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Filename: 20221010_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Oct. 10, 2022
2841 lines.

In this broadcast, Alex Jones discusses the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and its implications for global politics. He mentions that relations between Russia and Poland have been strained due to the war, with reports suggesting Russian troops are massing near Belarus. Callers discuss their beliefs on the current situation and potential outcomes of the escalating conflict. The speaker also talks about InfoWars facing attacks and legal bills, encouraging viewers to visit saveinfowars.com to support the operation. They announce a special guest joining them in the next segment and promote products available at the InfoWars Store for up to 50% off during their Super Sale. Jones discusses recent developments in the war in Ukraine, encouraging listeners to go to SaveInfoWars.com to support the show. He also talks about a billion-dollar lawsuit against Eco Health Alliance and recent legal battles against Big Pharma.

And it's time for humanity to stand up in the Info War and say, I don't know what's going
to happen at the end of this, but you want to fight, you better believe, you got one!
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
Pfizer has commissioned Marvel Comics to publish a pro-COVID vaccine story, where the Avengers
superhero team pushes BioNTech's mRNA shot on children, yet another example of Big Pharma's
ability to purchase influence from the entertainment industry, this time with kids.
Before the story begins, the word from our sponsors page at the front of the comic gives
Pfizer's deceptive and deadly message, quote, vaccinate, stay up to date with the latest
recommended booster for you and be an everyday hero.
Released on October 4th, Avengers Everyday Heroes follows a family in the waiting room
of a COVID-19 vaccine clinic.
On the television in the waiting room, a news broadcast details the Avengers current battle
with Ultron, the villain who is closely compared with COVID.
Pfizer's tweet promoting the comic even states, quote, when Ultron wreaks havoc, the Avengers
act as the first line of defense.
People can help protect themselves by staying up to date with COVID-19 vaccinations.
Within the comic book's story, the grandfather of the family further deepens the comparison
between Ultron and COVID, quote, Ultron keeps coming back, keeps changing and
evolving, so the Avengers keep adapting and re-strategizing again and again.
The first time Ultron showed up, we had never seen anything like him before.
This villainous comparison is supposed to parallel the COVID variants like Delta and
Ultron even sounds like a plausible name for a COVID strain, and the Avengers are supposed
to represent the experimental mRNA vaccines and boosters that are reformulated for each
new COVID variant as they fight the villain again and again, each time he involves in
his attacks.
The analogy continues as the wise grandfather character explains that the Avengers had
to use new tools and even robots to fight Ultron, but the villain or virus kept getting
a step ahead of the heroes.
This is referring to mRNA technology itself.
The new tool never before administered on humans used to fight COVID as the virus mutates.
Scientists are glorified by the grandfather under the mask of the superheroes, quote,
the Avengers gather information and take time to innovate and adapt, and then they figure
out how to fight it.
This high praise leaves out the historically rushed release of COVID vaccines under Operation
Warp Speed, skipping years and even decades of trial studies.
And it forgets to mention the thousands killed in millions maimed by the experimental jab
in the process of fighting COVID.
The story ends with the family finally receiving their Pfizer booster shots in the clinic.
As the grandfather says, quote, the Avengers are doing their part to keep us safe.
Now it's time for us to do ours by staying up to date with our COVID-19 vaccinations.
Clearly, Pfizer wants to instill on young minds the idea that their vaccine products
are good for everybody, while much of the world is waking up and fighting back to protect
children from the horrible side effects of COVID shots.
The recent overwhelming popularity of the Avengers movies with young audiences is probably
what convinced Pfizer that their corporate-sponsored advertisement would be ultimately successful
at reaching kids.
However, the thinly-veiled analogy laid out between Ultron and COVID, Pfizer and the Avengers,
is so see-through and clumsy that I find it hard to believe that anyone will actually
receive their messaging, let alone even read this story.
Let's just pray that the young, impressionable minds that take this comic in are smarter
than Pfizer's very unimaginative creative team.
This is Brian Wilson with Infowars.com.
Think about a world without Infowars.
Think about how Infowars is cited by Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson and Bolsonaro and other
foreign leaders like Nigel Farage as being the main impetus towards firing up their main
base to defeat the New World Order.
The only reason humanity is still in the fight today is because the viewers and listeners
of this broadcast have taken action and supported this show.
I don't take the credit.
I give you the credit.
And now Infowars is facing its darkest hours.
It isn't going to give up.
Without your support, we can be shut down.
Please go to saveinfowars.com today.
Saveinfowars.com today and donate for our legal defense fund.
Ladies and gentlemen, it is Monday, October 10th, 2022.
The reporting Russia has launched attacks, cyber attacks against the U.S., a false flag
is here.
In the minds of the Information War, it's Alex Jones.
There's an emergency report we put out two months ago, warning of stage cyber attacks
against the U.S. civilian infrastructure we blamed on Russia as the final escalation
into full-bore open war.
We are now at war with Russia, and what I predicted here and on Steve Bannon's war
room is now happening.
As a young generation, like Prime Minister Trudeau, half of this government are actually
young nobleness of the world, I correct you.
So we penetrate the cabinet.
The change is not just happening.
The change can be shaped by us.
We have to prepare for a more angry world, how to prepare to take the necessary action
to create the fair world.
I see the need for a great reset.
So people assume we are just going back to the good old world, which we had, and everything
will be normal again.
This is, let's say, fiction, it will not happen.
There is only one way this pandemic is going to go.
It's going to get worse and worse and worse.
Pay insufficient attention to the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack,
which would bring to a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services.
Our society as a whole.
The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison
to a major cyber attack.
Ladies and gentlemen, anybody that tunes in on a regular basis knows that every week I
warned that the globalist I believe next, after the COVID attack, would launch a group
of cyber attacks against U.S. civilian infrastructure and blame it on Russia as a pretext to escalate
Why did I know that?
Because all the pre-programming by the U.N., by Klaus Schwab, the W.E.F., by the Pentagon,
by Biden, by Obama, and by Hillary, by Hillary, six years ago, in 2016, she was everywhere
saying the Russians are going to launch a cyber attack and when they do, we reserve
the right to use nuclear weapons against them.
Then you see Zelensky saying he wants preemptive nuclear strikes last week.
You see Biden saying it's Armageddon, and I said at least five times last week, I said
look for major cyber attacks against the West to be blamed on Russia.
Russia had their pipeline blown up, Russia had their bridge blown up, Russia's getting
their ass kicked by NATO, they walked right into a trap.
I wish it never would have happened.
I want to have peace and not have nuclear war, but when you look at all the pre-programming
that's taking place, it was easy to look at what their next move would be because they
love to tell you.
Here's Hillary Clinton six years ago during the campaign, wetting her lips, talking about
nuking Russia if there's a cyber attack, but we know from the Vault 7 CIA documents that
WikiLeaks put out, now eight years ago they admit are real, it was how the CIA and other
groups could spoof IP addresses in any country they wanted to.
They could have your computer, your Mac or your PC or your Linux, your cell phone, they
could claim had launched a cyber attack and put that address out, hell even your refrigerators
now and dishwashers have IP addresses, they could claim your dishwasher, launch an attack
seriously, and frame you, and then launch an attack claiming oh, you don't need Japanese
airplanes coming in to actually attack at Pearl Harbor, you don't need a real attack
to happen, you just claim that you've been attacked when in truth the globalists have
attacked we the people who are their main enemy.
Here's Hillary six years ago.
As president, I will make it clear that the United States will treat cyber attacks just
like any other attack.
We will be ready with serious political, economic, and military responses.
And then they put out Washington Post headlines that includes, we should give an interview,
nuclear weapons, and remember the people running Hillary are running the O. Biden administration,
the third administration of Obama.
So what's happened?
Cyber attacks reported at U.S. airports.
It says the attacker was within the Russian Federation according to a senior official.
The Ukrainians are trying to draw us into the war, they're the main suspects.
ABC News, some of the nation's largest airports have been targeted for cyber attacks today
this Monday by an attacker within the Russian Federation, a senior official brief confirmed
to ABC News.
Well, they know who did it right away, but nobody knows who wrote the pipeline.
Importantly, the systems targeted do not handle air traffic control, internal airline communications
or coordination, or transportation security.
It's an inconvenience, the source said, the attacks have resulted in targeted denial of
public access to public-facing web domains that report airport wait times and congestion.
The attacks were first reported around 3 a.m. Eastern time when the Port Authority notified
the Cyber Security and Infrastructure Security Agency that the LaGuardia Airport New York
system had been hit.
LaGuardia has been restored, but other airports around the country have subsequently been
The websites of Des Moines International Airport, Los Angeles International Airport, LAX, Chicago
Air and National Airport appeared impacted Monday morning.
Hartz Field, Jackson Atlanta International Airport reported around 10.30 a.m. ET time
that its site is back up and running and that at no time, roperace is the airport impacted.
Engineers and programmers are actively working to close back doors that allow attacks and
shorting up more critical computer infrastructure.
We'll continue to follow the development story as it unfolds.
So here's some of the background.
Here's a report out of the Washington Post, July 9th of 2001.
The U.S. says it can answer cyber attacks with nuclear weapons.
That's lunacy, said Allen S. Weiner.
Yes, it is.
What if Russia uses nuclear weapons in Ukraine, the Atlantic hypes up?
Why hasn't Russia launched major cyber attacks since the invasion of Ukraine?
Because they know it doesn't help them and they'll be blamed for it.
Time Magazine asked that question in March of this year, but now it's happening.
And it goes on and on and on.
Russia hackers suspected over cyber attack on U.S. airports, London Independent.
Only Hillary Clinton's prepared for the nuclear threat.
That goes back to October of 2016 from the statements we just played.
And it goes on and on and on.
Meanwhile, I'm surprised the controlled corporate press hasn't come out and blend the bridge
being blown up into Crimea out of Russia on the Russians.
But the Ukrainians are celebrating it, admit they did it.
And of course, the globalists blew up the pipeline as well.
I want to open the phones up for veterans and for military folks and for cybersecurity
experts to specifically talk about this issue.
I'm going to give the number out when we come back.
On the other side, we're going to take calls during the shower.
And some of the next hour, we have several big guests lined up today that I'm still going
to have on, but I'm going to cut back how long they're on so we can mainly focus on this
There's also some extremely good news that's come out on a bunch of fronts.
Florida's Surgeon General put out a detailed year-long study confirming what other major
studies have shown an 84% increase in death in men ages 18 to 39 after taking the Moderna
or Pfizer shots.
The good news is we're exposing the Siebel and big pharma thought they'd get away with
They're not going to.
But that makes them even more dangerous.
Then PayPal last week said we're going to find you $2,500 and spy on everything you
say online and everywhere else, and if we don't like what you say and we call this information,
we're going to find you $2,500, truly the social credit score.
They backed off of that this weekend.
So people are really, really waking up.
Also other good news, Democrat cities everywhere are announcing we cannot take any more illegal
aliens and declaring states of emergency and saying they've got to stay in Texas and Arizona.
So while just like that, suddenly they're not saying to our cities, what's good for
the goose is good for the gander.
It's all coming up and more today.
Spread the word about the live links, override the sensors, share the link info wars.com
forward slash show and band on video.
Look around you, everything I predicted from the global stone documents from their own
admissions is now happening info wars credibility.
My credibility has never been higher.
And it's because of your backing of this operation that I could steadfastly despite
the censorship and the boycotts and the attacks and the lawsuits stay on air, but now we're
reaching the most critical juncture in the fight together.
So I want to ask all of you today to help keep me on the air.
In my decades on air, I've never asked for personal donations, but I've been forced
by the bankruptcy court to pay for 40% of the legal fees and I can't fund those myself.
It's unsustainable.
So please visit save info wars.com, save info wars.com, where you can make straight
donations, five, 10, $50, $100, whatever you can, so that I can continue to persevere.
I'll never give up.
I'll never give in, but I could give out.
Thank you for your support.
Wouldn't be without you.
Save info wars.com.
I have been in a 28 year marathon battle with the globalist.
I have come from nowhere to the very heights of politics, not just in America, to the world.
We are engaging the globalist at point-blank range in the information war, but I don't
deserve the credit.
Yes, I've persevered, but the listeners and viewers who support them for the real reason
you've had the success, we're having now the greatest victories in the fight against
the new order we've ever had.
We are now entering the final mile of the marathon, and that's why today it's more important
than ever to realize how important you've been in this fight and to continue in the
efforts you've been carrying out and to intensify it.
God bless you all.
I salute you.
I thank you.
And I beg you to intensify what you're doing now because we are over the target and this
street is happening.
The fight is my fight.
It's your fight.
It's our fight.
God bless you all.
The biggest sale of 2022 is now live.
It's only running in the last week of September and the first week of October.
Dozens of our best-selling products are finally back in stock and they're 40 to 50% off across
the board.
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Thank you for your support.
The only way you lose is not going to infowarstore.com and getting 40 to 50% off on all these amazing
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
The bottom line on nuclear weapons is that when the president gives the order, it must
be followed.
It's about four minutes between the order being given and the people responsible for
launching nuclear weapons to do so.
As president, I will make it clear that the United States will treat cyber attacks just
like any other attack.
We will be ready with serious political, economic and military responses.
They are voting for peace on planet Earth if they vote for Trump, but if they vote for
Hillary, it's war.
We came, we saw, we died.
With her, you'll end up in world war three.
I want the Iranians to know that if I'm the president, we will attack Iran.
Right now, Senator, for us to control all of the airspace in Syria would require us
to go to war against Syria and Russia.
The U.S. military has just raised the threat level to DEF CON 2.
Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton is still threatening Russia with military action, following unconfirmed
reports of further hacking.
It's like she's not even concerned about the repercussions.
Well, of course not, because she's...
That's a really loud noise.
All right, it looks like we're having a little bit of technical difficulties.
We'll try to get Leigh Ann back on in a few minutes.
When the president gives the order, it must be followed.
Hard to believe we put this together six years ago, right before the election, just
last week, on November 8, vote like the world depends on it, and we had peace for four years.
We were dead on, we were right again, and now, ladies and gentlemen, we have the same
globalist consortium that is Hillary and Obama and Biden and the powerful Empress
behind them that have gotten us into a proxy war and our full bore war with the Russians.
Russian bridges getting blown up, major bridges, pipelines, the Russians are now bombarding
major cities like the capital in Ukraine, Kiev, and that's how you get into a full bore
nuclear war, and cyber attacks have now been reported at U.S. airports, and instantly,
they said the Russians are the suspects at 3 a.m. last night, and then now in the last
hour, U.S. unnamed official confirms it's the Russians, and all the pre-programming
by the deep state and Klaus Schwab and the U.N. and the Pentagon was, the Russians are
going to hit us with a cyber attack, but if you pull up Vault 7 documents from now, seven
or eight years ago, headline, CIA has tools to frame foreign individuals, corporations,
and governments with cyber attacks, it's not just the government that has those tools,
you hear about zombie attacks all the time, where hackers go out, private hackers, and
you control a bunch of people's private computers, and then take control of a bunch of computers,
and then use them like a mainframe or use them like a computer complex, sometimes they
hijack up to 10,000, 20,000 computers, and then just launch devastating attacks with them.
So somebody in Russia did it, they claim, it originated out of Russia, when you can
make an attack look like whatever you want.
My IT guys don't do stuff like that, but if they wanted to, they could attack somebody
in another country, make it look like it came from Japan, and then attack somebody in Russia,
or run computers out of South Africa, and make it look like they attacked somebody, say,
in Libya, but really, it was somebody launching an attack from D.C.
This is a big escalation, you notice now the escalations are every few days, things are
going fast and furious now, I want to open the phones up for cyber security experts,
for military historians, for veterans, for active duty, specifically on World War III,
and just that huge subject of Biden saying, biggest danger of Armageddon since 1961, I
think it's worse than the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the bridge being blown up, and the pipeline,
and the mobilization of Russian troops, and the Russians bombarding major cities now,
hitting major targets they weren't hitting before, civilian targets, that are also being
used for military operations.
So things are really heating up fast, toll-free number to join us, 877-789-2539, 877-789-2539,
and the Ukrainians are celebrating, and laughing about blowing up the pipeline, and blowing
up the bridge, and laughing about videos of wild boars eating dead Russian troops, and
just so much fun they think because they haven't been hit yet by a major bombardment, and the
globalists are trying to maneuver and push Putin into doing what Hitler did when he was
engaging the Brits in the Battle of the Blitz, Blitz bombing London and other areas, he was
hitting military targets at first, but they sent in British bombers to bomb German civilians,
and so Hitler then took the bait, started attacking British civilian targets, and it
turned the Brits from 90-plus percent against the war to 90-plus percent for the war.
This is all just military history, repeating itself over and over again, of your TV viewers
were showing you shockingly horrible footage of major buildings across the capital city
of Ukraine, Kiev, being blown into bits, so the Russians had not targeted civilian targets
until now, they had hit some targets that had been taken over by the military, but now
the Russians are beginning to engage in a scorched earth operation, so massive, massive
escalation, hope everybody says their prayers tonight, because we could go up in flame at
any time, 877-789-2539, we're going to come back, take your phone calls, get into so much
more, we've got a lot of good news as well, but this is obviously the front and center,
we've got some really bad economic news, we've got a lot of really good news on the
COVID front, really good news on the social credit score front, and really good news on
the open borders front as the Democrats finally start choking on the illegal aliens they're
shipping in, but separately, I can't operate and I can't stay on air, and that's the way
God's done this, and I love God, it's all in God's plan, but we're constantly in the
black, in the red, in the black, in the red, imagine if you had to drive around town and
say you were a delivery truck, but you always had to operate on a tenth of a tank, and so
you're constantly stopping at the gas station because you're only allowed to fill it up to
a tenth of a tank, and then you are almost always running out of gas, and if you run
out of gas in operation like this, it's hard to restart it folks, not like a car, so we
need your support now, everything we've talked about is coming true, our credibility is the
highest it's ever been, we're reaching more people than ever, but we need you, the court
audience of badasses, that have kept this operation afloat to understand that when I
fired the bat signal I'm serious, we have a $500,000 underage right now, we're making
it over the hump of these show trials, a lot of those bills are about to go away, we got
a lot of new products coming in in a few months, a lot of good stuff's happening, but right
now we're out of money and I'm out of money, plus we've got products you need, go to infowarstore.com,
we're extending the super sale store-wide 40-50% off on DNA Force Plus, on Brain Force Ultra,
on Brain Force Plus, on the other great products like the vitamin D3 gummies with calcium and
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we have back at stock vitamin mineral fusion and X3, they're both 50% off, now they're
still going to be on sale when the mega-sell ends in a few days, but if you want to take
advantage of dozens of other products and support the info war, now is the time to take
I don't want to prove to you how much we're in trouble here by shutting down, I need you
to support now, plus there are products you need, take action now, be the problem of years
you were born to be, infowarstore.com, your phone calls in more, straight ahead.
Think about a world without info wars, just take a moment and sit back and think about
all the incredible guests and callers and stories we've broken together, this family
that is info wars.
Think about how info wars is cited by Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson and Bal Senaro and
other foreign leaders like Nigel Farage as being the main impetus towards firing up their
main base to defeat the new world order.
The only reason humanity is still in the fight today is because the viewers and listeners
of this broadcast have taken action and supported this show.
I don't take the credit, I give you the credit and now info wars is facing its darkest hours,
it isn't going to give up, without your support we can be shut down.
Please go to saveinfowars.com today, saveinfowars.com today and donate for our legal defense fund.
I have been in a 28 year marathon battle with a globalist, I have come from nowhere to the
very heights of politics, not just in America, but in the world.
We are engaging the globalist at point blank range in the information war, but I don't
deserve the credit.
Yes, I've persevered, but the listeners and viewers who support info wars are the real
reason you've had the success, we're having now the greatest victories in the fight against
the new world order you've ever had.
We are now entering the final mile of the marathon, and that's why today it's more
important than ever to realize how important you've been in this fight and to continue
in the efforts you've been carrying out and to intensify them.
God bless you all, I salute you, I thank you, and I beg you to intensify what you're doing
now because we are over the target and history is happening.
The fight is my fight, it's your fight, it's our fight, God bless you all.
Now I have my own legal bills that have reached the point that I can't pay them, and I need
your support.
So if you want to keep this operation moving forward, if you want to back me this fight
against the globalist, please visit saveinfowars.com, and saveinfowars.com takes you to a URL that
gives him go for direct Alex Jones legal defense fund.
This whole phase of their attacks, four years of the making is almost over, and right at
the end we're not giving up, we're not giving in, but we could give out.
So please, if you support what we're doing and want to fight for liberty and freedom
and just in the future, go to saveinfowars.com today.
The biggest sale of 2022 is now live.
It's only running in the last week of September and the first week of October.
Dozens of our best selling products are finally back in stock and they're 40 to 50% off across
the board.
The most important of them all is Survival Shield X3.
All three types of the very best iodine documented to not just boost your libido, your stamina,
your health, your energy, your cells, your immune system, but to overall give you more
It's the foundation of everything from energy to fertility.
X3, 50% off, is finally back in stock exclusively at infowars.com.
You've heard the callers, you've seen the rave reviews, now experience X3 for yourself,
exclusively at infowars.com, 50% off.
And while you're there, check out some of the other great products that are finally
back in stock and massively discounted as well, part of the InfoWars store super sale
running for two weeks only, again, X3 back in stock, 50% off.
Making a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us.
Kanye West in his big interview with Tucker Carlson, in fact, go ahead and cue that up.
Talked about how he's not saying they stayed Gevaldi, but he saw them pre-position Matthew
McConaughey as the anti-gun guy, talk about Gevaldi.
And then within minutes of the shooting happened, he saw an official story on dozens of channels,
different networks, different companies and the exact same scripting.
Just like we played those videos where it shows ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, local affiliates
all saying the exact same thing in the exact same order because they're being given a script
by the federal government on record to do it.
What happened under George W. Bush headline, Congress legalizes domestic propaganda lying
to the American people.
And so when you turn on local Fox, local Time Warner, local ABC and you hear white people
are terrorists, white people are the number one terror threat, white people commit the
most crime.
You know it's not true.
Who's telling them to say that in the exact same order?
The CIA folks, the CIA runs this country and who runs the CIA?
The Carnegie Endowment, they set up the Rockefeller Foundation, they set up everything.
They run the world.
Now the average person in the CIA isn't even privy to this information.
I've reverse engineered the whole thing and it's actually in the Senator Frank Church
committee hearings in the 70s.
So we know exactly what's going on and we have a government waging war on us.
Now listen to me.
I could sit here and show you 50 articles from the last two years, BBC, London Telegraph,
National Post, a Canada, Washington Post saying the Pentagon, the British Ministry of Defense,
the Canadian Ministry of Defense, the German Ministry of Defense, the Australian military
all ran the PSYOP of the lockdowns and the fear.
They used secret PSYOP fear program so serious that it's not even allowed to be used overseas.
They had an army full bird colonel on last year.
We already knew this, but he used to work in there on OAN, laying out the documents
how they weren't allowed to use some of these programs that he wrote in Afghanistan against
our enemies, but that his particular program on the type of PSYOP was used that he knew
of in America.
So that's really dangerous and it's really destructive, but when you know a PSYOP and
you know it's uniformity, when it's being pushed out, it tells you what's about to happen.
If you're awake, it's having an enemy blueprint.
If you're asleep, it destroys you.
I went to the grocery store yesterday with my wife and there were still idiots, probably
5% of people, 10% maybe, wearing the mask, almost old, old white women because they believe
in the system.
They believe it wants to help them.
No lady, it doesn't want to help you, it wants to kill your ass.
And so people are asking, why are you so concerned about the cyber attack against the U.S. airports
today, because all of the pre-programming and scripting is for this.
And Clown Schwab and the New World Order and Bill Gates love to brag and say how smart
they are.
Bill Gates three years ago, a virus will come out of China called Disease X, it's imminent
and when it happens, your civilization will never be the same.
They were running Event 201 right then in October, November, three years ago.
And they did it because they treat you like you've got a 70 IQ.
They treat you like you're asleep because a lot of people are.
But guess what?
Those of us that aren't asleep can see what's happening and the good news is their propaganda
is failing everywhere.
The danger is they're doubling down with a massive war.
So let me show you some of these headlines.
Again, cyber attack reported at U.S. airports, within hours it's Russia that did it.
We've got to have war with Russia.
The U.S. says it can answer cyber attacks with nuclear weapons, Washington Post, and
it goes on and on and on from there.
So this is the doctrine, this is what they've been preparing, and here's some of the background
on it.
White House warns Russia prepping possible cyber attacks against the U.S.
One month into the war, starts in February 24th, on March 21st, less than a month later,
oh my God, they're going to strike us, and if they do, we'll have to use heavy weapons
on them, and that'll be a pretext for the U.S. to officially go to war with Russia.
You wonder how the left's going to keep control of America?
A war with the Russians, and they've already said Republicans and Trump are Russian agents.
So anybody that wants peace, anybody that doesn't want nuclear war, while we're all
Russians, see the scripting, they've not been just been doing this for no reason.
They continue, Biden warns Russia cyber attacks coming, again planting that story two months
ago, Biden Russia exploring U.S. cyber attacks, again in March, showing the last six months
they've been doing this.
It's coming, President Biden warns of evolving Russian cyber threat to the U.S., and it goes
on, but what do they not want you to know?
They don't want you to know about this.
The World Economic Forum in consultation with the Rockefeller Foundation in the U.N. put
out cyber polygon that's just as important as the Rockefeller Foundation's Operation
Lockstep that was the blueprint for the COVID-19 release and takeover.
And this plan that they've now removed that came out in 2020, right after the virus was
released, says that they're going to be cascading cyber attacks all over the world by governments
and private corporations and individuals, and it will finally result in the grid going
down in major countries and hundreds of millions dead, but don't worry, they've got a new global
ID where you can't get online unless you have it that will fix everything.
And then if there's a microchip too, they're going to say that by 2026, you'll take a microchip.
That will stop your power being turned off.
That will stop the Russians.
Of course, it's not the Russians.
It's them.
It's the New World Order.
50 times more evil than the Russians, the worst Russians, okay?
So that's what we're dealing with here, ladies and gentlemen.
The globalists are 100 times more organized than the Russians, and if the Russians were
destroying us, I'd be at war with them.
They're not.
We're being set against each other.
In fact, guys, queue up the clip from Russia with Love, the intro scene where they have
the Siamese fighting, fish killing each other.
It's about a minute and a half long.
The smart one hangs back while the other two, one kills the other, and the other is hurt
The other comes in and kills the other and now has dominance.
That's the New World Order.
They remove cyber polygon from their website, folks, because we paid attention to it and
figured it out.
We have the enemy blueprint.
They're starting to panic.
They don't know what to do.
All right, we're going to go to break.
We're going to come back with Stephen, Derek, Brian, John, Tom, Mike, Joe, Greg, and many
I'm going to say it again.
Now is the time to be praying morning, noon, and night, or whenever you can.
I'm not saying five times a day to Mecca, but I mean, you really ought to regimen it.
Just get it done.
I prayed for 30 minutes this morning.
I had meetings I had to go to.
I just said, no, I'm praying.
I got in my bedroom, turned off the lights, and got on my damn knees for 30 minutes.
I mean, I'm going to just walk off right now and go pray.
I mean, I'm serious, folks.
I don't get into my private life, but I pray a lot.
I was intending to come in here today and say, cyber attacks are imminent.
Here it is.
So, I mean, I'm dialed into the Holy Spirit, so are you, that's why you're here.
We need your support, plus we've got products you need.
I have got a $500,000 underage for the next month to pay the bills.
We got over a lot of the big legal bills, but it took us down to almost nothing, toe-to-toe
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The two big show trials are over.
There's one more coming up next year.
That's a bump in the road.
We've got two years of appeals.
I'm not even worried about that.
I'm worried about nuclear war, but we got new products coming in in a couple of months.
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Think about how info wars is cited by Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson, and Bolsonaro and
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Ladies and gentlemen, the biggest sale of 2022 is now live at infowarstore.com.
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You need to do this for your immune system this fall and winter, plus it funds the info
Thank you for your support.
The only way you lose is not going to infowarstore.com and getting 40 to 50% off on all these amazing
I have been in a 28 year marathon battle with the globalist.
I have come from nowhere to the very heights of politics, not just in America but the world.
We are engaging the globalist at point-blank range in the information war, but I don't
deserve the credit.
Yes, I've persevered, but the listeners and viewers who support info wars are the real
reason we've had the success.
We're having now the greatest victories in the fight against the new order we've ever
We are now entering the final mile of the marathon and that's why today it's more important
than ever to realize how important you've been in this fight and to continue in the
efforts you've been tearing out and to intensify them.
God bless you all.
I salute you.
I thank you.
And I beg you to intensify what you're doing now because we are over the target and history
is happening.
The fight is my fight.
It's your fight.
It's our fight.
God bless you all, leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order.
It's Alex Jones.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm your host Alex Jones, we're on your phone calls right now.
And then I'm going to play Marble Framework Vault 7, how the CIA was planning to frame
Russia for cyber attacks that's mainstream news.
We've got a big compilation that we're going to air next hour.
It's coming, Joe Biden casually says Russia is planning a cyber attack against the U.S.
because the globalists are playing to frame Russia.
They have the motives, they have the history, they're the ones behind it.
They're behind the pipeline, they're behind the bridge, they're behind cutting off our
Keystone pipeline, they're behind shipping in the fentanyl, they're behind shipping our
jobs in China, they're behind drag queen pedophile time, they're behind the mutilation
and sterilization of our children, they're behind it all.
They are the great evil that has hijacked our nation.
Let's go to the phone calls here in the order they were received.
Let's talk to Brian, who is in cybersecurity calling from Texas.
What's your take on this?
Alex, how are you doing today, man?
Good, brother.
Hey, first of all, I wanted to say, you know, really God bless you and your family.
I know you have a daughter that's about as young as my oldest child and obviously I pray
for the future that they are going to walk into.
But, you know, again, I also pray that you continue to stay strong in the face of this
adversity because, again, I believe that you are powered by God and with him at your side,
you can do anything.
Let me plug real quick.
I'm a 43-year-old former athlete.
My body was banged up for a bunch of years.
If I could go back in time, I'd buy about 500 boxes of those vanilla protein bars that
you have, those coconut bars.
You know, I live on the X2, the B12, the SuperMail and, you know, I really want to challenge
the Christian men that are listening to your show today.
You're really at a time, you're at a time from a financial standpoint that you need
people to step up.
There's so many good people out there, there's so many good men that are sitting on their
hands in this time when we are past the bell.
You know, you listen to the shows that, you know, yourself and Steve Quayle and Mike Adams
give and the other people in the media that have been proven time after time to be correct
and we're so late in the hour that it's like, how much louder can Alex Jones, do you need
to stand up on your desk and tear off your shirt to get people's attention?
You know, and again, I pray for you, I pray for this country and again, I am in the telecommunications
I've been in that real estate part of the business for 15 or 20 years and I propose
this question regarding the cyber hacks, you know, many times and more recently and because
of how the telecommunications and the cloud computing, all this stuff is decentralized,
you know, I wonder how maybe a Bill Binney could talk to, you know, the sophistication
of how an actual cyber attack could happen.
Obviously the Vault 7 stuff came out and revealed so much, but again, this is a sophisticated
system that we have in place that is, you know, it's a worldwide system of communication.
So again, of course they can target anything, they can put anything on anybody's back, but
I know how easily that can be done in the whole scheme of things, you know, but I also
know that they are going to do whatever they can to march us into this conflict with Russia
because how else do you hide an economic collapse, a recession and obviously all of the stuff
that's about to happen.
Well, exactly.
I would blame the Russians if they hadn't been restrained just trying to kick out the
Azov Italians to protect those Russian ethnic majority groups.
Russia does not want to escalate this.
That's really been their policy and I don't like that Russia invaded.
I think it was a big mistake.
I think they walked into a trap, but if you look at the whole climate, the people running
our country want escalation, brother, God bless you and I appreciate your call.
Great points.
Let's go fast.
Get everybody here.
Who's up next?
Let's talk to Mike and Michigan, a historian on Russia and the goal of the war.
Give us your tag, Mike.
Hello, Alex.
I want people to know this plan has been in the making for about 150 years.
If anyone knows anything about the Civil War, Russia actually saved the United States from
British invasion in 1863 that wanted to partition both the United States and Russia.
The entire globalist plan back then, same people, same old, same old, was to partition
both countries in an attempt to put the British, the Anglo-British establishment in control
of the world as usual, and this time we're seeing it all over again.
Russia is the United States' biggest ally, historically always has been until 1903 in
the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, and if anything, this country should have been courting
a new alliance with Russia in order to counter the Chinese.
Well, I'm sure the globalist fear of U.S.-Russian alliance, that would take, that would be the
dominant force in the world and be checkmate.
We could dictate a whole new future of freedom, but that's not happening.
I mean, I don't, well, I don't know if it's too late yet.
Americans have to stand up and protest this, like, I'm not, like, still like the service
civil disobedience.
If we don't do this, this is going to be bad Christian, the last messages of Christian
civilization are going to get blown up in a glorious fire, and all that's going to be
left is atheist China.
So I really want people to understand what's on the line here.
No, I hear you, brother.
God bless you, and thanks for calling.
I'm going to move quickly to everybody.
Let's go ahead and go to Joe, cyber security expert on Russia's cyber attack.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How's it going today?
Good, brother.
Thanks for calling.
Just want to say, God bless you and your family.
So I just want to touch on a few things.
It's interesting that they hit websites for these airports.
That doesn't really make a lot of sense from a state actor's perspective.
I mean, that's something that layman's people would do.
You know, usually these SCADA and ICDS, which is industrial control systems, those things
are fairly vulnerable.
We don't realize how they don't really do their due diligence in patching these systems.
They are wide open to attacks, and if Russia, a state actor, wanted to hit us, they would,
and they would hit us hard, and they would hit us fast, and they would shut down multiple
Like when Ronald Reagan blew up the Russian pipeline with software we gave him in the
early 1980s.
Well, and what happened to the Russian pipeline not too long ago?
I mean, they went offline the same day that the new pipeline went online for Europe.
That's right.
Both Russian pipelines, one got blown up, one went offline when the new European pipeline
went on.
I mean, the globalists are just out of the open about this.
Yeah, Russia's not going to do some Mickey Mouse bullcrap of taking down websites.
They're just not going to do that.
Sure, they're doing it.
They're doing it.
The globalists are, in my view, I agree, to introduce us to the idea that the Russians
are attacking us, and, oh, look, they shut down airports so you couldn't fly because
your credit card wouldn't work, and, you know, exactly.
They didn't go after real infrastructure yet.
They're just introducing the idea that the Russians are attacking.
When they go after the real infrastructure, I mean, state level actors typically have
zero days just waiting.
A zero day is an exploit that is ready to go that hasn't been discovered yet.
You explain that to people that they've got an industrial software, sometimes even in
the chips, but that's if you make the chips programmed in, though, where at a certain
date it turns on, it was given the order.
I mean, they can do multiple different things along those levels, and if they wanted to
melt down power plants, they could.
If they wanted to melt down pipelines, they could.
I mean, they changed the pressures in those pipes, and they can cause those explosions.
So everybody pointing to, you know, a bomb or a missile or a ship or seals or whatever
blowing up those pipelines, it didn't have to be.
All they needed to do was change the pressures and cause those explosions.
That's right.
Let's be clear.
When they were taken near the end of the Cold War, they sold Russian software that was used
to overpressure their major Arctic pipeline and destroy it, the biggest fire ever seen
from space.
Appreciate your call.
Great points.
All right.
Up next, let's go ahead and talk to John in Texas.
John in Texas, retired Army National Guard on Ukraine War and cyber threats.
Go ahead.
Thank you for calling.
When I got back from fighting in Vietnam, I was in the infantry, I joined the National
Guard for five years, and every summer camp, I had to go through nuclear warfare training
five years of that.
Now, I'm surprised all the people is not even making any preparations for any of this.
Even my own relatives, I tried to talk to them and they just told ignore you, you know,
and even now.
They have a normal sea bias.
They don't realize that mainline analysts say we're the most danger ever.
It's worse than any time of the Cold War.
Even my family thinks it's not all of them, but a lot of them, they just don't get it.
I mean, you can go to Wal-Mart or some place where you buy a rain suit and dust mask and
the dust goggles and swim goggles, something to protect you from the radioactive fallout
because that fallout, if you breathe it into you, that's what kills you.
If you just got it on the outside, it would rain suit and you could brush it off or wash
it off.
You don't have to get inside you, you know, that's it, game over, you know, and I just
can't understand why, not even protests.
We're all anti-war protestors, you know, it's just like everybody's in war.
Oh, no, no, no, Sean Penn, everybody says, let's have, did you see Sean Penn say we should
hit Russia first, that it's liberal than new people?
So liberal.
These people are degenerates.
And I'm just surprised at all this, when it's finally here and everybody just don't
care, you know, well, that's how it works.
See, it finally hits you when you're not looking, brother, that's how the universe works.
But when you, but this goes way back, like Alex, when you look at the Jules Verne when
he wrote the time machine, basically, what's going on right now, I mean, the character
what got his time machine, he went through two world wars in Germany and when he came
on in the third world war with nuclear and he had to jump in there to get through the
war and the same with the Albert Pike and the letter from Marzini, where they all explained
It's just a plan.
That's, you know, 100% from your mouth to God's ears for folks that don't know about
that will do a special show on the Illuminati and their plan for nuclear war.
They knew about atomic bombs 125 years ago and wrote about it.
You know, a lot of HUL's books were not fiction, they were nonfiction.
He was the head of the Illuminati.
Great points, John.
We're gonna come right back with Tom, Greg, Derek, Steve and others.
Stay with us.
Tomorrow's news today.
We are in the greatest danger of nuclear war ever.
I feel guilty still sitting here in a target zone, Austin.
I mean, but I'm still gonna stay here, folks.
Look around you.
Everything I predicted from the Globlestone documents from their own admissions is now
The info wars credibility, my credibility has never been higher and it's because of your
backing of this operation that I could steadfastly, despite the censorship and the boycotts and
the attacks and the lawsuits stay on air, but now we're reaching the most critical juncture
in the fight together.
So I want to ask all of you today to help keep me on the air.
In my decades on air, I've never asked for personal donations, but I'm being forced by
the bankruptcy court to pay for 40% of the legal fees, and I can't fund those myself.
It's unsustainable.
So please visit save info wars.com, save info wars.com where you can make straight donations,
five, 10, $50, $100, whatever you can so that I can continue to persevere.
I'll never give up.
I'll never give in, but I could give out.
Thank you for your support wouldn't be without you.
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If you are receiving this transmission, you are the resistance of escalating violence
in quote terrorists continue to hit Russian targets, both in Russia and outside of Russia.
This thing is just escalating completely out of control right now.
We're taking your phone calls.
Let's go ahead and take a call from Derek in North Carolina than Tom and others.
Derek, thanks for calling.
Hey Alex, how are you doing, man?
It's a pleasure talking to you.
Pleasure to talk to you while we still can.
I just have a really bad feeling.
I do too.
So I have to agree with one of your early callers.
I don't think this is Russia and I think this is one is just not sophisticated enough.
We're not going to go after public facing targets, but I do agree with you that I think
that they could be doing this just to put the talking points out there, to put the fillers
out there, to see what the public pause would be because people are just kind of losing
support for Ukraine, Russia, whole garbage that's going on over there, but the escalation
just keeps going with the bridge.
Now with Russia responding to that, so now we have to get ourselves injected.
The U.S. does or whoever possibly could be involved in driving this, in driving the narrative
that Russia is going to attack the U.S.
And again, that's key.
Zelensky admits he's trying to do provocations to get the U.S. fully in.
Exactly, exactly.
And there's no need for us to be escalating this any further.
Russia's getting its ass kicked.
Russia's getting its ass kicked.
That's right.
The question, well Russia's not, Russia's responding now and the question should be,
why is Biden not asking or offering to talk to Putin the way that Trump did?
Trump offered to, and it was good for them to talk.
Well, hell Zelensky passed a law saying no peace deals.
Well, yeah, so he didn't want to be involved in it, or actually Turkey was trying to broker
that deal to kind of get some peace talks going, and they shut it down.
So we see the writing on the wall that they want this escalation.
You've been calling for it, or you've been calling or saying that people are calling
for it, trying to get us aware of it so that we could possibly stop it, bring up enough
I think the public's smart enough, I think we know that this is all BS, but what can
we do?
Well, the public better know that when the Pope, who's a globalist, and Henry Kissinger,
who's one of the most important globalists are saying it needs to stop, it needs to stop.
Yeah, exactly.
Well, then you've got, now you have, you have King Charles and you have the World Economic
Forum pushing this.
They want to see this destabilization on a global front.
But what we can do personally, I think that's what it comes down to.
What can we do?
Can we go out there and call somebody?
We can call our local politicians, but unfortunately, they are not listening.
The only thing we can do is work on personal excellence, being an example, being an inspiration
to others, and being a true man.
And what that means is being responsible, and we need to be responsible in our circle,
our communities, like, hey, enough is enough.
I agree.
We need peaceful demonstrations.
At the same time, we should call to ceaseband.
We should call Congress.
A lot of them don't listen, but a big enough buzz they will listen to.
Look at PayPal, had to back off their new social credit score.
If they disagree with your politics, they were going to find you $2,500 per infraction.
But I agree, being good leaders is the most important thing and getting right with God.
Thank you so much for the call.
I'm going to give this next caller only a minute and a half, so I've got to get to everybody.
Tom in New Jersey on World War III, Russian threats, currency, economic doom.
Go ahead.
Thank you.
Hey, how's it going?
So basically, I think the whole kinetic aspect of this is a lot of smoking beers.
I think a lot of what's happening right now is that the race against the clock as the
dollar gets more and more valuable against every other currency except for the rule.
Oil's traded in the dollar.
As the country's become less and less able to purchase oil, it's going to start making
it more and more attractive for those countries to move to another currency.
You've got OPEC plus cutting 2 million barrels a day, and Russia would really lose in the
way everybody thinks it works.
Hold on.
Hold on.
What you're saying is the key to everything.
Don't hang up.
I'm going to hold you over.
What Tom is saying is everything.
They admit they're doing this for a great reset.
They're bringing down the old system.
They're creating major depression and inflation and crises with the currency crises, with
only the ruble in the dollar going up.
Everybody else is going to want to move to a new global system.
Everybody says he's absolutely dead on Tom.
Stay there.
We'll get to everybody else.
The order of the calls received, Greg, and then Steve, and everybody else.
And then we've got some special guests joining us as well on some really big topics that
are important.
What a time to be alive.
We'll be right back.
Share that URL.
That is the key part of the resistance.
Look around you.
Everything I predicted from the Globalistone documents, from their own admissions, is now
Infowars' credibility.
My credibility has never been higher.
And it's because of your backing of this operation that I could steadfastly, despite
the censorship and the boycotts and the attacks and the lawsuits, stay on air.
But now we're reaching the most critical juncture in the fight together.
So I want to ask all of you today to help keep me on the air.
In my decades on air, I've never asked for personal donations, but I'm being forced by
the bankruptcy court to pay for 40% of the legal fees, and I can't fund those myself.
It's unsustainable.
So please, visit saveinfowars.com, saveinfowars.com, where you can make straight donations, $5,
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Thank you for your support.
Woodmere Without You, saveinfowars.com.
We have a special guest joining us coming up at the start of the next segment, and I'm
jamming in your calls right now.
On the top story, we'll be covering throughout the broadcast into the war room today.
I wasn't going to do a special 12-hour broadcast on Wednesday.
I may even just do it tomorrow and right through Wednesday.
This is so important.
Big story up on infowars.com.
Russia launches large-scale strikes on some 20 Ukrainian cities in response to terrorist
Crimea, a bridge blast, a series of major explosions, a rock Kiev, and several locations
across Ukraine.
Today, following Russian President Vladimir Putin's blaming Ukrainian special services
for the terrorist blast, well, they've taken credit, which partially disabled the Crimean
bridge that links Russia with the peninsula.
And Putin went on to say that they can expect massive escalations in the attacks and warn
Ukraine that any other attempts for terror attacks will be met with destruction of Ukrainian
If attempts to carry out terror attacks continue, Russian response will be severe at the level
of threats facing it.
Nobody should be in any doubt Putin warned.
He threatened the more might follow if attempts to commit terrorist acts on our territory
So, this thing is escalating out of control very quickly.
Tom got cut off by the break-in line to start over, but some stations just joined us and
explained this is really all about the great reset, the new global digital programmable
tow concurrency.
Break it down for us.
Yeah, exactly.
So, I think the great reset's happening regardless.
It's just going to be who's controlling it, Klaus Schwab or Bricks.
As the dollar gets stronger and people, other countries look to move off of it because they
can't transfer their currency to the dollar and buy oil, you're going to have a new currency
system emerge.
And 10 years ago, Saudi Arabia would never have done what they just did to the United
And now you got OPEC Plus and Saudi Arabia.
Most of these countries are members of Bricks.
The Saudis are applying to be a member of Bricks.
Everybody's getting on side right now.
But Russia was losing the way it was, there's no way on earth.
I totally agree.
Russia's winning economically and creating a new, new world order, which they said the
globalists are losing, but Russia's losing militarily with a major sacrifice.
But economically, politically, they're winning.
Yes, I agree.
And I think at the end of this, it's going to be subjugation to be a CBDC and the World
Economic Forum or the collapse of the United States dollar as the World Reserve currency
and Russia and China making the rules.
And I don't see a good way out of this.
I think these elections are really important.
And I think that's why the cyber attack happened.
I think it was domestic.
It's meant to so fear.
It's a reason to put us into another emergency to stop these elections or do the same old
mail-in ballot full trap they did last time.
What do you make of the cyber attack?
Obviously, it wasn't really a real cyber attack.
Perfect deep state operation in my view.
No real infrastructure hit, but now they can start the process of setting Russia up
for the major cyber attack.
The deep state will launch that can bring down major power grids.
I agree with you that it's just another, it's another crumb on the trail with the cyber
attack and the PSA for the nuclear attack.
And New York, not that long ago, it's all meant to set a narrative.
So come November, they can declare some sort of emergency and stop the elections.
That's right.
God bless you.
And all the pre-programming that Russia's going to launch a cyber attack, all the propaganda.
Now it happens.
Russia's saying more is coming and that's the perfect pretext for limited power outages,
things of that nature to say it's a Russian cyber attack to declare an emergency or to
have such hysteria going on during the election with mail-in ballots that, oh, you know, the
Republicans are pro-Russia and Trump's a Russian agent, all that pre-programming to then basically
try to outlaw the Republican Party.
The deep state knows they're losing political control.
They know we're peacefully winning, so they're going to want to overturn the chessboard and
declare victory.
We're in the most dangerous position this country has ever been in since its founding
in July 4, 1776.
Bet your bottom dollar on that.
Anybody can see it.
Greg in Iowa, Cold War veteran army on Russia.
Go ahead.
You're on the air.
How you doing today, Alex?
It's awesome to listen to you as always.
Big supporter.
Love the great reset.
Love the vitamins.
Love it.
As a disabled vet, it's helped me get mobile again, get off the pharmaceutical chuck that
they push.
Love it.
We love it.
Thank you.
On the gun range today, I teach survival and other things of that nature, work with ex-military
intel guys doing farm security work around the country.
About a year ago, when this started about a year ago, they sold their houses, their cars.
They're still downsizing and moving to different locations.
Freak me out.
All of this.
Don't tell me why.
Just say, get your money out of the bank like you have and get stuff.
Get stuff that you and your wife need.
I'm free because I spent almost 20 years teaching Cold War tactics, Russia tactics, you name
it, for the army and the Marine Corps.
I've had a recently just teach my wife how to react to a NBC attack and I'm pissed.
Even my language as a Christian, I'm pissed because I had to teach a good Christian woman
how to freak and react to this stuff, how to put a gas mask on, how to put an NBC type
suit on, how to decontaminate.
And I'm furious.
Where are the Christian men in this country?
We keep saying they're losing, but they're winning.
Their economy's booming.
They control the air, the sea.
They control what goes in and out of Ukraine.
Their economy's awesome.
Our fuel is $8 a gallon for diesel some areas.
We don't have food.
We don't have electricity to meet our needs.
We don't have the water to meet our needs.
How are they winning?
I've taught it and every time they draw you in, they close the door on you.
That's what we taught each other.
We used high helicopters.
We used their tanks.
We used their BMPs back in the late 80s and 90s.
We had that equipment to teach with and all their tactics.
And I just want to know, when are we going to stand up and say, we're not with this
our Nazi government?
When are we going to do that in mass?
Because until we get off of our Netflix and our play stations and get out there and say
something, yes, we're going to be targeted by the Gestapo FBI, the Stasi, yes, we're
going to be targeted.
But until that happens, they're going to just run rough shot over us.
Greg, I hear your points, great points, and God bless you.
Think about how cynical the globalists are, that the feds ran ads in New York, they're
still running them, saying, here's what you do when the nuclear bombs hit or when the
nuclear missiles hit.
You just tune into your local radio station online or the government app.
None of that will be on, folks.
If you're in Manhattan, you'll be dead or you'll be under rubble crawling out into
I mean, that's what they're telling people to get ready for.
All right, look, we got loaded phone lines here, and I want to go to Stephen, I want
to go to everybody.
We've got a special guest coming on.
I'll continue with calls after that.
Stephen in Florida, you're on the air.
Hey, good afternoon, Alex.
Hey, quit product plug last week.
I got a package in the mail from you folks, which was SuperMailVitality, Ultra12, Brain
Force Plus, my Brain Force Ultra, and I've also had the Basil Beat.
The only thing I was lacking was the TurboForce because you guys ran out, but over the week
and I got to run a four race series called the Aiken Quad Challenge in Lakeland, Florida,
and I want to praise God and thank God for these products because they definitely enabled
me to get first place for men aged 60 to 64 in all four races.
So you definitely felt the difference in the products.
They're all top flight.
Thank you so much for the support.
Yes, sir.
Now, what I wanted to say, first of all, if you want to see realistically what we're
facing with global thermal nuclear war, don't watch war games.
That's a simulation.
Watch the 1983 movie.
It's still on YouTube called The Day After starring Jason Robards and put out by ABC
of all things, very realistic to show what we're facing if we get hit with nukes.
That being said, I want to say this, Mike Adams has interviewed several times, including
on InfoWars when he's hosted JR Nyquist, who's brought out about how Russia and China have
been doing joint military war games, exercises over the last five to six years.
He's also joined in on this, and just recently there were Russian and Chinese warships spotted
off of our Alaskan coast.
If you remember earlier this year, I think it was late last year, there was Russian warships
spotted about 35 miles from Hawaii.
So what I want to say is this, I don't believe Putin walked into a trap.
He baited us between what Biden did, leaving all that hardware in Afghanistan and now putting
everything into Ukraine, we've left ourselves wide open after the implosion that we're
going to have here in the United States because of what the globalists have done here for
invasion by the Russians.
All right, Steve, interesting points.
Thank you so much.
God bless.
Our special guest, Nick Raketa, straight ahead.
Think about a world without Info Wars.
Just take a moment and sit back and think about all the incredible guests and callers
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Think about how Info Wars is cited by Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson and Bal Senaro and
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And saveinfowars.com takes you to a URL that gives SINGO for direct Alex Jones Legal Defense
This whole phase of their attacks, foyers in the making is almost over.
And right at the end, we're not giving up, we're not giving in, but we could give out.
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Seeding a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
All right, welcome back to the Alex Jones show, Monday, October 10th broadcast.
I'll continue your calls to start the next hour.
Those that are holding, who you're gracious enough to hold, love to talk to you about
the out of control escalation into thermonuclear war that even mainline analysts say we're
on the very edge of.
I want to get Nick Raketa on because I've seen some of his reports.
He's very popular online commentator.
He's also a lawyer and I know that Robert Barnes thinks very, very highly of him and
I think highly of Robert Barnes.
Nick Raketa is our guest and he's RaketaLaw.locals.com, RaketaLaw and Rumble and YouTube and he's
here with us to discuss the waterfront.
You've got PayPal and its social credit score they pushed last week, $2,500 fines, but actually
Robert Barnes broke that last week, I didn't even know that, but I saw that later in the
They've now backed off of that.
He was, Raketa's been banned for calling out transgender activists who claim to provide
hormone replacement therapy drugs to minors without their parents knowledge or consent.
Phase 45 ethics complaints to the lawyer ethics board of Minnesota.
He's talking about free speech, big tech, tyranny of the courts, COVID and the test
run for government to control the populace through fear.
But also just up front, it's not about my case.
It's about the Democrats, the deep state admitting, defaulting me when we gave them all the discovery,
then not letting me defend myself in these show trials, is the model they're admitting
on MSNBC and CNN they're going to use because everybody else.
So the cherry on top of tyranny with the surveillance and the open borders and all of it and the
forced injections and the intimidation to lockdowns is now completely weaponized judiciary
and he's been a defender of info wars, even though he doesn't agree with all of our topics
and points, and he's been censored and attacked for that.
So that's a feather in his cap.
So Nick Raketa, thank you so much for joining us.
Hey, what's up, Alex?
Nice to be here, man.
It's nice to have you here.
We're on a bunch of radio stations.
We have like 14 minutes break an hour, I apologize, but what's going to give you the floor?
You're a smart guy to roll with any of the topics first you want to hit.
Well, Alex, I mean, first, I hate what they've been doing to you in court.
Like I just want to say that straight out the gate, I think that you have an extremely
important case, which was an interesting exchange you had with the plaintiff's attorney in your
Connecticut case.
Is this case important?
Of course it is.
The problem is the important part of the case is the part that we missed.
We just went ahead and defaulted you and skipped over the question of was there any defamatory
So much so that there's nothing in the record about what you actually said that we can link
to any sort of tangible damages, and that I think is just an affront to the First Amendment.
I think it's an affront to your due process, and I think that that's just absolute garbage.
So I'd kind of like to start there if you're going to talk about it.
Please do.
You're a well-known successful lawyer, and people want to get your take on this.
I mean, even Barnes a few months ago looked at her, I'm not a lawyer, but the pretrial
stuff we were allowed to say, and people didn't believe Barnes when he said that I can't
say these 12 things.
And then she said on the stand three times, can't say I'm innocent, can't say I'm bankrupt,
can't say I never said their names.
I still did that.
So she said, I'm going to arrest you the next time you did.
So I did the show back up.
And it was crazy that the whole idea that you're supposed to defend yourself without
being able to speak about any of the aspects of what's going on with you with this case
is ludicrous.
And I was watching your examination, and I was really looking forward to the cross-examination,
but once the judge said, frankly, straight to your attorney, look, you got mad about
how I treated the plaintiff's attorney.
So next time when you're up, I'm going to do it whole differently and have zero tolerance.
So she basically said, yeah, when you get up on the stand, you and your attorney are
likely to be held in contempt of court, but the other guy gets to do it scot-free.
It was a complete imbalance.
There's no impartiality.
And I said from the get-go, the moment your case got removed from federal court to Connecticut
under extremely bogus circumstances, might I add, once that happened, I said, there's
no way Alex gets a fair trial in Connecticut.
It's not possible.
It's not going to happen.
I didn't think you'd get that fair of a trial in federal court, but at least you'd have
a little bit of diversity between you and the other parties.
Well, exactly, Lister's got mad that I declared bankruptcy.
I'm out of money.
And from what I've seen, at least the federal court won't be completely out of control,
hopefully, because everything they're saying is a lie.
And the reality of bankruptcy is when you're out of money, you're out of money.
It doesn't matter what else is going on.
But yeah.
What do you make of them asking for 8.25 billion?
That's official.
Even law.com confirms it.
That's what they want.
8.25 million per plaintiff, 15 plaintiffs.
Absolutely absurd.
You know, one of the things that came out, I think you said during the trial, was people
are blaming you for the kids being shot more than they're blaming the actual shooter, which
seems to be 100% true.
You've become the scarecrow, the scapegoat, the punching bag for these parents.
And frankly, that's not a healthy way to deal with things, to be mad at someone who gave
an opinion you don't like, as if they're the cause of your child's unfortunate death.
And that was the three plus weeks of testimony.
It was all about their kids being shot, but then they talk about me.
They would never even say Lanz's name.
They talk about their kid not coming over to school, then talk about me for an hour.
Right, as if you would have had anything to do with it.
And 550 million is obviously a ridiculous number.
I mean, frankly, I thought the Texas judgment was a ridiculous number as well.
The big problem I have with this is, I didn't see them tangibly link what their damages
actually would be, even assuming there was some sort of guilt there.
I didn't see some-
Explain that in layman's terms.
No proof I said anybody to harass people didn't.
One person I said the name, one plaintiff I said his name, and said, yeah, that video
looks suspicious.
I mean, I literally hardly ever covered it.
And it's like you got punished for the opinions of other people is what happened.
And then, of course, projections upon you about what you might think.
But what I was talking about is there's no link to what has happened to these people.
And I'm frankly unclear on what exactly has happened to them in the first place, but there's
no link to how what you have said has caused directly that thing.
It seems like you're consistently being held liable for the actions of others, which as
an online commentator with a decent size audience, that's extremely concerning.
Because if I say something, I express an opinion about a case or about a subject and then someone
else takes that and runs with it and does something that I never asked anybody to do,
that's not my fault.
There's nothing I can do about that.
And I think everybody who talks about this needs to be really examining where they fall
down on this.
I agree.
What about the FBI agent?
I never knew his name till he sued me.
Never talked about him.
We never talked about him.
Didn't even know who he was.
He wants $550 million.
I don't even know who the guy is.
I can't figure out what damages that guy suffered.
First of all, the biggest damages, I saw that guy's picture.
I mean, I think that was more damaging to him than anything else.
It was a sad estate for an FBI agent.
He looks like a little kid dressed up for army.
He really does.
It was kind of embarrassing.
If you ask me.
But no, the whole thing is just, it's a huge blow to free speech and it's a pulse check
on our country.
We have this constitution that says, no, we get to speak freely.
We get to voice opinions, even if other people don't like them, those opinions can be popular
or unpopular.
They can be dangerous.
They can be safe.
And we have to protect all of them.
And we also get to put on a defense, which I was barred.
Even the local news said, Jones is barred from defending himself.
That was in the newspaper.
Which is, again, that whole fifth amendment due process comes in.
Where was it?
Where do we, where do we get our rights if they're, they're recognized by the constitution,
but they're just snuffed out by, by a judge with an agenda.
All right.
Well-known lawyer, Nick Raketa, giving us an analysis of the waterfront, key information
straight ahead.
Nick, what's the best website for folks to visit to find all your great material?
RaketaLaw.locals.com is the centralized hub, but you can find a ton of it on YouTube.
I've been doing this for five years, talking about anything.
All right.
Stay right there.
Look around you, everything I predicted from the global stone documents, from their own
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My credibility has never been higher.
And it's because of your backing of this operation that I could steadfastly, despite
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But now we're reaching the most critical juncture in the fight together.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Let me put bookends when we were just talking about it, we're going to shift here to other
big serious topics.
If I saw another talk show host being real-rodded not allowed to defend themselves, I would
be just as upset as I am about what's happening to me.
But one thing that's hurt us, that I didn't think of, is listeners see this big judgment
in Texas for $50 million, it's really $5 million capped, and they see these other $8
million things.
People say, sorry you're going out of business, sorry you're going to close, no, no, no, we're
going to appeal it for years, if there's any country left, it's going to be overturned.
A lot of mainline judges have said that, I mean this is crazy what they've done, so
we're targeted but we're going to win in the end.
We just need support and funding now to keep us on air.
We're not going away.
So make us go away, it's not these lawsuits, it will be you not supporting at infowarstor.com.
So thanks for your support, X3, the highest quality iodine, it's so good for your old
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So Nick Raketa, you wanted to get into the banks and the money and the social credit
score and the whole PayPal fiasco, what would make them officially put in their terms of
services last week, that if we don't like your political views, we're going to take
$2,500 out per pop.
That really gives us a window into what the big banking establish was planning.
Yeah, I mean this has been coming down the pike for years now.
We saw it first, or I saw it first I guess with the de-platforming of people from Patreon
that was a little bit confusing, and the first one I saw was Jihad Watch.
And some information came out about that where we found out it was actually the payment processors
that demanded that Patreon shut them down.
And basically the exchange is, well, we don't want you to do business with these people,
so if you do business with these people, we won't do business with you.
And the banks became absolutely untouchable.
They got to this place where they could control who the next person down the chain's customers
were by just threatening to cut off their banking.
And now we see PayPal, which was kind of an alternative independent processor that rises
up, threatening by an effective social credit score.
If you say hate speech or misinformation, whatever the hell those even are, if you
say that, we're going to just take money from you.
We'll extract it.
And since PayPal operates as a pseudo bank, they just have access to take your money right
No court, no consent, and good luck fighting in court to get that back.
They just say, well, we have a term of service.
You agreed to this.
Like, when did I agree for you to take my money?
But banks really are the ultimate, they're the ultimate linchpin in our society.
We run on such a financially driven economy that if you can cut off someone's access to
banking, you can cut off their access to anything.
It doesn't matter what your platform is.
It doesn't matter what your bank account is or how much money you have, you can't exchange
You can't send it to someone else.
And to me, it's just crazy that we're allowing this to get as far as it is.
And Nick, there's another aspect too.
They're not saying we're going to find you for what you do on the platform.
We're going to watch you.
So they're saying, we've got a spy agency.
We're going to watch you with these other groups.
And if you don't do what we want, we're going to find you.
No judge, no jury, no due process.
I mean, if the federal government acted like this, that would finally bring them down,
but instead it's the corporations doing it.
And the scary thing is, I mean, we know they have their own surveillance.
They have algorithms to watch just about anything because they have unlimited amounts of money.
But the other thing that they've got is an army of complicit idiots out there willing
to go out and flag and report every single piece of wrong thing that they come across.
And it becomes a tool to weaponize the economic system of the United States against your enemy.
And so many people are just willing to give into it because they think they're on the
correct side of whatever, and they don't realize the implications that once their opinion becomes
unpopular in any way, it goes right back against them.
Well, let's remember 1984, George R. Will, real name Eric Blair, but the highest level
of pavement socialist fought against the fascists with the communists in Spain, he wrote 1984
because he saw the communists for what they were, and in the book, the neighbor that tattles
on him the day after he's put in the torture camp, the neighbor is there now too.
So the neighbor thought he was getting ahead by tattling, no, that's not how this works.
You're destroying your own social safety net.
This country was founded with the idea that we were all kind of united together and there
is this governmental entity that we suffered a little bit because we needed security.
We needed someone to gather the guns to fight back if someone came to our shores.
But that was the key to it.
We didn't trust the government.
We didn't trust like a policing system that was around.
We just hoped they wouldn't oppress us too much, and we wrote down some law that says
maybe they can't.
And now we're just, our entire society is giving right into it.
And the worst part is, it's not the government really even doing it anymore because they
don't have to.
They've infiltrated corporations with enough propaganda that the corporations will just
police everyone for us.
Where do you see this going?
Well I have a hopeful side.
My hopeful side says the pendulum is coming to a stop and is going to start swinging back
the other way and we'll get some people who will notice this is going on at the normal
levels and they'll start rejecting it and pushing back.
And I think a big turning point kind of for a lot of mainstream America was Johnny Depp
oddly enough in his trial because Johnny Depp was no far right insurrectionist or whatever.
He's just a Hollywood guy, very popular.
And people saw how he almost got railroaded into absolute oblivion.
He was cut off from everything, made a pariah in Hollywood, made a pariah in society.
And then when the trial comes out and people start listening, they're like, oh, this guy
was absolutely railroaded and everybody just went along with it because that was the convenient
narrative of the Me Too movement and this sort of socialist agenda that hits.
And so once that happened, I saw a lot of people start to turn and say, hey, I've been
a liberal my whole life, but this is garbage and I don't like how they're treating people.
And so I think more cases like that are going to bring us back.
Same thing with transgenderism.
Taking over parents' parental rights, targeting the children, putting them in databases, sterilizing
You've been a big critic of that.
I see that as really waking people up across the political spectrum.
Yeah, I think that was the biggest mistake that these people made during COVID was they
started going to kids, they started pushing transgenderism in schools, they started pushing
critical race theories in schools, and then they sent all the kids home during COVID and
all the parents got to see it.
They got to see it in front of them.
I mean, they'd hear about some stuff here and there, but you know, oh, mom, dad, listen
to what we learned, yeah, sure, cool, whatever.
Then they're sitting there and their kids are at home, they're hearing the teacher's
lecture about it, they're getting assignments and looking at them going, what is this?
What are we even talking about?
Where's just math?
Can we try teaching math or reading or any of those things?
No, now it's all about race, it's all about gender, it's all about identity and nothing
about actual classical education anymore.
I think that was a mistake because yes, going after kids is going to wake up parents, but
calling out transgender activists is a very dangerous activity I recently learned.
Oh yeah, I got calls like four years ago from Big Tech, like vice presidents, they said,
just leave the transgender woman alone and we'll leave you alone, that is so important
to them to control the minds of the youth.
Now, if you can form a sexual relationship with a child, you control them.
Now they can't rape them, but they can tell them they're another sex and prepare them
for medical rape.
I mean, this is really abusive.
It's really abusive and the scary part is, you know, you have weirdos individually who
are out there grooming kids online for this stuff.
They meet them on places like Discord or whatever and then, you know, these kids get caught
at this most confusing point in their life when they're going through a bunch of hormonal
changes, their identities are all out of whack, their peers are all different and then they
take advantage of that and start trying to push them as a token into their own agenda.
The worst part, though, is that hospitals and doctors and psychiatrists all across the
country are seemingly complicit in this and I think it's because a lot of them are just
flat out terrified to say anything else because if you say anything against it, your medical
license goes away, your psychiatric license goes away, the hospital's funding gets revoked,
grants get dropped and everybody's scared of this.
So might as well just roll over and take the money like all these video shows, university
directors saying, hey, we're making a lot of money off chopping little girls' breasts
off, little boys, genitals off.
We'll be right back with Nick Riccati, lawyer, well-known talk show host, to talk about the
tyranny of tech censorship and the wheels coming off the whole COVID narrative straight
We'll be right back with Nick Riccati and I'll see you next time on Nick Riccati.
Thanks for watching Nick Riccati and I'll see you next time on Nick Riccati.
Thanks for watching Nick Riccati and I'll see you next time on Nick Riccati.
Thanks for watching Nick Riccati and I'll see you next time on Nick Riccati.
Thanks for watching Nick Riccati and I'll see you next time on Nick Riccati.
Thanks for watching Nick Riccati and I'll see you next time on Nick Riccati.
Thanks for watching Nick Riccati and I'll see you next time on Nick Riccati.
Thanks for watching Nick Riccati and I'll see you next time on Nick Riccati.
Thanks for watching Nick Riccati and I'll see you next time on Nick Riccati.
Thanks for watching Nick Riccati and I'll see you next time on Nick Riccati.
Thanks for watching Nick Riccati.
Thanks for watching Nick Riccati and I'll see you next time on Nick Riccati.
Thanks for watching Nick Riccati.
Thanks for watching Nick Riccati and I'll see you next time on Nick Riccati.
Thanks for watching Nick Riccati and I'll see you next time on Nick Riccati.
Thanks for watching Nick Riccati and I'll see you next time on Nick Riccati.
Thanks for watching Nick Riccati and I'll see you next time on Nick Riccati.
Thanks for watching Nick Riccati and I'll see you next time on Nick Riccati.
Thanks for watching Nick Riccati and I'll see you next time on Nick Riccati.
Thanks for watching Nick Riccati and I'll see you next time on Nick Riccati.
Thanks for watching Nick Riccati.
Thanks for watching Nick Riccati.
Thanks for watching Nick Riccati.
Thanks for watching Nick Riccati.
Thanks for watching Nick Riccati.
You can be punished for it and sometimes you will. You should always speak prudently but
you should always speak boldly in that prudence. Know that there are so many people out there
fighting for freedom and fighting for you and there's way more than you think that are
on your side.
That's perfectly said and anything valuable, anything powerful they're going to attack.
So as a rule, there's the old saying from World War II they didn't have radar yet or
wasn't deployed yet fully that they didn't actually know where the German factories were
but wherever the flak was they steered towards it.
And sure you're not getting flak you fly around the target. You've got to go into the flak
and we've got to understand that not flying into the flak is going to be much worse than
submitting to it and that's really what this comes down to.
Nick Riccati thank you so much for joining us today. People can find your great work
at obviously riccatalaw.locals.com and they can also find you a lot of other great places
so God bless you and thank you for spending time with us.
Thank you sir.
All right we're going to come back and take phone calls and hit the latest news on Russia
and look I'm just going to say this right up front. We were in trouble last week. The
economy's falling apart, we weren't getting enough orders in to even pay the bills and
we still aren't out of the red again. We got back in the red again, drives me crazy but
all of a sudden X3 was like selling out and I went why is that? Oh people are buying because
they think it protects them from a nuclear war. It does not protect you from a nuclear
war. Praying and being involved and being engaged and saying no to tyranny does. Yeah
it protects your thyroid from a few isotubes, the most common radioactive isotubes that
are given off by hydrogen bomb. Yes but it's like having a life vest in the middle of the
North Atlantic you're going to freeze death anyways doesn't really matter. That's not
why we sell iodine though there's a run on it. We're not going to raise the price despite
it. It does protect your immune system and your body and your cells and your energy.
It's essential. We have the very best X3 back in stock 50% off selling out very quickly
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are missing out on real iodine. So much the iodine, the environment's bound to other compounds,
other things on the periodic table and so you don't absorb it properly. This is bound
to other elements. This is the pure deep earth crystal iodine than two other types of absorbent
absorbent and faster. It's 50% off infowarstore.com and it's selling out quick. I want to thank
you all for your support. Get your X2 now at infowarstore.com and we're going to end
this soon. Sign copies as a fundraiser of the great reset in the world at infowarstore.com
as well and we've extended for at least three days the big mega sale 40-50% off across the
board on DNA Force Plus you name it and vitamin real fusion back in stock 30% off infowarstore.com
and I'm doing a special emergency broadcast till midnight Wednesday.
Think about a world without info wars. Just take a moment and sit back and think about
all the incredible guests and callers and stories we've broken together. This family
that is info wars. Think about how info wars is cited by Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson and
Bolsonaro and other foreign leaders like Nigel Farage as being the main impetus towards
firing up their main base to defeat the new world order. The only reason humanity is still
in the fight today is because the viewers and listeners of this broadcast have taken
action and supported this show. I don't take the credit. I give you the credit. And now
info wars is facing its darkest hours. It isn't going to give up. Without your support
we can be shut down. Please go to saveinfowars.com today. Saveinfowars.com today and donate
for our legal defense fund.
I have been in a 28 year marathon battle with the globalist. I have come from nowhere to
the very heights of politics not just in America but in the world. We are engaging the globalist
at point-blank range in the information war. But I don't deserve the credit. Yes I've persevered
but the listeners and viewers who support info wars for the real reason we've had this
success. We're having now the greatest victories in the fight against the new world order we've
ever had. We are now entering the final mile of the marathon. And that's why today it's
more important than ever to realize how important you've been in this fight and to continue
in the efforts you've been carrying out and to intensify them. God bless you all. I salute
you. I thank you. And I beg you to intensify what you're doing now because we are over
the target and this street is happening. The fight is my fight. It's your fight. It's
our fight. God bless you all.
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's Alex Jones. Waging war
on corruption. It's Alex Jones coming to you live from the front lines of the info war.
Again I want to thank all the incredible listeners and viewers for your prayer your word of mouth
your support. You are incredible. I'm guilty every day coming up here begging you for help
but I'd be more guilty giving up. So I'm just going to do it. I'm going to beg even harder
to stay on air. It was a work we're doing so incredible. I know it's a hard fight and
I appreciate you. I'm going to hit some huge new Reuters. Start of the next segment I'm
going to get a few calls in right now. We now know the Russians are going to invade
out of the north out of white Russia. That's what Belarus means. Blonde Russian and massive
troop movements hundreds of thousands of troops getting ready to smash in that's very close
to Kiev so the real war just started. That's coming up right now. Let's go to Johnny in
Texas Johnny thanks for holding her on the air.
Good afternoon Alex. Thank you for the privilege of being part of your show today.
The privilege to talk to you. Go ahead. Yes sir. I've been with you. You often comment
how you've been doing this for 28 years. I'm proud to say I've been with you for 24 of
those. I remember you when I lived in Austin and you were on cable access. It's awesome
to watch where you're at today sir. Yes truly this is by design. Yes is the deep state at
a full tilt boogie and like any Trojan horse it's in all levels of our government and this
goes to what you spoke of earlier today Alex about the scripted you know media not the
alternative for the most part but the scripted and this is Operation Mockingbird which you
know a lot about that too. But going further yes for such a time as this brother for us
are witnessing what's happening today in the world not just in our country but globally
it is definitely by design. There's no chance the numbers would be astronomical for all
these things to evolve at once. So you know what we can do as individuals well you know
I believe in Christ and what he tells me I have a sound mind and body and not to be
afraid and yes just like you I've been vilified for 25 years when I spoke about these things
that are unveiling themselves today but truly the veil has been revealed right the veil
has been lifted a lot of the people that have been blind they're seeing now but the problem
I find Alex not unlike what you said earlier is when I speak about these things to people
even my family they they they say the same thing they've always said you're crazy you are absolutely
a nut job but the reality is where I get my information is from people like you certainly
but more than that this is predicted and it's predictable because it's from scripture what
we're seeing is the beast it's rocking it full tilt so we we have to go to who we believe in
I believe in Christ and you know he'll keep me uplifted and stronger we either stand now Alex
or we fall just the way I see it so we have to stay strong and I will be donating to your legal
fund sir I can think of no one that deserves it more than you you've worked so hard for so many
years and you've been very uplifting and positive in my life so I thank you for that sir well I
appreciate you I just hate having to come to you guys so much for support but we're under massive
globalist attack they're so angry we're not off the air save info wars.com is the place
for legal defense funds save info wars.com want to thank folks for the donations we've gone through
two mega trials that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars a piece hundreds of depositions hundreds
they just assaultless everything they've got the courts just let them abuse the hell out of us but
it's okay we're not victims we're overcomers one more show trial coming up next year but
we've got these big appeals coming up that are very inexpensive we're talking 20 30 thousand dollars
you know for the appeals maybe ten thousand dollars for the arguments so three of those
hundred thousand dollars together maybe a little more than a hundred thousand so the bills go way
down you know in through Christmas and a little a little bit of a bill for the the next show trial
next year but I'm not even worried about that I want to stay on air to fight the globalist and
expose the war they're trying to start and just do that and so it's a sign of our victory that
they come after so much and they just hate all of us coming together they fear us having a focal
point so thank you so much sir uh but the lord works in mysterious ways and info wars is having a
biggest effect that's ever happened so thank you all right we're gonna go right to break and come
back with Roland and then we're gonna go to Mike and Dean and Paul and Kevin and Jeff stay with
us back in 60 seconds the coordinates are news wars dot com info wars dot com and band odd video
keep sharing those links look around you everything i predicted from the global stone documents
from their own admissions is now happening info wars credibility my credibility has never been
higher and it's because of your backing of this operation that i could steadfastly despite the
censorship and the boycotts and the attacks and the lawsuits stay on air but now we're reaching
the most critical juncture in the fight together so i want to ask all of you today to help keep me
on the air in my decades on air i've never asked for personal donations but i'm being forced by the
bankruptcy court to pay for 40 of the legal fees and i can't fund those myself it's unsustainable
so please visit save info wars dot com save info wars dot com where you can make straight
donations five 10 50 hundred dollars whatever you can so that i can continue to persevere i'll never
give up i'll never give in but i could give out thank you for your support wouldn't be without you
save info wars dot com big brother mainstream media government coverups you want to stop tyranny
well so does he live from the info wars dot com studios it's alex jones
and we are back live broadcasting worldwide ladies and gentlemen and here is the big news
we'll put it up on screen for everybody poland advises its citizens to leave balarus now again
ukraine was part of russia it's where russia was founded a thousand years ago and north of that is
what they call white russians balarus because they have blonde hair compared to folks in the east
that's just the name of it balarus and here's roiders i just point that out because it's
all been russia forever polish citizens in balarus should leave the country warsaw set on monday
as relations between the two countries became increasingly tense in part due to the war in
ukraine the advice follows a similar recommendation given in september to poles in russia a close ally
of balarus who recommend the polish citizens stay on the territory of the republic of balarus
believe its territory with available commercial and private means the government set in guidance
for travelers published on its website relations between warsaw and minstery 2001 poland crossed
its eastern neighbor by orchestrating a migrant crisis on the border and becoming even more
strained with russia invasion since and the reports coming out now are that masses of russian
troops are massing in balarus that if you look at the map tf the capital is very close to the
border up there perhaps for an invasion from the north the russians have already invaded
from the east into the west so i'm going to take a few calls here and then going out to break i'm
going to play a short compilation of globalist leaders saying a cyberattack with the pretext
for full war with russia and that is now what we are seeing in a big big big way so this is
again escalating very very quickly let's talk to roland in oklahoma roland you're on the air yeah
alex uh good afternoon my belief is they cannot afford to have an election they know they're
going to be wiped out so i think in my heart that they will have some kind of lost flag maybe a
nuclear device or three go off in this country as part of the new war or bring destroying
america we have chinese troops to the north biden would love to call the united nations in
to our problem setting up a complete war war in this country similar to that what i experienced
in vietnam and that's what's scary to me because the countdown is less than 30 days
i think the globalist are trying to push russia into a bigger confrontation before the midterms
because the globalists know they're about to lose their main command base i mean i agree with you i
think we're in the maximum danger right now absolutely and it's scary and people had best
realize that and wake up now
but maybe maybe this is god's will that we'd be brought down to our needs
well that's why the satanists do the transgenderism and the pedophilia
and all of us they know if they can do enough evil and we don't stop it god will remove protection
it's a ritual the satanists do to make us wide open because they're already sold out
they don't care what happens to them they want to bring us down with them absolutely you're
absolutely right and and my what they have done to this country the last two years bringing in all
these children pedophilia sex trade everything drugs it it we got to stand up and stop it and
that's going to be we need some good leaders because that is a time of choice do you fight
or do you surrender absolutely it's all been turned up on overdrive thank you rolling the games
are over folks let's talk to dean and pencil vanya dean thanks for holding them we'll go to paul
hey alex how are you brother i'm all right yeah well look um i doubt you remember but
eleven twelve years ago i called in and i was talking to joel scalton and we had a little bit
of a debate on air um and i love love the man great great insight um very smart man
uh i i lived in ukraine okay i long story short 2015 i was an officer here in pennsylvania
i was on special teams medically qualified on sort teams um i met a couple up in uh state college
pennsylvania they invited me to come over i was getting ready to retire i had job opportunities
over there went over 2016 staying kiev from kiev i went to zapparocia and please people
they always miss pronounce that name is zapparocia is my city
anyway met fell in love with my wife stayed there i was going to be a contractor until i
seen the situation and the corruption the corruption in ukraine is unbelievable i mean
absolutely it's out in the open unbelievable a lot of people may not understand this they may not
like it but like i said i live there i'm now back here in pennsylvania with my wife we still have
family over there the things that are going on over there um it's the culture it really is
they're the most bravest wonderful people there are but you know when it comes down to it
um things are going to happen things are definitely going to happen over there
um i just talked to my little brother my brother in law i call him my little brother anson
good morning zapparocia got hit very hard very hard the mood of the people over there
they're just tired they're just tired of it they're tired of the corruption
which happened before all of this before russia invaded people are just tired
we may just want to survive and what we're doing and what i've seen when i went over there to be
a contractor i don't want no part of it i hear you doing great points and i appreciate your call
we're going to go to break with a compilation of world leaders saying a cyber attack will be
launched by russia they're obviously setting them up we'll come back with more of your phone calls
on the other side stay with us another area we spent a great deal of time on was cyber and
cyber security i talked about the proposition that certain critical infrastructure should be off
limits to attack period by cyber or any other means i gave them a list if i'm not mistaken
i don't have in front of me 16 specific entities 16 defined as critical infrastructure under u.s
policy from the energy sector to our water systems of course the principle is one thing
it has to be backed up by practice responsible countries need to take action against criminals
who conduct ransomware activities on their territory so we agreed to task experts and
both our both our countries to work on specific understandings about what's off limits and to
follow up on specific cases that originate in other countries in either our countries
today we are reiterating those warnings and we're doing so based on evolving threat intelligence
that the russian government is exploring options for potential cyber attacks on critical infrastructure
in the united states to be clear there is no certainty there will be a cyber incident on
critical infrastructure so why am i here because this is a call to action and a call to responsibility
for all of us but still pay insufficient attention to the frightening scenario of a comprehensive
cyber attack which would bring to a complete halt to the power supply transportation hospital
services our society as a whole the kovai 19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small
disturbance by the will of god and by god working through you and your support info wars continues
to persevere against the attacks never before seen in the western world against independent media
thanks for keeping me in the fight and over the years you have come to the table you have
come to the table you have stepped to the plate so many times and kept info wars and free speech
on the air and i thank you but now i have my own legal bills that have reached the point that i
can't pay them and i need your support so if you want to keep this operation moving forward if you
want to back me this fight against the globalist please visit save info wars dot com and save
info wars dot com takes you to a url at give sin go for direct alex jones legal defense fund this
whole phase of their attacks four years in the making is almost over and right at the end we're
not giving up we're not giving in but we could give out so please if you support what we're doing
i want to fight for liberty and freedom and just in the future go to save info wars dot com today
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off leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
we're being swept walked into world war three there's no doubt about that thank you for joining
us on this live monday october 10th broadcast taking your phone calls right now and a special
guest popping in next segment talk about some of the good news that's happening but also some
scary news dealing with the next phase of the cobin power grab us hospitals brace for unprecedented
winner of viruses in the vaccinated of course who they're killing so that's all coming up but
this is a process we got to go through this is what's going to separate the boys from the men
let's go back to your phone calls thanks for holding paul in new jersey or on the air
here hello alex alex uh believing the mainstream media on this war is like believing what fiser
says about cobit you know the fact of the matter is there's a money angle to this
and the mainstream media is all supported and subsidized by uh the arms manufacturers
and uh the media is going to respond dutifully to make sure that the advertisements and and um
you know oh yeah i don't believe a word coming out of the media about what's happening over
there but i do out of i do out of russia and from our own sources in the u.s military and
russia's getting a lot harder fight than they thought they'd get yeah but but uh don't forget
this is you know they're planning the long strategy here already if you think about what
they wanted in the beginning of the war which was just two provinces and keeping Crimea they wanted
the donetsk and luhansk liberated now they're getting zaporizhia and kerson thrown in so they're
going to gain four oblasts from the look of this and and they're doing and they're winning russia is
absolutely winning it's all a matter of time they're taking their time they're using excellent
strategy and i think what's going to happen now and i we're seeing this today is i think they're
going to open up in a can of uh william tecumseh sherman whoop ass by bringing so they're going to
burn everything to the sea well more not so much that they're going to bring the war to the civilians
and make them how because remember what sure he brought up sherman so he burned everything from
Missouri all the way to the ocean yeah but more importantly he brought the pain of the war
to civilians and once you do that that undermines the war but that's what hitler thought with the
british yeah but here's the thing the western ukrainians to me have been very smug they've
been the main supporters of the the made dan revolution they've been supplying a lot of support
for the war when they start getting a taste of the cold and and are sitting in their apartments
shivering in the dark because they don't have electricity they're not going to have water
and they're not well it is true that the most the power lines to the nuclear power plant have
been blown up so a lot of ukraine is in darkness yeah so i think russia is going to turn on and
you know they didn't do this for months but you know they were trying to keep the kid gloves on
but now i think they're going to open up a can of whoop ass and they're going to and they don't
think they're going to do it they've just done it yeah and and once the infrastructure is down
and the utilities are down in western ukraine i think the support for this war is going to
start ending and they're going to push for a reasonable uh partition which is well how do
you know this isn't going to bring nature fully into the war i i just think everybody's going to
punk out because there's at the simultaneously there's going to be a lot of protests in europe
already they're having in prog berlin and in france because nobody wants that's how britain's
winning is the energy so why would the globalists do blow up the pipeline so so germany wouldn't
punk out it's just it's crazy well that's the west and you know in the united states trying to push
l and g that's a fantasy of americans to be able to ship uh american gas uh to europe and and uh
in a competitive manner which are amazing points incredible caller thank you sir
jeff in maryland you're on the air welcome hi man hey uh blessings alex um actually i spoke with
you at the end of august so regarding the theme of climate controls on the east coast um in first
things first i'd like to have him all the info warriors out there uh go to the greg reef reports
and uh float them around the society because of all the blind incidents just the short oh it's
so frustrating to me that greg reef reports only yet 400 000 views on average i mean they're so damn
good it's the same thing on the germany reports they're all at man dot video just waiting to wake
people up they're they're they're they're weaponized truth they're just ready that's what i bring
to people whenever they ask questions i think you'll watch this i'll send them the feed so um
but our conversation uh got me thinking about the 40 chest on how to attack our grid um realistically
i think the grid will just go down long enough for them to uh launch the credit score system oh i
agree they're not gonna lock it down long they're gonna they're gonna shut it down say the russians
didn't go oh don't worry there look look look all the central banks already saying soon your bank
will be shut in october or november and then a new currency is coming out now i'm not saying
they're gonna do it but they're saying they're about to do it this is a big deal yeah about mid
december is what they're saying now my my thought is they can't really do much other than rolling
blackouts because all the nuclear plants will start melting down and that is just gonna go
completely opposite of what they want the united states well you know the grids all have certain
areas that are you know quote backed up by uh generators others that aren't they it'll be so
obvious they're gonna selectively shut areas off now my my thought is is okay europe ukraine all
that stuff this is it's a complete distraction um people are going to die in europe it's on it's
upsetting my thought is is china is going to backdoor send once we start rolling down the
rolling blackouts because they've been training in obviously canada for a few years they got the police
um setting up all over the place you know please it's really nice to say that was impossible
but the media is so controlled that they put chinese generals on tv saying we run your life
now the average leftist would salute them in a minute yeah actually i spoke with elin last
february and brought this up to him and uh i thought that it was kind of odd that they were
training with the canadians in one time and he was like you know i don't see that happening now you
see all these ships that are sitting off the coast and there's i see videos out of canada where like
500 paramilitary troops that don't look like fatasses are just running down the road in canada
and now they admitted to quote watch chinese citizens in america and canada i mean we are just
this is a joke i mean our government is totally criminal has sold us out they've been uh chinese
firms which we know is the government has been buying up farmland all around our military bases
typically the drone base in north north uh north dakota i'm sorry and uh it's a scary thing now
my concern is the uh all these ships that are sitting offshore that are painted with the uh
you know how they painted and look these are all women these are sex operatives they're going to
put in and take over the politicians they've got armies of sex operatives in our country now
this is canada the chinese have been using transport ships to guard the movement of
military ships um and that's oh yeah the chinese merchant marine is really their navy
we're completely infiltrated yeah and there's something that said you know he's going to keep
this uh the board's open and uh you know what's off the what's in those ships offshore no one knows
there's just going to be a major movement i think take over the entire pacific and the west coast
um and obviously bill gates has all the farmland real ways in the states in this pocket so
and you know the chinese really don't like us they keep talking about a hundred year war
god bless you sir appreciate your call all right constitutional lawyer thomas rins joined us
really appreciate him coming on today with all this huge news unfolding we've got the
surgeon general of florida saying 84 increase in death of men from heart attacks at certain
age groups we're going to be looking at that we're going to be looking at all the big developments
he's heavily involved suing big pharma he's a real hero rins-law.com r-e-n-z rins-law.com
he joins us on the other side of this break this is big important news it's one of the fronts
we're actually winning on though there's been a lot of carnage and collateral damage we are
winning on the front of exposing the poison shots stay with us think about a world without info wars
just take a moment and sit back and think about all the incredible guests and callers
and stories we've broken together this family that is info wars think about how info wars is
cited by joe rogan and tucker carlson and ball sonaro and other foreign leaders like nigel
forage as being the main impetus towards firing up their main base to defeat the new world order
the only reason humanity is still in the fight today because the viewers and listeners of this
broadcast have taken action and supported this show i don't take the credit i give you the credit
the credit and now info wars is facing its darkest hours it isn't going to give up without your
support we can be shut down please go to save info wars dot com today save info wars dot com
today and donate for our legal defense fund the biggest sale of 2022 is now live exclusively
at info wars store dot com the info war store super sale is now live 40 to 50 off bare minimum 40
percent off many of the products 15 percent off at info war store dot com the most exciting of all
these incredible products is x3 all three of the very best types of iodine that are natural and pure
that should get into your cells are in x3 the deep earth crystal iodine and two other types
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everybody after that feels the effects it's not a sheer immune system but it's for your energy and
so much more x3 back in stock at infowarstore.com 50 off i have been in a 28 year marathon battle
with the globalist i have come from nowhere to the very heights of politics not just in america
but in the world we are engaging the globalist at point blank range in the information war
but i don't deserve the credit yes i persevered but the listeners and viewers who support info wars
are the real reason you've had this success we're having now the greatest victories in the fight
against the new war you've ever had we are now entering the final mile of the marathon and that's
why today it's more important than ever realize how important you've been in this fight and to
continue and the efforts you've been tearing out and to intensify them god bless you all i salute
you i thank you and i beg you to intensify what you're doing now because we are over the target
and this is happening the fight is my fight it's your fight it's our fight god bless you all
ladies and gentlemen the biggest sale of 2022 is now live at infowarstore.com
it's the info war store super sale 40 to 50 off all products in the store survival shield x3
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as fall and winter plus it funds the info war thank you for your support the only way you lose is
not going to infowarstore.com and getting 40 to 50% off on all these amazing products
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
ladies and gentlemen get ready for this
waging war on corruption it's alex jones
but russia's just blew up the german consulate
and there are strikes all over the country it may be a false flag probably not putin
said he's a start targeting nato targets inside ukraine so you don't need spider sense folks
of the holy ghost know this is dangerous but let me tell you something i've told you this for months
i'm guilty every day that i haven't loaded up my winnebago i got a winnebago i haven't used in
years i never get take time off and just left but i'm not doing it because we have a chance to stop
this but this is real as a heart attack now let's talk about some of the positive news before i
host some of the next hour and finish up with kevin and others and get all this breaking news on the
war with thomas rinds who had booked for a full hour he's an incredible patriot i apologize we had
to cut in 30 minutes but he understands with this huge war news to give me some good news a silver
lining in this nightmare studies in germany studies the uk studies in canada oxford studies studies
in the us the surgeon general medical doctor now we learned he's been doing a year-long study
84 increase in heart attacks 18 to 39 now we already knew that that's bad news but the good news is
we have champions that are saying no and this literally is going to scare the hell out of the
globalist so on so many fronts like gain a function you name if people are waking up
thomas rinds is a well-known successful lawyer rinds-law.com he has been spearheading filing
lawsuits against big pharma having some really good success he's also a very articulate individual
told her to get him on with some updates on i see this is extremely positive i've seen national
numbers we're having uptake of the vaccine down 90 plus percent since its peak and summit jurisdictions
is 99 percent people are not taking the new so-called booster which we know isn't a vaccine
so as bad as things are it looks like people are finally waking up what area do you want to hit first
so mr rinds oh man i tell you alex i actually had the privilege of being able to watch you
before it came on and i'll tell you i didn't expect to do this but i'd like to talk a little
bit about coven the war sure so let me put this out there we just filed a billion dollar lawsuit
against eco health alliance and several others for the creation of saris covet two in the lab
in wuhan china with the chinese okay so we've alleged that they've created it there we believe
we can prove it in court and we're gonna we're gonna show it i think we're gonna win this we've
got a firsthand whistleblower we got all these different things this is the greatest conspiracy
ever unleashed on mankind six and a half million dead by their numbers right they kill six and a
half million dead you've seen the you've seen all sorts of distractions coming up to the election
coming up to all this you know we file we file the one of the biggest lawsuits in history on this
sort of thing all of a sudden we've got some major talk of some war stuff we got some
oh no no no sir listen to you go ahead oh okay so we got some major talks of some war stuff we
got some major talks of some chaos of all this stuff going on so the question i would ask is
given that we we put this lawsuit out there and given that we've just released a report that tied
this to hunter biden that tied this to the us intelligence community that tied this to the
military industrial complex isn't it convenient that with all these ties to all of these people
that suddenly we're talking about a war no i totally absolutely agree with you thomas friends in fact
when i was driving into work this morning i was going to say even the nuclear war situation
is a distraction from this chemical biological nanotech attack that has been the viral release
and the shots and you're absolutely right tell people about the lawsuit that you just filed
yeah so i mean listen this is kind of like uh you know if you build a dynamite factory and your
dynamite factory blows up and kills a bunch of people around the factory well you're going to
get sued you're going to have to pay for the dead people the people who died from your dynamite factory
blown up well in this case we've alleged that they created a bio weapon that we've alleged that they've
created sars-covid two in a lab we've alleged that they've created one of the most dangerous
biological agents in history and that that agent then got out and killed millions of people well
if that happens guess who guess who's got to pay for those deaths guess who's got to pay for that
carnage the lockdowns and all the chaos and that's without the six and a half million dead doesn't
even count the death from the vaccines the death from everything else i mean the adjet chaos so
you know this to me is the first major step towards accountability and i'm really excited
about it i am too and and i know you have my skype fees you can see me talking over you see
stopped i was telling the crew when we archive this at bandot video i'll tell them hey grab this
clip to put it up front but what you were saying was so powerful but i distracted you was telling
hey grab this clip to put it on front for bandot video this is so huge you've followed a lot of
suits you've been successful now a billion dollar against peter dazik and this whole criminal cabal
elaborate on that and then walk through how big this is well you know we've got a first hand
whistleblower and we released a couple weeks ago report and that report showed a number of things
it showed that first of all it's almost inarguable that this was created in the lab in wuhan china
it shows that anthony fauci uh almost absolutely certainly lied to congress and perjured himself
when he said that he wasn't funding gain of function i mean these are documents that they
have given us we have their documentation that basically show this right so we've got all of
these things coming out we've got uh all these things that show that essentially fauci paid these
guys they experimented on a bunch of viruses the result was that sarz covet two came out
it spread out got out of the lab killed people all over the world and you know the rest is history
so what we've done is we said listen if we can show that you guys have done this and that this
did escape from the lab there should be liability under current tort law the civil liability so we
filed a suit and you know it's very tough to sue the government on something like this much easier
to sue a private entity and so we we filed suit where we think it belongs we believe we've got the
right defendants here but we included john and jane doe one through a thousand and we did that so
that if if the evidence shows that someone else is a necessary party should be added we can add
them to the law so class action yeah well we'll see we'll see where it goes we're going to go where
the evidence takes us we have to be very disciplined and very careful to do this case exactly right
and we're doing our very best to do it make americans free again and uh it's helped an immense
amount with this uh another attorney named patty finn and we've got a couple other attorneys
patty is a brilliant attorney out of new york she's done a great job on this uh we're just as
excited as can be because we feel like if we can actually get this get some accountability here
that it'll open the floodgates and we'll be able to to really kind of move on and hit hit this in
all these different directions so millions are watching right now and i knew you filed this suit
i got distracted with the war and didn't bring that up front what is the headline we give to this
once we archive and demand our videos and go viral billion dollar americans file billion dollar suit
against uh falchi uh wuhan or or against peter dazik wuhan or against chinese lab or
what should the headline be here what's the big takeaway uh you know billion dollar lawsuit
filed against eco health alliance for the death of 6.5 million i mean we're not right now suing for
all 6.5 million uh we'll see what happens but if it turns out that they're responsible for the death
of our plaintiffs they'll probably be responsible for the death of everybody else under the same
principles of law and you know at the end of the day if you do something that's ultra hazardous
and ultra dangerous under the law and for whatever reason you know that that causes the death of a
whole bunch of people well you're typically liable and in this case we've got gain of function research
going on all over and alex you know let me tell you about punitive damages punitive damages are
in court called punishment damages right and they're not something that the courts love to do and
it's not something that we always want to ask for as attorneys but these guys performed gain of
function research on what they knew was a pandemic type virus they made it more dangerous it escaped
and these are all things that we've alleged and we'll prove in the case now as if that wasn't
enough as if the six and a half million dead people around the world isn't enough
Anthony Fauci just gave peter dasik and eco health alliance another grant to do more gain
of function in wuhan china more of the same thomas rince stay there i want you to recap this and
start over because i was interrupting and bumbling around this is so huge rince-law.com and by the
way this will flesh out a lot of criminal information as well look around you everything
i predicted from the globlestone documents from their own admissions is now happening info wars
credibility my credibility has never been higher and it's because of your backing of this operation
that i could steadfastly despite the censorship and the boycotts and the attacks and the lawsuits
stay on air but now we're reaching the most critical juncture in the fight together so
i want to ask all of you today to help keep me on the air in my decades on air i've never asked for
personal donations but i'm being forced by the bankruptcy court to pay for 40 percent of the
legal fees and i can't fund those myself it's unsustainable so please visit save info wars
dot com save info wars dot com where you can make straight donations five ten fifty hundred dollars
whatever you can so that i can continue to persevere i'll never give up i'll never give in
but i could give out thank you for your support wouldn't be without you save info wars dot com
ladies and gentlemen the biggest sale of 2022 is now live at info wars store dot com it's the info
wars store super sale 40 to 50 off all products in the store survival shield x3 sold out for
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weeks only again x3 back in stock 50 off by the will of god and by god working through you and
your support info wars continues to persevere against the tax never before seen in the western
world against independent media thanks for keeping me in the fight and over the years you have come
to the table you have stepped to the plate so many times and kept info wars and free speech
on the air and i thank you but now i have my own legal bills that have reached the point
that i can't pay them and i need your support so if you want to keep this operation moving forward
if you want to back me this fight against the globalist please visit save info wars dot com
and save info wars dot com takes you to a url at give simgoe for direct alex jones legal defense
fund this whole phase of their attacks four years in the making is almost over and right at the end
we're not giving up we're not giving in but we could give out so please if you support we're
doing and want to fight for liberty and freedom and just in the future go to save info wars dot
com today leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
all right thomas rince is finally a major billion dollar lawsuit with the leading lawyers out there
suing big pharma getting documents out like robert barnes rince-law dot com we'll talk to him in a
moment we'll do five minutes the next hour with us we'll come back at a few final calls at this big
russia development news russia strike hits german consulate ukraine as capitals unprecedented
escalation separately there is a run on iodine products right now because the threat of nuclear
war we're not selling x2 or x3 as an anti-radiation drug we're not selling it as a treatment for
radiation we're not selling to protect from nuclear war being politically involved stopping
war is the way to not get bombed yeah it's true there's a few radioactive isotopes for the most
common during a nuclear attack to protect your thyroid that doesn't absorb the radioactive isotope
of iodine that's not why we're selling this but it's selling out because there's a run on iodine
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tastes great liquid form higher absorption it's back in stock 50 off as well infowarstore.com all
right thomas rinses is so huge billion dollar lawsuit against the eco health alliance peter
dazzic the whole front group of the cia and the wuhan lab they've been caught in congress lying
start over and recap how big this is well i think it's critical right so i mean if you look at what's
happened and i think your headline today is probably the most important yeah we look we've got
the same guys that are that are behind you know what's going on with this war in ukraine
from the us side and we just hit the pipeline right i mean it looks like the us hit the pipeline
we see the us seeming to be involved with escalation well alex these are the same guys who
funded the creation of sars covet too they funded this they supported this us aid ink you tell all
these crews were involved with this right we know this we've got documents we've got paperwork
we can show this it bare minimum does anybody on this planet believe that we traded and put the
technology in wuhan china to create a what is essentially a bio weapon to create sars covet
to to do that genetic manipulation and to create a danger dangerous pathogen like that does anybody
to believe that we did all of that and that our military industrial complex our intelligence
community and all these other people didn't know about it does anybody believe that
you throw in the fact that we've got ink you tell and and cia involvement and all these different
things that we can show or have witnesses talking about it's hard to fathom that they that they
aren't panicked right now that their role in this might come out now am i saying that that's why
we've got things going on in ukraine man i can't prove that but boy the timing sure is funny well
no let me back you up i said this two years ago i said when the carnage from the shots comes out
and the virus comes out they'll start a war or something else to distract from the last crisis
i think long before you followed your suit or the public woke up they had the next crisis ready
to distract us from the last that's just how they operate yeah absolutely i mean listen
they've got to do something about this you know the mainstream i got to tell you i don't think
i think i might be the only guy on the planet that's almost as censored as you are in the
mainstream it's unbelievable you know we've got we're out here we've produced everything that you
could possibly need to show that anthony fowchee probably perjured himself in front of congress
that hunter biden should be investigated that joe biden should be investigated that this was
created in a lab that anthony fowchee funded it we've given them everything they need yet despite
this crickets crickets well guess what you want to ignore the report that's fine now you try and
ignore the lawsuit good luck on that one because we're going to hold these people accountable
and i'm going to be really interested to see how much loyalty there is amongst thieves you know
fowchee and dasik and all these guys we got their emails of them collaborating and talking about the
fact that they're going to cover up the the lab origins of this uh you know it'll be really interesting
to see how loyal these guys are to each other when they start getting drug in front of the court
for the kind of money that we're going to have us rents of rents law tell us where do we read the
lawsuit i've seen the great video you guys produced on rumble we're going to post it on the live
show feed in force dot com how does this great audience of amazing activists of your race color
and creed how do we help you force this through into the public consciousness rents dash law dot
com we're on truce social we're on gather we're on cloud hub we're all sorts of places uh go to
rents dash law dot com we've got it posted there if you're inclined to do so we could use financial
support absolutely please look at our sub stack you know we got to give send go up there we've
got a sub stack up there we're taking the new world order on at point blank range folks this is
the war it takes money to win and people should support you let's shift gears good news what do
you make uh dr joseph a ladapo the surgeon general and his big report his big study
84 increase in death from in 1839 from heart attacks microditis after the mRNA shots this is
this is exciting to have this coming up yeah and i i've met ladapo a few times he's a real good guy
he's an honest guy he's a legitimate scientist and he's a very very smart guy you know he's uh
he's doing what well whatever scientist ought to be doing looking at numbers and then actually
doing something with it i think alex i think this is the death now of of this whole covid fraud
i think that's why this is all happening i think this guy i think the the work that we're doing
you know we wanted to consistently keep pressure on these guys until it finally broke and i think
that's where we are i think we've won this i think they know we've won it i think it's now just a
matter of time and ensuring accountability i think that the ladapo i think the santus i think all
these guys are fighting to get truth out on this everybody's done we have to ensure accountability
i don't isn't it a shame that trump did a good job of so many fronts but he's letting i don't care
who does it he's letting the sanis the sanis knows the right thing to do he's doing the right thing
and trump is doubling down very sad for trump i'm praying to god that the donald uh here's our
message and and gets behind us you know he's done so much amazing work for america uh you know one
of the one of the most incredible presidents we've had the guy stood through a tax like no one should
have to stand through but he has not been able to get the message from this uh you know for whatever
reason i know you spoke out on it you know i'm speaking out on it i believe that the donald
has to come out here you know i support him as a man as a president but on this one issue he has
not been where he needs to be and i pray that we can get him the information and in fact i will
reiterate what i said i think the last time i was here if the president will let us i will raise the
money and fly any experts he wants to talk to to marlago to give him a full brief on the actual
truth about the vaccines the disease and everything else sir because he i would be honored to do it
he he he spoke out against rindesum here that kills people he spoke up for hydroxychloroquine and
for you know other things that you know really really really really help people
and then he you know he he got good things approved uh life to regenerate on he was just
trying to help but he knows he's tied to it so he doesn't want to believe it but he wasn't a scientist
they lied to him they created it they set him up he's got to get ahead of this i don't think there's
much more time for him to do that i agree with you very much you know i mean ultimately you know
he's not a scientist he had the smartest people in the world who are actually their their brilliance
isn't so much in science it's in defrauding people i mean these guys are the biggest best
liars on the planet and their entire job was to convince him that you know they were doing right
they've admitted it berks has admitted her job was to lie i mean i don't know what else you need
so yeah they did they lied to him but at the end of the day at the end of the day
the donald did so much there's no question that he's got the best interest of our country at heart
he just needs to come out and get out in front of this one and then absolutely the good news is
regardless of what he does everybody's turning against him the news is coming out almost no one's
taking the shots this did not go the way feiser maderna and bill gates wanted it to
do nope i'll tell you what regardless of what anyone on this planet does
regardless of my support for the donald or anybody else i'm going to fight this till i win it or
till i can't fight it anymore we're going to win this we're going to have freedom and we're going
to get accountability for every single person who had to pay the price of these scumbag monsters
trying to steal our country steal our world and make the trillions of dollars that they've made
we will hold them accountable well thomas rince do five more minutes with us but i totally agree
with you because i don't just put out puff pieces make people feel good when stuff's really down
really bad i'm honest like churchill was with folks oh yeah but but things are turning i mean
fast against them they're they are panicking they are scared it's why they doubled down and gave more
money the eco alliance to try to act like they've done nothing wrong it's disgusting so i want to
talk about where else you think this goes but the next shoot a drop is then the latest russia news
russia confirms they blew up the german consulate in ukraine quite an escalation i don't support
russia did i don't support what the us did or nato this is insane it needs to stop now you crazy
people we'll be right back stay with us think about a world without info wars just take a moment
and sit back and think about all the incredible guests and callers and stories we've broken together
this family that is info wars think about how info wars is cited by joe rogan and tucker carlson and
ball sonaro and other foreign leaders like nigel farage as being the main impetus towards firing
up their main base to defeat the new world order the only reason humanity's still in the fight today
is because the viewers and listeners of this broadcast have taken action and supported this show
i don't take the credit i give you the credit and now info wars is facing its darkest hours it
isn't going to give up without your support we can be shut down please go to save info wars
dot com today save info wars dot com today and donate for our legal defense fund i have been in the 28
year marathon battle with the globalist i have come from nowhere to the very heights of politics not
just in america but the world we are engaging the globalist at point-blank range in the information
war but i don't deserve the credit yes i've persevered but the listeners and viewers who
support info wars for the real reason you've had the success we're having now the greatest
victories in the fight against the new world order we've ever had we are now entering the final mile
of the marathon and that's why today it's more important than ever to realize how important
you've been in this fight and to continue and the efforts you've been tearing out and to intensify
it god bless you all i salute you i thank you and i beg you to intensify what you're doing now
because we are over the target and this week is happening the fight is my fight it's your fight
it's our fight god bless you all if you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance
live from austin texas it's alex jones we're living in incredible times where i'm denied a
defense and sued for eight plus billion dollars for questioning sandy hook but then when you create
a bio weapon and release it kill six million people you're good ha ha thomas rins rinsedaxlaw.com
we got a huge russia escalation i mean this is the biggest news yet it's so insane
next segment a couple calls from kevin others we're going to finish up for
gel salante takes over but i wanted to have thomas rins filing this billion dollar lawsuit
that's at rinsedaxlaw.com against the eco alliance and the terrorists that created
from my research the covet 19 virus and released it key points you want to add and what what you
think is coming next you know i don't think uh i don't think anybody knows what's coming next
alex here's the thing if you look at the arc of what's happened and i've been pulled into everything
because the same people behind covet are behind all of us so if you look so you've got covet
you've got the lockdowns the lockdowns facilitate this nonsense with the elections you know the
dropboxes everywhere 2000 mules all that and the economic collapse either the collapse of the third
world their whole agenda the economic collapse the food now you see it translating down to the food
and it's always the same people the same people the same people well we know you know i mean
listen if you watch if you're watching info wars which you ought to you probably know
that you know some of this stuff's been talked about you know event 2050 all these things going
way way back right and there's actual paperwork that backs all this stuff when alex is talking by
the way audience when alex is talking he's not just talking he's done some homework so
so when we look at this i think they had to expedite things i think they had to rush things
and i think that what's happened now is covet didn't go the way they thought they could never
account for nobody's like me fighting like we have you know they could never account for
we the people rising up they could never account for people saying no we're not going to do this
and that's what's happened and so now you've got this total collapse of one of the core
tenants of this whole plan well if we start getting accountability and particularly when
we start tying in the guys who are funding this and behind it which by the way we have paperwork on
that's going to start really causing some problems so i think they're panicking and i don't know what
they're going to do next but i will tell you this it is a dangerous time and it's a dangerous time
precisely because there's no going back on this this killed six and a half million people the
economic collapse disastrous the results does everything that's happening is disastrous and
now we're doing a war to try and cover things up i'm going to be honest with the alex i don't know
what's going to happen but what i do know is that the most dangerous animal is a cornered animal
and we've got some globalist monsters and some communist monsters and some enemies of america
around the world cornered on a bunch of different things and we're going to start shedding the
light of truth on them but here's the problem i agree with you they're cornered but so are we
by poison shots economic collapse out of control crime so that's like the immovable object runs in
the unstoppable force yeah it absolutely is but i will tell you what there's one universal truth
tyranny is always an illusion we the people ultimately have the power and that's the one
thing they feared that's why they censor us that's why they attack you that's why they try and shut
down in full wars that's why they go after everybody that speaks out because they fear the people
so if we can get the word out if we can share this message there's a reason my ugly mug keeps going
on tv and it ain't because i'm pretty it's because we've got to get the message out if we get the
message out and we got enough people standing up for the truth we will win this that is why they
control facebook that's why they control the media that's why they control twitter that's why they
did all what they did and at the end of the day alex guys like you and i we have the responsibility
to educate people and to make sure that they're aware of what's going on because we the people win
thomas rinds i totally agree we're not trying to say we're warriors but it's an info and culture
where we are warriors it's up to every man woman and child to be fully committed to this fight
everybody should go to rinds-law.com and get the video where you break this down in the lawsuit
we'll talk to you soon let's get an update next week sir thank you so much thank you for having
me alex that guy's got a lot of courage folks they come after you for stuff like that all right the
breaking russia news then gerald salante takes over i got kevin one more caller to hit so they're
right back stay with us please share this video once it's posted demand our video we're live right
now but it'll be posted soon the biggest sale of 2022 is now live exclusively at infowarstore.com
the info war store super sale is now live 40 to 50 off bare minimum 40 off many of the products
15 off at infowarstore.com the most exciting of all these incredible products is x3 all three of
the very best types of iodine that are natural and pure that should get into your cells are in
x3 the deep earth crystal iodine and two other types to maximize full absorption this really is
the missing link x3 sold out for a long time is finally back in stock available at infowarstore.com
or by calling toll free triple eight two five three three one three nine now it takes a few weeks
for this high quality iodine to kick in but almost everybody after that feels the effects it's not
a sheer immune system but it's for your energy and so much more x3 back in stock at infowarstore.com 50
percent off resistance to tyrants his obedience to god it's alex johns 14 hours ago putin threatened
that he's about to escalate attacks it happened they're blown up the german consulate in the capital
of ukraine so it's a full bar war with russia here's putin earlier today key of regime has
placed itself alongside international terrorist organizations the most notorious ones and it is
impossible to leave these crimes without a due response this morning on the initiative of the
ministry of defense and according to the plan strikes using high precision weapons
from land sea and air carriers were made against
a first object in the in the ukrainian territory we will make a serious steps to provide an adequate
response can measure it with the level of threats created to the russian federation nobody should
have any doubts as to that so there you go that's where we are ladies and gentlemen so polans advising
their population to leave belarus that's north of ukraine very close to the capital of ukraine
and there's massive russian troops building up in that area russia strikes hit german consulate
ukraine's capital unacceptable escalation german foreign minister spokesman has confirmed
the building which houses the german consulate Kiev was hit by russian missiles and many's
large-scale attacks so not since world war two has just gone on with the germans and russians and
there's been attacks in at least 20 cities the statement noted however that the consulate has
not been producing visas or been in operation since the war started so they just blew up the russian
consulate if this is a consulorship where is the ambassador ukrainian armies commander
achieved poses with swastika bracelet i checked this it's true it's in getty images he's wearing
a bracelet with swastika's on it which to them their grandfathers fought against the russians
half of ukraine was nazi that hitler said his best soldiers were ukrainian so we're right back
to world war two folks this is just disgusting all hell is breaking loose you know i've been
getting better about taking phone calls i've been on there 28 years first five six years on air
man i could take a hundred calls in a show and i got kind of bad at it but we've we're getting a
little bit better so i'm getting to every caller every day so kevin and pencil veins have been
holding a wall is our last caller i'm gonna hit some final news that head of gerol solente taken
over kevin you're on the year go ahead hey thanks for taking my call um two points i want to touch
on so the globalists are anti-human as you know and there's a formula for that i think it kind of came
up with this disease plus poverty was slavery and death and the inversion of that the inversion of
that is pro-human fullness which is health plus wealth you can speed them alive think about all
the things they do a lot of crime in general it affects your health and wealth freedom of life
in a good way and like like i learned from us in your show um inversion is a big part of this
because really the globalists are safe and it's all about deception inversions a big part of that
people have to really try and they're not creative all they know how to do is invert what god does
so whatever god does they flip which is easy to beat them once you realize it's a flipping
it's not like you're dealing with something you can't calculate it's why my job's so easy
it's an inversion yeah it's it's flipping it's like simple arithmetic and uh what what they do
like you start on your show all the time is they create a problem and they offer weaponized solutions
that problem which makes the problem worse and whether it's covid or uh climate change they
create this problem like climate change is being man-made it's a fake problem the covid is a real
problem they create it and they offer this solution and the solution makes it worse because there's
another bioweapon and then people say why don't they want to fix it they run things because they're
anti-human they want to kill us and once you get that it all makes sense it's not like oh they're
just screwing up no they're not screwing up it's a formula to destroy us yeah the weapon they want
to commit crime but they got to do it in a way that makes them think they're helping you because
the best weapon is a weapon that is believed to be help and aid and the best enemy the most effective
enemy is the enemy believes to be a friend and ally so they got to hurt you but they want to do it
it can't be obvious about it you have to say oh we're trying to help you this problem really
they're behind the problem and the and the solution they're offering makes it worse another thing i want
to touch on is trump not admitting that covid vaccines are killing people i think this is critical
because this is the one issue that if you can't admit that then you really shouldn't be running
for office because this has been catastrophic for the world this is the biggest political issue of
our time right now no i agree but here's what's happening trump is being made obsolete by joseph
a ladapo the amazing super smart really cool surgeon general of florida and by ronda sanis
and so i don't care who gets the job done to stop the poison shots if trump wants to be an idiot
and go along with the new world order because he doesn't want to admit he was wrong he'll just be
basically politically culturally made obsolete by not making the right decision so i just say
my gut a few months ago saying the sanis is coming out against the shot i'm for him
i don't get political pats on the head not like i'm in some beauty contest here about
i'm judging the best beauty here i want somebody to stops the lockdowns stops the poison shots
goes after big pharma and let me tell you the sanis is doing it yeah yeah yeah definitely he's
standing up and if trump doesn't come out against the shots and people are going to look at that
they're going to see through and say okay well there's something going on here uh you know i think
he did well did really well first but this is oh i mean i love trump that's what's so sad about it
i appreciate your call and again this is what frustrates me they've had democratic party
operatives they've had the system they had the trial lawyers in our negotiations for settlement
in sandy hookah connecticut they didn't even care we said can we say this yeah go ahead and say it
they said we want you to come out against the second amendment and we will drop these lawsuits
i said hell no but to them it's like buying and selling souls they think nothing of it like like
the average leftist wants a job of the government or a job of the corporation for being a dirtback
i want to promote freedom however i can wherever i can and i fight to do it but they actually think
like hey what's your price they've come to me the kissager group you know news core roger ailes who
wasn't as evil as them but like what do you want book deals jobs everything i was off of the deals
and i'm like i want to stop tyranny i don't want money for money's sake to live in a hellhole country
sold out to satan i'll take money all day long nice swimming pools everything i'm not against that
stuff but i'm not selling anybody out for it what i want is success and victory for humanity i want
my grandkids to look back and say that guy stood up to tyranny that guy stood up for freedom we're
proud of him and nobody remembers the people that suck satans you know what so i'm not some hero in
this fight that i'm willing to fight these people what they're selling is collapse and death and
nuclear war i'm into self-preservation that's why people say i'm a hero no i'm not i'm selfish i want
to live in a free country i want to have a future i don't want to be a slave i don't want to be spied
on i don't want to be forcibly injected i don't do this out of heroism i do it because i know evil
doesn't work joe salante's taken over uh as i said we are battling to stay on air i appreciate all
your support there's a run on iodine right now people think it protects them during nuclear attack
it has some effect for some isotopes of thyroid that's true but we're not selling x3 the highest
quality iodine out there because of radiation we're selling it because it's amazing for your
libido your energy your stamina and your immune system and it's essential in all electrochemical
activity in the body so x3 is back at stock despite the fact it's selling out very quickly
we're offering it for 50 off till it sells out because i'm not going to raise prices this is
about to sell out also vitaminro fusion back in stock all the essential vitamins all the essential
minerals the key amino acids everything you need so many problems are because of deficiencies out
there we have it it's 50 off infowareshore.com now those will continue on sale for another week or
so while supplies last we were going to end sunday the super sale across the board 45% off but i'm
going to go ahead and have an emergency broadcast wednesday till midnight with a bunch of special
guests not just my regular show to fund the operation so look for that wednesday it's going
to run at least through wednesday the big sale all right ladies and gentlemen one of my good
friends Gerald Salente the top trends forecaster is about to take over on the other side of this
break and then in 45 minutes Owen shroyer and the war room three to six p.m only way the broadcast
gets out as you share the links only way to break through the sensors is you and remember the propaganda
would not be necessary and the situation was hopeless so the war room three p.m central
though shroyer eight a.m harrison smith and american journal only at info wars.com Gerald Salente
in four minutes stay with us ladies and gentlemen the biggest sale of 2022 is now live at info
war store.com it's the info war store super sale 40 to 50% off all products in the store
survival shield x3 sold out for almost six months back in stock 50% off brain force ultra back in
stock 50% off brain force plus back in stock 50% off dna force plus back in stock 50% off
physique magnesium both of the highest quality types of magnesium nobody else has got that 50%
off organic greens fiber caps highest quality 50% off survival vitality field of vitality
50% off ultimate creole back in stock 40% off knockout sleep support 40% off it goes on and on
vitamin d3 gummies 40% off vasovide 40% off ultimate fish oil 40% off you need to do this for your
immune system this fall and winter plus it funds the info war thank you for your support the only
way you lose is not going to infowarstore.com and getting 40 to 50% off on all these amazing products
by the will of god and by god working through you and your support info wars continues to
persevere against the tax never before seen in the western world against independent media thanks
for keeping me in the fight and over the years you have come to the table you have stepped on the
plate so many times and kept info wars and free speech on the air and i thank you but now i have
my own legal bills that have reached the point that i can't pay them and i need your support so
if you want to keep this operation moving forward if you want to back me this fight against the
globalist please visit save info wars dot com and save info wars dot com takes you to a url
that gives him go for direct alex jones legal defense fund this whole phase of their attacks
four years in the making is almost over and right at the end we're not giving up we're not giving in
but we could give out so please if you support what we're doing and want to fight for liberty and
freedom and just in the future go to save info wars dot com today the biggest sale of 2022 is now
live it's only running in the last week of september and the first week of october dozens of our best
selling products are finally back in stock and they're 40 to 50 off across the board and the most
important of them all is survival shield x3 all three types of the very best iodine documented to
not just boost your libido your stamina your health your energy your cells your immune system
but to overall give you more energy it's the foundation of everything from energy to fertility
x3 50 off is finally back in stock exclusively at info war store dot com you've heard the callers
you've seen the rave reviews now experience x3 for yourself exclusively at info war store dot com
50 off and while you're there check out some of the other great products that are finally back in
stock and massively discount as well part of the info war store super sale running for two weeks only
again x3 back in stock 50 off the biggest sale of 2022 is now live exclusively at info war store
dot com the info war store super sale is now live 40 to 50 off bare minimum 40 off many of the
products 50 off at info war store dot com the most exciting of all these incredible products
is x3 all three of the very best types of iodine that are natural and pure that should get into
your cells are in x3 the deep earth crystal iodine and two other types to maximize full absorption
this really is the missing link x3 sold out for a long time is finally back in stock available at
info war store dot com or by calling toll free triple eight two five three three one three nine
now it takes a few weeks for this high quality iodine to kick in but almost everybody after
that feels the effects it's not a sheer immune system but it's for your energy and so much more
x3 back in stock at info war store dot com 50 off leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new
world order it's alex jones
the answer to 1984 is 1776 you're listening to the alex jones show with gerald solente
alex jones show as that cover the trends journal shows that they just set up there
that was back in two days before russia invaded not not that one the other one you had there with
the with the bomb uh the um it was two days before russia invaded ukraine our headline was corrupt
covet war ukraine war world war you know alex said this is a continuation of world war two
now it's we see it as the it's world war three has begun how about you know it it's not going to
hit the people until there's a nuclear strike or a false flag a very disastrous one it's already
begun as i say over and over again in school they teach you the baloney that um world war one began
when they assassinated the archduke ferdinand and sarajevo oh yeah what that what's an archduke
and who cares about a sarajevo oh and world war two began when japanese bombed pearl harbour
nothing was leading up to it no no no no no it all began in one strike and that's what they're going
to do and there was a guest that alex jones had on you know he very passionately said we have to
educate the people more so we can reverse this i i i respectfully disagree all the information you
give the people that don't know already is not going to make one bit of difference i used to get
upset as a kid and my father would say son take it easy you know when people couldn't understand
what's going on he said people have little minds what we have to do is unite those of us or will
or who already see what's going on and understand the implication you're not going to the fools are
going to be fools forever so there's that great quote by samuel adams it does not take a majority
to prevail but rather an irate tireless minority keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the
minds of men and that's what we have to do we have to unite and take action it's no it doesn't
make one bit of difference if you know what's going on and don't do anything to change it and of
course you know info wars is doing it we're doing it you know we had this big rally over here
there freedom peace and justice July 23rd scott ridder judge napolitano philgeraldi gary no
you know fighting for peace but that's not not enough we have to really make this thing happen
you know these stupid people that are building bomb shelters oh your life is going to be wonderful
after the nuclear explosions and you come out of your shelter oh it'll be so much fun out there
if a nuclear bomb goes off man i want to be right around that thing too i want to go out like dust
you think i want to live in a post nuclear world
everybody gets this in your head the people that are running and ruining our lives are mentally ill
they are out of their mind they are sick human beings they belong in mental institutions and
you know what the mental institution is little stupid boys and girls it's called washington dc
the freak house that's it congress is a mental institution it's filled with freaks
who's your favorite freak i like mitch mcconnell i can't find a freak here arrogant piece of crap
than him oh you didn't see that peter schiff over there oh not peter schiff excuse me peter schiff
is great that other guy schiff out there in california matter of fact i just did a podcast
with peter schiff he's terrific that other guy that little clown boy hey look at this guy look at
this guy taking orders taking orders taking orders from that clown hey how about linsey graham
hey linsey did you come out of the closet yet your arrogant boy the man that likes every war
go over there and fight man put on your military dragon lead to charge fat mouth and all you are
the fat mouths out there that support this war dress up take your money and go die
i like nancy polosi no little chuckie schoema he's for me get it in your head everybody
these arrogant psychopathic pathological sociopathic freaks have taken us to world war three
and the world is ready to explode there's going to be a false flag or a nucleus strike
and what are you doing about it what are you doing about it personally
yeah there's the one she goes to taiwan what the hell you're doing in taiwan and i don't
give a damn about taiwan get it in your head i care about my country of america that's going
down the toilet because all you crapsters flush the crap out of your mouth and into our society
you like the homeless situation you like what is it 60 percent of the people living paycheck to
paycheck 45 percent of the people making six figures living paycheck to paycheck and you're
setting 70 billion dollars of our money to go kill people because you're murderers
you like the iraq war huh america isn't america great looking hey take the subway in new york
get a knife in your back no walk walk 50 avenue and get your throat slit east side west side
all around the town look how low it's gone yep my kind of town chicago is my kind of town
that one of the greatest murder rates oh and the clown that plays the mayor can't make this crap up
yep yes you can one of the callers said earlier about the disaster of the covet war
unprecedented in unprecedented in human history the damage it's done is incalculable and as i
keep saying over and over again when all else fails they take you to war and that's what they're
doing they've taken us to war they've taken us to war it's over peace and freedom gone
support info wars support the truth or get your brains blown out by morons and imbeciles
we'll be right back i have been in a 28 year marathon battle with the globalist i have come
from nowhere to the very heights of politics not just in america but the world we are engaging
the globalist at point blank range in the information war but i don't deserve the credit
yes i've persevered but the listeners and viewers who support them for wars are the real reason you've
had the success we're having now the greatest victories in the fight against the new order
you've ever had we are now entering the final mile of the marathon and that's why today it's
more important than ever realize how important you've been in this fight and to continue in the
efforts you've been tearing out and to intensify them god bless you all i salute you i thank you
and i beg you to intensify what you're doing now because we are over the target and this dream
is happening the fight is my fight it's your fight it's our fight god bless you all the biggest sale
of 2022 is now live exclusively at info war store dot com the info war store super sale is now live
40 to 50 percent off bare minimum 40 percent off many of the products 15 percent off at info
war store dot com the most exciting of all these incredible products is x3 all three of the very
best types of iodine that are natural and pure that should get into your cells are in x3 the
deep earth crystal iodine and two other types to maximize full absorption this really is the missing
link x3 sold out for a long time is finally back in stock available at info war store dot com
or by calling toll free triple eight two five three three one three nine now it takes a few weeks
for this high quality iodine to kick in but almost everybody after that feels the effects
it's not just for your immune system but it's for your energy and so much more x3 back in stock
at info war store dot com 50 off the biggest sale of 2022 is now live it's only running in the last
week of september and the first week of october dozens of our best selling products are finally
back in stock and they're 40 to 50 off across the board and the most important of them all
is survival shield x3 all three types of the very best iodine documented to not just boost your
libido your stamina your health your energy your cells your immune system but to overall give you
more energy it's the foundation of everything from energy to fertility x3 50 off is finally back
in stock exclusively at info war store dot com you've heard the callers you've seen the rave reviews
now experience x3 for yourself exclusively at info war store dot com 50 off and while you're there
check out some of the other great products that are finally back in stock and massively discounted
as well part of the info war store super sale running for two weeks only again x3 back in stock
50 off look around you everything i predicted from the global stone documents from their own
admissions is now happening info wars credibility my credibility has never been higher and it's
because of your backing of this operation that i could steadfastly despite the censorship and the
boycotts and the attacks and the lawsuits stay on air but now we're reaching the most critical
juncture in the fight together so i want to ask all of you today to help keep me on the air
in my decades on air i've never asked for personal donations but i'm being forced by the
bankruptcy court to pay for 40 of the legal fees and i can't fund those myself it's unsustainable
so please visit save info wars dot com save info wars dot com where you can make straight
donations five ten fifty hundred dollars whatever you can so that i can continue to persevere i'll
never give up i'll never give in but i could give out thank you for your support wouldn't be without
you saving for wars dot com leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex
jones you're listening to the alex jones show and now your host jerald solente
hey great being on alex jones show and listen do everything you can to support info wars
because um these are critical times and they're doing everything they can to censor
everybody that speaks out peace freedom and justice so they have great products here and
they're doing everything they can to help you when they help you you're helping them it's a
two-way trip 360 winners they say and they have their new products that are just coming out on
sale over here they got the vitamin vitamin mineral fusion it's now available you get like
something like 50 off and you get double patriot's points included and and there's never been about
a time to get this platinum standard of advanced multivitamin formulas it's info wars best-selling
formula it's going to help you and give you give you all the essentials that you need and they drop
the price like they never have before it's going to help save you big and it's going to help info
wars but this isn't going to last forever and is with this vitamin mineral fusion you can get
all the essential vitamins minerals amino acids and other beneficial compounds that it needs for
optimum health and it has a great tasting formula so keeps you coming back for more because it works
so great and tastes so great these products they can take vitamin c d e b 12 calcium magnesium zinc
selenium and many more nutrients coq 10 and in this time of need it's especially crucial
that we're giving our bodies what they need to function at optimum health what we're going
through is unprecedented you need to build up your immune system you have to get strong so don't
wait until this runs out of stock again and it's going to you really be a product to help you boost
your natural systems and get vitamin mineral fusion today but just almost nothing 50 off and
you go to info wars store dot com info wars store dot com and do what you can to support yourself
your health your well-being and to support info wars you're fighting the battle for freedom
alex jones the great staff to do you can before i go on to uh back to what's going on in the
ukraine war i want to talk about what's going on in the economy and this is very serious
the market's opened up today and then it went back down you're looking at the nasdaq now it's
had a two-year low and this thing's going down big it's going down hard we are going to go into
the worst financial crisis socioeconomic crisis in modern history and it's global
and we're doing better than other countries because the dollar is strong
the only reason the dollar is strong is because the other currencies are so weak because the
dollar is not worth crap but he has 31 trillion dollars in official debt when you put the real
numbers in there it's like 200 trillion so this is very serious and you better prepare
you help prepare with info wars products because you have to stay strong and i don't give financial
advice in the trends journal we tell you what's going on what it means and what to do but you
do what you want to do we don't tell you and to me even though gold prices are going down
down that's the number one the number one safe haven asset silver number two precious of the
most precious metal because all these currencies aren't worth anything you're looking at the
indian rupee hitting new low you got you have inflation over there in argentina it's like
about 80 to 100 some ridiculous numb you're looking at the british sterling sterling nothing shiny
about it it recently hit all time low so as we're looking at the markets there's nothing to push them
up there's a thing called a plunge protection team isn't that a nice name that the white shoe boys
at wall street give it for rigging the markets plunge protection team hey we're losing money
let's rig the market and we use the federal reserve to do it this is serious and it's only
going to get worse you look at oil prices and they're down a little bit today they're around
95 dollars a barrel for Brent brood huh 95 dollars a barrel oh that's all wait till the winter
over there in germany the people paying 147 percent more in natural gas price 147
business is going out of business one after another italy over 100 000 small and medium
sized businesses going out of business thanks to the covid war and thanks to the moronic
sanctions that the morons imbeciles low life pieces of scum crap politicians the mentally
ill deranged arrogant little freaks who don't go fight wars but go send your kids to go fight them
them these are the freaks that are leading us into devastation
doing nothing nothing but wasting our money and leading us into oblivion
we there you go look at that here's a little clown little bolted now there's an arrogant
little boy do you think that little clown could fight his way out of a paper bag i'll tell you
what bolton i'll have a fight for peace with you probably older than you i'll be 76 in november
yep spirit is 76 can you imagine that little fat mouth fighting for peace but that little
freak loves every damn war they don't have me on tv they used to have me on opera been on her twice
the today's show good morning america every year all the time cnn all of them
benito we don't like you salenti you think for yourself we're prostitutes we're media whores
we get paid to put out by our corporate pimps and our government whore masters because only
prostitutes would quote a piece of crap like bolton how about bringing that guy patreous on oh
yeah the former general that's going to tell you what's going on in ukraine and russia a guy that
lost the wars in iraq and afghanistan oh but he knows best along with all these other experts
that got it wrong world war three has begun if we don't stop it we're going to die in nuclear
annihilation you keep hearing the nuke word you got it but maybe one day what will happen is
they've just hacked our bank tell his dirty russians you can't get your money out oh but
don't worry don't worry about it we'll see what we can do
you i tell the story what happened on 9 11 when i try to get my certificates of deposit out of
the banks couldn't get them sorry mr salenti cd's are traded on wall street wall street's clothes
f you yep
that's where we're at you better prepare prepare for the worst if the worst doesn't happen and
you're prepared you lose nothing if you're not prepared for the worst and the worst happens
don we write back in a few so remember do what you can to support info wars support the truth
support peace on earth look around you everything i predicted from the global
stone documents from their own admissions is now happening info wars credibility
my credibility has never been higher and it's because if you're backing of this operation
that i could steadfastly despite the censorship and the boycotts and the attacks and the lawsuits
stay on air but now we're reaching the most critical juncture in the fight together so
when i ask all of you today to help keep me on the air in my decades on air i've never asked for
personal donations but i'm being forced by the bankruptcy court to pay for 40 percent of the
legal fees and i can't fund those myself it's unsustainable so please visit save info wars
dot com save info wars dot com where you can make straight donations five ten fifty hundred dollars
whatever you can so that i can continue to persevere i'll never give up i'll never give in
but i could give out thank you for your support wouldn't be without you save info wars dot com
ladies and gentlemen the biggest sale of 2022 is now live at info wars store dot com it's the info
wars store super sale 40 to 50 off all products in the store survival shield x3 sold out for
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percent off it goes on and on vitamin d three gummies 40 percent off vasovage 40 percent off
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plus it funds the info war thank you for your support the only way you lose is not going to info
war store dot com and getting 40 to 50 percent off on all these amazing products think about a world
without info wars just take a moment and sit back and think about all the incredible guests and
callers and stories we've broken together this family that is info wars think about how info
wars is cited by joe rogan and tucker carlson and ball sonaro and other foreign leaders
like Nigel Farage as being the main impetus towards firing up their main base to defeat the new world
order the only reason humanity is still in the fight today is because the viewers and
listeners of this broadcast have taken action and supported this show i don't take the credit
i give you the credit and now info wars is facing its darkest hours it isn't going to give up
without your support we can be shut down please go to save info wars dot com today save info wars
dot com today and donate for our legal defense fund the biggest sale of 2022 is now live it's only
running in the last week of september and the first week of october dozens of our best selling
products are finally back in stock and they're 40 to 50 off across the board and the most important
of them all is survival shield x3 all three types of the very best iodine documented to not just
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while you're there check out some of the other great products that are finally back in stock
and massively discounted as well part of the info war store super sale running for two weeks only
again x3 back in stock 50 off leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's
alex jones
hey great being on the alex jones show and remember do what you can to support info
war because by supporting info wars you're supporting yourself because they're doing everything
they can to bring the truth out there that we need so badly now you know the media again i call
them prostitute by in fact they could wiki pd up i made up their knees the uh this is from cnbc
russian missile strike on kiv and other cities draw angry condemnation
ukraine will halt electricity exports to e you okay top officials in the united states you mean
top official pieces of crap officials save this official words and dignitaries shove it some clown
over there some some jerk said you and the european union and the united states united nations
express shock and horror monday over russia's coordinated missile strikes on civilian areas
in ukraine's major city president joe biden said the attacks quote once again demonstrate the
utter brutality of russian president vladimir putin on ukraine let's just stop on that one
the attacks once again demonstrate the utter brutality hey biden all the wars that you voted
for everyone oh your little draft dodger your little fat mouth coward that didn't go to vietnam
and get all those draft defundments but all those other wars you supported and the millions of people
that america killed in iraq and afghanistan and syria and libya oh those aren't brutal attacks
but the media never said that no no no only the russians are the bad guys and i'm going to keep
going with this to show you their hypocrisy u.s secretary general what secretary general some
little clown freak that can't get a job in the real world that's a member of the club
and tony o guthez was quote shocked by the attacks
oh how come you weren't shocked by all the attacks of america's murderous wars fat mouth clown boy
look at his jerk look at his imbecile look at him follow his orders follow his orders
of the secretary general a secretary uh uh take this letter down let's secretary general
where were you where was the united nations where was the media covering america's wars
day after day of the slaughter of the iraqis hey fallujah is a great place isn't it
in addition to the human toll the strike's damage significant parts of ukraine okay
that's russia's strikes right this is how they covered
the destruction of the bridge over there in crimea this is a wall street journal today
russia moves to repair bridge to crimea after attack oh oh how come how come it wasn't
ukrainian strike on russian bridge draws angry condemnation
oh that's fine blow it up oh they only killed three people
you only could you're all it's okay it's okay
okay here's the toilet paper a record hey look at us no condemnation no
fine hey blow up the golden gate bridge oh that would be something wouldn't it now that would be a
disaster how what if the iraqis came over and blew up the golden gate bridge after you destroyed
a rock cities what if the afghans came and took out the george washington bridge after you killed
all those hundreds of thousands of people
yeah toilet paper record the new york slime sunday blast on crimea bridge disrupt supply route
oh isn't that sad and that's different than saying
ukraine attack on bridge draws angry condemnation no that's fine that's fine but and you're ready
a major blow to putin oh a major blow to putin huh
huh payback that's what you're getting now you're getting payback
and as you used to say in the Bronx paybacks a bitch
and that's what you got going on but in a major blow to putin
you knew trends journals coming out tomorrow and we write about how
the hypocrisy of it a major blow to putin yeah there's no magazine by the way like the trends
journal we tell you what in the world is going on what it means what to do trend forecast spends
analysis giving everything we can so anyway they go on to say about what's going on and
how this was a blow to putin hmm how come they never talked about america's humiliating losses
in all those wars as a blow to biden oh excuse me as a blow to to to bush as a blow to obama
as a blow to rfk and nixon vietnam wars oh no it's a one you're this is why
i by the way i come on info wars because they're giving you the other side
they're liars these are propagandists go back to the spanish-american war remember the main
brought to you by the hearst newspaper
look at a lightest into the vietnam war the gulf of tankin incident never happened
may he rotten hell macna mara lightest into that world war one world war two war after war after
war lies after lies after life so again do what you can to support the truth we're showing you this
because how important it is how the propaganda works and how the people buy it yep one after another
one after another
us targeting china's access to technology great that's going to do a lot
not americans sold out they gave they gave china all the technology they needed the deal was when
they brought came to the world trade organization brought to you by bill clinton china was the
third world nation before them the deal was you could come to china and make all these
products but you only could own 49 percent of the company and you give us all the technology
you build the things and we'll give you a cheap labor to make all right we are in not going in we
are in the worst geopolitical and socioeconomic crisis in human history people fleeing countries
all over the world they can't afford to eat again talking about the stupidity i didn't finish it
before about the politicians putting the sanctions on russia oh putin is going to pay for this but
biden said we're paying for it we the workers of slave landia the plantation work
so again we're in very critical times info wars is doing everything they can to help you
and we're giving you everything we can in the trends journal the average is 150 pages a week
no ad so we tell you this is where we see it going this is what we suggest we're not getting paid
to say it we won't take advertise so anyway we're giving you all we can info wars is giving you
all they can and now it's up to you to give all you can and also if you want to you could donate
to occupy peace occupy peace dot com and uh we're fighting for freedom because if we don't
we're going to live hell on earth it's already happening again the damage from the covid wars
and calculable and now the ukraine war we'll be back see you next week by the will of god
and by god working through you and your support info wars continues to persevere against the
tax never before seen in the western world against independent media thanks for keeping me in the
fight and over the years you have come to the table you have stepped to the plate so many times
and kept info wars and free speech on the air and i thank you but now i have my own legal bills
that have reached the point that i can't pay them and i need your support so if you want to keep
this operation moving forward if you want to back me this fight against the globalist please visit
save info wars dot com and save info wars dot com takes you a url that gives him go for direct
alex jones legal defense fund this whole phase of their attacks four years in the making is almost
over and right at the end we're not giving up we're not giving in but we could give out so please
if you support we're doing and want to fight for liberty and freedom and just in the future
go to save info wars dot com today ladies and gentlemen the biggest sale of 2022 is now live
at info war store dot com it's the info war store super sale 40 to 50 off all products in the store
survival shield x3 sold out for almost six months back in stock 50 off brain force ultra back in
stock 50 off brain force plus back in stock 50 off dna force plus back in stock 50 off
physique magnesium both of the highest quality types of magnesium nobody else has got that 50
percent off organic greens fiber caps highest quality 50 percent off survival vitality feel
vitality 50 percent off ultimate creole back in stock 40 percent off knockout sleep support 40
percent off it goes on and on vitamin d three gummies 40 percent off vasovage 40 percent off
ultimate fish oil 40 percent off you need to do this for your immune system as fall and winter
plus it funds the info war thank you for your support the only way you lose is not going to info
war store dot com and getting 40 to 50 percent off on all these amazing products leading a frontal
assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones