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Filename: 20221104_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Nov. 4, 2022
2258 lines.

This episode discusses various topics related to politics, religion, conspiracy theories and global events including concerns over depleted uranium being used by UN for manipulation, satanic forces influencing globalists like Lord Rothschild, Biden's speech on preserving democracy and free speech, UN dictating food choices, leftist hypocrisy in election fraud claims, IRS armed guards, criticism towards Klaus Schwab and Jocelyn Elders. It highlights the role of secret societies and conspiracies in shaping global events, recent geopolitical events like conflict over Ukraine and Nord Stream Pipeline being part of power play by Western elites and possibility of a dystopian future with technocratic regime. The BivyStick device is introduced for communication during survival situations using satellite technology.

We'll protect voting rights, we'll pass election reform, and make sure no one, no one ever has the opportunity to steal an election again.
That's a doozy.
So simultaneously out of one side of their mouth, Republicans are trying to steal the election, we gotta take over the elections.
No one ever stole one, it's insane, don't say that!
What do you make of the new talking point?
I mean, it's not new, but it's now the new big talking point.
It's now the talking point that the democracy's failing and America's going into a dictatorship and they want to put us in jail and they want to kill our children and they're going to ban free speech when it's everything they're doing.
Rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty.
It's Alex Jones.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Friday, November 4th, 2022.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
I'm very honored and blessed to be in this position.
Thanks to Providence of God and your incredible support.
And I was sitting here just minutes ago trying to come on air with the theme of what's really happening on our planet, the core, the heart.
And it's really this.
The official talking point that I saw them start putting out when they first stole the election 20 months ago.
22, 23, 24 months ago.
But it took a few months for them to install themselves, so a little less than two years.
Is something really amazing.
And now they've gone from making it an embryonic talking point to a crescendo of talking heads out there.
And when they tell you the talking point,
You know exactly what they're going to do.
And it is horrifying.
And it's guaranteed.
Unless God intervenes or unless we catch them and stop them.
And I'm not going to tell you what that is right now.
I'm going to just sit here and let folks ruminate on what could that be.
What's the big talking point you're seeing?
Then we'll show you the talking point.
And then we'll lay out the reality of the talking point is true.
That's the real trick of evil.
Overhead shot, please.
Is that the truth is what they're doing.
But they're Satanist.
So your subconscious mind knows what that symbol is.
The pentacle is a symbol of a human, human power.
A star.
The head, the arms, the legs.
What happens when you do this?
You invert it.
You got the pentagram bafflement.
So I know exactly what they're gonna do, how they're gonna do it.
Only question is the timing.
And it is exactly what I would do if I was evil and I was them when I told you what they're going to do.
And now you don't have to listen to me anymore.
You're going to get to experience it right along with the rest of us.
So when we come back from break, we're going to lay it all out.
But it's not just here in America.
It's all over the world.
Same thing's being rolled out at the same time.
It's been done in other places other times.
It has a high-tech overlay to it now, a high-tech icing.
And we know where the censorship and surveillance and control and lockdowns and arrests and disappearances and death camps lead.
And now it's all in the news!
Now it's all in the news, ladies and gentlemen, as they tell you how great it is and how they're gonna protect democracy and they're gonna protect you from tyranny.
By getting rid of all your freedom.
And there's no such thing as stolen elections.
But Joe Biden is going to keep the Republicans from stealing this election.
He said that.
A new quote.
So we're going to take a break.
A lot of states just joined us in this segment.
And I'm going to kick this sucker off.
It's a horror show.
The slaves of evil are really a joke.
But the bigger joke is the fact that we go along with their false authority.
Big broadcast today, ladies and gentlemen.
They're all important, but this is going to be really important.
I suggest you take the live links from InfoWars.com forward slash show and share them like your lives depend on it because it does.
So we are now four days from what is going to be a highly contested midterm election.
The deep state's attempt to stop a red populist wave from trying to retake the country legally and lawfully from the globalist criminal coup that we're living under.
And the talking point that they've been putting out for two years is now the main talking point, and that is that the Republicans are going to put you in camps and kill your children and lock you down and hurt you.
Of course, it's the Democrats in the deep state that are preparing all this and setting it up and saying they're going to do it, but then saying the Republicans are the ones that are going to do it.
They are inverting reality.
They're saying, if you vote Republicans, it's the end of our republic, the end of the democracy, and that we're a dictatorship.
And then Biden says, I'm not going to let the Republicans steal this election.
So everything they say about populists and nationalists and conservatives and those of us trying to take over a political party legally and lawfully to stop the globalists, everything they say about us is what they're doing.
And so you don't need me to play these clips.
Well, I'll play some.
All you gotta do is turn on any television or open up any so-called newspaper or go on the front page of Twitter or Yahoo or anywhere else.
They are saying that the Republicans are going to kill you.
Here's a headline.
MSNBC historian says, if you vote Republican, your kids will be murdered and democracy will die.
Now, that's an actual quote.
They're going to murder your children.
The Democrats want to murder children in the womb.
They want to do vasectomies and cut little girls' breasts off and little boys' genitals off.
They love tyranny and love death and love fentanyl.
Late night talk show hosts say, hey, what's wrong with fentanyl?
It just goes on and on.
We know they're the party of death.
We know they're the party of satanic activities.
And then the parties are surveilling us with think tanks and the Democratic Party and the ADL, the Southern Department of Law Center, illegally spying and then censoring and taking millions of Americans' bank accounts away.
Your bank just says, sorry, we're not going to use you anymore because you're a bad person.
Not let you use us anymore?
David Icke, it's official, I've got a copy of the EU document.
It's in the EU regulations, never passed by law but by the dictatorship.
David Icke's been listed a Class 3 terrorist and is told he'll be arrested if he goes anywhere on the continent of Europe for two years.
I have the transcript.
Oh, but they're the good people.
They're the ones defending democracy.
It doesn't matter where you are.
It's the Globalist Unified Program of Control, whether you're in Australia, whether you're in the Netherlands, whether you're in the UK, whether you're in Canada, and more and more in the United States.
He's called a Class 3 terrorist.
And they go on to say, because you claim governments are tyrannical and planning on taking our rights.
When they list the conspiracy theories that he's banned from Europe or it's that there's a takeover, an authoritarian plan, and a plan to forcibly inject us with shots that don't work, and they've done all of that, and it's on record they don't work, other than killing you, which is their main function, so they do work.
They don't work in the way they tell you they work.
And, I mean, I read the document this morning, I almost got laid on air reading it, because
I just read it over and over again and it's a pretty lengthy document.
And we just put the whole show just on this document from the EU.
I've got an English translation right here.
And you read this and it's the most Orwellian thing ever.
Because you say we're tyrannical, you aren't allowed to come here and give a speech because that's terrorist.
And because you say that the governments are run by people that want to take your rights.
So it's the exact same, and David's on next Tuesday.
So it's the exact same inversion that we see in everything.
There's more of these headlines.
What we're really saying is, if you don't elect us this time,
You won't keep them out of power.
You may never be able to elect us again.
In short, vote to preserve your right to throw the bums out.
Now, they're the ones that stole the last election.
They're the ones with all the fingerprints of fraud.
But that's the talking point is the Republicans are going to create a dictatorship.
If you vote for them, but the Democrats are the ones that know there's been a political realignment that are trying to sew up control like Venezuela did so you never have another free election again.
How many times have I said that?
A thousand times the last two years?
And now they've inverted the truth I said and simply turned it on its head, but the average person at a subconscious level knows we're in a tyranny, knows they've just been through authoritarianism, but the average leftist goes into learned helplessness and
Normalcy bias and mass Stockholm Syndrome and claps and praises.
Yes, lock me up, make me take shots, take my job away, sterilize my kids, ship fentanyl in, demoralize me, devalue my dollar, fly around on private jets and live in mansions while they say that we can't have cars or air conditioning, and then I'm just gonna praise and clap like a trained seal when you say it.
Orschloss, or however he says his name, hysterically warns if Republicans win, our children will be arrested and conceivably killed!
Meanwhile, Rand Paul vows to introduce a bill to stop government and big tech colluding to censor speech, to make it illegal.
It's already illegal.
Go talk to a constitutional lawyer.
I've had judges on, Napolitano and others, and Judge Joe Brown.
It's illegal on dozens of fronts.
And they admit in the federal document, we've got to keep this secret, it's illegal.
Was it illegal for Loris Lerner to target hundreds of thousands of conservatives with audits just because they were conservatives?
Richard Nixon had a list of a hundred and something names in his safe that he never used, but he was thinking about using the IRS on, and boy, he had to leave office.
That was one of the main reasons.
But you have this reign of terror with the government illegally doing stuff that's already legal and then to have other private corporations and groups involved with government power secretly is racketeering, organized crime, intelligence operations against the American people.
This is the swarmy bureaucrat.
Bureaucracy deep state that has gotten away with murder, literally and figuratively, and thinks they can just bring in a high-tech tyranny and defeat us.
But the awakening is huge.
Gavin Newsom warns Democrats, red waves coming Tuesday, as he positions himself to run in 2024.
So we're going to play these clips.
Hell, we'll start playing some of them right now.
Here's the MSNBC historian.
They are going to put you in a camp and kill your children.
Now, what did I say in the last two days?
They're going to put you in a camp.
They actually have reports and documents, they're building them, and who they want to put in them all over the world saying COVID deniers, people that don't go along with the next lockdown from Australia to the UK to the US, they're admittedly setting that up.
That's on record.
And there's all these pathologists and coroners coming out saying 40 plus percent death rate increase, insurance actuaries, that's real proof they're killing us.
They're building real camps, saying they're for us, listing David Icke as a terrorist, saying I've got to be put in jail or taken off the air.
They're doing all this illegal surveillance and bullying, and then they turn around and point their finger at us, who are the underdogs, who are the rebels, who are the Americans, who are the patriots, and say we are the bad guys.
We're the Nazis, they say.
Meanwhile, their main funder, one of their kingpins, one of their field marshals, George Soros, literally told 60 Minutes the best time of his life was helping round up Jews for the Nazis because he could infiltrate and find where the Jews were hiding.
He went around finding Anne Frank's on record.
It's like, oh, ADL loves him because that's who they are.
You cannot get more evil than people like George Soros, ladies and gentlemen.
They're committed to evil.
And they want to hurt and kill everybody.
Look at Israel.
It has some of the most draconian controls in the world after China, with lockdowns and forced injections and mass death.
Israel loves Jews so much, but the people running it follow the New World Order orders to a T, and now Jews are dying in mass.
I've studied history, and when these globalists do this, they do a double cross, and then right at the end, they turn
And wipe out everybody, and particularly the Jews.
And so, yeah, they're talking about anti-Semitism's coming, death of Jews is coming, absolutely.
At the hands of the New World Order, and the hands of the globalists, just like George Soros did, I predict this isn't turned around, that the globalists will not just wipe out 80% of the population, they will particularly hunt down the Jews.
Look, Israel!
Oh, but the Jews all think they're safe there.
Read Revelation!
Again, this is all deception upon deception upon deception.
Come on, come on and wake up, baby!
We'll be right back.
The Republicans, if you elect them, are going to put you in jail and murder your children, say the mouthpieces of the New World Order.
Remember, everything they say is the opposite.
The religion is backwards.
Everything is an inversion of God's plan.
Hear it from the mouth of one of these monsters.
And a historian 50 years from now, if historians are allowed to write in this country, and if there are still free publishing houses and a free press, which I'm not certain of, but if that is true, a historian will say, what was at stake tonight and this week,
Was the fact whether we will be a democracy in the future, whether our children will be arrested and conceivably killed, we're on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system and it could be a week away.
If you vote, voting is now tyranny.
Did you hear what he said?
It's the same exact talking point everywhere put out by Hillary, put out by Obama, put out by Biden, put out everywhere.
They're everywhere calling it book banning demonstrations in Michigan and places where you can't even read at City Council what's in the books.
Christy Lee last year and others tried to go read.
At the AISD and others, the actual book that's in the middle school, where her child was going.
And it's a famous book, and she showed it to me.
I'd read about the book, I'd read the excerpts, but I'd never seen in my life images of adults having sex with children.
I've been blessed enough to never, because they pollute the internet with it, to ever run into any child porn.
And I was looking at a graphic novel, cartoon book, that was anatomically correct, you know, like a cartoon book.
It was a cartoon.
With children eight, nine years old being picked up in their backyards and their adult neighbor taking them in a shed and raping them.
Oh, and they love it, of course.
Literal kidnapper porn.
And I've got all these clips from city councils and county commissions, you've seen them, where people start trying to read what's given, in some cases, to elementary students.
Parents aren't told these books are put in mass on the shelves, and they spin it and call it, oh, the Republicans and the Christians and the people that just don't like pedophilia, they're trying to ban books.
No, I guess you can put out a book that has a graphic novel of pedophilia.
I don't think that probably should be illegal, certainly when it's promoting it, but that starts to get into the First Amendment.
But that isn't banned.
Alex Jones is banned.
I guarantee you, folks ought to try to go place at your local high schools the Great Reset.
In fact, listeners should go, go to the library, try to donate it to the school library and see if they try to block it.
And I guarantee you, in leftist jurisdictions, they'll say, oh no, you can't have Alex Jones's book here, but you can have a book that I told Christy Lee, I said, you can't show that on air.
And she rightfully came and asked permission.
She said, you think I should show this?
And she handed me the book and I went in my office and opened it up.
And I'll be completely honest with you.
I only went through like 20 pages of it.
It was like a hundred and something pages long.
I forget the name of that book.
It's a bit of big controversy.
We call her.
Yes, the name of it.
And there it was with the AISD library sticker on the back of the damn thing.
So what am I getting at here?
Everything they say is a lie.
And it was so surreal to open a book up that is adult men and also children having sexual relationships with each other and images of men performing oral sex on little kids and bending them over and sodomizing them.
For the first and only time in my life, I have seen child porn.
I am brutalized by this.
Genderqueer is what it's called.
Yeah, show the cover of the book.
You know what?
Go ahead and pull it up online.
I know it's online, reportedly.
No, don't do it.
Folks, I'm just telling you.
You type that in, you click Google Images.
Okay, so they found blurred out copies of it.
So just get it off the screen.
Get it off the screen.
Sorry, I'm not told to put it up, I just can't, I'm not gonna put it up there.
And in these books and others, it's about men kidnapping children.
Now, you may be able to lure a 10-year-old boy in the back of your van, promising him you've got Legos or whatever, or a puppy, but even if you can consensually trick them into having so-called sex with you, it's still kidnapping, it's still rape, because they're not of age to do that, you pedophile monsters!
Pedophile publications are in school boards all over the country, including where I live.
And that's just five seconds of his line.
Oh, they want to ban books.
You know, they're going to kill our kids.
They're going to kill us.
When the Democrats tell you we're overpopulated, when the Democrats tell you there's too many of us, when the Democrats want to abort everybody.
So it goes on and on and on.
Yeah, this particular video is from a week ago, where the father is reading what his middle school daughter came in contact with, and it describes two teenage boys raping a girl.
They also, in these books, tell kids how to go sign up at
Sex sites, sex dating sites, like, and then they list the main names of them.
So, ladies and gentlemen, this is a direct pedophile attack on our children, and they even have people go to the city councils in Texas, Mississippi, Louisiana, Florida, New York, you've seen the videos, where they show up at the city council, a lot of times dressed like Hit the Clown,
And say, we are going to get access to your children, we're going to groom them, and you can't stop us.
Remember the choir?
The big city-funded choir in San Francisco?
We're going to get your children, we're going to take them.
Remember Jocelyn Elders?
30 years ago was nominated.
To be the Surgeon General by Bill Clinton.
And then they released the transcripts and testimonies she'd given, where she said, the important thing, when she talked for school, is to take the two-year-olds and teach them to masturbate.
And we need the teachers to reach down and touch it and do it.
You're listening to this, I mean, and by the way, there's a bounty for whoever can find it.
I heard Rush Limbaugh in 1993 when she was nominated play those clips, and you cannot find them.
For a while you couldn't find the Soros clips, but finally people found them and got them out.
Somebody's got to find Jocelyn Elders.
And my point is, is that this is a scientific, Skinnerian, psychological,
Takeover plan to ruin children because all the research shows if you can sexualize a child when they're 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old, you can screw them up for life!
But I've only analyzed five seconds of the clip, I'm sorry.
We'll come back and play the full 30 seconds again and analyze all the other lies in it.
But the total inversion, and they're saying this on all the channels.
Now there it is, Newsweek.
Jocelyn Elder suggested last week that schools might teach masturbation as safe sex.
She did a lot more than that.
She said the teachers would give hand jobs to the children and diddle the little girls.
Sorry we gotta talk about this, folks.
But your children can't protect themselves.
Yeah, she said, we're going to put condoms in the lunch trays.
And what the Boy Scouts did a few years ago, now that bankrupted them.
Handing out condoms.
All right, Alex Jones here, back live.
This Burschloch guy is echoing the talking point that's everywhere.
And it's only a 30-second clip, and you notice I just spent like 10 minutes on 5 seconds of it.
Because every part of their talking points is a complete inversion.
You flip it back around, and it's exactly who they are.
They're going to put you in death camps.
They're going to kill your kids.
Told you that on Monday and Tuesday.
People are like, Jones is going too far.
Now what do they say?
They are inverting.
We flip it back.
Very simple.
I don't know the enemy battle plan.
They can't help it.
They are Satanist.
Even though they're not officially practicing it, they follow it at a spiritual level.
So notice they're censoring us.
They're watching us.
They're controlling us.
They're debunking us.
They're bullying us.
They're locking us down They're trying to force inject us with poisonous shots all of this incredible stuff And then they say we're gonna kill them and they say we're gonna censor and burn the books It's not banning books To not let eight-year-olds
Read about Billy getting picked up by a van, and how fun it was to have an adult man screw him in the rear end.
And I'm sorry to have to talk like this, folks.
This is, this is, this is, this is going on in the schools!
And I've seen the video around the country, and it happened here in Austin, where when you try to show that book, the police take you out!
You don't show it to the adults!
We gotta secretly do it to the kids!
In liberal jurisdictions, the cops have their little special leftists that work at the city councils, as you know.
The cops outside might be good, but the ones inside have been chosen, usually, because they're on board with the cult.
So that's only five seconds of the 30 seconds.
Let's play the 30 seconds again, unedited, and then I'm going to go back through it piece by piece.
Go ahead.
And a historian 50 years from now, if historians are allowed to write in this country, and if there are still free publishing houses and a free press, which I'm not certain of, but if that is true, a historian will say, what was at stake tonight and this week was the fact whether we will be a democracy in the future, whether our children will be arrested and conceivably killed.
We're on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system, and it could be a week away.
We are in a brutal authoritarian system that is trying to fully flex its muscles and institute and execute its control.
Everybody knows that.
Who's got two brain cells they can rub together.
So let's start again and I'm going to start and stop and analyze each piece.
Roll it again.
And a historian 50 years from now, if historians are allowed to write in this country, and if they're still... A historian 50 years from now, if they're still allowed to exist and write in this country,
We'll be looking back on this mass murder takeover.
Think about that.
How outrageous that is, when they're the ones surveilling, they're the ones watching, they're the ones saying mostly peaceful protest.
They're the ones firing historians who don't agree with their official stories.
They're the ones fining Kyrie Irving $500,000 to the ADL because he put out a link about some Jews involved in the slave trade, which of course was going on 500 years ago.
Everybody was involved.
Africans, Muslims, Christians, Jews.
I mean, it's a fact.
It's in the history books.
Not attacking Jews to do that.
But again, only white Christians can be bad in the leftist cosmology, and so that's your manipulation of history right there.
They're the ones at the universities that are banning all sorts of free speech and saying, this weekend no white people allowed on the campus, and all of this incredible racism and garbage we're hearing.
So back up the start again and roll it again.
And a historian 50 years from now, if historians are allowed to write in this country, and if there are still free publishing houses and a free press, which I'm not certain of, but if that is true, a historian will say, what was at stake tonight and this week was the fact whether we will be a democracy in the future, whether our children will be arrested and conceivably killed.
We're on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system, and it could be a week away.
So what he said is true if you're talking about them.
They've already done lockdowns.
They've already pushed a deadly shot.
I've got all these scientists, mainline doctors, government reports admitting massive increases in death.
Doesn't protect you.
Makes you get sick.
Makes you spread it more.
But they're not losing their minds.
This is a talking point.
Here's Chris Hayes.
Basically saying the same thing.
And you talk about mental gymnastics.
Listen to the doublethink and the total oxymoronic garbage happening here.
Here it is.
A state in which Republicans never lose is a one-party state by definition.
That's a problem.
And we see this everywhere, right?
We see this in Cary Lake in Arizona.
Pause again.
Start over again.
I mean, this is a two-minute clip, so I can't stop and start as much.
It'll take hours.
They just stole an election.
All the numbers show Republican red wave.
Red tsunami.
And so, he's saying it's a party one state.
If one party that stole power now loses it fair and square because the landslide's so big.
So just on its face, it's not even logical what he's saying.
A state in which Republicans never lose is a one party state by definition.
And that's a problem.
What are blue cities?
What are blue states?
Where we know there's permanent election fraud, and no matter what you do or what the polls show, Democrats always win because they're dug in and they're machines, going back to Chicago and Daley and his machine.
They're the ones that you never see a swing back or forth.
The red areas, you do see it back and forth, because Republicans don't steal elections like you do.
Hardly ever.
I mean, these people are elitist predators that know exactly what they're doing.
Soulless parasites.
We see this in Cary Lake in Arizona, we see it in Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania, up and down the ballot, Secretary of State candidates, people running for Congress.
And so the pitch from Democrats is basically, if you care about democracy, if you care about having this feedback mechanism in which the people you elect are accountable to them, to you,
You've got no choice but to vote for us!
And that on its face sounds almost anti-democratic itself!
He just said you can't have two parties or one party will take over.
So our party's got to be the uniparty to protect you from them setting up a uniparty.
And so here's the big takeaway today, 40 minutes into this broadcast.
As I've said many times, but now it's official.
The Democrat, sold out to Communist China, New World Order, transhumanist party, is 100% committed to the enslavement and destruction of all our basic freedoms in our life.
They're constructing a classic surveillance, censorship, cashless society, social credit score, market the beast system.
And they're trying to outlaw
The other political party, while claiming the other political party, is trying to outlaw them.
Total inversion!
Total inversion!
Why, you see the one-party state with Kerry Lake!
Oh my gosh!
I mean, they're running for governor, running for Senate!
I mean, these people we see all over the country, these Republicans are running!
And if you let them win, then they'll kill your children!
But all the Democrats want to do is kill our children's future if they can't physically kill them in the womb.
I mean, and again, you're like, well, he's just a babbling idiot.
No, this is the talking point everywhere.
Almost anti-democratic itself, to say you don't have a choice.
Hit pause again, back it up 10 seconds again.
You know what?
I'm not going to interrupt it anymore.
Let's just play it end to end.
There's so many lies.
You see it all for yourself, folks.
You don't need me to stop and start it.
When we come back, we'll back it up to start and just play it without me pausing it.
I mean, I know it sounds undemocratic to outlaw the other party, but we've got to or they'll outlaw us.
This is open tyranny being sold to the public.
The Republicans are going to censor us if we don't censor them!
You're the bad guys!
You're a pedophile party!
We'll have live coverage Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday of what's going to be a contested election here at InfoWars.
Here I am, up on the stage.
Playing the star again.
All right, we're going to have open phones in the second and third hour.
Turn the page.
Dead hours in the fourth hour ahead of the great Owen Schroer, 3 p.m.
The coordinates of Liberty are infulwars.com and Bandai Video.
All right, let's just play the Chris Hayes clip.
I have dozens of these, literally.
You don't need me to play these.
You see them on every channel, but I'm just analyzing these.
It's the same talking point.
The Republicans are going to steal the election, and by the way, no one ever stole an election, and if they say we stole it, it doesn't exist, and they're terrorists, and they're criminal, and they need to be arrested, and they need to be censored, they need to be watched, they need to be controlled, and they need to be all put in jail.
But they're authoritarians that want to put you in jail.
It's the same all over the world, the same globalist corporate strategies being rolled out.
Europe's a few years ahead of us, but man, we're going over the slippery slope into tyrannical oblivion at warp speed.
So, it's a total inversion except for one perspective.
It's true that there are times for revolutions.
Some can be cultural revolutions, they can be peaceful, some can be violent, some can be a mix.
I like the pen, my leader, and the sword mode.
That's where the first moment is first.
The founders believed it was even more important than the physical arms.
You had to have the mouth to try to stop it from getting to that point or the mouth or the pen to direct the war.
So, First Amendment's numero uno, it's paramount.
Penultimate, number two, is the arms.
But if you don't have the brain, the weapons don't matter.
And so, they're saying we're losing, there's a political realignment, everyone's turning against us, and the Republicans are going to put you in death camps and kill your kids if you elect them.
But it's the left that wants a permanent, high-tech, forced injection, medical tyranny, carbon tyranny,
Globalist, socialist, communist, pedophilic, satanic system on record.
I mean, they're out in the open now.
The mask is off.
Don't need me to tell you about this anymore.
Go watch one of my shows 25 years ago or 10 years ago and people go watch them and they go, what in the hell is this?
Go to prisonplanet.tv.
There's like 20 years of videos for free, almost every show archived there.
And folks go in there, they call them Info Wars Miners on Twitter, and they go in and just find these spectacular clips.
They're not spectacular.
I had the enemy battle plan, I told you it was coming, we're now living it.
You want to see the rest of the battle plan happen?
Because I'm as serious as a heart attack.
If I'm exaggerating, if I'm making any of this up, and I don't challenge God, I'm not challenging God,
I'm just saying, on my immortal soul, I mean everything I say up here.
Every single word, unless I'm doing satire.
And you notice, I don't do satire very often.
It's fun, but they take it out of context when I'm being sarcastic, so I've really almost extincted that behavior.
Because they were using it against us, even though you knew I was being sarcastic.
But no, when I'm being serious, which is 99% of the time, it's exactly what I really believe.
I'm not exaggerating.
In fact, most of the time, I'm holding back because what I really think is too extreme.
So in a way, I'm actually not as hardcore as I should be.
But I'm really telling you what I really believe, and putting a little bit of a governor on it, just to make sure I don't go too far.
And you can't go too far now with these people.
So they do want their permanent revolution.
Their end of history is what they call it.
And so they're saying the Republicans are about to have an end of history.
Populist, anti-globalist, pro-human folks, pro-God people have beachheads through populist parties worldwide, most of them being conservative.
And if you want the big dark age of the New World Order, if you want to live in the Great Reset, where they admit it's a tyranny, where they admit the goal is to depopulate you on record, well then go with them!
They're the ones saying they want to get rid of you.
They're the ones saying there's too many people.
They're the ones saying it!
And they got the nerve to say, we're the ones that want to put you in a death camp and kill your kids.
I played that earlier.
They're saying it everywhere.
What have I been saying?
I've been saying it about them, but showing proof, making films, writing books, documenting it all neurotically.
Where is there evidence we want to put them in jail or kill their kids?
There is none.
So let's play the Chris Hayes piece end to end without me interrupting, but he's like, it almost sounds like what I'm proposing is authoritarianism, but it's what we need to do.
There's that moment where they got to go, now this probably sounds like tyranny, but we got to do it for your own good.
Here it is.
A state in which Republicans never lose is a one-party state by definition.
And that's a problem.
And we see this everywhere, right?
We see this in Cary Lake in Arizona, we see it in Doug Mastriano in Pennsylvania, up and down the ballot, Secretary of State candidates, people running for Congress.
And so the pitch from Democrats is basically, if you care about democracy, if you care about having this feedback mechanism in which the people you elect are accountable to them, to you, you've got no choice but to vote for us.
And that on its face sounds almost anti-democratic itself, to say you don't have a choice.
But it also happens to be true.
In Wisconsin, voters might go to the polls, and over 50% of them might vote for the Democrats.
And Republicans could win a supermajority in both houses in that state.
They might even elect Tony Evers as their governor.
And that supermajority could override whatever Tony Evers says.
That's what Michaels is getting at.
Much of the Republican Party, the dominant faction within it, run by Donald Trump, the guy who tried the coup, the first ever in American history, that faction in that party is fundamentally opposed to democracy.
It's plain as day.
You could read it on the faces of the cops on the steps of the Capitol as they were getting their heads bashed in.
That faction wants to wield the power of the state through a number of means to insulate themselves from free and fair elections and instate one-party rule, whether it's through gerrymandering or voter suppression or simply installing party loyals in key positions who do things like don't certify elections that don't go their way.
And so when Democrats say, you don't have a choice this election, there's only one party that cares about for democracy, it's us, democracy's on the ballot, what they're really saying is,
If you don't elect us this time, if you don't keep them out of power, you may never be able to elect us again.
Or in short, vote to preserve your right to throw the bums out.
Now, let's hear from MSNBC as well with their quote historian saying they want to put you in jail and murder your children.
Here it is.
And a historian 50 years from now, if historians are allowed to write in this country, and if there are still free publishing houses and a free press, which I'm not certain of, but if that is true, a historian will say, what was at stake tonight and this week?
Was the fact whether we will be a democracy in the future, whether our children will be arrested and conceivably killed.
We're on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system and it could be a week away.
Okay, so where is anybody in our government?
That's done stuff like arrest people and put them in death camps.
Okay, George Soros basically runs things.
He did that on record.
Hillary went in and destroyed countries that were trying to work with us, like Libya, and turned it over to radical Muslims and killed hundreds of thousands.
Our government started the whole Syrian war that killed hundreds of thousands.
They're trying to abort everybody.
They say there's too many of us.
They're censoring us.
They're surveilling us.
They're illegally doing all this.
And then they sit there with some foppish fake aristocrat
Up there, but oh, it'll be the last election ever, and they'll kill our children!
These people are disgusting, and here's the good news.
Almost no one listens to them.
Almost no one believes them.
And every area they run has been run into the ground.
We're going to go to break.
I'm going to give the number out when we come back next hour.
Phone calls, tons of news, election coverage, so much more.
It's going to be a big second and third hour.
Please remember, we're listener supported and the sales just get bigger and bigger towards the end of the year, but they peak with Black Friday comes early and then those sales continue through Christmas, except a lot of stuff sells out.
So this is the best it gets in the year at InfoWareStore.com.
Some of these we're making 5-10% on.
The sales are that big.
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Promo code 1776.
Do your Christmas shopping now and be done with it and keep us on air.
Thank you.
Once a tragedy reaches a level of national significance, American citizens should be allowed to basically question that event in any way that they deem fit.
The First Amendment is unique in the world.
That's what they want to take away.
Your ability to speak freely.
So they're going to go for Mike Lindell next?
Or are they going to go for Steve Bannon?
Or are they going to go for Tucker Carlson?
I studied the globalists 30 years ago, but on air 28 years.
And I knew they were planning all of this.
And I warned the public, as a modern Paul Revere.
But I couldn't have done it without your support.
And now, because we've been so successful warning the population of the planet, not just America, we're public enemy number one when it comes to the globalist agenda.
That's why it's more important than ever to realize how successful InfoWars has been because of your past support.
So I salute you and I thank you, and I ask you now, at the critical juncture of the battle, to redouble your efforts by visiting InfoWarsTore.com and getting amazing products that keep us on air.
1776 is the promo code, the destination is InfoWarsTore.com, and I thank you all for your support.
Speaking of redemption songs, Tim Poole's put out a really interesting and powerful music video, Genocide, Losing My Mind.
We're posting it to InfoWars.com.
Here it is.
We'll be back with your phone calls.
We follow, we follow until it's our turn to die.
We're slowly marching to our suicide.
Instead of living, tell me what to do.
Instead of dreaming, let me die for you.
If I could see the darkness in the minds and their tainted eyes, I'd make it right.
We're killing at the whims and tides of our nation.
Cracked leather seams, breaking apart for the world to see.
We're free from controlled reality.
Invite your way from this.
So get away from this.
I'm losing my mind, have I lost my sight?
We're shadows in the current enterprise of institutions made to control your lives.
We're inside breeding, concocting all the lies that we use to control your mind.
Break free from controlled reality and find your way from this.
Get away from it.
I'm losing my mind, have I lost my sight?
If this quicksand has gone over my eyes, how can I see?
I'm losing my mind, have I lost my sight?
If this quicksand has gone over my eyes, how can I see anything?
But I cannot find a better way from all the better things
Alright, that's Tim Cass, Genocide, Losing My Mind, official music video.
Find it on the Jim Cash website and on InfoWars.
What a great group of thugs.
Ha ha ha ha.
We're going to go to break.
I'll take your calls.
Come back in the number.
It's Friday.
Stay with us.
Four days out to the incredibly important midterms.
We'll have live wall-to-wall coverage right to 2 a.m.
and then the next day, whatever it takes, next Tuesday, Election Day.
All right, the next two hours I want to cover a ton of news and a lot of different angles and topics of the battle for the future of humanity and
We're going to give that toll-free number out.
We're going to take a lot of calls like we did yesterday.
The toll-free number to join us for first-time callers, long-time callers, you agree, you disagree from all over the world, just let us know where you're calling from and have a clean phone line.
I'm going to go right to you.
The toll-free number to join us is 877-789-2539.
877-789-2539 is the number.
If you just joined us, I spent most of the first hour on the talking point that you don't even need me to tell you the talking point.
You see it everywhere.
The Republicans are going to set up a dictatorship.
They're going to put you in FEMA camps.
Remember, I'm the crazy guy for saying that.
And they're going to kill your children.
Those are quotes.
Not just on the clubs I played.
I mean, they're everywhere.
They're gonna kill us!
They're Nazis!
They're surveilling us!
They're spying on us!
They're censoring us!
They're book banning!
They're doing what we're actually doing!
They are inverting reality in a massive way.
And then we've got Biden in statements saying, we will pass election reform
If they keep control of the House and Senate, so the Republicans can't steal elections.
So, saying elections are stolen is insane, it doesn't exist, when you have evidence you're a Republican, or a populist, or a nationalist, or you see evidence of it.
But when you're the Democrats, the Republicans are planning to steal the election, this election, and the main general election in two years, and, and they're planning to put us in camps, and they're planning to kill us, those are real quotes, I played last hour like three times, and, and, and,
But we're going to take over and pass election reform where there's no ID, and where illegal aliens can vote, and where the dead people can vote, and there's always these mail-in ballots from now to Kingdom Come.
Because they know we're watching the machines, so then they just put fake ballots, fraudulent ballots in the machines, so it's a real tally just using fraudulent voter data.
So here's Biden, we will pass election reform and make sure no one has the opportunity to steal an election again.
Well wait, if the last election wasn't stolen,
Then why do you need to pass reform that keeps it from being stolen?
See, it's all circular logic, it's all lies.
Here it is.
My friends, we offer a starkly different version and vision of this country, a vision of a better America that's within our reach, that's within our hands, if we just vote.
If we elect two more senators, we keep the House of Democrats, we're gonna get a lot of unfinished business.
We're gonna get done.
Folks, look.
We'll codify Roe v. Wade.
Kill those babies.
We'll ban assault weapons.
Take the guns.
We'll protect Social Security and Medicare.
We'll pass universal pre-K.
We'll restore the child care tax credit.
We'll protect voting rights.
We'll pass election reform and make sure no one, no one ever has the opportunity to steal an election again.
That's a doozy.
So simultaneously out of one side of their mouth,
Republicans are trying to steal the election.
We got to take over the elections.
No one ever stole one.
It's insane.
Don't say that.
What do you make of the new talking point?
I mean, it's not new, but it's now the new big talking point.
It's now the talking point that the democracy's failing and America's going into a dictatorship and they want to put us in jail and they want to kill our children and they're going to ban free speech when it's everything they're doing.
877-789-2539 if you missed that number.
And the phone's obviously loaded up in seconds, but you can always, when you hear a caller hang up, hit that readout.
We'd love to hear from you.
But the way we get to lots of calls is by getting to them and by moving on to the next person.
So as Darth Vader says, you may dispense with the pleasantries.
Let's go right to your important content.
With Kyle in New Jersey, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex, how you doing?
I just want to make a quick comment about the Chris Hayes thing.
The fact that he says, vote to preserve your rights and throw the bums out.
Well, that's exactly what we're doing.
I mean, it's total inversion of reality.
Everything they do is stagnism.
It's an inversion of reality.
And they really think that we're that stupid.
I mean, they're basically that stupid that they can convince them.
I believe it's not.
Look, who they are is mercenaries that know it's all a lie.
I know some of these people behind the scenes more than a lot of them.
And so does Mike Cernovich.
And I point that out because Mike made the point to me at dinner like six years ago.
He goes, Alex, I had dinner with all these people.
And he's saying they're all really fans.
They wish they were us.
They actually hate their job and what they do.
So a lot of them aren't even really evil.
They just follow talking points.
Now, obviously, the politicos and those above them are really evil.
But a lot of these people are just literal teleprompter readers.
That's all they do.
Yeah, they're just absolute puppets.
I mean, literally, they're probably all MKUltra, more or less.
But the topic I wanted to bring up, I think you guys should research, is there's been a lot of ads on Indeed and different job boards.
It's called Roleplayer Civilians on the Battlefield, and I'll just read you the quick description.
They're looking for qualified and motivated prior service military personnel or general personnel with previous exercise support experience to fill various positions
The Pentagon admits they're doing the biggest civil unrest drills and training specifically targeting quote constitutional terrorists they've ever done.
It's actually not even secret.
Yeah, it's crazy.
Oh, but the populists are going to put everyone in camps and kill everybody's children.
What do you make of that new talking point?
Again, it's just projecting what they're about to do.
We've just got to learn that's what they do.
The whole Donald Trump thing, projecting Ukraine, projecting Russia, is everything that they were doing.
We know this.
Amazing points, Kyle.
God bless you.
Jason in Texas, welcome.
Yeah, Alex.
So I had to talk to you, what, October 11th.
You know, I gave my final prediction of all this and what's about to happen.
And it's true.
I mean, we can see it coming.
It's happening.
I predicted that they were going to, you know, there's going to be some type of war.
They're going to false flag thing, like bomb our own thing, country, and blame it on China or Russia.
We're getting close.
The end is damn near.
I mean, I agree.
If you look at every danger indicator, they're all redlined, they're all pegged, they're all just screaming, danger, danger.
The Russians put out a new statement warning of nuclear war, saying they don't want it, saying the West is moving nuclear weapons up to their border, which is happening.
There's now a NATO multinational force that's publicly in there fighting the Russians.
The U.S.
now admits that.
Not the U.S., people that run our country do.
And it's just totally insane.
Everybody listening to right now, go get yourself wood-burning stoves.
Load up on wood.
Do whatever you can to prepare right now.
We have days left!
Well, I know this.
There's a good chance that there'll be some people in the grassroots and the power structure that are sane.
We put the brakes on this.
But I would give it a 50-50 chance.
The war explodes, the depression intensifies, and we have power outages, fake cyber attacks, and that we go into a new dark age.
I mean, it's here.
This is the new order to take over.
Yes, sir.
We all better be praying and getting right with Jesus.
Thank you.
Let's go to Jordan in New Jersey.
You're on the air.
Hi Alex, thank you for taking my call.
Jordan here from CoronaEyes.com.
I just want to comment briefly, quickly about the talking point on Biden.
This is really a total desperation and these are bureaucrats mostly who just read off teleprompters and I completely agree with you.
So the people behind them are making their move and we better be on our best.
I mean, they're saying we are a dictator, we're authoritarians, we're going to set up a dictatorship, we're going to spy on you, we're going to censor you.
That's everything they're doing!
Precisely right.
And in the background, all these other plans are going forward, and this gain-of-function research, which is still going on, is a criminal act that is in front of our very eyes.
Hold on, hold on.
I don't want to give you just a minute.
Everybody gets about two minutes.
Stay there.
Come back to you, Jordan.
The gain-of-function is beyond criminal.
They are producing bioweapons that kill 80% of humans and telling us where they're stored.
If you're going to make those things, sure as hell don't tell people where they're at!
And you shouldn't even be making them!
Coming up, I don't want to air this, but we have responsibility to.
So if you want to tune out in the last 10 minutes of this hour and tune back in, you'll miss it, which you might want to miss.
But why would they put something out like this when they're pro-abortion?
Because they want to cauterize and make your heart black.
They want to celebrate evil.
NPR has released shocking documentary audio of a woman having a baby vacuum-cleaned out of her womb.
The crying, the moaning, the doctor telling her it's done.
That is coming up in the last segment of this hour.
We need to hear this dehumanization.
Jordan and New Jersey, you were talking about gain of function.
For me, other than World War III and economic collapse, it all goes together.
The fact that they admit, okay, we did do gain of function with super COVID that kills 80% of humans in London and in Boston, Massachusetts.
And, but we testified to Congress we didn't do that, and they're not arrested.
And then literally, I know so many people, just here in Austin, I don't know, personally, my medical doctor, I didn't even know, I only see him like once a year for a checkup, you know, for blood tests and stuff.
Surprisingly, I'm super healthy.
Despite all the stress, got SWAT team, just because they were at the Capitol, not in the Capitol.
They got SWAT team.
They were never charged.
They were just there.
So they got SWAT team, her and her husband.
My daughter's a lady.
So that's how this is.
I mean, this is real authoritarianism.
I haven't gotten to this yet.
I'll hit it some next segment.
But David Icke,
Has been listed as a quote, class three terrorist.
Now, he put the press release out yesterday.
He's on the show Tuesday, and David doesn't make up stuff that's happened to him.
You can question some of his views, but he's a very truthful, moral person.
So I believed him.
But then I went and had it transcribed by Google language interpreter, translator, and it's exactly what he said.
And I've got a transcript of it from the European Union.
And it says, you think governments are tyrannical and taking our rights so you're not allowed to come to Europe.
You're banned by the EU outside of any law for two years.
And you're a terrorist, Mr. Ike.
What do you want to bet I try to go to Europe?
And I go there to give a speech, I'll be banned as well.
And then you'll be banned to your city and then bound to your neighborhood and bound to your house unless you come and apologize and pay a fine to the ADL like Kyrie Irving just did.
I mean, that's where we are.
Oh, but, oh, the Democrats' talking point is the Republicans are going to put us in jail and kill our children and take over and they're going to censor us and they're going to spy on us.
Everything they're doing, total inversion.
So, finish up your point, Jordan.
Thank you, Alex.
I just want to say this gain-of-function thing is a huge issue.
I think some things distract too much from it.
The UN just said they're not going to go and investigate those bio labs in Ukraine, okay?
Of course.
And that this information in Boston and the words and statements that are publicly available of Ralph Baric and others who are involved directly with this,
...are all out there for everybody to see.
This is, by Francis Boyle's definition of synthetic biology as a bioterrorist weapon, this is what they're engaged in, okay?
And they are a violation of U.S.
Code provisions that were amended as a result of that.
Oh, they're a violation of federal and state law.
Making a bioweapon like this is life in prison.
Contemplating releasing it's a death penalty in the U.S.
I'm putting videos out.
I can't get them on my site because they banned me.
They, they, they, overnight they, they banned, they deleted my YouTube channel.
Deleted it while I was asleep before I even published the video.
That's why we're the censorship is right now.
So I'm on BitchTube, BitchTube, excuse me, Rumble, and I'm also on Brideon.
Look up Corona, Corona I, C-O-R-O-N-A-I-Z-E-D on my videos.
I'm Ralph Baric and again, a function of three part series.
Alex, thank you so much.
And God be with you.
Just, just spell out the name of your handle.
Yeah, it's, um, you know, You've Been Corona Eyed.
Look it up on Bitch Shoot and Rumble.
Got it, got it.
Thank you, we will.
Thank you.
Alright, let's go to Greg in Florida.
Greg, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, how are you, buddy?
Alright, uh, two things.
Uh, one, uh, get off the subject a little bit.
Talk not so much the economy, but what's going to happen here in the future when BlackRock and Twillow several months ago were buying up all the real estate, giving out loans to everybody.
Now a lot of people are going into foreclosure.
Rates keep going up higher and higher every two weeks.
The difference is between this and 2008,
The government's not going to bail.
It's not going to bail everything out.
They'd rather send their money and let it come back to these evil people.
That's right.
We're seeing an organized collapse by design that they're going to blame on the COVID lockdown, but they orchestrated the whole thing.
And here's the other thing, Alex.
It's just like it was back then, except it's even on steroids.
There's between 16,000 and 17,000 car repos per day now in this country.
And what, 37% of Americans are overdrawn on their bank or credit cards and don't have money to pay their bills?
You know, it's insane.
It's insane.
So it's going to really get down in the dark.
Oh no, but we're not even in a recession yet.
And we're just in a depression unless you're a globalist.
Oh, not yet.
Hey, the economy's great, right?
That's what they say on the media.
But hey, the other thing I want to mention to you.
As we talked before, my scientist for my laser company was Alan Hill.
The number two and number three scientists in that realm were from Russia, and they were friends, and I have some correspondence from, you know, I have a lot of paperwork in the past.
Now, I'm not saying anything, but one thing I want to state to you is this.
You know, Putin's showing he's the biggest swinger over there now with his artillery and his nukes, putting them on borders, etc, etc.
But we don't know.
Putin keeps everything undercover.
We don't know everything he has.
I think this guy is... Well, there's no doubt that he's used his low-level forces first, and I appreciate your call.
Alright, let's jam in more calls.
Let's talk to Marvin in Alabama.
Marvin, go ahead.
Hey Alex, I just wanted to discuss the inverted reality aspect of things.
Harrison brought up a good point this morning talking about Ye and how his trainer threatened him.
And so it's the same thing that you're talking about now on your show.
It's just kind of nationwide.
They're saying do as we tell you or else.
And of course, you know, they characterize that same thing with the shot.
We're good to go.
Then we're going to keep running into trouble.
Really, all we have to do is, like, at the end of The Matrix, when Neo realized he didn't need all the kung fu and everything that he learned, all he really needed at the end of the day was to say no.
And once he had that power, once he said no, that was the end of it.
You know, he picked up from then on.
Well, I'll say this.
Sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, I want to say if you happen to be listening to this show, we're with you, brother, in Christ.
And stand strong.
Don't give in.
I'm so sad to see Tyree Irving and some of these people giving in.
Don't do it, brother.
We're with you.
We'll pray with you.
We'll pray for you.
And we got your back.
I don't care if you lose every dime.
You can come pray at my house.
I love you, brother.
And you're talking to Ye right now, right?
That's right.
And you too, Alex.
I just didn't hear you.
I figured it was Ye.
Okay, thank you so much.
We'll be right back with Robert in Thailand and others.
Stay with us.
Band-Op video.
Those are the coordinates of Liberty.
Please share them because it's up to you.
There are, of course, those who do not want us to speak.
Even now, orders are being shouted into telephones and men with guns will soon be on their way.
It's Chancellor Suttler.
Damn it!
Because while the truncheon may be used in lieu of conversation,
I don't know.
The truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?
You decided, sir.
You wanted it foolproof.
You taught me every television in London!
Cruelty and injustice.
Intolerance and oppression.
And where once you had the freedom to object, to think and speak as you saw fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your conformity and subverting your submissiveness.
How did this happen?
Who's to blame?
Well, certainly there are those who are more responsible than others.
They will be held accountable.
But again, truth be told, if you're looking for the guilty, you need only look into a mirror.
I know why you did it.
I know you were afraid.
Who wouldn't be?
There were a myriad of problems which conspired to corrupt your reason and rob you of your common sense.
Fear got the best of you.
And in your panic, you turned to the now High Chancellor, Adam Sutler.
He promised you order.
He promised you peace.
And all he demanded in return was your silent, obedient consent.
There is a war.
It's happening now.
It will decide the fate of humanity.
The time to choose sides has come.
We are the Resistance.
We are the Infowar.
All right, we're taking your phone calls right through the rest of the next hour.
A ton of news we're going to be hitting as well.
It was John Paul Jones, the founder of the U.S.
Navy, that famously said, when he's been commissioned into the Navy, the first Navy of the U.S., he said, I wish to have no connection with any ship that does not sail fast, or I intend to go in harm's way.
He went on to say, as fast as I can, and he definitely did that.
And when a ship one-third the size of a large British attack ship was on fire and sinking, he tied it to the side.
The troops climbed over, the Marines climbed over, they took the ship.
And before that happened, as their ship sinking, the British officer held over a bullhorn.
They didn't have batteries back then, it was a big bullhorn.
He held him and said, give up now.
And we'll give you full amnesty.
And John Paul Jones said, Surrender?
I have only begun to fight.
And that's what I tell my enemies and they get so angry about it.
I've never been happier.
I've never been more engaged knowing I'm doing important work for humanity.
I'm not happy about all the bad things happening in the world, but I am extremely at a cellular gut spiritual level.
I feel aligned with my ancestors.
I feel aligned with my family.
I feel aligned with my crew.
I feel aligned with God.
I just know I'm doing what I'm supposed to do, and I'm as high as a kite.
My very cells are telling me, good job.
We like you.
That's because my spirit's in there resonating through them.
So no matter how they demonize or attack, no matter what fantastical stuff they announce, oh, you owe $2.75 trillion.
You owe $2,750,000,000.
It's just ridiculous.
How about quadrillion?
How about infinity money?
It's just all, okay, infinity money.
In fact, I joked with their billion-dollar judgment.
I said, why not a trillion?
Why not 50 trillion?
Because it's a joke.
They're a joke.
And they filed in court, by the way, a few days ago.
He's being brazen and saying he won't pay the money to the court.
So we want you to, before his appeal, seize all his assets.
I don't have anything!
You dumbasses.
That's so ridiculous.
And it's a 395 page document they filed.
Almost all of it has no relation to reality.
But understand this, and then you can get serious about it before I'm back to your calls.
They hate me because they hate populace and they hate strength.
And they hate you.
So remember, that absolute hatred is, they don't know who you are.
They just hate you in general.
But they know who I am.
And so, all the hate you see for Alex Jones is the hate of this dying, corrupt, inbred, disgusting establishment that's going down.
And you know, God works in mysterious ways, and I haven't enjoyed the persecution and lies about me at a certain level, but it's like that great song, My Way, written for Frank Sinatra,
And he talks about regrets.
I've got a few.
But then again, not enough to mention.
Because when you start thinking about the bad things that happened, they made you better.
That which doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.
That Nietzschean thing.
And at the very end of the song, to paraphrase it, it's, I took the blows.
I did it my way.
I didn't back down.
That's really what all of this comes down to.
I want to go back to your calls, Nathaniel, and we've got Robert in Thailand first, and just loaded phone lines.
I'm going to get to all of you, but since I mentioned it, go ahead and queue up my way.
I want to play it after the break, because the end part is so incredibly important.
He says, now as tears subside, I find it all so amusing
And now as tears subside, I find it all so amusing.
My enemies are a blessing.
This has been incredible.
This has all been turned to our advantage.
We are more informative and more influential than ever.
All of us together as a family.
Because we didn't bother propaganda and we didn't bow.
Here's my way.
To say the things he truly feels.
You know, the truth's so good, I said at the end of the song, so let's get right to the end.
You know what, print me the lyrics for my way.
Because it's such poetry, especially when you've been in the arena for most of your adult life, and you've seen what knowledge is, what wisdom is.
Because you can have knowledge, but until you've had a lot of experience,
You learn how everything connects to everything else, then you don't get that wisdom.
And I don't claim to be, you know, Obi-Wan Kenobi or Gandalf the Grey here.
I'm just saying that everything's nothing but good now.
Even the horrible bad things that happen, I understand it's all part of God's plan.
And I don't ever get mad at God.
I just respect God and whatever God's plan is, I'm just here to do it and be as best I can.
I'm mad at myself that I'm too weak to actually carry out God's plan properly.
But I know you're the same way.
You know, we're very humble people.
And that's why God has given us this whole operation.
All of you, the listeners and viewers, the crew, our sponsors, our affiliates, everybody.
God gave us this power at this time and appointed us a billion years ago to be on the deck of this ship right now going into these waters to be the leaders standing up to evil.
God has risen us up.
God has trained us.
I now look back on my whole life, and everything I've gone through, the attacks, and the pain, and all of it, was literally preparing me now, because if they put all this weight on me 30 years ago, I couldn't have took it, or 20 years ago, or even 10 years ago, or five years ago.
Now, I can basically take anything, as long as you're with me.
And if I'm taken out of the fight, man, I've had one hell of a run.
They can kill me, they can put me in prison.
They can do anything they want.
They can destroy my family.
They're going to destroy it anyways.
Their soul is going forever.
All that matters.
It's a commitment.
More than I could chew.
Bring it up.
All right, let's move back into your phone calls and all the news and moving from some to beautiful voice as blue eyes.
We got to talk about all those blue eyes and beautiful brown eyes that will never be seen by the light of day that were snuffed out by the billions on our planet and by the 60 million here in America.
This is NPR airing the sick macabre audio of a baby being murdered in a vacuum cleaner out of a woman's womb.
And the left's putting all this ugliness out there celebrating it.
Here it is.
This patient is not one of the patients you heard before.
She's asked that we not use her name.
She's from Michigan.
She already has one kid.
She's having her abortion at about 11 weeks.
Nearly all abortions in Michigan are before 13 weeks.
And like many patients at Northland, she said, I could record her procedure.
We're going to hear some of that now.
So I am just going to get you set up on the table and we're going to do that sedation medicine.
I'm going to pull this out under your legs.
Most patients are partially awake during the procedures.
They get IV medication for pain and anxiety.
The lights are dimmed.
There's soothing music.
It actually feels a lot like a childbirth.
The medical gown, your bare legs in stirrups, and a person next to you saying, you can do this.
It feels a lot like a childbirth.
Look at her getting off on it.
Getting off, getting close to the flame of evil.
Just listen to this.
That's Brandi.
She's one of the staffers.
Her job is to monitor vital signs, but it is also to hold the patient's hand and talk her through this.
Whether it's a birth or an abortion, it is often women guiding other women.
I'm going to hear this machine turn on now, okay?
It makes a loud noise.
Doubles your cancer.
Pre-reductive cancer.
Just keep breathing, Brandi tells her, over and over.
I can't, the patient says at one point, when the cramps get painful.
Yes, you can, Brandi tells her, you're doing it.
And then within just a couple of minutes, it's over.
It's over.
You're a liberal now.
You did a liberal thing.
She did it.
She did it!
Thank you guys so much.
Thank you.
I didn't swear.
You did great!
You did just fine.
She'll be done with cancer in 10 years now.
You're okay.
We just capped your ass.
We just murdered you, not just your baby.
But it's liberal.
Let's play clip one again.
Here's the MSNBC historian saying the Republicans want to kill our children and put us in camps.
Here it is.
And a historian 50 years from now, if historians are allowed to write in this country, and if there are still free publishing houses and a free press, which I'm not certain of, but if that is true, a historian will say, what was at stake tonight and this week was the fact whether we will be a democracy in the future, whether our children will be arrested and conceivably killed.
We're on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system, and it could be a week away.
But they want to kill the children, or they want to sterilize them after they're born.
Let's go back to your phone calls here, ladies and gentlemen.
Let's talk to a caller in Thailand.
Thanks for holding.
Robert, you're on the air.
Thanks, Alex.
I just wanted to announce that I got my X3 and BrainForce Ultra in the mail here in Thailand.
Wow, thanks for going the extra mile to get that, brother.
Well, yeah, and you know, it's incredible and I'm having to slap my hand every time I'm reaching for the Brain Force because, you know, that's such a huge boost and I've been implementing that into my biohacking routine.
Well, if you like Brain Force Plus, it's a good five, six hour.
Try Brain Force Ultra.
It hits really quick and dissipates quick.
So if I got to go out at night and I'm tired, only want to be awake for about four hours, I take that.
You can go to sleep three, four hours after you take it.
It really works well.
Well, you know, I do a lot of biohacking and this is implementing and weaving into that really, really well.
And I highly recommend it for other people, you know, especially if you're active and you're trying to be, you know, part of a positive influence in your community, you have to start with your health.
Get enough sleep, hydrate properly, and I do other biohacking protocols, and this is fitting into it.
We'll also have the iodine, but I know that takes a couple weeks to kick in, so I'm looking forward to that.
Well, thank you for the support, brother.
We love you, and call us back again, give us an update on what iodine does.
What else is on your mind, brother?
Well, you know, I just want to do a quick subversive info drop.
I love subversive information.
So, you know, this is I know it's a little controversial for your show, but, you know, the anti-COVID and something that may even help people with vaccine damage and injuries.
Is cannabis and you know there's the Rick Simpson protocol and well-documented anecdotal like tons of anecdotal evidence but now also documented studies peer-reviewed studies one coming out of Harvard recently that shows just lots of hidden information about this and it's a it's part of these this pharma drug war and in this pharma drug war is part of the information war to Alex you know it's it's it's it's really important that people understand that
Millions and millions of people have died, especially of slow, degenerative, painful death conditions because of their denial to access to this natural medicine that people can produce very cheaply.
And that's subversive because with the raw fan leaf juice plus the oil and proper hydration, people can reduce, almost eliminate their need for pharma.
So that's the big reason why that's been suppressed.
And there's three different studies that show that cannabis
is anti-COVID.
There's, I believe, a terpene in it, or terpenoid, that prevents you from catching, so it blocks against transmission or catching COVID.
And then there's the anti-inflammatory aspect, which can reduce the cytokine storm, which is what makes it the most deadly.
It causes this over-inflammation reaction, which, you know, causes people's lungs to fill with fluid, and then it goes really downhill from there.
Let me just say this right now to you.
I one trillion percent agree with you that
The compounds, not just THC, but all the compounds in cannabis have incredible health effects and is a miracle plant that God gave us.
That said, really highly bred, weaponized marijuana that Soros and others have been pushing, I stole this 10 years ago, people laughed at me, now people agree, is causing mass mental illness, mass schizophrenia.
So some of these strains they've created
I don't know.
I mean, I'm not a big pot smoker.
I might smoke pot every couple months when I hang out with Joe Rogan for dinner or something.
We'll take a couple puffs.
He's always got the type, you know, the strain that, like, makes you wake up and feel really energized.
But I'm still not a big marijuana guy.
I'm kind of high naturally.
But, I mean, the pot I smoked in high school was like 30 times not as strong.
Like, you'd have to smoke
A whole joint just to get, you know, a buzz going.
So that was kind of like beer compared to moonshine.
And so the marijuana out there now on the streets is like 200 proof liquor.
It's very dangerous.
Well, and it's also misappropriation.
You know, you can drink a gallon of water fast enough to kill you.
So, you know, and they do this with anything.
They do it with, you know, food and... Well, people who are already going to be high achievers, it helps them not have heart attacks.
It helps them cool off.
A lot of executives smoke a couple puffs at night.
But if you're already kind of lazy and weren't motivated, you're going to live in your mother's basement on it.
But I hear what you're saying, brother, and I appreciate it, Robert.
Great points.
And look, I haven't promoted or pushed CBD oil yet, should have for 10 years, but we're looking at some of the top producers of it and put it out, which has no THC, folks, but has incredible health benefits.
So thank you.
I am extremely honored to be seen by the globalists as their number one enemy.
I am blessed to know that our information is so hardcore that the enemies of humanity are obsessed with silencing us.
They know the truth about their globalist operations is exposed.
It's game over.
And all over the planet, humanity is awakening and peacefully fighting back.
And our main tool is free speech.
I think so.
We're taking calls throughout this hour.
All the patient folks that are holding, Nathaniel in Alabama and others, you're up next segment.
Appreciate you calling today.
We got some big Kyrie Irving information coming up sort of the next segment, but I'm going to take this video.
From medical doctor John Campbell, who literally has tens of millions of views a week, who is a mainline guy who's come out against the shots.
I'm going to post the whole 70-minute video at InfoWars.com under the live show feed today, so you can go there and share this critical information.
This is on excess deaths.
Then we have testimony.
Also on the massive deaths at state legislatures.
But I wanted to play a few minutes of Dr. John Campbell on the facts around the world on the massive increases in deaths that cannot be denied from the injections.
Here it is.
Well you're most welcome to today's talk, Wednesday the 2nd of November.
Now this is a video I was hoping not to have to make, but the excess deaths are still going up, especially in the United Kingdom, where we're going to be looking at today.
But it's not just the UK, it's quite a few other countries as well.
But just before we go on to that, a comment on yesterday's video.
Perhaps about a thousand people reported yesterday on the comments, do have a look at it, that they'd had a COVID-like illness in November, December 2019.
This indicates, if you are correct, and I don't see how a thousand or more of you getting on for two thousand of you can be wrong, that there's a lot of COVID-like illness around in
November, December, maybe even something earlier of 2019.
If that's the case there was a major failure of our surveillance and it also means that a lot of the measures that were taken afterwards were, well, when those measures were taken they weren't really taken in the light of the fact that the pandemic had probably been around for longer than we'd thought.
So some quite major failures really.
But moving quickly on to today's information.
Now this is Epidemiologist from, this is Vera Rally, Epidemiologist.
The King's Fund is a big research fund in the United Kingdom.
Deaths from cardiovascular disease and diabetes in particular show a significant excess.
Just published in the Telegraph, which basically does seem to be one of the few UK outlets which are covering this.
I actually did a Google search, or a DuckDuckGo search rather really, on excess deaths in the BBC and there was nothing related to this at all.
It's almost like, I wouldn't use the term cover-up, but certainly I don't see why it's not being reported.
Now let's just look at this from an international context but we are going to look more at the particular causes of death, the cardiovascular causes of death.
But here's some international context in this first of all.
Now of course this goes back to January 2020, the excess deaths of course because we had a pandemic obviously we know this.
But when we look at the current data when there's very few people dying from
SARS-CoV-2 now, thankfully.
Still some, of course, but in the UK it's way down.
The majority of these excess deaths in the United Kingdom, which are still increasing, are non-Covid causes.
And the numbers, as we'll see, are pretty high.
So the percentage there, that's the 15% line, so well above 15% in the UK.
When Australia last presented data, which was back in
Back in about June 2022, it was round about 15% excess deaths.
Then Ireland, Netherlands, the United States and Canada.
Now quite a few people have reported from Canada, people that live in Canada, saying they're not overly impressed with the quality of the Canadian data.
So quite how much we can rely on that is not quite clear to me from this perspective.
But we see this is an international problem.
I'd actually set out to do this video on excess deaths in Europe, which are quite significant, but I found so much data from the UK, I thought we'd go with that first of all.
But from the United States, first of all, before we go there, now, this is a particular case.
Now, I don't like doing particular cases, but this one is in the public domain.
So it's Mrs. Julia Powell, a well-known food writer.
She was in a film played by Meryl Streep, I believe.
I haven't seen it myself, but, um, reported to have died at the age of 49.
A cardiac arrest caused by heart arrhythmia.
Now, of course, this is pretty well true.
I mean, if you get a heart arrhythmia, it means the heart's not beating properly.
Our mission, take humanity to type one civilization and transcend hell and death through Christ.
Which has a lot more to it than you're gonna learn in Sunday school.
Everything the enemy does is a false counterfeit of what we will achieve through God.
But we won't be given the keys to the universe until we've proven, in this battleground test, we've got what it takes.
And then, the real war starts.
This is like a picnic compared to the next level.
All right, let me hit this news item and I'm going to rampage to get to every one of these calls in the hour.
Nathaniel, Pink Sweater, Sky, Ice9, OwlKiller, Catherine, Ray, Chris, Thumper, Bart, every one of you, in the order you are received, coming up here in a moment.
But I learned this, and this is important to understand,
When they began, six plus years ago, to say I was the Sandy Hook man and obsess on it all day, and say that I sent people to harass folks and was obsessing on it, which I barely even covered it, they said in the news, just apologize and stop sending people to our houses to harass us.
And I didn't know, now I know, a whole think tank, Democrats, it's all come out in the news, we're running in, it was all a setup.
And so I said, well, I didn't say those things you said the way I said them, I didn't send people to harass you, so yeah, I apologize, stop making me the Sandy Hook guy.
Boom, all hell broke loose, they sued me, they came after me.
Because they want you to admit they have the authority, they want you to admit to the lies they're about to tell about you, before they run their sight up.
They don't want you to just bullishly stand up to them and say, hey, I didn't say that the way you said I said that.
So, yesterday, Kyrie Irving, the star basketball player, was tweeting out videos of mine, things like that.
He apologized and said he would go to re-education, that's the term, by the ADL for his evil.
And he would pay a $500,000 fine, not under law, but as an offering to them as his god.
And I said, when this happened, I said, now they're going to come after him.
That's the good cop.
Oh, thank you, Kyrie.
We're going to re-educate you now.
Then his basketball team, who had been standing with him as soon as he backed down and said he was wrong, suspended him without pay.
Kyrie Irving posts and pays a $500,000 fine to ADL.
And then today, Brooklyn Nets suspends Kyrie Irving after he shared a link to a documentary hosted on Amazon.
Oh, Amazon can sell a video or a film which is based on a book about Jewish slavers.
I mean, a part of it's about Jewish slavery.
It's just kind of the history of North Africa.
There were Christians, there were Muslims, there were Jews that had slave ships.
No one denies that, even.
But they're calling it anti-Semitic.
So... They're gonna really make sure Kyrie Irving
is an example to everybody else.
Quote, we have decided that Kyrie will serve a suspension without pay until he satisfies a series of objective remedies, measures that address the harmful impact of his conduct, the Nets organization wrote in a statement.
Irving faced the exact same type of cultural cancel culture
Persecution by Lepus Mob, which Alex Jones and Kanye West have been subjected, and it goes through it all.
So the minute he rolled over to the ADL, who's playing good cop with him, Oh, do what we say now, Kyrie, behave, come to our facility, be brainwashed, and we'll get that suspension off for you.
Kyrie's already lost, of course, he got another big contract back, $100 million for saying, I'm not gonna take your poison shot.
And instead of being vindicated,
Oh he's a bad guy too, he's gotta be shut down.
Let's go to your phone calls.
Nathaniel in Alabama, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how's it going?
Alright brother, good to talk to you.
So I called about, obviously the listeners are speaking the truth, and I wanted to talk about the Catholic Church a little bit.
So just like you, they attack you because you're the truth, and if you think about it, what other denomination has received as much attack as the Catholic Church?
Well, there's no doubt the pedophiles tried to infiltrate it, and there's been a big battle to take it over, and I would say the current pubs have been on board with those guys, but yeah, there's definitely been a big plan.
I mean, until a few years ago, the Catholic Church was attacked by Hollywood.
Now, Hollywood loves the Catholic Church, because I think they've kind of captured it.
Not the church itself, but I would say the hierarchy.
Absolutely Alex, you're absolutely right.
It's on record that the Communists infiltrated the Catholic Church, and just going a little bit on the Satanic Inversion, they don't have black praise and worship, they have black mass.
And it's a Satanic Inversion of the truth, just like everything else they do.
So, I just thought I'd plant that seed for everyone listening, and also they have an organization called Fraterna.
Which is basically where they just teach men how to be true, virtuous, and moral men.
And children are invited to come as well and just show them how to grow up and be a true man.
Alex Jones, man.
I love you, man.
I love what you're doing.
You guys are amazing.
You opened my eyes.
I hope you give me a quick second to just say a few things before you cut me off, because I'm going to say some stuff that's quite shocking but true, and I've already been censored a few times when I got involved.
No, you're not being censored, but you are on the clock.
I've got to get to everybody.
You've got two minutes, go.
First of all, you can find me on BitChute.
It's MaybeMessiah.
Or you can check me out by finding my content with the hashtag JesusNameChallenge, which proves that the name Lord Jesus is a direct translation from Baal and Isus or Jesus, which are both names of Satan.
And the definition of an antichrist is a person, office, or group recognized as fulfilling the biblical prophecies of one who will substitute Christ.
Jesus is a satanic substitute for the name of Yahshua, which means Yahweh is salvation.
Yahshua preached the Old Testament of Yahweh.
He prayed to Yahweh.
His name means Yahweh is salvation.
All the biblical prophets' names testify to the name of Yahweh.
Hallelujah means praise Yahweh.
But they've given everyone a satanic substitute.
And everything you're doing, Alex, is going to be completely in vain unless you realize that the name Jesus is false and satanic.
Well, I mean, you know, what you're saying sounds a little bit pharisaical, judging me and saying what I do is in vain.
We're exposing the satanic New World Order.
Our fruits are amazing.
And I know there's big debates about Jehovah or Jesus or Yahweh, but when we talk about Yahweh or we talk about Jehovah, we talk about Jesus, we talk about the man of God, the Son of God, the New Testament that came here.
To get the keys of hell and death, and God is going to judge the heart, not pharisaical definitions.
I appreciate your call.
But hey, you're superior!
You've got to sleep well at night knowing that you've got all the keys and all the answers and everything else.
And I get that.
So I would just bear some fruit, brother.
I would go out and fight abortion, fight New World Order, fight the fentanyl, fight, fight for freedom.
Because, you know, Faith Without Works is dead.
Show us how you are like Yeshua.
I love Yeshua.
I want to go back to what that last caller brought up.
First, he gave out his website and a bunch of stuff and said, oh, I don't want to be censored as if we're censoring people.
We're giving callers a couple minutes, moving on to the next person.
But if you don't understand history or the Bible, Pharisees were all about the laws and all the little rules they made and not about a relationship with God directly.
And so God knows who God is.
Whether it's Yeshua or Jehovah or Jesus or Jesus, the God of the Bible, the God of the truth, the God of the Ten Commandments, the God of the Gospel, the God of Jesus.
And so if you believe the name Jesus is the Son of God, and you're following what Jesus said in the Gospels, then you're following it.
You know, God's not stupid.
God knows your heart.
God judges the heart.
Look at King David.
Who did some bad things, but at the end of the day, loved God and wanted to do good, so God said, you're a man after my own heart.
And so, I see all the rules and all their names and all their things.
Look at the mainstream churches, they don't want to say the name of Jesus.
And these big mainline preachers don't say that.
So if the world hates the name Jesus so much, well then why are you thinking it's a bad name?
But, Yeshua!
I mean, look, there's Greek, there's Hebrew, there's Aramaic, there's Spanish, there's German, there's French, there's Russian, there's Japanese, there's Swahili, there's hundreds of languages.
And people get caught up in the name.
Are you saying the books of the Bible aren't real?
Are you saying that's what you follow, that's the information?
Take the
Take the situation we deal with today, how they're openly trying to set up the state as God, and all the fruits of it, world government, Mark of the Beast, the Bible being fulfilled.
So that helps that caller just get past it.
When you get to the name of the Son of God, just have a blank there.
But it's still about what the Bible tells us is going to happen and what's going to unfold.
And so, getting back to this, the Bible calls the spirit that comes to you, the energy, the wavelength, the transmission, the message.
We're transceivers for it.
We receive and transmit.
We receive, we also worship.
That's what worship is, is transmitting back from the reception.
This is spiritual.
This is interdimensional.
This is real.
And so,
Why don't I say the Holy Ghost, the Holy Spirit?
Are we going to deny that?
Let's just say we want the Holy Spirit, we want God to come knock on our door, show us your real God, come into our lives, make us new, make us better.
How about that?
How about focusing on coming together?
It is a tool of the devil.
With all these denominations and all these false leaders fighting with each other over who's the priesthood.
You've got to follow their rules to get to God.
God is the judge.
God is the arbiter.
And you'll know if somebody is of God or of the devil on whether the system is coming after them or not.
So that caller got what he wanted.
He got to tell me that nothing I've done means anything.
Unless I say Yahweh.
And it's about Him enforcing His will on us for the name, when a name is just a human term for something.
We know Satanism, we've seen the fruits of it with the New World Order.
We know God, we've seen the fruits of that.
So I love the God that created us, the God of Genesis, the God of Christ, Yahweh, Yeshua, Jehovah.
Jesus said, I came to fulfill the Old Testament, not destroy the law.
And you've got groups fighting over, oh, Jehovah was a different God of the Jews versus this God.
No, it's the same God.
And anybody that has any connection to God knows that, and I'll assure you, God isn't sitting there thinking about what name in a human language you've got for God.
We know who God is, the God that created us, and the God that wants success for us.
I'm done talking about it.
Taking calls, you are to receive.
Bart, thanks for holding from Massachusetts.
You're on the air, go ahead.
Alex, Shalom, Baruch Hashem, Bless God.
You know, you're a very wise man, and I'm honored to have this moment with you.
I think that your point about the many layers of the onion and separation, red versus blue, black versus white, the polarities, I think that's the deception.
So, are we anointed in Christ and renewed?
God willing, right?
But what I'm calling about is
What you said earlier, and I finally, finally back to this conversation.
So calling from Massachusetts, I'm very blue.
I'm red, right?
I hate these labels.
Maybe I'm purple.
I'm also a patriot Jew.
And so it's a very tricky time to navigate.
And I'm sure there's many of them out there listening and that support you.
And it's, it's, unfortunately now we have to dance around the conversation.
But, you know... Well, get into it.
You don't know about Kanye.
It's Kanye.
Ye, and the whole Jew side of it.
That's exactly where I was going with this, and you brought up Israel.
Two years ago, I had heard a dream, a voice say, he's at the height of his power.
And obviously, I took that to mean our enemy, right?
And so,
It's very tricky.
How do we talk about this without all those layers of the onion?
Because you're immediately labeled a racist.
But, you know, Hebrew reveal things to us on our own time and how they're meant to unfold.
And I worry about the other Israelites who are not pushing
Medicine at the top of the pharmaceutical structure down and not imposing.
There are those of us who are killing the earth and planting the seed who have seen that there is a Father, a Son, and the Holy Spirit all together.
So, for your listeners, I beg that you open your hearts and look past labels and
There are Hebrews, there are Israelites who are not corrupt.
Absolutely, there are good people of God in every group, and there is an obsession with the devil, with Israel, and what's had to happen there.
And look at how Israel's being bombarded the most of any western country with poison shots.
If they're supposedly the evil masterminds that are in charge, why are they locked down?
Why are they being injected?
Because they're being targeted, and it's a sophisticated operation.
I appreciate your call.
All right, listen, I'm going to go into the next hour as long as we need to.
He knows I take over sometimes.
Jay Dyer is great.
I'm going to get to every one of your callers.
So Al Killer and Catherine and everybody else, Thumper, we're going to cut a break and we're going to come right back and go directly to your calls.
Bam, bam, bam.
I didn't mean to get off at some argument about God's name and all the rest of this.
Just say God, the living God, the God that once, you know, you have a magic name as priest tells you, and you can do it right, you're going to hell.
That's Pharisees.
And the history's full of those, and Jesus rebuked the Pharisees.
I'm not saying the caller that called in is a Pharisee.
I just, they obsess over stuff like that instead of getting out and waking people up and standing up against evil.
Whatever name you want to give it, buddy, you better start fighting Satan.
But he told us your work's nothing unless you do what I say.
Use the names I say.
We'll be right back.
3 p.m.
or 4 p.m.
we'll put up the archive.
This show's live, but the Saturday show we usually tape, and the Sunday show's live as well.
Sunday 4 to 6 p.m.
I had a Sunday live 6 to 8 p.m.
with Owen Schroer.
But right now, let's take your phone calls.
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I want to thank you all for your incredible support.
OwlKiller is on the air.
Welcome, OwlKiller, from Virginia.
Well, you know, it just so happens that I'm calling in when Jay Dyer is going to be on your show.
What a mind that guy has.
And I'm so glad that you guys got in touch because I've been listening to him for years and ever since he's been doing the 4th Hour, we just never happened to cross paths.
I mean, he just goes off their own statements.
It's PhD level understanding.
Yeah, he's phenomenal.
He's on a whole nother level.
The way that he explains things breaks things down for everybody.
I want to touch on Kanye West and Elon Musk, but have we confirmed Ron DeSantis is Skull & Bones?
Because that worries me.
No, I've not confirmed that.
I've looked up, Rodger Stone says he is.
He went to Yale, but I'm not... Guys, search it again.
I'm not confirmed that he's Skull & Bones alumni, but I mean, that is a big problem.
Yes, I was very surprised to hear that.
And you know, because Bush wasn't a bad governor in Texas.
And granted, he was super bad as president.
That's what really worries me with him.
But let me touch on Elon Musk and Kanye West.
So your friend Gregg Reese was on your other friend Eddie Bravo's show.
And everything he, all his complaints about Elon Musk,
They're all true.
Everything he said is true.
He did fake the fact that he came from money.
He did fake that he was selling emeralds in New York City.
He did say that he was getting student loans when his dad paid for him to go to college.
So why make those things up?
Now, I think him taking over Twitter and Kanye West's latest outburst are just perfect timing.
I think they're working together.
That's my opinion on it.
I don't know.
Groundbreaking type of information that they're presenting to us.
I mean, obviously free speech is good, but what has he done so far?
His fruit hasn't proven anything to us.
I think, look, I've looked it up.
He's not officially in Skull & Bones.
They admit he's members of Skull & Bones, but it looks like he's not members of Skull & Bones.
But I'm asking Rob Dew and Darren McBreen, our other great researchers.
Look into what fraternity he was at if he wasn't at Skull and Bones.
Because they've got a bunch of Scroll and Key and Snake and whatever.
It's all a bunch of the same crap.
We need to dig into that and definitely look at it.
Well, that's on that end, but what I'm trying to get in with the Elon Musk situation.
Listen, I told people, I'm going to give you my real take on Elon Musk tomorrow, during this special broadcast we're going to do, and I think he's trying to be everything, full spectrum dominance, but we're definitely going to look at it.
What do you think?
Again, you know, when I look at his, you know, the whole thing with the Wernher von Braun book,
Or he predicts a man named Elon, or that's the title of it.
Yeah, become the king of Mars.
I mean, are they just throwing things in our face at a certain level?
And again, like you said, of course he's not running PayPal and stuff like that now, but what has he... No, I hear you, I hear you.
We should investigate Elon Musk.
I appreciate your call.
I know all the big money's pulling their money out of Twitter right now.
I'm just saying it's really a paradox.
It's a conundrum.
I don't know yet.
So he without said the cat's first stone.
I'm investigating you on.
We're gonna do it in depth tomorrow.
Thank you.
Thumper in Michigan.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex.
I wanted to call in and just push everybody to stay on topic for this weekend.
We got a big vote coming up and I really think that Biden lost all his
I don't think so.
Russia has 400,000 tons of depleted uranium.
So does the US.
We are the only two major powers that have that much depleted uranium.
And what the UN wants is a big major war to scare everybody into agreeing to what the UN wants.
So they'll use that depleted uranium to create such hideous optics
That people beg the U.N.
to make all this stuff stop.
And another thing I came across is depleted uranium.
The number one effect of depleted uranium is, even if it doesn't get in the soil, it gets in people's bodies.
No, it's myocarditis.
DU is super bad.
You're right.
Thomper, anything else?
No, just keep an eye on that.
Let's stay on that topic and keep these people going in on, you know, when they go to vote, that nuclear Armageddon.
Oh, and Michigan, they've got a proposal up to trick people into voting for term limits.
It makes it so in their chamber, they can stay in longer.
So vote no on one.
All right, thank you so much, Thumper.
All right, Catherine in Massachusetts, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
I know you're not for the mawkish, but you and Milenko changed my life, so thank you.
I want to ask you a question about, is there anybody like White Hat or anybody that you think is fighting for us?
Like, you know, I know everything that goes on as far as the bad people, and I'm not talking about Musk or anybody like that as far as good people, because I don't trust him.
Look, universities, businesses are full of good people.
It's the globalist set agendas is the problem.
But yeah, there's more good people than bad people actually out there.
They're just isolated.
We've got to come together.
I don't mean just Americans.
I mean people in power, like in the government.
Is there anybody that... Bolsonaro's good.
They're just trying to steal the election from him.
The Swedish leaders are good.
The new Italian leader looks pretty good.
Yeah, there's a big, big movement towards patriotism, towards common sense.
Well then, can you touch on one other thing, if you don't mind?
When you were talking about off-world...
I don't know.
I mean, the globalists worship what they believe are interdimensional, and the science shows it's their creatures.
No, I do.
They're getting their own, not divine, but satanic influence from those.
And they're trying with CERN to break that wall.
And yeah, Satan is kind of an archetype for what this is.
And it's obviously got a leader.
But yeah, no, Satan's very real.
Thanks, Alex.
Thank you.
No, when I talk about these things, it's not metaphorical.
We're on a planet in space, and we only see one tiny little percentage
of the electromagnetic wavelength, and that's only one spectrum.
So we are basically blind.
And all around us are all these other energies, all these other systems.
And the globalists know that and they're dialed into very twisted, very satanic forces like Lord Rothschild, with the Aleister Crowley witch there on screen, hanging out there at the London Museum.
All right, we'll be right back with more calls.
Chris, Ray, Carlos, Pink Sweater, Sky, your calls are all coming up straight ahead of the order.
They are received.
But what you can promote is InfoWars.com and Band.Video.
Have you shared those links today?
It's a live edition of the old Alex Jones Show.
Tomorrow, doing a big special Saturday report.
Then Sunday, Sunday live.
Chris in Arizona, thanks for holding her on the air.
About Biden's speech, and I think that people really in the media, in our side of the media, really need to stress that he's talking about preserving democracy, which is a word for them.
It's preserving the people in power.
They didn't talk about liberty or freedoms at all.
He's talking about preserving their, their government.
And, uh, people like Chris Hayes and Biden, they're talking about, uh,
A democratic vote, that if the people vote for the wrong people, that's gonna kill democracy.
I just think that's such an ironic, blatantly corrupt statement.
It's totally false.
It's a total fraud.
I think people need to really, the people in our side of the media, really need to stress that.
They're coming out and telling us what they're working for.
And they're saying we're about to be violent imminently, which sounds like pre-programming for a false flag to me.
Yeah, I mean, in the whole January 6th thing, you know, some bad stuff happened there.
You don't want to defend the people that were going in there and being violent.
But, you know, it's really understandable when you allow that stuff for eight months
Allow me to share my claim to fame.
Hey Alex!
I had an Austin Access show back in the 90s.
I actually met you back in the 90s.
I had that atheist show on Sunday mornings.
I was surprised how young you were when we met.
I didn't realize how young you were back then.
Crazy old guy out there on the TV right now, I hear that.
But yeah, your message has stayed the same ever since then.
So congratulations on all the success.
That's the big takeaway with Alex's War.
It's been a hit movie.
We have the DVDs in Fuller Store.
I mean, I've been saying the same story for 28 years because it's the truth.
We haven't changed anything.
We're just warning what's coming and now it's here.
And then when I was talking about Paul Pelosi, that intruder is never going to go to court because Paul Pelosi is on probation right now.
He's on three years probation.
He will not want that guy going to court because then everything's going to come out.
We don't know the truth.
The truth's never going to come out.
And this intruder, if he arrives in another year, he'll be
Deported and be gone and try to be all, you know, forgotten about and all that.
No, I totally agree with you, brother.
Well, good to talk to you and it's good to talk to you again.
Let's talk to Carlos in Canada in the pink sweater and sky.
Carlos, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
I appreciate your call.
Listen, free speech, when you speak about the First Amendment in the United States, it's in the Constitution, but the Founding Fathers were very wise because
Free speech relates to democracy.
You see, there are two sides to free speech.
It's not just the right to say, oh, it's a gray sky or a blue sky.
No, it's the right to be heard.
That means that there's somebody that has a right to hear.
And if I have a right to hear, I have a right to have an informed decision.
When I go to vote, I go to the polls, I go to the, I read the candidates, what they say, but I have the right to hear.
And it's the right to hear that protects democracy.
The fact that somebody goes in the soapbox in London somewhere to speak about anything and is protected by law, OK, is the right to be heard.
But the right to hear is what is being deprived.
And it's all about controlling the democratic process.
I called your program once to tell you democracy has three components.
The right to be heard, which means the right to hear.
The right for an informed decision, which is what democracy is about.
The second thing, of course, is the one person, one vote.
If you cannot vote, then you cannot have democracy.
And the third thing is that once a majority has voted, the minority does not have the right to subvert, violently or otherwise, that which the majority has decided.
And that makes democracy the most powerful tool against the globalists.
Now, I have a question that I hope Robert, Bob Barnes, can answer for me, because once I met with one of the people, John Humphreys, who wrote the Charter of Rights and Freedoms for the United Nations with René Cassin, who was De Gaulle's lawyer, and when they wrote this, I asked, what about the United Nations and all the treaties with America?
And the one thing that was clear was that America
They can only sign treaties according to the Constitution with individual nations, not with conglomerates or... Well, that's right.
They always claim treaties override the Constitution.
It's not true.
Well, then the United Nations is totally out of line, because they shouldn't be telling me that I should eat bugs, because they make an association with their global world, global groups or whatever.
It doesn't matter.
We have, right now, a leader in Canada, Daniel Smith, who clearly said, who are these people?
We don't answer to them.
Isn't that beautiful?
He's like, who are these globalists telling us what to do?
It's so simple, it's so powerful, and so true.
And once you expose, what's some multinational group putting in politicians and leading us?
Once the public gets that, it's game over.
Beautiful points.
Thank you, Carlos.
Pink Sweater, which means Bill Gates.
Calling from the USA.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
You know, the left harped very hard about, you know, Trump colluding with the Russians.
And, you know, Joy Behard and Whoopi Goldberg are on The View talking about how, you know, Ted Cruz, that anytime that a Republican wins, it's election fraud.
And when a Democrat wins, it's a legitimate election.
I want to talk about how
Forgive me, sir.
I've been on hold for a while.
The playbook that they're running, it's been done on you.
It's been done on Trump.
We're heading towards war with the Russians.
And, you know, the way that they handled your case, especially if you look at 2020, one of the big topics of
The way that the left tried to, you know, discredit Donald Trump was that he didn't pay his taxes.
And you had just reported a while back, I think this summer, that the IRS just put out some sort of, you know, manifesto that they're trying to bring, like, you know, 30,000 people in as, like, enforcers or bodyguards or armed guards.
You had a trial recently in which they claimed you had a lot of money that you didn't have
And you know, they illegally released Donald Trump's tax reports or tax returns.
And so I think that, you know, these kangaroo courts that are coming up.
There's a lot of different angles that they're going to try to attack.
Oh, you're absolutely right.
And when you're reading it, it is literally made up crap.
They do not care.
They know nobody's stopping them at the executive level.
At the top, they just believe they can do anything they want, and it is dangerous.
Thanks for the call, Pig Sweater.
All right, we're going to go to break.
Come back in five more minutes ahead of the great Jay Dyer.
Sky and Washington.
It'll be our last caller and I got a few final comments.
I should have covered this more.
I'll be covering it on the Saturday show and the Sunday show and then Tuesday David Icke's with us but and that's election day.
I've got the document out of the EU, out of the Netherlands.
You are a terrorist and you you gotta read this.
It's on Infowars.com.
It says, because you think government could be tyrannical, Declaration of Independence says that, you are not allowed to come to our country, and that's terrorism to say the government might want to take your rights, which is what they are doing.
So, the system's not doing this out of strength.
They're doing this out of weakness.
So as bad as this is, it's intimidation.
$2.75 trillion fines.
It's just smoke.
Oh, you're a terrorist, David Icke.
The people that put this out are the terrorists, and they know it.
Back in two minutes, Sky in Washington, and then Jay Dyer, always incredible.
It really is amazing information.
Academic-level stuff is coming up today.
Those are the coordinates of Liberty.
Stay with us.
All right, now into hour number four.
Jay Dyer is about to take over.
I got one more call.
Sky in Washington.
I'm about to cram in.
Great job of the crew today as usual.
But David Icke has it.
It's on Infowars.com.
A full transcript from the Dutch translation of the EU saying you're a Type 3 terrorist.
And you're reading it and it says, you believe there's a tyrannical world government.
You believe that we're trying to take people's rights.
You believe we're trying to take people's speech.
So you can't come here and give a speech because you're bad.
Even though they're taking everybody's rights.
So it's just absolutely insane.
You gotta read it for yourself.
It's on Infowars.com.
And it's multinational corporations through think tanks, just like on the DHS documents that came out this week, spying on the American people and others.
This is true tyranny and it's the last desperate place these tyrants hide.
They're doing this through weakness, not strength.
Here is Klaus Schwab, don't forget.
We penetrate the cabinets.
Here he is bragging about taking over your governments.
You try to talk about it, you get banned from entering the European Union, and next you get banned from leaving your house, and next you can't pay your bills, you're taken to a FEMA camp, which the Democrats claim we're trying to do to them, but that's their actual plan.
Here it is.
And I have to say, when I mention now names like Mrs. Merkel, even Vladimir Putin and so on, they all have been young global leaders of the World Economic Forum.
What we are very proud of now is the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, President of Argentina and so on, that we penetrate the cabinets.
So yesterday I was at a reception for Prime Minister Trudeau and I
We know that half of this cabinet, or even more half of this cabinet, are actually young global leaders of the World Economic Forum.
And that's true in Argentina as well.
It's true in Argentina and it's true in France now, I mean with the President, with the young global leader, but what is important for me
So he wants to talk about it, normalize it, but if you put it out, you get banned.
They're weak, they're not strong.
Sky in Washington State, final caller.
I had a J-Dyer, go ahead.
Hey Alex, God's peace be with you all, and grace of God be with you all, all the listeners and you, Alex.
You were talking about Jocelyn Elders earlier, and I just want to say that growing up, learning Jesus loves you, this I know, was a great thing to learn.
Well, Jocelyn Elders here, as you pointed out, is on record wanting to teach masturbation in school.
And I have a few citations here, like the New York Times article, quote, she had condoned teaching school children to masturbate.
That was 1994.
We were looking at the BMJ.
She said masturbation could be an appropriate subject to teach in school.
I'm looking at the Stanford Report, where she says, quote, I absolutely did this job as I felt it should be done.
And I also sent you some video clips.
She's on the Today Show in 1994 talking about this.
Well, I mean, we know she said it.
It's on the record.
But I remember hearing the audio.
I could never find it again.
Thank you for calling in with those great citations.
I'm told we have the clip.
Guys, go ahead and roll it.
Health education program, if you will, starting at a very early age.
I feel that it should be age appropriate.
It should be complete.
And we need to teach our children all of the things that they need to know.
And we know that many of our parents have difficulties teaching certain things.
And for that reason, to make sure that all of our children were informed, I've always felt that we should, you know, that we should
Make it a part of our school.
I feel it's the only institution that we have where all of the children go.
And presently in our schools it's very incomplete.
It's very spotty and we did only 5% of schools have a comprehensive program.
To address your specific question in regard to masturbation, I think that that is something that it's a part of human sexuality and it is a part of... We're out of time.
Jadar is coming up and on the Saturday show I'll cover it.
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Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show!
I'm your guest host Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis and I wanted to talk about how we got to where we are in terms of this revolutionary nihilistic philosophy that has pretty much taken over
The West, the elites of the Western world, and how the dogma that has been accepted is pretty much a dogma related to expanding that neoliberal, post-human, technocratic, dystopian order to the whole globe.
In order to understand how we got to where we are, it's very important to understand the 20th century.
What led to the conflicts of the 20th century, as you know, we've covered in many lectures,
Dr. Carol Quigley's Tragedy and Hope and his other books like The Anglo-American Establishment, how those texts show the planning behind the Cold War.
I'm going to skip World War I and World War II.
I've covered those at length in the past, but particularly the Cold War, which you could say is World War III, was
Intentionally set up so that we could have the infrastructure of technocracy built.
I'm not saying there wasn't a real Cold War that people weren't really ideologically battling, but we do have a win on the part of what Quigley calls democratic capitalism that ends the Cold War.
But what set up the Cold War, this Iron Curtain,
Uh, was with the intention at the time of the Cold War to, to have an American century and an American predominance.
And so the, the reason for the Iron Curtain, for example, comes out of George Keenan and the American century notion or doctrine where he wrote, quote, this is a declassified document.
We have 50% of the world's wealth, but 6% of the population.
In this situation, we cannot fail to object.
To the envy and resentment of the rest of the world, he's saying.
Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity without positive detriment to our national security.
To do so, we will have to dispense with all the sentimentality, the daydreaming, and put our attention upon and concentrate upon everywhere our immediate national objectives.
We need not deceive ourselves that we can afford this luxury of altruism in this world of, in this world.
So he's basically saying that we're going to have to have a reality, a realpolitik at this Cold War period.
And there's analysis given by F. William Ingdahl where he notes that America's leading post-war planners have been involved in this 1959 War and Peace Studies project of the New York Council on Foreign Relations.
In other words, Kenan at the CFR had put this out.
This would be part of the guiding philosophy in terms of geopolitics and foreign policy
In terms of the United Nations, so this is actually a report given to the United Nations, and the point at this point was to have the architects of a post-war US-dominated global policy.
They, however, chose not to call it an empire.
Instead, the United States would project imperial power under the guise of a colonial liberation policy.
Support for thus democracy and free markets would be central to this projection of power and this extension of empire.
Most effectively, it would then combat the diabolical propaganda in terms of what the USSR was putting out.
In other words, now we have to fight the war in a new way, the Cold War.
But the American century is key because we tend to think when we hear this, we think of this as what would be in the best interest of the average American citizen.
And unfortunately, that's not the case.
I understand the nuances here that the Cold War was a reality that was very complex.
And I want to be fair.
And in many cases, many people in the intelligence apparatus that were fighting for this, for Western freedom and whatnot, they were fighting on the basis of classical liberal Western ideas, going back to, you know, Roman law, common law, etc.
And they're fighting on the basis of Halford Mackinder's Heartland Rimland theory, right?
That controlling Eurasia is the key to controlling and having the upper hand in terms of global dominance.
Brooks Adams, for example, is involved in setting a lot of U.S.
policy in the 1950s.
This was precisely the justification that he had for the American global empire, and that was because at the CFR they had determined, along with the Mackinder thesis, that you had to control the heartland, excuse me, the Eurasian heartland, in order to control the rest of the globe.
At the same time, Brzezinski, in his famous Grand Chess Board book, wrote that the United States must, in terms of Eurasia, control this.
Eurasia is of the first import for its control of geostrategy.
And the purposeful management of this geostrategic dynamic states that, in other words, to put it in a terminology that harkens back to the more brutal age of ancient empires, the three grand imperatives of imperial geostrategy are prevent collusion,
Maintain security dependence amongst the vassals and to keep tributaries pliant and protected.
This keeps the barbarians from coming together.
In other words, this is a quote from Brzezinski that the American approach is an empire.
It's an American imperium.
It's an empire.
But it's under the guise, it's under the cloak of humanitarian democracy, free markets, etc.
And unfortunately, until we recognize the reality of this, the power structure behind the Western Imperium is very powerful private families, private interests like the Rockefellers, who do not have it in everyone else's best interest to have an American empire that supports actual Americans.
This is what people can't fathom, and this is why we've never really been able to
Get anywhere in terms of stopping the takeover of our country and are devolving into this collapse that we're now in is that we've never been able to face up to and recognize who's really running things.
The Fortune 100, the Fortune 500 are not.
We think of these as a free market.
We think of these as entities that are fighting against the
Regulations of a big government and all that.
Well, that is true at a certain degree, at a certain level, but everybody can see nowadays it's completely uncloaked, especially with all of the Fortune 100, Fortune 500 that attend Davos, Bilderberg, etc., that they're all on party with the same plan.
They're all on the same game plan.
They're all party to the same strategy, which is to implement a technocracy that is Malthusian, anti-human, post-human.
Now why do we go back to all that Cold War stuff?
Well today what I want to try to do is chart the course from the end of the Cold War to the rise of the War on Terror to the putting on the back burner of the War on Terror to suddenly now the War on Humanity, the War on Viruses, the War on whatever the next phase of this global war is.
The war became global, not just in World War I and World War II, but also in the Cold War, and that prepared the way for the War on Terror.
And the big geopolitical strategists who write about this talk about that.
So it's not a conspiracy theory, it's just a fact of the process of geopolitics.
And so this is where we got to the point where it's necessary to invade all of these countries, to police the world and whatnot.
It's because of the maintenance of a global empire that is not run for American interests.
It's a cabal, a clique, that brought American foreign policy back under the sway of interventionism
And being the global policeman, being the engine of a secret shadow government.
I covered that in the last several talks here in the fourth hour with the Milner book, with the Fabian Society, with talking last week about shadow government and going all the way back to Plato, secret societies in the perfect ideal republic, which is the technocracy.
It's modeled on Plato's Republic.
And so that same inner secret cabal running things with a shadow, a puppet governmental front of elected leaders is precisely how the Western world is run.
And we are still at a stage when people cannot figure this out.
I had a conversation with somebody who was talking about a very prominent figure, and this prominent figure
Who's very intelligent, is just so terrified of talking about the notion of, quote, conspiracy.
Why would we think that, quote, conspiracy is something abnormal when if you read even just history?
Let's not talk about geopolitics, let's talk about history.
Isn't history full of conspiracy, courtly intrigues?
Well, absolutely.
History is full of assassinations and wars and spies and espionage.
It's all across everybody's history.
So the norm in history is actually conspiracy.
It's not abnormal.
But we live in a day when the population is so dumbed down that they don't even know American history.
They can't find America on a map.
But we have to know these things if we're going to figure out the solution to what we're really up against.
Don't go anywhere.
This is the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host, Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
We're charting the history of the 20th century up to today, which got us to this disastrous place of the emergence, the uncloaking of the technocratic post-human world order.
And I'm charting that course from the Cold War to the War on Terror to where we are now.
After the Cold War, as the Cold War began to wind down and when we had entities like Harvard and the economists out of Harvard and studies that were done in the Rand Corporation preparing for the sort of dissecting and looting of Russia which occurred in the 1990s, this was actually covered I think in some congressional inquiries in the 1990s, the Harvard crew that went in and sort of divvied up, divided up
We're good.
Drama when it comes to Russia.
I'm not going to go into all that, but if you don't know, of course, the RAND Corporation was founded in concert with the Air Force under Curtis LeMay.
That's who's lampooned in Dr. Strangelove.
Then we have, under JFK, a lot of studies being done in terms of the Cold War via RAND.
And by the time we get to
Brzezinski who helps to basically end the Cold War and bring the Soviet Union to a halt, to a collapse.
This is done through the Afghanistan operation when Brzezinski utilizes the Mujahideen as a way to bog down Russia in the Soviet conflict there.
This leads to further pressure on Russia, or the Soviet Union, I should say.
And as we said, when the wall falls, when the Soviet Union collapses, the IMF is who really is the key player to come in with these Harvard economists and to divvy up and loot the country.
And so this was done as a kind of privatization, personal private corporate debt
Restructuring, you could say, to try again to further dismantle and destroy this country.
And this is no different, actually, than what we saw in World War I and World War II, when, according to Dr. Quigley, you had a lot of these elite planners, a lot of these people that came in and restructured these countries after the wars to be in an IMF World Bank debt model.
And we saw the IMF World Bank, those are Fabian institutions,
That are intended ultimately to bring about a kind of Fabian socialism, which is not anti-capitalist, but united with monopoly capital.
This is what helps us understand the last few months of news when it comes to Ukraine and the Nord Stream Pipeline, because turns out the pipeline battles are a huge issue, a key factor in a lot of this, because in terms of the New World Order from the Western Atlantis' perspective,
This is about the control of energy and the control and dominance of resources.
And so a lot of times when we hear about the human rights abuses and the need to go into these various countries for human rights abuses, it turns out that was a cloak for Western black ops, Western operations, ultimately as serving private interests.
So this doesn't benefit us average Americans.
The fact that a private corporation is getting access to a market
Isn't really helping us out.
It's only helping out those private interests.
And I'm not a socialist.
I'm not saying that we should nationalize all the oil or anything.
It doesn't work that way.
It's more of a bigger power play.
And if it was really about the resources in terms of, you know, if we were told, well, we have to get those resources because we need it for our country because we use so much oil.
We're overextended.
But then why does Biden shut down pipelines?
Why does Biden shut down American oil?
So this is just a further level of excuse for these foreign escapades to go into these other countries.
And it's not even in the long, long term about getting the oil.
That's a big piece of this.
That was a big part of Desert Storm and all that as well.
And it's a big part of who's going to give, you know, put their pipeline and their oil and their natural gas and all that into the Ukraine.
And servicing Europe, right?
And so the pipeline battle is a big part of it, but even that isn't really the end goal.
The end goal here goes beyond entities like Halliburton and the different contractors and Raytheon and Boeing and all the military industrial complex.
It actually goes to a long-term game.
All right.
A giant global conflict.
Now, I don't know whether that will happen.
A lot of people think it might happen.
It's very necessary.
People think that what's going on now might trigger that.
People thought that when we had the South Ossetia crisis, what, in 2008, 2010, somewhere in there.
And so I don't know what will cause this.
People thought, oh, it'll be North Korea or it'll be China.
Who knows?
But in my view, it's very possible that given what we have in State Department Memorandum 200, which is an official document under Nixon through Henry Kissinger to accept population control first on the third world, but also eventually in the domestic population.
So we know that the eventual goal is to have a drastic reduction in global population.
And we know that that could come about through global war, but it also might come about through other means.
New viruses, new releases, this kind of stuff.
Monkeypox, Ebola, whatever, right?
COVID-2300, whatever the next instantiation of the mutation of COVID might be.
Any of those things might be the way to eventually reduce the population.
Because remember, population is also a human resource according to the Global Leap.
And they believe that eventually the human resource of human population will no longer be needed, and in fact that they're just something in the way of progress.
And so the reduction of the population down to 90-95%, in other words getting rid of 90-95%, is an actual government project and policy.
Now, I don't think Kissinger's documents say, I want to kill 95% of the world.
But other people in government, other people who are advising the consultants do have that philosophy, do have that view.
And we have to understand that that's the overall objective.
That's never going to change from the vantage point of these people.
They really have adopted that Malthusian perspective.
It's the official philosophy of the United Nations, which is one of the Fabian institutions that these people put together, the Rockefellers especially.
In concert with the Milner Fabian Group.
That philosophy of UNESCO, according to Julian Huxley, who wrote the philosophy of UNESCO, is a drastic reduction in the world's population, by any and all means.
So the real reason for the pushing of the sexual confusion, degeneracy, all of this stuff, isn't about anyone's rights.
It's about the population.
The real reason for going into these countries, aside from the control of resources and energy, isn't really about anyone's rights.
It's not even ultimately about the control of resources, although that is a key important factor here.
It's about the eventual drastic reduction of population.
So again, people on our side who analyze this stuff, that are called conspiracy theorists, we don't know the exact means by which they're going to play all these cards or try to bring this about.
It might be global war, and there's a good possibility that we could see World War 3, or World War 4 to be specific.
It could kick off as a result of this conflict.
Who knows?
I don't think that Putin wants that.
But I also feel like, you know, with bio labs and all the information that came out about the bio labs in Ukraine, that Russian and the several years, eight years or so of attacks on that border, they felt the necessity to make this move, whether you think it was a wise move or not.
That was the reason for it.
Don't go anywhere.
When we come back, we're going to look at the global conflict.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
We were covering the history of the Cold War and now I want to talk about how that will transition into the War on Terror.
When we come to the late 80s and early 90s, and this again sets the stage for the next phase of the empire in terms of its decay and in terms of its transformation into its next business phase.
And again, I'm not anti-American, I'm not criticizing America or American property.
I think there's a lot that's positive to be said for the classic idea of America in terms of what it's
Founders envisioned it to be in terms of the Constitution and a non-interventionist republic.
You know, a lot of the stuff that Ron Paul talks about all the time.
I think those are great points and positive things to be said about a classic Americana.
But as everybody knows, if you listen to a lot of my talks, if you listen to the lectures that we've done over the years going through Quigley and others, you know, this was basically transformed out of a non-interventionist, non-involved, we don't want to be involved in European wars and conflicts.
In the nineteen forties and fifties that changed when the National Security State was established right when we got this sort of shadow intelligence government set up now it was already being co-opted back under Woodrow Wilson under the inquiry under Colonel Edwin Mandel house that was already in process but it didn't really occur.
Until we get up to the time of FDR and then we get up into the time of Bill Donovan, the beginning of the OSS, that's when we really get this inner group set up again by British intelligence to bring things back into the attitude of the European conflict and the British imperial model.
Remember this Halford Mackinder strategy and set up and characterization of the world is out of the British Imperial model of running the world.
And so America de facto sort of adopted that strategy, that model.
This is what we get with Brzezinski and his many decades of strategizing, as well as Kissinger, them both working together in concert with
Uh, you know, the Rockefeller model for global population, depopulation and control.
And remember as well that this is not disconnected from Klaus and Davos and the World Economic Forum.
In fact, it was Kissinger, the CIA.
They're the ones that really picked out Klaus and set up the World Economic Forum.
It's an extension of that Harvard project.
So these are not different things.
They're all just extensions of the same group, the same power structure, the same model of global governance.
And it is not about the stuff that they portray in the propaganda.
It's not about bringing freedom and democracy to these people.
It's about extending the strategies of control and the techniques of control, including things like color revolution, which are a technology, according to Gene Sharp, according to other people in the National Endowment for Democracy, these think tanks that sit around and cook up, RAND Corporation, they cook up these techniques of regime change, not because they want to make things better, but because they want to extend
The model, ultimately, of Malthusianism that is the modus operandi, the operating system of the Atlanticist Western power bloc.
That's the ultimate goal.
And so it's a post-modern imperialism.
It's a post-human imperialism that is being extended.
And there may be, of course, there's bad stuff going on by the people that are picked out, right?
We pick a dictator in another country.
You pick Saddam or you pick a leader like Assad, right, who is actually very popular.
And is there corruption in the government?
Sure, there's corruption in every government.
But you'll notice that it's very arbitrary.
It's very low level.
Oh, they threw a baby out of an incubator, which is all fake.
Oh, somebody used sarin gas.
Assad is gassing his people.
That turned out to be all fake.
And so we notice that again, it's a constant provocation.
And I think that it's very possible that we'll see more of that.
We've seen the ghost of Kiev, you know, a bunch of fake stories already in regard to the Ukraine conflict.
So it could get much worse.
It could get in terms of a, you know, big scale false flag and involving big scale bombs, right?
It could get really bad.
Excuse me, but the point here is that
As we move out of the Cold War, the reason that we have the War on Terror was that this was seen to be a useful strategy for primarily targeting and reorganizing the Middle East.
Russia had been looted in the 90s, and so they weren't really seen as a huge conflict.
Remember at this time, Putin had booted out several of the oligarchs, so to speak, who then went back, I think, to the UK and were kind of hiding out in London.
And at the same time, we had this breaking up and destabilizing of the Soviet bloc after this period.
This was a Brzezinski strategy as well, known as the Arc of Crisis.
And this is a strategy of engineered chaos, engineered crisis.
Partly for regime change, but also to reorganize and reorient all of the post-Soviet bloc satellite nations into a pro-Western, pro-democratic, pro-American strategy.
But again, it's not about America, not about democracy, not about free markets.
It's about Fortune 100, Fortune 500 having access to these countries and to control these markets.
And we saw that when we covered Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution.
That was an old strategy back then.
The Bolshevik Revolution was engineered by Wall Street.
No different, we fast forward to today, go 100 years into the future, from that time, to now, it's the exact same.
Fortune 100, Fortune 500, big banks, big fans of revolution, regime change, toppling leaders.
And that doesn't mean that the leaders in charge were angels, were sweetie cakes, were not corrupt.
I'm sure every government, obviously every government has corruption.
That's the reality here.
And it doesn't mean that I agreed necessarily with if they were socializing and nationalizing their resources.
I don't necessarily agree with that.
But that was the decision of those countries, right?
And so what?
He tried to nationalize things.
Gaddafi, right?
Assad, doesn't he?
I think he believes in nationalizing oil and the Baathist approach, right?
Of the Baathist Party.
That was actually set up by an older CIA plan, by the way, if you read the Miles Copeland text.
But Miles Copeland, in his famous Game of Nations memoirs, the CIA operative, he talks at length about utilizing terrorists all throughout the Middle East as a strategy that the CIA had used quite profusely.
And of course, the same thing occurred in the 1979 conflict when
It was the Brzezinski strategy to recruit the Mujahideen.
Then the Mujahideen begins to, they sort of, in my view, they stay on the Western Intelligence payroll and Rolodex to give them a call if they're needed.
And this might have something to do with the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.
It might have something to do with the Big Nine event.
So this takes us up to the time of 9-11.
Well actually before that we should mention other conflicts like NATO bombing Bosnia, NATO bombing Serbia, and this allowed for certain conflicts, certain strategies against again Russian-influenced areas to be pushed back.
And then we had in 1999 the bombing of the Chinese embassy.
And this was done by a U.S.
jet, which was a false flag to enrage and embarrass the Chinese.
I'm not pro-China, I'm just saying that this was part of this overall phases of these conflicts towards the end of the Cold War, moving into the War on Terror.
Then, of course, we have the 2001 Big Nine event of the bin Laden, you know, gets the blame immediately within seconds after the Big Nine event.
This kicks off the International Global War on Terror.
And some people thought that really the big 9 event was kind of the initiation of the big World War 4, right?
We could say if the Cold War is World War 3, then the big 9 event, 9-11, is the initiation perhaps of World War 4, because today's conflicts that we see in the Ukraine, all of this, this is still part of this big global war.
Now it's a global war fought not by nation-states primarily, but by shadow inner core groups.
We're good to go.
And the war on terror then is the, in many ways, many people think, many analysts think, really the beginning of the degradation of the U.S.
So the U.S.
military begins to be degraded, demoralized, and you might even argue that ever since 9-11, this is a long-term demoralization and
Degradation strategy by some of these global elites to eventually shed America to to displace the importance of America in the global scheme and move on into that full-on global governance.
We're going to get there and we got to eventually shed the engine of America pushing the global order.
And move into something future.
That's where we get to great reset when we come back.
Welcome back to the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your guest host Jay Dyer of Jay's Analysis.
And when we were covering the last 20 years, at least, since the Big 9 event, we were getting to the point of how the neoconservative model, the Bush era preemptive strikes and false flags and this kind of stuff, kind of caved way to a different model.
Excuse me of the Brzezinski era with Obama and that doesn't mean that there was any change in the long-term goal or game plan.
In fact, they all have the exact same long-term goal and game plan.
In fact, there's a great book called Afghanistan Invisible Empire by Gould and Fitzgerald which argues basically that Brzezinski more or less is a neocon.
It really doesn't matter at that level what the political party differences are, but when we get to that level of a Kissinger or Brzezinski, you know, these big level strategists,
They may just disagree on the game plan, not the end goal.
This helps to explain, by the way, why today's Democrat Party, all the Democrat leaders, the top Democratic people, they don't really seem too different than a lot of the neocons.
In fact, they enforce all of the same top-down tyrannical control.
They try to shut down anybody who disagrees, the censorship, all of these which are supposedly right-wing fascist ideas.
And we know the neocons were influenced by Strauss, who was a big fan of the Nazi strategy.
We know that the neocons were influenced by Trotsky.
They were neo-Trotskyites.
So they had a weird mix of revolutionary, tyrannical, top-down, fascist control.
The Democrats nowadays are pretty much the same.
They operate with the same type of strategy and that's why we don't see any difference in terms of foreign policy with today's Democrats.
They do the exact same stuff that we saw
Neocons doing several years ago, the only difference might be that, you know, with somebody like Bush, you might get just a straight up preemptive strike, right?
And then what we have with the Brzezinski, Obama style, or today's Biden administration, which is really just an extension of kind of the Obama approach is to use the proxy war, use proxy soldiers, use these
You know, these other strategic approaches rather than the straight up warfare approach of the neocons.
So really, that's kind of the only difference.
It's just a difference in approach, but it's the exact same strategy.
There's no difference in these strategies.
And this is why we never see any change in the foreign policy.
Foreign policy is never any different.
It doesn't because it doesn't matter who's in charge.
There might be a little bit of difference here and there on something like Iran.
But other than that, there's not a whole lot of difference between these different groups of the neocons and the so-called liberals.
When we come to the Ukraine crisis, this kicked off right around 2014 with the Western-aided coup in the Ukraine, and that doesn't mean the previous governments were good guys, it just means that for many years you had, for example, on record Soros putting money into the Orange Revolution in Ukraine going back to the 80s and 90s, and that was part of that color revolution model, and the CIA and the National Endowment for Democracy and the Republican Institute, all these different groups, these NGOs and private groups,
Which formerly this stuff in the Cold War might have been done by the CIA.
Now it's being done by these cover NGO operations.
And that's nothing new either.
We saw that going all the way back to the Wall Street and the Bull Street Revolution when the corporations that were running the Bull Street Revolution were using foreign aid as cover.
The Red Cross.
Remember this?
Well now it's USAID.
It's these kinds of covers that are used for this stuff.
And in 2014, you had the coup in Ukraine, and we're never told in the West what the real reasons for that are.
Of course, we're told that Putin wants to take over the world.
He wants to set up a new Soviet Union.
And we're not told about, you know, the warfare for many years on the border.
We're not told about the biolabs that are there that are working on, you know, genetic, gene-specific, race-specific bioweapons, which is mentioned in the PNAC document, by the way, race-specific bioweapons.
Gene-specific bioweapons.
But it's important to get to the end goal, which is that we don't know where things are going to go.
We know that the COVID pandemic was a big step forward for this click for the global elites to move us towards the post-human world.
And it's very possible that this war might move us in that direction if it kicks off into something bigger.
Now, a lot of analysts think that it won't turn into a global war.
In fact, I had a conversation with a prominent colonel, and he was of the opinion that Putin doesn't want this kind of a war.
And so it's very possible that that won't happen, but we don't know.
But if it does, or if it's something else, you know, if it's a bio-release, I mean, this seems to be a very hot topic when it comes to the global elites, given that they had a Wuhan lab where we have this alleged leak.
Well, I don't know if it's alleged, I think it's proven now to have come out of the Wuhan lab, according to the mainstream narrative now, which is admitted.
And you had these labs in Ukraine, which were admitted eventually to be very dangerous, very important.
Right there next to Russia.
So it's starting to look like, you know, they really like this virus narrative or this bio release or this, you know, the zombie virus release story or something like this.
Who knows where it's going to go.
If that's the route, then we might have two things.
We might have a global war and a biorelease.
I think Alex usually talks about how they'll probably do both.
We might have a global war and then they'll release the bioweapons.
Or they'll release the bioweapons and then we'll have a global war.
Maybe the bioweapons stuff is a false flag.
Maybe the bioweapon is the cause for the global war to ramp up, to ratchet up.
Who knows?
But regardless, we do know what the end goal is, and that there's every possibility that we will eventually see in our lifetime a giant global war.
We can't control that.
We can try to stop that.
But if we understand the dangers here, then we can be aware of avoiding this conflict at all costs.
It's not going to be good for anybody to have that happen.
And remember that the people in the West pushing this
do explicitly have a doctrine of Malthusianism where they do want a post-human world and to bring in, after a mass depopulation event or series of events, a final transhumanist government, a top-down, robot-run global government.
Now that might take, it might be 2050 before they get to that, but that is the admitted and stated goal by the people who run the West and who have this attitude and this strategy.
Now, I think Vladimir Putin is a realist.
He's pragmatic.
And so I'm sure he's interested in integrating technology that he sees as useful for his country as well.
But I don't know that you have on the part of Russia or any of these other countries outside of the NATO sphere an explicit doctrine of attempting to bring about a post-human world.
And that's the big thing here.
Does that make everybody in the West party to this?
No, I don't think so.
I think most people in the West wouldn't agree that we need to get rid of most people on the planet, right?
They would see this as something kind of weird and sort of maniacal.
You know, mad science, tyrannical type of thing.
And so most people don't believe that, but they don't, we don't understand that our elite in the West do believe this.
They're 100% committed to this.
They have meetings where they publicly talk about it and how to get to these goals.
And so we have to be aware of this and we have to realize that it's entirely possible that they could use, you know, global war or bio release.
You know, the first time I called into Alex Jones many, many years ago,
I think back in 2006 or 7, and I had just seen the movie I Am Legend.
And I had a conversation with Alex over that and he said, Hey, call back, call back Monday, call back Monday.
So I called back Monday and we had a longer conversation about the movie because that dystopian movie presented a post-war bio-release zombie virus scenario, right?
It's just wild to see, you know, here we are in 2020 after this fake crisis of the last three years, or ramped up fake crisis, which was now proven to be related to a leak from the West, in terms of Wuhan Lab.
And here we are with a vast bio-release and then a bunch of death stabbies that everybody has unfortunately submitted to and gone along with.
And so, are we looking at an I Am Legend scenario?
You know, the great irony here is that, you know, again, 2007, I first called in, and that's what we talked about.
And here we are, many, many years later, and yeah, it looks like they went with that I Am Legend type of scenario, even though everybody's not dead from a bioweapon.
I'm not trying to say that.
Obviously, that's not the case.
But what I'm saying is that
The people who are in charge, they do seem to like this bio-release scenario.
They do seem to like this idea and this approach.
And they do work on gene-specific, race-specific bioweapons, according to them, according to their papers, their public policy white papers.
And so, is that really where we want to go?
Do we want to be ruled by an elite that are hell-bent on Malthusian depopulation?
And until we recognize that it's not communists, it's not socialists, it's not even the corporations themselves, it's that the elite of these corporations, of these private entities, they are all on the same page openly.
Fortune 100, Fortune 500, the big banks, etc.
And this is their game plan.
And it's in all their books.
It's in Klaus's Fourth Industrial Revolution book.
The last third of the book is about this bringing in the Skynet technocracy.
If you want to get my books, go to Jason Alsace and get them in the shop and support Alex.
InfoWars, tomorrow's news today.
We are witnessing the Mark of the Beast system openly rolled out and announced.
Whether you believe the Bible is inspired by God or the Word of God or not, what was written over 2,000 years ago by John the Revelator on the...
Isle of Patmos is coming true.
A world government that makes you take a mark in the hand or the head to be able to buy and sell and that you must worship the beast.
That means follow what the beast says or you can't buy or sell.
It's not just that you have to have the mark to buy or sell.
You've got to do what the beast wants you to do, or you cannot buy and sell.
And that's where, in late 2022, we are.
Last week, the World Economic Forum was given over $100 million by Government of Canada to roll out a World ID through the UN based on the Communist Chinese digital social credit score system.
And now, just today, Bill Gates came out.
Here's the article right here.
And his foundation donated $200 million to expand digital ID surveillance system for the same Chinese Communist control program.
So the social credit score, Communist China, and all the control you see is the model of this system being rolled out in Spain, rolled out in Italy, rolled out in Germany, rolled out in Canada, and now they're trying to roll it out here in America.
Just a few years ago, Klaus Schwab, head of the WEF, said, you will have to take a microchip to buy and sell in the near future.
And now here we are.
So this is a huge, huge issue that they can then dictate to you through this new digital currency, through this World ID, every action you take in your life, with a carbon tax, through the social credit score, through universal basic income, as they shut off the regular economy and small businesses, making you sign on for a government handout.
But with that handout comes all of the rules of the game.
This is no longer theoretical on some drawing board or some computer.
This is something the bureaucrats and the megacorporations and major governments are doing.
There's a race between the West and Communist China to see, with big tech, who can put this in first.
It's scary, but at least we are exposing it.
And at least we know about it.
Just last week, PayPal said, if you criticize government, if you criticize open borders, or forced injections, or anything else, gun control, we're going to fine you $2,500 for what we say you're doing in your own personal life.
We're going to surveil you, and then we're going to censor you.
But within days of the announcement, they had to back off because of the backlash.
So submitting to this only makes things worse.
Standing up to it and saying no only makes things better.
And that's why it's so important today, ladies and gentlemen, to say no to World War, no to nuclear war, no to open borders, no to pedophilia, no to the Satanism that is the New World Order.
And you cannot do that better.
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