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Filename: 20240123_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Jan. 23, 2024
2803 lines.

This video criticizes the UN for using global warming as a pretext to impose a New World Order. It also discusses the UN's guidelines for digital governance, which are seen as an attempt to control speech, thought, and individual freedom on the internet. The speaker claims that human rights are fictional in the context of the transhumanist vision for humanity's future evolution. Additionally, the video promotes Vitamin D3 supplements and encourages people to share videos from Band.Video to spread truth and justice worldwide."

This report is based on a recent thread by Kim.com that I believe is important for people to be aware of.
We're good to go.
I think?
And if you know about Victoria Newland and the government she works for, then this is absolutely a possibility.
Independent journalist Gonzalo Lira, who was arrested and left to die in his jail cell by Newland's forces, did an excellent job describing Victoria Newland and the United States' agenda in Ukraine.
I highly recommend watching the entire thing.
But here is my short edit.
Victoria Nuland.
Russia and exploit it to a degree that is unprecedented.
Ukraine, since 1991, the collapse of the Soviet Union, has been a cesspool of Western corruption.
Oligarchs were not only allowed to rise, but were in fact encouraged to rise by the Western powers, in particular the United States, because the United States figured that by way of these oligarchs,
We're good to go.
You stay out of politics, and I'll stay out of your grift.
But what happened was that slowly over the years, Putin started edging out the oligarchs.
And even as he put in his own oligarchs, he started making those oligarchs smaller and weaker, which is what he's been doing for the past 23 years.
Had Putin not existed in Russia, Russia would be what Ukraine is today.
Americans started realizing this in the late 2000s, early 2010s.
They started realizing that Putin was subtly resisting them.
Resisting their attempts to turn Russia into a whore.
These Ukrainian extremists, they hate ethnic Russians.
And that fits very neatly with Newland.
Because Newland, throughout her career, she has always allied herself with groups that were
We're good to go.
And of course, she made sure that the Ukrainian army started getting seriously supplied with weapons, and she used that Ukrainian army, and she micromanaged this, to attack the Donbas.
You have to understand that in a very real sense, Victoria Nuland has been president
We're good to go.
With the ultimate goal of breaking up Russia and bringing back the good old days of the 90s, the good old days for the Westerners, the very, very bad old days for the Russians.
The Russians don't want a repeat of the 90s.
That was traumatic for them, as it would for any country.
Word on the street is that the current commander-in-chief of Ukrainian forces isn't up for the task of attacking their own nuclear power plant.
And so Nuland is looking to replace him with Buternovs, who will become the next Zelensky if he commits this war crime for the U.S.
State Department.
If these rumors are being considered by Russia, you can expect a major push to take control of Ukraine before it's too late.
Greg Reese reporting.
And it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight, you better believe you've got one!
You know, I sit up here and I yell and scream about the New World Order and the globalists.
They're planning to get rid of the borders and release a virus and have a global power grab.
And you saw it all come true.
But there's a...
Inverse of that.
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Lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
It's Tuesday, January 23rd, 2024.
The New Hampshire primary is open.
Trump is dominating with 286 days, 12 hours, 33 minutes, and 27 seconds for the most important election in world history.
I'm going to give...
Breaking analysis on the traitorous, treasonous, probably no doubt blackmailed members of the Supreme Court joining with the globalists to destroy what's left of U.S.
sovereignty in their evil ruling yesterday.
Here's the report I filed on it.
More details straight ahead.
Special guest and more on this live Tuesday transmission.
Everybody keeps putting faith in the Supreme Court to do the right thing.
But today they said Texas, even on Texas land, can't put up barbed wire, can't have state police, can't have Texas Guard.
We're good to go.
When you watch the congressional hearings, they never bring up State Department money funding over 70% of it.
The U.N.
funds 10%, Communist China funds on average 20%.
So in a consortium of the U.S.
government and Communist China and the U.N., they built these giant refugee centers and fly people and pay them to come and then stage and invade the United States.
Because if they built a U.N.
camp in northern Mexico, it'd be too obvious, so they do it in Panama and other areas.
So, I'm not going to make a prediction about what the Supreme Court's going to do with President Trump and them trying to take him off the ballot.
But everybody that's so sure, because it's constitutional, they'll do the right thing.
I think you're naive.
And I'm not saying they won't do the right thing, but you have to understand the pressure as a popular talk show host.
I've gone through the harassment of my family, the PIs, the demonization, the infiltration, the harassment has been incredible.
And I was able to deal with it because I knew what I was signing on to 30 years ago when I decided to fight this.
But the average politician is not built like that.
So, we're going to show you footage, just happened minutes ago, of the feds opening the gates of the border in Texas at Eagle Pass, removing the barbed wire, and Governor of Texas following the orders of the feds to do this.
And yes, the feds under the Constitution are in control of the border, but not when they facilitate the destruction of the country.
Texas has emergency powers.
In the federalist system, the feds aren't in charge.
We're good to go.
I think?
The Supreme Court is being intimidated.
They're going after their families.
They're clearly blackmailing them.
All the Republicans have taken special favors.
Nothing compared to Democrats.
The Democrats a decade ago, when there was heat on it, legalized.
They passed a law for insider trading.
So the Justice Department goes after a Republican for a crooked toenail, but Democrats can do whatever they want.
So let's not be naive about the power of the corrupt Justice Department and the intimidation they have over the Supreme Court.
That's what's happening.
I'm really concerned.
I think this is a major sign that the Supreme Court is going under their control.
It's sad.
It's very scary.
But the good news is they just had the day of us meeting the last week.
They admit they're losing.
Everybody's awake to them.
Populars are getting elected everywhere.
But they're going to fight back against us with their deep state corruption.
So we are starting to win.
We're winning battles.
We've not won the war.
But we can't be naive.
I think the Supreme Court is going to save us.
We have to wake up the public.
We have to elect local officials.
We have to remove the Soros prosecutors in local elections.
We have to mobilize to stop this.
So the federal government, with all the human trafficking and all the kidnapped children, everything Marburgers is doing, has come in to say to Texas, hey.
We're good to go.
Conservative states to go total blue and Democrats have bragged that's the plan.
So this is a military operation run by the UN, funded by our own government, and until Congress, here's the key, talks about the fact that the State Department's funding the majority of this,
We have no prayer.
But if we simply wake up to the fact that it's an organized criminal action, it's over.
So call Congress, call Talk Radio, make this video go mega viral and point out, and we'll link below this to the interview with Michael Yon today, that this is run by our own government against us.
They're blackmailing people.
They're threatening people, folks.
But they are on the wrong side of history.
And the people are waking up.
But we have to be honest about it.
So this is a sad day for America.
Abbott tried to do the right thing and instantly got blocked.
Please understand that this is replacement migration.
This is the globalist endgame and this is the new world order.
I'll be covering it all tomorrow live on the next broadcast at 11 a.m.
Central on the Tuesday transmission.
Thank you all for watching and God bless you.
All other networks lie to you about what's happening now.
InfoWars tells you the truth about what's happening next.
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Supreme Court openly endorses collapse of the U.S.
border, orders Texas to submit to illegal alien invasion.
And it's all financed by the UN, who's financed by the State Department, upwards of 80% of the funding for the UN bases built in Central and South America, the debit cards, the guides, the training, the plane tickets to fly from Africa and other areas of the world in to Central and South America and then invade up through the United States.
Now, they could just give them straight tickets into the United States,
We're good to go.
Let me explain how they kept this sacred with one story.
There's hundreds, but here's one.
Everybody forgets about Lou Dobbs.
He was as big as Tucker Carlson is now in the late 1990s into the 2000s, but really big in the mid-2000s.
10, 15 million viewers a night.
Number one guy on TV.
Way bigger than Fox.
15 million viewers most nights.
All right.
Fox's biggest show is at 5 million.
And you tuned into his show.
It was populist, pro-America, hardcore.
The rest of CNN was liberal and socialist and communist.
But they anchored CNN with the populist so people would tune in.
They had shows like Crossfire, so there was at least some debate going on.
Of course, Tucker was part of that before they got rid of the show.
And when he went over to Fox Business after he got fired, they kind of just shelved him there, but he still had top ratings for Fox Business of upwards of a million viewers tonight.
And it was about seven years ago that they moved to get rid of him at Fox Business, and it was in the news.
He did reports with...
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
The documents that through Soros, who was getting State Department money, he was then giving billions of dollars a year as the middleman to the UN NGOs.
And then they were financing with debit cards and with makeshift camps and the rest of it, getting the people to Central and South America, getting them up into Southern North America, into Mexico and into the United States.
And again, the same thing was being run in Europe, but Europe was a few years ahead of us.
And remember, they went crazy.
Media Matters, Soros, they threatened to sue Fox.
How dare you say George Soros is behind this?
But Soros had already posed.
We're good to go.
But because this was the replacement migration globalist takeover plan that's public and it's on the UN website from the year 2000 to 2001.
Great job, crew.
You actually found one of the articles, Reuters, George Soros' MasterCard to partner to aid migrants, refugees.
So all Lou Dobbs did, and I told you the year, 2017, seven years ago,
Eight years ago.
Notice, this is all from memory.
A lot of listeners tune in and they go, this guy's making stuff up.
Nobody knows all this.
He's got to have a teleprompter.
No, no, I live this.
So the crew just searches what I say and they put it on screen for TV viewers.
Radio listeners, you can just search anything I say and pull it up.
So Lou Dobbs reported, their own admissions that got the documents, that they were getting over $2 billion a year was being given to Soros alone to run the invasion of Europe
We're good to go.
Well, they freaked out.
And went completely crazy.
And I actually had an off-record conversation with a New York Times reporter, very senior, and they called me at the same time in 2017.
And they said, listen, this is an off-record conversation, and by that I'm not going to say who said it.
They said, we would like to work with you, and this has happened many times with other groups, Kissinger, you name it.
But I'm going to tell you, if you don't stop now, you're going to get destroyed the next couple of years.
You're going to be taken off everywhere.
You're going to be sued.
You're going to be shut down.
You're being given a warning.
And I said, this is a well-known person.
I said their name.
And I said, what do you want?
They said, it's off record, right?
People know I have these off-record meetings, and unless they bring up crime, I don't expose them.
We want you to stop running down Islam and stop running down Soros and the Border Project.
We want you to leave the transgenders alone.
And I said, is that it?
I said, you don't want me to stop promoting the Second Amendment?
They said, no.
These are the three things.
All right.
Now, you know Lou Dobbs got the same talk because when they attacked him and did all this, they kept him on air another six months or so, memory serves.
But he wouldn't shut up.
So they fired him because he has integrity.
He's not for sale.
Even then, you could stick him on Fox.
He'd have 10 million viewers.
But they had him relegated to the lower levels because of it.
So they are scared of this.
And let me explain something.
If I'm getting threatened over it,
And then all hell broke loose and I didn't back down.
If Dobbs is getting destroyed over it, you better believe and you better understand that's because that's their weak point.
And you better know, and that's where we're going next, that members of the House and Senate get threatened and that Rupert Murdoch gets threatened and that the Supreme Court gets threatened.
And all of this going after Clarence Thomas stuff was just a message to the other Republicans who are all flying on private jets with rich people everywhere, who are all getting free hotels, who are all getting a little extra goody good, because on their salaries you can't even live in D.C.
as expensive as it is.
And their corruption is mild and accepted and even written into their rules that it's okay.
But it's still unseemly.
On a scale of corruption, the Republican justices are like a 1.
The Democrats are a 10.
As high as it gets.
And they control the Justice Department, so they've always been able to commit any crime they want, however they want.
But yeah, clearance, Thomas.
I don't know.
The other Republicans are like a 15.
The Democrats are a 100.
All right?
So they're all watching Clarence Thomas get stuck in the deep fryer and get electronically lynched, just like in his confirmation hearings.
You already saw what they did to Kavanaugh and all of that stuff.
It's like they're doing to Trump with these women that you've never even met them, and they just get up there and make stuff up with no evidence.
They are terrorizing, going to their houses and threatening to kill them.
I mean, it's in the news.
And so everybody needs to understand that there's not a mechanism to protect this conservative court.
It's a great triumph.
Trump got them in.
They've been doing a lot of good rulings.
But I said months ago, now that this heat is on them, and you know they're getting calls, people are coming and tapping on them at the country club, and saying, hey, remember that...
Such gave your wife to be an executive on that board?
And then you later ruled on one of that company's subsidiaries' businesses?
It's going to be in the front pages of the Wall Street Journal next Tuesday.
Well, you don't need to be told anything, do you?
You understand?
And that's what's going on.
They're controlled.
They're being threatened.
And if you really want to defeat the New World Order, but these are lawyers and judges and they're all about secrecy, so it's hard for them to ever break out like Elon Musk has done from the system.
Or Joe Rogan.
Or Tucker Carlson.
I never had to break out from the system because I was never in it.
I've been getting prepared and trained for this since the day I was born.
Never been in the enemy camp.
A thoroughbred.
Truly not part of their system.
Truly organic from the people.
That's all God.
And it was God doing the training.
I can look back on it now and see every bit of it.
How evil was turned loose on me at a very young age.
I was attacked and tortured by the system.
Like something out of a movie.
And it was because I needed to be made strong for the future, needed to have my maturity accelerated now so that at 50, I'm the equivalent of an 85-year-old man historically, mentally, experience-wise.
My voice is the voice of an 85-year-old man.
All God's plan.
And I'm not talking about myself to talk about myself.
I'm just explaining they don't come from that.
I think that only empowers the establishment.
I would advise the Supreme Court...
I would advise their main target to not engage in their activity.
But I'll tell you, his house is bugged.
His phones are tapped.
He can just issue the ultimatum by talking to his wife on the telephone.
And within hours, it'll be in front of Obama's desk.
And above him, the Carnegie Endowment, the CIA.
He just simply says, you know, I'm going to hold a press conference tomorrow, and I'm going to explain how the rules work.
I didn't violate them, but I can see how people think.
It's unseemly.
But I'm just going to go ahead and expose the Democrat members of the court and what they've done.
And I'm going to recruit some of the other Republican members to go ahead and go public.
Because we're being publicly attacked.
We're supposed to just sit here and take it.
I'm going to go public.
Within hours, they'll call him up and say, Your Honor, we just threw the grapevine.
We just want to leave you alone now.
But see, Clarence Thomas and all these people keep operating like they're still in a free country.
They keep operating like it's the old America.
Hey, the gloves are off, brother.
And you're not in Kansas anymore.
And so you need to understand, you've got intelligence agencies coming after you, and you guys are slowly having your will bent against the American people in this republic.
And you would be a hero to use the Shakespearean technique to come out and say, you can say I was wrong to do this, you can say I was wrong to do that.
But I'm not going to sit here when I follow the rules of this court and have them misrepresented while these people are doing this.
And he knows full well the conflict of interest and the crimes those Democrats are committing.
Just like the insider trading that Congress does.
And he just flame throws the rest of the court.
Burns them to a crisp, metaphysically.
That's just one of the things that can be done.
But the bottom line is, stop rolling over to the intimidation.
Stop giving in to the crap.
Stop bowing to the threats.
I've done it.
And I'm far from perfect, but I'm not a crook or a criminal.
They've tried to, even yesterday, they had a multinational group out of Dubai trying to get in the office.
Call it.
So, let me tell you, if they've turned this stuff loose on us, they turn it loose on everybody.
And instead of taking it, the Supreme Court should stand up against it.
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I'm on Team Humanity, ladies and gentlemen, that loves God and loves our families and loves humanity and knows that we're destined to do even more incredible things than we've already done together.
And so, inspired by my conversation with Elon Musk recently...
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
I'm not on team NFL.
I'm not on team NBA.
I'm not on team Olympics.
I'm not on team globalist or wokeism in the New World Order.
I'm on team humanity, ladies and gentlemen, that loves God and loves our families and loves humanity and knows that we're destined to do even more incredible things than we've already done together.
And so, inspired by my conversation with Elon Musk recently, where he agreed with my idea to call it team humanity,
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
All right, so let's drill into the Supreme Court ruling.
I've got a ton of other news and big guests coming up.
But it's a big deal.
I shot that report last night at like 7 o'clock at night up here working with Rob Du and gave you my preliminary analysis, and it turns out to be accurate, but I wanted to do some research.
So I did about four hours of research last night and this morning and went and looked at the Constitution, Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights.
They all tie together for the meaning of it.
It's 100% clear the Supreme Court ruling is a pile of dog manure saying that Texas...
Cannot put up a barbed wire fence on Texas property.
It's not even on the border.
It's not federal land there.
And that for public safety and security, that they cannot try to screen for criminals, which they've been catching a lot of convicted pedophiles, arsonists, people that are already in the database.
And they were actually backing up tens of thousands there to make a point.
So I don't totally trust Abbott.
I don't think he's perfect.
I got big problems with him.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Says, the feds can cut down Texas razor wire at Eagle Pass.
Now, there's a lot that goes into this, but it's cut and dry that under the 10th Amendment, all powers not expressly delegated to the federal government are reserved to the states and the people.
That's the 10th Amendment.
I'll show it to you.
I got it right here.
But more importantly, the 9th Amendment says all the powers that the feds or the states have is also held by the people
And any time they collectively decide that something's being destructive of those aims, it's their right duty to overthrow it.
It's basically a repeat of the Declaration of Independence, a right to revolt, right in the Constitution.
And then it's up to voters to decide whether the governor is doing the right thing.
And we have massive human trafficking, tens of thousands a day coming across conservatively, total bedlam, crime exploding all over the country, illegal aliens sleeping all over the place, crapping all over the place, raping, robbing, murdering, 80-something percent are military-age men.
We've got new videos of Islamists saying, Do you not know I am Americans?
Soon you will.
I will soon destroy you.
I mean, just brigades of Islamists marching in.
And the left controls these people through Iran and can activate them anytime they want.
So this country is being massively set up.
So the Supreme Court ruling is a fraud.
I mean, on its face, Mayorkas is hijacked.
They can't get rid of him yet.
They're trying to impeach him.
He's committing all these crimes.
The Justice Department sees the control.
They're backing him.
We're under UN treaty.
They're building giant, they're already built, but expanding giant UN invasion camps.
We've shown you maps where they are, video, photos, drone footage, everything.
And this show and a few others, the only ones even talking about it.
It's like, oh, what do we do with the ones they get here?
Stop them coming here by cutting the money off.
This is financed.
It's like flipping a switch.
So, Supreme Court allows Biden administration to remove razor wire on U.S.-Mexico border, 5-4 vote.
And here's the stupid ruling right here.
They made it very, very short and sweet because they have nothing to defend themselves.
Supreme Court openly endorses collapse of the U.S.
The U.S.
border, orders Texas to submit to illegal alien invasion.
So they're aiding and abetting, just like official U.S.
government policies, the State Department, the destruction of our republic.
Now here's the Tenth Amendment.
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution or prohibited to the United States, to the states, are reserved to the states respectively or to the people.
Well, both the states and the feds have the power for civil defense and security and law enforcement.
Under the Constitution.
Under a duly elected government.
So when the feds, if a nuclear power plant, a federal nuclear power plant, but privately owned but federally licensed, was melting down and the feds refused to do anything, could the governor order engineers to go in there and fix the plant?
Of course he could.
And then if the feds try to stop it, well, that means they're in dereliction of their duty on its face, and the people have a right to revolt in any means necessary.
I'm not saying violence right now, but they're carrying out violence against us.
But they're trying to rapidly bring us into a global crisis, a national crisis, where that's what we think is the only option.
So they're trying to force us into that.
So there's the Tenth Amendment.
Here's the Ninth Amendment that I mentioned earlier.
The enumeration of the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Well, we elected the state.
It's obviously an out-of-control bedlam, massive criminal crisis, biggest human trafficking per capita in history, including children and sex slavery.
Does the Ninth Amendment... Everybody's pointing out the Tenth.
The Tenth is important, but this is 50 times more important.
It states it in black and white.
All the powers are to the states and the people.
All the same powers are the feds.
And when the federal government does not execute its duty, and the federal government does have the Navy, the coining of currency, and the borders.
The contiguous borders of the nation and interstate between the states.
But they've left their job.
They've quit their job.
They've walked off and gone and joined the UN and funded them to run this invasion.
So they're not just derelict.
They're not just not doing their job.
They're not just willfully negligent.
They are purposely, with premeditation, carrying out these crimes that are beyond felonies.
That are premeditated, murder-won operations to create a Mad Max lawless scenario and to finance it and to protect it and say MS-13 are all God's children.
This is a criminal takeover of the country.
I'll read it again to you.
The enumeration of the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny...
Or disparage others retained by the people, which we work through our state, so the people, and under it is the state.
The state is not above the people.
Comprehend that, folks?
So this is a load of crap.
And I love the new come and take it with the Texas Gonzales flag with barbed wire.
Come and take it.
Now, let's look at the precursor or the progenitor to all of this.
July 4th, 1776.
You may have heard of that date.
It's the birth date of this great republic.
Here's in Congress, July 4th, 1776.
And what's it say in the second paragraph?
The history of the present king of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over these states.
To prove this, let the facts submitted to a candid world.
And they go on to say, he is not protecting our country.
Western borders from attacks by savages.
And the liberals go, oh, ban the Declaration of Independence and call them savages.
That was the term the Romans used for the Germans because they lived in huts.
It just means people that aren't in the system.
He has refused for a long time after the disillusions to cause others to be elected, whereby the legislative powers incapable of annihilation have returned to the people at large for their exercise.
He just ignored the legislators.
He ignored that and just bypassed it.
So they're saying, well, it goes back to the people since you say it doesn't exist.
Get martial law going.
He has refused for a long time either such disillusions to cause others to be elected, whereby the legislative power, incapable of annihilation, have returned to the people at large for their exercise.
See, saying power comes from the people.
Thomas Jefferson wrote this when he was 33 years old.
The power of the people.
Does it get destroyed just because some dictator takes over?
It reverts to us.
We put people in charge because they work for us to carry out our will.
I'm going to come back and get directly into illegal alien invasions.
Hey, let me start by saying you do a great show.
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About four years ago, I had high blood pressure, and I was on blood pressure medicine.
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And I tell people the only thing I did with X2 iodine
I think we're good to go.
We are in the middle of a crude and ugly communist revolution funded by the big banks as a battering ram into a new age digital economy and a total surveillance state.
All branches of government are attacking we the people and they offer us only one option.
A meaningless vote in a rigged election.
What we can do is be prepared.
And you can support the InfoWar by shopping at InfoWarStore.com for products to help you through good times and bad.
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Our best hope still is and always has been a mass awakening.
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Let the world unite for truth, justice, and 1776 worldwide.
You're going to want to pay attention to what I'm about to say in the next 60 seconds.
Two new incredible products are now available exclusively at InfoWarsStore.com.
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You'll find them exclusively at InfoWarsStore.com and they fund their operation.
Real death is shutting off the economy.
The bureaucrats and the corporations control the economy.
As they vertically integrate the economy and consolidate power, they murder people en masse.
And Elon Musk has warned them that if you destroy civilization, you won't be able to have certain redoubts of it and certain city-states that still have it.
The Hunger Games model, it will destroy the elite as well.
And anybody that studies history and has common sense knows that.
The wars that are going to come out of the starvation and the inflation are being blamed on global warming.
The viruses that come out of the labs are being blamed on global warming.
The third world hordes being organized by the UN to invade are being blamed on global warming.
The mass starvation is blamed on the virus.
And everywhere we're told it's going to get worse.
Billions are coming.
Al Gore and Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton.
And the Rothschilds and the Davos Group and Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and Evaldo Harari say billions are coming to Europe.
A billion are coming to the U.S.
because of climate change.
No, because you cut their economy off because the IMF or World Bank controls the loans and ordered lockdowns.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
I got my bullets back in the interval war.
Quite frankly, never lost them.
All right, let's get back to the Declaration of Independence because study the law and common sense and Thomas Jefferson, the brainchild of our republic, the progenitor, the man who stated...
The power resides with us, not in some degenerate king, not in some controlled corporate church, but the people, and in the yeoman farmers, and in the producers, and the workers.
Not a communist revolution of collectivism, a revolution of independence, but through the unofficial collective of our will, we build a beautiful world.
Not a collective directed from on top,
A free market collective directed by common sense and logic.
So you read the Declaration of Independence, and it's how the king got rid of the courts and made the legislatures vestigial where they had no power.
And these were Englishmen that had come over here and were trying to set up their own government.
England had a bunch of revolutions demanding their own parliamentary system and freedom.
And the revolution here was an extension of the revolutions that happened in England.
That's why we had great support during the war.
One reason we won it was not just the French, but because there were a lot of people back in England that were rooting for us.
And knew that they were having their rights taken too, not just the people in the colonies.
So they talk about the fact that all the king does is take our money and then he won't even give the funds to raise troops to protect us from the Native American tribes who on the East Coast were even way more formidable than what you see in the Hollywood movies and stuff about the West.
Wars where we'd be up against 100,000.
And by the way, oh, they're the good guys.
No, they weren't the good guys or the bad guys.
You'd have one native group say, if you don't back us, we're going to burn you out.
But if you back us, we'll help you wipe out that group.
And there was just a giant French-Indian war right before what happened in 1776 unfolded.
But the reason I bring this up is the Supreme Court ruling.
And where the 9th and 10th Amendment comes from is specifically in the states that came out of the colonies and their right to defend themselves if the crown wouldn't do it.
One of the biggest bitches
What are you talking about?
The state remaining...
In the meantime, exposed to all dangers of invasion from without and convulsions from within.
Crime, gangs, rioting.
Because he dissolves the police power.
He has endeavored to prevent the population of these states for that purpose, obstructing the laws for naturalization of foreigners, refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new appropriations of lands.
Same thing.
Make it super hard to be legally here, but make it easy to be illegal for lawlessness.
He has combined with others to subvert us to the jurisdiction of...
Foreign to our Constitution.
And unacknowledged by our laws, giving his assent to their acts, pretended legislation, fake courts, rigged media, lawfare.
For abolishing the free system of English laws in a neighboring province, establishing therein an arbitrary government, and enlarging the boundaries of the so-called render, it wants an example...
Fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule in these colonies.
Shutting up a new martial law colony.
A beta test for everybody else.
See, they were smart.
So that's a large part of the Declaration of Independence.
I'm not going to read the rest.
Probably a third of it.
And the largest part of one subject is open borders.
So, hey, Supreme Court, you might want to read the founding document of the country.
The most important one.
Bill of Rights comes second, Constitution third.
This is what it's all about.
This is the ultimate document.
Every major historian admits.
This is the king daddy.
All over the world, every free country has been based on this.
This is it.
This was the revolutionary idea.
We look at it now and say, well, that just makes perfect sense.
Well, because you didn't have to fight and die for it.
Big deal.
This is it.
This is the flower of the Renaissance.
This is it, folks.
So, yeah, the Supreme Court ruling is pure crap.
And people are like, well, God, they're so mad they just opened the border up.
It's bigger than that.
They just endorsed the invasion.
They just signed on to all this stuff when clearly their ruling is a first-year law student would know is pure crap.
Pure BS.
So what's that tell you?
They are getting intimidated.
They're getting blackmailed.
And so I'm really concerned about what we're going to see come out of the Supreme Court.
And we should have a larger discussion and debate about where the Supreme Court's going.
And I know Congress listens.
I know the Supreme Court listens.
I'll leave it at that.
It's come out in federal documents, but they make quite an issue about the fact that Clarence Thomas' wife's a fan and a listener.
And all I'm saying is, we got a 1776 moment here, and Clarence Thomas is the cleanest guy on the court.
They set it up where it's impossible to be perfect.
Again, he flies on an airplane with somebody.
He's a criminal, even though it's legal.
He needs to come out swinging, like he did in his confirmation hearing when they made all that crap up.
But he doesn't ever play the race card, which this is beyond that.
It's a political card.
Since then, but he did do it.
Think as it was, he said, this is an electronic lynching.
And that's exactly what it is.
Nikki Haley said yesterday, oh, they're being mean to me because I'm brown.
You look pretty damn white to me, lady.
We don't dislike you because you're whatever color you are.
It's because you're a warmongering, idiotic stooge.
All right, we're going to start the next hour.
I think we're good to go.
I've just got so much I haven't gotten to yet.
We're going to go over it all.
I'll tell you what all that news is when we start the next hour here in just a minute and a half.
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One of the most frustrating things about being awake to the globalist agenda is seeing the general public still asleep.
By and large, not aware of the magnitude of the incredible danger they're under, but also the ongoing attacks and the magnitude of the death caused by the lethal injections, masquerading as vaccines.
It is so frustrating to see people going about their daily lives oblivious.
And you realize, Ingrid's not bliss, it equals death.
But people are starting to really understand how serious things are and that's a hard thing to do because to wake up to a disturbing reality and realize that we're in the middle of a giant biological weapons war against humanity and that there's mass sterilization that's already taking place and cutting off all the major energy sources is really hard to deal with, but it's the reality.
Facing it is our only chance to turn this around because stuff's about to get really, really nasty.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Well, the big guy, President Trump, not the one that gets money from China, but the real big guy, not Joe Biden, is knocking out of the park in New Hampshire.
In this little short segment before I come back, give the number out and take your calls on all the treason going on at the Supreme Court.
That's what it is.
I want to play some clips of Trump and Vic Ramaswamy knocking it out of the park yesterday and today in New Hampshire.
...use Title 42 to end the child trafficking crisis by returning all trafficked children to their families in their home countries immediately.
Guys like Adam Schiff and, you know, Shifty Pencilneck.
He's a marvel.
No, he's a structural marvel.
He has a neck.
And his head is like a watermelon.
And how that neck...
Can hold up that big, oversized, ugly head is hard to believe.
Oh, it's true.
It's true.
Big head.
It's like your finger on a basketball.
Some of these guys, they spin it.
No, no, he's a terrible guy.
Think of it.
So let's do a quick poll.
Number one issue, inflation or immigration?
Who thinks inflation is the number one issue?
Raise your hands.
Who thinks the border is the number one issue?
All right, now let's go back to the candidates.
Who is going to support Nikki Haley today?
Okay, you got one.
And who plans on supporting Donald Trump?
All right, guys.
We wanted to stop terror from coming into our country, but I couldn't talk about it because I didn't want to do that, and then the following day something happens.
So I went four years keeping my mouth shut
We're good to go.
I think?
You're getting involved?
Here we go again with the Middle East.
We spent $9 trillion, killed millions of people, including our side, their side, millions of people.
$9 trillion.
You know what we got?
You got death, you got blood, you got nothing.
And it just, we spent our blood and our treasure, as they say.
Our blood and our treasure.
And our blood is more important than our treasure.
And it's a shame.
It's a shame.
I beat ISIS.
You're right.
Thank you for telling me that.
You're right.
I was getting to that, but it's very good.
He's sharp, this one.
Thank you.
We did.
We beat the hell out of ISIS.
It was supposed to take four to five years.
We got it done in four months, I'd say.
100% of the ISIS caliphate.
Four months.
I'm going to do this.
Say a few words.
We love you, man.
Say a few words.
I love you back.
It's good to be back here.
We will speak the truth and get this done.
We are in the middle of a war in this country.
It's not between black and white or even between most Democrats and Republicans.
It is between those of us who love this country and a fringe minority who hates the United States of America and what we stand for.
Between the permanent state and the everyday citizen.
And right now we need a commander-in-chief who will lead us to victory in this war.
That is this man standing right here.
If you want to seal the border, vote Trump.
If you want to restore law and order in this country, vote Trump.
If you want to defeat the deep state, vote Trump.
If you want to fight inflation, vote Trump.
If you want to revive national pride in this country, vote Trump.
If you want to revive our national identity in this country, vote Trump.
If you want to make America great again, vote Trump.
That's how we're going to win this in a landslide in November, like Reagan delivered in 1980.
That's what we're going to deliver and Donald Trump is going to deliver this November.
Reunite this country.
You guys do your part.
Come out on Tuesday night.
End this primary right here.
Off to defeat Joe Biden in November.
And our best days as a nation are still yet ahead of us.
Vote Trump and that's how we do this.
God bless you and your families and our United States.
Vote Trump.
Civic's got charisma.
Say what you want about him.
He's got a lot of charisma.
Stay with us.
The Second American Revolution is happening now right in front of you.
And you're tuned in to InfoWars because you're either looking for the truth or you're already a patriot.
I'm asking you now to realize we are at the fulcrum, the crossroads in the fight for human destiny and human future.
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Without you, we're going to fail.
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But now is the time to make the decision.
I know there's millions of forms of media out there and all this BS, and the globalists hope you get lost in all of it.
But notice the globalists, the New World Order, are coming after us because they realize we've got their number.
Think about it.
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You want to support the tip of the spear?
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide.
It's Alex Jones.
Is there an echo in here?
We're definitely in the fight.
We're not rolling over.
That's what it's all about.
And the sky is gray
I stopped into a church I found along the way, and I got down on my knees, and I began to pray.
In our Declaration of Independence, we the people, for the first time in history, put ourselves where we are.
On top of the state, on top of the government, with God above us.
God, the people, our servants.
Not our servants playing God over the people.
And that is the revolution.
Now, I spent an hour on the Supreme Court decision to say Texas has no right to defend itself.
Well, in all common law, English law, Declaration of Independence, U.S.
law, Bill of Rights, Constitution, it's clearer than anything that the government has no right
I think?
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
And to go inside, and there are rocket launchers, and small artillery, and machine guns, and hand grenades, and nobody ever uses them to attack anybody.
Nobody ever uses them for wrong, because they have a responsibility in their train.
I was talking to Rob Dew, who spent, after college, I guess, a winter in Switzerland.
You can go there, and he's a big skier.
And I was telling him about this.
He goes, oh, no, I remember one time we were at the top of a mountain, we skied down, we'd gone back up, and the owner of the ski lodge said, hey...
Let's get a drink.
And he took them back through a little chasm there and opened these big steel doors and there was canned foods and whiskey and just weapons everywhere.
And they just sat there for an hour and heated up little gas stoves and cooked some beans and ham and drank some whiskey and got back down and went back down the mountain.
A nation of people with just armored fortresses everywhere, just weapons.
No established main military, but the citizens can go a quarter mile and open a big iron door, and there's rocket launchers and hand grenades.
We could be like that.
But instead, we're a totally different society now.
That was the idea back in 1776.
Now we have lawless criminals running around murdering, killing George Soros, letting him out of jail with literally no time served.
He controls most of the courts, as you know.
And they think all this crime is going to make us go, oh, because there's so much crime and so much lawlessness, I should turn my guns in.
I'll somehow be safe now.
We see through that.
And then the Supreme Court comes out and says, you don't have a right, Texas, elected by the people, our government, our extension of our taxes and our power, our servant, doesn't, and the trained men and women we have hired and paid cannot defend us.
Well, that's just like the Declaration of Independence I read where the king abolished the local governments and the local police.
And just let them be fed on by crime and invasion.
The Declaration of Independence starts with them saying, you're not going to disarm us.
And the war started because they came to take the guns.
Because they'd already said, you can't have cannons, you can't have muskets, you can't have guns at the armory.
You're going to pay our taxes, but we're going to let pirates rob you on your coast.
We're going to let the Native Americans attack you.
We're going to let criminal gangs that they learned secretly working with the British to rob the farmers and others delivering their tobacco and their cotton and their other products to town.
The British had set up what they've done all over the world, a criminal enterprise against the people.
And our founders said, no, we're not looking for a fight just like the captain of Bunker Hill said.
Pull up his quote.
Pull up the last quote on record in front of his men.
I'm paraphrasing it, but the quote of the captain, I forget his name, was a doctor something.
The leader of the militia at Bunker Hill.
And they had a group of at least five times the British marching up against him with their bayonets fixed, coming to the armory to take the guns, the little cannon they had, and their ammunition.
And he said, we're not looking for a war.
And we're not going to fire first.
But if it's a fight they're looking for, and if they shoot first, then it's a war they're going to get.
I'm paraphrasing it.
But that's where I get my quotes, folks.
That's my inspiration.
When I say I'm not looking for a fight, I don't know how all this is going to end.
But if you want to fight, you better believe you've got one.
Stand your ground.
Don't fire unless fired upon.
But if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.
What badasses we come from.
And he died.
One of the first people they shot.
Because he was the leader.
Put it back up there.
Now forget his name.
Pull up the name of that guy.
Captain John Parker.
Stand your ground.
Don't fire unless fired upon.
But if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.
And all you shooting your mouths off about how much you're ready for a war, you're probably going to get one.
And that goes for the feds, too.
I'm going to read it again.
Put the quote back up again.
Stand your ground.
Don't fire unless fired upon.
But if they mean to have a war, let it begin here.
And when the British shot him right in the chest, the whole thing started with his murder.
And people got pissed and they were tired of it.
And they killed almost every one of those British soldiers the next day.
And then, in the next few months, the beginning of the baby being born happened.
It went into labor.
And the colony spread her legs and out came George Washington and the birth of this country.
And if that's what they're looking for, that's what they're going to get.
But we're winning the culture war.
We don't want to go to the ditches because we don't want to kill the minions of the system.
We want to convert you.
We're promoting prosperity and common sense and decency and law and order.
Just join us politically.
Just join us spiritually.
Join wholesome, good people that believe in a human future and have got integrity.
But if you're so sold out to Satan, and you gotta have your fight, you're gonna get it.
And you're gonna get it back.
But I want the globalists to know this.
You think you're gonna sit here while we all kill each other like a bunch of dumbasses.
But now you know we've spotlighted you.
We've lased the target.
We're not gonna sit here in a civil war and murder each other.
I mean, that may happen at some level, but it's not gonna be the main fight.
It's going to be the tech heads and the bankers and the New World Order.
And just like they're fighting us another way with fifth dimensional and fifth generational warfare, you're going to be fought the same way.
And once the gloves are off, you've taken our kindness for weakness.
Once you take us into that zone, once you unleash that, you've signed your own death warrant.
I don't want death.
I don't want pain.
I don't need to have some physical contest with you globalists to prove I'm superior.
I am superior.
The people that love God are infinitely superior to you.
We are superior by our very nature and you know it.
It's why you seek to conquer it instead of joining it.
The only way
To transcend is to join God.
You'll never transcend by defeating us.
You pretend.
You can't kill a spirit by killing a body.
You can demoralize us.
You can try to make us weak.
You can do that all day long.
But in the final equation and the crossroads we're now in
You are the losers that choose the path of the New World Order.
And I want to be very clear on January 23rd, 2024 on this live Tuesday show at 12, 18, 25 seconds.
I've been saying for years we're at a crossroads.
Overhead shot, please.
In 2020...
In 2021 we were here.
In 2022 we're here.
We are already out of the crossroads.
The decision by humanity has already been made to go straight through the globalists and not submit or not run or not go back.
We are no longer in the crossroads.
We are now engaged in
And we're going in, through, and beyond.
There's no escape now.
There's no more games.
You're going to choose which side you're on.
The war is already begun.
To quote Patrick Henry, you will now choose which side you're on.
And we've put the people on a good footing for what's coming.
The preparation of the ground has been laid.
The soil is fertile for freedom.
We've done our work together.
And now we end one chapter.
Today is the day, in my view.
And now the new chapter begins.
And it's the chapter of war.
Will that war be intellectual?
Where we're winning?
Or will the enemy trick us into physicality, which we will win as well, but will mean hundreds of millions dead?
On the low end.
Yes, if you're a new listener, oh, like Glenn Beck said, Jones is scary.
No, Glenn Beck.
And I think Glenn does good work about attacking.
Reality's scary, my friend.
Now, I want to give the toll-free number up.
I'm going to take six, seven calls, because I don't want people on hold at the end.
I've got a big guest coming in next hour.
But I want you to specifically call in on my analysis the last hour.
You agree, disagree, what do you want to add to the Supreme Court?
They're obviously blackmailed.
What do we do about that?
Hell, they might rule against Trump, for God's sake.
I really want to get the essence of what you think.
877-789-2539, 877-789-Alex.
All right.
I just spent a lot of time on, obviously, the big issues there.
There's a lot of other important pieces of information that obviously need to be discussed.
So let me kind of blitz through a bunch of news here ahead of your phone calls.
Here, let's just start with this one.
The average person will read this and say, ah, look, the liberals are falling apart.
Everything's collapsing.
Boy, they're losing.
They are losing overall, but they're not losing here.
This was their plan.
Purging the military, purging the police.
And I'm not second-guessing the military or the police.
I'd be the same as them.
I'm just saying, let's admit what's going on here.
Zero hedge.
San Francisco police recruitment dropped 70% for 2019, despite $112,000 in rookie salary.
They directly brought in those systems.
Look at this.
There's been a two-decade-long study, billions of dollars has been spent, to look at cell phone radiation and decide if it causes cancer.
Well, they had all the early testing going on decades ago that found that.
And the big federal task force that did this found, and it's in the reports, that 800% is cancerous.
And so they're just upping the power of the systems.
It's not just cancerous.
Let's just rattle your DNA apart like a microwave oven.
That's what a cell phone is.
And a cell towers.
It also disrupts all cellular function.
That's why there's the agitation.
They can put a cell phone in an ant hive.
They've got studies.
And the ants start having deformities and attacking each other and don't know what to do.
And they start getting cataracts.
I mean, yeah.
You stick a cell phone in an eagle's nest.
They've done this.
And leave it on?
And instead of all the chicks surviving, maybe one of them does.
And it's retarded.
I mean, this is really loving and liberal.
Well, you got a cell phone.
I don't put it to my head.
That's the thing about... I'm not an engineer, but they've explained to me.
There's a little transmitter in there that sends a microwave-coded system.
And for however big the antenna is and the signal is, every time you go out the length of the signal, it becomes half as weak.
So if you're on speakerphone right here, yeah, you're frying the bones in your hand.
But if you put this in your pocket next to your testicles, big studies out there, that's one of the major losses of sperm count is just the cell phone frying your testicles.
So that's why the massive studies about whatever side of the head you put the cell phone on is the one that gets the tumor that never happened until cell phones happened.
Because it just cooks that spot.
It actually increases, like a 30-minute phone call, depending on the phone.
The new iPhones are even more deadly.
It heats the brain several degrees.
It's a microwave.
But I'm digressing.
Look at this.
No more research on cell phone radiation and human health, governments say.
And then you go on to say, well, we found that, you know, there's a lot of evidence that does it, but we don't know what to do, and so the federal government is killing the decades-long research program.
And then you put a cell phone around a bunch of answer bugs, turn it on, have it transmit, they run away.
Turn it off, they feel it, folks.
Statement by Deborah Davis, Ph.D., MPH, of the U.S.
Government National Toxicology Program, ceasing research on cell phone radiation.
Just like they don't even do testing on vaccines now.
They just release them.
No more research on cell phone radiation in human health, government says.
Just like there's no more research on any of it.
It's like we're not going to research glyphosate, Roundup, none of it.
That's not our job.
Just kill yourselves.
Let's play this clip.
Let's play Yuval Noah Harari.
He says this a lot, but there's another clip of him at TED TV.
He says, you think you have freedom.
You think you have rights.
That's made up.
You have no free will.
You're not a free creature.
Of course, he knows that's not true, but he wants you to give up.
He wants you to just think, well, then none of it matters.
There is no God.
I'm not a special creature.
I'm on this planet.
I don't have free will.
I thought it's the devil worshipers give us free will, they claim.
No, it's God.
They try to invert it with the knowledge of evil, which is a hack or a poison program.
No, I do have free will.
I do have decisions.
I can be unconscious and be a robot, but I decide to transcend and jack into God.
Many, maybe most legal systems are based on this idea, this belief in human rights.
But human rights are just like heaven and like God.
It's just a fictional story that we've invented and spread around.
It may be a very nice story.
It may be a very attractive story.
We want to believe it.
But it's just a story.
It's not a reality.
It is not a biological reality.
Just as jellyfish and woodpeckers and ostriches have no rights, Homo sapiens have no rights also.
Take a human, cut him open, look inside, you find their blood, and you find their heart and lungs and kidneys, but you don't find there any rights.
The only place you find rights is in the fictional stories that humans have invented and spread around.
And the same thing is also true in the political field.
States and nations are also like human rights and like God and like heaven.
They too are just stories.
A mountain is a reality.
You can see it.
You can touch it.
You can even smell it.
But Israel or the United States, they are just stories, very powerful stories, stories we might want to believe very much, but still they are just stories.
You can't really see the United States.
You cannot touch it.
You cannot smell it.
I'm going to do a whole hour-long presentation on this, but here's the bottom line.
Woodpeckers don't create hydrogen bombs or 747s.
Woodpeckers don't create Beethoven's symphonies.
It's BS, ladies and gentlemen.
We control our environment.
We build it.
What we decide to do, we do.
But he says, no, no, no.
You don't have any decisions.
There's no rights, so I can walk up, hypothetically don't want to, with a hatchet and cut his head off.
I'll go to prison because we decided we don't do that.
We decided to take control of the third dimension.
We decided to build.
We were made in the image of God.
He doesn't want you to know you have that awesome power!
You are Satan!
99 years on air, all I've wanted to do was warn the people about the globalists.
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Live from Austin, Texas, it's Alex Jones.
So the globalists cult members say you don't have free will.
They tell you you have no power and you're nothing.
You're just a robot.
Because they want to make you a robot.
They want you to lay down whatever they want you to do.
You have all Noah Harari.
All right, I want to go to your phone call.
If you just joined us, we're on a lot of radio stations and stuff around the country.
A lot of people tune in every second or tenth of a second people are tuning in or tuning out.
The Supreme Court ruling is totally unconstitutional.
It had a whole hour on it, proved it.
It's on its face that if the feds don't do their job, it goes to the states, the people.
And it's a few jobs the feds are supposed to do, and one of them is the border.
It's the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, Constitution, everything.
So, to me it signifies they're being blackmailed, they're being controlled.
We're about to see a bunch of other horrible rulings.
What do you think?
I hope the phone's up on that subject.
And it all ties together.
And I was nice about it.
I said five times, lovingly.
I'm going to take only a few calls for the next guest.
I just want to talk about the Supreme Court ruling.
I see about Europe protests and fighting back.
I'm not mad at Charlie here, but I don't know how that ties into this.
Let's go ahead and go to a caller on the subject I want to hear from you on.
I respect your view.
I want to hear on that.
And that's Louis in Florida.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yep, absolutely.
You're on the air.
Oh, hi.
Actually, it's Louise from Tampa.
How are you, Alex?
Go ahead.
So, I don't know how they got compromised, Roberts and Barrett, but I was thinking about how to combat this.
Is there a way to deputize everybody in Texas and just put a line of people at the border with their arms and just repel them, not shoot, just repel them, not allow them to come through, put a human chain right across there and say, Red Rover, you're not coming over, get to the other side.
Yeah, well, I mean, look,
It's in the state constitution, the federal constitution.
They're not following it.
The federal government's funding it.
It's a UN invasion.
It's treason.
And it's illegal.
And why would the Supreme Court rule on something that is so completely obvious?
I think it's pretty evident that they've been compromised.
And on what level, we don't know.
But the point is...
I think everybody has to just take a side, like you said.
Either you're on Teen Humanity or you're with Satan.
And I think at this point, we really need to just start talking to everybody.
And that's what God calls us to do, to be a witness.
For those who know Jesus, He asked us to share our testimony, be a witness.
Explain the problem that's going on here.
This is such on a deeper level.
It's spiritual, as you know.
But at the basic physical level, if we're going to hold the line, we've got to talk to each other and do something.
And I think it starts at the first level.
Just start making, you know, do that community watch, right?
No, I totally agree with you.
Thank you for the call.
By the way, we have some breaking news here.
Luis, thank you.
This is out of the Canadian Broadcasting Company, the state-run media.
Federal government's decision to invoke Emergencies Act against convoy protest was unreasonable.
The court says there was no emergency and Canadians' rights were violated when Trudeau declared martial law in the provinces.
So even their corrupt courts in Canada, because of the pushback and the awakening, want to act like they're against it now.
You say, well, they're controlled.
They are, but they're having to start singing to a different tune.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Because the Holy Spirit's always with me.
I can always feel it.
But I open the gate, tears start streaming down my face.
I can be in traffic.
I can be on an airplane.
I can be walking through the woods.
I can be laying in bed.
I just say, open the gate, God.
And it's just... And that's what they fear, ladies and gentlemen.
You do that, you transcend their little joke of control.
Thanks for the call.
Greg in Wyoming on the Texas crisis and the Supreme Court ruling.
Go ahead.
I thank you for taking my call, Alex, and I thank God for being an American.
Now, yesterday after the Supreme Court ruling came out, I saw a lot of people on X, specifically men in Texas, imploring for Abbott to not take this from the DOJ, Biden, the Supreme Court.
And I saw an awful lot of Americans saying,
That from across this nation that are wanting to stand with Texas.
And I wholeheartedly agree with this.
I agree.
We need a coalition of governors to just say, and not a revolution because it's our country.
It's an outside group that's hijacked.
To not say we want a civil war.
No, no, no.
To say we want the globalists kicked out.
And here's how we do this.
Here is how a person...
Like myself, from a small population state of Wyoming, this is how we stand up to those people.
We all go to our state capitals and demand our state governments to stand with Abbott and Texas.
And you get one small state like Wyoming doing this, it would send shockwaves across this nation.
Because it's all a political action.
It's to show the will of the states lining up for each other's rights.
And what you would see is a domino effect of Wyoming.
South Dakota, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, all of these... Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi, yeah.
That's exactly what would happen, and it only takes one domino to tip the whole damn thing over.
And notice, all these new Hollywood movies, Big Budget, is about Texas leading a rebellion, and then everybody joins us, and we've got to have the U.S.
military kill everybody.
Oh, the military!
Biden's like, the military will crush the rebellion.
We'll use nuclear weapons.
A city's full of different people.
You don't nuke a city because there's rebels in it.
Again, the globalists couldn't defeat Vietnam because they wouldn't give up.
We don't want to go to that violence level, but if that's the world they put us in, they're going to lose.
And you see, here's the thing is, there doesn't have to be a shot fired to make this happen for America.
All we have to do is stand up, get off of the couch...
Get out the front door and stand up for once.
No, I agree.
And here's the Achilles heel.
So many of these illegal aliens are criminals that have prior convictions.
If states say we're going to have our state police, when we pull somebody over for an infraction...
Run their information, find out who they are.
If they're a criminal, we're going to locally indict them and then demand deportation.
Again, it'll expose the whole thing and not just capitulate.
I appreciate your call.
There's so many things we can do, folks.
Charlie in Canada is trying to tire the European protest into fighting back.
Explain this to me, because the subject is our open border and the Supreme Court and what you think about that.
But go ahead from Canada.
Yeah, I'd like to talk about the Supreme Court for sure.
I didn't... I must have got cut off as soon as you said that it was about solely the Supreme Court.
It's about the borders, but just go ahead.
Yeah, so the Supreme Court decision, I believe that they're hoping for some sort of... They want a reaction from Texas.
And this ties into exactly what you just said about the movie, the Obama-funded movie.
This is all to do with some sort of Civil War provocation.
Or at least they're trying to make it look like that and have some sort of... Oh, exactly.
I agree with you.
And Biden's even proposed three months ago making the illegal aliens with ankle bracelets stay in Texas.
And you can't make this up.
So they bring them here, pay to bring them, and then make them stay here.
Yeah, it's... The writing's on the wall.
I mean, you've been calling this for a while.
I agree with you.
They're even making a friggin' big movie about it.
You know, it's... You gotta do...
I totally agree, and my biggest fear is they'll do a provocateur to shoot some illegal aliens.
The illegal aliens are refugees from the COVID lockdowns.
We love them.
They're being used as a weapon.
We're not against them.
We just understand we have to be against the globalist policies.
But what do you make of the big Supreme Court in Canada, federal government decision to invoke Emergencies Act against convoy protests was unreasonable.
Court finds Trudeau's implementation of martial law was illegal.
What do you make of that development?
Yeah, I just saw the court findings there while I was listening to you over the last hour, and it's what we all knew.
It's what we all knew was going on, and everybody wasn't allowed to talk about it.
And for some reason, the media was really pushing...
Yeah, it's pretty obvious.
It's just kind of scary.
I don't know, maybe it's different down south, but in Canada, like even my family, there's a lot of people that still really believe in that whole narrative, eh?
I've been trying to reach out to different communities and stuff and just find people that are more like you guys down south because unfortunately there's a lot of people that still really buy it all and now they're believing the nonsense with the European convoy and the farmers protests in Europe.
Now, if you do a quick Google search of German protests on Google you'll find that all of the media is trying to say that the protests in Germany are them
Protesting the right wing.
But it's just not true.
Well, almost all the protests are against the lockdowns, against the carbon taxes, against banning farms, and they'll aim cameras at them and say, oh, they're anti-fascist rallies.
I appreciate your call.
I'm glad I went to you.
I thought you were off topic.
You were dead on on topic.
Thank you.
Let's go to Travis in South Carolina.
Travis, go ahead.
This is Travis, a longtime listener.
Hey, Alex.
I wanted to talk about Texas and I think pretty much everybody before me has hit the nail on the head with either protesting at the Capitol or per se we use you as a lead since you have Twitter back, you have this back, you have this.
Just like January 6th, we need some way to spread the word without Facebook, without this, without that.
And we need to organize some sort of
No, I agree.
I'm trying to get the big trucker convoy that's going to protest the open border that's starting in Dripping Springs.
I'm trying to get the leader of that on.
So we're working on that.
But absolutely.
And I only have as much power as you give me.
If you go to RealAlexJonesOnX and share all our links, if you go to InfoWars.com and share the links, your email, your text, everywhere and everybody, when you get excited about us, we're unstoppable.
We have the intel, the guests, the callers, myself, the researchers.
We have victory.
The enemy knows it.
We've got the weapon of truth.
But it's up to you to carry the ball.
And I don't say that the bitchy way.
I'm saying you've got the power.
I'm the tail.
You're the dog.
You get that?
Yeah, we got it.
But like I said...
I don't know.
I just feel like the same thing with the other guy there saying people want to sit on the couch.
People don't want to hear about God.
And we try spreading the word, and people ignore me.
I mean, it's plain as day.
And there's a few of us, there is a few of us, a small majority, but the small majority could take it back.
Well, since the early 1950s, children were raised in front of televisions.
And so they, unless you play sports or whatever, I hate institutional big sports, watching it, but being a part of it is so important.
That's just an example.
People are not trained to be engaged.
And so they're kind of in a, like in the Matrix, they're in a pod, basically, and they do see the world as like an entertainment thing.
Does that make sense?
But those men and women don't matter.
It was a minority that started and won the Revolutionary War.
Does that make sense, Travis?
Yes, sir.
Yeah, I mean, that's pretty much where we're at now.
Yeah, so don't worry about other people that are in a trance.
We're good to go.
Give people humanity.
Give them love.
Engage with people.
Don't run and hide in your house and just watch television.
And I'm not talking to you.
I get it.
I want to go run and hide too, but I can't.
Break us down, make us run.
But what does Hank Williams Jr.
say in that great anthem of the Southern Man?
The Southern Man's not perfect, but it's what the globalists fear.
And if you said the whole etymology of it, where it comes from, is England and its civil wars and the Irish and the Scots and how the British could never conquer them but conquer everybody else around the world, and then how that rebellion spread to America and all the rest of it, is the South was founded by the Scots and the Irish predominantly and the Germans and others, and it was a rebellion against tyranny.
It wasn't perfect, but they fear that instinct that keeps saying no
Hey, Alex, how you doing?
Hey, it's
Because it's the same British Empire.
And again, the British Empire doesn't run it, but it's that model, that system runs it.
And you were talking before about, you know, and all the other callers are nailing it on the head, but
What we have to do is teach our children all this stuff.
Like, my father talked to me, he was a veteran, he talked to me about all these things.
I learned about the American Revolution, right?
Like, they talk about the mock trials, the taxes without consent.
Well, what's the administrative branch of government we have now that's all created?
All the stuff that Vivek talks about, you know?
If you read the Declaration of Independence, we're living it today.
Everything they were up against is the same damn, it's the same system.
We're fighting this, and you go to the grocery store, and half the magazines at checkout are worshipping the royal family?
That's not America.
That's the enemy.
Yeah, it's unbelievable.
And King Charles is leading the WUF for depopulation and cutting our resources off.
Go to hell, King Charles.
And it's not the British.
The so-called British royalty are a parasite over the UK.
Yeah, it's unbelievable, you know, that people don't put this connection together.
But the one thing here, you know, talk about the Texas thing, the Supreme Court stuff.
And they're attacking the first, the second, but if you look at the ninth, it's even more powerful.
Yeah, and he is right here at a decoration at this time, transporting large armies of foreign mercenaries to complete the works of death, desolation, and tyranny.
And then you zoom to video footage of our southern border, and it's just being bombarded with people that are being either paid to be there.
It's the exact same attack.
And just one thing I want to say, if I can, just one moment.
So I've been dealing with, in my personal life, with a narcissist.
And, you know, my son's mother.
And all the behavior I see is the same ways that they gaslight us through the media, and it's almost the same behavior.
And there's an acronym that I use to identify when it's happening to me, and I just wanted to share that for people to use to help them identify when they're being gaslit.
And it's D-A-R-M.
So the first thing gaslighters do is they distract you with some sort of statement to get you confused.
No, I agree with that.
They'll always create a fake crisis and say you're bad to make you apologize so they're in control.
Thanks for the call.
All right, William in California.
Last caller before we end the hour.
I'm bringing our amazing guest.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
Hey, Alex, you know what?
I have to say I've been trying to get on to your first-time caller, long-time listener.
All right, well, you've got a bad phone, so try to talk right in your receiver.
Yeah, I'm sorry.
Long-time listener, first-time caller.
I've got to go.
Sorry, your call's bad, brother.
We can't understand you.
All right, call back.
We've got a better phone tomorrow.
In fact, if you stole the phone, give him the call back.
I want to talk to him, but we just can't do it.
I can't understand what you're saying.
We can't have you on.
All right, we hit a lot, but there's a lot I haven't hit.
I'll intersperse next hour.
I've got four stacks of news we're going to cover next hour, and this is stuff they don't want you to know, so please be sure and be with us.
Look at this.
Here's the Ebola stack.
They're injecting people all over the U.S., not just Denver, and hospitals with the new experimental Ebola shot that's live and actually gives people with compromised immune systems Ebola.
That's just one of the stacks.
We've got Disease X stuff.
We've got so much with Dr. Stella Emanuel coming up.
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Before I play a little clip of the Who...
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Let's go out with a quick clip of the Who, and then we'll be right back with our number three.
I don't need to fight to prove I'm right.
I don't need to be forgiven.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Don't cry.
Don't raise your eye.
It's only teenage wasteland.
You know, I sit up here and I yell and scream about the New World Order and the globalists.
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It's Alex Jones.
Our message has been straightforward and simple, and it's true.
The border is closed.
Do you continue to maintain that the border is secure?
Yes, and we are working day in and day out to enhance its security.
We have a secure border.
We have taken unprecedented action over the past year and a half to secure our border.
I want to repeat my assurance to our audience this morning that the border is in fact secure.
No, he said that the border is secure.
Is it still the position of the administration that the border is secure?
Our position is that we need to do more at the border.
The way I figure it, we're on pace to hit 12 million migrants coming in the country in the Biden administration.
12 million, that's equivalent to the entire population of our state.
You got about 1.9 million, something like that, in known and unknown gotaways.
Yeah, I went border patrol.
And you don't know, you don't know.
To go after terrorists.
You don't know how many have come in.
If we let people come into this country legally.
Answer the question, Mr. Byer.
I am answering the question.
No, you're not.
If people came into this country legally, we would have a much better, more secure border.
Mr. Byer, you don't know.
You don't know who I am.
You're not smart enough to know who I am, but soon you're going to know who I am.
...news into CNN out of the Supreme Court.
This is a major battle between the Biden administration and Texas.
By a five to four vote along largely ideological lines, the Supreme Court has allowed the Biden administration to continue having access to the border and to take down that razor wire.
Everybody keeps putting faith in the Supreme Court to do the right thing.
But today they said Texas, even on Texas land, can't put up barbed wire, can't have state police, can't have Texas Guard try to stop the invasion happening, that Mayorkas and Biden...
They told the illegals when Biden was running for office, when I win, surge the border.
I would in fact make sure that there is, we immediately surge to the border.
They've set up UN camps all over Central and South America to bring them into the country.
The same invasion strategy that was used on Europe the last 15 years.
The billionaire George Soros says he's investing $500 million to startups founded by refugees.
George Soros has funded an app to help illegal immigrants avoid...
Federal immigration authorities.
What's happening as a result?
Is there somebody being prosecuted?
It's also a crime.
8 U.S.C.
Section 1327, which is aiding and abetting the unlawful entry of persons into the United States.
This app is pretty outrageous.
Not only does it allow the illegal alien to have all the magic language they need to plead their case, but it provides notice to their friends and family.
It alerts their attorney.
So in a consortium of the U.S.
And Communist China and the UN, they built these giant refugee centers and fly people and pay them to come and then stage and invade the United States.
Because if they built a UN camp in northern Mexico, it'd be too obvious.
So they do it in Panama and other areas.
And yes, the feds under the Constitution are in control of the border.
Texas has emergency powers.
In the federalist system, the feds aren't in charge.
Federalist system means it's a separation of powers and a division of powers, 50-50 between the states and the feds.
The feds are captured.
So this is a constitutional crisis.
We can't be naive.
And think the Supreme Court is going to save us.
We have to wake up the public.
We have to elect local officials.
We have to remove the Soros prosecutors in local elections.
We have to mobilize to stop this.
So this is a military operation run by the UN, funded by our own government.
And until Congress, here's the key, talks about the fact that the State Department's funding the majority of this...
We have no prayer.
But if we simply wake up to the fact that it's an organized criminal action, it's over.
So call Congress, call Talk Radio, make this video go mega viral that this is run by our own government against us.
So, you know, we do have a very affluent community, a lot of big homes, and what I'd like to do is direct staff to create a sign-up sheet.
So, you know, for individuals that would be willing to
To house migrant families.
But they are on the wrong side of history.
Please understand that this is replacement migration.
This is the globalist endgame and this is the new world order.
The affirmative task we have now is to actually create a new world order.
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You are listening to an Infowars.com frontline report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
All right, Tedros, Bill Gates, all of them have said a new virus is coming.
To bring in the New World Order.
The Queen of the Netherlands said that.
To bring in the world cashless ID.
And I couldn't think of a better person.
Thank you.
I think we're good.
We're good to go.
This is a bomb.
Nothing much happened in 2000.
Some deaths, mainly hospitalization, denying care.
Big deaths, 2021, 2020, 2023, from the shots, that's all come out.
And now record deaths going on, going into 2024, we're now here, 23 days into it, and there's almost no coverage of the death.
So, it's just wild.
Here's a couple of those clips, we'll get our take on it.
Florida Surgeon General says for us to stop getting the COVID vaccine.
Fox 35's Hannah McKenzie is joining us live in the Alert Center tonight.
So, Hannah, he says watching the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines is a problem.
Yeah, Luann, John, Florida Surgeon General Dr. Latipo says he has safety concerns pertaining to the discovery of billions of DNA fragments found per dose in the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines.
We're good to go.
And how the integration could affect unintended parts of the body, such as the heart, brain, lungs, even the injection site itself.
We asked a local doctor, Michael Sparks, to weigh in.
Dr. Sparks telling us with the state surgeon general saying one thing and the FDA another, health providers are left stuck in the middle.
New things are scary.
If we look back historically, we've introduced new medications that we were told were very safe, were going to be very effective, and they turned out not to be safe or effective, and they caused a lot of birth defects, things like that.
So it's not unreasonable to be worried about things that are new.
There's a class of viruses called single-stranded RNA viruses.
And some of those viruses include all the COVID strains, COVID-19, influenza virus, RSV virus, Marburg virus, Ebola virus, Hanta virus, and there are a few others.
The point being is that they all are single-stranded RNA viruses that use the same common pathway in making copies of their genetic material.
That's something called RNA-dependent RNA polymerase.
That's what I've been talking about for the last two years in the context of COVID-19.
But if we extrapolate that to think more broadly, then it's the same mechanism of treatment using zinc ionophores and zinc could inhibit all the strains of COVID-19.
Influenza virus, RSV virus,
Ebola virus, Marburg virus, and hantavirus.
This has tremendous amount of national security implications.
And I don't think anyone realizes this.
I'm pleading with our scientists and the honest people in our government to investigate this, because as the recent chatter in the news is going, we're seeing hemorrhagic fever from China, this concern about Marburg virus, antivirus, and Ebola virus.
These viruses carry, to some estimates, 90% death rates.
So I think there may be a solution to all these huge public health and bioterrorist problems all with one simple, cheap, oral approach.
Well, you go back four years ago, it was Dr. Stella Emanuel, people like Dr. Zelenko, who I love both, who were telling the truth, and man, as time goes on, they are evergreen.
They just get stronger and stronger.
All right, I've been wanting to get her on.
I thought she was going to be in the studio today.
We got our wires crossed, but it's fine.
She's welcome back next week, but who cares if she's not in the studio?
She's down by Houston at her offices, drstellamd.com.
I wanted to get her on about the medical doctor I had on last week, Dr. Bartlett.
And it has all public documents about injecting live Ebola vaccine.
They admit to give you Ebola in their own documents.
And she sent me even more, like we're talking 50 documents at least.
I mean, I've got like so much stuff that's coming out of my ears here of all the stuff I didn't know was going on.
So we know record deaths happening, and they're covering it up right now.
And everybody I know is either sick or their family's sick.
But it's weird, no fever.
And I haven't been sick since COVID three years ago.
And I myself have felt like, even though I'm taking all the right stuff, run over by a truck, but I'm still able to operate.
Other people are just super sick right now.
So we'll get into all that, but she also wanted to get into the war in the Middle East, the open borders, what she sees in the master plan.
We'll go a little bit in the next hour.
So that she has plenty of time to hit all of this.
And we're also going to talk about, obviously, therapeutics and the systems God gave us to defend ourselves and protect ourselves.
So Dr. Stella Emanuel, a medical doctor, very successful physician, and one of the original people, one of the OGs, as they'd say, very early on at the press conferences, right there with Zelenko and others, totally vindicated.
So Dr. Stella Emanuel, thank you so much for joining us.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you for having me.
Always a pleasure to come on with you.
Like I said, you were right on so many things.
We don't want to be right, but unfortunately, we're right on a lot of things that we've been talking about.
Like what late Dr. Z was saying right there, we've been screaming since 2020 that this virus, or so-called virus, is treatable.
And today, it really hurts me when, like I saw a report two weeks ago that about 1,500 people are still dying daily from COVID in America, and
That really just hurts me.
Although I don't think it's from COVID, a lot of people are dying from the vaccine because we're seeing among
Physicians and my friends were seeing a lot of people that are getting cancers, autoimmune diseases.
People are dropping dead from, you know... By the way, let me just back you up because anybody can type in cancer rates record level.
They say they don't know why.
live expectancy drops for the first time ever.
The insurance actuaries show at least 17 million killed by the shot, doctor.
Yes, a lot of people are... I mean, these things are happening and then...
I don't even understand why doctors are saying they don't know.
If a doctor just has a little bit of sense or want to look, they should be able to ask, what happened in the past few years that is bringing on all this?
In 2020, I said this, I said COVID was a Trojan horse for the vaccine, and the vaccine is a Trojan horse for depopulation and human 2.0.
And we have not stopped saying that, and
We have been vindicated over and over and over just seeing what is happening to our people.
Young children right now, 18-year-olds, 16-year-olds, getting strokes and high blood pressures and getting strokes, getting, you know, autoimmune diseases, just unprecedented.
I mean, I practiced as a pediatrician for years before I started working in the emergency room.
And you don't see 18-year-olds and 16-year-olds having a stroke or having heart attacks.
Right now it's happening, 20-something-year-olds having heart attacks and
Everybody looks at it.
They're acting as if it's okay.
No, it's not okay.
And by the way, next time you come on Semi the Eclipse, I remember you saying it at the time and having you on the show later, you predicted that the so-called virus was the cover for the shot.
And there's a perfect analogy.
I tweeted this three days ago and I got millions of views.
You see civilization.
The COVID scam bred the vaccine genocide that breeds the climate scam to cut off the food.
We are now in the third wave.
We are now actually, like Alex, you've seen this and so have many other people that are seeing it right now.
But this is like an attack on humanity.
It's coming in different ways.
Their bottom line is they want to digitalize everybody.
They want to kill people, digitalize the rest, and control them.
And they're going to do it in various ways.
They're going to use the medical part.
And why they're using the medical part is because, of course, we know humanity is scared of disease and death.
And of course, if they can't use the medical part, they're going to try and use security.
Oh, cheap your children.
They're trying to do it in Kenya right now.
You cheat children when they are born.
Cheap your children so that they can be safe.
If they can't do it that way, they're going to try to sell it as, you know, financial stuff.
They want to crash our economy.
Germany, right now, they have farmers in Germany that are rioting because they are taking subsidies away.
It happened in Nigeria.
And they want to do all that.
So that they can destroy our food supply.
And then there will be starvation.
And when there's starvation, the next thing they will introduce, of course, is universal basic income.
And they want you to take it in a chip under your skin so that they can control you.
And, of course, when... And, by the way, that's official W-E-F-U.
They want chips.
They were official again this week.
And if they don't succeed, then they will try to force us and push us into camps.
And they are saying it, that when the next pandemic happens, you know about this whole thing about disease X, when the next pandemic happens, they should let regular people that are vaccinated continue to live their normal lives, and people like us that are anti-vaxxers, they should lock us in camps.
So at the end of the day,
It's like a total control.
Even when you go to border crisis, they're releasing criminals on the streets to attack people or releasing drugs in our communities.
They just want to tear down our world as we know it right now.
And they are so desperate right now.
Alex, you know, they have like
They want to finish this digitalization by 2025.
So there's going to be a crisis.
And they're going to bring that crisis.
And in the medical part, they're going to bring a crisis so that way they can introduce their seed.
No, I totally agree.
But let me throw this at you because, again, people ask, who are my guests?
It's really easy.
I look at the start of a new tyranny.
Who stands up first?
Who gets attacked?
Who's right?
And so people ask, who do I hold up or who do I admire?
The people that are proven right, I can watch who the good people are.
Like you said, we can see it because we have the Holy Spirit, we have God.
I know you're a Christian.
I feel the Holy Spirit on you so strong when you're here, I get tears in my eyes.
I think before we do anything else, maybe we should talk about God and how God comes first in all this.
And if people don't have the Holy Spirit, they have no hope.
If they have that, we have everything.
If people would just convert to Christ right now, we would beat this overnight.
But people instead are going to have to get really hurt by this satanic takeover before they finally get on their knees.
Yes, and it's getting crazy, Alex, because people are so confused.
I tell people right now that the safest place for anybody to be is in Christ.
Why that is the safest place right now?
Because we don't know if you're in Christ, then if they kill you, you die and go home.
If you're in Christ, then you stop being so scared to die.
We're good to go.
By the way, I agree.
I haven't even gotten to this because there's so much of it.
There's all these new TV shows, movies for kids, comic books programs, school programs teaching Satanism is good.
Satan is coming out in the open.
This is not a game.
This is not a joke.
So shifting gears, I want to drill into this.
You know, Alex, even...
Remember Ty Zak, the CEO of Moderna, when he came out early in 2020 and he said that the COVID vaccine was hacking the software of life and introducing a code.
We remember Klaus Schwab, the German crazy demon, came out and said that in the fourth industrial revolution,
Thank you.
Thank you.
They said it.
If you start it in 2020, the vaccine, COVID's going to kill everybody.
COVID's going to kill everybody.
Then the vaccine is going to make everybody healthy and perfect.
You listen to people like, what's this lady in NBC that said that, oh, if you take the vaccine, it stops COVID right there.
And then, of course, it didn't stop COVID.
And then they just keep moving the goalposts, moving the goalposts from 100% effective to 90% effective to 80% effective to 40% effective, and then
If you read the Revelation chapter 13 from 16 to 18, it talks about a time when
When everybody will be digitalized, else you're not going to be able to buy or sell if you don't take the mark of the business.
It's going to be a digital mark.
And they are putting it together right now.
They are putting it together right now where you're not going to be able to buy or sell if you don't have a digital ID.
You know about CBDCs.
They have about over 100 nations right now already far gone in their digital IDs.
And so they want to make sure that by 2025, everybody has their CBDC, they're ready, and then they're going to crash the economy.
They're going to do some crazy stuff and make us and try to push people to take this stuff.
Right as we're speaking, this week, it just came out in my country of birth, Cameroon.
They want to give the malaria vaccine.
They are now pushing everything about malaria vaccine.
In Nigeria, recently, they were trying to push the HPV vaccine.
And they're all mRNA.
In Kenya, they want to cheat babies.
And the Kenyan president is coming out straight up and saying that, oh no, everybody has to take a digital ID.
So this stuff is...
They've made their move.
People who don't know, they admit the old vaccines had big problems and were contaminated.
They are just now pushing everything with no testing.
They've secretly tested it and know exactly what it's going to do.
The good news about Africa, this is one of the positive things with all the bad things in Africa, Africa has the lowest uptake of this.
Africans have already been through this.
They know what's going on.
You know, during COVID, people kind of like
The Africans really dealt with the WHO and their craziness.
But right now, they are trying.
They are trying to throw everything because Africa did not take the vaccine.
Hold on, Doc.
Let's state the numbers.
The average for all of Africa was 6% uptake.
The average in the West was 75%.
So, yeah, I'm saying Africa has already been under the attack.
Bill Gates got caught with steroids and the vaccines, giving little kids polio.
AP Reuters, for new viewer folks, it's not a joke.
Majority of polio caused by the shot.
So the good news is...
Yeah, you see, COVID did not hit Africa.
Because especially in sub-Saharan Africa,
Thank you.
Because of that, they are trying other ways to bring the shot.
But Africans are awake right now.
If they come to a school right now and they decree that they are bringing the shot... By the way, I'm interrupting because you're right.
I talked to Rodney Howard Brown, who probably has more missions in Africa than anybody.
He just did like a 12-nation trip.
He said the Africans were already the most awake.
He said they're totally awake now, including the presidents and leaders.
They know exactly what's going on.
That's got to panic the globalists.
They will jump through the window.
Children will practically jump through the window and run away from vaccination.
So it's happening everywhere right now.
Each time they say vaccination is coming, the churches start announcing it.
Everybody starts screaming about it.
Parents run away.
People will not bring their kids to school just because of the vaccination thing.
So they are trying their best.
When they will not succeed, like I said, they will find another way to bring another pandemic and that is why they are putting together this whole disease X thing.
Because they want to get ready for the next pandemic
That will drive us into our homes and get more stupid people that are not awake.
Let me not call them stupid.
Let me call them weak-minded that are not awake to go and take the next... You're totally right.
The UN is now... You were on like a year ago and you said the UN is going to push a new lockdown.
They've been trying it.
See, Alex, they're doing something crazy right now in the past two years.
You always hear they will start that, okay, maybe it's monkeypox, then it's bird flu or Zika or something.
And then when they do that and they realize that whatever is not getting the people worked up, then they will throw out another crazy, they'll throw out another variant of COVID because they realize that human beings, some people's minds are just scared of COVID.
Like in China, they are trying right now, they say there's a new COVID strain that they are trying in mice that has 100% mortality.
You know what I'm saying?
So they just believe that since COVID is what scares everybody, when they try this, try this, and it doesn't work, they'll bring back COVID.
But we're hearing... I sent you an article about Marburg.
The government has a whole thing about, you know, putting Marburg... There's an emergency, this thing of Marburg.
And then there's a lot in Texas that's already testing.
It's in phase two trials for a Marburg vaccine.
Marburg is a hemorrhagic fever.
For anybody to think about throwing out Marburg is crazy.
But I tell people, do not be scared of Marburg.
Do not be scared of Ebola.
Let me ask you something, Alex.
You know, like...
Hold on, doctor.
Explain this.
So it's pure fear-mongering.
Stay there.
How do we counter it?
Darcella Emanuel is on fire right now.
But regardless, they've done a bunch of stuff.
People have taken the shots, have become incubators and spreaders for all this.
We'll also talk about the tools God gave us to just be healthy and have good immune systems as well with the amazing Darcella Emanuel, who, again, has been almost four years fighting this, dead on, proven right.
There's only a few people that were the original fighters, and she's one of them.
Just amazing.
Stay with us.
Dr. StellaMD.com.
Stay with us.
The Second American Revolution is happening now right in front of you.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
I'd like to call to order this secret conclave of America's media empires.
We're here to come up with the next phony baloney crisis to put Americans back where they belong, and dark rooms glued to their televisions too terrified to skip the commercials.
Well, I think... NBC, you are here to listen and not speak.
I think we should go with a good old-fashioned public health care.
A new disease.
No one's immune.
It's like the summer of the shark, except instead of a shark, it's an epidemic.
And instead of summer, it's all the time.
Now, I hate to be the guy who derails what everybody else loves.
He loves being that guy.
But, Janice, we do have standards.
This can't be a made-up disease.
The only moral thing to do is release a deadly virus into the general public.
We do have something we've been holding on to, but it hasn't been tested.
Get over here, NBC.
Well, we certainly believe in testing, but I... Oh.
Oh, yeah.
So, we've got our deadly disease.
Now, we just have to blame it on something that's in every household, something that people are a little bit afraid of already.
House cat flu is coming, people.
The Center for Disease Disinformation predicts with some degree of probability that the house cat flu might spread in the following hypothetical outbreak pattern.
So Petter, beware.
That warm body on your lap just might be ready to destroy your tender fiddles.
Springfielders are advised to stay tuned for more information if they experience any of the following symptoms.
Mild thirst, occasional hunger... They put that out 15 years ago, and the big networks do get together and do have those meetings.
They're throwing it in your face.
Aracela Emanuel, one of the first doctors to come out of the tyranny almost four years ago, is our guest, and she didn't come on today.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
Yeah, we've put together a lot of things to be used to build your immunity.
When we started hearing about Marburg and Ebola, whatever, we put something called Viroimmune Plus.
Okay, Marburg and Ebola, they have like this, like the glycoprotein coat of the virus that can be disrupted by lipases and peptides.
So we basically put like proteases,
We're good to go.
They have never succeeded to make Ebola a pandemic.
The reason is, number one, when you get Ebola or Marburg, you are sick before you are infected.
Number two, it is not something that is spread by droplets when you cough or something.
You have to actually touch the person and touch the fluids.
And nobody's going to be touching somebody that has like a bloody diarrhea or something.
People that have Marburg Ebola are very sick when they're transmitted.
So any virus that gets its host very sick before it can transmit usually cannot become a pandemic.
So I don't want people to be scared of Marburg Ebola, except of course they weaponize it, which is something they can do.
But you can build your immunity with viral immune process on our website.
We put that together two years ago.
How did we get it?
We went on NIH.
They did a study.
About peptides and proteases and how they can help with Marburg and Ebola.
And that's the same thing we did with monkeypox.
When we put pox defense, we got sericinia purpura.
It was an old Indian remedy that they used for smallpox.
But the best product, or the most important product, like what Dr. Zelenko was saying, vitamin C, D, zinc, and quercetin.
Most RNA viruses can actually be denatured by zinc
Thank you.
All right, well, we just lost that feed with her.
We're going to try to get her back on, but she's just got great products.
She's a great lady, DrStellaMD.com.
And, you know, we're going to get her in studio next week, because there's no way to cover all this now.
There's just too much.
I've got three stacks here.
We're good.
We'll talk to her next week.
All right, so there you go, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm going to take a break now.
And we're going to come back after that, and I'm going to hit a lot of news and a lot of information here for you today.
But I thought that we would first get to a couple of these really, really important clips.
They're extremely illustrative for everybody.
And that is this key report dealing with the entire globalist operation and how they're trying to start nuclear war with Russia.
And I've got a stack of news on that front right here.
And so we're going to go ahead and go to a report
On this, Victoria Nuland's plan to destroy a nuclear power plant and blame Russia.
It's a Greg Reese report.
It's also a Mando video.
I'm going to come back and hit the news that deals with those subjects.
Here it is.
This report is based on a recent thread by Kim.com that I believe is important for people to be aware of.
Last June, puppet president Volodymyr Zelensky warned the public that Russia was planning to attack the Zaporizhia nuclear power plant in Ukraine.
There is now talk in Kiev that the real president of Ukraine, Victoria Nuland, has become so desperate for NATO troops to enter Ukraine and continue this US proxy war against Russia, that she is willing to murder innocent locals with a radioactive cloud and blame it on Russian forces.
And if you know about Victoria Nuland and the government she works for, then this is absolutely a possibility.
Independent journalist Gonzalo Lira, who was arrested and left to die in his jail cell by Newland's forces, did an excellent job describing Victoria Newland and the United States' agenda in Ukraine.
I highly recommend watching the entire thing.
But here is my short edit.
Victoria Nuland.
Russia and exploit it to a degree that is unprecedented.
Ukraine, since 1991, the collapse of the Soviet Union, has been a cesspool of Western corruption.
Oligarchs were not only allowed to rise, but were in fact encouraged to rise by the Western powers, in particular the United States, because the United States figured that by way of these oligarchs,
We're good to go.
You stay out of politics, and I'll stay out of your grift.
But what happened was that slowly over the years, Putin started edging out the oligarchs.
And even as he put in his own oligarchs, he started making those oligarchs smaller and weaker, which is what he's been doing for the past 23 years.
We're good to go.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Please welcome Yuval Noah Harari.
COVID is critical because this is what convinces people to accept, to legitimize total biometric surveillance.
We want to stop this epidemic.
We need not just to monitor people, we need to monitor what's happening under their skin.
What we've seen so far is corporations and governments collecting data about where we go, who we meet, what movies we watch.
The next phase is the surveillance going under our skin.
We now see mass surveillance systems established even in democratic countries, which previously rejected them.
And we also see a change in the nature of surveillance.
Previously, surveillance was mainly above the skin.
Now it's going under the skin.
Embedded in his hand is a microchip that serves as his keys, his ID, and his wallet.
Governments want to know not just where we go or who we meet, above all they want to know what is happening under our skin.
What's our body temperature?
What's our blood pressure?
What is our medical condition?
In a matter of seconds, the chip is inserted.
The transformation is complete.
When scanned, all of a person's information about their vaccination status is shown on a reader or phone.
Now humans are developing even bigger powers than ever before.
We are really acquiring divine powers of creation and destruction.
We are really upgrading humans into gods.
We are acquiring, for instance, the power to re-engineer life.
Humans are now hackable animals.
You will own nothing.
And you will be happy.
I think that fake news have been with us for thousands of years.
Just think of the Bible.
You know, the whole idea that humans have, you know, they have this soul or spirit and they have free will and nobody knows what's happening inside me.
So whatever I choose, whether in the election or whether in the supermarket, this is my free will.
That's awful.
From the White House in the office of the President of the United States, we present an address by Dwight D. Eisenhower.
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex.
We must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific
Technological elite.
And we'll be faced with equally consequential decisions in the 21st century.
Can a microscopic tag be implanted in a person's body to track his every movement?
There's actual discussion about that.
You will rule on that.
Mark my words before your tenure is over.
Can brain scans be used to determine whether a person is inclined toward criminality or violent behavior?
You will rule on that.
If you have enough data on a person, especially biometric data, and if you have enough computing power, you can understand that person better than the person understands himself or herself.
And then you can control this person, manipulate them, and make decisions for them.
Can you imagine that in 10 years when we are sitting here we have an implant in our brains and I can immediately feel because you all will have implants.
People will literally be part of a network.
All the bodies, all the brains will be connected together to a network and you won't be able to survive if you are disconnected from the net.
With AI taking over
Many of the unskilled and possibly some of the skilled activities, then there will be people for whom there seems to be society won't have much use for these people.
We need to accept that there will be some pain in the process.
I think we're going to have to think about a recalibration of a whole range of human rights that are playing out online.
Individual carbon footprint tracker.
Many of these things will be built directly into our bodies.
That's a hostile corporate takeover of your body and a digital surveillance censorship dictatorship.
President Eisenhower tried to warn us about this years ago.
The hostile takeover of a scientific technological elite.
They provide much more powerful intelligence for decision making.
Can a microscopic tag be implanted in a person's body to track his every movement?
You will rule on that.
The next phase is the surveillance going under our skin.
Now that we've cracked the code of life, it will not take much longer before we can start to play God.
The new powers that we are gaining now, especially the powers of biotechnology and artificial intelligence, are really going to transform us into gods.
It's a total, complete AI takeover of every facet of human life, like Harari and others have been saying.
Given all the technological developments, it might be feasible, even easy, to support people, even if they don't work.
To give them a universal basic income, to give them enough food, enough medicine, and so forth.
The big question is meaning.
What will they do all day?
And one of the answers is that they will just play computer games all day.
But what I see is a huge disruption.
That is, before we get to the world that Hubal envisaged in his description of the future, there's going to be a complete destabilization of the human condition and of human society.
This is not going to happen quietly.
It's called the Great Reset.
Tough guy.
It's called the New World Order.
It's called the big banks wanting to squeeze the economy and make people poor so they can loan us fiat money to take control of our lives with a social credit score and the universal basic income.
That's everything.
That's the whole future of our lives.
The whole world's going to be about surveillance and control and them manipulating and tracking everything you do.
It's all being officially announced.
I've got articles everywhere.
They're press releases saying it.
And then the crew asks me during the break, they go, are you all right?
You really seem upset.
Are you feeling okay?
The land is about to have nuclear war.
I mean, they're going to starve a couple hundred million people to death.
Yeah, I'm pretty freaked out.
This is real.
This is not a freaking game to me, man.
People are already starving to death by the hundreds of millions right now.
You'll never see it on the news.
They're dying right now.
They're in their freaking houses, starving to death, begging for God's help.
And no one's coming because God tells us to get up and take action.
And then we don't do anything.
And that paralyzes God.
Yeah, God can do it.
But God needs us to do it because God's not free will.
Once again, not for the first time, what had seemed like a nutty conspiracy theory turned out to be true.
I'm really... I told you last night, I said, what's wrong with you?
Yeah, I'm upset.
You're like, really, I'm freaked out.
I'm like, yeah, I'm really freaked out.
I'm really freaked out.
I'm really freaked out, you see, because this is real.
The supply chain being cut off, the energy grid being cut off is real.
And we're going into a time now where we're not going to be on the air.
I mean, if we don't back this off, if we don't get sane people to stop the globalists, I mean, we won't be here in six months.
You won't be here in six months.
Who is the most banned news network in the world?
Infowars.com Infowars comes to mind.
You watch InfoWars?
It's a radio show hosted by Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Nice guy.
You must be a threat if they call you out by name.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones.
Alex Jones is the greatest.
He knows who InfoWars is.
Quit playing this joke over here.
That's why the deplatforming didn't work.
Alex has been right on for over a decade.
You need to listen to Alex Jones.
29 years on air, all I've wanted to do was warn the people about the globalists.
And I've done the best job I can to tell the truth and be accurate, and we are on record as the most accurate there are.
And I've tried to sell products to fund ourselves, unlike other communist revolutionaries that rob banks and kidnap people.
We don't do that.
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The wars that are going to come out of the starvation and the inflation are being blamed on global warming.
The viruses that come out of the labs are being blamed on global warming.
The third world hordes being organized by the UN to invade are being blamed on global warming.
The mass starvation is blamed on the virus.
And everywhere we're told it's going to get worse.
Billions are coming.
Al Gore and Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton.
When the Rothschilds and the Davos Group and Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab and Yvonne O'Harrari say billions are coming to Europe, a billion are coming to the U.S.
because of climate change.
No, because you cut their economy off because the IMF and World Bank controls the loans and ordered lockdowns.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
And I think what a lot of people don't understand is that the suppression of free speech and censorship in general actually has so much to do with the transhumanist agenda and I'm going to explain it to you today.
I was on an X-Space recently where I was discussing the transhumanist agenda and the vision of these technocrats to merge human beings with AI, to merge human beings into the Internet of Bodies, the Internet of Things.
And when I first started talking about this stuff, a lot of people were saying, wow, this is really out there, Maria.
I love the information that you bring, but this is a little bit too far.
And what I'm finding is, particularly in that X-Space, I sort of dropped a bomb with the most outlandish...
You've all basically, you know, describing the end of human consciousness.
We're good to go.
In this X-Space, I did a condensed version of that and people were so hungry for it.
So I'm going to do one later on this week with a couple of really other fantastic broadcasters on there.
To explain the book, the UN100's Remaking the World Towards an Age of Global Enlightenment, and what the UN has actually published.
I've got a black and white version of it here.
The team will bring it up on screen shortly.
These people have published what they plan on doing with the Internet.
What do they actually see the Internet as compared to what we see it as?
And in the UN's latest efforts, UNESCO has published guidelines for the governance of digital platforms.
And I'm going to talk you through some of that document today because what they're seeking to do is moderate everything online, including platforms that aim to be free speech platforms.
Like X, like Meta, well, Meta doesn't even aim to be free speech, but moderate any platforms.
Even if a platform tried to maintain free speech, they would be attacked based on this document, because these guidelines for the governance of digital platforms published by UNESCO basically seek to govern every country, every platform online.
Based on what the UN wants.
And it's important to understand what the UN wants, which is why I will talk you through this book today as well, or at least explain what it is that they lay down as their vision in this book.
Because in order to understand your enemy, you have to read their documents.
You have to study them.
To understand the direction of the New World Order, you have to study what they've published.
And they don't hide it.
These people do not hide it.
They are very open about how they want to silence you, how you have to comply or else, how there is no ability for you to exist unless they squeeze you into this box that says you must think and speak like this.
That is what is contained inside of these documents.
So we're going to go through those today.
And I'm going to do my best to again condense this version, their version of transhumanism and what it means to transition life into the digital and into the metaverse today.
So buckle up.
It's going to be a loaded broadcast.
We'll be right back after this short break.
Stay with me.
I talk a lot about the great successes InfoWars has had.
I don't think anybody can deny it.
And it is because of listeners and viewers supporting us.
When we talk about the crew at InfoWars, people behind the scenes, the researchers, the writers, they really have been the MVPs in this fight.
And when we look at Harrison Smith and Owen Schroyer and the hard work they engage in every day, five, six, seven days a week, it's really just incredible.
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We're good to go.
I think?
But they think that, you know, by connecting our brains to the Internet of everything, human beings forming part of the Internet where everything is sort of open and visible.
You know how Klaus Schwab says, well, if you've got nothing to hide, it won't matter to you.
No, hang on a second.
I have some thoughts that I'd like to keep private, actually.
But inside the universe that they're building, you are policed.
Even your thoughts are policed.
And so, but these people think, oh, well, it's great because we can share knowledge in real time.
I'll be able to see what this neurophysicist is thinking.
We'll be able to share our theories in real time in the metaverse or whatever.
But that's not actually what this is about.
It's about a system of complete control where even your thoughts are monitored.
And as the Rand Corporation openly says, we will be able to manipulate
Many, maybe most legal systems are based on this idea, this belief in human rights.
But human rights are just like heaven and like God.
It's just a fictional story that we've invented and spread around.
It may be a very nice story.
It may be a very attractive story.
We want to believe it.
But it's just a story.
It's not a reality.
It is not a biological reality.
Just as jellyfish and woodpeckers and ostriches have no rights, Homo sapiens have no rights also.
Take a human, cut him open, look inside, you find their blood, and you find their heart and lungs and kidneys, but you don't find there any rights.
The only place you find rights is in the fictional stories that humans have invented and spread around.
And the same thing is also true in the political field.
States and nations are also like human rights and like God and like heaven.
They too are just stories.
A mountain is a reality.
You can see it.
You can touch it.
You can even smell it.
But Israel or the United States, they are just stories.
Very powerful stories.
Stories we might want to believe very much.
But still, they are just stories.
You can't really see the United States.
You cannot touch it.
You cannot smell it.
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.
Of course you can see and touch the United States.
We're good to go.
I think?
And yet you've got Yuval saying human rights are just a fiction.
This is just a fictional story that we made up.
Humans don't have any rights.
Why would you be advocating for the next phase of human evolution if humans don't have rights?
Why would we be spending all this time talking about humans advancing if we don't have any rights?
But then you have organizations like the WHO, who when they first published their proposed amendments to the international health regulations, put a strike through the words, human rights, fundamental freedoms and dignity.
Or dignity, human fundamental freedoms and human rights, dignity and fundamental freedoms.
I don't know which order it was in.
It really doesn't matter.
They put a strikethrough, meaning all future pandemics will not be, we will not consider human rights or dignity or fundamental freedoms when we are addressing all future pandemics.
And then UNESCO publishes these guidelines for the governance of digital platforms, and they say human rights have to be at the centre of everything that we do.
The United Nations claims that it's a human rights organisation.
The World Health Organisation says public health is a human right.
So they keep harping on about these human rights, meanwhile they do not believe in them.
In fact, in the book Remaking the World Towards an Age of Global Enlightenment, they say that all human beings are objects, that they've been entered into a social contract, which most of us didn't even know about.
Their social contract involves holding a couple of public Zoom meetings, and then after Z Media puts out a report exposing them, taking them down off YouTube, yes, they did that.
We're good to go.
So it's very important to understand their thinking when you're reading these documents and they keep telling you that they care about human rights because they don't.
Their version of human rights is the version where you are nothing.
You only get to live, earn, and exist if you think in the way that they want you to think.
Forget free speech.
They're after your brain.
They're after your soul.
I think we're good to go.
I think we're good to go.
Even if they were to do their very best to protect free speech, the UN will not let them.
So, team, I've sent you the link for the guidelines for the governance of digital platforms that UNESCO has published.
And this is basically calling for all states to comply with these guidelines.
Now, people may say, oh, well, they're just guidelines.
You don't have to follow them.
The UN is your shadow government.
We're good to go.
I think?
I think we're good to go.
And they were trying to pretend to care about Aboriginal people.
We had Grandmother Malara, an Aboriginal elder, on this very broadcast saying, we don't want this.
You all know this.
But it was based on, and they were desperately trying to hide it, to the point where our Prime Minister, because so many people became aware of it, said, no, no, this isn't a UN land grab.
It's got nothing to do with the UN, when in actual fact it had to do with UNDRIP, the United Nations Right on Indigenous Peoples.
That document, and Article 46 of UNDRIP, after it gives you all this fluff about human rights and indigenous rights, says that ultimately you will agree to being subject to the United Nations.
And so they claim that they care about indigenous people, but what it's actually about is the UN then owning the land of that country, which the Council on Foreign Relations says they want to own 80% of.
The UN's got their 30 by 30 agenda, which is taking 30% of every country's land, and they're working on it right now.
But the Council on Foreign Relations has 80%.
So you always have to dig deeper than what they're publishing, and we're going to do that on the other side of this break.
So don't go anywhere.
The plan to silence the internet forever.
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I think?
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Welcome back, everyone.
All right, so I spent the past two segments talking about really setting this up and explaining to everyone that we have to understand the way the enemy thinks to decode their language.
That's exactly what we're about to do, looking at the guidelines for the governance of digital platforms that UNESCO has published and wants to implement worldwide.
So, reading through this document, they talk about how
I think we're good to go.
They're putting those two together.
I've spoken about this before, but we had this tragedy in Australia, in Queensland, some time ago, where sadly a couple of police officers lost their lives, and they tried to say that this was because of conspiracy theories online.
And then featured me on 60 Minutes saying that I'm somehow contributing to this by exposing something that the military was doing here in Australia, training to rise against protesters.
Why would your military be training to tackle their own countrymen?
Shouldn't we be protecting against foreign invaders?
But that's a separate issue altogether.
And basically, because I was exposing that, something that was on a government website,
I'm somehow contributing to this domestic terrorism.
It was absolutely astounding to watch.
That was around the time that I got debanked.
So what I'm trying to say is they always link quote-unquote conspiracy theories to extreme violence.
And around that time, they were saying that anyone who believes in the last book of the Bible should be reported to the police.
This is the kind of madness that's happening in my country.
Timmy, you can take that off the screen if you want.
Then they say that if we don't distinguish fiction from reality, falsehood from truth, the foundation of our societies crumble.
I agree with that.
When are they going to talk about the fact that there are only two genders?
Because, you know, truth is biological reality.
There can only be two genders.
There are only two genders.
And you can't become a man if you were born a woman.
It's very simple.
So these people don't believe the words that they write, right?
Yeah, you're right.
They do become impossible.
When you are calling for platforms to be censored based on the agenda that you're pushing, it is impossible to achieve democracy, political debate, dialogue, and all of the above.
When I read this document, it's like if you look at the world like this and it flips like this, this is how you feel reading this document.
Because they are inverting everything that's good and real and true.
This commitment led UNESCO to publish guidelines for broadcasting regulations.
So UNESCO are actually responsible for some of the guidelines that broadcasters, as in, you know, official media...
What is hate speech?
It does not exist.
Hate speech does not exist.
What, because if you express your hatred towards someone, you're hating them?
People express their hatred towards Christians all the time.
Are we going to lock them all up?
I mean, come on, people.
Grow a backbone.
Hate speech.
Give me a break.
Oh, my feelings are hurt.
That's hate speech.
There is nothing more pathetic in this world than those who cry victim and hate speech at every corner.
Have a cold cup of concrete, a hard cup of concrete.
I'm pretty sure I butchered that saying.
Toughen up and have a proper discussion.
Learn to talk to people.
But they don't want you doing this because they want to turn you into a mindless drone, and it goes back to the UN100 book I keep referencing.
But anyway, they put this quote in.
Freedom of opinion is a farce.
What about only two genders, guys?
I mean, it's unbelievable.
The European Union just published that they were going to start, they were going to find, they were going to publish regulations to AI.
But when you read between the lines, what they're doing is regulating you using it, not the government.
So digital governance, digital platform governance, means in the way that they want.
I think?
I think?
Is what should be used worldwide.
And they even talk about on decentralized platforms.
What, are you going to tell me what I can and can't say in my private messages?
How far does this extend?
Well, the truth is that it extends to anywhere that you would use a telecommunications service, the internet.
News media can also benefit from these guidelines in their ongoing efforts to hold powerful actors accountable.
Oh, yes, like CNN with Hunter Biden.
They've done a great job at that.
Thanks, guys.
They talk about that the freedom of expression and access to information and diverse cultural content should be considered in light of changes in the digital environment, such as elections, data protection and antitrust regulations.
What is an antitrust regulation?
Well, what they mean there is you have zero trust.
They have zero trust in you and you have to prove that you're trustworthy to keep using their services.
By complying with everything they say and want you to think, feel, and so on and so forth.
There is so much in here about gender, by the way.
And so you are not trusted if you say that there are not more than two genders.
This is a social credit system.
They're describing the social credit system of the internet to you.
And they talk about self-regulation, co-regulation and statutory regulation.
So the person regulating themselves, regulating their own speech because they're afraid of saying anything.
Co-regulation, so the platforms participating in that regulation and then the state participating in that regulation of speech as well.
I think we're good to go.
They say that this is also part of the broader toolkit to achieve sustainable development.
We're going to regulate the internet so that we can implement all the climate madness, including you not drinking coffee and eating bugs, because we need that for sustainable development.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Seeing the beginnings of this global digital governance.
Just yesterday I saw that the CEO of Gab was contacted by Europol to remove a documentary that someone posted on his platform that Europol didn't like.
And he told them to shut it, and of course that's all well and good.
But the problem is that once we have global government, you don't have a leg to stand on when you say, well, those aren't the laws in my country.
We're good to go.
That is by design.
Michael Yon calls it the dog king.
And so, you know, there's another example I can give you.
South Africa.
A broadcaster in South Africa, Germ Warfare, I saw recently he was contacted by the New Zealand government to pull down an interview that he did regarding the Christchurch massacre.
They didn't like it.
And he told them to shove it.
But, again, once you have digital governance going global and
Twitter 1.0, for example, how they're trampling on it now.
I don't know.
It's not hard.
They've done it before.
And so where does this all come from?
It comes from the UN, and we'll go back to this document.
Now, they say that groups that are in situations of vulnerability and marginalisation include people with disabilities, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, LGBTI persons or older persons.
At this point, you really do need to add white Christian males on there as marginalised community because apparently only disabled people and gay people and migrants are
Marginalized in society.
It's unbelievable.
Did that offend someone?
Was that hate speech?
Thankfully InfoWars doesn't believe that term exists either.
These principles recognize the fundamental need to ensure online spaces continue to develop and be used in ways that are conducive to achieving the sustainable development goals.
Think about what they're telling you here.
That the internet must support
The Sustainable Development Goals, which are all about reducing your quality of life in order to achieve net zero, which is never going to happen.
While they keep flying around on private jets, which I have no problem with, by the way.
Fly around on your private jet, just don't tell me I can't fly.
Eat however much meat you want, just don't tell me I have to eat crickets.
But they...
Are all hell-bent on reducing your quality of life.
You saw yesterday, Alex, I shared the clip of that guy at the World Economic Forum saying we need to reduce the coffee that people drink.
Nothing for you, peasant.
But, you know, right now we have the ability to, via the internet, call this stuff out.
Well, they're saying, no, no, we need to regulate it so that the internet helps us achieve our SDGs.
They mention again that this universal entitlement is both a means and an end, as in the universal entitlement of essentially media information literacy and media availability, is both a means and an end for the fulfillment of collective human aspirations, including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
And then they say...
That states have to respect, protect, and fulfill human rights, but this is where this whole thing becomes undone, and I'll tell you why.
It says states should respect and promote human rights, including the right to freedom of expression and the right to access information.
So states are all of the countries that are part of the UN, which the United States has introduced bills to leave, and I support that, and the people of the world should all be demanding that, because the UN is...
One of the number one problems in the world.
Restrictions on freedom of expression are permissible only under the conditions established by Articles 19 and 20 of the ICCPR.
Let me tell you what the ICCPR is.
Oh, look at these guys.
They found it on the document.
Thank you.
That's the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
So they're saying that states should respect and promote human rights except...
Restrictions on freedom are permissible only under these particular conditions.
Now, what does Article 19 of the ICCPR say?
Well, Part 3 says...
That the exercise of the rights... Well, actually, I have to read one and two for you.
Article 19.
Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference.
Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression.
This right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print or in the form of art or through any other media.
Oh, okay.
But these shall only be such as are provided by law and are necessary for the respect of the rights or reputation of others, for the protection of national security or of public order or of public health or morals.
Who defines what public health is?
Who defines what morals are?
Who defines what respect is or the reputation of others is?
So freedom of expression should be allowed except if you talk about the fact that the COVID shots don't work because we say it's for public health.
Except if you talk about the fact that people are dying in droves in the millions from these injections because we say they're safe and effective.
If you talk about the fact that it's really not good to mutilate children's genitals because we say they should be mutilated from the age of three.
So whilst this document says that it's for... This is what I'm saying.
They say that they're for human rights.
They say they're for freedom of expression.
But when you read between the lines, you see that there are all these provisions to actually allow for censorship, and that is what this document is about.
It is telling the world you need to start completely censoring the internet.
They say that they...
I think so.
And only official media is exempt from the scrutiny for spreading misinformation.
So the media can come out and tell you, take this shot, it's really great, it's going to save your life, knowing full well that you're going to die, but they'll be exempt.
But an independent journalist is subject to prosecution.
That is such an amazing display of human rights.
Thank you, United Nations.
Thank you so much.
And they say that countries need to adopt laws grounded in international human rights standards and ensure their effective implementation to prohibit, investigate and prosecute online gender-based violence.
How do you commit violence online?
You commit it, they consider violence and hate speech the same because they're planning on transitioning your reality into the metaverse.
And I'll explain how on the other side of this break as we tie up this segment on this digital dystopia.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, final segment here on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host Maria Z of Zmedia.com and we're talking about how the UN plans to put the nail in the coffin, the censorship worldwide of all platforms, and how this all relates to transhumanism.
Going through these UNESCO guidelines, I want to wrap this up quickly, but basically they're saying that they strongly discourage public officials from disseminating disinformation.
Including gendered disinformation.
So if you have a senator who says we should stop mutilating children, that will be banned.
UN strategy, and they mentioned the UN strategy and plan of action on hate speech.
So the UN are actively trying to stop quote-unquote hate speech that doesn't exist.
It's basically, I don't like what you're saying and therefore you can't say it.
They say that, again, that any regulatory authority that deals with digital platforms, content management, regardless of the thematic, is structured as independent, shielded from political and economic interests, except for the fact that they all have political and economic interests.
But again, I want to say here, they say that platforms should be transparent and disclose all information about the type, number and legal basis of requests they make to digital platforms to take down, remove and block content.
But states should be able to demonstrate how this is consistent with articles 19, 3 and 20 of the ICCPR, which we just went through before, which basically has to do with anything that we say.
I don't know.
And stifled my growth.
I would be well over, and I mean seriously, conservatively, well over 1 million followers on there.
And I hate using that word, but, you know, people on my Instagram account, well over 1 million based on the growth that I was getting.
But because they've stifled it so much, I'm sitting on, I think, 100 and something thousand.
It's not about the numbers for me.
It's about the fact that these people are squashing the truth.
We're good to go.
That's certainly present from some countries at the moment.
And any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence.
What on earth is racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination?
That constitutes incitement to discrimination.
Who defines that?
We're good to go.
I think?
And so why does this matter when you – how does this link to transhumanism?
Well, the UN have published this book, which I keep going on about, and please go to band.video and just type in UN – sorry, go to band.video, go to the Z Media channel on there, or go to zmedia.com and the interviews page and type in UN100.
This is the book that they published, Remaking the World Towards an Age of Global Enlightenment.
I've done a three and a half hour series on this that literally everyone in the world needs to see.
Because this book tells you what the future of the internet is.
And it goes hand in hand with what we've just spoken about today.
This book, they say...
One of the contributors says he received a message when he was playing around with frequencies.
Vint Cerf, the evangelist of the internet, they call him.
He received a message from an unknown entity from 2045 that said, keep going, you're on the right track, you're going to make it, but you need to go really hard with Agenda 2030.
Which includes depopulating the planet.
And they published this.
And they say...
That given such... In part one, they say that they've entered the world into a new social contract in the age of artificial intelligence.
As part of that new social contract, you're referred to as an AI world citizen.
The metaverse is actually called the AI world society.
Metaverse is just the trendy term.
AI world society is what they actually call it, which is the transition...
And they say that in here.
They say, given such ambiguities and uncertainties, it is not surprising that the international community has not yet fully grasped the implications of the new unknowns and the potential threats to the global order.
And they say that we are at the beginning of a new era, a world of mind-machine convergence.
We're good to go.
I think?
There's a threat to the global order.
People don't realize we've entered the world of mind-machine convergence.
We're transitioning humans to this Borg, high of mind.
We're injecting you with nanotechnology.
We're dropping it from airplanes.
It's all going to change.
We're going to merge man with machine, and you guys just don't know it yet.
But our global order includes the mind-machine convergence...
Where they describe how your neighbor will see what you're thinking inside the AI world society.
Therefore, you will self-police to the point where you are too afraid to think freely.
And why will you do that?
Well, because in their society, because you're constantly living in what they call mixed reality, right?
You are now part of the Internet of everything.
Your body, your mind, everything is part of their Internet.
And so you can't actually earn inside the AI World Society.
There's no real money.
They say it's all digital currency.
And you can't earn unless you think like they want you to think.
Unless you do what they want you to do.
So this is what CBDCs are actually about, guys.
People think, oh, well, if they go digital, you know, I guess I'll just get a central bank digital currency and keep living a normal life and, you know, do things in secret.
There's no secret inside the AI world society because every thought is feeding into the hive mind internet of everything.
There's no secrets.
You think like them, you do what they want you to do, and then you can mine cryptocurrency with your body's data.
That is Bill Gates' patent 060606, and that is exactly what the UN100 have published is going to be the future.
And so you look at all of the laws around central bank digital currency, digital ID, zero trust internet model, all of this is lining up to the point where
No one can say anything online that doesn't agree, apparently not even offline, that doesn't agree with what these maniacs say.
Most people don't realize that we've entered into a new global order.
Our global order is threatened.
Mind-machine convergence.
Think about all the statements that these transhumanists and Yuval make that say there's no free will.
There's no human rights.
Humans are hackable animals.
They mean it.
The United Nations, the UN100 has published that we have entered this global order, the era of mind-machine convergence.
And so it's going to be very interesting, folks.
I know Mike Adams has spoken about, I really love that guy, I really respect him, and he's spoken about ways in which, you know, the tech heads are going to circumvent Web 3.0.
But my point in all of this was to tell you that there are even, you know, organizations that are trying to stand for free speech that won't be able to inside the AI World Society.
And so we have a couple of options here, guys.
We take back the hearts and minds of the world while we still can, or we'll have to figure out a way to function without the Internet.
I'm not even kidding.
It's been an honor to be here with you all.
Again, that series, go and watch it.
UN100, The AI Apocalypse on ZMedia.com or on our ZMedia channel on Band.Video.
I'm Maria Z and I'm really grateful for your time today, guys.
Share this everywhere and God bless.
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I think?
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