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Filename: 20230311_Sat_Alex.mp3
Air Date: March 11, 2023
2188 lines.

In a recent monologue, Alex Jones discusses worldwide bank runs, potential implementation of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), and advises people to have essentials like food, gold, silver, and cash on hand. He also warns about the dangers of social credit scores and universal basic income. Jones praises a recent documentary by Alex Jones for its insights into COVID-19 and encourages support for InfoWars through product purchases and donations. Jones discusses General Flynn's views on globalist agendas, China's influence, the importance of local action against communist ideologies in America, Elon Musk's role in exposing corruption, and the need for citizens to be informed and engaged in fighting it. He also touches upon censorship issues and suggests possible actions Congress could take to address them. In a separate discussion, Jones shares his relationship with God, emphasizing intelligence provided by the Holy Spirit. He encourages viewers to share and support InfoWars' CBD oil products while expressing gratitude towards them and urging funds for Infowarrestore.com to expand the platform.

There's a time to pray and there's a time to stand.
So it doesn't mean that you can't pray while you're standing, but there now is the time to stand.
And that time, and when I say stand, I mean, I want people, and this is everybody, and there's a, you know, I'm trying to hit a target of people in this country that represent probably 50 million people that
It's Saturday, March 11th, 2023.
General Flynn's going live with us and bank runs have begun worldwide.
Stay with us.
This is an important transmission.
InfoWars, tomorrow's news, today.
Bank runs have begun in the Middle East, in Asia, in Europe, and the United States, in New York, in D.C., in Silicon Valley, in the Bay Area, and many other areas.
I called several bankers that I know that are presidents and vice presidents of large banks
And they said, undoubtedly, this is going to cause a domino effect.
Will it be as big as Lehman Brothers in 2008?
We don't know.
It could be bigger.
But when we talk about tomorrow's news today, I'm going to have the archivist, I'm going to call him after this live show today.
We're live.
12 noon and one minute, nine seconds.
And I'm going to tell the archivist, go back the last six months, just grab four or five, because I know I said it about 100 times.
Times that I said next they'll start collapsing regional and lending banks to consolidate them into the big six globalist banks that own the private Federal Reserve and the European Union Bank and the rest of it and then out of that they will call for central bank digital currencies to be rolled out.
Just on Wednesday Biden, the third administration of Obama,
Put out his big new national directive.
In fact, I forgot to re-pull that from Wednesday's stack.
The big quote, new cybersecurity initiative.
And you read it, it's really to roll out a central bank digital currency that tracks and controls everything you do.
Then they'll try to ban all the normal cryptocurrencies that are actually independent and decentralized power.
That's all announced in there.
And I said on Wednesday, look for them to crash the regional banks.
To bring in total control.
We know the enemy's playbook.
I said, will it be a banking collapse?
And the Central Bank Digital Currency Cashless Society rollout?
Will it be a cyber attack to bring that in?
Will it be both?
Will it be a massive new terror attack?
An escalation of the war?
These are all cards, because I've been looking over the enemy's shoulder, what they got in their hand.
I don't know exactly how they're going to play the cards.
I don't know when they're going to play the cards, but I know what cards they got.
And that's a lot.
So General Flynn, former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, former top national security advisor to President Trump and a true patriot, will be joining us here in about 57 minutes from now.
And we're going to cover the waterfront with the General Commercial Free for an hour straight once he gets on with us.
So we're going to hit the bank runs.
And what that means, we're going to hit the latest huge developments with Russia, China, and Iran.
We're going to hit the huge weaponization of the deep state censorship hearings they're having.
We're going to hit the latest World Health Organization information with their global treaty that literally takes control of every major nation's health care.
We are going to look at the gigantic developments that have come out, the dam breaking on January 6th with Elon Musk demanding Q Shaman
Capitol and into the Senate chambers.
That is all really educated people.
Thanks to Tucker Carlson and others.
We've released a lot of other video that's been unseen on Thursday and Friday as well.
That is just as bombshell.
We also broke the news that thousands of pages, 300 plus documents that FBI thought they deleted out of a file that they gave to the defense of the Proud Boys.
They were able to restore the file.
It's not up to throw a file in the trash.
Got to go in and then remove it out of the trash itself.
It's like on your iPhone, you think you delete something.
Goes in the trash for a month, folks.
Got to get it out of the trash.
And the real truth is, forensically, the FBI has tools where if they get a phone or a device, in almost every case, they can still restore it.
That's like with HD video cameras going back 25 years.
Sometimes we'd accidentally
Thought that we'd erased a stick that we hadn't gotten anything off of, and then we would go online and research the tricks, and if you hadn't turned the camera off, we could do things like stick the stick back in, pull it back out, and it would actually still be there.
And other little tricks, but that's what the FBI did, just like they did in Michigan.
That is ultra-massive.
And now hit mainstream news.
We are truly tomorrow's news today and I'm very thankful to all of you for keeping us on the air.
So here's what I need listeners and viewers that are the most hardcore, that are the most dedicated, that cared enough to tune in today at noon central time when I told you I'm having a special transmission.
If the hundreds of thousands of you, because there's millions tuning in to the weekday shows, if the hundreds of thousands of you right now
Decide to take the live link from madmaxworld.tv.
You just go there and it says Live Alex Jones and click that link and share that link.
That's the new link, they're not censoring currently.
They probably will soon, we'll have another link, but right now it's madmaxworld.tv.
And share it on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google, YouTube, or just share InfoWars.com forward slash show, or InfoWars.com, it's right on the front page, on your email, on your text message, on your human intelligence word of mouth, and tell folks massively important news
It's taking place right now.
There it is.
Saturday emergency broadcast.
Banking collapse has begun.
Next phase in New World Order takeover.
But we know their plan.
We've laid out their plan.
We know how to beat their plan.
And the learning curve is parabolic.
Overhead shot, please.
If you look at the last 20 years, let's say 2002 to 2012,
Back in 2002, Congress had almost no understanding of the internet and tech and how it works.
And there was almost no understanding in the last 20 years.
They stayed just as ignorant until the last two or three years, and now the learning curve has gone straight up.
So, they've gone from having basically no understanding to very little understanding, to in the last two years, absolutely turbocharged, explosive awakening.
There's more awakening
happening right now in government and in other sectors of the economy outside big tech of this giant big tech coup through the deep state and intelligence agencies and private corporations.
In a month, people are learning more than they learned in a year previously.
And they call that a quickening or a singularity as the modern parlance.
I don't believe in one big singularity, but lots of cascading little singularities that together make a massive mosaic that you can call towards a singularity.
But God is the ultimate singularity.
We'll never reach that until we've merged fully with God's consciousness.
But this is a big, big, big moment to be alive.
The entire New World Order system is in deep trouble.
And I said two weeks ago, a week ago, and on Wednesday, to the archivist, I know he's obsessed with the show.
So am I. I'm obsessed with you.
I love the crew.
And so he'll know where I said it and when I said it.
He can go grab it.
Maybe he'll even get it today and put it on video while we're live.
But I said, they're going to do a cyber attack.
Well, they're going to do a bank run in the next month.
I mean, they've got to divert, or I said maybe just a power outage and they'll claim it's a solar flare, but they got to do something to get off of the January 6th inside job coming out, the giant collusion of big tech and intelligence agencies and other corporations and dinosaur media with think tanks and NGOs, surveilling, controlling, censoring, bullying, deplatforming, harassing.
This is high-tech Nazi Germany type stuff that Hitler did to his domestic populations in the build of World War II, but to the next level.
And that was described as that in the hearings on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, that none of the big networks covered, but nobody watches them anymore, basically.
It was number one story all over the web with hundreds and hundreds of millions of views in the United States alone.
And the quotes by Michael Schellenberger and Matt Taibbi were this, the censorship industrial complex combines established methods
Of course, I mentioned a lot of the big things going on.
I didn't mention the biggest enchilada.
And why I said imminent new destabilization, imminent new false flag, imminent new crisis, bank runs, financial crisis, stock market plunging, cyber attack, maybe altogether false flags, and Lenski launches more missiles into Poland, blames it on the Russians, or they blow up more pipelines, blame it on the Russians, which they now admit the Russians didn't do it, but Biden and all of them blame the Russians for the Nord Stream and the rest of them, but we all know who really shuts off the pipelines, like Keystone and the rest of them.
Because of Redfield, the head of the CDC under the last three years of hell.
A lot of people said, well, why did he speak out then?
He actually said two and a half years ago, no, I think it might've come out of a lab and I think there is gain of function being done.
Well, he knew all the files and all the training and all the symposiums called in favor of gain of function and defensive gain of function led by Fauci and all the gain of function going on basically everywhere.
Developing new viruses, weaponizing new viruses, making them more communicable, making them more deadly.
So he actually did plant breadcrumbs early on.
I said, looks like Redfield's the one that went down with the ship.
But Fauci and the outside UN group that were actually quarterbacking with Bill Gates and the Club of Rome 2.0, Bilderberg spokesperson Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum,
They were running the operation.
And so Redfield, in multiple days of testimony, destroyed them and said, look, I'm not against our soldiers.
They didn't do it.
But the Pentagon's run by these people.
It created the virus.
It created the shot.
It was getting orders from the big pharma complex.
But it ran the operation.
Moderna and Pfizer just took the orders.
This is the worst gain of function in history.
The most communicable thing.
That is what it is.
And it's a toxic spike protein.
And Fauci lied to Congress.
And it is gain of function.
And Fauci put out fake reports.
And Fauci kept Redfield out.
And so, that is a gigantic individual leaving the sinking ship.
I'm not gonna call him a rat.
But it's gonna be people like Dr. Huff, who was the vice president of the Ego Health Alliance, that was the group running all this, that's gone public in the last three years.
It's people like Redfield, Dr. Redfield, that are gonna change the tide.
There's over 10,000 FBI whistleblowers right now, but they're suppressed from going public, who don't like what's happening.
So I'm not lionizing the FBI, I'm saying there are hope, but the rank and file men and women, even senior ones, do not wanna be complete criminals and destroy the country.
And they can see, like the Hitler General Staff, by 1942-43, that, hey, you know, we worked for the system, we were all for the Reich, we thought we were going to win, but we're losing, we better sue for peace before we get totally destroyed.
And we're reaching that point.
And I'm not saying that Redfield's like that, or Huff's like that, certainly Huff's a hero.
What I'm saying is,
Is that now people like that the system can see that they're not going to get away with it.
And the globalist as I said on Wednesday over and over again, we're gonna find the clubs and Thursday are going to pull out the stops now with gigantic crises to overturn the chessboard.
To divert with a story and a crisis even bigger than what we're in.
It's hard to think of something bigger, but they'll do it.
Massive escalations in war.
Cyberattacks they launch and blame on Russia or China.
I'm not saying China's not guilty.
I'm saying we know the deep state globals created the virus.
They got caught in 2015 with Obama doing it.
The military was upset about it as well.
They moved it to Wuhan.
Bill Gates and them developed it.
They brought it back to the military in 2017 and said, let's release this virus in China.
And the military said, you're insane.
That's illegal.
So it's a bunch of different groups trying to frame each other and manipulate each other.
But at the top, it's the same basic managers.
It's the mid-level folks that are corrupt, that are jockeying for power.
But interspersed at all those levels is good people that were compartmentalized, that now can see what's going on.
And I want to be part of it.
So we're in a very dangerous crossroads, inflection point.
Call it what you will, ladies and gentlemen.
But I can't wait to talk to General Flynn in about 45 minutes about this.
So, we're going to cover, whether I'm on air two hours or five hours today.
It's live, commercial-free.
By commercial-free, we air documents and reports and interviews.
I'll take a few breaks, and maybe we should run a few ads here and there to fund ourselves.
But very commercial-like, and I intend to not break when General Flynn is on with us for at least an hour.
So that will be commercial-free.
So let me just get this out of the way.
Infowars is barely paying the bills.
We're more influential than ever.
We're having a bigger effect than ever.
We're almost becoming passe or obsolete or redundant because people are really getting how it works now.
That's been my ultimate mission.
That's why I say my primary mission has been complete.
We've got so much more to do.
And God's laying new missions on me.
But we have had a great success together, but I can't do it without you.
Plus, we have products you need.
So what we need is action.
We need people that take part in defending their immune systems, having better stamina, better libido, better quality of life, with great top-line products, and fund the InfoWarp.
And so, we have great products like Ultimate Bone Broth.
With all the chaga mushroom and bee pollen and turmeric and just so good for your joints, your bones, your brain, your immune system, you can't do better than this super concentrated chicken bone broth with all these other amazing ingredients.
It's hands down the best bone broth formula out there.
It's the same price as premium only chicken or beef concentrated bone broths.
And chicken's the best when it comes to bone broth in all the studies.
Ours is the best, hands down, same price as quality ones that are out there.
You can buy crappy ones that are still good for you, by the way.
So whatever you can afford.
We've also got our prebiotic, not probiotic, but a prebiotic that puts the enzymes and amino acids and compounds through concentrated blueberry.
It's equivalent to like, each scoop's like a whole thing of blueberries, but with no calories.
It's got all the vitamins and minerals and trace elements and the dried, desiccated blueberries concentrated in it, and a bunch of other stuff.
It's amazing, back in stock, 40% off.
And this is very popular.
This is my dad's fourth toothpaste he's put out.
Retired dentist oral surgeon.
He's not really retired.
He still has his license and still takes care of family.
Fixed a broken tooth about a few weeks ago.
But the point is, as long as I retired, he came out with this turmeric toothpaste.
It's really a vitamin mineral toothpaste.
Tea tree oil, a bunch of other essential oils.
A bunch of key amino acids.
It's just so good for your gums.
So good for gingivitis.
So good to rejuvenate your mouth.
It works really well.
It's concentrated.
It's a big tube.
It's our new product at InfoWarstore.com or call toll free, 888-253-3139.
And there's so many other great products.
And look, we've got a lot of complaints.
Hey, where's Turbo Force?
Where's X2?
Where's X3?
Over half our products have been sold out for a long time.
In the bankruptcy, we didn't have the money to get them.
Anything we're selling, we got in stock.
But we clawed out of the red, and now we're becoming a little bit profitable.
But since we don't operate on outside sponsorships, except for a few, 95% internal funding with products, we had to put all that money forward to buy product, and we did it.
X3 is in at the end of the month.
X2 a few weeks later.
Turbo Force, middle of next month.
And over seven other products will be almost fully stocked in, except Bazo Beats Ultra 12, Fizzy Magnesium, Vitamin D3 gummies, and a bunch of other stuff that we have had in stock.
It's going to be sold out.
But a lot of our top sellers
I'll be in in the next couple weeks to the next month and a half.
So the cavalry's here and we should have good funding then for all our legal battles and to have the reporters actually be able to go out on the road and cover Bilderberg or cover Deimos or cover elections or cover riots and get back and hire more people on again.
I don't want to just stay the same.
I think you want us in this fight swinging from the fences.
Well, you are the Infowar.
I am you.
We are only as strong as our listeners are, so thank you for your support.
Thank those that have supported, but just ask those that have sat there on the fence for some reason, never gone to InfoWarStore.com.
Just go make a donation you can't lose because you're funding InfoWar.
That's the way to do it.
You want to fight?
Just support the top.
Make a donation.
$5, $10, $100.
Do a recurring donation.
Cancel any time for free.
One click on your profile.
That way you give $10 a month.
You know you can give that?
That way you get 95% of it after credit card fees.
You got more money?
Because listen, this is what we do as our sales tactic.
Most people don't do this.
Most supplements are marked up five times.
The media lies as we mark them up more.
You can check these and know that.
It's not true.
Outside groups have analyzed it.
We mark something up usually about 200%.
Except for expenses and everything else, you've got to get that much.
And then we lower it in sales at least 75 to 100%.
Because people want to buy something with a discount.
So, if there's anything we do, like a tactic of $19.95, people buy more if you say $19.95 instead of $20.
Fine, if you'll buy more, I'll do that.
But that's about as manipulative as we get, folks.
That's what you want, so we do that.
We'll do the $19.95 thing, and we'll do the thing up here, you know, and then sell it on sale.
It's just that product cost has gone up, supply chain breakdowns.
We can't do that.
Like with the Dr. Jones Naturals, there's not that much markup in it.
Or with the new line that's excellent, InfoWars MD.
You do 50% off that.
You're losing money.
We can't go below 35-40% on that because, literally, there's not even, at the price we sell it, 100% markup.
There's not even 30% markup if we have 50% off.
In fact, there's no markup.
Because it's not just the cost of product, it's the warehouse, the crew, the infrastructure, the legal, all the licensing fees.
Just believe me, anybody that's in business knows it.
For people that aren't, it's quite a struggle.
So, please go to InfoWarStore.com.
You'll see right up on the left-hand corner, the second link right there says Donate.
That's really what's put us into the black after everything.
It's those of you that are giving on average about $5,000 a day.
Man, if we had $10,000 a day being donated, our underage is a couple hundred thousand dollars a month.
That would fix it right there.
We've now filed officially in the bankruptcy court.
Our last year's history, like I guesstimated, a million dollars in the hole last year.
So that means we've got to have $100,000 or $80,000 extra each month this year just to buy the product to get out of that hole.
I'm done doing an analysis.
I'm just telling you how it works.
I was never really a business guy.
I used selling things to stay on air, and I'm an information warfare person, and I love her at liberty, but I've learned all about business.
I've actually gotten pretty good at it.
Uh, being squeezed and attacked and de-platformed and sued and all the rest of it.
That which has not killed us has only made us stronger.
I guess until they actually kill us.
So, I'll never give up.
I'll never sell out.
But I could give out, like a horse that ain't getting water or fed or, you know, rode hard and put away wet.
Everybody knows about horses.
You ride them all day and let her feed them and kiss on them and
We're good to go.
We've lost so many people.
They've harassed so many of our crew members.
It's been a fight with the CIA.
And I used to tell you that, folks, and now it's all over the news.
And I know it's in the Twitter files.
I've talked to folks who have seen them.
I wish Elon Musk would release my Twitter files.
But hey, whatever.
At least he's releasing the other ones.
So I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth to continue on with the horse analogies.
All right.
Enough of that.
Now let's move into the main transmission.
The globalists need to destroy local and regional banks and credit unions and savings and loans and systems like that and state banks.
And so they've created a massive, massive debt bubble.
They know the general public can't pay its loans.
Whether it's in cars or houses or businesses.
And so up to 30 to 40 percent, hell I've seen some numbers of 67 percent, 65 percent on average of major credit card holders can't pay their credit card bill.
So that's another form of banking.
And a lot of people have local credit cards or regional credit cards or smaller bank credit cards.
But this is the second largest private lending bank in the country that actually lends money to businesses and people.
The big mega banks don't do that.
They just get Federal Reserve money and loan it out to everybody else, and then get real assets when you can't pay.
So just like in 19...
13, you know, just like we saw in 1929, just like we've seen in 2008, and in 1987, and in other parts of the world, different times.
Soros' specialty is this, get economies way extended, give them a bunch of credit, get people massively into debt.
Yeah, it's a wonderful life, explains it.
And then you cause a big bank run.
But notice, they didn't do it against the JP Morgan.
Or a Bank of America, or a Citibank, or any of those.
They did it against the second largest in the United States lender to the private general public.
And they did it right as they're preparing and rolling out their central bank digital currency, where, oh, your money's not good, we can't get you cash, your bank isn't gonna have money, but we're ready to give you an app on your phone if you lost more than $250,000, which 80-plus percent
These folks were not insured.
They're now reporting at Silicon Valley Bank in California, but it's all over the country and the world.
But it's based there.
So it's the exact same pattern.
It's exactly how they do it over and over again.
It's how they do it in the third world.
Why do you think in Mexico it's 10 to 1 to the dollar?
Or 17 to 1 to the dollar?
Let's be technical.
Because the Mexican elites decided in the 80s, again in the 90s, to screw their people and put a bunch of debt off on them, to control them.
So this is what's going on here.
This is the exact pattern they follow.
They're doing the big banks that actually do business with the public, instead of just getting Federal Reserve bailouts.
And so it's a big deal.
Now, it's not like we just predicted they would pull this next, or this is one of the main things they would probably do, that it was ripe for that to collapse independent banking systems to consolidate control.
This has been going on for hundreds of years.
But it's accelerating.
We specifically, because I collaborate with the great Greg Reese, put out three reports since January that I'm going to air the newest and then the one in between and the oldest.
So I'm going to air the one from January,
Then I'm going to air the one from February, and then I'm going to air the one from today, that just went up today at Bandot Video.
So first we're going to air SP1s, the name of it.
The banking collapse has begun.
We're going to air that first.
Then we're going to air the one from February.
European Central Bank preparing for bail-ins and banking collapse.
Then we're going to air the oldest one from January.
The big banks, the IMF, plan on stealing your money.
We're going to show you clips of them saying it in the US and the EU.
We don't just sit here and LeGrand and all of them, the EU heads and the bank heads have all said, the last two months, we've got to get our strategic bank reserves set up in central bank digital currencies, centralized digital currencies.
We've only got a few months.
We've got to do it now or we'll be destroyed.
Those are quotes I've played here.
It's very cryptic.
The public doesn't know what that means.
He's talking about the elites.
They're about to collapse their bubble, blame the local and regional banks.
And then say, hey, we got a pilot program for people that weren't insured because you got more than $250,000 in any one bank account, you don't get it.
And remember, they've only got about $500 billion in the Federal Depositors Insurance Corporation set up after the Great Depression.
And it used to only go up to $10,000, then $100,000, and then about 10 years ago, $250,000.
So if this bank just sucked between 150 and 179, there's different numbers out there, out of the Federal Depositor's Insurance Corporation bank account, that means they've only got 300-something billion.
And a bunch of other banks are now having runs and going under and suspending stock trading, not just here but around the world.
I'm about to go over that right now as we play the Gregory's Reports.
But think about that.
They only got 500 billion, 150-plus billion.
Some estimates are 200 million, but most numbers are 156, you know, 178.
This is what the FDIC is saying.
They don't even really know.
We're not really even being told.
But they could have propped this up when they knew it was melting down the last month, and they couldn't get outside funding, and they couldn't get a stock split, and they couldn't get all the things they wanted.
The bank regulators refused to prop up Silicon Valley Bank.
Even though they know the losses of not propping them up will be much worse.
So when it all starts going down, they'll get quadrillions, trillions upon trillions to prop the whole thing up and get more power for themselves.
So when the boat sprung a little leak, they didn't plug it.
They're going to wait until the boat's sinking, panic us all, and then have a pilot program that started being rolled out in Europe and other areas for those that lost more than $250,000 or those that had more money in there.
So you've got millions and millions of dollars, you've only got a quarter million back.
We're going to give you this new digital currency, good with the Federal Reserve, good with the Treasury, that'll be good everywhere, that as long as you just use it on this app, and through our system, it's all tracked and controlled, you will get your money back, with a small bail-in fee for administrative costs.
The average person, if they're not warned of this ahead of time, will immediately sign on to this.
If that's their plan, that's what I think they're probably doing.
There's a couple of battle plans with what they've launched, but I think that's their main plan right now.
No one else is saying that you're getting in here first.
They will then stabilize in a month or two, once people accept the central bank digital currency in a quote, pilot test that are already rolling out around the world, including here.
It's now Biden's new main initiative on Wednesday, when this is about to go down on Friday.
Big national report's finally put out then.
Then once the pilot is set up and working and you accept it, six months, a year from now, maximum two years, they drop the complete hammer, get rid of cash entirely.
You'll still have little coupons that print out that say it's tied to an SDR, but it'll all be tracked and controlled by that and scanned in.
So all cash, as you know, it'll be gone.
The true reign of terror will begin where they can delete money out of your account, tell you how much it's worth, tell you where you can spend money.
I mean, if you want to be a slave,
I've asked people that speak Spanish what it means, and that's because I've been asked a Cuban.
Because, you know, the Spanish speaking is like anywhere, like English, it's different variants around the world.
But, he's being picked up at the immigration facility after floating in on a boat.
He's a fictitious character, but a composite of real characters.
The guy that wrote the script, Oliver Stone, spent five years researching it, just to write it.
He said it was a composite of real people, real things that happened, just like the Godfather is.
And he's picked up by the Border Patrol, and he's in there, and they say, hey, what's this?
You get that scar-eating pussy and all the rest of it?
He said, listen, you cannot do anything that Castro's already done to me.
He said, I don't care what you do, where you put me.
I've already been through more hell than you can imagine.
And he says, listen, you want to be a sheep?
You want a Chavana or Chavano?
Mexicans, I don't know what that means.
I don't know what a Chavano is.
You want a guy on every corner watching you, telling you where to work, where to live, how to speak, when you can go to the bathroom.
You only get one thing to eat all day long.
I got squid coming out of my ass.
That's what it's like, folks, but a digital system of that.
A digital system tracking everything you do, controlling every aspect of your life.
Do you want that?
You want to be a sheep?
Like Tony Montana says?
Because ladies and gentlemen, that's what this is.
You want to put chains on and handcuffs on and be put in a dungeon.
But there's an excellent graphic I'm going to show you before I play these videos.
These reports.
This is put out by Rise Melbourne out of Australia.
Couldn't have surmised it better myself.
Couldn't have summarized it better myself.
This is exactly what's planned.
And for radio listeners, I'll describe it.
It shows a nice townhouse, 20-minute city.
Shows some smaller apartment blocks, still decent, 10-minute city.
Shows these 250-square-foot coffin apartments they're building even in Austin, Texas, and all over the world.
They just talked about five years ago, now they're here.
Five-minute city.
And then at Supermax Prisons, you're one-minute city.
And this is the digital system.
To enforce absolutely all of it.
And then when you've got your digital social credit score, your universal basic income on your central bank digital currency, what's on the menu?
You can only buy what they say, like bug meal and bug meat hamburger.
But don't worry, they don't call it bugs.
They call it E120 and E904.
They're now making codes on the food, not just here, but around
The world.
So they know exactly what they're doing.
So let's hit some of these headlines and I'll play these reports.
From the newest to the oldest.
Silicon Valley bank shutters amid nationwide modern-day bank run.
Boston Herald.
Silicon Valley bank closed by regulators.
FDIC takes control.
SVB isn't Lehman 2.0 but it might not be the last domino to fall.
Investor Observer.
Domino effect fear after collapse of Silicon Valley Bank.
Dahu News.
Thiel's Founders Fund withdrew millions from Silicon Valley Bank.
Silicon Valley Bank shut down by regulators.
Biggest collapse since 2008.
How a bank run closed SVB and where that could lead.
Signature bank stock logs worst day ever after Silicon Valley Bank Silbergate collapse.
They've already really collapsed according to my sources.
More than 85% of Silicon Valley's bank deposits were not insured.
Here's what that means for customers.
Oh, you don't get your money unless the FDIC said they've already got a new program for you.
They haven't announced it yet.
Digital money.
Silicon, which isn't even in a bank, it's in the government, will dictate total control.
Silicon Valley Bank closed by regulators.
FDIC takes control.
Silicon Valley Bank, and it's a wonderful life bank, run for the digital age.
Contained 2.0.
Treasury Secretary Yellen says banking system is resilient just two days ago.
JP Morgan says Silvergate collapse will test cryptocurrency.
It's one of its main funders.
Then we got Jim Cramer a week ago saying it's the best thing ever to own.
If he says something, if he says go left, go right.
If he says go up, go down.
If he says something's black, it's white.
He's there to sucker in as many people as he can when something's imploding so the big money can get their money out.
But hey, they love it.
So if you want to be a really big sucker, go along with what's about to happen.
We've been warning about you, telling it's imminent.
Let's go ahead and just air these all back to back.
SP1, SP2, and SP3.
All these reports.
I'm going to have Jamie, who's working here on the weekend, update all of these to the live show feed under my live show feed.
I'm going to have him post all of those.
You can see how we nailed it.
Myself and Gregory's doing the analysis.
Gregory's doing the great work putting these videos out.
Here are these reports.
Share them to everyone you know.
They're in the Gregory's section at Bandot Video.
This week, Tucker Carlson exposed the masses to the January 6th hoax.
In the Proud Boys trial, leaked chat logs from FBI Special Agent Nicole Miller revealed that she was ordered by her boss to destroy 338 items of evidence.
Once this news broke days ago, the trial was halted.
The investigation into Twitter has revealed that moderators were instructed to censor true posts which could fuel hesitancy.
Former CDC head Robert Redfield has just testified that the NIH was conducting gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab in China.
Politically, the tide is turning and people all over the world are now rejecting the New World Order.
The Central Bank of Nigeria launched their CBDC a little over a year ago, but the people rejected it.
So early this year, the Nigerian banks emptied the ATM machines and closed their doors.
This resulted in angry protests.
The people attacked ATMs and blocked roads in multiple cities.
The bank of Lebanon has crashed.
The Lebanese pound has fallen to an all-time low of $80,000 against the U.S.
The people have taken to the streets.
Banks have been set on fire.
The rise in Fed rates has officially killed America's biggest lender, Silicon Valley Bank.
The FDIC shutters Silicon Valley Bank.
$152 billion of uninsured deposits are destroyed.
The rise in Fed rates also killed Silvergate Capital.
Several regional bank stocks have plummeted as a result of the Silicon Valley Bank and the Federal Reserve's rate hikes.
The housing market is collapsing as well.
The majority of commercial real estate loans are lent by small banks.
Massive short bets are now happening in the commercial real estate market.
The Federal Reserve Bank is taking down the housing market along with all regional banks, leaving only its vassals who will be distributing CBDCs as a solution.
The financial experts are now recommending that people have food, gold and silver, and cash in their possession.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
After publishing my video report on bank bail-ins, a contractor for the European Central Bank, who asked that his name be withheld for security reasons, contacted me with the following information.
Shortly after the FDIC meeting that went viral, my source was assigned an urgent project related to bail-in capability for the European Central Bank, or ECB.
Bail-ins is when the bank steals money directly from people's accounts, just like we saw in Cyprus in 2013.
The project goal is to build a data infrastructure for the financial market infrastructures, which are the networks that allow financial transactions to take place.
To report to the ECB about the capability of banks and capital markets to absorb losses and to execute bail-ins as quickly and efficiently as possible.
This urgent project makes it clear that the ECB is expecting a system collapse and that they know it is uncontrollable and unforeseeable.
The current security requirements do not legally compel the banks to provide information to the ECB.
If a bank is insolvent, they have no incentive to tell the ECB, and so the ECB is not targeting banks directly, but rather financial intermediaries like SWIFT and large settlement houses.
The purpose of this contractor's job is to provide a way for the ECB to pinpoint which banks are insolvent and where the collapse will stem from.
This is being done by creating large data lakes which an engineer can analyze and find meaning at a graphical level.
How much bail-ins each bank has to execute and how much of a loss they can take.
This is evidence that the ECB is definitely planning on bail-ins as a means of surviving an imminent collapse.
And when this occurs, we can expect multiple banks to close and stock markets around the world to shut down.
As the banks steal as much money from the people as they deem necessary.
Most of this work is being done in private, but there are pieces of information available to the public on the EU's SRB website, including operational guidance on bail-in implementation and the operational guidance on bail-in playbooks.
The ECB contractor has also pointed out that the latest directives for the European Union's digital service providers states that governments shall appoint trusted bodies for internet domain registry, meaning that the government will have the sole authority on who is able to have a website, and that these new security directives allow a gaping hole for a major cyber attack, which official commentators are ignoring.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
Canadian veteran and political activist Jeremy McKenzie, known as the Raging Dissident, was just notified that he can no longer do banking in Canada.
As part of ending the relationship, so as of today, you're not to visit any of the Scotiabank branches or bank premises in person without first getting written consent in advance from the bank, from management, so... I'm banned from the bank.
But it doesn't matter if you are a political activist or an obedient sheep, because the banks are planning on taking all of your money to pay off their debts.
I mean, it's a little bit conflicted, right?
I mean, it's important that people understand they can be bailed in, but you don't want a huge run on the institution.
I mean, they're going to be.
As trust begins to fail, the people will begin to withdraw their funds, which will only guarantee a banking collapse.
This is known as a bank run.
In 2012, the International Monetary Fund, known for their reputation of coercion, violence, and extortion, published staff discussion notes entitled, From Bail Out to Bail In, Mandatory Debt Restructuring of Systemic Financial Institutions.
After the 2008 crisis, the world learned what a bailout is.
Trillions of taxpayer dollars printed out of thin air to pay off the banker's bad habits.
It was hugely unpopular, but pales in comparison to a bail-in.
So what exactly is a bail-in?
It is officially obfuscated with elaborate equations, but to put it simply, it is when the bank steals your money directly from your account.
They called it haircuts when they did it in Cyprus back in 2013, which the courts later ruled was legit.
And a recent video on TikTok shows that the new bail-ins may have already begun.
I'm a Bank of America and everybody's missing money.
I'm also missing money over $1,300 and they're telling me to call customer service.
And they keep hanging up on people.
This another person here is also missing money.
So we're trying to see what's going on.
Money's missing today.
And we need our money.
And they're already telling us to call customer service.
And customer service ain't doing nothing about it.
So just a heads up.
If anybody's experiencing this, please let us know.
Because this is not right.
I'm missing $1,400 from my account.
And they're telling me that there's no way they can help us.
This guy's missing money, too.
This other person is missing money, too.
And you're missing money, too?
There you go.
So this is not something that's just one person.
This is everybody's happening to him.
And this is crazy.
This is very crazy.
Yes, Bank of America decided to take people's money without their consent, and we're asking what's going on, and they're giving us a runaround.
Everybody for the same thing, man.
Same thing.
Reporting for InfoWars, this is Greg Reese.
If you want to continue to see hardcore, game-changing, tip-of-the-spear, 98% accuracy that just is setting brushfires in the minds of men and women everywhere, stay with InfoWars, pray for InfoWars, spread the word about InfoWars, and buy product at InfoWars.
I can tell you how many outside groups go and test the products we sell.
Mike Adams is famous for his big testing lab where he tests all sorts of products as well as supplements.
I didn't even know this happened with a family member.
He was given a family member that had some neurological issues.
CBD oil is in all the studies.
It's really good CBD oil.
It really helps all sorts of neurological things.
Parkinson's, epilepsy.
Michael Epsilis goes on and on, joint pain, you name it.
And he went and tested ours in his testing lab, checked it as degrees, and said, this is the highest quality we've seen.
We've seen another brand this good, but this is the very top.
This should be $160 a bottle for the 1,000 milligram that he puts out.
They recommended we sell it for $150.
And that's true.
I went to these folks that own a big company that's one of the top distributors in the country of wide-spectrum CBD.
And they said, we recommend $150 retail, then discount it $100.
Well, I'm not going to do 200% marketing.
So, at $67, there's a 100% markup to fund ourselves.
You're getting the best CBD, 1000mg, 25mg, and 10mg, depending on the one you want, at over 50% what you're going to get anywhere else.
That's with a discount.
It's about 35% after the discount.
But if you look at retail, it's like a 70% discount.
The point is, is that
Point blank, everybody knows CBD is great.
Doctors are prescribing it everywhere, even though it's not a prescription.
This is the best you're going to get.
Infowarrestore.com and it funds the Infowar, a total 360 win.
Only way we fail is we don't take action.
And I know less than 1% of the viewers who I love and I think, I'm not bitching.
If just one more percent would just do it, we wouldn't just be good, we could expand.
Those of you that have bought the products, you know who you are.
So we're not going anywhere.
Those who haven't, hey, keep spreading the word, keep praying for us.
And if you want to experience great CBD, try it out, get a bottle.
And I think you're going to be a repeat customer.
Buy the product.
All right, again, I'm going to have all three of these reports from January, February, and today that we just aired posted under the live show feed of the show today.
I'm begging you for myself.
I'm begging you for my family.
I'm begging you for your family.
I'm begging you for everybody to get the story out ahead of them.
Now, I'm not at liberty to talk about this yet, but soon I will be able to.
Documents that came out in the federal lawsuit, high level against Big Pharma,
Have communications with the most powerful private foundation on earth.
This is bigger than Bill and Melinda Gates.
It's who really runs that.
Who set up Bill Gates.
Saying the number one enemy is Alex Jones.
Now when I learned that, it's like a punch in the stomach because I already know it.
And I don't like powerful enemies.
The flesh is weak, the spirit strong.
But I'm also at a very level, very satisfied.
And the satisfaction of having the enemy hate me the most, knowing that I'm basically, full spectrum, the most informed person, at least on air, who's for our team, not their team.
They got a lot of folks know what's going on on their team.
My job is to get enough of the public to understand what's going on.
And there they are saying, this man knows our plans.
And I've been under investigation for over a decade.
They don't know how I know all this stuff.
I know I was under investigation after the Vegas attack.
And also a 9-11 because they didn't know how I knew all this.
I mean, I knew it from research.
And then there's that final step that it really is the Holy Spirit.
I mean, we're all connected to God.
They call it psychic power.
It's not something I can control.
It's when God gives it to me and I just know.
I just know.
I immerse myself.
I do constant studying.
And then I'm just immersed in this and then
God's the oracle that gives me the information.
But a lot of this is just sussing it out and basic political analysis and what I call political mathematics of really adding together history, what's currently happening, what's coming in the future, their white papers, their plans and all of it.
But the reason they don't like my broadcast, sorry, my earpiece came unclipped, is I'm the most effective and all glory goes to God and our guests and our crew and everybody.
At getting people decompartmentalized that work in the government corporations.
And so many times they track back whistleblowers, having their minds touched, their hearts touched, because of this show and our guests and our callers.
And our reports and our analysis.
And so we really are a precious operation.
And I wanted to say this today.
We're going to go into very hard times.
They're going to really put the economic squeeze on where they bragged and said, we'll do carbon lockdowns where there's no fuel and no gas and no money.
We're going to train you to stay in your house one way or another.
And I know during what's coming, you're going to have trouble, most of you putting food on your table and getting fuel for your car.
And I know in that crisis, they think you'll be so worried
About food and water and transportation, you'll become politically disconnected.
In fact, I remember from multiple sources, I can name one of them because he's on record.
Daniel Estelin really does have sources in Bilderberg that actually don't like what's happening.
And I actually got some sources a little bit later as well and was given a lot of secret documents that we did publish that, of course, they were so huge, no one paid attention to them back in like 2009 in Chantilly, Virginia.
They said in the meetings 15 years ago and 14 years ago in Istanbul, Turkey, the globalists said, we have to make them so poor they don't even have money to worry about what we're doing and they don't have money to put gas in a car to come protest us.
And that's a lot of the discussion.
That's what feudalism is.
Feudalism is the oldest system of government.
It's the most common system of government in recorded human history 7,000 years.
And you just make the general public so poor, 98% of them, and then you've got 1.9% that are the manager class that work for the 10th of 1%.
And that's how it works.
And so feudalism is the natural default position of the software that tyrants run.
And so if people are aware of their plan and aware of their operation and aware that each step they walk us into tyranny is a step that makes our lives worse and that submission is death, resistance is victory, then we can win.
And we can win big.
But that's what I'm getting at here with you today is that you're going to have to decide
What is most essential?
Maybe you've got to have a crappy car and not go on vacation so your child goes to a private Christian school.
Maybe you've got to get rid of that big job.
You've got to move the country and live on 40 acres and work at a gas station or, you know, whatever, and live subsistence so your child's not brainwashed.
And you're going to feel like the smartest person on earth in a couple of years when everybody's trying to get to the countryside.
If I was a selfish person and had my brothers and didn't think we could win this, I'd already be gone, folks.
So, I believe we can beat this.
I know we can beat this.
You see all the evidence everywhere, but I'm asking listeners and viewers, you should sit down with your wife, with your husband, with your parents, with your kids, but families should get together and in friend groups and say, on a piece of paper, everybody write down what's most important and then talk about what you wrote down and decide what you're going to make essential.
What you're going to decide is most important.
First is your relationship with God.
Number two is a bodily autonomy over your body.
Don't let them put these poison injections, these gene therapies into you.
And the next is obviously going to be trying to help your neighbors, your community around you, and not compromise your soul.
Because they want to put you in an economic position so bad with a social credit score and the universal basic income that you will do anything to be able to, quote, thrive and still have fun.
You're going to have fun only in the first level.
You sell out when this goes down.
For a while, you'll get money and still be able to go to the movies and rock concerts and vacations.
But they're going to slowly shut that down over the next few years after that's in their plans.
And the greatest analogy of this is that Walt Disney's great Pinocchio.
And it's an archetype where Pinocchio can be a real boy
The Guardian Angel sends, God sends the Guardian Angel to give Geppetto, the old cobbler, the old shoemaker, what he always wanted, a child.
Because you don't know if his wife died, you don't know what happened, he's a very sad old man, he wants a child.
And he builds his little wooden children and he loves them.
But God just can't give him a new soul.
God just can't give him that.
It has to prove it's alive.
That's an archetype of proving we love God.
We're all wooden dolls made out of clay.
We're all not really human until we go through the process and choose God.
Then we become really human.
We become a real boy, a real girl.
And so, Pinocchio, when his dad goes to work,
Goes out and first he runs into scammers and robbers and people and, you know, they teach you how to pickpocket, run scams, then they sell him as a slave to the, you know, gypsy that's going to put him on display.
Then he gets away from that, gets picked up by some other scammers, he commits crimes, he commits vandalism, he drinks, he smokes, he parties, and then that turns him into a jackass.
Not just from the wooden boy that could be evil or good.
Now he's evil.
Now he's lost God's protection.
Now he's a slave.
But the ship gets destroyed by the whale.
You know all the rest of the story.
He selflessly stands up, gives over his life to save others, just like Christ did.
And God says, now you're a real boy.
And that's really what this is all about, folks.
I want to be a real boy.
And I can tell you after 28 years of fighting, 20, 30 years in the fight, 28 years on air, I am just now going from, from, from wood to flesh.
Ladies and gentlemen, I am just now experiencing what it's like where evil isn't even a temptation anymore, but it's just some long lost thing in the rear view mirror.
That's what they're trying to do to us.
So everybody has to decide, is being a real soul that chooses God, is that what you want to be or do you want to be part of the system?
So I'm asking listeners to commit today to make InfoWars the priority of your word of mouth.
And your prayer.
I'm not saying don't pray for your grandma or your family more than me.
I'm saying, in the world, I'm asking you to pray for them for us because I know it's the ultimate power.
For our protection and our intelligence and that God, lead God and direct us.
I need that.
I'm asking you humbly to intercess with God and pray for us because we're an important operation and you're part of this operation.
I need your help.
I need you to intercess with God.
I need you to pray for us.
And pray for your family and yourself as well, that you have great discernment and empowerment in God's will.
And I need you to spread the word.
Even if you have no money, you can do that.
It's paramount.
About the show, any way you can.
The Forbidden Truths at Infowars.com and Banned.video.
And share the link right now that's not banned, Madmaxworld.tv.
And I need you to empower yourself anyways and get amazing products at Infowars.com, if you have the money.
And I'm so upset to know that so many blue-collar, hard-working people get these great products, but that so many of the middle-class and rich people that listen
I'm guessing amass a bunch of money because you're a tight ass.
That's fine and dandy.
But you better bet your money on what's been working when you're about to lose it all anyways and be a total slave.
So I'm saying go to Infowarsstore.com and decide when you have that meeting with yourself or your wife or your husband or your neighbors or whoever about what is a priority.
The priority is to warn people about the globalist agenda to stop it and to support those that are fighting it the hardest.
That's why we're a platform to support all the other people that are under attack.
The General Flynn's, the Roger Stone's, the Tucker Carlson's, the list goes on and on.
And I've been so blessed to be part of it.
But I'm just asking you, because I want to spend all my time fighting the globalists.
I don't want to spend five hours a day trying to find the money and cutting this and cutting that to stay on air.
You could fix it all by bailing InfoWars out.
And InfoWars just needs extra money to buy all the products we used to have that are popular, and then we'll have all of them, and we'll have plenty of money.
But we got caught in a loop of never having the products.
We don't have t-shirts, we don't have hardly any books, we don't have water filters, we don't have anything!
We've got the supplements and that's it!
But finally we're getting money to buy a few books and a few water filters and building back up.
We're almost clawed out of this thing, but I don't want to keep clawing.
I want to just get sucked out of this hole.
The rest of the 100 feet we've got to go.
We've already climbed 1,000 feet out because the war is on right now, folks.
But God's got to work through you.
You've got to make the decision to go to infowarestore.com right now.
You've got to make the decision to get these great products you already need.
The turmeric toothpaste, and the ultimate bone broth, and the prebiotic, and the ultimate, you know, turmeric 95.
It's all there.
Infowarsstore.com to get a signed book that's a fundraiser, or get an unsigned book that costs a quarter of the price.
Whatever God moves your heart to do, take the action today.
And then, as I said, The Daily Show has millions of viewers.
Live on these Saturday shows, a couple hundred thousand tune in.
But every time it gets between a million and two million views, once it's archived and banned on video.
Sometimes even more.
It's up to you, if you choose, I'm not bitching at you, to take the archive of this incredible interview coming up, and everything we just covered in the last hour that's so important
So we understand the crises they're creating to push us into this control grid.
All right, we're going to air a little promo piece of General Flynn, a couple quick little deals.
Then we're going to come back with General Flynn on the other side of this live Saturday emergency transmission.
Please tell everybody you know right now and tell them to tune in to InfoWars.com forward slash show and bypass big tech.
One of the things that I would recommend for people to go look at, and I don't care what you think about this guy who I'm about to mention, but I was sent a video yesterday, it's basically a documentary, and late in the afternoon, so I watched it last night, and it's by Alex Jones, Info Wars, and the media has tarnished him with all sorts of name-calling, conspiracy theorists, bomb-thrower,
The one thing that I know about this gentleman, Alex Jones, is that he loves this country, he is as smart as a whip, he absolutely believes in what he believes in, and he also does his research and his homework.
And so I sat, because a close friend of mine said, you've got to watch this, I just finished watching it.
He actually put it out yesterday, and it's called an emergency broadcast, and it's based on InfoWars, and it's based on the whole
COVID lie and and Alex takes his audience through an hour and a half worth of just incredible level of detail of a of a war game that our government did back in the 2016-2017 time frame with with you know under a different name and they called it SPARS instead of SARS COVID right and it's just incredible runs parallel to everything that's going on today
even in the war game that they did almost five years ago now four years ago now in the war game they even put out social media things like tweets and such and in the tweets that they use in the war game they use the exact same tweets over the last
We're good to go.
And again, whatever, I don't care what people think of him, he's incredibly detailed in his research, he loves this country, he is a patriot, and he's somebody who we better listen to, or others in this country better listen to.
And there's a reason why the mainstream media calls a guy like him a bomb thrower or a conspiracy theorist, because they're in fear of the truth that he does actually bring out.
And in this particular documentary that he does, it's fascinating.
And there's an awful, awful lot of parallels in it from what was done in a war game, so to speak, quote unquote.
And then what we, what the reality is that we're facing.
There will be a surprise outbreak.
There's no doubt in anyone's mind that they will be faced with the challenges that their predecessors were faced with.
And by the way, thank you for your support.
The CBD product from Infowarsstore.com is truly outstanding.
I've got one of my family members on it, and it's working wonders.
It is highly potent, it's very effective.
We've tested it in the laboratory, and it's an extraordinary value.
Infowarsstore.com, check out the CBD oil.
I think that's the 1,000 milligram bottle that I'm referring to there, but there are some other formats that are available as well.
If Russia invades, that means tanks or troops crossing the border of Ukraine again, then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2.
We will bring an end to it.
How will you do that exactly, since the project and control of the project is within Germany's control?
I promise you we'll be able to do it.
Tonight, sabotage at sea.
That's what President Biden is calling the leaks and explosions on the Nord Stream pipelines.
Like a boiling cauldron, the busy Baltic Sea bursting with gas from ruptured Russian Nord Stream reinforced pipelines.
First on CNN, sources telling us that European security officials observed Russian Navy ships earlier this week in the vicinity of those leaks in the Nord Stream pipelines that were likely caused by underwater explosions.
Here's what we know.
We know that Russian support ships, Russian Navy support ships, were spotted in the vicinity of the leaks on these pipelines.
We were also told by a source familiar with the intelligence that Russian submarines were spotted in the general area last week.
I think this is clearly an act of sabotage of some sort and Russia is certainly the most likely suspect.
It's incredibly alarming.
President Vladimir Putin has blamed the United States and its allies for blowing up the undersea Nord Stream pipelines.
It was a deliberate act of sabotage and now the Russians are pumping out disinformation and lies.
If Russia wanted to shut off the pipeline, they would flip the button.
They would twist the knob.
They don't need to blow it up.
It's theirs.
It starts in Russia.
So it was pretty obvious to us the Biden administration was involved in this.
They have been lying to us all along about this.
There's no way the United States was not either involved or knew about this or at the very minimum approved it.
Today, a senior U.S.
government official rejected a new claim by Russia's defense minister.
He claimed that Ukraine is preparing to detonate a radioactive dirty bomb with Western help on its own territory.
This is the first time the 101st Airborne Division has deployed to Europe since World War II.
The idea that we're going to send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks and trains going in with American pilots and American crews
Just understand, and don't kid yourself no matter what y'all say, that's called World War 3.
The U.S.
will have to send their sons and daughters exactly the same way as we are sending their sons and daughters to war, and they will have to fight, and they will be dying.
Air sirens blaring across much of central and eastern Ukraine today as Putin's forces ramp up.
Washington has placed more than 8,000 U.S.-based troops on a heightened state of alert.
Today, the U.S.
sent in the cavalry bound for Romania right along the Ukrainian border.
If we continue down this path, we may end up with a nuclear holocaust.
CNN has learned that the U.S.
is developing contingency plans for possible Russian escalation in its war in Ukraine, including the potential use of tactical nuclear weapons.
Russian President Vladimir Putin today making it official.
He just formally suspended Russia's involvement.
In its last remaining nuclear arms control treaty with the United States.
The prospect of nuclear conflict, once unthinkable, is now back within the realm of possibility.
Every actuary, every historic war game, every analysis shows this leads to total thermal nuclear war.
It's Saturday, March 11th.
We're now into hour number two, and General Flynn, a combat veteran, former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, and of course the top advisor to President Trump as the National Security Advisor, joins us.
Commercial free for the next 55 minutes.
He's a very busy man.
We appreciate him coming on.
We're at an inflection point, a crossroads of crossroads.
I asked him before he went live just minutes ago what he wants to hit first.
He said, it's all interconnected.
And so he's got understanding of this from perspectives that really very few do on our side, the bad guys.
Have lots of command and control experience, but this guy, they're definitely scared of him.
If they weren't able to remove him, Trump would still be in office today.
Everybody, even our enemies, agree with that.
So we're going to look at Russia and the escalation there.
We're going to look at the bank runs that have begun.
We're going to look at the open borders.
We're going to look at the January 6 bombshells coming out.
The huge gain of function.
Dr. Redfield coming out saying, no, it was basically run by Obama through Fauci.
It was all illegal.
It was gain of function.
The deep state's in trouble, but they will strike back.
So he's a very polite and humble man.
But the time we've got him, I'm going to try as much as possible to just let him talk.
Because if I jump in, he'll let me go forever.
So General Flynn of General Flynn.
We salute you and your family and all your supporters what we've gone through together, but you particularly we thank you for never backing down and We had lunch a few years ago and then met again about a year ago And you kept saying if we don't totally push we're gonna lose in the next two years But I think it's safe to say we haven't won we haven't lost, but it looks like a lot of really good signals right now Everywhere that there's a huge
Thank you for joining us.
Well, two things immediately.
This year, and I've been saying this for quite some time now, I've been probably talking about this for the last year.
That this particular year, 2023, I've been saying that it is going to have two transitions.
One of those transitions is the financial transition of the global economic system, okay?
And I'll describe that here in a second.
The second transition is the health system, the global health system.
And Alex, in one of your, in your lead-in to
You know, in the break when you were talking about some of the things that you were showing a clip of me there, you know, it's really I'd been, you know, watching you off and on.
But one of the things and I and I think it was like 2010 and maybe even then before that, maybe 2007, where you were talking about, you know, the health.
The scares that they were bringing forward, and maybe at the time that we might have had some bird flu or some Ebola, but I think the intuition that you had then to talk about where we are now was really prescient.
I mean, it was really, really, you know, talk about visionary and understanding what was possible by our own government.
And frankly, you know, the deep state is not just these unelected bureaucrats
I mean, and we need to talk a little bit about that for your audience today, you know, who this deep state is.
So we clearly define who the globalist elites are and where they exist on the planet, because it's not just in Washington, D.C.
They're all over the world.
And honestly, the big push behind all of this, Alex, and for your audience, is coming from the Chinese Communist Party.
So there's no doubt about that.
And I know what their 100-year plan is, which essentially started in 1949, and they're executing it, and they're actually speeding it up.
That's number one.
And then the other part of that is that this idea, this notion of unrestricted warfare, in 1998-99 timeframe, I was in a military school at that time for one year, and I had the chance to meet the authors
of the manual called Unrestricted Warfare.
Two Chinese colonels that came over to the United States of America on a bit of an exchange, and I sat in and listened to them speaking about how they were going to fight this thing they called Unrestricted Warfare, and it's their doctrine.
People can go find it online.
But before we go into some of that,
At the very tail end of the of the video that you showed prior to me coming on, you showed a nuclear explosion.
And one of the things that is it is a major it's a falsehood.
And I want your entire audience and anybody that that gets this piece of that gets this clip to understand there is no such thing as a tactical nuclear weapon.
We will describe nuclear weapons and people will say it's a tactical nuclear weapon.
We're going to use tactical nuclear weapons.
There's no such thing.
That explosion that you showed right prior to me coming on, that's it.
Yeah, there you go.
That's the result of a tactical nuclear weapon.
OK, so don't think for a second that a tactical nuclear weapon is only going to blow up the hillside of a mountain.
We can do that with a lot of other munitions that we have.
But when we start to use tactical nuclear weapons, which our administration has already talked about, and I actually think when I look back, if we really did the research, we were probably the ones first talking about the use of nuclear weapons, and not necessarily the Russians, although now both sides are talking about the use of nuclear weapons.
Once we go to nuclear weapons, and once that sort of, you know, when you talk about strategic bombers, which the
The Russians have already moved to four operating bases and they start to strategically move them around to protect them, you know, as a security measure.
We know that the Russian submarine fleet is inside of the
The Black Sea and probably in parts of the Mediterranean.
And I can tell you one other piece there that somebody, one of the media experts talks about was, you know, there was Russian submarines spotted in the area where the Nord Stream pipeline was blown up.
You know, excuse my Irish to your audience, but that is total bullshit.
The Russian submarine fleet up in the Baltic Seas there, they are so secret.
And they know how to sneak in and out of there because they know they're always being tracked in and out of there.
So they're not going to do something as dumb as what we are trying to say that they did.
Just like I think one of the guys from your show, one of your members of your team said,
And once they do that, you know, because they're not suffering from it, it's going to be Europe that suffers from it.
One of the things I want to start with is I want to start with, because this is the here and now, and you know, this show on a Saturday, you do these shows on Saturdays sometimes, and they're so important.
I mean, and this particular one, because of what happened yesterday with this Silicon Valley bank.
So let's just spend a little bit.
I'm not an economic expert, but I have enough expertise in financial warfare
And then the idea of what we do with our country and how we manipulate the various things going on in our country.
And I clearly paid very close attention in 2008 to the collapse.
And like I said, I joked with you guys off camera before we came on about, you know, you have some real experts with you.
But I really think that people need to understand a couple things.
This is Mike Flynn talking.
Number one, I actually think everybody needs to take a step back and take a deep breath.
And to a degree, I want to see how this particular administration responds to this, because the way that the Obama administration responded to the 2008 collapse was they basically paid everybody off and they let everybody off.
And right now, just as an example, the CEO, the CFO, and the CMO, I guess the Chief Management Officer, the Chief Financial Officer, and the Chief Executive Officer,
We're good to go.
That's what they ought to do right now.
Throw them in jail.
Let them go get their high-priced lawyers and try to get them out on bail or bond.
But those three people, if they did that, and then they allowed their customers, you know, and we're talking the numbers that I'm hearing, the numbers that I'm hearing, and I'm going to get us back to where I want people to take a step back because
Because if people all of a sudden show up Monday or Tuesday and start to freak out, it's not going to help any of us.
What I want to do is I want to put pressure.
We need to put pressure on this administration right now.
And by putting pressure on this administration, we're putting pressure on the deep state.
We're putting pressure on the unelected bureaucrats.
We're putting pressure on the institutions that handle this economic situation, this economic crisis that we are going through.
We're not in a military crisis right now, you know, and again, we can spend a little bit of time on the military side because I do believe that we need to talk about what's happening in Europe.
We need to talk about what's happening in the South China Sea.
We need to talk about what's happening in North Korea.
But right now, the American people, because I'll tell you, I just, you know, I'm one of these guys that goes around the streets here, right, in my own hometown, and I'm just, I'm in the regular hometown of America.
I'm down in Florida, but I,
I'm asking people, so what do you think?
What do you think?
I'm at the gas station.
What do you think?
I'm at the, you know, the Wawa station.
I'm at a 7-Eleven.
I went into an office to go talk to some other people today, and I met and just asked.
So I'm trying to get just a basic feel, an anecdotal feel, if nothing else.
What do you believe?
And they're all talking to me about how they're going to go take their money out of the bank.
I'm like, let's wait a second.
Let's just wait and see.
Come Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, because we're all going to be in this together.
And what I want is I want the exposure because the way we beat this globalist elite crowd, the way we beat the deep state is we continue to expose them.
I mean, one of the one of the beauties of InfoWars and one of the one of the great the greatness of your show and you in particular, and you know, and I get all kinds of grief for
Even saying that, Alex.
What the great thing is, is you expose things, good, bad, or ugly, you expose things.
And that's how you, you know, that's how we bring evil out into the light, right?
Well, General Flynn, let me just back you up, because we didn't talk before you came on today.
We haven't talked in, you know, months in person, but we're talking here live on air.
One of my notes was to ask Flynn, how do we, how do we not let them stampede us into bank runs?
Because they could have propped this one bank up.
I said that, you weren't watching probably at the start of the last hour.
I said, they could have propped this one up.
They're letting this create a domino and create fear to bring in their whole new system.
So how do we thread that needle?
And you already addressed that before I asked it.
So, OK.
And really what you're talking about is you're talking about and for the people that don't know, to bring it to a source, I want people to go read Executive Order 14067.
Executive Order 14067 signed
By Uncle Joe, the 8th of March of 2022, and it went into effect 13 December 2022.
So just this past December.
And there are already corporations and elements of our U.S.
government that are already beta testing what's called central bank digital currency.
Central Bank Digital Currency.
That's what that executive order is all about.
Now, the Central Bank Digital Currency, there you go, and the Central Bank Digital Currency is already a global system, so it's already in effect, so to speak.
The Chinese use it, they use this, you know, their yuan system, but this is a way to control whether or not you can spend the money that you actually earn.
So, you know, and I'll just give a basic example of how far this could go.
So you could go down to the gas station to fill up your car a second time in a month, and you put your card into the gas pump there, and the gas pump comes back and says, denied.
And the reason it's denied is not because you don't have money in the bank, it's because this environmentalist crowd, this Nazi commu-social whatever, and I say communists, and the hardcore of them are Marxists, and there are Marxists in the White House.
It's a cult of power.
Well, there are Marxists in the World Economic Forum, there are Marxists in the intelligence community, and there are Marxists in the Department of Defense and the Department of State, especially the Department of State.
And one other element there, because I do want to maybe spend a few minutes talking about the Department of Just Us or the Department of Injustice, however you want to call it.
But this central bank digital currency, Alex, and I know you have spoken about this at times.
Many others in the media, I would say others who wouldn't touch this in the past, are now starting to talk about this.
The mainstream media is not talking about it.
They won't talk about it.
Because they're all in.
But the other Fox, I think there's been one or two other guests there that have talked about it.
I know that Glenn Beck has talked about it, but only recently.
And I would say, Glenn, probably in the last couple of months.
This is something that I know you've been talking quite a bit about.
And I know I've been talking about this for the last couple of years.
Because once you control the economic system,
You know, the global economic system, where now the U.S.
currency is no longer the currency of choice for global trade around the world.
Because right now, the U.S.
currency is the currency of choice for global trade, and the English language is the language of choice for global trade.
So that has been shifting.
Now, so how do we defeat it?
Well, you know, what's going to have to happen?
This is really to the people, right?
Back to the people of not only your audience, but of this country.
A couple of states right now are putting into bills, and I know that there's going to be at least one or two states that are going to have it as law, where they're not going to accept this form of currency.
So the way to fight it back is expose it, understand it, make sure that we're talking about it, and make sure that we're talking about it with the right facts, the right formats, the right process, the right ideas.
And then we have to talk about how do we stop it?
How do we block and tackle?
Because will it last forever?
I don't know.
I don't know how long we can last in this battle.
But in this particular battle, we can block and tackle a lot.
By making sure that we push not only those in Washington, D.C., but I kind of, I've said a lot of times, quit worrying about them if you can't worry about them.
Worry about what you can do at your local level, and definitely worry about what you can do at your state level.
So I know of a couple of states, Oklahoma's one of them, who has got a bill going into their governor.
And once that happens, and it's going to happen here pretty soon, because this transition is not going to happen on Monday.
And that's my point about taking a deep breath.
Not going to happen on Monday.
This is going to happen over a period of time.
They are trying to move it faster.
They are trying to.
We're good.
And they've said, and Biden on Wednesday put out his new plan for a central bank digital currency that removes the English language from the communication, which removes the dollar and makes it all digital, when right now communication is in English, which is a human intelligence program.
What you're saying is very sophisticated.
I don't want to be lost on people.
We don't want them to stampede us with these bank runs into accepting the central bank digital currencies.
We want to prosecute the people that actually did this and control the contagion.
So, and now I'm speaking to the American people.
So if the American people all of a sudden go on a bank run...
Then this government is going to turn right around and go, see?
Everybody's afraid.
We have to transition.
And this is what we're going to do.
And we've already got it in place.
And here's our plan.
You know, it's just like COVID, folks.
I mean, some of the patents for COVID were back in 2015.
Some of the stuff that was developed in order to be ready when they wanted to use it, which was in early 2020, late 2019, early 2020, the patents for some of that stuff was back in 2015.
You can't have a patent.
Patent doesn't take, you know,
It takes like 10 years to get a pad.
They already had them.
So now they already have this idea in place.
I just mentioned the executive order.
They're already doing some what we call beta testing.
So if the American people can remain rock steady, and I mean remain rock steady, and place demands, be prepared.
So what are the demands?
I agree.
The FDIC's Depositor Insurance Corporation is already saying this to pay people above $250,000 in central bank digital currency.
They're already rolling that out.
We have to say no.
We have to pay it back via the Treasury.
So no, no, no, no central bank digital currency response to this crisis.
Yeah, I mean, so this government, our government, they can use bonds, they can use gold, they can use silver.
They can back everything right now without saying we're going to go to some type of digital currency, right?
We're going to accept a global system, which is total bullshit.
I mean, it is.
I'm sorry.
It is total bullshit.
It is.
And so the other thing is, so that's number one.
The second thing is, we must demand accountability.
And I want to see that CEO, that CFO, that CMO,
These people have to be held to account.
They must be brought in.
Because he knew it was coming, he jerked his money out.
They knew it was coming, and there's many more.
Those are just three that have popped up on the screen, right?
Those are just three that have popped up on the screen, you know, that are going to be the faces of this thing, but there's many, many more faces and names.
And so what we have to do is look at the totality of this, and let's not have any bailouts.
If this government starts to bail things out, that means that we probably have lost this particular battle, folks, okay?
That's why I say, it's like, you know, when somebody, early on, we have something in the military called rules of engagement, and it comes out of the very famous phrase, you know, don't shoot until you see the whites of their eyes, right?
And there's a Ranger manual, and there's all this kind of stuff about,
Rules of engagement on the battlefield.
Well, I'm giving you a rule of engagement.
That rule of engagement is stay steady.
And let's see what this enemy is about to attempt to do.
And even when that happens, stay steady.
Because what will happen is they will take total control of our lives, our government.
So let's just jump for a second.
To because that's that's financial, you know, unless you want to jump in on add anything else.
Let's go to the health side because in the in the in December.
They had what's called the G20 Summit.
And in this particular G20 Summit, there was only G19, because Russia decided to give them the, you know, the Russian salute and not show up.
And there's a reason why.
One of the main reasons was because the keynote speaker at the G20 Summit, which is a big deal, and I don't expect your audience to have paid too much attention to it, but the keynote speaker there was Klaus Schwab.
You know, here Klaus Schwab.
This is a real Council of Global Governance.
This is key.
Yes, this is key.
And so when we talk about, so what is their cabinet, right?
What does their staff look like?
Well, their staff is somebody like a Klaus Schwab.
Their global staff looks like the World Bank, the World Health Organization, the World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund, organizations like the United Nations.
We're good.
So the World Health Organization, Klaus Schwab, G20 Summit.
Klaus Schwab during the G20 Summit back in December, so only a couple of months ago, he made this big statement about the direction that the world needs to take.
It was almost like a finger in their chest of the most powerful countries in the world.
This is one of the reasons why the Russians didn't go.
Putin and I because I do want to touch on Elon Musk here in a little bit.
Putin has has made a decision, a very conscious decision, and he's no longer going to be part of this idea of the world economic forum.
He's just he's done with it.
He's done with it and he's done with it because he sees that his civil his you know that Russian society is threatened.
But one of the things that came out of this Bali summit and our government just did a just did a little a little quiet kind of signatory of it.
So all those nations that attended the G-19 Summit, they all signed off on, we're going to have a global vaccination identification card.
So what does that mean?
What does that mean?
Is that is that a stamp on your passport?
Is it a is it a is it a plastic card that every single human being on the planet has to carry around?
And so if I want to travel to a state, let's say I'm in the United States and I want to travel to a blue state, I want to travel to a state that's currently controlled
By by a Democratic governor, Democratic leadership.
And let's just take the state of Michigan as an example.
So if I want to go into Michigan, is Michigan going to now stop me or stop me from buying products or stop me from visiting my relatives in Michigan or my relatives in whatever state that is?
Because I can't cross the border or I because I don't have my full vaccination.
And what I'm telling you, folks, is don't get that damn vaccination.
Don't do it.
And so now I'm going to be, you know, labeled again a VAX denier.
I'm telling you, there's no or there's very, very few people in your audience and you have millions across the world that listen to you.
There's very few people that have had as many vaccinations or shots stuck in their arms or their rear ends as I have.
I have a, you know, a list of shot record that goes probably 12 feet long.
So I'm not denying vaccinations.
What I deny, what I'm against, is I'm against this murder weapon that we have called these vaccinations, these quote-unquote vaccinations, these jabs they've been
Given everybody.
I mean it's undeniable.
It is undeniable.
So, I don't want to argue, you know, that particular... Well, that's a whole other subject.
I don't want to get into that.
What about the total vindication of all of us from the beginning three years ago?
It's all come out, it doesn't work, it hurts people.
You've got the former head of the CDC coming out saying it's a gain of function.
Fauci and all them are running it.
Yeah, it's a gain of function, which means a gain of function means weaponization.
So one of the commands, just so people know, you know, I'm not just some guy yapping.
One of the subordinate commands that I had was the National Intelligence Medical Command, NIMC, and it's up in, it's on the East Coast, okay?
And one of the missions of them, so I went and visited these folks because they were a subordinate command of mine.
They were an organization that I was responsible for.
And one of the things that they were responsible for was examining biological capabilities of other countries and how they would use them to weaponize them.
So I have that background as well as other background on just intelligence aspects of my life that I got involved in that look at nuclear, chemical, radiological, and biological warfare, okay?
So I have a fair background in this, more than I want to have.
When we say gain of function, and when we talk about what was happening between different labs, right, in the different undergraduate and graduate level programs here, UPenn or Pennsylvania, Harvard was doing some stuff, MIT's been doing some stuff, and there's been other, you know, universities, particularly down in North Carolina, that have been doing some things in coordination with the Chinese government.
So we can't, that's not deniable anymore.
And we have people that must be held accountable.
So the World Health Organization is imposing a global vaccination card.
Our government is all for this.
This digital central bank, digital currency, our government is all for this.
So this is why I say we have to push back so much
When I tell people, they go, they say to me, what should I do?
What can I do?
I don't want you to go do a run of the bank.
I don't want you to go take a vaccine.
I don't want, you know, I don't want you to go run out and say, I got to go get a vaccine because somebody says we have the, you know, an H5N1 virus now breaking out in West Africa.
And it's going to, you know, jump over the ocean to the United States right now.
I mean, they're going to they're going to try to put fear into us.
And you said a little bit in the in the tail end of your last segment,
One of the things that they fear, and they being this globalist elite, they fear what they cannot control.
And so for your audience, you're listening to somebody that they cannot control.
Now, how might they deal with me?
Maybe they'll just go, boom, and I'm done.
I've had enough threats in my life.
I know what sacrifice
Can be and I know what sacrifice is to a to a degree because I've experienced, you know, combat operations and such.
I will tell you that, you know, we have people that have given their lives for this country, you know, over the years of the history throughout the history of this country.
And so we have to understand that.
Well, I'm not, you know...
I mean, I won't go into a lot of stuff, but I hope you'll do an overview, because I agree with you that the globalists set up China as their laboratory of control.
It was then used to infiltrate us.
Now it's taking over the globalists to a certain extent.
So there's a little bit of our military and government waking up, but I'd say that's a minority.
I agree with you, who was the guy that went to Trump, and before that went to Obama, and they admit was responsible for the pivot towards
So you warned, you're the guy they admit, even the establishment does, that was right about China years before they double-crossed us, that warned the globalists, not as a traitor, you're like warning the government, which was run by globalists, they know you were right.
You tried to get them to stand up, you've been vindicated long before Trump got in, and so you're a world expert on China and their hundred-year plan that we're now 60 years into.
So if you please, please.
Talk about the overview, the 100,000 foot view, because I think that's critical to understand what's happening.
Yeah, so there is a no-kidding 100-year plan that the Chinese have had.
It was started by Mao Zedong, you know, and now with Xi, who's leading China now.
He's only really the sixth leader that they've had in that 60 years, right?
So they keep these guys, you know, they have leaders in there for a long time.
And so they're able to do things as a dictatorship, as a communist dictatorship.
To their society, to move their economy, to move their people, and to take things and do them over a longer period of time instead of the madness that we, you know, that we currently go through with back and forth, back and forth with our, with the, you know, everybody's, you know, Democrats come in and they're, you know, they're going after the Republicans, the Republicans come in, they're going after the Democrats.
I mean, we have got to stop because right now we're in a crisis period.
And the Chinese, and you might have shown it either a little while ago or on an earlier clip where you showed the South China Sea.
So let's talk, first of all, alliances.
Because I think this is really important.
One of the things that's part of the 100-year war for the Chinese is to
Put is to divide those who are allied with the United States of America, divide those alliances, and then build trust with the other side, right?
So, divide us from some partner that we had, and then they become their new partner, right?
So, how do they do that?
They do that very shrewdly.
They do that over time, and they do that, they've done that economically,
You know, I don't want to get into too much detail about the Belt and Road Initiative, which is a huge economic plan.
It goes all the way from, really, from the South China Sea, the East China Sea, from the, you know, the port city of... And doesn't the Ukraine war energize the Belt and Road?
Big time.
And bingo.
So the northern part of that goes all the way into Europe.
It actually goes through Ukraine.
It goes all the way into Europe.
And when I say into Europe, not just the mainland, but it also goes into places like London.
And then you have the southern.
These are big deals.
And these are things that the Chinese have been putting together for a long time.
OK, a long time.
And now they're moving it much faster.
So the southern route from China.
Yeah, you have a great picture up there.
A blue water route, but then it connects into Africa.
And it actually now, those blue lines now go all the way around Africa and they tie into places like Nigeria and the west coast of Africa, which are filled with resources, filled with commodities that the Chinese need to sustain their own people, right?
Now, one of the key points here, one of the big connectors, because you have a beautiful map up there right now, that line that goes from the Arabian Sea and it goes up through the Red Sea into the Suez Canal and into the
The United States of America, we built the Suez Canal, you know, decades ago, right?
We built it.
Well, guess who built a second Suez Canal?
And, you know, nobody will talk about this, but the Chinese went up there years ago during the Obama administration, and they actually built a second Suez Canal.
There is a second canal there with locks that allow
You know, allow ships to go up and through that very critical choke point into the Mediterranean.
So those are alliances.
In order for the Chinese to gain a foothold is they had to break alliances away from the United States, and they had to then gain those alliances.
And they did that through Africa.
They've done that through the Middle East.
They've done that through Europe in a huge way.
And of course, the two big alliances, and one that just recently came
It's starting to show its skin, so to speak.
There's a new alliance that's starting to grow.
And that's the alliance, and this is a dangerous one for us, the alliance between China and Saudi Arabia.
And I was going to ask you that question.
That's in my list.
And Saudi Arabia is suddenly making an alliance with Iran.
So, yes.
So now, so you have these, these are, you know, remember, right?
I mean, the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
So China and Saudi Arabia just affected, really, an economic alliance.
That's not good for us.
China and Russia already have an economic alliance.
China and Iran have an economic alliance.
Russia and Iran have an economic alliance.
Russia and many parts of Southwest Asia, which is basically the Arabian Peninsula, have economic alliances.
Many of the North African countries have economic alliances.
Hell, the Chinese just built the largest mosque in the world on the coastline of Algiers.
In Algiers.
I actually visited there years ago on a military visit.
And I said, well, who the hell is building this thing?
It's giant, giant, giant mosque.
And they told me the Chinese.
And I said, really?
And that was that was almost 10 years ago, Alex.
So so the Chinese have been very shrewdly and they've been doing this over time.
So let me do a quick minute on what's called the bricks, because this has to do with economic
It has to do with alliances, and it has to do with everything else going on globally, particularly when we talk about World War III, which we are smack dab in the middle of World War III right now.
So the BRICS, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, those five nations have created basically a coordinating body, an economic coordinating body for trade and such.
There you go, beautiful.
And those four nations right there, leave that picture up, those four nations right there, they represent 47% of the global population.
So half the damn planet is represented in those people, right?
Those five leaders right there, right?
Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.
There have been another, I would just say, another 10 countries that have recently moved, shifted,
Over to join this element, this BRICS element.
One of the more important countries that I paid attention to is which way the Saudis were going.
And why is that important?
Because in the Arab world, the Egyptians have a historic leadership role.
And I wish al-Sisi would play a bigger role.
And he does.
And I have given al-Sisi, the leader of Egypt, a lot of credit.
But the Saudis have an even greater role, particularly now with the way that they exist in the world, their access to the old petrodollars, their ability and not only the relationship that they have within the Arab world,
Sort of the ideological underpinnings, but they also have a critical geo-strategic position on the planet, okay?
So, where they sit, the Arabian Sea, Persian Gulf, Red Sea, as I mentioned, as you showed in that other map.
So, there's been a new move by the Saudis to align with China.
So, when that happens, now we're talking about not just the Saudis, but there's a couple of other nations.
Venezuela is one.
Iran, we already mentioned, and there's a couple of others.
These couple of other nations, with the BRICS, they now represent about 75% of the planet.
And all of this has happened, so when I say 100 years, right?
So there's been this, this has been going on for decades, and at the same time, there's been this infiltration into our body, like a cancer, right?
I mean, our body right now has a cancer, like in our education system, in a lot of our institutions, our Department of Justice, right?
So there's a cancer in there.
And that cancer is part and parcel to the infiltration of people in the Democratic Socialist Party of America, in the Communist Party of America.
And how they are, how they are influenced and supported by, frankly, the CCP.
The CCP, I believe, made a very conscious decision back in the late 80s and the
I think so.
So many examples that are publicly available examples of how the Chinese have infiltrated every single institution of our society since the mid-90s, okay?
And in particular, our education system.
And they started at the highest level of graduate degrees and undergraduate degrees to the tune of no less than $100,000 a year.
Sure, and if we look at the ideology, General Flynn, of the left, it's very maliced how they're executing attacks against the U.S.
So there's a, you know, and there's a, you know, different types of communism, right?
There's the Chinese version, Russia has a version.
America is going to be imposed, if we're not smart, there you go, if we're not smart, you know, there is an imposition of a type of socialism being brought into America's society.
And frankly, because people have asked me, well, Jesus, you know, these people are already, they already have power, they're already wealthy, what the hell more do they want?
They want more power, particularly power, and they want more wealth, and they want your wealth.
So this is why we have to continue, and again, I want people to, you know, like me.
I mean, I'm and I appreciate your team and the patience that you guys have had with me, you know, coming on today.
But this is important.
I mean, this is a you know, this is exhausting.
And Alex, you know how exhausting this can be.
This is exhausting.
And I want your because I'm being brutally honest with your with you, your audience and anybody else that listens to this.
This is exhausting, but we have to do this.
I do what I do.
You do what you do.
Those people that are sitting
And hometown USA right now that will listen to this or that will see this in the next couple of days.
I want you to start thinking about what more can you do?
What more can you do?
And I'm telling you, I attended because I do stuff locally because I want to lead by example.
So I attended a community hospital board meeting because it just so happens that in the county that I live in, there's only two county hospitals in the state of Florida that are owned by the taxpayers.
I happen to live in one of those counties.
So we tried to fill the
The hearing up when they were trying to tell us about how they, you know, everything's wonderful and there's no problems here folks, nothing to see here, you know, nothing under the carpet, right?
And we know that people went in there and died and the hospital made a ton of money.
We're going to continue to put pressure at the local level on that hospital.
That's the Sarasota Memorial Hospital.
I was about to ask you, what are solutions?
You're saying get informed locally, engage, because that's where the war is happening, and I want to have a few other issues at the time we have left, General Flakers.
You've done a great job, so much to cover here, but bottom line, how do we quantify this?
We know that the global, the Anglo-American establishment allied with China in 49.
They gave them all the rarest minerals, they gave them all the jobs, they gave them internal tariffs against America, they set them up.
We know that you briefed Obama and others.
They told the truth and said China's about to take over, they're going to double cross you.
You were proven right, you were vindicated, that's why they're so scared of you.
So there's kind of a schizophrenic thing with the elite where they've invested in China, they're in bed with China, but China's now pushing them around.
How do we get Western elites that are even still globalist to finally get the American people aren't the enemy, get off our backs, let's deal with China.
But as you said, they have this communist inclination, there's so much Qaikom influence,
Hollywood is literally trying to tear the country apart.
We know four of the big six Hollywood big production houses are owned by the Chai Koms.
How do we get off the Chinese Communist poison?
Part of this is what, you know, again, because you talked about it earlier in your previous segment.
I really appreciate that.
There is a time to pray and there's a time to stand.
OK, so it doesn't it doesn't mean that you can't pray while you're standing, but there now is the time to stand and that time.
And when I say stand, I mean, I want people, and this is everybody, and there's a, you know, I'm trying to hit a target of people in this country that represent probably 50 million people that are sort of left of center, and they look at everything and they go, ah, no, no, this is politics as usual.
This is not politics as usual.
This is the existence of America as we know it is at risk.
We are in a moment of peril.
We are in a moment of historic peril.
So, if you, you know, like people, I ask, if you can't do anything else, say a prayer.
If you can pray, if you don't pray, but if you can't do anything other than that, and maybe, or maybe what you can do is you can send money into these different organizations that are fighting for us, right?
Fighting for those that can't, that don't want to put their head into the breach, right?
That don't want to jump over the wall and say, follow me.
I mean, there's going to be those of us, and frankly, we'll never outspend the enemy in this case, but we certainly can use the help.
So I just throw that out there because that's important.
That's an important aspect of being able to do the things that we need to do.
The third thing is, is I want people to start and I want them to take a, you know, let 24 hours sink in and start to think, you know, talk to your neighbor, talk to your family and start to think about what more can you do right where you're at.
Maybe you pick up, you know, you pick up the telephone, you get on your phone, you start calling, you start email.
I mean, go to these meetings.
Don't sit there and say, ah, it's all baloney.
Those politicians are all crooked and corrupt.
They're there because we put them there.
And we have to change that.
We have to change that.
We have to go and get involved.
I have talked to so many people over these last couple of years, and I say to them, why aren't you running?
Because they're telling me how what needs to be fixed.
And this, you know, this and that.
And they're and I'm looking at it and I'm saying, geez, you're a business person, you're a businessman, businesswoman.
Why don't you get in there and run?
And I have been able to convince
A fair number of them to run for school boards, to run for county commissioners, to change the nature of the kinds of things that we are up against.
Because I want, I want our federal government to know that we the people, we're not going to put up with it.
When they start to impose things, they're going to feel a tension coming from we the people.
And they need to feel that tension.
They need to feel that... So in Military Par Launch General, in Military Par Launch, you're explaining
Everything is boots on the ground.
Everything is every square mile.
And so they'll never get away with this if the general public's mobilized.
Yeah, and I'm telling you, you know, what would I like?
I would like to, you know, this would be done peacefully.
I would like to pick a date on the wall.
Sometime in the next couple of months, maybe it's the 4th of July because it's a good date, maybe it's a flag day or maybe it's Memorial Day, and say, I want rallies at all 50 state capitals.
I want thousands and thousands of people to go rally and just basically say, we've had enough.
You know, fix these problems.
But, now that I, and so I say that, I say that, because this is what they tried to do, that's why the January 6th happened, because they wanted to put the fear of God into every single red-blooded American out there that ever felt like they wanted to just go to the nation's capital and see it and peacefully protest, you know, and they went around trying to arrest grandmas, right?
I mean, this is insane.
So they put that, they did that purposely so these kinds of things, like I just said, won't happen.
But if we go there and we do that, people are going to realize, and the governors, we have still, I think, 26 Republican governors.
I mean, none of these Republican governors, I mean, some, I shouldn't say none, but few of them are really not changing the narrative on our elections.
They really aren't.
I mean, they're starting to push some of these systems out and stuff like that.
But the bigger issue is we have to create tension at the bottom to those at the top.
And when I say those at the top, the top might be county commissioners.
The top might be, you know, clearly are your state legislatures who are probably, in some cases, some of the people that are listening to this.
So we've got to put the mask on the ground with the issues and the info.
I totally agree.
General, total genius interview today.
We've only got like 15 minutes left.
Let me then move into some of the areas listeners really want to know about.
You've given us incredible information.
As a former, you know, top army general, a guy that actually ran things, you know, a lot of the generals just kind of sit around.
You were a doer.
And a guy that actually warned the world about China, even got Obama to recognize it and actually change U.S.
That's a huge thing you did right there.
That's why they respected you so much, because you predicted they would double cross, and they did.
You did it as a loyal American, even though the globalists thought they controlled China.
They literally feared you because you were over the horizon seeing it.
What about Russia?
Where do you see that going back?
They're clearly trying to push this.
Where did Biden go from six months ago saying, we can't put in frontline battle tanks, that's World War III, and the escalation ladder to doing it.
Where is that going?
What's your overall view on the Russia situation?
Well, first of all, the war is a failure of politics, right?
It's a failure of policy.
And so that's number one.
Number two,
The Russians know how to sacrifice, believe me.
I mean, as I've studied Russian history, I've studied the history of warfare, I've studied the Europeans.
I mean, the Russians know how to sacrifice.
And they're not losing right now.
And the West, particularly the United States, we're supporting a fascist regime in Ukraine.
And I always say this, you know, let's just say it's a hundred billion dollars that we have given to the Ukrainian government.
God knows where it's going.
We know that there's weapons that we left in Afghanistan that are now finding their way into Ukraine.
So, this is insane.
$100 billion, if you divided $100 billion by 435 congressional districts in this country, that equals $200 million per congressional district.
Do you think that there's $200 million that could have been spent in every single congressional district instead of spending it over in the Ukraine?
Nobody cares about that.
No American, even though this president is going to say, Americans are all behind this war in Ukraine.
No, we're not.
We're not behind this war.
Joe Biden has yet to stand in front of the American people and say, here are our three or four vital national security interests that we have.
Not one time has he done that.
And war's not been declared.
So should Biden, how do we stop it?
Do we impeach Biden?
And as you said, the New York Times did a big study and said, oh my God, the Russians now are behind the war.
They were against it.
As more Russians die, they get more pro-war.
Well, I mean, anybody that studies
Anybody knows that.
The British in World War II or the Russians.
I mean, the Russians are only getting more pissed.
So how do you see this going?
Plus, if the Russians were losing so badly, which is the narrative that we're being told, why do we have to keep flowing money and troops and all kinds of intelligence and everything into Ukraine?
I mean, it's because the Russians aren't losing.
This is a loser's war.
This is a loser's war, and everybody's going to lose.
And we're going to lose big time.
We are going to use this as an excuse.
So we now, the United States government, this administration, specifically those in the White House, are going to use this war as an excuse to do this financial transition and this health transition this coming year.
That's what I believe.
And they're going to use war to do it, because war is a great excuse when everything else around you is failing.
And right now, the exposure of the globalist elite and what they are attempting to do to take over the world.
I'm not kidding when I say this.
Don't think for one second, folks, that they're going to wake up tomorrow morning and go, you know what?
We've just simply, we've screwed the American people too much.
Let's turn on our energy.
Let's close the border.
Let's, you know, hold people accountable.
They're going to triple down.
They are going to triple down.
Well, General, that was my first question I meant to get to.
Let me ask you that.
When in history have you seen an elite that runs a powerful, world-dominant country
Undermine its dollar, undermine its borders, undermine its people, poison its people, create race war, cut off its pipelines.
So the globalists are at war with America that they've gotten a war with Russia.
Why are they attacking their own power base?
And so I just, you know, I'll say that no country that lost its character ever kept its liberty.
And so the character of the United States of America is in the DNA of every single American.
And I want every single American to understand that.
That in our DNA is the idea of freedom.
And the idea of respect and the idea of what my father taught me, right?
Treat others like you like to be treated.
That's called the golden rule.
And until you treat me differently, that's the way I'm going to treat you.
And once you start treating me differently, especially as an American, we know how to fight back.
We might get bloodied.
You know, in the first battle.
There's a very famous book called America's First Battles where the blood runs from Americans first until we, you know, get off our knees and stand up and realize we better get into the fight.
And when we do, you know, Katie bar the door because we're going to win.
And so what I do know is that
We have not lost our character as a nation yet.
They are trying their damnedest by flooding the country with illegals, by stuffing down the throats of our children this fentanyl and some of these other drugs.
I mean, they're trying their damnedest to destroy the fabric of our society, to destroy our culture.
And I want people to understand, again, that no country that lost its character ever kept its liberty.
And they're going to try to destroy that.
So we have to we have to take a stand.
We have to understand that, you know, the idea of nothing.
Don't believe for a second that that you're that anything is going to be handed to you.
They know that nothing comes without sacrifice, right?
And so it's going to take sacrifice for us to be able to elevate ourselves and to push back and to get healthy.
It's like a body, right?
We've got to get back into shape.
I want America to get back into shape.
And the way that we're going to get back into shape is by more and more people standing up and speaking up and standing firm and never giving up.
I mean, you know, if I want to be an example of anything,
Because I always looked at what was happening to me and the persecution that I went through.
This was really not about me.
This was about America.
I mean, yeah, they attacked Mike Flynn, but they were attacking the country.
They were getting rid of somebody who knew a lot about what was going on and could have stopped a lot of what happened over the four years of the Trump administration.
And frankly, I could be Trump's worst nightmare, but I'm not because he didn't really know.
Even he, as smart as he is, he was naive to think that what these people were doing, they were actually going to do.
And they did.
And they did.
General Flynn, let me say this.
In the five, six minutes we have left, because I know you're busy, but this is an amazing interview.
You mentioned January 6th earlier.
Elon Musk calls for Q Shaman, who it turns out they let in, let in the Senate.
He told people to leave.
He's spending four years in jail.
Elon Musk says release him.
We got documents four days ago that are now all over the news that the FBI suppressed documents in the Proud Boys trial.
They were actually running the attack on the Capitol.
They're so scared of January 6th because they're branding the American people as terrorists and then trying to turn the whole national security apparatus against us.
That's falling apart.
The head of the CDC, as we mentioned earlier, but then you said, I'll get back to that later.
Can you speak to that?
I mean, to have Redfield out saying, gain of function, this happened.
I want to explain this.
He's saying, look, leadership of the military, but that's under
Globalist control, because we know Obama, even when Trump got in, never got full control.
So I'm not saying China isn't involved in the attack, but it's one level.
First, they say it's China, but it's globalist.
But above that, it's globalist with China.
Looking at that, because now Congress has bills saying China launched the attack.
I hate the CHICOMs, and I know they want to attack us, and I know they wrote papers about bioweapons against us, but their allies are going to pose inside the government
As if that was the CHICOMS doing it.
I think the globalists are just as guilty as the CHICOMS, and that CHICOM-globalist combine must be identified so that the general American people don't think our government did this.
I think we have to educate people that a criminal group with China released the virus and the shots to collapse our civilization.
So how do we explain that complex issue?
Yeah, so first of all, don't allow anybody, and I'm talking to your entire audience, don't allow anybody to call you a conspiracy theorist.
And I'm not talking about you, Alex Jones, I'm talking about you as an individual who I'm speaking to right now.
Don't allow anybody to label you as anything other than who you are as a person.
You define yourself, number one.
The second thing is there is a relationship.
It is a clear relationship between the Chinese Communist Party leadership, particularly Xi and his team.
He's got a very small team of individuals who support every single thing that they're doing.
And this globalist group of people, you know, sort of by the face of them is the World Economic Forum.
That's Klaus Schwab.
And that's people like George Soros.
There's Bill Gates is involved in this.
I mean, there's there is a body of them.
You can go look at their website.
They're so public about it.
It's insane.
And they have this other advisor, Yuval Noah Harari, who they float around this country and they float around the world talking about how people are going to be machines and that God is something in the clouds and now God is in Silicon Valley.
I mean, these people are psychopaths, all of them.
And the other thing is that you're going to hear people in our own government
Particularly the State Department.
Oh, China's not our enemy.
China's our competitor.
China is our adversary.
China wants global domination.
They see this century, back to the 100-year war, they see this century as the Chinese century.
Last year might have been the American century.
This year is going to be the Chinese century.
And they have already begun
Sure, so the shift is happening.
How do we stop that?
Mass awakening?
Political awareness?
I don't want to think of the worst case because I'm, as an intelligence officer, in my years of being on the battlefield, we would go worst case, best case, you know, most likely, most probable, the kinds of things happening in the middle.
The most probable right now for me, what we really need to be doing right here in our country is, and I keep going back to it, is I call it local action will have a national impact.
And people go, ah, that's not going to,
Because the people in Washington, D.C.
I mean, the Weaponization Subcommittee should have already issued 500 subpoenas.
No, it's just, let me stop you.
Let me lead back you up.
It was doctors and scientists and others.
It was locals, nurses, doctors saying no.
It was people at city council saying no.
The feds are so scared of people at school boards saying no.
The critical race theory and drag queen pedophile time and all the rest of it.
It really is us not submitting is what defeats the system.
It's the one mom that stands there and gets her three minutes in front of a school board and dresses them down.
It's the father who goes in front of a school board or a committee and dresses them down because his daughter was just raped by a boy who was allowed to go into the girls' room.
And that actually happened up in Virginia.
He raped two girls in Virginia?
Yeah, there was two assaults that I'm aware of, but it's that one mom.
I look at a crowd of 5,000 people when I'm out speaking in different places, and I look around as I'm trying to get my points across to the audience, and I say to the audience,
I don't need all of you to go out and do that.
I'm looking for one.
I'm looking for one.
Because sometimes that's all it takes.
It takes one break.
But what if, what if, what if 20%?
Imagine if everybody just mobilized.
It's over.
Exactly, exactly.
I mean, like I say, I would love to have leaders in all the states that we have
I mean, in all 50 states, but certainly maybe there's some more important states politically, you know, from an election perspective.
But maybe we have, you know, maybe we have giant rallies.
I mean, we've got to mobilize the, you know, we the people, right?
And you can mobilize when there's a school board hearing.
You can mobilize when there's a county commission hearing.
You can, when there's an open seat.
I can tell you that there are hundreds of thousands of volunteer positions that are still unfilled because the American people,
And I hate to say it, folks, but we've been lazy and apathetic as a society over the last 20, 30 years.
And we've let the, you know, all this gripe and I've heard all this, you know, BS about all those politicians are all corrupt.
Well, it's our fault.
We've been putting them in there.
So we got to stop that.
General Flynn, I totally agree.
In a few minutes, GeneralFlynn.com.
Few minutes we have left.
Big picture, though.
I'm optimistic.
I see a huge awakening.
I see all these talk show hosts that were scared now telling the truth.
I see all these hearings where gain of function is coming out and illegal spy combine with all these agencies.
I mean, things are a lot better than they were two years ago.
It seems like the awakening curve, the educational curve is going straight up right now.
In closing comments, you get the last five minutes, you've got the floor.
Other key points you'd like to add, I really want to thank you for your time.
Thank you, Alex.
And thank you to your great audience.
And thank you for just being, you know, I say courage is a decision.
It becomes contagious after you make a decision to be courageous.
And I appreciate the decision that you made to continue to be courageous for this country.
So it kind of big picture.
I actually see things in a very, you know, very like lit or lighted way.
I have my path is lighted.
And part of it is because I have a very strong basis of faith.
So I, you know, like God wins.
And I believe that, you know, wear it on my sleeve.
But I that the path in front of me is a very
Uh, try to address earlier what is in the character of each one of us.
And I think it was, I believe strongly, in fact, what's in the character of every American is we're just not going to, we're not going to allow this country to be stolen from us, you know, in, in, in plain sight.
And how we're going to do that.
We're going to create alternative ideas.
We're going to create alternative paths.
We, like a lot of these doctors, have already started to stand up other alternative medical capabilities.
I think this banking crisis that we're involved in right now, I actually think that we're going to see a lot of good come out of this.
But part of what the government, and we need to demand this, we need to demand that people are held accountable.
Don't start closing banks.
Don't start making a run.
Take a deep breath.
Be steady.
There's got to be accountability.
But all these things are going to start to happen, and they're going to happen even more so, because we're going to continue to expose these bastards, and they need to be exposed.
And the more we expose them, like guys like Fauci, he's the face of this disastrous, murderous, you know, COVID nightmare that the world went through, right?
So we have to hold these people accountable, and we have to demand that they be held accountable.
And I think that that exposure, the education, the understanding of who these globalist elites are, who they are, are really important.
And I think, you know, I'm going to put a plug in here because you're showing my Twitter site there.
Um, for Elon.
Elon Musk.
I actually think, you know... General, you've got to stop.
This is incredible.
My last question was, what do you make of Elon Musk?
I mean, I judge his remarks first.
I don't trust him, but man, is he kicking their ass.
I was about to ask you, will you call on Elon Musk to take... What would General Flynn say to Elon Musk?
We should get you guys together.
This is incredible.
My next thing was, was Elon Musk.
Well, I actually think that Elon Musk is doing a service for the world.
Now, you know, I met Elon Musk briefly a number of years ago, whether or not he remembers that meeting, but it was a good meeting, actually.
So what Elon Musk is doing for the world right now is he's opening up and exposing like I mean like we've never seen exposed the the deepest of it and darkest of the of the state that exists right this deep state and this is not just America.
We're learning a lot of things about America.
You know, one of the things, and you could put it on there, this Schellenberger report, and Schellenberger is one of the guys that did the Twitter files, his, I read excerpts from his, it's about a 60 some page document, or maybe longer, I read excerpts of it from it.
What Elon is doing, yeah, this is another one, this guy right here, Kramer.
Kramer says, hey, you gotta go invest in Silicon Valley Bank only a couple of weeks ago, and they're collapsed.
That guy right there, he did the same thing in 2007, so I'm sorry, I'm on a tangent.
No, no, I was gonna play that clip, too.
He obviously, when a group's about to go down, he tries to get new investors in so the big guys can get out.
It's insane.
He should be investigated.
He should be thrown off the whatever the station is.
He should be booted off.
He should be hard and feathered, right?
I mean, so anyway, but what Elon, Elon is doing a service for the world and he's definitely doing a great service for this country because what he's showing is he's showing how the federal government has weaponized every single aspect of our government to go against the American people.
That's what, that's what this is.
I mean, and that's part of World War III.
You know, I talk, on my website, GeneralFlynn.com, we have a book called The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare.
I could have a whole show on that.
I mean, we are in this moment of time where our overreaching
The institutionalized and weaponized federal government is at, you know, it's like World War I trenches.
Trench warfare.
And they're against us, but they know that they can't beat us.
They know that we overwhelm them.
We overwhelm them in every other aspect of all the things that I've already talked about.
And we have to keep doing that.
We have to keep placing demand.
And you agree right now, right now, General, would you say right now we are starting to win?
Oh, absolutely.
It's like a fourth in one going into the end zone.
We're going to get into the end zone.
And we're pushing because we're bigger, we're stronger, we're smarter.
There's wisdom in the crowd.
We are going to push forward.
And frankly, back to Elon and back to what Twitter has done, what he's done is he's just basically said, hey, look, in this country, there's a Bill of Rights.
The First Amendment gives us the freedom to speak.
You know, have at it.
And from that, the exposure that we have been able to put a spotlight on of our federal government is so egregious.
It's so disgusting, actually.
And now
You know, I mean, I am I am engaged with some of these committees up on in Washington, D.C.
So I want people to know that.
I want people to know that I'm letting the I'm letting some of these people up there know who they should prioritize in terms of who they impeach.
I mean, there should be that kind of activity going on by.
I think we should be clear right now.
We just worked our tails off to win that.
They have record level 10,000 plus FBI whistleblowers.
A lot of great former Defense Intelligence Agency people that I know you work with are up there educating Capitol Hill.
That's why the educational curve, because the good guys have woken up, gotten off the bench, and are engaged.
And that's why we're actually winning right now.
General Flynn, you're a very humble guy.
We appreciate your time.
Very honored to have you.
This is the best interview we've ever done.
One of the best interviews I've ever seen you do.
We're very honored to have you.
People should visit your site.
They should bookmark it.
They should share it.
They should share your Twitter.
They should get it out to everybody out there.
Thank you so much for the time.
In 60 seconds, search your mind.
What else do you think you should impart to this audience of millions of people that are going to watch this?
Well, I would just say never give in.
And I tell, I counsel young people when I talk to young kids, young soldiers who I've talked to over the years, and of course any young people.
We define ourselves.
We define ourselves.
Nobody else defines us.
Nobody defines who Alex Jones is.
Nobody defines who General Mike Flynn is.
I define who General Mike Flynn is.
I look at myself in the mirror and I'm the same person that goes out on the street and starts to work my tail off to try to do the things that I'm doing.
That's the same thing that you do.
I don't care.
You know, like my mom used to say, sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me.
I care less about
Those things.
What I care about is I care deeply about this country.
I care about the future of my children and my grandchildren.
And I know that you feel much the same way.
In fact, exactly the same way.
And that's the way I want people to feel.
I want people to believe that America is still that shining city on the hill, that true beacon.
That North Star that everybody else around the world is going to follow.
And they will follow us.
Believe me.
They're looking for leadership there.
And they want the leadership of America.
And they're going to find them in various people here in this country.
So, Alex, you're one of them.
Thank you to you.
Thank you to your team for letting me come on here and the patience that they had to get me organized and put on at the right time.
And definitely to your audience.
You have a terrific audience that's deeply patriotic.
And I want that audience to know that we're on track.
We are on the path of light.
That's what you need to understand.
We're good.
And we're just blessed to even see the success right now, because everything's kind of compressed, everything's accelerated, and so everything's really sped up.
So now, what evil does has a bigger effect, what good does has a bigger effect, but most importantly, apathy energizes our enemies.
We have to stop having that apathy, and if just the listeners get excited, there won't be a million viewers of the show.
Guaranteed a million people will see this, conservatively.
The clips will have 5-10 million views.
But the show will get a million views.
If people get excited, it gets 10 million views.
Will this one show save the world?
But our will, with God working through us, of not backing down and telling the truth, will beat this whole thing.
General Flynn, GeneralFlynn.com.
People can find you on Twitter.
They should follow you.
They should magnify you.
They should get the Citizen's Guide and put that back up real quick.
I told you years ago, write a book, do something, fund yourself.
The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare Introduction 5GW.
Tell us, you're such a humble guy, tell us about this.
This is amazing.
It's the bestseller.
It's the second bestseller that I've had out of four books I've written.
This is a terrific.
This is a handbook.
This is a guide.
Myself and my co-author, Sergeant Boone Cutler, we wrote this in layman's terms, in citizen's language.
We created a military manual for fifth generation warfare, but we did it in citizen's language so people can understand what it is that we are facing, what kinds of actions you need to take, and then how, and in there we have Appendix 1 is the rules for victory.
Okay, well I want to watch this, I want to read this, I want to see this, but this is so classic how you are.
I've asked you for years to write a book, and now we're seeing this, and you won't even promote it.
I've got to make you promote it.
Everybody's got to get this.
Where do they get this?
They can go to my website, GeneralFlynn.com, and from that website, it takes you either to Barnes & Noble, which is a bestseller right now.
Amazon dropped us, but go to my website, GeneralFlynn.com, and they can get copies.
But again, I have a bestselling book, which got blocked a bunch of places, and I talked about it.
It was number one.
That's what it is.
Fifth Generation Warfare is a combination of irregular, unrestricted, and what we call hybrid warfare.
It primarily is a war of narratives.
It's a war of information.
And this is what we are facing.
Believe me, when you read this guide, you're going to go, holy shit, this is exactly what we're facing.
And then what we do is we take you through steps
It's written in a military style with different sections and sort of how to do things.
And we actually, at the end of every section, we have a short test that the reader has to take that causes you to dive back into the section that you just read or answer things based on, you know, to make you critically think.
It is a fascinating style in terms of giving it to civilians, so to speak, because we felt
When we looked at what was happening, and we looked at the war that we were involved in, which is a war of narratives.
This is a massive war of narratives, and that's why I believe we're winning.
And we're winning because a lot of people have actually bought this book, which has been good, and I appreciate you plugging it, but it is a layman's guide to the war that we are in.
And it will walk you through.
This is not a war of neighbor against neighbor, or friend against friend, or family member against family member.
This is a war of the globalist elites against those of us who love and cherish freedom.
And what's incredible is the people are ready.
So literally, this is a blueprint for victory.
I'm going to order the book, and after I read it, please come on in a month or so, because this is what we need.
People need that confidence.
They need to understand it.
They need to know it.
Incredible job.
General Flynn, I salute you.
I thank your whole family for your sacrifices.
We're starting to turn the tide.
I'm worried about how the enemy's going to strike back, panic us into a bank run.
I agree with you, but we are definitely in the fight.
General Flynn, God bless you, sir.
God bless you.
Thank you.
Chairman Jordan, Ranking Member Plaskett, members of the committee, thank you very much for inviting my testimony.
In his 1961 farewell address, President Dwight Eisenhower warned of, quote, the acquisition of unwarranted influence by the military-industrial complex.
Eisenhower feared that the size and power of the complex, or cluster, of government contractors and the Defense Department would, quote, endanger our liberties or democratic processes.
How did he mean that?
Through, quote, domination of the nation's scholars by federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money.
He feared public policy would become the captive of a scientific technological elite.
Eisenhower's fears were well-founded.
Today, American taxpayers are unwittingly financing the growth and power of a censorship industrial complex run by America's scientific and technological elite, which endangers our liberties and democracy.
I'm grateful for this opportunity to offer this testimony and sound the alarm over the shocking and disturbing emergence of state-sponsored censorship in the United States of America.
The Twitter files, state attorneys general lawsuits, and investigative reporters have revealed a large and growing network of government agencies, academic institutions, and non-governmental organizations
that are actively censoring American citizens, often without their knowledge, on a range of issues.
I do not know how much of the censorship is coordinated beyond what we have been able to document, and I will not speculate.
I recognize that the law allows Facebook, Twitter, and other private companies to moderate content on their platforms, and I support the right of governments to communicate with the public, including to dispute inaccurate information.
But government officials have been caught repeatedly pushing social media platforms to censor disfavored users and content.
Often these acts of censorship threaten the legal protection social media companies need to exist.
Section 230.
If government officials are directing or facilitating such censorship, notes one law professor, it raises serious First Amendment questions.
It is axiomatic that the government cannot do indirectly what it is prohibited from doing directly.
Moreover, we know that the U.S.
government has funded organizations that pressure advertisers to boycott news media organizations and social media platforms that refuse to censor and or spread disinformation, including alleged conspiracy theories.
The Stanford Internet Observatory, the University of Washington, the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab, and Grafica have all inadequately disclosed ties to the Department of Defense, the CIA, and other intelligence agencies.
They work with multiple U.S.
government agencies to institutionalize censorship research and advocacy within dozens of other universities and think tanks.
It is important to understand how these groups function.
They are not publicly engaging with their opponents in an open exchange of ideas.
They aren't asking for a national debate over the limits of the First Amendment.
Rather, they are creating blacklists of disfavored people and then pressuring, cajoling, and demanding that social media platforms censor, de-amplify, and even ban the people on those lists.
The censorship industrial complex combines established methods of psychological manipulation, some developed by the U.S.
military during the global war on terror, with highly sophisticated tools from computer science, including artificial intelligence.
The complex's leaders are driven by the fear that the internet and social media platforms empower populist, alternative, and fringe personalities and views which they regard as destabilizing.
Federal government officials, agencies, and contractors have gone from fighting ISIS recruiters and Russian bots to censoring and deplatforming ordinary Americans and disfavored public figures.
Importantly, the bar for bringing in military-grade government monitoring and speech-countering techniques has moved from, quote, countering terrorism, to, quote, countering extremism, to countering simple misinformation, otherwise known as being wrong on the internet.
The government no longer needs a predicate of calling you a terrorist or an extremist to deploy government resources to counter your political activity.
The only predicate it needs is simply the assertion that the opinion you expressed on social media is wrong.
These efforts extend to influencing and even directing conventional news media organizations.
Since 1971, when the Washington Post and New York Times elected to publish classified Pentagon papers,
About the war in Vietnam, journalists have understood that we have a professional obligation to report on leaked documents whose contents are in the public interest.
And yet in 2020, the Aspen Institute and Stanford Cyber Policy Center urged journalists to, quote, break the Pentagon Papers principle and not cover leaked information to prevent the spread of disinformation.
Government-funded censors frequently invoke the prevention of real-world harm to justify their demands for censorship.
But the censors define harm far more expansively than the Supreme Court does.
Increasingly, the censors say their goal is to restrict information that delegitimizes governmental, industrial, and news media organizations.
That mandate is so sweeping that it could easily censor criticism from any part of the status quo, from elected officials to institutions to laws.
Congress should immediately cut off funding to the censors and investigate their activities.
It should mandate instant reporting of all conversations between social media executives, government employees, and government contractors concerning content moderation.
And finally, Congress should limit the broad permission given
Should be accessible when people need to know, but I don't think you have much hope of reaching a public that doesn't have a professional need to know.
I completely agree with that.
I almost think you'd scare the public if you put this out.
Like, why are they telling me this?
Should I be concerned about my bank?
My insurance company doesn't tell me what they're doing with my assets if they just assume they're going to pay my claim.
I think you've got to think of the unintended consequences of taking a public that has more full faith and confidence in the banking system than maybe people in this room do.
We want them to have full faith and confidence in the banking system.
They know the FDIC insurance is there.
They know it works.
They put their money in.
They're going to get their money out.
So there's a select crowd of people that are in the institutional side.
And if they want to understand this, they're going to find a way to understand this.
There's a bunch of law firms represented in this room.
There's a bunch of people that will charge them by the hour a lot of money to explain this all to them.
And it's fine.
I don't have a problem with that.
And they all have huge staffs.
But I would be careful about the unintended consequences of starting to blast too much of this out.
In the general public.
I wondered whether there are some market tests of whether you're being heard.
And I think about TLAC.
So TLAC should spread, should respond to good and bad news about the institutions.
And it's really important.
I mean, it's a little bit conflicted, right?
I mean, it's important that people understand they can be mailed in, but you don't want a huge run on the institution.
But they have, I mean, they're going to be.
And it could be an early warning signal to the FDIC and the primary regulators when these things happen.
And there may be some other prices, this is similar to what Jay was saying, in the market that you can tell whether people understand who's going to be protected, who isn't going to be protected.
It would be, I think, an interesting study to look at the evolution of market prices
In a situation like March of 2020, for example, and see whether people understood what might happen.
When you have U.S.
senators in both parties saying, we may need to go ahead and nuke Russia first, and the Russians are aware that's almost happened before, what do you think that makes the Russians do?
Well, it makes them go into war mode.
So I don't like them invading Ukraine.
I don't like him putting his nuclear forces on maximum alert.
Only one level above that on their DEFCON, just like our system, and that's fire the weapons.
And so now we have Democrats all over the news saying, let's just use nuclear weapons on Russia.
Think of their ignorance.
Russia has hundreds of submarines off our coast with sea-launched missiles that would vaporize our cities within five minutes on average of being launched.
Sea-launched cruise missiles that fly at Mach 5.
Land launch systems, they can also launch from ships that are at Mach 9 and cannot be shot down.
And yes, the United States has those too.
That's a Pentagon lie that Russia developed systems that we don't have.
It's on record the U.S.
has those systems.
The point is it's called Mutually Assured Destruction or MAD for a reason.
Because anyone that would violate the MAD doctrine is insane.
And you know, I'm on the side of not having a nuclear war, especially when Russia's not starting a fight with us, and especially after we just heard for years that everything happening in this country is run by Russia, when that was all a giant lie.
The globalists are the outside evil force.
All right, about a month ago, and it got a lot of traction, Jack Besode, many others put it out, I said my mission, my primary mission, was complete.
And that's informing everybody about the New World Order and having a giant global effect.
And we did that and all glory goes to God.
When I talk about myself, I mean the crew, the listeners, all of us together, what we did.
I know I've got important work to go on now, but the main message in what I said is, the ball is in your hands now.
You as a viewer and listener.
That was called to this broadcast.
You are going to have to decide what you are going to do with this information.
We just had the former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, who was responsible for the pivot against China 10 years ago, who they listened to.
He's a smart guy.
Very smart.
Not one of the fake generals.
Tell you what was currently happening.
You just got an hour and 15 minutes intelligence report from the former head of Defense Intelligence.
Think about that.
Now the question is, will you share this video?
Do you care enough?
And I'm not bitching at you.
I'm saying, you can't just send us your email list and tell a few friends about it.
You gotta get aggressive in the info war if we're gonna back this down and stop this.
God gives us a chance, just like he sent Jonah to Nineveh to give them a hundred year reprieve if they repented.
We're being given that chance.
I love my three daughters.
I love my son.
And I realize this is not some lovey cutesy liberal thing where I care about you.
It's ingrained in me I have empathy for you because I don't have my head screwed on halfway.
It's screwed on all the way.
What are my children gonna do in a destroyed world?
So if I love Georgia and Veronica,
And Charlotte and Rex, I love you.
And I've used the analogy of people that get up at a public pool to go pee in the bathroom.
When I'm in a public pool, I don't piss in the public pool.
Even though I know a bunch of people are, I don't want to swim in their piss.
But everybody knows people pee in the pool.
What the globalists are doing is crapping in the pool.
One person craps in the pool, the pool's closed.
There's a big turd floating around in it.
Like Caddyshack.
The globalists have put a thousand turds in the pool.
They're the ones doing it.
They're the enemy.
So this is not some... That's why I don't hate it, but it gets annoying because I love the callers.
I love you keeping us on air.
I love you supporting us.
But it's ass backwards when you call in and say, oh, thank you for caring about us.
Thank you for caring about you?
My children live in this world with you.
What's done to you will be done to my children.
When Jesus said, do unto others as you've had done unto you, it's not some candy ass thing.
If you treat people good and they treat you good, we have a civilization.
But Jesus went more further before he was killed and rose again.
He said, the ultimate love is to lay down your life for someone else.
Because it's further than just treating people like they want to be treated.
It's going, other people aren't awake, they don't get it, I gotta make this move, or we lose everything.
So what I do is not remarkable.
What I do is not special.
It's the default.
I know God's real.
I know the devil's real.
And I've got to roll up my sleeves and admit that fact and say, am I going to serve Satan?
Or am I going to do what it takes to stand up for humanity and my children?
And you know what?
There's not a question in my mind about that.
And the enemy uses fear.
The enemy uses intimidation.
The enemy tells you, just go along with us.
We'll leave you alone.
You're a winner if you make this decision to be a passive person.
No, you don't.
You become a slave.
So I can pull back and I can look at the success of this broadcast that has been
That has been paramount.
That has been dominant.
That has been world-changing.
And I look back at my life at 49 years old, and I think, man, this is incredible.
I've got a relationship with the creator of the universe.
I've been given intelligence that I can't even decipher.
It's so powerful.
My little brain can't even read it, folks.
I go to sleep at night, and I love going to bed at like 10 or midnight.
I lay my little head down for six, seven hours, and I'm like, teleported to the next level.
And I'm briefed, and I'm shown, and I'm war-gamed, and I'm walked through everything, and I just wake up, and I go, oh my God, why wouldn't the public all want this?
They do want this.
But they have to make the decision to get this.
And you can get this and beyond.
And I knew this when I was debriefed when I was 18 years old by the Holy Spirit.
And when I was 22 years old, it happened again.
And a year ago, it happened again.
I was shown what would happen, and I was shown all of it.
And man, that just lets you know, like, we're dialed into the real deal here.
But God's so honest.
God said, this is gonna hurt.
You ready for this?
But when I realized my children's souls would be lost before I even had them.
God told me,
You aborted all those children, but I'll forgive you of the children you're gonna have.
You'll fight for them.
And that's what this is really all about, ladies and gentlemen.
Choose God.
Choose Christ.
Choose it now.
Be part of the future.
Be part of infinity.
Dial into the Creator of all of this.
That sun you see in the day, that moon you see at night, Mars and Jupiter and Saturn and all of it.
Mercury, those are all just tiny little things.
All the inanimate matter, all the dead stone and rock and mountains of the moon mean nothing compared to what God loves about you.
God said in the Holy Scripture, you think the sparrow isn't loved by me?
I love the sparrow so much, that little bird of the tree, and think how much more I love thee.
But you cannot be given this powerful free will and not be given the choice or it's not free will.
And that's the process.
And that's what we're part of.
And so even though we're contained and attacked and reviled by the Satanist and persecuted, that's because we're in the heart of the fight.
That's because we're in the center of the war.
And we're winning the battles together!
And so that's why as this live show ends, and it reloops at man.video and Infowars.com and free to air so many places.
You take clips out and share them.
Please, in fact, I demand you do.
Because you're everything if you don't take action.
Just know this.
There is a God that created the universe.
There is a God that loves you.
But there is a God that gave you free will, and so in that free will is Satan.
And know that you have a decision to make right now about the future of your soul for eternity.
That's a beautiful thing.
I want this show today to have 10 million viewers.
It should have 100 million viewers.
But if all of you watching decide every way you can to share it with others, and tell them to share it, and tell those they tell to share it, to share it, and tell those they tell to share it, and tell those that they give it to to share it, here's this information, share it, and tell them to share it, we will override the AI, we will override the system, and we will develop a path to victory which is already foretold,
We'll go through the crisis, but the end will win.
And all we're doing is fulfilling holy prophecy.
But isn't it a blessing?
To not fear death, to not fear persecution, to not fear all the horrible things they can do to us, but to just commit to God and that full commitment and that full measure and say, this is who I am.
This is who I've always been.
I'm with God.
I'm a weak creature compared to God, but I give myself to God.
And in that is transcendence.
This is the transcendence and the incredible trials and incredible tribulations that we will go through together.
And obviously, further in the future, I won't be here.
Many people you knew won't be here.
That's okay.
We'll be with you in heart and soul.
We'll be with you in spirit.
And we'll be here with you fighting, whether you're watching this in 10 years or 100 years.
We are unstoppable in God!
All right, I did major preparation today.
I covered three stacks out of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 stacks.
And I'll have more stacks tomorrow night at 4 p.m.
Central for my Sunday night show.
But I will cover all of this and more.
I want to salute my amazing crew.
And I want to salute all of you that tuned in tonight.
I want to ask you again.
You are the light in the dark of the night.
You are the dog that hunts.
You are the North Star.
You are the reason we're here.
You are everything.
You're not the tail.
You're the dog.
You are the decision on whether or not we stay on air.
You're the decision on whether or not this broadcast continues.
You can stand against Satan and you can break his will with your prayer, with your support, with your word of mouth.
Do it now!
Make the decision.
We'll put this full show up.
It's live right now.
It'll restream soon.
The General Flynn interview will be put up by itself at Band.Video.
Who knows how long that'll be there.
Take everything and band up video and archive it and share it.
Because in the days and years to come, the information here will be more powerful than ever.
Thank the crew.
Thank General Flynn.
Thank you all and thank God above all others.
Thank you for watching this special Saturday Emergency Transmission.
You need to get coordinated with not only your food, but also your health supplements because it's going to be a matter of life and death.
So support InfoWars store.
Listen, you need to put it as a priority because you don't know.
I don't know.
Alex and I are telling you how late it is before midnight strikes.
And again, magnesium is critical for your
Muscles and everything.
Krill oil.
What I'm watching right before my eyes is a composite overview of nutritional supplements that will keep you alive.
And I would urge everyone, maybe you don't take vitamins, maybe you don't take nutritional supplements, but the day will come.
Vitamin C and zinc, absolutely imperative for the cold.
DNA force, absolutely imperative.
Mineral fusion, absolutely.
As you're drinking filtered water, a lot of it will become demineralized.
You have to have these products.
If you want to continue to see hardcore, game-changing, tip-of-the-spear, 98% accuracy that just is setting brushfires in the minds of men and women everywhere, stay with InfoWars.
Pray for InfoWars.
Spread the word about InfoWars.
And by product, InfoWars.
I can tell you how many outside groups go and test the products we sell.
Mike Adams is famous for his big testing lab, where he tests all sorts of products, plus his supplements.
I didn't even know this happened with a family member.
He was given a family member that had some neurological issues, CBD oil, because in all the studies it's really good CBD oil.
It really helps all sorts of neurological things.
Parkinson's, epilepsy.
Mark Alebs, the list goes on and on.
Joint pain, you name it.
And he went and tested ours in his testing lab, checked it as degrees, and said, this is the highest quality we've seen.
We've seen another brand this good, but this is the very top.
This should be $160 a bottle for the 1,000 milligram that he puts out.
And that's true.
They recommended we sell it for $150.
I went to these folks that own a big company that's one of the top distributors in the country of wide-spectrum CBD.
And they said, we recommend 150 retail, then discount it 100 bucks.
Well, I'm not going to do 200% markup.
So at $67, there's 100% markup to fund ourselves.
You're getting the best CBD, 1000 milligram, 25 milligram, and 10 milligram, depending on the one you want, at over 50% what you're going to get this anywhere else.
That's with a discount.
It's, oh, I guess it's about 35%
After the discount.
So if you look at retail, it's like a 70% discount.
The point is, is that
Point blank, everybody knows CBD is great.
Doctors are prescribing it everywhere, even though it's not prescription.
This is the best you're going to get.
Infowarrestore.com, and it funds the Info War, a total 360 win.
Only way we fail is we don't take action.
And I know less than 1% of the viewers who I love and I thank.
I'm not bitching.
If just one more percent would just do it, we wouldn't just be good.
We could expand.
So we're not going anywhere.
Those of you that have bought the products, you know who you are.
Those who haven't, hey, keep spreading the word.
Keep praying for us.
And if you want to experience great CBD, try it out.
Get a bottle.
And I think you're going to be a repeat customer.
Buy the product.