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Filename: 20240124_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Jan. 24, 2024
3264 lines.

In this podcast, Alex Jones discusses the convoys in America, the work of Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Pete Chambers and his team on the border, and the importance of being prepared for potential dangers. He also promotes a supplement called Foundational Energy and encourages listeners to investigate its benefits. Additionally, he talks about the New World Order Wars video game that has been released on Steam, one of the biggest online gaming platforms. Throughout the podcast, Jones warns listeners about the potential dangers posed by globalists and encourages them to stay informed and prepared. The show also features an interview with Mel Madison, who discusses the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and its connections to the Third Reich and globalist agendas. He believes that Bitcoin may have been created as a PSYOP or to gain trust and profit from it but thinks it could be legitimate. The conversation also touches on stablecoins and central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), which Madison believes are coming to maintain commercial banks' power over the economy. Central bank digital currencies allow for greater control over individuals' spending habits and enable governments to track every transaction made by citizens. Globalist plans involve controlling the economy and society through central bank manipulation, debt-based systems, digital currencies, and other means. The speaker suggests ways individuals can prepare for these changes, such as buying gold and silver, supporting local economies, avoiding petri dish meat, staying out of debt, and being informed about global events."

Tomorrow's news today.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Well, I want to thank everybody.
This is a fantastic state.
This is a great, great state.
You know, we won New Hampshire three times now.
Three wins.
We win it every time.
We win the primary.
We win the generals.
We've won it and it's a very, very special place to me.
It's very important.
If you remember in 2016, we came here and we needed that winner.
We won by 21 points and it was great.
And today, I have to tell you, it was very interesting because I said, wow, what a great victory.
But then somebody ran up to the stage all dressed up nicely.
When it was at 7, but now I just walked up and it's at 14.
But she ran up when it was 7.
And, you know, we have to do what's good for our party.
And she was up and I said, well, she's doing like a speech like she won.
She didn't win, she lost.
And, you know...
Last week we had a little bit of a problem, and if you remember, Ron was very upset because she ran up and she pretended she won Iowa.
And I looked around.
I said, didn't she come in third?
Yeah, she came in third.
And then I looked at the polls.
She was talking about most winnability, who's going to win.
And I had one put up.
I don't know if you see it, but I have one put up.
We've won almost every single poll in the last three months against Crooked Joe Biden.
Almost every poll.
And she doesn't win those polls.
And she doesn't win.
This is not your typical victory speech, but let's not have somebody take a victory when she had a very bad night.
She had a very bad night.
And you have the now very unpopular governor of this state.
This guy, he's got to be on something.
I've never seen anybody with energy.
He's like hopscotch.
And, you know, I'm watching this guy, and two weeks ago I said, we're going to win, we're going to win in Atlanta.
We're going to win.
About three days ago I said, well, we want to do well.
That's a big difference.
But I walked out just now, we're 14 points up, and I don't know what it's going to be.
But when she was up here, it was like six or seven.
And, you know, with like 7% of the vote counted.
Now, let me just tell you, we had an unbelievable week last week in Iowa.
We set a record.
It was the best in the history of the caucus, in the history.
And I remember I sort of had the same feeling.
I'm up and I'm watching and I said, she's taking a victory lap.
And we beat her so badly she was... But Ron beat her also.
You know, Ron came in second and he left.
She came in third and she's still hanging around.
The other thing, she only got 25% of the Republican votes.
I don't know if you saw that.
Tremendous numbers of independents came out because in this state, because you have a governor that doesn't frankly know what the hell he's doing, in this state, in the Republican primary...
They accept Democrats to vote.
In fact, I think they had 4,000 Democrats before October 6th.
They already voted.
Now, they're only voting because they want to make me look as bad as possible.
Because if you remember, we won in 2016.
And if you really remember it, if you want to play it straight, we also won in 2020.
By more.
And we did much better in 2020 than we did in 2016.
But as they said, we lost by a whisker.
Just by a whisker.
No, no, no.
But we can't let that happen.
You know, you have to have people that speak up.
I said, I can go up and I can say to everybody, oh, thank you for the victory.
It's wonderful.
Or I can go up and say, who the hell was the imposter that went up on the stage before and claimed a victory?
29 years on air, all I've wanted to do was warn the people about the globalist.
And I've done the best job I can to tell the truth and be accurate, and we are on record as the most accurate there are.
And I've tried to sell products to fund ourselves, unlike other communist revolutionaries that rob banks and kidnap people.
We don't do that.
We try to bring you products that really work.
And ladies and gentlemen, I'm scared of this product.
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It doesn't just energize this operation against the tyrants.
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On her way to work one morning, down the path along the lake, a tender-hearted woman saw a poor half-frozen snake.
Her pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew.
Poor thing, she cried, I'll take you in and I'll take care of you.
Take me in, oh tender woman, take me in for heaven's sake.
Take me in, oh tender woman, cried the vicious snake.
Take me in, oh tender woman.
Take me in for heaven's sake.
Take me in, oh tender woman.
Sigh the vicious snake.
She clutched him to her bosom.
You're so beautiful, she cried.
But if I hadn't brought you in by now, you truly would have died.
She stroked his pretty skin again and kissed him and held him tight.
But instead of saying thank you, ma'am, the snake gave her a vicious bite.
Take me in, oh tender woman, take me in for heaven's sake.
Take me in, oh tender woman, sighed the vicious snake.
I saved you, cried the woman, and you've bitten me, but why?
You know your bite is poisonous, and now I'm going to die!
Shut up, silly woman, said the reptile with a grin.
You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in.
Does that remind you of anything?
Be ready.
Be ready.
Because what they're allowing into our country is very, very bad.
While other networks lie to you about what's happening now, InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
Visit InfoWars.com forward slash show and share the link today.
24th, 2024, 385 days, 12 hours, 51 minutes, 30 seconds, the most important election in world history.
Just as important as the shot heard around the world that triggered the 1776 moment and the birth of our republic.
Now, nobody can say we don't live in incredibly interesting times.
Got a bunch of guests today.
I think we're good to go.
I think?
The same corporate media that attacks us for saying the shot wouldn't protect you and that the virus did come out of a lab, we've all been proven right.
That same corporate media is lying to you yet again.
So he's going to be popping in at the bottom of the next hour.
Viva Frye, great lawyer, great talk show host, will be joining us coming up in about 22 minutes from now.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
I think?
All right, Trump annihilated Big Bird, or Birdbrainer, the Queen of War, whatever you want to call Nikki Haley.
He won by 11 points despite the fact, and I have the mainstream news here admitting it and the exit numbers, more Democrats voted than Republicans.
More people that did not identify as Republican, most of that group being Democrats, flooded in at an all-time record level, they call it strategic voting, it's called fraud, to not actually vote for Nikki Haley for president, but to stop Trump.
So despite the fact that many of the polling places in New Hampshire ran out of the party crossover forms and had to make new ones with a copying machine, despite them even coming in from out of state to do it,
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
And that's a big deal because it was rigged as hell.
Trump defeats Haley in New Hampshire GOP primary.
Donald Trump is now the only person to ever win the New Hampshire primary three times.
Fox News reports.
Nikki Birdbrain Haley vows to fight on after New Hampshire with all of her corporate donors and funding.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Last night, defense of Trump and voters.
I want to get to that coming up because he really spells it out.
And we need to understand this.
In fact, let's air that first right now.
These people really do hate you, okay?
And I don't care if you're brown or black or white.
If you don't want to serve their new world order and be their minion and take all their poison shots and cut your children's genitals off, they literally hate you.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
In the state.
Telling her, we got the East Coast money here.
Anything you want, baby.
Any amount of money, you're going to get it.
Don't run for the Senate.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Now, if a private citizen, I've looked at the law,
It's still a conspiracy.
They could be indicted.
But when you have a Republican official who has all these duties and rules and regulations reportedly promising to be part of a fair election system, it's serious fraud.
Arizona Senate candidate Carrie Lake called on the state's GOP chair, Jeff DeWitt, to resign after a recording emerged of him trying to bribe her to stay out of politics for two years.
And then, of course, they back her after that.
And the best part is, she's like, you want me to join the globalists?
And he goes, yes.
And she goes, just get on the team.
And she goes, will they be on my team?
Or she goes, no, join their team.
Join with Sauron.
Join with Satan.
And... I've named names before.
The few times the globalists said it in front of people.
We're good to go.
It's a direct pitch.
I've told these stories hundreds of times with exactly what he said to her.
Come on, Kerry, join the team.
Make it about you.
And then in two years after we've defeated Trump, and we've secured control, we will run you, and you can be a political leader.
But don't tell anybody about this, or then the opportunity goes away.
And he comes over and he goes, listen, listen, don't, listen, just come on.
And she's so slick.
She's eating carrots or something, you can hear her.
I mean, you know a woman like that in super good shape, she's probably eating carrots or celery.
And she's sitting there munching on carrots or celery or something.
And she's like, oh yeah, getting him to out himself.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Of these toadies that would slide in there and say, hey, name your number.
And by the way, we'll put you in power in two years.
You want to be governor down the road?
It's you.
Whatever you want.
I listened to the full recording, or most of it.
I listened to like 35 minutes of it.
I think I had like 20 minutes left or something.
But I'm going to play just like a five-minute clip of this in a moment.
But first, because I mentioned it, here's the clip of
Charles Payne was one of the best hosts left at Fox.
Here he is.
That's the way I grew up in Harlem.
Not if the country's at stake, right?
He won.
He became president of the United States with that same personality.
I don't think that, you know, listen, I think it's worse with Biden calling MAGA.
Biden's anger and vitriol and hatred for MAGA is far more worse than President Trump's individual battles with someone who crosses him.
That is something that is really detrimental to this country, that the President of the United States despises half of the United States.
President Biden, I said earlier today, just about a week ago, I had a segment coming up, so I Googled Biden hates MAGA.
Nothing but articles after articles after articles.
He has expressed hatred for who's in the country.
Stop writing those articles.
It doesn't matter.
And it's not.
Because the bottom line is he says it.
He has vitriol for them.
And so does MSNBC, and so does CNN, and so does the New York Times.
They have vitriol for half of the nation.
They don't look at them like fellow Americans, and it's unfortunate.
They try to paint them as racist.
All the things that they do to their fellow Americans who simply want a safe home, a safe community, for their children to have prosperity, they want the same thing.
But they demean them all the time.
That's why I think Phillips was so intriguing, because he went to a rally.
To find out for himself.
And guess what?
Golly, these are some pretty cool people.
Yeah, go to a Trump rally.
There's some really cool people.
Especially if you're black and want to go find out.
You're going to go, well, there's a lot of black people here and everybody's really cool.
Yeah, folks, it's all a lie.
We just want prosperity and freedom.
And a right to self-defense and a right to not murder babies.
Now I want to challenge you to go to InfoWars.com and get the full article.
Because it's got the full audio that you put out unedited so you can't claim it's manipulated.
Then it's got shorter clips out there for people who don't have an hour to listen to it all.
It's got a bunch of comments and points made by other people on X that are excellent.
But before this guy resigns, detwit.
He needs to release who the big guys are on the East Coast.
We know who they are.
It's Chuckie Schumer, folks.
It's Obama.
It's the Democratic Party.
It's the big money.
And she starts saying, well, what kind of money?
Well, you name it.
She's going to ask for $20 million.
She's got it.
And they go, oh, and we'll give you a big job at a corporation.
You don't have to do anything.
That's how real bribes work.
They just give people jobs, or their wives or husbands jobs.
That's how it works, folks.
And look, all your problems are over.
Everything you want, you're going to have it all right now.
Mr. Jones, we'll give you $20 million a year, two book deals a year, everything will be handled.
You just sign up with us right now.
You're going to be the next Rush Limbaugh.
An hour later, what do I need to do, Mr. Jones, to get you to sign on?
She's pretty hot, isn't she?
You like my wife?
She likes you a lot.
With my wife right now?
I had a big news publisher writer, this was like 15 years ago now, 13 years ago, come interview me in a profile.
And at the end of it, the guy basically reveals he works for the CIA.
I couldn't figure that out in the middle of the interviews.
And he just gets on his knees and says, Obama likes you.
And he wants you to work with us.
Just please is there anything I can do?
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
He didn't want to have sex with women.
He wanted to dominate and rape a woman at least every day because he was a monster.
And where is he now?
These are crazy people.
I'm lusting after a steak and a big salad driving home at night and to play a board game with my daughter.
That's what I desire is to see a sunset.
These people desire power over you, and that's why they're so screwed up.
Have I gone too far?
I want to be able to play this full clip.
We'll start the clip and we'll come back with more of it.
But here he is openly trying to bribe her.
So what's going on?
I'm assuming this is our friend.
This is back east.
They... There are very powerful people that want to keep you out.
I don't know what they do.
But they're willing to put their money where their mouth is in a big way.
This conversation never happened.
This is crazy, though.
I'm a great candidate.
They should want me.
People love me.
These people are corrupt.
Well, maybe you're right.
They are corrupt.
They are right.
Maybe you are.
This is your rap.
Don't go.
I don't get myself in trouble.
If you say no, which is fine.
It's your choice.
Don't tell people.
They're going to try to have me murdered.
So what's going on?
Who is it?
Because then we lose our ability to get things done in the future.
Here's my problem.
Rather than just say, let's work with her.
She's a great candidate.
Because they don't own me.
And it pisses me off.
Yeah, I said I don't know what's about ownership.
It's about control.
I don't know what's about control.
It's about being on the team.
I guess that's it.
They want to be on the team.
They want you to be on their team.
Just team.
You know?
But if they're pushing a globalist agenda, I can't do that.
So what do they want?
What do they want me to do?
You want to stay opportunist.
I'll tell you what I can offer you.
This is about defeating Trump.
And I think that's a bad, bad thing for our country.
DeSantis is not America first.
This is about the final death blow to Trump.
And I don't think that's good for our country.
No, I love Trump.
I mean, I love Trump.
It's not good for our country, Jeff.
It's not.
But at the same time, I'm not even sure Trump is going to win.
I don't know that he's going to win.
I think what it really comes down to for a lot of people, it's not really about control or agenda, it's just about the ability to raise money to win.
If you really want to know, all of those books, all of those books, and even on their end, what makes them the most money?
I know, all these consultants don't want their payday to end.
And I don't want to make a deal with these kind of people.
This is a hill worth dying on.
If they're going to steal the election to make me and our movement go away, I'm not letting them do that.
I am not.
I owe it to the people of Arizona.
All right, go ahead and fade it down.
Look, the full thing, it gets even more insane, is at Infowars.com.
So, obviously, we know they stole Arizona.
They stole Michigan.
They stole Georgia.
We caught them.
They indicted the president for saying the truth.
And it just gets more insane.
And the good news is they're being revealed and more stuff like this is coming out.
But you need to go to InfoWars.com and share this with everybody and listen to the full 50 minutes or whatever it is.
It's so slimy.
And I've experienced the exact same thing.
They do this all day long, folks.
This is how they took the country over.
You know, I stood up here and I yell and scream about the New World Order and the globalists.
They're planning to get rid of the borders and release a virus and have a global power grab.
And you saw it all come true.
But there's a...
Inverse of that.
There's not just the bad stuff I'm telling you about.
There's the good stuff I'm telling you about.
And just like our information is the best you're going to find out there, our supplements are amazing.
So our new special in the last half of January 2024 is here.
It's Real Red Pill Plus and DNA Force Plus, both 50% off.
We're calling it the Supercharged Special.
Take advantage now.
I'm not on Team NFL.
I'm not on Team NBA.
I'm not on Team Olympics.
I'm not on Team Globalist or Wokeism in the New World Order.
I'm on Team Humanity, ladies and gentlemen, that loves God and loves our families and loves humanity and knows that we're destined to do even more incredible things than we've already done together.
And so, inspired by my conversation with Elon Musk recently, where he agreed with my idea to call it Team Humanity,
We've launched two limited edition t-shirts at InfoWarsStore.com.
Let people know that, hey, it isn't about the football games or is it even about the UFC.
It's about team humanity being under globalist attack.
You can wear it.
It's a great conversation starter.
And you know it's supporting the InfoWar that is at the very tip of the spear in the fight for team humanity.
Get your limited edition team humanity t-shirts right now at InfoWarsStore.com.
And I thank you.
We're good to go.
The wars that are going to come out of the starvation and the inflation are being blamed on global warming.
The viruses that come out of the labs are being blamed on global warming.
The third world hordes being organized by the UN to invade are being blamed on global warming.
The mass starvation is blamed on the virus.
And everywhere we're told it's going to get worse.
Billions are coming.
Al Gore and Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton.
And the Rothschilds and the Davos Group and Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and Evaldo Harari say billions are coming to Europe.
A billion are coming to the U.S.
because of climate change.
No, because you cut their economy off because the IMF or World Bank controls the loans and ordered lockdowns.
One of the most frustrating things about being awake to the globalist agenda is seeing the general public still asleep.
By and large, not aware of the magnitude of the incredible danger they're under, but also the ongoing attacks and the magnitude of the death caused by the lethal injections masquerading as vaccines.
It is so frustrating to see people going about their daily lives oblivious, and you realize ignorance is not bliss, it equals death.
But people are starting to really understand how serious things are, and that's a hard thing to do, because to wake up to a disturbing reality and realize that we're in the middle of a giant biological weapons war against humanity, and that there's mass sterilization that's already taking place, and they're cutting off all the major energy sources, is really hard to deal with, but it's the reality.
Facing it is our only chance to turn this around, because stuff's about to get really, really nasty.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
When I grow up, I want to launch the global revolution against the New World Order.
When I grow up, I want to be a rock star.
So you be a rock star, honey.
I'm going to be a rebel.
God gave me my wish.
All of you joining with me and many others.
We're going to take it over the top.
We now take you live!
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center and the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
We have been through hell together, my friends, but I'm telling you, the Great Awakening is here.
All right, great constitutional lawyer, very popular talk show host, Viva Fry, joins us on short notice, and I really appreciate him coming on.
We've had a huge victory.
Canada's gotten massive criticism around the world for once being one of the freest, friendliest, nicest places ever to turning into a WUF...
China 2.0, social credit score, police state, nightmare.
And the Canadians, obviously, a year into lockdowns, got pissed.
They're going to churches, beating people up, but the liquor stores and topless bars stayed open.
And so the truckers and others peacefully went into the capital, Ottawa, and took it over.
And they grabbed thousands of people's bank accounts without any judicial system and harassed them and threw people in prison and ran over women and children with horses and
I mean, it was bad.
And then you've got the deputy head of the WEF coming out.
And again, we've got the head of the WEF saying that Trudeau is the model.
We've got her openly saying that this is a great thing we've done.
And now since the court has come out and ruled against it,
We're good to go.
They have a standing ovation.
They think we're stupid.
A reporter asked Christina Freeland if she has any regrets on the decision to freeze bank accounts and credit cards after the use of the Emergencies Act was deemed to infringe on charter rights.
We face a country and a government...
I think?
I mean, this is what she does, all right?
And so she's very, very dangerous, but I don't want to just stay focused on her.
It's all about really Trudeau and a repudiation of we penetrate the cabinet's globalist takeover of our governments.
Because remember...
When Schwab is asked, Canada, as well as New Zealand, he said, was the model.
Well, we've already seen Jacinda Ardern's repudiated and now made the UNWEF head of global censorship.
I mean, talk about villains.
So here's a short clip of her yesterday, then we overlaid it with some of the abuses, and then we'll go to Viva Frye.
Here it is.
The decision seems to single out some of your choices on freezing bank accounts and credit cards as being part of the reason where it's unreasonable in terms of the measures taken by the government.
You defended those when you announced them at the time.
Do you have any regrets on taking that measure in the light of this decision?
Would you have done it differently based on what we've seen from the federal court today?
As I said in my opening remarks,
We faced, as a country and as a government, an incredibly serious threat.
A threat to the public safety of many Canadians, a threat to our national security, including our national economic security.
We acted to secure and protect Canada, and to secure and protect the national interest.
It was not an easy time.
These were not easy decisions.
In making our decisions and choosing to act, we worked very, very hard with all levels of government.
And we were very mindful of acting in such a way that the safety, the physical safety of all Canadians involved would be preserved.
I don't want to minimize the gravity of the actions we took.
Neither do I want to minimize the gravity of the threat Canada faced.
And to your question, I was certain after a lot of deliberation with colleagues and many others that we took the right decision.
I was certain at the time.
I was certain when I testified before Rouleau.
And I remain certain today.
Thank you.
Tyrants have an instinct to dominate and control people, but it almost always backfires if you're in a society that ever had freedom.
If you're like in North Korea that ever had freedom for thousands of years in that culture, then you can get away with it.
But if there's ever been a history of it or people had some freedom, it doesn't work.
And I think about Waco.
Yeah, the Davidians were weird, had some issues.
They could have arrested Koresh any day in town.
He had businesses in town.
He jogged every day off the property.
They went and blew it up, burned it down and thought people loved that.
No, it totally pissed the whole country off.
Well, we just saw something similar to that in Canada and it's awakened the Canadians and the world.
We're good to go.
We're going to use this the whole world.
The left celebrated it.
Now we're going to take everybody's bank accounts around the world.
I mean, this is where they want to take us with the central bank digital currencies.
People might not know that I am, in fact, or was a lawyer, sworn in in 2007.
I practiced for like a good 12 years.
I dabbled in constitutional law.
It wasn't my expertise, but that's not to say I don't know what the heck is going on now.
The decision coming out of the federal court is monumental.
And it's to be distinguished from the ruling that came out of the POEC, which was the Public Order Emergency Commission.
After they invoked the Emergencies Act,
We're good to go.
And, you know, after some procedural stuff, two of the four petitioners were denied standing, but two of the four were recognized as having standing.
Those who had their bank accounts frozen.
And after getting over the issue of mootness, the judge comes to the conclusion that it wasn't reasonable.
It wasn't warranted.
It wasn't necessary.
There wasn't a national infrastructure catastrophe or threat that, you know, there was a blockade in Coutts.
I'll give you the floor and I'm going to shut up.
But isn't
We're good to go.
I think?
The issue is to invoke the Emergencies Act.
The Emergencies Act substituted for the War Measures Act.
The War Measures Act, as per its name, is to be invoked during times of war or national crisis.
It was invoked once, I think during World War I, and Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Justin Trudeau's father, invoked it during the FLQ crisis in the late 70s, the Front Libération de Québec.
I think.
We're good to go.
I think?
Was it an inconvenience?
I have no doubt.
Was the horn honking loud?
Yeah, I was there documenting it for 13 days.
It was not a national emergency warranting invoking the emergency zone.
The emergency was the public coming together and saying no to the lockdowns and the WFUN agenda.
That filthy coward that he is.
Didn't take one second to step out onto the street to talk to the protesters.
He justified it that you don't negotiate.
I don't attend protests where I don't agree with the subject of the protest.
That's because you're an idiot.
And that's not what leading a country is about.
You don't only represent the people who voted for you.
You don't only listen to the people who voted for you.
So he says, I'm not even going to cross the street to talk to these people.
I'm going to come down with an iron fist, call in Alex.
I mean, I was there.
They were detonating concussive grenades on the day they violently broke this up.
They called in... I mean, you won't know what all these names mean.
RCMP, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
OPP, the Ontario Provincial Police.
Sûreté de Québec, which is the police from Quebec.
They had the York Police.
They called in all of the police, but Justin Trudeau says, don't worry, we're not calling in the military.
No, you're just calling in a highly militarized police force.
They had snipers on building tops.
Sure, so what do you make of her defending this in that conference we just played yesterday and literally saying there was such a threat, she says, by the people?
I mean, this is like ridiculous.
It's ridiculous, but you notice also she discreetly threw in this unknown concept of economic threat.
That's not a criteria for invoking the Emergencies Act.
These people are scoundrels of the highest order.
Plus, they were protesting the blockade, the siege of the lockdowns, which was the economic threat we know.
Well, that's the ultimate hypocrisy irony in all of this.
They say that three weeks of occupying downtown Ottawa caused economic interruptions.
They had shut down the country for two years.
And by the way, they shut down Ottawa for months after the protest was over, setting up their blockades, crippling the infrastructure there.
They are scoundrels of the highest order.
There's no other way to say it.
Christopher Freeland is a loathsome human being.
And it's arguable who is more detestable between her and Justin.
Sure, so where does this go now?
Because obviously they admitted it was a beta test for the world, the grabbing of the bank accounts, they admitted that, it was celebrated.
It's now backfired on them.
What comes next for Trudeau and the other WEF stooges?
And just so everybody knows also, Chrystia Freeland is on the board of trustees of the WEF.
She's not, she's a, I forget what her position is in Canada, but she's like the second most position, second most powerful person to Trudeau.
She's on the board of trustees of the WEF.
You know that's not a conflict of interest.
Set that aside.
We're good to go.
You know, we have to show deference to the lower court when it comes to findings of fact.
But in this particular case, we agree on the findings of fact.
It's a question of the finding of law, whether or not it met the criteria to warrant invoking the act.
My concern is this gets overturned on appeal.
And so this white pill turns into a black pill.
But for the time being, it's a white pill.
For the time being now, you got Elon Musk on Twitter tweeting about the coots for the men who have been arrested.
We're good to go.
So that Commissioner Hulot could come to his political finding that this was necessary under the circumstances because of the grave risk.
The awareness that this is getting right now is monumental.
And the pressure needs to be kept up because this could be the first domino in what needs to be the downfall of Justin Trudeau.
By all accounts, apparently, if I trust the polls, which I don't, if they call an election today, the Conservatives will win a majority.
The bottom line, they set an absolute terrible precedent by invoking the Emergencies Act, and the courts need to intervene if anyone's going to have any confidence in the political institutions of Canada and the financial institutions of Canada.
Well, I'm very pleased by Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson.
I know Tucker's about to go to Canada.
He just called up Trudeau yesterday.
In fact, guys, cue that up.
I forgot to put that on today's list.
I never got to it yesterday.
And said, hey, I'm coming to free Canada.
I mean, Canada's a beautiful, super rich, incredible resources.
Basically as much resources as the U.S.
One of the richest countries in the world.
And we need to keep it free here.
And so it's a very exciting...
To see at major UFC events the fighters calling out Trudeau and Europe calling him out and people really recognizing that this run that they're making against Canada that Klaus Schwab admits is a beta test for the world.
I have listeners all the time
We're good to go.
I think.
And, of course, this last week they had the Davos Group.
They admitted, oh, we want trust back.
Everybody hates us.
They got called out to their face by a bunch of world leaders.
So do they understand that the world is now waking up to they are the villains?
They are the James Bond villains?
Well, Alex, I mean, yeah, they say they want trust back, and the way that they're going to get trust back is by censoring disinformation and misinformation online.
You know, if you ask why would they pick Australia, why would they pick Canada as the testing grounds, the obvious answer, I mean, it's the reflexive one, no right to self-defense, you know, not densely populated, and polite cultures, polite, docile, subservient, subservient in the parliamentary sense.
We are subjects of the government.
We are not free citizens with God-given rights.
So it makes sense as to why this would be tested on peaceful, unarmed, docile, subservient cultures.
But as far as the risks go, pay more attention to Canada than to Australia because Canada shares a border with America.
When you have Chinese soldiers being trained for wintertime military combat conditions in Canada, that's a direct threat to the U.S.
When you have, culturally speaking, this threat
I call it communism, for lack of a better word.
Fascism, tyranny, whatever you want to call it.
Trudeau endorsed.
He said his favorite thing is Chinese communist dictatorship.
He has a great admiration for the basic dictatorship of China because they can turn their economy around on a dime.
He didn't say this part.
This is the fill in the blank.
They can lock their population down on a dime.
They can do whatever the hell they want to the population because they don't have the means to defend themselves, to protest, because protest has been criminalized.
People don't know this.
In Nova Scotia, during the heat of the lockdowns, a Nova Scotia court
We're good to go.
I think?
But this decision, it's amazing, it's fantastic, and we'll see if it gets overturned, but for the time being, it's putting on blast what's going on in Canada, and it's putting on blast, yes, what is a very nefarious, seemingly global push to have people agree to give up their freedom.
Sure, what do you make of the massive, I've got the articles right here, Politico...
I think?
I don't want to think the doom pill thoughts, but yeah, watching the highlights, and I was following the Davos meeting, the gig is up.
You recall at one point in time, this idea of secret meetings in Davos was a conspiracy theory.
Then it becomes known fact, and they say, okay, sure, they're meeting there.
And then, you know, the great reset, conspiracy theory, until you actually see the printouts, and it's an actual policy that they're pushing behind their closed-door meetings in Davos.
And now...
You know, it's gained public awareness, public attention, where people are actually watching it and sharing it, not because they like the ideas, but to expose the villainy.
And so I don't know who that European woman was who's talking about disinformation and misinformation.
It's what they need to do right now in order to control the narrative, to prevent people from calling them out and amplifying and putting them on blast, but they know it, and the gig is up.
Well, that's exactly right.
You have the Queen of the Netherlands saying we need to...
And a world casual society to make you take your shots.
They're all up there saying we've got to censor people so they trust us again.
That's not how you get trust is putting a gag on somebody.
No, and now you got Trump coming out with Vivek, his influence, saying we're never going to have a CBDC in America.
He's on to it.
He understood it in 2016, which is why, in retrospect, Kierkegaard's expression is beautiful.
He understands it.
Life can only be understood backwards, but needs to be lived forwards.
Now you understand why in 2016 he was public enemy number one once he became the candidate and why he's public enemy number one now.
The gig or the jig, I forget what the expression is, it's up.
Everybody knows it, and even the people who were reluctant to admit it are now recognizing it.
So that's my next question.
Clearly they admit, and the Davos Group, Club of Rome, CFR, Carnegie Endowment that runs the CIA currently, they admit they were going to use Disease X, which was the last attack they called it.
The new attack is called Disease X. It's just a placeholder where people keep asking what it is.
It's just the next boogeyman, whether real or semi-real or not real.
They did their big dry run for control and it blew up in their face.
They got compliance for a while, but it built a blowback much bigger than they thought.
So I think it's fair to say this test failed, but now Tedros and others are saying, well, the new virus is coming.
It looks to me like they're going to try it again.
What do you think?
I know that you've been right often enough that the Alex Jones was right meme is a meme for a reason.
I mean, obviously, desperate times call for desperate measures, and these are definitely desperate times for these people.
And they are, if not a rabid animal, they are a cornered animal.
Who knows?
They've done terrible things throughout history.
Would I think it's going to be any different in the upcoming year?
The democratization of information and the free flow of information is the weapon, for lack of a better word.
And it's no surprise why, in Canada, you've got the government trying to nationalize the Internet, effectively, trying to censor the Internet, trying to suppress what people can see, learn, and view on the Internet through their link tax, through their Online Streaming Act.
So the overt attack is going to be on public discourse, and they're going to cloak it in benevolence as to fighting disinformation and misinformation.
But I think the awakening has created something potentially of an insurmountable shift in momentum.
Perfectly said.
I've been looking for the word for weeks.
There's been an insurmountable shift in momentum.
Keep going.
I like that, too.
I'm going to quote myself.
They might try to burn the whole building down, or you might actually start getting people who are politicians nonetheless.
We call them political whores for a reason, and that can be used to the benefit of the people.
When they see we're winning, they're all going to flip to us.
They're going to say, oh yeah, free speech is cool again.
Oh yeah, freedom of movement is cool again.
Oh yeah, we shouldn't violate your constitutional rights.
There wasn't a virus provision of the Constitution.
So when it becomes politically expedient, they'll jump ship or turn ship just as quickly, the political whores.
The ones who have been true the whole time will be leading the way, like the Thomas Massys of the world.
Like the Donald Trumps of the world.
But the other ones, there's one in between who are susceptible to public opinion.
And so once that starts shifting and once that starts moving quickly, they'll move quickly.
They'll turn face, too.
And then it's only going to be like the Hillary Clintons, the George Soroses, who are going to be sitting there saying, hey, don't leave me alone here, guys.
I don't like the mob.
They're like Hitler and the bunker.
Did you see Alexander Soros, who now heads up that operation, admitting they're losing and gibbering?
I feel bad making fun of him for that, because it was so bad, it's like he had an aneurysm of sorts.
But then I also saw his tweet from yesterday, and I'm still debating whether or not that tweet was an overt call.
Oh, it's definitely a bullet hole and $47.
I did a bit of a deep dive.
That image has been around for 10 years, but they definitely selected that image on purpose because to show inflation, there were better, more appropriate images.
But no, the bottom line, George Soros is smart and evil.
Alex Soros is dumb and evil, and that's what's going to happen.
I say it's rice paddy to rice paddy in three generations, and the evil forces that be, they're going to be in the rice paddies because they're losing it and everybody's seeing it.
Wow, people can hear your amazing show.
They can find you on X. They can just type in VivaFry, F-R-E-I, VivaFry on X. Thank you so much.
Great job.
Thank you so much, and God bless you.
Thank you very much, Alex.
The funny thing is I was in my car shooting my car vlog summarizing that decision, so I'm going to go back to editing that.
But anytime, thank you for having me.
There he goes.
Thank you.
All right, we're going to start the next hour.
I've got a bunch of news to hit ahead of Dr. Richard Bartlett joining us.
The governor and others came out in Colorado and attacked us for exposing the Ebola vaccine and the fact that it's a live vaccine that sheds.
They admit it sheds, but they say it's fine.
Don't worry about it.
We're going to be talking about that, too, coming up.
Stay with us.
Hey, let me start by saying you do a great show.
Thank you.
Hey, let me point out that I took X2 iodine.
I started taking that stuff.
The best iodine I think I ever found is what you guys are selling.
When did you start taking it?
About four years ago, I had high blood pressure, and I was on blood pressure medicine.
And I started eating a little better, but my blood pressure stayed high.
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And my blood pressure came down to the perfect level.
And I tell people the only thing I did was X2 iodine.
I think.
I talk a lot about the great successes InfoWars has had.
I don't think anybody can deny it.
And it is because of listeners and viewers supporting us.
When we talk about the crew at InfoWars, people behind the scenes, the researchers, the writers...
They really have been the MVPs in this fight.
And when you look at Harrison Smith and Owen Schroyer and the hard work they engage in every day, five, six, seven days a week, it's really just incredible.
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You know, I never imagined being 50 years old, I'll be 50 early next month, and I never imagined being on air 30 years in the fight against the New World Order.
30 years.
They're finally finding videos from 1994-95.
People are like, you were on in 94-95?
Didn't save it.
The VHS tapes rotted away.
It's just an epic time to be alive.
This is a short segment.
No man's land.
Some stations don't carry it.
A lot of them do.
I'm going to come back next segment and hit all this other huge news that's unfolding.
Texas National Guard puts up more razor wire after the feds ordered to take it down.
That's what the Democrats always do.
They always ignore the courts.
So this is getting into a real crisis.
We're going to be getting to that.
We've got mainstream news saying ban family gardens.
You can't make it up, man.
I mean, these people are evil as hell.
So we're going to be hitting all that.
But I saw a video...
I think we're good to go.
And this is really what we're going to have to do to protect our children.
In many cases, this is going on in public schools, elementary students, and in preschools without telling the parents.
So I wanted to get to this clip, so I'm going to play it here in a moment.
And then we're going to go through a lot of news in the next 30 minutes.
And Dr. Bartlett is pissed.
Because even, I didn't even know this, even mainstream media said experimental Ebola shots that can shed are dangerous.
Even USA Today did.
I didn't know this.
So they're trying to say we're kooks for saying this is an issue, and even mainline people are saying that.
So the government's responded in Colorado, and it is going on a few other places, but Colorado announced it.
And the governor's defense was, oh, well, other people are doing it, okay?
Other people are taking fentanyl, too.
Other people are jumping off cliffs.
Doesn't mean we should all do it.
So here's the pervert time being exposed, and then we'll be right back.
So who brought the tranny?
Who brought the pedophile?
No, thank you.
Who brought the pedophile?
Who want to know?
We want to know.
Oh, we're magically exempt.
Thank you, though.
Who brought the pedophile?
I just want to know.
Well, then why is the pedophile here?
Why did you?
No, no, no.
We want to know why there's a pedophile here.
We saw videos of what that thing does.
Hey, you see a lot of pedophiles in there.
Why did you?
Why do you have videos on YouTube of what it wants to do to little children?
Why did you bring the pedophile?
I don't understand.
I don't understand.
Yeah, it says why would you bring children to a pedophile?
Yeah, yeah.
Hey, you should be ashamed of yourself.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Why would you want to bring children to this?
Why would you want to expose your children to this just to prove how tall you are, a pedophile?
This is the only thing I have a problem exposing children to.
You want to expose your children to pedophiles to prove how tall you are.
That thing has videos talking about it.
This is disgusting.
I'll tell you to get away from the children.
Look, we've got a pedophile here.
We're in Giants.
Oh, man, I'll never support the Giants again.
This is sick.
You guys are sick.
Look it, they brought kids here.
What is wrong with you people?
What is wrong with you?
What is wrong with you?
Tell me, what is wrong with you?
What is wrong with you?
This is sick!
This is sick!
There's a pedophile here with children!
Call him!
This is disgusting!
What the hell is wrong with you people?
These poor children!
What is wrong with you sick people?
Get out of here, you pedophile!
Get out of here!
You're not safe here!
Get out of here!
No, this is sick!
You are sick!
You are sick!
Look at these poor children!
These poor children!
These poor children!
How dare you guys!
Yeah, this is how you do it, folks.
You guys are sick!
They're trying to demoralize you.
They're trying to break your will.
And you've got to never let them break your will.
When you push back and get stronger, then you're weaker.
When you give in, you get weaker.
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Think about it.
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If you want to support the tip of the spear, that decision is up to you.
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You are the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
A lot of people ask, is it Alex Jones posting on X?
And yeah, about 80% of it is, but the crew puts out live links or breaking reports on Real Alex Jones.
But I'm so busy that I was just during a little one-minute break rejoining a lot of stations, and I thought, I need to post on X at Real Alex Jones right now that Dr. Richard Bartlett, former head of the Governor's Medical Task Force, hospital head, you name it, came on Friday.
And warned about experimental Ebola vaccine that is live that does shed a weakened form of the virus that can make people with lowered immune systems really sick or kill them.
And we showed a lot of news articles admitting it.
And they had the governor come out against us and all this news and say we're liars and all this.
So Bartlett got upset, which he should, and sent me a bunch of stuff I didn't even have.
I mean, look at this.
CDC finds lapses in latest lab mishap with Ebola virus.
It's Colorado, folks.
That's USA Today.
CDC chief, anthrax gaffe should never have happened.
Colorado lab developing Ebola vaccine for military use, which is what we say.
They turn it around and say, oh, Jones attacked a hospital and said they're developing all this.
No, I said they tested on the damn hospital staff.
So, when we show you this newscast coming up, they do their three-second clips of me to then misrepresent what I've said to then set us up.
And I can see they're doing it because we're going up against the Pentagon, the globalists run it, the same ones that created the...
We're good to go.
I think?
And then just say, Alex Jones is about to cover this live with a medical doctor, okay?
Something like that.
Because if everybody gets excited and takes that link and pushes it, instead of reaching the 3 million people, and that's a conservative number, they're tuning in right now.
And then the couple million that will watch this later other places, we can get 10, 20 million.
Because it's not about picking on a hospital in Colorado.
That's how they made the story.
We pointed out they injected the hospital staff with the experimental shot, and we showed you all the medical literature and even mainstream news concerned that that shot sheds.
And they admit, oh, it sheds.
It just doesn't shed the full Ebola virus.
We've had Dr. Judy Mikovits who worked on the Ebola vaccine for the Pentagon.
We're good to go.
But it's so frustrating.
So I want everybody to go to Real Alex Jones on Twitter as soon as this tweet goes out on the live feed of the show.
We've already got a lot of people tuned in, but if you get excited, and if you all retweet it and repost it, or physically call people, or send it in text messages to friends and neighbors and families, or your whole email list and say, Hey, did you know they're injecting people with a virus that sloughs and sheds?
And look, I was already going to cover this today and not get Bartlett on, and then he called me and said, hey, I'm sending you a bunch of stuff, they're full of crap.
I already had this stack of research, government documents, studies, everything, to show they're full of crap.
Yeah, I could go eight hours with this, okay?
Bartlett just sent me all this.
So, I mean, this is just insane.
They do not want a discussion about how China had that dangerous lab, and we've got labs even far more dangerous here, including labs that are producing mousepox that can spread into humans with humanized mice that kills over 90% of people.
And they're having congressional hearings about this.
Look, I love my family, and by extension, I love you.
I don't want to be exposed to this.
And they claim it's for biodefense.
That's a load of horse manure, folks.
This is about total control.
And I've got so many documents for the globalists say the next big thing is going to be airborne Ebola, which is what they're working on at the lab.
And there's been, I didn't even know this, mainstream news articles with scientists calling this lab out, not the hospital, again,
It's in the WikiLeaks that they're doing Aleister Crowley rituals with the Podestas.
The Podestas are in the Washington Post in 2007 showing all their pedophile art.
They actually show it.
Not actual kids, but paintings of kids getting raped.
And then they divert off to a pizza place where nothing was going on to then get us to cover that to say nothing's happening anywhere else.
This is how they operate.
So they're trying to say we're attacking this hospital.
I don't believe all your conspiracies yesterday.
We're good to go.
Now, when you tune into regular talk radio, and that's what this is, talk radio on TV, you hear plugs every segment outside of the ads, because that's how they stay on air and how they advertise.
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All right.
My problem...
Discrediting the governor's office and this obvious deep state production against us that's all over the news now in Colorado.
We just got one newscast we're going to play in a moment, but there's a bunch of them.
Shows were over the target.
And my frustration is I could spend the next four or five hours commercial free if we were able to do that just showing you so many articles and so many documents and so much proof it'd make your head spin.
We're going to show you a lot of it here.
But again, the way they deceive in this newscast...
When we're talking about a bio lab, we're talking about other labs.
We've got a medical doctor on, investigative journalist.
We're going over the evidence.
We're showing studies that the virus sheds.
But notice they go, well, it does shed, but it's not full Ebola.
We didn't say that.
We say this isn't full Ebola.
It's attenuated, but it still causes serious health problems in people that have autoimmune problems.
And we showed you the study that the doctor that runs a hospital sent me.
But they take it and they put out the defamation by editing me to claim a hospital is running a bio attack on Colorado.
Said no such thing.
Said the Pentagon's running the project with the hospital and the laboratory nearby and that it's very dangerous and then I'm going to show you AP Reuters, USA Today, scientists all admitting specifically they're worried about this.
And they're like, oh, why are you singling out Colorado?
Because they're the most open.
The governor says, well, other groups are doing it.
Yeah, and they're keeping their mouths shut.
I said that in Friday's report.
I said, we know of other places that are doing this.
So again, deception, deception, deception, deception, deception.
So play the short local newscast in Denver, and then go to this USA Today report, CDC labs face...
Secret sanctions.
I'm saying this CDC lab, not the hospital, is doing this Pentagon Ebola program and is using the hospital staff as the guinea pigs.
And they turn it around.
He's being mean to the hospital staff saying they're trying to kill people.
Oh, look at this nice little nurse here.
She didn't do that.
Alex is being mean to the nurse.
Next they'll say I'm peeing on their graves or something.
I mean, it's just, you know, we caught Jones raping hospital staff or something.
I mean, they just totally changed the subject because they don't want you to talk about all these labs they built everywhere.
And they strawman it.
So play those two clips, and we'll get Dr. Bartlett on, who's on his lunch break, heading up a hospital here in Texas, and then we'll have him speak to it, and we'll go through the documents he sent us.
And boy, are there a lot of them.
Oh, oh, the Coloradan.
That's the newspaper.
Records reveal biological hazards at Fort Collins CDC.
That's the lab he says is dangerous.
But they don't show Dr. Bartlett, because he's been the head of the governor's task force and all the rest of it.
No, they just show me and claim I'm saying all this.
Show, oh, the Coloradan, USA Today.
See, that's why they want it censored, so they can lie about us with impunity.
Here's the clubs back-to-back.
We'll get Dr. Bartlett on.
Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones' latest target is Denver Health.
The man who's been ordered to pay a billion dollars in damages for saying that the Sandy Hook school shooting was a hoax is now suggesting that the American government is preparing a secret bioweapons program in Colorado.
His conspiracy echoes and builds on claims made by conservatives from our state.
They're trying to create a secret project to have Ebola cases and then test on people that have Ebola.
It's a whole secret Ebola testing project in Colorado.
That's what it looks like to me.
Here's what it looks like in reality.
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones is seizing on a 9 News story about Denver health workers getting an Ebola vaccine, combined with right-wing fears about animal research being done at Colorado State University.
So are you expecting an outbreak in Colorado?
CSU is building an enclosure to study bats and their diseases, and that has drawn confusion and condemnation from the far right.
Fort Collins is not exactly moving down a conservative path in any way, shape, or form.
And to go from their transgender ideology to now their bat institution.
The Ebola virus, the Marburg virus, the Nipah virus, and the Hendra virus.
They're all going to be studied right here in Fort Collins in a bat lab.
CSU says that claim by former GOP gubernatorial candidate Heidi Ganahl is not true.
Because this breeding facility is designed for just that, breeding and then some experiments.
And those experiments will be done at something called Animal Biosafety Level 2, which is not an acceptable biosafety level for Ebola, Nympha, MERS, SARS-CoV-2.
CSU reiterated today that the lab will not handle Ebola and will not be doing gain-of-function research on bat diseases, despite far-right claims to the contrary.
Now to part two of the conspiracy theory.
Ebola has a very high mortality rate, so it's exciting to be a part of this next step in treating this disease.
Last November, members of Denver Health's high-risk infection team got the Ebola vaccine on the off chance that someone with that disease travels to Denver.
The U.S.
government has moved bioweapon labs to Denver and is ejecting health care staff with live Ebola and it's shedding and spreading.
That's the big takeaway, folks.
The CDC tells 9 News that the vaccine contains only a portion of the Ebola virus to stimulate an immune response.
So it would be impossible, the CDC says, for people who receive the vaccine to shed the full Ebola virus to others and infect them.
Despite what America's most infamous conspiracy theorist claims.
I mean, this doesn't even sound real.
Alex Jones' ranting about Denver health even got the attention of Colorado's Democratic Governor Jared Polis, who posed a common-sense question on social media.
It's so crazy.
Why would first responders getting the Ebola vaccine in Colorado be more of a danger than the first responders getting the same vaccine in a bunch of other states?
All right, we're going to go to this USA Today report real quick and then to Dr. Bartlett.
But again, we have an interview with a medical doctor.
We show a bunch of articles where they admit they're testing Ebola.
And doing all this.
And then they turn it all around and just say, oh, Alex Jones made it up.
And then edit stuff out of context to say my target's the hospital.
No, I said they gave hospital staff the shots, which they could then shed according to the medical doctor we had on.
And he gave me the documents on that vaccine saying that.
And I showed it on TV.
And so the reporters watching my hour-long interview, they saw all of that.
It was an hour and 30-minute interview, actually.
They saw us show all that.
But they're preying on their audience to deceive them.
Here's a short report on the concerns of these labs.
Laboratories at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention work with some of the world's most dangerous viruses and bacteria.
And some of these pathogens, like anthrax, Ebola, and plague, are heavily regulated because of their potential to be used as weapons by terrorists.
So it's important news that the CDC has now admitted to USA Today
That the agency's own labs have faced secret enforcement action six times since 2003 for mishandling potential bioterra pathogens.
The CDC not only operates numerous labs, it also regulates hundreds of public and private biodefense labs nationwide.
The agency, citing security concerns, has refused for more than a year to disclose the names of five labs that have had their permits suspended and another...
Thank you.
CDC labs have been under scrutiny in the wake of several high-profile incidents in 2014 with anthrax, Ebola, and a deadly strain of flu.
Read the USA Today Network's full investigation at biolabs.usatoday.com.
Okay, so this specific lab we're talking about is on record messing around with Ebola.
They've gotten in trouble.
You just saw USA Today.
But you just saw local news, and the governors say, we're liars.
Let's bring in a gentleman that's been headed up and been on governors' task forces here in Texas, runs hospitals, you name it, medical doctor Richard Bartlett, who's simply raising alarm as a public service.
We're four minutes to break, sir.
You've got the floor to set the table here.
But, boy, they've jumped the shark, it seems.
Alex, it looks like you might be over the target.
And maybe we're going to convince them not to do this in the middle of our country because of the spotlight.
Thank you for what you do with Infowars.
But the bottom line is they cannot refute.
That a new bat lab, which looks like it's going to be Wuhan 2.0 on steroids, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, is already slated to be built right there in Fort Collins.
That's a fact.
And you exposed that.
You also exposed the fact that there is an Ebola vaccine that has been given to Denver health workers, paramedics, nurses, and doctors in anticipation of a possible future Ebola outbreak.
They say that.
And you exposed that.
Those are irrefutable facts.
And so there's a lot of spin.
There's a lot of things that they didn't cover in their story.
And they admit in the newscast that it can shed, but they go, don't worry, it's not the full Ebola.
Well, you said that on the show.
Well, here's the thing.
It does have a segment of Ebola genetically engineered into a virus that is very contagious.
Because Ebola itself is not extremely contagious.
And it's also dangerous.
You're saying they've created a virus vector?
Explain this.
So they have taken a virus, vaccinia virus is how you say it, and they have spliced in genetic code from Ebola into that virus, and that virus is a live virus vaccine.
So you were exactly correct.
It is a live virus vaccine, and in their FDA package insert,
It does have shedding 31% of the time.
31.7% is the number that they put in the package insert.
So anyone can do an online search of Evo vaccine package insert, and they can read it for themselves.
They can also read that there hasn't been testing according to the package insert on how this would affect people that are immunocompromised.
You covered that in your segment.
And so there's a lot of things that you said that are just straight out of the FDA package insert.
Of course, they're not giving the full-blown deadly Ebola itself as a shot in the arm.
They're giving a vaccine that's a live virus that sheds 31% of the time.
And so there is a concern with that, but the question that you raised is why?
Why is Denver Health vaccinating people now for a potential Ebola outbreak?
What do they know, and what are they preparing for?
Disconnected from that, they're building a new bat lab, which looks by all accounts to be a Wuhan Institute of Virology 2.0 on steroids, right down the highway 65 miles north at Fort Collins.
And so you just played a segment showing that there were past lab safety issues with steroids.
In Fort Collins.
And so these things are irrefutable.
And people can make their own decision on what's going to happen.
But, you know, the amazing thing about free speech in the United States is when you sound the alarm, sometimes bad things don't happen.
And so I appreciate you sounding the alarm.
Well, I really respect you.
You, day one, exposed everything with COVID.
So you call me and say, this is important.
We'll get you on.
Notice they took you out of the newscast and a bunch of other reports.
They didn't want to mention you, a respected doctor, though.
I noticed.
I noticed that.
I noticed.
I noticed that this was a hit job, in my opinion.
That's my opinion, that they were trying to dissuade the public from the reality that something has happened that's historic.
Denver Health, the main health center for a crisis in all of Colorado...
Is vaccinating people in November just two months ago for Ebola, for a future potential Ebola outbreak.
I think that's the news, and that's what they don't want to talk about.
Stay right there.
Stay right there.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
It's Alex Jones.
All right.
Dr. Richard Bartlett is our guest.
He's been appointed by Texas Governor's Head of Task Force.
He's headed up hospitals, you name it.
He's a great M.D.
We're good to go.
So, Doc, we know we're under the target when they go crazy.
And I'm not pushing this on you or giving you the credit.
It's just true.
You were saying earlier, yes, Alex, you were right about this, this, and that.
But you sent me all the documents, the hospital announcements, the labs, the CDC documents, the admissions of testing, developing counters to Ebola by these research facilities.
So I was right because I was going off what you sent me.
You sent me even more here.
But to have the governor come out against us, to not just the newscast we air but a bunch of others,
We're good to go.
And then you sent me USA Today and Colorado News articles.
I've got a whole stack we'll go through here.
So when you want them, call for them.
I've got them all right here.
Where there's been major problems at the facility where they're building the now larger facility that you're calling Wuhan 2.0.
So, yeah, they're definitely scared of something.
And Congress is investigating gain-of-function.
Now they're trying to deny these labs are doing gain-of-function.
It's totally illegal.
But they are.
So this is really a discussion about...
I saw on the local paper last week, people are upset about a giant monkey farm with 40,000 monkeys and apes.
They're going to be doing all sorts of biological testing east of Austin in Bastrop.
That's normal.
You have a nuclear power plant next door to you.
You want to know who's running it.
You want to know what's happening.
But instead, they want to just throw it out there and say we're all crazy, as we've already seen the lab leak from Wuhan.
So walk through this for people and why this is so important.
So, Alex, I want to make a point.
They did not call United States Senator Joni Ernst about this lab, bat lab, that's being put in the middle of the United States in Colorado, although she has already been very vocal and public about this.
And so if they, you know, why aren't they asking, acknowledging that a United States, there's only 100 United States senators.
They're at a very high level.
They get intelligence briefings that you and I don't get.
Why aren't they talking to her?
I bet they haven't reached out to Joni Ernst or even shown her quotes that she said about this specific bat lab being put there and about the potential of an outbreak.
That's her concern.
A United States Senator.
Alex, why wouldn't they mention her?
Because they don't want to mention credible people.
They want to just act like I made this up.
Well, you know what?
You have the ear of millions of people every day.
And so you've said many things that...
We're absolutely credible and at the tip of the spear as far as saving lives.
And one of those things you said was about Budesonide, that we have a tool that could be used against COVID when they were saying there's nothing you can do.
Just hide in place and do not bother the hospitals.
Yeah, well, my dad couldn't get out of bed and had 87% oxygen and was going to die until you got him that prescription and I got him to breathe it.
But you know what?
This is the Budesonite for COVID.
Just to clarify that you have been at the tip of the spear with the facts when they were hidden by mainstream media.
This was Budesonite against COVID.
You talked about it before it was breaking in Oxford University, the oldest university in the English-speaking world.
With 72 Nobel Prize laureates, that's pretty credible.
Well, Doc, we just talked to experts like you.
So look at these other headlines.
USA Today, CDC finds lapses in latest lab mishap with Ebola virus.
And they specifically, in these different articles, list this lab that's being expanded.
CDC chief, anthrax gaffe should never have happened.
Colorado lab developing Ebola vaccine for military use.
That's all we said.
They claim that's not true.
There's USA Today.
You sent me all the documents.
Talk about these documents and what we know is really going on.
I mean, look at this headline.
Newly disclosed CDC biolab failures like a screenplay for a disaster movie.
USA Today.
But we're bad for saying it.
Alex, let's just look at the facts.
You're presenting evidence.
You're presenting evidence.
USA Today is about as mainstream media as it gets, and so what they were reporting as early as 2014, 2016, and doing FOIA requests to the U.S.
Congress, that's one source of information in their FOIA requests.
They won those suits, and they got information that was heavily redacted.
People can just go to that.
Go to these, look up these stories that Alex Jones, you are showing right now.
To the whole world that are not being highlighted to the people of Colorado.
Again, Alex, read those headlines so people can look at this for themselves on their own cell phones.
This is USA Today.
Look at these articles.
Read them.
There's links.
And the evidence is there.
You and I didn't do this legwork.
You mentioned it.
We have U.S.
senators raising lab leak concerns.
That's what you just said.
So we're bad, but the senator's raising it.
So, you know what?
If they want to watch this show, what they're going to learn...
...is that there's evidence since 2014 that mainstream media, USA Today, was concerned and voicing opinions, and that Congress itself was concerned, and there were congressional hearings about lab discrepancies and injuries and violations with the CDC.
I have learned, looking at what has been out in the mainstream media back in 2014 and 2016, if you look at what the links are for the USA Today...
At that time, the CDC was regulating themselves.
What can go wrong if you're going to be holding yourself accountable?
Where's the checks and balances?
I didn't see any evidence of checks and balances.
That's a problem.
But you said at the start of the interview, they're running around like chickens with their heads cut off.
You don't like to speculate, but clearly they're freaking out over this.
Why would the governor come out against us when we're only quoting, like you said, a U.S.
I think it's newsworthy, at least.
And apparently they think it's newsworthy.
You know, they were just bragging that they were vaccinating people.
And you know what?
I'm pro real vaccines to protect people, but that's not the only public health measure that has had huge benefits to humanity in the last 200 years.
Clean food and clean water have done that.
And so you look at third world countries, that's still their biggest problem.
And that's how there are outbreaks, because of lack of clean food and clean water.
You're right.
In fact, sanitation is what did most of it.
If there's a real disease, I want a clean vaccine.
I agree.
Why can't we get companies to do that?
I guess because they have liability protection they have no reason to.
So, you know, Alex, if I turn on the TV, I'm going to watch a dozen new medicines commercials, and they're going to, at the end of it, talk real fast about
And they're going to say it can cause headache, fever, diarrhea, death, and they're going to list a bunch of other things.
And people are going to think, dang, why would I take that?
But you know what?
With vaccines, they don't have to do that.
They have not had to.
They should ethically and morally.
But legally, they don't have to because they can't be sued.
Vaccine manufacturers cannot be sued because of a law that was passed by Congress in 1986.
I think all your viewers probably know that.
If the
But you know what?
Local news in Colorado is watching this.
They may have heard that for the first time just now.
Well, final segment, Doctor.
I know you're on your lunch.
Let's come back and talk about what we do about this.
They don't want us investigating it.
They don't want us looking at it.
Why is that?
They're really scared of this report because he sent me the documents.
They admit.
They've been on the newscast.
Yeah, you take this shot, it sheds Ebola, but it's weakened, which we said.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
I had a bunch of breaking news here.
British UK chief says news will be called up for a national draft for war with Russia.
That's up on Infowars.com right now.
And you've got the Germans saying it, the Swedes saying it, of all people.
It's just getting crazier and crazier.
Dr. Bartlett, of all the different Colorado and Denver posts and USA Day articles he sent me and studies he sent me, he keeps being nice, saying, Alex, you were right about this and that.
I just read everything he sent me.
They are right here with the U.S.
Senator talking about what a danger this is.
But notice, the media doesn't talk about the Senator or all the violations at the lab they're expanding in Colorado.
They talk about me like I made it up.
I've been chosen as the guy they say is the liar because they know you're listening.
And they know other people are about to listen.
They want to say, oh, don't listen to that guy.
Well, don't listen to me.
Do your own research.
So here's an article.
A new bat lab proposed despite CDC's past serious safety violations while working with bioterror pathogens in Colorado.
And then it's got a link here out of Fort Collins and the lab.
And I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to read this quote to you right now.
Reacting to the news from the new bat research facility, Iowa Senator Joni Ernest, Republican, warned, we cannot allow any batty experiments on our pandemic potential to be unleashed on our own shores.
Americans have suffered enough from Fauci funding risky research, which is why I'm working to defund ecohealth.org.
The taxpayer funded dollars to the Chinese state-run Wuhan lab.
She added, the world cannot afford another lab leak, especially one on U.S.
soil or near our military bases.
And then they admit that the so-called vaccine leaks.
So, Doc, we've got a few minutes left here.
Closing comments, because this is obviously a big story.
Now it's blown up.
They're trying to cover up.
They're very desperate.
Yeah, and so why don't they ask Joni Ernst?
So this is the United States Senator from Iowa.
Her first responsibility is to the people of Iowa, but she also cares about the United States.
And so why does she consider this a concern for the people of Iowa when it's in Colorado?
Well, apparently she knows something about this, and I agree with her statement entirely.
We can't afford another outbreak.
Another pandemic that starts in the middle of our country.
We can't, and we can't afford a lab leak.
And so who can argue with what she said?
But you know what?
I bet they don't read her quote that you just read.
That's newsworthy.
And so I just want to point that out, that even though she's from Iowa, she's a United States senator that has a concern about this very bat lab project that's under works right now.
And that's her opinion.
And I think her opinion is weighty.
You know, again, there's also reports... What is the name of that?
So here's another quote that I have found from the Coloradan.
You can go to coloradan.com, and the story title is Records Reveal Biological Hazards at Fort Collins CDC.
And the quote is, Two of the Fort Collins incidents involved...
Select agents, pathogens included on a federal list of potential bioterror pathogens.
The list includes pathogens such as those that cause anthrax, Ebola, plague, and certain avian or reconstituted flu virus strains.
So, hello...
We're just talking about the facts and stuff that's already been reported, but you're putting it all together for the people, and you're not burying it.
They're distracting.
They're doing smoke and mirrors trying to distract from what your message was for an hour-long show the other day.
And so they're cherry-picking and they're spinning.
But they're not doing it honestly, in my opinion, because... Yeah, we never said the nurses and doctors at Colorado Health are running a Bio 11 program.
We said the Pentagon publicly is running one, using the hospital as guinea pigs, and all the experts agree it's dangerous, including a U.S.
Well, yeah, the United States Senator says this bat lab that's being created is a problem, and her quote that you just read, I think, is...
Crystal clear about the threat.
And she's saying we can't afford this again, and she's exactly right.
I know you agree with what her statement is.
I do as well.
Who would not agree with that?
But the fact that they're vaccinating for Ebola for a potential future outbreak right down the road from Fort Collins where this bat lab is being put in is the news.
Why are they concerned?
Why are they preparing?
Not just concerned, but they're actually preparing for a potential Ebola outbreak.
So they're very upset we're spotlighting this, and now we move into the area of speculation.
You're a medical doctor, been on the governor's task forces, you name it.
Got another guy coming in here who's been on the governor's task forces with the border.
Clearly, they do not want us looking at this.
Well, and therefore we're going to look at it and we're going to sound the alarm so that nothing bad happens to American people because we care about American people.
And by the way, that's key.
We came out in August from my Border Patrol and TSA sources and said they're planning mask controls, which they tried.
But because we got ahead of it, they backed down.
We're here trying to stop this, folks.
And I think that's why they're pissed.
Well, we have a four-year track record of what can go wrong with medical tyranny, using medical excuses for tyranny.
And, you know, four years later, we hear that there was no science behind the six-foot-apart social distancing from Fauci himself.
You know, we see the evidence coming out over and over about masks and mask mandates.
You mentioned two weeks ago that they had no evidence of masks and no evidence of social distancing.
Well, I'll tell you, the Florida Surgeon General, the number one doctor in Florida, says that the COVID shots are not safe.
We need more information.
He says they're infected with DNA.
He says quite a bit.
Why don't you explain to people briefly why you don't want DNA mixed in with a vaccine?
I mean, I'm not a doctor, but I know your body attacks the pathogen.
Anything attached to it, it starts attacking, too.
Does that not cause autoimmune disorders?
It actually is reported...
It's up to 70 times the safety level, according to the FDA, of DNA contamination in these mod RNA shots.
So explain what that does, doctor.
I know it does a lot.
The concern is, does that DNA in a plasmid get into the cells and actually incorporate DNA code into a person's DNA in their cells, possibly to their eggs and sperm?
Which would cause cancer, right?
And we see cancer exploding.
And also, the University of Cambridge, that's a prestigious university, said that there's up to 10% of frame-shifting, that this modified RNA with this synthetic, not man-made, never-in-nature-before pseudouridine that has been put in the mod RNA shots...
causes frame shifting is the term they used where there's misreading of the code when it's going through the ribosome to make proteins and up to 10% of the time abnormal proteins are made.
Abnormal proteins that are not normal self.
When your body recognizes something that's not self, it'll attack it.
So by the way, I don't have a medical degree, but I can figure it out and say, yeah, you're right.
Damn right.
So the system knows exactly what they're doing.
Well, the University of Cambridge published it to the whole world.
And so it's called frame shifting with the modified RNA, making abnormal proteins 10% of the time, which has the potential.
There are abnormal proteins involved in cancers.
There's abnormal proteins could trigger autoimmune disorders.
So that's a fact.
And so you'll have the number one lawyer for the state of Texas, the Attorney General, Ken Paxton, who has stood against an onslaught, constantly attacked.
And he says that they have lied about the effectiveness of the COVID shots.
Of course.
And so we heard safe and effective, and they're still saying safe and effective.
But this number one doctor, the Surgeon General of Florida says, not convinced it's safe.
And four years later, there's evidence that there's a concern that it isn't.
And then you've got the number one lawyer in Texas saying, not effective.
So there you go.
That's the whole message.
senator saying, look out about this lab.
And you've got a U.S.
So they want to make it about Alex Jones instead of making it about what the real facts are.
Folks, don't believe me.
Don't believe Dr. Bartlett.
Just believe your own research.
Do your own research.
Dr. Bartlett, great job.
Thank you so much, sir, and we'll talk to you again soon.
Thank you.
All right.
We have a special guest joining us, Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Pete Chambers.
Great guy.
And he lives right outside Austin, Dripping Springs.
He's part of the big convoy operation that's about to launch.
He's going to be joining us coming up when we start the next hour.
Here's a few minutes.
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Hour number three.
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We didn't plan it like this because we didn't know.
To release Alex Jones New World Order Wars that's all about fighting Epstein and Clinton and Hillary and the deep state and the pedo rings.
Whole levels just dealing with that because that's the truth of how they operate.
And now the game went on Steam, the biggest online platform of video games in the world.
150 million users a week.
We're good to go.
We are taking back the culture.
We are taking things back.
This will fund the Info War going into the election in the next 10 months.
Don't let me fail you.
Don't take action.
Get New World Order Wars by Alex Jones now!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
What's his name?
From FEMA Region 6 in occupied North America.
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the resistance.
We are the Infowar.
I'm watching the midterms.
Man, you would think our country is Mad Max Thunderdome.
This guy is like, they're coming from Guatemala, they're coming from Mexico.
There's a liberal mob that's coming.
You want a truck?
You want a truck?
Who are the presidents?
And you would think everybody in the country is just like, to the bunker.
Hello, Americans, I'm Paul Harvey.
If I were the devil, if I were the prince of darkness, I'd want to engulf the whole world in darkness, and I'd have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I wouldn't be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree.
So I'd set about however necessary to take over the United States.
President Kennedy has been seriously wounded by this shooting.
I'd subvert the churches first.
I'd begin with a campaign of whispers.
With the wisdom of the serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve.
Do as you please.
To the young, I would whisper that the Bible is a myth.
I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around.
I would confide that what's bad is good and what's good is square.
And the old, I would teach to pray after me.
Our Father.
Which aren't in Washington.
And then I'd get organized.
I'd educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting.
I'd threaten TV with dirtier movies and vice versa.
I'd peddle narcotics to whom I could.
I'd sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction.
I'd tranquilize the rest with pills.
If I were the devil, I'd soon have families at war with themselves, churches at war with themselves, and nations at war with themselves, until each in its turn was consumed.
And with promises of higher ratings, I'd have mesmerizing media fanning the flame.
The President of the United States is racist.
If I were the devil, I would encourage schools to refine young intellects, but neglect the discipline.
I'd have judges promoting pornography.
Soon I could evict God from the courthouse, then from the schoolhouse, and then from the houses of Congress.
And in his own churches I would substitute psychology for religion.
I would lure priests and pastors into misusing boys and girls and church money.
If I were the devil, I'd take from those who have and give to those who wanted until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious.
I would caution against extremes.
I'm here to warn people.
You keep telling me to shut up.
This isn't a game.
In hard work, in patriotism, in moral conduct.
I would convince the young that marriage is old-fashioned, that swinging is more fun, that what you see on TV is the way to be.
And thus I could undress you in public, and I could lure you into bed with diseases for which there is no cure.
In other words, if I were the devil, I'd just keep right on doing what he's doing.
You know, I sit up here and I yell and scream about the New World Order and the globalists.
They're planning to get rid of the borders and release the virus and have a global power grab.
And you saw it all come true.
But there's a...
Inverse of that.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Well, it's been over a year since he was with us last, and I'm like, wow, why have I not gotten this guy on?
I'm like reading the news, he's organized with a bunch of other folks, multiple.
Convoys going to different parts of the U.S.
border, Texas, Arizona.
Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Pete Chambers.
You name it.
I'm going to read his little bio.
He doesn't want me to, but he joined the Army in 83 and served for a career spanning 39 years.
After his first honorable discharge, he had a break in service, complete college and medical school, University of New England.
We're good to go.
I think?
We're good to go.
Thank you.
...human toll, and his team has advised local and state law enforcement and community organizations to strengthen ties and resolve to organize effectively community response, disaster, natural, or man-made.
His team motto is Ever Stalwart, DrPeteChambers.com, and on X, Doc Pete Chambers.
Great to have you and your dog and your crew back with us.
I'm going to skip the next break or so, try to give you the floor.
The convoy is great, but your covert work on the border is incredible both for the government and for the state now individually.
So start wherever you want.
Great to have you back.
Good to be back.
So essentially what we're doing is with my team specifically, the Remnant A team, this is a ministry and this is a humanitarian effort.
But you have to understand this, that sometimes there's evil.
And sometimes men have to stand in the gap.
I think?
We're good to go.
But in that, the ministry has grown, and we are providing comfort to those that need it, the local citizens.
We are providing ministry in the form of revival.
This is the largest revival.
You're organizing Americans during the invasion?
This isn't an invasion.
Oh, absolutely.
We briefed Governor Abbott two years ago on the invasion that was taking place on the border, my team.
When I was in uniform.
When I came here and spoke to you, that was after the reveal of the DMED, and I went to Persona Non Grata after that.
I bet.
Yeah, right?
And by the way, Abbott's not perfect, but he's getting more hardcore.
They ordered him two days ago to pull off the State Guard.
He doubled down more barbed wire.
So what's happening there from the ground, two days ago I was there, the National Guard, the state of Texas, is holding their own.
However, however, the Supreme Court is going against what the Constitution says.
The Constitution is law.
They're using tort law to argue Hegelian dialectics to snake their way through to say, well, you know, it's not safe for the migrants.
Well, there's people drowning on that river all the time.
My guys have responded to it.
We lost a soldier at Eagle Pass because he tried to rescue somebody down there.
So don't tell me that it's that.
They're using the argument of public safety to accelerate the crisis that created the public safety problem.
Which is Hegelian in nature, because we're focusing on that and not the actual Constitution, which is the law.
The Constitution is what we go by.
And you know how I know that the government agrees with me?
Because they took the same oath that I did.
And when they take that same oath that I took, they agree with me.
But now if they don't do it in an invasion, that's treason.
Please continue.
So what we have here is a failure to communicate.
An old line from a movie, Cool Hand Luke, to communicate the truth.
And what this is, is simple.
This convoy, everything that we're doing, we the people, this remnant nation that is rising up.
It is rising up.
You can feel it.
You can.
And you're out there force multiplying.
That's what Green Berets do.
Foreign internal defense is our bread and butter.
Unconventional warfare is our bread and butter.
Now we're doing domestic internal defense.
You'll see it in the lines of effort.
Look on my website.
We never dreamt that we would be doing domestic internal defense.
This is what we're doing, legally, morally, and ethically.
But there is a factor here.
And the factor is for us, what gets us to the enemy quickly is to find, fix, and finish, exploit, analyze, and disseminate.
F3EAD, that's a model.
That's what we did in Syria when we took out ISIS really quick.
Now we don't have the authorities to finish.
So what we do, we find and fix.
We fix the location of where the bad guys are.
We pair up with law enforcement who is constitutionally sound because there are those down on the border.
I hate to say this.
This is the truth.
Without getting into any of the secret stuff, you've been there federally and state, but now you're down there as a citizen.
You're doing incredible work.
What is your report from the border before we get into the convoy?
Okay, so from the border itself, you have complete mayhem.
There's an old word from World War II called FUBAR.
And what that's doing is overwhelming the system, and the system is broken.
And we care about people.
But they're being used as pawns on that border in a larger chessboard at the world level.
We do.
And the globalists will continue to use these people to do more than just Cloward-Piven doctrine stuff.
Way more than that.
This is to destabilize.
This is Besmanoff stuff.
This is, we're going to take over your country from within stuff.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
France and England did it to China.
That's how they conquered China.
That's exactly what they did.
They demoralized them.
They got their trade routes that they wanted.
That's what the purpose of that was.
Now China's using that same method to come back and hit us.
It's warfare.
It's warfare.
Keep going, doctor.
So there are multiple lines of effort.
So the lines of effort, when I talk about that, that's a different level.
Strategic level lines of effort, operational, and tactical.
At the tactical level on the board right now, we're overwhelmed.
At specifically Eagle Pass, Texas is standing up for what is right.
Article 4, Section 4, constitutional stuff.
Also the state of Texas Constitution.
When we focus there, we uphold the Constitution.
We are trying to do that.
When A.G.
Paxton says Texas will not surrender, he's taking a quote out of this right here, the letter, that today, well, in February, is the anniversary of the Travis letter from inside the Alamo when he says,
Victory or death.
Come to our aid with all dispatch.
And he ends with victory or death.
Absolutely right.
That's where we sit now.
I wrote my own version of it.
I'm going to post the thing.
Want me to read it?
You got the floor, brother.
My letter to Texans and all Americans.
With credit to William Barrett Travis.
Letter of 24 February 1836 from the commandancy of the Alamo.
Fellow citizens and compatriots, realize I'm paraphrasing him, but for this time such as this, this Esther moment, we are besieged on all sides by forces of evil, and those who have chosen not to uphold their oaths swore to protect both the Texas and the U.S.
We have sustained a continual bombardment, continually, upon our inalienable rights and freedoms and have lost many souls.
The enemy has demanded a surrender of our rights.
Should we falter, the honor, prestige, and esprit de corps of the nation shall wane in the balance.
If this defense is pushed beyond our capacity, we will answer accordingly, legally, morally, ethically, and our flags will still fly proudly from the walls.
But we're in a fight, folks.
We shall never surrender or retreat.
Then I call on you in the name of liberty.
Of patriotism and everything dear to the American character to come to our aid with all dispatch.
If this call is neglected, we are determined to sustain ourselves as long as possible for what is due to our honor and that of our country.
Victory or death.
Lieutenant Colonel Retired Peter Constantine Chambers.
Let that sink in.
And it's the official UN plan.
They already destroyed Europe.
It's happening now.
Yes, sir.
This is, you know... Epic stuff.
You know what war looks like when you've lived at war for the past 20 years, and then you watch it shut down in about two weeks, and you end up giving billions of dollars of weaponry to your enemy.
We know what war looks like.
There is a moral injury in this nation.
On January the 1st, 2024...
At 0400 hours, a declaration of military accountability was released.
231 signatories wrote that letter, some still in uniform.
This is a call to aid with all dispatch.
Go sign the petition.
We need to get our legislators to either do their job or get them out.
So I want to look at the border.
I want to look at the convoys coming up.
They got a lot of attention.
They tried to ignore the last ones.
But just, you're a great guy, huge history, military, Green Bay commander.
How would you describe where America is right now, what the people can do, this moment in history?
Well, you can do this moment in history.
You're going to have to get active.
This country is, this is not, this is not the cognitive dissonance thing that people talk about.
That's minimizing this problem.
You are a prisoner of war right now, and this is called Stockholm Syndrome.
How do we get out of Stockholm Syndrome?
I'm going to tell you, because as a guy that understands Sears, survival, evasion, resistance, and escape, it's the little victories.
It's this convoy.
It's my preacher friend who's down there talking to people.
Not one thing we does saves us, but it's the resistance does.
Because we either die by a death of a thousand cuts or we live by it.
Explain that, though.
Resistance is victory.
Resistance is victory.
It is the motto of my last unit.
It was nous defiance.
We defy.
If we all stood down and rolled over to the globalists, where would they take us?
Completely to hell.
That's what it'll look like on our streets.
I've seen 53 countries in my life, and I've seen places where people don't have food, water, where they haul water and chop wood.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
These are real things.
There are real consequences to these actions.
So when we're talking about this stuff and this convoy, those people, God bless them.
They're leaving out of Virginia right now.
They're on their way.
They're coming through Dripping Springs.
We're going to hook up there.
We're going to take it to Eagle Pass.
We've got sheriffs down there that are on our side.
We've got sheriffs down there that are not on our side.
We're going to talk about the convoy.
Give us that down if you want, but big picture.
America's in a fight for it.
This is the globalist invasion.
They've been setting up for decades.
Beta's over.
This is it.
This is the assault.
This is the mainline effort.
Okay, so you have to understand, in combat, there is a mainline effort, and you've got to be able to see that thing, because there's this thing called the bang, which is the IED in the road.
When you are left a bang, and you see it coming, people like you, people like me, who've seen these things, whether in combat or not, you've seen these things, and you go, it's coming.
You want to wait until it blows up?
Then you write a bang.
Now you're reacting to it.
That's how we win.
We get left to bang on this thing, and we start getting our heads on right, and by little victories, civilians... Explain it.
So first we admit we're in a war, and then what do we do?
Okay, so you develop the information preparation of the battlefield.
You identify who the enemy is and who the friendlies are.
Now, sometimes you've got to work with enemies.
I've had to talk to Taliban warlords and get something done on the Pakistan border.
I've had to do that.
And this is an assault on Texas.
This is an exact assault on Texas because it is the prize jewel of the globalists.
I believe that.
That's true.
So keep going.
What do we do?
So what we do is we continue with all these different projects that we have, these multi-pronged efforts, because there's a mainline effort, and the mainline effort is sovereignty.
Keep focusing on that.
Then the supporting operations, the things that happen on the side, the little victories, getting the bad legislated out.
I don't put a lot of faith in the federal level, but in the state level I do.
And I want those legislators in there.
But we also have friends that are going up.
We've got a group of Green Berets and SEALs that are going up to run for Congress.
We've got to support those people.
All right?
I'll put a shout-out right now for the Virginia race against Vindman.
Remember that name?
All right, his brother, his twin brother is a JAG.
Oh, yeah.
And I want Cameron Hamilton to know.
I want you to search him out in Virginia.
And I want you to support that man, a SEAL, a man of honor, a man of God, who is running against a vitriolic...
Person that came after our whistleblowers and court-martialed one of our guys.
So at that level, that's where you can affect that.
So these are the things.
So there's a war literally happening now for America.
And so you've got to pay attention to the right people.
You've got to come to the right place to get the right information.
That's why my whole website is a line of effort.
It's all it is.
It's just look at this and then interact with me.
And tell me what you see out there.
And I'm going to tell you what I see.
And that's DrPeteChambers.com.
And that'll lead you to Telegram and to the X and all that.
So you've got the floor here.
I really respect you.
But should we get into the convoy or should we talk about what you've been seeing working for the state, the feds, all of it now as a private citizen at the border?
Because you've got the NGOs, the UN bases.
I mean, this is going on.
Okay, so we can start.
Let's just look at the 40,000-foot view in.
We're going to bring it in.
We're going to dial it in.
At the 40,000-foot view, what we're seeing as they come up to the Darien Gap, and you've talked to Michael Yon every day.
So Michael is a good friend.
He tells us what's going on.
And Michael Yon is our kind of...
Recon Scout out there, if you will.
Former Green Beret himself.
He's downrange, and he's looking at stuff and telling us exactly what's happening.
As we get the information up here, our people process it, and then we let the locals know.
So when Eagle Pass, for example, when that 12,500 came in, I knew they were coming in.
I was sitting on the ground with a team with a drone.
I told my boys on the ground, you got 20 minutes to get that drone up and down.
They didn't have any airspace, any problems with clearing conflicting flights, so we did it.
Highway Patrol showed up and said, hey, you guys can't fly anymore.
No problem.
Got it.
But we got the shot.
12,000 people came in in five hours.
Eagle Pass.
Prior to that, a year and a half ago in Del Rio, 17,000 Haitians showed up over 48 hours.
You know how we knew when we were standing by ready?
Because Michael Young called us.
That's how this works.
And that's what's beautiful is we have the natural intel of human people.
There are patriots there.
People that give a crap.
Just going to talk plain.
That's what it is.
They give a crap about this nation, about this Constitution, because if we don't, what are the results of that?
And the globalists never counted on you.
No, they didn't.
Well, you know, I was a whistleblower.
I didn't have a single thing on the Internet.
Now I'm all over the place on the kind of lower-level media.
But I want you to understand this, that this is a labor of love.
I would much rather be on my ranch raising longhorns right now, but I can't.
I can't, because this is a fight.
We're going to lose it all if we don't.
We're going to lose it all if we don't.
We're at 1774 right now, I believe.
We've got the coercion acts, the stamps acts, and all these things that are coming.
And everything is affecting the battle space of the future right now.
Every little bit of work we do is going to have a huge effect on the future.
Because the second and third order effects of tyranny are death.
That's just the way it is.
But the second and third order effects of courage, which is contagious...
This convoy, all these things.
No, I agree.
My team, courageous people.
I want to go into the border and then the convoy and give you the floor when we come back, but I don't want to say we're winning, but the globalists admit they get confronted everywhere.
They talk about, oh, we've got to censor people, we're losing, we need to trust again.
They weren't identified in the last few years.
They're not in a good position.
They're falling backwards because we've got a guy in front of them, little people like me with a sword in the sand saying, no, not today, not in this place.
That's right.
So how would you describe the battlefront then?
What's the battle conditions here?
So in battle, there's chaos.
And you can see the pictures there.
I mean, you're seeing it.
It's chaos.
It's complete chaos, and it's meant to overwhelm.
I'm a man of faith, and I believe that God chose Gideon for a reason.
He whittled down to 300 severely intelligent men, and they were willing to fight serious men, just like us, who understand battle.
And so this is where we're at.
And so I can't go into the details of it, nor should I, but just understand, Texas, that there are people standing in line right now who are paired up with local law enforcement, who are helping out.
The convoy folks.
What do you call them?
Look, the mamas that are out there saying, hey, look, we're sick and tired of this.
We're going to ride along.
I mean, you've got mamas sitting up in semis coming out here.
That's a risk.
That's a semi-permissive environment on that border.
That's right.
All the way up to Fal Furious, as far as I can tell.
But it's so obvious, not just this convoy, if millions of people peacefully went to the Texas border now, it would be over.
But people have got to get off their ass.
We need 100 million people to get off their ass.
The good news is we've got a lot of people like Joe Rogan to start talking about this, but they're still not calling for action.
I respect that man.
He's not calling for action.
He will.
He's going to see the courage and he's going to step up.
He knows how to fight.
He knows how to fight, and he will.
He'll step up.
I pray for him every day.
Yes, sir.
He was just texting me earlier.
He's come a long way.
I haven't gone all the way yet, but I think it's going to be people like him that finally wake up, and he's starting to do it, that it's going to be game over.
People can't get mad at me.
Roger that.
Yeah, I believe that.
We're going to break in about two and a half minutes.
What are we going to cover when we come back, Doctor?
We'll cover the convoy.
I'd like to get into little details of that just to help those folks out because this is the project that I'm on now.
This is my 50-meter target.
But then we can go into a little bit about what I believe this future is going to look like for us.
We've got a few minutes until break.
So there's an article on Infowars.com about Jamie White.
Take our border back.
Americans announce multi-state convoy to descend on southern border.
Spend a few minutes about what's happening.
There's a bunch of different convoys.
So there's three different locations that they're going to end up in.
San Ysidro, California, Yuma, Arizona.
I'm just the facilitator for the Texas bunch.
We're going to end up there in route.
They will be coming here from Virginia, and they will come down directly south.
I don't know their exact highways, probably Highway 10.
They'll end up in Dripping Springs, and then from there we'll take the back roads down to a little town called Quimado, Texas.
It's going to be on the website.
There will be a location where they'll link up down there.
There will be a revival going on at the same time, which is awesome.
But it's going to shed light to this situation.
To the dangers posed by a wide-open southern border.
That's the whole purpose of it.
And let's be clear.
People say, oh, this won't save the world.
No, it's the little victories.
It's the little victories collectively.
And it's people getting used to the victories.
It's like exercise.
You get into it.
Think of the energy that happens when these people get back home and start talking.
And then the next one that's going to come and the next one that's going to come.
And then we've got to uphold the Constitution.
We've got to stop the trafficking.
This is what we deal with.
It's just, this is the war.
This is the globalist attack.
This is it.
Folks, the bad news is we're in the new world order.
The good news is the fight's here.
It's like what the Marine Corps general said in Korea, I forget his name.
They were completely surrounded.
He said, we can attack in all directions.
That was Chesty Puller.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen.
We are completely surrounded.
But we got God on our side.
We got a lot of people.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, we got an incredible guy in here.
I'm like, wow, a year and a half went by since last year.
Why is this guy not on all the time?
He lives here in Austin.
He's been in the bush.
He's been on the border.
And he joins us.
Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Pete Chambers, an amazing Green Beret commander, is here with us.
And the governor just put out a statement.
Just broke.
Say again?
It's just broke.
I mean, literally handed to me just now, and I'm going to put on my glasses because I'm older than dirt, and they're gone.
24th of January, today, federal government has broken.
This is Greg Abbott doing this.
And by the way, if you're watching this, sir, thank you.
The last time I spoke to you face-to-face was in the hangar in Del Rio, Texas, with my dog who's sitting down here below me where we were working that border.
And you listened to us then.
Things took a little while for it to come around, but we've been praying for courage for you, sir.
This is what's happening.
You have showed it.
The federal government has broken the compact between the United States and the states.
The executive branch of the United States has a constitutional duty to enforce federal laws protecting states, including immigration laws.
On the books right now, President Biden has refused to enforce those laws and even violated them.
The result is that he has smashed records for illegal immigration.
This is what we're talking about.
This is the enemy right here.
This is their tool of that mainline effort.
Now it goes on to say that James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, and the other visionaries who wrote the U.S.
Constitution foresaw states should not be left to the mercy of the lawless president who does nothing to stop external threats like cartels smuggling millions of illegals, immigrants across the border.
That is why the framers included both Article 4, Section 4, we spoke of earlier,
Which promises the federal government shall protect each state against invasion.
And Article 110, Clause 3, which acknowledges the state's sovereign interest in protecting those borders, Arizona v. United States.
It's signed by Governor Abbott.
I suggest you get on his site.
That's a new Declaration of Independence.
They've broken their compact.
The social contract's broken.
We're under invasion and under the Ninth Amendment and the Tenth Amendment.
When the feds don't do their job, all rights revert to the state of the people.
This is what we were talking about this morning back at the one-shot work, our headquarters.
That's what Thomas Jefferson told him in 1776.
He said, you can dissolve our legislatures, it just reverts to us.
That's right, because the states created the federal government.
Despite the supremacy clause, which is a specific Hegelian thing once again, we don't argue in that realm.
We don't argue with tort law.
We argue with common law and with the Constitution.
That is how we get this done.
Common law is the original law.
It's the foundation.
And natural law.
It is the mama bear of that situation.
It's the mama.
We used to have common law courts in Texas, by the way.
We don't have them anymore.
We're going to get back to that.
Governor Abbott, A.G.
Paxton, please.
There's no doubt now.
He's thrown down the gauntlet.
He's told the State Guard, ignore federal orders.
He said, we're in a martial law.
They created a martial law.
Yeah, the lawlessness that's ensued has now resulted in this second, third order effect of us having to stand up by God's own hand and make this line in the sand that I'm talking about that's got the globalists on their heels, on their spurs.
And they are on their heels!
They're scared.
I don't tell listeners, folks, you've heard me 29 years on air, you're too negative, you're too negative.
I'm telling you, we're starting to turn right now.
We're starting to win.
So when they're on their heels, this is a momentum shift.
And when there's a momentum shift, those little tiny cuts or those little tiny victories, that's where we, the people, can make a difference.
One million people on this border, the next convoy that comes by, I'd like to see a million people down here.
We'd fix all our problems if a million peaceful people went to the border now.
It would overwhelm the system because that's the technique.
You tell me, Colonel, when I should go, I'm going to go the next, whenever you tell me.
Okay, we'll load up.
We'll take some horses down there and do it.
All right.
Yeah, I would suggest that every single person out there
We listened to this earlier, and I want to share this first.
Paul Harvey, If I Were the Devil, he played that during the break before we started here.
If I Were the Devil.
Everything that he said is happening to us right now.
This is the technique and tactics and practices of the devil.
Now we're coming in with the techniques and practices of the Lord and Savior.
So, to me, the feds are obligated by oath, and they understand Section 4.
They argue that, but then when they turn it around in court, and they end up with this result...
We're good to go.
These little victories are going to do it, and I promise you there will be more letters from Greg Abbott to our citizens in this state from days to come.
And I commend both him and the Attorney General on that.
What do you think finally triggered him to take action?
Just the outcry?
The outcry.
I know that.
Because every little thing that happens on that border...
When we get it out to people like you, because it's not going out on mainstream media, right?
We got the Ann Vanders.
It's only because the Lister's getting it out.
Yes, sir.
And those of us that have 6,000, 7,000 people that follow.
And everybody knows if we don't fight this, we're complicit.
You are complicit.
If you don't fight this, you're complicit because... You're involved in child trafficking.
You don't stop this.
And in the good, but that's called a sin of omission.
You can't just say, well, I didn't know.
Because the people in Germany in World War II that were sitting in churches as the trains went by, turn up the music because we don't hear them crying.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
And we remain the people, and we will stand firm to that grounding.
But that's what they're afraid of, is we the people.
Because they know that there will be accountability.
And accountability is what says, hey, I'm sorry, bro, you broke the law.
I've got to put you in jail.
So these convoys, just like this show today, won't save the world, but the little victories together will.
Many hands make like work.
Tell us about these three big convoys about to start, how people get involved, how they support it.
First of all, go to TakeOurBorderBack.com.
Now, I ended up being kind of the Texas lead on this as far as on the ground, telling them where to go, how to do it, to keep it safe, talking to law enforcement, making sure they understand it's a peaceful assembly.
All right, so go to that website.
It's right there at the bottom.
That's where you need to go.
Thank you.
And what that will do is it will show you how you can link up because somewhere along the way, you can start moving.
I talked to a Canadian trucker the other day that's going to come all the way from Canada to join this thing.
An Australian, he can't join this thing, but he came along.
I'm glad you mentioned that.
Guys, show the footage out of Europe, the tractors, the trucks.
Show Canada.
This is happening worldwide.
This is so powerful.
They're scared of this.
Yeah, they understand this, and they're ahead of the game on this.
We are behind the game on that.
And this is my theory on that.
Americans, we are comfortable.
We're comfortable because we can go down there.
Well, they're already cutting off their fertilizer and everything.
I mean, they're down to the wire.
Yeah, they're down to the wire, so they realize it.
But we have to use that as a temperature gauge because remember what I said about being left to bang.
The forecasting in warfare.
I'm going to interrupt you, but Europeans are known to be docile.
They're dumping hundreds of trucks of manure in front of the government buildings.
I mean, they're running over stuff.
They're pissed.
No, that's a perfect segue, because they know that they won't... You're explaining warfare.
That's okay.
They know that they won't eat if they don't do this.
That fuse to that bang is a lot shorter.
For us, when we know this and we see this information, that's intelligence.
And intelligence drives operations.
When I get intelligence, I see it.
And there's a global uprising against tyranny.
Let's join it.
That's the momentum, right?
So here's what I do.
When I go into a building and I got bad guys in a room and I hear magazines dropping on the floor when they're changing their mags, that's the momentum shift.
I've got to go in because they're now on their heels.
They're out of ammo and I've got to go in.
And sometimes you got casualties in war.
I got it.
But you have to move at that time.
You got to move quick.
And it's speed, surprise, and violence of action.
In this case, we're going to take out the violence.
But speed and surprise, they're going to be our allies.
So how are we decisive right now?
What do we do?
We are decisively engaged.
And the way to do that, now that they are on their heels, is to push that at all levels.
Anybody out there that's on the election steal stuff.
Anybody out there that's on the food service industry.
Redouble your efforts.
Redouble your efforts.
Dig down.
Get up early in the morning.
Go to bed later at night.
That's what I do.
That's why I'm turning gray.
This is just happening right in front of you.
But this is how this is going to work.
Is everybody... I love that.
Redouble your efforts.
Call to action is a call to action.
It's not a call to complacency.
I didn't create this little letter here because it's cool, because it sounds like... But it's exciting to fight tyranny.
Oh, it's the best thing in the world because we feel a victory.
When you feel a victory and you come home and there's honor... Okay, let me give you the rest of the story on Sear, on being a captive.
Nick Rowe, Vietnam, Green Beret, five years.
Okay, he was in a prison camp in North Vietnam.
He was talking about how to beat Stockholm Syndrome.
How to beat Stockholm Syndrome, yes.
When he came back, he taught us how to beat Stockholm Syndrome.
The little victories, but remember this now, because this is going to be key.
In your head, you've got to remember to return with honor.
The honor, prestige, and esprit de corps of what is that flag?
What is that constitution?
That's what we've got to return to because there's honor in that.
And that's exciting.
That's a win.
And I like W's.
So keep going.
Don't let all these attacks go, oh, my God, it's terrible.
No, this is an attack.
It's our historical chance to beat it.
No, because we don't live in a spirit of fear, and I'm going to share a scripture.
Is that okay?
Philippians 4, 6, and 7.
This kid taught it to me in downrange.
This is what kept him alive until the day that he took a round and ended up letting me go on.
Philippians 4, 6, and 7.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition, present your request to God, and the peace of God that transcends all understanding will guard your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus.
So I lived every day after that, learned that thing, learned it hard, and prayed my way through combat so that my hands would stay steady when I was stopping somebody's bleeding or putting their guts back in their belly.
That's what I did to stay alive.
So I might have taken a round or two downrange, but I didn't suffer anywhere near as some of these other fellers did.
And I promise you that, that these unseen wounds, although some of them come in the form of a vaccine in your arm, those are casualties of war.
You got sick from the fire.
I took the first round of that, and I ended up getting pretty sick.
Yes, sir.
But I also stood up and said to the general, hey, you're not going to do any more of this because there's informed consent.
He said, don't do it.
I said, that's an unlawful order, sir.
And that's when I lost the game of rock, paper, rank, but I won the game of honesty.
So it's beautiful, because I'm reminded by you, and I'm with you all the time, and I wish you would call me, I'll give you my number, because Tucker was like, hey, they called and said, hey, can you use your studio for interview Thursday?
I'm like, yeah, we're going to get him on too.
We need to get everybody on board right now for this trucker convoy.
Yes, sir.
How do we do that?
Okay, so, again, get back to the TakeOurBorderBack.com and understand that you need to get to them because they're getting ready to lay out, to get on the road there.
And if you can't, get down to Eagle Pass, go directly there if you get there on the 3rd, if you are within the Texas vicinity.
It is down southwest, this side of the Big Bend.
This is the last thing Mayorkas wants.
This is the last thing you want.
There's a whole bunch of people.
By the way, you're not just there for the media to cover you.
You're putting it out on X.
And Facebook and Rumble.
It's a huge media event.
It's huge.
And let me tell you about that coward, Mayorkas.
So I was down when he stood in front of a bridge that had 7,000 people under it.
The day after, he moved them out of there to say, these are not the droids you're looking for.
These people aren't here.
So the old lie was there was no border crisis.
No, they were.
Now they admit it.
So now they're admitting it.
So now they're not doing their jobs.
But I say that at the senior level.
At the tactical level, listen to this.
This is great.
This is insider information, folks.
The agents that are down there right now in Eagle Pass, this is what they're telling us.
Thank God for the Texas National Guard.
Because they're doing the right thing.
Well, they've ordered the Border Patrol to go after them.
They refused.
So we're seeing dissension in their ranks, which means that, once again... Which is decisive by Abbott.
This is really... I mean, I've got to praise Abbott here.
This is decisive.
I salute you, sir.
I mean, this is a moment in time.
He's forcing the crisis in the open.
This is a historic moment.
Yes, he's bringing it to light.
And for those who don't know, it's even come out, Biden is ordering the Border Patrol to physically go after the Texas Guard.
It's not happening.
So it's just an action of, we are literally holding the ground.
It was to be that there would be up to a...
Three-year jail sentence and $5,000 fine per guardsman that was standing in that Shelby Park.
That was what the intent was.
But it's not the intent now because they've backed off.
That was a paper tiger.
And so that's why I said this two weeks ago when I started.
I said, folks, don't underestimate this.
Abbott is creating a confrontation to show what's happening right now.
They are captured, absolutely.
And so what does that do?
That trickles down to those that are still in the ranks.
So my brothers and sisters out there in the Department of Defense that are still there, those people that signed that declaration, that declaration of military... Leak everything.
Get it out.
Bring it out.
That's key.
They may have the top.
They don't have the middle or the bottom.
A thousand cuts right now.
That's what we've got to do.
So they know that.
They're sitting on go right now.
That group is completely...
In tune with what they need to do.
It came out yesterday.
And I should have started the interview.
Biden ordered the board to physically remove them.
They said no.
This is a game of chicken.
The feds just lost it so far.
They backed down on this one.
That doesn't mean there won't be others.
It'll be counter-offensive.
So what are they going to try next?
Maybe they send a shooter down to shoot some of the illegals to make them the victims?
No, they're going to do what they do every time, which is they're going to put a bright, shiny object up.
They're going to find something else about Hunter Biden right now, or we're going to find something else that's going to keep us focused on D.C., the District of Columbia, which doesn't even belong to the United States.
It's a distraction technique, because that's what I do.
The border is everything.
That's the main globalist assault.
Yes, and the distractions are the flashbangs in the room.
All you've got to do is close your eyes, open your mouth, you'll be fine.
That's what happens when a flashbang goes off.
And then you get back to fighting.
But you've got to understand that that thing will come.
Whatever it is.
Disease X. Who knows?
You just had a doctor on that I respect.
And that disease process, that pandemic health emergency of international concern of the World Health Organization.
By the way, on the 27th, they're going to rule on the international health regulations.
That's trying to usurp authorities from all these nations who have not signed on.
But you know what the beautiful part about this is?
You were a private guy.
I'm getting to meet all these amazing men and women that were just leading private lives that are now being led to fight this.
Are you meeting some amazing people?
I'm meeting the most amazing people in the world.
I mean, these are people that, former Tier 1 operators, that people that have signed on to help us out.
You will never know them.
I'm the face of this operation, but you will never know them.
And they are doing things for this country on this border.
That you will never hear.
And it'll just be us with cigars and scotch one evening talking about it and said, you know what, good job.
What else can we do to save the country?
Second Chronicle 714, if my people humble themselves and get on their knees and turn back to me, I'll heal their land.
Okay, that's key.
We've got to have those prayer warriors out there.
The other things that we can do is you've got to be prepared.
Because there will be a period of time that, in my estimate, that they're going to try to squash us.
And I don't know what that looks like.
Is that going to be a... They're going to truck bomb a federal building or something?
Is it going to be a... Power outage?
Cyber attack?
Power outage.
I mean, the grid is definitely... They've been pre-programming that.
They've been, what is that, predictive programming?
Okay, so they've been doing that with these movies and all that stuff.
Just don't pay attention to that stuff.
Don't get in their game.
That's what you do on that kind of stuff.
Don't get in their game because they want you to be scared.
Fear is their tactic.
Once again, Philippians 4, 6, 7.
So we've got to remember that to keep them on their heels right now while we're pushing this, all these little lines of effort got to continue, those little victories.
And there are so many, but doubling down exactly as Alex said, I respect that, and I think that that's what each industry, each industry that's out there, each avenue, each line of effort.
Infrastructure, absolutely.
Double down.
You know, the people that, the railroads.
Let me tell you about East Palestine.
I don't know if you remember that train derailment.
I went up there and researched that thing, and I was there on the ground for four days.
That was a derailment.
That was intended.
Oh, anti-fuzz.
We're good to go.
There's a lot of cults going on, yeah.
And we need to keep exposing those things because as we expose them, they get more on their heels.
They make mistakes.
When you get people fearful, when they're fearful, they'll make mistakes.
Well, that's the good news is I look at the left, their controllers, and they even admit their documents leak.
They are crapping themselves.
So I'm not saying we're even winning this yet, folks, but our enemies are definitely scared.
Why do you think that is?
Because they're evil, and any evil hides from the light, and they know that there will be some sort of accountability, which will result in either, for treasonous people in wartime, it is a death penalty.
I hate to say it, but that's just a fact.
Well, and that's my concern, is they're creating such a crisis, they're going to lose.
I can see they're going to, 90% chance they lose, or there'll be a nuclear war and we all lose at that, but...
I don't know.
I think that happens through the parallel economies, the parallel systems that are already starting to happen in Texas.
I deal with five different communities.
And those things are going to get us through those moments.
But we also have to have that next generation of legislators to stand up.
Because if we don't...
Exactly what you talked about.
In Bastiat, actually, the law, he wrote this, and after the French Revolution talked about this, he says that the whole purpose of the legislator is to conduct legal plunder.
He uses that over and over and over in that treatise that he wrote.
It's amazing.
Read it sometime.
That's how I understood what was going on at that level.
So we don't want to bring in another type legislator that's focused on that.
We need to have term limits.
We need to have not a career out of being up there.
We need to get rid of the special executive staff of the military that are the continuity... Yeah, what do you make of...
It's the end of an old order.
It's a rotting system.
Yeah, that's a rotting system.
They are the perpetrators of this brokenness that the military is dealing with.
1975 was the last.
That's where we're at on recruiting now.
Retention in the gutter.
Wokeness is breaking us.
We need to focus on war fighting.
But they wanted to purge the military, but it was so good, it destroyed their own power.
Now they're saying, come back.
Well, they said come back.
They wanted to do that.
But hardly anybody's doing it because they don't trust that system right now.
Look, my own son is going into the military with the intent of becoming a Green Beret.
And I have to tell him, understand the environment that you're going in.
God bless you for doing it.
But it breaks my heart to think that he's got to fight not only the enemy downrange, but the enemy within.
But he's willing to do it because we need those ranks to continue to be there to fill those ranks later on.
They tried to purge the military.
They did so well.
Now they're like, whoa.
They thought they would do a partial purge.
Now they're admitting that they're decapitated because of their own action.
Because the leaders that they got rid of were the critical thinkers.
The critical thinkers were the ones they got rid of.
The generals just play golf and act powerful, but all the real operators left, so they're blind.
They're blind in many regards, but there's still a remnant within the military that still holds true to that because there were some of those signatories to that declaration that are still in, who I respect immensely.
It's a paradox.
We've got two minutes left.
How do people get behind the convoy again?
So exciting.
I'll probably go.
Reporters will go.
But when does this kick off?
It's going to be kicking off in the state of Texas on the 1st.
There will be a little bit of the convoy that will circle the Capitol to now praise Governor Abbott for his actions.
Beep those horns and let him know that he's doing a good job.
It's peaceful.
It's a peaceful assembly.
Also that evening in Dripping Springs, people are going to come out there on the website.
You'll see it, and you'll know exactly where we're going to be.
And then after that, the convoy is going to continue on on the 2nd down to Eagle Pass.
And that's where we'll be located there.
And there's some other convoys all the way from the East Coast.
They're going to Arizona?
Then some will go on to Yuma, Arizona from there.
There will be also the San Ysidro, California portion of this, which will be just located for the people going to the West.
And I want to be clear.
It's not about tooting my horn, but I said last week, this is real.
Abbott's creating a confrontation, and I got attacked by people.
Oh, no, Abbott's terrible.
I said, no, he's moving over here.
There's major pressure.
Watch what he does.
I got to say now, they're putting up more barbed wire.
They're telling the Fed, screw you.
He's put out a declaration of independence.
Folks, when we get victory, when we've had defeat so long, recognize what it is.
It's like Elon Musk getting perfect, but he's hurting the globalists.
We need to stop taking victories as losses.
We got to get ready to win.
Because what happens is if they get you off on your heels and then you start dividing, right?
We've got to stop that.
There's no more uniparty.
The uniparty is kaput.
They're on their heels.
It's das kaput.
And we're building a new system.
And there's a new system coming.
And that's what they're afraid of.
That's what they're afraid of.
All right, Colonel, you're amazing.
Yes, sir.
Hey, promise me.
I didn't get your number.
You were here a year and a half ago.
Promise me you'll come in here on a mortgage-y basis.
It's a deal.
I love your dog, by the way.
Yeah, Joe's a war hero.
Where are you going after this?
You've got a lot going on.
Yeah, we'll be back down there in Dripping Springs.
We're going to take a run real quick to the border and back, and then we'll link up with the folks on the 1st.
All right, DrPeterChambers.com, on X, Doc Pete Chambers.
Thank you so much, sir.
Yes, sir.
20-second closing comment.
22nd closing comment.
Normandy D-Day.
Colonel George Taylor got on the shore and said, Men, there's only two kinds of soldiers on this beach, the dead and those who will die.
Follow me.
Let's go.
And they moved.
That's where we're at.
All right, fourth hour coming up with a great guest host, Owen Schroyer, 3 p.m.
and one hour, infowars.com forward slash show.
We're not lying down, folks.
We're fighting back.
And it's all because of your support.
Thank you all for your support.
Hour number four, straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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Change the world.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Daly, your guest host from katedalyradio.com.
So good to be with you today.
I hope you're doing well.
Two things.
Well, I obviously have a wonderful guest, and you're going to want to hear every single thing he says.
But I just wanted to say two things about the headlines.
Go back for the last two years and look at all the headlines, Biden versus Trump, okay?
You're going to see all the headlines.
It was this match from the very beginning.
There's no surprise what's going on right now in the headlines.
Go look for all the articles.
You'll find them.
From Washington Post to CNN.
Anyway, two horrible news outlets.
Also, they don't want you to fly.
Three articles yesterday creating the fear of flying.
If I were you, I mean, I'm making a concerted effort not to fly United, Delta, American, or Virgin.
I think that notorious for false flags, I think those airlines, those keep coming up, and I would just say maybe stay away from those ones.
That would be my personal.
I mean, you can do what you want.
I just think they're creating a fear of flying, so for a reason.
All right.
Mel Madison is a writer and financial services veteran, a fintech executive, leveraging over 20 years' experience in the realm of high finance, and brings this real-world authenticity to fictional narratives that one of them is coming out right now,
We're good to go.
The Bank of International Settlements and the endgame of CBDC digital currency and two different systems they'll be operating.
One for them, one for us, you know, the peons.
And just a healthy dose of economic realism.
And he quotes Thomas Jefferson as he wrote over 200 years ago, banking establishments are more dangerous than standing armies.
I 100% agree.
Welcome to the show, Mel Madison.
How are you?
I am doing fabulous.
Thanks for having me.
I'm so glad you're on with me.
You're a wealth of information, so I am just going to let you talk about what is happening right now.
But I want to start with the deep economic state.
I think this is a really good place to start.
You cover a lot of this in your novel, which I highly recommend.
You can go and order it right now.
It is Q-U-O-Z.com.
You might want to tell people why the name, first off, because this delves into banking, what's coming, what you saw during COVID, what's really happening.
Why the name Quaz?
So, Quaz has a little bit to do with a part in the book area where an AI supercomputer that is being operated by a powerful and shadowy organization that we're going to get into today.
It's called the Bank for International Settlements.
Not a lot of people have heard about it.
It is the central bank for central banks.
We're good to go.
What really drove me to stick with that as a device in the novel was also my love and reading of Frank Baum's classic, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.
And I'm not talking about the 1939 movie, but the earlier book.
So I'm going to stop you there.
We're going to come right back.
You're going to want to stay glued to this.
Trust me on this one.
He knows his stuff.
We'll be right back.
How do things end?
We'll be right back on the Alex Jones Show.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
My guest, Mel Madison.
The book was, Q-U-O-Z.
You can go to melmadison.com.
It's M-A-T-T-I-S-O-N.
You're going to learn so much in this hour.
I'm excited, actually, to have you listen to him.
So, let's go back to Frank Baum, the author of Wizard of Oz.
You were just getting into that.
And then I want to ask you about the real purpose of the central banks.
Yes, exactly.
So this is a not well-known story of our time, but there were riots and protests in the streets that were going on, you know, at the turn of the century around currency and around money.
And it was eerily reminiscent of what we're looking at today, where the government wanted to take away the people's money, right, and reinstitute a new system.
And at the time, the people really used silver.
And silver was
I think so.
The bankers had the gold and the people had the silver.
There was an act passed in 1873, I think it's the Coinage Act of 1873, that essentially outlawed silver as money.
It was known as the Crime of 73.
It was to move us all onto a gold standard only, whereby the bankers were the ones who were holding the gold and people were using silver, which was money.
We're good to go.
So, the book title,
Named after Oz.
And bringing all of this history into that novel and also touch briefly on the regulatory role and let's focus on the manipulation of money too, of the economy.
How they manipulate it even right now.
So what would help everybody, I think, understand the rest of the conversation is just to understand what is the purpose of a central bank.
So there's one purpose that they tell you about, and there's another purpose of why they were originally created.
What was the impetus to create an organization called a central bank?
And it goes back to 1694 and William III, the King of England at the time,
I think so.
We're good to go.
And the system is get money from the people through the central bank.
The central bank takes the people's gold, gives it to the government,
I think so.
We're good to go.
I think we're good to go.
But in the end, and we'll probably get into this later, but within 10 years, the $200 trillion plus in entitlement funding that is unpaid for, the amount of debt and spending is going to get so high that we could be heading for a necessary economic showdown, revolution, Bretton Woods 2.0 type situation.
Who owns the Fed, the Federal Reserve?
Yeah, so the central banks, whether you're talking about Bank of England or you're talking about the Federal Reserve today, they're owned by the member banks.
And this system is really set up to serve the banking cartels and the financial elites.
And so a lot of people, they'll say, oh, no, the Federal Reserve, it's technically, it might be separate from the government, but...
I think so.
You know, people, when you look at a bill that you have, there's always a little circle on there with a letter and a name of a city.
And it could be Richmond, it could be Dallas, it could be San Francisco, it could be New York.
Take a look at the next time you actually have physical cash in your hands and you'll see that it actually doesn't come from the Federal Reserve in Washington.
It comes from one of the 12 regional Federal Reserve banks.
We're good to go.
So who owns our central bank?
It's the member banks.
It's the banking cartel.
And as happens in all of capitalism, institution serves the owners.
So they're not here to serve the people.
They're here to serve the banking cartel.
The Bank for International Settlements, the thing that's not really talked about a lot.
We talk about Federal Reserve, and we mention it, but we don't really talk about the BIS, which is huge in this situation, right?
Yeah, the Bank for International Settlements, and this goes for everything I'm saying, it's not stuff that you need to find written on the back of an envelope somewhere.
They couch it in fancy terms.
They bury it in 25-page white papers or somewhere on their website, but they admit all of this.
The central bank for central banks is the Bank for International Settlements.
It's based in Basel, Switzerland.
Thank you.
Two-day meetings.
And this is the big shots.
This is Powell from the Fed.
This is the they whenever we're talking about they.
This is the they.
This is Christine Lagarde of the ECB.
And the other they is the people that are owning these Federal Reserve member banks, which you can look at, say, the Richmond Fed, and you see, who's on the board of the directors?
Oh, it's the CEO of Siemens.
Oh, what did she do prior to that?
Oh, she worked for Lockheed Martin.
So it's defense contractors, and their names are there, and they're public, and that's who they are.
And I think what would be great to get into –
I did a show here on Siemens because Siemens is a big name and we never hear about it.
They were heavily involved with the Nazi regime.
They pretty much are dealing with all of our trains and outfitting all of our trains here.
They get huge government contracts and also health care as well.
They're in our health care, and I wouldn't call it health care.
It's more like genocide, but they're involved.
Be right back more with Mel Madison.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Daly, your guest host from katedalyradio.com, The Kate Daly Show.
So happy to be with you.
You deserve to have a great day.
And also, this information really needs to be ingested today so that we understand what's happening on the monetary front coming in over the next decade, which we're going to talk about with Mel Madison.
What is the endgame?
We're going to get to that.
I wanted you to expand just a little bit more.
MelMattison.com, M-A-T-T-I-S-O-N.
You can also get his book, Quaz, that's coming out.
It delves into a lot of details about the things we're going to be talking about today so you have a really clear understanding of what we're up against.
And how they're going to play this system against us in the matter of control, which we all know is coming.
We've talked about this, but there's so much more to understand, too.
And so a little bit more on the BIS, the Bank of International Settlements, that never gets talked about, the blueprint for the future monetary system.
We need to talk about that, too.
And you could preface that with a little more history if you want to, Mel.
A little bit of history.
I don't want to get too much into it, but it's just kind of some fascinating stuff of this Bank for International Settlements.
It was started in 1930.
It was created to facilitate reparations payments from the Germans to the Allied victors of World War I. And that quickly ended.
The Depression happened.
The collapse around the world of economic systems began in the 1930s.
And the reparation payments only lasted for one more year.
So the BIS was searching for a mission, searching for something.
And their role as the International Central Bank for central banks began to emerge.
And what they did was throughout not only the buildup of the Third Reich, but then during the war, was they acted as the conduit for all of these international banking cartels to continue to do what they needed to do.
So it was a conduit from Wall Street into the Third Reich,
To build the roads, funnel the Nazi war machine, and then once the Third Reich actually went into action, they facilitated the economic takeovers that the Third Reich wanted to accomplish.
So one quick example of that was when Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia.
Czechoslovakia's central bank had left their gold, big mistake here, in the safekeeping of the Bank for International Settlements.
The Bank for International Settlements, after Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia, basically Hitler sent in henchmen to the head of the Czechoslovakian Central Bank and said, order the BIS to release the gold to us.
People in America were shocked by this, but the BIS did it.
The BIS literally took their gold, which was being held on behalf of the BIS underneath the Bank of England
And through more gold swaps, through all of their international gold web that they had at this time, took gold reserves that were in Amsterdam.
They did some bookkeeping entries on the Bank for International Settlements, and they loaded up the trucks and they shipped the Czechoslovakian gold to Berlin.
And so even as Hitler was invading countries, World War II is getting started.
This bank is enabling the Third Reich's buildup and playing both sides of the coin.
So this is who we're dealing with here.
You had a guy on the board of directors there that was the guy in charge of all gold confiscation from the Jews and from concentration camps, from people's teeth.
These are the people that have served on the board of directors.
And this institution still exists.
And this is the institution that Jerome Powell goes to every two months.
And five of the directors, I believe it was, that were there were eventually tried for war crimes.
And surprise, surprise, there were pardons, there were appeals.
These are people that were instrumental in providing the money for the Third Reich, and they got like two years probation.
I mean, you can't write this stuff.
And this is the organization.
And at the Bretton Woods conference, the Americans were like, we've got to dismantle this thing.
People in the government that knew what the Bank of International Settlements had done, they knew about their connections with John Foster Dulles.
They knew that...
I think so.
Everything at Bretton Woods that they said they were going to do, they did, except for one thing, which was dismantle and tear down the Bank for International Settlements.
It's interesting.
You know, you look back on the media, they never talk about it.
They never mention it.
I mean, mainstream media is bought and sold.
We all know it.
Just more evidence of that because it never gets talked about.
So they spelled out their plans for the tokenization, the digitization, right, of not only money but also of assets.
So this is where it leads us to today.
They are at the forefront.
So we don't want to get too technical, but there needs to be payment rails.
There needs to be central to central bank communications.
There needs to be this whole huge infrastructure set up to put in the new global central bank digital currency regime.
Thank you.
I think so.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Is the European Central Bank headquartered in Frankfurt with one common currency and the borders are gone.
The Third Reich's economic plan put into action through the BIS.
Today, that first step of what they did in Europe is that.
And they're going to do this by utilizing, as they always do, the technology that they have.
And so that's where we're at today.
You know, we can take this wherever you want.
But the tokenization... Yeah, yeah.
A lot of these companies... They're all from Germany.
Everything originates in Germany.
And it is kind of amazing.
So we're going to come back.
We'll talk about the tokenization.
And this also goes along with that plan, the drill that they did where they take everybody's stuff in an economic collapse and they let you off of payments for a solid year.
They did this October ago.
And then when you want your stuff back, so everybody goes, yay, we have a free year of no payments.
But when you want your stuff back, you have to go into digitalization.
We'll be right back more with the great Mel Madison.
The book is Quaz, Q-U-O-Z.
Be right back on the Alex Jones Show.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Daly, your guest host.
My guest is Mel Madison.
Mel Madison.
I'm saying it with T, so you understand it's M-A-T-T-I-S-O-N.
MelMadison.com, and the book is Qua.
So grateful to have you here.
And we're going to get into more of the endgame.
I also want to ask you, was COVID also cover for the financial looting that was going on?
I mean, complete cover, dry run through, whatever it was.
We'll get to that, too.
Let's talk about Bitcoin because when I was talking with you, a question arose actually from my co-host that said, you know, was Bitcoin just actually installed just to make us comfortable with this, profiteering off of this because that's why it has an anonymous owner, still unknown creator of Bitcoin, but they shoved this out to gain some trust?
Yes, so Satoshi Nakamoto is just this name that somehow is out there in the ether based upon a white paper that showed up whenever that was 2008 or 2010 when Bitcoin came along.
I'm using the term he, but we don't know who he is.
Is he the CIA?
Is he...
I think?
So my personal thought on Bitcoin is I don't know.
It could be legitimate.
I have to be honest about that.
It could be as legitimate.
I mean, it could be a random person.
It could also be a PSYOP.
It could be designed to have a backdoor and create a collapse and fall apart in 2030.
We just don't really know enough about it.
I think so.
Thank you.
Stablecoins that represent a threat to this entire economic system that they're also trying to get ahead of by the release of a two-tier CBDC system, which keeps the commercial banks still at the center of power and money.
And that's the main reason I think CBDCs are coming.
So, I was mentioning a drill where, I think this was 2022, October, where the government did a drill.
And what they did was it was an economic collapse drill.
And they told people, okay, you get to go for up to a year without any payments on any of your stuff.
And so, of course, when people are given something like that little break...
So, I think you're exactly right.
I think that whenever, you know, beware of Greeks bearing gifts, right?
So, whenever the government is giving you stimulus checks or they're talking about things like universal basic income or they're giving you a break from interest payments, right?
They're great packagers.
They're great at rapping.
They know how to play us.
We're like a violin to them.
Stratus Various, he's the maker.
I guess he probably played too.
They know what they're doing.
This is not their first rodeo.
This is not a group of bumbling fools who have no idea about human nature or how people react to things.
I think that
They know they need a way to suck people in and things always look better on the face of it.
And then they've got you right where they want you and then they can spring their trap.
And it will be like that with CBDCs where they'll talk all this game about privacy and how it's just going to be so amazing for you and your
I think so.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
The way they raise interest rates and then they had to stop raising it.
We're good to go.
Not the $34 trillion you hear about debt, but if you look at the big thing where the money goes, it's Social Security and it's Medicare payments.
And we maxed out in 2020.
We hit a peak, and we're just declining, declining, declining.
The Congressional Budget Office puts out all the figures, and it's going to be empty in 2030, in 2033, excuse me.
And as we lead up to that,
I think?
I think?
So there's nothing you can do about it.
There's not a paper note out there.
There's not a bank you can go to.
And they have the mechanism all in place to do a complete reboot of the economic system and skew everything in their favor once again.
Alex Jones Show!
We're good to go.
I think?
Did not get the shots, and I think they faked the numbers for the boosters because after the first shot, people weren't getting a lot of the boosters, and I actually think they faked the numbers for the original shot.
Nobody wanted what they were selling.
Not nobody, but a big portion of the people.
But they will fudge those numbers, too.
When we come back, I want to talk a little bit more about the future, about what's coming, and you noted, too, that the World Economic Forum was really talking about how these CBDCs
Could be used to limit purchases, like you said, of just about everything.
So you get to the grocery store, you've harmed the climate too much, you can't buy said groceries or you can't get said fuel.
Those types of things are coming.
Be right back on the Alex Jones Show more with Mel Madison.com.
Mel Madison of the book Quaz.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
My guest Mel Madison of melmadison.com and of course the book coming out this month is called Quaz.
It's a book talking about how AI, how the CBDC, everything collides, everything intersects.
A lot of history also and you'll love this book.
So we had the cash dilemma that happened to this little dry run in India.
Yes, Mel?
Can you hear me okay?
I had a little brief hiccup in the audio there.
Yes, talk about Nigeria.
Okay, so Nigeria was, again, you know, this isn't their first rodeo.
They do feints.
They do reconnaissance in force.
And so the CBDC rollout in Nigeria was one of those.
And Nigeria is a large economy, the largest in Africa,
I think so.
This would be the perfect type of an action that gets planned in secret at the BIS.
Let's see what Nigeria does when we force CBDC on the people there.
And they had their way figured out to do it.
They said we have too much counterfeiting, too much paper money being forged, and we're going to issue all new paper money.
And everybody in the country, you need to turn in your paper money and we'll give you this new form of paper money.
I think so.
I think so.
These are the actions that are happening.
This isn't some made-up story of what's going on.
This is what is going on out there in the world right now, but you didn't hear a lot about it or any of it on the mainstream news because the last thing that they want to start broadcasting is a story about the people taking power back and central bankers going to prison.
So you could see a time then when people would be told to hand in their dollar bills, their 20s, their 100s, whatever the currency may be, but they might get back $25,000 in CBDC as a little gift from the government so that you feel really good about handing in that cash because you're going to score some more money, right?
Because you've got to give freebies when you're doing this.
People will take them.
They will have one way or the other.
It could be exactly like you said, to encourage adoption.
We're going to give you 120 cents on the dollar of CBDCs.
And people say, well, I don't really want to do it.
But if I can use a CBDC through my bank to buy my groceries, and I'm going to have $120 to do it, well, I guess I will.
Or they're going to say, well,
Look, we're going to give a new round of stimulus checks like they did.
But in order to get it, you need to go online or go on your smartphone and create a central bank digital wallet.
And you need to start putting in your bio codes or your fingerprints and your eyes or whatever they need to make this happen where they can then start easing you in to having all of your life, all of your money coming through this app on your phone that's operated by
It's got a reserve system, and that's where the money is, and it goes through the commercial banks.
So you've got to keep your eyes out.
That's what InfoWars does, right?
And it tells the people about what the globalists are planning and where they're coming from and what to keep a lookout for.
And these are the things that are going to start happening where they're going to start priming the pump.
You would buy gold and silver.
Maybe create a bartering system within a community of people that you live by.
Shop at your local farmers.
Don't be eating petri dish meat.
Don't give in to a lot of these plans because we could foil a lot of this as a people.
We don't have to do what they want us to do.
They're going to entice us.
They're going to bribe us.
Be out of debt because debt is the way that they wrangle you into this hot mess.
But there are things you can do.
What else would you do besides for maybe owning rentals or rental companies?
Because that seems to be Klaus Schwab's way of the future if they get their way.
What else would you do to sort of prepare?
I do think that talking a second about some of those ideas, but one thing too about the people, the people are learning.
They are confronting something that they didn't have to confront in 1694, which is venues such as this where people can get the word out of what's really going on.
You're starting to see it in Europe where they're farther ahead on this.
I always look to the European Central Bank to see what the Fed might be doing next.
And what I find very interesting
Do you know which countries do this?
What are the countries?
Well, guess what?
It's Germany.
It's Austria.
It's Switzerland.
The ones who stay the most away from this banking cartel and systems are the ones closest to the seat of power.
Because they're the ones...
They're the ones who understand it.
They're the ones who understand it.
Look at what they're doing.
Look at what the central banks are doing.
They're stopping buying U.S.
debt, and they're starting to buy gold.
This is publicly available information.
You can look at a chart.
Central bank purchases of U.S.
debt goes down like a ski slope.
Central bank purchases of gold goes up like a mountain.
So the central banks are buying gold.
They're de-dollarizing, they call it.
And the people that live in these countries that are closest to this nexus of international economic power, they're the ones that are, you know, I mean, there's a reason why the Swiss have such secret banks, because they know you can't trust banks.
You know, I mean, this is where this all comes from.
And so, you know, what people can do...
There's two currencies, right?
They'll have their own while we're given this whole blockchain on the lie that this is all about transparency because you know fraud.
Because they did the same thing in India too when they ended cash overnight.
It was all about fraud, right?
Stopping fraud.
And so there's two currencies real quick.
One they'll use.
One we are going to be using that actually is kind of chipped just like you'd mark a bill.
But what are the two kinds?
What was the other one?
Wholesale and retail.
Wholesale and retail.
So there's
We're good to go.
I think?
And then you and I, you know, the plebes, we get the retail version of the CBDC and what this allows them to do.
And we don't have time to get into it, but it allows them to continue their fractional reserve banking system of printing money and creating money through debt.
And so all the money we have to keep our retail CBDCs with the banks.
We're good to go.
Our economy is growing at 4%, all of these things, when in reality we've seen what has happened to the standard of living since World War II, where someone with a high school diploma could buy a house, support his or her family, and send their kids to a safe school.
And now two parents can't do it, running around like chickens with their heads cut off.
Oh, there's so many more places we could go on this.
I'll have to have you back for a second hour because there's so much involved with what the plans are.
And it's not like they're shy about it.
They print a lot of this stuff out.
You just have to know how to look for it, where to look, and also who's saying it.
And like you said, keep your eyes on Germany.
What are they doing?
Because there's a lot of tells being given.
Mel Madison, thank you.
I really appreciate you.
The book is called Quaz.
Go get it.
It goes into a lot more detail.
You'll love it.
And I'm Kate Daly for the Alex Jones Show.
Really appreciate you listening in and appreciate the information, Mel.
Thank you.
We're good to go.
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