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Filename: 20230412_Wed_Alex.mp3
Air Date: April 12, 2023
3541 lines.

Alex Jones discusses InfoWars' fight against the New World Order, highlighting politicians and public figures speaking out against globalist forces. He mentions a t-shirt featuring President Trump as a political prisoner and covers topics such as identification of the New World Order, support for Trump, mainstream media acknowledging insights about the deep state, potential threats against him, globalist agendas, and the Catholic Church's renunciation of its Doctrine of Discovery. Jones also discusses consolidation under UN control, the use of social credit scoring, Biden and Harris' intentions for tribal nations and land management, and a fundraiser shirt featuring Trump as a political prisoner.

InfoWars, the most banned network in the world.
It's Wednesday, April 12, 2023.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Steve Bannon is joining us with really important information and intelligence in 15 minutes.
We have more guests as well, I'll tell you about.
This news is so big that I'm not going to say it with a bunch of excitement.
I'm just going to say it very calmly.
We are kicking New World Order ass right now.
But they are trying to openly, as you already know, get us deeper into what's already begun, World War III, because they are that desperate, they're in that much trouble.
But I was looking at the news this morning and last night, and it really dawned on me
That we need to put a compilation together of Trump, Robert Kennedy Jr., and Ron Paul, and Elon Musk, and the list goes on and on, Bolsonaro, Viktor Orban, all coming out and saying there is a global corporate system establishing a worldwide tyranny allied with China,
And it's at war with us, and it is a coup.
Just today... You guys have to be a favor and bring me a water, thanks.
Just today... Gotta get a water.
Just today... You have Trump saying it again.
You have Ron Paul.
You have... Robert Kennedy Jr.
All giving speeches saying, we have a globalist dictatorship running America, and it's already started World War III.
Now I know you as an audience already know this, and this coup's been ongoing for a while.
But I've said this probably 5,000 times until your ears bled and I don't apologize for it.
Because I'm not just here to entertain people.
I'm here as an emergency beacon.
So you may have already gotten the message or you already knew about it before you ever listened to me.
That's fine.
You already are on the team.
We're trying to reach people that aren't aware of what's going on because the psyche is very fertile right now for people to really wake up.
So we're a beacon that goes and sends out that transmission to people to understand what's going on.
So you've heard me say this literally thousands of times.
When we identify the globalists and that they're criminal and they're illegitimate and they're eugenicist depopulationists who are completely psychotic and then they're going to become god men that merge with machines, homo sapien
It's 2.0.
You realize, my gosh, all we can do is resist these people.
There's not even a debate about it.
They're coming after 99.99999% of us.
And when we just recognize the elephant in the room that this is not our government at the top, and that the bureaucracy has hijacked things and is stealing elections, it's game over.
This is an illegitimate government.
And they're even weaponizing local jurisdictions and making them illegitimate.
And there's a process the globalists talk about of discrediting nation-states while they use the nation-states to build globalism.
The globalists admit Schwab gives endless speeches, Larry Fink of BlackRock gives endless speeches, we played them here, of how they're going to use the nation-states to carry out their goals and operations.
There's going to be a time of great anger and upheaval and collapse.
And then they ride in on their white horse as the savior to bring in the new system that's ten times worse.
But they sit up there like we're not watching and listening to them like we're idiots.
And they've always had disdain for the public, but the public can't figure that out.
Well, guess what?
The public's not as stupid as you thought we were.
And so, now, you're unclothed.
We see you.
You're naked, Jack.
And you're in a lot of trouble.
So you better stop with the World War crap, stop with the poison shots, or I'm telling you, I'm telling you, you can see where this leads.
They decided to not perp walking, not put him in handcuffs, not do a mug shot, because they knew that that would help Trump.
Didn't they know this would backfire?
We were waiting for the mug shot.
We learned today they wouldn't have it, so we've made our own.
And it says political prisoner.
With an image of President Trump.
The shirt is being printed now in Texas.
It'll be shipping out to you in one week.
Political prisoner with Trump on the front there in a mugshot jail background.
It's a fundraiser shirt.
It says InfoWars.com on the back of the shirt.
We also have Alex Jones for President.
No, I'm not running for president.
It's a really nice navy blue, high quality shirt.
Red, white, and blue.
Alex Jones for President 2024.
It's a fun conversational piece and a limited edition shirt.
Great way to fund.
The operation.
So get your Alex Jones for President and Trump mugshot shirts at InfowarsStore.com or by calling toll free triple-a 253-3139.
Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to The Alex Jones Show.
Well, I'm taking a moment right now to be thankful to God and thankful to all of you and our great crew.
And I'm not doing a victory lap here because we're in the middle of a war, but I said two months ago my primary mission of identifying the New World Order before it launched operations so people would know that they were the ones doing all these horrible things so they couldn't pose as saviors, that's been my primary mission for 29 years on air.
29 years on air in a few days.
Was to get people ready so that we'd have a resistance movement and an alternate to this new World Order plan.
We have now reached that.
Thanks to all of you.
And so I salute you and I thank you.
We're now not being caught flat-footed.
We are on our toes and we are in fighting stance.
And we are accelerating our resistance to victory.
You can feel it, you can see it.
Now that doesn't mean the enemy isn't going to launch a nuclear war, turn off the power, God knows what.
But we know they're behind it too.
They're going to pay one way or another.
They can back off, or they can keep pushing it.
But either way, they're going down.
They can do it the easy way, or they can do it the hard way.
They will not suppress humanity more.
Their New World Order plan is dead on arrival.
So I want to play Robert Kennedy Jr.
coming out saying there's been a coup, CIA, New World Order.
I want to play Ron Paul saying it.
I want to play Trump saying it.
I got a bunch of other, Elon Musk, world leaders saying it.
It's out in the open.
We have an illegitimate, hijacked government.
And I'm going to put a compilation together.
There's dozens of these that are new.
But this is victory.
Identifying you have a coup, identifying it's a criminal bureaucracy, and taking your government back.
Instead of having a stupid civil war.
Here is some of the clips.
It's been a coup.
We don't have any resemblance to a government that believes in a republic.
We don't have honest money.
We don't have integrity.
We don't even have people in Washington that even pretends that you're supposed to tell the truth.
Remember, just recently there was a congressperson that won, and he won by putting on his resume just a bunch of lies.
And the other ones got hysterical, the other congressmen, telling lies like this.
And I got to thinking, well, how many of these people that were complaining about this guy telling lies, how many of them lied when they raised their hand up and swore to uphold the Constitution?
Now that's a lie that really has consequences.
Actually, you could probably make fun and make a little joke because his jokes weren't, everybody knew he was fibbing.
But the real lies are being told, and that is our big problem.
But I do believe there has been a coup, and it's been taken over, and if I want to, if I can, I want to just put the date in my mind, and anybody could pick probably any date in the last hundred years, but I have picked November 22nd, 1963.
What happened on that day?
That was the day Kennedy was murdered by our government.
You know, by the CIA.
What I found was, you know, I saw this Event 201.
And raise your hand if you know what Event 201 was.
Okay, for those of you who don't know, Event 201 was a pandemic simulation, a coronavirus pandemic simulation, that took place in October of 2019.
Nobody had ever heard of coronavirus till January.
So that was three months later.
In October, we now know that coronavirus was already circulating in September, so the month before, in Wuhan.
But nobody knew about it.
And yet they had a coronavirus pandemic simulation in New York City, hosted by Bill Gates,
And Avril Haines, the former deputy director of the CIA, who did all of the Guantanamo Bay cover-up.
She is like the cover-up queen.
And they do a simulation.
And who else is there?
George Gao, the head of Chinese CDC, who obviously knows the coronavirus is circulating.
He is the world's coronavirus expert.
He's also the head of the CDC in China.
And then they had all of the social media platforms were there, the big insurance companies, Johnson & Johnson, the big pharma companies.
And they meet for two days.
And they have four seminars and each one is faking this, you know, coronavirus is spreading across the world.
And they simulate, they don't say, okay, we got vitamin D to everybody and we got to make sure everybody gets exercise and gets out of their house and gets healthy and, you know, builds their immune system.
And, you know, there's none of that.
And zinc and, you know, all the things.
We've got to figure out early treatments.
We've got to use the internet to connect all 15 million frontline doctors around the world, so that we know when they treat people what's working, what's not.
And we're constantly upgrading the protocols.
That's what they should have been doing.
That's not what they were doing.
They were working on ways to use the coronavirus pandemic as a pretense for clamping down totalitarian controls globally.
And, you know, they talk about in some of these concentration camps and all of this stuff.
But here, the last simulation on the fourth day, George Gayo and Avril Haines from the CIA are talking, they have a soliloquy about how do we clamp down, stop people from saying this came from a lab leak.
They're saying that.
This is October of 2019.
And they say, well, we got to get the social media companies to set up a platform and all this.
You can go on YouTube and watch this tonight.
It's called Event 201, and this is the fourth section of it.
Oh, and people knew about that, you know, who are looking at this like me.
And from almost the beginning, but then I started doing a deep dive when I was writing the book.
And I found out that was not a one off.
And I describe in that book, I found about 20 of these that they had been doing since 2001.
And they're all scripted by the CIA.
And all of them include top-level officials like James Woolsey, the Deputy Director of the CIA, Taro Tull.
All of them have senior CIA officials.
Many of them have famous people who kind of give an imprimatur of legitimacy to what they're doing.
All right.
Grimson, Contagion, and all these weird names, but collectively they're called Operation Lockstep.
And they involved
Hundreds of thousands of people, public officials from little towns all over America, health officials from the state, police, firefighters, hospital systems, public utilities, and FBI, CIA, U.S.
Marshals in Canada, the United States, all over Europe, Australia, and China.
They were all doing it together.
Drilling, here's what we're going to do when a pandemic comes.
And a lot of these people you can see are surprised about what they're doing, but they're probably looking around and saying, well, everybody else thinks this is okay.
So I guess this is what we do when the pandemic comes.
So they got, they drilled people in doing something that was clearly contrary to their values.
But it got them all teed up to do it and do it all at once and say, this is what you do when there's a pandemic.
The first thing you do is you end freedom of speech and you start gutting the Constitution.
What's happening is very simple.
Our enemies are desperate to stop us because they know that we are the only ones who can stop them.
And I will totally obliterate the deep state.
I will fire the unelected bureaucrats who have weaponized our justice system.
Look at what they've done to our justice system.
What they have done to our justice system.
I will direct the Department of Justice to go after Marxist prosecutors' offices to make them pay for their illegal race-based enforcement of the law.
Many racists are there.
And 2024 is the final battle.
That's it.
If you put me back in the White House, the reign of the corrupt Washington establishment will be over.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are waking up to the fact that we live in a deep state coup.
This is what victory is made of.
Steve Bannon with a 35,000 foot view straight ahead.
His strategies are key to victory.
We'll be right back.
If Alex Jones runs for president in the Republican Party, he has a chance of winning.
If you just tuned in, you may be noticing I'm wearing an Alex Jones for President 2024 shirt.
I am not seriously planning to run for president.
This is an idea the crew had.
I have a triggering shirt, kind of next level.
Alex Jones is right.
There's Infowars.com on the back, Alex Jones for President 2024 on the front.
It's a fundraiser shirt.
It's made out of really nice fabric.
It's high quality.
And it is a exclusive shirt to Infowarsstore.com.
And when the shirts are gone, they're gone.
We're doing one run.
No way.
That's a bridge too far.
No way.
That's no, it can't be.
And I said on national television that he was gonna win.
I talk a lot about the great successes InfoWars has had.
I don't think anybody can deny it.
And it is because of listeners and viewers supporting us.
When we talk about the crew at InfoWars, people behind the scenes, the researchers, the writers, they really have been the MVPs in this fight.
And when you look at Harrison Smith and Owen Schroer and the hard work they engage in every day, five, six, seven days a week, it's really just incredible.
So for myself and the whole InfoWars crew, I thank you for your past support.
I want to encourage you now to realize that InfoWars cannot stay on air if you do not support us.
I know you spread the word, I know you pray for us, and that's wonderful.
Keep doing it.
But most viewers and listeners, never go to InfoWarsStore.com, and you never buy great products that enrich and empower your life.
All at the same time, keep us on air.
I know that less than 1% of our listeners actually go buy products at InfoWarsaw.com.
If just 1% more of you took action and went to InfoWarsaw.com, our funding problems will be over.
Please take action now.
The most banned man in America, Alex Jones.
I want you all to know something.
Alex Jones was right.
Alex is right about far more than he's wrong.
Alex has been right on for over a decade.
I don't care how you slice it, dice it, flip it up or rub it down.
Alex Jones was right.
Think about how frustrated we are if you've been awake for a year or two.
Imagine being like an Alex Jones or those guys who've been awake for like decades.
Alex Jones called this years ago.
Years ago.
Alex Jones never bought the Russia hoax.
Not for a second.
You are one of the great thinkers of this.
You are a martyr to the First Amendment.
The government fears Alex Jones.
That's why the globalists hate me.
It's because I'm exposing their corporate worldwide tyranny.
Every time I talk to you, you're either, like, on the border, exposing the cartels, and, like, coming under fire, or you're on the streets of some American city hanging out with drug addicts and criminals, and now you've gone to ground zero of a massive chemical spill.
Are you addicted to the danger, Savannah?
Have you ever considered that for a second?
No, I'm addicted to helping my fellow Americans.
I'm addicted to spreading the truth.
And again, you know, I have InfoWars to thank for that.
Looking back on the day I was able to ask President Donald Trump two questions, I was so grateful because, you know, I truly was classically trained under Alex Jones and under the InfoWars team.
I really do credit that as to why I'm able to, you know, get these types of clips because
Alex's whole mentality was, you know, go where the story is, go where the mainstream media refuses to.
So it's not that I'm addicted to the insanity, I'm just addicted to telling the truth and helping the American people.
And I really do credit Alex for, you know, really instilling that within me early on in my career.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Because you can't starve us out, and you can't make us run.
Those woods and mole boys, Ray, don't shot-gun.
We say, Ray, we say, ma'am, if you ain't into that, then don't give a damn.
We came from the West Virginia coal mines, and the Rocky Mountains, and the western skies.
And we can skin a buck, we can run a trot line, and a country boy can survive.
And we can take our country back from the globalists.
Whether it's Bolsonaro in Brazil, or Victor Orban in Eastern Europe, or whether it's Elon Musk now speaking out against the New World Order or World Government, or Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
running as a Democrat, breaking down how there's been a coup over America, or President Trump, or Ron Paul, or Rand Paul, or Steve Bannon.
We are identifying that illegal globalist corporate organizations have seized control of our country, and understanding that is the beginning of the end, and the public's getting it, and their biggest nightmare is now happening.
Just five years ago, the New York Times would run articles saying globalism doesn't exist.
Now they tell you how great globalism is, and now they want to take your freedoms.
Well, there are a lot of great broadcasts out there.
He prays on people, I do this to point people in the direction in case they haven't seen it or watched it, that the best analysis, in-depth, multi-hours a day, with the very best guest, period, hands down, is the War Room with Steve Bannon.
Our War Room's great as well, Owen does a fabulous job on covering all the culture issues and strategies as well, but Steve Bannon cuts right to it, as he says, with signal, basically no noise.
And we've got Tucker Carlson who's awesome as well.
I'd put those two in the same category.
So it's a show everybody needs to watch, everybody needs to listen, everybody needs to share.
Because most of you are awake, more awake than I am in many cases, from your own life experiences.
But you have to understand, you are not the tail, you are the dog.
We've got him for 25 minutes.
Alex, thanks, and thanks for the kind words.
Think about what's happened in just the last couple of days.
You've got the, you know, and Alex, you've always been portrayed by the mainstream media in New York Times over this conspiracy theory guy, a wild man, tinfoil hat.
But if you take
President Trump's responses to Tucker Carlson, that great interview that was done at Mar-a-Lago yesterday and played last night on Tucker's show, and particularly President Trump when asked who are the greatest enemies now that you've got the CCP, you know, this Legion of Doom with the mullahs in Iran, with Erdogan in Turkey, with the KGB and Putin in Russia.
And he says, the administrative state, the deep state, it's people inside our government, they're against us.
You couple that with Bobby Kennedy Jr., Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'
's speech at Hillsdale, which I think is historic.
In fact, we're going to break it down later tonight on our 6 o'clock show.
If you take those two, that's what Alex Jones has been talking about for a decade.
I mean, it's like they went back and looked at your show notes.
So I tell people, and this is when you came on with the great book about The Great Reset, which had all the links to it, had all the research done to it, that this has been very obvious to people that have studied this for a while, and now it's come up that you have
A guy who's been President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief, gave us four years of peace and prosperity.
He's leading in all the polls in the primary.
He's leading head-to-head matchups with Biden.
In all likelihood, he'll be back into the White House in January of 2025.
I had Matt Gaetz on the show today.
That said, hey, Trump realizes now personnel's policy.
He made some mistakes in personnel.
He understands that they're going to come at him hard.
You combine what Trump said, what Matt Gaetz said today on the Deep State, Bobby Kennedy, and everything that's happening with his intelligence leaks right now coming out of the Pentagon or the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
I don't think you sound like a conspiracy theorist anymore.
I think you sound like somebody that understood and could break down
Bobby Kennedy, they came out yesterday, the first poll that was taken with Kennedy in the race has got Kennedy at 10% in the Democratic primary, Biden at 7%, Kennedy at 10%.
Think about it.
And remember, there are no Democrats that support his take on big pharma and the pharmaceutical industrial complex.
The left has totally been bought off, maybe a small amount of voters, but MSNBC, New York Times, CNN are owned by Pfizer, owned by Big Pharma.
So, I think it's amazing what's happened over the last couple of days, and I would just tell people, hey, we're in the fight right now.
You got a global conflict, you got a global financial conflict, but it's all the populist nationalist versus the globalist, the globalist elite, and it's game on.
Well, that's why I got so mad at the few people.
I don't want to just start fights, but you were a top advisor to Trump.
You were there.
You knew you were surrounded.
He was surrounded.
You knew he was literally in the arena.
And then they're like, no, the government's all captured by good people.
We're invincible.
We're winning.
No, you got to be honest with people.
This is like a Muhammad Ali.
Uh, you know, match with George Foreman.
This is battling right into the 12th round, folks.
We have a chance to win.
We have an edge.
And as soon as people realize that we're in a real war, we'll have way more than an edge.
But this lackadaisical attitude that everything's going to be fine is delusional and it's extremely dangerous.
And that's why you hammer the point.
And maybe you can speak to that, that people need to get their game face on and realize this is historic, this is the future, and the tyranny they're bringing in with the central bank digital currencies and the New World Order and the social credit score will make us like communist China.
This is not a game.
They are closing the gate on us.
They are locking our asses up.
Yeah, I don't think.
The one thing about that is that I've never agreed with, although I think there's some very interesting elements that come out that you see as true over time.
The one thing I've never got is this whole thing that there's these white hats and there's white hats versus black hats and the white hats.
Hey, that's all a fantasy.
That's just I can tell you.
From being on the inside and being his right-hand man, or one of his right-hand men for the first, at least first year, first nine months, and fighting fights in the National Security Council and others, the government is very much, and they've done this, remember, this whole thing of an administrative state, what the progressive left thought through is that they wanted to be impervious to elections.
So they basically created a fourth branch of government that's totally outside the Constitution.
That fourth branch of government, not just the alphabet agencies, but also weaponizing the cabinet positions to form an administrative state that has their own courts, has its own rules and regulations, is able to promulgate those rules and regulations, and has enforcement as you've been the absolute tip of the spear of showing how IRS and ATF and all these different elements have their own law enforcement, they have their own up-armored
You know, they have an EPA.
They have all their up-armored enforcement apparatus.
That's the administrative state.
The deep rogue element of that is the deep state.
That is the combination of the intelligence agencies and now the law enforcement and national security into one kind of core group that has its own mentality that's impervious to what a democratically elected
The one thing I can tell you from looking at this is that the triumphalist narrative about Ukraine is absolutely dead wrong because there they have the numbers about the combat casualties, there they have the information going back and forth about the folly
Well Steve, we're actually putting a compilation together, not to toot my horn, but before February of last year,
I said the U.S.
is already there.
They're gearing up for war.
They're going to... Russia's going to invade in late February.
I don't have like a lot of incredible context, but I have a lot of context that I guess are amazing.
And I know people personally whose sons and whose brothers
All right.
Other operational groups under other names that are there.
A lot of Americans are getting killed.
They have a coalition of more than, I'd say, 50 countries that have been there fighting.
So this has been going on before Russia, quote, invaded.
That's because Russia was losing and being pushed all the way to their border.
The little green men, as they call the Russians, were already battling U.S.
forces and losing 14 months ago.
That's why Putin did what he did.
And I'm not defending what Putin did.
The Russians had to double down as they were getting their ass kicked because we are at war with Russia.
We have to, by the way, when you get that compilation, we'd love to get you back on the show and here's why.
We've got to make this, quite frankly, if they have not gone to the Gang of Eight, the intelligence for presidential actions, if they have not informed certain elements of armed services, I believe this can be used in an impeachment effort.
This is completely unacceptable.
This is once again the administrative and deep state that wants the forever wars.
And now they know the Republicans in the House are sitting there, specifically in the budget, and saying, we don't want this.
We want troops extracted.
And Steve, you have so much knowledge.
For folks that don't know, talk about the elephant in the room.
Spend some time on that.
There's a law that obviously Congress has to be informed or be in control of a war.
And for the first time in decades, they're trying to enforce that.
Explain that to people.
Well, you've got the use of military force.
Remember, the president doesn't just have the power to have this War Powers Act, but even the War Powers Act, which I think is quite frankly unconstitutional.
In the War Powers Act, you've got to go get a resolution.
We've been dealing off this use of military force.
Since 2001, essentially, that justified the Iraq invasion, Afghanistan invasion.
This is what people are trying to bring up to try to unwind that.
But just as importantly, from the original church committee in the 70s, because of the CIA, and you had Ron Paul on, I think Tim, the Timcast the other night, talking about when the country changed about the assassination of President Kennedy, he said, hey, that was, he bluntly said it was the CIA that did it.
Those types of elements that went to the church committee made sure that even for special operators action, for covert action,
Okay, what you were talking about in Ukraine for covert actions, you have to have what's called a presidential finding.
You have to go back to what's called the Gang of Eight, the heads and the ranking members of the various parties in the House and the Senate to essentially get approval or at least get sign-off to make the case of what a covert action is by what's called a presidential action, right?
A presidential finding.
I think it's a technical term.
So in two elements,
The House in the Senate, but particularly the House, which is really the people's house, is supposed to have some modicum of at least information sharing and or control.
You've totally gotten away from this.
This is part of what you call the deep state.
This is what Trump fought.
And for the people to do this white hat versus black hat,
There are not many white hats, or I would say people that are really populist and nationalist, that put America first at the senior levels.
Both the Bush administration, but really Obama, at the field grade level, both in the intelligence services and in the military, eviscerated the Pentagon.
This is why you had the thing that's so woke.
Alex, is that this has been bred into the system.
The good guys were weeded out.
So all these people said there goes a big battle between white hats and dark hats.
It's just not the case.
And you could look, President Trump struggles this every day.
There's white hats.
Why would you have all these, all this, the lawfare against him at the highest levels?
And I think for your audience,
Follow Mike Davis, follow what they're doing at Colangelo, this guy Colangelo, at the Justice Department with Bragg, and follow what Stephen Miller and America First Legal and Jeffrey Clark are doing on the Mar-a-Lago situation.
You see the interconnectivity and the coordination with the Justice Department hardwired back.
To hardwired back to Biden's White House counsel.
And in between that, we now know about these Soros think tanks.
People always say, well, he's financing all these new horrible DAs, but he's not giving them orders.
Yes, he is.
They go to these seminar groups.
They get given money and then they're given their marching orders.
And that's all coming out.
Obviously, they're in Manhattan with Alvin Bragg.
But I want to go back to what you were just saying.
It's so important.
You're a Navy man.
You were on a ship with nuclear weapons, all classified, you know, and that kind of gave you a background to see the world clearly.
Because I've listened to the show, I know you've talked about it, and I've read your bio, but case in point, Biden bragged, they all bragged that they were going to blow the pipeline up.
Then they blew it up.
Army and Navy Special Warfare, the Navy SEALs have to report to Congress under law.
So Biden went to Panama, had regular Navy repair divers, who are great people as well, very talented, you know, they got on to thousands of feet and fix things.
They trained them up and had them go to the mission, because that was regular Navy and just a regular op, so they would not have a report back.
So we're talking serious impeachable offenses here, trying to keep Congress in the dark, that goes way beyond Iran-Contra.
Way beyond Iran-Contra.
I mean, look, this is a shooting war.
Iran-Contra was, you know, down in Central America, totally different in scale.
This is a shooting war, and you've got to get to the bottom of Nord Stream 2.
I mean, it's so obvious.
The Swedes right now, as you know, are doing their own analysis, and the Swedes have said,
It is impossible to have been any sort of like even paramilitary group from from Ukraine or any kind of group of sophisticated amateurs Ukrainian patriots that came together that this was a state force and the only state force that had the sophistication to do that in that area is the United States.
That's why different, you know, Seymour Hersh and other people are coming out and I realize these things, at least what he's presented to date, is not the most well sourced.
But if you look at the level of detail he had, I believe strongly, knowing the capabilities, that only someone as sophisticated as the United States Navy, and not just Navy SEALs, like you said, deep divers and other type of personnel,
Unless you can show me that the British did it under our direction.
I don't know of another group of operators that could have taken that out.
And that's just one of many.
You talk about the special operators that were already there with Victoria Nuland in the bio labs.
There's so much about Ukraine that is unknown that doesn't make any sense.
And that's why we need a much more aggressive
I think there are a number of impeachable offenses on this as I think there are impeachable offenses on this whole situation in Mar-a-Lago of what we're finding out now about the FOIA request about him waiving Trump's executive privilege and knowing what was happening beforehand I think to cover what they knew about his own classified documents
That they knew they had the University of Pennsylvania and other places.
The Chinese food restaurant in his garage.
So we got five minutes left.
I want to give you the floor.
35,000 foot view rallying the troops.
What do you think we should be looking for as the globalists lose support worldwide?
How are they going to try to pull a rabbit out of the hat?
Most powerful thing you said yesterday is about everybody needs to be engaged right now.
Everybody is in this troop.
And you can be a force multiplier by pushing out content non-stop.
You can be a, you can get local.
You can be a precinct committeeman.
You can get your local member.
We've got to take control of this on a local basis to be able to take control of a national basis.
Don't just obsess about the 2024 election.
This fight is right now.
We're in a global conflict, right, on the Eurasian landmass.
We're going to be, if we don't take unrestricted warfare and start decoupling from China right now and decoupling in capital markets, cut them off from all money, cut them off from technology, we're going to be in a shooting war, in a kinetic war in Taiwan.
And look, as a junior, a guy back in the 70s, I was a part of the 7th Fleet on a destroyer.
I was in Kaohsiung, the South China Sea, the Straits of Taiwan.
I had gates on today.
I think the seventh, if we were to, if we were to win in the first phase of kinetic war against the Chinese Communist Party PLA now, given what they have, it would at least minimum come at a cost, I believe, of a loss of a carry battle group and the loss of 10 to 12,000 sailors.
And we don't want to be there.
We've got other aspects.
But you've got a shooting war.
You've got this massive financial crisis that's happening.
The House right now is fighting on this on this on the spending cuts about the debt ceiling.
It's never a better time in American history to be engaged to save your country.
And you've got two ways to do it.
And it doesn't cost you a nickel.
For one, you'd be a force multiplier.
Everything Alex Jones is putting out, everything Warren's putting out on other shows like that.
Number two is get engaged.
Put the golf clubs up, put the tennis rackets up, and get engaged because right now this is a fight for the good.
This is a greater fight.
Then in 1776, it's a greater fight than in the Civil War.
It's a greater fight than even in the Great Depression World War II.
This is the greatest struggle session the American Republic's ever had.
And the only way we get through this is this audience.
Trump's not going to get you through.
Tucker's not going to get you through.
Alex Jones, Steve Bannon, no one individual.
This has got to be a team effort from the people.
And I like our odds, Alex.
If everybody puts their shoulder to the wheel, I like our odds a lot.
And again, the globalists don't want America to be there.
People aspire to freedom.
That's why they're trying to take us down.
That's why I called the book The Great Reset and The War for the World.
And I think you're 100% right.
This is bigger than everything that's ever happened before.
There's more people, there's more weapons, there's more action.
It's out of control.
We've never had such a corrupt, incompetent elite, but they have unlimited money.
And that is just an explosive recipe for disaster.
Do you think it's even... We've never had an elite that hates our evil and hates our country.
The elite that run this country today hate the values of the Judeo-Christian West.
They hate it.
And they will destroy Alex Jones, Donald Trump, Steve Bannon.
They despise it.
They don't care.
They'll take all of those guys down.
That's why it's got to be the people.
They're coming for everybody.
But they're particularly coming for the leadership of this.
That's why we've got to unite as a movement and everybody's got to put their shoulders to the wheel because they hate everything about the United States.
What's crazy is that's their source of power.
If I had a powerful horse, Clydesdale, that drew my carriage, I wouldn't hate it because it was powerful and amazing.
I would try to take care of it.
So it's a very schizophrenic, very bipolar, very double-minded thing they're doing.
It's just out of control.
In closing, with two minutes left, I am seriously concerned.
We should pray for President Trump.
They know they can't beat him.
They know he's way ahead in all the polls.
They know these cases are going to fall apart.
They're still going to file them, as you said.
I really do think they're going to try to kill him.
And I think they're crazy enough to blow up the North Street pipeline.
It's just, they're nuts.
They think it'll trigger a response from us.
What do we do about that issue?
What do you think about that?
And what do we do if they kill Trump, God forbid?
Well, let's work on the thing of not having... By the way, I 100% agree with you.
I think they're all in.
Under no circumstances will they allow Trump to return to the White House.
That's their thinking.
If Trump gets back in the White House, it's game over.
Every day will be Stalingrad once he's in.
That's what I think President Trump... He's got Secret Service protection, but I think his own personal security.
And this is why I'm very hesitant that things like...
To those courtrooms, things like that.
I think number one, you have to pray for President Trump every day.
You have to have his back every day.
Even people say, hey, look, he sends out mean tweets.
Yeah, I hear all that.
You know, I don't really care.
He's not perfect.
He never said he was perfect.
He's a very imperfect instrument, but he's an instrument of divine providence.
You know that in 16.
So right now, and I share your absolute concerns about this.
And I think people around him, I know he does, but I think people around him also do.
I think he's got a pretty good team down there.
So, it's a very, very, very high priority.
And under no circumstances can we let that happen.
Well, absolutely.
Because the globalists want to blow this country wide open.
The Davos Group has said that.
That's why they try to cause race riots.
They cause race riots.
And they're salivating about killing him.
And, you know, he's even been saying, well, about a martyr, fine.
And you can see that Trump now understands.
He's been really educated in the last seven, eight years.
He, I would say, is Trump 2.0.
Do you agree with that statement?
A hundred percent.
You saw that last night.
When President Trump sits there, this guy gave us four years of peace and prosperity, okay?
When he sits and they ask you, hey, the whole world's going to a world war.
You were the guy who gave us peace and these other things.
He says, let me, hey, full stop.
The number one enemy we have
This is so much more powerful than Eisenhower's farewell address, where Eisenhower identified it.
Eisenhower, who led us to victory in Europe, identified it.
This is 10 times more powerful.
This guy's been Commander-in-Chief and will be Commander-in-Chief again if you follow the numbers right now.
Against an existential threat like the Chinese Communist Party is the deep and the administrative state in the deep state That is and by the way, he put him on notice and they know now there's no compromise Oh, he threw down the gauntlet and I went ahead and skip this network break to let you go in two minutes I know you got to go you got a hard thing to show you got to do but let's let's talk about this since you mentioned this
This is throwing down the gauntlet a month ago.
He just did it again.
They indicted him right after the statement a month ago that I will dismantle the Deep State.
We've had a coup, which is all true, but that's coffin nails to them to just expose they've hijacked the country.
They're illegitimate.
As you said, Ron Paul, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., everybody, Elon Musk, is coming out saying this because it's true.
So we're reaching the tipping point.
I think we've already gone over the tipping point.
Here's the short clip and I'll get your response and let you get back to work, warroom.org.
But watch this clip.
Here it is, Steve.
They said to me the other day, one of your fellow journalists said, who's the biggest problem?
Could it be North Korea?
Could it be Russia?
No, I said the biggest problem is from within.
It's these sick, radical people from within.
Because we can handle, if we're smart, we can handle Russia, China.
I did.
I took in billions and billions, hundreds of billions of dollars from China.
No other president took in anything.
And they respected me.
Here's the same thing, you know.
I told them, you can't go into Taiwan.
You can't.
You can't do it.
I won't tell you exactly what I said, but it was something that probably a lot of people wouldn't like if they heard it.
Don't go into Taiwan.
But it was very tough.
If you do, we're going to have problems.
Other than that, we're going to be great relationship.
We're going to have a great relationship.
And he said to me, when I said, we're going to do something if he goes in, no, no, no, you wouldn't do it.
I'll do that, I swear I'll do that.
And he didn't believe me, but he believed me 10%.
The same thing with Putin.
I said I was going to do something really nasty if he goes into Ukraine.
He said, no, no, you're not going to do that.
I said, I will.
And he didn't believe me either, but he believed me 10%.
And the 10%, you never heard talk about going into Ukraine.
You never heard talk about going into Taiwan.
Until I was no longer there.
Now, what a mess the world is in.
All right, Steve Bannon, can you respond to that?
That's a pretty powerful statement.
It's a very powerful statement.
I mean, just right there, he gave us four years of peace and prosperity.
They would have never gone into Ukraine.
They would have never gone into Taiwan.
They would never have challenged him.
You need a tough, strong guy.
But, in all of that, when he says, the number one party we have, the number one enemy we have, this guy was Commander-in-Chief, he gave us four years of speech before I started, the number one enemy we have is the Deep State, it's game on.
That's the gauntlet thrown down.
And from that, there's no turning back.
There's no turning back.
One side's gonna win and one side's gonna lose.
Is it not a major victory that, around the world, not just here, but prominent populist leaders on the left and right,
Are now identifying that?
I mean, that is such a victory.
That's something they've tried to suppress for so long.
The fact that that's out there now, Steve, is huge.
Bolsonaro, Viktor Orban, Georgia Maloney across the board, and what happened in Finland, what happened with the Swedish Democrats, you're seeing it all over.
People understand that these national security apparatuses work in unison, and they're totally out of control.
The EU, the Party of Davos, all of this.
So I think it's
Trump threw down a gauntlet, and I agree with you that it's now, it's dangerous.
He's in dangerous and uncharted waters, Alex.
Alright, warroom.org, and again, tell people when your shows are on.
They're on in the morning, they're on in the evening, and I watch it all the time.
10 a.m.
to noon, and then Eastern Daylight Time, and then 5 to 7 we're back.
2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon.
2 a days!
2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon.
Wow, thank you so much, Steve Bannon.
Thanks, Alex.
Honored to be on here.
Thank you.
Thanks, brother.
Powerful interview and very important.
A lot of people say, well, why don't we reach out to globalists and say, back off.
They've been in power so long.
They are so arrogant.
You can forget about it.
But their minions can now see that it's destroying their children's future.
And they are the people that just can soft pedal it.
You can just not enforce all this crap and not commit crimes and not be part of evil and just leave us alone.
And I'm seeing that everywhere.
It's like Fight Club, folks.
And I don't get up here and tell you this again to go, oh, I'm so popular.
Oh, I'm great.
I've been through hell.
I've had coffee thrown on me four or five times, tea three or four times, drinks spit on, punched, hit in the back.
People tried to stab me.
I mean, there's endless videos.
And for every video you see, it's happened five, six times each event that nobody caught on tape.
So when I get up here and explain that
90% love on the streets, but still 10% hate was hard to deal with.
I mean, but I still went out everywhere and just said, screw it.
Every time I went to a grocery store, a restaurant, I was probably going to have a problem.
And now, eight months at least, not one person
And all I've had is constant former liberals come and say, you're right, I was wrong, I apologize.
And what they did to you is wrong.
And again, I'm just a bellwether.
I'm just somebody out front.
So I'm telling you, as a vanguard, hey, folks, we are kicking New World Order ass.
And they really overplayed their hand with the poison shots and suppressing the therapeutics.
They really screwed up.
They screwed up bad.
But I want to be completely honest with you.
I got to repeat this.
We are not out of the woods, people, okay?
The enemy has doubled down.
And they are lying at levels I've never seen before.
They are doing things that are so over the top, and I'm not even going to give any coverage to me personally, that it actually makes you feel sorry for them.
I don't know how to explain that.
It's like, man, you are just scum!
I mean, you are...
They create lies where none of it's true, and they're so complex, and so big, and so ridiculous, you're like, did I do that?
Did I do that?
And you're like, no, I was never even there.
I don't even, what the hell are they talking about?
But it's like, if the cop showed up at your door and said, we know you killed five kids and they're buried in the backyard, you'd still kind of feel weird, like, did I?
No, I never killed kids.
It's crazy.
And people, you know, you think you know they lie.
Let me tell you something.
I've been doing this 29 years until the last five or six, seven or eight with what's happened with Trump.
It was a cakewalk.
It was nothing.
This has been, and I really mean this, I've not enjoyed the pain I've been through, but I have.
I am so educated now with how the world works personally dealing with these people that
It's invaluable.
I mean, I have really been around the block a few times.
And I guess that's part of being older.
Everybody has experiences.
You learn things as you go.
But man, the stuff I've seen, people wouldn't even believe.
I mean, the things they have done to me, and I'm not a victim.
I appreciate God allowing this to happen and taking me through it.
I ask God, please, I want to keep winning.
The one thing is I don't want to be famous.
I don't want to be powerful.
I don't want any of that crap.
I want to win.
But I do not like losing to these people.
I mean, I just ask God to keep me in the game and to make me strong.
And I think you should ask God that, too, because that's what's happened.
And I know what God wants.
Von Bismarck, the famous German statesman, said that God loves children, drunks, and the United States of America.
And I've experienced that in my life.
It's true.
And God hates cowards.
If you study the Bible and you study history and who God blessed, King David was a good person of good heart, but was also very easy to get angry and also very lustful.
And he sent his best friend off to be killed because his wife was so hot and she was hitting on him that he sent him on a suicide mission.
And he got killed, his best friend, and he had sex with his wife.
But he truly repented and was just sick with it for months.
And God said, I forgive you, you're a man after my own heart.
So to me, that's what you've got to understand about God.
God doesn't like cowards.
And King David was not a coward.
He was a man of action.
Now his son's probably in hell.
But the point is, is that
You have to understand the number one thing is being a coward.
If you are a damn coward, God does not like you.
And people need to stop being cowards!
These globalists are a bunch of cowards.
If they weren't demonically controlled under demonic agency,
They would love the power of America and the strength and the will and the invention.
Instead, they freaking hate it.
And that's why they've run us into the ground and we've let them do it.
They hate you having a nice house and a nice husband or wife and great children.
They hate you having a great vacation.
They hate you loving God.
They hate you going to church.
They hate you being satisfied because they're not satisfied.
And they can take one look at us and tell, that guy's satisfied.
I'm so satisfied!
I enjoy my life and sunsets and food and my wife and my children and my friends.
Man, I'm so happy, I'm so confident, I'm so fulfilled because I have Jesus Christ, ladies and gentlemen.
And I know I'm a fallen sinner, but I know I've been to the top of the mountain and I've seen where this goes and I want to go with that.
And God made me this way.
And I understand God.
And I was never a Satanist, and I was never fully controlled by evil, but there was a time when I was a teenager that I dabbled on the edges of what was really serious evil.
I was completely unhappy during that period of time.
And man, knowing God and standing up for what's right just gets better and better and better.
And I've never been a sadomasochist.
I don't like pain.
But now when they're doing bad things to me, I realize doors are being opened to victory.
Everything they do to me comes back many fold in better things.
So now I've learned, man, this is really gonna hurt.
This is gonna be hard.
And now, I almost, I actually enjoy it.
I actually, well this is really horrible.
But, okay God, it's your plan, I still trust you, and I know you're gonna take me through this.
And then, it's like I go up a level, and the discernment just gets so fantastic, that you're just like, oh my gosh, the Satanists can't see this.
They don't even, they don't even understand this, but they know we've got it.
We got more coming up and a ton of news.
We'll hit it all.
But I want to just say something here.
I need to be funded.
And I met with accountants this morning.
And they said to me, the way it works in the bankruptcy, because I was totally broke, is the court allowed me to sell a couple products that I get a percentage of, because the court also ruled I got to pay, first it was 40, now half of all the legal bills.
So I'm completely out of money.
And they came and they said, you've not been plugging InfoWars Platinum.
It's one of your best sellers.
Testosterone Boost, PainMD, the SuperHG stuff sold out.
We're getting more in soon.
And I said, wow, you're right.
I've been so focused on getting money to free speech systems.
That I don't, that I'm out of money.
So it's a great product, and you need it, and it's close to selling out, and it's Testosterone Boost and Pain MD.
They're clones of a pharmaceutical company that also has a big vitamin and supplement line, one of the top ones in the country.
They're clones of their best sellers.
I went to them a year ago and I said, what are your best sellers?
They said, these three products.
I went and looked at the reviews.
I said, can I private label it?
They don't let other people do that.
They let me.
I'm very blessed.
And so it's at InfoWorks4.com and it funds the operation.
That shows how my brain works.
I'm like, well, I got a percentage of that.
Free speech is barely paying the bills.
I better just, but, and then run my bank account down to almost nothing.
And it's very liberating.
I like that.
Because they think they can take money away from me.
This means nothing to me except fuel.
Like, do I worship gasoline I put in my car?
It gets me somewhere.
And these are great products that will empower your life to amazing things.
PainMD, 1776 Testosterone Boost, InfowarsStore.com.
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The war against the New World Order continues.
Marching forward with the cross of Jesus.
Hour number two straight ahead.
They decided to not perp walking, not put him in handcuffs, not do a mug shot, because they knew that that would help Trump.
Didn't they know this would backfire?
We were waiting for the mug shot.
We learned today they wouldn't have it, so we've made our own.
And it says political prisoner.
With an image of President Trump.
The shirt is being printed now in Texas.
It'll be shipping out to you in one week.
Political prisoner with Trump on the front there in a mug shot.
Jail background.
It's a fundraiser shirt.
It says InfoWars.com on the back of the shirt.
We also have Alex Jones for President.
No, I'm not running for President.
It's a really nice navy blue, high quality shirt.
Red, white, and blue.
Alex Jones for President.
2024, it's a fun conversational piece and a limited edition shirt, great way to fund the operation.
So get your Alex Jones for President and Trump mugshot shirts at InfoWarsTore.com or by calling toll-free, AAA, 253-3139.
The most banned man in America, Alex Jones!
I want you all to know something.
Alex Jones was right.
Alex is right about far more than is wrong.
Alex has been right on for over a decade.
I don't care how you slice it, dice it, flip it up or rub it down.
Alex Jones was right.
Think about how frustrated we are if you've been awake for a year or two.
Imagine being like an Alex Jones or those guys who've been awake for like decades.
Alex Jones called this years ago.
Years ago.
Alex Jones never bought the Russia hoax.
Not for a second.
You are one of the great thinkers of this.
You are a martyr to the First Amendment.
The government fears Alex Jones.
That's why the globalists hate me.
It's because I'm exposing their corporate worldwide tyranny.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Mr. President, thank you for having us.
Thank you.
Last week you were in New York for this arraignment.
The world watched it.
You've not given an interview since.
You were there, I think, 57 minutes.
Tell us from your perspective what that was like.
Well, it was a horrible thing because I did nothing wrong.
Absolutely nothing wrong.
You look at even the pundits and the legal analysis, Greg Jarrett, all of these really talented people.
They're saying, he didn't do anything wrong.
So, that's number one.
Number two, they were incredible.
When I went to the courthouse, which is also a prison, in a sense, they signed me in.
And I'll tell you, people were crying.
People that work there, professionally work there, that have no problems putting in murderers, and they see everybody.
It's tough, tough place.
And they were crying.
They were actually crying.
They said, I'm sorry.
They'd say, 2024, sir, 2024.
And tears are pouring down their eyes.
I've never seen anything like that.
Those people are phenomenal.
Those are your police.
Those are the people that work at the courthouse.
They're unbelievable people.
Many of them were in tears or close to it.
Many apologists were sorry, sir.
We're sorry.
They had to have me do certain things.
They said, sir, I can't believe I have to ask you.
I can't even believe that I have to ask you to do it.
You could see.
So, in one sense, it was beautiful, because they get it.
And in another sense, you know, it's nasty.
I went to the Wharton School of Finance.
They didn't teach me about that.
That wasn't what they taught.
They didn't know about the arraignment part?
We didn't have a class on arraignment.
And, you know, it was a sad day in many ways.
And in many ways, it was a beautiful day, because the people understand.
I didn't know this was happening, but the poll numbers have gone through the roof.
The people get it.
And the other ones are hoaxes also.
You know, the box hoax.
Look at Biden.
He's got 1850 boxes.
And you know, that's a hoax.
And then the one in Atlanta where I had a perfect phone call.
This is all weaponization.
They're weaponizing our justice system, Tucker.
And they think if they go and give you a subpoena,
You know, I guess I'm very well known and people understand it and they get it and maybe I have a bigger platform so I can explain it.
But if you're somebody, a Republican, let's say, running for office and you get a subpoena, you might as well resign because you're not going to be able to survive it.
And the voters aren't going to handle it.
The voters aren't going to take it.
What they're doing is weaponizing the system and there's never been anything like it.
And it's all disinformation.
You see, the other day,
One of the worst things I've ever seen.
I think the most embarrassing moment that this country's ever had, frankly.
The way we got out.
Not the getting out.
It was ridiculous to be there.
We had to get out.
And I had that so good, so tight, so tough.
I spoke to the leader, Abdul.
I said, Abdul, if you do anything, you're going to get hit really hard.
Literally, I even, he said,
But so why?
He goes, why oh why do you send me a picture of my house?
I said, you'll have to figure that one out, Abdul.
But we didn't have one death in 18 months.
He knew.
Not one death.
And then to see the way we got out, like we were surrendering, like taking the military out first, leaving $85 billion worth of equipment behind, giving up Bagram.
I was going to keep Bagram.
I was getting out.
But not for Afghanistan.
It's one hour away from where China makes its nuclear weapons.
It's one of the biggest Air Force bases in the world.
I think the biggest.
With runways that go 10,000 feet.
I was keeping that.
Because of China, not because of Afghanistan.
And they left everything.
They left the dark of night.
They left the lights on.
They left the dogs, by the way.
You know, the people say about the dogs.
They left the dogs.
Everyone, you know, the dog lovers.
And you got a lot of them.
I love dogs.
You love dogs.
But they left the dogs.
People said, one of the first questions I got, what did they do with the dogs?
Mostly German Shepherds.
They left them.
What they did, the way they got out, was so horrible.
Everybody knows that was their plan.
That had nothing to do with me.
I was getting out too.
We would have gotten out with strength and dignity.
And what happened?
They got out.
And the other day I hear, yeah, it was Trump's fault.
Oh, that's right.
It was Trump's, Trump.
I was gone for a long, I would have been out faster than them.
We would have had all the equipment.
We would have had the American citizens.
We left hostages.
We left Americans behind.
Many, I think many of them.
This is a very powerful interview.
If Alex Jones runs for president in the Republican Party, he has a chance of winning.
If you just tuned in, you may be noticing I'm wearing an Alex Jones for President 2024 shirt.
I am not seriously planning to run for president.
This is an idea the crew had.
I have a triggering shirt, kind of next level.
Alex Jones is right.
There's Infowars.com on the back, Alex Jones for President 2024 on the front.
It's a fundraiser shirt.
It's made out of really nice fabric.
It's high quality.
And it is a exclusive shirt to Infowarsstore.com.
And when the shirts are gone, they're gone.
We're doing one run.
...of Alex Jones for President 2024 shirts.
And we'll have a historic memento, be able to spread the word, meet a lot of like-minded people, and you'll be able to keep us on the air.
No way.
No way.
That's a bridge too far.
That's no, it can't be.
And I said on national television that he was gonna win.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the InfoWar.
Alright, we had Steve Madden on for about 30 minutes with us in the last hour and he concurred with me, he agreed vociferously
That we've gone over the tipping point, not just here, but across the planet, that there is a globalist attack on humanity and a war for the world.
And all these world leaders, not just here, not just Trump, not just Elon Musk, not just Ron Paul, Rand Paul.
I mean, the list just goes on and on.
Robert Kennedy Jr.
are exposing how the intelligence agencies have even taken control of most midsize companies and almost every bureaucracy.
They send
City council members, even in small towns, to New York and other places on these junket trips that are sometimes two weeks long, and give them little FBI ID cards, CIA ID cards that have another agency name, and they literally give them top secret clearances and their agents working against us.
Tens of thousands of them are in each big tech company.
It's all come out.
And I've been trying to tell people this for years.
I've shown you the documents, the funding.
It exploded under Obama.
It was going on 50, 60 years ago, but it was like an ounce in 1950.
And then it was a pound in 1960.
And then it was a thousand pounds in 1970.
Then it was 50,000 pounds in 1980.
Let's use that as an analogy.
And then it was a million pounds in 2000.
And it's like a quadrillion pounds now.
I mean, it's a bunch.
Of nobodies playing Johnny Quest, playing James Bond, running around spoiling for a war with the American people.
And then the cops, who are territorial, despite all their problems, they're just like everybody else, are territorial, and they're like, what the hell is this?
So they're not been going along with it in most cities.
And so, they've got to be, quote, defunded until they come to heel, until they behave themselves.
People say, well, why are you supporting the police?
Well, because they haven't been going along with this, by and large.
So, whoever's not going along with it, I'm going to, you know, say, oh, that's good.
You actually don't want to be a slave and destroyed?
America is discovering and the world is discovering that these big corporations are combined together in their big boards, they run the politicians, they get their people in charge, and then they set up intelligence gathering and enforcement systems and are literally teaching their people.
We've played the Veritas clips, you've seen it everywhere.
You've seen the army clips where it's the big liberal sergeant and she's like, we're getting ready to crush the American resistance.
We're going to take their guns, we'll kill them.
And I'm just like, wow, you really have read military history books, haven't you?
Oh, no, you haven't, jackass.
But I have no desire to see that woman splattered all over the ground.
She's an idiot.
I'd rather get her brain straight.
Gee, does the government really think when the gloves come off
That you're going to win this physical war with us?
Because people know who you are and what you did.
Not now.
Yeah, maybe five years ago, you might have been able to pull off a revolution and bring in a permanent tyranny.
You might have gotten away with them.
Let me give the New World Order report.
Everybody knows I make a lot of good analysis and predictions.
You've lost your ass.
You're blown.
You're done.
You need to give up and stop it.
And you can run off with your stolen wealth and live like kings, because we don't want this war with you.
People say, well, why would you?
It's called sending someone into abstention.
That's what you do.
Instead of having a big war with them and cornering them, because they can really wreck stuff and start a nuclear war, we're like, hey, just go away and we will not...
Prosecute you, convict you, and hang you.
But if you've got to go that way, we're not backing down.
We're identifying you.
We're beating you.
We're not going away.
Understand, there's nothing you can do to us to stop us.
You can put us in jail.
You can kill us.
You can attack our families.
We already know our families are gone anyways and we don't beat this.
That's what I call commitment.
And people have to get it in their brain that you are under attack.
That's not rhetoric.
This government is more at war with you than Communist China.
Remember what Trump said?
We played the clip last hour, but it was like a low-res Twitter clip.
Did you guys find the HD yet?
It's only a 30-minute interview.
Okay, we're going to have it.
We're going to have it in a minute.
In a moment.
I want to play the HD.
When Trump says the biggest enemy is the globalists that have hijacked the country.
A, that's true.
And B, everybody's saying it now and they cannot get away with this once that happens.
So the mission was to expose their illegitimate, expose their out to get us, expose their horrible people.
Most of them are pedophiles at the top.
It's all about their selfishness.
They're Satanists.
You're identified, dumbass!
Klaus Schwab and all of them write books and say over and over, and we've played the clips, Well, we're bringing in a global crisis to get rid of the old system and we'll be the saviors of bringing in the new system.
That only works if people don't know you're the bad guy!
And I keep hammering this point because it's essential.
We're in a war.
They're the bad guys.
99.9999% of us are going to be absolutely harmed by this.
In horrible ways, and by the way, 100% will be harmed.
The tiny, globalist elite of a few thousand owners of this fraud all fight with each other, all spy on each other.
Most of their kids commit suicide.
They are miserable scum.
And they're projecting their hatred of themselves onto us.
So, everyone loses under this.
It's a satanic plan.
It comes to kill, steal, and destroy.
Reject it!
This is not even a discussion!
It's not even a point!
And it's not heroic to fight it!
You'd have to have the most insane, blind, nihilistic courage to work for this thing!
And destroy yourself just to be a horrible, nasty person?
And feel like you're in charge for a season?
You could be honorable.
You could be strong.
You could be part of the future.
You could have God's providence.
But so many of you are so far gone, I'm talking to the globalist, that you just don't even, I mean, you know what I'm saying is true, so you hate me because you know I made the right decision.
And you made the wrong decision, and you have committed the ultimate sin by screwing kids and stuff like that, so you can't come back.
So all you can do, like your boss, is claw us into hell with you.
Well, guess what?
You're not getting my soul, scum.
I'm out of your grasp, and you know it.
Let's play the clip.
Here it is.
They said to me the other day, one of your fellow journalists said, uh, who's the biggest problem, sir?
Is it China?
Could it be Russia?
Could it be North Korea?
No, I said the biggest problem is from within.
It's these sick, radical people from within.
Because we can handle, if we're smart, we can handle Russia, China.
I did.
I took in billions and billions, hundreds of billions of dollars from China.
No other president took in anything.
And they respected me.
Here's the same thing, you know.
I told them, you can't go into Taiwan.
You can't.
You can't do it.
I won't tell you exactly what I said, but it was something that probably a lot of people wouldn't like if they heard it.
But it was very tough.
Don't go into Taiwan.
If you do, we're going to have problems.
Other than that, we're going to be great relationship.
We're going to have a great relationship.
And he said to me, when I said, we're going to do something, if he goes, no, no, no, you wouldn't do it.
I'll do that.
I swear I'll do that.
And he didn't believe me, but he believed me 10%.
And what he says about strength and being honorable, people knowing he's not playing games, that's important.
He gets more into the globalist being the main enemy, but that's what we need to see more of.
Not 30 seconds on it, but 30 minutes on it.
Just like the full speech of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
on Infowars.com, where he, we played five minutes last hour, where he just lays out the whole shooting match.
And who's who, and how it works, and how they do it.
So, when you get around these InfraGard people, that's one of the first groups, they've got a bunch of them, just say, hey, dude, I know you're reporting to the Justice Department and get little communiques from the CIA, through a front company, and I know you feel really powerful.
You're called a traitor and a quizzling dumbass.
You're not supposed to be operating domestically in this country with your spy crap.
We know who you are, and we're standing against you.
You understand that?
But they just feel like, oh, I get directives from the Justice Department and the CIA.
I'm special.
Yeah, you're as special as a landfill.
You're a joke.
You're a traitor.
If Alex Jones runs for president in the Republican Party, he has a chance of winning.
If you just tuned in, you may be noticing I'm wearing an Alex Jones for President 2024 shirt.
I am not seriously planning to run for president.
This is an idea the crew had to have a triggering shirt, kind of next level.
Alex Jones is right.
There's Infowars.com on the back, Alex Jones for President 2024 on the front.
It's a fundraiser shirt.
It's made out of really nice fabric.
It's high quality.
And it is a exclusive shirt to Infowarsstore.com.
And when the shirts are gone, they're gone.
We're doing one run.
No way.
No way.
That's a bridge too far.
And I said on national television that he was going to win.
No, it can't be.
TurboForce is back, sold out for 8 months, and it's TurboForce Plus.
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RainForce Ultra is great.
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They go good with this.
But this is the King Kong.
This is the boss.
Back in stock.
More power.
More strength.
More energy.
I talk a lot about the great successes InfoWars has had.
I don't think anybody can deny it.
And it is because of listeners and viewers supporting us.
When we talk about the crew at InfoWars, people behind the scenes, the researchers, the writers,
They really have been the MVPs in this fight.
And when you look at Harrison Smith and Owen Schroeder and the hard work they engage in every day, five, six, seven days a week, it's really just incredible.
So for myself and the whole InfoWars crew, I thank you for your past support.
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And the final 1,200 signed copies of my book, The Great Reset and the War for the World, and I'm not gonna sign any more after that, are exclusively available at InfoWarsTore.com as well.
In the last month, I got a little busy, so I didn't sign the books, we didn't have them for sale.
But now, I signed the last books, you can get them right now.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, I got more good news for you, ladies and gentlemen.
Yeah, we've been getting our asses kicked for a long time, but humanity's waking up.
We got up.
Now we're stomping New World Order ass, intellectually, spiritually, economically.
And as we realize we're in the fight of our lives, the fight of generations to come, we're going to win.
You can smell it.
You can taste it.
You can see it.
And some of us are going to have to make big sacrifices.
Some of us are going to have to die.
Some of us are going to have to go to prison or be persecuted, but hey, we're going to save the children.
And God's watching, and this is all just a test.
She'll pass the test.
It's hard to cover these subjects because they're so horrible.
And I remember Christy Lee, one of our great reporters, moved here like three years ago.
And she's got a bunch of kids, like four or five kids.
And some are in elementary, some are middle school, high school.
And she got really upset because the Austin AISD middle school, sixth grade, I guess that's intermediate.
Had that famous book that we're not going to put on screen, it's in all the libraries, most of them, that literally shows children having sex with other children and adults.
It's a cartoon, but it's a graphic, like a comic book.
And she came to me and she said, can I put this on air?
And I had seen some of it in articles.
But I went in my office and opened it up.
And I felt like a criminal looking at this, because I've been blessed to never run into child porn online.
Without even looking for porn, I've run into horses having sex with people and, you know, women eating crap.
And I mean, you know, especially in the early days of the web, you just click on something.
It would just be like, oh my gosh, you know, two girls and a cup.
You're like, what is this?
And it's like a woman eating feces.
And I hate to talk about that, but that's out there.
That's the stuff that like scars you.
It's disgusting.
It's gross.
You're like, who the hell does this?
You click on a link and it's a dog, you know, St.
Bernard having sex with a woman.
That stuff's out there.
But I've been blessed to never see child porn.
And I'm sitting there looking at this and reading it and getting angry.
And it says on the back of the book, we shut it on air, AISD.
Austin Independent School District.
She goes down there and the police throw her out, not letting her at the school board read the damn book.
So the police won't let you read the book in public, but you can give it to 11-year-olds, 10-year-olds.
Now, I got stacks of it today with stuff just as bad or worse with elementary students.
I don't want to have a heart attack, so I'm not going to read what's in the books.
But the point is, is that I have children.
This is an assault on my family and my children.
And these evil perverts want to wreck my children's minds, your children's minds.
And this is more dangerous than somebody walking up to your 10-year-old and knocking their front teeth out.
Because they can get fake teeth, they're still going to live.
When you screw up their minds and you do this kind of stuff, it is irrevocable child abuse.
And the left calls it book banning, that you don't want pedophilic... I mean, a bunch of these books describe children and their neighbor in one of the books says, does your neighbor want you to go in the shed?
Is he a nice man?
He's gonna suck your D-I-C.
And you're like, this isn't real!
Hey, that man, why don't you get in the car with him?
I mean, this is priming to be kidnapped and murdered!
I mean, these are psychotics!
And the rest of them just follow orders and say, whoa, this is LGBT whatever, blah, blah, blah.
So I said I would get to positive stuff.
That's just one of the articles in my stack.
School District in Maryland makes LGBTQ books mandatory reading.
And it's all about having sex with men if you're a man, having sex with girls.
Do you like girls?
Maybe you're a lesbian for elementary school students.
I mean, this is stuff six and seven-year-olds read.
This is prime evil.
I mean, if parents were sitting around with their six-year-old, tell them about sex.
They're perverts, folks.
You don't tell children about sex until they're about to hit puberty.
I remember I was about 10 or 11.
I looked like I was about 14.
My mom and dad on a trip to Arkansas sat me down while we were hiking up on the top of a mountain.
They said, listen, son.
You're really good looking and you're gonna have a lot of women come after you and you can get diseases, you can get hurt, and you really need to try to not, you know, find somebody you love and get married.
We just want you to know about this and blah, blah, blah.
I was 11 years old until my parents sat me down at a park bench on top of a mountain in Hot Springs, Arkansas for 30 minutes and told me about the birds and the bees.
And boy, were they right, because the women started coming.
But the point is, is that
Is that I was 11 years old and my parents told me about sex.
And I knew about sex and I'd see my dad's playboys under the bed and stuff like that.
But the point is, is that, and I'd been over to friends' houses around the time, and you know, they had like, you know, 80s porn on or whatever.
And I went, wow, I like those women.
But the point is, is that that was the normal process of life.
Probably too racy.
Wasn't good that I got exposed to that.
In fact, I wish I wouldn't have been that early.
Because I barely survived it.
I was a wild man.
I was a tomcat.
But that was still a normal biological event.
This is artificially coming in before they even hit puberty and confusing them on purpose.
It's pure evil.
And it is the total corporate model
To jam this into our families and take children to the most disgusting, quote, gay pride parades.
They're not gay pride parades.
I've seen countless videos.
We can't even put them on TV.
Eating crap.
Cutting themselves.
Sticking needles through their faces.
One-upping each other.
Men having sex in public.
Pissing everywhere.
People are like, man, why are you going through all this?
Well, it's what's going on in the city streets of Austin, Texas and San Francisco and now little towns around the country where they're flaunting it in your face and saying, we're dominating you, we're controlling you.
And then every major Fortune 500 company that you look into, except for a handful,
He's funding the most weaponized garbage.
I remember 20 years ago, Nickelodeon documents got leaked where they said, we're going to form relationships with kids when they're seven or eight.
We want to sexualize them early.
Because if we can form their identity early, before they naturally form it, we can add a political movement and any corporate sponsorships to that node.
So what they're putting is handles on your kid.
If they can screw your kid up when they're five or six or seven years old and put him on the fast track to be mutilated or castrated or chemicalized or brainwashed, they are owning them.
And it's a literal army of perverts and sickos and pedophiles that are literally doing it for power and control.
Now that said, here's the good news when we come back.
The backlash has gone into Turbo Drive.
A day ago, Anheuser-Busch had lost $3 billion.
Today, this morning, it was $4 billion.
As of the last break, in the last three hours, it's $5 billion.
They're going to lose $10 billion by the end of the week.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
They decided to not perp walking, not put him in handcuffs, not do a mug shot, because they knew that that would help Trump.
Didn't they know this would backfire?
We were waiting for the mug shot.
We learned today they wouldn't have it, so we've made our own.
And it says political prisoner.
With an image of President Trump.
The shirt is being printed now in Texas.
It'll be shipping out to you in one week.
Political prisoner with Trump on the front there in a mug shot.
Jail background.
It's a fundraiser shirt.
It says InfoWars.com on the back of the shirt.
We also have Alex Jones for President.
No, I'm not running for President.
It's a really nice navy blue, high quality shirt.
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So get your Alex Jones for President and Trump mugshot shirts at InfowarsStore.com or by calling toll-free 888-253-3139.
They decided to not perp walking, not put him in handcuffs, not do a mug shot, because they knew that that would help Trump.
Didn't they know this would backfire?
We were waiting for the mug shot.
We learned today they wouldn't have it, so we've made our own.
And it says political prisoner.
With an image of President Trump.
The shirt is being printed now in Texas.
It'll be shipping out to you in one week.
Political prisoner with Trump on the front there in a mug shot.
Jail background.
It's a fundraiser shirt.
It says InfoWars.com on the back of the shirt.
We also have Alex Jones for President.
No, I'm not running for President.
It's a really nice navy blue, high quality shirt.
Red, white, and blue.
Alex Jones for President.
It's a fun conversational piece and a limited edition shirt.
Great way to fund.
The operation.
So get your Alex Jones for President and Trump mugshot shirts at InfowarsStore.com or by calling toll free triple-a 253-3139.
Right now, I'm not talking to the viewers and listeners that have gone to InfoWarsaw.com and gotten the great products that enrich your life, that empower your immune system and your body, and keep us on air.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, we're back live.
I'm getting some good news here and some really scary World War III news.
So, the Dylan Mulvaney stunt, and the guy's Andy Kaufman, is a comedian.
He's getting super rich doing it.
A bunch of other comedians are doing it now.
They know big corporations will hire a man that makes fun of women and objectifies women and steals their identity and acts like a total clown.
So now, after
People saw billions of dollars lost.
It was a couple billion four or five days ago, now it's five billion.
A billion of that just today, so it's accelerating.
Anheuser-Busch products are piling up everywhere, no one's buying them.
And we're talking like 80% reduction, they're reporting.
Now, the company that owns Olay, one of the biggest cosmetic makers in the world, they decided, well, this is very important.
If we can destroy our brand, let's do it immediately.
And so have a bunch of other companies.
They're like, this is a fabulous idea.
Nike, this is a fabulous idea.
And you sit back and go, this is suicidal.
This is kamikaze.
Uh, yeah.
What you do in a war.
I'm going to explain this again.
The globalists have created
Quadrillion upon quadrillion.
Last time I talked to an economist, we looked at numbers.
I want to say 15 quadrillion in derivatives.
That's a quadrillion.
How many billions is a quadrillion?
How many trillions is a quadrillion?
Look it up.
It's astronomical.
They've created more fiat currency.
And if you tried to buy everything in the world, we did the numbers years ago, it's much worse now.
It's going straight up.
You could buy the whole world up at current asset prices thousands of times.
You go, well, what is that for?
They don't care if Hollywood gets destroyed.
They don't care if Anheuser-Busch goes belly up.
It's a weapon.
I'm going to explain.
I'm going to explain the key right now.
You look at the national debt.
Put it back on screen.
31 trillion dollars.
And then the change.
$677 billion.
$79.8 million.
You think, well you just said a quadrillion.
That's, you know, thousands of times that.
They have unlimited money.
They just maneuver the government into default level debt.
So, they can create and buy up any brewery they want.
And so, when they fire Olay as a bullet or a missile, when they fire Nike or Anheuser-Busch, you're like, well, this is insane.
Why did all these other companies join them?
Because they have these UN global government registries
Where they give a social credit score to the company in the future of whether or not it will be given money.
So Anheuser-Busch just guaranteed that they'll be given trillions in the future.
Olay just guaranteed that.
Nike just guaranteed that, because here's the key.
Now listen to me, nobody else has figured this out.
The globalists admit it themselves.
Because under the social credit score in the coming system, you'll only be able to get Anheuser-Busch and Nike and Olay.
Remember what, remember what, about six years ago, seven years ago when he was running for president, remember what Bernie Sanders said.
He said, when I go into a grocery store, there are 30 different types of deodorant.
I don't need that choice.
There should be one deodorant.
That's how they think.
Total consolidation.
Where they have the brand.
You'll have three or four choices all owned by the same people.
And it won't be one.
And so they're taking one for the team.
Yeah, they'll have a bunch of carnage.
Yeah, it'll ruin brands.
They don't care about Hollywood.
They don't care about Anheuser-Busch.
They don't care about their stockholders.
It's a weapon system.
But here's the good news.
They haven't gotten their social credit score in here yet.
They've only gotten it really in China.
It's partially going in now all over the world.
And so if you go to the Amish or go to the local slaughterhouse, and they're popping up now despite regulators harassing them, only three major meat packers, but suddenly a few percentage points out there is local folks butchering it at their own farms, buying it right there through free trade associations, through societies.
It's like in the old days, most Texas counties were dry.
So when you went to the Mexican food restaurant when I was a kid, my dad or mom wanted a margarita or a beer.
You just signed a little card, paid the $5 membership, and now you're a member of their private club.
And now they can serve you alcohol because there were laws against restaurants serving alcohol in Texas.
But now you're in the club.
Show, oh, I'm in a club.
I can go get eggs, I can go get beef, I can go get milk, I can go get beans, I can get peas, I can get corn, I can get wheat, I can get anything I want.
And as soon as that happens, it's over.
So we look at 2, 3%, 4% of the eggs, the chicken, the beef, it's around, some areas it's 5%.
Some states are 10%.
People are getting it directly from the farmer.
You get it cheaper, you get it better, it's great.
But as soon as they get their unified system in and the SDRs and the systems, central bank digital currencies, won't work anywhere but the box stores, that's their game over.
So that's their war where they're trying to get to.
That's why going to the farmers market.
And like going, you know, I'm not going to the big grocery store first.
I'm going to go.
And you're like, wow, I didn't know they had sausage and beef and poultry and all the vegetables I needed.
I didn't know they had it all here.
And pretty soon you're not even going to the main grocery store anymore.
So that's the revolution, folks.
So when you look at them, you go, they lost five billion this week.
Anheuser-Busch, they're losing.
They believe they're going to win through attrition over time.
But the good news is people are seeing the success of this and they're now didn't just, they're like, I remember them last week, they're like, well, don't worry, they'll only go after Bud Light.
No, the whole Anheuser-Busch family is belly up.
I mean family, I mean the whole family of their alcohol that all tastes like rat piss.
You know, they sold the idea that it's a common man beer and we, you know.
No, it's terrible in my view.
But the point is, is that people are done with it, and they're figuring out parent companies, and they're figuring out everything this company has, and they're rejecting it en masse.
And the globalists will still reward them and prop them up.
The point is, it'll be like CNN paying to be aired in the airport and the hotels.
It's a joke.
So, this is a very positive thing, and this is how you do real revolutions in the future, and in the current time.
It's information warfare, it's your decisions, the things you do.
I know this is all common sense, you're like, tell me something I don't know.
Well, this is a huge success.
And it's happening everywhere.
So when you can, stay at a mom and pop hotel.
When you can, eat at a mom and pop.
When you can, find out who the local brewery is, get that beer.
Do not spend your money.
Don't go to the big super medical center.
Find a good doctor.
We will create the economy we need.
We will create the economy that works for us.
We will do it through decisions.
That's why we're trying to take the decision making process away
With the central bank digital currencies, with the social credit score, with the medical vaccine ID, with the social credit score system that goes into the universal basic income.
Destroy the economy so you gotta be on welfare.
And gotta spend the money where they stay.
Bud Light's Dylan Mulvaney trans stunt cost the company $4 billion.
Actually not.
Now it's $5 billion.
Dylan Mulvaney says Bud Light critics don't understand her.
No, you're a comedian.
You're a man.
As Anheuser-Busch suffers massive losses.
Country music star John Rich stops selling Bud Light at a bar after they promote radical trans ideology.
We exodus like Moses out of Egypt.
That's it.
We exodus from them.
We support the independent systems.
We shun the enemy.
And we win.
But you can't do it if you're not aware of the enemy operation.
But we are, and we're circumnavigating their terrain.
We'll be right back, ladies and gentlemen, with the big war news.
It's important, stay with us.
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I intend to take the InfoWars armored truck out, or the InfoWars tank, as it's so lovingly called.
You came through yesterday and shopped at InfoWarsStore.com, so I'm gonna be able to take the truck out.
I want to say brain force is great.
I want to say turbo force is amazing.
It is!
But if you took it with bish oil...
It's like the fish oil is it.
The fish oil's better than it.
And that's an example of what I'm talking about.
Fish oil is liquid energy.
Brain, body, heart.
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Krill oil is the best.
And it'll give you the damn burps.
And I'm sorry.
You want something like this?
You don't get stuff for free.
The krill is hallucinogenic.
It's so good.
In my view.
I'm not making a medical statement here, but let me tell you something.
I ate five capulets of krill oil before I go to bed.
I'm seeing Santa Claus that night.
So, your brain is made basically out of what fish oil is.
So, we don't make a big profit off of it, but you notice I just obsess because whatever the best is we've got, I just can't lie to you.
I just can't do it!
There is a war for the future happening right now.
There is a war that will control my destiny, your destiny, our children's destinies.
And that war is something that we can win, but it takes dedication, it takes commitment.
That's why I ask listeners respectfully...
To go to InfoWarStore.com and buy great products that will enrich and empower your life while keeping us on air at the very same time.
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Some of the very best products and a lot of you have
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
We will take the planet back.
We will journey to the stars and beyond.
We will, with God's spirit, crush Satan's plan.
This is happening now.
This is real.
Thank you so much for joining us on this live Wednesday transmission.
All right.
The Darien Gap.
There's a bunch of documents coming out in video.
And the investigative journalist, Mr. Yan, has been down there.
There's no internet there, so he's been sending information to Mike Adams.
Mike Adams has the exclusive videos and more.
In fact, make sure you get a list of those guys.
We're going to be airing those next hour.
This is huge.
And it's the UN staging and organizing the invasion.
We already know, we have the documents, we have even the news articles, but this is the video of it.
And it's big.
So we'll be breaking that down, coming up in the next hour.
All right, let me get to the really serious news.
And again, this is not about tooting my horn, but people say, oh, this group has the sources, or that group has the sources.
The government is a consortium of corporate tentacles and its operatives.
And then within that strata, there are good people, there are bad people, there are asleep people.
There's all sorts of folks.
The good news is when we're able to promote a message of freedom, we start to win.
But if you remember last October, before last, like a year and a half ago, I went on air and I said the Russians are going to invade Ukraine in February.
I said by late February.
Well, that's because the Russians were already building up forces and the Russians were already in a battle with U.S.
And I just know so many people in the military and know so many people that are involved that I didn't just get it from one source or two or three or five.
They all said by the end of February, we're told the Russians are going to invade.
And I was talking to people very close to me who are retired Army who were just talking to their sons who were already there.
And I'm going to leave it at that.
And it wasn't like, oh, here's big intel.
It's like, we're really worried about Junior.
This is my family.
He's in Army Special Operations, and he's over there.
And I'm like, where?
Well, we can't say.
He won't say, but it's dangerous.
I'm like, Ukraine?
I'm not going to say.
He won't tell us, but yeah, it's Ukraine.
He just, you know, there's casualties on both sides.
They're fighting Russians.
And then I talk to people I know in the military who have sons in the military and they're like, yeah, where's your son over there?
Army special operations leader.
Oh, he's in Poland.
I go, your son's not in Poland.
He's in Ukraine.
How do you know that?
And then this guy was special forces, you know, whole nine yards, decades in the military.
And he's like, how do you know that?
Well, I didn't tell you that.
I'm like, so your son's son's Ukraine, pretty heavy battles.
He's just he's like, yeah, we're praying every day.
It's bad.
It's it's it's it's heavy.
It's it's they're losing people.
And so I just kept like going, Hey, so, uh, have they tried to hire you to go over there talking to another guy?
Yeah, how do you know that?
I was actually over there training them five years ago.
How the hell do you know all this?
Because, I mean, I'm on the ground, folks.
The best intelligence is on the ground.
So I'm the only person that told you the Russians were going to invade, and I just got it because I'm immersed in military people.
Their sons are over there killing Russians.
They're getting killed.
That's why there's helicopter accidents every week in Kentucky.
Folks, those aren't helicopter accidents.
Those are dead people.
So, that's what's going on here, ladies and gentlemen.
I talked to dozens of people now that have been hired or are about to be hired or whose family was hired to go over there.
And so, I don't need Cy Hirsch to tell me a month ago that there's U.S.
Special Forces.
I don't need leaked documents to say it.
I know what's going on.
And I told you over and over and over again, there are
Thousands of US troops under NATO, under security company auspices, over there.
We are in a direct war.
Putin's not fighting the Ukrainians, they're the main group.
Putin is fighting a coalition of more than 50 countries.
And it's escalating.
And it's leading a nuclear war.
We're at war with Russia.
But I'm not telling you that today because it's all over the news.
AP Reuters everywhere.
Oh, U.S.
Government documents say U.S.
Special Forces leading the attack in Ukraine.
Ukraine War.
Leaks show Western Special Forces on the ground.
Leaked U.S.
Defense documents show Western Forces on the ground in Ukraine.
And countries are named in the leaked document.
Classified doc leaks.
Just in.
Appears to be physical theft.
Not a cyber leak.
coordinated failed Ukrainian assault on nuclear power plant.
So our archivist, I just asked this morning, you already got it together, here's a small smattering of yours truly in the last year, 14, 15 months, telling you U.S.
troops are fighting Russians.
Here it is.
Of course, there's massive amounts of weapons and you know U.S.
troops are in Ukraine.
You know they're in Ukraine.
You know they train Ukrainians.
You know NATO forces are there.
Australians are there.
Brits are there.
Germans are there.
Dutch are there.
And it is a full-on war.
They've got a bunch of former British and U.S.
generals all over the news.
I've got a stack-up right here saying, time to go ahead and just have war with Russia.
Time to go ahead and just send in the U.S.
Time to take the A-10s out of mothballs and just kill all the Russians.
And you know the State Department and CIA and NATO are all there training these troops right now.
It's been going on even before the Russians invaded.
Americans are in charge of the war, says French journalist who returned from Ukraine.
A French journalist who returned from Ukraine after arriving with volunteer fighters told broadcaster CNews that Americans are directly in charge of the war on the ground.
The assertion was made by Le Figaro's senior international correspondent, George Malbrant.
It continues.
Malbrant said he had accompanied French volunteer fighters, two of whom had previously fought against ISIS.
I had the surprise, and so did they, to discover that to be able to enter the Ukrainian army, well, it's the Americans who are in charge, he said.
The video is posted right there on InfoWars.com.
You can watch it.
Adding that he and the volunteers almost got, quote, arrested by the Americans who asserted they were in charge.
The journalists then revealed that they were forced to sign a contract until the end of the war.
And who is in charge?
It's the Americans.
I saw them with my own eyes, he said, adding, I thought I was with the international brigades and I found myself facing the Pentagon.
And they're announcing that they're already sitting in Polish and U.S.
troops who are fighting.
And I just talked to some military people this morning who just returned.
They said it's full-on like World War II.
Just absolute destruction, dead bodies everywhere.
Russians annihilating, Russians getting annihilated.
Just tank battles.
This is full-on war, folks.
That's why you're not seeing a lot of it or hearing about it.
It is just full-on war.
We're at war with Russia right now.
October of last year, the U.S.
troops have been directly, not just training Ukrainians in Ukraine, but also in Poland, with all sorts of high-tech class-A weapons, but they've also been in the field commanding them and directing them and piloting short-range drones.
But now, because the losses on the U.S.
side are starting to become quite large, they're going to go ahead and admit that the U.S.
is officially at war with Russia.
Maybe we should get the clip where I told you in October, a year and a half ago, that the war would start in February.
The point is, I'm not blowing smoke up your rear ends here, okay?
So when I tell you this is leading to nuclear war, it's guaranteed on the path we're on.
So yeah, we have crazy people running tanks.
We're going to go to break.
We're going to go to Mike Adams.
We're going to go to the exclusive footage from the Darien Gap and Central and South America and the whole UN invasion.
In fact, guys, go ahead and print the old articles.
Soros, even AP.
NBC funding $1,000, $2,000 debit cards for illegals to come in through the Darien Gap.
Everybody knows about this, but nobody goes down there.
Well, we have the footage.
We have all that.
It's coming up next hour.
With Mr. Yan and Mr. Adams.
Please remember, we're listener supported.
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It's a fun shirt.
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If Alex Jones runs for president in the Republican Party, he has a chance of winning.
If you just tuned in, you may be noticing I'm wearing an Alex Jones for President 2024 shirt.
I am not seriously planning to run for president.
This is an idea the crew had to have a triggering shirt, kind of next level.
Alex Jones was right.
There's Infowars.com on the back, Alex Jones for President 2024 on the front.
It's a fundraiser shirt.
It's made out of really nice fabric.
It's high quality.
And it is a exclusive shirt to Infowarsstore.com.
And when the shirts are gone, they're gone.
We're doing one run.
No way.
No way.
That's a bridge too far.
No, it can't be.
And I said on national television that he was going to win.
Head in for store.com hydrofluorosilic acid is the third most deadly acid on earth and they've got our children drinking that this is a psychotic death cult period case closed out to get you and your family we shall
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The point is, you can get the filters at InfoWareStore.com.
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Finally back in stock.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
The United States has been at war with Russia for nine years.
Ukraine is spilled over now and threatens to destroy the planet.
Mike Adams will break down exclusive information on the U.N.
invasion launched out of Central and South America, coming up next segment.
But as promised, I want to hear more of the powerful interview last night, 30 minutes long.
It's up on Infowars.com.
President Trump and the great Tucker Carlson.
Here's more of that report.
I would have been out faster than them.
We would have had all the equipment.
We would have had the American citizens.
We left hostages.
We left Americans behind.
I think many more than you think.
And we had 13 soldiers killed.
And nobody ever mentions the fact that we had many maimed so badly.
No arms, no legs.
Their face was obliterated.
This is the way this guy got out.
We would have gotten out with dignity and strength.
We were going to.
But I was taking 100% of... I said, I want every nail.
I want every screw.
I want the tents.
They said, sir, the tents are very hard to take out.
I said, I want the tents.
I want the tanks.
I want the planes.
I want everything.
And a couple of them fought me on it, like Millie.
He said, sir, I think it's cheaper to leave the equipment behind.
I said, let me ask you, we have a plane that costs $100 million.
It's sitting there.
All it needs is a tank of gas, right?
Give me a little jet fuel.
We'll fly it to Pakistan or any place else, or we'll fly it directly home.
You say it's cheaper to leave a hundred million dollar plan?
Sure, I think overall it's cheaper.
These are idiots we're dealing with.
They left 85 billion dollars worth of equipment.
They left our American citizens behind.
And they move the military out first.
No, you move the military out last.
I did a little skit with a five-year-old kid.
I said, let me ask you, here's the situation.
I explained the situation.
I said, would you take the military out first or would you take it out last?
I'd take it out last.
Five year old.
But they took the military out first and they were afraid of our military.
When I was there, they were afraid.
We didn't have one soldier killed.
In 18 months, not one soldier was killed in 18 months.
And then we got out like we surrendered.
I think it was the single most embarrassing day in the history of our country.
It was totally their fault.
They didn't go by anything because, you know, we had a system of getting out.
But if the Taliban in particular, the Taliban, because that's where the action was.
When I called Abdul.
The press went crazy.
The fake news went crazy.
Why did he call an enemy?
I said, well, it's Jesse James.
I used to ask him, why did he rob banks?
He said, that's where the money is.
Why did I call the head of the Taliban?
Because that's where the killing was.
And he's there now, Abdul.
I'm sure he likes me.
Call me Your Excellency.
I don't know if he calls Biden Your Excellency.
I mean, you know they're one of the largest arms dealers now in the world?
They're selling the $85 billion worth of it because they only need 5% of it.
Of course.
They're selling the equipment.
They're one of the largest, I think, second arms dealers in the world.
Brand new helicopters.
Brand new airplanes.
Brand new tanks.
Unbelievable what we left behind.
We ran.
And there was no reason to.
I had them, I could have stayed there for five years if I wanted to.
I wanted out.
21 years was enough.
I wanted out.
We shouldn't have been there in the first place.
But when I see what happens, when I see the level of stupidity, and because of that, it's all a big web, because of that I think Putin, who would have never gone into Ukraine when I was there, would have never, I talk to him about it often, would have never ever done that when he saw that
I wasn't there, and he saw these fools, these stupid people.
And think of that, the way they left Afghanistan and nobody was fired.
I fired a lot of people because if they didn't do a good job, I'd fire them.
Let me ask, you talked to Putin about Ukraine.
What did you say to him?
I could see that he loved it.
And I said... He loved Ukraine.
He considers it to be a part
Of Russia.
Seems like they're idiots to fly a tank out for $50,000.
It's worth $5 million.
Why are you doing this?
Because it was a plan.
And of course they pulled out of Afghanistan to look weak, to get Putin to invade.
You know the CIA leaked these new documents.
You know that's all a bunch of crap.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
They decided to not perp walking, not put him in handcuffs, not do a mug shot, because they knew that that would help Trump.
Didn't they know this would backfire?
We were waiting for the mug shot.
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From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, Alex Jones here, back live.
Thank you so much for joining us.
We're into the third hour today.
All right, the great Michael Yon, famous Special Forces officer, author, researcher, world traveler, is in the Darien Gap, right there on the border of Central and South America.
It's over 50 miles of a death trap.
The UN ships the people in from Africa, ships them in from the Middle East, ships them in from Asia.
And then sends them through the Darien Gap, they have giant refugee centers, where they then organize them in Panama, send them up to Guatemala, and then into Mexico.
And Michael Yan's been working with Jordan Peterson, and he's also been working with Mike Adams, teaming up with two great, really smart people.
And, yeah, I have the stack of articles right here, of Reuters and AP, four or five years ago, where George Soros
Gives billions of dollars of U.S.
aid from the State Department.
He doesn't give the money.
It's like Bill Gates doesn't give any money away.
He gets government money and does it.
It's all tax exempt.
And they give $5,000 debit cards on average, people in Africa, to get on a plane and fly to South America.
Because the other countries won't let them do it.
Then they go across the Darien Gap into Central America and they get raped.
You saw the numbers in a State Department report.
Six, seven years ago, 80% of girls and women are raped on their way.
Where are the feminists on that?
And then once they get there, just like they did in the last 15 years in Europe, they organize them to bring them across the border, and Biden said, if I get elected, immediately arrest the border.
So let me show you some of these headlines, and Mike Adams is going to explain where the dairying gap is, what Michael Yan is getting, and more.
This is UPI, United Press International, George Soros MasterCard Partners on Refugee Aid Delivery.
Gives them debit cards.
$5,000 on average to get to South America, $2,000 to get into Mexico, and another $2,000, no name on the card, just a blank debit card, to get into the U.S.
And then they become a voter in their group they control.
Okay, this was 2017.
Remember though, the ADL says it's not true.
They mentioned the claim that there's debit cards and said anyone saying this should be arrested, including myself.
There's no replacement migration.
This does not exist, though it's in UPI.
When they tell you it's good, you can report on it.
When you say it's bad, it doesn't exist.
World Tribune.
UN giving debit cards to U.S.
bound migrants.
We got videos of it.
We'll show you.
It's all right there.
George Soros MasterCard.
Partner to aid migrant refugees.
This is five years ago.
UN debit cards being given to U.S.
bound migrants.
UN debit cards provide safety net during COVID-19.
That's the UN.
But of course, the migrants don't take the shot because the UN won't sign on to the liability they got our governments to sign on to in secret agreements in case the shot hurts them.
So the UN won't sign on to give the shots to them.
They're exempt, but you're not.
Isn't that a big enchilada?
There's so many facets.
Soros pledges to invest $500 million in migrant refugee debit cards.
Hungry to criminalize migrant helpers would stop Soros legislation.
Show, this is the reality.
Billionaire Soros outlines plan to save Europe 2018, shipping tens of millions in.
It's him.
Okay, so that's the reality.
That's all admitted.
And just like they set up these things on the border of Macedonia,
and other areas to invade Europe.
The same guy runs the non-profit in Texas, which is the main invasion point now.
We were down there years ago, we showed you the video.
It's billions, and when you see it, it's literal purple and green-haired liberals giving orders to the Border Patrol.
So the Border Patrol, you say, oh, Abbott just put troops on the border.
They just turned the illegals over.
They're giving a debit card and sending them to the U.S.
to work in a sweatshop and pay half their money to the Democratic Party to be laundered.
And there's all the big breaking news about billions of dollars to these Democrat front groups, and they go to the donor's house.
I never gave thousands of donations.
I didn't give one donation to whoever.
This whole way, like, I didn't give a donation.
Well, it says you gave 1,500 donations the last six years.
And they take that money and launder it.
This is a criminal organization.
The Justice Department is running it.
They're not just aware of it, they're running it.
So, I'm going to shut up now.
That's the background on this.
Mike Adams has been working with the great investigative reporter,
Famous Special Forces Operator, Mr. Yon, Michael Yon, to break all this down, ladies and gentlemen.
So, this is a big deal.
The footage is up on Infowars.com, it's at NaturalNews.com, it's on Michael Yon's website as well.
We'll put on screen the URL for people to find it.
This is incredible investigative journalism.
Everybody should be doing this.
Mike Adams.
Hi Alex, and I was just texting with Michael Yan.
He's going to another camp today.
We're going to get some additional video of a far worse camp, he says, later this afternoon.
I was uploading that footage that you can roll that footage anytime.
I was uploading that, I think, two in the morning, by the way, working on this.
But we're going to get Michael Yan in studio with you there, Alex, as soon as he comes back into the States.
He wants to get on with you.
He's got additional photographs, additional bombshell footage.
And, you know, firsthand accounts of what's going on there.
So, you know, the United Nations gives these women these rape kits.
And there's a photo that I actually sent your producers about the rape kits.
It's the IOM rape kits, because there's so many rapes that go on.
The United States goes down there and basically advertises for these migrants, you know, come on in, come to America.
I don't know.
Michael Yan was describing how the military men there in Panama, who are good men, they're trying to protect lives, they had to hunt down these Colombian drug gang people who were chasing women through the jungles and raping them.
And they actually tracked them down, there was a firefight, and they shot the rapists, which, you know, of course we all cheered at that, you know, those rapists should be shot, but that's the kind of torture and hell that these women and families are being put through because of the United Nations.
And again, what's wrong with these people?
There's the Huffington Post headline ten years ago, the State Department admits 80% of women raped traveling from Mexico to the U.S.
Who are these people?
Don't they have mothers?
Don't they have daughters?
Don't they have grandmothers?
What has happened?
Well, it's this crazy mixed bag.
In the video that I posted, I was able to talk to a young Chinese couple in Mandarin, and I confirmed they're from China and they're on their way to the United States.
I'm like, why are they in the Darien Gap in Panama if they're from China and they're going to America?
Yeah, yeah.
There we go.
These firefights are happening on a regular basis down there.
And the Panamanian military guys, they're trying to do a good job.
They're trying to protect lives.
But this flood is happening because of the United Nations, Homeland Security, and the Biden administration.
Yeah, they're drinking out of a firehose.
They can't stop it either.
This is a humanitarian crisis that has been caused by the Biden regime and the United Nations trying to flood the United States with illegals so that Biden can declare them to be citizens before the 2024 election.
Tell us what you're going to break down when we come up.
We've got so much to cover.
Well, they're people from different nations.
So, in that video from Michael Yan, I want to give him full credit, michaelyan.locals.com, his last name is spelled Y-O-N, by the way, he identified people from Haiti, Venezuela, the Middle East, China, and many South American countries.
So, this is a staging location
For these migrants from around the world to then rush into the United States and occupy the USA.
That's what it's about.
We're going to cover that more.
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Every time I talk to you, you're either like on the border, exposing the cartels and like coming under fire, or you're on the streets of some American city hanging out with drug addicts and criminals, and now you've gone to ground zero of a massive chemical spill.
Are you addicted to the danger, Savannah?
Have you ever considered that for a second?
No, I'm addicted to helping my fellow Americans.
I'm addicted to spreading the truth.
And again, you know, I have InfoWars to thank for that.
Looking back on the day, I was able to ask President Donald Trump two questions.
I was so grateful because, you know, I truly was classically trained under Alex Jones and under the InfoWars team.
I really do credit that as to why I'm able to, you know, get these types of clips.
Because Alex's whole mentality was, you know, go where the
I'm just addicted to telling the truth and helping the American people.
And I really do credit Alex for, you know, really instilling that within me early on in my career.
Ladies and gentlemen, this book, The Great Reset and the War for the World, is a historic book that documents the globalists, in their own words, plan for our future.
That is a hellish future.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Well, I've known who Michael Yeun is for a decade.
I've been blessed to be able to interview him.
Thanks to Mike Adams getting him on.
He's a fellow Texan.
Lives outside Austin-Dripping Springs.
But consecutively, the footage he gets is just so game-changing.
But let's give some perspective to this, just briefly.
I'm not making light of five dead people and wounded in Kentucky and Louisville.
I'm not making light of the transgender person going and killing those three little kids and three innocent teachers and the principal.
But if you look statistically at the hundreds of thousands dead in Mexico, hundreds of thousands dead trying to come here, all the insanity and the story of the human trafficking and the sex trafficking and all this stuff
And it's a huge story, and the media consecutively, working together, covers it all up.
But the truth is getting out there.
This is just amazing.
Here it is revealed.
Suspected Kentucky bank robber posted, bank shooter, not robber, posted anti-Trump pro-lockdown content on Reddit.
He hated Trump.
He wanted endless lockdowns.
He was a liberal.
They're suppressing this.
Just like they're suppressing the manifesto.
of the shooter in Tennessee of that Christian school.
And this is how they try to manage perception, how they lie in crime statistics, and what they do.
So this is just a window into the control.
And as bad as it is him killing five people, it is a drop in the bucket compared to what's really going on with our border and the destruction of our sovereignty.
Mike Adams from naturalnews.com, working with Michael Yohn, investigative journalist, with exclusive footage.
We've been rolling.
This is B-Roll.
Please continue.
Well, there's a lot more footage, so feel free to roll that.
Also, I want to ask your producers to bring up the logo of the OIM or slash IOM of the United Nations, because that logo shows the family in the center of a split, fractured planet in a spiral kind of vortex.
And so it shows that the mission of the United Nations Migration Program is to actually shatter the planet.
Yeah, there you can kind of see it there.
The OIM in Espanol or IOM in English.
You can see that at the website IOM.int, by the way, is where you can bring that up in English, I believe.
So there you go, a fractured planet with a family in the center.
So they've weaponized the families of innocent people around the world.
I want to be clear, Alex, I am not in any way condemning these migrant individuals.
They are victims as well.
They have been corralled.
They're victims of three years of lockdown.
Exactly, exactly.
And, by the way, they think they're coming to a country of freedom.
They're not.
They're coming, even if they make it to America, they're coming to a country run by totalitarian lunatics who are just as bad, in many cases worse, than the tyranny they fled, wherever they fled from.
They're coming to another tyranny.
They are being used as pawns to try to rig the next election.
They're being used as weapons against the American people, not to assimilate with the American people.
So, everybody that you're seeing there, those are people from Haiti right there in line,
And they are victims as well.
All these people are victims.
And then there is a criminal element that is using this, exploiting this, to get in and to carry out crimes in America.
All kinds of crimes, robberies and cyber crimes and, you know, even terrorism.
There are radicals from the Middle East that use this vector to get into the United States.
So it's absolutely incredible.
This is the couple I spoke with in Chinese.
You know, they look like a perfectly innocent young couple.
Maybe they want to be Americans.
Maybe they'd be great Americans.
But this woman told me, yeah, they're from mainland China.
They're on their way to the United States.
And it's like, what are you doing in Darien Gap?
It's just the craziest thing.
So this is a massive, massive suffering of human beings across the board.
So Alex,
I don't know.
It's always impressive.
I know your wife's Taiwanese when you speak Chinese, but in Chinese you can see on the phone you're talking to her.
We can probably get you on via phone if we can do it with you.
Come on tomorrow.
But what did you say to her in Chinese?
Speak to her in Chinese for a minute or so.
Uh, yeah, I said, uh, you know, are you Chinese?
She said, yes.
I said, mainland Chinese.
She said, yes.
And I said, I'm an American.
And I asked her, are you going to America?
And she said, yes.
Confirmed that on the way to America.
I told her, thank you.
And I told her, my friend there, that Michael Yan is my friend, and they got on the bus and went their way.
I mean, again, they seem like a perfectly nice couple.
Not saying anything bad about this couple, but maybe they're fleeing the tyranny in China.
But they're going to be sheep-dipped into the liberal combat.
Yes, exactly, exactly.
And they all think, and Michael Yan will tell you this when he's in studio,
They all think that Biden is their savior because Biden is being promoted as the man that's allowing them to come to America.
We have videos of them in t-shirts chanting Biden, Biden, Biden.
Yeah, exactly.
And boy are they in for a surprise when they actually get to America and find out you don't have freedom of speech, you don't have economic freedom.
If you don't bow down to the regime, you are censored, you are deplatformed, you are punished, you are defamed.
Everything horrible will happen to you in America, just like under a communist regime like China, or the former Soviet Union, for example, or modern-day Cuba or North Korea.
The United States under these totalitarians has become the nightmare regime of the world.
And so they are hopping out of the frying pan and into the fire.
I want to talk about the big issue.
The UN camps organized the debit cards, but since you mentioned it, here's a clip from just a few days ago of them chanting Biden.
Here it is.
What country?
All of you?
A very important question.
Do you like President Trump or President Biden?
President Trump or President Biden?
Look how good shape those guys are in because they're not eating GMO in Columbia.
I mean that's an example.
That's what marriage looked like whether black or white or whatever 50 years ago.
Mike Adams.
Yeah, yeah, that's right.
And again, they're marching into what has become a totalitarian hellhole in many ways, and they will be transported.
Understand, Homeland Security and Mayorkas of DHS is actually involved in this operation to transport these people into key cities and key voting districts where the Democrats know that they need additional votes in order to try to overpower the revolt that is happening.
And the State Department gives them maps of where to go.
And the Red Cross gives him maps.
And in fact, Michael Yon, he's out in the jungle right now.
He's supposed to be coming back later today and he's going to give us some video of those maps and some additional camp footage and so on.
And, you know, God bless that guy.
He's out there putting his neck on the line to bring us this footage.
Alex, you know, if it wasn't for you, the entire mainstream media will not touch this topic.
If it wasn't for you and Alt Media, no one would know that this is happening.
It's a total cover-up of this massive human trafficking machine that has been set up and funded by the UN and the United States and is expanding.
One of the images I uploaded to your team was an empty parking lot that's right next to this current facility.
They're going to expand it, Alex.
They're going to double or triple the size of this thing because they need a lot more people to come through to win the election in 2024.
That's where this is going.
It's just off the charts the same.
There's a Western Union right there at the camp.
That's actually at the San Vicente camp where they can get money to continue the journey.
That's on the opposite side from that tent where you saw the Haitians.
That's where George Soros refills them with taxpayer money.
We'll come back and talk about how to stop this with the great Mike Adams of NaturalNews.com.
And pray for Michael Young on the front lines.
If Alex Jones runs for president in the Republican Party, he has a chance of winning.
If you just tuned in, you may be noticing I'm wearing an Alex Jones for President 2024 shirt.
I am not seriously planning to run for president.
This is an idea the crew had.
I have a triggering shirt, kind of next level.
Alex Jones is right.
There's Infowars.com on the back, Alex Jones for President 2024 on the front.
It's a fundraiser shirt.
It's made out of really nice fabric.
It's high quality.
And it is a exclusive shirt to Infowarsstore.com.
And when the shirts are gone, they're gone.
We're doing one run.
No way.
No way.
That's a bridge too far.
No, it can't be.
And I said on national television that he was going to win.
At InfoWarsTore.com.
But you will never be able to get another signed copy of the book after the signed copies we got run out.
And there's about a thousand left of them right now.
So get your copy of The Great Reset and The War for the World, a signed copy, at InfoWarsHore.com.
And there is a markup there because this is a fundraiser to keep us on the air.
So you won't just have this historic memento and this powerful book, you'll also know that you help keep InfoWars on the air.
I want to thank those of you that have gotten signed copies of the book.
Or unsigned copies.
But I want to encourage all of you who haven't yet to go to Infowarshore.com and get a signed copy and buy a couple of unsigned copies and donate them to the library or give them to the local school.
This is an Infowar.
I'm counting on you and thank you for your support.
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RainForce Plus is great.
RainForce Ultra is great.
They're two different nootropics.
They go good with this.
But this is the King Kong.
This is their big move.
So, yeah, you say, why doesn't Biden address the disasters in the United States?
He doesn't care.
That's not his job.
He's not the president of the United States.
He's a puppet operating for the globalists.
Appetites of the autocrat cannot be appeased.
They must be opposed.
Autocrats only understand one word.
And that's why we say no to your vaccines.
We say no to you shutting down our businesses.
We say no to you taking our firearms.
We say no to you censoring our free speech.
We say no to you selling us out to the World Health Organization.
We say no to you getting us into World War III.
You're right!
We stand against autocrats like you, Joe Biden, and we say no!
And we say no to your war!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, Mike Adams is the conduit with Michael Yon on the ground in the bridge through the wilderness, 50 plus miles of death, rape, murder, road warrior, beyond road warrior, between South America and Central America.
Other key points you want to get into here, and we got the B-roll, it's at BrideyYon.com.
I don't know.
Robert Kennedy Jr., Donald Trump, Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Orban, the new Swiss leader, the new Italian leader, the Brazilian leader, all saying there's a new world order coming after our countries, there's been a coup corporately.
That is such a positive thing that everything you've been talking about for decades, I've been talking about for decades, Mike, is now mainstream, identifying we've been hijacked.
That's a big defeat.
So I want to get your view on where the battle space is right now.
And I know you're as smart as I am or smarter.
The globalists are losing right now.
They're not going to give up.
What are they going to pull, Mike Adams?
Well, you're exactly right.
Multiple vectors of their attempt to literally destroy the United States of America as a sovereign nation.
Now, I also interviewed a man named Tom Luongo, who I strongly recommend that you get him on your show.
Maybe you've already interviewed him, but his theory is that Jerome Powell at the Federal Reserve is actually at war with the Davos Socialists in Europe, because the Davos Socialists are trying to literally destroy all central banks around the world and have one world currency.
Under the Davos crowd, which will eventually be under the Bank of International Settlements, the BIS.
It'll be a one-world digital currency.
Let me interrupt.
There's definitely a war over who's going to control this, the central bank digital currency.
Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
And this is why I, more than ever Alex, and I'll just say this publicly, you know I was skeptical of a lot of the crypto hype before, but right now we need a decentralized peer-to-peer cryptocurrency more than any time ever in history because we won't have any liberty left whatsoever if we end up in a Federal Reserve.
And by the way, mass adoption will make it victorious, they can't put us all in jail.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, exactly.
But understand that right now the Fed, under Powell, who was put in there by Trump, Powell may actually be a white hat operator from one point of view, which is to protect the existence of the United States financial system.
Well, that's what Soros does.
He plunges central banks.
Exactly, right.
So Tom Luongo is, I think, the best expert on this.
He's got a blog called Gold, Goats, and Guns, by the way.
A good guy to have on about that.
And he's adamant about this, and I think he's right.
And I think that raising the interest rates, here's what's going on.
The interest rates that are raising are designed to destroy the euro dollars, as it's called, which is the amplified US dollar that's being multiplied by
We're good.
He's, as I said, Powell is drilling a hole in the side of the Titanic.
The ship is going down, but he's throwing a lifeline to the banks in America while trying to destroy the socialist Davos crowd in Europe.
No, no, exactly.
We're not just at war with China.
There's a war between the EU and the US.
Well, exactly.
And what I said, I mean, they are financially dead in Europe because they don't have, I mean, they don't have manufacturing that they can turn to anymore.
Even the bakeries are shutting down in France.
They're in worse position than us.
They've been deindustrialized.
Way worse.
Western Europe is history, okay?
It's going to collapse.
It's just a matter of what that looks like and the matter of timing.
The United States doesn't have to.
That's the thing.
The United States has so many resources.
If we can get a hold of our elections once again and have real election transparency and integrity,
Then we can peacefully take this country back.
We can protect the border.
We can get our debt under control.
We can actually have a future.
And then perhaps we can help Europe have a resurgence again as well, just like we did post-World War II.
So there is hope for the world.
There's also desperation on the part of the globalists who are trying everything in their power to... Well, that was my next question.
What are they going to pull next?
Well, they're going to pull more false flags in America, no question about it.
They're going to have more MKUltra operatives that may be transgender violent militants who don't... I'm not saying that all transgenders are violent militants, but there is a wing that seems to be brainwashed into violence.
Well, if you look at the whole programming, it's public brainwashing.
It's classic brain... Absolutely.
Yeah, and so we're going to see a lot more shootings and violence, sadly, that's instigated by the regime.
And we're going to see, of course, a financial fallout that's going to hurt no matter what, even if we survive it.
And I would just encourage people, do your research, understand the risk of the dollar.
And the hyperinflation is coming because that's the way out of this.
Even according to the Fed, they're just going to print, print, print.
But on the other side, they're trying to
We're good to go.
But learns about the factions, then we're now in the game and we change the entire paradigm by our desires, our wishes, our actions.
That's what this whole broadcast is about.
It's what you do.
It's getting people to be like adults and admit the power players how the world works and being on the same stage and being able to bargain, basically.
We're like a union.
We're trying to create a human union that knows how stuff works so we can bargain.
We're like a union.
And the number one most important thing that I think you do, Alex, and to some extent I do it as well, is we set the example to other people to have a voice, to be bold, to have courage, to come out and to demand freedom in every area of your life, whether it's finance or currency or jobs or education or families or speech or what have you.
We must demand liberty or we will lose everything.
The choices we make are the most powerful tool we have.
Elaborate on that.
Yeah, well, and the example, the example that you make, you know, Alex, you never gave in to the globalists, although they tried to coerce you, you know, you've talked about it publicly, they offered you money, they offered you this and that, and you said no, and I'm in the same boat.
We've said no, and we paid a heavy, heavy price for doing that, but it's an example.
Yeah, I haven't talked to you about this, but I know you have a very successful operation publishing all the world.
Let me guess, they tried to buy you out for ten times what you're worth?
Oh yeah, they tried to buy me out years ago for an amount of money that now seems like a pittance, but it was tens of millions of dollars a few years ago for sure.
And again, my business is crushed by 99% compared to where it should be probably, and yours is too.
InfoWars should be a multi-billion dollar enterprise at this point with the high quality products that you have, with the reach you have, with the audience you have.
They have suppressed you and suppressed me by, in my calculations, at least 99%.
No, I agree.
But what really is valuable is the currency of victory.
Well, absolutely.
And what's the point of having wealth in a society if you're not free?
You know, freedom is the currency of the future of humanity.
We need freedom more than we need money.
We just use money to try to get traction.
Freedom creates the environment that money can be spent in.
Yeah, exactly.
And I know you agree with me on this, Alex.
It's not that you or I or other individuals want to be wealthy in a world of poor people.
We want everybody to be wealthy.
We want abundance to be a universal aspect of our society.
The globalists admit they're threatened by it.
They're having to suppress wealth, folks.
It's not like they have a problem producing it.
That's why America is such a threat.
It's easy for everybody to be rich.
If they weren't confiscating our money and destroying our currency, most middle-class Americans would already be financially wealthy, they'd have enough set away for retirement, their homes would be worth more, their dollars would be worth more.
Yeah, the robots and all this automation, we weren't even supposed to be working now.
Now old people have to work.
Stay there, you're on fire.
NaturalNews.com, Briteon.com, it's just like Man.Video.
As amazing as all these band contributors, Mike Adams, love him.
He'll be right back with us straight ahead.
Stay with us, got a lot of news to hit straight ahead.
They decided to not perp walking, not put him in handcuffs, not do a mug shot because they knew that that would help Trump.
Didn't they know this would backfire?
We were waiting for the mug shot.
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It's a fundraiser shirt.
It says InfoWars.com on the back.
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No, I'm not running for President.
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Thousands of former Nazis went to work for the United States government.
We need to go into the Capitol!
You will always have conspiracy theories.
They are nothing but distraction.
You guys censored Harvard educated doctors.
You silenced those voices.
What we want to do in Davos is push the reset button.
As soon as we start exposing the Great Reset, the sooner these globalists start going to prison!
Right now, I'm not talking to the viewers and listeners that have gone to InfoWarsTore.com and gotten the great products that enrich your life, that empower your immune system and your body, and keep us on air.
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Hydrofluorosilicic acid is the third most deadly acid on earth.
And they've got our children drinking that.
This is a psychotic death cult.
Case closed.
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But I'm done talking about that.
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Finally back in stock.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Take the highway to the end of the night.
End of the night.
Take the journey to the bright midnight.
End of the night.
End of the night.
Take a journey to the
Alright, Mike's going to leave us here in about 15 minutes.
I'll continue on for one segment and Kate Daly will take over, but I've got some other breaking news I need to hit.
Here's what it comes down to.
Look, look, look.
I've been accused on air for 29 years of being a negative person.
No, I believed in you.
And I'm not going to sugarcoat stuff.
When things are bad, I'll tell you we're behind.
We are running the tables on the enemy right now.
Yeah, they're bleeding us, they're destroying us, but people know they're doing it.
So it's one thing to be asleep in a coma getting your ass beat.
Another thing to be getting your ass kicked and waking up.
And every time we take a swing, we win politically.
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We also have the Trump mugshot.
They didn't do a real mugshot.
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We have the Alex Jones for President shirt.
I really remember President.
It's a fun shirt to meet like-minded people.
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Infowarsstore.com or 888-253-3139.
Get a copy of my book unsigned or do the fundraiser of the signed book.
Not many are left.
Infowarsstore.com if you want a signed copy, last chance to get that.
All right, going back to Mike Adams with NationalNews.com.
Mike, when you get back into the UN invasion points, when you get back into the Trump indictment, when you get back into the war in Russia, when you get back into the admitting U.S.
troops for battling Russians, I told people 15 months ago,
All this craziness going on, what is front and center for you?
Well, obviously, the Biden regime has to rig the 2024 election because if Trump gets in, Trump now has, I think, the proper frame of mind to just clean house like never before.
I think if Trump becomes president, he would work with Congress to completely defund the FBI, maybe the DOJ, maybe the CDC, maybe the FDA as a leverage point to say, look, you're going to have zero money.
Until you fire everybody, rebuild... Oh yeah, he's wrong about the shots, but everything he said he'd do, he did.
Yeah, yeah, I agree.
Trump is absolutely wrong about the shots.
But he now, because they prosecuted him, he now, he's in the same boat that you've been in for a long time, Alex, that he understands the seriousness of this.
And my criticism of Trump is that for a long time, I think, he felt like all the censorship and things and all the criminalization... He thought he could bend him to his will, and he learned he can't.
Well, yeah, exactly.
Or he thought he was going to be insulated enough, and he's not, and he gets it now.
And I think that Trump, if he gets into the White House, he's going to clean house like never before.
And the establishment is absolutely terrified of that.
Now, the other thing, Alex, that's critical for people to know, I don't know if you've covered this, and we've got to give credit to Jim Hoft.
Of the Gateway Pundit, because the Missouri vs. Biden lawsuit, okay, that was filed by Attorney General Schmidt of Missouri.
And by the way, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., his lawsuit has now been joined with that lawsuit.
And I'm sure Robert Barnes has looked at this dutifully, but if you go through the discovery of that lawsuit, which I have done, it is every smoking gun that you need to prosecute the federal government for violations of civil rights, of censorship,
Well, that's right.
We've covered it some, but you're right.
Those are ripening, those cases are winning.
Tell people why that's so important.
Well, it's because it's no longer a question of did the federal government violate the First Amendment rights of the American people, including you.
InfoWars is named in those documents.
So is Bright Young, by the way.
So is Natural News.
Health Ranger is named.
Alex Jones is named, by name, in those documents.
They targeted us for illegal censorship.
Smoking guns are illegal in this country.
I think so.
Where the Rockefeller Foundation specifically is targeting us, and saying we're the number one enemy.
By the way, you're mentioned too.
I'm so proud of that, Mike.
I'm not looking for trouble, but man, if you're gonna fight, it's good to have the enemy say, take out that, that's our main enemy.
And we have to thank Missouri and the Attorney General there, and Ken Paxton in Texas is working in other ways as well, Attorney General of Texas.
And these states that still represent America are fighting hard against the Biden regime, and they're fronting a lot of the costs for the discovery that can be picked up by other attorneys.
Perhaps attorneys for Infowars.
And elaborate on how we're in the documents, because people need to know what is the enemy fearing?
Like, what they fear is our power.
We need to celebrate what the enemy fears.
Yeah, we are specifically named on target lists that were handed over to Big Tech, along with government-developed tools for Big Tech to use to censor our speech by simply labeling everything that we say, misinformation.
Okay, that's what they do.
But what this means, the good news, the goldmine in this, Alex, is that
You and I and Jim Hoft and everybody who is named in the discovery has absolute standing before the courts.
So they can't have, the government can't have these lawsuits thrown out and say you don't have standing, we didn't censor you.
Yeah you did, it's already in discovery, it's already on the record.
So we all have standing and it's a blatant violation of the First Amendment, a blatant violation of civil rights.
So now is the best time
For all of those who have been named, including, by the way, Children's Health Defense, and I think Zero Hedge was named, and a bunch of other alternative media operations, Breitbart for example.
Now is the time to file suit.
Now is the time to pursue this where you can go after the federal government's violation of your civil rights.
And let's be clear, this isn't just surveillance and censorship.
This is government illegally combining with corporations and media to censor and block an election vote.
Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
And simply because you endorsed Trump and I supported Trump and these other people supported Trump.
So everybody who supported Trump or anybody who had skepticism about the safety of the vaccines, which we now know are extremely dangerous, was targeted in the same way.
Or anybody with questions, open borders, the Afghan withdrawal, forced shots, lockdowns.
And again, for everybody that's in the queue thing, I'm not mad at them, but just listen.
Trump was surrounded.
He had almost no help.
Stop thinking you've seen that that was a lie.
Admit that we've got to all unify and be strong and then understand that this proves the illegality of what's going on and shows how weak the enemy is.
They're worried about Mike Adams and Alex Jones.
Yeah, isn't that incredible that you and I threaten their entire empire?
That's how fragile they are because they don't have control, right?
And they don't have control because people want to be free.
They don't have control because information wants to be free.
And we value freedom and being autonomous.
More than life, and they can't beat that.
We're not for sale.
That's right.
Yeah, exactly.
And they're not used to that because they can usually bribe or have kickbacks or they can threaten or coerce or shut down everybody.
In fact, their plan, Alex, was to financially bankrupt you and I and others in this space to the point where we could never file suit against them.
That was their plan all along.
It was an economic strangulation plan.
And that has failed.
Right, and you and I and others have continued to succeed because of the support of our audience and viewers who are cheering us on.
I'm glad you said that.
Folks, you want somebody to stand up for you?
We're all standing up together.
I'm not like your leader.
This is a war.
We're winning.
The enemy's scared of us.
I want listeners to have it boiled down.
Mike Adams and Tucker Carlson and Alex Jones and Donald Trump are not the tip of the spear.
The people are the tip of the spear.
And your word of mouth, your prayer and your financial support is critical.
It is up to you whether we win or lose.
Yeah, that's right.
In any one of us, I mean, if I gave up tomorrow and walked away, it wouldn't change the fact that we're going to achieve victory because it's not about me or you, Alex, or any one person.
Like you just said, it's about this entire pro-human, pro-freedom movement that is awakening like never before.
We have simply ignited the brush fires in the minds of men and women.
We have simply shown people what's going on.
And Mike, can you not feel the spirit of victory?
I mean, I can feel it right now like never before.
Yeah, and you know what, Alex?
Whether or not you or I are even here to see that victory, it's irrelevant.
Because this is a cosmic level victory that transcends any individuals.
And Alex, admittedly, I never wanted to be doing what I'm doing.
I never wanted to have to be the guy in a studio, covering the news, talking about this.
I remember 10 years ago, you were like, I just want to cover health news.
But you got drafted, didn't you?
It's like we all have to step up and do what's necessary.
I'm just so glad that we're not alone anymore.
For many years, you were just the lone voice or people like Steve Quayle or later on myself.
We're not alone anymore.
Humanity is with us, Alex.
Humanity wants their world back.
And we're right there with them.
Not leading them, but with them fighting this fight together.
That's what we do.
Well, let's talk about that in the final segment with Mike Adams, NaturalNews.com.
That's why we do this.
You're absolutely right, but that's my greatest concern, is we are winning.
What is the enemy going to do?
Nuclear war, digital collapse, turn the power off, and folks, they're not going to give up.
Stay there, stay there.
We'll come right back to you in two minutes.
Mike Adams, final segment.
Stay with us.
If Alex Jones runs for president in the Republican Party, he has a chance of winning.
If you just tuned in, you may be noticing I'm wearing an Alex Jones for President 2024 shirt.
I am not seriously planning to run for president.
This is an idea the crew had.
To have a triggering shirt, kind of next level.
Alex Jones was right.
There's Infowars.com on the back, Alex Jones for President 2024 on the front.
It's a fundraiser shirt.
It's made out of really nice fabric.
It's high quality.
And it is a exclusive shirt to Infowarsstore.com.
And when the shirts are gone, they're gone.
We're doing one run.
No way.
No way.
That's a bridge too far.
No, it can't be.
And I said on national television that he was going to win.
I talk a lot about the great successes InfoWars has had.
I don't think anybody can deny it.
And it is because of listeners and viewers supporting us.
When we talk about the crew at InfoWars, people behind the scenes, the researchers, the writers, they really have been the MVPs in this fight.
And when you look at Harrison Smith and Owen Schroyer and the hard work they engage in every day, five, six, seven days a week, it's really just incredible.
So for myself and the whole InfoWars crew, I thank you for your past support.
I only encourage you now to realize that InfoWars cannot stay on air if you do not support us.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Freedom came my way one day.
Sheriff John Brown came to shoot me down, so I shot him.
We are winning.
But the enemy won't give up.
What do you expect them to pull?
I don't
I don't
You know, gender war, essentially, is what it is.
And I'm so glad that the American people have resisted that, and they have de-escalated, and they have called out the trans-violent militants.
That have been shooting up schools like in Nashville and so on.
We have to de-escalate violence.
We have to de-escalate emergencies.
And we have to navigate.
We have to be prepared in every way possible with backup supplies of money, food, communications, everything.
Because they're going to start crashing entire infrastructure systems around us.
That is absolutely coming.
And again, it's not because we're scared of violence.
We're winning societally, culturally, spiritually.
The enemy wants violence.
So we need to be very Christ-like right now.
Not out of weakness, but out of strength.
We need to prepare not only for ourselves, but also, if you can, if you have enough funds, prepare at the community level, or for neighbors and family, because there's going to be a lot of desperation out there as supply chain disruptions get worse.
Oh, you're totally right.
I mean, the supply chain's breaking down, you've been on top of that before me, and now the housing market, the commercial market, the car market, this is getting bad.
I think?
I think?
Any individual is here, is irrelevant.
We've awakened together, all of us, so many people around the world, that humanity will overcome this tyranny.
And then the history books will look back at this at the craziest time that has ever existed that we know of on this planet.
It's been bizarre to live through this and it's not over.
And the globalists were going to run this attack regardless.
At least we're fighting back and having victory.
And I know now they're scared.
I look at the body language of all of them.
They know they've lost.
Yeah, they've lost.
But again, they're in desperation mode and some of them don't yet realize that they've lost.
They think that they still command their imaginary armies like Hitler did in the last days of World War II, but they don't.
They don't command the people anymore.
They can't just order everybody into a digital wallet.
They can't order everybody to love Biden.
It's not working.
It's broken.
The faith has been fractured in the artificial systems.
No one trusts the banks, no one trusts the FBI, no one trusts the mainstream media, no one trusts the Biden regime, except a few still brainwashed remnants of the left.
Everybody else is waking up.
And so their answer is cyber attacks, power outages, nuclear war.
So let's not kid ourselves, but at least our souls are in the right place.
And people in government and corporations should really do whatever they can to leak information and stop this.
NaturalNews.com, look forward to Michael, Jan, and more of your reports at NaturalNews.com.
We'll be covering it tomorrow.
Mike Adams, thank you so much.
I salute you for your work.
Thank you, Alex.
God bless you.
Keep it up.
The best part about this job is that you get to know folks like Mike Adams.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Humanity is in a fight for its very life, and InfoWars, for decades, has been at the very forefront of the fight for a pro-human future.
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And the final 1,200 signed copies of my book, The Great Reset and the War for the World, and I'm not gonna sign anymore after that, are exclusively available at InfoWarsTore.com as well.
In the last month, I got a little busy, so I didn't sign the books.
We didn't have them for sale.
But now, I signed the last books.
You can get them right now.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
Don't tread on me.
To secure peace is to prepare for war.
Don't tread on me.
I think so.
Spread no more!
To secure the pieces!
To prepare for war!
So be it!
Settle the score!
Touch me again with the words and you will hear evermore!
Love it or leave it!
Come to love me!
We're good.
Don't tread on me.
All right, Kate Daly is going to take over.
Here's a few minutes.
Here's some of the news I didn't hit.
I'm sure it'll cover a lot more.
Knock it out of the park as it always does.
In about 50 minutes, 52 minutes from now, InfoWars.com forward slash show, man dot video, Mad Max World dot TV.
Look at this.
Again, if you really want to have
Lesbian sex, homosexual sex, whatever it is, you're an adult, I'm not attacking you.
The point is, is that less than 1% identified as homosexual 10 years ago.
Now it's 7.2%.
In many school districts in leftist areas, up to 50% of the children identifies that because they were brainwashed to do it.
That is about breaking down the family.
That is about depopulation.
That is about a corporate agenda, ladies and gentlemen.
That is about destruction.
An example of this is I've seen studies and statistics on it.
A lot of women grow up, they get inducted into lesbianism, girls are easy to deal with, and they're a lesbian for the first, you know, 10 years of their sexual life.
So they're like 18, they're a lesbian until they're like 28, and almost all those women... I mean, half my buddies are married to lesbians.
They're not lesbians anymore.
I mean, and it doesn't mean everybody doesn't admire a woman or attract a woman.
Women are incredible.
But the point is that it's not what we're designed to do, ladies and gentlemen.
Men and women go together with children.
Men aren't supposed to be off screwing each other.
Women aren't supposed to be shacked up together.
It doesn't really happen in the real world.
But they're pushing it because they want you to be alone, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm not judging people.
I'm not attacking people.
I'm not giving the left what they want.
I don't hate these people.
I've been around the block probably 50 times.
What I'm saying is, is that this is a deliberate corporate agenda by the establishment.
And it's designed to make you alone, just like big tech and social media to control you.
And that's a fact!
No one denies that!
It's on their own Facebook and Google and Twitter documents that we want to make you alone and control you and run you.
Henry Ford wanted to pay his employees enough to buy a car.
These people don't want you to have any money.
It's an evil agenda.
So we've got that.
7.2% of U.S.
adults identify as LGBT because they're told it's a cool thing to do.
But you know what's really happening in Japan, Italy, and the U.S.?
Japan's the worst.
1.1 children?
There won't be Japanese in 100 years, that number.
The men and women have been broken up.
And they just say, well, I don't date women, so I'm gay.
And they statistically studied it.
They're not even having sex with men.
They're alone, folks.
Alone is where they want you.
Alone, alone, alone.
And that's where this goes.
The transgenders aren't committing suicide or getting killed by right wingers.
They're committing suicide and being killed by the culture they're in that is incredibly destructive.
Here's some more news.
Husband of BBC presenter killed by COVID vaccine, says AstraZeneca, says vaccine is unsafe and defective product.
CDC behavior change.
Project Targeted Vaccine Critics was funded by Pfizer and New York Misinformation Response Unit tied to the CIA.
Look what was pulled out of a cadaver.
None of it is protein or platelets.
It's all spike protein.
Big thing on that.
And it goes on and on and on.
But they're doing damage control.
That woman two and a half years ago that collapsed, never seen after that, now she's popped up and says, oh, it was no big deal, I'm still alive.
That doesn't fly in the face of the reality.
It falls on its face.
And then we got this video of Elon Musk I want to play.
Elon accuses BBC of failing to report on side effects of vaccinations and spreading misinformation when they call him a disinformationist.
And he says, how am I disinfo?
They can't respond.
Because it's all just a throwaway line, like conspiracy theorists.
Here's the clip.
Content you don't like or hateful?
What do you mean?
Describe a hateful thing.
Yeah, I mean, you know, just content that will solicit a reaction, something that may include something that is slightly racist or slightly sexist, those kinds of things.
So you think if something is slightly sexist, it should be banned?
Is that what you're saying?
No, I'm not saying anything.
I'm just curious.
I'm trying to understand what you mean by hateful content, and I'm asking for specific examples.
And you just said that if something is slightly sexist,
That's hateful content.
Does that mean that it should be banned?
Well, you've asked me whether my feed, whether it's got less or more.
I'd say it's got slightly more.
That's what I'm asking for examples.
Can you name one example?
Honestly, I don't... You can't name a single example.
I'll tell you why, because I don't actually use that feed anymore, because I just don't particularly like it.
A lot of people are quite similar.
I only... Well, come on a second.
You've said you've seen more hateful content, but you can't name a single example.
Not even one.
I'm not sure I've used that feed for the last three or four weeks.
Well then how did you see the hateful content?
Because I've been using Twitter since you've taken it over for the last six months.
Okay, so then you must have at some point seen the for you hateful content.
I'm asking for one example.
You can't give a single one.
And I'm saying... Then I say so that you don't know what you're talking about.
Yes, because you can't give a single example of hateful content, not even one tweet, and yet you claimed that the hateful content was high.
All right, and again, the clip's too long.
I've got to throw it to Kate Daly.
We'll add it and pause when it's to Bandot video, where he exposes that they covered up the side effects and blocked therapeutics.
So that's all coming up.
Please remember, we're also supporting great t-shirts, great books, great films, 1776 testosterone boost, PainMD, TurboForce back in stock, InfoWarStore.com.
Kate Daly's an amazing syndicated talk show host.
She always has incredible guests on.
Kate Daly, we love you.
We appreciate you.
Take over.
Thank you, Alex, so much.
I want to share some research with all of you that I've found alarming, alarming, totally alarming.
And by the way, great segment with Mike Adams.
Look, we have so much going on.
I am a research hound.
Love research.
And I'm telling you that with the distractions that we have today, there's some research I think that people are missing.
And this has not been talked about at all.
In fact, in fact, there's tracks being laid.
They've been being laid for, well, since about 2009 and 2007, really.
And I found something really strange about the Democrat leftist loony fascination with tribal nations.
I should go back to 2007.
Now, this is, it's really strange because out of 12 years on the radio, the last two years, I've noticed this huge shift in talking about tribal nations, executive orders, memorandums, you know, declarations, all kinds of things.
And it's been hitting me a little strange.
I thought, what is the fascination here with such a small group of people?
Why are they putting this in the press endlessly?
What is going on?
And two weeks ago, something very, very big happened and it didn't get a lot of attention.
So I see a lot of pandering going on to the tribal nations.
I'm not against Native Americans.
They're good people.
But are they getting used?
This is going to be a very interesting 45 minutes.
Let me just tell you.
Very, very interesting.
Seems like a lot of attention is being paid, but why?
I'll be right back on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host.
I'll be right back.
Stay with me.
Every time I talk to you, you're either like on the border exposing the cartels and like coming under fire or you're on the streets of some American city hanging out with drug addicts and criminals and now you've gone to ground zero of a massive chemical spill.
Are you addicted to the danger, Savannah?
Have you ever considered that for a second?
No, I'm addicted to helping my fellow Americans.
I'm addicted to spreading the truth.
And again, you know, I have InfoWars to thank for that.
Looking back on the day, I was able to ask President Donald Trump two questions.
I was so grateful because, you know, I truly was classically trained under Alex Jones and under the InfoWars team.
I really do credit that as to why I'm able to, you know, get these types of clips.
Because Alex's whole mentality was, you know, go where the
I'm addicted to telling the truth and helping the American people.
And I really do credit Alex for instilling that within me early on in my career.
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The most banned man in America, Alex Jones.
I want you all to know something.
Alex Jones was right.
Alex is right about far more things wrong.
Alex has been right on for over a decade.
I don't care how you slice it, dice it, flip it up or rub it down.
Alex Jones was right.
Think about how frustrated we are if you've been awake for a year or two.
Imagine being like an Alex Jones or those guys who've been awake for like decades.
Alex Jones called this years ago.
Years ago.
Alex Jones never bought the Russia hoax.
Not for a second.
You are one of the great thinkers of this.
You are a martyr to the First Amendment.
The government fears Alex Jones.
That's why the globalists hate me, is because I'm exposing their corporate worldwide tyranny.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
With you on the Alex Jones Show, I'm Kate Dally, your guest host from katedallyradio.com.
So glad to be with you today.
I'm sharing some research with you because some things were hitting me kind of strange and I wanted to share this with you because I thought it was
Well, worth talking about.
There's some things going on that are even deeper, I think, than strange.
A couple of weeks ago, something really, really big happened, and there wasn't a whole lot of reporting on it in the press.
On March 30th, the Catholic Church revoked, renounced the Doctrine of Discovery.
This was a really, really big deal, because this had been in play for over 500 years, okay?
So, it wasn't a small thing, we'll say that.
And what they did was, they pointed out at the end of their statement that they made in renouncing this doctrine of discovery, and they said, the Church's solidarity with indigenous peoples has given rise to strong support for the principles contained in the United Nations Declaration of Rights on Indigenous Peoples.
And they wanted to say that this that was based, this doctrine of discovery, and let me describe what this is, because your biggest question should be why are they ending this now?
The 500 year Catholic decree encouraged colonization.
So what began as a religious decree in the 1400s then became the basis for legal concept in the United States when the Doctrine of Discovery was invoked in a 1923, just after the inception of the country, U.S.
Supreme Court ruling that indigenous people had only rights of occupancy, not ownership over lands that they had long lived on.
Now, I just read that from something that is sort of spun a little bit to paint
The white Christian Bible-carrying person as the person that is the most evil person in the world that came in and on this doctrine of discovery that started and originated with the Catholic Church that this was the grounds for the taking of property in this country.
Now what you probably should be thinking right now is,
Why did the Catholic Church just finally revoke this?
What's going on?
And what does it lead to?
What's been going on?
And I just said, over the last two years, there's been really interesting preoccupation, especially with this fake administration, on tribal.
Everything tribal.
In fact, just in two years' time, they have written over 70 executive orders
It was one of the first ones they did in January, if you recall, one of their top priorities, memorandums and declarations on tribal and talking about their sovereignty and talking about how we need to open this up and give them more land and all kinds of things.
Now, what I really think is going on here is I think the Native Americans are about to be used in a really big way, and I don't want to see that happen.
And this is why I'm bringing it up.
This is why I'm talking about this today, because when it landed in the United States Supreme Court as part of a decision, the judge was going to lose, about to lose property if he didn't go with the doctrine of discovery on the origins of the founding of the country.
So what they're saying is, is all over, but especially in the United States, all we did was murder and pillage and we took land from people whose land it is and that this needs to have redress.
And it needs to be given back.
Very, very strange language coming from Obama.
In all of his eight years, he did 77 executive orders, directives, and memorandums.
If you want to know what Trump did, Trump only did 19.
Obama did 77, but in the last two years, the fake Biden-King fraud-a-lot administration has almost matched Biden's eight years in office with 70 of them.
That's a lot.
That's a lot.
So what are they doing?
What is the fascination?
What's going on?
So this goes back to 15th century, and it's the foundation of some of our property law today.
And what's been going on in Canada lately in the last year and a half?
I'm going to talk about that because you need to know what they're doing as a blueprint for I think what we're about to do too.
So the Vatican renounces the 500-year-old doctrine, and I think the timing is right on par for what they're about to do.
I also want to say that in 2005, Ginsburg was noting on a case going back to the same exact doctrine.
So this doctrine is integral in the formation of the United States.
Are they going after the United States in order to gut it?
So let me say this.
In 2007, the UN made a declaration for indigenous peoples that they wanted to see incorporated into international law, even here, even Canada.
It was a big, huge push in 2007.
Well, in 2010, they did a framework of dominance, this UN preliminary study on the doctrine of discovery.
And this came out and it really enforced the indigenous people need their land back and we're going to even have to go to the to the lengths of undoing constitutions to get them their land back.
It was a really, really strange, strange type of a document.
It really painted the white
Wealthy, especially white, white wealthy Christian as the most harmful person on the planet.
So a lot of this has to go to really kind of demonizing Christianity at the same time because they are hell-bent on focusing on America.
I guess no other, no other nation conquered another nation in the history of us, right?
But they don't talk about the European nations that conquered one another.
They don't talk about all the others.
They talk about us.
We are their preoccupation.
And the article, the study talks about this insane just zeal for making sure that things are undone from the very beginning.
Obama comes out and he talks about indigenous recognition, and he did this a lot, a lot more than Bush, let's say.
And Bush was not all for making any sort of international law.
I don't agree with a lot of the things Bush did, but they weren't, United States wasn't voting on it.
They voted against it.
But then Obama came along and he did the protection of Native American lands and environment.
This is key.
Remember this.
And environment and redress.
And he said that we were such a terrible nation, we stole and stole and murdered and murdered and we took this land and it was going to be up to him to make sure that we had full, that they got full recognition of the lands, territories, ownership, occupation.
We're good to go.
They listed so many items that I don't think people really reported on at the time, but they were really sort of out there with, this is what we're going to do and why.
So the natural resource rights are really, really important key here.
And they, and Obama said under US law, they needed to function properly and facilitate as appropriate access, not only access,
But giving their lands back.
This was a really big priority for the Obama administration, but an even bigger one now.
Was the timing of the Doctrine of Discovery, the ending of that after 500 years?
Why would you pick now?
In the year 2023, but there is a definite reason for it.
And I'll get to that in just a moment.
But I want to talk about what Biden and Harris did in their proclamation for the presidency and what they were about to do.
I'll be right back on the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host.
Stay with me on this.
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The most banned man in America, Alex Jones.
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Imagine being like an Alex Jones or those guys who've been awake for like decades.
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If Alex Jones runs for president in the Republican Party, he has a chance of winning.
If you just tuned in, you may be noticing I'm wearing an Alex Jones for President 2024 shirt.
I am not seriously planning to run for president.
This is an idea the crew had to have a triggering shirt, kind of next level.
Alex Jones is right.
There's Infowars.com on the back, Alex Jones for President 2024 on the front.
It's a fundraiser shirt.
It's made out of really nice fabric.
It's high quality.
And it is a exclusive shirt to Infowars.com.
And when the shirts are gone, they're gone.
We're doing one run.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show, so happy to be with you.
So, the Doctrine of Discovery, as it was written up in 1823 U.S.
Supreme Court opinion, that basically backed it and said the principle was that, this is what John Marshall wrote of the Supreme Court, the principle was that discovery gave title to the government by whose subjects and by whose authority it was made against all other European governments, which title might be consummated by possession.
See, that's what we're talking about here, by possession.
And the exclusion of all other Europeans necessarily gave to the nation making the discovery of the sole right of acquiring the soil from the natives and establishing settlements upon it.
Right now the big spin is to say we walked in with Bibles and we said all the Native Americans weren't Christian and we conquered them because that's really what it's about.
And that I would like to know if we interviewed everybody because I'm pretty sure Native Americans are Christian but anyway.
So, they did it in a way that said that it was the white Christian male that came in with its Bible to massacre and that this doctrine of discovery gave him the right to do it and then consummate and possess the land.
Obama signed in 2010, at the same time actually saying, yes, the United Nations, we declare that their Indigenous Peoples Act, this is a wonderful thing, put out an executive order.
And I know you guys probably remember this.
Stewardship of the Ocean, Our Coasts and Great Lakes.
And it said, drafted with substantial input from tribes, which established a governance coordination committee with three tribal representatives.
And so they said their special interest priorities were going to be Arctic and developing coastal and marine plans and all kinds of things.
But they definitely wanted them on board.
Then millions of dollars in, like, let's say the Department of Agriculture, Rural Development Office, all kinds of things were done in the Recovery Acts.
Millions upon millions upon millions of dollars.
Given, um, to secure Indian reservation roads program.
To me, it seemed like a lot of pandering, but the fake Biden administration, the deep state behind Biden, we know Biden doesn't really do anything, but it is amazing to see the amount in the last two years.
And I know you might've noticed it in the news and maybe wondered what was going on.
A lot of attention.
The ACLU said support for the Declaration is essential to upholding U.S.
obligations under international law.
A lot of articles have been written, lots of things.
So, two weeks ago, when the Catholic Church revoked, renounced this, it was a really, really big deal.
You guys remember, I was, when we were talking about Indigenous Peoples Day, right?
King Fratelli decided that he was going to do Indigenous Peoples Day instead of Columbus Day.
There was much more to this than people really actually realized, I think.
I remember just sort of making fun of it because it just sounds really, what's wrong with Columbus Day?
But anyway, he did this proclamation and in it he said, we also recommit to supporting a new, brighter future of promise and equity for tribal nations, a future grounded in tribal sovereignty and respect for the human rights of the indigenous people of the Americas and around the world.
Not only do we have open borders with indigenous people, claiming to be indigenous people, flooding in, we also have this onslaught
Of talking about sovereignty and talking about human rights, which is the two key words the UN loves, and also indigenous people, right?
And so everybody thinks, well, you know, they're just giving them something back.
They're doing something for them.
But in all these declarations, they're acting like they don't have anything.
And now we are here to give them something.
It's really, really strange, right?
This preoccupation with making us think that they're finally giving them
What they're due.
But it's not about that.
It's not about that.
I actually think they're getting used.
So, Biden put in this indigenous days people thing.
The federal government has a solemn obligation to lift up and invest in the future of indigenous people.
And we're only talking about 3 million people, 8 million that claim partly to be Indian, but about 3 million people.
It's a really small group, right?
But man, there's a lot of concern over this for this administration.
So tribal nations, they said, are going to govern their own communities, make their own decisions.
They already do.
Anyway, it said, we must never forget the centuries-long campaign of violence, displacement and terror wrought upon the Native communities and tribal nations.
They're still going on and on with this lie.
So they said, today we acknowledge the significant sacrifices made by Native American people and their ongoing contributions, blah, blah, blah.
But here's the Biden-Harris plan for tribal nations.
And I don't think anyone was really talking about this.
They basically made this proclamation for equality for all, but the emphasis was going to be on Native Americans.
And this was their own bullet points from their own website talking about what they were about to do.
They were going to strengthen nation-to-nation relationships, provide reliable, affordable, quality health care, and address health disparities.
Right now, they claim that the Native Americans are completely 100% boosted and vaccinated, more than any other group.
Isn't that strange?
They made sure that these people were living in fear, and then they also made sure that they were getting all of these shots.
That's a whole other thing I want to comment on.
But going back to this document from the Biden-Harris.
Restore tribal lands.
Address climate change.
See how those go in the same sentence?
Go hand in hand.
And safeguard natural and cultural resources.
There's a lot more to that.
Ensure native communities are safer.
And tackle the crisis of violence.
That's a red herring.
It really has nothing to do with that.
But it looks like they're giving them something, right?
Then expand economic opportunity.
But then they talked about
Elevating the number of judges that understand tribal lands, that understand tribal sovereignty in our court system, in the federal court system.
They actually vowed to Biden and Harris to increase the amount of judgeships.
They also vowed to put more Native Americans than ever at the heads of departments or in the Department of Interior or anything having to do with climate change, with lands, all of these things.
It's really, really strange.
So they made this, this declaration and then Biden came out and said that 30% of the water and the lands in America would basically
Be theirs, right?
Would basically be theirs.
And it's really interesting because it's really about a land grab.
So they wrote, we're going to nominate judges who understand federal Indian law, respect tribal sovereignty.
Now think about this for a moment.
They never did this before.
Why now?
Why now?
Why in this two years is this becoming so important?
And they also talked about how many roles they were going to put Native Americans in that understood.
And they basically kept saying, you know, Obama administration recognized and took 542,000 acres of land in trust for tribes.
And when we talk about Agenda 30, we talk about the future of America.
If 30% or more, because I think that was a low calculation on their part, so that people wouldn't talk about it, but he did declare we would lose 30% more land and waters to the feds.
The feds are partnering up with the tribal nations, and that's what I'm worried about, is that they're partnering up to take more lands
In lieu of climate change.
And so what they're doing is it looks like they're giving something to the Native Americans.
It looks like they're preoccupied with them and really want to give back.
But there's one thing I know about these people in these leftist loonies.
It's always a bait and switch.
It is never about true caring.
It really is not.
There's always a bait and switch.
So their biggest objectives were, Biden-Harris, protect natural and cultural treasures, and make sure and put as much land as they could under these things, respect land sovereignty and tribal rights, and protect Native homelands.
It was this really big push.
Now you're probably thinking to yourself, they've already done this.
This was already done.
Native Americans have their tribal lands.
What is going on?
When I come back, I want to tell you what Canada just did, because it's a really important, sad, state of affairs move on their part.
And they keep talking about this bill that passed a year and a half ago and how they might have to change their constitution to accommodate the new international law from the UN on Indigenous Peoples.
I'll come back and talk about that.
But this, I tell you, there's way more to this than people are recognizing.
These tracks are being laid and it looks like they're giving them something, but I think they're using them.
And I think they're taking it for climate change in the name of
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I just can't do it!
If Alex Jones runs for president in the Republican Party, he has a chance of winning.
If you just tuned in, you may be noticing I'm wearing an Alex Jones for President 2024 shirt.
I am not seriously planning to run for president.
This is an idea the crew had.
To have a triggering shirt, kind of next level.
Alex Jones was right.
There's InfoWars.com on the back, Alex Jones for President 2024 on the front.
It's a fundraiser shirt.
It's made out of really nice fabric.
It's high quality.
And it is a exclusive shirt to InfoWarsStore.com.
And when the shirts are gone, they're gone.
We're doing one run.
No way.
No way.
That's a bridge too far.
No, it can't be.
And I said on national television that he was going to win.
At InfowarsStore.com
So get your copy of The Great Reset and The War for the World, a signed copy, at InfoWarsHore.com.
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This is an Infowar.
I'm counting on you and thank you for your support.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Kate Dally, your guest host from katedallyradio.com.
So glad to be with you today.
Look, I know this is going to sound a little crazy.
We all know the climate change agenda.
We all know Klaus Schwab said you're going to own nothing and be happy.
Are they going, is this administration quietly laying the tracks and going after putting people in judgeships, making sure that lands are returned?
From property owners to Native tribes.
If you live in rural areas, we all know Agenda 2030 is about getting people out of rural areas and closer to cities where they can be controlled more.
They've made no secret of this.
And they're doing a great job, unfortunately.
Murkowski led a roundtable on Native communities' priorities for the 2023 Farm Bill.
There's so much going on, I wouldn't even have time
To give you the headlines, but the briefing room at the White House talked about a new era of nation-to-nation engagement.
They keep using that terminology and they keep talking about advancing, this was from their own directive on the White House page, advancing equity and opportunity for all American Indians and Alaskan Natives and help tribal nations overcome new and long-standing challenges, right?
Then they talk about sovereignty and advanced tribal self-determination.
I don't know.
Is that it says there's an opportunity to celebrate the progress they have made in new nation-to-nation era and map out plans to improve all these new outcomes for Native Americans and for the seven generations to come.
Anyway, it's strange.
This whole document is really strange and talks about the fact that they need their lands back and that America has to do the right thing for human rights.
I'm not against anybody having what they need or whatever, but we live in a country where you work hard for it and you do it, right?
So government assistance is strange to me anyway, that we would be a nation that would invite this type of thing in at every turn or claim victimhood to get that.
But I think Native Americans are great people.
I think they're good people.
And I do think that they're absolutely being used in this through the Build Back Better Plan, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.
There are so many reasons, I think, where the funding is now designated.
There's lots of money flowing and it might seem like they're getting something for this, but I actually do not think they are.
I could go on and on about all the monies given, Department of Interior, all kinds of things that they've been doing.
I do want to tell you that Canada passed a bill which is called Bill 15.
And this was Trudeau's vowed sort of, I now claim international law from the UN Indigenous Peoples Act as an act now.
And he said we're going to have to, might have to change our constitution and we might have to change everything.
And the articles coming out said, yeah, this is going to get really messy.
But we're going to have to do it in the name of climate change and in the name of people's rights or the Native Americans' rights to their lands.
This was really strange.
So they have been working behind, well, not behind the scenes because it's been out there, but grabbing lands and saying, these are for tribal, these are for tribal.
And by the way, remember, they're in partnership with the government.
If we haven't learned anything yet, our government isn't the most wonderful in promises or anything else, right?
But man, there's a lot of attention.
Hunter Biden, Devin Archer that worked with Hunter Biden, went to jail for scamming the Indians.
Was that a representation of kind of what this entire deep state is trying to do right now?
I really think that
They're going after the underpinnings of the country.
They're having a hard time changing our constitution.
So they're going after the underpinnings of it.
Did we ever deserve it at all?
Did we ever deserve to come here at all?
So that's what I think they're basically doing here.
But they're also going to be doing it a lot in climate change.
So they're developing plans in the UN declaration on indigenous tribes, all kinds of things going on with this.
The Bill 15 was
The Bill 15 was scary because people were noticing and writing articles in Canada left and right on the fact that, wait a second, that something's going on here and we're changing our laws.
In fact, there was an article written about how to dismantle the doctrine of discovery that was revoked by the Catholic Church two weeks ago.
How to do it.
And it was basically acknowledge, which we're seeing this administration, oh, acknowledge, acknowledge, acknowledge.
And then we see, um,
This, like, you know, we're going to have to change laws.
We're going to have to enter these things into legislation.
We're going to have to put judges in that will err on the side of giving lands back.
I think so.
But we're seeing a lot of things like this.
In the news just recently in March, indigenous environmental networks respond to Biden's climate change plan because in exchange, I think, for all of these things that they're being given in 70 executive orders just in two years, memorandums and directives, are they having to go along with the climate change?
All of this for climate change, right?
So it's getting a little weird.
So again, again, Trump only did 19 and I want to point that out.
He also did some reversals too that Obama did.
Obama did 77 over his eight years.
Biden has almost matched that in under two years.
That's crazy.
It's insane.
So we have all of these things going on, these little underpinnings, right?
You're seeing a lot of shows, like the show 1823, it casts every single person that was Catholic as evil, right?
And murdering and just raping consistently the Indians in the schools that they were forced to go to.
And yes, there was some forcing going into the schools and things like that.
Um, under the guise of that.
But not everybody was evil.
But there's a lot of media that's pointing this out, or trying to at least point this out, to try to say, oh my gosh, we need to give this back, and we really need to look at human rights and adopt international law.
We also did the Indigenous Peoples Declaration for 2023 United Nations Water Conference.
Remember the declaration Obama did for waterways?
For tribal lands?
Or, well, anything they're going to deem responsible for climate change will be done in the name of tribal.
Mark my words.
And also, there was the latest even this week, by the way, there's so much more I could say on this, but they did pass that in Canada.
They did pass that law.
And I think it's a blueprint for what they're doing here, actually.
I think there was
Deeper meaning to the Indigenous People's Day Act.
I think there's a lot more there than people recognized.
I think it was a declaration and also a nod to get the Catholic... They were all waiting on the Catholic Church.
Other churches had renounced it or revoked it, but the Catholic Church was the biggie.
It was the heavyweight.
And all of a sudden, it's being revoked.
But there was an article talking about this just in the press this week.
JPMorgan Chase, right?
Jamie Dimon, suggested that the U.S.
government and climate-conscious corporations may have to seize citizens' properties to enact climate initiatives while there's still time to stave off climate disasters.
What a load of horse crap that is!
But that comes from Jamie Dimon, so we would all expect horse crap spewing out of his mouth.
But that was in an annual letter to shareholders.
We'll have to take citizens' property in the event of this huge emergency for the climate.
And I wonder how much of this will be
You know what?
You live close to tribal lands or you live in a vicinity or a state that has a lot of tribal lands, maybe those tribal lands extend and it won't be the fault of the Native Americans.
I actually don't blame them in this at all or think ill will toward them.
I think they're being used.
I think they think they're getting something and they're being used.
Eminent domain is going to broaden and it's going to broaden under this because obviously January 26,
His first directive for tribal nations in 2021, very important to this fraudulent administration, that they get these things passed.
70 is a lot in two years.
Obama took eight years to do 77 of them.
But there's definitely a reason the Catholic Church after 500 years just revoked this.
Giving that big nod to the UN, to international law entering and creeping into our legislation if we follow along with Canada.
And I think Canada is being used as the blueprint.
And I think we're going to see a lot more eminent domain in the name of tribal.
And I don't want to see the Native Americans get used like this.
I really don't.
But there's something going on here and it's not right.
There's a lot of pandering going on.
And there's a lot of things that are adding up and it's just, it's kind of scary actually because they're going after the foundation of America, the foundation, the underpinnings of how we declared this to be a country.
That doesn't look good for us.
And so we need to be fighting these things.
We need to get together to fight this.
And I hope we see it now.
I am Kate Dally from katedallyradio.com for the Alex Jones Show.
Glad to be with you today.
And thank you for listening to this latest research of mine.
Thank you.
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I don't think anybody can deny it.
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