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Filename: 20230330_Thu_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 30, 2023
3080 lines.

Alex Jones discusses transgender issues as part of a larger agenda by the transhumanist movement to control individuals from birth. He also talks about S-686, a bill aimed at banning TikTok due to security concerns. Additionally, he addresses recent calls for violence against Christians and conservatives by transgender activists and urges listeners to support InfoWars by purchasing products from their online store. Jones warns that the Trans Day of Vengeance rally in Washington DC may result in acts of violence and encourages listeners to stay informed and prepared for the battle for a pro-human future.

This is Uncle Sam with music and the truth until dawn.
Right now, I've got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zone.
The chair is against the wall.
John has a long mustache.
This is the heart of 1776.
It's 12 o'clock, Americans.
Another day closer to victory.
And for all of you out there on or behind the lines, this is your song.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
From deep in the heart of FEMA Region 6, Austin, Texas, transmitting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
It's Thursday, March 30th, 2023.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We have another incredibly important transmission lined up for you today.
We have Roger Stone with big breaking news joining us in the second hour.
Drew Hernandez joining us in the third hour.
And Paul Joseph Watson in the fourth hour.
And boy, do we have a full plate on the war front, on the economy front, on the total AI takeover censorship front, on the transgender nation front, on black reparations in California to cost 800 billion government estimates.
It is all the design takedown of our civilization.
Thank you for joining us again on this live, uncensored, teleprompter-free edition of the Alex Jones Show.
I was the first, really, 25 years ago or so, to track where the transgender movement came from, and it was created by the transhumanist movement of Aldous Huxley, who really founded the United Nations and really ran it for the 30 years that he was alive, after setting it up in 1946 at Presidio Naval Base in San Francisco.
And they said that once we break up the family and once we confuse the genders, we can then separate children basically at birth and raise them as functionaries of the state.
Similar to the book his brother wrote in 31, or published in 32, Brave New World.
Aldous Huxley.
Huxley again wrote, I talk about this all the time, and thank God now even Duncan Carlson is talking about it.
You go read it, it's incredible.
Brave New World revisited in 1961 or 62 when he was dying of cancer.
And he gave speeches also, it's not the book that was non-fiction, saying this is the actual plan of my family and my brother and it's our world and
George Orwell was wrong.
We won't rule you with jackboots and trudgeons.
That's for the few that resist.
We're going to chemicalize you and brainwash you from birth.
You'll never know what hit you.
And Bertrand Russell and others wrote books saying the same thing.
So that's what this is.
And that's why it has pure total corporate backing.
And the good news is the public's really starting to figure out that the minions of this are mainly just autistic children who were put into the system and told they were transgender and celebrated and other mentally damaged folks.
Because they always had to have a way to celebrate those they'd already brain damaged and then shunt them off into a sterilization program.
But transgenderism is just the leading edge of this.
And if you go to any of these transgender events,
In Kentucky or in Texas or in New York.
We have countless videos.
They are men dressed like clowns saying that's what a woman is.
Get the clown.
Normally wearing bathamette outfits.
And we have long compilations.
We've played many times.
We should probably play some of those.
I haven't played them in a while.
Of these individuals showing up at city councils everywhere in bathamette outfits.
It happened a lot yesterday across the country.
Saying we're here to groom your children.
They belong to us.
We're going to get them.
So, Satan's army comes as pot-bellied, grotesque men in clown outfits demanding access to your children.
Or, as the media is now defending, this woman's a hero for going and killing the kids because people were mean to her.
They'll kill you.
If Alex Jones runs for president in the Republican Party, he has a chance of winning.
If you just tuned in, you may be noticing I'm wearing an Alex Jones for President 2024 shirt.
I am not seriously planning to run for president.
This is an idea the crew had.
To have a triggering shirt, kind of next level.
Alex Jones was right.
There's Infowars.com on the back, Alex Jones for President 2024 on the front.
It's a fundraiser shirt.
It's made out of really nice fabric.
It's high quality.
And it is a exclusive shirt to Infowarsstore.com.
And when the shirts are gone, they're gone.
We're doing one run.
...of Alex Jones for President 2024 shirts.
And we'll have a historic memento, be able to spread the word, meet a lot of like-minded people, and you'll be able to keep us on the air.
No way.
That's a bridge too far.
No way.
That's no, it can't be.
And I said on national television that he was gonna win.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government coverage.
You want to stop tyranny?
Well, so does he.
Live from the Infowars.com studios, it's Alex Jones.
Get your motor running.
Head out on the highway.
Head out on the highway.
Looking for adventure.
Looking for adventure.
And whatever comes our way.
Whatever comes our way.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are live Thursday, March 30th, 2023.
And there is a lot of powerful news and information to cover today.
Alright, the world's waking up to S-686, but the media is conflating it with Josh Hawley's bill that would just ban TikTok, which I don't fully agree with, but I get his point, but I also get Rand Paul's point.
But people are getting mad at Josh Hawley out there thinking he is pushing S-686.
No, that's set to pass right now.
The people that actually sponsored S-686, they are blocking, along with Rand Paul,
For different reasons.
Holly's bill to just outright ban TikTok.
He says, we don't need this police state bill to take over the Internet and have total surveillance and control.
We just ban TikTok.
It's run by the shycoms.
And it does keylog what you do.
It is a weapon system.
But Rand Paul goes, OK, well, we're going to ban all the other big tech here because they're all just the same.
So I get his point as well, but it's a distraction from S686.
Because that bill does nothing to TikTok.
It just takes over the entire web in the name of protecting you from TikTok and everything else.
So we have that news.
We have a big stack of the transgender cult going completely crazy all over the country as local governments and state governments move to protect children from the cult, which is extremely pedophilic.
At its heart, a lot of big developments on that front we're going to be going through.
Also, I didn't see it in the stack.
I meant to tell the crew, but we're going to be playing this coming up.
Bottom of the hour.
Cruz dims perfectly willing to turn a blind eye to child rape and murder at the border.
He destroyed the head of the ICE program, Mayorkas.
So we're going to be playing that clip coming up.
Absolutely destroys him.
We're going to be looking at the incredibly dangerous and quickly escalating situation in Ukraine and what that's doing, not just militarily, but economically around the world.
And Rand Paul has helped return war powers to Congress.
He's got bipartisan legislation.
That is on the verge of passing to suspend the legislation that enabled presidents to circumvent Congress and launch all these giant wars.
So we're going to be looking at that.
Also, major backlash against fake meat and insect-based food around the world with legislation being passed in many countries are on the verge of passing some good news there.
A town evacuated in Minnesota after another train carrying ethanol, that's like two in the last day, derails and bursts into flames.
I mean, a lot of this is deliberate sabotage.
The amount of infrastructure collapse is just off the charts, ladies and gentlemen.
So we're going to be looking at all of that and major rebellions against globalist agendas all over the world, from Australia to New Zealand to Germany to the Netherlands.
To the UK, to Israel, to France.
People are fighting back against the globalists and directly challenging the actual controllers, not just fighting amongst themselves.
Very good news on that front as well.
And that's just some of the news.
I want to get into reparations for black Californians could top $800 billion.
That, of course, will be doled out by the Democrats.
And of course they will keep 90% of it.
And that ties into some of the other legislation going on.
So we'll be looking at all of that coming up here today.
And you know, I want to talk to Roger Stone.
I want to talk to Drew Hernandez.
We look forward to them coming on with us.
But I really want to take your calls on all this too.
And that's why I've been doing a lot of the Saturday shows where we just take calls.
I've been trying to take calls more during the weekday show.
But I tell you what I'll do.
We have a bunch of guests tomorrow, and I want to interview those guests, but I think I may just move those guests so that we can take four hours of calls tomorrow.
Because I really like taking your calls, so that's in the hopper as well.
Okay, so that's some of what we're going to be hitting.
We'll be hitting a lot of other news, obviously, as it breaks and unfolds.
The first thing I want to hit is the trans cult and what they're up to.
And when we come back, I'm going to get into some of their demonstrations all over the country in devil outfits.
And the guy they stopped in Florida last week trying to go into a topless bar and kill a bunch of people, he was wearing a devil outfit as well.
So these folks really kind of let you know who they are and what they're doing.
They see themselves as priests carrying out the recruiting
Of your children.
So that is all coming up.
But the first thing again I want to drill into is the trans-cult nation that is a cult created by the CIA and corporate media and the Tavistock Institute and the entire system.
So let's go ahead and start drilling into that right now.
Ann Coulter's written a really informative article that I will not read here on air, but you should read it.
It's Transgender Nation.
It's at townhall.com.
And she lays out the fact that it is a leftist sacrament of almost 90% white people who go get pregnant or adopt children so they can then
Tell them that they're in other sex and force them, as it's now coming out, to transition and force them to cut their genitals off.
And what it does to little boys, how for up to five years they have to wear a giant cone inside their bleeding, bloody body.
Because they don't have a vagina, they don't have a cervix, they don't have a uterus, and let's just face it,
Women are amazing, but they go through a lot having a vagina, having a cervix, having a uterus, having ovaries.
And anybody that's been around and has a wife or mothers or sisters or children, I mean, you know, what girls go through is tough.
And they're designed with a vagina, with a cervix, with a uterus to do this.
And I was sent a clip yesterday that I forgot to send the crew that I hadn't seen.
Tim Pool is playing a clip of this famous transgender individual.
It's had a TV show, I guess, for over a decade as the little boy transitioned to a girl.
And it's his mother making him do it.
And then him crying and complaining, but everybody loves the mother.
She's a hero.
When they chop the penis off, it goes over the years.
I hadn't seen this till yesterday.
I popped by my parents' house, talked to one of their friends, one of my childhood friends, and I've known the woman since I was a kid, three years old.
She was there, she said, have you seen this?
And I said, no.
And then it was the mother making him wear in his body for five years a giant bloody cone inside of his body into an imaginary uterus.
So, not only did they chop his testicles and his penis off, but then they jammed a huge bloody cone up in him.
It's infected and pus is dripping out.
The person is in hell.
Mommy, why?
And she says, I'm going to kick your ass.
I'm going to come destroy you.
You're a girl.
You've known you're always a girl.
She made him say he was a girl.
She cut off his penis.
She cut off his genitals.
The state did it.
And now he wears a pussing bloody cone in him.
I mean this is just so macabre like it's a nightmare novel.
I mean imagine 30 years ago if Clive Barker wrote novels where children are made to cut their penises and breasts off and testicles and then boys are made to wear basically something worse than a chastity belt from medieval times strapped around their body with a giant bloody cone up in their raw flesh
That just continues to fester and bleed and open up in a huge torture device and it's all a giant satanic sacrament and a sick joke that they do this.
And then all these mainly white liberal parents are just lining up to do it.
And it's just a giant satanic ritual in everybody's face.
It's just show over the top.
So hellish.
We'll talk about it all when we come back.
Ladies and gentlemen,
We have a new toothpaste that my dad, a retired dentist and oral surgeon developed.
Dr. Jones Natural's Turmeric Toothpaste that just came into stock.
And I gotta tell you, I got samples of this months ago and it is amazing.
The way it makes your gums feel, what it does to your mouth is insane.
We know turmeric is an antioxidant, an anti-inflammatory, and does such great things for the body.
Then you add that with tea tree oil and a bunch of other essential oils.
It is just dynamite.
It is so good to detox and attack inflammation in your mouth.
I want to challenge everybody to try the new toothpaste at InfoWars4.com.
Dr. Jones Naturals Turmeric Toothpaste.
And while you're at it, check out the new Ashwagandha line of products.
We have ashwagandha with black pepper extract for your libido, your testosterone, in pill form, and we have the pure ashwagandha root gummies as well, now available at InfoWareStore.com.
They're amazing products, and they fund the InfoWare.
Take action now at InfoWareStore.com.
We now have three new game-changing products that are in stock at InfoWarsTore.com, and one of our best-selling products sold out for over a year that's now back in stock.
Our prebiotic, does the any introduction, does such amazing things for your gut flora, your overall health.
What it does is essential.
Go read about it at Infomercial.com.
And now, the fourth toothpaste designed by my dad.
The last two were big hits.
This one is really special.
It's turmeric concentrate with a bunch of other essential oils and so much more to take your mouth's health to the next level.
We also have high quality ashwagandha root for your libido, your stamina, your testosterone with black pepper extract to accelerate it as a pill.
And we have ashwagandha root gummies as well.
Very strong, very powerful.
Now in stock at InfoWarsTore.com.
Go there and experience these great products and others and fund the InfoWar.
The only way we fail is not taking action.
God bless you.
Now please visit InfoWarsTore.com and experience these powerful products for yourself.
Ladies and gentlemen, InfoWars has proven itself in the last 28 years to be over the globalist target and having the biggest effect out there against those tyrants.
And we fund our operation with viewers and listeners' support while selling you great products at the same time.
So I want to thank all the viewers and listeners who have supported us over the years by spreading the word.
I'm praying for the broadcast.
I'm buying product.
But I really want to encourage those of you that have been on the fence, that have never actually gone to Infowarshore.com to go there and get the great books and films and supplements and survival gear that's there that won't just empower you and enrich your life, but again will keep this broadcast transmitting.
So whether it's Real Red Pill Plus or our super high quality CBD oil or the 50% off
This is their big move.
So yeah, you say, why doesn't Biden address the disasters in the United States?
He doesn't care.
That's not his job.
He's not the President of the United States.
He's a puppet operating for the globalists.
Appetites of the autocrat cannot be appeased.
They must be opposed.
Autocrats only understand one word.
And that's why we say no to your vaccines.
We say no to you shutting down our businesses.
We say no to you taking our firearms.
We say no to you censoring our free speech.
We say no to you selling us out to the World Health Organization.
We say no to you getting us into World War III.
We stand against autocrats like you, Joe Biden, and we say no, and we say no to your war.
You're right.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
All right, we've got some news here.
Forsyth Tech College in North Carolina has a report of active shooter
We don't know if this is a false alarm or real.
There were all sorts of false alarms across the country.
Yesterday, dozens of them, basic hysteria.
Since Columbine in 1999, there have been 175 people killed.
That's terrible if you're one of these little kids and it's horrible.
But Stalin said,
One man dies, it's a tragedy.
10,000 dies, it's a statistic.
Pentinel's killing over 100,000 people a year.
And the government, the media say it's a joke.
Late night comics think it's funny.
All the death from the poison shot's a joke.
But all the 175 dead, that is the biggest story in the world.
Shooting hoaxes sweep through Utah schools, prompting police presence.
Happened in many other areas around the country.
At least 28 Massachusetts schools targeted with hoax shooting calls.
It's bad.
We're going to be watching this as it unfolds.
I'm not saying there isn't a shooting in Forsyth Tech in North Carolina.
I'm saying we hope it's not true.
Okay, so InkCulture's got a big article out with all these studies and numbers and research and it's dead on.
But it is a phenomenon of 91 plus percent of the households where they are saying that the children are transgender or white and most of them are single mother led.
And it's just a thing that's hyped up, that's cool, that everybody's got to do.
Kind of like in the 2000s, the thing for Hollywood people to do was to go adopt a black baby from Africa and they basically, almost all of them did it.
That's at least adopting a poor baby.
But now the new thing is, take your child or adopt a child and go mutilate them.
And it's a cult.
And it's child abuse.
You can take any child you want that trusts you from a baby and teach it.
It's something else.
You should call that a cult.
This is a government-sponsored, media-supported, think-tank-created system.
Well, that's what that is.
And look at some of these headlines.
Media test narrative.
Transshooter was victim.
Rejected by Christian parents.
Big article by Breitbart.com's got dozens of examples of mainstream media saying,
The parents may have rejected their daughter saying that she was a boy, and so, some kids need to get shot.
Twitter deletes thousands of tweets about planned Trans Day of Vengeance that's supposedly coming on April 1st.
Won't have long to see what happens with that.
Transgender shooter manifesto will be released publicly in the coming days, the police are saying.
Biden says if we protect LGBTQ individuals, our societies are stronger.
That's his response to the mass murder.
And to invite kids upstairs if they're quote, good looking, to have some ice cream with him.
Trump blasts Biden's horrible response to the Nashville school shooting.
Alarming answer on gun confiscation given at White House briefing.
She said they may have to confiscate all the semiotos.
Very important short clip I'm going to play from his 10-minute introduction monologue last night.
The full video is on InfoWars.com.
Transgenderism, Tucker Carlson, is the natural enemy of Christianity.
It is at war with Christianity.
And then if you ever go out to any of these events,
It's men dressed like clowns saying they're a woman, so they're stealing the identity of a woman, they're colonizing women's spaces, and saying a fat, ugly man in a bathrobe outfit is what a woman is.
And I've got more articles with colleges all over the world saying don't say mother or father, don't say boy or girl.
This is a cult coming after our biology.
And again, there's the young turds and
The governor's press secretary in Arizona and all of them saying the trans are being attacked, which isn't true.
They're taking over.
Trying to force us into their cult, coming up with our children, killing us.
And if we don't like it, well, we need to be killed.
State universities tell students it's wrong to say female or America.
Basically a state university.
So, that's just some
of what we're going to be laying out.
Here's some other ones.
Taxpayer-funded Canadian TV put out segment normalizing drag for kids.
And they say, oh, don't ban drag.
It's anti-free speech.
It's trying to ban lewd sexual performances with children where alcohol is served.
Imagine if you went to a topless bar.
You can argue that's moral or not moral, but you're adults.
And you're sitting there, off the highway somewhere, on a business trip with your buddies, and you decide to go to the Topless Bar, and have a steak or whatever, and you see a five-year-old girl get on stage and start shaking her ass, and dude's putting money in the g-string, the police would be called, the owners would be arrested, but before the police got there, the manager would get his ass kicked.
But they go to mainly gay bars all over the country now and they have little kids get up on the stage in g-strings that are little boys acting like girls with their tops off so it's the idea that it's a girl and they're doing this and it's pedophilic and it's sick.
I sent you guys a video yesterday we didn't get to there's so many of these of a new video of this big fat man aggressively coming up to this two-year-old toddler in its face and shaking his fake breast and the child and I mean it is just super aggressive.
And super degenerate.
Now here it is.
Go ahead and roll it with audio.
I mean just look at this.
And that's a mating dance.
That's a stylized man dressed as a woman doing a mating dance in front of a little kid.
Very aggressively.
And that's nothing.
I mean, there's videos of them spreading their legs and, you know, with their tops off and fake breasts hanging out.
But that's the cult, folks.
They're attacking our morals.
They know exactly what they do by fat men dressed up as Baphomet.
And it's all a big joke.
In fact, I know we've got like five or six compilations an hour of the video.
Will you ask McBreen or Dew or somebody to go through our pedo drag queen compilations and just get the clips of the clown guys all over the country dressed in these priest outfits and batman outfits and the clips.
Of them saying, we are the priest and we're grooming your children, your children are ours.
That'll be like three or four minutes of that alone.
I don't want to air too much of it, I can't watch it.
And then put in some of the clips of them simulating killing children.
Because that's what they're doing, is killing their innocent.
It's all a giant, satanic, pedophilic ritual in your face.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
The most banned man in America, Alex Jones.
I want you all to know something.
Alex Jones was right.
Alex is right about far more than he's wrong.
Alex has been right on for over a decade.
I don't care how you slice it, dice it, flip it up or rub it down.
Alex Jones was right.
Think about how frustrated we are if you've been awake for a year or two.
Imagine being like an Alex Jones or those guys who've been awake for like decades.
Alex Jones called this years ago.
Years ago.
Alex Jones never bought the Russia hoax.
Not for a second.
You are one of the great thinkers of this.
You are a martyr to the First Amendment.
The government fears Alex Jones.
That's why the globalists hate me.
It's because I'm exposing their corporate worldwide tyranny.
We now have three new game-changing products that are in stock at InfoWarsTore.com, and one of our best-selling products sold out for over a year that's now back in stock.
Our prebiotic, does the any introduction, does such amazing things for your gut flora, your overall health.
What it does, it's essential.
Go read about it at infomercial.com.
And now, the fourth toothpaste designed by my dad.
The last two were big hits.
This one is really special.
It's turmeric concentrate with a bunch of other essential oils and so much more to take your mouth's health to the next level.
We also have high quality ashwagandha root for your libido, your stamina, your testosterone with black pepper extract to accelerate it as a pill.
And we have ashwagandha root gummies as well.
Very strong, very powerful.
Now in stock at InfoWarsTore.com.
Go there, experience these great products and others, and fund the InfoWars.
The only way we fail is not taking action.
Now please visit InfoWarsTore.com and experience these powerful products for yourself.
God bless you.
I'm a huge believer in information.
I watch InfoWars every day and follow Alex Jones closely.
You know why?
He can put you ahead of the curve.
And he's been demonized as a conspiracy theorist.
Think about how frustrated we are if you've been awake for a year or two.
Imagine being like an Alex Jones or those guys who've been awake for like decades.
Alex has been right on for over a decade.
This is reality.
It's just bad.
And truth is stranger than fiction.
A revolution of peaceful information is coming.
And when it comes time, you people are going to be brought to punish.
You're lying to the public.
It's disgusting.
The media continues to misrepresent what I've said.
He may be America's best known conspiracy theorist.
Alex Jones has the largest audience in the country.
Bigger than any of the networks.
The biggest megaphone in the country.
We're gonna get fired up about the real things!
The things that matter!
Burn in hell, New World Order.
Humanity is in a fight for its very life, and InfoWars, for decades, has been at the very forefront of the fight for a pro-human future.
We can't stay on air without your help, and I want to thank you all for your past support.
And I want to encourage those of you that have never bought products at InfoWarsStore.com to go there and experience how amazing these products really are.
Ultimate Bone Broth, finally sold out for over two years, back in stock.
Real Red Pill Plus, simply amazing.
Nitric, boosts what it does for your heart.
Cardiovascular, critical.
All these products, like Ultimate Krill Oil, Ultimate Fish Oil, Supermelt Vitality, they're all available and in stock, ready to ship to you, right down at InfoWarsTore.com.
And the final 1,200 signed copies of my book, The Great Reset and the War for the World, and I'm not gonna sign anymore after that, are exclusively available at InfoWarsTore.com as well.
In the last month, I got a little busy, so I didn't sign the books.
We didn't have them for sale.
But now, I signed the last books.
You can get them right now.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Austin, Texas, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
Okay, I'm going to get more into the transcult and critical information on how to stop it.
Next hour, Roger Stone joins us.
It's about 15 minutes into the hour to cover all the big political developments.
We also have some good news.
People are really pushing back on a lot of the Great Reset, a lot of banking news, a lot of military news.
We'll be hitting
In this hour, huge developments in Ukraine and Russia with the economy and the move away from the dollar.
Very important information coming up.
But I wanted to play this clip.
The full exchange is nine minutes long.
It's on Infowars.com.
I suggest you go watch it and share it.
Cruz dims perfectly willing to turn a blind eye to child rape and murder at the border.
Now, let's talk about this.
This is modern slavery going on.
Millions and millions and millions coming across the year.
The estimate's about five to six million.
Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of small children.
And the reports he goes over from DHS in the full video are one-year-old baby boys and girls raped so bad some of them died.
Senate reports have confirmed tens of thousands of small children under Obama got transferred to sex rings knowingly by DHS.
Trump basically stopped it, 95%.
He damned it up.
Now, estimates are it's five times worse than it was even under Obama.
The border is completely gone.
So Cruz is rightfully pissed about this because he's down at the border constantly.
He's down there every few months.
That is something good he's done.
And this is all like it's Disney World now.
It's all run by the cartels.
It's operated like a corporation.
The people wear the wristbands of what cartel they're with and how much they've paid.
And if they don't pay, they lock them up in a tractor-trailer in the heat to die.
It happens every day.
They find a tractor-trailer with four or five, ten, fifteen, twenty, thirty, fifty dead people in it.
They just found another one a couple days ago.
And it's just a footnote, not like the mass shootings they hype up, but these are human beings, and then they're bringing right into the U.S., into cities and areas Democrats control with their immigration lawyers.
They're giving jobs, and then part of that money is paid back to lawyers and the Democrats.
They also put them on welfare, that's skimmed off, and they are farming these people.
For sweatshops, and slave labor, and sex trade, and Project Veritas has exposed it, we've exposed it, it's not hard to expose.
You go down to the Texas border, it is the road warrior.
Little kids being handed off, this is my child, no paperwork.
And then it's the same woman, drives back an hour later, brings another two-year-old, or another six-month-old, and they're just handed to people with no ID, to just disappear to God knows where.
None of us are safe when this is going on.
Oh, and a child of a Hispanic, white, black, it doesn't matter if it's a citizen, gets kidnapped out of their backyard.
It's a big national story.
And man, there's manhunts and they almost always find who did it.
But when it's these children,
Being brought in here and human trafficked and sex trafficked, it's protected by Mayorkas.
And he doesn't deserve to be impeached.
He doesn't deserve to be removed.
He deserves to be in a supermax prison for being the kingpin, allowing the greatest human trafficking ever seen.
Meanwhile, the left doesn't care about this.
They're telling us we need reparations of $800 billion for black people in California alone that would bankrupt the state for 100 years.
They love it.
I don't know what they are.
What are these wristbands?
You don't know what they are?
Mr. Secretary, you have just testified to the American people you're incompetent at your job.
Because I've been to the southern border, and if you go to the southern border, along the southern border, you see thousands of these wristbands.
Because the illegal immigrants wear them.
The drug cartels, every color corresponds to how many thousands of dollars they owe the cartels.
You've turned these cartels into multi-billion dollar criminal organizations, and these are modern day leg irons.
Because these are children being sold into sex slavery, and you don't even know what they are!
That is astonishing!
Mr. Secretary, how many children have been sold into sex slavery under your administration?
Senator, we are taking it to the cartel.
How many children have been sold into sex slavery?
Do you know how many children have been sold into sex slavery?
To an unprecedented degree.
Mr. Secretary, I want to say to you right now.
Your behavior is disgraceful, and the deaths, the children assaulted, the children raped, they are at your feet, and if you had integrity, you would resign.
And I will tell you, the men and women of the Border Patrol, they've never had a political leader undermine them.
They despise you, Mr. Secretary, because you're willing to let children be raped to follow political orders.
This is a crisis, it's a disgrace, and you won't even admit this human tragedy is a disgrace.
Claiming one minute Chairman time, Mr. Secretary, would you like to respond to any of those questions?
What the Senator said was revolting.
I'm not going to address it.
Your refusal to do your job is revolting.
See the full exchange.
So, now how obscene is it to say we've got to give the state and psychologists and the schools access to children to convince them they're another sex and then mutilate them sexually and then accept mass shooters because we weren't nice to the transgender people and didn't accept their agenda and then we've got stuff like this right here from the Associated Press.
Reparations for black Californians could top $800 billion.
Oh, remember Biden said he'd give everybody free education and forgive all the student loans?
As soon as he got elected, oh, sorry, you don't get that now.
They're not going to give black people reparations.
Look at the Democrat-run cities, they're hellholes.
They just dangle this imaginary lie out there, as if California has $800 billion.
California is collapsing.
But as things collapse they just, oh look, look you get 800 billion dollars!
While there are mainly Hispanic little darling children kidnapped all over Latin America and sold into sex slavery and there's not even any surveillance on this and the FBI's told don't even look into it and the reports we've gotten is it's in the hundreds of thousands of sex slaves.
But don't worry, the Moral Democrats, ladies and gentlemen, they are upset about digital blackface.
CNN and others are promoting it, saying no white person can share an article or a video of a black person or a meme with a black person in it.
It's blackface.
So don't show a black person.
If you're a white person, don't show a clip of Chris Rock saying something funny.
That's the crime.
Not cutting children's genitals off.
Not human trafficking children into sex slavery.
Not 100,000 dead a year or more from... Sentinel.
No, no, no, no.
It's the digital blackface.
It's the issue, ladies and gentlemen.
And it's all sick psychological warfare.
And until you're aware of how they're using it,
People are wide open to actually believing that the Democratic Party and the globalists care about black people when their entire targeting is to abort black people and Bill Gates is famously saying we need to depopulate Africa.
So they want to cut off the resources to Africans and kill them and give them injections that poison them and everybody else as well, but they love you and they're going to give you $800 million in California alone.
While we're all losing our rights, while we're all being surveilled, while we're all being censored, while we're all being fried with 5G, while we're all having our energy cut off, while we're all having our dollar devalued, while we're all being bombarded by anti-family, anti-God, pedophilic crap.
And you don't have to search around to find horrible streets full of drug addicts and fentanyl heads and human feces.
It's everywhere.
No matter what big town or city you go to, it's everywhere.
And George Soros defunding the police and allowing massive crime rates to explode while he has armed bodyguards but wants your guns.
They're at war with us.
They're depopulationists.
They're pedophiles.
They're Satanists.
And we have to reject everything they're pushing and everything they're saying and everything they're doing.
Now, big developments on the S-686 front.
And more on the other side, then some victories and then the incredibly dangerous developments with the dollar worldwide as the world moves away from the dollar and Russia and China rise.
We'll be right back.
Most banned man in America, Alex Jones.
I want you all to know something.
Alex Jones was right.
Alex is right about far more than is wrong.
Alex has been right on for over a decade.
I don't care how you slice it, dice it, flip it up or rub it down.
Alex Jones was right.
Think about how frustrated we are if you've been awake for a year or two.
Imagine being like an Alex Jones or those guys who've been awake for like decades.
Alex Jones called this years ago.
Years ago.
Alex Jones never bought the Russia hoax.
Not for a second.
You are one of the great thinkers of this.
You are a martyr to the First Amendment.
The government fears Alex Jones.
That's why the globalists hate me.
It's because I'm exposing their corporate worldwide tyranny.
Tomorrow's news, today.
This is their big move.
So yeah, you say, why doesn't Biden address the disasters in the United States?
He doesn't care.
That's not his job.
He's not the President of the United States.
He's a puppet operating for the globalists.
Appetites of the autocrat cannot be appeased.
They must be opposed.
Autocrats only understand one word.
And that's why we say no to your vaccines.
We say no to you shutting down our businesses.
We say no to you taking our firearms.
We say no to you censoring our free speech.
We say no to you selling us out to the World Health Organization.
We say no to you getting us into World War III.
You're right.
We stand against autocrats like you, Joe Biden, and we say no!
And we say no to your war!
No, I'm addicted to helping my fellow Americans.
I'm addicted to spreading the truth.
And again, you know, I have InfoWars to thank for that.
Looking back on the day, I was able to ask President Donald Trump two questions.
I was so grateful because, you know, I truly was classically trained under Alex Jones and under the InfoWars team.
And I really do credit that as to why I'm able to, you know, get these types of clips.
Because Alex's whole mentality was, you know, go where the
I'm a huge believer in information.
I watch InfoWars every day and follow Alex Jones closely.
You know why?
He can put you ahead of the curve.
And he's been demonized as a conspiracy theorist.
Think about how frustrated we are if you've been awake for a year or two.
Imagine being like an Alex Jones or those guys who've been awake for like decades.
Alex has been right on for over a decade.
This is reality.
It just can't be.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
The revolution of peaceful information is coming.
And when it comes time, you people are going to be brought to punishment.
You're lying to the public.
It's disgusting.
The media continues to misrepresent what I've said.
He may be America's best known conspiracy theorist.
Alex Jones has the largest audience in the country.
Bigger than any of the networks.
The biggest megaphone in the country.
We're gonna get fired up about the real things!
The things that matter!
Burn in hell, New World Order.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, we are loaded up with critical information.
In the second hour, it's all coming up.
I want to talk about S686.
That is a total AI takeover of all computers.
20 years in prison if you use a virtual browser VPN.
20 years in prison if you quote share anything that Deep State says is disinformation.
Senator Josh Hawley has
We should act decisively to ban TikTok directly.
We shouldn't give new open-ended authority to federal bureaucrats.
We should target this threat specifically.
That's what this bill does that we have before us today.
It goes right at the problem.
It bans TikTok in this country.
It protects the American people.
And it sends the message to Communist China that you cannot buy us.
And in the full video that's up on Infowars.com, he goes on for a long time, like 15 minutes, explaining they read your keystrokes, they break into your files, they get your emails.
But Senator Paul says, but that's what the rest of big tech does.
Don't think they don't.
Come out, they do.
So I get his point.
Reform the whole thing.
Or have the public become aware as consumers and file lawsuits and don't agree with this.
Now it's true, TikTok doesn't even let you opt out of it, but it's come out with Google and Facebook that's meta now, and all of it, that they don't let you opt out.
You think you opt out, they're still tracking your location.
I remember hearing 20 years ago, 10 years ago, I was at them 3, 4 years ago, with Sundar Pichai, confronted him, and he went in there and testified, we don't track your location.
That is a lie!
And they know it.
And a lot of this is Congress playing dumb, because most of them are on the payroll of big tech.
So here's some of what Senator Paul had to say in response.
Is there an objection?
Madam President.
Senator from Kentucky.
Reserving the right to object.
There are two main reasons why we might not want to do this.
The one would be the First Amendment to the Constitution.
Speech is protected whether you like it or not.
The second reason would be is that the Constitution actually prohibits bills of attainder.
You're not allowed to have a specific bill against a person or a company.
So this fails on two egregious points, pretty obvious points, and I think we ought to think about that.
I think we should beware of those who peddle fear.
I think we should beware of those who use fear to coax Americans to relinquish our liberties, to regulate and limit our First Amendment rights.
Every accusation of data gathering
That's been attributed to TikTok could also be attributed to domestic big tech companies.
In fact, one of the bills they're looking at doing is broad enough that the president will be given the power to designate whatever country he sees fit to be an adversary and whatever company underneath that definition.
It would basically be a limitless authority for the president to ban speech.
If Republicans want to continuously lose elections for a generation, they should pass this bill to ban TikTok, a social media app used by 150 million people, primarily young Americans.
This brilliant strategy comes while polls indicate that 71% of young women and men, 53% of young men, voted for a Democrat candidate for Congress.
Admittedly, many Democrats have joined Republicans in calling for this ban, but like most issues, the blame will stick to the Republicans more.
The Republican strategy to ban TikTok comes simultaneously with GOP complaints of domestic social media companies canceling and censoring conservatives.
Without a hint of irony, many of these same conservatives now rail against censorship, while advocating for censorship against social media apps they worry are influenced by the Chinese.
Before banning TikTok, these censors might want to discover that China already bans TikTok.
Do we really want to emulate Chinese speech bans?
Aren't we the ones that say it's wrong for China to ban speech so we're going to be just like China and ban speech we're afraid of?
The Vice President of FreedomWorks, John Tamney, perhaps described this situation best.
Nauseating harassment of TikTok presumes Americans will be saved from Chinese authoritarianism if U.S.
politicians act like Chinese authoritarians.
We're going to be saved from speech if we ban it in our country.
My goodness!
Could we think of anything more antithetical to the freedom of speech?
Well, go to the app.
They say, oh, the app's full of propaganda and your young people will be dancing into communism.
Well, go to the app and search for Falun Gong, the anti-communist religious sect that is persecuted in China.
Go to TikTok and search for videos advocating Taiwan's independence.
Criticism of Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Videos are all over TikTok that are critical of official Chinese positions.
That's why TikTok is banned in China.
Do we want to follow China's lead in banning speech?
We should not let fear of communism to cause us to ignore our First Amendment protections of speech.
It's a really good 30-minute debate.
Alright, that's enough.
That's just part of what Senator Paul said.
He's right.
Holly, who I really like, is wrong.
But this is not the main bill.
And this is not the bill that's close to passing.
It's S-686 that does nothing about TikTok and does everything about total control of our lives and legalizing all the illegal censorship and surveillance and 20-year jail terms if the federal government designates something disinformation.
And Paul's right that China has banned TikTok.
But not because they don't run it.
They run it.
And it is a weaponized system spying on us, and it's doing all the things they say it does, okay?
That's on record.
You don't aim a cannon at your enemy and then stick your troops out in front of it to get hit in friendly fire.
It's like, well, you know, China has banned TikTok.
They've banned it.
For the domestic groups to be able to watch it, but you can go pull up videos at night, because the students are so cheap, I get it, they're so poor, they go out under the streetlights by the thousands, lining the highways and bridges, doing their TikTok videos for foreign markets.
So it's a weapon system to demoralize and brainwash and surveil and addict and control.
But that's the same thing with Facebook.
It's the same thing that Twitter was designed to do.
Now, they're not as successful as TikTok, and that's why the globalists are pissed, is because it doesn't just have 2 million users.
Facebook peaked in the last couple years, and it's going down.
It's been around 13, 14 years.
But when you look at TikTok, it is still growing exponentially.
So, what's really going on is, the deep state doesn't control TikTok.
It knows it's doing all the same things they're doing, and they want to get rid of their competition, their tyrannical competition.
They're going after another predatory group, and then using that as the pretext with 686, that's very close to passing.
Then you've got other bills, like the one Cruz has introduced, that's close to passing.
They say it is going to pass, it's already passed the House, it's in the Senate, came out of the Senate, went to the House, it's back in the Senate, it's coming out of committee.
And it talks about not letting people surveil you and have cameras and microphones in your home devices that you don't know are watching you, but it's got bad stuff in it as well.
So, in the name of protecting us, just like the Patriot Act and all the rest of it, we're being targeted and having our rights taken.
Alright, next hour, I'm going to get into
The left going completely insane right now in Tennessee, in Kentucky, invading the capitals because they want access to brainwashed little kids to sterilize them.
We've got the big Ukraine news, the dollar news, and so much more.
Roger Stone joins us 15 minutes to the next hour to talk all the different political developments and the Trump arrest watch and all the rest of it that's going on.
Please remember the number one most important thing you can do in the information war,
Is to pick shows you think are the most informative and doing the best work.
And I humbly believe Tucker Carlson and Infowars are the best.
Steven Crowder does a great job.
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That's great.
But I just humbly think, and the globalists admit this in their own internal papers that have leaked, that they believe I'm the worst.
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We'll be right back with hour number two.
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Alright, John Bowne was on with us yesterday, our great investigative journalist, on the 686 bill, the Restrict Act.
It's over a five minute report, we won't air the whole thing, it's very important.
It's at Bandot Video, I'm having it posted.
It is posted on the front page of InfoWars.com, it just went live ten minutes ago.
The Restrict Act is pure treason, here's part of the report, then I'll come back and break all the latest news.
Is Senator Lindsey Graham a liar or incompetent or both?
You gotta be kidding me, Senator.
Did you read this?
Yeah, I don't think I support the Restrict Act.
You don't support this because you were named as one of the supporters.
Because this is garbage.
Well, is this the one with John?
There's two bills out there.
One allows a review of businesses that are connected to China, gives the Secretary the ability to protect their data.
Is that the Restrict Act?
Congressional staffers get legislation co-sponsored with a rubber stamp all the time as senators line their pockets over lunch with lobbyists.
But hours before Graham appeared on Jesse Waters, the news had broken on the treasonous Restrict Act, deceptively presented by its supposed author, Virginia Democrat Senator Mark Warner.
That Graham and 11 Democrats and 10 other Republicans co-sponsored.
The problem is real with China, but the solution can be more damaging than the problem, is sort of what you're telling me.
You know, don't push back on the United States citizens for something China's doing.
I agree.
Yeah, no, I understand what you're saying.
I totally get that, and constitutionally we can't do all the things you just said.
The language in the bill reads like a George Orwell novel, crushing the First and Fourth Amendments with doublespeak aimed at foreign adversaries, while awarding sweeping powers to Biden's Secretary of Commerce to set in motion the rounding up of those standing in the way of the compromised Biden administration's New World Order directives.
To be clear, I'm not a lawyer.
I'm not a lawyer.
I am a MacBook repairman and I am pulling this out of my ass at one in the morning in a chair that got scratched up by a cat.
But like, it is the purpose of this act to provide the public with such information while protecting the rights of individuals and the ability of the government to carry out its responsibilities.
So what it's saying is that this act
is not subject to Section 551, 553 through 559 and Section 701 through 707 of Title V United States Code.
freedom of information requests.
We have laws that have been passed to try and limit the influence that lobbyists and corporations have over our government.
Those do not apply to this.
We have laws that allow the citizens of the country to be able to ask for information from their government regarding decision-making processes, to be able to get access to documents and things that, you know, they kind of paid for as taxpayers, to understand how the government is making the decisions.
And that doesn't apply here either.
Covered transaction means a transaction which an entity describes in subparagraph B has any interest including through an interest in a contract or the provision of technology or service or any such class of transactions.
So like a covered transaction in this case could literally be that you host a website.
Are you undermining a democratic institution?
Or are you just saying something that is counter to the narrative that's currently being set?
This is scary.
And we have enough information, we are at a time that is politically charged enough that you bet your ass that this is going to be misused.
Unleashing enforcement by an AI-driven surveillance state, while by seeming coincidence, major banks continue to fall like dominoes to the coming digital currency maelstrom, as Congress continues its theater of combating Chinese data harvesting.
The architecture of the American surveillance state is set in stone.
WikiLeaks published the CIA's Vault 7 documents back in 2017, detailing the malware tools developed by the agency's Operations Support Branch to compromise smart devices, operating systems, most web browsers, and smartphones.
While the artificial intelligence poised to police those who seek the truth is so far advanced that tech leaders are now calling to pause AI development because it poses too big a threat.
Currently, the Restrict Act and a similar bill policing election interference in the House known as the Data Act have barely met any resistance.
If the bills pass,
A 21st century cyber Stasi will be given carte blanche to infiltrate any form of internet technology deemed fit, silencing and imprisoning dissent in jack-booted situations that will make Ruby Ridge and Waco look antiquated.
I told Randy, I said, you don't really understand what the full weight and power of this government is and what it would really mean if you want a confrontation with it.
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Live from Austin, Texas, it's Alex Jones.
Well, there is some really good news I can tell you in this hour.
There is a massive Republican backlash now against S-686 that was very close to passing.
To not shut down TikTok, but to have AI surveillance grids and Obama's Ministry of Truth and disinformation board that's already been set up.
Put you in jail for 20 years, give you years of VPN, or they say you've engaged in disinformation, no due process, nothing.
The bill is in deep trouble right now when we just started to learn what was happening late last week.
So we're not done yet as long as we have independent analysts and free speech to expose it.
And that's why this operation is so important.
It's why your voice is so paramount and critical.
And if you read the internal globalist documents that have come out in the last year in these hearings, they're obsessed with people with 100 followers on Twitter.
They're obsessed with people with 200 followers on Facebook.
They're obsessed with YouTubers that have 1,000 views on average.
Because they can track that no matter what they do to the big operations, like an Alex Jones or a Steven Crowder,
Arturo Carlson, it's the millions of little accounts that even if we don't find out about something, you find out about it first.
You've got power.
Use it or be destroyed.
And I'm here to try to get it through your heads, people.
Do not call in and thank me and tell me how great I am.
I'm in the very same boat as you are under globalist attack.
We're in the same boat.
So if we're in a lifeboat that's got a hole in it, and I'm trying to fix the leak and I'm asking you to bail water with me and roll your sleeves up with me, and you see me bailing water, don't tell me I'm a damn hero!
This damn boat's gonna sink, we're gonna drown!
I'm no damn hero!
This isn't some heroic action.
If you walk outside a grocery store and you see three thugs beating up an old woman.
You walk up and you punch the first one right in the back of the head.
The next one you left hook right up under their jaw.
And when the next one takes a swing at you, you headbutt his ass.
Just beat their ass!
Not a damn hero.
You're designed to stop that son of a bitch in the ground.
It's gonna feel good!
Now I use the allegory of violence because information is violence.
War is information.
And they're far beyond beating up some old lady in a parking lot.
But they trained us as a culture.
You call 911.
And I'm not against the police, but the law will tell you it's not the police job.
To protect you.
It's their job to respond, to take you to jail, to face a jury and the people.
And so thinking Alex Jones is going to fix something is like thinking the cops are going to fix it.
We're all going to fix it together.
And you are just as important as I am, or as Joe Rogan, or as Tucker Carlson.
In fact, there's a lot more of you than us.
So I'm going to say this, you're more important.
It's like in V for Vendetta.
He says, if you want to know who's really responsible for this tyranny we're living under, all you need to do is look in the mirror.
Yes, there are those that are more responsible, and they will be held accountable.
If you want to know who's really at fault, just look in the mirror.
And I don't say that from some high horse.
God knows I make bad decisions.
God knows I don't fight as hard as I should.
All right, let's do this, because I'm running out of time, and gosh, there's so much.
I want to get back into the trans cult, because a really smart guy that I watch every time I can, I'm banned on Twitter, but I go into his site on a weekly basis.
We should get him on as a guest, Malcolm Flex.
Really knows what he's talking about at a deep level.
And here's just one of his short clips where he explains that you can think you're in Black Lives Matter, you can think you're in the trans movement, but you're in a psychological warfare brainwash cult on record.
She can pretend all day you're not being brainwashed, but you are.
And those of us opposing it can think, oh, we're just fighting a bunch of idiots.
That's the ground level of the zombies.
The people on top know what they're doing.
And the only way to reach out to these folks is to show them you're miserable because you were put in a psychological dungeon where the trick is they make you get deeper in the cult thinking you get better, but as you get deeper, it only gets more destructive.
Here's a few minutes of what he had to say about it.
So I get the visceral gut reaction to a lot of what's gone on in the past couple of days.
However, one thing that I don't get is why we are exactly empowering a lot of the psychosis and if not fueling it.
Now let me explain what I mean.
The reason why you have these trans activists basically calling for a day of vengeance and you have people essentially taking up arms now that fly under the LBGTQIA2 plus set, or whatever that is, flag, is because you have this prevailing narrative by the media powers, the Machiavellian shitlords that be, that says,
Everybody wants to kill trans people.
Everybody wants to kill LBGTQ people.
Your rights are being taken away.
And these people are bombarded with this day in and day out.
Not only from the outside sources like the media, but also from their influencers who basically come online and say the same thing verbatim and cite misused statistics and basically put it out there into the environment.
One of the issues is that now you have people on the right who are seizing upon this, who are basically going the route of, okay, we're going to say that these trans people are nuts and we need to do something about them.
And while, yes, I think that gender discourse is a topic that we need to tackle and the mental health institutions need to become more than just glorified psychoactive drug slingers, it does not need to become one of these situations where we have hard legislation, because Congress screws everything up that they touch.
Furthermore, when you start doing that, you start getting the pearl clutchers and people wringing their hands wanting something to be done, which results in actual action that validates the paranoid psychosis that trans people are already experiencing.
And no, I'm not talking about all trans people.
I'm talking about the trans people who believe that somebody's out to kill them.
Do you really want to do that?
Because what you do is you create a self-fulfilling prophecy in which they think somebody's out to kill them, you basically radicalize some people who believe that trans people think this and that they're going to try to kill them first, and now you have people actually out to try and kill trans people!
Let me break this down for you, though.
Part of the reason why you see a lot of violence against, let's say, female-to-male, or not even female-to-male, male-to-female trans people, see how confusing that is?
And you expect us to get pronouns right, come on.
But part of the reason why a lot of this violence happens is because you have these trans people engaged in sex work.
A lot of them get into pornography, a lot of them get into prostitution, a lot of them are doing outcalls and meetups with people.
And these people who are already engaged in these industries, they're not, you know, let's just say, they're not the best of people.
So, what's to stop these people from meeting somebody, kidnapping and killing, just because they're a scummy person?
They also like to have, you know, also likes to have steamy encounters with trans people.
That's not good, but that is why the trans death rate for male-to-female trans people is so high.
It's not because you have, you know, Joe Blowout in Alabama who's like, come on boys, let's go kill some of them she-males!
It's not because you have them taking to the streets and doing it.
It's because the inherent situations that most of these people who, let's be honest, typically if somebody's suffering from gender dysphoria,
There's a couple more minutes left of this when I put the rebroadcast up.
We'll put everything he said in, but I want to get him on as a guest.
He's dead on.
Everything he's saying is absolutely true.
And I said this last hour, we got some good news.
There were hysterias all over the country that there was mass shootings happening yesterday and it was just brainwashing.
And I said, I hope the situation in North Carolina at this technical college is a false alarm.
It was a false alarm.
An active shooter was reported by school authorities in Winston-Salem.
Before police said there was none.
So, uh, that is some good news there, but the wicked flee when none pursue.
All right, we're going to go to break.
We're going to come back with Roger Stone to cover all the latest political developments in the country and more.
And then the amazing Drew Hernandez will be with us in the third hour and the informative Paul Joseph Watson on some big resistance movements forming the 15-Minute Cities and the Extinction Rebellion cult.
It's all part of the same movement.
We'll be back with Roger Stone in just a few minutes.
If Alex Jones runs for president in the Republican Party, he has a chance of winning.
If you just tuned in, you may be noticing I'm wearing an Alex Jones for President 2024 shirt.
I am not seriously planning to run for president.
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We're doing one run.
No way.
No way.
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I'm a huge believer in information.
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You know why?
He can put you ahead of the curve.
And he's been demonized as a conspiracy theorist.
Think about how frustrated we are if you've been awake for a year or two.
Imagine being like an Alex Jones or those guys who've been awake for like decades.
Alex has been right on for over a decade.
This is reality.
It's just pancakes.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
The revolution of peaceful information is coming.
And when it comes time, you people are going to be brought to punishment.
You're lying to the public.
It's disgusting.
The media continues to misrepresent.
What I've said.
He may be America's best known conspiracy theorist.
Alex Jones has the largest audience in the country.
Bigger than any of the networks.
The biggest megaphone in the country.
We're gonna get fired up about the real things!
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Burn in hell, New World Order.
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Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, the great Roger Stone!
Political analysts that got President Trump to run.
The guy that's got the inside scoop in baseball on what's really happening joins us for the balance of the hour here on this Thursday edition of the Alex Jones Show.
He's about to give you the 35,000 foot historical view on what's really happening.
They're now saying that the grand jury, because of the pressure put on it, the political nature of it, Soros control, is now taking a month-long hiatus.
That they're now saying is completely normal, but really wasn't going to be happening.
But I don't think they'll give up on Trump.
And so Roger's got a lot on that.
He wants to get into the culture wars and the transgender out recruiting children.
Now the Democrats have forged into the tip of their spear.
More on Hunter Biden's laptop and so much more on the political climate, not just here, but in the world with the great Roger Stone.
Roger, great to have you here from thestonezone.com.
Alex, great to be back with you.
Of course, when I'm at InfoWars, I always feel like I'm back home.
It's great to be here.
Well, let's dive into it.
Look, I think it would be a mistake to assume that the prosecutors in New York who are completely and totally
Politically motivated despite the thinness of their case have given up in their efforts I think the president's made a very good decision to go on offense He himself revealed the fact that he was in danger that I think brought an enormous amount of scrutiny on the the the prosecution particularly brought scrutiny on
Soros-funded prosecutor Alvin Bragg's chief unreliable witness, Michael Cohen, who has a long history of contradicting himself under oath on many, many major questions.
And it's very clear that Bragg's entire case relies on him.
But, Alex, I do think the whole thing has to be put in historical perspective.
You have this threat in New York.
You have this threat in Fulton County, Georgia, where if anyone will stop and listen to the entire transcript of the conversation between Donald Trump and the Secretary of State, he does not tell him to go find 11,870 votes.
He argues that more than 11,870 illegal, easily definably illegal votes have been cast, thus flipping the state.
But that would take a complete reading.
And we now know that's true.
And we now know that's true.
His deputy Robert O'Brien and others are compelled to testify for Jack Smith's grand jury looking into January 6th.
Executive privilege does not exist for Republican presidents.
But here I think is the context.
All of these things are designed to avoid having to face Donald Trump in a general election.
The Deep State, the Biden regime, their handmaidens in the legacy media know that Trump is a powerhouse, that he is gaining strength, and they want to eliminate him as a contender through this series of legal processes.
But let's look at the historical perspective.
It was only when John F. Kennedy was betrayed by the CIA at the Bay of Pigs, and he said that he would smash the agency into a million pieces and scatter them to the wind, that he was assassinated.
This is little known, but it's in his own biography, as well as the biography of his Chief of Staff, H.R.
Immediately after his stunning landslide election in 1972, Richard Nixon intended to completely reorganize the government and dismantle the Central Intelligence Agency and the other secret society-dominated intelligence agencies.
He was removed in a silent coup.
On March 16th, 2023, Donald Trump said in a video that he not only called for peace in Ukraine, calling for an immediate secession of hostilities, and saying that his single highest priority as president would be to avoid World War III, but more precisely he calls for, quote, the dismantlement of the entire globalist neocon establishment
Which is perpetually dragging us into endless wars, pretending to fight for freedom, democracy abroad, while they turn this country into a third world country in a third world dictatorship.
The State Department, the Defense Bureaucracy, the Intelligence Services, and all of the rest need to be completely overhauled and reconstituted to fire the deep staters and put America first people in charge.
There you have it, Alex.
That is the line in the sand.
That is the declaration of war on the two-party neocon duopoly that is destroying this country both abroad and at home.
And that is why they are determined to use a corrupted judicial system at both the state and federal level to destroy Donald Trump.
So for those who
Correctly see that the president going on offense exposed the weakness and political nature of what Alvin Bragg is up to in Manhattan, and presumably he will also take the offense regarding Georgia.
Don't pop the champagne corks quite yet, in my opinion.
They've only done a timeout because they thought Trump would just take their abuse.
I agree.
But you have Alvin Bragg running, like Letitia James, on arresting Trump.
So you run and then say, I'm going to get elected so I can put you in jail.
It turns out the actual prosecutor is in more of a raving lunatic.
Big article here.
It says that Alvin Bragg, Chief Assistant District Attorney,
Uh, who has run the office is a raging Trump hater and proud of it.
I mean, these guys are ridiculous.
Then you have the backdrop of all their over-the-top corruption that is real and palpable.
What does it say about the fact that they thought they'd go ahead with the indictment, told the Secret Service it was coming, put up all the riot police and fences around,
The court house and now have backed off.
I mean, I agree with you.
I don't think that they're going to stop.
But what does it say about them getting some inkling of the fact that this supercharged Trump, don't they get that they've been put into either way?
It's a pyrrhic victory for them.
I mean, they basically can't win unless Trump just backs down.
Just to show you that great minds think the exact same way, I was about to bring up the same great article in the Gateway Pundit here regarding the number two in Alvin Bragg's office.
Look, I've had my own personal experience with Michael Cohen, who is the chief witness in this case.
Michael Cohen testified before both houses of Congress saying that in 2016 he overheard a telephone conversation
We're good to go.
The woman secretary who came into the room and said, Mr. Trump, Roger Stone is on line one.
She has no memory of it.
And more importantly, Cohn changed his story about when this happened.
First, he said it happened before the Democratic Convention in 2016.
Then he said it happened before the Republican Convention in 2016, which was almost a month later.
I can tell you exactly when it happened, Alex.
It never happened.
It is a lie.
When he learned that Julian Assange was being extradited, Cohen actually went up on his Twitter and said, good, now we can question Assange and I can prove that what I said about Stone and he is correct.
I would welcome such testimony.
This guy is a congenital liar.
No, I think we know that.
So when we come back, what do they do next?
People always want to know what's coming next, so do I. What are they going to do now?
Because they're on their heels.
We're on our toes.
We'll be right back with Roger Stone.
Most banned man in America, Alex Jones.
I want you all to know something.
Alex Jones was right.
Alex is right about far more than he's wrong.
Alex has been right on for over a decade.
I don't care how you slice it, dice it, flip it up or rub it down.
Alex Jones was right.
Think about how frustrated we are if you've been awake for a year or two.
Imagine being like an Alex Jones or those guys who've been awake for like decades.
Alex Jones called this years ago.
Years ago.
Alex Jones never bought the Russia hoax, not for a second.
You are one of the great thinkers of this.
You are a martyr to the First Amendment.
The government fears Alex Jones.
That's why the globalists hate me, is because I'm exposing their corporate worldwide tyranny.
The fight against the New World Order is now the top story in the world.
The globalists are in deep trouble.
But they're striking back with all their deep state operatives to shut down Infowars and other truth tellers like James O'Keefe and Tucker Carlson and countless others.
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Now you'll always, while they still allow books, I guess they're starting to ban them, be able to get an unsigned copy of The Great Reset and the War for the World at bookstores, Amazon, or Infowars.com.
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Thousands of former Nazis went to work for the United States government.
A flying disc has been found and is now in the possession of the army.
Here is a bulletin from CBS News.
President Kennedy has been shot.
This is a different kind of war.
The USS Liberty had just been attacked by Israeli jets and torpedoes.
The CIA could manipulate the news in the United States.
They took the babies out of incubators and left the children to die on the cold floor.
It was almost as if there were a plan in full.
It just can't end.
We will always have conspiracy theories.
They are nothing but distractions.
You guys censored Harvard educated doctors.
You silenced those voices.
What we want to do in Davos is push the reset button.
Soon as we start exposing the Great Reset, the sooner these globalists start going to prison!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
The Alex Jones Show.
Because there is a war on for your mind.
If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man.
Win some, lose some, it's all a game to me.
If you like to gamble, I tell you I'm your man.
You win some, lose some, it's all a game to me.
But you know who I bet on?
Always, pre-humanity.
And I want to be very clear about something here today that millions of people tuned in.
We have God on our side and that is the ace of spades.
And I can tell you from where we were 20 years ago, to where we are today, we have come light years.
And evil is now
on the defense for the first time in my lifetime.
It doesn't mean they're not going to throw everything they got at us.
It doesn't mean that dark times aren't ahead, but the beginning of the end for this phase and this cycle is coming and better times are ahead.
It may take 10 years, it may take 20, but God's on our side.
Roger, I didn't talk to you before it came on.
Do you agree with my assessment that there's a mass awakening happening?
What are you seeing on the ground?
There is no question about that.
Even in the stilted public opinion polls that are sponsored by the mainstream media themselves, the believability of mainstream so-called legacy media is at an all-time low.
If you want proof of this, how do you reconcile the fact that Donald Trump has been under extraordinary
Attacked by ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, Associated Press, The Business Insider.
While being censored, while being censored, still number one.
Meanwhile, in the polls, he shows him at his greatest point of strength in the last six years.
I mean, these poll numbers are not tiny.
These shifts in the poll numbers are seismic, and it is amazing that there seems to be a direct correlation
Between the American people recognizing that Donald Trump is being politically persecuted and held to a standard that no other figure in American politics or government is held to, and the amazing rebound in his popularity and his political strength.
This is, this is what has the people in the deep state rushing to the drugstore for Kaopectate.
They are, they are hysterical.
Well that was my next question because we don't want to sit here and think
Sure, we're winning hearts and minds, but they're not going to give up.
So you're a smart guy.
How do you think they're going to strike back?
Well, here's one important point, and that is Special Counsel Jack Smith is not Robert Mueller.
Robert Mueller's investigation, which was a politically motivated witch hunt, leaked like a sieve.
Uh, every single thing that he was going to do, you read about it days in advance.
For example, CNN story that Robert Mueller had seized my bank records and my IRS records, uh, when I was under investigation.
Where else could that have come from?
By comparison, Jack Smith's all of his filings in federal court have been sealed.
His witness list, other than where he's had to go to court to get testimony because of executive privilege, who he's interviewed is largely secret.
We really today have no idea
What his timing is, what his game plan is, what specific crimes that he is investigating, crimes that he's investigating, because he's had the discipline not to leak.
Very, very atypical for the way Washington works.
But here I think is the most important point, and that is timing here is everything.
So you ask me what's going to happen next.
With the New York grand jury in hiatus for a month,
I think letting things cool down before they move ahead with an indictment.
You're now going to see a temporary shift to the shenanigans of Fannie Wills, who is the Soros-funded prosecutor in Fulton County, Georgia.
She's a hack.
Without any question.
She also has a weak case, but you're going to see a temporary focus there until it becomes clear what the prosecutor, Jack Smith, who has responsibility both for investigating January 6th, as well as the president's handling of certain classified or top secret documents, is going to do.
Meantime, here's something else that we can look forward to.
There will be no prosecution of Hunter Biden.
There will be no focus in the media on the new news that the Biden family took over $3 million from Chinese interests.
There'll be no investigation of Joe Biden and his activities.
Meanwhile, Hunter Biden's lawyers are threatening, that's right, Alex, to sue me.
They're threatening to sue me.
Well, because I've talked about the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop.
So, I have to fight them.
By the way, folks, you can go to StoneDefenseFund.com to help me in that epic struggle because I'm not going to be silenced.
Anytime Alex Jones asks me to come on InfoWars and talk about the disgraceful treason, influence peddling, money laundering... You're going to do it, but I just showed the letter for radio listeners who don't know.
We heard this a few weeks ago.
They were going to sue you.
Now they've officially sent you letters.
As if you had something to do with Hunter Biden.
I've tracked the whole thing.
You had nothing to do with Hunter Biden laptop.
I mean, you'd be proud of it if you did, but you, I mean, what the hell is this?
Everything I know about Hunter Biden's laptop, I either read at the New York Post or I read at MarcoPoloUSA.org, which is a non-profit which is committed to publishing the truth.
I have no reason to believe that any of that publicly... Sure, they're just trying to politically distract off to you.
Ray Epps is talking about lawsuits, even though he told the January 6th committee he, quote, orchestrated it.
So let's talk about this.
Let's look forward to the time we have.
They're going to go ahead with these indictments.
They plan to use the DA, weak case first, to soften things up, to legitimize the other indictments coming.
Now they see the opposition as if we couldn't tell them that was going to happen, and it wouldn't supercharge Trump to, you know, double and triple, you know, I mean, 30 points ahead of the Santas in many polls.
So, how do you expect this to play out?
What's the constitutionality of Trump still running while he's the nominee, probably, obviously, and then the candidate who wins?
What is that paradox in the time frame of this?
I think that is the absolutely key point, Alex.
You have seized the exact key element of this.
Even if Donald Trump were to be charged by Special Counsel Jack Smith in regard to either January 6th or his handling of certain documents, it's highly unlikely, based on what various lawyers I respect tell me, that that case could get to trial.
There's nothing to prevent a U.S.
citizen from being nominated and running for president while under indictment.
In fact, not all of the alleged crimes against Trump would prevent him from running or being president, although being convicted of violation of the 14th Amendment would preclude you from running for federal office.
So I think it is entirely possible, in fact likely at this point,
That Donald Trump will be waging a campaign to save this country, a crusade as it were, a 2024 campaign, while under criminal indictment by a politically motivated prosecutor.
And I actually think that is the backdrop that virtually ensures his election.
People can see through this.
And I think they do see through this.
We've already seen it reflected in the polls.
It's only growing stronger.
I totally agree, so let me add this point.
Now the new talking point is, it's all over the news, all over the enemy propaganda.
How do we preclude him from running with indictments, but they can't according to the Constitution, so why are they still going ahead with it even though it's going to supercharge him?
Then he wins, pardons himself.
Well, first of all, there may be a misunderstanding, historically.
Let's remember, Jimmy Carter's advisors, believe it or not, they wanted to run against Ronald Reagan.
They thought he would be the weakest candidate.
They actually feared Senator Howard Baker.
Hillary thought the same thing.
She wanted Trump, thought he was the weakest.
Hillary wanted Trump, as we know.
So the Democrats may believe that because Trump is polarizing, that he is the easiest candidate for their impaired candidate, Joe Biden, to beat.
I think that that will turn out to be the same miscalculation that Hillary Clinton made in 2016.
And here is why.
Trump has an ability to pick up the votes that John McCain and Mitt Romney, and I hate to say it, but Ron DeSantis, could never win.
These are not Republicans.
These are working-class Americans.
They're overwhelmingly blue-collar.
Most of them voted for Barack Obama because they wanted hope and change, and they were tired of the Bush regime.
And Trump gives hope.
Alright, stay there.
Then let's talk about how this unfolds.
Straight ahead.
Most important part of the discussion.
We're literally telling you the future right now.
Straight ahead.
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This is their big move.
So yeah, you say, why doesn't Biden address the disasters in the United States?
He doesn't care.
That's not his job.
He's not the President of the United States.
He's a puppet operating for the globalists.
Appetites of the autocrat cannot be appeased.
They must be opposed.
Autocrats only understand one word.
And that's why we say no to your vaccines.
We say no to you shutting down our businesses.
We say no to you taking our firearms.
We say no to you censoring our free speech.
We say no to you selling us out to the World Health Organization.
We say no to you getting us into World War III.
We stand against autocrats like you, Joe Biden, and we say no!
You're right.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
I'm fuckin' tired of living in...
Nobody rides for free, folks.
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Roger Stone, finishing that point for a shift in the transgender stuff, because you wanted to get into that.
I wanted to ask you about it and how it's turned into a total leftist new religion.
We were finishing up with what they're going to do to Trump, what you think is going to unfold.
I'm really concerned about the assassination card.
I'm not predicting and I'm not, like the media said last week, I'm not giving a dark prophecy.
I'm saying political assassination is the final tool.
If they can't politically assassinate your character, if they can't put you in prison, they kill you.
But do they have the huevos to do it at Roger Stone?
You know, Alex, I completely share your concern.
And I have to tell you, the safety of Donald Trump and his family is in my prayers every night and every morning.
And there's no exaggeration there.
It's very interesting.
Somebody very, very high up in the military told me yesterday that they share this very same concern.
For those who say, oh, you consider conspiracy theorists, you're crazy.
They already killed one president.
John F. Kennedy was murdered as the result of a conspiracy that involved his own vice president, Lyndon Baines Johnson, the Secret Service, the FBI, the CIA, organized crime, Big Texas oil, and the international bankers at a minimum.
I proved it in my book, The Man Who Killed Kennedy, the case against LBJ.
If they were willing to kill one president, why would they not be willing to murder another?
All that stands between us and total anarchy and chaos and a complete collapse of the rule of law and all of our constitutional freedoms is Donald J. Trump, and they know it.
That's why I think this statement that I read earlier, March 16, 2023, is so compelling.
It's a declaration of war against him.
He said, I'm bringing down the deep state.
I never asked you to do this, and you're a humble man, but I know
You've always been a Christian, but you're born again.
You're always preaching at me on the phone and in person.
You've never done this that I know of.
Will you say a short prayer for President Trump and for America?
I will.
Included in this prayer, I want to include
Catherine Koontz, the head of the school in Nashville who was murdered.
Mike Gill, a custodian in that school.
Cynthia Peake, a substitute teacher in that school.
Haley Scruggs, the daughter of a pastor and his wife, nine years old.
William Kenney, nine years old.
Evelyn Dieckhaus, nine years old.
And their families.
And by the way, wasn't that principal a hero?
Without a weapon or anything, she charged that shooter.
They now know that.
This touched me and my wife very, very deeply.
So dear Lord, please hear our prayers.
You are in charge.
We know that.
Please afford your protection, your guidance, your love upon this nation.
Do not let Donald Trump be harmed in any way.
Allow him.
We're good.
Good one over evil.
We pray now for that result.
These things that we ask in thy name.
A preacher?
I'm a Paul.
I'm not.
I'm not much of a preacher.
No, we've got to reach out to God.
God wants us to connect that, to make the request.
We take action.
God helps those that help themselves.
But when we ask for the help, God gives it.
I'm an absolute, I'm living proof of that.
I'm proof that Jesus Christ can do anything because the deep state had sold me down the river.
That you've been their target now for decades, but you're still here, every day, broadcasting, on the ramparts, in the fight.
And therefore, sure, we need your support at TheInfoWars.com store.
I need your support at my legal defense fund.
But more than, more than money, more than that support, above all,
We need your prayers.
Prayer is incredibly powerful.
I would not be here today without the blessings of the Lord.
Roger, I could ask a thousand questions here, and I want to hit the whole trans call, but what else do you want to hit?
This is disturbing to me.
Look, people understand, Alex, that I'm a libertarian.
I've always been a libertarian.
I'm a strong believer that what consenting adults decide to do in their own homes, even with their own bodies, that really is up to them.
But that's not what we're seeing here.
What we're seeing here is a demand for the max indoctrination and the confusion and, in some cases, a long-term physical maiming of children.
And this is an entirely different thing.
What amazes me is this movement is getting incredibly militant and incredibly violent.
We saw this in Nashville.
Thanks God that the reports from yesterday of copycat killings around the country turned out to be false.
But I've seen these videos
It is deeply, deeply disturbing.
And again, the best thing we can do is to pray for our nation, pray for the safety above all of Donald Trump, because I think he's going to lead the national revival.
You know, Kim Clement, the famous Christian prophet who said that the giant would be taken down by a simple stone.
Remember that name.
I've taken that to heart.
I'm not saying, Alex, that I'm a savior or a prophet or anything other than a man in the army of God.
Kim Clement also said that Donald Trump would serve two terms as president.
He was uncannily correct about the first.
He saw the Trump presidency literally years before anyone even thought Trump was running for president.
He insisted to his dying day that Trump would serve two terms.
I believe that he is entirely correct about that, or was.
Well, the left's getting increasingly desperate and they're totally insane.
What else can we do to stop them?
Well, I mean, first of all, you made a good point, and people think it's a small one, but it isn't.
When you see a link to a story that you like on InfoWars, or a BandDocTV video, or a StoneZone video,
Or a Tucker Carlson video.
It's important that you pass it on.
Consider yourself an army of one.
We are still fighting mass censorship and cancellation.
Yes, I am grateful to be back on Twitter.
And I'm still on True Social.
I'm still on Gab.
I'm still on Getter.
I'm still on Telegram.
Because I think reaching as many people as possible is crucial.
So when you see an InfoWars link that you think is particularly
Thank you for having me.
That's right, band.video.
Roger has his own channel on there.
Roger, thank you so much for spending time with us today.
You've always been energized, but you're super energized now.
What an exciting time to be alive.
God bless you and thank you for joining us.
Alex, we were born for this moment.
God bless you.
God bless you.
All right, we got a lot of news to cover next hour.
I asked the crew to cut down like an hour of the trans cult saying we're going to room your children, we're going to take your children.
They edited it down to like four and a half minutes.
We're going to air it next segment.
But I'm going to ask the crew to upload just that shorter clip, you know, evidence of the trans cult saying your children belong to us, or trans cult promises to
Take your children.
Let's name it that.
TransCult Video.
TransCult promises to take your children.
Your children are ours.
And we're going to add that to BandOut Video.
We'll put it on Inforest.com.
We're going to play that next segment.
Then introducing Drew Hernandez.
I'm going to play a little bit of the amazing
If Alex Jones runs for president in the Republican Party, he has a chance of winning.
If you just tuned in, you may be noticing I'm wearing an Alex Jones for President 2024 shirt.
I am not seriously planning to run for president.
This is an idea the crew had.
I have a triggering shirt, kind of next level.
Alex Jones is right.
There's InfoWars.com on the back, Alex Jones for President 2024 on the front.
It's a fundraiser shirt.
It's made out of really nice fabric.
It's high quality.
And it is a exclusive shirt to InfoWarsStore.com.
And when the shirts are gone, they're gone.
We're doing one run.
No way.
No way.
That's a bridge too far.
No, it can't be.
And I said on national television that he was going to win.
At InfoWarsStore.com!
I'm a huge believer in information.
I watch InfoWars every day and follow Alex Jones closely.
You know why?
He can put you ahead of the curve.
And he's been demonized as a conspiracy theorist.
Think about how frustrated we are if you've been awake for a year or two.
Imagine being like an Alex Jones or those guys who've been awake for like decades.
Alex has been right on for over a decade.
This is reality.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
The revolution of peaceful information is coming.
And when it comes time, you people are going to be brought to punishment.
You're lying to the public.
It's disgusting.
The media continues to misrepresent.
What I've said.
He may be America's best known conspiracy theorist.
Alex Jones has the largest audience in the country.
Bigger than any of the networks.
The biggest megaphone in the country.
We're gonna get fired up about the real things!
The things that matter!
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Alright, Drew Hernandez is going to be taking over for the rest of the hour because I've got to go to a bankruptcy hearing online here in about 30 minutes.
I'm going to introduce him next segment.
But Tucker Carlson
Three days before the trans devil cultists, they're still suppressing their manifesto, attacked and killed these children and other innocent people.
Tucker said the trans people are going to start killing us.
You got the young turds and you got all of them out there saying attack, attack.
People are killing trans.
Statistically, conservatives are killing no trans people.
Their lifestyle, what they've been inducted into as children, on average, they're the highest level of suicide, death, murder, killing, and it's the left that's chewing up these mainly young men that have been told they're girls and given these destructive hormones.
So here's just a four-minute compilation, very small amount of the evidence, it's so much, of them saying, your children belong to us, we'll come back with Drew.
We are grooming the new generation of Americans to be fully embracing of diversity and inclusivity.
And for the children and the people that support it are going to realize that this is going to be the grooming of the next generation.
That's the whole goal is to make kids that aren't used to seeing something like me more comfortable to seeing it.
No one's there to push an agenda on anyone.
No one's there to persuade people or to recruit people.
Who wants to be a drag queen when they grow up?
You could be a drag queen superhero.
So it's the pedo movement saying it's a drag queen.
They go, don't ban Drown, don't ban drag queens.
No, we're trying to ban pedos, go after kids.
Your children will care about fairness and justice for others.
Your children will work to convert all the sisters and brothers.
Then soon they're almost certain your kids will start coming home.
These pedos have been promised access to our children and they demand it.
Not from their God.
Go and take San Francisco Go and turn up that disco
They all got that sick smirk on their faces, like barracudas.
Look at those guys.
Turned out a bunch of the people in that choir work at McVito's, by the way.
And we have to warn you, ladies and gentlemen, if you've got young or impressionable children in your household, bring them to the screen right now.
And we witnessed parents taking their children, as young as two, inside to take part.
Talking, singing, and reading.
We can both be grooms!
To an audience of preschoolers, toddlers, and their caregivers.
We have just confirmed that a registered child sex offender has been reading to children at a Houston Public Library as part of its Drag Queen Story Hour.
A media spokesperson for the library confirms one of those drag queens, Tatiana Malanina, is really Alberto Garza, a child sex offender.
In 2008, he was convicted of assaulting an eight-year-old boy.
People seem to walk away having a good time.
A stardom young, right?
A stardom young, right?
This is put out in the New York Times like it's wonderful and it's the biggest scary looking group of weirdo pot-bellied men.
Looks like a bunch of Dennis Hasterds running around with clown makeup on just hopping around rubbing their giant bellies in front of children and you're like what alternate universe is this?
What planet did I wake up in?
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new toothpaste that my dad, a retired dentist and oral surgeon, developed.
Dr. Jones Natural's Turmeric Toothpaste that just came into stock.
And I gotta tell you, I got samples of this months ago and it is amazing.
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We know turmeric is an antioxidant, an anti-inflammatory, and does such great things for the body.
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And while you're at it, check out the new Ashwagandha line of products.
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And we have the Pure Ashwagandha Root Gummies as well, now available at InfoWarsTore.com.
They're amazing products, and they fund the Info War.
Take action now at InfoWarsTore.com.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
All right, incredible journalist, firebrand, talk show host, pastor.
Drew Hernandez takes over for The Balance of the Hour.
Then Paul Joseph Watson next hour.
I'll be back tomorrow.
I think I'm going to host all four hours, take calls.
I've got to go to a bankruptcy hearing.
Things are going well there, despite all the enemy's lies.
Propaganda, your prayers are definitely having an effect.
But before we introduce Drew Hernandez, I wanted to
Play for you.
Just a few minutes from Tucker Carlson's 10-minute monologue last night.
Remember, three days before the attack in Tennessee by the trans demon, you see that face of the person.
I meant to show that image.
I meant to show that image to people.
The image of that woman that believed that she was a man.
Absolutely crazed.
Absolutely demonic.
Staring into the sight of that gun.
When she's going in, overhead shot please, when she's going in to kill and just look at that captured demon, look at the horror on her face, the total demonic possession, totally sad, looks like she's in hell but she's killing children.
That's what the enemy turns you into.
That's the mind control.
That's their programming.
That's what they do.
And then after they do this to somebody, they say it's our fault for not accepting them when we didn't do anything to them!
So, here's a clip of Tucker Carlson, and then Drew Hernandez of DrewHLive on Twitter, and DrewHLive.com, host of Frontlines and more.
Here's Tucker Carlson introducing this information, and then on to Drew Hernandez.
Stay with us.
The trans movement is the mirror image of Christianity, and therefore its natural enemy.
In Christianity, the price of admission is admitting that you're not God.
Christians openly concede that they have no real power over anything, and for that matter, very little personal virtue.
They will tell you to your face that they are sinful, and helpless, and basically absurd.
They're not embarrassed about any of this, they brag about it.
That saved a wretch like me, goes the most famous Christian hymn ever written in English.
The trans movement takes the opposite view.
Trans ideology claims dominion over nature itself.
We can change the identity we were born with, they will tell you with wild-eyed certainty.
Christians can never agree with this statement because these are powers they believe God alone possesses.
That unwillingness to agree, that failure to acknowledge a trans person's dominion over nature, incites and enrages some in the trans community.
People who believe they're God can't stand to be reminded that they're not.
So Christianity and transgender orthodoxy are wholly incompatible theologies.
They can never be reconciled.
They are on a collision course with each other.
One side is likely to draw blood before the other side.
That's what we concluded last week.
Yesterday morning, tragically, our fears were confirmed.
A self-identified trans person called Audrey Hale committed mass murder at a Christian school in Nashville.
Hale burst into a place called the Convent School and executed three nine-year-olds as well as three adults.
Police have released body cam footage from the end of the massacre.
We're showing you just a small part of it.
You can see the rest online if you want.
We're not going to show it because that's too awful and sad.
But what was almost as sickening to see, in a far more subtle and insidious way, was the media coverage of yesterday's tragedy.
Here's Terry Moran of ABC News, for example, suggesting that Christians were murdered in Tennessee because they infringed on the rights of transgendered people.
Audrey Hale identified herself as a transgender person.
The state of Tennessee earlier this month passed and the governor signed a bill that banned transgender medical care for minors as well as a law that prohibited adult entertainment including male and female impersonators after a series of drag show controversies in that state.
The state of Tennessee bans the sexual mutilation of children.
Children get shot to death in a school.
It's cause and effect.
That's what ABC News is telling you.
That's not far from justifying mass murder.
But others took the next step.
A group called the Trans Resistance Network said that the shooter's death was a complex tragedy that resulted from, quote, anti-trans bias.
This is the tip of the spear of the transhuman movement.
Animal clones, human clones, animal-human clones.
This is the satanic takeover.
This is it.
This is the enemy's attack.
We're laying it out here today.
Now, the great Drew Hernandez takes over.
Thank you so much, Alex.
Guys, thank you for joining us here on the Alex Jones Show in the third hour.
Like Alex said, my name is Drew Hernandez, host of Drew Hernandez Live.
You can find exclusively on Rumble, and I host a show called Frontlines Nightly on Real America's Voice.
Just go to my Twitter, DrewHLive, and click the link in my bio.
You will find all those links.
Thank you, guys.
Well, let's get straight into this.
Let's just call it for what it is, right?
This is trans-terrorism.
And I kind of refrain from saying radical, you know what I mean, like radical Islamic terrorism, because when you look at the ideologies, it's just, it is what it is.
It's trans-terrorism.
And what I want to talk about in this entire hour is how we got here, kind of where we're going, kind of like everything we've been warning about with these radical terrorists that have
Obviously lost their minds.
They're mentally unstable to begin with, right?
Because these people genuinely have gender dysphoria.
I mean, they can't get something as basic, you know, as basic biology, biological males, biological females.
Because if I were to come out and identify as a cat right now on the Alex Jones Show, and I was dead serious about it, and I threatened everyone that if you don't accept my existence, I'm just gonna come out and murder some people, because that's what these people do, right?
And they justify it?
They not only accept it, but they parade it around, and then they reward it at the same time.
And then they protect it, to the point of one of these individuals taking this dangerous, satanic, just out-of-the-universe ideologies to the point of murdering kids, okay?
Murdering children, and yes, three adults as well.
We all know why this happened.
We all know why this individual took matters into their own hands like this.
Because of the lies that they've been told and because of the mental instability and because of the absolute evil, okay, just because we throw around the word mental illness around, we throw around the word, you know, these people have been lied to, they've been propagandized, does not excuse them of their evil, wicked, satanic behavior.
That's exactly what you're seeing right now in the United States of America.
And the response to it is a testament to the total depravity that God, by the way, warned every single one of us that we would see.
In Romans chapter 1, you want to just throw away all immorality.
You want to throw away God's design, especially for marriage.
You invert that and you accept it and normalize it in a society.
Men go after men, women go after women.
They throw away the natural use for biological reproduction to reproduce.
It also spreads disease.
God said there will be a consequence and the consequence is the society gets given over to a reprobate and depraved mind.
What does that mean?
That means that the society within and all of the hearts, the consciences are seared.
It's like taking an iron.
And just placing it straight to the conscience, where you're numb and you lose all sense of morality, your moral compass is totally gone!
Totally gone!
Cannot discern left from right, and I don't mean politically, literally, left from right, good from evil.
Cannot discern up from down, you have no idea what's going on.
People are saying the most satanic, evil things out in the open.
Protecting and defending a murderer, an individual that massacred children.
Because these people have been given over to a reprobate mind.
It is the totality of what evil is.
Not just sin, but I'll tell you, Romans chapter 1 is in full swing, ladies and gentlemen.
Full swing!
The Bible also makes it very clear that in the last days, the Bible says, the Holy Spirit explicitly says that many will depart from the faith.
And take heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons.
Put that image back up that Alex showed earlier.
That's exactly what you're seeing in that individual's face.
Doctrines of demons, deceiving spirits, filling a wicked heart to the point of showing up to an opponent that they view and then believe in their eyes.
Have you ever in a horror movie seen a face that demonic?
No, that is pure demon possession.
No, that's exactly what you're seeing here.
And the point is, is that this is happening for a very specific reason.
And we're going to get into all of that because people need to understand and see how we got to this point.
And it needs to be dealt with legally, lawfully, and as peacefully as possible.
But we cannot accept murder and it be defended in a society.
That's where we're at right now.
We got a lot more when we come back from the break, so stay with us.
We now have three new game-changing products that are in stock at InfoWarsTore.com, and one of our best-selling products sold out for over a year that's now back in stock.
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The only way we fail is not taking action.
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God bless you.
Thousands of former Nazis went to work for the United States government.
A flying disc has been found and is now in the possession of the army.
Here is a bulletin from PBS News.
President Kennedy has been shot.
This is a different kind of war.
The USS Liberty had just been attacked by Israeli jets and torpedo boats.
The CIA could manipulate the news in the United States.
They took the babies out of incubators and left the children to die on the cold floor.
It was almost as if it were a plan imposed.
It just happened.
We need to go home!
Right now,
I'm not talking to the viewers and listeners that have gone to InfoWarsTore.com and gotten the great products that enrich your life, that empower your immune system and your body, and keep us on air.
I am humbly, hand in hand, talking to the viewers and listeners that have tuned in
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So make the decision to enrich your life and keep us on air, InfoWarsaw.com.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
All right, man, the trans terrorists are going full force, man.
And I'm telling you, these people are about it.
They believe all of their lies.
They believe you're really a Nazi.
They believe you're really a fascist.
They believe you're out there to kill them and erase them from existence.
Okay, if these people are obviously mentally unstable, they've lost their minds, they cannot get down basic biology, okay?
Biological male, biological female, alright?
When you fan the flames of their mental illness, and you not only justify it, you accept it, you tolerate it, okay, you parade it, you reward it, but you also fan the flames of their paranoia.
And that's what these big tech companies are doing.
You see all the propaganda on TikTok.
You see all the propaganda on Instagram.
You see the stuff floating around all the mainstream.
You talk to any detransitioner, what do they tell you?
Part of the reason I got so radicalized was because of social media.
I heard that Christians and Christian fascists and
Mega Republicans and anyone that doesn't agree with me wants to kill me because I'm such a marginalized minority in society that there's actually people out there that want to end my life and murder me.
Okay, when you're communicating things like that to the mentally ill and the mentally unstable and those that just spark paranoia... And listen, I'm not knocking mental illness.
I actually care about the mentally ill.
I think mentally ill people, it needs to be addressed.
So they can get the real help they need.
We don't sit there and baby them and say, Oh, just come to this safe space.
You're totally fine.
Everything's fine.
Don't worry about it.
Oh, yes.
You have something totally wrong about you, but we're just going to accept it, tolerate it, reward it, and act like everything's okay.
That's what that's society is so cucked out, ladies and gentlemen, that that's where we've ended up.
Where everyone is afraid, not the info warriors and the thought criminals that watch this show, but all these cucks out there, even some, even cuck servitives on the right.
And these individuals that just want to baby these people.
Let's baby them.
We don't want to offend them.
They need to make sure that they're accepted with their mental illness in society, that there's a place for them.
But the response to that from the trans terrorists is, well, if you don't do that, I'm going to murder you and murder your children.
And that's the direct threat that all of us are under right now.
And if you don't believe me, we have some footage out of Nashville right now, about 30, 45 minutes ago, the trans terrorists have breached
The Nashville, Tennessee, excuse me, the Tennessee State Capitol, they've breached it.
There's the footage right there.
The police are dealing with them.
Arrests appear to have been made.
They've breached the building because these people, look at all that, look at these demons, the mentally ill, probably the schizophrenic, on a bunch of drugs, tons of drugs, looking like the Joker, thinking that they're fighting against Nazis.
Thinking that they're fighting against people that want to murder them and erase them from existence, and they're getting violent as a result.
And they say that if you support President Trump, you support Alex Jones, you support Drew Hernandez, you just support patriotism and American nationalism.
Hell, you just love the American flag.
You know what, Grandma?
You are a terrorist.
That's what you are.
Because you believe in those things.
When these people, we saw this all of 2020,
These radicalized ideas that turn into real world terrorism because they actually believe they're fighting against white supremacists.
BLM says brown people are all being attacked by white supremacist killer cops.
Antifa says we're fighting against Adolf Hitler 2.0 and Donald Trump and the SS and all the Make America Great Again supporters.
We're fighting against these Nazis.
There's a violent response as such and look at the Capitol today in Tennessee.
These people are breaching because they're the real domestic terrorists, the real terrorists that are functioning off of a lie because they're already wicked and mentally unstable in their minds and they're willing to take drastic, aggressive, very dangerous measures to the point of murdering children.
You see, but the response here
Is that these people are willing to kill anybody because they believe that their lives are in danger.
And I'm not saying that because I'm cucking out and I'm saying, oh, let's just be understanding to these people.
I'm just telling you what it is, dude.
That's all I'm ever going to do is sit here and call it for what it is.
And I'm not saying it because I feel sorry for them.
No, these people are filled with evil, dude.
They are filled with evil.
But the mental illness and the mental instability is just making it worse.
But society gets so cucked out, the mainstream media will not show you this!
Because they want you to be focused on Donald Trump, and January 6th, and the insurrection, when there's actual trans-surrections taking place, okay?
Right before your eyes, just days after a trans-terrorist murdered children!
Why are they doing this?
And by the way, Christian children that belong to Christian parents!
And Christian employees and educators at a Christian school!
Why are they doing this?
Yes, it's a level of persecution, but these people are wicked, they're evil, and they're being catered to by the same time.
At the same time.
It's like the issue we have in the so-called justice system.
Pedophiles and child rapists, they all get slapped on the wrist to the point where they, like, get protected!
I mean, the Supreme Court, with Katonji Brown-Jackson, whatever the hell her name is, right?
A literal pedo-simp.
You guys remember all that?
Sympathizing for pedophiles.
Oh my gosh!
A pedophile was looking at one piece of child porn and it turned into like a thousand.
We should be more lenient on them because they weren't trying to look at all the child porn.
Guys, it's the same thing.
That's the depravity.
Where they protect the offenders rather than the offended and the victims and the innocent.
Because they're filled with the devil!
To kill, steal, and destroy!
Kill, steal, and destroy!
They're of their father the devil, they want to destroy you!
It's in their hearts!
It's in their minds!
And they view you as an opponent!
Now, let's talk about the mainstream media, and the culture at large.
What have we been seeing for the past couple days?
They're blaming the parents.
They're making this trans terrorist to be some kind of martyr.
They feel sorry for the trans.
Oh, all these trans organizations that represent the trans community at large.
They put out all these cucked out statements pretending they care about the victims and the kids.
Oh, this is a double tragedy.
Did you guys see all that garbage?
This is a double tragedy.
The first tragedy is, yes, we feel sorry for the children and the victims.
Our prayers go out to them.
Yeah, you don't even... Who are you praying to?
You guys don't believe in God?
You hate Christ!
Your people hate Jesus!
Who are you praying to?
Praying to Satan?
Praying to the devil?
Listen, this community loves what happened.
They love that these Christian little babies got murdered in cold blood.
They love the blood, the blood.
They just love blood.
It's their satanic ritual.
These are the same people that love to see the murder of children on a daily basis, that run around supporting abortion, which is murder, and not only supporting it, but defending it and celebrating it.
How many times have we seen it?
This is Baphomet.
It's what it is.
All wrapped in one!
Their father the devil!
It's this cocktail of Satanism!
That's why these people are running around in the mainstream media.
You see at the Grammy's, Sam Smith, or the Oscars, whatever the hell it was, with satanic rituals out in the open.
These people love this stuff!
Lil Nas X!
Running around, making music videos!
Staging himself getting sodomized by the devil.
Who do you think's watching that?
Gen Z, the very people that are being indoctrinated and lied to, to believe that they're actually not biological males if they are, and they're actually not biological females if they are, and if nobody accepts them, then those people want to kill them and murder them.
This is all the agenda of the New World Order, the Antichrist, and Satan that empowers it.
It's all of that, and we're going to get into more of that when we come back from the break, guys.
Do not go anywhere.
If Alex Jones runs for president in the Republican Party, he has a chance of winning.
If you just tuned in, you may be noticing I'm wearing an Alex Jones for President 2024 shirt.
I am not seriously planning to run for president.
This is an idea the crew had.
Have a triggering shirt, kind of next level.
Alex Jones is right.
There's Infowars.com on the back, Alex Jones for President 2024 on the front.
It's a fundraiser shirt.
It's made out of really nice fabric.
It's high quality.
And it is a exclusive shirt to Infowars.com.
And when the shirts are gone, they're gone.
We're doing one run.
That's a bridge too far.
No way.
No way.
No, it can't be.
And I said on national television that he was going to win.
It's hard to believe that we're already going into March 2023, and the world is an insane place.
World War III has already started.
Biden is a puppet and is dissolving our borders.
There's mass censorship.
James O'Keefe's been removed from Project Veritas.
The list goes on and on of the bad things that are happening.
But the good things that are happening is humanity is really accelerating its awakening.
But those of us on the forefront are under more attack by the establishment than ever.
That's why I'm counting on you to spread the word about the broadcast, to pray for the broadcast, and to keep the broadcast on the air by getting great products at Infowarshore.com.
And whether it's a final signed copy, they're almost all sold out, or the great reset in the War for the World, or Ultimate Bone Broth, finally back in stock after over two years, it's all available at Infowarshore.com.
These are truly amazing products.
So get your InfoWars products at InfoWarsStore.com and enrich your life while keeping the broadcast on the air.
It is your decision on whether or not we stay on air, so please take action now at InfoWarsStore.
I'm a huge believer in information.
I watch InfoWars every day and follow Alex Jones closely.
You know why?
He can put you ahead of the curve.
And he's been demonized as a conspiracy theorist.
Think about how frustrated we are if you've been awake for a year or two.
Imagine being like an Alex Jones or those guys who've been awake for like decades.
Alex has been right on for over a decade.
This is reality.
It's just pancakes.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
The revolution of peaceful information is coming.
And when it comes time, you people are going to be brought to punish.
You're lying to the public.
It's disgusting.
The media continues to misrepresent
What I've said.
He may be America's best known conspiracy theorist.
Alex Jones has the largest audience in the country.
Bigger than any of the networks.
The biggest megaphone in the country.
We're gonna get fired up about the real thing!
The things that matter!
Burn in hell, New World Order.
Tomorrow's news.
This is their big move.
So yeah, you say, why doesn't Biden address the disasters in the United States?
He doesn't care.
That's not his job.
He's not the President of the United States.
He's a puppet operating for the globalists.
Appetites of the autocrat cannot be appeased.
They must be opposed.
Autocrats only understand one word.
And that's why we say no to your vaccines.
We say no to you shutting down our businesses.
We say no to you taking our firearms.
We say no to you censoring our free speech.
We say no to you selling us out to the World Health Organization.
We say no to you getting us into World War III.
You're right.
We stand against autocrats like you, Joe Biden, and we say no!
And we say no to your war!
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
When the police chief
Down in Tennessee the other day, confirmed that the murderer, I don't even feel comfortable using the word shooter anymore, this is a murderer, an individual that loves to massacre children and I guarantee you probably
Maybe he was attracted to children, because most of these people seem to just be obsessed with children.
Children, children, children with these people!
We're coming for your children!
They just never stop with your children!
They want your children, they want to murder your children, they want to own your children, they want to indoctrinate your children!
They want to groom your children!
They want to manipulate your children, they want to touch your children!
They want to LGBTQ homosexualize your children!
All they want is your children!
By the way, back to the point.
The police chief was confirming that this individual was a self-identified trans, right?
Had a manifesto that this was clearly targeted, strategically planned, well thought out, and had some obvious motives, right?
And in the process, during the press conference, when this all dropped, I'm sure you guys all saw the viral videos, the police chief kept calling the shooter, her.
And the mainstream media and all the woke, tired, psychopath losers out there!
We're triggered over the fact that the police chief misgendered a murderer!
That was the issue!
Oh my God!
Get the pronouns right!
How dare you misgender this murderer that massacred three Christian babies and three adults at this Christian school!
That doesn't make us horrified!
What horrifies us is that you have the audacity!
You have the audacity to sit there and misgender a murderer!
Don't you understand?
Don't you understand how marginalized they are and how hard their life is for a trans person that they had to take matters into their own hands to murder little babies?
Don't you understand how oppressed they are?
The least you could do is be respectful and get their pronouns right, you stupid officer!
Guys, that is literally what these people did!
And when I sit here and I talk about total depravity, and I explain to you what a reprobate mind is, especially when it's gone societal across the entire culture and population, that is exactly what I am talking about.
It's next level immorality.
Next level immorality is what you're seeing with the situation right now.
Where they defend the murder, it's open murder!
But they find a way to make them look like a murder!
Let me say that again, it's open murder!
But they find a way to make them look like a murder, and they protect them, and oh, make sure to get the pronouns right, thank you!
No, you know what, no, no, alright?
And tell me if you're with me and shout out to everybody watching live, whether it be on Rumble, whether it be on the Getter Stream.
Love every single one of you guys.
I'm watching your comments right now.
I'm always reading them.
I love you guys.
Let me know what you guys think about this statement right here.
I am sick of this culture.
I am sick of this cucked out culture that all they ever do is cater to these people and they're afraid to tell the truth and they're afraid to hurt their feelings.
Yeah, disrespect them!
Who cares at this point, dude?
Oh, it's so disrespectful that you misgender me.
Okay, who cares?
Screw you and your feelings.
Free speech.
I'm sorry, dude.
I take that back.
Actually, you know what?
I'm not sorry.
You want to know why?
Because this has gotten to the level of babies being murdered over this mental instability and wickedness and reprobate depravity that we are all seeing in this degenerate society.
We need more shame!
We need a shame immorality!
We need a shame evil!
We need a shame demons!
We need a shame those that don't want to live in reality!
You want to know why I say that?
Because that produces a level of humility in the society.
This is why these people call themselves pride!
Which, by the way, the Bible says in Proverbs, around chapter 6 and 7, that God hates a proud look.
You understand that?
Truly, do you understand that?
And what does the Bible mean when the Bible says that?
It means despises.
He views it as despicable.
You want to know why God hates a proud look, and God hates pride, and why these people identify as the very thing that God despises and views despicable and unholy to his nostrils?
Up in heaven and His omniscience and omnipotence across the universe?
Because it's the epitome of what challenges who He is.
The Alpha, the Omega, the All-Powerful.
There is no one more powerful than Jesus Christ.
There is no one more powerful than God Himself.
There is no one more powerful.
He has ascended above anyone and anything in ever existence.
And for a human being,
For us to sit here and raise our noses and even think for a millisecond, even before we even think it, that we are greater and more powerful, which is pride.
We are functioning like Lucifer.
That's the very thing that cast him out of heaven and all his demons and followers that followed him.
It's in the hearts of this entire movement.
That is the truth, ladies and gentlemen.
I know conservatives don't like hearing that, oh because there's good ones out there, there's good ones, they don't want to groom children.
That's not the argument.
The argument is, from a biblical perspective, this lifestyle is degenerate from the get-go.
But we've all tolerated it.
Society doesn't want to hurt anybody's feelings because they don't want to say the things that I'm saying right now.
So look where it got us.
Look what they did to Disney.
Look what they did to Cartoon Network.
Look what they did to ESPN.
Look what they did to the mainstream media.
Look what they did to everything that you've all loved at one point in your life.
Sports, NBA, NFL, it's all saturated and poisoned and satanified, right?
How do we get to this point?
Because people are cucked out and do not want to put an end to it.
Number one, it has to be addressed.
Number one, it has to be addressed.
Stop being afraid of hurting people's feelings.
And I know all the info warriors out there know exactly what I'm saying.
And number two, if there's an ability to legally, lawfully put an end to all of this and peacefully, it has to be done.
It literally has to be done.
And I'll also say this as well.
I am not an advocate for violence.
Never have been, never will.
But as a Christian, from a biblical worldview, the God that I serve and I worship is a huge advocate of self-defense.
You defend yourself.
And that goes for anybody and everyone, regardless of what race you are, what color you are, doesn't matter.
I'm a huge advocate of self-defense.
What these people are doing is going on the offense and they want war.
These people want to murder you.
They want to kill you.
And they're showing it out in the open.
Guys, this even happened with the Press Secretary of Katie Hobbs.
She resigned yesterday because she came out in support of all the radical trans-terrorism of these people coming out and saying, we need to kill Christians, we need to kill these people, we need to do this.
All this radical rhetoric that's not covered by free speech.
You can't sit there and say you want to murder people, alright?
That's a direct threat to humanity.
You guys understand that?
I know you do!
But even at the level of the Press Secretary of the so-called Governor of Arizona resigned yesterday because she was sympathizing with the trans terrorists and their rhetoric to run around and go on the offense and hurt people that disagree with them.
She's posting memes with individuals with guns saying that, oh, this is, uh, yeah, yeah, I totally support this.
This is the, uh, this is what trans people do and they, you know, want to come after us.
I'm paraphrasing.
Point is here, ladies and gentlemen, do not be desensitized.
Don't ever be afraid.
And I know if you watch InfoWars, you're not afraid.
You're not afraid of getting cancelled.
If you're still watching InfoWars after everything Alex Jones has ever been through, you're not afraid of being cancelled.
You've gone down that valley of the shadow of death, right?
You've gone beyond what everyone was afraid of.
This is going to go into absolutely everything, every single channel of society, not just the guys behind microphones that are coming out and saying this on platforms getting shadow banned.
You're going to start.
To continue to see this on a grand scale in so-called education, obviously in politics, mainstream media, culture, music, movies, you name it!
In public health, right?
It's all saturated!
It's all indoctrinated!
It is all being hijacked by the New World Order Satanists that have the transhuman agenda that want to take your children!
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new toothpaste that my dad, a retired dentist and oral surgeon, developed.
Dr. Jones' dad fills turmeric toothpaste that just came into stock.
And I gotta tell you, I got samples of this months ago and it is amazing.
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They're amazing products, and they fund the InfoWar.
Take action now at InfoWarsTore.com.
I talk a lot about the great successes InfoWars has had.
I don't think anybody can deny it.
And it is because of listeners and viewers supporting us.
When we talk about the crew at InfoWars, people behind the scenes, the researchers, the writers, they really have been the MVPs in this fight.
And when you look at Harrison Smith and Owen Schroer and the hard work they engage in every day, five, six, seven days a week, it's really just incredible.
So for myself and the whole InfoWars crew, I thank you for your past support.
I only encourage you now to realize that InfoWars cannot stay on air if you do not support us.
I know you spread the word, I know you pray for us, and that's wonderful, keep doing it.
But most viewers and listeners never go to InfoWarsStore.com, and you never buy great products that enrich and empower your life, while at the same time keeping us on air.
I know that less than 1% of our listeners actually go buy products at M4Store.com.
If just 1% more of you took action and went to M4Store.com, our funding problems will be over.
Please take action now.
Humanity is in a fight for its very life, and InfoWars, for decades, has been at the very forefront of the fight for a pro-human future.
We can't stay on air without your help, and I want to thank you all for your past support.
And I want to encourage those of you that have never bought products at InfoWarsTore.com to go there and experience how amazing these products really are.
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And the final 1,200 signed copies of my book, The Great Reset and the War for the World, and I'm not gonna sign anymore after that, are exclusively available at infowarestore.com as well.
In the last month, I got a little busy, so I didn't sign the books.
We didn't have them for sale.
But now, I signed the last books.
You can get them right now.
We now have three new game-changing products.
They're in stock at Fulworthstore.com.
And one of our best-selling products, sold out for over a year, that's now back in stock.
Our prebiotic, does-eat-any introduction, does such amazing things for your gut flora, your overall health.
What it does is essential.
Go read about it at Infomercial.com.
And now, the fourth toothpaste designed by my dad.
The last two were big hits.
This one is really special.
It's turmeric concentrate with a bunch of other essential oils and so much more to take your mouth's health to the next level.
We also have high quality ashwagandha root for your libido, your stamina, your testosterone with black pepper extract to accelerate it as a pill.
And we have ashwagandha root gummies as well.
Very strong, very powerful.
Now in stock at InfoWarsTore.com.
Go there, experience these great products and others, and fund the InfoWar.
The only way we fail is not taking action.
Now please visit InfoWarsTore.com and experience these powerful products for yourself.
God bless you.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Well, Friday is upon us.
It's on its way.
And if you haven't heard by now, the trans terrorists are taken to Washington DC for the Trans Day of Vengeance.
It's gonna be taking place.
And individuals are taken to social media.
They're taken to public platforms.
To make it very clear that they don't care what happened in Nashville.
They don't care what happened to these babies that were murdered and massacred in cold blood and the victims, the adults as well.
Why don't they?
Why will they continue to press on with their trans day of vengeance?
And you got people on TikTok that are running around saying, oh, well, you know, if parents didn't support the bill or the legislation,
In Tennessee, that is putting a stop to the mutilization of the genitals of children, then maybe they would still have their kids.
And here they are continuing on, press it on, April 1st at 11 a.m., assembling at the SCOTUS.
And of course they say wear a mask, not because of COVID, because they potentially, and I will say probably, most likely are going to commit some acts of violence, ladies and gentlemen.
The Trans Day of Vengeance.
Put that back up one more time.
Notice what it says in the middle.
What does it say, guys?
What did I just get done telling you guys for like 30 minutes?
Their flyer literally says, stop trans genocide.
So all the schizophrenic,
The paranoid, the mentally unstable, the mentally ill, that can't figure out or get down basic biology, that have been told by the mainstream media, that have been told by big tech companies, that they're facing a genocide, that they're going to be eradicated, that Christian fascists or anyone that disagrees with them is going to wipe them off of the face of planet Earth.
Now, this cucked out society is having to deal with a monster that they created and cultivated and pampered and kept in a safe space and didn't want to hurt.
Now you got to deal with it.
So these people are taking to Instagram, they're taking to Twitter and big tech.
And I'm going to read this out for you guys.
This is what they're saying in regards to the Trans Day of Vengeance.
You guys don't think this is dangerous stuff?
Take a look at this.
This is what they're saying.
Kill Christ cucks.
Uh, quote.
Kill Christ Cucks.
Behead Christ Cucks.
Roundhouse kick a Christ Cuck into the concrete.
Slam dunk a Christ Cuck baby into the trash can.
Crucify filthy Christ Cucks.
Defecate in a Christ Cucks food.
Launch Christ Cucks into the sun.
Hashtag Trans Day of Vengeance.
What are we going to see this coming Friday on April 1st?
I'll just predict you're going to see some violence.
If you're obviously someone that is not in agreeance with them, you're probably going to get hurt.
They feel justified in their mental instability and their paranoia that you are standing in their way of existing.
That you are the one attempting to genocide them.
Like it's some kind of SS Nazi final solution.
Does it all make sense now why they all say this stuff?
And the mainstream media and the New World Order that's backing it all causes this mass instability.
They need mass instability in the masses, in the population, so it gives them an excuse.
This is on the book Rules for Radicals, right?
They need mass instability so the people are begging them for a savior.
The people are begging for Big Brother, begging for big government, begging for the ones with the guns and the firearms to step in and put a stop to the violence.
I like martial law, right?
See, but this is how these people cause this mass instability.
And by the way, let me just make myself clear.
Just by the way, for the record, trans people do not exist, okay?
They are not real.
And let me explain to you why.
Some conservatives, like, just cannot comprehend this.
It's like so mind-blowing, right?
If trans people have obvious gender dysphoria,
Mental illness, mental instability.
They don't live inside of reality.
They live in la-la land.
I don't feel comfortable in my gender.
I don't feel comfortable as my sex.
So I'm just gonna identify as a box for the day.
Welcome to the Alex Jones Show, ladies and gentlemen!
I'm a box, coming to you live!
Here we are!
You guys would all look at me like I'm psycho?
You would be questioning Alex Jones as to why the hell is this guy on the air?
He literally believes he's a box?
An inanimate object?
This guy has lost his mind!
Oh, no, no, no, no.
But when it comes to gender, when it comes to sex, even the cuckservatives will run around and say, no, they're one of the good ones because they said they liked Trump one time.
That's part of the cuckery!
No, no, no.
That's part of accepting someone's mental instability.
That's not love, ladies and gentlemen.
Open rebuke is better than concealed love.
Holding back the truth
Because you don't want to hurt someone's feelings, rather than openly in love, telling them, hey, there's something off with you.
Let's help you get it fixed.
That is wrong.
And that is how we end up in these positions in society.
And that is how the absolute deterioration of the moral fabric happens.
If they're mentally ill, and it's literally gender dysphoria,
It's not real, ladies and gentlemen!
Trans people do not exist!
To me, it's simple, dude!
They're all just gay!
It's simple!
They're all just homosexuals!
Because if you're a dude, you can't figure out whether you're a boy or a girl, but I have an attraction to other dudes.
Alright dude, well, that means you're gay.
And if you're a girl, and you can't figure out whether you're a girl or a boy, and you're attracted to other girls, newsflash honey!
Sounds like you're a lesbian!
Which, again, it's all immoral, it's all under Romans Chapter 1, it needs to be repented of, and it needs to be addressed.
Because it's a problem and an issue of the heart that cannot be fixed politically.
There's no conservative version of it.
There's no safe version of any of this stuff.
There's no tame version of any of this stuff.
You say, Drew,
What are you saying?
I'm saying I'm a Christian and the Bible is very clear that when sin entered the world, it destroyed humanity and it plunged the human civilization into sin and destruction and eternal damnation.
That is why God sent his one and only begotten son.
That whosoever would believe in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.
We need to be saved from our sins and our damnation.
We are all responsible.
And I'll tell you one thing.
That is what this society is afraid of saying.
Because they would rather cater to the mental illness, too afraid to hurt their feelings, rather tell them the truth, and plunge them into eternal damnation and hell.
And to me, ladies and gentlemen, that's not love.
Because I appreciate the fact that when Jesus saved my soul, and when Jesus saved me, He told me the God-honest truth about who I was, where I was going, why I was wrong, and how I can be saved from the damnation to come due to all of my sinful errors against God and trespasses.
To me, that's an act of love, telling the absolute truth
To someone in rebellion, where they're really heading.
Off a cliff into eternal damnation forever.
Don't get it twisted!
Do not get it twisted!
That doesn't mean we as Christians run around just, uh, oh, let's just, uh, let's be nice to everybody and let's not hurt anybody's feelings.
Let's just cater to the mentally ill.
Let's not go on the offense and call stuff out for what it really is.
No, no, no.
Let's just put our heads in the sand.
Like, ostriches!
Because Jesus is coming back anyways, and, you know, He said there'd be days like this, so let's not, you know, get politically engaged and get legislation in place to, like, save the innocents, or save the innocents of children, or maybe put a stop to the mass murder genocide, the real genocide, which is abortion.
No, no, no, no, no!
Jesus said it would be like this, so let's just stand down, look at the sky, and wait for Him to come back.
No man knows the day or the hour!
No man knows the day or the hour!
In which he is returning, his master is returning.
Christ expects us to occupy, okay?
And we are called to always oppose and expose evil.
Because we are the light of the world.
We are the light of the world.
Light, ladies and gentlemen!
Light causes the darkness to flee!
Because the darkness hates the light!
That's why they hate you!
That's why they want to kill you!
That's why they want you removed!
Because all of these people are filled with total darkness!
Have you noticed anytime you walk around, you don't even have to say anything, especially if you're a Christian, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Whenever you're around people that serve their father the devil, that are filled with darkness and damnation, and you're filled with light and the Spirit of God, all you got to do is enter a room and demons manifest.
And you could feel it, and you could see it.
Because this is all spiritual, good versus evil, ladies and gentlemen.
Most banned man in America, Alex Jones!
I want you all to know something.
Alex Jones was right.
Alex is right about far more than is wrong.
Alex has been right on for over a decade.
I don't care how you slice it, dice it, flip it up, or rub it down.
Alex Jones was right.
Think about how frustrated we are if you've been awake for a year or two.
Imagine being like an Alex Jones or those guys who've been awake for like decades.
Alex Jones called this years ago.
Years ago.
Alex Jones never bought the Russia hoax, not for a second.
You are one of the great thinkers of this.
You are a martyr to the First Amendment.
The government fears Alex Jones.
That's why the globalists hate me, is because I'm exposing their corporate worldwide tyranny.
We now have three new game-changing products that are in stock at InfoWarsTore.com, and one of our best-selling products sold out for over a year that's now back in stock.
Our prebiotic, does the any introduction, does such amazing things for your gut flora, your overall health.
What it does, it's essential, but read about it at infomercial.com.
And now, the fourth toothpaste designed by my dad.
The last two were big hits.
This one is really special.
It's turmeric concentrate with a bunch of other essential oils.
So much more to take your mouth's health to the next level.
We also have high quality ashwagandha root for your libido, your stamina, your testosterone, with black pepper extract to accelerate it as a pill.
And we have ashwagandha root gummies as well.
Very strong, very powerful.
Now in stock at InfoWarsTore.com.
Go there, experience these great products and others, and fund the InfoWar.
The only way we fail is not taking action.
God bless you.
Now please visit InfoWarsTore.com and experience these powerful products for yourself.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Transmuting worldwide from the Summit.nu studios in the United Kingdom, you are listening to Paul Joseph Watson.
Well, three days after a transgender terrorist entered a Christian school in Nashville and killed three nine-year-old children as well as three adults, we now have three days on from that absolute outrage.
Transurrectionists, yesterday in Kentucky and today in Tennessee, staging their own January 6th style insurrection, invading the Capitol building in Tennessee, entering the chamber, getting into physical confrontations with police officers.
Unlike the January 6th insurrectionists,
They weren't invited and escorted into the building.
There you see this maniacal mob tussling with cops, screaming things about trans rights.
They're very upset about losing the ability to chemically castrate children in Tennessee.
They're upset about drag queen shows being restricted on public property, with kids not being exposed to degenerate sexualized trash.
So they're screaming their heads off, they're getting arrested, they're calling for more gun control.
Worse scenes than January 6, many people are saying.
Here's how the media's reporting it in the United States of America, though.
CBS News.
Hundreds protest at Tennessee Capitol for tighter gun controls after Nashville shooting.
Listen to how they frame it, given those scenes of that trans rights mob that you just saw there.
Hundreds of school children?
Hmm, didn't see many school children in that video.
Teens and parents gathered at the Tennessee Capitol on Thursday to protest for tighter gun controls, three days after a shooter opened fire at the Covenant School.
Again, they're framing it as, oh, it's just a sober,
Humble, respectful, calm protest by children and parents outside the Senesee capital.
Screaming, maniacal mob of transgender activists demanding more rights.
The right to chemically castrate children, give them hormone blockers, puberty blockers, hormone treatment.
So is that the capital?
Protesters line the hallways and chanted at the state's Republican-dominated legislature.
They've filed in!
Filed in!
They burst their way in and started fighting with the police.
Oh, they just orderly filed in, didn't they?
They were very respectful.
To begin taking up bills for the first time since the shooting, chants of Save Our Children echoed noisily in the hallways between the State Senate and House Chambers, with protesters setting up shop inside and outside the Capitol.
Oh yeah!
The QAnon shaman and the rest of the January 6th insurrectionists, I guess they were just setting up shop too, were they?
Some silently filled the Senate Chambers gallery.
What, two of them?
They're all screaming like banshees.
Watch the video, it's all over Twitter right now.
Including children who held signs reading, I'm nine.
Reference to the age of the three kids who died in Monday's attack, again.
The bodies are barely cold, and they're invoking the three victims of the transgender terrorist to try to get more guns taken out of good people's hands.
Why did the transgender terrorist miss... miss Hale?
Almost misgendered Miss Hale, then.
Why did the transgender terrorist refuse to target the other schools that were in the manifesto, the maps that she had, the other buildings, the mall, the other targets that were on that list?
Because, as the police have said, they had better security.
They had more good people with guns.
But these people want fewer good people with guns.
They're not really offended about the monster with a gun that took those nine-year-olds lives.
They're more offended about
Puberty blockers being withdrawn, hormone treatments being withdrawn, drag queens not being able to show their crotches around children.
They're more outraged about that than the actual shooting itself.
And almost as bad, as I'm going to get into on the other side of the break, is Joe Biden's continuing reaction to all this.
Again, for a third day in a row, laughing and joking hasn't visited the school either.
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Live from the Summit.News headquarters, it's Paul Joseph Watson.
In some cases, a silent protest, as they literally scream their heads off and get into violent tussles with the police.
Meanwhile, Joe Biden, whose first reaction to the horrific shooting on Monday was to doddle around on stage like the Alzheimer patient he is, not making fun of people with Alzheimer's, very serious disease, but should the president of the free world be in that position,
His first response was to come down and mumble about how he liked chocolate chip ice cream and crack jokes about it.
That was bad enough.
Yesterday he joked again when asked by reporters about Senator Josh Hawley's comments about the transgender terrorist attack being a hate crime.
He said, well if Hawley says it's a hate crime, then it's probably not!
Even though he hasn't even seen the manifesto, because no one's seen it yet.
And I'm gonna get on to that.
Again, he's joking with reporters and he's done it again!
Telegraph headline!
There you see the clip from yesterday.
Where he's asked about it by the reporters.
Laughing and joking about it.
He actually says, oh it's not a joke, it's not funny at the end.
Even he realised what he'd done.
Why is he smiling?
Headline, Joe Biden branded a disgrace for joking around after Nashville shooting.
And he's done it again in a meeting with Tom Hanks.
Joe Biden has been branded a disgrace for making jokes in the aftermath of the Nashville school shooting, which six people died.
In a series of ill-timed remarks, Biden made a political jibe at Republican Senator Josh Hawley.
I've just mentioned that.
But then again,
Fooled around on stage at the White House with Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson.
Tom Hanks' wife, I think.
He has not yet made any plans to visit the Covenant School in Nashville, where three nine-year-olds and three teachers were killed by a former student.
His response has been branded totally beneath the dignity of the Office of the Presidency of the United States.
Where is Biden?
Why hasn't he visited the school?
Where's Kamala Harris?
She's in Tanzania.
He's not coming back to visit the school.
His response has been to crack jokes about it.
If Trump had done this, it would be a national news story.
There'd be mass outrage.
It describes this meeting with Tom Hanks, the actor.
Instead of travelling to Nashville in support of the community, he spent Wednesday at the White House celebrating Greek Independence Day.
That's more important, apparently.
Surrounded by Greek-American politicians and community leaders, where he continued to make jokes.
Actress Rita Wilson, who is of Greek descent, sang four songs during celebrations in the East Room.
After her performance, Biden returned to the stage to praise her, adding, the only thing I worry about is your taste in men.
The comments sparked laughter in the room.
It's all very funny.
Then Tom Hanks was invited on stage and he laughed it up with him too.
No plans in his schedule to visit the Christian school whatsoever.
Trump blasts Biden's horrible response to Nashville school shooting.
This is during an appearance, I think it was last night, by Trump on a television station, Real America's Voice.
Trump said somebody messed up, it was horrible.
Everyone was waiting to hear his words and he's talking about ice cream, with a laugh!
He's laughing about it, he's joking about it, now we're in serious trouble.
That was Trump's reaction.
And again, not visiting the school, Biden chose instead to make comments regarding the LGBTQ community.
Because apparently, of course, after a member of their community killed three children at a Christian school,
The real concern is the backlash against the LGBTQ community.
Literally fulfilling that Norm Macdonald joke.
Where he said, yeah, I'm worried about ISIS detonating a thermonuclear device that could kill 50 million Americans.
But what about the backlash that Muslims might receive?
Biden says if we protect LGBTQ plus individuals, our societies are stronger.
Maybe if we protect schools full of Christian children, then our societies might be more immune to this kind of horror.
But no, he didn't talk about that.
He talked to world heads of state at a virtual event titled Summit for Democracy about a fair and stronger society, quote, when we advance equality and racial justice and invest in young people, protect the LGBTQ individuals, our societies are not only fair, but they're stronger and more successful.
This, of course, is after two days
Of the mainstream media expressing more worry and concern over misgendering people in relation to the transgender community, and in fact in the early stages after the shooting, misgendering the shooter herself.
You saw that with USA Today, you saw it with New York Times.
You saw it with BBC News, where they tried to blame the police.
So, the police were confused about the gender, not really.
The police came out straight away in Nashville and said, it's a woman.
Only later when it came out that it was a transgender-identified individual, were the media like, oh, we don't really know!
Because they didn't want to upset the alphabet people by misgendering somebody who's just massacred children.
God forbid!
We should disrespect the memory of that cretin.
Absolutely incredible.
This is interesting, though.
Out of the Daily Mail.
Nashville shooter was having private counseling sessions with school's head pastor before massacre where she shot his nine-year-old daughter because he wasn't on site.
They're now speculating, and the school's denying this by the way, so it could be 50-50, I don't know, but it's being reported, that this transgender terrorist was actually having counseling sessions with the Christian pastor of the school.
Now what does that suggest?
That the pastor
was trying to convince Audrey Hale out of following this transgender lifestyle in line with the wishes of her parents, who of course said that they refused to respect the pronouns of this monster.
They thought that she'd sold all the weapons that were in fact being hidden in the home.
Was this pastor involved in trying to de-trans this trans-identified individual, and was that one of the motives for the attack?
Former pastor of the Covenant School has claimed that the trans shooter Audrey Hale was receiving counseling sessions with the father of one of her victims.
It is speculated in this report and others that that footage you saw of the killer wandering around the school was where she was actually trying to find this pastor who was the father of Haley Scruggs
Tragically, of course, killed in the shooting, but that Pastor Scruggs was not in the school building, and so the transgender terrorist instead, having wanted to target him, simply shot his daughter dead.
However, there's a huge grain of salt in this reporting, and it is that these claims have been denied by the Covenant School itself, with a spokesperson telling Daily Mail Metro Nashville Police of being clear, no one was targeted in the shooting, and Pastor Scruggs was not
Counselling the shooter.
So again, we've seen this with the media initially coming out and saying, oh, there's no known motive because they thought the manifesto would remain hidden.
They thought they could sweep the motive under the rug.
Now they're talking about the parents disrespecting the pronouns, blaming the parents for the shooting as if it was their fault.
Of course, we've seen Cenk Uygur and all these other vile people on Twitter suggesting that
Audrey Hale was bullied, and that we should stop bullying transgender people again.
Complete victim-blaming behaviour.
Absolutely despicable.
Now there's a sense that this narrative is shifting to, well, what involvement did this pastor have in the life of this transgender terrorist?
And maybe we can blame him.
Maybe he was actually being targeted, but again, that's contradicted by the fact that the police found maps
Showing other targets, malls, other schools that had nothing to do with Pastor Scruggs.
So I would suggest that as the school is denying this report is actually not true, she wasn't directly targeting the pastor, she was targeting the school.
And that's going to come out in the manifesto.
More on that after the break.
Don't go away.
Every time I talk to you, you're either like on the border exposing the cartels and like coming under fire or you're on the streets of some American city hanging out with drug addicts and criminals and now you've gone to ground zero of a massive chemical spill.
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Have you ever considered that for a second?
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Broadcasting internationally from the Summit.News headquarters in the United Kingdom, it's Paul Joseph Watson.
Now it's a fact that there are political extremists who lash out in violence on both sides of the political spectrum.
From basically every political movement imaginable, it happens on both sides and it's equally terrible.
Whoever's responsible for it.
The difference is the media narrative, their treatment of the story after the fact.
Many of you will remember James T. Hodgkinson back in, I think it was 2017.
Again, deliberately targeted Republican congressman.
Shot up a baseball, a basketball practice game, I think it was.
One of the two.
Of course, nearly killing Congressman Steve Scalise.
It took days for the mainstream media to even acknowledge that he was a far-left Bernie Sanders supporter and he believed the rhetoric that basically leftists need to start killing Republican lawmakers in order to fight back against then-President Donald Trump.
Whenever there's a right-wing or even a tenuously connected to conservatives mass shooting carried out by an individual
With conservative politics, there's an immediate rush to release all the details, all the social media history, any manifesto that's available, so they can weaponize it and use it to tarnish their political adversaries.
Strange then, in this case, that we know there's a manifesto, the police came out immediately and said,
This individual's transgender identity is related to the motive of the shooting.
There's a manifesto, and that manifesto almost certainly contains details of the motive and why this monster did it.
Now, you'll notice the difference.
There wasn't an immediate call to release it.
There was an immediate call to cover it up, to bury it, to hide it.
Trans Advocates Decry Calls to Release Nashville School Shooters Manifesto Reports Valiant News.com.
They cite, of course, this Newsweek report that left-wing LGBTQ groups are calling for more focus on gun control and less focus on the transgender shooters' mysterious motives.
It should not be published, said Jordan Budd, Executive Director of Children of Lesbians and Gays Everywhere, to the outlet.
The focus should be on how, basically, they can exploit it for gun control.
PFLAG, very shady name there, an organisation for LGBTQ support within families, apparently cited the risk of contagion and told Newsweek the manifesto's contents don't change the outcome of the tragedy.
Every time somebody who can be tenuously connected to Conservative politics carries out an outrage, they immediately call for the manifesto to be released in full.
The social media history is
Splashed everywhere and used to tarnish their political adversaries.
Not in this case!
Shockingly enough.
And yet, as I wrote earlier, Transgender Shooters Manifesto will now apparently be released publicly.
But only after the FBI has combed through it.
This is from somebody who spoke to the New York Post, the Nashville Council member Robert Swope, who said, quote, the manifesto is going to be released, it's just a matter of when.
There are some incredibly brilliant psychological minds and psychological analysts combing through her entire life, and that is the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit.
Some people have questioned, and you can't blame them, whether the FBI is actually going to release this manifesto in full.
If they've got control of it, how much of it will be redacted to protect the LGBTQ community, as Joe Biden in his comments earlier
As said, is one of the biggest priorities after this transgender terrorist shot three children dead, presumably, once we get the manifesto, in the name of protecting the LGBT community.
Of course, the media reports and the immediate aftermath of the shooting focused in on Tennessee restricting drag queen performances in public venues and, of course, on banning
What they call gender-affirming care, which is basically chemical castration of children, puberty blockers, hormone treatment for children, who without even consent of their parents, and they're doing a similar thing in schools in the UK, which I'm going to get on to, say they identify as non-binary, as transgender, after in their confused embryonic minds having been
Re-educated, socially engineered, indoctrinated, brainwashed, with that very canon, in the public schools themselves.
So the media came out and said, this has got something to do with Tennessee doing this, using that in a way to justify the shooting itself, which is particularly sick, but at least acknowledging that that was likely one of the motives of the shooter.
Will it come out in the manifesto, or will it be
A different narrative, which I spoke about before the break, where they're trying to make it into the direct personal targeting of this pastor and a personal grievance, because if they run with that narrative, they can then circumvent having to ask serious questions about whether this very small fraction, this trans activist movement, is becoming radicalized, is becoming violent, is becoming more dangerous, especially given now, of course, as we've seen,
Them taking up weapons training, them staging Trans Day of Vengeance on April the 1st, which will still go ahead, by the way.
You'd think they'd maybe look at the optics and think, a transgender terrorist has just killed three infant children.
Should we cancel an event which is literally called the Trans Day of Vengeance?
Which some supporters have posted images of themselves with firearms in support of that Trans Day of Vengeance.
Is it wise?
Is it reasonable?
Is it cogent to maybe put that on ice for a week or two?
No, it goes ahead anyway.
These people, of course, have no common sense because, in many cases, they're mentally ill.
Back to the manifesto.
Revolver News reports, LGBTQ activists fighting tooth and nail to keep transgender shooters manifesto buried.
They know that the FBI is going to comb through it and it's apparently going to be released after that, but say there's a catch, the FBI will pore over the document and likely redact much of it.
Secondly, the release date is still unknown, so they're speculating maybe we won't see this for weeks, for months, until after the whole narrative behind the shooting and the focus on it has died down.
Daily Skeptic reports, and I just mentioned this,
Trans Day of Vengeance to go ahead in DC despite school massacre by trans activists.
That ain't gonna stop them.
Despite three nine-year-olds being gunned down by a transgender shooter at a private Christian school in Nashville, activists are still rallying the troops to protest for a Trans Day of Vengeance month after raising money for firearms training.
But they've renamed it.
So now I guess it's all okay.
It's just a harmless protest.
It's not a day of vengeance.
Transgender shooter Audrey Hale opened fire at the Covenant School in Nashville.
Killed three children during a rampage, obviously.
But despite rising political tensions across the country, which saw a press secretary for Arizona's Democrat governor, oh yeah, we had this story yesterday, post a tweet about shooting transphobes.
Right, so a transgender terrorist has just killed three children in cold blood in a school shooting.
This person
Composes a tweet, which is a clip from a movie of a woman holding two guns, commenting about shooting transphobes, in the immediate hours after a transgender terrorist has gunned down three nine-year-old kids.
That person has thought about that tweet, has hovered over the mouse button, and thought, yeah, that's good.
I'll send that.
These people...
...are deranged and they're not gonna stop.
We'll be back with more on this and on the attack on the activist Posey Parker in New Zealand by the same mob of people.
After the break, don't go away.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Live from London, England, it's Paul Joseph Watson with Summit.News.
Now, two days before the school shooting, there was another outrage involving this much vaunted transgender community.
And that took place in New Zealand, where a women's rights activist who committed the crime of tweeting, a woman is an adult human female.
That's it.
That's all she did.
She set up a speaking event at which women's rights activists who want female spaces protected,
From grown, hairy men displaying their genitals in public bathrooms and places like that.
That's all she wanted, a line-up of women speakers to reinforce female spaces, women's rights, basically old-school feminists.
Posie Parker, that's the name she goes by.
No, that's not allowed.
She has to be viciously, violently attacked by this huge mob
Who, by the way, a lot of them weren't even transgender-identified individuals.
They were just huge six-foot-two grown men, not even pretending to be women.
She was mobbed.
She was attacked.
She was also doused with soup, tomato soup, by this transgender activist who has now literally fled the country and has entered America, presumably, because
He tweeted that he was on a plane going to America.
This is a literal fugitive now fundraising on an online platform to protect himself against legal ramifications for assaulting Posey Parker.
This headline is out of redux.info which is an excellent resource on this kind of insanity.
New Zealand trans activists charged with assault after attacking women's rights campaigner.
Trans activists who threw tomato juice on a women's rights campaigner.
During a free speech event in Auckland has been charged with common assault.
And again, this took about two or three days for this individual to even be charged after a massive online backlash.
They probably wouldn't have done it otherwise.
Because as Posie Parker herself said, when this basic riot, this mobbing was happening, where are the police?
The police allowed her to get attacked.
She had a few security guards thankfully protecting her.
She said at the time or immediately after, she thought she'd be dead.
If she fell down, she'd be trampled on.
She'd be absolutely mobbed and attacked.
Eliana Rubishakin, also known as Eliana Golberstein and Eliana Rubinstein, is a male who identifies as transgender and intersex, whatever that is, uses they-them pronouns,
March 25th, Rubishkin attacked women's rights campaigner Kelly J Keane, that's Posie Parker's real name, during what was supposed to be a peaceful women's rights demonstration.
Again, as I explained, Keane had arranged for a speaking tour of New Zealand based around giving women a platform to express their thoughts on gender ideology.
She was forced to cut the tour short, and this wasn't even the first incident.
She went to Australia, same thing happened.
Police held back, let a literal riotous mob attack her.
Happened again in Auckland.
Ruba Shekin dumped a litre of tomato juice onto her and her security detail.
And this same individual is now putting out videos on Twitter claiming that his life is under threat because of this backlash against the assault of Posey Parker.
They lash out in pain as they lash out and attack you.
They do that every single time.
Like David Pakman.
The guy who tweeted, oh I guess the kids at the school who were slaughtered just didn't pray hard enough.
He gets rightfully criticized for that.
Then he claims about anti-semitism, he claims he's getting threats.
They do this outrageous behavior, in this case with this transgender activist, physically attack people and then claim that they're the victim, the cry-bully syndrome, every single time.
Videos of the incident have since circulated on social media.
You've probably seen it by now.
Following the event, Rubish Akin gave an interview where he claimed that he targeted Keen because her words are blood because they're killing our people.
Tweeting a woman is an adult human female.
That's apparently killing people.
Again, it's this demented, warped agenda idea that words are violence.
So if they characterize words with which they disagree as violence, not only can they get that person censored, they can get them actually physically attacked and think they can get away with it.
Information on Rubashakin's charge was first reported by Newsable, which received a statement from Rubashakin where he again claimed the assault suggested he was comfortable facing justice.
Quote, listen to this,
And if I need to be 10 years in prison, I'm happy to be 10 years in prison.
Well, it doesn't seem like that.
Because despite his words, Ruba Shakin fled New Zealand shortly after being made aware that police were planning on issuing a warrant for his arrest on charges of assault.
His latest travel-related post suggests he's now left Australia and is en route to the United States.
This individual posting on Twitter, On my way to New York, slay!
And has actually launched a fundraiser for personal security needs on this website called Givealittle.
Bear in mind, not even Kyle Rittenhouse, people with lesser involvement in actual violence than Kyle Rittenhouse, despite that of course being completely justified given that he was under violent deadly attack, use platforms like
You know, GoFundMe and different fundraising platforms for any political cause, basically, not even particularly controversial causes, because they're conservative, because they're right-wing, they get banned immediately.
This individual, who has been charged with assault and has fled the country as a fugitive, goes on givealittle.co.nz and he's raising money for security expenses and has so far raised over $9,000 in just a few days
While this individual is literally a fugitive charged with physical assault, pretending to be a victim and grifting off of the back of it, and this donation platform is facilitating an actual fugitive criminal in the raising of this money.
Absolutely incredible behavior.
Let's go quickly to this first video though, otherwise I'm not going to get through any of them.
This is about a
Powerlifter who responded to the Canadian Powerlifting Union saying transgenders can identify as any gender by entering one of the competitions and trying to prove a point.
This is called the proof is in the pudding.
Here it is.
The Canadian Powerlifting Union recently announced a progressively inclusive new rule.
Their trans inclusion policy said transgender powerlifters would be able to choose which gender category they compete in.
Quote, whether or not they have undergone hormone therapy.
Harvey Silverberg, a powerlifting coach, decided to put this to the test.
Silverberg, now identifying as a woman, stepped up to take part in the Heroes Classic Powerlifting Meet Women's Bench Press.
And here's what happened.
Competing in the 84kg plus women's category, Silverberg broke the record.
Harvey set out to prove that gender self-identification policies in sport were completely unfair.
And well, as they say, the proof is in the pudding.
But it gets better.
Sat in the front row watching Silverberg smash the record,
Why is women's bench so bad?
I mean, standard bench in powerlifting competition for women.
I literally don't understand why it's so bad.
Hmm, gee, I wonder.
Anne, maybe it's because you have 20 times more testosterone than them, just a thought.
Campaign group Icons Women praised Silverberg for his demonstration proving the utter insanity of gender self-identification policies in sport.
What RV so obviously points out is that policies allowing men access to women's sports completely remove any integrity in women's competitions, the organization said.
It doesn't matter how RV expresses himself or perceives himself, he clearly does not belong in women's sport and neither does any other male regardless of their motivation for wanting to participate.
But Anne told me it was because the women just weren't good enough.
Why is women's bench so bad?
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Every time I talk to you, you're either like on the border exposing the cartels and like coming under fire or you're on the streets of some American city hanging out with drug addicts and criminals and now you've gone to ground zero of a massive chemical spill.
Are you addicted to the danger, Savannah?
Have you ever considered that for a second?
Now I'm addicted to helping my fellow Americans.
I'm addicted to spreading the truth.
And again, you know, I have InfoWars to thank for that.
Looking back on the day I was able to ask President Donald Trump two questions.
I was so grateful because, you know, I truly was classically trained under Alex Jones and under the InfoWars team.
And I really do credit that as to why I'm able to, you know, get these types of clips.
Because Alex's whole mentality was, you know, go where the
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Ladies and gentlemen, InfoWars has proven itself the last 28 years to be over the globalist target and having the biggest effect out there against those tyrants.
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So I want to thank all the viewers and listeners who have supported us over the years by spreading the word.
We're good to go!
We're good to go.
You're listening to the Summit.News Radio Hour with Paul Joseph Watson.
Now in this final segment I really want to get to these two final videos on the issue of the motorist uprising in the United Kingdom because this is another example of
Good news!
A genuine grassroots organic backlash against population control, against mass surveillance in the United Kingdom.
And God forbid some surveillance cameras get broken.
Oh no, we don't want that.
Will someone think of the poor CCTV cameras?
Reclaim the Net reports London has pushed back against invasive traffic CCTV designed to enforce low emission zones.
This is the embryonic climate lockdown.
This is net zero.
This is the Great Reset.
These cameras are now being set up, expanded across the entirety of London.
They've already had them for central London for probably over a decade now.
Now they're expanding the system to cover the entirety of Greater London.
How it works is, if you have a car that has emissions that they don't like, that they've categorized as not eco-friendly, basically, you are subject to this ULES expansion zone.
If you travel in one of those cars, typically cars built, produced, manufactured before 2015, you're going to get fined £12.50 a day, which is over $15, every day, simply for getting around, simply for driving your car.
This is basically a tax on the poor.
Most people who own cars, you know, a decade, 20 years old, they're poor people.
They can only afford that level of vehicle.
Onerous, punitive fines on the poor, under the guise of environmentalism, when in reality it's total population control.
Because the Metropolitan Police has direct access to all these cameras.
So it's just a giant expansion of the surveillance network.
It's another grand revenue generation scam, feasting off of poor people, even as we enter a cost-of-living crisis.
And it's absolutely unconscionable.
But, and this is what the video's about, the first one at least, this great reset, this net zero, while it's being implemented by globalist bodies, top-down totalitarian authorities, WEF, and on the local level, local government councils, in the guise of the pursuit of net zero,
The foot soldiers who are actually enforcing it, the Green Police, are eco-mentalist loons who are now literally setting up green roadblocks in residential streets, manning them as de facto climate Karen checkpoints.
This first video is called
Incredible scenes, let's roll it.
Green police aren't waiting for the day when cars are completely banned.
We're all forced to return to an agrarian age of misery and abject poverty.
No, they're already enforcing the system themselves.
A shocking video out of lefty outpost Oxford shows eco-loons blocking residential roads to prevent cars from passing.
To be clear, this isn't an Extinction Rebellion protest.
This is just some quiet backstreet in suburbia.
Literal eco-starsy roadblocks staffed by enviro-goons who think that wearing a high-vis jacket gives them any kind of authority.
Have you got any right to stop here?
Yeah, you'll see this is a motor vehicle.
Yeah, do you go to work?
Yes, I'm on my way to work.
Yeah, what time are you going?
Yeah, you say just all your day, just wasting people's time.
No, enforcing a traffic law, we're not allowed to drive through here.
So, have you got anything to show me that you can stop me?
Uh, can you see that sign?
Yeah, excuse me, I want to see you... Look, they have a homemade sign, therefore they get to play traffic cop.
Doesn't work like that.
Yeah, don't worry.
I want to see if you've got something to show me that you can stop me.
No, no, no, you!
Can you stop me to go through there?
If you go through, you will get a fine.
Okay, I want to get through.
It's a great shame you can't sort of think a bit more about... No, okay.
It's a great shame you haven't been indoctrinated with alarmist propaganda like our cult.
Can you, can you open please?
Thank you.
If I get a fine... I will film you going through.
I will film you going through and report you to the authorities.
Okay, don't worry.
Okay, can you move now?
I'm late, I need to go to work.
Excuse me, move.
I'm going to get the fine.
You got my everything.
Now you move now!
A passerby then sticks up for her.
Excuse me!
You're taking a... Excuse me!
I said you to move now!
Just go!
Don't worry, I will get the fine!
I will get the fine!
I will get the fine!
It's none of your mind business!
But these imbeciles still think that having green hair and an obnoxious holier-than-thou attitude gives them the right to exercise power over everyone else.
I'm late!
I need to go to work!
I've got a life!
I've got kids!
Oxford is a testing ground for 15-minute cities, which simultaneously don't exist and are a baseless conspiracy theory according to the media, while local technocrats openly prepare to enforce them via networks of license plates scanning surveillance cameras that will issue fines every single day for people simply trying to get to work in the morning.
It's not a climate lockdown though.
Oh, you can't say that.
Here's a few permission slips we'll graciously grant you so you can sometimes travel through the city.
Maybe if you behave yourselves.
This is just a taste of what kind of busy body control freaks will be empowered if we allow the insanity of net zero to accelerate.
Now let's go to this final video because the backlash to all this is growing.
This is called the motorist uprising.
Let's roll it.
There's an uprising sweeping the United Kingdom, but it's not being led by the usual suspects.
Motorists are mad as hell and they're not gonna take it anymore.
These vulgarities, LTNs, have been popping up all over the country.
Particularly in London as part of Sadiq Khan's demented war on cars.
Residents have suddenly discovered that planters have been used to block off key back roads.
So, have you got anything to show me that you can stop me?
Uh, see that sign?
Yeah, excuse me, I want to see you.
Now you move now, okay?
That's in Oxford, where thousands of people have protested against LTNs and plans for 15-minute cities, where residents will be forced to use outer ring roads and fined just for driving through the city.
Of course, as with everything done under the name of environmentalism,
It has nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with population control.
All eco-mentalist nimbies are achieving is causing more congestion and pollution in other areas of towns and cities.
But so long as they get to cosplay as the Green Police, they don't care.
But furious motorists up and down the country have taken the matter into their own hands by setting them on fire.
Road closed?
Road no longer closed.
Rochdale Council had to pause a plan to expand their use after these incidents.
LTNs are a leftover from the lockdown era, but they were never removed and more are being added every day.
Other people are simply driving around them, while some motorcyclists are choosing to use the pavement instead.
Despite threats of surveillance camera monitoring and fines, meanwhile in London, Sadiq Khan's expansion of the EULES zone is causing another motorist uprising.
People who drive older cars, poor people mainly, will be forced to pay £12.50 a day, every day, just to get around.
The installation of EULES cameras is currently being accelerated before their rollout in August.
Problem being, people across the capital are now blocking them off, using shopping bags, boxes, whatever comes to hand.
Oh, that's what I like to see in the morning.
You less camera, get up there boy!
Oh no, how awful.
Net zero is being imposed on us despite there having never been a referendum, a public debate, nothing.
They just announced it.
We were never asked.
But now people across the UK are answering in their own distinct ways.
And the answer's no.
And the response to this rebellion, on behalf of the authorities, is simply to label all the people who are protesting against it, Nazis!
Anti-ULES protest hijacked by Nazis, says Sadiq Khan.
Sadiq Khan has claimed Nazis have infiltrated anti-ULES protests in his latest attack on the opposition to the expansion of the zone.
What happened was that people protested outside Ealing Town Hall, pictures of Sadiq Khan on their placards, the London Mayor, and then a swastika banner drawn on the face of Sadiq Khan.
They were saying he's the Nazi.
They weren't supporting the Nazis.
This is just plain vilification and demonization of good people.
That's going to wrap it up for Summit News.
War Room is next with Owen Schroer.
Keep it locked in.
I'm a huge believer in information.
I watch InfoWars every day and follow Alex Jones closely.
You know why?
He can put you ahead of the curve.
And he's been demonized as a conspiracy theorist.
Think about how frustrated we are if you've been awake for a year or two.
Imagine being like an Alex Jones or those guys who've been awake for like decades.
Alex has been right on for over a decade.
This is reality.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
The revolution of peaceful information is coming.
And when it comes time, you people are going to be brought to punish.
You're lying to the public.
It's disgusting.
The media continues to misrepresent.
What I've said.
He may be America's best known conspiracy theorist.
Alex Jones has the largest audience in the country.
Bigger than any of the networks.
The biggest megaphone in the country.
We're gonna get fired up about the real thing!
The things that matter!
Burn in hell, New World Order.
Tomorrow's news.
This is their big move.
So yeah, you say, why doesn't Biden address the disasters in the United States?
He doesn't care.
That's not his job.
He's not the President of the United States.
He's a puppet operating for the globalists.
Appetites of the autocrat cannot be appeased.
They must be opposed.
Autocrats only understand one word.
And that's why we say no to your vaccines.
We say no to you shutting down our businesses.
We say no to you taking our firearms.
We say no to you censoring our free speech.
We say no to you selling us out to the World Health Organization.
We say no to you getting us into World War III.
You're right.
We stand against autocrats like you, Joe Biden, and we say no, and we say no to your war.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.