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Filename: 20221007_Fri_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Oct. 7, 2022
2282 lines.

In this passage, Alex Jones discusses current events such as Ukraine's call for preemptive strikes on Russia, Biden's warning of nuclear Armageddon, the importance of maintaining good health amid potential disasters, and the dangers of vaccines. He promotes support for independent work and ownership while criticizing certain institutions and individuals for manipulating the public. Jones also interviews Mark Passio about extraterrestrial entities and evil forces. InfoWars is offering discounted nutraceuticals to keep people healthy and selling iodine supplements due to potential nuclear war threats. The Bivvy Stick satellite communication device is promoted as a way to communicate during crisis situations, with free devices starting at $55 per month for unlimited data plans. InfoWars emphasizes the importance of communication during potential nuclear war situations and encourages viewers and listeners to support them financially by donating to their legal defense fund and shopping at their store featuring up to 50% off various products.

Infowars, the most banned network in the world.
I'm sure you knew when I fit off more than I could shoot.
But through it all, when there was doubt, I ate it up and spit it out. I faced it all and I stood tall and did it my way.
I've loved, I've laughed and cried, I've had my fill, my share of losing and now, as tears subside, I find it all so amusing to think.
I did all that and may I say, not in a shy way, oh no, oh no, not me. I did it my way.
My mission for 28 years has been to fire the flare to beat Paul Revere 2.0 and we've had more success than I ever imagined together thanks to what we've done.
You've done it the American way and now we stand at the precipice of the great struggle against the New World Order and thanks to your actions and my actions, humanity is awakening and we have a fighting chance.
Friday, October 7, 2022 and we've got one hell of a broadcast lined up for you today.
Mark Passio, I've known about Mark for seven, eight years, really smart guy and he's become even more prominent. I have people come up to me on the street constantly, I mean four or five times a week talking about Mark Passio and my wife's a huge fan. She watches and listens to all of his shows and he's really helped her expand her understanding of things, which I really like.
I've helped her some too. She's helped me. She's really excited. He's on in the second hour today up to do some long two, three hour presentations with him in the future on Saturdays and Sundays as we move into doing more and more podcasting style old school that we help pioneer.
And then Steve Quayle on the global threat of nuclear war and cyber attack and just everything that he's been predicting. Talk about an original OG. This guy was way ahead of his time, even more than I've been or even William Cooper or anybody out there.
And I would hear Quayle. I discovered Quayle 30 years ago before I even got on air and I thought this guy's really well spoken but he's he's out there. Human animal hybrids, weather weapons, forced injections and you look back 30 years and his dozens about selling books and it's just ridiculous how right he was.
And now unfortunately he's being completely vindicated because it's all coming true. Exactly as he said it would Steve Quayle third hour and then of course great historian and researcher J. Dyer in the fourth hour as he does every Friday in the fourth hour.
We're going to go to break and come back and get in the situation with Zelensky home for preemptive strikes on Russia on the homeland of Russia that would that would cause World War three. Just totally insane. We've got that we've got Biden saying we're on the verge of Armageddon that's all coming up.
And we're not going to talk much today about the jury that's out in the show trial in Connecticut. I've got notes from my lawyer about what they asked for. I said 7 million. I miscalculated what he told me on the phone. They asked the jury for 8.25 billion might as well ask for 80 quadrillion.
What a bunch of ambulance chasers. We'll be right back. Stay with us. Look around you. Everything I predicted from the global stone documents from their own admissions is now happening info wars credibility.
My credibility has never been higher. And it's because of your backing of this operation that I could steadfastly despite the censorship and the boycotts and the attacks and the lawsuit stay on air.
But now we're reaching the most critical juncture in the fight together. So I want to ask all of you today to help keep me on the air in my decades on air. I've never asked for personal donations.
But I've been forced by the bankruptcy court to pay for 40% of the legal fees and I can't fund those myself. It's unsustainable. So please visit save info wars dot com save info wars dot com.
Where you can make straight donations 5 10 50 hundred dollars whatever you can so that I can continue to persevere. I'll never give up. I'll never give in but I could give out.
Thank you for your support. Wouldn't be without you. Save info wars dot com.
Well, ladies and gentlemen, we have entered the Twilight Zone officially on so many fronts. Let me tell you what's coming up today.
Zelensky who was elected but has now arrested all his political opposition even outlawed liberal parties that are anti Russia.
He says only one party allowed. He's taken over all radio TV and print under his control. He set up death camps.
He called in a speech yesterday that the media first said was deep fake. No, they confirm it's him now. Now they're defending it for the United States and NATO to start preemptively attacking targets inside Russia.
To quote preclude them and deter them from escalating the war. Okay, so attack Russia proper, which is a complete open act of war under international law. Russia could then nuke us.
I mean, this guy wants Armageddon. And on the heels of that the articles up on info wars dot com. Biden told much Democrats at a fundraiser who reportedly loved it.
Tell them all over the news saying nuclear war survivable. Biden warns of nuclear Armageddon says the world's more danger than even the Cuban Missile Crisis.
And I agree with that statement. I mean, that's the first big story we're going to get to next segment.
US is piling up an anti radiation drug that doesn't let you bleed out as easily when your cells dissolve but you still die.
But I guess it won't be as gruesome looking. That's being given to the troops and government operatives not just in Europe, but also in the United States.
They're also stocking up on potassium iodide pills, which do protect you from a lot of the radiation that'll precipitate out into the thyroid.
If you have enough iodide in the thyroid, you can't get in there. That's why we hammer and push x2 and x3 constantly. Imagine if it protects your thyroid from radioactive isotopes.
Imagine what else iodine does. Well, it's essential. That means you die without it like you die without water in four or five days.
You die without food in a month. You die without iodine by the different diseases and things you get in degeneration in about four or five months with no iodine.
It's essential. Look it up. So I'm not selling x2 and x3 for radiation protection. It only protects you from some isotopes.
I'm selling it because it's essential and it's awesome and we've got the best at infowarstore.com. The reason I raised this is we got a big shipment of it in it and I've been selling it for 50% off.
But it looks like it's going to sell out like a week at the current rate. I'm keeping it 50% off even though it's going to sell out.
So x3, all three of the good types of iodine you need, we are not going to raise the price like a lot of other folks are raising the price on ingestible, high quality, nutraceutical iodine.
We've got the best out there and we are not going to raise the price. Stamina, libido, energy, focus. It's critical in all electrochemical activity in the body.
We have the other big sale going. Everything is 40% off on vitamin mineral fusion. Finally, back in stock. So good for your immune system and everything else.
Tastes great. All the vitamins on the minerals. Back in stock, 50% off. Part of the infowar super sale at infowarstore.com.
Keep us on the air and be healthy at the same time. Thank you so much for your support.
Now, we're going to get into all this other news on Ukraine and more when we come back.
As I said, in Biden continuing to block pipelines. Well, same. We've got our oil now from Venezuela through sabotage.
But the first thing I want to hit is when we come in at the bottom of the hour after I cover Russia, I'm going to get into the admissions and mainline science everywhere now that the shots are erasing your immune systems,
attacking your entire cardiovascular system, your brain, your heart, your lungs, all your blood vessels and killing people in mass.
And I aired this report yesterday, but it's so important. I'm going to air it again first before we come back because this is the number one issue.
The chemical attack we're under, the biological attack. Here's the report.
New vaccine with a new approach for most Americans. That means one COVID-19 shot once a year each fall.
If it sounds familiar, it's because it is the White House has been comparing it to the annual flu shot.
Now more than 200 million people are eligible to get a booster from Pfizer and Moderna. But questions remain over how many actually will get it.
They intended to never stop the lockdowns in Australia, Canada, Europe, you name it.
The country's zero COVID strategy came at a cost. Melbourne capital of Victoria state had six lockdowns.
Only those who've received the jab are allowed to visit restaurants, gyms and most stores.
People's freedoms have been taken away. Some people have willingly thrown it away.
Very restrictive on movement and everything. It's pretty much like an open-air prison here in Australia.
But I said in December that I could metaphysically, intellectually, economically, culturally see it.
I said we've won this round of the fight, but barely we're bloodied, but we're awake now and we've got a chance.
This is not some accidental thing. These aren't just companies that mean well, that screwed up and all this garbage.
These are individuals that are using this to take over the planet.
I see already that it's a checkmate. The only question that's still a variable is how much carnage and what will be the body count of the innocent until we get to that point.
The numbers mirror Israel, they mirror Europe, they mirror areas of Asia that keep the statistics and show it.
Taiwan, the number of people dying after their COVID vaccination is exceeding the number of deaths from the virus itself.
And if you look, the peak of taking the poison shots was in December of 2021. Since then, there is a 99% rejection. 99%.
By late May, there will be enough vaccine for every American who wants one. The problem is, millions don't.
I'm not getting the vaccine because I'm honestly not scared of the virus.
I don't trust the vaccine at all.
Polls suggest a large number of Americans will refuse a vaccine. Most of them are Republicans, supporters of former President Donald Trump.
How some groups would not want to do it for reasons that I just don't understand.
Even if it doesn't prevent you from getting COVID, I'm double-boosted. I got it myself here just the last week or so.
It makes the symptoms a lot less severe. It gets you back on duty.
A survey by the Kaiser Family Foundation found 29% of the healthcare workers' question likely would not get the vaccine.
Why did you decide to put your livelihood on the line?
I felt that what they were doing, what they have done, is they've basically held for ransom, your health insurance, your benefits, your livelihood, your career in some cases.
So they've gone from having a helpless population to believe every word they were saying and massive uptake of this garbage that erases your immune system and doesn't protect you.
But now the CDC is saying, oh, we made big mistakes. It doesn't protect you. We lied to you, but it was for your own good.
We made some pretty public mistakes and we need to own them.
The CDC says the review found the agency's COVID guidance was confusing and overwhelming.
We have the CDC document from 2000 and others where they said it isn't going to work and it's going to cause massive heart attacks, heart swelling, blood clots, infertility, strokes, the list goes on and on.
I'm one of the few people along with my 3,500 experts who have looked at the Pfizer documents and I can tell you they knew from a month after the rollout that they did not work.
So the reason I say mass murder with such calmness is that if, and not only that, the FDA knew, because at the bottom of these documents it says FDA confidential, the FDA has custody of these 50,000 documents that Pfizer was forced to reveal.
So they knew that they didn't work. They knew three months in that 1,200 people were dead, four of them the day they were injected and they kept going.
They knew in April of last year that children's hearts were being damaged a week after the injection and they kept going.
99 plus percent reduction in people taking it. Now what happens when 99% say no? All the intimidation, all the threats that people have been under in health care and government and the military being tortured with this and seeing their friends and family get sick and die,
they say you know what, screw you, everybody's on my side and you have that tipping point, that turning point.
This is spectacularly positive news and this information from this show needs to be clipped out and needs to be spread to the forewinds because this is victory.
Think about a world without InfoWars. Just take a moment and sit back and think about all the incredible guests and callers and stories we've broken together, this family that is InfoWars.
Think about how InfoWars is cited by Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson and Bolsonaro and other foreign leaders like Nigel Farage as being the main impetus towards firing up their main base to defeat the New World Order.
The only reason humanity is still in the fight today is because the viewers and listeners of this broadcast have taken action and supported this show.
I don't take the credit. I give you the credit. And now InfoWars is facing its darkest hours. It isn't going to give up.
Without your support we can be shut down. Please go to saveinfowars.com today. Saveinfowars.com today and donate for our Legal Defense Fund.
I have been in a 28-year marathon battle with a globalist. I have come from nowhere to the very heights of politics not just in America but in the world.
We are engaging the globalists at point-blank range in the information war. But I don't deserve the credit.
Yes, I've persevered. But the listeners and viewers who support InfoWars are the real reason you've had this success. We're having now the greatest victories in the fight against the New World Order you've ever had.
We are now entering the final mile of the marathon. And that's why today it's more important than ever to realize how important you've been in this fight and to continue in the efforts you've been carrying out and to intensify them.
God bless you all. I salute you. I thank you. And I beg you to intensify what you're doing now because we are over the target and this streak is happening. The fight is my fight. It's your fight. It's our fight. God bless you all.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order. It's Alex Jones.
The United States and NATO have surrounded Russia. Eight years ago they overthrew an elected government in Ukraine and began combat operations against Russian held areas.
In February of this year on the 24th the Russians invaded those areas they now annexed about 10% of the eastern area of the nation.
Zelensky that we know of has had over $80 billion just since late February pumped into the country much of it is admitted to have been laundered back to the deep state in Europe and the United States.
Zelensky is getting all these high tech weapons more and more heavy weapons. He's demanded aircraft you name it.
He's got missiles that can be fired and travel up to 100 miles into Russia and now Zelensky came out yesterday the full speech is on info wars.com.
Zelensky says NATO must launch preemptive strikes on Russia. Preemptive strikes are needed so that they know what awaits them if they use nuclear weapons.
Zelensky told the Lowy Institute on Thursday not the other way around waiting for Russian nuclear strikes and saying oh you've done that then get this.
Zelensky widely regarded as an extracipient of the Nobel Peace Prize.
They gave it to Henry Kissinger and other warmongers so in Obama so why not.
That's what you get now they should posthumously give Hitler or Stalin or Genghis Khan the Nobel Peace Prize.
They've made such a joke out of themselves. We'll play the clip of him saying this here in a moment but do I need to tell listeners and viewers how dangerous this is.
I don't think you need me to tell you do you. But in case you're a leftist that just tuned in that loves war and pedophilia and open borders and fentanyl and collapse and death.
Russia has one of the biggest nuclear arsenals in the world. They say the biggest. The US actually has the biggest. I can tell you most of it's secret.
But it doesn't matter if the West would destroy Russia they will destroy us. It's why it's called mutually assured destruction or mad.
Anyone that wants to violate that is mad. And of course Biden came out and told a group of Democrat fundraisers at a fundraising event in New York yesterday that we're on the verge of Armageddon nuclear Armageddon.
And the end of humanity as we know it which is actually a true statement rarely coming out of the geriatric puppets mouth.
So now peace is preemptively and he's implying nuclear weapons attacking Russian bases inside Russia which would make NATO in the West war criminals at a greater level than anyone in history.
And they're just calmly talking about it. Now at first when this came out yesterday when I was still on air the left was saying it's not real it's a deep fake.
No Zalinsky came out said no it's real. And now they're defending it saying well yeah. In fact in the last few weeks I've seen articles in the London Guardian a bunch of other publications saying nuclear war is on the table and we should just go ahead and hit Russia first.
And the Pentagon has a lot of war planners that say we should strike Russia first which then again makes them have a hair trigger as well.
So if you want to destroy human life and civilization this is a really good way to get it going.
There have been articles about how a nuclear war would reverse global warming and is good in the last week.
So we're hearing all about this great thing called nuclear war. They were telling us a year ago inflation is good for you too.
Well if you thought inflation was bad well try nuclear war. Breaking Zalinsky says NATO must launch preemptive strikes on Russia. Here is the dictator saying that.
So the famous gay porn star, now the president of the United States, is going to launch preemptive strikes on Russia.
And the president of the United States is going to launch preemptive strikes on Russia.
So the famous gay porn star, now the president of Ukraine, he was elected but now he's made himself a dictator on record, is saying the way we have pieces we attack Russia,
he's clearly talking about nuclear weapons before they use them on us. Kind of a big deal right? Kind of a big deal. That's what you call massive escalation.
Here's a report on Infowars.com, it's got the quotes. Biden warns of nuclear Armageddon.
U.S. President Joe Biden has said the risk of nuclear war is at the highest level since the peak of the Cold War breaks the ship in the 1960s.
That's the Cuban Missile Crisis. He further claimed that Russia could seek to deploy some of its huge arsenal in Ukraine.
Speaking at a fundraiser, Democrat candidates in New York on Thursday, Biden invoked a biblical reference.
The warn of potential nuclear annihilation, stating that soaring hostilities between Russia and Ukraine are with the West escalate to outright quote Armageddon.
Here's the quote. For the first time since the Cuban Missile Crisis, we have a direct threat of the use of nuclear weapon.
If in fact these continue down the path they are going, the president said apparently referring to the war still raging in Eastern Europe.
We have not faced the prospect of Armageddon since U.S. President John F. Kennedy.
Biden went on to assert that the Russian military significantly underperforming Ukraine, saying that could raise the stakes in the conflict, ultimately leading to dangerous spike in violence,
should Moscow become desperate, which Moscow is becoming desperate.
A bunch of quotes, Brigadier Generals and others talking about imminent nuclear war, it goes on from there.
Here, let's just read these. Despite the president's dire warning, Robert Whitehouse Press Secretary said earlier this week that officials had not seen any reason to adjust
our own strategic nuclear posture, as there is no indication that Russia is preparing to immediately use nuclear weapons.
But other Pentagon officials said that nuclear war may be needed, and I played some of those clips yesterday.
So that's where we are right now.
Then there's lots of fake and seniorary news where the Russians will bury dead Ukrainian soldiers with crosses, with their information, and then they come dig them up and call them a mass grave.
Well, they've done it again. Gold teeth Ukraine recovered from Russian mini Auschwitz torches chamber were actually from village dentist who was saving them up to melt them down,
which my dad was a dentist. Sometimes his patients didn't want the tooth with the gold on it, he would pile them up, pull it off the pliers, and then he melted and made my mom some beautiful necklaces, bracelets,
and rings that she still has today out of people's teeth.
I'd have a sit there at a work bench he had at night. Probably going to do it was about 10 was probably the last time he made jewelry. He made his brother a ring too, says JoLynn Jones on it, and he made himself a ring, said David R. Jones.
But he would sit there and smelt it, heat it up, purify it, and then make a cast, and then pour it, and he made some really nice jewelry.
And that's what this guy was doing. That now turns into they have death camps like the Nazis pulling people's teeth up.
Meanwhile, Zelensky signs law that rules out Ukraine peace talks with Putin as impossible. What a nice guy.
All right, we're going to move on to the massive COVID-19 death shot news that's just even top chess stage news, and then we're going to look at the sterilization of our children's invasion taking place in so much more.
If you're backing of this operation that I could steadfastly despite the censorship and the boycotts and the attacks and the lawsuit stay on air, but now we're reaching the most critical juncture in the fight together.
So I want to ask all of you today to help keep me on the air. In my decades on air, I've never asked for personal donations, but I'm being forced by the bankruptcy court to pay for 40% of the legal fees, and I can't fund those myself.
It's unsustainable. So please visit SaveInfoWars.com. SaveInfoWars.com where you can make straight donations, $5, $10, $50, $100, whatever you can, so that I can continue to persevere.
I'll never give up. I'll never give in, but I could give out. Thank you for your support. Wouldn't be without you. SaveInfoWars.com.
The will of God and by God working through you and your support, InfoWars continues to persevere against attacks never before seen in the Western world against independent media.
Thanks for keeping me in the fight. And over the years, you have come to the table. You have stepped to the plate so many times and kept InfoWars and Free Speech on the air, and I thank you.
But now I have my own legal bills that have reached the point that I can't pay them and I need your support.
So if you want to keep this operation moving forward, if you want to back me in this fight against the globalist, please visit SaveInfoWars.com.
And SaveInfoWars.com takes you to a URL that gives in go for Direct Alex Jones Legal Defense Fund. This whole phase of their attacks, four years in the making, is almost over.
And right at the end, we're not giving up. We're not giving in, but we could give out.
So please, if you support what we're doing and want to fight for liberty and freedom in just in the future, go to SaveInfoWars.com today.
We're having now the greatest victories in the fight against the new order we've ever had. We are now entering the final mile of the marathon.
And that's why today it's more important than ever to realize how important you've been in this fight and to continue in the efforts you've been tearing out and to intensify it.
God bless you all. I salute you. I thank you. And I beg you to intensify what you're doing now because we are over the target and this brief is happening.
The fight is my fight. It's your fight. It's our fight. God bless you all.
The biggest sale of 2022 is now live. It's only running in the last week of September and the first week of October. Dozens of our best-selling products are finally back in stock and they're 40 to 50% off across the board.
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I want to get back into the nuclear war threat and how it ties down to the shutdown of the economy, replacement migration. What the Kato Institute is up to is saying we need to shut off jobs to punish white people in America.
I'm not kidding. This is the new world order running. These people are Nazis, 2.0, very sophisticated posings leftist, but we're going to be getting to that in a moment.
But here is a little piece we put together three months ago, warning of how the situation in Ukraine would escalate into the potential for nuclear war.
When you have US senators in both parties saying we may need to go ahead and nuke Russia first and the Russians are aware that's almost happened before, what do you think that makes the Russians do?
Well, it makes them go into war mode.
So I don't like them invading Ukraine. I don't like him putting his nuclear forces on maximum alert. Only one level above that on their death con, just like our system, and that's fire the weapons.
And so now we have Democrats all over the news saying let's just use nuclear weapons on Russia. Think of their interests.
Russia has hundreds of submarines off our coast with sea-launched missiles that would vaporize our cities within five minutes on average of being launched.
Sea-launched cruise missiles that fly at Mach 5, land-launched systems that can also launch from ships that are at Mach 9 and cannot be shot down.
And yes, the United States has those too. That's a Pentagon lie that the Russia developed system that we don't have. It's on record the US has those systems.
The point is it's called mutually assured destruction or mad for a reason because anyone that would violate the mad doctrine is insane.
And you know, I'm on the side of not having nuclear war, especially when Russia is not starting to fight with us, and especially after we just heard for years that everything happening in this country is run by Russia
when that was all a giant lie. The globalists are the outside evil force.
For a year and a half I've been starting the show with air raid sirens. Previously I only played air raid sirens two or three times a year.
To really note that we were in danger. Now it's every day. Because that's the sound you hear. Air raid sirens are still up in Austin, Dallas, Texas and towns wherever you live.
When the nukes are coming in, that's what you're going to hear.
So what are we supposed to say? What are we supposed to do? We have a president that can't even talk, but a vice president doesn't know what planet she's on.
We've got mainstream news promoting pedophilia everywhere. We've got record suicide and crime. I mean, we are cursed and we need to get back to God.
So next segment I'll hit all the poison vaccine news. I want to finish up with this now, because it's not just Zelensky calling for preemptive nuclear war against Russia.
It's not just Biden saying we're on the verge of armageddon. It's not just U.S. piles up on anti-radiation drugs, but doesn't warn the people.
$290 million worth. No, ladies and gentlemen. It's economic warfare against our country. And never has it been more obvious that the globalists are in direct war with the working class and the middle class of this country, which they branded as being anti-white.
Oh, let's make poor people poor because they're white. When you make the general public poor, you make everybody poor. And if you look at the charts, if you cut out the top white billionaires on the top, in the Nouveau Reich and the wealthy and the middle class of the poor,
Asians, Asian groups fill the top nine slots. The number 10 is whites. Number 11 is Hispanics. Number 12 is blacks. And then number 13 or 14, you pull the graphs up, of the poorest people in America are people living on Native American reservations.
The top nine groups of the most wealthy people in America, per capita, is Asians. And everybody thinks and goes, oh, I knew that. I mean, the stereotype's true. On average, Asians, lowest crime rate, work 15, 18 hours a day, almost all the valedictorians are Asian.
Let's not lie. Asians keep to themselves on average and work their asses off. And, but then to turn around and say that, let's have a bad economy to hurt white people.
I'll play a clip in a moment saying that. Not from Black Lives Matter, not from some leftist group funded by Soros, but from the Cato Institute and an old white man saying, we need to make white people poor.
That takes their power. What the hell does that mean? A bunch of ultra-rich old white men and old Asian men and old Arab men and a few Latin Americans and a few Asians.
In the Cato Bilderberg group meeting, you go cover a globalist meeting. It's a bunch of old royalty and a bunch of old rich white people, including rich Jews and some Asians and some Middle Eastern royalty and a few people from Latin America.
And so the media tries to make it a racial issue when it's a bunch of old white people, a lot of them got their wealth from Nazis, like Klaus Schwab and a bunch of eugenicists like Bill Gates, with a bunch of ADL folks running around promoting racial division.
The closest thing I see to Hitler, people setting up a race-based society, is the left and the big banks funding them.
So I'm going to hit the oil news that's so incredible and the energy news, but first, the stories on Infowars.com, Economist Blast, Rural, White Males of Low Education, while downplaying made in USA manufacturing.
So he says, I'll play the clip, these old white people, these white males that want power, they don't want their jobs shipped to China.
Who do you think works in factories in rural areas and farms and ranches? Hispanics, black people and white people.
I've got family in the farming and in the timber and in the ranching industry, and I can tell you, you go look when people are working out there.
It's a group of diverse, hard-working, good people that go to lunch together and go to church together and then have assimilated very well in our community.
And it's the same all across this damn country.
And that's what they want to target is that and say, oh, let's take power from the white people by taking your jobs away.
Anybody with half a brain knows they want to bankrupt everybody to make us on a universal basic income and the social credit score to control our lives.
So here's the article on InfoWars.com, economists blast rural white males of low education while downplaying made in the USA manufacturing.
An astounding clip from the Kato Institute, one of the influential Adam Pozen economists, head of the Peterson Institute, says,
a focus on domestic manufacturing is simply a fetish for keeping white males and low education in the power positions they're in.
Because the truth is, a lot of people, no matter what color you are, decide to not go get a college education because most of them are worthless.
You decide to go into industry and into work and you work 10, 20 years and learn the industry and you start your own company and you become successful.
In auto parts and manufacturing and farming and ranching and meat packing or whatever the case is.
And they're saying, oh, we don't want any of that done here because people that don't have the education system, they might be successful and they might have a job.
Listen to this monster.
I'm sure I'm going to piss off both left and right, so I apologize.
That the fetish for manufacturing is part of the general fetish for keeping white males of low education outside the cities in the powerful positions they're in in the US.
And that is really what's going on here because when you look at the costs of manufacturing.
You know, you know, head pause. We're going to come back and play all this.
But just imagine the fetish for manufacturing. This guy's never had a real job. He's a parasite.
He weighs like 400 pounds.
And he's sitting up here with this panel that's shutting down America and taking us over with Bill Gates.
And he says, it's these white males who have a fetish for having a job or a fetish thrown in their own company.
Now it's racial, you see, if you want to have a job or you want to have your own company.
These people are disgusting. Everything they do is to rob us and deindustrialize us and control us.
Yeah, we got a fetish to own our own house. We got a fetish to lead our own lives.
We got a fetish to own guns, protect ourselves, and everybody should have that fetish and they are.
And if the average person who isn't white picks up the American culture, it's game over for big fat degenerate scumbag criminals like you, you disgusting blob.
Everything around you, everything I predicted from the Globlestone documents, from their own admissions is now happening.
Info wars credibility. My credibility has never been higher.
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order it's Alex Jones.
He says it's a bunch of uneducated white people you know people that actually have jobs you elitist dirt bag and all the tens of millions of people that have worthless college degrees that can't get a damn job in your parasitic system.
These are the leftist and these are the corporate globalists that have produced hundreds of movies and TV shows trying to create a race war.
So we don't have 10 to one black on white crime we have 21 to one black on white crime because they've gotten a large minority of black people not the majority of black people who are great folks but a large minority to go out and attack white people
and white babies and children I have stacks of news today about it running over people with cars crazy black people running into hospitals strangling white babies to death because people climbing in the folks windows at night and killing white babies because they're white.
You see it everywhere 21 to one for every crime committed against a black person by a white person there's 21 violent crimes committed because these monsters in academia and the corporate system are telling black people mainly young uneducated brainwashed black men that whites are the devil.
Well you know what whites are the devil this guy at the Kato Institute's the damn devil and he's our enemy. Planned Parenthoods admitted target is black people to kill you but if they can't kill you they'll use you as a weapon.
Unbelievable monster.
So here he is saying uneducated white people want to have jobs they don't want their jobs shipped to China for slave camps and suicide nets here he is.
I'm sure I'm going to piss off both left and right so I apologize.
That the fetish for manufacturing is part of the general fetish for keeping white males of low education.
Start over again. He's sitting there with electricity put the lights on all these cameras all these microphones all this manufacturing the tablecloth the bottled water the coffee he's drinking.
That's people working but they're building a post human world so now having the jobs racist.
Because they get rid of the jobs they say we can't let white people have jobs we got to take their jobs to make us fight with each other these guys are villains.
I'm sure I'm going to piss off both left and right so I apologize.
That the fetish for manufacturing is part of the.
That's his little joke to the so called elitist how they're going to make us all fight and kill each other I'm going to piss off both sides and they're all giggling we're in control we're manipulating them against each other it's so funny.
Just like Hitler use race based stuff and control people while he claims he's trying to stop racial division that's what he's doing while he brings us all to our knees he is our collective enemy he's the enemy of the people.
I'm going to stop interrupting just put that blob back on screen he's hard to just the sickening voice of a devil putting back up there.
I'm sure I'm going to piss off both left and right so I apologize.
That the fetish for manufacturing is part of the general fetish for keeping white males of low education.
Pause again back up to the start again I'm going to stop now they have a fetish to have tariffs here and internal regulations so that we can't have manufacturing in America or export.
While they shut off our pipelines and control our whole life and admit they're doing it on purpose as he's doing here but they have a fetish for slave labor in China where the people get none of the fruits their labor.
These are the these are the middleman criminals that Trump talked about I'm not going to interrupt again but just everything he says is a is a is a declaration of war against everybody here it is.
I'm sure I'm going to piss off both left and right so I apologize.
That the fetish for manufacturing is part of the general fetish for keeping white males of low education.
That is really what's going on here because when you look at the costs of manufacturing and Susan Houseman and her co-authors have done a lot of manufacturing of trade and job displacement and community Susan Houseman and her co-authors have done a lot of work on this and I'm sure she'll have a different view than I do.
But when I look at the so-called costs of the China shock or the cost of the decline in manufacturing I always think compared to what.
For decades there was enormous displacement of African Americans in this economy.
Every time there was a recession African American unemployment rates shot up much faster and higher than white unemployment rates.
Single women were methodically excluded from the workforce and especially if they became parents or ghettoed in particular sets of jobs throughout the economy well through the 70s and to the 80s.
Displacements on large scales would happen when technology or trade broke through like all the secretaries who got replaced by personal computers and other forms of office animation.
Excuse me not animation automation excuse me.
And these kinds of churn as the economists put it never were decried.
They never got political attention they never got much notice.
But when it started being the white male manufacturing people in the so-called heartland which by definition was not urban.
Then suddenly this was a crisis.
The deindustrialization of America has hurt blacks Hispanics and women worse than anybody.
But again they have sold the country out by design with one side of trade deals.
They get fabulously rich during the lockdowns the average billionaire doubles their profit.
And then they have the nerve to turn around and make it racial that they're shutting the country down.
And we're going to get the white people by doing this it's absolute fraud just look at that Brian Stelter like creature.
And how stupid he thinks you are.
Let's talk about facts you demonic toad.
Biden administration weighs complete block on all new drilling including offshore in the United States all drilling for gas and oil as prices explode Fox business.
As Biden welcomes Venezuelan oil a communist dictatorship he prepares to block all U.S. offshore drilling.
Polish households burn trash to stay warm as sanctions on Russia backfire.
Energy crisis people in Poland burn trash to keep warm in the coal shortage.
Daily blackouts get it UK this winter up to three days a week.
Multiple times a day warrants national grid training you to be a slave and not have any power meanwhile flooded electric cars spontaneously catch on fire in Florida after hurricane.
So is cutting off the Keystone pipeline to that socket to the Midwestern white guys.
Did only buying communist oil out of Venezuela socket to the white guys.
No it's to shut the country down go out to a oil field or go out to a pipeline and go take a look at what color the people are.
They're every damn color and they got good paying jobs.
These people want to bring you to your knees and if you're too stupid to know your that they're your enemy then we deserve what we get but you're not stupid you see through these damn monsters.
What does you paying $4 a gallon for gas do if you're black or white or older younger gay or straight they're attacking every damn one of us and they know it.
And they think it's funny when that fat son of a bitch can't even wipe his ass but he rules over us in those damn universities as they destroy the country excuse me.
Mark Passio is joining us I'll get to the big vaccine poison news after he leaves us and we got Steve quell joining us on the World War three news and more.
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You're not listening to Mark Pascio and Alex Jones and David Nye and others because we
know what's going on.
It's just a fact.
That's why they hate us.
He's always just the rest of the hour, me getting back on, I listen to him all the time
and he's always been big, but man, people talk about Mark Pascio all over the place.
I want to do some big commercial free podcasts with him soon.
My wife's a big fan as well.
Mark Pascio is an independent researcher and public speaker from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
for years.
Mark's work has been teaching universal spiritual laws and morality upon which all human freedom
depends and he woke up inside the system, inside the occult, woke up to that.
What on earth is happening dot com?
Some stations don't carry this first five, but Mark, I'm going to try to give you the
floor because I'll jump in and take over.
If you pause, I want you to be able to talk about the state of the world, why you think
it's happening.
PsyOps, one of your latest shows I saw was really good, pretty quick, short show, but
still powerful.
I really want you to just turn it loose here today, but spend three, four minutes on who
you are and your awakening and how you see the universe.
Well, thank you, Alex.
I'm really honored to be back on Infowars.
Thank you for inviting me back on.
As you said in the bio intro, I'm an independent researcher from Philadelphia, but my background
comes from occultism.
When I was young, I became very disillusioned with traditional religion as it didn't answer
the questions to the problems that I wanted answers to, at least in my estimation.
When I became very disillusioned with that, I sought out its inversion and opposite.
I wanted to go to the exact opposite of what I considered religion to be at the time.
I found it in the form of dark occultism, specifically Satanism.
I devoured all of the writings of Anton Levé, the former high priest of the Church of Satan.
I began espousing the satanic ideology in my writings and in my music, which became published
through different mediums.
When that happened, when I was writing about the satanic ideology and I was expressing it
through lyrics and songs that I wrote in my youth, membership within the Church of Satan
actually reviewed that work and brought it to the attention of Levé himself.
And Levé wanted to commission me as a priest in the Church of Satan, and he sent me that
So I was actually appointed to the Church of Satan.
I had been a ranking member, a regular rank and file member, I should say, at the time.
And Levé himself saw my communication capability through my writings and music, and he appointed
me to the priesthood within that organization.
There's actually five ranks within that level of Satanism.
And again, this form of Satanism through the Church of Satan only filters into the wider
satanic network that is worldwide.
That's really the people who are controlling our current world paradigm and our reality
on this planet right now.
And there is high priest underneath him.
There's Council of Nine underneath.
So Council that acts like a ruling body is Magisters and Magistras, which are intermediary
priests between the high priest and the regular priest class.
Then there's regular priest class and then there's member.
Those are the only five ranks.
I attained to the second rank from the bottom.
After member, you can go up to priest, and that's all I ever did.
So you were literally commissioned by the Church of Satan?
That's correct.
So I was appointed the rank of priest by the current high priest at the time, Anton Levé,
who obviously has since passed.
He died in 1997.
And I was then offered, after appointment to priesthood, to run what they call a grotto,
which is their equivalent of a coven in traditional witchcraft systems.
They call their organizations within this particular group grottos and it was fascinating
to understand how you awakened.
Finish up this incredible information with Mark Paseo on the other side and we'll talk
about what's coming next day with us.
Think about a world without info wars.
Just take a moment and sit back and think about all the incredible guests and callers
and stories we've broken together.
This family that is info wars.
Think about how info wars is cited by Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson and Bolsonaro and
other foreign leaders like Nigel Farage as being the main impetus towards firing up their
main base to defeat the new world order.
The only reason humanity is still in the fight today is because the viewers and listeners
of this broadcast have taken action and supported the show.
I don't take the credit, I give you the credit and now info wars is facing its darkest hours
it isn't going to give up.
Without your support we can be shut down.
Please go to saveinfowars.com today, saveinfowars.com today and donate for our legal defense fund.
I've known about Mark Pascio for at least eight years or so and he really wakes a lot
of people up and there's a big buzz on the street the last couple of years that's really
I mean almost every time I go out in public people walk over and say, hey I like Mark
Pascio, I like your show, you should get him on.
I'm like absolutely, I want to get him on a regular basis because he really exposes the
hierarchy of the new world order, how it is satanic, how it basically operates and if
you just joined us he was a commissioned priest in the Church of Satan and he'd gotten to
that point when we went to break describing then his awakening and what developed because
he was rebelling against obviously the corrupt system he saw, he thought I'll go the other
direction and then he found a lot deeper knowledge there, he has a very popular show, what on
earthshappening.com and Mark Pascio joins us now.
So Mark finish up about yourself and your awakening, let's dive into current events,
natural law, why the world's going crazy and why you think your message right now is really
punching through.
Thank you Alex.
So yes, before the break I was talking about my appointment by the then current high priest
of the Church of Satan Anton Leves to the rank of priest.
Leves then wanted me to head a grotto which is their equivalent of a coven in witchcraft
in the Philadelphia area where I live.
I declined to do that because I saw Satanism and the Satanic ideology at the time as a
very personal influence in one's life and I did not want to be involved in group dynamics
at the time.
I did however ask to be sent information about active grottos in my area that I wished to
check out and to become perhaps involved with them at a rudimentary level.
I was subsequently sent that information via mail.
The internet was kind of around at this time but a lot of people still did things by regular
So I was sent some contact information and I started attending some grottos in my area.
Upon attending grottos in my tri-state area around Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland
I became aware that these were not isolated people working together in just small groups
to increase their own knowledge of the occult and what it is, how it's actually a very advanced
hidden psychology that could actually give one sort of a leg up on their fellow men in
the world, on their fellow men and women.
But they were a cohesive unit operating in a much wider network that were all working
together to increase their own collective power at the expense of others' rights and
freedoms and it involved people from every single institutional walk of society.
You name the institution from military to law, to law enforcement, to medicine, to entertainment,
to police.
You name the institution.
There were people at high positions of influence and power involved in the grottos that I attended.
Attending satanic rituals, attending satanic meetings and groups and planning how to further
expand their power.
And upon realizing that that's what this was, that this was something that was really attempting
to take people's mindset, to break it down, to get them not to understand what was really
going on around them and to ultimately long-term put them into a state of servitude and slavery.
That's where my conscience sort of began to awaken and activate.
And I was basically saying I didn't sign up for human slavery.
I signed up to understand secrets of occultism.
I signed up to understand how these are psychological aspects that if one knows, they could wield
them and gain advantage over others because in my youth I was very egotistical and wanted
things like that.
I wanted knowledge like that and I wanted to wield it and use it to my own advantage.
But I never signed up for human slavery.
So when I understood that that's really what it was about, yeah, there you see my actual
appointment and not in my actual legal name, I used a pseudonym at the time, Mark Rokar.
So I am Mark Rokar of the Church of Satan.
That is the name that I used in those days because I did not want to be even associated
with my family name at the time.
I sort of resented the family name and was rebelling against my family and the upbringing
that they had given me.
So I wanted to completely wipe all of that out.
I wanted to completely have a new identity.
And I chose that name Rokar because it is a demon name of one of the demon rulers of
hell being named in the Gnostic text.
You wanted to be reborn, reborn.
That name comes from the Gnostic text, the Pistis Sophia or the faith wisdom where Jesus
is describing the levels of hell to Mary Magdalene.
And so that's where I chose that name.
So a lot of people have tried to research my background and realized there is no Mark
Pasio in the Church of Satan and that's because I went under the pseudonym Mark Rokar.
I was known as Reverend Mark Rokar in those days.
Well, the reason this is important is they advertise Satanism in the whole of a vein
of it is.
We're really just libertarians.
We don't believe in God.
We're about in human empowerment and you're showing you the secrets.
But then you find out, no, it's actually a cult to control people.
And obviously it was picked into the CIA and a bunch of other organizations from my own
research and I never officially was in the Church of Satan or any of that.
When I was really young and I've told this story before, I was briefly telling it.
I got immediately recruited right into the higher levels of it using sex operatives.
I look like I was 16, but I was, you know, 13, 14, and I was like, these are really beautiful
I mean, some were like full grown 25 year old women by the time I was about 15.
And it was just always went right back to, hey, we're going to this thing, hey, we're
going to love you.
You need to be part of Satanism.
It's really fun.
And that was in Rockwell, Texas, outside Dallas.
So for what you talk about is what Ted Gunnerson exposed high level FBI is you scratch the
These satanic cults are all over the place and you were in one of the main veins of
Yes, I want to make clear to the viewing audience, the listening audience that in no way what
I say that the Church of Satan is very high up in the overarching worldwide satanic network
or hierarchy.
It is what I refer to as a psychological vetting and filtration system where they are looking
for people that they can groom up into those higher ranks of the satanic network.
It is not high up itself.
I admittedly say I was at what I call the Boy Scout level, the Cub Scout level of the
satanic hierarchy and the satanic network that operates worldwide.
From your research, why do you think, because the stuff I was getting rubbed into was billionaires
and people with helicopter pads and stuff.
Why do you think I got rubbed right into high level?
It's difficult to say.
They tap people for different reasons and different capabilities.
I would assume that someone knew you, your background, perhaps who knows, members of
your family and they decided to go directly to that level of grooming.
For me, it was gaining a psychological profile on a person by what you write about in your
application, which is an extensive psychological profiling tactic for the Church of Satan.
If you read their actual application, it goes into extreme detail about your life, your
preferences, your current mindset, etc.
And then when they obviously then began to know me personally from attendance at rituals,
then they can further psychologically vet you and see how well you fit the profile of
people that they're looking for with certain psychopathic tendencies and with also certain
capabilities such as communication, technological, being able to explain the ideology to others
and real more people into the satanic ideology, the satanic mindset.
All right.
We're going to go to break.
I want to get into the current events and your greatest hits right now, all the key
things you're covering that are so important, but just in a minute or so, accelerate through
this awakening you had what happened.
So when I expressed that I had a moral problem with the control that they wanted to implement
because they were very, very candid about what they really wanted to do, what their
long-term goals were.
And when I said I have a moral problem with that, they basically said, well, there's the
door and don't let it hit you on the rear end on the way out in so many words.
People think that when you choose to leave something like this, at least at my level
of involvement, you are not like killed or you're not threatened with death.
They actually said to me, literally the words, do you think we need you, boy?
Those words were spoken directly to my face from individuals that were higher up in the
When I expressed a moral problem with what they were doing, they actually said, do you
think we need you, boy?
There's the door and go ahead and knock yourself out, banging your head against the wall for
the rest of your life.
We're talking about when you come back.
This is amazing.
Look around you.
Everything I predicted from the Globalist documents, from their own admissions, is now
Info wars credibility.
My credibility has never been higher.
And it's because of your backing of this operation that I could steadfastly, despite
the censorship and the boycotts and the attacks and the lawsuits, stay on air.
But now we're reaching the most critical juncture in the fight together.
So I want to ask all of you today to help keep me on the air.
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I have been in a 28-year marathon battle with the Globalist.
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God bless you all, I salute you, I thank you, and I beg you to intensify what you're doing
now, because we are over the target, and history is happening.
The fight is my fight, it's your fight, it's our fight, God bless you all.
I have been in a 28-year marathon battle with the Globalist.
I have come from nowhere to the very heights of politics, not just in America, but in the
We are engaging the Globalist at point-blank range in the information war, but I don't
deserve the credit.
Yes, I've persevered, but the listeners and viewers who support infowars are the real
reason we've had this success.
We're having now the greatest victories in the fight against the new order we've ever
We are now entering the final mile of the marathon, and that's why today it's more
important than ever to realize how important you've been in this fight, and to continue
in the efforts you've been carrying out, and to intensify them.
God bless you all, I salute you, I thank you, and I beg you to intensify what you're doing
now, because we are over the target, and history is happening.
The fight is my fight, it's your fight, it's our fight, God bless you all.
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Feeding a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
Alright, we're going to hit some current events with Mark Passio, Natural Law, PsyOps, he's
a really smart, articulate guy, he knows what he's talking about, and there's this whole
network basically run by intelligence agencies that are nothing but a new version of the
old cults.
The cults were psychological, private intelligence agencies manipulating people, so it's not
like the CIA runs the Satanist, the Satanists run the highest levels of the CIA, and they're
in the military, they're everywhere, and they're operating right next to normal people, the
black hats and the white hats, and right now they're busy getting rid of the white hats
and going from beta to their externalization of the takeover, that's why you see the pedophilia,
the world government, all the evil, the anti-God, anti-human, post-humanist system, because
now their real religion of transhumanism is here.
So Mark Passio, before he hits current events, wanted to get into his awakening, getting
out of the Church of Satan, and delving really deep into the mysteries and what he discovered.
So after I expressed that I had a moral issue with their long-term goals and their long-term
agenda, and I walked away from the Church of Satan and dark occultism in general, people
would think that I would naturally not have any more interest in the occult and try to
completely eliminate that from my life, that's not what I did.
I actually went far deeper into occult knowledge, and I kept scratching away, ripping away like
layers of an onion, going deeper and deeper and deeper to the real core of it until I
discovered what they were really hiding from the rest of the world, and that was the knowledge
of natural law.
These people are trying to do anything to prevent a true awakening through the awakening
to how natural law actually works and functions in our reality.
They want anything but that.
They want us analyzing every aspect of the control system.
This is the equivalent of a doctor endlessly looking at a tumor and never actually trying
to do anything to actually get rid of the underlying cause of the cancer of the tumor.
That's what they want.
They want us focused on all of the little minutiae that forms the control system, but
they don't want us to look at causal factors.
This is what delving even deeper into the world of occult knowledge finally revealed
unto me, and it has for many, many, many other researchers throughout time.
It's nothing special in my regard, but by going deeper into this knowledge, I understood,
wow, these people are actually trying to hold back the knowledge of how natural law really
works and how it brings to us the experiences that we are actually creating by putting certain
behaviors out into the world.
I discovered that this is a cause and effect relationship.
That is how natural law functions.
It's the real laws of karma.
It's the real laws of attraction.
It's the real laws of consequence in our lives.
We act through our behavior, and then we receive consequences that are structured and organized
from the universe that bring the results and the effects of the behaviors that we have
put out into the world based on whether those behaviors were truly moral or whether they
were truly immoral.
That brings the dichotomy between religion and a true understanding of natural law because
religion has told us through the ages that there are certain forms of sin, certain forms
of transgression against others, and it'll come down to us in the form, let's say, through
Christianity or Catholicism like the Seven Deadly Sins, Pride, Gluttony, Sloth, Lust,
Anger, Jealousy, Greed.
We're taught that these vices are actually sins and transgressions, when in fact it eliminates
the natural law component and gives us something a proxy in its place.
Under true natural law, we learn that behaviors that actually initiate some form of aggression
against our fellow beings are the true transgressions against natural law that create negative
consequence in our life, both individually and at an aggregate level.
So do unto others as you'd have done unto you.
Yeah, I would say, I would word it in the apophatic or in the negative variation.
So when you try to philosophize apophatically, you describe what something is not, right?
So we describe a right is something that you have a right, an action that you have a right
to take because it does not initiate harm against another sentient being, right?
So then you have to know what are those don'ts, what are the nots, what are the things that
do initiate aggression against other sentient beings.
That's how you and how natural law is revealed.
I would word the golden rule as do not do unto others that which you do not want others
to do to you.
Then it becomes very unambiguous and clear.
Nobody wants to be stolen from.
Nobody wants the rights taken away.
Nobody wants to be harmed physically.
Nobody wants their life snuffed out.
These are true transgressions against natural law because they initiate harm against another
satanic lie that you can hurt people and not have it come back on you and you can somehow
have a Faustian bargain.
The whole Bohemian Grove ritual is about they're able to do bad and it's somehow they
comically put it on to this child they're sacrificing in simulation, but that's a fraud.
There's no way to protect yourself.
It's going to come back on you.
That's an ancient Babylonian and Carthaginian absolution ritual.
It's a self absolution ritual, as you said.
They are actually forgiving themselves for the evils that they are about to do through
that Bohemian Grove ritual there of the sacrifice of doll care as they call it.
They were taking it extremely seriously.
These men were, I would call it, a crazed trance.
Of course.
Dark occultists take, this is their religion.
Make no mistake about it.
This is the religion that runs the world, Satanism.
That's what people have to really wake up to and then they have to wake up to true morality
because aggregate morality determines aggregate freedom.
As people in the aggregate, in the collective of humanity become more moral, they will become
more free.
We are enslaved as a people because we have not been moral as a people and the real transgressions
against natural law are murder, assault, rape, theft, trespass, coercion and deception.
These are the things that if we engage in, we are harming other people.
We are harming other beings.
We are engaged in taking away their property, their rights, their life, etc.
All of those transgressions, murder, assault, rape, theft, trespass, coercion and deception
are forms of theft.
They are taking something that we do not have the right to take because it is not our rightful
property to take.
And then we really trespass against ourselves.
So the minute we have to break, we'll come back to more about this.
Forced injections was something they know is poisons and hurts people.
That's a trespass.
That's a deception.
That's a murder.
Why are they doing it?
It's eugenics.
I mean, this is absolute modern eugenics.
Just as the Nazis practiced it, people, the globalist technocrats, I call them the technocrats,
democratic occultocracy, the occult ruling class.
They are engaged in modern eugenics.
This is nothing more than a new eugenics operation being waged against humanity to degrade and
eventually wipe out the human immune system and eventually thin the population.
And I think they've gotten a lot of people on that hook, unfortunately, and a lot of
people are going to suffer as a result of buying into their propaganda and taking those
poison shots.
If you have any information with Mark Passio, what on earth is happening dot com?
I'm Alex Jones with info wars dot com.
What on earth is happening dot com?
And after this amazing interview is over, it will be archived at band.video.
Be sure to share it.
This guy knows what he's talking about.
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Just take a moment and sit back and think about all the incredible guests and callers
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Getting a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's Alex Jones.
Not on earth is happening all right mark you got two segments left we're going to do a
commercial free podcast you said you'll do it in the next few weeks for like two hours
you can really lay all this out but you know what you're talking about there's so many
current topics so many things to expose what's happening how the globalists are operating
I want you to be able to go over the points you want to make but big picture of this big
emergence this coming out in the open this taking off of the mask this open assault on
everything good and decent and then this assault on common sense and truth it looks like the
cult's trying to fully take over I think because they know there's an awakening happening please
speak to that after you've made your other points sure I'll go right to that inside the
world of the occult there is a subtle difference between different factions a subtle differing
I wouldn't say it's an outright war it's a difference of approach to coming out into
open rulership some people favor that they call this in the world of the occult the externalization
of the hierarchy and it means that they're revealing that there's a hierarchy of rulership
in the world that they are ruling class and under them are the people that they consider
their servants their subjects their slaves and that's what claus law was doing that they're
just putting out there in the open that is exactly right these technocratic occultists
want to come out and openly rule humanity as the new kings the new gods the new pharaohs
however you want to word it or look at it they want to externalize their power and tell
people you're our slaves we own you we are your rulers some do not favor that approach
and want to remain it to keep it hidden to keep it occulted to keep it on a covert level
of rulership as we have had for many many many centuries now and there's this subtle
war you could say going on within the the rank and file of the of the dark occult world
where some of them favor staying in the shadows state staying operating through covert means
and some of them want open externalized rulership which they call the externalization of the
hierarchy I believe the factions who are doing these public displays who are actually wanting
to come out into the open and just tell people hey we're going to have a a technotronic means
of owning what you think of reducing your mind to a form of a computer algorithm they're
the people who favor the externalization of the hierarchy in the dark occult please continue
so yes I'm you know I made a documentary to try to explain the the causal factors of what
people need to understand in order to reverse the current human condition that is tending
toward slavery and that is natural law I made a documentary called mark passio and the science
of natural law in which I very briefly talk about my background that's not the important
part of the documentary it's about an hour and ten minute long documentary but after
I just very briefly break down my my basic background in the occult world I then talk
about natural law what it is and why they want to keep it hidden from people if people
don't understand natural law they cannot truly understand in their own mind the true causal
factors that are needed to be understood in order for a true awakening to happen so I
take a little bit of a different approach I don't necessarily think that the occult
is fearful that there's an awakening right now I think that they are fearful that there
could be an awakening a true spiritual awakening to their plans their agenda and what is really
what really needs to be understood to truly destroy totally agree that's where I meant
they're behind schedule and that's made the faction that wants to take over accelerated
or accelerationist with their externalization of the hierarchy because they believe they're
losing I think that they think that the information that could bring them down could come out in
a wide way and that is the information that I cover in my documentary it's all about natural
law if people understand natural law they understand causal dynamics they understand
the ultimate governing dynamics of creation and how we will create a different reality
not based on the same systems of control but based on mutual respect based on voluntary
interaction with other human beings that the real magic is being a good is being a good
person that knows these laws then the whole universe changes and until people get that
the enemy is going to keep winning without a doubt and Alice that's why I want to commend
you before you know the last time that we spoke on air I don't think a reset wars had
been out I think it's the finest work that you've done I think it's something that more
and more people need to see because it explains a lot of these dynamics in a reset wars as
well and I want to really commend you on that work because it was very very very finely
done I thought it was my most important work it did okay but I think people didn't see
that it's proven by science it's proven by quantum mechanics as you know and this is
real the enemy knows this and I was showing it from a scientific perspective which is
you say the occult's just the ancient way of seeing it and a lot of folks really got
something from it but it really is the secret absolutely that's why I call my documentary
the science of natural law it is not a faith based system it is the way the actual laws
of creation in the universe function and they're not put here by the creator of the
universe to torment us that we can never know them we are meant to know them they are meant
to be revealed unto us and for us to understand them because these laws are here for our maximum
and benefit in creation we can't move the next level we can't move the incredible next
level of humanity look how far we've come without knowing these will kill each other
without a doubt you have to understand these universal principles and laws and that's why
I say before people look at implementing any solution no matter what it is no matter how
simple or no matter how complex it is you have to get first principles under your belt
first you have to get first principles laid as the foundation for which everything else
stands upon or you have no solid groundwork you have no solid structure to build whatever
you're going to build upon it and that's what natural law is all about it's getting the
moral laws of creation deeply understood and deeply ingrained into one's consciousness
so then you can align your behavior to it you understand them then you align your behavior
to those laws when we do that we're going to create a world based in freedom and prosperity
if we don't do that a world based in freedom and prosperity is actually impossible to attain
to because it had in order for that outcome to be present the causal factors that lead
to that outcome have to be laid down and you can't lay down a free society a prosperous
society unless it's laid down upon the foundation of natural moral universal law it is impossible
according to the laws of the creator of the universe to do that and I watch your show all
the time you get frustrated because if people would just get this it would end all the problems
it's right there I call it the the most important secret of secrets of every secret society
that has ever existed in humanity this is what the secret societies throughout all of
humanity were trying to hide from human beings they thought for whatever reasons people couldn't
be entrusted with it they wouldn't treat the information respectfully and do things with
it in a responsible capacity or the dark occultist wanted to hide it so they can gain an advantage
over their fellow men and women and rule them put them under their thumb and rule them as
their slaves you know so both sides wanted to hide this light occult and dark occult
for very very different reasons that's why I don't call myself an occultist I call myself
a decultist I am taking this information out of hiding I'm taking it out of secrecy and
I'm just bursting it forward onto the world as widely and as freely as I can through technology
okay through my podcast through my website through my network and I am just trying to
get the word out to people in an egalitarian fashion that's how you make informed decisions
you get all the information you put it all together you look at it you weed out logical
inconsistencies if there are any and then you decide what it means and then you inform
your behavior and you act upon it and let's not have the information we can't do that
let's briefly we're going to break we'll come back but they call it the Illuminati illumination
but they're actually trying to keep it all dark so you don't know so the so-called Illuminati
is trying to hide things but the we the people waking up is the real Illuminati not saying
we're the Illuminati but you know to use that term we are trying to really illuminate and
end the secrets and bring it out that's exactly correct Alex I hate the term Illuminati applied
to the dark occultist because they are not enlightened the word Illuminati just means
the enlightened ones they're not the enlightened ones the people who truly gain the knowledge
of natural law use it wisely help spread it to other people so that they can awaken they're
the real Illuminati we'll be right back by the will of God and by God working through you and
your support info wars continues to persevere against attacks never before seen in the western
world against independent media thanks for keeping me in the fight and over the years you have come
to the table you have stepped to the plate so many times and kept info wars and free speech
on the air and I thank you but now I have my own legal bills that have reached the point
that I can't pay them and I need your support so if you want to keep this operation moving forward
if you want to back me this fight against the globalist please visit save info wars dot com
and save info wars dot com takes you to a url that gives him go for direct Alex Jones legal
defense fund this whole phase of their attacks foyers in the making is almost over and right at
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order it's alex jones
yippee yi
those riders in the sky
and old cowbell quit riding out when dark and windy day
a boner is he rested as he went along his way
when all it wants a mighty bunch of red-eyed cows he saw
while on through the ragged skies and up a cloudy draw well i had mark passio on a couple years
ago and i'm about to get him back on two years went by like 10 seconds but i promised he said
i'll do it the next two weeks we'll do two hour commercial free podcast world air major clips
here on the show i've got a million questions in the 10 minutes we have left in this segment we'll
do five more minutes i had a steep well joining us on the other side of this but mark passio looking
at the end game of this and studying deeply into the occult obviously there's you know god the
creator of this force of good that gives us the laws is it our own evil manifestations on our will
made the image of god to create things that is like fantastic you know planet where where you
know that they're they're actually building the demons themselves with their own will
or is there inter dimensionals are there aliens because i know from people having group iowaska
trips where 50 people see the same thing and you have i mean from my research there is
evil forces there are or are things other than human out there that fits into the whole
you know christian cosmology which actually backs that up not the christian churches and
the controlled systems but the reality of there is a god there is an evil force god allows evil
to operate there's a free will what's your view on that yes i've been asked this many times and i
think there's elements of both of those things of course there is of course free will for us to
decide how we are going to create collectively our reality here on this planet together but yes
there are uh perhaps uh non corporeal entities uh extraterrestrial extra dimensional i do get
into that a bit in my work but guess what i don't really focus on it too much because i tell people
that the solution is going to be the same the solution is to say no to evil the solution is
to not participate in the work exactly just because there's rattlesnakes in arizona in
holes of the ground just don't stick your arm down the hole right we have to build our spiritual
strength and shielding to not get fooled into believing that evil is necessary and evil is
somehow uh doing something that is good if it's harming if it's harming someone if it's
initiating harm if it's coercing if it's not consensual if it is god where god doesn't just
let evil run around we allow it to do it by our free will that is correct see the creator is
perfect love the creator has placed the laws of creation here including natural law to elicit
our maximum benefit it's not there as a constraint or prison per se it is there to allow us to learn
what not to do it's like you know is it a prison that a flame will burn someone's flesh of their
hand that's not a prison that doesn't mean that the flame is somehow evil it's just hot and the
law is if you keep your flesh over top of it it's you're going to get burnt then you're going to
learn that's not a good thing to do the creator has gifted us with the greatest gift that any
sentient being could possibly be gifted with that is free will that force the creator of the
creation is not going to get involved in what decisions we make that's why it gave us free
will it makes the law for consequence it gives us free will whether to follow the law or be harmed
as a result or receive negative consequence as a result in our hands i mean the laws guardrails
for us to learn about it ourselves because we're free without a doubt and if we learn it it elicits
our maximum benefit if we refuse to learn it we're going to get negative consequence it's so
very simple it's it's like a computer code right and it's been compared to like that laws of creation
right it's not really a computer it's a construct that you could say resembles the algorithms of a
computer but if we learn how the coding works if we learn how the laws of the creator of the
universe works and it is possible to learn that okay through trial and error through observation
through listening to wisdom of people that have gone through the process of figuring that out
through a truth discovery method it's revealed unto humanity okay and we could learn it many
different ways and i talk about this on my in my work in my presentations and my podcast
but if we learn it and we align our behavior to it we're going to receive the order that we seek
we're going to receive freedom we're going to receive prosperity if we refuse to learn those
laws and we keep going against them in their face just haunting them going against them
refusing to align our behavior to them thinking that we know better thinking that we're going to get
away with something nobody's going to get away with anything it's just going to degrade the human
condition further and further and further again it's a it's a very simple law of science not
totally great so where is humanity right now are you optimistic i mean how would you describe the
current state we are nowhere near learning the true causal factors in in the aggregate we have
on average people are rejecting it that's all hell's breaking list that's exactly why we have the
conditions that we have we have to learn as a species that the sum of morality is proportional
to the sum of freedom that's it that's the equation okay as more the founders said that
only a moral people can be free without a doubt they said that they were creating something that
would would only be for a moral people and would only be able to stand the test of time if the
people remained moral and did not become debauched in their behavior and that's really what we have
we have we have total uh descent into unconsciousness we have descent into immorality we have the
belief in this authority system that has been created you know as if the the creator of the
universe is going to put some people in charge of other people you know these notions are completely
you know and antithetical to how natural law really functions we have to learn to
do do behavior that we know definitively is not initiating harm or removing or
constraining the rights of other people or based in coercion or based in violence the problem is
people don't really know the difference between right and wrong behavior they believe that they
know but they have a mind virus operating and telling them this is what good is when
no i totally agree but it is paradoxical as i think we're coming to the end of the corruption
cycle and the beginning of a rebirth that may go on for 10 years 100 years but there is an
accelerated awakening in some people but you're right some are waking up more others are accelerating
into idiocy absolutely there are both things taking place simultaneously i i hope to accelerate
the former where people wake up to the laws of creation they wake up to the laws of morality
they wake up to the laws of cause and effect and consequence it's just it's just choice and
consequence ladies and gentlemen it's not really anything more complicated than that
if you choose to truly be on the side of right you don't support things that are based in coercion
and violence if you're truly on the side of right your behavior is going to be aligned to that first
and foremost your mindset has to get aligned to true morality then you align your behavior to it
then you receive um you know a positive outcome it's very very simple when you really break natural
law down all right stay there we got we got one more little short segment i want to talk about
natural law and the forced injections and as bad as it was a lot of people capitulating now you have
nine nine percent of people refusing the shots so evil knows you're gonna run at something but
then we turn against it we'll come back in a few minutes and talk about that but in 30 seconds
how do people find the films you were talking about you can go to my website what on earth
is happening dot com it's the number one video in the videos section of my website it's called
mark passio and the science of natural law documentary it's about an hour and ten minutes long
it's probably one of the quickest and easiest watches anybody will ever do and it will reveal
the secret of all the secret societies throughout human history in that hour and ten minutes all
right we'll be right back talk about psyops we'll do a two-hour commercial free show
very soon when mark passio i promise you i'm not gonna forget then two years goes by like ten
seconds we're gonna break please remember we're under globalist attack they're gonna have some
giant billion dollar judgment against this it's all deep state run to scare everybody i see this
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look around you everything i predicted from the global stone documents from their own
admissions is now happening info wars credibility my credibility has never been higher and it's
because of your backing of this operation that i could steadfastly despite the censorship and the
boycotts and the attacks and the lawsuits stay on air but now we're reaching the most critical
juncture in the fight together so i want to ask all of you today to help keep me on the air
in my decades on air i've never asked for personal donations but i'm being forced by the
bankruptcy court to pay for 40 percent of the legal fees and i can't fund those myself it's
unsustainable so please visit save info wars.com save info wars.com where you can make straight
donations five ten fifty hundred dollars whatever you can so that i can continue to persevere i'll
never give up i'll never give in but i could give out thank you for your support wouldn't be without
you save info wars.com by the will of god and by god working through you and your support info
wars continues to persevere against the attacks never before seen in the western world against
independent media thanks for keeping me in the fight and over the years you have come to the
table you have stepped to the plate so many times and kept info wars and free speech on the air and
i thank you but now i have my own legal bills that have reached the point that i can't pay them
i need your support so if you want to keep this operation moving forward if you want to back me
this fight against the globalist please visit save info wars.com and save info wars.com takes you
to a URL that gives him go for direct alex jones legal defense fund this whole phase of their
attacks four years in the making is almost over and right at the end we're not giving up we're
not giving in but we could give out so please if you support we're doing i want to fight for liberty
and freedom and just in the future go to save info wars dot com today leading a frontal assault on
the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
we align ourselves with the truth thank you so much for joining us final segment mark passio
we have a new gregory's report that just dropped we're gonna air up the star of the next segment
the globalist depopulation agenda and the driver world war three accelerates there's the actual
headline the population agenda continues world leaders prepare for nuclear war just went live
about five minutes ago had banned i've been here on air and then the one thing only the guy that
said even more said came true than david eyck steve quill joins us for the balance of the hour
ahead of another great researcher jay dyer in the fourth hour but mark passio come back in the next
few weeks and do psyopsin current events other things we can do the whole history thing as well
but just just just looking at the psyopsin and what's going on i see desperateness in the new
world order what do you want to say in closing well there's psyops they have to keep injecting
fear into the population to keep them ignorant and to keep them listening to their narrative
you know there's many different kinds of psyops there's psyops to demoralize a population there's
psyops to inject fear there's psyops to put disinformation out there and get people to latch
on to erroneous ideas and then there's psyops to get people to stand down and not take right action
and believe that some external power has it in hand and they're going to take care of it
yeah that's one of them you know there's many many many different forms that psyops takes
and many reasons that this globalist you know satanic syndicate has to keep doing these things
that keep people fooled and keep them confused but most of all the main reason they conduct these things
is they don't want people stopping and figuring out natural law mentally in their mind and then
aligning their behavior to it that is the thing that would ultimately destroy their system of
control and their system of false power that they have built up it's all a distraction ultimately
to get you not to study how natural law works if if you understand natural law and if you
incorporate it into your being and into your life you you are going to get protection from creation
under all of that because you're going to be acting rightly when you truly think and act morally
the universe is going to come to your aid in general you know the forces of creation will
support and assist your endeavors when you do that right action creates right results wrong
action creates disorder disharmony and chaos this is why it's so important to be correct about
what is moral behavior what is not moral behavior the psyops are there as distractions to that we
have to stop falling for them we have to stop letting these psyops redirect our energy into
less important matters if we understand morality that's the linchpin that's the master key to all
of it this the psyops are there to keep us in a fearful mindset or keep us in a naive mindset
or keep us in a mindset where somebody else has this we don't really need to get involved and
take real world action you know that's what the psyops are there for and i think by exposing them
we're going to get more people to become more street wise about why they're out there how they
really operate who's conducting them and most importantly why well there's no doubt that the
founding fathers understood natural law and they talked about it and it created the greatest
experiment ever we've had a lot of problems but that idea created wealth and security and and freedom
unlike anything else and that's why we need to rediscover it that's why your work is so
incredibly important people again if you go to your website what on earth is happening dot com
what on earth is happening dot com with mark passio find your free films and all your great
work out there and listen two years went by like 10 seconds i want to get you on two weeks the next
two weeks let's get you back on let's get you to austin and studio and we really really appreciate
you mark passio talk to you soon thank you alex thanks so much i appreciate it amazing all right
folks uh we're going to go to break we're going to premiere the greg reese report and then steve
well's coming on first guy i heard talk about animal human hybrids and kim trailing fort was even
ever called kim trailing the guy that predicted that the world government and the power outages
the new world order and the cyber attacks and the nano tech and just all of it uh he is coming up to
talk about the current giant events and now the white house is walking back their armageddon
zalinsky nuclear war comments we've got that clip that just came in coming up on the other side
but you don't hear guests like this at reaching millions anywhere else thank you listeners
for keeping the show in the air don't thank me i'm thanking you but then keep investing in the
broadcast by spreading the word praying for us and by the products think about a world
without info wars just take a moment and sit back and think about all the incredible guests
and callers and stories we've broken together this family that is info wars think about how
info wars is cited by joe rogan and tucker carlson and bolson aro and other foreign leaders like
nigel forage as being the main impetus towards firing up their main base to defeat the new world
order the only reason humanity is still in the fight today is because the viewers and listeners
of this broadcast have taken action and supported the show i don't take the credit i give you the
credit the credit and now info wars is facing its darkest hours it isn't going to give up
without your support we can be shut down please go to save info wars dot com today save info wars
dot com today and donate for our legal defense fund
while millions may be waking up to the depopulation agenda it still continues
unhindered the covid vaccines have been thoroughly exposed as being deadly and yet we are still
injecting our children with them the national guard deceptively gives service members the
deadly covid vaccine instead of the flu shot russia is forcing all citizens conscripted to
fight in ukraine now estimated to be 300 000 people to get vaccinated for covid or go to jail
for 10 years and dairy farmers in new zealand are being forced to vaccinate their cattle with
an mRNA vaccine which is reportedly resulting in the instant death of 15 percent of the herd
and the cattle that do survive will now produce milk and meat with the spike protein it is now
clear to all that the lgbt movement is part of this depopulation program homosexual sex wasn't
enough for this death cult so they incentivized castrating children under the guise of transgenderism
eugenics program planned parenthood is now marketing puberty blockers and chemical castration
for children planned parenthood is also launching a new mobile abortion clinic in an attempt to
maintain depopulation levels at the borders of states which have made it illegal to kill babies
in the womb and with the war in ukraine needlessly escalating with no peace talks being considered
at all it is evident that the judas goats and their bureaucrat minions think they can kill us all
and evade justice for their crimes against humanity it appears that the united states
has sabotaged russia's Nord Stream 2 fuel pipeline an act of war reminiscent of the burlin bagdad
railway conflict that helped ignite world war one early this week russia's infamous doomsday
submarine capable of creating a radioactive tsunami reportedly disappeared from its base
and was spotted days later while operating on the arctic surface photographs in the city of
belgarad appear to show the deployment of the peris vet mobile laser system which renders
an area invisible to enemy surveillance by blinding surrounding satellites allowing russia
to secretly mobilize an attack retired brigadier general kimmet says nukes are on the table look
i think it's fairly simple to lay down the options it could be the soft side of it which is
doubling down on sanctions doubling down on export controls ranging all the way to a a nuclear response
of our own and everything in between zolensky says that nato must preemptively launch nuclear
weapons against russia as a warning and unhinged hollywood activist shan penn agrees with him
by even countries that have nuclear weapons can remain intimidated to use them and we're seeing
that now with our own country and i fear what that legacy is going to be we don't want no one
wants to see a nuclear i don't want to see one nobody at the same time if only one bully is
going to be able to use those weapons as a threat we got to rethink what we're doing the lunatics
in charge are buying up underground bunkers and anti-radiation drugs in hopes they will survive
the mass cooling agenda that continues on unhindered reporting for info wars this is greg rees
well the man joining us predicted all of this at a level even more accurate than myself
or people like david ike he's steve quail and he's with us for the rest of the hour we've got to do
a commercial free two-hour emergency show them very very soon we are inside the new world order
now i want to play the white house press secretary just 30 minutes ago this just broke walking back
biden saying we're about to have armageddon yesterday and zelensky saying we need a preemptively
nuke russia i mean these people are out this is never before happened in us or world history this
is way more dangerous the cuban missile crisis from ivy will get steve quail best-selling author
researcher true patriot trailblazer steve quail dot com here is the president did the president
plan to use the word armageddon why did he choose that particular reference to revelation 1616
okay so russia's talk of using nuclear weapons is irresponsible and there's no way to use uh
to use them without unintended consequences it cannot happen we want we won't be intimidated
by putin's rhetoric we have not seen any reason to adjust our own nuclear posture nor do we have
indications they are preparing to use them but putin can deescalate this at any time and there
is no reason to escalate putin just called for the peace deal i'm out lionizing putin steve quail
the original founder of the patriot movement the guy that exposed the entire new little agenda
30 plus years ago steve you're here thank you for joining us my friend it's just our times
you've been warning of this for so long now it's here how would you describe the state of the world
today all right we've got a problem with steve's audio steve i don't know if it's on your end
or on our end okay let's start with me now yes sir go ahead yeah okay i'm sorry we are at an
undergoing nuclear war right now the preparatory phases of it are initiated now i want to make it
clear when you tell the truth i tell the truth it's not propaganda the united states initiated
the talk of nuking russia and it was never brought up from the russian mouthpieces until
they were responding to us right now even the last 24 hours alex there was an intercontinental
ballistic missile intercepted over basically the uconn territory and i have guys that have
calculated the trajectory it's beyond my math skills and someone was sending an icbm it was not
russia so the point being is that we have missiles being intercepted by the way that
that a piece you just put together is outstanding we've got lasers being used to blind our eyes
in the skies we have watched the if you will the rhetoric ratchet up now and there's no pulling
it back there is no pulling it back and again your audio was cut out start over we're in the
preparatory phases nuclear war they even admit that and at the same time i've been worried about a
nuclear false flag by some rogue group or some specter type group you're saying that may have
happened today that may have happened actually in the last 24 hours now can you hear me okay now
i can hear you start over okay yep yep the the launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile
from uh the far east has taken place and it was intercepted over the area in silver city uconn
now what most people don't understand is that we're no longer playing games we bombed the
Nord Stream pipeline we saw victoria newland you saw the president make the statements we saw the
commendation from one of the polish ministers and ladies and gentlemen we're watching acts of
war taking place and i believe that we have seen right now alex the first shots of world war three
nuclear world war three being fired and by the way the russians notified us government i'm told
this that dc washington dc new york and denver denver's a home of the continuity of government
uh facilitating center in case of washington dc disappearing they've already told they the russians
have told the united states what we're what they're going to do and the united states is basically
saying uh well they're warning the people they better be ready to change clothes and a nuclear
attack in the subway in new york the united states has no no civil defense no food no sanitation
no even radiation sensors and yet any country that can shield its population and its industry
as well as russia has basically russia's in the upper hand position and it's fascinating because
now what we're watching is the statements of ordering you know two hundred ninety million
dollars worth of any radiation pills all this stuff is too little too late we have sat as the
american people and watched the theft of liberty the theft of freedom and now the theft of our
lives and there's a disconnect alex because people are in a reality avoidance mentality
but meanwhile we the false flag you are absolutely correct the false flag will
take place in ukraine it will be an atomic uh event and then the russians will be blamed
so the russians are on basic uh uh notification to everybody look we know this is coming but
we're in there's no uh statements coming out of russia that it's going to be a tactical response
they're talking strategic response they're stating that nato nations and the united states and they
named the targets are what are going to stay there russia is getting ready for full nuclear war
couldn't be a more important broadcast stay with us tequel i have been in a 28 year marathon battle
with the globalist i have come from nowhere to the very heights of politics not just in america
to the world we are engaging the globalists at point-blank range in the information war but i
don't deserve the credit yes i've persevered but the listeners and viewers who support them for
wars are the real reason we've had this success we're having now the greatest victories in the
fight against the new order we've ever had we are now entering the final mile of the marathon
and that's why today it's more important than ever realize how important you've been in this fight
and to continue in the efforts you've been tearing out and to intensify that i bless you all i salute
you i thank you and i beg you to intensify what you're doing now because we are over the target
and this brief is happening the fight is my fight it's your fight it's our fight god bless you all
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50% off leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
there is a extreme surrealness to where we are the president of the united states talking about
armageddon into the world the dictator now of ukraine he is the dictator he was elected
to be some dictatorship calling for a preemptive nuclear strike on russia everybody from shan
penn to you name it calling for nuclear war and liberals saying we love nuclear war it's liberal
steve quill top analyst on this please continue we went to break you talking about a false flag
in ukraine a nuclear false flag well right and what you're calling obviously the surrealness of
the moment we are talking about the absolute worst case scenario the nightmare that's unfolding
and there's a reality disengagement in the mainstream press alex everything and i want
to say this everything that you've warned about everything you've made your videos about ladies
and gentlemen alex is the tip of the spear and i'm encouraging you if you have any sense of
saving the republic or at least the remnant of the republic please get behind him because
ladies and gentlemen we are at a moment in time unlike any other and our defense department
is making war on the american population the american servicemen and forgetting we've got
real enemies out there and the cavalier that's the best word i know attitude of the by demonstration
the uh the the mille military and the whole if you will war within us military the destruction
of our advanced technology defunding them and i got to tell you alex red high heel shoes won't
stop a hypersonic missile russia has demonstrated their prowess now look i'm going to say something
the truth is the truth and we have in the united states broken every treaty every agreement we ever
made with russia they have and i'm saying this i'm fighting your fighting to try and influence
whoever's out there listening you don't want nuclear war you don't want the destruction now
i'm talking to the average american but the globalists the illuminous they they are absolutely
wetting themselves for joy over the fact that they're going to get rid of you know a billion
people either not just from initial nuclear radiation effects but from the starvation
the lack of communication everything is i mean i know there's estimates of a limited nuclear war
in europe killing 900 something million but don't most estimates show to escalate quickly we're
talking five billion dead yep pretty much and here's the thing when you're calculating deaths
by nuclear weapons you know it's if there's not a hundred percent fission or fusion in the case
of a hydrogen bomb but what we're talking about is the initial death due to the blast do the
over pressure do the heat but we're talking billions and i'm sorry billions that are going
to die and that's our biblical we are in the realm of the four horsemen the apocalypse
and you know i think people better understand this we've watched the weather being modified
weaponized against specifically florida and previously last year texas and now we've got
the situation where again we cannot fight a two front war we cannot fight china we can't
even fight russia and and trump the one thing i'll say to his credit is simply that he had a working
relationship with putin and recognize putin as a very brilliant man with the images you're putting
on the screen right now ladies and gentlemen these are the people that are running the government
especially the image right now of the black leather that gentleman i guess that's a wrong
but that pronoun person is in charge of the department of energy guess what the department
of energy runs the nuclear how should i say not only production of weapons but also the
distribution of weapons very powerful so they got the head of the monkeypox operation in satanic
regalia saying he's a satanist you've got the army officers that got caught trying to sell
cigarettes to china on delta force who's a woman i mean this is a cult this is a cult and it's a
luciferian cult and i think what people lose track of alex they the luciferian cults as represented
by the we efforts okay and obviously uval harari and schwab and the whole ilk they're on record
is saying they own 50 percent of the governments of the world they have their people 50 percent of
every government that's why you're seeing the breakdown of western europe that's why you're
seeing the the whole petroleum industry destroyed because they do not want those and i'll just call
it the entities that you're seeing they do not want humanities to survive they're transhumanists
you've done a beautiful job on talking about that i've written about it but ladies and gentlemen
the extinction of 250 million americans alex has carried the story i've talked about the story
that according to the deagle report a rockefeller foundation if you will mouthpiece 250 million
americans have to die in the next three years so alex there is no how should i say this there is no
having to hype the danger we're in and i can tell you the united states has no how should i say
viable alternative we have no anti missile defense system we've got so many traders in our military
within without and and we watched the vaccination that's my word of the i would say this those who
would not comply to die basically now we have a weakened military we have the obama promise that
in essence watch what he's going to do to the united states he's the united states is greatest
nation in the world and we intend to change all that ladies and gentlemen has changed most people
live in an illusory world i think in america's the top dog on the block and it no longer is
and there is no protection civil defense wise everything is on a personal level level and
eric i'm sorry you were just showing you know alex the billionaires for bunkers they've all
hightailed it they're out of here so the idea that were cannon fodder that's there's i can't make it
any more urgent than it is again if the american people knew that a belligerent nation
launched an intercontinental ballistic missile with a 50 kiloton nuclear warhead these are real
numbers would you think that maybe somebody would say boy it's later than we think by the way i mean
i know you always have incredible sources is that in the news or is that your intel sources because
it's happened seven or eight times i remember when from submarines and from overseas china rush and
others we've done it to them fire dummy warheads you know they fire an icbm to show we can hit you
but then have it just crash into the ground without a payload is that what you're saying happened
i'm saying that there was a live based on my back sources and by the way the story
coming out of the uconn was they watched two metal objects crash in the air so something
was intercepted an icbm an intercontinental intercontinental ballistic missile has to use
a higher flight path and then a hypersonic missile so we know it wasn't russia because russia had
the kinzal hypersonic missile so who else has nuclear capability well pretty well leaves china
and it pretty well leaves north korea the dismissal of the events that have been taking place on the
north korean border obviously the scrambling of quite a few what 24 jets of the north koreans it
was sure i mean japan just last week told everybody shelter and home because of a missile that flew
right over the island correct and i'm told by my sources and again ladies and gentlemen
there's you've got to get away and and alex most people have got to get away from the fact that
if it isn't on fox if it isn't on msnbc if it isn't on the major networks it can't be true
everything we've warned about that we've been called all the names you've been called has come to pass
and now nuclear war and everybody was saying oh there will never be a nuclear war and the president
and the president says hey there's gonna be a nuclear war and he's the one that is facilitating
and i would say this initiating and provoking the guy in control of the nuclear launch codes starting
the war tells you armageddon is here we'll be right back look around you everything i predicted
from the globlestone documents from their own admissions is now happening info wars credibility
my credibility has never been higher and it's because of your backing of this operation
that i could steadfastly despite the censorship and the boycotts and the attacks and the lawsuits
stay on air but now we're reaching the most critical juncture in the fight together so i want to ask
all of you today to help keep me on the air in my decades on air i've never asked for personal
donations but i'm being forced by the bankruptcy court to pay for 40 percent of the legal fees
and i can't fund those myself it's unsustainable so please visit save info wars dot com save info
wars dot com where you can make straight donations five 10 50 hundred dollars whatever you can so
that i can continue to persevere i'll never give up i'll never give in but i could give out thank
you for your support wouldn't be without you save info wars dot com the biggest sale of 2022 is now
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from nowhere to the very heights of politics not just in america but the world we are engaging
the globalist at point-blank range in the information war but i don't deserve the credit
yes i've persevered but the listeners and viewers who support them for the real reason
we've had the success we're having now the greatest victories in the fight against the
new order we've ever had we are now entering the final mile of the marathon and that's why
today it's more important than ever realize how important you've been in this fight and to continue
in the efforts you've been tearing out and to intensify them i bless you all i salute you i thank
you and i beg you to intensify what you're doing now because we are over the target and this
grief is happening the fight is my fight it's your fight it's our fight god bless you all
ladies and gentlemen the biggest sale of 2022 is now live at infowarstore.com it's the info war
store super sale 40 to 50 off all products in the store survival shield x3 sold out for almost
six months back in stock 50 off brain force ultra back in stock 50 off brain force plus
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to infowarstore.com and getting 40 to 50 off on all these amazing products leading a frontal
assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones waging war on corruption it's alex
jones coming to you live from the front lines of the info war we are sleepwalking into armageddon
the icon exposing the new world order the guy that said all the information for anybody else
steve quail of steve quail.com is our guest now i've been trying for two weeks to get steve on
so the fact that we're in the middle of this escalated crisis was not like he just came on
the day because it's happening he's been worrying this for a long time but this is when he could
come on perfect timing the way the lord works but i also wanted to get him on because he's an
expert on preparation and getting ready and nobody can break down how important satellite phones
and things like that are than steve and steve's a guy a few years ago got us in touch with one of the
biggest sat phone sales groups out there and their patreons that supply the board patrol
you name it he was going to talk about that some today and how people should get storeable food and
all the rest of it what's going on in the world you don't need to even tell you that with the
things that are happening well steve i want to get back in to russia ukraine how we de-escalate this
boy think the globals are planning next claus glop sing you know imminent cyber attacks but then
he says he wants to shut down industrial society the poison shots all of it with you but let's
spend some time on this you got us the amazing sponsor a few years ago that have been great
the problem was everybody sold out of high quality but at the same time affordable sat phones they
finally got them back in the shipments arriving next week they're free phones when people sign
up for the service so you're just simply signing up to make sure that when it comes in you get it
and so they also have this amazing bivvy stick dongle that turns any phone into a sat phone
i've got it my family's got it something everybody needs spend a few minutes telling folks about
info wars phone dot com that simply takes them to this great group an organization that has
these products right now so many of which nobody else has got info wars phone dot com steve tell us
about that well first of all anybody who's watched what happened in florida absolutely saw people
without power people without communication and the word when you lose communication is you panic
the nice thing about satellite phone stores uh the owners have dedicated themselves to making sure
everyone can stay in touch with their loved ones that they understand how fragile the electrical
grid is and also the cell phone communication grid i'm told that there are hundreds of thousands
of people without cell phones in florida and what was neat about satellite phone store
alex they sent out vans and we're finding people that had to communicate to let their loved ones
know that they're alive communication in a survival situation is paramount not just to be
keeping in contact with your loved ones but for information services so the bivvy stick
which i'm holding in my hand right now actually we'll leave it on the screen like you did i mean
you can send out 1000 character messages the bivvy stick obviously is satellite to satellite
you use your cell phone in airport or airplane mode but this is probably one of the neatest
things there is and and these are free just with a year contract ladies and gentlemen this is
explained even though your cell phone doesn't have service this does so it's a so when your
cell phone doesn't have service it plugs into this and now you can send text messages correct text
messages the difference between the bivvy stick and satellite phone actually satellite phone
is a voice communication but you're limited to the amount of text you can send with a bivvy stick
you can give more important data and there are people around the world now alex they can give
us a heads up on what's going on in the world through bivvy stick messaging and that's one of
the things that's so important communication is the key to your mind being kept in a and they
have the bivvy stick in stock at info wars phone dot com takes you right to the great
satellite phone company or the biggest in the u.s they have it stocked they have a huge shipment
coming in this next week this is already friday then they'll start shipping it's a free phone you
sign up for the service so just get signed up and as soon as the phone's there as soon as you get
delivered as soon as you activate it you just pay for the service this is a great deal one of the
best deals out there and their patriots info wars phone dot com pre-order the free isat tube
satellite phone get a free satellite phone below the 150 minutes of talk time per month
only 9995 per month for the talk time uh the text are free makes calls and text from anywhere in the
world completely secure off the grid you can also get unlimited free calls to it even though it's a
sad phone it's just a calls up to satellite costs money works anywhere that you're out in the open
they have antennas so you can be inside as well they have in stock the bivvy stick and a free bivvy
stick device with unlimited data unlimited data from only $55 a month the bivvy stick is pocket
sized device that allows you to any regular smartphone as a satellite communication device
send unlimited text data gps usage and and weather reports from anywhere go to info wars
phone dot com or 941 955 1020 941 955 1020 that's info wars phone dot com or 941 955 1020 this is
essential everybody needs this and again alex i think it's critical that people understand and
and and really focus on this is that ladies and gentlemen we're in no man's land when we're talking
about nuclear war and we're not talking about in the future we're not talking about cold war policy
we're not talking about a strategic we're not talking about kim jong-un having five of moving
the russians with 10 000 of them you got it and here's the deal when you're looking at the weapons
development a Poseidon nuclear torpedo by the way alex our defense department until russia
showed them at a weapons uh fair didn't believe that there was such a thing as an autonomous
self-directed by ai uh intelligent uh torpedo weapon that was 100 megatons and they're already
saying look we can generate a 1600 foot radioactive tsunami which is true and just because the powers
of b are so ignorantly blind they will not understand hypersonic the reason hypersonic is so well
developed is that the russians and the indians and believe it or not the north koreans and others
have been working on them and the meantime the majority of the us attempt to even achieve hypersonic
missiles has gone by the wayside and so this isn't this is not a game see this is what makes me the
most uh torqued okay is that people somehow think that this stuff all this is just happening and if
it was real it'd be on the mainstream news the mainstream news some of the reporters will be
sitting with their microphones in new york city when all of a sudden the screen goes blank and well
ladies and gentlemen it's so critical that we stand behind info wars that we support financially
because in essence the entire truth movement is what the enemy is because there is no truth in them
they live in a world of lies they live in a kingdom and they know if we take over the infrastructure
of the planet the globalists are out so they want nuclear wars famines bio weapons to wipe us out
that they'll reorganize the wreckage right and i want to make a statement too that we need to understand
ladies and gentlemen with all of the residual dna that's been gathered through the tests
and all of the genetic testing banks and all of the ancestry dot com the chinese on the you said
ancestry dot com ten years ago was selling at the china and all came out last year yep and and again
you know i got a lot of crap that people said oh they can't target individuals yes they can uh
representative cox excuse me uh just came out crown uh no crow i'm sorry three different people
representative crow just came out and said uh his major concern at the aspen institute is biological
weapons that are targeted to individuals individually targeted bio weapons so ladies and gentlemen
everything that you think is private there is no privacy any longer down to a genetic level
so let's say a specific group has uh has been designated a problem group by the integration
of their dna and their individualization of that dna anybody can be targeted and i believe that
obviously uh if it weren't for the prayers of your listeners my listeners alex they absolutely would
have succeeded in taking me out i'm not grandstanding i'm just telling you that going back as you know
when i start talking about individual bio individual bio weaponized strains of viruses that would be
person specific individual specific people just laughed well ladies and gentlemen you can laugh
but all the imagery right now all the news look at drudge i think it unless it's still there drudge
has a uh an atomic explosion they're quoting biden and alex we the united states are the ones that
initiate thank you very much that we are the ones that initiated the talk of nukin russia and then
zalinsky now is having to backpedal because he basically said the united states needs to do a
first strike on russia russia's been defined and by the way interestingly enough everybody wants
to vilify them but it is the globalists that want russia taken out of the way because they're
simply want russia's fresh water 25 of the fresh water in the planet is in lake p call and russia
they want their week they want their gold they want global control and russia's nationalist i'd
say this when president putin and this is a fact when president putin put a floor on gold he put
the entire hold on hold on hold on steve quill incredible information think about a world without
info wars just take a moment and sit back and think about all the incredible guests and callers
and stories we've broken together this family that is info wars think about how info wars is cited by
joe rogan and tucker carlson and bolson aro and other foreign leaders like nigel farage as being
the main impetus towards firing up their main base to defeat the new world order the only reason
humanity's still in the fight today is because the viewers and listeners of this broadcast
have taken action and supported the show i don't take the credit i give you the credit the credit
and now info wars is facing its darkest hours it isn't going to give up without your support we
can be shut down please go to save info wars dot com today save info wars dot com today and donate
for our legal defense fund ladies and gentlemen the biggest sale of 2022 is now live at info war
store dot com it's the info war store super sale 40 to 50 off all products in the store
survival shield x3 sold out for almost six months back in stock 50 percent off brain force ultra
back in stock 50 percent off brain force plus back in stock 50 percent off dna force plus back
in stock 50 percent off fizzing magnesium both of the highest quality types of magnesium nobody
else has got that 50 percent off organic greens fiber caps highest quality 50 percent off super
mill vitality field of vitality 50 percent off ultimate creole back in stock 40 percent off
knockout sleep support 40 percent off it goes on and on vitamin d three gummies 40 percent off
vasovics 40 percent off open fish oil 40 percent off you need to do this for your immune system
is falling winter plus it funds the info war thank you for your support the only way you lose is not
going to info war store dot com and getting 40 to 50 percent off on all these amazing products
the biggest sale of 2022 is now live it's only running in the last week of september and the
first week of october dozens of our best selling products are finally back in stock and they're
40 to 50 percent off across the board and the most important of them all is survival shield x3
all three types of the very best iodine documented to not just boost your libido your stamina your
health your energy your cells your immune system but to overall give you more energy it's the
foundation of everything from energy to fertility x3 50 percent off is finally back in stock
exclusively at info war store dot com you've heard the callers you've seen the rave reviews
now experience x3 for yourself exclusively at info war store dot com 50 percent off and while
you're there check out some of the other great products that are finally back in stock and massively
discounted as well part of the info war store super sale running for two weeks only again
x3 back in stock 50 percent off by the will of god and by god working through you and your support
info wars continues to persevere against the tax never before seen in the western world
against independent media thanks for keeping me in the fight and over the years you have come to
the table you have stepped to the plate so many times and kept info wars and free speech on the
air and i thank you but now i have my own legal bills that have reached the point that i can't
pay them now need your support so if you want to keep this operation moving forward if you want to
back me this fight against the globalist please visit save info wars dot com and save info wars
dot com takes you to a url that gives him go for direct alex jones legal defense fund this whole
phase of their attacks four years in the making is almost over and right at the end we're not giving
up we're not giving in but we could give out so please if you support we're doing i want to fight
for liberty and freedom and just in the future go to save info wars dot com today leading a frontal
assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
there's so much huge news unfolding in the world i'm not even talked about
they said the first five minutes the show i spent like 20 seconds on it the show trials
run by the democrats while i was already found guilty for questioning sandia where they lied
of everything i said and did the lawyers asked yesterday and i've actually got the paperwork
for the lawyers here my lawyers they actually asked for 8.25 billion just on the first charge
of reputational loss they asked for an unlimited amount on emotional distress and then a cup of
false advertising claim that nothing to do with with with with with sandy hook that all our advertising
is criminal they asked for billions there i don't have two million dollars in the bank so it's a
joke at the end of the day with all this nuclear war information the rest of it but it shows how
desperate they are plus connecticut and texas are capped at five million dollars they want that number
to scare people say how are you handling all this i'm 10 000 worried about nuclear war i'm not
even one percent worried about this bs ladies and gentlemen but i'm still going to cover some of
those it's so interesting at the start of the next hour ever steve qual leaves us but what do they
say in there in the texas trial in the connecticut they're like he tells you the water's poisonous
and sells water filters as if it's a manipulation it'd be like if prospectors were going into the
condyce or something 150 years ago and they said hey you might want to buy a coat before you go there
and i'm selling coats you know the trails for the gold mine i mean you need a coat you need boots
you need a pickaxe uh the question is this is a good coat is it a good pickaxe and damn right it is
as if it's a manipulation we overtly say the water's full of toxins you better be filtering your
water here are several brands of top rated water filtration systems at prepare today dot com we
openly say the world's getting more unstable you need a satellite dongle or a satellite phone
i've got one yeah we're selling it to you to keep us on air we have them we believe in it
it's like you know i hate to be gross here but if you were being forced to the navy or something
in some you know right of passage to be with some prostitute that's got gonorrhea you better wear
a condom you know we are literally here just warning people about what's going on and then
trying to get you prepared for what we see happening i told you two and a half years ago
buy swarable food food prices are going to double now they have it's all over the news that most
water systems are full of toxic poisons now you should be filtering it we saw the highest rated
that's what you got to check everybody needs water filter but isn't the highest rated
prepare today dot com high quality swarble food ready to ship the lowest prices you're going to
find but i got to tell you they've been a sponsor they've been trying to get me to even plug on
air i've been so busy i haven't but now it's reminded what steve quill was coming on today
because he's the guy that introduced me these one of the top sellers in the country lowest prices
out there great deals free phone uh free dongle all you pay for is the service that i should get
steve to talk about this because i left these in boxes i got them years ago i have i tested one
out at work great i got one in my car i got one in my house but i'm getting them out now i'm learning
how to use them better they're really easy to use like a regular phone because we're in that world
today go to info wars phone one word info wars phone dot com and they come in next week everybody's
been sold out of sat phones that are affordable for a long time they got a big shipment in they're
ready to ship next week all you pay for is a service those sign up now and you will be the
first to get the phone and they have the bivvy stick dongles ready to just plug into your regular
cell phone and turn it into a sat phone they're only 55 dollars a month the service the dongle
is free they got a lot of other incredible products at info wars phone dot com that just
takes you as a sub link to the full page these great folks and then we get the sponsorship and
it keeps us on air at 360 whim these are the best deals out there info wars phone dot com
info wars phone dot com or nine four one nine five five ten twenty steve anything else on the phone
in the dongle and then other amazing points you want to relate to folks because you are truly the
maverick well i and i i thank you for that alex i think the thing is alternative power is going
to be a very important thing i think one of the neat things about the satellite phone stores
are selling the power generators are selling the solar cells all the charge converters and stuff
and they put together some nice packages now look if a thousand people wanted it they would absolutely
bust these storage uh by the way i'm interrupting you but i love the owners of the company they're
great patriots but they're like no just plug these one products i'm like no you have everything
i mean they need to go to info wars phone dot com i'm sorry i'm gonna shut up go ahead
no no no no i'm just saying that people ask me all the time well how do i charge it there's no
power easy with solar but let's talk about right now to the coming weatherized warfare but i
interrupted because i'm gonna i'm gonna not do what they asked me to do i want to talk about
the other incredible products on the site tell folks about that okay i'm sorry first of all
they have these satellite phones back in stock do you mentioned that a thousand of my believe
available at the end of october they've got the vivi stick the package comes with a free phone
all you're paying is 55 a month they have a satellite uplinks they have the storage battery the
power solar generators in essence they are a one-stop communication and an electrical production
facility because ladies and gentlemen you're being told you're being you're watching in real time
that even the swedish government saying hey to stay warm this winter you're gonna have to
build a tent in your living room and huddle together the the the germans are being told oh
you won't have any power so take a cold shower and basically suck it up if anybody has got a let's
say this a grasp of the situation alex people need power the people in florida i believe florida
is a microcosm of what is to come and so with the solar generators the solar cells the power
storage and the communication that doesn't rely on the electrical grid of the united
space that's right they got small easy to move with at work rate batteries with the best small
compact solar systems with the sat phones with the communications vivi sticks everything you
need at extremely low prices absolutely and ladies and gentlemen the reason why we're bringing
this up today on this podcast broadcast forgive me i do podcast alex does broadcast is that
that we're running out of time ladies and gentlemen in any nuclear war scenario and alex i've i've
offered to discuss with any pentagon spokesman that wants to come on and debate me on a platform
about the advanced weapons that exist in china in russia and even in north korea uh obviously
they're not going to do it but the thing is is that the anti-satellite rumors out there of the
different systems that are blinding the eyes of our well the chinese have admittedly blown up us
satellites they are they are but see you can never i can never we can never and less someone told us
i want to answer this question right now how can you guys know this stuff well simply because people
who are in that world tell us because they're terrified themselves how did you know about
the human animal hybrids the kim trails before anybody else well quite candidly the bottom line
is i had people telling me this but i also went to the bible jennison six four and you guys sell
my books but the the fallen angels look we you use the word demon there's a lot of demons out there
the disembodied spirit of of the combination hybrids of fallen angels earth woman having sex
all of the mythologies of the world deal with that but the hybridization of the human race
is what you will horari the w efforts are telling everybody that god didn't do a good enough job
that's right they're mainlining animal human hybrids they're saying it's it's happening it's here
it's here and you know it's interesting because people used to give me so much crap but even
if you go to the old uh if you will the apocryphal works of estrus you know the scribe uh talking
about uh your your minute i'm sorry but this is what it says your ministrating women will give
birth the monsters you know i mean again there's there's so much in ancient history but the ancient
history is now because even the pentagon calls for the return of the gods little g of the samarians
in essence the fallen angels are coming back and the book of revelation is talking about this very
time the four horsemen the apocalypse they're they're galloping through the world and people say oh i'm
so scared well you shouldn't be scared because in essence that's why you should support alex and
listen i want i want this clear if people do not support your platform and the absolute necessity
of the spirit of the point look you're like an icebreaker you're the bowel of an icebreaker
you have broken the ice this is the truth it's history i was able to you know have some input
into your life but you still have been out there you don't give in ladies and gentlemen most people
never step into the battle and those are alex's critics or my critics they're doug hagman's critics
of people they're mike adam's critics people who don't understand i'm sorry i'm passionate today
the lateness of the hour we're talking about an intercontinental ballistic missile launch
we're talking to you you'll never know the true defense condition of the us military and we don't
have the military assets the advanced weapons and this isn't pro russia this is the truth the truth
is not propaganda and it's we've been undermined intentionally that was the whole vaccine mandate
with the troops now the army had a 15 underage and the recruits the recruits they got i gotta
say are pathetic yeah and so ladies and gentlemen we only have so many hours or so many days left
before a very provocative incident happens already it looks like there's a weak countdown i can't
say i know this for sure but a weak countdown for a false flag in ukraine they will blame the russians
and then nato will invoke article five and hold on stay there one more segment i want to hear all
about the ukraine false flag from the maverick trailblazer steve quill this guy i read his stuff
30 years ago and thought well he's very articulate and part of it i can prove but this sounds crazy
it all came through i wish it wasn't true back in two minutes with the one the only steve quill
steve quill dot com think about a world without info wars just take a moment and sit back and
think about all the incredible guests and callers and stories we've broken together this family that
is info wars think about how info wars is cited by joe rogan and tucker carlson and ball sonaro
and other foreign leaders like nigel forage as being the main impetus towards firing up their
main base to defeat the new world order the only reason humanity's still in the fight today
because the viewers and listeners of this broadcast have taken action and supported this show
i don't take the credit i give you the credit the credit and now info wars is facing its darkest
hours it isn't going to give up without your support we can be shut down please go to save
info wars dot com today save info wars dot com today and donate for our legal defense fund
i have been in a 28 year marathon battle with the globalist i have come from nowhere
to the very heights of politics not just in america but the world we are engaging the globalist
at point blank range in the information war but i don't deserve the credit yes i've persevered
but the listeners and viewers who support them for wars for the real reason you've had the success
we're having now the greatest victories in the fight against the new world order you've ever had
we are now entering the final mile of the marathon and that's why today it's more important than ever
realize how important you've been in this fight and to continue in the efforts you've been tearing
out and to intensify it god bless you all i salute you i thank you and i beg you to intensify what
you're doing now because we are over the target and this is happening the fight is my fight it's
your fight it's our fight god bless you all if you are receiving this transmission you are the
all right i was just talking to steve during the break and he said listen i know the attack
you guys are under you need to fundraise and he's absolutely right we are behind
over a half million dollars right now because the legal bills and the attacks everything else
once we're over these big judgments of these show trials that are ending as we speak
the appeals are very inexpensive compared to those we'll be able to block those for two years and by
them we're going to fix this or turn this around or it's all over anyways so we got to stay on air
i'm announcing a special eight a.m to midnight broadcast we'll have the regular shows also my
show but we're going to have steve quell and others wednesday night we're going to midnight
steve quell will be on six to eight central seven to eight mountain and he'll lay all this out and
more but enough about support info wars you were let's talk about the big picture i feel i see a
false flag you see all the preparation in ukraine for nuclear you see that too in the four minutes
we have left steve tell us about what you're most concerned about i'm most concerned about a false
flag that is going to be blamed on the russians but also alex with the removal of the children and
the uh women and mothers and children obviously babies and stuff out of the four uh rejoined to
the russia uh we'll call them uh former uh parts of russia i believe there is going to be a very
serious nuclear or hyperbaric weapon uh demonstration i think that the vilification a present
pudin is off the chart you watched it happen ladies and gentlemen donald trump and the globalists
are the ones that are doing their best to put russia in the united states at war and lucifer
himself wants the war he wants the maximum amount of death he doesn't care who does it
he just wants to make sure it gets done so when zealotsky said and he's backtracking it right now
that the united states needs he was inferring to attack russia with nuclear weapons ladies and
gentlemen are you ready to pay 17 dollars a gallon for gas 17 bucks a gallon are you willing
to go without heat are you willing and 70 billion dollars actually it's more than that 100 billion
now that has gone into the ukraine and 80 percent of it alex is going out the back doors of ukraine
all the weapons we're giving them is they're going out on the black market now obviously you're
using some of them but ladies and gentlemen please understand when we attack the Nord Stream pipeline
that was a direct act of war but when we are having our liquid natural gas tankers going across
selling us lng at more uh more expensive prices than the russians were i want everyone to understand
that if somebody loves their country and they're a nationalist and they want to protect their people
i can tell you this it's interesting to me and this is really critical russia has an active civil
defense they are able to shield their population they are able to shield their manufacturing
they are on a wartime footing 24 hours a day seven days a week and ladies and gentlemen we're running
out of quote all of our weapons and some of the generals have warned about it you're watching the
internal destruction the united states a communist takeover and takedown and the finishing touch
is going to be a nuclear launch strategic weapons against the united states now i believe that
god can do anything but unfortunately remember this the very party that's pushing nuclear war
made war on god they said god has no place on our platform well ladies and gentlemen i can tell you
history records nations with that attitude as disappearing from off the earth and i i think
that uh people better realize that alex we're not on a multi-month countdown in my opinion okay i pray
i'm wrong we are on a moment by moment day by day uh what would you say threat level that is increasing
beyond anybody's ability to grasp and apply it now they can grasp it but apply it to your life
and i'm calling it the day everything you've known before is gone forever okay it's not just a day of
the dollar and claus swabs been saying get ready for that you'll own nothing you'll have nothing
you won't live in cities you live in communes i mean they are they are doing this they are
and so again ladies and gentlemen this is how late the hour is please get behind alex i'm excited
to be able to join on the fundraiser on wednesday but ladies and gentlemen if i i'm asking 1000 of
you okay who are capable and you know who you are financially i'll put the first thousand in all
paypal alex within and i i don't believe in telling you to do something hold on stay there back
in 60 seconds save info wars dot com is the current place
the biggest sale of 2022 is now live exclusively at info war store dot com the info war store
super sale is now live 40 to 50 off bare minimum 40 off many of the products 15 off at info
war store dot com the most exciting of all these incredible products is x3 all three of the very
best types of iodine that are natural and pure that should get into your cells are in x3 the
deep earth crystal iodine and two other types to maximize full absorption this really is the missing
link x3 sold out for a long time is finally back in stock available at info war store dot com
or by calling toll free triple eight two five three three one three nine now it takes a few weeks
for this high quality iodine to kick in but almost everybody after that feels the effects it's not
a sheer immune system but it's for your energy and so much more x3 back in stock at info war
store dot com 50 off lines of the information war it's alex jones steve quail of steve quail
dot com best-selling author founding prepper guy that predicted everything is now happening to a
p was getting into the fact that we've got to keep liberty instruments like info wars on
air during this critical time anywhere you're also going to finish up with just the law's a fair
attitude as we sleepwalk into armageddon well in essence again the the cavalier attitude it's
just as it says if alex everybody is listening to the battle plan and going well as long as it
doesn't hit me i'm okay everything you've known all your freedoms liberties they've already gone
every estimate is if there's a tactical nuke use it's going to go regional and probably
planet-wide i mean i mean we are on the verge of destruction yeah and i want to change the term
tactical okay we're talking tactical weapons are in the kiloton region we're talking about region
we're talking strategic nuclear weapons we're in the 25 megaton realm and by the way they the
russians have their satan one and satan two and by the way those were named in honor of the united
states a multi-targeted reentry vehicle warheads that have multiple warheads in each rocket they
are on i'm told five minute launch command they have their targets already picked and by the way
none of this stuff is being done in secret i don't know what more honestly people could do then
and then expect from russia when we're they're being told daily daily and this is all about
stopping world war three everyone it is they're being told daily we're going to nuke you so let's
see says to the united states and then tries to walk it back you guys should nuke russia well the
bottom line is we don't even have newer warheads we don't even have the the missile commanders
literally are in dresses and wearing red high heels right and i said this and i stand by it let me
tell you something women's panties on men and red high heels or leather bondage sadomasochism
heads of the department of energy that high heel shoes are not a very effective defense
against hypersonic missiles by the way russia said in 90 seconds from our submarine launch
ballistic missiles this place disappears this place disappears this place disappears
and you know putting aircraft carriers out to sea when a hundred megaton nuclear weapon is
underneath you is not really modern warfare any longer so in essence there is no sanity there is
no rationale in my opinion there's just a provocation of world war three and alex i think what
people have got to understand is the bible is very clear about this that the anti christ
is waiting in the wings to come on as a man apiece after of course a nuclear war you've
got to scare humanity into accepting the ultimate world dictator and now we've heard that from the
from the mouth of the pope one world religion we're hearing about the one world
digital currency and of course the world economic foundation of one world government
where you'll own nothing i'll own nothing and uh how crazy is it how vindicated you and others are
i mean out because i've been around 28 years been around 35 years but totally vindicated now i don't
i don't see that as a positive i feel sick but we were unable to stop this but i mean we are
totally vindicated and they just hope censorship makes us go away but we've proven we know what
we're talking about well yeah and again they can call it conspiracy all they want but when
you and i were talking just about social media being if you will a a projection of the stasi
a marcus wolf and i remember you and i did a broadcast podcast what 10 years ago a marcus
member member obama hired the former head of the stasi then google hired stasi to help set up her
system yep and so ladies and gentlemen you know everything you think do and say is in the spine
they're doing it you doing at you every day and now it's not enough just to have external means
they want internal means so they want the neural link they want this they want that and and i want
people to understand this total control is at the end of everything that the world economic
foundation is going and uh you know uval harari is very clear he's basically saying the majority
of the planet has to die you're useless eaters he said that exactly he said the future is not human
you got it so when you said that one of your books i forget which one
i read over 20 years ago it actually says their plan is for the not to be a human future
yeah and that was genetic armageddon which you carry in those days and now the the book that's
really important is terminated the end of man is here not near so when you hear about
h plus humanity plus when you hear about the genetic manipulation of the human genome when
you hear about the introduction of a micro biome controlled operating system within your body
and remember this anything they put in you can be controlled to destroy you at a moment's noise
notice and so now we're seeing and i'm sorry we're seeing this i came into my office day
knowing i would be doing this but my my manager daryl said what's the matter i said i never felt
the sick of my stomach it's one thing to write about it decades in advance but it's another thing
to see people blissfully unaware not even realizing what it what is at their front door and what
happens if russia takes out 10 cities they're gone in a flash and by the way putin also said
and the defense minister said we're not going to just hit one city another city another city
he said all of our missiles will hit at once i don't think people understand that i pay attention
to what they say again ladies and gentlemen we're fighting for your lives your children this is a
melodrama this is the truth this is some netflix show and people psychologically confuse all the
entertainment and all these programs with reality this is reality steve quell dot com
steve will be with us for two hours wednesday night special emergency broadcast steve quell
dot com i hope we're here on wednesday god bless you sir and thank you so much the time thank you
alex and people get behind this and seriously 1000 people go to alex what's your website where
they can save info wars dot com is where i need the funds to keep the legal battle going that's
the most important 100 will go towards that we're about to finish these show trials we've got two
years of appeals that'll buy us the time to stay on air but we don't have the funds i want to thank
those who did donate save info wars dot com thank you steve i'll pay paleo thousand dollars i want
you to put it up and i want those thousand people to join with me okay i needed sir thank you god
bless you amazing person folks he's always been articulate i always thought it was a great guest
but when i first interviewed him 28 years ago he's one of my first big guests i thought this guy
was like a great science fiction writer and it all came true i i did just sick
jdr is a great researcher he's about to take over for the next 45 minutes and he has all their
documents all their admissions to be able to speak to what's currently happening
and everything that's going on uh steve quell just spent a godstand over the years you know he's
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company he just believes in it he brought it to his sponsor to support us he knows i'm a straight
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phones and the heavy sticks that turn regular cell phones into sad phones go to go to info wars phone
dot com so separately people are asking me hey the leftist democrat party lawyers yesterday
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by the judge are asking for i said seven billion my lawyer misspoke it's 8.25 billion
550 million per plane if as if i killed their kids they didn't say how much they want for emotional
distress or this cut proclaim or their legal fees they're saying it's nine million the great news is
we're in bankruptcy they can't ever get it it doesn't matter the funds you send us is for appeal
the next year the next two years to stay on air and this incarnation of this broadcast so none of
the money you buy products from none of that is is is you know we're in a two-year legal battle
with them left on top of this that keeps us on air in the appeals process and everything else that
is taking place so please go to info wars store dot com and get a book get a film get assigned
alex jones great reset in the world for the world and i hope your book arrives for world war three
but there's a very good chance we can stop this but we got to take it very serious and realize
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all right jay dyer takes over the next 45 minutes loaded for bear and then oan shroyer
christy lee many others coming up three p.m today and that is the war room with oan shroyer
eight a.m. tomorrow kicks off with harris and smith and the american journal find all those
verboten forbidden links at info wars dot com forward slash show and share them because we're
human intelligence against the ai that's already censoring that we can overpower to be aware of
it so check your junk box that's where they're blocking us in the email share us via text message
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info wars continues to persevere against the tax never before seen in the western world against
independent media thanks for keeping me in the fight and over the years you have come to the
table you have stepped to the plate so many times and kept info wars and free speech on the air and
I thank you but now I have my own legal bills that have reached the point that I can't pay them
and I need your support so if you want to keep this operation moving forward if you want to back me
this fight against the globalist please visit save info wars.com and save info wars.com takes
you a URL that gives in go for direct Alex Jones legal defense fund this whole phase of their attacks
four years in the making is almost over and right at the end we're not giving up we're not giving in
but we could give out so please if you support we're doing and want to fight for liberty and
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new world order it's alex jones welcome back to the alex jones show this is your guest host
j dire of j's analysis as you know i weekly lecture through the writings of the global elite to give
you a inside understanding directly from their really boring long tomes in tex i do your homework
for you nobody else wants to read these books hardly anybody but the global elite actually read
these books and then i read them so then i can digest it and tell you exactly what the plans are
and it's always important to look back at the plans that they wrote 150 30 years ago and today
i want to highlight an important paper that was written in terms of international relations and
american geopolitical strategy and it's called soft power by joseph nigh jr he is of course one of
the candy school of government harvard rode's scholarship guys so we know he's coming out of
the circles of oxford university this will be essentially people promoting the roads millner
raw child etc world view because typically people on the eastern seaboard elite universities harvard
yale uh cambridge excuse me a princeton and then you know they go over to oxford and cambridge in
the uk they get sort of co-opted into or sort of coaxed into the uh two fake arms of the establishment
at a higher geopolitical level so just like in the u.s we have the fake left-right democrat republican
idea in terms of global geopolitics there's a similar kind of dialectic between older strategies
of fabian socialism that was so-called liberal elitism in the uk and then a more right-wing
supposed opposition to that in actual fact the elites above that were funding both sides of
the false left-right dialectic in the uk as well these international elite are also allied with
the internationalist from the from the american power structure and this would of course be
the j.p. morgan's the the rockefeller power structure etc and so out of this sphere we
get a lot of people who are ideologues and who are the brains right not so much the we got the
banks we got the corporations and we got the brains and the brains would be the people like
the brzezinski's and the kissingers and we could count joseph nye in this category of global elite
writers and so he wrote uh he was actually listed by foreign policy magazine in 2011 as one of the
top global thinkers in the world and why is that well he wrote this famous paper right after the
the cold war was winding down in 1990 it's called soft power soft power is important because it's
one of the key strategies that the elite have used for a long time it's really a aphabian socialist
strategy but it doesn't it's not restricted to people of that ideology to be used by anybody
and it's really crucial to understand because it's part of cultural warfare you know i've talked
for a long time about how toxic culture and cultural warfare is crucial to how the agenda
marches forward despite whoever's in public office and that's because the agenda is planned at a higher
level by think tanks indios and international corporations and organizations this is admitted
in this essay so you understand that this is not a conspiracy text this is a text from
people in the harvard circles harvard had a huge role for example in the looting of russia
when the soviet union collapsed you had a lot of oligarchs who then sort of auctioned off in a
fire sale a lot of the assets of russia when the soviet union collapsed that was all done by design
and some of the architects of that were at harvard university so what does he mean by soft power
why is this so crucial to understanding how the global elite work well he's uh uh surprisingly
at the time uh when he wrote this in 1990 you would think he would be writing about the soviet
union declining but in fact he he writes about the united states in decline and that's because the
cold war really had this strata this this uh in game and that was long term in terms of the global
government a lot of people think that the cold war was just about uh defeating evil atheism
and communism but actually it was about a long-term game that some of the higher level
strategists had for bringing about the marriage of east and west into a third way or what the
fabians called uh the new world order yes actually that term the new world order was
coined by famous fabians like hgls now again fabian economics doesn't restrict itself to
somebody who's an outright Marxist socialist because as we know from a lot of the writings
that i've covered including uh quigley professor antony satin or yoan ratzio that i recently
have been lecturing through in his uh really copiously but noted books uh we know that the
the the game plan for fabian socialists for an international order is identical to the game
plan for the monopoly capitalist international order and that's because fabian socialism slow
kill marxism in other words had the exact same strata funding uh as the people who are pushing
monopoly capitalism control so in other words it's the same ideology they might differ at times on
how to get there but it's the same end goal and essentially this is going to be admitted and
demonstrated in nai's own essay he doesn't mention fabianism but he's in haptic because
it's all the same plan it's all the plan for a world order structured around a global currency
a global government and uh the removal of the existing nation state firewall and the removal
of the existing currencies that will put us into this debt based international credit system
something like fed coin something like cbdc whatever wherever it goes we don't know yet
but they're already now beginning to talk about the very things that these people said a hundred
years ago remember burgeon russell talking about the credit system as you well talking about the
credit system the universal basic income system that would be rolled out and here we are a hundred
years later and it's being rolled out nai says that really the breakdown of the existing order
after uh the the renaissance is is is due to the world wars of the 20th century this is this is
the same analysis that quickly has that world war one two and the cold war really break down all
of the previous existing international orders and this includes the notion of traditional warfare
breaking down so this is warfare that is exercised primarily through external power or through
actual force is being replaced by a multipolar supposed order that will be centered around
what he calls soft power that is influencing nations and power blocks through non warfare
means non uh you know not actual warfare but through culture for example so he says that the
cold war saw not just the decline of the us but also the decline of russia as well and he says
that there are new actors emerging that will be the new locus of power as we go into the future
and he's going to be totally accurate about this because some of these new power structures that
emerged will be corporations in other words corporations will arise that will be more
powerful than nation state now we're not at the point yet where there's a single global
corp that runs everything but we're definitely moving in that direction i think everybody can
see this when we look at the way that big food for example is being more and more consolidated
under a couple you know big agra companies uh the drugs are being uh consolidated under you know a
few mega pharmaceutical corporations media is being consolidated under a handful of mega media
corporations and that same trend will probably continue until we get corporations that may
end up being more powerful than any existing nation state today now that's a long way away
but it's definitely possible given where we're going and so he says power over nations is uh
something that was considered beneficial in the the older order now power over the outcomes of
events is considered more important and that's because of the rise of new actors that we've
never seen before and that is the international corporate structure he says this is creating
a more and more in the interdependent world and that's what monopoly capitalism intended on creating
with completely open borders completely pre-trade this was to create and erect this totally interlinked
global economy don't go anywhere this is the alexa john strung to guest host j dire as we break down
soft power from the elite themselves by the will of god and by god working through you and your
support info wars continues to persevere against attacks never before seen in the western world
against independent media thanks for keeping me in the fight and over the years you have come to the
table you have stepped to the plate so many times and kept info wars and free speech on the air and
i thank you but now i have my own legal bills that have reached the point that i can't pay them
and i need your support so if you want to keep this operation moving forward if you want to back
me this fight against the globalist please visit save info wars dot com and save info wars dot com
take sure url it gives him go for direct alex jones legal defense fund this whole phase of
their attacks four years in the making is almost over and right at the end we're not giving up
we're not giving in but we could give out so please if you support we're doing and want to fight for
liberty and freedom and just in the future go to save info wars dot com today the biggest sale
of 2022 is now live it's only running in the last week of september and the first week of october
dozens of our best-selling products are finally back in stock and they're 40 to 50 off across the
board and the most important of them all the survival shield x3 all three types of the very
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40 to 50 percent off bare minimum 40 percent off many of the products 15 percent off at info
war store dot com the most exciting of all these incredible products is x3 all three of the very
best types of iodine that are natural and pure that should get into your cells are in x3 the
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link x3 sold out for a long time is finally back in stock available at info war store dot com
or by calling toll free triple eight two five three three one three nine now it takes a few weeks
for this high quality iodine to kick in but almost everybody after that feels the effects it's not
just for your immune system but it's for your energy and so much more x3 back in stock at info
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from their own admissions is now happening info wars credibility my credibility has never been
higher and it's because of your backing of this operation that i could steadfastly despite the
censorship and the boycotts and the attacks and the lawsuits stay on air but now we're reaching
the most critical juncture in the fight together so i want to ask all of you today to help keep me
on the air in my decades on air i've never asked for personal donations but i'm being forced by
the bankruptcy court to pay for 40 of the legal fees and i can't fund those myself it's unsustainable
so please visit save info wars dot com save info wars dot com where you can make straight
donations five ten fifty hundred dollars whatever you can so that i can continue to persevere
i'll never give up i'll never give in but i could give out thank you for your support
wouldn't be without you save info wars dot com leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new
world order it's alex jones
welcome back to the house job so we are breaking down the uh crucial geopolitical
essay which is now a little bit dated but it's very important to understand in terms of getting
how we got to where we are now this is the 1990 essay by joseph nigh called soft power
talks about how the world was constructed into an interdependent uh free market in the sense of
free trade global order right i'm not talking about legitimate free market capitalism i'm talking
about monopoly capitalism that engineers ways to construct an international global order for
the benefit of a choice elect or choice select small percentage of oligarchs that's the real
world that we're living in now and it's totally compatible with the fabian socialist model of
collectivism if you remember in 1984 when winston uh is is looking into the counter uh the the the
movement he thinks is against the establishment right goldstein and he thinks that goldstein has
written this book the theory and practice of oligarchical collectivism and how you fight against
this and how you you know beat the establishment in reality we find out that there was no goldstein
he was a completely made up creature uh a cutout a kind of a bin laden type of character and in
reality the writing was actually written by o brian right the theory and practice of oligarchical
collectivism and how to defeat it whatever the revolutionary propaganda was created by the guy
running the big brother system and this is in orwell's novel intentionally meant to
characterize fabian socialism he is writing about bernard shaw lord millner and all of the
fabian elites that were pushing and moving britain into a slow version of socialism which is
almost completely where they've gone now they've almost completely adopted a kind of uh fabian
model and this is not even hidden anymore in fact they've had many uh you know tony blare for example
was an open supporter of the fabian society and that doesn't mean that their fake right wing
opponents are actually against fabianism they're actually part of the same uh supra international
structure which is allied with zillion zillion zillion dollar mega mega mega capitalism um
that's the reality of the world and when you read these kinds of books you start to figure that out
in these writings by for example nigh so nigh goes back to the uh how we got to where we were in his
day in the 90s by talking about the 70s and the 80s and how um international corporations are really
coming into uh into power into focus by um taking over various markets and he talks about how one
of the things that we saw at this time period was economic warfare economic warfare became
a key element in the global elites uh attack on other countries and he says that international
agencies then stepped up to be engaged in this economic warfare kind of a predecessor to cybersecurity
at this time this is the these international agencies became elements and corporations became
elements of soft power power shifted away from the balance of powers in the cold war to this new
uh structure where there's an interdependence in the whole world which was the purpose of
the cold war was to create this interdependent um neoliberal order that could then transition into
a new phase which will become the war on terror and that will become where we are now this new
type of war isn't it convenient the war on terror just kind of went away there's nobody
question why it is that uh the terrorists just suddenly stopped being terrorists are we supposed
to actually believe that that was because obama and joe biden defeated the terrorists and defeated
al-qaeda and isis and all this nonsense right that that's those are all cut out puppets in my view
that the west actually runs anyway and he hints at that in this in this essay he hints he hints that
you know if you think about the war on terror you know this was basically um the holdovers from
brzezinski's muja hadin allies right the so the sign of the soviet war in afghanistan this is
brzezinski's uh secret base as it was called which is really just the the the names of those who were
in al-qaeda that becomes the the locus of the war on terror in the supposed baddies once again
and but this interdependent order really was itself managed at the higher levels on the basis
of private banks and massive debt and so if you remember back in the 2008 uh crisis a lot of
writers were talking peter shift tom woods people out of the you know austral the austrian school
of economics and the people who are more libertarian minded were actually and a lot of them were
correct about how this was all scams and and debt bubbles within debt bubbles within debt bubbles
and this was all done by design so you have to understand that they will run up debt on purpose
to destroy and tank the economy as a way to siphon off people's energy right because money in my
view is really just a symbol for energy over time and how to store energy and so they will siphon
off people's energy and put the nation into insurmountable debt on purpose this is an actual
strategy to destroy the existing system and it goes by a lot of different names there's a lot of
different theorists power power and piven that alex talks about a lot but also this the the
fabians had this idea too of promoting anything that runs up debt and outlandish taxes because
what this does is this supposedly will disrupt the corporate in their view the capitalist system
now it's not actually disrupting capitalism it's really just fostering monopoly capitalism's
oligarchical designs as they're allied with marxist socials collectivism so he now goes on to say
that debt and the private banks are really the key to the new power structure and the corporations
as well and he says that actual warfare is very very costly so we don't really need to engage in
a whole lot of actual warfare anymore he says that now we're going into an age where we're
going to be involved in ideological warfare and soft power now it's true that we can still have
real war right obviously the possibility of real war can break out but what he's describing is the
next several decades right where we didn't have other than the war on terror which is more of an
ideological war right there wasn't a whole lot of i mean there was conflicts in persian gulf there
were conflicts in you know areas like syria but we haven't seen a full on global war on terror
the way that we saw world war two or something like that so the cold war which was much more of an
ideological managed conflict is the was the model for the kinds of warfare that we're in now right
this these managed ideological conflicts which are mass examples of soft power the interconnectedness
of communications which was built as a result of the cold war is what will put us into a situation
of a already existing proto global government these are the same people again who were the
architects of the league of nations which gave way to the united nations which is going to give
a way to you know where it may become the future world government who knows but that's always by
the way what the fabian socialists themselves pushed they wanted they were behind the league of
nations and the united nations explicitly openly this was all at the behest of lord millner the
astors and other people who according to quickly and the people that we talk about literally
bankrolled and funded and promoted all this through the ivy league elite institutions
universities on the eastern seaboard and in the uk and so you'll notice the professor nigh went and
studied under these institutions and has this approach to geopolitics he goes on to say that
the real future will be private power and not public government power governments essentially
are going to be more or less owned by the private corporate powers he says that in 1953 he says you
can see an example of this kind of strategy through the cia's ousting of mosadak to install the shah
and by the way this is interesting because that wasn't yet declassified as an actual cia operation
at the time that nigh wrote this but of course he assumes that people reading his writings
already know this so something that was called a conspiracy theory you know all the way up until
not too many years ago was a kind of common knowledge amongst people writing at this level
is what what we should pay attention to here he goes on to say well what are the the dangers that
we'll see as we come out of the cold war and enter into this new phase he says we're going to see
rogue states uh international uh actors that are uh rogue so-called we don't really know what that is
basically that's just anybody that's not involved in their debt-based banking scam that's a rogue
nation or a rogue individual and i think we're seeing that now with the the attitude of the west
towards uh towards russia for example that would be considered a rogue actor rogue state
and he says that the international corporate world will have to put in place structures
that are international to combat these rogue actors don't go anywhere this is the alex joneshow
look around you everything i predicted from the globlestone documents from their own admissions
is now happening in full wars credibility my credibility has never been higher and it's because
of your backing of this operation that i could steadfastly despite the censorship and the boycotts
and the attacks and the lawsuits stay on air but now we're reaching the most critical juncture
in the fight together so i want to ask all of you today to help keep me on the air in my decades
on air i've never asked for personal donations but i'm being forced by the bankruptcy court to pay for
40 of the legal fees and i can't fund those myself it's unsustainable so please visit save info wars
dot com save info wars dot com where you can make straight donations five ten fifty hundred dollars
whatever you can so that i can continue to persevere i'll never give up i'll never give in
but i could give out thank you for your support wouldn't be without you save info wars dot com
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humanity is still in the fight today because the viewers and listeners of this broadcast
have taken action and supported this show i don't take the credit i give you the credit
and now info wars is facing its darkest hours it isn't going to give up without your support we
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world order it's alex jones you know i was just uh thinking about the products that i really enjoyed
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info war and everybody over at info wars by going to the info wars store and loading up on those
those products right now for example the the nascent iodine i've been taking that every morning
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this going away this is really having a huge effect and just to give you an example um let's
if we can't play this clip of a uh a dutch politician uh very recently laying down the
chad law uh with a bunch of globalist goons i couldn't believe this when i saw it um if you
can't uh see the clip if you can't see the clip uh it's got a i think dubbed below it there's because
it he's speaking in dutch obviously i don't know dutch but um this is a youtube clip you guys have that
and he mentions the secret
a woman who's uh from dutch politicians he says that this was a tool for western secret societies
or uh a secret services i should say recruiting people into the global elite and then uh the
rest of the uh uh the balsa bitch women say don't say this don't talk about that baseless
conspiracy was not it's a fact you notice that even politicians are figuring out the stuff that
we talk about her uh and this guy in total chat who just doesn't care charges forward with pointing
out how the secret intelligence service recruits people into the global elite structure from these
universities and what do they do do they refute him no they get up and walk out so if you're not
involved in this why are you acting guilty why are you getting them walking out with all of her
goon politicians with her and then he just keeps on full chat energy uh not even a conspiracy
you know that this is a criminal ideology that is thought at these western universities and it's
the same ideology that birthed the revolutions of the communists and now it's morphed into cultural
Marxism which he's completely correct about and modern and then the whole group they just all
walk out the whole cabinet gets up and walks out and he calls them out and he says well it's not
an accident that she went studied at oxford and came back basically a fabian socialist this is
everything that i've been telling you and he says she was recruited for this international deep state
so politicians the world over are beginning to figure this out and it's the very thing that
if we're gonna uh uh close here with the rest of nigh the very thing that nigh talked about at the
global policy level none of this is conspiracy it's only conspiracy to get you to not think about
it or talk about it that's just to keep the normies and the dumbed down people from actually
rubbing their two brain cells together and figuring out hey wait a minute we're being scammed at an
international level it's not the libs it's an international oligarchic zillionaire elite
in fact nigh goes on to say that the new threat he's talking about the future world rogue states and
what global warming so he goes immediately to the global warming scam that will be the new
international threat he says international institutions he says must now uh come up to
the stage the international stage because they must x world control for the information age
that has emerged he was writing this in 1990 predicting the information age the international
institutions he says must step to the four remember he mentioned cyber security so he's
basically predicting cyber uh uh censoring back in 1990 and he says that as debt increases amongst
the debt debt's increase some of the debt bubble as the international institution stepped to the
four he says that as debt comes about and crashes the economies he says what will be the focus is
culture war he says culture war he says psychological operations will be crucial
right in controlling this new global order he says that it will be a battle of worldviews
into information age info war as alex uh accurately titled his his site uh many many years ago again
fits perfectly with what nia's talking about he says that we're going to have these new
institutions that will police the world and he says that the us empire will face a uh a choice
just like the british empire faced in the 19th century right when it was coming and beginning
to wane now the us empire will begin to wane and what will step into the place if the us empire
declines and collapses which says we're going to need an international body that steps up
something like the united nations and he says how will they exercise and bring about this new
global culture unesco united nations educational social cultural organization which as we know
the philosophy of unesco was written by julian hutchley a book that we've lectured through the
entire text here on alex's uh program and also over on my channel and on my rockfin we've gone
through all of these texts again and we're doing another new one today that just backs up everything
how will this be brought about well what means will unesco use to bring about a global culture
that will destroy the existing cultures and move everybody into a global culture tv shows hollywood
he says will promote and create a global culture that global culture will be the basis for the new
international order by the way this is the exact same thing that the fabians the socialists said
would occur a hundred years prior to nigh writing this right they said shaw and others said bernard
shaw and others said millner these people said in the 19 teens 20s and 30s that debased degenerate
global sex culture for example not just that but all kinds of other things would be the basis for
the new global order they said that in the 20s and 30s they were talking about the free love
love in the teens 20s and 30s the fabian socialist way ahead of the time and then we get this really
crazy statement at the end of nigh's essay where he says well how are we gonna combat this uh he
says that the nations as they are the u.s need to spend well ex exorbitant amounts of money
spend spend spend others quantitative easing the money printer go right make the money
printer go and then he says uh introduce tons of new taxes
so more debt and more taxes are the answer well why would that be the answer well that's the
answer if you have the design of destroying the existing system to bring in the new great reset
global system and he says that the post cold war era will bring about the new world order
the new challenges of the transnational interdependence he says will emerge out of
the cold war which is a managed dialect remember to support the info war by going to the info war
store and i don't know if you guys had my other clip i i made a video music it's my new single i
just dropped my new single uh where i'm mocking the soy culture the very soft power literally
soft power soy culture that we have uh promoted by the elites and i don't know if you have that
it's my funko pop song if you want to play that it's a banger it's going to be number one on the
board charts so uh is that acceptable uh in for worse can we play my song or not until we go to
the break well anyway so they don't have it ready but you can go over to my website or go to my
youtube channel and you can play my uh funko pop song which again it's a banger uh also by the way
um if you want to support my work you can do so by going over to jay's analysis and in the shop
you'll notice i have entire lecture courses for sale there i also have a new book out actually
two new books out one is the giant 606 page oh it is all of my oh it's the background
because that's my hobby that's i have a hobby uh funko pop when i think it was a little more
appropriate but if you want to get my books you get signed copies in the shop for 45 dollars
best yes i ship out the best shoes the best option 660 pages of uh all of my writings
the last 10 years basically and then i have a separate book meta narratives which has about
55 star reviews it's been out for a couple months that's pretty uh pretty hefty five star reviews
there meta narratives you can get that at the site as well as an introduction to philosophy
and a shout out to richard grove over at autonomy in a couple weeks i'll be
teaching an entire philosophy course at richard grove's autonomy he is of course the purveyor
of the tragedy and hope website so look for that follow me if you were interested in that in the
next couple weeks i have been in a 28 year marathon battle with a globalist i have come
from nowhere to the very heights of politics not just in america but the world we are engaging
the globalist at point blank range in the information war but i don't deserve the credit
yes i've persevered but the listeners and viewers who support them for the real reason
we've had the success we're having now the greatest victories in the fight against the
new order we've ever had we are now entering the final mile of the marathon and that's why
today it's more important than ever to realize how important you've been in this fight and to
continue in the efforts you've been tearing out and to intensify them god bless you all i salute
you i thank you and i beg you to intensify what you're doing now because we are over the target
and history is happening the fight is my fight it's your fight it's our fight god bless you all
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