
And if we don't grab him, he's not ours.
Does that make sense?
Yeah, and I would add two things to it.
Assuming that his story is accurate, that he was injured by the mRNA shot.
And a family member.
Two of Joe Rogan's crew.
He told me who.
That's an old story.
Two of people close to Joe.
I mean, close had strokes after it.
I'm sorry to interrupt you.
Go ahead.
No, no.
But my point would be this.
If Elon got the shot and was hurt...
Then he's not on the list of people who was in the know about the danger of that shot.
He said that happened.
I believe him.
I believe him, too.
So my point is, this is incompatible with him being, you know, some 4D chess shill.
If that story is true, then the point is, he's not on their team.
He's, at least sometimes, on our team.
You know, he was victimized.
Yeah, he was on their team earlier because he was buying the chili.
Now he's like, what the hell?
His brother got super sick.
He got sick.
The second thing is... That'll wake you up.
Like nothing else, right?
They literally injected something into you that makes you ill.
But the other thing is what he's done with Twitter...
I think we're good to go.
It'll change the whole paradigm.
Twitter X is better than it was.
It is a maverick, and it's got infiltrators.
He bought this mess.
He's done better than I thought he would.
He's done better than you would think he would, and what that tells you is he's not... I don't know how complex the chessboard that he's looking at is, but he can't be totally on their team because he's created a space where Tucker Carlson can say what needs to be said.
I'm not a rocket scientist or a biologist like you, but...
The hate's legitimate.
He's creating waves that even if they kill him tomorrow, God forbid, or shut it down, it's already devastated him.
Folks, listen to me.
I've been on there 30 years and I'm sure you're wrong.
He's creating irrevocable harm to them.
Like you said, this is real.
Yeah, I think it is real.
And I think we don't know who's working for whom.
So the best we can do is say who is actually doing this.
And he doesn't.
Imagine his job.
Double, triple agents, the betrayals.
I can't imagine the complexity of what he has to look at.
It's mind-boggling.
And all of us who have never been in his shoes, which is frankly all of us, can't appreciate that level of complexity.
So we owe it to him to at least give him the benefit of the doubt.
Let's just see what happens.
Thank you so much for the time.
Doctor, is there anything else you want to add to people?
Yeah, there's one other thing, which is, obviously, I take a risk by coming here.
I appreciate what you do.
Oh, I recognize that.
You've got a lot of courage.
You're paying a big-ass target on you.
Right, but I want to make the point that my ability to be here is something that was carved out by Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson, who took that risk first.
And I appreciate their carving out the ability to have this discussion, because at the end of the day, I believe you are a patriot and a very important force in this battle.
Well, thank you.
Elaborate for people that don't know the specifics.
Explain what you mean, they carved it out.
Well, they were willing at the point that it was treated as unforgivable to talk to you.
They did it anyway.
What was heresy?
That's a good way of putting it.
And so, in any case, I appreciate their courage and their willingness to risk their operations.
They didn't have to do that, but they did it because it was the right thing, and it did make it possible for us smaller fish to follow suit.
And let's explain that.
In this paradox where they created this artificial Alex Jones, 10% of it was my fault.
I did do some things that were wrong, but most of it was blown up, exaggerated, all controlled.
But if Alex Jones is put up there as the symbol of evil...
If he's allowed speech, everybody else is safe.
And they, speaking of NATO, I don't know if you saw the document, but NATO said six years ago, we're going to ban Jones and we're going to ban WikiLeaks.
And once we do that, we'll ban it all.
So they admitted that
I'm not that important.
But I became important when they picked me as the symbol of demonization and thought no one would stand with me.
And now that Joe did, and Elon, and you came here knowing full well what you're doing, it's not that we agree on everything or any of that.
And let's just get the proviso out, even though we agree on most stuff.
They'll lie about something I said and say, do you agree with this?
It's about agreeing to have a conversation and rediscovering what makes us great.
So one more time, tell us about your book.
Tell us how we follow you on Rumble and on Locals.
The book is A Hunter-Gatherer's Guide to the 21st Century.
You can get it anywhere.
The podcast is Dark Horse.
That's one word.
Dark and horse are capitalized.
Find us on Rumble and please sign up.
That helps us.
Find our locals community, Dark Horse Locals Community, and please follow me on Twitter at Brett Weinstein.
Brett has one T.
I bet the folks at the university jealous of you and your very successful wife that was the most successful professor there, if they weren't thinking one-dimensionally, they'd have kept you around.
I bet they're not happy they drove you off the reservation.
Well, they drove almost all the students away, too.
They are struggling to keep the college open.
Am I shut down?
I heard.
I was expecting it to shut down earlier.
The state infused the college with a lot of cash to keep it running, but they just simply don't have enough students to justify it.
So what happened to the guy that was gunning for you?
He stepped down.
So see, he didn't think of that.
It's a Pyrrhic victory.
He got you, but he's gone.
He's gone.
But interestingly, they couldn't hire a replacement.
They had to hire somebody from inside the college because literally nobody would take the job after he wrecked the place.
Which is why war isn't good.
People think of war as just military.
No, war is messing with people for no reason just because he gives you power.
Instead of the University of Wright, it would be even bigger now.
The degree to which they had a college that was special and it could have been turned into something amazing and very popular and instead they destroyed it.
It is actually a cautionary tale.
A metaphor for Earth today.
We're going to end this
With the video or the footage of the great Rod Serling's Planet of the Apes ending scene with the late, great Charlton Heston when he learns he's actually back on Earth and they blew it all up.
Let's not go there.
Doctor, very impressive.
I'm a big fan and I love meeting you in person.
Thank you so much, sir.
Thank you.
All right, folks.
Great job to the crew coming in on Super Bowl Sunday.
And, wow, more impressed in person.
This guy is awesome.
Anybody say he's a bad guy, you're just jealous.
Thank you, Alex.
That's true.
Economist, Ph.D., Kirk Elliott is in studio with us.
Dr. Elliott is a great guy, does a great job, and our listeners love him.
I love him, too.
And so I asked him, he lives in Colorado, to come here when he was on a few weeks ago when we can do a Saturday commercial-free...
We're good to go.
Former Green Beret commander and lawyer and Defense Intelligence Agency operative Ivan Raiklin was on yesterday, live in studio.
He was in a toboggan accident with his kids and blew his leg out.
He was in a wheelchair.
He traded punches with me.
Some bitch kicks like a mule.
We were wargaming what if they killed Trump.
And that's what you do in the military.
I'm not in the military, but I studied this for 30 years, so I'm in the same bailiwick.
That's why I came up with Infowars.
We were wargaming what if they killed Trump and how it would blow up in their face and how horrible it would be, which will make them not kill him.
And it got picked up out of context.
And I mean, I think this morning I looked around, like 5 million views, different versions of it.
It's probably 10 million now.
Alex Jones wants Trump dead.
And then even some conservatives...
We're good to go.
In the 1970s, they had total control.
This is culture in Nashville over country music.
And then four or five people, Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, a few others, Chris Christopherson, moved to Austin, Texas, and they said, screw you, we're doing our own music.
And it totally changed that whole industry.
And by the mid-1980s, five or six outlaw country artists had a bigger market than all of Nashville.
You're like, well, who cares about that?
Well, it's the same for culture and politics and freedom.
Joe Rogan's the most popular, and Tucker Carlson, and everybody sounds like Alex Jones now because it's the truth.
And Elon Musk sounds like Alex Jones now because it's the truth and it's popular.
So we were explaining that Trump is seen as the outlaw of the system, you know, the Dukes of Hazzard, just some good old boys, doing no harm, but in trouble of the law since the day they were born.
This isn't some point about, okay, Willie Nelson is a great guy.
I've been friends with him for decades.
This is about...
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
I'm just telling you, like a 30-minute prelude to all of this.
Where do you want to start?
Because you've got a lot of preparation.
You sent us a lot of documents.
I love guests like you that really get your preparation together.
Well, there's so much, Alex.
And just since the last time that I was here, we talked about bank failures coming.
And I said, I think we're going to have bank failures 2.0.
So with bank failures 2.0, what did I mean by that?
Well, we're seeing regional bank stocks just getting crushed.
Absolutely crushed.
So I was doing some research and Zero Hedge did a great article, Alex, about this.
And so if you look at the bank stocks, a Zora Bank cratering, falling off a cliff.
Western Alliance Bank Corp.
The article says, being clubbed like a baby seal.
Oh, my word.
Shares of Zions Bank Corp., Comerica, Webster Financial, they're tumbling.
Citizens Financial, Regions Financial, South State Financial,
Prosperity Banksters.
This is not a regional bank.
So their shares are just crushing.
Good grief.
They're falling off a cliff.
So when you look at that, now what?
So I think what we saw in...
We're good to go.
So the Fed has promised, like we talked about on previous shows here, that 2024 was going to be different.
We've had all these rate increases over the last year and a half on interest rates to slow down inflation.
And what did they say?
They said 2024, we've basically tackled the inflation problem.
We're winning this battle, and so we're going to start doing rate reductions.
I want to get to that later, but I want you to drill in the numbers.
Inflation is not conquered.
So there's two ways.
It's important for the viewer to understand this.
There's two reasons why you want to look at inflation.
Inflation can go up because the economy is growing, and it can sustain higher prices, and people's wages are going up, and so therefore retailers can charge more and blah, blah, blah.
We're good to go.
Inflation means that the economy is growing, and you've got jobs that are increasing.
I've got so much... And then Yellen separately went, Americans need to know that prices aren't going down, so they're kind of double-talking.
They're completely double-talking, but they're using the definition of inflation that talks about a growing economy, not looking at the definition of inflation that just is simply an increase in the money supply to provide stimulus to everything.
There is no growth in that, and I've got...
Now, I still think that they're
But folks, we're standing up for our rights.
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29 years on air, all I've wanted to do was warn the people about the globalist.
And I've done the best job I can to tell those words that have been accurate, and we are on record as the most accurate there are.
And I've tried to sell products to fund ourselves.
Unlike other communist revolutionaries that rob banks and kidnap people, we don't do that.
We try to bring you products that really work.
And ladies and gentlemen, I'm scared of this product.
It's so powerful.
This is the breakdown product after your cells process it of folic acid.
Methylfolate with high quality organic B-complex.
This stuff is rocket fuel.
It's not a stimulant.
It energizes your cells.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
I think?
Is there's more stimulus, more spending.
They're spending like drunken sailors.
And we're going to address that.
Number two, the BRICS nations rising up, taking away demand for the U.S.
dollar by trading in their own currencies with 70%.
So here's the problem.
We've got... They didn't lower rates because they can't, because they haven't tackled inflation.
Their policies tell us that that's the case.
So what happened to these regional bank shares?
They start collapsing.
Because they needed interest rates to come down because they're facing delinquencies.
When you have a series of delinquencies, you go into default.
So people aren't paying off their loans.
This is a problem.
And so what I see coming, and this article was great because there isn't all just regional banks in this.
Schwab, Alex, that's huge.
One of the largest investment firms in the world, they're on this list of their shares just being clubbed.
So what's this going to mean to the U.S.
When they see that what should be the safest asset in the world, their bank account is no longer safe because banks are undercapitalized and possibly going to have another bank run, what happens to society, the fabric of society, when you start to have bank runs?
And people don't think that... There's major stress bigger than we had in 2008.
Way more stressed because we have way more debt.
Banks are way more undercapitalized now than they were then.
And I know you're going to walk through all this, but just humor me here.
I'm not a rocket scientist, but I've studied history.
When you get the type of inflation, where do you think inflation really is?
And then they're trying to deny it, but it wrecks Americans.
But for poor people in the third world, it's a death sentence.
I mean, what's that going to do?
Well, inflation really impacts people living at the margin.
So when people are living hand-to-mouth, paycheck-to-paycheck, if you lose or miss one to two paychecks and you probably have to file for bankruptcy, these are the people that inflation hits the most.
Most of America is living in that at-the-margin threshold.
I've seen the USA article.
67% of Americans are in debt and living paycheck-to-paycheck.
Yeah, two-thirds.
Two-thirds of America.
So when you have this quagmire, you've got rising prices, you've got rising taxes, you've got rising cost of borrowing.
That's the kiss of death.
That's a recipe for disaster.
And this is exactly what's happening under Bidenomics.
Now, you also have recession is looming, Alex, because...
If you hear what Biden is saying, he's saying, we're having a renaissance in manufacturing in America.
A renaissance.
We're creating jobs.
We're booming the economy.
And all I see is homeless people everywhere.
Absolutely everywhere.
But the numbers don't add up to that.
The reality is not true.
So there's a manufacturing index that talks about jobs.
I'm going to find it here.
I've got a bunch of stuff.
So what does that index say?
This index says, and it was reported by Peter Schiff, and I love a lot of his stuff, dark ages for the U.S.
housing and manufacturing.
So, the Manufacturing Index shows that 18 out of the past 20 months...
The index has been negative, meaning manufacturing jobs have been going away.
18 out of the last 20 months, Alex.
So the real number is they're going straight down.
He says they're doing great.
He says they're doing good, and that's a lot of jobs that are being lost.
Manufacturing jobs are the bread and butter to the U.S.
So what happens when people aren't working?
People aren't going to be able to afford to buy houses.
So what we're seeing here is a precursor to recession in the manufacturing jobs industry.
Last year we put this book out, The Great Reset and the War for the World.
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The Great Awakening, the plan to defeat the globalists and launch the second great renaissance.
This is such a powerful book.
It covers all the globalist plans.
We're good to go.
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From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
We're good to go.
I think?
And you've got lowering wages.
In the next hour, we're going to roll through all the technicals, all the facts, all the graphs you sent me, all the documents.
So do this for me.
But just as an American citizen, as an economist, somebody that does this for a living, I know we don't know perfectly where it's going to go or what to predict.
This doesn't look well.
I mean, hopefully we get Trump in.
He can do some things and try to turn it around.
But the black rock of the globalists say we're not open for business.
Biden last week just killed liquid natural gas sales from the U.S., which was our only main export.
I mean, it's like holding our head underwater is what it looks like to me.
Am I wrong?
No, you're 100% right.
I mean, so this... Our one main export he's killing.
Yeah, and to me, this reeks of punitive damages on Texas, right?
I think, so... Well, that leaked out of the White House.
It was just, yeah.
Yeah, so WhiteHouse.gov, if you go to the White House, you can see their fact sheet.
I've got it right here.
The Biden-Harris administration announced temporary pause on pending approvals of liquefied natural gas exports.
Okay, so what does that mean in layman's terms?
He just put economic sanctions on Americans and U.S.
companies to basically harass them.
I don't want to just lay you over this.
I didn't even know that was in your stack.
You gave me a whole other stack here.
The magnitude, folks, let's just dig in.
The lifeblood is fertilizer, food, and energy.
Machines eat energy.
Machines eat gas and oil and coal.
Okay, the windmills are like 10% they're nothing.
We're good to go.
Yeah, so they basically said in this fact sheet from the White House, it's like, because we want to tackle climate change, we're going to put a temporary pause on pending approvals of liquefied natural gas.
So like you said, Alex, what are we good at in America?
We're good at a lot of things, but what we're really, really good at is oil and gas.
We're number one.
We're number one.
And especially in Texas.
So it's like you're in a football game with Brady, you know, three, four years ago he was winning the Super Bowl, and they say, you know, we're going to pull Brady out here at the Super Bowl.
Just we're going to pull him out.
I mean, that's basically what they're saying, but here's where...
The timing of this seems really bizarre to me.
Because they've been talking about climate change forever.
So why bring it out a few days after the big border crisis when Texas is going after the feds and they're all fighting with each other at the border?
And so what does Biden say?
He said, hey, we're going to pause exports of LNG, liquefied natural gas, to Asia, to Europe.
So you can't export it anywhere.
So this is an elite fighting itself.
It's absolutely that.
And so what is this going to mean?
To me, what he just did is economic sanctions on Americans for really the first time that I can think of.
That should be the headline.
Instead of sanctions on Iran or Russia or China, they put natural gas sanctions on Putin two years ago.
They literally put the same sanctions on Texas they put on Putin.
Yeah, I mean, you've been following this stuff for decades, Alex.
Usually economic sanctions are basically reserved for...
For political stuff during, you know, against a rogue terrorist nation, like Iran, like Russia, or whatever.
But on our own people?
Well, this shows where they're going with the social credit scores.
BlackRock saying we'll control behavior.
They're like, oh, you're not doing what we say?
We'll just cut your main export off.
I mean...
It's so criminal.
It's so ridiculous.
So imagine, okay, so everything we're talking about is inflation.
It is.
They're going to have to print more money.
Do you think jobs being lost are going to help matters?
No, of course not.
They can't buy the electric cars now because they have no money.
So look at this possible scenario.
So these are millions of jobs that could be lost, according to a Texas oil and gas consultancy group.
Millions of jobs.
So you have all these people.
Because we've cut Russia off, which is like, okay, that'll let the U.S.
He's killed the Russian market, blown up the pipeline to Europe, and is cutting our gas off.
market know.
I mean, that is like, I come to your house and you go, why is the power off?
You walk out in the backyard and some dude's taking a hatchet or a club or a jackhammer to the power input to your house.
You'd kick their ass.
Or you'd call the police.
So get a load of this.
So if people aren't working, what are they going to do?
First response is they're going to go to the government and say, I need unemployment benefits of some sort.
I need Medicare.
I need food stamps.
I need Medicaid.
So it's Cloward and Piven.
Collapse the system.
So they go to the government for help.
And what happens when you have all these manufactured layoffs, right, whether it's in manufacturing like we're seeing, oil and gas, tech stocks –
So what are they really doing?
Well, they're actually creating...
A Pandora's box, where people aren't working, they're going to the government for benefits, and the government is losing its revenue streams because people aren't working.
Just like us pushing Russia into war made people join the BRICS, our government is even destroying themselves.
They're destroying themselves, and to what end?
I think if you start connecting the dots, Alex, like you're really, really good at, you start to see what is their endgame.
I think their endgame is to collapse the financial system because then people will look to them and say, hey, this is so broken.
People aren't necessarily going to look at them as the reason why it collapsed.
They're just going to look at something collapsed and say, fix it.
We'll give you anything.
We'll give up our freedoms.
We'll give you that.
We'll give you this.
And Klaus Schwab has said, they'll never know we did it.
Build back better.
Great reset.
And then they want to make it so bad we then go to them.
And what's their solution?
What are they going to bring to the table today?
By the way, this isn't your opinion when you read the EU Central Bank, the British Central Bank, the Russian Central Bank, the Chinese Central Bank, the US Central Bank.
They all admit the old system's coming to an end, and they're positioning for the new, and then our own government's doing the perfect thing you'd do to kill the dollar.
So what are they bringing in?
Central bank digital currency.
Is that going to fix a system?
Does it fix inflation?
It's actually easier to create digital money than it is to create paper money.
But it brings control.
But it brings absolutely control.
This is all about people control.
And if you create a system where everybody is scared, where everybody is fearful, where they can't make their payments, and say, hey, government, we will give up our financial freedom, we'll give up our financial privacy for this.
And in result, what do you get?
Spyware on your bank account, literally.
You get ideological-based spending behaviors where they will cut you off from buying or selling if your ideology doesn't match up.
And BlackRock says they're going to do that.
Not just BlackRock.
World Economic Forum, Bank for International Settlements, the IMF, the Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank.
I always wonder, why are they so...
Like, they'll lie on the news and say, no, this is happening.
But if you tune into the UN or the WF, they admit it all.
You'll eat bugs.
We're taking your kids.
We're going to bankrupt everybody.
You're going to live in a 200-square-foot of coffin apartment.
Why do they, at one level, say it's not happening for the general public, but at their meetings, I guess, to act powerful in front of the other leaders and just normalize it?
I guess they have to.
I've answered my own question.
They have to normalize it in front of the world leaders and act a confidence game.
But then, for the general public, they go, well, they're just plebs.
Don't tell them.
Well, I think so.
And why would they actually say these extraordinary things and people not fight back?
Maybe it's because people don't realize that it actually is that bad.
Maybe they think, this could never happen.
Oh, they said five years ago you will eat bugs.
Now something like five companies own 80% of the food, and whether it's Tyson chicken or anything, the breading on your chicken now, folks, is cricket protein.
They did it.
You say, oh, y'all never do that?
Oh, yeah, you are.
I've caught myself buying stuff because I shopped some of the groceries, and I'm like, holy crap, that's got bug protein.
It's got little codes on it.
Oh, my God, it's just sick.
Do you like bugs?
No, I mean, well, chitin's very toxic.
Bug protein's not good for you.
Not that I'm a health dev, but I can read.
I mean, it's bad.
My point is, you're absolutely right.
They're doing it.
They are doing it.
And see, sometimes normalcy bias will kill people's portfolios because they... Explain what normalcy bias is.
I think.
I think.
I think.
Well, what did that mean?
Well, we're still here.
We're still okay.
So people say, ah, things happen, and it's all going to be just fine in the end.
In investing, it's kind of like buy and hold forever, right?
Things are always going to go up forever.
No, they don't.
In the long haul, sure.
Is the stock market, for example, greater than it was in 2009?
Is it bigger than it was in 2009?
But it's following inflation.
It's following inflation.
And there's a better way to do things because if you have an 80% correction like we saw in 2000 when the tech stocks blew, it took like nine years to recover from that.
Do you think it would be smarter to kind of watch those intermediate trends, buy low, sell high, lock in those profits, and then not wait nine years to recover?
Well, we know in 2000 and 2008, the globalists got out before, too.
They did.
So that happened in 2009.
This time, I think it's significantly, fundamentally different.
Because if you look at 2000... You can feel it's the big one.
You just can.
Because 2000, what was it?
Tech stocks.
It was a sector-based... No, now they're attacking food, energy.
They're deliberately suppressing every sector.
Every, every sector.
And security, defunding police.
I mean, they are really... Borders, wars...
Political warfare.
All of it.
And 2009, what was that?
That was subprime lending.
That was a sector of the total stock market, right?
This time, what is this one?
This big bubble is a debt-based bubble, which what in our society is funded by debt?
Alex, the stock market... We're coming to the end.
I'm going to shut up.
You're making so many great points.
I'm just backing you up.
Doc, speak to this, then.
The bubble we're at, why it's the mega bubble, and then also, you're a great sponsor, right?
Young as a listener is loving you.
You're really smart.
We should also say you've got great gold and silver bullion at great prices, ready to ship to people.
We're so blessed to get you.
And then I'm like, wow, you're a great talk showist.
I already knew who you were for years.
Please come in here with us.
But we also need to also get people prepared and support the broadcast, support what you're doing.
Well, thanks for that.
I just love you've got to be made to plug your company.
Let's just stop now for a minute and plug your company, and then let's get back into the mega bubble we've hit.
Okay, so before we get to the big bubble, there is a solution for everybody that's watching.
To me, it's how do you get away from central bank digital currency?
You don't want to be a digital slave in their digital world.
Tangible assets like gold and silver, perfect for that.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Here's a big problem.
Not all gold and silver are created equal.
If you're watching and you say, I've heard gold and silver ads everywhere.
On every single podcast in the Patriot world, I've seen gold and silver ads everywhere.
Okay, there's only a few things that you should buy.
It's bullion.
So in silver, 100-ounce bars, 10-ounce bars, 1-ounce silver rounds from the refineries.
In gold, 1-ounce gold bars or kilo bars.
That's it.
When you have coins, rare stuff, collectible stuff, things with a story, they're always high premiums.
I mean, I just saw...
We're good to go.
1996, they were a good company.
I couldn't find any.
They would promise me and say, we're going to sell gold and silver bullion.
We've got a few numismatics people that want those.
That's a secondary pitch.
And then as soon as I saw it, I would call and they were pitching me numismatics overpriced right away.
And I'd say, that's it.
That's why it has... But now the market's exploding.
We're not doing this.
I literally prayed...
God, give me a real gold and silver sponsor that just gives them a decent fee to pay your bills.
About a year ago.
It gives them a great deal.
And so that's why I love your company.
And we're getting great reviews from listeners.
Well, there's two keys to investing, right?
Number one is be in the right place at the right time.
And number two, never overpay for your stuff.
And as a seller, you want to do a thousand transactions.
It's like marrying a woman.
You want to love her and take care of her and have a relationship.
That's how I am with my customers.
I don't want to rape them one time.
It's bull crap.
It is.
Our philosophy as a company is to have a lifetime relationship with our clients.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
So what does that mean?
When it's time to buy or sell, and we've all seen this, we've all experienced it, so you'll get a call from a gold and silver dealer, and they'll say, hey, Jane Doe, have I got a deal for you?
We just found this old carriage that tipped over in Nevada way back in the day, and there's these gold coins from it, and boy, they're rare, and they're amazing, and we can get them to you.
But they're not going to last long.
They're going to be gone in 72 hours, so you have to act now and we'll give you 5% off, right?
Something silly like that.
I mean, that means also when you need to liquidate them and lock in profits, the same thing.
They have to make a market for it.
They have to find somebody else that wants to buy those things because there's not a ready-made market for those.
See, when we at our firm, we deal in bullion.
We're good to go.
This is what we've focused on for...
I've been doing this for a long time.
But in bullion, it's more of an immediate answer to when you want to lock in profits, boom, it's done because the market is there globally because it's a manufacturing metal.
Now, if any of you out there watching feel like, oh my word, Dr. Kirk, I think I've been ripped off.
Send us your invoice.
We'll look at it, and we'll let you know.
Just send it to Ashley at K-E-P-M dot com.
That's Ashley at K-E-P-M.
That's Kirk Elliott, preciousmetals.com.
And she'll look at it.
And somebody from my team will call you back and say, we think you were in the wrong place at the wrong time, overcharged, overpriced, and will help you kind of try to unwind out of what you think might be a situation where you got ripped off.
I mean, we'll look at it for you.
This is what we do.
Our goal is to help.
Because we want a lifetime relationship with our clients.
And so we'll help you take advantage of that situation to get you in the right place at the right time, grow, thrive, and hopefully have your position be something that you envisioned it was going to be from the jump, right?
From the get-go.
You invested in gold and silver.
Because you wanted to take advantage of the market to go into something that's going to grow, go into something... And just to interrupt you, I'm not an expert like you, but I've been in this for almost 30 years.
It's always, oh, a sunken ship was found, and they're selling you the gold for $100, $300, $400 more than it's worth.
Why not just say, hey, we make a percent here to do this for you?
And the key you said was, because you're selling at the real market price, you can actually get it to them immediately, and it's more liquid because it's not in the numismatic realm.
It's a commodity.
And so that's why it's so important.
Well, that's why you can't just go sell some numismatic you got and why you almost never get the money you paid for it, because it's a scam, folks.
Sure, there are some collector coins that are great, and the ones I would promote would be where, oh, there's a 10% markup because this is rare and numismatic, and I checked the market and knew people really could go sell it for that.
And then I'm like, and by the way, folks, we're making 5% to fund ourselves.
Just be honest.
People know we've got to run this place, do all this stuff, but at the same time, we want to get them a good deal.
I want to sell gold and silver to people from where I buy it.
It's real simple.
That's what I do.
And the industry, I'll be honest, is so freaking corrupt like everything else, I have not even been able to have a sponsor for 10 years, people.
We've had five different ones we did deals with, and I would promote them for one week, and then you would hear the brakes slam on, because I don't need that in my life.
It's like Tony Montana.
It's a fictional movie based on a composite for stories written by a...
Great Oliver Stone.
And it was a real case of something similar happening where the guy would kill women and men.
He wouldn't kill women and children.
And at the end, they wanted to blow up a car full of little kids.
And he says, I don't need that in my life.
I am not going to have that in my life.
I want you to get a great deal.
And everybody should get gold and silver.
It's one of the surest bets out there.
And you guys have a great company.
How does it work if somebody calls you guys?
I don't want to get back into the news, the economy.
And I know I digress, but I'm making you plug your company.
If you get in here and you're a sponsor, you don't even do it.
You did a damn good job once I made you do it.
My goal is to help people, right?
And so news is part of that.
But it's simple.
You just go to KEPM.com forward slash gold.
Fill out a little form.
Say, I heard Kirk and Alex talking.
It's like, that made a lot of sense.
And you just put in some of your information.
One of my team, I've got...
A bajillion schedulers.
Not a bajillion.
Like 20.
I don't know.
We have a lot of staff to make sure that your needs are met.
So you'll answer some questions.
Like, what was it that caused you to want to reach out?
What are you trying to accomplish?
What are your goals?
What are your dreams?
What are your fears?
We listen to you, and then we will get you scheduled with one of our consultants where we'll map out a strategy for success moving forward using precious metals, bullion, gold and silver, none of this high-grade stuff.
And like I talked about,
If you have some of those high-grade collectible pieces of junk, which they are, well, then we can help you unwind that most of the time and get you into a place of prosperity.
At least give them the best deal they can really get.
The best deal, and sometimes the damage is done.
I mean, I talked to an 80-year-old lady once.
She's way too old.
Unsuitable transaction paid over $70,000 an ounce for a piece of gold.
It's like, what?
How in the world are you ever going to get out of this, right?
But most people aren't to that extreme.
They aren't to that extreme.
But with you, it's simple.
They can look at the spot gold and follow you up.
Oh, it's that.
Yeah, and this is what we do.
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The enemies of humanity have been very good at dividing and conquering us.
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What would you call the debate and discussion about a pro-human future?
Just Team Humanity?
Yeah, Team Humanity.
And so we have the t-shirt.
Team Humanity with a nuclear family standing against the globalists.
This shirt is a great conversation starter, but it also is a fundraiser to give InfoWars on the air so we can promote and support Team Humanity.
I want to thank you all for your past support, but I want to encourage you all now to understand that this is a revolution against the globalists, and it is so critical now to signal the fact that you are part of Team Humanity.
We're told humans are the problem.
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Get your Team Humanity shirts now at InfoWarsStore.com, and I thank you all for your support.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
Coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.com.
We're good to go.
If you have some of those high-grade collectible pieces of junk, which they are, well, then we can help you unwind that most of the time and get you into a place of prosperity.
At least get them the best deal they can really get.
The best deal.
And sometimes the damage is done.
I mean, I talked to an 80-year-old lady once.
She's way too old.
Unsuitable transaction paid over $70,000 an ounce for a piece of gold.
It's like, what?
How in the world are you ever going to get out of this, right?
But most people aren't to that extreme.
They aren't to that extreme.
Well, with you, it's simple.
They can look at the spot gold and follow you up, and wow, it's that.
Yeah, and this is what we do.
Whether you have an IRA, a non-IRA, you want to take delivery of it at home or have it stored because you don't feel safe with it at home.
What we're talking about is a physical asset, though, not paper, not a paper proxy, not an ETF, not any of that.
And by the way, the work is all on your side.
That's why these other companies, too, want to make the quick buck.
They're all so lazy.
There's a lot of work that goes into what you do.
A lot.
But the client... Not for the client.
They're not going to see any of that.
We want to make the transition easy and the burden light.
Now you have to fill out a couple forms, right, to move the assets from one IRA to another.
But my team will do all of the heavy lifting, the light lifting, and the lifting in between.
But when it's done, when that's done and the funds are moved... Then it gets way easier.
Well, this is where a relationship begins.
That's not the end of the story.
From that point, we want to hold your hand through the economy, and we'll let you know when it's time to buy, sell, reallocate.
Get out of silver, go into gold.
Get out of gold, go into silver.
Right now you're saying silver.
Right now it's silver.
Massively, 100% pointed into silver.
I'm not in gold yet.
It's not that I dislike gold.
I love it.
But silver's outperforming.
It's just so much more bullish.
It is because it's manufacturing again.
It's used way more in construction, right, or manufacturing?
In manufacturing, I mean, it's used in electronics.
It's used in fuel cell technology.
It's used in solar.
You know, this is where we can take some of the globalist green agenda and say, all right, what do they need for their EV and their solar stuff?
And let's be honest, that is what we're doing.
Like, I don't go by defense stocks and I'll be part of the murder.
But when it comes to silver, this is being put into everything, so why not follow the trend?
We might as well.
I mean, we want to be wise stewards of what God's given us.
We want to buy low, sell high, be wise, have discernment.
And sometimes it just means thinking outside the box.
What I like about you is you never say, oh, gold will go to 10,000 ounces, silver to 500.
But gut level, just as a private person, man-to-man, with this inflation, it's going to get worse.
How high do you think gold and silver are in like two years?
Well, I mean, I'm not God and I don't control the markets, but when you look at what silver did in 2011, 2010-2011, it went from $12 an ounce to $48 an ounce in like a summer and a fall.
I mean, that's like, what, 400% growth during that time?
Similar fundamentals to what we're seeing today.
Unsustainable debt, inflationary pressures, political chaos, geopolitical conflict, low inventory at the COMEX.
So similar things.
You follow that historical trend.
Same climate.
And we're starting at 20, let's call it 25.
Well, that should bring it to 75 to 100 in pretty short order.
Now, there's economists out there who are saying, well, with...
Absence of manipulation, you should see silver at $600 to $2,500 an ounce.
It's like, okay, how do they come up with that number?
So when you look at demand, this is just how the markets work.
This is how business works.
So let's say that silver is extinguished at the COMEX depositories, and you're Sony, Samsung, Tesla, one of the big manufacturers that need it.
And you have a small amount of silver in every LCD TV, every electric...
We're good to go.
People are worried it's going to run out.
That's going to make it explode.
It'll make it explode.
Let's say that you're Tesla and you say, well, silver is $25 an ounce.
We need it.
We can't get it.
We'll offer $40.
Or we'll offer $80.
They don't care because they're going to pass that on to the consumer.
So this is where when you own what they need and it starts to run out, which it is starting to run out.
I can also read the news myself.
Universities, institutions, investors, governments are hoarding the living hell out of it.
They're buying it up as fast as they can, and gold too, so they're also going crazy for gold.
Central banks are going after gold like there's no tomorrow.
So they may poo-poo gold and silver and say, oh, you want central bank digital currency, you want our paper version.
We can use interest rates, we can use money creation, monetary policy to stimulate the economy, slow it down, do this and that, and we're really good at it.
No, you've proven over the decades that you're horrible at it, and you create boom and bust cycles, and you have these inflationary pressures and recessions.
Because they're insider trading.
They're riding it up and down.
They don't want prosperity of the general people.
No, they don't.
And what are the big central banks doing?
They're buying gold not by the ounce or by the pound or by the ton, but literally, Alex, by the hundreds or thousands of tons.
At a time.
Yeah, they're running around like chickens with their heads cut off.
The Chinese Central Bank has over 5,000 tons of gold.
The European Central Bank has over 10,500 tons of gold.
The Fed has over 8,500 tons of gold.
Russia has over 1,000 tons of gold.
India has over 600 tons of gold.
But even universities like UT are secretly buying it.
It's come out.
I think it's...
Most, if not all, of their endowment fund is in gold, stored at the vault that the state of Texas built near Dallas.
It's like, wow.
So what does that tell us?
Why is UT, one of the most powerful universities in the world, if not probably the biggest, what are they completely in gold for?
They're probably not stupid, folks.
No, they've got a bunch of professors there, right?
And a bunch of wealthy people who understand that our global economic system is failing.
Well, the Chinese are doing it, right?
I interrupted.
Go ahead.
No, the Chinese are doing it, too.
You said global financial system failing.
I interrupted.
Go ahead.
No, global financial system failing.
So here's where... What are they saying?
Don't listen to what they say.
Watch what they do.
I mean, you are so good at that, Alex, of telling all this news that you've got on your desk.
It's like, don't listen to what they say.
Watch what they do.
Because actions speak louder than words.
So when they're buying gold by the thousands of tons...
What does that tell us?
They think it's going to go up.
But you're pitching me silver, which I get is the one that has the biggest growth rate.
Why are the elites obsessed with gold?
They're getting silver too, but why are they just... Because you can't really back a currency with silver because it's not high enough cost per ounce.
Gold, gold.
So they're betting in a new system it's going to be gold.
Yeah, but here's where I want more gold down the road.
So if we leverage silver right now because it's outperforming.
You get the money for gold.
So here's the thing.
Let's say, here's our strategy that we implement with all of our clients.
We go into silver now because it's outperforming.
Let's say that over the next 18 to 24 months, silver triples the rate of growth of gold.
Are there any other metals you think are really important?
No, not right now.
Those two big guys.
Yeah, just those two.
They're the bread and butter because they have high volume.
There's a lot of trading.
They're the meat and potatoes.
Now people say, well, what about platinum?
What about palladium?
What about rhodium?
It's like, eh, too much thinly traded markets controlled by Russia and South Africa.
Too risky.
Way too risky.
Well, China, how did China get positioned for 97% control of rare earth minerals?
Because I would say that'd be a great investment, but it's all control.
I'm going to shut up now.
Go through the rest of your documents.
But there was this article from Dystopia to Utopia in Gold and Silver.
So this is why, one of the reasons why we're in silver right now.
So there's been massive manipulation.
All of your viewers will say, the banks are manipulating everything.
BlackRock is, you know, the big hedge funds.
Yes, they have been.
I'm not discounting that.
But you look at where silver has been.
Since the year 2000.
2000, it was like $4.60 an ounce, give or take.
Three and a half years ago, it was $11.91.
15 months ago, it was $17.97.
Today, it's over $23.
So $17.97 to $23, that's up over 30% in the last year, year and a half.
What else is performing like that?
You look at what it's done since the last three and a half years, from 1191 to 23, that's almost doubling, up like 100%.
That's averaging over 30% a year, but it's up over 500% from the year 2000.
People say, well, it's not risky.
The numbers don't prove that.
That's gaslighting.
Yeah, so here's where those numbers are amazing.
People would like those numbers, right?
So you look at what these charts are doing and silver being manipulated.
These prices reflect manipulated silver.
So this is even a suppressed market?
This is a suppressed market.
Explain how they use negative shorting.
Okay, so manipulation comes when BlackRock, for example, who owns the SLV, which is the silver ETF, they'll go to JPMorgan Chase, which is the custodian of the physical silver that's supposedly backing the ETF, and they say, Hey, Chase, we just sold 10 million shares of our ETF.
We need you to buy 10 million ounces or whatever, however the mechanics work.
So what is JPMorgan Chase going to do?
They're going to say, let's drive the price down if we have to buy all these ounces because we want to buy low.
We don't want to buy high.
And they have the ability to do it by shorting the market.
So you issue naked shorts, which means you can short something that you don't own.
Illegal for you and I to do that, but not for big banks.
So they drive the price down.
They gobble up physical silver.
That demand causes the price to go up, and they say, oh, the price is too high, let's issue more short contracts.
They buy up more physical silver.
The demand causes the price to go up.
This has been going on and on and on and on for a long time.
Because of inflation, they're losing their control.
They're losing their control.
They're absolutely losing their control.
And so now, what did they do two weeks ago?
This is, I think, the most important story in silver history.
I mean, I've been doing this for decades, Alex.
This is the most important thing for silver.
Bullish activity ever.
So in one week, in seven days, 50% of all the short, net short positions globally were unraveled.
They're extinguished, right?
They went away.
This is according to the report by Sprott Money.
So what does that mean?
Slow down here.
What happened?
I'm going to stop.
You said this briefly yesterday, but let's just slow down.
This is...
I do this too.
It's so big we just throw it out there.
Record levels of them killing their shorts.
Explain that slowly because we're not all economists like you.
Doc, explain this, how big this is.
Okay, so if you have a short position active, you make money and a lot of money if the price continues to go down.
I think?
We're good to go.
Because they have to get rid of their short positions because if they don't, they're going to lose so much money that you couldn't even comprehend it.
So this to me is the biggest news in the silver market ever.
Literally ever.
And what happened last week?
So silver was like at $22.13.
Today it's up over $23.20-ish.
It went up over $1 in one week.
That's almost a 5% move in one week.
So multiply that out for a year.
That's over a 200% gain for a year.
This is the trend, the pace that we are on.
So what do they know that we don't know?
Why did they unravel their short positions to such a large amount so quickly?
We're good to go.
And we're going to have to keep raising interest rates to keep slowing down inflation.
But they know that they haven't tackled inflation.
They couldn't lower interest rates yet.
They had to pause them and keep them the same, which is what they've done the last four policy meetings.
They've kept them the same.
So interest rates are going to have to climb to slow down inflation.
So what does that tell us?
Inflation is coming.
What happens to tangible assets like gold and silver during inflation?
They go up.
Because there are things.
Things go up with inflation.
I don't care if it's a car.
I don't care if it's oil and gas.
I don't care if it's groceries.
Everybody watching this, you're going to know it's like, yeah, groceries are going through the roof.
We're not making ends meet.
It's hard to even maintain a budget in our house.
Prices are going up.
Inflation is there.
Now, Alex, inflation has been understated for...
For years.
Since 1996, actually.
So everybody watching this, back after Carter was president, if you're old enough to remember that, he destroyed the economy.
One of the worst financial presidents ever
Massive recession.
Dollar was collapsing.
Inflation was at 14.3%.
Nobody was working.
There were rationing at the gas pumps.
You had OPEC going crazy.
And it's like, oh my word, this is bad.
So Reagan came in with Paul Volcker, who was chairman of the Fed at the time, and said, hey, we can fix this runaway inflation.
We've got to jack up interest rates to 18%.
So in 1983, interest rates were 18%.
If you bought a house back then, 30-year mortgage was 18% interest rate.
As an economist, as a Ph.D.
economist, I always have to ask why.
It was because inflation was 14.3.
The only way to slow down inflation with interest rates is to actually have the interest rates be higher than the inflation rate.
And that's what they did.
So fast forward to 1996.
President Clinton at the time commissioned the Boskin Commission in Congress to say, hey, we've got way too many cost of living adjustments going out.
We have to understate inflation.
We have to artificially lower it.
So this is not their words, but this is what the actions did.
It's like, we've got to stick it to the American public.
Everyone that voted for us, we've got to lower the money that we're paying to them so the government can make more money.
So they artificially lowered inflation.
This is very important because it applies to what we're doing today.
So with substitution bias, with all these different price adjustments, they figured out how they can lower inflation.
So when I was doing my first dissertation, I developed a new methodology for measuring inflation because the way that the BLS does it, it's broken.
So substitution bias.
Let's say the CPI, the Consumer Price Index, is a basket of goods, 30 goods.
Let's say steak is one of those goods, like filet, prime rib, whatever, steak.
So if the price of steak goes up 30%, they say, oh, nuts, we don't want this in there anymore.
Let's say substitute...
Hamburger is 40% less than steak.
So what did they say happened to the price of steak?
They didn't say it went up 30%.
They said the price of steak came down 40% because they substituted it with hamburger.
That means that the inflation numbers that we're seeing are completely bogus, completely manufactured.
But if you apply the same metrics that we had in 1983 to today without Clinton's substitution bias, we're hovering at around 15% inflation, which means...
I don't believe for a second, Alex, that they're going to stop lowering interest rates because they have to get interest rates higher than... Sure, so they know this is coming, and they know silver's going to go up, so they've stopped shorting it.
That's just my layman's term.
This is so powerful.
When you laid that out the last 20 minutes, I'm going to take this and post it tomorrow on xinfowars.com.
This is a no-brainer, it looks like.
People are going to get into silver, but they don't want to pay over.
They want to pay...
We're good to go.
You're doing this as a commodity.
As physical silver.
100-ounce bars, 10-ounce bars, 1-ounce rounds.
That's how you know it's set, folks.
It's not a scam.
Yeah, drop shipped from the depository directly to your house, directly into your IRA account.
See, people calling you with a little C, it's for the advice.
Yes, it's the cost of ownership.
But this is one where, you know...
This is one area where we're different than every other firm in the industry, really.
When you liquidate, you want to lock in profits.
Yeah, but also, nobody's as articulate as you.
I literally, I told this a year ago.
I said, God, I want to help people with silver and gold.
We can't get a real company.
Give me, and literally, then you, I was like, ask you on as a guest.
And somebody else goes, hey, this guy wants to be a sponsor.
Literally an answer to prayer.
You're also a theologian.
Yeah, it's one of my PhDs in theology.
That's a whole other subject.
We'll hit the minute.
Where do you think we are on the timeline?
Because it's all being fulfilled.
That's a whole other subject.
A whole other subject.
I can answer what I think.
A whole other show on that.
But when you liquidate your assets, we don't charge a commission when you liquidate.
So whatever the depository pays for metals on the day you want out, you get all of it, 100% of it, because we don't take anything.
So we operationally, we're different than other firms.
Most firms are transactionally based.
You make a commission when you buy, a commission when you sell.
They forget about you in between.
We love the relationship on the in-between.
To me, those transactions are the bookends.
But there's an 8% cost of ownership when you buy, zero when you liquidate.
So what does that tell you?
You know exactly what silver has to do to act for you to break even.
It's an 8% growth.
And you said in the last month it's already gone up that amount.
And you predicted then it would happen.
I mean, it's not rocket science.
So spell it out to me, because I'm a little smart, but spell it out to me like I'm five years old.
They are killing their shorts at a level never before seen because they're getting out of the way.
Yeah, because they think that silver is going to go up.
Why do they think that silver is going to go up?
So if you're a hedge fund, if you're a big bank and you look at numbers that most people don't look at,
The problem is the inflationary pressures, the unsustainable debt, the political chaos, the geopolitical conflict.
Those are the fundamental forces that cause markets to move.
So here's an interesting thing.
The GDP, gross domestic product, which is a reflection, Alex, of everything that you and I buy at stores.
Everything that everybody watching this is going to stores, paying retail prices.
A gross domestic product is that with everything that's manufactured, created in the country.
It's an index of the economy.
Yeah, so if inflation is at 15%, and follow me on this, if inflation is at 15%, GDP is a reflection of everything that we're buying stuff on.
GDP should be growing at 15%.
If inflation's at 15%, it's a reflection of everything.
That's what Biden says.
Oh, inflation, because we're making... No, no, it's not.
GDP's not at, what, at 3%?
Yeah, well, yeah, GDP, so they were bragging about this.
They wanted to beat the market consensus of 2% growth in the GDP, and they were bragging about it.
It's like, why are you bragging about 2%?
That's not good.
15% is just keeping up with inflation.
So at 2%, that tells me the economy is actually shrinking.
I'm letting you point out the two.
Biden predicted three.
I guess it's only two.
But even they call that a win.
They call that a win because they're going to call everything a win.
But here's where it gets really, really bizarre and really, really scary, Alex.
So with this, to create $1 of GDP...
They have to spend $2.50 in debt.
By the way, you showed this a month ago when you were on.
It's my fault.
I should tell the crew.
What graph do they pull up from Zero Hedge or Dow Jones that shows how Biden's created more money when he's been in office than it was ever created before?
It's going straight up.
Straight up.
I mean, that's money supply creation.
Guys, pull up graph U.S.
money supply creation.
Yeah, and so there's... You've got a couple of graphs you could look at.
You could look at the debt.
You could look at money supply.
But money supply is starting to trick people because a few years ago, they stopped measuring total money supply.
It was called MZM.
That's right.
So they stopped because that's everything that's created for stimulus.
So when I see the graph going straight up, what is that?
Okay, so going straight up is actually the debt that we're creating.
Like $37 trillion?
$37 trillion.
So from 1776 until 1980 when Reagan became president, you know, that's 204 years.
Now there's the graph.
Yeah, we went from zero to, okay, this is very important.
So we went from zero to almost a trillion dollars worth of debt in 204 years.
The budget, Biden's stinking budget for 2024 has over $2.5 trillion of deficit.
$2.5 trillion.
We're good to go.
I think?
So the M2 money supply going through the roof, that's money in your checking account, savings account, money markets.
Now you see at the tail end of that that it's starting to come down.
What does that show me?
Because they're printing money like there's no tomorrow.
Let me start by saying you do a great show.
Thank you.
Hey, let me point out that I took X2 iodine.
I started taking that stuff.
The best iodine I think I ever found is what you guys are selling.
When did you start taking it?
About four years ago, I had high blood pressure and I was on blood pressure medicine.
And I started eating a little better, but my blood pressure stayed high.
And when I took X2 iodine, after about two or four weeks...
I think my body is detoxified of a bunch of metals and stuff that my body was storing.
And my blood pressure came down to the perfect level.
And I tell people the only thing I did was X2 iodine.
And even though I do think all your other products are good, I recommend to anybody that they start with X2 iodine because it detoxifies your body and kind of kicks your natural DNA into full force.
So in my life, I found X2 iodine to be best.
They didn't have the same effect.
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