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Filename: 20220920_Tue_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Sept. 20, 2022
3267 lines.

The InfoWars podcast discusses various conspiracy theories, vaccines, and supplements. Alex Jones warns about globalist attacks and promotes products to support the company. The hosts speculate on false flags, giant humans, creation science, and natural healing mechanisms. They emphasize trusting the body's natural abilities for overall well-being. Several products are mentioned for purchase, and they encourage listeners to buy them to stay solvent and reach financial goals. The hosts express gratitude towards a supporter and acknowledge feeling guilty when others struggle financially while they have some success.

Well, here we are, Tuesday, September 20th, 2022, and I'm in Connecticut.
I'm about to go to court, where a judge has already found me guilty and has now issued
an order threatening contempt, including criminal contempt, if I say that Sandy Hook
was a small part of my coverage, which it was a tiny part.
The default was a fraud.
I'm not supposed to talk about the fact that a judge found me guilty and is telling a jury
now how guilty to find me.
I'm also not supposed to say we complied with discovery.
No amount of discovery we gave them ever complied, and if you watch the case, you see the discovery
plastered and twisted all over the television screens, but nothing was given to them.
I'm not allowed to say the trial is unfair.
Now, remember, this could be a kidnapping case where a man is found with a dead child
in his basement.
He is still allowed, if you wanted to, to say defend himself and or have himself or his
lawyer say he's innocent.
But I am innocent of almost everything they claim here.
But this is the new weaponization of the judiciary here in America, but this isn't new in authoritarian
countries like communist Russia and, of course, Maoist China.
It's called a struggle session.
Everybody should look up struggle sessions and you'll understand that these have now
been exported to South Africa by the left and to areas of Latin America and now to
the United States.
Incredibly dangerous.
So, not allowed to say the trial is unfair.
She's told the lawyers this in open court.
Not allowed to say the opposing counsel are bad or criticize them.
They've already called me a liar.
Norm Pat is my lawyer.
He's been keeping count over 200 times.
I'm a horrible bad person.
They're going to have the parents stand there and point at me and say I'm bad in the struggle
That's the struggle session.
So, not allowed to say the opposing counsel is bad.
Not allowed to say the judge is bad in any way.
And I'm not allowed to say that PQPR, a company my dad set up that I don't control any of.
I do get some money from it that that's independent because they want to be able to have in court.
It said that this company, they think it has a bunch of money, is mine so they can use
judgments against it.
Of course, the news is there's really no money in there.
It's just used as a holding company to buy supplements and products.
So not allowed to say PQPR is independent.
Not allowed to say I didn't profit from Sandy Hook.
We don't start to do news items to profit.
We have the news we cover and then we sell products to fund ourselves.
But not allowed to say I didn't profit.
She has found I'm guilty.
She has found I profited.
And the big one cannot say that I just questioned Sandy Hook and that I didn't premeditatedly
lie to make money.
So I have to say, yes, I'm a liar.
This is right out of Vietnam where our airmen would get shot down and they torture them
for a few months or a few years until they'd get up on television and say, America's evil.
I'm bad.
I'm a liar.
I'm a fraud.
I mean, this is communist 101 thoroughbred.
If it was an alcoholic drink, it'd be 200 proof.
I mean, it's as strong as it gets and they admit they're going to duplicate what they're
doing to me to everybody.
This is the same law firm that sued Remington to oblivion and has now found all their lawsuits
around the US and similar law firms working with the Mexican government to sue the American
people and gun manufacturers to put them out of business.
When it was Eric Holder that shipped the guns into Mexico in that false flag known as Fast
and Furious.
They even came out in Congress.
So there's another false flag right there.
So this is a massive struggle session and the judge is going to reportedly get me up
there on the stand today or tomorrow when the jury is out.
And she said this last week and admonished me on this list and explained that if I don't
say the things she wants and become her puppet when the plaintiffs counsel is attacking me
that she's all making a temp.
So I've been ordered to perjure myself by this judge in this struggle session.
This is incredible.
And I didn't understand how calculated and organized this was going back five years ago.
They reached out and said just say you're sorry and the same thing happened and I said
yeah I've looked at it.
I think it did happen.
And then I said that they went whoa you lied on purpose and now we're going to get you.
And that's why they need after defaulting me to have this little short show trial because
the public expects a trial but they've got to rig every part of that as well.
Nothing can be left to chance.
So I'm mourning for America.
I'm mourning for all our liberties and I'm hoping humanity wakes up and this tide of
tyranny can be turned in a legal lawful way.
When we come back though we're talking about the real issues facing us.
What's happening with children and heart attacks and microcarditis because remember they're
not just targeting Alex Jones.
They're targeting everybody.
We'll be right back in FullWars.com.
Tomorrow's news today.
The bestselling book in America last week was The Great Reset and the War for the Worlds
written by Alex Jones.
Jones sold more than 56,000 copies of his book last week but the New York Times lied
about that because the New York Times doesn't want you to know that.
The New York Times wants you to believe that Alex Jones is more discredited than the New
York Times.
The paper that started the Iraq War by lying about weapons mass destruction and got a million
people killed.
So they lied about his book.
The Great Reset and the War for the World, the historic book that lays out the plans
of the Great Reset Death Star and exposes the New World Order's plans for global enslavement.
Get your copy now at amazon.com to keep the book at number one and infowarstore.com to
help keep Infowars on the air.
The Great Reset and the War for the World by Alex Jones.
Now, number one in the world.
It's Tuesday, September 20th, 2022, I'm Alex Jones and I'm reporting live from Connecticut.
Now we're about to cover an issue that is the most important issue in the world today.
And it's an issue that is causing hundreds of thousands of people to die and millions
of lives become seriously ill, not just in the U.S. but around the world.
And the numbers of people becoming ill and dying is only accelerating.
This my friends is premeditated genocide.
And if we're able to expose this, we won't just save countless lives.
We will also be able to bring the organization and the groups behind this to justice.
Ladies and gentlemen, we're talking about the poison mRNA experimental shots, which
the establishment now admits don't work, a racial immune system and do cause heart
attacks, myocarditis, blood clots, strokes, and hundreds of other horrible conditions.
Now, the first thing I want to play is a clip that's been out for a week by Presbyterian
Children's Hospital in New York City, suddenly running TV ads and Internet ads telling children
it's quite normal to have heart swelling and a heart attack.
And then all you do is go in and get heart ablation where they cauterize the heart, usually
cut your life expectancy in about half, many people die after it, and then it's just part
of life now this is happening to children.
Now remember a year and a half ago, right when the shards were starting, we noticed
there was suddenly all these articles saying, oh heart attacks in children are the new normal
and heart attacks in young people and heart attacks in healthy athletes are totally normal.
And that's because if you've already got any of these striations that are caused by
these shots, and then you get extremely aerobic, that then triggers the full on myocarditis
according to the scientists, cardiologists, and doctors I've had on the show.
And the system knows exactly what they're doing, that's why it's young people and young
athletes particularly, so people age five when they're given the shots, you know, up
into their thirties, that this is happening to, and it is just a giant scandal unfolding.
But let's just remember, we have numbers out of Israel, out of Singapore, out of the UK,
out of Australia, out of the US, out of Canada, out of Europe, Germany, France.
And we know that the more vaccinated a country is, the higher rate of COVID, the higher rate
of hospitalization, and the higher rate of death.
And we knew back in October of 2000, before the shots even started in the US, that the
CDC put out a document predicting all of these different disasters to unfold, including
myocarditis, heart attacks, blood clots.
This is so sick now that they're getting customers for life, they know it will kill
many people, it'll cause major heart disease, and countless other young people, and now
they will have a cover for life.
So some have made the sick joke, ask Pfizer if myocarditis is right for your child.
The good news is, we're seeing a 99% reduction in the uptake of the shots, I covered that
on Sunday, and the video is posted to infoawards.com, and I hope you'll share it.
The good news is also the military is now announced, they're going to stop forcibly
injecting the troops, the scandal has been that big, the public has woken up, and I
want to commend this audience, I want to commend the infoawards crew, and I want to commend
our guest, because we are recognized as the very vanguard and forefront of the fight against
But here is the chilling, and truly disgusting, ad, and similar ads are being run across the
western world, normalizing that it's quite normal for children to have heart attacks,
heart swelling, and there's other ads out there, oh, strokes are normal.
This is truly, truly diabolical.
I've been into fashion since I can remember, but one day I just stomach ache so bad I didn't
want to do anything.
The team at New York Presbyterian said it was actually my heart, it was severely swollen,
something called myocarditis, but doctors gave me medicines and used machines to control
my heartbeat.
They saved me.
So now I can become the next great fashion designer.
How cold-blooded are these people?
How organized?
How criminal?
Well, the people that produce the ad, most of the hospital staff are probably great people,
they're compartmentalized, but the organizations and groups that not just this year, but a
year and a half ago, started putting these ads out right before the shots began, need
to obviously be investigated.
This whole thing was organized and had the same response worldwide, directed by the UN
and the WEF under the direction themselves of the major drug companies.
This is big pharma, trying to take possession of our bodies.
Here's a short clip from when I laid this out in October of 2021.
We confirmed with all these different studies and reports and even the advisories they've
got to put on these shots now, they can cause a raft of serious cardiovascular issues, heart
swelling, flat-out heart attacks, death, and there it is.
Then yesterday, Dr. Fleming and his big medical report and study put out with other scientists
under the microscope, showing that it takes oxygenated blood and destroys the hemoglobin
when you put the Pfizer vaccine in with fresh blood.
Now, nobody is too young for a heart attack.
These ads are being run on TV, radio, print on the sides of buses in Texas, in New York,
in Pennsylvania, in California, and suddenly they're running in India and Australia and
the UK and Germany and everywhere to do an improved wonderful thing.
What do they report all over the Western world?
We've increases in heart attacks and blood clots in the young, oh, spotted in Whitby
on Durham Transit.
Are they normalizing this?
What's to come?
And it says, kids have strokes too.
Know the warning signs.
Oh, hey, look at this guy, though.
Everything's okay.
This is the Times of India.
Biggest publication in the second most popular country in the world, Puneeth Rajkumar, very
popular A-list movie star over there in Bollywood.
He got his first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, and then he got his second one recently.
And hey, he's doing fine, folks.
Oh, no, he died of a heart attack at 46 years old.
The good news is, all across the world, mainstream media is now reporting on the fact that the
more vaccinated a country, the higher rates of death.
Most in Europe, this is the rundown of countries.
So look at that.
The least vaccinated country in Europe is Bulgaria, and they also have the least excess
And the most vaccinated country in Europe is Malta, which isn't included in the excess
mortality stats.
So let's go to the second most vaccinated country in Europe, Portugal.
And they have the highest excess mortality in Europe.
So the lowest country with the lowest vaccination rate has the lowest excess mortality, and
the country with the highest vaccination rate has the highest excess mortality.
But altogether now, correlation is not causation.
It's up to us to stand up for the children.
The United States is the only country in the world that has authorized these experimental
shots that we know don't work and are deadly on six-month-olds and up, and now they're
pushing for newborn babies.
It erases their immune system bare minimum, their bodies, their tissues begin manufacturing
a poisonous spike protein, and they're going to be scarred for life even if they live.
So let that sink in and think about who the globalists are and just how cold-blooded they
are when some of you out there decide not to take on the left because you want to be
left alone or you don't want any problems or trouble.
We're only going to have more and more problems if we don't stand up and say no.
These globalists are just now getting started.
In closing, I want to show you a graph of Google searches over the last year.
Notice how the introduction of the poisoned shot corresponds with a massive surge in
reporting and searching for the term microcarditis, and the hospitals have given us the numbers.
Multi-thousand percent increases in adults and over 10,000 percent increase in children
because before it was basically non-existent, now it's common everyday occurrence.
This is the cold-blooded reality of what we're facing.
In closing, before Owen Schreuer takes over the broadcast today with Alex Stein and others,
I just would like to thank all the viewers and listeners for your support over the years,
and I would ask you to steadfastly continue to support us today because we're doing the
most important, dangerous political work there is, and the enemies of humanity are coming
after us because they have to get through us to get to you.
So please, don't procrastinate.
Go to infowarstore.com and get the new Supercharge your immune system trifecta pack with DNA
Force Plus, the Vitamin C, and the D3 gummies.
Please visit infowarstore.com and get a signed copy of the Great Reset and the War for the
World, which is a fundraiser for info wars.
We desperately need the funds.
And please go to 1776coin.com and get the limited edition Teddy Roosevelt Man in the
arena coin.
You will truly help keep us in the arena, and you yourself will be on the front lines
of the arena by getting the fundraiser coin at 1776coin.com, and again, I'd like to thank
all of you out there that have ordered the 1776 coin, and I want to, again, thank all
of you that continue to spread the word about the broadcast and pray for the show and myself
because I need your prayer.
Thank you so much.
The rage for more than a decade have been concentrated green powders with wheatgrass
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Finally, green fiber capsules, this big old bottle, jam-packed, is back in stock for a
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This limited time left time to go into all the great things it does or what it has inside,
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It's the fourth coin that we've released the last year, and I believe the most powerful,
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There's only 10,000 of this coin and it exists in the world, it will never be made again.
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There's only 10,000 of this coin in existence, and it funds the info war.
Man in the arena coin, Teddy Roosevelt, 1776coin.com.
Just look at these headlines from Reuters, World Faces on Precedent and Global Hunger
Crisis, UN Chiefs says going into 2023.
World Food Program warns of global food catastrophe, looming global catastrophe.
The world could run out of food by 2023, major studies say, and the reports go on and on.
We told you this was a designed program by the globalist two and a half years ago.
We told you energy and food prices would explode, and now they're up more than 40% in the US
Some areas of the world are up over 100%.
The only way you beat inflation and protect yourself and your family is with high quality
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wide, not just on horrible food, but survival and preparedness items is happening right
10% off at preparetoday.com, and on top of it, any order above $99 gets free shipping.
That is a huge part of the cost of horrible food.
So go to preparedtoday.com and protect yourself and your family while you still can.
The globalists are bombarding us with propaganda and with spiritual warfare and with poisons
and chemicals added to the food, it's all come out, and they're doing that not because
we're weak, but because we're made the image of God, the Creator, and we are powerful.
And the social engineers fear that so much.
So that's why I repeat that famous internet saying that nobody knows who first came up
with the boy, is it true?
The propaganda would not be necessary if the situation was hopeless.
They need all their propaganda and all their lies and all their evil and all their cultural
death because they know we are strong and they know in the end they signed on to God
of this world who is a loser.
And that's why it's so important that everybody keep in full wars in the air now more than
Because even if you don't believe in God, what the globalists are manifesting and setting
up is J.Chamber, and we are opposing the one world government and the mark of the beast
they just announced.
Taking a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
From the front lines of the information war, it's Alex Jones.
First they asked us to be here last week, we booked the tickets and everything, then
they changed it to this week.
Now they just told us we can go again and they might call us next week.
So this is how they jerk our chain, every level of this is manipulated and rigged.
I'm here to testify, I'm here to do what needs to be done.
This is now, will be the second time they've changed when they say, they say they'll let
us know later when or if they want us here.
So you're not testifying today?
No, I'm not testifying today.
Are you staying in the state?
Are you staying in the state?
I'm obviously going to have to sit until the trial is over because they keep jerking me
around and that's fine.
It's just that I'm here to testify and I'm here to tell the truth.
And I told the truth, I apologized on Joe Rogan four years ago, episode 1255 for 30 minutes
before I was ever sued.
So Mr. Johnson.
Hold on, let me add one more thing.
I don't want to be the Sandy Hook man.
Okay, it was a very small part of what I recovered and did.
And I followed a lot of the stuff being reported by 4chan that tried to be wrong.
I believe the children died.
I've said that over and over again.
In my last trial in Texas, when I apologized to the parents and said I believe your children
died, AP and others around the headline, for the first time ever Alex Jones says it happened
and apologized.
That's a lie.
I've been apologizing for six years, four years ago on Joe Rogan, three years ago on
Stephen Crowder, there's hundreds of apologies.
But now when I go on shows, they say, do you want to apologize?
I go, no.
I've apologized over a hundred times.
I'm not the guy that started questioning Sandy Hook.
I did for a while believe it might have been staged.
I thought, just as small it was staged, turned out I was right.
I thought WMDs and Iraq were staged, turned out I was right.
But I did not premeditatively create this whole story to quote make money.
It's hurt me over the last 10 years.
I had employees basically quit and stuff over 10 years ago or eight years ago when I first
started questioning it for a few years.
And so I'm not the Sandy Hook guy.
I'm the guy that exposed the Iraq war being wrong.
I'm the guy that exposed the fact that we had major corruption in America.
I had a lot of really great things I did.
And so I have apologized over and over again and I've tried to get these people off my
back and not the families, but the lawyers.
And it's the same lawyers now going after other people's free speech.
And they've said the case they're running against me, they plan on using against other
people's free speech as well.
They have an unfair trade practices suit in here claiming that because I sell supplements
it has something to do with stories I report.
They have no connection to each other.
So this is all a larger plan to shut down the independent free press because the old
dinosaur corporate media has been discredited.
So that's what's happening.
How do you think you should be held responsible?
Sir, I've already been de-platformed over Sandy Hook.
I've already been sued.
I've already been, I mean, I've been quote held responsible.
How's the New York Times be held responsible for premeditatedly lying about WMDs in Iraq
on record or the New York Times lying about babies being killed by Saddam Hussein in Kuwait
to start to 1991 Iraq war that killed over a million people by starvation later.
Madeleine Albright went on 60 minutes and was asked a half a million children in Iraq
have died from the sanctions that Bill Clinton tripled over what George Herbert Walker Bush
She said, is a half million kids a good price to pay?
She said, yes, it's a good price to pay.
She killed a half million children with her policies.
I haven't killed any children.
Nobody knows Adam Lanza's name.
People, when they think about Sandy Hook, they think about me, okay, I didn't kill the children.
I am not Adam Lanza.
I did not buy the gun like his mother did.
I did not do that.
We all thought it was hard to believe back when it happened that somebody could go around
killing kids.
But now we see it happen more and more because America has a sickness of evil inside some
of its young and it's a mental illness.
It's not the guns doing it.
In fact, we need guns to protect ourselves for people like Adam Lanza.
But the truth is, ladies and gentlemen, they really want to take me out because I've been
exposing the great reset at Klaus Schwab and the UN and the big corporations.
Look up the great reset and the war for the world, the number one book in the world.
I'll be back whenever they call me.
Good luck.
And don't forget to mention the t-shirt.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, today, we have a man named Adam
Alex Jones that is being unfairly persecuted and we must stand up for him because when
they took Alex out and they kicked him off YouTube, they kicked him off Twitter, that
set the stage for them to kick off the president of the United States of America because they
fear the truth.
And when you see Alex sit there and he does a great, you know, street press conference
better than anybody else, probably, you could argue, but he sits there and he's so brilliant
because he doesn't just talk about the issues at hand.
He also mentions a great reset and that's the other problem with that is these are such
complex issues.
There's so many layers to this onion, to the, you know, conspiracy, quote, unquote, that
we live in.
So it's really unfair.
I remember when I was there in court with Judge Gamble and this was the trial in Austin
and I was there and I was watching Alex's being deposed on stage or, you know, on the
stand, he was, you know, getting cross-examined and the judge, they would ask him, you know,
so what do you think about the Oklahoma City bombing?
And he's like, well, I proved this and that.
And the judge is like, yes or no answers.
Yes or no answers.
And that's when a light bulb went off in my head.
I said, well, Alex does not get a fair shake because he doesn't even get to explain his
reasoning behind making these decisions.
And like I said, there's, you know, a lot more under the surface and just saying, oh,
yes, I think this was staged or no, this was not a false flag.
And I liked the way that Alex talks about the WMDs because for me, that's such a big
These weapons of mass destruction, they scared my mom, they scared my dad, they scared me,
they scared all of us with these weapons that they said they were going to shoot us
And none of them existed and millions of people died.
And so you see people like Alex that actually called that out, that exposed that was one
of the guys, one of the few people, if you know, a handful of people, if that, were calling
out the lies from the mainstream media.
But then you have an issue like Sandy Hook where, you know, there were some anomalies,
especially at the beginning, you know, and somebody looking into it and questioning it.
He's been demonized and that has been his entire legacy.
And that is unfair because when Alex sits there and he, you know, has to defend himself
to the mob of reporters, he talks about all the good work he's done and he's done some
of the most brilliant work.
I think some of his work, you know, Alex Jones taught me what the agent provocateur is.
And we have a guest loop coffee, we're going to talk about January 6th, we're going to
talk about these agent provocateurs are basically false flag agents that attack their own country.
I wouldn't even know this is a thing, one for AJ wasn't for Alex Jones.
But the problem is this isn't just an Alex Jones issue, this is a freedom of speech
This is an independent media trying to go against the legacy dinosaur media and they
will not let us live and they will kick you off your airwaves, they will kick you off
YouTube and you have to go to an internet ghetto.
And even then they can get rid of your hosting, they can make it a pain in your derriere to
even be able to broadcast.
And so Alex, I think, not just to sit here and kiss his derriere, because this is the
prime time 99 Alex Dine show today, we're in the conspiracy castles Alex Dine show.
But we just saw, you know, that, that great, you know, little press conference.
And so I want to give the man, you know, the proper accolades that he deserves because
he's getting an unfair shake.
You know this, I know this guys, he didn't go in there, he's not Adam Lanza.
And this is a civil suit, so all they want to do is bankrupt him.
Why do they want to bankrupt Alex Jones?
It's because they're threatened by Alex, they're threatened by him.
If he wasn't a threat to the establishment, they wouldn't be doing this.
They wouldn't be suing him civilly in multiple courts, blaming him for the death of children
that he's not responsible for whatsoever.
Coming up after break, guys, we got some great guests coming up.
It's the prime time 99 Alex Dine show.
Stay tuned.
We're going to be right back with some crazy guests.
Stay tuned.
Info wars work has never been having a bigger effect than it's having right now.
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Thank you.
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Donald Trump and the mighty republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations
of our republic.
I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't have an operational name, in fact I bet it does.
I bet it's called Operation Matador, they see us as the bull and they are shaky, a red
flag in our face and the Matador is the deep state with a long, skinny, razor sharp sword
so that when the bull lunges forward, the Matador uses the force of its weight to drive
it into the heart and step aside with his cape as the bull buries himself into the dust.
They've got the ace of spades in their hand, which is false flags.
Before you launch a war, you stage false flags, that's the first thing you do because nobody
wants to say they started a war, bad guys start wars.
So every time a war gets launched by bad guys, they stage an event, this is Operation Matador.
Ladies and gentlemen, it's prime time Monday night, on the ground all the time they gave
me the keys to the castle today and with that, I'm in a good mood, I know Alex is under prosecution
from an unfair court, but prime time Monday night, like I got the keys, I'm in the court
vet, I'm going to make the ladies wet, that's what they say, I didn't say that, I didn't
invent that saying, but with that guys, I want to bring on a very funny man and I really
want to applaud him because this is the first and Danny, I don't know if you know this,
we're bringing on Danny Polichuk, one of the best young comedians out there, but he is
the first openly gay non-binary comedian to be on Info Wars, so Danny, welcome to the
show, how are you doing my friend?
It's an absolute honor, absolute honor and shout out to prime time, dude, you are really
always on the grind, that is not a joke, huh?
Okay, well, I'll take it, okay, I didn't even pull up the graphic, I don't know how long
I'm going to take it to pull up, but I guess the reason why I want to have you on, and
I should have sent this to the production, you know, me, I'm not that professional, but
did you see Saturday Night Live's newest cast member, non-binary, the first non-binary
cast member, did you see this Danny?
I did see that, but also shout out to my buddy Marcelo Hernandez, who is also one of the
new cast members.
Congratulations, I don't know Marcelo, but I don't want to make it.
He was one of the four.
He was one of the four.
And for the people that don't know this, Danny is a comedian based in New York, he tours
all around, he's in Orion Long, he does a lot of sketches with Ryan.
And you know, Danny, like Danny, he's apolitical, he's from Canada, so we're not going to hold
that against him.
Dude, you want to know something fun that you'll love?
You know that high school teacher?
The one with the big tits?
The one with the big tits?
That was like 10 minutes from where I went to high school.
Wow, and you have big tits too, so that kind of makes sense.
I do, I have big tits.
Oh, I have big tits.
That whole, that whole place is like Nancy Pelosi's boobs, okay, but I don't know, I don't
know how long it takes to even pull up, but so why do you think that, yeah, they say this
is a non-binary cast member, is, now if you're just kind of an unattractive female, is that
considered non-binary, Danny?
No, it's just your identity is whatever your identity is, it's literally just, you know,
you choose your identity and then you have an identity.
Can you, but in your opinion, what about the fl-
Like, Alex, like you could be non-binary right now.
I'm, and I am non-binary, I'm, I'm dangerous.
By the end of this, by the end of the segment, you could be not.
No, it is, no, I'm telling you, no, no, no, I'm gender fluid, I'm as fluid as it gets,
I'm like the Titanic dude, I got some serious water damage, as they say, but I know, and
I know we don't want to attack her because she's another New York comedian, but what
do you think about Saturday Night Live in your opinion?
I know we talk about this, it's kind of, oh, you know, you're just sick of that same question,
but Saturday Night Live, Rob Schneider just went viral saying that the show died, and
I think it was when Kate McKinnon played, you know, that sad song, yeah, the, yeah.
What's your opinion on that?
What do you think, is Saturday Night Live dead?
I have not watched Saturday Night Live since probably like the early 2000s and sort of
like capacity, like I'll turn it on from time to time, it's just, they just lost their mojo,
they lost their relevance as well.
Like really at this point, they're just a super high production, uh, like YouTube clip
manufacturer, you know, like they're just basically making YouTube clips, like, no, who's watching
Saturday Night Live actually live?
No, I don't know, but do you think it's a, because of social justice and all that bullcrap
or do you think it just sucks because it's just kind of, you know, I mean, why, why is
it not successful?
Because it's a, you know, I think there's a-
Go woke, go broke.
Do you really think that's why they suck now?
I think there's a lot across wins.
I mean, I think for one, you know, they were pretty notorious, like they, like their writer's
room used to be just all white guys forever.
So then they kind of had to, you know, course correct, like you're a sports guy, right?
You know the term makeup calls in the NBA?
Of course.
So this is what we're-
All sports.
What we're witnessing now is we're witnessing a makeup call, where everybody knows it's
not the correct thing to do technically, but it just kind of, they're like, we need to
do this.
It's a makeup call.
So look, Saturday Night Live, they had a good run.
I don't, you know, Lauren Michaels, it sounds like he's not going to, like it's not going
to continue once he's done.
So you know, it's in the end of it, they're kind of just going out with a whimper, it
sounds like.
And you know, what, I don't know, I don't really know because it's just, it's lost
so much relevance.
Yeah, it's sad.
You know, dude, who's on Saturday Night Live from not like Pete Davidson or K. McKinnon?
No, is Pete Davidson still on it or does that, I thought he's done?
Yeah, he's done.
Yeah, dude, Saturday Night Live sucks now and it used to be the best show possible, but
when you speak about the affirmative action, you talk about the writer's room, you know,
being, getting a makeover, getting a, you know, whatever you want to call it, affirmative
You look at people like Kareem Jean Pierre, you know, the press secretary, I know you
don't try to get too, too political, but when you see her answer questions, do you not just
think, oh my God, this girl's about to short circuit, she's, she's in over her head.
I honestly have not seen a lot of them, but I mean, they all seem like that.
I don't even know where they get the press secretaries from.
Like I don't, they pick them.
I'm going to be the press secretary for Ronda Sanchez.
I had to wrestle on alligator.
That's what he said.
You would be an incredible one.
Well, I wanted to say, sorry, I'm just going to segment because I'd listen, we only have
so much time, but this is the thing is I want to pull it up.
I don't know if you guys can pull this up, but did you guys see Justin Trudeau singing
bohemian rhapsody?
Did you see this, Danny?
What do you think?
This guy is your leader and he's a, he's a New York.
But you're still Canadian.
I mean, dude, you're always, you're always going to have those Canadian, that Canadian
stink on you.
So, and I always said, you know, pull these clips up a little bit, but you see Justin
Trudeau singing bohemian rhapsody.
Is that gay?
Is that straight?
Is that bisexual?
How would you rate that?
Uh, good question.
You know what?
I watched it and I watched the thing and everybody was so angry about it.
And I guess it's like in poor taste.
Is it?
I mean, I'm, I'm a caring person.
Honestly, I don't even, that's a thing.
I don't even know.
Like everybody, also the whole Canadian media, even people on the left are like, this is such
poor taste because obviously the queen is the head of Canada.
So it's like the head of Canada technically died as well, but like nobody actually cares
about the queen.
And she also didn't die suddenly.
Like she was 96.
So I don't, I don't even know what to make of it.
He's, he's got a weird thing though, because he made this like coalition with kind of like
the socialist NDP party.
So he can't really get booted out at this point.
So he's kind of just like coasting and he just does what he wants.
Is his dad, is his dad Fidel Castro because his mom, his mom looks hot.
You do believe that.
You do.
Well, there was, you know, I think Fidel Castro would use a condom or do you think that's
a, why would Fidel Castro use a condom?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I guess that's fair.
That guy's a breeder dude.
If I was a dictator, I'd probably wear a condom though.
I don't know why.
I mean, I guess you wouldn't need to.
I guess you're right.
I didn't even think about that.
Yeah, I probably would.
You're not going to get sued for alimony.
Yeah, but a lot of these freaks out there, they got all kinds of monkey pox next thing
you know, your beta working for governor, it was the wife of the prime minister of Canada.
But there is like someone did a deep dive onto it because they say like the timing doesn't
line up with any official visits to, I don't know if you ever looked into this, but they're
like the timing doesn't add up with any sort of official Canadian visits to Cuba.
But then at some point around the actual timeline that does make sense, she appeared to those
wife, I believe, Margaret Trudeau, she made some trip to like an unidentified Caribbean
Of course, dude.
That they never named.
He looks just like an unofficial one.
Dude, he has to be Fidel Castro's son.
I mean, the pictures are just insane and they're like, oh, you're just a conspiracy theorist.
I'm telling you that it's, that looks like Justin Trudeau.
I don't know if you can see the image right now, but that, I mean, just the same nose.
And the self-importance of Trudeau, you would think like, at least with Hunter Biden, I
know he smokes crack and he's with all these prostitutes and like, but at least
he kind of like listened to what his dad says and he seems like a family guy.
I know that sounds weird, but like Justin Trudeau seems like, I don't know, like he's
in it for himself.
I don't know how to explain it.
Obviously, Hunter Biden.
Maybe he has dictator blood in him.
Yes, I'm saying he has dictator blood in him.
He doesn't have fall of the leader blood.
Hunter Biden's a terrible person, but he's probably not that bad of a son because his
dad's using him in business dealings in Ukraine and China and getting him rich.
So maybe Joe Biden's like, oh, I like my son, he makes me rich.
But, you know, if you look at Justin Trudeau, he's the type of dad, like he's the type of
son that if the dad likes the Dallas Cowboys, he's going to like the Washington Redskins.
He's going to like, you know, the opposite of the dad or like if he likes the whatever
the, you know.
I mean, yeah.
His dad was contentious.
You know what?
He is a Montreal Canadiens fan, which is why I hate him as well, but, uh, which I believe
is his because he's, that's where he's from is Quebec.
But, um, yeah, I don't know, he's, he's, I feel like he's just, he was never really qualified.
It's, he's kind of just in there on nepotism and he's attractive and you're like, he's
doing the job you think he would do based on his.
He sucks.
He sucks.
All right.
Well, we got about 30 seconds.
We're going to head into the break.
But, uh, I think we'll see you on the other side.
We got about a couple of minutes and then, uh, uh, and then we'll boot you out of here.
What set you got, dude?
I did.
I'm the pimp on a blimp.
Dude, this is unreal.
This is unreal.
This is unreal.
This is unreal.
It's because Alex Jones is my personal hero, so, and he's, he's able to, he's, yeah, it's
warm in here.
All right.
Well, we're going to see you on the other side.
Be sure to stay tuned.
We got Danny Polishuk.
You know, go look him up.
He's on YouTube.
He's on Instagram.
He's all over the place.
If you can't find him, you must not know how to work your old internet.
All right.
We'll see you after the break.
Thank you.
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Meeting of frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones.
That's what we need, guys, we need a little bit of southern rock, a little bit of free
burn, that'll make the lungs, that'll get the myocarditis out of the lungs right there
and litter skinner, we need a little more southern rock.
The ladies in the daisy doves, Danny, I don't know if that's part of your culture, but here
in Texas, a lot of daisy doves, a lot of medrious.
I don't know. I can't hear you Danny. I don't know. Maybe you're muted or maybe we did something but listen Danny
There you go. Now. I hear you Danny. Okay, you know, I didn't do too big of a lead up there
You know, I'm prime time 99. I'm not I know AJ. I know Alex Jones. I'll never be him
I sit here and I just feel like that's a failure. I'm on his set. I'll never be as good as him
I'm not the same as AJ. No, I'm just kidding. Okay. I'm really excited to have you on okay back from the break though
And Danny and I want to go after Ryan long a little bit. He teases you about your weight
He teases me about my weight and yes, what is it? Waitest. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. So tell me about this body body shams
Well, well, a lot of people have heard of ableist. What is a person that makes fun of somebody for being overweight?
Body shaming. That's what it is. And are you and I'm just like well, here's the thing people don't know this, okay?
So I am actually this there's a purpose behind this because I'm actually gunning for the 2024
Sports Illustrated swimsuit cover and in order to do that. I need to gain some weight
Do you need to write like your sex though? Do you need to have gender reassignment? No
They'll have an obese male on the cover is what you believe
No, because if you think of it this way right like on a linear think about where sports illustrated swimsuits started
Mm-hmm, and where it's trending right like if you just kind of plot it
Eventually the person on the cover is going to look like me. That's true
And they already why I would I would they look worse than you Danny
I would argue that you're hotter than the current cover girl
There's no rule that it has to be a woman. No, there's not as a matter of fact
I think there will be a rule that it can't be a woman very soon
I think that's not even women will not be allowed on it. No, I know it's
Canada that's why what I want. I saw Kathy Ireland on the cover of Sports Illustrated
When I was a kid swimsuit and I said I'm gonna be on that cover one day
Pam Landerson hottest woman from Canada ever. She was noticed at a CFL game
I believe for that. That's uh, that's correct the BC Lions game and that was for a beer commercial, right?
Is that correct? I believe so. Yeah. Yeah, she had such voluptuous
Bussums and then the Baywatch. Oh my gosh, I would watch the Baywatch and my mom would just
Yeah, but that's I don't want to get into arms are always on the on the look for the lotion
They know where the Juergens is they always know okay, so I want to pull I want to pull this clip
This is a fat acceptance clip and
You know, is it okay to be fat? I'm a husky male. I mean, you know, I'm a thick boy myself
I need to lose some weight. Is it okay though? Do you think that like this?
Do we need bullying like will bullies help you lose weight? There's there's Ryan's bullies
Sometimes it does sometimes. I mean, it definitely keeps you in check
I've certainly heard from some people who they go like is especially like podcasters where they go
Yeah, you know all the fans were just
Ragging on me and then you know, it was kind of like just the the push I needed the one thing
I'll say is I'm not under the delusion that I'm healthy like I'm in the optimal healthy body
I'm like, yeah, I need to and I'm working. I'll go to the gym and I'm trying to watch what I eat
But I like to have a little too much fun
And you have a hot girlfriend people don't know
I mean you have a hot girlfriend so that gives you no incentive to do anything. That's the problem
That is very true. Yeah, and that's why your nipples are getting a lot larger. That's why because they're I mean
They're protruding out of your shirt more aggressively, but that's how my shirts are too
I have to get custom shirts. I have to cut the holes out of it
No, but hey, obviously, no, you are you are to get you're in a good shape
But this is the other thing is that for me, I don't know you're on the road all the time
And now this is the Danny and Alex show but it's hard to eat healthy when you're going in and out of airports and you're driving
It's impossible because you just want to stop and get a hamburger or whatever
So hard. I mean you gotta have such like you out of the planet out so well to be like, yo
I'm gonna stop at this grocery store at two o'clock and buy a tub of chicken breasts
You know, but otherwise, you know, yeah, it's difficult in comedy clubs like the comedy club menus are terrible
There's usually one salad and it has fried chicken in it and it's like it's hard and then all the alcohol too
Yeah, and it's the genetically modified. Okay, so look at this tiktoker
This is this is the future
I think and and I watch content like this like this is the mukbang where you just see somebody slowly kill themselves
With food and you look at my favorite thing is like you see like the old clips from like, you know
1960 San Francisco or something and everybody's like in shape or that they have a picture like Atlantic, you know Atlantic City
Here's a clip just her stuffing food in their face. Oh, yeah, but uh, well my point being is why are we fatter?
Is it the idiocracy? Is it the genetically modified food? Like why is everybody so fat Danny there?
I think it's I don't think it's one factor. I think it's you know, the readily available
Super-processed foods the fact that they are like designed for you to never be satiated
Satiated and they're have you ever seen the little graphic of how Doritos are designed how they like every little thing
They optimize like the amount of saltiness the amount of dust left on your fingers
Like everything is optimized for you to just like not be able to stop eating them
Yeah, and on top of that is that you know, they they
Got some of this the flavor seasoning from a boarded fetal cells
Did you know that there's a boarded fetal cells and and like all of the food that we eat?
Yes, oh my god, look it up look up a boarded fetal cells in Pepsi
It'll pull it'll come up right up in Pepsi in the what they used to derive the flavor
They use cultured a boarded fetal cells. Yes, it's everywhere everywhere
And where do they get them from from a dead baby supposedly in the 60s
But really they just go to Planned Parenthood and they sit in the back and they say hey
You know what? We want you to do camel hairs
We want you to be able to make it where legislation
Legislation proves abortion up until birth and that's why they want to have the abortion up until birth Annie's not because they care about girl
Safety they want these little babies so they can take their heart so they can take their buttholes
So they can do whatever the hell they do because they're sick demonic evil people
Can I say I have a question for you because you're
Can you take a hole because you are as you know, you have the conspiracy castle your conspiracy guy
I actually had a conspiracy about the whole Roe v. Wade thing which I it's just a conspiracy
It's just a theory. Okay that they're so worried about the population
declining because that will in of itself
Implode the economy right because our whole economy is essentially a Ponzi scheme that relies on more and more people, right?
Well, yeah, they say the feds are reserved like basically bars money was a moment
But the moment the population starts declining right then you you're not building new houses, right?
Like you there's houses being empty like basically what's going on in Japan
So I think my theory conspiracy theory is that this whole Roe v. Wade stuff was because they were like look
We left it up to you to have more kids the birth rates are too low
Replacing rates are too low. So now we're just gonna force them into existence. We don't need we just need bodies
Well, they should is to keep this thing going. No, and that's a hundred percent right
They should we need to procreate because I think then the numbers are declining, you know, even Elon Musk is saying
That's why he's knocking up all these women is because he's trying to and then you got what Nick Cannon's got like 12 girls pregnant
They go, yeah, we're trying to help we're trying to help the population growth because we're in a population decline
But then on top of that, what do you think about all these migrants going to Martha's vineyards getting first-class tickets?
Like I couldn't go I couldn't afford to go on on vacation to Massachusetts to save my dairy air and they're gonna first-class ticket
And they're getting all you can actually we're flying first class. No, but I mean what the heck on those planes. It's a day
They're flying. Yeah, I think it's bizarre because I didn't realize that DeSantis flew them from Texas
Yeah, well, yeah from San Antonio. I guess yeah, but I'm saying like he's in Florida and then that's quite that's quite like a
Political maneuver for well, they would have had to come on a boat to go to Florida
Yeah, it is a political maneuver
But and this isn't the thing is they're trying to get him in trouble for you know human trafficking when Joe Biden did this same thing
So I honestly hope they do investigate the human trafficking
Not that I wanted to Sanctis to get in any trouble whatsoever is that this is so they realized what we're doing is we're giving these young children
Literally giving them social security numbers
We're just giving them with like next to kin these people they're getting dropped off with the people that say they're their relatives
They have no relation to them. There's massive sex trafficking problems. There's massive fentanyl drug overdose problems
It's all coming from the border and we won't even do anything about it except for they're gonna lark and say oh
Well, let's fly these to Martha's finger get that plan and fight the South America and they're flying in the wrong direction
Fly that be a TCH South don't fly it north
Yeah, it's I mean, it's a weird one cuz you're like yeah, how are you supposed to stop them like other than I guess building a massive wall?
Like I don't know. What do you do these people are desperate? Yeah, but this is a thing
I'm assuming they're not the criminal element. I'm talking about the people who are actually just like looking for a better life
Like they're just desperate and they're like they'll be willing to die. Yeah, but Danny
I would I would agree I almost would want to help the people that are actually you know refugees from a bad situation
But that's not the case. A lot of these people are using coyotes and these children are being sold to these people
So and they're coming from all of the Savannah Hernandez you look at these clips if you actually watch it any there
There are people from all over there's people from Russia. There's people from Afghanistan
I mean, it's not just and and this is other things like you say they're risking their lives
If you look at these videos half the women are 450 pounds
You're like you didn't even walk
You would be 200 pounds if you just went out here for 15 minutes. Okay, Danny. We'll tell them we got a wrap up
We got about 30 seconds. So tell them where they can find you tonight at 9 p.m
On my youtube channel youtube.com slash Danny polish up. I have a live calling show every Tuesday
The you have been a guest on yes a couple times. It's called low value mail and a I l it's a calling show
We have a good time you can catch me on the boys cast with Ryan Long every Friday podcast
That is a fun one and just at Danny jokes on Twitter and Instagram youtube.com Danny polish us
Go check him out. Love you Danny. Thank you for coming on. It's a great guest as always. Thank you guys see on the other side
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From the front lines of the information war it's Alex Jones
The folks down in Louisiana and Mississippi like to eat their crawdads and their
Bullfrogs and the rest of it and well sometimes they just throw the whole frog in the boiling pot
But they learned that if we throw one into boiling water, he'll just jump right out
But if you set him in a cool pot of water
He just turned the heat up slow
He thinks it's a hot tub at first and then passes out and dies a painless death
And that's what America and the world is right now. We're in the middle of the New World Order great reset
takedown of civilization. The world is not driven forward by big
Decisions the world is driven forward by small action
But actions which are integrated into an overall system. This is a
Scientific technocracy takeover to force us onto the AI
Global social credit score cashless society system if you're left behind you're facing something far
Worse which is to be completely irrelevant. They won't even need you as a surf or as a slave
Adding to the body a second immune system, which is not organic but an inorganic immune system
I'm made up of millions of tiny robot tiny nanorobots inside your body
What I learned from a source who is a very unique source having infiltrated
The globalist cult at the UN level is that he was in high-level meetings that required number of security clearances
Where they actually discussed the plan to bring a hundred million people into the United States in order to pave the way for a regional
government of U.S. Canada and Mexico and that was to bring in a hundred million people from Latin American countries
Together with a strategy of creating these cartels
Making life unbearables for the push-pull strategy with a push all these people out of these countries where it's unbearable living
Like this and they pull them into the United States
And then once you reach that critical number of over a hundred million and in this invasion
They will then propose that well for your family and friends back home who need you know, you need ease of travel
They need a better life and so on and so on and we can do all this better with a regional government
then we can with a U.S. government and
They will have enough critical mass inside the country in order to affect that policy
That's that's the globalist plan that we're working towards now being aware of this is the key to winning and
Whether you're in Sweden or whether you're in Italy or whether you're in Canada
It's spreading all over the planet. So the globalists are in trouble and this fight is literally in a tie position right now
If you think collapsing borders is bad
if you think all the terrible things and wars and police state political purges and censorship and casual societies and
Gun purchases being tracked by the credit card companies illegally and putting you in a database
If you think that's bad you ain't seen nothing yet
Last night. I talked about my involvement in the development of a little microchip implant
and many people
Have already taken that microchip implant
The news media has talked about it being a good thing and they will tell you that it's a good thing to have this
Your children will ever get lost again. They won't be able to give you the wrong
medication you won't be able to lose this thing and
So the plan is underway that you will receive it. I
Would be remiss if I came to you and didn't tell you that God's word says don't you take it
What matters for our children is we win this fight
What happens to us doesn't matter and in that challenge in that conflict. We will find the road to God
Info wars work has never been having a bigger effect than it's having right now and today is do or die time
If info wars gets the funding into the midterms in the next year
We're gonna stay on air and be more effective than ever, but if we don't I
Respect your decision and I'm ready to basically implode and shut down our main operations. I've done my work
I've put everything into it. I believe in all the field, but I believe in a gut level
You're gonna come through plus you're gonna get great products that your family already need
So don't procrastinate show info wars. You want us to stay on the air go to info or store calm
Where we got three great products back in stock vitamin C and zinc highest quality super strong back in stock vitamin D3 and calcium and of course
DNA force plus all these products are 50% off together in a combo pack or 40% off individually
So the great products you already need for your immune system and we need the money to stay on air. So please take action now. Thank you
Now we have the sad music does everybody had to troll me guys we have to do this
We bring on two attorneys Alex Jones my personal hero
friend of mine
You have to play the sad music. I feel like like
Like Howard Stern in private parts where he talks about when his wife has a miscarriage, but with all that we don't want to get too sad
I am prime time 99, but we have two great attorneys. We got Michael Hamilton
Now Michael is a cornerstone attorney's dedicated his practice to fighting medical tyranny. We also have Dan Watkins
There's a 30 30 year practicing lawyer his license in California, Nevada
And he's litigated thousands thousands of cases in the medical and dental malpractice
Area and this is why it's important. So, you know, I obviously guys I can give you guys a little better of an intro
But for me, I have to be the bell of the ball
I have to take all the attention because my mom for the people that are playing at home that might not know my mom was
Sick and she was sick probably for about two weeks and then towards the second week of the sickness because you guys might not know this
I was you know giving her food, you know going and visiting her and just she had had COVID earlier in the year
and this is at the beginning of October right around my birthday my birthday is October 8th my mom died October 25th and
So basically right around my birthday my mom's like not feeling well
And so I'm kind of taking care of her and she had had COVID like you know about a year before and I forget
We watched month, but you know, I'd taken care of her then too
You know, I got her like fluids and PD line and stuff like that and she kind of she got through it and then
And then this time I I feel I was just saying this with Michael that I feel a little guilty because I wish I would have you know
Taking her maybe not necessarily the hospital
But I wish you would have gotten more intense treatment earlier because we didn't even
Start with ivermectin because it went from where she wasn't that bad and then she I think it was the
18th I believe I'm going to go visit my mom and that morning. She's not answering her cell phone
So I go I drive over to her condo and she's not there and she's always there and her cats there and so then I call 911
They say she's in the hospital. She goes to the hospital. She's on a bipad machine
She can breathe she can talk and she's like yeah Alex, you know
I was sitting here and I dialed 911 because I stood up and I fainted and I really have my ankle hurt so bad her leg
Hurt really bad right and I'm talking to her even though she has this bipad machine
It's like on her nose and then within seven days that first day we walked in there
We said we do not want to be intubated and we do not one room desivir and then after that they treated us like we were persona
Nongrata, I mean like we were just you know scum of the earth
I mean they would walk in there with seven different layers to their hazmat suit
You would have thought my mom had a bowl up and then like I said they did they said that they weren't gonna give her room
Desivir they gave her room desivir her lungs filled up with fluid and they basically euthanized
Her with pain medication. She died in my arms on October 25th the worst day of my life
And I want to show this clip though. This is the clip. This one is emotional for me
It's a short clip. It's 20 seconds and this is me
Speaking to the palliative care and then Dr. Snow my mom's doctor and I asked them why did they give her room desivir?
And at this point I was so desperate
I was begging for them to intubate her but they said because we signed the DNR they wouldn't do that
But so here rule the club, please
Well, I just don't understand why I said I didn't want her room desivir when you guys put on room desivir
I was
Can you hear that?
She had already been on that and completed the course
I'm talking about before the first day right here. I said we didn't want to do that and you guys did that anyway
Listen, I don't care about the studies. I asked you not to do something and you did it. Okay, that's the problem
Let's let's say that one more time
I said I didn't want her room desivir when you guys put on room desivir
I was the infectious disease doctors and she had already been on that and completed the course
But I'm talking about before the first day right here. I said we didn't want to do that and you guys did that anyway
Listen, I don't care about the studies. I asked you not to do something and you did it. Okay, that's the problem
So guys when you guys see that Michael, what's the first thing that comes to your mind?
First of all
It's heartbreaking. I'm sorry for your loss Alex. I can tell you that I've been
flooded at this point with hundreds if not thousands of stories from all around the country of
People who begged not to be given room desivir
I received a I received a text from somebody in Iowa that I've never met as I was driving here and they said we said no
Remdesivir we put signs on the door. We put signs in the sink. We were promised no remdesivir
The remdesivir was given immediately and the person was just flooded with remdesivir and and it was this person's mother and she died
and we just hear these stories over and over and
It people have asked me, you know, could it be a mistake? Could it be?
Coincidental that and and my answer is no and we'll get more into well
It's not a mistake. I know they wanted more people to die to make the numbers look more intense and they wanted my mom to die
So I want to hear about other stories, but Dan when your professional opinion
I know you've been an attorney, you know over 30 years and I know medical malpractice has to be one of the hardest probably
You know practices of wall. I'm guessing because these doctors have so much, you know, they don't have a lot of liability
So do you think anybody will ever pay for all of the remdesivir even though they know that it shuts down the organs?
I mean, will the I guess my point being is the sudden adult death syndrome
Nobody's ever gonna talk about sudden adult death syndrome. Do you think the remdesivir would be similar to that in your opinion?
Well, the reason we're filing these lawsuits is because when I see that clip I
Sends through your loss and it's horrifying, but I've also enraged
Because I've actually defended doctors and dentists in my malpractice work not been on the plaintiff side and
What that comment was by the palliative doctor was just completely wrong
it's wrong information and
They're just relying on some rote protocol and
They're following it and then by following that they're causing people to lose out their lives good people are losing their lives
So there's a rage involved in that and the main thing that Michael and I are trying to accomplish here is bring awareness to
The fact that they're being deceived the medical deception associated with remdesivir is beyond anything
I could have ever imagined in the medical community and then unconsented to medical care
That's where we go after them because that's how you can make them pay
That's how you can get past just the standard negligence claim
Well, I've had a lot of anxiety and I one of my best friends again in John Gross and he handles
He's my attorney but handles more civil stuff and I've been just so stressed out
Everybody's I go Alex you're doing so well
You know, I just got a sign to deal with the blaze and I had a lot of opportunities in the past year
But this year I'm just telling like oh, it just sucks my life just sucks because I've also been having this thing
Hang over my head
Maybe you guys can walk me off the ledge is that they say there's only a year to file a medical malpractice lawsuit and everybody expects me to
File some lawsuit against you know Baylor Hospital, which I will but a lot of attorneys that I talked to said it's futile
Because first of all that was the recommended, you know medical procedure for COVID at the time
So technically a doctor, you know, like I know better than a doctor, you know
I mean they do have an argument with that
So I guess my point being is I feel like that year it's gonna be October 25th like that
And then that's a year since my mom died and I didn't really necessarily get to get any justice for and it makes me sick
Yeah, there's many objectives in filing a lawsuit one of course is to have you compensated for your loss
But I think what's important for us in these cases is to get to the heart of why these decisions are being made because
The patient ultimately gets to choose and when you tell the doctor and your in your mother tells the doctor no Ramdesivir
Then there's no Ramdesivir the patient gets to make the choice
That's a fundamentally protected right from the Constitution and the doctors are is it though?
I mean I'm not trying to kick back because let's say I get a car accident. I don't want any pain pills
I don't want any pain though. They might give you a morphine, right?
I mean don't they have some sort of and I'm not I'm just trying to play devil's advocate
Don't they have some sort of leeway?
I mean I think the third leading cause of death is medical malpractice
So don't they don't they get to override us even if I say I don't want this don't they if they believe it's gonna save your life
Don't they have carte blanche to prescribe that they do not out there down in here
I'll tell you that the Supreme Court has ruled on more than one occasion that patients have an
essentially unassailable right to refuse medication even if it could be life-saving medication the doctor can't force medication on them against their will
Okay, and and there may be some extremely limited
Exceptions, yeah, if somebody's not in their right mind, they don't they're not in a position to you maybe they're unconscious and a doctor's administering
Life-saving medication that the person might have said no to had they been awake, you know
Maybe something like that
But if somebody's awake and lucid and they're saying I don't want that medication
I mean what's a DNR after all they're saying I have the right to die if I want to I have a right to refuse medication
That might be good for me if I don't want it in my body, and I tell you not to put it in there
The Supreme Court has said you can't put it in there. Yeah, no, I
Know I mean that's good news
I mean I guess you know but I'm tight
I'll tell you this much through probably the most challenging thing that I've ever done was signing that DNR and just the way they presented it to us
I mean it was like they were selling me a bad car or something
You know like it was just like a shady business deal like here sign it
You know get your name on the dotted line, and then they're just like can like you know wipe their hands of me and my mom
And that's the exact
Feeling that it gave me at the time, and I just you know now looking back like I guess I didn't even and I was telling you the guilt that I felt
I mean I guess I didn't even know how monumental it was that I was signing that paper basically the first day
I think it was the first full day in there less than 24 hours
We had signed that DNR all because we didn't want to end debate and I had been awake to you know
The COVID stuff and the protocols are killing people so that's why I feel so guilty
But all right
We're gonna be back with Dan and Michael on the other side of the break and we're gonna talk about what they're doing to
Expose these protocols that are actually murdering people not just people murdering the person that I love most in the world
So we're gonna see on the other side. I know we got sometimes we got some sad segments
Sometimes we yeah, I'm in a woman's bathing suit. You can see my dairy area
You know it's you know a feast or famine is either or all right. We'll see on the other side of the break guys
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And that's how we find this operation and if you don't find us don't want to say that's fine
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order, it's Alex Jones
Well folks, we are back in the black
I'm 99 we're with attorneys Dan Watkins and you know with Michael Hamilton and we're talking about room desivir
We're talking about the vaccine. We're talking about the protocols that are killing
Millions of people what is a million Americans died of COVID is that the official number that they say a million Americans died
Is that they miss is that the official number? I think that's what I've heard
Yeah, that was put out yesterday. I believe in your opinion. I mean, I know that's just kind of a rough number
But you know, obviously these PCR tests, I don't trust them
You know, there's there's a garbage, but of the million people that died. How many do you think were from protocols?
I mean, I know you don't know but just what would you guess it just just from your you know touching feeling from what you've
Gauge so far. Let me answer it this way. I think everybody would be shocked at what the real number is it's over 50%
It's hardly make a guess
But I will tell you since this these lawsuits were filed Michael and I have received thousands of emails across the country from people in almost every state
With the exact same protocol story just like you described
What about the they do a bad intubation because I didn't even realize I was you know, the people act like an intubation is just some easy procedure
It's actually pretty complicated as well. Do you guys said do you guys deal with any of the intubation injury patients?
Not really no no not in this lawsuit, but we've heard stories of people who are intubated badly
We heard just a hurt wrenching story. I've heard people go brain dead from being intubated incorrectly
And and that's something that I can't speak to yeah
Yeah, I know you guys focus on the room does here, but okay, so you also just mentioned
Michael that you're suing about the vaccine and
Tell me this, you know, I don't know if you know about the newest what Omnicron variant whatever name they're giving it for the new vaccine
They tested on eight mice
So how is your professional opinion as an attorney?
I mean can they get something past to be you know used as immersed emergency use authorization?
When it's not even tested not just not long-form tested, but not even tested on human beings
Yeah, I don't see how they can do it, but they're doing it
I mean they get they got emergency use authorization for remdesivir which in the Ebola study it killed 53% of the people
But the NIH sends nine of their
People in front of the CDC along with a few others those nine had a financial interest in Gilead sciences
Which makes remdesivir and they said oh, it's safe and effective. It's been proven to work against COVID which was a flat-out lie
No, it doesn't work. No, no, no, and it's been shown and this is what I don't understand is because even COVID and you said it
We've stated this number. I believe it's 99.7% survival rate
You know for all ages, I think the average age of mortality is like 72.4
And I think the average age for all causes is like 71 or something
So it's like you actually live a little bit longer if you were to die of COVID mathematically if you're confusing that
comparison, but I guess my whole point with that is that
If they didn't do this protocol, there was just a virus going around 99.7% survival rate
Would a lot more people be alive obviously?
No question about it. Yes, a lot more people would be alive. That's that's an easy answer
they're giving something with a mortality rate of over 53% to
Something that kills less than one half of 1% of all the people who get infected with it
And do you think Dan when you get in front of a jury and you say all this and you know you have some class acts in law
Soon you say oh well they gave room desivir and you're gonna say oh they purposely gave them room desivir to kill them
Aren't aren't the people in the jury gonna say who is this tinfoil hat guy on info wars?
You know why would they because people have what is called cognitive dissonance where they think that people in power actually have
Their back when in reality they only have their own back
So how do you convince a jury that these doctors actually wanted to maybe not knowingly but indirectly kill people by proxy?
In order to make their sickness seem more
Yeah, I don't know if that's exactly the angle. We're gonna take in
But what I am seeing and I mentioned earlier to you
We're representing thousands of people in California against the mandates
They were fired because they didn't want to have the vaccine taken and what's coming out now is the
Failure of the vaccine to actually be a vaccine. It's not that doesn't stop transmissibility
We've heard that from Fauci and the CDC and we know that and people are hearing that and so what we're seeing in resistance to that
Is the refusal to take the boosters and we're seeing that in the health care industry
We're seeing that in the school districts. We're seeing that in the first responders that we represent across the country
And so the expectation is that that same type of information will become known and as it relates to remdesivir
And when we get to the time of trial, which is probably 18 months away from now, we're hoping that the public
Information on remdesivir its failures the failure to give it proper information to the patient the failure and in fact
The intentional disregard of the patient's right to choose what they're going to do
Is is obvious now to them and we've seen that happen with the vaccine
We're hoping it happens with remdesivir and it happens through exposure like this on this show you
Alex Jones and everybody who's being kind enough to put us out there so we can tell people
Because the more people that know the more people that refuse the more people that resist
These are it will be for us to prove that and Dan is a great website declare truth dot
U.S. You're gonna be able to get more information about this and as well as a Gibson go slash from
Desivir death if you guys want to support and we also want to do a call to action for any attorneys out there that want to
Get involved that want to fight the good fight that maybe we're a victim to this or know somebody that was a victim to you know
These murderous protocols and you guys definitely please reach out to declare truth dot u.s. Reach out to Dan
I want you guys to try to reach out to Michael because we need to come together. That's the problem
And I talk about this all the time is that we're fighting against not human beings not human beings are fighting
It's we're fighting against these multinational corporations like you know Gilead or Pfizer or you know Moderna
And it's almost impossible to win and I know you guys have more experience 30 years
But I mean can you beat can you beat Pfizer Dan unified we can
That's what I believe that if everybody in America comes together and starts resisting when we see this type of protocol
That goes against everything that we've understood as when we grew up in America
We have the right to choose what we're gonna do with our own bodies as it relates to medical care
And that's being tossed aside
We have the right to say no to medical treatment because of our religious beliefs and that's tossed aside
We have the right to bear arms, but that's tossed aside when the establishment refuses to allow us those liberties and everybody stands up against it
I think we can win. Yeah, I think the civil disobedience is really important
But it's hard for me to not get a little blackpilled because people you know
Where you just kind of get a little bit like nihilistic, you know, do people are they gonna even fight for themselves?
But then you see the people losing their jobs. You see the service members in the army reserve, you know getting kicked out
So you know for a vaccine that doesn't even necessarily stop the spread of it as a matter of fact
I think it gives you the virus, but you know, let me put on my tinfoil hat
I say that they're gonna get mad, but I just it just still makes me sick
This is the reality in which we live in that there's doctors that are actually killing people and they don't feel any guilt whatsoever
and and
Like the guilt for me will never it'll never it'll never go away
So it's a really bad situation and I really appreciate you guys being on the front line and fighting this and I know
It's probably pretty thankless. You guys have to spend a lot of hours a lot of litigation
It's a lot of like running around a lot of squeezing not a lot of juice right now
It's supposed to be the beginning of this trial. Yeah, because you guys have to do so much of whatever, you know pre-trial
Stuff before and you know, it's expensive. So I really appreciate you guys dedicating your time to this
And and what's the last thing you want to leave us with Michael?
Alex, I want to come back just briefly to the give send go address
I think I may have given it to you incorrectly in the beginning, but it's give send go dot com
Slash Fresno remdesivir death. Okay, people are asking us. How can we help pray for us?
You know Dan and I as as Christ followers we see that we're confronted with this great evil in our country
We believe that God is greater than that evil. We ask for prayer first
We ask for support second. This is an expensive lawsuit. These people can't
They can't afford the expense of a lawsuit like this
But folks from all over have been giving generously what they can sometimes in small amounts sometimes in larger
But we really just ask that people would would would pray for us and that they would stand up
say no to lies
stand up for the truth and
And and together we will defeat this. All right, we got 20 seconds Dan
What do you want to say before we go when I add to my answer about can we win this?
Unified we can but unified with God. We're almost certain to I agree
Let's just already cut you off. We got to find strength in the creator
I think that's the only way we get through this because you know a life is not meant to be a rose garden
So sometimes there's ups and downs we got to get through you know when a tough gets going to go and gets tough
We'll see on the other side of the break
Info wars work has never been having a bigger effect than it's having right now and today is do or die time
If info wars gets the funding into the midterms in the next year
We're gonna stay on air be more effective than ever, but if we don't I
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the New World Order. It's Alex Jones
Info wars the most banned network in the world
Such hate fuel violence and threats are not new to America
I don't know if you've ever heard of Info Wars
Info Wars is the most banned network in the world
Info Wars is the most banned network in the world
Such hate fuel violence and threats are not new to America
There's a through line of hate
From massacres of indigenous people
To the original sin of slavery
The terror of the Klan
To anti-immigration violence against the Irish Italians Chinese Mexicans
So many others laced through our history
There's a through line of violence against religious groups anti-Semitic anti-Catholic anti-Mormon anti-Muslim anti-Hindu
Look folks
And that's through line of hate never fully goes away
There's a thorough line of hate through all of American history in Biden's full speech that's posted in full wars calm
He demonizes the very heart and soul of our Republic
The United States was one of the first countries to ban slavery after England it
England fought wars all over the planet to end slavery something that Great Britain did that was amazing
That's part of history the only places slavery happened after that were areas of Asia Africa and Latin America
But you don't see massive demonization of those countries you see demonization of the West
We are told that whites and Europeans are the most evil and that the UK is evil and that people in the United States are evil
It's absolutely
Posturous and they know it if you see the movie rather than it with Leonardo Caprio. It's excellent
It's based on a true story
in fact
I read a book about it and
There was historical documents the time that confirm that whole story is true and even more the second half of that movie that they never made
Is even more insane and he finally the guy that Leonardo Caprio plays
gets killed
by Native Americans and
It just shows how Native Americans would come to you and say if you don't help us kill us on the trial we're gonna kill you and
Then other white settlers would come and say if you don't help us Native Americans will kill you whites the Native Americans act
Just the damn same. We're all human beings. We all get in gangs
We all do bad things we all do good things and the idea of original sin that white people are inherently bad that we're seeing come out of
The Pentagon of the universities is meant to create a guilt to make the American people the bad guys and to drive a wedge and as viewers and listeners
You know and understand that that is what they're doing
But that's why it's up to us to not get baited into the racism and to transcend above it and to reach out to all these communities
And let them know that this is a mass manipulation and the good news is why the Democrats are panicking
They're also panicking in Europe polls in the US and Europe all show that even third world populations
They brought in are waking up very quickly and voting as soon as their citizens up to a third or a half
For populist or conservatives or nationalist because they understand that the globalists are playing us off against each other
That's why Trump got double the Hispanic votes and double the black votes of any Republican in history
Because that lie is starting to break down and people understand it's the Democrats are the human smugglers
It's the Democrats that are the globalist. It's the Democrats that are part of the great reset
Now we're gonna get back to Alex Stein in a live show today the amazing job
He's doing I really appreciate him being here with all the amazing guests and information
He's got coming up in the next few hours, but I wanted to just encourage viewers illustrious understand something
Info wars need your help to stay on air
Info wars is barely staying afloat right now and that's why the corporate media lies and says we have hundreds of millions dollars
That is a lie that is a fraud
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1776 coin calm we have the other fundraiser coin the Teddy Roosevelt man in the arena coin and the markup
There is again a fundraiser keep us on air. Please come through. I know we're in a depression
I know stuff's falling apart
We told you this was coming and my biggest worry was getting supplies in to get funds in before the real depression hit
Well, we barely got the supplies in finally some products sold out for a year and then now things are falling apart
So every time we make it through one challenge a new challenge arrives. We're not gonna give up
We're gonna keep fighting. So back to Alex style. I broadcast again, please take action
Please keep fighting. Please keep us in the fight info or store calm and God bless and good luck
Alex Jones giving me a shout-out print. I'm 99. I gotta say, you know, the
My ego makes you feel so good. This Alex Jones saying my name. I don't even I can't even get into the next guest
All right, but with that, I want to bring him on. He's the CEO of X strategies. He's a arch nemesis
For one of my arch nemesis Dan Crenshaw, and he's the one the only Alex Bruce with Alex. Welcome to the show
How are you doing my friend?
Oh, man, how you doing? I'm doing good. Okay, so I want to bring you on. I know you haven't been on info wars
This is the most banned media company on the face of the earth. So now you might get canceled Alex
I hope Dan Crenshaw when he sees this they're gonna say all those conspiracy tin foil hat wearing people
We had weapons of mass destruction a good government wouldn't lie. Okay, but
Why do you have beef with Dan Crenshaw? And I got in there. I know you're the guest
Let me let you talk but for me
It wasn't just the kicking service members out for not getting vaccinated and it wasn't just for his, you know
Globalist policies, but for me, he just sucks. He's just unfunny and lame and I don't even think he needs to wear the eye patch
Okay, go ahead. Why is that? Why does Dan Crenshaw stink Alex?
Well, I'm a big believer in the America first agenda and a big defender of Maga Republican and you know
after the 2020 election the
You know contrast between the Maga Republicans and the rhinos couldn't be more clear
You know tens of millions of Americans had questions about what took place in the election and the Maga Republican said I hear your concerns
I hear your questions. I want to do the best to my ability to answer your questions
I'm gonna fight for transparency. I'm gonna fight for election integrity
But then there was this wing of the Republican Party the Rhino wing led by Mitt Romney and Liz Cheney
That said we don't care about what took place in 2020 Trump is bad
Maga Republicans suck and so we're gonna move in a different direction and Dan Crenshaw
Who used to be part of the Maga Republican wing?
Decided to stand with Liz Cheney decided to stand with Mitt Romney and said that even if there is voter fraud
We're not gonna look into it
We're gonna move forward and he really just became one of the biggest rhinos in Washington
And so I actively call him out. I'm thankful that you call him out Alex Jones calls him out
Because he's a real problem because unlike other rhinos
That are just stupid
Dan is dangerous. Dan has access to Paul Singer and the World Economic Forum cash. He says I'm not world economic forum
But in reality, everybody knows that Dan is world economic forum
And he's part of the globalist new world order and then also when you call out Dan Crenshaw
He takes things so personally
So addictive and so I'm a young man. I'm 25 years old and I own a business
And so when I first started tweeting Dan, why are you a rhino? Why do you hate Trump?
Why do you hate your voters?
He started calling my clients and trying to get my clients to fire me and said, you know
Alex hurts my feelings on Twitter. Please fire him please fire him and they all said sorry Dan
We can't do that. So now he's
Not only is he vindictive and only is he a bad member of Congress
He's a really bad person and I really look forward to him losing his seat in the near future
Yeah, I mean, I think you really nailed it and then there was a point where Dan was, you know
Likeable I think in the the MAGA movement, but he lost that okay
So we're about to go to the break in about 40 seconds. So we'll catch you on the other side
But for me though with Dan Crenshaw, this is the problem is when I'm hanging out in DC and I'm sitting there at the capital
Sub's 80% of these politicians. I can't even recognize right. I'm like who is that Chuck Grassley?
Is that is that Mark Takano from California?
Is that you know, I don't even know half these people are but that's the problem
You talk about the power of you talk about the power of the Dan Crenshaw has he's a notable guy
He's like a OC. He's one of these people that has now become basically a celebrity
Congressman and that separates him and makes it more powerful than the other congressman
Okay, we're gonna dive deep into Dan Crenshaw on the other side my main man Alex Bruce awaits
We're gonna go after Dan. So Dan if you're watching this we're coming for you right now
Be careful and the other side
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That the family as we know it is a bad thing
It must be ended and the first step in that is getting women out of the household who teach English
He's getting women out of the household and teaching women that
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order. It's alex jones
More epic music from the production team first class production team here at info wars
I mean, i'm telling you guys. I really feel like a true pimp on a blimp
I'm not always I get to come inside this beautiful studio and I get all you can eat
Brain force now. I don't know if you guys can see this, but we need to zoom in on this, you know
alex, you know, we got alex prusawitz on here
We want to bring on alex, but I don't know if you know this but i'm doing four hours today
And this is a little secret a lot of broadcasters don't want you to know because you know my biological father tucker carlson
He is not giving me a lot of pointers alex
I've had to learn the stuff of my own on the streets as I say and let me tell you something
You take a little bit of this brain force you this because I don't have a brain
I'm like the scarecrow from a wizard of Oz, but I put this in there
I'm for store.com now my brain is working now I can function so
alex, uh, welcome to the show
Do you have problems getting an erection because we can help you fix that if you do?
Uh, I'm not uh, I'm not impotent like well, so you haven't been vaccinated because listen
I got vaccinated to protect uh my family members and protect my grandmother and now I haven't gotten erection ever since the moderna
So that's neither here nor there that's conspiracy
Do not let this go out to the regular wear airways
It is safe and effective even though almonds are not safe and effective for seven billion people
Even though peanuts are not safe and effective for seven billion people
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But the Fauci ouchie is safe and effective for every human being it doesn't matter if they have allergies
You're not going to be allergic to this according to the man the myth the legend dr. Fauci
Okay, back to our guest alex welcome to the show. Sorry, you know, we got to pay the bills
And this is how we pay the bills here and for restore.com
alex how as a young man like you 25
How have you made such a headway in this political sphere because I'll be honest. I'm kind of apolitical
I'm most anti-political but people like you that are young that are in the scene that are doing good work
I really applaud you because when I was 25 I was a drunk mess. I was an idiot, you know
I mean I was you know barely, you know could tie my shoes
So how did you get motivated to go and make a change in this political sphere alex?
Well, I started my company in 2016 2017 shortly after president trump was inaugurated
And uh, you know I use social media
Back then social media was free fair and everybody could access it
in the glory days alex jones was on there and had almost a million followers on twitter and then
What happened to him was horrible and it started happening that you know
It happened to him having a loomer it happened to all of a lot of my favorite social media accounts
He started getting banned and you know, I'm still up and running, but I had to diversify the platforms that I used
Uh, but twitter has really been an amazing platform for my business because it's the only platform
That you can tag really anybody in the world and there's a chance that they react and a lot of these thin skin politicians
They react to everything that gets thrown their way on social media. As you know alex
Um, you you simply at them on twitter. You say how horrible they are and the smart ones they ignore it
But the ones who are with such fragile egos and uh, are very insecure. They have to react and so
Um, you know a lot of the controversy actually, you know helps me dan krenshaw
You know when he acknowledges me on social media when he takes time out of his day
He's a congressman. He represents 750 thousand americans
But when people like him take time out of their day to attack me or attack you uh, that puts us on
Uh, the same level and so uh, if if a 25 year old can get under the skin of a congressman
Imagine what the chinese communist party or
Well, well speaking of the chinese communist party
No, I ran into eric swalla and I asked him about fang fang his chinese spy girlfriend
And of course, you know, he did you know, but he he stuck he kept his head down
He he did the game plan like especially he was just supposed to ignore the troll
You're not supposed to feed it. You don't want to get in the mud with a pig like me, but dan krenshaw
I mean, I'm almost feeling guilty. It's like he's low-hanging fruit. I mean, I'm just keep on attacking him
Why does he come in the mud with pigs like us? I mean shouldn't he have some sort of diplomacy as a congressman?
But he has none and why is that?
I I think that dan krenshaw should release a medical report. I think that he has severe
Uh, I'm not I'm not joking and uh, you know, I I wish him well if that's the case
But it's it's clear his day that he's not well functioning up there. He he he votes poorly
Uh, he makes really bad decisions. I think he's got a drinking problem as well
Um, but he lashes out he lashes out online
You know, he sends people threatening and menacing texas, you know as early as two in the morning as late as two in the morning
And so, you know, the guy's got serious problems. I do believe he's mentally unfit to be a member of congress
And so I challenge him. Please release your medical reports. Please release a brain scan to make sure that
Uh, you you know, he he is mentally fit, but you know
Joe biden being unfit which he is
But I think that we have members of congress who also have brain damage and brain problems who should not be
Impositions of power and dan's one of them and I want you guys to go follow on twitter go to alex brucewitz
I know it's a little hard to spell but a bru e s e w i t z
I wanted everybody to go follow him because this is like I said
It's just so great to watch your work going after dan, but I'll be honest. I gotta stop saying I'll be honest
But you know after this weekend. I got in swallows face. I basically had dan crinchall have uh, you know meltdown publicly and you know
Everybody's like, oh alex you're doing great work. Good job alex jones. Come host my show. Everybody's so happy
It means nothing without aOC
It means nothing without my big booty latina
I can get 10,000 dan crinchall trolls and it wouldn't be equal to one
Big booty latina interaction with aOC, but okay in my opinion is uh, I know you hate dan is dan dumber than aOC
I feel like aOC might be smarter than dan crinchall
I I think you're right about that
Um, and yeah, I've been praying for your relationship with aOC over the last
I think let's make a wonderful couple
Um, and uh, you know you guys should procreate. I think you guys would have amazing
Babies, but I do think that dan is is actually one of the dumbest members of congress that we have he thinks he's smart
Uh, but you know, he's very he's very slow
Uh, and and also he's very insecure. You can tell by who he staffs in his office
You know dan's a little guy which your video shows your your tall six four man
hence why
AOC's in love with you
Dan's a little guy, but if you look at his office all of his staffers are five foot three and under
And I don't have a anything against short people. Okay. I'm not like short phobic. I think short people provide
You know things to our society
But dan is so insecure
That he has to have little people work for him because he can't be the shortest guy at his office
And so, uh, it's really been the fascinating nine months for me learning all these different things about dan how we text you really
Came on the spot and and came on the scene just a couple of months ago
And he already hates your guts. So you're doing something right. I'm proud of you
Well, I say I appreciate that and you know who I've become friends with and I'm so blessed to even call our friend
Is marjorie taylor green and I congresswoman green the reason why I like her too is
Although her and I don't agree on every single political issue by any means
Actually, her and I kind of disagree on some big stuff, but she's down to earth
And that's the biggest surprise to me. You would think that this politician would have this bedside manner manner that you know
Would make him affable to all these, you know, he goes to all these, uh, you know fundraiser types
You would think that you would be kind of like a man of the people like you wouldn't even get in that position
But he's not he's not down to earth. He's not so do you think it could be maybe he's like shell shocks because you come on
Dude, I'm from Texas. We have a little bit of southern hospitality
Like where did all of his southern hospitality go? Do you think it was just a freaking?
IUD the you know
shook him stupid
Yeah, well, you know, uh, it's I obviously appreciate his military service and everything that I do
And I'm sorry. Sorry, Alex. I want to use your question. I want to you know, he tries to pay me
I care about every single individual inside the uniform every single person the man man or woman
I respect our veterans are treated to horrible. I respect but the uniform as a whole in some of the
You know actions that they've done
I don't necessarily support every single action of the uniform
But the men and women that put it on I support each and every single one of you
So for him to try to create this narrative like I don't like veterans
That's just it's perfectly false and that's how low and cheap he is is trying to create that narrative
Yeah, it's a democrat move, you know, and that's your right as an american to question your government and and the decisions that it makes
Uh, and I never once thought that you attacked our veterans or for their military service
Uh, you know, I know that you you respect our troops and I see all of these veterans for alex stein coming out of the woodwork stuff
And so I think you have more veterans support than dan Crenshaw has you know, dan is not a man of the people by any means
He he isn't a Texan by any means he was raised in a very affluent family
Uh, his his father was in the oil industry overseas and so he's not a man of the people
He's not a Texan at heart. He just bought that he bought that seat
You know, he he likes to mingle with the likes of bill bar and other swamp creatures
He has a fundraiser with bill bar, uh tonight, but he doesn't care about the constituents
He wants to play the dc game. He wants all the swamp, you know money and the halibutans and the bowings and all
Paul singer you brought up marjorie taylor green
You know marjorie taylor green was very critical of dan Crenshaw
And singer at the time he owned the biggest equity portion in twitter
And all of a sudden marjorie gets banned from twitter shortly after she starts public
Asing dan Crenshaw. Is that a coincidence? I don't know
But you know, he does not care about the constituents because he cares about the dc game too much
He wants bill bars money. He wants to swamp money and it's wrong because his district. I just spoke there
They're they're great people. They're patriotic americans. They love god and they love our country and they deserve better representation
You said it best. All right guys, alice brucewitz. Go follow him on twitter. Thank you for being a guest
Talk to you soon
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If you are receiving this transmission
You are the resistance
That's the kind of music I like a little more upbeat a little happier
We're trying to get the high vibrational energy going in the studio. It's prime time
99 filling in for the king himself. Alex Jones. I'm doing my best, but obviously I'm no angel maybe one day, but
With all that being said, I have a very lovely guest one of the most lovely men
I don't know. Can I say that is that a sexual? I don't know. I have to call you a lovely man
You are a lovely man. If that's homosexual, then I'm gay and that's okay. The only doctor ben tapper my friend ben
Welcome to info wars. I don't know if you've ever been on the program
but I know some of the work that
Ben has done with posing the vaccine and just exposing, you know, all of this pseudo science that big pharma and the medical industrial complex uses against us
You call that out. You've been censored like crazy. So I just want to say not just as a personal friend
Welcome to the show and thank you for all the work that you're doing exposing all this
Well prime time 99. Thanks for having me on info wars my friend
I was a little taken back to see that you're hosting this info wars today, man
I'm so uh, I'm so glad to be in honor to be on this show with you my friend
Okay, we don't have to kiss each other's butt, but no, it's great. It's great. Okay. Yeah, Alex is I
It's really a pleasure him giving me the keys to the castle temporarily
But okay, so so for the people playing at home the reason why you're like, oh, why do you have been on well
Ben we we only got about three minutes to the break-ins and I want to get into it for me
When ben told me this theory and ben has been staunchly anti-vaxx his dad was a doctor and he was against the vaccine
So these people have been awake to this when all of us were still getting our MMR vaccine and our measles mumps rubella
We were all getting our polio vaccine like his family was smart
Ben had a theory that the reason why there was an increase in all of the gender dysphoria and young children
Is because when we give kids or babies
Vaccines these vaccines are cultured on what is called aborted fetal cells and there's multiple lines of these aborted fetal cells
There's a male line and there's a female line
So what ben theorizes and correct me if I'm wrong that when we're giving these epigenetics
We're giving them basically a different DNA strand of a female into a developing male that this
Because the brain is in such a you know fast
A maturation that this has some sort of long lasting effects
Maybe later on in life causing the gender dysphoria. Now. Did I did I say that theory correctly? Please correct me
Yeah, I mean for the most part. So just to give you a rundown of what we're what I am talking about, you know, again, this is just my
My two cents here and by putting things together connecting the dots. I'm not saying. Oh, this is a hard fact, but this is my
My theory here, but you know the nervous system out of the womb the nervous system is developing on a rapid rate
We call that neural synaptogenesis
Okay, the nervous system doubles in size that first year alive
And so neurons are firing developing neural pathways are developing
And if you look at the cdc, they are actually taking away milestones like crawling, which is criminal itself
But I digress but during the nervous systems development. I mean we implemented how many vaccines the first year alive
But we have you know, we have a border fetal cell tissue in these vaccines
And if anyone's skeptical of that they can go to my telegram dr.
Ventap or even on gab and search those links
I just posted or watch the plot that the stanley plotkins deposition
He talks about all the different abortal cell tissue in these vaccines
but when we
You know, we do have this the cell line tissues for instance like wi-38 which winster Institute
38 which is a cell line from a female lung from a three-month old gestational fee a female fetus now
if we inject that
Cell line into a development or developmental nervous system during exuberant neural synaptogenesis
The question that I ask or poses what kind of epigenetic influence
Do these cell lines have on a developing nervous system?
And so that's basically my the question I raise here because it is a very valid question
We have these grown men and I think that homosexuality has been around forever
But this is different. We have grown men who think I am a woman
I felt like I've been a woman my whole life
And it's something that's different than homosexuality. This is where there's like this gender confusion
This in this gender dysphoria and that's why they're trying to gray the lines between
Men and women here and like what's a woman and really science is observational
What and it's what we can observe, you know, if you came out with, you know
Jenna tell you that fits the male. Well, you are a male, but things are they're graying the areas now in the lines between
a man and woman and I and I heavily believe it is due to these
vaccinations and a lot of people think that it might be
The estrogen or the phytoestrogen or food
You're gonna have to in that we're gonna have to get that on the other side of the break. Sorry to cut you off of a
Keeper thought
People ask me all the time. What is your best new tropic? You've got turbo force. You've got brain force plus
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Just a quick break, you know, we've got to pay some bills here if you guys want to support the info war
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But we have the products that can help you do that. Okay with all that being said my man, dr
Ben tapper a good friend of mine
I'm so lucky to call you a friend and uh on the other side the big excuse me on the other side before we broke you were talking about
Gay versus the gender dysphoria because obviously this isn't just gay man. I mean these are people that are actually
Getting mastectomies. I mean these are children that are getting hysterectomies under nine years old
I mean for me
I don't mean this with any disrespect because the people they're go out with your transfer
But I don't know a bigger mental health issue than to be to seriously go into a doctor and say hey
I want you to cut off my penis
I'm serious. I mean ben didn't and doesn't get more of saying that even if you think you're a woman
How do you think cutting it off that how are you so disconnected with reality that you're actually going to turn it into a quote-unquote
female vagina
Well, you know, this is something that is heartbreaking. We're we're seeing children
You know
That are being heavily I would say influenced by the parents as well the parents
You know, they say well my son said he's a girl and you know and and they keep they keep
You know, how do you say it encouraging that type of behavior and that type of thought?
So I think there's that as well now these these boys that might grow up in a
That have parents that are pushing this they they might regret their decision and you know, what do they do now?
They already had the the hormone replacement therapies at an early age and I think that's child abuse
I really do and I think that
And that might be going on in some level too
But you know, but it's really heartbreaking to see that and it's really heartbreaking to see your society welcoming this behavior as if it's normal
I mean, this is a it's a mental
It's I argue that it's more than just a mental health issue
There's a physiological explanation for I think why this is occurring and it's due to the epigenetic responses from the cell line tissues
And these vaccines and Dr. Tapper explain give us just a little quick definition
What is the definition of epigenetics for the people that are playing at home that don't quite understand?
You know, what's the simple definition of it?
So basically your body adapts this physiology to meet the load it's under so that's a
A great example if I were to give you let's say a heart cell and I placed that heart cell into the pancreas
That heart cell is going to have epigenetic influences of the pancreas and start acting like a pancreatic cell
So the same thing is if we inject into these
And let's say a newborn we have a male newborn and I believe I sent a picture
I don't know if you guys have that or not, but if I do this and break
Sorry, go ahead if I break this skin with a needle
Okay, you know basically what happens is we get an immune response an inflammatory response and the cdc and the acip and everybody
I'll say that's a normal variant. That's a normal response
And you know, you might have some inflammation on the injection site and that's normal
But what happens we have when we have inflammation we know that we have immunoglobulin e that is released
It's an antibody, but it's not the antibody they're looking for they're looking for a variant or a teeter of a form of what we call immunoglobulin m
But what happens at first two weeks is that we have an immunoglobulin e inflammatory response inside the body
That means histamine is released in the body and the most dangerous thing about histamine is that it allows the blood brain barrier
To be permeable
Okay, and I used to argue that the blood brain barrier is not developed till about six months after
You're born, but you know, that's beside the point if we have any inflammation whatsoever
That allows histamine to open the blood brain barrier allowing these junk ingredients like msg formaldehyde
aluminum adjuvants and
These fetal cell lines to enter into the the nervous system which controls everything
It controls every cell every tissue every organ in the body. It is the master control center
So why would you even want to tamper with that?
And that's why I say vaccinations all vaccinations go against basically the way god
The way god made the immune system the way he made the body the immune system is fully capable in
Of handling more diseases and healing more diseases than our government has permitted us to believe
And we need to trust the system. The body is is definitely capable. It doesn't need help. It just needs no interference
Yeah, and they say correlation doesn't necessarily equal causation
But when you look at the I think it was a vax to del big trees, you know, one of his monuments of documentary got kicked out of sunday
And so, you know that or forget which film festival that's what in iRigin washington
They even talk about the schedule of the mmr vaccine the musul mums rubella wouldn't give
Autism or there'd be you know very low cases of autism occurring if they did the vaccine separately
But they still recommended doing it together as supposed to too young of an age
So we're not just talking about the gender dysphoria. What about the autism and young kids caused by the vaccine?
I mean when the rates are alarming
Right, and that's the thing, you know these bumper sticker slogans that you know
Vaccines will cause autism the science is settled
You know their causation is not or correlation that causation these are all bumper sticker slogans
And it's not science science is having a dialogue and science is observational
And you know i'm a parent of four beautiful children. Thank you lord
And you know there is an intuition a parent's intuition and there's a mother's intuition
And when doctors are saying that there's no mother's intuition. There's that's not science
I mean a mom knows when something's wrong with her child when a mom has a normal child
They go in the vaccine with the mmr and all of a sudden banned. They have autism and the doctors like oh
They're they were genetically predisposed to that or they're technically inclined to have autism. There's no correlation there
That's absolutely criminal and we need to have william tomson who's the head researcher you mentioned the
Um the vax documentaries and that was all about william tomson who was a head of sign uh head
Scientist researcher for the cdc who came out as a whistleblower and talking about how they're doctoring and tailoring studies for desired outcomes
And trying to hide the fact that the mmr was causing
Autism in the black community. I mean black lives matter right well. What about that?
Well, let's get the information out there and talk about
How they're targeting black children and you know that's that's a you know, that's a real real thing and you know
And and if you look at the vaccine courts, I always talk about
The vaccine courts all the cases that they awarded in the in the vaccine court systems
Is that they they might have encephalitis on there and they're not allowed to talk about autism
They don't mention the word and I always raise a question
Well, how many of these kids that have encephalitis also get the diagnosis of autism?
See autism is just a word
But if you break down the word encephalitis you can talk about well this inflammation in the brain
But autism is just a word and that's why I don't like naming symptomatology because the big pharma creates an entity out of it
And then they monopolize on it
But going back to the bumper sticker slogan science is having a dialogue science is observational
And when a parent with witnesses their child
Um, you know develop autism at her vaccination. That's observational science right there
And I hate to say it but they trusted the doctors and we're gaslighting these poor parents
Uh, and it's it's a real thing and it's evil
No, and they really want you to just you know disregard any observational science
And I really love that adjective because I think that's what like as human beings that aren't medically trained
I mean we can just observe with our eyes and then make that decision with our intuition
I think we should go with our gut more because that is our second brain
But uh, but but back to the autism thing too and this is like I said, I don't want to get hated on as a
Transfob or bigot, of course they call us all that but you know
They even say that a lot of the occurrences of the people with gender dysphoria or the people that are
Transition that they suffer from some sort of form of autism. So could this all be connected?
I mean seriously
I mean a could it could it all be and I know we're just theorizing this for the people playing at home
This is info wars
We talk about conspiratorial stuff and I know right now you and I are just pure
This is just purely speculation for the people playing at home
I'm I'm into the observational science and what I can see what I can observe
It almost sounds like it makes sense that there could be some correlation with the autism
We've got a minute till we break but kind of explain. Do you think there's a connection with the autism and the gender dysphoria and then all being caused by possibly
Vaccines from aborted fetal cells or chemicals that we don't necessarily need
Well, there's there was a physician that talked about how he studied the correlation between a fetal cell line tissue and autism
So I do think that there's there's some correlation there. I mean, it's a neurological issue
So autism is a neurological issue. They're trying to blame it on genes
And that's why I think that they're trying to get vaccinations in utero
So the baby comes out and says hey he was born with it and that's it's a congenital thing. It's a genetic defect
It's not epigenetic
Epigenetic means that there's a cause there's a toxicity or deficiency that's causing the issue
Genetic issues like pathocystic fibrosis or down syndrome are blamed on genes
But I believe autism is an epigenetic issue and I do think that there might be a correlation there with the gender dysphoria
I'm not going to say that's not but in some cases
I absolutely think it would be a correlation
Wow, all right. Well, we're about to take a break and on the other side of the break
We're going to talk about that in the utero vaccination. Can you imagine that these people are sick?
They want to stick a needle in every single part of your body even inside of a woman's vagina
They don't even care no holes bars for these people. They'll they'll vaccinate you anywhere. All right. We'll see on the other side of the break
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Donald Trump and the magnet republicans
Represented extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic
I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't have an operational name
In fact, I bet it does
I bet it's called operation
Matador they see us as the bull and they are shaky a red flag in our face
And the matador is the deep state with a long
skinny razor sharp sword
So that when the bull lunges forward the matador uses the force of its weight to drive it into the heart
And step aside with his cape as the bull
Buries himself into the dust they've got the ace of spades in their hand, which is false flags
Before you launch a war you stage false flags. That's the first thing you do
Because nobody wants to say they started a war bad guys start wars
So every time a war gets launched by bad guys they stage an event. This is operation matador
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
This is some fighting music, uh, Ben. I mean I got this music now. I want to go punch somebody in the face
You know, I'm on the grind all the time and they got a jamming like that. They got the classic rock
I hear the drums pounding. I want to pound somebody's face. I'm kidding. I'm uh, I am uh, anti-conflicts
We don't want to be punching anybody. That's bad. That's barbaric. I'm not a barbarian
Even though I am a barbarian speaking of barbarians. Okay real quick
We were talking about serious stuff and we're talking about speculation
But Ben and I we recently met and the reason why I remember I found Ben is you had gone viral at the beginning of the pandemic
Speaking at public meetings about you know the protocols and you know the vaccine yada yada yada
You know basically just obvious bill for anybody paying attention
And that's how I found you but then ended up you and I ended up speaking at an event
And there's always so many subjects we can we can speak. We can best friends. Yeah, we did we became best friends
You know, it's like it's an insane, but one of the things and this is the people again once again guys tinfoil hat time
What do you think about old and I love this and I'm not talking about even though it's football season
I'm not talking about the new york giants. What do you think about those old guys called nephilim?
You know, what do you think about that dr. Taver because I know I know you're a big christian
I know you're a big bible believer and uh
Uh, uh, and wouldn't I have to get to harry because I know you're a professional doctor
So and I know this is a very popular show so you might not want to say anything too conspiratorial
But uh, I do believe this for the people playing at home. I I believe that at one point there is huge human beings here
I know there's oh
And uh, yeah, I just I just don't believe our story of our origin is correct
But uh, okay, so tell me you know without going to harry because I do want to get back into the sudden adult
Destin german I want to get back into the public meetings, but I would be mad at myself
I didn't talk about what's the deal with giants dr. Taver
There are giant mounds all over the united states the giant bones
They all lead to the smithsonian and I believe that all
Secrets lead to roam as well. You know, but you know, there's just a lot. I believe in the bible
I believe the bible to be true. I mean goliath was a giant. He didn't have acromegaly or giantism
I mean if you look at acromegaly
And giantism that you know, they can barely even move around but goliath was a giant champion of war and
His armor weighed like what a hundred something pounds the head of his spear was 15 pounds
I mean, that's crazy. I can barely throw a 15 pound bowling ball 15 miles an hour down there
I have to roll the darn thing and it was the head of his javelin his spear was 15 pounds
You know and if you look at the roman cuban it it's from the elbow to the index finger and that's about 18 or 19 inches
I believe and they in the bible says he was six and a half cubits
I believe and that pegs him. I take a nine to 11 feet tall
I mean look at john middleton. He there's a it's in england and there's he died in 1623 in his tombstone
Stated that he was nine feet three inches tall
Look at John middleton
But we hear that robert wadlow or wadlow was a tallest man at eight foot one or eight foot three
I mean john middleton was also like the I think the sheriff's right hand man in england
And there's documentation to prove that so I believe that
You know, we are not being told the whole story on the vaccine issue and big pharma
They're censoring things and at all and I that's why I say this whole thing is a spiritual battle
I think that this whole thing is spiritual and psychological warfare
I believe the whole vaccine is they they painted the you know this vaccine as this golden calf
I mean if you look at the acip
We for the cdc
You know in the vaccine summit of 2019 they had all the talking heads and they said, you know
They took out in vaccines. We are I'm sorry in god. We trust and they put in vaccines
We trust and then and then I'll sell it or they they covered
Jesus the statue and they said vaccine saves and that's why I said this whole thing is a spiritual warfare and spiritual
Psychological warfare, but you know, and I also I love the giants
I love talking about it because the bible says no one's going to enter heaven unless they have a childlike faith
And the giants for me like it almost gives me that like childlike faith like this awe and wonder
of giants, you know and
Well, no, and I want to just start to cut you up
But I also do believe too
It's like I I believe that there's probably these huge giants and this is just me speculating
And I'd say that these angels came down and I believe they you know
I had sex with the giants and that's kind of how we got here and it does feel like we are the
Autistic offspring of something great, you know what I mean like it's because what it separates us from a monkey from a human
I know there's a lot. I don't believe we evolved from pond scum, but I'm saying we're not that far from a monkey at the same time, you know
Right, that's exactly right. And so I you know, I'm a big
I love Institute of Creation research
I'm going to give them a plug they have they're some of the most brilliant minded people of our time
Okay, and I get their catalogs, you know, and I love I love the
The articles that they put out in and you know, there is no
You know evolution is taught in schools. It's indoctrinated in our school system that if it's sound science
Again, it's not sound science. We're not teaching our children sound science sound science is observation
We need to humble ourselves and then realize it's all observational and you know, I love too like this
There's a the plant hopper nymph. I don't know if you've heard of that bug, but it's a really fascinating bug
I'm just gonna zoom in right that's on my Instagram, but there's a bug there
But there's a bug there, but you know, we know if we looked at gears, you'd say, oh, that's been created
That's been designed by man. Well, if you look at the pelvis of this bug the plant hopper nymph
That's the pelvis of a
Of a plant hopper nymph and you would say well, those are gears. Those are created and designed
You think that happened by accident. I mean, what is the mathematical?
Probability of that being just happened by chance. I mean, there's an intelligent design in all of us
There's an innate intelligence inside all living matter
And you know, and that's that innate intelligence side of the body telling our hearts to beat our lungs to breathe their cells to communicate
And in my profession our goal is to optimize that as much as we can
And that's the key to health. I mean the whole innate intelligence is what does the healing? That's why I think
vaccinations and all this
Psychotrophics it's just unnecessary. I mean give the body what it needs and it can be well
I mean if we eat well move well think well pray well relate well, we can be well
And I'm a firm believer that your body's ability overcome disease and like corona and all this other garbage is far greater than fouchy
And our government has permitted us to believe and we just need to trust that system
God made our body intelligent if we give the body what it needs it can be well
And that's what it's all about. Yeah, and I really like that because you know, this is what they do
This is the trauma-based mind control or the psychological operation that they have on young kids is that they get them in there?
And they say oh well the big bang happened everything came from nothing
You're just a cosmic accident. You're but you know, your decisions don't matter. There's no, uh, you know
Moral responsibility for your actions whatsoever and that creates some sort of
Atheistic mindset where everybody just cares about themselves and everybody cares about consumerism and material things all this stuff
That doesn't actually fill our soul or make our soul, you know even better as a matter of fact, I believe it's just more toxic for
Our our soul and that's the things people don't want to realize is that
You are a special being like you are a soul that happens to have a thumb
You're not a thumb that happens to have a soul. So there is something special
And I know different people have different creators and different people that they worship
But I think if we can at least just come and this is you know, not easy
But if we could just somehow change the mindset of a lot of these atheistic people that to realize that
Hey, this isn't an accident the fact that at one point you had 8,000 grandparents that had to have sex at that exact time
For you to be here. You've won the life lottery
But instead they make people feel guilty and they make people feel, you know
Basically depressed for even existing and I think that's one of the biggest problems
So, uh, we only got a minute left and I know that we talked about all this stuff
But real quick with the last 50 seconds the sudden adult death syndrome
You see now they got myocarditis commercials for children at new york hospitals
Is the elephant in the room ever going to be addressed in your opinion, dr. Tapper
Well, just with a big pharma track record and the power at b here. They are censoring
A lot of this information
So it might get out on alternative news sites like this by making the mainstream news
It it might make it for a second, but this information is being censored
And it's being you know, they're trying to normalize this and uh, you know
Healthy people don't have heart attacks and that's that's the the truth of the matter
Yeah, you nailed it. All right guys, everybody go follow my friend dr. Ben tapper. He's on instagram. The time is now dot movie
Ben it's always a pleasure to talk to you and you know, keep speculating keep grinding and shining and uh, don't let the
Smithsonian's hide uh the Smithsonian hide any more giant bones. There you go. All right. See you
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order. It's alex jones
You are listening to an info wars dot com front line report it's alex jones
This whole domestic violent extremist tag
I know it's a political thing and then people say well, it's a statistical thing
They're just jitting the statistics
But in this case you've shown a real group and its its leaders and its founders
Were smeared by the fbi by this label even though the evidence showed they weren't a threat at all
Tell us what you found. Yeah. Well, yeah, not once but twice
I mean they checked this guy out a couple years ago. Fine. He's american veteran serving his community
Loves his country
Like I said served his country and then send some woke analysts at the fbi decides. Oh, wait a minute. This guy
He flies the american flag. He owns a gun. He voted for trump or whatever whatever bases they come up with
That fits the joe biden narrative that half the country a quote extremist and they investigate him again
And it's part of this pattern
We're now seeing john where a number of fbi agents have come to us as whistleblowers talking about
The pressure to juice the numbers
And catalog and create and and have all these quote domestic violent extremism cases
That is a concern particularly when you view it in the broader context of in what we have seen from the fbi and the justice department
over the last six years
You just watched or listened to a clip of republican congressman jim jordan exposing
What we already knew was going on behind the scenes
But now they have all these whistleblowers coming forward
Confirming that the fbi was ordered to put out fake statistics and claim the number one threat in america is white supremacy
White supremacy is super rare. It's still terrible when it happens and we've been warning of it
months before
That that they would have wind up provocateur
Manchurian candidates attack black grocery stores and you indeed saw exactly what then happened specifically because i've been studying the enemy and their
Pre-programming so it is a threat, but it's one of the lowest threats out there. Why are they hyping this up?
Well, they put out statistics that white supremacy is the number one crime in america by counting or the number one hate crime in america
By counting all white crime whether it's white on white white on black white on hispanic white on asian all crime
As a hate crime if a white person did it
Statistically whites commit some of the lowest levels of crimes
But by saying it's the highest level hate crime by counting all white crime as a hate crime
They have lied to the public but the whistleblower goes into more detail how they were basically told to falsify
These investigations to create this giant fear to not say china or ms-13
Or radical islam is the outside threat that the deep state uses for control domestically
Even though those outside threats are real to take away our liberties like the patriot act
Now they're directly moving it from radical islam and china and russia to the american people
And the best analogy has been used by owens shroyer
When he describes that moment in indiana jones raiders lost art
Where he's about to get the idol and put the bag of sand that weighs the same amount
Right on it and then hope it doesn't trigger the collapse
And and the booby traps and that's what they're doing. They're they're moving radical islam and all the rest of it
They've taken our liberties away supposedly fighting and then putting the american people or the terrorists the american people
Are the enemy and they do this over and over and over again. It's so incredibly dangerous, but i've said many times
It's going to be the whistleblowers in every aspect in corporate america and in government and and and in the ecclesiastical system and in education
Coming forward and and talking about how this is premeditated lies
Whether it's the fake global warming or whether it's you know all these agendas that's going to bring this down
So I salute the good FBI agents and justice department people that have been going public
And I salute the listeners and viewers of this broadcast that have kept
This vanguard of liberty at the forefront. So i want to thank you all alex stein doing a great job today
It's about to take over in a moment. I'm here in cadetica for their show trials
We're posting a lot of exclusive information where i'm standing up against this tyranny to band-aid video
If you want to separately learn about that. I have refused
under orders
Because you never before happened in us history for a judge to tell somebody you must say you're guilty
I refuse to lie. I refuse to do that. So suddenly they're not want me to testify now
Uh, they wanted to test the waters and just see if I would get up on the stand and say i'm guilty of all the things
They've said when i'm not it's absolutely incredible
But we're here who knows will still have me testify
They wanted me last week and said now we don't want you and then they said we want you this week
And now they sent me away from the courthouse. They said we may call you back
So i'm just sitting here in beautiful cadetica man. This place is gorgeous
And we're into a lot of fans and great people here. So we're gonna get back to alex stein
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I want to thank alan stein for being here today and sitting there while I try to keep us on air
He's knocking out of the park. He's about to take over right now and more and more people like alec stein
who just a year ago got in the fight
Are taking the world by storm and that's what's so exciting and what scares the globalist
They can try to take me out, but they can't take all of us or you out
So back to live broadcasting and thank you so much for your support
Wow very kind words from the godfather of
A conspiracy the man the myth the legend alex jones him just saying that
Uh makes me feel so good and in I'll be honest like sometimes I do feel a little guilt
Not white guilt because I wasn't that great of an athlete
So I wish if I was a really good athlete, maybe I'd have white guilt but no no no on a seriously though
I uh, we only have a short time before we go to the break, but I kind of want to make this
point because
Over the past year I've been you know really been very challenging losing the person that I love the most
But I've also been very blessed where I've uh been thrown into this culture war fight and I've had some success
And I've had some notoriety and I've been able I've been able to get people's attention
And they've been able to put me on their platforms like what you're seeing here
So I'm so thankful and honored to even have the attention
Of somebody like alex jones of people, you know at the blaze that has offered me, you know a great job and just uh
A lot of other people glint back a lot of people have noticed me and I'm not trying to name drop
But I guess my point being is why do I feel guilty? Well?
I know right now people are struggling tremendously not just with the inflation
But the fact that we're going through a recession at the same time is what they call stagflation
People cannot even afford to fill up their gas tanks
And the people that are making it are probably in some sort of credit card debt
So it's easy to kind of get distracted by just trying to make it where you don't even worry about the sudden adult death syndrome
You don't want to worry about the you know migra crisis
You don't want to worry about the destabilization of the american middle class or the idea that you know
There is no american dream anymore because you can't afford a house because
You're just worried about
Paying your apartment bills and you're just you know worried about making it to wednesday if it's a tuesday like it is today
So for me, I feel a little guilty because right now i'm having the most success i've ever had when other people are doing bad
And it makes me feel a little rotten that
That this is the world we live in that it's unfair and that you are not promised a rose garden
And I think that the sooner that we can realize that it's not fair
Then that will give us the strength to overcome
the cheating and the lying
And all of the scams
That the government is is doing against us once you realize that it's not a fair system and that you have to fight
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order. It's alex jones
You know, we're just cranking out the hits today
We're playing some great music. What is this? This is where this is a espionage. That's a mission impossible
Because you know when primetime night and that gets on the mic. It's impossible
It's like the impossible whopper. It's not meat. That's human meat probably or glue. Who knows?
But I love the mission impossible tom cruise
Everybody needs to go see the movie american made about tom cruise playing barry seal
Who flew in drugs during the iran contra from nicarago?
We would give them guns they would give us cocaine and the cia would distribute this
All throughout the united states of america and you guys can look this up
Look up the iran contra for the people playing at home that aren't familiar with it
And as well as look up tom cruise in american made the story of barry seal and how the cia
Literally smuggled in cocaine from south america and the reason why I bring up the iran contra, you know this segment
Right now. We have no guests. This is the you know, we bring you into the fire
This is the primetime night and I in segment. This is the pimp ono blimp the monologue of all monologues
I wanted to come here and I wanted to express myself and I really wanted to
Pull up this graphic because when I was listening to alex's press conference one thing that he kept reiterating
Which I really have a lot of respect for he's just talking about these wmd's these weapons of mass destruction that didn't exist
It basically got us in a 20 year war and killed millions of millions upon millions
I think you could argue of muslims of all different countries all because of weapons of mass destruction
That didn't exist and one of the few people that were speaking out against that was a guy named alex shones and the reason why alex was
King to what is going on
Not only did he predict before you know saying that osama bin laden would be blamed for some sort of false flag attack on
9 11 but
What was so insane about the weapons of mass destruction was the coordinated effect of the mainstream media
Coming together to use trauma-based mind control similar to what they used during the pandemic to scare you into getting vaccinated
Or indeed you know sitting in your house and wearing a mask 24 7
It was just so coordinated that it would you would be considered a crazy person if you said oh well them fellers on the tv
They're lying
You would be considered a crazy person now in this day and age. Basically. I think everybody's woken up from the pandemic
We don't must all agree now that the news is fake
But there was a time when this wasn't the case and there was very few people
Except for alex jones calling out the lies and now I wanted to bring up
For me a little bit about my story and why I am who I am today
I know alex you know said i've been in this fight for the past year and and and he's correct in that
I've gotten some notoriety in the past year, but i've been doing this a little longer. You know about three years not that long
Not even close to alex, but um
How did I become?
radicalized against the global elitists that are ruining the world and for me what was just
You know glaring
Was tower seven on 9 11 and now i'm finding all this after the facts
Of course you have guys like eddie bravo on joe rogan show a show that obviously alex has been on many times
Talking about this subject talking about tower seven and i remember just watching these clips and this is you know
2015 is was about when i got really awake to it because you know i'd seen alex
He's one of the most famous broadcasters to ever exist and he would go on a lot of mainstream shows
He went on the view he went on howard stern and i would listen to him and i'd say oh man this makes sense
But i wasn't a hundred percent bought in i just just because i hadn't put in the research right you hear this stuff
And you almost want the the cognitive dissonance part of your brain you're like oh there's no way
There's no way that the government would have a coordinated attack against its own citizens
Why would they do that it doesn't make sense because the cognitive dissonance part of your brain is like oh well
These people in power have our back
Well, that's not the case and i think 9 11 was such a glaring example of
When you do something
Oh part of the hegelian dialectic it's called problem reaction solution the solution
Was always going to go destabilize the middle east in the seven biggest threats to israel and saudi arabia
That was always the plan and that was in what was called the project for new american century
Who joe biden was actually considered one of the authors of
And in this project for new american century
We want to go after these middle eastern countries and a lot of times, you know people looking back the revisionist histories
Oh, we're in the middle east because we wanted their oil and gas that doesn't even make sense
We got enough oil and gas reserves in in texas in and alaska
Individually to support the whole entire world i believe and you know don't quote me on that
But it is somewhere roughly like that where we could produce we could definitely be energy
Independent we wouldn't even need this saudi arabian gas and then you know you'd link it like we think you you might
We think them weapons of mass destruction and then you also got to think there's this thing called the baka
Bazi where these wealthy afghanistan men would often have multiple apprentice type relationship with children
And they would also have sexual relationships with them and this is common. This is part of their culture and it would oftentimes be
Wealthy afghan afghani men. Well, I don't even know if that's a yeah afghanistan men afghanis whatever you want to call them
I don't want to be insensitive to their culture, but
our own
Our own government knew about this our own military would walk in and would see child
Molestation happening multiple kids victims of this and they would do nothing
So we're over there with no clear objective
And we're seeing child molestation from people in power and our government and our military is not doing anything
If there is ever a just reason to go to war and i'm a conflict interventionist
I hate the idea of getting a gun and shooting another human being even if we
Disagree on the most important issue
If there was one reason to go get a knife and say i'm gonna go fight these globals i'm gonna go out i'm gonna get into war
It would be to go take out child predators
But that's not what our government did. That's not what our military did as a matter of fact our military let it happen
They basically enabled it
And then you look at 9-11 and you look at
why do
People in power do false flag attacks and america wasn't the first person to do a false flag attack
Hayley shames for doing a false flag attack a lot of governments over time have done this false flag attack
And i see for me it's very touching because it woke me up to the reality that the government does not have our best interest
And that the government will lie
And then i see you know i come for a circle and i see this clip and i sent it to the production guys
This is in like chengga china i believe and this is a uh
I don't know it's like a 47 story building or something. It's a really tall building and this building burnt for hours
You guys will see this look at this
Major fire broke out in high-rise telecom building in the central city of chengxia china
And you'll see this building burned for hours
It burned for hours and hours and hours and guess what it didn't do it didn't collapse into its own footprint
Which makes me wonder wow the official story that a 47 story building tower seven
Which would be you know the tallest building in nearly 40 states
It fell down and collapsed into its own footprint
From literal office fires and this is nist these are people you know the national institute of science and technology
These are top governmental agencies looking to our face urinating on us and telling us its raining so
What i want you to realize the people playing at home and i know if you're an info warrior you know all this
You know that we're living under massive lies and that we're you know constantly
Being bamboozled, but i just want to say that we constantly have to be aware for the next
Psychological operation now i go back and i was awake to 9 11 before all this pandemic stuff
So that gave me a little bit of an edge
But even even with that prior knowledge that i have i could not have expected
The coronavirus to be such an evil
Evil thing where we traded even more freedom
Under the guise of safety, which is what they always want to do they want you to trade your freedom for safety
But at the end of the day you're neither gonna you're gonna have neither freedom or safety
You're not gonna have any
And 9 11 was a good example of people doing that of us giving you know the signing way and authorizing the patriot act
Which gives them warrantless search and seizure of our phone and emails
And we created this terrorist in the middle east that we all had to go after and we all hated and everybody was so scared that they had these big tubes and
And everybody said oh, they're gonna shoot a weapon against us
And now they've been able to use that same
Psyop that same psychological operation
Impivot it to american citizens creating the domestic terrorist
Creating a citizen that hates his own country when in reality any citizen that was there on january 6th
Knew that the fraudulent election happened and they were out there trying to do whatever they could to save a republic not destroy it
But because the government can lie because the government can take down
Three buildings with two planes because the government can say the sudden adult death syndrome is naturally occurring because of the climate
And you're never going to get a fair shake
And the pandemic was the worst
Worst worst pivot i've ever seen the government take of control and i don't think
That we're ever gonna get our freedom back because everybody's sadly and i'm not trying to be a negative nancy is under so much trauma based mind control
They're just happy to be able to not have to wear a mask on a plane while i haven't won one to wear a mask this whole time
I haven't wanted to play these reindeer games at all but now
What i see and what i fear is that the pandemic may be over and you see joe biden saying that on 60 minutes
Well, guess what the climate lockdowns are going to be even worse the food shortages are going to be even worse
If you think you've seen bad
Will hold on to your seat
It's only going to get worse and i'm not saying this meant to scare you like they use trauma based mind control
I tell you this so that you can prepare so you do not live in fear
So that the government cannot make you trade all of your freedom under this fake safety umbrella
That's going to give you
Neither safety nor freedom. All right guys. We've got some great guests after the break. Make sure to support us infowarstore
dot com
And uh do not live in fear even though we live in a very scary world. We're going to see on the other side
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
Man just a little bit of sting in the police to kind of bring us into my next guest
He's one of my very good friends and uh
You know, I was just talking about I just kind of did a short little monologue about how the government is basically
doing psychological operations and doing false like attacks to take away
freedom under the guise of safety and
My very good friend luke is a very big example of that right now
He is on trial for participating in january 6th
And they've unfairly charged him with assaulting a police officer amongst other charges
And I think if you know luke like obviously he would never want to assault a cop
So once again, they want to take away your freedom. So welcome to the show luke. How are you doing my friend?
I'm doing well alex. Thanks for having me brother. Okay, so so tell us a little bit about your story
I know a lot of people have seen documentaries. I know you and I have talked about it
But for the people that don't know you luke give them the cliff notes of what's going on with you
Yeah, so I attended the stop the steel rally with a buddy. I went out as a i'm a documentary
Filmmaker commercial director and I went out there
really with the attention to
potentially shooting
Just great footage from what was an awesome
Day up until I arrived at the Capitol. I was there at the ellipse for several hours alex and uh, just it was
Kind of a uh, what you don't see in the media. There were upwards of two million people there
And it was a festival like an american festival like atmosphere tailgate party
um, a lot of people praying I was interviewing cuban and
uh, chinese americans that escaped communism and then they were uh, they were basically
Telling us, you know that communism is knocking on our door and uh, so
Uh, I was actually headed back to my hotel late that afternoon. I around 3 45 and to charge my batteries
I knew nothing what had started at the Capitol and um, I was approached by three
Different young younger guys that were saying people were dying inside the Capitol. We need patriots
This is the first time I'd heard anything about what was going on there
But you and another friend had warned me about a potential, um, false flag or elements of a false flag
BLM and tifa
Other provocateurs making it look like trump supporters
So I felt called to go up there and deescalate and pray and
um, so I was I walked right up to where I ended up the west side tears and um, there were uh, some
just, uh
sketchy characters one of which was uh, this guy walked by me and he had
blood running down his face and was and they were saying that there were
What I believe were provocateurs saying the same thing people are dying inside. We need patriots to push up and uh
There was what's called the scaffolding commander a guy on a bullhorn saying get your weapons and push in
but this particular guy, uh
Had blood running down his face and as I got closer it looked like stage blood
Which I've worked with in my 20 years in the film industry and I wiped it and it was stage blood
And so I was trying to show people
um, that there were and there were other people that had guys that had like
bandages around
their uh, their head and it looked like they just come out of a mashed hit
So wait, so wait, but let me call let me let me pause you because we've got to go to break in a minute
But you're telling me you saw crisis actors
You believe you're sure that those were crisis acts because I I mean ray abs
We know that there's all kinds of agent provocateurs
But I'm saying I think it takes to a different level when they go to the crisis actors
And they have the fake blood or they put on the bandage around the neck
So from what you experienced you you believe that you experienced actual crisis actors
I I do believe that just big done enough castings as a commercial director and
The bandages were so over the top and again the blood that I
Literally rubbed off his face was syrupy and it was stage blood
So I'm not saying all all blood that day was was uh, fake, but I did encounter that
And as I was walking up there, they were shooting the tear gas in the in the projectiles into a peaceful crowd of
What the the medium age that day was were boomers really?
they uh
It was it was there was confusion and chaos of course, but and people were pushing
Into this tunnel when I'll pick it up after the break, but
You know how to go to the break Luke. You are a filmmaker professional. You've seen him on friday night lights
You've seen him on tv
You know, he's the big celebrity that they keep saying they busted on january 6th. So see on the other side of the break
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You are listening to an infowars.com front line report if you are receiving this transmission. You are the resistance
All right, we're back with my very good friend actor filmmaker Luke coffee
I mean Luke, you know just for me a young man like yourself and I know you and I aren't necessarily kids
I know we kind of probably act like it a little bit, but I guess my point being is
You're a young man. You have no criminal history and you're facing
You know a serious sentence explain to the people at home
What have they tried to come at you with then they originally offered you five years and 18 months?
What has been your uh, the so far with the case? What have they offered you?
Yeah, initially it was uh, it was going to be a mr. Mainer and essentially I
I Alex I went up and was trying to prevent um, get in the middle of the gap between the the riders and
the police, uh, I had just seen
Just a pool of people
Fall out of the tunnel and they had released tear gas. So I went up there as a peacemaker
two different judges, you know initially have released me released me and
Uh, you know because they my charges didn't didn't echo
What I actually did that day and that was trying to deescalate
The events and especially specifically what was happening in that tunnel
um, so I have been charged with initially it was just five charges and they've gone up to
To six charges
Assault with the deadly weapon or six of the charges and I picked up a crutch put it over my head and
I was saying in the name of jesus, please lord stop this and I I was hit immediately by um
Several police and sprayed in the face and then also hit was rosanne boyland who people should know her name was killed
Right next to me unknowingly. She was laying right now
I'm next to me unconscious being beaten by lila morris who was one of the four cops that elevated as the heroes from that day
Um, so yes, it's been the first plea deal was four to five years. Um, and uh
it's gone down to eight to 14 months and um
And I I do want to go to I'm I plan on going to trial and fighting these charges
uh, originally the fbi said it would be if anything a misdemeanor
and um
It's been elevated to assault to assault with the deadly weapon the crutch
I did push against the police line in a reactionary flight or flight moment and uh, but they all had
Full shields and I pushed at waist level and it was in a defensive mechanism because I was being hit
And uh, that was after being up there for 3045 seconds telling
The cops to stop and including the crowd everyone to stop
So, um, it's yes, it's been I did 45 days in prison. I just got off home detention after 20 months
Um here in east texas
And uh, I go to trial
February 27th to march 4th, but I just want to echo that
That day they had I was already almost I made it back to my hotel and the perception on the tv
The narrative was that it was worse than 9 11
And uh pearl harbour, which isn't that an insult to all the families that lost loved ones that day?
I mean, it's it's disgusting especially coming up on the anniversary or we just passed the anniversary of that day
so to compare it where there were only
Four trump supporters that died that day rosanne boylan ashley babbit
benjamin phillips and heaven greece and
um two gentlemen had a heart attack when when uh, uh, there were different uh munitions deployed on the peaceful crowd
And that hit right by them and uh, so they both had heart attacks
so no no police died that day don't tell her commander in chief that because uh
He's he's he's telling everyone that police died that day. So it's yeah, it's been uh, interesting
interesting year and a half, um, and I'm uh got a long road ahead of me
But I am planning to go to trial and fight these chargers else
Yeah, you have a lot of cojones as they say as we say here in texas because uh, you know, I'd be a little nervous
I'm sure you are, you know, a little nervous when you talk about the 45 days that you did and for me
It just bugs the heck out of me because people don't realize well
I guess I know you're a filmmaker you're an actor, but you're a comedian you're a goofball
You know what I mean? I mean, I'll do respect
You know, you're not some sort of hardened criminal that belongs in a serious penitentiary
Like you you belong in the opposite you belong helping people in a penitentiary in my opinion
So I just the fact that you're able to be so stoic in this time of where I would be, you know
You're tinkling in my pants
I I really have to commend you and and I think when you watch that footage we showed it earlier you have such a strong connection
to god to the creator and
Go back and explain that didn't you feel called you felt compelled by god to go and
Interject because like I said you are a comedian. You're like a funny guy. You're like me
So that's what I imagine you'd want to de-escalate the situation
De-escalate the situation not make it worse. Just me knowing you as a friend
Yeah, I had absolutely no intention to
Make anything worse and and was called. I heard the Holy Spirit say to go stand in the gap
And it was right after
It was traumatic the tear gas was deployed in a closed tunnel which is against protocol police protocol
and so the use of force was excessive that day and
It was very obvious, you know, and I did so as people tumbled down there were people underneath the
The pile and I was there's video me saying stop. Let's pray. Let's pray
Um and right before I ended up walking up
But I did hear god say go stand in the gap and all I could do was go up there and
You know put my hands up, you know and and and and then I was hit and sprayed but I was saying we're all americans
A family divided will not stand that famous gospel quote and uh that also Lincoln said
Um and was immediately hit and there was a rage that um it appeared that the police had and
Towards, you know the riders, but I was it was very clear that I was going up there as a peacemaker
And I think video evidence will show that in trial when given the opportunity to present it in uh in front of
A jury so it is it is a uh
I do feel without a doubt. It's not a coincidence. I believe god is providential and he's allowed this. Um, it's been
Very hard on all of us j6ers how they've portrayed us in the media as domestic terrorists
Some of my own family members have bought into that narrative and can't even see the uh the truth
They can't even hear the truth or see the video evidence that proves my story
Um so in my account, but uh again, it was immediately we were you know, it was this um
You know that we were put up on I was put up on the fbi most wanted list
And it was a shock and awe campaign to come up kind of arrest us and and you know
And I did 45 days in prison, but I did the whole time during this whole time
I you know for anybody that's going through suffering
I felt god in in my brokenness and suffering during this and uh, I believe he's good in all things
And he works things all out for those who love him
And this is a battle of good versus evil. Um where we're seeing play out and I just want to stand for truth
Um in and uh, whatever god has for me
I'm prepared and I really am at peace god's taking away my fear
Alex and and I do want to do more comedy and go back to who I was and not being labeled as a domestic terrorist and
And uh, you know the potential fellow felon. I know and you're definitely not uh domestic terrorist
I mean, I remember when they put you on that fbi was most wanted list
That's the same list Osama bin Laden was on and I mean, you know
You know, you're like with the mag of granny, you know walking around the capital and this is what pisses me off the most
Oh, look is that not even the january 6th show trial and stuff
But that people like aoc they act and they really try to play the victim like the qanon shaman was going to walk in there with
Horns and decertify an election. I mean, it's just laughable and I just went on a capital tour
We should be able to go walk through the capital now
I know that they were trying to do a vote and they're trying to say oh you're a domestic terrorist because
You're trying to stop the vote the vote would have gone through they weren't gonna able they were not
Didn't matter there's 20 million people there
They weren't going to be able to decertify an election because they weren't even smart enough. They wouldn't even know how to do it
This fake outrage
By the people in charge comparing january 6th like it was some sort of terrorist attack worse than 9 11
When I remember that being one of the worst days of my life watching my family my mom my dad cry
Not knowing what's going to happen in the world and they compare that to the people that died on 9 11
To the few people american patriots that died like ashley babbit
It makes me sick and it really makes me sick that a guy like you we're about to go to the break
We'll wrap this up on the other end
But a guy like you that cared about our country that knows that joe biden didn't get 81 million votes
That knows that donald trump went from 63 million to 81 million that alone from 2016 to 2020 is enough evidence to prove to me
That he won the election
You knew we were robbed you wouldn't try to do something about it and for
Saying the emperor doesn't have any clothes on now. You are facing years behind bars. It's just it's unfair
All right, we're gonna we're gonna wrap this up on the other end of the break
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order, it's alex jones
Well, we're back, baby and we are back
Orange not black. We're in orange today. No black for me prime time 99. I'm looking
Fresh today. You see the white you see the pocket square
And we have a you know, not only am I handsome, but our guest is a very handsome man actor
Filmmaker Luke and you know, look, you know, we this whole segment
We've been so negative talking about january 6 and all your upcoming legal battles
So I want to kind of get your mind off that for a second
I don't know if you can see this picture very well Luke, but you should be able to see these bezongas from outer space
So this is a a local teacher in high school
And I know you and I went to Highland Park High School
We are fighting scots
Could you imagine if one of our teachers tried to pull one of these scams coming in with these big old fake boobs like that?
I mean, what would you do? I can't even imagine a teacher. We both had mr. Harris
Yeah, I don't know if you had mr. Harris, but could you imagine?
One of our teachers coming in with those big fake boobs like that. I would be so happy
I'd be like a kid on a field trip. I would love it
I mean, I would be I would be crying laughing the whole time
And I'm surprised that that woodshop keeper teacher didn't cut off as his
ginormous prosthetic boobs with that razor saw right there
When he was doing I saw the video. I mean, it's unbelievable
That could have easily that could have been a
You know a cautionary
Tail to not wear your fake prosthesis when you're doing woodshop and teaching specifically. So, uh, no, it's
Bizarre we're living in bizarre town USA. Uh, we're that this can be somehow
but I would be
completely crying laughing and
There's no way I could call him
Miss or whatever he his pronoun that he preferred as with I don't mean I call her, you know
I'd have a different nickname for you know that dealt with her
You better call her Kayla or else you're going to be in the principal's office Luke
You got to call her big Kayla with the big gizongas. Okay, uh, but you know
I know you're awake to a lot of this and you know, I kind of saw like I was just kind of speaking about it earlier
How 9-11 was like a big
Wake up for me
And I believe you know, I've had this conversation
You know, I think the people in power the small people that are at the top of the pyramid, you know
Not just the trilateral commission not just like every, you know, world economic forum leader
Um, but I believe that they like to mock us
So do you think that this teacher with these big boobs like that are they being serious?
Are they just trying to mock us in some sort of political stunt or does this person really think they're Kayla with breasts like that?
I think that um, most of these people would you know back in the day being an insane asylum
But the agenda is to mock god without a doubt
It's a luciferian agenda where it turns everything upside down anything god says it's complete opposite
Do as thou wilt as the satanic bible says so to make the most bizarre
You know have morality go completely against god's design is
Absolutely against their agenda. So he they're definitely mocking god
mocking christians mocking those that have
this the morality and faith
that tells us that gives us
A a lane to to drive in and it says hey you can live a full life
but just stay within this lane and you know now it's we're living in a you know
Time for anything goes, you know, you you can become a cat if you want to and we're supposed to
We are supposed to not speak up and say well, you're not a kitty cat. You know, you're a human being and uh with that we're we're
um, not we're not empathetic because we are not playing into their
Fix their fiction the land of fiction
Yeah, because you know, so it's yeah, it's there's definitely agenda where they're mocking
um, and if you look you look at every great society has fallen when they took god out of it and uh,
D morality came um, and so that's what we're seeing
I mean happened in rome and it's happening here. Well, tell me this so luke for the people that I might I know luke was uh
Filmmaker, he's been on friday night lights. He's been on prison break
He's had you know some roles on some tv shows and you've had experience with hollywood
So in your opinion, why is hollywood so evil and satanic?
And I'm sure everybody watching on info wars knows that you know, disney all these corporations all these media companies are basically evil
Uh, why is why is uh, hollywood so satanic and demonic in your opinion luke?
well because the uh
The agenda the new world order. I mean you look at the power of media and uh,
satan lucifer was the prince of the airways and he still is the prince of the airways and he was
The uh, the god of worship, you know, he was the angel of worship
And so you see that with music industry and entertainment that uh, how if you could control the minds
You control the people and through propagandized
media and this liberal agenda which celebrates all things that are against god and his and his design and his uh
laws and you say you you see um a society that it's a it's a slippery slope it continues to fall into uh
Uh, uh, just where we are existing now where you know, those that are calling it out or um, well they're calling out truth
We are uh, you know, we we are lacking compassion. We we are telling lies
We're you know, and it's my truth now
Alex, it's not there's not absolute truth anymore
But hollywood has done such the puppets in hollywood. They they have all compromised and uh had sold their souls literally I believe
To uh to this agenda and the state and when it comes down to it to be the puppets
And that includes dc, but hollywood so much where where you have like somebody like the rock that has
680 million followers
These are the modern day pharaohs and gods and how they communicate with us is through the media through the airways
You know and through social media these days where we're elevating them to this godlike status
And it we've we've let god the real god the creator fall and we're looking at men to rescue us
Or you know, listen to what they say and how to take care of our bodies and our health
I mean, it's completely ridiculous that we let these people that have just they have literally
Um because they want the fame and fortune that comes with it and they get they get to come elites and you know
George carlin says it's a small club and you're not in it and that's
It's it is it's a you know, and it's you know, we know free masonry and and the illuminati is all very real
And uh, that's what's controlling this new world order in this liberal one world agenda that is actually biblical
Prophecy coming true
Book of revelation and and book of daniel is playing out right in front of our eyes. They're ready for one world religion
The mark of the beast is being set up and so it's it's
It's a wild time to be alive. But for those that believe in god the creator and and our allegiance is to him
It's the most exciting time to be alive. I believe I think we're going to see great. Um, a great, uh
Revival I hope in this country and across the world because we're becoming
Awake to how evil our world really is
And and the greatest trick the devil overplayed was
Demensing world he doesn't exist
But now we're seeing him not even try to hide he's coming
He's coming out and playing all over this world and not even trying to
To uh put on a cloak of disguise. So that's that's where we are
It's insane. I only got about 50 seconds explain real quick just quickly, you know the casting couch harvey Weinstein, you know
You have straight men do uh, you know gay sex, you know for for movie roles
I guess is that is that just so common in hallowed people don't even realize luke and you know
How it's so it's so very real
I mean the everyone it was a hidden
I mean, it was a known secret that Weinstein was doing that for years and years
And all but it what has been kind of hidden is the the the gay casting couch, you know
The day I arrived in hollywood, they told me when I was off to the job at Warner Brothers that uh,
You need to know this town is run by a homosexual and jewish mafia and I believe
Oh my gosh, I don't say we're gonna wrap it up. No, uh, be careful what you say on info wars even here
We don't want them coming out. Thank you luke
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The great reset and the war for the world by alex jones now number one in the world
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
Wow kind of a little little funkier song for our
Last 30 minutes of the program. I just want to say it's been a pleasure going on this ride
And I know I've had a lot of my friends on but
And I want to say thank you to alex jones so much for letting me host
But I'm just looking at this this book and my biological father tucker was talking about how it is one of the new york times
Bestseller, but I want to make a big complaint. Well the production. Please tell alex that we need more pictures
I can't read. All right alex. We need pictures. We need memes. That's the only thing is I want nude photos of alex jones
That's how you become a millionaire as you have the nude photos book. All right
Let's get back to my buddies the one the only
Royce and mers from revenge of the siss are my very good friends their internet commentators that you know
Uh, they're funny guys. They've been on the show before you've seen it before if they were here right now
I would stab you right in your neck right now
I would stick this right in mers and I would just you know do like that and then I would I would stab you as well Royce
Okay, welcome to the show guys. How are you guys doing? Yeah, we're just starting off on a bad foot today
Are you guys there? I'm a little I'm a little mad at you guys. What are you okay?
Why why do I get stabbed second? Oh, no, it's just because you guys I thought you know
I didn't know that you guys would be kind of in the
A gay relationship with your chair so close. I thought it would be a little different setup. So now I'm yeah
He's further. He's further than that. You guys edit it together. Okay. Thank god
Thank god
You guys aren't sitting that close together. Okay. We're going off the rails guys. It's into the show. It was you uncomfortable
You're uncomfortable like, you know showing your appreciation to your bros. No
Yeah, we're just you know, we're just growing down your bro. There you go, bro. Is that better? No, there we go. There we go. That's what I'm used to
No, that's what I used to know. You guys are so professional. You guys work so hard
And what sucks is risen I want to bring you guys on is, you know, Alex has been kicked off youtube
And I know you guys have been struggling now with the censorship off youtube and now that you guys have had success
With the rumble, uh, you know alternative platform
But I mean, I think Andrew Breitbart said that in the you know, he was very keen to what's happening with the internet
Is that we're going to end up having to be on these internet ghettos?
So do you guys feel like you're kind of now in the internet ghetto because you can't survive on the
You know mainstream platforms that they provide us
I mean, there is absolutely a a an inter an internet ghetto and there's actually pretty ironically a lot more Hispanic and brown people
That are being forced into it, which is hilarious, right?
Life imitates art, but no, I mean
Look, I think that you're right. I think that whenever the first we talk about all the time the first 90 days
That we were even a show we were on twitch live because that's back in day
We've taken like 30 day bands for every strike you got we keep getting strike get strikes on youtube
But here's the problem man. Everybody always complains everybody complains it complains about oh youtube so bad youtube is bad
I know I know it's bad, but at the end of the day you got to do
You have to kind of like, you know, crap or get off the pot, right?
Like either go find another site and start doing something at least rumble now has, you know, getting some good people, you know some
Signing some nice people over there. So it's it's a it's a little
Feels a little safer. I saw my man prime time yesterday. He was doing a show with some commie
Jackson he's he is he is a I think he is a mag of communists. I think is this whole thing
Okay, and you know, I listen we can't even do this interview without talking with the main man
I mean mercy, you know, I don't even want to give these internet
Freaks these internet stalkers, so we're not going to give them any clout
But I I have to give you clout though mercy because you were probably the most stalked man online for the people that are playing at home
They might not know this but mercy is literally I'm telling you they send him food to his house
They do all this crazy stuff. So mercy, how do you stand the internet stalking because I get nervous like, you know
Some antifa drove by my house and shined a light in it
Do you get nervous of these these freaks or do you realize they're all just soy boys that that couldn't even touch you if they wanted?
Yeah, they don't I mean, it's one of those things that they anything they do
It's always some like little stuff hiding in the shadows
I don't remember ever really gonna get close to you and you know if they get to you know
If they enter my place of living then it's gonna get weird for them
But no man, it's just I don't care about any of that stuff, man
They say the more popular you get you're gonna get hated on do you feel like that because I don't like it
I don't like getting hated on how much I mean I get hated on a lot when I go through Dan Crenshaw and I go through AOC
So I'm used to it, but it still kind of sucks. Like what are you numb to the hate or is it still kind of a buggy a little?
I would say I almost kind of to a certain extent you got to start to enjoy it man. Yeah, I mean, you know
Getting under people's skin. Yeah, why not? I mean, I grew up watching the heels man. I was a Bobby Heenan guy
I'm a you know what I mean? I'm a ravishing Rick rude guy, man
I want to make people boo me. It's more fun. Yeah, and I think you do play the villain role because you know, you are funny
You're I think both of you guys are really funny and that's why they don't like you too
It's because it's like, you know, there's so many people that want to be funny and it's kind of like a natural thing
You know, you can you can try to be funny and goofy a little bit and maybe you get lucky
But to actually have like timing and you know perception of what other stuff is funny
You know, that's kind of like I think it's like DNA. You're just kind of born with it
So do you think that's another reason why you guys are getting targeted because you're actually funny?
And you guys are actually create a good show and you guys work your butt off
But just but first off it's it's funny hearing it's funny hearing somebody like Alex be like man people are gonna have to man
I can't log on to the internet, bro without like the half the internet one day is like Alex is actually a hero
Then the same people like oh, oh, you went a little far with the warmonger
I don't know who should have picked on the warmonger so much. Yeah, he was in the military. You're not allowed to criticize him ever now
That's the rule. That's that's our goal. No, but the problem is man. It's like there's no way you could look at going into what we do
Right and go like people are gonna hate you if you're good at it, they're gonna hate you
It's why now they're gonna sue DeSantis
But they didn't try to sue any or go after criminally any other of the governors that were doing it first
But because he's a threat you always go after the people that you did the most imminent threat people are you trying to every time you do
Something they don't have anybody that does that unless it's a Lincoln project and if the kid touch her
Yeah, no, you're right. And this is the other thing is this is why the another reason why like you guys is like
I don't like how they label. Oh, you're all right. You're super conservative. I think you guys are the same way
You guys aren't these ultra, you know conservative people and like that's what I think the majority of people are were populist like Alex Jones
We're on his network, you know, he's a populist first time and he would go after George Bush way harder than he probably went after Obama
Sometimes, you know, in certain
Uh, since certain examples, so we're anti establishment guys. So how do we defeat the establishment mercy? You know, 9 11 was a joke
I know I've heard you talk about it, but in your opinion, how do we defeat the establishment?
In some ways the funniest joke. No, um, I will say this
in 2017
When we read an splc article that labeled me and Royce and I quote
hardcore white supremacists
I checked out. I just checked out mentally. I was like at that point
It's like the same way when they call Tucker racist and I'm like, I've never heard him say a single racist thing in my life
But it's just like you said we're more populists and uh
You know, they tried the racist angle and then they tried the Nazi angle and then they tried to transform a comaphobic angle and it's like
You know, just call me whatever you want me. That's fine. Yeah, I mean the names the names lose their power. Don't they
Well at the very beginning of it going off of mercy at the very beginning of it when that article hit it was
I I'm both of us like what the hell this is weak
This is very beginning of what we're doing this like what is this and now if it were to have be like
Hey, I don't care and you just keep moving because you were tweeting Royce. You were tweeting
I'm free shot and it'll be like hey
another white supremacists
And it's like when that happened you Alex you laugh I called my mom's super Cuban and I go. Hey mom
According to the SPL CMR quite supremacist and she started howling laughing so loud that mercered her over the phone line
They're like you're a what I'm like. I don't know man
And and that was at first when we were still like this is not funny
Yes, it's not fun. You know what I mean and then after a few days you're like, this is just
This is so stupid. Yeah, and by the way, we got in trouble. We got in trouble because we were doing
Basically something that Sasha brand cone would have done. We were just kind of lightly trolling some boomers there making them say edgy stuff
That's it. And of course it was like, oh really? Okay. Look at them trying to infiltrate these alt right trumpers
Yeah, I mean, it's just they uh
They want to pay you not
It was an old QAnon boomer and he went on it was like he was basically being like all right
Yeah, like he was doing the bit like he was media. Yeah, basically being like, but you're a nazi though
But you're not right. I was trying to make like all about white people and she's like no no not at all
Just I believe that you know, we have questions about the government
He's like, all right, but in the literally his bit was but it like in solidarity, right?
In in the you know in the spirit of unity, right?
Can you give us a couple like he was just getting her to say these dog whistles as it was a joke
It was like the whole bit being like hey, we're unifying
But like white people, right? It was a bit. It was a joke. And yeah, well, we got to go to the break
We got 30 seconds. So it'll be honest, you know, uh now luckily I don't have to sell cars anymore
But the white customers were the worst to deal with but hey, what does that say?
What does that have to say to me? Is that racist? Is that racist? I don't know. They they asked the most questions
Okay on the other side of the break. We're gonna get into
the geopolitical conflicts of this day and age and we're gonna get Royce and Mersha's
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The best-selling book in america last week was the great reset and the war for the world written by
Alex Jones
Jones sold more than 56,000 copies of his book last week
But the new york times lied about that because the new york times doesn't want you to know that the new york times
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The great reset and the war for the world by alex jones now number one in the world
Get our great a bag of it here. I mean this is from people say why is it from Chiapas, mexico the communist
Well, that's where some of the best coffee in the world. That's wild harvested above organic in the volcanic soil better than
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In fact, I'm gonna tell you a little story
Yeah, like that. I think you want to believe it. Anyway, so it's infowarstore.com and that's how we fund this operation
And if you don't fund us, you don't want to share that's fine
Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
Guys, I just love the music today
It's like we're uh, it's like an episode or it's like the movie austin powers the man who shagged me
And that's what I feel like when I see these
I don't know if you guys have seen this teacher with these uh these delicious
Milkers on here these nancy pelosi things right here, but it reminds me of uh one of my favorite characters from austin powers
A lot of vagina. Can you say that? Can you say that are we allowed to say vagina?
Can I get somebody in the is that a green light red light? Is that is that one that is an okay word? Okay?
Well, I didn't know I never said it. I've never seen one. Maybe one day. I'll be lucky like mursh and I'll get to go inside one
I've heard they're very warm like an apple pie. Welcome to the show. You know, what's funny about that photo
You know what's funny about that photo alex of that teacher
You want to laugh you know, you know the first person to post that on twitter was me
And you know the first the video of that was me and you know how we found that video
Because I know the websites you go to are really weird and if we saw your search history, that's why that's why you found it
Okay, I'm kidding. Well, yeah, yes kind of but it was our producer vergy
Who was on the toilet on 4chan? He goes have you seen this?
It's a deleted thread so he downloaded the videos and then I'm like we got to post these we have to post these now
Dude and wait wait. So you guys have 4chan producers. That's why you guys show is so good. You guys have you guys are content farming
Yeah, he's an old epsilir as they say
What does that mean the f f he's in he's in he's a reformed homosexual. Did he go to one of those camps?
Yeah, and then yes, they turned him straight
Mike Pence actually turned me straight. I was a homosexual and then I went to summer camp with Mike Pence and now I'm straight
I believe the radio friendly version would have been like an old head
Yes, yes, you know what I mean. Yeah queen or whatever I say
Yeah, I mean, you know
Guys, there's a lot of people in the closet. What did you guys think about the conspiracy because I know we're on
Info wars you guys ever see the little wane kissing bird man
Like what do you guys think about the buck breaking how they always put the popular, you know black actor comedian in a dress
What do you guys think about that?
I do think there's an element to it
For sure, but I think that I don't think it's a black thing. I think it's just a Hollywood thing
I think they just like to humiliate their stars
But I don't know I don't like to use the term buck breaking
Because that's a Tariq Nasheed term and Tariq Nasheed made like a two-hour documentary about why white men are beaming gay thoughts into his head
And I just it was the weirdest documentary ever. It's just two hours of Tariq Nasheed going. Yeah, man
Like how come I'm always, you know, thinking about what's in my homies pants, huh?
Oh, no, man
Which is probably don't you get mad when white people make you feel gay and like his friends are like nah, man
No, man. I don't
Rock. Oh, okay. So you ain't trying to hug all up on your homies. I okay
Right. It's a white man doing this to us and they're like, I don't want to have sex with my homies
Well, who's who's a better representation Tariq Nasheed or talcum x of um
The black power movement
Well, Tariq Nasheed because he's actually black. I would argue
Well, okay. Do we so are we uh come to a consensus that uh talcum x has no
Uh african-american in them whatsoever. Is that what is that where we've come to?
zero parent
His parents are easily seen. I always go like I always say you're white sue me if I'm lying then prove
You have to prove to me you're not because I'm sorry, but I knew a lot of white kids with with haircuts like that
Of course, I knew the merch was one of them when he was in high school. He knows I had that six C's or do
But mersh you are part black though, right? Isn't that correct? Aren't you a quarter like me and irish?
Yes, yeah, that's what's basically the same thing. Basically you're basically
That irish so I'm about 25 black. That's true. That's fair
Okay, so you guys are big fans of the show and uh, you know, we got to wrap things up here in the next like five minutes
But will you guys see alex is facing another?
Freaking court case in Connecticut another civil case. Are they ever gonna let the man breathe?
What do you guys think's gonna happen with alex and all this constant litigation like are they have they beaten the horse to death yet?
I think they're gonna they're just trying to make an example out of them. I don't even think it's like at this point
I don't even think it's like oh, we hate alex on a personal level, but this is like, you know shooting
Disloyal lieutenant in the head in front of all the other lieutenant like they're trying to they're really trying to string them up
And in a very brutal way so that anyone who even thinks about trying to run any independent media
Or have an opinion about things will think twice. That's what I think and and uh, yeah, rois
I kind of want to you know ask your opinion, you know one of my favorite hashtags is alex jones was right
uh, could it be so right about all this stuff and uh
Nobody notices. I guess my point being is like set an adult distance or and that's the elephant in the room
I can see oh nobody's gonna notice that they're gonna say climate change but will people ever notice that alex jones was
Maybe he was wrong about one thing, but he's been right about the majority of this stuff and he's been able to
Basically, uh, you know forecast it before anybody else
When I take it to esoteric, but at the end of the day
How's history gonna judge it history's gonna think that he was a crazy person
Because that's the narrative that they want it to be but in reality
Not only is he right about a couple things like it's the level of the amount of the amount of things the guy's been right about
And totally on the nose
And the remember something they love this guy. They loved alex. He was in movies
He was in those very hollywood movies all the time. It wasn't until he goes. Hey, there's trump god doesn't like these people
That's all it took and it was like well sandy hooks sir
Mind you they didn't never cared about alex jones's 9 11 conspiracies. That's all fine who cares
But because you can't you can't sue a guy for 9 11 conspiracies
You can't sue him for sandy hook because it's more sensational. Do I think he's right? Yes
Do more do I think more people think he's right? Yes, but are you are you ever going to be allowed to say it online?
I don't know. You mean you mean all alex is crazy 9 11 theories that he had in july of 2001
Yeah, I mean basically before it all happened. I mean
It's basically gonna be an attack. There's gonna be it's gonna be at the towers. We're gonna use planes
Uh, I already know got the names of the guys. I've tried to tell everybody nobody's listening to me, dude
And you're here and by the way alex
I want to say something you are fearless dude considering that now you're being
You're pushed up there. You're at the top and you're still posting base 9 11 memes. You're 9 11
Yeah, right and people don't realize 9 11. I mean the pentagon didn't only give us any frames of the freaking planes
It's like come on that's common sense
So who and I know that uh, you know, you guys have called down to open anthony you guys
But who are your we got to wrap things up. We only got about three minutes
Who are your guys broadcasting?
Idols like mine is alex jones like and tucker carlson, you know, I'm there like you know offspring
Who is it kind of similar for you guys?
I mean mercer's mercer's been the alex back in the yeah, I've been like a 20 year alex alex is my internet dad
The way you look at tucker is your internet dad. Um, you're real dad
Uh, and then I would say on the on the broadcasting side, you know to agree probably like ron bennington
Ron bennington from ron and fez. I mean that guy is probably the best in the biz in my opinion
Yeah, well and and that's other things like, you know, we got to wrap things up
I keep saying that but I just people don't realize how hard it is even though
I know now you guys have you know, you're getting more producers you guys now on your show
It sounds like you have like 20 people that work on it
But uh, uh, uh my point because when you press live you press record
It's hard to do it. You guys are consistent and that consistency is key
People don't want to be consistent. That's why you guys are successful
And that's why I know that nothing's going to stop you from being even more successful in the future
As long as you stay consistent because your audience knows that you're always there to make them laugh or make them
You know look at it in a you know, kind of a weird light because I know you guys are both odd balls like myself
Okay, so tell everybody where can they find you and and and what is like, uh, you know
The kind of the rat things up
Where is the direction of our country going in these midterms if you can wrap that up in like a minute?
Rumble go to rumble go to rumble and search for avenger the sister. That's where I went
We're everywhere. We're on every site, but rumble just search there
Find our stuff and you'll find our patreon through that and all that stuff and quick. Where's it? Where's our country heading?
I don't know man
Pizza boxes pizza boxes on windows and reinforced elections. And if you don't believe it you go to a reeducation trans camp
Well, spend it on pizza. I don't get to come on this show and we're not gonna talk about pizza
I'm gonna talk about pizza without talking about pizza gay and people like John Podesta
talking about these people
Trafficking children on the lonely to express 26 times bill Clinton has got no secret service on it
And let me tell you something you guys if you use the new world order you guys try to come to me
I got a knife and I'm standing this in every globalist neck and I'm cutting your throat all the globalist
I'm primetime 99 dollars time and I just want the world to know that nothing can stop me
And I'm taking this place for hostage the crew you guys all work for me now and we're going after the globalist
You see this? Yes. I'm gonna get a little liposuction and I'll look better in a few months
So this is what we have to do
This is how we win the culture war is we go out and we buy a knife
We rip off our clothes so they cannot grab us because if we have clothes on that makes us more susceptible
To the predators and we go from the prey to the predator
Trafficking 99 stuff. I do not want freaking
Jeffrey Epstein hanging out with Hilary Clinton or hanging out on the Lolita Express
Glain mask sleeping with literal children the queen
His best friends are Jimmy Saville and her own son Prince Andrew is doggy styling
Teenagers we cannot stand for this. I'm gonna continue fighting if you're watching this
Just grab your knife start fighting start stabbing
If you don't do it, nobody's gonna do it for you. So thank you to my hero Alice Jones. Thank you to the crew
I'm primetime 99 dollars time. I want to grind all the time and I just want to say I love you all
Thank you for being here. Thank you for supporting go to infowarstore.com
Get some of this brain force. I'm on so much of it. My brain stopped working. I love you guys
Wait Royce
You guys are the best
Alex will be back very soon. Thank you guys
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Leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order. It's alex jones