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Filename: 20230124_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Jan. 24, 2023
2967 lines.

In this episode of InfoWars, the speaker discusses various topics including a proposed bill criminalizing white people criticizing non-white people, Trump's relationship with China and Russia, deep state manipulations, the importance of middle class for societal development, concerns about COVID-19 vaccines, vaccine injuries, and the need for natural immunity. They also introduce Dr. Peter McCullough and promote his company, The Wellness Company, as well as InfoWars' own supplements and fundraiser coins.

A new world order.
A new world order.
A new world order.
A new world order.
A new world order.
To forge a new world order.
Defense Secretary Dick Cheney has approved a revised draft of a policy document on the new world order.
So we have countries that are respecting the rules, and we have countries that are respecting their national interests going beyond the rules.
And that is what is happening, and we have to take into consideration the world order.
Here at WEF I believe we're discussing, there's a lot of discussion about what the new world order will be.
I believe perhaps we are at the moment in such a hyper-partisan, hyper-polarized time, that we're not going to be able to form that new Helsinki.
Today, I hope this time around, once we're building this new world order, or new rules-based order, the voice of the Global South and the developing world is included.
After Mr. Musk took over Twitter with his freedom of speech absolutism, we are the protectors of freedom of speech as well.
But at the same time we cannot accept, for instance, the illegal content online and so on.
So our message was clear.
We have the rules which have to be complied with and otherwise there will be sanctions.
And we come to Psalm 2.
Let's look at it.
The verse says, Why are the nations in an uproar, and the peoples devising a vain thing?
The kings of the earth take their stand, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against His anointed, saying, Let us tear their fetters apart and cast their cords from us.
You know, when I read that, I said, you know, here's the description of the World Economic Forum going on right now.
Now, the problem is, they got bioweapons labs everywhere.
They got nuclear weapons, they got armies of scum that work for them, pedophiles, devil worshippers, degenerates, and they're really thinking about turning it all loose and causing a giant global civil war and a collapse.
The good news is, they were going to do that regardless.
Now we're going to force them to do it on our terms and we're going to win.
But I can offer you nothing but hell in the next 10 years.
Nothing but absolute hell.
So you're not in your bed sucking your thumbs when these people hit.
Because if you think getting in a catatonic position like a baby
And curling up in a ball's gonna protect you.
I got news for you, N.A.
These people are devil-worshipping pedophiles.
And they've got their operatives everywhere who are spiritually ignited and spiritually energized against us.
And they're in the banks, they're in the police departments, they're in the law firms, they're in the universities, they're in the schools, they're in the... they're everywhere.
Because when you have this type of consolidation, apostasy is much easier when people band together.
The whole Tower of Babel episode needs to be understood in the light of Genesis 3.15.
The devil, in this story, is trying to consolidate humanity in open rebellion against God to destroy the Holy Line, to totally corrupt and demoralize the world, so that the promised Messiah, who would crush the serpent's head, would not be able to come.
In one great apostate united system against God, you might call this a New World Order.
One like Vladimir Putin has now upset this balance of the New World Order that they were trying to achieve by going into Ukraine.
The evil people want to run things, and I know that people like General Flynn is like kind of what I call a military Amish person.
I don't mean he's against technology, he thinks it's
He thinks it's, at a subconscious level, a little too worldly to want to be the leader.
A little too pushy to come out and, you know, it's just not, well, it's a little arrogant, it's a little egotistical.
No, it's not!
No, it's not!
We're gonna lead, or we're gonna die!
InfoWars has made history.
You have made history by supporting InfoWars.
The globalists are being defeated on every front.
And now is the time to not just sit on our laurels because we're winning battles.
Let's win the war.
The information war.
There's nothing you can do more important than keeping InfoWars on air and the fight for liberty.
I don't think anybody denies that fact.
And I thank you for your past support, but I'm encouraging you now to get one of the very last coins in a four-coin series, the Teddy Roosevelt Man of the Arena coin, exclusively at 1776coin.com.
And you can get $30 off this historic pure silver coin with promo code 1776 at 1776coin.com.
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Thank you for your support.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
The Doomsday Clock was established in the 1950s to warn of the danger of nuclear war.
The Doomsday Clock has been set to 90 seconds to midnight.
The closest it has ever been to global annihilation of the planet.
Members of the Science and Security Board moved the hands of the Doomsday Clock forward.
Largely, though not exclusively, because of the mounting dangers in the war in Ukraine.
We moved the clock forward the closest it has ever been to midnight.
It is now
90 seconds to midnight.
You know, I just wrote the headline for the show that I do minutes before I go live every day, saying bombshell must watch Tuesday broadcast.
Dr. Peter McCullough in studio, Dr. Michael Yidong is going to be joining us as well.
The former chief scientist and vice president of Pfizer saying this is a deliberate depopulation attack with the shots.
And that really is a huge second and third hour.
But I actually think currently, I might have to change the headline or at least have a sub headline be Doomsday Clock moved to 90 seconds to midnight, the closest it's ever been to annihilation, our planet.
And I agree with them moving it the closest it's ever been.
This is incredibly dangerous time to be alive.
And when I get to these escalations, ladies and gentlemen, it is going to blow you away.
So we just covered the Doomsday Clock.
Now look at this.
Germany to provide Poland approval this week to send thousands of heavy battle tanks into Ukraine.
Think about that, ladies and gentlemen.
Thousands of the tanks.
Leopard 2 tanks.
Here's another headline.
American lawmakers urge U.S.
to ship Abrams frontline battle tanks to Ukraine.
Reuters reports that they believe Biden is set to make the announcement by next week and now it's going to happen.
As soon as the Germans escalated, the rest of the countries will escalate as well.
The Biden administration is leaning towards sending a significant number of Abrams M1 tanks to Ukraine.
And the announcement of deliveries could start this week, U.S.
officials says.
So excuse me, not next week, this week.
Got a shocking video of scores of F-16s spinning around in the air in Denmark in an attack exercise on the Russians.
In fact, let's play that with some audio whenever you guys are ready.
Boiling for nuclear war.
And George Soros has crawled out from under his rock and climbed up out of hell.
Stories up on InfoWars.com.
George Soros urged use of Eastern European soldiers to reduce the risk of body bags for NATO countries in a New World Order article.
They say New World Order.
And it goes on and on and on.
What does Gerald Cilente always say?
When all else fails, they take you to war.
That's what the globalists five years ago
That the EU said, they said, if you try to get rid of the EU or try to get rid of the New World Order, we'll just have a major war.
That's how they hold us hostage.
Meanwhile, here in the United States, it's true.
The FBI official investigated Trump ties to Russia, was just arrested for illegal ties to Russian oligarch.
Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, all of them, I wouldn't call them Russian spies.
What they are is a vending machine.
Whether you're the Chaikoms, or the Russians, or the Saudi Arabians, or the Israelis, or the British, or the Mexicans, or the South Africans, or any elite that's got money, you just go put your money in and then you get what you want out of the Clinton Foundation and the rest of it.
But they were particularly hanging off of the Chinese Communist teat.
And then the next biggest one was the Russians, just flooding them with money.
That's why when they said Trump was taking Russian money, of course none of it was true.
Let me tell you something about Trump.
For good and bad.
You can't get him to do anything you want.
You can't get him to do it with money.
If he wants to do something, he'll take your money and do it.
But Trump cannot be bought.
And that's a well-known thing about Mr. Pighead.
Because he's definitely wrong about the shots, but right on a lot of other stuff.
And I don't mean that to mean I've been pigheaded as well.
I bet a jackass as well.
And that's a good trait when it comes to not being pushed around, but it can also be a problem when you won't see the error of your ways.
But the idea that I'm a Russian agent, or that Trump's a Russian agent, or the Republican leadership are, is preposterous.
There's almost no Russian connections to Republicans, though the media claims that.
The Democrats are in a face lock with them.
They are just absolutely intertwined at an incredible level.
The only Republican I know that's been taking Russian money is Mitt Romney, and he takes Ukrainian money.
He's come out with Democrats.
He'll take money from anybody that'll give it to him.
And now this thing has gone completely and utterly and totally out of control.
You know, saying Trump's a Russian agent is like saying he's an agent of Kim Jong-un.
Why do you want a peace deal?
He went to Kim Jong-un and showed him a
Video, graphic... It's never been released, but it was described as a...
Artists rendering 3D green screen creation showing North Korea building giant high-rises and golf courses and resorts all up and down its beautiful coastline and allowing his people to be wealthy and for him to be super wealthy and that he explained that the land was so valuable in South Korea and Japan and all around him that he could get trillions of dollars in there to open up for investment.
That's exactly how to hit Kim Jong-un.
But the Chai Koms control Kim Jong-un.
So they told him no on the deal.
But Trump went there and said, how about you free your country up?
And how about you let your people have good jobs in a service economy?
And reportedly,
Kim Jong Un began to cry.
Not bawling, but like so excited, he was crying.
He wants to play basketball.
He wants to party.
He wants to be famous.
He thinks Hollywood's cool.
He watches Disney TV programs.
He's a little kid.
He's a horrible monster.
A horrible dictator.
But he's been born into it.
Third generation royalty.
Communist royalty.
And that's what Trump wanted with the Russians was, you mean they've got the biggest country in the world with more resources than any other continent?
And the Russian continent is maybe 5% tapped.
95% is untouched.
Trump was salivating like a wolf to a giant steak.
And of course we should be doing business with Russia.
Of course we should be doing business with North Korea.
We should make peace deals.
We should go in, have them normalized, particularly North Korea, and start building, as fast as possible, a big free market district on the coast.
He's the leader.
His party of generals that live in shacks basically and have nothing would instantly get behind that.
It'd still be some weird communist thing like China, but at least there'd be some wealth for the people.
But no, ladies and gentlemen, the tyrants are prisoners of their own tyranny.
And that's what's really sick about this.
And we're on the verge of nuclear war.
There's a threat continuum that Rand Corporation and the Pentagon has.
We're getting up into the 30s now.
The high 30s are limited nuclear war.
The low 30s, end of the world stuff.
I mean, low 40s.
We've talked about this ad nauseum, but we're just sleepwalking into Armageddon here.
Okay, so we have FBI official investigating Trump ties to Russia, was just arrested for legal ties to Russian oligarch yesterday.
Top former FBI counterterrorism official arrested DOJ announcers.
Just up to his eyeballs in rooskie money for illegal activity, reportedly.
It's insane.
The question is, why are they now doing this?
Second American Revolution is happening right now against the New World Order.
And the answer to their 1984 tyranny is the 1776 mindset.
And Infowars embodies that fight for human liberty against globalist tyranny.
Now in the last year we've done a very successful fundraiser of silver coins.
When you buy the coin, you know that you are supporting the transmission, and you get a historical memento, so you can remember the great contribution you made to freedom.
Now, despite the fact that the coins are selling out, the last of the four coin series, Teddy Roosevelt, Man of the Arena, we're offering it for $30 off right now, while supplies last, at 1776coin.com.
And just like an NPR pledge drive, where they mark up a coffee cup, or a t-shirt, or a DVD,
That's what we've done with this because it's a fundraiser.
But despite that, we're offering $30 off exclusively at $17.76 on what coins remain.
Please go to 1776coin.com right now.
There is a war on for your mind.
Your mind is a battlefield.
This is an information war.
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Silver Commander here with an important message to humanity.
I have decided that all of you will take a special injection so that you will be safe.
But the injection is not ready yet.
And so, I need all of you to stay indoors for the next 15 days to flatten the curve.
I also need you to wear masks, and I also need you to only shop at Mega Corporation.
That way we can consolidate control and bankrupt the world economy, leaving companies that only I own profitable.
You will then be my slaves.
Oh, and then you'll get that special shot of venom from Cobra.
It will remove your immune system, so you'll be dependent on me for the rest of your miserable lives.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones!
Ladies and gentlemen, the developments are coming fast and furious.
Right now, we just covered how a former top FBI counterterrorism official that ran the Russiagate investigation on Trump has been arrested for being engaged in espionage with the Russians.
That happened yesterday.
And now what I thought was happening is happening.
I said a couple of weeks ago when this Biden classified document thing started, that it was well known that in the deep state circles, they don't enforce any laws on each other.
And they all just basically share classified document insider trading information constantly.
And that's why they want to get into government and get into power is to sell America out.
That's all they've been doing for 60 years.
So I said, now they've gone after Trump for legally having documents.
Only the president can do that.
No evidence he was selling information, ever, anywhere.
Contrary to this group.
So they go after him, and that's the deep state, the bureaucracy, with its own branch of government, the permanent state, the deep state, flexing its muscles in power and control.
And when they went after Biden, I said, you're going to see more and more of this.
This is the permanent deep state.
Not just wanting to have figurehead presidents, but wanting to have full control, an actual dictatorship of the intelligence agencies and the Justice Department.
And I said, look for more of this now.
The bureaucrats were setting up Trump, even though he had the power to do it, and Biden, who was there selling the documents, and now Mike Pence.
Classified documents found in Mike Pence's Indiana home.
And then that way, they can basically have all the big contenders under their control.
So you play ball with them.
A small number of classified documents were found in former Vice President Pence's personal residence in Indiana earlier this month, according to reports.
Pence officials found two boxes of possible classified materials inside the home on January 18th, as well as another two boxes that contained copies of vice presidential papers, according to Fox News.
The vice president's team notified the National Archives and Records Administration upon the discovery.
Officials said the NARA then informed the FBI, which will conduct its standard procedure investigation.
So it's the bureaucrats all running around looking for anything they can claim is classified, and any briefing, any off-record discussion is highly classified in the White House.
So basically, everything is.
Emails Vice President sends to the President, all that stuff, and then later, that's always been kept, that's always been used, but now, no, no, no, no, it's classified, fetishizing
The permanent deep state that the world is living under.
So the headline on InfoWars.com is very, very important.
I hope you share the live show feed article.
Doomsday clock moves closer to midnight than ever before as experts across the globe expose the killer COVID jabs.
Dr. Peter McCullough in studio in the third hour.
Dr. Michael Yeadon, first time he's been on with us.
It's going to be huge.
Former head of the vaccine program at Pfizer and the vice president.
This is going to be a massive interview with him coming up in just about 36 minutes from now in our number two.
Now, I'm going to continue with the rest of the news and there's a lot of it with them cutting off our energy supplies.
What's really happening there?
There is a ton of news on global birth rates, and Japan's sounding the alarm that their society is going to collapse, that they don't have more children.
Biden has tried to introduce a new assault weapons ban.
He says he's going to introduce imminently.
I saw the bill last week and talked about it, but now she's gone on TV and said what's in the bill.
People said, oh, that can't be Alex, when we read the headline and read the article.
But here it is.
We got the video coming up.
Videoed, dim, rep, logs bill to make it criminal for white people to criticize non-white people in any way.
Total political correctness.
And you saw the deputy head of the EU say, soon you Americans will ban all speech, right?
And the Republican congressman on the stage, one of the Jan 6th traitors against America,
Sat up there and nodded his head like a seal that had just been given a fish.
It's incredible.
We'll also get into temperatures in the northern hemisphere due to fall over the next 25 years, according to six top international scientists who have already made these predictions in the last 10 that they will begin to drop.
And the temperature has indeed been dropping now for the last 10 years.
It did peak about 15 years ago in the modern era.
It's obviously been much, much hotter previously.
All right, we're going to go to break, come back and go over all of that in great detail and more.
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We're cutting that ad.
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Now take action.
The globalists are counting on you not taking action.
In the year 2000, Alex Jones' film Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove showed the world how our so-called elite leaders practice mock ritual sacrifices in private.
In 2007, Alex Jones releases Endgame, exposing the world elite's plans for covertly using biological weapons against all of mankind.
And by the time they launched their attack in 2020, Alex Jones' InfoWars and our audience were there to warn the people of the deadly vaccines that we knew were coming.
This is why they attack us.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Live from Freedom Command Central, it's the Alex Jones Show!
Well, it's not just Trump.
It's not just old Biden.
Now Vice President Pence discovered classified documents in his home.
The FBI is investigating.
Pence is as deep state as it gets.
We now know that in hindsight.
We always had our suspicions, but he's also doing that to pull heat off of Biden.
He's the one that reported it on himself.
This is just par for the course with these people.
Now let's move into this area of news.
We've got a whole bunch of clips I want to get to, but look at these headlines.
Bill Gates flies around Australia on a $70 million private jet, one of 10 he owns, lecturing people about climate change and saying they've got to give up their cows, sheep, cars, and don't have children.
Continuing, White House press secretary says House Republicans are using their narrow majority to force American people to pay higher gas prices
When he cut off the pipelines and, you know, all the rest of it and sold the strategic oil reserve.
Meanwhile, W.E.F.
Chauffeur admits VIP elites refuse to ride in electric cars, demand the biggest gas guzzlers.
They love their hypocrisy.
Let's just play these clips.
There's a lot of them.
Back to back.
This is Greta Thunberg, Askit Davis.
If she'll protest Russia and Saudi Arabian oil, she'll only protest European oil.
It's part of the energy crackdown.
And the White House press secretary's saying the thing I just said, that the Republicans are behind the higher gas prices.
And then the same idiot saying it's a non-issue that Biden sold U.S.
oil reserves to Communist China instead of to U.S.
refineries that would have lowered prices.
Let's play a clip two, three, and four back-to-back.
You never protest Saudi Arabia or Russia.
You only protest Western energy.
Why have you never criticized Vladimir Putin or OPEC?
Yeah, I've never done that.
Never ever.
Will you do so now?
Will you condemn OPEC energy?
The President spent the last two years, as you know, doing everything he could to lower gas prices for American families, and prices are down about $1.60 a gallon since last summer.
Now, House Republicans are using their narrow majority to force the American people to pay higher gas prices just as big oil companies are amassing record profits.
The House has passed bipartisan legislation that would ban the export of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to Chinese companies.
Given that oil has flowed to China from that reserve during both this administration and the previous one, is that the type of reform that the President would potentially support?
So look, I think this is a little bit of what the Secretary was talking about just moments ago.
This bill addresses a non-issue.
We're very clear on that.
Whether you're in Canada, the US, Europe, the UK, Australia, New Zealand, they're cutting the power off everywhere.
And they're shutting down the coal power plants that produce almost all the energy.
And I saw a report of Bill Gates in Australia two days ago.
We didn't have time to play it.
But they said, Bill Gates is here to save you.
Yes, we know your energy prices have tripled the last five, six years, and it's killing people's livelihoods.
But it's okay.
We're putting price caps on coal so they can't gouge you for the few coal power plants that are left.
That'll just bankrupt them.
They always point at a coal power plant at night in the cold weather and say, look how toxic it is.
It's hot air coming out with only carbon dioxide and water vapor.
And in the freezing, when it's in the winter, it looks hellish, but it's totally clean.
Unlike China and Mexico and India, where there are no scrubbers and it is toxic.
Let's continue with clip A. This is Jennifer Granholm, one of the mean secretaries Biden has, bizarrely brags about prices at the pump and saying that Biden, this is the Energy Secretary, has given us better gas prices even though they're up over a dollar, what they were at their peak with Trump.
Here it is.
The average price of a gallon of gas is now down about $1.60 from last summer's peak, about a 30% decline.
And now let's go ahead and play the other clip of Granholm as well, saying that he's mainly focused, Biden, on controlling energy prices.
You mean jacking them up?
You know, President Biden really has been singularly focused on reducing costs for
American families, especially energy costs, especially both transportation as well as at home.
Now, take a little bit north to the WEF's vice leader.
She's the real Prime Minister of Canada, the real leader of Canada.
Here is Christina Freeland giving a speech
I'm saying that the middle class has too much money and that we need to redistribute it to the poor people.
Now, the average poor person generally doesn't have good economics education, but let me explain this.
Most middle class people don't either, but the elites do.
Less than one-tenth of one percent has over 70% of the wealth in the world.
It's not the one percent.
If you make 250-something thousand dollars a year or even less, the number's like 230, you are considered the one percent.
All of 99.9% of the 1% and all those below them have 30% or a little more, depending on the country, of the world's wealth.
In 1955, America was 4% of the world's population.
We had 56% of the world's wealth.
And it was distributed and we had the biggest middle class history ever seen.
A middle class is a ladder up for poor people, and a big middle class is always indicative of the most wealthy, successful countries, and it's a product of Europe, and a product of Christianity, a product you don't see anywhere else, that was then finally exported to the world, that is a countervailing win to globalism and neo-feudalism, and making you poor to control you, you'll own nothing, you'll have nothing, you'll like it.
But here she is telling a group of people that, oh, if we get rid of the middle class,
People making $70,000 a year, they estimate, what they call it, up to about $240,000 a year.
If we get rid of them and distribute it to poor people, they'll suddenly have wealth.
No, it's the middle class that generates the entrepreneurship and the companies and the small companies, the jobs.
And every metric and every historical research paper shows that.
You don't need to be Milton Friedman to know it.
It's a fact.
So when you attack the pipelines, and attack the industry, and attack the energy, and attack the family, and attack the middle class, and then you don't target the middle class with the giant tax rates.
I mean, they did that too.
You target the poorest working people and the blue collar folks.
Making $40,000 or less a year, you target them with IRS attack dogs, even though they're a fraction of the tax base.
I mean, that's a perfect policy to bankrupt people and make people give up and destroy their lives.
Just horrible.
But it's the same global group trying to give you poison shots and kill your ass.
I mean, they really don't like us.
They really don't like you.
They don't like prosperity.
They're horrible people.
So here is Christina Freeland selling the total collapse to Canadians, and they sell the same thing in universities all over the world.
Get rid of the middle class.
That's prosperity.
Don't raise everybody to a higher standard.
Lower everyone to a lower standard with a tiny 1% to 1% ruling.
And here it is.
And this is what he said when I talked to him about what's going on in the American middle class.
We demand a higher paycheck than the rest of the world.
So if you're going to demand ten times the paycheck, you need to deliver ten times the value.
It sounds harsh, but maybe people in the middle class need to decide to take a pay cut.
Again, not untrue if you're looking at the dynamics of the global economy, but politically and socially a very difficult thing.
But Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos and the rest of them, they're not going to take pay cuts.
In fact, they're the most hardcore on record to their employees and screwing their employees.
So no, no, no, no.
They're not going to stop flying on planes.
They're not going to stop having children.
You are.
And notice, she's not just talking about middle class versus working class in America or Canada.
She's saying, oh, since people are poor in Africa, you need to be poor.
Oh, yeah, if we get real poor and don't buy products from Africa, that'll help them.
No, as we get richer, they get richer in a free market system.
Everybody knows that.
John F. Kennedy knew that.
A rising tide raises all ships.
She says, no, a lowering tide raises them.
That's 1984 level lies.
I talk a lot about the great successes InfoWars has had.
I don't think anybody can deny it.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
Dr. Michael Yeadon, the former head of the Science Division, the Vaccine Division of Pfizer, Vice President
It's going to be joining us for the first time, coming up next hour.
Then in studio, Dr. Peter McCullough.
And I know listeners know it's a poison.
You know it's an attack.
You know they suppress the therapeutics.
You know all that.
But now we're talking about prosecuting these people and the criminal investigations happening around the world and the vindication as Elon Musk and everybody else comes out and says, it made me sick.
It made my family sick.
It's killing all these people.
Now we're really supposed to push the truth and all the latest information because the globalists are betting on manufactured plagues as a pretext to bring in this total control.
So a big second and third hour and fourth hour coming up today and I'll also intersperse a lot of breaking news and information.
About a week ago, I saw the bill, I saw the article on Infowars, and I thought, this has got to be fake.
Even though I knew it was coming, it's just still unbelievable.
And sure enough, once the bill itself, and it said it, any criticism of a person that has dark skin on any issue,
is a serious federal crime under this legislation.
You're like, well that'll never pass, they're crazy.
Now look at the EU deputy head saying, soon we'll ban speech in America and laughing and the Americans with them laughing on the stage.
Like supervillains in a Dr. Evil movie.
Or I guess Dr. Evil in a... Austin Powers movie.
Michael Myers movie.
It's just insane.
And anybody can go read the bill, but what about actually seeing
The people from Congress, on TV, promoting this.
And that's why they're saying, oh, $5 million to all the black people.
You're never going to get that $5 million.
Just like Biden said, oh, vote me in.
He still had to steal it, but he got some votes out of it.
I'll give you free education.
All your student debts will be forgiven.
And then he took it back.
They're not going to give $5 million to black people a piece.
Oh, I'm sure if you get sterilized and go into universal basic income, they'll say, well, under the universal basic income, you're 25 years old, you'll live to 75 on average.
That's $5 million.
That's what they're actually proposing.
But it's another form of welfare.
Not enough to even live.
And then you've got to do everything they tell you to do, and you're like, oh, but it's my free money, I'm going to put these chains on.
So video Dim Rep Laude's bill to make it criminal for white people to criticize non-white people.
And they're introducing crap like this in Europe too.
Democrat Representative Sheila Jackson Lee.
Said Monday that Tucker Carlson could be the first to be prosecuted under legislation she has introduced that would see any white person talking about replacement theory be criminalized.
And what did the ADL say about me two years ago at their award ceremony?
They said we want Alex Jones and Mark Zuckerberg arrested for their speech.
If Mark Zuckerberg doesn't do what we say, we want him arrested.
We want him put in prison, and we want anybody that talks about replacement migration theory, even though it's a UN policy, should be arrested, and that's just where it begins.
But the bill says anything.
So let's go ahead and roll a segment of that clip.
Joining me now is Congresswoman Sheila Jackson of Texas.
And Congresswoman, I want to zero in on exactly that point.
Because people, let me read from the law a little bit.
It talks about being able to prosecute a person who engages in a conspiracy to engage in white supremacy inspired hate crimes.
This conspiracy shall be determined to exist
Between two or more persons, at least one of whom published material advancing white supremacy, white supremacist ideology, antagonism based on replacement theory, or hate speech that vilifies or otherwise directed against a non-white person or group.
And they're saying that a reasonable person would be able to determine whether that speech motivated actions by a person who commits a violent crime.
I think that is why Tucker Carlson is upset about the law because he is one of the people who promotes white supremacist ideology.
Does this bill allow potential prosecution of people like Tucker Carlson?
First of all, thank you so very much for having me.
The bill has nothing to do with speech.
You know, I was thinking about the Pledge of Allegiance and it said justice and equality for all.
And I would offer to say that everyone deserves justice and equality.
It seems that the right wing extremists, the violent extremists, don't want that to happen.
This does not criminalize speech.
It is a crime bill.
It is a criminal law bill, which means that intent would have to be proved that what generated out of that speech or your intent was to provoke someone to violence and that a violent act did occur.
Carlson or anyone else chooses to speak in ugly terms, his speech is protected.
It also is not a guarantee that white supremacy is promoted only by people who happen to be Caucasian.
It is a philosophy.
It is a philosophy and the point of view of that Director Wray has spoken about now for almost three years, that white supremacy is the largest part of domestic terrorism.
And domestic terrorism is larger than our fears of years back of Al-Qaeda.
So I only wanted to make sure that we had a bill that addressed that.
Okay, so translated, yes it goes after your speech.
They just showed the bill on screen.
So the host gets it right and loves its anti-free speech.
Oh, if I say something and then some person does something and they say it's because I influenced them, I go to jail.
That's all protected speech.
And you notice they've branded all of this in the last few years with the FBI, that the number one threat is white supremacy, even though it's not true.
They've branded that everywhere as questioning open borders, or shots, or forced injections, any of it.
They're now calling white supremacism.
That's a huge shift they're engaged in.
So she's trying to sneak this legislation through.
But let's look at this real quick.
You're not going to hear much about the 10 people and 16 injured at the Asian nightclub in Los Angeles.
You know why?
Overhead shot police.
Because it turns out it was an old Asian man went in and shot the people.
And it was another individual ended up disarming him.
So, you're not going to...
I hear about that because it's not going to be listed as a hate crime.
Well, all these crimes are hateful.
And it's a matter of Asians shoot Asians, or whites shoot whites, or blacks shoot blacks, or whites shoot blacks, or blacks shoot whites.
It's all the same damn thing.
If you kill some innocent person, you get in trouble for it, you go to prison for it.
But all over the country, these George Soros operatives
They put in as the county attorneys and district attorneys and state attorney generals are not prosecuting black-on-white crime and things like that.
And it's simply crazy.
All of this crime, when it's cut and dry, should be prosecuted.
But here's the photo of the white supremacist.
Here's the image for TV viewers of the white supremacist, a 61-year-old Asian man wearing a ski hat, a winter hat.
Clown world, ladies and gentlemen.
Oh, but don't worry.
She says it's not just white people who are going to be charged with a hate speech or the hate crime for their speech.
Calls grow to band rapper Ye from Australia over hate speech.
His wife's from there, his new wife.
He's trying to go there and visit his family, his new in-laws, and they're saying no.
So they can define hate speech as whatever they want.
You can say what Ye said.
About liking Hitler.
I mean, I don't agree with it.
I get he says love everybody, but I don't agree with that.
But he shouldn't be banned for being shocking.
He doesn't have a criminal record.
He's not a bad person in his actions, physical actions.
But that's where they want this to go, is the global social credit score.
Where what you say and what you do affects where you can travel and your everyday life.
Alright, I've got a very exciting announcement to make here.
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Dr. Michael Giedon, coming up.
In early 2022, InfoWars launched a very important fundraiser that kept us on air.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
A New World Order.
A New World Order.
A New World Order.
A New World Order.
A New World Order.
To forge a New World Order.
Defense Secretary Dick Cheney has approved a revised draft of a policy document on the New World Order.
So we have countries that are respecting the rules.
And we have countries that are respecting their national interests going beyond the rules.
And that is what is happening and we have to take into consideration the world order.
Here at WEF I believe we're discussing, there's a lot of discussion about what the new world order will be.
I believe perhaps we are at the moment in such a hyper-partisan, hyper-polarized time that we're not going to be able to form that new Helsinki.
Today, I hope this time around, once we're building this new world order or new rules-based order, the voice of the global South and the developing world is included.
After Mr. Musk took over Twitter with his freedom of speech absolutism,
We are the protectors of freedom of speech as well.
But at the same time we cannot accept, for instance, the illegal content online and so on.
So our message was clear.
We have the rules which have to be complied with and otherwise there will be sanctions.
They're in panic mode.
The reason the globalists are scared is because you did your due diligence.
You did the work.
You spread the word.
You planted the seeds.
You got ridiculed.
You got censored.
You got attacked.
And so now, we're in a real fight with the global controllers, alright?
I mean, we got their attention, we are beating the hell out of them, we're politically, non-violently breaking their ribs, gouging out their eyeballs, pulling out their teeth, slamming their head to concrete, okay?
And we come to Psalm 2, let's look at it.
The verse says, Why are the nations in an uproar, and the peoples devising a vain theme?
The kings of the earth take their stand, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against His anointed, saying, Let us tear their fetters apart and cast their cords from us.
You know, when I read that, I said, you know, here's a description of the World Economic Forum going on right now.
Now the problem is they got bioweapons labs everywhere.
They got nuclear weapons, they got armies of scum that work for them, pedophiles, devil worshippers, degenerates, and they're really thinking about turning it all loose and causing a giant global civil war and a collapse.
The good news is they were going to do that regardless.
Now we're going to force them to do it on our terms and we're going to win.
But I can offer you nothing but hell in the next 10 years.
Nothing but absolute
So you're not in your bed sucking your thumbs when these people hit?
Because if you think getting in a catatonic position like a baby...
And curling up in a ball's gonna protect you.
I got news for you, N.A.
These people are devil-worshipping pedophiles.
And they've got their operatives everywhere who are spiritually ignited and spiritually energized against us.
And they're in the banks, they're in the police departments, they're in the law firms, they're in the universities, they're in the schools, they're in the... they're everywhere.
Because when you have this type of consolidation, apostasy is much easier when people band together.
The whole Tower of Babel episode needs to be understood in the light of Genesis 3.15.
The devil, in this story, is trying to consolidate humanity in open rebellion against God to destroy the Holy Line, to totally corrupt and demoralize the world, so that the promised Messiah, who would crush the serpent's head, would not be able to come.
In one great apostate united system against God, you might call this a New World Order.
One like Vladimir Putin has now upset this balance of the New World Order that they were trying to achieve by going into Ukraine.
The evil people want to run things, and I know that people like General Flynn is like kind of a military Amish person.
Not only because he's against technology, he thinks it's
He thinks it's, at a subconscious level, a little too worldly to want to be the leader.
A little too pushy to come out and, you know, it's just not, well, it's a little arrogant, it's a little egotistical.
No, it's not!
No, it's not!
We're gonna lead, or we're gonna die!
Infowars has made history.
You have made history by supporting Infowars.
The globalists are being defeated on every front.
And now is the time to not just sit on our laurels because we're winning battles.
Let's win the war.
The information war.
There's nothing you can do more important than keeping Infowars on air in the fight for liberty.
I don't think anybody denies that fact.
And I thank you for your past support, but I'm encouraging you now to get one of the very last coins in a four-coin series, the Teddy Roosevelt Man of the Arena coin, exclusively at 1776coin.com.
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A poll went up on Infowars.com this morning.
It's got 15,700 votes as of a few minutes ago when I printed this off.
And we ask, what issue is most concerning to you right now?
Illegal immigration, economy, censorship, medical tyranny.
Illegal immigration was 26%, economy 25%, censorship 11%, medical tyranny 37%.
And whoever the crew put that up, it's a good poll, but I would have just added the other point of the war in Ukraine leading to nuclear war, with the doomsday clock moved by the International Committee to 90 seconds, to total Armageddon.
But I would ask our next guest, what does he think is a bigger issue, the medical tyranny or the world marching towards thermonuclear war?
And I think both of them are the same subject of an establishment that's gone quite mad.
Well, we've had a lot of big guests on here, but of the top two or three people that from the beginning have exposed this,
The guy that first, well over two years ago, that specifically predicted everything that was going to happen, filed emergency motions in the European Union Parliament that I saw with Wolfgang Wudarg and others, was Dr. Michael Yedon.
And he couldn't have a better curriculum vitae or a background.
Dr. Yedon is a professional research scientist.
He's a lifelong career in big pharma and biotech R&D, preceded by training with joint
First class honors in biochemistry and toxicology.
Also did three years of research based on impact of opiates on receptors.
Even more noteworthy is that he used the fentanyl class of synthetic opiates.
Invented at Janssen Labs, now part of Johnson & Johnson, which places him in a unique position to offer expert testimony as well.
He has trained and practiced research across a wide range of relevant life sciences.
For 40 years he retired, what, four years ago or so, or you can correct me, from Pfizer as their vice president, one of their main directors.
I'm going to let him give you his background so I don't get it wrong, but you couldn't have a more credentialed
Thank you.
Thank you very much, Alex.
It's a real privilege to speak to you and through you, hopefully to a large audience, some of whom have not heard from me before.
So yes, I think it would be fair to say I'm the most qualified former pharmaceutical company executive speaking anywhere in the world.
That was true early in 2020 and it's still true now.
Sadly, as you say, I have a proper training in biochemistry, toxicology, and then a research-based PhD on opiates and respiration.
Then I spent 23 years in Big Pharma, leaving Pfizer as their vice president and worldwide head of respiratory research in 2011.
And then I worked for 10 years in biotech.
I founded a biotech company myself.
I was the CEO and I led that through financing clinical trials and it was acquired by Novartis in 2017.
So the point of saying this is I think I am the peer scientifically of anyone you will hear on the TV in public health.
Like Dr Fauci or Sir Patrick Vallance in the UK or any of the senior pharmaceutical R&D staff that are running the vaccine R&D programmes right now.
I know personally three of the four people running it and I realise
Very early on, March 2020, that basically we were under attack and I knew this for this reason.
We had imposed upon us lockdowns, an absurd prison slang type of approach for which there was no precedent anywhere in public health.
All right.
Sorry sir, your Skype broke up for five seconds.
Please continue.
So, yeah, so basically the lockdown told us that there was a supranational plot, I'm afraid, to impose these measures upon us.
And then if I just make three quick points, the first is we've been lied to.
We're good to go.
And I know that the people like Fauci, like Sir Patrick Vallance, were lying through the TVs to the audience because we share a common training.
I trained at the same kind of universities at the same time.
That meant we had the same foundational training, for example, in immunology.
And then when they said things I knew were not true, I knew that they knew that too, and that they were lying to you.
And that was what kick-started me from very early on.
Well, I'm not a famous, well-known scientist, top of your class like you, but I know basic things like learned immunity is better than artificial immunity.
And they said, no, that's not the case.
Or they said this was a vaccine when it wasn't a classic vaccine.
I mean, they were attacking therapeutics that the Pentagon had tested years ago and said were really good, but these type of viruses.
So I was having the same concerns as a layperson.
And then I saw your research and it really validated my basic understanding.
No, you're right.
And in fact, I've got a couple of phrases people told me were very powerful and just threw them out there.
So I've got this rhetorical question, Alex.
What's the right number of times your public health officials should lie to you in a way that could cost you your health or your life?
What's the right number?
Now, I think the answer is zero, right?
They shouldn't deliberately tell you things that they know to be untrue.
Well, you've just listed three or four.
I've found six, seven, eight.
There is no question.
These people
People are lying to you.
When people lie to you, it's to hide something or to introduce something.
And I think they are introducing these so-called vaccines and the cuts of the chase
There was no necessity whatsoever to introduce something called a vaccine.
Let me just explain why.
The younger people, people my age, I'm 62, so a youngish fit person or younger, almost none of them died.
Uh, of this so-called virus.
So, why would you want to vaccinate all the population when most people have got perfectly satisfactory immunity?
So that was one thing, and yet Bill Gates and others wanted a needle in every arm, and they still want a needle in every arm.
But I've got something even more faithful to the narrative.
Most people will know that you're offered, usually free, an annual flu vaccine.
Well, the thing is, I had a look at the meta-analysis over a decade in the UK, and it turns out that flu vaccines do not reduce severe flu or deaths from flu in the UK.
And I can tell you why they don't work.
The reason that elderly, frail people are vulnerable is their immune system slowed down and doesn't respond well to new challenges.
That sounds uncontroversial.
Why in the world, Alex, would you think they'd respond well to vaccines?
And they don't!
So the people who get benefit don't need it, and the people who are at risk of death don't get the benefit.
The whole thing is a lie.
Don't go near these so-called vaccines, which I will talk about in depth.
We've got a few minutes to break and we'll come back, but you've really called it years ago, it was happening, but you've now said, I don't want to put words in your mouth, but your own words, that this is a premeditated, poisonous or dangerous thing.
Speak to how you know it's premeditated and then why would they do it?
Why would they think they're going to get away with it?
Because now it looks like they're not getting away with it thanks to you.
Well, I'm not the only one.
I think the main weapon they have against people like me, and you will know all about this, is censorship.
I'm probably one of the most censored people.
I've been ejected off Twitter and I've not been allowed back despite my appeals.
I can't comment under a YouTube video or post any.
They get deleted in real time as I type them.
I can't, you know, if you Google me, you'll find I'm a conspiracy theorist.
But if you use something like Yandex, which is a Russian browser, you will find 80 interviews by me.
So, you know, so basically, they're not frightened of people like me, because they figure that I won't be heard.
So here's the thing, please,
Listen, what I ask you to do is memorise two or three of the most powerful things I told you.
Please, you must go and tell ten other people.
Please don't tell me it's hard.
I know it's hard.
I've been trying to do this film for three years.
But the only way we'll win is if you tell ten other people.
The mass media is never going to tell them.
They're never going to tell it.
And they weren't working out on their own.
They're still in the narrative.
Well, that's right.
That's so powerful, though.
Stand there.
The people have to mobilize.
They tell 10.
They tell 10.
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Stand there, Dr. Michael Udon.
We'll come right back.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
I've been following Dr. Michael Yeaton for almost three years and totally admiring him and of course I get his name wrong and say Yeaton, it's Yeaton.
And we've got him till the end of the hour and I really want him to just know he has the floor and laser focus on what he saw.
He's already on his curriculum, the background, his predictions that came exactly true in that emergency filing he did in the EU in December of 2000 that was so powerful.
The predicted blood clots, the heart attacks, the myocarditis, the infertility.
And then now the vindication is all this comes out as it confirmed, and then where does he see this needs to go to bring justice to these people?
Because he's right, the censorship day one is what allowed them to get away with this attack, to obviously bring in their global social credit score, their vaccine passports, all of that.
So sir, please continue.
Yeah, no, certainly.
You asked me, Alex, before the break how I was so sure that this was deliberate rather than some sort of accidental overreaction.
But what I can tell you is that the this idea or telling us that there's a pandemic.
And using coordinated media to terrify people in every country.
And then, as you said, using the lockdown, a kind of prison term.
That didn't just get worked out in the first quarter of 2020.
I didn't realise till about a year, but at least 10 rehearsals have taken place.
And I prompted your researchers to look and pick up a video by a German journalist called Paul Schreier, S-C-H-R-E-Y-E-R, on YouTube, surprisingly, called Pandemic Simulations, Preparation for a New Era.
They've rehearsed this again and again and again and again.
That tells me it's deliberate, that they intended to execute this plan.
That's the first thing to say.
And then the second thing, like I've said, is all the things they told us about the virus were lies.
Absolutely everything.
It's not very serious.
It doesn't kill many people.
Children are not faintly at risk.
And so on.
And that was so that they could get you used to taking orders from mass media people.
You know, who are these people that they think they can order you and I around?
So they frightened people and got them used to jumping to orders.
That's one thing.
But the main thing they wanted, I think, was to get people ready to roll their sleeves up and take a jab.
Now, just before the break, I told you that flu vaccines do not reduce serious illness and death in the vulnerable.
They don't reduce death.
Well, I tell you what,
Even if these vaccines had been made well and delivered appropriately, this still wouldn't work because the people who would die of this so-called Covid-19 are the people who could not be helped by vaccination.
Vaccination is the wrong strategy for any new outbreak like this.
It should always be early treatment.
So what are they doing?
They've lied.
They're going forward with a strategy that I've just explained as an expert could not possibly work, does not work in the case of flu, and yet they've injected, I think, five and a half billion people.
For goodness sake, five and a half billion people.
And then I'm going to tell you
I don't know why other people aren't saying this in the industry.
If you introduce to the human body mRNA, basically wrapped in lipid, which is like the Pfizer and Moderna products, if they get expressed, taken up in your body, you hijack the manufacturing machinery in your body, and you make whatever's encoded, Alex, you will turn yourself into a virus, protein, or foreign protein factory.
This is terrible.
Your body demarks the inside and keeps it as self.
And the outside is non-self.
And when they mix, you get an immune reaction.
So when the shot skips the sinus and your body's first line of defense is it goes in, explain this, you're a scientist, it programs your cells to make the spike protein similar to prions, right?
Not necessarily, but the main thing is they're making a protein that does not belong in your body.
Your body notices that those cells and tissues are expressing non-self.
Your immune soldiers, your platoon, heavy weapons go to work and their job is to destroy that cell.
That's how they stop you getting cancer every day.
If there's a single cell that goes aberrant, tumorous... So they know, they know that it's going to cause an autoimmune response to the body?
Every time.
And here's the worst part, the thing that's... I mean, I wish it didn't, but things keep confirming what I guessed in 2020, which was this is totalitarian control, and ultimately they're going to depopulate, which sounds crazy.
I was... I was the sort of person who listened to the BBC and read the Times newspaper until 2020.
I have no history
It's absolutely obvious that if you inject people with mRNA, it doesn't matter what it encodes for.
What did we hear a month ago?
The pharmaceutical companies are re-manufacturing all the old vaccines in mRNA form, and they've ordered, or there are business terms with each government, to buy 10 injections per man, woman and baby in every country.
And I can assure you, you could not possibly stand up to 10 of these injections, but I can see how easily they could put this in a position where you get no choice.
So just cutting to the chase,
What I think is going to happen, and I wish I wasn't being right, I think they will make digital IV mandatory.
Not necessarily a vaccine passport, but that would do.
Digital ID will become mandatory.
You will not be able to shop or travel or work without it or get health care.
And I think the other thing they'll do is withdraw cash and replace all currency with central bank digital currencies.
At that point, Alex, if they say, if you don't get your next jab, we will not allow you to buy gasoline or travel or buy food.
The system I've just described is trivial.
It's already ready to go.
So I say to people, use cash.
Diversify the businesses you buy from.
Any business that won't take cash, tell them you're not going to work with them anymore.
And for goodness sake, tell people.
I don't care if it might be a little embarrassing.
I can assure you what I've been doing for the last few years has not enhanced my reputation.
With people I used to work with, the cowards.
I'll call them out again.
You know, Patrick Vallance, you're a liar.
Mattai Mammon, who was the head of R&D at Johnson & Johnson.
I told him that he should resign before he gets imprisoned, and he's resigned.
He resigned making no announcements as to the reason why.
Who else?
Manny Pangolos at AstraZeneca, you're a criminal.
You need to sue me.
Otherwise, you know, everyone will know what I've just said is true.
Every person who's injected with a product that contains messenger RNA that codes for something that doesn't belong in your body will induce an autoimmune reaction.
So here's the thing, this I think will resonate.
No one else has said this.
Have you noticed that there's a wide range of side effects from the existing mRNA vaccines?
Myocarditis, neurological conditions, brain blood clots, deep vein thrombosis and so on.
I think I know why.
When you get injected with one of these materials, they don't deposit evenly around the body.
Sometimes more of it will go to one vascular bed than another.
So if it goes mostly to your heart, I think those are the people who've got myocarditis.
Stay there, this is too important.
Longer segment coming up.
Incredibly important information.
Dr. Michael Yeadon, stay right there.
Oh man, this is so important.
And it's all been vindicated, everything he said has come true.
We're going to talk about it all and what he believes is coming next.
We're going to stop this takeover, this biomedical tyranny together.
Stay with us.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the Information War, it's Alex Jones!
Well, this is such life-saving information.
Dr. Michael Yeadon is our guest.
I would invite him back for a commercial-free podcast that we tape on Saturdays.
We can tape at any time, but those are usually at about 2-3 million views.
People love those commercial-free podcasts.
That way, he can even send us a PowerPoint if he wants.
We can put slides up there.
He can do a whole presentation without me even talking.
But we ran another break, sir.
You're trying to make a point that was really key as we went to break.
Yeah, sure, thank you.
I was talking just before the break that when a person is injected with one of these mRNA so-called vaccines, they don't distribute evenly around the body.
There'll be kind of lumpy distribution.
And so I believe that wherever it lands in your body, in the heart or blood vessels in the brain or in your legs, whatever, if it gets taken up and expressed there, you end up showing non-self to your immune system, which comes in and destroys that tissue.
Maybe cell by cell, it won't kill you on day one.
That's why people get progressive illness quite often and they're just constantly sick.
So here's the thing, if you get a lot of deposition in the heart, you'll get myocarditis or pericarditis.
If you get a lot of distribution in your brain or spinal cord or peripheral nervous system, any one of a number of horrible neurological conditions that you've seen, people shaking uncontrollably and so on, if it lands in the back of your eye,
You'll get loss of vision suddenly in one eye and that's happened to two people I know.
What else?
If it lands in your ovaries, infertility.
Your immune system will destroy the egg cells in your ovary.
If it lands in pregnant uterus,
Sill birth or premature delivery.
So you get the point.
What I've told you explains all the effects.
The fact that people are becoming ill and dying and the huge diversity of adverse events that they are just ignoring.
It's all clearly there in public databases like VAERS in the US.
Very good system.
The military has a similar system.
Shows same pattern.
Yellow card and so on.
Everywhere in the world, honest public health officials can see what I'm saying is true, but they're just lying, lying, lying.
And the insurance company actuaries are showing a massive increase in death, never before seen, correct?
They are, absolutely.
And see, when people say, oh, well, it's COVID.
No, it isn't.
The people who are dying now are the people who've been injected.
And a lot of those people are young and middle-aged people, which is why lots of workforces have enormous sickness absence rates at the moment.
So you're right, the life insurance excess claims is for the working age population.
They're not the people who typically would have perished with flu at 80 or 90 years of age.
It's young people.
It's all around the world, almost without exception, where Covid-19 vaccines have been, you know, rained upon the population.
And just, again, just a quick point so that people will know you're being lied to.
So, for example, we were told it's safe to give to pregnant women.
Well, I can tell you, 60 years of experience since thalidomide
Has that produced a red line that operated all the way through my career?
You never give experimental medical interventions to a pregnant woman.
Alex, you never do it.
Even if it might save her life, you still have to have that argument about whether it's worth risking birth malformations or killing the fetus.
That's one group.
We never should inject people who already apparently have this disorder.
As you said, immunity from prior illness of the same type is the strongest defence.
And then thirdly, we should never inject children.
Not one of them in Europe died because of this so-called virus.
So they're chasing pregnant women, your children or grandchildren, and they're chasing you if you've not been jabbed, even if you think you've had it already.
These guys are literally, they are psychopaths at this point.
And one thing I wanted to mention, people might say, well, you know, if it wasn't as bad as you say, you know, this virus and it wasn't an emergency, how did they all die?
And I can tell you, medical murder.
I mean, it's absolutely shocking.
A lot of people were admitted to hospital.
And if they had a positive PCR test, then we were told they were a COVID admission.
Those people were given remdesivir, which is a supposed antiviral, but it actually destroys the kidneys in about 20 to 30% of patients.
It's so toxic, you shouldn't
And by the way, since you're a world-leading expert in opiates and drugs for surgery, I forget the name of the drug, but I saw it in the UK that the government stocked up on before COVID, and that they gave patients that had COVID and were on respirators, but the drug was known to kill respiration.
What was that drug?
Yeah, that's called Midazolam, and the mixture of Midazolam, which is, it's like a granddaddy of Valium.
So it's a real strong sedative, so Midazolam.
And they were also giving them morphine, which is like a fentanyl-type drug.
Midazolam, morphine, and remdesivir.
But here's the thing, they were also giving them mechanical ventilation.
What you would not be expected to know, and the public should not be expected to know, because they think of mechanical ventilation as life-saving.
Well sure, it is, if you've come in with a road traffic accident or if you happen to have open chest surgery.
But I'll tell you what, in my 30 years experience, we never ventilated someone of 80 with other diseases because they had flu.
Why not?
Really important, this one.
Influenza-like illnesses, including COVID, are not obstructive airway diseases.
They don't obstruct your airway.
If you're breathless, you need oxygen, but you definitely don't want to be sedated, intubated, and ventilated, because that on its own is incredibly aggressive to an elderly person.
And then they whacked IV remdesivir, midazolam, and morphine, and they did it at higher doses than usual.
It's not hidden.
It was globally standardized.
I'm afraid to.
Yeah, there was no question about it.
And you might say, well, or people might say, well, surely the doctors would know this is not right.
No, only a small percentage of people like the ER people or people who are skilled in acute medicine would understand what I just said.
That mechanical ventilation in the right place is life-saving and a miracle.
For everybody else, stay away from it.
And giving it to elderly people without obstructed airways.
They just have flu-like illness.
So you should give them oxygen and calm them down.
Doctor, the time we have, and I could have it back for 10 hours, we were so gracious to join us.
We've got a few minutes to break.
Just 35,000 foot view, and I want you to say it in your own words.
You were on a show about a month ago, we played it a lot, and you said, look, I didn't really believe in God or any of this, but looking at this, it makes you know there's organized evil.
Can you, in your own words, elaborate on that and restate that?
Yes, I certainly can.
I've looked very hard for... people always ask me, why are they doing it?
And they claim they're doing... well, they claim there's a necessity to reduce the population because the world is overpopulated.
It's not true.
If you look at the density of people on the planet, and the rate of growth now is almost... it's almost flattened out.
People like Musk have said the biggest problem in 50 years is the falling population.
So rule that one out.
We're not overpopulated.
We're also not running out of so-called fossil fuels.
There's loads of coal and oil.
And the climate, we are not destroying the climate.
They've had 50 years worth of lies on that front.
So I've ruled out
The things I would like there to be a reason, and I get to the conclusion that they're doing it because, one, because they can.
I think they've been planning it for decades.
And secondly, I think they believe it's their, I don't know, birthright.
But I do believe it's diabolical.
It's not science-based.
These people, they want control, and they're quite happy to.
I think they're going to kill 90% of the population if we don't stop them.
But here's the point.
One of the ways they'll do it
The WHO, I think, is a horrible organisation.
It's not really anything to do with health.
They are trying at the moment, folks, to get all the countries of the world to sign updated international health regulations whereby, in the events of public health emergency of international concern, then Tedros, the head of the WHO, I'm not kidding you here, will have legal autonomy, legal power
To set health policy in your country, in the US, in Europe, in the UK.
And they're close to doing it, the international health regulations.
But I should point out to you that even if you trusted the WHO, it's mad to centralise power when you're facing a new challenge.
How have humans solved
You're totally right.
Final segment under my lead on Amazing.
Stay there.
It's a long segment.
I'm going to try to just shut up and give you the floor.
So much to cover.
Everybody needs to share this interview.
We'll be right back.
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They want the planet for themselves, my friends.
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I think so.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
All right, final segment with Dr. Michael Yeadon.
We could listen to him for 10 hours.
And I want to really ask him the next month, whenever he can, to come back and do a commercial-free broadcast.
Because those podcasts get millions and millions of views.
We've got to get him on Joe Rogan as well.
His studio's right down the street.
And we've got Dr. Peter McCullough coming in here in studio next segment to talk about the vindication, everything that's come out.
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By the grace of God, stay on air.
So please go to InfoWarsTore.com so we can continue to have these incredible guests on and fight through this together.
But this is a war.
So Dr. Yeadon, please continue in the 10 minutes we have left with other key points you want to add.
I think the vindication is important because it shows you were right and others were right so we can now prosecute and go after the folks that did this.
Nuremberg 2, criminal investigations in Japan, Europe, Florida, I mean all over the place these things are starting.
Please continue.
So, like I said, they lied to us from the beginning and the right number of times that you're a public health official, so lie is zero.
Soon as you realize they are lying, why would you believe anything else that they say?
So, and then the main theme about the so-called vaccines is
That even if the narrative was accurate, which it's not, they would not work.
They're not life-saving, just as flu vaccines are not life-saving.
And in particular, these messenger RNA creations, when they're expressed in various tissues of your body, cause your body to attack that tissue.
And it will happen automatically.
It's not an accidental side effect.
It's built into the mechanism.
So I describe these as toxic by design.
And that's why I know it's deliberate and malign.
I would say it's immunology 101.
You would be taught it in the first couple of weeks of any basic immunology course.
That's how you distinguish self from non-self and keep yourself safe and healthy.
So don't
Do not allow yourself, no matter the price and the punishment and the threats, to be injected by these mRNA products.
If you've been unfortunate enough to have had one, today's a good day to resolve not to have any more.
There are several groups working on potential antidotes and recoveries, but don't take the chance.
They're not there for your health.
They're there ultimately to, I think, to depopulate.
So what are they going to do?
Just to say it again, I predict that we will see ever more encroachments over our freedom of movement, our freedom to buy things, our freedom to consume fresh natural products, for example, and things will become more and more factory farms, including the ghastly news I heard tomorrow, the EU will approve a law that allows them to add a ground-up cricket flag
So almost every baked goods and people don't know about the stuff they're going to be eating these but the other thing I predict I predicted as I said earlier is the introduction of a mandatory digital ID they'll say oh well you really need to have one in order that we know that it's you that's operating your bank account
Alex, I'd point out, banks have been around for centuries.
We've never needed a digital ID, and we do not need one now.
So, reject it.
Push back any bank... By the way, just to interrupt, back to the crickets.
I've seen a bunch of studies that the chitin shell of bugs, humans aren't meant to eat those.
We can eat grubs and things that don't have that, the larval form, but it's very toxic to mammals, particularly humans, to eat bugs.
Yeah, we do not have the enzymes in our guts to break down the shell chitin, as you said.
We cannot eat it.
So, you know, they might say, well, we'll take the wing cases off and we'll just use the squashy parts.
It's a revolting idea.
And the whole basis of it, that meat is environmentally bad, is just BS.
So, you know, don't let them do it to us.
And don't let them... So, I've explained why digital IV is the heart of tyranny.
You do not need it.
You've never needed it.
You don't need it now.
Someone's trying to make you have one and they're giving you bullshit reasons why you must have one.
I think if they say without digital ID you can't travel overseas, I would say I'm going to campaign against it and I ain't traveling overseas until I win.
That's right, we've got to draw a line in the sand.
But you've said some really eloquent words.
Can you repeat them or expand on them about Nuremberg 2, prosecutions, what needs to be done, Fauci gain of function?
Yeah, no, absolutely.
I've just listed out several of the things that public health officials and senior people in pharmaceutical companies at a minimum, and there are many others, they've lied to us, they've destroyed or damaged with the intention to destroy the economy of the developed world.
And I think that's deliberate.
I think they want to tell us, oh dear, the economy's broken.
Everyone's lost confidence in your currency.
But the Bank of International Settlements and we, like the Fed, Federal Reserve, working together, will bring out cashless central bank digital currency.
Combination digital ID, mandatory, and cashless CBDC is the end of your freedom.
We must not let this happen.
So use cash
I don't care, you know, it cannot be too inconvenient to save your life by going to an ATM.
Oh, this makes me want to move to the country next to Amish and start bartering with them.
I mean, the whole future is going to be getting away from this.
Exactly, so I've written, you know, so use the cash, do some basic preparation, you know, whatever.
I'm not a prepper, but I make sure that I know what my next move is, so I'm gonna, I will minimize the degree to which they can... But what about when you talk about going on the offense, though, peacefully, to prosecute him and nip it in the bud?
Yeah, yeah, obviously, it's not my, not my...
field of expertise, but I have written affidavits for at least 10 different court cases.
So yes, I think wherever in the world and on whatever basis related to all these COVID lies and the poisonous injections and the terrible hospital treatment, on any of those bases we need to attack, you know, using law as well as
Letting people know that this is happening and just trying to persuade them.
As soon as people turn off mass media and start to think, they realize what I've said to you is absolutely true.
So I say never give up, because these people are not going to... No, I agree.
And how powerful it is that even if Musk doesn't let you and I back on, the people that really have an effect, that at least a lot of the stuff's coming out proving Big Pharma with Big Tech colluded to suppress people.
I mean, that is a scandal of scandals.
I'm not a bragging person, but I think the reason they have not allowed me back on, Alex, is that I am absolutely kryptonite for their narrative.
People will believe me because I'm telling the truth.
I've lost money.
People say I'm a grifter.
I've lost hundreds of thousands of dollars.
I've made not one dollar in earnings, and I've not accepted one dollar in gifts.
Which I think is your mistake.
When you're champion freedom, you should be writing books.
You should be...
The point I wanted to make there is, I'm not making money from this, even though I could, and I think that improves the confidence the audience should have that I'm doing it honestly.
But what proves it is you fouled stuff with the EU in 2000 saying everything was going to happen that did.
You're totally vindicated in spades.
Absolutely, absolutely.
Unfortunately, what is going on at high level is incredibly simple.
I remember I read the canon of American sci-fi as a teenager, and this plot is really dull.
It's horrible and frightening, but it's really straightforward.
Digital ID, roll up for your vaccine, else we will not
Mad medical scientists kill most of us, the rest of us are sick for life, make us so sick we gotta be in artificial wombs, take over the human species.
I mean, it's a THX 1138 meets Brave New World meets The Matrix.
It's all of that.
It is.
I would say engage local leaders.
So what else?
If you've got a sheriff or a city mayor in a small town or whatever, go and find these people.
Just take a half an hour meeting, respectfully turn up with just two or three pieces of information that says we're clearly being lied to.
It's not as described.
And this guy in Yeaton and Malone and McCulloch and so on are really worrying me.
And the good news is we're starting to win, but we can't give up now.
We've got to push, push, push.
Because like you said, they've got new pandemics ready they're drilling for.
Yeah, the pandemics are, I think, I should tell you, pandemics are actually impossible.
And I'll just explain what respiratory, severe respiratory disease pandemics are impossible.
Let me say why.
That just like Ebola, if you've got a really serious respiratory infection, you become symptomatic the day you were infected, and that means you withdraw from circulation.
You're sick in your bed, in your living room or in bed.
So that means you've stopped infecting other people.
It's literally not possible to have a severe respiratory disease pandemic, and that's why we've never had one.
The Spanish flu, they've lied to us about that.
People died of bacterial pneumonia in a pre-antibiotic era.
All right, Dr. Michael Yeadon, incredible.
Please come back soon for a commercial-free podcast.
I'd love to.
Thank you.
God bless you.
We're going to go to break and come back with Dr. Peter McCullough.
Thank you, Dr. Yeadon.
God bless you.
Second American Revolution is happening right now against the New World Order.
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We're good to go.
If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance.
Hello Americans, I'm Paul Harvey.
If I were the devil.
If I were the prince of darkness, I'd want to engulf the whole world in darkness.
And I'd have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I wouldn't be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree.
So I've set about however necessary to take over the United States.
President Kennedy has been seriously wounded by the shooting.
I'd subvert the churches first.
I'd begin with a campaign of whispers.
With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve.
Do as you please.
To the young, I would whisper that the Bible is a myth.
I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around.
I would confide that what's bad is good and what's good is square.
And the old, I would teach to pray after me.
Which aren't in Washington.
And then I'd get organized.
I'd educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting.
I'd threaten TV with dirtier movies and vice versa.
I'd peddle narcotics to whom I could.
I'd sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction.
I'd tranquilize the rest with pills.
If I were the devil, I'd soon have families at war with themselves, churches at war with themselves, and nations at war with themselves, until each in its turn was consumed.
And with promises of higher ratings, I'd have mesmerizing media fanning the flames.
The President of the United States is racist.
If I were the devil, I would encourage schools to refine young intellects.
We're good to go.
I would lure priests and pastors into misusing boys and girls and church money if I were the devil I'd take from those who have and give to those who wanted until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious.
I would caution against extremes.
I'm here to warn people!
You keep telling me to shut up!
This isn't a game!
In hard work, in patriotism, in moral conduct, I would convince the young that marriage is old-fashioned, that swinging is more fun, that what you see on TV is the way to be.
And thus I could undress you in public, and I could lure you into bed with diseases for which there is no cure.
In other words, if I were the devil, I'd just keep right on doing what he's doing.
Now you know the rest of the story.
I want you to get up now.
I want all of you to get up out of your chairs.
I want you to get up right now and go to the window, open it, and stick your head out and yell, I'm as mad as hell and I'm not gonna take this anymore!
I want you to get up right now!
Stick your head out of the window!
Open it and stick your head out and keep yelling and yell!
I'm as mad as hell!
I'm not gonna take this anymore!
Just get up from your chairs right now!
Go to the window!
Where are you going?
I don't wanna see if anybody's yelling!
Open it and stick your head out and yell and keep yelling!
I'm... I'm mad as hell!
I'm not gonna take this anymore!
I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!
I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!
I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!
I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!
I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!
I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!
I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!
I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!
This is Uncle Sam with music and the truth until dawn.
Right now, I've got a few words for some of our brothers and sisters in the occupied zones.
The chair is against the wall.
John has a long mustache.
This is the heart of 1776.
It's 12 o'clock, Americans.
Another day closer to victory.
And for all of you out there on or behind the lines, this is your song.
In early 2022, InfoWars launched a very important fundraiser that kept us on air.
Your support of that fundraiser is the reason we are still here today fighting the globalists and having incredibly successful results.
So I thank you for your passionate support.
Now, that was a three coin series, the founding member coin, the final coin that we're putting out for a long time.
Yes, there's a markup on the coins because that's why it's a fundraiser.
We're good to go.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, he's going to host with us a little bit in the next hour.
And it's on the heels of Dr. Michael Yeadon, former vice president, head of their whole division over there at Pfizer, just knocking it out of the park.
And of course, it's Dr. Peter McCullough.
He's been demonized, he's been sued, he's been attacked.
He's just like me.
He doesn't spend time on those attacks.
He keeps moving the ball down the field.
And I know you want to get in to the NFL player collapsing.
I know you want to get into all the sudden death and statistics.
We're going to do that.
But Yeadon didn't even want to, it's not about tooting your horn, it's about you guys, two plus years ago, called all this a scientist, you've been vindicated, Elon Musk said he got sick, his cousin had myocarditis, almost died, you've got the government coming out saying maybe we shouldn't do boosters, we've got all these rats leaving the sinking ship, can you talk about vindication?
The signals you saw two and a half years ago, three years ago, your predictions of what would happen, it all came true, and then now,
We've got to prosecute, we've got to move forward, so give us the 35,000 foot view first.
Right, well, I recently made a stage presentation at Clay Clark's Reawaken America on stage, Michael Flynn in the back, and I told America three years into this, I've given more public comments and more analysis on video
Then Fauci, Walensky, Shah, Murthy, Harris, Biden combined.
I've actually given more media analysis than them combined.
And one thing you will not find on me is a highlight reel of me flipping and flopping and flipping and flopping.
On important issues, I've been accurate, I've been consistent with America, and I've evolved my analyses as the pandemic data have unfolded.
Dr. Yadin and doctors in my circles, we've been completely accurate on this, from the spread of the virus, on early treatment and the principles of early treatment.
On the deficiencies in hospital care and the hospital is simply too late to save patients and now on the horrendous data we're seeing on the safety of the vaccines and its loss of really any theoretical efficacy as we sit here today.
We are now in the midst of the BQ and XBB
I think?
And I know you want to go to the next level of this, but let's talk about some of the victories for listeners, because they trust you, they know you, they know you predicted it all, you're incredible.
It's Dr. Yidan, it's you, and it's Robert Malone.
You guys are the three guys out there.
It's not about credit, but you've been the hardest working of the three, and they've all been very hard working, and you guys have literally helped steer the world out of this with everything you've done.
I can track it right back to you guys and our audience as well.
It's not about credit, but it's about you've
You're a leader, you've won, so that's how humans act.
We hand the ball to the guy that steered us right.
What is it like to see, I mean, Elon Musk retweeting you, and you're getting, you know, not hundreds of thousands, but tens of millions of people on your tweets.
I mean, it is, I see that and I just cheer how incredible that is.
What is it like for the two and a half years of hell you've gone through?
You don't talk about it, but you, off air, the persecution, it's got to be satisfying to have sacrificed so much.
So many people that sacrifice never see the liberty of their lifetime.
They hope it works in the future.
You're getting to see huge victory now.
You know, I was suspended for Twitter for two months, and on some days I was number one.
I was trending as the hashtag number one ahead of the World Cup on some days, and so it was obvious the world wanted my analysis, my opinion.
It's been enormously gratifying, Alex.
I'll just tell you this much.
I told you God's real.
I mean, you're the underdog.
It's been gratifying.
The principles of early treatment.
As I originally proposed, but it wasn't just me, it was Vladimir Zelenko, Pierre Corey, Paul Merrick, there is a team of worldwide heroes.
Didier Rialt in France.
Listen, this is a worldwide effort.
The principles of early treatment, we believe, have spared millions of lives and tens of millions of hospitalizations.
I mean, this is... It wasn't if your protocols weren't able to do it.
Yeah, it's massive.
It's absolutely massive.
As we work through four to six drugs, we've largely figured this out.
Still one of the most dynamic drugs we have is Ivermectin.
Forty-five randomized trials, all small.
All showing a signal of benefit.
Roughly a 50% reduction in mortality.
Completely concordant with the ICON study.
One of the original studies was a multi-center, prospective, comparative study by Zhezhe Roster and his wife in Florida.
American data.
Published in one of the best journals, CHESS.
Now confirmed and actually vindicated in the full breadth of data on Ivermectin, one of many useful drugs to treat the condition.
And again, I go back to vindication.
Yes, you're vindicated on saving lives and exposing the shot, but it's all coming out that it doesn't work.
It's all coming out.
It hurts people.
It's all coming out.
They covered it up.
It's all coming out.
They had secret agreements.
You said all that years ago, but now it's definitely turning against them.
What do you make of that?
Well, it's so true.
You know, I am under review by the American Board of Internal Medicine for a bogus COVID misinformation policy as they were colluding with Pfizer and Moderna through Weber Shandwick, their PR firm.
One of the things the board had challenged me on is the number of deaths due to the vaccine, Alex.
The number of deaths.
This is very important today.
In BMC Infectious Diseases, a highly cited peer-reviewed manuscript, Dr. Mark Skidmore, Michigan State University, valid survey, asking people what they know about the vaccine, how many people in their constellation do they know are injured or worse, his estimates, based on very good social science research, this is astounding.
Through December of 2021, Alex, 289,000 Americans estimated to lose their life to the COVID-19 vaccine, completely concordant with Pantazatos and Seligman from Colombia using a different methodology, which was COVID administration data and U.S.
Census data, they came up with 287
Two totally different studies using different methodology hitting the same point.
On December of 2021.
Now carry this forward.
Just a whole year has gone by.
We now have in the CDC virus system, the CDC is certifying over 16,000 Americans that have died after the vaccine.
I think 22% within the first 48 hours.
Very tightly related.
So now a long tail of deaths.
The accepted underreporting ratio.
And I think that's conservative because I know so many people like Ernest Ramirez and others, they get contacted by FEMA and the government saying, change your story, your son didn't die from this.
Well, you know, we have to wonder where is the outrage from the parents who've lost children, from relatives, people in close family circles.
Case after case after case.
You know, the very first one, public figure, was Hank Aaron.
Hank Aaron took the vaccine, former baseball great, he dies a few days later, and the press had actually disconnected those two on the press release.
And through 2021, we had prominent figures.
Sometimes the press release said they died of the vaccine, like Midwin Charles, CNN correspondent on a beautiful African-American woman, takes the vaccine, dies, and the press report says she died of the vaccine.
What about, what about...
William Shakespeare, that was his name, the first man to take it in the UK, he died.
Yeah, I didn't know that, but there's been challenges.
How about the fitness weightlifter instructor who said, listen, if the vaccine is safe, I'll take it and I live, but if it's unsafe and I take it and I die, it's not safe, and he dies.
You mentioned now Elon Musk coming out.
Do you want to talk about the NFL player that collapsed?
Stay there, let's come back.
Let's talk about that.
Let's do it.
But you are dominating right now.
And it is power.
Peter McCullough totally vindicated.
He's going to tell us what's coming next.
Straight ahead.
Tomorrow's news today.
Stay with us.
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But to get to the children, they've got to get through us first.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Shame on you!
Shame on you!
Shame on you!
BBC, the lying liars of lies.
Take down the BBC!
So, 50-60,000 people get outside the BBC this weekend and protest the vaccine deaths.
They take thousands of photos of people that die from the shot on the windows.
Zero coverage.
Doc, I know you want to get into the science and warn people about what's coming next, but please, for the listeners and viewers, you were saying some powerful things during the break about the globalists are really angry right now.
You know, they have to be wondering how in the world could such a small group of people
with limited resources change world history but in fact that's happening and it's the power of the truth.
You heard Michael Yates say kryptonite.
He is and that's the same word I used when I went on Joe Rogan.
I set all the records for his show that the bottom line is the truth is like kryptonite at this point in time and you can't stop it.
Look at the protesters
Outside the BBC headquarters, you know, with their signs, and this is a human outrage occurring, and it's occurring at the end of a hypodermic needle.
What we know now is the deaths that are occurring after vaccination are broad.
They're worldwide.
They're occurring with all forms of the vaccine, Alex.
And on December 7th, 2022, in the U.S.
Senate, I concluded the Senate panel on vaccination with the call to remove all vaccines from the market.
None are safe for human use.
So I know you want to get the current science and current warnings.
You're always about the future, but how big what do you make of this capitulation?
I mean, everybody from Scott Adams to just thousands of other prominent pro-vaxxers coming out and saying, we were wrong, you were right, we were set up, all the news confirming death and heart attacks, the FDA, CDC having to admit there's connections to it.
I mean, how would you quantify that?
You know, the change is, it was clearly going to happen because this can't go on forever.
The sad thing is how many people have been damaged with these vaccines.
On my Substack Courageous Discourse this week, Alex, I summarized a paper by Wu and colleagues
From the U.S.
This is astonishing.
This is from the U.S.
And it is concerning the use of the Janssen vaccine in the United States and blood clots.
And they describe thousands upon thousands of cases of blood clots in Americans.
Some of them, Alex, the blood clots go from the ankle to the hip.
This is astonishing.
These are monster blood clots and 11% of the cases were fatal.
This is in a published manuscript by the FDA.
What's the difference between me and the CNN commentators is that I'm fairly evaluating this and I'm bringing it forward to America and telling America the truth.
Continue please.
What we know is that through a series of studies now, and critical autopsy studies, one from Heidelberg, Germany by Schwab and colleagues, the other one by Chavez from Colombia, two different parts of the world, they're looking at patients who have died after the vaccine.
So they've died and the families have called for autopsies, the coroners called for autopsies.
They have found in both studies concordant results between 70 and 80 percent
Of course!
So the autopsy studies now are coming in.
They're implicating the vaccines.
The regulatory agencies say the vaccines cause heart damage, neurologic damage, and blood clots.
And this leads us up to the case of Damar Hamlin, who has a cardiac arrest on the field.
The Monday night football game, last game of the year, Bills versus Cincinnati.
The NFL has never shut down a game before.
This is the first time in history the NFL has a wonderful track record in terms of cardiovascular safety.
The players are screened for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, valvular disease, significant heart disease.
They're all, from a cardiovascular perspective, in great shape when they get on the field
And what I told Tucker Carlson within 24 hours of the event, and later on, a week later, Laura Ingram, both on Fox News, I told them there's a straight line of understanding here.
That in early 2021, the White House and HHS announced the COVID Community Corps funding program.
$13 billion go to a whole variety of organizations in the United States to push the vaccines.
Prominently, the NFL takes our taxpayer dollars
Then in June of 2021, the FDA says the vaccines cause heart damage.
Then in August of 2021, the NFL says they're going to have a mandate.
The players don't want it.
NFL forces on.
They run the mandates and the vaccines from August of 2021 to March of 2022.
Then they drop everything.
They drop the vaccines.
They drop all the COVID testing protocols.
And the NFL says that 95% of players are taking the vaccine, but prominently Aaron Rodgers doesn't take it.
I don't think so.
Novak Djokovic doesn't take it.
Kyrie Irving.
You know, these guys, basically, Kirk Cousins, another quarterback, doesn't take it.
So we have this situation, this tension.
A lot of the young guys probably take it.
Demar Hamlin, young player for the Bills, early in the game, makes his tackle.
And we have a situation now where he gets up about just his helmet.
He recovers and then he passes out.
He has a cardiac arrest.
I saw it live.
I was contacting my colleagues on this.
He got CPR.
Wonderful resuscitation on the field.
The AED says shockable rhythm.
He's shocked.
He has a little bit of motion afterwards.
That tells me he's going to recover.
He's stable in the paramedic unit in the tunnel, and they wait to get his mom out of the stand, so that's another indicator to America that he's going to be okay.
He gets to the hospital.
I tell Tucker he's going to survive.
They're going to quickly rule out heart abnormalities in terms of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, valvular disease again, electrolyte abnormalities, other things quickly.
And then when they have their press conference, they literally say, we don't know what caused it.
I told Tucker that I told Laura as a cardiologist if he was my patient the first thing I'd think of is COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis and a small scar and then a cardiac arrest related to this because it's happening in the peer-reviewed literature.
Why does it hit prime athletes so hard?
We think it's part, well hey, that hits 90% men and 10% women, so it has something to do with the androgen receptors in the heart.
But importantly, it may be athletes because of myocardial blood flow and the hemodynamic demands that they have.
And we know the lipid nanoparticles definitely go in the heart.
Bollmeier and colleagues from Germany shows the vaccine and the spike protein in the heart causing damage.
That's been shown.
And then we have MRI studies, one by Jenna Schauer, two actually by her in pediatrics, showing the heart damage is identifiable in MRI.
It's clearly the source of the cardiac arrest.
When we come back...
I'm going to give you the floor because you've got more points to make them.
But I've got questions like, how do we get on the offense to punish those that have done this?
Like criminal investigations in Japan, criminal investigations in places like Florida, other ones around the world.
How do we go on the offense to make them stop rolling out the next power grab?
Stay with us.
Dr. Peter McCullough straight ahead.
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Mark Twain, one of America's greatest writers and satirists and minds, famously said more than 150 years ago,
Rumors of his demise have been greatly exaggerated.
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I've been in a 28-year marathon battle with the Globalist.
I have come from nowhere, to the very heights of politics, not just in America, but in the world.
We are engaging the Globalist at point-blank range in the information war.
But I don't deserve the credit.
Yes, I've persevered, but the listeners and viewers who support InfoWars are the real reason we've had this success.
We're having now the greatest victories in the fight against the Mughal Order we've ever had.
We are now entering the final mile of the marathon.
And that's why today it's more important than ever to realize how important you've been in this fight and to continue in the efforts you've been carrying out and to intensify them.
God bless you all.
I salute you.
I thank you.
And I beg you to intensify what you're doing now because we are over the target and history is happening.
The fight is my fight.
It's your fight.
It's our fight.
God bless you all.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
We're getting rid of the approval process.
We've got cancer mRNA shots.
We've got stuff for drug abuse, stuff for depression, stuff for everything.
We're going to make you take all these experimental shots.
So I was talking to Dr. Peter McCuller in a break and he said, it's going to be the biggest I told you so in history.
But I want to talk about something he didn't even bring up.
But I know there's a lot of great telemedicine out there.
But this guy with a great CEO out of Canada, he was on Tucker Carlson about it.
Has brought out the best telemedicine out there.
I'm personally using it.
McCullough didn't come here to plug this, but I'm gonna plug it because it saved my dad.
It saved a bunch of my family.
It saved a bunch of people early on when these guys were just on the phone calling pharmacies and getting people to give people things they needed.
We're good to go.
If you go to OnlineHealthNow.com, OnlineHealthNow.com, and we'll put a lower third of Dr. McCullough, that's a link that goes to the site so we get a little bit of the support because they are a sponsor.
I set this up with the folks working with Tucker Carlson and the CEO they had on, aside from Dr. McCullough.
But I'm going to make you talk about this company and the great work you're doing because you're persecuted, you're attacked, you've saved millions of lives, and who doesn't want you
As the main, you know, chief doctor running this thing as their doctor.
That's where I want to go.
That's who I want to support.
Because it's Russian roulette.
You go to one clinic, they're listeners, they know what's going on, they give you what you need.
You go to another, they laugh at you and say, wear a mask, we're not going to even help you.
And so tell us about where the onlinehealthnow.com leads.
For healthcare you can trust, visit onlinehealthnow.com and connect with trusted and unbiased doctors at The Wellness Company.
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And this is why Trump got conned by the shot.
We'll talk about that in a moment.
He just said, green light everything, I trust doctors.
So he did a bunch of good stuff, a bunch of...
Therapeutics brought out the good stuff and countered the bad stuff.
But because he trusted the system, he also pushed what the bad guys were doing.
That's why it's important to write this down and have this and be ready.
So you don't want to get into this, you want to cover news, but tell us about the wellness company and how important it is.
I tell you, TWC.health.com is the wellness company.
Wonderful, wonderful creation.
And I tell you, I'm honored to be the Chief Scientific Officer of the company.
I contribute like so many else do there.
So many wonderful doctors.
There are verticals for nutraceuticals and supplements, health and wellness coaching, media, telemedicine doctors.
This month they've announced a dental network now.
Companies are bringing on the wellness company as a benefit because it's a cell phone app.
People for $10 a month get access through the cell phone to what they need in terms of a doctor when they need them.
And this is a revolution!
Bypass all the controlled people and go right to the folks that have stood up for humanity and get great services at the same time.
It's so true and you know far and away the most popular question or the most popular product is Dr. Vandewater's detoxification supplement.
That features natokinase.
Natokinase is a Japanese discovery.
It's a natural proteolytic enzyme.
Well, the Japanese discover so much stuff.
They do!
And this one is the only enzyme that we're aware of right now that dissolves the spike protein.
This is very important.
The spike protein is loaded in the body with the COVID-19 infection and definitely with the vaccines.
It looks like it takes a long time for the body to get rid of it.
So we keep looking for a mitigator and this is it.
Tell us about it.
Dr. Vandewater supplement features natokinase.
I recommend it twice a day.
It also has selenium and some other
By the way, anybody saying COVID isn't real hasn't had it.
I'm as healthy as a horse.
I get sick like every 10 years.
I've been around 48 years, 49 now.
I've never experienced sickness like this.
You can imagine what if you were, you know, 89.
It's true.
You can see how you went down.
But I'm talking about this problem of now after the vaccines and multiple bouts of COVID, people are low with the spike protein.
They don't feel well.
They have a variety of constitutional symptoms.
This is a potential solution.
We're clearly going to try to advance the science here.
So they go to online now?
Onlinehealthnow.com, that's a URL so we get some of the support.
They go there, it leads them right to the site, and they can get this compound.
That's right, they get the compound, can sign up as a monthly membership, can buy it without the monthly membership, get a discount on the products.
Many people want it because they want the backup to get a doctor when they need it.
Well that's it, and God gave us nature to counter this stuff.
It's true.
It's so interesting.
Hydroxychloroquine comes from a natural substance.
So does ivermectin and now natokinase.
Isn't it interesting?
Natural substances, in a sense, combating this man-made disaster, SARS-CoV-2 and the vaccines.
Onlinehealthnow.com, thank you for your support and thank you for getting into that because it's important.
You didn't come here to do that, but I made you do it.
Continuing now with the big news.
Vindicated, it's all coming out.
You were saying during the break,
The leader just panicked.
Well, you know, what we've witnessed is this, in our book, Courage to Face COVID-19, we describe the biopharmaceutical complex, this alignment of the World Economic Forum, the Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust, the Rockefeller Foundation, and CEPI, the Coalition of Epidemic Preparedness and Innovation, Gavi, Unitaid, the worldwide federal agencies, pharma, and the suppliers.
They've basically coalesced around a complex.
And they are singularly focused on vaccination, and particularly genetic vaccination, as a means of influencing world health, as they pose it.
In the Davos meeting, we analyzed the agenda, Alex.
It turns out only 22% of the World Economic Forum meeting
Is on economics.
The rest of it is on science fiction.
It's on some type of view that through... It's a death... It's a science fiction death cult.
And notice I have played three clips from it where they said, we're gonna fix your genetics with mRNA.
So they're admitting they're changing our genetics.
And I tell you, it is a disaster.
There you go.
We've now learned that this messenger RNA looks like it's permanent.
The three prime and five prime caps on the end, the nucleoside analog caps, do not get digested by human enzymes.
They actually enhance reverse transcriptase by endogenous enzyme called line one.
This means that this code is then transcribed into your permanent DNA, then passed down from parent cells to daughters.
I'm not a scientist like you, but that's quite the feat.
Well, and it is the biological misadventure of our lifetimes, if not for all time.
Messenger RNA is off to a disastrous start, and now all these leaders are proposing that it become part of influenza vaccination, other viral vaccinations.
Actually, therapeutics for heart failure.
And I've given commentary on this.
This is a disaster.
Messenger RNA ought to be black boxed.
Don't you love how Moderna's like, we got a problem for all the heart attacks now.
Well, Moderna, yeah, Moderna has now, I think, four dozen different product lines.
The whole reason why Moderna even got going is U.S.
taxpayer dollars filled their coffers.
And at this point in time, watch out for anything that's made with messenger RNA.
It's bad business.
Folks, go to OnlineHealthNow.com.
See all McCullough's reports and more.
Sign up to be a member or buy some products right now, but they are great people.
You should go there.
You should protect yourselves now at OnlineHealthNow.com.
One word, OnlineHealthNow.com.
Go there and protect yourself.
All right, let's come back and talk about the big picture.
Everywhere else you want to go, this is incredible.
I talk a lot about the great successes InfoWars has had.
I don't think anybody can deny it.
And it is because of listeners and viewers supporting us.
When we talk about the crew at InfoWars, people behind the scenes, the researchers, the writers,
They really have been the MVPs in this fight.
And we look at Harrison Smith and Owen Schroer and the hard work they engage in every day, five, six, seven days a week.
It's really just incredible.
So for myself and the whole InfoWars crew, I thank you for your past support.
I only encourage you now to realize that InfoWars cannot stay on air if you do not support us.
I know you spread the word, I know you pray for us, and that's wonderful, keep doing it.
But most viewers and listeners, never go to InfoWarsStore.com, and you never buy great products that enrich and empower your life.
All at the same time, keep us on air.
I know that less than 1% of our listeners actually go buy products at InfoWarsaw.com.
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Please take action now.
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In the year 2000 Alex Jones' film Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove showed the world how our so-called elite leaders practice mock ritual sacrifices in private.
In 2007, Alex Jones releases Endgame, exposing the world elite's plans for covertly using biological weapons against all of mankind.
And by the time they launched their attack in 2020, Alex Jones' InfoWars and our audience were there to warn the people of the deadly vaccines that we knew were coming.
This is why they attack us.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
All right, Dr. Peter McCullough, you've got tons of science to cover.
We're going 15 minutes to the next hour before the guest host takes over.
You're so gracious to be here, but you will not toot your horn.
You go, oh, this scientist is great, that scientist is great.
Yeah, they all get credit.
But most people don't get to see victory in their lifetime.
This whole agenda is falling apart.
Criminal investigations are everywhere.
The agencies are saying we got lied to.
They're blaming Big Pharma, who they should blame.
But Big Pharma took control of the regulatory system.
How would you define this moment we're at?
And then to get into all the other points.
It's astonishing.
At the regulatory level and the state and federal level, state by state, I anticipate there's going to be grand juries, investigations, public health officials losing their jobs.
Florida, Ron DeSantis announcing grand jury investigations.
Things going on actually in Oregon, Mississippi, so many others.
Federal investigation of Japan.
Yeah, federal and Japan.
And at our federal level, we know there will be congressional investigation.
Lots of planning for this now.
Remember, Congress oversees the FDA.
The FDA has had a huge degree of culpability in this, in not pulling the vaccines off the market.
In my view, they should have been pulled off the market in January of 2021, as Pfizer accrued 1,223 deaths within 90 days of release of their vaccine.
Well, yeah, initially it went up to about 25 is when they made the call to pull it.
It went up to 53.
550 cases of Guillain-Barre.
That's with President Ford and the swine flu vaccine.
That's with no VAERS.
So three triggered the investigation, 50 did it.
In the end it was 53 was the tally.
Pfizer ran this tally up, 1,223.
The FDA knew about it and the FDA, their lawyer wanted to block release of that dossier
For 55 years.
That, in alone and by itself, ought to be the investigative showpiece.
Who at Pfizer knew?
Why would you try to hide that?
Who at Pfizer knew?
Who at the FDA knew?
And why they didn't shut this down?
But Alex, I've got to tell you, the single grass question I get is from really good people who took the vaccine early because they were told to.
They were told it was the right thing.
I get this too.
I'm sorry to interrupt.
On the street, everywhere.
Okay, I took the shot.
Are you mad at me?
I've done things.
I've been conned.
I've been wrong.
I mean, I funded abortions when I was a teenager.
I didn't know I was killing my kids.
I was wrong.
I'm sorry.
I repent.
Nobody's mad at people who took the shots.
We understand.
You're victims.
We have a great degree of compassion.
I have to tell you, in my office every day are victims of the vaccine.
People with dozens of cases of myocarditis, blood clots, amputations.
I've seen horrific things in my practice with the vaccines.
We have a tremendous amount of compassion.
I think a couple important points for those of you in the audience who've taken the vaccines.
First thing is, it looks like the damage is cumulative.
So the first point is, don't take any more of these shots, because each shot is loading the body with the Wuhan spike protein, which we know is damaging, and then cumulatively probably lethal.
So first and foremost, no more shots.
Doesn't matter what brand.
No more.
It's got to stop.
The second point is vigilance.
Alex, people have to be vigilant.
They've taken three or four shots.
They go on a long plane trip and the leg starts to get swollen.
Think blood clot.
These cause blood clots.
Look at, look at Al Roker, our favorite weatherman.
He takes three or four shots, ends up with blood clots this fall.
Hospitalized twice.
Herb Kirkstreet, favorite ESPN announcer.
Vaccine blood clots.
Deion Sanders.
Thank you!
Chest pain.
They've taken a vaccine.
Do not blow it off.
This is the time to see your doctor, get the appropriate blood test, EKG, and other tests.
We think there's an opportunity here to save lives now, but people have to be activated.
Wellness Company is a great portal to get in, can make referrals, get things going, but you're going to need to see doctors on the ground for this.
These vaccine injuries are serious.
Please continue.
I've got a lot of questions, but I won't interrupt you.
Here's the next point.
Everyone's looking for detoxification.
We talked about nanokinase.
It needs clinical trials.
We need to push for requests for applications for clinical trials.
We need clinical trials in a whole array of areas to see how we can get this detoxification process going.
There seems to be, right now, no ready answers on how to get the vaccine out of the human body.
What we are looking for?
We're looking for opportunities for people to push foundations, to push our federal government, to have vaccine injury research centers.
We need screening and detection, diagnosis, prognosis, and management.
Everybody should be now pushing their senators and congressmen for vaccine injury care.
The Zogby survey done last summer, I think, was so impressive.
A valid representative survey of Americans.
Two-thirds of Americans took the vaccine in the Zogby survey.
Fifteen percent of Americans say they have some new medical problem because they took a COVID-19 vaccine.
Let me raise the corners in Europe and Australia and New Zealand, the US, Canada, UK.
They say they've never pulled blood clots even on a young people that look like this.
And then the scientists say it's not really protein from the blood.
You're an expert on this one.
I know it's hard to quantify.
What is it?
What we think is going on is, you know, we know about the FDA publication now by Wu and colleagues, now focused on the Janssen vaccine.
Thousands and thousands of people, not post-mortem, but actually living people with giant blood clots.
Wu from the FDA, and it's on my Courageous Discourse sub-stack, published in a peer-reviewed literature, is describing ankle-to-hip blood clots.
In people.
11% of them are fatal.
Now, what the undertakers are reporting could be post-mortem findings.
What we know inside these blood clots is the spike protein.
Sure, they're not pathologists, but the point is, they're seeing things they never pulled out of people.
Well, normally when the human body dies, the blood is liquefied, they cannulate the blood vessels, and actually the blood is drained out of the body in a perfuse that goes in to preserve the body.
They were finding that the blood wasn't flowing, and they actually dissected the vessels to figure out why.
And there are these post-mortem blood clots developing.
Sure, so they're not a scientist.
They're just saying, we've never seen this.
Now, again, this is in the era of we've had COVID and we've had the vaccines.
It's new.
They're reporting it during the epoch of the vaccines.
But remember, most people with COVID in 2021 and 2022 were vaccinated.
So they've had both exposures.
I think at this point in time, it's likely what they're describing is post-mortem.
We haven't seen any analysis stratified according to vaccinated, unvaccinated, COVID or not COVID.
I think it's likely post-mortem.
But the FDA recent publication by Wu and colleagues describing giant blood clots in living human beings is, I think, should be noted.
So what happens if it's post-mortem?
How is blood different now?
With the shots or with COVID that makes it do this?
It's loaded with the spike protein.
The spike protein drives blood clots and on top of that, Alex, the spike protein folds.
It's considered to be amyloidgenic.
Amyloidgenic, there's about 32 proteins known in the human body that fold.
When they do, it becomes rubber-like.
Amyloid means rubber.
In the pathology lab, an amyloid heart or amyloid organ is rubberized.
Well, that's what I saw in the literature, is it's not working.
Not just the undertakers are saying we've never seen this, the doctors have never seen this.
I mean, I have a patient in my current practice right now, the radiologist called me 14 inch blood clot.
I've never seen a 14 inch blood clot.
Normally these are a centimeter or two.
So do we know what the shots are doing then?
The shots are causing tremendous production of the spike protein.
The spike protein itself is stimulating blood clot formation while it damages the inner lining of blood vessels.
Once the blood clots form, they become giant blood clots.
And they're loaded with the spike protein.
Dr. Yeadon says it's all premeditated.
I mean, looking back at this, I saw the studies at UT in 2014 on that whole initiative.
It killed, the rats lived half as long.
They described all this.
So they, I mean, I'm not a scientist like you, but it looks pretty premeditated, Doc.
You know, I can't assess motive.
I can just tell you, these vaccines, and remember DARPA, the research unit of the military, announced in 2012 they were going to use messenger RNA
To end pandemics in 60 days.
That was the ADEPT P3 program.
It's on the DARPA website.
We know that in 2005 that the PREP Act listed all these diseases that they were going to have covered countermeasures on.
The United States has been getting ready for biological warfare for quite some time.
The SARS-CoV-2 program of both the threat SARS-CoV-2 and the answers, vaccines and monoclonal antibodies, has been in development easily since 2012.
And whatever happened in the lab in Wuhan, China, it's been a disaster.
I think, honestly, the lab in China was a contractor.
They're a contractor for this U.S.
It went bad.
By the way, that's the consensus now.
I mean, I love America, I hate the shy commies, but criminal elements in our government were using that as a cutout for a place to do this.
It looks like it.
In fact, let's talk about it.
Two more segments with Dr. Peter McCullough on fire today.
I mean, this is just total vindication.
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There is a war on for your mind.
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But every time you donate money, every time you buy products, every time you keep us on air, you are literally, non-violently, politically, punching the New World Order in the nose.
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So many people ask me, Dr. McCullough, how could the world have gotten in this type of place?
We're in a situation where it almost seems like it's a government operation against
Is coming out great.
Pretty much COVID-19 is over with.
Because they didn't take COVID-19 vaccines.
It's very important.
The COVID-19 vaccines and analyses published by Supermanian, Kampf and Beatty
Create more cases of COVID-19 and increase COVID mortality.
How do they do that?
The COVID-19 vaccines misdirect the immune system.
So the immune system is not ready to handle the next version of SARS-CoV-2.
It actually gets a more severe case.
Patients are more communicable with one another.
They spread the virus more readily when they take the vaccines.
Essentially, the vaccines have backfired.
And so we've gotten to a situation that the more vaccines that are taken, the worse the countries do.
Analysis out of Australia now on some hospital senses, it's 99 if not 100% of Australians in the hospital with COVID-19.
Are fully vaccinated.
We know in that country, wisely, 10% of people in Australia have not taken a vaccine.
So it's the unvaccinated in Australia that look terrific.
I'm going there in a couple weeks.
I'm going to work with Australians, multiple cities, and we're going to go over the data together.
It's astonishing that COVID-19 vaccination has backfired to the extent it has.
People have said, how did this terrible idea about
Messenger RNA coding for the spike protein or adenoviral DNA.
Or actually just giving the killed viral virus itself or the spike protein antigen.
Why is that such a bad idea?
Because in this case, the spike protein is the most mutagenic part of the virus.
The virus literally looks at what the vaccines do and the virus laughs at it.
And quickly is able to mutate and get around the vaccines and each time that virus then is actually able to reinfect somebody who took the vaccine and sadly has been able to reinfect somebody who's already recovered from COVID-19.
Remember, the majority of people who've developed COVID in 2021 and 2022 are fully vaccinated.
So they have both the exposures of the vaccine as well as COVID.
So they keep loading the body with spike protein, and that's where we're seeing the cumulative risks, particularly of myocarditis, blood clots, and neurologic damage.
So, you know, neither one is good.
Neither the respiratory infection or the vaccine.
Sadly, many people are getting both.
It looks like there's a military origin to this.
And when the vaccines were rolled out in the United States, it was Health and Human Services that announced that there was an emergency to justify the EUA, and then the Department of Defense.
Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson, Novavax, they're suppliers.
In a sense, they're marketing shields.
And what we now know is that the vaccines themselves are manufactured by defense contractors.
Prominently, Moderna
It's product is made by a company called Resilience.
They have a big plant outside of Mississauga, Ontario.
Under emergency use authorization, the vaccines are not
The FDA can't inspect them, even Moderna, Pfizer, the other companies, they can't inspect them.
The final fill and finish is done by defense contractors.
That is so unprecedented.
And we now have great concerns that the quantity and purity of messenger RNA is not equal in each file, and that's the reason why some vials and some lots are far more deadly than others.
Wow, we're going to come back, final segment, we're going to host that as well.
What are you going to hit?
We're going to touch on the final analyses of where we're going next in terms of who's taking boosters and what's happening.
Infowars is winning.
Infowars is reaching more people than ever.
We were supposed to be off the air months and months and months ago.
Mainstream media told you, but it's not true.
They told you we were going to be shut down.
They told you we owed a billion and a half dollars.
None of that's true.
It's all being appealed.
They want you to think InfoWars is dead, but if you simply stand up and support InfoWars, we've got years and years of appeals and we will not be taken off the air.
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The answer to 1984 is 1776.
Live from Austin, Texas, broadcasting worldwide, it's Alex Jones.
And I'm just shutting up so Dr. Peter McCullough can host the show.
Folks love it.
We've got 10 minutes left of this segment, sir.
During that one-minute break, you were on fire.
Repeat all that.
I was like, stop saying this.
Say it on air.
There seems to be a madness that's taken over the world on vaccines.
I was astonished to learn on a VAERS report, Vaccine Event Reporting System report, that a six-month-old baby
At the same administration received the DPT, the MMR, influenza vaccine, pneumococcal vaccine, and the COVID-19 vaccine.
All at once.
It's in the VAERS record.
And a six-month-old baby died two days later.
Now doctors, parents, and lay people need to understand the human body can only take so much.
This is in a sense vaccinating to death.
Vaccinating to death.
Every vaccine ought to be considered seriously.
Every vaccine has risks and benefits.
Every vaccine, even the old ones, deserves some reappraisal.
We need to reevaluate these.
I personally, I've taken every vaccine.
I followed every single one on the schedule.
I traveled to India a few years ago.
I'm going back there next week.
I've taken additional vaccines to go to India and travel.
I am
You know, fully accept vaccines.
I am not anti-vax.
But when it came to the COVID-19 vaccines, I didn't take it.
And not taking the COVID-19 vaccine was the smartest health decision I ever made.
Our CDC says, sadly, only 17% of Americans have not taken any COVID-19 vaccine.
It turns out about a third of Americans only took either zero or one shots.
That means two-thirds took the full set.
But where we are now with our CDC indicates that only 15% of Americans are keeping up on the bivalent booster shots.
And I think this is very wise.
David Wiseman, former J&J scientist who's testified at the US FDA, is worried because the bivalent boosters not only are half-coated for the original Wuhan spike protein, but also produce spike protein against BA4 and BA5.
These are different spike proteins that can interact with one another.
And to make matters worse, BA4 and BA5 is gone!
It actually left America through the fall.
So the current bivalent boosters, which failed in animal studies to stop SARS-CoV-2, gave a surrogate rise in antibodies, which the antibodies are unfortunately an unreliable surrogate for disease prevention.
The BA4, BA5 variants are gone now.
We have been replaced.
We have the BQ variant and the XBB.
They're the predominant variants in the United States.
And my sub-stack, I indicate in the last week that they represent probably three-quarters of all the variants.
I believe they're slightly more virulent and we're seeing this out of China where China's having a large current prevalence pool of those sick and because it's a big country and they have a lot of people, they do have a lot of hospitalizations and proportionally
Higher deaths because it's such a big country and so many people are sick at the same time.
But our current bivalent boosters have no theoretical coverage of working against SARS-CoV-2.
I can tell you, I would expect as a doctor that taking a COVID-19 bivalent booster shot would provide zero protection.
And we're starting to see example after example.
A recent paper by Shretha and colleagues from the Cleveland Clinic shows
That the lowest risk group in the Cleveland Clinic are those who've taken none of these shots.
And then the next higher risk is one shot, two shots, and therefore those who've taken the most shots have the highest risk of getting COVID in the Cleveland Clinic workforce.
That's now been fully revealed.
We have additional data across Canada, the UK, Scotland, South Africa, and Australia that the more
Shots that are taken, the higher chances of getting the illness, hospitalization and death.
And in every single analysis, the unvaccinated look the best.
Now people have said, well, what's unique about being unvaccinated?
That can be more likely to be younger, fitter and stronger.
People obviously, you know, we're discerning, but also largely people who may have had COVID-19 early on.
That was my circumstance.
And I felt, listen, I was already through the illness.
I already had natural immunity.
So we have great news on natural immunity.
Probably the single most important paper that I saw emerge in the last few months was published by Chin and colleagues, New England Journal of Medicine in late October of 2022.
59,000 prisoners, 17,000 staff in a congregate setting, so they knew every single case and they knew who got hospitalized and died.
The important point is, if someone's already had COVID in the Delta or the Omicron epics of the pandemic,
That there was a negligible risk of hospitalization and death.
And in that study in Chen, when I mean negligible, there were zero hospitalizations and deaths in those who had previously had COVID and were naturally immune when they got another case of COVID, and it didn't matter whether or not they took a vaccine.
And Doc, you said that two and a half years ago, so you're vindicated again, but
That's a known scientific fact.
What about the prosecutions?
What about Nuremberg 2?
What about stopping them launching their next attack?
We have to have full out investigations at this point in time.
I think all roads lead to Davos, Switzerland.
There ought to be really, I think, a census of who goes to the World Economic Forum meetings, I think fully deposed.
As an organized crime network?
What's said of this?
You know, people have said, well, how is this syndicate, or what we call in our book the biopharmaceutical complex, organized?
I can tell you it's organized.
They go meet in Davos, Switzerland.
They meet, and every single person who's there in Davos, Switzerland, I think should be investigated and deposed in their participation of this crime, this crime against humanity.
We've got three minutes left.
Other key points.
Major key points are that natural immunity appears to be winning the day.
The first question I ask when someone calls me and says, Dr. McCall, I have COVID, the first question I have is, did you have it before?
And if you've had it before, what we've learned now is very few people need prescription drugs.
We can use over-the-counter nutraceuticals and supplements, virucidal nasal washes and sprays and gargles, and we can get through it with no prescription drugs and no worry about hospitalization and death.
If someone is having their first episode of COVID, different story, they probably will need FOMA Color Protocol, FLCC, or AFLDS, one of the standard outpatient protocols, and don't wait.
If it's your first case of COVID, don't wait.
Contact either your doctor if they know how to treat COVID, or move to one of the treatment networks.
Wellness Company being accessible to all, but there's many wonderful telemedicine companies.
In fact, MyFreeDoctor.com is now associated with the Wellness Company.
Wonderful move by Ben Marble.
Great guy.
This is over with horse.
And the reason we harp on it is, it's their excuse for world government, their excuse for universal basic income, their excuse for the carbon tax, their excuse for the social credit score.
It's their big power grab.
That's why we've got to keep exposing it or they're going to launch it again.
A lot of my listeners go, look, we made it through it, screw them, let's move on.
No, they're coming back again.
Well, as evidence for that, what did Biden just do?
He extended the national emergency.
Remember, there's two... And his new chief of staff was the former COVID head.
That's true, and you know that the national emergencies, there's two of them.
There's one declared by the President, a national emergency, and then by Secretary of HHS, the health emergency.
Those need to fall.
People should put a tremendous amount of pressure on this.
Do you know there's a recent letter that's gone from 25 governors
Twenty-five governors to call for the dissolution of those two national emergencies, and many states now are getting rid of any emergency declaration.
That's right.
So America and the world is waking up.
Maria Z. from Australia, under total tyranny, is about to take over.
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Dr. Peter McCullough.
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Thank you so much.
Thank you.
There he goes, folks.
Maria Z takes over.
And then in 45 minutes, the one, the only, Owen Schroer with The War Room.
3 p.m.
Board slash show.
Cobra Commander here with an important message to humanity.
I have decided that all of you will take a special injection so that you will be safe.
But the injection is not ready yet.
And so, I need all of you to stay indoors for the next 15 days to flatten the curve.
I also need you to wear masks, and I also need you to only shop at megacorporations.
That way we can consolidate control and bankrupt the world economy, leaving companies that only I own profitable.
You will then be my slaves.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Well, there is nothing more exhilarating to me than the battle for the truth, the battle for freedom.
Dr. Peter McCullough is a perfect example of that.
He has been a leader in the health freedom movement and that was an amazing, amazing show with Dr. Peter McCullough and Alex right there.
I'm your guest host, Maria Z, guest hosting the fourth hour of the Alex Jones Show today.
We're about to have a special guest on, Simeon Boykov, the Aussie Cossack from Australia, who's under immense pressure and attack by the Australian government, the Australian media, for telling the truth about the Russia-Ukraine situation and exposing our tyrannical government here in Australia.
Before he comes on the screen, I want to show everyone a quick clip that he released recently.
The team will get that ready for us in a moment.
He was one of the first, well actually he was the first, in Australia to expose that our own Doherty Institute, who were responsible for all of the modelling when it came to COVID-19 injections, were harvesting
If you've been watching this channel for a long time, for the last few years, you would have remembered that last year in March 2022, just at the beginning of the conflict with the Special Operation,
I made a video where we unearthed some documents.
We revealed some documents that were seized by the Russian military in one of these bioweapons labs facilities.
Now the paper trail which we're going to reveal here today leads actually back to Australia.
So we've got documents which the Russian military have actually released.
So they've captured these documents through the course of their campaign and they've released these documents.
Now the first document on screen, check it out.
This is a document that's addressed to the Victorian infectious
Reference Laboratory, the Doherty Institute, and it's coming from a Ukrainian organization, which is very interesting because it's linked to the Ukrainian government, and it's linked to these bio labs, which are funded by NATO.
It was basically exposing the Australian, Melbourne-based Doherty Institute's links to the Ukrainian biolabs, which were run by the United States.
Today, we've got an excellent video that's come all the way from one of the, uh, towns, Robierzno it's called, which has been, uh, liberated by the Russian military.
Absolutely bombshell information when this first came out and immediately the mainstream media started to attack Simeon.
I wonder why.
They don't want you to know the truth about Ukraine.
They don't want you to know where millions, billions of your tax dollars are going and what they're actually going to fund.
And now we have even more information which Simeon has exposed.
He joins us today to talk about all of this.
Simeon Boykov, the Aussie Cossack, great to see you.
Great to see you, Maria.
Thank you.
It's wonderful to have you here.
Well, first and foremost, I've sent the team some clips from this 14-minute video that you've brought forward from Ukraine.
I've asked them if they can play those on mute while we're talking, because we want to talk about what's actually been discovered.
In these Ukraine Biolabs overseas.
These are human experiments.
These are, you know, they're treating these people like guinea pigs and they are developing ethnic bioweapons.
What's been found here is specifically the Slavic people.
But you take the floor, Simeon.
You talk about how you want to introduce this and the team will just bring these up on the screen as we're going.
Well look, this is one of the key reasons, one of the objectives, which the Russian military very early on stated.
Obviously they said that they're conducting their special operation to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine, but also they made reference to these bioweapons labs.
And these bioweapons labs were all around Ukraine, different areas, and the reason why the United States, NATO,
Open these bio labs in Ukraine, because everything in Ukraine is for sale, including humans, including organs.
And what better place to test on local population, you know, the vaccines.
And this is exactly what they were doing.
They were testing the vaccines.
And locals in this video are describing how, you know, they were offered very small amounts of money to take part in all these human trials, human trials, which really weren't even supposed to be fit
For animals.
And a big shout out and well done to those people that made it into the Biolabs.
And this video was translated by a girl called Masha and their team.
So well done to them for bringing this to light.
I was scheduled to fly over to Russia until the Australian government confiscated my passport.
As you mentioned, I have been under a lot of pressure from the government and the police for my work
On exposing these situations.
But the Doherty Institute, which is linked to the Ukrainian Biolabs, we have a direct link, and that link was made early on through a paper trail.
They have a lot to answer for.
And don't forget, Doherty Institute, this Victorian Infectious Diseases Institute, was the organisation which was running Australia.
We were under their control and influence.
Our politicians in Australia were taking orders from the Doherty Institute.
And that's how everything in this country was being run on the advice of the Dole Institute.
So very mysterious.
We know that they were importing blood serum samples and that's been proven and they've never commented on it.
I mean we've exposed this and everyone knows about this but the Dole Institute have never actually faced the music.
And come clean and say, well, yes or well, no.
You know, we know that they've been doing that.
We know that they have been importing blood serum samples from those experimental bio weapons labs in Ukraine, which have now been overrun and captured by the Russian military.
But it would be great if the Dole Institute could come out.
You know, someone should go to jail.
It should be either me for not telling the truth or it should be them for doing this.
So if they want to come out and prove me wrong.
Let's just discuss
Let's just discuss the importance of this because people may think, oh well it's Australia, you know, why is this relevant to us if you're watching from overseas?
It's relevant because the Global Pandemic Centre will be run out of Australia.
All these blood serum samples that the Doherty Institute was collecting from Slavic people, and this is what was on the video for the radio viewers, they can't see what we were just playing, but essentially they were at one of these Ukraine biolabs
They were talking about how all kinds of blood samples were found, different medicines and pills that were not even safe for animal use were being experimented on, people that were being offered, as Simeon said, very little amounts of money to have experimentation done.
And what it resulted in was a huge coronavirus outbreak after they were given these medications.
So after they were given these vaccines, so like we see now, the injected population, this huge, overwhelming outbreak of COVID cases, hospitalizations, of whatever is wrong with these people who are
Quadruple injected, you know, the New South Wales data came out, most cases in hospital, 198, I think, if I'm not mistaken, with four doses, zero unvaccinated cases.
This is what happened in Ukraine.
They tested it on these people first.
And the Russians have been the first to expose this, but you'll never hear that on the mainstream media.
You'll just keep hearing anti-Russian propaganda.
It's unbelievable.
You're exactly right, Marie.
The same people that were spinning the vaccines and spinning the COVID narrative, the same people, the same news organization, the same mainstream media hosts, presenters, they very comfortably just switched over to spinning the anti-Russian narrative.
You know, Russia, whether you're Russian or not, or whether you support Russia or not... We've got to go to break.
We've got to go to break.
I want to talk more about this right on the other side.
Stay with us.
More bombshell info coming.
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We're cutting that ad.
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Thanks so much for the call, Grant.
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We'll be right back, folks.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
We're here with special guest Simeon Boykov with bombshell information about what's happening in Russia, Ukraine, what the situation in Ukraine is really about.
It's about testing on these people, treating them as lab rats so that they can develop bioweapons that are ethnic specific.
It's unbelievable news and Simeon's been right at the forefront of this.
Simeon, please continue what you were saying right before the break.
Look, it's great to say that a lot of people are awake, a lot of people are waking up, because it's very easy to expose the globalists that were pushing all together, pushing the climate agenda, pushing the Ukraine agenda.
That's why it's important for all of us out there, the free world, to stand with Russia.
Very important for the free world to stand with Russia, because Russia really is the last bastion, the last bastion, the last stronghold.
It's the last government which doesn't
We're good to go.
So it's very good to have a country like Russia, which is powerful, which is pushing forward its interests.
And in a way, what's happening now and the way the Russians are conducting their war, they're really fighting for the whole world.
They're fighting for everybody's freedom.
If they manage to take down Russia, you know, the world will be a completely different place.
I mean, the world already is a dangerous place.
It's a scary place.
And we know that the globalists are in charge.
Bill Gates is in Australia at the moment.
There's a rumor that tomorrow he'll be
On the weekend in Australia, he'll be at the tennis.
And there's another organization which is calling out Tennis Australia.
They've banned Russian flags.
They've banned anything to do with Russia.
Now they've even banned Russian imperial flags.
So there's this paranoia and this anti-Russian hysteria which is being spun by the same people, the same organizations, the same tactics which they used
Do you know what I find disgusting?
Regardless of what people's views are on Putin, on Russia, on Ukraine, regardless of what your views are, the way that the Russian people have been demonised for something that really isn't their decision or they have nothing to do with is disgusting.
I mean, I was told by a Serbian journalist who I interviewed, Sasha Borojevic, he said
On shop signs in Europe, it says no Russian pigs allowed.
It is disgusting treatment of the Russian people.
So regardless of what your thoughts are, you're right, it is the same tactic that was used against the unvaccinated.
Exactly right, exactly right.
At the end of the day, Russians are built for this and Russia is built for this.
It's not the first time Russia has had to fight for humanity's freedom.
It's not the first time where Russia is fighting a joint coalition of dozens of countries.
It is sad that a lot of people are dying and the Ukrainians have been fooled.
Uh, by, uh, you know, the, um, by the CIA, by NATO.
We know that the Biden's and Obama's fingerprints were all over Ukraine and they were there from 2014.
And they've managed to create a situation where the Slavic Genophon, or the genetic pool of the Slavs, is under attack once more.
And you know, these biolabs, these experiments were taking place exactly there, you know, on Russia's borders.
Russia has every right to come in with its military and to liberate these cities and towns.
You know, in those cities and towns where the Russian... Well, I want to talk about...
Sorry, Simeon, I want to talk more.
If the team can get that video up of computers being destroyed, it's video five, while you're talking, because they want this evidence completely destroyed.
They don't want the world to know that this is what was discovered by the Russians in Ukraine.
Well, this is a call out to the Russian government and to the people in charge in the Russian military.
I suggest that they try to capture
I don't
Thankfully, the Russians are honourable, they are the good guys.
We can say that the way, which way they conduct their military operation, they're very honourable.
They don't use the carpet bombing tactics that the Americans did in Iraq, Afghanistan, everywhere else.
They're very careful, they try to preserve as much life as possible.
At the end of the day, I've said it before, it maybe sounds shocking, but for those people who understand history, I'll say it again,
The only country in the world that will ever help Ukraine is Russia.
Every other country, the Germans, the British, the Americans, they're just there to use the Ukrainians.
And it's very sad that the Ukrainians are dying.
It's a tragedy.
And the faster that Russia completes its goals and objectives, the better.
We've got countries around the world debating whether they should send tanks in or not.
Since when does Germany have any right to talk about sending tanks against Russia?
You know, only 30 years ago, up until 1989, the Soviet Union had two million men stationed in Eastern Europe and Eastern Germany was occupied.
And look where we are now.
We've got the German Chancellor discussing whether or not he should send tanks, you know, Leopard tanks, with the same German crosses, the same insignia.
The German Army is using the art that they used to use in World War II.
So how do you think the Russians feel when they've got, you know, all this Western weaponry up against them?
And the only thing Ukrainian about the Ukrainian Army is the meat and the flesh and the blood.
And it's another thing that we should talk about on this program today is the shocking amount of organ harvesting and organ trafficking which is occurring.
You know, these Ukrainian front lines
Often they're understaffed, they're undersupplied, but when it comes to evacuating freshly dead bodies, or when it comes to evacuating almost dead soldiers, or near-death soldiers, or heavily injured soldiers, they have special vans, special ambulances, ambulances which are all provided by the West in the form of a donation, and what happens is they're extracted by special teams, and these special teams extract the Ukrainian bodies,
And the organ harvesting waiting lists all around Europe have now almost disappeared.
It's the best time ever if you want to get a kidney, if you want to get a liver.
Very sad.
And we've got even in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev, mass protests.
Thousands of mothers, Ukrainian mothers and wives,
Family members coming out and protesting, demanding the Ukrainian government hand over the bodies, or at least tell them where the bodies are, because the vast majority of Ukrainian troops are listed as missing.
So they're not dead, they're not alive, they're just missing.
I don't
Saving Ukraine.
I had a clip up but I don't think we'll have time for it.
Trudeau's Finance Minister somehow talking about, oh our country understands the need for democracy.
You call democracy trampling on your own people with horses?
You call democracy locking people up in police vans?
What they were doing was pulling protesters out of the freezing cold weather, peaceful protesters during the trucker protests,
Putting them in boiling hot police vans, cooking these people, but our people understand democracy and they need to fight in Ukraine.
It's absolute gaslighting, it's nonsense.
If the team can just play that ethnic bioweapon clip 7 while we're finishing up this segment, we've got about a minute left.
This is actually, what this evidence shows, and what we're going to do is upload this full video along with some clips from this segment onto the Z Media tab on InfoWars on Bandai Video right after this, later on today.
Before we get to what they'll do with the information, this information is very dangerous, it is very hot, and this is, it's this type of information, it's this type of, you know, reveals... Let's continue on the other side of the break.
Let's continue on the other side of the break.
We'll be right back, stay with us, this is so crucial.
I talk a lot about the great successes InfoWars has had.
I don't think anybody can deny it.
And it is because of listeners and viewers supporting us.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
We're back with Simeon Boykov, the Aussie Cossack.
Right before the break, I asked you, Simeon, what do you think the world is going to do with this information that they've tried to destroy from the video we just showed on screen, the ethnic bioweapons that they're going to be able to develop from these Ukraine biolabs?
Well, it's important, you know, the world takes action, obviously.
This type of information is heavily censored and, you know, the
Global giants, the tech giants, Facebook, YouTube, they try to censor this as much as possible.
Now this video from inside a bioweapons lab which was captured by the Russian military.
I've got to give a shout out here to I Earl Grey TV and John Mark Dugan.
And there's quite a few English-speaking journalists who are in that part of the world, in the conflict zone, like Patrick Lancaster, like Graham Phillips, and they're doing great work to expose
I don't
Two years.
We've been talking about these bio labs.
A lot of people have been talking about the bio labs.
The Russians said from day one that that's one of their objectives.
That's one of the reasons they started these special military operations is to take these bio weapons labs out of commission.
And of course the reason why the Americans opened them in Ukraine is in Ukraine there are no laws.
It would be illegal to open these and operate these
I think so.
And it's very sad that the virtue signaling politicians of the West have all got their fingers in that pie.
They're all mixed up in there.
It's like a cesspool of corruption.
At the end of the day, it's a tragedy that the Ukrainian people are suffering.
So look, it's very important for everybody out there to continue fighting, to continue, you know, on social media, wherever you can, educating others, educating, you know, the sheep who have been blinded and who follow the mainstream media narrative.
It's very similar.
In fact, it's almost the same story, the same storyline as we had with the vaccine than with COVID.
We had a portion of the population who was awake and they started educating the rest.
And now we have most of the people on the planet have understood that the vaccines were a bad idea.
Apart from the fact that people are dropping like flies and dying.
Very sad again.
But it's the same culprits.
The same people that were behind.
The same globalists that were behind.
And you know what, Simeon?
And you know what?
As Dr Peter McCullough was just saying in studio with Alex, people start to wake up because the truth is so powerful.
The truth is the kryptonite.
The truth is what will destroy their narrative.
And I don't think the globalists were expecting people to fight this hard.
And this is why this fight is so invigorating.
And this is why we have to keep going at the same pace.
And with the same strength that we did from day one, because we won't give up, we can't give up on the truth.
You've been under a lot of fire for not giving up on the truth, particularly because what you're saying right now is something that a lot of people don't want to hear.
Talk to us in the next couple of minutes about, as much as you can say, about what your situation is, the attack that you're under from the police and the government right now.
Well, look, I've been on the radar of the police and the Australian government for a while now, since the lockdowns and the forced mandates started in Australia.
And all of those police interactions and campaigns against me were documented on my YouTube channel, Aussie Cossack, and people have seen that journey of what it's become.
But in recent times,
You know, last year, 2022, I did almost half a year in jail in an Australian maximum security prison as a national security interest inmate.
And the reason why I was given that classification is because of my platform.
It's because the authorities, you know, basically told me that they're afraid of my voice and they accused me of being able to radicalise people.
I'm not radicalising anyone.
The authorities, when they see someone with a large platform and a voice speaking the truth, educating the masses, they see that as a very big threat.
They see that as a threat.
And look, at the end of the day,
We need to continue to put the pressure and put the blame on the mainstream media journalists because they are the ones that allowed this all to happen.
They continue supporting the government narrative and they're the ones who have sold themselves out and are also selling out the people.
So that's why the Australian police, the government have
You know, I had this campaign against me.
I've been charged about, you know, 35 to 40 times by the police in the last few years.
You know, firearms, prohibition orders, all sorts of different restrictions.
And at the moment, you know, the police are trying to put me back in the jail.
So I conveniently checked myself into the Russian consulate.
In Sydney, in a move which the police did not expect at all.
And, you know, the Russians welcomed me with open arms.
You know, the Russians, unlike the Australians who don't support Assange, the Russians actually look after their own.
And it's good to see that the Russians look after their own.
So, you know, I've applied for Russian citizenship.
And, you know, it's strange.
2022, you've got people born in Australia.
Who are seeking refuge with the Russian government, you know, because Russia, being independent from the West, Russia is a country which doesn't give up its own.
It looks after its own people and its own interests.
And, you know, I know a lot of people watching this program are awake and they understand that the Russians are not the bad guys.
The Russians are the good guys in this whole situation.
It's a matter of time before those virtue-signalling people that used to wear two masks and four jabs, now they've become Ukraine supporters.
It's a matter of time before they realise.
Look, it must be demoralising being on their side, being someone who promoted vaccines, realised they were wrong, then someone who promoted Ukraine, then realised they were wrong.
What's next?
They're promoting climate.
The same people, the same narrative, the same tactics, the same presenters, the same stories, the same platforms, the WEF and so forth.
At the end of the day, all I can say is... You raise a good point there, Simeon, about it must be demoralising to wake up.
I recall doing an interview with Dr Mike Eden, and I spoke about this a long time ago, and in that interview
Dr. Yeadon described when he woke up and he said after three days of struggling to be able to sleep, he finally in the middle of the night dropped to his knees and just burst out in tears.
He was very emotional in this interview and he said it was so challenging
So, so difficult to come to terms with the fact that there are people out there that want us dead and I was wrong and I used to think that people that thought this way were wackos.
It is very hard for people to come to terms with that.
I am seeing pro-vax accounts on social media coming out and saying, I was wrong, I was terribly wrong, I'm sorry for the way I treated people.
More and more people are starting to realise, Elon Musk,
We're good to go.
Catastrophic cyber attacks all over the world, and I think they're probably going to blame a lot of that on Russia, and a lot of pro-Ukraine, you know, Ukraine in bio people are going to go along with that.
Yeah, well it's the, unfortunately they're just sheep, and, you know, sheep, why we call them sheep, because they herd together, firstly.
Secondly, they're scared, they're always scared, and these people
For them, because they were scared, a lot of people that went along with the vaccine narrative and the COVID narrative, because to believe in the alternative narrative, to believe in the concept that no, the government is corrupt, no, the government is attacking its own people, no, the government is wrong, to believe that, you know, that takes courage.
It takes courage to face reality.
A lot of people just like to, you know, like the sheep do, just be in a herd and go along with whatever's happening because they're afraid of facing reality.
Just like you mentioned where, you know, that expert, you know, had a breakdown after all these years of promoting the vaccine.
He fell to his knees crying.
A lot of people are facing that and a lot of people are having to, you know, face the music and admit they were wrong and, you know, backtrack and delete their posts from social media and so forth.
Yeah, but what's interesting is if this will get to the point where there'll be class action.
We're almost out of time, Simeon.
We're just about to run out on the clock.
Please tell people where they can find you and I'm sure we'll have you back on again.
Yeah, check out my channel on YouTube Aussie Cossack and on Telegram Aussie Cossack and thank you very much for having me.
It's wonderful to have you, Simeon.
He's so right about the fact that more and more people are waking up.
We're hearing this every single day, but we believe it wholeheartedly.
And every single viewer of this broadcast, everyone on the right side of truth, plays a crucial part in that.
So thank you for being the heroes and the warriors of our age in this information war.
I'll see you next week.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones!