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Filename: 20230219_Sun_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Feb. 19, 2023
1527 lines.

The speaker is discussing InfoWars, a news platform known for its conspiracy theories and alternative viewpoints. They mention various topics covered by the show, including World War III, woke culture, government involvement in events, vaccine news, implementation of 15-minute cities, recent crime statistics, and financial support for InfoWars. The speaker encourages listeners to purchase products from InfoWarsStore.com to support their operations.

Tomorrow's news.
I don't think so.
It's Sunday, February 19th, 2023.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
I'll be here for the next two hours.
Noah Troyer has a very special broadcast with three guests, joining him on a host of topics, including the big anti-war bipartisan demonstrations in D.C., the ongoing disaster unfolding in Ohio, and train derailment
I'm going to be covering World War III that has already begun.
I want to thank you all for joining us.
Everything we witness by the ruling globalists is an attempt to demoralize us and break our will and condition us to accept successive increases in horror and to give up hope, but we cannot do that.
I saw this clip this morning and I thought surely it's out of context and it's not.
I have the transcript here where he says, why don't we just start eating babies?
We've got all this extra baby parts, millions we kill every year, why don't we just eat them?
So that's the next evolution and you will eat the bugs as you will eat the dead babies.
The example I often use is if we want to get
And well, we recognize that it's the way.
But there are people out there who will say, hey, Sam Harris is a guy who wonders, can we eat babies?
But isn't that what this whole system is?
It's a system where we don't value others around us, we don't value ourselves, and we don't stand up for others, nobody stands up for us, and then we're isolated, atomized, alone individuals that this predatory system can't have its way with.
And that's what the New World Order is setting up.
Here's a short clip of Hussien Harris on the Young Turds talking about eating the babies.
You know, why can't we eat babies?
What's wrong with eating babies?
If we've got extra babies around that nobody wants, why can't we eat them?
And then he goes on, as I read you the full quote.
Extra babies.
Remember when I sat on Joe Rogan like four years ago?
The governor of Virginia at the time said, we're going to get rid of the baby after they're born.
And I made the satirical line that, why are we wasting seven pounds of meat?
But they are using every part of the baby for medical experiments and the medical industry.
And when we allow ourselves to be defiled and degraded like that, we're made in the image of God.
We allow these sick abortionists to
Do horrible things to the dead and dying babies even after they're out of the womb.
We all die inside.
Alright, we got a hell of a broadcast lined up.
I have prepared a lot yesterday and a lot today.
And so this is going to be a broadcast you're not going to want to miss.
Because we have to face the full horror.
And not make a friend of that horror, but make an enemy of that horror to defeat it.
Stay with us.
I talk a lot about the great successes InfoWars has had.
I don't think anybody can deny it.
And it is because of listeners and viewers supporting us.
When we talk about the crew at InfoWars, people behind the scenes, the researchers, the writers...
They really have been the MVPs in this fight.
And when you look at Harrison Smith and Owen Schroer and the hard work they engage in every day, five, six, seven days a week, it's really just incredible.
So for myself and the whole InfoWars crew, I thank you for your past support.
And I want to encourage you now to realize that InfoWars cannot stay on air if you do not support us.
I know you spread the word.
I know you pray for us, and that's wonderful.
Keep doing it.
But most viewers and listeners never go to InfoWarsTore.com, and you never buy great products that enrich and empower your life, while at the same time keeping us on air.
I know that less than 1% of our listeners actually go buy products at InfoWarsTore.com.
If just 1% more of you took action and went to InfoWarsTore.com, our funding problems will be over.
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Live from the InfoWars.com studios, you're listening to the Alex Jones Show.
It's Sunday, February 19th, 2023.
We're live.
Defiance of the enemy's attempts to silence us.
We're here because of you, the viewers and listeners, and your great support and your will.
And I salute you and I thank you.
I have to cover all this tonight and we have an amazing guest, Chris Sky, joining us the second hour.
So I'm going to try to be as calm as possible and at least get through the headlines on this and dig into quite a few of these stories in depth.
We have a large World War III escalation of stacks, four stacks.
Dealing with that.
I'll hit that first.
We have a massive stack on the main lining of woke culture.
And the main pillars of it being pedophilia and race war.
So we're going to be looking at that in great detail.
Also, I came across a compilation of the government blowing up Building 7.
I haven't talked about this very much in recent years.
I thought we'd go back to the smoking gun of 9-11 being an inside job.
That is coming up.
Also, the Gateway Pundit has the same sources I have, and they've done a better job than anybody when it comes to exposing January 6th and how that was a false flag setup.
I have sources inside the trial, but obviously they'll be disbarred or arrested if they are known the information they've given me.
We've mentioned a lot of it, we've talked about it, but the Gateway Pundits did a great job really covering it ad nauseam, every detail.
Fifteen facts on the dozens of federal operatives who infiltrated the Trump crowds on January 6th at the U.S.
Capitol and led the attack.
I'm going to ask Jim Hoff to come on sometime this week and cover this, but I know he has the same sources because I've talked to him, and I've given this to other national talk show hosts.
I'm told they're working on it, but it's incredible.
It's come out in the trial, but they kicked the jury and the media out during this.
That the judge knows the Feds ran the attack, and they know all the specifics.
And the federal informants inside the Proud Boys and inside the Oath Keepers told them there was no plan to attack the Capitol, but that's not allowed in front of the jury.
So, next level injustice, weaponized courts, that's just one stack.
Huge vaccine news.
Mainstream, top German newspapers, top British newspapers, and major US publications are reporting what
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
and Robert Barnes told you here a year and a half ago that they faked the first little initial trials.
They didn't do pre-trials, they told the public about.
They actually did on rats.
They killed a bunch of them.
But they then did some fake trials, field trials during the rollout, now two years ago, and now mainstream media is reporting that they covered that up.
So that's an incredible stack of news on that front.
Also, thousands protesting its World Economic Forum-backed 15-minute cities that turn quadrants of every town and city into prisons and break them up into subsections.
I told you all about that in my film, Endgame, because it was in the blueprint then, but now
They're going operational.
They just announced 15-minute cities a month ago in England.
Since then, Germany, France, liberal leftist areas, the US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, they've all announced it.
And somebody found a clip of Nancy Pelosi, I've never seen this clip, in 92, admitting to the whole Agenda 21 takeover plan.
So we'll be playing that as well.
We are also going to get to the Catholic Bishop in Los Angeles who lived in a modest home, murdered, shot in the chest today, and killed.
And that just adds into all the crime statistics off the charts.
But if you live in Chicago or L.A.
or San Francisco or hell, even Houston now, you are crazy.
And Austin used to be a very safe town.
It is dangerous as hell.
I don't tell my wife what to do.
I don't boss her around.
But I told her, you don't go get your nails done downtown anymore.
You don't go meet your friends for lunch down there anymore.
And if I find out about it, there's gonna be big problems.
Because so many of her friends and people have been mugged, shaken down, you name it.
I mean, just where I live, they literally, just last night, Savannah Hernandez shot footage of it in Austin.
There was a big brawl broke out.
The police tried to pull up and do something about it.
And so a giant crowd of over a thousand people chased the police down.
And the police turned and fled.
So, I mean, it's just, it's all totally over the top.
The designed breakdown of society.
Also, I've been giving Elon Musk...
Not a pass, but I've had my judgment on hold while I collate and cogitate and try to see what he's really doing over there at Twitter, because I like a lot of the things he's doing.
I dislike some of the things he's doing.
Obviously, he hasn't brought me back and said some terrible things about me that weren't true, but I get on the sacrificial lambs.
Everybody else can come back, but Alex Jones is still the bad guy.
A couple months into this, Twitter files, what are we, two and a half months in, they've done now the 16th drop.
So they did the first drops real quick.
Now Matt Taibbi, that's the gatekeeper over at Rolling Stone, it's a trickle now.
And I was thinking, why don't you release all of it?
Or large sections, not just select groups.
Like, oh,
They were mean.
Senators wanted Zero Hedge censored and controlled.
Well, we know that, and it's wrong what happened to Zero Hedge.
But what about the Alex Jones files?
And I know they haven't released all the Trump files.
Or, where's the Fauci files?
We heard a month ago, five weeks ago, he was going to release it in a week.
Never did it.
So, I'm getting into some serious issues here with old Elon Musk and what's going on.
Is he just blackmailing the power structure to leave him alone, regulatorily?
With his SpaceX and his Brainship company and his self-driving car company and all the rest of it?
I mean, is that what this is really, really all about?
We're going to be looking at that as well.
There is a lot to cover.
They've had a former MSNBC host come out and say that they were not allowed to say one bad thing about a Democrat and that they were threatened to be fired.
We don't really need whistleblowers to tell us that.
We already know that, but there's an article, several articles on that and big interviews that have come out as well.
So I'm glad that information is starting to come out, but it's kind of like telling us water is wet and the sky is blue and ducks like to paddle around at the park in the pond.
So we're going to be looking at all of that and more today.
Also, there is a lot of anti-Second Amendment information going on.
The ATF, and I've already seen this happening on the ground, but a big ATF directive from Biden got leaked last week, and it says they have a plan to shut down most gun shops in the country by using regulations that if one I is dotted incorrectly, or one T, literally, in any other paperwork going back in some cases decades, they will be shut down.
So, white glove inspections for the gun shops, an in-run around the Constitution.
Also, this CNBC headline, brain implant startup backed by Bezos, Gates is testing mind-controlled computing on humans, Trump slams Biden over
Palestine, as soon as I announced I'm going, he announced a team will go.
Yeah, Biden was ignoring it and refusing even federal aid, which is outrageous, until Trump said he was going, and he's still refusing federal aid.
So we're going to hit all of this and more one way or another today.
Please remember, we cannot run this show or fund this critical operation that reaches millions of people a day without you.
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We have a lot of great products and a lot of great products have been sold out for, in one case, over a year, in another case, over two years, because we wouldn't cut the quality during the lockdowns and supply chain breakdown.
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It's all there at InfoWarsTore.com.
Please take action.
And hit-rate products are keeping us on the air at infowarestore.com.
We'll be right back with World War 3 news as Biden goes to Europe.
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We're cutting that ad.
We're cutting that call into an ad.
I can guarantee you that.
Thank you so much for the call, Grant.
God bless Australia.
We'll be right back, folks.
Don't go anywhere.
Get it now.
Come, Commander, here with an important message to humanity.
I have decided that all of you will take a special injection so that you will be safe.
But the injection is not ready yet.
And so, I need all of you to stay indoors for the next 15 days to flatten the curve.
I also need you to wear masks, and I also need you to only shop at megacorporations.
That way we can consolidate control and bankrupt the world economy, leaving companies that only I own profitable.
You will then be my slaves.
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If you go
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Isn't it interesting?
There is a war on for your mind.
Your mind is a battlefield.
This is an information war.
InfoWars popularized those terms more than two decades ago.
And today, whether it's Donald Trump, or Governor DeSantis, or Dr. Robert Malone, they're all using the terms that InfoWars has popularized.
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But every time you donate money, every time you buy products, every time you keep us on air, you are literally, non-violently, politically, punching the New World Order in the nose.
Punching their lies in the nose.
We are going to defeat the New World Order.
We're going over the top.
But right now is a critical juncture.
So please go to MFORWARESTORE.COM and donate now.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
But where are the clowns?
Send in the clowns.
Don't bother, they're here.
Isn't it rich?
Isn't it queer?
Losing my timing this late in my career.
Where are the clowns?
There ought to be clowns.
Don't worry, they're here.
Well, maybe next year.
Well, the clown in chief is now making his way via Air Force One to Europe.
Kamala Harris, the junior clown, the vice clown, says Russia has committed crimes against humanity in Ukraine.
Well, maybe so.
But starting the war was a crime against humanity, and so was pushing a deadly shot on the public.
Here is Kamala Harris, the clown, from Europe.
And there is no doubt, these are crimes against humanity.
What a joke, what an empty suit.
My God, she's got the charisma of a librarian.
The United States has formally determined that Russia has committed crimes against humanity.
And I say, to all those who have perpetrated these crimes, and to their superiors who are complicit in these crimes, you will be held to account.
In the face of these indisputable facts, to all of us
Here in Munich, let us renew our commitment to accountability.
Let us renew our commitment to the rule of law.
As we escalate straight into World War III, wow!
One of the decisive moments of his presidency, Biden heads to troubled Europe.
Troubled is putting it lightly.
It's the end of the world as we know it, and Munich feels nervous.
Yeah, Germany's really getting concerned, Politico says.
With Ukraine war at its doorstep, Poland becomes the West Firebrand, the main base for all the weapons factories and training.
Senator McConnell is not America first.
He's working with Senate leader Chuck Schumer, pushing Ukraine war while ignoring the destruction of America at home.
20,000 protesters marched for peace in Munich to protest Kamala Harris's Ukraine war.
Putin launches large-scale exercises of strategic nuclear forces on eve of Joe Biden's trip to Europe.
There's another interview that's on Infowars.com.
I'm not going to torture you with it unless you want to watch it.
Andrea Mitchell blank stares, says it all at Kamala Harris Butcher's interview with Word Salad.
I mean, it's literally scrambled information.
It's been reported out of Austria.
Generals have reported that there's over 20,000 NATO soldiers now fighting.
Well, that's actually all admitted.
We've got more videos of the Ukrainian troops hailing Hitler and doing the Nazi salute.
Half of Ukraine was Nazi in World War II.
And then I spent a lot of time this weekend watching Russian and Ukrainian trophy videos.
And boy, to see Chinese-made drones bought by the U.S.
and given to Ukraine that have been broken, jailbroke, where they don't have the geo-fencing in them, dropping hand grenades into tanks, open ports, into troops huddling in
Artillery craters.
It's very, very dystopic to say the least.
I've watched hundreds of these videos, hundreds of them, and both sides are just slaughtering each other.
Young men and old men all being fed into a meat grinder, all started by George Soros, all
Put into motion by the globalists bragging about it on CNN years ago that they were starting a proxy war and that Putin's taking the bait.
And then Putin takes the bait!
And now we're off to the races, ladies and gentlemen.
All sorts of explosions in Moscow, key government buildings and facilities.
Ukraine's been taking credit for that.
Lots of footage of young men being grabbed out the streets in Kiev and being drug off, press ganged into military service.
And it just goes on and on and on.
Here's one of the drones the Ukrainians bragged they were using.
It costs $1,749.
We have one here in Info Wars.
And then they just hang a few hand grenades to it, and it goes in and drops them on them.
That's the Skynet war that's happening.
Meanwhile, in Iran, last month, happening a few days ago, they're having some of their key military facilities blown up by Israeli drones.
So as you can see, this war has escalated extremely fast.
There's more footage we came in from the break with of a train coming out of Poland carrying a whole bunch of Abrams M1A1 frontline battle tanks.
So this is what the escalation into World War III against a nuclear power looks like.
And it's hurting the European economy, it's hurting the American economy, it's hurting economies around the world, but still we barrel headlong into thermal nuclear war, and most analysts agree that's exactly where it's going to lead if it isn't de-escalated quickly.
It's surreal to be just up here calmly talking about it.
This shouldn't be a right-wing issue, it shouldn't be a left-wing issue, it should be a common-sense issue.
Hunter linked a Russian oligarch who was involved in former
FBI incident.
They now have the FBI high-level counter-espionage head arrested being involved.
So we are thoroughly penetrated by the Russians and the Chinese and so many others.
It is just a complete mess.
Betting on Ukraine victory was suicidal.
Seymour Hersh has an article on Infowars.com where he just explains that because of corruption,
On both sides it's going to go on basically just escalate and that the Russians historically are not going to give up so it's going to get worse and worse and worse.
And now the Russians have put their hypersonic missile production into high gear where they're producing over a hundred of them a day.
These missiles go Mach 9, nothing can shoot them down.
The U.S.
has systems that go Mach 20 by the way, but nothing can shoot them down.
And they're normally nuclear tipped, but these are being filled with 500 pounds
A plastic explosive, and so that's now what they're going to start raining down on Ukraine.
Putin hasn't even started using the high-tech stuff yet.
This situation is completely and totally out of control.
Meanwhile, Iran can fuel several atomic bombs, a UN official says.
I agree with that.
So, it's looking a lot like World War III.
We're going to come back with critical information straight ahead.
Please stay with us.
Cavalry has arrived.
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I think so.
Everybody that's watching this needs to support Alex Jones.
Needs to support InfoWars and Band.Video.
You know, the Bible says, let another mouth praise you.
I'm gonna do that right now.
Alex Jones has helped so many people in this industry.
You guys have no idea how many people have got their first start like Savannah Hernandez.
How many people have just been put on a launch pad to outer space because of Alex Jones, including myself?
I've been given so many opportunities because of this man and because of this platform, and I would probably not even be half of where I am right now if it weren't for Alex Jones.
I mean, I've been able to be on podcasts with Alex and Joe Rogan and TimCast, the super TimCast IRL.
Listen, what I'm saying is, do not take Alex Jones and Bandot video for granted.
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But ladies and gentlemen,
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And the good news is, we're only under about $200,000 a month.
The bad news is, the enemy is intensifying their attacks on every front, but I'm not gonna back down.
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We have Libido RX, Better Mood, Nitric Boost, Mushroom Maxx Powerful Nootropic, Daigle's Vitality Collagen,
We're good to go.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
Waging war on corruption, it's Alex Jones!
You want tomorrow's news?
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It's only you, the listeners and viewers, that stand between the globalists and this broadcast, and I thank you for defending us and standing with us.
I salute you again.
Remember that.
All right.
I talk about this quite a bit, but it's very important to let this sink in.
I know most of you know this, but for new listeners, I want to explain something.
The art of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes is always to pick a minority to strip of their rights.
And then once the majority doesn't stand up for the minority's rights, everyone's rights are taken.
That's why in a republic, constitutional republic, we're not a pure democracy.
You can have 51% vote to say, put black people back into slavery.
It doesn't happen because there's a Bill of Rights, there's a Constitution enshrining those rights, not creating those rights, but defending them.
And so they had the Cold War to set up the police state and the spy grid.
And then when that was ending, they needed 9-11, not saying radical Islam doesn't exist, but as a pretext to expand the control and the Patriot Act and the Total Information Awareness Network.
And then you notice they've now segued out of that into environmentalism where all humans are bad and cows are bad and everything with carbon is bad and they have to control us and track us and surveil us and censor us for our safety and then we all can carry viruses that are deadly so we've got to be surveilled and censored and corralled and they've got to build camps to quarantine people and folks have to be
Disappeared and now in Australia, in Canada, in the UK, in Germany, they say, well if you protest a lockdown, that's bad too.
We'll take you to a COVID center for that as well.
So they're just mainlining this.
So first it's got to take your rights because of the Russians.
Then it's got to take your rights because the Muslims on the borders are wide open.
Then it's all got to take your rights to save the earth and all to save you from the deadly virus and save you from yourself.
So there's a lot of these compilations out there and I came across one today.
That just shows some of the local newscasts and the police and firefighters saying they were given the order to get back from Building 7, the 47-story FBI-CIA headquarters, the second largest FBI-CIA substation in the United States, in the world.
And that day, I remember at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, I've been on air since the morning, I drove down the street like a mile to a pizza place to get a pizza.
And I'm driving back, and they had CBS Radio still on the air then on KLBJ 590, and I heard CBS News report that they were going to blow up Building 7 in about 15 minutes to save the other buildings.
Well, it takes days to plant explosives in a building, folks, if not weeks.
But back then, things weren't archived on the internet.
But years later, things got archived.
Once there was enough bandwidth, enough compression, enough servers.
So about five years after 9-11, all these videos got put online.
And the audio, the newscast, and the rest of it.
I don't
The Israeli government were involved in 9-11 and it's come out that Israel's helped fund Al-Qaeda and ISIS.
So is our government.
So there's also a few clips of that.
So here's that short compilation.
We heard this sound that sounded like a clap of thunder.
It looked like there was a shockwave ripping through the building.
The windows all busted out.
About a second later, the box full of caves out.
The building followed after that, and we saw the building crash down all the way to the ground.
And I turned in time to see what looked like a skyscraper implosion.
It looked like it had been done by a demolition crew.
The whole thing just collapsing down on itself.
Hit pause for a moment.
Coming up is Larry Silverstein from a PBS documentary that aired two years at 9-11 saying they gave the order to pull it and watch the building come down.
Pull it means controlled demolition, but hear it for yourself.
It was almost as if it were a planned implosion.
It just pancaked.
I remember getting a call from the fire department commander telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
I said, you know, we've had such a terrible loss of life.
Maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.
And they made that decision to pull.
And then we watched the building collapse.
The CDC in October 2000 put out a document months before the shots began saying it would cause blood clots, myocarditis, strokes, dozens of other horrible things, infertility, and it was all true and they knew.
And they want to just act like that's not there.
Same thing with this.
I interviewed the firefighters and police that heard the countdown and were told that the building was about to be brought down by the feds.
And then we interviewed the deputy head of Newark Emergency Management, Barry Jennings, who mysteriously died after we interviewed him.
But we talked to the neighbors, they said there was all these vans and feds there, and that they'd moved out of the house before he was announced dead.
So, probably witness relocation program.
But who knows, he may have actually died.
We don't know.
We're allowed to speculate here.
But that's how deep I investigated this, okay?
Went to New York dozens of times, covered it.
So I talk to the eyewitnesses, not just the clips.
Now here's where the Israelis come in.
Since September 11th, more than 60 Israelis have been arrested or detained, either under the new Patriot anti-terrorism law or for immigration violations.
A handful of active Israeli military were among those detained, according to investigators, who say some of the detainees also failed polygraph questions when asked about alleged surveillance activities against and in the United States.
Numerous classified documents obtained by Fox News indicate that even prior to September 11th, as many as 140 other Israelis had been detained or arrested in a secretive and sprawling investigation into suspected espionage by Israelis in the United States.
The majority of those questioned, quote, stated they served in military intelligence, electronic surveillance intercept, and or explosive ordinance units.
Alright, so just thought I'd get that out there, hadn't covered that in a while.
That's when the American people were being made the enemy.
And now, environmentalism, the virus, you're even more the enemy.
See how that works.
And I told you back at the time, you would be the target, I'll be the target, and now we are.
Now let's shift gears into the new world order.
And how they want to cut your resources off and get you totally under their control with a social credit score, social system of the universal basic income.
Thousands protesting against World Economic Forum-backed 15-minute cities in the UK, where they're now dividing towns and cities into quadrants and not letting you leave in your car or come in with a car into those areas.
Now they're talking about making you wear bracelets to come and go.
This is all part of Agenda 2030.
Democrats in Minnesota now following California that passed a law last year, now pushing for a ban on gas-powered lawnmowers and chainsaws, and of course a ban of wood-fired stoves and, of course, fireplaces.
Here's another one.
When we come back, we have Nancy Pelosi back in 1992 after George Herbert Walker Bush signed Agenda 21, the Rio de Janeiro Pact, trying to get it passed in the U.S.
House of Representatives.
Because remember, you can pull up literally hundreds of news articles
With the Washington Post and CNN and the New York Times saying that it does not exist.
There is no Agenda 21.
There is no Agenda 2030.
There is no replacement migration.
Even though there are official treaties and official plans.
They do not exist, even though it's on the official WEF website.
Does not exist.
Now, if you're for it, it exists, and you're a good person, your social credit score will go up.
You won't be censored.
For now.
But if you say it exists and don't like it, you are now crazy, and it doesn't exist, the definition of gaslighting.
And then we'll shift gears.
Into the brain implant headline, Bill Gates, Bezos invest in microchip mind control program.
That's the headline.
Oh my goodness, and so we'll be going over all of that, and there's a lot on the destruction of our children front we're going to be breaking down as well straight ahead.
And Chris Skye joins us.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the final segment of the first hour.
I'll be back in the second hour with Chris Sky and more.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
So, the global has seen a management system where it makes the public the enemy, the public the problem.
That's the fake environmentalism saying what we breathe, what we exhale is toxic, the carbon dioxide is evil, that we've all got viruses, that we've got to be surveilled and tracked and censored and they've got to take control of our bodies.
But if you go back to the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit in 92 that George Herbert Walker Bush, Mr. New World Order, signed on to,
It's the basis of the carbon taxes, the regulations, the 15-minute cities, the wilderness corridors.
None of it has to do with the environment.
All of it has to do with a power grab and a surveillance police state grid.
With the United Nations in control of the whole thing with corporations writing policy for the United Nations.
And so here's Nancy Pelosi on the floor of the House in 92 trying to get the treaty ratified and trying to get subsequent bills passed.
They didn't.
But just like there was never a law passed for carbon taxes to shut down most our coal power plants because they put off carbon dioxide that plants breathe, they still did it.
Supreme Court ruled over a year ago.
That early 2022 that the federal government had no power to regulate these plants and say carbon dioxide is toxic without law.
They still do it.
But at least the Supreme Court's moved in the right direction.
So this is cutting off our resources.
China makes zero cuts.
Mexico makes zero cuts.
India and hundreds of other third world countries.
But we have to make cuts designed
Where the United States cannot be an industrial power.
That's the name of the game with the infrastructure falling apart.
So here's Nancy Pelosi in the imaginary, according to the New York Times.
This does not exist.
According to them, this is a deep fake.
This is not real.
Here it is.
The Earth Summit Environmental Leadership Act, as this is known, presents us with an opportunity to follow up on the important work of the Earth Summit to develop its blueprint, Agenda 21, for global environmental action.
353 outlines a comprehensive national strategy for sustainable development in accordance with the principles of Agenda 21 to be coordinated under the leadership of a specific office and at the direction of a high-level government official.
The resolution also urges the United States to identify and initiate further agreements to protect the global environment and to support the creation of a high-level United Nations Sustainable Development Commission headed by an Undersecretary General.
Third and lastly, the President is urged to report to Congress on the progress made with this action.
HCONRES 353 is supported by the administration.
I have been in contact with the appropriate offices of the State Department and have incorporated their suggestions into the resolution.
The 71 co-sponsors of this measure include one half the members of the Foreign Affairs Committee and all of the House delegates to the Earth Summit.
It is also supported by the major United States non-governmental organizations concerned with environmental issues.
The Earth Summit presented world leaders with an opportunity that should not be lost.
We must now embark on a new course that will sustain our planet and its resources for the benefit of future generations.
This resolution calls on the United States to assert its leadership to achieve this goal.
I urge my colleagues to support this resolution.
Thanks again to the members of the Foreign Affairs Committee for their recognition of the importance and timeliness of this resolution.
We must make the promise of Rio a reality.
Thank you Mr. Speaker.
And so that's what we've been living under, and now they're going into June of 2030.
It calls for zebro carbon, net zero.
By 2030, and all the numbers show that would kill billions of people from starvation and death, you're just cutting a little taste of your energy prices doubling and tripling.
The third world, half their money goes to food and the rest goes to energy.
You cut that off or you increase the price, people die.
But that's what the poison shots are all about, maiming you, poisoning you, slowly killing you, sterilizing you.
And they do it over and over again.
But remember, she said a high-level government official will run all of this.
Well, that's what they've had as Department of Energy, Department of Health, Department of Transportation.
All these federal agencies just do whatever they want and make law outside of law.
The answer is enforce the law.
Like there are laws in the books, you can't give people experimental shots or try to make them take it.
It's also the Nuremberg Code.
But in places like Louisiana and Missouri and now Idaho, they've got bills introduced that are moving forward to criminalize trying to make somebody or lying to somebody and telling them an mRNA shot is safe.
In Idaho, the bill makes it illegal, period, to give somebody an unapproved shot, which it is illegal, but they just bypassed that with all the emergency orders that Trump and then Biden continued on with.
Here's a clip of a newscast on the legislation in Idaho.
Well, some Idaho lawmakers are now looking into adding criminal charges for anyone who administers an mRNA vaccine like a COVID or flu shot.
A bill officially introduced into the Idaho State Legislature would do just that.
Tonight at 6.
Bronte Starocki joins us live in studio and explains what mRNA vaccines are and why some lawmakers in Idaho want them gone.
Well, this bill, if passed, would amend Idaho state code by adding a new section to penalize anyone from administering an mRNA vaccine in the state with a misdemeanor.
In Idaho, a misdemeanor offense is punishable by jail time or a fine.
And we are seeing more and more concerns rising because of the mRNA vaccine.
Idaho Senator Tammy Nichols, one of the lawmakers sponsoring this bill, says she's had concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine because it was administered under an emergency use authorization before receiving FDA approval.
The bill would essentially make it a misdemeanor for anyone to administer an mRNA vaccine like a COVID shot in the state of Idaho.
We have issues that
This was fast-tracked.
There's no liability.
There's no access to data.
The risk-benefit analysis has not been done.
There's no informed consent.
But other lawmakers in the bill's hearing pointed out that the COVID vaccine did get a full FDA approval after being fast-tracked.
They ultimately were approved under the ordinary approval process and did ultimately, you know, survive the scrutiny of being subjected to all the normal tests.
An mRNA vaccine uses messenger RNA, something we have in our own cells to protect us against illness.
That's not true.
And it's almost like a set of instructions.
So your cells use these instructions to make proteins that your body needs, whether it's just to basically function or it's to protect itself against illnesses like COVID.
Some examples of other mRNA vaccines include flu shots, rabies, Zika, and scientists are even studying these vaccines to treat cancer.
But Senator Nichols says she'd like Idaho to go a different route.
There's multiple types of COVID shots that are available.
The state of Idaho has used other types.
There are other shots that we can utilize that do not have the mRNA in it.
Alright folks, it is not a vaccine, it is a gene therapy, and they have blown away the approval process and violated federal law, and it's criminal.
And this is the right action.
Here's a clip from 2009 on Jesse Ventura's show where I specifically warn him of what's coming with these new poison shots with Dr. Rima Labo, married to the former head of the Army Special Operations, General Stubblebine.
She was working on heads of state who told her they were planning to depopulate through poison vaccines.
Here we are, many, many years ago, warning the world.
There's an entire agenda afoot to force the population to undergo different type of medical treatments, namely vaccines.
We're seeing a medical tyranny being set up, not just in the United States, but worldwide under the UN and the World Health Organization.
Who's behind all this?
The Bilderberg Group.
They want a planetary dictatorship so they can carry out their forced depopulation agenda.
And they want to do it through the medical system.
And that's why vaccines are so important.
We know that many of these vaccines turn out to have serious adverse reactions.
This is being done by design.
They kill you slowly over time.
That's why they're called soft kill.
And I've got an insider I think you should really talk to, Dr. Rima Labo.
But she doesn't live inside the United States because she's so concerned about all the police state development.
Do you want to come in and sit down?
No sir, I'd rather not.
You'd rather just be here so you can make a fast exit if you have to?
As soon as you and I finish?
I'm leaving the country again.
Because in a very short time, not today, not tomorrow, but very soon, we'll be facing compulsory vaccination under the mistaken term of voluntary vaccination.
What is it about these vaccinations?
You think that they're bad?
Well, first of all, let's start with the fact that the World Health Organization has decided that we have 90% too many people.
The World Health Organization has been working since 1974 on vaccines to create permanent sterility.
Doctor, the response was going to be, you're crazy.
How can you say this?
But how do we know all this?
Well, today the UN is trying to pass a world treaty to take control of your body and run your life and make you take shots and have more lockdowns.
That's the year 2023.
This has been the plan, and she was told by multiple heads of state of the plan, and so was her husband, who had the highest level of security clearance you can get above top secret.
All right, we'll be right back with hour number two.
Please stay with us and tell everybody you know, tune in.
This is an information war.
We can't win it without you.
You are critical.
Stay with us.
In the year 2000, Alex Jones' film Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove showed the world how our so-called elite leaders practice mock ritual sacrifices in private.
In 2007, Alex Jones releases Endgame, exposing the world elite's plans for covertly using biological weapons against all of mankind.
And by the time they launched their attack in 2020, Alex Jones' InfoWars and our audience were there to warn the people of the deadly vaccines that we knew were coming.
This is why they attack us.
This is why we need your support.
Because we tell the truth.
Alex Jones was right.
Join the resistance.
Buy products.
Donate to the cause.
Share the links.
Join us in the fight for freedom.
And help us defeat the New World Order.
If you go to onlinehealthnow.com, connect with trusted and unbiased doctors at the Wellness Company.
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That features natokinase.
It's a natural proteolytic enzyme.
This one is the only enzyme that we're aware of right now that dissolves the spike protein.
This is very important.
The spike protein is loaded in the body with the COVID-19 infection and definitely with the vaccines.
People are low with the spike protein.
They don't feel well.
This is a potential solution.
Hydroxychloroquine comes from a natural substance.
So does ivermectin and now natokinase.
Isn't it interesting?
Natural substances in a sense combating this man-made disaster SARS-CoV-2 and the vaccines.
OnlineHealthNow.com, thank you for your support and thank you for getting into that because it's important.
You didn't come here to do that but I made you do it.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
If the world's a stage, then is it far-fetched to say that many people simply... look the part?
Imagine that a newscaster loses his job and, say, opens a daycare business.
Would you sign your kid up if the owner looked like this?
If asked why you said no, and you did say no, you might say, it was something about his face.
Since we form this opinion about someone in less than 100 milliseconds of seeing them, what data goes into that decision?
Are these judgment calls influenced beyond someone's beauty and attractiveness?
As it turns out, humans have been reading each other's faces for thousands of years.
This practice is called physiognomy.
Physiognomy dates back to ancient Greece and China as a way to predict one's outcomes in life.
In the Middle Ages and beyond,
This means that
What do you learn?
What people tell you?
Your environment affects the expression of your genes.
And your genes express it and manifest it on your facial structure.
I know some people say, oh, you should not be so judgmental.
Oh, you should not discriminate.
Science call it profiling.
I like this guy.
We're right.
Sorry boys!
Another machine learning study conducted by the same Dr. Kaczynski also found that AI was able to predict whether or not someone was homosexual based on their face alone.
Given a single facial image, a classifier could correctly distinguish between gay and heterosexual men in 81% of cases and in 74% of cases for women.
Humans once again performed poorly compared to the machine, with scores of 61% accuracy for men and 54% for women.
Leftist media naturally lost their minds at this and made articles attempting to poke holes in Dr. Kaczynski's study.
What's that?
Making judgments based on outward characteristics?
Who would ever do such a thing?
So is artificial intelligence proving that our story is written on our face?
For now, it appears that the answer is... YES!
But we must remember that human interaction is a nuanced, context-heavy phenomenon that is full of exceptions.
Someone with an inviting facial presentation may have horrible intentions within.
Someone with a harsh, uninviting facial presentation may have good intentions within.
Our gut intuition, however, can bridge these gaps of uncertainty and make accurate assessments of someone for us.
Unfortunately, globalists have been deploying a wicked arsenal of toxins and psyops designed to dampen this powerful, God-given compass we all possess.
Our gut feelings help us discern between good and evil.
Building the muscle of saying no to those who serve evil, no matter what they look like, is a critical spiritual exercise for all during these accelerated times.
Gavin DeBecker, security expert and author of The Gift of Fear, calls on us to remember something very important about the word no.
No is a word that must never be negotiated because the person who chooses not to hear it is trying to control you.
So if your gut is screaming that something is off about the unemployed newscaster at your doorstep pitching you as daycare service,
What are you gonna say?
Oh my God!
I mean, that is a horror movie cover!
He is scarier looking than Hit the Clown!
I mean, would you let your children anywhere near that psychopath?
I mean, look at him!
For InfoWars.com, this is the PsyOpCop.
We'll be right back with Chris Skye.
Stay with us.
Mark Twain, one of America's greatest writers and satirists and minds, famously said more than 150 years ago, rumors of his demise had been greatly exaggerated.
Because the newspapers kept saying he died decades before he did die.
And it's the same PSYOP today.
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It's up to you.
We're now into hour number two of Sunday Live.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
Well, we like to have people on like Tucker Carlson and Cy Hirsch.
They've been on the show many times.
We like to have people on who've been right long before anybody else.
And there's so many of these great people like Dr. Francis Boyle we had on earlier this week.
Of course we had in studio Jay Dyer yesterday.
That great Saturday broadcast, two hours long.
It's posted to Bandot Video.
Watch it, share it.
It's really important.
The history of the New World Order, what's currently happening, what's coming in the future.
But Chris Sky is 39.
He's been a Lister since he was 14 or 15 years old.
That's 20 plus years.
But he doesn't get his info from me.
Once you know about the new rule of order, you can get it from them as they openly brag about it.
But before we go to him to tell you what's coming next, he's one of the smartest guys out there and a great activist, not just in Canada, but around the world.
Let's play a clip of him two plus years ago predicting what would happen with the COVID tyranny.
And he totally nailed it.
And then a newer clip where he's telling you what the 15 minute cities are going to be.
Then we'll get into the central bank digital currencies and the world we're already living in and what's coming next.
But here is Chris a few years ago predicting that they were never going to take their foot off our neck until we demanded they take their foot off our neck.
Remember this.
He said this two plus years ago, right when the lockdowns were just starting.
Here it is.
Canadians, you need an intervention.
You don't need a mask.
The mask is about compliance.
Because they know Canadians like to do what they're told.
So they tell you, you have to wear a mask.
Next they're going to tell you, you have to contact trace.
Then they're going to tell you, you have to take the vaccine.
And because Canadians like to do what they're told, they're hoping that everyone just complies.
And then guess what, kids?
Once you take your vaccine, like a dumb person that doesn't know any better,
They're gonna tell you, sorry, the vaccine isn't as effective as we thought it was gonna be, so now you still gotta wear your mask, still gotta get contact trace, still have all the restrictions and social distancing, and still take your vaccine.
And then what did you get out of all of this?
You got a whole year where you weren't allowed to travel, your business was closed, they took your rights and freedoms, they forced the vaccine on you, and...
What happened?
The same amount of people died, everything is the exact same, and now they're gonna put you back on lockdown and bring it all the way till July of next year so they can do the same thing again!
Bring you from July, August, and September, getting you off lockdown, but just to bring you back on lockdown again.
If you idiots haven't figured it out yet,
It's a perpetual cycle that you never get out of.
And it's a way to take your rights, your freedoms, close your business, take your wealth.
So you become dependent on government.
If you're independent, the government works for you like it's supposed to.
If you depend on the government to give you a paycheck to feed your family every month because they closed your business on you,
Now the government doesn't work for you, the government rules you!
So instead of a middle class, we have the government, upper class, and the lower class dependents that rely on the government to survive.
In other words, we have a slave class.
And that's what they're trying to do.
It's that simple.
It's that simple.
And then they began to say we're going to have carbon lockdowns, we're going to have environmental lockdowns, we're going to train you to live in your house.
Here's Chris Sky a few months ago warning about what's happening with the UN-announced 15-minute cities.
When he announced this a few months ago and was talking about it, Canada had not announced yet.
More than 30 cities and towns are now adopting turning the towns into prisons.
Here it is.
Canadians, you need an intervention.
After talking about 15-minute cities and explaining them in detail, and then going online to see the reaction, I see the vast majority of people, especially young people, completely stupid.
They say things like, why wouldn't you want everything within a 15-minute walk?
Because, dumbass, the idea is, the entire purpose of a 15 minute city, which isn't even a city when you can only go 1.5 kilometers in each direction before you hit the end of your district, the entire purpose of a 15 minute city, which I've been telling people,
is to reduce your so-called carbon footprint, which is another way of saying reduce the amount of miles you travel, reduce the amount you fly, reduce the amount you drive, reduce the amount you eat, reduce the amount you do everything.
A carbon footprint is a euphemism for your actual footprint.
But if I'm wrong and you think I'm lying,
Well, I'll post some articles here where it literally tells you in the first sentence that the entire purpose of a 15-minute city is to reduce your carbon footprint and especially reduce your ability to drive and use motor vehicles.
Why don't they want you to have a car?
It's very simple.
A car gives you freedom.
A car gives you the ability to literally drive across the country.
They don't want that for you.
They want you stuck in a little area
That's right.
We're good to go!
But of course, this is all just a conspiracy theory.
Just put your mask back on, take your jab, and enjoy your 15-minute city, you pathetic peons.
There you go.
Chris Sky joins us now to talk about this and a lot more and what he thinks is coming next.
Chris, thanks for joining us on the Sunday edition, my friend.
Where do you want to go first?
Well, we got to get everybody to understand that COVID was basically phase one.
COVID was there to train everybody two big things.
Number one, that the rights and freedoms that have always been paramount to society, and that worth fighting world wars over, were no longer paramount to society.
In fact, they're selfish and dangerous.
And those people who would advocate for them are also dangerous.
Step two in their little training program, which we call COVID, was to convince people that individual responsibility is a thing of the past.
And we are now collectively responsible for everyone.
I need to wear my mask to protect you, Alex.
Now, you transfer those two new ideas to the next phase of their plan, which is to perpetuate the lockdowns, perpetuate the government control, but not just for the duration of a pandemic, but for the duration of generations yet to come, combined with more technocratic control grids.
Well, you have to understand that the next phase of this is the climate change environmental phase, and they're planning on using the combination of 15-minute cities, a personal carbon allowance, and people need to write that down, personal carbon allowance,
And finally, the idea of a digital currency to fully enslave humanity, like we saw happening with the COVID lockdowns, but not for temporarily, and not for your health and safety, but now permanently, and so we can protect the planet.
A 15-minute city tells you that everything you need is going to be a 15-minute walk from where you live.
Well, since September, I've been in England, Ireland, Belgium, France,
Ballards and barriers and traffic cameras that would automatically fine people for leaving their district when they weren't allowed.
They had to get travel passes to leave their district when they weren't allowed.
And this is the plan they want to do for everyone.
And everybody believes that this 15-minute city idea is a national thing.
And it's just happening around the world by accident.
No, it's just like COVID.
It's starting in Europe, and whatever they do in Europe, they bring over to North America.
So that's what's going to happen.
And the only way we can stop it is by people getting aware and understanding what a 15-minute city really is.
Do you really want to be confined to an area where you can only walk or bike 15 minutes in each direction, especially in a country like Canada?
And then again, only select corporations are allowed to even come in, so you've got to buy from them.
You have your credits all controlled by the central bank digital currencies of where you can spend them and how.
This has all been announced.
That's right.
Only bug protein on the menu at those places.
This is the total prison enslavement grid, but humanity's waking up and fighting back.
The new order's not coming, folks.
It's here.
Chris Sky is our guest.
We'll come right back with him straight ahead.
Tell everybody you know, tune in now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now.
Everybody that's watching this needs to support Alex Jones.
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How many people have just been put on a launch pad to outer space because of Alex Jones, including myself?
I've been given so many opportunities because of this man and because of this platform, and I would probably not even be half of where I am right now if it weren't for Alex Jones.
I mean, I've been able to be on podcasts with Alex and Joe Rogan and TimCast, the super TimCast IRL.
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In the year 2000, Alex Jones' film, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, showed the world how our so-called elite leaders practice mock ritual sacrifices in private.
In 2007, Alex Jones releases Endgame, exposing the world elite's plans for covertly using biological weapons against all of mankind.
And by the time they launched their attack in 2020, Alex Jones' InfoWars and our audience were there to warn the people of the deadly vaccines that we knew were coming.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Sunday edition of the Alex Jones Show.
Every Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
I'm sure it's coming up with a big lineup of guests and breaking news on multiple fronts.
From the anti-World War III protests in D.C.
to witnesses and reporters from on the ground in Ohio.
Palestine, so much more.
Chris Sky is our guest right now and I want to get big picture.
Elon Musk at the World Government Forum last week saying it's a bad idea, all the poison shots, what he thinks is coming next, one of the smartest folks out there.
But Chris, you wanted to finish up with the carbon dictatorship worldwide and the 15-minute cities.
Yes, because the 15-Minute City, we already discussed how they're going to physically keep you within your city and how they're setting up the city to keep you within your own area.
But now we're going to talk about financially and psychologically how they're going to do that.
And it's called a personal carbon allowance.
There's huge propaganda right now to get you to track your so-called carbon footprint.
You can even get a MasterCard that will track every single purchase you make.
If you buy a plane ticket right now, it'll show you how much carbon you're actually using.
And according to the idea of 15-Minute City, the whole idea is to reduce your so-called carbon footprint, which is a euphemism for reducing your actual footprint.
So they are now putting carbon limits on every single thing you use, every single thing you buy.
If you go to the store and you look at kale, it's going to have a very low carbon rating, so you can eat as much as you want.
Same thing with the crickets that they want you to eat.
Meanwhile, if you go to try to eat the steak, it's going to have a very high so-called carbon rating, which is a new tax.
And eventually, they're going to start charging you about $170 for every so-called ton that you go over your limit.
Now, in North America, they tell us that we use over 20 tons of carbon a year.
And according to the Paris Climate Accords that we all signed on to, if we don't reduce that to 2 tons from 20, we're all going to die.
So they want you to reduce 90% of your so-called carbon footprint in order to save the so-called planet.
And that's where they're going to bring in
15 minutes city with the personal carbon allowance and the final nail in the coffin is the digital ID because once they have you on a digital ID they can forcibly vaccinate you with a poison injection they could mandate anything they want in order for you to even be able to have access to spend your money and now they get to track
And by the way, you're not just saying this, you're not putting a bad face on it.
This is all officially announced by the UN.
They've got a UN World Biomedical Tyranny.
I had the guy on last week who literally writes the UN treaties and the US laws, Dr. Boyle, and he was just laying out that it is a worldwide medical police state run by the UN and the corporations that control it.
I mean, it's hard to overstate how bad this is.
It's like COVID, but way worse, because they don't even need to use the stigma of public health and all the rest of it.
They're just literally doing it, and they're doing it worldwide.
And Elon Musk said how dangerous a world government is, and he's not wrong.
He's going to be one of the most powerful men in the entire world, so we should take note.
Elon is creating a monopoly for himself.
He's got Twitter as the social media.
He's got Starlink as the internet and cell phone network.
He's making his own Tesla phone, which is going to destroy all the other phones.
And then he's got his own cryptocurrency.
Then he's making Twitter its own pay exchange.
So he's going to be able to do credit card transactions and eventually crypto transactions.
And finally, he's going to link all of that together with his neural link implant.
So he's literally going to be inside your brain.
None of the other sides are going to be free.
His will be quasi-free.
Everybody will run to that.
He calls it Internet X. Total control.
He's going to have complete control.
He's going to be one of the most powerful men in the world.
I believe, and I'm saying this here, that he's going to be publicly the world's first trillionaire that they advertise.
He's going to destroy Jeff Bezos and all these other so-called rich people.
And that's going to put Elon Musk in a very unique position.
He's going to be one of the most powerful men in the world, and that's going to make him either the most dangerous man in the world, or he can be the best thing that ever happened to humanity.
But he's got so much money.
If I had that kind of money, I would have already been the Prime Minister of Canada, and I would have already taken control
And by the way, you're about to run for major office.
We're going to talk about that next segment, but let's talk about this.
What is your research and gut level analysis?
Because really guts all the thousands of data points you've got, or that we all have individually, and then we make an approximation of dead reckoning.
I think he's an Overton window.
He's the so-called freedom guy over here.
Bill Gates is the tyranny guy we call Schwab, but still it's a controlled paradigm, so it's an Overton window controlling our options.
You're 100% correct, Alex.
I wish I didn't agree with you, but I usually do.
And in this case, I agree with you 100%.
They always control both sides of the opposition.
So we already know who the bad guys are.
Klaus Schwab, World Economic Forum, George Soros, etc., WHO.
I don't know.
And he's on the record saying that the most dangerous thing in the world is AI and merging humans with computers.
Meanwhile, that's exactly what he's setting out to do!
He wants to merge humans with computers, get us literally inside your head, and then send people to Mars.
So, he's got very big ambitions, and he's doing a lot.
I have to say he's a very intelligent man, and he's got a lot of the world supporting him right now.
Well, he's obviously got a big section of the New World Order behind him, and he's definitely being formed as the opposition to the New World Order, to be the New World Order.
I agree with a million percent.
And if you just look into his history, he had a lot of government funding to get where he is.
So, like, I don't know, just if you follow the money, you can always find you can always find the truth.
That's the reality.
So, I like a lot of what he's doing.
We have to like a lot of what he's doing.
And technology is always a double-edged sword.
Like, we can bash social media all we want, but we still use it.
We need to use it.
The only technology we don't need to use are their 15-minute cities, their digital IDs, and all their personal carbon allowance and everything else that they're trying to use to enslave us.
And the only way they can get us enslaved is if we do it to ourselves.
Nobody's gonna put a gun to your head and say you need to start tracking your carbon.
No, they're just gonna beat you over the head with the idea over and over and over again until you're a horrible person if you don't do it.
And then if the majority of people do it...
We're going to get screwed.
So that's why we're on this mission.
That's why we're going all over the world.
And that's why we're literally breaking language barriers, psychological barriers, financial barriers, just to inform the public.
Because if the public is informed, the public will reject this idea.
Well, that was my next question.
If you had to describe the battle between good and evil right now, between freedom and tyranny, Team Demon and Team Freedom, how would you describe this right now, where we're at?
Are we winning?
Are we starting to win, or are we getting our ass kicked?
I think we're winning and I think they're being very reactive and I think that's why they're pushing so hard and fast with the 15-minute cities and all these other agendas, because their poison vaccine failed.
It came out that the vaccine not only did not protect, not only did not stop you from passing on, but actually made it more likely for you to be hospitalized and killed.
And in some countries like Australia, we got to the point where 100% of the people in the hospital had been vaccinated, even though 75% of the population was vaccinated.
It didn't work.
Everybody caught on, and now they've lost the trust of those people.
And this is the beauty.
Most of the people that took the jabs, most of the people that wore the mask, didn't want to.
They did it because it was mandated.
They did it because they thought it was law.
They did it because they didn't want to get social stigma.
They didn't want to get ostracized.
But now, they're trying to push basically the same ideas of tyranny on us, but they don't have the stigma of a public health epidemic, they don't have the stigma of mandates, they don't have the social stigma that you're gonna kill grandma or a child if you don't want a 15-minute city.
So now, not only can we regain all the traction we had with the Freedom Movement, but we can get all the people who are vaccinated and regret being vaccinated, all the people that wore the mask that realize they did it for no reason.
So we can get a lot more people on our side, and people are going to be a lot more willing to stand up.
I totally agree.
Let's talk about...
The current situation with the poison shots, how the wheels have come off, but what you're saying is key.
The same globalist New World Order behind the poison shots, behind the open borders, behind all the pedophilia, behind all the tyranny, is behind the entire fake environmental movement, Greta Thunberg, and the whole criminal pack.
I'm Alex Jones, more of Chris Sky, straight ahead, stay with us.
I have been in a 28-year marathon battle with the globalists.
I have come from nowhere, to the very heights of politics, not just in America, but in the world.
We are engaging the globalists at point-blank range in the information war.
But I don't deserve the credit.
Yes, I've persevered, but the listeners and viewers who've supported InfoWars are the real reason we've had this success.
We're having now the greatest victories in the fight against the New World Order we've ever had.
We are now entering the final mile of the marathon.
And that's why, today, it's more important than ever to realize how important you've been in this fight and to continue in the efforts you've been carrying out and to intensify them.
God bless you all.
I salute you.
I thank you.
And I beg you to intensify what you're doing now because we are over the target and history is happening.
The fight is my fight.
It's your fight.
God bless you all.
It's our fight.
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A true 360 win.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the
We are winning.
I totally agree with Chris Skye.
I learned right before I went live about an hour and 35 minutes ago that an old friend of mine is on the show dozens of times, a big listener, comedian and law and order icon Richard Belzer, dead at 78.
And I remember one time he even got Christopher Walken on the show.
And so we'll play a few minutes of that at the end of the next segment as I'm ending my show.
And Owen Schroeder is preparing to come in for what we call Sunday Live, two hours of amazing talk radio slash analysis on TV.
So that's coming up.
We'll be talking more about that.
Yes, that's Christopher Walken sitting in Richard Belzer's lap as a joke on my show.
So, that's coming up.
I told the crew, hey, pull that up.
They go, really?
You had Christopher Walken on?
Yeah, the show's been around a while, folks.
And when I was anti-war, which I still am, and the big 9-11 guy, I got invited out to Hollywood everywhere, met all those guys, and a lot more.
But those are the good guys that were awake.
Most Hollywood was a bunch of scum, so I really never continued going out there.
Going back to Chris Sky, a great activist.
Chris, tell folks how you're running for the mayor of Toronto, then let's get into the latest on the poison shots and what you're predicting is coming next with that.
Well, I never considered public office in any way, shape, or form, but a series of events happened that basically had the universe thrust the opportunity into my face and tell me, if you don't do it, there's something wrong with you.
And I can explain.
I've split my time between Toronto and Alberta, but I've been a resident of Toronto for like 35 years.
And John Tory was the mayor.
He had to resign because he got caught in an affair.
And so the mayor is now an open incumbent and there's nobody to take his place, really.
Nobody that I've ever heard of before.
And I'm in a unique position because I was going to Toronto already for court.
I had some really bad charges, and it's all set up.
I can't really talk about it very much because I still have one day left in trial, but I can tell you that the charges were threatening to kill all the premiers in Canada, which are the equivalent of your governors, and assault with deadly weapon on police officers.
So I was told I had to go to Toronto for February 15th for court, and the Worldwide Rally was February 18th.
So they asked me if I would come to the Worldwide Rally and speak, and we called the Worldwide Rally Reunite Ontario.
I said no problem.
Three days before I was going to Toronto, John Tory was forced to resign.
Before I even knew he was supposed to resign, people started calling me and asking me if I'd be running for mayor.
I said, what are you talking about?
Why are you saying that?
They told me because I was trending online.
So I checked on Twitter and Google, and sure enough, Chris Sky for mayor was trending before I even knew about it.
So putting all that together, when I did get to Toronto, I had the ability, I was supposed to meet with this family of a little girl who had mental health problems that only manifested during COVID.
And we were going to go visit her for her birthday.
And unfortunately, when we got there on February 16, she was in the hospital.
So we had to visit her in the hospital.
Uh, and I told, I've been saying this on video over and over.
I'm sure you have clips of it where I said I would do anything in my power to make sure that they would never hurt children.
And when I saw her sitting there and she said that the best gift she ever got was me coming to see her for her birthday.
Uh, and she asked me if I'd be running for mayor.
The only answer I could tell her was yes.
So yesterday at the Worldwide Rally, I announced that I would be running for Mayor of Toronto because they're going to be hosting a snap election that's probably going to be announced March 29th.
I'm in a unique position and I believe I'm the best man for the job and I'll tell you why.
First of all, my background, Chris Sky, that name comes from Sky Homes Corporation.
So for the last 20 plus years, I've been in professional develop, design and build.
So I've been involved with the government and especially in the planning and development aspect of government.
From municipalities all over Ontario.
So, I'm more qualified than any of these politicians.
Secondly, for all these politicians, it's a job, a career, a promotion.
For me, it's a big sacrifice.
I sacrifice my family life, sacrifice my personal life, sacrifice my career to come and clean this swamp.
Finally, I'm the only candidate that will stop the 15-minute cities, stop the carbon allowance.
I'm the only candidate... By the way, Canada has announced 15-minute cities all over.
Oh, they've announced it everywhere.
It's already in Toronto.
It's already in Ottawa.
It's already in Edmonton.
It's already for Vancouver.
And they admit that it's about reducing vehicle traffic.
They admit everything I said.
I'm going to get behind you because regardless, you've got a good chance to win.
You're so popular.
He's well known in the US.
People really love him in Canada.
You'll be able to educate people and you'll be able to inject real issues in the campaign.
So it's a win, win, win, no matter if you win or not.
And you want people to go to your email.
You want people to sign up at your email so you can contact them, communicate with them, give people the email.
Well, we started an email campaign.
Any Canadian.
It's not a campaign for mayor.
This is the campaign.
So I'll be able to run for mayor because I'm going to have to put everything else aside in my life.
So we created an email.
It is ChrisSky4Change at Mail.com and any Canadian can send an e-transfer of support to that email.
Any American or international supporter can email that email and find out how they can support this.
When I get elected, and I will get elected, and first of all, I'm the only political candidate where you can Google Chris Sky's cell phone number, and it'll come up.
And when I get elected, that number will still be public.
It does not go to an office.
It does not go to an assistant.
It does not go to a voicemail.
It comes to me.
And I spend at least 21 hours a day awake.
That's my wife.
I don't sleep three hours a day.
And the rest of those hours, I'm on my phone.
And I'm answering calls and I'm trying to help people anyway I can.
I'm glad we'll follow, we'll cover, I'm told you're gonna be back on the show this coming Friday to get more into all this, but let's get into the poison shot, where they are, they're admitting they want to bring it back, the UN's hyping Marburg that kills 9% of the people they claim, you've got a good crystal ball on this, what's coming next?
It's terrifying.
Well, first of all, we already saw that we have massive uprisings and other infections because the children have their immune systems compromised.
A, from wearing masks.
B, from being isolated.
And C, from being given these poison injections.
We had this whole triple-demic where they had the flu that came back after nobody had the flu for almost two years.
RSV virus, which is a very common virus that every parent goes through, became this new scary thing.
Then they had the monkeypox scare.
They really were just trying to see any way they could scare the public back into submissions, back into mandates.
But now we have to worry about two very scary things.
Number one, the Marburg virus in New Guinea.
First of all, it happened under very suspicious circumstances.
Researchers were working with monkeys and they all mysteriously got infected.
And just in time for them to test a brand new mRNA Marburg vaccine?
Very, very suspicious.
And Marburg vaccine is not a joke.
It has about a 90% kill rate.
So this is very dangerous.
Then they're talking about bird flu, avian flu.
And they said it has already jumped to mammals, which is extremely scary.
COVID had over a 99% survival rate.
Avian flu is 50-50.
That means you got a 1 in 2 chance of dying if you contract this.
It usually only flows through birds, but now they're seeing that it's manifesting into other animals.
And all of this is right on time as the UN tries to get their world treaty in to take control of our bodies.
Very scary indeed.
It's almost like they want to scare people so much that people will simply give up their right to bodily autonomy and allow it to be attached to a so-called digital currency.
In Canada, they're trying to push the universal basic income very hard, and you know what they're doing to do it?
They know every country's weakness.
And in Canada, besides being too nice and tolerant, our financial weakness is Canadians love to live in a nice, big, comfy home.
They spend way too much of their monthly bills on their mortgage.
So what did the government do?
They raised interest rates like four times, to the point where some people are paying double on their mortgage.
Some people are paying so much on their mortgage that they're underwater on their house.
In fact,
Within another six months, if 30-40% of Canadians are going to have to either sell their house or downsize in some way, how nice would it be for the government to come in with a wonderful homeowner savings program where they're going to give you so much money a month to save your home, but all you're going to have to do is submit to the digital identity, the iris scan, the fingerprint, the DNA sample, and of course the mandatory vaccinations and the digital ID.
So that's the cheese on the mouth crap?
That's right.
They're going to bait the trap in every way possible.
For the low, low income, they're going to sell the 15-minute cities on the idea that you couldn't own a car anyway, you couldn't own a house anyway, so this is great.
For the 15-minute cities, ask them to show you the renderings where the cars are.
Ask them to show you the renderings where the single-family dwellings are.
But then there won't be cars, and again, you'll own nothing and be happy.
Klaus Schwab said.
Final segment with Chris Sky, also the Richard Belzer clip, and more.
Stay with us, and then Owen Shorter takes over in 15 minutes.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
For what is a man?
What has he got?
If not himself, then he has not to say the things he truly feels.
All right, final segment with the great Chris Skye.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, and I'm sure it takes over.
The next two hours, 6 to 8 p.m.
Central, ahead of Harrison Smith, 8 a.m.
tomorrow in fullwords.com, boardslideshow, and stations across the country.
And at 11 a.m., I go live again with some big guests and more breaking news tomorrow.
Chris, you really have a great mindset.
You know how to break their conditioning.
You know they want us depressed and out of the game.
You're one of the best when it comes to not just predicting the future and tracking the enemy's operations, because of your great business background and research in Ackerman, but also in getting people fired up to be positive.
That's a problem I have, getting too close to this and staring into the abyss.
How do you do this and not get depressed?
And what's your great advice to all the viewers and listeners?
Well, this is a two-step process.
First of all, I stay positive because as long as I stay positive, they cannot affect me.
As soon as you're negative, you're taken out of the game.
First, we have to wake people up.
Everybody's afraid.
Everybody's confused.
But when people realize that everything, COVID, 15-Minute City, carbon tax, all of that is about power and control for the government while using fear and confusion to null you into submission.
When people realize that it has nothing to do with health and safety, they're awake.
That's step one.
Now the problem is the government knows I'm great at waking people up.
They know we're great at waking people up.
So what do they do?
Once those people are awake, they bombard you with negativity and they try to overwhelm you with so many things coming at you that you feel paralyzed and you don't want to fight back.
And in fact, when you're in that negative mindset, you cannot even connect with others.
I can give you a perfect example.
When I say things like, the men in Canada need to step up and be more manly, the ones in a negative mindset will say, wow, Chris Sky is attacking me.
He's an asshole.
I'm not going to listen to him.
The ones in a positive mindset have activated their individual power and they'll be ready to accept that message and connect with others amplifying their power.
So you need to get yourself into a positive mindset and then you can connect with other people of the positive mindset and when you have a whole bunch of people ready and willing to just say no, we call that united non-compliance and that
Is the single perfect solution to every single problem that they try to force upon you.
A whole group of people simply not going along with it.
And how do you do that?
You wake them up, let them know what's really going on, you activate their positive energy so they understand that they are an individual with a little bit of power, and then you connect them with other positive, like-minded individuals with the same thoughts for freedom.
And you know what happens?
You get a worldwide movement that transcends borders, it transcends language, it transcends psychological programming, and it cannot be undone.
And that's what we have right now.
We have them reacting, literally, in real time, to the things that we say and do.
And the U.N.
and the big corporations are saying, arrest us, silence us.
They are desperate.
They've got less than a 7% approval rating internationally.
The New World Order is being identified.
We are spotlighting the cockroaches.
How big was that to have Elon Musk come out against the New World Order?
Suddenly Joe Rogan knows all about the New World Order, which I told you he's known about it forever.
He's speaking out against it.
Again, we have to be ready for these pop icons to join us.
People can't be mad they didn't join us previously.
They're joining now because now they think it's safe, which is fine.
Yes, that's a very good point.
You have to take your allies where you can find them.
You cannot ostracize.
I have so many people, a perfect example is, oh, you can't trust the police.
Well, there's lots of police you can't trust, but there's some amazing police you can.
And you need to take your allies where you can get them, especially in law enforcement and government positions.
They want to divide us.
I found a lot of people in government are more awake than the public.
They're just compartmentalized.
And they're too afraid to speak out because they believe they have a lot more to lose.
But in reality, we all have the same thing to lose.
We all have our freedom to lose.
We all have our opportunity to lose.
And we all have that to lose, not just for ourselves, but for generations to come.
And I, for one, will not be the kind of man that walks around 10 years from now looking youth in the eyes and saying, well, I did everything I could to help, but it wasn't good enough.
I'm going to do everything in my power and things that aren't even in my power to ensure that their plans fall flat on their face.
And it's inevitable because as long as there's warriors like you and me and millions of others, they can never win, Alex.
They can never win.
Plus, when people know giving into the New World Order only makes it worse, you're going to have to completely roll over and have your way of life and probably your physical life destroyed.
Or you can say, by increments, I'm going to get informed, I'm going to inform others, and I'm going to stop submitting to the New World Order.
You're joining us coming up on the Friday Show here in about five days from now.
Chris Sky, people can find you at RealChrisSky.com on Instagram, Telegram, Real Chris Sky.
Everybody should take clips of this interview.
Especially that second segment you were on.
The crew was clapping.
They always like to show what they were seeing.
Man, that was powerful.
Amazing job, Chris Sky.
We'll talk to you again, my friend.
Thank you, guys.
God bless you.
Alright, well this was a great Sunday show.
Owen's loaded for bear as well.
Big developments on the whole train development.
A derailment.
They've found pipe bombs now.
And the locals are saying a week before FEMA came in and said we want you to all wear these armbands during a coming emergency.
This is mainstream news.
So, this is looking worse and worse and worse.
Owen Schroer is going to be covering all of that.
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Now, I want to give
I want to give an old friend who was on the show dozens of times, you know I've talked to a lot off-air.
He invited me to France.
A good send-off.
He invited me when he was out in L.A.
and I was always so busy I could never go hang out with him.
I wish I would have.
But comedian, law and order icon, Richard Belzer, very popular, trailblazing comedian at 78 years old.
Died at his home in Southwest France.
Cause is not known, but his old friend said that he'd been having a lot of health problems.
But the coolest thing that ever happened with him is he said, hey, I want to come on next week.
I'm going to be having
Christopher Walken over to my house to cook chicken and drink some wine.
We're good to go.
One of our more interesting interviews.
Chris, what is your view on what's happening in the world right now with the TSA and the surveillance grid?
I was hearing that you don't have all the little spy gadgets in your house.
I envy that.
I have no idea, and I hardly leave the house.
Chris does not read the news.
Richard just gave me his book, I'm going to read it.
Yeah, he'll read my book, thank God.
It's a history book.
But I'm working with Richard on the cooking book.
Right, we're going to do something about it.
Chris is brilliant because he doesn't want to be on the Google map, and he doesn't want his phone to have that reverse technology that we all know we want.
It's off.
They know where we are.
And he's one of the few people I know on the Earth that has managed to do that.
I mean, we have to do it.
We're in media, but he can go to a movie set.
They give him a phone that he can throw away when it's over, when he does a play.
It's the coolest.
They only give me the phone so that they can know where he is, but he doesn't.
Showing away my radio slash TV show, we're almost invading you right now like an alien probe.
I know, I was taking a nap and Richard called me out and here I am.
This is unbelievable.
But Mr. Walken, what do you think of the whole announcement that they want to have an Iran war?
Do you think that's a bad idea?
I don't know anything about that.
He's got a nap, Alex.
All right, thank you so much, Mr. Walken.
All right, all right, thanks.
I'm sorry, Richard, that I brought up serious subjects.
No, no.
Call him back.
Let's ask him his favorite recipe with truffles.
Ask him that.
Alright folks, that's it for my broadcast, the full interview.
It was more walking.
We'll be uploading the Bandai video tomorrow, maybe even tonight.
I'm gonna go to break here, and when I come back, Owen Schroyer in two minutes will be sitting in this chair.
It's been a big broadcast.
Please join him, and please share the links.
That's how we override the censors.
Great job Chris Sky, amazing job crew.
Let's pray to try to end World War III.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
Cavalry has arrived.
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But to get to the children, they've got to get through us first.
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Miscarriages are off the chart.
80 plus percent increase in miscarriages in the first two primesters after these poison shots.
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