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Filename: 20230423_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 23, 2023
1564 lines.

In his show, Alex Jones discusses various topics including potential political scenarios for 2024, criticizing Joe Biden's presidency, and the importance of being prepared with health supplements. He promotes his book, The Great Reset and the War for the World, and encourages listeners to support InfoWars by purchasing products or making donations through their website. Jones also talks about the increasing control of central banks and corporations over individuals, the proposed digital identity system, Biden's plan for mortgages, and Walmart replacing workers with robots. He promotes various health supplements available on InfoWarsTore and urges listeners to protest against these trends.

It's Sunday, April 23rd, 2023.
Biden's made it official.
We're going to shut down the final cold pumice in the United States.
Tomorrow's news, today.
But not just the coal plants.
And you think media organizations or social media platforms should be accountable for the role, for being platforms for incitement?
I believe that when it comes to broadcast television like Fox News, these are subject to
To federal law, federal regulation, in terms of what's allowed on air and what isn't.
And when you look at what Tucker Carlson and some of these other folks on Fox do, it is very, very clearly incitement of violence.
Very clearly incitement of violence.
And that is the line that I think we have to be willing to contend with.
Beautiful friend, this is the end, my only friend, the end of our deliberate lives, the end of everything.
Welcome ladies and gentlemen to this live Sunday broadcast coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas.
I have a stack of mainstream news articles saying, well, we're going to take Alex Jones off the air.
Then we're going to take Fox News off the air.
Then we're going to take all of talk radio off the air.
We're going to shut down every conservative and every nationalist organization in not just the United States, but worldwide.
And then you've got AOC on national television with the former spokesperson for Biden.
Saying we need to silence conservative voices because they're calling for violence.
When we all know for the one time a conservative calls for violence, you've got a thousand examples of the left calling for it and carrying it out.
First Alex Jones, then Fox News, then the world.
Those are the headlines I've got here in front of me today.
And that's their plan.
And conservatives need to realize, nationalists, populists, Christians, capitalists, just sane people, that we're not in the middle of a coup, a deep state coup.
We've been living under a coup for a long, long time and we're waking up to it.
And that coup is very, very threatened because it's so illegitimate and so totalitarian.
And as the people wake up to that fact and that their way of life is being destroyed and will be completely destroyed, they don't say no.
It's game over for them.
But let's hear that clip.
I won't say one more time.
I'll probably play it five times tonight.
Here's AOC.
Whatever she says is a globalist talking point.
Remember, the world's going to end in 2030 according to her.
We need to ban cauliflower because it's a white vegetable.
I'm not joking.
There's a video of that.
They're going to be growing cauliflower.
It's racist because it's white.
They have articles everywhere saying milk is racist because it's white.
This is psychological warfare.
Here she is.
Do you think media organizations or social media platforms should be accountable for the role, for being platforms for incitement?
I believe that when it comes to broadcast television, like Fox News, these are subject to
To federal law, federal regulation, in terms of what's allowed on air and what isn't.
And when you look at what Tucker Carlson and some of these other folks on Fox do, it is very, very clearly incitement of violence.
Very clearly incitement of violence.
And that is the line that I think we have to be willing to contend with.
So she falsely claims that that line's been passed with no evidence.
Well, she and her cohorts constantly call for violence.
They're losing.
They know it.
But I've told you this a thousand times the last year.
They're preparing false flags to blame us.
You can see it.
It's all set up.
The dominoes are all lined up.
Brace yourselves for staged terror attacks.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
You need to get coordinated with not only your food, but also your health supplements, because it's going to be a matter of life and death.
So support InfoWarsTore.
Listen, you need to put it as a priority, because you don't know, I don't know, Alex and I are telling you how late it is before midnight strikes.
And again, magnesium is critical for your muscles and everything.
Krill oil.
What I'm watching right before my eyes is a
Thank you.
It's Sunday, April 23rd, 2023.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, let me just go over the headlines we're going to be hammering through here live in the next two hours tonight.
Fox News headline, Biden administration preparing major crackdown on power plants that fuel nation's grid.
And that ties into climate change activists deflate the tires of dozens of cars in the wealthy Boston neighborhood of Beacon Hill.
As above, so below.
Germany closes the last nuclear power plants.
Electricity bills spike 45% as they move to shut down hydroelectric.
That ties into Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
and a very important
Interview he did will be airing coming up here in a little while with Fox News.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
argues American middle class systematically wiped out under the COVID-19 lockdowns.
That was all part of the plan.
We're going to be hitting it all.
I forgot to tell you guys to get that interview.
It's about five minutes long.
Please get it.
It's right there in the article.
Thank you.
Talk to the crew.
That then ties into this.
Time Magazine.
The case for making Earth Day a religious holiday.
I said that by the year 2025 they would do that in my film Endgame, made in 2007, and the New York Times made fun of it saying I was insane, but that was their official plan as the New World Religion.
Biden White House planning national rollout of 6G.
Big news out of Ukraine and the war there with Ukraine demanding an official part of the U.S.
GDP yearly.
We'll be hitting all of that.
New York Democrat mayor says migrant crisis has destroyed the city.
Biden administration has turned their back.
And it's caused incredible crime and suffering.
Well, isn't it violent to turn off people's power and to cut their energy supplies?
Isn't it violent to open the border and flood in fentanyl?
Inside the final days before Biden announces his re-election bid.
Yes, they're that arrogant to run the reanimated corpse.
Bipartisan group of senators entered this bill to create digital identity for all Americans.
That is the basis of the control grid and the casual society, Margaret the Beast.
Big news on the corporate-funded trans agenda that we'll be going through, including new Project Veritas videos where they admit they're cutting the testicles off of eight-year-old boys in America.
Told you that was going on.
They're hiding it.
I talked to a nurse who's a friend of mine, many years in Houston, and even at their big facility,
They are turning away dozens of children as young as four every week that leftist parents want to castrate.
But they're told by the hospital to send them to facilities in California and Massachusetts and New York that are doing it.
That's part of an ongoing investigation we've got.
And this ties into the mayor, the Democrat mayor of New York, saying Biden's turned his back on us and it's causing all this crime and destruction.
We've gone out of the border many times and shown the totally wide-open nature of it since Trump was removed from office via the coup of election fraud.
And we've talked to a lot of high-level Border Patrol and ICE folks.
But let me just tell you right now that we're doing some of the most dangerous work we've ever done, and we need your prayers.
We're working with extremely high-level people.
They have over 10,000 whistleblowers just in the last year to Congress, about half of them from the Border Patrol, exposing many subjects, but more than half of the whistleblowers are Border Patrol.
We have it with the documents.
This is coming out soon.
In the Texas sector alone, in the last two years, accelerating.
It's getting worse by the day.
20,000 plus convicted known pedophiles, many of whom have committed serious crimes in the United States, some of which have been deported up to eight times, being ordered to be released.
Bonafide, they have their face scans, they have their fingerprints, they know exactly... We're talking child rapists.
We're talking child traffickers that Mayorkas is ordering released.
And you ask yourself,
Why is this not on Fox News?
Because I'd rather, and I've told these folks, we're going to talk about it more in the next week, this will be breaking soon, why are you coming to me?
Because I would love to present this and will, you have all the documents, but why?
And they said, I said, let me guess, you've already brought this to Fox and others, and they said, yeah.
I said, and you think I can break it and force them to cover it?
And they said, yeah.
And I said, I mean, I know.
How do you know that?
I know these things.
So we'll be happy to hit the barbed wire once again.
But we cannot do it without your prayers, without your support, without your word of mouth.
But this is not a game.
And let me tell you something.
If we don't stop this, and it basically stopped under Trump, something great he did, canceled the baby out of the bathwater.
I mean, he basically took it from Obama.
It was like a seven.
And when Trump brought it down about a half a percent of what it was on a Richter scale, and then Biden's taken it to a 40.
I mean, that's about the number we got.
It's just insane.
I mean, it's like four times what was happening under Obama is happening now.
Trump brought that on.
Well, the Border Patrol, when they had the handcuffs taken off of them, did a great job under Trump.
But now they're just standing there, accomplices really.
They know, that's why they're speaking out, because they're told just to get the kids and deliver them to random people with no evidence of who they are.
They hand them off to the NGOs, but the Border Patrol sees the NGOs go literally a hundred yards away and then load the children with no IDs, no proof, as young as six months, in with strangers.
Because we've gone and showed you this in Texas and Arizona and California, mainly Texas, and it's not like it's hard.
It's like shooting fish in a barrel.
You pull up and the Border Patrol lets them off the buses and they're just given to random people and disappear.
They're given to the NGO, the NGO, mainly Catholic charities, just gives it away.
Just hands the children over.
So, and when you're watching it, I'll be honest, I haven't been down to the border in a year because
I don't have anxiety attacks very often, but when you see children as young as six months old being trafficked and it's right there in front of you, when you don't stomp the people's guts out that are doing it, and I see how demoralized the Border Patrol is, they're just looking down at the ground.
You feel like you're part of it.
And every time I just bring this up, I don't tell the crew and I'm about to raise these topics.
This footage of mothers with their kids is nothing.
We have footage of the NGOs at the airport and in the vans, the same woman over and over again all day saying, this is my baby, there's no paperwork here, and they just hand it to some random person.
So, in the coming weeks,
We'll have all the proper B-roll.
We'll have all the documents.
We'll have all the evidence.
We'll have it for you.
But this is, this is sickening, ladies and gentlemen.
I mean, when you see this for yourself, I cannot believe it.
I mean, I know Biden's a criminal.
I know the Globals are evil.
I mean, we all know that.
But the level of crime they're committing is unprecedented.
And so the big articles out today, and it's coming out in Congress, even the New York Times is talking about it, because they're covering their ass, is that they put tens of thousands of children as young as nine in sweatshops.
Well, it's bad to be in a sweatshop, okay?
But they're diverting off into the sweatshops with the sex slavery.
And we have Senate reports
Last year, Obama was in office that came out admitting over 10,000 children were brought in that the Border Patrol had confirmed that they were ordered to turn loose two sex traffickers and sex abusers.
Now that was in their entire breakdown of what had happened under Obama.
Now you see how it's exponential.
And by the way, if they caught 20,000 and were ordered to release almost all of them, they think they're catching 20%, maybe 25%.
So the numbers are in the hundreds of thousands of sex offenders.
All right, I'm just mentioning what we've got news-wise here.
Let's come back with Biden pulling the plug on America.
Talk about an act of war.
This is it.
You think your energy prices are high now?
Get ready.
You need to get coordinated with not only your food, but also your health supplements, because it's going to be a matter of life and death.
So support InfoWarsTore.
Listen, you need to put it as a priority, because you don't know, I don't know, Alex and I are telling you how late it is before midnight strikes.
And again, magnesium is critical for your muscles and everything.
What I'm watching right before my eyes is a composite overview of nutritional supplements that will keep you alive.
And I would urge everyone, maybe you don't take vitamins, maybe you don't take nutritional supplements, but the day will come.
Vitamin C and Zinc, absolutely imperative for the cold.
DNA force, absolutely imperative.
Mineral fusion, absolutely.
As you're drinking filtered water, a lot of it will become demineralized.
You have to have these products.
Thousands of former Nazis went to work for the United States government.
A flying disc has been found and is now in the possession of the army.
Here is a bulletin from PBS News.
President Kennedy has been shot.
This is a different kind of war.
The USS Liberty had just been attacked by Israeli jets.
It's a CIA that manipulates the news in the United States.
It took the babies out of incubators and left the children to die on the cold floor.
It was almost as if it were a plan imposed.
It just can't end.
You will always have conspiracy theories.
They are nothing but distractions.
You guys censored Harvard-educated doctors.
You silenced those voices.
What we want to do in Davos is push the reset button.
Soon as we start exposing the Great Reset, the sooner these globalists start going to prison!
There is a war for the future happening right now.
There is a war that will control my destiny, your destiny, our children's destinies.
And that war is something that we can win, but it takes dedication, it takes commitment.
That's why I ask listeners, respectfully, to go to MFORWARESTORE.COM and buy great products that will enrich and empower your life while keeping us on air at the very same time.
We're good to go.
I'm not talking to the viewers and listeners that have gone to InfoWarsTore.com and gotten the great products that enrich your life, that empower your immune system and your body and keep us on air.
I am humbly, hand in hand, talking to the viewers and listeners that have tuned in, many of you for years, and never gone to InfoWarsTore.com.
We know the vast, vast, vast, vast majority of you never actually go to InfoWarsTore.com and never experience these great products and never find the operation.
Sure, you share a link, you share an article, you tell folks about the show.
That's great, and I thank you.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, before I get into Biden pulling the plug on America's energy system, literally, I want to just restate something I'll be getting into more next segment.
If you are serving the Democratic Party, you're not just accepting the sexual mutilation of children and chemical castration, you're supporting hundreds of thousands of children, many of them 2-3 years old, being randomly turned over to strangers in a giant pedophilic feeding frenzy on the US-Mexican border.
Now that is a fact.
And it's come out.
How could you be part of something like that?
Our nation is going to be cursed and will totally collapse if we allow this to happen.
And again, you have the New York mayor.
We're going to get to that saying Biden's turned his back.
No, he hasn't turned his back.
He's stabbed you.
The people who control him have stabbed you.
And they can't get away.
This is the footage from South Texas of the woman at the border with the quote charities with the Mexican gang Grim Reaper tattoo and she's sitting there handing babies over with no paperwork all day long to randomly just be
Well, I
They're deliberately destroying the country, and I know the regular listeners get that, but for new listeners, I mean, come on folks, let me explain something.
Industrial society is based on energy.
Just like a person needs food and water and a plant needs sunlight and minerals and things.
If we don't have energy, we can't compete.
But they've already made it where energy is three times more expensive than Mexican energy or Indian energy or Chinese energy.
They're opening new coal power plants every week.
Plenty of coal to run for thousands of years.
It has nothing to do with hurting the environment.
It's all about power and making us a zone where we can't work and have jobs.
So Obama shut down more than half our coal power plants in his eight years.
Trump stopped them being shut down, but none of them were reopened.
Because it cost so much to turn them back on, the companies thought, well, we'll see what happens in the second term, maybe we'll turn them back on.
So American energy prices have more than tripled the last eight years.
Everybody's experienced that.
So to run a factory or just to have a school or a business or your own house, we all know you get these power bills and it's insane.
And my wife's like, what are you doing in the daytime turning all the lights off?
I'm like, yeah, I mean, well, I don't want to pay a $3,000 power bill.
It's crazy.
No matter how much you can serve, they're just going to keep shutting it down.
So Biden's announced that if any carbon dioxide comes out of a tailpipe, the car is banned.
And that by 2030, 70% of new cars have to be electric, but they're shutting down the power sources that generate the electricity for the car.
And there's not enough rare earth minerals to build the batteries, so it's a bridge to nowhere, as I've said, and they know that.
But if you're economically devastating people, you hide it under the term environmentalism.
So now Biden is set to announce this week, and the document's public, Fox News is reporting on it,
That, quote, any fossil fuel based fuel, including natural gas, that's totally clean, must have no banned emissions by the EPA by next year or they pay giant fines that will shut them down.
Remember Obama said, you can build a coal power plant, but we will bankrupt you.
Expected power plant rules in latest in President Biden's anti-fossil fuel agenda, Energy Industry Group tells Fox Digital.
And it goes on to say that, again, any fossil fuel, including natural gas, is not allowed to put out any carbon dioxide or they will be shut down.
They've got to, quote, put carbon dioxide catch systems on them and then sell that to the carbon market, which is owned by the Rothschilds and Obama and the Bidens, look it up, as well as Al Gore is a big shareholder.
So they're trying to force everybody to pay this tax to them because they're not going to ever have enough power to run anything.
So they're going to let some of the coal power plants and some of the natural gas plants still run.
But notice how they said 10 years ago, Obama said, hey, just go natural gas.
It's totally clean.
Don't do coal.
So natural gas doesn't work as well.
It doesn't work good in cold weather.
It's a lot more expensive to produce electricity with it.
But they did it.
And so Texas and other states built all these giant natural gas power plants.
Nope, sorry, that's not good either.
Just like the Keystone Pipeline took eight years to build, multi-billion dollars, the day it was completed, Biden said, nope, executive order, you're shut down.
So, this is the boot on our neck.
And you see it everywhere with Extinction Rebellion and the left is blocking trains, blocking highways in the US and Europe and England and the UK and all of it.
That's the ground level of these people.
Climate change activists deflate tires across wealthy neighborhoods in Boston because cars are bad.
Germany closes the last nuclear power plants.
Electricity bills spike 45% after tripling, not in the last 10 years like the US or 8 years, but
In the last year.
And they're shutting down their hydroelectric.
See how that works.
See how the operation unfolds.
And they sell you on the fact we're going clean.
Aren't we proud of ourselves?
Then there's this article I mentioned earlier.
The case for making Earth Day a religious holiday by Paul Greenberg and Carl Stefano.
And it goes on to say, now that Earth Day is here, we need to make it a world religion to unify us all.
Gotta go read the article, for this will be our new religion.
And it says, we're nominally Jewish, the writers, and recovering Catholic, and we don't like our religion, so now Earth Day will be our new religion.
This has been their plan the whole time.
The good news is, Wall Street Journal reports, I'm already sitting on the ground, the surprising surge in faith of young Americans and young people worldwide
And young people are almost 80% for banning abortion despite all the brainwashing.
They are going to rebel against the transgenderism, the abortion, and all the tyranny they're seeing.
And that's why AOC, I'm going to play the clip and come back from break, went on air with Jen Psaki and her propaganda job and said it's time to by law ban conservative speech and shut down conservative shows like Tucker Carlson.
Because we're, quote, calling for violence.
Really, show us where we call for violence.
If I said hypothetically, and I'm not saying this, go to this place and kill these people, and it was specific, that is not free speech, that is a directed threat.
But when the Democrats call for killing Trump, that's okay.
No, that's a crime.
Or when they call for going out and burning down cities, that is a call for violence and is a directed attack.
You can't do that.
They're the ones doing it.
Where are we calling for violence?
We're not.
But see, this is all part of the permanent dictatorship they're establishing.
They're not just going to ban speech in cyberspace.
They're going to ban it at the school boards, and the city councils, and the legislatures, unless it's their violence.
They label free speech and peaceful speech as violence, then they label violence as mostly peaceful.
We'll be right back on Alex Jones.
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But this is the King Kong.
This is their big move.
So, yeah, you say, why doesn't Biden address the disasters in the United States?
He doesn't care.
That's not his job.
He's not the president of the United States.
He's a puppet operating for the globalists.
Appetites of the autocrat cannot be appeased.
They must be opposed.
Autocrats only understand one word.
And that's why we say no to your vaccines.
We say no to you shutting down our businesses.
We say no to you taking our firearms.
We say no to you censoring our free speech.
We say no to you selling us out to the World Health Organization.
We say no to you getting us into World War III.
You're right.
We stand against autocrats like you, Joe Biden, and we say no!
And we say no to your war!
There is a war for the future happening right now.
There is a war that will control my destiny, your destiny, our children's destinies.
And that war is something that we can win, but it takes dedication, it takes commitment.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
And we are back live on this Sunday night transmission.
So, there's headlines everywhere.
Wall Street Journal, New York Times, you name it.
First Alex Jones, then Fox News, then the world.
We want to ban all conservatives off the airwaves.
We want federal laws banning conservatives from having shows because they're calling for violence.
Really, well if you call for illegal violence, you say go out and attack and shoot or kill this group, you go to jail.
That's a lie.
You go to jail if you're a conservative, you don't go to jail if you're a democrat, then you get supported, you get praised.
We have all these famous cases where the first so-called female vice president Kamala Harris is bailing out looters and people that shot people.
But here it is.
First Alex Jones, now Fox News.
Connect the dots, people.
Yeah, connect the dots.
And it goes on to call for all of us being banned because we're liars.
No, we're not liars.
We're exposing you and you're losing hearts and minds and you know if things continue peacefully, you're going to lose.
So you want to say we're violent ahead of staging events or provocateuring events to demonize us.
Here is AOC.
And remember, everything comes out of her mouth is a globalist talking point.
Here it is.
Do you think media organizations or social media platforms should be accountable for the role, for being platforms for incitement?
I believe that when it comes to broadcast television, like Fox News, these are subject to
To federal law, federal regulation, in terms of what's allowed on air and what isn't.
And when you look at what Tucker Carlson and some of these other folks on Fox do, it is very, very clearly incitement of violence.
Very clearly incitement of violence.
And that is the line that I think we have to be willing to contend with.
So, silence your political opposition by lying about them and showing no proof.
Where is the clip of Tucker Carlson calling for violence?
You could search your whole lifetime.
You could put out a billion dollar reward.
No one has it.
Does it matter?
They just lie.
But let's talk about real violence.
Cutting people's energy off, dissolving borders, allowing massive human trafficking, including tens of thousands of children a month, 20,000 pedophiles, just in the last couple years, Texas sector, order to be released.
You can't gaslight all of us all the time.
You can fool some of the people some of the time, but not all the people all the time.
Here's the article up on Infowars.com.
New York's Democrat mayor says migrant crisis has destroyed the city.
That's a quote.
Destroyed the city, Biden administration has turned its back.
You know, the city is being destroyed by the migrant crisis and none of my folks came to Washington D.C.
to fight for the resources that's going to undermine every agency in our city.
So, and he goes on to say, Biden's turned his back on us, so it's destroyed the city.
No, it's destroying the country, because there aren't jobs for most of these people, and the jobs they do get drive down wages, and then most of them go on welfare, and it bankrupts the country, while they turn the energy off, and while they destroy the dollar.
Here's the article by Jamie Watt on Infowars.com.
Biden administration ignoring migrant child labor networks in the U.S.
And Veritas exposes, it's confirmed, millions of these people are put into sweatshops, part of their paycheck stolen, and then they gotta sign up for welfare, and then part of that's taken by the Democrats.
They have an exact plan, ladies and gentlemen.
So we're gonna be talking more about this
In the coming weeks, as I said, but this is the planned destruction of the country.
And you can sit there and you can watch it happen.
You can watch your power bills go up.
You can watch the crime explode.
You can turn on any mainstream news and it's a bunch of sexualization of children.
We have people out to destroy us, poisoning the country.
Because America could never fall from without.
It had to fall from within.
And they do this media spin where they go, Republicans and right-wingers are banning books.
Well, it's the Democrats that are banning speech and the Democrats that are getting books and films banned.
We're simply saying, don't take your pants off and shake your fake breast in the face of a three-year-old child at a drag queen pedophile time.
Nobody's banning drag shows with a bunch of fat, ugly men dressed up like clowns running around in front of people.
Yeah, go ahead and play this clip.
This is Lizzo Paradise, Drag Queens, has Drag Queens on stage at All Ages Concert in Tennessee to protest law banning drag shows for children.
Nobody's banning children being taken to an event where a bunch of fat men
With big wigs on, come out and dance.
But if you take your clothes off, or shake your penis in their face, or shake your breasts, because they got breast implants in kids' faces, you don't take five-year-olds to topless bars, whether it's heterosexual or homosexual.
You don't take little children to, quote, gay bars, and have people stick money in their g-string when ten-year-olds shake their ass wearing bikinis.
It is indecent,
It is pedophilic and it's sick, but nobody's banning these music and hip-hop shows having a bunch of fat men dressed in dresses run around on stage.
Nobody's banning books.
We're saying in middle school, you don't have triple X pornographic books, cartoon style, but graphic cartoons showing little boys and girls having sex with adults.
You don't do that.
But that's the mind control.
That's the manipulation.
Let me show you some articles that deal with that.
And I see these stories every day.
Look at this evil.
Daily Mail.
Virginia judge seeks custody of his daughters after socialite ex-wife is arrested on child porn.
The 45-year-old woman sent the FBI in a chat room videos of girls as young as 8 being raped by men and believed she was going to a hotel to rape an 8-year-old girl when they arrested her with the child porn on her.
So this is a real paradox.
You've still got the Border Patrol and many other agencies doing their jobs.
You have large groups of FBI doing their jobs, who are not high level, who are going and stopping this.
And then you've got above that the mainstream media promoting it.
But read the article.
Socialite mom 45 is arrested in child port sting at Virginia Hotel where she allegedly planned to sexually abuse 8-year-old girl.
Now federal judge ex-husband launches court battle to win full custody over his daughters 10 and 12.
Eleanor Hunton Hopp of Charlottesville, Virginia was arrested in an FBI sting last month of allegedly planning to sexually abuse a minor girl in a hotel.
She showed up, she believed, to have sex with the girl.
The 45-year-old woman sent agents details of her twisted plan to assault the child and sickening video and photos of underage girls being assaulted by adult men.
Who wants to sign on to this, people?
Here's a meme going around on Twitter.
Mic drop.
Says sassy.
You're not wearing a mask.
Puts myself and my family at risk.
Says the man in a mask.
Your obedience to elite pedophiles, criminal government, pharma cartel, corrupt media, and dark agenda puts myself and my family at risk.
And again, why is pedophilia the litmus test?
Because if you'll go along with that, ladies and gentlemen, you will go along with anything.
But I'm going to explain this again.
They are literally banning our cars.
They are literally banning the coal and gas plants that would supply the cars.
They're creating no new energy systems.
The windmills don't work.
It's all a bridge to nowhere.
It's all a criminal takeover.
All right, we're gonna go to break.
And we come back.
I'm not sure what I want to cover next.
I've got so much here.
We've got a bunch of election news.
We've got the World ID News introduced in legislation in the Senate.
We have the latest pedo news.
We have so much more we're going to be covering today.
But remember, these monsters are openly on national TV saying, by law, ban conservatives from the air.
Not because we're losers, but because we're winners.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
They decided to not perp walking, not put him in handcuffs, not do a mug shot, because they knew that that would help Trump.
Didn't they know this would backfire?
We were waiting for the mug shot.
We learned today they wouldn't have it, so we've made our own.
And it says political prisoner.
With an image of President Trump.
The shirt is being printed now in Texas.
It'll be shipping out to you in one week.
Political prisoner with Trump on the front there in a mug shot.
Jail background.
It's a fundraiser shirt.
It says InfoWars.com on the back of the shirt.
We also have Alex Jones for President.
No, I'm not running for President.
It's a really nice navy blue, high quality shirt.
Red, white, and blue.
Alex Jones for President.
It's a fun conversational piece and a limited edition shirt.
Great way to fund.
Hydrofluorosilicic acid is the third most deadly acid on earth.
And they've got our children drinking that.
This is a psychotic death cult.
Case closed.
Out to get you and your family.
The Alexa Pure Breeze, made by the My Patriot Supply Ready Hour Group, that's been around about 15 years, became the biggest company in the last six.
They went out, hired engineers, reverse engineered the fancy best water filter system out there that sells for twice the price, and they made it as good
In all the studies, it reduces things to non-detectable levels, thousands of chemicals.
But you can go pay two or three times.
There's four or five other filters out there that are just as good.
We sell the very best, highest-grade water filtration system for half the price of the leading competitor.
And the media says we're bad and a cult for telling you you should filter your water.
You should also filter your shower water.
That's another way you absorb this crap.
But I'm done talking about that.
The point is, you get the filters at InfoWareStore.com.
They're discounted right now.
Finally back in stock.
I talk a lot about the great successes InfoWars has had.
I don't think anybody can deny it.
And it is because of listeners and viewers supporting us.
When we talk about the crew at InfoWars, people behind the scenes, the researchers, the writers, they really have been the MVPs in this fight.
And when you look at Harrison Smith and Owen Schroyer and the hard work they engage in every day, five, six, seven days a week, it's really just incredible.
So for myself and the whole InfoWars crew, I thank you for your past support.
I only encourage you now to realize that InfoWars cannot stay on air if you do not support us.
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Thank you so much for your support.
Please take action.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
I was sitting here looking at all these news articles and asking myself, what do I want to hit next?
Because there's so much.
And I thought, I want to talk about Vladimir Putin and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
running for president.
You know, I've never been to Russia, but I've studied Russian history.
I've studied a lot of history.
It's so interesting, but Russian history is particularly interesting.
And you can say what you want about Vladimir Putin, but Vladimir Putin's lowered energy prices for Russians.
Vladimir Putin's banned promoting pedophilia to children.
And so we don't have any moral authority at all to sit there and criticize Vladimir Putin and what he's up to.
And Vladimir Putin's not the one destroying our border, trying to take our guns, or brainwashing our children.
I got a lot of news on that I'm gonna hit coming up the start of the next hour with things spiraling out of control in Ukraine as it's clear now the Russians bit off a lot but they can actually chew it and Ukraine's losing and the quote US people have hijacked are doubling down so that's coming up but I wanted to play this clip the full clips up on InfoWars.com
In fact, in post, when we upload this Demandout video, put the whole six-minute interview with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
I'm just going to play a minute and a half right now, but listen to what he says.
It's totally true.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
argues American middle class systematically wiped out under COVID-19 lockdowns.
Well, what do you think shutting down small businesses does?
What do you think saying they're not essential does?
It made the big billionaires, on average, double the money they made in their lifetimes in two years.
It was all rigged to consolidate power and test AI control.
So again, everybody needs to stop pretending, conservative, liberal, whatever you are, that the globalists are our friends.
They're not our friends, they're out to get us.
And I know almost all of you know that.
But we've got to reach out to the general public that just thinks they flip the light switch on, the power comes on.
Or they go to the gas pump and gas is there.
It took a lot of hard-working people to set all this up and now it's being systematically sabotaged and shut down in front of us.
So here's a short clip.
And we have wiped out the middle class in this country systematically.
I would have to look at that.
I mean, I don't think
These huge disparities in wealth are healthy for our country or healthy for democracy.
I think it's, you know, to have very, very high concentrations of wealth in a nation that now is marked by widespread poverty.
You're right, but through no fault of your own, you're part of that concentration of wealth, right?
So, I guess, do you like the idea that wealthy people and wealthy families, they don't depend on income, they have assets, humongous assets, and that she and others, the progressives in your party, are keen on taxing those?
You know, I have to look at that, Neil.
I have not looked at it, but I do think we have to address those kind of disparities in wealth.
And that we have to, more than anything, we have to rebuild the American middle class.
And part of that is getting away from the warfare economy and doing what China originally did, which is to build its power and project power by building its economy at home.
The strength of a nation comes from a strong economy and a vibrant middle class.
And we have wiped out the middle class in this country systematically.
And what is the basis of all industrial power?
And when Obama got into office, 80% of the power came from coal.
Now it's 50% or below that.
And now they want to shut the rest of it down.
We cannot operate.
It's like no gasoline in your car's engine doesn't go anywhere.
I just keep harping on this.
The ultra-rich wrote all these laws and regulations to consolidate power, and that's what he's saying.
We have to stop that.
We have to open the economy up.
That's what creates wealth, not this new quote-unquote green economy.
I know he's been part of the whole movement to have toxic waste and to clean up harbors and clean up landfills.
That's great.
But cutting our power off
When what the power plants produce is carbon dioxide that plants breathe is suicide.
We'll put the full clip in when we upload this live show later to Bandai Video.
All right, here's what I've got on the table.
I've covered about a third of the news.
I want to get into the Russian news and the Ukraine news.
I want to get into the election news, the Hunter Biden news, the trans-pedo news, the crime news, and more next hour.
But before I go any further, this is a very simple equation.
My main mission, 29 years ago getting on air, 29 years last week I've been on air, I looked it up, was to expose the globalist agenda to carry out what we're now in.
Because I believed in humanity, and I bet on you, and I believe that if you got warned about what they would do, you wouldn't really listen before they did it.
But if I ran around and made enough noise, and other people make enough of the noise,
We get a big enough group of people that were already aware that when they actually did it, and did these horrible things they're doing, all the incredible crimes they're committing, all the insanity we're witnessing...
That you would go, oh my gosh, it's a horrible plan, let's not be for this.
And we see that happening all around the world.
And we see, and I'm not lionizing these agencies, because the government's been overrun, it's been taken over at the top, it's super corrupt.
But you need to know, in the military, in the federal agencies, at the actual low-level and mid-level systems, they're some of the most awake people that literally hate what they're part of and want to do something.
And you see that at congressional hearings on the border and the rest of it.
And the record level of FBI whistleblowers.
And so, believe me when I tell you, and you see the evidence everywhere, that there is a major wake-up happening, a great awakening happening, and people saying no to this.
But that doesn't mean we're out of the woods.
We've got to know that now is the most important time to be aggressive, telling the truth that we've ever done.
That's why every one of you can't count on a Joe Rogan or a Tucker Carlson or an Alex Jones or a Jack Posobiec to go out and do it for you.
You're smart.
You see what's going on.
Go be heard at the school council.
At the city council, at the state house, at that meet and greet, ice cream social with the senator or house member or legislator.
Because we're putting incredible pressure on them.
Just five years ago, six years ago, nobody would talk about China and how it was running our country.
Now it's everywhere and the China-US conglomeration is splitting up right now.
And so we're driving wedges into the globalist operation.
We're having huge victories.
And we're winning right now.
We've really turned the tide, but the enemy is going to throw everything they've got at us.
They're going to stage terror attacks.
They're going to say Republicans and conservatives are causing violence.
You see the talking point everywhere.
They're preparing you for that.
It's absolutely telegraphed.
And so, yes, please spread the word about the broadcast and realize how important it is.
You are everything.
You're not the dog.
You're not the tail.
You're the whole shooting match.
But you are definitely not the tail.
You are the dog wagging the tail.
So it's really up to you.
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Hour number two straight ahead.
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And I want to encourage those of you that have never bought products at InfoWarsTore.com to go there and experience how amazing these products really are.
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And the final 1,200 signed copies of my book, The Great Reset and the War for the World, and I'm not gonna sign anymore after that, are exclusively available at InfoWarsTore.com as well.
In the last month, I got a little busy, so I didn't sign the books.
We didn't have them for sale.
But now, I signed the last books.
You can get them right now.
Ladies and gentlemen, this book, The Great Reset and the War for the World, is a historic book that documents the globalists, in their own words, plan for our future.
That is a hellish future.
Now, you'll always, while they still allow books, I guess they're starting to ban them, be able to get an unsigned copy of The Great Reset and the War for the World at bookstores, Amazon, or Infowarshore.com.
But you will never be able to get another signed copy of the book after the signed copies we got run out.
And there's about a thousand left of them right now.
So get your copy of The Great Reset and The War for the World, a signed copy at InfoWarshaw.com.
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So you won't just have this historic memento and this powerful book, you'll also know that you help keep InfoWars on the air.
I want to thank those of you that have gotten signed copies of the book.
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But I want to encourage all of you who haven't yet to go to Infowarshore.com and get a signed copy and buy a couple of unsigned copies and donate them to the library or give them to the local school.
This is an Infowar.
I'm counting on you and thank you for your support.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Now that the mental disease of Trump derangement syndrome has crossed the Rubicon and set the precedent by dragging a president into a courtroom over flimsy politically fueled charges...
The question now arises, when do other DAs across the country begin doing the same with former presidents?
Crimes that are so glaringly obvious and factual, and judging from the expediency of former President Trump's rush to judgment, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama should be detained post-haste.
Nobody can dispute the fact that we need... that we need...
Well, I may need to be going or something.
Thank you.
He sat down, pulled down his pants, his whole everything.
And he was exposed.
And I said, I'm not that kind of girl.
And I need to be getting back to my desk.
Bill Clinton, what Donald Trump has weakly been accused of, Bill Clinton has exploited to maximum effect for years, escaping justice from allegations of sexual assault from at least a dozen women over five decades, paying off Paula Jones to the tune of $850,000.
George W. Bush.
We have seen growing evidence that the dangers to our country can come not only across borders,
But from violence that gathers within.
There is little cultural overlap between violent extremists abroad and violent extremists at home.
The day before 9-11, the day before the attacks, Rumsfeld gave a press conference where he talked about trillions of dollars missing.
The day.
Then, a plane slams into the very part of the building where they were doing the accounting.
Our financial systems are decades old.
According to some estimates, we cannot track 2.3 trillion dollars in transactions.
Somebody told you that literally, like, right before 9-11 happened, they said they couldn't track 2.3 trillion dollars.
You go, no, that didn't happen.
That did not happen.
But it did happen.
George W. Bush says the worst mistake he made as president was listening to CIA Director George Tenet tell him it was a slam dunk.
I think?
We killed more Iraqis than Saddam Hussein ever did.
We may have killed a million Iraqis.
Nobody knows the number.
We created ISIS.
We drove two million refugees up into Europe.
They destabilized democracy for a generation in Europe.
They caused Brexit.
This is the cost of the Iraq War.
Eight trillion dollars there.
16 trillion for the lockdowns, 24 trillion, nothing to show except a devastated middle class in the United States of America, and we need to put an end to that.
The more we can influence public opinion, the more you'll see politicians respond.
Not only was Obama responsible for horrific crimes against humanity, authorizing 540 drone strikes, one of them wiping out 20 civilians in Pakistan, while another targeted a wedding procession in Yemen, killing 12 and wounding 15, including the bride, the authority to arrest and hold individuals accused of terrorism without due process under the 2012 NDAA, to the modernization of the Smith-Munn Act, which legalized propaganda on American citizens by our own government.
Setting totalitarian precedents for the O'Biden administration and the advancement of the Bilderberg agenda.
And once Biden leaves office, that is if he doesn't steal the 2024 election, once prosecution begins to gather their charges, the enormity of full-blown anomalous violations of U.S.
law will be staggering.
The power to exploit corruption has become our government's uniparty modus operandi.
Will Americans fall to their knees to the rampant treason occupying its birthright?
Or will America stand as a republic, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all?
John Bowne reporting.
All right, we're going to come back, ladies and gentlemen, and cover critical information dealing with war in Ukraine, the economy, and the new national ID, digital internet ID, that ties in the whole social credit score and the central bank digital currencies.
Critical Intel, straight ahead, stay with us.
I want to say brain force is great.
I want to say turbo force is amazing.
But if you took it with fish oil,
It is.
It's like the fish oil is it.
The fish oil's better than it.
And that's an example of what I'm talking about.
Fish oil is liquid energy.
Brain, body, heart.
The cleanest, the best out there.
Krill oil is the best.
And it'll give you the damn burps.
And I'm sorry.
You want something like this?
You don't get stuff for free.
The krill is hallucinogenic.
It's so good.
In my view.
I'm not making a medical statement here, but let me tell you something.
I eat five caplets of krill oil before I go to bed.
I'm seeing Santa Claus that night.
So, your brain is made basically out of what fish oil is.
So, we don't make a big profit off of it, but you notice I just obsess because whatever the best is we've got, I just can't lie to you.
I just can't do it!
Waging war on corruption.
It's Alex Jones, coming to you live from the front lines of the Infowar.
The deliberate sabotage of the Western world, not just the United States, is ongoing.
The borders, the culture, the energy systems, the currency, it's all being cut off to make way for the new global system.
And once that's in place, they believe the rest of the world will fall to the tyranny of the New World Order.
I want to play a clip here from the early 1990s when Bill Clinton was in office of Bob Fletcher talking about weather war.
I haven't had this guy on in 10 years.
We should try to get him on if he's still alive.
But this guy knew everything.
He owned a major toy company on the East Coast in Virginia.
And I checked it out in my sources, it was true.
But I learned so much from him when I was first waking up 29 years ago.
And the CIA approached him to use his company as a front company, and he said no.
He knew nothing about any of this stuff.
It was during a Iran conference a few years before, in the late 1980s.
And then he became one of their biggest enemies.
And man, you go back, we should do that.
We should find Bob Pletcher interviews with my show, others.
It's like, you listen to it, 20-25 years ago, every bit of it came true.
Senator trying to say you're a kook talking about weather weapons.
But here's a U.S.
Years after he did this congressional testimony on militias in America, right after Waco,
The Secretary of Defense came out and said, we have weather weapons, we can control the weather, and so do other governments, and they pose the number one threat.
But you notice Fletcher is quoting stuff from the 70s and a UN treaty on weather weapons.
So again, this is just one more example of what's really going on.
Here's the clip.
Another question on the interview with the Los Angeles Times on April 21st.
You said that the, you told the Associated Press that the American government has created
Weather tampering techniques so that the New World Order will be able to starve millions of Americans and to control the rest.
Would you explain what you were trying to say?
Well, what I was trying to say is exactly what I said.
There is weather control techniques.
We have a complete package on that, which I did not bring, but I certainly will see to it that it is brought in for the record.
Number one, the entire patents on the equipment.
Number two, Senator Claiborne Pell's complete statement and story of his own, that not only does it exist, but that we even utilize it as far back as the Vietnam War.
You might want to touch base with Senator Pell.
I just want to repeat before I turn it to you.
So yes, but we do have all that information.
You're saying the government has created weather tampering techniques so that the quote new world order will be able to starve millions of Americans worldwide.
Millions of Americans and to control the rest.
We're good to go.
That they are the greatest weapon ever created in the world, and that's the Senator's own statement.
So yes, I do stand on that.
Thank you, Mr. Fletcher.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
So, about four years later, here is the Army Times Secretary of Defense William Cohen.
Others are engaging in even an eco-type of terrorism where they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.
That's a briefing
The Pentagon.
So the point is, we're just telling you about stuff that exists that's going on.
And they want to demonize us and attack us all day.
It's insane.
All we cover is the facts.
My job is easy.
I don't have to come up with a narrative or come up with what I'm going to say.
I go study history and I go, this is what we see.
What is your view of that?
You may have a different perspective on what we see, but my job is damn easy.
Here's another example.
I've seen George Soros, I've seen Fareed Zakaria, I've seen Victoria Nuland, I've seen them all for nine years on CNN and MSNBC and C-SPAN saying, we overthrew the elected government in Ukraine, we're in a proxy war with Russia, we're battling Russians, and we're going to overthrow Russia.
And Soros quotes about, I'm really the new king of Russia.
To antagonize the Russians.
So then they push the Russians too far 15 months ago.
They invade.
And they sit around and say the Russians just invaded out of a clear blue sky for no reason on their own border.
Here's some of the headlines.
Unprepared for long war.
Army under gun to make more ammo for Ukraine.
That's today.
NATO chief visits Kiev to tell Zelensky Ukraine's place is in NATO.
It's just six months ago they said it was a conspiracy theory that NATO wanted to bring Ukraine in.
They have an agreement with Russia not to do that.
expediting Abrams tank deliveries to Ukraine to arrive in Germany, Secretary of Defense Austin announces.
Ukraine says Western military aid is not enough.
They want a percentage of U.S.
GDP every year pledged to them.
Ex-Russian president threatens to send Britain to the eternal abyss with nukes.
That's the insane asylum we live in with these globalists, ladies and gentlemen.
That's where we are.
And I've already played this clip four times or three times.
I'm going to play it again.
Here is Jen Psaki, the propagandist of the Democratic Party, with her MSNBC show, with AOC, saying Republicans are calling for violence.
Gives no evidence.
So we've got to ban them with laws from being on television.
Here it is.
Do you think media organizations or social media platforms should be accountable for the role, for being platforms for incitement?
I believe that when it comes to broadcast television like Fox News, these are subject to
To federal law, federal regulation, in terms of what's allowed on air and what isn't.
And when you look at what Tucker Carlson and some of these other folks on Fox do, it is very, very clearly incitement of violence.
Very clearly incitement of violence.
And that is the line that I think we have to be willing to contend with.
I almost never play a club four times in one show, but I may play it three more times before the show ends.
The magnitude of this person that's called for violence, this person that has terrorized the public and young people saying the world's going to end in 2030 if you don't pay all these carbon taxes, the magnitude of her getting up there saying, Tucker Carlson and others are calling for violence, and so we've got to take them off air with federal law.
While they deny censorship's going on, they call for the ultimate censorship.
That, my friends, is tyranny.
But that's being done out of total and complete desperation.
So at least we've smoked them out of their holes.
At least now they're out in the open telling us exactly what they want to do and why they want to do it.
Because they can't face us intellectually.
They can't face the facts of what they are.
So instead, they do this.
There she is in New York City where she lives, where the leftist mayor says Biden turned his back on us and has destroyed the city.
Yeah, you're destroying the country.
Bringing in people who can't get jobs, who have no future, for a permanent underclass you control, you can exploit.
These are monsters, folks.
They've been promised by the big mega banks that have limited money, they can just bring the country down, they'll be given positions of power in that future system.
Who really believes that?
Well, people like AOC, who will say and do anything she's told, because she's for sale.
But you're not for sale, I'm not for sale, and we're never backing down, and we're never giving up.
Plus, we're getting major traction right now and can win this thing.
All right, I got a bunch of clips of Bill Maher I want to play.
I've got the whole Market to Me system coming in, some key indicators there.
Anheuser-Busch backing off the promotion of transpedoism and so much more.
Be sure to check out our websites, InfoWars.com, NewsWars.com, Band.Video and MadMaxWorld.tv.
Tomorrow's news, today.
This is their big move.
So yeah, you say, why doesn't Biden address the disasters in the United States?
He doesn't care.
That's not his job.
He's not the president of the United States.
He's a puppet operating for the globalists.
Appetites of the autocrat cannot be appeased.
They must be opposed.
Autocrats only understand one word.
And that's why we say no to your vaccines.
We say no to you shutting down our businesses.
We say no to you taking our firearms.
We say no to you censoring our free speech.
We say no to you selling us out to the World Health Organization.
We say no to you getting us into World War III.
You're right.
We stand against autocrats like you, Joe Biden, and we say no!
And we say no to your war!
There is a war for the future happening right now.
There is a war that will control my destiny, your destiny, our children's destinies.
And that war is something that we can win, but it takes dedication, it takes commitment.
That's why I ask listeners respectfully to go to mfullmorestore.com and buy great products that will enrich and empower your life while keeping us on air at the very same time.
InfoWarStore.com to get a signed or unsigned copy of my book, The Great Reset and War for the World.
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So support InfoWarsTore.
Listen, you need to put it as a priority, because you don't know, I don't know, Alex and I are telling you how late it is before midnight strikes.
And again, magnesium is critical for your muscles and everything.
Krill oil.
What I'm watching right before my eyes is a composite overview of nutritional supplements that will keep you alive.
And I would urge everyone, maybe you don't take vitamins, maybe you don't take nutritional supplements, but the day will come.
Vitamin C and Zinc, absolutely imperative for the cold.
DNA force, absolutely imperative.
Mineral fusion, absolutely.
As you're drinking filtered water, a lot of it will become demineralized.
You have to have these products.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, so here's the bad news.
We're witnessing the psychological warfare attempt to take over America.
Here's the good news, people aren't buying it and are waking up.
We've only begun to fight, as John Paul Jones, the founder of the U.S.
Navy, said over 250 years ago.
So, there's an important system I've noticed with the globalists, where they'll run policies and do things that are super unpopular,
And then they'll act like they're against him, like Biden will act like he's against defunding the police, or Biden will act like he's against, you know, so many other policies, but then he's actually the puppet that's signing the executive orders and signing the legislation.
And they do this over and over and over again.
And that's what Bill Maher does.
I'd love Bill Maher to be the real deal.
I'd love Bill Maher to be a great guy.
He's a horrible sociopath, in my view, that follows the directives he's given.
So he comes out and says, wokeism is run by 18-year-olds.
18-year-olds are in control.
No, the CIA and major think tanks developed all this culture and garbage through the schools, through the universities, on record.
So all this is disprovable in 10 seconds.
But the good news is, why are they everywhere decrying their own policies?
Because they know, despite election fraud, they're going to lose elections.
Because if there's a tsunami, they can only steal 5, 6, 7 points with dead people and folks out of the district with these databases.
If there's a giant tsunami of awake people, they lose.
So they know they're hanging on by their fingernails.
So let's start with Bill Maher on the disease of wokeism.
Well, wokeism is globalism.
Here it is.
None of us are what anyone ten years ago would even begin to call a conservative.
You know, Sam Harris is not a conservative.
These people, Barry White, are not conservatives.
I mean, you go down the line about what we believe and how we live our life.
We're not out there shooting Bud Lights.
But if you're not completely over there on this side with these people, and I will not bend the knee and just go along with the nonsense.
That's what's so annoying about them.
Most of all, they like insist that you go along with their nonsense and their insanity and their fragility, or else you're thrown outside the group and you're excommunicated from liberal.
No, you're not the liberal.
I haven't changed.
You invented a whole new thing called wokeism.
Which used to have a much more valid meaning, you know, alert to injustice, great, who's not for that?
And then it became all these things which are...
Not building on liberalism.
They're very often the opposite of liberalism.
You know, liberalism was... It's actually a form of fascism.
The way they go about it.
Without the extreme violence.
But the ideology that you will conform to our narrow world view.
And if you don't, we're going to really do bad stuff to you.
That's a fascist mentality.
It's the cry bullies of that generation.
As I said, raised wrong.
So they think when someone disagrees with them, it's a hate crime.
And it's violence.
And it's unacceptable.
And it's just gotta stop.
Get your teenagers under control.
In 2013, ten years ago, I was supposed to be on for a full hour with Piers Morgan.
Highest ratings that CNN had that year, that was in mainstream news, they admitted that.
But as soon as I said the end of segment two,
That most of your sponsors are the Prozac-type drugs that cause people, and it says it on the insert, to commit mass murder.
It admits causes people to commit mass murder, suicide, insanity, mania, megalomania.
Megamaniacal stuff.
As soon as that happened, they killed the interview.
So notice, they're like, oh, the little people.
It's just, you know, punks on the internet.
They're making us do this.
No, the big corporations are selling wokeism.
The Anheuser-Busch's, the Nike's, they're the ones that are doing it.
They're the ones that run it.
And we all know that.
But they sit there and then act like it's all just organically happening, drag queen story time and all this fun about the big banks.
And two men can have a baby and let's sterilize your little boy.
No, it's the power structure doing it.
And now the very power structure just says, oh, it's just teenagers.
It's just young punks.
You know, so Democrats go, yeah, I'm not going to leave the Democratic Party.
You know, the mayor of New York says Biden's bad.
And Bill Maher says they're bad.
And you know, we're still good guys.
You're being brainwashed.
And I'll go further.
It's not just Democrats.
Most of the Republican leadership is going along with this, and Trump did to a great extent as well.
Let's not lie about that.
It's a unit party and it's out of control.
Here he is specifically, clip 18, that woke teenagers run America.
Here it is.
No they don't.
And who decides the line?
Apparently teenagers, who decide everything in this country, because I feel like teenagers are the ones, or people with a teenage mentality, who are the ones who fill social media with condemnation because they were raised wrong.
With a sense of entitlement, in a sense that anything that causes them the least amount of discomfort cannot be tolerated for even one second.
So when they scream and cry, nobody says anything.
That's my point about, where are the people to push back?
Where are the adults?
I don't think most of the Democrats, or most of the liberals in this country, old school liberals like me,
I think so.
And then, nobody'll, even though people are thinking, well that's kind of nuts, nobody'll say it.
They'll just fall in line.
Uh, yeah, yeah, exactly.
That's what I've always thought men can have babies, sure.
I saw a dude who was glowing yesterday, you know.
I mean, it's, and that's the problem.
And it's totally insane!
Yes, it is, it's moral cowardice, isn't it?
It's moral cowardice to not admit this is all corporate-funded on record.
Tens of billions a year pledge to Black Lives Matter and the transgender system.
It's Hollywood doing it.
It's the big banks.
It's the agenda.
And you blame the victims, who they're snot-nosed and babies and arrested development.
We get that.
But you blame the foot soldiers instead of the generals and the field marshals and the commanders?
Let's go out to break with Bill Maher on Trump and free speech.
Here it is.
I talk to these people all the time because I'm out in the country all the time and they're like you know we're not all crazy we just don't we just don't feel comfortable and I've said this before I'll say it again a lot of them say to me
What you don't get about us and Donald Trump is we don't like him either.
We just see him as a bulwark toward, again, something that's even nuttier.
Because as we know in America, people really don't vote for who they like.
They vote for who they hate the least.
And where are you with free speech now?
Because it seems to me that as a comedian and a host,
Comedy has never been under more attack than it is now.
I mean literally physical attacks now on comedians on stage to try and suppress their right to tell jokes.
What do you feel about that?
I think that's exactly... I never feel like I'm about to be attacked on stage.
It could happen tomorrow.
You know, but I that's not something that I there's been a few instances the Dave Chappelle one obviously the Will Smith I mean these are outliers we're not really attacked what we comedians are afraid of is not being attacked physically on stage we're afraid of being attacked on Twitter
It's been cancelled.
I mean, I grew up in the age of the comedy club, and comedy clubs are still out there.
So, you betrayed your birthright of free speech, and now you want to act like, when you helped all this happen, that you're against it.
That's good.
I mean, this is all just disgusting.
This is synthetic, it's systematic, it's being run by design.
We'll be right back with a lot more.
Stay with us.
So yeah, you say, why doesn't Biden address the disasters in the United States?
He doesn't care.
That's not his job.
He's not the President of the United States.
He's a puppet operating for the globalists.
Appetites of the autocrat cannot be appeased.
They must be opposed.
Autocrats only understand one word.
And that's why we say no to your vaccines.
We say no to you shutting down our businesses.
We say no to you taking our firearms.
We say no to you censoring our free speech.
We say no to you selling us out to the World Health Organization.
We say no to you getting us into World War III.
We stand against autocrats like you, Joe Biden, and we say no!
You're right!
And we say no to your war!
Ladies and gentlemen, this book, The Great Reset and the War for the World, is a historic book that documents the globalists, in their own words, plan for our future.
That is the hellish future.
Now you'll always, while they still allow books, I guess they're starting to ban them, be able to get an unsigned copy of The Great Reset and the War for the World at bookstores, Amazon, or Infowarshore.com.
But you will never be able to get another signed copy of the book after the signed copies we got run out.
And there's about a thousand left of them right now.
So get your copy of The Great Reset and The War for the World, a signed copy, at InfoWarsHorror.com.
And there is a markup there because this is a fundraiser to keep us on the air.
So you won't just have this historic memento and this powerful book, you'll also know that you help keep InfoWars on the air.
I'm going to thank those of you that have gotten signed copies of the book.
We're good to go.
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In the early 1900s, certain companies were off-gassing highly toxic fluoride gases into the atmosphere.
The surrounding communities began to get sick.
Laws were enacted to compel these corporations to install scrubbers to convert these gases into fluorosilicic acid.
Still highly toxic, but containable.
Now these companies had a stockpile of this poison.
And there was no affordable way to dispose of it.
Lucky for them, one of their major stockholders was also the Secretary of the Treasury, who was responsible for the Public Health Service at the time.
And by 1950, the U.S.
government began buying this toxic, untreated, industrial waste product and dumping it into our drinking water.
Reputable studies show that it's causing various cancers and other disease.
With the Alexa Pure Pro, you can have clean drinking water.
And a remedy to this madness.
Available now at InfoWarsTore.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
I'm sick and tired of any way but my way.
I want America back.
I want the Republic.
And I want all the criminals that have hijacked our country to know.
I'm a buckin' horse.
A buckin' bull.
I'm gonna throw you off my back.
It's the last thing I do.
So I love watching CNN convert from woke-ism to a new form of woke-ism.
I love watching Bill Maher do it.
They're rats leaving the sinking ship.
They're jokes.
And once we set our will against these people, we're unstoppable.
Let's finish up with a few more Bill Maher clips and then we'll get into some of the other news here today.
Go ahead and just play clip 21 and 15 back to back.
All this legal mayhem that's flying at him, does it actually empower him?
Does it have the opposite effect, perhaps, to what the Democrats would hope it would have?
Well, that was the end of the show tonight when I was talking about the Stormy Daniels issue.
I mean, it's always going to strike people as sex.
When it's about getting a guy for sex, I don't think they should ever, they should have discouraged, I guess Alvin Brahe can do what he wants, but if I was the president, or somebody, I would have discouraged him quietly.
Let's not do this one, because we're going to see Trump hauled into court, as we did,
And that's going to be the big story and it's going to be just high fives on MSNBC and look, I was thrilled.
There's something cathartic about seeing that because this guy has done so much damage to this country as well as so many individuals.
So to see him hauled into court feels good.
But now when these real cases come up, the ones about asking for votes in Georgia, January 6th,
Um, even the documents one?
I mean, I just think the power of it is going to be diminished.
It's like we've seen this movie before.
Hit pause.
All these conservatives think Bill Maher's our friend.
January 6th, Trump did nothing.
Georgia, the full call, they got a transcript.
He's like, well, we see all this evidence of fraud.
All we got to find is these votes.
Can you go check?
I think there'll probably be some fraud there.
That's not saying find the votes manufacturer.
Oh, the documents that he has under federal law, the right to declassify and have?
When Biden was vice president illegally?
He has Chinese food restaurants full of them?
And his garage?
I mean, it's all lies.
So, Bill Maher acts like he's your friend, but he knows his audience has turned against him, so he'll sit there and convince you he's dealing with another traitor.
I mean, Piers Morgan, well he's not an American, he's not a traitor.
Piers Morgan is a joke!
So it's two frauds up there together, selling this garbage.
Finish the clip.
And the problem with next time is he's done this once and he saw what didn't work the first time.
He has been working behind the scenes to make sure that doesn't happen again.
In other words, next time he calls up a Republican Secretary of State and says, I need you to find 11,000 votes, is that Republican Secretary of State going to be somebody who's there who wasn't in 2016?
Who is there specifically to do that?
You know, I don't know what's going to happen in 2024.
My prediction would be it's Biden against him again, Biden wins again, and he doesn't accept it again.
I mean, is he?
Is he?
All right, so there you go, folks.
All crap, all BS.
Does anyone believe Biden who couldn't get 100 people at his campaign rallies beat Trump?
And they're now trying to say it's illegal
We want to ban you if you question an election.
Whether you're right or wrong, you're allowed to question an election.
So let's look at some of these headlines.
Inside the final days before Biden announces his re-election bid.
It's been a joke him getting elected through fraud.
It's been a joke he can't find his ass with both hands.
It's been a joke he falls down the stairs and falls up the stairs.
All of it's been a giant joke, him smelling and sniffing everyone.
I never played that.
Yeah, get that clip ready.
It's only like a 15 second clip.
Biden, 17 seconds.
It's really very, very dull that after all these years of public life, you're known for two things.
Ray-Ban sunglasses and chocolate chip ice cream.
No, dude, you're known for being a puppet and a whore of the New World Order and a pedophile.
Here it is.
As I've told my distinguished friend from Massachusetts, a good friend, Senator Markey, that it's really very, very dull when after all these years in public life, you're known for two things.
Ray-Ban sunglasses and chocolate chip ice cream.
No, you're not known for that, dude.
You're known for starting World War III, okay?
Here's more headlines.
My butt's been wiped.
Feds now eyeing multiple felony charges against Hunter Biden.
I don't tell my writers what to do because I hire them because they're smart.
But I called him this week and I said, no, cut back the Biden stuff.
He's a puppet.
Write stories about how he's a puppet for Obama and the globalists.
They're just waiting for him to get indicted and all this crap.
It's not coming.
It's not going to happen.
Oh my gosh, Hunter Biden.
We had it all four years ago.
Blinkin' busted.
Played central role in discrediting Hunter Biden laptop story as election limp.
Lied to Congress, said he didn't.
Yeah, we already know that.
Donald Trump, the old GOP rhinos and neocons and globalists is gone.
Never coming back.
That's actually a true statement.
What, are we going to get a Trump dynasty with Jared Kushner?
You look at Fetterman and Biden and Feinstein, who can't even talk.
They're emblematic of the zombie government we've got.
60 liberal plus, over 60 liberal groups, call on Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein to resign, but she won't like a Skeksy.
Guys, pull in The Emperor Dies.
Dark Crystal.
I want to play that, sir, in the next segment.
I love that scene where they're waiting at the scepter, and as the Skeksi crumbles into dust, it rallies and grabs the scepter and says, I am still the Emperor!
It's a joke!
Absolute, total joke.
Meanwhile, they're announcing UN programs to cut off rice production worldwide because rice creates carbon.
Because rice is carbon.
Half the world gets 80% of its calories from rice.
It's a death sentence.
And their countries will collapse and flood us.
That alone is as big as cutting off all the coal on Earth.
I was thinking, what could they do cutting off the coal?
What would be worse?
Cut the rice off.
I said that about two years ago.
They're cutting the rice off.
80% of the world, or the UN's own numbers, gets half their calories.
I reversed it.
50% of the world gets 80% of its calories from rice.
You turn that off, it explodes.
And of course there's rise shortages.
I mean, this is a global meltdown, global crisis to bring in the global government that will literally destroy almost all of us watching and listening right now.
And we sit here and watch all these people pretend, the PR people, the bureaucrats, the government people, the corporate leaders,
The Ecclesiastical, all going along with wokeism, all going along with the message they're being given, pretending they're in the driver's seat.
They're in the driver's seat driving us over a cliff.
And they are.
But God's watching.
And we've got to realize that that's what matters, is what we do now on this test.
When it seems like all the...
Systems against us.
It's impossible to win.
God wants us to win the impossible game.
To use a cheesy Star Trek analogy, it's the Kobayashi Maru or whatever it is that Captain Kirk cheats to win the game.
We'll be right back.
You need to get coordinated with not only your food, but also your health supplements, because it's going to be a matter of life and death.
So support InfoWarsTore.
Listen, you need to put it as a priority, because you don't know, I don't know, Alex and I are telling you how late it is before midnight strikes.
And again, magnesium is critical for your muscles and everything.
Krill oil.
What I'm watching right before my eyes is a composite overview of nutritional supplements that will keep you alive.
And I would urge everyone, maybe you don't take vitamins, maybe you don't take nutritional supplements, but the day will come.
Vitamin C and zinc, absolutely imperative for the cold.
DNA force, absolutely imperative.
Mineral fusion, absolutely.
As you're drinking filtered water, a lot of it will become demineralized.
You have to have these products.
Thousands of former Nazis went to work for the United States government.
A flying disc has been found and is now in the possession of the army.
Here is a bulletin from CBS News.
President Kennedy has been shot.
This is a different kind of war.
The USS Liberty had just been attacked by Israeli jets and torpedo boats.
The BIA could manipulate the news in the United States.
They took the babies out of incubators and left the children to die on the cold floor.
It was almost as if there were a plan involved in the attack.
We need to go into the Capitol!
You will always have conspiracy theories.
They are nothing but distraction.
You guys censored Harvard-educated doctors.
You silenced those voices.
What we want to do in Davos is push the reset button.
Soon as we start exposing the Great Reset, the sooner these globalists start going to prison!
Ladies and gentlemen, this book, The Great Reset and the War for the World, is a historic book that documents the globalists, in their own words, plan for our future.
That is a hellish future.
Now you'll always, while they still allow books, I guess they're starting to ban them, be able to get an unsigned copy of The Great Reset and the War for the World at bookstores, Amazon, or Infowarshore.com.
But you will never be able to get another signed copy of the book after the signed copies we got run out.
And there's about a thousand left of them right now.
So get your copy of The Great Reset and The War for the World, a signed copy, at Infowarsware.com.
And there is a markup there because this is a fundraiser to keep us on the air.
So you won't just have this historic memento and this powerful book, you'll also know that you help keep InfoWars on the air.
I want to thank those of you that have gotten signed copies of the book.
Or unsigned copies.
But I want to encourage all of you who haven't yet to go to Infowarsstore.com and get a signed copy and buy a couple of unsigned copies and donate them to the library or give them to the local school.
This is an Infowar.
I'm counting on you and thank you for your support.
Ladies and gentlemen, this book, The Great Reset and the War for the World, is a historic book that documents the global, in their own words, plan for our future.
That is a hellish future.
Now, you'll always, while they still allow books, I guess they're starting to ban them, be able to get an unsigned copy of The Great Reset and The War for the World at bookstores, Amazon, or Infowarshore.com.
But you will never be able to get another signed copy of the book after the signed copies we got run out.
And there's about a thousand left of them right now.
So get your copy of The Great Reset and The War for the World, a signed copy, at InfoWarsHore.com.
And there is a markup there because this is a fundraiser to keep us on the air.
So you won't just have this historic memento and this powerful book, you'll also know that you help keep InfoWars on the air.
I want to thank those of you that have gotten signed copies of the book.
We're good to go.
It's so good to be in the fight with you.
Defending the public from enemies, foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
The Biden Show.
The Fettermans.
The Feinsteins.
Will all face their creator.
And will all be judged.
They can steal elections.
They can lie to the public.
They can commit crimes against humanity.
But in the end, death is the great equalizer.
And the AI.
And all their quote technology will never keep them from death.
They will face God at the White Throne Judgment.
We take you now to California.
Live footage of Dianne Feinstein in a video Zoom conference with Democratic leaders who have called for her to resign because she's holding up legislation.
Here is the live footage.
She's not dead yet, my Lord Chamberlain.
There's Lindsey Graham right there.
Oh, there goes your New World Order!
It's not going so well now.
She will join her cohorts in hell soon.
Bye-bye, Dianne Feinstein.
Bye-bye, New World Order.
There you go!
By the way, before the national news has fact-checkers say that wasn't real footage of Dianne Feinstein, I challenge you to prove it's not.
I say it is.
No, it's satire, folks.
It's the Dark Crystal, came out in the early 90s.
Let's, plus those creatures are much more beautiful than Dianne Feinstein.
Let's hit a few other tidbits, as they call them, of knowledge.
Oh, a big Daily Mail article.
Unexclusive, ladies and gentlemen.
Why big major studies show face masks cause carbon monoxide poisoning and brain damage and lower IQ and testicular issues.
Face masks may raise the risk of stillbirths.
Oh, your baby needs oxygen?
Oh, I didn't know that.
Through its umbilical cord?
Face masks may raise the risk of stillbirths.
Testicular issues and cognitive decline study finds.
Oh my gosh, it's so exclusive!
And does it protect you from COVID?
It's an exclusive.
The grass is green.
Ducks swim in ponds.
Birds fly in the sky.
The ocean is wet and fish live in it.
Face masks may raise risk of stillbirths, testicular dysfunction, and common decline due to buildup of carbon dioxide.
Study finds...
Face masks may raise the risk of stillbirths, testicular dysfunction, and cognitive decline in children.
Explosive new research suggests a review of dozens of studies on face coverings suggests they can cause mild carbon dioxide poisoning when worn over long periods.
The German academics who carried out the research believe masks create a pocket of dead space in the mouth of the mask which traps the toxic gas.
Oh my goodness!
They say the buildup of CO2 in pregnant women bodies could cause complications for the unborn fetus.
They point out CO2 also contributes to oxidative stress, which can affect cognition and cause testicular issues in men.
And they go over page after page, listing it all.
Thank you, Daily Mail!
Oh my goodness!
When you're not putting out fake stories about me, you finally report the truth.
Because there's this paradox taking place where people want readers and readers want the truth, but then they're paid a lot of people, but that's the key.
The globalists have unlimited quadrillions upon quadrillions of money.
Hundreds of times all the real assets in the world.
But they've got to wreck society and break it down and take your house and take your car and take your energy and take your children to exercise that wealth.
Because there's still enough industry and jobs where even though they own the world hundreds of times over, they want total control over you because they always want more, more, more, more, more!
And instead we can just shake them off like fleas and say, we aren't agreeing to anything you want to do, you've proven you're bad, we don't work with you.
And their answer to that is, you're so stupid.
Just like we passed the income tax in 1913 and the IRS, you'll never know what's happening.
But we do know what's happening.
And I was reading an article on Drudge Report today, I forgot to send it to the crew, the number one, I already knew this but it was cool to kind of see it there, occasional truth back at Drudge, Republican
Leaders and Republican candidates all promoting central bank digital currencies and how to stop them, and that with Republican voters is the number one issue.
They didn't get that out of their ass.
That didn't come down out of the heavens.
It was this show and other shows that Tucker Carlson and you, the listeners and viewers, spreading the word about digital program currency that surveils you and tracks you and can tell you where to spend it or how to spend or can devalue or upvalue it.
Now that's the number one issue!
Yeah, there's one of the headlines, Bloomberg.
presidential hopefuls rally against the digital dollar out of 2024 elections.
It's the top issue amongst Republicans.
Pretty proud of Republicans.
You're figuring it out!
C. They can only do this if we don't know what's happening, if we're in the dark.
And look at this article.
Senators introduced a bill to create digital identity for all Americans to protect us from bad internet.
But they go on and admit the bipartisan legislation is all part of a UN program run by Bill Gates that creates an internet ID.
You have to log in to go on the internet, which then ties your social credit score and all the rest of it to totally control what you do and censor you.
So even if
You want to get a new account, you can't because they're tracking you.
They say the lack of an easy, affordable, reliable, and secure way for organizations, businesses, governments, agencies to identify
Whether an individual is who they claim to be online creates an attack vector that is widely exploited by adversaries in cyberspace and precludes many high-value transactions from being available online.
Incidents of identity theft and fraud continue to rage in the United States.
But they created this system that did this.
So to do that, they got their new bill for an Internet ID, which is the key to
The Restrict Act and the key to the Central Bank Digital Currency and all the rest of it.
And Hotep Jesus put out a tweet of this Fox News screenshot.
But, you have a 740, you get a 1%.
So you have good credit, you pay more social credit score to subsidize the poor.
Has nothing to do with it.
They're at war with savers.
They're at war with the successful, because they want total control.
Biden pushes plan for good credit borrowers to subsidize high-risk mortgages.
And it just goes on from there.
Meanwhile, Walmart, replacing part of its workers with robots.
Protest it.
Say no to it.
Don't patronize it.
Stand up against it.
All right.
Owen is on a well-deserved vacation.
He works six, seven days a week.
We have Sunday live, 6 to 8 p.m.
Central, and at footworks.com for his last show.
But tonight, he's back tomorrow.
We're going to have the Dr. Remo Lebo interview.
And the interview with one of the top former Trump advisors on the economy.
That begins in about two minutes at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
And I hope your station's carrying it.
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But whatever you do,
Take the link because you missed the Rima Labo interview.
You really missed it.
That's about to re-air in the next two hours.
This is as powerful as it gets.
I'm marking this for you if you believe in freedom to listen to me and to listen to this and to share the next two hours that's going out right now at InfoWars.com forward slash show.
Incredible job crew.
I'll see you at 11 a.m.
Central for the main Alex Jones Show.
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So support InfoWarsTore.
Listen, you need to put it as a priority because you don't know, I don't know, Alex and I are telling you how late it is before midnight strikes and again magnesium is critical for your muscles and everything
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DNA force, absolutely imperative.
Mineral fusion, absolutely.
As you're drinking filtered water, a lot of it will become demineralized.
You have to have these products.
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