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Filename: 20220905_Mon_Alex.mp3
Air Date: Sept. 5, 2022
2307 lines.

The article discusses various topics such as drought exacerbated by cloud seeding, consequences for farmers and ranchers, food processing plants facing disruptions due to drought, an increase in all-cause deaths among 18 to 49 year olds during the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccine issues overlooked by health organizations, potential global hunger crisis, tax advice, mismanagement of risk groups for the virus, negative impacts of lockdowns on society, gain-of-function research with China, therapeutic nihilism leading to unnecessary deaths, Vitamin D and Zinc supplementation to prevent spread of COVID-19, Sandy Hook shooting and FBI's Uniform Crime Report, sponsorship by One Fighting Championship for globalcitizen.org, predictions made by Dr. Lee Merritt regarding COVID-19 vaccines, lack of proper education on these issues, rapid development and affordability of gene-based therapies, potential dangers of graphene oxide, the concept of depopulation and transformation of people, research conducted by Kosnachev on mitogenic effect or "death photons," Royal Rife's microscope observing bacteria morphing into viruses, 5G towers during lockdowns, graphene oxide being found in vaccines, wavelength medicine and wavelength medical warfare, nanotechnology controlling humans, corrupt researchers, governments, and hospital administrators involved in this technology, a study by Gladfelter showing that 147 companies run the world, and recommendation to take high-quality multivitamins like Vitamin Mineral Fusion. Dr. Lee Merritt also discusses strategies for staying healthy during the current biomedical takeover, personal precautions against electromagnetic fields, questioning mainstream narratives about viruses, historical examples of radiation causing harm, and potential uses of technology to restore health while warning against injecting toxins into children and questioning new wireless technologies like China's 6G.

All you have to do is check out what I'm saying and that's why they run the fake headline
against myself and Tucker Carlson everywhere every day Jones admits he's an actor or Tucker
Carlson says nobody would take me seriously where do we say that we never said that they
just say we said that but where's the clip what where's the article what where do we
say that doesn't exist Alex Jones is playing a character and is a performance artist Jones
is playing a character on his radio show the radio rants of Alex Jones are just an act
he's actually a performance artist he's a performance artist Alex Jones is a fake they're
lying to you because they think you're stupid and it's all based on custody battle max wife five
years ago and she was trying to put into evidence me dressed up more than a decade before like
the Joker being sarcastic saying take your pros at kids take your illegal drugs to you'll die
it's fun so people wouldn't take drugs and they wanted to enter that in evidence they look he's
insane telling kids to use drugs and my lawyer went when Jack Nicholson plays the part of the
Joker no one thinks that's really Jack Nicholson so yeah when I've been Cobra commander or Optimus
Prime auto bonds let's roll or the Joker because I can do imitations of them all really good or
Darth Vader don't act so surprised globalist you didn't think you could silence the American
people did you do I really think I'm Darth Vader no I think I'm Optimus Prime over commander
the Joker no and clearly no reasonable person would think when I'm doing satire that what
I'm saying is what I really think no one believes the Babylon be it's not trying to lie to you
it's being sarcastic by the vaccinate me on model today it's required by the CDC but they play
those games and that's why I don't joke around as much as I used to even though I tell people
okay this is a joke this isn't serious they clip it out and they say no this is what he really
believes every day when I leave work I do this and they go look he admitted in court he's an
actor well yeah I'm was an actor in scanner darkly I was an actor in waking life I was an actor when
I was Cobra commander but it doesn't mean that Alex Jones the talk show host up here reading news
articles to you isn't a real thing and isn't something I'm actually saying and you know that
you're insulted right now I'm even explaining that to you and so am I but that's who these
people are you don't know the power of the dark side am I really Darth Vader make Alex Jones
really talented he's smart he's funny as hell it's truly funny I'm kind of retarded now that
I've done those imitations those little jokes you now not listen to what I say about other
things when I show you a powerful news article by dr. Joseph McCullough on info wars calm
it has all the cited information the latest tragedy sudden adult death syndrome no that's
a real thing that's something happening in the real world and that's what we're breaking down here
today I am Alex Jones and I am the guy on this show every day I am an American and that's what
I promote is freedom and justice and liberty and they can't stand Pesky earth creatures
and it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say I don't know what's
gonna happen at the end of this but you want to fight you better believe you got one from the
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good morning ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Alex Jones show I am Harrison Smith sitting in
for Alex but not really actually I'll just be here for the first hour really just setting up what
you're about to see this is an interview that Alex Jones had with Steve Bannon yesterday on
Steve Bannon show the war room pandemic and it's an extensive interview about an hour long
we're gonna fill up the first hour with it where they talked about all sorts of topics but primarily
transhumanism which of course you can find all about in the great reset in the war for the world
the new book by Alex Jones so without any further ado here it is the interview from yesterday with
Steve Bannon and Alex Jones let's watch the next 71 days we're gonna see some very violent fireworks
I would predict racially motivated mass shootings bombings poisonings attacks on power supplies
being blamed on the right wing they intend to bring in a full dictatorship in the next 71 days
and we are all strapped to this thing this is such a dangerous time and I would advise the
globalist who are mid-level that think they're about to have a leftist revolution the globalists
don't actually plan the higher levels to have that they plan on having a civil war that brings
down America and you'll be the fall guy okay welcome back we got Alex Jones the release of
the book is today the great reset and the war for the world it's a it's a blockbuster everybody's
got to get it but I want to get in first Alex these comments yesterday let's talk about them
for a second because it's got everybody obviously their heads blowing up we got now 70 days or
70 days to go you know we've got momentum they're trying to suppress it with suppression poles
they're sitting there going you know you guys are not gonna have a writ tsunami what is your
theory of the case here because you're a smart guy do you do you really believe that they're
going to try to pull out all stops in this regard or does that hurt us playing into that
narrative walk us through because I know you're trying to accomplish exactly what we're trying
to accomplish which is to take the country back and to make sure we take it we do the house in
the Senate and then we get you know I don't know if Trump back in or not I know that you've got
some some very definitive of thoughts about that but we got to win the house we got to win
the Senate we have to win these school boards we have to win these state legislatures so walk
us through your theory of the case because we only got a 42nd clip on you from yesterday and I
apologize I know you requested a full clip I've spent basically an hour on that my third hour
yesterday in context I said that is something that is in their deck of cards it's the race of
spades is a provocateur a false flag attack or something like we saw with the staged Whitmer
kidnapping situation a few years ago with the same FBI group then going and running the provocaturing
on January 6 the same FBI group running the fake Russian dossier and the same special FBI unit
now raiding Marlago a few weeks ago so we see the pre-programming of puppet Biden the third
administration of Obama in June of last year putting out a new national terrorism directive
saying questioning election fraud questioning election results or questioning lockdowns or
forced inoculation is terrorism or questioning critical race theory that's officially in that
national plan and then we've seen them roll that out we've seen the FBI say the number one
terror threat is domestic right wingers they've now defined it as fascism if you support President
Trump or America first and then now we start seeing headlines in the top of drugs yesterday
you know imminent Trump's calling for violence Trump's Trump's calling for insurrection January
6 2.0 it's that's been all over the news building up and Biden came out on Friday and said I believe
that Republicans are going to be violent in the next 74 days well now yesterday was 71 days now
we're 70 days out and if you look at all the pre-programming data points that are there they're
hyping this up and with their long history of sir hand sir hand being a patsy and all the other
events we've seen where the FBI goes out and actually creates these terror groups that is what
I would do if I was them and we know Bill Clinton on Air Force One in front of the huge
press corps right after he won reelection in 2000 in 1996 excuse me said he owed his reelection
when he was 10 points behind to the Oklahoma City bombing and so they can use these type of
tragic events as a pretext to demonize and try to basically outlaw their opposition that's why
he's calling Republicans semi-fascist claiming that if we don't want dead people and illegal
aliens voting or all these electronic voting machines or Ellen ballots that we're somehow
fascist when they're the ones that are censoring and suppressing and raiding their political
enemies we now know the FBI admits Mark Zuckerberg told the truth last week on Joe Rogan when he
said the FBI came to us and said do not have this story it is election meddling but it was a real
story they were election meddling so they know there's a giant political realignment against
globalism neoliberalism around the world and really the epicenter is the United States in
places like Brazil with Bolsonaro and they know they're losing support with the yellow vest and
all these other movements and so they know that austerity and the great reset that as you pointed
out is an irreversible collapse if it goes much further is unpopular they're taking the gloves off
and going to a pure authoritarian model and I believe in the next 70 days it is their main
move and again they pre-programmed it pre-rolled it out pre-advertised it to provocateur or stage
some very serious massive events it might be a new war it it it might be oh hackers took down
a part of the power grid it might not be a mass shooting it might not be a bombing but something
big is gonna happen we're gonna have a gigantic October surprise what do you think how do you
let's put Biden's address to the nation I don't know if the broadcast it doesn't seem to be to
be newsworthy because it's purely political what do you expect out of him and how does that fit
into your theory of the case when he's calling this is worse than Hillary Clinton calling us the
deplorables I mean right now I would argue that two-thirds of the nation back our policies when
we talk about inflation immigration crime wokeness in schools the economy on our side of the foot
this is Ron Brownstein on our side of football versus theirs climate change you know whatever
this whatever they're they're this thing of democracy because we got more votes than they
have and and abortion is bronzing saying that's what's going to motivate them put in your theory
the case where does where does Joe Biden's they're all fascist or semi-fascist fit in and what do
you anticipate he's gonna tell the nation on Thursday night well absolutely what you just
said is what he's gonna say he's going to say the republicans want to take your vote the republicans
want to take your right to kill children the republicans are evil they're bad and basically
demonize the republican party pop down because the populist realignment happened through the
republican party not the democratic party and so he's going to try to basically expand this idea
of beginning to outlaw the political opposition and democrats have been talking about outlawing
the republican party we see them going around the country with gozer and with green and with
countless other races we're right here in texas with members of congress the democrats are trying
in court cases to bar multiple current members of congress and people running from congress
to be able to not run because they questioned the the 2020 election and so they're trying to outlaw
people running for office or being reelected to question election fraud well we we send the
state department around the world to try to make sure elections are free and fair and if you measure
up us elections the two elections in the third world that they say are fraudulent we're way fraudulent
than them by every yardstick so they're trying to outlaw questioning elections and barring people
from running that's the greatest form of blocking the electoral process and blocking voters will
and then turning around he's going to have an address and say that the republicans are fascist
they don't want dead people and illegal aliens voting and and they don't want mail-in ballots the
same way we know they stole the 2020 election so it's going to be a declaration of war an expansion
of the ongoing declaration of war not just against america's energy not just our borders not just our
sovereignty not just our currency not just the the value of our dollar but a further declaration of
war against anyone questioning any of their fraudulent narratives that are collapsing
look i want to talk about i'm gonna get the fb and a second i want to talk about these executive
orders that you bring up the one about the voting and the the the previous one do you believe that
republican attorney generals and the republican party elected officials have done enough to expose
what those executive orders were what they really say and to combat them even at a state
attorney general level to contest what these executive orders are well it's like you said a
few days ago our biggest problem is not even the democrats they're unpopular they're criminal
they're disgusting but the republican leadership will not get on the ramparts will not defend the
gates will not cover just look at these headlines from roiders world faces unprecedented global
hunger crisis un chief says going into 2023 world food program warns of global food catastrophe
looming global catastrophe the world could run out of food by 2023 major studies say and the
reports go on and on we told you this was a designed program by the globalist two and a half years
ago we told you energy and food prices would explode and now they're up more than 40 percent of the
u.s. alone some areas of the world are up over 100 percent the only way you beat inflation and protect
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alex jones
all right welcome welcome back ladies and gentlemen this is the alex joneshow coming to you live
from the central texas headquarters of info wars info wars dot com and band dot videos where you go
to share the links to this show and everything that we do here and remember everything we do is
brought to you entirely by you the viewer or the listener by going to info wars store dot com
purchasing one of the incredible products that we have on sale there's only a few more days to
take advantage of the massive discounts on things like survival or rather dna force plus i know is
on sale for 50 off one of our best selling products as well as the ultimate fish oil is 40 off
those sales will be ending soon so make sure you get your supply before we run out and know
that when you do so you are supporting everything we do here from the alex joneshow
to the american journal in the mornings that i host to the war room with oan shroyer i know oan is
right now filming an interview that will play a little bit later so we're we are all working
around the clock just trying to stay on air and get you the information you need in this most
critical of times and of course on top of that you have all the great creators at band dot video
and the infrastructure itself to help get this information out and circumvent the censorship
by the mainstream media all of this is brought to you by info wars store dot com go there now
prepare yourself and support this singular outlet for the truth fighting back against an empire of
lies and now we go back to the interview from yesterday between steve bannon and alex jones here
it is our biggest problem is not even the democrats they're unpopular they're criminal
they're disgusting but the republican leadership will not get on the ramparts will not defend the
gates will not cover any real issues they talk about uh you know small business stimulation
packages that don't even pass and things that are not on people's radar they're not talking about
inflation they're not even talking about human smuggling and open borders like they should
they're not talking about election fraud they're not talking about any of the real things that
concern americans they're not talking about the military still being forcibly inoculated or
illegal aliens component by the millions and not even be given covid test or covid shots
which i don't think they should give them covid shots but but then uh jokovich can't come here
for the us open the republicans need to get on the offense but the republican rhino establishment
is working with the democrat party establishment to fend off the populist peaceful political
insurrection that has been taking the country and the world by storm they are fighting us
they are attempting to bankrupt america to bring people to their knees in a giant cloud
and privin great reset model so that we're so poor and so destitute we've got to accept
a communist socialist model with a high tech technocracy global id global carbon tax global
social credit score global universal basic income they're bringing down the old system
that they've already sucked dry owes us the saviors as they bring in their new tyranny that's why
the climate we're in it's not like five years ago or 30 years ago or 40 years ago it's closer to
the climate we had during the the the civil war where there's major competing factions
battling over control of this country and they want the populist faction out of the game
basically outlawed and and labeled as terrorists it's not going to work though that's why i warned
the establishment that they really need to study history and and look at what they've done and
understand that drag queen story time and critical race theory has turned the country
and really the world against them and that they they should sue for peace they should back down
they should not try to accelerate us into a civil war but you see it all over the news civil war
imminent we're gonna have a war with the republicans we're gonna have a war with the populist
we're gonna arrest trump lindsay graham if you arrest trump there's gonna be a civil war there's
gonna be war on the streets i don't if they do arrest trump i don't want war on the streets
i want total political realignment to the next level and we should talk about peaceful ways
to not let them steve that's a lot of tourists that into violence this is my point lindsay
graham and these guys who are never with us for him to say that because right now the momentum
is on our side everything they're trying to do from the suppression polls to divert the conversation
over to civil war to all of this gets us off the target which is the target is november 8th
in a sweeping we could break the democratic party as a national political institution
from the school but you guys are seeing this in texas from the school and what disances
have done in florida from the school boards all the way up to the state legislatures to the house
in the senate they're trying to divert our attention what would you tell the people out there that
follow you given the fact that they're going to use information warfare like they've never
done before at your icor commander what is it we're going to get to the book in the next break
but right now what should what should the people that follow alex jones and the people that say
hey look this guy's smart and tough and he's one of our leaders what is your advice to the populist
movement right now i would tell every person watching this to share this broadcast while it's
live and and later when it's archived and i would have them send it to all of their liberal friends
and left his friends and say how long are you going to be a chump how long are you going to be
a fool uh even if you're unable to vote in this election because of changing over parties a lot
of states can still do it you need to understand you're going to be bankrupt you're going to have
no future if you don't wake up to the fact that some very criminal multinational corporations
are using the democratic party to basically have a possible corporate takeover of this country then
i would go out to every relative every friend every family every employee every boss every
stranger and and i would tell them you need to go vote and you need to not just count
on there being a red tsunami because there's going to be a blue election fraud firewall or or
seawall that's going to try to block that but we know from the studies in places like texas and
florida they run out of dead people and they run out of illegals on the ballot able to vote very
very quickly and they hit a wall so we've got to counter them with absolute total and complete
voting okay sure i think i reach a lot of voters being on air myself why do i need to go vote well
because every vote counts and and even if you think your state's red it's not for long we have to
crush them now everybody watching has to go to the city council their school board even if you
don't have children you've got to go to the county commission people are watching those
commissions those those hearings go out they get picked up they go viral everyone especially america's
veterans this is the real fight for the republic itself must go every week to every televised
hearing whether you're in a small town or a big city everyone must call c-span everyone must call
on the liberal talk radio everyone must understand that this is a massive historic crossroads and
the enemies of freedom know that we need a maximum effort to go out and to study the ballot and to
vote for good people and to just do everything we can to just have such a giant red wave they
can't stop us alexander one second the great reset in the war for the world the central
battlefield is the united states of america all next in the war room
the epidemic is a demon and we cannot let this demon hide
okay thank you very much by the way as soon as we get that uh that ad i want to play that we
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i wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't have an operational name in fact i bet it does i bet it's
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matador is the deep state with a long skinny razor sharp sword so that when the bull lunges forward
the matador uses the force of its weight to drive it into the heart and step aside with his cape as
the bull buries himself into the dust they've got the ace of spades in their hand which is false
flags before you launch a war you stage false flags that's the first thing you do because nobody
wants to say they started a war bad guys start wars so every time a war gets launched by bad guys
they stage an event this is operation matador
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alex jones welcome back ladies and gentlemen this is the alex jones show we are going back to
the interview that was held yesterday on steve bannon's war room pandemic alex jones and steve
bannon two powerhouses in the alternative right information sphere coming together to face off
against our common enemy the globalist scumbags that are destroying this country in the entire world
here it is without any further ado alex jones and steve bannon okay alex jones is my guest
you're in the war room it's the 30th of august the in the year of our lord 2022 alex i think you've
done a pretty good job of forcing them to read it given how you've walked through
what you anticipate they're up to in in the next uh in the next 70 days uh because this your book
makes the case that the united states of america this beloved constitutional republic we were bequeath
is the central battlefield on this global reset in the war for the world can you explain that sir
and i want to add in the developments that have happened with the fbi agents over the last 24 hours
how that fits into your theory of the case as you lay it out in this book and this book is for the
people that hate alex jones the most for the people that think he's a charlatan uh in a carney
barker i strongly recommend that you read this book you may still hate him at the end of it
but you will respect the intellectual integrity of this book because it's a very very powerful
document alex jones we'll see if i appreciate that and look i'm on the air four hours a day
i've been on there 28 years i screw around have some fun sometimes it gets taken out of context
i hate myself sometimes but i don't really joke around and have fun anymore the last few years
because the world is so serious now as they're having trouble you know finding the sad tire to
take it out of context but getting back to your point about why they have to take america out
it's what ronald reagan told us ronald reagan wasn't perfect getting conservative ideas through
he got a lot of things done that were good some things that were bad but reagan made the world
love america and made the world love american ideals of private property and family and freedom
of religion uh and capitalism and security and peace through strength and he was an ambassador
to the world the world absolutely loved america we were at the pinnacle of our strength at the end
of world war two and then again with ronald reagan and then since then it's been our president's
pretty much selling us out to globalism until trump comes along and then trump makes it about
america again because how can america be a leader in the world if it's not free and successful
and powerful so if we're bringing in a worldwide corporate panopticonic surveillance
mark of the beast control freak mad scientist run great reset build back better depopulation
nightmare you can't have a free country like the united states of america that's an example
to others to aspire to as a model just like our constitution became the model of the world
they want communist china and its authoritarianism and its death camps and the Uyghurs and forced
labor uh and you know sixteen hour workdays and the government turning your power off when they
want and social credit scores they want that to be the model these multinational fortune 500
pretty much to a company allied with communist china to parlay that power into their world
government now russia's got its own problems and isn't i'm not lionizing russia but it's trying to be
its own sovereign nation that's why it's public enemy number one as a country but the united
states and what it was and what it could be is the real number one enemy russia becomes a junior
enemy when you pull back and realize everything is to undermine the country everything is to
destroy confidence everything is to make to break up our families everything is to destroy
our veterans everything is to ship in fentanyl it's all about demoralizing us to break our will
then they can get control of our science and our military and once they believe they have a godless
authoritarian america now we'll we will make nazi germany uh look like a choir boy compared to what
the new world order can do once america falls and becomes an absolute tyranny so the war for the world
the epicenter is the united states of america and and so that's why i titled it the war for the world
the great reset in the world for the world does everybody should go it's on sale i i don't know
if bookstores are going to stock this but definitely it's on amazon and you can go to your site so
everybody should get it today you should read it i want to go to the center one of the central
thesis is about decarbonization deindustrialization depopulation but you make the case about wokeness
and also your work over the last 20 years in transhumanism tie that together in the great
reset and why is this actually the underpinnings of what this fights about well george arwell's
real name is eric blair and he'd been a top communist and a top thibian socialist and he'd
fought against hitler in the in the spanish civil war and he believed in it and then he learned how
evil stalin was and so he wrote a book 1984 about what the world would look like if stalin's
revolution succeeded and in the book it's really about destroying language destroying words outlawing
words uh making people scared of what they said what they did and that's what wokeness is is giving
hollywood and the democratic party and the globalist control over language control over every facet
of society to then bring in old tyrannies like discriminating against somebody off of what
color they are something the west got rid of they turn our greatest strength around against us and
now oh we're gonna fire the white teachers we're not we're you know because they're white uh we're
gonna not have white airline pilots because there's too many white people these are authoritarian
mainstays but now inverted so it's a corporate authoritarianism masquerading as as neoliberalism
and so they need us to say two men can have a baby two women can have a baby they need us to
believe uh that uh we can be a dog if we want to the furries phenomenon and drag queen story time
they have to get us to accept outrageous things because they want us to accept human animal hybrids
they want us to accept human clones they're already growing for organs they want us to accept
no bar no control no governor on what these people can do and elon musk has talked about that
he says beware of billionaires that worship ai gods and he's explained if we don't have 2.2
children civilizational collapse they're building an anti-human civilization he's come out and says
he wants a pro-human civilization he's on against cybernetic augmentation if you choose it if if
it's not forced on you and if it helps you my uncle was in a motorcycle wreck uh 30 years ago
had really bad epilepsy he got one of those vega nerve stimulators basically stopped having seizures
then that failed three years ago he actually got a more advanced brain chip doesn't have seizures
not in a wheelchair anymore lives great has a great life that brain chips a wonderful thing i'm
not against progress but but we don't want to make people take brain chips so there's all
these opportunities with all this technology we just don't want it to be tied to a global social
credit score and to have the head of the debos groups say soon school children by 2030 we'll
have a chip in the brain to communicate and if you don't have chip you won't be able to i mean this
is what they're saying and it's an attack on free will so woke ism is about just getting us to stand
in our head or if they say jump we say how high to to to accept absurdity so then we hand over our
personal authority to the technocrats to the transhumanist this whole revolution isn't liberal
it's not communist they use that as a control mechanism it is a transhumanist mad scientist
hour grab of the future the great reset the war for the world okay the book is out today you can
get it on amazon it's a it's a must read alex i know you're jammed but i want to just hold you
through the break i've got a just a one or two questions on the other side we're also going
to be joined by brandon show walter from the christian a post of this blockbuster investigative
reporting on the children's hospital up in boston boston children's hospital the reality of what
they've been doing as far as surgeries go also joe allen our editor for transhumanism is also
going to join us he's going to make some comments and observations on what alex jones has been working
on for many decades and also he was the one that really got deeply into this boston children's hospital
story so we're going to take a short commercial break we return we've got the one and only alex
jones the book is the great reset in the war for the world he's making the case that the central
battlefield is the united states of america we're going to return in the war room in just a moment
all right folks we are going to return on the other side as well to finish up that interview
between c bannon and alex jones the book is called the great reset in the war for the world it's
available now in info wars store dot com you can also buy it on amazon one of the rare times we
actually encourage you to go use sauron's delivery service but drive it up the charts get the book
to number one that exposes it to more people it's using the weapons of the enemy against them and
to spread the information that destroys their lives so info wars store dot com purchase some
products or get the book at amazon and help us drive it up the charts we'll be back to finish
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donald trump and the magnet republicans represented extremism that threatens the very
foundations of our republic i wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't have an operational name in fact i
bet it does i bet it's called operation matador they see us as the bull and they are shaky a red
flag in our face and the matador is the deep state with a long skinny razor sharp sword so that when
the bull lunges forward the matador uses the force of its weight to drive it into the heart and step
aside with his cape as the bull buries himself into the dust they've got the ace of spades in their
hand which is false flags before you launch a war you stage false flags that's the first thing you
do because nobody wants to say they started a war bad guys start wars so every time a war gets
launched by bad guys they stage an event this is operation matador
leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
all right welcome back ladies and gentlemen this is the alex jones show you're watching us on
landfill wars dot com band dot video or however you're watching us congratulations on circumventing
the censorship and finding the truth and we're going to go back now to that interview between
steve bannon and alex jones about the book the gray reset in the war for the world about
transhumanism and the ultimate goals that those transhumanists have for the rest of us we're
going to go back to that now and finish up with this interview before owens shawyer comes in and
takes over the show for the second hour but here's the rest of steve bannon and alex jones talking
yesterday okay our guest is alex jones alex napoleon used to tell his marshals the marshals of
france uh and particularly after a couple of big engagement he said when you set out to take vienna
take vienna uh what is your message now to the populist nationalist movement in this country
this is inclusive nationalism regardless of your race or your ethnicity uh in particular
it's hard working hispanic americans down the rear grand valley in south texas in uh in your
beloved state also in arizona california all throughout the country african-american men
particularly men that are turned off by this wokeness what is your message for the next 70
days sir my message is plowshaw bill gates the democratic party the new world order
they're a global party of authoritarianism it's the same in australia the same in germany the
same in france the same here we need to join balsenaro we need to join victor or bomb we
need to join other leaders around the world we need to get trump reelected we need to realize
that we are being enslaved by corporate fascism masquerading as neoliberalism and you've got to
be a hundred percent all in because if you think 49 percent increases in electricity prices last
year is bad if you think gas prices doubling the last two years is bad if you think any of this is
bad the the the the globalists admit they want to bankrupt us and bring us to our knees permanently
they have horrible plans for the average american this is life and death this isn't a game as steve
bannon said a few days ago and all the actuaries show it already the lockdowns the last two and
a half years already the regulations already what's been done has put us into a collapse
the the plane's crashing the question is can it be a survivable crash landing we need to get these
people out of there now we need to get rid of the clout swabs that are in control of our
government he brags his control of our government the canadian government he penetrates the
governments we have to we have to stop them get them out of control of our system and then try
to crash land the airplane or if you think things are bad now folks you have not seen anything yet
this is a real global corporate technocrat takeover for economic and cultural warfare
of america and the world this is the war for the world and people better choose aside freedom and
justice and prosperity or total destruction the democratic party is literally run by international
criminals they're literally run by the ccp it's an hunter biden's laptop and we now know this head
fbi guy got marched out two days ago and and you know fired because we now know that it's been
declassified he ordered the hunter laptop sealed he ordered them to threaten the media not to cover
it he ordered it put in a secret file so nobody could see it and it's only because of a bunch of
good fbi agents that lost their jobs or were put on leave that we even know about this so the fbi's
not our enemy the people running it though are an enemy and we're never going to fix it until
we have taken the whole government back over and i think we have to break up these federal agencies
once and for all because you can't have one central national police force uh like the fbi but
we we're at such a historic crossroads and it's all coming out in the open and the globalists
have lost their only hope is to smash and collapse everything before the people actually wake up
and bring them to justice they hope the collapse creates such a giant smoke screen and such a fog
of war that somehow they slink away i've looked at every possible development in that they're never
getting away with what they've done the question is do they want to just run off with their money
now and and we'll you know put them in abstentia like napoleon or if they come creeping back and
try another war with us they're gonna actually get put in prison for the rest of their lives
i would be happy for some of these globalists to slink off because i understand how dangerous they
are and and i understand this is gonna really cause world war you name it if it keeps going down
this road so i would i would say if i was trump he should do a big televised speech
and offer them amnesty offer them pardon if they just put up their hands and give up and stop now
because they're identified the new orders out in the open the great resets out in the open
more people learn about it every day everybody's turning against them they should just give up
and come out with their hands up now and we will give them a good deal alex for those people
they're hearing you for the first time and having a chance to get to the show given that they've
tried to deplatform you over how do people get to the alex jones show and become a uh and get to
to watch it in real time where they go thanks for that steve yeah you know just like we have to go
back to where it's on URLs and people go to those destinations we don't count on the big you know ccp
allied globalist operations uh you go to info wars dot com forward slash show we're just on the
front page there's audio and video the live show the archives and then my show all the shows hundreds
of other band creators and researchers and filmmakers are at band dot video just the word
band and then dot video you can find it all at info wars dot com but i just hope people go to
amazon dot com not a big jeff bezos fan but we've made this book go to number six it was you by the
way on my own show i can make it go to like number 50 but when you the last two times we had you on
your audience is incredible steve when you said we need to make this number one it went to number
six one time number nine another all because of your great audience of activists folks we want to
push this book to number one in the world it's already ahead of obama's book and and and michelle
obama's book it's already ahead of herari's book but we want to push it to number one and i thank the
war room and it's great audience and and steven you know i sleep better at night knowing you're
there because there's not many people that have a giant grasp of how this works and when i've been
tuned into your show for years and you know obviously watching you for years before that but
you really have an even greater understanding in many ways than i do and i'm very thankful you're
there and i just really appreciate you know you're i core commander you you understood the big part
of this is information worth 30 years ago before people did it's amazing get you got to go to amazon
we need to make this book number one to make a statement but most importantly you're not going
to put this book down it's not a beach read this is a tough read get a pen you're going to underline
you're going to take notes get a notepad you're going to jot stuff down get questions us we'll
get questions back to alex i'm sure he's going to give it other talks on this today's the first
and steve here's the thing just real quick yes sir yep when people read this book because i just
read it again the other day even though i wrote it when you watch the news you hear the slogans
of the democrats and then other liberal leaders i mean this is a global corporate fascist party
master rating is leftist i mean this is their blueprint folks this is the blueprint of the
death star please get it today steve man and thank you no no no i tell you this is what the
brains of tony lions and the guys of skyhorses to drop it 70 days ago because i tell people if you
get it you read it over the labor day weekend or the next couple days the framing your your stuff
and particularly i want the people that have never listened to alex jones or never read a word or
never gone to the site and gotten any of the stories to get this this is the audience we need to get
it get the book and just make your own judgment weigh and measure it yourself and then just you'll
use it as a framework other information will come in you'll see the great reset in the war for the
world alex thanks i know you're busy today thanks for taking time uh the book's going to be huge uh
and we look forward to having you back on thank you please phone my show i know you're busy as well
thank you sir thank you alex jones it really is nice to see folks these uh two titans of
dissident politics come together and be so supportive of one another and i'll tell you
this book we have a couple a few copies sitting around the office uh they're a little bit under
lock and key they won't let me take one i haven't had a chance to read it but while we've been sitting
here and listening to the interview i've been uh thumbing through a little bit and the great thing
about it i think is even just from the first chapter you can tell alex jones wrote this it's not a
goat it's not a ghost writer it's not you know somebody else and they just put alex jones's
name on it the whole first chapter has this uh very long uh metaphor about tribesmen having
arguments uh between sag and uther as they try to determine the best path forward for the tribe i
mean if you read this and you know alex jones it's in his voice but of course it's different than
what you get on uh info wars with him speaking off the cuff it's been researched it's been
thought about but it is very much in the in line with what you expect from alex jones so
i'm i'm just looking forward to reading this myself i know a lot of people out there are
as well go to infowarstore.com to get a copy or go to amazon in the the rare occasion that we
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you need to take this product it really works leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new
world order it's alex jones
and the last one number 44 and one before that 43 bush and obama well their pictures are bush
with his arm around eight-year-old barack obama because his step daddy adopted daddy lolo sotoro
had done a lifetime worth of business with the bushes uh uncle george herbert walker after whom
george herbert walker bush bush one president was named founded halibut in 1936 in oklahoma
and lolo sotoro had been international executive vice president for standard oil
there was talk of him being a cia asset well yes see he ran the death squads for the indonesian
army on his own call anyone could be assassinated so when george herbert walker bush became head
of the cia under the fort administration he just got with his old buddy in the oil business lolo
sotoro and pulled off the hits see uh barack's grandmother has been acknowledged as being the
woman that operated the channels through which cia money went to the southwest pacific so she
introduced her daughter who had just had barry barack to lolo sotoro and they got married and
lolo sotoro adopted barack obama the name was changed to barry sotoro now he went to high
school in awahi i know about that high school almost sent my oldest son to it i got afforded
but i didn't think he observed deserved it 20 years ago the tuition was $95,000 a year not
including room and board when obama went there i've talked to two of his classmates they independently
state that the tuition not including room and board was 45,000 now business insider reports
his income for 2017 at over 200 million net that's after taxes deductions write-offs for this last
year 2018 they reported it as 570 plus million dollars and that's after all deductions tax write
trump doesn't make that net i mean even some of the richest people in america don't make that why
because when his stepdaddy died he was one of the 1015 richest men on earth and he left everything
in a trust fund operated out of indonesia sotoro american government can't touch it
that makes barack obama one third beneficiary for the assets of one of the 1015 richest men on earth
so we got a game run on us so you know that little thing that bush w does when he gets
with michelle they giggle and he gives a candy the inside thing is that supposed to be the same
kind of candy he used to give to our husband when he was six seven eight years old it's a big club
and you ain't in it you and i are not in the big club well judge joe brown just laid it out he's
joining us next week on the show attorney thomas wrens with the latest on the collapse of the whole
covid narrative and the wrasse leaving the second ship trying to blame trump what is coming of all
of this we're going to be breaking it down coming up in the next segment and i'll i'll talk to him
for two segments but i wanted him to have the floor today thomas wrens of wrens-law.com is
going to be hosting the last 30 minutes the broadcast today ahead of the fourth hour with
paul joseph watson from the uk and then in an hour from now or two hours from now you're going to
have at three p.m. central the great oh and the cut destroyer destroyer hosting from three to six
p.m. the war room and remember the globalists working around the clock to shut this broadcast
down they know we are patient zero taking down their system and so thank you as listeners and
viewers for supporting us but you cannot find a better place to give your word of mouth your
prayer and financial success and support the info wars because our success is all bound together
and our success is your success in paulwarstore.com nowhere has had more positive events fighting the
tyrants than info wars and i'm very blessed to be here and the credit goes to listeners the
guests our affiliates and everybody you have done this together all right we'll be right back
with attorney thomas rin straight ahead info wars dot com tomorrow's news today
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rallying patriots worldwide in defense of human liberty it's alex jones
thomas rinds is a very successful lawyer and he began his career with nuremberg prosecutor
and celebrated international lawyer enri t king and anthony rinds he won his national
trailblazer award for political action assisting a number of state national legislative and
regulatory reforms i won't go over all the great huge cases he's been involved with
but his website is rinds-log dot com and he joins us to talk about the huge events taking place
with him admitting the shots don't work the rats leaving the sinking ship admitting the fda
overroad the regulator saying the shot was dangerous this is a seismic moment i mean i
don't know how we quantify thomas how big this is man alex it is huge and i've been so honored to
to be with you talking about this over the last couple of years i mean you've done so much helping
us get this out and i gotta say you know we see now this entire narrative is crumbling and i gotta
tell you one of my concerns is as we're looking forward they are now trying to pin this on trump
they're trying to put this this out there they just released the house just released a report
yeah i was it yesterday or the day before trying to pin uh operation warp speed and all this stuff
on trump despite the fact that berksis has admitted she's been lying to him that fauci has been lying
to all these people like but we've got him alex we've got him dead to rights we're getting ready
to bring out we've got a first-hand witness to them creating this in a lab in wuhan we know that
fauci funded it we know it's gained a function it's coming they're running you're right the rats
are scurrying and this is historic and the question is how much longer before we're ready for the
nuremberg trials lay that out for people how huge this is okay so let me start out with with this
because i think this is really a critical thing right now so you see ran poll and some and uh
senator johnson some of these guys who are fighting on this gain of function stuff i want to start
with that because i think that is crucial because fauci lied to congress about this now
steve bannon can talk to you about you know the the issues that come with that you can certainly
talk extensively about what happens when you start speaking truth to power and uh you know
they come after you and persecute you but anthony fauci seems to be doing okay let's talk about
gain of function we had hours and hours of testimony from a bunch of scientists who are
entirely too smart for their own good i'm going to break this down for real people like a lawyer
right what is gain of function there's no legal definition it literally means that you're you're
doing work on a virus in this case where that virus is going to gain function so let's let's look at
this anthony fauci said he didn't fund gain of function well let's ask eco health alliance who
was getting his funding whether they were doing this so if we say to eco health alliance were you
doing gain of function work they're going to him and haul around but the question is did you experiment
on coronaviruses in a lab and the answer is yes we know because they've admitted it it's on record
there's peer reviewed publications talking about it then we asked them the following question was
that experimentation designed to alter or modify coronaviruses and the answer is yes
right there you see creation of chimeric cires like virus right they did this it's a it's
established we know about it so if you if you experimented on coronavirus and if the result
was to change coronaviruses did said did said change result in additional functionality or
change functionality well obviously it did why else would you do it and if that's that enough
we've got the peer reviewed articles and them admitting that that's exactly what they did
so then we would say eco health alliance using the funding that anthony fauci gave you you have
already admitted on record repeatedly that you experimented on coronaviruses that experiment
changed the functionality of the virus and in doing so that that virus gained functionality
how is that not gain a function if anybody can explain that to me i would love to hear it because
you know that comes down to did anthony fauci lied to congress and yes he did he belongs under
gitmo under gitmo uh so we've got gain a function proven now the question is did that gain a function
result in the creation of sars-covid too yes yes it did and i'm going to explain how that
happened over the next coming weeks we've got a whistleblower uh he's he's brilliant scientist work
for sandia labs work for eco health alliance and he's a veteran standing up for a country good guy
we've got all sorts of things coming out on this all sorts of things happening on this
and uh because of that we now know they created this in the lab using funding from fauci
and the result was the the biggest pandemic disaster in human history
and then they decided to cover up and lie about the cure which is worse worse than the disease
and so we got us we got a true snake oil salesman situation here alex they create the
disease they create the cure the cure is worse than the disease and now we have this giant mess
that is so massive and i want you to drill back into this whistleblower and the gain
of function which is all admitted why do you think suddenly the rats are leaving the sinking
ship why do you think suddenly they're admitting okay we didn't know okay we fired the fba boards
and authorize because we thought it was the best thing to do what do they know is about to come out
obviously what you and others are doing yeah so i mean i i would love to be able to take credit
for everything i don't know what i do know is that about two months ago and i you know alex
you've known me for over a year i don't leak if things come out it's because i want them to come
out right so a few months back we accidentally leaked which was intentional that we were working
with dr andrew huff dr andrew huff is the whistleblower i'm talking about right uh so we we talked
that we were talking with dr andrew huff within a couple weeks of us saying that suddenly fauci
sacks all these different people started saying you know i wonder if there's any credibility to
this lab leak theory suddenly they were willing to talk about that even though they had denied it
outright ever since the reason that they were doing that is because they know what huff has
they know the documents he has they know he what where he worked and what he knows i think they're
terrified of this we're going to be providing this to senator johnson if rand paul will accept it
we'll provide it to him we're going to be providing this evidence to everyone and these guys have been
going after this from the beginning going after it hard and you know even for the guys in congress
who've been avoiding talking about the jab no one is is avoiding talking about fauci creating this
because it's it's inexcusable so we're going to give them that information i think one of the
big things that's changed is i think they're terrified of what we're going to bring and they
should be because it's unbelievable and uh you know just for you alex just for info wars because
i think you'll appreciate this i think there's a really important question i want to put out there
for the viewers so going back to the 1990s china's been talking about using bio warfare against the
united states if you fast forward to the to the 2000s and 2010s china didn't have the capacity
the technology to do this advanced genetic engineering suddenly anthony fauci decides he's
going to fund this super advanced genetic engineering that would essentially transfer that
technology to the chinese communist party and they're going to do so in the wuhan labs which
are known to be bio bioweapons development labs does anybody in this country truly believe that our
do d and our intelligence agencies were unaware of this does anybody truly believe that they didn't
know that and that you know our nation's about enemy was was not looking to get this data and get
this information so that they could use it against us and if so then why is it that we allowed this
to happen why why did our intelligence community and our do d why did they not step in and stop it
why did they actively allow this to occur and by the way we're going to be producing evidence on this
so i think these are really important questions and i think they go to why this has been so
covered up and why this has been so so hidden p s let's also not overlook hunter biden's connections
in this metabiotta who was invested in by rosemont seneca hunter hunter biden's uh
thing let's not overlook their connections to eco health alliance during the time that sarah's two
was created in the lab all right thomas rinds stay right there we're going to come back and get into this
because they're in panic mode the rats leaving the singing ship it's all coming out the shots
don't work and hurt you it's all the gain of functions all coming out fousies resigned stay with us
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so thomas wrench has been at the tip of the spear as a lawyer for two years fighting this
covered rollout tyranny to have the cdc head admit we lied to you the shot doesn't protect you
had to admit that the boards tried to override the boosters uh to have them sing the lockdowns
were wrong why are they doing this and and what do we expect to come next what is precipitating
foul cheat resigning what is precipitating congress coming out blaming trump which yeah
trump's part to blame for going on the warp speed but he didn't do force inoculation
he didn't push the lockdowns he was against them asking i mean he certainly woke up later
but but he's still defending the shots letting them scapegoat him
which i'm not even about defending trump i'm just simply saying i want the real guilty parties
like fauci and peter dazik and bill gates to go to prison so please continue thomas wrench
yeah so i mean and there's so much going on i mean that's literally we've got just
immense amounts of information um in terms of of what's going on with this you got to understand
fauci they know that this is coming out they know that we're going to be able to show fauci
was behind this so they've got to get fauci out of this lightning rod position everything about
this was a failure the jabs are being proven to be deadly everything's going south so they
got to get fauci out of there now fauci's not retiring he said that right the reason he's
not retiring is because they he knows where all the bodies are buried so he's going to go into
some cushy private sector position where they're going to pay him an immense amount of money to
basically stay quiet uh and if he doesn't stay quiet welcome to the jeffrey eppstein show part
two so you know that's i think what's going on with fauci uh with regards to congress you know
alex i think you and i did an interview on this probably a year plus ago you know we said listen
these jabs they're gonna we're gonna win on this we're gonna prove that they're poison it's gonna
come out and you know when they do that when that happens they're going to say it's trump's fault
operation warp speed that's what they were going to do that was always something that they've had
in their back pocket now we're hoping and i'm praying that the donald will let us come and
brief him and explain to him what's actually going on so that he can come out and tell the truth
because i think that's his best mechanism for dealing with this politically but uh you know
he's been lied to by everybody and that's not a tremendous surprise i mean listen look at
even his friends in the media his supposed friends at fox news have been telling you know
promoting this jab because everybody's been bought off so you know that's just it's just
unbelievable he hasn't had anybody he could trust on this issue and the people who he can trust
don't understand the issue in depth to rabble properly brief so that's where i think that's
going and i think that congress especially i mean mcconnell these rhinos they do anything to get rid
of trump so they're going to be more than happy to try and lay the deaths from these jabs at his
feet just so long as they can keep him out anything they got i agree some of my listeners are saying
why are you defending trump no he's not the one to to blame it's fouchy and bill gates and the new
world order and obama with a game of function research i don't want them to get away with it
what do you think trump needs to do right now to make sure the guilty actually get in trouble so
trump's got to come out and he's got to start immediately talking about the dangers of this
jab he's got to let us brief him and give him real science real science will i've offered i will pay
on my dime to fund getting mccollum alone all these geniuses down there where he can get some real
science we'll give him every bit of data we got he needs to help us make make this truth available
if he does that you know it listen the guy is 100 pro america everybody makes mistakes
this is a great opportunity for him if he if he's willing and we would be honored to help him in
any way that we can that's what i think trump's got to do but i know that a lot of people say
oh trump did this because he you know he should have spoke out listen you got to understand
something we've been trying to get information to trump for years on this and so i don't think
there's anybody on this planet more frustrated than me with that but you got to understand
something i'm a nobody attorney from ohio why is donald trump going to listen to me when he's got
people from fox news professional advisors high end doctors all lying to him so we have to build
our credibility well it's turned out everything we've said was right alex this is i mean you
should play this on on repeat alex was right alex was right alex was right everywhere we go alex
was right you know here's another case you were right we've known this but we had to get it to the
point where our voice was strong enough to overcome the swamp and the swamp is powerful they've got a
big voice and it's hard to tell who's swamp and who's and they wouldn't be positioning trump to
take the fall unless they know they were in trouble that's exactly right if they could keep going with
this they would and i'm going to tell you this is this is the issue this is what was behind the
election they could never have stolen 2020 without covid and they they could never have done half of
what they've done without covid i mean if you look at the destruction of our economy the amount of
money that's been printed and transferred you know as the globalist war against america this is the
great reset it is absolute well i mean they even told us at the world economic forum the crowd covid
was the most proper profitable event in us history or in world history well maybe if you're a billionaire
globalist but not for you and i i know it sure wasn't profitable for me uh you know so these guys
the little guy got crossed the billionaires doubled their money at least that this was their war
yeah and let's not overlook the world the chinese communist party who's who's as much our enemy as
anybody right now you've got the enemy of our enemy right the the world economic forum and the ccp
are cozying up and working together and whatever they have to do to destroy freedom right whatever
they have to do china cannot have the shining beacon for freedom on the hill doing well because
if they do their people are going to say why in god's name would we want to live in this crap hole
and it's the same sort of thing these globalists they don't want they don't want upward mobility
they don't want a middle class those people are threats they're their competition so what what do
they do well they eliminate competition that's how they do it so these things this is all coming
together there's a whole bunch of people that are the enemies of freedom and basically it's it's them
the globalists the communists versus us we the people who want freedom and now they're trying
to depend on trump who they tricked he needs to figure that out thomas rins you're on fire so i
want you to host the next two segments so you're uninterrupted what are you going to be covering
when you come back i am absolutely honored i'm going to talk a little bit about some groups
we're working with i'm going to talk some more about this fight where we're going with some things
um and then uh in the last segment i'm going to talk with a guy who's uh who's taking the
fight to to the people and uh we're going to we're going to give you guys some directions
some places to go please stay with us i'm going to try and i can't fill alex's shoes but i'll try
and at least uh you know get a foot in a slipper or something you're beautiful thomas rins rins
dash law dot com r e n z dash law dot com then paul joseph watch it in the fourth hour and then
i'll destroy your three p.m. central with the war room remember this is an information war and the
power of the people is incredible take the live links for info wars dot com four slash show
and band out video share them now we'll be right back as their house of cards comes down
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of the new world order it's alex jones
hey everybody hey glad to be here uh man aren't you all disappointed you turn in for alex jones
and you're stuck with tom runs wow um listen i am honored to be here it's my privilege that alex
would let me rant here for a couple segments and he had a very very important thing came up
it's so important that he was stuck leaving a guy like me to talk so i'm gonna get try and fill
his shoes the best i can i'd be lucky to wear his sandals but we're gonna do what we can do
so what we're talking about is we're talking about uh what's going on with this whole covid
debacle it's coming down it's coming down in a big way you know and we talked about the gain
of function stuff we know that anthony fauci has lied about gain of function he funded this work
we know that this was created in the lab in wuhan and you know i asked a question do you really
think that we created this and had this sort of technology transferred to china without our intel
and military knowing of course not of course they knew about it so i'm looking forward to bring out
that information but i want to talk about another aspect of this that i think is absolutely critical
the thing that everybody wants to know is what can i do right how do i get involved so this is a
critical component of this and this goes to what alex is dealing with alex has been censored he's
been beat up he's been attacked i mean i don't think i could list another media personality
that's been more attacked than alex jones bannon's close but you know alex jones has been through
absolute hell and you know maybe not every time but he has been right far more times than wrong
he's been on to it he's been on to it so why is that why is that well it goes to what the world
economic forum just just announced they need to tighten down ahead of sense ahead of the elections
they need to tighten down on censorship they need to tighten down on uh you know this free speech
stuff they call it misinformation but the reality is is they don't want us to communicate they can't
have alex jones out there they can't have steve bannon out there they can't have these guys out
there telling the truth if these guys are out there telling the truth and you're hearing the truth
boy it's hard to sell a lie when someone's telling the truth right next to it right so truth is critical
and communicating with each other working with each other is critical what are we doing about that
so one of the things that i've done is early on you know i'm a nobody attorney from a little town
in ohio right i don't have a huge firm i'm not a big shot i've got a platform because guys like
alex have allowed me to speak they've allowed me to come out here and do my thing but i didn't have
a big platform nobody knew who i was five years ago so what we had to do is we had to build that why
why because i recognized early on if we wanted to have a chance in the courts if we wanted to
have a chance elsewhere we had to build that platform up we had to make it so big that no
matter how much these guys are spending on lies and controlling the mainstream media that we would
have an alternative mechanism for getting the truth out we've been working on that ever since
and for any of you that have followed my work i always talk about hitting these guys legally
politically and pr all three and none of the three are more important mind you i'm a lawyer
and i'm telling you that the pr and the political aspects are as important as the courts and if you
don't use all three you can't win in any one of them the other side has been attacking us using
all three for years and it's worked incredibly well so we've had to build this we've had to build
alternative communications networks so we've done things so one of the things that one of the groups
that i work with a ton is make americans free again mafa make americans free again is the one who
sponsored the work that andrew hoff and i are doing that it's you know bringing out all this
gain of function work and all these sorts of things it's a huge deal pam popper a good friend
of mine yes she founded man mafa and uh you know we're building an attorney network there we're
building this we're building that and we're communicating with the membership and it's
all over the country why is that so important that is exactly what they don't want us to do
they don't want us to communicate they don't want us to talk to each other they don't want us to
let you know what's going on they they need to shut down the alex jones's of this world
and they need to shut everything else down now let me let me explain to you how the
importance is and why sharing information is crucial the first amendment is everything
everything the first and second amendment protect the rest without the first and second
amendment the rest of the constitution is going to go away and the reason for that is
is the second amendment is the ultimate backstop and i don't need to explain that
but the first amendment freedom of consciousness which is freedom of religion
and freedom to communicate and associate and to speak that is the foundation of our nation
without it we're done when they censor alex jones they're censoring you when facebook says alex
jones can't talk they're saying you can't talk they don't want your perspective out there now
what's truth well i don't know i mean if you ask the left uh it can be my truth and my truth can
be that i'm a cowl i hey i'm a furry i'm a cow today what the heck does that mean it's the
stupidest thing i've ever heard but to the left that's where we're at right that's that that's
truth it's not misinformation for an eight-year-old to say that i need a litter box at school because
i'm a furry cat today but it's misinformation for alex jones to say hey these jabs aren't safe
can anyone explain this to me this is insanity it is absurdity that is why we have to develop
these alternative systems and alternative mechanisms for travel uh communicating we are working with
groups like info wars with groups like mafa with all of these different groups to make sure that we
can get this word out because here's the deal when covid started i did a speech this weekend or last
weekend this with clay clark with the reawakening tour right 15 minutes before i went on stage
suddenly the feed got cut it was supposed to be broadcast live by a whole bunch of streaming
partners it got cut well that's shocking i wonder why could it be that they didn't want us to talk
about the whistleblower who'd given me the social security death master file you know the death
master file that showed that you know that big spike and sorry and corona the deaths that occurred
when coronavirus first hit you know in march ish of 2020 the big spike that was so bad that we had
to shut down our country lock people in their houses mask our kids for god knows how long
that spike you know the the worst spike in history could it be that the reason that they
didn't want this out there was because that spike was minuscule minuscule compared to the death spike
that was shown in the social security master death file when the covet jabs were rolled out and then
again when the covet jabs were mandated that's what they didn't want you to hear they don't want you
to hear that they've got to shut down our communications you know they didn't want you to
hear that along with the uh the accompanying spike from des from sars covet too which did occur there
was a spike but they also didn't want you to hear that there was an accompanying decline in inpatient
stays according to medicare medicaid and that that decline in inpatient stays was so substantial
that it was probably a major contributing factor to that first spike basically sars covet too
is the thing and did kill people nowhere near as many as they said they've lied about it from
the beginning we have the evidence we have the proof and here's the thing about the stuff that I
had at the reawakening tour this is the social security death master file right so when we see
reports about what the insurance companies have anthony file chief can say well I didn't see that
I didn't know I you know it was this is private information we didn't have that he can't say that
they didn't have the social security death file there's no way anybody could be so incompetent
to be rolling this stuff out and not and not be looking at the social security death file
they knew how many people were dying you know when this first rolled out the biggest spike in deaths
since 2010 the highest monthly deaths occurred in the months right after the rollout that january
february ish time frame of 2021 right after that and what happened so in 2020 december of 2020 ish
these jabs they start becoming available in 2021 and they wanted to prioritize this for sick people
they did and guess what happened those sick people died they forced it in the nursing homes
and then the people in the nursing homes died they knew it they covered it up why is anthony
file chief leaving because all of this is coming out because that crook was behind this he knew
what was going on and now there's accountability coming we've got to hold these guys accountable
and we got to not only ask what did anthony file chief know but we also got to ask who paid him
off stay with us we'll be right back ladies and gentlemen if millions of people get this book
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of the new world order it's alex jones
hey everybody welcome back welcome back hey good news bad news good news for me i get to be here
again bad news for you you got me instead alex jones i mean you know it's kind of a losing
deal for y'all but hey please stick with me because i got stuff to talk about really important
stuff what we're doing right now is we've been talking about uh the lies the breakdown the failure
of the star's covet two narrative uh you know the death jabs all the stuff that's going on
and one of the things that we're talking about in the last segment is the way that we fight this
back and we fight back we join organizations like make americans free again i hope you'll
support them i hope you'll buy tickets to clay clark's reawakening tour i think he gives them
way for free if we're going to be in uh washington idaho and then pennsylvania please join us there
but we're also i'm actually coming down to texas this week uh this weekend i'm going to be in the
mesquite area with uh with my my buddy baby trump uh if you don't know this guy he's something and i'm
going to have him join me here in just a second but so baby trump chris erix is uh he's got this
the reckoning fest occurring down in mesquite this is important right this is important this
goes to what i was talking about and i can't stress this enough supporting alex jones supporting these
these events supporting these things this is how we get the truth out the one thing they didn't
want us to do is they didn't want us to be together they didn't want us to bond they didn't want us to
shake hands they didn't want me to be able to stand next to you and let you know that you weren't
alone you didn't have a third eye you weren't some sort of a freak show we the people we are the
majority this is the real secret this is alex jones secret nor the majority people don't
realize that you've got to come to these events now and then and i don't get to go to as many as
i'd like because you know i got to do that lawyer thing a little bit here and there and uh i got all
these other obligations but i love when i get to because i get to shake hands and meet people
and it's critical i cannot tell you how important it is that we the people come together as peaceful
patriotic americans and and let each other know that we got each other's backs i also want to
bring chris on because chris is a he's a normal guy just like me and i want you to see that normal
guys like me like chris we're fighting and making a difference or at least trying to and the important
part of that is that you understand that you're watching me on a tv show right now and you know
godboss alex jones it's actually a really big popular tv show and they still let me talk but
you don't have to be a big shot to make a big impact you just got to have the courage and the
tenacity to stand so i'm gonna ask that you you you stick with us here chris uh let's bring chris
on chris how you doing i'm blessed and deserved brother now that i'm on here with you and and uh
wow to be on info wars has been a dream come true and i actually prayed about it this morning when
i walked into the venue i'm at the venue friends i'm at the venue i walked in and i thought i was
just gonna see this empty shell it's completely done i i i literally took pictures in the video
and and really um couldn't even stop you know with the motion i was so overwhelmed and i said
yeah i looked at god and i said please let's fill every single seat in this place and here i am on
info wars with you and alex jones and own shroy and and no place better heroes on the show on this
channel everything on this show is about courage is about integrity say what you mean mean what you
say and what i love about them is that it doesn't matter what people think it doesn't want matt it
doesn't matter what people they still deliver the truth they still deliver the facts regardless of
whatever backlash that they get it doesn't matter and i love that that's people have to know i want
it and that's what i want to talk about so you know i uh alex gives me the great honor of sitting
here today and uh you know i was like you know what i want to call chris because i knew what we
were talking about today and i know that you got the reckoning fest up in mesquite this weekend
and i hope people will come but you know what i wanted to talk about is so i met you at the
reawakening tour and much like a you know a lot of the rest of us we all met through that tour a
lot of us you know came together but that tour brought together people who were not willing to
sell out not willing to bend like alex shones people who are willing to stand for something
chris um are you a superhero are you are you a billionaire philanthropist playboy superhero
or something you see i'm on the floor you've always you're a stasi dresser but outside of that
and you've got some really cool shoes that i've seen over the years but uh outside of that
you're you're a pretty regular guy let's talk about reckoning fest yes let's talk about some
names let's talk about some of the people that are going to show up at this and i'm going somewhere
with this it's not just a promo by the way i'm not trying to sell sell tickets i'm i'm pushing it
because it's i don't get a dime out of this right i'm just showing up because it's the right thing to
do i want to promote this um chris isn't paying me to be there what i'm trying to do is i'm trying
to set the example chris is a regular dude i'm a regular guy you give me a bear and a campfire
and i am a happy man right but we're fighting this is what they're afraid of tyranny is an illusion
it's always been an illusion and it only works when we the people allow it to happen so chris
what i'd love is i'd love for you to tell a little bit about your story so people can see
see it's not superhero chris that put together this chris has lindell or logan also it's a big
people coming in he was able to pull all this stuff together chris tell us your superhero
background billionaire philanthropist playboy uh background that has facilitated you being able
to do all this now i'm just the average person that is just sick and tired of being sick and
tired and i didn't have the pleasure or the honor to fight for my country when i was younger but now
i'm fighting for my country now i'm doing something and you know it's one thing to say it it's another
thing to put your steps you put your steps forward right god puts your steps he orders them you just
obey them um and when this came through to me i literally was like really god you really want
me to do this and take this on i don't have anybody that what's working with me i don't have and i
don't have an assistant and i have somebody that answers a phone i've answered every single phone
every single email every single text i've gotten people hotel rooms i've got people flying in all
over the country you know why because it matters it matters that you're here it matters that you're
sitting in that seat because what's gonna go down on saturday and sunday it's gonna make history
right the reason i chose the reckoning fest uncensored is because i'm sick and tired of things
being censored i'm sick and tired go to events and they tell me well baby trump you can't talk
about that and baby trump you can't talk about this well then why are we having an event how we call
on a self-patriot how we saying you might as well be like the left you might as well be like the
demon crafts like you might as well be like them if you're gonna censor an event and tell people
what to say how to feel and what to do and here i want everybody to be relaxed i want everybody
to just say you know what i'm so glad that i came here that i now have a plan i now know what i'm
going to do going forward where maybe they were like you know what i want to do something i don't
know what it is your your heart is going to be ripped open i'm going to move touch and or inspire
people to take action after this weekend you're going to cry you're going to laugh you're going
to you're going to get frustrated but you know what you're going to do you're going to leave
there with saying you know what i know what my plan is i know what my purpose is i know when
i listen to thomas ranz or gene hoe or mary krally my gosh we have so many people it's it's
ridiculous and we've never been under the same roof nino rodriguez i was talking to him last
night late you know and he's like i can't even believe i'm doing an event like this people that
never ever did an event and i wanted to talk about nino for a minute because you and i brought
this up the other day and we talked about working out nino and i have buffs now he's a heavyweight
boxer you were a heavyweight i was i was just a golden gloves 153 pound soak and wet but here's
what i want to tell you is that when you walk up those stairs as a boxer you know this friends
we talked about this you literally have a millisecond to think why am i going inside that ring to get
my head bashed in why am i going inside that ring that i might never come back out right so your
why matters and your why better be bigger than your reasoning of not getting in that ring right
it's the same thing with this event and i'm telling people right now i'm giving a gift from my heart
20% off tickets right now here's why i don't care about money i i don't i don't care if i
i don't make a dollar here's what i care about every and i know that see every single see
tom i've just paid the event center i haven't even taken vendors credit cards i haven't even
processed them yet they're asking me this morning sponsors i haven't even asked them
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everybody and buy 10 copies send this blueprint to the death star and the new world order because
you read this you know their whole plan how to stop them get the great reset in the world now
it's going to go to number one what do you make of that leading a frontal assault on the lies of
the new world order it's alex jones we have a whistleblower doctor joining us it's been censored
next segment but first let's go to this report has america been slated for starvation is america's
food supply being sabotaged or are we being judged by god and plagued with the future famine
as michael snider details on his economic collapse blog a worldwide drought mainly in the northern
hemisphere is impacting agricultural production in the us in europe and this scarcity of various
produce and meat is going to raise food prices in the months and years ahead in italy farmers in
some parts of the country cost up to 80 percent of their harvest this year due to the severe drought
conditions in the region in france with a lack of rainfall has prompted widespread limits on fresh
water use they are experiencing their driest month in recorded history since march of 1961 this is
especially impactful on the world's food supply since france is the fourth largest exporter of
wheat in germany the most important river the rye has dropped to dangerously low levels and even dried
up completely in some places not only does this drop in water affect crop irrigation but the river
is used to transport the vast majority of all goods in and out of germany including coal oil and
most importantly food in the elb river hunger stones have reappeared which were used to mark
low river levels that would forecast famines in the land on one stone from 1616 it reads if you see
me cry here in the us about half the nation is experiencing some level of drought but the lack
of precipitation is particularly bad in texas where the dallas fort worth area has had no
measurable rain for two straight months the lack of water has led many ranchers to panic sell their
herds being unable to water them which will impact beef prices in the future is this just a typical
weather cycle where a season of drought comes and goes or is this a true climate disaster as the
global warming alarmists would like us to think and with food prices poised to explode the question
arises what can we do about it will weather modification technology that has the ability to
create rain by cloud seeding be brought to the mainstream public at last as a solution to this
worldwide drought china the ua e indonesia and other nations have already come out of the closet
with their cloud seeding technology so will the u.s. government declassify their own weather
manipulating tools to meet this crisis or perhaps this weather modification technology is what caused
the drought across the world by prematurely pulling water vapor out of the atmosphere and
showering the land with kim trail tainted rain how many decades have governments around the world
used these cloud seeding agents chemical compounds made from aluminum barium potassium iodide solid
carbon dioxide and various salt compounds aside from farmers and ranchers losing a large percentage
of their products due to a lack of rainwater food processing plants across the u.s. have been
mysteriously bursting into flames or shutting down further fueling the food crisis caused by the
drought starting in 2021 the uptick in disruptions at food processing facilities began and today
the number stands well over a hundred incidents that led to the shutdown of significant production
starting in 2022 there was a shutdown at least once a week these incidents destroyed damage or
impacted food processing facilities indefinitely either by fires diseases or an assortment of
accidents like plane crashes these incidents ceased beef and pork packing plants milk parlors
egg farms fertilizer plants various produce packing and processing facilities and an assortment of
farms for turkeys ducks and chickens have been cold millions of animals killed for outbreaks of
bird flu massive corporations like general mills keloch nestly walmart smithfield jbs and purina
have also shut down production have we been slated for starvation or are we being backed into a
corner so we accept the terms of the new world order's great reset agenda although we're armed
with the powerful military and the second amendment to protect ourselves from an invasion or a
tyrannical government is food the weapon being used against us just like henry kissinger said
who controls the food supply controls the people this is brian wilson with info wars dot com
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live from the info warsh.com studios it's alex jones well medical doctor kelly victory is about to
join us he's been exposing what's all confirmed now they tried to censor her here's one of the
local tv stations she talked to us life insurance companies have reported an overwhelming and
unexplainable increase in all caused deaths among 18 to 49 year olds so along with that
there's also been an increase in certain medical diagnosis such as miscarriages and bell's palsy
here to give us her take on the new data and what she believes could be causing the rise in numbers
is emergency medicine and disaster specialist dr kelly victory doctor victory good morning great
to talk to you as always good morning jason thanks for having me okay we want to make sure that
anytime we talk we want to make sure the information that we have is accurate so let's start this
interview by telling us i've seen your correspondence here what is the source of the information
that you're about to present well this information became available to me or on my radar last week
following a hearing with senator ron johnson uh who was looking at sort of what he calls a second
opinion on the entire response to the covet pandemic the medical data was released by three
career military physicians who got the information from the military database that collects what we
call icd codes which are the diagnosis codes and these physicians had a feeling they believed
based on their own observation that they were seeing a significant uptick in certain conditions
so they actually went back and called the database from the military on certain conditions over a
five-year period from 2016 through 2020 notably continue containing one year 2020 of the full
blown pandemic so they looked at 2016 1718 19 and 20 at the prevalence of certain conditions
including things like heart attack blood clots to the lung miscarriages those sorts of things
and they compared it to the incidence of those same things in the calendar year 2021 and saw
an alarming increase in certain things for example they saw a 270 percent increase in
myocardial infarction in 2021 a 300 increase in incidence of Bell's palsy and of certain
neurologic complaints a 470 percent increase in pulmonary embolisms blood clots to the lungs
and many many other huge increases that they found alarming all right since she
covered that on air she's been massively attacked but if you go to youtube almost every comment is
on her side and the people are confirming what she said but it's in mainline studies
Dr. Carlson was covering it last night uh their intimidation is not working she's a medical doctor
and go over her old bio but Dr. Kelly victory joins us and so you're not censored you're live
you can say whatever you want tell us about yourself your concerns you're not just talking
for five minutes on you know San Diego TV here you you're reaching millions of people can really
break down your concerns thank you so much for joining us well thanks so much for having me Alex
I've still somewhat caught off guard when people reference me as you did as a quote whistleblower
back in the olden days I'm what people would call an honest physician reporting on the facts and
the science and the data as I interpret them uh from the beginning I have been really raising
the alarm bells during this pandemic going really back to February of 2020 primarily because I saw
a response that was totally out of line with what one would have expected from public health
it began with things like talking about you know masking I mean these sorts of things and I sat back
and said wait a minute you know we've known for decades that masks don't do anything appreciable
to stop the spread of respiratory viruses why would they be talking about that and then it very
quickly went on to things like social distancing perhaps my favorite made up construct of this
entire debacle I have an entire library of books on public health epidemiology virology
immunology pandemic preparedness and response and I defy anyone to go to any of those textbooks
and find where the phrase social distancing appears in the index it's a yet we have mom and
pop shops all over the country that we're putting up you know plexiglass and circles on the floor
and one-way signs in the you know aisles at the Walmart so that was the initial thing that got my
attention was what the heck are they talking about then I started talking very early about the
vaccines and my concerns about the vaccines now suffice to say out I am not a hentai vaccine
anything but I've actually been called a vaccine zealot in the past I have written and spoken
much of my career in public health on the importance of vaccinations my concern was with
these vaccines number one when they started talking about launching very quickly an mRNA vaccine I
said wait a minute we have never had a safe and effective mRNA vaccine not because we haven't
tried that technology has been around for well over a decade at the time yet the vaccines had
always failed sometimes with disastrous results then I said wait a minute they're talking about
a vaccine that's going to be predicated on a singular spike protein well that's not going to work
anybody with any background in virology knows that viruses mutate all viruses mutate and the
area most likely to mutate is that spike protein so if you create a vaccine based on that spike
protein I simply predicted I said well this isn't going to work it's going to fail immediately
independent of any severe adverse events you might have because of the mRNA this thing is going to
fail in a New York minute so I was out talking about all of this very very early on and unleashed
a world of hurt on myself with regard to censorship I don't have a big or I didn't at the time a big
social media presence whatsoever but I started receiving just unbelievable vitriol from people
people were sending me not only personal notes but I was receiving you know many things in the
mail people would get my address and send me things and talk about how I was a horrible human
being and I was going to result in the deaths of you know hundreds of millions of people
that I should lose my medical license and lo and behold I have had to defend my medical license
on seven separate occasions during this pandemic I've done so successfully every time
and I mean let's think about that though an unapproved drug rammed through on the public
and a doctor questions it you've now been vindicated and the left doesn't want doctors
questioning unapproved drugs rolled out I mean they've turned into like big pharma cult members
exactly this is in the past we have absolutely promoted the idea of robust vigorous debate
in medicine frankly it's a cornerstone of medicine respectful debate but robust and
it's a cornerstone of science isn't it I mean it's all about debate absolutely we rarely come
to the best decisions in medicine or science or frankly business or anything else if you
only listen to a singular voice for years I was the chief medical officer of a company that ran
on-site healthcare for huge companies fortune 100 companies and dozens of federal agencies
incidentally and I had a plaque on my desk that said argue with me and I meant it tell me why this
is the dumbest idea I've come up with or tell me why I'm misinterpreting the data tell me why
I have overestimated oh that's what I say on air and and I wouldn't call them the left just these
corporate bots they'll never debate on a face-to-face they only want it when it's their playing field
period right and they don't debate on the science immediately they start hurling invectives and
making ad hominem attacks it never has to do with them saying hey Dr Kelly we read that same study
and here's where I think you misinterpreted the findings it's never about that it's you're a horrible
human being and you need to go away you shouldn't be looking at the lands at journal saying it doesn't
work and it raises the immune system just shut up exactly and so when I did that last little clip
that you reported where I was talking about specifically that data that was revealed by
three career military physicians who were looking at what they call dmed the defense military
epidemiology database and they have access I don't I'm not a military physician but they have access
to this enormous database that was very very helpful Dr Kelly I want to hear about what these
military physicians said that they're trying to censor when we come back stay with us the cavalry
for your immune system the cavalry for your health and the cavalry to keep info wars on the
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
medical doctor kelly victory is our guest we really appreciate
it for time today early covid care dot org and kelly victory md on getter
doc i got a lot of questions but you got cut off by the break getting into these big issues and
where you see all this going you got cut off a police sort of a word where we left off
yeah i just was talking um briefly about this issue of the data that was revealed by three
career military physicians who were drawing attention to these very very alarming increases
in the incidence of certain conditions things like blood clots to the long and bells palsy
heart attacks strokes those sorts of things and was actually in posting that sworn testimony by
these military physicians that got me permanently banned from from twitter how posting sworn
testimony from a congressional hearing is misinformation is beyond me but that's the
way it seems to go these days the thing that i think should be absolutely alarming and really
incense all americans alex is that the veirs system the vaccine adverse event reporting system
has been in place for 24 years was specifically put there as an early warning system it was meant
to be the proverbial canary in the coal mine uh the the cdc said let's put a system in place where
people uh civilians and physicians can report things that might be adverse events related to
a vaccine so that we'll know very very quickly early on we'll have that early warning sign and
now their own system is showing 10 20 times previous record problems they say it's discredited
correct they they not only haven't looked into it they have ignored it there are more
adverse events and specifically more deaths attributed on veirs to the covid 19 vaccines
than to all other vaccines combined over 24 years think about that say that again in its whole
history there are more in the last two years than ever reported of all the vaccines all 30 other
vaccines over the 24 year period combined you heard that correctly incredible now there's not
there's no saying that any particular case that's reported to veirs is definitely a result of the
vaccine but that's the way it's always been that's that's the nature of that system the the point
is they need to be evaluated and well it's like if you feed your cows a bunch of a new feed and you
got 100 cows and 10 die and normally one cow dies a year and 10 die in a day you know it's it's the
feed i mean it's it's cause and effect it's right there exactly and and so the the great news is
or should have been for for americans is that there's an organization whose job it is to look into that
and it's called the cdc they haven't done it they not only haven't looked into some of them
they haven't looked into any of these they haven't done the autopsies they haven't called the data
instead they've turned a blind eye to it and they march out on a daily basis and say safe
and effective safe and effective when they know darn well that it is neither safe nor effective
and the idea that they are coming out now and making some sort of disingenuous mea culpa about
the fact that they didn't let me stop you doctor because you're reading my mind my next question is
what do you make of berks and fouchy and all of them saying oh we never thought it would work
what is that about oh they're saying the quiet part out loud all of the sudden they're acknowledging
the reality uh deborah berks has come flat out and said they knew from the beginning uh as i did
that the vaccines wouldn't work that they would lose effectiveness very very quickly uh and again
that is independent and well let's see the head of the cdc oh yes she has come out and she has said
just recently yeah well whoops we made some mistakes and now we're going to do better going
forward because we're going to focus on quote communication collaboration and timeliness
um i truly alex they should focus on competence and integrity and perhaps some humility that would
be a more compelling trifecta well i totally agree so basically they got rid of three fda boards as
they wouldn't approve this they've got a bunch of executives involved with the companies making
money off of it the big question is why were they so psychotic to even try this and now
it's all coming out doctor victory where do you see this going well unfortunately there
it is going to take us decades alex to really understand the damage done by this pandemic
debacle it there are so many areas as i said it's not just the vaccines that's a huge piece
and we won't likely know literally for decades what the fallout is there's a reason that the
average vaccine takes six to eight years to come to market if it ever makes it at all these vaccines
had a paucity of safety data behind them when they started they were never tested on pregnant women
lactating women people with autoimmune diseases or people who'd already had and recovered from
covid we have really no idea what the long-term neurologic impact is the impact on uh reproductive
health and on and on furthermore we have done untold damage to an entire generation of young
people who were forced to wear masks socially distanced miss two and a half years of school
there's a reason for example that toddlers have significant speech delay the cdc rather than
acknowledging that wearing masks and being around you know throngs and others wearing masks rather
than acknowledging the profoundly negative impact that has had on young children they simply went on
quietly and unceremoniously and changed the childhood the milestones for the number of
words for example that a toddler should know and be able to say by the age of 24 or 30 months
children learn to speak by mimicking mouth movements not by what they hear so the fact
that we've had people masked for two and a half years has had a huge impact these things it is so
deep it's going to take us a long long time and unfortunately perhaps the greatest tragedy of it
all is that it is absolutely undermined the faith and confidence that people have in public health
god help us when the next thing comes along because there will be a next thing i can't tell
you what it will be but we will need to get the attention and the buy-in of the american people
and the population globally to listen to what we have to say and to pay heed and right now the
average person looks at public health and says you're a bunch of incompetent buffoons because
well doctor victory i mean i couldn't say it better you're saying it better than i could i mean
they're admitting the next things coming this is big pharma taking over you don't want to
speculate but clearly pulling back worldwide responses coordinated we have operation lock step
the whole thing was organized oh there's no question and i will you know wax i am not a
conspiracy theorist but i can connect the dots the reality is that people like bill gates have
wanted for a long long time to create a universal vaccine platform in the name of you know named
mrna uh there's no question that much of what they did was a you know a sigh up to see exactly how
much people would tolerate just how quickly will people hand over their civil liberties on a platter
in the name of public health fear itself fears an incredibly powerful intoxicant is a very good
way to manipulate people i teach a course on leadership and times of crisis and if i had to
summarize that entire seminar it's you know learn to recognize abject fear and terror and get yourself
out of it because you don't make good decisions that's right stay there dr kelly victory let's
talk more about just look at these headlines from roiders world faces unprecedented global hunger
crisis un chief says going into 2023 world food program warrants of global food catastrophe
looming global catastrophe the world could run out of food by 2023 major studies say and the reports
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store.com Donald Trump and the magnet republicans represented extremism that threatens the very
foundations of our republic i wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't have an operational name in fact
i bet it does i bet it's called operation matador they see us as the bull and they are shaky a red
flag in our face and the matador is the deep state with a long skinny razor shark sword so that when
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
live from the info wars.com studios it's alex jones
everywhere i go all right well i'm really impressed with medical doctor kelly victory
and we got cut off by a break a lot of folks are watching right now and i want to take part
of this interview tomorrow and and play it again it's so powerful powerful early cobancare.org
i said connecting the doc's big picture the premeditation of operation lockstep all the
documents you said absolutely you're sort of going through that so start over again
and and spend some time on that because they're saying new lockdowns coming new viruses coming
they admit this shot didn't work erasure your immune system all that big picture what do you
expect to come next and and speak to what you were just talking about about this being premeditated
what's your view on that well early on i have to say early on i did not believe that i said no
i i i you know i can't possibly connect those dots i think you'd be hard pressed at this point alex
to not understand that there's something else bigger going on whether you want to say it's the
great reset uh or simply look at the fact that people like bill gates uh george soros the people
at the world economic forum and others they clearly believe that the world that the globe
would benefit it would benefit significantly from a large decrease in the population uh and again i
say that not um because i believed it initially but when you watch the behavior it is simply not
conceivable that these people are just that incompetent there is a nefarious intent here
you have people at the helm not just in the united states but elsewhere who have continued to push
and push and push for example on these vaccines let's talk about that there's global coordination
blocking therapeutics uh early studies from the cdc predicting the bad side effects talk about that
yes absolutely and you take um there were studies that were you know white table
exercises on things like you know what would happen if we had a pandemic of this sort um these
guys have known from the beginning whether it's masking social distancing um talking about the
idea of asymptomatic spread testing people who are asymptomatic these sorts of things are absolutely
not based in the science and they have to have known that asymptomatic people have never been
the spreaders of of uh a pandemic or of a respiratory virus masks have never worked
social distancing as i said earlier we've known for decades that lockdowns do far more damage
um than good and there's a reason why we haven't used them in the past we've known
from the beginning that children frankly healthy people under the age of 50 but certainly people
under the age of 18 were at such a de minimis risk from this virus as to be indistinguishable
from zero yet they applied with a broad brush these mandates to everyone they acted as if
everyone was at equivalent risk when they knew from the beginning that that was not the case
and you see them doing it again with monkeypox all of the sudden we're going to act as if
everyone is at equivalent risk when we know up front who the risk groups are with covid
it clearly was the elderly and when i say that i mean people really over the age of 75 or 80
and people with a very well known set of comorbidities specifically obesity diabetes and heart
disease yet they acted as if everyone was at risk everybody must distance and lock down and stay
home and bathe in purel and hide in fear in the basement they're doing the same thing interestingly
with monkeypox we know who's at risk from monkeypox we know that it's not the average individual
we know that 95 percent of the people getting monkeypox identify as men and that more than 95
percent are homosexual or or transgender transsexual and and therefore those are the risk groups
but instead we're going to act as if you know suburban housewives and people who aren't sexually
active and young children are at risk they always go against the logic it's like an exercise against
logic well you know and they they there's a part of it that's just being so politically correct
you know we need the equity has no place in public health okay unfortunately viruses don't
know equity viruses know who their targets are and we don't do anybody any good as public health
experts to call it any other way the only way we can protect those people who are truly at risk
whether it's from covid or tuberculosis or monkeypox is to actually acknowledge who the
risk groups are put our resources towards those risk groups you know one of the the greatest
failures of this pandemic and that's a long list from which to choose but one of the greatest
failures was their failure to acknowledge the the role the mandate alex of public health
is to look at the impact of any particular mitigation scheme on the entire public not
a single individual not a single disease process it's very different from when you come to see me
in the emergency department or in my office at that time that's a one-on-one interaction
and you are my sole concern when i put on my public health hat it's very different i have to look at
the impact on the entire population and not just their physical health also their spiritual health
mental health economic health so they should have known from the beginning what a lockdown
would do and they knew it and it was all a giant a giant milgram experiment uh to basically divide
in congress society you give us your view as a medical doctor for the psychology of this thing
well and if you listen by the way to debra berks and others who freely acknowledges in her book
that they had to be surreptitious they had to be very careful quote unquote to not let their
true intentions be known these are her words not mine she knew they knew that if they acknowledged
what they intended which was never simply a two week lockdown you know two weeks to flatten the
curve that was never their intention as berks acknowledges in the book they knew if they'd
said that however to trump being the businessman that he was that he would understand the profoundly
negative impact that's right so so why are they now writing books and giving speeches
taddling on themselves to create a new narrative that was all you know the the noble lie or what
was it yes i think it's i think it's in part that and i frankly you know the rats are jumping ship
uh anthony fouchie up and you know put turned in his notice uh he's going to be stepping down as of
december you know three and a half decades too late but nonetheless he's finally stepping down
and i think he intends to try to get out of dodge and slink into the shadows uh before there's
likely a republican call to to have his head and to be hauling him in front of congress
um depending on what happens in november many of them are trying desperately to get on the right
side of history um they are trying to hitch their wagon and say oh yes we always knew i know i did
this because i said this because it was in the best interest of the population but we always knew
they're trying very hard to rewrite history i do not think that history will treat them kindly
however uh and there's a long list of people who are complicit in this certainly fouchie's right
at the top of that list um he was participant let's not forget in actually creating this thing
called covid he absolutely funneled us taxpayer dollars uh through eco health alliance and peter
dayzak to the wuhan lab in china for gain of function research uh one of the only things i truly
agreed with president obama on was the moratorium that was put on in 2014 to gain of function
research it was recognized as very very dangerous certainly something that could potentially create
a super bug and now the idea and now he's purging himself to congress stay right there final segment
very impressed kelly victory md i want to talk about big picture and and where we're going next
the facts of the rats are leaving the sinking ship what does that signify early covered care
dot o r g kelly victory md on getter wow so he knows what she is talking about that's why the
global shirt's so much trouble because they make control the top of the system but they don't control
all these great doctors and researchers and professionals and just thank god we've had the
real doctors and nurses and researchers and scientists stand up that's really expose their
whole agenda and the whole thing's falling apart now that's the goodness
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the new world order it's alex jones
issue of pandemic preparedness and if there's one message that i want to leave with you today
based on my experience and you'll see that in a moment is that there is no question that there
will be a challenge the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases both chronic
infectious diseases in the sense of already ongoing disease and we have certainly a large
burden of that but also there will be a surprise outbreak
md doctor telly victory is our guest you got caught up by the break again
covering critical information please continue doctor
well just talking about you know really really where this is going alex because i think that's
what most people want to know you know fauci stepping down many of them are stepping down
fauci isn't going away though i can guarantee it he will pop up somewhere else likely either
at the bill and melinda gates foundation the who or somewhere else in a word about the who
by the way the who to be very clear there's a reason why we stepped out of it previously
uh with president trump the who is essentially the long arm of the chinese communist party
dr tedros uh not a who's not a medical doctor by the way dr tedros who runs the who
was handpicked by the chinese communist party and he has a very different agenda the idea
that fauci and others were involved not only in doing gain of function research uh that is
very very dangerous but they were doing it with our greatest geopolitical foe china they were doing
it in wuhan and there's no question that this was a lab created virus and the idea that anyone is
suggesting that it was that it still is a naturally occurring uh virus is preposterous uh you need
only look at the genetics of that particular virus to know it was lab manipulated whether it was
released purposefully or out of abject incompetence i cannot say but lab created i can and there's no
question anthony fauci's fingerprints are all over that so is the who so uh clearly people are
making billions of dollars off of this pandemic and they stand to make billions of dollars from
the next fear fest um whether it's a resurgence of polio or monkey pox or whatever else but i
think that this has been as i said a sigh up not that the virus itself wasn't real uh covid was very
real and unfortunately many people died unnecessarily because of the therapeutic nihilism that occurred
and the refusal of the powers that be to even allow us to talk about this safe effective
readily available medications that we have to treat covid we had them from the beginning
things like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin and steroids for the duration of the pandemic
the people who are supposedly the gurus of public health have failed to tell people about the
importance of supplementing vitamin d and zinc two of the least expensive and simplest ways
we could have prevented people from dying from not only covid but a heck of a lot of other viruses
that are out there yet they haven't focused on that because their concern isn't really public
health at all it's control it's gaining control of you your children your business and where you
work this is the fundamental of a totalitarian society make it as miserable as possible so you
will finally break down and say okay i'll do whatever it is you want if you'll just make it stop
just make it go away and they hand you back some little bit of freedom something that
months ago you would have considered your god given right and something they had no right
to take away in the first place we've got a lot of work to do alex to rebuild and undo the damage
that was done by this pandemic and this pandemic response it's not just the physical components
and the the tremendous adverse events that are going to continue to happen as a result of these
vaccines but it's really the psychological damage the economic damage the social damage
the fractionation of families and friends over this issue of whether or not you wore a mask or
took the dang vaccine or whatever else we've got a lot of work to do all right i only learned about
you from this clip i've looked you up medical doctor great past great history i'm very impressed
i've had a lot of amazing people dr mercola mercola uh you know we've had so many other top
people on i know you're already prominent but man we need to get you out front and center
i think you're one of the most coherent cogent full spectrum doctors out there tell us people
know about you a little bit about yourself who you are and how people can contact you and how
people can support the great work you're doing doctor well thank you very much for this platform
too as i said it's been a tough time with the amount of censorship i am a trauma and emergency
physician by training i practiced hospital based trauma medicine for years and then developed an
interest in mass casualty and in disaster preparedness and response i ran the healthcare
for companies and their employees and their families for many many years i happened to have
been at the helm at continental airlines during the sars covet one pandemic in 2003 so have some
some pandemic experience as well i did postgraduate training at the harvard school of public health
and and really have spent the last 20 years primarily teaching i still see patients but
teaching and training in everything from active shooter preparedness and response
to this whole issue of leadership in times of crisis god knows we need more people at the helm
during these events and people who are not afraid to speak openly and honestly we do know in any
favors by sugarcoating the truth on the other hand as i said fear is not a way to lead people
um out of the basement uh i have a website with a number of other terrific physicians not only
storied people with storied academic careers but stellar human beings people like doctors
peter mccullough and harvey reish paul alexander george beread and that website is early covet
care dot org um it's a great website because it's a repository for a huge number of studies
if you're interested in what i'm talking about with regard to studies for example on masks or
social distancing or information about the vaccines we have hundreds and hundreds of
published scientific studies there there are resources for people with regard to protocols to
treat covet as well as covet vaccine injuries and a way to avail yourself of of telemedicine
services if you need to talk with a physician um my only real social media platform right now
is on getter having been permanently banned from from twitter i chose not to fight that
ban by the way it simply wasn't worth it i'm not interested in participating in a propaganda
platform um so i'm on getter at kelly victory md uh and i spend really some time doing shows like
this one and again i so appreciate the platform because people deserve to be able to hear this
i am was the the lead co-defendant and the lead i go excuse me co plaintiff uh the co plaintiff
with um president trump in his class action lawsuit against big tech and again it's not
because it's a an affront to my first amendment right to speak it's more an affront to the right
of all americans to hear to hear the other sides um i believe that people are smart enough that they
can take the information they can distill it and they can come to the best decisions for
themselves and their families it's not anybody's right to prevent you from getting all of the
information if people want to argue with me as i said bring it on happy to argue but let's argue
about the facts no i totally agree well doctor victory usually they say don't judge a book off
its cover and i actually now that we're talking to you i've seen some other big stuff you're
involved in but like seeing the newscast having you here it's amazing you're a great american
you're an amazing doctor you're a wonderful woman and we're so much stronger to have you here and
you just knocked out of the park hope everybody takes the archive of this interview today it'll
be a band-aid video and i hope they share it thank you so much for your time and i think it's fair
to say though they expect a lot more out of this power grab they they got a lot but not what they
thought and now it's backfiring do you agree with that 20 seconds left i i absolutely do i absolutely
do it uh the tide is turning alex and there are a lot of people who are going to be held accountable
god willing and those of us who are out there uh have been vindicated those of us who have been
speaking the truth from the beginning the tide is turning and it's time for americans to take their
civil liberties back don't let this happen to us again be educated be involved and uh just keep
your eyes open because uh it's out there in front of us incredible interview one of the best ever
all right dr victory you are the essence of victory thank you so much thanks for having me ultimate
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if you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance
and it's time for humanity to stand up in the info war and say i don't know what's
gonna happen at the end of this but you want to fight you better believe you got one
from the front lines of the information war it's alex jones
all right i have a special guest joining us next segment right now we're taking your phone calls
all in florida you're on the air welcome hey alex welcome hey so i just wanted to bring up a key
pieces of information that i think was overlooked by the sandy hook trial um so still to today fbi.gov
has the uniform crime report and if you look up sandy hook kinesia in 2012 it still says zero murders
and manslaughter in that category so the fbi confirms that nobody died at sandy hook in
connecticut 2012 even if you go to 2013 because it happened in december still it's a big goose egg
nobody died this is very specific information from the fbi confirming nobody died in samuels
yeah no that that actually was brought up during the so-called uh kangaroo trial and the thing is
they say the state of connecticut doesn't report deaths of the fbi doesn't put them in there but
that's why people are asking questions one of the reasons i appreciate your call uh let's go
ahead and talk to erin in wisconsin erin go ahead hey jones i just wanted to talk about
something i saw on friday evening i was watching one fighting championships at the mix martial arts
promotion out of asia and they had their first event on amazon and one of their main sponsors
even on the page for their uh the one fc website is globalcitizen.org and naturally you know being a
viewer of your show this kind of struck a chord so i went to the site to check it out and you can go
and look and read all these wonderful articles like five ways our lives would include i'm sorry
improved in a circular economy and this is called swabs you'll own nothing you'll be happy about it
and this article goes on to say how the world bank estimates that americans produce all this waste
and you know what they don't say is this is how they've set the system up so this is how we this
is how we behave this is how we act and now it's all our fault they kind of sidestep blame it's
everything that you're always talking about that they built up this system for us to be in and now
they use that as the reason why they need to get all of us under control we're all dangerous you
know all the all throughout history that that's what the elites have said that 95 of us are dangerous
to ourselves and into the future of the human race and also i was listening to uh richard grove
interview john taylor gato the ultimate history lesson are you familiar with that yes and i mean
this i would recommend that people go and listen to this it's five hours full of everything from
the history of public education in this country and how we're just kind of set up to fail and
and i believe that if you can learn this you can kind of get out ahead of it and you can you can learn
to get out of this way of thinking and actually you know make some real change and act some real
change in our own lives and to try to prevent or mitigate some of what these people are are trying
to do to us you know the world economic forum all the usual suspects so that's about it that go
check out that global citizen dot org they're just kind of stuffing it down our throat every everywhere
they can oh and they just announced world government we're getting rid of the humans we're
going to cut your resources off to bring into your knees i mean that's what's so frustrating is
this thing is out in the open thank you erin all right joining us is a very special guest dr
lee merit the medical rebel dot com she's been massively centered she's a medical doctor predicting
everything that's unfolded and now we have government submitting nine out of ten people
that are dying of covid have been double or triple or quadruple vax this is so huge and then after she
leaves us i'm going to go ahead and just host fourth hour after she leaves us i'm going to hit
trump calling for a new election massive news trump's response to us my old demand
without coming out against the vax and these drag queen pedophile story times and the big
developments in texas it's all coming up today info wars dot com stay with us
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you found it the tip of the spear it is the alex joneshow
i hear people talking about the way we have to live here in this country
harping on wars be fine dr. lee merritt for two and a half years has been exposing covid as a
lab made product and she's been exposing the deadly shots she is now completely and totally
absolutely vindicated in triplicate i'm going to go over some of the big developments
that have just unfolded but i just want to out of the gates go right to her
to talk about the state of the world and what's coming next she's got a dna strand behind her
if you're a tv viewer and they're now announcing that these dna swabs these covid tests we took
at universities and medical centers and you name it were actually sent
to a dna database got a big stack of news on that this is part of a massive globalist takeover
there is no doubt so so dr. lee merritt thanks for having us on why don't you give folks the
35 000 foot view then we'll zoom in with the microscope and look at the specifics
well uh the 30 000 foot view may be a quote from eggurellen po that i i've become insane
with long intervals of horrible sanity it just seems like every time we turn around it gets more
confusing um you know the real issue is there is this really even a genetic war i've had this dna
strand behind me but you know we're we're not finding dna in the vials of of these vaccines
i think what if the in the real quick summary of this i think there's a lot of um misdirection
and i think they've got us looking one way when we need to be really looking at another way and
that's wavelength um we talked about it on the show here a long time ago about the implication
of 5g but i honestly i didn't realize how you know i still thought there were viruses and dna
was like i was taught now i'm not sure no no they know it's not blood clots it's artificial
circuitry confirmed by hundreds of prestigious universities you name it growing in the body
it's just causing blood clots right and i have to say the one thing i can be absolutely sure of
and your previous caller brought this up is that schools have failed us but it wasn't by accident
you know a lack of knowledge you have a you have mark pass you on here every once in a while and i
really like mark pass you but he has a two-hour excellent excellent everybody should watch this
um video on on demystifying the occult and occult just means hidden and i will tell you that they've
hidden so much from us that is very hard to get a handle on what is true that's really our problem
well that's right so so dive right into it dr merit well you know um i the thing that came
first of all there's been some issues of just you know the whole genetic thing what's really
going on here it's a couple things didn't make sense like um you know in 2017 i know that
that they had a they they they were doing these hygiene therapies and we've been spending three
billion dollars in genetics research every year but for that only about three percent actually goes
to anything real any anything used in medicine now they claim that they've made a genetic vaccine
here that goes out in the whole world but i looked it up the cost of a genetic therapy in 2017
the one that they kind of tout as being the the the prototype it was somewhere between 800 000
and a million dollars now something isn't ringing right here how can they then just suddenly within
a couple years make this so cost effective they can do a gene treatment the genetic based
therapy on the whole world there's something not right here and then you have um you know i also
uh feng zhang of the zhang lab at mit now he has a he has a he's a he's what they call a
bio biological engineer he's got a phd in biological engineering which is a little creepy
but he's always cited as being one of the premier genetic manipulators having been the pioneer of
crisper but you know if you go on his site and you actually read what it says it says that he
else quoted it says although we typically talk about gene editing in reality we mostly do gene
deleting our ability to precisely integrate new stretches of dna is limited so and then the final
issue here is i interviewed dr. porna mawag you may have seen a small snippet of her on the internet
but on my rumble i've got a two hour video so people can really watch and hear her for themselves so
they get the understanding because there are 18 lab researchers she's a phd in virology there's
there are labs researchers all over the world that have come up and said there is no genetic
material in this in these vaccines and that's not one that is going to be too mushy mushy that's one
of those things where we understand um you know electrophoresis gel electrophoresis it's a simple
way of separating molecules if it's there we would have seen they should have seen it secondly
we have a technique called the ramen spectroscopy so i'm i'm telling you they really looked at this
that also can be very precise at looking at molecules using their um their refraction i
guess using laser light so they did not find genetic material in these vials of vaccine and
they looked at they looked at the sputnik they looked at sign of fact they looked at all of
these different words well didn't they didn't they just simply find outside material that cuts
dna like you said they're not manipulating dna they're cutting dna that causes mutation and cancer
well they're doing something and the question is is it really genetic based um so what they're
what they found in the vaccines so far and this is labs in germany india all over um they found
they're all the same they say the vaccines are all the same they're a basis of hydrogel with
reduced graphene oxide and then they've got a variety of metals in it now you know the one
thing i can tell you for sure about graphene oxide is it is not safe you know you look at it and
yes it has a lot of potential they say a lot of potential for for all sorts of interventions
into humans the problem is it really has lots and lots of problems and and if you think about it
it does a lot of the things that we're seeing the clotting the neurologic damage it's been it's been
shown to to um you know give you abnormal immune responses i mean and and so you're saying is it's
a big mystery all these labs around the world have found it's triggering the body not just what
they inject but using your own body's chemicals to start growing these these these complexes
inside the body we know that's happening the question is what is it for and why do they have
all four vaccines that were backed by the NIH to cause this right again because they're all the same
essentially and they their their purpose was never let's just keep in mind we also have to
have a correct worldview that they were never here to help us this has never been about
making anybody's safety if you look at the tragedy of the child vaccine program uh
they're they've they've increased your doctor you're gonna have the floor when we come back
i'm gonna think i'm gonna let you out so i'm just sit back and turn my mic off but pulling back to
at the 30 000 foot view as i said you don't want to extrapolate you know give your opinion but
clearly you're a smart lady what is this really about building capacitors into us changing the
live form because that's what claus wobb says we're going to go in your bodies we're going to
change who you are we're going to make you be ready to interface with machines and it looks
like that's what this does and a bunch of people are going to be killed in the process i think
that's pretty close to the to write on and i think they're using the graphene somehow to as a
transformative agent in other words it can it can transform gigahertz to terahertz to run nanobots
it's an it's an electrical receptacle so they're putting a receptor in for nanobots and electromagnetic
energy yeah and 5g will coordinate it that's why they need five so to dumb it down they're putting
the plug into us they're they're putting the interface in yeah anybody that says oh they're
going to put a chip in you that's old news they don't need a chip all they need is this microscopic
system injected over time i don't think the good news is i don't think they can do it in one piece
and you've all heard already said that he said we're going to put nanotech in you to interface
yep i think that's what it is i don't think it has it doesn't have any other
if they look if they wanted to just kill us outright they could have done that a long time ago
we know that i mean there's so many technologies out there that are just completely world busting
technologies uh you know tess tesla's death ray but they're but that's not what they're doing
they're they're doing this to um first of all i think they love our misery there's somebody out
there that just feeds on our misery but because it's just been horrible experience right but the
second thing is they're going to take away some of our population we saw the guide stones and they're
going to transform people look what's you know if anybody's seen westworld what what's westworld
really telling us it says there are people that look like us that talk like us that walk like us
this is the protagonist said this but they're not us and what's if you look at that show the new
westworld it shows that they for every robot that are synthetic they have to make a lot of they have
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
dr lee merits our guest here on the alex jones show the third hour she's a visionary medical
doctor or military veteran and she's been the tip of the spear exposing all this it's on a
shut up during this segment and the next and just let her host and and and and start over and and
lay all this out because it's so big and i've studied it myself it's not a really even a gene
therapy like they say it just cuts your dna it just kills your dna but it also rewires you and some
people to grow faster some slower they're testing on us all like guinea pigs and we've got claus
swap saying it's a revolution taking us over dr merit please continue well thank you i um
so i basically i i tell people we need to change our language so we understand what's going on
the idea we keep talking about these viruses but quite frankly we have we have some proven technology
that can cause disease but what is unproven is viral transmission especially airborne viral
disease so let's let's turn our thinking more and let's move over to the idea that they're using
toxins against us you know in latin uh virus means toxin and in ancient medicine the only
two treatments are purification and detoxification and we've lost sight of that and we've gone to
this idea that that these little antimicules float out of our mouth and make people sick and
everybody says well but i know people get sick yes but you can get sick for other reasons
and i think i want to start there actually because it leads into all this and it's maybe
not what you're going to expect but there in the 1930s and 1920s in in russia in the soviet union
and trust me the russians are way ahead of us on this research or at least way ahead of what
we're being told we have there was a guy named kosnachev and this is what he did he he took a
tissue and he divided it in two parts and he put cells into one container from half of the tissue
and cells in a container b let's say from the other the other cells and then he connected them and
the only thing that connected them in it was in one now one chamber but separated between the
tissues was an optical window then he took the first side of these cells and he blasted them
with let's say a radiation i mean he killed he was going to murder the cells somewhere either with
radiation uh staphococci he could put in bacteria he could put in arsenic you name it whatever he
put into side one then he watched what 12 hours later he watched to see if side two started changing
well if the window glass was glass between those two chambers nothing happened but when he put in
quartz he started to see an effect and what the effect was and it was subsequently called the
mitogenic effect or my favorite is death photons what he what he showed was that side b starts dying
using the same pattern of death if it was radiation side b started dying from radiation if it was
arsenic side b started dying with the same symptoms of arsenic death okay so so whatever was killing
side a moved over to side b when they weren't physically correct connected they were connected
by an optical quartz window and that quartz window allowed the uv the difference between
quartz and glasses quartz allows ultraviolet or near ultraviolet rays to get through so that's why
they named them the death photons because they said something is being given off by these cells
that is causing these other cells to get sick now if we take a step back and we say look if they can
if they can if this is happening and we know that it has an electromagnetic signature and we can
capture that electric magnetic signature just like Luc Montagnier showed and others then we could
we could program and we could broadcast disease when people say well if there are no viruses
how can i get sick i'm going to tell you this is how now royal rife um yeah they did a lot royal rife
was doing the opposite royal rife was a very well known scientist also about the same time
he developed a microscope of 50 or 5780 some parts that he handmade that had all quartz
optics and quartz allowed you to see all this radiation all i mean all the uv light all this
different wavelengths now he could get 15 000 um magnification off a light microscope what can
we get today a hundred years later we're we're stuck yes there's a picture of royal rife who's uh
who was born near where my office is actually but he here he is in 1929 now we are in 2022 and we are
still hampered by having light microscopes that don't use a complete quartz system don't use his
patented lighting and we can get maybe 2500 but what did he tell us well he told us a lot of things
and think if we'd gone down this road he said that he could watch with this microscope and this is
pretty impressive in the days before fully catheters he sat there for over 24 hours sometimes 36 hours
i guess without moving to observe the live bacteria and what he showed is that bacteria
had a had what they call a pleomorphic phase in other words bacteria would morph into viruses and
back again into bacteria what he called viruses now they were smaller things that were moving around
he called them viruses but they aren't what we call viruses and the other thing he noticed was
that all these different things whether it was tuberculosis or staphylococci whichever one it
was they had a specific wavelength they had a different color so a different color meant a
different wavelength and so he developed the um what he called the mortal oscillatory resonance
or mor it was a complementary wavelength or a non-complementary that could blast these things
and kill them there's a famous story i don't think it's apocryphal i think this really happened
he went to multiple radio stations in san diego near where his lab was and he asked him if they
all simultaneously on one day would broadcast a particular frequency a particular sound for a
particular period of time and after it was over he announced he said there we have just cured
tuberculosis in san diego because what he showed is that if you find the right um the right frequency
you can do lots of things so he was doing good but there's a potential to do evil so i'm just
going to say we we have been this knowledge has been hidden from us but it was not hidden from
the germans for example they were doing it um causna chev's work was re uh looked at in a famous
lab in germany and guess what it was called it was called marburg and what do we think about marburg
we hear about marburg we hear about a virus of marburg but to be honest there are less than 600
cases of marburg in the world what's really going on here so let's say you so i i personally think
we are looking at wavelength men's medicine and we're looking at wavelength medical warfare
and ultimately we are dna we are we are wavelength beings and we can be manipulated that way well
they know dna is a is a is a transceiver and i remember going to telegraph has done the reports
when a when a sperm breaks into the egg there is a pulse of energy and they don't even know
what where it comes from there's like an interdimensional releases and electromagnetically
releases and we know that we're electrochemical that's how our cells operate but they ignore all
that in so-called mainline science because we know from tesla and others it's the real science
right and that spark i believe is what they call that's why they called it the mitogenic
effect the russians actually discovered that and so i think that there's a lot of potential there now
that gets us back to the whole issue of what are what are we facing we're facing what happened during
the covet lockdowns well they put up all these 5g towers that that that should have been a
suspicious moment to begin with the second thing is when now we're finding out there's no there's
no genetic material in the vaccines there's graphene reduce graphene oxide now graphene oxide
i'm not i'm not you know i i know dr noak the uh the german scientist german doctor that died
was talking about this razor blade effect but quite frankly graphene oxide is so so tiny i'm not
sure that's really what's going on here i don't i'm not buying that it's slicing anything um except
maybe maybe dna it may damage you know don't america stay there this is fascinating the cavalry
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leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
we've been told it's genetic revolution with the republic or against it resistance to
tyrants is obedience to god it's alex jones we've been told this is genetic revolution we've been
told our bodies are being taken over by the club of rome and devos group at the un and now they're
doing an early merit medical doctor is here laying out what's really in these so-called
shots that have killed so many people the whole separate subject that we've been vindicated and
we've all been confirmed to be accurate that you're nine out of ten dying of covid they say
they are dying from the shots that's a british medical journal it's all coming out they don't
care they got caught that's a whole other subject where is this going next but one of the shots
actually really do and why would they risk global rebellion to put these in us dr lee marrett please
continue yeah well i i don't know if you want to talk a little bit more about the shots but i i was
you could talk about whatever you want doctor well i'm i'm going to just proceed on a little
bit with this nanotechnology issue and the and the issue of it not being primarily genetic
modification necessarily as we think of it and i was saying i love that you played the uh west
world theme because really i think that's telling us things if you look at west world it's very
expensive to maintain synthetic robots wouldn't it be a lot cheaper if they could just put something
here to control me i mean that's really where this goes i think is that no that's what claus
swab set up with the clip at the first hour we're going to make humans the commodity the revolution
is taking humans over right i mean i i think that in my mind i used to think the world was uh
courier and ives and norman rockwell and unfortunately you were right long ago when
you pointed out these the the statue of mo lock at our at our bohemian grove because
the world is more like that we are we are dealing with we are serfs in a world that we
have not understood and it's a criminal it's a horrible uh situation that were kept here by
tax bondage and lack of knowledge so we have to understand this and the lack of knowledge is
leading to the what i'm about to talk about and that's called the rise of the nano mafia okay
there's a doctor and i just found this because i actually was looking up the kazarian mafia or
something i was looking up some mafia point and this time before you get there they don't want to
just have all our data they want to make us the data right we're going to be the data and we're
going to be the robots because we self assemble we self reproduce we can take care of ourselves
and then they can kill us off when they want and we can just be controlled i think that's
where this goes so there's a doctor i believe he's a doctor he's at the faculty of medicine at the
national university in my order to son marcos peru and anyways names david floris and he wrote an
article that that came out on in the international physical medicine rehabilitation journal and the
name of the article is the nano mafia nano technologies global network of organized crime
and here's basically what he said and and honestly one of the reasons he wrote this is
he was just kind of upset that people he thought were getting the Nobel prize in medicine and physiology
and they were doing work on on essentially on unwitting
patients on people that just like the death camps in in germany the people that were compelled to
be in these and maybe not even know it or like the cia experimenting years ago with lsd and they
they dosed people without them knowing it it's totally unethical and he didn't want people to
be getting them the Nobel prize for this but anyway what what he said he says this is happening in
south america it's really kind of starting there because they have the cartel experience
that if you're going to do work in your if you're a high tech biotech research arm and you've got
these grants and you've got this money but you can't get people to want to have nanobots put in
their brain this is about nanobots um they're orders of magnitude smaller than anything we're
talking with chip technology so these are things that travel through your bloodstream you can't
really see them with a naked eye and really can't see them they're below microscopic levels so these
are very very tiny so they didn't but people don't want to be dosed for this as an experiment no
matter how much you pay them for the most part so they got in bed with the cartels and they got
involuntary subjects and what he's saying is you don't need injections to get these nanobots into
people um they actually believe that beer is the best best way to do it so what the what the
cartels or what the criminal element that was involved in this figured out is that they could
use it as nanotechnology as a criminal in their toolbox right as a weapon you know you don't
have to go now i don't have to go and i don't have to use guns and and violence and and it's very
messy to try and rob a bank all i have to do is take the bank ceo ceo out and and dose him in a beer
you know having to have a drink of a beer and having dose and apparently beer works well because
you know beer kind of has has things that open up your gut a little bit and open up your blood
brain barrier it disinhibits you a little bit and apparently this the the idea is to put these
nanotechnology devices in our brain and that was the new james bond movie was all about nanotech
yeah i i interviewed j dire on you what you've had you've had he does some of your programs and
he's really interesting on predictive programming and i started going back and looking at this stuff
and and all through the last decades of movies and mostly i watch tv old tv shows they tell you
over and over that that we have people among us that are not us and why do they do that why do
they have a need to tell us what they're doing to program or subconscious yeah that's what i
think he thinks it is programming at subconscious i'm not sure it isn't just a you know the the old
the the the religious you know idea that if i tell you what i'm going to do and then you stupidly
do it i'm not guilty i i think this is a i think this is the way they're it's a free will issue
it's a free will issue and unfortunately what we've seen you know we always used to wonder
as a child of the of the fifties that was not too far after world war two i remember my father who
was a physician small town doc and his buddy sitting around talking about how could it
when the when the word started coming out what had happened in nazi germany they kept saying
how could this have happened how could this have happened well i think we now know and if if you're
paying it and we've now got not only corrupt researchers we've got in corrupt governments
goes without saying but we have corrupt hospital administrators health unions um professors every
you know we've got a we've got the organization and it isn't you know it's not what we expected
you know when they said we took an oath to defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and
domestic i didn't really expect it would be domestic medical authority but that's what it's
turned out to be and now they're using it for other things now you notice in canada um and i think
it's a combination it's a control we're going to be controlled by this technology if we don't stop it
and i think there's a way out to stop it but we're going to be controlled if we don't stop it and
there's also depopulation there's no question this is about depopulation and and you know in
canada right now i think i heard the number 30 but for sure what's happening is that elderly
going into canadian hospitals are being offered euthanasia oh came out two weeks ago and said
we're going to push euthanasia on people that's right and that's what they're doing i i heard 30
percent were offered euthanasia so what's the point there it's because all governments ultimately
don't value you as an individual you know this is this is getting rid of the deadwood that are
too old or infirm or or something wrong with them it's bill gates saying kill the old lady
and hire ten people that's exactly right that's exactly what we're doing and i actually i have
to say in 2009 and when i was president of the association american physicians and surgeons i
gave a talk about this and it was about the lessons of carl brandt still on the video somewhere and
um on youtube but amazingly but um you know the reason that they did it is they had a philosophy
and the philosophy was that the state the organization trumped your individual rights
it's that's what all of this is about all of this is is abrogating our individual rights
for a world in which there's there's technocracy it's so organized and and worked out and don't
worry that we won't have all that messy electoral process problem that's what this is about it's
it will we'll probably have the the appearance now the issue really is how how we get out of this
and the first thing i want to say is the the people running this show you know in 2011 there was a
guy named i think glad felter in switzerland and he did a he did a study and he showed that of all
the corporations millions 37 some million corporations in the world they really boiled down to be 147
companies you know we hear about black rock state street and vanguard or the big three but there are
147 companies and then people on wall street looked at that and said actually they're run by
you know 10 big funds and then somebody else on wall street said well if you know that then you
know that those funds are actually in the control of about 150 men around the world so it's right
out of john colman's book on the committee of 300 where he claimed the 300 men ruled the world
global corporate dictatorship generally meritless talk about solutions straight ahead we'll be back
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it's work great for me leading a frontal assault on the lies of the new world order it's alex jones
dr lee merritt is our guest now she's talking about solutions this biomedical mad scientist
takeover dr merritt please continue well i think solutions devolve into what we can do as individuals
and what we can do as a community so as individuals the first thing you have to realize is don't be
afraid because they love it and it's counterproductive to your survival it doesn't help you knowledge is
the antidote to fear you you need to learn things and they're the world now is has been divided into
kind of two groups and that's the group that sit back passively and let the news tell you things
that's just listening to the intelligence services don't do it you have to actively go out and seek
out the truth and question everything and when i've for me question everything means go down to the
basic science so you know as deep as you can dive to feel out how did they actually prove something
to be true um so you got to have knowledge the the other thing is you need to be healthy to be a
warrior in this we want to save the world for our children at least i do and i think most of you do
so just to be i i think there are five or six things i always say about being healthy the first
thing is don't poison yourself it's unbelievable the number of poisons we take in um but some of
them are almost unavoidable like the city fluoridates your water but we have solutions for that too but
don't don't purposely taken things like you know wheat products that that are doused with glyphosate
i mean there's just so many things you have to you have to look at that so don't poison yourself
and then you need essential nutrients you need about 90 essential nutrients that you can't get
except eating it and our soils are depleted so alex you've got the you know you've been on this
this you are the tip of the spear on this you've been doing this for years i mean they they're
going to lie to you the government lies to you says oh those those supplements that just makes
expensive urine no that's what set us up for this don't don't believe them uh research it yourself
you need to supplement there's certain things that you you need parasites parasites are a big
lie i've got a parasite protocol on my on my website it you know i i learned some of this
from brian artist but also just think about it there are there are five or six things they really
really don't want us to have in terms of drugs and they are all anti-parasitic drugs chloroquine
hydroxychloroquine nitrozoxanide um uh um what am i blanking on ivermectin and then chlorine
dioxide they really don't want you to have that chlorine dioxide is a universal antitoxin and
it helps with the fluorine problem it helps with lots of things i would i would you know
people go to jail just for mentioning it i'll mention it and say this is for educational
purposes only this isn't this is not approved by the fda i just happen to use it um so you have
to take care of yourself now the other thing is don't abet the enemy don't work for these guys
you know eichmann didn't kill all the people in the death camps little people like we did it we
got together and we didn't stand up and we didn't quit you know if you're a nurse or you're a pharmacy
tech and you're still injecting these toxins into children stop doing it because it won't be forgotten
you know the the thing we have to remember is the 150 guys on the top of this pyramid
they move money they move around a lot of words but they don't do the physical reality of working
the world of creating the wealth of doing all the things we do they're just keeping us separated
from each other and fighting each other so we don't realize that we have to start realizing that
so i think you know i think that's uh that's a that's a big way to go now the other thing is
don't let them distract you with viruses when we need to be starting to look at
at wavelengths i'm i'm serious during this outbreak early on i realized there was the the
fix was in there was something wrong here even though i still you know was kind of going down
that viral paradigm i noticed that the guys in hypha had taken out the wi-fi from their
kids schools hmm they thought it was dangerous and there's a lot don't let them tell you there's
no evidence for this there's lots of research you can find online there's a ton of it uh arthur
fursenberg um just has a download that you can do i mean there's just a lot of stuff uh that show
you the damage of of all sorts of wavelengths i just did a um a deep dive on the pandemic of 1918
and really that started with the telegram lines telegraph lines that the guys moved down from the
farms in tennessee and they were suddenly surrounded by all this copper wire and this telegraph it
sounds a little crazy but it really is true because to in fact the earlier um alex you put up a video
and it showed the part of the electron transport chain how do you metabolize your food you take the
food in it goes to your mitochondria and it it has an electron transport chain and that transport
chain gets messed up when you suddenly change into a higher electromagnetic field and that's
what happened that's one of the studies show once new electromagnetic systems go in we get sick we
adapt to it quickly but but that's when we all these studies show it's happening right and we don't
always completely adapt to it so i can't remember if it wasn't a paul or shrillank i'm just having a
brain blackout on the country but i just read about this and basically the country had been you know
rural uh not electrified for its entire existence and i think in the 1990s about the time we were
putting in cell phones the country the government decided to electrify the country that country
developed the highest rate of diabetes you know change the the the rate of change of diabetes
in that country was number one in the world now again you will adapt to some degree but every
time we've made a jump up we become a little more sick i mean there's a real issue here so the one
thing you can do personally is you know hardwire your house put your cell phone at least one arm
lengths away i measured this on myself when you put it one arm lengths away it's not it's not it
registers pretty much almost zero i don't know it's the length of the transmitting antenna it
becomes half as weak each length away right right so yeah it's the inverse square law so all radiation
goes down for every two times you for every double of the distance it goes down the square so it goes
down four times so you you need to do that and and that's why it does make sense to wear to use
wearables to have things in your area that mitigate um the wi-fi's in in in ionizing radiation like
we're talking about x-rays you have to block it i spent well let's go back to start a world war two
they started heating up cans of beans at the end of world war two in england they noticed people that
worked around renter say so we're getting cancer that's in mainline history books so these are
broadcasting systems just as we don't see them doesn't mean it's not shooting through our dna
shooting through the the neurons of our body blasting through uh the molecules that make us up
oh yeah and that and that's the point about about treating things with wavelength too the good news
is this this opens up the possibility for restoring health using this technology now
you know i think we're way behind on that but nonetheless i i'm not giving up hope on that
i hope that that is what the med bed's about people ask how are the globalists doing all this
and protect themselves well they've got they've got the cures they've got the treatments
yeah yeah they know you know i'll bet you bill gates doesn't live in a wi-fi environment
i'll bet you he doesn't you know that's just for us so we're we're being constantly toxified
and it's going to get worse i think they're going to start dosing us with graphing now that there
are some things you can do like i i like um bob greska i met years ago bob greska is a real nano
chemist and he developed carbon 60 which is a buckyball it's like it's like 60 carbon atom
carbon solution in solution and it's an electron donor one of the reasons i think that we're getting
the the final common pathway with this low formation when your red blood cells kind of stand up and
and all clump together and that's what can start these clots and i'm not saying it's the only thing
but it can start it is that these these vaccines have um cations in them yeah there's the there's
the carbon 60 this is the antidote but but these cations um they they strip the electrons from the
laminar flow system of your capillaries and so everything starts clumping together what you
need to do is restore the electrons you need an electron donor and so uh there's certain things
that do that i i mean i think carbon 60 makes a lot of sense i also think chlorine dioxide
makes a lot of sense um and and un-wifiing your house i think we have to do that i think you have
to get get away from as much wi-fi as possible you're going to have some but it's dose related
so even if you just turn it off at night time the good news about the 5g is it doesn't travel that
far the bad news is they're going to improve everything so um so i think China's already rolling
out 6g yeah and keep in mind um g is generation so i don't know what 6g is because 5g is anything
over a gigahertz everything else before our cell phones before we're always below one gigahertz
and now we're we're one gigahertz up to whatever they want to do so i don't know what they mean by
that but i do know and and this was just reported and i think it was Karen Kingston it was somebody
pointed out that looks at patents that i my eyes glaze over but the chinese patent for their vaccine
their covid vaccine admits to having graphing in it so this is not just conspiracy stuff
there's a global a global program they're putting the plug in us the interface dr lee merritt incredible
hour please join us again very very soon themedicalrebel.com we love you we appreciate you you're
definitely over the target thank you so much thank you all right folks i got loaded phone lines here
from tim and greg and paul and jonathan and mike and i said i get to your call so i'm gonna do those
and then i'm gonna hit the latest trump news i'm gonna tell you what trump responds to my
ultimatum was they was donald trump and the magnate republicans represented extremism that
threatens the very foundations of our republic i wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't have an
operational name in fact i bet it does i bet it's called operation matador they see us as the bull
and they are shaky a red flag in our face and the matador is the deep state with a long skinny
razor sharp sword so that when the bull lunges forward the matador uses the force of its weight
to drive it into the heart and step aside with his cape as the bull buries himself into the dust
they've got the ace of spades in their hand which is false flags before you launch a war you stage
false flags that's the first thing you do because nobody wants to say they started a war bad guys
start wars so every time a war gets launched by bad guys they stage an event this is operation
matador there is nothing there is no more epitome of free speech than right here and that's what
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for information you might not agree with everything you might not agree with our perspectives but we
cover all the information and uh there's nowhere else really that does it like we do here thank you
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for men I go and see them quite often now. If you are receiving this transmission you are the resistance.