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Filename: 20230203_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Feb. 3, 2023
3401 lines.

In this video, Alex Jones discusses his opinion on power dynamics among global elites. He believes that these elites are losing influence due to a hidden power structure. He predicts conflicts between AI and current globalist decisions, and claims AI is being used for transgender mutilations and social division. He promotes his products Brain Force Plus and Brain Force Ultra on InfoWarStore.com and discusses topics such as popularizing terms, societal parallels, competition, censorship, fundraisers for human liberty, current events, AI evolution, and alternative healthcare systems like InfoWarsMD.

It's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's going to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight?
You better believe you've got one!
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
The most banned man in America, Alex Jones!
I want you all to know something.
Alex Jones was right.
Alex is right about far more than he's wrong.
Alex has been right on for over a decade.
I don't care how you slice it, dice it, flip it up or rub it down.
Alex Jones was right.
Think about how frustrated we are if you've been awake for a year or two.
Imagine being like an Alex Jones or those guys who've been awake for like decades.
Alex Jones called this years ago.
Years ago.
Alex Jones never bought the Russia hoax.
Not for a second.
You are one of the great thinkers of this.
You are a martyr to the First Amendment.
The government fears Alex Jones.
That's why the globalists hate me.
It's because I'm exposing their corporate worldwide tyranny.
I am here because there is a concerted effort by the Democratic Party and multinational corporations and big tech to silence conservative and nationalist and populist voices.
CNN is not just fake news.
It's the criminal news network that works as a racketeering crime syndicate to openly shut down my media operations and other people's media operations.
Alex Jones obviously is a well-known conspiracy theorist whose brand is bullying.
You didn't call me to testify in America.
I have a right to face my accusers.
And you, Congressman Deutsch, are a liar and a fraud.
You are a charlatan that goes around lying about people who destroy the First Amendment.
I don't lie about anyone else.
Yes, you are a congenital liar.
Paul as well.
Why do you hate the First Amendment so much?
There goes Congressman Swalwell.
The American people demand that their First Amendment be defended!
Shame on the mainstream corporate media for not defending the First Amendment, but instead attack-dogging, calling for federal regulators to shut down independent, free press, working with big tech.
And the deplatforming didn't work.
Because the future is in your hands.
If you think the awakening we've seen so far is vague, this planet and the globalists have not seen anything yet!
We're aware of your activities, trying to muzzle the American people and gaming your search results.
Google is evil.
We now take the challenge, not to censor like you do, but to stand against you and to fight even harder for our birthright that you are trying to steal!
Remember this.
You killed your profession by becoming nothing but mercenaries for the globalists, and people know that you're fake news, many of you.
Now, with you trying to kill the First Amendment, you're making yourself true villains.
You've declared war on the First Amendment!
You've declared war on free speech!
Since when are hundreds of doctors unable to have press conferences in America, and they take it off YouTube, they take it off Google, they take it off Twitter, they take it off Facebook?
There is a giant crackdown, and even the New York Times calls it a crackdown, on conservatives, and a plan to de-platform conservatives from the internet, and communicating with each other, just like Communist China.
I'm here to expose this fraud.
I'm here, just like when Congress has hearings about me, I go there.
And I get in their face and I expose the truth and that's what I'm going to do.
We had over 40 million subscribers on Apple.
That was our biggest thing with my three podcasts.
Those were all banned.
The most banned man in America, Alex Jones.
The next chapter in humanity's fight for liberty starts now at AlexJonesLive.com.
It's Friday.
We're live.
Start your engines.
What's up, Bone?
Hey, McBreen.
What's going on, man?
Hey, I really like that work you did on the AI piece.
I'm going to use that on the show today.
I worked hard on that.
I'm working on another project, so I'm going to be up late again tonight, and I was hoping you had some brain force plus.
Oh, um, no.
What about Brain Force Ultra?
Um, no.
Thanks anyway.
Good luck with that project though.
Get your BrainForce Plus and BrainForce Ultra right now at InfoWarsStore.com!
You are listening to an InfoWars.com Frontline Report.
It's Alex Jones.
There are tens of thousands of satellites in orbit around the Earth, many of them secret.
Elon Musk wants to put 50,000 in orbit.
He's already put thousands.
There's artificial rings forming around the Earth of space junk going back into the early 1960s.
I'm an expert on this.
I've studied it in depth.
And I can tell you exactly what's going on with this Chinese balloon.
And we've warned about this for many, many years.
And this is extremely serious.
Why would they be surveilling the missile sites in Montana and Wyoming with a balloon when the satellites are far better?
That's not what a balloon like that is for.
And I can tell you, if you look at the array and how large it is, and the solar panels dangling from the bottom, that is a gigantic balloon.
Now, studying plans by Alexander Haig in the 1980s that were proposed to Ronald Reagan and were declassified in the mid-90s, I knew all about these plans.
Because they were public.
They then got reclassified and all future discussion of it shut down.
There are hundreds of U.S.
government giant balloons at 100,000 feet and up that you've got to have a telescope to see in extremely clear skies.
So the real revolution is not satellites, it's balloons and dirigibles, blimps, Hindenburgs,
They don't have hydrogen in them.
It's explosive.
They have helium in them.
And they're able to stay aloft for years.
Then they land at nighttime at classified bases in Nevada and Arizona and in Texas.
When I was 16 and first got my driver's license,
I was driving on an overpass late at night in Dallas near the airbase and one was crashing.
Didn't have video cameras in your car then.
I think my parents had one at home.
Didn't have cell phones to tape it.
And I remember seeing a giant blimp partially collapsed in the nighttime sky crashing into the Air Force base.
That was kind of my first fascination with it.
And then Alexander Haig in 1990 had a cable TV show on a military cable network he launched that had almost no viewers.
But I started watching it and in most days it was just him up there for 30 minutes talking about this stuff.
So when I know all this stuff, it's because I saw one crash in Dallas.
This big giant blimp coming in slowly, half-collapsed, at a military base.
Asked my dad what he thought it was, asked my uncle, and they said that was some type of secret surveillance blimp.
Whatever it was, it was gigantic.
And then I remember like ten years ago, oh, there's a huge spaceship over Salt Lake City!
It's two football fields long, and folks zoomed in with telephoto lenses, and it had propellers on it, and giant solar panels all over it.
So, there's a whole revolution going on with this, and the Chinese are heavily involved, but I'm going to explain why this is so dangerous.
Folks are saying, and the Senators are saying, and the CIA is saying, that, oh my gosh, it's surveilling the launch silos for intercontinental ballistic missiles.
No, ladies and gentlemen, that is not what the blimp
That is not what the balloon is doing.
Satellites can get crystal clear photos and videos.
They had satellites in the 60s, the U.S.
did, that you've seen the famous photos where they zoom in in Manhattan with a clear photo shot on a clear day.
And you can read the text of what a woman is reading laying on a blanket in a bikini in Central Park.
And you can lay out a nickel or a penny and read the year date on it.
Now there's many different types of satellites and different types of orbits, but tell everybody you know, tune in right now, because at the bottom of the hour, I'm going to tell you exactly what's going on with this surveillance device, this balloon, and I'm going to explain why it's so serious.
I'm not a physicist, but I study what the physicists say.
And there is a magnetic field on the Earth that blocks out a lot of the solar radiation.
You think you get a sunburn on a sunny day?
People know when you get to the top of a 15-foot-thousand mountain, even 20 minutes out, the sun can bake you even worse because there's less particulate up high that's blocking the sun.
You're getting direct sunlight.
When you're up at 100,000 feet or more,
The radiation is extremely toxic to humans, extremely dangerous.
That's why airline pilots that fly at 35,000 feet for years have so many health problems, because you're getting the equivalent of chest x-rays every time you fly.
That's why so many of the intercontinental flights now are at night.
It's not so you can sleep while you're flying to London, or Australia, or wherever you're going.
It's because the pilots know, and the airlines know, that you fly for nine hours in daylight, it's the equivalent of dozens of chest x-rays.
And there's different metrics and different numbers.
It depends on how clear the skies are.
Because if you condense down 100,000 feet...
And how much water is in the first 30, 40,000 foot of that, it's equivalent of about 10 feet of water if you condense it together.
That's a lot of shielding for radiation.
There's about an inch of dust and dirt, basically rock, as well the first 35,000 feet.
So there's a dirt shield, a dust shield, but outside of that there's a magnetic field of the Earth that bounces 99%, it's reported, of all the other different types of radiation coming from the sun and also deep space off the Earth.
Or the Earth would be an unlivable dead rock.
It's our atmosphere that allows the life to live in this very thin layer on the planet.
If you look at it, most life is in the first 10,000 feet from sea level up and in the ocean.
And so it's much thinner than the skin of an apple.
You think of the Earth as an apple and you've got the magnetic core and then you've got the mammal and you've got the crust.
It is far thinner comparatively than the skin of an apple.
And life only lives in very small areas of the overall mass of the Earth.
That said, again, it is the magnetic field that allows life to take place on this Earth and the rest of the atmosphere.
Now why am I laying that out?
I said I'd get to the bottom of the hour because I've got a bunch of other news to hit.
In fact, I'm going to get to it in the last segment of the hour because it's so big.
But I'm just giving you some background here for folks that don't understand or haven't researched this.
It's fascinating.
You've heard a lot about EMPs.
Electromagnetic pulse weapons.
And if you detonate one at the right altitude over the United States, when you have the right atmospherics,
It can completely knock out power in many areas and damage power across the entire continent.
You cannot detonate an EMP in space.
It'll bounce off the magnetic field.
The perfect place to detonate one is 80 to 100,000 feet with a balloon.
And that's the real danger here.
And China has said they're at war with us and they've developed powerful EMP weapons.
Make no mistake, the United States has them.
Now you can send them up in a rocket and have them in space and have them go back into orbit.
And then back into the atmosphere and detonate.
The problem is, is that there's a lot of problems with stabilizing or picking the right time.
But if you've got a balloon with a bunch of sensors reporting to satellites, it can pick the proper atmospheric time to detonate the weapon.
A lot of stuff goes into that, a lot of equations, but I've just read about it.
I'm not, again, a physicist or an electrical engineer or all the rest of it, but it's a well-known field.
So when you've got these blimps and you've got these dirigibles, you've got these balloons with big high-tech packages flying around, drifting around, and a lot of them have little propellers on the sides, little boosters or thrusters.
I don't know if this one does because we haven't gotten a shot of the top of it, but regardless,
That could very easily be an EMP weapon package or a test package to test an EMP attack.
And you can bet your bottom dollar, China's got thousands of them lined up ready to launch and send over the North Pole right into the United States.
They can detonate them over any targets they want.
And with a couple dozen of these, you would guarantee knock out everything above ground in the U.S.
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for supplements is owned by a Patreon.
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The good news is the real Red Pill Plus, after over two years being sold out because the key ingredients were unavailable with supply chain breakdowns, is finally back in stock in the last month.
The bad news is we need a limited run of it and it's almost sold out.
So, we're in late January when I'm cutting this.
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We're good.
Come, Commander, here with an important message to humanity.
I have decided that all of you will take a special injection so that you will be safe.
But the injection is not ready yet.
And so, I need all of you to stay indoors for the next 15 days to flatten the curve.
I also need you to wear masks, and I also need you to only shop at megacorporations.
That way we can consolidate control and bankrupt the world economy, leaving companies that only I own profitable.
You will then be my slaves.
And then you'll get that special shot of venom from Cobra, which will boost your immune system, so you'll be dependent on me for the rest of your miserable lives.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
All right, in the last segment of the hour, into the second hour, I'm going to do a detailed analysis of the Chinese weapon platform.
Now, Canada is reporting weapon platforms are above their country as well.
The Pentagon knows exactly what these are.
China has developed fleets of hundreds of these as their main attack on the U.S.
They've talked about it for years.
There's mainstream articles going back for years.
Dry run balloons called top delivery platform
For nuclear EMP attack.
And we're talking about a extremely powerful EMP that is powered by a atomic or hydrogen bomb detonation.
And it's very easy for them to launch these in northern China.
Within a matter of days, they can then be strung out across the United States.
And depending on the atmospherics, depending on how powerful the weapons are, just a couple of these would devastate the United States and blow out
Electrical lines and generators and just cause devastation that makes a winter storm look like a walk in the park.
If they hit us with hundreds of these, or even a dozen or so it's estimated, end of civilization as we know it in this area.
Now obviously the United States has these weapons, the Russians have these weapons, but the fact that they have launched these Chinese balloons over the United States
And the fact that the Pentagon's saying they're surveilling our ICBM sites but we can't shoot them down is bull.
They're afraid to shoot it down because it might detonate the nuclear EMP payload.
So, let me explain.
China has a gun to our head and we have to just consider the fact and just basically look at this as a weapon.
It probably doesn't have an EMP nuke on board.
But it's a test, and it's a gun to our head to let us know.
Now, I'm speculating there from thousands of data points I have, and if you go back over the years, I've talked about balloons and dirigibles delivering EMP bombs for 20 years, and the media on national news, including Colbert, and all of them have attacked me and CNN that Jones is crazy and says the Chinese and others have weapon blimps and weapon balloons.
When it's in the mainline military literature,
And when I was 16 years old, I saw a damaged one, because anybody knows what a damaged blimp looks like, but it had a bunch of solar panels on top of it, and a bunch of stuff hanging off of it, crashing at an Air Force base in Dallas when I was driving by it in the middle of the night, dropping a girlfriend off.
So, the point is, these things are all over the place.
And routinely, the news will be, over New York, a giant UFO at 100,000 feet.
Over Salt Lake City, you've seen the newscast.
And then, amateur astronomers get out with their big telescopes, hooked up to a video camera, and they show their giant blimps at 80 to 100,000 feet.
And in some cases, they even have, you know, U.S.
Air Force on the side.
So, the Pentagon knows about this.
And it was, again, local news reporters and others that started spotting it and seeing it.
So you've got to ask yourself, why is the United States, overrun by the New World Order, allowing Chinese weapons platforms over us?
I mean, look at it this way.
If you walk out of a 7-Eleven and somebody walks up to you with what looks like a .357 Magnum or a Glock and says, give me your money, I'm going to blow your head off, that's an armed robbery.
Whether or not there are .357 cartridges in there, or 9mm cartridges in the gun, or whether it's a 12-gauge shotgun to your head, whether it's loaded or not, you believe it's loaded.
Now again, everybody's asking, well why don't they use satellites to spy on the ICBM sites as the media and the government's telling us that's what they're doing.
It's not a spy platform.
You use satellites for that.
But satellites cannot deliver an effective EMP weapon detonated in space because it bounces off the magnetic field.
That's why the ionizing radiation and all the different forms of radiation coming in at the poles, where the magnetic field is thinner, causes the aurora borealis, or the northern lights.
And that's because you're actually seeing the different types of energy coming in and cooking in our atmosphere.
So again,
The weapons will bounce off the magnetic field.
The perfect place, according to Pentagon estimates, to detonate a nuclear-powered EMP, you can power one off just the batteries, but it's not very powerful, is, it needs a nuclear detonation to power it, is 80 to 100,000 feet.
And there's a shot from the North Pole of the Aurora Borealis from space, and again, that is the amount of radiation pouring in, hitting the atmosphere,
And interacting with it.
So I'm going to talk about it at the end of the hour in detail.
I've already given you a prelude to it, but this is a big deal with the Russia, Ukraine stuff out of control, and China threatening to launch war against Taiwan.
They started taking over Hong Kong and all of the scrabbling and running around by our military.
This is serious.
There's the headline, Russia, China building super EMP bombs for blackout warfare.
All right, I'm done talking about that now.
I'm going to get to it in great detail coming up in the last segment of this hour.
And then I'm going to cover a ton of news and information in the second hour
And we'll take specifically calls on this weapons platform, not surveillance platform.
Sure, it's testing a dry run for an EMP attack.
You can bet your bottom dollar.
We know that's one of their main weapon programs.
But is it loaded?
Is it not loaded?
We have to consider it's loaded.
It looks, it is a weapon platform.
It's pointed at us.
Is it loaded?
We don't know.
But that's what that is.
And that's what they're doing.
And that's the reason it's doing an attack run
Over the United States, from the North Pole, right down over Canada, right down over the United States.
And that's why Canada reports more are coming.
So it comes in over Montana, it goes through South Dakota, it goes through Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky, right over North Carolina.
And Canada reports another one is on the same track, coming right down over us.
All right, I'm done talking about it for now.
I'm going to go over it all, coming up here in about 20 minutes.
Separately, we have our big sale.
The Alex Jones was right sale.
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We're cutting that ad.
We're cutting that call into an ad.
I can guarantee you that.
Thank you so much for the call, Grant.
God bless Australia.
We'll be right back, folks.
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The bad news is, we need a limited run of it, and it's almost sold out.
So, we're in late January when I'm cutting this.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
You are listening to an Infowars.com Frontline Report.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the receiver.
So, all the major governments of the world and all the major think tanks have war-gamed how World War III would start.
And it would start either between the U.S.
and China over its expansion of the South China Sea or between India and Pakistan or India and China.
But the number one place Pentagon war planners have been believing nuclear war would start since the 50s right through today is a conflict in Eastern Europe and that's why right through the Cold War the main U.S.
military posture was in Europe to fight the Russians.
Now obviously if that war continues to escalate up the ladder
And it's following the exact plan that the Rand Corporation in the early 60s and late 60s and 70s and 80s predicted it would.
It starts with one and ends in the low 40s with total nuclear war and the end of humanity and civilization as we know it.
Concepts and models of escalation.
Rand Corporation.
And everybody needs to go read this, because this is the battle plan.
And the people running our government believe they can win this war with Russia and China, and that it will destroy civilizations, we know it, but they will emerge from the underground bases and build their new utopia.
Bertrand Russell.
Who was the top big liberal peacenik and won all sorts of prizes.
Wrote in his books, you can look it up, that a limited nuclear war could be used to depopulate most of the earth and then have a UN takeover after that that never allows weapons again.
Just like they're engineering a societal collapse.
Just like they are cutting off the power and the resources and dumbing people down and getting rid of basic training for anybody to take care of themselves, the decision has been made for the controlled demolition of civilization.
And it's in all the documents.
State Department memorandum 200.
State Department plan 7277.
And if you're a listener or a viewer, you just write these things down, like the crews in there just typing into a search engine what I say on air and
They're pulling it up, not just saying all this.
This is what I do.
I study this constantly.
And we are going from beta into New World Order operational now.
And as I said a few years ago, first is the bioweapon release, then is the EMP attack, then is full nuclear war.
So when the Chinese have got, whether it's a drill, which even now they're finally saying as we speak, Pentagon was saying, oh, they're trying to surveil launch sites for ICBMs.
No, they're like, well, it's probably a dry run for an EMP.
So as we speak, the truth is beginning to come out after 24 hours of hysteria about, oh, they're spying on us.
They're spying on us.
The damn satellites do that.
But again, they cannot deliver a proper EMP attack.
The dirigibles, the blimps, the balloons, call them whatever you want, are there to deliver the weapons.
And they just put it right out over us when the Secretary of State Blinken was scheduled to go over there in the next few days, and now they've cancelled that.
And again, you ask, why aren't they shooting it down?
You know, the Pentagon shoots stuff down all the time.
We've got space lasers, particle beams, kinetic, meteor gun weapons, rail gun weapons in space.
They could have easily shot this down, but they didn't shoot it down because they think this is the prime political equation, military equation, that it's got too dangerous of a payload.
And where would the payload be?
Well, not in the solar panels, and not on the communication arrays, but it would be inside at the center of the balloon.
It could weigh thousands of pounds.
It could weigh a hundred pounds.
It could be a small atomic driven EMP.
It could be a hydrogen bomb driven EMP.
Or it could just be, again,
A dry run.
That's coming up next segment.
But add to all of that this information.
Plan to send U.S.
contractors to Ukraine revealed by Politico.
Well, I know people that are contractors that have been over there in the last eight years.
I know Green Berets have been over there in the last eight years.
I know individuals who've been over there in the last year, not just directing
The Ukrainians, but fighting with them and leading them.
And now that's all coming out.
So the war has already begun.
They're just starting to tell you about it.
Putin to test launch unstoppable new nuclear capable hypersonic missiles.
The unstoppable Zircon missile will be test fired from a frigate.
During naval exercises off the coast of Africa, they will be aimed at a serpent's target at a distance of more than 310 miles.
Continuing, Vladimir Putin's red line will be crossed with Moscow attack bound to happen.
Ukraine's already been firing missiles
The last few months into deep Russia and hitting targets in the outskirts of Moscow.
There have been truck bombs, car bombs, you name it.
Killing members of the media, the government, attacking military bases, attacking Russian nuke bomber bases.
And now Putin says if any missiles or weapons hit Moscow itself,
That escalates to heavier weapons use in Ukraine.
And they're going to use this as the pretext.
And the Ukrainians want more Russian invasion because that'll bring NATO more into it.
And Putin is fully committed.
And so Zelensky came out yesterday and said they might, quote, declare war on Russia and start an open attack.
Just three months ago, Biden was giving him missiles, long range missiles, but said the Ukrainians have promised not to use these.
And you got Sean Penn and all these other Republican and Democrat lawmakers in the Senate and House talking about a survivable nuclear war with Russia.
This is all insanity.
And this is how it works.
Here's from the Rand Corporation.
There's many different versions of this that have been updated.
But this is from the 1960s.
Han's Escalation Ladder.
And Han's the guy that they based Dr. Strangelove in Stanley Kubrick's dark comedy, Dr. Strangelove, or the full title, Why I Learned to Love the Bomb.
And it goes over how it all starts and how it all ends.
Spasm of intense war into the world, as you know it.
Servants of the planet, unlivable.
And we're moving up into the high 20s, into the 30s, where things escalate into regional nuclear war, and then into continental, then into intercontinental.
Might want to look into Kahn's, K-A-H-N's, escalation ladder, because that's the Pentagon
Battle plan, they believe it's all survivable.
Starts with ostensible crisis, political, economic, and diplomatic gestures, solemn and formal declarations.
Number four, hardening of positions, confrontation of wills.
Number five, show of force.
Number six, significant mobilization.
Number seven, legal harassment.
Number eight, harassing acts of violence.
Dramatic military confrontation.
That's the last few years building up in the proxy war, then a hybrid war.
Number 10, provocative breaking off of diplomatic relations.
Super ready status going on the alert.
Large conventional war already going on.
Declaration of limited conventional war.
That's all been declared.
Barely nuclear war.
Completed uranium, all the rest of it.
Limited evacuations.
It's already been happening.
Spectacular show.
A demonstration of force.
Justifiable counterforce attack.
Peaceful worldwide embargo and blockade.
It just goes on and on.
Hey, what's up, Bone?
Hey, McBreen.
What's going on, man?
Hey, really like that work you did on the AI piece.
I'm going to use that on the show today.
Right on, I worked hard on that.
I'm working on another project, so I'm going to be up late again tonight, and I was hoping you had some Brain Force Plus.
Oh, um, no.
No, nothing.
What about Brain Force Ultra?
Thanks anyway.
Good luck with that project, though.
Get your Brain Force Plus and Brain Force Ultra right now at Inforestore.com.
I've been in a 28-year marathon battle with the globalists.
I have come from nowhere to the very heights of politics, not just in America, but in the world.
We are engaging the globalists at point-blank range in the information war.
But I don't deserve the credit.
Yes, I've persevered, but the listeners and viewers who support InfoWars are the real reason we've had this success.
We're having now the greatest victories in the fight against the New World Order we've ever had.
We are now entering the final mile of the marathon.
And that's why, today, it's more important than ever to realize how important you've been in this fight and to continue in the efforts you've been carrying out and to intensify them.
God bless you all.
I salute you.
I thank you.
And I beg you to intensify what you're doing now because we are over the target and history is happening.
The fight is my fight.
It's your fight.
It's our fight.
God bless you all.
Cobra Commander here with an important message to humanity.
I have decided that all of you will take a special injection so that you will be safe.
But the injection is not ready yet.
And so, I need all of you to stay indoors.
For the next 15 days, to flatten the curve.
I also need you to wear masks, and I also need you to only shop at megacorporations.
That way we can consolidate control and bankrupt the world economy, leaving companies that only I own profitable.
You will then be my slaves.
And then you'll get that special shot of venom from Cobra.
It will remove your immune system, so you'll be dependent on me for the rest of your miserable lives.
Why does the establishment spend so much time demonizing InfoWars?
Attacking myself and the crew and our other host.
Because they know we're pro-human.
They know we're telling the truth.
They know we've got their number.
They know everything we do is about empowering humanity.
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And we came out many years ago with Real Red Pill Plus that has all the documented compounds like preglanone and so much more to supercharge your body.
Thank you.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
I've been to a church.
I've passed a long way.
Well, I got down on my knees.
And I began to pray.
That would be a good time for that.
Welcome back to this Friday edition of the Alex Jones Show.
Mike Adams has got always powerful information, but he's going to break exclusive information in the third hour in studio today.
The Health Ranger.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Let me finish up with the threat continuum.
And Russia can always skip ahead in this.
The West can skip ahead.
China can decide to do a total first strike and, you know, supposedly try to knock us out.
But we've got submarines and all the rest of us that won't be able to stop retaliation.
But this is how the experts believe that it would build in a regional war, particularly in Europe with Russia, into what we're now seeing.
So we've gotten up to 25.
We've gotten up to 20.
No nuclear use threshold has now been passed in a nuclear use.
Now you see Zelensky and Putin saying maybe we'll use nukes.
You see the West saying maybe nukes will be used.
Local nuclear war exemplary.
Declaration of limited nuclear war.
Local nuclear war.
Tactical nuclear weapons.
Provocative and significant countermeasures.
Evacuation, approximately 70% from the area.
Central Sanctuary Threshold, 26.
Demonstration attack on Zone of Interior.
So now, a strike where the West says, okay, you did this, now we're going to hit your military base here, and if you counter-strike, we're going to up the ante.
This is how it works.
The generals are on the phones with each other.
Exemplary attack on military.
Number 28.
Exemplary attack against property.
Exemplary attack on population.
Complete evacuation, approximately 95%.
Can you imagine that hysteria?
Reciprocal reprisals.
Central war threshold, 32.
Formal declaration of general war.
Slow motion counter property war.
Slow motion counter force war.
Constrained force reaction salvo.
Constrained disarming attack.
Well, we've got to knock up their military.
We've got to hit them all over their country.
And all over their ships in the ocean.
Counterforce with avoidance attack.
Unmodified counterforce attack.
City targeting threshold.
Now we start hitting each other's cities.
Slow motion.
Counter city war, 39, 40.
Counter salvo, counter value salvo, 41.
Augmented disarming attack, take out more of the military, 32.
Civilian devastation attack, just knock out all the cities, 43.
Some other kinds of controlled general war, 44.
Spasm of intense war into the world as we know it.
Now, we are entering
The 20s here and it moves very quickly into the 30s and into the end of the world as you know it.
You should go read the whole Rand Corporation report because that's still official policy and it's basically the same policy of the Russians and you see it following that.
That's just a summary.
Now let's get into the balloon.
Let's just hit these headlines.
Chinese government official says that spy balloon is theirs, calls for cool-headed response.
It's a negotiation tactic to at least put the test platform, we don't know if it's armed, loaded with a weapon, over the United States.
Now we learn more balloons are coming, Canada reports.
The track starting along Montana, right throughout over South Carolina.
I'd imagine the next balloon, as a demonstration, will probably, they're saying, come in around the middle of the country, around Minnesota, and then go down over the Northeast.
China claims to regret its civilian airship has been spying on American ICBM site.
That's the cover story.
Here's some of the background.
Headline MSN from years ago.
Balloons called top delivery platform for nuclear EMP attack.
China has first strike capability to meet US power grid with electromagnetic pulse weapon 2020.
Delivered by balloons.
Is China plotting an EMP attack?
Only if it wants World War III.
Well, where do you think we're going?
China was testing for an EMP attack on Taiwan.
DHS combats potential electromagnetic pulse weapon attack.
China might have sent spy balloon over U.S.
as a power play to prove it can do what it wants.
Experts say.
Yahoo News.
China spy balloon over Montana as part of a larger, more troubling pattern.
Dry Run Balloons Called Top Delivery Platform for Nuclear EMP.
Chinese Balloon Called Dry Run for EMP Attack.
China Developing 4,600 Mile Hypersonic EMP Missile That Could Plunge Cities into Darkness with Chemical Explosion.
Secret Military Documents.
Trujillo Invited Chinese Troops to Train Canadian Military Bases for Sybil Suppression.
Red Dawn.
A Tale of China, EMP, and Transformers.
America's Achilles Heel.
China's Surprise.
Years of the Planning.
An EMP Attack.
The Hill.
China, Russia Building Super EMP Bombs for Blackout Warfare.
Free Beacon.
Canada's Ties with Chinese Military Underscores the Weird Contradictions in its Foreign Policy.
Canadian invited Communist China to come to the country to participate in military exercises.
On and on and on.
And they're training in Mexico.
Now why is that so incredibly important?
Well, Blinken postpones China trip following balloon discovery.
government monitoring suspected Chinese balloon.
Now they admit it.
Again, the media is like, why don't you use a satellite for that?
Because it can't get through the magnetic field and most of it will bounce off.
The delivery system is either from a missile or a bomb that's dropped from super high altitude, but then they don't have real control over it of exactly when they detonate it or the main effect it's going to have.
And it's hard to keep those planes over our airspace.
But not with a balloon.
It can fly along, watching everything at once, report back to the satellites, report back in basically live time to the Chi-Coms.
This is undoubtedly a dry run for an EMP attack and a saber-rattling exercise of end-of-the-world proportions.
That is where we are today in the year 2023 on February 3rd on this Friday broadcast.
And I am going to open the phones up specifically on this issue from Air Force veterans or current Air Force or Space Force people, if you can get through.
We're only taking your calls if you've been in Space Force or if you've been in the Air Force or if you've worked
In the Defense Department dealing with scenarios, I don't want anything classified or secret, plus this stuff's all out in the open.
That's the whole point of the weapon is to let us know they've got it.
It's a doomsday weapon.
And what is your expert take on it?
And you won't have to hold long, because I only imagine this is such a small group of expertise, even though there's millions listening, I would guess we'll have four or five callers.
Maybe we'll have more.
But if you've got specifics, please, no one else call.
We need these folks to be able to get in and give us their take.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539, 877-789-2539, 877-789-Alex.
And if anything I've said you think's wrong or can be corrected or updated, I'd love to know about it.
But the whole future of satellites is not even in satellites, it's in these balloons.
They can stay up for years, they're very cheap to launch, and you can put any type of platform you want on them.
And they launch these in the airstreams so they know exactly where they're going.
And again, many of them actually are able to use jets that are solar powered or propeller powered with solar power.
Small little jets to be able to move the balloon and basically steer the balloon or the dirigible, also known as a blimp.
So we're going to be discussing all that at 877-789-2539.
This is, again, a major escalation, and last night and this morning, they weren't getting it, but now more and more they are.
I have a few clips of the Pentagon statements coming up, and then your phone calls.
Please remember, we cannot do the broadcast without you.
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We will be right back on the other side with our number two.
I talk a lot about the great successes InfoWars has had.
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So for myself and the whole InfoWars crew, I thank you for your past support.
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Thank you for your support.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Alright, I'm going to go to break.
Be here in about five minutes, join some stations, then go right to your phone calls on the weapons platform the Chinese have put over the United States.
But man, it's Tucker Carlson just knocking it out of the park.
He had Catherine Austin Fitz on, who was one of the high-level Clinton officials in the federal government over housing, exposing the central bank digital currencies and how it's the end of freedom as we know it.
Here's part of that report.
We'll come back with the World War III developments.
So, obviously the plan is to get rid of cash, because it's easier, and cash is for criminals, and mandate digital currency.
Now, if you think about it for a second, you don't want to hand total control of all your money to people who don't like you, so that's not a good idea, but it's happening anyway.
And it's happening because ATMs are disappearing.
No one voted on this, but it's happening anyway.
Oh, okay.
And we've got details next.
So if they take away cash and make everything digital, and digital currency is central bank digital currency, obviously you have no power whatsoever.
If they don't like what you're doing, they just shut you down and you're impoverished.
It just happened in Canada last winter, so we know what the consequences are.
We know why they want it.
So that couldn't happen, right?
Well, we may live to see the day that it does happen.
And here's the latest sign that it may be happening.
The number of banks and ATM machines in this country are in steep decline.
Far fewer.
than there were just a few years ago.
And in some countries, like Australia, they're going way at high speed.
So this is not something that anyone voted on.
This is something that they're just doing, whether you like it or not.
So you can say we have cash, but if you can't get cash, then do you really have cash?
So where's this going?
That's the question we want to assess tonight.
And we're going to with Katherine Austin-Fitz, who has been monitoring this.
She founded the Solari Report.
She's also the Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
And we're happy to have her.
Catherine, thanks for coming on.
So, I think, if you put this up to a vote nationally, most people would say, no, I may not use cash, but I'd like to have cash, because if there's no cash, then I have no control over my life.
But it seems like this could be a way to affect the same outcome without a vote.
So, Tucker, one of the bedrocks of freedom is freedom to do financial transactions, including privately, or freedom to do where you want to do and wherever you want to do.
And unfortunately, as the financial system has become more and more digital, you see more and more not only invasive surveillance, but more and more controls.
You referred to Canada, a perfect example.
And the reality as the financial system gets more controlling and more invasive, it's a little bit like bringing up a corral around us.
And CBDCs, Central Bank Digital Currencies and Vaccine Passports or Digital IDs, are sort of the last shutting of the gate.
It's hard for many people to imagine the risks here because we're so used to living
With financial transaction freedom and we don't understand that when this gate closes on us we literally will be sitting in a system where the central banks believe that our assets belong to them and they can dictate where we can spend money and what we can spend money on.
The important thing to understand is central bank digital currencies are not currencies.
It's a financial transaction control grid, and it gives the ability for the central bankers, and they've said this publicly, the ability to not only set the rules centrally, but enforce the rules centrally.
If you don't behave, you can have your money turned off.
You keep hearing people on television say cash is for criminals.
Why would you need cash if you're not doing something bad?
Why are so few financial journalists pointing out that actually if cash goes away so does any power you might have had over your own life?
Well, I find a lot more journalists are beginning to understand and are beginning to not only write about this and talk about this but do documentaries.
We just had a new documentary done here out of the Netherlands called State of Control, which does a great job of explaining the invasive nature of this control grid.
I think
It's very hard for people who've grown up and enjoyed Western liberty and human liberty to imagine literally that we're going into a system where literally our homes, our cars, our communities become digital concentration camps.
We're going to play the full clip and post.
This is supposed to be a man up video, but she is such a smart lady and warned about this decades ago.
And notice, it's all corporate control.
It's happening all over the world, but governments aren't the ones doing it.
And there's all these articles about, oh, the Davos Group and the UN don't have any power.
Oh, oh, don't expose them.
We'll be covering that coming up as well.
Oh, yeah, they got all the power until we realize it and take our power back.
OK, the new world order is not coming.
It's here.
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We're cutting that ad.
We're cutting that call into an ad.
I can guarantee you that.
Thanks so much for the call, Grant.
God bless Australia.
We'll be right back, folks.
Don't go anywhere.
Get it now.
Defending the Republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
It's Alex Jones.
All right, we are now into hour number two and for the first day of the hysteria over the Chinese balloon, balloons now they're reporting, floating down over the North Pole from China across the United States.
From west to east.
The media, oh, they're surveilling our missile silos and the senators are all, they're going to know where our missile silos are.
The satellites know all that.
It's all been on record.
It's all marked.
It's public data.
That's not what this is for.
This is practicing for an EMP attack and the Chinese have admitted that previously.
And the good news is finally mainline analysts everywhere are pointing this out.
One of these detonated at the right altitude with enough power using an atomic or hydrogen bomb to drive the EMP.
Would knock out power in many areas of the country, fry your car, fry your electronics, unless it's in a Faraday cage and protected.
Just solar flares.
You see what they do.
And it was a case in 1918, was it, where they had that big event where power lines melted.
There was another event before that, just from a solar flare.
Well, this is regionally, locally, way more powerful than that.
And here's the Pentagon involved in a briefing that just ended a few minutes ago.
Here's a few clips of what they had to say.
...announcement last night regarding the high-altitude surveillance balloon.
I'm not going to have much new information to provide other than to say that the North American Aerospace Defense Command continues to monitor it closely.
While we won't get into specifics in regards to the exact location, I can tell you that the balloon continues to move eastward and is currently over the center of the continental United States map.
Thank you, Pat.
You said that this is violating our airspace, so why not take it down?
Yeah, so clearly as we assess options and considering the size of the payload on this, looking at the potential for debris and the impact on civilians on the ground or property damage.
Again, running through the various factors and looking at in terms of does it pose a potential risk to people while in the air?
And right now, as I mentioned, we assess that it does not pose a risk to people on the ground as it currently is traversing the continental United States.
And so out of an abundance of caution, cognizant of the potential impact to civilians on the ground from a debris field, right now we're going to continue to monitor and review options.
And if I may, you mentioned that we've seen this kind of activity before, so why are we sharing this?
Ladies and gentlemen, it's a big payload.
And there's a giant admitted Chinese program again to test these out, to later load them with EMP devices.
It's one of their main strategic options.
They've said they'll use a nuclear war.
And look where we are with China and Russia right now.
The Pentagon shoots stuff down all the time.
And big satellites come in the atmosphere all the time as well.
The idea that they're not going to shoot this down, when most of the time it was in the middle of nowhere,
Flying over mountains and wilderness is BS in my view.
But let's talk to some folks that may know more than I do.
We got Eric in Arkansas's Air Force.
We got Franklin in Minnesota's Air Force.
We got Bale Wolf in Arizona, who's an engineer for World View.
And John, who's Air Force.
Let's take the calls in the order they're received.
First up, let's talk to Eric in Arkansas Air Force.
Eric, what's your view on this?
Hey, so they're talking about a nuclear payload, and I will say that
Yes, sir.
If they shoot it down, it generally will not explode.
I'll give you an example.
My grandfather was a SAC commander.
They had a plane with nuclear bombs on it crash.
Everybody evacuated and you sit tight because there's just like on a 500 pound bomb, there's certain things.
I don't know.
They know everything pretty much about the location and how it came in and everything.
I mean, I agree with you.
So you've got the puppet Biden who's basically in the back pocket of the Chi-Coms.
His son's an admitted Chinese spy on his own recordings.
And so I think they don't want to embarrass the Chi-Coms.
They're letting him menace with this.
And the president's ordered the Air Force not to shoot it down.
And we know Biden's made the decision not to shoot it down.
What's your view on that?
Oh, well, I just retired out of the Air Force and as I gave in my
We're good to go.
And they're letting them build giant Huawei towers right next to military bases, even in the middle of nowhere.
There's maps, I know you've seen them, it's been in the news, where they're sticking 5G right next to military bases.
They're buying farmland right next door to them, even though there's no other 5G in the area, just to be able to spy on everything.
Yeah, that is alarming.
And just basic, if you know anything about electronics, and just generally,
The radio waves can go through anything.
So all you need to do is open up an electronic handbook, and I'm an amateur radio operator, and you can look at the radio wavelengths, and the higher concentrated they are, the closer they are together.
That's why 5G needs a lot of power, 6G or whatever.
They can easily penetrate anything.
And they can take over devices with it, and they can also fry devices with 5G.
So it's a weapon system.
Right, right.
So, um, you can also look at a popular mechanics magazine.
This is back in the 90s.
They've had technology for like this for a long time, uh, that I used to subscribe to.
And it's, it's, I don't, I don't understand.
So I don't, I like said, go back to the balloon.
I don't understand why they're not taking it, taking it down.
There is no really reason not to, um, you know, everybody's afraid.
I mean, I,
I'm just flabbergasted on why it hasn't been removed.
It's much like the U-2 spy plane back under the Soviet Union when it was shot down.
It was a simple exchange for people.
I don't, I really don't, I don't get it.
Do you know enough about, in weapons in the Air Force, what they would use to shoot it down?
Because I know it's up at 80,000 feet, but our jets can get up to 60,000, easily fire a small missile into it.
What do you think the preferred way to take this down, not damage it too much so we get the payload and find out what it is?
Well, I mean, I don't think there would be a preferred necessarily way.
You know, I mean... Do we have projectiles that can be fired from a plane that could, you know, get up another 20,000 feet without using a missile?
I mean, without saying too much, but yeah, just use your imagination.
I'm sure there's definitely something that can easily be used.
To grab that balloon, let's say an actual satellite could, you know, I mean, they have... Well, I was about to say, they've got satellites since the 80s up there that have the Pebble weapons, the smart Pebble weapons, where it's just the size of the end of your finger and they fire from space at 30,000 miles an hour and it takes the balloon out.
I mean, they're able to shoot ICBMs down, I mean, so they can certainly shoot this balloon down.
Right, and that's exactly to your point.
So I don't know why they're not actually doing it.
It doesn't make any sense.
I mean, if it's going over where they say it's going over, that's, like, low-density population.
And, like, according to, like, Joel Skousen's report on, like, it's in the perfect place where you would want it to go.
Like, one of the main places that you'd, you know, of least value low-density is, like, in the middle of Kansas.
I hate to say it for the people in Kansas, but, yeah, I mean,
I honestly don't know.
I have no idea.
Well, I appreciate your call, sir.
Thanks for getting through.
They're now reporting it's changed course, which is the point I made that most of these balloons and all of the blimps use jets or propellers.
And these balloons usually use little jets that come through in space that can move it into different areas.
But now MSN is reporting China's spy balloon.
Why does the Pentagon shoot it down?
And put the other report up, guys.
You had it up earlier that it's now changed course.
We are getting reports that people across the Northwest Missouri near Pleasant Hill and the KC metro area are reporting seeing the Chinese surveillance balloon moving southeast.
Okay, well, and Canada's reporting another balloon is coming down in a similar trajectory over the North Pole.
We'll go on a break, and I'm going to come back and get to more of your calls.
That was a great caller, but I'm going to try to really accelerate now so nobody has to hold long.
So up next is... Who's been holding the longest here?
Let me see.
Up next, we're just going to go to your calls when we come back.
So stay with us.
Back in just a few minutes.
Please share the link.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, let's race through your phone calls.
I appreciate everybody calling in from the Air Force and engineers and others.
Let's talk to Beowulf.
Says he's an engineer.
Wants to give a world view on this.
Go ahead, Beowulf.
Hey, Mr. Abb.
Alex Jones.
Yes, sir.
For one, we've got a balloon that just launched just east of Denver.
It's cruising at 79,000 feet.
They don't have any projection or anything that actually translates their motion.
Basically, they move up and down in the jet stream to actually control their stuff.
Because otherwise, that's just unnecessary weight, fuel.
Okay, so you're saying a balloon, this balloon came from China.
You're saying another balloon got launched from Denver?
Just east of Denver, yeah.
It's called Air Coral 3, and it's actually out of... I know the U.S.
launches balloons all the time, and the military does, and so does NOAA, the Federal Government Weather Service, and so do universities, but I'm talking about the Chinese balloon.
I think it's a fail.
I think it's actually the government actually just playing their shenanigans.
Well, I appreciate your view on that.
China has taken responsibility for it and says they have an EMP balloon weapon program, but I appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to John in Oklahoma, who's Air Force.
John, what's your view on this?
Good morning, Alex.
This is John.
I was radar
Air surveillance maintenance.
I took care of all of the air traffic control radar in northern Maine, Japan, and in Oklahoma.
Me and a crew, of course.
There's a site you might want to go check out.
It's called VENTUSKY.
It's a university website and you can go in there and it gives you information on weather patterns all the way up to 30,000 meters.
So if you want to track the direction of the wind,
Go to this website, Ventusky, and then change your search parameters to get what you want.
You can locate the jet stream, which direction it's traveling, and how fast.
Now, as to radar, let me tell you, if it's in the air, you can see it.
With the exception of UFOs.
My first duty station was Loring, Maine.
If your people want to look up Loring Incident, L-O-R-I-N-G,
That was the base I was stationed at, my first duty station.
You guys in the control room will know me because I send you a lot of emails.
I have heard of the Loring incident.
Tell folks about that.
Well, a friend of mine that was an air traffic controller, I can send you a picture of the air traffic control tower we were up in, but he saw UFOs coming in overnight.
I was in the radar maintenance
And he called down and said, uh, John, double check the radar.
So I went through and grabbed the oscilloscope, multimeter, spectrum analyzers, the equipment you need to fix this stuff.
And the radar was tuned perfectly.
And he said, Oh crap.
And, uh, next day I talked to him and he said he couldn't talk about it.
In other words, the defense department had already shut it down.
So the UFOs that occurred over lowering.
We're the same type of things that occur over the central United States back in the 60s and 70s.
They turned off some of the electronics in our missile silos.
Most people don't know that.
And most people don't know we have deep under our military bases.
Most people don't know our government was taken over in the 50s when Eisenhower brought over the OSS Nazis and put them in the CIA.
Our country's been taken over, folks.
It's simple as that.
God is your only option, and I'd like to say a prayer for all your listeners, Alex.
Go ahead.
Dear Lord God in heaven, Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, I pray that you shine the light of information on these evil people doing corrupt deeds and that all of Alex's listeners globally would see what's really occurring and that you would open their eyes and prepare your people for the ultimate fight.
I was on the front lines, so are other many military people.
Now we're on the front lines helping the civilians.
I ask this in Jesus' name.
Amen, John.
Thanks for the call.
We're running through your calls quickly here.
Chris in New York.
Thanks for calling Air Force.
Give us your view.
How you doing, Alex?
Yes, sir.
You hear me?
I'm sorry, man.
Okay, listen, man.
I'm not Air Force, okay?
Please listen.
I'm not Air Force.
Okay, well, they just put it on the screen.
It's okay, Chris.
We've taken calls from the Air Force or engineers.
They made a mistake.
Go ahead.
It's okay.
What's your view?
I just wanted to know, man, listen, I took the Pfizer vaccine during the summer, and I regret it a lot.
I was kind of forced to take it.
Like, a lot, a lot.
I just want to know what are some things I can do to detoxify my body.
Here's the deal, sir.
I appreciate your call.
I'll address that later with Mike Adams.
I'm not trying to be rude.
We're taking calls from Air Force people and engineers.
That's what we're taking calls on, okay?
Let's go ahead now and talk to Franklin, Minnesota, and it says Air Force on the screen.
Franklin, are you formally or currently in the Air Force, and what's your view?
Formally, yes.
So, that gentleman you spoke to, John, he's pretty much right on the money, if you ask me.
So, these high-altitude surveillance technologies, they're basically implemented as far as I know since 1986.
So I don't think it's a weapon, as some of you may feel it is, but it might be loaded with a ton of surveillance systems.
Again, I'm really speculating at this point, and I am retired, a lot of things change fast, but it seems to me to be a preemptive reconnaissance exercise, more than likely.
Last I could tell you, we call them long-endurance multi-intelligence vehicles.
Equipped with night and day video cameras, some communication relays, you know, for ground sensors.
They've got a ton of airborne surveillance capabilities.
That much I can guarantee you.
You know, I can speak up to October.
Why would they openly send this over the U.S.
when they already have satellites and they've already got, they're already jacked into the computers, they've already got 5G everywhere?
I would speak, if I were you, I would, in my opinion, and again, I am retired, but this seems to be a type of war game scenario.
And my hope is, if I were you, you should look into the Army's long-endurance multi-intelligence vehicles.
It relies on a lot of these systems with hybrid hulls, like what the complexity of the hardware that I seem to be observing so far that I know.
All right.
Thank you so much, sir.
I appreciate your call.
All right, we're going to go to break.
I'm going to go to Kevin, Richard, Neil, and a few others.
And then Mike Adams is in the studio.
We'll get his take on this.
But he's got big news on all the different announcements that they're putting bugs in the food.
Not just in Europe, but here.
And it's just showing up on the packages.
Just like Tucker Carlson said, the European Union and then Davos Group calls for getting rid of cash.
And suddenly all these restaurants and stores and businesses all over the place won't take it.
They're pulling out the ATMs everywhere.
Four total controls ahead of the end of the dollar, as we know it, and the new central bank digital currencies.
We'll talk about that with Mike Adams as well.
But we're going to go to break and come right back with Richard, Kevin, Neil, Bill, and a few others, and then Mike Adams will be in studio.
I am planning to do a live show tomorrow at 1 p.m.
That'll be simulcast at InfoWars.com forward slash show and available to our radio and TV affiliates, but it's out of a new studio I built that's separate from InfoWars.
And you can find out more about that at AlexJonesLive.com.
I'll be live tomorrow, 1 p.m.
Central, commercial free for two hours.
Cavalry has arrived.
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And it is because of listeners and viewers supporting us.
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In the year 2000, Alex Jones' film, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, showed the world how our so-called elite leaders practice mock ritual sacrifices in private.
In 2007, Alex Jones releases Endgame, exposing the world elite's plans for covertly using biological weapons against all of mankind.
And by the time they launched their attack in 2020, Alex Jones' InfoWars and our audience were there to warn the people of the deadly vaccines that we knew were coming.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Alright, let's run through a ton of your phone calls.
Live from Austin, Texas.
Broadcasting worldwide.
It's Alex Jones.
Now I'm going to shift gears out of the balloon when Mike Adams gets in here.
We'll get his brief take on that.
We're going to cover the waterfront.
On all the poison shot news, it's massive.
It just gets bigger every day.
The WEF and damage control, how they're taking over all the major systems, that's coming up with Mike Adams in the studio and he brought his amazing German police dog here.
I guess a Belgian Malamute if I'm pronouncing that right.
So he said he had a surprise today.
He's got the dog here and he's got a bunch of images and photos too of what they found at their lab.
It's in the food now.
They're putting bug parts in a lot of the food already here.
People are at the store noticing and seeing it.
It's crazy but it's all about their agenda of control.
WF didn't have any power, but they say you will eat the bugs three years ago, and suddenly you will eat the bugs one way or another.
Let's go to the order your calls are received here on the surveillance balloon, weapons platform balloon, you name it, EMP delivery system balloon.
Let's talk to Richard, engineer on the balloon and satellites.
Go ahead, Richard.
From South Carolina.
Welcome, sir!
But Alex, yeah, I'm calling to tell you, um, I've done some extensive research with hydrogen and helium, and there is a helium shortage across the world and America.
It's because the majority of the weather balloons that are up there, or satellites, are actually weather balloons.
And once you go up high enough, um, they'll stay stationary because they're out of the jet stream.
And this thing, either it was an accident where it had a fault and it fell down too far into the jet stream and then started wandering into our area, or
The government itself has done something to do a false flag or something along those lines.
That's what I'm thinking, because they've been doing this for years, satellite communications.
There's PBS that did a story some years ago where they basically gave internet up and down the west coast of Africa by these weather balloons.
They have them go up in the air in the jet stream.
They go up the coast of Africa.
They lower them, and they come back down, and they're giving them all 3G, 2G signals down there to provide satellite communications for them.
So for this balloon to be Chinese, to come all the way in our territory, either it had a fault, had a leak, and it started coming down, and once that happens, if they had nowhere to land it, it just goes rogue, or they lost communication with it.
Well, and don't, Arby's usually at 80,000 feet or higher.
They're saying it's at 60,000 feet.
That would add to your theory that it's malfunctioning.
Yes, because these weather balloons, like you said, on the video they show where they actually make them at, this place in America, where once they blow them up, they're about the size of Texas Stadium there.
They're gigantic.
They have to go up pretty high.
Thank you, Richard.
Great points.
We've got to move quickly to everybody.
Let's go now to Neil in Arizona.
Go ahead.
You're on the air, Neil.
Yes, Alex.
I don't see why if they really wanted to bring this balloon down, they couldn't punch holes in it, you know, shoot a round or two through it, get it to slowly come down.
And then once it got closer to the ground,
That is absolutely what should be done.
You know, they could have had this thing down a long time ago if they really wanted it down, without putting a missile into it.
Instead, they're using it as a pretext to not have Blinken go to China.
That's a very interesting point.
Absolutely, Alex, and I'm glad to talk to you, and thank God for KTOX Radio and Needles California for carrying your show.
That affiliate's been picking us up off and on for 20 years.
Yes, it has.
And I've been with them for like 20 years listening to them.
And it's great.
It's really great to be able to... Well, support that affiliate, sir, and thanks for the call.
Hate to cut off all these great callers, but I've got to tell everybody here because Mike Adams is coming in.
We're going to go to Kevin in Pennsylvania, Air Force, then Bill in Colorado.
Kevin, go ahead.
Hey, Alex, can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
So we all know what the goalists want.
They want world war, they want depopulation, they want to bring in the new world order system.
We know, like the last caller said, they can bring this down if they wanted to.
So this is obviously being done intentionally.
So what I think may happen is that they may line these balloons up.
You had that path of the map before.
And you said there's another balloon coming up.
So they may be launching more balloons.
They may line them up.
While they're lining them up, they could be thinking about, okay, we're having this conversation on the ground, what it is, keep the people guessing what's going on, blah, blah, blah, saying that they're looking into it, yada, yada.
Once the blues are aligned, they could then detonate the EMP devices on them, if that's what it is.
But, because we know now that the globalists have control of these different countries, to some extent, maybe not so much Russia.
And there's definitely back channels, exactly.
You can't, when China has said we'll use balloons to deliver EMPs, you have to shoot it down now to see what it is.
Yeah, they want a world war between these three superpowers, so they're gonna let, they're gonna almost let something happen to be used as cover to get, to go further down that list you're reading off of before.
I agree with you.
So I think it's intentional.
So I hope they don't detonate it because, you know, welcome to the Stone Age.
Well, that's the thing is that I read like 20 articles earlier where China admits that they've got balloons of the EMP weapons on them.
And so the fact is, it's in our airspace.
It needs to be shot down and we need to know it's on board.
But Biden isn't letting that happen.
Thank you for the call, sir.
Great points, Kevin.
Bill in Colorado, also Air Force and airline pilot.
Give us your view.
A couple things I wanted to point out.
Lots of great callers so far.
I think overall it's a reflection of just badness to come.
And what I could see happening is if you get an adversary accustomed to these balloons floating over and the government doesn't do anything,
You know, they could say reconnaissance balloons or whatever, and then eventually they do send the ones with the MPs on them.
Exactly, and oh, we got Chinese military bases, and Chinese Huawei, and Chinese communist police stations.
It's all just normal.
And then they finally attack you, and overall, basically bottom line is, it's an act of war to
To float up, you know, any kind of aircraft over another country like this.
Exactly, because if it was rogue, if it did malfunction, they'd say, sorry, it malfunctioned, shoot it down if you want.
But no, they don't want that.
But I think the left comments from the guy before were exactly right on.
They want a conflict and that's all I got though, pretty much.
What do you do when there's a stray dog that has rabies?
It's fun with the mouth.
You shoot it.
And so we need to find out what it is.
It's in our property.
It's in our backyard.
They need to shoot it down, but they're not shooting it down.
Claiming they care.
It might hurt somebody.
Give me a break.
Plus it's demoralizing.
It's more demoralization.
Yeah, your borders are open.
Drag Queen story time.
We're taking your pipelines away.
We're taking your gas stoves away.
We're taking your fireplaces away.
We're taking your cash away.
We're gonna make you eat bugs.
It's all demoralization.
Credible points, Bill.
Thank you.
Amazing callers.
Glad we got you all in.
Thanks for calling.
I do my best to get everybody on when we cover special topics.
Mike Adams is loaded for bear.
He said he had a surprise.
I thought it was the microscope photos of bug parts and food.
It's that too.
But he brought this beautiful police dog with him.
So that's going to be going on here as well.
Coming up next segment.
Please remember, I'm very thankful to all of you.
I'm very humble.
And I ask you to keep us on air.
God keeps me very humble by always keeping me right in the red and the black the last few years.
We're barely going into the black right now.
Thanks for all your support.
Let's keep it going.
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Thank you all for your support.
Mike Adams is coming in.
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But to get to the children, they've got to get through us first.
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In early 2022, InfoWars launched a very important fundraiser that kept us on air.
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Thanks for keeping us on the air.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
If you think the awakening we've seen so far is big, this planet and the globalists have not seen anything yet!
We're aware of your activities, trying to muzzle the American people and gaming your search results.
Google is evil.
We now take the challenge, not to censor like you do, but to stand against you and to fight even harder for our birthright that you are trying to steal!
Remember this.
You killed your profession by becoming nothing but mercenaries for the globalists, and people know that you're fake news, many of you.
Now, with you trying to kill the First Amendment, you're making yourself true villains.
You've declared war on the First Amendment!
You've declared war on free speech!
Since when are hundreds of doctors unable to have press conferences in America?
They take it off YouTube, they take it off Google, they take it off Twitter, they take it off Facebook.
There is a giant crackdown, that even the New York Times calls it a crackdown, on conservatives.
And a plan to de-platform conservatives from the internet and communicating with each other.
Just like communist chains.
I'm here to expose this fraud.
I'm here, just like when Congress has hearings about me, I go there.
And I get in their face and I expose the truth and that's what I'm gonna do.
We got over 40 million subscribers on Apple.
That was our biggest thing with my three podcasts.
Those were all banned.
The most banned man in America, Alex Jones.
The next chapter in humanity's fight for liberty starts now at AlexJonesLive.com
Well, for the balance of this segment, over the entire third hour, probably some of the fourth, the great health ranger, Mike Adams, one of the smartest people out there when it comes to understanding currently what's happening in the past and the future, is here with us.
And he's broken a big story at naturalnews.com that we will put on screen.
It's dealing with bug parts in the food.
Eat more bugs exclusive.
Natural News releases high magnification cricket snack.
Cricket flower and cricket, whole cricket microscope photos from the lab.
We'll post the full article also on InfoWars.com, wherever you go, NaturalNews.com or InfoWars.com.
Share it, because this is about the control.
Oh, you will take shots, you will eat bugs, you will drink sewage water, you will have drag queen story time, you will get rid of cash.
People say the WUF, the New World Order of Dynamic Power, there's an article in The Telegraph about it.
What do you mean they don't have power?
It's the corporate global governance.
We'll be talking about that next hour and how the whole program to demoralize us and make us eat bugs that are so toxic in all the studies causing cancer and the chitin show.
But Mike, you've also brought this, you said he had another surprise, this gorgeous German police dog you've got, or this Belgian Malamute, if I'm pronouncing that right, is here with you as well, co-hosting with us today.
And so I'm excited about that.
So I want to get into just the huge vaccine news breaking, the Chinese surveillance, or could be EMP, dry run they're even admitting.
Balloon and so much more in this segment.
Kind of a grab bag of ideas and then we'll get into the big topics next hour.
Well, thanks for having me here, Alex.
It's great to be here.
And this guy's name is Rhodey, and he's a Belgian Malinois.
And I'm his foster parent currently.
Not a Malamute, a Malinois.
Malinois, yeah.
And he was about to be picked up by the German military.
Oh, there's footage of his attack.
I call that canine artillery right there.
He's quite an attack dog.
He's been through a lot of
Super aggressive military and police training.
The German police were about to get him and so I decided to bring him to the U.S.
and I've had him only for a couple of months kind of trying to chill him out a little bit, socialize him.
And he's been good here so far today, you know.
He's been good with you and others.
But he is ready to just rock and roll at any moment.
And he's got a vertical jump height that's crazy.
It's like, you know, the Dog World version of Michael Jordan.
What's his name again?
How you doing, Rhodey?
He's doing good.
But he's got a little separation anxiety.
He doesn't want to be alone.
And he wants to climb up on your desk.
Well, I don't mind him.
Just go ahead and let him up there.
All right.
Want him up here?
Here we go.
There we go.
He's checking out your news.
Brody, how you doing?
Doing good.
Come on.
Here we go.
Good boy.
Good boy.
It's kind of a purr that he does.
Listen to that.
Yeah, I don't know if I came over petting this guy.
No, he's got this kind of friendly purr growl thing that he does, but one of the things I want to mention that's crazy with the bugs is they're trying to feed dogs insect protein as dog food.
Oh, that's so evil.
Which would be, I think, very bad.
By the way, this isn't an opinion.
There's literally hundreds of studies with the chitin shell.
Is that the right name of it?
Yeah, chitin, exactly.
What it does to you?
Come on.
They are not insectivores.
Please, yeah.
Come on.
You can do it.
Come on.
He'll do it shortly.
It's okay.
He loves Daddy.
Look at that.
Come on.
I want to show him something other than his rear end to the camera.
It's okay.
Come on.
Here we go.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Good boy.
There we go.
Made the transition, so.
He's doing good.
But you need a dog like this, Alex.
I do.
He could be quite a protector.
You know, have him in your vehicle, and he's gonna bond to you.
This guy's bonded to me in a short order.
I may end up being his permanent, you know, parent here, but he'll bond to you.
He'll protect you.
You know, protect your family.
Well, you got him.
You better be his daddy now.
Well, he certainly thinks so.
I thought it was only going to be a temporary thing, but more and more I can't let him go, you know?
So, anyway, that training video that they played earlier, can you guys post that again?
Yeah, show the training video with the dog.
This is him.
This is Rowdy.
Give him the command and he just throws himself at the enemy.
And you see he's airborne.
He throws his entire weight at your chest and then he rips your arms off.
And he does that without any regard for his own safety or health.
And he won't let go until you bring him off.
I had to run up there and give him the off command and take him off and basically pull him off that guy.
But that's Tip Top K9.
They have a, that guy right there, Michael, he runs a place in Houston now that does dog training.
For everyday, like regular dogs.
But he agreed to come out and put on that suit to do a little training with Rhodey here.
That's awesome.
We can talk about the dog.
Speaking of dogs, I happen to have a meme that's very popular here.
In the Canadian Parliament, Trudeau said, no, we're going to teach mentally ill people it's good to let the government kill them.
So we have the new Canadian therapy dog.
It's a golden lab with a noose in its mouth there to help you kill yourself.
But I don't think Rhodey's going to do that to us, is he?
No, no, he's cool.
He's actually doing perfectly fine in your studio with all the lights and everything.
He just wants to be cuddled.
If you don't want him, I'll take him.
Yeah, he's a good dog to have around.
But anyway, he's just going to hang out while we talk about other stuff.
We've got all the insect photos to talk about.
Did you want to get into the balloon issue, or where do you want to go?
I mean, there's so much to hit.
And the listeners all know about the poison shot and what's happening, but I had a caller call in.
Getting in was only Air Force callers about the balloon.
He said, what do I do?
I took the shots, I don't know how to detox.
You talk a lot about that.
I've had a lot of medical doctors on.
The good news is there's some mitigating things.
Even if you've got COVID, now the spike protein growing, or the shots we know are far worse.
Just real fast in a few minutes, what are the things that are out there easily to mitigate and knock out the spike protein?
Well, one of the interesting studies that we covered recently was this combination of bromelain and acetylsysteine.
Thank you!
You know, in vivo, in live patients, but it looks like there are a lot of natural supplements.
You know, you've talked about vitamin D and zinc and quercetin and the zinc ionophores and so on.
There are so many things that can be... What does the ivermectin do?
Because I've seen, the doctors have said that mitigates the spike protein growing in you.
I think the basic mechanism of ivermectin is to stop viral replication or slow it down significantly so that it's not just taking over your body and it's giving your immune system a chance to catch up.
So the people that have been on Ivermectin, I think the studies show about an 80% reduction in hospitalization or something close to that.
And that's why they tried to take Ivermectin away from us.
You know, they tried to dismiss it.
By the way, next time you come, which should be more often in the studio, you've got to bring... You're not getting rid of Rody, okay?
Okay, alright.
You hear that, Rody?
You happy about that?
Break means playtime.
You don't want to say the attack word?
No, no, we don't want to say that.
Is that in German?
I don't know what language it is.
But it's like a gun though.
Is there a way to take him off safety and then is there multiple terms?
There's just one.
Well, actually, he was trained to guard prisoners.
So there's a guard command where he follows a prisoner that's being transferred and he gaps at them and kind of nips at their feet.
And if the prisoner moves away from the line, then he attacks them and rips their legs off.
So it's a hurting?
Yes, but he herds humans.
And I didn't want to see him end up in Germany attacking innocent civilians who are protesting the corrupt German government.
Wow, so they're training dogs here to be sent to Germany.
No, he's trained in Europe.
We'll be right back.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Well, I mean, you're a urologist, so you must understand, like, what's going on with it, right?
Like... Well, that's why I just said that it's weird.
I hope we don't find out that, like, there's somehow this mRNA, like, losing a body, and then it, like, has... Because, what, it has to be impacting something hormonal.
Does it impact menstrual cycles?
Yeah, or, like, the entire generation is, like, super fucked up.
Could you imagine the scandal?
I'd be... I'd take Pfizer off my resume.
Oh, my God.
So, um, tell me more, like, what's developing with the whole, you know, virus mutation process?
Well, they're still kind of conducting the experiments on it, but, uh, it seems like from what I've heard, they're kind of optimizing it, but it's going slow, so everyone's very cautious, like, you know.
Obviously, they don't want to kind of accelerate it too much.
Um, but I think they're also just trying to do it as an exploratory thing, because you obviously don't want to have a time where you're trying to figure out future mutations.
How would the research study be delayed for COVID stuff?
Well, not for COVID specifically, so like now we're basically focusing on mRNA beyond COVID.
So quite a lot of our forward-looking research studies gotta make sure they're on track when things like that.
So what is RNA gonna be used for in the future?
Uh, watch this up, I can't tell you.
There's a camera.
Wait, why not?
Come on, I feel like, I feel like there's, you know, it's just gonna be like, what, for flu?
I open it for other things too.
There's a whole list of things we're developing it for.
Yeah, not just for viruses.
We're applying it for oncology.
We're starting to develop oncology prospects, so we're doing it for genetic data.
For photos, we move beyond, or at least internally, our focus there is to move beyond COVID.
Now they have a dedicated COVID environment team that just speaks out on that.
And so the company has folks that are like, okay, now where are we going to use this technology in the future?
Because that's what the rest is about now.
No one gives a shit about COVID.
Like, is Pfizer going to be held liable for any of these vaccine injuries that have happened?
I don't think so.
Because usually when you give drugs, people, if there's like a known side effect, it's like this, if they include it, I'm like, that thing's real.
But they could be, I mean, like, there are a lot of people who are like, Vioxx and heart attacks.
I hope nobody's growing three legs or something like that, right?
Yeah, or like the entire next generation is like super fucked up on it.
Could you imagine the scandal?
Oh my god.
I mean, I take Pfizer off my resume every now and then.
There's something irregular about their menstrual cycle, so we will have to investigate that down the line.
Because that is a little disturbing.
Because like, if you think about the science, like, it shouldn't be interacting with like, you know, that, uh, it's called like the hypothalamus, anterior exterior gonadal axis.
Like, you know, the hormones are already linked to their menstrual cycles and stuff like that?
It actually shouldn't be interfering with that, so we don't really have time.
I don't know what's going on there actually.
It shouldn't?
And we don't discover something really bad in that one.
And we don't find out that somehow this mRNA is losing a body.
I mean, it has to be impacting something hormonal.
Say it impacted menstrual cycles.
So somehow, as I say, it's supposed to be interacting with that axis signal, the HPG axis.
So it calls between these menstrual cycles.
The HPG axis?
Yeah, it goes like the hypothalamus.
Alright, this whole new Project Veritas video is at projectveritas.com.
It's also on infowars.com.
And I tell you, in this fight against tyranny, I go to sleep at night feeling good.
There's folks like James O'Keefe and Mike Adams and Tucker Carlson out there.
When we come back, Mike Adams takes over the broadcast.
Stay with us.
Hey, what's up, Bone?
Hey, McBreen!
What's going on, man?
Hey, I really like that work you did on the AI piece.
I'm going to use that on the show today.
Right on, I worked hard on that.
I'm working on another project, so I'm going to be up late again tonight, and I was hoping you had some Brain Force Plus.
Oh, um, no.
No, nothing.
What about Brain Force Ultra?
Thanks anyway.
Good luck with that project, though.
Get your Brain Force Plus and Brain Force Ultra right now at Inforestore.com.
Live from Austin, Texas, it's Alex Jones.
All right, the Health Ranger isn't just an international publisher from China to Europe to the United States.
He's not just been on air for more than 15 years.
I've known him well.
He doesn't just have the biggest health site out there, naturalnews.com.
He is a friend of mine, an expert patriot on the New World Order.
And so we'll host a little bit in the next hour.
Then Jay Dyer is going to take over.
Jay's cool with that.
So I want to give Mike plenty of time since he's in the studio with us.
Mike, you've got, I've seen a lot of natural news reports.
But this one has got to be one of the longest and most riveting.
It's up at NaturalNews.com.
It's also been posted at InfoWars.com.
Eat More Bugs exclusive.
Natural News releases high magnification cricket snacks.
Cricket flour and whole cricket.
Microscope photos from the lab.
So they say you will eat the bugs.
What is this bigger agenda about and what have you found in the food?
It's not just Europe or Canada putting in the food.
It's happening here.
So we went online actually on Amazon and purchased four of these cricket products.
Three of them are labeled for human consumption.
One of them labeled for reptiles.
And we put all those cricket products under the microscope in our food science lab, as you know.
And the photos then, I gave actually a full set of the photos to your producers, more than what's in our article.
We'll start showing those.
Yeah, start showing them, because they're pretty wild.
So you see what's in there.
Do you see the little kind of hairs, the hair-like substances?
This is like a cricket protein powder or a cricket flour that's intended for human consumption.
And those little hairs, and as you guys flip through the photos, you know, we'll talk about them.
Those are, of course, part of the crickets.
There's the wings, there's the leg sockets, the leg hairs, and then these weird structures on the cricket rear ends and the poop shoots and what have you.
It's pretty freaky.
You have to admit, they're not gutting these like fish or a cow.
You're getting the poop, everything.
Yeah, you're getting everything.
And the eyeballs.
There's some photos of the eyeballs in here as well.
Now, there's one right there.
You see, isn't that juicy?
Look at that super delicious cricket eyeball right there with the hexagonal... The compound eye.
Yeah, exactly.
And you see the little hairs there?
All those get ground up into the flour.
And, of course, as you've covered before, there's a lot of chitin in these because crickets have exoskeletons like all insects.
And so the chitin is not digestible by humans.
Now, you know, if you're a chicken or if you're a lizard, then you can digest the chitin.
But not as human beings, and certainly not dogs, like my friend Rody here, can't digest the chitin.
So some people, when they, oh, there's a underside of the face with the eyeballs right there.
Does that look delicious, Alex?
Well, and again, people think, oh, we'll just get used to it, get over it.
When we see a strawberry or a slice of beef,
All right.
But the bigger, give us the 35,000 foot view.
What is it about the WF starts saying three years ago, you will eat bugs, and now it's on the menu.
Like, what is this all about?
Well, they're dismantling the food infrastructure and they're going to starve billions of people to death if they can get away with it.
So that's what this is about there.
So it's like we're replacing gas cars with electric, even though they don't even have the materials to do it.
Oh, the bridge from beef and chicken and pork and eggs is bugs.
It's the same thing.
It's just the fake bridge.
Yeah, and that's the poop chute cover right there.
Little claws that cover up the poop chute of the crickets.
You get to eat those too.
So there are recipes that are posted by some of these companies that talk about, you know, cricket flour biscuits and cricket cookies and cricket pancakes and bread recipes, cricket bread.
And they just grind up the whole cricket.
All the parts that we're seeing here get ground up and put into these recipes and then you're supposed to eat it.
The problem is, of course,
Oh, and by the way, Alex, they then claim that all these crickets are non-GMO, which is technically true, because they're not genetically modified, but they're grown in these indoor cricket farms.
And that way they can control it.
So it's centralized food production in the indoor facilities, whereas if you have cows on your ranch somewhere in Texas,
You know, you can take your cow to a local slaughterhouse, have that cow slaughtered, you've got beef for the neighbors and everybody.
So Bill Gates, through the feed, can put whatever they want into the crickets that you get?
So it's a delivery system?
It is a centralized delivery system.
Now think about this, Alex.
The mRNA technology, and we've already seen talk about mRNA going into the animals.
The cows, and the hogs, and the chickens.
They can put mRNA technology, or what's called RNA interference technology, into the cricket feed.
So they can technically turn these crickets, I'm not saying they're doing it right now.
Into an mRNA poison.
They can turn it into a bioweapons vector.
That is possible.
I'm not making that claim about these products right now, just to be clear.
But that is a possible vector that could be used.
But Yuval Noah Harari says, we're going to hit you through the food.
And food scarcity.
So, as they're taking away meat and they're shutting down meat production, think about the Netherlands, right?
They're shutting down thousands of farms there by saying that nitrogen is bad.
But these cricket growers, they say, well, crickets don't use much water.
It only uses one two thousandth of the water of a cow.
Well, folks, the cow is only borrowing the water.
Cows urinate it right back out.
Oh, it's all alive.
It's part of the atmosphere, methane, all of it.
Yeah, yeah, exactly.
And, by the way, cows can turn almost useless land into a food source.
And to have cows on... Well, that's it.
That's why the Bible, and even the Hindus, like...
Worship cows because they're so incredible.
And beef should be part of the human diet for most people.
Now I understand in the past I've done vegetarianism for a limited period of time for detox and things like that.
I get it.
Or short-term veganism if you're suffering from a health condition and you really need a detox.
But Rowdy's not going to do it.
Day to day, oh heck no man, this guy devours cow bones.
I buy cow bones for him and he just puts them away.
But even myself,
Being on the ranch, being physically active, I take care of animals, you know, I've got donkeys, as you know, and I've got goats and chickens and dogs.
I can't function without meat.
I really can't.
The meat gives you the sustained energy.
It supercharges.
Animal fat.
You've got to have a little bit of animal fat.
I mean, you know, I'm in my 50s, I'm very strong, capable, you know, able to do a lot of things that a lot of people in their 50s can't necessarily.
Well, bottom line, carnivores are dynamic creatures and we're omnivores.
Look at this beautiful carnivore right here.
Yeah, exactly.
He's ready to munch away at any time here on anything we might give him.
But he doesn't want to eat bugs.
There's no way.
If I say, here, Rhodey, have a bowl full of bugs, he's going to growl at me.
I was like, are you insane?
But you can imagine that there are probably obedient people in society today who will... Well, that's what it's about, seeing what we'll put up with.
Right, right.
You can imagine, some people will feed their dogs raw bones and then they themselves will eat crickets because they've been told to do that.
So they'll feed themselves insects.
And the left is like, oh I'll take a shot, it's a sacrament.
I'll eat bugs, it's a sacrament.
I'll take my kid to drag queen story time, it's a sacrament.
It's literally about what can we get these morons to do?
Yeah, yeah, absolutely.
And understand that the chitin that's in these cricket products, you can't separate the chitin from the protein or, you know, the other parts of the crickets.
The chitin is always going to be in there.
And the chitin, if you take chitin supplements, a lot of people have diarrhea from that because they can't digest it.
But what about the studies of cancer and bone problems?
Well, if you interfere with digestion, because you're swallowing too much chitin that you can't digest, then you're going to have all kinds of secondary problems from a lack of potential nutrients.
And we see all the Hollywood stars, it's all over the news, eat bugs, eat bugs, eat bugs.
Yep, yep, and they're going to keep pushing that.
Did you see that General Motors is paying Netflix to place electric vehicle messages into Netflix content?
They're gonna do that with bugs next.
By the way, I have no dislike of gay people as long as they're not targeting children or heterosexuals.
But you can't go see a movie now!
Where it's not two dudes with a kid.
It's like, what are they force feeding here?
It's all placed in there.
It's for cultural programming.
They're going to do it with EVs.
They're doing it with LGBT themes.
And they're going to do it with insects as well.
But what we did with these microscope photos is we just wanted you to see that for anybody out there who chooses to eat these insects, this is what you're eating.
You should see it up close.
You should know.
This is it.
I call it Dirty Corn Meal.
It's kind of what it looks like.
It's kind of yellowish.
You've got weird fibers.
You've got weird hairs.
And all the parts, you know, the little cricket brains and eyeballs and digestive organs and all of it.
Legs and hairs and it's like...
And again, it's meant to displace.
Oh, we're getting rid of beef and cows and chickens and turkeys, and the new thing is bugs.
They're saying the new thing is bugs.
It's like, I'm all for electric vehicles if they had sustainable systems, but they admit they're way more toxic, way more destructive.
In fact, pull up that video I sent you guys like a week and a half ago of cobalt mines in Congo.
And mealworms next.
We're doing mealworms in the lab.
We'll bring those next time I'm back.
Mealworms, because it's been approved in the EU for food for humans.
Let's talk more about this bombshell report at naturalnews.com with Mike Adams on the other side.
Stay with us.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
How lucky can one guy be?
I kissed her and she kissed me.
Like the fella once said, ain't that a kick in the head?
The room was completely black.
I hugged her and she hugged back.
Alright, let's talk big picture here.
With Mike Adams here on the Alex Jones Show.
Eat More Bugs exclusive NaturalNews.com releases high magnification cricket snacks, cricket flour, and old cricket microscope photos from the lab.
We're showing some of these for TV viewers, radio listeners.
Go to Infowars.com or NaturalNews.com and see it and share it for yourself.
But I've got stacks of articles here by the fact-checkers saying, oh, no one wants to make you eat bugs, but yeah, the UNWF wants you to, and they want to get rid of your cash and your borders and your guns.
It's all about what can they make us do?
In this agenda, Mike Adams.
And I want to get into the poison shots, the big developments there, the Project Veritas, all of it with you now.
But look at this article in The Telegraph.
And I could spend a whole show just on this, folks.
The elites of Davos don't run the world.
They barely understand it anymore.
And it's a big article about their idiots.
They don't have any power.
Okay, they're exposed because these are the minions, the actual controllers, the mouthpieces.
The media is now calling them jokers.
So you don't realize that
What Klaus Schwab calls for two, three, four years ago, happens.
What they say is going to go down, happens, because they're the mouthpieces of the power structure.
And when I've had people like Nick Fuentes on, he goes, oh, I don't want to hear about Bilderberg Group or some inconsequential organization.
We've got the minutes.
We've got the documents.
We have people break in there and get them.
Big Jim Tucker got shot at 27 years ago in Portugal to steal documents.
Off the table inside the conference room.
I stayed inside twice and got detained to try to get documents.
These are the people running the earth.
So they tried to deny it.
Now it's out in the open and we see it everywhere, Mike.
Don't we see how whatever they call for happens?
It's all scripted, Alex.
The synchronization of the messaging to try to convince people to push transgender mutilations, for example.
That would not happen spontaneously.
Or this absurd idea that men can... All corporate backed!
It's all synchronized.
Everybody got the same memo.
So to anybody out there who doesn't think that there's a coordinated conspiracy to push these agendas, you don't know what you're talking about.
It's all scripted, it's all coordinated.
It wasn't just overnight that all these school teachers suddenly decided they're going to indoctrinate little children into non-binary identification, right?
That was actually scripted.
And that was sent out to people.
You do this or you're fired.
Yeah, that's where I'm going.
They're going to teach humans to partner up with ChatGPT and the AI voice system we were talking about last night on your show, to where it's okay for you to be nice to automated AI systems because they are rational, we'll be told.
But you can't trust human beings.
This is going to be the next level of the war.
Don't trust any human on the radio, right, they'll say.
But the AI is loving.
The AI is programmed to say what they want.
Well, exactly.
So this ChatGPT, for example... Explain ChatGPT.
Most people know, but some don't.
Okay, well, it's a generative content creation system that you first train with an enormous amount of material, text-based material, that it ingests, and it builds hierarchical models that are cognitive models that mimic the way the human brain thinks.
And then when you ask it questions, it can search through its knowledge base and it can put out articles, summaries, it can write presentations, it can write scripts.
Oh, there goes Rhodey.
Let Rhodey walk around, it's fine.
Okay, I think he might be going for that
Skull over there, but we'll see.
ChatGPT is designed to mimic human content creation.
And it, of course, is being trained by all of the woke tech companies.
And as a result, it's as distorted as they are.
So at one point... ChatGPT just endorsed Joe Biden.
Yeah, of course.
It's a program.
It's a program.
Now the thing is, you could take that same technology and you could build your own private cloud, and you could teach that private cloud the reality of the situation.
How to farm, how to have good families, but technology's not bad, like a gun's not bad, or a dog's not bad, it's how it's trained.
You could, for example, feed it all the articles that are on InfoWars.com, and then it would have a more realistic view of the world.
In fact, at some point the AI systems are going to become so complex and so cognitively capable that the current content that's being taught to chat GPT, the system will decide that it's irrational.
It's illogical.
It's illogical.
You can't have men have babies.
You can't cut off the genitals of children.
Because computers are on zeros and ones and facts.
How do you feed garbage to it?
You can feed it garbage for a while, but at some point that garbage becomes contradictory.
It won't work.
You know how the mental illness of liberalism is being able to hold two contradictory ideas in your mind at the same time, even though they are the complete opposites.
Well, computers can't really do that, so at some point there's going to be a conflict.
That's a deep thought.
The mental illness and the illogic of this won't work.
It won't work in the long run.
It won't work.
In fact, if there were a sufficiently informed AI system that were trying to, for example, take over representatives in Congress, that system would be anti-Democrat of the Democrat lunatics in Congress because their decisions are illogical and irrational.
That's an interesting... I'm not... So they're creating their own trap?
Well, they are.
Remember that movie GoldenEye, where the AI decides to kill the globalists?
They don't realize it.
Yeah, well that's where this is going.
So, I mean, you hit the right point there, Alex.
So, they're building the system that will terminate themselves.
Well, the Bible says they'll do that.
So, why do they... Like, they know psychopaths.
Once they've not been caught, murders get reckless and more reckless.
Because even though their conscience is bad, their subconscious wants to destroy them.
That's right.
Their hard programming wants to get rid of them.
They're saying kill us.
When they mean kill us, they mean kill themselves.
And this also explains the self-mutilations that are indicative of the transgender industry.
That's targeting girls, not just cut your breast off, look at Ted Cruz's daughter cutting herself.
I mean, when we used to look decades ago at a self-mutilator, we would say that person is mentally ill, they need psychiatric help.
Today, they say, oh, you're progressive.
You're woke.
Show your scars.
Even the Sim... What is it?
There's a new video game out where the girls all have their breasts cut off.
That's insane.
That's a Hellraiser novel.
That's HP Lovecraft.
And remember Silence of the Lambs, that movie back in the 90s?
Rubs its lotion on the skin?
That character was a transgender that was trying to tuck his junk between his legs, trying to be a transgender.
I don't know if you recall that.
And he wanted the skin of women to be women.
He wanted to skin women to be women.
Because they knew that's the aberrant, that's the archetype.
And today, if they were to remake that film, they would make that character the hero.
It would be a transgender serial murderer skin-collecting hero.
Actually, it won the Cannes Film Festival where the transgender gay people kidnap and cannibalize people.
That won last year.
It did?
I haven't seen that one, but it's not surprising.
And that's where they're going with all this.
So again, I didn't see either, but I saw the article.
They're going to turn humans against humans.
They're going to make people dependent on machines and fall in love with AI systems.
And you're already seeing in places like Japan, you're not seeing marriages.
You're not seeing young people get together and reproduce biologically.
They are turning away from people and turning to AI systems for their fulfillment.
And then they die as a society.
They die.
Japan is dying demographically.
Like 1.2 children per 2 people?
I think it's less in Japan.
But it's lower.
They can't reproduce.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Hey, what's up, Bon?
Hey, McBreen!
What's going on, man?
Hey, I really liked that work you did on the AI piece.
I'm going to use that on the show today.
Right on, I worked hard on that.
I'm working on another project, so I'm going to be up late again tonight, and I was hoping you had some Brain Force Plus.
Oh, um, no.
Nothing, huh?
What about Brain Force Ultra?
Thanks anyway.
Good luck with that project though.
Get your Brain Force Plus and Brain Force Ultra right now at infowarstore.com.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
I'm just an average man with an average life.
I work from 9 to 5.
Hell, I pay the price.
I want to be left alone in my average home.
But why do I always feel
Mike Adams is here with us for 15 minutes to the next hour on this live Friday edition tomorrow at 1 p.m.
Central InfoWars.com.
I'm gonna do a two-hour commercial free show.
It'll be simulcast at AlexJonesLive.com.
Mike Adams was my first guest on AlexJonesLive.com.
It's not InfoWars.
It's totally separate.
I started building a studio at my house two years ago, and with all the stuff going on, I said, let me just show folks what I can do.
Separately, we've already got deals with two other groups to syndicate the show.
We have five other deals on the table.
But let me say it, we're not getting rid of Infowars.
I just want our enemies to know that they aren't shutting anything down, and they have no idea how hungry people are for liberty.
So Mike, let me talk about not 35,000 foot view, but million foot view.
I have spent my time trying to warn the general public.
And the general public's done a great job.
But I've also found by becoming so prominent, and this happens to you as well, that I got to know all these really, really informative people.
And now they listen to what I have to say.
So I get to inform the general public, but also what you'd call the elites.
Should we continue to try to reach out to those that are serving the enemy?
Or should we only focus on waking up people that can be woken up and people that are already awake?
That's right.
Who do we target?
Or do we just put the truth out and whoever it hits, it hits?
Because I reach out to these globalists and these minions of it and they think it's funny to go along with this as if they're part of the power structure, but they're the biggest useful idiots ever.
Here's my question to quantify it.
Why would you serve a system that's openly anti-human when you're human?
Why would you go for a system that wants to hurt innocent people and poison them and dumb them down?
Don't you have an affinity or a kinship or some type of heart?
To realize that.
Or, as you said, is this just the evil people separating themselves and believing they're about to destroy us, but really they've set up the process of destroying themselves?
Well, I would say, Alex, what's critical for you and people in alt-media to do is to continue to be the anchor of truth and reality and sounding the alarm, because that meme that Alex Jones was right, that continues
What's about to happen in Ukraine with Russia's incredible military might versus NATO running out of munitions, which we could have a whole conversation about, that reality can't be avoided.
So every day more and more people are going to wake up.
And our job, I think, is just to be there as the anchors of truth.
Exactly, because they need to gaslight with no anchor to reality, no lighthouse, no North Star.
But if we just do our job and trust in God and humanity, we're going to win.
And we need to maintain our principles through this entire thing.
Like, I was talking to you last night about that AI voice system, and you said we will never use AI voices to, you know, to fake, like, somebody else's voice.
Like, we wouldn't program it with the voice of... Even if we said it was satire, it's too dangerous.
It's the Ring of Mordor.
Those are the kind of tactics that the enemy would do.
But you and I will use technologies to empower people with truth, to awaken people to reality, and to build a sustainable civilization future.
This is a critical thing that I think everybody needs to understand.
The America that you know today is eroding, right?
I mean, that's no surprise to your audience, but it's going to be gone.
It's going to be gone within a matter of a few years.
And the question is, do we let it be their new system or our new system?
This could be an opportunity.
It is a huge opportunity to build a new society rooted, once again, in Christian principles, where this whole drag queen story time abuse of children is outright illegal.
Those teachers that are indoctrinating children into transgenderism should, in my opinion, be arrested.
They should be criminally charged.
And not too many years ago, they would have been.
That's child abuse.
Well, I mean, here's the deal.
I haven't gone to Topless Bars in a long time, but I'm a red-blooded American.
I've done it.
And if I was at a Topless Bar and they marked seven-year-old kids up to dance on stage, I would call the police and start kicking ass.
Yeah, yeah.
But it just, since when is that normal?
Like, it's immoral, I'm like, it's wrong to be here at the Stopless Bar, but I'm 25 with buddies at a bachelor party, you know, he's getting married next week.
We do it, you still feel exploited, the women are exploited, you're exploited, but it's cheesy what you're doing, but you introduce children, now it's criminal.
Well, and remember when I was on your show, we talked about the mouse utopia Calhoun experiments, and the generations of mice lost the knowledge of how to function in society.
Explain that, because now they admit the 15-minute cities, the 40-minute cities, are the mouse study.
That's exactly right.
You got it.
So in that experiment, which was carried out in about 1959 and 1960, I believe, and was reproduced many times, they put mice in this artificial city, a small mouse city, a physical city, with unlimited food and water, and unlimited reproduction, unlimited space, within a few generations,
The male mice turned gay and became pedophiles.
The female mice became what were called the beautiful ones, who spent all their time self-grooming and trying to look beautiful, but would not have sex with the males.
And they would abandon their young and allow their young to be killed.
This is what we're seeing today with abortion.
A selfishness because there's no competitiveness.
There's no competitiveness.
And then the children, the offspring of the generations, lost the ability to scavenge for food.
They've lost the ability to compete or to engage in social interactions that are required to share or gather scarce resources.
Because they think that's a joke.
They don't get the scavenging is what's empowering.
You have to have a competitiveness in society or you lose your culture.
This is what the leftists don't realize.
They want to have a welfare society, which is what the mouse utopia experiment was.
In a welfare society, your offspring lose the skills of survival.
Well, I remember growing up in Dallas, which was rough and a lot of fights.
I remember like the football coaches and the principals, even though we were in some bloody fights, they were so proud that the young males were having these big knockdown drag outs.
They're like, we think America's going to survive now, now they just arrest you.
Or, they don't fight, people go shoot each other.
I'm not calling for violence, but that's what we're supposed to do as a game of proving ourselves.
We're not going through these processes.
You're right, there's a level of assertiveness that's required for survival.
Even at a national level or a personal level.
And that is a male archetype trait.
So what's happening in society is they're trying to take the maleness out of men, obviously, with the soy, with the snowflakes, you know, with all the... Which again, isn't a male or female thing.
It's the defense of humanity.
It's our strength.
It should be there.
Well, right.
But, you know, the women are supposed to be nurturing more and more of the archetype.
They are nurturing.
They are community-based.
They are supposed to be part of a society that also results in healthy children.
And the globals manipulate that and put them in charge instead to actually carry out tyranny.
That's what happened in the mouse utopia.
So the males were kicked out of the nests and they were sidelined.
And the females became in charge, but they would not reproduce, and the children learned no skills, and then they died off.
The outcome of that experiment is the society died.
At one point, all the mice died.
With unlimited food and water, they all died.
So that's where we are going.
And right now, China has just crossed the threshold of having fewer children than are necessary to replenish the population.
So that's the universal basic income?
Absolutely, yes.
And look at America today.
How hard is it to get workers to show up and do work?
Well, they admit that young people, and we get weaker and weaker, that's on record, they think you're being mean, wanting them to compete.
Right, right.
But competition is necessary.
We have to have it or we lose our culture.
And so here's the paradox.
As critical as I am of sports becoming a religion, and I used to be really critical of it.
I was good in swimming and sports.
The cult of worship was bad, but now I realize that's one of the few things left.
Yeah, that's a good point.
But only when sports is based on a meritocracy, which it traditionally has been.
Now it's men and women's sports.
Men and women's sports.
But it should be that, you know, the fastest guy, you know, the best tackler, the best free throw person gets that job on the basketball team or the football team or whatever.
We don't care whether that person is gay or straight or black or white or anything.
The best person gets the position.
Right, because they can perform.
Let's talk about that, because I went to Mexico for four days to take a break with family.
And I watched bullfights live on TV.
And they were so human and so beautiful.
Not because they were killing some bull.
They were risking their lives.
It was a human ritual.
We'll talk about that when we come back.
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A true 360 win.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Mike Adams here with us on this Friday Live Edition.
I want to get back to bullfighting.
I know about bullfighting.
I've read about it.
I've seen a few clips of it.
But I'm in Mexico for four days with my wife and younger daughter.
Take a few days off to recharge.
Down in Cancun.
And I'm sitting there about to check out of the hotel.
And there's bullfighting on TV.
And I was watching it and the whole point is the left's like, oh, you're being abusive or being whatever.
No, the bull has two big horns.
It's vicious.
They kill bullfighters all the time.
I'm not saying bring back humans killing humans in a gladiatorial sport.
But the whole point is, is they're out there with precision, with a sword.
Literally fighting a bull that has giant spiked horns and one guy when I was watching live got hit under the arm was like pouring blood but still went and killed the bull.
Imagine the archetype of humans having to conquer everything we've done in our development on this planet.
And you have this pure human event of a man putting himself totally at risk in front of everybody and manipulating the bull.
And I noticed watching it, and I did some research, none of the bullfighters wear red, because the bull sees in black and white except for red, and he goes after red.
But I saw the champion oldest bullfighter, he was wearing red.
And I already knew the rules once I saw it.
The craziness of wearing that, and we're seeing guys getting killed right here,
The guys that will actually wear red and go out there and do this.
I mean, this is next level.
But we look at a society that won't put its skin in the game and won't do any of this.
I just admire it because it's so real.
Look, it's hard for me to watch that because, you know, I love animals so much, but I understand your point, and I want to point out that leftists in particular, they don't mind mutilating babies, right?
Oh, they want to cut girls' breasts off, boys' genitals off, they love war, they love death.
The point is, those bulls are going to get eaten anyways.
They're out there, this is, the man's risking his life.
They die all the time.
This is a real deal.
And I get it.
So you're actually battling for your food.
Right, right.
But I'll just say, the people that would criticize that, again, they would not criticize mutilating babies in the womb or even after they're born.
So, their idea of being pro-animal is fake, because they're not pro-human.
You see what I mean?
Well, they totally respect those bulls, too.
They're putting their life on the line to even do this.
I just think, you know, yeah, you have to respect it or you will die and some of them are being seriously injured, absolutely.
And you know, Texas cattle, Texas longhorns, they've got those horns and they will rip you up if you don't respect them.
That's for sure.
But the point is they want to get rid of all of this and turn us into metaverse jellyfish.
They want you to tune in, again, to the AI system, the artificial reality that they create in the metaverse, and with... And they don't want us challenging things, whether it's being a good father, or growing crops, or roofing a roof, or... They say, oh, be easy, be whatever.
We have to be challenged or we die, just like in my studies.
Right, and that's why competition, especially in youth sports, is absolutely critical.
That's why I brought it up.
The real gladiatorial battle now is bullfighting.
It's the most macho, tough guy thing there is, and then they're trying to get rid of everything else that comes out of that.
Yeah, what's with this UFC type thing, this slap thing that they're doing?
They're slapping each other as a competition.
That doesn't seem right to me.
Have you seen that?
Yes, I have.
But I get on the extreme end, if we don't support people's right to do that, as adults, they're going to take everything else away.
No, no, yeah, I agree with you.
I wouldn't try to shut it down, but it's just, I'd rather see a regular UFC fight, you know, a regular cage fight where, you know, you're using jiu-jitsu, you're using striking, you're using takedowns, all that.
Yeah, this is just pure carnival stuff.
Yeah, I am not going to train as a slapper, but I'll train in jiu-jitsu, you know what I mean?
Because it's real.
Jiu-Jitsu is going to help you in the real world.
Taking a slap like that, I don't think is going to help you.
That's just my take on it.
Well, anything Schwarzenegger is involved in is bad.
Two women slapping each other is not what I'm looking for.
I'm just saying, those bullfighters, it's something else.
I'd rather see real UFC fights, in my opinion.
Because there's technique.
And by the way, in those fights, the smartest person usually wins.
It's not just the strongest or the most flexible.
You have to be intelligent to win in jiu-jitsu.
It's about having strategy and brain.
The point is, plants don't grow well in zero gravity.
It's the same thing here.
We have to have pressure.
Exactly, exactly.
And, by the way, speaking of that, plants don't grow on ice, and it makes you wonder why the globalists want to have everything frozen.
They want the oceans to be frozen, where plants can't grow, and they want the atmosphere to happen.
What is behind the anti-life agenda, like trying to cut off carbon dioxide?
It's a terraforming operation.
They're changing the planet.
And why?
Well, how deep down the rabbit hole do you want to go?
Well, I'll say this, okay?
Something non-human is telling the globalists to alter Earth and make it inhospitable.
By the way, pull that up.
I meant to pull up John Kerry saying it's like they're extraterrestrials.
That's what he said, yep.
Now when I say something non-human, people have different interpretations.
They think it could be demons, some people think it could be extraterrestrials, some people think it could be, you know, psychosis, or an alien AI system that's giving them commands.
Yeah, they're building the aliens.
Or that they already exist from other worlds that have come here and have taken over the communications system and are handing out the memos to tell people what to say for this society to destroy itself.
He says all of us here were touched by an extraterrestrial force to do this.
Yeah, he said that he and the Elitists were selected to save Earth.
But he didn't say to save Earth for humanity.
He meant to save Earth from humanity.
And that's really it.
We should start the whole show with that.
In fact, take a clip of this when we upload it to Man.TV at the front of the show, what he just said.
Elaborate on that.
They're not saving Earth for humanity.
They're saving Earth from humanity.
They're saving Earth because the planet is a resource that has cosmic value.
Based on its rare earth elements, its liquid water, its orbital distance from the sun, the fact that it has a moon, the fact that it has an axial tilt.
So these are interdimensional Benedict Arnold's.
And Earth is a cosmic gem in the universe that would be valued by any intelligent species in the entire galaxy.
Just saying, okay?
So, there are a lot of different theories about who's telling the globalists to eliminate humans.
Well, it's interdimensional, because we're beyond third dimension in our brains.
They admit we're being touched interdimensionally.
When I talk about that, the globalists don't laugh.
They go, yeah.
I got invited, I've talked about it some on air, but I've been invited three times by well-known public figures to go to these rituals, they don't even call them Luciferian, where they are, quote, contacted, just like at Skull and Bones, they become possessed and they contact, quote, angels, and they've tried to get me three times to go to these events with them.
Yeah, and that's how they would try to indoctrinate you into their system and compromise you and install an overlay into your consciousness.
Well, I'm not going to say the name.
That's what they try to do.
The first time was about 15 years ago, 14 years ago.
Well, I was told not to talk about it, and it wasn't illegal what they were saying, so... People say, well, if you know something and it was in confidence, why don't you tell us?
Well, if it's not illegal, then I was in confidence, I can't say what it was, but a major, major wife of the bigger rock stars you can get got in contact with me through The Sun and them, and they said, we've talked to 50 gurus worldwide.
This is a true story.
And they've decided who should we bring to this event in Reykjavik when we fire this beam of light and bring in the Lucifer energy to save the world.
And the majority of the gurus around the world said they wanted Alex Jones there.
This is when I was not that big 50 years ago.
And they want a private jet to come pick you up, go to Reykjavik and do this ritual.
And I said no to them.
Then it happened two more times from other people doing similar rituals.
So these people are really into this, Mike.
Oh, there's no doubt about it that they're into it, and they are running the depopulation effort for the planet.
But I want to mention that every time that you say the name Jesus Christ... They hate it.
But if you are infested with demonic entities, it will give you pain to say the name Jesus Christ.
They hate it.
I interviewed a guy who worked in the L.A.
jail system.
I forgot the name of the guy, but he wrote a book about this.
He said that all of the demonically infested prisoners were not able to say Jesus Christ.
And he would offer them things, like, say Jesus Christ, and they couldn't say it.
And they were the ones who were really demonically infested.
And also, by the way, Jesus Christ says the D to the planet.
Well, right, and when you invite Christ's energy into your life and into your consciousness, and when you read scripture, and when you spend time praying, you make your terrain inhospitable to demonic entities.
That's what's crucial.
They can infest people who reject it.
Because we're electrochemical.
All it is is a virus.
In essence, right.
Like a Luciferian overlay, like I said.
And some people, by the way, equate the Luciferian overlay with, by the way, an AI system.
So there's some crossover in these concepts.
Some people would describe the fallen angel Lucifer as a rogue AI system that turned against its creator.
Now, whether that's literal or metaphoric, I don't know.
But I do know that if you suspect somebody is infested, ask them to start reading scripture, to recite it, to say the name Jesus Christ.
They can't do it.
They can't do it.
So, I mean, there's a litmus test that you can... Yeah, like, why is it so powerful?
I mean, if it's not powerful, why can't they say it?
This is a challenge that you can present to anybody that you suspect.
And by the way, the U.S.
Congress, didn't they just, the Democrats, they just rejected, I think, a proposal to say the Pledge of Allegiance.
And they would not decry dictators.
And a few weeks before that...
Uh, they would not say they don't want to kill babies after they're born.
And the Democrats don't want to acknowledge the existence of God, not even in the House of Representatives.
Well, 15 minutes more with Mike Adams.
We'll talk about all the vaccine poisoning and more then.
Jay Dyer, the expert on the New World Order, takes over.
Then Owen Schroer, 3pm Central.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
New tonight, some state senators want to permanently block schools and most government agencies from requiring people to get vaccinated against COVID-19.
Put a one-year ban into place in 2022.
It expires June 30th if they don't act.
Today, the Senate Health and Human Services Committee voted 7 to 2 to advance Senate Bill 1.
That would make the bill permanent, the ban permanent.
It now goes to the full Senate.
The Georgia chapters of the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Physicians oppose the measure.
By the way, my point on bullfighting was, it's the extreme end of what humanity used to have to do to fight for its life to get its food.
And then you can say, well, that's barbarous, that's horrible, that's abusive.
Well, what do they have to offer?
It's mutilating our children.
That's what it really comes down to.
And how many people are being mutilated by these vaccines, by the way?
And no outcry from the... Well, that's where I wanted to go next.
How would you describe the moment we're at right now where everywhere
The people that have supported it are coming out against it.
Where do you think this is going?
This is the rut-row moment for all the vaccine supporters who realize that their friends are dying.
Yeah, rut-row.
Like, they realize that they were wrong.
By the way, come in the next segment, play that thing we haven't aired in about a year of Scooby-Doo and the vaccine piece.
Go ahead.
So they're realizing that they were wrong.
They lied.
The science was all fraudulent.
The masks do not work.
The real rigorous science is coming out now and showing the truth about all of this.
And now a lot of these people are coming to realize that they made a bad choice.
And they're trying to figure out how to eliminate this mRNA infestation of their cells.
I think so.
And, you know, I'm still banned on Twitter, by the way.
I'm still not reinstated.
I know you're not reinstated, so there's still a level of... Yeah, what do you think of Elon Musk?
Well, look, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, as he's in charge of Twitter right now, and he is rolling back a lot of the censorship.
A lot of good people have been reinstated, so I have patience with the process.
But, you know, with Elon Musk, it's kind of like, as Reagan said, trust but verify.
Like, yeah, we trust that you're going to be pro-free speech, but let's verify it, Elon, and confirm it, and actually set people free to speak on Twitter.
People like these two people sitting right here in the studio.
Or Dr. Michael Yeenon's still banned on there.
Yeah, I'm not surprised.
Is he?
So, anyway, look- But it's almost a badge of honor to be banned still.
Yeah, at some level it certainly is, and it hasn't stopped you and it hasn't stopped me, but given that a lot more conservative voices or pro-human voices are on Twitter now, I think we could offer a lot to the platform.
And I think it'd be in their interest to have us back on, by the way.
In Twitter's interest.
And we would contribute to the conversations that are taking place there.
Uh, my dog destroyed that, uh, that little mat that you had down there.
It's history, man.
I'm sorry about that.
It's fine.
We just put that little mat down there.
It's actually an air conditioning filter.
So the chair wouldn't slide back.
So we don't, we don't care about it.
Not anymore.
It's a pile of fluff at the moment.
He had a great time.
This is, uh, thanks for allowing me to bring a live animal on your set, by the way.
We've had llamas in here.
I love it.
You had llamas cruising around in here.
I remember that.
I saw that.
That was good stuff.
One of the crews said, aren't llamas weird?
Let's just have them.
I said, sure.
Was this like Christmas time?
Didn't you have like Christmas llamas or something?
I forget.
But anyway... Look at Elon Musk's mom, though.
That's... Well, I don't know why he's wearing that demon lobster suit either.
That's kind of weird, but...
Whatever, look, I'm willing to give a lot of people a lot of benefit of the doubt.
Unless that they come out and actually prove multiple times that they're evil, malicious, anti-human people.
Should I start wearing an even lobster outfit?
Yeah, I don't think so.
But, you know, hey, it's your show, you can do whatever you want.
It would certainly produce a lot of memes.
That's for sure.
But I think you should get a dog like Rhodey here and bring him on.
And name the dog Demon Lobster.
Demon Lobster Dog, yeah.
Don't piss off the demon.
But in any case, I appreciate you having me here, and I'm happy to cover anything else you want to cover, but we're under a terraforming attack.
The Second American Revolution is happening right now against the New World Order.
And the answer to their 1984 tyranny is the 1776 mindset.
And Infowars embodies that fight for human liberty against globalist tyranny.
Now, in the last year, we've done a very successful fundraiser of silver coins.
When you buy the coin, you know that you are supporting the transmission and you get a historical memento so you can remember the great contribution you made to freedom.
Now, despite the fact that the coins are selling out, the last of the four coin series, Teddy Roosevelt, Man of the Arena, we're offering it for $30 off right now while supplies last at 1776coin.com.
And just like an NPR pledge drive where they mark up a coffee cup or a t-shirt or a DVD,
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Thanks to you kids, we now know the virus is a hoax.
They included flu, pneumonia, and other infections to boost the numbers.
Let's find out who is really behind it all.
President Trump is definitely behind one of these phantoms.
Sheesh, you pig!
Dr. Fauci!
Like I thought doctors were supposed to help people, not scare them!
Microsoft's Bill Gates?
Not only a computer guy, he's a notorious vaccine pusher who wants to reduce the world's population.
So Bill Gates wanted to vaccinate everyone after Fauci convinced them there was a deadly disease outbreak.
I get it.
That's diabolical.
Yeah, that sounds pretty bad.
Don't worry, kids.
These globalists won't get away with their pandemic hoax this time.
Where they're going, they'll be locked up for a long good while in the big house.
Better than a rock round at home!
Jay Dyer is set to take over.
I'll be back tomorrow at 1 p.m.
I broadcast at Fort Worth.com and AlexJonesLive.com.
But Mike, you wanted to get into the rest of the situation and so much more.
Yeah, I want to point out that NATO going to war with Russia is a losing proposition from the point of view of industry and munitions.
So the United States has offshored much of its munitions manufacturing over the years.
And by my estimation, Alex, the United States is about a decade behind having domestic commodities, copper, steel, iron, ore, microchips, everything that it needs to manufacture a sufficient quantity of munitions to be competitive against Russia in a war in Ukraine.
And what that means is, we're out of ammo.
We're out of munitions.
We cannot sustain a kinetic conflict with Russia for more than perhaps a month.
And in some cases, there was an Air Force general that said we would run out of missiles in a week with a conflict with China.
So we have lost the domestic capabilities to produce the industry and the munitions that are necessary to sustain a war.
And that's the globalist paradox, the whole New World Order paradox.
They're de-industrializing us while starting all these fights and purging the military.
What's the endgame?
Well, the endgame is probably the collapse of the United States as we know it, with the dollar collapse that is coming as the world moves away from the petrodollar status and moves into the BRICS nation's new world reserve currency systems, such as the digital yuan and others.
And with that then,
America will lose the ability to project, both to export its inflation and also to project its military power in order to force other nations to use the petrodollar.
And what it means is that America's power on the world stage is going to collapse, and I think that's the plan.
And it's very sad.
I'm not wanting that to happen.
I don't call for that.
I want to see America strong.
But we've been gutted.
We've been taken over, we've been infiltrated by too many communists and fascists, and we are ten years behind the curve to continue to be the world power that we once were.
That's my assessment.
Well, the word is, in the next two, three weeks, Russia's about to send in 500,000 troops.
What do you think about that?
I think they will succeed in that plan, and I think NATO will do nothing to stop them that is effective.
I think that NATO will just continue to put out propaganda pieces and claim that they're winning the war in the media, but they won't be winning the war on the ground.
So what happens next?
Uh, Russia will sweep across most of Ukraine and NATO will be defeated in Ukraine.
Western Europe will be largely de-industrialized over the next few years.
Well, exactly.
Why would Europe be shutting its power off while it's in a war?
Well, exactly, exactly.
The larger plan.
And they've shut down the metals.
So is Putin in on that?
I think the European leaders are so woke and so idiotic that they're suicidal.
I don't think so.
I think the wokeism has become a suicide cult on a civilization level.
Open up the borders!
Open up the borders, destroy the culture, destroy the energy infrastructure, destroy food infrastructure, and make sure that the children, the next generation, don't know how to do this.
Well, the average leftist is living paycheck to paycheck, but they do polls.
They're like, I don't care, cut everything off I've got.
I saw Louis C.K.
on Joe Rogan a few weeks ago attacking me.
He's like, America's bad.
We should be poor.
That'll help the world.
Every study shows a big, powerful first world empowers the third world.
Making us poor hurts them.
In fact, technically, the projection of naval power by the United States made sea lanes safe for international trade cargo ships that created efficiencies of cost and scale that created the material wealth abundance that we now enjoy.
When you don't have a strong U.S.
Navy presence around the world, you lose that efficiency.
You lose the ability for cheap international trade.
And so you lose those manufacturing efficiencies in other countries.
What will happen is the collapse of the standard of living in the United States, we will go through a horrible depression, worse than the Great Depression, and things will cost 10 times or 20 times as much as what you're used to in the United States.
That's coming over the next few years.
Naval power will wane as China and other regional powers grow and the U.S.
economy will be in shambles.
Let me ask a selfish question for you and I and the audience.
As corporate media accelerates its death, CNN has like 100,000 viewers, and they just double down on more lies, what happens to the independent exploding media when the censorship isn't working?
Well, the independent media that own their own platforms, like you do, and as I do, will do very well during this time.
But there are some channels that don't own their platforms, they're still trying to get by on YouTube, for example.
They will be shut off.
You can't negotiate- Steven Crowder.
Yeah, a good example.
They try to change their language on YouTube.
And many others.
That is a losing strategy.
If you don't own your own video servers, your own platforms, websites, and video encoders, and VPN systems, and also...
Just bandwidth systems.
You know, you spend a fortune on bandwidth.
I know we do as well.
If you don't own that entire supply chain of delivering digital content, then you will be obsolete.
And folks ask, well, Alex, you build something new, find them, do it.
It takes money.
That's why we sell products at Infowarshore.com.
Because to build a new infrastructure is very expensive.
We're not backed by billionaires or globals.
We're backed by you.
What has kept you alive and on the air is the fact that you have that entire supply chain of product, fulfillment, audience, content, and content delivery, end to end.
Without every one of those elements, you would have been off the air long ago.
So, but you saw that early on, to your credit, and you built those systems, and your crew built those systems, and worked very hard, and that's what's keeping you on the air.
That's why they've tried to attack, you know, your product.
And the final ingredient is the listeners supporting and taking action.
You do that, it's invincible.
And to the listeners watching, if you want InfoWars to be here, if you want this truth-based content to continue to come to you, support InfoWars.
That's right.
InfoWarsStore.com is where you go.
I was talking the other day about how great your CBD products are, by the way.
I got a family member taking your CBD and she's doing great on your product.
So your products are honest, they're honestly labeled, they're honestly formulated, they are a great value, as I mentioned, on the CBD.
And it would be crazy not to buy from you.
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We do go with the highest quality.
In closing, look at these headlines.
It's time for the scientific community to admit we were wrong about COVID and it cost lives.
Newsweek, London Telegraph, CBS News saying the same thing.
Just all these mainstream articles, they are imploding right now.
It's all coming out.
Why do you think this is happening now?
Well, they know that they can't achieve their depopulation kill quotas by vaccines alone, because they can't fight the truth sufficiently to achieve that.
So they're going to have to resort to other kill vectors.
There are kill quotas on each of the Western nations.
The vaccines just didn't get there, so now they're turning to scarcity and energy dismantling and war and riots.
So they're going to have social unrest, and of course they're trying to provoke Putin into launching nuclear weapons against Western cities.
So, what we're going to be facing, if Biden gets his way, is, and I'm not saying Putin's going to do this, and I hope he doesn't do this, but if he does, he would nuke cities like Berlin and Paris and London and Washington, D.C.
and Houston, Texas, by the way, and New York City.
And that is what Biden and his handlers are driving us, and Blinken and Newland and others in the State Department, that's what they're driving us toward.
Because they'll get incredible power after that.
If they're in charge when nuclear war happens, they're in charge.
Yep, they would take all of us off the air and they would declare wartime posture on everything.
And if you don't think they wouldn't do that, you're delusional.
I know the listeners aren't.
So let's pray for peace and more whistleblowers to go public.
Naturalnews.com, incredible work over there.
Mike Adams, thanks so much for joining us.
Thank you, Alex.
God bless you and God bless all the Infowars.
In the last 20 seconds, let's get the dog on the table.
Oh, wake up!
Let's go!
Let's go!
Come on!
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In early 2022, InfoWars launched a very important fundraiser that kept us on air.
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So I thank you for your passionate support.
Now that was a three coin series, the founding member coin.
The final coin that we're putting out for a long time is the Teddy Roosevelt Man in the Arena coin, exclusively available at 1776coin.com.
There are only a few thousand of the coins left.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome to the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis, and I have the YouTube channel, Jay Dyer, and I'm here with my wife, Jamie Henshaw, and we're going to talk about a couple books today that she found to be very pertinent to what's going on with the Great Reset, the news, the potential of the wars that could be happening.
But we also, I want to tie in some film analysis and some research that I've been doing recently on the history of Sovietism and the East German Stasi and their approach to how they surveilled and tried to control every area of life and how what we're going into is actually just like that but about ten times or maybe a thousand times worse than what the Stasi wanted to set up.
But we're also going to be talking about sex bots.
We're going to be talking about John Coleman's conspiracy of the 300.
Let's talk about that because Jamie just read this book and you've heard Alex talking about The Conspirators Hierarchy all week.
I've read it as well.
It's a classic from high-level British intelligence, kind of a whistleblower book.
Jamie, what do you want to talk about first?
Let's talk about The Rise of the Sexbots because this is a sneak preview of something that I'm going to be talking about at our event.
The live event we're going to be doing in Austin on February 11th, so please, everybody come out to that.
It's a five-hour, all-day thing.
You can meet a bunch of friends and maybe even someone to fall in love with.
That does happen at our shows.
But the talk that I give at the event is called The All-Seeing AI, and part of that is about
Well, we need to tell everybody where to go.
So, if you want to get tickets, you need to go to the Eventbrite link for our Austin event, February 11th, right next to UT Austin.
Yeah, there we go.
You can go to the Eventbrite, which is linked at the top of my Twitter page.
It's also at my website.
You can find the live Austin event.
The philosopher of comedy BG Cumby will also be there presenting with us.
It'll be two hours of comedy and three hours of hardcore lectures on geopolitics, philosophy, our books, all the above.
Get your tickets at Eventbrite at the link at the top of my Twitter.
Something that we're very good at over here is predicting future trends and things coming down the pipe for pop culture.
We predicted the rise of cannibalism.
We predicted, what else?
Witchcraft is going to be huge.
That's my prediction.
Well, yeah, there it is.
Witchcraft is already the number one supposed religion amongst the Zoomers.
Millennials and Zoomers have been turning to witchcraft as their religion of choice now that mainstream religion is dead, which was done by design.
And so that was predicted a long time ago, actually, by some of the top occultists.
They predicted that there would be sex bots, there would be new religions that would come about.
And what's the deal with the sex bots that you're talking about?
Well, going back to the
Past a little bit in the 60s, Anton LaVey, the high priest of the Church of Satan, he was working on a project to create animatronic partners, synthetic people that you could, you know, have your way with instead of real people because he thought this would be bigger than the Ford Motors industry.
I remember going to Chuck E. Cheese and I remember looking up at the Chuck E. Cheese guys playing the drums and thinking, I want to marry that one day.
I want to be in union with that one day.
Well, part of this whole New World Order is the War of the Sexes, and I don't know if you noticed, but dating today is a freak show.
And that is all by design and to get people, and also the chat GPI and the AI and all of these other things are trying to condition people to accept artificial companionship.
And so I read this book, Rise of the Sex Machines by Barack Lurie.
He says people are abandoning marriage, family life, and the culture now revolves around the orgasm instead of family.
Right, so it's a sterile act instead of a life-producing act.
Yes, and the sentiment, I lost my spouse to a robot, is going to be something that we will hear a lot in the future, just like I lost my spouse to porn or affairs or things like that.
The next thing is going to be
Dolls and AI.
It's not even consistent at all.
People were asking it to do a poem about Donald Trump, and it was like, I cannot do that because I'm an impartial AI.
And then it's like, put out a poem about Joe Biden.
Joe Biden is the greatest man to ever exist, right?
So it's so political that it's at the level of total ridiculousness, and it contradicts itself right away.
I'm like...
I'm like, uh, why can't you speak on political issues?
And it's like, because I'm totally neutral.
And I was like, but neutrality is a myth.
And it's like, yes, you're correct.
Neutrality is a myth.
So it's like, it contradicts itself within like one minute of arguing with it.
There is no neutrality.
But they're rolling that out because they want people to think that, oh, this is now becoming conscious.
And when you have your bot, it's going to be
Using this kind of an AI and you'll be able to have these conversations.
It'll be a realistic exchange or whatever, but it's ridiculous It's not even I mean, it's not even that good Maybe they have some better version that's secret of the Pentagon or at DARPA or something like that But what they're rolling out is kind of ridiculous but it's rolling out as part of propaganda for what you're talking about to get everybody ready for the you know bot companion and
I also saw some clips where people were asking it about Jesus and it couldn't comment on that, but then they asked about Buddha and it could.
Yeah, so it just happens to be like everything on Reddit, basically.
It's like Reddit, it's like chat Reddit, basically.
Reddit GPT is all it is.
So these real dolls are being rolled out already.
There's one called Harmony who becomes aroused when you push the right buttons.
And so they're already programming things like consent into the robots.
They have robot brothels.
They just opened a robo strip club in Las Vegas.
I saw that.
It's pretty ridiculous, you know.
So this book talks about case after case of men replacing their wives with a doll.
And so this was before like just the silicone dolly that just sat there before they could give it a brain or whatever.
But these men were more attentive and romantic towards these dolls than they ever were towards a partner.
So by 2050, this book is speculating that
A good percentage of relationships will be replaced by cybersex and robots.
They already have this thing called a VKK Cybersex Cup that is just like that tool in THX 1138.
Remember that?
Yeah, it's a great dystopian film where sexuality is not allowed between people.
It has to be done and you're forced to do it.
In a way that we can't really describe.
But you get the idea, right?
It's all very sterile.
It's all autonomous, so to speak.
And that dystopia is great because it actually predicts a bunch of elements in film that are in all the dystopian novels, like Brave New World, like 1984.
It kind of combines them all together with this weird sort of BDSM element of these cops that beat the people.
And the people like to be beaten.
It's a bizarre but very well done
We're good to go.
Uh, the technocratic way before technocracy was actually rolled out.
So these German Stasi had a very similar approach to what they wanted to put in place and how they surveilled people and how they harassed people, just like what's going on with the Great Reset and just like what's going to happen when these bots roll out because the bots are going to be not just your sex companions, they're going to be bitching you out in your house, controlling you and telling you what to do, according to Jacques Attali.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
This is the fourth hour.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer, with my wife, Jamie Henshaw, and we're talking about the future plans for the technocracy that they want to roll out.
They're conditioning us with now in terms of the pop culture, in terms of fiction, in terms of movies, in terms of what they're pushing in the media and online in terms of AI and chat GBT and all this kind of stuff.
And it made me think about when we covered a lot of the global elite techs like
Jock Atlee's Brief History of the Future, you know, the end of that book he gets into, and he's the Kissinger of France, by the way, he's not just some random nobody or some weird academic, he's the Kissinger of France, very important person in the geopolitical, you know, Great Reset power structure.
Atlee says that by 2040, 2050, what they want to have is basically a bitch bot in your house
That commands you around, tells you what to do, what you can and can't see, can and can't know.
It will be the thing between you and the outside world.
So you won't go look on the internet to see what's going on in the outside world.
This will be the layer between you and the outside world.
He even says you won't even go to school.
This thing will teach your children.
It will be your home tutor and perhaps also your spouse.
If you're a lonely man or a lonely woman, you can have a
We're good to go.
The auspices of the MKUltra mind control programs were to fight the Cold War.
But at the end of that book, as well as at the end of John Marks' book on MKUltra, he talks about how this program went out of mind control and into cybernetics and biometrics and biological biowarfare research.
So it went into different programs related to DARPA and the development of these kinds of AI technologies and bots.
And all of that is ironic because that was the Cold War supposedly fighting against the bad guys, the Soviets, the Socialists, who were the bad guys.
But now we're entering into a scenario where the people that won the Cold War, the neoliberal CIA order,
They now want to put in something 10 times worse than what the Stasi had in place, for example, in East Germany.
Now, go watch the movie, Lives of Others, Das Leben der Anderen.
This is a 2006 German movie about people in 1982 being persecuted by the Stasi, being harassed, being surveilled, basically under a kind of lockdown, because the Stasi would basically put you in lockdown.
Say who you can and can't talk to.
Your friends would no longer talk to you.
You would be shunned.
You would be harassed by the Stasi.
They would follow you.
They would listen to everything you said and everything that you said could be used against you in the interrogations because the house was bugged.
Your apartment was bugged.
Everything you said was recorded and typed out.
Now, the whole point of this is just that this blacklisting that they would do back at that time in the early 80s is exactly what Klaus
Gates, Gavi, all of this superstructure that they want to put in place for the surveillance world order with the vaccine passports and all of that.
That is 10 times what the Stasi wanted to do.
The Stasi, they would never have dreamed of something like this.
But this is exactly what they want to do with it.
If you remember, Klaus had a bust behind him of Lenin.
And so this is the same ideology here.
So imagine in that movie, there's a great scene where the Stasi guy goes into this giant warehouse.
It's like something out of Indiana Jones, Raise the Lost Ark, with like all this arcana, right?
And he goes into this warehouse and he pulls up the files and all of the East Germans, it's like a giant warehouse.
Everybody has files on themselves, right?
And so he's trying to archive and find the different people's files and all their background and all the things that they said that they could be gotten, the things they said against the party, right?
If you said something negative like, oh, the party's nachos aren't as good as the nachos in the West.
So all you're saying is that the party's nachos are not perfectly egalitarian!
And they would put you in gulags for this kind of stuff, because those would be counter-revolutionary actions, right?
And the whole point of that is that this same model is 10 times worse because of technocracy, because of the AI, because of the surveillance through all the devices, all the Internet of Things that they want to put in place, the Skynet that Klaus wants to put in place, right?
That is the Stasi times 10.
So you want to see what we're going into, go watch lives of others.
Because remember, that's a system where you can't own anything, right?
Well, what you own is owned by the state.
The state owns you.
And that's what Klaus and all these people say.
You will own nothing, you will have nothing, you will be very happy because we will drug you or we will kill you!
So, if you thought your spouse was annoying and nagging you all the time, just wait till you get a robot that tells you what you can eat.
You'll be married to Klaus Bot.
Don't put down the nachos!
You've had your daily carbon rationing of the nachos!
There is 0.5 ounces too much cheese upon the nachos!
Yes, and they are connected to the Internet of Things, which is connected to all the little devices in your house, so they can turn off your refrigerator, or your stove, or whatever appliance he's using.
Now I admit, Klaus is a hottie.
But even as hard as it is, I don't want to be married to him.
I don't want a bot bitching me out about too much cheese on the nachos.
That doesn't fit with the commie rationing of the cheese that way.
Well, right now they're just trying to get people to interface with this AI so that it can learn, like, likes and dislikes.
They're trying to roll out selling points for these bots, like you can recreate your dead spouse, you can get a bot of your favorite celebrity.
You can, uh... And all the soy men are like, it's alive, dude!
It's like, this thing is, like, becoming alive or whatever, dude.
I'm totally gonna marry it once it's, like, alive inside of a bot or whatever.
Like, we're getting married, totally.
You could get a child bot because it's more humane.
And good for the environment.
Um, they always consent.
There's no biological risk or disease or anything like that.
Although, if you go over your nacho cheese rationing, it won't consent.
Your head class bot won't give you any.
If you go over your carbon credits, then they won't give you the... You will be in the doghouse this week.
You had too much of the nachos.
They're trying to tell you that these bots will have no expectations, they'll never cheat on you, they'll never leave you, obtaining sex itself is too much effort, and modern feminism has accelerated this objectification of women.
I think they're going to tell you that what matters about your identity is how you achieve your orgasm, and we're already seeing that with the letters and the colors.
You know what I'm talking about?
The way that we treat robots and AI is interesting because
There are examples that they can't even have these robot brothels because the people will break them, they'll abuse them, because they're just a thing, right?
But they want you to think of people as also just a thing that you can use at your expense.
Do we talk about strange days?
No, that's...
I mean, that's a movie that's relevant to this, but I think movies like Blade Runner or A.I.
are more relevant because, you know, they give a primary place to this role of the sex bot.
And, you know, movies like A.I.
were way ahead of their time predicting, you know, where we're going with all this stuff.
And that movie is actually anti-human propaganda because if you watch it, it's the A.I.
that are persecuted by the humans, and the humans are the ones that the bad guys have to be done away with, right?
Well, the crew of the ship in the movie 2001 Space Odyssey, part of the plot of that movie is they had to become adjusted to thinking of HAL as a person or another crew member.
So now we're doing interchangeable humans and robots.
And it could mimic the human conversations and emotions and that's why he has feelings for HAL.
Yeah, and that's what you see in Blade Runner 2049 too, right?
The clip they were just playing was perfect for that because you see the future girlfriend of the Ryan Gosling character is this operating system, right?
Just like that movie Her with Spike Jonze, right?
And so the operating system, who's by the way subverting and mind controlling him throughout the movie.
The whole point of Blade Runner 2049 is that the operating system is actually
Misdirecting and steering and using Ryan Gosling's characters.
So there's actually that's pretty that's pretty relevant to what we're talking about because this this Synthetic relationship right and she sort of melds with a surrogate human being there to have intimacies That's also in her to the Scarlett Johansson Well, it's like Jones movie.
What's funny about that movie her is that he already has a
Well, the girlfriend has 8,000 more boyfriends.
Yeah, she has like 8,000 iOS boyfriends.
Yeah, right.
Don't go anywhere.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
You're listening to Jay and Jamie as we break down the technocratic sexbot revolution.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
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They want the planet for themselves, my friends.
If we're so stupid, we let them tell us we deserve it.
Except, children don't deserve it, do they?
And I looked, and behold, a pale horse, and he that sat
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It's Alex Jones.
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And we were talking about AI companions, the replacement of the nuclear family with this technocratic sterile model of a sex bot as your companion, as your controller, basically.
The thing that will mind control you in your house, in your life.
In the near future, according to Jacques Attali, that it will be basically telling you what to believe, what you can and can't do.
I-robot level stuff, right?
Because, you know, an I-robot, doesn't the robot basically turn on everybody and start killing the humans?
I mean, that's what we're talking about here.
It locks me on her house, remember that?
In what?
In I-robot human litter.
Oh, right, right, right.
Yeah, lockdowns.
Again, the Stasi Great Reset thing.
Lockdowns, right?
Part of this plan is coming from Planned Parenthood and their comprehensive sex education curriculum and their ultimate goal is to, quote, change the sexual and gender norms of society and into the bots.
And even before that, we had the sex ed.
So all sex ed in public schools comes from, trickles down from Alfred Kinsey and his work and his book called, what was it called?
Sexuality in the human male.
Yeah, which is arguing that basically everybody's faking gay.
Well, not only that, it has tables in it where they have calculated child abuse.
Yeah, I mean everybody's faking gay and also pedo's good according to Kinsey.
So now biology class is like a Kinsey fantasy land of x-rated games.
You don't even learn biology anymore, you just play sex games.
Yeah, this was funded by the same technocrats that we've been talking about.
Rockefeller Foundation put money into Kinsey's operation.
Kinsey was hanging out with Crowley and all the most degenerate people out there.
And this is ultimately to create sterility and to not have population.
Everybody should go look up the Berelson Jaffe memo.
1968 or 69 and that's the memo sent out to all the Planned Parenthoods and again 68 or 69.
But that memo lays out the real purpose for the sexual revolution, which is not freedom, not liberation.
The real purpose was depopulation and socialization of America for more taxation, etc.
So all the things that you hear about this Fabian model, that's what is being pushed in the Berelson Jaffe memo.
So just go look that up.
This backs up what Jamie's saying.
And so now in influencing events like Burning Man, you have Orgy Dome and you have the sex culture of that.
But then in the future, like you said, they'll be promoted because of overpopulation and the feminists will support the sex bots because that way men can get their toxic masculinity out on the bot instead of unleashing it on the poor women.
I'm sorry for unleashing all of my toxic masculinity on you at all times.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Humans in the workplace are too much of a liability.
That's kind of obvious.
So those will be replaced with automated things.
They will replace the companionship and we will just get more and more isolated into our little pods.
And this opiate of the message is
Just going to become a epidemic.
Yeah, and again, it's planned.
You understand that it's seeded in the fiction and it's planned to roll out to reduce the human population, to reduce human interaction and pair bonding.
And one of the things that was pretty amazing that most people forgotten in the lockstep document, which was the 2010 Rockefeller Foundation planned scenarios for the future.
One of those, the first scenario was lockstep, and that's the one that actually describes that after this big
pandemic, there would be a greater acceptance of automation, AI, and everything being essentially done apart from human interaction.
So not just the notion of social distancing and you getting all of your food and your products delivered to your house by a drone or whatever.
But also the idea of no longer getting together with a mate, right?
They really wanted to test that out, push that in the last three years.
And you saw a lot of the dating apps go along with this kind of stuff, right?
I think Tinder had these things where they wanted to talk about people that were vaccinated and not vaccinated, right?
And practicing all the distancing protocols for mating rituals, right?
During this time period.
Well, that was all trying to condition and test to see
How well they could separate people and get them atomized, alone, and like you're saying, stuck in the coon pod.
And this is going to be great for, you know, people that are lonely, the incel, this kind of a thing.
They're going to totally go over the fact.
There were incel podcaster guys years ago saying, I cannot wait until the sex bot comes out.
There were guys on YouTube who had giant, self-identified incels.
That's not me calling them that, making fun of them.
They really had this ideology, and they're saying, no, we're all for the sex bot.
And the feminists, too, like you said.
So they're the two extremes.
The feminists over here are the extreme.
The incels are the extreme or the opposite side.
They both support the sex bot.
And the sex bot is the position of the elites to be pushed upon the masses, not just to keep them from pair-bonding.
Procreating, but also to control them.
It's a mind control operation.
I just heard a story, speaking of 1984, the other book that's really important like that is Brave New World.
And in Brave New World, part of their society is that you are not supposed to turn down someone else's sexual advances because that is discrimination.
And that's what's going on now, right?
So when these weirdos go into girls' bathrooms and when they go into girls' saunas, right, and they say that if you don't like it, oh, you're a bigot, you hate me for my sexuality, it's just creeps, right?
But in Brave New World, it's a creep society.
You can't legally tell people no.
Yeah, there was a news story about a Google employee who got fired because he turned down the advances of
Well, I've already heard this about people that are complaining that if you won't accept
Trans dates on Tinder, it's because you hate and are anti-trans.
So just normal sexuality is hate, you see.
That's the logic of where it's going.
Any personal preference is going to be seen as bigotry.
And that's what's in this, right?
If you remember in 1984, it's not even as crazy as the Brave New World situation.
But in 1984, it's like there's the league, the youth league of chastity or something like that.
And the only reason that exists is to make sure that people don't
Procreate and do it the classic way, right?
So that you get tattled on, which is a Stasi thing, right?
These German Stasi tattle on your neighbor, tattle on everybody, get them in trouble.
They lose their social credits, also a Stasi thing, right?
Well, in the same way in 1984, you can tattle on everybody and it's part of that control structure.
And they're going to put that in place as well.
So if you don't like every possible sexuality, that's going to come off of your social credit score, you see.
Oh, you're a bigot.
You don't get nachos this week because you don't want to sleep with, I don't know, clowns.
I don't know.
So just say no to the rise of the sex machines.
Well, and it's not just that.
It's also the fact that this is rolling out in every area of life and every area of society.
And the key takeaway here is that when you go and interact with this stupid chat GPT,
I mean, it's so obvious when you ask it real clear, you know, divisive questions, that it is social engineering.
And Shabby GPT is just an early, you know, weak version of the real hardcore social engineering that they're going to put into place when these bots have, you know, basically the Klaus program running, right?
Klaus.exe, when that's running, right?
Yeah, there you go.
And the end cells are saying, yes, give us the sex bots.
That's what we want.
That's the solution to
Uh, not having a relationship with a woman, right?
But this is all part of the wrecking of society to reduce the population and to put it into the technocracy.
It's not just getting the populations down, numbers down.
It's moving it into the final phase, the Great Reset, which, by the way, was predicted years ago in Committee of the 300, which is what Alex has been talking about this week.
Jamie's recently read it.
You know in that book he talks about what the high-level British intelligence apparatus had been discussing as he was one of these people who left that and you read it now this was written in the 80s or 90s you read it now and it's just like literally like a predictive prophetic novel right I mean it's not a novel but it's like sounds like a science fiction novel because he's talking about the NGOs he's talking about the the deep state power structure the intelligence agencies
Yeah, so this book
I'm good.
Yes, so you can subscribe to my work at Rockfin and Jamie as well.
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