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Filename: 20230704_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: July 4, 2023
3575 lines.

In this podcast, Alex Jones discusses the current state of American Republic under Biden's leadership and promotes River University as a place for training to deal with societal issues. He also talks about products available on Infowarstore.com, including CBD oil, nitric boost, brain supplements, toothpaste, etc., encouraging viewers to support InfoWars financially by purchasing their products or making donations directly at InfoWarsStore.com. The speaker discusses Russia's offer to partner with the United States and provides information on how to access it while encouraging people to declare independence against the globalists and join the resistance. He mentions a previous interview he had with Daniel Esselin, who predicted the current state of affairs 20 years ago. Jones mentions that Daniel's website was shut down by Google but his new page is www.astulin.media and his YouTube channel is Daniel Astulin or Daniel Astulin International. In this segment of InfoWars, Alex Jones encourages viewers to support the Infowar by purchasing merchandise from the Infowar Store, including a "political prisoner" shirt featuring an image of President Trump. He also discusses iodine deficiency and promotes his company's Survival Shield X3 product as a solution. The speaker discusses the importance of supporting the show and promotes products available at InfowarsStore.com, including health supplements, multivitamins, and other wellness items. Daniel Esselstyn is interviewed about his views on the 2024 election, RFK Jr., and the United States' political situation. The discussion raises questions about the potential consequences of a nuclear war, survival strategies in such a scenario, and whether it is possible to halt the catastrophic path the establishment seems intent on pursuing. The speaker argues that the globalization model as it once existed is dead and will not return to its previous state. The borderless world has collapsed and caused significant economic losses for individuals in terms of wealth, properties, money, stocks, and bonds. The speaker discusses the concept of global policy and how it is controlled by the global elite, who create chaos and promote immorality for their own gain. He argues that the moral breakdown of society stems from a lack of vision for a better future and encourages people to focus on improving their local communities instead. The speaker advises staying in one's home country and creating local networks with various professionals to prepare for potential global crises. The discussion begins with COVID-19 vaccinations and the need for boosters among those ages 12 and older, including possible annual boosters like the flu vaccine. Misinformation regarding herd immunity and masks is discussed. Owen Benjamin's views on various topics such as war in Russia, economy, open borders, pedophilia promotion, Robert Kennedy Jr., Trump's indictment, and the insanity of the world are touched upon. The conversation ends with wishes for a happy Juneteenth. The speaker discusses the state of society and politics, focusing on farming as a healthier lifestyle, supporting InfoWars by purchasing signed copies of their book "The Great Reset and the War for the World," admiring rural Americans, and criticizing urban elites who don't understand farming or rural life. Clean drinking water and support for River University scholarships are promoted. The importance of knowing oneself and recognizing the collapse is discussed. Support for InfoWars, personal growth, and building local communities are emphasized

Well, we've made it this far.
July 4th, 2023.
I wonder what the founders thought we'd look like today.
Tomorrow's news, today.
So, it's July 4th, 2023.
247 years, am I right?
What is that?
Since the founding of this Republic, at least since the kickoff on July 4th, 1776.
Here we are, ladies and gentlemen, and our Republic is very long in the tooth, very old, very aged, very daughtery.
What a great example with Joe Biden.
Can't even form a cognitive, coherent sentence.
But as I've said many times, people
Live on average 75 years, as the Bible tells us.
But republics and countries, they can live longer if they're given a reprieve, if they rise like the phoenix.
And that really is the choice we have now.
Do we have something better than the American Republic to replace this system with?
The answer is no.
It may seem old, 240-something years old, but
But the globalists are creating empires and command and control.
Tyrannies are actually much older systems than that.
So we have the modern system.
We have the latest, best thing right now.
And we know it produced incredible prosperity and incredible freedom.
Some would say that was bad.
Because look at the decadence and largesse it created that created a giant arsenal of ideas and inventions and money and intelligent people that could then be hijacked by corporate globalist interest and parlayed and focused against the world in a massive takeover system.
Take the Germans.
In World War II, dynamic, smart, intelligent, high IQs, hardworking, captured by an evil person, used to attack the world.
So I can look at America and say, is it good we were blessed?
Is it good we were so powerful?
Because I say we were so powerful, we're not in control of our country.
And we have to admit we've been hijacked by these corporate forces if we have any hope
In the future of ever restoring, not the greatness of America, that's a prideful thing, but our own basic dignity and rights.
Because I know individually the rights come from God.
They don't come from the U.S.
But we need a government constituted that recognizes those rights.
Because if that government's removed, we'll have some new globalist, new world order, socialist, communist, fascist system put in place.
If you've got the answer for a governmentless system that creates freedom, anarchy, I'm on board.
But the truth is, anarchy doesn't work.
It produces a Mad Max scenario very, very quickly.
What produces freedom is a basic ethos of understanding of human culture and of free market and of individual will and the human soul connected to God.
And through that connection, we build the civilization that is good for ourself and our progeny.
We're gonna go to break in about a minute.
I'm gonna come back and talk about some of the big issues of our day, but I just wanted, on July 4th,
It's great to be here in such an amazing time to be alive, to give my respects to all the patriots out there, and the veterans and the fallen who stood up for this republic.
Because without their sacrifices, going back to July 4th, 1776, we would not have this republic.
As decadent and overrun and as corrupt as it is, we would still not have this republic that the globalists fear.
Because it's not what America ever realized that the globalists fear.
It's the idea of America and the dream of America that if it becomes true, defeats their new world order.
Their godless, satanic, world government cannot compete with the idea of America.
And that's why they're against America, is because it's at loggerheads with their anti-human, anti-God system.
And that's why I'm an American, and why I defend the Republic, and why I believe in it, and why I stand with you, promoting
Not just a new American century, but a new human century based on God's principles that will and is destined to defeat the satanic plans of Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and the new world order.
Hey everybody, Rodney Altman here.
I want to thank Alex Jones and InfoWars for offering scholarships to River University.
Maybe you're watching InfoWars today and you don't know what to do with the problems that we face in the world today.
You've been through COVID-19, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023.
But here at River University, not only do we show you what the problem is, but we show you how to deal with it.
Come, a full three-year bachelor degree will train you up in ministry, government, worship, that you can go out and actually bring about a transformation in the earth today.
We have graduates going all over the world, from the Arctic to the Outback, and right here, this is what we do.
We specialize in training people and equipping them for
And that's what you'll do.
So scan the QR code right now or go to riveruniversity.org and get the free scholarship offered to you by InfoWars.
It's Tuesday, July 4th, 2023.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
It's America's birthday.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Very, very blessed and honored to be with you here today.
All right.
I wanted to do part of the show.
We have some amazing rebroadcast coming up because today is America's birthday.
And I respect and appreciate all Americans.
I respect and love everybody promoting liberty and freedom against the new world order today, including our French friends dealing with the Islamic uprising funded by the globalists.
But you know, I was reminded of this because Obama did this five or six times that we caught on video.
He loves to rub our nose in his corruption.
Where Obama would go to major events, particularly on July 4th, or military events, and not put his hand over his heart during the National Anthem.
This was done on purpose, like everything they've done in the past.
So here's a clip, never forget, there was a time when President Obama refused to salute to the American flag.
Here's the clip.
And you can say, well, that's his right not to do it.
And look, look, I'm not in some cult.
You don't have to go to a 4th of July event.
The point is he's supposedly the president of this country.
And he did that on purpose to set the precedent and let you know that he is against this country.
He did it over and over again.
That's what this is all about.
But I tell you, Americans everywhere are declaring independence against people like Gavin Newsom confronting him for beyond pedophilia, but mutilation of children.
And so here's a clip of Gavin Newsom.
It's happening in England.
It's happening in Canada.
It's happening in Germany.
Everywhere people are exposing the death cult coming after our children.
Here it is.
I'm doing fantastic.
How about you, Governor Newsom?
Yeah, I mean, I just had a-
You can't do until you're 18.
You can't date until you're 18.
You can't go in a tanning salon, but young girls and young boys can get their body parts removed.
Our duty.
Talk to me.
I'm an attorney.
I sent you a letter.
So the good news is the European Union's about to ban it, the UK just banned it.
This cult pushed as far as they could but they run into a brick wall of reality.
Now that leads me to this next clip.
White House releases report on solar geoengineering, saying they want to block out the sun.
That's CNBC News.
Here's Politico.
It's all being reported.
The giant power grab that these monsters are involved in.
And this video has since gone viral.
Alex Jones on Joe Rogan recalls U.S.
code on the use of chemtrails for lethal tests.
But not just chemtrails.
They say all secret testing is banned unless it's for studies, then they're allowed to kill you.
They're allowed to have lethal studies if they're for research purposes.
That's in U.S.
Code Title 50, Subchapter 32, Subchapter 1,520, paragraph B. I'm going from memory, but just look it up.
It's all codified in law to do this.
So here I am on Joe Rogan, six years ago, talking about it.
No, they call it study.
There's a giant... Hell, in 2005, the Department of Energy program for aerosol testing was $5 billion a year.
Code Title 50, Chapter 32, Subsection 1528, Paragraph B... Is that true?
So under U.S.
You nailed that right there?
Yes, yes.
Were you from Mars?
Under U.S.
Code... Do you live on that obelisk?
That was f***ing insane.
Let me just tell you... I can't even remember the last time a cheetah fought.
Listen, under...
Under U.S.
Code Title 50, Chapter 32, Section 1528, Paragraph B. That's insane!
Hold on, say it slow and let Jamie write it up.
That's insane!
How the f**k do you know that?
Restrictions on use of human subjects for testing of chemtrails.
Go back, go back, go back.
There you go.
Or biological agents.
Alright, now what they do in this is they say it's illegal to test unless it's for research.
Then you're allowed to even kill people if it's for research purposes.
Do you know that's how some of those Japanese whaler vessels get away with killing whales still?
They say it's for research purposes.
And they kill the whales and sell them.
It's some dark shit.
I know.
The elites are the mad scientists.
I'm gonna give you the big secret, man, if you want it.
Yes, I do.
I'm not kidding around.
I'm not either.
I know.
The thing is, it's advanced.
They're the high priests.
They're scientists.
They're engineers.
They're allowed to kill people, test stuff on kids, inject black people with syphilis, all the declassified stuff, because they are scientists.
All the real executioners, torturers, or most of them, or people making decisions, are doctors.
And so it's all medical doctor stuff in this big breakaway civilization of scientists.
And so that's what they've built, and under research provisions, they can even kill anybody they want.
And then years later, they launched the COVID attack.
It's a biomedical tyranny.
Now you begin to see what's really happening.
All right, now let's go to Trump's speech at the UN one year before they were moving from office.
Very powerful speech.
This is why they hate President Trump.
Here it is.
The free world must embrace its national foundations.
It must not attempt to erase them or replace them.
Looking around,
And all over this large, magnificent planet, the truth is plain to see.
If you want freedom, take pride in your country.
If you want democracy, hold on to your sovereignty.
And if you want peace, love your nation.
Wise leaders always put the good of their own people
And their own country first.
The future does not belong to globalists.
The future belongs to patriots.
The future belongs to sovereign and independent nations who protect their citizens' respect.
Alright, so, this is all common sense.
Our regular listeners are like, yeah, we get this.
But the general public still hasn't figured it out.
If you don't take care of your own country and take care of yourself, you're not going to be in a position to help others.
They sell Americans on, give up your sovereignty, let the UN, let corporations, let BlackRock tell you what to do.
Let your common sense and your own Bill of Rights and Constitution be what you follow.
Or you'll be somebody else's slave.
So I'm very thankful on this July 4th to be here.
Very thankful to the amazing crew that's in here running the show.
And I'm very thankful to you, the viewers and listeners, for being here and keeping us on air.
And that's why I realize, 9 times out of 10, I'm InfoWars' biggest problem.
When I plug once an hour, we barely pay the bills.
When I plug once a show, we go bankrupt.
When I plug every segment, we have extra money to hire more crew and do more bigger things.
So, I'm back to plugging once an hour.
I've got to remember to always do it.
We've got great products.
We're about to go to break and come back with an amazing retransmission.
So I'm going to go spend time with my family today.
I think you want to do that as well, but I'm so honored you decided to tune in today.
That's why I'm here.
Please go to InfoWarsTore.com.
We have the biggest sale of the year going.
The July 4th super sales up to 60% off.
Double Patriot points in your next order.
Super Male Vitality sold out.
Super Female 60% off.
It's the same formula as the pink label.
The CBD oils, highest quality, those amazing things.
We have the nitric boost for your blood and your body to clean things out.
So important right now with what's happening.
We have the other great products like BrainForce Ultra, BrainForce Plus, TurboForce, all close to selling out, still discounted.
Ultimate Krill Oil, Ultimate Fish Oil, so good for your brain, your body, everything.
The point is, get a book, get a film, get a t-shirt.
This is the revolution.
We cannot do it without you.
I thank you for your past support.
Please go.
To InfoWarsTore.com today and experience these great products.
All the swervable food and water filters are already 10% off.
That's the biggest we can do.
That's a rare sale because the price is already so low.
Air filtration, water filtration, everything.
10% off swervable food.
We'll be right back.
July 4th, 2023.
Stay with us.
Speaking of support, we have the biggest sale of the year so far, the July 4th Super Sale going right now.
And Nitric Boost is so good for your heart, your brain, your lungs, your cardiovascular.
Everybody needs to clean out your blood.
And they take it on a routine basis.
Plus it does great things for your muscles, your stamina, your libido.
It is in stock right now.
It's amazing.
Super Female Vitality is selling out.
We got a good shipment of it in.
The paper mill sold out.
Despite that, it's 60% off.
Then, of course, we have super high quality, high spectrum, full spectrum CBD oil.
It's great for your neurological systems, your whole body.
It's available.
Up to 60% off.
Double pay for your employees.
At InfowarsStore.com.
And we are selling out of Real Red Build Plus.
But if you want that, you can get that.
I mean, it's going to sell out in like a week, the current sales rates.
Thank you all for your support.
Again, we need funds to be able to stay on air.
We're starting to dig out of the hole.
I want to get way out of the hole and expand.
But we only do that with your support.
So please take action now.
You can also make a straight donation at InfowarsStore.com.
We have three original, one-of-a-kind toothpaste designed by my father, a dentist, at MFullerStore.com that don't have fillers, that are filled with high-quality essential oils, and more.
We have a turmeric toothpaste,
We have the Ultimate Tooth Whitening with Pearl Calcium Toothpaste, and we have the amazing Activated Charcoal Toothpaste, again, with a whole bunch of key essential oils that are so good, not just for your teeth and your gums, but your whole mouth, your throat, and more.
These are really game-changing toothpastes.
They're very, very strong.
Most over-the-counter toothpastes have fluoride.
Ours don't.
And it doesn't have fillers in it.
It is just chock-full.
We're good to go.
Ladies and gentlemen, this book, The Great Reset and the War for the World, is a historic book that documents the globals, in their own words, plan for our future.
That is a hellish future.
Now you'll always, while they still allow books, I guess they're starting to ban them, be able to get an unsigned copy of The Great Reset and the War for the World at bookstores, Amazon, or Infowarsware.com.
But you will never be able to get another signed copy of the book after the signed copies we got run out.
And there's about a thousand left of them right now.
So get your copy of The Great Reset and The War for the World, a signed copy, at InfoWarsHore.com.
And there is a markup there because this is a fundraiser to keep us on the air.
So you won't just have this historic memento and this powerful book, you'll also know that you help keep InfoWars on the air.
I want to thank those of you that have gotten signed copies of the book.
I want to thank all of you over the years who have supported InfoWars financially with word of mouth and prayer.
All the success that we've had together against the Globalists and the fact that we're not caught flat-footed during their major takeover is because of you.
Humanity has a real fighting chance.
I just want to thank you all for buying products at InfoWarsTore.com like books and films and supplements and water filtration, air filtration and so much more.
But for those of you that want to actually give us a straight donation so we get almost 100% of the money to fund our operation during this critical time, go to InfoWarsTore.com
We're good to go.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
July 4th, 2023.
The birth date of our precious Republic.
What a time to be alive, ladies and gentlemen.
What a time.
You know, there's an old Chinese proverb, may you live in interesting times.
They mean that's a bad thing.
But I got to tell you, I am blessed to live in this time.
It's painful, it's crazy, it's exhilarating, it's empowering, it's everything at once.
What a time to be alive when we're deciding the future destiny of our species.
I am just extremely honored to be here.
Now I want to go to a special report that just got filed by the great Greg Reese.
Life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness here in a minute.
The Declaration of Independence states that every person possesses three inalienable rights, life, liberty, pursuit of happiness.
247 years ago have passed, and we've mostly forgotten what those words mean.
This is such an important report we're about to go to, and you know, when you get excited as an audience, nothing stops you.
When you decide to share a link, when you decide to take a clip, when you decide to add to it, it just, it devastates the enemy.
And so I sit here on the air, taking your calls, and you thank me and tell me how great I am.
No, we're all great under God.
And so I can't do any of this without you.
That's why I'm asking you to go to Infowars.com and get the report we just put on screen in the Gregory section because you know what's going on.
Our general audience knows what's going on and listeners ask me why I repeat things or why I talk about basic stuff constantly because quite frankly it's the story of the prodigal son.
If you haven't read it, it's in the Bible.
Go read it.
Jesus tells the story.
It's a perfect allegory.
You have a second born son, comes to his father when he's like 16, says, I want my inheritance.
His father gives him his part of the inheritance.
Over the protest of his first born, who already gets the majority of things.
And he goes and gets whores and parties for years and blows everything and comes back naked and drunk and totally alone and beat up.
And his father throws a huge party and kills the best cow they've got.
You know, kills the veal and does all this.
And the firstborn son says, I was always faithful.
I never did this.
Why are you throwing?
He said, Do you have any idea how much I love you that you never forsook me and never did this?
This is your idiot younger brother.
And I'm beside myself with glee.
You're way better than him.
And I love you way more.
You'll inherit all this.
But this is the sheep we lost.
That's what all this is about, ladies and gentlemen.
And that's why we do what we do.
Is that it is the prodigal sons and daughters we're looking for.
I certainly am a prodigal son.
I ran off and did the very things the prodigal son did, even worse.
I don't hear the prodigal son didn't beat people's brains out and stuff like that.
So God can forgive all of us.
That's the story of the cross as well.
So I appreciate you all this July 4th and I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart because we've changed the world together.
I want to thank the amazing crew on July 4th as well.
And I want to air this very important piece, Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness.
And we'll be right back with special guests.
The Declaration of Independence states that every person possesses three inalienable rights.
Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
247 years have passed and we have mostly forgotten what those words mean.
Today it seems that most of us think that the pursuit of happiness means the pursuit of pleasure and the avoidance of pain and distress.
This confusion can best be explained by the dumbing down of America, which we covered in our last video, and the gross lack of spiritual enlightenment in today's society.
In modern society, the childish atheist will often ask, if there is a God, why do bad things happen to good people?
As if the earth is supposed to be a utopia where humans are born to experience nothing but pleasure.
Like all utopian ideations, this is a fantasy for the weak-minded who seek to avoid the pain of life.
Bad things happen to everyone so that we can overcome them, learn, and grow.
The Earth is nothing at all like a utopia.
It is a wild place where one must kill in order to live.
It does not matter if one is carnivore, vegetarian, or vegan.
And it does not matter if you pay someone else to kill for you.
Life can only be sustained by life.
And perhaps this is why civilization was created, which many will argue.
But more often than not, civilizations have served the tyrants at the top, while enslaving the people to run whatever system has been put into place.
But on July 4th of 1776, our Founding Fathers drafted something very unique, perhaps the most revolutionary form of spiritual self-government which has ever been penned to paper.
They understood what the pursuit of happiness meant.
To Thomas Jefferson, it meant the pursuit of a meaningful life.
And it was preceded on the list by life and liberty, because individual freedom is needed in order to choose your own path in life.
If God has a purpose for each and every one of us, then we have the right to live our life freely, so that we can pursue our own life's work.
The American Revolution created a form of government that serves to protect and defend the individual's right to pursue their very own path, so long as they respected the rights of others.
It established a form of government whose sole purpose was to protect these unalienable rights that each individual human deserves.
But this is obviously not the case anymore.
The government today is serving the interests of what we could refer to as the New World Order, a worldwide police state to manage a belligerent population of undisciplined slaves.
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are ethical goals.
And the problem today is that the American people are no longer an ethical people.
Most of us are chasing pleasure in whatever form we can find it in.
Whether it be drugs, alcohol, food, sex, or just something to buy that will make us feel good for a fleeting moment.
While the New World Order definitely had a hand in all this, it is ultimately our own fault.
They wanted to turn humanity into an ignorant slave class, so they laid out the bait in the form of social welfare, easy money, and easy access to all sorts of vice.
And while some took the bait, those that didn't aren't really doing anything to help our fallen brothers and sisters.
Those of us working towards a meaningful life are mostly out for themselves and see the rest as part of the problem, and this has likely been a human struggle throughout all of history.
It has often been said that this life is a spiritual battle, and it most certainly is.
The majority of the so-called left are not the enemy.
They are our neighbors who, through trauma or ignorance, have come to believe the lies of the mainstream media propaganda machine.
And they have been weaponized against American patriots by the New World Order.
They are the fallen ones.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, that to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness.
If we expect a corrupt government to fix itself while we fight our fallen neighbors, then do we really deserve life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reardon.
This is the biggest sale of the year so far.
July 4th, Super Sales has started yesterday.
Up to 60% off and double Patriot Points.
Brain Force Plus, 50% off.
Brain Force Ultra, 50% off.
Probiotic Fiber, 50% off.
Immune Support, 50% off.
Organic Green Fiber Cat, 50% off.
Ultimate Fish Oil, 40% off.
Ultimate Bone Broth, 40% off.
That's, you gotta get that selling out.
Down-and-out sleep support, back in stock, 40% off.
Superfilla Vitality.
It's the same as the Mel Vitality, but the Mel sold out.
60% off.
Ultimate Krill Oil.
So good for your immune system, your body, your brain, your heart.
60% off.
Turbo Force.
25% off.
10 hours of lean energy.
Selling Out.
The Clean Iodine.
Selling Out.
The Missing Link.
25% off.
Vitamin D3 Gummies.
All of it.
Whole Food Multivitamins.
All InfoWars MD products.
All Dr. Jones Naturals.
30% off.
It's all there.
25% off.
InfoWars Planet Products.
You're going to want to pay attention to what I'm about to say in the next 60 seconds.
Two new incredible products are now available exclusively at infowarestore.com.
They are both clones of national best-selling products from a major pharmaceutical slash supplement maker that are listeners and patriots that are allowing us to private label it at a lower price you'll find in stores.
It's Joint Relief Max and Nerve Renew.
Both of these have known documented natural compounds to lower pain and to also make your nerves healthier, which is one of the major reasons nerves get irritated and are more inductive to pain.
There's major research behind this all.
You need to get Joint Relief Max from InfoWarsMD and Nerve
Renew from InfoWarsMD exclusively at InfoWarsStore.com right now.
Introducing them both, 25% off.
You'll find them exclusively at InfoWarsStore.com and they fund our operation.
InfoWars is a one-of-a-kind operation and so please go to InfoWarsStore and just make a donation.
And you can make it one time or recurring, give a little profile there, cancel anytime,
Every 15 days, every month, every three months, every six months, up to nine months.
You can go in and every month or every week, whenever you want, you program it.
You just click it and then you decide when you want to make a donation.
So please do that as well.
That way we get 95% of it after credit card fees instead of making 20, 30, 40% like we do on the products.
But these really are amazing products.
The big July 4th sale is going on right now.
This is such a critical platform in the fight against the New World Order.
The enemies out in the open were vindicated.
People are listening more than ever.
But in this major recession going into depression,
And with supply chain breakdowns, I know it's hard.
I know times are tough.
So thank you for your support.
But whatever you do, pray for the broadcast and share the articles and the videos.
That you can do for free.
And that's just as important as keeping us on air.
So however God leads you in your heart to support us, please support us now.
And I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
God bless you.
Two of our best-selling nootropics, or brain boosters, are now back in stock at InfoWarsTore.com.
And for a limited time, they're 50% off when you get them together, or 40% off when you get them individually.
Brain Force Plus and Brain Force Ultra.
Two separate formulas.
They both give you good, clean energy without the crash.
One is a four to six hour good base of clean energy, again with no hangover or letdown.
And the other is a very special proprietary formula, that's RainForce Ultra, that hits really, really quick.
It wears off in two to three hours.
And I love it.
So if I've got to work at night, but don't want to stay up all night, I can take it and stay nine o'clock at night.
Got to stay up till midnight working, doing a radio interview or something, and boom!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
There is a disturbance in the matrix.
A glitch in the force.
I know and I smell New World Order blood in the water.
And I've never had it coming this hard and this fast into my face.
And in the allegory, I'm a great white shark and they're a little seal.
They're in a lot of trouble.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Joe Rogan's probably one of the smartest people I've ever met.
Probably the smartest.
Very cunning.
Very long-term game guy.
Knows everything I know and more.
And a little inside baseball.
I've been really pushing him to go on the attack.
And he said, no.
I'm going to wait until they attack more and give them more rope.
And he's been quietly getting ready for this.
And now the timing, everything is just perfect.
It's the number one story in the world.
It's reignited the murder of the poison shots.
Them trying to take over our bodies.
Putting people in these...
COVID camps, how they created the virus, all of it.
How they targeted our children, where it's deadly to them, even more so than older people.
The mass deaths going on.
And they had the huevos to now go after him again in RFK Jr.
Billions of views total over the last three days.
Hundreds of millions alone, just on what Rogan has said.
Our guest, tens of millions of views on what he just did yesterday.
And there's hundreds of other people just commenting that have five million, ten million.
I can't even keep track of it.
And then I went and checked Instagram and Facebook and there was hundreds of millions of views there for Joe Rogan alone.
I mean, it's beautiful!
And it's almost all exposing them and showing the science and how they lied and they're being destroyed.
And then Peter Hotez runs to CNBC to say on science we don't debate.
So I'm going to air this five-minute piece that's the most devastating ever that Joe Rogan tweeted today.
And remember, Hotez called Joe part of a coalition of fascists.
And RFK Jr.
is a racist fascist.
Yes, and of course I am as well.
And of course, they were calling our guest a Nazi.
Frequent guest here on air.
Incredible guy.
I wanted him on for a long time, but he goes on Owen and Harrison's all the time.
They go together down to the Capitol.
He's a very famous pedophile battler.
One of the most famous out there, Alex Rosen.
We'll be talking to him in a moment, a little bit in the next hour.
Then, other huge guest today.
I should have mentioned this.
Daniel Estlin with the Inside Baseball on Russia, the global economy, the Bilderberg Group, the UN, the globalist agenda.
He's got the inside scoop.
And then Owen Benjamin, comedian and all-around fire starter, will be joining us as well.
I'm hosting the fourth hour today as well.
So that said, follow all of Alex Rosen's material at iFight4Kids on Twitter at iFight4Kids and Rumble.com forward slash c forward slash Predator Poachers.
Just type in Alex Rosen Predator Poachers.
You'll find this guy's literal Death Star destroying information.
I mean he's like Luke Skywalker in the trench run to the pedophiles.
They run in fear.
He's put massive numbers of them in prison.
And now he's on the guys that want to rape our medical freedoms tale.
So they better look out.
We're going to him in four minutes.
But here is this incredible piece.
Share it.
Get it.
It destroys Big Pharma because they're coming after us again.
This is life and death.
One of the things that we're not hearing a lot about is a unique potential safety problem of coronavirus vaccines.
And then, something changed.
Any vaccine released by emergency use authorization by the FDA is an outstanding vaccine.
J&J's vaccine has a risk of life-threatening blood clots.
When you hear the beep, that's the sound of safety.
So don't overthink it.
They're both really good.
They're all really good vaccines.
Get vaccinated now.
You gotta call now.
If you wait, it's gonna be really too late to protect your child.
If this was your child, what happens next could make it the worst day of your life.
So even though COVID poses zero threat to healthy children.
Vaccinate your children.
Do the right thing.
Be safe and not sorry.
I'm strongly recommending for adolescents to get their two doses of vaccine and fully immunized after those two doses.
Advanced technology that can help save lives.
This is going to be a long lasting vaccine.
A few moments later.
We're seeing that two doses is not holding up well for emergency room visits.
It's not holding up well for hospitalizations.
Not again!
Everyone's going to need a booster.
You need that third immunization.
Triple the amount!
Get that third immunization.
The two mRNA vaccines were always a three-dose vaccine.
The two mRNA vaccines were always a three-dose vaccine.
I've always said this is a three-dose vaccine.
I've always said this is a three-dose vaccine.
This is a three-dose vaccine.
But I'm not done yet!
That third immunization.
The problem is, it's not holding up.
So, we may have to look at sort of innovative solutions.
Oh God, not this again.
Unfortunately, the numbers are starting to trend up again.
So the hospitalizations are up.
And so the most important message that I have this morning is get your new bivalent booster.
Willi and Lise were saying they got their booster and I was like, oh, I need to get mine.
And then I found out they're talking about the third shot.
And is that the bivalent, or is it the fourth booster, or does it matter?
Don't worry so much about the number of... There's no wrong way to use it!
You have to get it.
This new bivalent booster... You can double or triple stack them!
The new bivalent one is doing a much better job.
You have to get a booster.
You need to get this new bivalent booster.
Bivalent booster for COVID.
But does everyone ages 12 and older need a booster?
The answer is yes.
And by the way, if you're over 50 and have gotten two boosters, and more than two to four months out, you're gonna need a third booster as well, a fifth immunization.
I don't think we're gonna need an annual booster like flu.
Dr. Hotez supports yearly boosters, just like flu.
But I'm still not done!
It looks as though the boosters are not holding up quite as well as we'd like.
And I think our thinking is going to change and that what's going to happen is every, you know, a few months, we may need another booster.
Perfect results each and every time!
You know, we just could not overcome that massive disinformation campaign.
These fake concepts of herd immunity and discrediting masks.
Dr. Hotez, you are a national treasure.
It is picking off young people like we've never seen.
Dr. Peter Hotez, that was extremely informative.
Disinformation that you're hearing, that kids are fine, it's nonsense.
Kids need to get that vaccination.
You healthcare workers have been our saviors.
Watch out for that misinformation.
Dr. Peter Hotez is probably one of the smartest people on this topic.
If you haven't gotten your five and ups vaccinated yet, now's the time to do that.
Dr. Peter Hotez, thank you for saving the world.
We also support giving that third immunization for the 12 to 17 year olds.
People have to feel safe.
Dr. Hotez, you are a voice of reason.
Take down the fake information.
These fake concepts of herd immunity.
My best hope is to vaccinate our way through this.
Make sure that everybody's vaccinated, including their kids.
That's the single most important thing right now the American people have to do.
Dr. Peter Hotez was the person that we'd like to go to for this sort of expertise.
The single most impactful thing you can do is make certain that you're fully boosted and preferably too boosted.
Lucky Pox is a global emergency.
And it's accelerating among a specific social network of men who have sex with men, not because it's sexually transmitted.
Monkeypox is sexually transmitted.
Almost exclusively.
Before we let you go, we have to stop and applaud you, because I have a lot of MSNBC viewers who have watched you constantly for the last three years or so and have come to trust you.
I don't know if they fully appreciate what you have done.
And now he wants to just disappear like a roach when you turn the lights on behind the stove.
It's not happening because Alex Rosen's on his tail.
Alex Rosen
He is at I5 for Kids on Twitter and everywhere else.
Be sure and check him out.
He's a pedophile poacher.
Predator poacher.
But let's show the short clip that's gotten 10 million views that last time I looked on Twitter.
Tens of millions everywhere else.
It's all over the news.
How dare this man go to his house and talk to him in his yard?
But then routinely people go to folks' yard that the guy owns a mosquito company and doesn't really put the mosquito poison out.
We've got video of you not putting out a full gallon of mosquito poison, only a half gallon.
Everybody's like, get that guy!
Or if it's a pedophile's house, we're like, hey, it's a hero.
That's what our guest does, bust him all the time.
But this is a guy that wants to take over our medical freedom and arrest people that don't agree with him.
I have all the documents and articles right here, and it says you're not supposed to debate him, and that it's evil and bad.
Well, how dare you then go ask, are you going to debate RFK, which was the biggest story all weekend in the world, all over the place.
Here is the real journalistic activity of Alex Rosen.
I mean, are you planning on doing it?
You know, I just, he just invited... July 4th, 2023 is here.
Declare independence against the globalists, against Klaus Schwab, against the WAF, against the UN and their new worldwide medical treaty claiming control over not just our nation state's medical systems, but our very bodies.
Declare independence against the federal government that's been captured at the top by globalist operatives.
Declare independence against Big Pharma and GMO and Bill Gates.
Declare independence against Satan and his entire
I'm good.
We're fighting hard, you're fighting hard, and I want to salute you all on this July 4th, 2023, and encourage you all to spread the word about InfoWars.com and get amazing products at InfoWarsStore.com today.
That's InfoWarsStore.com.
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Thank you so much for your support.
Please take action.
Just weeks ago, I warned the world that the globalists were going to move against Tucker Carlson and take him off the air.
People said, no way, he's the most powerful thing that ever happened.
They've got quadrillions of stolen money.
They only had Tucker Carlson on the air because they believed they could control him.
But as soon as they figured out they couldn't, he was taken off the air.
It's the same thing with Infowars.
But Infowars is not owned by Fox, or controlled by George Soros, or owned by Spotify like Joe Rogan.
We are only beholden to our viewers and our listeners.
And when you support us, we're unstoppable.
I'm not underwritten by Rupert Murdoch or by George Soros.
I'm underwritten by you, which is we the people.
So I want to thank you for your support and encourage your listeners to understand.
Please don't take InfoWars for granted.
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Hey everybody, Rodney out, Brian here.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
It's okay to at least ask people questions.
I mean, it's not even that bad.
And by the way, let me correct, because I was correct.
I said last time I looked at it was 10 million.
Your video now has 18.7 million views, so congratulations.
And by the way, I saw it all over the place duplicated.
So it's probably like 50 million right now.
So here's the problem.
I'm not gonna get into specifics, but they've run ops on me.
When we've exposed pedophiles before, they'll then distract off to a place where they're not actually doing it to protect from what was really going on in New York.
Then they have somebody going with a gun.
I think?
But I am concerned that this is exactly what they'll do.
In fact, I've been predicting for two years, they're gonna false flag...
Some of their gods, like Fauci or Hotez or some of the others.
Now, what you did is great, and they're not going to be able to connect it to that, but I am concerned that they themselves or their controllers are going to stage something because, Alex, they're getting their asses handed to them.
I mean, they are getting routed.
If we were waking up three years ago, I see this metaphysically, metaphorically, culturally, mathematically as
Death Star Destruction.
I mean, the fact that everywhere people know the shots are poison, that they're a fraud, that these guys are scammers, and the fact that they've tried to launch a counter-offensive saying that we're frauds, it's blown up their face, and 95% of the comments are positive for us, shows devastating victory.
So I'm really concerned about what they're going to pull.
Yeah, I mean, they never go down easy.
They always have their useful idiots to do anything for them.
I mean, they have literal people
They were calling themselves anarchists during 2020 saying, oh, we don't believe in this or we don't believe in any power structure.
They have those quote-unquote anarchists doing the bidding for big pharma and big government now.
So, I mean, who knows what they could pull?
I mean, they're really sophisticated.
But, I mean, as for us, I mean, it's like the hardest and the easiest war to fight.
The only way we got to win is just be awake and have discernment and don't fall for any of their traps and just don't obey that.
Winning this war doesn't even involve putting hands on anybody.
It's just asking questions, you know, civil disobedience, stuff like that.
So, I mean, if we can hold the line in that regard, I think we'll be all right.
Look, I could ask a lot of questions, Alex.
I've been a big fan of you for a long time.
In fact, I meant to get you on.
I told the producers, hey, we ought to get him, and then I was always overbooking, so it didn't happen.
But for listeners that don't know who you are, because you're a huge figure right now.
In fact, I hope Joe Rogan should have you on right here in Austin to actually flesh this out.
And also use this as a way to point out, hey, we're not calling for violence.
We're not calling for harassment.
But these guys are public figures.
They're out in the open space wanting to run our medical lives, saying they own our bodies.
They are very blessed.
All they've got is a polite man asking questions.
And I'm not saying we should do more, but I do want criminal investigations.
Of where he came from in Wuhan, and the cover-up in Big Pharma, and the influencers that got money from Big Pharma.
Because all of this is classical racketeering in my view.
But that's for the courts.
We're not the left.
We don't do the vigilante stuff.
But I think it's important to get it on record.
You're not calling for violence.
I'm not calling for violence.
And what you did going to his house is not violence.
But, quite frankly...
Again, I think we should have more people hounding him.
I mean, you know, when he goes to the grocery store.
In fact, I'm thinking about going and sitting there in a news truck by his house and waiting until he goes to the grocery store, waiting until he goes to the gas station, waiting until he goes to work, and just getting out and saying, hey, what about this?
You said one shot would work perfectly.
Then you said five shots wasn't enough.
And then just show him not, that's debating.
Because he's been lying, he needs to be held to task for everything that comes out of his mouth being a giant fraud.
I 100% agree.
I mean, if you're putting yourself in a position to dictate public policy for the whole country, if you're taking our taxpayer money and using it to go do that, if you're vaccinating children that otherwise wouldn't need to be vaccinated, then yeah, I mean, you basically made yourself a de facto public servant.
I mean, he's not serving anybody, but it's big pharma overlords, but you're making yourself a de facto public servant.
And in my opinion, you should be held accountable to people 24-7 that want to ask you questions.
So yeah, I think asking him a question at any given time is fair game.
I think people need to confront Fauci, too.
I mean, that guy lied to Congress and said, no gain of function, and they found dozens and dozens of memos and public events he sponsored where he was the head of the event calling it in support of gain of function.
And him saying, yeah, it's gain of function, big deal.
I mean, where are the charges by the FBI, by the Justice Department for him, for lying to Congress?
Yeah, I don't think that's going to happen to him anytime soon.
I think they're all obviously in cahoots with each other.
And, you know, the best thing that can happen, I mean, if they're not going to go to court with our government, the best court is the court of public opinion.
So if we get the court of public opinion to all disregard them, I mean, what?
So how are they going to run our lives?
Go on TV and say what to do?
I mean, if we all just know that they're full of crap, then I think that they really can't have too much effect on us because
At least they're not at the point yet where they can just put us at gunpoint and threaten us with that type of stuff, because then I think even the mega-normies would be like, whoa, that's just too far on their part.
So we just need to keep winning in the court of public opinion for now, in my opinion.
You just hit the key right there, Alex.
Really smart guy.
And I admire your work so much, and I mean it from the bottom of my heart.
You understand that they're trying to intimidate us to shut up.
They're trying to intimidate us to go away.
They're trying to intimidate us to bully us into submission.
We have to just peacefully show up, tell the truth, and they will fall, they will fail.
It's that simple.
But if we shut up and get intimidated, they're going to win, they're going to pass the laws, they're going to ban our speech.
I mean, let's not forget, I've got his letters.
Yeah, it 100% is.
I think with confronting Hotez in person, it just shows to even more people that, hey, this guy isn't going to answer basic questions.
I mean, you know, if you confronted Elon Musk about, hey, what do you have to say about kind of self-driving Teslas maybe crashing or something?
I think he would answer that.
I think he should answer that.
So, how come when it comes to Peter Hotez, oh, he doesn't need to be answering that type of stuff?
You're a conspiracy theorist.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
When you put out a product and endorse something, and it influences millions of people, then, yeah, you should at least answer questions about it.
But, yeah.
Keep going, brother.
I mean, lay more knowledge on us.
That was a great point about consumer advocacy, consumer rights.
They're trying to force this shot on us and say that we don't have a right to question it, but people are questioning Elon Musk and he responds.
So, self-driving cars that maybe killed 10, 15 people?
Okay, it's sad.
I don't like self-driving cars overall because they're going to take humans out of the equation, but Musk is allowed to build them and they have some uses.
The point is, is that he does respond to criticism.
He does talk to reporters.
This guy wants policy and wants to silence us on top of it, and then doesn't want to be questioned.
I call total BS.
Yeah, and you know, it's just... I mean, I called COVID before Revenge of the Nerds, and that's exactly what it is.
I mean, people like Peter Hotez, who... And obviously high school isn't a matter of the grand scheme of things, and people like Peter Hotez who probably didn't have a lot of friends in high school, not a lot of friends growing up, just not really a likable person.
Um, I think a lot of COVID is psychological with the fact that they finally get their revenge on people who are fulfilled in life, happy people.
It's just, it's, I think it's just retribution, man.
I think they're all like little Elliot Rogers who are just finally saying, oh, I'm going to get revenge on all these people who wronged me and all this type of stuff.
That's what I really think it is, because now all these nerds and these geeks and these losers, they felt fulfilled doing all this stuff, because they could say, oh I'm the cool one now because I got vaccinated and I'm going to leave you out of it now.
I think it's all sad.
You just hit the nail on the head.
They are carrying out violence by passive aggressive covert means.
I don't think they've ever had this kind of influence over anybody in their life, because, you know, in a normal conversation, you know, they're... I mean, look at how me and Peter Hotez were.
I'm not saying I'm some big, scary alpha male, but, you know, obviously he's a timid, little, shy limperist, and I'm a... I don't think I'm that, so... I mean, you see how they are in one-on-one interaction with people, so they like to hide behind the screen, and they like to dictate things for everybody else, like me and you.
Well, incredible job.
I'm going to go to break.
Do five more minutes with us.
Come back for a full hour soon.
Incredible Alex Rosen.
You've got to get his video.
You've got to share it.
He is just in the zeitgeist.
And I think more people should peacefully go to Hotez's house and just peacefully ask him questions and educate his neighbors about him and show his neighbors the video which you shared earlier.
We're going to have it posted on InfoWars.com under the live show feed today.
All right, I'm going to go to break.
Come right back with Alex Rosen with some final comments for Daniel Estlin.
Please don't forget, we're listener supported.
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How many times have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings?
I've never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.
So let me get this straight.
The FBI was withholding from congressional oversight a document showing that during the Obama administration, Biden accepted a $10 million bribe through his son, Hunter, to force the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor that was investigating corruption, an event that Donald Trump looked into, sparking the first impeachment and forcing the arming of Ukraine.
...in turn setting the stage for the current war against Russia.
Evidence of the bribe was also in Hunter Biden's laptop, which the FBI also had, but that they swore was Russian disinformation and infiltrated social media to censor during the 2020 campaign, all while the FBI investigates Trump for having classified documents, despite the FBI admittedly letting Hillary Clinton off for a similar charge in 2016, when they were simultaneously launching the Russiagate investigation into Donald Trump using falsified evidence provided by the Clinton campaign.
Do I have that all straight?
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Take the highway to the end of the line.
Alex Rosen's our guest final segment ahead of Daniel Esselstyn with the huge news.
Alex, we've got to have you back for a full hour soon, just, or in studio sometime, to do a special report and bring a lot of the clips and things you've done.
You know, hundreds of millions of views, hundreds of pedophiles exposed, many put in prison or jail.
Just tell us about how you woke up, why you got engaged, and why you think the left now, because I'm kind of assuming things, but everybody knows what I'm saying is true, are just out in the open sexualizing children, and it's like pedophiles have come out of the closet.
It's not like that.
That's what happens.
Just four or five minutes on the state of the world today, why you got involved, and what's really going on.
Well, I mean, I catch predators now, online child predators, tons of pedophiles, predators.
Y'all want to go watch on Rumble.com.
It's free to join Predator Posers.
That's where we do our Predator Catch.
You can see us confront them online or whatever.
We're going to do one later.
But what got me into it was the way we do it is we pose as minors online, typically, and people hit us up from across the country.
And we continue conversation as if we were a kid.
And oftentimes, these people get very sexual.
Then we go confront them in person, hopefully get a confession on camera, which seems to work most of the time.
And we turn over that evidence to law enforcement and that's led to pedophiles getting arrested in 43 different states for an array of charges like molestation, online solicitation, child porn, all that type of stuff we've had predators arrested for.
What got me into it was, I'm 23 now.
I know I look older, but dealing with predators for four years kind of ages you.
But when I was 19, I've always wanted to be a police officer, and I couldn't do that in Houston at 19 years old.
You have to be 21 to graduate the academy.
So after my first season of college football, I kind of got into these videos online, and I thought they were exaggerated, like the Chris Hansen or whatever.
I thought they were kind of exaggerated.
So I wanted to see for myself, and within 30 minutes, I put up a profile of a 15-year-old boy, and somebody wanted to go meet him, like, that quick.
And I realized, like, oh my gosh, I'm getting one or two every single night I'm trying this.
So it turned into a passion specifically for sex offenders really quickly to get pedophiles off the street.
And come 2020, we start decoying as, like, an 8-year-old girl online, and that just opened up an array of really bad sickos across the country, and that's why we travel so much.
And catch the sickest of the sick.
And yeah, that's what we do.
And I'm very happy to say that our work has led to an arrest, like I said earlier, in 43 different states, convictions in 24 states.
And yeah, I'm glad they're put on notice.
Well all I can say is incredible.
Four years.
And I remember going back like three years ago being aware of your work and seeing it here and there and now all over the place last year.
And it's just another testament to one guy saying I'm gonna see if this is true and then it's true well I better do something about it.
There you are like a college football player and then start you know doing this because you can't be a cop yet you want to fight them and you're doing a great job.
To answer the question though, why do you think the left
Yeah, I think it's all
I mean, grand scheme of things, I don't think the left really cares about trans rights or gay rights.
I think it is all a depopulation plan.
Because when a kid gets molested, I mean, sadly, they have trouble getting into relationships the rest of their life.
They have a distrust.
So it's just separating each other from procreating, I think, in the grand scheme of things.
Yeah, I mean, I think that's what it is.
And of course, like, you know, the lawlessness that comes with it.
We did a catch in King County, Washington.
That's where Seattle is the other day.
We did a wrench in Washington.
The cop was amazing.
The detective was amazing.
But sadly, the cop got a call to not arrest our guy on the spot that night, even though he blatantly broke the law.
Communication with a minor for immoral purposes, admitted to breaking the law, admitted to us he broke the law, admitted to the cops he broke the law, and he got a call to not go do it.
So, I mean, they obviously
Obviously with lawlessness and the D-POP plan, I think this is just one step into that narrative they want.
Alex Rosen, incredible.
High five for kids on Twitter.
Great job.
You're an example for us all.
We salute you.
Look forward to being in the studio soon, brother.
See ya!
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Tomorrow's news.
Well, I am very honored to have an old friend on.
I tell you, you blink and five years goes by.
I've known this gentleman for 20 plus years.
He is the consummate Bilderberg sleuth.
He really took over for Jim Tucker as Jim got older and
You know, really would just kind of go and report on what Daniel discovered.
Daniel Estulin also developed sources inside the Bilderberg Group, which is at top of the pyramid of the other globalist management systems.
DanielEstulin.com on Twitter.
Daniel Estulin, E-S-T-U-L-I-N.
He has written a bunch of best-selling books.
He's an expert on the globalist long-term game and knowing him,
Gosh, it's got to be at least 20 years and working with him on the ground many times.
It is just crazy to go back to his books and go back to the things he said was going to happen about the transhumanism and the takeover of the energy and just everything.
It's incredible.
That's why everybody should watch the film.
It's free online, in-game.
End of a chess game, in-game.
Blueprint for global enslavement.
So I'm going to try my best here, which I know in the old days I never stopped interrupting, to let Daniel Esselin roll here.
I was trying to do it with Alex Rosen earlier, but he was stopping every minute.
Great guy.
A really smart guy.
So I'm going to try to shut up here as much as I can.
We're going to skip this first network break coming up.
I don't think so.
And how is it going with the globalists?
What's going to happen next?
Is Elon Musk for real?
Is he opposing their agenda, at least openly?
I mean, this is a big discussion with a smart guy.
And if I let him roll, he'll really give us some incredible data.
And then I'll have some questions later in the hour.
If he wants to go more into the next hour, we can.
So, Daniel, good to have you back.
Amazing here, my friend.
And let him have it.
How are you, Alex?
Actually, I've been thinking, you and I, we attended the 2006, I think it was, Build-A-Burger Conference in 2006 or 2007?
In Ottawa, on the outskirts of Ottawa in Canada.
And before that, you had me on when my book came out on the Build-A-Burger Group back in 2004 and 2005.
So yeah, we've known each other for about 20 years.
We've been at it for a really long time, haven't we?
Yes, sir.
Well, I was listening to what the previous guest was talking about, and you were mentioning the left agenda, that there were the leftists.
With your permission, I'd like to explain where this entire movement came from, because I think a lot of people don't quite understand.
We're not so much talking about the leftists, we're talking about the liberal, global liberal agenda, which is a global satanic agenda.
But most people don't understand where it came from.
The thing just came out because George Soros was on the scene.
Actually, this thing goes way back in time.
So again, with your permission, if that's okay with you, I want to explain this.
Because I think people need to understand so they have a better perspective on how this entire dialectic works.
Yes, sir.
You are hosting right now.
You've got the floor.
We don't go to break for like 20 minutes.
You've got the floor.
Alex, I love you, man.
You know, you've been at this for a long time.
You're my hero.
And to a lot of people out there, for as much as they criticize you out there, the people who really understand what you've done, we're with you 100%.
I just want you to know that.
Well, thank you, sir.
So listen, until I'd say the early 1980s, American society was mostly conservative and middle class.
That doesn't mean that they all voted conservative, but their values and their outlook on life was conservative.
And so then the situation changed in favor of the
Of the liberals with the advent of Reaganomics, in other words, the beginning of the credit stimulation of demand.
And since this mechanism, which was based on the refinancing of private debt, allowed for the creation of a very stable middle class, more than half of the population of the United States, in fact, not only the United States, but we're talking about America, served as its, let's say, social anchor.
And the middle class, unlike the poor, is very interested in having a strong state, even if the strong state is controlled by the bankers, which it is today.
And so it was from this period, again we're going back to the early 1980s, that liberals, not in a classical sense of the 19th century liberals such as Voltaire, for example, but modern liberals,
Well, there are gay parades, juvenile justice, sex change operations, pedophilia, which is about to be legalized the world over, etc., etc.
So this is the meaning of juvenile justice reform being implemented not only in the United States and Canada, but I repeat, again, in the entire Western world.
Because again, you want liberal perks, you've got to play the game by their rules.
And it was based on a very simple promise.
If you want to live up
So the standard of our middle class support a liberal ideology.
Actually, there were no paternistic values initially, okay?
But guaranteed standards for the middle class, like little house, little garden, little car, two-week vacations in Disneyland, etc, etc.
And the people bought into this whole thing.
And it became unnecessary to think about the future, to think about children, to think about grandchildren, because it contradicted liberal values.
So people began to live
Full consumption, live day-to-day, and waves of happiness swept across the United States.
And again, not only the United States, but those in Europe who wanted to join the European Union, etc.
And of course, it was never explained to these people that the economic model that underpinned the prosperity was finite.
True, it was long, almost 40 years, if we go back to the early 1980s, but again, finite.
And by the way, this period has already come to an end, and we're seeing it right now.
But in the meantime, we have two generations of this liberal parasites, 40 years, went through severe brainwashing and mind-bending.
And the problem is, these people do not know how to do anything.
At most, they aspire to be a famous YouTuber, a Sleepy Little Hollywood producer, or like so many other people, in the name of freedom of expression.
They want to show their breasts, because they're free to do that, and make money off of that.
And most of them not ready to take responsibility for the world around them, which is, again, being part of being a liberal, including having children, and without that entitles having children.
And they yearn for the safe spaces in college, teddy bears they can hug, and, you know, soul mates in moments of anguish, etc.
But the concept of unlimited growth on a finite planet comes at a price.
And so when the expansion ends, and is ending right now, the apocalyptic collapse follows.
And that's why things will get very uphill in Western Europe, where the liberals and the impoverished representatives of the old middle class will simply be absorbed by the conservative immigrants from North Africa, from the Middle East, who, at least, unlike their white European brethren, have not forgotten how to reproduce.
And so what we see is Eastern Conservatism has already risen its head in Europe with clear emphasis on open nationalism.
And so with the bankruptcy of the Bretton Woods economic model, liberalism will be very costly for Europe, especially for the West.
How costly?
I'd say it's quite possible that some of the European countries will be wiped off the map forever.
Becoming a new Africa or a new California.
You know, for example, we could talk about Norway, we could talk about Sweden as an example.
And there's nothing to be done because the rejection of biblical values, in other words, from a religious point of view,
What does that mean?
The sale of the soul, as always, comes at a steep price.
And that is why it is absolutely vital to take into account what will happen after the death of liberalism, and more precisely, the representatives of this global western project, in other words, the bankers-financiers.
And since the pendulum swings from one extreme to the other, the hardcore conservatives, they will replace the global liberalism, which is what we're seeing right now.
The fight to the death.
And so what are these hardcore conservatives?
Well, first of all, on the one hand, we're talking about aggressive nationalism, in other words, fascism, which is already we're seeing in Ukraine, we're seeing in the Baltic States, and then also no less aggressive Muslim fundamentalism.
And of course, fascism is quite distasteful to most people and Muslim fundamentalism isn't something that Christian Europe is ready to accept.
And so after all this, what will happen the next stage is communism will come to the force.
And in fact, Alex, neo-Marxism, we're already seeing more and more of it in the United States, in Western Europe, as an example of what I'm talking about.
And so the defeat of the bankers and their liberalism will have grave consequences for the world.
And again, we can actually...
I extrapolate this ideological tug-of-war through the great wars of the 20th century and the, you know, World War I from the perspective of geopolitics.
It was a war of vampires.
Vampires, not empires.
From the conceptual point of view.
It was the war of creeds and cultures.
And so when World War I ended on the one hand,
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I talk a lot about the great successes InfoWars has had.
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They really have been the MVPs in this fight.
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You're looking at the change, but the change is impossible, any change, without first solving the problem of creating a different conceptual construction of the world around us.
And the problem again, we simply do not have globally or regionally conceptual centers that are not liberal.
They're all liberal, not in Russia, not in Europe, not in the United States, not in Latin America, not in anywhere.
And furthermore, quite substantial efforts are being made by the liberal class globally.
Yes, they're on a deathbed, but they're more dangerous than ever, because they're going to die, they're willing to die killing, because they know if they lose, they'll be wiped out.
The 500 years of their effort is going to be wiped out by, as you mentioned, all these nations which are not going along.
And that also includes the United States.
One of the reasons that Trump became the alternative back in 2016, okay, to the chagrin of the global liberal banking financier elite, is precisely because Trump, Putin and Xi Jinping, they're on the same team.
Now, this may sound like an anathema to most people saying, that's not possibly true, because Trump and Putin, they might have been buddies, but Trump and Xi Jinping, they're enemies.
There were three friends
Okay, finding a common global enemy, which is far more powerful than any one of them individually, which is global liberal banking financiers.
And the idea was, you join forces to destroy global liberal financiers, and then you sit down at the proverbial table.
Let's call it Yalta 2.0 agreement.
Okay, which is not a liberal contour, but the alternative contour.
Where you can have the winners, as you have the winners in Yalta 1 of Second World War, you'd have another.
Yalta 2 would have the winners of this post-global crisis.
Meaning the United States, meaning Russia, meaning China, meaning India as the world's most populous country.
But again, repeat.
Quite substantial efforts, Alex, are being made by the liberal class globally to ensure that any alternative center, globally, wherever that may be, does not appear, including the United States, which is one of the reasons why they're destroying and dismantling the United States.
I want to remind you of something.
You and I discussed this way back when.
I said about 10 years ago that the United States
It's very close.
I didn't say like tomorrow, I said over the next few years of going to a stage of, you know, post-crisis collapse of the United States as a nation-state in the Civil War.
In other words, what happened in the Soviet Union
Back in 1991.
The metaphorical train that came into a station in 1991 and said, the Soviet Union, the collapse, with all the entailing signs.
I told you the same thing is going to happen to the United States.
And I remember you look, and it was quite funny because you were saying, I don't know, it doesn't really sound all that true.
But then we come to today, and how many American congressmen and senators are discussing
Openly about the United States should be broken up into less states.
That's right.
It was awful.
Yes, I was an outtake, but you know, again, when you build conceptual models, because again, what do I do for a living?
I create models that define the future.
And so, and this is again, to go back to what we were talking about earlier, this is where the main problem of replacing the liberals lies.
Yes, they're parasites, and yes, they're deeply inappropriate, for the lack of a better word, in terms of the interests of any sovereign nation state, any, okay?
Yes, okay?
In Russia, for example, they create problems with the alternative power groups,
And they create problems for our relationship with the United States.
The same could be said for China.
The same could be said for Japan, which is an hyper-conservative society.
And the transition to this constructive economic cooperation.
And so they make these titanic efforts to destroy the Eurasian Union.
But there's no point in eliminating individual liberals.
Let's get rid of George Soros, because he's George Soros.
Because the institution of system of economic and financial management
Globally is built under the guise of liberal paradigm.
And what we need to do is we need to change the management model itself.
But to do this and to create an alternative center or centers of conceptual thought globally, you know, you need to create a system.
And if you try to do it without having conceptual ideas, you will get a completely ineffective and inefficient administrative reform, which is what we're seeing right now.
So it makes no sense.
To take one guy out and put another guy in.
You need to change the system that... By the way, what you're saying is so fundamental and is the most important thing I've heard in years.
And you were harping on it 20 years ago and it kind of went over my head.
But I was saying this just last week to listeners.
I said, we can't just get rid of their system.
We have to have an alternative.
We have to build something new that works to communicate.
Because I noticed the left attacking me and other people.
And so I've learned and gotten, you know, at some level understand what you're saying because I've experienced it.
They always steal your identity.
They always create some false narrative and a false system, and they do it to each individual and group and country and organization because they're creating a whole false, like, almost proto-VR lie.
And what you're saying is the public only knows how to see that, and so how do we show them that we have to build some new system because the left has been able to program people to, like, live in a fantasy land.
I mean, that's what you're saying.
Well, Alex, in Poland, they called you Alex Jones, a Russian stooge.
Okay, so why?
Because if you're not for them, you're against them.
That's the liberal ideology globally.
Now, what's the answer?
The real reform involves putting an end to the imperial monetary system, ending its control over the issuance and price of money, replacing it with a sovereign credit system.
And it also implies ending the power of private central banks, starting with the Federal Reserve.
And so we should eradicate everything that reeks of globalization.
And let's not forget the short term.
You need to create a governance structure and management system for conceptual tasks.
Conceptual is much higher than the actual idea itself.
You need to plan the whole thing from a high vantage point.
Just imagine one thing.
You're sitting in your house looking out the window and you see a guy on a bicycle.
Well I'm in an airplane at 10,000 meters or 36,000 feet and I can take in an entire much greater space.
So if you're in a satellite out there, you can take in the entire planet Earth.
That's conceptual thinking.
And if we can achieve this, then the image of the future can fundamentally change for everybody on the planetary level.
That's our task globally.
But to do this, we need to restore the alternative illiberal conceptual centers without which it's impossible to build managerial institutions and set goals.
And I want to remind you that when Putin and Trump met in Helsinki,
Putin suggested to Donald Trump, and Trump went along with him initially.
But they were to get together, create a think tank.
Economic institution.
In Russia, not in the United States, because Putin explained to Trump, you couldn't do it in the States, they would sabotage it.
Where the two nations with experts from the United States, okay, who understand the physical economy, there are lots of great American economists who are not liberal thinkers.
Liberal meaning living at the expense of somebody else.
Hold on, this is too powerful, we're going to break and I'm going to give you the floor when we come back, but I saw that when that happened, and I don't want to use a crude thing, but Russia was literally
Offering to get in bed with us and give us all the resources that you know Nobody has that Russia has if they could be at a level playing field With us and and that was what General Flynn told Trump was a great idea Why we don't want to be partners with Russia and all the resources and their people we could do anything But the system got so scared remember those meetings.
They're like look.
He's talking to Putin Trump's with Putin Oh my god.
They're alone together.
We can't let him do it because it makes so much sense and instead Trump's removed There's a coup then the war starts with Russia
Daniel Esselin's our guest.
We'll talk about his books and everything else.
Go to his website, danielesselin.com.
Twitter, Daniel Esselin.
So definitely go there.
On Twitter, Esselin Daniel.
On Twitter, it's reversed, Esselin Daniel.
And his website's danielesselin.com.
We'll be right back.
This is so important.
This guy knows what he's talking about.
But the globalists are failing.
Their system's collapsing.
So then what comes out of this?
We've got to debate and discuss that now.
Stay with us.
It just ended three plus years of UN worldwide lockdowns, restrictions, and forced injections.
Russia and Ukraine have been battling in a NATO-Russia proxy war for the last year and a half.
Islamists are burning down large parts of cities across Europe.
border has completely collapsed.
The U.S.
Millions and millions are coming across here, many of them kidnapped children.
Fentanyl deaths for over 100,000 a year.
GMO products have been forced from the public.
5G is being erected in every major industrialized country.
Cancer rates are exploding.
Heart attacks
Neurological disorders.
Now 25-year-olds are quote getting Alzheimer's.
Inside the mRNA injections are the programming for spike protein of the HIV delivery system growing in our brains.
And that's just the start of the new world order.
The transgender cult chopping the penises and breasts off of millions of children.
But we're fighting it at Infowars.com.
July 4th, 2023 is here.
Declare independence against the globalists, against Klaus Schwab, against the WAF, against the UN and their new worldwide medical treaty claiming control over not just our nation-state's medical systems, but our very bodies.
Declare independence against the federal government that's been captured at the top by globalist operatives.
Declare independence against Big Pharma and GMO and Bill Gates.
Declare independence against Satan and his entire operation against you and your family.
And the place to join the resistance, to fight the New World Order, and to get the latest information and intel is InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, and Band.Video.
And if you can't share those links because of Big Brother, you can share currently a URL that I'm blocking, MadMaxWorld.tv.
We're fighting hard.
And I want to salute you all on this July 4th, 2023, and encourage you all to spread the word about InfoWars.com and get amazing products at InfoWarsStore.com today.
You're fighting hard.
That's InfoWarsStore.com.
Declare independence from tyranny now!
What I always need is I always need some sort of boost in the morning.
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All right, we love you.
We'll be right back.
Get your BrainForce Plus, BrainForce Ultra, and TurboForce at InfowarStore.com.
We'll be right back with hour number two.
I want to say brain force is great.
I want to say turbo force is amazing.
It is.
But if you took it with fish oil, it's like the fish oil is it.
The fish oil is better than it.
And that's an example of what I'm talking about.
Fish oil is liquid energy.
Brain, body, heart, the cleanest, the best out there.
Krill oils is the best.
And it'll give you the damn burps.
And I'm just sorry.
You want something like this?
You don't get stuff for free.
The krill is hallucinogenic.
In my view.
It's so good.
I'm not making a medical statement here, but let me tell you something.
When I eat five capulets of krill oil before I go to bed, I'm seeing Santa Claus that night.
So, your brain is made basically out of what fish oil is.
So, we don't make a big profit off of it, but you notice I just obsess, because whatever the best is we've got, I just can't lie to you.
I just can't do it!
Impoverished order!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones.
So when I was interviewing Daniel Esselin 20 years ago, he would get frustrated with me.
He's a nice guy, really smart guy.
But he would just be trying to talk and I'd interrupt him.
So I did a pretty good last segment, only interrupted him a few times.
Because he's laying out what's going on.
And now I have his own frustration because I've done so much research, you know, I've been doing this for almost 30 years.
He's been doing it even longer.
He's a little older than I am.
And it's so frustrating when you know you're right and you have their own documents and you want to stop this and fix it and people won't listen.
So when I get excited, listen to this guy.
He literally in his books, in the interviews, everything he did 20 years ago, 15 years ago, 10 years ago, laid it all out.
The transhumanism, what the leftist weird model would do, how when it died it would cause this big cataclysm.
We're now there at the deathbed.
Like he said earlier, when I talked to him 15 years ago, you know, 20 years ago, it had a sore throat at the doctor.
It's on its frickin' deathbed right now.
And so, this gives me chills, because I've got four children.
One of them is six years old.
And I look at an elite that are so delusional, they can't see what's happening.
But the good news is,
Daniel's a really smart intellectual.
He was able to meet with these people because they were listening.
Some of the dissenters in Bilderberg that actually thought, no, these people are nuts.
They don't see what's happening.
So he was talking to people that were the highest level of wargaming 20 years ago, 18 years ago, 15 years ago, 10 years ago, about their own concern about how they get out of what they've done.
So when we're up here,
We're not talking about some right-wing football issue or some left-wing political distraction issue that are sub-issues.
We're talking, like you said, 30,000, 10,000 foot view that only big picture and being honest will do anything.
Instead of debating their kind of scorched earth
Stay behind network thing where they they're all digging into bunkers.
I don't want the elite to have to be in bunkers.
I want to have some out of peace deal and fix the world.
And that is what Putin has tried to do.
And I'm not a a Russophile.
But I'm also not a Russophobe.
And so, China made deals with the globalists, it's kind of broken with them, and now they may be back, who knows?
But Russia, again, just like Hitler, just like Napoleon, is its own deal standing against this.
It's a magic moment.
So I'm going to shut up again, continue back where you were at about the real politics that you're talking about, Daniel Esselstyn, right now.
Thanks, Alex.
But before I forget, my webpage, danielastulin.com, it was shut down by the Gestapo Google.
So my new page is www.astulin.media and my YouTube channel is Daniel Astulin or Daniel Astulin International.
Okay, I apologize.
One of my biggest problems is we'll have a bio and we never check it.
They shut it down recently.
We don't have the right URL so slowly give us out the URL we're gonna in post when this is updated InfoWars.com and you know once we're out live we'll put it on band out video we will put it up so slowly give us the URL we're gonna load it into there and make sure people get it out
Yes, it's www.estulin.media, M-E-D-I-A, media.
And my YouTube channel is Daniel Estulin, or Daniel Estulin International.
And my Twitter feed is, my previous account was shut down by Musk, but the new account is Estulin, V, letter V, Z. Okay?
Now... Say it again, hold on, this is important.
And I didn't know Elon Musk set you down.
I want your take on him as well.
Say the main site again.
As people get into what you're doing, it's so critical.
The main site again.
Let's just do this now.
Your main site, your books, your work, how do people find it, and then the Twitter account again.
Okay, the best way to buy my books is through my American publisher, Chris Milligan.
These are some of the titles that came out before Trans Evolution.
The Coming Age of Human Deconstruction, which came out back in 2011 in the United States.
A lot of the things we're seeing right now, the deconstruction of us, the people.
I've explained it 12 years ago.
There it is, Trans Evolution, The Coming Age of Human Deconstruction.
And this, this is the latest book, 2045 Global Projects at War.
Get it from my friend, and also your friend, Alex.
And notice again, you predicted the whole trans movement, not just the sex movement, but the transhumanist movement, the cloning, the GMO, the cyborgs, over and you predicted a year and a half before the war that it was about to happen.
Again, I'm not kissing your ass.
Before Alex, a lot of the things that Harari is talking about right now, Harari scores the right hand man to Klaus Schwab.
I talked about this in my book before he came out with his book.
So again, and my webpage again, www.estulin.media.
And my YouTube is Daniel Estulin or Daniel Estulin International.
One of the two.
So I shouldn't say Estulin.
You haven't corrected me in 20 years.
It's Estulin.
No, it's Estulin.
Daniel Estulin.
Let me show you the cover.
Here's my name, Daniel Estulin.
Well, as long as it's good for him, it's good for me.
Anyway, to go back to what we were talking about, again, we need to understand this conception.
You mentioned Putin.
And I think what a lot of people don't understand, and again, when we're talking about, when you and I discussed that Trump, the United States,
It was a nation-state, not what it is today.
The United States, when Trump was president, he wanted to work with Putin, and he wanted to work with Xi Jinping.
Not because he loved Putin and he loved Xi Jinping, but as political experience, you needed the two, three world leaders, Russia, China, and the United States, to work together against a far more powerful enemy, which is global liberalism.
Because let me give you an example, so people understand, because I think people don't understand.
They say, Putin is a dictator, he is the most powerful leader in the world, we should all be afraid of him.
Well, first of all, I'm going to show it to you that it's not the case.
First of all.
Second of all, if we look at the warfare today, okay, it's not fought only via, you know, guns shooting at each other.
It's fought via global information and finance systems where information acts as a kind of a weapon of mass psychological destruction.
In other words, if
If the control over a country by the world financial oligarchy is ironclad, it means the sovereignty of the state doesn't exist because of its integration within the world's financial information system.
Again, let me use Russia as an example.
Yes, Russia is a nuclear superpower, but in terms of information and financial sovereignty, it belongs to the category of countries where state sovereignty is absent for the most part.
In fact, we could easily say that Russia is a crypto colony.
A country exploited by the global elite with the help of complex financial technologies that operate covertly and are largely invisible to the official scientific community, financial technologies that operate covertly, again, you know, on the level beyond what most people understand.
Again, the main beneficiary of Russia's economic activity, as well as the overwhelming majority of the world, are not the citizens of Russia.
It doesn't matter if we're talking about Russia, if we're talking about a capitalist country led by the United States, it belongs to the financial oligarchics acting in unison with the politicians and the leaders of the transnational corporations.
And again, what I've just said about Russia may surprise many people.
With a strong president like Putin, you know, the country seems to be, Russia seems to be on the right track.
It's not quite like that.
Let me explain.
Russia has only partial political sovereignty thanks to Russia's strategic nuclear arsenal.
A strong deterrent, needless to say, to the enemies.
But in the conditions of permanent hybrid war, nuclear weapons are not a very effective weapons choice.
For example,
Okay, having the most advanced nuclear technology in the world, okay, did not help Russia's Olympic athletes in the Olympic Games.
Russia's athletes were forced to compete without the flag, without the anthem, and you know, without the name Russia on their jersey, and if a Russian athlete did win a gold medal,
Russian athletes did not hear its national anthem.
They heard an Olympic anthem.
In other words, Russia's nuclear arsenal did not help in this hybrid war against the Western International Olympic Committee under the International Monetary Fund's control.
And the punishment has nothing to do with doping.
It has nothing to do with anything at all.
I repeat, Russia's information and financial management systems are under the control of the International Monetary Fund institutions.
Whether it's International Monetary Fund, whether it's the World Bank, whether it's World Trade Organization, or World Health Organization, it doesn't make a difference.
Russia is a member of all of these organizations.
So you're saying basically Putin only got a little bit better deal in 1991, 1992.
He got a little bit better deal.
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...leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
...battling the entire leftist Anglo-American New World Order.
Yeah, it's an integral planetary phenomenon, exactly.
You have confrontation on all levels.
Geopolitical and above all else, ideological.
Because again, Russia rejects everything in globalism.
Unipolarity, Atlanticism on the one hand, liberalism, anti-traditional values.
We're good to go.
Well, the masks are finally off, okay?
Russia is now being counseled by the globalists.
Russia no longer has a choice.
Either it, the country, she disappears, or Russia builds its own world, its own civilization.
And so the first step was taken on the 24th of
We're good to go.
If Trump wins the election, Russia with Putin, Trump with the United States, and Xi Jinping and China, they can and they will destroy global liberalism if that actually happens.
Because again, we're talking about on the one hand... Because they're all three threatened by it.
Notice what Xi Jinping did when they removed Trump via the coup.
He literally had a security meeting, had all the security heads there, the entire Communist Party, met in a hotel, and he said, if they can take an American president, they can take us out.
He killed all the deals with US Tech and said, we're now in charge, we don't trust any of you.
Because they saw that.
They understood the power of the technocracy, the AI.
So I'm not defending Xi Jinping, but that is a powerful move when they understand that.
What the elite have done, and this is something that you and I have basically warned everyone about, is they try to divide us.
And you've seen that in the United States.
Left, right, Trump, you know, anti-Trump, MAGA, anti-MAGA, you know, abortion rights, anti-abortion rights, whites against blacks, women against men, liberals against conservatives.
And when you divide people into groups and get them to fight each other,
While they're fighting each other, you're stealing your Constitution, your monies, you're changing laws of the country, you're implementing all kinds of things which go against the grain, against the interests of a nation-state.
And let's not forget something that nobody is right now talking about this.
I know you talked about this in the past, okay?
The labs, the bio labs in the Ukraine, okay?
Because again, if you look at the United States, does the war, is the war of interest of the America?
Absolutely it is.
War is the only way to maintain chaos and instability throughout the world and funnel the world's money to American government bonds and dollars and stocks.
Only war will feed the army of the unemployed and unwilling-to-work American citizens.
Only war will allow them to maintain the, how many, 800, 1,000, 1,300 military bases throughout the world?
I've lost track.
And after all, those who reap benefits from the war, where are they?
They're on Wall Street, counting the profits because they're part of this global financial markets and one world company limited.
And again, another reason, we're talking about, you know, the compelling reason for the invasion.
We're talking about nothing less than the bioextermination that the United States, through its Ukrainian proxy, had prepared for Russia.
And the American Embassy, I remind you, removed documents about the biolabs in Kiev and Odessa from the official website shortly before the invasion.
But the media managed, the Russian media, managed to recover the information about the American biolab laboratories in Ukrainian soil.
And it's striking that the Russian military operation announced by Putin in Ukraine coincided
With a planned launch of U.S.
military biolabs in Kiev, and I don't rule out that this was precisely what served as the deadline for Kremlin.
And this goes, again, way, way back.
Because, again, years ago, Putin warned of the dangers of developing biological weapons near Russian borders.
We're talking about the year 2005, 2006, 2007.
Then Medvedev came, and Putin got back in 2012.
Again, he was talking about this.
So, again, this goes way back.
And again, for those who don't know why that's so important, the globalists want plausible deniability.
So they build a base near you, then they claim it leaks later, so there's plausible deniability.
We saw that.
Daniel Esselstyn moving away now from Russia, which is so central to the globalist plan, and it's central, so I'm glad we covered it first.
What do you make of what happened with COVID?
When they declared the pandemic over two months ago, I said, watch, they'll declare victory and then say, now a new pandemic is coming.
They've done that.
I'm really concerned about what this dying neoliberal Anglo-American globalist program, as it collapses, what is it going to try to either stay in control or launch a new paradigm?
Well, we know towards climate change,
What do you like, climate change or Greta Thunberg?
And again, if you kind of go back, and Alex, I mean, I think you're the first to bring this, you're the luminary of this.
You talked about this in your documentary films, okay?
You talked about this like 10, 12, 15 years ago.
They've been doing this for a long time.
This agenda is old.
And if you kind of go to Schwab's books, and most people say, I'm not going to read that trash.
No, I recommend people read Schwab.
Not because, you're an illustrious globalist.
No, because I think it's important to know
What the elite are doing, because again, any conspiracy, Alex, is an open conspiracy.
There's a book published back in 1928 by H.G.
It's called The Open Conspiracy, and that's what the elite do.
Wells, okay?
They tell you up front what they're going to do to you, and they laugh on your face as they tell you.
They say, remember I told you, and you didn't pay attention.
So if you want to understand what they're going to do to you, read his book, COVID-19, The Great Reset.
And so Schwab looks at climate threats as a kind of a long-term, what does he call it, driver of the reset, because that's what we're going to.
Again, if you look at the book, a quote from the book, he said that hopefully the threat from COVID-19 won't last, and one day it will be behind us.
But, he said, by conscience, the threat from climate change and such events will be with us for the foreseeable future and beyond.
This is what we have to be paying attention to.
And that said, Alex, I think it's important to understand that the ecological crisis, a climate catastrophe... Let me just back you up.
I just want to back you up.
Because Klaus Schwab wrote that in a couple books.
He put out, you know, his book, Right As It Was All Starting, COVID-19 at Great Reset.
But then...
Project Veritas with James O'Keefe got all those undercover videos with high-level CNN journalists like two years ago.
And they said, well, we're going to run this COVID thing for another year, which they did.
But then we're going to shift fully to climate change and climate lockdowns and cut off their energy.
And it was all true.
So Schwab said they'd do it.
You go, well, is he in charge?
At least a mouthpiece.
Then CNN's caught saying, in one year, we end the pandemic.
We start the climate change.
You just nailed it.
And so that's the whole next move.
Please continue.
So, again, that said, again, they're talking about ecological crisis, climate catastrophe.
These are the, you know, the set phrases we're going to be seeing in the mainstream media.
Again, this is not Klaus Schwab's invention.
Preparations to build the world on the basis of these arguments began over half a century ago.
We're talking like 1968, at the initiative of who else?
David Rockefeller, okay, and the non-governmental organization which they call the Club of Rome.
That's when it was created.
That's when the whole thing started.
And the Club of Rome, again, was founded in April 1968 by Alexander King and Aurelio Pesci, and it followed the Malthusian theories with a view to genocide.
And who belongs to the Club of Rome?
Oh, these are just some important people in the West who are concerned about our well-being.
We're talking about members of some of the oldest families of the Venetian Black nobility of Europe.
These are the descendants of the richest European families, of European clans, who controlled and ruled Genoa and Venice.
Going back to the 12th century.
And so in 1972, four years after the Club of Rome creation, they published their manifesto on the planet of humanity called The Limits to Growth, where if we are to take them up, the word they said, well basically, you know, the current situation, you know, especially with the demographic expansion and time of austerity of natural resources, we cannot survive on a planet, on the planet Earth.
And so they said, in search of this new enemy,
They said, we've come up with the idea that this enemy could be the pollution, the threat of global warming, water security, famine and the like.
And they concluded by saying, okay, that the true enemy of the planet Earth is us, humanity itself.
And so if you actually go back to the Club of Rome to the 1960s, early 1970s, they began to prepare a plan for the reset of humanity.
And they specified what, you know, in the report, what this reset is all about.
Number one, the introduction of control over demographic processes in the world.
Two, stabilize the population and reduce the optimal number to a billion people.
Number two, de-industrialization of the economy.
Number three, erosion of the national sovereignty of the state.
Number four, the digitalization of all aspects of human life and society.
Number five, the creation of a single world state on the ruins of the nation-state.
You dismantle the countries, okay, and you create global government.
This is the Illuminati agenda.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the most powerful interview we've ever done.
Can you do a couple more segments with us?
Oh, beautiful.
Real fast, we're going to put your URL on screen, get his books, find his material right there.
Ladies and gentlemen, we'll tell you about it coming up.
All right, we're going to go on a break.
Wow, 31 minutes left with this guy.
I'm having flashbacks to stuff he said 20 years ago and his books 15 years ago.
We gotta stop this.
This is so psychotic.
This is so evil.
He's gotta get back in the club room.
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You can get a copy of my book, The Great Reset and the War for the World, that is also very important.
Man, this is a crazy time.
Back in two minutes.
July 4th, 2023 is here.
Declare independence against the globalists, against Klaus Schwab, against the WAF, against the UN and their new worldwide medical treaty claiming control over not just our nation-state's medical systems, but our very bodies.
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All right, Daniel Esperance with us another 30 minutes.
I gotta tell you, I've known him 20 years and most of what he said went over my head.
But now I'm a little older, been around a lot longer, I'm like, this guy's dead on.
My God, it's scary.
Some stages don't carry this first five, we'll get into other larger issues next segment.
But your view on the 2024 election, what they're gonna do with Trump and the indictments, your view on RFK Jr., from your research, what do you think about the U.S.
Well, you know, again, let me explain it to you this way, Alex.
The United States as a country is in a very difficult situation.
I don't think JFK or Robert Kennedy Jr., I don't think he can win the elections.
There are many reasons for that.
First, I don't think he has the team to do that.
Second of all, he has the entire establishment against him.
If Trump couldn't do it, I don't think he could do it either.
But there's another problem.
You see, the United States is a country where every person in the world, we have a life cycle.
Some of us live 70 years, others live 80, 90.
But countries also have a life cycle.
Ebbs and flows.
So the United States, for example, runs on an 80-year cycle, give or take 2 or 3 years.
Let me give you an example.
If you're going to go back, you know, to the late 1600s and keep adding 80 years, the first 80-year period takes you to 1776.
That's the Revolution.
The second 8-year period takes you to 1860, that's the Civil War.
The next 8-year period takes you to 1940, give or take 2-3 years, that's the Second World War.
And the last 8-year period took us to 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023.
So yeah, you know, the kind of, you know, bifurcation point.
And so the United States has historically, has come out of any cycle through some kind of a war.
Whether it's a revolution, whether it's a civil war, whether it's a second world war.
And so what we're looking at right now is all we go the way of global thermonuclear, which is one of the reasons why they're pushing, the globalists are pushing thermonuclear war against Russia.
Or we have Civil War 2.0, okay?
And I'm not sure that the candidates actually understand, you know... No, I really don't understand the fourth turning when the globalists know that it's like a centripetal force.
Billions of people, we act the same, we think we're different, but we do the same thing.
So think about that.
The globalists would rather nuclear war to keep control than them get removed from power, is what you just said.
Well, if you have, again, you have a $4 quadrillion debt, the best way to write it off is through what's called force majeure.
Force majeure is how do you do that?
We have a thermal global nuclear war, you write off debts and responsibilities, and you start from scratch.
That's one of the reasons you can also kill 4 or 5 billion people.
No, no, no, this is the most important thing you've said, so when we join the other stations, I want to shut up and let you spend a lot of time on this, but you're saying, they're going to say, act of God.
I know it sounds insane.
They're preparing a false act of God to cover up their Ponzi scheme.
Well, why do you think you have the Bill Gates of this world and the Peter Thiel, the owner of PayPal, they're building $100 million bunkers in some of the most remote parts of the world?
Because if you had $100 million, Alex, extra, you know, just found it in your pocket, what would you do?
Build a bunker so you can live like a rat?
Or buy an island in the middle of the Mediterranean, okay?
Or Caribbean, sit there with your drinkable, looking at the sunset?
Unless you knew what was coming, because again, how do you write off $4 quadrillion debt?
You have a lot of people who are going to go hungry, okay?
Now, you may not be, you know, willing to eat four times a day, but we certainly need to eat two or three times a day, every single day.
And the United Nations are saying this year 1.5 billion people are not going to have enough food to put on their table.
1.5 billion people, that's a lot of mouths to feed.
Well, that's right.
A lot of experts are predicting that this bull market is about to go super bear.
So when we come back, I'm going to just shut up and skip the next break.
After this break, you're going to have 25 minutes.
Daniel, just start over there.
I totally agree with you.
It's there.
And I actually...
I've done the research, and off record, I've had some meetings with Bilderberg Group members and people, and they're asking me, where do you think we should build bunkers?
And so I've kind of, you know, like you were meeting with these guys 20 years ago, 15 years ago, I've off record met with some of them too, and they realize that they're in this predicament, and this is insane.
So, I mean, they've built this world, they've stolen the money, they've got control, they realize their system is coming to an end.
Let's put your lower third up there again, because I was giving out the wrong site, not my crew's fault, my fault.
I was saying Daniel Estulin, or how do you pronounce it right?
It is not that, it is, what is the right URL, Daniel?
It's Estulin.media.
So it's very simple, it's www.estulin.media to find his books, to find his writings, to find it all.
And is there a way, once we talk about the bad news coming up of where the world is right now,
Is there a way to avert this?
Is there a way to stop this?
Is there another route from the cataclysm that the establishment is trying to hasten to cover up their crimes and bring in what will, if they have their nuclear war, how do they reorganize and come back from that?
I mean, there's so many questions.
The questions just create questions and questions and questions.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
I can assure you, and you can hear the excitement in my voice, that what we're covering here is 100% real as a heart attack, or as getting hit by a train.
All right, and I've met with Bilderberg Group members, I've told you that in the last few years.
Well-known names who are upset about what's happening.
You see Elon Musk on the surface saying he's battling this.
We've only got 25 minutes left with Daniel Esselstyn.
I said I'd do it earlier, I kind of did it, but I'm going to give him the floor now on why the elites are building bunkers, what the end of this system means, how we can hopefully stop it.
But if they have their war as a distraction for the end of their Ponzi scheme,
What comes out of that?
Where do you go to survive a nuclear war?
This is insanity, but they are pushing it.
Daniel Esselstyn, give us the analysis.
So, basically, Alex, in essence, we have no guidance systems for the future.
It's the end of the model.
At the end of the Bretton Woods economic model, which was created at the end of World War II, it was based on the concept of infinite growth on a finite planet.
We've come to the end of that model.
You've stolen everything from everybody else.
There's nothing left to steal.
We have nothing left.
And you've come to the end of the model.
You could expand, as they did in 1981, at the expense of the Soviet system.
Because, again, after World War II, you had two models, the capitalist West and the Soviet socialist East.
And the capitalist countries controlled 60% of the global market, and the Soviet Union satellites 40%.
And then, you know, these two systems, they fought each other, but, you know, within the certain confines of the system itself.
But then in 1991,
When the Soviet system collapsed, the West expanded at their expense.
And because capitalism is a very dynamic system, they were able to expand in short time between 1991 and 2007.
They took over the entire 40% of the global Soviet socialist base.
And then in 2007, we saw, we saw, what do they call it, the Lehman Brothers collapse, the subprime, it doesn't matter what it was, but again, the metaphorical patient went into the hospital and said, my throat hurts.
Well, 14 years later, that metaphorical patient is on his deathbed.
And the doctor is saying to the family, we have no idea how long it, he, she, is going to live as long as the heart lasts out, but it's dead.
And if you think that this model can survive, no it can't, never again.
And so again, if we think we can go back to globalization, as so many people say, we'll just go back to the model that was before and it worked perfectly.
That model is dead forever.
You cannot unring the doorbell.
You cannot be 19 again.
I can never be 19 again.
I'm 56.
And so globalization, what is it?
It's a free movement of people, of products, of finances, of services, and today it no longer exists because the borderless world is dead.
What we had before, again, is dead.
Not in two months, not in four months, it doesn't matter.
Collapse means loss of wealth.
It means loss of properties, money, stocks, bonds, any kind of investments.
And this is a systemic collapse, and not a collapse of one branch of the government.
And so, for the first time Alex, in centuries,
We have no model and no image of the future.
In weeks, for example, if you kind of look at what we're seeing right now, for the first time in the last 300 years, again, what we're seeing today has only happened twice in the last 2,000 years.
The first time, between the 4th and the 6th centuries, when the old Roman Empire collapsed and was replaced over time by feudalism.
And then a thousand years later, between the 16th and the 17th centuries, when feudalism collapsed,
It was replaced by modern capitalism.
And now today's modern capitalism, global economy is dead, it's on its deathbed.
And for the first time again, we have no model.
And this fact that we have no model, this space, this vacuum, unless we can come up with a language to define what's coming, is going to be filled with extreme violence.
And by language, I don't mean Russian or English or Mandarin or Spanish or French.
The language of economics.
And the West doesn't have the language to explain economic collapse, and that's easy to show.
Every economy since the last crisis in 2008, which is what?
17 men and 6 women over this period of time.
Not one of them has the language to explain the theory of crisis.
And so, if on top of that you add the fact that, I'm not sure that people actually know this, since 1981 in Reaganomics, the real growth of the American economy, if you take out all the money that was printed by the government over the past 40 years, is 0%.
And globally, it's also 0%.
And 174 countries have shown negative growth over the past 12 months.
That's the entire world, Alex.
That's what's called limits to growth within a financial model, which no longer works.
And today's, again, global debt is what?
Three, four quadrillion dollars?
Nobody really knows.
And so as the bubble continues to grow and grow and grow, especially since the 2006-2009 crisis, very few people understood that the last crisis
The 2006 789 was just a rehearsal, okay, for what's coming right now.
Because by printing and lending at $140, I think it is, trillion dollars since 2006, the problem and risks will make exponentially greater.
So here we are.
Summer 2023, you have debts, unfunded liabilities, derivatives of about $3 or $4 quadrillion.
And this is impossible to fathom.
But just to give you an idea of what that is, it's a 3 plus 15 zeros.
And if I told you it's 50 times, you know, world GDP, it gives you the idea of what the world and central banks will have to grapple with over the next few years.
And so we're now in the final stages of the endgame.
And the end of the end could be an extended affair, or it could be extremely quick.
It could be, you know, a slow burn, as some economists say, or it could be, you know, a major decline.
Okay, we don't really know.
But what we do know, okay, is that the model is dead and they leave.
They simply have no language.
And if to that, Alex, you add the fact that we're changing paradigms.
In other words, what does that mean?
That's important.
So we've gone from the fourth technological period.
That's industrial economy.
To the fifth, which is post-industrial economy.
In other words, financial tech, IT, entertainment, telecommunication, you know, people playing with numbers on a computer screen.
And now we're coming into the sixth technological paradigm, which is trans-industrial economy.
Trans doesn't mean transsexuals.
By the way, listen, let's start there.
We've still got like 17 minutes left.
You've got to come back soon.
I changed numbers, you changed numbers, we lost each other for five years.
We're back in contact.
Before he leaves, give him my new cell phone number, because people keep leaking my numbers.
So I'll get that to you, Daniel.
I don't want you to come back to commercial free shows too and podcasts.
We get millions of views.
You can send us all the documents.
We'll do whole presentations.
You can come here to Austin if you can get up here and we'll let you do a big PowerPoint right here.
But get into what you're about to say, the next part.
But I wanted you to humor me because some stations didn't carry that first five.
You're right because I know these people.
I'm not going to say names.
The average globalist has moved to like northern Canada, a hundred miles from any town, and is ready for the other world.
Or they've moved to Tasmania, or Kauai, or they've moved to like a mountaintop in Argentina, or Chile, and they believe it's all over.
So even when the billionaires that are part of the power structure think it's all over, I'm not trying to be doom and gloom, but listeners need to understand, even the establishment knows they've lost.
So, and they don't have, like you said, they don't have a fix for this.
That's why they romantically think
Well, we always get out of this with a war, so let's go start a fight where Napoleon and Hitler went to die.
I mean, it's just, it's psychotic, and you've got some of the weird war hawks and neocons convincing themselves they're invincible, and a bunch of weird lawyers that have never done anything, but when it comes to, like, some of the real people that are left, who were part of the power structure, they're very resigned right now, and that should be a big concern for people.
Like you said, they're not buying an island.
Well, again, it's like, you know, you mentioned war and conflict.
Look what's happening right now.
You have war and conflict between governments.
You have war and conflict between governments and corporations.
You have corporations versus corporations.
You have dominant cultures versus, you know, other cultures.
You have legislative branch against the executive branch, against the judiciary.
You have the elite against the people.
You have locals versus the migrants.
And now we have the humans versus the transhumans.
And the culture one versus culture two.
And any of these conflicts, Alex, any one of them,
But all of them together at the same time, not even a global conflict can hope to solve.
So what does it come down to?
Nobody, again, has a conceptual vision of the world post-crisis.
And what we're witnessing today are the global processes of transformation, which is what I talk about in my book.
Just released a few months ago by my American publisher, Chris Milligan, which would result in a collapse of a system.
And so we better have an alternative ready or this vacuum will be filled with violence.
And I totally agree.
If you come back next week or the week after, we'll do two hours commercial free on like a weekend and we'll air it over two days on the show because you are, I'm not kissing your ass.
I always knew you were smart and I always loved you, but something went over my head and I thought, okay, this guy just thinks he knows too much.
I didn't think you were arrogant.
I just thought this is, he's too, you're too, 20 years ago, I thought you were too confident in what you were saying.
And now it all came true.
I'm just fascinated how you saw it 15, 20 years ago.
I know you had sources, I know you did deep research, but now I'm on the edge of my seat because I know you're absolutely right.
And I want to avert this for my family.
I mean, I just want to fix this.
Well, you know, again, when we're talking about... you mentioned China earlier.
China has no model of its... China...
You're going to want to pay attention to what I'm about to say in the next 60 seconds.
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I want to thank all of you over the years who have supported InfoWars financially and with word of mouth and prayer.
All the success that we've had together against the globalists and the fact that we're not caught flat-footed during their major takeover is because of you.
Humanity has a real fighting chance.
I just want to thank you all for buying products at InfoWarsTore.com, like books and films and supplements and water filtration, air filtration and so much more.
But for those of you that want to actually give us a straight donation so we get almost 100% of the money to fund our operation during this critical time, go to InfoWarsTore.com and right at the top you'll see a link to make a straight donation.
A one-time donation of $5, $10, $50 or a recurring donation you can cancel any time.
I want to thank all you that have donated.
I want to encourage those of you out there that want to support Freedom to take action now and be part of the global awakening, the new renaissance that's countered the Great Reset by going to InfoWarsTore.com and clicking on the donate button and giving today.
Thank you so much for your support.
Please take action.
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It's not just wide-spectrum natural herbs that time-release over 10 hours.
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RainForce Plus is great.
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They go good with this.
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This is the boss.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Many years of putting together models.
Many years of work, Alex.
I have a doctorate degree in political science.
And so the idea is, again, I build models that explain the future.
And if you understand how the global, because again, so for example, everyone knows that governments, they have national policy to deal with national issues and foreign policy to deal with international issues.
But very few people realize that above the national and international, you also have a global policy.
And these global processes are controlled processes by the global elite.
I'm not talking about the presidents.
I'm not talking about prime ministers.
I'm talking about the global elite beyond the Bilderbergers.
So, for example, when a 13-year-old girl ODs on heroin in a school bathroom, she didn't decide to kill herself.
She is a number.
She is a victim within a global transformation of society to what?
To a no future generation.
So what do the elite do?
They create chaos.
We know that.
And so you substitute real values for false, or superficial values.
You substitute morality for immoral behavior.
You create modern heroes based on superficiality, on promiscuity, and these are all directed processes.
Because when your hero is a football player, or Cardi B in her number one billboard song, Wonder Woman, or Ninja Turtles, or YouTuber who takes clothes off for audience.
Because being a hero, you know, we're talking about moral rectitude and you lead by example.
You improve the lives of people by your actions per square kilometer of space against nature.
And global mafia, that's important, you know, to end this.
Global mafia, they're not afraid of Trump.
They're not afraid of Putin.
They're not afraid of Xi Jinping.
They're not afraid of any president or prime minister.
They are afraid of us, Alex, the people.
And the moral breakdown of a nation happens not from material losses, but from the lack of vision of a better future.
And that's where we have to stay strong.
Because we can and we will win.
Because evil can never, never, never triumph over good.
By the way, you just blew me away.
You're absolutely right.
The measure of civilization and being a good man or woman
is per square millimeter or kilometer on this earth building up a good rich environment for humans, animals, plants.
And a future for this planet together.
And everything the globalists do is antithetical to that.
And so that's why I've said, just getting a farm, working with local people, you'll produce one thing, they'll produce another.
Just getting back to being human is the entire future and doing it now before it's too late.
Or maybe it is too late.
I was going to ask you.
I've not had time to go get prepared.
I've spent all my money.
I don't have money to go build some armored fortress, you know, in the Azores or whatever.
And I understand there's nowhere safe other than beating this.
For those that want to cut and run, I mean, where is it safe?
What would you do?
Well, I mean, nowhere is safer than in your own country.
Because anywhere you go, okay, if you go to a foreign country, you'll always be a foreigner in another land.
So, for example, if you're an American, you come to Mexico, you don't speak Spanish.
You're always going to be a, you know, gringo.
You're always going to be an American in Mexico.
Some people are going to like you, a lot of people are going to hate you for being American.
It's a typical thing.
You can go to Europe and it's the same.
You're going to be an outsider.
So, the idea is you stay where you are, okay?
That's your country.
You defend your nation.
You may move from one state to another.
You say, I don't like this state.
There are too many degenerates in this state.
I'm going to go to another state.
Whether it's Tennessee, whether it's Florida, I don't know.
It doesn't matter.
The point is you start working with people locally.
Start creating a local community.
Start getting people.
You need a lawyer, you need a mechanic, you need a computer expert, you need an agriculture, you need all these people who can do things, you know, when things stop working nationally or globally.
And so you start creating your community within, you know, initially a small group of people.
You have to be very careful so you don't get infiltrated by these people and destroyed from within, which is, you know, one bad athlete.
Which they love to do.
I mean, the left, they literally went to university, even low-level ones, are wanting to be spies, wanting to be agents.
They're not even commanded, but they still infiltrate to hurt you to then get a job.
I mean, they have created some scum.
Well, the idea is, again, the idea is you stay where you are, but you start building a community within, because you're going to, in the end, you're going to protect and defend your nation.
God-flag country, whatever that is, whatever that may be, it doesn't make a difference.
You'll always be safer in your own land than anywhere else in the world.
I think that's very astute, because if you don't know the terrain and the people, people should be getting folks they trust, getting ready now, and getting psychologically ready for what's going down, and then we can do anything together if we're even psychologically, spiritually ready is what you're saying.
So if the robots aren't getting there on time to save the globalists, and they're crazy enough to hope nuclear war would have saved them, that's... Well, there's a lot of stuff going on, Alex.
Again, there's a lot of unknowns, okay?
And one of the things, one of the good things is that, again, no one has the roadmap to explain where we're going.
Which means that the globalists, because they don't have a map, for the first time in history, they have no way to get from point A to point B. They don't have the language to explain.
Why do you say that?
Because I read the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Times of London, then I read the CFR, and I said to some of these globalists I met over the last few years, I said, so I'm here because you don't know what to do.
And they said, no, things are coming to an end.
We're trying to figure out what you think.
And so I can tell you what you're saying is accurate.
What you just said is the whole, they know they've come to a brick wall.
They know they've come to a dead end.
And so this is an amazing moment right now.
Well, it is.
And again, you know, there is an opportunity for us, but we've got to stay strong.
We have to realize, first of all, Alex, people have to realize that this is real.
This is some wacky, crazy conspiracy theory.
This is not, you know, tinfoil hat stuff.
Open your eyes, people.
This is real.
Look around you.
You know, the despair, the hopeless.
You know, again, what do people want?
People want order.
How do you get order?
Okay, you get dictators, you have police, you have your big brother, big dad, a social rating.
This is what you have right now in China.
This is what Putin has just signed.
Okay, but everybody was saying, no, Putin is a liar.
Absolutely one of the rest.
Okay, so you have the global disorder to bring humanity closer to global control under the rubric of whatever you want.
War on terror, war on drugs, war on radicalism, war on COVID.
Just pick one that doesn't really make a difference.
And the bureaucratic control mechanism in every country
I repeat, in every country, it's under the control of the same people.
And the objective is, you sell people despair, you sell hopelessness, and it's working.
Because if people can say, look, I'm not gonna, I can't, I just can't win.
I'm just gonna shoot myself, I'm gonna let them do whatever they want.
Look at the United States.
You have 131 million Americans.
No, and the people that sold us that aren't going to want to get us out of it.
They're leading us down the wrong path.
So exercise, pray to God, get involved, speak out and emancipate yourself from the system and realize this is a great opportunity we're entering into.
This is the death of this failed technocracy.
And we've got to decide what that future is going to be.
And stop watching stupid TV channels and stupid shows.
Dedicate your time, okay, to important things in life because, again, we really don't have a lot of time to prepare.
Daniel, I don't know how on earth it's been five years.
Like you said, my number changed, and then yours did, and we've been on a contact.
I begged my producers for months to get you on.
I don't even know the backstory, how we got you on, but promise me in the next few weeks you'll come on commercial free.
Because I want to talk more about the big picture and solutions.
You got it.
You're dead on.
One more time, put his lower third up.
And you're an expert on transhumanism.
You called all this decades ago.
And what is your latest book?
I haven't read it yet.
I'm going to order it today.
What's the book?
That's the one over there.
It's called Global Projects at War 2045.
Chris Milligan, Trinidad Press.
All right, so again, we'll put your URL on screen one more time.
It's estulin.media, E-S-T-U-L-I-N dot media.
And again, I've been knowing you for 20 years.
There's a lot of private stuff there for our subscribers, things that we can't put up.
You know, we have a TV channel, we do interviews with amazing people.
Obviously, if I put it up on YouTube, my channel would be banned in a matter of minutes.
We also do weekly conceptual intelligence review, which is a 40-minute analysis in English and another file in Spanish.
That's why I was trying to get you on.
I watch it all the time.
Well, I'm glad you're here.
I love you.
I appreciate you, brother.
And we'll talk to you again in the next few weeks.
Thank you so much.
Take care.
That was an important hour and a half, folks.
It'll be posted to Band Off video soon.
We got another guest coming on, man.
I gotta tell you, it's getting crazy right now.
That was important.
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You wanted to plug Rainforest.
Do you like Rainforest?
Yeah, so, my name is Ken Heckenladly.
How do I write all the books that I do?
Four books with Dr. Judy Mykovitz, four books with Project Veritas Whistleblowers, and now two books with Alex Jones?
That's because I use brain force every day.
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So it really is true that BrainForce is something I use every day and it helps me with my writing.
Alright, we love you.
We'll be right back.
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So again, please take action.
Go to InfoWarsTore.com today, and I thank you.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Oh, yeah.
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
One of the things that we're not hearing a lot about is the unique potential safety problem of coronavirus vaccines.
And then, something changed.
Any vaccine released by emergency use authorization by the FDA is an outstanding vaccine.
J&J's vaccine has a risk of life-threatening blood clots.
When you hear the beep, that's the sound of safety.
So don't overthink it.
They're both really good vaccines.
Get vaccinated now.
I got a call now.
If you wait, it's going to be really too late to protect your child.
If this was your child, what happens next could make it the worst day of your life.
So even though COVID poses zero threat to healthy children.
Vaccinate your children.
Do the right thing.
Be safe and not sorry.
I'm strongly recommending for adolescents to get their two doses of vaccine and fully immunized after those two doses.
Advanced technology that can help save lives.
This is going to be a long lasting vaccine.
A few moments later.
We're seeing that two doses is not holding up well for emergency room visits.
It's not holding up well for hospitalizations.
Not again!
Everyone's going to need a booster.
You need that third immunization.
Get that third immunization.
Triple the amount!
The two mRNA vaccines were always a three-dose vaccine.
The two mRNA vaccines were always a three-dose vaccine.
I've always said this is a three-dose vaccine.
I've always said this is a three-dose vaccine.
This is a three-dose vaccine.
But I'm not done yet!
Oh God, not this again.
Oh boy.
A fourth immunization.
Get that second boost.
A second boost to keep the country going.
I've made that recommendation, a fourth immunization.
But I'm still not done!
Unfortunately, the numbers are starting to trend up again.
So the hospitalizations are up.
And so the most important message that I have this morning is get your new bivalent booster.
Willie and Lise were saying they got their booster, and I was like, oh, I need to get mine.
And then I found out they're talking about the third shot.
And is that the bivalent, or is it the fourth booster, or does it matter?
Don't worry so much about the number of... There's no wrong way to use it!
You have to get it.
This new bivalent booster... You can double or triple stack them!
The new bivalent one is doing a much better job.
You have to get a booster.
You need to get this new bivalent booster.
That bivalent booster for COVID.
But does everyone ages 12 and older need a booster?
The answer is yes.
And by the way, if you're over 50 and have gotten two boosters, and more than two to four months out, you're going to need a third booster as well, a fifth immunization.
I don't think we're going to need an annual booster like flu.
Dr. Hotez supports yearly boosters, just like flu.
But I'm still not done!
It looks as though the boosters are not holding up quite as well as we'd like.
And I think our thinking is going to change.
And that what's going to happen is every, you know, few months, we may need another booster.
Perfect results each and every time!
You know, we just could not overcome that massive disinformation campaign.
These fake concepts of herd immunity and discrediting masks.
Dr. Hotez, you are a national treasure.
It is picking off young people like we've never seen.
Dr. Peter Hotez, that was extremely informative.
Disinformation that you're hearing that kids are fine, it's nonsense.
Kids need to get that vaccination.
You healthcare workers have been our saviors.
Watch out for that misinformation.
Dr. Peter Hotez is probably one of the smartest people on this topic.
If you haven't gotten your five and ups vaccinated yet, now's the time to do that.
Dr. Peter Hotez, thank you for saving the world.
We also support giving that third immunization for the 12 to 17 year olds.
People have to feel safe.
Dr. Hotez, you are a voice of reason.
Take down the fake information.
These fake concepts of herd immunity.
Our last hope is to vaccinate our way through this.
Make certain that everybody's vaccinated, including their kids.
That's the single most important thing right now the American people have to do.
Dr. Peter Hotez was the person that we'd like to go to for this sort of expertise.
The single most impactful thing you can do is make certain that you're fully boosted and preferably too boosted.
And it's accelerating among a specific social network of men who have sex with men, not because it's sexually transmitted.
Monkeypox is sexually transmitted.
Almost exclusively.
Before we let you go, we have to stop and applaud you because a lot of MSNBC viewers have watched you constantly for the last three years or so and have come to trust you.
I don't know if they fully appreciate what you have done.
All right, for the next hour and 22 minutes, Owen Benjamin, a popular comedian and researcher and talk show host, joins us.
He's been on before years ago.
And I wanted to get him on just because he's a controversial guy and definitely challenges the system.
And that's important.
Whether you agree with somebody or not, it's important to promote free speech in this great age of tyranny.
So we're going to cover the waterfront here.
We haven't talked before he came on.
I called him a few days ago, asked if he'd come on.
He said, sure.
You can find everything there.
Most folks know who he is.
There is so much to talk about here.
The world, the war in Russia, the economy, the open borders, the pedo promotion, Robert Kennedy Jr.
and Trump and the indictment and just the insanity of this world.
So we're here.
Owen Benjamin is a comedian and homesteader.
We're good to go.
I think I'm reading that wrong.
We're good to go.
Oh, thanks for having me, man.
I just wanted to say I appreciate you having me, and I'm glad to have this convo.
And happy Juneteenth.
Today is a new holiday, apparently.
It's a big one.
In fact, this is the day that the Republicans freed the slaves from the Democrats, which actually happened.
Oh, nice.
I didn't know that.
I just know that there's no mail today.
The Democrats turned it around.
The Democrats turned it around that it's the Republicans.
So, yeah.
Every time they close the post office, I get a little bummed out.
I just, because that's how I do most of my commerce is through the post office.
So, you know, Juneteenth kind of bums me out, but I get it.
I get it.
Well, no, it's a total crap.
I mean, it was only in Texas that they learned two years after that slavery had ended.
And I get it.
It was exciting.
It was fun.
It was wonderful.
But they're just trying to create racial division, patronize the black people and create another white people are evil holiday.
I get it.
So what do you want to talk about?
Let's do whatever you want.
What do you think of the big controversy going on right now with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
and Dr. Peter Hotez?
I mean, this guy, we just played an intro of him all over the map.
He wants people arrested that disagree with him.
I've got his quotes here.
He wants to take over our bodies, which I say is worse than a pedophile.
Pedophiles are terrible.
They just want to rape a child.
This guy wants to rape our bodies and put a GMO product into us.
So we got a new word.
It's like a Big Pharma Rapist.
I'm not sure what you call it.
A genetic rapist?
There you go.
Genetic rape.
Yeah, I've never seen that guy talk before, so I was just watching that video you played.
He seems like a gremlin, almost like he was cast to be the most disgusting looking guy imaginable.
Yeah, someone who saw this comment, like, I never wore a mask or got anything swabbed in my nose or any vaccines or anything.
Uh, I don't know.
I just think it's all so stupid.
That's why I started growing my own food because I figured they were going to if they can't get it through a needle.
Well, that's right.
I mean, didn't you even move to a farm before they did all this?
Yeah, I saw it coming because I was pretty early on a lot of these controversies.
And so I saw that they weren't going to, in my opinion, I mean, obviously I could be wrong, but I didn't think it was going to be like the boot boys kicking in the doors.
I thought like the way I saw what they did to me is remove comforts, remove access, remove
I'm good.
And then it's, then it's sending you to the slammer.
Hey everybody, Rodney Outbrine here.
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I think so.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
Where he goes, I can't go on Alex Jones' show or Steve Bannon because my wife says no.
And then Larry David's like, don't worry, I control his wife.
We're not endorsing him.
And it is a little creepy with this going on.
So I think it's important to not just set him up as some idol or some god that's got to be worshipped.
And then you raise something that I didn't have time to pull up.
I'm sure it's true.
It sounds horrible.
I wish it wasn't.
But that he makes people get vaccinated to come to his house?
Because that's kind of a hypocritical deal-breaker for me.
He needs to come out and repudiate that, or I'm going to have a major problem.
Yeah, and his global warming stuff, and his anti-second-amendment stuff.
And it's like, I get it.
But he's been walking that back.
He's been walking back to gun stuff, saying it's really the Prozac.
He said the borders should not be opened.
They want to create a new slave class.
He said that global warming is being used to power grab ESGs or fraud.
I mean, that's pretty good.
Well, that is good.
Well, that's why it's important to call this stuff out, because people walk things back when people like us call it out.
Because the politician kind of, they think of talking points to say things that people want to hear and they relate to people.
They're like the cream on top of the milk, and they require that.
So, when I used to call out Trump or any of these people... No, I mean, when I've called out Trump, they go, he's a hypocrite.
He still likes Trump, but he's calling him out.
I want him to do the right thing.
You've got to tell your kids, carry out the damn trash.
No, the president works for us.
Like, carry the trash out, you son of a bitch.
Exactly, dude.
And that's why, like, when people call me out constructively, I'm very appreciative of it.
There's, like, trolling where they want to take you down, they want to, like, mess with your head.
But there's also times when people are like, you know, have you thought about this?
Like, why don't you do more like this?
Be more productive.
And that's why one of my rules is I try not to criticize anything that I don't actively try to build an alternative.
And so, you know, that's where I'm at.
And I'm not, like, again, I'm not saying RFK Jr.
is, like, an evil guy.
Like, a lot of times in this modern world, if you criticize or if you, like, say, watch out for this, like, watch out for his extreme support of Hillary Clinton, and then people think you're, like, mad at him or something.
And I'm like, no!
I'm doing what we're all supposed to do to our leadership, and that's one thing that makes America great.
Well, let's go back to Hillary, where you supported Hillary over Trump.
For supporting Hillary Clinton.
Yeah, and I also just don't have a lot of faith in politicians, so my whole thing is just don't give them an inch and make them do the right thing to keep our attention and keep our support, because I just think the nature of the typical politician is almost like they're prostitutes.
No offense to the politicians, but I like a lot of sheriffs, like my local sheriff is an awesome guy, but a lot of those big guys, they remind me a lot of the Hollywood people I knew, where they're like,
Just tell me what to say.
Tell me how to say it.
Tell me what'll make you feel.
And I get that.
I've acted before.
I get, like, having a director and all that.
And so that's why I'm pretty hard on them.
Because I'm just like, I know they just want attention and a pat on the head.
Yeah, we want the American people to be the directors.
Let's hear a few minutes of him.
Exactly, brother.
This is Kennedy.
And what year is this?
Like, 1980 or something?
I mean, this is Robert F. Kennedy.
It's 1978, so I was four years old.
This is Robert F. Kennedy with his voice before it got paralyzed.
Here he is.
There's a lot of people in Alabama, and George Wallace certainly is.
He's had a great effect on, I think, the entire South and on the civil rights movement in this country in general.
Truly a remarkable man.
This is the man.
That Griffin Bell wanted to have named, or Jimmy Carter did, as head of the FBI, but because of ill health, he could not.
But he was the federal judge in Alabama, as you say, that had such an impact on not just Alabama, but the South.
That's right.
During the 60s, he integrated every major institution in Alabama.
Because of the political structure down there, and really a politics that really involved, George Wallace politics, that really involved
Frog voice compared to the kind of Eastern establishment, serious elitism vibes there, though.
I mean, he's just radiating a liberal version of William F. Buckley that makes you want to curl into a ball.
Well, he's radiating a vibe like he's just ready to just bang, to me.
Like, I know guys like that.
They're just like, he's just being like, you know, handsome and talking smooth.
So you're going with the Kennedy cliche that they're so promiscuous?
Yeah, which is okay.
Again, I'm not coming from a high horse.
I'm just a comic, man.
A lot of people will overthink me, like I have an agenda, like I'm trying to take something down.
I'm just saying what I see.
I just see a guy that looks like he's pretty into banging, you know?
Oh my goodness.
You know?
Which is fine!
You know, I've went through phases.
I went through, like, if you look at me... Hey, luckily I've never been into that, Benjamin.
So... Good for you.
Thank God I'm actually a virgin, so I get it.
Dude, you're keeping it all inside you.
I get it.
You don't want to waste the male, the masculine force.
You don't want to spread the seed too thick.
It's like General Ripper says, the precious bodily fluids.
I think there is something to that.
I think that, like, that's one reason why they flood everybody with porn, is I think, like, if you keep it... I know this sounds a little crazy, and I'm getting a little distracted, but... No, like, bosses don't want to do it a month before they marry.
But let me just clarify, I was joking.
It spikes the testosterone.
No, it does spike the testosterone.
I'm not a Kennedy, but I'm no stranger to women, but I'm happily married.
You've done some banging, yeah.
No, well, maybe, in my mind.
But the point is... Everybody gets it.
It's not a big... Everybody's been through phases.
Everybody's been through phases.
The point is...
That I'm not banging children like Jeffrey Epstein.
What do you make of all that coming out?
I haven't interviewed in like four or five years.
Man, it's all out in the open now.
They're whole new, like we were kooks talking about it years ago.
It's out in the open.
How do you see the establishment surviving all of this?
I think it's so horrifying that that's why I'm, I know I can come across as crazy, like I'm focusing on farming and homeschooling and I'm like talking about, you know, but I think it's, I think it's like end stage situation, you know, like Rome when they put a horse in the Senate.
Where it's so crazy bad, you know, like somebody was telling me that they work in Silicon Valley and if you call someone out for being a pedophile, like, you get fired.
Like, they're legitimately institutionally protecting that world that I just had to detach from it because it was getting me too pissed off, so that's why I'm just like...
I'm trying to raise my four sons really well and innocent and, you know, do the best I can as a father and then locally.
But if I look at that, you know, what they do on that level, I can be the guy ranting at the moon again and people can rightfully say that I'm coming across as angry and I'm trying to apologize.
No, no, stop apologizing.
We understand you're allowed to say whatever you want.
This is a free country, at least it used to be.
We're going to do a whole other hour with you coming up.
I want to talk about some of the issues you want to hit.
You talk about collapsing civilization.
Here's Biden saying that a stock on a gun makes the higher caliber come out of the end of the barrel.
Ladies and gentlemen, that is hilarious.
Then we've got Fetterman, one of his latest gaffes.
And by the way, you watch the whole press conference?
It's all like this.
Here it is.
Made it harder for people to buy stabilized braces.
Put a pistol on a brace, it turns into a gun.
Makes it more, you can have a higher caliber weapon, a higher caliber bullet coming out of that gun.
I don't want to play Fetterman.
We've been doing this for the last few days and I love you to death.
I want the one where he's introducing Biden.
Yeah, that's what I want.
I'm standing next to the president again, next to a collapsed bridge here.
And he is here to commit to work with the governor and the delegation to make sure that we get this fixed quick, fast, as well, too.
This is a president that is committed to infrastructure.
And then on top of that, the jewel kind of a law of the infraction.
Bill, that is going to make sure that there's going to be bridges all across like this all across America getting rebuilt.
Find all his verboten information there.
I want to cover everything with him.
So I'm going to try to shut up when we start the next hour, give him the floor to go over just everything.
And then, ladies and gentlemen, I'm going to be getting on a jet airplane tomorrow, but I'll be doing a show this week, and I'm going to do a bunch of podcasts, another part of the country, and I'll leave it until it happens.
So if you're ready for that, that's going to be going on.
Separately, they keep reminding me, they go, Jones, if you just plug twice an hour, we have plenty of money.
And if you plug once an hour, we barely make enough.
But if you don't plug once an hour, we shut down.
I get so amazed with Alex Rosen and, of course, Daniel Esselstyn, and now our guests that we have on currently.
I forget to plug, and we will shut down, which probably would be good for my mind, but not for the country and the world.
So I want to thank you all for your support.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Now I'm standing next to the president again next to a collapsed bridge here and he is here to commit to work with the governor and the delegation to make sure that we get this fixed quick fast as well too.
This is a president that is committed to infrastructure
Yeah, and then on top of that, the Juul kind of law of the infraction bill that is going to make sure that there's going to be bridges all across like this, all across America getting rebuilt.
All right, this is a short segment, long segment coming up.
Owen Benjamin, our guest, OwenBenjamin.com.
Owen, great comedian, great brain, really avant-garde, fire starter.
What are you going to hit?
I'm turning you loose right now.
What do you want to talk about?
Well, I just want to talk about how that's so broken and gone that that's why I just started looking to rebuild from the ground up.
Because, you know, like when I make fun of RFK Jr.
sounding like two frogs are, you know, copulating in his throat and people think that that means I like Biden.
I'm like, dude, I look at the Fetterman Biden situation and I'm seeing such a post-collapse situation where it almost looks like it is a humiliation, you know, that I got very local.
I got very localized in my life.
And I've been really happy doing it.
I know it sounds obvious, but just growing tomatoes, growing my own food, milking my goats, milking my cows.
And I know that people can say that they could come and take your land and all that, but America is so vast and huge that I don't even see logistically how they do that.
No, they need us to comply.
Yeah, yeah.
It's a free will world.
Exactly, dude.
It's like they want us to bend.
They want us to agree.
It's like the story of Job, where the devil doesn't win anything unless you're like into it, unless you say yes.
And so that's what the path I've been on, because I just want you listeners to know that.
Obviously, I think RFK Jr.'
's message, especially when it comes to vaccines, is
Far superior to Joe Biden.
I think that these institutions should be relied on for almost anything.
And isn't the funnest part about farming and everything, at least when I've done it because I have a family that does it full time, when I did it off and on during the summers and stuff from about 11 to 16, I would get high doing it.
Like I'd be milking cows or doing work or driving a tractor or shredding, and I like, the day would go by, I'd be like zoned out, I'd be so happy, or like, go out and pick all that, you know, a truck farm, go out and pick all that.
You know, all that, you name it.
Tomatoes, zucchini, squash, peas.
And then I'd be there at night, you know, sitting around, people are playing cards, drinking beer, cracking the peas and getting ready to cook them tomorrow night or go butcher a cow and you're slicing up this cow, all of a sudden you're eating it that night.
It's just like, you get high.
You go to your neighbor's house and they cook pies, eat dinner there.
You get high living in the country.
And so much of that's gone, though, because now it's like satellite TVs and, you know, the country's not what it was, but growing up,
In East Texas it was, it was amazing.
If you're shoveling manure and you're growing stuff and your kids are running around, like, you're so active that you don't get sad.
Because I've felt sad.
But you're in your, I'm interrupting you, I'm going to give you the floor next time, but you're right.
You're in an epigenetic thing that a thousand generations did.
You're supposed to do it.
You're supposed to have kids running around fighting while you're taking care of chickens and shoveling crap and, you know, shooting a wolf or hit it with a bow and arrow.
I mean, you're just yelling at the chickens like you were doing that last video.
Yeah, and you see so much truth in it.
I don't know if one of your producers can find one of my videos I did where I showed people exactly how they're controlled through goats.
Where you bring the goat in, you give it pornography, satellite TV, corn syrup, fluoride, whatever it is.
I'm good.
And so it's really hard to trick or deceive the farming type, the rural type, and I think that's why they're so hated amongst the establishment.
Did you know that, well not just Benjamin Franklin, mainly Thomas Jefferson obsessed on the farmers as the answer to tyranny?
Yeah, absolutely.
Because it's impossible, the farmer doesn't get as deceived as easily.
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Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Agriculture is our wisest pursuit because it will, in the end, contribute most to real wealth.
Good morals and happiness.
Again, agriculture is our wisest pursuit because it will, in the end, contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness.
He'd been all over the world, or all over the Western world.
He'd, you know, been graduated from college.
He was like 18 years old.
But Thomas Jefferson said, I've seen everybody, but the American farmer and French historians like Alexander de Tocqueville came here and saw the same thing.
Really knew how to do everything.
And he said, they're really hard to con, and they're really smart, and they know what's going on, and this is what we need.
Because in Europe, you were still feudal serfs on the land that they controlled.
These were farmers turned loose to be free, and Thomas Jefferson, that wrote our Declaration of Independence, saw them as the answer.
So I know, Owen Benjamin, you go over this a lot, and the change in your life there.
And so, you were interrupted by the break.
Recap that, finish up with that, and let's talk about all the other big issues.
Yeah, and I love Thomas Jefferson.
He's one of my heroes.
I think he's my favorite forefather.
And what you... I think the American rural productive male is extremely unique and extremely valuable.
And what you were just talking about with East Texas and how you're describing that is my heaven, you know, where it's like...
You're out there working during the day, you have community, you have kids running around, you have productivity.
At night, your tribe, you know, your family, your clan, you're talking, you're engaging in culture creation, and you don't feel that sadness or that anxiety or that constant feeling that something's wrong that you feel in an urban environment.
And so, I think Thomas Jefferson is running the money, and I found that my life has gotten a lot better
When I wanted to be part of the means of production, where it's, I just have this little farm stand and my wife makes soap from our goat milk and bakes bread.
And we have produce and eggs and butter, you know?
And it's, I wake up in the morning and milk the cow and milk the goats and all that stuff.
And I'll just make a couple hundred bucks, but it's the best money I've ever made because it's from the dirt, from the soil, from this unending source of power in America.
And it really is unique like as much as the the parasite class and when we look at D.C.
and Silicon Valley and the predation of children all that it's so unbelievably disgusting especially when contrasted with
The greatness of America, which is the rural farm.
And that's what the founding fathers, especially Jefferson, focused on.
And he's so right.
You can't be deceived.
You have a lot of skills.
You know, it's like my children at seven, four, two and one.
I mean, two of them are already really good at violin.
You know, they're learning Latin.
They have like their homeschooling curriculum is incredible.
And I do, I know I can come across as a roast comedian and be kind of a quote-unquote mean, but I don't really see it that way.
If I do a video of it or do it in person, you can see my intention isn't to hurt people, but I really do see the answer to be from the dirt, like from the ground up.
No, I totally agree.
Let's take Bloomberg, who set up a fast-track, live-time trading system to literally game and rig the stock market.
Now it's totally rigged with AI.
Remember him about five years ago, he said, he said, all farmers do, in fact they found the quote, is stick a piece of corn on the ground and watch it grow.
Their job's easy.
No, it's incredibly hard.
It takes incredible focus.
And it's just, it's just sick.
So Bloomberg sparks bipartisan outrage for condescending remarks about farmers, you know, saying that they're idiots and they're dumb and it's so easy to just grow corn.
Well, corn's easier than most stuff, but no, it's hard to do.
And it's dedication, and you don't control all the elements.
And so to insult the people that built this country, that's a scumbag.
Total scumbag.
Yeah, and he's ignorant to it, too.
I mean, some people might actually be ignorant.
I don't know, Bloomberg, he seems like a scumbag to me, but I didn't realize it.
I got into this later in life.
Me and you actually are a little reversed.
Like, my upbringing was more
It was a little more detached from the natural world.
My dad was a professor, and I could have easily thought that there was ignorance in the country, in the rural country, and now I see it's the exact opposite, that these people are resilient.
You can plant a whole garden, and a deer jumps your fence, kills everything.
A frost comes too early, all your fruit is gone, and you have to stay grateful and stay hardworking.
And those are the type of people I like and those are the type of people that will survive any of these catastrophes.
And so I am hopeful for the future.
I just, it depends on where you're at, you know, who your friends are, what your systems are like, because, you know, I think there's a lot of people that can't resist or they can't survive through any kind of hardship.
Like they don't even know where corn comes from.
Like they don't know
About blights and tornadoes.
Oh, have you seen the videos of people protesting liberals in a movement in upstate New York because they're going to have a local deer call because there's too many deer?
And people come up and say, don't kill those deer.
And the guys go, don't you buy hamburger meat?
And they go, well, yeah, that's different.
No, yeah, you're actually not even processing it.
It's much more painful.
They're just, they don't know where electricity comes from.
They know nothing.
They know nothing.
And it's the same with all animals.
The vegans that think that they can get away with eating without killing,
I'm good.
The least cruel way to eat meat is hunting or organic farming of a cow.
Because a cow eats grass and that's it.
They have no idea how much killing goes into farming.
It's all killing.
It's all death.
And it's beautiful.
What he said about deer is nobody in a real farm is following the season, and all the game wardens turn their head.
When the deer keep jumping the fences and eating your crops, you kill them, you eat the meat, and the deer learn to not come in there.
But again, they don't get what goes on here, what agriculture took to push the animals out.
Yeah, yeah, and they're supposed to be eating it.
When you kill a deer, they have the perfect amount of brains to tan the hide.
It's almost like God made it to eat.
You just open it up, the meat's all right there, and that's their purpose.
And another thing that farming teaches you is that death isn't even scary.
Like, one of the biggest driving forces of modern insanity is this
Super fear of death.
And when you see a lot of death, you know that it's not the end.
You know, I don't know specifically what happens when you die, but I'm pretty comfortable with death at this point.
And it's not really that scary.
Like animals die, you eat them, people die, you know, they go on, their soul goes on.
And this place is a blessing.
And so when you live that way, when you live a more rural lifestyle, these Bloomberg types almost appear like, like insane, like the level of insanity is so nuts.
All these billionaires, they're all running to the country to build their own redouts and farms while they tell us what idiots we are.
Oh, totally.
Yeah, and they keep, and that, well, the beauty of where I live in North Idaho, and one reason why I picked it, is because the winters are so hard, and there's so little, you know, infrastructure for some of these people, that all these Californians moved in, and then they all left.
Because one winter here, and they just, they went home.
They went somewhere else.
Because it's so hard to live here, and the winter is that it keeps the week out.
I think it's a real pest control.
You know, these people are fleeing what is collapsing and try to tell everyone how to live.
Like, to not have a gun?
You know, because everybody has all these things that they see guns as.
Oh, you have a gun, it means you want to hurt people.
It's like, no, it means I want to protect my animals, protect my family.
You know, everybody's against guns until there's hyenas, until there's, you know, until there's coyotes and wolves at the door.
And then you have, like, the idea of owning a gun is about love.
It's not about hatred.
And so,
These people, they have these, they really are very damaged.
It's very Mousetopia.
I don't know if you've ever seen the Mousetopia experiment, but it's like... I have, I have.
I mean, look, the average leptist has been brought up at a high rise.
Everything is DoorDash, everything is UberEats.
They literally are obsolete.
And I love how Naval, Noah Harari, who couldn't find his ass with both hands, he literally tells us we're obsolete.
Yeah, it's upside down world, it's inversion.
Family is wealth, you know, money is debt.
You know, I tell this to my listeners a lot, and these people are, everything they say is inverted.
And that's one reason why I can see through a lot of PSYOPs, I'm not clairvoyant or anything, it's just like, once I've identified a nonsense machine, I'm like, okay, everything they say is the opposite, because they live in an upside down reality, it's inverted.
So how do we get out of an upside down world?
It is.
I know you're saying we'll all individually get out of it, but the collapse is coming.
It's going to really hurt a lot of people.
You're probably safer where you're at.
I'm probably screwed where I'm at.
Let's talk about it with Ellen Benjamin.
Stay with us.
Straight ahead.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
I didn't get Owen Benjamin on here to nostalgize, that's a word, to go through nostalgia of growing up.
But I grew up in a suburb of Dallas, but from the time I was 11 we were blessed enough that we had people I could go work for, my parents didn't want me to be a complete wimp, who didn't care about so-called child labor laws.
So when I was 11,
We're good to go.
And I think
It's also worked there some in the winter.
And then over the years, I worked there a lot.
I kicked out of high school for fighting for a year when I was 15.
So I worked for a large animal vet that I met through that for a year.
Incredible work.
Learned so much.
Industrial level vet.
We're talking about taking cows to slaughterhouses, getting ready for that.
That was part of the job.
Artificial insemination.
It was just amazing.
And I'm telling you, I got to where 5 a.m., alarm clock goes off.
Grandma's cooking you breakfast.
A truck pulls by, picks you up.
You're in a truck with a bunch of cowboys going out to dehorn 5,000 cattle.
6.30 a.m.
And at the end of the day, you're not just paid that money.
They go, here's 500 bucks.
You did a good job on top of your money.
Now we're going to get whiskey.
And I'd be driving back, and they'd be pulling off the whorehouses, and I'd just go, don't take me home.
But I'm telling you, man, that's what Texas is all about.
And that culture just is not around anymore.
Owen Benjamin, you got any stories top that?
No, those are pretty intense stories.
I know guys that are in that world, and it does look pretty amazing.
My world is a little more smaller scale.
I have four cows, but I have seen them get artificially inseminated.
And it's so funny, my sperm guy, I call him my sperm guy, who comes by with a truck filled with cow sperm, and he's always super giggly, and it seems like he's not even that into cows.
And I'm like, why do you do this job?
Like, you don't even seem that into cows.
He just, like, giggles.
And I'm like, you're into the sperm!
Well, what's incredible about these rednecks is these are not the all-hat-no-cattle rednecks.
These people would work from 7 a.m.
until nighttime like crazed maniacs.
It was, like, completely a macho... You know what I'm talking about?
Like, that's what built America.
And most of these cowboys had, like, a gravel truck and, you know, a cement truck.
I mean, they're just maniacs.
Yeah, they're the toughest guys I've ever known.
Like those type of guys, they can just hit the ground and be trampled.
Because I know a few guys up here that do rodeos, and they're the toughest people I've ever known.
To a point where it's very intimidating, where I don't think they actually feel a lot of pain.
But yeah, I'm not on that level.
I'm more of like a day walker between the worlds.
But the point is, just doing a family farm is the way to do it.
You don't have to be the extreme crazy East Texas cowboy.
But you've got plenty of them in Idaho and Montana and Wyoming.
It's definitely something else.
Yeah, and I don't think you're necessarily after where you are, by the way.
I think some people get a little worried if they live in a more urban environment, but when the collapse starts falling apart, I don't see it as just like Mad Max.
I see it as like...
People with a lot of despair and a lot of addiction to comfort, they're just going to start crumbling.
But if you have that fire in you and if you are willing to work hard and you have friends, I really don't see it as catastrophic as other people see it.
Like I think that you can survive wherever you are as long as you have some access to production, whether it's 20 miles away on a farm or whatever.
You know, I think that's going to be more mouse utopia, like people... No, no, I agree.
You're going to have all the leftists in their own bubble being abused, being told we're all dying in the countryside.
Yeah, exactly.
And I think they're just going to be, you know, goggles, like this world that isn't even real.
They're just going to be reinforcing all these like lies in their head.
And they'll just start withering away.
So I actually see it as a time where it's like a pruning tree where it's going to be cut back a lot.
And then that'll that'll lead to more growth if you show up.
You know, one of my friends has a phrase where he says, you know, life rewards those who show up.
And so if you're willing to take these stands, and you don't even have to be super aggressive about it.
Like, I used to be more aggressive.
And you just know what's wrong.
You're not lying to yourself.
You know, lying to yourself is the worst thing you can do.
And you're like, you know, marriage is not slavery.
Money is not, like, the goal of the world.
These children are not learning anything with this race stuff and the trans stuff.
It's all obviously evil.
So if you just start breaking away from that, the future actually looks pretty bright for you because there's going to be a lot of opportunities opening up and a lot of resources opening up for people that don't break or don't buckle.
That's my opinion.
Well, that's my next question.
We talked about the rural aspect.
That's just an archetype of emancipating the soul and getting out of the matrix.
How do you expect this collapse to go down?
Because I agree with what you said earlier.
I think we're already in it.
Oh, we're weighing it, man.
We're weighing it.
But it's all free will.
I think that there's going to be an introduction of central bank digital currency, UBI.
It's going to be really comfortable.
It's going to feel great for people.
I think they're going to attach it somehow to a biological ID, like whether it's retinal or something like that.
And then I think people are going to be very comfortable.
They're going to be comforted to sleep.
It's going to be like hospice.
You don't have to go crazy, you don't have to go full Amish, but if you're anything outside of that and you can see it for what it is, it could become, you know, just another one of the layers of the scam, like Social Security or something.
But if you dive headfirst into that and become one of these bubble people, I think that you're just going to be lulled to an early death and, you know, you won't have a family to live on and it's just going to suck for a lot of people.
Yeah, no one to protect you when the state euthanizes you.
And I think it's going to be presented as a solution.
I don't think it's going to be like fire and brimstone.
I think it's going to be like, you know, are you an organ phobe where you're not willing to give up your organ for more?
You know what I'm saying?
It's like, I think that's precisely it.
Like you're not willing to agree to be euthanized in a year for the earth.
I mean,
What, you want to kill the earth?
Like, you're not willing to give up your liver to a minority group?
Like, what, do you hate East Indians?
You know, it's going to be the same scam they always do, where you're full of hate if you don't give up, blah, blah, blah.
And the key is just don't go with it.
Well, that's it.
The left trains you to start with little things like, don't say the N-word.
I'm like, well, I like black people more.
Their feelings, OK.
Next, can't say mother or father.
Just, they train you to give in.
Then it becomes more and more they want.
That's why know thyself is so important.
I never stopped saying the n-word because I knew it wasn't hate.
I know for a fact it's not hate because I know myself.
And in my world, in my comedic world, if I give up a word, that's like giving up a color if you're an artist.
I can't give up a group.
If I'm going to make fun of the Danish people, the Canadians, if I'm going to make fun of Christians and Muslims, I'm going to have to make fun of Jewish people.
And it's like, and I know in my heart, I don't have hate.
So, but now I'm starting to pull back from all of that.
I'm just starting to be like, you know what, I'm just going to focus on, uh, on growth and, you know, being grateful and stuff like that.
Cause I think in the end of the day, that's going to be the real struggle is staying, keeping your morale, keeping your gratitude, keeping your, that fire that you talked about with the Texas guys, you can work all day, dehorning cows and still like hang out with the boys at the fire.
Like that's, that's what America is.
And so.
As a comedian, you know, I've like held lines that seem a little crazy, like, why not just stop saying the n-word?
But I'm like, you know, I know, I'm like, I do see pretty far down the road where if you give that up, why not more words?
And South Park did a lot about that.
Well, stay there.
Let's come right back and talk about that because it's really, really important.
And I mean, they're openly saying that they want to arrest people that are against forced vaccination.
So it's all in the same vein.
We'll be right back.
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It's Alex Jones.
Back on
And the video, the media went and interviewed the woman because they saw her license plate that was trying to charge the Tesla.
And she said, well, I just bought the car and I was tired that day.
I'm not putting women down, it's just mainly that these are women doing this.
These are real videos.
And a lot of men are like this too, but women particularly, on average, it's that part of the graph that's really high, do not understand how anything operates.
But they're the most likely to believe in the system because they're disconnected from it.
So if a farmer is the closest to reality, because they're having to make it or break it, or a rancher, or an oil field worker, women's jobs mainly are now not taking care of children, it's just working in a corporate la-la land.
I'm not singling women out.
But how are they going to deal with a collapse of society?
Because to me that's frightening.
Because it's hard to keep civilization going.
And if you even have a birth rate of 10-20% beneath replacement rate of 2.2, you have collapse.
Well, not just replacement rate has collapsed, Owen, but the general public.
I mean, I remember my dad's dad.
My other grandfather was about as technical as I am.
He knew how to do basic stuff.
He could roof the house and, you know, fix the stove.
But my dad's dad had combines and everything.
And I remember him, like, taking Folgers cans and welding them on to fix parts because he didn't want to pay for them.
And just like a mad demon, like, doing everything.
You could walk out and shoot a squirrel and skin it in two minutes and fry it up for lunch.
I mean, you name it.
You know, butcher a cow in like four hours just like a machine.
And I think about a guy like that versus these people, that's like a god compared to a monkey.
I mean, it's not even... I cannot imagine how much the brain trust that we've lost.
Oh yeah, 100%.
To the point where, that's one reason why I tap out of trying to understand some things that are going on, because I genuinely don't always understand how much people have fallen out there, and some of my friends have explained to me that I live in a bubble.
That Bud Light thing,
We're good to go.
They're that crazy now.
And so that's why I'm not always aware.
Like, I'm pretty good to see through spells and stuff like that and kind of have a good take on the world because of my lifestyle.
Yeah, I mean, they don't know where their food comes from.
They don't know anything about, you know, the life they're in.
They're under so many assumptions and spells that they're just these docile, um, these docile kind of slave people.
And those are some of the most entitled people.
Like, they're some of the people that are the most aggressive, the most
You know, dependent.
And yeah, I don't know, man.
I think that, yeah, the birth rate is a serious problem.
And these women, a lot of times women can latch on to the strong masculine character.
And if that masculine character is the state or the corporation or their boss or whatever, they can be sent down these paths of complete self-destruction.
And it is pretty humiliating.
It's going to be spectacular, and I agree with you.
The collapse, we're well into it now, but how far does it go?
I think, I don't know, I mean, I would have, I couldn't have imagined that it went to, like, Fetterman, you know, and now we're past that.
Like, when the COVID thing first started and people were wearing a mask and then sitting down and taking off their mask,
I was like, how can this be?
Because it wasn't even a mask.
If you actually thought that there was something in the air and you wore a mask, that's all right.
That's not really insane.
That is a valid response to if you think there's something in the air.
The crazy part was when they would follow these rules that made no sense, where if you thought there was something in the air, why would you take it off then when you sit down at the table?
You know, and it was those moments where I started seeing real mental illness.
Because just wearing a mask isn't actually mental illness if you're always wearing it.
Like, let's say if you actually do think the threat is in the air, you can wear a mask, that's fine.
Like, I have the opposite problem.
I was so gung-ho against masks that I wasn't wearing a mask one day cleaning out my chicken coop and I actually had like a cough for like a month.
It was hilarious.
Oh, no, no.
You need to wear a mask when it's a hot, dusty day and you're on a tractor.
There's a place for a mask.
Yeah, there's a place for a mask.
And if you thought that there was something in the air and you wore a mask, I'm not judging you at all.
It's when you would wear it.
They start making these nonsense...
These like nonsense rules where it's like, you know, hop on one leg because it's Friday or you hate your grandmother.
That's when I'm like, oh, these people are pretty much set up.
Well, it was like a woman has a baby and then they put up a plastic bear between her and the baby.
That the baby just came out of her.
Those are real photos.
Or people in bands inside pods at the high school.
It's all just see what you get these people to do.
It's all occult, exploiting, they knew it.
It came out a year and a half after it that the major intelligence agencies and militaries of the world used weapons-grade PSYOPs that were illegal to use on Muslims.
Some of the top guys went on OAN and exposed it, who'd actually written the protocols for this.
They wouldn't use it on foreign enemies, but they used it on us to quote, mind control and terrorize the public.
So the public really are victims of mind control.
But they love the victims of all this other imaginary racism.
How about your victims of the deep state mind control?
Because they admit they did it.
Yeah, and I saw the techniques.
I mean, my dad was a persuasion professor, you know, went to Oxford.
You know, I grew up with people that, you know, they weren't doing like black ops sites and stuff.
It was more about how news broadcasts work.
Like my dad taught Al Roker and people like that.
It was more how to speak to persuade.
So I got interested in some of that stuff and I looked into what happens in camps and
We're good to go.
I think so.
Well, that's my problem, and it seems like that with you and a lot of other people.
What globalists aren't understanding is, historically, you can get 80% of people under a new sign up to go along with you, but the next time you try it, now only 50% go along.
But there's always a large minority that is immune to it and becomes highly...
I don't
and Joe Rogan not knowing anything about all this populist support, whether they're pure or not.
The point is, why did this guy think with his CNBC, CNN audience, he was going to beat the new media?
I mean, it's just, these guys don't get it.
Oh, you've got 300,000 viewers, you show up against somebody with 50 million, dumbass.
They don't seem to get that.
Just because you're wearing a little white lab coat, you little monkey, you little flying monkey, doesn't mean you're in charge anymore, you dumb bastard.
Yeah, I don't.
One thing I've stepped away from is I don't know how aware people are.
I used to think I did.
And then I would come up with generalizations that I now think are kind of false.
Like I used to think that there was.
There was people that were more aware of what they were doing and they were more responsible for their actions against me.
And I was a little more aggressive.
And then I realized that they don't know anything.
They're some of the most blind people in the world.
So, the central cast in Gremlin, does he actually believe what he's saying?
Does he actually think he's winning?
I have no idea.
And it's so dumb and so crazy that it appears like it's all intentional and it's all script and all that.
But I've seen like what you just showed with the gasoline and the plastic bag and all that, you know, I don't always understand the depths of depravity and the depths of self deceit.
And so that's why I kind of tap out like I can't ascribe motivation anymore because.
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How many times have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings?
I've never spoken to my son about his overseas business.
So let me get this straight.
The FBI was withholding from congressional oversight a document showing that during the Obama administration, Biden accepted a $10 million bribe through his son, Hunter, to force the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor that was investigating corruption, an event that Donald Trump looked into, sparking the first impeachment and forcing the arming of Ukraine, in turn setting the stage for the current war against Russia.
Evidence of the bribe was also in Hunter Biden's laptop, which the FBI also had, but that they swore was Russian disinformation and infiltrated social media to censor during the 2020 campaign, all while the FBI investigates Trump for having classified documents, despite the FBI admittedly letting Hillary Clinton off for a similar charge in 2016, when they were simultaneously launching the Russiagate investigation into Donald Trump using falsified evidence provided by the Clinton campaign.
Do I have that all straight?
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones!
Yeah, exactly.
And then I almost see it as no matter who's in there, with the exception of someone who's legitimately mentally deficient, like Biden or somebody like that, the more you hold them accountable and the more you voice opposition when they go off the path, and the more you don't hold them above you, the better job they'll do and the more they'll actually
You know, do a good job for America.
They threw everything at us, and still now it's blown up in their face, and almost everybody understands they were lied to.
So, as powerful as it seems up front, they are not all powerful if we just hold the line.
But here's the issue, Owen.
How do you think they're going to strike back next, because they're not going to give up?
A bigger war?
A new bioweapon release?
What do you think?
I've thought about that a lot.
I think the next thing they want is more reliance on economic dependency, and they want a controllable, a programmable dollar, which would be central bank digital currency, like the merger of the crypto and the dollar, so that you can have it completely private, and you can program someone, whether or not they're capable of using a dollar based on their social credit score and based on how
I'm not sure.
You know, like, you can only spend money within 30 miles of your home, 50 miles of your home.
Oh, we don't like this opinion, 10 miles of your home.
You're not allowed to buy this, this, this.
So, that's- And by the way, I'm glad you raised this.
I want you to speak to it.
I had this ready for you today, to ask you about this, because I was going to say to you, the biggest threat is the digital, central bank digital currencies, the ESGs.
And now it's official.
The United Nations is planning a digital ID link to bank accounts.
They admit the whole thing.
A social credit score.
Talk about that.
Yeah, yeah.
And so that's their when you when you know where someone wants to go, like it, whether you're in sports or whatever, you focus on where they're trying to go.
And that's the best information you can have.
And so clearly what they want is control over buying and selling and who gets to do it and why.
And that's the ultimate control behavior.
And so the key to that is, because there's nothing you can really do about what these people do, and if they roll it out, that's what they're gonna do.
But the key is to not think it's good.
You know, to not, like, get on your knees with an open mouth, begging for them to feed you.
Then you're in a really bad spot.
But they're going to keep trying to do this, and so that's why I find it very important to create local communities, local economies, barter, trade, productivity.
You know, somebody has an ability to do carpentry or plumbing, and you have fresh tomatoes, you can exchange that.
And when they roll that out, the more people are not super gung-ho about it, the more it's not an idol.
The more, the less controlling it will be.
Like, it could be, you know, a central bank digital currency comes out, everybody has universal basic income based on their retinal whatever, and it just kind of goes like social security.
It's just kind of like a lie and kind of a Ponzi scheme, but no one's really super into it.
And that's, that would be a much better situation than if everybody is like,
Oh, here comes the great savior of man, central bank digital currency, crypto, you know, universal basic income so no one ever feels pain or starves again.
That's a pretty dangerous situation because that's what they want to do.
So I don't know what they're going to try and do, but it's going to be a massively destabilizing event to get people economically desperate enough to accept that.
And because everything's consent based in the satanic realm, it's always like contractual consent based.
You have to agree to it.
Or else, you know, I believe that the highest jurisdiction of God the Creator doesn't allow just naked tyranny unless you consent with fear and all that stuff.
And so that's what I see coming.
I think it's going to be an economic thing.
And it's going to be people that say, I have no other choice.
And they sign up for a currency that is completely controlled based on your behavior, which is, you know, the wet dream of any controlling apparatus.
Well, you said it perfectly there, my friend.
So, in closing, in the few minutes we have left, I hope you'll join us again in the next few weeks.
I hope you'll come on the other shows.
What else is on your radar screen?
Because I've kind of been guiding this discussion.
It's been very thought-provoking.
Oh, that's about it, man.
I mean, we're just like, what's on my radar screen?
I just do live streams every day on Unauthorized.tv or Rumble or Odyssey or any of those places.
I'm still not a lot on YouTube or anything.
I feel like they are kind of loosening up a little bit on the ability to speak on some of these platforms, like Twitter let me back on, and a few other places.
And so I'm just looking for stuff to get interested in, you know?
Like, I'm looking to encourage my kids to play music and what I'm teaching them.
I'm recording another hour special over Labor Day in Missouri.
We crowdfunded some land in Missouri, so we're going to have a massive event there, BertariaTimes.Events.
And so I'm going to record another special and just really focus on what I do well, which is just comedy and community building.
And, you know, I'm getting a little better at farming, but, you know, I'm trying to get in shape.
I got a little fat from my wife was pregnant for seven straight years.
So I just kept like snacking.
And so I'm down like 35 pounds, which is pretty cool.
So I'm just trying to focus on that.
That's awesome, brother.
You're looking good.
So let me raise this point in closing.
What do you think the average person should do just individually that'll help turn this thing around?
Plant a garden?
Pray to God?
Get back to what's common sense?
What would you advise folks to do?
That's a great question.
I think a lot of it is to avoid victim consciousness.
So you're a victor, not a victim.
Everything that quote-unquote is being done to you right now is an opportunity.
So, because, you know, I've had a lot of things that I was a little resentful for over the years, like being, you know, kicked out of my profession in Hollywood and a lot of betrayals and all that.
And looking back with some hindsight, it freed me up in a lot of ways.
Like, I would have been on the road all the time.
You know, you can make a good living doing it yourself, just directly doing comedy for the people that want to hear it.
You wouldn't be breeding like rabbits.
You wouldn't have half those kids.
You're like, instead of more money and a bunch of bars late at night and cigarette smoke, I've got all these great kids.
This is awesome!
Yeah, I would have missed all those ovulation cycles.
And so, yeah, I think that that's what I... because I don't know the exact answer and you don't have to be a farmer.
Everybody has their craft or whatever they're good at.
But the biggest crop is men and women having children.
You got one hell of a crop now.
I'm a little bit envious right now.
Yeah, no, I get envious of people with a lot of kids.
You know, I'm always just like, like I have friends with like eight kids and I'm like, ooh, and they'll like live in a trailer.
And I'm just like, I'm legitimately envious of them because I'm just like, uh, that's where it's at.
Family is, is what it's all about.
And, and family with a lot of, you know, and really focus on your kids and try and like raise them up properly.
And so that's it.
And so my advice to people is,
You know, whatever you see as a hardship, like think about those ranchers that Alex was talking about that would just dust themselves up, pop off.
They didn't think of it.
They were like throwing themselves into it like a religion.
They were enjoying.
I mean, I don't sound masochistic, but enjoying the pain is pretty, it's, you know, whatever is causing you hardship, like get into it.
Be like, this is making me stronger.
And stay grateful.
Every heartbeat you have, every breath you take is a gift.
And this place is pretty awesome, regardless of the fact.
And even the parasites, even these provocateurs, these governmental agency-type psychopaths, even view them as a challenge.
View them as just another
No, what you said is heavy.
I've finally matured the last few years.
I'm like, thankful to my persecutors because they taught me so much.
Doesn't mean they're not horrible scum, but like you said, it sharpened me.
And I'm like, man, I really am thankful.
Yeah, like, look at you!
Like, that thing you went through.
It's like, of all the crimes in the world, look at how hard they pulled you through that.
And it'd be so easy to give up and play the victim and, you know, be the persecuted.
But the fact you didn't and the fact you're still going, they're torturing themselves with their worldview.
They're destroying their own system of control by not playing by the rules, by being so nakedly unfair.
And it really is, like, they're actually the victims.
Like, that's the irony about all this, is like, if your entire modus operandi, like your whole world, realm-wide control is these contracts and systems of laws, and you're that nakedly unfair, you're gonna lose trust with the public, you're gonna lose
Trust with yourself and the people around you.
And, you know, the money is just like it's not really a way to figure out who's winning and who's losing.
Confidence in them has collapsed.
We just have to build the future and we win.
And we have to because they're done.
We better build the future.
And you're doing it.
Very impressive.
People can find all your great work there.
Thank you so much.
Amazing interview.
Thanks, Alex.
Very impressive, smart guy.
I love watching his clips.
I'm glad he's back on the show.
I should have got him on earlier.
Glad he came on.
Such a friendly guy.
Okay, that's it.
I'm out of here.
Until tomorrow, 11 a.m.
Central, at 8 a.m.
Central, Harrison Smith.
And then, Owen Schroyer goes live about three minutes out of the studio, 50 feet from me.
He's always ready to go.
Infowars.com forward slash show.
That's it for this transmission.
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