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Filename: 20230821_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Aug. 21, 2023
3454 lines.

"In this episode of The Alex Jones Show, he discusses recent whistleblower information about upcoming COVID-19 restrictions such as mask mandates and vaccine requirements. He encourages listeners to take action against these measures, promote health with InfoWars products, and stay informed through alternative media outlets like his show."

Had we sounded the siren that night, we're afraid that people would have gone mauka.
And if that was the case, then they would have gone into the fire.
We have a statewide alert and warning system, which we also call SAWS.
That involves not only the siren warning system, but as well as IPAWS.
IPAWS is the Integrated Public Alerts and Warning System provided by FEMA.
We also use sirens for hurricanes, brush fires, flooding, lava, hazmat conditions.
There you have it, folks.
The Hawaiian government's own website says that the sirens should be used for fires.
Before we dig into what appears to be a globalist first-strike genocidal crime scene in Maui, who are the vested interests in the multi-million dollar Lahaina property?
After the state of Hawaii, Alexander and Baldwin is the second largest landowner on Maui at over 65,000 acres and the U.S.
government is the third largest landowner at over 33,000 acres.
Alexander and Baldwin's largest shareholder is Black Rock Incorporated.
Meanwhile, billionaires within the World Economic Forum Bilderberg Network have been forcing the locals out.
So now a billionaire comes in with his money, doing it by force, removing people out of their land.
Mark Zuckerberg, to ensure his privacy, is trying to sue Native Hawaiians that live in Kauai so he can steal their land and build a mansion.
Just because he can.
There are feelings of both angst and excitement as Lanai residents prepare to welcome new billionaire owner Larry Ellison.
Didn't take long before people who previously lived on Lanai were forced out of their jobs and forced out of their homes just because Ellison had a different vision for the future of the island.
We asked the Governor to amend the emergency proclamation to ensure that Chapter 92 Sunshine Law remains in full force.
The Governor should ensure that all decisions about the rebuilding of Lahaina are made in the open and with full participation of our Lahaina community.
What have you heard of real estate investors already contacting survivors?
It was actually like day four that people started reporting that they were getting calls actually from Maui realtors.
But there was a press conference just held, I believe, yesterday.
I'm going to have to catch up on it, where they did say that there was many developers there that were saying they should void the permit process.
And Hawaii has an extensive permit process.
To build anything here is like, oh,
It's like pulling teeth.
Governor Josh Green is saying he's going to put a moratorium on selling because he's trying to, I think, take the light off of him.
But we know that
It's more nefarious going on.
It's important that we're honest about this.
People have been fighting against the release of water to fight fires.
He suspended the water code in Lahaina due to the fires.
He suspended certain other provisions of law in the housing proclamation.
And in his comments on Monday, he specifically alleged something that I've never heard to be the case, that people are fighting against the provision of water for firefighting
The Deputy Water Commissioner had allowed millionaires and developers to divert that water to themselves.
Across Hawaii.
The same water that wasn't used for five hours to fight the fire in Lahaina.
Reportedly, new permit applications that locals had been fighting for and won were due to be submitted the day before the Maui fires.
You know, we all need water to live, but it requires true conversations about equity, you know, like water equity.
The minions of Agenda 2030 immediately descended as locals report that those whose homes survived are being given eviction notices while developers in league with insurance companies circle the ancestral village of Lahaina.
That's a whole group of people that would have to get to do that.
The landlord had to go to the court, file the petition, and then manage to get that done in under a week?
And we can't get aid?
And what's more frightening is, you know, FEMA and what we fear with these land grabs is that they're going to go in and they're going to just declare the land uninhabitable.
And when they do that, then it's going to give the state of Hawaii, you know, the constitutional rights to take that land.
Now the ball is in the court of the globalists.
You must prove to the people that this wasn't a premeditated genocide of the native people of Maui and a Pearl Harbor-style attack on the United States of America.
A lot of listeners have complained in the last two years that our amazing, high-quality coffee has not been available.
And that's because the prices went up too high for the raw beans and the quality had gone down some.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Alright ladies and gentlemen thank you for joining us on this live Monday August 21st 2023 transmission.
I am your host Alex Jones and obviously the big story over the weekend is the whistleblowers that contacted me and laid out the fact that they've been told expect masking of federal employees agents like the TSA and the Border Patrol starting in the middle of
September, and they want to bring back masking to fly on airplanes and in airports by October.
And then right on cue, you saw them saying, oh, new variant, we need to wear a mask again, all over the U.S.
news, all over the Australian news, all over the Canadian news, all over the Western news.
So they're definitely going to try it.
But it's not a prediction I made, as the Internet is saying, the top story over the weekend.
30-something million views.
It was me reporting on what trusted whistleblowers told me.
They were told it's coming in new memorandum and new policies.
So it's not whether or not Alex Jones's prediction comes true, because it's not a prediction.
My sources said they're going to try to roll this out
And just increase it as far as they can push it.
And I said, we need to stop it.
We're not spineless jellyfish.
The media is already misrepresenting it and saying, oh, Jones claims that these new lockdowns were coming, and the new mask requirements, and this new booster, and all the COVID restrictions.
He has no proof.
I have no proof?
It's all over the news, they're fear-mongering, wear a mask again, and we need to go back to COVID, quote, protocols.
But it's not about me being proven right.
When it happens, it's about us stopping it happening together.
That is my goal.
Stopping it happening.
Getting us mobilized.
We're not just spectators that sit there in the bleachers.
So, all over the United States and all over the Western world that are run by the globalists,
The colleges are reinstating masks.
The colleges are saying the vaccine mandate's back.
You've got to have the latest shots, the latest COVID injections, or you can't go here.
Hospitals are announcing they've gone back to it.
Over and over and over again, we've seen this done.
And just magically on Friday night, almost every channel in the country reported, don't worry though, COVID's back and it's really bad, but we've got a new vaccine, a new COVID shot that covers the new variant.
Isn't that just magical?
Isn't that just special?
Isn't that just sweet of them?
So, it is not up to the globalists whether or not they're able to carry this out.
It is up to us whether we just sit here and let them incrementally roll it out and respond to each new level of the lie, or whether we get out front of it and stop it by having a huge political, cultural, economic, peaceful, civil disobedience against it.
And listeners, you did a fabulous job.
That story went out Friday.
Within an hour, it was all over the internet, and it's still gaining steam right now.
When I said 30 million views, I spent about 30 minutes on Sunday afternoon before I went live on air, checking some of the big channels out there.
And we're talking conservatively 15 million views on Twitter.
There was one with more than 10 million views on Instagram.
They jerked it down, but that's okay.
There are hundreds of versions with 100,000 views, 300,000 views, 400,000 views.
I saw at least six or seven clips of the show on Twitter that were long form, some of them 30 minutes long, where you got basically all the info with a million views here, a million views there.
When I say 30 million views, that is very, very conservative.
So great job, everybody, getting out front of this.
I want to be here in a couple months, and this is stalled out, and they're unable to get this done, and people are going to go, look, he predicted this, it didn't happen.
I would much rather them falsely accuse me of getting something wrong than for this to actually happen again and collapse the economy and put masks on little kids and
Push this new poison shot and shut down the third world again to collapse them further so the UN can organize them to invade us.
And then John Kerry and Obama and Biden and Mayorkas all get up and say, global warming's the reason the border's broken.
Global warming's the reason these people are all up here.
He said, when I win, immediately surge the border.
And they'd already had him down there locked down for several years, starving to death.
They did polls.
96% of the illegals coming in say it's because there's no jobs from the lockdown that was far more severe and lengthy in the third world because they're totally controlled by their credit rating by the IMF and World Bank.
They have C- and F credit ratings.
We're being put in that position as a country now by the banks to be debtors to them as well.
So right on time,
They want to get all the sheep wearing masks again to create the fear, to create the depression, to create the hysteria.
The teachers unions will lock the schools down again.
They'll put masks on them again.
They'll try to force the deadly injection on the children again.
They'll try to bring back their vaccine passports again.
They didn't set all this up to back down.
And they think people's memories are very, very short.
For those of us that are awake, it seems preposterous.
It seems asinine.
It seems just over-the-top jumping the shark to try to bring this back.
But remember, you're in your own silo as well.
You're awake.
You're informed.
You know what's going on.
And there are a lot of us.
Our numbers are growing.
But there are still masses of people that if Joe Biden told them to jump off a cliff without a parachute, they'd do it.
But notice, the left never wanted the lockdowns to end.
They never wanted the shots to end.
They never, you know, govern me harder, daddy.
Now they're running around in full court press everywhere, all over the news channels.
Jones is insane.
No one wants to put you in a lockdown.
Biden ended the lockdown.
Biden ended the mask, yet begrudgingly when federal court said he had to.
So they live in this la-la land where they can port
The information they want to match the false narrative.
So, we've got some big developments on the rollout of this new quote booster.
I've got mainstream articles saying they're just going to make you take the vaccine whether you like it or not by spraying it on you via drone or helicopter.
You hear that?
Oh yeah.
Tomorrow's news today, you're about to get it.
You talk about shedding.
This is nanotech.
A bunch of big UN globalist officials have come out, including the head of the UN Food Program, and said, we are going to have hundreds of millions of people die because of the world food shortages.
So that's the left hand saying, oh look, it's terrible, while the right hand of the UN is literally running the policies.
And we've got the WEF and others saying, population collapse good for the planet, close quote.
WEF advisor, Professor Sarah Harper, explains.
They're doing it all by design.
Oh, the crime's up.
Global warming.
Oh, we released viruses.
Global warming.
Oh, the border's wide open.
Global warming.
Oh, we didn't cut the bushes around the power lines and left the power on in a hurricane.
Oh, global warming.
And the governor has now said, it's not the government standing down, it's not the government not trimming the bushes and
The company that owned it, Vanguard, saying for five years they wouldn't update any of the electrical systems anymore because, quote, there's no investment going into what's not, quote, green.
Well, now the governor officially says they're going to take the property and that it's global warming.
So, everything they do to us, their whole takeover of society, they just go, oh, it's global warming.
You didn't know it was global warming?
Nuclear missiles rained down on us.
Oh, it's global warming.
An angrier world.
Where the big banks own and control everything and they administratively, through the infrastructure, implode society, create crime waves, defund the police, let mass murderers out of jail, and collapse civilization.
A lot of listeners have complained in the last two years that our amazing, high-quality coffee has not been available.
And that's because the prices went up too high for the raw beans and the quality had gone down some.
I turned down so many companies that wanted to work with us.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
The program leftists failed to silence.
It's the Alex Jones Show.
While the mainstream corporate New World Order owned media lies to you about the news happening today, we tell you the truth about what's coming next.
Thank you for joining us on this August 21st Monday transmission.
There's nowhere I'd rather be than here fighting these tyrants right now.
All right, so here's the key, all right?
Here's the bottom line.
The New World Order is not playing games with their policy reports and their plan for a post-industrial world and a 90% depopulation plan.
I have dozens and dozens of clips just last week of world leaders and environmentalist leaders saying, we want to cut off resources and it's good to depopulate the earth.
The WEF just came out and said, population collapse is good for the planet, close quote.
We're going to show you all that.
Now I know it's hard to deal with this and I know you want to just go home and have a nice life.
I like playing golf, folks.
I haven't played golf since I was 20 because I've been in this fight.
I like fishing a lot.
I might fish twice a year because I can't run around and do that while this is going on.
And I get it.
It'd be a lot easier just to
Try to adapt to their new system.
And I'm sure if you serve them properly and are lucky and the bioweapons they release don't kill you and your family, you might be that 10% they leave alive if you submit to them.
But that is a fate worse than death.
So today, we had a bunch of guests lined up.
We've canceled the guests.
I apologize to the guests, but this is just the news is too important.
And I want to checkmate the globalist here today.
The story, the report we put out Friday, based on two real whistleblowers, that yes, they've been told by the middle of next month, they plan to bring back masks for federal workers, the TSA and others.
And then by the middle of October, for everybody flying, and then they're going to try to roll out the boosters and all the rest of it, and then try to cancel big events, make you have vaccine passports.
That's what they were told specifically about make them wear masks first next month and then by middle of October bring it back for people flying on airplanes or at airports and then they weren't given the details they just said and then expect things to escalate from there.
We know how this goes.
But I could sit here and tell you that and it becomes a big national news story and then it can create a lot of opposition.
Especially because it's true, and because suddenly, I had no idea they were going to launch their propaganda rollout that evening on every local TV station I've checked, on the national channels.
They had the FDA board members, Gottlieb and all of them on TV saying, oh, they're really scared, you need to wear your mask again.
The hospitals started announcing you gotta wear a mask.
The colleges started announcing you gotta wear a mask.
So, yeah, it's real, okay?
I don't know how far they can push it.
But I got contacted by somebody that I know well, that I made some calls and double confirmed what he told me.
But what we can really do is get your eyes and ears here.
Do you work at a hospital?
Do you work at a college?
Do you work at a major sheriff's department?
Are you a federal agent?
Are you a doctor?
Do you work at the CDC or the FDA?
Maybe you work at the British Ministry of Health.
The National Health Service.
We're going to open the phones up specifically throughout the next four hours, or three plus hours, for individuals that are eyewitnesses to preparations to roll out the COVID tyranny again.
And the COVID hysteria.
Now, if you're in a hospital and you're not seeing any of it, and if you disagree with me, you also can call in.
But only on this subject.
And I know it's going to happen, because I know the calls I got were real.
And I know that what just came out is real.
But I want the world, because so many new listeners are tuned in right now.
The site was slow this weekend, because we had so many tens of millions of new people on the site.
So we have a lot of new listeners, millions of new people today, conservatively.
All right.
The new COVID protocols.
Are you witnessing that in your professional capacity?
Maybe you work at Walmart or Target and they're suddenly got a contract to bring back the testing centers and the quote vaccination centers because I saw Twitter and other sites filled with comments
People saying, hey I work at Target, and they say they're about to bring back the vaccine centers and things.
Now what's going to happen is, with callers that call in and say that they're witnesses, I'm going to ask you if we can talk to you after the show.
And I don't want you to email it to us because it could, you know, somehow, somehow later end up in enemy hands.
But if you want to give us your name and number, I will have my team call you if you're, say, a nurse that's been told it's coming back or a TSA agent that's been told that.
All we got to do is call you on Zoom or Skype or FaceTime.
Look that you're indeed who you say you are.
Show us your ID.
We won't record it.
Show us your uniform.
We've done this many times.
It's what we do.
And then you will then be a whistleblower and then I can have you on.
We can, again, scramble your voice if you want or whatever.
But people need to know it's not just my contacts.
I know it's rolling out.
I know it's happening.
But we have to get people to admit it's happening so we can then organize and get the legislatures, the governors, and some of the good people we have in Congress and the courts
Who were a day late, a dollar short, but did block the COVID tyranny after about a year and a half.
And now they're primed to understand what's happening, and we can beat this very quickly, but not living in denial.
You saw the rollout of Hysteria right after I said it.
In fact, we made it right under the gun there, right under the door closing, and I had no idea they were getting ready to launch it that evening.
But it was a PR rollout.
You've seen the videos where they show all the channels saying the same thing about Pfizer, all the channels saying the same thing about the election.
They get a script.
I showed you last night three or four newscasts, or pieces of them, and it was the exact same words, exact same B-roll, the beach, and, oh, people are scared, and, oh, it's up 60%, and, oh, the hospitals are going to get full, and, oh, but the vaccine's coming out in mid-September.
I had no idea when I told you, the TSA told me, mid-September they're going to start wearing masks again, that they would roll out five, six hours after I said that with a PR campaign.
And that's when the internet went, whoa, this is real.
Well, you're damn right it's real.
Believe me, you think, I think it's crazy they're going to try this again.
But then I've got all these creepy clips of Tedros at the WHO and the rest of us saying, and Bill Gates, oh the next virus is going to be far worse, oh it's imminent.
And I said that six months ago when they declared the last pandemic over and that they defeated it.
Because you did what we said and you locked down, you took the shots.
It wasn't defeated.
Record deaths from the shots, record hospitalizations, but they would declare victory only to say, you did what we said and we beat the last one, now we're going to beat the next one.
So, when we come back, I'm giving the number out for folks specifically.
to tell us what you're hearing and key infrastructure of law enforcement and medical systems about the build-up for this.
You already know a bunch of hospitals are saying they're going back to mask, forced injections to go to college, mask on colleges.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Defending the Republic from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, here's what I'm going to do.
In the next couple hours, I'm going to open the phones up right now, and I'm going to take your calls every segment, but interspersed, I'm going to then hit, before I go to you, another big news story, another big topic that's important, but then the main discussion after that, when we take calls, will be the plan to roll out new lockdowns all over the Western world.
And the lockdown is where they want to get, but it'll start with masks, hysteria, the new booster, blue areas, canceling events, colleges force injecting or kicking you out of college, making them wear masks.
That's already being announced all over the world from France to the United States, from Australia to Canada.
I've got stacks of news here.
I'll show it to you.
Anybody can search engine the term COVID.
And oh yeah, you gotta wear a mask again.
Oh yeah, you gotta have the new booster to go to school here.
And the booster's not even out yet.
Comes out magically next month, like my sources told me.
And so, we are here trying to stop that.
And I'm gonna open the phones up specifically for people at colleges,
People at public schools, teachers unions, law enforcement, TSA, FBI, federal marshals, military.
If you're there and they're telling you it's coming back, because I know it is.
These are good sources I have.
And then we saw the rollout right after I said it was coming.
Talk about perfect timing.
I mean, that hit.
I got the call on Tuesday and I didn't get back with the individual until Thursday.
Didn't make other calls to confirm it until Thursday.
I would have gone with that Wednesday.
They might have pulled back exactly how they rolled it out to the next week.
But instead, I announced it at like 11.45 Friday, and by 5 o'clock, 6 o'clock news, it's everywhere.
People are like, whoa!
Are COVID restrictions coming back?
The BBC said scientists and doctors recommend masks.
But don't worry, the new vaccine will be ready middle of next month, September 15th.
It rolls out.
I mean, you can see that they had to tell the feds before because they're going to say, why didn't you tell us?
So they tell them a few days before, four days before.
And then we got in right under the gun to like tell you, OK, it's coming.
Hours later, boom, it comes.
And that gave us insane credibility yet again, that Lord Works Mysterious Ways.
By me not checking the call, not getting back with him for two days, because if I'd have said it right when I got it, it wouldn't have been as powerful.
Number one story this weekend around the world.
Trended number one on Twitter, number one everywhere.
That's because you got excited, you listened, you got the show out, you get the credit.
The whistleblowers get the credit, the audience gets the credit, the crew gets the credit, not me.
I'm just the focal point.
I'm just the speaker delivering the message.
I'm not the Oracle, folks.
I'm simply the talk show host that lives, eats, drinks, sleeps this.
So, we got a real fighting chance of stopping this.
And I know what's going to happen when we open the phones up.
When I give this number out, it's going to load up with people.
That are seeing this happen, because it's right here in the news.
But there's nothing like everyone hearing it from other people.
But hey, if you work at a college or you work at the TSA, and you haven't been told this, and you want to call in and disagree with me, you're more than welcome.
And I want to be sitting here next month and the TSA not go back to mask.
And the next month them not go back to all the flyers having to wear a mask.
I want them to have a false news article, a false news story saying Jones claimed lockdowns were coming back and they didn't.
Because you know what that is?
That's victory.
I will get champagne, which I don't even like champagne, but I will buy a $500 bottle of Dom Brion for the crew, we will all take a sip of it, I will drink it on air with the listeners, and I hope you'll raise a toast if we're sitting here in October and they've backed off.
By the way, these shows are powerful.
And who do you think I've been talking to this weekend?
Who do you think's getting on board?
I called very prominent people.
Steven Crowder already talked about it on air, that I called him Thursday.
His CEO did, Gerald Morgan.
But I called everybody else.
And guess what calls I got this weekend?
Man, I know you don't make this stuff up, but wow, you told me that on Thursday.
And boom, they're all over the news pushing it again the next day.
I'm like, yeah, these are whistleblowers on the inside.
So we got a real chance of beating this if we don't just sit here and react to each little incremental phase.
Oh, it's just two weeks to flatten the curve.
Oh, you know, the hospitals are overwhelmed.
We need to be able to lock them down and quietly kill people.
But there's big takeaways here.
That are front and center.
And I showed these on the Sunday Show last night, but I know the weekday show is bigger.
So I'm going to go back over these, and since then there's been more developments, so listen to me carefully.
Every major publication, from the Wall Street Journal, to the New York Times, to the BBC, to the CBC in Canada, and I have them right here on the stack, is saying
There are record deaths, the worst ever.
On average in Western countries, 13% increase in death, 45% increase in this key age group.
We don't know what the mystery is.
And the British government came out last Wednesday and said, this is causing horrible conspiracy theories that it's the vaccine.
We've got to discover what's killing everybody.
I'm going to show you the headlines.
So, COVID wasn't that strong.
People went in to get healthcare three years ago, two years ago.
They were turned back.
If you don't get therapeutics and treatment, it can and will kill you in many cases.
They sent people home to make them sicker.
Global protocol, whether you were in Australia or the U.S., same thing.
Whether you were in Denmark or Canada, same thing.
Unified, global, UN, WEF-run corporate program.
Remember that.
So they killed a bunch of people by denying them care, and by saying flu deaths were COVID.
Then the shots start in 2021, and the death rate, you've seen the graphs, we can put them on screen, goes, the hospitalization, the infection, the hospitalization, the death goes straight up.
And what's it doing right now?
You're looking at a graph from two years ago when the shots started.
Now you look at the overall graph over the last three years, it's going straight up.
And now they're going, oh, the heart attacks, all the blood clots, all the strokes, all the myocarditis.
It's being caused by COVID.
Long COVID is killing you.
That's what's killing you.
So that's where we are.
I'll show you the articles.
We're all over the news are saying, okay, record deaths are happening since they took statistics the last 120 years.
Say that again.
Record unexplained deaths are happening and they're heart attacks, heart swelling, myocarditis, strokes, blood clots, and cancer.
What did the CDC and FDA website say in October 2000 before the shots began?
They said, we believe this will be what the shots do, adverse reaction.
Word for word, what happened?
What did Dr. Michael Giedon, the former head scientist at Pfizer, say in the same month?
He said, it'll cause this, because they've tested mRNA on mice and rats.
And they knew exactly what it was going to do.
And I have a stack of articles here.
In fact, guys, it was in the Detroit Free Press, but I didn't see it in my stack.
I texted it to you.
Please reprint it for me.
A 13-year-old boy just died three days after he took the shot.
And if you're a radio listener, you're not seeing this.
There's the FDA safety surveillance of COVID-19 vaccines, draft working list, possible adverse event outcomes, subject to change.
That was months before the shot rolled out.
In January.
Three months before.
Smoking gun.
The FDA website admits that the COVID vaccines, Moderna and Pfizer, have SV40 in them that gives you cancer, a cancer virus.
Major studies link it to alpha-gal, where you can't eat beef anymore, or lamb, or red meat.
Record deaths in modern history, they don't know why it's happening.
Horse Pucky!
Boulder Dash!
And look what today came out from the White House.
Biden's set to push the new booster because of surging cases and a return to mask.
But we're going to beat this dead horse into the ground.
Because we're not going to sit here and let them control the narrative.
And just hope everybody forgets about what I just broke and what you just broke.
What we just did together.
And if anything gets me killed, it's going to be this.
I can tell you I got a spider sense, I got the Holy Ghost.
Breaking this story, I can feel the wings of death flapping around.
Please pray for me, because I don't want to die.
I don't want them to kill me.
I don't want them to indict me.
But if it has to happen, it has to happen.
I'm not going to stop.
Seeing it all week long, indict Alex Jones, January 6th.
Indict Roger Stone.
You know, it's just a drumbeat.
Because I guess they want to be locked up.
The people that work there, they want to be given poison shots.
They think they're going to be immune from this.
They think this is cute.
They think having their power cut off is cute.
They think their money being devalued is cute.
That's the saddest part about this is the people going along with this everywhere are destroying their own futures.
So start your engines.
Here's the toll-free number only for people that directly work in the infrastructure
That is being told of any future COVID rollouts, which we already see at the hospitals, that we already see at the colleges, that we already see unfolding.
But I want to hear specifically what you've been told, if anything.
877-789-2539, 877-789-Alex?
And I know people are busy, I know it's a work day, so I will really try to move as quickly as I can to your calls.
But that means you've got to just not thank me and not spend time, just say what you've got, tell us what's going on, and we'll move to the next person so people can hear from you.
They hate live talk radio on TV.
They hate the people having instant access to millions of listeners and viewers.
Not just our normal couple million that tune in every hour of badass, hardcore patriots, but today we've got millions and millions and millions and millions
I think?
I can't do this broadcast without your support.
And God loves to keep me humble, and I get it, and keep me on edge, and keep me hungry.
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We are in the black.
A little bit.
Our bankruptcy's going well.
Hey, we're still here.
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We're not being liquidated.
Unless we go into the red, or right on the edge of the black.
I don't want to just be on the edge of black.
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All right.
I see that we have Sean, Andy, Bruce, Albert, Forrest, William, and others.
And again, as the calls come in, you just give us a comment so I get an idea of what you simply want to talk about, and then I will go to your call.
I'm going to take a bunch of your calls now until the end of the hour.
The next 10 minutes, we're going to go on a break, come back with more calls, and then I'm going to specifically go into the documents, the rollout, the mystery illness that's killing everybody, that they're now going to blame on the new COVID, because before they blamed it on flu and not treating people.
That's what they did.
They said that was COVID, but it was them.
Now they have the real deaths from folks who have taken the shots, and the statistics and studies show it's people that took the shots.
But it's also a minority of folks that are being shed on, but now they're announcing a plan to, whether you like it or not, spray you with aerosolized viruses.
That's coming up.
Then we've got more on Maui, more on the war in Russia, more on the Trump indictments, more on Vivek Ramaswamy is knocking it out of the park.
We've got so much today we're going to be hitting.
But first, your phone calls.
Let's talk to William in Arkansas is a nurse on COVID mandates coming back.
What have you heard?
What have you seen?
Long-term care this weekend.
I was very surprised to see that the young people already knew, were aware that... Oh, I'm sorry to interrupt you.
They punched you up or you didn't talk for a few seconds.
I missed the first thing you said, so William, start over, go ahead.
I've been a nurse 37 years, started a new job this weekend.
I was surprised to see that the young people were already aware that masks were coming back.
The CNAs that I've
We're good to go.
I believe that I was, I was blown away by the fact they were angry and they knew anything about it.
Most people younger on playing games on the phone, but they got this information off of TikTok and I was joking with them thinking, Oh, these people watching Alex Jones.
I don't know any of them.
New job.
They said, no, we got it off TikTok.
So if you're on the little shorts and you have comments and stuff, understand that that's where the young people are getting information.
Comment on it because nursing professionals don't want anything to do with it.
I saw some bad stuff.
I lost five jobs during the whole ordeal.
Two that I had and three that I refused because I wouldn't take the shot.
But worst thing that happened to me was how the lady hadn't seen her family in a year.
Think of that, think of that level of evil.
Not yet.
What I've seen throughout the industry is that they are having to advertise
We're good to go.
Now we got a second heavy-handed hit with, you know, another administrative, you know, overlord mandate, which, you know, people have a tendency to follow through.
I think it's going to have a lot to do with your private nursing home owners, the corporations, to just stand up and say no.
I think nurses, as an individual basis, have an obligation to say no.
Sheriff, all you're saying is the good news is?
They're backing off because of pressure and saying, hey, we'll hire people and not make you take the shots in some cases.
Yes, and the young people are angry.
And a lot of them, I saw last night, they said, I'm not doing it again.
You know, a lot of them said they only got one shot or something like this.
And it's kind of situational with everybody.
They might have got one shot and then the institution said, well, we're not requiring any more shots.
So they didn't get any more shots, right?
Um, but now they're, they're hitting us again with all this garbage.
And a lot of people are aware now that it's just not acceptable.
Thank you.
All right.
Thank you so much for the call, sir.
Be safe.
Let's go to a caller in Michigan.
All right.
Christy in Michigan works in a grocery store.
What are you seeing there?
Uh, hi Alex.
Um, yes, I work in a grocery store in Michigan.
Um, and Friday they handed all the employees masks.
There was a big box of masks in the break room and I personally laughed at it because I'm not complying with that crap.
We all know it's fake.
We all know what they're trying to do.
So I asked my manager, I said, why is there masks?
And she said, well, corporate requested that we require everyone to take one because we don't know what's coming, you know, with the upcoming flu season and was kind of real vague about it.
Thank you for your time.
So, that's crazy, because I broke this Friday, and that's what I've seen all over the country, is grocery stores, colleges, hospitals, Friday said, put your mask back on, which again, they just get an order, and then it creates that fear, and then all the customers see it as well.
So, you can see them starting the PSYOP.
I specifically work at a Kroger store.
I don't know if you are familiar with that.
Yes, that is where it is happening.
And there is customers that are still running around wearing masks.
And I mean, I just laughed to myself.
I'm like, geez, I mean, how are these people still like following this and falling for this?
Well, there you go, another confirmation.
You work at a grocery store, Kroger's, big national chain, and you work there in Michigan, and they called in and said, here's your mask.
Which again, because corporate told them, that's how it works.
They get the order, it goes out, and then suddenly corporations everywhere, people are wearing masks.
Again, the employees, just like it's about to be the TSA, and then it's doggie see doggie do, monkey see monkey do.
Then everybody else puts them on, and then the fear begins, and the children are made to wear them, then you gotta have the vaccine passport right as the new shot rolls out.
Anything else, Christine?
All premeditated.
Um, no, but I will say I am not complying with it.
I refuse to comply.
I encourage everyone to remember 2020, don't forget it, and do not comply.
We can only win if we comply.
If we push back, then they lose.
Thank you.
So, you see that folks?
She works at Kroger in Michigan.
Corporate orders they hand mask out on Friday.
I told you.
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to know this.
Literally, the internet's flooded with what I've seen, literally, I didn't watch them all, but I've watched dozens, hundreds of newscasts, different owners, different companies, all the same script, all the same stuff.
Oh, summer seems fun, but COVID's exploding, we need to wear a mask again, but don't worry, a booster's coming, and will COVID restrictions come back?
Are they needed?
Well, yes, we think they'll probably be needed.
You're in England, you're in Germany, it's all the same propaganda.
So, boom!
Just heard it again.
This is real.
They're going to try it.
They're trying it now.
We're going to start our number two.
Go to Jacob, Jack, Blake, Papa Smurf, and others.
877-789-2539 is the call-in number for Border Patrol, for TSA, for others.
We want to hear from you.
We have lines open for folks.
Call now.
A lot of listeners have complained in the last two years that our amazing, high-quality coffee has not been available.
And that's because the prices went up too high for the raw beans and the quality had gone down some.
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Now, we're not selling guns and ammo.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show!
Alright, we're taking phone calls here on this Live Monday edition, specifically for folks out there across this country.
You can also call from other countries.
It's a global program.
And... They're telling the colleges, the hospitals, the nursing homes...
That's right.
We're just giving the number out.
He works at Kroger.
It's happening there.
And I see the phone lines loading up.
People saying the same thing.
I wish we were going to get calls and say, no, nothing's going on.
We're not, but it's in the news, but I want you to hear it from listeners.
These are real people calling in.
The listeners are doing a great job.
The regular folks not calling other topics.
People have been leaving some phone lines open.
That's great.
And so we're ready to talk to you.
Let's go to Jacob in Connecticut, then we'll go to Blake, Papa Smurf, Susan and Dave and others.
Jacob, you're on the air from Connecticut.
What are you hearing?
Hey, Alex.
Can you hear me good?
Yes, sir.
So my girlfriend works in a group home for elderly people with mental disabilities.
All right.
They told her Saturday she got a text.
They need to wear double masks.
They gotta stay six feet away from people besides their clients.
And they said the tests don't work.
It won't show up with COVID.
Because COVID doesn't stay in your nose.
They said it goes straight to your lungs.
By the way, they admit this new variant, if it's even real, spreads faster but isn't even as bad as the old variants.
That's how viruses work.
They get less lethal as they proliferate.
And so they're just totally pushing this crap.
What does your girlfriend say about that?
She's just, like, she's dishonest that they're, you know, making them do that again.
And the way I see it is that if they're saying you don't test positive now,
So it's not even COVID.
Like, they're just going to say you have COVID, no matter what ailments you have.
Well, we know there's record deaths, and I'm going to cover that at the bottom of the hour, from the shot.
And now they're trying to say, oh, it's the new COVID doing it.
It's a perfect plan.
In fact, we predicted years ago that indeed, the shots would cause all these illnesses.
Then they're going to say, oh, it's a new COVID that's doing it.
Works like a charm.
We've got to get out ahead of this, brother.
Yeah, I agree.
Did she say anything else about what she's planning to do?
No, she, uh, I mean, she's leaving soon.
She's going to EMT school soon, so she's going to be out of there soon.
Well, unfortunately, they're going to try to bring her back, according to my federal sources, for the workers.
And they're telling TSA that and Border Patrol.
They're telling the, uh...
They're telling the nurses that, too, just like they told your girlfriend, just like they told the Kroger lady.
I really appreciate your call, sir.
All right, some stations don't care this first five a lot do.
I'm going to go to break.
Got long segments coming up, and I'm going right to Papa Smurf, Blake, Dave, Susan, Jack, Frank, and others.
And boy, I got a sneaking suspicion we're about to hear more of the same because this is real.
As real as a cupboard shot causing you a heart attack or a blood clot or sterilizing you.
And I wish this wasn't true.
You heard the last caller.
He said his girlfriend was just flabbergasted.
She was taken back.
She's like, are you kidding me again?
Yeah, yeah.
I mean, these are real whistleblowers, folks.
Like when I told you, I have military sources.
The Russians are going to invade in February.
In October.
I told you they're going to indict Trump next Tuesday, Iranian on Thursday.
A week before it happened in D.C.
I had that from the courthouse.
I have sources.
And so we're just going to bam, bam, bam, go through.
Everybody can figure it out.
You think I'm going to make crap up?
You think I want to take on the New World Order just for fun?
These people are a bunch of killers!
We've got to stop them!
We're going to stop them together!
But we've got to get ahead of this now.
We've got a good chance at catching them with their pants down.
Stay with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
Share the live links.
A lot of listeners have complained in the last two years that our amazing, high-quality coffee has not been available.
And that's because the prices went up too high for the raw beans and the quality had gone down some.
I turned down so many companies that wanted to work with us.
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And finally the best tasting dark roast tip of the spear now exclusively available at InfoWarsTore.com.
Get your coffee now.
Breaking through the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Crashes of the lives and disinformation.
If you just joined us, and a lot of stations carry the second, third, and fourth hour, not the first for whatever reason.
We broke last week because I got called by someone very well known to me that's senior in TSA.
I'll leave it at that.
So senior, they're above the TSA.
And they said, yeah, they called us in.
It's going to start in mid next month.
We all got to wear the mask again.
And they are saying that they expect that they're going to make it by the middle of October.
Everybody that flies.
And then it's just going to be everywhere.
And then they're going to try to bring back the whole protocols.
And then, I didn't even know they had a quote new booster.
Friday night it then broke.
Oh yeah, don't worry.
It's deadly.
Y'all got to wear a mask.
We got a new booster coming out.
And then all the colleges announced.
A whole bunch of them announced.
Hey, you got to have shots to come here.
Got to have the new COVID booster.
We'll disenroll you.
And then hospitals all started announcing over the weekend.
We're making everybody wear a mask.
And I'm giving the number out.
And every caller is witnessing it in nursing homes.
That's how it works.
You get these big governmental councils, BlackRock and State Street and Vanguard control 88% of the Fortune 5000.
Not the Fortune 500, not the Fortune 1000.
I've shown you the statistics.
They control 88% of the companies.
Even regional grocery stores, even regional car dealerships, they're the biggest investor.
Hospitals, clinics, they're in control and they just put an order out to the corporations.
All right, everybody start using QR codes, no more paper menus.
Everywhere you go, overnight, mom and pops, big ones, small ones, got to use a QR code.
Remember that?
How'd that order go down?
We know how it did.
The UN years ago wrote a global, worldwide ID standardization vaccine passport plan that has now been officially adopted for the planet that they'll then use as your carbon credit, your social credit score, and your universal basic income.
So, the lady works at Kroger.
They call in the managers.
They say, everybody wear these masks.
Corporate said so.
They give the order.
Looks like Friday was the launch date.
I didn't know that.
I was just told by sources this was rolling out next month.
How did we know that the propaganda launch would be that day?
But we caught them by the grace of the Lord with their pants down.
And now the rollout's here.
And mainstream media, the corporate media, is in a hishy fit.
They don't know how to deal with this because they want to bring it back out, but they don't want us to wake up ahead of it.
So they're saying, Jones is crazy.
It's not happening.
People are like, well, what are all these articles?
Don't listen to him.
People on Twitter will post like 20 articles saying, we need to go back to lockdowns.
We need to go back to measures.
We need to go back to masks.
We need to go back to vaccine passports.
Mainstream news all over the world.
And people point out the date is the day I said it or the next day.
Of course it's real.
So let's stop living in denial.
They're coming for us again.
I'm going to go to your calls, but let's play this clip.
I've got a bunch of these, but these are children a year ago.
They had them for almost three years wearing horrible, suffocating masks that destroy their language ability, that give them all sorts of diseases, bacterial pneumonia.
And here they are when they learn the federal government, what do they have control over schools?
Your supposed independent school district thought you ran that.
Tell them you can take your mask off tomorrow.
Here it is.
Starting tomorrow we don't have to wear masks anymore!
Is anybody excited?
Remember from Canada to the U.S.
to the U.K.
to Australia, the police forces running over people, protesting, being locked in their houses.
Remember what happened to the trucker protests in Canada?
And they're going to try to bring it all back.
The police dogs attacking people, everything.
All based on lies.
Everything they said was a lie.
All right, let's go to Papa Smurf.
Works at a hotel, says mask mandates are coming back regionally.
What have you been told, Papa Smurf?
Hey, Alex.
Good to talk with you.
I hope you can hear me very well.
Loud and clear.
Well, I heard about this this past week.
Of course, it infuriated me.
I just, here a few minutes ago, had talked to my manager, and I asked him if he had heard anything about it.
As they were saying that it would be a regional situation, if there was a pandemic, then yes, we would be going required to do the masking.
The buildings that I do work in, they have the six foot stuff already that was never taken down, kind of like they've been waiting for it to come back.
I'm not really sure if they know for sure what's going on, if they have been told, but they haven't bothered to tell anyone that works there yet.
That's going to be my job, because I'm an info warrior, and I'm going to make sure my friends understand.
Sure, let me be clear, Papa Smurf.
When you asked him this, did he hypothetically say, yeah, if it does, we'll bring it back?
Or was he clear that they've been told it may be coming back?
Well, he didn't make it clear that they've been told.
He just told us that yes, that there is a possibility of the masks returning if there is a mandate, which if that does happen, then I'm going to be jobless because I'm not doing it.
I'm mask free because I'm allergic to tyranny.
And I want to tell all my ample warriors out there, please,
Please tell all your friends, let's stop this in its tracks.
It needs to end now, because this is no joke.
They tried to ruin our economy before, they did a hell of a job of it, and now they're going to do it again.
Please, InfoWarriors, tell all your friends, share the links, spread the word.
Beautiful, sir.
Thank you so much, Papa Smurf.
Let's go to
Tyler in Colorado.
Tyler, thanks for calling.
Go ahead.
What do you know?
Hey, how's it going?
Go ahead.
Good, sir.
I work for a local government authority, and they have been looking to hire plumbologists and other types of testing sites for the apparent blowout that you've been talking about.
It sounds like you're at work and having to whisper, and I hear what you're saying, but be a little louder and talk right in the receiver.
Specifically, when did you learn this, and what did they tell you?
So they've just been hearing rumors, talking about my director and the city manager, talking about how they need to set up thrombologist stations at the local airport again, and to start keeping track of how many people are coming into the town.
Because last year we had a lot of cases of COVID, and they shut everything down, and they're trying to start doing that again.
Just out of curiosity for myself, I started looking on a job application site, and there's been a surge of flambologists.
And all of them say start now and end right around November 4th.
Same time period you're talking about.
Isn't that interesting?
So you work in a city there in Colorado, and they specifically said, we've got to gear up now.
Yeah, they're trying to hire a flambologist, you know, just to like start a testing site.
Because we, like, right by us, we have a small airport.
And right last year, right as you exit the airport, there was a testing site where they took everybody in town.
And like I said, they're hiring a flambologist.
Why would you hire a flambologist if there's no, there's not even a pandemic surge right now?
So why are you hiring them for November then?
Yeah, so what, a phlebotomist takes fluids from people, blood, nasal... Right.
Yeah, I mean, I can pull up the job application.
Well, that's something I meant to say.
When I was on Twitter, people were pointing this out.
I think I sent it to the crew actually yesterday, but I guess I... Hold on, we're gonna skip this break, guys.
Let me just... Let me put you on hold real quick.
Just hold on a second.
I'm looking at the job application right now.
It's integrated resources.
Well, that's what I was seeing on Twitter is people pointing out the job applications and people also saying, hey, I sell
Preparedness items, PPE.
I sell masks and stuff.
And they were saying, yeah, in the last year, the business was dead.
We're selling out right now.
And then I went and looked at the guy's Twitter account, and he's a medical salesman.
So yeah, and that's a smart place to look.
We need the crew, the writers, to all go look at the job applicant sites.
That's a great angle to look at.
Thanks for reminding me.
Anything else?
Yeah, I mean, personally, I follow your beliefs in the sense of, I don't like the government, I don't like working for the government, so I was looking for more jobs.
And even on the screening questions, they're starting to ask again, are you vaccinated?
Are you willing to get vaccinated?
So even if you're not, it doesn't say it in the job description, but then you go through, like, I want to apply, it asks, do you work in the U.S.?
Are you willing to get vaccinated?
Do you have proof of vaccination?
All right, sir.
Thank you so much, Tyler.
I appreciate you calling.
Let's go ahead and go back to the calls here.
Let's talk to Dave in North Carolina.
Dave, thank you.
You say you're a hospital worker.
What are you seeing?
Yeah, hi Alex.
We had an outbreak, a new outbreak on the nursing floor.
And I work in a, I'm a chef.
I work in the kitchen.
And yeah, Friday, it wasn't just having to be on Friday.
We're good to go.
Yeah, they're just creating hysteria, they're creating fear ahead of the new booster.
And then they just administrate it to the grocery stores, and to the hotels, and the Uber drivers, and the hospitals, and the colleges where they have control.
They just bring back the fear.
But there is real fear, because there is record death I'm going to cover coming up on the hour, that they don't know what's causing it.
Isn't that interesting?
Yeah, exactly.
And, you know, I'm fortunate enough to, I've been at this job for 15 years.
I'm fortunate enough to be in a place where they've allowed me to have an exemption from the vaccine mandate.
So, I don't plan on getting any new vaccines.
If they change that policy, I'm out.
And if they actually bring back the mask mandate for me, I'm out as well.
Well, God bless you.
Be safe, Dave.
Thanks for the information.
Let's go to Frank in Washington, D.C.
It says, mask coming back, government assistance worker.
What are you seeing, Frank?
Hi Alex, I'm happy to speak to you.
What I'm seeing is that if you're getting any type of government support like in housing assistance, they're going to connect shots to it.
If you're not updated on your shot, they're going to cut the support.
And that's a whole other area that we've actually confirmed all over the world.
People on welfare or the disabled, they're making them take the shots.
Think about that.
Making you take an experimental, dangerous shot that's been discredited to get your assistance.
That's a form of euthanasia.
That's a form of killing the disabled.
And also it's connected to the food stamp benefits also.
If you're not paid on your shot, those benefits be cut too.
It's really sad what's happening.
But that's what's coming down.
You've been right about a lot of things.
I watch you every day.
Well, thank you, sir.
But to be specific, I saw them try this in Europe and some other places.
It's totally illegal here to do this.
It should be legal everywhere.
You're saying this is a new thing you're hearing about?
Give us the specifics, because you're the expert.
What exactly are they saying?
Um, it's just basically, um, uh, you know, it's part of the, um, you know, mandate.
I mean, you know, uh, if you're, if you're not, you know, if you're not complying, they, um, look at it as you're being belligerent, you know, you're not cooperating.
So they're basically like, if you don't, or you don't want to cooperate, you know, we cut your benefit.
That's it.
Which again, whether people love these benefits or not, some people need them, some don't, it's in the law, you're entitled to it.
That's why we pay taxes for the social safety net.
So to make somebody, that's Nuremberg Code violation, that's a death penalty by the way.
I'm not joking, folks, look it up.
To make somebody take a shot, or you take away their food or water, is the death penalty.
That's evil.
Yeah, I agree.
Well look at all the, a bunch of people have died in Canada.
Nothing else.
Yeah, that's sad.
Just keep doing what you're doing.
Like I said, I watch you every day and you've been right about a lot of stuff.
Thank you.
All right, let's go ahead and go to the next caller in the order they received.
Let's go to Jack in Wisconsin disagrees about lockdowns.
Okay, tell me how you disagree.
I hope you're right.
Well, I kind of disagree with you, Mr. Jones.
I think the lockdowns and poisoning and depopulation has been going on for a long, long time, hundreds and hundreds of years.
And now because of you, mostly, and people waking up,
That we're just now, the mass is just now getting over the conspiracy theory and turning into conspiracy facts.
And you can see the timing is you got to start thinking like AI machines and drug addicts of the people were ruled that are ruling us.
That the AI is crazy about timing and their timing and not only with the election stuff and all the Trump fiasco, but also they always do these shots when school starts.
So I think that's also a big thing because they want to get the kids injected.
They want to get them as sick as possible?
Yes, and the sterilizer.
Every sterilizer.
So you know, Mr. Jones, you can look even for equine for horses.
They need to be given an interval because our reproductive systems are so strong and durable and they can get repaired and everything.
So they're trying to make everyone like how you would talk about the gay bomb.
You know, they were trying to make everyone gay and trans and
Well, you're a smart man, my friend, and what we know is record deaths connected to the shot.
I'm going to show you articles coming up, and they just think it's funny.
These people are sick.
Oh, there's all this death.
Take more shots.
Michigan teen death fueled anti-vaccine rhetoric.
Look at this.
We got the CDC's investigative report.
He died days after taking the shot.
Oh, but the CDC that murdered him says it's okay.
All right.
Let's take another call here.
Let's talk to Sue in Florida.
Sue, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, my name is Sue from Florida and I am calling because I am highly agitated and pretty sick and tired of all of this.
Right now we have a Pfizer whistleblower who is missing and there has been a missing persons report filed.
What they are doing is illegal.
You can look at law FS790.166 and you will see there that the manufacture, possession, sale, delivery, display, use, or attempted or threatened use of a weapon of mass destruction or hoax weapon of mass destruction is prohibited.
This needs to come off the market right now and it is up to we the people.
We can take this letter and we can take it to the sheriffs in our county.
They have the authority.
No, you're right, and there's already been counties voting in Florida to ban the shots, so you guys are the example.
What are you hearing as a healthcare worker?
Are you seeing the same hype we're seeing?
A remote worker, I am an investigator and what I am hearing, I've stood up against this for about 23 years now.
I have five children and none of those children are vaccinated and they're super, super healthy and strong and giants compared to the people who have taken these shots.
And they are killing our children, they're killing the adults, they're exacerbating chronic disease.
I've stood up in the public arena and I have spoken out against this and every doctor and healthcare worker has come against me.
I've been called various names, conspiracy theorists of course, and all the other things.
I have recently been receiving emails in my inbox telling me it's time to get all of my children vaccinated and I've been sent the childhood vaccination schedule.
I have also received another email recently with someone sharing with me that COVID was coming back out and that we need to get ready to take our shots and all of this information and I'm not even going to respond because I feel like I'm being set up.
Well, that's right.
Well, what they do first is they do a corporate push through the education system, the medical system, the corporate systems, and the law enforcement systems, tell them, oh, it's coming, and then they roll it out to the public.
That's exactly what I was told by my federal sources.
So you're dead on, Sue.
And again, there's no law your children are going to take any of these shots.
Thank you.
None of them protect you.
It's all a lie.
They're all tainted.
They're all poisoned.
Our cancer rates are off the charts.
Our death rates are off the charts.
They are killing us.
I'm going to go on a break.
I'm going to come back and hit these news articles where they're like, record death, which we told you years ago was happening already.
We don't know what it is.
And then the next spin, articles, oh, it's COVID doing it.
But the statistics show it's the vaccinated dying at five times the rate on average of the unvaccinated.
This is it.
They're testing it right out in the open.
They're getting ready for a new rollout.
In fact, it's already begun.
If you are one of these people out there that has intel for us, what you're witnessing, what you're seeing, but so far the calls have just confirmed what we already see happening.
Scott, Susan, Jeremiah, Cameron, Jameson, we're going to take all your calls when we come back.
First up is Scott and Susan.
They've been holding the longest.
When we return.
And I'm going to go to everybody.
And I'm going to hit some news first.
Please remember.
The way we beat the globalists is you're taking clips of this show, you're uploading it to different places, whether it's Rumble or Twitter or wherever, you're having a great success.
I don't want to thank the folks that I see boosting us, because if we thank you, they will still ban you.
So that's why I can't thank people.
I see who you are.
I appreciate you.
I love you.
Pray for the broadcast, and for all the people that are fighting this tyranny, and for the children, and for those that have already been hurt by this, and please buy products at mfullworldstore.com.
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We'll be right back on the other side.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
The last beacon of truth in a world of deception, it's Alex Jones.
I didn't write that liner, but...
It's good.
I'm not the last beacon of truth, but I'm one of the biggest, brightest this broadcast is, this crew is, all of you listening are.
In an ocean of darkness and lies, people empowered by the Spirit of God rise against the darkness, like powerful comets streaking through the sky, leading the people out of the hell Satan has prepared for them.
All glory goes to Christ.
All right, without looking every day, I have stacks of sports people collapsing and dying, heart attacks, you name it.
But when I saw this article this morning from Fox News in Michigan, before I read it, I knew what I'd read.
Played sports, totally healthy, 13 years old, got a second shot of the Pfizer injection.
His heart swelled up.
He told Mommy he had a stomachache, and his heart exploded.
You want to see the newscast?
They hope that we just pass over these dead children and forget what's happened to them.
I'm going to hit some of this news and then I'm going to play part of the newscast and then I'm going to go to your calls.
Everybody that's holding, stay there, I want to talk to you.
But before I hit this, Stalin said one man dies, it's a tragedy, 10,000 die, it's a statistic.
We've had experts on major studies, 20 million dead from the shots worldwide.
In just the last two years.
20 million dead.
And it's just getting started.
Here is the Globe and Mail.
The big paper out of Canada.
More people than expected are dying in Canada in 2023 for reasons that are not clear.
But we have the studies.
It's the injected from cancer and cardiovascular issues.
Read the report for yourself.
Here's another one.
Excess deaths in 2022 among the worst in 50 years.
Remember, the numbers are always almost a year behind.
The BBC.
Heart attacks, strokes.
Coroners are reporting young people pulling out giant protein clots.
Here's the Sunday Express.
Experts call for urgent investigation as excess deaths spark dangerous theories that it's the shot.
They say they don't.
No, it's not.
And the detected undetected damage of myocarditis.
75% will be dead in 10 years of those who are affected by myocarditis.
That's according to statistics and Dr. Peter McCullough agrees.
I meant to play this clip Sunday.
Get that clip pulled back up for me, please.
Great job, crew.
And now let's play part of that newscast I mentioned, just to personalize it.
Let's look at a picture of this young man.
Here he is.
Michigan boy, 13, dies after getting COVID-19 vaccine.
CDC investigating.
So, if you ever have your chickens eating at night, and you walk out, and there'll be a little fox sitting there with a toothpick, picking some meat out, maybe a feather out of his mouth, and you say, Mr. Fox, who killed the chickens?
He says, I don't know.
I'll investigate, though.
Not just the fox guarding the hen house, it's the fox investigating the hen house.
So let's hear about this young man who got killed.
Here it is.
The CDC right now investigating after a 13-year-old boy in Michigan died following his second dose of the COVID vaccine.
Health officials described Jacob Klinic as a healthy boy.
He had the usual symptoms after that second shot.
He felt tired and had a fever, had a bit of a stomach ache as well, but it didn't seem too serious.
According to health officials, Jacob died in his sleep.
Oh, and how did Jacob die?
Oh, they've done the autopsy.
They're still completing it.
The family was told the autopsy suggests Jacob's heart was enlarged when he died and there was fluid around his heart.
And they offered a bunch of money to Ernest Ramirez when his 14-year-old son took the shot, the first one, and died in four days while playing basketball of heart swelling.
Very painful death, by the way.
And... They offered him money to change the death certificate.
Because they admitted the shot killed him.
They wanted the dad to change the death certificate.
They're practicing killing everybody.
Oh, and look what they're saying now.
Long COVID, shorter life.
News research reveals an arduous road to recovery.
And that's this talking point over here.
This is Fortune.
I'm of the commonest Chinese now.
Everywhere they say, oh, the record deaths are from the old COVID infections, but they just so happen to all be, in the quote, vaccinated.
Well, when Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
talked to BBC, they went, Mr. Kennedy, he played it last week, nobody's ever been hurt from a vaccine.
It's like saying, no one's ever died in a car wreck.
Or, Mr. Kennedy, no one's ever been hurt by a gun.
Mr. Kennedy, no one's ever had their brains beaten out with a baseball bat.
It is the greatest gaslighting ever.
And Kennedy goes,
Why have they paid out almost $4 billion in the vaccine damage fund in the U.S.
And that's if you jump through hundreds of flaming hoops, they'll quietly pay you off a paltry sum.
They just go, save and effective.
No one's ever been hurt.
Save and effective.
In fact, cue up Biden again.
We played it on Friday.
There's two clips of him.
We're going to play Jacinda Ardern.
We put a master clip together of all these presidents and prime ministers saying, take the shot.
You're 100% protected and you can't spread it.
And the same liars are now about to sell it again.
Get the new booster.
You'll be protected from all the death they've already caused from the shots.
Here's the clip.
The various shots that people are getting now cover that.
You're okay.
You're not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.
But for most Americans, one COVID shot each is all they need.
And if you get it, you're protected.
And if you don't, you're putting yourself and other people on necessary risk.
The shot is free.
It just means that they won't get sick and they won't die.
You know, that's what the vaccine is for.
The vaccine so you won't get sick and die.
Well, what about this little boy?
We just played part of the newscast.
He died of his heart exploding a couple days after he took the shot.
But, but, but, Jacinda Arden just told me you're safe when you take it.
She's a politician on the Pfizer W.E.F.
She wouldn't lie to me.
Here, let's hear that part of that Fox Newscast.
You know what?
How long's the full newscast?
Oh, so they didn't put the full newscast that his heart blew up.
Isn't that interesting?
It's in the text.
Go ahead.
Oh, how convenient on the... Chad watched the video.
I just read the article.
How convenient that they don't tell you that the coroner's report said his heart blew up.
He just died to sleep though.
Isn't that sweet?
He'll use less carbon now.
Go ahead and play the clip.
The CDC right now investigating after a 13-year-old boy in Michigan died following his second dose of the COVID vaccine.
Health officials described Jacob Klinic as a healthy boy.
He had the usual symptoms after that second shot.
He felt tired and had a fever, had a bit of a stomach ache as well, but it didn't seem too serious.
According to health officials, Jacob died in his sleep.
Yeah, nobody took him to the hospital.
Oh, our son's got a tummy ache.
That's what it feels like.
Your stomach really hurts your heart.
But it says the actual newscast from the same report.
The Michigan Institute for Forensic Science and Medicine, which is the contracted medical examiner for the Sanguinon County, would not confirm those preliminary findings.
Oh, I'm sure they won't.
Another one bites the dust.
And another one, and another one, and another one of our children bites the dust.
But I just showed you their articles.
Oh, there's record death in young people and everyone.
We don't know what's happening.
Oh, it must have been the COVID.
We just sit here letting them kill us, and kill us, and kill us, and kill us.
And so many musicians and Hollywood folks can't perform now because they've got long COVID.
Oh, they got long COVID.
All right.
They took the shot.
I got like a hundred other articles on this, but I said, I'd take your calls.
I want to talk to you.
I got dozens of more dead people right here.
You want to hear about them?
And again, I'm going to tell the people at the Pentagon running all this, and the rest of you, you're nuts.
I think you're protected being part of this.
Shame on you.
And I'm not saying the average military is involved.
They're being targeted worse than anybody.
But this was Pentagon run.
So when Russia and China came out last week and said this was run by the Pentagon for global domination, for the people who control America, it's true.
I don't need to hear it from the Russkies.
I don't want the Russians running my life.
They sure as hell have no capacity to do it.
The Chi-Coms pretty much have taken us over, but they've broken with the globalists, so they're now double-crossing them on what they did together.
Look at these stats.
Look at this.
This is all COVID deaths, studies, turbo cancers, them rolling out masks, them saying they're gonna lock everybody down again, saying they need COVID restrictions again, London Guardian, AP, and then people are still like, oh, is Jones telling us the truth?
Ha ha ha ha!
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Telling you the truth!
Look around you, it's happening!
I want to stop them!
Of course, if we do back them off, for our children and our future and our own bodily autonomy, I'll be more than happy in a couple months to say, he said new lockdowns are coming, he said don't get me wrong.
I said they're trying to launch new ones, which you can see, and we're gonna stop them!
Folks, I don't have the money, even on a little bitty Cessna airplane, to fly private.
I've had sponsors and listeners before fly me on private jets a few times.
But man, I didn't travel a lot the last few years because I don't want to put a mask on.
My daughter is six and a half years old.
She's put a mask on one time to go visit a family member that was fighting cancer.
And I felt dirty the whole time I was at the airport and in the damn thing with her and all of it.
And then some stewardess came over and said, pull your mask over your nose.
And I just cannot subject myself to that again.
These people, these sheep, following these orders.
The tyrants took over.
They're not attacking with troops and blue helmets.
They're attacking through the bureaucracy and the medical system, cutting off the power, shipping in the fentanyl, cutting off the police, dissolving the border, devaluing the dollar.
Starting World War III, they are out of control.
Five years ago, BlackRock, it's an official press release, it's brag, we're not updating the electrical lines in Hawaii, in Maui, and we're not cutting the trees back, and we're putting no money into dirty technology.
But then there's no bridge to the new thing!
And then they let it all burn down!
They know, you leave,
Brushing trees on power lines.
When high winds come, you leave the power on, it's gonna burn your ass down.
One, two, three, four, you're dead.
It's administrative murder.
But just because the average person doesn't study how power lines work and how infrastructure works, that's all I do.
I'm fascinated by civilization and how it operates.
And it's a beautiful thing.
And you've got good men running it.
But they put a bunch of incompetent leftists in control of infrastructure, who just, they tell them, hey, go out and party, go out and paddleboard, go to the bar, nothing, you just go enjoy yourselves, because they're... Let me tell you, the trees are trimmed back in the rich areas, the trees are trimmed back at the universities and the government buildings, the trees are trimmed back at the elite compounds at the UN.
They just don't trim your trees back real easy, and then when the fire comes, your ass is burnt out.
They are turning off the default civilization.
And practicing knowing they give you a shot that causes rats to have heart attacks and myocarditis, and then it happens in mass, and they sit around and go, gee, we don't know what's going on.
And I've got a whole string of videos from John Kerry and the UN and all up next hour I'll get to.
The reason we got viruses is global warming.
The reason there's fires is global warming.
The governor came out today and said the fires are because of global warming in Hawaii.
No, it's because you let Blackrock run things and not trim the damn trees and brush run the power lines and you left the power on and wouldn't let them have water to fight it and turn the sirens off.
You administratively murdered those people.
Administrative mass murder.
Administrative genocide.
These are words I'm coining.
Learn them well.
It's what you're living in.
And remember, post-industrial world within seven years.
They're just getting started.
And they got their arsonists out all over the world setting fires as well.
They're getting caught everywhere.
And when they get caught, the media covers it up.
Because it's all in on it.
The power got turned off the last two years in the winter in Austin for weeks on end, because the feds wouldn't let us up our power output.
You know all the quote, essential areas, the universities, the government buildings, the hospitals, the carry town rich areas?
None of their power was ever turned off.
Because they're in their Hunger Games district.
But it's not a district here across the country, a district there.
It's districts within your town.
The power never goes off for them.
They can sit back and wage war on you all day and laugh at you.
But I figured it all out.
It's all I do.
You sign on to this, you're dead.
I'm not turning tail and running, folks.
I'm standing my post here.
And I'm going down with a ship, and I fully intend to take Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates with me.
But listen, while I do this, it's going to give you time with the lifeboats, but I just need your word of mouth so that when I make my stand against them, I've got your prayer, your financial support, and your spiritual backing, and your word of mouth.
I need you to back me all the way here.
Can you see this is not my opinion?
Can you see how real it is?
I'm going to go all the way to the end.
I want to do this.
But I can't make a stand and hold these people off and damage them and hurt them and destroy them if you don't empower me.
I am ready to die.
I'm ready to be tortured.
I'm ready to be put in prison.
I don't care.
I'm not scared at all.
I'm committed to this fight.
I know God's real.
But I don't want to be weak when I fight them.
I need your word of mouth.
I need your prayer.
I need you to go to mfulworthstore.com.
I need you to buy products so I can make a real stand, so I have spiritual, political, cultural ammo when I make this stand.
And we're going to make a beautiful stand here.
We've already made a beautiful stand.
We already hurt them bad, folks.
And I'm very satisfied, not prideful, satisfied by you.
Empowering us, and I'm very thankful, because all this dog wants to do is fight.
And I've won a lot of battles, folks, but after the battles, I'm tore up, I'm bleeding.
I got an eye point in the wrong direction, metaphorically.
I can't do it if you don't stitch me up, don't give me some food, and give me a pat on the head.
I know you've been doing it, but I need all of you to understand, this is where the rubber meets the road, folks.
I am a kamikaze operation, but I can't take off without fuel in the engine.
And the wings of my plane are loaded with truth bombs.
But I don't want to just
Get shot down before I go into their capital ship.
Before I go into their flagship.
I want to crash this operation, this is a metaphor, non-violently, directly into the bridge of the enemy operation.
And we've already got their... Folks, by the grace of God, we've already devastated the globalists.
But we still haven't defeated them.
We've already destroyed the Death Star.
We've got the Imperial Fleet to deal with now.
And we're going to do it.
We're going to go in, through, and beyond.
The dead are crying for justice.
This young man they murdered in Michigan is crying for justice.
Alright, we're going to go to your phone calls.
Cameron, Jeremiah, Susan, and Scott.
And I really don't want something going on in the order of Scott, Jeremiah, Cameron,
But Jeremiah, don't hang up.
Because Jeremiah's calling.
I'll get to Jeremiah next hour in about 10 minutes.
It's calling in about what the earlier caller.
This is all confirmed, but listen to this.
Friend is disabled.
Snap benefits required.
To get food, to get electricity, gotta take every new shot they say and kill themself to survive.
That's murder.
That's a violation of the Nuremberg Code.
That's wrong, and that's going on!
Susan in Florida, thanks for holding, go ahead.
Thank you so much, Alex, for taking my call.
Yes, I work for a pretty large hotel chain, kind of like Papa Smurf, in that we were told by the grapevine, you know, not by the management per se yet, however,
We were told that we would have to start wearing masks as soon as the directive came down from corporate.
And that is absolutely anti anything I would ever do.
When I was in a situation during COVID where I was told I would have to wear a mask in order to go into any corporation or store or whatever.
I would refuse, and I would tell them that I get hypoxia.
And most didn't even know what hypoxia was, and I explained it.
That's low oxygen.
For those that don't know, exactly.
If you threaten them nicely back that I have a medical condition and you can't make me, that's a loophole.
That's a great thing you did.
Exactly, and it worked 90% of the time, but there were the 10% companies that would tell me, well then I'm sorry, you cannot come in.
Okay, so I don't need them.
But just like Papa Smurf and just like the Kroger lady, I will not comply.
And I don't care if I lose my job, that's fine.
That's fine, because I will spread the word like fire.
Beautifully said.
And again, by not taking the shot and all this, you're not going to end up dead like this poor 13-year-old.
Oh, absolutely.
My heart goes out to that family.
That is so unnecessary.
It just stabbed me in the heart when I saw his picture just before.
I am so upset by this.
You have no idea.
And the number of fellow therapists where I work that
Aren't even aware of what's going on and they actually think that when somebody gets sick, it's right away from COVID.
It has nothing to do with vaccines.
And I tell them, first of all, it's not even a vaccine.
It's a gene therapy that wasn't even tested on humans.
And I tell them about you and some of them smirk, and others are at least open to the possibility of going home and sneaking and going on Bandot video.
And that's fine.
I mean, you know, one way or another, we're going to get the word out.
And I am trying my hardest on my end.
It's really hard.
I live in a mostly conservative area, so many people are tuned in.
I've got military bases all around me.
I am literally surrounded by military bases.
And some of them are tuned in and some of them, unfortunately, are woke.
My sister and brother-in-law had the situation where their son
Was told in the military that if he did not take the shot, he would be court-martialed.
So he had no choice because he loves serving his country and he had to do it.
And again, it's totally illegal to intimidate even people in the military and give them an experimental shot.
They can make you take, quote, approved shots.
I think that's wrong.
Under the law, you can't make them take experimental shots.
And we backed them off, but at first they still injected, what, 80% of the military or so.
What a tragedy.
Thank you, Susan.
Scott, Cameron, and Jeremiah, your calls are straight ahead.
Listeners have been really good about not calling in on other topics.
Are you a medical worker?
Do you work at a hospital?
Do you work in law enforcement?
Haven't got any Border Patrol or TSA to call in?
Call in.
Have they told you it's coming back?
You see it coming back.
You see them doing it.
We've got to head it off at the pass.
Stay with us.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
When I grow up, I want to defeat the New World Order and launch the next development in human potential.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center in the heart of the Resistance.
We now take you live to the Central Texas Command Center, in the heart of the resistance.
You're listening to Alex Jones.
Alright, next segment, I'm going to play a clip of prestigious doctors talking about
What's happening to those that take the shot?
75% that develop the myocarditis will be dead in 10 years.
That's coming up.
Just the hard facts.
People say, well, how are they going to cover this up?
They're going to say COVID did it.
But it's the shots doing it now.
Who's up first here?
Who's been holding the most patiently?
We'll go to Scott, then we'll go to Jeremiah, then we'll go to Cameron, Ray, and Kim.
Scott from Florida, you're on the air.
Uber driver, what are you hearing?
Hello Alex, I'm your fuel.
I've been an Uber driver for four years.
I've listened to it all.
I've run across Moffitt Cancer Center nurses, doctors, an insurance guy, somebody that worked for Pfizer.
I've heard it all and I've heard all these people.
That lately, in the last couple days, that I ask them, have you heard about COVID coming back?
And they said, yes, isn't that terrible?
And I said, yeah, it is.
And I explained how terrible it is.
I got your QR code in my Uber, where I have it on a piece of paper so that they can scan it.
I give them a crash course on the new world order.
And I let them know what's going on.
And I let them know that if they haven't gotten right with God, they better get there quick.
But I definitely, I've spoke with four Moffitt Cancer Center nurses.
They all told me, ever since the vaccine came out, they saw a huge spike in cancer.
And one of them told me, the last one told me, she had a 26-year-old man in there.
And she said, you're just too young to have cancer.
And she said, you know what?
The one thing that all these young people that are coming in there have in common is they've all got vaccinated.
I saw Steve Kirsch, he's a great journalist, did a big report on explosions, multi-thousand percent in colon cancer in young people.
I mean, teenagers, you name it.
After they take the shots, this is devastating.
I've let a lot of people know, too, that 50% of the vaccines are saline.
I go, there was a purpose behind all that.
So you can say, well, my uncle got it, my brother got it, they didn't have a problem.
I had one lady tell me, well, I told her about the stillbirths with women, and I had a friend, and my girlfriend, sister, whatever, had this child, and they didn't have any problem at all.
And I go, well, they're probably one of the 50% that got the saline, I said.
And I've had a lot of people, you know, I explained the New World Order, I've been educated by the best, my brother from another mother, Alex Jones.
Anyways, and I explained to them of what's going on and it just the light bulb goes sometimes on him in him and they Go, that's why my uncle died.
He had cancer.
That's right.
He got the booster and he just died within weeks That's right.
Well, they had two years ago the head of
A pathologist in Germany of the Maine Society said, we're seeing turbo cancer, that's where the term came from, particularly those that already had it.
They'll be in remission or the cancer's gone and it'll kill them in a week or two.
I mean, we're talking explosive cancer.
Scott, God bless you, sir.
Keep up your work.
You're an example to us all.
All right, we got to go to break.
And then I'm going to get to all these callers next segment.
Cameron, Jeremiah, we're going to all of you when we come back.
But man, this is life and death.
It's not our opinion.
Death's off the charts.
And it's all the things the experts said the shots would cause.
And the studies show it is the shots.
And all these idiots going along with it think they're going to be protected.
They're not going to be protected.
The globalists made their move.
Not with blue helmets, not with tanks, but through the medical system they control with Bill Gates and Peter Daszak and Anthony Fauci at the helm.
They are the Joseph Mingala 10.0s of our time.
They're the ones that did it.
They've gotta be stopped.
We'll be right back with more Your Calls in 60 Seconds.
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Now for the truth only you can handle, it's the Alex Jones Show with Alex Jones.
Alright, if you just joined us, I probably should have made this point a couple times last hour.
I made this point the first hour.
We've opened the phones up.
We're not screening your calls.
Just have a clean phone line.
Let us know the topic so I have an idea what we're going to.
We go right to you.
And I said we're gonna open the phones up.
For people who work at grocery stores, people that work at hospitals, colleges, law enforcement, TSA.
Have you heard what I was told last week by a whistleblower that I know, very credible, and that I made some calls to confirm, yeah, we've been told that too at the Border Patrol.
So I went on air and I said they're planning new lockdowns.
I had no idea.
That that evening they would do the worldwide launch again from New Zealand to Spain to the UK to the US.
The entire Western world, the globalist control came out Friday at 5 p.m.
Central on the local news.
They know you still trust that.
It was also national.
Saying we're very scared.
Terrible new variants.
60% hospital increase.
Masks have got to come back.
We've got a booster though that's just now coming out in the middle of next month.
Exact date, I was told by the TSA.
And then they come out with masks for everybody after that in October.
In the jurisdictions they control, the areas they control.
A lot of red state folks go, we won't put up with that in Florida or South Dakota or Texas.
They don't care.
They'll do it in the blue states and the swing states and have mail-in ballots again, and they're already talking about mail-in ballots again.
How magic is that?
I mean, people say, oh, it's too arrogant.
It's too arrogant?
Hunter Biden commits all these crimes?
Says he's a Chinese communist agent?
Says his dad's a pedophile in text messages and emails?
And Biden has pseudonyms and is caught doing it all and they just keep indicting Trump?
Of course they're arrogant!
They're cornered rats!
They're going all the way!
Turned out Fauci, months ago, has a legal federal marshal, six at a time, 24 hours a day, millions of dollars a year, totally illegal, no approval by an agency.
The agency said they were told to do it by an unnamed group.
They do whatever they want, however they want, and now the articles are flooding in by the hundreds.
Hospitals, colleges, gotta take the new shot, gotta wear a mask, new protocols coming, and you hear the callers, every caller,
In grocery stores, and hotels, and nursing homes, and hospitals, hearing the same thing.
And they say it started Friday.
Yeah, they send the order out, and the bureaucrats, corporate people, libertarians are like, oh, government's the problem.
They called us in.
And it is.
It's a big, organized, out-of-control thing that grows like cancer.
But what about when corporations become government?
That's what the ESGs are.
That's what BlackRock is.
BlackRock has more money than the U.S.
Yeah, look it up!
So, we'll go back to your calls right now.
First, I'll play this clip.
This is Dr. Chris Shoemaker discussing huge spikes in myocarditis.
And the number has never changed.
Once you actually have clinical myocarditis, even mild myocarditis, 50% of all people with a version of myocarditis
Will pass away within five years.
That's simply a medical truth.
It's always been the truth.
I'm just repeating that truth.
I wasn't inventing a new truth or predicting something that was new.
I was just stating a very simple medical fact that with truly and formally diagnosed myocarditis, including the biomarker myocarditis that I've just been speaking of.
The reason that it's not 100% of deaths in five years is because in some cases I guess it is mild and they live longer.
But really,
The number, to be perfectly precise, is 75% will be dead within 10 years.
So that's the severity, that's the significance of myocarditis.
And that's, by the way, ladies and gentlemen, why it should only be one in a million.
Our audience may or may not know that the normal background rate of myocarditis, terribly rare, usually just caused by a strange, unlucky viral infection, might give you one in a million chance of getting myocarditis.
But now it's being brought up
To 30,000 to 150,000 out of a million.
That's what rates between 3 and 15 or 20% mean.
Huge numbers, not 1 in a million anymore, but 100,000 out of a million.
And of course that 100,000 were the ones that you believe will pass away, which was 50% of the 200,000 being at 20% of the million, is that right?
That's my quote from those two particular studies only.
Now, I've had top cardiologists in here, not just Peter McCullough, who is, until recently, they said he was the best guy in the country, now he's always terrible.
That's what they all said, and that's the numbers.
I know two people that work for me privately.
That's 100%.
Other people that work for me because everybody else works for free speech systems.
I know two people that work for me.
That's 100% of my personal employees.
Both of them have had family members either die or become deathly sick from the shot.
One of them is 25 years old.
She's worked for us a couple years.
And her boyfriend who is a sports guy,
Very healthy.
Former boyfriend.
Took the second shot of Pfizer two years ago.
And began to have heart attacks all the time with myocarditis.
And she has been with him at a concert.
They're not drinking, they're not smoking.
And he passes out and has to go to the hospital.
And she broke up with him.
Not because of that, just because of the craziness.
And the mother still is proud that she pressured her son to take it.
And you know he'll be dead.
He passes out all the time?
Can't drive a car?
Has myocarditis.
And they know it's the shot.
And the mother's still proud of herself.
I have another person who works for me.
That's 100% of the people who work for me.
My personal employees.
Same stories.
Out of family.
You can't swing a stick in the dark and not hit somebody hurt by this.
And that's with 50% of the shots on average being saline, 40% being a little bit of whatever they're putting in there, and it's a cocktail, and less than 10% on average of the real whopper.
This is real.
You understand?
Let it sink in for a minute.
Come back with your calls.
We're gonna go to break.
Let it sink in.
Are you worried about being censored?
Are you worried about being attacked?
Folks, they're coming after everybody.
This is just the beginning.
If they get away with this, they're going to release stuff far worse.
And I've got clips I meant to play.
I sent them to you Friday, guys.
We never did it.
I always bring us on the crew.
Get me the Bill Gates clips I sent where Bill Gates says the new
The new pandemic will be far worse.
I sent you a clip today of Tedros saying they'll be far worse.
Get those ready.
And they literally laugh.
They go, well, the new, the new thing's going to be way worse.
And they start laughing because they love it.
They've stolen quadrillions of money.
They see you still having a car or house is their money.
They see you signed on to the Quadrillions of Debt as you're a pauper that owes them money and they want you out the door!
And they have an actuary-designed incremental plan to collapse things, and it says collapse, you run to them and say, oh, save me, and they go, it's global warming, it's your fault, but do exactly what we say, take these shots, eat bugs, don't have a job, live in a 200-square-foot apartment, and you'll save the Earth, okay?
Just let us put you in a prison, let us take control of your body, and you'll be fine.
Imagine you're in a parking lot and a guy puts a gun to your side.
This happens all the time to women, particularly.
And they say, just get in the car, you'll be safe.
You know you're not going to be safe getting in the car, right?
But you still get in the car.
And now you're in a dungeon.
He's going to rape you, take a blowtorch to you, and pull your teeth out with pliers.
Why not fight back now?
We'll be right back, stay with us.
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It's Alex Jones!
Alright, we're taking your phone calls right now, and I'm going to play the head of the UN Food Program talking about hundreds of millions dead, but they're the ones running the policy doing it, and I'll tie that to John Kerry saying, cut off the farming to save the earth, to save the starving.
Coming up, but right now let's go to your calls.
Thank you so much for holding, and the order you are received here.
Let's go to Cameron in Minnesota.
Welcome, you're a telecom worker.
What are they telling you is going on?
Yeah, hi Alex.
I just wanted to bring to your attention a different angle to this lockdown and mandate news that you've broken.
I've been a virtual employee for over a decade, well before pre-COVID times, and most all of my peers, hundreds of us across the U.S., have always been virtual, you know, even longer.
Our position has always been virtual.
Many have never reported into an office.
Um, this made the approval of, you know, vaccine accommodations for us far more likely since the policy was that you just had to be jabbed to enter the office building.
So we were virtual employees.
So who cares, right?
Our vaccine accommodations were approved.
However, corporations now are demanding that everybody return to the office and in lockstep appear to again all be reading from the same script right down to the 50 mile radius from the office.
If you're within 50 miles, get into the office.
If you're not, goodbye.
I believe this is part of a larger plan to effectively pseudo-deny any and all future vaccine accommodation requests and fire unvaccinated employees for non-compliance.
Well, you're absolutely right.
I mean, the last attack was just a gauging, targeting, range-finding operation to prepare the real attack.
And you know, now that everybody's returned to the office and no longer is virtually working, we will now be subject to, you know, office mandates and vaccine policies.
Exactly, yeah.
So I just want to bring it to your attention and warn anybody in the same position that I believe there are plans in place for corporations to get rid of all of their non-jabbed employees and this return to the office call is exactly the recipe that they've concocted to do it.
And people have got to get together and band together and say no, because they want to phase out humans anyways and go to AI while they're trying to spike the military and do transgender and critical race theory to push the good people out.
They want to make the old human systems obsolete by sabotaging them, but in the interim, they still need people.
And so you need to band together and say no, we're not taking your deadly experimental shot.
Yeah, I'll walk, of course, but I just wanted to warn anybody, because I think this is blown under the radar big time.
Again, it's corporations all reading from the same script once again, and that leads to something, and I believe this is the something.
That's right.
When you see them all in the same script, you know there's a big rollout, and they've told us new COVID restrictions.
Will we sit here like idiots and not resist it and speak out until it's already been done, or will we get ahead of it right now?
Thank you so much, sir.
That's why it's life and death to share the links, to share the videos, to share this information.
You saw me tell you Friday morning, it all came out in the afternoon.
I'm telling you now, you hear the callers, this is 100% real.
If we stop it, great, they'll say, oh, Jones claimed this didn't happen.
No, I said we're going to stop it.
Let's go to Jeremiah in Connecticut on Snap Benefits being denied to people who don't take the poison shot.
Go ahead.
Alex, God bless you.
God bless your crew.
God bless everybody that's listening.
We're walking through the valley and the shadow of death, brother.
They're getting ready.
I think they're going to release some new deadly virus.
We're not going to fear this evil, though.
So the SNAP benefits, the guy called before.
Massachusetts, they're planning on ending that.
Middle of September.
And Connecticut, sometime in October.
And I have a veteran friend, disabled, in a wheelchair, Vietnam vet.
They're gonna take that from him.
Total violation of the Nuremberg Law.
You don't take an experimental shot, we take your money away.
How evil.
And that's why welfare is so dangerous, even though he deserves it, is that they get control of you with it.
It's absolutely disgusting.
And you know what's gonna happen when they turn that SAT program off, brother.
It's going to be Bedlam.
It's going to be an angrier world than Klaus Schwab talks about.
That's what they want.
That's what they want.
Everybody's got to lace up their boots, get together, get in the streets, protest all this garbage.
That's the only way this is going to end.
What else is on your mind?
I agree.
Well, I've been listening to you 20 years.
And I just want to say this.
It's good to see you smiling for once when you were doing that with Crowder.
You haven't smiled in a long time.
You deserve to smile, brother.
Be good.
Thank you so much.
Well, InfoWars is great.
We've been through a lot of wars in this office, and so being somewhere else doing something else around people that mainly are trying to have fun is great.
I'm the real dark force around here that makes things so dark, but that's why I like working with Crowder, JonesCrowder.com.
We launched our first big deep dive on Bill Gates.
People want to support us.
Everybody should go to JonesCrowder.com, sign up for a year, get a free month with promo code Alex, and
Yeah, hi, um, we're just getting word that, you know, they want
All the remote workers to start coming back into the offices and, you know, like my thought is they're just bringing everybody in into like a little Petri dish and trying to up the new variant numbers.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, hi.
I was just saying that
I think, you know, they're just wanting to bring all the remote workers back into the office to kind of like up the COVID numbers.
You know, they're bringing, putting it on like a little Petri dish.
No, I totally, absolutely agree with you.
They don't tell me what to do.
That's a conspiracy of the crew.
It controls me.
But I am an earpiece.
So they just popped in and said, because I asked him like 10 minutes ago, hey, find me the Tedros Bill Gates clip saying the next pandemic a little more deadly.
So they just popped my ear and said, they said Tedros Gates clip ready.
And then I kind of missed what you said.
And I'm glad they told me they're supposed to do that.
But that's what I was saying.
Repeat that.
Yeah, it's like, you know, who knows if it's even going to be, you know, like a new bio-disease that they're going to, like, you know, unleash it on us.
Well, exactly, because they control the testing protocols so they can release something completely new and then just say it's COVID.
Well, you can feel the urgency, can't you, Kim?
Yeah, because this is like, you know, just recently came out with this and they want it, you know, very quickly to be
That's what I think.
Oh, they just, you know, they're using different excuses of why they need to bring people back into the offices.
And we're hearing it on, you know, a lot of the corporations in our area and stuff.
Oh yeah, they first hit us with the corporations before government.
By the way, it's now been reported by the Gateway Pundit that Biden is hoarding COVID-19 PPE and equipment.
We knew that was coming.
Thank you so much, Kim.
We'll cover that when we come back.
Stay with us.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
The voice the globalists want silenced.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show.
Alright, we got major breaking news, ladies and gentlemen, at InfoWars.com.
I'm going to cover some of it right now, then we're going to ride back to your phone calls here on this live Monday edition.
It is now confirmed, you've heard the callers, but now it's all over the news.
Universities everywhere.
Banks everywhere.
Hospitals everywhere.
Nursing homes everywhere.
Big box stores everywhere.
All over the Western world.
COVID restrictions coming back in.
So we barely got this out before they announced it.
And I wanted to get it out way before if I'd have known so we can then stop it.
But now they are oxymoronically running around everywhere saying I'm full of crap.
And attacking me while what I said basically launched right after I announced it.
Because I didn't know right when they were going to do it.
But that makes sense.
Four days after, three days after, they tell the TSA managers and Border Patrol leaders, hey, new restrictions are coming.
They wanted to let them know right before.
They're going to ask, why weren't we told?
So they're barely informing the feds before they inform us.
This is crazy.
So here's what I want to hit before we go to your phone calls.
Here's just a couple clips of Ted Rose, the head of the WHO, who was a Marxist-Leninist communist who helped kill millions of people in his home country of Ethiopia by cutting off medical supplies for cholera.
And that's why he got promoted to the UN because he's a genocidal maniac killing his own people.
Then Bill Gates laughing and giggling with his wife, Big Melinda.
About, oh, the next big pandemic is going to be really bad, and he can't help but smirk and laugh like he was on with Anderson Cooper, and he said, these lockdowns are going to last a long time, and you're never going back to normal!
It's like, in the old days, the military would come to your house if your son or daughter had been killed in action.
Mail your son, and they'd like, I've got a letter here for you, would you like to sit down?
Really appreciate you, Mrs. Johnson, or Mrs. Sanchez, or Mr.
Mr. Cho or whatever last name is, your son died in action two days ago in Vietnam.
We really appreciate your service and everything.
Imagine if they show up and they're like, ha ha, a lot of people are going to die.
A lot of people are dying.
It's never going to end.
Because we think of the enemy as like an alien, or a monster, or Hitler, or some thing with tentacles.
But no, it's our own government.
It's our own administrative system that's attacking us.
And then I want to play the head of the World Food Program going, hundreds of millions are dead, Armageddon, hell on earth, you don't give us money and control, it's all over, migrants are going to... And John Kerry in the same speech is just like,
We've got to cut off 30% of the farms this year or it'll cause global warming.
We've got to cut the food off.
And we've got problems with global starvation.
But you're causing it, not the virus.
And then he adds, by the way, this is going to cause tons of migrants to flood the West, you know, the fact this is happening.
It's all global warming.
Not their administrative attorney.
Oh, global warming made them not turn on the alarm or not give them water or not cut the trees around the power lines and keep the power lines on.
I have the governor of Hawaii.
You want to see the clip?
He didn't just say we're going to take the property days ago.
Now he says, oh yeah, global warming did this.
No, you did that.
BlackRock did that.
They're destroying the world while telling you it's your fault and posing as the saviors as they false flag the energy and the borders and the police and everything else.
And the snatch and grabs and all the crime.
So here's the UN head saying, the next pandemic is even deadlier than COVID-19, WHO warns.
And I knew six months ago, four months ago, when he said, the pandemic's over, they can declare victory and then hit us again.
Oh, all the restrictions worked, we fixed it, but it's back, boom!
So here's Tedros and Bill Gates giggling and smirking about the next pandemic.
They took their experience and actually prepared and so they moved a lot faster.
So we
You know, we'll have to prepare for the next one.
That, you know, I'd say is, uh, will get attention this time.
You know, I'd say is, uh, will get attention this time.
You know, I'd say is, uh, will get attention this time.
Oh, it's gonna get attention this time.
They say it's a virus.
They got it ready.
That kills kids.
Oh, I think when you start killing people's kids, Bill, you're going to get some attention this time.
You're going to get some attention this time, buddy boy.
Of course, this shot already hits the kids, their hearts.
Let's go to this little clip.
Overhead shot, please.
Population collapse.
Good for the planet, WEF advisor Professor Sarah Harper claims.
She says the collapse of Western civilization and the world's good, reducing people is good.
Here's the United Nations food chief, David Beasley, warns that hell on earth, close quote, food shortage will occur in 2023 as a result of fertilizer shortages as the UN and BlackRock cut off fertilizer production all over the world.
The world produces enough food to feed everybody on the planet, over 7.7 million people.
50% of the food is because of fertilizer, so if you don't have fertilizer, you can't harvest the yields you need, but they're the ones doing it.
Secretary General warns of unprecedented global food crisis, with 276 million facing food insecurity and death.
World Food Program head says food supply chain's failing.
But it's the U.N.
that did the lockdowns, the U.N.
that wouldn't let them operate.
So, let's play a clip of the U.N.
food chief, and then John Kerry's been making the circuit, saying we gotta cut food production by 30%, but then, oh, starvation is gonna cause the third world to flood us.
Oh, wow!
But what's the cause?
Global warming.
Here it is.
We're facing a food pricing problem in 2022.
This created havoc around the world.
Well, if we don't get on top of this thing,
Next year, I mean this year, you will have a food availability problem in 2023, and that's going to be hell on earth.
The world produces enough food to feed everybody on the planet, over 7.7 billion people.
50% of that food is because of fertilizer.
So if you don't have fertilizer, you can't have harvest at the yields that you need.
And at the same time, food systems themselves...
Contribute a significant amount of emissions just in the way in which we do the things we've been doing.
Though, this conference over the last two days, I know, has been really grappling with how we change that dynamic and what we do.
But with a growing population on the planet, we just crossed the threshold of 8 billion fellow citizens around the world.
We just crossed that in this last year.
But emissions from the food system alone
Are projected to cause another half a degree of warming by mid-century on the current course that we are today.
And instead of being on a course to be able to hold the nurse temperature increase to 1.5 degrees, we're actually on a course to hit around 3 degrees right now.
And I say that to you folks coming from
Some who've done analysis within the oil and gas industry itself, who have come to that conclusion based on their modeling.
So that's not some, you know, fly-by-night operation that is suggesting that that may be where we are headed.
Now, a two-degree future could result in an additional 600 million people not getting enough to eat.
And you just can't continue to both warm the planet, while also expecting to feed it.
We're already seeing climate refugees around the world.
If you think migration has been a problem in Europe from the Syrian war, or even from what we see now, wait until you see 100 million people for whom the entire food production capacity has collapsed.
So, you can pull up the headlines, Kerry's proposal in writing is, to cut food production by 30% to stop starvation.
Because if we quote, don't cause starvation, it'll cause the temperature to go up, and then billions don't get fed.
They're literally involved in siege against us, cutting the food off, while posing as the saviors, while they do it.
Absolutely, insanely obvious.
And will you sit there?
Both the headlines, London Guardian.
Organic farming worse than ever.
Netherlands to kill 90% of their cows by 2030.
They want 30% killed now.
They're literally killing the animals because they fart.
When that's part of the atmosphere.
We've always done that.
We're carbon-based.
The carbon they want to cut is you.
Then they don't trim the trees.
They leave the power lines up.
They have huge fires.
Let this arsonist set fires everywhere.
And they go, look, the world's burning.
Do what we say.
What did they pull up a year ago?
In fact, I meant to tell the crew this.
Pull up the short clip.
It's all over the place.
Project Veritas.
CNN says the next big crisis will be the climate.
A year and a half ago, they said, we're going to end COVID for a while and bring in the climate and then lie to you about temperatures and create all this fear to sell you on cutting energy.
Because our big, rich, free market system is too good even for the laziest people.
They want you totally poor so they can control you and tell your hungry belly, do what we say, give us the power and control, and we'll give you food again.
But they won't give you food.
You're sticking your hand in a wood chipper.
You're destroying your own future.
I'm going to go to your phone calls.
But I want to air a couple of these clips.
I want to look at the microcosm of what they did to people in Hawaii.
That they ran the whole thing by design.
Administrative mass murder.
We'll play clip 9.
And clip 6.
Back to back.
Clip 9 and clip 6.
And then clip 16.
It's not the governor's mismanagement.
It's not Blackrock not trimming the trees and leaving the power on, or turning the water off, or the sirens off.
So play... Club 6, 9, 12, and 16.
And then we have Mayorkas saying,
The same thing.
Here it is.
And right now, the Maui community is helping the Maui community.
And I'm really, it's really affected me because where's the president?
He decides to come here this week to come here next week.
I mean, like, where?
Aren't we Americans too?
We're part of the United States, but why are we getting put in the back pocket?
Why are we being ignored?
So why aren't you taking care of what you claim to be in charge of rather than sending out all these funds and whatever else you guys are sending to Ukraine or anywhere?
Take care of here first.
I don't see why any president wouldn't step up and take care of what's part of their territory.
I think it's a stupid move on his part.
You know, Biden?
Yeah, he's an idiot.
No, not sorry.
But also expected to meet a little friction.
Not only are people unhappy about the local and state and county response and about the speed of it, but also about sort of the perceived lack of communication from federal officials, including the president, who took a while to make a statement that
Just to be clear, when you're talking about global warming, are you saying that climate change amplified the cost of human error?
Yes, it did.
There's always going to be incredible things that people do to save lives from the firefighters, from citizens, and there's always going to be decisions that are made that I'm sure aren't perfect in the moment.
What do you tell people who feel like the help isn't coming fast enough?
Ana, it is heartbreaking the fact that it is difficult to identify the remains of individuals, as the reporter indicated, when a fire has become virtually an incinerator.
We have 450 search and rescue personnel.
We have 40 canines deployed to help identify individuals who are deceased and then we will take samples and the like.
We're going door-to-door trying to provide information to people.
We are working with experts so that we are culturally sensitive.
To the needs of individuals on the island.
We're doing everything that we can in a travesty like this.
There is going to be heartbreak.
And then Biden came out and said, it's global warming.
He's getting the military ready.
So they shut down the world, collapsed the third world, flood us, cut off the food supply, flood us, release a virus that came out of the jungle because of global warming.
You know, they made it.
Everything they do, they then blame global warming and say, give us more power, we're protecting you from global warming, when they're saying they'll protect you from the administrative mass murder they are involved in.
Give the UN more money as they cut the food off.
It's the same story.
Oh, let us fight Russia when they started the war.
So here's Biden on the military as they collapse society is going to save you.
The same story.
Here it is.
How is the U.S.
preparing the military?
Well, we're preparing the military by trying to deal with the climate.
For example, many of the bases that have flooded, many of these massive floods, they've flooded out military bases in the Midwest and the South.
That has a profound impact on readiness.
And so what we have to do is change the way in which we generate energy.
And that's the whole of it.
And the military is doing their part.
So they administratively control everything in the technocracy.
BlackRock owns it all, 88%.
And they're just going to screw with you.
When you need power during a cold winter, they're going to turn it off.
When you need to turn the power off and cut the trees, they're not going to do it.
You need water, you're not going to get it.
When you need a border control, you need police, they're not going to do it.
When people ransack stores thousands of times a day and kill people, boom, they let them out of jail.
Don't even come.
Because we're following their orders.
They are administratively killing us.
And the Republican Party is starting to get this, starting to say, hey, global elites are doing this.
They're using it for power and control.
We're seeing all these senators say it.
We're seeing it being said by other leaders around the world.
That's positive.
But now we need to see action against this now.
When AOC told you the world's going to end in 2030, the world as we know it is because they are sabotaging everything.
All right, let's go to calls.
Dennis in Kentucky and then Harry and Matt will be final calls for the next guest host takes over.
Go ahead, Dennis.
Yes, sir.
Thank you, Alex.
I recently just got off the phone with my dad today.
He stays in Chicago and he received a letter in the mail.
Dating that by October 15th through November 30th for any in-person visits to the SNAP Benefit Renewal in person, you will have to have proof of your full vaccination and future vaccination for you even to come into the office to renew.
Yes, sir.
And we're seeing this in the news, but that's the real takeaway.
Is they're going to try to bring back the vaccine mandate?
But it's ironic they gave no vaccines to the illegals that came in.
They weren't exempt because the U.N.
didn't want liability.
Yes, sir.
This is disgusting.
So if your father doesn't take a shot known to make people sick and kill them, they're going to deny him his benefits?
Yes, sir.
How's your father taking this, brother?
I'm trying to get him out of Chicago.
I mean, that's Chicago's, you know, they call it Chi-Rock at one part now.
They call it Chi-Crane now.
So, uh, it's bad, man.
It's really, really bad.
I mean, I don't even know how to explain it.
No, I mean, if we're going to give you something poison, you paid taxes for these benefits, now we're going to hold you hostage and make you take the shot or you don't get your food and water and your electricity.
I mean, this is their whole plan.
They're going to put us all in this position if we don't stand together.
Now, you're right.
Grab your dad, bring him in with you.
Family's got to huddle together.
We got to come together.
We all got to get extra jobs.
We all got to only shop local.
We got to come together, brother.
You're absolutely right, and as far as growing up... But they're gonna kill your dad.
You gotta just go grab him.
Yeah, I know.
Plus, I mean, having your parents around is great entertainment.
I mean, I love my kids, I love my parents, and we all just gotta, like we used to, all get in one big nest, man.
We gotta get together again.
Bring back the family structure.
Thank you, Alex.
God bless you, brother.
Sorry to hear about your dad.
Man, this is how real this is, folks.
We've taken six, seven calls of people getting their benefits cut off if they don't take the shot.
And they're telling them all, you heard the caller, middle of September.
What did my whistleblower say?
Middle of September it starts for the enforcers.
Because they want the enforcers to have to do it, so they're like, well, I'll make you do it.
I'm doing it.
And then they come for all us.
I swore on my children, Friday, that this report was real.
It's 100% real.
And you don't have to wait to hear me, you can see it everywhere.
Now, if we back this off, I'm more than happy to get attacked.
Oh, Alex Jones is wrong.
I wasn't wrong.
I said we need to stop it.
Not if it's going to happen.
I don't just sit here and believe I'm powerless.
And I don't believe you're powerless.
And by the way, I didn't even hit this giant story.
The crew pulled up Gateway Pond, who I'm super proud of.
Who broke this and the crew came and said, you didn't know we broke this two hours ago?
No, nobody gave it to me.
And I'm not mad.
I just don't constantly look at InfoWars.com.
Here it is.
Overhead shot, please.
Biden administration already buying COVID-19 equipment, hiring pandemic safety protocol enforcers.
They've already bought up all the PPE, all the job offerings, their shots of it.
It just ramped into high gear.
Guess what day they posted it all?
I barely broke this before they launched.
They're buying up everything right now.
The Gateway Pundit did a great job in their report.
How convenient, Biden administration begins procuring COVID-19 equipment and hiring safety advisors, government spending data shows.
The report goes all through it with the purchase orders and everything else.
They're going into high gear.
Are we going to sit here and take this?
I'm going to go to break, come back and talk to Harry and Matt, then I'm going to hand the baton to the guest host.
By the way, I've got a lot of administrative stuff to do and a lot of inside baseball things on Wednesday, so it worked out perfect that Michael Yon is going to have General Flynn, Stephen K. Bannon, and a bunch of other incredible guests Wednesday.
He's going to host the show.
I'll be around.
I'll probably pop in on my own show.
Believe me, when I'm not here, I'm not sitting around drinking pina coladas.
That Wednesday show is going to be big.
So look for that coming up in less than 48 hours, 36 hours from now.
Man, I am very honored to have this giant audience tuned in right now.
I'm very honored that you guys took this serious Friday.
And believe me, when I said I have these sources, you know I don't play games.
And we hit them dead, like a hole-in-one.
The fact that we launched the report, and then they already had it pre-programmed, we didn't know.
Full rollout five hours later, six hours later, and it just, people went, whoa!
And man, we got the zeitgeist right now.
We're riding that tiger.
I mean, we are in the pike.
Five by five.
We are over the target.
And so I'm just blessed to be here.
I'm very honored.
So let's take this report.
This will all be archived at Man.Video.
Let's share it in four wins.
Let's get aggressive about this, whether you're an Uber driver, or a school teacher, or a nurse, or an FBI agent, or an auto mechanic, or a dentist, or a... That's the way it works at the grocery store.
This is on, man.
This is going down.
We're not gonna take it lying down.
We'll be right back.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Waging War on Corruption, Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 3 p.m.
I'm Alex Jones.
Waging War on Corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, the great Gerald Celente takes over for the balance of the hour.
Coming up in about five, six minutes.
I want to finish up with two calls, Harry and then Matt.
Harry in Oklahoma, which we call North Texas, or they call
Texas, Southern Oklahoma.
Harry, what's on your mind?
Military family member got email from Air Force.
Tell us what's happening.
How's it going, Alex?
Thank you for having me on.
Good, brother.
So someone showed me an email that was distributed to everyone on the base that was talking about, hey, you know, the COVID, there's been an uptick in COVID cases.
If you get sick, you know, be sure to isolate yourself, quarantine.
And, and I asked them, I said, well, when was the last time you got an email like this?
They don't just send these out, you know, every, every week or every month.
And they said, Oh, it's been, it's been a couple of years since, since the last time we got an email like this.
And so I knew right away, I said, you know, um, just like what you've been warning us about.
So, so it's that same, very same rhetoric that, uh,
That's being ramped up for these lockdowns.
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, this is confirmed it's going on.
I just want everybody to look around them and see what's happening.
The good news is we're not going to be caught flat footed by this this time, because they know we only believe grassroots stuff.
We don't believe mainstream.
So they always put the fear out grassroots to corporations, to the military, through hospitals to create the fear.
And then they'll roll out the next part.
That's why catching it now is so key.
And I also asked them, you know, I said,
When did you get this email?
Because I had mentioned to them that, hey, you know, I heard on the Alex Jones Show that there's been some TSA, Border Patrol whistleblowers, and they said they received this email last Tuesday.
I believe it was the 15th, so I think that was the same day that you had heard from your sources.
So again, just another red flag that
Well, my source isn't lying.
They may be just lying to the TSA to get them ready for lockdowns, but they were sent this.
Oh, absolutely.
Well, the good news is people are aware of it, brother.
Oh, absolutely, man.
And so the only thing we can really do is just be ready, be prepared.
I don't know if this has anything to do with the strike on September 1st or the supposed crash coming up in January.
Oh, 100% we're coming to the end of the economic system.
In fact, I meant to cover that whole stack here.
They're definitely getting ready for some big monetary situation in October.
They want us distracted with lockdowns before then.
I 100% agree.
I heard that was coming in January of 2024 and that falls right in line with the election year.
So yeah, all we can do is just be ready.
All right, thank you.
All right, I meant to get to Matt, but I'm not going to cut Matt short within a minute and a half.
We're going to go to break in a minute and a half.
We're going to come right out of break and go right to Matt in New York, and then I'm going to hand the baton to Gerald Celentano that's waiting.
Top Trends Forecaster.
But this is on.
We just took three hours of calls, all saying, I work at a hotel, I work at Uber, I work at a hospital, I work, you know, yeah, they tell us masks and shots and we've got to have it for welfare and all that.
It's on.
And you see it all over the news now, and Biden buying up all the PPE supplies.
We've got to- and they're so pissed right now, folks.
They do not want us to know this.
And again, I like fighting tyranny, but I'm so sick of being on the tip of the spear.
I'm glad that Vivek Ramaswamy's out there, and Joe Rogan, and Tucker Carlson, and Russell Brand, and Tulsi Gabbard, and RFK Jr.
But we got our ear to the ground here at InfoWars.
This is all I do seven days a week.
I might take an hour off and go swim in a pool, or an hour and go work out, or an hour and go eat a dinner, but that's it.
I'm in the game, folks.
And I'm telling you, it is going down right now.
So please spread the word about the broadcast.
You saw the power of what you did Friday.
It changed the whole world.
Top story still, the new lockdowns.
We've taken control of the initiative, of the narrative.
They're crapping their little britches.
Do it again with this.
We're going to post this later, in a few hours, the Band-Odd video and clips.
Share the hell out of it.
But whatever you do, please support the broadcast by products at InfoWareStore.com, because we are right there on the edge of not having funds, and I can't stand being in that position.
Plus, we have great products you need.
Go to InfoWareStore.com.
Got a big sale going right now.
The globalists aren't just targeting us through the poison shots or the electromagnetic 5G or the GMO crops.
They're hitting us with hundreds of chemicals that the EPA has authorized companies and industry to use.
One of the top pesticides used is atrazine.
The allowable level the government admits that they allow to be in your water supply is enough to sterilize you and basically turn your son into a feminized mutant.
Look it up.
Don't let them do this to your family.
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It does 10,000 gallons before you replace them.
It is amazing.
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Almost everything is contaminated.
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That is a huge discount.
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You need this filter.
Hour number four with Gerald Cilente starts in T-minus two minutes.
But first, one more caller.
All right, folks, final few minutes here before Gerald Celente at TrendsResearch.com takes over.
Want to get a discount on his great magazine and support our broadcast, go to JonesTrends.com, JonesTrends.com.
It's all part of the InfoWars, so thank you all for your support.
Last caller, Matt in New York, overhead pharmacy manager, speaking about new COVID rollout.
Give us your tail gunner report, Matt.
Hey, Alex.
How's it going?
Yeah, I mean, in New York, there's so much smoke in the air right now.
People don't see it.
I still feel it.
I can barely breathe.
I'm dizzy.
But other than that, I went to Tennessee to get medication, not a vaccine.
And I heard them talking, like, something about Medicaid.
They're like, oh, with insurance, you know, it's going to go commercial mid-September, the new vaccine.
They said there's already a
Well, that's it.
The new Poison Shot's coming out, so...
The TSA starts with their employees in mid-September to create the fear.
Then they're going to try to do a new rollout in October of flyers all wearing it to create the fear again.
So they're definitely going to try it.
We confirmed it from the news, confirmed it from whistleblowers, confirmed it from callers.
It's just crazy.
Yeah, I don't know.
What was it, 2021?
I was trying to find work.
I was laid off.
And I got the Pfizer vaccine, I guess, twice.
Whatever, I was naive enough to get it.
I, you know, just thought, oh, if I have the COVID card, I can get into a Metallica concert.
And I didn't really have any side effects from it, but I'm just worried.
You know, my parents, I think, got the vaccine a few times.
Well, half the folks got a placebo of saltwater.
So hopefully that's what happened with you.
Appreciate your call.
God bless you, brother.
All right, for the rest of the hour, Gerald Cilente, the top trends forecaster, jonestrends.com.
Get a discount signing up for his great magazine and publication there, or simply go to trendsresearch.com.
He takes over right now, and then Owen Schroer in about 52 minutes from now, and then we're going to be all over this, folks.
We're going to be all over battling this new lockdown together.
We've already been vindicated.
I wish it wasn't true, but it is.
Gerald Cilente.
Alex, thanks so much for having me on.
We're on the same page.
And you go back to our August 7th Trends Journal.
You know what the cover is?
COVID Alert.
Prestitutes are selling more fear and hysteria.
We called it.
We're on the same exact page.
We said, this is the letter to the subscribers, the irony of our times could be truly staggering.
If it wasn't so sick, it'd be funny.
Last week, the New York Times, which we refer to as the toilet paper of record, highlighted the rising cases in New York of COVID.
They cited, again, they cited epidemiologists who said
Scorching heat waves that kept many people indoors, where respiratory viruses spread more easily, contributed to the rise in transmission.
Oh yeah!
So we go on to write, yet in April of 2020, 97% of Americans and billions of people throughout the world
We're forced by their politicians to stay inside.
Oh, stay inside where, quote, respiratory viruses spread more easily?
This is the stupidity and the fear and hysteria.
Again, we are on the same page.
Trends Journal, InfoWars, we're giving you what you're not getting anywhere else.
Adding insult to injury.
When they did this back in 2020 in April?
There it is.
COVID alert.
Prestitutes selling more fear and hysteria.
Could it be any clearer than that?
They're prostitutes!
They're media whores!
They get paid to put out by their corporate pimps and their government whoremasters.
Got it?
Little boys and girls.
Journalism is dead.
And these little slime balls are behind the wars that are killing us.
Not only the COVID war that destroyed the lives and livelihoods of billions of people across the globe.
Hey, you like the Ukraine war?
Nah, I like the Libyan war.
Oh, that was brought to you by the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Barack Obama?
Oh, and only women were in charge!
Brought to you by Hillary Clinton?
Samantha Power?
Susan Rice?
So going back, they locked down everybody.
And now these clowns, like the toilet paper, oh they say, epidemiologists say, hey man, if all you people are in your house, your chances of getting it are high, and you locked us all down?
97% of the country?
We'll tell you what to do!
Wear slime balls!
Oh no, call them bureau craps!
Like that little fraud Fauci!
Yeah, the clown boy!
Oh, gave us the age scare, forgot that one!
The little liar that said wearing these worthless masks are useless goes on to tell you to wear masks.
The little clown boy that said, hey, 70% of the vaxxers, you get immune therapy, everybody's okay.
Herd therapy, yeah, the herd follows.
Herd immunity.
All BS.
All BS.
We are on the same page as InfoWars.
COVID Vaccine Makers shares rose Monday as new variants of the virus emerge in the U.S.
Ahead of the rollout of updated shots this fall.
More money for the drug dealers!
Get them stocks!
Like buying stocks of the... COVID War?
Ukraine War!
The military-industrial complex?
The drug cartels?
We're all in bed together.
Going back to the lockdowns.
All you little kids can't go to the park!
Tie up those swings!
Can't go to the beach!
Can't go to the beach!
I'm the slob!
I'm the jerk!
I'm the arrogant clown!
Bill de Blasio!
Warren Wilhelm Jr.!
You can't go to the beach!
Hey whale, could you go to the beach?
Oh, that whale, what's his name?
That's running for president.
Yeah, that clown, the governor.
Oh, he was at the beach and everything was locked down.
Yeah, but a whale could float anywhere.
We got maniacal people in charge.
We are at the end of civilization.
Remember what I said, when all else fails, they take you to war.
And Alex is repeating it in his own way.
By saying they're going to ramp up this COVID war, and the ranting elections, get more fear and hysteria going.
I see people outside, up here in Kingston, Lib Tod land, Lib Tod land, wearing masks.
You know where most of them are?
In the health food store.
In the health food store.
First book I worked on, 1988, Natural Healing.
Know a thing about getting healthy?
Nah, nah, you gotta get to gym.
Bring them stocks up.
This way the gangster gangsters in the gang can make more dough.
We'll be right back.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
The answer to 1984 is 1776.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show with Gerald Cilente.
Hey, great being on The Alex Jones Show.
You know, totally we're on the same exact page here with this COVID.
Again, we were the first magazine, the very first magazine, to call the COVID war a fraud.
It's right there in front of you.
Remember when the COVID war began?
It began on January 2020.
At the city Yuan in China.
Chinese Lunar New Year, the year of the rat.
What we're saying, nobody else is saying.
I used to be on, I used to be on Hong Kong TV in 2019.
I'm doing like 20 minute shows.
Take a break.
I say to a guy, Frank, what's going on?
What's Mr. Slenty?
We're not going to stop.
Go back to 2019.
I know that that's like ancient history for most Americans, but people tuning into InfoWars, The Trends Journal, know what I'm talking about.
There were protests going on in China, in Hong Kong.
They didn't want the Chinese taking over.
They hated when the Chinese used to come shopping there and everything else.
It's a whole different society.
Say, Frank, so what's going on?
We're not going to stop, he'd say.
Over a million people, a million people out of a city of 7.5 million were taking to the streets.
To stop the Chinese takeover.
China launches the COVID war.
You had those guys walking down the street, they show you the pictures.
Oh, they're building all these hospitals to take care of the COVID wounded.
They locked down everything.
And they locked down Hong Kong.
Passed an emergency act.
There were protests going on all over the world.
It was one of our top trends for 2020.
New World Disorder.
We write the trends in December for the new year.
So they came out in December, late December of 2019.
We didn't know the COVID war was going to be launched.
Because now in Algeria and South Africa,
In Chile, in Lebanon, in Bolivia, Peru.
Yellow Vest movements.
You can't go out!
Get in your house!
You can't go out to the street!
I'm a little slimeball!
I'll tell you what to do!
Oh yeah, like Gavin Newsom, huh?
Yeah, the guy that they're gonna make be in there to run for, uh, when they push Biden out.
Locking down everything.
Hey, San Francisco's a fun town now.
Oh, yeah.
That, to me, is why they launched the COVID war.
And for all these little dictators that people call politicians to express their power-hungry sickness.
The economy cannot take another COVID lockdown.
I was in a city in New York.
On Friday night.
And some of the best restaurants, two of them, right next to each other.
I was at a wedding.
My buddy ran one of them for me.
By 9.30, place started emptying out.
Bar was empty at 10 o'clock.
They used to be packed.
Yeah, there's areas where young people are going out, but the whole nightlife has changed.
It ends early now.
We call it Boca Midnight.
It starts at 10 o'clock, meaning Boca, Florida.
Because there's a lot of old folks there to go to bed early.
All the dry cleaners that went out.
The office building bust that we wrote about first that they're just talking about now.
Your office vacancy rate of the 10 largest cities in America is near 20%.
Office occupancy rate.
People going to work in the offices?
According to Castle Systems with a K?
Friday used to be happy hour time.
No, nobody goes to work on Friday.
Many people, they don't want to go to work.
The subways, it's a night in Calcutta.
And now they're going to bring us more COVID.
This COVID has destroyed the world.
But don't worry, when all those fails, they take you to war.
From COVID war to world war.
And we're at war with Ukraine.
This is real.
It's not a proxy war.
We're at war.
We have... sent them how many?
Over a hundred and twenty billion dollars worth of weapons and aid.
Teaching him how to use all these weapons.
Guys on the ground.
Oh, they're not fighting.
Just giving information.
Showing him how to use these weapons.
That's not according to me.
That's according to control of the weapons.
Want to make sure nobody steals them.
That's Lloyd Austin.
Our defense contractor.
World War Three's begun and now Biden ramped it up
This meeting this last weekend with Taiwan and Japan.
Oh, Japan!
Oh, bombs away at Pearl Harbor?
Oh, they're our great allies now.
We're going to fight the Chinese with them.
And what's the Taiwan?
Why do I care?
I am an American!
I am a patriot, you little clown boys and girls!
I believe in a man by the name of George Washington, who must be rolling over in his grave to see what they call Washington now.
Washington, D.C.!
Dumb craps!
No foreign entanglements.
Read his farewell address.
Oh, he talks about happiness in it a lot, too.
Get in your house!
Do what I tell you to do!
Happiness is dead, man!
It's one bad rap.
It's over.
They have brought society down, and it's going to keep crashing if we don't change it.
And you change it by supporting InfoWars.
The products that you buy not only help InfoWars, they help you.
And they have a lot of great products there.
So as we're looking where this war is going, America is at war.
You're talking now China going against them.
Oh, and we're allies of Australia and New Zealand.
What do I care about that?
I'm an American!
America first and only!
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The globalists aren't just targeting us through the poison shots or the electromagnetic 5G or the GMO crops.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
You're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
And now, your host, Gerald Solente.
Hey, great being on The Alex Jones Show.
And remember everybody.
Oh, I was out to dinner on Saturday night with two great men, Judge Napolitano and Scott Ritter.
Yeah, Scott Ritter, who they got rid of on YouTube.
Speaking the truth and being against war.
Censorship across the board.
So you got to do everything you can if you want to keep truth alive to support InfoWars.
But you're not only helping to keep InfoWars alive, you help yourself stay alive too, in a healthy way.
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All right.
Christmas savings in August.
You know, talking about August, Alex is talking about October.
And he said things are going to go down bad in October.
You know, we're on a lot of the same page.
You go back to our Trends Journal.
Since June, we've been saying the markets are going to go down in September and October.
Right now, people are in a summer state of mind.
It's summertime and the living is easy.
Spread your wings and you make to the sky.
That's what music was, music.
Now it's one bad rap.
What a joke.
So sad what's happened.
So people don't know what's going on.
They don't have a clue about the COVID war.
They don't have a clue about the Ukraine war.
I'm gonna go back to the COVID war again, because Alex is really hitting on this.
And again, we did too.
We were the first magazine, again, in January 28th, the cover of the Trends Journal was, Coronavirus, 106 dead in China.
The next line was, 1.4 billion still alive.
Like, what are you telling me this crap?
And then we had the next line on the cover was, The New Black Plague?
That's what they were selling it as.
You ready for this?
The World Health Organization, who?
Yeah, whores.
Health organization.
Little boys and girls with arrogant attitudes that look like crap.
Declared COVID-19
There you go it.
There you are.
106 dead in China.
1.4 billion still alive.
The new black plague.
We were the first, the first, the first to call this a scam.
The first.
It's right there in front of you.
What are you telling me 106 people died in a country?
Over a million people a year dying.
That's why they wear those masks before COVID.
From air pollution and the filthy air.
Oh, but don't worry about climate change, by the way.
That's going to be a new cover of the Trends Journal coming out tomorrow.
Don't worry about climate change.
We'll be wiped out in a nuclear war.
So going back to who, the whores.
The who-whores.
March 11th, when they called it a pandemic.
There were 4,291 deaths in 114 countries.
You mean you're talking about 0.000000 nothing?
And you're calling it a pandemic?
Yeah, we're calling it a pandemic!
And you do what we tell you to do!
And I'm Andy Cuomo!
I'm the governor of New York!
I won an Emmy because I can spew out crap better than any of the other politicians!
Lock down your business!
All you kids, don't go to school!
Stay at home!
One little clown boy and girl after another.
And they're gonna do it again.
They're control freaks.
My daddy was Mario!
My daddy was Mario!
I renamed the Tappan Zee Bridge after my daddy!
It's the Mario M. Cuomo Bridge!
And only cost us plantation workers of slave land here like 30 million dollars.
I gotta tell you, my heart is broken.
I went down to a Hannaford supermarket yesterday.
I'm watching the people working in this place.
I feel so bad.
I go to Home Depot.
I feel so bad when I see the people working in these places.
There's no future.
There's no middle class.
They robbed it from us.
They did away with the Robinson Patton Act, Sherman Antitrust Act, Clayton Antitrust Act.
Oh, and Bill, every time I get caught with my pants down, Clinton, did away with the Glass-Steagall Act.
Oh, and how about him doing away with the Federal Communications Act, 1996?
Only the bigs could own everything!
This is better than the plantation system, because we're just plantation workers of Slavelandia.
In the plantation system, they had to house you and feed you.
They had to give you just enough money, get out of here, come back in the morning, come back at night, get out of here.
Yeah, got it, go.
When we get back, we're going to talk a lot about the economy.
This thing's gonna go down big, it's gonna go down hard.
People have no idea what's going on.
Oh, what happened last week and the week before with the banks being degraded?
What are you talking about?
Hey, did you see who won the women's soccer team thing?
Let's talk about that.
Hey, who's in first place?
The American League.
Who's in first place?
We know all that stuff.
We know all that data.
Don't have a clue about what's going on in the world.
Or the economy.
Again, the people are in a summer state of mind.
What's a Fitch downgrade?
What's a Fitch?
What's a Moody's?
Oh, you're the bad Moody?
This thing's gonna go down big and hard.
And China, the one that caused the COVID war?
They're going down the hardest.
Again, InfoWars is doing all they can to support you.
And you need to do everything you can to support them.
And, if you want history before it happens, because we're showing you the proof, you want to subscribe to the Trends Journal, go to Jones Trends over there, that site there, and you get a discount.
And we help InfoWars.
So, it's a 360 win.
A lot of listeners have complained in the last two years that our amazing, high-quality coffee has not been available.
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Hey everybody, Rodney Outbrown here.
I want to thank Alex Jones and InfoWars for offering scholarships to River University.
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Coffee has not been available at InfoWarsTore.com for two years because the price went up too high and the quality was starting to go down.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
And now, your host, Gerald Salente.
Hey, great being on the Alex Jones Show.
And again, I keep saying it and won't stop saying it.
Do everything you can to support InfoWars, because they're doing everything they can to support you.
And you're not only helping them by staying on the air, you're helping yourself with the great products.
So it's a 360 win and that's not BS.
And as I said, my good buddy Scott Ritter, he's off, he took him.
Can't talk bad about Zelensky, the President of Ukraine.
Oh, you mean the Zelensky that was a star sitcom clown that used to play the piano with his penis and have a crowd laughing and joking about it?
Can't say anything bad about him?
That guy?
Again, we said, we had forecast that when, before the war began,
On February 24th, 2022, that they needed to negotiate for peace.
People have no idea of the violations of the agreement that NATO would not move one inch further made between Gorbachev and Bush Sr.
They have no idea of the United States overthrow
Of the democratically elected government to Viktor Yanukovych in 2014, as we wrote in the Trends Journal, as was happening.
Peace is not allowed.
So you can't talk bad about Zelensky.
You only could support war.
Anybody that supports peace, you're blacklisted.
Oh, how racist of you calling it blacklisted.
Can't be a brown-noser either!
We cover geopolitics, economics.
There's no magazine that gives you in-depth trends analysis and forecasts.
High-tech science.
Joe Duran.
Matter of fact, this is a book you want to check out of his.
Pretty human.
Look at the size of this thing.
He writes the technocracy section in our Trends Journal, gives us AI reports, along with Ben Davis.
We have a whole section on AI, we own you.
So going back, you know, we cover the current events, forming future trends, and show you the stupidity of what's going on as well.
These forest fires up against Canada.
Canada braces for more wildfires.
Hey, you can't put out wildfires?
You could send ships to the Taiwan Straits?
Are you just increasing your military budget?
What, are you too stupid to put out five forest fires?
Hey listen, Salenti, shut your mouth!
I'm Justin Trudeau!
Just a piece of arrogant crap!
I passed an emergency law to put the, uh, screw the people protesting for peace on the truckers' strike.
And my daddy, I'm like little Georgie Bush!
I'm a little clown of nothing, but my daddy was Pierre!
Arrogant boy, he can't put out a fire?
What are all you politicians and bureaucrats?
Too damn stupid to put- Great job in Maui!
Oh, Biden's finally gonna go there.
Eighty-eight percent of the people swallowed this stupid little boy's crap.
They're gonna get that guy who saw bin Laden dead or alive.
And now the Afghan war, the longest war in American history.
These are the clowns running the show.
It's a clown show.
It's a clown show.
I like Lindsey Graham.
Oh, what a fat mouth that little boy is.
He loves Will.
Go over there and fight, Lindsey.
Couldn't fight you when I have a paper bag.
Oh, how about that guy, that arrogant Blumenthal over here in Connecticut?
Oh, the guy that said he was in the Vietnam War, the little draft dodge, he's my age?
That guy?
Oh, we gotta go fight!
Hey, fat mouth, go fight!
Anybody that wants to support the Ukraine War, send your money, go over there and fight!
Send your wife, your kids, your partners, your transgenders, go over there and fight!
If you support the Ukraine War, or shut your fat mouth!
I was talking before.
You ready?
U.S.-Japan-South Korea Bolster Alliance.
Isn't that nice?
Wall Street Journal Little Freak Show.
Nuclear war is imminent.
North Korea.
Oh, look at that.
Same time.
The world is just a step away from nuclear conflict.
North Korean Defense Minister Kang Soon-nam said in a statement made public.
And presented it at the 11th Moscow International Security Conference.
Now the question is not if a nuclear war breaks out on the Korean Peninsula, but who and when it starts.
United States Navy Carrier Strike Group 11, led by its flagship and aircraft carrier USS Nimitz, arrived at South Korea Military Port
In late March, soon after, North Korea unveiled its new, smaller nuclear warheads.
Isn't that nice?
Oh, Japan!
They did a great job at Pearl Harbor!
You're our ally!
Oh, just like Germany, huh?
Oh, yeah!
Oh, the Nazis were great!
Oh, and that little arrogant boy, uh, Schultz over there, that 70% of the German people can't stand, that plays their Chancellor.
Isn't that a nice name, a Chancellor?
I'm a Chancellor.
Yeah, I got no chance of being a human being, but I'm a Chancellor.
We're gonna keep fighting the, uh, the Ukraine War.
Oh, yeah?
Oh, the Germans that killed over 25 million Russians in World War II?
That Germany?
Oh, Operation Barbarossa?
You barbarians?
Oh, they're our allies.
Yeah, Yankee Doodle Do... Dandy, Yankee Doodle Do or Die?
For dumbbells?
Remember what I'm saying, when all else fails, they take you to war.
And this economy is failing, and China, who launched the COVID war,
Is responsible for the biggest breakdown here.
Their economy is going down big and hard.
They had three years of zero COVID policy.
Three years!
The hundreds of millions of lives and livelihoods have been destroyed.
And now get this straight.
China got into the World Trade Organization in 2001.
Two weeks after 9-11 when nobody knew it was coming.
And nobody cared.
You look at their GDP from 1970 to 2001.
They get in 2001 into the World Trade Organization, the GDP skyrockets.
Because all those slimy manufacturers from high-tech to heavy industry sold us out.
You don't gotta get anything made here.
Go over there and get that cheap labor.
Oh, and give them all the technology they need so they can make it themselves.
They're too dumb to do it, but we'll give them everything because we want to make more money.
Now that economy's going down.
I'm mentioning this because the economy was overbuilt.
It was a boom.
It was a boom, and every time there's a boom, it's followed by a bust.
And now the COVID wars made that bust worse.
You look at their exports.
Oh, they're down.
Yeah, because people all over the world are buying less.
This thing's gonna go down big and hard.
But don't worry.
When all else fails, they take you to war.
And that's why I launched Occupy Peace.
I'm fighting.
I'm a warrior for the Prince of Peace.
And you bet I'm angry.
Because St.
Thomas Aquinas said, anyone who is not angry, when it's morally right to be angry because of the unjustifiable things doing to humanity, is immoral.
So if you're not angry, as they're robbing us of our life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, putting us on the edges of nuclear war,
And destroying us in so many different ways.
And, according to St.
Thomas Aquinas, you're on a immoral team.
And if you're moral, you're fighting for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
And you're supporting those of us who do it.
You subscribe to the Trends Journal.
You got that link over there on Alex Jones.
And you support InfoWars.
And again, in both situations,
You're helping yourself, as well as supporting those who are helping you.
Because we're giving you what nobody else can.
Info Wars in the Trends Journal.
See you next week.
Stay tuned.
For everything the globalists hit us with, God, through Mother Nature, has given us the answer.
I don't
Because that's who we're getting it from.
Made right here in Central Texas.
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Rebel Zen is a private label of one of the top three or four CBD makers in the country.
It's based right here in Texas and we're giving it to you at 30% off.
And here's what's even crazier.
I want to thank all of you over the years who have supported InfoWars financially and with word of mouth and prayer.
All the success that we've had together against the Globalists and the fact that we're not caught flat-footed during their major takeover is because of you.
Humanity has a real fighting chance.
I just want to thank you all for buying products at InfoWarsTore.com, like books and films and supplements and water filtration, air filtration, and so much more.
But for those of you that want to actually give us a straight donation so we get almost 100% of the money to fund our operation during this critical time, go to InfoWarsTore.com, and right at the top, you'll see a link to make a straight donation.
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I want to thank all you that have donated.
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Thank you so much for your support.
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